#subq shot
gayestcowboy · 5 months
started doing my t injections in my thighs (still subcutaneous) because i got some scar tissue buildup on my stomach and honestly thigh injections rule. i get to take my pants off to do my shot. remember to rotate your injection site 😻
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twinkskeletons · 2 months
happy first t shot day!! I hope everything went well <3
thank youuu i actually ended up getting gel instead which im hoping to pick up tomorrow :)
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sapphiroth · 3 months
my wife just injected me full of boy juice 😖
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nolanhattrick · 2 months
i don't want x ray vision where i can see bones i want red light vision where i can see where all my fucking blood vessels are because if i stab myself in a major vessel one more time i think i might just to switch back to androgel i'm so over it
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ryanthedemiboy · 1 year
Shout out to me for actually doing my shot on time!!
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horrid-mothlegs · 4 months
Undergoing a Klingon test of strength (doing squats after my t shot)
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wolverineheight · 9 months
staring at my testosterone. i need you in me. i hate the way you must enter me
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sosuigeneris · 5 months
Socialite Series: Cherry’s Master Post
Things that have helped me, that could help you. Here is a master list of my softmaxxing journey!
J*hn Bent*n’s workouts: Yes he’s an asshole but his workouts really do work. He used to train models and his workouts are life changing.
2. B-12 Lipo salines: These you can consume in a shot (like an injection) or in a saline (go to a GOOD DOCTOR for this). I prefer the saline, and my doctor recommended the 6 week course for me (one saline every week). It burns subQ fat and that was the main reason why I began using those. There is zero side effect to these, acc to my doc.  edit: don’t really recommend these anymore. I’ll update this list when I finish my Emsculpt.
3. Diet: More protein, more vegetables, more water and lesser intake of carbs. Carbs are important but i used to over-consume them. Cutting down has helped me a lot. I also did a gut bacteria test (you basically sent a piece of your shit to a lab and they analyse it) to understand what foods worked for me and what didnt. 
4. Probiotics for metabolism management 
5. Measuring: I stopped tracking weight and began tracking body fat % instead. I feel that this works better for me. 
6. Wood therapy: I KNOW. You lot will think its bogus but it helped me and im sticking to it, so there. There’s no wood therapy spa near me, so i ordered the wood therapy tools from amazon, plastic wrap, a waist trainer, almond oil. I looked up videos on wood therapy and lymphatic drainage, and i do it for about 5 mins on my tummy and thighs before my work outs, wrap my torso with plastic wrap, throw the waist trainer on top. 
Accutane: this helped me tremendously with my acne and my skin is 95% blemish free now. If you are taking this, remember to be disciplined and regular. 
Zero alcohol: I stopped drinking completely and its done my skin and health wonders.
Products: Sunscreen + Vitamin C combo in the AM. Retinol + moisturiser at night. Recommended by my dermat. 
Hair removal: I refuse to shave because its so uncomfortable so i prefer to wax once in 2 months. Personally, when I began exfoliating my body twice a week - I use a scrub by the Body Shop - I noticed that the hair was growing back slower than it used to. I use a loofah for everyday too. I don’t believe in laser because it’s never just 6 sessions; you do have to have “maintenance” sessions as well post the 6.
Face sculpting: Gua sha on alternative nights. I dont know if this works or is placebo, but I felt like it did. 
Body lotion every day. Twice a day sometimes. I swear, it makes you smell good and feel so soft. 
Expensive make up: specially, foundation. I’m sorry, i know this could be controversial. But idk what cow semen Charlotte Tilbury puts in her make up, it seriously makes me glow. I’m yet to find a good drug store alternative. A while back, I stopped wearing concealer, and I began using a lighter shade of CT’s foundation as concealer over my normal shade. I feel that because the products are chemically the same, they blend better and don’t react and “peel.” Highly recommend that too. For the rest of my face like powder, blush, eyeliner, I do use normal drug store make up.  
Oral hygiene:
I used to have braces. After taking them off, I noticed a difference in my jaw.
Brush, floss, Listrine, tongue cleaner
Mild whitening. I think Hollywood level teeth whitening looks crazy and I want to look as “naturally” beautiful as possible.
Hair care:
For hair growth: as recommended by my doc: minoxidil hair foam 5% w/w Tugain Foam.
High frequency wand before wash days on my scalp. 
Moroccan hair oil. I use a tiny amount everyday on my ends after I finish my make up for the day and I swear it makes my hair shine like crazy.
I also got hair Botox done because i used to have curly but absolutely unmanageable hair. I tried to make it work for years but i gave up and caved in to having permanent straight hair and I love it. 
I only shampoo twice a day so on days when i workout but don’t shampoo, i use hair perfume. I spray some of it on my brush and run it through my hair. I swear it works. 
The colour palette theory seriously works. I didn’t realise that wearing the right colours can impact you so much.
Confidence is absolutely key. I seriously recommend going to a group class of some sort if you have the time and just mingling with random people. Social situations are important to gauge your “standing.”
Random but if you have a big nose: grow out your eyebrows / fill them in slightly thicker. I noticed that when I had thin eyebrows, my nose would stand out more but when I made them thicker, it balanced my face out better. 
Steam iron your clothes before you wear them. You will look 100% put together. 
*IF* you’re aesthetically challenged when it comes to picking clothes, use my rule of thumb: never wear any more than 3 colours at once  (remember: IF you can’t put outfits together). 
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apollodreams · 1 month
Reading a (really really good) dm fic at the moment but the funny bit is that the part I'm on right now Armand is giving Daniel a lepodova injection and I have one very specific personal reference point for subq injections so for me it reads like Armand is giving old maniel his t shot and I enjoy that greatly
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transgenderpolls · 4 months
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officialspec · 6 months
iirc you take T by shots? (sorry idk the correct terminology) do you ever have difficulties or issues with needles? ive heard that taking T by shots is good but the idea of giving myself injections scares me
fwiw i have a horrible fear of injections and ive been doing my own shots for 2 yrs now no problems. the first time i did it was with a nurses supervision and my hands shook like crazy the whole time LOL but its really simple and only takes a few minutes so its over pretty quick
i also have a type of T that injects every 3 weeks bc of hrt restrictions in my country, standard subq injections are weekly or biweekly and much less painful because youre injecting less fluid. but even then ive gotten comfortable enough with my injections to bump up the needle gauge from the tiny ones i was using at first, so it gets easier with time
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transmutationisms · 5 months
i keep mildly fucking up my shots like you know when you inject subq and you don't get into enough fat and then it's annoying and itchy for several days... like i think it's just not a good enough fat cushion but i don't feel like spending money on longer needles to switch to intramuscular because i still have a few months worth of subq ones left 🥴
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scramratz · 6 months
Have you ever thought of having someone like a close friend or partner do your shot for you? I only ask because my friend who’s on estrogen does her shots with her partner and her roommates and it helps her get over the fear and stuff.
Fear of needles is the worst :( I hope you can figure something out to help you continue T.
My gf offers all the time but honestly it scares me more. The loss of control makes me panic more
:o( honestly it’s just one of those “suck it up” kinda situations. It’s not like I can afford tgel. I might switch to subq but it’s not really a pain thing. I’m literally just afraid of the needle itself it’s so stupid
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forcedtogrow · 3 days
Do you do subq or intramuscular?
I do intramuscular but I’ve heard subq is better for your liver, but it’s not available at the free clinic I use so I stay with im injections for now. I do once weekly shots in my ass, used to do the thighs only which was so stupid and let to a small bit of scar tissue on one thigh, so I stopped doing that.
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inherstars · 29 days
Ran the kittens to the vet for what was supposed to be their 2-week checkup and (ideally) first distemper shot. They weren't eating well yesterday, and barely picked today. Charlie had gained a little weight from his last appointment (last week), but lost it again last week.
Vet put distemper and 2nd round of Panacur on hold, gave him subQ fluids and an anti-nausea med, and I took home a probiotic to put on their food. Reheated some of the food hoping it being warm would help, but tonight I'm going to drizzle some sardine juice on their dinner to see if we can entice them.
The other three are still a little underweight but way closer to normal, and she was happy with how they looked. Hopefully they'll be back on track soon :/
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nothorses · 1 year
re: the ice trick for injections
do you find it makes the site more prone to bruising? since ive done this trick all my (subq) shots have been a lot more sore than the ones without. Its still very minor, just curious and if you would know of any explanations!
Huh, I haven't really experienced soreness or bruising in general, ice trick or no. I wonder if other folks might have experience with this?
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