#sweet smutty smut?
jacklyn-flynn · 2 years
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This is the final chapter of this story. I'm sure there will be more with Sparrow and Fenris, but this origin story has been an amazing journey for me. The last chapter (there will be a shorter epilogue) is quite long, but I feel like it's the proper send off. To everyone who has made it this far, thank you for sticking with me. I know the last few chapters have been sporadic but I wanted to do the story justice. I hope that you enjoy it and continue to stick around to read whatever comes next.
Much <3
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tomssexdoll · 3 months
Love will find a way
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"why were you actually struggling so much?"
"cause I couldn't stop thinking about you..."
PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Y/N and tom are forced into a marriage by both their families, since it benefits them, they hate each others guts, always getting in arguments and sleeping in seperate bedrooms, they do almost anything to get away from each other. One day Y/N notices he's been struggling with business lately, she feels bad and tries to help, ending with him snapping at her and yelling for her to leave, she just scoffs and doesn't even try to fight back, surprising tom.
A/N: ily all
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (riding ), eating out, mutual masturbation (fingering and handjob), breast/nipple play, light arguing
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Me and Tom were forced into a marriage by both our families, they said that it benefited them, boosting their reputation and their businesses. We fucking despised each other, from the moment I met him I could tell he was an asshole.
His manners off putting, his attitude and snarkiness. I was forced to break up with my secret, loving boyfriend just to marry this asshole, sometimes I wished I was never in a mafia family, the consequences of it weighing on me.
I had to have a huge wedding too, something I'd always wanted but it was with the wrong person, everything was accomodated to my needs and desires but there was only one problem, the groom.
Living with him was hell, I had scheduled my meals to be way after his, breakfast was at 6, while his was at 8, lunch at 3, his at 1, and dinner at 8, his at 6. I purposefully made it so I didn't need to run into him after finishing my dinner, the thought of even being around him annoyed me.
His face, his voice, his stupid personality, the way he walked. Everything about him I hated, when we would cross each other all we'd do is argue, I'd scream at him and he'd scream at me, sometimes the bodyguards would have to get involved and tear me off him.
Our "marriage" was nothing short of terrible, everything about it, when he'd try to do nice things for me I'd just shut him down, not even baring the thought to look at him, let alone spend time with him. At events of course we had to seem happy, whenever I had the chance to run off I did, as did he.
Lately I'd been noticing him struggling, the paperwork he was usually amazingly good at handing in on time, going 2 days late, 3 days, and even weeks late. His father was coming around and checking in, asking why he was delayed so much, that it wasn't like him to do this, but as usual, Tom just brushed him off.
As much as I hated him, I didn't like to see him struggle that bad, I knew how important these businesses were to him, how hard he worked to keep them afloat. One day I slipped into his office, greeting him with a soft smile.
"What?" he muttered, I tried to ignore the annoyance in his voice, telling myself that I'm here to help him and not to snap at him. "Can't you see I'm working y/n? Don't you have better things to do?" he looked up, leaning back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he studied me.
The air in the room seemed to thicken with tension, but not good tension, like hatred was brewing in the air, ready to spill over. "I was just going to offer my help, I've noticed you've been struggling Tom," I sighed, his name leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.
"And, why do you care all of a sudden?" he looked back down at his paperwork, flicking through the pages and then looking back up at me, "I thought you hated me.." he said, his tone bitter and cold.
"Trust me, I do. But I don't want to see your business struggle, it's not good for our reputation," I scoffed, grabbing the files and taking a quick look at them. His gaze intensified, his eyes boring into mine with an unnerving intensity as he leaned against his desk, arms crossed over his broad chest.
"These are easy, what's wrong with you? usually you're terrific at working on these, why are you struggling so much?" I touched his arm softly, he paused, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before it was quickly covered up by his usual stonic expression. His muscles tensed slightly beneath my touch, pushing my hand off.
For a second, I swear I saw his eyes soften when I touched him, like he wanted to give into something but of course he quickly composed himself, going back to his usual cold self.
"it's nothing, just stress.." he grumbled "stress? bullshit, you're never stressed," I pressed the issue again, I could see his anger growing, his chest heaving up and down as he snapped at me, "Enough!" he slammed his fist into the desk, causing me to jump at the sudden outburst. "GET THE FUCK OUT! I don't need you here, all you do is cause a headache, I can work on this shit on my own," he yelled, hungry for an argument, using hurtful words on purpose to rile me up.
I didn't budge though, just scoffing and not fighting back, usually I'd scream and fight, but I didn't want to give him the reaction he so desperately wanted. I turned around and just walked off, tears in my eyes as I slammed his office door shut.
Tom just stared at the closed door, watching me walk off. His expression slowly shifted from anger to guilt, he knew he had crossed a line, letting out a heavy sigh and running a hand through his hair, "fuck.." he muttered.
I stormed into my room, tears streaming down my eyes, I quickly locked the door behind me, not wanting to face Tom for a while. His words cut me deep, why was I so affected by someone like him? Why was I feeling this way?
He silently got up, deciding that he should put his ego aside and hurting me actually did effect him, it weirdly made his heart clench. He slowly walked down the hall, reaching my room, he leaned back against the door, hearing my muffled sobs. He knew he really hurt me this time and he hated himself for it, he never actually wanted me gone, his anger just got the best of him, his pride and selfishness making him lash out.
Usually we'd get into arguments, we'd spit harsh words at each other and just end up fucking, the sex full of hatred and anger, nothing passionate or intimate about it at all. Then, of course we'd go back to being enemies, ignoring each other for days.
After a few moments, he quietly knocked on the door, "Y/N..?" he gently said, "fuck off! I don't want to fucking talk to you!" I screamed, pushing him away even further.
His heart sunk at the sound of my anger, he knew he deserved it but of course it still hurt. "Fine..." he sighed, walking back into his office. I thought that was it, that it was just gonna be left at that, like it always was, but boy was I wrong. He sat down in his chair, looking at the items around him, wondering what he could use to convince me to talk to him.
His eyes lit up as he saw a pile of paper in his desk drawer, he pulled a few out and got one of his pens, opening the cap and contemplating his words, what would win me over? Hours passed, the house remaining silent, his thoughts are consumed with guilt and regret as he kept writing, his hands working at lightning speed, numerous of crumpled up pages were scattered across the floor and desk, he wanted this letter to be perfect.
He knew he has to quickly give this to me, to make amends, any more time that went by made him anxious, he was scared I'd think he just abandoned me.
As night fell, he finally finished. Grabbing a small, yellow envelope and folding the paper, putting it in and sealing it shut. He slowly arose from his chair, making his way over to my room again, I could hear his footsteps approach, I watched as a small envelope slid under the door, the moonlight from the window illuminating it, his footsteps quickly dissipating back to his office.
I slowly got up, sliding my slippers on and walking to the door, bending over and picking up the envelope, on the back it read, "words I wish I had said" I curiously opened it, walking back to my bed and sitting down, placing the envelope on my nightstand as I pulled out the paper.
I unfolded it, his neat, bold writing covering the page.
Dear Y/N,
My wife, I know we've been forced together, I know about the boyfriend you had before me, your father told me about him. He told me about how he wasn't good for you, how I needed to step in and marry you. How the business would benefit from us being together, that our reputation would flourish. I stupidly put my ego first, selfishly wanting my business to boom, to make tones of money.
The thing I missed out on was possibly making a relationship with you, a real, raw, romantic relationship. From the moment I saw you I was in love, I tried to form one, doing things for you but your hatred for me wouldn't subside and I just decided to be petty and act the same way, I denied my feelings by pushing you away, yelling with you and causing arguments.
I deeply regret what I did, I was caught up in my own thoughts, cursing myself every day for hurting you but I couldn't stop. I don't know why, it was like a drug to me, the rush of knowing you'd be there every single time, even after a major argument.
The hate sex made it worse, fuelling my ego more than it should've been. I was selfish and I hurt you, I can never forgive myself for that. The love I have for you is incomparable to that stupid twit you called your boyfriend. I know you were in love with him and still probably are but, if you give me one more chance can I prove I can be the right guy for you?
I'll stop treating you badly and just express my love and gratitude towards you. You're truly one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on, you're kind, caring and generous, nothing like the other women I was set up to marry with.
I know I don't deserve a chance at all, after all the things I did to you it's understandable. But please, I'm begging you for this chance, I'll do anything you ask me to, I'll fucking jump off a cliff for you, I'd do absolutely anything for you, just if it means I can have you in my arms forever.
As I finished reading the letter, tears fell down my cheeks, dripping onto the paper. I realized my feelings for him, the ones I had buried inside me for a long time, refusing to let out.
Of course I hated him at the start, who wouldn't? I just didn't notice the feelings that developed, even through hatred. The times I'd just admire him at parties, get jealous of any girl who approached him, catching myself just sitting in his office to feel his presence.
I felt like I was going crazy, like all of this was just a dream and that it would all be over. But I had to snap back to reality, I had to confront him with my feelings and talk about it, I couldn't hide away for much longer.
I put my robe on, walking out of my room and towards his office, gently opening the door, meeting his eyes. "Oh...you got my letter.." he softly smiled, something I'd never seen on his face.
I softly nodded, closing the door behind me and approaching his desk. "How about you help me with the rest of the paperwork," he ushered for me to sit down next to him, a chair already prepared for me. I knew he didn't know how to express he wanted to talk to me, his eyes filled with desperation, waiting for me to accept his offer.
"Sure, the paperwork," I sighed, sitting next to him and skimming through it, I quickly signed off different things, fixing mistakes, feeling his eyes burning into the side of my head.
He took a deep breath, mustering the courage to broach the subject that's been weighing on the both of our minds, "You did that really well, you know I..I never expected for it to be like this, I never wanted our marriage to be this toxic.." he said softly, reaching out, taking my hand in his.
He gently rubbed his thumb over my hand, causing me to turn to him, looking into his eyes. "I know..I guess my hatred from the start kind of blew it up, I did notice the things you tried to do for me but I couldn't handle being away from someone I loved, someone I was ripped away from. Can you really blame me Tom, I was scared.." I sighed, he instantly shook his head, grabbing both my hands and leaning closer.
"There is never a day where I blame you, I blame myself for everything, I hate myself for the hurt I've caused you, I should've never taken the deal, I should've just told your father no, I know you probably still love that guy," he rambled, but I quickly cut him off, "still love that guy? Oh god no, he's a thing of the past. I was out one day and saw he had already moved on, only 2 weeks after we got married, when having feelings for you came into question in my mind I always shut it down, thinking it was impossible because of how far I had pushed you away.."
"We really are stupid, aren't we?" he chuckled, pressing his forehead against mine. "Yeah..I always caught myself sitting in your office, just to feel your presence without actually being in it, knowing I'd ruin it by snapping at you. I'd also notice how jealous I got when I saw you with other girls, I felt like I was going crazy," I giggled, noticing the big grin forming on his face.
"Jealous huh? So my plans did work," a slow, satisfied smile spread across his chiselled features as he listened to my confession, his eyes darkening with a hunger he's been trying to suppress. He leaned in closer, his lips inches from mine, his hot breath caressing my skin, "And now, are you still shutting your feelings down, or has that changed?" he whispered, looking into my eyes.
"It's changed...." I murmured softly. He closed the remaining distance, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. His hands roamed my body possessively, pulling me onto his lap as he deepens the kiss.
He broke away for a second, his voice husky as he growled, "you don't know how long i've wanted this, you, your touch..." I whined, pulling him back into a passionate, urgent kiss.
His fingers tangled in my hair, his tongue demanding entrance. He groaned in delight, pulling me closer and revelling in the feeling of having me in his arms at last. This was nothing like the hate sex we had, it was always quick, rough and to the point, only caring about our own pleasure.
But this, this was sensual, intimate, steamy and kind of romantic. I had never seen this side of Tom and was glad he brought it out, letting me experience proper intimacy after months of being neglected of it.
He cupped my face with his free hand, holding me in place as he showered me with kisses. He breathed in deeply, savouring the moment between the two of us. "I've always wanted to be with you like this, no anger or hatred, just pure passion. Now, get up and strip for me, I want to see your beautiful body, ok?" he smiled gently, a smile that told me it'd be ok, that he'd look after me.
I nodded and swiftly got up, slowly taking my robe off, revealing my small pyjama set. I slowly slipped off my silk pyjama shirt off, revealing my breasts to him. His breath hitched as he saw me, his eyes darkening with desire as he watched me undress, his gaze drinking in every inch of my exposed skin.
He takes in the sight of my pert nipples, the curve of my breasts and the delicate swell of my stomach, his mouth watering at the thought of tasting me.
Finally, I got to my pyjama shorts, slipping them off, revealing my lacey panties. His gaze fixates on the panties, the outline of my sex just barely visible beneath. He swallowed hard, tying to control his desire as his cock throbs painfully in his pants, "come here.." he said, his voice shaky.
I smriked and slowly walked back to him, sitting back down on his lap and pressing my lips to his. He almost immediately kisses me back, his hands gripping my waist tightly as he pulls me closer, how growing arousal pressing against my bare thigh.
He grinds his hips up, creating friction between our bodies and moans against our lips. "Oh Tom..." I whined softly, kissing him hungrily, grinding with him, my pussy getting more wet by the minute.
He can feel my wetness seeping through my panties and onto his pants, driving him wild. With a growl, he breaks the kiss and stands up, lifting me up with him. He quickly slid the things off his desk and onto the floor, setting me down.
His eyes roamed over my body, lingering on my bare breasts and the drenched lace of my panties, "I need to taste you.." he mumbled, getting onto his knees in front of me, moving his head in between my legs.
He reached for my panties, pulling them down and off of me in one swift motion. He tossed them aside and spread my legs apart, his gaze fixated on my wetness. "Fuck, you're soaked.." he said, his voice low.
"Please.." I whimpered, looking down at him with furrowed eyebrows. He chuckled and leaned in, his tongue snaking out to taste my sopping cunt.
I moaned softly as he lapped at me, his hands gripping my thighs and pulling me closer to him. He feasts on me like a man starved, his tongue exploring every inch of my pussy.
"Oh fuck!" I gasped, rolling my eyes back as I felt the pleasure shoot through my body. He groaned against my pussy, his tongue delving deeper as he tasted me fully.
His fingers find their way to my clit, rubbing slow circles around it as he continued to eat me out. Then he switched places, moving his lips to my clit and fingers to my hole, teasingly torturing me.
"Mmmmh...you taste so good.." he grunted, gripping my hips tightly, holding me in place as he eats me out. His tongue flicked back and forth over my clit as his fingers pumped into me slowly, he could feel me getting close, my legs shaking and my moans getting louder.
His fingers moved faster in me, curling at my g spot and sending shock waves throughout my body, I gripped onto the desk tightly, my knuckles going white as I felt my orgasm getting closer.
"You gonna cum baby, hm? I can feel it...your tight pussy quivering against me.." he smirked, wrapping his lips around my clit and sucking hard. I couldn't form words, only letting out little sounds of approval.
He doubled his efforts, suctioning my clit with his lips while plunging his fingers deep inside me. The combination of his tongue and fingers push me over the edge, making me cum with a loud cry, my pussy spasming around his fingers.
"Good girl.." he chuckled, sliding his tongue down to my slit and collecting every bit of juice I left for him, not wasting a single drop. He slowly rose his head to meet mine, his chin covered in my cum, glistening in the dim light.
He leaned closer, pressing a soft, tender kiss to my lips, letting me taste myself. He slowly moved down to my neck, placing soft kisses, then down to my chest, where he met my tits, his hands cupping them and squeezing gently.
"You have amazing tits, the best I've ever seen," he whispered, gently kissing my nipples as he latched onto them, sucking gently, the sensation driving me crazy. I wrapped my and around the back of his head, pulling him in closer, completely stuffing his face with my breasts.
"Y'know, I could die like this and I would never complain," he murmured against my tits, "oh really? Is that supposed to turn me on?" I bursted out laughing, he just rolled his eyes playfully and kept sucking on my tits.
His tongue slowly swirled around my sensitive buds, I could feel my pussy throb with each movement he made, his touch driving me crazy. "You want my cock baby, hm? It's aching for you.." he grinned, looking up at me, he grinded his hips against mine, rubbing his hard, clothed cock against my bare pussy, causing a delicious friction that has him moaning softly against my skin.
"Oh god yes..please.." I gasped, my hands reaching down to his pants, trying to tug them down. He smirked, stepping back from my grasping hands, taking the opportunity to remove his pants and boxers all at once. He tossed them aside and returns to me, his cock standing tall. He takes my hands in his, placing them on his shaft.
"Tom..." I looked up at him, slowly moving my hands with his, watching as his face contorted in pleasure. He leaned down, his lips meeting mine in a passionate kiss. He moaned into my mouth as I stroked his cock, his hands wandering to my breasts again.
His moans grew louder as I started to stroke him faster, my hands moving up and down on his slicked cock. His hands roughly grabbed my breasts, pinching my nipples between his fingers, "mmh!" I whined, feeling my cunt ache for him.
"So good..keep going.." he groaned, I used my other hand to grab one of his hands, "let's do it together.." I looked up at him, his eyes lit up at the idea, immediately moving towards my entrance. He shoved 2 fingers in, curling them to hit my sensitive spot again.
"Mmmh! Oh fuck!" I gasped, arching my back from his thrusts, with a low growl, Tom picked up the pace of his fingers, plunging in and out of me, harder and faster. My shaky hands jerked him off at lightning speed. He reached his thumb up to my clit, rubbing gentle circles on it, grinding his hips against my hand, chasing his own release as he finger fucks me relentlessly.
"Fuck!" he yelled out, his thrusts becoming more erratic as his own climax approached, his digits moving in and out of me at a rapid pace, "Tom! Holy shit!" I moaned loudly, pumping his shaft even more, feeling his cock throb in my hands.
He leans over, panting in my ear as he whispers, "oh baby, I want you to cum for me. Cum all over my fingers.." I nodded, whining and screwing my eyes shut, my pace never faltering on his cock, only getting harder and faster.
His balls tightened just as my pussy tightened around his fingers, signalling our orgasms in sync with each other. With one last pump of his cock and one last thrust in my sopping pussy we both came, our releases crashing down, he groaned and came all over my stomach, as I came all over his fingers.
Tom removed his fingers, bringing them to his lips and tasting my release with a devilish smirk. He then proceeds to scoop up the cum on my stomach with his fingers, offering it to me, "open up baby, I want you to taste me," he smirked, I gladly accepted them, gently sucking on his fingers, groaning at the taste of his cum.
After resting for a bit he finally spoke up, "god, I need to be inside you, I need you so bad..." he mumbled, pulling back and looking into my eyes. I nodded in approval, letting him pick me up from the desk.
He sat down on his desk chair, pulling me into his lap, our naked bodies flush against each other. His semi hard cock pressed against my thigh, he nuzzled my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.
"Are you ready princess?" he looked up at me, his eyes full of love. I gently nodded, hovering over his lap, watching his cock come back to life again, he smirked, grinding the tip of his cock in between my folds.
"Don't tease..." I spoke through gritted teeth, reaching down and grabbing his cock, slowly sitting down on it, the inches engulfing my pussy all at once. As he was fully in he shuddered in pleasure, holding my hips tightly.
He threw his head back in pleasure, his fingers digging into the flesh of my hips as he guides me up and down on his cock. The feeling of my tight pussy wrapped around him is almost too much to bear, "fuck...so good.." he murmered, thrusting up into my cunt. "Hold onto me baby, I won't go easy on you," he chuckled, moving my hands from his chest and around his neck.
I moved closer into his chest, resting my head on his shoulder as he started to piston his cock into me, hitting the right angles straight away. "Mmmm, that's it, just like that. Take my cock deep, squeeze it with that tight fucking cunt.." he growled lowly in my ear, as he started to thrust into me with more force, slamming his shaft into me with each upward stroke.
"Fuck!" I whined, planting sloppy kisses on his neck, hitting sensitive spots, causing him to moan lowly and fuck me harder, his cock pounding into me with all it's might.
He slides his hands up my back, gripping my shoulders and starting to pull me down onto his cock, fucking me harder with each thrust, his tip hitting my cervix, driving me crazy with all the pleasure I was getting just from his cock.
"Yesss! Fuck!" I whined, throwing my head back, my back arching to meet his thrusts. He grunted, his hips snapping to meet mine with increasing ferocity, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room rapidly.
I felt tension build up in my stomach, tightening into a huge knot. "I'm close Tom, don't stop!" I gasped, my hands resting on his shoulders, digging into them as his cock kept ramming into me.
"Yeah that's it, cum on my cock baby. You're gonna make me cum so hard inside you.." he chuckled darkly, "you like that huh? You like feeling my cock deep inside of you?" he smirked, leaning forward to suck and bite at my neck, leaving love bites as sovenirs.
"Yes! Yes, I love it Tom!" I cried out, stray tears dripping down my cheeks as the pleasure became almost too much. He grabbed my hips with more force, lifting me up and slamming me back down on his cock with reckless abandon, almost painfully hard and fast.
"Yessss! Oh my god!" I screamed out in pleasure, rolling my eyes back as I felt my orgasm approach quickly, my pussy starting to wrap around his cock like a snake, tightening around it.
With one last hard slam my orgasm exploded, loud moans coming from my mouth as my juices spilled all over his cock. The feeling of my cunt clamping down on his cock sent him into oblivion, slamming into me one last time and shooting his load deep in me, "fuck!" he yelped, sitting me back down on his lap.
"Oh my god.." I panted, collapsing onto his chest, my chest heaving up and down, trying to calm down from my third orgasm, my body weak on his. "Oh you did so well baby...'m so proud.." he kissed my neck gently, giving me reassuring words, nothing like he used to do.
He gently collected my hair, grabbing a hairtie off my wrist and pulling it back, brushing stray hairs from my face and tilting my chin to look up at him. He chuckled at my exhausted state, my eyes droopy and dry tears staining my face.
"Even when you're a mess you're still beautiful.." he smiled gently, kissing the tip of my nose and letting me nuzzle back into his neck. After a while of resting I popped my head up, "why were you actually struggling so much?" he paused, hesitating before sighing. "cause I couldn't stop thinking about you..." he admitted.
"That's it? I thought you were in trouble Tom, you had me worried," I sighed in relief, "no no, none of the sort, I just would always catch myself daydreaming about you, forgetting the paperwork for hours just because I was thinking of you," he blushed, embarassed to admit all of this.
"Don't be embarrassed!" I giggled, "I like to think you were thinking about me," I smirked, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "Why don't we turn this marriage around, start over again," he gently caressed my cheek, "of course, I'd love that.." I rested my face back into his neck, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around me.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzswhxre @kaulitzsbabyy @miyukafujii
tags: @tomsonlyslut @bkaulitzlover @bills-wife-1
tags: @20doozers @ella1289 @pa1n-0f-l0ve
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t0yac1d · 3 months
Sweet Dreams II (JJ.Maybank x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: Smut, p in v, shower sex, the tiniest bit of degrading, scratching, hair pulling, slight voyeurism
Word Count: 1,035
Part I
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"I'll meet you in the bathroom, only fair if I get something too. Right?" You smiled, catching JJ off guard.
You stripped down to nothing and turned the water on. You stepped in the tub and waited for your boyfriend. You heard the door open and quietly shut close. JJ slid his pants down along with his boxers and stepped in the shower with you.
"You're not mad that I like, 'fucked' you while you were sleeping..right..?" he asked, "Why would I be mad? Kinda turned me on," you smiled.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a sloppy kiss. JJ pulled away, panting, "It turned you on?"
"Yeah, knowing how much of a needy slut you are, may have turned me on,"
JJ smiled and picked you up. He pushed you against the tile wall and kissed your neck. "You really couldn't have waited til the morning J? You just had to have me right there on your best friend's couch?"
"What can I say, your addictive. You're like a fucking drug, baby. Can't get enough of you," he moaned, as he kissed your chest, hands roaming your body, grabbing and groping at your skin.
He squeezed your tits and sucked on them, leaving bite marks and red circles that'll turn a deep purple later.
Your nails ran along his back, leaving bright red lines. JJ rubbed his cock against your folds and your clit, teasing you. "JJ.."
"You don't get to tease after acting like a dog in heat," Your head rested on the tile wall, eyes shut and heart racing. JJ sucked his teeth and slipped himself in. "Fuuuck.." the two of you moaned.
"You gotta be quiet, babe." JJ muttered, "No, you have to be quiet J,"
You kissed, suck and bit at his neck, finding the spot that made him turn to mush and made his eyes roll back. His hips bucked up into you and he didn't stop. The thrusts were pretty sloppy, but you can't really blame him.
The bathroom was foggy from the steam of the hot water that has been running and pouring down on you two. Your legs tightened around JJ, keeping him close to you.
Your arms, which were wrapped around his neck, keeping his face in the crook of your neck where he kissed and bit at your skin.
You pulled and tugged at his hair with one hand and left scratch marks on his back with the other when his thrusts became more rough.
You couldn't even decipher which moans were yours and which were his. You were both loud and whiney.
A part of you hoped that the running water would drown the noise out. But another part of you hoped that the water didn't.
You wished that you guys were so loud that your moans overpowered the water hitting the floor of the bathtub.
JJ picked his head up and took one your hands. He brought it down to your stomach and you let out a quiet gasp, but it sounded more like a whimper.
"You feel that?"
You nodded and your eyes shut tight at the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls.
The bathroom door opened and closed, whoever it was walked in and lifted the toilet seat up. You couldn't see much of what they were doing.
Your eyes grew wide when you noticed that JJ hasn't stopped moving. The thrusts weren't rough but you could definitely feel the way his cock hit that spot in you.
You gave the blond a look; a look that said to cut it out and wait until the person left. He looked back at you and smiled, that fucking smile that said he wanted to take the risk and keep moving.
You pulled at JJ's hair and his eyes rolled back. His mouth opened to let out a moan, whimper, or whine. A noise that shouldn't be heard.
You pressed his to your chest. His face in your tits and you could feel his smirk on one of them.
The person flushed, washed their hands and left the bathroom. They didn't say anything or question who was in the bathroom at this hour.
"Why'd you do that? Thought you wanted to be heard." he asked, grinding his hips against you.
"What makes you say that?"
"I just know what you want."
You rolled your eyes, and he pushed your legs up further, hitting your g-spot deeper and deeper. Your nails raked his back, leaving red nail marks on his skin.
You felt yourself coming closer to your orgasm and felt JJ's cock twitch and his hips stutter with each thrust. "I'm gonna cum- Fuck, I'm gonna cum in you,"
"Do it, J', cum in me, fill me up, please.." you panted, begging him to fill you with his nut and paint your walls white.
Not even a second after those words left your mouth JJ's hips snapped and his fingers dug into the skin of your hips. He came inside of you and you came all over his cock. His kissed your neck, jaw, and collarbone before pulling out.
JJ held you as he helped you wash your body off before cleaning himself up. He shut the water off and carried you out of the tub. He dried you off, even though you told him you could do it, he just shut you up with a quick kiss each time.
After the two of you were dried off and dressed he carried you out of the bathroom and on to the couch you guys were sleeping on not too long ago.
Once you guys lied down and closed your eyes you heard someone shift, "Why can't you guys just be normal and not fuck everyday?" John B. asked. "Because she's hot." JJ said, stating it like it was a known fact, and it was.
You shook your head at JJ, "Sorry JB, it's because your best friend has the highest sex drive ever."
You turned around and lied your head on JJ's chest before quickly falling asleep.
"It's true, I do have a high sex drive."
"Go to sleep J."
"Got it."
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
pairings: ricky shen x f! reader
warnings: daddy kink + cervix fucking + womb fucking + overstimulation + oral
💌: everyone shut up im hatewatching fifty shades of grey and i HATE christian grey but im thinking of lifestyle dom ricky 😵‍💫 also had lifestyle dom jay thoughts but ive posted bdsm jay hc’s a while before ps if this is sloppy pls dont mind it ok im sleepy rn
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ricky shen is rarely ever told no. he’s used to getting what he wants, when he wants it. his word is law and no one goes against him.
when he meets you he feels an intense need to protect you. to spoil you with lavish gifts and please you every day. there’s nothing he wants more than to be used for your pleasure, abiding by your wants and needs.
he takes his time getting you accustomed to a life where you never have to lift a finger, don’t even need to think because that’s what daddy is for. he’s there to take care of his princess and make sure you’re happy.
when it comes to sex ricky only cares about making you cum. spends hours between your legs, his skilled tongue fucking your tight hole as you fist his hair, fingers pulling at the locks making him moan from the pain, his hips grinding into the mattress in a desperate attempt to calm his aching dick.
when he parts with your pussy there’s strings of saliva and your arousal connecting his mouth and chin to your cunt, the sight making you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment. “look at me, princess” he orders, “look at daddy when ‘m fuckin’ you” his swallows thickly, cock throbbing when you shyly meet his gaze.
he fills you up in one quick thrust, his length nestled in your warms walls, the tip piercing your womb. he grunts deeply while driving his hips into yours, the stimulation too much for his sensitive dick making his pace falter for a second before he collects himself, focused on making you cum for the nth time that night.
you completely fall apart on his dick, overstimulation making your mind go blank as you cum around him, rings of translucent cream forming around his cock. he cums not long after, emptying his balls deep inside your womb because you look so pretty like this, mouth hanging open and your tits bouncing while your tight cunt sucks him in, completely ditzy from the feeling of him slamming into your cervix.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
Imagine being werewolf Katsuki’s mate during his heat rut but still having to go to work. Of course you love your mate and want to help him in this vulnerable state, but you also need to buy him stuff, especially if his rut comes out of nowhere.
For 4-7 days every 4 months, Katsuki can’t keep his hands off you; whimpering and growling possessively every time you have to leave his den, licking your neck and of course trying to sink into every wet hole you have. It makes it difficult to bring him his favourite snacks and drinks, and god forbid if you forget his Yakult yoghurts.
So, when god is absent and he runs out of his favourite foods, you have to take… other measures to keep his horniness satiated.
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“Sukiiiii, I’m homeeeee!” You call into your home. Your tote bag was spilling at the seams with your mate’s snacks, your wallet crying at his expensive taste. You take your shoes and coat off before meandering upstairs to your shared bedroom.
You toss Katsuki a look as he whimpered at your entry. Currently, your precious pup was hog tied, thick leather cuffs around each limb. His red leather collar was chained to the headboard, though it did look worse for wear due to his struggling.
His teeth bit into the gag in his mouth, drool and slobber around his chin. Desperate whines left his lips, eyes surely rolling to the back of his head under the silken blindfold.
A fuck machine was plowing into his ass like no tomorrow, the small hearts from the flogger you teased him with still pink against his porcelain cheeks. The medium dildo was abusing his prostate as his moans grew louder and louder. A large cum spot soaked the sheets beneath him as the duvet stroked against his already exhausted cock.
Katsuki’s ears twitched as he turned to the door, saddened but desperate whimpers as he tried shaking the blindfold off. You strolled into the room slowly, enhancing your sounds so he understands what’s happening. The bed groaned under the weight of your added body, the hum of the fuck machine a steady rhythm.
“Aww, is my puppy done for now, hmm? Shall we take a break?” You teased, rubbing your fingers on the sensitive patch of skin above his tail. Katsuki sobbed and nodded desperately. Your hand flattened as you stroked his back lovingly.
“But you look so sweet like this, baby! Does this cock feel better than mine? Maybe I should leave you here for the entire week, hmm? I bet you would love that, wouldn’t you my puppyslut?” You murmur into his fluffy ear, kissing the soft down gently.
Katsuki shook his head hurriedly, unintelligible sobs drowned by his broken and muffled moans. The cuffs shuffled loudly as he fought to break free, the headboard starting to crack.
“Okay, pretty pup, I won’t. But you look so cute like this. My handsome mate, can you give me just one more? Then we can take a break,” you ask him softly, stroking his sweaty back. His tail sprung to life as his fingers flexed, desperate to hold you in some way.
You turned off the machine, causing Katsuki to whine at the lack of friction. With a single tap, he turned to his side, allowing you to snuggle up to him. He instantly took refuge in your neck, taking deep breaths to inhale your comforting scent. You unbuckled his gag, allowing him to stretch his aching jaw. Your hands rubbed over the flushed skin in silent apology, before skimming over his flushed abs and reaching his reddening cock.
“Hgnnn, just fuck my cock,” he whined noisily as you shushed him. You eventually found a steady pace and jerked him off, hissing as your mate bit into your neck in pure ecstasy. Carmine eyes were expanded into galaxies of black, too blissed out to care. His body burned with lust, and you were his only saviour.
“Fuck, fuck, shit! Oh fuck, I’m gonna-” he couldn’t finish his sentence as his cum absolutely ruined your jeans, rope after hot rope draining his balls as he chased his high. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, pants consuming his entire chest.
1 day down, a few more to go.
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obliviouskara · 2 months
tho the most common hc of supercorp is the mighty top™ kara danvers aka supergirl and the queen of all bottoms lena luthor (which okay listen my lena luthor is a to—) we love that for them! its great! 10/10 but there's just something about picturing supergirl the girl of steel alien kyrptonian indestructible superhero at the mercy of lena luthor a mere human which granted she's not just a human, she's a multi million dollar tech CEO philanthropist genuis lena luthor she also happens to be human and to have a superhero begging for her, to have the woman that have bullets bouncing off of her shaking for her touch— whimpering desperate for lena's touch, writhing panting and gasping for air and watching her lose control all because of lena. for kara, who has never been accustomed to pain (at least not on earth with sunlight and all) want to feel pain, the pain that comes from pleasure by lena luthor and no one else. for her to crave lena luthor like she's the sun. if that's not the sexiest thing you can think of then i don't know what else is.
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darkeraurora · 11 months
Nice Manners
Ghost handing out some discipline. Word count: 1579
CW: hard dom, very NSFW, MDNI
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Taking a small break from my other writing to get this oneshot done. It's been rotting my brain for weeks - now you guys can have it.
"You’re gonna make me cum too soon, Love.” Ghost’s gravelly voice warns.
Not only does she not heed his warning, she opens her throat and slides his cock further down until his short curly hairs tickle her lips. Her tongue flattened along the underside, pressing and caressing to give him more pleasure.
With a deep growl Ghost empties himself down her throat. After the final jerk of his cock between her soft lips he glares down at her with a scowl.
She rocks back on her heels to stand but Ghost pulls her forward, laying her across his legs. “Someone has trouble following orders,” he tsks at her. (smack) his large hand comes down hard onto her bare skin.
“Bad girls need to be disciplined.”  (smack)   Two of his fingers slide along her slit, gathering her juices.
“My goodness, so wet already Love.” (smack)  “Such a mess you’re making.”
Removing his fingers from her, Ghost brings them forward to her panting mouth. smack “Clean up your mess, like a good girl.” (smack)
Ghost’s clean fingers grip around the front of her throat with a light squeeze. With his other hand, he begins to rub fast circles over her clit. “Are you going to be a good girl who listens now?”
(smack) “HOW do you address an officer?” Ghost demands, forcing his fingers into her pussy.
“Y-yes sir.”
(smack)   “I don’t believe you.”
“I-I’ll be good s-sir.”
“Do you want to cum?” Ghost asks, seeing that she’s about to squirm out of his lap.
“Yes please.”
Ghost ignores her. Tears begin to fall down her cheeks and she tries to hold her orgasm back.
“Please may I cum?”
She’s almost sobbing at this point.
“Please sir may I cum?”
Ghost withdraws his dripping fingers from her and begins to rapidly slap her slit. “I heard you the first time Love.” She begins to yelp, more tears falling.
After several more minutes of slapping her clit Ghost pulls her by her throat, bringing her head closer to him. “Spread your legs for me. Be my good girl and…. Maybe… I’ll let you cum.”
She obeys immediately, spreading her legs widely as he ordered, begging him incessantly to let her cum.
Ghost leans down to her, latching his mouth onto the sensitive skin near her ear. Licking, biting, and sucking. His hand caressing the smooth, reddened skin of her backside.
At her continued whining and begging, Ghost grips her throat tightly as he plunges four of fingers into her. “Beg harder, Love,” he growls menacingly into her ear.
Finally having judged that she's begged him enough, “Do you deserve to cum?”
“Y-y-es s-sir, I’ve b-been good-d, please l-let me cum!”
“Not convinced.”
She groans deeply as he drops his grip on her throat, her head falling back down. She can now only utter unintelligible noises.
(smack)   “Use your words, Love.”
“Please, please sir! I’m-I’m your good girl! Please let me come for you sir!”
Fucking hell.
Ripping her head back up to him, his lips find her pulse in her neck, gripping throat harder as he curls his fingers her inside while pressing on down hard onto her clit with his thumb. “Cum then,” he commands.
With a scream and a gush of fluid she at last shatters in his hands. As he removes her from his lap she collapses onto the floor in a trembling heap. Legs useless.
Ghost is, of course, not without compassion and lifts her up onto the bed. “Very good girl.” Laying her on her back and jerking her thighs apart, spreading her widely for him. “Good girls need a reward.”
She’s still a panting, boneless mess. Ghost opens his fly and frees his thick uncut cock. After a single hard slap to her swollen folds, he plunges himself into her. Burying his cock to the hilt, nudging her cervix. He fucks her at a fierce, brutal pace until his balls empty into her.
Pulling out of her, Ghost sees his semen begin to leak from her and dribble down her cheek. With his finger he scrapes it off her skin and pushes it back inside of her hole. When it refuses to stay in he lifts her from the bed, slinging her about as he turn to sit down, placing her back on her stomach over his lap. Her head and arms dangling near his feet, legs on either side of his hips, her pink cum-filled hole right in front of him.
With thorough care, Ghost continues to collect the seed that escaped and force it back into her. “Now now, Love,” he gently chastises, “Keep being a good girl and keep it inside of you.”
He caresses the stinging red skin of her cheeks, gripping and squeezing the muscle, watching her tender skin quiver under his touch. A large finger slides into her, making her pink hole brim with his white seed. Down by his feet she begins to whimper.
Her pulsating walls threaten to push his cum out of her.
(smack) “What did I say?” he snaps at her.
“To keep your seed inside me,” she responds meekly.
(smack) (smack)
“S-sir!” she corrects herself.
His fingertips trace along the pink lips in front of him, occasionally flicking and pinching her swollen clit. “Such beautiful holes you have, Love.” A finger pushes into her smaller, tighter hole. She yelps at the unexpected sensation.
(smack)   “Don’t you want to be my good girl?”
“Yes sir!”
“Good, then take what I give you and relax Love.” His fingers slide in and out of her holes as she trembles and shakes at the feeling. “Who do you belong to?”
“Y-you… sir.”
(smack)   “Do better.”
“You sir! I belong to you! I’m your good girl!”
“Yet you were a bad girl earlier?”
“Yes sir. I was.”
“How were you bad?”
“I didn’t listen to you sir.”
“You did not,” smack “obey me,” he corrects.
“N-no sir, I disobeyed you sir.”
“But you’re sorry and ready to obey now?”
“Yes sir. I’m sorry for disobeying. I won’t do it again.”
(smack) “Say thank you.”
“Thank you s-sir. Thank you for disciplining me sir.”
Ghost only hummed in response, fingers thrusting in and out of her holes. Her cheeks jiggling due to his pace.
“Yes?” he replies curiously.
“May I cum please sir?”
“My girl needs to come already?” Ghost croons in mock surprise.
“Yes sir, may I please cum sir.”
“So polite, of course you can.”
He increases the pace and depth of his fingers, ruthlessly pulling another orgasm from her. Pulling his fingers from her, Ghost spreads her pussy open with his thumbs. Watching the convulsing walls of her core filled with his seed in fascination.
(smack) (smack) “Did you forget your manners already?” Ghost snarls down at her. (smack) “what!” (smack) “Do!” (smack) “You!” (smack) “SAY!”
“Tha-thank you s-sir…” she cries for him
(smack) (smack) (smack) (smack) “For what?!”
“Hah! Ha, ha… Thank you sir… thank you for fucking me.” she sobs.
(smack) (smack) (smack) (smack) “Do,” (smack) “BETTER.”
“Thank you sir for fucking your seed into me! Your-your cock felt… so good! Please sir… fuck me again?”
His fingers slide back into her holes. “Fuck you again?”
“Yes please sir… please put your cock inside me again sir.”
“Yes sir, I-I’m desperate for your cock sir.”
A rumble reverberates low in his chest as Ghost narrows his eyes at her finger-filled pussy. “You just don’t know what to do without my cock, do you?”
“N-no sir. I-I love when you fuck me with your big cock and fill me with your seed sir.”
(smack) “Tell me,” (smack) “what are you good for?”
“S-sir, I-I’m… I’m for you to fuck… anytime you please.”
Ghost returns his fingers to her tightest hole, pinching her clit with his other hand.  “Hmm, go on.”
“I’m here to obey you sir. To be your good girl and… and spread my legs for you. I’m holes for you to fuck anytime you please sir.”
(smack) “What else?”
“I’m… I’m here to please you sir. I-I’m here for you… you to use… for your pleasure.”
Ghost leans forward and bites onto the raw skin of her cheeks. “What a very good girl you are.”
“Th-thank you sir. I’m… only your good girl.”
His fingers press hard onto her sweet spots. “Yes you are, aren’t you? Mine to fuck as I please.”
“Yes sir, my holes are… only for you, I’m yours to use… to be filled with your seed… to suck your big cock… Anything you want. Please sir… please fuck me again.”
Ghost grabs her upper arms and hoists her body upright. “Interlock your arms my pet.”  Holding her up with one hand and swinging her around to let her knees rest on the mattress, Ghost pulls out his engorged cock with his free hand and lines himself up with her smaller hole before impaling her onto him. “Such a good girl.”
“I believe you’ve earned a reward.” Ghost commends her once he has filled her body and dropped her onto the floor.
“Th-thank you s-sir,” she mewls.
Ghost opens the door to his room and calls out into the hallway. “Johnny – care to have a taste of my little one? She’s well broken but forgets her manners sometimes I’m afraid.” Soap saunters into the room, looking down at her figure laying on the floor. “Enjoy mate.” Ghost fist bumps Soap on his shoulder, listening to Johnny smirk and unbuckle his belt as he walks out of the room.
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afewproblems · 1 year
Something Spicy (a first ever attempt at it!) based on a prompt from this list!
Also! If you were tagged in this but are not in the mood for Spice, please feel free to ignore!!
Eddie bites his lip as Steve lifts his hips enough to shimmy his boxers down his legs, the last piece of clothing separating them finally gone.
He takes a second just to stare, taking in the bright red flush that paints Steve's cheeks and the top of his chest, only just visible through the hair.
Steve's eyes are glazed as he blinks once slowly, and smiles up at Eddie; awareness fights against the space that Steve has begun to sink into with just a few words.
"Colour, sweetheart?" Eddie says lowly as he finally reaches out to trace his fingers gently from Steve's cheekbone down to his jaw.
"Green," Steve mumbles after a minute, he blinks again and smiles. His hazel eyes crinkle at the edges just slightly before he brings up a hand to hide them.
Well Eddie can't have that now.
He reaches out again to firmly grasp at Steve's wrists and lifts them up above his head, he presses them down into the pillow, crossing one arm over the other.
"No touching, wanna see your beautiful face sweetheart," Eddie whispers as he leans down and captures Steve's lips in a soft kiss.
He pulls away as Steve opens his mouth to deepen it, "Ah, ah, not yet".
Steve huffs but doesn't move from his position, his chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm as Eddie sits up.
God, I could eat you up. I love you so, Eddie thinks before his brain catches up to the words and his expression twists.
Weird, and way too soon.
They've only been friends for the last six months since everything with Vecna and the Hawkins rebuild, and this thing between them is even more recent, fragile.
They've never really talked about it, only sharing soft kisses and endearments under the cover of night and the quilt on Steve's bed.
How would Eddie even go about doing so?
'Hey man, I think you're a great guy and I love fucking you, and you fucking me, and I think we should continue to do that forever if you'll have me?'
Definitely not.
Instead he says, “I'm gonna count every single one of those moles with my lips".
Close enough.
Eddie watches Steve shift slightly, his cock twitches in interest and the rose blush deepens in colour.
Eddie has ignored it entirely, since the boxers came off, and he has no plans to give it any attention just yet.
"You can stay still for me can't you baby?" Eddie asks slyly, as Steve nods, his chest rises faster now in anticipation as Eddie swings a leg across to straddle his thighs.
Eddie ignores the way his own dick brushes Steve's and the gasp they both let out at the brief contact.
He crawls up on his hands and knees and begins to hunt for freckles and moles with his mouth, leaning down to kiss along Steve's neck.
The kisses are soft at first, the barest press of lips to warm skin.
But before long Eddie is tracing his tongue along Steve's collarbone, connecting each mark in spit as he sucks bruises into tanned skin.
He feels punch drunk at the noises Steve makes below him and his own dick throbs as it continues to barely brush against soft skin and sheets.
Eddie sits up again as he finally finds himself between Steve's legs, which fall open slightly to accommodate him.
"Colour, baby," Eddie breathes out, his voice rough as he leans down and grasps at Steve's hips. He rubs little circles with his thumbs into the sharp points of Steve's hip bones and knows he'll never get tired of this.
"Green, so green," Steve blurts out impatiently as Eddie pushes his hips down into the mattress with a smirk.
"Good," Eddis says softly as he leans down to rub his nose along Steve's shaft, biting back a grin at the small moan Steve lets out.
Eddie places a few feather light kisses around his thighs as he gently taps underneath Steve's legs until he lifts them enough for his knees to be angled, his feet flat against the bed.
"Can you be good for me Stevie," Eddie murmurs, his voice pitches up into a laugh as Steve nods rapidly this time, "I need words lo--"
Eddie closes his mouth with a snap, he watches Steve's face for the smallest change of expression, the barest hint of recognition of the words.
He has to keep a better handle on this, it's too soon to be using words like that.
Steve smiles at him, he looks utterly debauched and thankfully far away as he tries to keep his breathing steady, "wanna be good," he manages to say before his eyes flutter shut.
Eddie breathes a sigh of relief, and grips his thighs with soft fingers, squeezing them once, "don't come until I say so".
"Yes," Steve whispers as Eddie leans down and takes him into his mouth, letting his tongue swirl around the weeping head.
He swallows around Steve as he takes him deeper, Eddie lets go of Steves hips, letting them stutter once, twice, as he fucks into Eddie's mouth.
"Oh, Eddie baby, can I?" Steve asks breathlessly, his hands are still above his head, clenching into fists as though to stop himself from threading his fingers in Eddie's hair.
Eddie hums around Steve, pretending to consider it. He wants nothing more than to let Steve fuck his mouth, to pull his hair and pin him down but today is about Steve. Helping him float away this time.
He shakes his head and pulls himself away, letting the flat of his tongue drag over the underside of Steve's cock.
"Patience sweetheart," he keeps his voice steadier than he feels as he lifts his hands to press on the back of Steve's thighs again, guiding their movement until his knees are pressed into his chest.
"Keep those there," Eddie says firmly, "use that core strength you're always bragging about," he smirks as Steve scoffs at him.
"If you get tired, use your hands baby," Eddie relents after a beat.
Steve nods silently, though his hands remain diligently above his head.
Eddie grins, his heart aching at how much he loves this man, and blows gently over Steve's hole, watching as it clenches at the sensation.
He leans forward pressing soft kisses against Steve that get progressively wetter as he begins to lick around the ring of muscle. Eddie closes his eyes and focuses on the repeated, 'oh, oh, oh,' sounds Steve is making as he pushes the flat of his tongue against him, mimicking the rhythm.
Eddie stops just long enough to suck on two fingers before lowering his hand to press the slick digits slowly inside.
Eddie groans as his fingers disappear into the warm, wet, heat of Steve's hole; he scissors his fingers and shifts to take Steve into his mouth once more. He feels his fingers brush against Steve's prostate and hums at the long punched out groan Steve makes.
"Oh, God," Steve moans loudly, he turns his head to the side and breathes out, "Eddie, I can't--"
Eddie removes his mouth again, "it's okay baby, you're allowed," he says softly before swallowing down Steve's length once more. Eddie groans as he begins to hump the sheets beneath him, desperate for some kind of friction against his neglected length.
Eddie begins to pump his fingers in and out, making sure to stroke his prostate in time to the bobbing of his head. Steve's legs fall open as he finally lowers his arms to thread his fingers through Eddie's hair.
Yes, Eddie thinks to himself as Steve's hips begin to buck up, the heavy cock on his tongue a welcome weight. Eddie's eyes close, uncaring of the fact that Steve is no longer holding himself in position.
Eddie loses himself in the feeling of Steve fucking his mouth, the hard head of his cock repeatedly hitting the back of Eddie's throat, the firm hands holding his head in place, the way Steve begins to babble a mixture of praise and moans is just too much for him.
"Yes baby, oh fuck," Steve pants, "let me fuck you, yes, God--"
Eddie feels his last vestiges of control snap as he tumbles over the edge, cuming into the sheets as Steve keens loudly, tugging Eddie's hair once more as follows after him.
Eddie swallows, continuing to suck and lick at Steve's length until the hands in his hair gently push his face away. Eddie snorts a tired laugh at the whine Steve makes as he removes his fingers.
"How was that," Eddie hums, his head buzzing pleasantly as he flops onto the bed and rolls over onto his back.
"Perfect," Steve sighs, sitting up and flopping beside Eddie, he has the widest smile on his face and Eddie can't look away.
"Did you float baby," Eddie mumbles as a sudden wave of exhaustion hits him, he turns his head to the side to face Steve and blinks slowly, smiling as he feels a soft hand brush his hair away from his forehead.
"Almost," Steve says softly as he leans down to press a kiss to Eddie's nose, "thank you for doing that for me love".
Eddie hums, he's sure that Steve said something important just now, but he can't help but let himself drift, weightless and sated.
"Anything for you Stevie," Eddie yawns as his eyelids flutter once, twice, before they close.
Eddie feels Steve settle beside him; he knows they should get up, clean themselves and change the sheets if they want to avoid a mess in the morning.
But as Steve hums softly, running his hands over Eddie's sides, the gentle rhythm lulling him further into a doze, Eddie lets himself sleep.
Knowing when he wakes, he'll be met with warm hazel eyes and a warmth he hasn't felt with anyone else in a long time.
Permanent tag list (and maybe a few people who I think might like this? Though if you aren't in the mood for spice, please feel free to skip!)
@eriquin @luvinthefreaks @steves-strapcollection @flowercrowngods @steddierthings @strangersteddierthings @outpastthebrakers @steddie-there @stevesbipanic @henderdads
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kaelatargaryen · 8 months
Ok girlies, who are you sending this to for Valentine’s 😏💦
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& who wants to turn it into a fic 👀👀👀
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foreverdolly · 9 months
So we all know E had a thing for feet. How far do you think this went? Like was he a foot massage guy or a foot job guy or a toe sucking guy? This is important speculation. I need to know the fandom's thoughts on this.
(Because I may be just the gal to indulge his every foot desire. Just sayin')
first off, you know how much i love you in general. but also for this question.
bare feet pressed against his chest as he’s plowing into you for sure. he’s looking, touching, grabbing at your ankles to lead you to turn over for doggy.
i also think he would love to rub your feet. i can imagine him excitedly waiting for you to come home after a pedicure. he definitely picks out the color polish every two weeks, and is happy to hand over the wad of cash to get them regularly done. “make sure you give em’ a nice tip, darlin’.”
also the fact that he baby talked so regularly. “sooties”???!!!
as far as toe sucking goes, i just know that man wouldn’t mind. toes freshly painted cherry red? that man is definitely begging to put them in his mouth.
send me more deranged asks because i have THOUGHTS while i’m at work.
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tomssexdoll · 21 days
A Night to Remember
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2024 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Toms birthday came up, yet he forgot it, being too busy with work and working on a new song for his band. Y/N decided to surprise him for when he came home, giving him a well deserved night he'd never forget.
A/N: if you want to be tagged or i accidently missed your tag comment on my pinned masterlist <3
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (riding), sucking d, teasing, etc.
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It was Toms birthday, he got up before me to go to work, completely forgetting about his birthday, the big 35. He was working on a new song, I figured Bill would let him rest for his birthday but they were super busy and this single was very important to them.
I took advantage of that though, setting up a surprise for a night he'd never forget. I bought his favourite flowers, simple red roses, it was a bouquet of about 30 roses, all coloured in a deep shade of red, one he'd go crazy over.
I also ordered some loose roses, ripping off the petals and scattering them in a heart shape on the bed. Then I scattered more on the floor, leading out the door, all the way into the hallway and then finally to the front door. I wanted him to feel special, to come home to something he'd never expect.
He knew how much I loved and appreciated him, the things he did and continues to do for me, his massive amount of love for me and the affection he always shows me. I knew it was time for me to give him something he deserved.
Of course I got him gifts, dozens of lavish gifts, not just ones that were expensive and not to his liking. But that was for later. I spent the day shaving, washing my body with scents he loved, doing my makeup even thought it was destined to be ruined and then doing my hair, giving myself sexy, loose curls. Then I added some perfume to my neck, wrists, cleavage, underboob and inner thighs, knowing he'd go absolutely feral when he smelt me.
I placed a bottle of his favourite champagne on the nightstand, grabbing his favourite piece of lingerie. It was a red, lacy thong, paired with a beautiful, red, silky chemise. I put a silky red robe on, sitting in the middle of the rose heart and waiting patiently for him to get back home.
Tom finally pulled into the driveway, grabbing his keys and unlocking the door with a sigh, though his exhaustion melted away as he laid his eyes on the rose petals scattered on the ground. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he followed the trail, anticipation building with each step.
I grinned as I heard his footsteps getting louder, excited to see his reaction to the room and especially me. Pushing open the bedroom door, his eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. Petals lay scattered across the floor, leading his gaze to the heart shapes pattern on the bed, his heart raced as he took in the sight of me, the way the soft light in the room heightened my features and the delicate silk of the robe.
"Hi baby..." I said in a low, seductive tone. He stepped inside, his eyes never leaving mine, the scent of my perfume enveloped him, making his head spin, "fucking hell, you look...", I giggled, "I look what, Tom?" he swallowed hard, taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly, "fucking irresistible. You know what you're doing to me don't you.." he took another step closer, his voice low and husky.
"Do I...?" I teased, he nodded, his eyes flickering down to my neck, the to my cleavage and back up to my face. "Your perfume..." he paused, taking another deep breath, "it's driving me crazy..."
I stood up, walking over to him, I untied my robe and let it slip off me, revealing the skimpy lingerie that he loved underneath. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of me, the red lingerie clinging to my curves like a second skin.
He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he traced the edge of the lace, "fuck baby..." he gasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let me take care of you..you've had such a long day," I reached up, caressing his cheek gently before taking his hand and guiding him to the bed.
I sat down next to him, leaning in and gently kissing his neck. He let out a soft groan, his eyes slowly closing as he surrendered to my touch. He loved how gentle I could be, how caring and nurturing, how I could just what kind of touch he needed, it was a side of me he cherished deeply.
I lifted my head back up and out of his neck, pressing my lips gently against his, my hand snaking down to gently rub his aching bulge, "what do you want me to do baby, hm...?" I whispered against his lips, looking into his eyes.
He opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a low groan, he was so tired, his eyes drifting closed again as he savoured the feeling of my touch, he needed me to take care of him, to make him forget about the stress and pressure of his day, I always seemed to awaken a hunger within him, "I want you to suck me..." he murmured, his voice muffled by my lips.
"Okay baby...okay.." I smiled and got up, slowly lowering to my knees and getting in between his legs. I lifted his shirt a little and started to unbuckle his belt, letting the leather slide out and tossing it aside. I then moved to his pants, he lifted his hips to help me remove them, his breath growing heavier.
When his boxers were revealed, a little stain of pre cum appeared, I smirked and looked up at him, "someones excited.." he looked down at me with heavy lidded eyes, his face flushed with desire, "mhm...all for you.." he mumbled.
I reached into his boxers, grabbing his aching cock and setting it free, it throbbed urgently, needing any sort of attention. "Just let go baby..." I looked up at him, slowly pumping his cock.
His head fell back slightly, groaning lowly in his throat. His hands gripped the bedsheets tightly, his knuckles turning white as I slowly jerked him off. The sensation of my warm hand wrapped around his hot flesh was exquisite, he pushed his hips forward, silently begging for more.
I decided to stop teasing him, lowering my head and slowly taking him in my mouth, gliding my head down to fit every inch. The sudden warmth and pressure of my mouth enveloping his cock was almost too much to handle, he threaded his fingers through my hair, holding me in place as he began to thrust gently, his hips rolling in a slow, deliberate rhythm.
"Fuckkk...." he groaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as I picked up my pace, bobbing my head up and down, sucking his cock hard and fast, making sure to occasionally swirl my tongue over his sensitive tip everytime I came up.
"Yes yes yes...." he gasped, he was lost in the sensation, his vision blurring as I sucked his cock with intense ferocity. The sound of my lips popping off his cock and the feeling of my tongue drove him wild, he could feel his balls tightening, his orgasm approaching rapidly.
"Take it all..fuck.." he growled, his fingers tightening in my hair. Saliva started to build around my mouth, dripping down my cheeks and onto my chin, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of my throat, making me slightly choke.
The sight of me choking on his length only spurred him on, his hips bucked forward as he neared the edge. He could hear my muffled gagging sounds, feeling tears dripping down onto his cock. I only went faster, urgently wanting him to cum.
His chest heaved intensely, his breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as his cock desperately throbbed in my mouth, his grip tightening on my hair as he reached his peak.
With a loud grunt, he pushed my head down, fucking my throat with relentless force as he reached his climax. His cock pulsed and throbbed, shooting rope after rope of thick cum down my throat, holding me in place, making me swallow every last drop.
"Ohhhh fuckkk..." he groaned, absolutely breathless. I wiped my mouth, standing back up and climbing onto his lap, pressing my lips into another gentle kiss, letting our tongues explore each other.
His hands gently stroked my hair as he held me close. For a moment, his dominant personality melted away as he looked at me with soft, loving eyes. "I love you..." he whispered against my lips, I smiled brightly and pulled away from the kiss, resting my forehead against his, "I love you too.."
I started to trail kisses from his chin, to his neck, gently sucking on the flesh. He tilted his head, giving me better access as I peppered his neck with tender kisses, pouring all my love and passion into the small kisses. He loved how gentle and loving I was, how I treated him with such care and adoration.
I stood up, slowly taking off my lingerie, completely bare, showing off my nude body to him. I stalked closer, "you want me to ride you baby, hm?" I smirked, his eyes darkened with lust as he looked at my body, his gaze travelling from my face, down to my collarbone, waist and finally to my hips. He nodded slowly, his voice hoarse, "come here baby..."
I wasted no time and climbed back on his lap, his cock rested against my stomach, already ready for more. I hovered over his throbbing shaft, slowly lowering myself onto him, "mmmh..." I moaned softly, holding onto his shoulders as my pussy engulfed inch by inch.
He closed his eyes and threw his head back, savouring the feeling of my warm, wet pussy. He ran his hands over my hips and ass, gripping tightly as I started to ride him, "fuckkk princess.." he groaned, thrusting his hips upwards to meet my thrusts.
His grip on my hips tightened, digging his fingers into my skin, guiding me up and down his cock at a frenzied pace. He groaned loudly, his eyes rolling back in his head, "fuck, fuck, fuck! Ride me harder, FUCK!" he spat out the words, his voice rough with desire.
I grinned and picked up my pace, slamming my hips up and down, his tip ramming into my g spot and hitting my cervix brutally, long strings of loud moans leaving my mouth. He grunted with each bounce, his face contorting with pleasure, "so fucking good...so tight and perfect.."
The sound of wet flesh slapping against each other filled the room, mingling with my harmonious moans and his feral grunts. His breathing grew shallow, his body tensing up as his climax built up,
My tits bounced wildly with each vicious thrust, he groaned and grabbed my tits, stuffing his face in them as he thrusted into me erratically, his powerful thrusts overtaking me riding him. I let him take control of the moment, it was his birthday after all.
I held onto him tightly, scratching at his back as a knot started to form in my stomach, "fuckkk!" I whined, moaning as I felt his lips suction my nipples, occasionally grazing his teeth over my sensitive buds, "these tits...they're mine, all mine," he growled, feeling my pussy clench around his cock, driving him into a state of insanity.
He could feel me squirming, hear my desperate whimpers and it only made him more determined to make me cum all over his cock, needing to feel my clenching pussy again. "Cum for me...cmon baby.." he murmured, reaching down in between my legs and furiously rubbing my clit.
This only heightened the pleasure, my eyes rolling back as my orgasm rapidly approached, "SHIT!" I yelped, my legs trembling as my release crashed down, spilling my juices all over his throbbing length.
With a loud groan, he exploded inside me, his cock pulsating as he unloaded a massive load of his cum deep into my spasming pussy. He gripped my hips tightly, holding me in place as he emptied himself completely, "FUCK! Take it all baby, take every last fucking drop!" his chest heaved rapidly, basically gasping for air.
He fell back and dragged me with him, holding me tightly against his chest, "good girl...such a good girl.." he murmured into my hair, breathing in my scent.
After we both calmed down I peeked my head up, "happy birthday.." I whispered, capturing his lips into a gentle kiss, "thankyou baby, this was perfect, really..you always take care of me, I love you so much..." he smiled softly, caressing my back, his hands moving in a slow, steady rhythm.
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tags: @ballhair @bills-wife-1 @ella1289
tags: @bkaulitzlover @pa1n-0f-l0ve @billsdolliest
tags: @tomscumdoll @tomkslut @miyukafujii
156 notes · View notes
pjisskullourful · 2 months
𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓼
🌼Damiano × reader
part 28 [series masterpost]
NSFW 🚨 nasty kinky filthy slutty smut
° Damiano David/female reader insert
wordcount::: 9,880
° part anon request: How would you feel about at some point Damiano and his girlfriend having a massive embrace at some point? Like a bear hug. You know those full body ones where you’re just squeezing the shit out each other and there just like a palpable feeling of love and connection between the two of you? + part inspired by this spicy audio ° dont forget that commissions are back!! you can snatch up the 4th spot in my priority cue here
° [ITA:] favoloso: fabulous - cazzo: fuck
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The day at work had seemed to take more energy than was typical. You were still feeling tense as you climbed into your car.
There had been too many points during the day where you had felt like you didn’t know what you were doing. Between catching up on the things you had missed while in Australia and helping with the integration of the office’s new system, it had been nonstop. And Max had been out sick, giving you no access to your quick pick-me-up.
As you drove the familiar route home, you caught yourself in cycles of thought. You were replaying things that you had said or things done, so that you could assess yourself. You identified more than one instance where you could have done better.
The embarrassment was like a taste coating the inside of your mouth - always present, even when you weren’t actively thinking about it. It would only be dispelled through active efforts.
It lingered, even as you walked through the front door of your apartment.
You didn’t have the place to yourself this week - Damiano had four days free from the world tour. So far as you knew, his plan for the night was solely to hang out with you.
You were quick to remove your restraining shoes before setting off to locate Damiano.
You found him in the lounge room, standing with his back to you as he got something down from the bookshelf. In just sweatpants, he looked relaxed, maybe you could gain some of that mood for yourself simply by being around him.
“Honey, I’m home.” You said, able to fake a fraction of enthusiasm.
He turned to face you straight away, smiling even before his eyes were on you. “Hey, there’s my baby. I was just looking at photos of you.”
He held up a collection of Polaroid photos that was in one hand. From the bookshelf, he had picked out an album that was dedicated to these smaller prints. You ignored the couch, walking toward him.
“I was separating the just-for-us stuff from the safe-for-work stuff.” He explained.
This album sat in the main room, able to be viewed by anyone visiting your home, you couldn’t be surprised if someone wanted to look through the pages. And if they did they would see smiling photos, silly photos, group photos, sentimental photos, non-explicit photos.
The explicit photos were in a secret spot - living in a smaller book on his bedside table. These were moments that existed only for the two of you. Newer additions included the both of you naked in front of a hotel bathroom mirror, thanks to him taking an artistic view of how each of you looked when emerging from the shower. You had taken a photo of him completely naked as he had enjoyed a cigarette on a hotel balcony.
“Oh, a very important job.” You said. “Can I interrupt that to ask for a hug?”
He set the objects down without hesitation. “Abso-fuckin’-lutely you can.”
He turned back to you, extending both of his arms out. Instantly you placed yourself into his personal space, your chest flush to his as you wrapped your arms around his middle. You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he embraced you with just the right firmness.
You shut your eyes, getting away from the negativity in your mind as you felt this closeness to him in every part of your body. His body heat wrapped around every inch of you, so comforting.
When you squeezed him tighter, he responded by squeezing you back. And he didn’t release you, he remained consistent in matching how you were giving all of your energy to this.
It felt nice to exist just like this, connected to him with nothing to do but be wrapped up in his love. Simplicity with no reason to assess. Effortlessly you matched your breathing to his. You didn’t pay any attention to time passing as you felt like you could melt into him.
He rubbed his hand up-and-down your back. “Are you okay? Did you have a bad day?”
“It was just a day of too much.” You said. “It was too much of shortcuts in the new system that I don’t know, it was too much trying to solve a bunch of little problems. It was too much thinking, my brain feels fried.”
“You’re gonna get there with the new system, kitten. It’s the point where you’ve still got the training wheels on. But one little improvement at a time and you will be killing it, on two wheels.” He said. “And you know I’m right because Daddy is always right.”
“Mm-hmm.” It was the best response that you could give him because the goal he was talking about didn’t feel within reach, not yet. 
“I’m sorry your brain is feeling all deep-fried and shit.” He said. “Do you want your Master to do all of the thinking for you?”
“Yes, please.” You said, quietly and needily.
“Okay, how about this: you go have a nice shower, literally wash the day away and I will have a lovely cup of tea waiting for you when you’re done? While you’re enjoying that, I will make us dinner. I saw that we have all the supplies for me to make you that beef and spinach pie you love so much.” He said. “Does that sound good to you?”
You pulled back so you could meet his eyes. “Yes, please. That sounds fucking perfect.”
“While I’m home it’s my duty to take care of you, so I better do a good job of it.” He said. He gave your ass a gentle pat.  “You go shower and I will do the rest.”
*** *** ***
You found yourself dwelling, once the distractions of showering and eating were gone, you reverted back to unhelpful thoughts. You were dreading the day at work tomorrow, instead of concentrating on the TV show that was playing, you were imagining scenarios that you would screw up. Your thoughts were moving quickly too, you didn't think you would be able to fall asleep to get away from these cyclical thoughts.
Damiano sighed as he picked up the remote, clicking to silence the music over the closing credits. “I don't know.”
You blinked, forcing yourself to focus. “Yeah, me neither.”
The second episode of Orphan Black: Echoes had just wrapped up and you couldn't think of anything noteworthy to discuss, because you had barely been paying attention. It had simply been playing, and now it wasn't.
The two of you had been waiting to watch this sequel series together, keeping an eye on the release date and planning the best time to start watching. You had saved it for when you were both home, minimising distractions. But it wasn't the experience you had been hoping for. It hadn't kept your interest enough to stop your mind from wandering - you were still thinking and imagining, all manner of things that had nothing to do with the science fiction show.
He didn't let the next episode begin playing. “I don't know if it's hooked me in yet. We used to have jaw-dropping and oh my God, can you believe that just happened moments in every episode.” He looked at you beside him on the sofa. “It's interesting, but it's not like I need to stay up all night to find out what happens next. It's not- it's not like the original.”
“No, it isn't. And I keep thinking about the original, too.” You said. “It makes it kind of hard to focus.”
“Maybe we would enjoy it more if we just took it as a separate thing.” He said.
You sat forward, checking the time on the screen of your phone. “We have time to keep watching, to see if we can get invested in it. But I think I will need tea before that. Do you want a cup, too?”
“Amazing idea. Yes, thank you.” He said before suddenly perking up, alerted. “Shit, I've gotta get that stuff out of the dryer. I'll meet you back here, okay?”
Both of you left the quiet lounge room. As you were standing at the counter, listening to the kettle boiling, an idea came to you.
You didn't know why this solution hadn't occurred to you earlier. It grabbed you and you immediately believed its enticing potential.
You walked out of the kitchen before the water was boiled, heading into the bedroom. He was exactly where you had been expecting, folding and putting away the laundry. He greeted you with a smile, but he was hardly distracted from his task.
You sat down on the mattress, a heavy sigh accompanying this action. This earned you a concerned look from him.
“Are you still feeling low, baby?” He asked.
You nodded. “I can’t, like, shake the thoughts off. And because I have to be back there tomorrow morning, it feels like I don’t get the chance to properly relax.”
“I'm not used to seeing you so hung up on work stuff like this.” He said. “I know you said before that you didn't want to talk about it, but it could help. Maybe if you just ranted and got all of it off your chest, you would feel better?”
“I have a different idea. My problem is that I can't stop thinking about it. Well, what if I was forced to think about something else, something that I really have to concentrate on or there would be consequences?” You said.
He furrowed his brow as he placed a bunch of socks into a draw. “I'm not sure I know what you're getting at here.”
You took a deep breath. “Can I have the CEO, please?”
He paused, looking up from the basket of clothes, a smile starting at the right corner of his lips. “Oh. That's the solution you have come up with?”
“Yeah. Is that- are you in the mood for that tonight?” You asked.
“I would be more than happy to play with you, naturally. And if it's a way to help you feel better- how could I refuse?” He said, removing the laundry basket from the bed before coming over to stand in front of you. He ran his hand down the side of your face. “I actually have a little scenario in mind for those characters.”
You licked your lips. “Can the CEO be mean to me?”
“Mean? Yeah, I can think of some ways to be less nice, more serious.” He said.
“Thanks.” You said.
He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “Thank you for letting me help, even if this is an unexpected approach.” His demeanour had subtly changed when he straightened up again. “I should get changed, and then I wanna see you in the other bedroom.”
“Do you want me to get changed too?” You asked - you were just wearing an old pair of pyjama pants with a plain tee.
“No, clothes aren't going to be necessary for you.” He said, moving away as he began to formulate some kind of plan. “How about you give me a little privacy for this part? You go back out to the living room, I'll get ready then head to the other bedroom and I will let you know when to come in.”
“Okay.” You said, getting to your feet.
“Hey…” He said before you could get too close to the door. “I love you.”
You smiled and, unable to help yourself, you rushed over to him. You hurriedly kissed him. “I love you too.” 
You had to take advantage of this moment for affection, because once the scene started there wouldn't be time for cute or sweet gestures. You didn't linger, turning around and leaving him to get into character. You already felt a little better, the distraction was promising.
Instead of waiting on the lounge, you took yourself back into the kitchen. You set the water to boil again and as it went through this noisy process, you got rid of the second cup.
When he called out your name, you were ready with a single steaming mug of tea. You walked towards the other bedroom, unable to dwell on your earlier thoughts as you concentrated on your posture and how to best portray your character of the secretary. It wasn’t your typical leisurely speed for walking around your apartment, you walked with the intent of getting there swiftly. But you didn’t run or anything like that, imagining how that could be perceived as strange by an office full of workers.
He had left the door slightly ajar, you knocked your fist lightly against the door before opening it. “Good morning, sir. I have that cup of tea for you.”
His back was to you as he sat at the desk. He had gone to the trouble of turning on the desktop computer that was usually reserved for your gaming. You could see that he had opened up a word document, currently it was blank but maybe there was some typing he intended to do.
“Lock that door and bring it over.” He said without turning his head.
You shut the door (it didn’t actually lock) and crossed the room. You saw that he was now dressed in a black suit, paired with an emerald green tie. Completing the look was the bored expression he wore, so convincing that you could believe he had been rotting away in here for hours.
As you set the mug down, he dragged his eyes over to you. “Do you have any idea how truly mind-numbing these performance reviews are to read?”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help, sir?” You asked.
He took his hands off the desk and leaned back in the chair. “Actually, yes. I need something to make all of this work not seem so fucking neverending. And reading through hundreds of reviews, I deserve a reward for all of that work, wouldn’t you say?”
“Absolutely.” You said immediately. You thought about leaving out the door if (for even one second) it seemed like he was going to engage you in any problem-solving.
“Favoloso. I’m glad we agree. Take all your clothes off.” He said and you didn’t hesitate to push down your comfortable pants. “My day has been so dull, painfully so. But you’re going to help me fix that, aren’t you?”
Your skin had begun to rise into mild goosebumps as you took off your panties, the final piece of clothing. “It would be my pleasure.”
“This very boring work has given me time to think and plan. And I have a lot of plans for you, sweetie.” He said, swivelling the chair so that he could face you. “Turn around and hold your hands behind your back.”
As you started to turn away, you saw him reach for the knot that kept his tie in place. You didn’t see if he got it loosened before you were facing the wall. You looked at the light wall paint as you waited, unsure of how you could settle into this scene yet. You overlapped your wrists and rested them at the small of your back.
He took your wrists in his hand, then you felt soft fabric moving against your skin. You realised this was the emerald tie, being wrapped around your wrists.
The next thing he said was whispered. “You can always safe word.”
“Thank you, I will.” You responded as you hoped for him to pick a scenario that wasn’t too close to your reality.
He cleared his throat. “Obviously it’s beneath my paygrade to do, but if I were to write a performance review for you, I would applaud your discretion.” He began creating knots in the tie, trapping your hands in their current position. “I hoped that you would be able to keep secrets. And you have impressed me.” He latched his fingers onto your forearms, unexpectedly tugging on them, threatening your balance. “But don’t get too used to me complimenting you. Now, is that too tight?”
“No, it’s comfortable.” You said.
“Turn around.” He said. “That’s much better than looking at words on a screen.” His brow furrowed as he observed you. “You look worried. Nobody is gonna ask any questions of why you're in here, no matter how long you're gone for. Whatever work you were doing before you came in, that's all taken care of.”
“I know.” You said.
“I've got something that's gonna help you clear your mind.” He said. He opened the desk’s top draw and pulled out a familiar object. It was a matte black, egg-shaped vibrator. It was a small toy that would go inside of you, while being controlled by a separate remote.
You nodded, pleased by this progression. From the draw, he also took out a bottle of lubricant. He squeezed some of the strawberry-scented product onto his fingers then rubbed this all over the toy, making it shiny.
“Spread your legs.” He said. “I doubt I need that much lube, I bet you're already very wet.” He had a knowing smile as you stepped one foot away from the other. He leaned forward and down, pointing the tapered end of the toy up. He got this lined up with your entrance and started stretching your pussy open. “Yep, so wet, it just turns you on so much to get played with, huh?”
You nodded, feeling your heart rate increase. “Yes. Yes, sir. I hope all day for you to call me in, every time I get a notification on my computer it's like- like my pussy trembles.” Your breath shook on the next inhale. “And all night I'm dreaming of the ways you could play with me.”
“And you're just ready whenever I want you, it's so convenient.” He said, guiding the currently inactive toy deeper into you. “I guess I picked the right office toy.”
He got the toy nestled between your walls. He directed its flexible arm, shaping it to your labia majora, this anchor would keep the toy from slipping loose.
“This isn't to make you come. In fact, if you come, I'm gonna be very fucking annoyed and there will be a punishment.” He said. “This is just to keep you in line while you concentrate on your task.
“Now, is your balance gonna screw you up too much, or can you climb under the desk without my help?” He asked.
You hesitated as you looked down, planning your movements. “I- uh, I can try?”
He rolled the chair a little away from the desk. “It might be fun to watch you struggle.”
You bent your knees and took a cautious step forward, finding your immobile arms weren't inhibiting you by much. If you moved slowly, you could counteract any issues. You bent your knees more, getting yourself lower to the floor and you took another step forward. You ducked your head and brought your knee down to the ground.
“Get on your knees and turn around to face me.” He said.
You got both of your knees on the ground, keeping your head down as you walked yourself forward on your knees. You moved in under the desk, aware of the surface so close to your head. You awkwardly moved further forward, going until you reached the wall.
You felt very wobbly as you began to turn in a circle, you weren't used to feeling this uncoordinated when you were totally sober. Your head brushed against the bottom of the desk without smacking into it. He came into sight, watching your uncertain movements. He couldn't keep the concern fully off of his face.
You lowered your ass, resting it on the backs of your calves as you got comfortable - or as comfortable as was possible in this very small space. You looked at him, waiting for the next challenge as your heart beat quicker than usual.
“You followed that instruction. Let's see if you can follow this…” He said as he put his hands to the fly of his slacks.
Your eyes widened, your hopes lifting for the right kind of scene to fix your state of mind. You saw that the concern had left his expression as he pulled the short zip down. Your eyes darted repeatedly from his face to his crotch, trying to guess, and therefore prepare yourself for, what he planned to do next.
It wasn't much of a surprise when he pulled out his dick, but it was a pleasing sight all the same. You happily noted how it was already appearing firm. You flexed your fingers as you gave the shaft a longer look, you were wishing to touch it.
“Keep me from falling asleep by warming my cock with your mouth, hm?” He said.
You smiled, eager and relieved. There were many things you didn't want to deal with right now, things you didn't feel super capable of handling.
But you knew how to suck cock. There was no reason to doubt yourself in this field. You were leaning forward before he instructed you to do so, you didn't need to worry about not getting what you needed from this scene.
He brought himself closer too, wheeling the chair back up to the desk. His face disappeared from your view and your area got even smaller. Your cheeks were filling with colour and you were ready to go, to give into the fantasy totally.
“Do you think you can do that, sweetie?” He asked. He kept his knees as far from each other as the compartment beneath the desk accommodated. You could fit in between his legs without issue.
“Yes, sir.” You said, licking your lips.
One of his hands was in sight, wrapped around his member. You leaned in, so eager to get invested in his lust. You greeted his tip with a kiss, then another, beginning into a series where you steadily opened your mouth wider each time. He began making noise with the computer’s keyboard, you weren’t sure if he was actually typing words, but that wasn’t worth your attention. You let your lips wrap around his tip in the next kisses that you gave, your tongue darting out to get a little taste sporadically. His other hand left his cock, disappearing up to the desktop too.
You eased yourself down, thinking only of pleasing him. There were no scenarios to get lost in when you were so keenly concentrating on his every subtle reaction.
“Don't forget what I said, baby. You're not going to suck, you're going to warm my cock. When I want a blow job, I'll ask for one.” He said.
You kept your jaw and lips mostly relaxed as you took more of him into your mouth. You could feel how firm he was as his shaft passed against your lips.
You got close to the base and stopped, your mouth full.
You thought of your cunt and the vibrator buried into it. It was still completely motionless and you wondered how much it would contribute to this scene. Did he have something specific in mind to do with it? Or would he just forget about it?
His next heavy sigh sounded convincingly bored and annoyed, followed by more tapping of the keyboard. You imagined how rewarding it would be to get him into a better mood. You slowly dragged your tongue along the underside of his length, prepared to stop if this was against his rules.
But he didn't correct you. You slid your tongue up and around the side of his cock. You had to keep reminding yourself to not suck, it seemed like the natural thing to do, but you had to wait for his word.
You jolted, eyes bulging when you felt a sudden rhythm between your pussy walls. He had the vibrations set to potentially the lowest level of intensity. But it was enough to make your walls flutter, an ache radiating from between your legs. You shifted in your position, your desires telling you to get your hips moving.
You drew a deep breath through your nostrils, accepting that his challenge was truly beginning now. Further thoughts were banished from your mind as you slowly massaged his shaft with your tongue.
You didn't have any concept of how much time was passing. All you knew was that sometimes you heard him typing, then there were periods of silence.
“Hmm, I'm all out of tea.” He said. “Well I would hate to overwork you, sweetie. Let's just have you concentrate on one task at a time.”
It seemed to you that only a few seconds passed before you felt the toy's vibrations get stronger. This prompted you to really notice its position, the egg-shaped device was nestled in deep and pressed firmly against your pussy’s squishy walls.
With no wiggle room between it and you, you knew that it would be impossible to ignore. As it got more intense, there would be no escaping how sensitive it made you and it would be a challenge of your will to not get lost in the desires. Was that something you could succeed at?
You shifted your weight as you tried to get a smidgen of relief from the toy. You rested on one buttcheek more than the other and parted your legs, attempting to create space. You hoped that by having some of your cunt untouched by the stimulations you would be able to keep yourself settled.
He snapped his fingers, prompting you to instantly open your eyes. You found that he had ducked his head down, looking at you with narrowed eyes.
“Hey, who told you to move? You are here to sit still and keep your mouth on that cock.” He said, doing a good job of sounding fed up. “Don’t make me tell you again.”
He glared at you for a moment longer, your cheeks coloured bright red. Having a full mouth made things simpler. Instead of having to find the ideal (most pleasing to him) words and making the perfect promise, you could just prove yourself with your actions of doing as you were told. You gave him a serious look back.
And it was enough to appease him. He straightened up, his face disappearing from your field of vision again.
As you heard him resume his typing, you settled your body weight in your current position, intending to maintain it for as long as he desired. You concentrated on getting your breathing even, planning to use this as your foundation, the calm amongst the storm that you were sure was coming.
You felt him shift in his chair, then he laid his hand on top of your head. “How about you take it deeper?” He held onto you as you began moving your lips lower on his dick. “I know you can do it, sweetheart.”
As you drew your lips closer to his balls, you continued your mental chant to stay relaxed, to hold off sucking, still. You got him close to the opening of your throat. He gave you time to adjust, you placed your mouth in the most comfortable position. You could catch your breath.
“That’s better.” He said with a content sigh.
You held yourself still, even when he turned up the vibrations, making them more noticeable. But you didn’t properly acknowledge the pulsations, keeping them at a lower rung on your priority list.
You kept him as the only focus, the undeniable star. You dragged your tongue all over the length that filled your mouth. You felt out the veins that bulged, seeing how far you could trace them.
“Are you sucking?” He snapped and you froze.
You relaxed your mouth as you tried to recount what you had just been doing, whether on purpose or not. You supposed it was possible that in your endeavour to keep too much from spilling out of your mouth, you had briefly drawn your cheeks in. But there was no explaining this to him. You had to hope that your expression was apologetic enough as he came back into view. The prospect of disappointing him made your heart race and your gut clench.
“What did I tell you?” He asked, stern enough to make you shake a little. “I know that you don’t really get it because your entire job is fucking making tea. But I have actual work to do. And I haven’t got even half of it done yet…”
Your breath momentarily skipped as you wondered how long he would keep you down here. It was flattering to think that he was willing to dedicate potential hours of his energy to playing with you, in this very specific fantasy. If he wanted to spend an exaggerated amount of time with your mouth, then you wanted to spend just as long with his cock. 
“I know it’s hard for you, but can’t you pretend to be professional? Give being patient a try, instead of being the easiest slut in the world with those begging eyes.” He said.
He was quite marvellous in his teasing of you. It rattled you to hear words he wouldn’t usually say, a reminder for you to not get too comfortable. With him being wonderfully unpredictable, there was no chance of you getting bored.
You slowly blinked your eyes at him twice, this was the best you could offer him in lieu of being able to nod your head. This satisfied him that he didn’t have to keep scowling at you. He returned to his earlier posture, further tinkering with the computer.
Now you kept your tongue mostly still, becoming almost as inactive as a fleshlight. You shut your eyes, enjoying the absence of corrections from him.
You were breathing comfortably when you heard him begin to murmur to himself. “Let me see if-... a-ha, it is. That’s a damn miracle.”
You furrowed your brow but he didn’t keep you wondering for too long. He ducked his head down, looking less cross than before. But he still had the frostiness of his character intact, you could perceive that.
“I hit the halfway point. I was a little doubtful that I would be able to reach this point, it felt so far away. And now that I have, well, I think that I deserve a little reward. Something to help me celebrate and inspire me to do more of this terribly dull reading.”
You gave him another affirmative two blinks. He brought both of his hands down to hold either side of your head.
“I’m going to get some relief by pushing myself into that tight throat of yours.” He said and you did nothing to resist this proposed acceleration. “Just for a minute or so.”
It took focus to hold yourself to his earlier rule of not doing anything that was too similar to a blow job. You relaxed your throat as best you could. He shifted his position slightly in the chair and you fought back the urge of extra-excitement.
He drew your head closer to his body and you had your jaw hang slack. He stared into your eyes, giving as many insights as he was taking from you.
Your eyelids fluttered as his tip carefully entered your throat. It didn’t matter that you were expecting it, or that he moved slowly - the sensation still prompted surprise. You needed a second to adjust to this new feeling and he graciously gave it to you.
The surprise receded and you could get accustomed to this atypical feeling. The tightness felt like less of a concern the longer it went on.
He moaned as, with an arching of his back, he pushed his tip in deeper as you allowed. His next inhale audibly shook and you felt so much heat in your throat.
“Now, cute little thing, don’t forget to breathe through your nose.” He instructed, keeping the taunting edge in his voice. “Wouldn’t it be so embarrassing if you passed out ‘cause of this?”
You flared your nostrils, mostly adjusted to the new, slight restrictions on your breathing. It was a little more difficult but there was no sense of panic in you.
“I would have to ask someone for help.” He continued. “For your own safety, of course. But they would come in here and see a pathetic naked girl under my desk. And the explanation that this happened because you don’t know how to suck cock, can you think of anything more humiliating?”
The more that you thought about it (really picturing it thanks to his words), the more that your palms sweated as your heart pounding felt heavier in your chest. Meanwhile it was quite clear to you that he was relishing the idea. It wasn’t just about your fantasy right now.
He eased himself in more and the challenge of getting your throat to not clench truly started. You watched his chest swell and his eyes temporarily went unfocused. This was the closest you would get to his character complimenting you, it told you that he wanted to enjoy more of what he currently had - therefore you needed to give him as much as you could manage.
“Prove that you can be an effective desk pet.” He ordered.
Your lower lip was slippery now, the mess trickling down your chin, and probably soon to spread more. But that had to be ignored for now.
“Ah, yeah.” He moaned. “Do you like how that feels, having those balls on your chin? Your boss’ balls, right there on your face.”
You swallowed as best you could while he kept that arch in his back, not interested in pulling back from your throat yet.
“That desperate fucking look in your eyes. If I fuck your face, will that help you feel less desperate, little toy?” He asked.
Immediately you showed him the double blink to encourage him on. He held your head firmly as he started to experiment with moving his hips. He glided back a little before working himself into your throat.
“You can suck now, it’s okay. Show me how you can get me off.” He panted. “If you do it good enough, maybe I will let you come, too.
“Actually…” He trailed off as his attention went elsewhere. Beyond what you could see, he was reaching for something on top of the desk.
Once secured he showed it to you, the little, uncomplicated remote that paired with this vibrator.
“Just a little incentive for you, huh?” He said.
Your thighs clenched when you felt the power of the pulsations increase. It wasn’t as strong as it could be and you knew that you would need more to get you off. But it filled your body with a pleasing warmth and your mind was taken further away from the earlier slump.
“Don’t get too carried away. No coming until I say.” He said, his voice more restrained than before, but maintaining his sternness.
Meanwhile he was able to get very much carried away. The thrusting of his hips became consistent, stroking his dick back-and-forth between your lips. You saw how the fluttering of his eyelids kept happening, the time that he spent with his eyes closed lengthening.
He didn’t conclude every motion by plunging his tip into your throat, it just happened every now and then. That snug fit wasn’t the main thing that he needed anymore, not now that he had his promising rhythm.
You compared your current state to his. While you were almost entirely restricted, he was relishing every part of his freedom, not holding anything back. You craved it for yourself, craving to earn it.
You had a moment or two of matching him (testing how well you could move your head according to his pacing). But then he let loose even more, going into a quicker tempo. He was jackhammering his hips now and you shut your eyes, all of your effort going to not being pushed off.
It seemed that there wasn’t much needed of you beyond that. All you needed to do was be there to receive him and he would take care of the rest.
It wasn’t long before you were feeling the first noticeable drops of his cum. He gripped onto your head tighter as you felt more of that thick liquid springing out of him. You stopped caring about needing to breathe, you were willing to feel a little stinging in your lungs so that you could help him secure a fulfilling release. You sucked your cheeks in around him, already drawing some of his cum down your throat.
“Take it, you naughty little thing.” He coached.
There was only one more buck after this, then he claimed his climax. More of his liquid filled your mouth before he started to make a twitchy withdrawal from you.
You heard him gasping to get his breath back. You gave yourself a pause to settle back, letting your head momentarily hang. As you were swallowing, you took note of how wet your face was. You tried to not label the sensation as uncomfortable, because he might make you sit in this mess for a while.
“Cazzo…” He said with a sigh. “How do you feel?”
You were licking your lips as you raised your head again, letting him see your face. “I’m alright, sir.”
He seemed to be content with you staying in character, not looking at you in that concerned way for much longer. Because he trusted your word.
He slumped back in the seat, concentrating on his recovery at this moment. You remained in your contained space. It was in the centre of your field of vision, so you watched the way his member gradually lost its stiffness.
Silently observing this gave you the chance to notice that you were tired. You didn’t have the rushing thoughts to distract you from how low your energy was. It was as if you had just realised that you should be in bed.
Your body was responding to the device’s vibrations less now - it still felt good, but it didn’t have enough impact to really dominate your attention. You rested your ass back on your feet, noticing the quivering in your cunt less-and-less.
“And that desperate look is still in your eyes.” He said, gazing at you. Something in his stare made you focus more, knowing that the scene wasn't over for him yet either. “Maybe you can have a little fun because you did try so hard. I'll give you a moment to feel really good, but then you have to put your clothes back on and make me another cup of tea.”
“Yes, sir.” You said, watching as he seemingly realised that the remote was still in his hand.
The vibrator swiftly climbed up the levels of intensity and soon you had stopped thinking about going to sleep.
You clenched your thighs as the persistent rhythm started to have effect again. You felt how the sensitivities inside you had already had a head-start, so ready to run wild through you. A gloriously warm wave collided with you.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you observed all of these rapid changes. You were excited at the prospect of no longer concentrating so hard to control yourself in quite specific ways. You didn’t care to try to settle yourself, you just let the rush happen.
He pressed another button to activate one of the vibrator’s pattern modes. Temporarily the strength dropped, consistently low.
There was time for you to take a couple of deep breaths, then the next climb in intensity happened. As it plateaued at this new level, you smiled because you had identified which mode he had selected. It was a very simple pattern: it gradually reached maximum intensity, giving you time at three different levels. It stayed at the highest point for the longest time, then cycled back to the low beginning. It was an effective mode that could get you aching with anticipation while craving more. You knew that you were at the start of a fun ride.
The toy grew faster, reaching its peak and you moaned happily. The intense massage stimulated so much of your pussy, promising more than you had been allowed. This was the kind of pleasure you could get lost in. Your back arched as you faced a new tension.
Before you could get too accustomed to this level, the vibrations switched to go back to the start of the cycle. You released a shaky exhale, letting that exciting swell fade.
But you could still feel the new responses it had brought out as you awaited another round with that intensity.
You embraced this more subtle moment, letting your muscles relax, even as you continued to tingle pretty much all over. When you opened your eyes you found that he was watching you and you kept the smile on your face.
“The good girl likes that, hm?” He said, appearing pleased with how responsive you were.
“Keep this fun moment just between us.” He instructed. “You aren’t allowed to get too loud. I don’t care how incredible it starts to feel, no one else can hear you.”
You nodded, noting that the medium intensity had been reached, but you didn’t let it totally distract you. “Yes, sir.”
He went back to silently watching you, concentrating on the little reactions that you showed. You felt your walls flutter as you acknowledged that you couldn’t hide even a fraction of your ecstasy from him, regardless of the volume of your voice.
His dick was still out, laying flaccid against his pants. You saw only hints of the glisten that his cum and your saliva had earlier had him covered in.
The device climbed to its highest setting again. Excitedly your chest expanded as you savoured the widespread effects of this intensity. This would allow you to bring into view the peak where your release was awaiting you.
He moved into a less common (and perhaps less comfortable) position in his endeavour to get a closer look at you. He bent down, his chest almost pushed into his thighs as he got his face close to yours.
He was within kissing range. But you knew better than to expect or initiate anything like that with his current character.
He cupped his chin in his hand as he wore a thoughtful expression. You worried that you had done something wrong. But you were too preoccupied with the end of the vibrator’s intense burst to ask.
“I didn’t think it was so cold in the office today.” He said, a train of thought that caught you off-guard. “But those nipples are telling a different story…”
You smiled as his eyes went down to your chest, where both of your nipples were standing at attention. It had nothing to do with the temperature, something so insignificant hadn’t been noticed by you the entire time you had been under this desk.
He grabbed the right peak with his fingers. You couldn’t help squirming as this contact coincided with the toy raising to medium-intensity. He held the nipple in a firm pinch, one that could be increased or eased off. The tantalising squeeze made your heart beat faster.
“Or maybe this is just a symptom of how horny sucking cock makes you.” He said, tugging on your nipple as if he could pull it over to himself.
You nodded as your legs started to shake. “Yes.”
He gave the nipple a little twist, making your jaw fall open. “Yes, what? I’m smarter than you but I’m not a mind reader.”
“Yes, yes, it’s ‘cause having your cock in my mouth turns me on so much.” You said.
His next exhale was almost like a growl as he kept pulling on your nipple. “I wish I had known you were about to say something so depraved, I would have recorded it.” With a purposeful flick of his wrist he could guide the nipple up then down, before repeating the motion. Your tit moved in these waves, creating a different sensation. Your gut twisted in a new way, only helped along by the toy going to full strength again.
“You’re so sexy when you’re absolutely shameless like this.” He said.
You could no longer maintain eye contact with him, squeezing your eyes shut as you clenched your fists. All of this intensity was going straight to your head, but you remembered how he hadn’t yet explicitly said that you could climax.
It was a tiny relief when the toy concluded its strongest burst. But you could still feel that warm pressure in your pussy. You knew you had to accept its presence as you made ragged attempts at catching your breath.
“Is that feeling too good, baby? You are getting very worked up there. It looks like too much more of this could get you off. Is that the case?” He asked.
You made some strangled noises as you squirmed through this state of too much. “Yes. I-I think that I could.”
He stopped pinching your nipple, letting the skin cease its stretching. Less than a second later, he struck his finger against the stiff peak. This made you flinch, almost losing your balance and falling back.
“You really are that easy to get off, aren’t you?” He asked. “Fuck. I don’t even have to be here. I could just leave the vibrator as is and go back to work, I could completely ignore you and you would still come.”
Through gritted teeth, you tried to speak. “Please. Stay here.”
When you managed to pry your eyes open, you saw the satisfied and cocky smile on his face. “But what about my work? I’m depended on to actually do shit around here.”
“Later?” You asked with one shred of hope.
He made a tsk-ing noise, but he didn’t straighten up and leave this tiny space. “Naughty little thing.”
You squeezed your thighs together as the device went to its medium strength. And there was something more powerful only a few seconds away from you, but you were already feeling overwhelmed.
“Are you gonna come?” He asked, his voice almost as teasing as a touch would be.
“Want to.” You replied quietly.
“Yeah, you could come just like this?”
You tilted your pelvis, settling into the way all of your body seemed to be throbbing. Then the strongest mode resumed, taking your breath away from you.
“Are you gonna come?” He asked.
Was it just the rising pleasure painting your perception, or was his tone actually encouraging you on? One thing was certain - he wasn’t telling you to not go into the orgasm.
But before you could ride the pleasure too much higher, he had turned the toy off. Your brain scrambled, so stunned by this sudden lack of vibrations.
“What?” He asked in response to the look that you gave him. “I asked if you could come, I never said that you would, or that you should.”
You settled your body weight again, taking the chance to catch your breath. He hadn’t gone back to his pretend work, allowing you to study his expression. You tried to figure out if he wanted you to bargain with him or not.
“What if I asked you to get up and make me that tea right now?” He asked.
“I would do it, sir.” You said, even though you were feeling a little intimidated.
“Hmm…” He watched you, seemingly making his mind up. Then the vibrations started again. “No, I’m actually not that thirsty right now.”
It wasn’t the same pattern you had just been enjoying. His new approach was to give you all of the power instantly and the threat to your composure was almost devastating.
Somehow you managed to keep yourself together, even as your gut twisted up, tensed like the other muscles in your body. You didn’t let yourself acknowledge how close the edge was, your mental will going into not thinking about what was on the other side of that edge.
“Can you follow a countdown?” He asked.
Your throat was tight as you answered. “Counting down to an orgasm?”
“Uh-huh. I go from ten to zero, when I get to zero… Well, I think you know what to do. Do you think you can do that?”
You rubbed your thighs together, willing that you not get too ahead of yourself. “Yes, sir.”
You hadn’t realised that you weren’t already experiencing the highest possible vibrations. But he dialled them up and it was almost impossible to contain the whine that came in response.
You waited, the majority of your attention went to listening out for his count. But he didn’t say a word. Your heart jackhammered in your chest, begging you to use some of this energy.
You looked up at him, seeing how perfectly (and maddeningly) relaxed he was. “Sir?”
“Hm?” He played at being oblivious again. “Oh, I thought you would say when you were ready for me to start counting.”
You huffed as you barely kept yourself from cursing at him. “Ready, sir.”
He licked his lips, eyes taking in all of the desperation on your face. “Ten…”
The need pulsed through you, dominating all of your thoughts and drawing you in deeper. The excitement was starting to run the show, tempting you to lose yourself.
“Nine, eight…” He said, seeming to draw the words out. “This had better be one of the quietest orgasms of your life.”
You nodded, your lips clamped together because you didn’t trust yourself right now. If you opened your mouth to speak, there was no guarantee that more wouldn’t come out.
“Seven, six…”
His face was even closer to yours as he continued enjoying you in your current state. You couldn’t hold yourself still, your hips stuttering uselessly as the tension rose to an almost unbearable level.
“Five, four…”
In your head you screamed at him to hurry up, seriously doubting your ability to sustain this. But on the outside you were just a series of continuously muffled moans. Maybe from his perspective, it seemed like you could definitely handle this.
“Three…” He said before pausing, his brow creasing as he pretended to be confused. “Wait, what’s after that?”
“Two.” You murmured.
“Yeah, two.” He agreed.
You began to get excited about how close you were to the finish line. You licked your lips, refreshing the taste of his cum on your tongue.
This taste was swiftly followed by disappointment when the vibrations abruptly ended, the device becoming inactive between your very sensitive walls. It was even harder to not swear at him this time.
You shut your eyes as your terrific climb to the peak was stunted. The frustration was more than you knew how to deal with. It could have defeated you in your overworked state. You were consumed by tremors, forcing your attention to taking deep breaths.
“Oh, did something happen to the battery?” He asked, so obviously making fun of you. “Wow, what ridiculously bad timing…” You weren’t so sure that you had it in you to keep playing along with him, the way that your entire body was crying out for release was rather distracting.
“Should I try one of the buttons? Maybe it was a random glitch. Or maybe the battery is empty.” He said.
“Please. Try it. Try, please.” You whispered.
“Alright.” He said, his word was quickly followed by the return of the vibrations. “Oh, I guess it was a random glitch.”
The intensity floored you and you hated the thought of falling short on its conclusion again.
You were just a pile of nerves as he started counting again, repeating ten. You lightly rocked yourself back-and-forth as you gave up control, hoping it would be traded for what you needed.
You were again robbed of the luxury of falling apart when he turned the vibrations off.
You could have started to produce tears at that point, you were at such a profound-feeling loss. You considered saying the safe word and admitting that the CEO’s teasing was too much because you didn’t think you could deal with it anymore.
“I’m just not totally convinced that you deserve to come…” He said.
You raised your head, deciding to be totally honest with him. You couldn’t stop shivering and your mouth hung open as you kept at the attempts to catch your breath.
“Please.” You said, you didn’t have the mental capacity to dress the request up in any way.
Perhaps it was how pathetic you looked that appealed to him because you weren’t left waiting to feel the vibrations. They were powerful and you wanted to trust them to give you release - but amongst the wonderful sensations, doubts lingered.
“Okay.” He said, his voice softer. “Okay sweetie, I’m… five, four, three…”
You felt the crazy rise of pleasure, it was so spectacular that not getting your hopes up was an impossibility. You writhed, your excitement jumping from one promising sensation to the next as he kept counting.
The vibrations stuck with you as, at long last, everything fell into place, synced to him saying zero. The tension broke and you finally got to claim the release as yours.
It fulfilled you to finally get to the conclusion. Temporarily giving you everything that you needed. You were elevated by the bliss, not needing to know anything else.
On the other side of this, you didn’t find even a fraction of calm. How could you come down like this? There wasn’t anywhere safe to land.
“Pumpkin.” The word left your mouth before you could put any real thought into it.
He sprang into action, the vibrator immediately turned off before he put his hands on your upper arms. “Okay, okay. Come out of there, I've got you.”
He arrived on the floor directly in front of you, kneeling. He reached around you and made quick work of undoing the tie, freeing your wrists. You leaned against him, trying to get your breath back.
“Shh, shh babygirl.” He soothed and you let more of your body go limp, your arms hanging by your sides. “I'm gonna take the toy out now, so just relax. Relax for me.”
You were still reeling as you felt the device being pulled from your sensitive pussy. You were ready for everything to stop, you knew there was nothing more that you could give.
“I'm sorry.” You said.
“Hey, sorry for what?” He asked. “The scene was over, anyway. You didn't cut anything short, it was all done.” He wrapped his arms around you, giving you a secure embrace. “You have nothing to be sorry for.
“Come sit in the chair with me.” He said.
He helped you up then he sat down on the chair, offering you his lap. You sat down, your back resting against him. He linked his arms around your middle as you began taking deeper, slower breaths, calm returning to you. You had stopped noticing the rate at which your heart was beating.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You leaned your head against his shoulder. “Yep, I am now. I just…”
“That was a lot, and you did a great job, babe.”
You shut your eyes, even though you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep in this upright position. But it was comfortable, your legs overlapping his and all of the pressure taken from your body. Listening to his steady breathing soothed you even further.
Before you could have any kind of reaction to the current temperature, he was lying the warm suit jacket over your body, a stand-in for a blanket.
His nose rested against your temple as he started to talk. “You are not stupid. You are not useless. You are not annoying.” You just listened, the corners of your mouth lifting into a smile. “You’re a good girl, a very good girl. Such a good girl. You are so intelligent and strong and capable. You’re exceptional, you know that, don’t you?”
“Thank you, Daddy.” You said, feeling so secure in his arms. “Were you actually typing something into that doc’, or were you just hitting random keys?”
“I was on Airbnb, I wanted to see what our options are for Christmas.” He said.
He wiggled the mouse and the screen re-illuminated, you looked at it with him. Christmas was going to be spent with his family this year. You were to have a little vacation in Trapani, renting a house that everyone could stay in, maximising bonding time. It had been worked into everyone’s schedule, but the house hadn’t been decided on yet.
“We don’t have to look through them right now, we can wait ‘til you’re more rested.” He said. “Do you wanna go to bed?”
“Please, that’s all I want to do.” You said.
“Do you need me to get you anything from the kitchen?” He asked as you got to your feet.
“No. But I think I left my phone in the lounge room.” You said.
He stood up and tucked his dick back into his pants, zipping them shut. “I’ll get it for you, you lay down.”
Unaccompanied, you went into the bedroom, visiting the ensuite instantly. You washed your face and cleaned what remained of his mess off of your neck. You swirled some water around the inside of your mouth then climbed into bed, your body feeling a bit tender.
“Alright, I’ve got your phone, my phone. I shut down your computer and turned off the lights and everything out there.” He announced as he came into the bedroom. “Before I sit down- is there anything that I forgot?”
“No, you took care of literally everything. Thank you, Dami.”
He came over and gave you a kiss on the forehead. He plopped down on his side of the bed and started to take off his suit, in a very inelegant fashion. “I don’t see your menu.”
“I don’t need it, I already know what I want for aftercare.” You said.
“What’s that?”
“Can we get dessert delivered?” You asked.
He tucked his legs under the covers and began to lay back. “Genius, fuck yes we can. Did you have a particular shop in mind?”
You leaned into his side as he unlocked his phone. Together you found the best option amongst the restaurants that were still open at this hour. Through the UberEats app you each selected items.
Once the order was processed, he wrapped an arm around you, he no longer had any distractions from you. “I love you, pet.”
“I love you too.” You said as he kissed you on the cheek. “You helped me so much, like that bad mood is completely vanquished.”
“Really, there’s no traces left?” He asked.
You sat up a little straighter so you could meet his eyes. “Yep, no traces left.” You picked up his hand, interlacing your fingers with his as you shared a smile. “You’re amazing.”
“Anytime, it’s my pleasure.” He said before giving you a soft kiss.
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 months
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Ah! A new pairing for me! Please enjoy some canon pining!
Prompt: Seduction - Mutual Pining
Pairing: Celebrían x Elrond
Words: 570
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Celebrían pursed her lips pensively.
The face staring back at her in dismay from the beautifully ornamented mirror—a gift bestowed upon her by her host—was not an unpleasant one, and she straightened resolutely.
She distinctly remembered her mother’s indulgently mocking expression whenever their conversations inevitably turned to Elrond; it was not uncommon for Lady Galadriel, a hereditary meddler, to take an undue interest in things that were theoretically beyond her purview.
“He seemed quite taken with you,” the beloved and dreaded wife of Celeborn had smiled, making her only daughter grimace in dismay. “I wonder why he didn’t…”
“Come to you and whine into your ear?” Celebrían had cut in ungraciously. “I’m sure you’d have enjoyed that.”
“Ah, pugnacious,” her mother had teased. “You get that from me, no doubt. Well, daughter mine, if those unconfessed affections I thought I’d sensed are indeed reciprocated, I’d urge you to make the first step. Honourable men can be…hesitant when it comes to these things.”
At that time, Celebrían had been patently unwilling to hand her mother so easy a win and had stalked away as proudly as possible.
Now, though, these words of wisdom echoed through her mind as clearly as at the moment they’d been spoken.
“Very well,” she said to her reflection. “I shall do what needs to be done.”
Pinching her cheeks—pale with anticipation—and adjusting her hair, she nodded at the mirror one last time and flew down the stairs to corner Lord Elrond as soon as he left the long, mind-numbing meeting he was presently attending.
No doubt, the endless, monotone droning of the other participants would, by now, have worn down his formidable defences, and she could swoop in when he was at his most intellectually vulnerable.
She would usually not have thought of herself as an overly vain creature, but she was purposefully wearing her most revealing dress and had cavalierly dispensed with the bejewelled hairnet she should have worn if she’d wanted to uphold the persona of the sweet-natured, patient maiden.
Hastening down a noisy hallway, Celebrían made it to the door of the emptying chamber just as Elrond stepped out, absorbed in a conversation with her mother.
“Mother,” she greeted cuttingly. “I’d like to have a word with Lord Elrond, if you’d excuse us.”
As soon as the heavy door was closed carefully behind them, Celebrían mustered up her courage and promptly crowded the visibly perplexed object of her unspoken desire against a massive table, littered with papers and maps.
“Milord,” she purred. “We’ve been acquainted for quite a long while, and I’ve been under the impression, at least, that you don’t find me absolutely abhorrent.”
She smiled coyly; maybe, that coquettish euphemism had been a little too much, but she was desperate at this point and refused to leave this room without having achieved anything.
“Milady,” Elrond exclaimed, shocked. “Surely, you must have noticed how ardently I admire you.” He fell silent, his eyes wide with apprehension. “Forgive my word choice—I was not prepared to—”
Looking at his crestfallen, flushed face, Celebrían suddenly felt a twinge of guilt for having seduced him into declaring himself before he was ready and comfortable to do so.
“That is well,” she whispered kindly, pressing a demure kiss onto his burning cheek. “For I have been waiting too long to hear you say these words. We share the same yearning then!”
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-> Masterlist
@tolkienpinupcalendar Here's another one from me <3
@fellowshipofthefics Here's some LOTR-adjacent fic from me!
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Yes doing a happy little dance. Baby I love you. May I request a a ran x female reader prompt you're really tight, you know. Pretty please with icing on top. *presents cake*
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NOTES: Ran x fem!reader, nicknames (baby, hun), SMUT
Ran let out a groan, shoving his face into your neck as he wrapped his muscular arms around your trembling figure.
"You're really right, you know." he says with a laugh, sitting up to admire your beet-red face as he halts his thrusts.
"Ran, I'm not exactly set for sex right now." you deadpan.
He had been so needy that he hadn't even bothered to prep you as much as he normally did; scissoring you was all you got, resulting in your cunt obviously having to choke on his size.
"you were such a bitch in heat you had to get all over me." you say, rolling your eyes as the man teased your throat with small pecks.
"mmm... not my fault you're so good for me, baby." he coos, starting us his thrusts again as he rocks his hips against yours.
You edge back up on your orgasm, squeezing his for all he was worth as you threw your head back against the bed.
"Yeah.... not helping, hun."
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Nature #4 with Curtis and honey
Oh I loved this setting for these two in particular. Thank you, babes!
Send me an Ask from this Smutty Locations Prompt list
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
As always this is an 18+ ONLY Blog
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Your face pressed against the cold glass of the doors leading onto the back deck of the rented cabin. Your face smudged against it as your eyes rolled back, shivers going down your spine as you pushed your ass back for more. The brightness of the snowstorm just outside glinting in the day's light made you acutely aware of how visible you were.
If you weren't arched to your toes, that sensation would have made them curl. You never let anyone see you like this before, except for Curtis.
A warm calloused hand grasped your ass cheek, spreading your cheeks apart while Curtis's slicked his tongue through your pussy, grunting at the taste of your swollen lips, all the cream escaping you that he couldn't get enough of. His fingers were buried in you, pumping in and out to keep you full while he enjoyed tasting you. "I'm never going to get tired of seeing you like this Honey."
He leaned back enough to admire you, your chest leaning against the snowy glass while your ass arched back, raised on your tiptoes for now to give him the perfect access to your pussy. Your muscles taunt and quiver holding yourself like this, but he was thankful you were willing.
Your pussy wept for him, even as his fingers continued stroking you. His beard scratched parts of you, making you all that more swollen and glistening in the light of day. The snow billowing down in large fluffy flakes, building high on the porch gave a bright glow to just behind you.
"Seeing me like what?" You whined, your ass wriggling just a bit to entice him back, which he ran a palm over, squeezing your cheek.
"This Pretty Girl, fuck you are so beautiful like this and all mine." Just his words alone made you clench his fingers, pulsing with the need to finish.
You felt heat creep into your cheeks, his praise making your belly flutter. A year ago, you were so scared to let him see you, last Christmas at the cabin you finally let him give you oral, only at night with almost no light so he couldn't see you so closely. Now you were displayed in the same cabin in the middle of the day, thriving off him being able to see, taste and touch you. "You talk like you haven't seen me before like this ." Granted you were still coming to terms with letting him see all of you, not just the parts you thought were worth it, but you were still scared of the day he might get tired of all your imperfections.
You felt him come closer, his breath hot against the base of your spine as he kissed there and then down your ass cheeks, biting into their fullness to tease you, making you arch again with a tremble. "Honey, every single fucking time I get to be with you in any way you want me to be, I'm gonna treat it like the gift it is."
His face buried back against you, his mouth sucking on your clit and you gasped, grinding against his face while your hands streaked down the cold glass, the snow in your vision blurring till it looked like falling white sparks instead of heavy Minnesota snow. "Curtis, I'm gonna cum." You gasped, hot breath fogging the glass.
"Please do Pretty Girl, that is my favorite part." His tone muffled in your pussy, his tongue lapping at your tender parts till you cried out his name, riding your high.
From behind you, Curtis grunted, his cock throbbing for attention now. While you shook and quivered before him, letting yourself lower back to the flat of your feet, holding onto the cabin's glass door as best as you could. His hand wrapped around his cock, pumping himself while he simply admired you enjoying your moment.
But temptation is too great and he wanted to hear you make that pretty sound of yours again. He raised behind you, his hands sliding along the fullness of your hips as he pressed against you from behind, letting you feel the entire form of his body pinning you against the glass. "You going to fuck me now Curtis?" You pushing your ass back into him, clear invitation for it. "I don't know if I can keep standing."
"Don't worry Honey, I won't let you fall."
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foreverdolly · 9 months
i will leave this statement here just imagining elvis jerking off rubbing his thumb over his tip...
excuse me while i wipe the drool from my chin.
i just know elvis was extremely vocal in bed. he knows what he wants and he wants you to know it too.
now imagine watching him jerk off.
i’m on my knees.
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