#sunset hunter
induira · 1 year
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•chasing sunsets•
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robotsandramblings · 20 days
i know Hunter has his face tattoo and bandana and other facial differences but do you think that, after he grew out his beard, sometimes Crosshair would do a pained double-take, thinking that he just saw Mayday 😭
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hoolay-boobs · 2 months
My favourite canon bisexual characters (in no particular order) <3
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Bisexuality looks different on everyone. Some in sapphic relationships, some in achillean relationships, some in duaric relationships, and some all bi themselves :) I’m so happy to have so many bisexual role models in my teenage hood and young adulthood that I didn’t have during my childhood <3
Note: IK that Princess Bubblegum and Gary Gumball are not canon bisexual, but they are both canon queer, free to be headcannoned as either bi or gay/lesbian. Everyone else here are canonically specifically bi tho :3
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mysandwichranaway · 1 year
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-will you let me take care of you? Will you let me stay by your side? Whatever time we get is precious
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skellymom · 4 months
"Sunset Over Pabu"
Hunter X OC/Reader One Shot
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Word Count: 910
Background: An "Old Love" relationship. Nostalgia. Saying Goodbye. Using planet and star interchangeably. The celestial body in this fic is a Moon, similar to our planet Mars it reflects light so the appearance is a shining star.
The inspiration for this story came from @lightspringrain artwork. Including the link to her Etsy shop and image of "Hunter's Moon"
There are parallels to the first time Mad met Hunter in this fic. To read how they met, here is the link:
Warning: Sadness.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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They snuggled close on that settee just as they did the first night meeting on Ord Mantell.  In between trips off world, children, weddings, funerals, holidays, and all manner of life Hunter and Mad carved out while on Pabu to watch the sunset together.  Approximately 10 standard cycles of building a bonfire on the beach and cuddling up together to watch the sky turn deep shades of crimson, purple, and eventually black.  Gazing at the stars as they cycled by with the seasons in the night sky. 
The broken settee was resurrected by Hunter’s own hands when they first settled.  He built it strong enough for two.  A solid foundation so it would never break again.  Mad helped weatherproof it to withstand the ocean salt.  Together, they performed maintenance when needed, so it would last for many years.  A continuing project and labor of love. 
In addition, a firepit was constructed to hold the burning heat kept within.  Hunter and Mad collected stones on their travels around the galaxy.  Bringing back chunks of memories to line into a continuing never-ending circle.  Occasionally family and friends would add their own additions when returning to Pabu. Wrecker kept his eye out for oddly shaped or colored rocks while fishing and would surprise them with a new addition already stacked against the ring. 
Tonight, Hunter had a bit of difficulty making his way down the stone steps to the beach.  Mad took his hand, providing support.  His long hair and beard had gotten greyer the last few months.  She joked that he was almost as silver as her.  The wrinkles and laugh-lines accumulated since being together, a happy long life for a clone prominent on his face. He smiled as she fussed about him being careful not to slip. 
“Taking good care of me.” 
“Of course, what else would I do.”  
She winked, and he chuckled. 
He told Mad tonight he’d forego their usual “Spotchka under the stars” and just do “The Stars” for tonight.  The alcohol was wearing heavily on his system, making for extremely tiring mornings after...even with him cutting back considerably. 
In the last few months, Hunter and Mad watched a vibrant moon make its transit across the heavens.  It stood out amongst the other stars.  Burning a brilliant red flicker that could be easily seen even though it was millions of light years away. The bright red star reached the zenith of its orbit and total brilliance tonight per Tech’s calculations.   
“There’s YOUR moon, Hunky!” Mad pointed up above.  
There was a number for this moon at one point. With millions of celestial bodies orbiting the galaxy, only numbers were given to keep track of them all. That wasn't good enough for Omega though. She named it “Hunter’s Moon” rotations ago before leaving on her own journey with Echo and Crosshair. 
“Shame it’s the last night we’ll see it on Pabu.” Hunter mused. 
Mad sighed. “Didn’t Tech say something about it being visible somewhere else?” 
“Think he mentioned another planet not far from this one...” Hunter trailed off. 
“Whattsamatter Hunky?” 
He looked a little guilty “Not sure I’m up to traveling much any time soon.” He also sounded tired. 
“Not in any hurry. We have a sky full of stars.” 
“Mhmm, that’s my Mad... always thinking ahead.” 
“It’s the wanderlust. Brain never shuts off.” 
“I LOVE you, Maadienne.” 
Mad smiled and squeezed his hand. “I LOVE you too, Hunky.” 
They both gazed up at Hunter’s Moon.  
“Make a wish, Mad!”  Hunter said quietly.  
They were both silent for a while.  Then Hunter gently rested his head against hers. 
She knew he wouldn’t come out and tell her his wish, that to tell it wouldn’t come true.  Mad still liked to chide Hunter and try to playfully tease it out of him.  It would end in tickling, laughter, hugs, kisses...and on less tiresome nights love making. On tiresome nights they fell asleep in each other's arms on the beach. 
“Okay Hunky, spill the beans.”  Mad hugged Hunter tighter.  He didn’t reply.   
Mad brushed Hunter’s long locks away from his face. She gazed down at him, marveling at how the bonfire illuminated his hair, tattoo, dark skin. The face of a sleeping angel.  A rhyme in time back on Ord Mantell all those years ago.  The younger man who decided to buy her a drink in Cyd’s Parlor.  A partner that travelled with her across the galaxy, helped care for her family, whose brothers adopted them all, and a partner that never left her side. 
She caressed his face lovingly, immersing herself in the scent of his skin, hair, and... 
Hunter’s chest had stilled.  An expected, but heavy weight resting against her body, a bit heavier than his usual bodily presence. 
“Oh...Hunter...Hun...” Mad suddenly hitched and exhaled, tears running down her face. 
She knew this day would eventually come.  And as the full rotations went on, she kept wishing on a certain red star that she could have another standard day with him.  Every standard day she wished to have another. 
But wishes only carry you so far...and there are only so many wishes granted. 
And you must accept that the universe has other plans. 
To believe in having just a moment of happiness instead of none. 
Mad kissed Hunter’s forehead.  “Aw, Hunky...we were REAL good...  Weren’t we? 
The red star above Pabu twinkled in reply to Mad’s words as she hugged Hunter for the last time. 
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yeesiine · 4 months
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Hunter x hunter
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findmeinthefallair · 3 months
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Best beach in the world!! 🌴
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flight0fthenavigat0r · 2 months
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point of no return. . .
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capricioussun · 11 months
6 or 14 for edge?
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Someone else suggested a fell papyrus for 6 too !! so ig that just gives off big uf Papyrus vibes ahsjdjjd
I was actually thinking of maybe putting Boss in 14…
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sixfromerie-again · 4 months
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Utah's Most Traumatized Otter (Is Doing Better Now)
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madcat-world · 5 months
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Illustration for My New Book that is Coming out Soon - Alex Andreev
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singto-prachaya · 1 month
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AND IT'S COMING. 15 JUNE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait
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eliaism · 17 days
who else is fucking tired of fandoms seeing canon bi and pan characters being called “straight” because they show interest in/have been with people of the opposite gender, or lesbian/gay because they’ve shown interest in/are with someone of the same gender and they can’t comprehend that people can like more than one?!?!?!
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doublesunsets · 3 months
was it me or did Hunter's colour hair look funny? I don't have any screenshot but the man looked to me like he got some fancy highlights
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pharawee · 5 days
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JJ & Fong at the Sunset X Vibes press conference.
Source: jj.sunday & bovorntalk @ ig
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colourme-feral · 8 days
The official trailer for Sunset x Vibes is out! No subtitles available yet.
Subs are up!
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