#sugar remedy
steelycunt · 1 year
i love it when the little guys in my head are lonely. even in fact i think to burrow their way into my head with a rusty spoon in the first place they have to be a bit lonely probably. at some point
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lovphobic · 11 months
do everything u can in your life to never need stitches on your scalp. u will hate existence and turn so so evil until the tightness wears off.
anyways im gonna finish reve/nant and then trial some chocolate chip cookies for my brother's gf (it would be so rude as a bestie in law to not give her some cookies when we come to pick up my brother (who will be receiving cookies also) for a family vacation)
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yardsards · 2 years
every couple of months i rediscover exactly how much i love tea and go through a period of almost a week wherein i drink multiple mugs a day of it, only to forget again after that
#eliot posts#i love Warm Beveridge#and i have a big stash of tasty flavoured teas and herbal teas/tisanes#but also sometimes just a big rich mug of black tea is the best#i tend to like my black tea quite bittersweet#like super duper strong and a bit oversteeped (and no milk. milk makes it bland and sad)#but with a good amount of sugar#like 3 or 4 cubes of it#in a big ole 16 ounce mug not a lil teacup mind you. i think that much in a teacup would kill me dead. but still quite sweet.#i liked it even sweeter than that as a child (but just as strong and bitter)#prolly should've suspected i had adhd when sometimes mugs of fully caffeinated black tea helped me sleep#i had like. chronic sore throats/tonsilitis for a few years as a child#and my mother's go-to home remedy for sore throats was tea with honey and some toast#which i found to be absolutely delicious#(i liked to sometimes dip my toast in my tea tho and looking back ew i do not think i would like doing that now)#sonetimes i'd complain abt my throat even when it wasn't bothering me much bc i wanted The Tasty Snack at night#tho when i was like halfway through elementary school she showed me how to make it myself so i would quit asking her#and on one hand it was nice that i could have it without having to ask#and making it gave me an excuse to go downstairs after my bed time instead of being trapped in my room w my insomnia#but also i remember missing the feeling of being taken care of (which. being taken care of was a rare commodity in that house)
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biopeaches · 1 year
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Sugar Crystals from Honey 🍯
Fun Fact about honey! Even though bacteria and other microbes love sugar, honey is almost completely sterile, bacteria won’t be able to grow well in it. This is because in spite of having bacteria’s favorite snack, honey not only lacks a high water content, it’s also highly acidic, slightly more than tomato juice 🍅 . This makes it a horrible environment for almost any type of organism. Even if bacteria manage to find their way into some honey, they quickly become dormant. That’s why honey won’t spoil! This also gives honey some antibacterial properties which might help heal some minor wounds and even help fight off minor infections.
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sawkinator · 1 year
vanilla extract... hisssss /jk. my ex insisted that it was a cure for burns, so after i burned my hand on the stove he put IMITATION extract on it. nothing quite like a chemical burn to make you appreciate a regular burn.
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willowsearth · 1 year
Insulin Resistance: What it is and How to Reverse it
Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas that plays a crucial role in regulating your blood sugar levels. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream. Insulin helps your cells take up glucose and use it for energy. However, if you eat too many carbohydrates or have a diet high in processed foods and sugars, your body may…
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seraphicstrings-a · 1 year
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u ready for this comeback?
ic | oh i've got that pretty privilege.
bond: angel (eshire) | i'll make you sing like it's a concert!
bond: delun | i'll be lucifer so you be my lilith.
bond: nefeloma | rule the world with eyeliner like blades.
aesthetic | sugar sugar oh gimme the sugar crash!
thoughts | dollar store remedies and homegrown demons.
self promo | may the birds ever fly.
promotion | little big boy is going to see how big he really is.
canon | i want to believe you're somebody's unholy hoax.
visage | appearances can be so appealing; so deceiving!
spirit: c | an urge you can't ignore
castle town | you're not alone this is your home.
bond: amarin | a fish inside a birdcage.
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selfhelp2024 · 20 days
Can You Pee Out High Blood Sugar? The Astonishing Truth Unveiled!
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Bringing you the lowdown on a question that’s got more buzz than a beehive: Can you pee out high blood sugar? Sounds crazy, right? But stick with me, because what you’re about to learn could change the way you think about your health forever.
Learn More HERE
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vuals · 27 days
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Are you looking for a natural supplement to boost your overall health and well-being? Look no further than moringa, a nutrient-packed superfood that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. But what exactly happens to your body when you take moringa daily? Let's dive in and find out.
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shant20 · 1 month
Smart Blood Sugar Book
Sticking to Better Blood Sugar: My Experience with the Smart Blood Sugar Book™ Negative Ions Sticker
As someone who actively manages my blood sugar levels, I'm always on the lookout for safe and natural ways to support my health. That's why I was intrigued by the Smart Blood Sugar Book™ Negative Ions Sticker. While I was initially a bit sceptical about a sticker offering any real benefit, I decided to give it a try based on the positive reviews I found online. Here's my experience after using it for the past few months.
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Improved Energy Levels:
In the past, I'd often experience afternoon slumps where my energy levels would dip significantly. This could be quite disruptive, especially when I had a busy day ahead. Since using the sticker, I've noticed a remarkable improvement in my energy levels throughout the day. I feel more focused and alert, allowing me to tackle my tasks with greater ease. Whether it's due to the negative ions or a placebo effect, I'm definitely happy with this positive change.
Enhanced Sleep Quality:
Restful sleep is crucial for managing blood sugar levels effectively. Prior to using the sticker, I sometimes struggled with occasional sleep disturbances. I'd wake up feeling tired, which would further impact my energy levels the next day. Since incorporating the sticker into my routine, I've found that I'm sleeping more soundly. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. While I can't definitively say it's solely due to the sticker, I believe it's contributing to a more balanced sleep cycle.
A Discreet and Convenient Support System:
The beauty of the Smart Blood Sugar Book™ Negative Ions Sticker lies in its simplicity and ease of use. It's a small, discreet sticker that I can easily place on my phone case or water bottle. Throughout the day, it serves as a subtle reminder of my commitment to managing my blood sugar levels. It's a non-invasive and convenient way to incorporate an additional layer of support into my health regimen.
A Holistic Approach to Blood Sugar Management:
It's important to remember that the sticker is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to managing blood sugar levels. I still prioritize a healthy diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight. However, I view the sticker as a complementary tool that can provide additional support alongside these core practices.
Overall, a Positive Experience:
While I can't claim the sticker has single-handedly revolutionized my blood sugar management, I've definitely noticed positive changes in my energy levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being since using it. The convenient and discreet design makes it a seamless addition to my routine. If you're looking for a natural and non-invasive way to potentially support your blood sugar management journey, I recommend giving the Smart Blood Sugar Book™ Negative Ions Sticker a try. After all, a little extra support never hurts!
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Glucofreeze Supplements
Taking Control of My Blood Sugar with Glucofreeze Supplements
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For years, I'd been struggling with maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. It felt like a constant battle, and despite dietary changes, exercise, and even some medication, I wasn't seeing the results I craved. That's when I decided to try Glucofreeze Supplements.
A Natural Approach to Blood Sugar Support
Glucofreeze appealed to me because it's a natural supplement. The formula contains ingredients like cinnamon, turmeric, and berberine, all of which have been shown to support healthy blood sugar metabolism. I was also impressed that it's manufactured in the USA and adheres to strict quality control standards.
Feeling the Positive Effects
Since incorporating Glucofreeze into my daily routine, I've noticed a positive difference. My blood sugar readings have become more stable, and I feel a renewed sense of energy throughout the day. I no longer experience those afternoon slumps that used to plague me. Plus, I sleep much better at night, which I'm sure contributes to my overall well-being.
A Valuable Addition to My Health Regimen
Glucofreeze hasn't been a miracle cure, but it's definitely become a valuable addition to my health regimen. It's helped me manage my blood sugar levels more effectively, and I feel fantastic for it. If you're looking for a natural way to support your blood sugar health, I highly recommend giving Glucofreeze a try.
Disclaimer:It's important to note that I'm not a medical professional, and these are just my personal experiences. It's always best to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
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healthremedyhub · 2 months
📢 Calling All Diabetics! This Natural Remedy Could Change Your Life 💥
Ever feel like you're a slave to your diabetes? 😩 The constant finger pricks, insulin injections, dangerous blood sugar swings... It's exhausting and diminishes your quality of life.
But what if I told you that 3 simple PLANTS could help you ditch the meds and take control of your diabetes naturally? 💊➡️🌱
▶ Cinnamon 🌿 ▶ Bitter Melon 🥒 ▶ Fenugreek Seeds 🌰
These power-packed plant remedies from Mother Nature have been scientifically proven to:
✅ Regulate blood sugar levels ✅ Enhance insulin sensitivity ✅ Prevent blood sugar spikes ✅ Reduce medication needs
Thousands of diabetics are already using them to transform their health! 🙌
Want to learn how to easily incorporate these miracle plants into your diet? Then watch this video 👇
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#NaturalDiabetesRemedies #PlantBasedMedicine #BloodSugarHacks #NoMedicineNeeded #holistichealing
The information and content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The remedies and strategies discussed are based on research and traditional use, but individual results may vary. We do not claim that these natural remedies can cure or treat any specific medical condition.
The images, graphics, and video content used in this production are the intellectual property of their respective owners. We have made every effort to properly attribute and credit all sources, but if there are any inadvertent omissions or infringements, please let us know, and we will address them immediately.
This video is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to endorse or recommend any particular product, service, or treatment plan. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, supplement routine, or lifestyle.
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kar291994 · 2 months
Diabetes Offer Berberine Supplement
A Natural Ally in My Diabetes Management: A Review of the Diabetes Offer Berberine Supplement
Having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago, I've been constantly on the lookout for ways to manage my blood sugar levels effectively. Alongside a healthy diet and exercise regime, I've tried various supplements with mixed results. However, I recently started taking the "Diabetes Offer: Berberine Supplement," and I'm genuinely impressed with the positive impact it's had on my health.
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Improved Blood Sugar Control:
My primary concern when trying a new diabetes supplement is its effectiveness in regulating blood sugar. I'm happy to report that the Berberine supplement has delivered in this aspect. Since incorporating it into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my fasting blood sugar readings. My mornings now start with a sense of control, knowing my blood sugar is within a healthy range. This consistency has been a welcome change from the unpredictable spikes I experienced before.
Enhanced Energy Levels:
One of the most unexpected benefits I've experienced with the Berberine supplement is a noticeable boost in my energy levels. Previously, fatigue was a constant companion, making it difficult to get through the day. However, since taking the supplement, I feel more energized and motivated to tackle my daily activities. This newfound vitality has significantly improved my overall quality of life.
Easy to Take and Integrate:
The Berberine supplement comes in convenient capsule form, making it incredibly easy to integrate into my daily routine. I typically take one capsule with each meal, which fits seamlessly with my existing medication schedule. There haven't been any unpleasant side effects either, which is a major plus for me.
A Word of Caution and Importance of Consulting a Doctor:
While I've had a positive experience with the Berberine supplement, it's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently. It's always best to consult with a doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you're already taking medication for diabetes. They can advise you on the appropriate dosage and potential interactions with your existing medications.
Overall, a Valuable Addition to My Diabetes Management:
The "Diabetes Offer: Berberine Supplement" has become a valuable addition to my diabetes management plan. It has effectively improved my blood sugar control, boosted my energy levels, and is convenient to take. While I recommend consulting a doctor before starting this supplement, my personal experience has been very positive. If you're looking for a natural way to support your diabetes management journey, the Berberine supplement might be worth exploring.
Click for further details and and buy
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world-healt · 2 months
A Natural Way to Support My Active Lifestyle: A Review of Black Ox Testosterone Booster
For years, I've always maintained an active lifestyle. I hit the gym regularly, play football on weekends, and generally try to push myself physically. However, as I've gotten older, I've noticed a slight decline in my energy levels and recovery time. It wasn't a dramatic change, but it was enough to be frustrating.
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Seeking a Natural Solution
I wasn't interested in resorting to synthetic testosterone supplements. After some research, I came across Black Ox - The All-Natural Testosterone Booster. The idea of a natural solution appealed to me, and the positive reviews online convinced me to give it a try.
Improved Energy and Stamina
Within a couple of weeks of taking Black Ox daily, I started to notice a difference. My energy levels throughout the day felt more consistent. I wasn't dragging in the afternoons, and I found myself more motivated to get to the gym. Even my workouts seemed a bit easier, with improved stamina allowing me to push myself further.
Faster Recovery and Increased Strength Gains
Perhaps the most significant benefit I've experienced is faster recovery times. Those niggling aches and pains that used to linger after intense workouts seemed to fade much quicker. This allowed me to get back to the gym feeling refreshed and ready to tackle another session. Additionally, I've noticed some gradual gains in strength, which has been incredibly motivating.
Overall Impression
Overall, I'm very impressed with Black Ox. It's a natural, safe way to support an active lifestyle. It's helped me to maintain my energy levels, recover faster, and even see some improvement in strength gains. If you're looking for a natural testosterone booster to help you stay active and feel your best, I highly recommend giving Black Ox a try.
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healthhygine · 2 months
Weight Loss and Control of Blood Sugar Spike
Losing weight and managing blood sugar spikes can feel like a daunting challenge, but you're not alone. There are simple, natural ways you can take control right from the comfort of your own home.
Start by incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your diet, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling fuller for longer, reducing the temptation to overeat.
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Next, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps flush out toxins and can even help curb cravings.
Regular exercise is key to both weight loss and blood sugar control. You don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership; a brisk walk or a few sets of bodyweight exercises at home can make a big difference.
Don't forget the power of relaxation and stress management. High stress levels can lead to overeating and blood sugar spikes, so take time to unwind with activities like meditation, deep breathing, or simply enjoying a good book.
Lastly, be patient and kind to yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is sustainable weight loss or blood sugar control. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and remember that every positive choice you make is a step in the right direction towards a healthier, happier you
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healthinsta1 · 3 months
Diabetes is a chronic situation characterised by way of excessive blood sugar stages, which could result in various fitness headaches if no longer managed efficaciously.
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