#su hurt/comfort
krisisgone · 1 month
Summary: When the year's end comes close, Lapis finally gets some weeks off from work, so she'll try to take the best of it by spending it with her most favorite gem in the world. Hii everyone, I’ve been writing Lapidot stuff again, so I’d be glad if you all check it out, and left any comments telling me what do you think about them. So... Yeah, that’s basically it, I hope you all enjoy them as much as I like writing about these two(They’re going to eat me alive I swear). See ya. <3 <3
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year
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Give me one good honest kiss and I'll be alright.
Anonymous Ko-fi request! 🥺
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nugatorysheep · 1 month
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They're sweet and cute and they love each other, your honor
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deoidesign · 6 months
I'm sorry if what I say is wrong in any way, I don't mean to offend you, it's just something I'm not completely sure about. Does Adam use he/they or they/them pronouns? I think I saw a post of yours where you said that Adam uses he/they, but it was a while ago and now I'm not completely sure (and I don't want to use the wrong pronouns)
I know you don't mean anything by it, but I am sad that so many of the asks I get start with people saying "I'm sorry, I don't want to offend you" or some variation thereof, followed by completely normal questions. I think I may have been responding too harshly to too many things and given the impression that I'll jump at people for being wrong...
But asking clarifying questions is always okay. I mean, it's also okay to be wrong and even offensive. What matters is if you learn from it when someone points out that it was wrong or offensive. I won't stop telling people they're saying something hurtful if they are, but I don't want that to lead people to be scared of me or something.
Correcting people is always just about correcting them, not hurting them. It's okay to need to be corrected, were all learning new things every day.
Anyways Adam uses he/they, you remembered correctly
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imbeccable-writes · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Steven Universe (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Connie Maheswaran & Steven Universe Characters: Steven Universe, Connie Maheswaran Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: s06e10 Prickly Pair, Late Night Conversations, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Family Issues, Intervention, kind of, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Steven Universe Future, Steven Universe Needs a Hug, Steven Universe Needs Therapy, Connie Maheswaran Tries, store bought therapy, Not Canon Compliant, emotionally mature connie maheswaran, Hurt Steven Universe, POV Third Person, Pre-Episode: s06e11 In Dreams, could be read as platonic or romantic Summary:
After the Cactus Steven debacle, Connie has a talk with Steven about the past and the present.
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soapgraves · 8 months
hanahaki connverse teehee. (Warning! Its a long one. And poorly written. Because i needed this down and done.)
Because of stevens bpd its really hard to convince himself that connie loves him 100% of the time and paired with that awful proposal its safe to safe that he probably could develop it in a spiral thinking she doesn't love him & holes himself up until she forces him to speak & he coughs all those rose petals up.
Obviously thats not how it fully happens, because he has to speak to the gems! But he doesn't stay long to chat, earning their concern. (Along with those petals around.)
Following his spiral, hes definitely not talking to connie like he usually does. Quick responses, not initiating, which in turn makes connie response similarly. (Shes tired with school, now her boyfriend isn't responding to her? Or checking in? she gets a lil tired and thinks he'll get over it.) With this, steven doesn't think shes trying enough to respond. (So she doesn't love him, right? Obviously she'd fight harder if she did. And she's not! Why doesn't she love him anymore?) That leads to steven not talking to anyone at all.
That Segways into greg trying to talk to steven (the gems are trying to figure it out, and steven won't talk to them!) So he goes to try and help with some fatherly advice, steven lays in bed coughing but not responding a ton, hes under the covers away from gregs sight. Once he flips those covers though- petals, full roses, everywhere. Ans his son freaks out, triggers a coughing fit of more- freaking greg out, and he doesn't know whats wrong- steven doesn't know whats wrong- thats when the gems finally try to help.
Obviously the gems dont know whats wrong (p: "gems dont cough out flowers- do they? It cant be a gem thing!") So they take him to Priyanka, who doesn't get it either.
Finally, thats when connie is called to step in. (Her boyfriend hasnt called her in weeks, has barely texted her- he hasn't even mailed her anything!) Now shes worried. Especially after lion arrived with just petals in his fur- more worrying!
When she shows up, steven goes into a panic attack- full coughing attack and those thorns and vines hurt. He doesn't know whats wrong- its worse when connies there. And when did looking at connie hurt? (Once they finally meet each others eyes, his full of tears, hers full of concern- it clicks.)
Connie understands whats wrong, what may be causing it- and apologizes perfusely. Its not really her fault, but she feels bad because she didn't do enough to check in. She validates his feelings, tells him its okay- shes there, and she still loves him. (Something in his eyes gave it away- it had to. He wasn't speaking, he wasn't coughing anymore, just crying, how did she know?)
The vines stopped scratching, the roses stopped growing, the petals finally out of his system with his last coughs. Was that it? A love confession? Was that all he needed? Reassurance, and love, and reality.
They're fine by the end, he's definitely going to have biweekly therapy appointments though-
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A Poly-Gem Mini Fic
Steven finally fell asleep, wrapped tightly and comfortably in a bundle of blankets he was insisted he wanted to share but ended up keeping for himself when the gems refused. Rose carefully and slowly picked him up to carry him to bed. Much to her amusement, he had curled up into a ball, a habit he’s had since he was a baby and clearly never left. She tucked him in, patted his hair and adjusted his pillow next to him so he’d still feel something snuggled up close to him.
For whatever reason, she felt compelled to lay back down on the blanket of Steven’s floor next to the others. She knew better then to wake them up, especially when she was already getting on everyone’s nerves. Yet again, she was surprised when she felt sleepy, warm arms warp around her as the gems made room for her. Even after a huge argument they still—literally—welcomed her with open arms.
She sighed heavily and turned to her side as she closed her eyes. Garnet’s arm wrapped around her side as she pressed up closely to her back. Amethyst lying in-between her and Rose, curled up most closely to Garnet but her leg draped over Rose’s waist. Pearl snuggled up in Rose’s arms, facing away from her but smiling softly as she snored, her gem pressed against Rose’s forearm. They still loved her, even after everything.
Stars I don’t deserved any of you..
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When a person finds a safe space after years of surviving in traumatic environment, that's when they are most vulnerable as the past catches up while the mind struggles to get used to the peace.
Wei Wuxian, with his contagious laugh and bright presence, who grew up in dangers of streets, abusive household of Jiangs and burial mound,who never shed a tear for himself, constantly worrying about others and fixing problems surrounding him with an easy smile even when death is the price,
Breaking into muffled sobs every night after screaming himself awake, shaking and curling into himself while Hanguang-Jun holds him close, warms his icy feet and tips of fingers all while humming their song until he falls back asleep, only to remember nothing about it next day as he smiles again, facing the world holding his safe place, his home.
Hanguang-Jun watch with softness in his eyes as Wei Ying falls back asleep with a small smile and tear stained face to their song as if lulled back into a good dream, using his sleeve to wipe the traces of another heavy night, leaving behind traces of beginning of healing.
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celestialtitania · 5 months
since luka, jagged, and penny are all back from learning that miraculous kung fu, i wonder if jagged at least will go back into fame.
and since he clearly isn't shying away from using this new martial art style, i can see him using it in a new music video or something, leading to his fans trying to copy him until the style becomes commonplace.
next thing you know, other than the heroes, akumas can use the style now too, since i imagine anything a person knows pre-alumatization is fair game for them to use during akumatization. this sort of thing goes on and on till facts about the miraculous become common knowledge. i can see su han furious about that esp since he never imagined the long term effects with the internet being a thing. and with all this coming out, i don't remember how much lila/cerise knows but i think she's clever enough to figure out other secrets. like gabe never used the power ups but imo lila deserves to. she'd make a much scarier villain that way too if she's figuring out guardian secrets faster than marinette can learn the rules.
tldr i want fights to be much harder for lb and cn (and the rest of the gang) since they no longer have that countdown to worry about while using their powers. let them end up in the toughest corners each time struggling to make it for another day. let them be stressed out and reach that breaking point
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dem0nguy · 9 months
Christmas was in full swing at La Résistance headquarters; halls decked with garland, windows adorned with festive curtains, Christmas tree garnished with homemade ornaments.
And all eight of La Résistance’s members, finishing up the decor in the rec room.
Well, all eight of them were in the rec room, but not all eight were decorating.
It was really just Vegan-Su doing all the work, Apocalipsis helping to reach the high places whenever needed.
Brutux and Dr. White sat on the couch, in front of the fireplace/TV playing a video of a crackling fire, listening to Christmas music.
BP and Katani had taken mistletoe, stuck it to a stick with fishing line, and gone around holding it above peoples heads trying to get them to kiss.
Shooter would be lying if he said it wasn’t hilarious
Sheriff was goofing off, per usual. Wandering from person to person, cracking a joke, throwing an insult, getting punched in the face by Vegan-Su when the mistletoe made its way over to them, accidentally breaking an ornament, getting tangled in the Christmas lights—The list could go on.
But Shooter didn’t care about how long the list was, he just cared about the man behind it.
Sheriff, he loved him—
No he didn’t love him. He couldn’t love him. But god did he love him anyways.
Sheriff, and his bright orange hair like that of a fire; drifting out and up, sending scalding embers of his personality wherever he went. Sheriff, and his elegant teal-blue eyes that glow brighter than ice shining in the morning light. Put side by side you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two, their beauty unparalleled in the great expanse of winter.
But Shooter could tell the difference.
Shooter knew the deepness of Sheriff’s eyes, like the sky, infinite and beautiful. Full of possibility. He knew the gentle touch of his lightly tanned skin; from the few times Sheriff had sought comfort in Shooter’s arms.
He knew Sheriff’s cockiness, how much of an idiot he could be sometimes. How he could fuck up so badly, yet make it out fine. How he could be so dumb, yet have everything work for him.
But Shooter loved it. He loved everything about Sheriff, from his dumbassary to his sweet giddy smiles.
He only wishes he actually could love him.
Shooter sighs, staring out the window he placed his menorah in. The menorah that Sheriff, had gotten for him. (Alongside enough candles to last all of Hanukah, which makes Shooter doubt that Sheriff had actually found this all on his own.)
“Hey Shoooooooter!” The man in question saunters toward him. Ready to continue his antics.
“You look reallllllll lonely over here you know,” Sheriff teases, “Why don’t you stop being uh…” He thinks for a moment, “damn it, Brutux what was the word again?!”
Shooter can hear Brutux sigh from the other side of the room, “A Debbie Downer?” “What he said!” Sheriff smirks.
Shooter rolls his eyes. He’s such an idiot… “I ain’t bein’ a ‘Debbie Downer’ Sheriff. I’m just thinking.”
“Mhm, bout what?”
Shooter shrugs, red tinting the tips of his ears. You “Nothing much.”
They stare out the window together, barren desert wasteland surrounds the headquarters. It looked the same year round, no matter where you went.
And most of the time, it was hot. Hotter than you’d think it could ever get. The Big Fart sped up climate change, and it hadn’t snowed since then, but it still got fairly chilly this time of year.
Proof of that was last night, up on the roof, when Sheriff pressed into Shooter’s side for warmth against the bitter darkness.
It still made his heart flutter to think about…
“Lovely weather we’re having huh?” Sheriff interrupts his thoughts.
“Beautiful weather,” Shooter chuckles, “Should be expecting snow any day now!”
Sheriff laughs with him, “Man! I can’t remember the last time I saw snow.”
“Neither can I.”
“You lived in the city, didn’t you?”
Shooter nods, “Yeah, our snow weren’t as clean as what you’d get out in the rural parts.”
“You’d be surprised.” Sheriff shrugs, “I remember one time I was playing with the pigs out in the snow, and I swear not five minutes later, all of that snow became mud.” He chuckles, “Ryan came out after a while to play too, and made a point to tell me not to eat the muddy snow. But I think it was a little too late for that…”
Sheriff exhales a reminiscent sigh that begs for the past to come back to him. “I miss that farm, the pigs, and Ryan…”
“Hey, don’t be a Debbie Downer!” Shooter teases, eliciting a smirk from Sheriff.
“You’re right! It’s the season to be jolly after all!” He laughs, before frowning again. “I just wish he was still here…”
Shooter puts a gentle hand on Sheriff’s shoulder. He flinches at the sudden touch, before leaning into it. “You got us Sheriff,” Shooter tries to comfort him, “You got us.”
Sheriff nods, “Thanks Sho—“ mistletoe smacks him in the face.
“Whoops! Sorry!” Katani laughs, moving the mistletoe stick.
Sheriff and Shooter share a confused glance, before looking up.
Shooters face is what most accurately displays his reaction; bright red. And he knew it too.
“Come on guys, it ain’t gay to kiss your homies!” BP encourages, giggling with Katani.
Sheriff awkwardly laughs, “I mean, he’s right you know?” Shooter doesn’t dare look at him.
Looking at him would make Shooter want to kiss him.
“Come on Shooter, I’m not that bad of a kisser! Swear on it!” Him and his cocky personality, back at it again…
Shooter looks him in the eye, and fucking shit. That was a bad idea. He wanted to disappear into the teal universe that was Sheriff’s eyes, disappear forever in something so beautiful, that it made him a blushing, red, sweaty, shaky, mess.
Every time he dared to meet his gaze.
“Shooter?” Sheriff’s voice draws him out of his mind, prompting him to absentmindedly take a step forward. “Hey I mean, if you don’t wanna do this it’s cool you kn—“
He kissed him.
He actually kissed him.
Only for a split second before pulling back and awkwardly laughing, “You ain’t that bad of a kisser Sheriff, no worries!” He takes a step back, “Ima uh… head off now.”
He hastily walks out of the room, leaving Sheriff in shock, BP and Katani cackling to themselves, and not a single other soul bothered.
Except himself of course.
Because holy shit, he kissed him.
I did it yet again, I wrote us some SheriffxShooter content. I was originally gonna make it more fluffy, but I wanted romantic tension so that’s what we get :3
Happy Holidays!
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rupphirever · 2 years
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this scene changed me forever i think
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busterheadspace · 2 years
Soulmate Breagan Au
, my first time doing this trope. Not sure how good I did but oh well. 
Notes: I’m open to request. Just read my fanfic rules and send an as, 
Scars (in this universe there’s different ways to find your soulmate. Example: Hearing, and touch)
“Soulmates? Tch, it’s some stupid thing that exist in our world to find who’s the best match”.
That was an explanation Reagan was given as a child. At four years old she was playing alone at the playground when she saw two older kids together. They had the same marks on their arms that were glowing. Their eyes widened with happiness and exclaimed they found their soulmate. She didn’t really get what it was and asked her dad who begrudgingly told her.
“Every pair gets like a different way  to find who they’re in love with. Your mom and I had some hearing thing before we found each other. Annoying as shit and we probably would have found each other anyway but it’s gone so who cares. Now get back to your homework!“
That was the end of any soulmate discussion and it left Reagan confused on how she could find her soulmate or who it was.
— A six year old, Brett Hand was given the talk about soulmates. It was brief, not many details told as his parents said it was a waste of their time. Although to the young boy it was an interesting concept that he exclaimed he would find them.
"Hah! You getting a soulmate! Imagine! What girl would want you!"
His whole family laughed. He ran to his treehouse. Once Brett reached the top he rocked back and forth to calm the sadness in him, gripping his arms. He noticed something glowing on his hand. It traveled from the palm to the back before darkening into a scar
"Huh.. weird." He mumbled.
What could have caused that — The now six year old Reagan had just killed her pet turtles. All she wanted was turtle friends that would take her on adventures but instead they got sick.
She didn't want her parents to see her cry so she sat outside in the backyard. Dad had forced her to shoot them.  All that blood and organs flying out was terrifying.
Reagan sniffed, wiping her tears with her arm. She stopped when  a faint glow appeared and left a rather big scar on her arm. That was kinda scary. She didn't want to ask her mom or dad what it was. They probably would call her stupid for not knowing
"Maybe I can cover it. They don't need to know."
— Those scars would appear on both of them as they grew into teens. Although deeper connection came along
“This would be a disgrace to the family’s name!” His puppet was thrown against the wall, and fell onto the floor. Their poodle grabs it and begins shredding it apart. All Brett could do was look in disbelief
He thought a puppet shop would work. With their last name being Hand, he thought it could make a profit. Plus it was fun stitching and making designs. But his family just yelled at him and shredded the puppet he put weeks worth into.
“Don’t you dare bring that idea ever again.” They said before walking away. It left Brett holding back tears and looking at the stuffing that was left behind.
—- Reagan was staring at the mirror after her shower. Her bra and pants were on but her shirt wasn’t on yet.. A  faint glowing appeared and she knew it would be another mark and stopped. She sighed as it formed on her stomach . This one was arc and stopped at the side
That had to be the reason why she was getting these random scars. There was also  sadness and fear whenever it started glowing. She could feel her soulmate trying to hold back those emotions.
She did too. There was a fear of-. A loud bam breaks the bathroom door  and suddenly she’s scooped and pushed tightly against a cold metal plating. Terror kicks her mind as she screams and kicks.
“Bear-O! Let GO!” She yelled trying to break. The robot just repeated that Reagan needed a hug and she kept on yelling. Her dad passes by although didn’t seem interested in what was happening
— Brett was cleaning up the stuffing. When he bent down, he  felt terror and fear for a moment.. a sense of insecurity as well.  He noticed the glow and lifted his shirt. His side had a dark sharp scar on it.
“Why does this keep happening? Am I doing something wrong? Am I causing a problem?” He mumbled. He brought his shirt down. His family would probably kill him if they saw all those markings or even a simple question they would glare at him.
He probably deserved this. Whatever this was.
—- Years passed and the scars still grew. Some big, some small, some messy, or just straight. A lot of fear, pain, and anger came along with the two. They soon learn to just ignore the glowing and pray no one would notice it.
Thirty years old and Reagan is now a scientist working for the Shadow Government. She and just a man named Brett Hand who had taken her job. She was fuming knowing all her work was for nothing.
“Hey, uh Reagan!” Brett yelled. She didn’t bother turning around as his footsteps came closer.
“What the hell do you want?” Reagan grumbled.
“I’m really sorry. I mean you made that Robot? I shouldn’t have taken credit for it but uh., hehe. Sorry.”
“You’re sorry?! You’re not the one who wasted months working their ass off! And now for some unpaid intern to take my fucking job! What the hell!” She turned around and yelled. Brett looked startled and stepped back.
For Reagan she felt nervousness and guilt. For Brett he felt anger and sadness. Just for a moment. She knew a scar would probably form and ran off before the glowing started.
“Wait-!” Brett called but she was already far away. He stood there and sighs.
Hopefully the president mission will go well…
—- It did not go well. The president robot went insane and they had to destroy the machine or else humanity was going to get killed.
Now here they were, in a helicopter looking at the broken robot and a dismantled bomb. Reagan’s mood was soured by everything.
“Hey, this isn’t your fault. This is mine. You know how to work with these machines! And I’m just some guy that walked in and took your job.” Brett tries to cheer her up. Admittedly it did, she smiled.
“Thanks. You were pretty helpful too. You got the team to work and manage to get to the helicopter before Mr President here was about to take off.” Reagan replies. She held a hand out and Brett shook it.
“Truce” They both said. She noticed the scar on Brett’s hand. “Hey, did you get that?”
“Oh that? I don’t really know. It just started glowing when I was like six and it’s been there ever since.”
“I got a scar when I was six too,” Rolling her sleeve revealed the big scar on her arm.
Suddenly both scars glowed and shrank. They stared in awe as their scars faded away like they never existed. They let go of their hands looking at the clean spot on their skin
“Holy shit! Did you two just find out your soulmates!” The lady exclaimed.
“I guess we did..?” They both mumbled.
They might need to talk after this mission was done
—- “So.. ever heard of soulmates?” Brett started. They sat on Brett’s couch in his apartment.
“Yeah.. Kinda. My dad didn’t really tell me much about it.” Reagan mumbled. “Said it was stupid and all that”
“My family  too.. Geez. All they told me was that I was never going to get a soulmate and the first scar appeared and..” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Sorry, this is making me.. you know.”
“Nervous ? I think I can tell.” She showed her hand where a small scar glowed. Brett’s eyes widened. “Guess when we feel like shit.. this happens.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.. What happened before you got your first scar?”
“I.. killed my turtles.. My dad made me shoot them because I gave them cancer . Afterward I cried in the backyard and.. that happened.”
“Oh., uh. I’m sorry.
Silence between the two as they think about what they just learnt. All those scars were from their families who barely cared for them. Those sudden rush or emotions were caused by how they felt. Just knowing that they both had shit families yet felt the same. It was bad yet.. strangely comforting.
“Well at least we know it’s each other.” Brett says, breaking the silence. He grabbed Reagan’s hand and the scar glowed and faded. “And I guess we can get rid of these as well.”
“Yeah. This is nice.” Reagan replies with a smile. Warmth spread through both of them. A sudden rush of happiness as they come closer. Their lips connected and it felt amazing. The scars on their bodies glow and fade as they feel their first love with each other.
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pl-ceh-lder · 9 months
hi ! check out my fic if you'd like :o]
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kevamierequests · 2 years
Sick fic sick fic-
(This is my first time posting a fic to tumblr, so sorry for any formatting issues)
Part 1/3
tags/warnings: fluff, sickfic, hurt/comfort
word count: 1132
Jamie yawned and leaned against Kevin. They were watching tv on Kevin’s couch, some show that Jamie wasn’t paying any attention to. Kevin wrapped an arm around Jamie’s shoulders as Jamie let himself slump against his boyfriend. His eyelids felt heavy, and his limb felt as though they were made of lead.
“Tired?” Kevin asked, pausing the tv
“Mmph” Jamie mumbled as a reply
Kevin rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss to Jamie’s forehead “get more sleep, babe”.
”I have work to do” Jamie protested 
Kevin snorted and pulled Jamie closer.
“It wouldn’t kill you to take a day off y’know” 
Jamie pressed his face into Kevin’s chest before mumbling a reply. Kevin wrapped both arms around him and laid down, Jamie laying down with him. Jamie yawned and let himself fall asleep as Kevin began to play with his hair.
He was woken up a few hours later by Kevin getting up from under him
“Wuh,” Jamie said, barely awake
“Oh, hey babe” Kevin replied turning to face him
“Hi” Jamie groaned
Jamie rubbed his eyes and sat up. Kevin sat down next to him, kissing him softly 
“How are you feeling?” He asked, concern filling his voice as Jamie slumped back against his chest, not feeling any better.
Jamie replied quietly, his voice muffled by Kevin’s shirt
“You ok?” Kevin asked, concerned
“…Uhm, yeah” Jamie muttered, yawning slightly. 
“Ok…” Kevin replied, giving his boyfriend a worried look before pulling him close.
“You doing okay, Jamie?” Barb asked upon seeing Jamie walk into the mailroom
“Yeah, I’m fine” Jamie replied, yawning as he grabbed the mail. He wasn’t actually fine, he’d been coughing all day, and he felt terrible, but he didn’t want to miss work.
“..okay,” she said before watching Jamie leave with a worried look
Jamie made it to a few houses, coughing slightly before he ran into Kevin.
“Hey baby” Kevin said, kissing Jamie’s forehead
“Hi” Jamie coughed as soon as he replied, causing Kevin to give him another worried glance before wrapping an arm around him.
“Are you sure you’re ok, babe? You look pale” Kevin tried not to sound as anxious as he felt, squeezing Jamie tighter
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine” Jamie assured him, though the fact that he started shivering didn’t do him any favors “it’s just cold out”
Kevin gave him an uneasy glance before leaning down to kiss Jamie and pulling him into a tight hug.
Jamie giggled, melting into the warmth, before he started coughing again, causing Kevin to let go of him and return to their previous position
“I’m fine” Jamie insisted once he’d stopped coughing, wrapping both arms around himself to try and keep out the cold. He knew Kevin probably didn’t believe him but he tried anyway. Appreciating it when Kevin pulled him back into a hug, kissing the top of his head.
It was barely a few seconds later when Kevin felt Jamie go limp in arms
“Jay?” Kevin said, tensing when he didn’t get a reply. Kevin hesitated before picking Jamie up, kissing him on the foreheads to try and ease his worry. 
“What’s going on?” He heard a voice ask. Kevin turned to see Mayor Nanafua looking at him with a concerned look on her face. She didn’t wait for a reply before walking over and looking at Jamie.
“What did you do?” She demanded, suspicion evident in her voice
“I didn’t do anything!” Kevin tried not to sound upset when he replied, though he didn’t do a very good job “he just fainted”.
Nanafua put her hand on Jamie’s forehead, “he’s burning up”. She looked back to Kevin, worry evident “you should take him home, he is definitely sick” 
“Uh, ok” Kevin wondered why he was listening to her as he replied. Nevertheless, he carried Jamie back to his house, using his spare key to unlock the door.
Kevin layed Jamie down on the couch, resting Jamie’s head in his lap. He tried not to worry, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair to keep himself busy.
Jamie mumbled something a few minutes later, causing Kevin to look down at him, relieved.
“Jamie? Baby?” Kevin asked, looking intently down at him “you awake?”
Jamie mumbled something incoherent before opening his eyes and looking up in confusion.
“Wha…” he said, sitting up in his confusion “are we in my house?”
“Heh..yeah” Kevin replied, unsure of how proceed “you kinda fainted”
“I did?” Jamie would’ve been more surprised had he not been both tired and sick.
“Yep” Kevin wrapped an arm around him “and I, uh, brought you here” 
Jamie rubbed his eyes before moving closer to his boyfriend, leaning his head on Kevin’s shoulder. He felt simultaneously too hot and too cold, moving closer to try and stop himself from shivering.
“Geez you are burning up” Kevin commented, pressing his hand to Jamie’s forehead. Jamie leaned into the touch, letting Kevin run his hand through his hair 
“I’m gonna go get a thermometer,” Kevin said before sitting up. 
“Nooo…” Jamie whined, trying to pull him back. He missed the warmth and having his boyfriend next to him.
“I’ll only be gone like a minute babe” Kevin told him before going to find a thermometer. He came back a couple minutes later, sitting down next to Jamie, who cuddled back up with him as soon as could.
“Put this under your tongue”, Kevin handed Jamie the thermometer before wrapping his arms around him. They stayed like that until the thermometer beeped.
Kevin hissed as he saw the temperature “you’ve got a fever”
“You should get some sleep, babe, it’ll make you feel better” Kevin wrapped an arm around Jamie’s waist.
“I can’t, I have work to do” Jamie protested, rubbing his eyes. Sleep sounded nice but he'd been putting off work for the past few days.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you work in this condition” Kevin retorted before picking Jamie up.
“Hey!” Exclaimed Jamie, “you’re gonna drop me!”
Kevin rolled his eyes “you’ll be fine babe”
Jamie glared at him before burying his head in Kevin's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his neck, shaking slightly. He was exhausted, head pounding.
“Hey, it’s ok, I’m not gonna drop you” Kevin reassured him, squeezing Jamie a bit tighter in an attempt to comfort him. Jamie leaned into the touch, making him feel a bit better.
Once they made it to the bedroom Kevin put Jamie down on the bed, making sure he was warm enough, before laying down next to him. 
“Go to sleep Jay” he whispered before kissing him and pulling him close, letting Jamie bury his face in his shirt and burying his own face in Jamie’s hair.
“Night” Jamie mumbled, his voice muffled
“Night babe” Kevin mumbled back.
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toastling · 2 years
Summary: Sleeping arrangements for Team I are made.
Oh my God, there was only one bed......
This may be the softest thing I've ever written in my life.
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swordsareforthegays · 2 years
More shows should have episodes like Mindful Education because it’s so good to see canon actually acknowledge characters trauma and also I love hurt/comfort
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