#sylvain x ashe
alexanderstarhero · 1 year
Don't reblog, just screenshot and tag your OTPs.
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asperrusual · 2 years
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3H x Tumblr
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justrandomselfships · 3 months
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Commission status is in my pinned post!
taglist utc!
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5iyoomi · 2 months
Okay, could I make a request for Dimitri, Felix, Ashe, and Sylvain with a male reader?
Basically having them react to meeting the reader again after the 5 year timeskip and becoming shocked by how handsome he had become.
Hope this is good, thank you!
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When They See How You’ve Changed
characters: Dimitri, Felix, Ashe, Sylvain warnings: none! tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible A/N: Hii I went with a situation where they aren't dating but like each other in some capacity (though I did use their s support images but shh) so hopefully it's what you were looking for! sorry if these are kinda short... I think it's obvious who my fav is tho LOL wc: 1,780
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The first time he sees you again, he really can't believe it
It takes him a moment to realize he isn't hallucinating, that you really are standing right in front of him, in the flesh
Once he does, he starts to notice just how different you look. Time's been kind to you, from the sharp jut of your jawline to the firmness of your body when you hold your hand out for him, your muscles more defined since the last time he'd seen you
He thinks you're even more handsome than you were back then, but he stumbles over himself trying to get the words out
He's changed a lot in the past few years too, he's sure, but with you it's like he can't take his eye off of you for even a second
He gets shy if you point out his staring, though he makes sure to let you know why he is in his typical fashion
"What's wrong, is there something on my face?" You ask teasingly, knowing that's not at all why he's been gazing at you as if he was bewitched.
Long, blonde hair nearly obscures his one good eye, and he shakes his head, besting you in height now even though he was the shorter one all those years ago.
"No- it's just..." Dimitri starts, slowly stepping closer to you. He reaches a gloved hand out towards you almost hesitantly, jumping when you gently clasp it between your own.
If you didn't know any better, you'd say his feelings for you hadn't changed. Yours hadn't either. They'd only grown stronger, brought back to the surface with the shy smile that lights up his somber expression. "You've really grown, haven't you? It's a little hard to take in."
You haven't seen a smile as sincere as that one in a long while, his fair skin dusted lightly with pink, and it makes your heart race, knowing that he's this nervous because of you. It feels like no time's passed at all, honestly not when his touch reminds you of the countless battles you've fought by his side.
A shout from across the lands to watch your back, or a comforting squeeze of your shoulder when he noticed you were upset or stressed out. "You have too, you know. Remember when we used to spend our nights in the garden together? I wonder how that place is now."
"Maybe so," he says, taking the opportunity to interlock your fingers together. He softens when you don't untangle from him, something unspoken lingering in the air between you that threatens to break the longer you both stand there. "And how could I ever forget?"
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5 years after everything went down, you and Felix find each other in the most unexpected of places. He hadn't changed much, still sporting that same neutral expression with his hair being slightly shorter than it was
He realizes you have, though. A lot, actually. You'd gotten a fair bit taller, any lingering baby fat now gone and making way for the face of a man he's always been quite fond of
He isn't as straightforward with what he wants to say most of the time, so it comes off as him avoiding eye contact with you if you try to keep it
You might have to prod him a little bit to get him to say what he's thinking, you might not. It all depends on his mood
But the one thing you know for sure is that he keeps eyeing you when he thinks you aren't looking. You know him well enough to notice little things like that
You were one of the few consistents in his life, after all, somebody that was on par with his skills and put up with him where others had a piece to say about his personality
It's why you're not surprised when he instead says:
"You know, you still owe me that rematch."
You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest with a small smirk. "Oh? I would've thought you'd forgotten," you ask, thinking about the last time you'd trained with him.
You'd narrowly won, deciding then to devote extra time to nip your weaknesses in the bud. It wouldn't be a fair fight if you didn't try. "It has been a while since our last match."
Felix chuckles, readjusting the sword in his holster and shrugging his shoulders. "I mentioned before how you were a worthy opponent, back when you agreed to continue to train with me." He says, reflecting on that promise you made to him. It's not something you could forget that easily, and you know he wouldn't, either. "That much hasn't changed."
You hum, "Alright then, I'll spar with you, but if I win you have to tell me what's been on your mind."
He must be able to catch what you really mean when you say that, but if he has any objections, then he doesn't voice them. He simply nods, gracing you with one of his rare smiles that you would die 20 times over to see again.
"Deal. And if I win, then you have to treat me to dinner."
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He is SUCH a sweetheart I was just rewatching his supports but anyways....
When he sees you, it's needless to say that he becomes a blushing mess. There standing the one that swept him off his feet was you in all your glory, bright and even more mature looking than he remembers you being
He's quick to tell you that you're handsome, even if it takes everything in him to say it without stuttering
His words are always so sincere, nothing hiding behind them like a lot of the people you've met and gotten to know over the years
So when you gently cut him off before he starts to ramble too much, he looks at you sheepishly, calmly asking if you were busy after this
He'll insist on treating you to some tea and sweets even if you say he doesn't need to. He won't call it a date, per se, he's mostly just eager to finally be able to catch up with you, but if you do, he gets super flustered
"A d-date? I m-mean- if you see it that way, then...." Ashe trails off, nervously tucking a loose strand of gray hair behind his ear. He walks side by side with you down the busy, crowded streets, tensing up when your hand brushes his. "I guess I can't complain, can I?"
"Do you?" You grin, eyes more focused on him than the scenery around you. Different tenders trying to get people to buy their wares while others chat about this and that fill your ears, whispers of wind sending a shiver up your spine.
He whistles some old tune to himself, quiet enough that you would've missed it if you weren't so close. He glances from you back down to the gravel on the ground that crunches beneath his feet, and then mutters. "Only if... only if you don't think that's weird."
"I don't." You give him a playful nudge with your elbow, leaving it at that.
It doesn't take very long for you to make it to the cafe he had picked out. He said that it was a nice place he'd found by accident one time, that the prices weren't too bad (mainly so that you didn't feel bad) and they'd definitely have something you'd like. It was sweet, how he tended to think of others like that, especially you.
Thousands of years could pass, the sun and moon turning into nothing but distant memories and Fódlan something of the past, and yet nothing would ever get rid of how you felt for him.
The two of you find a nice seat in the back, near an open window with a fair amount of sunlight and away from a group of friends in the front. You wait until he's scanning his menu to peek up from yours, smiling when his eyes quickly find yours anyway. "You sure have a knack for finding hidden treasures. This place is nice."
"I suppose so, but it's nicer with you here."
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This man is already a flirt but even though it's toned down a bit later on, he doesn't cut any corners
If he thought you were attractive back then, then he thinks you must be on par with a prince now, your frame well-maintained and becoming of such a title
The first time he sees you again, he's nearly starstruck, blown away by just how much you've changed since the last time you'd talked. He won't hold back in saying that, either
"Well look at you, I'm surprised you aren't surrounded by ladies yet" while he thinks about how to get you to see his words aren't empty
You might think it's just his usual antics, waving them off with a roll of your eyes and taking another bite of the food on your plate
But then he looks at you. Really looks at you, brown eyes gazing into yours, and you have to admit it makes you feel some sort of way
"Come on, now you're just buttering me up." You say, stabbing your fork and knife into your steak and cutting a small slice. You bring it to your lips, feeling more than seeing his foot kick yours underneath the table. Whether it's an accident or on purpose, you can't say, but you wouldn't put the latter past him.
"Not at all, really." He ignores his own, more untouched plate while you talk in between bites, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he twirls a strand of red hair between his fingers. "Can't you just trust me on this one?"
You chew the piece in your mouth and swallow, pointing your fork at him accusatively, but he doesn't seem offended in the slightest. "Uh-uh, you're the same as ever, Sylvain."
"But I'm serious! I've always thought you were handsome." He exclaims, pouting when you laugh at his clear desperation. "I don't only think of girls, y'know."
You squint in doubt, but you decide to humor him just this once. If he meant what he said, then he'd have no trouble saying it again or proving it to you. You'd take either, truth be told. "Really?"
He nods fast enough that you think his head might fall off his shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes that tells you you're in for a ride. "Let me show you what I mean after we eat, then, I'll take you anywhere you wanna go, just say the word. It's all on me today."
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sothisblessmysoul · 1 year
Can I ask for a bouquet of flowers for the blue lions? That sounds so adorable. 🥰
(I never knew if you wanted all of them or selected few so I did all of them)
༓ʚ A Flower's Meaning ɞ༓
Summary: The Blue Lions react to you catching a bouquet at a friend’s wedding
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༓Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd He watched you catch it without blinking or flinching, mainly just confused as the realization slowly took over your face as you finally met Dimitri’s gaze. There was something about how the flowers looked in your hands and the look that you gave him that made Dimitri feel so flustered. So pretty, is his single thought as Dimitri’s made his way to you, feet on autopilot.
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༓Dedue Molinaro Dedue’s eyes were completely on you, holding the colorful flowers that all mean a term of love in language as everyone else is looking between you and him. He doesn’t flare up in a blush or appear startled but you can see Dedue is feeling embarrassedly flustered by the awkward stiffness of his movement as the tall man makes his way to you.
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༓Felix Hugo Fraldarius Felix does not want to be here with unimportant people, if anything he wants to be comfortably at home with you. But he will admit that the other wedding is pretty. Felix wonders if you’ve ever thought about marriage, but any further thought of the subject changes when you catch the flowers that nearly smacked you in the face. The image of what you would look like holding yours flashed quickly in his thoughts as for once Felix quietly watched you.
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༓Ashe Ubert A blush marked his freckled face with a happy smile but a shy expression at the teasing that Ashe knows his friends and siblings will give him as you walked over to him. Subconsciously Ashe reached out his hand for you to take, gently pulling you closer to his side as Ashe studied the flowers. The bouquet was pretty but it wasn’t your favorite, he thought to himself. The following thought is how beautiful you would look, holding your favorite flowers while neither Ashe nor you let go of each other’s hands because it felt like two missing puzzle pieces found a place to fit perfectly together.
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༓Sylvain Jose Gautier Immediately starts to sweat nervously as the flowers are perfectly in your hand while his hand subconsciously touches his pocket where the ring is that he’s planning to ask your hand for later. He had been carrying it, not having a day or place in mind until right now. This is a sign, he thinks as you lock eyes with him and smile which he returns.
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༓Mercedes von Martritz She was standing right beside you when you had caught the flowers, she leaned over to sniffle the flowers with a smile growing on her face as she looked up at you, pulling away from you but not before kissing your cheek. She giggled quietly at your reaction to the flowers and the kisses. She is going to tease you but this will bring up the thought of marriage and the future with her.
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༓Annette Fantine Dominic Instantly a crimson blush blooms on her face as endless giggles of excited bundles of nerves, reaching how to touch one of the flowers’ petals. Annette went quiet, wondering what flowers she would pick for her wedding, she subconsciously looked at you. She isn’t going to say anything immediately today or tomorrow but there will be hints of marriage, hoping that you’ll catch on and talk about it with her.
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༓Ingrid Brandl Galatea She never really thought deeply about marriage, it was just something that her father wanted for her. But when Ingrid saw your reaction to catching the bouquet to look for her and finally smiling when you found Ingrid, she wondered for a fleeting thought if you would smile like that at the altar. She can’t explain why it made her face blush although Ingrid didn’t hate that idea at all because without question she knows that Ingrid would say yes if you asked her.
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azurindavo · 2 years
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Manifesting one of my Ashelix ideas where Felix and Ashe switched souls. I really want to mess around with them ^^ what a precious rare pair
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frickingnerd · 2 months
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legend-of-dorte · 2 years
What do the Blue Lions do if you are a target of bullying at the academy?
Note: Reader is Gender Neutral
He observes for a moment, taking stock of the situation. Then he calmly intervenes. Your aggressors look up and freeze the moment they notice Dimitri standing there. How long has he been watching?
"Forgive my intrusion. It looks to me as though there is some sort of quarrel going on here," he remarks with usual politeness. Then he crosses his arms, narrowing his gaze on your tormentors. "I would be happy to mediate, if needed."
For all his courtesy and friendly demeanor, there is a sudden intensity in his stare. A power in his presence that commands all the attention and respect befitting of a future king. One who would someday be tasked to deliver judgment on all wrongdoing.
But there is something else in those eyes. Something unyielding. Something that promises much worse than simple punishment should these misdeeds continue.
The grip on your collar loosens. Your bullies waste no time with apologies or excuses as they flee to escape Dimitri's wrath.
Dimitri helps you onto your feet and offers assistance as you straighten out your uniform. Your belongings are scattered on the floor in the midst of the commotion. He gathers them up for you in spite of your protests.
"I'm so sorry that you have to endure this," he says remorsefully. "If it would help, I could accompany you between classes. Only if you allowed it, of course."
He interposes without uttering a word, planting himself between you and those who would do you harm. Like a shield, he endures their insults, their jeers - all the things that he is used to hearing - but does not entertain their demands for him to move aside.
Facing the sheer iron in his stance and on his face, your tormentors are reluctant to retaliate by physical means. Only once are they out of sight does Dedue turn to face you.
"Are you hurt?" he asks, looking you over. When you shake your head, his shoulders sink with relief. "I'm glad."
The conversation tapers off into an awkward sort of quiet. Your nerves are still frayed, and you have trouble calming down. Of course, he notices.
"...Have you eaten yet? The dining hall is not far from here. Allow me to prepare you something."
The meal he serves you is delicious, of course. Grateful for the distraction, you fretfully stuff your face as Dedue takes a seat across the table. The two of you sit in silence as he attends you with an expression that is unreadable, but not unfriendly. There are no words - only unspoken empathy and understanding.
The moment it seems like there is nowhere for you to run, you feel a firm hand on your shoulder.
"There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" Sylvain is at your side, wearing his most infectious smile.  "Don't tell me you've forgotten our plans to visit town today."
You stammer in response, unable to recall any such plan.
His eyes drift towards your aggressors. "By the way, who are these friends of yours? It sounded like you were having a juicy conversation." The air plunges to sub-zero temperature as his voice suddenly turns hostile. "...Any room for me to join in?"
With his arm slung firmly around your shoulder, you have no idea what kind of face he is making at your bullies. But it is enough to make them slink back with terror in their eyes.
"Was it something I said? Ah, well." Sylvain claps your shoulder cheerfully as he leads you away. "Remember that place I've been bothering you about all week? Let's grab a bite to eat and you can tell me how your day has been."
After everything he had suffered at the hands of his older brother, the least he can do is let you know in his own little way - you will never have to face your tormentors alone.
At first he does nothing, merely watching from a distance to see if you're capable of growing a spine. As the confrontation escalates, so does his dissatisfaction, until he can stand idle no longer.
Just as your aggressors are about to turn violent, Felix finally announces his presence - by loudly kicking over some nearby piece of furniture.
"What a pathetic bunch, ganging up on someone weaker than you," he sneers. He points with his practice blade, issuing a challenge. "Why don't we settle this by finding out just how strong you clowns are in a fair fight?"
The resulting scuffle is no contest. The vandals are sent fleeing, covered in fresh cuts and bruises. You are left with the task of having to physically restrain Felix before he outright runs them down.
"Don't think for a second that I'm going to make a habit of this," Felix chastises you once the dust settles. "Next time they corner you like that, you need to stand up and fight for yourself."
In fact, he drags you to the training grounds and finds you a practice sword to call your own. By the time he is done drilling you on the basics of armed and unarmed self-defense, you are more than ready should your aggressors return.
On impulse, he steps out into the open and calls out your name. When all eyes are on him, his face goes red with panic. Even so, he musters courage and acts on the first idea that pops into his head.
"The Professor wanted to see you! They said it was an urgent matter and asked me take you to them. Hurry!" Grabbing your hand, he pulls you into a run. Your tormentors are slow to react as the two of you make your frantic escape.
Out of breath, you both take refuge within the greenhouse where plenty of school staff are present. It's uncomfortably warm and muggy, but there is no shortage of tall plants to hide behind.
"That was close! Are you alright?" he pants. "Oh... The Professor? That was something I made up." He laughs weakly. "Sorry that I couldn't be of any more help..."
Though your bullies are nowhere to be seen, you elect to hide in the greenhouse for a while. Ashe is determined to stay by your side for as long as is needed.
"...Do you want to tell someone?" he offers quietly. "Surely the Professor will understand. I can come with you to help explain what happened."
It's clear that he wishes he could do more instead of just running, but even true justice comes in small steps.
Though she is aghast at your plight, her solution is both simple and effective. The moment she sees you being menaced, she drops everything she is holding to cup her hands around her mouth and shout at the top of her lungs.
"Oh, Professor! Someone! Please come help, quick! There's a student in trouble!"
Mercedes is well-loved in Garreg Mach for her benevolent nature. As such, heads turn at the sound of her voice. Knights, the school staff, and even the clergy emerge from the woodwork to investigate the commotion.
Your tormentors immediately panic and turn tail, fleeing the scene.
Your savior rushes to your side and immediately sets to work mending your scrapes and bruises.
"You needn't worry. Everything is going to be alright now." She gives you a reassuring smile. "You should always yell out for help if you're in trouble. That's what I always do!"
Her face nearly as red as her hair as she rushes to your defense, confronting your tormentors with clenched fists.
"Jerks! You leave my friend alone right now!" she snaps at them with a ferocity that shocks even you. "You think I won't fight you? Is that it? Why don't you try me!"
Her hands suddenly flare with magical energy as the winds pick up, threatening a storm. Her face, ordinarily cheerful and sunny, suddenly goes dark. "Ooooh, you're all gonna be in big trouble if you keep this up!"
Your aggressors stammer excuses. This isn't worth it, they mutter in agreement, before quickly vacating the scene.
The winds settle, and Annette takes a deep breath to calm herself down. You've seen her get all worked up before, but never like this.
"Whew! That was a little too exciting, even for me! They didn't hurt you, did they?"
Her face brightens when you reassure her that you're fine. "Don't worry about those creeps from now on. The next time they show up, I'll handle it myself!"
The moment she clues into what is going on, she is filled with righteous fury. Oh, hell no. This is not happening. No way, absolutely not on her watch.
Your bullies know that they are in deep trouble the moment Ingrid marches over, crossing her arms with a look of reproach.
"Excuse me, but what gives you the right to take part in such shameful behavior?" she chides them. "You won't cut it as knights if you keep wasting everyone's time like this. If you would call yourselves students of the honored Officers' Academy, then start acting like it or pack your things!"
By the time she is done verbally tearing into your aggressors, they are begging her to relent, profuse with apologies. She continues to stare them down coldly as they make themselves scarce.
As you murmur your thanks, she gives you an encouraging smile.
"Think nothing of it - I can't stand bullies either. Lucky for us, they're all cowards. So, don't hesitate to call on me if you help, alright?"
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fiction-box · 1 year
I just realized the rules say we can ask for up to two at a time. 🥲
…would you mind writing for a cursed female reader and Ashe? Except maybe she’s in a bit more danger and there’s a high risk/stress level?
Thanks so much 💛
No problem at all! My rules say you can have up to 2 characters, but that's more of a limit than a requirement. Thank you for reading them!
But yes, I did attempt to raise the stakes in this one. There is more visible tension, and I have written my interpretation of some behavioral changes that might occur when significant stressors such as this are introduced.
Here is my take!
Requests are open. The story will be continued under the cut.
The light of the sun streaming in through the windows brought the pleasant warmth that came with the changing of spring to summer. You were walking down the hall, looking out at the blue sky through the glass when someone bumped into you.
“Oof-” you didn’t fall to the ground, but the box that the other person must have been holding fell next to you.
Kneeling down, you picked up the box, “Excuse me, but you dropped…this…?”
Only, when you looked around, you couldn’t tell who it was that had run into you in the first place. There wasn’t even a trace of a clue, and so you were left to stand in the hall holding a box that didn’t belong to you.
“Woah, hey! A-are you alright?”
You turned from your spot on the ground to see Ashe jogging up to you.
“Did you happen to see someone running by you?” you asked.
His eyes went wide, “Wait, did someone push you down?” his brows lowered, “Just tell me what they looked like. I’ll catch up to them.”
“No, no, that’s not it!” you defused, “It’s just…there was a woman, I think, from the bit of the robe that I saw. She bumped into me and dropped this box, but when I looked up to hand it to her, she was gone.”
“Hmm,” Ashe looked down the hall, as though he might see someone matching your limited description. Suddenly, he seemed to realize you had been knocked to the floor. “Oh! Sorry, here, let me help you up.”
He took the box from you in one hand, then outstretched his other one. You accepted the help, allowing him to lift you off the ground. As he handed the box back to you, you accidentally got your first real look at what was inside. There was no lid, but a thin sheet of material covered whatever was inside.
“What is it?” Ashe wondered aloud, peering into the container.
You were curious, too. Gently, you allowed your fingers to ease the material off the object. A mirror, laid to rest at the bottom, was the only thing underneath it.
It was more ornate than you expected for something the size of a book. There were golden swirls around its edges and a ruby-red frame.
Finding yourself entranced by the pattern, you reached in with your free hand, curling your fingers around its frame.
You retracted them quicker than you had curled them.
“Agh!” you breathed, a sharp pain spreading across your hand.
Ashe retrieved the box from you, watching your hand intently, “You’re bleeding…come on, let’s get you to Professor Manuela.”
The trip didn’t take long; she bandaged your hand and let you go with a warning to be more careful.
“Maybe you should take this to your room. The person who bumped into you would probably recognize you, and you could get it for her if you ever meet again.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Ashe.”
So it was that you parted ways with you making a one-way trip to your room. Originally, you had been prepared to set the box away somewhere under your bed before heading down to the dining hall, but…
…one more look wouldn’t hurt, right?
You woke up the next morning in front of the mirror, though you didn’t remember ever taking it out of the box and setting it on the small coffee table at the center of your room. In truth, you didn’t actually remember falling asleep last night, either.
Legs sore, you rose from your “seat” on the floor before the table. You were unsteady for a moment, stumbling into your bed on shaky legs. After a good stretch though, it was time for you to make your way to the dining hall for breakfast.
Navigating there and getting a meal wasn’t so difficult, but it was when you ran into Felix and Ingrid on your way to the training grounds that something seemed off.
“Hey,” Ingrid greeted, uncharacteristically hesitant.
“Um, hi…Is there any particular reason you two are looking at me funny?” you checked yourself over once, “There’s nothing on my clothes, is there?”
“Well…you did something different with your hair, is all.”
My hair?
You grabbed a bit of it, pulling it forward so you could see.
“No, I don’t think so. Why?”
“You dyed it,” Felix raised a brow, clearly impatient, “There are streaks of white that weren’t there, before.”
“Ha-ha,” you quipped, “Come on, you know my hair has always been like this.”
Your classmates looked at each other, then back to you, “No, that definitely wasn’t there yesterday.”
“Or any other day,” Felix added.
“Not falling for it,” you called, walking past them into the training grounds.
They didn’t come after you. It was nice that they had stopped acting strangely, but you found it weird that they never quit their joke or apologized. Weirder still was how Felix was in on it, too.
You shut your mind off, moving to start your training for the late morning. To warm up, you would fire off a few spells at the training dummies. Then you could find a partner and really get down to business.
Nothing went right.
The training dummies were barely scathed, and when you worked with a partner after lunch, you performed worse than ever. Now, dinner had passed. You had ended late with some private training, but you just felt confused, weak, and desperate.
Heading out for the last time that day, you came across Ashe again. He had wanted to know if you were able to return the mirror, but you let him know you hadn’t found any luck in that regard. After wishing him good night, you finally got back to your quarters.
Only, you didn’t go to bed again. You woke up in front of that mirror. And it happened night after night for the next two days.
“...good morning,” Professor Byleth strained, concerned.
You were the last to enter the classroom, but you certainly made the most notable entrance.
Sylvain’s eyes widened, Ashe’s jaw hung open slightly, and Mercedes gave a small gasp.
“Your hair! It’s all white- why would you-?” Annette cried.
“That’s not the only change,” Felix scoffed. “She’s absolutely useless in the training grounds. Couldn’t even use her magic, and she was pale as a ghost the whole time.”
“She’s pale as a ghost right now…” Ingrid worried.
You sighed, “Why has everyone been giving me such a difficult time? I don’t understand what’s so hard about this; my hair has always been white, I’ve never been able to use magic,” and with a pointed glare toward Felix you finished, “and we’re from Faerghus; we don’t tan easily.”
Dimitri frowned, “Does anyone have any sort of portrait or letter that can contradict her hair color?”
“No, because it has always been this way.”
“Then why do you keep so many tomes in your room?” Ingrid contested.
“Maybe because the professor buys them and gives them to me? At this point, I’m pretty sure she’s just using my bookshelf as a storehouse, but I don’t mind.”
“That is enough, everyone. Ashe, please see me after class.”
“W-What?” Ashe whipped his head to face forward.
“He didn’t even say anything,” Ingrid rose out of her seat, “You can’t punish him while I’ve been-”
“I said enough, Ingrid. Ashe will be seeing me after class, and class will be starting right now. That is final.”
The room became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Throwing a pitiful look Ashe’s way, Ingrid sunk back into her chair.
“Sylvain, perhaps you’d like to start us off with your report on the Sreng region so far this month…”
“...you asked to see me?”
Professor Byleth sighed, “I’m sorry I had to call on you in front of everyone. I promise, I’m just as worried about your classmate as everyone else.”
“You’re not in trouble,” she added upon noticing Ashe still looked like he might protest to something.
“Maybe I’m not, but she is! She’s been acting so strangely these past few days, and that’s not even considering her change in hair color.”
“I’m well aware. The hair was intriguing enough, but her strength has been greatly depleted ever since I trained with her a few days ago.”
And after their training session early this morning, she wasn’t sure what else there was to take than the strength that kept her standing and breathing.
“This isn’t the joke she’s making it out to be. Your classmate is in danger, but fortunately, I think I have a lead. These past few nights, I’ve noticed her turning in early and locking her door. She won’t respond when I knock or call her name, though.”
“That’s strange. If anything, she looks like she’s been getting less sleep than usual,” Ashe pondered.
“My thoughts exactly. We don’t have much time until tonight, but I want you to be watching her. As soon as you see her go into her room, grab the nearest classmate and pick the lock.”
“P-Pick the lock? But-”
“This is for her own good. There’s something I need to pick up, and then I promise I’ll be right behind you.”
The archer still looked confused despite his nod as he turned to go.
“Oh, and Ashe?”
He turned until they were making eye contact.
“Don’t let anyone catch onto what you’re doing.”
So, he waited, watching silently throughout the day as you went through your tasks. You really did do quite a lot for the Blue Lions, but…something was off.
Your steps and actions were clumsy and inexperienced despite it being the umpteenth time you tended to the stable mares. If anyone would know, it would be Ashe; the one who would spend all evening on the task so long as you were with him.
A change. Your steps sure and balanced for once as you put away your supplies and headed off to bed.
The commoner boy followed you to ensure you really did make it to your room. The sun hadn’t even fully set yet, but there was no doubt you’d find a way to wake up tired the next day, regardless.
Well, not this tim-
“Wow. Never took you for the kind to stalk a girl, Ashe. Guess you-”
Perfect. Naturally, Sylvain had caught him in the hallway following you to your room just as you had shut your door. Just great.
“Woah, now you’re shushing me? I mean, of course you’d want-”
The archer deftly pulled the sword from the scabbard at the Gautier noble’s side, maneuvering to hold it at Sylvain’s throat.
“Sylvain, this is serious,” Ashe shouted in a whisper, “So help me, if you make any more noise…I may be shorter than you, but we both know I’m faster.”
Shocked, Sylvain didn’t have a reaction other than widening his eyes.
“Take it easy, Ashe,” he muttered. “Besides, you don’t even know how to us- gh-!”
The former thief pressed the blade forward, “I know enough to know that if I apply enough pressure right here with the blade, you’ll never make another noise. You will not speak. Do I make myself clear?”
After a moment of staring each other down in the hall outside her dorm room, Ashe sighed and turned toward the door. A few more moments and the sun would fully set.
Kneeling at the handle, the archer pulled the sharp metal of a lockpick out of his pocket.
Suddenly, he was yanked backward by his hood and into the wall. On instinct, Ashe jumped to his feet, but not before Sylvain had retrieved his sword from the floor and pointed it at Ashe.
“Sorry, but I can’t let you do that. Some lines you just don’t cross.”
“Sylvain, what in Fodlan are you talking ab-”
The soft click of the Professor’s heeled boots rushed down the hall toward the Lions, her own voice coming out in a whisper-shout.
“What are you two doing? Enough messing around; Sylvain, let Ashe pick the lock already.”
“What? Professor-”
Instantly, Ashe was back at the handle, Less than a few seconds later, the lock was rendered obsolete.
“All you, Professor,” he nodded.
Nodding in turn, Professor Byleth pulled the bow she had obtained from off her shoulder, nocking an arrow in place and crouching low.
“How did you-? What is actually going on here?” Sylvain panicked.
“Sylvain. I don’t have time to explain much more, but we’re going to need your help fighting if push comes to shove. Your classmate’s life hangs in the balance.”
“And that’s why you-?”
“That is why the Church agreed to let me use this bow. Parthia will strike true, even if we cannot identify the enemy, ourselves.”
“Right. Okay, I’m with you.”
“Ashe, open the door.”
Noiselessly, the commoner flung the door open only to find his classmate kneeling on the floor at a small table.
Still primed to shoot, Byleth shuffled about the room until the small mirror propped in front of her pupil came into view.
Their friend was transfixed by the object, a thin, steady stream of white light connecting her eyes to the mirror.
The moment the Ashen Demon came into its view, the white tendril snapped. It lashed out, now more physical than intangible.
There wasn’t enough time to react to what was happening. The magic of the mirror was too quick. With a single, deceptively heavy swipe, it collided with Byleth’s head. She was knocked aside, Parthia left to fall where she once stood as her form went limp against the wall.
“What th-!”
Sylvain rushed across the room, adapting quickly to slide under the tendril’s attack. Upon reaching Byleth, he swung back against the magic.
Each swipe simply cleaved the tendril, stalling it for a moment before it reconnected with its base and came in for another attack.
Taking advantage of the distraction his classmate provided, Ashe crawled toward where Parthia lied.
All it took was a glance around to know the only arrow Ashe had was the one his Professor had dropped.
He dared not whisper a word as he nocked the bow from his place on the ground. With only a rough estimation of the mirror’s position due to his limited view, it really would be up to Parthia.
Ashe rose to his knees and yelled only one word to Sylvain in the split second he had to aim.
The projectile flew to the center of the room, slightly adjusting its trajectory to hit its wielder’s mark. Sylvain dropped to the floor just in time, doing his best to shield Professor Byleth’s body as Parthia’s arrow struck true.
The mirror shattered, a burst of light energy knocking all of the present company to the walls of the room.
And when the light vanished, no one in the room was left awake to get back up again.
In the days that followed, the infirmary stayed busy. Manuela tended to Sylvain and Ashe in the infirmary as Rhea chose to care for you and the professor on her own terms. An abundance of clerics that were at the Church’s disposal lent their talents for the occasion as classmates came and went with gifts, well-wishes, and plenty of questions.
Professor Byleth was the first to return to her class, recovering from her head trauma abnormally unaffected. Sylvain’s recovery took place shortly after, as he had been protected mostly by his position low on the ground.
More days passed, the infirmary closed itself off to visitors, and the room in which the incident occurred was tidied up. The Blue Lions remained with only seven students in attendance for another week.
The day Ashe returned to the class, he was almost overwhelmed at the amount of gifts sitting at his table. Books from Ingrid, sweets from Mercedes, flowers from Dedue, and a multitude of letters from people around the monastery.
And when the Blue Lions returned from their monthly mission to find you had been returned to the classroom, your hair returned to its natural shade?
Well, the only person that needed to be pulled into the hug was Felix.
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mostrandomgallery · 2 years
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"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
A modern rendition of the Blue Lions.
Art © Stephanie M. DO NOT REPOST!!!
Also on deviantART
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storm-of-roses · 10 months
“Why paintball?” asked Mercedes.
“Ah…because I’m uh…” said Ashe, a bit timid from all the attention he was suddenly getting. “I’m pretty good at it and uh…well I wanted to invite my crush to impress them.”
At that, Mercedes couldn’t help herself. She loved setting up other people together. Some would say she liked playing matchmaker a little too much, but they were all jealous that so many of her friends would come to her for relationship help. She had after all gotten the two biggest hopeless romantics on campus, Byleth Eisner and Dimitri Blaiddyd, together despite years of an established pattern of mutual pining and chickening out. Why not help Ashe?
“Sure, I’ll help organize it,” she agreed. “But tell me Ashe, who do you have a crush on?”
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Step 1: Avoid Shooting You Crush
In which: Annette Dominic reluctantly agrees to go play paintball with Ashe Ubert, his gym buddies, and other fiends to help him out with impressing and asking out his crush. She finds herself unwillingly in the middle of things when she's paired up with Ashe himself, but finds she's on the same team as a familiar looking villainous stranger she may or may not be currently feuding with.
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the-angel-ashe · 2 years
*Mouth directly on mic* Hello, I've just finished a fanfic
I haven't posted about it here yet, (I've been waiting until it's done) so here you go if you're interested :)
(It's Dimileth, of course. Enemies to lovers. You get it.)
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1035: Taking the Challenge Head On (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
10:45 a.m. at the Blue Lion's Dining Halls......
Ashe: You want me to take part in the.....(Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) "No Nut November Challenge"?
Sylvain: (Smiles Brightly) Yep! It's one of the few challenges to test your endurance, patience, vulnerability, and worth of being a true man.
Ashe: Ah I see. (Frowns a Bit in Uncertainty) But....do you really think I have what it takes to complete the challenge?
Sylvain: (Happily Nodded) Definitely. You're practically one of the most devoted and hard working guys I've ever known, besides yours truly of course.
Ashe: (Smiles Brightly) Why, thank you Sylvain. I know I don't say this as much, but I really wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for yours and everyone else's support and guidelines.
Sylvain: And we couldn't be anymore prouder of you, bud. (Wraps his Arm Around Ashe's Shoulder) Now listen, the challenge itself is gonna be a long road ahead and you'll might have a 80% chance of going crazy along the way, but I'm sure you'll have no problems making it through as long as you keep your urges in check and have a clear, neutral mindset. Just like our friendly neighborhood giant, Dedue-
?????: I failed.
Sylvain eyes starts to widens as he slowly turns his head towards to Deude sitting next to Ashe, drinking a cup of tea in a casual like Manner.
Sylvain: .............I'm sorry, you what?
Dedue: The challenge. I've already failed it-
Sylvain: Yeah, you already told me the first time. What I wanna know is how in the hell were you failed so easily? You're a Dedue Molinaro! The right hand man of King Dimitri himself! I figured if anyone in our unit would have a chance of completing the challenge, it would be you, what happened?
Dedue: (Shrugs) The temptations had gotten the better of me last night. (Starts Blushing a Little) I suppose that's.... the price I have to pay for being in love.....
Mercedes: (Happily Makes Her Way to the Boys' Table) Why, hello there, boys!~ I hope we're all having a wonderful morning today. (Uses her Two Fingers to Rub Under Dedue's Chin With a Bit of a Flirtatious Smirk on her Face) Especially you, my sweet gentle giant~
Dedue: (Chuckles Lightly By the Chin Rubs) I'm having a fine enough morning for the most part. As well as a nice and memorable last night, many thanks to you, of course, m'lady. (Gently Brings her Hand Down Before Kissing the Top of It)
Mercedes: (Giggles Softly and a Bit Ticklishly by the Kiss) Oho you!~ There's no need to thank me for that. (Lovingly Hugs her Lover) If anything, I should be thanking you for keeping me company all night~
Dedue: No thanks is needed. I'll always be there for you.
Mercedes: As will I, my dear~
The couple begins to romantically rub on each other's noses while the boys watches.
Ashe: Awwww~ (Suddenly Felt a Hand Covering his Eyes Before Turning to the Culprit) Sylvain!
Sylvain: This is part of the challenge, Ashe. Don't let it blind you.
Mercedes: (Giggles Some More) Alright. I believe it's time for me to get started on breakfast before I embarrass the boys some more. (Kiss Dedue on the Lips Before Placing her Forehead onto His) Try not to miss me too much, you hear?~
Dedue: I'm sure I'll manage to pull through for the time being. Try not to get yourself hurt while you're in the kitchen cooking, okay?
Mercedes: I'll be extra cautious. Promise. (Gives One Last Kiss on the Forehead Before Walking Away to the Kitchen and Waving Goodbye at the Trio) Wish me luck!~
Dedue: (Wave Back at his Lady) Well do. ('Sigh') One of these days, I will marry that woman.
Sylvain: Well, ain't that sweet. Still doesn't change the fact that you disappoint me. (Went Back to Grinning) But no worries though. Cause the next person I have to set an example is none other than my main man, Feli-
Felix: (Takes his Seat on the Trio's Table) I failed the challenge.
Sylvain: (Immediately Gives his Childhood Friend a Deadpinned Look) Seriously?
Felix: Yes, seriously. Last night, in her tent, Annette wanted to try and take the next skip I'm our relationship. So we....(Starts Blushing a Little) did it. And it was nice.
Felix turns to see Annette making her way to the kitchen door in the distance. As she opens it, she sees her boyfriend staring at her before shyly waving at him with a smile on her face and walk inside.
Felix: (Slowly Waves at the Closing Door Before Sighing) Anyways....(Turns Back to Sylvain) Mind telling me why you're bringing up that dumb challenge for in the middle of the morning?
Dedue: He wants Ashe to take part of it for the first time.
Felix: (Groans While Pinching his Nose) ('Ugh') Are you kidding me? Ashe is way too soft and naive to be taking that challenge, let alone know what it really is! (Turns to Ashe) No offense.
Ashe: (Smiles Sheepishly) None taken, I guess......
Sylvain: Hey, I just figured Ashe is now in an age where he could test his might as a man. But now that you and Mr. Gentle Giant over there failed the challenge already, I might as well ask Dimitri to come over here and set an example.
Dedue: About that......
Sylvain: (Starta Pinching his Nose in Annoyance) Oh my fucking-You mean to tell me Dimitri failed too? Really!?
Felix: I always figured the boar would have a better chance at completing it out of all of us here.
Dedue: (Takes a Bit of a Deep Breath Before Explaining) Okay, this is completely speculation and haven't heard anyone of this from, but.....the other morning, when I walked down the halls, writing down the daily routine for the day, I saw the professor sneaking a tray of breakfast into the majesty's chambers, whole only wearing a robe that resembles that of the majesty's.
Sylvain: A robe.....(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait. Was the color of his robe blue and silky?
Dedue: (Simply Nodded) It was, yes.
Sylvain: Ahaa....See? I knew it would look familiar every time I see Dimitri wear it. (Starts Smirking Teasingly) So the king and teach are already getting busy these pass few nights, huh?~
Felix: (Shrugs) Can't say I'm surprised. Those two has gotten a lot more closer since the day they got see each other again for however long.
Ashe: (Smiles Brightly) Well, I'm happy for the both of them. They've been through a lot these past few years. So I think it's nice to see their bond gradually grow into something more each time passes. (Eyes Suddenly Widens at the Realization) Oh! That reminds me.....(Turns to the Gang) There's something I've been meaning to ask you guys.
Sylvain: What's up?
Ashe: What exactly is a....."Snu-Snu"?
Felix: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) And that's my cue to leave.
Ashe: (Watch Felix Casually Walks Away) Oh.... o-okay.....(Waves Goodbye to Felix) See you later, Felix!
Dedue: Uh...Ashe? What..... (Raises an Eyebrow in Uncertainty and Confusion) exactly made you want to know what that word is?.
Ashe: Well, you see, yesterday after we returned home from one of our....(Starts Blushing a Little) many date night sessions, Petra asked if we could ever try doing this "Snu-Snu" session this evening but I'm afraid I have no clue what it is.
Sylvain: (Starts Shaking his Head) Oh sweet, sweet, naive, Little Ashe. Let me tell you a little thing about those two simple syllabl-
Sylvain: (Immediately Gets Startled) Oh God! (Turns to see the Local Gatekeeper Presenting Him a Envelope) Uhhh....(Receives the Envelope) thanks....
As The Gatekeeper salutes to him before marching off, Sylvain opens the envelope and reads the letter from inside. The longer he reads it however, the more he begins to blush and let out abnormal, goofy like laugh, causing Ashe and Dedue to stare at him weirdly.
Dedue: Uhh....Sylvain? (Raises an Eyebrow) What exactly did that letter sent to you say?
Sylvain: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! (Turns Back to the Fup as He Quickly Hides the Letter Behind his Back) N-Nothing! Just some boring.... request letter for a side mission or whatever. (Chuckles Awkwardly) Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have to head out to see Ingrid at my bed- I mean chambers- I MEAN TRAINING GROUNDS! (Claps his Hand Together) YES! Training grounds! So uh.....
Without any second thought or reason, Sylvain hurriedly runs away towards the door leaving his two fellow Blue Lions behind in the Table.
Ashe: He....seems to be in a hurry.
Dedue: ('Sigh') That he has....We'll just head to the library to find out what this....."Snu-Snu" really is after we finish our breakfast.
Ashe: (Nodded in Agreement) Okay.
The hours has passed since Ashe and Dedue has discovered and learned more about the meaning of the word "Snu-Snu", so the up and coming knight has decided to man up and test this new discovered with his beloved princess of Brigid later that evening. Needless to say, as wild and unexpected as the experience was....He still had a very good time at the end
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fe-aesthetics · 2 years
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Come on, Ashe. You're an honest and overall great guy. 
Ashe and Sylvain, Virtuous Love
*requested by @spadefish*
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frickingnerd · 2 years
Blue Lions Masterlist
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Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
dancing the night away - oneshot
clinging to a promise - oneshot
am i the one you want? - oneshot
with(out) you by my side - oneshot
the words i most regret are the ones i never meant to leave unsaid - oneshot
casting a love spell on dimitri - headcanons
dimitri's s/o being experimented on by those who slither in the dark - headcanons
Dedue Molinaro
reunion at dawn - oneshot
eloping with dedue - headcanons
all the lies we told them - oneshot
bridal carrying on the battle field - oneshot
Sylvain Jose Gautier
don't call her what you used to call me - oneshot
sylvain with a girlfriend who keeps getting flirted with - headcanons
being in a love triangle with sylvain and felix - headcanons
Ashe Ubert
dating ashe ubert - headcanons
arranged marriage with ashe - headcanons
ashe with a shy s/o - headcanons
Felix Hugo Fraldarius
the night of the ball - oneshot
arranged marriage with felix - headcanons
felix with a sibling who's a sweet heart - headcanons
being in a love triangle with sylvain and felix - headcanons
Mercedes von Martritz
if it all ends today - drabble
being seperated from mercedes during the war - headcanons
poly relationship with mercedes & annette - headcanons
Annette Fantine Dominic
annette crushing on you - headcanons
poly relationship with mercedes & annette - headcanons
Ingrid Brandl Galatea
fake dating ingrid - headcanons
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legend-of-dorte · 2 years
What do the Blue Lions do if they receive an anonymous love letter from you?
Note: Reader is Gender-Neutral
Dimitri Well, whoever wrote this letter certainly had a way with words! He cannot help but admire your eloquence while wondering what he could have possibly done to receive such praise. Had he missed a special occasion? Or did someone send him this nice letter for the sake of niceness? Baffling to be sure, which is why he starts asking around in search of the original sender.
His more astute classmates are quick to point out that it is not just an ordinary greeting card, but in fact - a love letter. The moment he realizes, his face goes red.
Oh. Well now he absolutely has to know who you are, if only to convince you that he is in no way worthy of such admiration. Surely there is someone more deserving of your affection, that such words should not be wasted on him. ...Or so he tries to convince himself as he re-reads the letter every quiet moment he has alone.
Dedue There must be some kind of mistake, he thinks to himself as he quietly folds up the letter. Or a joke. Who in their right mind at Garreg Mach would hold such admiration for him, let alone emotion? He elicits no reaction and tells no one, not even Dimitri. Life seemingly goes on as normal.
What no one knows is that on some days of the week, he sits down at his desk with a quill and parchment, mulling over how to reply and struggling to choose the right words.
Eventually he gives up, deciding that silence is preferable to a clumsy response. Instead, he visits the greenhouse to select some freshly bloomed potted flowers. He arranges your letter amongst the blossoms and together they decorate his window sill where the sun lands gently every morning.
Sylvain By the time he is finished reading it, there is a big goofy grin on his face. He is no stranger to receiving such letters, having written a few of his own. In fact, he keeps a small stack of them in his room. The noteworthy ones, at least. Eventually, such letters all end up in the fireplace in a matter of days.
Yours though? It just makes him really happy for some reason. There's no way he'll let it get lost in the paperwork or toss it in the hearth. Instead, he keeps it on his person like a lucky charm.
In fact, he really wants to show it off and brag about it to everyone until they get absolutely sick of him. They do, but this is the first time he has ever truly not cared about how other people think about him (...well, maybe except for you, O mysterious admirer) and it is the best feeling ever.
Felix At first he scoffs and crumples it up after reading, tossing it into the paper bin by his desk. What a ridiculous letter, and a waste of time. So, why couldn't he get it out of his head?
Against his better judgment, he digs through his own trash to rescue it, even taking the time to smooth it out and clean it up a little. Someone clearly put far too much work into writing this silly note for it to be tossed aside.
He considers interrogating his classmates to find out who sent it, and if it was some sort of prank. But he also knows that certain friends would never let him hear the end of it if they found out. So he keeps it to himself and doesn't tell a soul. If you were brave enough to write him something so frivolous, then he hopes believes that you'll probably approach him in person on your own accord one day.
Ashe He leaps to the conclusion that the letter is meant for someone else, delivered to him by mistake. Naturally, when he goes looking for the intended recipient, people are quick to point out that his name is in fact written on the letter. That can't be right, he thinks as he rereads the heart-pounding letter for the hundredth time. And yet there it was, plain as day.
Thanks to his inquiries, word gets around campus such that people are congratulating him for having a secret admirer. The sudden attention leaves him incredibly flustered, but not terribly embarrassed. Maybe in a handful of days, he thinks with a red-faced grin, he'll write a response of his own. The only problem is whether he could write half as eloquently as you did, and how to figure out who you really are.
Mercedes She has received letters of gratitude for her service at the church before, but this is quite different. Your flowery words have captivated her, and with each re-read, she notices all the small details you included in the letter. Your elegant handwriting, the various anecdotes of all her deeds and merits, the pressed flowers, and even the faint perfume of lavender - her favorite.
It leaves her quite giggly and rosy-cheeked for the rest of the day, to the point where she has trouble concentrating in class. Even as her peers call her name and try to get her attention, she simply stares off into space with a giddy sigh and a dreamy smile. Her classmates are quick to suspect that she is lovestruck, and they might not be far from the truth.
Annette How curious, she thinks to herself cheekily as she opens the note. Could it be a love letter? Haha, no way. Unless...?
To her surprise, it is - in fact - a love letter. The moment it hits her, she panics. Freaks out, even. Burning red from cheek-to-cheek, her first impulse is to squeal out loud. Naturally, her outburst sends passers-by running over to investigate, and the cat is out of the bag before she can keep it a secret.
For the rest of the week, she is even clumsier than usual, causing a surfeit of accidents in both the kitchen and in magic class. By the end of each day, she is flustered and mortified. If only she could find out who you are, just to give you a piece of her mind for getting her riled up like this! But if she did end up meeting you face-to-face, she'd probably blush even harder then.
Ingrid She sighs, and tears it up. Except she doesn't, and the letter remains whole in her hands as she reads it again. Maybe a few more times for good measure. By the time she comes to her senses, it is too late. She has memorized your words from start to finish and still can't bring herself to get rid of the letter.
But what is the point in keeping it? She wonders. Between her dreams of knighthood and her father's designs at arranging a suitable marriage for her, there is no room in her life for a secret admirer.
And yet, whenever she feels down, your letter is a source of solace - even hope. She feels a little guilty that she would tear up her own father's letters yet keep yours. But reading your letter is like listening to a dear friend who knows the real her, even if she has no idea who you are.
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