#stuff that isn't perfect
freakurodani · 1 year
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indescribable frustration
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violent138 · 2 months
Superbat parenting babies would be a breeze in my humble opinion. Bruce's medically well-versed enough and immune to even enhanced interrogation levels of sleeplessness, and loves kids and would probably be happy reading them stories to sleep every night.
And Clark could always tell if the kid swallowed fridge magnets/batteries/something else. Also, tell me which baby wouldn't enjoy Clark's presence and calmness. They'd be like little hamsters cajoled by the steadiness of his hold.
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acesandwords · 1 year
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A while back I created two guides on how to use Tumblr, which can be found here [1][2].
This will be a beginner guide to the references and holidays of this hellsite.
References Dashcon(2013) - The Infamous Tumblr convention [1][2][3] Children's Hospital [1] Horse Plinko [1] Crab Rave - used for celebration [1][2] Do you love the color of the sky? [1] Bug Race - Polls got released [1] Vanilla Extract- userbase failed to make a cake [1] Mishapocalyspe (April 1st 2013) [1][2] Goncharov- A fake Mafia movie created by the users [1] Dracula daily [1] Queen Elizabeth [1] Origin of giftable crabs - April fools 2022, we had a crab button [1] I like your shoelaces- a way to find out who's on tumblr [1]
Holidays Cousin Oskar (Daylight Savings) [1] Ides of March (March 15) the stabbing of Caeser🗡️ [1][2][3] Tomorrow is Halloween, no it's March 28th [1] Neil Bangin' Out The Tunes (April 13) [1] It's Gonna Be May (April 30)- NSYNC Day [1][2] Hallowe'en IT'S JUNE (June) [1] 21st Night Of September (September 21) [1] It's October 3rd (October 3rd) [1][2] Halloween (October 31) - That's it, it's just the holiday all month Destiel-Putin-Election Day (November 5th)* It's December 10th! (December 10th)[1] Tomorrow is Halloween, IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE [1] Nobody smiles in February(February) [1]
*Nov. 5th was a wild day in 2020, we were waiting on the US election results, Destiel became canon, and there was a rumor that Putin was going to resign. The state of anxiety and joy was indescribable.
Please add more! There are so many and I know I didn't get them all.
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paskariu · 4 months
Gender neutral pronouns in a language that doesn't have them (German edition)
So, the post about how anglicised queer discussions are possessed me to look up the most "common" gender neutral neopronoun that has been invented in German: Xier
Common is in quotation marks because outside of queer circles, you'll be hard pressed finding anyone who even knows about it.
German is a gendered language; being gender neutral is next to impossible. Either you move to the generic masculine version, or a more new-ish female version. Either way you're either assigning yourself a male or female grammatical gender which when talking about people is also a gender signifier.
So you, a queer person, would like to NOT be referred to as either male or female. So your options are:
a) suck it up
b) put xier in bio
Ok, queer person. You selected option b). Now you're faced with the newest issue: People don't know how to use your pronoun. "Ah, just put 'xier/xies'! Just like the English speakers." A quiet part of your mind screams.
You put "xier/xies" down. Personal and Possessive Pronouns. Easy.
Ah, wait we're still missing the relative pronoun. Something which is also gendered in German.
You add "dier". Easy. Relative pronoun acquired.
"Why are there three?" A confused anglophone might ask.
"Where is the rest?" Another German asks. Where is the rest of the grammar. You can't use only the first case in a sentence....
We're still missing the other 3 grammatical cases.
Xier/Dier/Xies Xieser/Dies/Xiese Xiem/Diem/Xiesem Xien/Dien/Xieses There we go. All cases and all pronoun types. But possessive pronouns are dependent on the gender of the thing being possessed. Great. 3 more grammar forms per case for possessive pronouns. And we need another one. What if we're talking about another gender neutral person? Neuter (usually) isn't used to refer to people...
In the end, if you want to include everything, you end up with this
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Just tell them your pronouns.
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clockwaysarts · 10 months
Just a casual reminder to not give concrit on creative work unless a person asks for it. Even if you say it's not meant to be rude, it's still rude to do so.
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cloudyfacewithjam · 1 month
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Eoin McGonigal (Dónal Finn) in SAS: Rogue Heroes Season 1 Episode 2
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originalcontent · 6 months
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I can't find art of my ship anywhere so I GUESS that means I have to make it myself, here are some doodles.
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novodontia · 6 months
People who are saying "the amazing digital circus is the worst fandom that has existed ever" are so blatantly wrong it's funny like-
Clearly they've never been in Homestuck, 2016 Undertale, Voltron, Danganronpa, etc. I'd argue fnaf's fandom is still worse to this day!
Like, buddy. If you think TADC is bad, you would not survive in 2015-2017 😭🖐️
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Hold on, let me just ramble about Edward Teach for a moment and why I love his gender.
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I've always been a huge fan of characters who fuck with gender, but one thing I've noticed is the...limitations of genderfuckery, both in fiction and in fandoms. Men are allowed to be fem, but only if they're smooth and hairless and white.
So it was gratifying coming into this fandom and seeing all the people happily putting Ed (a bearded MOC) into dresses, lingerie, skirts, etc. All without removing the beard (it does happen, but Ed has canonically been beardless so it's not too big a deal when people draw him without it). This is what I mean when I talk about genderfuckery and I feel like so few people truly get it. You can be feminine with a beard! A full bushy beard even! And tattoos! Being feminine isn't just for white skinny gay men in their twenties, where did that idea even come from? (kidding, I know where it came from and I'm holding myself back from ranting for ten paragraphs)
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Forever mourning Ed in his wedding dress era. We would have never recovered.
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This is the middle-aged men in pretty dresses and makeup show. Btw.
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lenievi · 7 months
“Spock,” McCoy said slowly, “Kailyn’s in love with me.” The Vulcan raised an eyebrow. “Indeed?” “Don’t act so surprised. I happen to be quite lovable.” “I have never doubted that, Doctor,” Spock replied wryly.
(Howard Weinstein - The Covenant of the Crown)
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justheblueberry · 7 months
the process of binding a study in scarlette:
SO. i had a Vision for this fic, right from the start. so many new things i wanted to do and almost no idea how to do it. but let's start from the beginning, shall we?
i usually don't do anywhere NEAR this amount of brainstorming and designing but the fic has so many motifs and details that i knew i wanted to fit in, so i had to draw it all out and piece everything together.
here are a few of my behind-the-scenes brainstorming notes:
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this was the very first brainstorm i did, it was basically me flinging a bunch of cool book stuff i saw other people doing at the wall and seeing what stuck in my brain.
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this was an idea for a cover which incorporated symbols for each of the chapters inside the branches, but i just wasn't fond of the execution of the draft. so i scrapped it, eventually settling on the silhouette cover for the final.
i had big dreams! and not much experience to back it up with ! so after finishing the typeset, i put it aside for a bit and did a couple other binds first.
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this was my second brainstorm, i started to figure out the direction i wanted the illustrations to go in, no longer aimlessly tossing vibes around!
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i did a lot of waffling about different versions of the back cover design. here's a couple that i scrapped!
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over the summer, i decided to finally stop procrastinating and printed out the typeset (after making a few revisions to it). it's a Chonk. i pressed it some, which helped, but it definitely still had a lot of swell.
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sewing with red thread.
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endpapers cut, glued, and a glow in the dark paint test.
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built a press...up til this point i'd just been stacking a bunch of thick books on top of my binds, but for this one i needed a lying press to sand my edges, so i finally caved. who needs tools? my edge painted book needs tools :(
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sanding edges with power sander
so. this was my first time doing anything with edges, so i did a little test on a book i already had; it was a bit of a process trying to work out how much i should dilute it, and it took a bit of trial and error. doing the bottom edge first was the right call ^^;; it's the flakiest out of all the edges on the final bind. i'm really happy with the fore edge though, i got a really even and nice coat on it.
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rounding, gluing and (an attempt at) backing
so. it was the day before i was moving. i had run out of time to procrastinate any more. the rounding was quite rushed and i barely backed it at all. there was also the fact that i don't have backing boards and was winging it with absolute unfounded confidence. it still turned out okay though so i got away with it!
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dug out a 5 yen coin from who knows where for the bookmark. didn't have pliers with me yet so i had to close the crimp with a metal water bottle and arm strength. who needs tools right
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endbands. i love sewing endbands, but man, for chonk fics it gets Long. i think they each took like 2-4 hours to do. i briefly considered learning double core endbands for this bind but decided against it as i barely just got a handle on regular ones. discovery: my ambitions have limits!
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this was my finalized cover design. i had planned to do it all with htv, but last minute decided to do the silhouette as a linocut instead. i'd never done one before but i had the materials and the fearlessness that only a beginner (who does not know the limits of fear) can have; i think it turned out good :>
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the final stretch!!!! it was at this point, when i realized that the size i'd carved the linocut at would be too wide for the half binding case i had planned. improvisation time. i decided to switch from a regular case binding to a three piece bradel. i have only done case bindings and stab bindings at this point...and with only mild panic and stubborn hubris to fuel me, i went for it. i had already attached an oxford hollow and cut my boards, but it probably wouldn't make too much of a difference! fuck around and find out!
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cutting the cloth and adhering the htv. the summary on the back was HELL to weed, and some of the letters ended up crooked. i should've just printed it letterpress, but i was running out of patience.
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i followed DAS bookbinding's tutorial on youtube of his in-boards three piece bradel and the part where i had to tuck in the spine cloth in between the hollow was definitely the trickiest, but it went okay in the end!
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after attaching the boards and gluing down the endpapers i was finally done!!!! after months and months of the unfinished textblock guilting me from the corner of my room, it's finally finished! fancy pics coming soon!
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i learned SO MUCH from this bind, sanding edges, painting edges, linocuts, multiple colors of htv, oxford hollows, and a whole new style of binding....yeah. it was a ride! thanks for reading to the end!
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gammija · 1 year
today's ep is fun ([Fondly] "Yes, Martin, you are my reason,") but im gonna take the time to complain about something minor from years ago, because when else will I get the opportunity?
occasionally people made (make? ive blocked most people who were hardcore about it so idk if they're still on it) posts arguing that Martin is a terrible boyfriend and person and Jon deserves better, and they always cite this part:
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to say 'wow, how can Martin say that when he himself isn't very open either, the hypocrite!'
but if we remove the poorly edited out text, and look at the quote in its actual context...
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Martin didn't just decide, 'hey, lets chide Jon on his emotional openness today'. Jon literally just read Martin's mind to know what he was thinking about - it's not dwelled on for too long, but imagine for a moment how fucking invasive that really is. compared to that, yeah, Jon doesn't share as much!
which isn't to say that he always should share everything and it's Jon's ''fault'' if he doesn't immediately tell Martin how he's feeling at every moment. just that, you know, communication has to come from both sides. so i think it was more than fair for Martin to express his concern about the imbalance, if Jon would have continued to just know what was in Martin's thoughts and feelings
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cringengl · 6 months
As much as I am obsessed with the new Percy Jackson show, I do have to say that it would have definitely benefitted if it wasn't made in this insane modern era of 'make sure series have as few episodes as possible and just make the episodes a little longer to try and make up for it'. Maybe this strategy saves on production costs, or maybe because it's straight to streaming and not cable, they don't have to worry about filling smaller, but a higher quantity of, weekly slots, or whatever cable TV does.
I just miss having slower pacing and episodes where you could just have some breathing room to understand the world building, instead of this capitalist strategy of 'get to the action ASAP otherwise our viewers will get bored and the show will get cancelled'. Because I promise you, it won't. 99% of what of what people have been freaking out over about the show is the little details, such as the blue food (specifically blue candy), Clarisse's spear and Dionysus' diet cokes.
Idk, I just would have preferred having 15-20 episodes that were 20-30 minutes long instead of 8 30-50 minute episodes, as the show can feel a little rushed and streamlined at times, such as the Mrs Dodds fight, which did not have as much build up as it did in the books.
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plantaagomaajor · 9 months
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Only Friends hierarchy of needs
(and then they need to end up together in the most mutually unhinged and codependent relationship possible a la HIStory 1: Obsessed)
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wizardsix · 8 months
astarion stans who refuse to try befriending or even romancing anyone else are the most annoying mfs. "I only romance astarion I just can't relate to the other stories" really? you can't relate to gales deep self loathing? his deep love and loyalty for those he cares about? you can't relate to wylls kind heart and desire to always do good, even if it means he's miserable? can't relate to shadowheart blindly following a god, only to learn the truth and reinvent herself? you can't relate to lae'zel or karlach who were lied to and used as weapons their whole lives, but continue to push on even when they're scared? you can't relate to the overarching theme of authority vs autonomy???
it's not difficult, it's just people refusing to appreciate and explore the game to its fullest bc their manipulative sexy vampire is all they need(something astarion actually loathes being seen as btw). but ok, you can be boring and do whatever you want, but don't lie and say the other stories are bad, because they're not. it's simply a lack of media literacy and critical thinking. because to you, if a character doesn't tell you point blank that they're aware of their situation, it's bad writing. missing the entire point that victims don't always realize the situation they're in. keep in mind astarion and karlach are the only ones who got away from their abusers, which is why they tell you clearly and confidently about what happened to them, fully aware that it was abuse. whereas the others give only their tunnel visioned perspective and speak highly of their deity(not caring about themselves, wish to appease them for something in return).
don't get me wrong (seriously, if I see one person misunderstand me I'm going to lose it) astarion is a good character, but people who only like him need to stop acting like he's the only complex and well written one. stop crying when people with brains call you out for being weird about his ascended ending. the game isn't about him. at least try and show some respect to those who worked hard on the game. make an oc and try new things, i promise the fictional vampire won't care if you don't romance him one run. have a drink with shadowheart, dance with wyll, go to a restaurant w karlach, maybe then you'll calm down.
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eclaire-went-bam · 1 month
npd + rdr culture is seeing people call dutch a narcissist and going "YEAA KING he's just like me ong" and then promptly realise they're actually insulting him with the word 'narcissist' & i proceed to backpedal ...
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