#sweetheart immediately runs in and asks if they can touch darlin and holds them and hugs them and kisses their head
whorefordarlin · 2 years
I am 100% unable to focus, especially when trying to focus on one project
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bumblepony · 2 months
For the touches ficlet prompts could I have hugs number 17, hugging from behind?
Thank you, @ameerawrites, for this lovely Tumblr prompt. I really enjoyed writing it.
Maria huffs as she pushes her locs back from her sweaty brow. Ameera caught a cold that was going around town, and Jack had pulled his back last week trying to impress some of the younger patrollers when getting off his horse. So Maria was stuck having to help in the barn. It's not that she hates working with the horses, but honestly, it's not one of her favorite jobs.
With a groan, she brings her hands to the small of her back and tries to bend backward just a little to alleviate some of the stiffness she's experiencing, mucking out the stalls. She hears two loud pops and gives a near moan at the immediate relief that rushes through her body.
She's just about to grab the shovel again when she feels a set of arms wrap around her waist and a tall, hard body press up against her back. She gasps in surprise and instinctively grabs one of the arms around her waist; she twists her body while twisting the arm, and once she's turned around, her attacker is facing away from her, their arm having been forced up behind their back. Using her full body weight, she shoves the unknown individual into the stall wall and holds them there by continuing to apply upward pressure to their arm and elbow.
"Shit, shit, shit. Maria stop, it's me, it's Tommy. You're gonna break my fuckin' arm." Tommy grunts, his face smushed up against the rough wood. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Maria gasps and releases him right away, stepping back with her hands in the air. "Tommy, oh my god, I'm so sorry." Tommy groans, turning himself slowly around and rubbing his elbow, with an embarrassed expression on his face. "What the hell were you thinking sneaking up on me like that."
"I'm real sorry, darlin' just was walkin' by on my way to the tack room, and I saw you here, and I just wanted to say good mornin'. Figured you might welcome it after last night." Tommy brings his hand up to run along the back of his neck nervously, a flush creeping along his cheeks. Maria feels her skin heat as well as she remembers the rushed sloppy kisses that they had exchanged last night outside the Tipsy Bison after they had both spent the evening dancing and drinking. They'd finally broken apart, and Tommy had walked her to her house, Maria had thought about inviting him in, but by the time they had gotten to her door, cooler heads seemed to have prevailed. Tommy had given her a chaste kiss before pulling away, tipping his hat, and wishing her a good night.
"Yeah, about that. I had a little too much to drink, and I think things got away from me," Maria says, taking another step back, trying to put some distance between them. "I don't think it's a good idea for the two of us to get involved."
"Why's that sugar?" Tommy asks, an eyebrow cocked in question.
"Well, first of all, you're too young for me," Maria says, waving her hand between the two of them. 
Tommy puts his hands up to forestall her, "Whoa, whoa, Maria, hold up. Just hold up. First, how old do you think I am, darlin'?"
"Your early 30s?"
"Oh, Shit, sweetheart, no, I’m 43."
"Oh. Well, then, you look a lot younger."
“Thanks for the compliment, sugar.” He smiles, then an idea seems to flash behind his eyes, and he squints at her. “Now just wait, how old are you?
“Same age.” She replies, pulling her locs back up into a bun on the top of her head.
“Well shit, that's good then, here I was, thinkin’ I was a dirty old man for bein’ interested in you. That one less thing to worry ‘bout.”
Maria waves her hand at him and tuts, “You can’t have thought I was that much younger than you.”
“I can, and I did, darlin’. Now I’m mighty happy ya ain’t because that means I can do this.” He steps forward right into her personal space, Maria automatically backs up and realizes that she’s right against the other stall wall. Tommy doesn’t touch her this time he just places one arm on the wall above her and leans in like he’s about to kiss her but stops a few inches away. “Maria, can I kiss ya?”
Maria raises a hand to rest on his chest. “Yes, but… did you learn how to do this in a book or something?” She waves at his arm above her on the wall.
“What do ya mean?” Tommy wrinkles his forehead as he looks at his arm and then back down at her.
“The whole put your hand on the wall and lean in thing. It’s just something men do in romance novels,” Maria says, trying and failing to hold back a laugh.
“Hey now, all my moves are one hundred percent Tommy Miller originals.” He huffs with indignation, but Maria can see a playful twinkle in his eye. “Now, can I finally kiss ya darlin'?”
“Sure, but can we maybe do it away from the horse shit,” Maria says with another laugh, and they both look down, taking in their location.
“Oh damn sure, shoulda thought of that before. How bout I help ya get this taken care of, then I take you for a bite over at the dinnin’ hall.” Tommy steps back and shuffles over to the shovel.
“I love every part of that idea, but how about after we’re done here, we go back to my house so we can shower this crap off, and then we can eat some leftovers from my fridge after I’ve thoroughly ravished you,” Maria says giving Tommy a wink.
“Oh, I like your idea a lot better, but I got one addendum,” Tommy says, dropping his shovel and sweeping Maria up into his arms, kissing her soundly as he walks her out of the stall. Once they’re both breathless, he pulls away, “How’s about we do everythin’ in your plan, but we skip finishin’ up here since this stall ain't currently bein’ used, and you already finished the rest. I happen to know someone who’s a part of the council and I think she’ll forgive us skippin’ this one for today.”
“You know, Tommy, I think you’re right. I don’t think she’ll mind us skipping this one for today. Now take me home, cowboy.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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We need more Dads friend bo nsfw 👀
(If you feel comfortable of course)
Dad's Friend Bo Drabbles! Thanks to @finalsquirrel on the last scenario idea!! Thanks for being a great friend!
Dad's Friend Bo Sinclair x Female Reader
Underthecut - NSFW, Oral -Female Receiving- DDLG dynamics (nicknames only really) Daddy Kink, Mentions of breeding and Creampie.
Ah okay so imagine Dad's friend Bo! Your dishwasher broke and your dad sent Bo to 'fix' the problem.
Bo spun you around, your hands finding stability on the edge of the counter. He hikes up your skirt, a whistle as he takes in the view, "Looks like little one here came nice and prepared for me, huh?" His large hand rubs over your ass and thong, he chuckles as you shiver, "Just one hand on you," He dips his fingers to your heat, he sucks in a breath as his fingers dip past the thong in your wet cunt, "And fuck, something really is leakin'"
You moan in protest, "That wasn't a funny joke, Bo."
He sneers down at you, "Well your Dad wanted me to fix a leak, he never said which one." He gets down on his knees, his hot breath over your pussy, "Now, your Dad trusts me to fix this for you, Daddy always knows best, right?"
Your pussy flutters at his words, legs shaking as he pulls down your thong.
Bo takes in the sight before him, your swollen wet folds just inviting his tongue in. "Now, you better let me know if I'm doing a good job," He takes one long lick from your clit, through your folds, tongue dipping into your heat to rimming around your ass, "Can you do that, Darlin?"
You moan as his tongue dips into your cut, it rolls around in you. He tastes you, deep moans as he feels your cunt pulse around his muscle. You shake and whine as his tongue moves, flicking over your clit, lips wrapping around the sensitive bud,
"Bo, Bo it's so," You throw your head back as he shakes his head tongue rapidly licking your clit, "Ah, fuck me."
He pulls off with an audible, pop, a large smile as you protest the lack of contact, "I'll fuck you, Darlin. Cute little thing like you needs a good fucking," He gives one long like over your heat, "But I gotta get this cute little pussy ready for me. Need you ready to handle my cock, hm?" He sucks on your clit, laughing into you as you let out a pitchy whine.
"Yeah, Bo."
He growls, sucking your clit back around his lips, his hands kneading your ass, "Ah-ah, that's, yes, Daddy."
A wanton moan slips out, legs shaking as he assaults your clit again with his tongue.
"Fuck, Daddy, more."
"Atta girl."
Bo watches as his cock fucks deep into you, your ass bouncing back against his pelvis. He bites his lip, hand snaking around your neck, pulling your face back to look at him, "Ah, fuck, Darlin, wetter than you've ever been, fuckin' on your parent's bed."
He kisses you, silencing the slutty moan that threatened to spill from your lips.
Bo's cock twitches as he recalls just before leading you up to your parent's bed.
He remembers, a smirk on his face as you ran up to him, arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. You quickly let go, not wanting to raise suspicion from your parents.
He sat next to you on the couch, his legs touched yours. When your parents stepped into the kitchen, he ran a large hand along your thigh, hand-dipped under your skirt. He leaned into you, whispered in your ear, "You go upstairs, I'll meet you in five."
Bo kissed you, tongue lapped over yours. He grabbed your hand, placed it over his erection, "Your gonna have to help Daddy here, gonna have to Milk his cock, little one." He kissed you to silence moan, "Go up, get that pretty pussy ready for me," You nodded, an attempt to get up halted be his strong grip, "Good girls like you gotta be put to use. Use that pussy what it was made for."
"Yes, Daddy," You whimpered.
"Good, get up there, gonna put my load where it belongs."
------------------------------------------ Your dad had you and Bo in his garage. Gordon Lightfoot blaring over the radio. A corona in your dad's hand and a Miller light in Bo's.
You held up the flashlight for your dad as he worked over the car. "Hold that light up a little higher." He asks. You glance over to Bo, biting your lip as he ran his hand up his thigh, ghosting it over his semi-erect cock.
You giggles as he blows a kiss at you, hands fumbled with the flashlight. You wince when you hear a thunk. "Oh shit, sorry Dad."
He shakes his head, "Ah, I should be used to that by now, just like when you were a kid, gotta get some ice." He steps out, tripping slightly over the old steps leading into the house.
You sigh as he shuts the door, a hand immediately over your mouth.
"Fuck, I thought he'd never leave," Bo growls into your ear, pushing his erection into your ass.
You pull his hand away, "Bo, he'll be back soon." You turn to him, hands resting on his broad chest. He pushes himself into your front, you gasp as his erection digs into your stomach. "It's too risky."
"Ah, c'mon now, little one, you know I have you well trained." He dips down to kiss you, tongue running along your bottom lip, "Slutty little thing like you." A deep kiss, "Can have you coming around my cock in no time."
Your moan caught in your throat as slams the hood shut, the loud bang making you jump. He lifts you up onto the hood. He fishes out his cock, "pull them panties to the side, gotta put this load in there, those little panties are gonna catch my cum as it leaks out of you." the moan that escapes you was low and feral, the heat rising to your cheeks had you panting.
He slams into you, an alarming pace. He places a large hand on the back of your head, the other snakes down to your front, his calloused thumb rubbing circles over your clit.
He snarls, "You better cum on Daddy's cock, better cum as I let my load into you. Let that seed take. Ah fuck, you're gonna look so good swollen with my kid."
You reach up to kiss him, a loud moan into the kiss as your toes curl, your legs shake your pussy pulsing around Bo's cock. Your orgasm has you seeing stars, ears ring as you lazily lean your head to the side.
Bo slams you onto his cock, your walls, pulsing around him has his toes curl, his knees buckle, his balls tighten as he gasps, "Fuck, baby girl, milk me." You both share a deep moan as he fills you, his thick, warm seed painting your insides.
He pulls out as quickly as he came, "Those panties, put them back over your leaking pussy, Darlin. Don't let Daddy's seed go to waste." He places a chaste kiss on your forehead. He staggers back to his chair, taking a large gulp of his beer.
Your dad enters, a wide smile on his face "Hey! sorry about that." He walked over to you, a pauses, head tilting, "Sweetheart, you okay? You look a little dazed..."
Bo laughs, "Nah, just the heat getting the best of her."
"Yeah, Dad, just the heat."
"Well, you can always cool off inside. There's ice cream to make a milkshake if you want."
Bo wheezes into his hand, he shoots you a look, hand hiding his eyes from your dad. He winks at you.
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pitaparka · 3 years
sex headcanons
note — NSFW. whelp. if anyone wanted proof of me being clinically insane, this is what you could show them. not only has all of my free time been devoted to watching anything with pedro pascal in it, this is also what i think about while watching these anythings. i know there are people out there who have loved him for longer and are even more obsessed than i, so i figured i would share my personal headcanons for the PPCU (pedro pascal cinematic universe, duh). big love for any fans of pedrito - nat
Tumblr media
- VIRGIN with a capital V
- did you see how he reacted when grogu touched his face? this man has not been touched since he was a child
- he grew up with the mandalorians but he was exposed to suggestive behaviors because, helloooo, bounty hunter
- you have to coax him into it, but it doesn't take much, since he plans on keeping you around long term
- plus, you're so good with the kid
- you provide him a safe space to explore both himself and also your body and he has no idea how lucky he is for it
- doesn't make very much noise, but loves to listen to you
- he won't last long, he’s so sensitive from years of going untouched, but this man's recovery time???
- unparalleled
- he also has the dick of a space porn star and doesn't know it
- but seriously, rice purity score is NOT lower than 90, and most of the boxes he checks are "running-from-the-police" related
- he really wants to be held and have someone run their hands through his hair and kiss his neck and hold his hands is that too much to ask???
- his words are where he gets you
- who knew dirty talk could sound so elegant??? and poetic??
- what a tease he is, too
- he pants so heavily right in your ear holy sweet lord
- and loves to laugh during sex
- he doesn't take himself super seriously unless he gets super into it, which has been known to happen from time to time
- safe words have been used between you two, which there's no shame in, but he's so good to you afterward
- he loves aftercare, and being gentle and sweet after a rough session
- asks you what you want and makes you beg for it
- makes you feel like you're in control but really, he's the one in control
- will make you cum before he does
- kinky kinky boy, almost always willing to try what you want him to
- loves to pin you down, but after he loses his arm it becomes a bit harder, so he settles for holding you flush against his chest as you squirm in his strong grip
- a little soft spoken, but will whisper in your ear in public because he knows it gets you riled up
- will stare you down from across the room with bedroom eyes
- he's got that pilot's precision if you know what i mean aha
- he's honest with you about what he likes and has no qualms about telling you up front
- gives off switch energy, but you're gonna have to really make it worth his while if you want to fuck him
- a very gentle touch, which he would love to be reciprocated
- he aches from years in the service, his back, his knees, his shoulders
- would probably drop dead if you gave him a massage as foreplay
- what an arrogant piece of shit
- "gorgeous, darlin', sweetheart, sugar"
- he will butter you up like a roll on thanksgiving goddamn
- so straightforward, and very up in your face, but it got you to sleep with him the first time you met him, so you can't say it doesn't work
- not the best with his fingers, but dear lord that tongue does wonders when he's not talking
- is a man on a mission to please you
- will spend an absurd amount of time between your thighs, and loves to feel you try to push him away when you get oversensitive
- loves it when you get feisty
- pull his hair, bite down a little harder than usual, push him down onto the bed or forcefully unbuckle his pants and this man will be putty in your hands
- is SO LOUD, and expects the same from you
- doesn't understand that because you're not screaming to the heavens doesn't mean he's doing a bad job
- associates volume with pleasure which isn't always the case
- that's something you'll have to work on with him, but he's a patient man
- keeps condoms and lube on hand at almost all times
- ohhhh boy is this man willing to go at it wherever, whenever, you name it
- will fuck you until he sweats, and keeps going afterward
- and will definitely do you right
- he fucks to feel in control, so good luck trying to take control with this one
- almost tries to distance himself from you at first, but really it scares him that he cares so much
- there's just something about orgasming at the same time as you that just makes his whole week, and your hole weak (ahaha)
- likes to fuck you from behind and fuck you roughly, hands both occupied at the same time, mouth on you, and dick inside you
- very hands on, but can be sweet afterward
- this man kisses like no other you've ever kissed before, he leaves you breathless
- leads by example wink wink
- will show you what he wants done to him, and is pretty vanilla, but in a good way
- is big on foreplay and also aftercare, probably one of the sweeter ones on the list
- he's almost methodical in his sex, very routine, but willing to deviate for you
- gentle, but deep, languid strokes
- thinks he's quieter than he actually is
- always has a lot on his mind, so he really appreciates it when you can ease some of his tension
- secretly was really experimental in college
- very attentive to your needs and likes to tease
- morning sex is his thing. when he gets home from a long day, he wants to eat and relax and sleep. but in the morning? before anyone is up and before breakfast is even being considered, he likes to wake you up with sweet bruises and roaming hands
- marcus is the type of man to respect your boundaries fully, keep copies of toys he knows you like at his house, and surprise you at work with flowers and a dirty quickie in the bathroom because you've wanted to try it so badly
- a more traditional way of thinking on sex, and semi-reluctant to do anything involving his ass, but will try it for you if you really want him to
- a very quick learner, this one, and incredibly intuitive
- what he lacks in skill he makes up for in enthusiasm
- it's almost like he can read your mind, when he uses just the right amount of pressure and uses just the right motion to make you cum for him
- you have no idea how anyone could give this up, let alone break his heart
- his favorite thing is having you ride him, your face buried in his neck as you grind your hips down as he whispers praise in your ear
- marcus isn't super kinky, but i'm sure you can convince him to try something new every once in a while
- "a private word with you in my office, please."
- so very seductive. the hand on the small of your back gets you going and he knows it, but he'll have to be more subtle if he wants to keep you
- another one who will butter you up to get you to sleep with him. he's very obvious about it, so it may or may not work first time. regardless he's up for a challenge
- pays so much attention to your neck. you will have to invest in many turtlenecks if you want to be with max
- big on eye contact, except for the exception of fucking you senseless over his desk
- obviously, a vampire, so he's absolutely magic between your thighs
- is very personable with everyone else, mainly because he's a business major, but he LOVES to make you jealous, this man LIVES off of it
- will one hundred percent expect you to be putty in his arms immediately, and treats it as a competition if you aren't
- he WILL take it personally and will make it a personal goal of his to get you to like him and want to fuck him without using his powers
- a game of cat and mouse
- does not care at all about being loud in the workplace, but he likes to see you struggle to keep quiet, even if everyone else can hear you anyway
- has suCH a praise kink wow
- his favorite thing is to hear you moan and tell him he’s doing a good job
- a little more vanilla than his counterparts but does like to take control and be a little rough
- a switch sometimes, falls into ruts where he just wants someone to take care of him
- but he WILL NOT ASK FOR IT. his pride won't let him
- at first, he’s not as mindful of you as you’d like him to be
- his sex is fast and unpleasant with hands everywhere and mouths and teeth and touch
- so you sit him down, and show him what you like. very slow and sensual
- you take your time with him, and he eventually starts to do the same with you
- remember din's rice purity score? yeah, oberyn's is maybe ten. which is pushing it
- when you meet him, he knows what he likes, and is very particular about it
- he's done his fair share of experimenting, but he's willing to try new things, if there's anything new to be tried
- takes control inside and outside the bedroom
- not afraid to show you your place
- he's the kinky one in the relationship, and he will let you explore his body all you want
- if he doesn't like it he will kindly redirect you, his hands on yours, stroking and tugging and redirecting pressure and placement so that you learn his body in and out
- loves to watch you with his girls and boys. what an exhibitionist this man is
- for most people, they have to choose between quantity or quality in their sex lives. oberyn martell is not most people
- he is a prince, and will not let you forget it, but likes it when you talk back and he has to punish you
- the roughest one on the list, but not the kinkiest
- sex to him when he's at his worst is just a way for him to feel good and relieve stress
- when he's at his best, it's a way for him to make you scream his name
- very possessive about what's his, and if he has to show it in front of everyone else for them to know that he will do it
- this man fucks like a rabbit. how does he find the time??? nobody knows
- his libido is so high. you have no idea how he isn't absolutely spent at the end of a long day of fighting and training and wandering, but he'll fuck you where you lay if you let him and you're too tired to move
- once you accidentally walked in on him stroking himself, and the AUDACITY OF HIM
- he smirked, groaned, and asked you to help him out
- who could resist a man like that
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warriorofdragons · 2 years
Mornin’ Moanin’
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (NSFW 18+ Only)
You wake up and without opening your eyes reach out for Cole. 
Your hand hits nothing but sheets, although they’re still warm. 
You open your eyes slowly and look around for Cole.
The light from outside is slowly starting to slip past the curtains, but your boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. 
You listen for a moment and can hear the shower running.
Slowly, you sit up and strip out of your nightgown. 
Then you step off the edge of the bed and pull down your panties and leave them on the floor as you walk to the bathroom.
You open the door and yawn, “Cole?”
His chuckle meets your ears, “In here, Sweetheart.”
Shutting the bathroom door behind you, you approach the shower and pull open the shower door. Cole’s back is to you as you enter and you sleepily wrap your arms around his middle and lay your face against his damp skin.
You feel his chest rumble with his laughter, “Mornin’, Sweetheart, everything alright?”
“You weren’t in bed next to me,” you mumble not caring that water is now pouring down your face.
“I needed to take a shower, Honey,” Cole says and you can hear the mirth in his voice.
“Nooo,” you whine.
“You don’t want me to take a shower?” Cole asks playfully.
“No,” you moan.
“No?” he asks.
“You didn’t let me finish,” you say.
“Alright, I’m sorry,” he says.
“No, not without me,” you say.
“I didn’t want to wake you, you were sleepin’ so peacefully, Darlin’,” Cole says.
“Not that peacefully, I woke up didn’t I?” you counter.
Cole places his hand over yours and threads his fingers through yours, “How can I make it up to you then, Hm?”
You think for a moment and then a smile spreads across your face.
Cole brings one of your hands to his lips and kisses it, “How can I make it up to my Baby, for leaving her all by her lonesome?”
“Fuck me,” you say quietly.
Cole turns around to stare down at you.
You look up at him and bite your lip.
He raises an eyebrow, “Did I hear you correctly?” he asks leaning down to you, “Do you want me to fuck you?”
The timbre of his voice runs a shiver down your spine, “Yes.”
Cole smiles broadly and kisses you.
He walks you backwards until your back hits the tiled wall and he pins you there. His hands slowly coast up and down your sides and you can tell he’s in no rush this morning. 
You drape your arms over his shoulders as you both continue to kiss.
Cole firmly palms your ass and kneads it, before sliding his right hand down between your thighs. 
He lightly rubs your clit and between your folds.
He growls against your lips, “You’re so soft.”
He circles your clit slowly as he kisses you and then his mouth moves to your neck. You bite your lip as his beard scratches against your sensitive skin and he starts to suck.
“Cole…” you whine.
He bites and then sucks and then moves to a new spot and does the same.
His left hand moves along your side and holds you steady. His fingers stop circling your clit and he slides them down between your folds and lightly presses his index finger into you. 
He slowly sinks it in all the way and rubs you from inside.
You open your mouth and moan softly.
And then he slowly withdraws his finger, and when he doesn’t immediately resume circling your clit, you whine lightly in complaint.
Cole chuckles, “I’ll get you there, Darlin’, don’t worry.”
He brings his finger up to his mouth and sucks it clean.
You open your mouth at the sight and gasp.
He closes his eyes and rumbles his approval, and then slowly opens them and stares at you. His right hand moves to cup your left breast and he pinches your nipple. He then cups both of your breasts and kneads them softly. The heat in your abdomen grows hotter the longer Cole continues his touches. He then moves from touching only your breasts to rubbing his hands all along your torso, touching every part of you available to him. Then he presses his firm, wet body to yours and reaches his hand back between you both to resume rubbing your clit. 
You pull him closer to you as you gasp and he kisses you again.
He rubs faster and almost gets you close to an orgasm before he stops for a moment.
“Cole…” you whine.
“Hold on a little while longer for me, Sweetheart,” Cole breathes.
He then reinserts his index finger and proceeds to finger you while his thumb circles your clit. You moan and melt under his touch and pretty soon he’s adding a second finger. You start drawing close to your orgasm and Cole locks eyes with you as you struggle to keep your own open. 
“There, that’s it, Sweetheart, come on let go,” Cole says softly.
You feel yourself clutching harder and harder until finally, you moan loudly as you cum on Cole’s fingers and your grip on his shoulders tightens before going slack.
“There we go,” Cole soothes smiling.
He leans in to kiss you and you firmly kiss back.
When you’re forced to pull back to catch your breath, Cole chuckles, “Easy, there’s more where that came from.”
You smile and lean your head back and breathe.
Cole gently slides his fingers in and out of you, checking to see how wet you are, before slowly removing them. Cole then kisses your cheek before slowly peppering your exposed neck with kisses. When your heart rate has settled down some, you shift your leg and brush up against Cole’s erection.
“Oh,” you mutter.
Cole chuckles, “You ready for me?”
You stare up at him and smile blissfully, “Yeah.”
Cole leans in and kisses you and then proceeds to rub his dick between your folds.
You groan loudly at the sensation.
Cole starts to push his head into you and then withdraws and repeats. You reach your hand down and rub your clit a little as he does so. 
“I got you, Honey,” Cole says replacing your hand with his, “Just hold onto me,” he says with a wink.
You bite your lip as you smile and nod, and then do as he says.
Cole rubs circles on your clit as he pushes into you and continues to do so once he’s fully inside you. With his left hand he lifts your leg and pulls out of you until just his head is inside you and then thrusts back in. Hitting you at just the right angle, you instantly moan. 
And again, Cole is in no rush as he slowly fucks you. 
You wrap your arms tightly around his shoulders as he works you both towards an orgasm. Even with the slow pace, you clutch harder and harder with each thrust.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so good, so good,” Cole moans.
You giggle and press your face into his neck.
You can tell Cole’s drawing close, because his thrusts are getting faster and more frantic, but he wants you to cum first. You moan out as you almost orgasm and dig your nails into Cole’s back, which spurs him on and he thrusts into you hard. You feel your orgasm fast approaching and then it crashes over you and you cry out. 
Cole bites down on your shoulder and moans against you as he too cums.
Both your bodies go limp after releasing all of that tension and you prop one another up against the shower wall. Cole litters your shoulder with kisses and then you grab his face and pull him into a kiss. 
You both catch your breath and bask in the warm feeling for a couple of minutes before Cole slips out of you. 
Afterwards he gently washes your body as you shower together before the two of you towel off. By then it’s breakfast time and you head to the kitchen dressed in one of Cole’s shirts and a pair of sweatpants.
“How about muffins, hm?” Cole asks pulling down your shirt so that he can kiss your shoulder.
“Muffins sound great,” you say tilting your head up to kiss him.
Cole starts taking out a bowl and the muffin tray and you start grabbing ingredients. He sets the bowl on the counter and sprays the muffin tray with cooking spray. You measure out the dry ingredients and add them to the bowl and Cole retrieves milk and eggs from the refrigerator, even showing off for you by cracking the eggs between his metal knuckles. 
You also add blueberries to the mix and stir the batter, and then Cole helps you fill up the tray with muffin batter.
Finally Cole sets them in the oven and you set your cooking timer.
“So what do we do now?” you ask Cole.
He smiles and steps towards you wrapping his arms around you, “We could go back to the bedroom for round two.”
You giggle and poke his nose, “Nice try, but you and I both know that these muffins will be finished long before we are. And I really want to taste them.”
“I really want to taste you,” Cole growls.
“Cole!” you laugh playfully and lightly push on his chest.
Cole laughs and buries his face in your still wet hair and then presses a kiss to your temple, “You want to snuggle in the meantime?”
“Yeah,” you say softly looking up at him, “I’m always up for snuggling.”
“Me too, Honeysuckle, me too,” Cole says.
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idreamofplaid · 3 years
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Summary: Cordell is a passionate man, but he’s a dad too. It doesn’t mean he has to choose between the two.
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Cordell x Reader; Stella and August mentioned
Word Count: 2417
Tags: oral (male and female receiving; squirting; dirty talk)
@walker-bingo Square Filled: Swallowing 
A/N: This works as a stand alone fic or can be read after Putting the Past to Rest and Quieting the Demons Inside as a third part. I see Cordell with the same reader in all three. 
Cordell kicked the door closed behind him while his hands pulled up your skirt so he could hold your ass and squeeze it while his tongue twisted around yours, hot and clearly seeking more. You lifted one of your legs,wrapped it around his waist, and he held it there. You could feel the bulge in his jeans growing as he hardened against you.
“Damn, baby. I didn’t know you could dance like that.” The memory of your moves on the dance floor at the Tumbleweed earlier that night served to stoke the flames of the fire already burning inside him, and his kiss got even deeper.
You reached for his hand, making sure yours dragged across his growing cock as you did. Your fingers twined through his, and you pulled your lips from his. “C’mon, cowboy. I’ve got something for you.”
You led him over to the couch, and he followed you like a cross between a puppy and a bloodhound that’d caught the scent of something he needed to find. You gave him a tiny push, and Cordell sat down on the sofa just where you wanted him.
His legs were spread wide, giving you plenty of room to lower yourself between them. The denim covering his crotch was stretched to its limits, but you’d help him out with that. You pulled his zipper down in a slow tease, then reached inside to pull out his cock. 
It was a thing of beauty. Cordell had a cock that men would sell their souls for. It was thick and long, standing proudly, and tempting you with the pre-come oozing from his slit. You dipped your head forward and licked his tip to get a taste.
Cordell closed his eyes and leaned back, stretching his arms across the back of the sofa. You closed your lips around him and let your mouth sink down over him. “Fuck, baby. That’s good. Your mouth is so hot and wet.”
You took him deeper in your mouth and circled your hand around the base of his cock to stroke the part that wouldn’t fit. Then he started to make those noises that drove you crazy. They were deep grunting moans that came from down in his chest. 
The pre-come was flowing into your mouth now. “Do you know how good you taste, Cord? I believe I could live off you alone.”
You felt his hand go into your hair, and you hummed with pleasure. You waited for his grip to tighten; it didn’t. Instead he said, “We can’t do this. Not here.”
You let go of him with a pop as your mouth left his gorgeous cock. “Cord, what are you talking about?”
He was already doing his best to tuck himself back into his jeans. “Kids. My kids could walk in any minute.”
The blissed out look he’d had from his approaching orgasm just seconds before had been replaced by a slightly panicked expression. You took off his cowboy hat and tossed it on the couch beside him, then you straddled his lap and started to run your fingers through his hair. 
“Calm down, baby. Didn’t you say Stella’s at soccer camp, and August finally got the nerve to ask out that girl he has a crush on?” You dragged your fingertip down the side of his face. “We’re alone.”
Cordell put his hands on your waist. His eyes still had that spooked look in them. “But what if the date goes bad and he comes home early? I don’t want him to find me doing...this.”
He looked up at you with those beautiful “I’ll be any damn color I want to be” eyes.
He was silently pleading with you to understand. “I want to finish this, Y/N. So bad, I do. I just can’t do it right here.”
You smiled at him. “All right then. Take me to bed, Cord, and bring the hat. I want that on you.”
He grinned back at you, grabbed his cowboy hat, and put it back on his head. “Yes, Ma’am.” Then he scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom.
When he put you down on the bed, you immediately went for the buttons on his shirt, opening them with an urgency born of being made to wait. “Now that we have all this privacy, I want to see all of you. Every muscle. Every inch of your skin.”
You stripped his shirt off him, flung it across the room, and ran your hands over the taut muscles in his shoulders. Cordell closed his eyes and sucked in his breath at the feel of your touch. “I believe we were in the middle of something, cowboy.”
You unbuckled his belt and snatched it from his belt loops with a flourish, dropping it on the floor. Your tongue made its way slowly across your top lip. “When I get a taste of you, I just want more. So. Much. More. Strip for me.”
This time when he said it, it was a whisper. “Yes, ma’am.”
Cordell started with his boots. Once his feet were bare, he slipped his jeans down over his narrow hips and down his long sculpted legs. It left him in only his boxer briefs, his hard cock straining against them.
You tilted your head and gave him a wink. “Those too.”
Cordell peeled off the last bit of clothing standing between you and what you wanted. You lightly scratched your nails over his chest. “Now lie down. I’m hungry for you, Cord. I want to taste you.”
He lay back on the bed. “Oh fuck, darlin. Please, do.” 
You hovered over him, blowing on his cock until you felt his body tense. “C’mon, baby. Please.”
“Well, when you ask so nicely.” You sucked him down into your mouth until his cock hit the back of your throat. “Mmmm.” You hummed around him. 
You ran your tongue up the underside of his cock, stopping when you got to that sensitive spot under the head and flicking your tongue over it. He’d grabbed a fistful of the bedcovers. “Fuck, Y/N.” 
“Does my cowboy like that?” You sank your mouth over the length of him again, moving your head up and down his shaft.
Cordell reached for your head. “Y/N, I’m gonna….” His fingers tightened in your hair. “Fuck, baby. I can’t hold it. If you don’t stop….”
You didn’t stop because that was exactly what you wanted him to do, shoot his load down your throat, and you were going to swallow every drop you could milk out of him. When he came it was with a deep moan and a shout.
Cordell made a beautiful picture, lying sprawled out on the bed, chest heaving, legs still spread, and his spent cock lying soft on his thigh. Miraculously, the cowboy hat had stayed on his head through it all.
You crawled up his body, took the hat from his head, and put it on your own. “How do you feel now, cowboy?”
Cordell sat up and turned toward you so he could run his hand down your side until it came to rest on your hip. The sheer size of his hands and feeling them on you could make every nerve in your body tingle and your core start to ache.
His eyes were dark, his pupils blown wide, filled with lust and satisfaction. He smiled at you, making those sey dimples pop out on each side of his mouth, and in his honeyed Texas drawl said, “I don’t think we’re done here yet, little lady. I believe it’s your turn.”
He took his hat from your head and flung it away, flipped you over on your back, and eased his hands up your thighs, pushing your skirt up as he did. “You have the softest skin, baby. You’re gonna get me hard again just touching you.”
“I have no objections to that. Your cock is beautiful.” You ran your hands over your breasts and down your stomach, then back up. Adding your own touch to his was heightening your arousal. You knew he was watching you. Cordell liked to watch.
You had to look at him, needed to see that intensity in his eyes that he got when he was watching you. He watched your hands move over your body, then his eyes fixed on yours, and he said, “Well, how about this?”
Cordell lay down over you, pinning you to the bed with the weight of his body. His mouth claimed yours in a searing kiss that left you breathless. While he continued to kiss you, his hand made its way between your legs. “Any objections?” he asked. You shook your head.
He ripped your panties from you, and the sound of the fabric tearing sent a shiver up your spine. Cordell moved down your body, opened your legs wider, and positioned himself between them. “I’m needin’ to taste your sweetness, baby. Need it bad.”
You put your hand on the back of his head. “Take it, Cord. Take anything you want.”
He went down on you like it was his personal mission and delight to make you come until you were weak. Cordell was a gifted man with his tongue, and he was using those gifts. He lapped at you, flicked your clit, and fucked you with it until you squirted all over his face.
You floated for a few seconds in the blissful feeling of being well fucked, and he hadn’t even put his cock in you yet. When you felt him hovering over you, you opened your eyes. “Cord,you’re going to kill me one of these days, but I’ll die happy. Death by orgasm isn’t a bad way to go.”
He was sliding his tongue around his lips, drinking in your juices that were still visible on his face. “Just the opposite, sweetheart. I’m gonna make you feel alive.”
Cordell was just as good with his fingers as he was with his tongue. You squirted again with two of his fingers buried inside you and the base of his hand rubbing your clit. Your arms loosened your hold around him, but you didn’t let him go. “Oh, God. Cord, I...I’m so….”
He licked the shell of your ear. “C’mon, baby. You’ve got one more for me, don’t you?” He leaned in close to your ear. “I want to feel you come around my cock.” You moaned in response to his words and the feel of his tongue on your ear. “I’ve got one more for you.”
You put your arms back around him. “Yes. Yes. Oh my Holy God yes.”
You could feel his cock sliding against your entrance, and you could feel his smile against that tender place just beneath your ear. “You like that? You want it?” His voice had gotten so deep you thought you might come from the sound of it alone.
“Cordell Walker, you know I want it.” You rubbed your core against him to prove it. 
His smile got bigger. “I know you do. I just want to hear you say it.”
Lifting your hips wasn’t working either, so you gave in. “Alright. You win. I want your big thick cock inside me. I want you to split me open with it.”
Cordell kissed you with his own perfect blend of passion and tenderness. “We’re both about to win, sweetheart.” He slowly took off your clothes, relishing seeing your body revealed before him. Then he proceeded to fulfill his promise.
The fucking that followed was legendary. If a porn movie married a romance novel, that union would have produced the kind of sex you had with Cordell. He knew your body so well, knew where to kiss you and when, knew how to angle his thrusts and adjust his rhythm to draw out your orgasm and make you scream.
The only thing better than feeling like your body was flying apart because you were coming so hard was seeing the look on Cordell’s face when he came. The feeling it gave you when you saw his eyes squeeze shut and his mouth fall open, knowing you could do that to him, was like nothing you’d ever known. And when it was over, he always held you a little closer.
It was like that now. You were lying in his arms, your head on his chest, tracing tiny little swirls and circles over his heart and his pecs with your fingertip while Cordell was combing his fingers slowly through your hair. You lay there in comfortable silence for a few minutes before you kissed his shoulder and moved to get out of bed.
As much as you wanted to stay there in that bed with him all night, you knew you couldn’t, not yet. Cordell reached for your hand and grabbed it, stopping you for the time being. “I’m sorry, babe. About before. Stopping you, I mean.”
You kissed his cheek. “I understand, Cord. You’re a good dad. I admire that about you.” You looked down at his hand holding yours and rubbed your thumb over his fingers. “You don’t want your kid to catch you doing that - ever, but especially not now. The idea of you being with any woman other than his mom is going to take some time.”
You kissed his cheek again and let go of his hand. “That’s why I have to leave. His curfew’s at midnight, isn’t it? That gives me fifteen minutes to get out of here before August finds me in bed with his oh, so handsome father.
Cordell watched you getting dressed for a few seconds before he got out of bed and started putting his own clothes back on. When you were both dressed, he put his arm around your waist and pulled you to him. “Y/N, I promise you’ll be able to stay the whole night soon.”
You kissed him long and lingering on his mouth; it was goodnight. “Don’t rush it, Cord. Your kids come first. When the time’s right, we’ll take the next step,”
You picked up your tattered panties from the bed, put them in his hand, and closed his fingers around them. “Why don’t you keep these?”
He grinned a little sheepishly and bit his bottom lip. “I promise I’ll buy you some more.”
You lay your hand on his cheek. “Oh, I’m counting on it. I’ll wear them for you the next time we’re...alone together.”
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @jules-1999 @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @dawnie1988 @volleyballer519 @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @lovealways-j @mrswhozeewhatsis @spnbaby-67 @wayward-and-worn @asthesunwentdown @thinkinghardhardlythinking @petitgateau911​
Walker: @lovealways-j​ @sams-sass​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @awesomesusiebstuff
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
off to the races - harry styles smut
the one where harry was your boss and now that he’s not...
Warnings: former work relationship, harry is known for sleeping around in this one, reader finds it hot and likes it rough, sir kink, smut in general
A/N: okay, so I ended up diverging from the original request because technically, she’s no longer his assistant... but the idea of hierachy is right there! Also, I ended up changing the requested daddy kink for a slight sir kink - not usually one I particularly enjoy, but for this one, it just seemed right 🤷‍♀️
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Harry’s P.O.V.
Such a pretty little thing. Been trying to get her in my bed for months, ever since she joined the company, but she swears she could never “sleep her way to the top”. I promised I wouldn’t promote her, she still didn’t budge.
I wasn’t greedy enough to fire her just to have her.
That’s why when the holiday celebration rolled around, I made sure to take her as my plus one, introduce her to Henry, praise her and talk her up. I knew his competitive streak would make him offer her a job. I knew she’d take it.
Because as much as she tried to deny it, she felt it too. That undeniable pull. That attraction that ran deeper than the physical, but was definitely dominated by it. And God, what wouldn’t I give to dominate her.
“Mr. Styles?” The way she tilted her head as she found me on the other side of her front door was way too fucking endearing. I could just eat her up whole. She was wearing a robe, I noticed - I knew it was late, perhaps maybe too late for a social visit, definitely too late for a social visit to a former employee, but I had planned this carefully.
“Forgive me for the time, you know how difficult it is to pry me away from work… And with you no longer there, I think this is going to become more and more common for me.” She nodded, adjusting the light tissue to make sure that it wouldn’t show more than she wanted - more than what was proper, but she bit her lip at the same time, her eyes running me over until they found what I was holding.
“Ah, yes, this is why I came. I have something to give you in celebration for your first day in a new company. May I come in?”At my question, she startled, jumping away from the door and motioning me in despite playing with her fingers after I was already there. I raised an eyebrow as I patiently waited and that seemed to snap her out of her reverie.
“Would you like to sit? I-I’ll get us some glasses.” I looked at the sofa but turned my attention back to her, widening my stance as I stood blocking her from the rest of my apartment. I knew I stood towering over her, but that was precisely my intention. I wanted to make her feel small, at least in the physical sense. The difference in our heights had always been one of the things that attracted me to her.
“I’d rather have something else to quench my thirst.” She knew what I meant. It was obvious, but especially for someone who knew me as well as she did. But I could see that she still held some hesitation, some reminiscence of the time when she wouldn’t do this.
So I upped my game.
“I can smell you dripping all the way from here,” I noted, grasping her by the waist so I could have her body as close to mine as possible. “And you don’t work for me anymore. So can I please, *please taste your pussy?”
The question made her shiver, and although she couldn’t meet my eyes, there was a nod. That was more than enough for me. So I held her by the back of her neck and pulled her up to meet my lips, while I fumbled with the silk covering her body until I could press my hand on her navel, wiggle my way between her legs.
“Fuck, darlin,’” I whispered as she desperately tried to catch her breath. “Have I always made you this wet? Did you have to struggle with this all day during work? Answer me.” My grip on her jaw tightened as my voice lowered, and although she gasped, I knew she was pleased with my dominance.
“Y-Yes, you made me wet all the time.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“I fucking knew it,” he whispered just before he caught my lips with hers again, swallowing down my moans and whimpers with a far too talented tongue that so easily made my knees weak. “It’s only fair, sweetheart. I was always pretty fucking hard for you.”
It was that confession, paired with two fingers that parted my lower lips for a thumb to find, that had me finally breaking out of my control from the pure need to have the man that held me so easily in his arms.
“I know.” I watched his eyebrows shot up as he was faced with the realization that all of those times he thought he was being so inconspicuous, only to call one of the random girls in the department to help him sort his “problem”, I was fully aware of the entire situation.
“You do?” There was a smirk in his lips now, replacing the surprised expression. It was clear that he liked it, he liked knowing you were aware of everything, including how hard he fucked your coworkers, now conscious that he was thinking of you the entire time.
“Hmh.” He looked about ready to devour you now, but just before he could, something made the predatory expression in his face fall, replaced by something soft instead. It made my head tilt to the side in curiosity, but he didn’t leave me hanging for long.
“You have to tell me if something is too much, okay?” His tone was so soothing, it was the only thing that stopped me from laughing at the silly preoccupation that had clearly decided to burden him out of the blue.
“Mr. Styles…” I ran my fingers over the lapels of his suit, hoping to give him the best sultry gaze I could muster while I whispered the words I’d been waiting to say for so long. “Do it like you always do. I’ve heard the other women you’ve fucked around the building. I want you to treat me just the same.”
I could tell he had stopped breathing, and when my fingers slowly inched under his work shirt to find his abs tense to the touch, he actually shivered. “I may not work for you anymore…” I stood on my tiptoes to say the last part of the sentence, making sure he knew that I meant every part of what I said. “But you can boss me around as much as you like.”
Before I could even comprehend what had happened, Harry had taken off my robe, stripping me and revealing my naked body to his hungry gaze. Then, he had me on the sofa, surprisingly not securing a spot by my side, but instead opting to remain standing, still fully dressed, towering over me.
“Be a good girl and spread your legs.” Despite the overwhelming desire that I felt to be absolutely and completely *ruined by the man before me, I was still inexperienced enough to feel somewhat self-conscious about following his order without any sort of hesitation. Thankfully, he didn’t hurry or seemed impatient as I slowly opened my legs and jutted my hips up, offering my most private part to him.
But perhaps I’d been too quick to judge, because as soon as I’d obeyed him, he knelt before me and pulled me down towards himself with a particularly harsh grip on my hips, until they were completely out of the couch.
“Put your legs on my shoulders.” That was all the warning I got before he delved right in to lick me, warm tongue suddenly everywhere as I wiggled under his hold. Immediately, I understood why every single woman he ever slept with was desperate to have another chance with him.
Harry’s P.O.V.
She was delicious. Sweet and creamy and everything I’ve always imagined when I licked into all of those other employee’s peaches. And fuck, every single sound that fell from her lips was just music to my quickly hardening cock. I wanted to bury myself in her, but first I needed to have her cum dripping from my chin. I needed her to cum for me.
So I raised one of my hands that had been otherwise occupied with her fantastic ass and slowly dragged a finger through the same lips I was licking, making her gasp and whine, much to my delight. “Do you think I can fit two in here?” I asked, already forcing two of my digits in. The moan she let out was downright pornographic, better than anything I’d ever heard before, and I just had to tease her.
“What? Does that feel good?” Skipping slow and gentle altogether, I started forcefully plowing my fingers while curving them inside her tight channel, all the while still licking around them and sucking on her little clit. In seconds, I had her cumming already, and I hummed in delight at the wave of her sweetness that invaded my mouth. “Delicious,” I commented when she finally stopped squirming, letting me pull away to bite on the inside of her thigh. “Could eat you all day.”
A whine was my sign that she would oppose to that project, and I had to laugh when she begged, “Please, just fuck me, sir. I need your cock in me.” Hearing her address me the same was as she did during work fucking *wrecked me. Never before had anyone done something similar - always too eager to try to fabricate a connection that just wasn’t there. And while there definitely *was something between us, hearing her address me like this, especially now that she didn’t have to, only made me even harder.
“I need it too, kitten.” My hands roamed all over her body, stopping on her breasts for a while to pull on her nipples before I finally managed to force myself away to work on my pants. And then I was easing myself into her, mouth open to release out-of-breath pants as I struggled to keep some semblance of control.
Y/N had thrown her arms over her face, covering it from my eyes, and I knew it was because she was suffering as much as I was to keep still while we both adjusted. Smiling, I captured her wrists to pry them away so I could see her again, before mocking, “Don’t be shy. I know you can take it.” 
She didn’t like that. She was determined to let me know just how eager she was to take every inch of me, and that much was obvious not only in the fire in the eyes, but also by the way she started to writhe underneath me.
Chuckling,  I gave into what we both wanted, starting to fuck her roughly and curling my hand over her neck, cutting off the air just enough to get her complicit once more. “I know, I know,  darlin’. I was only messing with ya.”
She clawed at my still clothed chest, holding onto my shirt as I filled her over and over again, paying attention to every little sound that escaped her beautiful lips. God, she was so fucking tight. And when I picked up the movements, fucking her rough and dirty, just like she told me she wanted, it didn’t take long at all to have her thrashing desperately, her orgasm reaching her like a freight train.
“You cummin’, sweetheart?” I asked, holding onto her neck a bit more tightly just to feel her pussy clench around me. At her answering groan, a stupidly satisfied smirk painted my lips, still incapable of believing this was actually happening. “Who’s fucking you this good? I’m gonna let you breathe, but only if you scream my name when I do. Do it. Fucking scream it.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I cried out his name as stars took over my sight. I had no doubt my neighbors heard it, but in that moment, it was impossible for me to care about anything other than the feeling of Harry’s cock as he brutally pounded me like he was trying to prove to himself that he hated me.
“Fuck, kitten. If you weren’t so adamant in keeping me away, I could have made you scream like that in the office, had everyone know you were milking my cock so good.” The thought of my coworkers hearing the sounds of our frantic fucking only served to leave me wetter, especially when his hand trailed down my body to find my clit engorged and throbbing for him.
“Just another one, darlin’,” he pleaded when I tried to wriggle away from him, too fucking overstimulated to take the added attention to my little bud. “Just wanna feel you cumming one last time, c’mon, milk my cum, cum with me.”
And so I did.
When his body fell down on the couch next to me, I looked down to see his cum dripping down my thighs, making me shiver as the realization of what we’d just done finally settled over me. I’d fucked my boss. I let Harry finally fuck me.
“Come here.” Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me on a warm lap before I could spiral even further down my madhouse of worries. “Just gimme a few minutes, huh?” My look of confusion must have been obvious, because upon looking at me he just chuckled, squeezing me tighter against his chest. “You didn’t seriously think I was done? I still want to fuck you, sweetheart. This hasn’t nearly helped fulfill my desire for you.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I resorted to remain cuddling my former boss, our legs entwined over my sofa as I listened to his heart beat right under my ear. I could get used to this.
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bbybrainrot · 3 years
Lincoln Clay SFW A-Z
- written with a chubby reader in mind, but that’s not the main focus at all.
!: possible suggestive themes. nothing too serious tho
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A= activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
When Lincoln does have time to spend with you [ Aside from any missions he takes you on] he likes to take you out to do things. He will take you to areas and districts he has already claimed so that it’s safe for the two of you. And then he leaves it up to you. You want dinner? You got it. You wanna go to a show? You got it. You wanna have a night in with just you and him? You can have that too. But he wants to show you off.
B=beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Lincoln enjoys his s/o’s shoulders/chest. He thinks that your collar bones are beautiful, and he enjoys a sweetheart neckline. When he sees you during the day, his arms always find their way around your shoulders. And at night in the bed, he wraps his arms around your shoulders and crushes you against his side. His face finds its way to your neck and chest by the end of the night
C=comfort- How would they help their s/o during hard times or when they need it most?
When you come to him with an issue, and it so happens that you ended up getting hurt or threatened. Then he handles the issue right away, he may have other things to do but you are at the top of his list. He will make sure you never have to deal with this issue again. If the issue happened to be more emotional, he may not be as much help. But he will hold you until you pull yourself together and assure you that he has your back.
D= dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
All Lincoln knows is that he wants you for as long as he can keep you. He will continue to fight to keep you, but he knows some day soon his story will come to an end. The thought that his life is not guaranteed is the only reason why your future is iffy.
E= equal- are they the dominant one or are they more passive in your relationship?
As much as my switch ass hates to admit it, he ends up being the more dominant one in the relationship. He leads the way day in and out. Let you know when to go and where. Stands in front of you when you go places, and nudges you behind him a little for most conversations. Checks in on you all the damn time, and does most of the stuff for you when at home, even when you insist you can handle it.
F= Flirting- how often do they flirt or tease their s/o? How smooth are they?
He is flirting with you every chance he gets. Sly little things whisper into your ear when you try making breakfast. Lingering touches when you begin getting dressed for the day. Filthy things said over the dinner table, just to startle you a little. Smoother than he should be. Every move he makes has the ability to lead into a quickie somewhere. A dangerous man indeed.
G= Gratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o does for them?
Lincoln is very grateful for you. He knows he can be considered scary, he hears it enough from the people on the street. But his heart swells every time he returns to your shared Apartment and all of you are still there. He Doesn't know how he would patch himself up if you were there as well, you keep him clean and healthy after a long day.
H=Honesty- do they have any secret that they keep from their s/o or do they share everything
Lincoln doesn’t talk about the things he did during the war, he will talk about his time, and about the activities he did with donovan. But he leaves out the gross gorey details, he doesn't want to come off as a monster
I=Inspiration- did their s/o change something about them or is it the other way around? (it could be personal issues or just trying new day to day things)
You have reminded him that there is still a little heart within him. When he comes home, he tries to remind himself that this is you. And that you love him. And he tries to put that hardcore, Sal killing mindset away, and just tries to relax
J=jealousy- do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don't think that he is given many chances to get jealous. I think he knows that the two of you are in a relationship, and I think that he would have trust for you. If he ever does get jealous, he will bring it up and maybe ask a question. But he really just wants peace of mind not to create problems for the two of you.
K=kiss- how do they kiss? What was the first kiss like?
Well for starters Lincoln alway kisses you when he sees you, and when he's saying goodbye. These kisses are short and chaste, just enough to give a taste of you for good measure. His other kisses are always more intense, his hand squeezing your waist or thread through the hair on the back of your neck, just to hold you in place while he kisses you. Breathes in the scent of you deeply and doesn't let you go until he’s done kissing you
L=Love confession- How did it go down?
He was hurt pretty badly after a mission. It seems like all the adrenaline shots in the world couldn't help his case. He was hurting real bad, but all he could think about was coming to you, and making you the last thing he sees, before his time is up. But your home appeared closer than he thought it would, and before collapsing on your doorstep he knocked on the door. [Ever the gentleman] And After hearing your concerned gaps and the watering of your eyes and felt safe enough to sleep. And when he woke up, the first thing he saw was your form right next to him. He had to let you know how felt, before he never got the chance again
M=Marriage- do they want to get married? How do they propose? Wedding day description?
Marriage may seem like a far off dream for Lincoln. The only thing he sees set in stone for his future is Sal Marcono’s death. I think Under different circumstances, with Sammy still alive, he would be a married man for sure.
N=nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
O=Obsessed- how protective are they of their s/o? How much are they worried about them?
Lincoln is as protective as one can be. When at your home, he is alway in the same room as you. He may be doing something like reading a file, or fixing his guns but his glance always finds its way back to you. When he is out with you he is your shadow, right behind you or almost flanking you. He worries about you sometimes, when he has to leave the area of your home, he finds himself calling you, or asking Donovan to check up on you.
P=PDA- are they obvious about the relationship? Do they talk a lot about his s/o? Are they okay with affection in front of others?
Lincoln does not just go running around yelling about you. That being said his immediate crew does know about you, sometimes with you coming with him on missions you run into them. Cassandra and Vito are favorable to you, And Burke is.. well.. Burke. PDA in front of the other is rare as when you two are out together there is rarely time for that.
Q= Quirk- some random ability they have in a relationship
Lincoln is just a little touch starved, the human contact he receives is associated with pain and lies. So i think he won't ever need any space, sit next him, on his lap, look over his shoulder when he reads. Just touch him he loves it
R=Romance- how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o smile? Are their ideas rather original or creative?
Lincoln takes any chance he has to be romantic.When he isn’t trying to get things done, he likes to spend his time with you. Dates outside of your home are not a common occurrence, he just doesn’t feel like he can really keep you safe. His romance has more of a catering feel. He shadows you a lot so you find yourself not needing to grab things or reach on your own, he’s already one step ahead of you. He likes to make you laugh by being his cute butterbean self.
S=support- do they push their s/o to do better? Do they believe in them?
lincoln isn't the type of person to get to involved in his S/o’s personal life, i mean we all know he is a busy man. If he does push his S/o to do better it's because he knows it's something his S/o is passionate about. He wants the best for you and believes in you as well, he just isn't overbearing about it and may need to be reminded to express that verbally sometimes.
T=thrill- are they okay with a certain routine or do they need some spice every once in a while?
Lincoln needs routine in his life. He has spent most of it away at war where nothing is ever the same. And when he attempted to rebuild his life the first time, everything went sideways. Knowing exactly what going to happen when he comes to see you is something that make him feel stable, and it is something that he craves
Understanding- how well do they know you? Are they sensitive to your emotions?
If Lincoln has committed to being your S/o then he knows you like the back of his hand. He knows when you have good days and bad ones and is always ready to step in and lend a hand
V=Value- how important is your relationship compared to other things in their life?
This question is a little tricky for Lincoln because he has a job to do . He loves you but he also knows that this is a thing he needs to get done. And in order to do that sometimes his job may have to come before you. In the names of people on his list, you are at the top. If you are not his first thought then you are the second.
W=Wild card-Random Fluff bomb!!
Lincoln finds great pleasure in being helpful towards you any time he can get involved in something you’re doing, he wants to be the one who helped you finish.
X=XOXO- how affectionate are they? Are they a cuddle bug or do they like their space?
Because he can always see you, he tends to be very affectionate with you. In his day to day life he doesn't get much healthy skin to skin contact, so any chance he has to get some love from you he takes it. He is a cuddle bug, when you take a seat on the couch he sits next to you but much closer than he should be. When out in public his arm finds its way around your waist and shoulders on its own.
Yearning- what happenes when they miss you
When he misses you he finds anyway he can to reach out to you and tell you that he loves you. He most likely has a memento that you've given him in the past that he keeps on him for moments like this. Other than that he gets really solemn, he punches a little harder so he can have a reason for you to clean him up.
Zzz- how do you both fall asleep/nap
When sleeping you both are engulfed in each other. His arms wrapped around you pressing you to him as tight a possible. One leg thrown over his side and your arms around his neck keeping him close to your chest. ITs hot and sticky and gross but you can hear his heartbeat and the sound of his breathing and decide that it's worth it.
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taylorsage22 · 3 years
Massage(Chris LaSalle x reader)
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You’d had a long, stressful day at work. You woke up late and therefore hadn’t had time for breakfast, so on your way to work you grabbed a quick coffee. However, leaving the coffee shop, someone bumped into you causing you to spill the coffee down your top - having nothing spare to change into - having to go back in to use the toilets to try and clean up your top as much as possible. Then, you ended up being more late and got a knowing look from your boyfriend LaSalle. Your rough morning had evidently put you into a sour mood for the rest of the day, you felt so horrible you even lost your appetite and kept getting simple tasks wrong, in the end your Pride saw that you were having a rough day and told you and Chris to leave early. All you could think of on the drive home was how tired you were and how much you just wanted your bed and your boyfriend to just hold you.
When you arrived at the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. you immediately stripped out of your coffee stained clothes and slipped into your favourite of Chris’s shirts and some pyjama shorts and flopped onto the bed. He was just laying in bed waiting for you.
You look up to him cause of the warm feeling of Chris’s large hands on your lower back, digging the heels of his hands into your back and rubbing in circular motions. The tense feeling you’d had all day slowly disappearing with Chris’s magic touch, you let out a contented sigh and let him run his hands higher on your back.
“Hey, sugar belle. I know you’ve had a rough day.” Chris says, still rubbing circles into your mid back. You let out another sigh as his fingers worked a knot, easing the tension.
“Mhm. Had a bad day.” You speak into the bedsheets, your voice muffled by the thick duvet.
Chris’s hands are working further up your back now, he unhooks your bra, gaining access to the broad space of your upper back and shoulders, massaging the area, the warmth of his hands mixed with the skill of his fingers felt incredible on your tense back.
“wanna talk 'bout it, sweetheart?” Chris asks while his fingers worked all the tough knots.
You explain to him how your morning went, while his fingers worked deeper into the tense knots, rubbing your back up and down with the heels of his hands, squeezing your shoulders when he comes to them. You pause every so often to let out small moans and sighs of contentment and pleasure.
Chris repositions so he’s straddling your legs, the denim of his jeans against your soft, bare legs only adding to the pleasurable feeling of his movements, causing you to moan again slightly louder this time. Chris chuckles to himself, loving how he makes you feel and the way he makes you squirm beneath his touch.
“Here, darlin'?” he whispers, while his fingers work a particularly tough knot on your lower back. Your back arches into his touch as you let out another sigh, shifting your position beneath Chris.
“Yes, Chris, please.” You sound needy at this point, your voice hoarse. Chris’s hands never falter, his knuckles work into the knots of tension on your back now, the digging sensation easing the pain of your stressful day.
Chris concentrates on massaging your back, relaxing you further. You feel as though you’re in heaven, Chris’s hands are warm against your cold skin, his fingers performing magic as the tension on your back gradually disappears. Your senses heighten slightly, you can feel Chris on top of you, you hear how his breath hitches each time you let out a small moan of pleasure - obviously this makes you moan more, just to tease him - you feel his hot breathe on you as he leans down. Chris’s hands lower down your back, he goes back to massaging your lower back, squeezing around your hips causing you to moan louder - he's also a huge tease - his hands travel lower until he reaches your ass. He begins to massage the area, his warm hands squeezing and rubbing your bum making you moan louder now. He breathes heavier against the back of your neck as he lowers his head to whisper in your ear; “I think I know of a way we can relieve your stress completely, darlin'.”
You whimper at this statement and squeeze your thighs slightly to try and ease the throbbing of your core. He really knows how to tease you, his hands still squeezing your ass whilst his lips ghost down your neck and shoulders. You move one of your hands from beside you under Chris’s legs, bringing it around to grab onto his hair, pulling his head closer to your neck - unable to take anymore teasing. He takes the hint and presses his lips against your neck, kissing from just below your ear to where your neck meets your shoulder, his hands now pulling on the pyjama shorts you’re wearing.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for me already, sugar'.” He gasps as he feels you through your underwear, kissing across your shoulders now. You whine from the teasing telling him “just fuck me already.”
Chris continues rubbing you through your underwear, feeling your arousal. You can feel his bulge against your thighs, the rough denim only adding to the pleasure of his fingers on your pussy as well as his lips kissing and sucking at your neck.
“So demandin', sweetheart.” He chuckles as he pushes your underwear to the side, able to access your cunt. He starts circling your clit, your body arching upwards, your free hand grabbing onto the duvet underneath you, your moans being muffled due to your face being buried in the covers. Chris loves seeing you like this, his t-shirt on, bra unhooked baring your back to him, shorts just under your beautiful ass and your underwear pushed to the side, giving him a lovely view of your wetness and his fingers which slide so easily against your pretty pussy. Your moans get louder as he rubs circles on your clit, eager to get you to orgasm soon. Your hand reaches behind you once again, pulling Chris’s arm as he continues his movements on your clit, he brings his other hand to you, inserting a single finger into you with ease due to your evident arousal. You whine his name as he watches his finger disappear into your pussy, hardening in his jeans even more, if that were possible.
“You like it when I touch you here, don’t you babygirl?” He asks while changing his position so that your legs are now on the outside of his, bringing your hips up, he pulls your ass towards him, causing his finger to deepen inside you; “do you like it when I fuck you like this?” he growls into your ear, you can feel your legs begin to shake from his fingers both stimulating your clit and fucking you.
“Yes, baby, fuck right there.” You whimper, grabbing the duvet with your now free hand whilst the other remains in Chris’s arm, your grip tightening as you feel the coil in your stomach beginning to tighten and your legs shake even more.
“Fuck, Chris, ‘m gonna come,” you pant as he continues fucking you with his fingers, rubbing your clit harder and inserting a second finger into you. He watches your ass bounce back whilst he fucks you with his long fingers, hitting the right spot each time.
“Don’t hold back, darlin', come for me.” His voice more delicate than before, but still holding a dominant tone. Chris’s encouragement of your orgasm along with his talented fingers inside you are enough to bring you to the edge. Your legs shake and you let out a strangled moan of “Chris!” along with a string of curse words while you come on his fingers. Chris groans at the sight of you coming on his fingers, he slips them out easily due to the wetness, after you come down from your first high. Red in the face and hair messed up everywhere, he loves you post-orgasm, he finds you absolutely incredible. Chris pulls your body up to his, your back on his torso and says, “open”, inserting his fingers into your mouth you lick them, tasting yourself.
“Fuck, darlin' , you’re so sexy. Can’t wait to be inside you.” and you’d moan because you can’t wait to feel him inside you either.
Like the gentleman he is, Chris waits until you’re fully recovered from your previous orgasm before he pulls off your pyjama shorts and underwear, discarding his own clothes shortly afterwards. He reaches into your bedside drawer for a condom, rolling it down his hard cock while you turn your head to watch, biting your lip.
“Like what you see, sugar belle?” He asks, cockily, smirking.
“I’d like it better if it were inside me.” You reply, just as cockily smirking at the way he licks his lips and roughly grips at your hips, pulling you back to him, legs on either side of his. He loves fucking you from behind, watching your sweet ass bounce back on him, watching his cock disappear into your tight entrance, he has access to your back and your hair, sometimes pushing your back down so your arms drop, giving him the perfect position to hit just the right spot inside you. Sometimes he pulls on your hair to bring you up against him, your back pressed firmly against his sweating torso, giving him the ability to fuck you deeper and harder.
He grabs your hip with one hand while lines the tip of his hard cock up to your wet pussy, sliding his dick through your folds, teasing you.
“Christopher, baby, please just fuck me. I need you now” you moan, fed up of his teasing.
“As you asked so nicely, darlin' .” He replies, slowly pushing his thick cock into your aching pussy, sliding in easily due to the wetness of your previous mind blowing orgasm.
“Shit, babygirl, you’re so tight.” He’d growl through gritted teeth, wanting nothing more than to fuck your brains out while relentlessly gripping your hips. He pushes further into you, causing you to moan and wiggle further onto him.
“You’ll be the death of me, angel.” He’d tell you whilst bottoming out, his cock filling you perfectly. You whimper as he pulls back, only to push all the way back in again. You let out an embarrassingly loud moan, but Chris loves hearing you - loves knowing how good he makes you feel. He grips your hips firmly, pulling you back against him each time he thrusts into you. One of his hands comes back to your ass, squeezing and rubbing one of your cheeks while he brings you back onto his cock, hitting you deeper each time. Your moans and whimpers get louder and louder as Chris fucks you harder and harder, hands tightening on your hips, grunts and groans becoming hoarse and croaky while his thrusts become sporadic. The sound of skin slapping skin, along with the grunts and groans from you two, can be heard in the room. Chris’s panting “so tight” and “shit” under his breath, the lack of rhythm in his thrusts signifying he’s close to finishing. Chris’s pants become louder as he nears his orgasm. He brings a hand around you to rub your clit again, set on you coming before him.
“CH-ris, shit,” you cry out as he rubs fast circles on your clit while fucking you fast but deep from behind, the feeling of his cock brushing your walls almost too much to handle. He keeps rubbing your clit while fucking you, chasing your high as well as his own. You collapse, your arms no longer being able to hold up your body while Chris thrusts into you watching your ass bounce against him.
“Baby, gonna come soon, fuck,” you whimper out, legs shaking from your fast approaching orgasm.
“Shit, sugar , I’m not gonna last much longer,” Chris announces, rubbing your clit harder and thrusting into you faster. You are both moaning messes at this point, sweat forming on both your bodies, your face turning bright red from the hot, sweaty atmosphere.
Your moans get louder, your breaths get heavier, Chris’s movements become sloppier and your legs get shakier with your orgasms approaching quickly and intensely.
“Chris, baby, I’m gonna - fuck!”
“Come on' , sweetheart. I’m not far behind,” he says, still thrusting his cock deep inside you. Moments later you come for the second time that night, gripping the sheets beneath you and clenching your wet pussy around his thick cock, legs shaking as he still thrusts into you. You let out a moan verging on a scream, Chris fucking you through your orgasm, his approaching fast.
“Shit, I’m comin' ” he announces, hips bucking wildly into you, he tightens his grip on your hips, his fingers digging in deep, he slams his hips into you a final time with a loud grunt, releasing his load into the condom. After you both come down, he slowly removes himself from you, you immediately miss his warmth. You roll onto your back, bra still on but unhooked, legs still quaking from your orgasms. Chris discards of the condom and goes into the bathroom, returning with a damp towel, cleaning you up before he cleans himself. He climbs onto the bed with you and pulls the covers over the two of you.
“You should give me massages more often,” you say to Chris as you snuggle up to him and rest your head on his bare chest. He chuckles, “Agreed'.”
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fairlyspnfanfic · 3 years
The Ties That Bind Us - Part 8
Summary: When your past comes back to haunt you, who will prevail?  Hunting had been your life since your were 4 years old.  The monsters that started you on that path were resurfacing, and you knew what you had to do.  But nothing is ever truly secret, and nothing is ever that cut and dry with the Winchester’s in tow.
A/N: This is a new one that is coming from a few requests.  I’m not going to post the actual requests because…well because it would spoil the story line and I’m pretty into this one.
Words: 2438
Warnings: Trauma, medical terminology, stress, hospital waiting room, all the angst
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I hesitated to open my eyes, for fear that I’d wake up and it would all have been a dream. My lips felt warm and pleasantly swollen as I reached my hand up slowly to touch them, keeping my eyes shut.  I took a deep breath and lifted my eyelids, coming eye to eye with Dean as he lay next to me staring.  
Sheepishly, I smiled and released a small chuckle with my fingertips still glazing over my bottom lip.  “Well,” I said meekly.  “Not a dream.”  His eyebrows were still knitted together as if he was unsure as to what my reaction would be.  But the corner of his mouth twitched upward as the hint of a smirk began to spread.  
“Kinda was for me,” he said through an exhale of breath as he ran the back of his fingers along my cheek.  I leaned into his touch, relishing in the delightful feel of his skin on mine.  
“How long,” I asked him.  
“How long what?  How long have I wanted to do that?”  He paused, leaving the silence pregnant with anticipation.  He let out a quick breath, looking to the ceiling as he thought. “Six years ago, St. Patrick’s Day. I told you to kiss me cause I’m Irish. You called me an idiot and threw a pillow at my face.” I laughed at his response. “Been hooked ever since.”  
I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks as they blushed and a coy smile wound itself across my face.  
“Or did you mean how long have I known you wanted me to? Cause that’s a very different answer.”  
I ducked my head down, attempting to hide from his view, and buried my nose into the crook of his neck.  “I mean, I’d be happy to answer that one for you, too, sweetheart but I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.”  His words dripped with sarcasm as he pursed his lips and left a trail of kisses from the crown of my head and down the side of my face, slowly pulling my head back up to face him.  
“See, when things weren’t looking all that great for you?  I wasn’t doing so well.  I wasn’t the pillar of strength you’re used to on the day to day.”  His face returned to seriousness now, and my eyes fixated on him.  “I kind of fell apart.  No, that’s not true.  I completely fell apart.  A world without you in it?  That’s not a world I want to be in.”  
I felt tears pooling in my eyes, but I held them at bay.  
“So, my baby brother, he decides he needs to cheer me up.  See, he yanks me up to my feet, slams me up against a wall and tells me to stop being a selfish prick.  Tells me I can help you by just keeping it together, by staying with you.”  Dean’s hand lifted as he pushed my hair gently behind my ear.  “Now I’m lost at this point.  He’s talking crazy and all I want to do is hide from the world.  But the big oaf that Sam is, he wouldn’t allow that.”  He leaned in towards me again, pressing a short, chaste kiss to my lips before tucking his chin over the crown of my head.  
“Instead, he looks me in the eye, tells me I’m a moron, and lets me go.  But not before just blurting out ‘She loves you, you jackass,’ and proceeding to lecture me about how dumb I am.”  The smile on his face is beyond genuine and my entire body feels as though it’s turned to gelatin.  “That true,” he asks me, his eyes back on mine.  The confident smirk on his face is betrayed only by the pleading desperation in his green orbs that are so focused on mine that I dare not even blink.  
Slowly, I nod my head, feeling that same blush rise in my cheeks again.  “Yeah,” I said, my voice cracking as I did so.  
“Thank god,” he breathed out as his lips once again plastered themselves against mine, knocking the air out of me as he slowly wound his arm around my waist.  He leaned into me, rolling me over onto my back as he rested his body on top of mine, his hips jutting against my own.  I could feel his calloused hands wandering; one tangled in my hair as his fingers deftly caressed my ear lobe as his other held our bodies closer together.  
I had wrapped my arms around him, clinging to him with desperation.  Dean pushed against me harder as I felt his excitement growing against my groin.  I broke our lips apart, breathing deeply as I lifted my hand to the back of his head, entwining my fingers in his hair.  He began grinding his hips against me; an act I longed for but subsequently found intolerable.  Shocks of pain tore through my abdomen in waves and I cried out, gasping for air as I ground my teeth together.  
“Fuck,” I grimaced, wincing.  Dean instantly backed away, holding himself almost as if he were doing a pushup.  
“What’s wrong?”  His panicked voice rang out as his eyes examined me.  
I removed one hand from his firm waist and grabbed for my side, desperate to alleviate some of the pain.  
“Son of a bitch,” Dean muttered under his breath, looking down towards my waist.  It seemed instantaneous that I sprang off the bed and frantically searched for the remote control with the nurse call button.  A few seconds passed and the pain had ebbed.  
“Dean, I’m fine, really.”  My attempt to settle him did nothing as I spoke to his back.  He was running towards the doorway now, yelling for help.  
I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was surely overreacting.  Pulling my hand away, I glanced down and took in the sight of dark red blood pooling slowly on the sheet beneath me.  “Well, crap.”  
Dean walked back into the room, a female nurse clad in dark purple scrubs in tow.  He raised his hand and pointed towards my wound, and she immediately got to work.  My gown was quickly pushed to the side as she took a look at the damage that had been done.  
“You’ve popped a staple out.  Haven’t seen that too often!”  Her voice was cheery and calming as she smiled sweetly at me.  
“I’ll get the doctor and we’ll get you patched up again in no time.  Good as new, huh?  How are you feeling in the meantime?  What’s your pain level?”  
“I’m good,” I answered simply.  
“Are you sure, darlin’?  You look a little flushed.”  Her eyes were intent now, taking in every physical cue that she could.  
“That, uh,” Dean began with that devilish half smile of his. “That could be my fault.”  He held up a finger as if claiming victory.  I rolled my eyes in response and watched as the nurse did the same.  
She turned her head to face him and took up the absolutely accurate stance of an angry mother about to berate their petulant child.  “You do know that she’s recently had invasive surgery, yes?”  
I watched as Dean shrank under the nurse’s stare.  He nodded solemnly.  
“And that a team of highly trained surgeons spent several hours fixing her up and putting her back together again with slim odds that she’d even wake up, let alone thrive and begin healing?”  Her question was obviously rhetorical.  Dean held eye contact with her and nodded.
“Yes, ma’am.”  He’d never sounded so young and childlike.  
“So maybe, just maybe, we can pause on the hanky panky funny stuff until after she’s discharged, yeah?”  
I stifled my laughter as Dean nodded again, and the nurse exited the room, patting his shoulder as she walked by; the smile on her face betrayed the entertainment she had felt at Dean’s expense.  
Dean skulked back towards me, lowering himself into the chair beside my bed.  The laughter that I had been withholding came pouring out of me, eliciting more pain as I again held my side.  
“Geez, Y/N, you’re going to open yourself up more.”  Dean placed his hands on my arms, attempting to hold me still.  
“Yeah, well. You started it.”
His eyes went wide with incredulity.  “How do you figure?”  
“You were the one who opened up first!”  My cheesy joke landed flat.  
Dean rolled his eyes, leaning backwards in his chair as he sighed dramatically.  “Good to see you didn’t lose your awful sense of humor.”  
I smiled at him exaggeratedly.  “I’m delightful.”  
He smiled at me again, reaching over and raking his fingertips down my cheek. “Yeah,” he paused. “You are.”  
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The doctors had swooped into the room, getting me all stitched back together in a blur of lights, antiseptic, and latex gloves.  The same nurse had accompanied them, insisting on administering more morphine when she did so.  
They moved me into a wheelchair as they waited for my bedsheets to be taken out and laundered.  I was struggling to keep my head up as I leaned my temple against my palm, fighting to hold my eyelids open.  I could feel Dean’s warm hand drawing comforting circles on my back, but my head was swimming.  His soothing voice rang out every few minutes, letting me know that it was okay if I wanted to fall asleep.  Encouraged even. But stubbornly, I refused, shaking my head and insisting on waiting until Sam came back.
It wasn’t too long until Sam peaked his head into my room; his long hair unkept and falling in his face.  
“Hey, Tarzan,” I mumbled, giggling at my own joke.  Both the boys stared at me quizzically as my eyes closed and I leaned further over onto the side, my chuckles growing quieter.  
“Tarzan? I thought it was Thor.”  Sam’s voice drifted in as if he were speaking through static.  
“She’s out of her mind on morphine, Sammy.  Don’t worry.”  I could hear the jest in Dean’s voice as he spoke from just behind me.  
There was a small hint of commotion as an orderly came in with a rolling tray full of food for me.  With my eyes still closed, I took a deep breath, attempting to smell my meal.  But my sense of smell reacted negatively as I breathed in the scent of hard-boiled eggs, squash and fish.  
“Gross,” I protested, grabbing at the wheels of the wheelchair I sat in and attempting to push myself away.  
“No. Don’t want that,” I murmured as I shook my head.  There was a strong hand grasping my shoulders as someone gently whispered in my ear to relax.  “Mom made me lasagna,” I groaned, as large tears overwhelmed my lids and began cascading down my cheeks.  
I felt warm fingers press against my cheeks as Dean’s familiar voice repeated my name softly.  
“Hey, Y/N.  Can you open your eyes for me?”  
I stubbornly shook my head, opting for the darkness my closed eyelids afforded me.  I could feel panic rising in my chest, and my breaths began coming in stuttered waves.  Sam’s voice was screaming into the hallway, demanding a nurse or any sort of help.  But my head was swimming.  I could still smell the garlic and tomatoes as the cheese bubbled on the top of my favorite dish.  I could hear my mother’s voice as she spoke with me. My father’s warm, teddy-bear embrace still ghosted over my arms.  But all I could see was black.  I longed for the comfort their memories had afforded me.  
“Daddy,” I mumbled out as I felt the familiar push of medication run up my arm as forced, restless sleep overtook me.  
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I woke hours later.  Days possibly.  The sky outside my window was still dark and the light in the room too dim.  Running my dry hands down my face, I pulled myself slowly to sit up in the bed.  The ache in my side not entirely unnoticed.  Every muscle in my body was sore and resisted moving.  I kicked my legs out gently over the bed, glaring at my thighs as I balanced myself on them with the palms of my hands.  
“Don’t even think about it,” Dean’s voice was stern as he spoke from the chair in the corner of the room.  I watched his arms flex as he walked towards me, squatting effortlessly in front of me as his eyes locked onto mine.  
“Back in bed.”  His words were stern, but his eyes betrayed some sadness that lingered on his face.  
“Dean?”  My voice was groggy and sounded foreign to me.  
“Y/N get your ass back in bed, now.”  He sounded almost defeated; an unfamiliar tone for him.  
I acquiesced and pulled my legs back onto the uncomfortable air mattress, keeping my eyes set on his face.  “What’s wrong,” I asked him. “You seem grumpy.”  He took his seat again in the lounge chair next to me, leaning on his knees with his elbows.
A forced, quick breath leaked through his nostrils, full of incredulity.  “Grumpy, huh?”  He paused.  “Can’t imagine why.”  His eyes fell to his hands, focusing on the thin piece of fabric that he was fiddling with.  He flicked his gaze up to me, following my gaze back down to his hands.  
“It’s part of your shirt,” he explained.  “Or, well, was.”  He paused again. “It tore off in your back there,” he gestured towards my side.  “Had to dig it out on the way here.”  
I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my surprise.  “I’m sorry, Dean.”  
He pursed his eyebrows and looked up towards me slowly.  “For what?  Getting stabbed?  Not your fault.”  
I reached towards him, surprised when I watched him pull away and lean back into his seat.  “See, getting stabbed? Hurt?  Happens to all of us.  But you,” he said, holding the fabric up towards me. “You were reckless.  You ditched me and Sam and did your damnedest to be in more danger than you needed to be.”  His eyes shot up towards mine again, that same pained sadness shooting out of his eyes as he let silence stretch between us.  
“And here, in this hospital.  Some of the things you’re saying, been saying.  They’ve got me wondering.”  
I let his statement stand, wanting desperately to not discuss the topic at hand. “See, I’m wondering if there’s not something you’re hiding.  Something you didn’t or aren’t telling me. And that?  That won’t work.  That’s something else.”  He dropped his head, clenching his hand into a fist as he held onto the scrap of clothing.  “So, talk.”  
To be continued….
Part Nine
Taglist (Tag requests are open):
@vicmc624 @waywardprincesa @heyyy-hey-babyyy  @carissime72  @deans-baby-momma  @formulafun  @woodworthti666  @yetanotherreader  @crashlyrose  @hobby27  @gabby913  @jxackles  @polina-93 @supernaturaladdictsblog  @fandomoverdose666  @deans-baby-momma  @deanwanddamons  @tazzi-baby  @acertainhero  @lilulo-12 @slamminmine  @mimaria420
(Desperate attempt to get my faves to notice me) @thinkinghardhardlythinking @smol-and-grumpy @wonder-cole-reads @watermelonlipstick @that-one-gay-girl @waywardbaby @luci-in-trenchcoats @holylulusworld @cockslut-padalecki @calaofnoldor​
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Rising From The Earth
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Series Summary: After months of trying, and several heats, and ruts, Y/N was now beginning her journey on her road to motherhood. All Steve and Bucky wanted to be is supportive and strong for their Omega, but life doesn't always run so smoothly....
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (the fun stuff that comes with that) Smut, Accurate Representation of Pregnancy and (eventually) Childbirth, Strong Language (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes
Part One// Part Two// Part Three// Part Four// Part Five// Part Six//Part Seven// Part Eight// Part Nine// Part Ten// Part Eleven// Part Twelve// Part Thirteen// Part Fourteen// Part Fifteen//
Part Sixteen: Endgame
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Chapter Warnings: Childbirth 
Word Count: 4.6k
20 Hours-Into Labor
With the help of your Alphas, you were able to get a few hours sleep. Every few minutes, you would twitch and clasp, Steve and Bucky’s hands as a contraction washed over your body. Each time, they would squeeze your hands back, whispering comforting words in your ear.
“Shh, it’s nearly over, baby.”
“It’s alright, we’re right here.”
Their reassuring tones, helped to sooth your tense muscles, providing you with some forms of comfort.
“How much longer?” you whine, curling inwards, as the pain was at it’s height.
“Soon, sweetheart, not long now.” Steve encourages, he moves off the the bed. and you whimper, from the loss of his contact.
He grabs another pair of gloves, and Bucky helps you to roll onto your back, you seize his hands, and allow Steve to examine you once more.
“Please tell me I can push.” you plead, Steve gives you a look of sympathy, as once again he peels his gloves off.
“Not quite, darlin. Your body will tell you when you need to push.”
“So how dilated am I?” you look up at him, and Steve’s sad smile drops, and a frown appears. “No.” you cry out, your head dropping to the pillow, tears leaking from your eyes.  
“You’re doing so well, bubba. It won't be much longer I promise.” You roll back onto your side, burying your head in Bucky’s chest. Bucky cups your head, and stroking his fingers through your hair.
“It's alright, baby. It’s okay.” Bucky just about soothes you to sleep, your fingers, fisting his shirt.
“So how dilated is she?” Bucky looks to Steve, who’s grabbing some towels from the bathroom.
“Still.” Bucky’s eyes widen, his heart ached for you, at the thought of you having to suffer another day of agony. “How can we help her?”
“There’s not a lot we can do, just keep her comfortable.” Steve sighs, “if there's no change in a few hours, I’ll call Dr Cho and Bruce, and see if they can help us.”
25 Hours-Into Labor
“Make it stop, please, make it stop.” you shrieked, as the water poured down your back. You were kneeling in your shower, Bucky supporting your shoulders, stopping you from falling forward, as another contraction took hold of your body.
“I would, baby girl, I would if I could.” Bucky is almost in tears himself, as the want to protect, and stop your pain, was overwhelming him.
“I want to get out, this isn't helping.” you use Bucky’s shoulders to help you stand, your legs shaking, as he helps you to wobble to the bed.
“Slowly, honey. Slow down.” You stop short of the bed, collapsing onto your knees, and placing your elbows on the mattress.
Bucky gets on his knees next to you, hand going to your back, trying every thing he can to help you.
“Alpha, please just pull them out!” You plead, the contraction, fading but not going completely, leaving you with a dull ache.
“You can do this, baby. I know you can, Alpha knows you can, and you know you can.” Bucky comforts you, but you just shake your head.
“No, no I can’t. I want it to be over.” Your body begins to tremble, Bucky grabs a blanket, to cover your shivering body.
“Are you cold, sweetheart?” Bucky begins to rub up and down your arms, but you push him away, your skin felt hot, but your teeth chattered. “Steve!”
You hear Steve’s footsteps, as he races up the stairs, he had just been on the phone to Dr Cho, when Bucky called.
He entered the bedroom, and knelt by your side. He tries to rub your back, but you squirm out the way of his hand.
“Don’t touch me.” You whimper, your fingers twisting in the fabric of the bed sheets, clinging to them desperately.
“Okay, baby, okay.” Steve sits back, Bucky doing the same, “I think you’re coming into transition.”
“What does that mean?” Bucky asks on your behalf.
“It means, it’s not gonna be long.” Steve smiles at him, it drops when he can hear you mumbling to yourself. “What are you saying, sweetheart?”
“Please...please...please.” You chant, your brain is too worn out to form any real sentence, the only word you can articulate is “please.”
“Please, what bubba. What do you need?” Steve tries to touch your shoulder again, and you fuss in discomfort, he immediately pulls his hand away.
“Please...please.” You repeat, pushing your face into the bed sheet.
“It’s not gonna be long, Y/N.” Steve tried to reassure you, he hoped that you could hear him, despite being in the full swing of transition.
“What did Dr Cho say?” Bucky looked to Steve hopefully, and that Dr Cho had given him some assuring words.
“She said we just need to keep her calm, all this is normal, for a first birth.” Steve, moved round to Bucky, and pulled him tightly against him, “we’re gonna be fine.” He kissed the side of Bucky’s head, but both of them became distracted when you let out another guttural moan.
“Ohhhhhhhh.” you groan out, Steve and Bucky were unsure what to do, having you just refused their contact.
“What do you need, baby. How can we help?” Steve questions you, but you are too distracted by the growing pressure in your lower area.
“I feel like I want to push.” you choke out, Steve and Bucky’s eyes going wide.
“Don’t push, sweetheart.” Steve grabs under your arms trying to lift you onto your feet, you howl in disapproval, “we need to get you on the bed.”
Steve ignores your pleas, for him to stop, Bucky grabbing under your other arm, to help Steve place you on the bed.
“I need to push, Alpha.” you wail, as they lay you down on your back, Bucky moving to your side, Steve grabbing another pair of gloves.
“Not yet, darlin. I need to check you.” Steve snaps on the gloves, and moves your legs apart. You scream as he begins to examine you, your contraction still very much in full swing, “shh Y/N, it’s okay.”
You can feel the stretch of Steve’s fingers, and you cling to Bucky in despair.
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here.” Bucky smooths the sticky hair that’s clinging to your forehead, pushing the sweat off your face.
“Can..I p-ush.” you stutter out, your teeth are still chattering, the pressure is overwhelming between your legs.
“Not quite, sweetie. But you’re so close, you’re at 9cm, baby girl.” you yell at Steve’s words, thoroughly displeased by his response.
You try and push anyway, but Steve can tell what you’re doing by the look on your face, and the noises you were making.
“Don’t push, Y/N.” his voice is stern, and he’s holding your chin, so you have no  choice but to look into his searing blue eyes, “you aren't ready yet. Don't push or you’ll tire yourself out, little one.”
“I have to.” you sob, Steve and Bucky soothing you as best they can, with there touch.
“It won't be long, baby. It won't be long.” Bucky whispers over and over in your ear, and you pull yourself closer to him.
The contractions don't appear to stop, there’s little to no break between them now, as they proceed to just roll over your body, without yield or warning.
“I don't want to be on my back.” you begin to sit up, without the help of Bucky and Steve, and shuffle your way to the edge of the bed. Steve and Bucky move out your way, but are on hand to held stabilise you, as you reach the end.
Just as you stand on your quivering legs, you feel one of the babies, drop even lower, causing another build up of pressure, the need to push, is uncontrollable. And against Steve’s request begin to bear down once again.
Steve can tell that you’re pushing, and quickly places you on the floor, at the foot of the bed. You wrap your arms tightly around Bucky’s neck, using him to lean on, as you push.
“Baby, are you pushing?” Steve asks, but he already knows the anwser, he can tell by the way your legs are trembling, that you are using some kind of force.
He bends down to look between your legs. He doesn’t need to examine your cervix, when the slight glimpse of something making it’s way out of you, catches his eye.
“Alright, sweetheart, it’s alright.” he moves your legs a little further apart, so that he has a clearer view.
“Y/N, listent to me. Stop pushing, and listen to me.” you can just about hold off on the urge to bear down, and tilt your head, so that Steve knows that you are listening. “You need to push with your contractions, otherwise you’re just gonna be wasting your energy.”
You nod your head, that’s in the crook of Bucky’s neck, your hands are grasping his shirt, his hands rest on your hips.
“Deep breaths, baby.” He reminds you softly, and you take a deep breath in through your nose. As you exhale, the sigh of air turns into a deep moan, as the tightening begins.
“Push, honey.” Steve encourages you, you tuck your head further into Bucky’s neck, and begin to bear down with all your might. “That’s a good girl, well done.”
You can hear Steve praising you, but all your energy is focusing on the job at hand. You finally stop for a breath, and you can feel Bucky’s lips on your cheek, continuing Steve’s soft praises. “That was so good, baby.”
“Y/N, that was great, honey. Just breath for a second.” Steve instructs you, and you begin to breath deep, you can feel Steve’s hand on your back, and it helps to sooth the nerves that are building. The feeling of both your Alphas so close to you, is making the pain just bearable. 
Your break is not long, another pain begins to build. 
“There’s another one coming.” you mutter, setting your legs a little further apart, before you tuck your chin into your chest.
“Okay, remember with the pain, baby.” Steve reminds you, before he cranes his neck, to peer between your legs. 
You curl forward into Bucky’s chest, and push with all your might, you can feel the baby moving through your hips, and it makes your legs shake with the effort. 
“That’s amazing, honey. Keeping going.” Steve cooed. 
“Push, push, push.” Bucky is chanting in your ears, and all you can do is focus on his voice. 
The pain eases, doesn't stop, but it eases off enough, that you know you can breath. You gasp, you can feel the baby’s head beginning to stretch you a little. 
“Is it coming?” you ask, halfheartedly. 
“The head’s right there, sweetheart.” Steve informs you, you feel Steve’s gloved hand, rubbing your ankle, encouragingly. 
“It hurts, Bucky.” The name caught both Alphas by surprise, they had not heard you call them by anything other than Alpha, in a long time. Their chests hurt at the thought of you being in so much pain, that you would call them by their first names. 
“You’re okay, honey. I’m here. Alpha and I are here.” Bucky kisses your hair, and you whimper. 
Before long, the wave begins to peak once again, and you grasp Bucky”s shoulders. 
“Come on, bubba.” Steve holds your shaking legs, it gives you the strength you need, before you begin to push once again, “good girl.”
You cry out, a burning sensation spreading from your opening. 
“That’s okay, baby. That’s alright,” Steve holds your legs firmly, as you try to close them around the head, “it’s just the baby crowning. Means it’s coming.” 
“It’s burning.” you whine, clutching desperately at Bucky’s shoulders, “it hurts too much.” 
“You need to push through it, honey. I know it’s difficult, but push through the stinging.” Steve consoles, stroking your inner thigh. 
“Come on, sweetie. You can do it.” Bucky’s lips are just under your ear, and you push your head into his chest, and you feel his arms tighten around you. 
“Push, Y/N. You need to push.” 
Taking as deep of breath as you could, you pushed through the stinging, legs buckling as you felt the head slip out. 
“Stop pushing, honey. Just pant for me now.” You feel Steve shift behind you, as he moves between your legs, to support the baby’s head. 
The need to push was over powering you, especially with the feeling of your baby being so close to being born. You tuck your head once again, only for it to be pulled back up again. 
“Don’t push yet, darlin. I need to check the baby’s neck. Just do your panting breathing.” Steve briefly explained, before going back to doing his needed checks. 
“I can't help it, I have to push.” you wail, the urge to push, was becoming to much. 
“Look at me, baby. Just look at me.” Bucky, catches your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his, “just pant. Pant with me.” 
You managed to copy his breathing, long enough for Steve to give you the all clear. 
“Alright sweetheart, the neck’s clear. Now you just need to do small pushes, baby. Small pushes.” Steve guided, moving your legs a little wider to give you some more room. 
“Just keep your eyes locked on me, honey. Just watch me, little one.” you hold your gaze with Bucky, and with his support you’re able to give small pushes, gently freeing the shoulder. 
“Atta girl, baby. One shoulder,” both Steve’s hands are concentrated between your legs, supporting the head and shoulder, that have been delivered, “keep going, honey. Just another small push then both shoulders are gonna be out.”
You give another small push, feeling the second shoulder slip free, you squirm slightly the pain intensifying, as you were being, what felt like, torn in half. 
“It’s okay, baby. One last gigantic push, and we’ll have our first pup.” Steve tells you excitedly. That was all you needed to spur you on, before you gave your last push. 
“That’s it, there we go.” 
Suddenly you felt nothing, like you were floating on a cloud, and for a moment the air was filled with quiet, just the sound of your heavy breathing. Before the peace was broken by the sound of a high pitched shrill. 
“You did it, baby. Look.” You feel movement between your legs, and you shuffle slightly, as Steve passes you a squirming pink being, through your legs. 
You clutch the squealing pink thing to your chest, holding it close to your skin. 
“You clever girl.” Bucky kisses your forehead, helping you cradle the tiny baby to your chest, “you clever, clever girl.”
“Do you want to spin round, honey.” Steve helps you rotate, so you can lay against Bucky’s chest. 
“Is it the boy, or girl?” Bucky asks you, as Steve grabs one of the towels, and rubs the baby clean, in all the commotion of the birth, you had forgotten to check. 
Steve helps you to lift the baby’s legs. 
“It’s the girl.” You feel your eyes stinging, but your tears don't fall in time, as you feel wetness growing on your shoulder, looking up, you see Bucky’s eyes streaming, tear tracks streaking down his cheek. 
“I’m so proud of you, Omega. We’re so proud of you.” Bucky blubbered, holding you both close to him. 
“I love you, Alphas.” you snivel.
“We love you too,” Steve sniffed, his eyes too are brimming with tears, but he knows he can't lose it yet, with there still one more baby, “more than you can every imagine.”
“Buck, do you want to cut the chord?” Steve looks to Bucky, holding the scissors out.”
“I don't want to hurt her.” Bucky shook his head, but you took Bucky’s hand, and guided it to the scissors. 
“Please Alpha, I want you to do it.” Bucky’s hands are shaking slightly, but with your’s and Steve’s help, he successfully cuts the chord, severing the external tie between you and the infant. 
“She’s so perfect.” you whisper, once you have settled her. Your stroking your finger down the side of her face, the baby cooing slightly at the touch. 
“She’s so tiny.” Bucky comments, he was right, she was probably the size of a small melon. Your Alphas could easily hold her in one hand. 
“Is she okay?” you look to Steve, who just smiles and nods at you. 
Your peace is short lived, soon you can feel tightening in your lower abdomen, that makes you groan, in discomfort. 
“I think our son wants to say hello.” Steve comments, noticing the way you shifted, and grimaced. 
“I think you’re right.” you moan a little. Steve takes the baby from you, and lays her safely, in a little shroud of towels, to keep her warm. 
Bucky grasps your hands, and kisses the side of your head.
“You can do this, baby. Not long now.” Bucky reassures you, Steve kneels between your legs once more, holding you knees securely. 
“Just as you did before, sweetheart. With your contraction, I want a big push down.” Steve directs, and you nod at his words. 
“Alpha can you hold my legs, I’m so tired?” you look to Bucky, as your knees go a little lax, as you struggle to hold them in their bent position. 
“Of course, baby girl. Hold my wrists, and I’ll hold your knees.” you clasp Bucky’s wrists, as he cups your knees, and pulls them towards you slightly.
You feel the cramping start once again, a small squeak escapes your lips, before you tuck your chin to your chest, and push down. 
“That’s a good girl.” Steve rallies, watching the second head, begin to peer through, “I see the top of his head, sweetheart, he’s coming.” 
His assurance helps to spur you on, and you take a quick break, sucking in another deep breath, before pushing down once again. Unlike before, you don't feel the shift, with you pushes. 
“He’s not moving, Alpha.” you shake your head, you couldn't feel the baby moving at all. 
“He is, sweetheart. Don't give up.” Steve rubs your inner thigh, pushing your legs wider, to give you some more room. 
You push hard once again, making your head spin a little, but again you can't feel him moving down. 
“He isn't, he’s not moving, Alpha.” you lull your head against Bucky’s shoulder, you begin to quake with exhaustion. 
“Remember, he’s going to be a little bigger than his sister, bubba, that’s why he feels like he’s not moving.” Steve reminds you, but it doesn't give you any confidence, “but I promise, he’ll move.” 
“I can't do it. I can't.” you breath, eyes fluttering. 
“Yes you can, baby. You can. I’m here. You can do it.” Bucky spurs you on, but you turn your head away from him. 
“Sweetie, look at me, look at me.” Steve calls you, and you dart your eyes down to him. “You can do this. Put your chin to your chest, and push hard.” 
You shake your head, but Bucky lets one of your knees go, Steve holding it in his place. He places his hand behind your head, guiding your chin to your chest. 
“Put your chin down, and push, baby.” Bucky coached, you whine, but do as he says as the urge to push, forces you to. “That’s my girl.” 
“Good girl, Y/N. He’s coming.” Steve reassures you, you can just about feel the shift, as the baby moves down little by little.
You gasp, when you finish pushing, Bucky relaxed the pressure he was putting on the back of your head, allowing you to lean back a little. 
“I can see the top of his head, baby. He’s got Alpha’s dark hair.” Steve smiles up at you, and you return it, tiredly. “Once again, honey. Big push, just like before.” 
With Bucky’s help, you press your chin to your chest, and bear down, the burning and stretching feeling returning. You jolt a little, the pain still being a shock. 
“Shh, you’re okay, bubba. It’s just the baby crowning.” Steve rubs at your ankle, and your legs begin to tremor. “You’ve done this before, push through it.” 
You cry out, but do as Steve says pushing through the stinging sensation. A small scream falling from your lips, as the head slipped free, much bigger than the one before.
“Okay, pant honey.” Steve advised you, his hands going to check the baby’s neck. You wriggle, and squirm, struggling to keep it together, the need to push overpowering, and the pain of you stretching more than before, overbearing. 
“Please get it out, get it out, Alpha.” you pull against the hand Bucky has cupping your thigh, and push agains Steve’s hand that sits on the other knee.
“Calm, sweetheart, calm. Keep in control.” Bucky holds you tighter, the hand that was on the back of your head, was now settled on your forehead, pulling you closer to him, “stay in control, honey. I’m here. You can do this.” 
“I can't, I have to push, I want it out.” you stammer, trying to push down, but Bucky stops you. 
“Not yet, bubba. The chords just a little tangled around the baby’s neck.” Steve sounded calm, but you could tell there was an edge of panic. Your eyes went wide, and you looked to Steve afraid. 
“Is he okay? What do I do?” You panic, Bucky grabbed your hand, stroking over it gently. 
“It’s alright, baby. Alpha’s gonna fix it.” 
Steve carefully, unhooks the chord, manuvering it over the baby’s head, and untangling it from around it’s neck. He does that twice more, before checking again that the neck was clear. 
“Alright, sweetie, give me some small pushes.” Steve says, letting out a shaky breath, “you really need to stay in control for me, small pushes.” 
You nod your head, and bend forward, Bucky’s hand going back to behind your head, moving you forward. 
“Gently, baby, gently.” Steve watches, as you give him small pushes, the head slowly slipping forward. “Such a good girl.” 
You close your eyes, and take a shaky breath, when you feel one of the shoulders slip through. “Ah.” 
“You’re okay, little one.” Bucky kisses along your neck, the feeling of his lips, cooling your hot skin. 
“Pull it out, Alpha.” you plead. 
“I don't need to, baby. You’re doing it.” Steve shakes his head, “you’re doing it all by yourself, sweetheart.” 
Finally the second shoulder slipped through, and you shuffled slightly, the feeling not comfortable. 
“We’re almost there, Y/N. Grab your knees, and give me some big pushes.” Steve commands. Bucky releases your hand, so you can hook it under your thigh, you pull them towards you, as Bucky holds your shoulders, 
“Push, Y/N.” 
You let a scream fall from your lips, as you put all of your last effort into this final push. 
“That’s our girl, that's it. Push, push.” Steve’s voice rises as the exciemtent of his second child entering the world, is about to reach it’s climax. 
Your eyes are shut tightly, all focus is on the baby leaving your body. 
Eventually you collapse back into Bucky’s chest, he wrap his arms around, kissing you all over your face. 
“You did it, baby. You did.” He says in between kisses, “look down, look.”
You squint your eyes open, to see Steve rubbing your son’s back, cleaning him of the blood. Your feeling of euphoria, is halted, when the baby still lays still, his skin tinged blue. 
“Come on, buddy. Come on.” You can hear Steve’s quiet pleas, as he rubs vigorously at his sons back. 
“What’s wrong. Why isn't he crying?” you mumble, you can feel Bucky’s heart hammering against your back. 
Steve doesn't answer you, and instead continues to rub the boy with the towel, trying everything. 
“Alpha, what’s wrong. What’s wrong. Tell me what’s wrong.” you cry in distress. 
“Shh, it’s alright, baby. Alpha’s just cleaning him up.” Bucky pulls your eyes from the limp child in Steve’s hands. 
You sob into Bucky’s neck, your heart being ripped in two.
However, your sobs are interrupted by the piercing, cry of the small bundle. Your eyes snapping to the slightly blue skinned baby. 
“He’s alright, sweetheart, he just wanted to give us a little freight.” Steve lifts the baby, onto your chest, and you didn't think you had held anything so tightly. 
“My boy, my boy.” you repeat, in shock and overwhelming love, “you’re okay. Alpha, he’s okay.” you look to Bucky, who once again has broken into sobs, of happiness. 
“He’s beautiful, they both are.” Bucky glances over to the corner, where your daughter now lays sleeping soundly. 
Steve cuts the chord, and wraps at towel around both of you, keeping you both warm. He begins to rub at your abdomen, causing cramps to begin again. 
“I can't do any more.” you confirm, eyes fluttering once again with tiredness. 
“Just small pushes, sweetie. We need to get the placentas and then you’re completely finished.” Steve confirms, massaging your lower half. 
You give some feeble pushes, and before long, you had delivered both of the babies placentas. Your Alphas had moved you onto the bed, Bucky still sat behind you, you rested against his chest, both of your babies are curled up on your chest. Steve sat in front of you, watching you mothering the infants. 
“So...what have we decided?” Bucky brushes the hair from your forehead, and you look to him, with a questionable expression. 
“What do you mean?” you ask. 
“What are we gonna call them?” Bucky places a small kiss on his daughters forehead, before rubbing over the blonde fuzz, that sprouted from her head. 
“Well...I thought for the girl, the name Poppy Sarah incorporated both of your lives.” you smiled at Steve, who’s lips twitched a little, his eyes going a little glossy. 
“It’s beautiful.” Bucky complimented, kissing you cheek.
Steve clutched your hand, and you gave his a squeeze back, “a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl.” 
“And what about our boy.” Bucky’s thumb rubbed over the large tufted of brown hair. 
“Well it’s a name I found ages ago, but I wasn’t sure whether it was too much to bestow on such a little baby, but...” you look down at the baby in your arms, who’s piercing blue eyes are fixed on your’s, “after what he’s been through I think it’s quite fitting.” 
“What is it?” Steve moves closer, so he can rub over the baby’s back.
“Finian, it means handsome warrior.” you smile at Steve, “Finian Jacob. Like you said he is a big boy.” you laugh, and the two men chuckle softly. 
“I love it.” Steve praises, and you give him a watery smile. 
“Welcome to the world Finian Jacob. You’re gonna be trouble, I just know it.” Bucky jokes, kissing the top of the boy’s head.
Steve moves so that he is laying next to you and Bucky, and he places his arm over the two bundles. He leans over, and kisses them both softly on their heads. 
“Hello, Poppy and Fin, we love you so much already, you can't even begin to imagine.” You push your forehead into Steve’s and he does the same to you, you rub your nose with his, before he kisses your lips softly. 
“I’ve never been more proud of anyone, in my entire life. You did the best job ever, and gave us the greatest gift, of all. We love you, Y/N.” Bucky turns your head, so he can kiss your lips as well. “You’re our Endgame, honey.”
“That’s good,” you smile, “because I’m with you till the end of the line.” 
A/N: Annnnnnnd that’s a wrap! I’ve loved every minute of writing this story, the response from you guys, and the support you’ve given me, is incredibly, and I’m soooo grateful, thank you so much for all your kind words. 
My next story, will not be following on from Rising, but will be a new book, with a new story. But I won't say I won't be coming back to see little Fin and Poppy in the future.
This isn't the end, only goodbye!!
@mikariell95​​ @sexyvixen7​​ @booboobella01​​ @rororo06​​ @vickstaahh​​ @krazykatkay456​​ @winchester-wifey​​ @nightlygiggles​​ @coonflix​​ @broco8​​ @animegirlgeeky​​ @amanda-the-fangirl​​ @brunettebabylou @flyaway1221​​ @frozenhuntress67​​ @colourforanamee​​ @bisexualbaby2001​​ @dottirose​​ @captainchrisstan​​ @lemonadygirl​​ @lolwelcome​​​ @im-dracos-thotter 
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shoutogepi · 4 years
No Touching
Kirishima Eijirou
word count : 4.3K of S M U T (seriously 98% smut)
[ ✘ (nsfw!) ]  
themes : sub!kiri, dom!reader, thigh riding, ball gag and cock ring nastiness
bio : You finally give in to the desires of your favorite client, Red Riot... Not that you’re complaining though.
author’s note : ya so i said i was writing something sinful (shouto smut on hold for the moment) and uhh well this certainly qualifies lmao. ALSO go easy on me please this is my first Kiri fic and I tried my best to do him justice :’(
tagging : @lildreamer93 ty for supporting me 🥰
also available on AO3 here
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅂weat drips down the prominent contours of Red Riot’s chest, the broad muscles jumping in shock at the cold and harsh snap of the clips. His nipples stand out as his back arches off the back of the chair, shoving his thick pectorals into your face. He whimpers out a low moan as your finger gently tugs at the chain connecting the clamps latched onto his sensitive chest. His thighs press together, creating the friction his throbbing cock so desperately desires.
“Y-Y/N,” he grumbles, his crimson eyes flashing briefly at your wicked gaze.
“Tsk tsk tsk, you know better than to call me that, Red.” The words taste so right rolling off your sultry tongue, and the way the number six hero’s eyes roll back as they shut sends your confidence through the roof.
He gasps as your fist squeezes his cock, this being the first time you’ve touched him so directly all night. Your heavy breath on his moist skin makes his legs shake slightly, and he throws his head back over the top of the chair when your hand glides down his shaft, maintaining your tight grip. His cock glistens with your spit and his precum, which has continued to dribble out of his aching slit since you’d begun your teasing long ago.
Sucking the chain into your mouth, you gently rear your head back so the clamps pull on his tender buds. The new position allows you to greedily soak up the way his chest puffs and falls at a quickening rate, his eyebrows scrunched in pleasure. A trickle of blood runs down his chin, his sharp teeth tucked into his bottom lip frantically. He wiggles his hips ever so slightly, hoping you won’t notice how he subtly tries to quicken the pace you’re jerking his dick to. His fingers stab into the meat of his outer thighs, trying to restrain himself from reaching out and touching you.
As his inner battle ensues, you take your time playing with his swollen cock. Gliding your fingers over the protruding veins that decorate his length, squeezing his balls just hard enough to make him shift in his seat— oh god, you love the expressions that fluctuate on his handsome face. It’s partly why he’s your favorite patron.
Sure, being a high end dominatrix has its ups and downs. Sometimes you’d get stuck with a disgusting politician, and sometimes you’d have the pleasure of spending your evening with a top hero. Many a hero had paid for a night with you, and after some time you were able to make your living off of your handful of regulars. You were no virgin to teasing men to their wits’ end, but every time your hands were on your favorite crimson client, you couldn’t help but feel sinful butterflies in your stomach.
But it was dangerous playing with a man who blazed as bright as his fiery red locks. He was dangerous. He was dangerous in the sense that always at the peak of your nights with him, you’d find yourself wondering what would happen if you broke the rules.
“Stop squirming so much,” you instruct, and although a loud whine escapes him, his body instantly stills to follow your command. His eyes slit open as your hand leaves his dick, sagging slightly in his seat in a mixture of disappointment and relief that you had stopped. “Stay,” you demand, winking at his longing gaze.
You saunter over to the vanity, ass pushed out to bend your spine just the way he likes. Your manicured fingernail drags along the drawers, and you enjoy the feeling of his hot eyes glued to your every motion. Opening the top drawer, you search for the items you’d come over here for. Your smile only widens as you recognize the smooth plastics, and you make sure to keep the various items out of Kirishima’s sight as you take it out of the drawer. Reaching out to grab a container of lube perched at the top of the shelf, you gasp as you knock the container onto the floor.
“Clumsy me,” you purr, watching the redhead’s eyes ignite with renewed interest as you lean down to retrieve the bottle. Your tiny little skirt does nothing to cover the ruby red thong that slips between your cheeks, and a broken moan erupts from the hero across the room. Your hand slides up to grip one of your ass cheeks, pulling apart and almost revealing your needy holes.
But you know just how far to spread— and much to Kirishima’s chagrin, he can only see the tiniest glimpse of your sex before you stand upright again.
When you come closer to him, you can see how you’ve affected him. His cock is angry— thick and red and twitching impatiently against his taut stomach. The emotions swirling within his scarlet gaze makes your pussy flutter, and a slight blush rises to your cheeks even though you’re the one in control here.
“My favorite panties, darlin’? You’re always so considerate of me.” His gravelly voice causes shivers to shoot down your spine. His eyes fixed on yours, the corner of his mouth twitches up as you draw nearer, a full smirk on his face as you sink to your knees between his legs. His length jumps eagerly at your proximity, a puff of hot air washing over your face as he exhales.
“Do you like them, Red?” You inquire, but it sounds more like a taunt. You deposit the plastic items on the floor underneath his chair, keeping them out of view. His thighs jerk roughly as your palms lay against the skin there, your fingernails tickling his flesh.
He gulps, his cocky grin faltering as your fingers slide upwards toward his erect cock. “I didn’t get a very good look at ‘em sweetheart. Be a doll and ‘gimme a refresher?” His voice is softer this time, but it still has that Red Riot edge to it. He knows he is not in a position to make requests, but fuck all if he’s not going to try and see your perfect body again.
His heart slams against his ribs at the bright smile that splits your lips. “Hmm, I ‘dunno, Eiji,” you tantalize, ecstatic at the loud groan he releases. His name falling from your pouty lips makes his eyes roll back, his fingers cutting into his palms as he clenches his fists. “You didn’t even say please.”
Drawing fresh air into his lungs, Kirishima licks his lips as you push yourself to stand halfway upright, your face dangling just a short distance from his. Oh, how much he’d pay to lean in and taste your mischievous lips. Your hands still on his thighs, his body trembles at your closeness. “Please, baby, ‘lemme see those panties,” he begs, his voice crackling slightly in desperation. His brows cinched and his eyelids half-lidded, his teeth grind together as he grovels.
You lean in, and his eyes dart south to analyze your breasts for a moment before he looks back at your face in flustered surprise. “You’re such a naughty boy,” you moan, smiling at how his cock jolts upright, standing vertically as if saluting you. “Only ‘cause you asked so nicely.”
You turn around and the sound of Kirishima’s sharp inhale makes the corners of your lips curl into a satisfied smirk. Your ass meets his thighs, cunt placed strategically in between so he doesn’t get the pleasure of feeling your wetness. Of course you’re turned on, but you must comply with those infernal fucking rules.
Kirishima groans unabashedly as you grind your ass against his thighs. He’d visited you many nights before, but this was the first time he’d felt the silky skin of your ass and thighs on his own, and the sensation only makes his aching cock impossibly harder. Twisting your back, you turn your face so you can watch his expression. His eyes are scrunched shut and more blood trails down his chin as he bites his lip so hard his teeth stab into himself. His fists are clenched so tightly beside his thighs that they’re white and trembling, and it seems like he’s too tense to even take in a breath of air.
“Eiji,” you whimper and he immediately opens his eyes, his pupils blown out. “Don’t you wanna see ‘em again?” His gaze remains on your eyes for a moment before he realizes one of your hands is lifting up the back of your skirt, presenting your ass and that delicious sliver of carmine lace that disappears between your cheeks. Your ass jiggles slightly as you drag yourself along his thighs, and he nearly explodes as he watches your asshole pucker underneath the mesh fabric.
“F-fuck, Y/N,” he gasps, finally releasing his poor bottom lip from his pointy teeth’s hold. Your sweet skin on his is too much— infinitely better than the meager scraps his imagination had conjured up all those late nights when he would return home from your workplace. Even though you’d always get him off, he’d find himself hard and ready to go again as he’d replay the hours you’d spent with him in his head. Of course he’d jerked himself off to the thought of finally fucking you, but he would never force you into something you were uncomfortable doing. And then, of course there were those forsaken boundaries with your job, which he ruefully reminds himself of with every roll of your hips.
Kirishima cries out at the loss of your touch, desperate to have your skin on his. The contact was much too brief after all his pent up imaginations had run so wild. A foxy frown is on your pursed lips as you turn around, sinking back to your knees between his legs. “Red,” your tone is low and oozing with lust, and even though he’s being admonished he can’t help but leak more precum at your sultry voice. “You know you’re not supposed to call me that.”
Before he can apologize, you grab one of the toys from underneath the chair. The thick black ring makes him slightly recoil, but his reaction doesn’t stop you as your mouth eagerly engulfs his tip. The pearly substance gathered there greets your tongue with a bitter saltiness that you gladly welcome. His hips nearly buck, and he doesn’t know how he manages to keep still as your throat welcomes his throbbing cock. Moans tumble out from him, loud and dissolute, just the way you love it. You only allow a few bobs on his length before you lean back, sliding the ring around his cock and fixing it to slip around his balls so it sits tightly at the very base of him.
The muscles on his torso are quivering as he tries to recover, his breath ragged and uneven. “I’m s-sorry, darlin’,” he pants and he nearly doubles over as the ring begins to vibrate,” I— fuck— I got too excited.” You wonder if the expletive is because of the vibrating ring or because he’d wanted your body on his longer. You’d barely even touched his cock and yet he was horrifyingly close to climaxing, an embarrassed flush tainting his tan cheeks.
“I forgive you, Red,” you slap his thigh, not soft but also not hard enough to hurt— just the right strength to make him sweat. “But you’ve still gotta take your punishment.”
Kirishima whines gently as his gaze lands on the ball gag you’d brought over, which you now dangle in front of his face. His apologetic gaze captures you as your thumb traces his broken bottom lip, smoothing over the small cuts from his vicious fangs. He dares to lean forward, lips parting and taking your thumb into his mouth. Careful not to slice your skin, he tucks his teeth away and caresses your finger with his warm, strong tongue. You become aware of your cunt dripping between your legs, your arousal intensifying at his intimate and contrite action. You want that tongue on you, all over your body, especially on the places hidden away from his piercing eyes.
You sigh at his submissive gesture, licking your lips as he opens up without protest for the gag. The ball isn’t too large a size, just grand enough to leave his mouth open and to keep him from hurting himself on his spiky teeth. “No hiding now,” you sigh into his ear as you lean into his neck. His moan is much louder with his mouth propped open, and you savor how he blushes slightly at the heightened lewdness. “Aw, you’re blushing, Red?” The color on his cheeks only darkens, and another heavy moan sounds when your fingers land on his cock.
His body is still trembling as you continue your work, and his eyes fall shut as you place your lips on the juncture where his neck meets his broad shoulder. His harsh breaths give warning to how close he is, and you heed their warning as your fingers slowly pull on his rosy member. Strategically ignoring his inflamed tip, you languidly stroke his shaft, and you’re rewarded with a slew of short and desperate mewls from the hero beneath you.
You know just how hard this must be for him. Red Riot, the unbreakable, top hero who prides himself on his manliness and bravery. An absolute unit of a man— rippling muscles strung along his huge frame, sharp teeth to dazzle his fans with his signature cocky grin, and of course the most gallant, chivalrous character— Yes, that’s who is melting into a puddle underneath you.
Your lips dance along his slick chest, never staying long enough to leave a mark that could tarnish his noble reputation. The moans turn to deeper growls as your hand floats further up his length with every jerk, his noises of pleasure so exquisitely loud with his jaw hanging open. You can’t help but shift against his thighs, the burning between your legs becoming hard to ignore. A wave of embarrassment crashes through you as you realize your desire for the man beneath you. If you could have it your way, his cock would be nestled in your cunt so quick he wouldn’t even notice until you were cumming around him. Fuck, if only you weren’t at work right now… what are the damn rules again?
No touching.
No kissing.
No penetration.
The three statements are a blaring mantra in your head, repeating over and over, faster and faster. Fear mixes with your lust, a terror culminating that you might do something forbidden if the words stray from your focus.
No touching.
No kissing.
No penetration.
Kirishima, ever the gentleman, notices the subtle shift in your mood, his eyes taking in your wanton expression and how your hips just barely swing along his thighs. Your core still in between his legs, untouched save for your arousal pooling in your panties. His hungry stare roves over your black brassiere, the thin material not doing much to hide your hard nipples from poking through. He lets out a vicious groan as he imagines how you’d squeal if he could take one of those cute little buds in between his teeth, just hard enough to make you squirm but not so much you’d bleed. Fuck, how wet your cunt must be under that string you called panties, how you’d scream as he rammed his fat cock into your tight little pussy.
Little do you know, the rules are replaying in his head too. He wants you just as badly, if not more.
No touching.
No kissing.
No penetration.
Your hand stops abruptly and he grumbles, unceremoniously ripped from his imagination once more. Your gazes lock, and he lets out a soft moan when you bite your bottom lip, unsure eyes floating around his handsome face.
You’d like to think Eijirou trusts you after all the nights you’ve spent together, but you can’t stop the nerves that tingle with uncertainty as you summon the courage to say something. You’d had surprisingly deep conversation with the man when you weren’t teasing the living shit out of him, even going so far as to reveal your real name in exchange for his-- something a woman in your profession should know much better than to do. But you couldn’t help it, and although you had to chastise him for uttering your name, every time he did so sent a wave of heat rushing toward your core. Even now, after you’d edged him mercilessly all night, his eyes hold a deep, touching sincerity as he looks back at you.
No penetration.
No kissing.
Your shaking hands reach down to land atop his fists. His eyes widen as your thumb pokes into the middle of his fists, unraveling and pulling them so his hands lay open in yours. Your fingers around his wrists now, you guide them to your hips, hovering over your skin as you continue to doubt yourself.
Kirishima allows you to hold his hands so enticingly close, his crimson orbs flickering between your waist and your hasty expression. So he makes the move instead. Slowly, at an almost agonizing pace, he lowers his hands to rest on your flesh.
Oh god, he’s touching you and it feels so fucking good!
The skin on his palms is calloused and rough, but they feel like heaven on the smooth skin of your hips. A whimper departs from your open lips, eyes falling closed at how hot and manly his touch feels. His fingers press into your supple hips, moving your torso to the left slightly and maneuvering you to poise directly above his thigh. He watches your erotic expression blossom as you sink yourself onto his thigh, your cunt finally receiving the friction it so desperately desires. He snarls out a sexy groan at how easily your cunt wets his thigh, your arousal soaking through the red thong you had put on just for him.
“Eiji,” you moan and he grabs your hips hard. His biceps bulge as he slides you toward him, dragging your pussy along his thigh and soliciting a whine from your parted lips.
Your hand starts up again on Kirishima’s cock, jerking his whole length now and making sure to pay special attention to his pretty pink tip. Your other hand flies up to curl around the back of his neck, your elbow perching on his shoulder. His soft red locks tickle your wrist, his hair flat and void of product. Your fingers twitch to undo the ball gag but you know very well if you do that, you’re going to kiss him. You’re going to kiss him and feel his tongue on yours, and you’re going to suck in all his moans and give him some of your own.
And then, that’s two rules thrown out the window, why not abandon the last as well?
No, you’re a good girl and you need this job. You need it more than you need Eijirou’s mouth and his cock, even if the call is so disturbingly close. No kissing and no penetration. And fuck, you could get off with just his touch no problem.
The hero underneath you groans at your renewed vigor on his member, his grip tightening still as he drives your hips back and forth against his thigh. His jaw becoming sore from being open so long, drool trickles down his chin to drip onto his lap. He longs for your release, eyes barely open to watch you make such a sinful face as you let him push and pull your body against his. A devious thought enters his mind, and he quickly acts on it, activating his quirk on his lower half.
The gasp that tears from you is exhilarating, and Kirishima’s wrists only flick your hips faster against his hardened muscles. He allows his moans to ring out into the room without restraint, his deep, guttural noises loud enough to drown out the beautiful whines that he forces out of you. Your hand keeps up with this increased pace, thumb pressing dangerously into the head of his cock and smearing the essence trickling out of him so it lubes up your ministrations.
His hardened thigh sends delicious jolts of pleasure through your body as Kirishima drags your clit against himself. Your fingers pull tightly on the hairs at the base of his head, eliciting a sensual howl to rumble from his chest. The incredible solidity of his muscle beneath your quivering cunt forces you to hurdle to the edge at a shameful speed— already you can feel the haziness of an orgasm consuming you. His quirk so delectably harmonious with the onslaught his hands roll you against, your head tilts back as your eyes slam shut.
“Red!” Your body crumbles in his hands, collapsing as your climax wracks through you, emanating from your core and making your entirety surge with a pulsating, white heat. Your hand on his cock clenches, frantically yanking at his sensitive tip and making his hips buck up against you.
Kirishima revels in your euphoric expression and how your pussy clenches through your thong against his now-soft thigh. He continues to draw your hips along his lap sensually, watching your chest shake as you recuperate. Your head flops forward so your forehead rests on his shoulder, your hand on his neck falling to drag your nails along his muscular back. The sensation makes his skin prickle, and he can’t hold back the smug grin that appears on his lips. He’d made you orgasm and he’d barely even touched you.
Finally catching your breath, you slither off his thigh. A thin trail of your arousal strings out as your hips retreat, connecting your cunt and the pool of slick that had leaked onto his muscle. A pink blush blooms on your cheeks at the sight, and Kirishima can only let out another vocal groan to assure you he finds it sexy.
Shakily landing on your knees once more between his legs, your fingers slide under the confining ring on his base, slipping the forsaken toy off of him. His cock seems to immediately grow, pulsing and radiating heat against your palms. His hand frames your face, thumb on your chin and middle finger brushing the corner of your jaw. The other hand pushes your hair away from your mouth, and you hum in appreciation as your hand cups his length.
Kirishima sighs as you take him into your mouth, his cock feeling free yet hypersensitive after the torture from the vibrating ring. Your tongue caresses the tip, swirling around to collect his saltiness before flattening at the bottom of your mouth, and sliding his member deep into your throat. His sensual moans greet your ears as your velvety mouth welcomes his length, and his eyes flutter closed as you guide more and more of him inside.
Your movements are lazier than usual, your brain still clouded with ecstasy from your orgasm, but he doesn’t seem to mind the extra care you give. Your tongue curls around his length, the soft ack ack ack of his cock nestling entirely inside your throat making him shudder. Your fingers trail up his flexed torso, hooking around the metal chain across his chest and gently pulling it towards yourself. His groans increasing in frequency and volume, you blearily look up to catch his scarlet gaze honed in on you. Your other hand cupping his balls and your nails combing through his black, trimmed hair, his eyes whirl back into his skull, and a broken, ferocious snarl tears through him.
Briny, hot ropes of his cum easily coast down your throat, and your purr against his member. He lets out another animalistic growl, his long overdue orgasm sending shivers from head to toe. The face he pulls is exquisite, his eyes nearly crossing in bliss and his jaw still hung open, drool dribbling down the corner of his mouth. Rolling his balls in your palm as your tongue glides alone his veins, your mouth leaves his cock as you stand. Your cunt throbs, longing to be stretched with his thick cock at the knowledge that had his mouth not been full on the gag, it would’ve been dripping with your name.
Sitting in his lap, facing him again, your fingers wind around the back of his head and undo the gag. The ball falls out of his slack jaw and drips with his saliva, not that that phases you. His lust-clouded eyes regard yours, and a low chuckle thrums out of him as his hands drift up and down your spine. His lips curve into a sated smile, a warm feeling trickling into your chest and you suddenly feel bashful under his intense eyes.
“So we breakin’ the rules now, baby? Long time comin’,” He whispers, his hands gathering your hips once more and dragging you into his chest. The friction on your puffy clit makes your core spasm around nothing, and as if the movement is not enough to be noticed by Red Riot, a low whine tumbles out of you. He presses you closer to his torso, the sinew underneath his skin protruding delightfully. You let out a mewl as your cunt touches his still-hard cock, your mesh panties the only barrier separating your bodies. “You’re so fuckin’ cute pressed up against me like this, darlin’.”
You gasp as his finger dips into the puddle you’d left on his thigh, shocked as he sticks the digit in his mouth and groans.
“Bet these lips of yours are just as sweet,” he mumbles as his hand takes your chin, thumb rolling over your plump bottom lip. His eyebrow quirks as an idea comes to mind, his hands still running across your soft skin with his darkened gaze challenging you.
“Does it count as rule breakin’ if we head back to my place?”
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
thank you so much for reading. If you’d like a part 2 (breaking the other rules huehuehue) please be sure to let me know ♥︎
make sure to shoot me a comment/ask/reblog if you enjoyed ♥︎♥︎♥︎ I’d love to receive any feedback!!!
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star-killer-md · 4 years
— for Cowboy 
A/N: This was inspired by an ask about bathing with the AD boys from @cowboy-kylo​ like forever ago. It’s also like got a fair amount of fluff just to prove to you all I am capable of writing non-painful things. I hope you enjoy some lovely soft Clyde dear! 💖
Pairing: Clyde x Reader
Warnings: none really, fluff and smut, a bathtub is involved, handjobs, this is in a word tooth rotting so beware
Word Count: 2k
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You never thought too much about how small your apartment was. For so long, it had just been you on your own, so the minuscule space between the island and the stove, the low ceilings and narrow hallways hadn’t been a bother. 
But Clyde made it feel like a tin can left in the freezer overnight and ready to burst, dying to expand. 
To be fair, Clyde Logan made everything seem small with his hand like a boxing glove—minus all the hard fists and swung punches—and his shoulders hunching in every doorway as if the world was never able to fully accommodate him. You thought maybe that was why he smiled the way he did, sort of apologetic even at the happiest of moments, like he was sorry for never quite fitting anywhere.   
Clyde made you feel small too though you were always afraid to tell him that. Knew he’d take it the wrong way and smile that sad, sorry smile and try to fade off into the corners of your bedroom, try not to ‘crowd ya’ as he’d say. So you never said it, but you thought about it often. 
Clyde Logan made you feel small in the most beautiful of ways. 
Not like most people did when they spoke over you or made stupid backhanded comments that you were meant to laugh at so as not to seem rude or when they stared right through you that way people do when they don’t give two shits what you’re saying and don’t care enough to pretend. 
No, Clyde Logan made you small in a way you’ve never been. 
He made you feel comfortable everywhere.
Sometimes, when you’d go to visit him at the bar, he’d place his hand on the small of your back, let it run feather light around your hip and rest there in the curve of the bone. And suddenly, you didn’t feel so out of place, like you were taking up too much space that wasn't meant for you. Once, you were helping him clean up after a long shift and knocked a whole tray of glasses straight off the bar top, sent the shattered bits skittering all across the floor, but there was no burn of embarrassment. Just, “it’s no problem, darlin’,” and a soft press of his lips to your head. 
Sometimes it was overwhelming, the sense Clyde gave you, finally in your proper place. 
And in his arms, when he wasn’t too nervous to hold you in ‘em—too afraid he might crush ya—you felt small and perfect and not at risk of breaking anything precious. 
It pervaded every inch of you, and occasionally you felt just how small the apartment really is. Now that you were used to the puzzle piece fit of Clyde Logan, the cold tile floors and microcosmic rooms felt cramped in a way they never did before. 
You told him a while back you’d start looking for a new place, somewhere you both can fit. 
But for now, you were still in the little shoebox you’ve called home for so long and you could hear the key turning in the front door’s lock, big, heavy footsteps coming down the hall. Clyde stopped by most nights after work these days, slept in your bed most nights too. Pounded you into the mattress and made you cry for him or let you ride his cock, thighs burning to take him deeper and watch how his pretty eyes roll back when he cums. 
And as delicious as it sounded, as much as it sent sparks off between your thighs, you had something softer planned for him. Something lovely for this man who came the closest to the human personification of southern sweet tea you’d ever known. Refreshing like the little sprigs of cut mint he kept in mason jars to chew on sometimes, cool like the feel of his prosthetic on your bare skin, soothing like his fingers scratching gently at your scalp and the way the hair on his chin grates your shoulder when he rubs against you in his sleep. 
“Darlin’?” his voice echoed down the hall. 
“In here!”
You had the bathtub all filled up with near scalding water and fragrant bubbles floating like clouds along the top. The room was hazy with steam that settled in little droplets on your skin. The top of your breasts peeked out from the water and Clyde’s eyes fell immediately to the shape of you under the surface. 
He had just his head poking through the crack in the door and you couldn’t help the smile that pulled at your cheeks whenever he got shy like this. Like he hadn’t seen you bare a thousand times before. 
“Oh, uh, m’sorry didn’t mean ta—”
You cut off his stammering, “Feel like joining me?”
“I don’t know if I’ll fit, sweetheart,” he said, already tugging off his t-shirt and sitting on the edge of the tub. 
He always called you so many little pet names. Normally you’d hate that, but it melts you a bit when they come from his mouth. 
“You’ll fit,” you said, drifting over to help him take off his prosthetic and lay it gently on the vanity. “You always fit.” 
And he did, because it’s you and him so there’s never a place the two of you don’t. 
His jeans and socks and underwear—that you bought him because you swore they made his ass look so good in those bootcut jeans he wore—lay in a little pile by your sink and Clyde’s chest is finally warm and solid against your back. 
Just where he’s meant to be. 
His legs were bent up around you, knees poking out of the water, and you brought one of his massive calves to rest between yours, kneading gently at the taut muscles. 
“You don’t have ta do that, darlin’,” Clyde said, and groaned when you unwound a particularly tight knot. 
“Shh,” you hushed, “tell me about work.”
He hummed as you reached for the soap, lathering your hands up and working it all down his legs. 
“It weren’t too excitin’, I did have ta kick out one fella—real piece a work too.”
Clyde went on and you listened, almost drowning in the way the words left his mouth and shifting around to sit chest to chest in his lap so you could work on his shoulders. His cock was half hard and twitched against you, but he lay still, hand loosely on your hip and head tilted back while he talked.
You loved the feeling of the warm, smooth planes of his skin under your hands and raked your nails across his chest, pausing to thumb at his nipples and chuckling at the catch in his voice. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say your tryin’ ta distract me darlin’,” Clyde mumbled, sitting up so you were pressed tight against him and laying his head in the crook of your neck.
“I would never, just trying to help you unwind.”
You pulled him up by the hair to finally fit your lips to his, loving the glide of him, the scratch of his beard. Clyde’s arms sloshed the water over the sides as they wound up and around your middle. You hummed when he didn’t hesitate to touch you with both. Sometimes he got a little wary about touchin you without his prosthetic, but it seemed you’d done your job well. He felt loose, all the tension released as he fell perfectly into you. 
Puzzle pieces, just the right size. 
Edges and curves finding their way into place like how the sea meets the shore: inevitably. 
You felt the sharp expanse of his ribs when your hand brushed his achingly hard length under the water. He was nothing if not proportional, your Clyde, wide and long in every aspect of himself, so that your hand barely wrapped all the way around him. 
He moaned in earnest now, resting his forehead to yours, “Darlin’, you don’t gotta do that.” 
You hushed him, moving your wrist in long, languid strokes. Listened to the breathy little noises he made and needed every one of them. 
“There’s nothing in the world I want to do more,” you said, twisting your hand just how you knew he liked it and earning yourself another gasp. “Let me make you feel good, Clyde.” 
He nodded breathlessly, tilting his head back so you could suck and nip little marks all over his collar. 
The first time the two of you had ever got a little hot and heavy, you’d accidentally left behind more than a little evidence—which you're sure Clyde got more than a tad of flack for from the guys at the bar—but you knew he loved it. Loved looking at them, loved remembering how they got there and loved the reminder of where and to whom he belonged. 
“Ya always make me feel good—” he trailed off when you bit just over his pulse, licking a hot stripe up his neck. 
Clyde bucked his hips up as the pace of your hand on his cock increased, and he mumbled a nearly incoherent apology when more water spilled out onto the bathroom floor. 
But the mess didn’t matter when his head fell back, resting in your hands and giving you a lovely view of his freckled chest, pink with the steam and all the pleasure you were pulling from him. You wanted to kiss every mole, connect them all like constellations in the clear West Virginia night sky. 
“Oh honey, you’re so pretty,” you hummed, taking in the scene before you. 
Clyde choked back a sob, pulling his pretty plush lips between crooked teeth. You felt his cock twitch in your hand and knew he was getting close. Couldn’t wait to see his face screw up with the shock of it, couldn’t wait for his arms to lock you in like he was afraid you’d stop and leave him cold. 
“Sweetheart, m’ not gonna last much longer,” he groaned and dropped his hand from your hip between your legs, thumb rubbing perfect circles around your clit. “Let me help ya.” 
You grabbed at his wrist, “Clyde, you don’t have to—”
He knocked your hand away and surged forward, bending down to wrap his gorgeous lips around one of your nipples, laving his tongue over the stiff peak and pulling back with a wet pop. 
“Let me make ya feel good,” he said, throwing the words back at you. 
The smug little grin on his face alone nearly sent you over the edge. 
How could you ever deny him that?
So you let him continue, loving the feel of his rough, calloused fingers touching you in all the right places, with just the right rhythm and stroked his leaking cock to match. His eyes stayed on your face the whole time, never glancing away, never shy or embarrassed. 
You couldn’t have looked away if you’d wanted to. 
This is where you belonged, you thought. This is where you fit. Not too big or too much, but goldilocks perfect under his gaze. 
And then his face was scrunching up—just like you knew it would—and showered him with praise as he painted your stomach with white ropes of hot release, fingers never letting up their frantic circles until you were throwing your head back and gasping with the white sting of your climax. 
After a few moments, you released his softening length and collapsed into his solid chest, reveling in the way he locked you in his embrace. 
Later, you’d make the two of you a warm drink, and let him rest his head on your breasts while you stroked his hair and listened to his breathing even out. Later you’d fuck him properly in your bed where his feet always hung off the edge, ride him so he could sit back and rest his hand on your hip and watch you take all of him, despite the size.
Because Clyde and you just fit together like that, without question, as natural as anything. 
Just right. 
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bisexualcrowley · 4 years
A Drinking Game
Pairing: Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Summary: Turns out when the devil drinks, he gets horny
Content/warnings: Smut/NSFW, drinking, one night stands, slightly ooc lucifer?
Word Count: 2,624
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You scanned the crowded bar, mindlessly spinning a shot glass on the tip of your finger as your eyes wandered from person to person. It was late, just past 12:30 on a Friday, so unsurprisingly the joint was packed.
Bored eyes flicked between the drunken patrons, pouring the occasional drink for those who stepped up to the bar, but for the most part you were left alone, the shadowy figures favoring dancing over shots tonight, and you let out a sigh, glass spinning smoothly in circles on your hand.
You were about to turn to your boss to ask for an early off tonight when someone caught your eye. He was tall, with mussed hair and an open button down slung over a t shirt and you could see his eyes glinting in the reddish lights of the room. You couldn’t tell exactly what it was about you that had drawn your attention, but you could tell whatever it was had worked in both directions as his steely gaze locked on you, and you felt a shiver run down your back as he released his hold on the door you only just now realized he had been holding open as he made his way through the crowd towards you.
You cocked your head in curiosity as he approached, the glass on your finger having long since stopped spinning, and you stood frozen as the man walked up to the counter and slid into the seat directly in front of you.
As he moved under the dull light shining over the counter his features came into more detail, messy dark blond hair falling softly in front of stunningly blue eyes. He was taller than he appeared from afar, and you gulped as he slid a few dollars across the counter to you, piercing eyes locking with yours as he moved.
“I’ll take 2 shots of your best tequila, sweetheart”
His voice was rougher than you had expected, with the slightest touch of an accent you couldn’t quite place and it went straight between your legs, your thighs involuntarily clenching at the sudden rush of arousal. Hoping to retain a professional appearance, you brushed aside the feeling, took the cash and turned to the shelves stocked with various bottles of alcohol, and returned with two shots of the amber liquid, setting them in front of him with a quiet click.
Feeling bold, or at least bolder than usual, you smirked, resting your forearms on the smooth surface and leaning towards the stranger, your cleavage now in perfect view of the man. “Now then, what’s a guy like you doin’ in a place like this?” You purred, your usually mild southern drawl thickening and blending with the pounding bass of the music around you.
The man let out a good natured laugh before resting his chin in his hand, raising a sly eyebrow at you.  “I do believe that’s my line, miss”
You chuckled, returning to spinning the shot glass on your finger. “You got me there. Name’s Y/n, pleased to meet you”
“Lucifer, and right back at you. I like the accent, you’re from where, Texas?” He smiled with the flicker of a smirk behind those ocean blue eyes which kept flicking downwards, watching the swirling motion of the cup on your fingertip.
“Lucifer, like, Satan type Lucifer? Damn, you must’ve had interesting parents. I like it though, very unique, it suits you”
You chuckled at the snort of laughter he responded with, cocking your head slightly as you continued. “And Louisiana, actually. Moved out here for school, couldn’t find a reason to leave. How about you, Lucifer, what’s your story”
He swallowed heavily as his name rolled off your tongue, drawing it out in a seductive hum and finishing with a grin.
He laughed again and threw a shot back, slamming the glass on the table and sliding the other towards you. “Believe me baby, that would just kill the mood. All that matters right now? You, me, and this tequila, darlin’, so why don’t you drink to that.”
Lucifer winked and you giggled, putting aside the glass you were fiddling with and shrugging off your sweater, exposing your tight, dark purple tank top that hugged your curves deliciously and showed off just the right amount of skin. You took the shot graciously, letting the burn of the alcohol fuel your courage, and you pulled the bottle down and re-filled your drinks.
“I’ll drink with you, if, we can play a little drinking game”
The man raised his eyebrow again, smirk ghosting against his lips, reaching for a glass. “What’ve you got in mind?”
“How’s about you tell me what you like in bed, and if I’m into it, I take a shot, then I do the same for you.” You swirled the amber liquid around, blinking perfectly lined eyes at Lucifer, who responded with a wicked smile and twitch of his head in a nod of agreement.
“I’ll start then… Dirty talk, that’s a big one for me” You said quietly, your previous burst of confidence not diminishing despite your drop in tone. His eyes fell to your chest, not so secretly eying your barely covered breasts before downing his drink, pushing the glass forward for a refill. “Rough sex?”
You let out a hum of approval before taking the shot, Lucifer looking rather pleased with your answer.
“Hair pulling”
He took a shot
You took a shot
The alcohol beginning to cloud your mind, you smirked and tugged your top down more, giving the man in front of you a perfect view of your lacy bra, which covered just enough that he didn’t get the full show, but left little to the imagination, and Lucifer let out a quiet groan, entranced by the sight.
“Oral, giving and receiving” You bit your lip, watching him down another shot, and feeling somehow even bolder, you leaned over the counter to brush a strand of hair away from his face, fingers trailing down his lower lip before returning to the counter.
Lucifer growled, pushing aside the discarded cups and lurching forward, face coming to rest millimeters from yours. His lips moved beside your ear, nipping softly. “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs”
Your eyes widened, thighs rubbing together yet again as you felt your arousal threaten to drip down your legs, and a breathy moan escaped your lips.
“Wanna get out of here? My shift ends in five minutes, they won’t miss me if I leave now.” You rasped out, voice rough with rapidly strengthening desire. Lucifer nodded, biting at the crest of your ear again before sliding out of his seat, dropping a few bills on the counter. You grabbed your sweater, not bothering to put it on before sliding over the counter, finding yourself in Lucifer’s arms on the other side.
He set you down on the ground gently, hands lingering on your hips and eyes glued to your cleavage yet again as you made your way to the bar’s exit. You spun around to face Lucifer as the door shut behind you, grabbing him by the shirt collar and pulling him into a steamy kiss which he returned more than enthusiastically, hands coming down to grip your ass.
He tasted like coffee and tequila, it was intoxicating and you found yourself lost in the kiss, unable to stop the whine from escaping your lips as he pulled away for a breath, his mouth coming down to suck a hickey into your exposed skin as you gasped for air.
“My place is down the street, why don’t we take this party there, hmm?” He panted against your shoulder, you giving a quick nod of approval and grabbing his hand, letting him pull you along
The second the door to Lucifer’s apartment slammed shut his hands were on you once again, shoving you against the door and crashing his lips against yours. His lips moved against yours desperately, tongue brushing against your lip and fighting for dominance against yours.
Your hands made their way from his hair to his shoulders to his chest, never leaving his body as you moved against each other, moaning loudly as his leg found it’s way between yours, rutting against your hip as you ground your core down on his thigh.
Lucifer pulled away suddenly, chest heaving, eyes blown wide with lust and a sizable bulge in his jeans. You groaned in frustration, grabbing at his shirt again only to be met with a rough tug on your hair, forcing you backwards. A whine was torn from your lips as you watched Lucifer yank his shirt over his head and throw it to the side, pressing his body up against yours once again.
“Now gorgeous, I remember saying something about having my head between your legs, so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Be a good girl for me and strip, and I promise I’ll have you cumming so hard you’ll be seeing stars for a week.” He growled, sucking another hickey into your neck and chuckling at the choked moan you breathed out in response.
Immediately you threw off your shirt, smirking when Lucifer’s breath caught in his throat as you undid your bra, breasts falling loose. Your repeated your actions with your shorts and panties, thighs slick with your arousal as you stood naked in front of Lucifer.
He growled again, eyes flashing as he grabbed you by the hips and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you over to the bedroom before dumping you on his bed. You lay there panting as he kicked off his jeans, pausing to palm at the bulge in his boxers and smile wickedly at the sight below. You were about to pull him down onto you when he made the move himself, climbing onto the bed and pressing a deep kiss to your lips before maneuvering himself down between your legs
A shiver ran down your spine at the feeling of his breath against your core, gasping when he licked a slow stripe up your thigh, repeating the motion until you were a panting, trembling mess beneath him.
“Enough teasing, sweetheart?” Lucifer murmured against your hip, moving upwards to trail sloppy kisses along the divot between your dripping cunt and leg, earning a string of breathless expletives in response. “I’ll take that as a yes, then”
And with that, he dove in, tongue lapping at your juices while two of his long, slim fingers made their way inside you, curling to brush your g-spot and thrusting to match the speed of his mouth.
A wrecked moan was drawn from your throat, thrusting your hips up to meet his actions, whimpering and mewling with each flick of his tongue against your clit and rub of his fingers against your inner walls. You could feel your climax approaching shockingly fast, and apparently Lucifer could feel it too, his actions quickening, nipping lightly at your clit and soothing it with a pass with his tongue yet again, pushing you over the edge.
You screamed as your orgasm hit you, thrashing out as your back arched up off the bed, fluids squirting from your core as the pleasure washed over you, vision turning to white.
You lay there panting, waiting for your vision to clear. When you finally came down from your high, you found Lucifer kneeling between your face, one hand at his mouth, sucking your juices off his fingers, and the other palming desperately at his leaking cock over his boxers.
He chuckled when he noticed you staring, moving up to kiss you once again. You could taste yourself on his tongue and moaned against his mouth, feeling him smile into the kiss at the sound.
Your lips never separating from each other, your fingers made their way to the edge of his boxers, tucking under the elastic and easing them down his hips, smirking as his length sprung free, rubbing against your hip and smearing a trail of precum along your heated skin.
Lucifer was once again the first to pull away from the kiss, the both of you panting and pupils blown wide with arousal. Your eyes were fixated on him, mesmerized by the view. His mouth was hanging open slightly, hair matted with sweat to his face, light stubble across his cheeks and lips swollen from making out like horny teenagers. You tried not to stare, but in this moment it was the hottest thing you had ever seen, and unconsciously your hips bucked upwards.
He gave you an almost sheepish grin, rolling off of you to kick his underwear off the rest of the way and to grab a condom from a drawer in his bedside table, returning to your side and tearing open the foil packet.
You pressed a soft kiss to the side of his mouth, taking the condom from his hands and rolling it down his impressive length, biting your lip at the breathy moan he let out but tilting your head in confusion when he paused your hand, gently removing it from the base of his cock. Moving the hand to rest on his thigh, you raised an eyebrow in silent questioning, pushing yourself upright to meet Lucifer’s gaze properly.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He brushed a hand softly across your jaw as he spoke and you felt your heart swell at the question, appreciative of how even in his intoxicated and aroused state, the man still took the time to make sure he still had your consent.
A smile spread across your face and you nodded, whispering your confirmation before you threw your leg over his lap, straddling him and sinking down on his cock in one swift motion.
Lucifer’s eyes flew wide open, groaning your name as your walls clenched around him and he grabbed you by the hips, throwing the two of you into a roll that left him on top of you, cock still buried inside you.
He was still for a moment, admiring you squirming beneath him before letting go of his control, letting an almost feral noise escape his lips as he pulled out and slammed himself back in, repeating the motion harder and faster each time until he found a rhythm you were both happy with.
You were a moaning mess beneath him, legs slung around his hips and nails scratching patterns down his muscular back, crying out with each thrust. You screamed as he shifted again, hitting your g-spot straight on, feeling your second orgasm building with each thrust.
“L-L-Lucifer I don- don’t think I’m go- gonna last much lo-longer” You stammered, hips flying up to grind your clit against the base of his cock, causing him to grunt and speed up again, rhythm faltering as his thrusts became more and more erratic. You reached your peak seconds before Lucifer, moaning out a string of expletives as you clenched down around his cock, squirting for the second time that night, soaking your bodies.
The gush of fluids was enough to push Lucifer over the edge and he came with a guttural moan, fucking you through his orgasm to the point of over-stimulation before pulling out with a low groan, tossing the condom into a garbage can and collapsing on the bed next to you.
He laid there panting, still coming down from the blissful feeling, letting out a breathy chuckle when you rolled over and rested your head on his chest, sleeping peacefully within minutes. Lucifer followed suit, wrapping an arm around your body and vaguely thinking that he hoped you’d still be there when he awoke, and drifted off to sleep
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verai-marcel · 4 years
Do What I Dare (RDR2 Fanfic, Biker AU, Arthur x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You've been dating Arthur for about four months now, and if you hadn't seen that photo of his biker gang, you wouldn't have guessed that he was once an outlaw. He's so gentle, polite, and kind to you that you didn't believe he had a wild side. A picnic out in the hills proves you wrong. 
Author’s Notes: Many thanks to @reddeaddufus for this amazing idea! So timeline-wise, this is happening during that six months when Journalist!Reader is still living in her apartment but she and Charles are already together. Cosplay!Reader & Javier got together a couple of weeks before this. And of course, the title is an obscure lyric; try and guess the song!
Tags: outdoor sex, mild exhibitionism, rough sex, dirty talk, some name calling, medium honor Arthur 
Find the AO3 link here, sweetheart.
Arthur had stopped by as he did every morning before opening, and after hearing that you were opening alone, immediately began helping you set up chairs and tables. He really was a great guy.
Usually Charles was here earlier than you, but this morning his lady friend was feeling ill, so he had texted you to ask if you could open up without him. You hoped everything was okay. At this point, you had met both Charles’ and Javier’s girlfriends and they were both nice people, though their personalities couldn’t be farther apart. One was bold and unafraid while the other was shy and had a bit of social anxiety. They were both fun to hang out with whenever the boys got together to talk about marketing.
While Arthur was handing you the mugs and glasses from the dishwasher so you could put them away, he spoke.
“You free on Sunday?”
“Yup! What’re you planning?” you asked.
“Well, the weather’s s’pposed to be nice, so I thought maybe we’d go on a bike ride up the ridgeway.”
“That sounds awesome! Should we make it a picnic?”
“Sure.” He paused before looking at you a bit shyly. “Can ya make some of those cucumber sandwiches?” he asked quietly.
“Of course,” you said happily.
“Thank you.”
You smiled. Arthur had never stopped being polite to you, even after dating him for the past four months. Together, the two of you finished getting everything ready just in time. 
“Lookin’ forward to Sunday,” Arthur said as he grabbed his jacket. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek as you wrapped your arms around him for a quick hug before he left for work. Watching him go, you smiled as you opened the cafe to the public. 
The Ridgeway was a scenic road that went north and south through the state, with the most beautiful part being, in your humble opinion,  the section nearby that weaved past the lake and through some of the forest east of town. There were several viewpoints along the path for tourists to stop and gawk at the view, but the locals knew that the best part was going off the Ridgeway onto random roads to find secluded dead ends that then led to even better views, untainted by signs and trash.
You were clinging onto Arthur as he wove his way on his Indian Scout motorcycle. Remembering the first time he had shown you his bike, you smiled. At that time, you had been dating for a month and had never seen him drive anything; he had always met you somewhere or you came to his place. When he had asked if you wanted to go on a bike ride, you assumed he had meant a bicycle. Boy, were you wrong. When he had rolled up to your apartment on his matte black motorcycle and handed you a helmet, you had been shocked to your core. And also turned on as all hell; he had been wearing a leather jacket and dark blue jeans, motorcycle boots, and fingerless gloves.
It was the same outfit he was wearing now as the two of you rode up the road, the sound of the motor muffled by the helmet over your head. After a few more twists and turns along the Ridgeway, he finally turned onto an unmarked road that led to a small picnic area. It was originally made by a historical preservation society decades ago, but fell into disuse after a rock slide made the road unusable by car.
A motorcycle, however, could easily wind around the rocks and get past.
Through the trees and the debris the two of you went, until you reached the small clearing at the top of the hill. A small picnic bench with one forgotten trash can and two parking spots were here, along with a gorgeous view of the hills and valleys. You popped your helmet off and practically leapt off the bike, running to the picnic table and clambering on top of it like a kid. Surveying the scenery, you eventually pulled out your phone and took a panoramic photo.
“This is so cool, I didn’t even know about this place!” you squealed with delight.
Arthur chuckled. “Glad you like it, darlin’.”
Hopping down from the table, you took the picnic case from Arthur’s hands and started to help him set up. Tossing the picnic blanket over the table, the two of you laid out your feast: cucumber sandwiches, two beers, summer sausage, a bit of bison jerky, and some grapes.
The two of you ate and chatted, the comfortable air between you two allowing for the occasional pause, the silence filled with contentment. Soon your line of questioning started to veer towards his past, something that he rarely mentioned.
“So, is this the same bike you had in that photo on your wall?”
After a few moments without him adding anything else, you tried to get some more out of him. “Wow. Would you ever trade it in?”
You tilted your head at him; he was only giving you one word answers and not elaborating. “Should I not ask about your past?”
Arthur sighed. “There were some good times, but in the end, things fell apart and we chose to get out. I still feel… guilty, I guess. We weren’t good people.”
You reached for his hand and held it with both of yours. “But you’re a good man on the inside,” you said quietly. “And you’re doing good now.”
He gave you a crooked grin. “I must be, if you’re stickin’ around.”
You laughed. “I don’t know, maybe I have a thing for bad boys.”
Arthur’s eyebrow raised. “Oh?”
“Yeah, maybe I secretly want a guy who’ll fuck me out in the open, get all raw and wild.” You waggled your eyebrows.
Laughing, Arthur stood up. “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy for you,” you said with a wink. You stood up as well and helped him clean up. Once everything was back in the picnic case, you took it from him and set it aside. Climbing across the table, you knelt before him and took his head between your hands. “Kiss me.”
Arthur smiled and pulled you off the table and into his lap, your legs straddling his as he tangled his fingers in your hair and pushed your head closer to him. He nibbled your lips lightly at first, delicately playing with you as his other hand reached under your shirt to caress the bare skin of your back. His kisses grew deeper as his touch became more insistent; the grip in your hair tightened as he pulled you closer to him, pressing you against his hard chest. 
He pulled away and gave you a naughty look before he took hold of the hem of your shirt. "Can I?" 
You obediently lifted your arms and let him pull the shirt over your head. He laid it down behind you before gently pushing you down on the table. Bending over to lay kisses along your collarbone, he pulled the cups of your bra down to expose your breasts to the cool air, your nipples hardening. Attracted to the sight, Arthur enveloped one in his mouth while he pinched and pulled gently on the other, making you moan and writhe underneath him. 
"Arthur," you sighed as he shifted, making sure both your nipples had equal attention from his talented tongue. Wrapping your legs around him, you pulled him closer to feel his cock straining in his jeans. 
He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and picked you up. "I got an idea, sweetheart."
Carrying you to his bike, he set you on your feet and turned you around. You understood what he wanted and felt a flush of heat as he started to undo the fly of your pants. He slowly slid them down your hips, just past the curve of your backside. 
"Bend over, darlin'," he crooned. You gladly did so, your tits hanging out over the side of his motorcycle seat. Sticking your ass out for him, you turned your head towards him and gave him a smirk.
“What would you do if I didn’t?” you taunted.
His dark smile made shivers go down your spine as anticipation and lust swirled into your body. Stepping forward, he grabbed your butt with both hands, his fingers digging into your flesh before slapping your ass.
“I’d teach you how to be a good girl,” he rumbled. He slapped the other cheek. “Make sure you learn how to listen.”
“Oh, yes, teach me Arthur,” you purred, wiggling your body. With one hand he pressed you down on the motorbike seat to keep you still as he undid his button fly. Out of the corner of your vision, you saw him standing behind you, pulling out his hard cock and stroking himself as he stepped closer. You could feel him nudging your slit, sliding it back and forth, coating himself in your wetness. 
“Goddamn sweetheart,” he murmured. “All this honey fer me?”
You moaned as he pressed forward, the head of his cock stretching you slowly. Grabbing your hips, he kept on entering you until he filled you to the hilt, letting out a soft, low moan of satisfaction. He leaned over and kissed the shell of your ear.
“Just think, someone might come out here and find you, bent over my bike, getting filled with my cock.”
Your pussy tightened around him as you felt a rush of adrenaline.
“Oh yeah, gettin’ excited by that, ain’tcha?”
“Fuck me Arthur,” you half-growled, trying to move your hips towards him.
He chuckled, his hold on you as strong as steel. “I’m in control here, darlin’.” His hips pulled back and snapped forward, his bike shifting ever so slightly from his movement. He reached for your hair, pulling your head back so your back arched beautifully for his pleasure. Moving slowly at first, he built up a steady rhythm, fucking you with just enough control to prevent toppling his bike with the strength of his thrusts.
“Yer a dirty girl, gettin’ so hot from being fucked in the open,” he crooned. 
You were surprised at how aroused you were from this. The risk of being caught like this shot adrenaline through your body, giving you an incredible high. The thought of someone catching you in such a compromising position while you were getting railed like a whore over the seat of a motorcycle by a real biker outlaw was sexy, like a porn fantasy come to life. Your tits were bouncing and your juices were dripping down your thighs as your cries of pleasure echoed in the forest. His hands wandered, grabbing your neck, gripping your hips and fondling your breasts. And through it all, his cock kept hammering into you, a steady reminder that you were completely at his mercy and you loved it.
Suddenly Arthur brought his hand down against your ass again, making you yelp.
“Fuck, I love it when you squeeze my cock whenever I spank ya.”
You turned towards him. “Now you’re just doing that for fun.”
“Have to keep you in line somehow.”
You grinned and pushed your ass back at him, causing him to stop moving.
“Arthur!” you whined.
“Fuck yerself on me if you want it so bad,” he said with a mocking grin.
You growled but did as he said, undulating your hips, grinding down on his shaft and slowing your pace, letting him feel every inch of your tight channel as you slid forward and back on him. You felt a thrill of victory when he finally grabbed your hips and thrust inside of you, taking control of the speed again.
“Yer drivin’ me crazy,” he grunted as he leaned forward, crushing you against the bike seat. He reached around, rubbing your clit with an expert touch. He had gotten intimately familiar with your body in the past few months and knew exactly how to push you to your peak. Each stroke made your heart race, made your breath come out in labored gasps as he made you feel a blinding pleasure with each stroke of his fingers.
“Come fer me, darlin’,” he murmured into your ear. “I’m goin’ to fill you when you do.”
“Oh fuck,” you gasped as you felt your climax hit you like a gust of wind, taking you higher and higher as you cried out, only to have Arthur wrap a hand around your mouth to stifle your screams. You kept moaning, your sounds muffled as he continued to fuck you, faster and faster, until your body was shaking from being kept on the brink for so long.
Arthur let out a low moan as he came inside of you, filling you as he promised. He let his weight crush you against the leather seat as he caught his breath, for he knew you enjoyed the heaviness of his body every once in a while. 
After a few moments, he stood up, his cum spilling out as he pulled himself out of you. “Darlin’, you alright?”
“I’m good. Better than good. That was so hot.”
He laughed. “Better keep that inside of ya,” he said, pulling a bandana from his jacket and wiping your mixed juices from your inner thigh. “Don’t wanna get my bike dirty,” he said with a wink.
You slapped his arm as you laughed and pulled your clothes back on. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
He could only laugh with you as he pulled you into his arms and kissed you gently. “It’s all I could think of. Forgive me if I ain’t able to think properly right now.”
“I forgive you," you said, tapping his nose playfully.  "Now should we go back? We probably should take a shower.”
“And then round two?” he asked with a hopeful look.
You giggled. “If you’re feeling… up to it.”
“With you? Always.”
The two of you rode back down the Ridgeway, content and happy. You snuggled into his warm back, your arms wrapped around his waist, and blissfully enjoyed the view.
When the two of you returned to your apartment, while he was helping you put away the picnic gear, he chuckled softly.
“What is it?” you asked, curious.
“Was jus’ thinkin’ we should go ridin’ more often, since it gets you all hot and bothered like this.”
You just laughed as you stripped off your clothes to give him round two.
End Notes: The fic title is a lyric from I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain! The scenery was very much inspired by my visit to Asheville, North Carolina a long time ago. The Blue Mountain Ridgeway was absolutely gorgeous, definitely worth a visit. Hope you enjoyed this hot little story! With this part, this series is over. Thank you for your support!
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kitkatd7 · 3 years
Naughty List
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12 Days of Christmas; Day 7
Pairing: Dom!Bucky x Model!Switch!Reader
Summary: You tease Bucky with a naughty picture and he doesn't appreciate it.
Warnings: (18+) Explicit smut. Dom/switch dynamics, slightly rough sex, oral sex (male and fem receiving) slight overstimulation, masturbation, dirty talk, the slightest hint of degradation, teasing, cursing, implied smut, implied dark!Bucky. If any of these things bother you please don't read this story!
Word Count: 1,359
A/N: So here's a smutty one! I hope you enjoy it! (Sorry I'm so behind on these)
Marvel Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
Today is your photoshoot with Victoria's Secret for their Holiday edition and tour excited- but why did you have to be there at 6 A.M.? You're up and out the door before Bucky has even left for his daily run; you give him a quick kiss before dashing out the door.
Strolling in the door, you immediately hear your name being called by your boss, Michael, who’s walking towards you with an alarmed look on his face. “Thank God you're here! We just lost 2 other models and we need you to fill in for them.” 
Great. You fake a smile. “Of course I can do that! Any idea what time we’ll be done?”
“You're a lifesaver. Probably only a few extra hours… we should be done before 5!” he calls over his shoulder before rushing off.
5 o’clock. That’s only an extra 4 hours of shoots- how bad could it be?
5 hours later you’ve just finished several different shoots and you're ready for lunch. Before heading to get something to eat you waltz into the bathroom, still in your red silk lingerie set. The top has thick, striking straps that halter around your neck, the dramatic straps draw attention to the large, red bow positioned directly between your half-exposed breasts; the panties are the same vibrant, sexy red, held only by flimsy straps that tie on each hip, creating little bows of their own. 
You glance in the mirror. Damn you look good. 
Unlocking your phone, you open your camera to take a selfie, your phone poised above you and tilted down to capture your outfit. Your other hand comes up to play with the top of your bra as you snap the picture, the angle perfectly capturing your figure and exposed cleavage, but also leaving more to be desired. 
Opening your messages you send Bucky the picture along with a text: Have to fill in today... Won’t be home till later tonight… Hope this makes up for it ;)
Walking into the kitchen Bucky grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, glancing at his phone on the counter. 
**2 New Messages from Babygirl❤❤❤**
Unlocking his phone he opens your texts, sucking in a breath at the naughty picture and text he finds waiting. Enlarging the photo he feels himself harden at your pretty tits and sultry expression on display for him. Fuck. He glances at the time stamp. **Sent 11 A.M.** 3 hours ago- which means he has to wait another 3 hours for you to get home. 
His mind drifts to all the other possible skimpy outfits you could be wearing and his cock twitches. 3 hours. God, he won’t last that long.
Turning on the water as cold as possible he steps into the shower in hopes it will help.
He braces himself against the wall, willing himself to think of anything besides you to no avail. His mind keeps drifting to you and your sexy half-smirk; your legs, ass, tits, hair, lips- Every thought driving him insane.
He grasps himself firmly, pumping slowly as he imagines fucking you in that pretty red set of lingerie; he pictures you below him on your knees, red lipstick smeared across your plump lips and his hard length. His strokes become quicker, his breathing irregular as his hips stutter erratically and he imagines filling you again and again; his release spurting in thick ropes against the shower wall at the thought of you wrapped around his cock. 
2 hours and who knows how many orgasms later, he’s still hard, his cock throbbing painfully.  
A sinful moan falls from his lips as he leans against the headboard of your bed, pumping himself closer to release, his other hand toying with his sensitive balls. 
“Isn’t that a pretty sight.” You smirk, leaning against the doorway as his eyes snap open.
He crawls towards the edge of the bed, swinging his legs over, his member on full display as your eyes take in the sight greedily. 
You saunter towards the bed, dropping your coat and revealing a low cut red dress as you stand between his thighs, inches from him. His eyes rake over you, a sound between a whimper and a growl leaves his lips. “Fuck. Need you so bad babygirl.”
Lifting his chin with a finger, you smile. “What’re you waiting for?”
He crashes his lips against yours, shredding your dress in the process before grasping your hips, pulling you tightly against him as you moan.
Grasping the back of your neck he pushes you to your knees, taking in the sight of your exposed cleavage surrounded by red lace. “Look what you did, baby doll,” he orders.
Your gaze travels lower and you suck in a breath, his size never ceasing to amaze you.
“Such a bad girl,” he tuts, gathering your hair in his metal hand. “Makin me so hard when you weren’t here to take care of me.” His Brooklyn accent thickens, his pupils blown wide with want as you whimper below him, your panties thoroughly soaked.
“Better take care of the problem you created.” His tone leaves no room for argument.
Grasping him lightly, you kitten lick his tip, moaning at the salty taste of his precum.
Taking the head into your mouth, you stroke him more firmly, cradling his balls with your free hand as he grunts above you, fisting your hair more harshly. “That’s it, sweetheart. Just like that,” he pants, his other arm braced behind him on the bed.
You squirm pathetically, loving how he uses your mouth, his hips jerking up roughly as you take all of him you can; one hand still cradling his balls as your other hand travels to your pulsing clit and soaked folds.
“There ya go darlin, touch yourself while I fuck your throat,” Bucky groans, his eyes locked on you. 
Inserting a finger into your tight channel you grind against your palm desperately. 
Tears prick your eyes as Bucky’s thrusts become erratic, his member throbbing in your mouth. “Don’t cum,” he orders as he comes down your throat, “now swallow.” 
Taking every drop, you practically sob when he pulls you to your feet, his fingers replacing yours at your entrance. “So wet for me, sweetheart.” 
Two of his digits run through your folds slowly before he brings them to his lips, sucking them clean as a moan leaves your lips, your eyes trained on his. 
“You taste amazing,” he hums while undoing your bra and hooking a thumb into the waistline of your panties, removing both.
He makes his way to the middle of the bed, laying on his back with his head at the pillows as he crooks a finger towards you.
Crawling towards him uncertainly, you suck in a breath when he gestures for you to ride his face. Straddling him, you sink down slowly, whining when his warm tongue teases your clit. 
Grasping the headboard tightly, you arch your back as Bucky delves into your folds; sucking at your clit furiously, licking long stripes from your entrance to your bud, and tongue fucking you until your breathless and dancing on the edge, only for him to deny you again and again until your a writhing mess, desperate pleas leaving your lips. 
Finally, he lets you cum; his arms wrapped firmly around your quivering thighs as you ride out your high. 
He laps at your juices like a man starved as you attempt to wriggle out of his grasp, your core becoming overstimulated. 
He releases his hold and you fall to his side trembling as you attempt to catch your breath. 
Leaning over you he taunts, "It isn't as fun when you're the one being tortured, is it?"
Receiving no answer, he asks again with a predatory growl in his throat, "Is it?"
You shake your head, unable to form coherent thoughts much less words. 
Your eyes drift closed, only to snap open again when you hear a dark chuckle. "Did you think we were finished?" He asks, rolling one of your hardened nipples between his fingertips, causing you to moan out desperately. 
"No babygirl… We've only just begun."
Thank you so much for reading! I don't write much smut so please let me know what you think!
Forever Tags: (OPEN)
@lovesmesomehiddles @saiyanprincessswanie @buckys-other-punk @kind-sober-fullydressed @romainniesweetheart ​ @malloryharris @itsunclebucky @teenagereadersciencenerd @chaotic-fae-queen @bugsbucky @cap-n-stuff @imma-new-soul @wonderlandfandomkingdom @fablesrose @coffeebooksandfandom @tom-hlover @chaoticpete
12 Days of Christmas Tags: (OPEN)
@myraiswack @winterreader-nowwriter
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