#superheroes vs villains
belethlegwen · 5 months
The Scars We Leave Behind
Written by: @adjacentperception and @belethlegwen
What's left of a hero when everything is taken from him? What's left of a villain with no identity?
What's left of a man who has no choice but to save the symbol of a system he's fighting against?
Within a city constantly besieged by a super-power fueled war between Good vs Evil, a hero is captured by powerful villain and their secret organization and forced to play part in a twisting and enigmatic plan; to tear down the systems in place that keep the League of Heroes in an ultimate seat of power to rival the government itself. But… is the system as good as it projects itself to be? Are the villains and their henchmen really as evil as the media says? Is it truly as simple as tearing it down, or does that simply open up space for a new, worse system to enter?
Is the harm we do when we believe we're helping mitigated merely by our wishes to be better? To create something more? To fix what we believe is broken?
Do we hold blame for creating the evil we think we're fighting against, regardless of our intentions?
This work features descriptions of violence, abuse, neglect, and uses adult language, as well as mentions of nudity and sexual topics.
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Hero vs Government- Part 4
Part 3
Scientist ran a few more basic tests. They took Hero’s blood pressure, got some saliva samples, and even a small sample of ice.
“Enough of that doctor’s office fiddle-faddle, Scientist,” General said, “we need to test for temperature tolerance and cryo-healing.”
Scientist looked at Hero.
“I was thinking we should stop for today,” Scientist started slowly, “they’ve already passed out once-”
“Scientist. We are on the clock here, we don’t have time to worry about them swooning,” General interrupted, “run the temperature tolerance test.”
Scientist sighed, then waved the three agents over. Two of them got Hero back in the wheelchair, while the third gave injected them with another dose of the drug they had been given earlier.
“Woah man,” Hero said, feeling dizzy on the spot, “you guys are sick.”
The third agent wheeled Hero into a chamber. It looked like an industrial freezer, with glass windows on all sides.
“Good luck, Hero.” General smiled, folding their arms across their chest.
The agents left Hero inside, slamming the door shut behind them and locking it. Scientist pushed a button, and cold air wafted into the chamber. Hero sighed contentedly, too dazed to care about hiding how nice it felt.
The air continued to get colder as Scientist wrote notes on a clipboard. Hero tried to stand a few times, but collapsed back into the chair, their limbs wobbly. They heard Scientist and General talking to each other from outside.
“It’s below freezing, and they’re still just sitting there!” Scientist said in awe, “not even shivering at all. They must be quite comfortable in the cold.”
“I’ve seen enough. Let’s see how they fare in the opposite direction.”
General took hold of a knob on a control panel and turned it all the way to the right. The cold air stopped pumping through the chamber and was instead replaced by warm air. Hero’s brow started to form little cold beads of sweat. Hero tried to get up, but collapsed to the floor, breathing hard.
“S-stop,” Hero said, “turn it off, please.”
Scientist wrote a note on their clipboard, then reached for the knob. General grabbed their wrist and shook their head.
“Not yet,” they said.
Dark spots started encroaching on Hero’s vision. Their skin felt hot, and their clothes stuck to their body in wet patches.
Hero’s world started to go dark just as the door opened and cool air filled the chamber. The agents lifted them up, placing them back in the wheelchair and bringing them back to the padded chair. After strapping them down, Scientist came over with a match.
“I really think we should sedate them for this,” Scientist said.
“Nonsense, how will you get feedback if they’re asleep?” General asked, “and matches? We talked about this.”
“We don’t need that much power for my data-”
“Scientist, if you keep arguing with me I’ll have you thrown off this project completely and get someone else who will do the job. Get the blowtorch.”
Scientist stood, frozen.
“Oh for the love of- it’s fine. Really. Lily-livered beaker brains like you don’t have the stomach for this sort of thing anyway.”
General grabbed a blowtorch from the cart and brought it to Hero’s skin. Scientist hid behind their clipboard, knowing what was coming next.
General pressed the ignition button, and Hero screamed. Oh how they screamed, loud and long, as the white-hot flames licked up their entire forearm. General turned off the torch, setting it aside, then turned to Scientist.
“Write that down,” they said over Hero’s wails of pain.
An agent injected a serum into Hero’s neck, and their agony was coupled with such a strong drowsiness that their screams turned to whimpers, which turned into snores in a matter of seconds.
Hero was unstrapped, and their sleeping form was wheeled back to their room, their forearm bubbling with third-degree burns.
Part 5
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
@worstcasescenariolullaby @21fandom-shipper21
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chaotic-orphan · 1 month
Vendetta (IX)
Read part one here // Continued from this part here
Hero ducked under outstretched arms. Feigned left, lunged right. A flash of colour to their left, then heat. Hero sidestepped the tendrils of fire that shot out from the villain’s hands. They weren’t quick enough. The flames caught Hero’s shoulder and they faltered with a cry, their hand going to the burns, but they grit their teeth and kept moving forward, charging Fire Villain.
Hero grabbed Fire Villain’s wrist in a death grip, nullifying their ability. Their hand chopped through the air going for the throat. Fire villain gasped, doubled over, struggling back a step, clicking their fingers for flames that wouldn’t ignite. Hero yanked them closer by the wrist and crunched their elbow into Fire villain’s nose, eliciting a shriek of pain. Hero finally let go, sweeping fire villain’s legs from under them. Stomping on their ankle as they fell, then their face and bolted again.
Ahead of them shouts of encouragement only harshened the headache pounding in Hero’s ears, pushing themselves faster. Their shoulder burned as the wind caught it, but Hero kept pushing forward, gritting their teeth against the pain. They had to get to Superhero. They had to stop Supervillain.
They had to stop the war right here, right now.
Hero barrelled through the crowd of villains, undetected by the group whose attention was fixed on Superhero and Supervillain in the centre.
Superhero’s eyes widened when they met Hero’s. Supervillain took the opportunity to dash forward, swinging Hero’s sword down in an arc. Superhero barely had enough time to cross his arms in an X shape over their head, catching the blade on their vambrace. Supervillain tossed his lazy gaze over his shoulder, keeping the pressure on Superhero’s arms with ease, icy eyes landing on Hero.
A horrible grin stretched across his face as Hero pushed into the circle with the pair. “Ah, Hero. Come to enjoy the show? Out of your cuffs and everything. Naughty, naughty. Superhero… you should’ve raised them with better manners.”
Superhero threw their arms up while Supervillain was distracted, pushing the sword away and sidestepping the edge. He lunged on the inside of the blade, batting it away with his forearm and kicking Supervillain back to the edge of the tight circle of villains. Hands reached out to keep Supervillain up, ensuring he didn’t fall.
“Hero,” Superhero said, a muscle in his jaw tightening as Hero stepped towards Supervillain. Supervillain backed up to keep both Hero and Superhero in his vision, swinging the sword in his hand.
Hero narrowed their eyes into a burning glare, catching their breath from running through the battlefield that stank of blood and shit. The group somehow smelled worse, pungent heat mixing with sweat.
Hero’s mouth was dry from running, but they pushed through everything in their body that was telling them to stop. To lie down and go home. That told them this was too hard, they should give up now. You’ve done enough now, Vigilante is gone. Give up fighting, nobody will think less of you.
“That’s my sword,” Hero told Supervillain, ignoring the intrusive thoughts screaming in their head. They put their hand out, palm up. “I’d like it back now.”
Supervillain tsked. “Hero… it’s kind of concerning that you want my attention so badly. Clearly Superhero’s opinion of you has gone to your head. You’re not everyone’s sweetheart.”
A pop behind Hero and something was shoved into their hands. Another pop and Hero glanced down to see their sheath with their secondary sword. Hero wanted to close their eyes and pray, thank the Gods for Teleport, but instead they drew their sword, dropping their scabbard to the ground. Wiping their sweaty palms on their trousers, Hero tightened their fingers around the hilt to get a better grip.
Supervillain smirked at the pair of heroes ahead of him.
“Two on one is a little unfair, wouldn’t you say, lads?” A cheer around them. Hero and Superhero retreated, back to back on instinct, looking warily around them.
Hero saw a flash of Supervillain’s toothy grin as he stabbed Hero’s sword into the dirt, leaning his weight on top of it like it was a cane and crossing his legs. Entirely too casual, his voice dipped, darkening as he said: “How about we even the odds?”
Another cry and the swarm of Villains descended like a plague of locusts upon them. Hero kicked out at the first Villain that ran at them, leaning on Superhero’s back to get more force behind it. The next one lunged while someone pulled at Hero’s shirt, trying to yank them to the right and away from Superhero.
Hero jutted their arm up sharply, deflecting a blow with the flat of their blade, but they were too slow. A fist crunched into Hero’s face from the left and they stumbled and then there were hands on them. Hero kicked out, thrashing and raging against the hands holding them. They were sharply pulled to the left, the hands on them unrelenting, but Hero kicked out at the Villain trying to body check them on the right.
A villain sprung up in front of them and Hero barely dodged the knife going for their eye. Hero punched them in the solar plexus and the Villain folded, but they didn’t get to fall.
Blood splattered across Hero’s face, and they flinched and froze for a split second, stumbling back into the hands of villains. The taste of iron infested their mouth, heightening the stench of blood and metal that surrounded them. The villain that they just punched— their head was ripped open and their deadweight fell on top of Hero. Hero fought back a retch, struggling to push the body off them.
Two bright yellow eyes the colour of pus gleamed down at Hero, a wicked grin on a pretty face and they were speaking but Hero couldn’t hear them over the cacophony of sound that assaulted their senses. Her face was covered in blood too, blood that she licked from her fingers, as if it was sauce leftover from chicken wings.
Hero threw their arms up in defence, not hearing anything over the pounding of their thundering heart.
The girl stumbled forward, her mouth falling open, frozen in shock. Hero only distantly realised the hand that was through her chest, roughly pulling out after the girl fell like a rag-doll to the ground, motionless. The look of surprise etched into her face forever.
Superhero was in front of them then, grabbing Hero and yanking them up, their hand like a vice around Hero’s arm. Hero flinched when their eyes met Superhero’s. There was a horrible sense of urgency in them that Hero couldn’t feel, their body felt numb. Did they have pieces of that Villain’s face on their—
“Hero! Hero! Snap out of it!” Superhero cried, but Hero’s eyes drifted down to Superhero’s hand, slick with blood. Superhero moved like a blur around them. One Villain stepped towards the pair and Superhero whirled, both hands finding the villain’s head. A swift movement and the villain’s neck snapped and they fell.
“Hero!” Superhero screamed, glancing behind him at the still comatose Hero who was just standing there. Another Villain went to attack Hero, but Superhero got there first, breaking the Villain’s arm, then ripping it from the socket. The Villain screamed as Superhero smashed their foot against the Villain’s knee, crippling them and shoving them away.
Hero blinked at Superhero, recognition flashing in their eyes. “Hero- we have to—”
A crackle of electricity behind Superhero and Hero’s body moved before their mind realised it. They shoved Superhero out of the way and lunged forward, grabbing the electric villain’s arm, and nullifying their ability before they surged their sword arm forward and up, under the Villain’s armour. Their sword poked out of the villain’s mouth, who stared at Hero with a horrible knowing they were about to die on their face. Don’t think about it, Hero told themselves. Keep moving. Don’t think. Keep moving. Blood splattered across their face as Hero pulled their sword out, kicking the corpse back into another group of villains.
And more were coming.
It seemed like every Villain they cut down, four more took their place, and the circle was getting smaller and smaller and Hero could barely catch their breath between the bodies.
Don’t think. Keep moving.
Slice. Block. Superhero’s fist cracked and crunched into Villains behind Hero, but they kept fighting.
Kick. Punch. Another haunted expression. Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.
They had to win.
Another death at Hero’s hands. Keep moving.
They had to stop Supervillain here.
Another body fell and three more Villains surged forward with cries of bloodlust. Hero cut them down like weeds. Don’t think.
They had to end the war. End all the fighting, all the dying.
Just stop, Hero. Give up, nobody would think less of you. The thought made Hero pause in their movements. A mistake, they realised too late.
A hand clamped down on Hero’s hair and they were dragged back. Hero let out a startled cry, losing their footing as they were yanked back. Hero swung their sword at the Villains coming towards them.
“Hero!” Superhero cried from somewhere in the masses. Hero adjusted their grip on the sword until the blade was aimed behind them, grabbing the hilt with both hands they drove it backwards and up. A sudden, piercing scream and Hero jerked forwards, their hair still heavy.
Hero whirled. A villain was standing clutching a bleeding stump and screaming. Hero shook, their entire body trembling as they reached for their hair and found the hand still bunched in their hair. Hero ripped it off, the smell of piss and sweat overwhelming them as fell back, the ground growing slippy. Tears sprung to their eyes, but Hero had to get up. They had to get up or they’d die.
Hero dug their sword into the ground and pulled themself up with an effort. It felt as if all of Hero’s energy was zapped from them as they got to shaking feet.
They barely had the chance to catch their breath before a villain was rushing them. Hero didn’t think, they lifted their sword and let the Villain impale themselves. The Villain didn’t die immediately, and horrifically Hero’s sword got caught between the Villain’s ribs when Hero tried to yank it out. Hero planted a foot on the Villain’s pelvis, yanking on the sword but it didn’t budge an inch. Instead, Hero kicked them back into the masses of bodies, unarmed.
Shit they should really find—
Superhero… Hero turned to Superhero’s voice. Their mind a fog. It felt as if their eyes were too slow to catch up with their surroundings that seemed to zoom past them. A sudden pit opened up in their stomach, their mind screaming DANGER! But Hero was turning towards Superhero, exhaustion pulling at their muscles. Tiredness pulling at their eyes.
Chocolate brown curls fell over a pair of cool, cold eyes that flashed with malice. Hero barely had time to process before something hard slammed against their jaw. Hero’s head whipped to the side and was righted by a cold hand, before it hit them again in the same place.
The world spun around them as Hero spluttered out a gasp, raising their knee to try and dislodge Villain from them. Villain smiled a cold smile. A flash of metal and the breath was taken from Hero who folded around the object, their legs giving up on them.
“Shh, Hero,” Villain cooed, running their hand through Hero’s matted hair. “It’s okay. You fought well, Vigilante would be proud.”
Hero let out a loud cry, spitting blood, thrusting their elbow up towards Villain. Their strike went wide, Villain parrying with his gun and hit Hero over the head again. Hero would have fallen if Villain wasn’t holding them up, they realised, with how heavy they were leaning on Villain’s arm. They wanted to throw up, they wanted to sleep.
They needed to end this war.
A cold mocking voice piped up from the back of their head: you’re going to end this war? With what?! With who! The war won’t be finished by some half-conscious, possibly concussed, disarmed mess that needs someone else to hold them up!
Hero winced. The voice was so loud, their shouts echoing around Hero’s dumb head like a cavern.
A thick, cold shadow crawled from Villain’s fingertips around Hero’s neck like a collar and leash, choking them. Hero gasped, hands flying to their throat to try and dispel the shadow but nothing. Villain yanked their hands down, tying them in front of Hero with his whip and yanked Hero forward again.
Hero followed because they couldn’t not, they didn’t have the energy to pull against Villain, their legs shaking as Villain paraded them through the crowd of villains. The heat from the bodies squeezing Hero on all sides threatened to knock them out from pure exhaustion and lack of air. Everything was too much, it was all too much.
The air smelled of smoke and vomit, and iron. Hero gasped on no air, struggling to breathe with the little leeway that Villain granted on Hero’s neck pulling tighter the more Hero resisted. They weren’t trying to resist they just couldn’t… their body didn’t want to move anymore, they could barely fucking see straight. Everything was reduced to whirling colours, a deafening ringing sounded between Hero’s ears, blocking out all other sounds. Or could everyone hear that?
When they finally emerged into the middle of the significantly thinned circle of villains, Hero’s eyes went to Superhero who was fighting Crow. Hero yanked against the whip in Villain’s hands. They had to get free. They had to help Superhero…
Villain only pulled the whip sharp in reply and Hero was yanked forwards. Their feet couldn’t gain purchase fast enough on the wet ground and they slipped, hands out to catch themselves. Villain yanked on the whip at the last second and Hero’s plunged face-first into the blood-stained mud. They shot up immediately, spewing and sputtering out the taste in their mouth.
Hero’s eyes shot to Superhero who was covered in blood, his hands stained to his shoulders with the dried, flaked crimson and fresh blood dripped from his fingertips. Someone kicked Superhero in the back of the knee and Superhero fell to his knees.
“No…” Hero mumbled, their tongue fat in their mouth. They army crawled forward. “Superhero… no… get up.”
Villain grabbed Hero by the hair and yanked their head up so they could get a better view of their fallen leader. Supervillain stepped in front of Superhero, Hero’s sword coated in blood already. For a single, heart breaking moment, Superhero’s kind eyes met Hero’s. Something sad pulled at the edges of his smile.
Hero mirrored the frown, needing their brain to process what it meant. What was happening? What were they looking at?!
Hero struggled against Villain’s hold, more out of instinct than anything else, but they didn’t get anywhere. They stiffened when the gun pressed against their temple.
“Here is the great Superhero,” Supervillain yelled. “A symbol of the old world order. A symbol of powered individuals forced to live in hiding. Told that we’re freaks, and dangers to society!”
Supervillain turned in a circle, looking every member of his captive audience in the eye. “Well I say no more.”
There was a chorus of cheers.
“I say NO MORE!” He screamed, and the cheer turned to screams and riotous applause. It exasperated the thundering headache that threatened to burst Hero’s skull. They slumped against the gun at their temple, but quickly perked up with a hiss when Villain yanked on their hair again.
Supervillain smirked at Hero, on their knees, shaking their head. “Supervillain… please… don’t… don’t do this.”
“I’m so glad you’re here to witness this, Hero,” Supervillain told them. Hero felt bile rise in their throat at the elation in his voice. “Let it serve as a reminder of what happens to those that oppose me.”
The ringing got louder as Hero’s desperate eyes went to Superhero’s. Superhero still smiling sadly at them. Hero lurched forward with a cry of protest as Supervillain turned.
“It’s okay, Hero,” Superhero said. “Everything will be—”
The sword plunged under Superhero’s armour. Hero watched as blood gurgled up and over his lips, a small trickle at first. Then, a waterfall. Supervillain twisted the sword before yanking it out, scraping against bone and wet flesh. In the distance someone was screaming.
Hero blinked at the scene, flinching when some of the blood from Supervillain’s blade flicked back onto them. Superhero… that was… that was Superhero’s blood. Hero didn’t lower their gaze from Superhero’s face. At one point Superhero fell forward. One of the Villains behind Superhero grabbed him and pulled him up so Supervillain could plunge the sword in again.
This time it ripped. Villains still cheered, someone was still screaming. Hero couldn’t take their eyes off Superhero’s face, the same sad smile echoing back at Hero.
Frozen. This was how Superhero’s face would remain forever. Like all the Villains that Hero killed today. This was how his face would stay. A sad, knowing smile on his face. Nothing shocked or terrified, Superhero greeted death with a smile on his face. A smile that was to reassure Hero, to make Hero feel better.
A smile that said: it’s okay. I know. We tried our best and we failed, and it’s okay.
That wasn’t how Superhero was supposed to greet death.
Not… not making an expression to comfort Hero.
That can’t be how Superhero dies.
It seemed as if the entire world rushed by Hero’s ears, bringing them back to the present with a renewed laser focus.
That can’t be how Superhero dies!
Hero sucked in a breath as the sword squelched out of Superhero. Someone said something, Supervillain gestured. He pulled out a dagger and sliced an arc down Superhero’s face. Hero struggled in Villain’s hold, roaring:
“GET OFF HIM!” Hero screamed, surging forwards but they were wrenched back, their voice going hoarse as they struggled in vain against Villain’s hold. “DON’T TOUCH HIM! STOP! STOP!”
Something hard hit the back of Hero’s head and they jolted forwards, collapsing onto their elbows, crying into the dirt. Twin streams of spit, snot and tears fell onto the ground under Hero’s head and they squeezed their eyes shut, not wanting to see it anymore. See Supervillain cutting Superhero’s body because… because Superhero… Superhero didn’t lose.
Superhero didn’t die with a smile.
Superhero never lost. Superhero may have cut it close every once in a while but he always walked away from a fight. Superhero wasn’t—
A sharp tug in their hair and Hero was yanked to their knees again, then to their feet. Hero threw their elbow back, catching something but what they didn’t care as they bolted towards Superhero.
They fell to their knees beside his body, their hands reaching to Superhero’s pulse. It was faint, but it was there.
Hero turned wet eyes to Supervillain, pleading. A black figure from the corner of their eye advanced on them, but Supervillain held a hand up, stopping them.
“Plea— p-p-please,” Hero whispered, sniffing, their voice hoarse and quiet, but Supervillain heard. He tilted his head, eyes drinking in Hero’s broken state. “Please… don’t kill him, please… please. I’m— i’m begging you, Supervillain. I’ll do ah-anything.”
Superhero can’t die with a comforting smile on his face. That wasn’t his death, that can’t be his death. Always looking out for someone other than his stupid fucking self! Superhero deserved to be selfish in death! At least in death!
Supervillain leaned back, pursing his lips as if he was chewing Hero’s words, tasting them, trying to find some flavour within them to his liking. He leaned forward, cupping Hero’s cheek in his hand and thumbing away the trails of tears and dirt and blood.
Hero shook in his hold but didn’t dare pull away. “Would you show me the same consideration?”
Hero blinked, sniffing. “What?”
Supervillain’s expression wasn’t mocking or cruel, he looked genuine. Patient, even. “If the roles were reversed, Hero. If Superhero had won and I was on the ground, dying, would you let Superhero kill me here? In the dirt?”
Hero’s breath hitched, their eyes drifting to Superhero’s face, his lips stained bright red with blood. Unnatural. Superhero’s lips were never bright red. Supervillain gently tilted Hero’s head back to him.
“Would you?” He asked, voice soft.
Hero’s bottom lip quivered. “I- I don’t think an-anyone should d-die like this.”
Supervillain smiled. It was kind, without malice. Hero swallowed the lump in their throat. Not daring to let themself hope but- but what if?
“So what would you do, Hero? Take me prisoner? Have a trial for my crimes?”
Hero shivered. “Yes.”
Supervillain paused. Hero held their breath as Supervillain pulled away and got to his feet with a grunt. He surprised Hero by walking over to them and helping Hero to their feet too, gentle movements all the while. Not too fast, trying not to spook the trembling Hero. Hero protested leaving Superhero’s side by Supervillain shushed them.
“It’s okay, Hero,” Supervillain coaxed, whispering sweet nothings into Hero’s matted hair. “There we go. Villain?”
Two more hands grabbed Hero’s shoulders. “Be gentle with them,” Supervillain told Villain as he pulled away.
Hero grabbed Supervillain’s arm before he could. Burning eyes met ice cold glaciers that smiled warmly at Hero. “You’re- you’re not going to k-kill him?”
“No, Hero. I won’t kill him.” Supervillain said softly and Hero’s legs went from under them in relief. Villain held them up while Hero cried, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Supervillain spread his arms out, bending down to scoop Hero’s sword from the dirt. Villain held Hero loosely to the side, their eyes never leaving Superhero’s body.
“My friends!” Supervillain boomed, his voice carrying over the battleground. “We’ve won!”
The field erupted into applause and cheers, villains roaring their triumph and chanting Supervillain’s name.
“Hero has begged me to spare Superhero’s life,” Supervillain bellowed with a grin, turning to face Hero again and winking. Hero flinched at the chorus of boo’s and mocking aww’s, jarring and vicious. “So I will not kill Superhero.”
Hero risked a baffled smile, though it probably looked pathetic. Maybe Supervillain was telling the truth. Maybe he did want to stop this endless violence between heroes and villains. Hero’s eyes got their determination back and they nodded at Supervillain, who returned the gesture with a smile of his own.
His arms still spread to his rowdy crowd, Supervillain’s icy eyes turned sharp, cunning twisting the side of his lips up and when he looked at Hero again there was something off about the picture. Something that told Hero there was something wrong. What were they missing?
What were they missing?
Grieves walked from the crowd that parted for him, walking up behind Supervillain. He plucked the sword from Supervillain’s hands who never took his eyes off of Hero. Grieves didn’t break his stride as he turned Hero’s sword upside down, walking towards Superhero on the ground.
Hero’s eyes widened too late, their face pulled from peace to horror in the space of a second. They lunged forward while Grieves slammed the blade of Hero’s sword through Superhero’s armour and into his heart.
Arms locked around Hero as they sprung for Supervillain, an animalistic shriek pulled from deep within their bones. “YOU FUCKING MONSTER! YOU BASTARD! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T—” Hero screamed over the cries of victory and celebration.
Supervillain walked around Grieves to Hero who was practically foaming at the mouth, blood-stained-spittle flying as they screamed. “YOU’RE A LIAR! YOU’RE A LIAR!”
Supervillain pinched Hero’s chin jutting Hero’s attention towards him. His arctic gaze freezing Hero solid. “I didn’t lie, Hero. I held up my end of our bargain. I said I wouldn’t kill him. And I didn’t,” Supervillain said very matter-of-factly, as if he were speaking to a child throwing a tantrum. Though his wide smile betrayed his joy and malicious intentions. “Grieves killed him.”
“You fucking MONSTER! I’ll kill you!” Hero vowed, their promise coming out guttural, voice hoarse with grief and despair; broken. “I’ll—”
“Promises, promises,” Supervillain said, dropping Hero’s chin. “Superhero had to die, but that was only half of the main event, dear Hero. Now to the good part.”
Orphanage roll-call: @micechomper @aarika-merrill @silentpotat0 @dutifullykrispyland @gloriousqueen101
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neonbuck · 1 month
i thought i didnt like super hero media very much but lately ive been watching invincible and the boys. and well i still dont think super heroes are very cool unless they are evil (not to be That Guy but well. im that guy some times sorry) but ohhh i want to be a super villain now
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figures4fun · 1 year
Tumblr media
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Out of queue and definitely rambly but MAN
Ok last reblog (I’m on mobile so too lazy to add links) mentioned Solarpunk being more about settling down in a location whereas Lunarpunk is more nomadic and traveling on the water and such and
Image in my head
Of a romance story. Or coming of age. Or both?
Of someone living in a solarpunk community along the shore, and someone living in a lunarpunk ocean nomadic community that stops by that shore and stays for a few days/weeks every time they come around. There’s always gardens and extra seats kept in storage for when they come around, warm beds to stay in, etc.
And these two people over time become close friends and maybe even fall for each other? But on top of the song and dance of ‘do I tell them, how to tell them, etc’ they have to also grapple with the fact that one of them stays put and the other is nomadic and their group only swings by once or twice a year on average (for a few weeks each but still)
And they gotta decide (once they finally confess to each other) what they’re gonna do. One person would miss home if they left with the nomads and their family and friends, and one person would miss traveling the seas and THEIR friends and family if they stayed put.
Idk if the solution would be to stay some years and travel others or what but thats ‘not 3am Ani’ to consider
Idk if this makes sense idk if this’ll seem like a good story idea and I SUCK ASS At writing romances (or having them hahaha *crying sounds*) but like
Yeah thats my braincell rn
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ahomeforwisters · 7 months
a thing i’ve been brewing
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maracujatangerine · 1 year
5. Connection
CW: medical, restraints, helplessness
Previous - Next
”I see…” David’s tone was light, carefully nonchalant. “So, was that before or after Red Hawk became your new leader?”
”I’m not quite sure.” I said slowly, stalling for time. Would I be giving up sensitive information?
Probably not. Red Hawk’s rise to power had been the talk of the town on my side of the tracks, surely they already knew.
“Before.” I answered, easily. “What about you, what were you doing at the time?”
“Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I had recently got a chance to travel... Shanghai is lovely in the spring.”
I wasn’t fooled.
The causal chat we were engaged in was every bit as much an interrogation as the terse questioning yet another angry-looking soldier had exposed me to earlier during the day.
It didn’t offend me. Of course they would try to find out as much information from me as they could. At least it was fun, talking to David. Dry sense of humour had been sadly lacking from my other interrogations.
I shifted a little against the pillow and David, attentive as always, reached out a hand to rearrange it behind my back.
Thanking him, I leaned back again. The pillow was slightly damp. Nurse Matteo had washed my hair for me, carefully getting the matted blood out of my tight curls had been no easy task, and I was properly grateful. Styling afro hair was obviously not his strong suit, but I was happy enough just being clean.
David cocked his head at me, apparently ready to try a different tack, when his phone beeped. Looking at it, he apologised and hurried out of the room.
Hours later, all the sounds of the ward had slowly faded away. Only rarely did I hear the squeak of some rubber-soled member of the night staff doing the rounds.
White moonlight fell in through the window, the sky velvet black and sprinkled with stars.
I wished that I at least could toss and turn in my sleeplessness, but the casts and restraints made it impossible for me to shift much on my own.
A faint melody made the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end. The silvery, dreamy tune was so familiar, yet unnameable. It felt fleeing, as if I held the knowledge like a speck of sugar on the tip of my tongue.
The woman’s voice was as near as if she had bent down and whispered straight in my ear. I jumped, then winced from the pain of the sudden movement.
A wide, undignified grin spread over my face. Still, I found myself quickly.
“Silversong. How good to hear from you.”
“Are you all right?”
“Yes, better than could be expected.”
“Thank fates! I was afraid…” She trailed off, some of the tension in her voice released.
I stifled laughter, concerned about being overheard. “They tell me a house fell on me.”
She didn’t laugh.
“For real?” The worried tone was back in her voice. “Terell, how are you doing, really? How are they treating you?”
“Not too bad, to be honest.” I paused, myself surprised at endorsing our enemies. “I think they might have saved my life, Jane. I was…” I swallowed, and tried again. “I’ve got lots of broken bones. The right side of my body was totally smashed. They have been looking after my injuries.”
“Okay.” I could hear her taking a deep breath. “Not even your speed-healing abilities will make it easy for you to shake off that… Are you all right where you are at the moment?”
“I guess…” I definitely didn’t like where this was going.
“If we need to, we’ll burst in and get you out. I promise!” Jane said fervently. “But it doesn’t sound like it would be safe to try to move you at the moment. If you can wait…?”
Reluctantly, I agreed. The disappointment sinking cold and slithering in my stomach, but I knew that Jane was right. No one was actively hurting me at the moment. The risk to my friends would be much greater if I couldn’t even walk.
“Take care, Terell.” Jane said, as her voice faded away.
“You too.” I told the empty, moonlit room.
Tag list: @bloodsweatandpotato @whumppsychology @myst-in-the-mirror @wolfeyedwitch @i-msonotcreative @whump-blog @dionysussecretlovechild @the-blind-one-speaks @neverthelass @interdimensional-chaos @starfields08000 @cyborg0109
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melonthesprigatito · 2 years
Headcanon that The Butcher and Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy are the go to catering guys for any Villains Society social event. Everybody loves a good barbecue and people would kill for Chuck's sandwiches. (Plus the sandwiches provide a vegan option for Ms Question)
Once Rhyme joins, she gets roped in to provide chilled drinks. She has way too much fun creating a menu and giving every drink a rhyming name. Highlights include Robbery Strawberry, Felony Melon-y and Crime Lime. (There are no orange drinks, for obvious reasons) For some strange reason, the villains can't keep a straight face when they read the menu out loud.
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cowboysuperhero · 1 year
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threw together a banner for my profile on artfight! my username over there is stanley!
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Character Profile: Emerald Empress (I)
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First Appearance: Adventure Comics #352 (1967)
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Born beneath a silver sun on the tropical world of Venegar, a young woman found an ancient relic within a hidden cavern. This object, known as the Emerald Eye of Ekron, promised knowledge and power to the woman, who accepted it eagerly. This woman's name was Sarya, but after using the power of the Eye to take over her planet's government and people, she renamed herself the Emerald Empress.
Venegar's people eventually rebelled against her, and with the support of the United Planets, the deposed Empress was taken away and imprisoned on the planet Takron-Galtos, where she would have remained, were it not for a galactic emergency. When people of exceptional power were recruited to help take down the creature known as the Sun-Eater, Sarya was set free to assist. Afterward, she formed an alliance with four other powered individuals, forming the terrorist group known as the Fatal Five, waging war against the United Planets and their willing lapdogs, the Legion of Super-Heroes.
After the group disbanded due to the death of their leader, Sarya allied herself with another terrorist group, the Dark Circle, and took over the United Planets' artificial planetoid, Weber's World. There, she was once again defeated by the Legion, and was eventually forced to join a new version of the Fatal Five, fueled by new emnity for the Legion, and the desire for more power. All the while, her sanity began to slip away, and the power from the Eye (and the being behind it) began to subsume her personality and sense of identity, causing her to refer to herself as "Eye" from that point forwards.
The Empress went on one final rampage, destroying cities and severely injuring Legionnaires in her wake, more powerful than every before. At this point, the Eye was mostly in control, and Sarya's personality had fractured away from that of the Empress. Finally, after this rampage was concluded, Sarya appealed to Legionnaire Sensor Girl (AKA Projectra of Orando), asking for help from a "fellow royal" to free her from the influence of the Eye. Hidden from its presence via Projectra's illusory abilities, Sarya was finally freed, but at the cost of her life force. Withering away and dying in Projectra's arms, Sarya was finally dead. The Eye, on the other hand, moved on to new subjects and victims craving its power.
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Other Incarnations
DC Rebirth: Sarya has appeared in the current comics line, prior to her death, and from a separate universe than the current canon. While her appearance is never fully explained, this is the original Emerald Empress, who is in the present seeking revenge against a time-travelling Saturn Girl, and then against Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) for slights not yet realized. To this end, she forms a new Fatal Five in the modern day DC Universe, but is defeated by the Kryptonians present in the time period. She also served on the Suicide Squad during this time, captured while searching for Saturn Girl.
DC Animated Universe: Sarya appeared with the Fatal Five in the Justice League Unlimited episode "Far From Home", in which she and the rest of the Five involved Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow in their war with the Legion of Super-Heroes. Another version of Sarya appeared in this universe in the film Justice League vs. the Fatal Five, where she had been sent to the past and imprisoned in Green Lantern Sciencells, keeping her away from the Eye, and away from the rest of the Fatal Five. She was eventually broken out and wreaked havoc on the Green Lanterns, before joining with the Five and facing off against the Justice League and Legionnaire Star Boy.
Legion of Super-Heroes: Sarya is the leader of the Fatal Five, as well as its most single-handedly powerful member. Waging war against the United Planets and the Legion, she and the Five are later recruited to fight against the Sun-Eater on the behest of their mortal enemies. Three years later, she is released from prison by Imperiex's actions, alongside many other Legion enemies, only to see her Eye destroyed by Matter-Eater Lad, who was driven temporarily mad by the energies within. After this point, this version of Sarya is stripped of her power, and never seen again.
Thanks for reading!
Check out my currently ongoing Legion of Super-Heroes essay series ( Part One | Two | Three | Four ) on a proposed television series if you're interested!
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ufonaut · 1 year
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The aggressive content of comic books is so conspicuous that most observers fail to notice that this aggression is rigidly channelized, that the willingness of any reader to accept a fantasy escape from his frustrations presupposes a willingness to achieve less than total and actual escape. Like all other forms of dreaming, literature operates under a censorship. And this censorship -- in both its legal and internalized expression -- does not allow any direct, total attack on the frustration that elicits the dream. It offers a choice.
- Love and Death: A Study in Censorship (1949), Gershon Legman
Five years before Fredric Wertham’s infamous Seduction of the Innocent essay and the subsequent spark of anti-comic sentiment that nearly killed the industry along with the introduction of the Comics Code Authority and the Senate Subcommittee Hearing into Juvenile Delinquency, Gershon Legman had explored similarly sentiments in Love and Death: A Study in Censorship (1949).
The belief that the violence of pre-code comics was harmful to children and the approach of the ‘Superman model’ as inherently fascist explored in Legman’s work would form much of the basis for Wertham’s later criticism and the crusade against comics. Interestingly enough, Gershon Legman is widely believe to have been gay himself.
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 103
There stood a figure shrouded in darkness. Their desire for power and domination eclipsed any semblance of virtue or morality. They had watched as the so-called heroes paraded through, their lust for glory blinding them to the consequences of their actions.
"You!" the figure's voice echoed through the desolate landscape, cutting through the silence like a knife. "You heroes, with your hollow promises of justice and righteousness. You label anyone who dares to oppose you as villains, but I am more than just an obstacle in your path. I am your ultimate challenge, your final test."
The heroes, caught off guard by the figure's bold proclamation, exchanged wary glances amongst themselves. One of them stepped forward, their voice filled with defiance. "You think you can defeat us? You're nothing but a twisted version of what a hero should be."
The figure chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down the spines of those gathered. "Oh, but I am so much more than that. I am the embodiment of your darkest fears, the culmination of your own hubris. And unlike your childish games, in this battle, I will emerge victorious."
With a menacing grin, the figure extended a hand, summoning forth shadows that twisted and writhed at their command. The heroes braced themselves, knowing that this confrontation would be unlike any they had faced before.
As the battle ensued, each clash of steel and surge of power only served to fuel the figure's determination. They fought with a ferocity born from years of resentment and bitterness, their every move calculated to outwit and overpower their adversaries.
"You may have bested others before me," the figure taunted, their voice dripping with contempt, "but you will find that I am not so easily defeated."
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I don't have much to say about Magne other than there was an Attempt, but. That time when Twice and Toga got angry with Overhaul for misgendering her was already indicative of what I'm going to get at in a sec, and obviously it was especially relevant because it was a direct show of respect and support from people who very clearly cared about her (and who called her big sis already as it was!!) (×2 imo because Twice was intentionally written to be the readers' insight into the LOV, and the character with whom they were supposed sympathise with the most at/since the beginning, so it's especially important that the first one who spoke up was him), but the story's progression (especially in recent years) is what most assures me that despite a rather poor execution (definitely not the best, but also certainly not the worst) Horikoshi did mean well with her. "People bound together by the chains of society always laugh at those who aren't" :(
#^ when she quotes her friend. like had the manga not gone on like it has that could have very well been a generic#We Live in a Society moment. but it wasn't. and that's what's comforting tbh#in general i think a big issue with magne from what little we know of her is that her reason for joining the lov was fighting back against#a tangibile real world issue (transphobia) vs all the other villains. whose situations Are partially real world issues as well#(eg child abuse) but they also very much present fantasy elements to them (eg toga's treatment due to her quirk)#and i'm not saying this as a justification for killing her off but. when you're writing a superhero comic with a target audience of young#cishet men it is much easier to present them with fantasy solutions to fantasy problems. again not that i think it's right!!!#but i do assume that horikoshi's thought process was more or less this. like. tiger is there alive and well#but he passes and was confirmed to be trans only via word of god so his identity has no bearing on the story itself#while magne's did. which doesn't make tiger's transness any less ''real'' than hers ofc but again i think it was a matter of what horikoshi#could actually deal with (fantasy problems) with the average readers that he has. it sucks all the way around.#which begs the question. ''why create her character in the first place then'' to which i answer: i don't fucking know man#bnha#animanga#mytext#in general. i've seen lots of people do this even with eg toga and her bisexuality (and when it comes to her i completely disagree but w/e)#but. authors who want to depic queer characters in good will but make mistakes or do it awkwardly or anything else#should Not be put on the same level as actively queerphobic authors. at all. do criticise what's worthy of constructive#criticism when you see it but don't even pretend that those two are remotely the same thing#(jic i didn't explain myself well bc i don't think that i did. what i wholly disagree with is that ''toga is a bad bi stereotype''.#i am bi people and i disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ducklooney · 2 years
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Duckvember - Haggard, Brave, Coordinated and Loutish Duck (Ducks)
I drew the first drawing more than a month ago, while I drew the other two drawings on November 17, that is, yesterday.
A little more topics, but somehow to combine everything in one. The first drawing refers to Coordinated Duck, i.e. Donald Duck who is between good and evil, i.e. between angel and devil. This is actually a partial redraw of a scene from a classic short called "Donald's Better Self" from 1938 and it's one of my favorite classic Donald Duck shorts. Under the direction of Jack King, and one of the writers for the script was Carl Barks. Of course, Donald needs to go to school and grow up, and his conscience, that is, Angel Donald, helps him in that, but there is also a bad side, that is, Devil Donald, who drags him away from there. In the end, Donald dies, but his guardian angel saves him and drives the devil back to where he belongs, and Donald returns to school.
The second drawing also refers to Coordinated, but also to Haggard and Brave Duck. It's great to see Duck Avenger (Papernick-Donald's superhero alter ego) and Darkwing Duck (Drake's superhero alter ego) in one place, but there's also another superhero named Gizmoduck (Fenton's superhero alter ego). Although Darkwing and Paperinik have similar egos, they still seem to dislike Gizmoduck even more. Especially Darkwing who can't stand him. Gizmoduck who is the savior of both Duckburg and St. Canard, and Duck Avenger and Darkwing don't really like competition. I also drew in the classic style of what they look like in the comics of both the OG Ducktales and the OG Darkwing Duck. Otherwise, I would like it to be a crossover between these three superhero ducks.
And the third drawing refers to Haggard and Loutish Duck. Actually more ducks. Although Donald Duck and Drake Mallard are superheroes, they have a lot to do at home, especially to take care of their children, and they are the best duck parents. However, due to the excessive ego, there are a lot of troubles and comical quarrels between them. Drake has a daughter Gosalyn and Donald has his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie. Both Gosalyn and HDL make trouble for their parents and fool around. Yes, both Drake and Donald were naughty when they were boys. And that although they are not rude, certainly Gosalyn and HDL cause a lot of trouble, but they are certainly good children. It's a real shame that except for one comic and a couple of episodes of the Ducktales reboot, there was no relationship between Gosalyn and HDL, as well as between Donald and Drake, since they all share common personalities.
Sorry for the long post, I don't know how to make it shorter. I certainly hope you like these drawings.
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ziracona · 9 months
My hot take is jj k is worse Naruto w the serial numbers filed off, not better
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