#suddently a bird
nooooough · 8 months
Winged nosk doodle concept
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Hello! Could do Mihawk with an beloved who's like a Disney princess and attracts animal whenever she/they sing, but Mihawk is just confused standing there like "wtf? Why are there deer inside?? There's litterly no deer on his island????"
I love this!
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How and Why?
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When Mihawk had gotten with you he knew you were... odd-
The opposite of him in every way. While his hands were for killing and takinf away- yours was for life and charity. The embodiment of a Innocent Saint in his eyes- that he had in some wait tainted said innocence with his nature and desire for you.
It was hard for a killing machine like himself to gave to curve said nature when you came along. You promoting mercy, second chances and guidance for others.
While this tested his patients- it wasn't the main thing- no no
It was the animals-
It was the God damn animals that seemed to follow you everywhere!
You hum while outside- Bunnies suddently appear to shit on his lawn.
You whistle happily while gardening birds from all walks of life appear to once again shit on everything.
Goddess have mercy if you sing cause the animal kingdom appears randomly.
If he took you with him say out to a light mission or just for a vacation, suddently you'd have half the God damn forest trailing behind you and he would have to sneak a quick blade to snag a few rabbits without you noticing for a nice dinner. In fear you'd cry in knowing your abilties were being used for Mihawk to hunt dinner.
Non of this mattered since he loved you, he loved you more then he had words to express and you loved him just as much- So he was willing to turn a blind eye to this all. Till the day he couldn't.
It was suppose to be a relaxed day- get some nice food, some drinks and just lounge about. Mihawk was excited for this, he had been working hard and wanted some down time.. especially with you- Stepping into the livingroom ready to shower you in attention he froze.
"What the actual hell?-" Mihawk said way louder then he ment to and seeing you turn around quickly. There in the livingroom you were on your knees petting a fully grown fucking deer that was leaning into your touch.
"Hi honey!"
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Mihawk is just standing there holding a wine glass in his open shirt and staring at you in what can only be described as total shock and you can practically see the vein in his forehead.
"(Y/N)' How the hell did you get a deer in the house- Wait deer at all there are non on the island?" He questioned as he downed the glass of wine like a shot and set it aside.
"I sang and she came here" You say with a shrug and continue to pet the wide eyed doe.
He huffed at this, rubbing his temple.
"I thought we agreed no animals in the house?.." He grumbled- Trying to mentally wrap his head around a doe in his livingroom.
"But she looked so cold and was by the front door Hawks! I couldnt just leave her there" You say poking out your bottom lip- Mihawk mentally sighs.
"That doesnt... No- No matter... saves me from going to the market for venison" He says calmly and reaches for his blade calmly.
Your eyes widening as you realize what he means and hug the deer close to you.
"No! Mihawk you cant kill her" You yell as tears well in your eyes.
"You have a fully grown Doe in our livingroom- no idea were she came from and a meat locker low on venison" He tried to reason by you sat there crying and Mihawk groaned-
"Then what is your plan with it hm?" He questioned. That was what lead him outside, carrying a squirming 120 pound doe to the stables he had long since forgotten about while you set down some old hay, cut apples and nuts for feed and he releases the kicking animal into its new space.
Mihawk sighed now looking at the once empty stables of the castle now housed a doe- A Sinking feeling that this stable was going to be getting fuller..
"You are lucky I love you-" He grumbled, Hearing you giggle and jump up to kiss his cheek.
"I love you too Mihawk. And I promise to make it up to you~" You say with a wink. Mihawk now remembering how and why he had forgiven all the times before.
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tw1l1te · 2 months
A Soft Memory
LU Legend x reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, comfort
I needed some Legend. That's all.
The birds chirped as Hyrule's Sun shone in through the window. The room was still dark, but a few rays snuck in through the curtains shielding your window.
You were currently pressed up against Link, or Legend as the others called him, his chest rising and falling. You slowly turned around so you were face to face with him, his face relaxed from his usual stern expression.
It felt as if it was only you and him in the world. At least, in the first few hours of the day.
You feel a small lump next to your abdomen, a small pink rabbit that you brought from home. Coincidentally enough, the portal pulled you in along with a few other belongings from your childhood bedroom. One of the items that still remained was a old pink rabbit that you had since you were a few months old. Legend made fun of you for it, but he always fixed the bunny up whenever Wolfie accidentally threw it around too hard or the time your pack got completely soaked through, the stuffed animal needing to be restuffed.
Through the ups and downs of your developing relationship with Link, its been there, comforting you.
"The fuck is this thing?" Legend asked, picking the old toy by a limb. He shook it a bit, as if he expected the thing to come alive.
You jumped up, hands reaching out to get it back, but not before Legend raised it above your grasp.
"This thing yours? Why would you need a toy? Aren't you way too old for that?"
"Give it back, Legend."
"Why should I? For all I know it could be cursed."
Wild speaks up from his cooking, tossing a glace to the pink-hairedd man, "For the love of Hylia, give them back their... rabbit. Don't be an ass, Leg."
With a scoff he tosses it back, sitting back down at the fire as you carefully place the stuffed animal back in your pack, making sure to tighten the straps this time.
If there's one thing that annoyed the fuck out of you in Wild's Hyrule, it was how often it rained.
I mean seriously, this place going through a drought or something? I'm suprised Hyrule isn't the Great Sea at this point.
You were walking over a rickety bridge in the Faron Woods when you suddently slipped, your pack falling off your shoulders and falling down into the river, quickly moving downstream.
"Shit! Shitshitshit-"
You ran after it, way too worried about a certain object to consider the voices yelling your name or the fact that every surface was ten times slippery.
You slid down into the mud of the bank of the river, just barely grasping onto the straps. Your face had streaks of mud, and ou were soaked to the bone, but you were happy. Happy that you didn't lose the one thing that reminded you of home. Your pink bunny.
However.... it looked like a flat water balloon when you took it out by the campfire that night, as your pack barely dried by the time you started rummaging through it.
Legend had his eyes on you as you took a small blade to cut the backside of the toy. He raised a brow as you started taking the plush out of it. Why were you ruining it?
Taking the fluff out, you start getting teary-eyed. You feared this may be the end of the last thing that remained of home.
The bunny would've been completely unsalvagable with the fluff inside, as it could've started to mold. The only remaining option was to allow the fur to dry and wash it up a bit and restuff it with something similar when you had the chance. Until then, you only had the pink fur as the remains.
The next day you wake up to find your pink bunny restuffed, cleaned, and dry sitting right next to your bedroll.
You looked around camp, trying to see if someone mended it for you, but everyone seemed preoccupied with tasks at hand. You turned back to your pack, rolling up the mat and getting ready for the day.
Legend turns to look at you from the corner of his eye, a small smile to himself. He shakes his head, focusing back on packing up his weaponry. He'll tell you someday.
After Legend's little... mishap with Twilight's mirror shard, the stuffed animal you cherished became way more personal. A double meaning, if you will.
Everytime you cuddled with it, Legend was there.
Everytime you checked to make sure it was in your pack, you were checking to see if Legend was still there.
Everytime you clutched onto its little body after a nightmare or a panic attack, Legend was there, listening and comforting you.
You were being shaken awake as you regained consciousness. You blinked your tears away, panting for air. Everything felt so... so real. As if you were back there. You look to your side to see Legend was beside you, still in his under clothes, no doubt you waking him up from sleep.
"Hey, hey, easyyy. You're ok, I'm here. Here-"
"God I'm so sorry, I woke you up didn't I-"
He shushes you, giving you your plush rabbit. You exhale slowly, reaching for the small animal.
"That's it. You're doing good. Breathe in and out, just like that."
You inhale and exhale by his command, clutching onto the rabbit.
At a certain point you were huddled up to him, still slightly sniffing from your nightmare scare. The embers of the fire were hardly visible at this point, so the warmth radiating off of him sufficed.
"....Thank you for fixing him that one time. I really appreciate it."
"You figured it out, huh."
"No one else can sew this well, I've memorized your sewing pattern."
He looks at you, slightly in awe that you remembered such a miniscule thing.
"You know... everytime I get memories of my past that I want to forget, I always think about this rabbit being your presence. It helps me, even if it's not actually you."
"Is it because I turned into a pink rabbit a while back?"
"A weird coincidence, huh?"
"I think it's cute. Still stupid, but cute."
"Oh hush. You like it."
"I like you."
You both still for a moment before looking at each other. His expression is soft, but serious. He meant every word he said.
"I like you too."
You snap back to reality, realizing Leg-Link is looking at you. His violet-gray eyes are soft, not fully open and ready for the day's obstacles.
"Sleep well, bun?"
"Don't call me that.... but, yeah, I always do with you."
You smile, giving him a soft kiss on the nose. You brush through his pink locks as you both lay there, his eyes never leaving you. He brushes his thumb against your lower lip, chuckling when you pout at him.
He then notices your pink rabbit, the rabbit that essentially brought him to you.
"Still have this mangy old thing, huh?"
"Mhm. It's my favorite pink bunny."
"I thought I was your favorite pink bunny?"
"Oh, baby, you always were."
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sweetmariihs2 · 2 months
Cedric and Wormwood at Hexley Hall - Bullying (+Greylock's help)
I wish I could write this as an one-shot but I'm not feeling like it. Feel free to do it though. Just send me so that I can read it too hehehe
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Tw: bullying
Imagine Cedric as a child walking through Hexley Hall with his new familiar, Wormwood (a baby crow, on top of his head or his shoulder simply because he can't fly yet- while Cedric is reading or even studying during the day to day activities, minding his own business with his new crow) after a spell class, where they were studying self-defence spells (foreshadowing) and Cedric still needed a little bit more of practice after the class, as he couldn't do it during the time again.
When a group of bullies finds them and try to (clearly) bully them, or better saying, Cedric. They push him to the floor, say bad stuff about him being a bungler, being useless, good for nothing, destroying his sister's hair, being the worst future royal sorcerer that Enchancia has ever had and saying he must be an embarassment for his parents, which hurts him deeply, trying to answer them by saying "That's not true!", "What I did to my sister was an accident!", "I AM a good sorcerer!" and "I will be a great sorcerer in the future, I just need some practice!" but no one there even cares about him or his feelings, just making fun of each one of his lines.
Cedric tries to protect himself and Wormwood from these bullies, maybe they got Wormwood into their hands and threatened to do something to him, harassing both of them. Cedric tries to use his wand, but he's too nervous and he's still studying the self-defense spell, so he can't do it, and they grab his wand too. Maybe they got his books and supplies to destroy them or read what he was reading, making fun of his notes, tearing them, burning them with a fire spell while Cedric can't do anything about it. When suddently the bullies are hit by an attacking spell, looking behind to see the future royal sorcerer from the Rudistanistan kingdom, Greylock.
Greylock say some things to them, like "what do you think you are doing with my friend Kendrick? Didn't you hear that he told you to go away? Leave him alone!", or "Don't you have anything better to do, you cowards?" or in his sarcastic and unbothered personality saying "Bedkick! There you are, I've been looking for you in the whole school! Oh, hello to you too! Am I interrupting something?", or "I know you're all too busy now, but can I ask you to excuse my friend Kevik for a moment? We have potions to study! Ah, thank you, thank you, I'll return him to you as soon as we finish this" while grabbing Cedric's hands and getting him out of the floor, and his bullies sending him a dead look, Cedric swallowing, the tension still lingering in the air.
Greylock got the little Wormwood out of their grabbing hand "Now return this boy for now- lemme just- ugh- you're really strong aren't you? haha, I got it, thank you my friends, see you tomorrow class" and Wormwood giving a uncomfortable "caw" during the impact of getting out of their hand. Greylock immediately returned Wormwood to Cedric's cupped palms, dying out of worry for his little bird, with a saddened/worried expression, checking if he's alright or if he broke a bone, opening his wings with his fingers while Wormwood caws out of stress/because he's beeing too touched and he doesn't like it. Cedric holds him close to his face saying "I'm so glad that you're okay, Wormy" as they are already far from the bullies, walking away now.
Greylock advises him to stop walking so distracted, practicing spells in the corridors, because they can get him again and Greylock won't be there to help. Greylock offers his help to learn the self defense spell, maybe later in their dorms or in the library, maybe at tomorrow's class.
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defrostedvertebrae · 15 hours
I leave videos as background noise sometimes when i suddently hear "..and he thought he was a bird" followed by a shocked comment at the concept.
I forget to most humans such a thing is unsettling. I usually just say based and move on.
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theredhairedmonkey · 2 years
Callum’s Dark Side
At this point, we’ve all probably seen the 4x01 (some of us maybe several times lol), and so we’ve seen just how much all the main characters have changed. But in particular, we got to see just how...testy Callum can be. 
And it is equal parts awesome, and equal parts terrifying.
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Before I get into what this all means, it’s probably worth breaking down just why this is all pretty worrisome behavior for Callum,
The second he overhears Soren try to exclude him (”After Callum’s gone, should we talk about...”) he knows something is up, and he’s unconvinced by Soren’s bluff.
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Now, does he do the normal thing of confronting Soren right then and there, in front of everyone, and try and ask to get him to tell the truth? Noooope. Instead, he waits until the meeting is over, waits until some time has passed, waits until Soren is by himself, then surprises him just to through him off his game...and then asks hims to tell the truth:
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Callum: What’s going on Soren? The secrets, and the whispers, and the hush-hushy stuff at the council meeting. You’re going to tell me.
That last sentence is the kicker. He’s asking, but he’s not really asking. One way or another, they weren’t leaving until Callum was satisfied.
When I looked at other people’s reactions, someone had compared Callum’s behavior to a bird of prey, like a hawk or a falcon, waiting from a high perch for a moment of vulnerability, and then pouncing at the right moment.
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Fitting, considering his Arcanum. 
Now that we’ve fleshed this out, it’s time to think about the cherry on top: this isn’t out of character for Callum.
Callum isn’t displaying any new character traits. What the story is doing is taking all his older traits that made him into a hero and then turning them on their head--suddently, every single trait that made Callum into a hero start to make him show his dark side.
In the first three seasons, TDP did a good job laying out just what kind of person he is. Callum is loyal (to a fault)
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Fearless when it’s time for action.
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And impatient with the ones who doubt him.
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The issue is now these traits are on full display when Callum is not doing something heroic. Now his loyalty to Ezran makes him hyper-concerned about any and all threats to him. His fearlessness makes him more confrontational and aggressive than it does make him brave. And his impatience make him, well...
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Now if we combine the above with Aaravos’ manipulations, that builds for a pretty tense character arc for Callum that could go either way.
And I for one and here for it 😎 😎 😎 
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Tickle kisses.
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Severus Snape x fem!reader
Summary: severus just cant Seem to leave you alone In the morning.
Warnings: tickling a little erotic but No sex
Your vision was blurry as you woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside
You felt the burning gaze of your husband behind you “i Can feel you staring sevvy” you giggle and severus chuckles “i just cant resist staring at you my love” severus mused “after all your the most beautiful girl ive ever seen” he added. You start to feel a warm fuzzy feeling spreading through your body and you are unable to respond.
You try to respond but all that comes is a few stutters as severus chuckles “someones shy” he cooed “awe come here” he added before wrapping his arms around you pulling you close to his chest.
Severus sighed as he buried his nose in your hair inhaling your scent you hum and close your eyes but you suddently open them when you feel your husband planting little kisses on your neck.
You tried to keep yourself from laughing but you coudnt help letting a few giggles slip severus took notice of your behavior and he raised an eyebrow.
“Y/n are you ticklish?” Asked severus all you could was shyly nod a playfull smirk spread across severus lips and he started attacking your neck with kisses kissing every possible area he was able to reach.
You burst into a fit of giggles trying wiggle away from your husband but hes grip on you was to strong “ahahah stop!” You wheep “i dont think i Will actually” he says calmly kissing behind your ear.
“Mmm i want to kiss every single part of you sweetheart” he cooed “nohohohho” you reply giggling severus suddently shifted your position so that you were laying on your back instead of your side.
He held your arms to your side and severus suddently blew a raspberry onto the sensitive skin of your neck and you started kicking your legs and laughing “hahahahahha stoppit! You plead and severus suddently stopped.
Severus pinched your cheek and you pouted Severus leaned In and gave you a quick kiss on your lips “your too cute” severus cooed and you stuck your tongue out at him and severus chuckled.
Severus looked you up and down you were wearing a short silk night dress and and severus was very clearly eyeing your slighly exposed cleavage “hey What are you looking at!” You yelled severus just looked up at you and said “the most beautiful girl In the world”.
You blushed and looked away avoiding his eyes Severus chuckled and leaned close to your Ear “you are honestly the cutest little thing” Severus purred into your ear sending tingles up your spine.
Severus Then kissed a Line from your Ear down to your coller bone making you giggle and squirm you little out a little gasp when you feel your husband kissing the top of your breasts.
“Severus!” You yelled you would have sounded more mad if it wasnt for the fact that you were so incredibly ticklish “what’s wrong love?” Severus teased “you know Whats wrong” you answerd sternly.
Severus chuckles and kisses your forehead he Then lets go of your wrists he Then wrapped his arms around your waist you suddently screamed when your husband flipped you over so that you were laying on his chest.
Severus laughed at your reaction “I’m sorry I didint mean to frighten you darling” he mutterd you giggle and lift yourself up on your elbows and kissed up and down his nose severus giggled “stop that tickles!” He squeeked blushing.
You giggle and start kissing his neck it’s was almost like he was more ticklish then you because he instantly started thrasing around loud giggles filling the room “awe is little sevvy ticklish” you cooed.
“Nohoho stohop!” He replied still thrashing around you chuckle and pinch his cheek “hey stop that-“ he Got Cut off when you pulled him into a hungry kiss severus moaned against your mouth when you ruffled his hair.
Severus gasped for Air when you broke the kiss a thin string of saliva connecting your mouths “i think Im gonna go make breakfest now” you mutterd “y/n” severus breathed “hm?” You answered “i love you” mutterd severus.
“I love you more” you added and you kissed his forehead you Then Got up put on your slippers “are you gonna get up?” You questioned “yes In two seconds love” answered severus,
You smiled at him and Then you went downstares severus sat In a dreamy State thinking about What just happend and how to lucky he was to have such a beautiful girl like you his y/n.
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d-structive · 9 months
Your version of Robbie is amazing! The dynamic between him and Henrik is incredible!
What does Robbie think of the others? —😈
Hey, thanks! :D I'm always happy if people preesh the stupid things I make! Normally zombies are depicted as hunger-driven brainless monsters, so I thought it was a fun idea to make him a genius-like creature and Doc's assistant/co-worker...Fictional mad scientists are fun. What he thinks about the others, you say? I assume you are talking about all the other egos... Well, let's destroy some hopes and dreams here... Usually this specific character is considered very child-like. Very sweet. Well, in the Fishverse, everyone is sketchy/evil/partially insane besides few rare exceptions. You can bet that ESPECIALLY Robbie is not a nice dude, here. He's like to have an enemy right at home. He cares not for humans and the living. Like...at all. Robbie sees humans as lesser, expendable creatures. Or like cattle, lab rats and walking spare-parts, if you will. He sticks around the Doc and considers him something close to a friend, only because he respects him in his own insanity. (And mostly coz he owes him. Also Henrik is a free access to labs, bodies, tools and interesting stuff to research, which is a plus.) So, in a nutshell: Doc: He's ok to stick around to and sometimes bodyguard if necessary. Mostly coz both him and Robbie love to experiment in/with weird stuff and all the things mentioned above. Birds of feathers and all that stuff... Chase: He couldn't care less for this guy. Dead or alive...It doesn't matter. He doesn't care. Robbie considers his existence only coz he's harmless and he happens to be Doc's best friend. He wouldn't mind to use his limbs as spare parts, but Doc is against this idea. Jackie: Now, he's alive ONLY coz he's Doc's friend. Robbie HATES this guy and would gladly love to dissect him if given the chance to do so.. Jackie is the dumb embodyment of everything Robbie despise. But since -again- Doc would rather keep his few friends alive, he cannot go suddently "missing". Robbie's favourite hobbie is to belittle everythig this guy does, in the hope he will one day explode or something. Give him an excuse! Marvin: Robbie saw this guy only on TV pretty much. Perhaps while he was fighting against the dumb hero. Interesting the fact he can use "magic" and alchemic stuff (this implies he -unlike the hero- does infact has a functioning brain, at least...) and he would be perhaps a nice study subject, but nothing Robbie cannot learn by himself by reading the right books and by making the right researches. Science it's kinda like magic or whatever, after all... To him, Marvin is yet another annoying flamboyant roof-clown with weird clothes, privileges and tastes. Never interact unless forced to. JJ: Robbie never met him before, nor he's aware of his existence, really... If the two were goin to meet, Robbie would consider him nothing more than a generic human. Not worthy of his time, unless he's hiding some experiments-worthy ability... Anti: Now, this is interesting. This creature is not human and it can do peculiar things. Robbie would LOVE to vivisect this thing if it was possible to restrain it somehow. Possessing people from the distance and manipulate reality, sound like interesting stuff to study, is it not? Robbie is a man of science. He would totally open this guy up if it was possible to do so. Fin. That was my essay. It may contain horrible grammar and such. BUT HEY, I TRIED. I hope u preesh it. X'D
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dextixer · 2 years
RWBY: Arowfell and the weird characterization and flanderization of team RWBY
Link to the original thread on reddit - HERE
While watching through the gameplay of RWBY: Arowfell i could not shake the thought that our main characters, team RWBY are acting somewhat strange and not at all how i am used to. Now, many critics have stated that we would like for the protagonists return more to their V1-V3 selves. And its almost like this wish was noticed by a monkey paw. We did get to see the return of V1-V3 team RWBY selves, but writen as if they were from RWBY chibi.
In this thread i would like to cover how team RWBY is writen in the game RWBY:Arowfell, and how in my opinion they are not writen well.
Before moving on, let us first cover the term of Flanderization. As the name implies, this is a term that comes from a character in the show Simpsons, a character that goes by the name Ned Flanders. A character that started out as a regular christian, loving father etc, who over time became a parody of an evangelical christian with little else to his character.
Afterwards it has become a commonly used term to describe characters with complexities becoming one-note and changing to basically be centered around a singular quality of theirs. A simmilar albeit weaker effect of this can be seen in RWBY: Arowfell.
I will be fair to the game, not all dialogue is there to flanderize team RWBY, there are a lot of what one could consider to be "regular" conversations, and yet there are times when it seems like the characters of team RWBY do a suddent flip to their flanderized versions with statements/actions that make little sense from them.
Its the same thing as many RWBY fans have noticed with certain fanfictions of RWBY, how characters are suddently changed to be different, more one-note or with qualities that are heavily exxagerated. And people take issues with those portrayals because those characters do not feel the samel. I think this would apply to what is a canonical RWBY story even more.
Besides Blake, this strange flanderization can be seen in all other 3 members of team RWBY which i will cover individually.
The Child
Those who read RWBY fanfictions can probably remember just how many fanfictions they have read in which Ruby  acts less like a socially awkward teenager and more like a 10 year old girl. This usually stems from an oversimplification or even misunderstanding of Ruby as a character in Volumes 1-3. While Ruby does have some childish behaviours, and does carry a level of innocence with her, she is still understanding of the world around her. She is still clever and someone who wants to be a hero.
And yet... In arrowfell...
During the hunt for the Union Boss responsible for Grimm attracting Orbs:
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After said Boss activates 4 Grimm attracting Orbs during his capture:
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Im sorry... But what? This sounds less like the Ruby i know and more like her chibi counterpart interacting with Cinder and her goons. Not only is this dialogue make Ruby act as if she was 10 year old, this dialogue also happens during what are time sensitive missions.
For example, in the first picture the rest of team RWBY are very much against trying to find the bird of the Mayor of the village, because they have a job to do. Only for Ruby to make that silly declaration and decide for the team.
Which also takes me to another extremelly weird characterization of Ruby:
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Ruby being too lazy? To hunt down orbs that have resulted in destruction of villages?
Whatever one might think of Ruby, at the end of the day she is heroic to a fault. It is something that we critics will acknowledge as anyone else. And yet during the mission to hunt down the 4 orbs that have already caused the destruction of villages, during the destruction of each orb Ruby complains about how difficult this job is, how she wants to rest etc.
That while annoying and definitely out of character for her does not even compare to what happens after the destruction of the third orb, after which she seems to want to leave the last orb active due to being lazy? Who is she and what did she do with Ruby?
The Ice Queen
I apologize in advance for using this title for Weiss due to the connontations it might have to some people, but there is no better phrase that i can use to describe how Weiss behaves in Arowfell.
For the most part, Weiss acts as any other member of team RWBY acts during dialogues, its just simple questions and "lets go do x" and the like. But when she engages with Penny and even her sister, her characterization suddently changes:
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If i have not watched the original show. Im going to be honest, i would believe that Weiss truly and utterly hates Penny, for seemingly no reason. It seems like the game is trying to mirror the V1 Weiss and Ruby dynamic. But it does so with two completely unrelated characters and has Weiss, someone who has underwent massive character changes act as she did nearly a decade ago. Not only that but the things she says arent just haughty or cold, they are outright hostile.
I would expect this kind of behaviour from a clone trooper in Star Wars the Clone Wars series rather than Weiss. Its almost open distain and hatred, which ignores the character progress of Weiss and just seems out of place. Even her own family is not immune to this:
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This is Weiss speaking to Winter. Now, the relationship between Weiss and Winter has always been somewhat weird. Winter is usually a tough sister on Weiss and she expresses her love by wanting Weiss to do better and better, and this is reflected in Winters dialogue in this game. She is not warm to Weiss but also wants to help her improve. Weiss has always seemingly accepted this behaviour from Winter and has constantly exhibited love towards Winter, so for Weiss to act so cold? It just looks like its out of place.
This is the kind of dialogue i would expect between Weiss and Whitley, or Yang and Qrow in a more sarcastic/joking manner. To see Weiss being so... Cold just makes little sense to me. The entire dynamic of their relationship seems changed.
The Ruffian
Unlike Weiss and Ruby, Yang for the most part avoids mischaracterization in various interactions. She seems to act the same way she always does, at least until scenes like these come up:
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Once again, these seem like lines that i would see from V1-V3 Yang, or from Chibi Yang. Not Volume 7-8 Yang. After losing her arm Yang has still retained some of her playfulness and cheer, make no mistake. But being callous of destruction they cause, being so ready to beat up suspects? Its just... Thats not her. That hasnt been her for a long time now.
Of course one also has to mention that giving Yang lines about beating up suspects while acting as a police force is.... Its really unfortunate... Just like with Hanlons portrayal, someone had to have noticed these lines. The fact that no problem was found with them is... Its not the best look for RT or for Yang.
Whats more important is that there are scenes where it makes sense for Yang to be ready to fistycuffs. But then there are scenes as shown above where such words are not exactly appropriate to her character.
The game partially feels like its meant for children
I do not think i am out of line by saying that RWBY has been in the Young Adult/Teenager area of media since Volume 3 aired. I am not going to say that no younger demographics are not watching RWBY, but right now it is marketed towards and is made mostly for the more adult crowd.
And while watching the playthrough of RWBY: Arowfell, half of the time it felt like i was watching a childrens game. The dialogue is extremelly simplistic, almost half of the characters that are met are silly in one way or another. Quests are given and worded in extremelly simplistic ways.
Now, maybe in Volume 1-2 that would make more sense, but in Volumes 7-8? Not as much, especially since the game itself also deals with at least somewhat darker topics. There is a large disconnect between the main plot and all of the sidequests, some of which HAVE to be done to progress the main plot.
It also feels like team RWBY, all of them are dumbed down, for example. When team RWBY first encounters a fear orb that attracts Grimm, they take it to show to General Ironwood. They are stopped by Bram who asks them to give the orb to him under the excuse that its "Military equipment". To which they choose to comply with his request despite the fact that GENERAL Ironwood leads the military?
And its not just that, throughout the entire game team RWBY seem to trust literally every person they meet. In V7 they are shown to at least have some level of suspicion around people, even Ironwood. And now in game they trust literally everyone? What is up with that?
It does not end there. In the last part of the game team RWBY encounters a hostile team BRIR, which is all fine and dady. But then team BRIR just go ahead and tell team RWBY who the main bad guys of the game and traitors are. FOR NO REASON. Its not an interogation or anything of the sort. They just openly say who they work for... Which is just..... Why?
Then you have events like this:
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This is after team RWBY fight and beat Amoncio Glass. A weapons smuggler that attacks them with a mech-suit... And they just leave him there.... They dont arrest him... They dont wait till Atlas soldiers arrest him.... They just. Let him go...
I understand that RWBY: Arowfell is not a War and Peace novel. I understand that it is not meant to be the height of literature and that most of the game is a sidescrolling fighting game. I do understand that. But that does not mean that the character writing has to be so... So poor.
The games language, the dialogue is way too simplistic. The way team RWBY act range from normal to "Who are you?". And this applies to both individual characterizations of team RWBY, but also the team as a whole. Only Blake seems to avoid this fate, but she is the only one.
I get wanting to make a more lighthearted game. But Volumes 7-8 are an incredibly poor location to choose to make this kind of game in. If this game dropped in Volumes 1-3, i would probably have little problems with how its writen and how characters are handled. But in V7-8? This doesnt make much sense.
At least that is my opinion. If anyone wishes to give their opinions, feedback, disagreements. You are welcome to do so.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I DON'T CARE about cannon. So WHAT if this AU makes no logical sense and Jason wasn't even born at the time the show takes place? I WANT Gotham Oswald to adopt Jason and I'm making the AU. Angry bird boy deserves to be adopted by angry bird man. BTW if anyone wants to write about it, I don't know why, feel free, more than that feel endorsed.
Jason: Am I in trouble?
Oswald: In one hand you tried to steal from me-
Jason: Not from yer.
Oswald: Look, boy, from me or from the club it is THE SAME. IT IS MY CLUB.
Jason: So I AM in trouble.
Oswald: No.
Jason: What? What about the guy I kicked in the balls?
Oswald: He is precisely why you're not in trouble. You protected my mother's honor and I'm nothing but fair.
Jason: Soo just to be sure, I can just go?
Oswald: Not exactally.
Jason: Now ye just messing with me.
Oswald: My poor mother it's worried about you-
Jason: That's nice of her?
Oswald: CAN YOU STOP INTERRUPTING? She is worried that her little savior it's going to die in the street at this hour and wanted to invite you and your parents to dinner as a thank you.
Jason: Yeah. No way.
Oswald: I wasn't asking.
Jason: My parents are not going. And if ye try anything weird I'm gonna kick YER in the balls in front of yer mom.
Oswald: I had gathered that. Since I suppose you don't have a home, you can wait untill the club closes.
Jason: Noice. Can I steal from the clients ye don't like?
Oswald: *smilling* Absolutlely.
[After the realization that her seven year old defender is a street kid, Gertrud basically forces a home into Jason and that is how Oswald acquires a child in the middle of his crafted planned gang war]
Jason: Ye should just tell her.
Oswald: It's waay past your bedtime.
Jason: Yer mom it's a nice lady and ye ain't a pig, so no reason to lie about yer job.
Oswald: She is not prepared for the death or the consequences of the job, she would die of sorrow.
Jason: She was okay with me.
Oswald: You are seven. And that I know of not a killer.
Jason: Well, I know about the job and I think you're cool.
Oswald: *sarcastically* And you have sooo much in common with mother.
Jason: I still think ye should tell her.
Oswald: And I think you should be sleeping.
Jason: ThereisamonsterinmyroomandImafraid.
Oswald: Slower, Jason. I can't possibly understand that.
Jason: *with a small voice* I'm afraid.
Oswald: Of what?
Jason: *whispering* The monster. *suddently exited* Can ye kill it?
Oswald: Why not? Take me to the monster.
[Since this is Gotham, the monster was actually someone spying on them for Maroni and Oswald trully did murder him, rather violently since he scared his kid. He still lied about it to his mom]
Jason: I'm sorry.
Oswald: Don't be. You did nothing wrong.
Jason: I did. I coudn't protect her. I tried. I swear.
Oswald: Jason, it was MY job to protect her, to protect both of you. Instead they took her and you are hurt.
Jason: It's not yer fault.
Oswald: No. It's Galavan! And I promisse you Jason, I'll get her back AND I'M GONNA MAKE HIM PAY.
[Events occour similar to cannon and Jason is alone and terrifield after Oswald gets shot and lost in the woods for a bit]
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balkcatt · 1 year
Is it the potion or am I lovestruck?
The suddent change in the air, irks you and abruptly you open your eyes only to see nothing ahead you. The mysterious presence you have felt before disappears as it was just a breeze nothing much more. Although, you can't shake that deep feeling inside your gut that there was something sinister and eerie before you, only the thought makes a chill run down your spine.
Even if the lush terrain of trees and grass is framed by the melodious and graceful sing of the birds, in your perspective there's only your heart's beat that resounds in your ears. It's steady and rushed almost if you could be attacked from any moment by that shady and strange presence, but from the moment you opened your eyes open, there is nothing new in the field nor in the vast and clear sky, only by so ever crossed by eagles and species alike.
The calmness of the environment, combined with deep breaths, helps you feel more caml and relaxed, slowly the sense of dread in your gut evaporates and the melodies of the avians, give you a sense of peace of mind and so it abruptly hits you that this is not your home but you are in the past, in an indefinite era and your arm has a slight and little cut that derived from your failure to go back to the present.
Obviously the best course of action is to cure the wound so it doesn't get infected, in a little flash of light, the wound slowly closes itself. Although it is best for you not to use too much magic, especially the space - time one, because it is too much draining for you and it is best not to collapse from exhausting tasks such as travelling from one era to another, in fact it is a good thing that you didn't collapse from your try, mind if someone had found you, the consequences would had been disastrous.
" I need to craft a story that need to convince the locals that I'm not a threat and that doesn't make them suspicious of me" you think while scanning your , before wounded, arm to see if the magic worked, only an insignificant spot of blood dried on the sleeve of the shirt just as a reminder. Now that you are sure that you are not wounded, you begin to inspect your pockets to see if you have something useful from you era : nothing, nothing, a pack of tissues, some old and non eatable bar of chocolate and your wallet with all your rupees. Well, less strange object you have, the more you can pass as an anonymous person that's s travelling, the rupees are good, you can buy food and clothes to mingle in the society.
A thought comes to your mind : your old, wrinkled and boring professor of old hylian proclaiming during one of his lectures :" you young people don't understand the beauty of the ancient hylian, the poetry of it the raffiante and elaborate language, chof chof although it was only in high classes and the poor spoke dialect, chog chof. Take a look at this poetry for example....".
Well his teaching and your military clothes, would make you pass as a miliiatry person and you could work as a mercenary so there would be no threats to you. Plus keeping the towns safe and helping the locals will grant you their trust and a safe place to hide should thing go south for whatever reason. Actually your plan is perfect but not spotless , so you decide to go for the nearest city, walking for miles and the threat of monsters doesn't spark joy in your mind, but you think you can put up with it and you decide to set fort south.
After walking for a long time, a big bale of hay cuts your road, actually it is stuck and it doesn't move, you can't pass around it because it occupies the entire road. " Maybe someone is in need of help to move the ball of hay " you reflect, so the first thing you do is asking if someone is in need of help. After waiting there for some minutes and not getting any answer, you try to see if there is someone there by jumping on a tree near the ball. While you sit there a small, not curated and dressed with dirty and lacerated shirt and pants that arrive above the knees , brown pieced flat shoes, and a straw hat, man looks at you with an annoyed look in his eyes and spares you a glance then goes back to try to move the ball. " hey sir I only want to help you can I?" you ask with a calm and reasonable tone, this time the man watches you with furred eyesbrows and harsh look on his face, while pushing more harder the ball while maintaining eye contact with you almost to simbolkze that he doesn't need your help, a nobleman, to move the ball that is onyl a matter of lowly peasants, that should not in any manner anger or make a noble know that they exist in any form.
You reciprocate the hateful look with a calm, confident one, while slowly jumping off the tree and near the man, who scared that you might hurt him, takes a few steps back while although mantaing a fierce and proud stance , almost as if he was ready to battle. Ony now you notice that the farmer has long and luscious black hairs and that bangs cover his left eye, to break the tension you raise slowly your hands in air with the palms turned in the direction of the man. " I have no intend to hit, harm, or wound you, I only want to help you move the hall of hay so we can benefit from this and I don't want any form of payment for this work, ok?" you state gently to the man, that now has a more relaxed stance although he's staring at you with indifference, hate and diffidence. Although you don't understand the hate, the other thing are plausible for the era that maybe has seen some wars and has increased diffidence toward stranger, especially nobles that in a lot of wars have benefitted from sending mercenaries out to conquest land and resources only for their own greed. After the statement the man doesn't give you an answer only a quick yes with his head, so you propose that he tugs your shirt when you two arrive, the farmer accepts the proposal. While you made the ball roll you couldn't shake the feeling that the man was examinating you, scrutinising every details of you almost as if you were a prey, with that deep and almost soulless stare that plunged deep into yourself, to see your recondite soul. The staring and the non verbal language of the man, were unnverivng, his not so near proximity united with his deep gaze contorned with a blank stare made you feel as if you were a prey and not a human. Every time you controlled if the ball was not sliced or ruptured, and adverterd your gaze from the man, a shiver run down your spine and your hands'muscles made you put a hand on the hilt of your rapier. Your legs trembled in anticipation and the incessantly beating of your heart filled your mind with anxiety and anticipation. Although you fought the urge to combat it was difficult to suppress the need that your body was telling you : that man is dangerous, for unknown reasons he seems evil, his soul is evil, you need to kill him or else, many times you were near drawing the sword but you calmed yourself down, and reminded yourself and this is not a dangerous man, even thought the feeling you had before with the wind and this man were similar, but it is only a poor farmer, and you need to help him, just to do a good action.
While lost in your thoughts and anxiety, a thug on your right sleeve comes frome the man, signaling you that the task was over. So you say goodbye to the man, which in response gives you a smile, even thought that smile seems happy, the undertone of it seems almost if he knows that you will encounter him again and that next time you wouldn't be so lucky to escape him, in fact that happiness seems distorted and not genuine, as if it was blossomed from obsession and not from the resolution of a problem.
At the thought of this conclusion, you chuckle internally, " this is only a farmer which I I'll never see again, maybe he was the strange one of the village but he is not a threat" you resonate while walking in the grass field that shows in the distance the silhouette of a small city.
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la-venere · 3 years
i dreamt a whole ass movie tonight
#it was literally a movie i was gonna get married to this kid of angel dude but my family was only part angel#like only in the night while these people were in the day too#anyway my whole family and i went to their big ass house the night before for the wedding and my grandma (made up not my actual one)#gave me this necklace which represented my life or something#but back to the wedding: i realised the whole thing was kind of sketchy they had given us the worst rooms and were treating us weird#so i'm in this room now with a baby (mine? idk) and things start happening to the baby their feet freeze they can't really breathe#and i realize someone is trying to fucking kill my baby with their stupid daytime angel magic#so i fucking storm out of there taking only my baby and my necklace#i get to my house and my grandma is also there bc she sensed something so i give her the baby#as i'm closing the door the fucking friends of my technically soon to be husband don't let me close the door and basically try to kill me#but i'm not just a character guys i'm the fucking final girl so i cut these bitches' heads#now their bodies when killed became black birds in a kind of cora hale fashion#so my neighboors call the police for the noise and i have four birds with their head cut off#anyway it stopped here :/ my dad calls me and he's like where are you it's 1 pm and that was ten minutes ago#i also had another dream before that but ir was less fucked up so#oh! also while i was running away from the house loki and himself from the past was somehow involved i haven't seen loki or anything so#i blame the gifs#another very important thing: before going to my room and having my baby half killed we were all in a room playing games#important#i'm assuming i could only run and fight until a specific moment where i suddently became able to cut their head off cause it became night#and the angel juice kicked in
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poisonedapples · 4 years
A reminder to fellow writers that if your fic has music lyrics (especially if it’s a song fic), to put what song is in your fic in your content warnings as well. A lot of people are triggered by specific songs or artists, and it’s better safe than sorry
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rinsbian · 5 years
my friend just got swooped it was so fucking funny
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
WSPPPP NERDS ITS ME AGAIN MOCHI CAUSE YK WERE AMAZING ANYWHOOO Howwww about ooo! Okay so they see Y/N after the month right a different way to the other question/headcannon ima send a bunch! Y/N wanted to get better at her quirk so she went into an underground like training/fighting arena for ppl with quirks and she has been doing for the month they havent seen her. So she got a bit stronger how do you think they would react to that? and what would they do/ say to her when she finished sparing?
Oooooooooo this is very interesting Mochi. Let's see what I can come up with~
These are NOT cannon to the story line.
Warnings: Yandere Headcannons ahead. If you are uncomfortable with these types of things, DO NOT READ. Proceed with caution, as I do not feel bad if you choose to do so while being warned.
Part 1
Tokoyami: As soon as Dark Shadow attempted to pull you into him, you twisted your body around and slammed your foot into Tokoyamk's side. With a grunt, his Dark Shadow had released its hold. Since when did his delicate star knew how to defend herself?! His annoyance grew. He just found you after a month, he wasn't about to just let you go that easily.
"My sweet little star, suddently so strong. Why must you insist on rejecting me? You are mine. Now come."
Kirishima: You struggle against his tight hold. A lazy grin is spread across his face, thinking there's no way you can escape. But the training you did for the last month was finally put to use when you flicked your fingers twords the mailbox, making it fly right into him. It didn't hurt him but it shocked him enough to loosen his grip so you can slip out and bolt. The grin on his face is slowly replaced by anger.
"Pebble, pebble, pebble! You need to stop RUNNING from me! No matter how much you prepare, I will ALWAYS find you!"
Hawks: The grip he has on you is becoming difficult as you squirm in his hold. He can't keep you from falling if you don't stop! But you weren't worried about that. Not at all. With a hand free, you wave it near a solar panel on top of a nearby tower, causing it to shift and snap. With one last kick to the man, he yelps and drops you. But you didn't fall far, as the hovering solar panel was quick to catch you. Hawk's face is a mixture of amusment and anger.
"Oh, birdy's been practicing. Come back here, baby bird. How about we fly TOGETHER?"
Tamaki: You felt the slickness of the tentacles wrap around your limbs, letting out a scream. You had to get out. Now. So that's when you turn your body around to face the once shy man and grabbed his tentacles with your hands, pulling him to you with your newfound strength. Once his body is flush against yours, you do the only thing you know could catch him offguard. You kiss him. Man is so shocked, he looses control of his quirk and you are able to get out and take off. That's when his face turns darker than it ever has.
"M-My bunny has been getting stronger and bolder. Oh, Bunny~ I'm coming for you and I won't ever stop."
Overhaul: After bringing you back to his place, (safely away from your neighborhood), what he didn't expect was for your quirk to have enhanced. Almost to the point of his strength. Your eyes flit around the room to land on a potted plant. Before he could put his hands on you once more, you stretched out a hand at the pot and threw it at him, smashing it into his back. He collapsed on the floor with a groan and you SPRINTED out of there. Because you knew if he caught you, you were fucked. He stands up on shakey legs, taking his gloves off.
"You think you can escape me?! NO amount of training will save you. I will TEAR this world apart until you are on your knees before me for eternity!"
Shoto: You knew only one person who can produce ice and the fact he was behind you terrified you. But you trained for this, you knew you had to get away. You swing your arm around and push him away with as much force as you can, til he slammed into the side of a house. You quickly make work of the ice around your feet with a rock til you broke free. But before you can run, you hear a voice behind you. Turning, you see the darkest look you've ever seen on him.
"Oh, my pet. You can train for as long as you want. You will never leave me again, I will see to it."
Dabi: The hand gripping the back of your neck gets tighter and tighter. You needed to get away as soon as possible. So you finally out your training to good use. He never would have expected you to reach behind you and latch onto his arm. With a mixture of strength and quirk, you flipped him over your shoulder and onto his back with a loud crack. You didn't even spare a glace at him before you started bolting.
"Mouse, how strong you've gotten. I guess I don't mind playing this game a little longer. Because, after all, in the end, I always get what I want."
Bakugo: You couldn't help but recoil at the profanities being spat in your face. He held you down as tight as he could, fearing you to leave him again. But to his surprise, you weren't going down without a fight. You intertwined your legs with his and bent your wrists to grab his, flipping you two over so you're on top. He stares at you in shock, before a manic grin takes over.
"Oi, angel. I had no idea you were so strong. You must have trained during our time apart. But I've finally found you. You're safe with me and I hope you know it will stay that way."
Denki: After coming to, you realized you were somewhere you've never been. A bedroom of sorts. You remember exactly what happened, which makes it more confusing for you when you realize he didn't tie you down?? Idiot. But he did lock the door. That wasn't sometbing to be worried about for you. Getting into your stance, you lifted up a leg and swiftly kicked a hole straight through the door and were able to run. But he saw. He saw everything through his security cameras.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it! I knew I should have tied her down. I didn't expect this kind of strengtj! Kinda hot... I'm coming for you, my love. I will make sure to restrain you this time."
Midoriya: He's strong, very fast and DETERMINED. This was going to be a hard one. But you didn't train yourself til almost death for you to give up now. You lean your head forward and slam it back into his. Hard. He reels for a moment, his grip dropping. You then lift your hand and point it to a nearby car, throwing it at him. He us caught offguard but was able to stop it. Once he looks up at you, your blood runs cold.
"Darling has bulked up, huh. Oh this is going to be SO much FUN! But you still won't be escaping me that easily. Come here, my darling~"
Shinso: Why. Why did it have to be him. The one you were most terrified of. The hardest one to break from. You try to move your body. You try but it's so hard. Come, y/n, you trained for this. Break his hold, BREAK HIS HOLD. Your mind concentrates as he watches you with amusement. The closer he gets, the more internally anxious you become. But finally, your training pays off as you wiggle a finger and a nearby garden stake slices through your leg. Shinso freezes in shock. How the HELL were you able to break out of his hold?!
"Kitten has got fuckin claws, I see. Oh, no no. You are NOT getting away from me again. I will BREAK you into my little plaything, if it's the last thing I do."
Read the story these headcannons are based off HERE!
All works are mine (bakuhoes-dumbass), do not copy or repost anywhere.
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cosmic-espero · 2 years
Of course Ash doesn't want to date anyone, I'd be paranoid too if I went on a date with a cute girl and she suddently turned into a plane bird cryptid thing
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