#t1d looks like me
bigboymoozz · 8 months
Ik it's a bit of a hopeless hope, but today as I was giving my brother his insulin shot for his breakfast i was asking him if it felt nice being able to sleep on his right sode since we just changed his g7 site the previous day. he was like "I hate this and wish this wasn't a thing. I kept forgetting what side i could sleep on" and I was able to use the eversense CGM as a hopeful example. The eversense CGM is (?) A small cgm inserted into your body (like a nexplanon) and can stay for around 6 months without changing it out, and the sensor is a sticker instead of a wire sticking out of you. And the website, when I looked at it last, said they're looking into developing a year-long one as well. The cgm from my research was invented sometime in '99, and since then has been slowly getting better. I was like "you know, we can only hope that the implants work really well and can lead to more innovation. Maybe one day they'll have a pod for both insulin and glucose and you can use it to treat highs, bolus, and lows? Literally the possibilities are endless" he's 13, surely by the time he's my age (20s) there's something interesting being talked about. In the subreddit I'm in for t1d, there's diabetics in their 60s saying how this is (pumps and cgms) is an insane development for them and that they wouldn't have even dreamed something like this would ever exist to help them. I just. Idk. I want to keep him hopeful a bit. He's already bummed that pancreas transplants aren't a regular thing t1ds can opt for, and if they were I'd be first in line to give him all of mine if I had to
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Love it when I’m talking to someone and my pump beeps and I see them also look down to check theirs and then we do the Spider-Man point thing for chronically ills
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11-eyed-rook · 29 days
"You don't look disabled/trans/bi/like a guy/sick/diabetic/mentally ill/neurodivergent/autistic/in pain"
*Fucking smacks you with my big paws*
#dorian speaks#for a lot of these it's just dealing with bigotry/blatant ignorance#and many people won't even listen to you if you try to explain#they'll just believe their own assumptions to be true#and as a result - they'll “suggest” things that are legitimately harmful/don't apply whatsoever#this has been particularly true for me being a T1 diabetic#and people not knowing how hugely different it is from T2 diabetes in most ways#like... T1 is something you couldn't HOPE to prevent if you tried and it can happen to literally anybody - it's AUTOIMMUNE#I don't have any known family history of ANY diabetes and I got it#people will assume I'm not “allowed” to take any spaces for the disabled#just because they don't see my disability (T1D... chronic joint pain... foot injury that won't heal due to circumstances... etc)#and people have specific beliefs of what LGBTQIA+ people “should look like” or whatever which is just... don't.#The “you don't look neurodivergent/autistic” shit is something a lot of people deal with#If you had seen me as a kid you'd definitely think I'm autistic (actually a lot of people did but only as a reason to bully me)#But like... do you expect me to act/behave/have the same experiences my ENTIRE life without ANY changes whatsoever?#You do realize people learn to cope/adapt to some stuff... right? The experiences will differ throughout life. Each person is different#Nobody bothered to diagnose me when I was still a kid and my country doesn't diagnose adults at all so... fun times being taken seriously#I won't “look” neurodivergent or even mentally ill because there's this little thing called MASKING#and I had to learn to do that to keep myself safe for much of my life (from judgement/abuse/etc)#which has brought its own challenges#People don't have to look/sound/behave/outwardly seem like they're something or dealing with something to be valid#Idk how to phrase any of this any better but I feel like a lot of this is stuff people have experienced to some extent
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willythakiid · 2 years
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Happy national diabetes month to all who observe
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arionawrites · 9 months
actually wait i can just make a post about this lmao
diabetics who may struggle to get the insulin they need, read below the cut 👇
hi! i’m ariona and i’m a type one diabetic and have been since i was 14! i struggled a lot to get the insulin i needed for a long time, but now, closing in on a decade since my diagnosis (nine years in february!) i and my fellow diabetic family members (an aunt and two cousins) have become fortunate enough to wind up in a place in life where we altogether have a LOT of extra insulin, thanks to being lucky enough to have decent insurance either through our state (washington) or through our jobs, and also thanks to my badass endocrinologist who is ALSO t1d who writes my prescriptions specifically to get me as much insulin as my insurance will allow every month.
basically: we have a lot of insulin, more than what we need for an emergency backup stock, and we’re at a point where we’re worried that it might start to expire before it can be used and have been looking into places we could take it to help people who need it more than we do, that way this literal life saving hormone can help keep people alive.
we have:
mostly novolog (mostly vials, but i believe some pens as well)
humalog (not much, but some)
some lantus pens
i currently take fiasp but have no negative reactions to novolog or humalog, so i can use either of them in place of fiasp as well
my insulin gets delivered so we have easy access to like little coolers and ice packs that can be used to ship insulin, and i’m not super well off financially but i will happily pay shipping if i can afford it to send this insulin to anyone who needs it!
i don’t want money, i don’t want anything in return. when i was first diagnosed we struggled a LOT with getting the insulin i needed, especially since i struggle badly with insulin resistance and it took a few years before i was being given the amount i needed to not constantly battle super high blood sugar, and thankfully i had a pharmacist at the time who was willing to bend the rules for us in order to save me multiple hospital trips, and now that i’m in a place capable of doing the same for others, i want to
my dm’s are open, my ask box is open, if anyone is in need of insulin or even just wants to take a couple vials for backups just in case, please reach out!!
we also have extra supplies in general! i used to have a medtronic pump and have a lot of extra supplies from that, and we have a shit ton of syringes and stuff. idk how shipping syringes would work ?? but i can look into it and see what we can do!! basically if you need something, there’s a chance we have it, so reach out!! if we don’t have it then i can also do some research to see if there’s anywhere i can point you to instead to help you out!!
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
Hello, I am from Gaza, due to the shortage of medicine in Gaza, my mother who is a type 1 diabetic and was supposed to undergo urgent eye surgery, has not been able to get insulin or any medical care for the past three months. . Some members of my family fled to the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. But my parents and sisters have nowhere else to stay. They are forced to stay in the Nuseirat refugee camp, which has been bombed since the beginning of Christmas. "I am on my knees asking for your donations. Please help me. where you can.
Goal: $700
All the casual readers need to know is do not donate to this person; they are almost certainly a scammer (I say this after looking into it further). Scammer, please, by all means, continue reading. I'd love to hear your defense. c:
Let's dissect this, friends. One incorrect piece of information at a time.
List of Scammer Red Flags Within This Ask
This account has quite a few posts, but all of them are reblogs dated only up to three days ago. The only original post is their pinned post, and even that was posted three days ago. They even reblogged sending this very same ask to another person who asked for a link, as they did not give one. This, too, was dated three days ago. This is fishy to me.
After looking into your claims about having a Type 1 Diabetic mother who needed "urgent eye surgery" without any access to insulin for supposedly three months, I doubt the validity of your statement. It sounds like your mother has pretty severe diabetes, seeing that she needed urgent eye surgery. Sounds like she's reached the criticality of risking blindness as a complication. That's pretty intense, and I highly doubt she would last three months without insulin. "Without insulin, people with T1D will die from hyperglycemia within days or weeks." She is no longer with us. Why does she need money for treatment if she is deceased?
This is a very real article discussing the very real consequences of the fall of Gaza's healthcare system. There is no healthcare system in place currently - nothing substantial or official. There are freelance doctors providing support where they can, humanitarian organizations with their limited authority and ability attempting to provide aid, and medical professionals of all kinds trying their damnedest to put their skills to use in ways they've never had to before. So I ask you, where the fuck is this money going? Are you going to pay ANERA $700 for your deceased mother's insulin?
Seems you have done your research on these tent and refugee camp locations. However, there was an unfortunate airstrike on the Nuseirat refugee camp in early March. From my understanding, it may no longer be standing at all. Even if it is, I doubt, very much so, that you are there. I'm not sure where you are, but I feel it is not there. And where are you posting from, if I may ask? I'm curious how you've gotten internet access. Although I'm aware it's possible, from my understanding, it's extremely difficult to come by.
The Internet thing leads us into our fifth point. How will you access this money? If you were to say, run out of Internet connection, where would this $700 go? How will you get it out of your PayPal account? From your local refugee camp ATM?
PayPal does not work in Palestine, dumbass. You are as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.
If you need genuine help, I'm sorry, but this isn't the right way to ask for it. I wish I could do more for you. I wish I could go there myself and give you the relief that you need. I'm not sure what money could do for you in Gaza, especially when medical care is literally impossible to find with many doctors having, unfortunately, passed away and many more fleeing the country, but if you're real, I hope you receive the care that you need. I hope you find somewhere safe to reside.
But I do not think you need help. I think you are someone preying on the kindness of others, taking advantage of a goddamn genocide to earn some extra money. Your money is soaked in the blood of innocents. Innocents who could've used it themselves. Scammer, you disgust me. Children have fucking died while you were busy trying to earn some extra cash, profiting from their suffering. Fuck you, truly. There's a special place in the deep, deep depths of the afterlife, waiting to drag you kicking and screaming to the consequences of your actions. I hope you regret this scam. I hope it haunts you.
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queenzufufu · 7 months
Out of curiosity listened to an older podcast Ed used to do and some of the interviews in Edinburgh are great and really funny (they have ones with Greg Davies, Alex Horne, James Acaster etc) if you're interested.
But it doesn't take long to see why Ed tried to move on from it. Like the guy he hosts it with (his old comedy partner) is a lot older and seems to have taken Ed under his wing, Ed clearly looks up to him immensely and they make each other laugh a lot, but yeah... the dynamic is a little uncomfortable at times. Like literally at the start of most of the episodes he goes on about how fat Ed is and that he looks horrible and at one point when Ed is injecting insulin he tells him he finds it disgusting when he does that and it makes him feel sick and yep as a t1d myself that's the point I turned off...
Like I get he's kinda playing up to his comedy persona and I've only listened to a small percentage of episodes, but knowing this is when Ed's what 21, 22? A time he's now admitted he "felt shit" about his condition, and the rumours that Ed trying to do solo stuff lead to some passive aggressive comments, it doesn't really sit right with me. Just sayin... whatever happened, I'm glad he was able to move on and find new people to work with... I mean JAMES WOULD NEVER
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ask-sibverse · 10 months
B. Under the cover of darkness D. Subtle Kindnesses
T1D x Nightmare
Everyone's thirsty for the goop lord I swear. Not that I mind, it cracks me up how often he's been requested for this.
Living alone sometimes bothered you. The human officials absolutely lost their shit at the mere idea of you living in the same house as a monster (even though Chara did just that no problem), otherwise you'd be living with Blue and Stretch. You were in their apartment more often than not, but at the end of the day, you went to bed in your own house. Alone.
But lately you were wondering how alone you really were. You'd wake up and find things shifted around, moved from their spots. Someone had been going through your tea... Or maybe you were just too tired to notice?
And then what could only be described as "gifts" started appearing. Just little things, a tea you'd mentioned to Blue that you'd really liked. Bath products, extra low blood sugar snacks.
Blue, Dream, Ink, even Stretch didn't know anything about this. So you decided to find out for yourself. The first few attempts were a failure, somehow you'd fall asleep and miss whoever was coming into your home.
But then you managed to fake being asleep long enough for your mystery intruder to show up. You heard the telltale sounds of a portal being opened and kept as still and quiet as possible. It was almost impossible to see in the dark but it almost looked like... Tentacles? ...Nightmare?
A tentacle caressed your cheek. "You will tell no one about this."
Somehow you actually slept peacefully that night.
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lbxbx · 6 months
I’ve had diabetes since I was a kid and tend to drop my sugar fast and hard and if I don’t catch it in time I get super sick. Can you maybe Drabble and give me your headcanons on how the boys would take care of you?
Oh no.
I hope you’re doing well, T1D is seriously exhausting and literal pain in the butt 🤕
I’m sorry this took some time but it’s my first time doing headcanons like these, but hey your girl got you so sit back and enjoy ❤️❤️
“Why’d you call him?” You were holding the bucket onto your lap as Yoongi was assisting you with the least he can do, which is holding back your hair off of your face. It hurts him to see you this pale and sick, specially that this isn’t your first time binge eating candies until you ended up being hospitalized.
“He needs to know Y/N, he said he’s coming here in no time.” He grabs your hair tighter when you cough again before throwing up into the bucket, tears are already streaming down your face and your tummy hurts. Namjoon’s reaction wasn’t different from any other time, he’s rushing to the hospital after he managed to take an hour leave out of his work to take care of you, and the second he gets into the hospital even the staff recognize him and lead him towards the bed you’re in.
“Hey, there you are.” He rushes towards you and grabs your hair instead, it shatters him to see you like this constantly that he’d do anything to make you feel better. “It’s okay, you’re going to be okay.”
He eases you, knowing that you always panic when this happens, his soft touch on your face and the little rubs he gives to your back can ease the pain in a second, and he’s not even half grossed out when he sees you all pale and sweaty and puking when this happens repeatedly, he finds himself wanting to shower you with kisses and he ends up doing it, and again you swear he kisses the pain away.
Namjoon is the type that gets super worried over you, he wakes up in the middle of his sleep just to make sure you’re breathing, he keeps his eyes locked onto your chest just to watch it rising, a sigh of relief is always followed by that before he goes back to his sleep.
 “Once this is over I’ll take you home so we can spend the couple next days together.”
“I know you don’t feel good, I just came in to see if there’s anything I could do to you.” He walks into the kitchen to see your hands shaking, eagerly looking around for something sweet, you’re starting to feel low and you could almost swear you were about to pass out.
The entire night you were quiet and not much came out of your mouth, and Seokjin was the type to observe from away, he wouldn’t show you he’s worried nor would he get up on his feet to actually help you unless you totally need him. This was something you wanted and you requested since he keeps observing your body and how you change when you’re starting to feel low.
Seokjin’s recent search on his phones is “Remedies to treat Diabetes at home.” When he knows that this is chronic and cannot be treated, but the man hasn’t lost his hope, he secretly visits your doctor without you just to make sure you’re doing good and if there’s anything he can do for you at home just to prevent any complications.
“I got you this.” Your head snaps towards him to see him holding a jar of biscuit butter, being emotional and irritable when you feel low is a common thing, do your eyes burn or are those tears?
 You grab out a spoon before putting it into your mouth, and in seconds you feel yourself recharged. And he’s watching you with a faint smile lingering on his face, he would give you the world if you wanted it.
“Give me your finger.” He doesn’t even spare a glance towards you, you don’t remember what your glucometer looks like anymore since he has it all the time, he has an alarm on his phone to check you four times a day even when you promise him that you feel totally okay and there’s nothing to worry about.
You roll your eyes and give him your hand, he carefully grabs onto you and pokes the tiny needle into the tip of your finger before dabbing some blood onto the tiny slide. A smirk lies on your face when you memorized what he does all the time, he cleans your finger with a cotton pad before kissing the tip of it and apologizing quietly. “Sorry.”
It takes the device five second to flash the number which is considered totally normal for you, but not normal enough for Yoongi, so he gets up onto his feet and makes his way to the kitchen before rushing back in seconds.
“Here’s some Gatorade and chocolate.” With a stable voice tone he puts the things in front of you and takes his seat back next to you on the couch which makes you giggle and wrap your arms around him, peppering his cheek with little kisses. “Thank you.”
“I’m Jung Hoseok and I’ll be your doctor for today.” He walks into your bedroom wearing his white button up shirt and glasses which makes you laugh your heart out at him, you had just passed out a couple minutes ago and he found you lying on your bathroom floor, which he cannot deny made him panic.
You usually sense that you’re about to get low for this time you felt nothing, even when you spent the night with him and it was considered somewhat a heavy workout session, you usually snack on something but this time you didn’t and you got into the bathroom to take a shower and ended up where you are right now.
“Stop, I’m okay now.” You whine when comes closer and pretends to be giving you an actual physical examination. “Mhm, looks okay to me, yup.” He moves down to your stomach and tickles you until you’re out of breath laughing and kicking your legs onto the bed. “Nooo please.” You struggle to push him and he finally stops.
“I’m glad you’re doing okay.” He whispers, a soft smile sitting on his lips as he cups your cheeks, he even leans closer to kiss you on the forehead. “And next time we’re showering together.”
“Wow you’re really hot.” His hand lands onto your forehead.
“Of course I am.” You scoff as you get rid of your pants, it was very normal for you to be overheated and it was his first time actually seeing you this hot, he looks at you amused and confused, wondering what to do and how to help.
He laughs and tilts his head. “You clearly haven’t lost your sense of humor, but you’re burning up which is not good.”
“Yeah, I know.” You’re way too tired to smile at how adorable he looks, his doe eyes staring at you like you’re a fragile piece of glass worried that you’d break at any second. “Do you want me to get you anything?”
“Yeah, can you get me the glucometer from behind you?” You point behind him, he stretches to the table behind him to grab the little device and hand it to you. “What’s that?”
“Let me show you how this works.” You proceed to open it and turn on the device, before sanitizing the tip of your finger and grabbing the little needle, he panics and holds your hands to stop you. “What are you doing?”
“Checking my blood glucose.” You giggle before poking your finger and dripping blood onto the slide. “Does it hurt?” He whispers
“Not at all.” You shake your head, he grabs your finger to wipe away the blood before kissing your hands, “And can I try?”
“Please let me do it.” He pouts, his hands fully open towards you wanting you to give him the insulin syringe, he’s been whining non-stop wanting to give you the injection so he can feel like he’s actually doing something to make you feel better.
“This is an actual needle not games and stuff.” You stand in front of the mirror, a second away from lifting up your night gown to inject the needle into your stomach.
“Baby please, just this time and I promise I won’t ask again.” He rushes to stand behind you and puts one hand onto your back. “I need to feel useful.”
“But you are.” You turn to face him, “You consider picking me up from the kitchen floor when I’m low not useful? You’re always useful.”
“Yeah, but please this is different, this is the actual thing that makes you feel better, can I please do it?” He begs, opening his hand again for you to give him the injection, you sigh and roll your eyes before finally handing it to him. “You’ll make your own dinner if you hurt me.”
“I promise I won’t.” His face changes and a large toothy smile sits on his face before he lands on his knees to pull up your night gown and open the needle cap. “Like that?” He pinches some of your flesh between two fingers. “Mhm.” You agree and push his hand a little to the left. “You have to do it fast so it won’t hurt.”
“I lost count to the times I’ve seen you do this baby, I know how it’s done.” He wholeheartedly injects the needle into your skin and you swear you didn’t feel a thing, before he pushes in the medication and takes the needle out. “That was so hot.” You giggle which makes him laugh shyly and kiss your tummy before pulling your night gown down.
Throughout your entire dinner with his friends from work and their wives, his eyes were watching you the whole time and the man knows you like the back of his hand, he can easily tell that your blood sugar is high from the your face is glistening and your hands are shaking, he even looks down underneath the table to see your legs shaking in their spot which makes him certain 100%.
He clears his throat and pulls his chair back. “Y/N baby, come on.” He gets up onto his feet and grabs your purse. “If you excuse us, we’ll be back in a minute.”
You were always a procrastinator and you kept ignoring your symptoms and thought that you’ll be home later and you’ll take your medication then, but Jungkook was the exact opposite, his eyes were onto you the entire time, and mainly because he couldn’t get enough of you, and because he’s worried that you’ll get tired any second.
He pulls your chair for you and you get up onto your feet, excusing yourself away from the table, he wraps an arm around you and walks you towards the restrooms and picks you up to put you onto the sink. “Are you feeling well?” He asks when he knows the answer, he knows you can barely stand onto your feet.
“Not well, but I can make it through the night.” You run your fingers through his hair and tuck some behind his ear. “You can go to your friends, I’ll do it on my own.”
“Of course not.” He opens your purse and prepares the little injection of insulin before taking an alcohol swab out of his wallet. Yeah those were for you and he always had them lying around whether it was in his pocket, wallet or even in his car.
He wipes the back of your arm with the swab before injecting the medication into your skin, you’ve been together for a few years now and he insists on giving you the injection every time, he got so good at it that you don’t feel the needle anymore. “There you go.”
“Thank you.” You lock your eyes onto his, he smiles and leans in to kiss you on the lips. “I don’t know if the diabetes or not but you taste so sweet.”
You pull back from the kiss with a cringe on your face and hit his chest. “That’s not funny.”
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annabannnananana · 2 months
☆ anna? never heard of her ☆
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well boom now u have
(new pinned post bc i hated my old one hehe :3)
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⋆。°✩ welcome to my blog! i don’t really care what you call me, but i usually go by anna, or banana, onion, etc! anything’s fine by me tho!
⋆。°✩ i just turned 23 (🎈bday: july 7)! being an adult is very boring but tumblr makes it better :) i’m not a minor but my blog is safe for minors, everything is sfw here! (my nsfw sideblog is @annasgarbagechute, MINORS DNI!!)
⋆。°✩ guess what guys, yippee i have a fnaf themed sideblog now, it’s called @annas-arcade go follow it rn or i‘ll be very mad at u 😾😾😾😾 /j
⋆。°✩ she/her please and thank you! btw i’m bi bc girls and guys are both hot, why pick one when you can have both? god said adam AND eve not adam OR eve (i’m also catholic, but i’m not super intense abt religion, you do you)
⋆。°✩ born & raised in the usa, descended from france & ireland. @bingbammboom is making me say i want to move to australia with her, but in reality i wanna move to paris so badddddd 💔💔💔 (don’t tell her i said that)
⋆。°✩ i have adhd & t1d, i post abt it occasionally but it’s not the focus of my blog :) but i will have you know i hate t1d with every fiber in my being, it sucks ass. i gotta give myself fucking shots before i eat, what the fuck
⋆。°✩ basic dni (racist, sexist, ableist, bigot, pedo/zoo, etc) + vanilliam shippers and jk rowling supporters + just please don’t be rude/unkind or try to make people uncomfortable on my blog. thank you!
⋆。°✩ hey did you know i write and draw stuff? maybe you should send me an ask sometime if there’s something you want me to write or draw for you <3
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☆ rules for sending art & writing reqs ☆
what i will write & draw:
⋆。°✩ i will write sets of headcanons, oneshots, reader inserts, & multi-chapter stories (on occasion) for any fandoms your heart desires :D
⋆。°✩ i will write reader of any gender identity and sexuality (if unspecified i will default to gn!reader), kid! or adult!reader, reader of any species or robot!reader (fnaf fics i’m looking at you)
⋆。°✩ i will draw busts, half bodies, and full bodies as sketches, with lineart, or with full shading & color.
⋆。°✩ i will draw canon characters and ocs (yours and mine) of any species, including animals, humans, robots, supernatural beings (ghosts, zombies, vampires, and the like), etc.
what i will not write & draw:
⋆。°✩ i will not write or draw nsfw, selfh@rm, relationships with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, abusive, incest/stepcest, ddlg, omorashi, emeto, scat, age regression, oc x canon (just for writing). please do not request these! thank you. <3
⋆。°✩ please keep in mind that it may take me a while to respond to or even see your request, as i’m not the best at frequently checking my inbox, plus i don’t always have motivation or good ideas to write/draw so i might need time to come up with something. i also always have the right to not write/draw your request if it makes me uncomfortable or if i don’t want to do it for any other reason. thank you for understanding! :)
⋆。°✩ also, please do not repost my art or writing! to clarify what i mean in case anyone confuses the terms “repost” and “reblog”, it’s fine to reblog my stuff when i post my art or writing. but please don’t copy/paste my writing, or save images of my art, and then paste them into a new separate post completely unrelated to the original. even if you would intend to tag me, just please don’t, it makes me uncomfortable. thank you!
⋆。°✩ also, if you see my art/writing and like it but don’t reblog it, guess what? blocked. if you like my art/writing, please reblog it for more people to see! it only takes 5 seconds, and it really helps a small artist/writer. thank you!
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my tags:
⋆。°✩ #banana writes - my writing
⋆。°✩ #banana art - my art
⋆。°✩ #banana talks - my txt/talking tag
⋆。°✩ #banana ask - my responses to asks
my other socials:
⋆。°✩ ask me before adding! thank you <3
⋆。°✩ twitter/x: here
⋆。°✩ discord: annatherat707
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so that’s pretty much all you need to know to navigate my blog, you’re all good to go now! have fun looking around!
⭑𓂃 anna
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clatterbane · 6 months
This shit is making me a little nervous, ngl. Maybe an hour ago, I went ahead and ate this pretty yummy tteokbokki cup (with some added kimchi and cheese), which I had actually been holding off on because it usually it is likely to hit my blood sugar like a truck even with loading up on plenty of insulin beforehand. Normally I would start out with 4 units in advance, and be prepared to get like 2-4 more units in later to cover that amount of concentrated particularly high glycemic rice carbs. By this time after eating it, I would likely be reaching for the insulin as the graph is shooting up into the red above the top range lines there. It's enough of a PITA that I just haven't felt like dealing with that enough to eat the thing.
But, tonight? One unit in advance just because it felt like maybe I shouldn't push my luck that hard to go totally without, and this is what the graph is doing:
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(That's a new sensor put on yesterday, and it's wanting to be particularly noisy in the readings. Just ignore the aggravating spikiness of that line. I have double checked by finger sticks to calibrate, and it is accurate enough down the middle.)
Going by recent experience, I may actually need to grab a sweet snack before long, to keep that one freaking unit of insulin for a carb-dense meal from crashing my blood sugar right about when I want to go to bed.
Yeah, my three (3) remaining beta cells have apparently all decided to wake up at the same time recently, and go back to work cranking out their own insulin specifically in response to eating. And particularly later in the day. They seem to be night owls too.
It's apparently not unusual for later-onset folks like me to keep some level of insulin production going for longer. Which can change unpredictably.
Don't know if you can even call it a "honeymoon" at this point, since I do seem to be Stubborn Beta Cells Georg. They are still pulling this shit over 15 years in. That's kinda how the extended NHS medical negligence didn't just flat out kill me much faster. Kept limping along with just enough production to keep me progressively sicker and developing complications but only half-dead until that huge crash. Don't know how they managed it, or how they are this persistent even after it looked like they had finally keeled over for good. But, they're still going enough normally that I the endo has been surprised at how relatively little insulin I do normally need.
Some decent backup does seem to have let them recover enough to occasionally come back to work part time, though. This is just the biggest effort they've put in again so far. It's fucking weird.
Impossible to tell when that stubborn handful of beta cells will decide to go back on strike again, of course. But yeah, may as well take advantage of it while it lasts. Thus the post-midnight rice cake snack to begin with!
Maybe I should go ahead and cook some of the real deal over the weekend. I bought some tteokbokki a while back, because I do love it, but hadn't quite psyched myself up to fix it yet. May go for a cheesy variation, because why not.
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Not my pic, but it is making me hungry.
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type1diabetesinfandom · 9 months
I'm thinking about writing something with a character who has type 1 diabetes. Where might I find information about what it's like to have it?
That's awesome!
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Start with my #how to write t1d tag!
It's got a mix of do's and dont's, infographics and legit how-to-write-this posts, and also will give you some blogs you can browse for daily lives as t1diabetics.
You are ofc welcome to browse this blog as much as you find useful!
Some fic recs for a good look at diabetic perspectives, written by diabetics or people familiar with the disease, are:
My fics When the Warmth Hits You and Lost were written specifically for diabetes awareness and are long enough to cover multiple aspects of it. You should be able to read them both fandom blind, especially if your focus is on the medical stuff.
@rpgwrites's Pathfinder, Truthseeker series and her Diabetes Awareness Day series.
Outnumbered by @heartofcathedrals.
A Painting of One Thousand Voices by WolfieChan12.
Wescott Preparatory Academy by adder574 is a good view at t1d care and life ~20 years ago. Note that the medical information is dated, but useful for stories taking place 20-ish years ago.
(God I can't believe it's been that long 👵)
A New Low by Rosie_Rues.
Anything tagged with Diabetes by Carbon65.
Ditto with witchry9.
Some OG fiction books I recommend borrowing from the library or however you get books:
Let Me List the Ways by Sarah White.
Sal and Gabi Break/Fix the Universe by Carlos Hernandez.
Sweetblood by Pete Hautman.
Sweet Desire by J.M. Cagle. (You can get part 1 for free).
There are lots of bloggers, youtubers, and podcasters who share t1d focused content. I don't really pay attention to these so I'm not going to recommend specific ones, but definitely poke around. You'll find cool stuff.
The JDRF and Beyond Type 1 websites have easily-digestable medical info, but note that anyone can post on BT1 so it's not as accurate as I would like it to be.
Dr. Bernstein is also awesome for medical stuff, but hardcore, and his methods are extreme, although effective.
Now There's a rabbit hole if you want to explore differing medical opinions 🤣
You are always welcome to send me asks or dm me directly if you have specific questions! And if you decide to get seriously into the research, I have a discord server with a specific channel for asking questions about how to represent t1d, that's open to all diabetic peeps in the server.
Hope this helps, and I'm excited to see your character someday! Good luck writing!
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penelopepitstopp · 9 months
It's my diaversary today!
I almost never make posts like this but I guess this one seemed like a bit of a milestone. Been t1d for 3/4 of my life! 15 years since 5 year old me went to my hospital appointment to be treated for 1 disease (HSP booooo) only to get diagnosed with another! Wow, 2 for 1 baybeh, what a bargain! Well, I got rid of that first one a while back but looks like the t1's here to stay.
Anyway, here's my face from a long time ago, the day after I was diagnosed (my mum thinks it is anyway but her memory is notoriously awful) when I went to a friend's 6th birthday party and ran around like crazy and ate shit loads of cake (hah, look at them trying to be optimistic and putting grapes on the table).
Gotta give a big shout out to my mum who was never overly protective and always the right amount of supportive (and very creative in her swearing for all the days we went out and she forgot to bring my insulin) and the amazing diabetes youth team who were fucking incredible even when I was going through periods of being a little shit and pretending that my t1d didn't exist (do not recommend this).
Anyway. Being type 1 diabetic sucks. It's awful, it's stressful, it manages to fuck with you just when you think you've got things under control... It's also the reason for some of my best friendships, I think living with it has genuinely helped me to be a more empathetic person, and the technology is improving and advancing so fast it's fucking crazy. (Like, 5 year old me would have their mind blown if they learnt they'd get to be an android one day.)
And finally, just to make sure this doesn't get too off theme, I've also provided some truly inspirational quotes from the legend himself as he aces a task.
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Also very much love that this was one of the top comments on YouTube for this task:
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indescriptequilibrium · 8 months
ok b4 i make these damn credit requests n send reports to customers i gotta write a bit of testicles philosophy that's been clankin around inside my cranium for a while. if u don't wanna read bout stuff like this pls scroll by but if u do pls bear with me while i talk about an incredibly sensitive topic that's almost impossible to tackle with any level of seriousness due to the Absurdity of transness
so im gettin neutered in 2,5 weeks. this has been a long time comin n now it's suddenly crystalized into a tangible date that's rly close (close enough that it alrdy caused sum Despair n schedulin stress on my part cuz im a anxious scaredy cat (sorry n thank u<3)). this is a huge fuckin deal. i've had dysphoria bout these guys for as long as i can fuckin remember. i'm nowadays pretty ok w/ havin a dick, but the accessories r abysmal n need to go.
first things first, they're uncomfortable. anyone who has some will attest that life w/ balls is at best bearable (mens underwear n pants leave a lot of space for convenience) n at worst horrid n painful (to safekeep reproductive capabilities they're equipped w/ a frankly ludicrous amount of nerve endings). i'm in almost a constant state of mild-to-severe discomfort cuz i'm very dysphorically aware of them at most times, like rn. they're always moving around no matter how well secured in place n the more u secure them in place the more uncomfortable it can get. n Adjusting their position especially in public no matter how stealthy i am about it makes me feel like some kind of a pervert cuz well i AM grabbing n moving my junk around. ugh. so this is very much a dysphoric "THIS BODY PART DOESNT BELONG" type situation.
secondly, i do NOT want to reproduce, especially not via inseminating someone. that's a horrid thought n makes me feel like some kind of a gigeresque parasite-spewing breeding maschine. note: this is a Personal Feeling, making n having babies is a perfectly normal thing to want to do. but i do not have the need to do it via my own biology.
third, FORM FACTOR. fuckin gods i own so many pieces of clothing that will finally fit nicely when im free of the two pain orbs attached near a very critical part of pants n underwear. i've looked at n adored how pants fit ppl without this kind of junk in the way forever n been so so envious even b4 i had the language to describe it. i rly hope it's as comfortable as i imagine it.
fourthly, i kno it's not a requirement to be an androgynous person to lack reproductive ability, but shit fuck godsdamn it, it will help with the feeling. kinda like how changin my legal gender was altogether very unimpactful (as it should be tbh...), but gave me self-confidence n entitlement in my identity. the idea of being physically something between genders is amazing n freeing as hell. masculinity has weighed heavy on my shoulders n this'll take some of the load off. stop giggling
fifth n final point that i have in mind rn: i can stop takin fucking spironolactone!!!!!!!! im convinced just this will be a huge quality of life improvement, i'm so dried up it's crazy. i piss like every couple of hours n my lower lip has been chapped af for weeks. t1d dries u up already i rly don't need an additional drug doing that. plus i'm p sure spiro has some side effects goin that i'm not even aware of but i'm eager to find out what changes.
all in all this is HUGE. i'm gonna probs cope w/ the wait w/ a lot of humor n some of this humor will make me more dysphoric (dysphoria has been growing the whole winter) but pls bear with my ballsposting soon i'll stop talking about them forever and i rly have NOT mentioned the guys ever cuz of the dysphoria so final chance to say goodbye i guess? lol. anyway gotta work now bye hope this was somehow revelatory re: my feelings w/ this whole issue for those of u who r for some reason interested in the general genital situation lmao
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sparrows-carseat · 1 year
Looking to try and make friends on here! I haven't been part of the system community on tumblr yet..
I don't know if this is the smartest way to make friends on here but I can try I guess!
(usually I'm on insta 😔🫰)
Me the host [Veda] -
• He/she. They/them is okay tho.
• Bodily 26.
• Ravenclaw. Intj. 5w4. Pisces.
• Diagnosed with: Did, T1d, hashimotos, Gad, major depressive disorder. Etc.
• Dealing with: severe agoraphobia.
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Things I really really like:
• Green, blue, mustard yellow and brown.
• Fallout game series.
• Fable game series.
• Phantasy star game series.
• Aurora rising book series.
• Collecting bits and bobs.
• Anime: HxH, Tokyo mew mew, Sailormoon.
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• Align with Sailor Uranus, by like a lot.
• TV series: Antm, Avatar, Adventure time, Steven universe, Mandalorian, Moonknight.
• Diet soda and coffee.
• Magic the gathering and Dnd.
• Moonknight, nightcrawler, wolverine, Andrew Garfield Spiderman, Starfire.
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• I literally love this man, Oscar isaac. 100% best actor and person on the planet.
• Learning about my system. (Have been since 2018.)
• Pokemon, sonic, Luigi.
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[If I could pick any pokemon starter, I'd pick Azurill, Mareep or Venipede.]
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zymphe · 8 months
Trying to talk about or joke about my t1d in front of others reminds me a lot of when I was depressed -- you'd make a macabre joke that another depressed person understood and related to, and you could laugh about your hell together. But those without depression would act horrified -- they couldn't even _imagine_ thinking like that. But it was just how we lived! Wasn't the healthiest and the contrast is stark now that i'm on drugs, but it was infuriating having to dance around my condition that felt normal to me.
T1 is the same. It's just how we live, constantly doing the job of our beloved defunct organ. We sit next to death slamming our juice boxes and rage bolusing and it's fun to make animal shapes with the resulting sugar graphs. It's horrifying, yeah I guess if it's not your daily existence. Is it overwhelming and crushing sometimes? Absolutely, but I promise, the jokes about it are funny and not a big deal, please don't get that glazed uncomfortable look in your eye. Look, look at this bat that happened when I ate a philly cheesesteak
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