#stuff like that doesn't even scare me anymore it just made me mad
iloveyoualivegrl · 6 months
I was sitting in my old room two days ago when suddenly my dad calls me from downstairs and tells me to get there immediately and he never does that n I was the only one home so I was sure he was having another heart attack so I ran down and there he was shivering violently on the couch having heart attack symptoms. I was abt to call 112 and he yelled at me so loud I was stunned. He got so agitated whenever I suggested calling for help I was scared I was abt to kill him from making him panic :| Then I was like so why tf did you ask me downstairs then n he was like "I was making dinner and had to stop bc of the shivering, can you finish it?" So there I was stirring a pot of soup in the kitchen and wondering if my dad is dying rn... normal day at my parent's house.
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It's not so bad? | EM
Pairing: Eddie munson x reader
Summary: You and Eddie have your first very big fight.
Warnings: angst, mention of sex but nothing happens. Slight hurt/comfort towards the end. Mean!Eddie, Eddie calls the reader a bitch and it's alluded that he says worse things, but it's not described. Toxic relationship.
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: probably a little shorter than I wanted. I haven't written anything in over a month, so I'm trying to get back into it again. Divider made by me.
Not proofread 18+ no minors
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The trailer was quiet now except for the low hum of Eddie's a/c in the window. You were curled up on his side with your head on his chest. He was fast asleep now, but you couldn't.
Not after what transpired just a few hours ago. Your eyes still burned, and your heart still ached a little. You both said your sorrys, but there was something still lingering inside of you. Even though he was the main one apologizing since you truly did nothing wrong.
The way he screamed at you and got in your face. You never said a word back. You just let him unleash what he had pent up inside him. You tried to walk away, but he just followed you. Spewing hurtful things again and again.
You kept telling yourself it was the alcohol mixed with anger that made him this way. Even though in the back of your mind, it felt like he had been waiting for this opportunity to tell you how he really felt.
The moment his voice kept raising octave after octave and his face flushed red with anger. You knew there was no point in fighting back, so you just took it. Hoping he'd give up and leave you alone. You guys have fought before, but it was nothing like this. You've never been scared of him.
Until he backed you up into a corner and just laid into you. You shrunk down desperately, trying to make yourself as small as possible. The smell of various types of alcohol on his breath filled your nose.
He called you all sorts of names "bitch", "dumb" and various other hurtful insults. He grabbed you roughly by the arm to stop you from leaving and so you were forced to listen to him berate you. Any moment now, you were waiting for the cops to show up. You were sure the neighbors could hear him and would call them.
You didn't know accepting a free drink from a guy at the bar Eddie was performing in would set him off. Apparently, the guy is a long-time rival of his. Someone Eddie seriously hates, and Eddie doesn't usually hate anyone. He dislikes people, yes, but he doesn't hate them.
You noticed something was up when we marched over to you and downed the drink himself. You didn't get a chance to take a small sip of it. He barely even looked your way when he did it. Then the next thing you remember is being pulled to the van, and that's when the shouting started. Each word that came from his mouth was laced with so much venom.
"You're really fucking dumb you know that."
"You're such a bitch I don't even know why I give you the time of day."
"You're lucky someone like me even looked twice at someone like you."
Those lines still rang in your head even now as you're curled up next to him. He did eventually calm down. You guessed once the last bit of alcohol wore off, and he sobered up. Maybe when his voice became horse and he couldn't scream anymore is when he decided to stop.
The moment he was done, his face immediately softened. He wasn't mad anymore, but you were still upset. You still wondered if his voice didn't give out, would he still be yelling at you right now. He tried to pull you to him at first but you resisted.
He shushed you as he rubbed your back, and you eventually caved and melted into his arms. You cried in his chest as he hugged you to him tighter. When you noticed, his body was lightly shaking. You pulled back to see tears streaming down his face.
His voice croaked. "I'm so sorry, baby."
"You know I didn't mean any of that stuff," i said, right?" His voice is soft, and his touch is gentle.
You gave a weak smile "yeah I know you didn't it's okay."
You both stood there in the hallway by his room in eachothers arms for what felt like hours. Neither one of you said a word too tired to even talk it out yet.
You just wanted to sleep, and you wanted to be okay. He always made everything okay, and now it's feels different. You feel embarrassed, and you feel as though something is still lingering in the air.
Like there is more to say, but you're too afraid to ask. Eventually, you both somehow make it to bed. Your mind is groggy, and your anxiety is still high. You can't even remember getting undressed and into bed with him.
You tossed and turned all night long while Eddie was fast asleep. His arm draped around you, keeping you locked in close to him. You remember him wanting to have sex but you rejected him opting to just cuddle instead.
Eddie was fine with that. He seemed a little hurt, but he's never pressured you to do something you didn't want to. You felt guilty for rejecting him. There was just something there that stopped you. This lingering presence that you can't even describe.
You were hoping it would be gone by morning, but you're still sensing it. Maybe it was the lack of communication you were so used to having with him. Maybe it was the mean things he said that somehow confirmed your insecurities. Eddie told you he didn't mean them, but you just couldn't shake that,"What if?"
Now you're just laying here on his chest, counting his heartbeats. The feeling of sadness still consuming you. You want him to wake up and have everything back to normal again. You also don't want him to wake up because you're too embarrassed to face him.
Eddie stirs a bit in his sleep, but he doesn't move away from you. Instead, he manages to pull you closer to him. You can feel him squeeze your hip and give it a light little tap. His eyes slowly open as you pretend to still be sleeping.
You heard him groan a bit and cough, probably from the pain in his throat now. He stretches out, and you can hear the little pops his toes make when he cracks them.
You notice tell he's trying his best not to disturb your sleep. Each movement he makes is thought out and careful as he does it. He's trying his best not to startle you awake. He feels bad about how he treated you earlier tonight, but he's not as remorseful as you think. He loves you so much and didn't ever want to hurt you like this. But he couldn't control his temper with you any longer. The alcohol in his system didn't help either.
Does he regret how he went about it? Yes. Did he feel like this fight was a long time coming? He sure did. Next time, he might try to go about it differently if he ever caught you doing something like that again. He knows he can't control his emotions well, and sadly, this time, you were on the receiving end of his anger.
"I love you so much." Eddie spoke in a very raspy horse whipser. He kissed your temple and very slowly got out of bed. He didn't want to wake you at all.
That little moment is enough reassurance you needed. He does still love you. He didn't mean what he said to you last night. You hear the shower turn on and his muffled voice humming through the thin walls. Slowly but surely, everything felt normal again. Even if you haven't spoken yet.
That uneasy feeling you had before was gone immediately. Well, that's what you're trying to convince yourself anyway. His cracked voice singing from the bathroom as he showers calms your mind. Eventually, sleep finally takes over you, and you know everything is going to be okay.
But maybe not.
The shower turning off grabs your attention. You could hear him slowly creeping back into the bedroom, trying not to wake you up. You're in and out one minute you're calm the next you're not. You think you're fine but are you really? Eddie got right back into bed and pulled you in close again. His arm holding you tight against his chest.
He leans forward, pressing yet another kiss to your temple before whispering, "Stop being sad, sweetheart. You love me, and I love you more."
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I'm in severe pain cause of endometriosis right now, can we get more loganxwadexdisabled!reader :3
"Out fucking cold," Wade declared.
Logan grunted, nodding wordlessly. He knew that. He could hear the change in your breathing once the medication kicked in. And again when sleep finally won out.
"You okay, Peanut?"
"Sure. Just glad she's not fucking screaming anymore."
"Pretty sure the screaming was mostly frustration," Wade hummed. "I had days like that where I just wanted to scream because it fucking hurt and there was nothing I could do about it."
In the dark of the bedroom Logan readjusted to be able to see both of you. Wade had a hand in your hair still, watching you with an expression that was hard to read. "And she can't even remember not hurting like that- I don't think."
Logan put his hand on top of Wade's and Wade smiled wryly, "If she could fight we'd be fucked."
"Probably," Logan snorted.
"Looks like you get to be all big and bad and tell her boss she's staying home tomorrow-"
"Good luck with that."
Wade grinned, "I had to double her fucking dose. Tomorrow morning she won't even know what day of the week it is. We could tell her it's Saturday and she'd probably buy it as long as I make pancakes and no on turns on the news."
Logan huffed a laugh and laid his hand on your back when you stirred in your sleep, making a soft little whimper that made him wince. "She's gonna be pissed."
"But she'll feel better," Wade said confidently. "Naps, kisses, and having hunky guys at her beck and call? If that doesn't fix some shit I don't know what will."
"Not a goddamn nurse-"
"Me either, Logi-bear," Wade reminded, "But-" He looked down at your sleeping form meaningfully. "Who else is gonna do it?"
A soft growl was the only answer but, he knew that it was true. You needed rest. Bad pain days were exhausting. They'd both seen you come home looking dazed and drained- like it took all your mental energy just to deal with it. But it had never been LIKE THIS. You'd learned to manage.
But this scared him. Scared them both.
In the morning, when you did wake up, Logan peered around the bathroom door and watched you carefully.
You sat up slowly and had to get your bearings. Eyes are half-open and still red. And his chest hurt. He wondered how many mornings you'd had to do this alone.
"How do you feel?" he asked, wiping shaving cream off his face and coming over.
"Like I got hit by a truck," you rasp.
"How's the pain?"
"It's there," you tell him, starting to get out of bed. You have to move. Your head feels like it's full of cotton. Your mouth feels like you were licking bowling alley carpet. And You're starving. "But I gotta get ready and-"
"We called you in," Logan said.
"But I gotta work and I need to get my stuff done today so I can-"
"Your boss was more than willing to give you a day off," Logan said, waiting to catch you if you wavered as you tested your feet on the floor. "You over did it, yesterday, huh?"
"I was fucking mad. It's just so fucking stupid. Every fucking year-"
"Hey," he stopped you and tilted your chin up. Bending down to kiss you gently. "don't hurt yourself just to prove something."
"It's different," he grumbled.
"It's really not. I just don't heal." You take a deep breath and haul yourself to your feet with a groan. He watched you go, making your way to the shower and frowned. But he let you go, keeping an ear out in case you needed help as he went out to find Wade.
"Mornin' Peanut," he said, "How's our patient?"
"Getting a shower," he said frowning as he poured a cup of coffee.
"Someone's been dick slapped with some reality this morning," Wade said kissing his head, " 'S'matter, Logi-bear? Did our girlfriend just remind you-"
"Shut up," Logan growled. It was different. No one expected you to do all that shit. Sure you COULD. You weren't helpless. Or as fragile as he thought when he first met you. But- it was different.
"That's a yes," Wade hummed, kissing his head.
He growled and Wade huffed a laugh; both of them paused for a moment when there was a clatter from the bathroom and Logan half shrugged, "Shampoo bottle."
Wade nodded and carried on, putting food on the table; fussing with details. Making sure that there were pancakes with hearts on them for you and grumpy faces for Logan.
You come out in fresh pajamas and Wade bounds over, tilting your chin up and kissing your face, "She lives!" he declared. "And she looks like heaven."
"I feel like death warmed over."
"Well you'll feel better with pancakes," he said, "and hot chocolate."
"I'm gonna go into a sugar coma," you tell him, pulling him down to kiss him.
"You can't be in a coma," Wade said, "we're educating Logan on pop culture today. And you have a full day of pampering ahead of you-"
"Wade I'll be okay I just need-'
"Ah-ah-ah," he said, guiding you to the table. "This is for us," he explained. "We're traumatized. And now you just gotta let us get it out of our system. And I prefer to do it by making sure you're spoiled. Logan would probably fight your spine if he could figure out a way to do it."
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coffeeailee · 4 months
an extremely bad day .
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chars . sigma , fyodor dostoyevsky , nikolai gogol , osamu dazai x fem ! reader ( SEPARATELY )
fandom . bungo stray dogs
synopsis . of course females have to deal with periods , which is an extreme nightmare for females due to how painful it can be , luckily your boyfriend is here to save the day and help you with your period !
genre . fluff
note I : probably ooc , error spelling / grammar ( THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SO PLZ BEAR WITH ME 💔 )
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When he realized your instant mood change, he could've sworn yesterday you were so happy ! And now you ... looked really mad. He thought he had committed something wrong or thought you misunderstood something, which made him extremely scared. Poor sigma, he doesn't even know what was going on until you explained how period works and the side effects.
Eventually, after he was finally done dealing with the casino customers, he immediately went there to comfort you and tried to help you by cuddling with you as you groaned and complaining in pain due to how painful the cramps were.
Of course your boyfriend is there to listen while cuddling with you as you keep complaining, just keep talking for twenty six hours, he wouldn't mind at all, he doesn't actually mind hearing you talking all day. Sadly he has to deal with the customers at the casino too, so maybe not always.
Not only that, he'll most likely try to find a way to spend more time with you and try to find a way to make you feel happy so you could forget your cramps, he actually genuinely feels upset you have to go through such a pain ! He's definitely going to try his best to make you feel comfortable, cozy and definitely happy so you wouldn't feel irritated because of your period !
Overall, he's an extremely caring boyfriend who definitely will try his best to help you !, you're his significant other after all, of course he's going to help you as much as possible! he already promised himself that he will make you happy as long as you're with him, together.
" Is... is this warm enough for you?, if it's not warm enough I can get you some blankets and make you a tea. I don't like seeing you in pain at all, so if you need something please tell me. " he smiled slightly while caressing your head as your head was on his chest , cuddling with him before smiling back at your sweet boyfriend , you were extremely glad you have a boyfriend like sigma. He planted a kiss on your forehead awkwardly before continue cuddling with each other and eventually fell asleep together.
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you don't even need to tell him, actually, before you even know you are having your period , he already knew what was going on . It was really obvious to him since he always observes you , after all , this is fyodor we're talking about.
"Fyo , can you help me buy some-" before you get to finish your sentence , expect the stuff you need in front of you immediately. This man literally marked when you're going to get your period in his calendar , plus he's already prepared for this ever since he started dating you. So don't worry , if you need something he is most likely to have it in the house.
he's probably not weirded out and doesn't mind your tantrum, he's completely fine with it. Oh? You want chocolate? , you got it. You want plushies? , how many? nevermind , he'll just buy hundreds of them , he's confident that's enough. This is his любовь we're talking about.
If you're emotional and always cries every time when you're having your period, he's there, don't worry about it. Just like what has been said, he doesn't mind your tantrum at all. He's literally calm while here you're sobbing and bawling your eyes out. But it's okay, you wouldn't be sad anymore, he's here for you, so why bother being sad? He's here to comfort you and wipe your tears away
Overall, he's the type of boyfriend that's prepared for his other significant needs, albeit he doesn't show much emotion about it, he actually does care. He's definitely experienced and knows what you need for your period , he also might play the cello for you if you request him to play it for you while you're about to go to sleep as you're having your period.
" Моя мышь, are you unable to sleep? " Fyodor whispered quietly as you were unable to sleep since your cramps were saying no to sleep. He only huffed gently before planting a quick , but yet passionate kiss on your cheek as he grabbed a blanket and pillows for you, and put it around you so you could feel comfortable. He eventually started playing his cello for you, before smiling slightly, he was relieved that you were finally able to sleep.
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Oh? What was that? Did he just hear you're having that time of the month!?! Be not afraid! Your silly boyfriend, nikolai is here to smooches and kisses you everywhere! Cuddles are a must if his poor little dove is having cramps.
He would definitely pull pranks on you, who knows, maybe it might be effective!
Nevermind it wasn't effective, you were mad and he's fucked up. But that's okay! He'll comfort you with his tricks , a trick that only his dove knows and no one else!
Since he has a teleportation ability, it'll be easier for him to get stuff you need. Though, when you asked which store he got it from, he never dared to answer the question. What? Of course not!, he would never steal people's items! , well, at least that's what he said. Even a toddler would know that was a lie, it was too obvious because he kept smiling.
If you're clingy when you're having your period, he's definitely gonna giggle happily like a high school girl giggling every time she sees her crush in the hallway, it makes him super special, especially YOU hugging him! Gosh you're gonna make him explode and he might go insane at any moment!
Overall, he's definitely the annoying boyfriend when you're having your period. He makes you angry sometimes, but you still love him anyways, he's your silly lil clown. You appreciate his attempt at making you happy even though it didn't end well at all. But you're glad he's actually trying, because it proves that your silly boyfriend actually does in fact care for you.
" my dearest dove ! , I cannot help but feel nothing other than pain every time I see your face looking upset, allow me to perform a trick that has only been shown to you ! " Nikolai grinned stupidly as he hid his hand inside his coat before a portal appeared behind you with Nikolai's hand holding a flower for you, you were about to grab the flower until he suddenly attacked you with kisses. He also still kept that stupid and yet adorable grin.
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Your mood swings, your food cravings. That's more than enough for him to confirm that you're in fact having your period right now, at first he doesn't understand why you don't want to tell him anything about it, after thinking a while about it he finally thought it's because you're embarrassed, it makes sense but why hide from your boyfriend?
He will immediately take advantage of this by taking a day off so he could spend his time with you, he's too lazy to do work and get scolded by Kunikida! He's not interested in hearing Kunikida scolding him for three hours. However, you're an exception, he doesn't mind hearing you talking for hours, talk about anything you'd like and he'll keep it in his memory for eternity until he has finally left this world. But if you force him to go to work, Kunikida would start to shed tears and start saying "thank you" for million times for making Dazai go to work and doing his work.
He might be lazy, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't do any errands for you. You're his significant other, he doesn't want his belladonna to suffer while having a period! That's just too evil and cruel! Let him do it instead. just get a snack, rest, stay comfortable and cozy, and listen to him, okay? He'll promise he'll get home as fast as possible if he's doing your errands.
If you asked him to buy you some pads for your period, he wouldn't hesitate to do so. But please show him what pads look like first and then tell him which specific pads you want... Because if you don't, well, just expect Dazai to come back home with diapers instead of pads.
Overall, he's quite a decent boyfriend. He definitely knows your food cravings and doesn't mind doing your errands at all even though sometimes he doesn't like it. Plus he knows what to do, except the pads part... Because Dazai accidentally bought a lot of diapers instead of pads... You two might need to eat instant cup noodles for a while.
" Belladonna, let's keep staying like this. " Dazai smiled brightly and warmly while eating instant cup noodles along with you as you both were on the futon and watching the television. Even though it wasn't much, it makes you extremely comfortable as Dazai leaned his head on your shoulders and still kept his smile.
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extra note : AEUGH I'M SORRY THAT I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED DRAFT VERSION OF THIS 💔 EVEN THOUGH ONLY COUPLE PEOPLE ( I think ... ) SAW IT I STILL FELT EMBARRASSED 😭... but srsly , I could've sworn that I posted it as draft... Did I hallucinate again or some shit ..
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kurain-genealogy · 1 year
i said i was gonna post about it and i am. i don't think william afton hates his kids. i don't think william afton is a mad scientist that kidnapped and put children in hallucinogenic gas chambers. whatever the fuck dittophobia said about afton doing all that, plus not stopping/furthering the bullying between michael and cc, is just dumb & wrong. william wanting his kids to fight, even die, is comically evil in the "bad writing" way. him being characterized as someone who experiments on children (including his own with no regard for their lives) in order to achieve immortality or whatever his supposed motivation is, is just really... nothing? as a character there is nothing to make him feel real. in an attempt to flesh out this character, they made him into a cartoon villain with "evil" being his only defining trait. whatever, i could talk for so long about how dumb i think all the dittophobia stuff is but i think most ppl on tumblr are on the same page regarding that.
to me, william afton is best characterized as someone who, at the Very Least, Doesn't Want His Own Children To Die. he can be a shitty father all around, or he can be a genuine loving father who is also a serial killer, as long as he Cares if they Die? most of what makes william afton an interesting villain, and where a lot of people interpret his motivation comes from, is how despite all his best efforts, he cannot prevent the death or downfall of his own family. he is in a tragedy of his own making, a self-imposed hell crafted by his hubris and violence. if you take this away, why should i care what happens to him? william afton was scariest when he was just purple guy and we knew nothing. william afton is most interesting when we have all these relationships and dynamics where we can seriously study and speculate the circumstances behind/around his actions, when he has something to lose (and will lose). william afton is most stale when more things are added to his story without purpose, filling in gaps that were better unfilled or we didn't even know were there – anything after UCN, basically. bro isn't scary anymore because he's either peepaw afton who's brought back despite his story being over, or he's cartoon network's newest over-the-top villian that you can't take seriously.
okay anyway. ANYWAY. william doesn't hate his kids. even if he's a shitty father, i think he still loves his kids. why else would he try and scare his kids away from the robots if he didn't want them to die? why would he design circus baby after his daughter if he didn't care for her, adore her, even? if you believe the theory that he talked to cc through the fredbear plush (idr if that's actually canon), why would he be trying to protect/comfort him?
i don't think he's a perfect, or even a good father, by any means. if you interpret him to be on the better side, that's great and fine. i'd love to hear how other people interpret/characterize afton if you wanna share! continuing on for this post, i'm going to lay out how i personally see william afton.
to me, he is someone who is very concerned and preoccupied with his image and how others view him & his family. even if he's super shitty and awful towards his kids, he at least cares that they all look good as a family unit, that they're well behaved, that he can send family portrait holiday cards to all his business partners and investors.
he strikes me very much as the typical authoritarian parent of the 80s. harsher on his sons because "men don't cry," wants his kids to say "yes, sir," and "no, sir," believes in "tough love," often says "my house, my rules," he has the final say in everything, maybe thinks hitting them from time to time is a normal, necessary punishment. not all entirely malicious, but thinks he's doing what's best, what's right, acting like a parent and father Should act, perhaps how he himself was raised. unfortunately, a very common parental mindset (even outside of serial killers). maybe he was a little scarier sometimes though, a little more unhinged or violently angry. who's to say.
but he's still just a guy who could exist in real life. he still eats dinner with his family every night, hangs his kids' drawings on the fridge, had to turn the car around because they wouldn't stop fighting in the backseat, attended awkward parent-teacher conferences, everything. he was once a new father who happily came home with his first newborn, lost countless nights of sleep over the course of two more, loves them because they're his.
meticulously and senselessly killed children, then came home and tucked his own into bed and kissed them goodnight.
he can be abusive and still love his kids. he can be a murderer and still care for his own kids' lives. maybe the loss of his own kids is what triggered his actions, or maybe it was something else. i'm fine with not knowing because we don't need to know everything, and it's more interesting when we don't.
Something Is Seriously Wrong With This Guy And We Don't Know What or Why. when acquaintances find out he's a suspected murderer, it should be shocking and upsetting. he's such a great man and father, he wouldn't murder those kids! when michael discovers his father's crimes, he should be in denial. sure, he could be scary sometimes, but he wouldn't kill anyone... right? there's a great cognitive dissonance between who he appears to be and who he actually is.
whether william descended into grief-induced madness and obsession, or was just always some kind of freak, or both, i don't think he saw his own family as disposable. even if he didn't truly love them, he at least needed to keep up his own facade as a friendly family man. personally i like to see him as someone who was a shitty father but still loved his kids, because people like that exist, and it makes him a much more interesting, realistic, and nuanced character than if he just didn't care about them At All.
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bluegalaxygirl · 3 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P13
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Medical stuff, family issues and Violence.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part …. Next Part >
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Kid didn't know what to do after you left, he wanted to follow you and drag you back to bed but the trust you once had with him was now on thin ice, he's scared to make a move in case it cracks altogether, losing you or Killer are the two worst things in his life, he can't imagine going a day without the two of you around. He's snapped out of his thought's by someone walking through the door and coming to a stop, a sense of dread washes over him while managing to get his eyes off the floor to see Killer whose shoulders tighten the longer he looks into the empty room. Looking around the room the red head sighs barely remembering your mother swinging the door open and going after you when you didn't come back in a few minutes leaving the room a mess, The masked man's jaw clenches as his hand tightens around the duffle bag full of your clothes, books and some food he made while scanning the room, his heart beating louder and louder as panic starts to set in. Why is the room empty? Why does Kid look like he's about to cry? Several scenarios of what could have happened rush through his head, did you get hurt? are you dead? Did you decide to leave early and go with your parents? "She's ok" Kid manages to get out seeing the masked man's hands shake in worry and anger, the blondes head snaps in his direction and even with the mask on the captain can sense the glare, he already knows what Killer is wanting to ask but the anger and worry seems to be making it hard for him to talk right now.
Putting his hand into his pocket Kid focuses his gaze back onto the floor looking and feeling like a kicked puppy "She… she lashed out at me and her mother after remembering something, then.. Took off" The captain sates not wanting to deal with his partners outburst that he knows is coming, but he also thinks its earned, if it were him in Killer's shoe's he'd be mad too. "The fuck Kid? You just let her go?" Killer yells dropping the bag letting it thud onto the floor before storming over to the captain and grabbing his coat pulling the two close together, to the masked man's surprise Kid doesn't fight back or get angry instead he stays still letting his partner pull him around and yell in his face "Where is she? Why didn't you at least go after her? She's injured Kid and god knows what these doctors are up too. The Fuck?" The blonde yells his grip on the red feather coat growing tighter causing a few stray feathers to fall off and slowly fall to the floor, Killers hot angry breath forces its way through the holes of his mask hardly able to control the rage that is building up. Kid lets out a gruff breath while clenching his fit at his side getting angry at himself, but he didn't know what else to do, if he did follow you then he would have dragged you back or started another argument making things worse. His anger finally snaps as his hand grabs onto Killers thats still attached to his coat gripping it tightly while taking a step closer his nose pressing into the metal of the blondes mask. "And do what Kill? Drag her back to bed? She doesn't trust me anymore, you should have seen the fucking look in her eyes" The captain yells remembering the look you gave him, full of hate and betrayal, it crushed him making him hurt more than he thought possible.
Killer loosens his grip seeing the clear hurt on his partners face while bringing his other hand up to grip into Kid's wrist just holding it instead of trying to pull his captain off. The small gesture allows Kid to relax a bit and loosen his grip but the hurt is still there making the anger he had before start to be forced away despite him trying hard to get it back. He'd rather feel angry than upset but right now his mind and body aren't letting that happen. "She's never said shit like that to me before, insulted me, compared us to her parents and called herself my toy. She's not a fucking toy" Kid's voice breaks slightly his heart feeling like it's going to be ripped out of his chest at your words alone, he tried for you, tried to stay calm and not fight or kill anyone just for you and yet its not enough to make you trust him, what ever you remembered made that trust disappear and there's nothing he can do about it. Seeing the tears start to form in his partners eyes Killer lets out a sigh while moving his hand from the captain's wrist to his cheek letting his thumb run over the scared skin "I know… we'll find her, talk to her. Ok?" Killer asks tilting his head slightly, a long sigh leaves Kids mouth before he nods and let's go of his partners hand feeling a little better since the masked man isn't going to scold him or yell at him, the blonde lets go of the red coat and reluctantly removes his hand from Kid's cheek before turning and heading back over to the door. Kid glances over to his metal arm thats propped up on the side of the chair, he took it off because his stump was hurting, but he didn't miss the way your mother relaxed around him once it was off which is what prompted him to keep it off. He hated keeping it off but hoped that if she was calmer than maybe another argument wouldn't break out, it didn't work out well but at least he can say he tried.
Picking up the duffle bag the masked man turns to his captain seeing the man slowly pick up his prosthetic and place it back on, the fingers on the metal hand move a little before turning into a tight fist, despite it being back on, which usually make the captain more confident, Kid still looks deflated, it's hard to see his partner like this, but he understands, trust and loyalty is very important to the crew especially Kid. "Come on, tell me exactly what happened" Killer states heading out the room and down the hall with Kid picking up the pace to follow, he tries his best to explain giving details and exact words to the best of his ability knowing Killer likes to have it that way, he's not one for it, he prefers quick and simple explanations but in this case maybe the blonde can pick up on something he didn't. After explaining everything and checking several corridors and empty rooms the two stop at the end of a T like junction at the edge of the building, big windows line the hallways letting the moon light shine through and light up the dark hallway, the only lights that are on are small dim bulbs hanging above paintings lining the walls down the way they came which all have open doors leading to empty rooms. While Kid leans against the windowsills with his arms crossed tightly across his chest, Killer looks down the two long hallways they haven't been down yet.
Panic starts to set in at not finding you, there's no lift up to this floor and your too injured to walk down several flights of stairs so you have to be here somewhere "Where the fuck is she?" Kid growls his foot tapping the floor in frustration and unease, Killer grunts in response feeling a little anxious its a descent sized floor so there is a chance they have just missed you by accident, a thought pops into his head but before he can suggest his plan of splitting up footsteps get his attention. Kid pushes off the windowsill starting to make a run for it down the way they came from soon followed by Killer both hopeful that it's your footsteps, the nurse in charge of your care rounds the corner about to scold who ever it is for running only to almost get knocked down by the two pirates. She lets out a small squeak of terror while holding her arms up hoping to at least soften the blow but the two pirates manage to stop themselves just before crashing into her much to everyone's relief "You seen Y/n? She took off" Killer asks placing a hand on Kids shoulder as the captain start to shakily pant out of anger and hurt, he's already managed to talk himself up in his head, he knows exactly what to say to you and he was about to spill it all only to find it wasn't you but the nurse. Letting out a breath and putting her arms down the nurse looks up at the two giving them a small smile, even though their pirates its clear to see how much they care "She's fine, we had a long chat-"
Killer lets out a sigh of relief knowing your not hurt somewhere or off crying alone, despite that he doesn't care what else the nurse has to say so steps closer towering over her "Where is she?" The masked man asks expecting a straight answer, Melody lets out an annoyed sigh placing a hand on her hip "I can't tell you that" She sates raising her hand to stop Kid from yelling at her, she could already see his fists tighten at his side and the tension on his shoulders knowing he would be the one to yell first "We talked, and we both agree that she needs time away from everyone starting now. No one is allowed to visit tomorrow but you can come back the day after" The nurse explains putting her hand down and letting the two voice their thoughts, she knows they will yell and maybe hit a wall or break something so keeps her arms close to her hoping not to catch any of their physical outbursts, what she fears though is that they will decide to hurt her but for now she pushes that down in order to do her job. "You fucking bitch, just tell us where she is and don't you dare try and quiet me again" Kid yells slamming his metal fist in to the wall beside her head making it crack, he notices her flinch, but she didn't crack and manages to keep her resolve even with the increasing murderous aura starting to ooze out of him "I have said all i needed to say" Her voice is quite trying to hide the slight fear in her voice, Killer's fists tighten by his sides trying to hold himself back but these past few days have been beyond stressful and now this, its starting to get too much the anger inside starting to bubble up becoming unbearable "I want to talk to her, she can tell me herself"
The nurse gulps looking over at the masked man, Kid hitting the wall next to her head was scary but the blondes calm voice mixed with a raging aura makes her fear for her life even making her think of giving in, gripping her shaking hands together she miraculously manages to speak "I-i can not allow that, s-she's only just calmed down and to be honest… her mind is a mess, she's struggling to cope with everything" They growl again but surprisingly let her continue, to be honest their quiet impressed that someone like her can still stand up to them after feeling their powerful aura "She needs rest, she needs time to process everything. So i please ask you to leave and come back the day after tomorrow, a days rest will do her good. Her parents won't be allowed to see her either, I have already seen to that and i told them the same as you" Kid keeps glaring at her while slowly moving his fist away from the wall and down to his side, Killer looks the nurse over as his fists start to loosen, the two look at each other before looking back at the nurse both giving a silent nod. Melody lets out a long breath suddenly feeling very dizzy as the tension and strong aura disappears, one of her hands reaches out to support herself on the wall trying to stop herself from swaying. "Just make sure she's ok and… tell her i'm sorry" Kid looks away while crossing his arms over his chest not wanting to say it to the nurse but it's the next best thing since he can't see you.
Killer hums in agreement glad that the captain pushed his pride aside to say it before holding out the duffle bag, Melody gives the captain a nod and a smile before looking at the large and very packed duffle bag, a part of her wants to give it to you but it might overwhelm you "I'm sorry but i don't think giving that to her right now is a good idea" The nurse looks up at the blonde hoping he'll understand but Killer groans in transfusion shaking his head "Its just clothes, books and food" He states getting a little angry, Melody sighs pushing off the wall now that her balance is back and places her hand on her hip "Her mother said that too but i don't want anything to trigger another memory until she's processed what's already come back, she's got weeks of memories crammed into a couple of days and on top of that they hurt her. I'd like her to rest her mind as well as her body" Even though Killer doesn't like it he silently agrees until he remembers your glasses and how you keep asking for them, setting the duffle bag down the blonde unzips it and rummages through it soon finding your glasses case, it's not anything special just a normal oak case with a few scuffs on it and your usual glasses inside. You had a habit of always picking out the same black frames each time you had to buy a new pair, so he hopes it won't trigger something and you can read on your day of rest. Closing the bag and standing up the masked man holds out the glasses case determined not to take no for an answer on this one, luckily the nurse happily takes it "I'll let her know this came form you. Now if you please, visiting hours have long since been over" Melody smile gesturing in the direction of the stairs.
Your eyes were growing heavy but you refused to sleep until Melody got back, despite the tiredness the alone time allowed you to think on what was said and how your feelings, you thought you knew what love felt like but this was something different, it makes you think if its real or not, maybe your brain is forcing you to feel like this. With a sigh you look over to the window seeing the moon slowly rising its soft light flowing into the room, it does nothing to help you stay awake instead making you feel more tired, luckily before your eyes can flutter closed Melody walks in "Hay, their all gone now, lets get you to be you look exhausted" The nurse gives you a smile as you stand up making your way over to her so the two of you can walk to your room together "I am, thanks though, this means a lot you going out of your way to do all this" You give her a smile back glad that she's willing to help you, letting out a giggle the nurse makes you link your free arm with hers helping to keep you steady on your tired legs "Oh it's no problem, plus my shift is long over so no one can complain" A spark of shock and guilt shoots through your heart at keeping her up longer than needed, sensing your worry Melody gives you a big smile while waving her other hand seeming unbothered by being on the job even after her shift "Don't worry, I'm glad i found you, the night nurse isn't… lets just say, I don't like to speak badly of coworkers." Melody's smile fades at the mention of the night nurse making your skin crawl a little, she can stand up to pirates and your parents but for some reason can't seem to mention her coworker without looking almost fearful.
Getting to your room your glad to see no one is there which means they hopefully listened to the nurse and stayed away at least for tonight, walking over to the bed you sit down feeling your legs throb a bit from all the walking "Now were here i can give you there's, Killer brought them for you and Kid apologizes but i'm sure he'll tell you that later himself" Melody pulls a glasses case out of her pocket and hands it to you earning an almost giddy smile as you quickly take it out of her hands, relief washes over you knowing you'll at least have a pair and don't have to use your contacts to read. "They did bring some other stuff but i advised against giving it to you just yet, i want you to rest and as much as i want you to get your memories back i don't want you in anymore pain. Rest tomorrow, and then we can continue trying to get your memories back and on the road to a full recovery… I'll get you your meds and then let you sleep" The nurse reassures before leaving the room, your grateful for her work and kindness but also kind of sad that she's working when she shouldn't be, you'll have to find a way to properly thank her later. Opening your glasses case you look over the black rimmed glasses, there not your old ones but there not new either, their worn slightly and there's a thin line across the joint which seems to have been expertly fixed, placing them on you grab a book nearby and read the first page glad to see their perfect, you only take them off when Melody comes back and hands you your pills "Good night Y/n, see you in the morning" Melody gives you a smile before heading to the door one last time closing it on her way out, sighing you look over the pills in the white paper cup, the blue ones worry you but you take them anyway not wanting to risk the doctor being right.
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Punch out headcanons take one
Sorry super punch fans, this is only wii/nes versions
Minor circuit
Glass Joe
Pretty good baker, can't make complex stuff without help though.
Actually retired once after the arcade/nes version of punch out, came back after Gabby jay retired, has had thoughts about it again but keeps remembering that his life would be dull without it. Also his score rested and he still got 99 loses (102 after the wii game)
Has trouble sleeping, uses weighted blankets to help.
Von Kaiser
Your meaning to tell me that dispite being 42 canon years old with some of the most out of pocket head canons ever im the only one that thought it would be funny for him to have a kid be the near opposite of him? Aka he is a dad.
Knows how to cook, doesn't often anymore but still knows
I believe he would like coconuts.no i won't elaborate.
Disco Kid
Likes all kinds of songs, not just disco. Still loves disco though.
Is a relative of kid quick, nobody knows what relation though.
I like the idea that he is friends with aran, i don't ship disco clover but its still a nice pairing we need more.
King Hippo
Can speak English but prefers grunts or noises.
Likes to explain his culture, specifically gifts and other stuff other find meaningless.
Also has a lot of tropical recipes he gives to everyone.
Major circuit
Piston Hondo
Still has that restaurant from the Wii live action ad.
Piston honda? Oh that's his twin.
Definitely has a manga collection. He also has 3 sets of everything. One for display one for reading and one for borrowing. He does not trust aran,soda, bear hugger, and king hippo with them at all.
Bear Hugger
Dad energy. He essentially went and adopted all the boxers with daddy issues, or parent issues in general.
Forced the WVBA to give maple (the bear) a seat in the crowd so she could watch the match, they had to make an entire separate area for her.
Has walked out in the snow with nothing but his overalls and shoes on. That gave everyone a scare forgetting he's used to the cold.
Great Tiger
Uses his clones to do/help with his chores. Once got beaten up by them (a reference of the century here folks)
Once his jewel was stolen and was found in a pawn shop selling for 3 dollars. He was mad at how low the price was then anything.
Once brought his tiger into the shared house, and it immediately broke the couch. The tiger is not allowed in the house anymore.
Don Flamenco
He and Carmen broke up after his first lost, got back together shortly after and forgot the whole issue.
Used bull fighters techniques on bald bull, he would have won if bald bull didn't right hook him into next sunday (literally)
Has tried multiple different types of hair growers, wigs, and more. He is still Balding.
World circuit
Aran Ryan
Actually got in the world circuit fair and square, not by cheating.
He started cheating after some idiot tried to stab him in the ring, good times from the WVBA!
I have a feeling he would say he likes to eat limes raw just to get on everyone's nerves.
Has also gotten confused with his Older brother, spo Aran Ryan, who promptly got a name change after aram started to cheat.
Soda Popinski
None of the boxer can drink his soda because its a legit health hazard to all of them.
Has no clue what the hell is going on 68% of the time.
Has actually used dry ice as a ice pack. This guy isn't human anymore.
Bald Bull
Hates don flamenco with a passion after the bull technique incident.
Is actually calm outside the ring, any public out brust is to get rid of potential paparazzi's (it doesn't work often)
Makes a pretty good calming tea.
Super Macho Man
Once had a horrible movie shoot that made him lose alot of viewer, proceeded to have an early mid life crisis and dye his hair gray.
After his loss with little mac he was more upset at the ladys chasing after little mac rather then him, rather then the sudden drop of viewers (which wasn't even a dent)
Probably had alot of talks about his boxer outfit, you know what im referring too.
Mr. Sandman
Dispite his name, he gets very little sleep. Not like glass joe but still.
He's so strong the WVBA actually has a ambulance on standby whenever he fights.
One time was put up against glass joe, actually laughed, realized it was serious, looked the referee in the eyes and said "if im put up against him ever again we'll need to find a new glass joe" and forfeited the game. Technically if joes score didn't reset it would now be 2-299.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Hi I'm ND and I was wondering about your experiences with religious beliefs? I saw your post and it definitely resonated with the frustration I had engaging in spiritual communities because people are never Normal about it. I guess I'm also wondering how to navigate with discernment regarding spiritualism as someone with intrusive thoughts and other issues, if you feel like you're able to shed some light with your personal experiences of course. Have a good day!! ☀️
So I personally deal with intrusive thoughts, paranoia and delusions, while also being deeply religious & having mystic experience, which as you can imagine can be very stressful! its hard talking to people about that because its so easy for people to just go "oh you're psychotic so you can't be trusted on your experiences."
when it comes to psychotic stuff: for me the #1 thing i keep in mind when it comes to this is learning to not focus on whether a certain experience is "real," but rather if it is helpful. this is one of the things thats been repeated to me many times & its been very helpful keeping in mind. trying to prove whether or not something spiritual is "real" is an absolute mess for the sanest of people (mostly because i think the conflation of spirituality and science as like. opposing forces has done so much damage to how we think about it but anyways). but something solid you can ponder is how a certain belief or practice helps or hurts you. instead of "is x real or am i crazy," ask "how does x affect me? does it make me feel more equipped to deal with life? does it inspire me to connect with others and with myself? is it causing me mental or physical stress/harm? is it causing others harm?" these focus you more on things you can identify immediately. you can also ofc combine this with things like reality checks & secular ways of coping with delusions/paranoia/hallucinations.
as a general rule it's good to take your time with any sort of spiritual/mystical experience and think through it, what you felt, possible causes (spiritual and secular), and what you might do because of it. don't feel the need to rush into anything, it's not a sign of failure to be thorough and contemplative and open to many possible explanations.
additionally, we have this idea in our minds that if something has a spiritual origin it can't have a physical explanation, which is silly to me. even if there is a biochemical explanation for something, that doesn't mean its not a spiritual experience; we are fleshy creatures. there's no reason why our spirituality can't be fleshy too. if someone has hallucinations because of brainweirdness, that doesn't mean they can't ascribe spiritual meaning to them; and it also doesn't mean they have to ascribe spiritual meaning to every hallucination. something something why must our humanity be antithetical to god-or-what-have-you.
on intrusive thoughts: i don't have moral ocd, although i used to have religious compulsions. i don't really anymore because my beliefs/experiences have re-affirmed many times that god-or-what-have-you is not going to get mad at me for not doing x thing Good Enough, and the "does it hurt or help" rubric also helps me remember that the things that help me feel good and healthy are what is best for me spiritually. if you feel scared and stressed and self-hating constantly, that isn't going to make you a better devotee/follower/practitioner, its just going to tear you apart until you can't function.
i saw a post a while ago talking about prayer/meditation when you have ADHD & get distracted by thoughts easily, and i think its helpful for that + disruptive intrusive thoughts: instead of trying to stop thinking them, you can just incorporate them. if you can't stop thinking about a hyperfixation, you can meditate on what interests you and why. if intrusive thoughts won't leave, you can vent about that to god-or-what-have-you.
the thing about mainstream religion/spirituality is that it is by and large made by sane neurotypical people, for them. ND/mad people are either demonized or, sometimes mythologized, but we are always being viewed as outsiders. we haven't been allowed to have spiritual autonomy and create our own intepretations and practices that match our unique ways of thinking and perceiving the world. once you realize this you have to start pointing out where a practice fails you and then take it into your own hands- this is why i have found religion so helpful for me, because i have found/made interpretations that affirm me. if you follow a sacred text, you can reject literalism & that it perfectly reflects the actual words of the divine. you can reject the mainstream interpretations that cater to racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc. and find new ones or make your own. you can adapt rituals to your needs or make entirely new ones. and once again find other people who are also brainweird and spiritual and talk with them about what they do & believe. god is crazy too etc etc
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makemake22 · 6 months
Mafia AU
Law as the leader of the mafia in modern era! And his past before become a mafia. I just realize i write more about it haha
warning: novel spoiler
Law was the leader of Heart Mafia. He specialize in science and medicine. Invest some of his money to the hospital or scientist that made medicine.
of course, if they ended up running away without giving result, Law would drag them back and torture them
have Penguin, Shachi and Bepo as his bodyguard. There's no way they not. I bet Shachi or Penguin were once gonna be his subordinate but they said it's no fun, so after several yapping and begging from two of them, Law agree they would be his bodyguard
No joke, he actually scared they gonna die. They're his friends after his fate drag him around. Losing his parents and his mentor. He can't even believe he still have good life when an old man name Wolf adopt him
Wolf might teach Law about using technology and stuff since Law gonna get revenge on Donquixote.
Yep, they are also here. Law's house got burned by the police that conflicted with his dad. His dad doesn't wanna give the kidney to the rich guy and decide to transplant it to the poor kid that is already on the verge of death.
But damn, the rich father got mad and decided to burn the Trafalgar house. That's why Law didn't trust any police anymore.
When he was wandering off the street, he met Donquixote leader, Doflamingo. Of course he agree Law be the member of his family because Law want to eradicate the government that corrupt by greed.
But, Doflamingo's brother, Corazon, believe otherwise. That's Law can live a normal life and run away with him. Doflamingo, angered by it.
And time passed as Law know Corazon was undercover police and it makes his rotten mind about police got recover a bit. He still doesn't believe in police though.
I actually don't know if i should include his disease or not...
When Corazon get killed, Law decide to indulge himself in the world of mafia. Using his knowledge when he was in Donquixote family. He also discreetly buy a gun, but Wolf know about it.
He reluctant to let three of his friends join him. He doesn't want them to die just solely for revenge.
But three of them insisted. So yeah, back to the present world.
He stil meet Doflamingo in mafia meeting or mafia banquet, unlike the canon.
Even though he doesn't want to admit it, allying with Luffy really give headache and benefits. Doflamingo got defeated in the end
His subordinates are the same as canon. Ikkaku would be wearing a tuxedo and wearing her hat. She's more into the mechanic of vehicles. Bepo would most likely be the driver. Or became a pilot more cool? Or a sailor just in case Law needs to go to another country with a ship?
Part two with reader?
i realize that i actually writing Law hc and forget about reader. hahah...
Anyway, I added more in here because tumblr makes me can't add paragraphs with Bluetooth keyboard
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
Drabble request for Steve Rogers and reader:
Men in readers life (dad, grandpa, family friends etc) haven't worn wedding rings. They also didn't have very loving relationships with their wifes. So she thought it was normal. But her new husband Steve wears one. He wears it all the time. He has a silicon one for missions so his "real" one doesn't get broken. He's also very very loving to her and reader is kinda surprised by it? But she loves it
[ I had this in my drafts and since I have nothing to post rn, here you go, enjoy<3 I��m currently writing another Drabble for the special (finally 🤣)]
Thank you for the request! Its so so cute 🥺🥺
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You never really talked about your family- well at least not about the male part of your family. Not your father or grandfather, even their friends were the same as them and you just never liked thinking about them.
Seeing how they treated their women scared you of getting married but then you met Steve.
He was sweeter than you expected him to be but maybe that’s how the beginning of a relationship was supposed to be? Your mother told you that’s how her and your fathers relationship was. Very sweet and caring the first year but after that he became cold. She married him anyway- sometimes you thought you were the reason for that but she always told you they married out of love.
Even though they never spend time together or go on dates. He didn’t even wear his ring anymore.
You always waited for the moment when Steve would start to become just like your father: colder, distant and would stop caring about you.
It never happened. Not even after proposing and marriage. He treated you so differently from the way your father treated your mother.
Steve always made sure you were happy, cuddled you and showed off his wedding band proudly.
It was… weird. But also nice. You hoped it wouldn’t change. At least not so quickly.
And it didn’t. Even after two years he was still the same sweetheart he always was.
He was currently putting on his suit for an upcoming mission, also taking off his ring- and replacing it with a silicon ring that looked the same as his gold band.
Steve noticed you staring at the ring with furrowed eyebrows. He sighed quietly. „I’m sorry for taking it off but I don’t want to lose it- so I thought it would be better wearing something like this“ he held out his hand to you, showing you the ring.
It only made the grimace on your face harder and Steve felt his heart shatter. Had he insulted you? Oh God. He didn’t want to make you mad.
“Why don’t you just take it off? I know it’s uncomfortable, you don’t have to wear it” that’s something your father has always said, rings were uncomfortable, why should he wear something that was uncomfortable? “It’s okay if you want to stop wearing it. I won’t be mad, I know how it works” you said with a slightly sad smile on your face.
There, you said it. He’d stop the game and finally be just like any other man you’ve ever observed, cold, distant and - “What are you talking about?” His words made you look at him, a bit unsure.
Steve didn’t know how you thought about marriage- how the people in your life treated each other and their relationships. You never talked about stuff like this, always dismissed talking about your family- he actually hasn't even met them, even though he really wanted to. He wanted to ask your father for permission to marry you but you never really wanted to even talk about your family.
You sighed quietly, grabbing his hand you brushed with your thumb over the silicone ring. “You know what I mean, I… I know you’re probably fed up with wearing it all the time and you… don’t have to be so… so sweet. We’re already married. You’ve got me. I won’t leave you anymore, you can just be-" ''Sweetheart, what… why do you think I don’t like wearing the ring or being like I am? I love you. I want to treat you right- I'm not doing it to… to keep you. Even if you’d want to leave me, you could do that” he whispered gently, pulling you to sit down on the bed.
Slightly confused, you looked at your hands. “You’re just so different, Steve. Every marriage I saw was so much… colder. I don’t remember the last time I saw my dad give my mom a kiss- or even wear his ring” while you tried to explain everything, Steve gently put his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
Steve kissed your head gently, rubbing your back with his hands. You could feel the silicone ring against your back. “I want to be a good husband, I’ll never treat you badly, baby. I love you so so much.” Once again he kissed your head.
You looked up at the man, a small smile spreading over your lips. “I love you too, Steve. You promise you’ll always love me?” you asked quietly, making the blond chuckle quietly while he pulled you onto his lap. “I will always love you, you're my princess- my queen” Steve grinned into your hair, leaving many kisses behind.
Laughing you pulled Steve into a passionate kiss but his phone ringing interrupted you two, making him sigh. “I’m so sorry, but I should go. We’ll talk about it later, okay? We need to discuss it all, sweetheart. You deserve all the love I can give you” with that he laid you gently on the bed, standing up after and putting the rest of his suit on, finishing with strapping the shield on his back.
Before leaving the house he gave you a last kiss, once again telling you how much he loved you.
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abeinginsand · 1 year
Polydads (Glenn/Darryl/Henry) with a focus on Closeson (Glenn/Darryl) Post s1 while they are all on some quest, camping for the night . . . Glenn's sitting on the ground and Henry's on a tree log (makeshift bench) behind him and carefully braiding his hair. Darryl's humming something and Glenn ends up drifting sleep. He wakes up later and he's laying down in between Darryl and Henry with a big blanket. Henry's hugging him from behind and smells somehow more like raw nature than the ground beneath them does. Darryl's facing him, one hand on Glenn's hip and probably touching Henry's hand there too. He blinks drowsily and speaks up. “You guys should've woken me up.”
“No, you needed the rest. Henry insisted,” Darryl replies with a chuckle. They are so close that the rockstar can feel the rumble wash over him. The other man's eyes are all soft, those familiar wrinkles crinkling up as he smiles. Glenn decides to look down at his partner's shirt instead of getting lost in his gaze. He sees a little flower tucked into the shirt pocket and grabs it. Suddenly nostalgic, Glenn finds himself asking: “You ever wear one of those...uh...damn what are they called? The flower things you wear on the suit or dress at formal places?” “Carol doesn't like them much. Mostly the ones made with real flowers--we got these custom flower pins instead.” Darryl doesn't look upset about that though, maybe even a little happy to think about it. The wedding was one of the best days of his life after all. He still keeps the flower pin that he wore instead, tucked into his wallet along with one of Grant's baby pictures. "Sounds chill. Bet you both looked great, wish I could've been there to make sure the music was good." "Hey, how do you know it wasn't great?" "I wasn't the DJ. Automatically not as awesome as could have been~" Glenn smirks as he watches Darryl furrow his eyebrows and shake his head. They've fought over less in the past, but the two know each other well enough that its clear that its only a tease. The demon thinks about how Morgan loved those little accessories. Got so excited about them that she convinced them to wear two, one on each side at the wedding. It was goofy and truth be told, he had to hold back a sneeze during their vows. But, her bright, dimpled smile always made trying different stuff worth it. He fidgets with the flower more as he thinks about that. His long, braided hair starts to glow with a non-heated flame where it rests against his chest. A few minutes later, Glenn hears Darryl gasp and he lets the flower fall as he looks up at him with confusion. "You're glowing." "Huh? ...Darryl, c'mon, we've been over this buddy," He frowns some thinking about getting the rosary beads and cross flashed in front his face at several barbecues in the past. Until Nicky got mad and then Grant got mad and well there was a lot to that but they all talked it over and its not a big deal anymore. Or he thought it wasn't. "The flames just do their thing sometimes and--" "Ah, wait, I didn't mean the fire. I mean, look, your flames are making the flowers glow," Darryl replies, moving his hand from his partner's hip over to the long braid. It's pretty dark now, middle of the night in Faerun, and its easy to see that there are flowers woven into his braid. Flowers that seem to be glowing various soft colors. Huh. "It looks really pretty on you," Darryl says and places the braid back down. It's another few minutes before he continues speaking in an even softer tone. "Always have been pretty to me though. Wild too, in a cool, intimidating way. It scared me how much I liked you sometimes. Still does." He feels the exact opposite of cool and intimidating right now, cheeks warm and flames curling through his hair further, a stray few bits dancing across Darryl's arm like firework sparklers.
"Ooh, is it compliment Glenn hour over there? Without me?," Henry's voice suddenly slots in between Darryl and Glenn. Their other partner's breath tickles the musician's neck. And normally, he would either laugh or playfully brush the praise off.
But tonight, the look of awe and love on Darryl's face and in his tone makes him too stunned to banter back. He musters a little, miffed, "uh-huh" to Henry and leans a little more into him since he's awake now.
Its an interesting and mushy rest of the night between the three as Henry joins in the compliments and explains his extensive knowledge and hidden flower language about the flowers he carefully snuck into Glenn's hair.
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perspectivestarters · 7 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo (Part III)
If I told you how much I think about her...
You'd think I was in love.
If you knew how much I looked at her pictures...
I know her blood type.
I've seen every movie she's been in.
Oh god, she's beautiful
I know you loved her.
I know I'm butthurt.
I'm so obsessed with your ex.
I know she's been asleep on my side of your bed.
I'm starin' at her like I wanna get hurt.
I remember every detail you have evеr told me.
Be careful, baby
She's got those lips.
She's got those hips.
She's good with kids
She even speaks kindly about me.
I know you love me.
I know it's crazy.
Every time you call my name, I think you mistake me for her.
I got issues.
Is she friends with your friends?
Is she good in bed?
Do you think about her?
I'm fine, it doesn't matter.
Is she easy-going?
Oh god, she's makin' me so obsessed.
God, she makes me so upset.
Why's there a pit in my gut in the shape of you?
Say it's somethin' else.
Maybe I'm just overwhelmed.
Maybe I'm confused.
I barely sleep when you sleep next to me
I keep thinkin' I'll find a cure.
I've never felt so happy.
I'm so scared of my guitar.
It cuts right through to the heart.
It knows me too well.
I can't lie to it the same way that I lie to you.
If I play it, then I'll think too hard.
Once you let the thought in, then it's already done.
I lay in your arms and pretend that it's love.
If I was brave and noble like you, I'd have the nerve to just stop stringin' you along.
I'm not half as decent as you.
I'd rather be tied to someone, even if they're wrong.
My friends know the truth.
I'm not as alright as I claim
They watch all the life fade away.
What if I never find anything better?
The doubt always creeps through my mind.
How could I ever trade somethin' that's good for what's right?
I had the strangest feeling of this weight off of my chest.
I hadn't felt that hopeful since the day that you left.
Everybody told me it would happen in time.
I always believed that it was some comforting lie.
I was half myself without you.
Now I feel so complete.
I can't even remember what made me lose all that sleep.
I criеd a million rivers for you, but that's over now.
You're just a stranger I know everything about.
I thought of all the things I did to try and win your love.
How did that happen?
I can't imagine ever doing all that stuff for just some guy
Like, you're just some guy.
I hope that you're happy, babe.
God knows that I am the girl I am because of you.
You know I'll always think of you.
I'll love you 'til the end of time
You are the best thing that I'll ever keep so far out of my life.
There's nothin' left for me to know.
I had to stay, you had to go.
It was mean, but it doesn't matter anymore.
There's nothin' left for me to sing.
I screamed, I cried, I did the whole thing.
I loved you mad, but it doesn't matter anymore.
If I'm not enough for you, you're not enough for me.
I fought a million battles, but you can't get to me now.
Baby doll, you have changed.
That's the thing you always say.
I rained all over your parade.
I'm cruel beyond my years.
You don't know me anymore.
I have captors I call friends.
I got panic rooms inside my head.
I get down with crooked men.
I am the girl I've always been.
I got wrapped up in the game again.
I can't say I'm a perfect ten.
Don't say that I've been actin' different.
I'm nothin' if I'm not consistent.
You knew everything you'd be gettin'.
I told you right from the beginnin'.
I'm a candle in the wind.
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love4ab · 2 years
overwhelmed baby. [ E.P. ]
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prompt ; after, a long day you get home feeling off but elvis helps and comforts you. <3
elvis x reader
wc ; 1011 angel number !!
warnings ; anxiety. fluff <33333. e being so boyfriend >.<. thats it, i hope !.
a/n ; i’ve been having pretty rough anxiety lately & this was so comforting to write :(. also, i laugh a lot in uncomfy situations so i’m sorry if reader gets the giggles and laughs in serious parts LOL... butttttt as always..
enjoy, baes <3 *kissy face*.
You and Elvis just got home from him being at the studio and doing interviews, which overwhelmed you a bit. The groups of people talking, asking many questions, and taking pictures or videos just sent you over the edge, making an uneasy feeling in your body. Even though you were both home, that feeling followed you.
You were usually good with the interviews and such, you were pretty used to it, especially after being with Elvis for so long now, but there were just those days where it left you feeling exhausted.
The loudness, all the voices, unknown faces, videos, and pictures just weren't what you were looking forward to today.
Elvis knew something was wrong with you all day but just didn't question you, especially seeing you were a bit snappy and frustrated. Which was unintentional, but the overwhelming feeling was getting too much and you didn't know how to control it anymore, so you were taking it out in anger.
"What's wrong, baby?" Elvis snapped you out of your thoughts, picking up food from his plate with his fork. You shook your head and sighed, "Nothing." You mumbled, playing with the food on your plate.
Elvis decided to make one of the few foods he knew how to cook, seeing you were having a rough day and wanting to treat you. You loved the food he made; it was always made with the right amount of flavor and love.
"You been.. not yourself all day. Ya’ worryin’ me." He whispered the last part, grabbing your hand that was fidgeting with the fork. You slightly relaxed at his touch, finally deciding to open up to him.
"It's just this.. weird feeling I have in my body." You explain to him. He nods and hums, "Is it good or bad?" He takes a sip of his drink. "I-I don't know... bad?" You turn and look at him. He doesn't say anything and rubs his chin, taking a deep breath. "I just think today overwhelmed me, Elvis." You tell him.
Elvis sadly sighs and lets go of your hand, "Lemme clean up and we'll talk about it, but only if you're comfortable, honey." Elvis felt guilty, mad at himself for having you come along with him all day. He knew the overwhelming and icky feeling you had, so he wanted to help you through it. He picked yours and his dishes from the dinner table and set them in the kitchen sink.
"Let's go to the sofa." He took your hand and led you to the living room, where you both sat down on the couch. You both sat in silence for a couple seconds, Elvis not wanting to push it and you not knowing how to start off.
"I know how you feel, darlin'." He whispered, trying to make you feel more comfortable by opening up, and you turned your head to watch him as he spoke. "I-I-Well, y'know, when I first started off, I was.. scared?" He explained. "It was a whole new world to me; I was young and didn't really know what to expect. All the crowds, people, pictures, and stuff overwhelmed me." He softly smiled at you.
You started easing down, but the feeling was still in you. "Yeah, I guess the interviews and people really sent me over the edge a bit today." You chuckled a bit, feeling better knowing that Elvis knew how you felt. He smiled at you and nodded, "Yea, it can be a bit much. Still till this day, I get that feeling." He shrugged his shoulders a bit.
You looked down at the floor, "I just feel like I'm being judged, y'know? I can't make a wrong move or something cause then it'll be a huge scandal or something." You laugh, realizing how ridiculous you might sound. He hummed, "Yup, just the way I feel, but I've learned to accept the fact that not everyone's going to like me or the things I may say or do." He agreed. "Cause I sure as hell ain't like everybody." He laughs, causing you to shake your head and giggle.
"Come on." He grabs your shoulders and pulls you back next to him. You lean into his side, resting the side of your face against his chest. "Don't pay attention to what those negative people have to say, cause deep down inside, all that hate and negativity just roots from something inside of them." You nod your head and look up at him, and he looks down at you.
"Promise me, you won't let nothin' them folks gotta say about you bother you, baby." He boops your nose, and you smile. "I promise." You nod. He pulls out his pinkie and raises his eyebrows. "Promise?" You shake your head and grin. "Promise." You hook your pinkie finger around his tightly before letting go. You both laugh at the childish gesture, but he's happy to see a big, cheeky smile on you.
"There's my pretty lil girl." He grabs you and straddles you over his lap. His hand cups your face and squeezes your cheeks, pulling you in for a kiss as you giggle. You lay your hands flat on his chest, making sure to hold your balance. He gives you a big kiss on the lips and laughs before letting go of your cheeks.
You rub your cheeks, caressing the soreness from how tight he squeezed them. He laughs while watching you frown and rubs your cheeks. "Oh, I'm so sorry, baby!" He coos, pulling your hands away from your cheeks and placing soft, gentle kisses on your sore cheeks. You can't help but giggle and smile at his actions.
He grabs your wrist and pulls you into a tight hug. You wrap your arms around his neck and rest your face in the crook of his neck as his hand rubs up and down your back. "I love you, baby girl." He whispers in your ear. You smile, "I love you more." You hug him tighter. "Impossible." He whispers back.
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shadow-genesis-yay · 11 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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hedwig394 · 1 year
Are You Still Here?
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall
Timeline: When Sarah and Derek are dating, near the end of season 3A, where she suspects that Derek is cheating on her with Jennifer.
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Sarah's POV -
It's cold in here, and dark. Had his loft always been this dark and cold? No, it hasn't. It seems to have grown colder and colder since the last month since the time it feels like Derek has distanced himself from me.
I jolt awake from the merry state between sleep and awakeness, blinking rapidly. I stare at my side, at the cold and empty side which used to be warm, when Derek was here.
Now, I don't know anymore where he is. He comes home at odd hours and leaves almost immediately after, not telling me much about where he has been or where he is going to go. He appears so stressed and worried these days, that I don't bother him by asking too many questions.
But as I lie here, staring at the ceiling in the dark, I think that maybe I should ask questions. I'm his girlfriend, I have the right to know. Or am I? Is he seeing another woman behind my back?
No, he won't do that. He'd never cheat on me.
Still, a trail of doubt tugs at my gut. He has never confessed that he loves me, he has never made any promise to me that he won't leave me and shit.
No, I shouldn't think like that. Even when he has never said those things to me, I've seen the sincerity and affection in his eyes.
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They say that the eyes can never lie, but now I wonder, can they? The ceiling stares back at me with no answer, and I groan in frustration. I should talk to Derek, shouldn't make assumptions.
Maybe, he's really busy with all of that stuff with the Alpha Pack and Deucalion. Maybe, I'm being doubtful for no reason, yet hear as I lie down, I keep asking myself, are me and Derek still a thing?
I haven't told Scott about this. The time he found out that I was dating Derek, it was after Derek killed Peter and turned Jackson into a kanima. I had been furious at him but had eventually forgiven him. I cannot stay mad at Derek, maybe those are the effects of falling in love.
I haven't told him that I have fallen in love with him, and now, I'm even more hesitant. I have always wondered what would happen if he doesn't love me back, and now that possibility scares me even more.
Scott doesn't know anything about Derek's been behaving, and if I do tell him, Scott will drag his ass and throw him at my feet. A chuckle escapes my lips as I imagine that. There has always been tension between Scott and Derek since the two have world views which are polar opposites. After Derek and I had started dating, Scott became even more protective of me. He clearly doesn't trust Derek much, but I cannot forget the conversation we had about my relationship.
I close my eyes and memories flood back.
"You know, CeeCee," Scott says seriously, "I don't trust him. Not a lot, to be honest."
"I know, Scotty," I say, "But he's not that bad. You two have different kinds of thinking and perspectives, but this doesn't make him a bad person."
"I don't think that he's a bad person," Scott says, "I just...don't trust him well, and not with you."
"You know I'm older than you, right?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He chuckles, "I know." But then he turns serious again, but his eyes are loving, "CeeCee, I don't trust him, but I do trust you. And I know that whatever choice you make, it will be good for you."
"Thank you," I say, squeezing his hand.
"But, if he ever causes even a teeny amount of discomfort, I'm dragging his werewolf ass out and shoving him in a sack of wolfsbane."
I laugh, "Thank you, but I don't think that it will ever come to that."
I open my eyes and smile sadly. At least Scotty's there with me. And Stiles too. And Mom, of course. And even Derek-
Scott is going to be so angry if Derek cheats on me.
I will be so angry if Derek cheats on me.
The bed feels suffocating, so I get up and sit on the couch in the living room. I'm staring into darkness when I hear the door creak open.
The breath whooshes out of my lungs as I see Derek stumble in, looking so tired and exhausted that I momentarily forget about everything else. Effects of falling in love.
"Derek?" I say and he looks at me. For a minute, our eyes lock and nothing else in this world matters. He then saunters towards the couch and he collapses down. I sit beside him. He holds my hand and breathes deeply. "Honey," He says, "Why're you still awake?"
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That question makes me so angry that I want to hurl something at his head. He's asking me that like he wants me to sleep so that he can carry on with whatever he does without my interruption.
"Why do you ask that?" I seethe, "You wanted me to fall asleep so that you can carry on with whatever top-secret stuff you do?"
Derek immediately understands the issue. He looks at me with soft eyes and says, "Honey, I'm really sorry that I haven't been talking to you lately. I'm sorry that I haven't told you about anything that I'm doing. I'm just so sorry." He looks down in shame.
"Tell me now," I say, "Tell me Derek, what is keeping you so busy these days? What has driven you so much that you can't even find the time to spend with me? You're so absent, so...not there." I bite my lip, my heart hurting. Tears pool in my eyes, and I try not to cry.
"Honey I-" He tries to speak but I stop him.
"What is happening, Derek?" I say desperately, "What is happening to you? To us? We don't even talk to each other anymore! Whenever I have tried to reach out to you, you have swatted me away!" My voice is raised now, but I don't care.
"Do you not like me anymore?" I say, my chest heaving and tears pouring down my eyes, "Are you bored of me? Do you now like someone else? Is it Jennifer? Whatever it is, tell me! Talk to me! I'm right here! But the main question is, are you still here?"
I fall back on the couch and sniff. I needed this release.
Derek looks at me for a few minutes, and then says, "Since my family was burnt alive, I died too. Just not physically. I was a lone wolf, surviving on my own. I didn't have a pack, I didn't have an alpha, I was just a lonely beta with no good to this world. I thought that my entire life was going to be like this. I mean, why wouldn't it be?"
I listen quietly.
"And then there comes this girl trudging in the woods, all determined to find her brother's inhaler." He smiles. I have to admit, his smiles are the most beautiful thing in the world. "I recognise her, from the days I was in school. She thought that I wouldn't, but I did. I cannot believe it. The biology nerd from school has become such a beautiful woman."
I pout at him, but at least I'm not crying anymore.
"As I spend more time with her, I realise that she hasn't become beautiful suddenly, she always has been. I was just too blind to see it." He says, looking into my eyes, "She's beautiful from the inside out, and no one can ever be compared to her."
I now want to cry again.
"After I get to know her better, she helps me get to know myself better. Being in her presence, I realise that I am not dead, not really. I was just dull, dry, like a tree which hasn't been watered in years." He then takes a deep breath. "And you know what she is like? Rain."
He doesn't have to elaborate for me to understand. But if he thinks that he can butter me up with beautiful words to make me forget my anger, then he is wrong.
"I've never said these words to you," Derek says, and keeps my hand over his heart, "So now I'm going to say them."
I inhale sharply.
"I love you, Sarah McCall."
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I am speechless. All the times I've imagined him saying that this had not crossed my mind.
"I love you, Sarah." He repeats, now smiling gently, "I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Not even Paige."
"Derek I-" I pause and say, "I love you too."
We kiss and he mutters, "I'll never even think of cheating on you Sarah, ever. I love you." A few tears slide down my cheeks as I say softly, "I love you too."
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hotluncheddie · 7 months
hiiiii <3 feel free to ignore but i’d just wanna hear your thoughts!
i’m just curious about your opinions on an aceflux eddie? this is a lot of self projecting, but eddie could be aceflux to me because of trauma. i think eddie’s would stem from trying to hook up with people and him having to explain to them what he is (trans), then they give him this face of disgust and they’re out. or men fetishizing him being trans so eddie freezes up and panics when something is ramping up.
hello my lovely 🦇 anon!!!
i have a couple ideas about this!!! its more in the direction of fluctuating sexual desire though if that's okay? more so than gender just because im not sure i can properly verbalise that part of this eddie, not the way it would deserve <3
but i rly love this ask bc while im very into many iterations of eddie - dom, sub, top, bottom, virgin whatever - i also really love eddie who just kind of doesn't care about that stuff. like, he has so many other things hes doing and focusing on, which means those aspects of like, life or those relationships, whatever, that seem so important in highschool, he just doesn't really care about. or doesn’t most of the time. so maybe late bloomer but ace flux is a really nice term too.
because to me that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be close to people, he does, and that’s where the angst comes in. because he doesn't always know how, how to do it the way he wants, in a way that feels right. he knows what happens in films when guys and girls get close. and he knows he shouldn’t want to get close to guys romantically but sometimes he scares himself because he thinks he does. think he wants that, wants to hold a guys hand.
he doesn't fantasise about sex in class, he doesn't imagine anyone naked, doesn’t really join in when his friends talk about crushes, stating something about conformity and ‘no one for him in a small town like this’, if anyone asks him.
but secretly, he just wants to feel close. feel loved. he doesn’t get crushes but he knows he wants that.
mostly he just thinks about his music, his friends, his campaigns and he’s content with that. he focuses on that.
but there have been people, to draw him out. a girl in elementary school, who was so smart and funny and he loved being her friend. but then in the corner of the playground she kissed him one day, suddenly, to eddie. and he could taste the juice she had a lunch but he hates grape so he wiped his mouth and made a face. she got mad, and didn’t talk to him again.
and the boy who lived at the trailer park one summer, visiting his grandma. they saw each other basically every day, listened to tapes and exploring the woods. eddie’s hair was just starting to really grow out and he’d been living with wayne for a while. the boy said he likes it, his hair, reminded him of a girl. and eddie liked the boy too, liked that he said that, even though it scared him. but then he moved too quick, tongue and teeth and a spitty hand on them both. and then he left, didn’t come see eddie the couple days before he was gone. and eddie was reeling, he didn’t know what he liked, what he didn’t. he was confused, felt wrong.
maybe there was one guy, once he got older, when he knew that he should want to do all this stuff, should feel the need to get off and want to get off with people. some comment making him self conscious, about him not caring about it, thinking it wasn’t normal, he should want it. so he followed this guy into the hideout bathroom. but the moment they were close he didn’t want it anymore, didn’t feel right. but the guy didn’t listen, happy not to touch eddie too much but got off still with eddie there, when he’d rather be anywhere else.
just eddie having a sort of trauma, over the years, from how people have touched him, have talked to him. have seemed to want him around but then gone cold and distant. hadn’t asked what he wanted and just took, just used, just needed and wanted and didn’t give him a chance to think, to breath.
and then the bats nearly eat him alive.
but he survives, some how. stuck in hospital, wayne by his side when he can. steve by his side even more, just because, he’s not sure why. but it’s nice. steve’s nice. steve lets eddie think and breath before he talks, before he moves, lets eddie take his time.
and then maybe he does want to kiss steve, sometimes when they touch something stirrs in his belly, his fingertips tingle. but, its not all the time, not always.
and on the occasion he does feel like sticking his hand into his boxers, the rare times that feels right. it’s almost easy to think about steve’s hand and steve’s lips and steve’s kind words.
and then they do kiss. one night, on steve couch. and eddie feels something light up in him, something new and special. a warm ember.
but the second time they kiss its not like that, he loves the closeness, but, he doest want to do anything more. he just wants to hug. but will that be enough for steve? can eddie be enough?
(i hope that like, makes sense lol. i figured it was long enough without going into more steddie stuff hehe. hope u like, mwah!)
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