#sunshine charcter
jesslockwood · 1 year
I think that Anthony Lockwood’s character in the show is toxic but really only to himself. Like that dude would die no questions asked for someone like Kipps in ep.1, but wouldn’t mind it due to his trauma and yet also wants to give joy to others because doesn’t have really much at all.
It’s like he wants to die, but also wants to save everyone, but all at the same time is a humours, quirky, joy giving guy.
Survivors guilt and a lowkey saviour complex yet a ray of sunshine? Yes I need more please.
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acatisonmyhead · 1 year
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My Teifling baby. Her campaign got cancelled but I still finished the sketch and I hope I can still use her one day.
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ajulesr · 11 months
June and her mentor
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clockwayswrites · 1 month
Just curious, have you ever considered using Gentleman Ghost as a villain? I ask because there’s like one one-shot and one comic of him interacting with or fighting with Danny Phantom in all of Ao3 and Tumblr.
He’s the most iconic ghost villain he should have more fights with the most iconic ghost hero.
Nope! Not even on my radar as a charcter. Reading about him I think there's actually more interesting things to be done with pharaoh Tuck and the Hawks lol But I'm not one for writing big battle/fight scenes. Just not my bailiwick and all!
I'll always go to character focused things first. One can see that really clearly in 'A Broken Sort of Normal'. We skip all of the actual fight scenes, really. And those who've been around since 'Sunshine and Madness' know how little we actually saw of the big showdown. Even during the fight it was more about the emotions.
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darlixg · 1 month
what is this type of character called?
As a start, these are some of my favorite characters that i think are similar in some way:
-Toph Beifong (Avatar)
-Lance (Voltron)
-Stuart Pot, 2D (Gorillaz)
-Mammon (Obey Me!)
-Damian Wayne (DC)
-Lee Ping (Detentionaire)
-Geto Suguru (JJK)
-Herrscher of Sentience (hi3rd)
-Testament (Guilty Gear)
-Ivan (Alien Stage)
-Suletta Mercury (The witch from mercury)
-Sunday (Star rail)
-Tweek Tweak (South park)
-Hong Lu (Limbus company)
-Go Bok-Su (married in red)
-Alucard (Hellsing)
-Allen Walker (D. Gray-man)
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basically this^
I'm aware that some are more on the darker or religious way, but most of them seem to me like the sunshine character with deep depth hidden in them, acting tough but with a soft side to them, multifaceted and resilient taking on whether they are internal or external challenges, some being groomed and suffering because of other peoples choices.
I love when a charcter holds great complexity to them, have a strong sense of identity or they struggle with that identity and accepting it and having a meaningful build up growth and development.
-For example, one of my favorite character developments these characters go through, is Testaments from Guilty gear.
How Testament begins to reclaim their autonomy and struggles with the guilt and trauma of their past actions, trying to reconcile their existence as a Gear with the remnants of their humanity. They go through a journey of redemption and self-discovery, as they shift from a being of pure destruction to someone seeking to protect others and find a sense of peace.
-Or Damian Wayne's development. How he goes from a brash, arrogant child warrior to a more mature, responsible, and empathetic hero. His growth is marked by his struggle with his violent upbringing, his desire to prove himself, and his gradual acceptance of the values his father embodies. Despite his tough exterior, Damian’s evolution reveals a deeply complex character who cares deeply for those close to him and strives to atone for his past, making him one of the more dynamic and compelling members of the Bat-family.
Tbh, i could go on forever for each of these characters, some that have affected me deeply are Geto Suguru's crisis, Sunday's grooming and fighting with his beliefs, Ivan's character alone is the most fascinating thing for me, as well as Toph's strong independet personality that i just love so much!
I want to find more complex, sunshine, strong or weak but manipulative characters that strugle with life or however these kind of characters are described as. Smart and going after their beliefs without changing for the greater good but for themselfs.
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laugtherhyena · 3 months
Out of curiosity, Are you able to talk about all the characters in Danganronpa Another and what you do and don't like about them?
And out of curiosity, what is your opinion on the creator?
Be ready for a lot of rambling anon because you just opened the floodgates here.
Ok so first and foremost, I don't really feel much towards Linuj himself? That's sorta of a me thing where i tend to not care much about the creators of stuff i like so you'll never see me go like "wow i love this person they're fucking awesome" or "Goddamn that guy sucks" (unless said creator has done something genuinely awful, in that case obviously I'd dislike them) at most you see me go "that's wild" or complain about writing decisions and that's about it, none of that makes me inclined towards liking or disliking Linuj as a person. Tho as much as i rant about his games i gotta give credit where credit is due, the dude manages to make two whole games prey much all by himself and I respect that honestly.
Onto the opinions on the charcters, I'll just be doing the Dra folks because it's been years since i last went through Sdra2 and since I don't like that game nearly as much as a the first one i feel like whatever I've got to say about the characters would be really shallow in comparison to the first game's cast and that's like,, not fair? In my head?So yeah, sorry Sdra2 fans, maybe some other time.
Kiyoka Maki
Kiyoka is a character i genuinely love a lot because she feels like the most perfect execution of a first victim character in a Danganronpa type game, so much so that i am genuinely appalled that Linuj just randomly decided to pick her as the first victim like, what?? She fits that role so perfect that it genuinely feels as if she was created with the idea of being the first victim in mind rather than creating the character and only assigning the role later, from her personality, to character traits and even down to her design, everything works so well together that it's insane for me to think that he created the pinnacle of first victim characters pretty much accidentally.
Regardless, the way she was written and inserted into the story never fails to amaze me but i already went into more details about that here so go check that out cuz now i wanna take this time to talk about her as a standalone character instead of just her role in the story.
Because really, Kiyoka is such a funny character! She's just this silly girl that wants to chill out and hang out with her besties but she could also shoot you square in the face from several feet away. That immense discrepancy between her talent and personality is something i always found absolutely hilarious, tho if there's one thing i dislike about her is that i wish Linuj would have explained how she got into spining in the first place? Since it's such an out there talent that Kiyoka herself doesn't even like that I can't help but wonder how that happened. Not in a "the character NEEDED this" way, I'm just genuinely curious and I'd love to know how she got herself into that pickle.
Her interaction with everyone else in the cast are delight too, i love thinking about her and the sunshine trio going around and getting into stupid shenanigans and i think Linuj did a fantastic job writtring her and Ryutaro's relationship, it's a very realistic portrayal of sibling relationship which makes me really sad whenever i think back to ch6.5 and how Ryutaro will never be able to apologize to his sister. Fun fact! The ending segment of that chapter where we see him at Kiyoka's grave was the first time I've ever cried over anything that happened in these games.
Mitsuhiro Higa
Higa is in this weird spot where I don't dislike him but I don't like like him either, it's this limbo area where I'm way too indifferent to actively dislike him so he just exists there and I don't think about him like ever and that's pretty much it.
Seriously, it's hard for me to even think about way to say in terms of likes and dislikes when it comes to him because i just. Don't think about Higa-
One thing that sorta bothers me about him is how Linuj tried to make him a bit "heroic" in that one flashbacks sequence we see in Ch6 that shows how the class was captured. It's just comes out of nowhere and it's so jarring considering not even his FTEs try to paint Higa in a nicer light. It's also really weird to me how Kizuna, the other awful person in a similar vein as Higa, didn't got any of that treatment which is just,, off.
Kizuna Tomori
And speak of the devil! Kizuna Tomori my beloved, they could never make me hate you❤️
I actually got this question about Kizuna specifically a while ago, so go read that post so that I won have to repeat myself here.
Ayame Hatano
Do you guys know Dungeon meshi? Have you ever seen people talk about how they've improved their eating habits or are generally eating and cooking more often because of how much they like Senshi, whose main character traits revolve around proper nutrition and cooking? That's literally me but exercising frequently out of how much i love Ayame.
Honestly? I feel a little embarrassed getting to talk about my liking for her like this because this is a character that's only around for like 1/3 of the game at most? If you count flashbacks scenes and extra materials like the FTEs and the IF chapter. At the end of the day Ayame is by no means an incredibly complex character so I'm not here to ramble about how she's actually really a deep and intricately constructed character and you guys just don't see it because ultimately, she isn't.
The older i get the more i realize that this is the sort of character i tend to gravitate towards in any media i consume. Very rarely do i ever become this attached to characters who are super intricate and complex, let alone main characters, i feel like even simpler characters like Ayame who has pretty normal life in comparison to others from the cast and not a lot of crazy stuff going on in her backstory have things going for that the casual fan may not notice but are absolutely worth looking into.
And it's crazy because i like quite literally everything about Ayame from her character to her design, in fact, it was her design that initially brought my attention to her because Ayame's hair is one of my favorite hairstyles to see in any character design ever (specifically the little spiky parts on the side that stick up a little) so that immediately made me like this character a bit before i even knew anything about the game other than the death order and that it came before Sdra2. And for real, i think Ayame's design is really good, simple yet solid much like the character herself honestly.
While Ayame was always amongst one of my favorites characters from Dra, I was much more into Sdra2 back when i first got into the series so for a good while my liking for her wasn't as imense as it is nowadays, but it was definitely more than i liked any other character in the first game though i could never quite place my finger on why i liked her so damn much. It was only when i got back into the another series years later that i was hit with a wave of emotions as i remembered how much i adored this character and looking into her again with a better understanding of things made me finally piece together what made me love her so dearly. Spoiler alert, it went much beyond my dumb teenage self pointing at the phone screen and going like “she's just like me fr‼️” to the point that nowadays i really don't relate to Ayame as much as i used to back then, i guess a good term to describe her would be a comfort character of mine but that doesn't feel that right to me either? I think this level of attachment to a fictional character goes beyond that like she has a special place in my heart and I think by now I've rewatched Ch2 more than any other person in this fandom-
I think what i love the most about this character is the inherent contrast within her, one so prominent that it goes as far as blending into her sprites and expressions, she appears as a serious and maybe even a little intimidating person upon first impressions with Yuki and while those are indeed parts of her Ayame is also a caring girl with a huge heart she's just a little awkward.
She struggles quite often when it comes to communicating and socializing with her peers but i cannot stress enough just how much Ayame cares for her classmates even though she's not the best at showing that, and don't mean just Akane (though she's by far the person she was the closest to). In the Ch2 post trial we learn that Ayame had actually been affected pretty heavily by the first motive video the cast was given yet she kept it to herself which when taking into account how she wishes for the rest of the class to get along as she's leaving for her execution reads to me as Ayame genuinely caring for the others as well to the point she wanted them to see her as strong so that they could also remain strong amidst the despair, and if that isn't enough to show her care then just look at the fact that this girl went as far as reopening an old wound on her leg, one that brought her so much pain and despair in the past, as a means of apology to all of them in case she managed to win the class trial (+ i personally believe this was also a self inflicted punishment for killing Kizuna since Ayame is well aware that she could have tried to save her instead of leaving her to bleed out with a knife on her neck, but that's more on the interpretation side than in-game implications.)
And this is where the nuance of this character comes in because while Ayame is a good person at heart, and a courageous and determined one at that, she's not beyond being cruel and getting her hands dirty in order to protect those she loves, but amidst this desire there's also a heap of selfishness in her acts that Ayame herself admits in the post trial as being the reason why she didn't just admit she was the killer from the start. She killed to spare Akane's life from an unavoidable execution but at the same time she wasn't free from the urge to take that as a chance to leave hope's peak academy herself and that's just,, ough man i love when characters can be brutal yet kind, selfless and selfish at the same time and i think this conflicting aspect of hers is what truly makes this character special.
So much so that i feel like if you just look at chapter 2’s case purely from a “clean” perspective where Ayame wanted to save Akane and there's not much more to that then you're missing out on the most interesting aspect of both the trial and her character and if that's as deep as most viewers tend to interpret her actions then it's no wonder why she's commonly deemed not very memorable and tends to be reduced to her relationship with Akane.
Yes, what she did was noble and it truly showed just how much she cared for Akane when she was willing to give up her own life and dreams for the future if it meant sparing her from a terrible fate, but you can't just gloss over the fact that at the same time Ayame had the selfish desire to use that as an opportunity to escape, and most importantly in my opinion we shouldn't ignore the fact that this sacrifice came in the form or brutally murdering someone she had the opportunity to try saving. It's just as cruel as it is noble yet simultaneously intertwined with Ayame's own selfish desires and wow! This character makes me unwell❤️
So yeah, in conclusion i like Ayame a whole lot and i wish more people would acknowledge the fact that she's kinda of a little freak too.
Kakeru Yamaguchi
So Kakeru is a weird one, in concept i like him quite a bit! I love the gentle giant archetype and i think the idea of him switching into a more assertive and loud personality in trials is really cool, but much like Kakeru as a whole, that is pretty underutilized and results in a character that could have been so much better than what we actually got in game.
I get the feeling that Linuj didn't really know what to do with Kakeru, he had a handfuls of ideas but there was no proper execution for them and he so he was sorta just,, there for the ride. I think what bothers me the most is how dumb he is in the trials, sure, DR trials aren't at all similar to the real life ones he would have been used to going to due to his talent, but that doesn't excuse the fact that Kakeru is surprisingly dumb in both the trials he's in when he should at least be able to argue and bring more to the table than just be another one of the characters that goes "i don't get it" or says something blantantly wrong for Maeda to refute. + If he smarter than that then maybe he could have been one of the characters to oppose Tsurugi more directly, since he is a lawyer and Kinjo has his "all criminals are scum" mentality. It would have fit well in with the characters and storyline but because Kakeru is such a nothing burger that role ended up being passed to Kinji since he's one of the few smart characters in Dra.
Still, none of that makes me dislike him it's just a little disappointing and ultimately makes him one of the people I don't think about very often but he's still a pretty sweet dude who i think it's pretty silly and funny in his interaction with the others from the cast so yeah, he's neat :]
Kanata Inori
You know, Kanata wasn't a character i originally thought much about but the more i looked into her the more i started loving this character, simultaneously, i felt disapointed of how underutilized she was in the story, but I'll get into that later.
Kanata is just such a sweetheart and you can really feel how much she cares for everyone during her interactions with the cast during the storyline, she's also quite useful in the trials she was in seeing as she was able to perform autopsies and give Yuki information that he probably wouldn't have known otherwise which more often than not ends up being pretty decisive in figuring out who the culprit is. I also really enjoy her backstory and how Ando's kindness in working to save her life despite the borderline nonexistent chances of her making out alive inspired her in such a way that Kanata decided to pursue a medical career so she could bravely save people just like he saved her! They're one of the sweetest family relationships in this series in my opinion so much so i get so sad whenever i rewatch ch6.5 and get to the part where Ando talks about Kanata and how she's an amazing kid :(
Much like Kakeru, the one thing i dislike about this character is that she was ultimately underutilized in the story, but whereas Kakeru's came from the fact that his character is an unorganized mess of ideas, Kanata had things going for her, they just weren't shown through most of the time she was on screen for whatever reason. Seriously, why was she reduced to the emotional character who cries all the time? I get that she's very nice and cares a lot for her classmates but c'mon, she worked at a hospital she should be able to deal with the situation at least a little better instead of bawling her eyes out whenever something bad happened.
Kanata hit a yakuza member on the head in the middle of a gang fight so that she could treat him properly once, she can be fierce and assertive when the situation calls for it, so why did she never do that in the main story?? This is absolutely baffling to me because it genuinely does such a disservice to the character and can end up driving people away from learning more about, like if i wasn't writing for an AU where she was a major character during the time she was alive I don't think i would have looked deeper into this character and learned how incredible she is because the main story made me think of her as just "the emotional one who cries all the time".
I also feel like it was a missed opportunity to not have her being the one who died trying to save the other ch3 victim. Like c'mon, her backstory shows us how she can often put other's safety before her own, that would have fit so well.
Kinji Uehara
Just like Kakeru, he's also a character I don't think much about but that comes from personal preference rather than feeling as if he was underutilized in story. Kinji just isn't the kind of character i tend to pay much mind to and that's ok! I do think he's a pretty interesting character, with his deal with the orphanage and also being the traitor in the game, i also enjoy how he always made his opinions clear to everyone like when he left the group because he didn't agree with Tsurugi's way of going about things and how he stood up against him and called him out in his hypocrisy in the Ch3 post trial.
If there's one thing I don't like about Kinji's is how linuj structured his murder plan, his method are SO violent for a character who had a noble motive and wasn't just some kind of crazy serial killer. Kakeru's make sense, since he was trying to stop him as fast as he could but i just don't understand why he still went on to kill Kanata when he had already killed someone (which was all he needed to do according to his deal with Monokuma), we're never told that Kanata saw it was him who attacked her, so why did ge insist on killing her anyway? Just because he had the plan set already? A plan that was also uncharacteristically brutal for a guy like Kinji. Seriously, when i first spoiled myself of all deaths in this game i got to Ch3 and thought "oh so he's the token crazy serial killer character" and while i was happy that he wasn't that, it's jarring that he got so violent out of nowhere + his breakdown in trial also feels pretty out of character in my eyes.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
See, Haru is a cool guy, him Satsuki and Teruya (for a good part of the game) are essentially DRA's comedic relief characters and I've always had a big soft spot for those in DR games, when my faves inevitably die really early it's there character's inclusion that keep me watching the rest of the game!.. And then they die and struggle to get myself to watch the final chapters because most of the remaining characters are people I don't care nearly as much for- (thank god Ch5 has Mikako and Teruya survived the whole game)
But the thing is, when it comes to Haru himself I don't actually have much to say about him? He reminds me a lot of Kiyoka in the sense that he's a pretty normal guy for his age with a really out there talent that he's crazy good at. I think where Haruhiko really shines is not in his actions during Ch4 (tho that was amazing too, i can totally see why this is so many people's favorite chapter/case in Dra), but in his interactions with the other character because pretty much every single one of them are just so endearing to watch, regardless he's just being a dumbass or getting into trouble, in fact! I quite enjoy how he's a little hot headed (not sure if that's the right term)? The dude stands his ground and is not afraid of getting into fights if something's bothering him a lot, tho his own shortcomings and paranoia can often get the best out of him and he'll be sorta of an asshole and makes him feel so real to me, like he's just some dumb teen bound to make mistakes in a dangerous situation like the killing game and i really like that.
If i had to think of one thing i dislike about him I'd say is how he was characterized in the Ch6 flashback segment, like, by that point him and Satsuki are a couple right? So why was he trying to hit on the random Kisaragi fundation worker? That's not necessary out of character for him, but it's really weird that he's doing that despite havinya girlfriend of her own (smh Haru, i expected better from you).
Satsuki Iranami
Satsuki isn't a character i talk about a lot but i like her a lot! Not only is she a genuinly funny character who i love seeing her interactions with pretty much anyone in the cast, but i find her relationship with her family and the way she goes about it really interesting. I think anyone who've seen Satsuki's FTEs can tell that her family is insanely abusive, creating an environment of making their kids compete and compare themselves to one another on who's the best clown and treating Satsuki like absolutely garbage since she's considered the worst of them. Hell, I'm pretty sure they only sent her to hope's peak so they could get rid of her since she was of age to attend which is just,, damn. This is a fucking awful place to grow up in.
Yet Satsuki herself isn't a sad person nor do we ever see her get really depressed and upset when talking about her family, at most she looks a little sad and, unfortunately, agrees with them that she's the worst of the clows while sticking to not crying or sulking about it, instead she goes on to keep being silly and joking around which has always striked me more as a coping mechanism instead of "Satsuki it's too stupid to realize how terrible her family situation is" because as goofy as she is i do get the feeling that she knows her situation is absolutely awful but doesn't know a great way to cope with it other than what she's already doing.
And this seeing this strange coping mechanism explains so much about the way she acts in the killing game, she keeps joking around even during trials or when faces with murder motives because she just wants to remain happy and tries to see if maybe doing so will lift up the spirits of her classmates as well. Not saying that this is by any means a healthy coping mechanism, like, no, Satsuki girl it's okay to cry and be upset over terrible things, be it her family situation or the killing game, but this is nevertheless the most fascinating aspect of this character to me.
And once you take that into accound, it makes perfect sense why she was choosen to be sorta the "hope beacon" of the cast in Ch4 because really, that's just what Satsuki's Been doing the whole game. Tho i do wish this aspect was given more of a spotlight even in Ch4 itself because on first watch (without going through her FTEs) it felt a little jarring to me how Satsuki "randomly" became really important, but i consider that more of a nippick in comparison to other things I've complained about here.
Yamato Kisaragi
Oh right, this guy! He exists in the same indifference limbo as Higa but only because I don't think about him that often (so much so i forget he exists sometimes) because whenever i do think about him he gets violently pushed onto the active dislike section. Which is really funny to me considering Yamato is the perfect and super cool genius guy of the first another game, and that's a big point on my lack of care for him. The game insists in telling us how awesome Yamato is, how all of his classmates like him and how much of a hero he was for try to save them both in the Ch6 flashback and in the IF chapter, and i think that's exactly what made me feel such insane annoyance/repulse towards this character to the point that I'll see him and just groan and roll my eyes.
He's a character the story actively wants us to like but he's just so bland and generic that this push just annoys me and i feel nothing towards him as a person, the fact that we barely see him be himself in the game doesn't help either since he died almost as soon as he's introduced and all we have are flashbacks, the other character's opinions/memories of the guy and his Ai version. And even when we do see Kisaragi be himself in the IF chapter, his role there is like,, textbook generic anime nice guy protag and i just feel?? Insane???
His bland ass is like a piece of wet cardboard to me that i see people point at and act like it's the coolest thing ever and i just look down at it in my hands and think, i don't get it. I don't see it.
And don't even get me started on how Linuj fucking side lined Mikako's role and character in favor of giving this guy the spotlight by having him come in as if he's the goddamn saving grace of the killing game and solve all the mysteries that were set and build up BY ANOTHER CHARACTER, because nooooooooooo we can't have Mikako do that, it has to be Kisaragi because he's THE. GUY. EVER. ISN'T HE JUST SO FUCKING AMAZING EVERYONE????????
This makes me. Genuinely so mad and since I'd rather not pop a vein while raging as i write this go look at this post if you wanted to see me ramble a little more on this part.
Wow, after this it's tricky for me to even think of a positive to say, uhm.. I guess his relationship with Mikako is nice? I do like how it genuinely seems like they care a lot for one another tho sometimes this care can come off the wrong way and lead to arguments between the two, like how Yamato was avoiding and being rude to Mikako during that flashback sequence i keep mentioning over and over even tho she could tell there was something wrong with him and just wanted to help. They're sweet and tragic when thinking about how they met their ends but I can't feel much on that regard seeing how many,, feelings. I have towards Yamato.
Mikako Kurokawa
You know i feel like we as a fandom don't talk enough about the horror that Mikako goes through during the killing game. She never lost her memories, she remembers these people being friends and having strong bonds with other another and she's just forced to sit there and watch as they forget everything and murder each other without knowing of what she knows, and if Mikako does as much as try to say a few words regarding what she knows her head already starts splitting into two and she'll have headaches so bad they'll make her pass out and puke blood. And that's without counting the fact that she's left completely in the dark about her brother's whereabouts through most of the game and when she does reunite with him is in the worst way possible because Yamato’s mental state is even worse than hers and he dies not long after with her being blamed for his murder. She had the worst time ever in that game and i feel like it really isn't an understatement to say she suffered through the whole thing.
And that's where Mikako's spirit really shines because despite all the pain she went through, both physical and mental, she always held onto hope and wanted to help her friends even if her options were incredibly limited. She cared for each and every single one of them to the point she even wanted to try and save Yuki and Akane even though she knew they were the masterminds because she thought that with their memories erased they could embrace hope as well and come out of that as better people, and in her very last moments she still wished to help the remaining characters and kept talking even though she knew it would kill her. That's such an insane level of courage and determination from her part that it never fails to impress me.
She's such an insane character I can't help but feel like we were robbed when she died, especially when it happened before she could unravel all the mysteries Mikako had help build up through the entirety of the game and instead we get her amazing and so cool brother doing that and getting all the spotlight instead of Mikako herself.. How nice.
But i think what bothers me the most about her death is that it was so?? Unnecessary?? Like, what did it do for her character arc? It feels like she died more because Linuj wanted her to die than because it felt fitting for the character’s journey to end where it did, and you can't tell me it wouldn't have been awesome to see her in Sdra2 and how she'd react learning that her shitty mother was one of the reason why that second killing game happened in the first place.
I explained my thoughts on Mikako's death in a nicer manner in this other post so please go check that out because I will never not be upset over her death in this game, especially when her execution ends in a way that she would have survived if she wasn't already dead by the time started.. that just felt like an unnecessary fuck you from Linuj’s part-
Akane Taira
Another character I've rambled about in the past and so don't feel like reiterating it all here (this post is getting REALLY long), so yeah, check it out but tldr, I think Akane is a really cool character and i think writing her so frequently in -2+2 has made me not only get a better understanding of her character but also like her a lot more too!
Yuki Maeda
As y'all know, Dra Yuki>>>>>>>>Sdra2 Yuki always and forever in my heart ❤️
Seriously, for someone who tends to really not give a fuck about the protagonists in DR games it genuinely surprised me how much i grew to enjoy Dra Yuki after i went through the game's full translation and realized “Woah! He isn't the same universal punching back as the Sdra2 one!” Because prior to that i was under the impression that both Yuki acted and were treated the exact same by the game's storyline and as you can probably tell I don't like Sdra2 Yuki all that much.
Dra Yuki differs because not only does the game not try to force the horrors upon him constantly but he feels very human in his actions, he's just some guy not the embodiment of good or a hope hype man so he's bound to get a little sick of this shit sometimes and make mistakes. We see this during Ch4 in his argument with Akane and also in Ch2 where he decides to break the groups trust by reading the secret note anyway which later comes back to bite him when the cast finds out, and this really stood out to me and made him instantly more interesting than other protags in my eyes, although I'm pretty sure this nuance of his character was done as a way to foreshadow his reveal as Utsuro/The mastermind.
Either ways, it ended up creating one of my favorite protags of any DR type game + i do really like the twist of the protagonists being the mastermind at the end of the day, it was something super unique by the time Dra first came out and it's still something i haven't seen be done in any other fangan (tho to be fair I don't look much into those anymore nowadays-)
It's hard for me to pick something i dislike about him since he's overall just a neat guy in my eyes but if i had to pull something I'd say he constantly taking Tsurugi's side feels kinda annoying at times? Sometimes it feels like he just glosses over some of the nasty stuff Kinjo says, like when he questioned why the group for kicking out Kinjo in Ch3 as if he hadn't just told Akane to kill herself right after she saw her best friend be grinded into minced meat. Like okay buddy i get that you see good in Kinjo and you wanna help him, but he really deserves to get a good slap in the face sometimes and the others are rightfully mad at him.
Not much to say here honestly, i feel like i like the idea of Utsuro and what he brings to the table in terms of world building, how his presence and powers affect the others around him and even the story itself. The idea of someone with insane luck powers he can't control that made his life miserable since he could achive literally anything with no effort and everyone he met only wanted to exploit said powers which led to him falling into the despair ideology since by that point it was the one thing that made him feel something it's just so,, wow man, thats some crazy angst and such an unique way to explore the borderline magical luck that exist in the DR franchise.
I love thinking about him in that vein but as a character?.. Erh, i really don't care nor think much about Utsuro at all. Which in a way, i suppose isn't all that different from how the world saw him in universe? How ironic.
Teruya Otori
By far my favorite out of the survious though I'm not sure how to explain why i like Teruya so much? I feel like part of it comes from the soft spot for comedic relief characters i talked about earlier and the rest from the way he was written in the story.
It's crazy because i feel like Teruya's writing in itself really highlights the changes in the way Linuj viewed and went about characters by the time he started working on Sdra2, i feel like if Teruya was a character that originated from that game he would be portrayed as a bad person who you shouldn't sympathize for even though he has his reasonings for acting the way he does sometimes, sorta like how Linuj tends to punish Hibiki even tho she was the bigger victim at the end of the way.
Just like Haruhiko he feels very real to me and his character arc through Dra has gotta be one of my favorites. Teruya is not a bad person, he's a good kid at heart but the severity of the situation they're in and the stuff that gets forced upon him gets to him a lot which leads to Teruya lashing out at his friends and doing some pretty bad things here and there, yet he's never portrayed as an awful person that shouldn't be forgiven or shit and he does change for the better at the end of the day. He went through a lot and came out bigger and stronger on the other side and is a shame this kind of character arc isn't properly used in Sdra2 since Linuj's mentality became so black and white out of nowhere.
I love this little guy, I'm so glad he survived the killing game though unfortunately the same can't be said for the second one but honestly? Teruya's entire role in that story was such a mess, and sometimes even a detriment to his character in my opinion, that nowadays I can't even feel that sad over his death anymore. While there are a handful of things that bother me a lot about it, like the amnesia plot just because Linuj seems to hate actually building up to things in that game and his entire role in ch4 (seriously. What was that. Why.), i think what i dislike the most is the fact that he ended up being permadead while Rei escaped the killing game fine.
I know Linuj actually gave a good explanation to why it happened (unlike Mikako's barely explained sudden brain explosion), but still, it feels like such a mean thing to do to someone who's been through so much and still tried his hardest while being in a dangerous and unpredictable situation. My guy was done dirty in that game.
Rei Mekaru and Tsurugi Kinjo
Grouping these two together because i feel like my opinions on both of them are not only pretty much the same but they also stem from the same place, so yeah-
Don't get me wrong, these two are very interesting characters and I'd argue they're one of the more complex ones in the cast as well, not only because they make it through both games but also because of their own personal backgrounds and how that shaky upbringing affected the kind of person they became as they grew older. With Tsurugi living under his father's black and white ideologies of criminals being deserving of death no matter what and falling deeper and deeper into that the more friends he loses during his life and Rei being abandoned (albeit unintentionally?) by her parents at an young age which led to her working hard to get where she's at now which not only made her quite used to being on her own but also loathe those who "take the easy" way and want all awnsers handed to them on a silver platter, which explains why she's so rude to the rest of the cast since she wants them to figure out stuff on their own too.
There's a lot to look into these characters and it makes sense why so many people like them a lot, I'm however not the biggest fan of this type of character (tho i feel like that lies more in their personality than anything else?) so i never looked much into them before i started writing DRA -2+2 and decided to look into everyone in the cast to get a better grip on their characters. And man, writing these two really did give me a newfound appreciation and love for them! They're such fun characters to write and have interacting with the rest of the cast. Tho i wouldn't by any means say i have a proper understanding of them, i feel like that's a bit out of my league still.
If there's one thing I'm not a big fan if is that i wish we would have seen more of those two in Sdra2 instead of them just having a major role in Ch6, AKA; the messiest chapter in this entire series. Like, would it have hurt that badly to not have the Void theather segments and instead cut to small scenes at the Kisaragi foundation showing what the characters are doing and how they're reacting and planing to go about interfering with Mikado's killing game? I feel like that would have been so much more interesting than watching Emma bother Hajime with bad puns while Nikei and Iroha continue being the same assholes they've always been + it would have made Tsurugi's backwards development less of a shock to see whenever Ch6 actually rolls around.
Anyways, to wrap up this massive post here's what i hope will be the definitive Carol Dra cast tierlist
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luna-alatus · 2 years
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➷ Headcanon➷ ╚» Reader has decided to get new glasses, resulting is some.. comical events ╚» Prompt: "Hey there (reader)- Oh wow you got new glass-.. glasses... AH CRAP-!" ╚» Charcter/s: Atsushi Nakajima, Dazai Osamu Pt. 2 - Atsushi Nakajima | ft. Kunikida, Dazai ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- » Atsushi Nakajima - So, when Atsushi had just become a new member of the agency and met you guys for the first time. - It was.. eventful to say the least. Maybe because somehow our bandaged detective friend had made it quite awkward with the entire dramatic introductions - "Atsushi Nakajima! Meet (Reader) (Last name)!! They're also your age so you two get along well yes?~" (basically.. classic Dazai moments) - Though after that well, everything seemed to go fine with you both, the tiger boy would help you around with work and you'd do the same Sometimes you'll even head out to go and get something nice to eat for lunch! ^^ - (Dazai will crash said hangout here and there- but Kunikida stops him dw) - And yeah, basically a nice blooming friendship-.. but, the day the (reader) was seen wearing glasses in the agency well- this might have convinced the tiger boy that he may like you more than friends~ _____________________________________________________________ » Scenerio
Atsushi had just finished helping Dazai out with a case they had needed to finish- and well asides from that they had a few breaks here and there.. but that just literally and basically means he had to fish the bandaged male out of the rivers they'd try to jump in on the case. Again... But anyways, back to the present timeline! As they headed back to the agency Atsushi would immediately notice the lack of a certain someone's presence and much to his dismay. It seemed (reader) was out doing their own errands as well, so without much thought as to what it was or what it may be- (since our sunshine boy does not want to make any assumptions about you~) He had returned to his desk and started to work through the papers he needed to finish-.. sadly Dazai had added more papers to that line of papers he needed to finish. But he didn't mind too much.. not with Dazai's whining. "Come on please Atsushi-kun?~ I promise to finish my own work tomorrow!" Dazai would practically beg the younger male to do his own work, promising to do it tomorrow.. which was of course a lie. Without much of a choice, and with a heavy sigh Atsushi just gave the bandaged detective a smile and a nod. "A-alright then Dazai-san.. you got it.. still..! You can't keep doing this- Kunikida is going to get mad at you again.." Dazai just shrugs and smiles at them happily, "Who cares..! It's not like he's here right now~ Still, he isn't the only one missing.. it seems (Reader)-chan is too huh?" Atsushi nodded at his mentor's words, it seemed he wasn't the only one who took note of the (h/c) haired detective's absence in the agency- though at the same time he'd also notice the absence of the blonde man Kunikida. Usually Kunikida would be around here in the agency by this time.. surely they aren't late? "Kunikida is probably doing something else.. and (reader).. hm, maybe they're doing a case with Kunikida as well?" The student and mentor just stare at one another before they both shrugged and went back to work-.. or at least, Atsushi did. After a while, Atsushi went to go down to the cafe a bit as per Dazai's request- to go and buy them both lunch before he headed back up to the agency. About to call for the bandaged male before his jaw slightly dropped at the sight.. (Reader) and Kunikida were back and were chatting with the suicidal detective, but what had caught his attention to actually make him look dumbfounded was the fact the (reader) was wearing glasses- new glasses specifically..! They looked pretty with them on.. gorgeous even-.. it had gotten Atsushi distracted at the current task in hand to go and give Dazai his lunch while he also enjoyed his own. So distracted that-.. he had ran into a wall on accident. Yeah, great go him!
"AH-! Ow…. oh boy- uh uhm! H-hey..!" Nakajima would stutter out as Kunikida, Dazai and the (reader)'s eyes would pause on the male.
Before Dazai had busted out laughing, the (reader) chuckling a bit but it was obvious they were a bit worried about the poor male.
Kunikida on the other hand just sighed at the male's distracted self. But there was a ghost smile on the man's face at what had just happened.
"Really kid? Bumping into walls now huh, your lucky you didn't put a hole in that!"
Kunikida just sighs but nonetheless a small smile would be on his face, finding the entire scene somewhat funny.
The (reader) would calm Dazai's laughing fit first before they'd approach Atsushi a kind smile on their lips.
"You okay Atsu? You hit the wall pretty hard.. good thing you didn't drop what you were holding."
Atsushi would just stutter slightly an embarrassed and flushed look on his face.
"Haha.. yeah! I- good thing I didn't drop anything. This is Dazai and I's lunch after all.."
Dazai perked up at that and smiled at the boy, waving him over to get his food.
"Thanks Atsushi!~ Also (reader)-chan~ Be careful with wearing your new glasses around him, he probably got distracted by your immaculate beauty!"
Atsushi would just flush at his mentor's words, glancing at the (reade) nervously. Surely.. they wouldn't- surely they wouldn't find that too weird.. was it that obvious that's the reason why he bumped into the wall..?!
(Yes Atsushi yes it is.)
The (reader) on the other hand just turned to the tiger and smiled.. a small blush on their own face as well at the revelation the bandaged male had made.
"Is that why you hit the wall Atsushi?" They'd ask, curiously.
Atsushi would literally just freeze for a moment, before they had finally admitted that, that was indeed the reason.
"Y-yeah.. it's just.. you look pretty with the glasses on."
"So that means I don't look pretty without them on?~"
"N-no!! That's not what I meant-! (Reader)…!"
Basically a very wholesome moment between you and the ball of sunshine!~ Though Dazai would tease you both here and there Kunikida would stop him when it gets too much.
In conclusion, you and Atsushi had enjoyed a nice lunch break with one another. With Dazai and Kunikida surpervising of course. Still though, it was definitely a moment Atsushi would never forget. And well.. he's fine and happy that, that's the case. ^^
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themoonandtheprincess · 5 months
Farmer's Market Troubles Part 3
Newt had never trusted anyone more than he does Thomas. It was the leadership that made him drawn to and the same, fierce loyalty he had that had Newt stick. It was during the Flare he decided there would never be any doubts of Thomas loving and protecting him but still there was anxiety and depression deeply rooted in Newt's belly that was surely going to turn into word vomit over the booth.
He watches from the table as Thomas makes another cup he has no intention to drink and then lightly scratches his fingernails across the table.
"Any dreams?" Newt asks as Thomas sets their mugs down.
"No," he replies, chewing on his lower lip. "Nothing important."
Thomas never dreams and if he does it's memories of WCKD with Teresa or, very rarely, life before. Newt asks this each morning in case Thomas might come to the revelation of just a dream. But it never comes and each morning Newt will listen patiently as Thomas describes what he's willing of what he can remember. Newt dreams but it's strange scenarios with a cast of charcters he vaguely knows or people he'd rather forget about. And of course they twist into nightmares but that is a secret kept for Newt and Newt only.
The day is bright, sunshine floods their house through the bay window and it crawls up Thomas into his hair and eyes and mouth, like the sun is absorbing him. Newt leans across the table and catches the sunlight on Thomas's lips. He tries not to think of the black dot in him eclipsing it. When they separate, Thomas massages his fingers into the back of Newt's neck and he whimpers. Something is whispered as Thomas tucks a piece of hair back and traces the shell of his ear. Touch could be a wonderful thing if he let it.
Newt sits back in his seat and they continue their morning in peace. At some point, he does take a shower and after ends up across the bed again with his wet hair puddling onto Thomas's chest. He still hasn't told him.
Thomas's phone dings and he grumbles as he tiredly looks at the message.
"Minho," he grunts, not bothering to respond. "Wants to get out. There's no shucking way I'm getting up."
"Good that."
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biggsodorcitystories · 4 months
Warrior's Missing Eagle Crest -A TUGS Fanfiction
I haven't written anything in an embarrassing amount of time, so this is probably a big pile of doo-doo, but I'm just so proud that this feels like a release of sorts so I had to share!
Rating: General
Genre: General, Family.
Characters (active): Hercules, Warrior, Susannah (OC)
Charcters (mentioned): Top Hat, Big Mac, Ten Cents, Sunshine, Captain Starr, Sea Rogue, Lillie, Zebedee, Aurora (OC), Silver Penny (OC), Grandma Starr (OC), Bright Dawn (OC), Andrew (OC)
Pairings: Warrior x Susannah, Hercules x Lillie, Big Mac x Top Hat, Bright Dawn x Sea Rogue.
Warnings: Humanised characters, Headcanon that Warrior is the brother of Hercules and Ten Cents, M/M pairing and references to Mpreg, CanonxOC ships, references to abandonment, depression, and angst.
Summary: Hercules accidentally comes across Warrior and Susannah deep in conversation on an evening walk, and hears Susannah ask why Warrior does not have an eagle crest like his brothers. Warrior's response is not what Hercules expected, forcing him to reflect on how his behaviour could have shaped Warrior's thoughts.
This route to Lowtown brought back a lot of memories as Hercules strolled along the path. It felt like another time – another world, even – when he had trotted along at the heels of his beloved aunt, Bright Dawn Starr, and her beau Patrick Teach – known to most as Sea Rogue. In a way, it had been both. His aunt and Sea Rogue had been in their late teens, barely into adulthood, while he had been little more than a toddler and still figuring out coherent speech. But he could still remember how much he had enjoyed the walks, clutching his auntie's hand and thinking up new ways to stop 'Uncle Patch' from holding the other one. Looking around, very little had changed along the riverbank path itself, but he couldn't remember enough about the area to consider how the environment had changed. It had been around twenty-five years since he'd last taken a walk this way.
He'd been twelve when they'd returned to the city, and Hercules had been far too busy in the past decade with supporting his grandfather to rebuild the Starr fleet and their reputation, and helping his mother to recover with the divorce from his father after he ran off with Auntie Dawn, with her raising his new baby brother, Ten Cents, and with...
“Warrior, can I ask you something?”
Hercules stopped in his tracks at the sound of the voice. He immediately recognised it as Susannah Moran – her Liverpudlian accent so like her father, Zebedee's, that it was fairly unique. To the surprise of many, she and Warrior had entered into a courtship that her father had not opposed. It seemed that he had stumbled across one of their dates.
They were sat by the river's edge, with their backs to him, deep in conversation. Part of him was screaming that he shouldn't be eavesdropping on them in this way, and he was about to make his presence known, when Warrior spoke.
“Course you can, Suse. What is it?”
Susannah seemed to be looking at something in front of her.
“How come yous don't have an eagle crest on your hat like your brothers? Don't yous have one?”
Hercules froze. That question had never been asked of him, nor of his brothers to his knowledge, but he knew that it had been whispered throughout the port ever since Ten Cents had received his crest two years before.
“Why is Warrior the 'odd one out' to his brothers..?”
He had an idea what the answer was, but to his shame realised that he'd never heard it from Warrior himself. Though he felt guilty, almost dirty, he kept quiet and listened for Warrior's response.
Warrior sighed, moving to take what Hercules assumed was his hat from Susannah.
“Oh, sure I got one.” He sighed. “Grandma gave us all one on our fifteenth birthday, like a coming of age thingy. She gave one to Aurora and Sunshine the first Christmas after we found out who they were.”
Susannah nodded with no hint of surprise. Hercules wasn't sure how he felt about that, given that it meant she knew more about their family history than he'd like, but was distracted as Warrior continued.
“I've got mine in the box it came in, on my bedside table.”
“Why don't you wear it?”
There was a pause before Warrior replied.
“I...I daren't, Suse. I don't wanna break it or lose it if I 'ave one of me accidents. It...it means too much to me.”
Hercules pulled a face and fought down an urge to scoff. The eagle crests Grandma Starr had given them were heavy, solid things that practically fused to his and Ten Cents' hats, so he wasn't entirely convinced by his brother's reasoning. Hell, Ten Cents had taken a fuel tanker explosion to the face, and his crest had suffered nothing worse than a bit of soot and smoke staining. Warrior's habit of bumping into and tripping over things was unlikely to cause it much harm, if any.
Susannah seemed to be following a similar line of thought.
“Doesn't it mean as much to Hercules and Ten Cents too?” Warrior looked away as he gave a bitter chuckle.
“I'm not sayin it don't...doesn't mean anythin to them. But...I don't think either of them ever saw it as I did when they got theirs.”
Susannah didn't reply, and she sat quietly until Warrior turned back to look at her.
“Yknow 'ow I told you about being fostered by Big Mac and Top 'At when we first moved back here?”
Susannah gave a nod, which Hercules wasn't entirely shocked by. Strangers to the port would frequently make the assumption that Warrior was the son of Big Mac and Top Hat, which annoyed him almost as much as the looks of surprise when they learned who his real family was. Hercules wished his younger brother wouldn't be so cheerful whenever he corrected someone, and in quiet moments he suspected that Big Mac and Top Hat secretly delighted in the mistake. He couldn't let go of the thought that the couple would like nothing more than to claim Warrior as their own child, as they probably would have done if his mother hadn't claimed Warrior back.
“Oh yeah?” Susannah continued. “Because your Mum needed the break while she was getting back on her feet?”
“Yeah. With my Dad runnin out on us, movin from London, and finding out she were pregnant again. It was a lot to 'andle...an I think I was making it a lot worse with the way I was acting.”
Hercules felt his brows raise at this last remark. He would have sworn that Warrior didn't remember that time.
“My Dad...I don't really remember 'im that well. I were only three when he left, but I do remember 'im lettin me get away with a lot. Then 'e was gone, and suddenly I wasn't allowed to do anythin' any more and kept gettin' into trouble. I do remember not taking it well and I was a little shit to everyone, especially my Mum...”
“You were three years old, Warrior. Three year olds don't behave at the best of times, and your whole world changed overnight.”
“I know, but...I was too much for Mum to 'andle at the time. Hercules tried to help with me, but he was...eleven or twelve? I reckon we both looked and sounded like screaming kids.”
Hercules found himself nodding in agreement as he looked away. No matter how much they wanted to, a pre-teen was no substitute for a parent, even if they weren't hurting from their own trauma as he had been. It was just one of many things he struggled with guilt over, regardless, unable to shake the feeling that he'd failed both his mother and Warrior.
“Mum ended up breaking down. Lucky that Top 'At were with her when she did, an 'e offered to 'ave me for a little while, until she were better. Hercules ended up stayin with our grandparents.”
“Why didn't they take yous too?”
“They offered, more than once. Thing is, Andrew was me best mate even then, an I reckon everyone thought it would do me good if I were close to someone my age instead of with Hercules. Mum kept comin to see me, anyway, tellin me about the new baby an 'ow I was gonna be a big brother an all. At first, it felt like a big sleepover – it was great. Not to mention, Big Mac and Top 'At were doin a lot to undo the behaviours Dad had taught me, though I didn't know at the time. I don't like to think about what I'd have turned out like if they'd not sorted me.
But when the weeks turned into months, and I spent most of Christmas with them instead of my own family...I remember starting to worry. I knew by then that I'd been...naughty while I was at home, and I wondered if I'd been sent away to live with my godparents because of it, like a punishment. I asked them when I was going home again, and they told me it was just until Mum 'ad the new baby.
It were enough for me for a while, even though I knew Hercules was back home, but he was older. I was happy to start – I got to spend every day with Andrew and I loved that. Mum was still coming to visit, and I went to see her and my grandparents, just came back with Big Mac and Top 'At. I reckon it were bothering me, deep down, but I could still treat it like a long sleepover, or an 'oliday and forget about it.”
He paused to give another heavy sigh.
“Then Ten Cents was born. Top 'At took me to see Mum and I got to hold 'im. I remembered being so excited an tellin Mum he could sleep in my room with me, which Mum smiled at and said he was too little to share my room. I went back thinking Mum would come and get me a few days later, but she didn't.
I still went to visit like I 'ad before, but there was no talk of me comin back.”
“Why didn't you ask to come home?”
For a second, Hercules thought that he'd spoken – the question had been echoing through his skull loud enough and he'd been getting more frustrated each time Warrior mentioned wanting to go home. He'd been asking the same questions while Warrior was away – if Warrior had just asked once, maybe their mother would have brought him back where he belonged sooner than she had. He half expected Warrior to hear and turn to see him, which would almost certainly result in another fight between them.
But Warrior's attention remained fixed on Susannah, the one who had actually asked the question. His response was so quiet that Hercules barely made out what he said.
“I was scared to, Suse. I didn't even want to go into my bedroom in case I saw it had been turned into Ten Cents' nursery and all my stuff was gone. I'd been getting' nightmares for weeks about Mum and Hercules tellin me that they didn't love me any more...”
He could hear the tears behind Warrior's voice as he ended the last sentence – as sure as he felt his own stinging his eyes. The frustration of a few seconds ago withered in the face of this new shame. Why was this a revelation to him? Warrior was talking about something that happened seventeen years ago – he should have known long before today that Warrior had felt like this and soothed said fears away.
But Warrior had never told him about them!
He looked up to see Susannah comforting Warrior, her head leaning on his shoulder. He saw his brother wipe his eyes.
“I'm alright.” He said softly, turning his head to kiss the top of her head. “Sorry about dat.”
“It's okay.” She replied. “You got back to your family though, and they didn't send yous away.”
“Yeah...that's a story in itself. When Ten Cents was born and I still didn't get to go home, staying with Big Mac and Top 'At wasn't so fun any more. They'd got me out of the tantrums and bratty stuff, and I knew dat if my real family didn't want me they were all I 'ad left, so I just cried myself to sleep a lot. I wasn't as quiet as I thought, as either they'd hear me or Drew would go down an tell em I was crying and they'd come up and comfort me. They tried their best, but I was sure I was staying with them forever. Then...”
Warrior paused for a second, as if trying to choose his words. Hercules was partly relieved for the respite – every word had felt like an accusing jab to the stomach – but he was fairly confident about where Warrior was going next.
“It turned out that I weren't the only one thinkin' I was stayin' with my foster parents forever. Top 'At an Big Mac have two kids older than Andrew – Joeseph an Heather. I dunno why, an if I'm bein really honest I think I'm best not knowin, but they decided I was stayin with them forever too. Heather decided to start bragging to Hercules about I was her brother now. Hercules got really angry and mouthed off at her. She got upset and Joe stood up for her, which might 'ave gone really badly if he wasn't an ocean-going tug as well.”
Hercules felt his teeth clench in anger, but not at his brother. Since that day, he and Joeseph had been unable to stay in the same room, let alone talk to one another, without it escalating to a fight. Joeseph had only been defending his little sister, but he didn't know why until Heather confessed to her teasing a year later. Her parents had been furious, but the damage had already been done...
“When we managed to break them apart, Mum an Top 'At went away an 'ad a very long talk. I was miserable, an sure dat was it for me. Mum an Hercules would never want me back after the fightin and Mum 'ad fell out with her best friend. But, later dat night Mum came over and said I was comin home the next day. I wanted to be 'appy, but I was frightened dat it was a punishment because of the fight.” He paused to sigh. “My room was still the same with all the stuff I'd left, an Mum helped me put my other things away. She gave me lots of hugs and said she was sorry she adn't brought me back sooner. My grandparents came over an made a fuss of me bein back – especially Grandma – an even Ten Cents seemed to like avin someone to play with. Hercules made a big show of bein glad I was back, but...”
'Made a “big show?!”' I was happy you were back home! Hercules wanted to scream at him, but forced himself to calm down when he heard Warrior speak in response to something Susannah had said.
“Well, it was the way he was with me later...it were like 'e thought I was only actin less spoiled and he was just waitin' for me to drop the act. Every little thing, he'd be there, either fixing what I was already doing or tellin me what to do. To start with, I thought he was tryin to 'elp an I wanted him to see how much better behaved I was now an make 'im proud. But...nothin' I did, nothin I said, were ever good enough for Hercules to stop watchin' me like I was gonna just go back to before. Everyone else seemed so happy with me, but the way Hercules kept treatin me made me worry dat he was the only one who wasn't hidin' the feelins they all 'ad. I felt like they were all waitin for me to make a mistake...so....so they could send me away for good...”
Hercules could barely think as he heard Warrior – his own brother – confess to feeling unwanted because of his behaviour. He wanted to deny it, insist it was just Warrior's imagination that made him believe those things. He even wanted to blame Big Mac and Top Hat, somehow poisoning Warrior's mind against them. It had been their son who Hercules had gotten into the fight with, and their daughter who had caused the fight with her tall tales, so maybe it was revenge against him to create a rift?
But for all his wants, he knew they would be lies. Not the wanting his brother back home, that had been true enough, but what Warrior had said about him watching for a return to form? To his shame, that was completely true.
He had resented his younger brother for automatically getting all his father's attention and favour, to the point that he'd been shocked that he'd not been taken by their father and Auntie Dawn when they left. In the weeks that followed, he'd seen their father's actions in everything Warrior had done, with every tantrum feeling like just another act of mockery from the man. He shouldn't have held his brother, who was barely more than a toddler, accountable, but he'd been twelve years old and full of pain. When Warrior had been sent to Big Mac and Top Hat, a tiny part of him had been relieved to be getting a break and having his grandparents' full attention. Maybe in some darker moments, in those early days of sorting his feelings, he'd entertained some private thoughts about how it might be better for Warrior to stay away. He'd caught them and buried them away, horrified by them. When Warrior had stayed away they had often danced back into his memories like an accusation. Once again, they were trying to resurface...
Because it had been so much easier if he treated Warrior like he needed to be constantly watched, to ignore his guilt by transferring it to his brother. It had been noticed too – his mother, grandparents, O.J, even Ten Cents had tried speaking to him about the way he treated Warrior. They'd never approached him, but Big Mac and Top Hat had often flashed disappointed glances in his direction when Warrior had fled to them after yet another argument. If they really did want to steal Warrior away, Hercules was doing them a huge favour.
“Yeah, I spent a lot of time with Big Mac an' Top At. Dey never made me feel like I 'ad to walk on eggshells, so I went over just for the peace. Even after they adoped Maggie, I was welcome any time. Mum and my grandparents would try an get me to stay 'ome more, an I'd try to, but it just got too much sometimes. Some days, I'd barely get through the door before it started...dat's one of the reasons I did the Fire Tug training, to get away from the fleet an do somethin different. The Fire Chief 'ad nothin but good things to say 'bout me, so Hercules couldn't pick at me about it.”
Hercules had been impressed with Warrior's dedication to becoming a certified Fire Tug – he'd been stupidly proud of how much the Fire Chief had praised Warrior.
But like many things, he'd never expressed these feelings out loud...
“When I were seven, Hercules turned fifteen and Grandma came in with this little box. She called 'im away for a minute, an' when they came back, 'e was holding the eagle crest. I remember thinkin it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and Ten Cents – 'e was three – was asking Grandma if 'e could have one like it. Grandma said we would both be getting' our own on our fifteenth birthdays, because it were a tradition. She specifically said I'd be getting mine first, because I were older and it was fair, but I became convinced dat she'd only said it to calm Ten Cents down and thought I'd forget. I was so sure as I got older that my fifteenth birthday would come an' dere wouldn't be a crest for me...right up until I opened the box and saw it.”
“What happened? Your gran must have seen you were surprised when she gave it to you.”
“I...burst into tears right in front of her – she was horrified!” Warrior chuckled. “She even looked in the box to make sure it was in dere before she gave me a hug. She's the only one in the family I ever told about 'ow I was feelin because I just blurted everythin out right in front of her. We spent so long away from everyone Mum came lookin for us. I'd calmed down by dat time an we were just getting ready to come back, so Mum didn't see me upset. I think Grandma must have said somethin afterwards, because suddenly Mum was giving me a lot of hugs – I think she might 'ave been hurt I didn't tell her myself. “
“What about Hercules?”
Nobody had said anything to Hercules, but after Warrior's fifteenth birthday, his grandparents had pulled him up about being so hard on Warrior a couple of times. He'd listened to them – or he'd thought he had – but it had never occurred to him to wonder why.
“I mean, things aren't as bad as they were between him an me, but...I still feel like Ten Cents is the only thing keepin us from arguing a lot of the time. I know he gets confused about it all, but I think he's decided it's better not to know. Besides, I reckon he's 'had a bit more to worry about after what nearly 'appened with Sunshine.”
Sunshine, and his twin sister Aurora, had both been given their own crests the previous Christmas. Their sister had fashioned hers into a pendant, and wore it out as a necklace more than as a crest, and Sunshine only wore his on special occsions, claiming the weight gave him a headache after a few hours. That had never bothered Hercules anywhere near as much as Warrrior not wearing his had, and he realised with a sudden shame that he knew how his other three siblings - two of whom he had only known about for little over a year – felt about their crests before now, but not Warrior.
“Warrior...” Hercules took a step back to hide behind a bush as Susannah turned to look at Warrior straight on. The last thing he needed was for her to spot him now, after he had eavesdropped on this conversation.
“I know it's not my place, but I think yous need to tell Hercules these things. I'd be horrified if any of my brothers or my sister felt this way about me, and...I think he would too, if he'd heard us talking.”
Warrior sighed, and hung his head.
“I reckon 'e would too, Suse. Things 'ave gotten a bit better since everything went down last year, cos I think Hercules realised 'e could actually talk to me a bit. We talked a lot about our father, but...I don't know if I can bring the conversation up without starting another argument and goin back to square one...”
Hercules backed away slowly, relieved to see that neither of them were making a move to get up, and turned to leave.
He had a lot to think about...
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sxyphen · 9 months
soooo I made some morphology's and outfits for td charcters, here’s what I have so far (warning, this is gonna be long)
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Gwen: outfit (Female Pearlcatcher; teal Jupiter, obsidian Basic, and emerald Basic) This is one of my personal favorites, it's simple but it works really well, but you'll see the morphologies and outfits get more complicated soooo
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Courtney: outfit (Female Coatl; sand Cherub, camo Constellation, and wisteria Basic) Another favorite, she just looks pretty :3
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Duncan: outfit (Male Bogsneak, eldritch Cinder, fern Blaze, and flaxen Basic) Silly little eepy guy, I feel like this is probably the most accurate dragon of any td character i've made. not much to say about him tho
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Alejandro: outfit (Male Imperial; coral Python, maroon Shimmer, and blood Smoke) This is actually a dragon that I have, you can check him out here, but it actually took a couple tries to get an outfit that I think works with him lol
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Bridgette: outfit (Female Skydancer; caribbean Lionfish, sanddollar Shimmer, and cobalt Okapi) nothing much to say other than, pretty :3
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Geoff: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; magenta Clown, ivory Butterfly, and strawberry Spines) same with Bridgette, I wanted them to be matching, cause, y'know. they kiss :<, but I honestly prefer this one over Bridgette (the outfit, not the morphology)
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Harold: outfit (Male Ridgeback; periwinkle Skink, orange Hex, and fern Stained) I'm really happy with how this came out, even if it took a couple redos lol, and the steampunk apparel works with Harold's, vibe
ok for some stupid reason I can't put the pictures of Beth, Justin, Katie and Sadie [im on pc], so I'm just going to link the morphologies here: Beth (Female Aether; ivory Candy, magenta Butterfly, and shamrock Wish), Justin (Male Aether; bronze Boa, hunter Daub, and overcast Flutter), Katie and Sadie (Female Aberration; brown Pinstripe, ivory Flair, and cottoncandy Koi)
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Ezekiel: outfit (Male Wildclaw; algae Pinstripe, soil Patchwork, and stonewash Veined) My favorite tbh, can't really explain why it just, ✨does✨
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Feral Ezekiel: outfit (Male Mirror; fern Stiched, camo Patchwork, and cobalt Ghost) yeah, i made the eepy. i changed the breed cause 1) it reflects how ezekiel changed after his mutation, and 2) Male Wildclaw's position(?) isn't creaturey enough
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Leshawna: outfit (Female Obelisk; ginger Falcon, obsidian Rosette, and cerise Contour) Nothing much to say about this one tbh, she looks real pretty tho :D
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Owen: outfit (Male Snapper; metals Ground, marigold Safari, and teal Koi) I like this one, it's simple but unfortunately i couldn't find anything to represent his maple leaf :(
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Cody: outfit (Male Coatl; gold Swirl, twilight Fissure, and copper Contour) i'm honestly not happy with this one, specifically the outfit. might redo this one later, and remove all the autumn stuff
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DJ: outfit (Male Tundra; camo Python, brown Constellation, and dust Runes) lookie, is my boy :3333333333
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Izzy: outfit (Female Mirror; sunshine Clown, pear Eye Spots, and avocado Gembond) really happy with this one, it fits her well and gives off her craziness :>
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Sierra: outfit (Female Spiral; jade Clown, mulberry Hypnotic, and blackberry Opal) i'm very lucky to have found the apparel that i did for her, cause if i didn't, i have no idea what outfit to have given her ;-; but yeah she pretty
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Eva: outfit (Female Snapper; cobalt Falcon, sapphire Peregrine, and obsidian Spines) big buff lady :D
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Tyler: outfit (Male Ridgeback; cherry Jupiter, sable Eel, and white Basic) A fan of this one, and the Love's Herald was a gift from Lindsay. and now thinking about it, i might wanna make some lore for this. it's a big maybe though
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Lindsay: outfit (Female Fae; garnet Flaunt, honey Jester, and cornflower Scales) i don't know how to feel abt this one, not a fan of it. and also will probably redo the outfit. the morphology i can live with.
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Noah: outfit (Male Nocturne; brown Jupiter, pthalo Safari, and crimson Underbelly) another favorite, it gives off very Noah vibes lol (and i just realized that he shares a gene with Owen. so do with that information as you will)
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Trent: outfit (Male Skydancer; algae Viperia, forest Eel, and obsidian Koi) I love this one, gives off very bard/guitarist kinda vibes. and if there was lore, i imagine trent would be a nomad entertainer, playing in small towns and cities, and maybe at a bar or two
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Chris: outfit (Male Fae; forest Falcon, teal Myrid, and obsidian Smoke) look, it's him, the guy!!!!/j but in all seriousness, this is literally just him. entitled little short king who slays (i also have one for Chef, but it's yucky :,<)
i had one for Heather, but I deleted the outfit for her, which was of a dragon that i already sold, soooooooo i'm just gonna make a new one for her :3 also thank you for reading this long ass post (if you actually did), it means a lot to me :3
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gianttol · 10 months
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heres some doodles ive done for a d&d game im in! 2008 high schoolers deal with inter-dimensional dream beings and they get cool superpowers that they learn to use (with a mystery to solve)
left to right first pic
kaoru, maki (my sunshine charcter!! i love her sm), jiraya, hinata
middle two pics
(left) daniel, (right) darren
bottom pic
miraya (fusion of jiraya and maki)
darnel (fusion of daniel and darren)
kinata (fusion of kaoru and hinata)
daki (fusion of darren and maki)
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countessofravenclaw · 8 months
Look, Luna is my sunshine baby and I love her, but she can't really be defended during this.
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So, let me get this straight... You couldn't watch the guy who you secretly have a crush on play guitar because he had to do his job that he's paid to do?
How awful
Definitely worse than your bestfrined being worried that her boyfriend of over a year thinks that she is cheating on him while he's overseas.
Look, I don't want to hate on Luna, but this is such a SHE'S THE MAIN CHARCTER -moment as it can be.
Luna is amazing friend and the best person to hype you up, but she can be very ignorant and self centered, in a very non-self aware way. She does not realize what she's doing and no one calls her out on it, so she can't learn and grow.
Luna becoming more self aware of her own behavior and learning m,re about herself as a result would ahve been such a god charcter arc for her in S3, since she didn't really have one outside of the Roller Stuff (where she was always right, when she made super stupid choices).
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Other writers self-inserted OCs:
- kind
- artistic
- cute *depending on writer's self-esteem from 6 to 10
- do good deeds
- try to survive
My self-inserted charcter being written specificaly to distract myself from an awful phase of my life:
- no will to live
- scary big something chasing her and she's considering just lie and die/be eaten
- no motivation whatsoever
- constantly rude to her sunshine companion who is often kinda done with her
- has hard times running more than 500 meters/0.3 miles
- needs huge kick in her ass to move plot-relatedly (usually from sunshine companion)
- constantly tired / having a headache / hungry and refusing to eat
Frankly, that story was born in the darkest of my days and I really needed this self-inserted character to express my feelings and pain through her. She does have a great arc (learning how to rely on others and maybe to be not so passive about her death) so it's really not that bad and actually very fun to reread
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vixx-ari · 2 years
For no reason at all I decided to compare all my favourite characters from a few different medias I engage in and,,,I think i'll just show it:
First off: My profile picture and 3h 31m playlist
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: Ball of sunshine, workchaholic, and idiot (affectionate and literal) , is the main character but is very outshined, blue aesthtic, goes through lots of pain and suffering(throughout both movies) and is never really properly addressed, somehow pretty underappreciated, suffers 90% but wins other 10% because protagonist, also absolute geek (I think he had these big nerdy glasses in concept are)
Number 2: My profile picture on 3 different websites and my 4h 34m playlist
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: somewhat of a workaholic??, ball of sunshine & energy, somehow (still) pretty underappreciated, socially awkward, blue aesthetic, goes through a lot of pain and suffereing that isn't really properly addressed imo, sufferes 70-80% but wins the other 30-20% bc,,,not that relevant until much later??, also glasses geek
Candidate #3: Loved him to bits, got reminded of his existance and still love him to bits
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: debatable workaholic, ball of sunshine, and idiot (affectinate and literal), is the main character but gets kinda outshined, socially awkward, blue aesthetic, goes through a BUNCH of pain and suffering that is never properly addressed, suffers 99% but wins the other 1% bc protagonist, also glasses geek
(are we starting to see a pattern her?)
Candidate #4: The guy i'm dragging to therapy next week (affectionate)
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: debatable workaholic, depressed ball of dim sunshine, is the main character but is kinda outshined??, socially awkward to some degree, goes through SO MUCH F*UCKING PAIN it's not even funny, suffers 99.9% but wins the 0.1% bc protagonist, glasses and greyish-blue aesthetic
Candidate #5: The guy I would really like to hug bc he need it, like actually and desperately
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: workaholic in terms of how much he does throughout most of the anime series, ball of dim sunlight, is the main-ish character but is kinda outshined??, socially awkward as hell, goes through lots of pain, it's addressed somewhat but still-pain, suffers 70% but wins the other 30% bc the authour is nice, greyish blue aesthictic, did I mention socially awkward?
Honorable Mention: Idk why he's fits but somehow he does (so angelic)
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: workaholic when in comes to voleyball ofc, an asshole & an idot (affectionate and literal), ball of sunshine when he feels like it, SOCIALLY AKWARD OML, outshines most charcters-, blue aesthetic, happy life but sad ass backstory ;(, wins in the end bc he deserves it, also very gay-
Yeah, I think I can see the pattern of charcters who have never properly been told "great job" or "i'm so proud of you" (except maybe kageyama) in their entire lives.
Now WTF does that say about me-
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
i haven't watched it myself but ik you like yuri on ice ;)
Hiii dearest thank you for the ask!! 🥰 I loveee Yuri on Ice 🥰
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Favourite character: Yuri Katsuki my sweet anxious boi 🥰
Funniest character: Tie between Victor Victor Nikiforov & Yuri "Yurio" Plisetsky. Victor can be such a dork underneath being a five time world champion at ice skating & Yurio is an edge teenage boy, who tries to be all mature but can be bratty in the funniest of ways. 🤣
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This kid that secretly flew to Japan from Russia in secret to find Victor to be his teacher then to getting found out by his coach bc he posted a pic of himself with a tiger shirt in japan on instagram 🤣
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Best-looking character: For me, it's my guy Yuri! Look at all that Eros! 🔥
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3 favourite ships: Victuuri: Victor x Yuri
Their relationship is really the core of the show how they grow & make each better. Bring the love & passion of ice skating back into each other's lives 🥰
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Also they're so engaged 💍🥹💕
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Otakyuri: Yurio x Otabek
Yurio's dubs him as his first real friend. They were cute. A friendship I think that could blossom into something more.
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Leo x Guang Hong
Just cute side charcter skaters that I think would be cute haha.
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Other ships are just fun fanon ☺️
Least favourite character: Michele Crispino who's nickname is Mickey haha. He maybe a grouch & surley but unlike my GOAT character Mickey Milkovich he's got none of the charm lmao. Also, it's mainly bc he had that Japanese charcter trope of too protective of his sister & that it was pretty insufferable haha. But he is in one of my top ships with another ice skater Emil who is a sunshine.
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Least favourite ship: I would say Yuri X Victor X Yurio just really not for me
Reason why I watch it: How relatable it is with dealing with mental struggles & just the layers of each character. It feels so human & encouraging about preserving going after your dreams. The way the character grow & gain understanding of each other. Plus the music is sensational! It's a passion project made by people who love ice skating & have a heartfelt story to tell & it absolutely shines through. I love this series to bits & I would show all my loved ones this series bc it has a special place in my heart ❤️
Why I started watching it: I was late to the train for Yuri on Ice, but one of my best friends recommended it to me & said I would love it & she was right! Became my whole personality in 2017 😆
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Writer Asks! 11, 15, 30, 49
Thanks agains Ash!! <3 (Long answer is long, so I'll put a read more after the first one. On that note I'll link the question list here: questions for fic writers)
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I am very partial to Reggie (82 of my 99 fics are tagged with him, granted a lot of those are prompts but STILL. Plus I don't know if it's because other picked up on that too or not but like almost every time I open up prompts Reggie is almost always the top requested character)
I adore adorkable, rays of sunshine. Like I have 3 go to charcter types (two personality based ones, and then dark haired/light eyed characters) and like my wife picked up on Reggie being my fav before I even said anything to her, because he fits 2 out of the three.
It's at the point where if Reggie's Jam(or Now or Never) comes on in the car and the GPS interrupts the song, she just automatically restarts it knowing I'm going to anyway because HOW DARE.
He's a Star Wars fan with musical chops, he's a little airheaded bt he's got a heart of gold. And there is so much you COULD theorize and speculate about his character just because of what's been revealed and how he was played and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
AAAAAAH! OMG!! but I have so many!!
I love my Supernatural Romance AU's (Feats of Crimson, We Run Together(it may only have the one fic but that is the verse name), Closest to Heaven, and Devil Searching For Redemption)
So those are definitley my top 4 but I don't know if I can rank them beyond that! They're all so good for different reasons!!!
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Sink Your Teeth was out of my comfort zone regarding the intimacy. I am bad at writing action and being intimate is a type of action I hadn't really attempted before. (In fact prior to Slices of Summer-Fireworks I hadn't written that much in the way of kissing scenes, I think I'd only written one other kiss before then and it practically amounted to 'and they kissed')
I had a similar issue with I Could be the Monster with the Alex POV section because that one had a lot of action (It originally was supposed to have more and be MUCH more detailed but I think it flows fairly well with how it ended up.)
In each of those cases I struggled and wrote and worried and ended up sharing/posting thinking this will surely be hated/flop because all I could see was all the ways I could improve, or how it was envisioned in my head. And every single time the almost exact opposite happened.
Which just keeps reminding me A: to stop doubting myself, B: it's ok to take risks with my writing(I won't improve otherwise), C: Allowed me to sort of mentally give myself to pursue MORE stories like that.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Right now I am actively working on a few things atm, The next chapters of While You're in the World, Can't Get You (Out of my Mind), and I'm almost always slowly pecking away at my rulie fake/convenience marriage fic. Here's a few lines from each of those!:
R: luke
R: I’m serious
R: if ur not up I’m leaving ur ass
L: you wouldn’t
L: but don’t worry 
L: I’ll be up
Luke was absolutely right, Reggie didn’t leave him behind when he wasn’t awake the next morning. However, the dark haired boy had no qualms against pummeling Luke with a pillow until he did wake up and got dressed. 
“That’s a bit of a story.” Luke’s voice sounded over his shoulder, where Julie’s eyes drifted to. Reggie hadn’t thought this part of their plan through. He’d so quickly become accustomed to Luke’s vibrancy he almost entirely forgot he was dead, and very much looked it. 
He braced himself as he watched the shock overtake Julie’s face, at this point he had almost been screaming. Reggie’d also forgotten how much Julie liked to unknowingly defy his expectations. 
“I’m dreaming,” She exhaled as she turned away from Luke and himself.
Julie squints down at her phone, as a tension pulls inside her chest. The thoughts that had been swarming around her head like a beehive clear away only slightly as she tries to piece together what Flynn is going on about. She clicks the link to the video that was sent and immediately her stomach drops to her feet.
It’s not a very long video nor is it very clear, shaky and obviously taken by someone at a bit of a distance. However, she recognizes the building in the shot, the very same chapel she and Reggie had been at earlier that day-yesterday? What time was it?
Julie doesn’t care about the time soon enough as the video zooms in and focuses on Reggie, his broad smile only briefly obscured by what must be the back of her head, her dark braids falling into cascading curls. Julie forgets how to breathe as her chest collapses in on itself. 
She remembers this exact moment and watches in a sort of distant horror, nausea building in the pit of her stomach, as Reggie laughs before linking arms with her. There is no denying she and Reggie very clearly, very soberly, very deliberately, walk arm in arm into the chapel.
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