#tag rant xd
veikkoalen · 11 months
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marvel really just took lou and adapted him for mcu
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aimless-passerby · 3 months
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Role Reversal/The Shire Falls Instead from @bagginshieldweek24 prompts but it is actually this idea I've got recently.
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
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“the sleeping princess finally woken up”
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desultory-novice · 5 months
There are two kinds of (Dream) Friends:
The Situation: Kirby of the Stars is on the ropes against a new and dangerous foe. He's on the verge of passing out when one of his Friends arrives with perfect Big Damn Heroes timing and says:
(exact phrasing may vary)
"How dare you hurt Kirby?!"
-Bandanna Waddle Dee -Rick, Coo, Kine -Gooey -Adeleine & Ribbon -Daroach -Magolor -Taranza -Elfilin
"I'M the only one allowed to beat Kirby!!"
-King Dedede -Meta Knight -Marx -Dark Meta Knight -Susie -Zan, Francisca, Flamberge
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emkini · 1 year
Y'know what screw it I haven't seen Oppenheimer but I've seen plenty of jokes and I have two thoughts about this quote from a rhetorical and linguistics perspective:
"Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
"I am become" is the archaic form of "I have become", a.k.a the present perfect tense. It is not grammatically incorrect- just old as balls. As far as I know (and feel free to correct me), this quote is Oppenheimer's own translation from the Bhagavad Gita and therefore one he would have put a great deal of thought into. You can see similar phrases in Jane Austen novels and Shakespeare scripts, as well as in the King James bible. "I am become" is absolutely not on the level of "I haz cheeseburger" and I am getting REAL TIRED of seeing the two compared.
The nuance of "I am become death" is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from alternate phrases such as "I have become death" or "I am becoming death." "I am become" gives a sense of finality without being in the past tense; a sense of continuity without being imperfect. Using this archaic form of the present perfect is a rhetorical choice, and a very intelligent one at that- in other words, it sounds fucking cool and there's a reason all of us remember it to this day.
In summary: "lololol famous Oppenheimer quote has bad grammar" is a VERY SIMILAR sentiment to "Maybe the curtains are just blue" and some of y'all need to do 5 seconds of research before saying things on the internet because that's about how long it took for me to confirm my thoughts on this.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
buckle up, because I’m about to go off. So i posted this take this morning, because I was thinking about F1 fandom’s habit and hipocrisy of criticising “third-world” or “middle-eastern” countries about their breach of human rights (no matter how much i personally think most of it is performative, pat-myself-on-the-back-for-being-a-good-human kinda “activism”), while nobody is saying anything about F1 racing in Miami, Florida, which is currently literally one of the worst places to live. to which, as is usual on good ol’ tumblr, i got this ask
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i blocked the anon, obviously, but to borrow dear friends’ words “this ask is so american, all it needs is an eagle, a gun, unaffordable healthcare and perhaps a burger”. HOWEVER. i can’t stay silent. i choose violence (metaphorical) these days. my first thought was to reply with “i’d check my privilege but im too busy being able to check my bloodwork with my free healthcare”, which may be a bit tone-deaf and mean. so i outsorced this ask to certain friends (including a full-blooded american and a person from the middle east), and here is a series of screenshots of their responses, because they are wonderful and smart and more verbose than i was this morning, with only one coffee in my blood and irritation level of +billion. their opinions also kind of matter more than my own, because these are their lived experiences. 
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now. as i said, and as you can see, these are the lived experiences of my friends, and are therefore also subjective at their core. so lets look at some facts. 
“florida is in the usa, a free, democratic, modern, developed country where protection of human rights is enforced”, i believe you said? ALLRIGHT:
- a bill that passed in florida 10 days ago that allows judges to alter custody agreements if they think one parent might allow gender affirming care
- florida abortion ban after 6 weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest after 15 weeks 
- a transgender sports ban in florida that allows genital inspection of minors, aka children (thank you @lauda4theback​ for finding these links for me)
- USA’s position in the Democratic Index;
- tumblr post with sources made around four days ago with details about just some of the gun violence happening in the US currently;
- BBC article about 160 mass shootings that had happened in 2023 up until April 16th and data from gun-violence archive (which, correct me if im wrong, is singularily an american thing);
- Anti-Trans Bill tracker no 1 and no 2 in the US, which, you know, implies violation of basic human rights;
- banning of books in the us to cripple education and avoid taking responsibility and acknowledging already existing and rampantly rising levels of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and generally what you all like to call “traditional (christian) values” and the rest of the world likes to call “blatant right-wing fascism” - here’s florida specifically (god i hate nyt); 
these are just some of the FACTS about the united states, and they very much speak for themselves. i couldve found a million more sources, but, honestly, i dont feel like waddling through more of the mud that is this country’s awful politics and policies. 
now its time for my opinion. im assuming youre american, because if youre not, thats just... i have no words, then. you can come in here spouting absolute fucking brainwashing propaganda your country does to you on a regular basis, but dont expect me to have to listen to it, and do anything other than laugh derisively. your-us centrism is tiring, scary, and insane, because your country, to me, is little more than a glorified cult. it’s dangerous to the rest of the world for many reasons, not the least the way it permeates every sphere of our public life and pushes american fucking propaganda upon all of us, whether we want it or not, and its absurd and awful fucking military, which i would like to see razed to the ground immediately, but i pity you, anon, for being so absolutely lacking in critical thinking that you actually believe this bullshit that you are spewing. i was trying to criticise our fandom’s way of expressing outrage when it comes to non-western, whatever the fuck that means, countries while simultanously not speaking about or even acknoledging the fact that rapid erosion of democracy in the us has all the markings of the same “dictatorial” regimes we like to be enraged over when it comes to racing in bahrain or jeddah or abu dhabi, except the usa is not being held hostage by a single autocratic dictator but with the republican party which controls the government institutions. that is sometimes the only difference i can see.
i wont speak about human rights in the middle east, because i am not middle-eastern. there’s people who can add their opinions here, and i invite them to do so. i also invite anyone to tell me if i got something wrong, used a wrong source, or said anything that i need to re-check or do more research on. but the bottom line is: for you to take my LEGIT criticism and get offended on behalf of the fucking US instead, well. that says a lot about you and your priorities, doesn’t it?
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teecupangel · 1 year
man I know you've got a million what ifs and I don't expect you to spin this anywhere but I was just looking at some Yusuf fanart and wondering how Desmond would feel if he was reborn as Yusuf
It would be such a weird intersection of Ezio and Altaïr memories for him
and the twin pulls to go to Ezio and help him however he can, and the rancid bile that is Templars making their home in Masyaf
and of course the Petruccio problem, that Desmond feels like he took someone else's life, someone he knew enough to know he's not him, that he's an identity thief.
(And also the continued tragedy of Desmond being born in Ezio's era, but too late to help him in his youth.)
We can keep Desmond from going ‘fuck it’ and either joining Ezio or doing something about the Templars’ occupation in Masyaf thanks to Yusuf’s backstory of having no father and only having his mother raised him. His mother would be the only reason why Desmond continued to stay in Constantinople. Honestly, what we know of Yusuf’s life is from the novelization of the movie where his descendant relived his early years. From that though, we can get Desmond into accidentally creating a Brotherhood made up of street urchins. They’re more on the side of thieves than actual Assassins because Desmond focused on keeping everyone alive and healthy.
So when the Brotherhood heard of an organized Thieves Guild, Ishak Pasha is the one to look into it.
There, he meets up with Desmond (who goes by Desmond with only his mother being the one to call him ‘Yusuf’) and Ishak mistakes Desmond as one of the leaders’ main messengers.
Desmond didn’t bother to correct his misconception and lets Ishak watch them in action with Desmond talking to himself in 3rd Person much to the amusement of his fellow ‘thieves’. Ishak learns they call their leader ‘mentor’ and realized that a lot of them move like Assassins.
When he sees Desmond’s Hidden Blade which he had received from his mother a few years back, Ishak finally realizes that Desmond is the mentor.
After this, we can go either:
Desmond and his Brotherhood of ‘street rats’ are taken in by the Brotherhood for formal training or
Desmond and his Brotherhood remain to be a separate organization that are closely allied with the Brotherhood but do not bow to any mentor.
I feel like Desmond would pick to remain independent for various reasons but mostly, he decides to be independent because he doesn’t see himself as an Ottoman Assassin, clinging to his Levantine roots. Ishak might even think that Desmond was truly a descendant of a Levantine Assassin of old, maybe of even the great Al-
Probably not.
With Desmond’s Brotherhood being an independent organization, he gets to train people he trust to keep his mother safe. Once he’s sure they’d be fine by their own, years have passed and Desmond…
Desmond knows Ezio would be making his way to Masyaf this year.
He goes to Masyaf as well.
Okay, so we know that Desmond would searched for the Masyaf Keys as soon as he could and we can give him maybe most of them… except one. The key that seemed to have disappeared, most probably in Templar hands that Desmond is still searching for.
This way, we have an excuse for Ezio to go to Constantinople with Desmond after they cleaned up Masyaf.
Ezio tries to reason that even if they kill every single Templar in Masyaf, they’d just bring in more and finds Desmond’s insistence to clean up Masyaf as a fool’s errand. At the same time, he’s jealousy of the passion Desmond has for the Creed but worries of how Desmond seems to be stuck in the past as well.
Desmond would be a bit cagey of who he is but he’d tell Ezio that his name is Desmond. Ezio would be surprised but he wouldn’t believe Desmond is the same Desmond that Minerva talked about because, as far as he knew, Desmond was meant to be alive centuries from now. Desmond didn’t bother to tell him the truth. Not yet, anyway.
Maybe after they have said their goodbyes to Altaïr…
The Petruccio problem will definitely rear its ugly head every time his mother would call him ‘Yusuf’, the first time Ezio would learn his real name is ‘Yusuf’ and whenever he sees the Brotherhood have a different mentor instead of… the real Yusuf Tazim. 
That was also a reason why he decided that his Brotherhood (maybe we’ll name it the Brotherhood of Shadows? It would be funny if Desmond goes “we’re the Hidden Ones” without having any ideas that that was the original name of the Brotherhood) would work independently. He’s trying to step away from Yusuf Tazim’s footsteps, like an exact opposite of the initial plans of the Desmond Miles who became Petruccio Auditore. 
He wants to carve his own path because he believes he’d only be sullying Yusuf’s memories if he pretended to be him.
……… Wanna fuck with Desmond some more?
Of course you do XD
How about Suleiman and Desmond actually meet and they sorta-kinda grow close in a ‘I think of you as a friend’ way for Suleiman and in a ‘I know you’re gonna be sultan later so I’m being nice to you’ way for Desmond.
But the more Desmond talk to Suleiman, the more he notices…
Suleiman sounds a lot like Malik.
And his memories of Malik make Desmond feel… a kinship with Suleiman that may or may not even be there. And Desmond is now worried.
That Suleiman would become the Lorenzo to his Giovanni and compromise them all.
(And yes, I did think of this because Suleiman and Malik have the same voice actor!)
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finch-the-foolish · 2 months
Hello, i saw your reblog of my insane post about Kristoph’s impact on Apollo and Klavier and GOD i was sweating reading your tags, it’s great to know someone understands my crazy mind 😭🙏 if you ever do finish the oneshot you mentioned, get me a link pretty please 🫶
thanks man I am feral about this fucked up little family of lawyers and mentor figures and deep trauma :D
here's my fic, currently it's a oneshot but at this rate it's very likely the writing gremlins shall shoot again-
it's Klavier centric, just post AA4, klav is uh. not doing too hot. traumadumping drunkenly to your sorta rival sorta dude with vaguely similar traumas in the office/home of a dude whose life you ruined. my boy needs some help and a hug and a considerable amount of therapy (edgeworth get over here we're playing therapy edition logic chess again to boost this poor man's spirits). very angst very big sad for our boy.
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sirensea14 · 9 months
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Cuphead in the Sanity-verse
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tomatoart · 2 years
Hi sorry if this is weird to say but i saw some of your Persona 5 art on Pinterest and i wanted to check you out bc i really really liked ur style and HOLY MOLY YOU HAVE IMPROVED. Ofc i know that it's old art and time passes and new things will look different n shit but!!! Dude!!! Your art looks fantastic!!!
NOT WEIRD AT ALLLLL HELP THIS IS SO FUNNY I LOVE U. Genuinely one of the best reactions gotten outta me like I can’t imagine going from seeing the older art to the new that fast you just like speed ran my own life LOL but srsly tysm!!! It always makes me smile so wide seeing ppl come from my persona art bcuz it is and was such an important part of my art & life yknow !!! I hope to draw more of it again!!! honorary verterans badge for liking my older stuff (blows my mind to think it’s still enjoyable dhakgswh) even if u weren’t here for when I was originally posting it cuz only real ones loved that stuff way back . This has done NUMBERZ for my brain btw
For anyone curious this is from an old comparison I did on my main last yr. HUHHH ⁉️⬇️
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bandtrees · 9 months
two conversations i want to have about "dead dove do not eat"
it's annoying how people treat it as a genre or descriptor in and of itself when it hypothetically should have no ties to "problematic" or "dark", it literally just means "what you see is what you get with these tags" - which is a concept that can encompass any kind of writing. in an ideal world dead dove is not a Type of fic, it is literally just a neutral descriptor, and i think it's very annoying how it got largely co-opted by proshippers who think it's shorthand for Dark And Twisted Porn™ and treat it as some kind of genre in and of itself
it just sounds incredibly lame. what's wrong with just saying "yeah heed the tags this is serious" instead of assuming everyone knows about a nonsense vaguely-artsy meme phrase. can we not just use our words
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aimless-passerby · 4 months
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Finally, it's not in a wip queue anymore. Related to this strange au.
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sassyfever · 5 months
I'm glad to see that the general consensus of the fandom now is that thw sucks. Because back in 2019 everyone fucking loved it and I was left feeling like the only one who thought it was the worst movie I've ever seen.
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tarnishedxknight · 4 months
{out of dalmasca} Okay so I'm going to a gem, mineral, and fossil show Weds and Thurs (so excited, I love this thing, I go every year if I'm able), so I can't stay up too late tonight. BUT... I'm busting with muse for this blog, so I'm gonna do a few random things in the next hour or so before I have to go to bed. =)
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moltengoldveins · 6 months
That TCU post…that is truly one of, if not the greatest thing I’ve ever seen come out of this fandom. I tried my own hand a while back at writing “the dsmp but taken seriously”; gave it a name and a playlist but didn’t really write much before I went back to my other projects. If you ever have the motivation to do more with that outline I’d be honored to be a co-writer or help out in any way, or if you want you could just use my title as a name for the series: A Ballad of Broken Dreams.
holy crap op this is so sweet. Thank you so much. I’m… wow ok. That. Wow. Thank you. That’s legitimately so kind and I’m so glad you enjoyed it XD. Id also Love to see your playlist and your thoughts behind the songs if you’re down?! That sounds awesome :D
funnily enough, I’ve had a drafted outline for this heccin thing running around in my head since the Butcher Army arc. Right around when SAD-ist dropped her animatic, I simultaneously realized ‘oh wow, I Adore this concept’ and ‘oh wow, I Highly doubt the CCs are gonna manage to do this the way I’d want to see it’ and lo and behold: I was correct. So painfully correct. (There were also People Involved whom I had Really Bad Feelings About from very early on that, sure enough, turned out to be exactly what i thought they were, rip) So the Emduo prequels, Icarus heccin Dying, and the end of Axe of Peace have been around for Ages.
I’d honestly love to do more with this concept, (i am designing movie posters as we speak) but due to Chronic Illness Pog I’m in a rather unstable financial situation? And don’t have a ton of free time for art. Any big projects are gonna take a While, or id need to find a way to use it or something adjacent to fund, y’know, Rent. That being said, I’m definitely writing the emduo prequels, both as movie scripts and as novels, as those are the films focused on, yknow, My Bois. I also think it’d be hilarious to release the novels and then the scripts and watch people Loose Their Minds over the ‘inaccurate adaptation >>:(‘
I’d absolutely love to work with other people in the fandom on this stuff, though I’ve never been the best at directly co-writing (my writing method and style is painfully specific (ie needlessly poetic) and I’m very autistic: I don’t like it when people touch that Specific Thing) but literally anything else? Im open ears. I love collabs.
and finally, I adore your name for the series, (excellent word choice there /srs, it fits perfectly with the symbolism of the whole story) and I think it works really Really well for the actual DSMP, but if I’m entirely honest… I’m not sure it fits the TCU? Like genuinely I’m so grateful for the suggestion, I love when people offer ideas and bounce things around like that. But one of the main things I tried to do with this concept was work out how the story could actually end Well. A deep-seated belief in the good-but-fallen nature of man, the importance of hope, and the inevitability of redemption kinda comes part and parcel with the whole Being-A-Christian Thing (if it doesn’t, you’re missing the Whole Point Of The Bible) and while the actual DSMP may have ended in broken dreams… this doesn’t. That was my first thought when writing that outline: This Is Going To End Well. Not for wish-fulfillment reasons, not because I’m naive or I don’t like bad endings, but because fundamentally, everything sad is a lie, and if the story has ended in tragedy, it hasn’t ended yet.
If I had to pick a series name now, I’m not sure what I’d pick. A part of me balks at referencing anything popularized by Our Local Redacted, but ‘unfinished symphony’ wasn’t his in the first place, it was from Hamilton. “The Finished Symphony” has a cool ring to it? I dunno. If anyone else has ideas please feel free to toss them in here aight, I’m not settling on anything for a While.
Anyways, thanks for Ted talking with me, drink water 💜
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seven-thewanderer · 3 months
…so it might be obvious how I quickly forgot…
so this character took a while to make, as their model is not original (who would’ve thunk) to SAMS (who would’ve thunk) and was a model taken from something else (not gonna say it a third time you can guess)
So I did a bunch of research on the think they were based on, to try and make a completely different appearance for them
Now who is this character in question..?
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Since their VR model is just Deadline Simon from Popgoes Pizzarea (fun fact for those who didn’t know that), and it honestly infuriates me that I can’t look at that model in a different context without thinking “oh Dazzle!!” like INGPEKB OEKIJEOLWLMDKHVNRPLLMWINJD
(This same response has happened when I saw someone make a CANON FNAF AU WITH JACK ‘O MOON and I INSTANTLY pictured Jack from SAMS and got angry at myself)
But I tried to design her more as if she was a scrapped animatronic concept… and how else do I do that if I didn’t also design how she looked fully made
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Boom. it’s a doodle still but it’s good enough
I made it that she had those big ol’ hands to store CDs in, since she was supposed to be the dj and all that
I also decided she’d have headphones which were not functional at all, and were just for decorational purposes
But her eyes are completely screen, that’s why her endoskeleton form has that screen section as the whole upper face
Also - while this can’t really be canon cus Jack can’t exist logically in this AU - I did come up with a funny thing since the speakers are located at their ears, that his audio might be either in his stomach area or in the mouth (mouth was probably better out of the two I thought), cus I pictured Jack trying to whisper something to them, but she couldn’t hear him cus he was whispering into their speakers, which is also where their voice comes from, and then the other walk in just seeing Jack actively whispering into Dazzle’s mouth, and they’re all just completely confused
…it was funny in my head and now I feel it’s just confusing typing it out
But yea um CDs stored in hands, decorative headphones, speakers in ears, auditoral thingy in mouth
In short Fazbear screwed up the anatomy and endoskeleton so much that they scrapped it
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