#Subject: Gordon
shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 months
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The catalyst
Recovered Black Mesa documents from the experiment, #2 of ____
(Pg. 1)
Stage Two: Resonance Cascade Simulation (RCS)
Section 2: Resonance Cascade Simulation
The Resonance Cascade Simulation (RCS) is a revolutionary advancement in Black Mesa’s incident prevention/preparation technology, where a replica of multiple wings of Black Mesa’s main facility were constructed to give the appearance of the real facility. Here is where the rest of the test will take place, as soon as the simulated Resonance Cascade Catalyst is complete. We hope that this experiment will prepare us in case of a real Resonance Cascade event, and thus can potentially prevent one entirely. 
Dr. Freeman is to be put in the RCS as soon as the Catalyst is complete and he is sufficiently unconscious. It is crucial to place him under anesthesia to not cause alarm as he is moved from the real Black Mesa Facility into the replica. (REMINDER: it is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE that Freeman is to be unaware of the test taking place, as to make this simulation as accurate as possible. Failure to comply with this rule will result in career termination.) It is to be noted that despite the simulated AMS failure being in a controlled environment, there is room for error and potentially even injury in the case of Dr. Freeman being within the chamber as it happens. However we believe the HEV suit will be enough to protect him throughout the process.
To make the RCS even more realistic, we have contained multiple species from multiple expeditions to [CENSORED TEXT] within the testing facility. Though it is to be noted that certain species remain too great of a liability to keep within the same facility as the subject. We hope these specimens will help make the cross-dimensional-travel of anomalies more predictable in the case of a real Resonance Cascade event happening, and more importantly, teaching us how to deal with, and/or dispose of these specimens.
Notes: Freeman is a smart man. Hiding the true nature of this test is for his own good.
Conclusion of section:
Power AMS to 105% to begin simulated AMS failure scenario
Begin RCS
(Pg. 2)
TIME OF INCIDENT: 10:24 AM, December 13th, 1998
CAUSE OF INCIDENT: Technical Malfunction
INCIDENT TYPE: Workplace Injury/death
At approximately 10:24 AM MST, a malfunction occurred involving the Anti Mass Spectrometer, where a stray beam struck Dr. Gordon Freeman between the lower Thoracic and Lumbar sections of his spinal cord. Due to this area being primarily the HEV’s visible undersuit rather than an armored section, it proved to not be enough to withstand the entirety of the shock. Freeman Suffered near instantaneous lower body paralysis, along with heart failure. Freeman also underwent convulsions, restricting his ability to remove himself from the situation. When the AMS had reached a state of stabilization, allowing personnel to enter the chamber, they found Freeman unresponsive aside from minor erratic muscle spasms. They found that his lower back was severely damaged, along with the HEV undersuit.
Damage to the HEV suit was minimal, though holes caused by the shock needed to be repaired. The protective cover over the Life Support Module was damaged, and unable to be reattached. However, the Life Support Module is still intact and functioning as expected. 
Freeman appears to be healing despite tremendous damage. The HEV suit took most of the hit, allowing Freeman to heal relatively without problem. Due to the HEV’s extraordinary biomatter repair technology, Freeman’s heartbeat has returned, along with stable brain activity and nervous system control, meaning he is no longer paralyzed. (It is to be noted that he awoke during examination, but was quickly put under anesthesia to prevent further pain, any potential alterations to the test results, and any further mental strain from the resurrection.) 
Planned initial Termination was going to be three (3) hours after the RCS had begun, however due to this horrible oversight from the engineers in the Lambda team, the first test had taken place prematurely. However, Freeman appears to have healed completely from this incident. This is promising.
Monitor possible HEV malfunctions
Monitor Freeman’s physical health and recovery from this incident
Resume test as initially planned without further delay.
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cultpastorkevin · 2 months
aftg characters as button poetry quotes 🤲🏻
Andrew || Neil || Kevin
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Nicky || Aaron || Renee
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Allison || Seth
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Dan || Matt
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Riko || Jean || Thea
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Jeremy || Robin
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Wymack || Abby || Bee
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thegirlsarethriving · 3 months
just finished undertale. ok i see the vision. i now understand yall's Sans-to-Benrey obsession pipeline. and the Papyrus-to-Tommy Coolatta pipeline
#undertale#hlvrai#hlvrai2#benrey#tommy coolatta#papyrus#benry#hlvrai benry#sans undertale#sans#undertale sans#undertale spoilers#i loved Papyrus so much and the whole time i was playing i was like hmm he reminds me of someone...? TOMMY. HE REMINDS ME. OF TOMMY.#i played pacifist but i saw how if u kill every1 n spare Papyrus Sans tells him every1 else is on a vacation bc truth would be too hard#file under: lies Gordon would tell Tommy if anything happened to Sunkist or his dad Gman#we wanna protect Tommy but on the other hand. the horrors r everywhere & Tommy go ham with a gun (he's terrified & acting on pure instinct)#(even tho Tommy has definitely faced his share of horrors in contrast to how Papyrus's loved ones try to shelter him from bloodshed)#i wanna write a paper psychoanalyzing Sans and Benrey in comparison to each other SOOOOO badly#it's been a hot minute since i last watched hlvrai (have seen it at least 4 times but not recently. did watch bbvrai live tho!)#im so extremely tired rn so i can't form proper thoughts :( but like:#they both have unfathomable otherworldly power and knowledge of their respective universes#but u wouldn't know it bc they're presented as just some chill guy who likes to make jokes and Vibe man#sike! they're a being of elderitch levels of power#they both act in accordance to game code but Sans can control parts of it (can see the timeline) while Benrey is much more subject to it#in some ways they are the antithesis of each other's motives but also contain the same vibes (all-powerful guy laidback n funny final boss)#Sans is judgment but doesn't interfere with the timeline. Benrey takes action that's “i knew this was gonna happen”#Benrey is fought as the final villain whereas Sans is arguably the final hero fight#anyways THEIR VIBES ARE BOTH SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!#idk if they'd be besties or mortal enemies#they can bond over being “unserious” (but they both take their true jobs very seriously. security guard and judgment bringer respectively)
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halflifebutawesome · 4 days
haiii . Half life playlists ^^
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m0th-gh0st · 6 months
I think a lot of people upset about how Gideon was characterized in spto are missing the fact he explicitly turns around and says he's faking it within the same episode.
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sawtastic-sideblog · 7 months
Mark stumbles into the bathroom, bloodied hands fumbling for a lightswitch. He finds it and flips it up. The light makes a dull buzzing before the room is washed in light.
"Fuck," the man grumbles as he goes to the medicine cabinet to search for the first aid kit. Once he finds it he sets that and Amanda's travel sewing kit on the counter. He starts to clean the wound, wincing as the disinfectant touches the raw flesh.
With trembling hands, Mark tries to thread the needle. He finally manages to get the black thread through the eyes of the needle. He braces himself against the counter and leans toward the mirror. The needle enters his flesh, he winces, but continues.
A rough, latex clad hand stops his movements. The reflection of Lawrence stares back at him. His expression unreadable.
Lawrence turns Mark around and gently pulls the sewing thread from his cheek. He is silent as he gets to work on Mark's face. The men stay silent for a time before Mark breaks it.
"Why are you helping me?"
"I'm a doctor. I took an oath."
"And, yet, you are an apprentice of John Kramer, the famed Jigsaw Killer."
A silence fall over them as Lawrence looks away, seemingly looking for an answer. Mark watches his hands thread the needle, with the correct thread, with a steadiness only a surgeon would have. Their eyes meet and they stay silent. The only sounds are their breaths, the buzzing of the light, and the movement and voices from their colleagues milling about the warehouse. Lawrence let's out a sigh.
"Fine. You were doing it wrong. It was going to scar. I mean, you were using sewing thread."
"So," Lawrence says matter of factly. "I'm a perfectionist and you have a pretty face."
Mark's cheeks heat up. Well, one was already on fire, but now it's like someone poured gasoline on it. His stomach flutters. His eyebrows furrow. Why did Lawrence's words effect him like this?
The silence washes over them again as they stand in the bathroom. The sound of something metal hitting the floor in another room pulls both men from their thoughts.
"This is why we can't have nice things, Amanda!" Adam yells.
"Shut your fucking mouth!" Amanda yells back.
The corner of Lawrence's mouth pulls upwards at the exchange and Mark letsout a huff of air.
"Almost done. What happened to you, anyway?" Lawrence asks. As he pulls out bandages.
"Ray Jenkins happened. Bastard noticed me and threw a goddamned flower vase at my head. He missed, but he attacked me and held my face in the glass."
"Then that explains all the other cuts, the bruising, and the disheveledment of your person."
"Yeah, that explains it."
"All done. Take it easy for a few days, try to avoid eating on that side, and take some painkillers."
"Will do. Thanks, Doc."
"You're welcome, Detective," Lawrence says as he throws the gloves he had been wearing into the trash. He leans over to Mark and kisses th bandages above the wound. He grabs his cane and walks out of the bathroom, leaving a very confused Mark standing there. Mark's had goes to where Lawrence's lips had been, his heart racing.
"What the fuck?"
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lumikore · 7 months
My red flag is kinning every silent protagonist as if they're meant to have personality in the first place
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ngeruma · 2 months
"Kentics" | Perpetual Testing | Portal 2 Community Maps & Mods
By Mr.Unreliable
Exploring the Prospect of an Exciting Crossover: Half Life 3 Meets Portal 3 with Gordon Freeman's Iconic Gravity Gun. We check out a teaser of the possibility of a much anticipated convergence between Half Life 3 and Portal 3, as Gordon Freeman's renowned Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, famously known as the "Gravity Gun," makes an in disguise appearance within the Portal 2 testing environments of Aperture Science.
Full Video
More Test Chambers
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 months
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Recovered Black Mesa Documents from the incident, #1 of ____
(Text on the pages below in case it’s hard to read)
(Pg. 1)
Project Codename: Free Man
Subject: Gordon Freeman
Sector: Anomalous Materials Department
Age: 27
Clearance: Level 3
Physical Description: Six Foot four inches (193.04 cm) Tall caucasian male, brown hair, green eyes.
Current status: Alive; No abnormalities.
Project Administrator: [CENSORED NAME]
Purpose of the experiment: testing revival and healing technology; Preparing for the possible event of a Resonance Cascade.
Time of test: Scheduled for December 13th, 1998 at 9:30 AM MST
Planned duration of test: 3 days (72 hours)
Current Status: Preparations complete. Awaiting subject arrival.
This test is the Second human test of our new revolutionary Life Support System, which is capable of both healing typically fatal wounds, and even bringing back an individual from the dead. This technology has caused multiple unforeseen side effects on its users, however with advancements made by Black Mesa engineers and the Lambda Team, we believe this test will prove that the technology will be in a suitable enough state to be used without consequences.
We have been approached regarding this technology from [CENSORED TEXT], which means that our new sponsors will be able to help develop this technology further and even fund future research. This new Sponsorship, the possibility of preventing death in Black Mesa staff during highly dangerous expeditions, Along with possible commercial use in the coming years, are more reasons for this test to be taken seriously, and more importantly, be done correctly and quickly. The following documents will be the results of every test, and there will be logs of all injuries and even deaths our subject will experience, and more importantly how the Hazardous Environment Suit will repair said injuries.
(Pg. 2)
Section 1: HEV Suit Integration
The Hazardous Environment Suit (HEV) Mk. 5 is a vast improvement from the standard HEV suit Mk. 4, with its main difference and technological improvement being the HEV Life Support system. Unlike the Mk. 4, this Life support system contains a specimen known as [CENSORED TEXT] from our latest expedition to [CENSORED TEXT]. This Specimen has properties that are known to heal even life threatening wounds, and thus has the potential of even bringing an individual back from the dead. This has proven true with previous testing, though it is to be noted that the HEV suit Mk. 5 is the best, and most promising version of this technology put to use as of current date. However, Dr. Freeman is to be noted as the first test done with this suit to test its revival capabilities.
-Dr. Freeman had received the HEV Mk. 5 at approximately 10:00 AM MST on December 13th. Due to a small hold up, being worsened by a single security personnel delaying Freeman’s arrival, Freeman had arrived at the testing facility around 30 minutes past schedule. However, despite this small change in schedule, Gordon had accepted the HEV suit without suspicion, even despite not being told of the Suit’s properties, including the slight painful sensations of the suit attaching IV tubing and blood monitors to Freeman’s skin. Freeman seemed to move on quickly however, and proceeded to the test chamber containing the Anti Mass Spectrometer (AMS), beginning the first test at around 10:16 AM MST.
Freeman appears to have had no problems resulting from the HEV suit’s integration, not even during the suit’s Life Support startup. This is promising, considering the negative effects the technology had on previous subjects. (See Incident log #32; Subject Shephard)
Conclusion of section:
-Despite Freeman remaining unaware of the test, it is best to inform any and all staff participating in said test to not disclose any information that Freeman does not need or could affect the results.
-Continue to Stage Two: Resonance Cascade Simulation (RCS)
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beumdi · 1 year
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2x3x4 equates to 24
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blacktobackmesa · 1 year
Concept: Bubby and Benrey have little experience with food from outside of Black Mesa.
Proposal: B-Squad Mukbang live on Justin.tv
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benbamboozled · 2 years
You know…thinking about this ask and the headcanon about AK!Jason having chronic pain and mobility issues…
Something that I really wish more media (not just comics) got about disabilities is that there are a lot more options than just “disabled, can’t do (x) ever again.”
Like, take for example, Barbara Gordon. Personally (and this is 100% personal), I’m actually totally okay with her being able to walk again. I’m even okay with her Batgirl-ing again.
For example—sure, maybe Barbara can go out Batgirl-ing a couple of nights a week…but she needs time to recover and after those nights she uses the wheelchair during the day.
OR! She tends to forego her wheelchair during the day BUT because of that she’s drained for nights and so she uses her wheelchair and sticks with Oracle.
OR! Sometimes she just uses her wheelchair because it feels right for the time and she doesn’t want to second-guess her instincts when it comes to her own health!
Just…it doesn’t have to be “all or nothing”!
And like, to keep talking about the Batfamily, that goes for every hero! Sure, PEAK HUMAN CONDITION when they’re in their suits…but there’s nothing in the rulebook that says they have to be in that zone literally all the time!
And, not to be a buzzkill, but we know the effects of long-term high impact trauma to human bodies and it’s…not great! Not saying that you’d have to go full realism, but you could show some consequences of the work they do!
One of the moments that stuck with me from The Dark Knight Rises was when Bruce Wayne had to wear a knee-brace because of his Batman exploits.
And, sure, the movie almost immediately undid his disability (because of course it did ಠ_ಠ) but it was nice to see a superhero with, like…an actual human body? That was dealing with the effects of time and consequences and the inherent imperfection of a human body?
But like…computer-based characters wearing braces to treat/prevent wrist strain! Bruce Wayne using an orthopedic cane during the day to take some strain off of his body and to make sure he’s in peak condition for his night work!
Characters doing physical therapy exercises as an everyday thing because that’s how they can do their night work!
And, especially since there are so many friggin heroes in Gotham—characters having bad days/nights and needing downtime!
Anyway, hopefully this made some kind of sense. I guess I’m just frustrated with the narrow-minded concept that disabilities are either 1) something you’re born with, or 2) something that can only happen from one DRAMATIC EVENT!!!
And also, I guess, with the concept that doing classic superheroics is incompatible with being disabled—which, IMO, is just an easy way to get out of showing heroes with disabilities.
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beikonsims · 4 months
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After some consideration, the pair decided to have a quick Sunday wedding before any of them changes their mind. Faith was still having her doubts, but Lazlo surprisingly determined for the marriage want.
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They invited a handful of friends - only those who were able to show up - and booked the "Meetinghouse" for a quick ceremony and reception. They're not monsters, feeding the guests was a must.
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If anyone doubted for a moment, Lazlo was still his usual goofy self. Couldn't end the wedding ceremony without messing around.
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charmingghosts · 1 year
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Jessica Gordon, The Anchor (2020)
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leasspell-dael · 1 year
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fox--5 · 3 months
My lab oc!!
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This is Rev! (Mostly referred to as Subject R.377) He is a Cape fox! I have yet to rewrite how he came into existence, but the lab's whole thing is like, researching anomalies + creating them (I guess? Like, 'let's do the supposed impossible!' Stuff I would say), all the subjects are anomalies, maybe I can bully @gordonsgottasleep into posting their lab oc >:333
On that topic, both Gordon and I made the lab world (no other name yet), it originated from us building a lab in Minecraft and we've just been working on that this week, so we've revamping both the build AND our ocs (and adding variants of our currently existing ocs as subjects hehee.... + a weird looking cauldron that appeared in the game while we were playing 💀💀)
I may get screenshots of the lab when I (we) feel it's finished :3 It's so cool
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