#sure yeah that'll be in the tag
blimbo-buddy · 1 year
what if smudge died from the birth instead
Then SilverStream would take refuge in Twolegplace when TigerStar took over, her and her kits are under the protection of Chelford now
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princyvish · 3 months
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WOE KOBYLU MARRIAGE BE UPON YE!! I'm normal about them
They would get married to this song trust
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that1notetaker · 6 months
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Hi, I'm bad at talking to people, especially online, but I make comics and maybe it'd be nice to read what you people think, so I'm putting myself in the void? Will it echo or will it engulf me and regurgitate silence?
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 6 months
Okay i'm done waiting i'm dumping my new Half Life au here
The plot of the au is that the events of Half Life 1 (or at least. parts of it. vaguely.) are a large-scale experiment on Gordon (One he is unaware of by the way) to test a new HEV suit model, one that can heal normally fatal wounds, and even bring its user back from the dead. Said test is also used to simulate a possible resonance Cascade scenario in a safe environment. (well. safe for nearly everyone.) to try and prepare just in case one takes place.
(read more for more information.)
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This is the HEV suit Mk. 5 (not to be confused with the one from half life 2, which is not canon in this au.) a suit made in 1998 with the sheer purpose of keeping its user safe and, more importantly, alive, no matter what. It is to be noted that this suit can not be removed by the user themself, rather it has to be removed by an authorized personnel. (being why Gordon doesn't just. remove it)
The test runs on for a full week, and Gordon is made unaware of the test even taking place, nor what is being planned for him during it. Scientists and other Black Mesa staff alike are ordered to not inform Gordon of the test taking place whatsoever, with the worry that it will "affect test results". The entire time, Gordon is only left with a vague feeling that its not real, but is constantly told that it is. (think. The Truman Show.)
However, as the test goes on, things start to go. wrong with the suit. resulting in. terrible things happening to Gordon himself.
I'm unsure if I want to elaborate further here, so for now i'll leave it at that. Lemmie know if you wanna hear more about this au cause. yeah /VLH
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sualne · 1 year
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taking a break to do this very important montage.
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revivisection · 9 months
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strategically cropped wet vampire sex thumbsupemoji @barbwritesstuff
perhaps it's bold to tag you but if other people have drawn the shower scene then i can too
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chairteeth · 1 year
"The Many Masks of Touka Satomi"
So I actually wanted to refine this certified word vomit of mine before I put it anywhere buuuut I figured this would be a good time to let it out of its containment zone. This is essentially me overthinking the crap out of everything ever and coming out of it with this interpretation of Touka in particular. Informal essay under the cut! It will have extra tangents! And I blend a bit of what we were shown in the anime into my interpretation, but this is game canon.
Whenever Touka is discussed, the words "child", "immature", "selfish", and "arrogant" are the ones most often thrown around. There is usually not much more discussion after that. Well, I'm not here to say it's wrong, it's correct for the most part, I'm just here to draw attention to the fact that there's so much more to her than meets the eye. So, hear me out, if you would.
Touka's levels of vulnerability in the Magius era. That's already interesting by virtue of it being the Magius era. That's a really interesting era. Ui was what brought Touka and Nemu together and Ui was the cornerstone of their relationship for a while, so losing that RETROACTIVELY kinda makes you wonder exactly what their memories of the hospital era became. How exactly the two of them met, became friends, came to share a room, etc. Because the quotes are from their Magius selves and so we know they very much remember being roommates for a long time and still consider each other reliable and trustworthy (also the entirety of Nemu's swimsuit costume story which spawns many questions when you stop to think about it but I will touch on that some other time). We know that in reality, the hospital trio began to share a room after Touka, in her infinite princess behavior, asked her dad to put all three of them in the same room because it was annoying to walk between the rooms so often (source: TouNemu Christmas alt quotes). Interesting choice on her part back then considering she seemingly wanted Nemu out of the way, but I will touch on that another time because the hospital era has its own analysis.
Okay then, let's talk about Touka's role as a Magius. A leader. One who shoulders the burdens of the many. She willingly exposed herself to the weight of a whole people's sorrow, pain, grief, anger. And then she chose to lead them. To avenge them. It may not have started that way but it sure as heck got there at some point (thank you anime for helping out with this point). Now, I want to stop here for a moment and remind everyone that during Arc 1, Touka was 11 to 12 years old (as per the JP script, she is 12 by the end of it). Not only that, but if you pay attention, you'll notice the stress of Nemu's declining health is killing her. Nemu is quite literally the only person Magius Touka shows genuine concern for. This one person she cares about more than anyone else, slowly dying for the plan. For the cause. And as the sort of "main leader", Touka can't back down. She just can't. It would be not only a betrayal to "her people", but also to the one closest to her, the one who has arguably sacrificed the most for their salvation. So then, with someone as full of herself as Touka, someone seemingly so arrogant... What about her own health and wellbeing? What about her own sense of self? Because I have a feeling she doesn't really have one.
The way she always emphasizes the genius aspect of herself and even uses it as an excuse and brings it up so often feels like that's all she sees herself as. Nemu gives, yes. Nemu has similar issues. But hers are much, much more obvious. Less concealed. Touka gives without measure, without the slightest care for herself. She's selfish and at the same time one of the most selfless characters. There's also the interpretation that, at their very core, Touka and Nemu both just wanted to live. But I feel like that was only at the beginning. If that was all there was to it, the plan would not have continued with Nemu's life at risk, Touka would not put herself in the line of fire. Essentially, Touka has taken on way, way too much responsibility, as well as crafting several masks. Don't forget, just like every other magical girl, she led a double life the entire time, and she financed a lot of the cult's operations. Though I don't have any doubt many of the richer members contributed to the budget with their ridiculous allowances that they do not use.
Touka had to hide from everyone. She couldn't show her true self to anyone. Not her father who loves her so deeply, not anyone else in her civilian life, not her subordinates, Alina is not the most warm and welcoming to be around... so her only option is Nemu. That's comfortable. That's familiar. But. Then there are the many, many feelings she has about Nemu. It's, complicated you see. Touka feels many ways about Nemu. For starters, if their memory of Ui is gone, it means all of the warmth and kindness Ui had must've taken another form, which explains the difference in their bond, how they seem so much... closer, as Magius. Either way, even back then, Nemu is the only one who would understand. Touka Satomi is an actress. Everywhere else is her stage, and Nemu is backstage. So, Touka can only ever be truly 100% vulnerable with Nemu. Yet she still didn't do it. I don't think Magius Touka ever really fully 100% relied on Nemu. She may have wanted to, and she does call her reliable in her quotes. But well, with Nemu's health getting worse and worse, she may have come to the conclusion that it would be for the best (health-wise) if Nemu didn't have to share her burden.
However, Nemu's declining health also brought something else. Touka took on another role: the protector. Nemu is practically helpless during the mid to late Magius era. Not completely helpless, she's still a strong magical girl, mind you, but could drop or have an attack at any time. We see this multiple times such as in Mifuyu's MGS, her own MGS, and she even has what is basically a stroke during Arc 1 Chapter 8, 4:02:36 - 4:03:43 in the video if you want to take a listen (I have a Magius Nemu essay in the works, don't you fret). Therefore, Touka has to be alert and ready to respond immediately. Which I think is why we see more of Alina outside than Touka. Touka lingers around where Nemu is and only hesitantly hands her over to Alina or Mifuyu when she absolutely must. Other than the sheer pain of watching Nemu bleed herself dry and being unable to do anything about it, not because she physically can't, but because she can't in a different sense... she also can't revert things back to the way they were, for all of her genius and medical knowledge she can't help Nemu, she can't help her best friend feel even a little better. This leads us to the undeniable fact that Touka is very, very unstable and volatile as a Magius. That's not the impression she first gives at all, of course.
Arc 1 Chapter 6 is where we first meet Magius Touka. She's calm, with a cold cheerfulness to her, calculated. Most importantly, I feel like the reason she was the one doing the lecture instead of literally just sending Mifuyu was because she recognized Team Mikazuki as a possible threat and specifically did not like Iroha, which was also why she lied. The one and only thing Touka lied about in her lecture: Iroha asked where Nemu was, Touka said they parted ways after being discharged. Blatant gigantic lie. And seriously, the only reason she'd have to lie about that and in that specific way would be to protect Nemu. At that point, Iroha and her team have wiped out a handful of uwasa, so she must have known. But yes, this is not at all how she really feels or what she really thinks. This is just another mask (I will talk about Touka's plastic smile and Nemu's poker face ANOTHER TIME). Because she needs to nip any aspirations Iroha may have in the bud, hopefully recruit more Feathers, and neutralize the threat that is Team Mikazuki.
What happens just as she's starting to go off the deep end? How convenient, it seems Yachiyo and Iroha have spent a good amount of their time destroying uwasa, thus wasting Nemu's repeated sacrifices, and forcing her to make more in order to meet their energy quota. Honestly, who wouldn't be losing it, at that point? So close to salvation, so close to freedom, so close to being done. And they're ruining not only the plan but also everything it means for her and the person she loves most. When you really think about it, Touka's mental health was, forgive the crude language, IN DEEP SHIT throughout Arc 1. Not that it was great before or that it improved too much after, but yeah, I do believe people do not give this enough thought.
Finally, with all of this in mind, as for the topic of this rant being Touka's levels of vulnerability as a Magius... There were none. She had no choice. At first it was fine. At first, before the gears turned too fast to stop, she could deal with it. She could confide in Nemu, even a little bit in Alina or Mifuyu (though not much), but it got worse and worse. Mifuyu was clearly blind to all of this the entire time (she, much like everyone other than Touka, didn't seem to care that Nemu had to give up her life force for each uwasa, and if you disagree I will point out the scene at the end of Mifuyu's MGS as one of my more than five pieces of evidence). Alina likely didn't care enough, and Nemu was probably too exhausted, although the concern must've been there. In summary, Magius Touka stands alone in her mind, and with her mind. Arc 1 was practically a descent into madness for her. When you start thinking about things from Touka's perspective, you start to see how abysmal her mental health was.
As part of my conclusion I'd like to say that honestly, it makes sense why she gave off the feeling of being lost for a decent chunk of... everything after Arc 1. What is she supposed to do without a purpose? What is she supposed to do without anything or anyone to tell her what she is and who she is? Not to mention the fucking ton of bricks to her face that must've been getting her memories back. I do not know how she didn't break. I legitimately do not know how she survived. During that little "lost" stage she had, I got the feeling she'd relapse back to her suicidal tendencies. It was... less "a feeling" and more "exactly what canon did", it's just slightly (badly) disguised.
ANYWAY. What I mean is that the children are complex and I ask everyone to have more respect and more compassion for them. I will be back with more about the performer and her backstage, hopefully in a more organized format.
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not-the-organ · 3 months
I got my eyes in a jar for you from yesterdayyyyyyy ahaha-
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"Horray!! These are going on the shelf!" ( :) )
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scribbling-waffle · 2 months
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Well, I finally drew my BBC Ghosts oc. (I have not drawn a person in forever and was experimenting a bit with style, and also I can never draw fabric, so don't judge too harshly lmao)
Reader bewinge you're in for a cringe...
His name is Jonathan and he died falling out of a tree on the property in 2017 at the age of 24.
He is American, much to Lady Button's dismay, and had been visiting family in England when he met his demise. It was in fact his younger cousin who dared him to climb the tree he fell out of. (Thomas 100% tries to bond over the "cousin betrayal" commonality. It does not work.)
He loves Fall Out Boy... and fully recognizes the irony of that, being a Boy that Fell Out of a tree. (Also, the poor thing died mere months before the release of Mania, Fall Out Boy's seventh studio album, and didn't get to listen to it until Alison and Mike moved in and he could pester Alison into downloading it for him.)
He died with an iPhone 6 in his pocket. It is forever at 13% battery and all he can do with it is write notes in the notes app (Thomas is SO JEALOUS that he has a way of writing things down).
He is besties with Kitty and HATES Julian. He's varying degrees of chill with everyone else.
Since he was a musician in life, his ghost power is that if he does air guitar, it will play like a real guitar and is audible to both ghosts and the living. (I recognize that probably seems overpowered but considering Alberta's power in US Ghosts, I figured I could give him a little far-fetched haunting ability, as a treat.)
Loser bisexual with ADHD (because I have to project somehow!).
He convinced Alison to reach out to his (alive) best friend via social media, so while the Coopers were living in Button House, he got to message her on a regular basis. I'm thinking that wouldn't completely end once they'd moved out and the house was converted to a hotel, but it'd be much less frequent.
And that's probably it!
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saturnaous · 9 months
grieving the timeline my teenage mutant ninja turtle autism was actually space suit get me into nasa autism where I become an aerospace engineer and get to work on cool EVA suits and get people to mars or whatever. man
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moinsbienquekaworu · 8 months
Everyone tell me how cool I am and how good of a job I did please and thank you I want to wake up to nice messages. I'm so so brave I feel like I just had an insane day and I need external validation
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blastburnt · 5 months
i think i might cut my hair tmorrow after work because i need something to happen. i might even take the clippers back out (SCARY!)
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cloudwhisper23 · 8 months
Not really in the writing mindset rn, buuuuuut I am getting back into Minecraft and having fun with experimentation (aka, building)
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This is a test house I made for the Three Lives at Freddy's challenge that me and a couple of friends are doing. Details about this can be found on @toki-woki-fnaf's tumblr (amazing work with this mod btw)
Also, someone mentioned that three chests is not enough, so I also did this!
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Hopefully I can implement these into the game during my next session, but we'll see! I realize I'm planning to build a lot with deepslate, so that'll be dangerous (I'm on my last life currently) but, at least I'll be having fun while doing it!
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a-alienn · 2 months
Genuinely so obsessed with the artstyle of ds genesis. They gave War pretty wavy hair....
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intertexts · 6 months
ros i would like to offer you something beautiful irt the ghostknife department 🤲
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theres a supercut. its 42 minutes long. its outdated even. this doesnt even cover the last half of season 2 . i love them so much theyre the absolute worst
GOOD LORD...... HOMOSEXUALITY!!!!! 💥💥✊✊☝🔥!!!!!!
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spectrumspace · 1 year
staff: *makes awful decisions* users: maybe if we all give staff tons money for making awful decisions, they'll stop making awful decisions! staff: *receives tons of money* staff: *continues to make awful decisions* users:
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