#sword and shield expansion pass
scraftyisthebest · 1 year
More Rambles on SV DLC News
Anyway, now that I've had a day to let everything sink in from yesterday's Pokemon Presents, a bit more of a ramble on SV DLC.
Seems we are getting more new evolutions, including a new alternate evolved form of Applin in Dipplin and surprisingly, a Duraludon evolution called Archaludon. They seem like pretty cool new additions. Dipplin is a candy apple, which is an interesting spin on Applin's apple theme. Stat-wise I'm curious how it will differentiate itself from Flapple and Appletun.
Duraludon is not what I expected to gain an evolution, though Archaludon admittedly looks pretty cool, being a bridge. Duraludon already possesses a naturally high base stat total so how Archaludon changes from that is going to be interesting.
We also have two new Paradoxes, Raging Bolt being Ancient Raikou, and Iron Crown being Future Cobalion. Seems Suicune and Virizion weren't the only ones to get them. Raging Bolt's long neck is something though...kinda goofy there. Entei and Terrakion will have Paradox counterparts of their own as well I imagine at this rate, to complete them as trios.
Seems the mysterious turtle we saw from Liko's pendant in Horizons is just Terapagos itself, in its Normal Form, while the bigger type-shelled form is its "Terastal Form". Notably this isn't necessarily a Terastallized state, and since Terapagos is implied to be the harbinger of the Terastal phenomenon that raises some interesting ideas for what role it may play in the story. Terapagos may have even more forms that we don't know about which I look forward to seeing.
Ogerpon seems to have a different appearance when Terastallized, in this case it seems to have special ties to Terastal itself.
From a story structure standpoint this DLC seems to be mirroring SwSh's DLC in terms of how the halves are placed and structured. The Teal Mask being Part 1 seems to be like the Isle of Armor, being able to be accessed as soon as the main story kicks off and being an additional side story intended to be slotted into the main story while expanding on the original base story and lore in a way. Kitakami like the Isle of Armor will be its own mini-storyline with the festivals and whatever we do there on the field trip much like how the Isle of Armor was a training quest in the Master Dojo that ends with raising Kubfu into a great Urshifu.
Meanwhile The Indigo Disk being Part 2 is like the Crown Tundra, being intended as a post-game quest after completing both the main story and DLC 1, only this time it's actually hard-locked to only being unlocked after completing both. It seems it's a post-game quest, while with the Crown Tundra it was a legendary catching expedition, this time we're an exchange student at the Blueberry Academy and we're taking part in the BB League and the tests to challenge each of the BB Elite Four. Like Galar's Crown Tundra it seems to be looping back to mainland Paldea for the finale of the overall story, and as we all know it'll be Area Zero, and returning to there for the final story segment, akin to how the Crown Tundra looped back to Wyndon Stadium for the Galarian Star Tournament. In both cases going back to where the base story's finale ended, with SwSh it was the Champion Cup and beating the undefeated Leon, in SV it was exploring Area Zero and taking down the Zero Lab, and for SV's DLC the final Area Zero visit may be something related to Terapagos and a finale we may not know about.
Based on the above speculation this also ties into how the anime and Horizons, with Liko's story, may build up and what its finale may be. While both Journeys and Horizons are multi-region and doing their own thing, they do take story elements and plot beats from SwSh and SV respectively, especially with Ash's and soon to be Liko's finale. Ash's finale in his Journeys story (and his story overall) was the Masters 8 Tournament in Wyndon, ending off with a grand final battle between him and Leon with Ash emerging victorious, mirroring SwSh. Liko's story already has the pendant, which we now know is Terapagos, as a major plot point, and the finale of her story in Horizons may have its climax take place in Area Zero, especially with Liko taking down the Explorers and maybe AI Sada/Turo will be involved as well alongside Koraidon and Miraidon, and of course Terapagos, in some sort of climax that will establish Liko as the new hero of legend and a legendary herself, much like how Ash himself ended off his story becoming the World Champion, the strongest battler who ever lived. I'm definitely very interested in how both SV's DLC and Horizons will pan out in that regard and what kind of story they're trying to tell with Area Zero and its mysteries in both the games and the anime at present.
Lots of rambling but there you go.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Cross to Bear
Summary: A certain monk catches the attention of a woman that Uhtred and his men are gracious enough to rescue. Based on this request. Warnings: Brief mentions of cancer, illness, death, abuse and alcoholism. Slight angst. Eventual smut. Word count: ~3.4k
She is sixteen when her mother passes away from the lump in her breast. She cannot grieve. There is no one left to shield her or her younger sister from the beatings that their father is eager to dish out each evening when he stumbles home from the tavern, drunk and stinking of ale. They make the decision to leave, taking their chances out in the world.
The life of a vagrant is hard, but the exhilaration that is found in freedom is simply unmatched. On bad days, she is forced to share her body with strange men in exchange for coin to ensure her and her sister have enough to eat. On good days, they pick wildflowers in the warmth of the sunshine, and at night tell stories as they cuddle up together beneath the stars. They never remain in a single place for long, always moving, always searching for somewhere to call home.
She is eighteen when her sister develops a fever. She soaks rags in a stream to cool the scorching heat of her skin, allows her to drain their waterskin dry without complaint, and rubs her back as the persistent coughing denies her sleep. Within three days her sister is too weak to travel any further. They have been sheltering in dense woodland and are at least a day’s walk from the nearest town, so she cannot go to get help, she cannot risk leaving her alone in the open for so long. She has no choice but to sit and watch her deteriorate, providing what little comfort she can. By the next morning she is gone.
Upon waking to the feel of her sister cold beside her, she finally allows herself to weep. The ache in her chest that she has held at bay for the last two years finally breaches forth, blooming painfully through the expanse of her heart. She cries for the loss of her mother, for the loss of the only friend she had in her sibling and for how utterly lost she feels. Long after her tears have subsided she remains hunched over the body, consumed by her grief.
“If it is fever you must burn the body.”
She has no idea how much time has passed as she has laid there mourning, but the voice startles her out of her stupor and she looks up to see four men on horseback looming over her. She hadn’t even heard them approach.
They look to be mercenaries, all of them wear light armor and carry swords. The man that has addressed her has long dark hair and is brutish looking. One of his travel companions is bearded and surly, while another has a half shaved head; the Mjölnir around his neck indicates he is a Pagan. Ordinarily, she would be fearful in the face of such intimidating looking men, and assume they mean her harm, however, there is something about the fourth man that eases her mind and assures her she is in no danger. He has soft blue eyes and a kind face that wears an expression that suggests he is more afraid of her than she is of him.
“I-I cannot. I am alone.” She confesses, her voice hoarse from her earlier sobs.
“Then you will allow us to help you.” The long haired man insists, climbing down from his horse.
She learns their names are Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric and Osferth. They carry her sister’s body to a clearing and she stands solemnly, numbness settling over her, as she watches it burn.
“Who was she to you?” Finan enquires gently.
“My sister, my only friend, all that I had left.” She doesn’t attempt to hide her despair, she does not have the strength.
“We should say a prayer.” Osferth offers, his voice soft and full of sympathy.
She has never been particularly religious. What kind of a God would allow her to endure all she has been through and think it just? But she finds comfort in his orison, joining in with the “amen” that he finishes with.
“What will you do now?” Finan asks her.
“Truly, I do not know. I have nowhere to go and no one to go with.”
“You can join us.” Uhtred steps forward, eyeing the rest of the group as they all nod their affirmation.
“I have nothing to offer you.” She says, her cheeks flush with shame.
“Neither do we.” Quips Sihtric with a wry smile.
“Then it’s settled.” Finan decides, clapping Osferth on the back. “Baby Monk, she rides with you, you’re scrawny enough that your horse can carry both of you without any trouble.”
When Osferth discovers that she has never ridden on horseback before, he suggests that she rides up front with him behind her, so he can ensure she doesn’t slip off.
He helps her into the saddle and then climbs on after her. Her heart hammers in her chest as he puts his arms around her waist to take hold of the reins. She can feel his leather breastplate pressed against her back. Being in such close proximity to him causes her breathing to quicken and she stays rigid as they set off at a leisurely trot, afraid that he may feel the reaction she is having to him.
“My lady, please relax, or this will be an uncomfortable journey for you.” He tells her, though his voice is hesitant with shyness.
She blushes scarlet with embarrassment, mortified that he has noticed her unease. She does as he says though, settling back against him. His presence is calming, the warmth of him against her coupled with the gentle undulation from the horse soothes her.
A few moments pass in silence before Osferth speaks. “What happened to you?”
“It is a long story.” She sighs.
“It is a long journey.” He counters. She can hear the faintest of smiles in his voice.
She tells him of her mother, her father, of her and her sister leaving home and all they had endured on their travels. She recounts her sister’s fever, of watching her fade, everything up to the point that she had met him.
He listens, allowing her to speak without interruption. When she finishes he is quiet for a moment longer.
“I am sorry for your loss, my lady. I pray better days may find you.” He says eventually.
She sighs, eager to focus the attention on anything other than herself. “And what of you? Do you have a family?”
“There is not much to tell.” He admits. “I was a monk. Now I serve Lord Uhtred.”
She detects a sadness in his tone, there is definitely more to his story, but she dares not press him further as he is clearly uncomfortable speaking of it. She feels foolish for allowing herself to entertain her attraction to him; of course he is a man of God, he’d never be interested in her.
They ride on wordlessly, eventually coming to a stop once the sun begins to set. They set up camp and she is touched by the effort that the four men go to to ensure she has the shelter of a tent and a bedroll to sleep on.
However, she feels too confined as she lays under the canopy, so used to being able to stare up at the night sky, pointing out each of the stars with her sister. She misses her.
Dragging her bedroll out into the open, she places it close to the dying embers of their fire and lays down.
“My lady, what are you doing?” She hears Osferth whisper in the darkness.
“I am not used to not being able to see the sky.” She responds.
When he says nothing, she allows herself to drift off to sleep, feeling the safest she ever has.
Her eyes flutter open as dawn breaks and she is immediately met by the sight of Osferth seated by the burned out fire pit, looking exhausted.
She pulls herself up slightly, rubbing her eyes. “Osferth? You are an early riser.”
He smiles uncomfortably. “Truthfully, my lady, I have not been to bed.”
“Why not?”
“I did not wish to leave you out here by yourself, it’s not safe. I watched over you while you slept.”
Her heart flutters at his admission, an involuntary smile spreading its way across her features, which he returns with a genuine one of his own.
As the weeks pass, she and Osferth become comfortable travel companions. She spends her days leaning into his chest as they travel by horse. They share a waterskin, their fingers brushing ever so lightly as they pass it back and forth. She is unable to help the tingles that dance across her skin at each of his touches. 
Their evenings are spent sitting around a fire, their knees grazing as they sit side by side, exchanging shy smiles and stories. He gives up the use of his tent, laying his bedroll out in the open too - a means for him to rest, but also ensure she is kept safe.
The first time that the group shares ale together, dread gnaws at her stomach. She has witnessed the effects that it had on her father, and does not know how she will cope with that when up against four men instead of just one. To her surprise and delight the mood becomes lighter and jovial as the amber liquid is passed around. She happily accepts and drinks her fill when Osferth passes it to her. He laughs when she grimaces at the taste.
She knows she is falling for him and there is nothing she can do to stop it. She is certain he feels the same way though, there can be no other explanation for how he looks at her, how he treats her.
That is until they stop for a few days in a town. She hurriedly follows Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric, as Osferth rushes over to them, pleading for help.
“He’s mine!”
“No, he’s mine, you bitch!”
“Filthy whore!”
She watches in shock as the two women exchange insults, slapping at each other, until Finan and Uhtred eventually pry them apart.
He has fucked both of these women. Both of them.
“Why do they fight over you?” Uhtred asks Osferth, holding back a red haired woman, who struggles wildly against him.
“I-I’ve no idea, Lord!” He stammers, before swiftly walking away.
But she knows why, and her heart sinks. She turns away, blinking back tears as she chastises herself for being so foolish. She had misinterpreted his friendliness for romantic interest and is now left feeling hurt as a result of her own delusions.
She swipes angrily at her eyes, swearing to herself that she will pull away from him after this, no longer allowing herself to entertain the girlish fantasy that they could ever be more than friends.
His behavior towards her goes unchanged though. He still holds her close as they share a saddle, still allows his fingers to linger against her own whenever they share water or ale, he sleeps outside each night with her, though always on separate bed rolls kept a respectable distance apart. It eats away at her, makes her ache, to endure such closeness and know it will never be anything more. Yet she endures it, knowing the only alternative is to return to a life alone.
It is a warm afternoon as she stands knee deep in the river, bathing. The water is refreshing against her bare skin and, for a moment, her troubles seem far away, running off of her in much the same way that the rivulets of moisture slide down her body.
She turns and catches sight of Osferth on the edge of the treeline, watching her. She has no idea how long he has been standing there for, but he freezes when he sees he has been caught.
While she is a novice when it comes to matters of the heart, she is certain the look in his eye is one of desire. Deciding to be bold, she steps out of the water and back onto the bank, not bothering to retrieve her discarded clothing. If her feelings truly were requited then this was the best way to find out.
She walks towards him, closing the gap between them. She can see his breathing is unsteady as he takes in the sight of her, he is trembling slightly. Leaning up on tiptoes, she presses the lightest of kisses to his lips, and her heart swells as, for the briefest of moments, he reciprocates.
As quickly as his lips meet hers, he is jerking away. “No, my Lady!”
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Backing quickly away from him, the familiar sting of rejection piercing her heart once more, she grabs her clothes and runs from him, before he has the chance to say anything else. Tears stream freely down her cheeks, this time she does not try to wipe them away. This is the second time she has allowed herself to be drawn in by Osferth, only to endure heartache.
He has now made it perfectly clear that he’s not interested in her and she decides it is in her best interests to pull away from him entirely.
She forces herself to sleep inside her tent, becoming used to textile above her head, instead of the glittering stars. She sits as far from him as possible at every opportunity. There are no more shared waterskins, their knees no longer touch. If the rest of the group notice the shift in dynamic then they choose not to say anything. She rides with Sihtric, sitting snugly behind him in his saddle, ignoring the pleading looks of sadness from Osferth each day when she climbs onto another man’s horse and not his.
He is just missing her companionship, she decides, he will get over it when they arrive at the next town and he finds another woman to warm his bed. She hardens her heart, allows her sadness to devolve into anger and continues to keep him at arm’s length.
The day they arrive in Coccham, they spend the day at an alehouse. Uhtred has managed to acquire the only two available rooms upstairs for the evening, so they will have the luxury of sleeping in an actual bed for tonight. She is almost giddy with excitement at the prospect.
When they have drunk their fill, they head up the rickety wooden staircase. Sihtric and Finan file into one room, with Uhtred following close behind. He stops in the doorway, turning to her and Osferth.
“Looks like this room is full now. The pair of you can share that one.” He nods towards the door opposite, before closing his own.
Her face blanches. Bastard. He has done this on purpose.
She sighs, pushing past Osferth and stalking into the room. A small double bed takes up most of the space in the narrow confines.
“Oh, fucking perfect.” She spits, rolling her eyes.
Osferth offers an apologetic smile. “I can sleep on the floor, my Lady, I don’t mind.”
She rounds on him, her anger flaring. “I’m surprised you haven’t found another whore’s bed to share for the evening!”
His eyes widen in shock. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“You fucked those other women, Osferth!” She shouts, and before she can stop it, her voice is cracking as the dam bursts and she starts to cry. “You’ll put your cock into anyone but me it seems…”
His face softens and he moves to comfort her, but she is quick to push him away. “What’s so wrong with me?!”
He looks guiltily at her. “There is nothing wrong with you, my Lady, I think you’re beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen actually…”
“But you rejected me! When I tried to kiss you, you rejected me.”
He shakes his head, closing the gap between them and gently grabbing her by the shoulders. This time she doesn’t push him away. “You didn’t give me time to speak.” He explains, looking into her eyes with sincerity. “I wasn’t rejecting you. You deserve better than to be humped against a tree. If you’re to be my woman then I want our first time together to be special.”
She sniffles, her tears subsiding, replaced by confusion. “Your woman? If that is what you wanted then why did you lay with those other women in the last town?”
He sighs, averting his gaze, shame etched across his angular features. “That is not something I’m proud of, my lady. I have wanted you for so long, and been so pent up, I needed a release. I never told you of my feelings because I didn’t think I stood a chance. You are so wonderful and I-I am Osferth. I am simply Osferth.”
Her heart beats wildly against her ribs as she listens to him, staring up at him doe-eyed, unable to resist the grin that tugs at the corners of her mouth. 
“Yes, you are Osferth.” She whispers, leaning up towards him.
When their lips meet he does not pull away. He wraps his arms around her, his mouth moves hungrily against hers in a kiss that is full of need and desperation. They pull at each other’s clothing, months’ worth of built up longing propelling their movements.
When they are both finally naked, Osferth guides her to lay back on the bend and she drinks in the sight of him appreciatively. While he is tall and slender, he is not as skinny as she’d expected him to be, well developed muscles add a broadness to his chest and shoulders. His erection sits hard, thick and heavy at the apex of his slim thighs and she bites back a moan at the sight of it, arousal pooling hot between her legs.
“You really are beautiful.” He murmurs, his gaze flickering over her form as she lays beneath him. “Will you let me show you just how much I desire you, my Lady? I wish for there to be no doubt in your mind.”
She nods, biting her lip in anticipation, waiting to see what he will do.
His hands trace over every curve of her as moves slowly backwards down the bed, stopping once his face is level with her cunt. Spreading her thighs he inhales sharply at the sight of just how wet she is for him.
There is no preamble, and she gasps, arching her back when she feels the flat of his tongue move through her folds.
He whimpers softly at the taste of her, the sound vibrating through her core, his grip on her thighs tightening as laps greedily at her, occasionally dragging the tip to her pearl, causing her legs to tremble.
She cants her hips against his face, noticing how he ruts against the bed as he devours her, his moans of pleasure intermingle with hers and the sloppy sounds of his lips and tongue moving in earnest against her centre. 
As he sucks harshly against the apex of her sex she begins to feel the pressure of her climax building deep within her, her breaths becoming short and shallow. Osferth’s grip on her is almost bruising as the movement of his thrusts against the bed speed up.
With a final swirl against her bud, she falls apart against his mouth, clenching and writhing as he keeps his mouth firmly against her as she cries out in ecstasy, white hot sparks of pleasure rendering her boneless and light headed.
She closes her thighs around his head as he emits a guttural groan against her oversensitive cunny, his own pelvis stuttering against the mattress. 
He appears dazed as he finally looks up at her, eyes hazy and chin shiny with her slick. She is certain she must look similarly bedraggled with how hard he has caused her to peak.
“We may have to wait a moment before we do anything else.” He confesses sheepishly, sitting up and looking down at the blankets where he’d been laying. 
Her gaze follows his line of sight and she sees the mess he has made, a large patch of the bed now sticky with his release.
“You’re lucky we have the whole night then.” She giggles.
He moves to lay beside her, pulling her against him. “Yes, very lucky.”
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howlingday · 9 months
Jaune arc but he has the Is knowledge a memory of john m browning You know the man who made the machine gun that's been in the service of the US military for ninety years and the 1911 Is and the trinch gun. This is the request for a fanfic
"It's over..." Ruby heaved a heavy sigh of relief as the Grimm began to fade from existence. "It's finally over. We did it, Jaune!"
The young man by her side said nothing. Instead, he simply stared out at the vast expanse of space between them and the horizon. Everything that he strove so hard for, to become a hero, had finally come true. Of course it would be a lot to take in all at once.
"He's gone, Miss Rose." Ruby turned to find Ozpin speaking with Oscar's voice. "It seems I was not the only immortal spirit on this journey."
"What?" Ruby whirled around to Jaune, who looked at his sword and shield in confusion. "Jaune?"
"Nope." Jaune shook his head. "John now." He hand Crocea Mors to Ozpin, then nodded as he passed. "See ya, Oz."
"What... What was that?!" Ruby took hold of Oscar's straps, tears pouring from her eyes. "Where's Jaune?!"
"I'm afraid he's... gone the way of Mr. Pine." A hard fist struck his jaw.
"...He's gone, Ruby." He rubbed his cheek and looked to the blond haired stranger walking away. "All that's left is Mr. John Browning."
"I've met him many years ago." Ozpin dusted himself off as he stood. "He was a brilliant young man, hardworking, and some would call him the father of modern firearms." He looked to the stranger now climbing down the hill, passing the high fives offered by his former friends. "And it seems his work is still not done."
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star-wars-writing · 8 months
Across the Academic Divide
Another story for the @codywanbingo with the theme Romance and prompt Netflix and Chill. I hope you'll like it.
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Under the sterile glow of fluorescent lights, the library's silence enveloped Cody like a suffocating blanket, each tick of the clock a reminder of the thesis that remained stubbornly incomplete. The weight of expectation pressed down on him, a tangible force that seemed to squeeze the air from his lungs with every breath. Books and papers sprawled across the table in a chaotic testament to his desperation, the words blurring into incomprehensible symbols that mocked his exhaustion.
Across the room, his laptop screen glowed accusingly, the cursor blinking in rhythm with Cody's increasing heart rate. He leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair in frustration. The isolation of academic pursuit had never been so palpable, a chasm between him and the world outside that seemed to grow wider with each passing day.
It was in moments like these that his mind invariably wandered to Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi—his mentor, his guiding light through the dense fog of academic rigor. There was a warmth to Obi-Wan that went beyond his scholarly achievements, a kindness in his eyes that seemed to cut through the cold formality of their interactions. Cody had always respected him, not just for his intellect but for the way he navigated the complexities of human emotion with the same finesse he applied to his lectures.
The thought of Obi-Wan brought an unbidden smile to Cody's lips, a flicker of warmth in the cold expanse of his solitude. He remembered the way Obi-Wan's eyes would light up when discussing the nuances of their field, the passionate timbre of his voice that could make even the most mundane topics seem like undiscovered territories waiting to be explored. There was a grace to him, an elegance that transcended the academic, hinting at depths Cody had only begun to glimpse.
Unexplored attraction simmered beneath the surface of his admiration, a current of emotion that Cody had yet to fully acknowledge. It was there in the quickening of his pulse whenever Obi-Wan entered a room, in the lingering glances that seemed to speak volumes, and in the quiet hope that fluttered in his chest at the thought of their next meeting.
The library, with its oppressive silence and towering shelves, felt miles away from the world Obi-Wan inhabited—a world of intellectual exploration and emotional warmth, where Cody longed to be. The gulf between student and professor, between admiration and something more, seemed insurmountable, yet the mere thought of Obi-Wan offered a beacon of hope in the overwhelming darkness of his academic struggles.
Cody's gaze drifted back to his laptop, the blinking cursor now a challenge rather than a condemnation. With a deep breath, he leaned forward, the image of Obi-Wan's encouraging smile etched in his mind, a silent promise that he was not alone in this journey. The words began to flow, slowly at first, then with increasing confidence—a testament to the profound impact of a professor who had become so much more in the quiet spaces of Cody's heart.
In the hallowed halls of the university, where knowledge was both sword and shield, Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi moved with a purpose that belied the turmoil brewing within him. The quiet of the corridors echoed the solitude he observed in his most diligent student, Cody, whose struggle with his thesis had not gone unnoticed by the professor's discerning eyes.
Obi-Wan's steps took him unwittingly towards the library, the locus of Cody's academic seclusion. As he entered the quiet sanctuary, his gaze found Cody almost immediately, a lone figure amidst a sea of books and papers. There was a resilience to Cody, a silent strength that drew Obi-Wan to him, transcending the boundaries of their student-teacher relationship. The young man's dedication was admirable, yet the isolation it wrought was a concern that tugged at Obi-Wan's heart with increasing insistence.
Approaching Cody's table with measured steps, Obi-Wan cleared his throat softly, not wanting to startle him. “Cody," he began, his voice a gentle intrusion into the silence. "You're here rather late. How goes the battle with your thesis?"
Cody looked up, surprise flickering across his features before smoothing into a respectful mask. "Professor Kenobi," he greeted, a semblance of relief coloring his tone. "It's... progressing, albeit more slowly than I'd like."
Obi-Wan noted the shadows under Cody's eyes, the weariness that seemed to cling to him like a second skin. "Your dedication is commendable," he said, pulling up a chair. "But even the most valiant warriors need to rest." His attempt at humor was light, but his concern was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the toll Cody's pursuit was taking on him.
Cody's smile was tentative, a flicker of warmth in the cool library air. "I suppose I'm not very good at conceding defeat, even to my own limitations."
Obi-Wan studied him, the pull he felt towards Cody now a vivid presence in his heart. It was more than professional concern that warmed his voice; it was a genuine desire to see Cody not just succeed, but thrive. "There's a fine line between perseverance and obstinacy, Cody. Sometimes, the bravest thing one can do is to acknowledge when to pause and seek perspective."
The silence that followed was filled with unspoken words, a current of understanding that flowed between them. Obi-Wan's presence, so calm and assured, was a balm to Cody's frayed nerves. The professor's words, imbued with empathy and wisdom, sparked a glimmer of hope within Cody, a reminder that he was not alone in this endeavor.
Cody's defenses began to crumble, the barriers he had erected between himself and the world showing cracks. "I just... I don't want to disappoint anyone. Least of all, you," he admitted, the weight of his confession hanging in the air between them.
Obi-Wan's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Cody's words. "You could never disappoint me," he said earnestly. "Your journey is your own, Cody. All I ask is that you don't lose yourself along the way." His concern was a tangible thing, a testament to the depth of his care for Cody's well-being.
The moment stretched on, a tableau of mentor and mentee bound by mutual respect and an emerging sense of connection that transcended the roles they played. In the silence of the library, amidst the tomes of knowledge and the whispers of history, a bond was forged, delicate yet unyielding.
As Obi-Wan stood to leave, he paused, looking down at Cody with a softness in his eyes that he seldom allowed himself to show. "Remember, the greatest lessons often come not from the pages of a book, but from understanding the rhythm of our own hearts."
Cody watched him go, the professor's words echoing in his mind, a soothing melody amidst the cacophony of his doubts. In that moment, Cody felt seen, truly seen, not just as a student, but as a person—a feeling both exhilarating and terrifying.
The library's silence enveloped him once more, but now it was a comforting embrace rather than a suffocating void. Inspired by Obi-Wan's faith in him, Cody turned back to his thesis with a renewed sense of purpose, the isolation of his academic pursuit softened by the knowledge that he was not alone in his struggles. In the quiet library, a seed of something new began to take root in his heart, the possibility of a connection that might one day blossom into something neither of them could yet comprehend.
The ambiance of the university's makeshift cinema, a quaint assembly within the embrace of its arts department, was alight with the soft hum of anticipation. Cody, having wandered into this enclave of film enthusiasts by a twist of fate, found himself momentarily adrift in the novelty of the experience. The room, usually stark and echoing with the footsteps of academia, was transformed into a sanctuary of shared anticipation for the cinematic journey ahead.
As Cody hesitated on the periphery, uncertain yet intrigued, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence cut through the thrum of budding excitement. The professor, known within the hallowed halls for his scholarly rigor, stood amidst the film club’s members not as an authority but as one of their own, a fellow devotee of the art form. His role as the club's advisor, a facet of his identity Cody had been unaware of, added layers to the man Cody had come to respect deeply in the academic sphere.
"Cody," Obi-Wan called out, his voice a beacon in the low-lit room, tinged with a warmth that seemed to stretch beyond the bounds of their customary student-teacher dynamic. "This is a surprise. I didn’t expect to see you amongst our cinema aficionados tonight."
Cody, momentarily caught in the headlights of Obi-Wan’s unexpected welcome, felt a flush of warmth spread across his cheeks. "I, uh, stumbled upon it," he managed to say, his usual confidence faltering under Obi-Wan’s attentive gaze. "I thought it might be... enlightening."
The exchange, simple as it was, crackled with an undercurrent of uncharted territory. There was a palpable shift in the air, a mingling of professional respect and a budding curiosity that seemed to draw them into a sphere of intimacy previously unexplored. Obi-Wan’s smile, soft and genuine, eased Cody’s initial trepidation, bridging the gap between them with an ease that Cody found both comforting and disconcerting.
"Enlightenment comes in many forms," Obi-Wan replied, his tone imbued with a hint of playfulness that Cody had never heard in the lecture hall. "Perhaps tonight’s film will offer a different perspective. After all, the world of cinema is vast and varied."
As they settled into their seats, the space between them charged with a new awareness, Cody found himself grappling with the duality of Obi-Wan’s identity. The professor he respected, whose intellect and guidance he valued above all, was also a man of deep passions and interests, facets that Cody had never considered in the rigid structure of their academic interactions.
The room dimmed further, the chatter subsiding into a collective breath of anticipation as the film began to play. On screen, worlds unfolded, stories were told in shades of light and shadow, and emotions were painted in broad strokes of color and sound. Cody found himself drawn into the narrative, yet part of his attention remained tethered to Obi-Wan, to the subtle shifts in his expression, the soft intakes of breath at moments of tension, and the quiet laughter that seemed to resonate directly within Cody.
Their shared experience of the film, punctuated by whispered insights and shared glances, wove a thread of connection between them, subtle yet undeniable. Cody was acutely aware of the warmth radiating from Obi-Wan’s side, the occasional brush of their arms in the shared space between their chairs. Each touch was electric, sparking flashes of awareness that Cody struggled to categorize.
In the dim light, Cody stole glances at Obi-Wan, observing the way the flickering images played across his features, casting him in a light that Cody found mesmerizing. It was as if, in the shared silence of their movie-watching, a dialogue was unfolding between them, one of curiosity, of mutual discovery, and an emerging sense of camaraderie that transcended their known world.
The film, with its tapestry of emotions and narratives, became a backdrop to the unfolding realization within Cody—a dawning understanding of the complexity of his feelings towards Obi-Wan. It was a revelation that unfolded quietly, between the lines of their conversation, in the shared laughter and the silent exchanges that spoke of a connection burgeoning on the cusp of something deeper.
As the evening wore on, the boundaries of their relationship subtly shifted, marked by a camaraderie that felt both exhilarating and daunting. Cody, navigating the tumultuous waters of his own emotions, found himself drawn inexorably towards Obi-Wan, propelled by a mixture of professional admiration and a deepening personal curiosity.
In the shared space of their film club encounter, Cody began to see Obi-Wan not just as his professor but as a man of depth and passion, a realization that promised to redefine the contours of their relationship. The night, with its unexpected connections and revelations, had set the stage for a journey neither man had anticipated, one that promised to explore the intricate dance between respect, admiration, and the burgeoning whispers of something more.
As the screen went black and the projector's hum faded into an eerie silence, a collective sigh rippled through the dimly lit room, a shared moment of disappointment amongst the film club's members. The sudden power outage, an unwelcome intruder in their cinematic sanctuary, cast the room into shadows, the only light now emanating from the emergency exit signs, casting an ethereal glow.
In the midst of this unexpected turn, Obi-Wan, ever the beacon of calm, retrieved a laptop from his bag with a reassuring smile. "The show must go on," he declared, his voice a comforting anchor in the tide of mild chaos. The group congregated closer, drawn to the promise of continuing their journey into the cinematic world, albeit on a much smaller screen.
Cody found himself shoulder to shoulder with Obi-Wan, the close proximity a stark contrast to the formal distance usually maintained in the lecture halls and corridors of the university. The warmth from Obi-Wan's side was palpable, a reassuring presence that Cody found unexpectedly comforting.
As Obi-Wan balanced the laptop on his knees, their sides pressed together, Cody was acutely aware of every shift, every gesture Obi-Wan made. The space between them, now devoid of the barriers of their roles, felt charged with a new energy, a silent acknowledgment of their shared experience in this intimate setting.
The film resumed, its light flickering across their faces, drawing them back into the story. Yet, the narrative on screen could scarcely compete with the one unfolding between them, a story of two individuals exploring the tentative steps towards a connection that transcended the academic.
Their shared laughter at the film's lighter moments created a bridge, a pathway through the walls Cody had meticulously constructed around himself. Each chuckle, each shared glance, wove a thread of camaraderie and understanding, binding them in a shared experience that was both simple and profoundly intimate.
Obi-Wan's laughter, a sound Cody found he wanted to hear more of, was genuine and unguarded. It was a revelation to Cody, witnessing this side of Obi-Wan, free from the constraints of his professorial facade. In these moments, Cody saw not Professor Kenobi but Obi-Wan, a man with a rich tapestry of emotions and a depth of character that Cody found increasingly compelling.
The warmth of Obi-Wan sitting so close, their arms occasionally brushing in the cramped space, sent a cascade of sensations through Cody, stirring feelings he hadn't anticipated. Each accidental touch was like a spark, igniting a flurry of thoughts and emotions, a silent dialogue that spoke of possibilities Cody had never allowed himself to consider.
In the soft glow of the laptop screen, Cody caught glimpses of Obi-Wan's profile, the way his eyes reflected the film's light, the subtle expressions that danced across his face. Cody found himself captivated, drawn to Obi-Wan in a way that felt both exhilarating and terrifying.
The intimacy of their setting, the shared whispers commenting on the film's plot twists, created an atmosphere of closeness that Cody had never experienced with Obi-Wan. It was as if, in the absence of the university's formalities, they were free to explore a new dimension of their relationship, one that was unfolding with each shared smile and whispered word.
As the movie progressed, the world beyond the laptop screen seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, wrapped in a bubble of shared experience and growing connection. Cody found himself leaning slightly into Obi-Wan, a subconscious gesture of trust and affinity, drawn by the warmth and the unspoken promise of understanding and acceptance.
In this unexpected setting, barriers broke down, and the roles that defined them outside this room seemed irrelevant. Here, they were simply Cody and Obi-Wan, two individuals finding common ground in the shared language of cinema, laughter, and the subtle exploration of an emerging bond that promised to redefine their understanding of each other.
The power outage, initially a disruption, had become a catalyst, transforming a routine film screening into a pivotal moment in their relationship. In the close quarters of their makeshift cinema, Cody and Obi-Wan discovered a connection that was as profound as it was unexpected, a connection that hinted at the depth of the journey they were only just beginning to embark upon.
In the quietude that enveloped them, the film unfurled its tale with gentle persistence, drawing Cody and Obi-Wan deeper into its emotional landscape. The laptop's soft glow illuminated their faces, casting shadows that danced in harmony with the flickering images on screen. It was during one particularly poignant scene, a moment charged with unspoken yearnings and tender revelations, that the boundary between their two worlds subtly shifted.
The popcorn bowl, previously a mere accessory to their movie-watching experience, became the stage for a moment of unforeseen intimacy. As Cody reached in, his focus still partly on the screen, his hand brushed against Obi-Wan's in the dim light. The contact was brief, accidental, yet laden with an electricity that seemed to pulse through the air between them.
Time, for a heartbeat, seemed to stand still. Cody's breath hitched in his chest, his attention now fully wrenched from the film to the man beside him. Obi-Wan's hand had stilled as well, the warmth of his skin a tangible reminder of the proximity they shared. The air felt charged, heavy with a significance that went beyond casual touch, igniting a spark that Cody felt resonate deep within him.
There was a hesitation, a moment suspended in the ether of possibilities, where both men seemed to grapple with the sudden shift in their dynamic. Cody's heart raced, a tumult of emotions swirling within him—surprise, confusion, but most overwhelmingly, a burgeoning sense of connection to Obi-Wan that he couldn't quite comprehend.
Obi-Wan, for his part, withdrew his hand slowly, almost reluctantly, his eyes meeting Cody's in a gaze that seemed to search, to question. The soft light reflected in Obi-Wan's eyes, revealing a depth of emotion that Cody had never seen before. It was a look that spoke volumes, conveying an understanding and a curiosity that mirrored Cody's own.
The silence that followed was laden with a new awareness, a recognition of the uncharted territory they had inadvertently stumbled upon. The film continued to play, its narrative unfolding in the background, but the real story was happening right here, in the space between them, in the charged air that seemed to hum with potential.
Cody found himself at a loss for words, the usual ease with which he navigated his academic and personal life momentarily eluding him. The brush of their hands, such a simple, unintentional act, had opened a door to a realm of feeling he had not dared to explore, a realm where his admiration for Obi-Wan merged with a deeper, more complex web of emotion.
Obi-Wan, ever the composed presence, seemed to sense Cody's turmoil. With a gentle grace, he bridged the silence, his voice soft yet clear in the quiet room. "The film's themes of connection and understanding seem particularly resonant tonight," he observed, a subtle acknowledgment of the moment they had shared.
Cody nodded, grateful for Obi-Wan's ability to navigate the situation with such sensitivity. The comment was a lifeline, a way to contextualize the rush of feelings in a manner that felt safe, yet acknowledged the undercurrent of something more between them.
As they turned their attention back to the film, the atmosphere between them was altered, imbued with a sense of intimacy and understanding that had not been present before. The movie progressed, its story weaving through themes of love, loss, and redemption, each scene reflecting back at them the complexity of human emotion and connection.
The brush of their hands in the popcorn bowl had been a fleeting moment, but its impact lingered, a silent testament to the burgeoning connection between them. In the shared space of their accidental intimacy, Cody and Obi-Wan found themselves on the cusp of a journey neither had anticipated, a journey that promised to explore the depths of their relationship and the possibilities that lay within the simple act of reaching out.
As the narrative of the film wove its intricate dance of light and shadow across the small laptop screen, the room around Cody and Obi-Wan seemed to recede, leaving them adrift in a shared sea of emotion and silent revelation. The movie, a poignant tale of love found, lost, and reclaimed against the odds, mirrored the tempestuous journey of the human heart with such acuity that it seemed to speak directly to them, to the unspoken, burgeoning feelings that had begun to take root in the quiet space between their side-by-side seats.
In the flickering half-light, their eyes met and parted like dancers, a delicate choreography of glances that spoke volumes. Each look was a brushstroke on the canvas of their emerging connection, painting a picture of mutual recognition and the dawning of something more profound than either had anticipated. These stolen moments, when their gazes locked, were laden with the weight of unvoiced questions and the glimmer of possibilities that hung tantalizingly within reach.
The air around them was thick with tension, a palpable charge that seemed to hum with the potential of new beginnings. It was as if the film itself had become a conduit for their emotions, each scene echoing their internal landscapes, drawing them closer with the gravitational pull of shared vulnerability and understanding.
A particularly emotional moment on screen—a heartfelt confession of love that transcended barriers and defied expectations—acted as a mirror, reflecting back at them the uncharted depths of their own feelings. The characters' courage in baring their souls to one another resonated deeply with Cody, stirring within him a tumult of emotions that he struggled to name. It was as if the movie had laid bare the essence of his own heart, revealing a truth he had scarcely admitted to himself.
Beside him, Obi-Wan's presence was a constant, a grounding force in the whirlwind of Cody's thoughts and feelings. Yet, as the scene unfolded, Cody sensed a shift in Obi-Wan, a subtle change in his demeanor that suggested he, too, was moved by the parallel between their situation and the lovers on screen. The professor's usual composure was pierced by the raw emotion of the moment, his gaze lingering on Cody with an intensity that left no room for doubt: the connection they shared was real, palpable, and charged with the promise of something yet to be defined.
In the aftermath of the scene, as the characters on screen navigated the fallout of their vulnerability, Cody and Obi-Wan found themselves caught in a moment of profound silence, a breath held in time. It was a silence that spoke louder than words, a tacit acknowledgment of the shift in their relationship, of the bridge being built between them with each shared experience, each exchanged glance.
The movie continued, its narrative arc bending towards resolution, but for Cody and Obi-Wan, the story was just beginning. The emotional resonance of the film had peeled back layers of defense, revealing the raw, unvarnished truth of their connection. In the shared space of their vulnerability, they found a mutual understanding, a recognition of the feelings that simmered just below the surface.
As the final scenes played out, the characters finding their way back to each other against all odds, Cody and Obi-Wan sat in a silence that was both comfortable and charged with anticipation. The journey of the film's protagonists, from uncertainty to love's triumphant return, offered a poignant parallel to their own, a beacon of hope in the unexplored territory of their burgeoning relationship.
In the dim light of the laptop, as the credits rolled and the room slowly brightened with the return of the overhead lights, Cody and Obi-Wan shared a look that was both an ending and a beginning. It was a look that acknowledged the journey they had undertaken, side by side, and the unspoken promise of the path that lay ahead. The movie had ended, but their story, with all its potential and promise, was just beginning to unfold.
The film had ended, its final scenes leaving a lingering silence that felt both heavy and hallowed, a sacred space within which truths could be unveiled. The room gradually filled with the soft sounds of the other members stirring, their movements a gentle intrusion into the bubble that Cody and Obi-Wan had inadvertently created around themselves. Yet, in the immediate vicinity of their shared seat, time seemed to stand still, the world beyond their conversation momentarily paused.
Cody, still caught in the emotional undertow of the film, found himself at a crossroads of vulnerability. The movie had stirred something within him, loosening the tightly held reins on his own guarded thoughts and feelings. With the dimming of the laptop screen came an unbidden surge of courage, propelling him into confessions that, until now, had remained locked away.
"It's just... sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed," Cody began, his voice a mere whisper, as if the words themselves were fragile. "Between my thesis and trying to meet everyone's expectations, I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of drowning." The admission hung in the air between them, a testament to Cody's struggle, rendered all the more poignant in the wake of their shared cinematic journey.
Obi-Wan, ever the empathetic listener, turned to face Cody, his expression one of profound understanding and compassion. The barriers of professor and student, mentor and mentee, seemed to dissolve in the face of Cody's raw honesty, leaving behind just two individuals sharing a moment of genuine human connection.
"I've been there, Cody," Obi-Wan shared, his voice tinged with the weight of memory. "There was a time when I too felt as though I was being crushed under the weight of expectations. The fear of failure, of not living up to the potential others saw in me, was almost paralyzing." His admission was a bridge, extending across the chasm of loneliness and doubt that Cody had thought insurmountable.
The room around them slowly emptied, the soft murmurs and footsteps of the departing members a distant echo to the intimacy of their conversation. Yet, neither Cody nor Obi-Wan seemed to notice; their world had contracted to the immediacy of their dialogue, a lifeline thrown across the waters of uncertainty and isolation.
Cody listened, a sense of awe mingling with the burgeoning respect and affection he felt for Obi-Wan. To hear his professor—this person he admired and looked up to—speak of vulnerabilities and past struggles was both humbling and deeply moving. It was a reminder that strength was not the absence of weakness but the courage to face it, to share it, and to grow from it.
"How did you overcome it?" Cody asked, the question a beacon in the fog of his own doubts.
"With time, patience, and understanding—both from myself and from those around me," Obi-Wan replied, his gaze steady and reassuring. "And by realizing that it's okay to ask for help, to admit that you're struggling. Strength lies in vulnerability, in the courage to show your true self, warts and all."
The conversation flowed, a meandering river of shared experiences, fears, and hopes. Obi-Wan spoke of his journey, of the challenges he had faced and the lessons learned along the way. Cody, in turn, opened up about his own fears, the pressure to succeed, and the isolation that his dedication had wrought upon him.
In the vulnerability of their exchange, a bond was forged, one built on mutual respect, understanding, and an unspoken promise of support. They spoke of the future, of paths yet to be walked, and of the strength to be found in companionship and shared burdens.
As the last of the film club members filtered out, leaving Cody and Obi-Wan in the quiet aftermath of their conversation, a sense of peace settled over them. The challenges ahead had not diminished, but the burden felt lighter, shared between shoulders strong enough to bear it together.
In that moment, as they rose from their seats, the world around them resumed its pace, the paused time starting once again to flow. Yet, for Cody and Obi-Wan, everything had changed. They stepped into the hallway, not as professor and student, but as companions on a journey, fortified by the shared understanding that, no matter the challenges ahead, they would not face them alone.
The remnants of their heart-to-heart lingered in the air, a tangible testament to the shift that had occurred between them. In the quiet aftermath, as the last echoes of their conversation faded into the hush of the emptying room, Cody and Obi-Wan remained, caught in a moment of profound realization. The boundaries that had once defined their interactions seemed to blur, the roles of professor and student no longer sufficient to encapsulate the depth of connection they now shared.
Cody, his heart a tumultuous sea of newfound emotions, found himself grappling with the implications of their exchange. The vulnerability they had shared, the mutual understanding and respect that had flowed so freely between them, had opened the door to something more—a potential that was exhilarating and daunting in equal measure.
Obi-Wan, for his part, seemed equally contemplative, his usually composed demeanor softened by the intimacy of their dialogue. There was a warmth in his gaze as he looked at Cody, a tenderness that spoke volumes of the journey they had embarked upon together. The air between them was charged with an unspoken question, a silent inquiry into the nature of the feelings that had begun to take root.
"It seems we've crossed a threshold, Cody," Obi-Wan finally said, his voice low and imbued with a weight that underscored the significance of their conversation. "What we've shared tonight... it goes beyond the confines of mentorship."
Cody's heart skipped a beat at the acknowledgment, the reality of their situation settling around him like a cloak. The admission was both a balm and a challenge, an invitation to explore the depths of their connection with honesty and courage.
"Yes," Cody agreed, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside him. "I feel it too. There's something... more between us." The words, once spoken, seemed to hang in the air, a fragile bridge spanning the gap between potential and reality.
The complexity of their situation was not lost on either man. The transition from mentor-mentee to something more was fraught with uncertainties and potential pitfalls. Yet, the foundation they had built—rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and now, a burgeoning attraction—offered a beacon of hope, a promise of what could be if they dared to navigate these uncharted waters together.
Obi-Wan stepped closer, closing the physical distance between them as a symbolic gesture of the emotional journey they were about to undertake. "Navigating this... it will require care, Cody. We must be mindful of the implications, of the potential impact on both our personal and professional lives."
Cody nodded, the gravity of Obi-Wan's words grounding him. "I understand. And I'm willing to explore this... with you, with caution and respect for those boundaries." The commitment in his voice was palpable, a vow to tread this new path with the care and consideration it deserved.
The acknowledgment of their mutual attraction, coupled with the complexities it introduced, marked a pivotal moment in their relationship. It was a threshold crossed, a door opened to possibilities hitherto unimagined. As they stood there, in the quiet aftermath of their heart-to-heart, Cody and Obi-Wan were acutely aware of the significance of this moment.
This was not a decision made lightly, nor a path chosen without foresight. It was a journey they agreed to embark upon together, with eyes wide open to the challenges ahead. The understanding and connection that had blossomed between them were too profound to ignore, a rare and precious thing that demanded exploration.
As they finally made their way out of the now-empty room, the world around them seemed both unchanged and entirely new. The campus outside was bathed in the soft glow of the evening, the quiet hum of night beginning to settle in. Yet, for Cody and Obi-Wan, the landscape of their relationship had transformed, offering a vista of potential that was both daunting and beautiful in its promise.
Their steps were measured, side by side, as they navigated the dimly lit paths of the university grounds. The night air was cool, a gentle caress against their skin, a reminder of the world's vastness and the small, yet significant, space they occupied within it. The path ahead was uncertain, filled with potential pitfalls and promises, but the journey—fraught with complexities and imbued with the thrill of new beginnings—was one they were now committed to exploring, together.
In the serene stillness that cloaked the university's grounds, the world around Cody and Obi-Wan seemed to hold its breath, a silent witness to the unfolding narrative between them. The evening air, crisp and redolent with the scent of blooming night flowers, carried a sense of anticipation, a prelude to the next chapter in their evolving story.
Obi-Wan, typically the epitome of restraint and composure, found himself navigating the tumultuous waters of newfound emotions. The revelations of the night had acted as a catalyst, dissolving the barriers that had once held back the tide of his feelings for Cody. It was a sensation both exhilarating and daunting, a departure from the safety of the known into the vast, uncharted territories of the heart.
As they walked, the soft crunch of gravel underfoot punctuated the silence, a rhythmic reminder of their journey's physical and metaphorical nature. Obi-Wan glanced at Cody, noting the thoughtful expression that played across his features, the soft glow of the campus lights casting shadows that danced across his face.
"Cody," Obi-Wan began, his voice breaking the silence with a gentle yet decisive timbre. "Tonight has been... illuminating, in more ways than one. I find myself reluctant to let it end here, to simply return to the roles we've known."
Cody turned to face him, the ambient light reflecting in his eyes, lending them a depth that Obi-Wan felt drawn into. The air between them was charged with a palpable energy, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw them inexorably closer.
"I feel the same," Cody admitted, his voice low, a mirror to the vulnerability and strength that had characterized their earlier conversation. "There's something between us, Obi-Wan. Something that goes beyond the classroom, beyond the academic."
Obi-Wan nodded, the acknowledgment igniting a spark of hope within him. "I'm glad to hear you say that," he said, taking a small, yet significant step closer. "Which is why I'd like to invite you to another movie night. Just the two of us, away from the constraints of our roles, to explore... whatever this is, between us."
The invitation hung between them, a proposition laden with potential and promise. Cody's response was a soft exhale, a release of the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, a sign of his own inner turmoil and burgeoning hope.
"I'd like that," Cody said, his voice steady, imbued with a conviction that belied the rapid beating of his heart. "To explore, to understand this connection... with you."
The agreement was a bridge, a tacit commitment to venture forth into the unknown together, to navigate the complexities of their feelings with the same integrity and respect that had defined their relationship thus far.
The decision to meet again, under the guise of another private viewing, was more than an arrangement; it was a declaration, a mutual acknowledgment of their interest in discovering the potential of their bond beyond the academic context. It was an exploration of possibilities, of paths untrodden and futures unimagined, a journey they were now committed to undertaking together.
As they continued their walk, the campus around them seemed to come alive with a new vibrancy, a reflection of the internal shifts that had taken place within them both. The night, with all its mysteries and promises, stretched out before them, a canvas upon which their story could unfold in hues and shades yet to be discovered.
The conversation shifted then, to lighter topics, to shared interests and anecdotes that wove a tapestry of companionship and mutual understanding. Yet, beneath the casual exchange, there was an undercurrent of excitement, a palpable sense of anticipation for what lay ahead.
Their steps eventually led them to part ways, but the promise of their next meeting lingered in the air, a beacon guiding them forward. As they said their goodnights, the exchange was laden with unspoken promises and the thrill of new beginnings.
In the quiet of his own space, Cody found himself replaying the evening's events, each moment a precious memory to be savored. The prospect of their upcoming meeting filled him with a sense of anticipation he hadn't known he was capable of feeling, a testament to the profound impact Obi-Wan had made on his life.
Similarly, Obi-Wan, in the solitude of his own contemplation, found himself looking forward to their next encounter with an eagerness that surprised him. The decision to extend the invitation, to openly express his desire to explore the connection they shared, felt like stepping into daylight after a long night, a bold move toward a future filled with unknown but promising possibilities.
The night's revelations had indeed marked a turning point, a pivotal moment that set the course for a journey neither man could fully anticipate. Yet, the path ahead, with all its uncertainties, was a journey they were both willing to take, emboldened by the shared recognition of their mutual attraction and the complexities it introduced into their lives.
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geeks-universe · 2 years
The Ice Queen Pt. 2
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
A/N: It’s a little spicy. You have been warned.
Daemon hadn’t sought you out like you thought he would.
After the very pleasurable moment you shared, you figured he would turn up at your chambers. Instead, he seemed to be avoiding you.
At first, you’d suspected he had changed his mind. However, the looks he gave you in passing suggested it wasn’t his idea.
Corrus or Viserys were the two most likely suspects on his sudden disappearance, but you couldn’t be sure. Nevertheless, you weren’t one to fall in line with what was expected of you, so you had left a note for Daemon.
If he wanted to join you, he would. Otherwise, you would not allow yourself to think on him a second longer, even if the thought itself seemed impossible.
You were up to your chest in the water, the waves gentle and calm for the moment. It was a hot summer day, and even though the sun was down, there was still enough warmth that the water was refreshing- not that the cold ever really bothered you anyways.
You were in a natural cove, shielded by a wall of earth on all sides except the east, a perfect view of Blackwater Bay. Water had always been a comfort to you, and since you’d left home, it had been even moreso.
“Now, this is a pleasant surprise.”
You smiled, leaning your head back to expose the bare skin of your neck, and just the smallest peek of your cleavage. 
“Prince Daemon,” you greeted, not bothering to look towards him. “I’m glad you’ve decided to join me.”
Your eyes slipped shut as you heard the rustling of clothing and the clink of his sword hit the rocky shore. Anticipation was heavy on your tongue, your body warming with the thought of what was to come.
You breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself. You knew what would happen if you lost control.
“I would have turned up sooner had my brother not kept his worthless spies watching my every move.”
There was a bitterness in his voice that caused you to open your eyes. Daemon was in the water, only a few steps from you. The water hadn’t yet covered the expanse of his chest, and you found yourself transfixed on the display.
“And why has he decided to do that?” You asked.
Despite knowing that this meetup was likely only for one thing, you couldn’t help but want to talk to him. The two of you had a connection beyond the physical touch, and the emotional bond had begun kindling once more.
“To keep me from taking your virtue.”
You raised a brow challengingly, a wicked smile playing on your lips. Instead of allowing him to close the distance between you, you did so yourself, baring your chest to him.
He drank in the sight, his eyes darkening with lust.
“And why does he think you’re the one to take it?”
Words had escaped him as he traced the curves of your body, his fingers spasming with the desire to touch you, yet he held back momentarily.
“I have found my thoughts overtaken with you,” he admitted, voice gravelly. “And he has taken notice.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” Your gaze was innocent, but your expression was anything but as you grasped one of his hands in both of yours, guiding it to your chest.
Sparks shot down your spine at the feel of his fingers on your bare skin. That action was enough to force him to act. He pulled your body swiftly and tightly against his, one hand on your cheek, while the other continued its exploration downwards.
This connection- it was like a magnet, drawing the both of you ever closer to one another. It was evident he felt it too, as he stared deep into your gaze, brushing his thumb along your cheekbone.
“I would burn this world to the ground for you.”
There was no deception in his voice, just pure, raw emotion. The affection for him bubbled in your chest, and you wasted no time in pulling his head down to meet you, your fingers tangling themselves in his hair.
His lips were brutal against yours, hot and insistent. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, and you moaned, letting him have control. His hand had stopped its exploration, instead grabbing your ass and urging your legs to wrap around his waist.
You did so, pleasure shooting down your body at the evidence of his arousal. Between the feral nature of his groping, and the sinful kiss he had yet to release you from, you found your mind spinning with lust.
It was too much.
Every bit of control you’d spent years building up snapped in a matter of seconds, manifesting itself in a heavy snow above your naked bodies.
It took Daemon a moment to notice, lost in the heat of your intwined bodies and the whisper of what was to come next, but when he did, he stared up in wonder.
“What is...?”
You recoiled, worrying your swollen lips with your teeth. Daemon hadn’t released you from his hold yet, and you hadn’t unraveled your legs from his body.
“You’re doing this.”
It wasn’t accusatory. In fact, it sounded mildly impressed.
“I can explain,” you offered gently, reaching up to touch one of the snowflakes.
There, in that cove, your body wrapped around Daemon’s, you told him the truth of everything.
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levwrites · 1 year
The Fall (part 1)
Two warriors wake up on a deserted island, without any memories. They have to rely on each other to survive and leave this magical place, not knowing that the bond slowly forming between them might not survive returning to their old lives.
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The first thing he becomes aware of is sand under his cheek, making his skin prickle. Next, the soothing sound of waves. There's the smell of salt in the air, a cool breeze gently moving his hair.
There is not supposed to be sand under his cheek.
At least... he's pretty sure.
He opens his eyes, wincing slightly at the bright light of the sun overhead. Shields them with one hand as he goes to sit up. As they adjust, he can see an endless expanse of water in front of him. He knows it's called a sea.
He knows very little else.
Where am I? I'm not supposed to be here. He frowns, looking down at himself. Everything he sees is familiar and foreign at the same time, his own body forgotten.
What the fuck is going on? He's growing more worried and wary every second that passes. His memory is...
He doesn't remember anything. Nothing about himself, or where he is, or where he's supposed to be instead.
He looks around, trying desperately to orient himself. Hoping something will jog his memory.
A dark form catches his eye, lying in the sand, so strange his mind takes a moment to figure it out.
Limbs, at least a pair of arms and legs, and a pair of... wings. Big, feathered wings, a deep red in color. The creature is slumped in the sand, apparently unconscious.
He gets up, quickly, hand going to a weapon that is not at his side.
My sword. He apparently usually has a sword.
He eyes the figure, inquisitive and wary. It - he? - doesn't look like much of a threat right now, unconscious as he is. But he knows the wings, and the claws he can glimpse on the creature's fingertips, are something he himself doesn't have. They mean danger. He's looking at a predator.
Still, his tongue passes over fangs in his own mouth. Those also belong to a predator. Perhaps the creature on the ground will be able to tell him what's going on, if he is not a threat after all.
As soon as he approaches the creature lets out a pained groan, twitching. His wings start to move first, sliding off so he can get arms beneath his body and push himself up, blinking sand out of magnetic dark eyes.
They immediately find him and narrow. He gets on his knees and quickly looks around, a deep frown on his forehead, before he looks back at him. He opens his mouth, revealing teeth slightly sharper than normal, then stops and closes it abruptly. Alarm and confusion flash on his face.
"What's this place?" he eventually settles on, jaw tight.
Damn it.
"I don't know." He shakes his head, annoyed with himself and the whole situation. "I just woke up. I have no idea what happened." And this guy doesn't know either, apparently. Weird creature or not.
"Who are you?" The creature rubs his temples, as if fighting off a growing headache.
"I..." He stops, dread pooling in his guts. He knows his name was important, he knows it mattered. And yet it's nowhere to be found. "I don't remember."
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tw1l1te · 2 years
Whispers From the Sky: Chapter VI
A/N: Helllloooo! I finally finished this chapter, and I’m so happy with all the support and nice comments I’ve been getting. I wish you all happy holidays and a great holiday season! I plan to upload another chapter before New Year’s, so stay tuned!!
You didn’t get any sleep the rest of the night. You sat under the tree, watching as the night sky brightened, but the clouds stayed, almost as if the weather wanted to match what you were feeling.
You were brought out of your thoughts when Time spoke softly to you.
“Although this isn’t ideal, we have to keep moving. Once we make it up to the plateau we can rest and try to process this mystery. No one is going to let anyone hurt you, even though we have no idea who you are.”
You looked down at your lap, not even knowing what to respond.
Sighing, Time stood up, you followed shortly after, and the walk to The Great Plateau began.
It seems your nightmare dampened the mood for the group, but it wasn’t necessarily awkward. You would occasionally hear someone make quiet conversation, but it ended quickly thereafter.
Twilight slowed down to keep in pace with you, causing you to look up.
“I’m sorry last night was so painful for you. Although I don’t understand what exactly happened, I understand, in a way. We all do.”
You were confused at what he meant by that.
They didn’t choose to be heroes. They didn’t choose this life of fighting and glory… if you could even call it that.
“I just don’t understand why I would be shown this dream, vision, whatever it is. And the triforce being burned onto my hand? Seems more like a threat than some blessing or great prophecy…” you mumbled off, turning your attention onto your bandaged hand, which needed to be re-bandanged soon.
Twilight sighed.
“Maybe you do have a greater role in this and none of us know it yet. You should give yourself more credit considering all the events that have transpired in the few days that you’ve come to Hyrule.”
Twilight was about to reach for your bandaged hand, but at the last second he hesitated and brought his hand back to his side, looking out towards the expanse of Hyrule Field.
You had thought the rest of the day’s journey would go on solemnly and quiet, but you were sorely mistaken.
A beeping and whirring sound made you halt in your steps, Wild snapping his head at the mechanical sounds.
While one guardian could be taken out by Wild in a few minutes, two more appeared from behind you, already targeting their victims.
Swords were unsheathed, shields were equipped, and you stood, frozen, staring at the guardian about 20 feet away from you.
“Y/n, move! I need you to stay behind me!” Wild yelled, two beams of light colliding with his shield. Nodding, you stood against Wild, looking at the heroes slashing at the machinery.
You then remembered.
Ancient arrows. Those could work.
Looking down at Wild’s quiver, you saw a few Ancient arrows sticking out, casting a faint blue glow against Wild’s clothes.
Taking them out, you breathed in, and out.
You only have a short amount of time to actually kill these octopus robots, so you needed to make it count. You are not going to watch helplessly from the sidelines just to watch someone get hurt.
You can do this.
You sprinted up to the first guardian, hearing a bunch of yelling and cursing your way from the group.
You gripped the arrow and plunged it into the center blue eye, the machine instantly sputtering and breaking down. Scampering off the guardian, you run over to the next, narrowly passing a beam aimed straight for your head.
Jump. Plunge, Twist.
You jump down, looking around for the third, which had occupied Time and Sky’s attention.
You had one arrow left, so you mustered up all your energy and raced towards the last guardian, its attention still on the two heroes.
Sky yelled out as he saw you run towards the guardian, arrow in hand.
You jumped up the body, slipping at the texture, but managed to shatter the eye, rolling off onto the grass with a grunt.
When you heard the machine power down, you closed your eyes, exhausted from the exertion powered by adrenaline that has tired you out.
You heard nothing but crickets and the wind blowing for a few moments, but that was short lived.
“That was incredibly reckless and dangerous for you to do. You were told to stay protected behind Wild and you disobeyed. You are lucky to have returned unscathed or badly hurt, but next time might not be so lucky,” Time spoke. He was standing right in front of you, towering over your weak form.
Nodding, you turn around, preparing to continue the journey to the Great Plateau. Wild looks at you with sympathy, already falling in step with you to give you company.
Twilight, Warriors and Legend looked annoyed, the latter mumbling something under his breath.
The rest just looked worried, but sent you sympathetic smiles and Sky gave you a small pat on the shoulder. You avoided looking at Time, your eyes starting to burn from embarrassment.
The rest of the walk was awkward and quiet. You didn’t talk, even when Wild tried to spark a conversation, but he noticed your lack of response, so he stopped conversing and merely walked with you.
You knew it was a bad idea to get involved in such physical and violent moments, but you’ve fought guardians in game so many times.
Surely Time knows that?
I feel so useless just standing there, hoping a hero would protect me. I don’t want to be an extra weight on their shoulders.
Maybe I should just lea-
“Ah, we’re here!” Wild exclaimed.
Legend and Warriors groaned, peering up at the stone wall. You couldn’t even see the top from the mist and fog.
How the HELL am I supposed to climb that?
“Alright, I’m gonna teleport to the shrine close to the wall and drop down a rope. I believe the rope can hold two to three people at a time, so probably someone heavier will go with someone lighter to decrease the chance of the rope snapping.”
Twilight shuffled, giving a thick rope to Wild, who slinged it over his shoulder and waved to you, teleporting through glowing blue wisps.
It looked so much cooler in person than it did through a screen. You hoped you could try it one time, if Wild let you.
A few minutes pass, everyone standing around, waiting for the rope to drop.
Suddenly, the rope dropped, a few feet away from you, making you panic for a split-second.
Sky, Four and you were up first. Four went in front of you, and Sky behind you for extra precaution just in case you fell or lost grip.
You did not want to think about that scenario.
And so, the climb began.
Not even 20 feet off the ground, your palms started to burn. The rope was scratchy, digging into your palms every time you climbed up. You could hear Four and Sky panting, in a similar predicament to you. After a few minutes, you accidentally looked down, making you halt in your progress.
It was a very long way down.
If you slipped, you’re as good as dead.
“Y/n! Don’t look down!” Sky yelled, snapping you out of your panicking. Nodding, you looked up, making out the shape of Wild over the ledge, looking out for his partners. Your eyes were itching from the wind and dust particles, but you could not let go.
You could feel your calves burning from relying on them so much. You prayed to whatever being that you would somehow make it to the top.
You could now makeout Wild’s face, colors, and his long hair, which gave the last push of momentum to finish the climb. As soon as you were within reach, Wild grasped your arm and used his strength to yank you onto solid ground. Gasping, you tumbled onto your back, gasping deeply, trying to wind down from the burning in your legs.
“Hey, you still with me Y/n? You did so well. I know it was a hard and scary climb, but I’m sure we won’t have to do that for a long time.” he murmured, brushing your hair out of your face and mouth.
You didn’t process how close he was to you, still exhausted from the physical activity, but you managed to nod slightly to give him a sign that you were awake.
It took another hour to get everyone to the top, almost everyone slightly red in the face and panting. Wild was so damn lucky to not have climbed a giant rock wall.
“We have a few hours of daylight left, so we can make it to the Temple of Time. It’s up on that ridge over there. Don’t worry, there’s practically no climbing, just walking.” he said with a smile, a few of the members sending him annoyed looks.
Hyrule and Four walked next to you, checking up on you. Your hands were blistered from gripping the rock so hard, so Hyrule made it his priority to get you some leather gloves at the next shop they saw.
Looking around, you almost expected to see monster camps near the edge, but it was serene. The sun was lowering in the sky, and the breeze was so much more bearable up here than while climbing. You could see Gerudo Highlands in the distance and the Sheikah Tower, still glowing blue from when Wild reactivated it.
You started spacing out and didn’t realize that you were humming. You didn’t notice until Twilight spoke up.
“What song is that? I haven’t heard it before.”
With Twilight’s curiosity, a few of the group’s heads perked up with curiosity, hell, even Legend’s.
You stopped.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realize that I was doing that. I tend to space off quite a bit and fidget or hum unknowingly.” you said, your face burning red from the attention on you.
Sky chuckled, “It’s no trouble at all. I space the most in the group, so I know. Is the song from your home?”
You sighed and nodded.
“Yeah, uh, its called ‘Venus’. Its a song about a goddess, I guess? My mom loved that song when she was— younger. It’s kinda talking about how women are goddesses and are powerful. I don’t know, it makes me feel good when I’m conflicted with myself.” you explained.
“Can you hum some more? It’s catchy.” Four commented, smiling up at you.
You continued humming, switching to a few other songs once it ended. No one seemed to mind though. You already felt better from earlier, hiding your soft smile while you walked.
You arrived at the temple before you knew it, the sky quickly darkening from when you climbed to the top of the plateau.
“It would be best to set up camp within the temple. It would give us shelter from any rain, but also prevent vulnerability to monsters at night,” Warriors stated, unpacking his bag in the middle of the temple.
Everyone else agreed, so you laid out your belongings, checking to make sure you didn’t lose anything on the journey here. You were still in a musical mood, so you checked your phone to see if it was still working.
Battery at 100%.
It’s been a few days, and the battery life hasn’t changed? You supposed that it had something to do with the fact that you were inside a video game, so maybe the electrical factor of it powered it.
You scrolled through your phone to find your downloaded music. You plugged in your earphones and picked a song. A guitar riff started up, buzzing you up with energy.
You continued sifting through your bag and that’s when you noticed that everyone was staring at you. They have no idea what even happened.
You stared at them for a moment, but started hysterically laughing at their facial expressions. 
“HAHAHAHAH- you should see the look on your faces! You look live you’ve seen a ghost!” you cackle, falling on your side and clutching your stomach.
Twilight and Wild broke into a smile, Wind and Four also started laughing, the rest just having confusion still apparent on their faces.
After calming down and wiping your eyes, you spoke again.
“Alright, alright. Since you all are SO curious, I’ll show you. Who wants to listen to some of my music?”
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tempestgnostic · 1 year
i really just can’t express how fun WoW hardcore is, on so many levels. it’s not even just nostalgia, or that it’s a ‘shiny new toy’ for me. it’s the incredible experience of helping total strangers fight their way out of a dark cave, or tossing buffs on an adventuring party as they pass (and, mana-wise, vanilla buffs aren’t cheap!)
it’s the warrior who readies their sword and shield next to a low-health rogue who just barely made it out of Skull Rock, as if to say, “I’ve got your back.” it’s the night elf rogues crossing paths who start jumping together, one following the other’s lead, while they wordlessly try to sync up their midair front flips.
there is such a special feeling when all of this happens against the backdrop of only having one life—no resurrections, no second chances. i just can’t describe it any better than that. it’s the kind of experience i’ve had on retail, magnified a thousandfold, with the added challenge of WoW as it was when it felt like a whole different game.
the map has gotten bigger in the expansions since, yet it feels so much smaller, so much easier to traverse. (that’s not a bad thing, either. i would rather jump in a wood chipper than run around modern Azeroth on foot until level 40.) but classic hardcore feels humongous, both in breadth and in the significance of every single life. it’s more dangerous than ever—the player corpses scattered around boss camps and elite mob spawns is absolutely chilling.
i’ll probably write an essay or something about it someday. i mean, fuck, WoW has been my favorite game since i was a kid! i think this is something really special, and to be here right when it’s happening…it’s an incredible feeling.
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exagides · 8 months
Excalibur is currently embroiled in a friendly one-on-one with one of the other aegislash of his family. Wikstrom, knowing that the two are safe to duel to their hearts’ content out in the expansive gardens, stands with one foot on the bottom rung of the wooden fence, his arms rested over the top.
“You truly should aim higher, Wik.” His father says, leaning over his shoulder. Wikstrom jumps, turning from watching Excalibur. His father looms over him ( his father is so much taller — Wikstrom inherited papa’s height ) and smiles.
“I do not know what you mean.” Wikstrom says, making sure his gaze doesn’t linger too long on his father’s face. Eye contact may be polite, but it’s also an easy way to be read.
“You completed thy gym challenges rather quickly, in years past,” his father continues on. “And Excalibur could use more of a challenge.”
This again.
“I am needed here, am I not?” Wikstrom says. He already knows the answer.
“You are almost twenty. You have done so much for this family already, and verily you shall carry on the legacy of the Chevalier name quite well.” There’s that look in his father’s eyes, the one that says he’s not going to put this matter aside. “You have a natural talent for battle. That Elite Four man is looking for an apprentice to mentor…”
“I would have to challenge him first.” Wikstrom says. “And win.”
“I believe you would triumph.”
The sound of the dueling aegislash comes to a lull, and when Wikstrom looks back to Excalibur, he’s hovering closer, shield held close to himself. He looks winded — as much as a sentient sword can look as such. Wikstrom reaches out, knocking the front of his shield with his knuckles, and Excalibur makes a quiet cooing noise.
“And I do believe Excalibur thinks so, too. Do you not?” 
Excalibur already knows the topic at hand. He makes an encouraging noise, bringing his shield up higher. One swift move and the bottom edge of it knocks lightly against Wikstrom’s forehead, causing him to lean back. 
“You truly wish to pursue this?” Wikstrom asks.
Excalibur’s eye narrows at him. As if to say ‘of course, stupid’, he knocks his shield a little harder against Wikstrom’s forehead. This time it actually hurts, and Wikstrom finds himself laughing as he rubs the spot that hopefully won’t bruise.
“Fine, aye, but do not expect it to be easy,” Wikstrom warns, and he turns to his father once more. “And do not expect it to happen so quickly.”
“I have faith in you, Wikstrom.” He says. A beat passes before his father’s arm wraps around his shoulder, bringing him close to his side. “Think not of why most challenge the League, and think instead of how you helped thy friends on their personal journeys. You have potential to do that for many more.”
“You—” Wikstrom hesitates. But he knows. He’s had the same thought — the only real barrier has been the thought of leaving his family behind. The estate, the history — he doesn’t want to leave. Challenging the Elite Four with the intent to be mentored would mean leaving for a long time, and unlike going on a region-wide journey, he would be moving completely. Away. To be closer to the League.
But that’s really no excuse, not when there’s so much good he could do if he were to make it. And doesn't his father already know what would make his heart happiest?
“You are right.”
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Here’s some of my theories for the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC or at least hopes for the DLC.
So we know from the games that there’s actually three schools mentioned not just the two we’re familiar with. During the League interview, Manzana Academy is also mentioned. It’s possible that it’s a joke, but what if it isn’t? What if there’s possibly another academy that’s rival to the one the MC attends, and we might see that in the DLC?
It’s perfectly reasonable that we wouldn’t get to see it in the main game since from how the DLC space on the map looks, it could be Kalos, and there’d plenty of speculation that the two regions are connected. It could be that Manzana Academy is open grounds to Kalos but the founder was from Paldea hence the name.
And so for the DLC, my theory for it is that the MC alongside others from the academy the MC attends will be chosen to attend a tournament hosted at Manzana Academy, meaning we’d get to meet new characters and learn more about the DLC area since in the expansion pass the Isle of Armor, the dojo allowed for exploration of the area in completing tasks. It might be a similar concept then, but incorporating more school things.
Another thing is, we might possibly see Arven’s other parent! It’s shown in the game that if you’re playing Scarlet, Turo left just after Arven was born, and in Violet, Sada. We have closure on the parent that stayed behind with Arven, what happened with them, but not Arven’s other parent. There’s a likely chance we’ll see them in the DLC if they work as the professor for the rival academy!
Depending on which game you play, the book has an imagined Pokémon that’s secreted with censored letters. It’s theorized there’ll be two expansions like with what Sword and Shield did, one focusing on an extension of the paradox forms and the other focusing on this new Pokémon, which means we might be getting more lore regarding how time works in Area Zero, because in the case of Pokémon Violet where it’s Pokémon from the future, the leading thought is temporal anomalies that allow Pokémon from the future to cross over into present day, whereas in Scarlet, the properties of Area Zero allowed the prehistoric Pokémon to survive to present day.
Anyways, that’s just my thoughts on the DLC!
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magerennii · 3 months
Hello everyone! I’m Rennii, well that’s what I go by online. I use she/her pronouns, and I have a great love of gaming, specifically mmos, rpgs and the like. Right now I’m neck deep in the new ffxiv expansion as well as eagerly awaiting the new wow expansion to drop. I also play dnd as well as larp and write stories for these characters. I have two main OCs that I write for.
My OCs:
Sarina Sheburla is a dark elf blood magic fighter hailing from a small island in the larp I attend. Shes been through a lot and has a slightly short temper, but she cares about those she’s with and will go to great lengths to make sure they stay safe and most importantly, alive. She has thrown herself in front of blows to take the brundt. Her main attire includes a scale-mail shirt, a shield, her sword, and a set of black diamond jewelry. She is missing an arm that’s been replaced by a metal prosthetic that functions like a real arm(think Edward Elric from fma:b). She will normally be who I write the most about as she’s the easiest to write for. My profile pic is a picrew of her, at least as close as I could get.
Ruiling Shadepaw/Rusulka was my first larp character. She was a red panda ferakin(human with animal features) set in the same universe as Sarina. She went through a lot through the course of her time eventually culminating in becoming the goddess of shadow magic. While she was still a mortal, she was very much the one that liked calling the shots, and hated being questioned. Her favored weapon was a bow and arrow, offering cover fire for those she was using to advance her own goals. Once she ascended, she took up a new moniker of rusulka, letting her old name fall to the sands of time. 100 years passed and most everyone knows her as Rusulka, or to those that follow her, the shadow mother.
A few others will occasionally appear, but those are some of my close friends characters. Most notably, Ephraim, Xane, Monty, Delmira, Tris, and conall are who will be referenced in writings where they are involved.
Most of my writing will be various prompts. I’m slightly inconsistent with my writing as I need to have the mood strike for it, as well as get writing.
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Hello again after so long! After the last entry, I couldn't get my phone and switch to connect for the photo transfers, and tried screenshotting with my phone directly but the quality was no good, so I just put this journal on pause.
That doesn't mean I haven't been enjoying pokemon in the meantime though! I reached endgame on Arceus and never realized how many legendaries we had access to in that game!
After thinking about it for a bit, I decided to move from shield to sword instead for me and Fen's playthrough. For one thing, I like sword dog more than shield dog. And secondly, I have the expansion pass purchased for sword, but not shield, so this way will save some money. I did transfer my beloved team from shield before starting my new sword adventure, so it's full steam ahead! Below is my current character's appearance.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
The Bat And Loud Of Galar
by ShadowCondor Bruce Wayne and Lincoln Loud meet in unusual circumstances, before they end up getting kidnapped by Mew! Now in the Pokemon In Galar without their memories, both must work together to become Pokemon trainers, as that is the only way they'll find a way back home! [Batman X Harem] Words: 7434, Chapters: 3/70, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Loud House (Cartoon), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Leni Loud, Lincoln Loud, Hibanny | Scorbunny, Messon | Sobble, Zubat (Pokemon) Additional Tags: Harems, Pokemon Battles, Memory Loss, Pokemon Sword Version, Pokemon Sword & Shield Expansion Pass: The Isle of Armor, Pokemon Sword & Shield Expansion Pass: The Crown Tundra via https://ift.tt/COkv51o
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gobboguy · 7 months
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Chapter 9: The Frozen Attack
In the unforgiving mountains of Acury, Gelbeg and Ionia battled against the relentless onslaught of a snowstorm. The swirling tempest enveloped them, biting through their clothes and armor with icy fingers. Thick, billowing clouds obscured the sky, casting an eerie gray pall over the jagged peaks and deep valleys. The wind howled like a vengeful spirit, whipping up powdery snowflakes that swirled through the air in a blinding dance. As the storm intensified, the landscape became a desolate expanse of white, with snowdrifts piling up against rocks and trees. The air was bitterly cold, freezing the breath of any unfortunate soul caught in its grasp. Darkness descended as the sun disappeared behind thick clouds, casting an ominous gloom over the rugged landscape. Despite the biting cold and howling wind, Gelbeg pressed on, leading the way through the thick snow. Trailing behind him, Ionia struggled to keep up, her once trusty nag succumbing to the harsh conditions days earlier. Now, burdened by her heavy armor and wading through waist-high snow, she fought to maintain her pace, relying on Gelbeg to carve a path through the treacherous terrain.
Ionia trudged through the knee-deep snow, her teeth chattering uncontrollably as the bitter cold gnawed at her bones. She clutched her cloak tightly around her, trying in vain to shield herself from the relentless onslaught of wind and snow. Every breath she took felt like swallowing ice, and her fingers and toes grew numb with each passing moment. Despite her discomfort, she pressed on, her eyes fixed on Gelbeg's broad back ahead of her.
Gelbeg forged a path through the frozen landscape with determined strides, his massive frame cutting through the swirling snow like a ship through rough seas. Though accustomed to the cold of his homeland, even he felt the chill of the mountain winds biting at his exposed skin. He pulled his cloak tighter around himself, the thick fabric offering some measure of protection against the biting cold. With each step, he could feel the weight of the mountains pressing down on him, as if the very earth itself was trying to drive them away. But Gelbeg remained undeterred, his resolve unshaken by the fierce elements arrayed against them.
The wind howled like a banshee through the frozen peaks of the Acury mountains, whipping snow into blinding flurries that obscured any hope of finding shelter. Ionia's voice cut through the tempest, sharp and urgent as she urged Gelbeg to seek refuge for the night. "We can't keep going like this, Gelbeg! We'll freeze to death out here!"
Gelbeg's brow furrowed with worry as he glanced around, searching desperately for any sign of shelter amidst the raging storm. "I know, Ionia," he replied, his voice barely audible over the howling wind. "But we must press on. We'll freeze if we stop now."
"Only MOG can guide us now," Gelbeg muttered grimly, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.
Ionia's eyes flashed with frustration as she pushed forward through the knee-deep snow. "I won't bow to the Gods for help," she shouted defiantly. "I'll make my own luck, with or without their intervention!"
Gelbeg's grip tightened on his cloak as he struggled to keep pace with Ionia. "Don't be a fool, Ionia," he warned, his voice tinged with concern. "We need all the help we can get in a storm like this. Trust me, I've seen what happens to those who defy the will of the gods."
Suddenly, an ear-piercing cry pierced the storm, cutting through the howling wind like a blade. Gelbeg and Ionia froze in their tracks, their senses sharpening as they recognized the unmistakable sound of an Ice-Howler's cry. Without hesitation, Ionia drew the Relic Sword, its ancient blade shimmering faintly in the dim light cast by the storm. Meanwhile, Gelbeg tightened his grip on his trusty axe, preparing to confront the formidable creature.
As the swirling snow obscured their vision, Gelbeg and Ionia strained their eyes to pierce through the blizzard, searching for any sign of movement. They knew all too well that Ice-Howlers possessed the ability to blend seamlessly into their wintry surroundings, making them nearly invisible to the untrained eye. With each passing moment, the tension in the air thickened, and the anticipation of imminent danger hung heavy upon them.
Despite the biting cold and the relentless assault of the storm, Gelbeg and Ionia stood their ground, their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. With their weapons at the ready, they remained poised and alert, ready to confront whatever threat lurked within the swirling tempest. In the midst of the blizzard's fury, their determination burned brightly, a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness.
Ionia slowed her breathing, her concentration intensifying as she tapped into her Inner Fire, seeking to sharpen her senses and heighten her awareness of the danger lurking in the storm. Meanwhile, Gelbeg's keen sense of smell went into overdrive, his pig-like snout twitching and sniffing the air in search of any trace of the elusive Ice-Howler.
As they focused on their respective tasks, a sudden disturbance erupted in the air around them, causing Gelbeg to be violently thrown several feet into the air by an unseen force. With a muffled thud, he crashed onto a soft patch of snow, the impact knocking the wind out of him. Ionia whirled around, her sword at the ready, searching for the source of the unexpected assault.
The storm raged on unabated, the howling wind and swirling snow obscuring their vision and disorienting their senses. Despite the chaos surrounding them, Gelbeg struggled to regain his footing, shaking off the shock of the unexpected attack. With a determined grunt, he pushed himself upright, his axe gripped tightly in his hands as he scanned the area for any sign of the Ice-Howler or whatever else might be lurking in the shadows of the blizzard.
Ionia's grip tightened on the hilt of her sword as she prepared to defend herself against whatever unseen adversary had launched Gelbeg into the air. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, their nerves stretched taut as they braced themselves for the next onslaught from the mysterious assailant hidden within the storm.
As Ionia honed her vision through the swirling snow, she caught a glimpse of the Ice-Howler amidst the tempest. The creature loomed large, its form resembling a humanoid figure sculpted from translucent glass, its crystalline body refracting the dim light of the storm. Sharp claws extended from its elongated fingers, and its fangs gleamed menacingly, contrasting starkly against the frosty landscape.
With a start, Ionia noticed the creature's gaping maw, which yawned wide to reveal an abyssal darkness speckled with white, resembling the starry expanse of a night sky. Another deafening cry erupted from the Ice-Howler's throat, reverberating through the air and sending shivers down Ionia's spine. As the creature bellowed, the storm surged around it, the swirling snowflakes enveloping its form like a cloak of invisibility, obscuring its translucent figure from view.
Despite the blinding fury of the storm and the daunting presence of the Ice-Howler, Ionia stood her ground, her resolve unwavering as she prepared to confront the otherworldly adversary. With a steady hand, she tightened her grip on the hilt of her Relic Sword, determination burning in her eyes as she braced herself for the inevitable clash with the creature of ice and shadow.
As the Ice-Howler lunged forward with a ferocious swipe, Ionia's reflexes kicked in, propelling her out of harm's way with a swift dodge that landed her feet in the soft, powdery snow. With a determined thrust, she aimed her Relic Sword at the creature, but its ethereal form seemed to elude her strike, slipping through the air with an otherworldly grace.
Undeterred, Ionia persisted, her movements fluid and precise as she attempted to anticipate the creature's elusive maneuvers. Yet, each time she swung her blade, it found nothing but empty air, the Ice-Howler's transparent body mocking her efforts. Frustration gnawed at her, fueling her determination to land a decisive blow against her near-invisible foe.
In a relentless barrage of attacks, the Ice-Howler pressed on, its movements swift and unpredictable. Despite Ionia's best efforts to evade and counter, the creature's relentless assault proved too much to handle. With a sickening crunch, its razor-sharp claws tore through her armor, leaving jagged gashes in their wake and staining the pristine snow with crimson.
Gritting her teeth against the searing pain, Ionia staggered backward, clutching her wounded side as blood seeped through her fingers. Despite the odds stacked against her and the relentless onslaught of the Ice-Howler, she refused to yield, her resolve burning ever brighter amidst the icy tempest.
With a desperate lunge, Ionia narrowly evaded the Ice-Howler's slashing claws, her agile movements allowing her to sidestep the deadly blow. Summoning every ounce of strength she possessed, she swung her Relic Sword with all her might, the blade slicing through the air with a resolute determination.
The weapon connected with the Ice-Howler's wrist, the impact shattering the creature's left arm up to the elbow with a deafening crack, reminiscent of breaking glass. A piercing scream echoed through the storm as the injured beast recoiled in agony, its ethereal form quivering with pain.
The exertion proved too much for Ionia, her injuries overwhelming her senses as she teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. Waves of pain washed over her, threatening to engulf her in darkness as she struggled to maintain her grip on consciousness.
Just as the Ice-Howler prepared to deliver a fatal blow, Gelbeg sprang into action, his massive frame barreling forward with a primal roar. With a mighty swing of his axe, he delivered a devastating blow to the wounded creature, driving it back into the swirling snow.
As the Ice-Howler retreated into the icy depths, Gelbeg turned his attention to the fallen Ionia, his concern evident in his eyes as he rushed to her side. With gentle hands, he attempted to rouse her from her unconscious state, his heart heavy with worry for his injured companion amidst the unforgiving wilderness of the Frozen Spine mountains.
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benjamin-vague · 9 months
I struggle for words these days.
The Art that used to flow forth in inundation
Has narrowed to laser-like precision, a burning
Point that scalds away my prior Amazons.
Delicacy is needed, I see that now.
For Art need not be profuse;
Art need not be a wild maelstrom;
Art need not be anything.
In my dance with it I have discovered something,
A fragility of meaning I did not know existed but now,
Having at last met, I wish to nurture.
What freight there is in words, in meaning and
The sharing of it. For it is in these gorgeous tortures of mind
As they organize themselves
Into shapes on a page that we come to know one another
And ourselves.
Are they not like children, to be treated
With tenderness?
And are they not also like animals, to be wary of
For the turning of their teeth?
As neither child nor animal is ever truly mastered,
So words too must rise beyond their makers:
Scintillant symbols to which we owe
And so this scorched desert-like expanse where once
I kept (unkempt, of course) a wilderness of words has become
Spare as stone whittled down to certainties shared,
Vast as emptiness content with itself.
And I think now that there are so few words
Worth communicating beyond these most
Plainly adorned ones:
"I love you, I love you, I love you", with which
I have painted my heart, with which
I walk always;
These mightiest of angels whose swords
Are a sweetness andwhose shields are forged from naked bellies
Awaiting a blade never to come, and whose war
Is not in heaven but on earth and is no war at all
But a confounding of it.
How majestic we are in this frailty,
Owing all to one another yet in debt to none.
Is there not also Art in that, in letting
The moment pass as moments must, without
Comment or adornment?
My god! Have you not realized that we are dying,
You and I? And if you have, have you found finally
The will to confess that it is good that we should die
In our turn?
It is death that gives shape to a life,
As it is the surrounding silence which gives
Significance to Art.
And so I am content in this new struggle for words,
Their rarity pleases as ever their abundance did!
So drink of my little desert, dear heart,
And bring forth your own Saharas
As cannot now be imagined by the meager middling
Mind whose terms you imbibe
And feel me there as I fill you here.
I love you, I love you, I love.
0 notes
kaizoku-musume · 10 months
We Design NEW GALARIAN FORMS for the Sword and Shield Expansion Pass!
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