#superhero sona
ghosta-r · 9 months
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crawls out from under my art block like an acme anvil
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zeropro · 2 years
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Ultimate Sonas Challenge
Day 05 - Superherosona/Villainsona
If you were a super hero, what would your power be? Design your superhero outfit! You can also be a villain, what would your villain origin story be?
I couldn’t think of a super power and I’m really bad at designing superhero costumes, so I decided as a superhero I’d just put on one of those cute japanese mascot heads and run around hitting things with a baseball bat Casey Jones style. I don’t have powers, like Batman! Unline Batman I also dont have a lot of money, and my parents arent dead.
A super power I thought about having was telekinesis, so I wouldnt have to get up to get stuff from across the room.
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tera-noland · 2 years
Introducing a better fleshed out character/ supersona: Tera Noland. (Better fleshed out ability origin wise anyway,)
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-Was found when Dr. Fate sensed a strange energy in the woods near Metropolis city. Batman scouted out the place and found Tera chatting with some forest critters, this included several wolves, rabbits, deer and a single bear.
-Batman brought her to the Watch Tower (after making sure she was blind folded and wearing headphones) to interrogate her.
-Apparently, she has no clue how she can do the things she can do, which is listed: Animals seem to be attracted to her like a magnet, animals are always in a docile state whenever she's around, she doesn't seem to understand them through basic communication means, such as talking or body language but through a "vibe" or "aura."
-That's just a few of the things listed passive wise, her active abilities are unclear at the moment.
-No one else besides her family is aware of these abilities. And the Justice League plans to keep it that way, BOOSTER.
-She is shy, quiet and introverted, preferring to keep to herself and clean. Though when speaking to someone she likes or talks about one of her interests, she can be quite chatty.
-Considering the staggering amount of magic energy coming from her, according to multiple magic users within the Watch Tower, an agreement has been made with Tera to help better understand her abilities, requiring frequent trips to the Watch Tower. She has been deemed an "Assistant" with how much cleaning she does.
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-She kinda has a joke running where she selects a random animal that follows her and gives them a random name and starts talking and joking with the animal while in the presence of others. For example, one time she chose a Deer and decided to name them "Rodrigo" while on a nature training excursion with Batman. She continually made jokes and chatted with the Deer instead of focusing on the assignment.
Will be updated if I think of anything or if any information is changed. 
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andstuffsketches · 2 months
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redesigned my first-ever oc/sona, Lovebug!
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This is an idea that comes from the Captain Marvel Fanclub Community but like… if you could take the gods or culture heroes from your culture, which would you choose to make your own Marvel-sona?
This comes from both the fact that there are currently multiple pantheons that were represented in the former Council of Wizards, and still are with Billy having his posse and Black Adam having Egyptian gods, but also from the fact that DC messed around in making the Wizard Shazam aboriginal but didn’t have any aboriginal gods or influences in Billy’s Captain Marvel.
I’d genuinely like to see what people can come up with! And since there aren’t many groups that can fill out a whole SHAZAM (in my own research into gods names to try and flesh out the Council) it would also be fun to see what quippy word people would use for their own champion ideas.
Some ideas I had before but never fleshed out were…
Kryptonian Champion; Some surveyor or traveler come across earth, fit the parameters of Pure of Heart and Strong in Spirit, and agree to save the world however it was needed at the moment as a fun adventure away from home before leaving for his planet again
Earth 3 Billy who is possessed by Lovecraftian gods and is a literal nightmare, there’s also a Sabbac Freddy and Bloody Mary monster idea to flesh out the three
The Japanese Wizard and their champions following the Shazacronym and having at least Susanoo and Amaterasu as patrons
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jadetheblueartist · 2 months
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I just had to :) anyway this is my spidersona and for once, she actually looks vaguely like me so yay art improvement ig
(Oh and ignore the fact that the headshot is the only shaded thing there-)
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mik3stuff · 17 days
Some Jay and Dami sketches I did in school today (‼️ DNI if you ship batcest or proships ‼️)
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Bônus my S/I and @punkeropercyjackson 's
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themuskrater · 4 months
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spaceferren-comics · 6 months
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Dart Frog! A hero with frog oriented, downright venomous abilities ^^
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foolsabode · 8 months
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And old drawing and a more recent follow up, superhero and corrupted villain Brionne~
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nopiedraws · 1 year
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❄️ I.C. Storm ❄️
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sandytrish008 · 2 months
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An oc i created these days, S.I. (Super Intellectual) Tapiti, a tapiti (sylvilagus brasiliensis) who thinks she is very intelligent and considers this her super power, which is why she always dresses in her superhero costume and even considers herself onemp, despite having good intentions (something not so easy to notice, due to her smug and childish personality), she causes more problems than get them solved 🐇🦸‍♀️
Fun fact: her hero name is S.I. Tapiti, but her legal name is Joana (named after myself xd)
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tera-noland · 2 years
How Echo Eats-
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edi-storm · 10 months
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Dc sona doodle
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andstuffsketches · 1 year
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[Drawing of a Spider-sona, "Orb Weaver". They are a person with pale skin and short, curly red hair. They are sitting in a wheelchair that is gray with gold wheels, with two versions: "normal" mode (see below), with a manual wheelchair, and "super" mode (see above), where the wheels have separated into pieces and unfolded into spider legs. In super mode, the wheelchair also has a tall "thorax" back made of teal hard light, and more hard light screens Orb Weaver is tapping at. The back of the chair has a zig-zag shaped "signal" coming out the top, mimicking the shape of orb weaver spider webs. Small signals come out of fly-like drones as well. Orb Weaver is wearing a yellow suit with black gloves and boots, a gray torso, and zippers down the sides of the shirt. There is gold accents and their face is uncovered, with big Spider-man glasses.]
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@coldwind-shiningstars's Spider-sona, Orb Weaver! They work from the shadows with their technological skills! 🕸️
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bahibuu · 1 month
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Another collab with @dragondeeznutsz ! Im so giddy over it ehhehehhehe
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