#tad currie
mushroomates · 1 year
legolas headcanons:
is, by all accounts, the worlds most awkward elf
most of the fellowship doesn’t even realize how weird he is
thranduil did not socialize his boy well. legolas is not aloof he just has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing.
will walk very slowly with exaggerated movements around hobbits because he thinks they won’t see him otherwise.
the hobbits thinks this is elf custom. frodo theorizes this is because elves want to rest their eyes and ears when they’re at home, so other elves like to announce themselves so no one gets spooked.
this is aided by the fact that legolas loudly announces his presence whenever he enters the room, just incase you missed it.
this conclusion is false. legolas will approach other elves by charging at them, full speed. alternatively, shooting an arrow in their vicinity for a vibe check.
he also likes shooting at people to wake them up and/or scare them
legolas likes that it’s a gentle reminder to his companions that he could kill them at any time and they should be honored that he doesn’t.
aragorn has options about this. legolas tells him that he should be grateful that such a skilled elf is on his side and cares for him. aragorn maintains that if legolas really cared, the elf would stop waking him up with ‘good morning’ shots. he also would like to note that legolas’s loud singing is only slightly better than an arrow flying at you first thing in the morning:.
legolas tries to make friends by staring at them from afar and when they look at him he looks away. like a cat. he will also blink at u as if to say “look! i like you! i’m closing my eyes!!!” again, like a cat.
will bring you small gifts to curry favor, also like a cat. interesting rocks and pretty feathers, samples of dirt, fallen leaves in different shapes and colors, and whatever flowers are near by and catch his eye. gets very upset if you don’t marvel at them for the appropriate amount of time.
will eat bites off of your plate. this is a form of endearment. he’s showing he trusts you and likes you. he’s also showing his inability to cook and hopes you’ll take pity on him by sharing your food.
sometimes will intentionally walk loudly around the camp if he’s bored, angry, or lonely so he can wake aragorn up and they can be awake together :)
likes to sing, loudly, at inappropriate times
no one in the fellowship has seen him piss. some of the hobbits are under the impression that elves don’t pee. aragorn and gandalf do not correct them.
up at the asscrack of dawn. this is annoying, because he’s chipper, looks amazing, and is a tad judgmental that you aren’t as well.
captain obvious as well as worlds most unhelpful elf ever. will point out your mistake, claim to know how to fix it and half the time not offer the solution or his assistance.
cannot do laundry. he doesn’t even get dirty enough to consider it, and with how little people in middle earth wash their clothes anyway, none of his clothes have been cleaned for easily centuries.
is very confused by dogs. doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do with them. they’re always so happy and want (physical???) attention and,, it’s not a one and done thing either. you’re supposed to keep petting them? after you already pet them.
they’re like wolves, but smaller and maybe stupider. they also stink. boromir has explained to him many times that dogs are man’s best friend and are beautiful creatures. this worries legolas, because that means either dogs are more evolved than they let on,, or men are significantly further behind than elves than he first thought..
can not play the harp. is upset by this fact.
never really bothered to learn how to harp, either.
he believes he should be able to play the harp regardless because the harp is just a big bow with many strings. this is, in fact, false.
will eat anything. mushrooms and questionable berries mean nothing to him.
this upsets aragorn as he believes legolas is setting a bad example for the hobbits, dispite hobbits having the most durable digestive systems. (note: elves can eat almost anything, but hobbits have the stomach of a labrador retriever. they are always hungry, can can eat anything, even what they’re not supposed to)
DID set a bad example for boromir, who mistakingly ate some of the berries legolas offered him and had the shits for weeks.
is like 90% sure who frodo is. it’s definitely one of the hobbits. it’s probably not the one with the pony.
is faceblind. he can’t recognize other people’s faces for the life of him. if you asked him to pick out aragorn in a sea of humans, he’d panic dispite knowing the man for 50+ years.
this also goes for all races, including dwarves. gimli thought he might just be racist and covering his ass, but then watched him stall for like 30 minutes making small talk with some lorien elves and try (and fail) to pick celeborn out of the crowd.
does know what galadriel and thranduil look like. has a hard time pointing out elrond.
will forget your name almost immediately after you tell him. guys like 3k old and has met a lot of people give him a break
to be fair he does know who you are and what you sound/look like. defining features like voice and hair help a lot. it’s just if you were to give him a book of cropped faces and ask him to name, just one,,, he’d panic and throw it at you.
feels robbed of the golden ages,, resents the fact that the world he knows is drastically different that the world he could have been. wishes there were more elves his age and just more elves in general.
that being said he wouldn’t change this for anything as the world he’s in gave him the friends he’s made and the adventure of a life time :)
he doesn’t wash his hands. like ever or at all.
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anemptypuddingcup · 5 months
Beautiful inside & out.
Yamato x Female Reader Rewrite.
Yamato imagine original fic.
This goddamn fic needed a damn rewrite because I didn’t necessarily do the right research and ended up writing some sort of a cis-male Yamato fic. Might as well say it was a genderbent Yamato fic.
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Contains: Fluffy and smutty! Trans Man Yamato! We love our big boy. Yamato has surgery scars. Yamato also has big sharp bottom teeth (Oni headcanon for Yamato). Yamato has a bit of stubble on his chin too. Size difference kink. Grinding and/or frottage. Multiple rounds. Yamato’s stamina is fucking godly in this- Overstimulation towards Reader. A nice and fluffy fic. Writing’s a bit sloppy and repetitive in this one.
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The sun was shining its beautiful blood orange hue within the sky as it lingered to set on this hot yet beautiful fresh day. His hair was up high in a bun while his horns stuck out at the sides of his temple. His skin was tanned and super sun-kissed, mostly from staying out in the sun all day every day.
A heavy whine left him as he shuts his eyes and whimpered out loudly, desperate to just get out of this humid heat and go back inside the house where it would be just a tad bit cooler.
He was picking fresh vegetables from his garden, the pretty yet vibrant crisp colors making the vegetables look even more delicious than they already were. “I hope these are the best ones, didn’ she say she wanted sum fresher ones last time?” He quirks a brow and scratches his head as he stared at a bright and beautifully red tomato, trying to remember what you told him before he walked out of the house.
The heat was obviously making him a bit hazy if not dumber as he sat there in deep thought. His hand moves down from his temple and to his chin, scratching at the slight stubble he had running along it.
He shrugs and puts the vegetables he picked into the basket before slowly standing back up off his knees, a yawn leaving him as he stretched and smiled to himself. He stared down into the basket for a moment and nods happily, satisfied with the produce he’s picked out for you.
“Ahh, she’s gonna be so proud when she see’s these~”
♡ ♡ ♡
You hum out to yourself sweetly as you chopped at some potatoes, a little yawn leaving you as the summer’s heat made you all sticky yet tired. The hot heat had always drained your energy, especially around a time like this where you had to cook dinner. With the windows open and the scent of summer air, it was like a usual summer evening for both you and Yamato. One like any other would be.
And even though the sun was setting, the heat still stayed and lingered behind as if not wanting to leave and give your sweating body a break with cooling air.
Freshly washed rice was cooking in the rice steamer and diced vegetables were arranged along the counter alongside some seasonings. The aroma of freshly-brewed tea wafted throughout the kitchen which merged with the aroma of boiling curry cooking within a semi-small pot. You slowly slid the chopped vegetables into the pot and gave it a stir before putting the lid back on top.
You wiped at your sweating temple before standing onto your tip-toes to peer outside of the window.
“I hope Mato’s okay, he’s still hasn’t came inside yet…” You hummed to yourself, a slight worry spilling in your tone as you scratched at your head.
The sound of Yamato’s geta hitting the wooden floorboards of the steps had immediately alerted you, his heavy footsteps trailing up the steps and onto the back of the wooden porch. You hear him sigh out heavily while his hand slid open the screen door, a deep groan of exhaustion leaving him while he wiped the sweat from his brows.
He looks to you before smiling widely, his body stepping into the house and closing the door behind him before he ran over to you happily.
“Babes! I’ve got some fresh ones this time!” He beams, body slowly trailing over to yours as he watched you cook at the stove. You turn over to him and watched him crouch down to your height, your hand reaching out to touch his cheek while his face flushed all nervously at your touch. “They’re vibrant too! Thank you Yamato.” You praised and thanked him, a blush creeping across his face as he basked in your praise. He presses his hand softly against your head, feeling along the soft strands attached to your temple before he reaches down and presses a kiss to it.
You smile and giggle to him, mewling out as he began peppering smooches down to your cheek and then down along your neck. His sharp teeth pricked at your neck, tickling you yet at the same time giving a bit of a pleasurable feeling. “Mmgh~ M-Mato baby, I’m cooking!~” You giggles to him, shutting an eye at the arousing contact of his lips and teeth against your skin.
He whimpered before moving away from your neck, his body slowly standing up straight as he stared down at your smaller and cuter frame. He stared at you for a moment before noticing how slightly pale your face had looked. His brows furrowed in slight curiosity as he stared at your face for a moment before humming out.
“Are…Are you okay babes? You look a little…”
“I’m just a bit hot is all. I’m gonna be alright though Mato.”
“Hmmph…I guess if you say so…”
You giggled and froze as you heard the rice steamer go off, the sound catching you off guard and and making your eyes widen in slight surprise. “Mato love, can you get the rice out of the rice cooker for me? I’m almost done so I just need you to get that.” You asked him, stirring at the curry while he loomed over the stove and watched you. He slide his hand beneath his crop-top to scratch at his chest before nodding to you, a yawn leaving him before he hums out.
“Of course babes! I’ll get it f’ya.” He responded, his large footsteps trailing away from your smaller body and to the other side of the counter. You hum to yourself as Yamato opened the rice steamer and took the rice out, a hungry hum leaving his throat as he got that whiff of seasoned rice.
Yamato carefully opened the top cabinet to get some plates and pulls two out before he put even portions onto each plate. He peers over his shoulder to see you pulling the top off of the pot and tasting the curry before nodding to yourself, making sure it had tasted alright for both you and him. He pouts to himself and hesitated to ask but he mustered up the courage to turn around to you and ask his question. “Hey babes, is it alright if I get…more rice an’ curry?” He asked politely, not wanting to sound unfair but having a rather larger appetite. You hum out to him before you smiled and nodded in response.
“Of course Yamato! A big man needs a big meal right? Take as much as you’d like, I’m not going to eat much tonight anyways.” You accepted, allowing him to eat more than you while .
Yamato quirks a brow to you before throwing another big spoonful of rice onto his plate and picking up both his plate and yours from the counter. His hands held the platters steadily while he walked over to you with heavy yet balanced steps.
“Why not? Ain’t ya hungry after a long day burnin’ up in th’sun all day? It was pretty hot out there today.” He asked, giving you a bit of a worried look while he handed you the plates and watched you pour curry onto them.
“I’m just…not feeling as hungry I guess.” You responded, a sigh leaving you as you look up to him and handed his plate to him. Yamato pouts down to you and presses a smooch to your cheek to try and cheer you up. He takes your plate from your small hand and smiles as he walked off towards the doorway of the kitchen. “I’ll be waitin’ for ya in the front room, I’ll take ya plate in there f’ya too.” He says, quirking a bit of a worried smile before walks back to pepper another smooch to your temple. You chuckled and watched him walk away again and listened as his footsteps slowly vanish out of the kitchen and fade out into the hallway.
You could tell he was worried for you, as much as you’ve been doing all day he assumed that you would’ve worked up quite the appetite for it. However that wasn’t necessarily the case for you. Yes you were tired but…not very hungry unlike Yamato himself, but that’s what bothered him.
You take off the kettle off the stove and turned it off before you poured tea into the two teacups, your lips blowing air onto the tear to cool it off just a smidge. You slowly set them onto a little tray and taking them into the living room, your steps steady and slow as you walked down the hallway.
♡ ♡ ♡
Yamato had already blessed the food for you both, and he watched as you took small bites while he was practically scarfing his food down as if he was starved. While he was chewing, he started speaking to you, his hand covering his mouth as his lips had parted with his mouth still stuffed.
“Hey babes, I got a question f’ya.”
“Yes Yamato?”
“Will you ever get tired of me and…um…my size?”
“Like…D’ya ever worry ‘bout me ever hurtin’ ya? I mean…really. What if I hurt ya and don’ mean to?”
You paused for a moment and stopped chewing your food before looking up into his eyes, your eyes flickering to him before you sighed out. You swallowed your bite and giggled before you reach your hands out to cup his face, your thumbs running along the softness of his cheeks.
“Mato…I don’t ever worry about you hurting me because I know you won’t. Yes, you’re a big and strong man…but that’s exactly what I love about you~ You’re so big and so unique baby…”
You stare up into his beautiful amber eyes, watching them glisten and glimmer with love deep his heart. You wipe the small grain of rice from his cheek and he smiles so beautifully to you, his cheeks flushed as he processed your words deep within his mind.
He wraps his arms around your smaller frame and pulls you close before he press his lips against yours. His teeth bumped up against your temple and gave you that same sense of pleasure you’ve felt countless times before. You hum out to him lovingly and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling away. “Matooo, can’t we finish eating dinner first?~ Weren’t you so hungry earlier?” You teased, your fingers teasing at his ruby-red horns while he mewled out.
He huffs out and presses his hands to your shoulders, his eyes pouting to you while you blink to him. Admittedly, he was still a little negative and unsure with your words and he didn’t know whether he wanted to believe you or allow his stubborn mind to play at himself.
“Can…Can we make love tonight? I just wanna…I wanna stop thinkin’ this way! Reassure me! Make me think otherwise!” He pouts to you, a little whimper leaving him as he stared down at you with intensity. You stared up at him blankly before sighing out, your body shuddered at his tone while your heart began to pound out of your chest.
You blink softly to yourself before smiling to him, your hands cupping his face once again before you’d pepper a smooch to his temple and his horns. His eyes widens as he flinched from the sudden kiss to his horns, his hand nearly knocking his tea over as he stared down at you.
“You always know how to get me going, don’t you?~” You giggled, fluttering your lashes to him while he chuckles nervously in response. “If you want to we can, I’d love to make love with you any night~” You say all seductively, wrapping your arms around his neck while he held you closer to his body. His eyes softened up at your contact before he watched you pull away from him.
“I’m finished eating anyways, I’ll go freshen up for tonight. My body is so sticky from this heat we’ve been dealing with all day today..” You sighed out, staring up at him from below on his lap while he nods and grabs his plate which was nearly clean.
“O-Okay, I’ll take these for ya then.” He says, reaching out and grabbing your plate before he place it beneath his own. You smiled and hand him the teacups as well before climbing up off of his body, watching as his body slowly rose and stood up before he’d walk out of the living room. “Thank you, Mato..” You whispered, causing him to turn back around and smile to you before he walked far out into the hallway.
You huff out before standing up off of the floor, a groan leaving you as you stretched and walked out of the living room and down the hallway into your shared bedroom. The sound of your footsteps had him all giddy and ecstatic, he was already excited and couldn’t contain himself for very long.
“Man…I love ‘er s’much~ She’s s’perfect for me~” He sighed all lovingly, his cheeks reddening while his body grew hot yet full with love.
Regardless if he was a big man who had negative thoughts, you’d always wash ‘em away with your soft sweet voice filled with reassurance and acceptance. Though part of him couldn’t help but to be stubborn sometimes when it came to things like this. He was happy that you loved him for him, he felt like he could be free with his flaws freely without anyone complaining or picking at him for his imperfections or indifferences of his.
And yet, part of him still couldn’t help but to worry if he would really hurt you accidentally one day. His thoughts makes his walking come to a halt and he paused at the kitchen doorway before he stared down at the empty tea cups and dirty plates in his hand.
“Maybe…Maybe she’ll reassure my thoughts…with her love. I don’ need t’be worryin’ myself over somethin’ I know is just my own facade.”
He chuckles to himself at his pesky negative thoughts and walks over to the sink, getting down onto his knees before he’s softly set the dishes in the warm soapy water.
He hummed out to himself while shook his hips to the tune, cleaning and washing up the dishes while he looked out the window and stared up at the moon. He smirks to himself as he rinsed the soapy dishes out before setting them on the drying rack and washing his hands clean of any extra germs that lingered in his hands.
He closed the blinds to the window before he stood up on his own two feet and walked out of the kitchen, his hand flicking off the light switch as behind him as he walked out.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Baby? Everythin’ alright in there?” He called out, his hand reaching out to the doorknob before he slide the shoji door open. His eyes flicked up before they widened and blinked blankly, his amber eyes staring at your naked back while he watched you slowly look over your shoulder to look at him.
“Hm?~ You wanted to do something tonight didn’t you Yamato?”
“I-I didn’ think- U-Um-“
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous Yamato~”
His face burns a deep shade of red as he pouts and walks into the bedroom, his hand shutting the door behind himself. “M-Me? Nervous!? Ya must be jokin’!” He responded loudly, a laugh leaving him as he tried to hide his nervousness from you.
“Don’t be scared Yamato, you aren’t going to hurt me baby~ I promise you.” You say, turning over onto your tummy while you lifted and moved your forelegs back and forth. Yamato gulps before pulling off his crop top and slipping off his joggers, leaving him in nothing but his boxers while he began to grow sweaty from his own nervousness.
“F-Fine…Just lemme bathe first.” He sighed out, his hand pulling at his hair tie before he’d loosened his bun completely, allowing his stands to fall freely along his back.
You chuckled and nodded in response, teasing him with your body while he growled out nervously in response. “I’ll be waiting for you then, Yamato~” You hum out to him, your tone of voice teasing and making him blush deeply as he walked into the bathroom and slowly closed the door behind himself.
You sigh out and look away from the door before sitting there in silence, your hands teasing at your body while you waited for Yamato to finish showering.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Oi, m’finished showerin’~ Now what is it that ya wanted t’do?-“ Yamato slowly walks out of the bathroom, his hands still running the towel through his snow white strands as he stepped into your shared bedroom. You slowly sit up and turn over to him before smiling, watching as he continued to dry up his dampened hair well enough. He lands his amber eyes onto you and smiles, his hands throwing the towel onto the floor before he’d jump straight onto your shared bed.
You yelp out in response and bounce up a bit from Yamato’s larger stature hitting your shared bed. You giggle to him, his larger hands reaching out and picking you up before pulling you closer to him.
“Hi babes~”
“Hi Yamato~”
He chuckled before pressing his lips against yours, a mewl leaving him as his tongue slid past your lips so impatiently. You hum out all sweetly against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck, your hands rubbing against his soft pretty strands alongside his smooth yet roughed-up skin.
His hands ran up along your back, a groan leaving him as he pulls away from your lips and pressed them back against yours again. His hand slid down in between your legs and began playing at your slit, his fingertips running against your cunt making you gasp out shakily while you gripped his shoulders tighly.
“Already sticky down ‘ere I see~” He gasps out, pulling away from your lips while his fingers played with your slit. You mewl out at the feeling of his thick fingers running along your pussy. “Of course I am~ I’m excited to feel your body against mine after so long~ I’m surprised you wanted convincing on how much I really trust you…” You say nervously, your thighs squeezing together against his hand while you stared up at him with your nervous little eyes.
“I always need convincin’, how else will I ever know that ya genuinely love me for me? No one would want to be with someone as…big and grizzly as myself…”
“Come on baby…I would. I am with you! Why else would I be with you other than for yourself baby?” You asked him, your question causing his brows to raise in response while he grows quiet. He blushes and turns away from you before sighing out, now realizing that once again his mind was playing with him and just making him more worrisome.
“I already told you that I love your body Yamato. Not just your body, I love everything about you just like how you love everything about me.” You continued, your hand running down between your legs and running against the soft skin of his fingers. He squeaks out at your contact and he stared down into your eyes while you look back up into his.
“You love everything about me, right? That’s why you’re with me isn’t it?” You asked him nervously, tilting your head while you gave him an unsure look. His eyes widens in response and he immediately nodded without a second thought.
“H-Hell yeah I do! I wouldn’ be with ya otherwise if I wasn’ so sure…” He yells out in nervousness, not wanting to make it seem like he didn’t love you when he obviously did.
“Well that’s how I feel about you baby, you can always be confident that I’ll love you no matter what happens.” You say smiling to him, your words flattering him and making his heart flutter and skip a beat.
He hugs you tightly and gives you a loving smooch before pulling away, a lovable sigh spilling past his lips as he stared down into your eyes.
“God, lemme fuck ya~ All this sweet talkin’ got me soakin’ f’ya~”
“Please fuck me good Yamato~ Prove to me that you feel the same for me as I do for you.”
“I…I will baby. I will…”
♡ ♡ ♡
Yamato grabs your hips and presses his pussy up against yours, a soft sigh leaving him as his clit smooches up against yours. You let out a soft moan and trembled against him, staring down at his cunt while he stared into your pretty eyes. He adored how small you were beneath him, dominating your smaller body was so easy for him to accomplish. He loved how your body would squirm beneath him, the bigger he was the more pleasure he could feed your body.
“Ya ready?~” He asked teasingly, his lips curling up into a smirk while you look up into his eyes. You nodded softly and smiled, giving him the permission to start moving his hips against yours while you watched from below. You gasp out suddenly and watched as he began rocking his hips into yours, a groan leaving him as he felt your sticky slick running along his pussy.
“God ya s’fuckin’ wet baby~ Makin’ my pussy feel real good like this~” He groans outs, his hands pressing against either side of you while he stared down at your body already melting for him. You blushed deeply and bit your bottom lip, staring up at him while you sigh and gasp out shakily in response.
He chuckles and sits up a bit before grinding his hips a bit faster, his face wincing just a bit out of pleasure while he lets out a moan of ecstasy. He watched as you moan out for him, biting your bottom lip while he fucks your pussy all needily. “Ahhh~ Y-Yamato~ I-It feels s’good~” You moan out all sweetly to him, your brows furling as you watched him slide and grind his pussy all up against yours.
“Ahh~ I’m g-glad it does~ Ya better get ready cuz m’gonna make sure ya feel all of my love!~” He hums out, licking his lips while his hands began playing at your breasts. You huff out shakily to him as your body began to rock a bit hard, with Yamato’s hips going at an immaculate pace while his grinding was steady and rhythmic.
You arch your back and hiss out shakily, looking up to Yamato while he bends down and gives you a deepened kiss. “Mmh~ Ya gonna feel my love baby~ M’gonna make ya feel it, god m’gonna make ya feel s’good~” He gasps out shakily, throwing his head back while he propped himself up on his hands.
You let out angelic moans as he grinds up against you harder and faster against your cunt, your hands gripping the sheets tightly while you moan out and threw your head back. “Oh Yamato~ Y-Yamato I-I’m gonna cum soon~” You whined, your face scrunching up as you slowly lied back onto your fluffy pillows.
Yamato chuckles and grips one of your legs before going a bit faster, causing you to gasp and moan out beneath him while he fucked you so easily. “Cmon then babes~ I wanna feel ya squirtin’ on m’pussy~ Cmonnn~” He mewls out shakily, his breaths growing heavy while he played at his clit teasingly in front of you.
You whined out and press your head to your temple before moaning out loudly, your hands reaching out for his while he chuckled and reached out to you. “Fuck fuck- Y-Yamato!~ Oh god, Yamato!~” His hands waffled with yours and he watched as you unfurled beneath him, a heavy yet loud gasp erupting past your lips as you squirt out onto his pussy against yours. He hissed out and runs his thumb along your clit, trying to help ride your high out while he continued to grind against your cunt.
You whine out shakily as you yearned for him to stop and give you a second to breathe, but he didn’t and your body didn’t necessarily want him to. “Fuck ya so cute like that babes!~ S’fuckin’ adorable an’ needy~” He hums, his lips pressing a smooch to yours while his hips didn’t halt for a second. You whine out shakily, realizing that he wasn’t stopping regardless if you’d just came.
“Cmon baby, that was just th’first round! I haven’t even came yet!” He says playfully, giving you a little smile while you whined out to him in response. “P-Please Yamato~ I-I just c-came~” You whined out to him, a bit of years pricking at eyes as you pouted to him. Yamato chuckled mischievously and looks down at you with a glint in his eyes.
“No no baby…Ya just lay right there. I’m gonna fuck ya pussy and make ya cum even more!~” He says darkly, his tongue trailing across his lips as he finished his sentence. You breathe out shakily and stare up at him before whimpering in response, a bit excited yet nervous to see how rough he’ll go on you.
♡ ♡ ♡
“W-Wait!~ A-Ah!- S-Slow down Y-Yamato!~”
“Nah! I ain’ slowin’ down for nun’! I wanna show ya how much I love ya! How much I love this fuckin’ body of yours!”
You gasp out shakily and held on tight to your pillow, a heavy whine leaving you while tears rolled down your face and drool spilled past your lips. Yamato was breathing heavily above you, his hand gripping your thigh and keeping it up while he ran his pussy up against yours so vigorously and yet so hard.
Both of your pussies were all sticky with slick and cum, yet Yamato was still full of energy as if he hadn’t came three times already. Your mind was practically melting at this point and Yamato was absolutely loving how you looked crumbling beneath him.
Groans left his lips as he got a good look at your adorably sticky face, his smile growing wide as he stared down at you melting beneath his body. He watched your breasts bounce with every movement he took rocking his hips against yours, a handful of moans leaving your lips like a sweet angelic song.
“M-M’gonna cum a-again, Yamato~” You whimpered out loudly yet shakily to him, your eyes shutting softly as your lied your head back in sweet arousal. “Aww again? Ya so sensitive ain’cha?” He teased, a little snicker leaving him as he smiled down at your broken little state. You sigh out heavily yet weakly, begging him to give you a break with the press of your hand against his chest.
His brows raise in response and he smiles and bends over your, hovering over your body. His smirk grows into a wide smile as he smooched your lips, grinding his hips harder before he began to gasp out. “Fuck, m’close again~ I know ya wanna cum to so I’ll let ya~” He whispered to you, his hips beginning to go faster against yours while you let out a broken moan.
You groan out heavily and pull him close, your moans all soft and broken as your pussy fluttered against his. You let out a silent moan as you threw your head back, your pussy gushing all over his while he sighs out shakily. He chuckled before gasping out, his temple against yours as he breathed heavily against your lips.
His body shudders and he lets out a heavy growl, his body shuddering against yours as he squirts out into your pussy and lower abdomen. He humps you a few more time before he stopped completely, a hum leaving his lips as he looked down at you who was all fucked out and drooling.
He giggles and gives you another sticky smooch before slowly pulling himself off of you, a string of cum and slick disconnecting from both of your pussies. He sets himself down beside you and pulled you up into his arms, his arms cradling you as if you were a precious gem in his delicate hands.
“Did I….Did I do good ‘nough for ya babes…?”
You lied there unresponsive for a bit, causing him to move in closer to you before you looked into his eyes and smiled to him.
“Y-Yes baby~ Y-You did m-more than enough~” You responded a bit afterwards, huffing out as he sat there and stared down into your eyes. He slowly spreads out and lies down onto your shared bed, his arms resting you beside him while he lied down and spooned your smaller body inside of his.
“I-I t-told you~ I-I would l-love you no m-matter what~” You sigh out, your tone broken yet loving and caring for Yamato while he gave you the slightest look of worry.
“I-I know babes, but…are ya okay?”
“I’m f-fineeee~” You giggles to him, your fingers tickling at your chin while you felt his slight bit of scruff scratching at your fingers.
He sighs out and rests his head in his hand, his eyes watching as your slowly closed unconsciously out of exhaustion. He giggled a bit before pressing a smooth against your temple.
“I love you like how you love me babes…”
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
cauterize; cicatrize
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Wounds left by love are funny little things. Sometimes, they close by themselves. Sometimes, they close when singed by rejection. Other times, they heal when you scar once again, falling in love once again.
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▸ ryomen sukuna x fem!reader; reincarnation au; sukuna has been reawakened in the modern era but he does not have any vessel; reader was sukuna's wife in her previous life; FLUFF, ANGST & HUMOR; grumpy!sukuna; flirty!reader; SO MUCH OF PINING & UNRESOLVED TENSION BETWEEN THESE TWO, I SWEAR!!!; brief mentions of food
▸ belongs to the series 'mine? yes, mine.' but you can treat this as a stand-alone fic if you wanna! [note: each and every character is 18+ in this story :)]
▸ based on the ask sent by @yuujispinkhair for my milestone event. TYSM WINTER!! 🫶🫶🫶 i don't own the characters, image or divider used. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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"It's so difficult to know when the gentle flame of love becomes the harsh flame of ruin– isn't it, baby?"
Furious eyes gleam back in the shitty ceiling lights of the restaurant, the very second the waitress who served you the food earlier, lifts an eyebrow in obvious interest before looking away when you shoot her a mirror image of her expression– A very irked call of your name pulls your gaze back to your husband—
No! No! No!!
Married to you, over one thousand years back.
No longer is he your terrifying darling husband.
Sukuna stabs his food with a tad too much force than what's needed, growling, "I may not be who I was before, but, don't forget your place, calling me whatever you want, you pathetic—"
"Did I ever tell you how much of a snack you look with your two arms, baby?" you cut him off, carving a small piece of the fish and placing it in your mouth. Your eyes shut momentarily from the rich taste before opening wide again, only to find confusion etched onto your husband companion's face. You continue, ""Cause you really do look so— very, very much similar to how you were in the Heian Era. A damn delicious snack. Or, a scrumptious five course meal— depending on how much you want to indulge silly me, I guess."
Silence greets your comment— the first time in the two hours it took you to convince Sukuna, then drive him to this Thai restaurant– good heavens above, his grumbling's still The Same even after he has been reawakened a millenium later– only to be broken by a too hushed ask within the next moment.
"And what do you think of my two eyes? Are they still as lovely as my four eyes were to you?"
Fondness tugs at your heartstrings, making you want to lean over the table and claim his lips in the neediest kiss ever seen in history— your brain quickly shoves such wishes away, making you return him a fond smile instead. And murmur, "Of course, they are...— Your two big eyes and the two not-really-eyes beneath them... As lovely as red rubies."
Sukuna's look shifts into one of joy, if only for a moment, before being back to scowling once more, the same way you return to your cheeky grin as you inquire, "And what do you think, hm, of the food here? It's just the best– ain't it? Yuuji, Nobara and I discovered this hidden gem on our last mission— and when I tasted the green curry they made– I realized I absolutely had to bring you here, by hook or by crook."
"And which one was it? By hook or by crook?" the curse questions, an extremely rare smirk peeking from the corners of his frown; you don't really grasp how much you missed this sight until now– especially, in the present days, when the only emotion your past lover [and forever beloved] shows you is frustration paired with weary distaste—
You shovel some rice into your mouth to stop the far too familiar train of thoughts– you know where it'll be ending; you know it won't be. An agonizingly slow minute passes, wherein you chew the food so slowly then swallow it down, then stare at your empty bowl of rice for a nice ten seconds before mustering a chuckle.
"Of course, by crook," you reply, ignoring the way Sukuna's gaze roves over your face, then your body dressed in your oldest pair of pajamas; staring not in lust, but with something eerily similar to worry, "No one would've ever allowed me to take you out in their right minds. It's way too risky is what it is. They might even execute me if they find us out."
A beat passes in quiet with you feeling the weight of your words and the implications your actions will bear, slowly sinking into the two of you— before the hush is broken yet again. By your companion again.
Though not with a muted question, but with noisy cackles– the most melodious music you've heard in a duration far too long to your liking.
Sukuna grins, pearly white teeth with those sharp canines on display. Barking a guffaw, he asks, "You're one weak fool, letting love ruin you – aren't you, pet?"
You outstretch a hand over to the other side, dainty fingers brushing away the few grains of rice stuck to his face, then smile– mind going back to the innumerable bloodbaths, the figure before you drenched the country in— them growing in intensity after the winter, you know was your last as the Queen of Curses– given, the dates written in the scrolls on his conquests are accurate... Somehow, you know they are—
Your smile widens, digging pleasantly painful indents in your cheeks, as you retract your hand, shrugging at the stock-still image of shock across.
"What can I say, baby? Learnt to do so, from my king himself."
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▸ masterlist
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buffetlicious · 25 days
I tried the ala carte 9-pcs Spicy Chicken McNuggets (S$7.80) from McDonald’s Singapore last week. These fried chicken nuggets are zinged up with cayenne pepper and chilli powder, so you get a subtle kick of heat. Dipping them into the curry sauce make them even nicer. Like the above burgers, this one is also available for a limited time only, so hurry, go try them before they are taken off the menu.
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Mum had the Extra Value Meal of Filet-O-Fish (S$5.50) with the default medium French fries and a small drink. Actually, she only wanted the burger itself but I got her the set meal as it is more worth the money.
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The Yubari Melon soft serve is also back for a limited time. Bought the Yubari Melon Cone (S$1.20) and eat it as I made my way to the supermarket at the basement level. The melon flavour is fragrant and the vanilla-based soft serve creamy though a tad sweet for me.
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Mum said she craves some ice cream so I bought her back to McDonald’s and bought both the Yubari Melon Twist Cone and Yubari Melon Cone (S$1.20 each). I wouldn't normally buy the twist cone version but it is just for the camera. :D
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Selected images courtesy of McDonald’s Singapore.
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sheep-doll · 6 months
Knowing Whitney likes spicy food...
Imagine if you don't have any spice tolerance. If they find that out, you're doomed.
They will definitely try feeding you some spicy stuff. Why? "To build your resistance" they say as they guide a spoonful of curry to your mouth.
Dunno if it was ever mentioned, but I think Whitney's a bit of a dacryphiliac. He'll enjoy watching you tear up a tad too much than he'd like to admit
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kamabokobun · 9 months
I would like to know Dinraal's curry recipe if she would share.
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(Be careful. It might be a tad.. spicy)
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 9 months
congratulations on another year of writing :)))) <3
for the fic requests, Hitsuhina first date! (yes I still remember when you teased that one snippet of Toushiro going to meet Momo for dinner and Rangiku finding out haha) it can be awkard it can be spectuacular it can go horribly wrong, i want to see your take on them navigating through a change in relationship :)
What if it Was?
Rating: K/General with mild themes
Setting: sometime after the 10 year timeskip. I personally see this happening when they’re in their early young adult years, but please feel free to imagine this happening whenever you want.
Synopsis: Toshiro and Momo go on their first date, but Toshiro isn’t sure how first dates are supposed to go, or if this even a date at all.
AN: I’m starting the year off with a VERY overdue request.
 @canariie, you’ve got me! I’ve been dancing around this one for years, but now I have no choice but to release it! XD
I’m joking, but in all seriousness, this one has been collecting dust in my WIP folder for a few years now. I always got stuck on it in one way or another. This fic originally came about as a sequel to In Times of Peace (which I think is the first fic I wrote for you, ironically), but morphed into something else.This one does get angsty and a tad bit melodramatic – it’s me we’re talking about - but I promise it has fluffy moments.
Just three quick notes:
The research I did into this one was based on searching online and remembering old conversation I had with a friend who went to Japan. A shokudo is a casual restaurant that offers a variety of dishes, including curry, rice and noodle dishes, even sushi.
The mural in this piece is inspired by this one.
I wrote this fics with several songs in the background. Feel free to listen to them as you read: going home and compassion by Shiro Sagisu, The Bygone Days by Joe Hisaishi, and State Lines by Novo Amor
Anyhow, enough rambling, hope you enjoy it!
“Hey, Captain, when can I get my magazines back?”
Toshiro neatens the paperwork before putting it on top of the ‘completed’ stack. Without looking Rangiku’s way, he replies, “When you stop relying on those horoscopes to predict the future.”
The lieutenant slams her hands down on her desk, almost shooting up to stand. “But they’re so accurate! Besides, it’s a fun to learn about the World of Living and how they…” She trails off when the captain stands and starts wrapping a scarf around his neck. “Wait, are you going out?”
“But I was going to go drinking with Kira and Hisagi! Captain, you can’t leave me with all of this!” She thrust one hand out towards the stack of incomplete paperwork, and the other to the much smaller completed pile.
“You went out drinking last night!” he retorts. “You can’t leave this office until you complete all of this, some of it is overdue now.”
Rangiku falls back into her seat with an exasperated sigh. “I know, but it’s no fun.”
“Since when was it supposed to be fun?”
“Well, you seem to like doing it.”
“Where did you get that idea from?!”
The lieutenant pouts and leans forward, resting her elbows along the desk. “Why are you going out? You rarely go out on a work night.”
Toshiro continues to wrap the scarf around his neck, considering his words. He can already predict her reaction if he tells the truth, but telling her a lie feels wrong. “I’m going out to dinner in the Junrinan.”
Rangiku raises a brow. “By yourself?” Then after a beat she smiles. “Or is it with your Granny? Taking her out for a treat?”
“No.” He breathes in deeply as he shrugs off his haori, preparing for her reaction. “It’s with Hinamori.”
And sure enough, the lieutenant gapes at him, hands slamming down on the desk again to push herself up and out of her chair. A vein threatens to throb in his temple when her paperwork stack wobbles, but thankfully doesn’t topple.
This goes completely unnoticed by Rangiku as she rounds the desk, barraging him with questions. “Where? When? How?! How did you ask her out? Or did she ask you out?! Oh my gosh, why didn’t she tell me?! She was updating me two days ago with Women’s Association business, why didn’t she tell me then?! Please don’t tell me you-”
“Enough, Matsumoto!”
She quietens, widened eyes blinking. Toshiro lays his folded up haori on his desk, ready for him tomorrow morning. “She just said she wanted to go eat dinner somewhere in Junrinan,” he clarifies. “This isn’t a…date.” He barely gets the last word out.
Rangiku taps a finger against her chin. “You’re going to a restaurant in the Junrinan for dinner?”
“Is anyone else going with either of you?”
“So, it’s just the two of you then?”
She grins. “Sounds like a date to me.”
Faint pink colors Toshiro’s cheeks. “Whatever, I’m going!”
Rangiku scoffs. “You know, if I had my magazine I could use a horoscope to predict how you’re date will go tonight. Last I check for your sign it was-”
“I don’t want to know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going.” He stabs a finger towards her paperwork as he strides to the office door. “Those had better be done by tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, they will be! You go and enjoy yourself, Captain! Good luck!”
This is one of the few times Rangiku looks happy to be doing paperwork, but Toshiro can’t stay to absorb this strange moment; he’d be two minutes late if he didn’t hurry. He hastily leaves his division, acknowledging but not stopping when any of his subordinates greet him.
Stepping out into the dusk, the cold air picks up, bringing grey clouds over the Seireitei. He adjusts his scarf, bringing it higher over his face as the temperature plunges. Winter had just begun, and he senses the snow is on its way, likely to fall sometime tonight.
Nearing the White Road gate, a sense of unease bubbles up in him. What if this was a date? It couldn’t be. Momo didn’t see him that way, he knows. She sees him as a close friend to him, had told him as such not too long ago.
She just wants to properly catch up. In the years following the Quincy war and reconstruction of the Soul Society, they chatted when they could, even had the occasional lunch breaks together, but work always took precedence in both of their lives; or at least, in his life. Momo has more friendships, more people to spend time with. He’d seen her with the Women’s Association members at various shops and resturants, and Izuru and Renji – who sometimes brought Ichika along when he couldn’t find someone to mind her when she was a baby and child – sharing a tea or meal after a lieutenant’s meeting on a veranda of one of their divisions. She’d also gotten more World of the Living missions, sometimes simply as an excuse to visit the Visoreds with Shinji. They were long overdue to spend time together outside of work.
Coming through the gate, he already gets stares from the small crowds of Souls and off duty Shinigami that crowd the Junrinan. It’s for that reason he chose to leave his haori behind – he already attracts enough attention with his appearance outside of the Seireitei, and he didn’t want preferential treatment based on his rank.
He heads straight for their old meeting place: the alleyway between the stall that sold spinning-tops and a garment shop Momo used to always look into but never buy anything from.
He glances around for Jidanbo, but frowns when he doesn’t see him anywhere. Must be having the night off, he thinks. It’s been a while since he last saw him too. He makes a mental note to visit him sometime this week on his break – maybe he could fit in a visit to Granny too.
He swivels his head in the direction of Momo’s voice. She calls out for him again, and he spots her emerging from the alleyway. He weaves his way through the crowds to her, not once losing sight of her.
As he nears, his eyes widen a fraction at the scarf around her neck. It was a birthday present from him and Rangiku, but it’d been over a decade since he last saw her wear it at a formal dinner for then-Captain General Yammato. Made from red and orange silk and patterned with the branches and flowers of peach blossoms, it was one of the most expensive gifts he’d ever gotten her. Why would she wear something like this to a dinner? Where is she taking him? Should he have dressed up more? Maybe he should have worn his haori after all.
“How long have you been waiting for?” he asks, his neutral tone at complete odds with the nervousness thrumming through him.
“Not long.” She points to a large building down the street, bustling with customers inside and outside. “That’s it right there.”
He blinks when he spots one of the red lanterns swaying in a breeze. A shokudo? He calms a fraction; it’s more casual than he thought. “Well, let’s get inside if we can, it’s freezing out.”
Momo lets out an bemused snort. “You’re cold, Hitsugaya-kun?”
He’d normally correct her for not addressing him by his title, but they’re off duty, he’ll let it slide for tonight. “I’m not the one with a fire-type zanpakuto that’s sensitive to the cold.”
She giggles, holding the end of her scarf. “I’m okay, I made sure to wear extra layers.”
As they start towards the restaurant, Toshiro asks, “Why this one?”
“I’ve been meaning come here for a while,” Momo says. “Apparently the owner used to be a Shinigami but after he retired, he decided to open a shokudo inspired by the different types of restaurants in the World of the Living he went to while stationed there. I’m curious about the food, it’s supposed be different in taste and the types of dishes they offer compared to others in the area.”
Toshiro raises a brow. He was actually referring to her scarf, but let's it go. “He had time to go do that while on missions?”
“Well, you apparently have time go for walks when you’re on missions. We all have our ways of winding down or keeping ourselves occupied during missions.”
Fair point, he concedes inwardly. “And how did you find out about this place?”
“It was recommended to me by my third and fourth seats. Apparently a lot of people have already been to it, it’s quite popular.” She gestures to all the patrons, her smile tightening. “Hopefully we can get a table.”
He hums in agreement. If either of them had come dressed in their full uniforms, there would no doubt be a fuss made over them. They’d be offered private tables away from the noise, or ones with the best view if they were outside. Some places even offered discounts or meals on the house. He appreciates the generosity, but he also considered it making a scene. He’s glad Momo is of the same mind, never flaunting her status for benefits.
He receives a few looks as they walk between the outdoor tables. He recognizes some faces from Junrinan, children he had known on his street now grown up. Momo waves to one group of them, and they smile and nod back to both of them in response. The way he is treated now compared to then is almost night and day. Although some continue to stare, there’s a respect from some Souls that wasn’t present when he was a child.
Once inside, they’re shown to a table along the wall, right beneath a painted mural.
“What drinks would you like to start off with?” the waiter asks.
“Water,” Toshiro requests.
“And yuzu juice for me, please.”
After the waiter leaves, Momo glances around the restaurant. “Are you okay with this? It’s not too noisy?”
“It’s fine.” Toshiro peruses the long menu list. “How big is their kitchen? How can they serve so many dishes?”
Momo’s smile relaxes, the nerves seeming to dissipate. “You can see why it’s popular, huh?”
Toshiro lifts his gaze from the menu. There’s only two free tables inside, and the others are mostly occupied by…couples. Couples laughing and giggling and smiling and holding hands and talking like they’re married and one going in for a shy kiss on the cheek.
He quickly darts his head down. Considering or even noticing such things would be the furthest thing from his mind normally, but he’s potentially on a date – with Momo. Maybe he should have gotten Rangiku more involved in this. She’d know what to do and what not to do…or maybe not.
Toshiro snaps out of his thoughts when the waiter comes back with their drinks.
“And are you ready to order?” the waiter asks.
Momo looks questioningly to Toshiro. “I’m ready.”
Toshiro picks the first thing he sees. “I’ll get a the teishoku with yakizakana and tamagoyaki.”
“And can I please have a serving of takoyaki and the katsudon curry dish?” Momo requests.
The waiter nods. “I can bring the takoyaki over in a few minutes. The other dishes will come after.”
Momo thanks him as he leaves.
“I thought we could share some takoyaki, if you want,” she says to Toshiro. “I’m happy to eat them all, though.”
Toshiro shrugs. “I’ll eat a few.”
He’s surprised by the silence that comes. He’s used to having quiet moments with Momo, when neither feels the need to say anything and they just enjoy each other’s company. The awkwardness that settles between them is unexpected, like something from when they were first getting to know each other as children. Was it just him? Was it because this could be a date and he had no clue what to talk about?
“This mural is really nice,” Momo suddenly says.
Toshiro looks at the painting. It’s bold black lines depict a scene of four Souls travelling through a hilly valley. Two of them carry baskets on their backs filled with wood and fruits, while another Soul strolls ahead carrying various kitchenware, and the last Soul is far away and waving back at his companions. The valley’s flora is detailed and elegant, while the Souls are more flat and seem out of place. The only patches of color come from the sakura trees on both side of the valley’s winding path, the petals either swaying on the branches or falling across the scene.
“I wonder what it’s about?” Momo says after a sip of juice. “Maybe it has something to do with the restaurant if one of them is carrying a pot?”
“Could be. You could ask someone who works here.”
Something softens in her gaze as it flickers back down to the table. “I might…”
“You should.” There was his problem. He couldn’t think creatively like her, or find a way to carry this conversation. He’s never been ashamed of this nor has it ever been an issue for him, but somehow he feels inadequate now. He clears his throat. “How has your day been?”
Before she can answer, the takoyaki arrives. After thanking the waiter, Momo pushes the dish towards him. “Have a few.”
“Thank you,” he says while taking two.
She makes a satisfied sound after biting into one. “These are good!”
He only nods as he munches on his. After her second one and taking another sip of juice, her head piques up with a nervous laugh. “You asked me about my day, sorry. It was busy, but productive.”
“No surprise there.”
She frowns and her lips are on verge of a pout. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re always busy, and you work hard, so it’s productive.” He’s surprised by his compliment and how easily it fell from his lips. He stops eating, gauging her reaction as she too seems as astonished as him.
A blush colors the tops of her cheeks. “Captain Hirako worked hard too.”
Toshiro bites back on the comment he wants to make about Shinji’s work ethic, afraid he might say something else without realizing.
“We finished up our schedules for the new recruits ahead of time,” she continues, “so we’re prepared for when they start.”
“That won’t be for another two months.”
“It helps to be prepared! With that out of the way, we’re now focusing on setting up training  exercises.” She takes a long sip of her juice, but then hums. “Actually, now that I remember, we were wondering if Tenth Division would like to join in one of those exercises.”
“What would the core lesson be?”
“It’ll be up to you and Captain Hirako to negotiate. I could arrange a meeting with you, me, my Captain, and Rangiku-san if you’re interested.”
“I doubt we’ll have time in the next month.”
“That’s okay. We have three months planned starting tomorrow.”
“In that case, I’ll have Matsumoto tell you our schedules at the next lieutenant’s meeting.”
“Great!” Her smile turns rueful. “Ah, sorry, I feel like I’ve been speaking for too long. What about you? How was your day?”
“The same as any other. We only came back from the mission in the World of the Living two weeks ago.”
“How did it go? It sounded like a difficult.”
“It wasn’t that hard, it went smoothly. The Hollows were eliminated and we reported our findings to Hueco Mundo. They’ll take it from there.”
“It’s incredible that we’re able to work with them this well now.”
He hums in agreement, ignoring the thought of his fight with Hueco Mundo’s queen all those years ago. “The last thing to do is the reports. Matsumoto is finishing them up.”
“I see.” At the quiet that followed, her smile wobbles. “I, uh…I guess we work a lot, huh?”
“Yes, we do. Our duties as Shinigami never end.”
Silence falls again. He internally lectures himself, annoyed that he’s gotten so serious in what was supposed to be a light-hearted atmosphere. For a moment, he’d though this like their usual chats, discussing their latest work and setting up training exercises.
He almost lets out a relieved breath when the main dishes arrive. Momo barely draws her gaze away from the food to thank the waiter for the meal along with Toshiro.
“These look amazing!” she half exclaims after the waiter leaves.
The tension dissipates Toshiro’s lips twitch up into a smile at seeing Momo’s glee. He didn’t see what the fuss was about, but he did have to admit they were decorative compared to other dishes in other restaurants. She still hasn’t started after he “Food is meant for eating, Hinamori, not staring at.”
She ignores him as she digs a hand into her sleeves and retrieves her denreishinki. “I have to take a picture.”
He’s lifting his miso soup when she gives him a look. “What?”
“I want to take a picture of yours too.”
He indulges her, putting the soup back down and watches as she leans over the table to snap a photo. Satisfied, she nods at him and he starts gulping down the soup.
After putting her denreishinki away, Momo makes an appreciative sound after eating a katsu cutlet. “This tastes really good!”
“Glad you like it.”
The silence falls between them again. They can use the excuse that they’re busy eating, but it feels wrong to him. Had they gotten more comfortable discussing work than their personal lives? There was a time where it was the opposite, and chatting about everything outside of work took up most of their conversations. When had that changed? Why had it changed?
So, with the nerves threatening to creep in again, he says, “It’s not everything.”
Momo blinks, halfway through eating another cutlet. “Hm?”
“Work, it’s not everything. What books are you reading right now?”
Momo’s brows rise, nearly touching her hairline, and she almost forgets to eat the rest of cutlet.
“What?” he asks.
“Nothing, it’s just you’ve never asked me that before.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” He cringes inwardly at how petulant he sounds.
She giggles, raising a hand to her mouth, and he hates the small, pleasant flutter that goes through his chest.
“Of course,” she says, grinning. “I’ve been reading a drama series called the Crimson Chrysanthemum saga. It’s about three warring clans, and each book is about the generations of families fighting each other.”
“Sounds like something you’d read.”
“How so?”
“You’ve always been into things with high stakes and high emotions.”
“It doesn’t just have that! It has such interesting dynamics between the characters! It’s not just all of them proclaiming their feelings aloud, you can really sense how the history of the previous books has affected these characters. There’s so many moments where things have gone unsaid, but you can just sense how a character feels towards another through their actions! For instance, there’s a character who doesn’t speak, but you know every time he looks at another character or fights that characters brother he’s not just trying to protect his own honor, but the other character’s honor too! Some characters try to make peace with themselves and with their enemies, and others have become so blinded by the codes their families have set them down a path to continue the violence.” At his widened eyes, Momo shrinks back into her seat. “S-Sorry, I got carried away there.”
He lets out an amused huff and smirks. “No, it’s fine.”
“You think I’m silly, don’t you?”
“Not right now.”
She considers arguing back as he eats his miso soup, but settles on an angry pout.
 “You haven’t talked about a book like this in a long time,” he says. “It’s good to see.”
That calms her slightly, but a furrow remains in her brow. “I don’t really get a chance to talk about what I’m reading with a lot of people. It’s mostly with Ise-san and Kira-kun.” She cocks her head to the side. “You know, it’s a little surprising you’re not much a reader.”
He raises a brow. “How so?”
“It feels like something you’d be interested in.” He senses there’s more she wants to say, but she eats another cutlet before continuing. “I know just the sort of books you’d like, too. There’s a few mystery novels, ones that are hard to figure out but make total sense once you’ve finished them.”
“And why would I like those?”
“Because you like solving mysteries. Even when we were children, you’d get suspicious of something that seemed unusual or out of place and want to know everything about it.” Her eyes brighten. “Like that time when you were hearing noises at night time, do you remember?”
He frowns as he tries to recall. It’s vague, but then an image of Granny staring grimly at a turned over basket of spilled out peaches across the ground, muttering that someone had stolen some of the fruit. He’d woken to noises three nights in a row, but it wasn’t until the fourth time when they had been robbed that he decided to take it seriously. “That was when you were applying for Academy.”
“Yes! You went looking around for clues. You even asked me and my friend if we’d heard anything.  At some point, you found the animal tracks near your house. ”
He’s surprised she remembers everything in that much detail. Had she been watching on from the sidelines during that whole ordeal? “It was a stray dog.”
“Haruka-san ended up adopting her, right?”
He nods. “I think she named her Aki --”
“Because spring was a few weeks away,” Momo finishes with a grin. “I’ll never forget the look on her face when you brought the dog back to the Junrinan. You didn’t want to Aki be out in the forest because it was cold.”
He shrugs. “It’s good she found an owner. Besides, she was a good work dog, it would’ve been a shame to let her fend for herself when she could help someone in the Junrinan.”
Momo’s grin softens into a smile, one that makes his heart skip a beat and almost choke on the fillet he chews up. “It was kind of you,” she says. “And it’s not the only time you did something like that. You’ve always been kind. I wish more people saw it back then.”
He’s rendered speechless, only able to watch as Momo continues eating. He tries to do the same, but he eats slower and stares hard into the table. Where was all of this coming from?
“I wasn’t,” he eventually says. “I was a brat, really.”
“Well, yes, but not all the time. You always treated Obaa-san with kindness, at least.”
“I wouldn’t dare treat her any other way.” He eats the last fillet before speaking again. “On the books…If you have recommendations, then I’ll read them.”
“You would?”
“You’re an avid reader, I trust your judgement.”
“I’ll give my copies some time then! We can discuss them after you’re done, I’d be keen to hear what you think of them.” After he nods, she continues, “On the topic of hobbies, have you been doing any ice sculptures lately? I know you usually like to restart your Seireitei Communications column in winter.”
“It’s the best conditions for sculpting.”
“That makes sense.”
He goes on to tell her about the projects he’s working on while she eats the curry and the rest of the cutlets. As always, she’s genuinely interested, and that somehow makes him want to speak more at length about his interests, from the tools he’ll be using to the inspiration behind it. Only she does this for him, and both does and doesn’t want her to know what effect she has on him.
He gets back to eating once he finishes and she explains the new ikebana classes she’s attending. He doesn’t miss the brief sadness in her eyes as she reflects on how hard it was to get the classes up and running again after the loss of Unohana, but she brightens up again when praising Isane for her efforts to find new students and become the class’s new teacher.
Little by little, the awkwardness slipped away, and in it’s place is a bubble that envelopes them. It makes the restaurant blur away in the background, but also enhances the lights and colors that surround them, and his sense of smell is enhances to capture all the delicious scents and aromas coming from the kitchen. It’s like nothing he’s experienced before, and he nearly smiles from how pleasant it is. A world of their own, almost.
It’s only briefly interrupted when the waiter comes by to collect their empty dishes and glasses. Toshiro beats her to the counter to pay, but Momo still insists on a split bill. Not wanting to cause a fuss in front of the other patrons, Toshiro somewhat reluctantly agrees.
They step back out into the streets. It's now night and the snowfall has begun. The Souls who had acknowledged them had either left or are too busy amongst themselves to see the two of them leave.
Wordlessly, they walk through the Junrinan with no destination in particular. Toshiro watches their breaths fog in the air, floating away from each of their lips, carried by the wind, and fading a short distance away. Snow falls gently around them, and save for the shafts of moonlight peaking through the clouds and the soft glow coming from the windows of houses, it’s complete darkness all around them.
He thinks to ask Momo if she had anything else planned for them, but then she may want to part ways and break the invisible bubble around them. He wants to keep walking with her just like this, warmed by her presence and surrounded by his element.
He can make out the pink in her cheeks, it complements the reds and oranges in her scarf. She smiles to herself, content with how this evening has gone. But what was this evening? She invites him out to dinner tonight, yet he can’t tell what the nature of it is.
“Do you remember the day we met?” she suddenly asks without looking at him.
“Of course,” he replies.
“For some reason, the snow is reminding me of when we first met. It's hard to believe that was almost a hundred years year ago.” And she doesn’t have to say the rest, because it’s written all over her face when she glances at him. I’m glad we met back then.
This weather is familiar to him, he knows its rhythms and patterns, even when it was unpredictable to others. He wishes he can say the same for Souls, especially her. He’s known her for most of his life, but she continues to surprise him; just when he thinks he knows her completely, she proves him wrong.
He’s at his limit.
They’ve ended up at the edge of the forest and several meters away from the back of a row of houses. Nerves thrum through him as he comes to a stop after. She makes a quiet, surprised sound and turns to him. “Is something wrong?”
No matter how much he breathes, he can’t calm his racing heart. “Hinamori…”
His tone pops the bubble around them, and the gentle wind that blows through is colder than before. Momo waits, but the longer he remains silently, the more fidgety she becomes. She adjusts her scarf, shifts her weight from one foot to another, and takes in a breath that lifts and lowers her shoulders. Does she know what’s coming? Can she sense his apprehension?
If he says something, what will happen? She might be shocked, caught completely off guard by the very idea this evening was something more than two friends catching up. She may even laugh, wondering how he came such an odd conclusion. Either way, he needs to put his mind at ease.
“This wasn’t a date, was it?”
She frowns, a bemused grin twitching at the corners of her lips. “Shiro…” She trails off when she takes a step closer. She must see his genuine confusion because her expression falls, unsure of herself. She purses her lips, gaze briefly falling to the ground. “What if it was?”
The world stills around him. “…It can’t be.”
She fumbles over words. “I’m sorry, I thought – I assumed you…I was silly, I should have said earlier what I thought this was.”
 “That’s not it. ”
She takes another step. “Then…what do you mean?”
“You…You can’t have…” He doesn’t know if he can continue, hoping but also dreading that the implication will be clear to her.
A part of him is tempted to let out a bitter laugh, but it never reaches his throat. Even after all this time – even after forgiving him for what happened in the Fake Karakura Town, regardless of her belief an apology was never needed – he still thinks he’s unworthy of any feelings from her. He had been prepared when he visited her after her recovery to be told she couldn’t be his friend anymore, but a part of him hoped; and deep down, a part of him knew she would forgive, that’s just the kind of person she was. Her bond mattered as much to her as it did to him, to the point where it had been used against them to irreparably change it forever.
Aizen had intended the change to end in the death of one or both of them, but in the end all it did was make Toshiro realise his feelings had changed for her over the years. They burrowed deeper into his heart, to the point where seeing her in pain brought him to ruin, to the point he was willing to abandon everything he’d built for himself over the years to protect her and her pride.
“Shiro-chan, please. I don’t understand.”
“How can you…f-feel for me that way? After everything that happened, you shouldn’t.”
A pang runs through his chest at the hurt that briefly flashes through her expression. Then, something flickers in her eyes, a realization. She sighs quietly, nearly exasperated. “I’ve said it before, but everything that happened was his fault, not yours. Never yours.”
He knows this to be true deep down, but it feels like a smaller part of him always lie in wait, ready to catch him at his most vulnerable and remind him of what he did, screaming at him that it was his fault.
She takes another step. “I haven’t let it stop me from moving on, f-from…from realizing my feelings. I don’t exactly know what I feel for you, but –” Her gaze is soft and vulnerable and pleading, wanting him to truly understand. “I know it’s something more than I’ve ever felt for you in the past. I know it’s more than as a friend.”
He lets out a shuddering breath. He should be overjoyed. This should be one of the happiest moments of his life. Momo doesn’t see him as a close friend, she feels more for him, just as he feels for her. So why is he confused? Why does his heart tremble with doubt?
No, there’s something more going on here, beyond the few fragments of guilt buried in his mind and if he faces it, he doesn’t know how he’ll react in front of her.
At his lack of a response, a small, sad smile shapes Momo’s lips. She comes closer. “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you before what this was. Somehow, I thought…” She scoffs at herself. “I thought you would know, but that was presumptuous of me. I don’t know why I…” She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter now. I-I’ve said what I…” She stops in front of him. “Maybe I’ve said too much. Maybe you can’t see me the same anymore. Even so, only you can choose how you feel, and I’ll accept whatever it is.”
She says it as a reassurance, but there’s also a wobbly undertone, one of putting themself out for potential heartbreak.
“Hinamori, I…” He trails off as his throat constricts.
The snow dances around them, with not a single flake somehow touching her. Was it his own doing without realising? A silly thought, but one that he finds himself latching on to after such a proclamation from her.
If only she knew how wrong she was to think he would reject her. She deserves to know just how much she means to him, how much he come to love her, but he can’t get a single word past his trembling lips.
All this time, he had convinced himself she couldn’t feel the same way as he does. He believed he would harbor unrequited feelings for her, perhaps for as long as he lived, and he’d watch her find someone else. Someone who was as good, extroverted, and normal as she is. Someone who she could always smile and laugh with, who had no ties to the heartache she went through, and who would never let her feel the chill of winter. Someone she could grow old with without the knowledge of his shortened lifespan and maybe even have children with if they so desired.
She can't possibly want to be with him like that.
His mouth and throat are dry and Momo is holding his upper arms, alarmed. Had he been hyperventilating or just breathing through his mouth?
“Y-You’ve gone pale," she stammers out.
He can only shake his head, trying to gain his bearings.
Her worry turns to pain. “What have I done?” Her hands fall limply to her sides. A shudder runs through him at seeing her impending heartbreak. “I’m so sorry, if I had known this would distress you, I never would've done this. I should never have said anything. I shouldn’t have --"
“No!” he exclaims as his own hands grab hold of her arms.
It startles her, and a tear slips from one of her widened eyes. “Wha…?”
“It’s not like that, stop.” He relaxes his grip on her, but doesn’t let go. He won’t make her cry, his doubts and fears be damned. Something roars to life within him, like a fire setting wood ablaze. It gives him an ounce of courage to finally speak his mind.
“It’s not what you think. When I wasn’t sure if this was a date or not, it’s only because I didn’t think you could…could --” He swallows thickly and bows his head. “-- that you could feel that way for me. Why do you feel that way towards me? I don’t understand.”
She lets out a quivering breath and sound. They’re both still for a beat, with only the wind tussling their hairs and clothes. Then, her arms jolt with a weak chuckle. He blinks, and raises his gaze, bewildered by the half smile she gives him.
She shakes her head disbelief. “You’ve always been like this.”
“I wish you weren’t sometimes,” she continues on as if he hadn’t spoken, her gaze softening. “You see the good in others, but never in yourself.” Her voices wavers, on the verge of crying. “I wish you could see your value to those around you. I know you take a lot of pride in being a captain and in your work, but I wish it were the same in yourself. You’ve meant so much to me and many others, but I know that’s something only you can figure out.”
She raises her hands to claps his arms as another tear falls, this time for a completely different reason. “I don’t know entirely why my feelings for you changed, but I can think of a few reasons. I have always admired your work ethic, even if you work too hard sometimes. I know why you do though, because you deeply care for your division and want the best for everyone there.”
“And you you're kindness is something i have always liked about you. It's not often straight forward, it always takes on different forms, but I've seen it since we were younger. You've always been kind, whether it was finding a home for Aki, or protecting those who can't fight for themselves, or believing in me when I was at my lowest. To be on the receiving end of such kindness is a beautiful thing. You've been hurt so many times, but that kindness has never left you despite it all.
"You're strong, Hitsugaya-kun, you always have been."
Toshiro’s eyes burn with the threat of tears, but he holds them back. Trust her to say such things so openly, to show affection for him he never gave himself. Maybe, if lets her words in, deep enough o reach his core, he can start to believe her. That's for another day.
In the meantime, in a rare moment of physical affection, he gingerly holds the side of her head and brushes the trail of her tear away with his thumb. They can only stare at each other, registering a new emotion racing through them. One much like the bubble that had enveloped them earlier in the evening, warm and making a whole world for them.
He can feel for her without the pain of it. In a way, he's free.
It’s all so much, but also so simple. They feel the same about each other. They liked each other, more than friends.
Eventually, Momo ducks her head with a bemused huff. “This isn’t how I imagined this night going at all.”
Toshiro can’t help but let out a half-hearted snort. “Me neither.”
There’s something about the admission that makes a chuckle bubble up in his throat. He tries to suppress it, but when he senses Momo is trying to do the same, it falls from his lips. It’s a nervous and relieving one. Maybe the emotions had overwhelmed them, made them go mad, or maybe it was from how much both had worried about this night.
Eventually, they calm down. Momo smiles at him, but before he can do the same, she pulls him into a gentle hug. He’s slow to wrap his own arms around her, overwhelmed by how different this gesture now feels.
“Let’s take this slow,” she suggests. “One step at a time.”
“Yes,” he says as he pulls away. “I think that’d be best.”
The blush in her cheeks deepens. “I guess things will be different from now on, huh?”
“They don’t have to be.”
Her smile widens. “No, I guess not, but some things will be.” She looks back to the Junrinan. It's much later, and less lights are on. “We should head back.”
Without a second thought, he takes her hand. “I’ll walk you back.”
She blinks down at their joined hands. “Shiro-chan!”
“Since when do you…?” She giggles. “That’s so unlike you.”
Heat rises up in his cheeks; even he can’t believe his own actions. He pulls his hand away. “It’s as you said, some things will be different from now on.”
She gasps and quickly snatches his hand back. “I didn’t realise it would be such a dramatic change!”
He only grumbles and tugs on her hand, signalling for them to get going. He tenses seeing a few souls still wondering the streets of the Junrinan, but relaxes a fraction when neither he or Momo recognise them. It dawns on him then something else they should discuss. “I may have a request.”
“What is it?”
His lips form a tight line before he speaks. “If we do go ahead with… this –” he raises their joined hands “— and we are going to take things slow, I don’t want Matsumoto to know just yet.”
Momo nods. “I was thinking the same.”
That surprises him.
“Why are you so shock?” she says. “I think we should see how this goes first before anyone knows, not just Rangiku-san.”
“Huh…I always thought you couldn’t wait to tell people when you were in a…a…” How can he not say it? He was in a relationship with Momo. The thought only made his blush brighter. Why was this making him even more flustered?
“A relationship?” Momo finishes with a knowing smirk.
He half-heartedly glares at her, which only makes her snort softly. “It’s good we’re going slow, it might take you a while to get used to saying that.”
He’s tempted to call her out at the way her smile wobbles from embarrassment and her blush spreads to the rest of her face.
“A-Anyway, I’m not like that," she continues. "I want to keep this quiet until we’re both ready to tell everyone. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” She shrugs. “How that looks in our day-to-day, I’m not sure.”
“We’ll discuss that tomorrow.”
She blinks at him.
“If you’re free after the day is done, I could come visit you.”
She grins. “Really? You usually work back.”
“Well, as you’ve pointed out, I could probably not stand to do that as much. We can meet at one of the joint training grounds after six pm.”
She bites her lip, clearly trying not to laugh again. “I’ll look forward to it then.”
Her smile in warm and wide, and he can't help but give a small one back in return as they walk back to the Seireitei.
Maybe one day they can look back on this and laugh – though he can only ever see himself cringing at his obliviousness. For now, he basks in the warmth of her hand and her presence, and in the nervous but hopeful jitters that rush through him at the unknown future with her.
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Nicknames drabble
“Hey Gara!” You called from across the room, hands quickly chopping up the unfortunate fruits and vegetables that crossed your path before their remains were added to the curry. “Pass me the lime will ya?”
There was no response. You called again. “Gara. Lime please?” Still, no response.
Annoyed, you turned around to face him, watching him tap away at his switch while leaning against the door.
“Hmm?” His gaze lifted from the game in gentle confusion. Maybe a tad bit submissively.
“I said could you get me the limes? They’re in the fruit bowl right next to you.”
He looked to his left, plucking only the finest lime before gently throwing it to you, which you failed to catch embarrassingly and had to pick up from the floor. The ultimate shame.
“So you were talking to me then.” Shigaraki stated, and you when rose you gave him an affirmative hum.
“Ah. Why’d you call me ‘Gara’ though? Sounds like some weird rpg character.”
You shrugged. “I’ve been thinking up new nicknames for you. What’d you think? Gara? Shi-gara-ki? Eh?”
He snorted. “You literally took the most unrecognizable part of my name and expected me to understand it. You’re so…silly.”
You snorted back. “Alright wise guy, if you’re so smart let’s hear your idea. What should I be calling you from now on?”
He wrapped his lanky arms around your waist while you stirred, resting his head on your shoulder affectionately. He whispered “master~” in your ear.
You burst out giggling, the wooden spoon you had been using flicking up in your fit, causing little flecks of hot soup to rise up and hit “Gara” in the face. He winced a little at the stinging sensation, and you apologized. “Haha, sorry sorry!”
He kissed your cheek. “All good. You can make it up to me later~”
You snarked. “Yeah yeah cool your jets horn-dog.”
He sighed amusedly. “All right, all right. Fine.” Kissing your neck, he finally released you, moving back to his corner and plucking his switch back from the counter and returning to his relaxed stance. You returned to your curry, letting the soft music of his game and the soft clicking of his buttons fill your ears. It was nice, everything. The evening, the quiet lull of it. The love between the two of you that didn’t need to be said to be felt.
All of it. :)
Just some shig fluff for today. I’m working on this angst to smut that’s gonna blow yalls minds 🤯🤯🤯
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fish-writing-dump · 10 days
Yoo could you do a army x reader?.
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Sunny side up
Army x Reader
Word Count: 0.6k
Author Notes: Sorry it's a bit short I'll make sure to write longer in your other request 🙏
You heard a light sizzle and pop just past the door of your bedroom. The noise gently waking you from your peaceful slumber. You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes as your vision grew clearer, defining the shapes of your belongings and furniture that decorated your bedroom. After a few minutes of idle scrolling on your phone you begrudgingly left the comfort of your bed.
Swaddled in your blanket you slinked out of your room into the living room. The scent of toast wafted in the air leading you to the kitchen where your beloved boyfriend stood, making something at the stove.
His bright orange tentacles hang loosely around his shoulders. His usual green parka and beret hang on the coat hanger by the front door on the opposite side of the apartment. You take small, patient steps, slowly getting closer to him. Suddenly pouncing onto him from behind (obviously watching out for the hot frying pan).
“Morning!”, you heard a soft chuckle as he turns his head slightly, pressing a gentle kiss onto your cheek.
“Morning, you know I could hear you right.” His voice was much more mellow, compared to the usual proud and authoritative tone he used. It was nice knowing he felt comfortable around you. When the two of you first met he always seemed a tad bit uptight and stiff, but over time he started to 
Pouting slightly you joke, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He chuckles at your antics, letting you rest your head on his shoulder as he carefully removes an egg from the frying pan and cracked open another onto the hot surface. You decided to let him cook properly, stepping back to watch him from behind. Leaning against the counter, you noticed more egg shells beside the stove. “Did you buy more eggs?”
“Are you going into another food phase?” Apparently before you met Army, he went through this whole ‘getting humbled by a group of idiots’ arc, which led to his addiction to cooking curry. Which was great and all for his development as a person but the taste of the dish got old pretty quickly a few months into your relationship. You mentally prayed this also wouldn’t turn into something again…
“Eggs are a staple in most households darling, how can it be a phase?”
You remarked, “Well we both know how you get sometimes.” Earning yourself a fond eye roll as he set some eggs down onto a plate.
“You know eggs are a good source of protein, they may not have a large amount of protein but they lack waste like carbs that most foods have and…” You listened to him ramble on about the benefits as you grabbed some other toppings from the fridge to eat for breakfast.
The both of you set the dining table together, placing down plates and cutlery, finally taking a seat down to enjoy your morning together. Usually on free days like that day he’d be out already, either on his way to school or training with his team. You decide to break up the monotonous sound of cutlery with some small talk by asking Army, “You got any plans for today?”
His brows furrowed slightly as he pauses, “Nothing comes to mind at the moment.” A grin spreads across your lips.
Without hesitation you ask, “Can we go somewhere, it’s been a while since we’ve spent time together.” Army smiles at the thought.
“That sounds good, do you have a place in mind?”
You discussed plans for the rest of the day and got ready to go out.
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gren-arlio · 3 months
When was the last time I did this? Oh well, welcome to Season 2, Episode 4 of Waku Puyo Translations.
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(Have you seen this animal? This DWEEB?)
Heya guys, I'm finally back doing this funny nonsense since school has finally ended, or basically ended depending on when I post this. I have much more time to do stuff, and I'm hoping for a good summer.
I like doing these mock translations, and yeah, I figured out the word for the thing I do. They're not professional, but they're just a mock-up, a way to get the general information in for the people. And it only took me a whole...year to figure it out.
I'm a tad foolish.
For people who dunno, I just kinda do this stuff on my spare time. I do plan on making a big Google Doc about it sometime, revisions and all, but that'll be months and months of work. Since I got a new laptop, I can type these things a whole lot more quickly, at the cost of trying to figure out what the hell what PC Tumblr looks like. I'll learn within due time.
Well, in that case, here's the video in question:
Door: (0:07)
Merchant Nonsense: (0:25)
MORE Merchant Nonsense: (1:40)
EVEN MORE Merchant Nonsense: (2:03)
Rulue Encounter 1: (3:05)
Schezo Encounter 1: (3:50)
Info Booth: (4:38)
Sasori Man Encounter: (8:00)
Schezo Encounter 2: (9:23)
Rulue Encounter 2: (9:58)
Cockatrice Midboss: (12:20)
Skeleton-T Encounter: (13:50)
Owlbear Boss: (13:50)
Info Booth 2: (19:04)
Lets see how this goes. Hope you enjoy.
And on a serious note, I'm so, so sorry this took so long. Life got super busy, and still sorta is, I even got myself a summer job. I'll try to continue these, I promise. I'll post more informational stuff too, I think people are getting really tired of my super casual posting, so I'll begin to balance them more. And I'm also going to stop putting the timestamp on the translations, since they're...already at the top.
Arle: Huh? What does it say here...?
Door: They who has 6 orbs, raise them.
Arle: ...6 of them? I mean, I have a few, but not six of them.
Carbuncle: Gugu?
Merchant Nonsense:
Fufufu: Welcome.
Arle: Oh, heya there.
Fufufu: Fufufu, you're here to buy something?
Arle: So you're a merchant as well, I assume?
Fufufu: Fufufu, well, I got a lot of interesting stuff for you.
[This opens up a menu for the shop, and I'll just go by page number rather than what the player here does. Some of the names might be wrong, my apologies.
Page 1: Rugged Stone Life Stone Soul Stone Ruby Sapphire Emerald Useless Wand (Could also just say Worthless. Either or.) Transforming Wand (I'd assume it does, since the text says it'd transform something, so it's what I'll be going with.
Page 2: Golden Wand Multi-trap Scroll Monster Scroll Cursed Scroll Super Cursed Scroll (It's basically still a Cursed Scroll, so I'll just call it this.) Forgetfulness Scroll Slowness Scroll Rotten Soup (Part of Medicine.)
Page 3: Poison Illusion Medicine Blindness Medicine Dizziness Medicine Sealing Medicine Sleep Medicine Forgetfulness Medicine Slowness Medicine
Page 4: Rotten Herbs Hunger Herbs Falling Herb (I asked like three people and we all pointed to this) Drain Herb Rotten Apple Poisoned Apple Explosive Apple
Page 5: Rotten Curry Plain Curry Rugged Book Heavy Book Difficult Book
And that'd be all the items here. These are easily the hardest things to do.]
Fufufu: Fufufu, I see you haven't learned to fuse yet. (In-game, it's sorta called Synthesize, but the gameplay mechanic is virtually fusion. So for clarity's sake, I'll call it Fusion.)
Arle: Fuse? I mean, you're not wrong.
Fufufu: Please bring me a Flame Ring (1) then.
Arle: So if I bring it, you'll teach me?
Fufufu: Fufufu, indeed.
MORE Shop Nonsense:
Momomo: Welcome to the shop.
[...More Menus. Yay. So it says:
Rings <-
Page 1 of Rings:
Plain Ring Rugged Ring Flame Ring (1) Ice Ring (1) Lightning Ring (1) Thunder Ring (2) Supernatural Ring Rock-Punch Ring (1) (I'd assume this is from Rulue's Story.)
Page 2: Flame-Strike Ring (2) Ice-Strike Ring (2) Player buys a Flame Ring (1) and leaves.]
Momomo: Thank you for shopping with us.
EVEN MORE Shop Nonsense:
Fufufu: Fufufu, welcome. Did you get the Flame Ring (1)?
[Menu pops up saying "Do you want to give him the ring?" We say Yes.]
Arle: Yeah, here ya go.
Fufufu: Now watch carefully, because something interesting is going to happen.
Arle: What're you gonna do?
Fufufu So, look at this Flame Ring (1) and Ice Ring (1). We combine the two, and...
Arle: Huh?
Fufufu: Look. Now we have the Thunder Ring.
What!? How'd you do that?
Fufufu: Fufufu, you really want to know?
Arle: I wanna know, yeah! Can you tell me?
Fufufu, you sure ask for quite a good bit.
[Arle has learned the Fusion skill. Now, you can Fuse your Rings and Amulets.]
Arle: Wow, thanks!
Fufufu: Fufufu, good luck on your journey.
Rulue Encounter 1:
Rulue: Oh-hohoho!
Arle: ...What's up with you today?
Rulue: You don't have a VIP Ticket, huh?
Arle: Ticket? Hmm, so Rulue got one as well...
Rulue: Wait a second, you said "As well". Arle, where did you get a VIP Ticket?
Arle: Oh, from Sasori Man. I could ask you the same question, how did you get yours?
Rulue: Well, how I got it is not important at all!
Arle: Alright...But it's not fair for you to ask about my ticket, but not vise versa.
Rulue: Oh, can it! I don't need to be hearing this from you!
Arle: I didn't even do anything wrong! ...C'mon Carby!
Carbuncle: Gu...
Schezo Encounter 1
Arle: Heya Schezo.
Schezo: What is it?
Arle: Did you know that there's more than 5 floors in the PuyoPuyo Dungeon?
Schezo: Oh, of course I did. That lady I spoke to wasn't my enemy, after all.
Arle: Lady? I dunno any girls who you're exactly close with. Oh right, I remember! You're here to pick up girls!
Schezo: No, I'm not! ...Wait, you didn't meet that perverted woman?
Arle: Pervert? But aren't you the pervert?
Schezo: That's enough from you...Just don't say another word.
Arle: And he's gone...Odd.
Carbuncle: Gu?
Info Booth:
[I've done these so many times...
Menu appears saying:
Listen <- Rank Bulletin Back
Kiki says "What do you want to hear?"
More Menus appear:
About Completed Attractions About Rare Items <- Black Market Tales When in Trouble Back]
Kikimora: There's quite the number of items in these attractions. And with these items, there's also rare ones that can't be found in stores. These items change depending on which attraction you are at, so if you want anything specific, let us know. Think about the attractions you're entering before trying to find items. As well, at the store, when you sell the item, they'll always be in stock, so you can sell anything you want without much worry.
Arle. Huh. Neat.
[The player then goes into the Bulletin, where it says:
Horror House Wonder Jungle Merchant Fufufu Recommendations For Bottling Fusion Manual <-]
Incubus: Hello!
Arle: Hey, just teach me about Fusion.
Incubus: Of course! It's quite a long story, so listen carefully, alright honey?
Arle: Who's Honey...?
Incubus: Fusing is combing items in order to make new ones. It can only be things like rings with rings and amulets with amulets, so no mixing. Okay so far?
Arle: Mhm.
Incubus: Lets continue then. Fusing also drains some MP.
Arle: D-drains?
Incubus: Imagine it like using a spell, it'll also cost MP to use it. But once you do it, you gain EXP. Of course though, gaining EXP through other means also levels up your fusing ability.
Arle: Well, what'll happen if I level up?
Incubus: More MP is needed to fuse stronger and rarer items. But if you level up, you can fuse with less MP drain as well. If you're a low level, you'll just fail at fusing a lot. And even if you fail, you'll still lose that MP.
Arle: This all sounds really complicated...
Incubus: Come on, it's actually pretty easy. Higher leveled items are much more difficult to fuse than lower leveled ones. But the higher the level of the item, the stronger the combined fusion will become.
Arle: Ahhhha...
Incubus: Once an item is at its max potential, it'll say (EX) right next to it. It just means that it's at its strongest. Well, that just explains most of Fusion.
Arle: Woah...
Incubus: Ha! It's not EVERYTHING, I'll explain more when we meet again.
Arle: Wha!? There's more?
Incubus: The road to mastering Fusion is a very long and difficult road, you know. But see ya later! Buh-Bye~!
Arle: Err...
----- Sasori Man Encounter:
Sasori Man: Hey hey.
Arle: Hmm? What's up?
Sasori Man: I got one thing to tell you before you enter this place.
Arle: And what's that?
Sasori Man: It's about the big boss of Wonder Jungle.
Arle: And this guy...well, is he strong?
Sasori Man: What he lacks in power, he for sure makes up in technique. Here's the real kicker; Apparently he can read minds.
Arle: Wait...what?
Sasori Man: Yeah, he can read the minds of the opponent he faces and avoid the attacks they throw. Swords, magic, anything! It doesn't matter how strong your attacks are if they just miss. He's a real doozy. Be careful out there.
Arle: I'm not sure I can just be careful... I mean, if they just avoid my attacks, then it'd be impossible for me to win.
Sasori Man: Well, you're right on that.
Arle: Uhh...
Sasori: Sorry that I can't exactly help any further.
Arle: Nah, it's not that. If I just went in without a care in the world, I would've been beaten in a heartbeat. There just HAS to be some sorta way to beat him. I'll have to really think about it, though.
Sasori Man: Huh, I see. You got this, good luck.
Arle: I sure do. Thanks.
Schezo Encounter 2:
Arle: Oh, Schezo!
Schezo: Arle! ...By any chance, are you planning to enter this attraction?
Arle: Mhm, you're right on the mark.
Schezo: ...Then I'll enter first!
Arle: I mean, aren't you familiar with the phrase "Ladies First"?
Schezo: Ladies first? Never heard that one before. And besides, I'd never do that thing to begin with, I'll never give up my own turn!
Arle: Isn't he a persistent one...
Carbuncle: Gu?
Rulue Encounter 2:
Arle: We should go in soon.
Carbuncle: Gu!
Arle: ...Hm? What's this?
Minotauros: Lady Rulue, please wait...
Rulue: Hey, Minotauros! Move faster, will ya!?
Arle: It's hard to believe that this lady only two years older than me...
Rulue: And who's this "old lady" you're talking about!?
Arle: Oh, you heard that? ...And I didn't exactly call you an old lady, either...
Rulue: No excuses! I swear, I can't handle you sometimes. A girl like you can be unbearable to be around! (Not exactly what it says, but I'm deciding to just try and make it more cohesive.)
...Growing up is a interesting thing. I wonder if I'll turn into a selfish, self-conscious meathead! ...That was just my Rulue impression, heh!
Rulue: I beg your pardon!? And WHO is this selfish and self-conscious person!? Oh, I'm just some idiot because I can't use magic, I see how it is! I'll remember that! (Rulue will remember that.)
Arle: ...Carby, I didn't say all of THAT, though!
Carbuncle: Gugu!
Cockatrice Midboss + Defeat:
Cockatrice: Ca-CAW!
Arle: Huh? Is this chicken mad at me or something?
Cockatrice: CA-CAW! (You're nothing but a fool!) [The parenthesis is what they're actually saying this time, so heads up for that.]
Arle: ...Do I really need to fight a chicken, of all things?
Cockatrice: Ca-CAAAW! (Oh, you're SUCH a goner!) [Believe me, that's...basically all they say.]
[Blah blah, Cockatrice gets beaten, this is the most amount of attention they've gotten in months]
Cockatrice: Ca-caaaw...
Arle: ...Huh. What an odd animal.
----- Skeleton-T Encounter:
Arle: Oh, it's you!
Skeleton-T: Ochaaaa!
Arle: ... ... (Yeah same here Arle.)
Skeleton-T: Sorry, I'm all out of tea this time.
Arle: Eh?
Skeleton-T: I apologize for the inconvenience, I wish I could give you a cup of tea.
Arle: Errrr... You don't need to sound so...professional.
Skeleton-T: As an apology, I'll give you this instead.
Arle: And what's this for?
Skeleton-T: Well, what it's for is in the chest.
[He leaves]
Arle: Wonder what the thing exactly is.
(In the chest was just a book.)
Owlbear Boss + Defeat:
Owlbear: Stop right there! You got some guts challenging me to a fight.
Arle: Huh?
Owlbear: And with that, I also want you OUT of here!
Arle: Hey, wait a second...
Owlbear: I WON'T wait! I don't have time to waste!
[He promptly gets his ass kicked.]
Owlbear: Forgive me...
Arle: Huh...That was a tough battle.
[During this time, Arle finds a chest.]
Arle: Oh, there's an orb in here! It seems to be the green one. Now I only need two more!
Carbuncle: Gugu!
Info Booth 2:
[We're back at the booth, and this is the final stuff, THANK GOD. The player clicks on rankings, and clicks the "To the person who has a grimoire" bulletin.]
Bulletin: I've found I grimoire myself, and I got news for you. If you read the spell inside of the grimoire, you'll quickly see that it's stronger than most spells you might have. So I wonder if you'll return this grimoire I've oh-so-lost, since I'm the only one who can use the Meteor Spell. Oh-hohoho! From: A Talented Witch.
[And finally, the player clicks the "Don't just throw it away" bulletin.]
Bulletin: A blank scroll or plain water can often be seen as useless. As such, people tend to throw them away, and it's such a waste! You might as well use a different item, change the item itself. Or even just Fuse it. (I assume that's what this conversation was going for since it's a little vague.) From Sasori, Behind the Scenes.
And for the first time in months, we finally finished an entire episode. Once again, I'm so sorry for the delay, life got the best of me and free time DOES exist, but I REALLY have to manage it well now. But still, thank you so much for reading this. I plan to make a Waku Puyo Extras about maybe cut content or even a game I probably haven't covered just yet, so who knows?
But that'll be all from me.
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swagpartyloverdiver · 2 months
“Hey. Or rather yo, as you’d say.. you want some curry? Heard what happened with Avi and felt bad. Plus, we had extra.”
( @w-b-sailors hHEHHE)
Honestly,, feelin' a tad sick, not really up fer food rn. Sorry, guys. Thanks fer the offer tho
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bardistraee · 5 months
Hi! For the dd2 ask game, Pawn #2 and Arisen+Pawn #3 please? c:
THE PAWN - Do they act any differently around other Arisen across the Rift?
From what I've heard he seems to act pretty similarly! He loves being helpful with his launch skill as a warrior no matter where he is, and his interesting take on archery transcends the rift. He's still a pyromaniac, but he steals better things for other people when he's a thief. Purple dye, for two different people?? And just rotted meat for me?? </3 I'm very glad he doesn't keep that behavior across the rift oml Getting into my lore for him though, I think he'd make an extra effort to be on his best behavior. He'd try to be a paragon of goodness and always do his very best. He'd watch studiously and learn from them and their strategies. Avra would keep up a professional relationship with other Arisen, or he'd try to. He is very easily fond of people and he'd come away seeing the other Arisen as his friends. Lilavati is his person always and he doesn't like being apart from her, but he would look forward to traveling with other Arisen and their Pawns again! They're his buddies and she'd schedule sleepovers for him. He would be very eager to be helpful and jump at the chance. If an animal was hurt while he was with another Arisen I think he would be extra upset and sulky about it, though. He'd get past it, but he would be noticeably bitter and sad for a bit. (When I've hit some accidentally he gets MAD. Adam Howden made those voice lines so intense I feel extra bad 😭) He is a tad judgemental and will not hide his displeasure about that.
ARISEN & PAWN - What is a special or secret talent they each have?
She has no hair herself, but Lilavati is really good with hair! She can do several styles of braids very quickly and neatly, and she takes care of Avra's curls for him. She puts them in one big braid while they're adventuring, and alternates the styles. She can't sew at all so it's rather unimpressive, but she made him a little sleep bonnet and it does the job. When they're able to relax and he has his hair down, she uses some very controlled and careful flagration (scrunching with one hand, hovering a tiny flame around with the other) to medieval style diffuse them. Avraham meanwhile is a really good cook and baker! Especially when it comes to breads; his naans and challahs (Lilavati does the braiding though, he sucks at that) are amazing. His arm muscles are from hefting big swords but also from kneading the dough. He makes a very delicious curry, and as the sole cook between the two because she'd burn a forest down, he really enjoys finding ways to blend the foods of their cultures. Chickpeas are a big staple in his dishes when they can find them.
(Dragon’s Dogma 2 Ask Game by Arisenreborn)
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Jade Leech Birthday Boy Personal Story: Part 1
"Happy Birthday"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Octavinelle Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
―Happy Birthday
Jade: Thank you very much.
Please share how everyone's well wishes has made you feel today.
Jade: I am so very honored to receive everyone's birthday wishes here, alongside Floyd.
Jade: However, I'm afraid that it does feel a tad awkward to keep hearing "Happy Birthday" from so many people.
―Have you received anything from your parents?
Jade: Yes. Floyd and I received a birthday message from our mother.
Jade: "Jade-san, Floyd-san, are you eating properly every day?"
Jade: "It is all well and good that you are enjoying yourselves on land, but you should come and show your faces back home once in a while."
Jade: …Is how she expressed her worries for our well-being in her latest missive.
Jade: However, it isn't as though this type of message doesn't occur often, we do communicate almost daily.
Jade: Our mother has always been a bit of a worrier.
―Please share a birthday memory.
Jade: A memory… Then, I suppose I shall tell one from my childhood.
Jade: Every year on our birthday, we wouldn't just celebrate it with our family, but with my father's work friends as well.
Jade: And of course, we would receive stacks upon stacks of presents.
What sort of things did you receive?
Jade: We would be gifted various items, such as candy, seaweed eye masks, strange toys that could only be found on land, and more.
Jade: However, sometimes there would be other presents within the gifts that one may think would be ill-suited for a child…
Jade: It seemed as though those gifts weren't for us, but for our father, to curry favor… or rather, to gain his trust.
Jade: Whenever we received one of these heartfelt gifts from these people, my father would always make them sign something.
Jade: "This is a present in good faith, I do not expect anything in return for this gift." …He'd make them write.
Jade: Our father is much like our mother, such a worrier, in his own way.
Jade: Well, I suppose they do say that spouses do tend to be similar to each other… I am pleased they get along well.
What exactly do your parents do…?
Jade: Fufu, they're simple self-employed people. They do various business, far and wide… All ordinary, I assure you.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @wondersofdusk.
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dellovestorant · 2 months
I can’t lie but I’m a little bit nervous of George’s future.
It seems like Kimi is in the seat nest to him next year, but Toto has also made no secret of his desire to get Max. I have no doubt he will be booted if he’s outperformed by Kimi, and Max wants the Mercedes seat.
On the other side, I hate how Mercedes have treated him. I hate for him to lose out but if they don’t trust him they need to let him go. So conflicted
Ok I'm going to start this answer with a PSA:
If you're going to come in my ask box to doubt George's future at Mercedes based on Toto Wolff's actions and words you are not going to like my answers very much.
If George ever leaves Mercedes it will be on his own terms, not Toto's. Toto also does not hold every single decision making power within the team. If he did, Lewis would've gotten whatever he wanted with his contract contrary to the cult's beliefs. The big 3 at Mercedes Benz hold more power over driver line-ups and everything else essentially than Toto ever will.
Below the cut is a whole deep dive into the dynamics that is the board of management and their decision making power if any of you want to read.
Let's start with the fact everyone knows for certain.
Mercedes F1 team is controlled by Mercedes Benz, Toto Wolff and Ineos. They each hold 33.3% of the shares in this company.
The current board of management for the f1 team consists 2 reps from all three of the above entities. Markus Schäfer, Michael Schiebe for MB, Johnny Ginns and Andy Currie for Ineos, Toto himself and Rene Berger (Toto's business partner). Oh and Carrie Donaghy as company secretary but she's not a major player.
Ineos tbh is kinda there to just pay the amount in salaries and other things Benz didn't want to pay for. They don't actually hold much weight in driver line up decisions and will probably go with the one that causes less chaos. Jim Radcliffe is also a tad bit more focused on football than F1 at the moment and who knows if Johnny Ginns even exists. They won't fight Benz or Toto on driver line-up decisions.
So technically, it means it's Benz vs Toto 50-50 you would think when it comes to massive decisions. Not really actually.
Without Mercedes, there is no Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula 1 team. Now you may ask why Mercedes Benz is delving into the business of Mercedes-AMG (you shouldn't it's pretty much common sense).
AMG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Benz. Their current CEO, Michael Schiebe, used to be the chief of staff to Ola Kallenius, CEO of Mercedes Benz. Schiebe also currently reports to Markus Schäfer. These names sound familiar? Schiebe and Schäfer are essentially the right and left hand men to Kallenius and the 3 of them make up the big 3 I was referring to earlier.
Now they'll give and take in negotiations, this isn't a dictatorship obviously but if Ola's set on something I have a feeling it's very hard to change his mind. And currently George is performing to a standard that would absolutely not give anyone really any ammunition to replace him.
He's also continuously being used by Mercedes Benz in certain promotional things and activities entirely outside of F1. That douyin account is a right indicater of that, the chinese GP next year will be telling that's for sure. That Targa Florio drive for the Bandini Trophy? The trophy is awarded for people's performances in motorsport in the past year. Lando won the 2023 version. Take a look at his season vs George's 2022 season and tell me who should've won the 2023 trophy. And then take a look at those two's 2023 season and tell me who should've won this year. The significance of George winning the trophy this year? It's the 100 year anniversary of Mercedes' Targa Florio win, it's 130 years of Mercedes in Motorsport and a whole bunch of anniversaries for Mercedes Benz as a company. An 18 year old is not going to generate what Mercedes Benz is doing with PR, at least not to the level George is. He might match George with the F1 team's social media activity but not Mercedes Benz. We're talking about the company that has had Roger Federer as an ambassador since 2008 and will continue to have him as an ambassador.
The board is also quite protective of George if you've noticed. They've let publications run their mouths about Kimi's testing results however they like until they started reporting the kid was beating George's times. Then Shov came out and said like 3 times testing times are not that representative. The whole email saga came out in Canada and who turns up in Barcelona for the very next race? Ola.
Schäfer and Britta Seeger (now she's a woman you just have to stan) were also in Monaco. You won't see Michael Schiebe at an F1 race anytime soon though that man is allergic to dealing with anything motorsport related in public yet they've just put him in charge of another racing company.
That recent post by Mercedes F1 with Ola appearing in Brackley and Brixworth? It could be entirely planned but considering what had just happened and the fact Ola has not being placed in center stage of Mercedes F1 socials in like ever, it's an interesting appearence to publicise for sure (why that man was talking batteries though to people at Brackley I do not know and frankly I doubt I would want to).
Like I said, if George is not at Mercedes anymore, it would be entirely at his discretion. Plus if he leaves, Redbull is going to be right there knocking on his door regardless of their junior drivers. Just take a look on how Christian Horner and Helmut Marko speaks on and of George.
Also why do people keeping thinking Kimi will get outperformed by George? Have some faith please guys.
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yummycrummy · 1 year
Little silly oneshot from my au 💫
(A tad suggestive?)
Roy fumbled about in the kitchen, trying to find the spices. He was trying to make a little surprise dinner for Lesley that evening, and he knew one of her favorite foods was curry, so here he was.
Manny was currently at a little friend's sleepover so they had the house to themselves. He couldn't help but feel a little flustered at the notion. Roy shook his head, trying to focus more on finding what he was looking for. Don't get distracted, come on-
He suddenly felt two hands gently go over his eyes, making him jump slightly. He then felt a pair of lips go near his ear, causing him to freeze.
"Guess who~?" A familiar lovely voice asked in a husky kind of tone. Roy couldn't help but shiver a little, Lesley's breath tickling his neck.
"Hello, honey." He said, still chuckling as Lesley turned him around, standing over him with a interesting look on her face. "What brings you in here? I thought you wanted to wait for your surprise."
Lesley smiled and shrugged. "I couldn't help but poke around a bit. You were searching for this, weren't you?" She held up her favorite spice, catching him off guard.
"Wha.. how did you-" Roy stuttered before Lesley suddenly leaned in close, making him close his mouth.
"I have my reasons. You want it, don't you?"
Roy blinked, struggling to think of a response. How could she have gotten it faster than him? "U-Uh, yes, please." He stuttered again, feeling heat creep its way into his cheeks and ears as she placed the spice on the counter behind him, still leaning in close.
She tipped his chin up with her hand, a blush of her own on her cheeks as Roy just stared at her, dumbfounded and completely smitten. "Then why don't you give me another little surprise?"
Still blushing furiously, Roy started to giggle nervously again, looking off to the side as he fidgeted. "W-Well, uh, I d-don't know if you'd want it early, I-I mean, I-I still gotta- g-gotta prepare everything and- mmph!"
He was cut off as gentle lips met his own, silencing him as his eyes slowly fluttered shut, kissing her back eagerly in return. Lesley smiled into it, before pulling away, amused and delighted at seeing how flustered and happy-dazed her husband looked. It was always so sweet catching him off guard like this.
Roy stared, dazzled and entranced as he took a moment to catch his breath. He hadn't expected that. At all.
Still smiling, Lesley grabbed the spice bottle and picked up his hand, placing it into his palm.
"I'll be waiting." She gave him a playful wink as she then walked out, leaving a still dazed and stunned Roy leaning against the counter, still clutching onto the bottle, a silly and flustered wide smile across his face.
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too-many-lavellans · 2 months
What kind of voices do you guys have for your respective Lavellans? (That aren't the in-game voices) I always wondered what they all sound like but I could never imagine it right.
love this
Hmmm, we don't really have voice picks aside from what's in the game, really. The VAs performances in general, along with the dialogue options we chose for everyone respectively, really informed how we portrayed them outside the game (not to mention that I modelled all their faces to the voices they have). Which is to say, I don't think we could hear them being voiced by any other performers. I will say that there are some things that, if I could tweak or take in a different direction, would bring them more in line with how I think they would sound.
To start, we would want to incorporate the Dalish accent into all their voices. We like to imagine our Clan Lavellan speaking near exclusively in elven, with only its tradesmen and some transferred members handling the common tongue well, leaving a lot of them with very noticeable accent. Von, Wes, Shep, and Pehn, who are more familiar with human spaces and conversing in common have lighter, less obvious accents. Where as Andros, Cerill, and Venui's, who rarely, if ever, venture outside the clan, are much stronger.
In terms of personality, pitch, and other vocal affectations, if any, I'll try to break it up by VA.
Harry Hadden-Paton - Andros and Wes Andros' overall voice skirts the line between diplomatic and direct, where Wes leans more into responses that range from charming to snarky, but still knowing when to maintain a level of decorum. I imagine Andros's voice to be a touch deeper, possibly a little gravely especially as he starts to get up there in years. Wes, pitch wise, is exactly what you get in the game.
Jon Curry - Von Von is pretty much all in on the humorous/charming responses - Jon has such a dry read to some of the humorous responses and I love it sooo much that it's just baked into him now. Aside from the accent note, there's not a thing I'd change about his delivery.
Alix Wilton Regan - Cerill and Pehn Cerill has a very direct personality, veering on aggressive at times, which plays well with the direction Alix took for the voice. Pehn models her femininity on Cerill so their voices sound similar, but Pehn is far more personable and amicable than her friend. I think to further reflect that I'd want her voice to be in a slightly higher register, possibly closer to Alix' neutral voice or her perfomance as Samantha Traynor in ME3.
Sumalee Montano - Shep'lan and Venui Shep is a menace, through and through. Like with Von, wishful thinking of a Dalish accent aside, Sumalee's performance is Shep. Venui is my least pinned down voice. I don't play her anymore (for a few reasons), so I potentially could HC a different voice for her… But I am very attached to these VAs, so who knows. As far as what I last had in game, Venui is kind and non-confrontational so, if I could, having her voice be a bit softer and potentially a tad higher pitch might be where I'd want her voice to be. Outside the game though, she barely speaks, like, to anyone, so this is mostly academic.
And that's all of them. Thank you for asking, and I hope this helps!
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