#sunnah foods
chaudhryclinic · 1 year
Sunnah Foods
Sunnah Foods Ajwa Dates Benefits of  Ajwa: They are a good source of various vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of energy, sugar and fiber. They contain essential minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc. They also contain vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin K. The Messenger (ﷺ) said: “If Somebody…
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rosieinreallife · 2 years
When thing one said is illogical
"Where's those words come from?" - thought
Our body has the ability to recognize harm before it reaches into the mouth.
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hamdosana · 3 months
Learn to listen more and speak less. Learn to observe more and react less. You’ll be able to pick up a lot more than if you were busy speaking and reacting. And trust me, it would save you from a whole lot of trouble.
-Via Mufti Menk
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xatskee · 2 years
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20221229): “Kurangi asupan makanan, perbaiki cara diet anda dan bersiaplah untuk berpuasa.” (Arnold Ehret) Mungkin tak semua orang bisa merutinkan puasa sunnah. Coba dimulai dahulu dengan membatasi asupan makanan yang indikator hasil tes kesehatannya offside. Atau coba yang sedang trend, intermittent fasting yang masih mengijinkan minum air putih atau air bebas kalori lainnya selama berpuasa. Yang jelas, carilah motivasi untuk bisa berpuasa sunnah. Motivasi pertama adalah menghidupkan sunnah Nabi ﷺ. Di dalam kitab Maqashid As-Shaum, Syekh Izzudin bin Abdis Salam menjelaskan, dengan berpuasa, “Manusia dapat meminimalisir maksiat sebab terjaganya nafsu dari berbuat keburukan. Sebagaimana definisinya, puasa adalah aktivitas menahan diri.” Motivasi kedua, sebagai obat penyakit. Di dalam buku Terapi Puasa, Abdul Jawwad As-Shawi menuliskan, Ibnu Sina menjamin puasa merupakan obat untuk segala penyakit. #Reduce #your #intake #foods #improve #general #diet #prepare #some #fasting #sunnah #intermittent #motivation #remedy #diseases Telegram Channel https://t.me/xQoTD https://www.instagram.com/p/CmuaEGXSi4d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ummxmusax · 2 years
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muslumanincenneti · 2 years
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'Umar said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "If you were to rely on Allah as He should be relied on, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out in the morning hungry and return in the evening full." [at-Tirmidhi] #hadith #hadithoftheday #albukhari #muslim #islam #allah #sunnah #deen #islamic #dua #muhammad #relyonAllah #trustallah #provide #food https://www.instagram.com/p/CmJA-ZksVLP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lightgriffinsect · 7 months
muslim things we need more of in media
teenage Muslim guys. we've all seen teenage/adolescent Muslim girls in media, how about more guys? give me a Muslim boy in high school who plays cricket and likes Atif Aslam. idk
Muslim parents and parent figures who are chill and not overly strict. half the time the "strict Muslim parents" are not even behaving in an Islamic way.
Muslims who aren't anti-feminist. Islam is a feminist religion. Women are highly encouraged to pursue jobs and higher education. Show more Muslim women in well-paying jobs in STEM and business fields.
Muslims who don't make up restrictions out of thin air. it makes no sense for a Muslim woman to go "oh i can't do [mildly secular thing], I'm a Muslim" BEHAN THERE IS NOTHING IN ISLAM THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T.
Muslim girls who keep their hijab on in front of non-mahram people at all times. yes, this post is about Samirah al-Abbasi and Ms. Marvel. can we get Muslim girls who actually take pride in their hijab and don't take it off for non-mahram men or insist that it's okay because "you're LIKE family to me"
accurate depictions of gatherings, especially weddings, in Islam. This may differ depending on nationality of the characters.
Accurate depictions of Muslims in relationships. Samirah al-Abbas from Magnus Chase is a horrible representation of this. The vast majority of Muslim girls do not get engaged at the age of 12. Most of us do not get engaged or married until we're in our 20s.
Muslims who don't get engaged to or marry their cousins.
adding onto that, Muslims who don't have boyfriends or girlfriends or romanticize the idea of having one.
Muslim women who don't have children and don't regret it.
Muslims who don't get engaged or married at all! It's Sunnah to get married, but it is not mandatory. You can still be a devout Muslim without getting married or having children.
Muslim MEN AND BOYS WHO FOLLOW THE HIJAB. the hijab is NOT just a head covering, it is a WAY OF LIFE that ALL MUSLIMS must follow. it is about MODESTY for both the sexes. Muslim men ALSO need to cover themselves to an extent. yes, the rules differ slightly from male to female Muslims, but they STILL EXIST FOR BOTH. I suggest reading up more on this topic if you don't know much about the hijab.
Muslims who are actively working to get closer to Allah and trying to stop any non-Islamic habits. Muslims who smoke, drink, eat non-halal food but are aware that this is haram and are actively trying to stop. Muslims who show that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try to be better than you were yesterday. Muslims who are real in their struggles. No one criticizes Christians for being secular or not following their faith perfectly, why are Muslims subjected to so much scrutiny?
Muslims who are shown practicing their faith onscreen. Praying, making du'a, fasting, going to Umrah, even.
Add little bits of the Muslim faith in their everyday life. Instead of air freshener hangings in their cars, my parents have hangings with Islamic calligraphy and the du'a for traveling. We have a stack of prayer mats sitting in a corner of the living room. We have a bookshelf where the entire top shelf is copies of the Quran and other Islamic books. We always say the designated du'a before doing anything such as eating a meal, starting a trip, or even going to sleep.
There are three types of jihad: jihad of the heart, jihad of the mind, and physical jihad.
Jihad of the heart is the Muslim's internal struggle to be faithful and practice their religion wholeheartedly. It is the struggle against temptations of evil, of haram actions. It is the most important form of jihad and one that every Muslim partakes in every day.
Jihad of the mind is the struggle against misinformation about Islam. It is spreading education and information about the principles of Islam. It condemns forcing people to accept Islam. People are meant to be guided. They are meant to find their own path to Islam with the help of knowledge and resources to learn. this form of jihad is important as it keeps Muslims and non-Muslims informed about Islam.
Physical Jihad is an absolute last resort that a Muslim nation must partake in when there is a threat of war from another nation. Islam condemns violence and murder and always pushes its followers to resolve matters peacefully. In a situation where this is impossible, only then is physical jihad permissible. and it has strict rules about who the Muslims can fight. It is haram to kill anyone who is not actively fighting from the opposing army. It is haram to kill women, children, elderly people, and any civilians. It is haram to kill animals except for food. It is haram even to take from the land or damage it in any way. If an army calling itself Islamic is not following these rules, it is not partaking in Jihad. it is partaking in unnecessary slaughter and bloodshed. there you go.
sorry i went on a rant about jihad for a minute there lol, i've been meaning to do that though anyway.
please depict Muslims in media more. please depict us with respect, and with the proper amount of research and effort needed for accuracy. thanks. Ramadan Mubarak, free Palestine <3
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sissa-arrows · 4 months
The French far right got 44% in my city, the racist Zionist and Islamophobic left got 14%. The proper left got 13%.
I live in a mostly white mostly older people neighborhood (the rest of the town is not like that I’m talking about my street specifically). I’m that chick who helps her neighbors with their administrative paperwork. I’m that chick who goes to her neighbors who live alone just to check if they are okay and if they need anything. When my brothers check my car they often end up checking some of the neighbors’ cars too. When they go to the hospital we visit them bringing them food they like.
That’s how I was raised. You take care of the elders. You make sure they are okay you help them. These specific elders happens to be white but somehow it didn’t matter to me. Well it actually should have mattered because it changes everything.
Statistically there is absolutely no way they voted properly. Given the population of my city best case scenario my neighbors mostly voted for the racist Zionist left.
Wallah they won’t be getting anything from me anymore. Not even a hello. Smiling is sunnah? I don’t give a flying fuck. They can fucking die I don’t care I’ll smile at their funerals.
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fluffy-appa · 7 months
Being obedient to Allah and to be able to worship Him alone, having a job, home, safety, clothes, food and being healthy
, الحمد لله رب العالمين many of us don’t realize the blessings we have.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Whoever among you wakes up physically healthy, feeling safe and secure within himself, with food for the day, it is as if he acquired the whole world.”
[Sunan Ibn Majah 4141]
We have more than others and Allah blessed us enough to be grateful and content. May Allah provide for other Muslims who don’t have what we have. If you have more than others say Alhamdullilah and be obedient to Allah and the sunnah of His prophet ﷺ.
Be grateful to Allah and He will give you more.
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snowfelledayah · 3 months
Fisher of Reels
Over the last few months there have been several reels popping up on my feed from Orthodox Jewish women talking about "what my life is like" -- and I love it! I love learning about other religions and other cultures, it's really cool. I really love, respect, and admire the beauty, devotion, and culture of Orthodox Judaism.
Then one day, I was surprised to find one from a Muslim woman basically doing something similar, and I thought "this is awesome!"...
... until I saw the content.
One of these things is not like the other
The thing about watching videos about Orthodox Judaism is that the content creators clearly state I am an Orthodox Jew. But when someone states This is my life and I'm a Muslim, you could be getting anything under the sun. This can lead to a lot of frustration and also general confusion, particularly for non-Muslims who being told "This is what Islam is".
So in the case of this video, we see a Muslim woman wearing a Niqab in every video (which is fine, but not representative of every Muslim), often with her husband, explaining what her life "as a Muslim" is like, which has the possibility to teach people the only thing they can expect from "Islam" is "this one thing in particular", and that is really far from the truth. I do wish we had better terminology to separate various types of practice in Islam, but there aren't any really good ways to distinguish, and here we are.
One of the videos that really grinds my gears is the one where they talk about what kinds of food we can or cannot eat. The video portrays the Muslim woman flitting around various situations where she explains Halal and its relationship with Kosher, and how Kosher food is normally Halal "except for this product right here, it says Kosher but I have to do an extra check for Vanilla Extract because that wouldn't be Halal (permissible)" -- quote is not verbatim, but to the spirit of what was portrayed.
So let's talk about that. Let's talk about the evils of Vanilla extract.
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A shocking revelation
This may come as a shock (especially to mainstream Muslims who often focus more on hadith and sunnah than anything else) but the Qur'an does not tell us to avoid alcohol -- especially including its presence in small quantities in things like vanilla extract. The Qur'an does outline issues surrounding intoxicants / alcohol, and it advises us caution, but it's not entirely what you might think -- or what you may have been told.
A wretched hive of scum and villainy... we must be cautious
First, the Qur'an tells us (2:219) that alcohol (intoxicants to be clear, so remember, that's not just alcohol which some seem to conveniently forget) has the potential for great harm, but also great benefit, though the harm does tend to outweigh the benefit, which is fair. Drug and alcohol use tends largely not to be a constructive practice, and while some people might claim to 'just like the taste', there are a thousand drinks that taste better, so the bottom line is this: the main reason we drink is that we like the effects, be that mental, emotional, social, physical, and so on.
We drink because it alters our state of mind and body in a way that can be pleasant, and in moderation, there may be nothing wrong with that (the Qur'an does not say this, but it is a statement reasonable to make by using logic and reason, something the Qur'an does instruct us to do). The Qur'an outlines the dangers by which we should be cautious, but mentions there are benefits to the same product and stops short of making any kind of 'command' or 'legal injunction' to completely avoid it. This makes sense as we remember anything can become an addiction, anything can become a problem, if we allow it.
Instead, the Qur'an leaves us to our own social and/or moral devices to make this choice for ourselves, but with caution (see below).
Interfering with the wifi
Next, we are told not to be intoxicated when we pray (4:43) which again seems entirely fair. Intoxication affects our mental, emotional, and physical state, and therefor would heavily distract our focus from God.
This is not a big or unusual ask, and it is a fairly common thing in a wide variety of religions. Even in various forms of Paganism and/or Polytheism, it was ill-advised to go before the Gods while your mind is altered. We've known in terms of Divinity that this can be a Bad Idea(tm) for thousands of years.
The devil, you say!
Finally, the Qur'an goes on to mention (5:90-91) intoxicants are a tool of "the devil" and bears an evil that spreads dissonance between humans and distract us from God's path, which continues to make sense: if you've allowed alcohol or drugs to become a problem for your life, there are ways out which can and should be followed; but 5:90 in particular is interesting in its perpetual mis-translation among both English and Arabic speakers. The last sentence is frequently stated to be "and you should avoid them" (intoxicants, gambling, altars, and arrows of chance), but it actually says to avoid him (aka "the devil"): You shall avoid him so that you may be successful.
This outlines what we're meant to avoid isn't exactly intoxicants so much as the idea of harm, and again, anything in our lives has the potential to become harmful. We cannot so narrowly define the idea of 'harm' to that of alcohol or gambling or any other single perceived negativity without remembering all the things in our lives that are colloquially considered 'permissible' that could also become harmful should we misuse or abuse them.
It just so happens that things like alcohol start out a bit on the dicey side to begin with and can lead more quickly down a path of hurt.
What about Hadith? (Insert scholar here)? (Insert fatwa here)?
... sure, what about it?
Hadith are primarily hearsay, the words of man written down after the word of God. While some hadith have value in assisting us in the understanding of religious and cultural practice, they are not the word of God and never have been. As for scholars and fatwas, the compaction of the words of man on top of the words of man over and over again throughout the centuries has led to a degradation of the Divine that must be stopped at all costs.
Never forget, the Qur'an specifically encourages us told not to follow tradition blindly and to think for ourselves, and warns us that those who do not think will lead us astray:
6:115-116: The word of your Lord has been completed with truth and justice; there is no changing His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower. If you obey the majority of those on earth they will lead you away from God's path; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess.
Ideas of man in any age are finite.
So what about Vanilla Extract?
Using alcohol in a way that is not proverbial 'sin' is, in fact, not prohibited by the Qur'an, plain and simple. In fact it's not even discussed beyond the point where it is mentioned it has both harm and benefits (the benefits are not really extrapolated).
At no point does the Qur'an tell someone to avoid vanilla extract -- or anything else really -- because it has a drop of alcohol in it.
In no way does the Qur'an instruct us to eschew establishments or people where alcohol is present, though logic dictates if alcohol is a trigger for your addiction or habit, avoiding it makes logical sense in that capacity.
The Qur'an demands we think critically and evaluate life with reason, logic, and all of our senses, and not to blindly follow any tradition or status-quo. It encourages us to be open-minded and listen to all views on various topics and follow what is best, even if it is new or different. The references for these are all over the Qur'an but you can start with 3:137, 6:115-116, 7:179, 8:22, 10:100, 12:111, 17:36, 26:5 and 38:7 (definitely not limited to these points though).
So unless vanilla extract is driving you to hate your neighbor -- in which case you may want to not only stop eating vanilla extract but also contact a consultation with a medical professional, because that is wild my friend -- you are fine, and we really need to stop flying in the face of logic and reason suggesting otherwise.
TL;DR this for us: what does the Qur'an tell us?
The Qur'an tells us that intoxicants have both harm and benefits, though the harm tends to outweigh benefits. We are told intoxication can bring dissonance between human beings and distracts us from God. We are told not to be intoxicated when we pray. Finally, we are told to avoid harm in order to succeed in life.
The Qur'an says nothing about a drop of alcohol in food, the use of alcohol in medical practice, friends or establishments where alcohol is present, or even using alcohol in quantities that are not causing harm in your life. Instead, the Qur'an warns us that drinking has the possibility of leading to Bad Things(tm), and if we end up in the 'bad things' territory, we should stop what we're doing and turn to God instead.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 1 year
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(Prophet of Islam Muhammad (pbuh))
The first text that can be counted as a declaration of human rights in the history of the world is the Farewell Sermon.
So, what is the hadith that an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab?
What are the ingredients of the Farewell Sermon?
Our Prophet In his Farewell Sermon, Muhammad called out to all humanity:
You will definitely not do these four things.
Your Lord is one.
Your father is one too.
You are all Adam's children, and Adam is from the earth.
Just as an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab over an Arab;
Red skinned people have no superiority over black, and black has no superiority over red skinned people.
The first text that can be counted as a declaration of human rights in the history of the world is the Farewell Sermon.
As it is known, shortly before his death, the Prophet gave a historical speech to 124 thousand people in Mecca in 632 AD.
The first human rights declaration proclaimed in the West is the Magna Carta dated 1215.
583 years after the Farewell Sermon.
The UN Declaration of Human Rights is dated 1948.
Our Prophet During the Farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) addressed all humanity in the person of 124 thousand Muslims in the middle of the Arafat Valley on his camel named Kaswa after his death on Friday, 9 Dhu al-Hijjah
(9 Dhu al-Hijjah 10 H./8 March 632 M. Friday).
He addressed Muslims and all humanity as follows:
Do not return to perversions
"O people!
Listen carefully! I don't know, maybe I won't be able to meet you here again after this year.
Just as today is a holy day, just as these months are holy months, just as this city (Mecca) is a blessed city, so are your lives, property and honor, they are protected from all kinds of rape.
My Companions! You will surely meet your Lord.
He will also question you for what you did.
Do not return to the old perversions after me and do not hit each other's necks!
My Companions!
Whoever has a trust with him should immediately give it to its owner.
Be aware that all forms of interest have been abolished. God has ordained so.
The first interest I removed is the interest of Abdulmutallib's son (my uncle) Abbas.
But your principal is yours.
You have neither persecuted nor suffered persecution.
My Companions!
Pay attention, all the customs from ignorance have been removed, they are under my feet.
The blood feuds waged during the Age of Ignorance were also completely abolished.
The first blood feud I abolished is that of Abdulmuttalib's grandson, Iyas bin Rabia.
O people!
Surely the devil has given up hope of worshiping him in your land.
But if you follow him in your small works, it will also please him.
O people!
I advise you to observe the rights of women and to fear Allah in this regard.
You have taken women as a trust from Allah and you have made their honor lawful for yourselves by Allah's command.
You have rights over women and women have rights over you.
Your right over women; they do not let anyone trample your bed, and they do not let people you do not like into your homes without your permission.
If they let a person into your house whom you did not allow to come, Allah has allowed you to leave them alone in their beds and at least lightly beat them and warn them.
The rights of women over you are that you provide food and clothing according to legitimate customs.
I leave you two relics
I leave you two relics, you will not go astray as long as you hug them and follow them.
Those relics are the book of Allah, the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Do you listen to me and good memory!
A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim, and thus all Muslims are brothers.
Neither his brother's blood nor his property is halal for a Muslim.
But if he gave the property to the heart pleasantness it is another.
Your Lord is one.
Your father is one too.
You are all Adam's children, and Adam is from the earth.
Just as an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab over an Arab;
Red skinned people have no superiority over black, and black has no superiority over red skinned people.
Superiority is only in taqwa, fearing Allah.
Be careful!
You will definitely not do these four things:
You shall not associate anything with Allah.
- You shall not unjustly kill a soul that Allah has made unlawful and inviolable.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You will not steal.
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chaudhryclinic · 1 year
Talbina: The Sunnah Food for a Healthy Body
What is Talbina? Talbina is a traditional Arabic dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is made from ground barley and water, cooked to a creamy consistency. This simple meal is not only delicious but also holds great significance in Islamic tradition. The Sunnah Food Talbina is known as the Sunnah food because it was highly recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He…
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for-thebelievingwomen · 5 months
🪴~ Read, Reflect, Take Heed
Ismāʾīl Al-Asbahani — رحمه الله — said:
Among the practices of the people of Sunnah is to be cautious in matters of food, drink, marriage, and to avoid major sins and abominations. They exhort one another to love for the sake of Allah, to avoid arguing and disputing over the fundamentals of religion, to keep away from the people of desires and misguidance, to shun them and to distance themselves from them.
They are committed to fulfilling agreements and trusts, to avoid injustices and dubious matters, to lower their gaze from doubtful and forbidden things, to restrain the self from desires, to refrain from bearing false witness and slandering chaste women, to hold back the tongue from backbiting, slander, and unnecessary talk, to suppress anger, to overlook the faults of brothers, to hasten in doing good deeds, to abstain from dubious matters, to maintain family ties, to help the weak and needy, to give sincere advice for the sake of Allah, to show compassion towards Allah's creation, to perform night prayers, especially for those who have memorized the Qur’ān, and to be prompt in performing the prayers.
Source: Al-Hujjah fi Bayan Al-Muhajjah (2/571). Taken from the book: Fleeing to Allāh: The Salaf & the Journey of Inner Growth By Abū Suhailah ʿUmar Quinn
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lightup0nlight · 5 months
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Would you like…?
🌺 Would you like to attain Allah's Protection? "Whoever prays the morning (Fajr) prayer, then he is under the protection of Allah 'azza wa jall." [Ibn Majah 3946]
🌺 Would you like to be close to Allah? "A slave becomes nearest to his Rabb when he is in prostration (in salah). So increase supplications while prostrating." [Muslim 482]
🌺 Would you like to be distanced from the Hellfire? "Whoever fasted a day for the sake of Allah, then Allah distances between him & the Hellfire by 70 years." [Al-Bukhari 2840]
🌺 Would you like to attain the rida of Allah? "Allah is pleased with His servant who says 'Alhamdulillah' while taking a morsel of food & while drinking." [Muslim 2734]
🌺 Would you like that your scales be heavy with good deeds? "There are 2 expressions which are very easy for the tongue to say, but very heavy in the scale & are very dear to Ar-Rahman. They are: {Subhana Allahil-'azim and Subhana Allah wa bihamdihi}. [Al-Bukhari 6406]
Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya Source: Would you like. . . . ? - Following the Sunnah
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blaxcunicorn · 1 year
Ramadan drabble
Length: 958 words
Content: fem!reader, fluff, kissing, arabic words/terms 
Authors note: Heeey, I decided to make a Ramadan drabble. Ramadan Mubarak to everyone that celebrates! 
“Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ´ala rizq-ika aftarthu” you both say before eating your dates. “Ugh, I´ve been craving this the whole day” Eren moans almost drooling over the food you had prepared for your husband and yourself. This was your first Ramadan together as a married couple, so you wanted Iftar to be something special and rememberable. You had cooked the Turkish delights Carla had taught you were his favorites. “I loved the food you prepared, love” He kisses your forehead. That brought you joy “Thank you” You smile playing with your cat. You were not that fond of it in the beginning, however, Eren managed to convince you to get one as it was Sunnah. After eating and talking about your day, Eren got up “Alhamdulillah, again thank you for everything you have done today Y/n” You feel your cheeks burn “Y-you welcome” It’s been ten months since your marriage, but that man still manages to get you blushing. 
He starts cleaning the table “No, it's fine-“Eren grabs your hand gently, “You have been in the kitchen for the past hours preparing this Iftar, what I can least do is clean. I don´t want my princess to wear herself out. Give me 10 minutes, you can take wudu in the meantime.” He grabs the plates and walks to the sink; he looked handsome in the sheen green abaya you bought him during your honeymoon trip to Morocco. It enhances his olive skin and eyes, so you had to buy him it. You hug him from behind while he is doing the dishes, and he grabs some foam and places it on your nose. “Hey!” you giggle whipping the foam away “It was in self-defense, I got ambushed while doing my dishes” he grins. He is so handsome; you are lucky to have such a beautiful husband Allah blessed you with this one. “What are you thinking about?” he says squeezing your nose between his index and middle fingers. “You” you grin as it made him blush a bit. “Someone is feeling flirtatious this evening…haven´t you forgotten something though.” He kisses your forehead as you wrinkled it in confusion, your eyes widen as you remember that you forgot to take wudu. You run to the bathroom, leaving Eren laughing over the sink.
You set out both your prayer rugs and fix your hijab as you were waiting on him. He comes shortly after being freshly cleaned and he starts leading the Maghrib prayer. After praying you both sit down to watch 90-days Fiancé, which is one of your favorite things to do as a couple. However, it got magically disturbed by your heated makeout session. Eren puts you on your lap before lifting you and marching to the bedroom. After your session, the both of you cuddle in bed you sit up and he put his head on your lap. “You should pee and take Ghusul, the others texted me and they are coming over since I have eaten and am not hangry anymore according to Connie” You can´t help but laugh, when you were younger Eren used to throw tantrums at Jean during fasting which was explained by him being hangry but in reality did the two of them love to heat each other up. Eren flicks your forehead as a punishment for not defending his honor. 
You then walk to the bathroom to get cleaned while Eren is still napping in bed. “Wake up, I´m done. You should get cleaned up as well before they show up” you whisper softly while stroking his hair. “Can´t we just cancel on them” he groans, grabbing your waist with one arm to lay you down with him. He starts kissing your neck slowly “Eren, I´ve just taken Ghusul, hurry up and get cleaned” he pouts and walks towards the bathroom. In the meantime, you clean the living room to make it look more presentable for the others when they show up. You can hear that Eren is showering which brings you relief. Carla warned you before marrying her son that the guy can sometimes be stubborn and lazy. However, he straightens up immediately when it comes to you. 
The doorbell rang and you walk towards the door, you can hear the others talking among themselves. You open the door and are almost tackled by Sasha and Connie. “How are you doing Y/n? Gosh, you must be dying from not eating meat the whole day.” Sasha almost cried “But fear not, we brought you and Eren some meaty pizzas” You could swear that you saw drool coming from her mouth. “Oh, thank you but you shouldn't have I could have prepared something for you guys.” Mikasa is the first to answer “You have been fasting the whole day and we didn´t want you to worry about cooking for us.” You smile and open the door wider to let them in. Connie, Sasha and Jean crash on the sofa, while Mikasa and Armin sit on the bean bags. “Do you want any drinks?” You ask “We brought soda and juice. Just sit down with us Y/n” Armin pats the other bean bag. You sit down next to the blonde “Oh Eren is-” You got interrupted by Connie “Assalamu alaikum Halali King” Eren came out of the bedroom with his abaya on and a towel on his shoulders. “At this point, you should just convert Connie” Eren grins “Sure, I mean four wives doesn´t sound bad…ouch!.” Sasha hit him on the back head “Four wives, you wouldn´t be able to commit to the five prayers, idiot.” Everyone in the room laughs, the night was perfect as the two of you were companied by your second family.
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dailytafsirofquran · 9 days
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Kahf Ayah 9-12
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
18:9 Do you think that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar- Raqim were a wonder among Our signs!
18:10 When the young men fled for refuge to Al- Kahf. They said:
"Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!''
18:11 Therefore, We covered up their hearing in Al- Kahf for a number of years.
18:12 Then We raised them up, that We might test which of the two parties was best at calculating the time period they tarried.
The Story of the People of Al-Kahf
Here Allah tells us about the story of the people of Al-Kahf in brief and general terms, then He explains it in more detail.
He says:
that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs!
meaning, their case was not something amazing compared to Our power and ability, for the creation of the heavens and earth, the alternation of night and day and the subjugation of the sun, moon and heavenly bodies, and other mighty signs indicate the great power of Allah and show that He is able to do whatever He wills. He is not incapable of doing more amazing things than the story of the people of the Cave.
Similarly, Ibn Jurayj reported Mujahid saying about Do you think that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs),
"Among Our signs are things that are more amazing than this.''
Al-Awfi reported that Ibn Abbas said Do you think that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs),
"What I have given to you of knowledge, the Sunnah and the Book is far better than the story of the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim.''
Muhammad bin Ishaq said:
Do you think, -- O Muhammad --
"(It means) I have not shown My creatures a proof more amazing than the story of the people of the Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim.''
Al-Kahf refers to a cave in a mountain, which is where the young men sought refuge.
With regard to the word Ar-Raqim, Al-Awfi reported from Ibn Abbas:
"it is a valley near Aylah."
This was also said (in another narration) by Atiyah Al-`Awfi and Qatadah.
Ad-Dahhak said:
"As for Al-Kahf, it is a cave in the valley, and Ar-
Raqim is the name of the valley.''
Mujahid said,
"Ar-Raqim refers to their buildings.''
Others said it refers to the valley in which their cave was.
Abdur-Razzaq recorded that Ibn Abbas said about Ar- Raqim:
"Ka`b used to say that it was the town.'' Ibn Jurayj reported that Ibn Abbas said,
"Ar-Raqim is the mountain in which the cave was.''
Sa`id bin Jubayr said,
"Ar-Raqim is a tablet of stone on which they wrote the story of the people of the Cave, then they placed it at the entrance to the Cave.''
(Remember) when the young men fled for refuge to Al- Kahf. They said:
"Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!''
Here Allah tells us about those young men who fled from their people for the sake of their religion, fearing persecution. So they fled taking refuge in the cave of a mountain, where they hid from their people. When they entered the cave, they asked Allah to show mercy and kindness towards them,
Our Lord!
Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way.
Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself,
meaning, `give us Your mercy and conceal us from our people.'
and facilitate for us our affair in the right way.
means, direct our matter well, i.e., grant us a good end.
As was reported in the Hadith:
Whatever You have decreed for us, make its consequences good.
Therefore, We covered up their hearing in the cave for a number of years.
meaning, `We caused them to sleep when they entered the cave, and they slept for many years.'
Then We raised them up,
from that slumber,
and one of them went out with his Dirhams (silver coins) to buy them some food, as it will be discussed in more detail below.
Allah says:
Then We raised them up, that We might test which of the two parties,
meaning, the two parties who disputed about them,
was best at calculating the time period that they tarried.
It was said that this refers to how long they stayed in the cave.
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