#take me back in tiiiiime
savingpltravers · 2 years
randomly started watching clips of emma at the 2014 awards season and my god it was the best time guys… absolute peak emma era for me !! I miss it so much it hurts!!!!
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littlecello · 10 months
Can you tell us about what happened in the script for the Lazarus table read please?? For those of us who couldn’t make it
Hello lovely anon! That was always my plan, and I have just done so :3 You can find it by clicking right here.
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kirbyddd · 7 months
woke up felt decent for the first time in who knows how long, spent one productive hour, crashed unbelievably hard, went back to bed, woke up nearly 12 hours later feeling so sick and awful, ate dinner felt even worse, then spent 9 hours sitting in place in a deeply ill stupor, finally got up but i still feel soooo awful
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iveseenstrangerthings · 4 months
you’re not sleeping on the floor - steve harrington imagine
summary: reader spends the night at Nancy’s after a party and gets an uexpected guest at bedtime... no warnings as such in this one :)
word count: 2.3k
notes: yikes it’s been a while, this has been in my drafts for TIIIIIME. Anyway, enjoy :) here’s the link to my masterlist if you’re interested !
“You take the spare room, (y/n).” Nancy chirps in her deliriously drunken state as she flings open the Wheeler’s spare room. You’re met with a double bed, neatly made with plush pillows and a crochet throw to decorate. It looks sweet, and happily undisturbed, unlike the rest of the house following the party, which you’ve already promised to help clear away in the morning. 
Nancy swiftly places a small kiss on your cheek before turning on her heels, “Sleep well, no snoring, I’m only down the hall!” With a roll of your eyes, you saunter down the hall to the bathroom where you flick the light on and close the door softly. 
In the bathroom, you place your overnight bag on the counter and fish around for your toothbrush. Upon finding it, with a yawn, you twist the lid from your toothpaste and place a sloppy dot of mint infused gel to the head and start to brush. As you’re brushing, you tune into the sounds of people calming down for the night in the rest of the house. Doors closing, slow footsteps tracing back and forth in the hall and up and down the stairs, hushed voices and drunken giggles permeate the house and you smile. Still, you’re left wondering about someone in particular. Someone who seemed to disappear part way through the night, much to your sheer disappointment. You’re pondering where Steve went. He was supposed to be staying too, but you did see him chatting to Paige, so you figure he’s left with her. Before the thought could get too overwhelming and add a downer to your otherwise fun evening, you spit into the sink and get yourself ready for bed. 
After you change into your pyjamas, you unlock the bathroom door and head back across to the spare room, closing the door softly behind you. The sheets are cool against your warmed skin as you pull them back and get comfortable before knocking the light off and shuffling further down into the bed. Within minutes, you feel yourself on the edge of a sound slumber, slowly drifting into a dreamlike state as your head swims as the effects of the alcohol wear off. You’re unaware of how much time has passed before you’re abruptly snapped back into consciousness. The bed dips and you hear a heavy sigh from next to you, someone’s made their way in here... As soon as your brain registers this, you quickly gasp loudly and shoot up, sitting bolt upright searching around for the lamp on the bedside table. As your fingers fumble around under the lampshade for the small switch, you feel the weight shuffle around again, paired with the ruffle of the duvet as it’s thrown back, as the person stands up from the bed. 
The room is bathed in light as your eyes squint at the sudden brightness, a harsh contrast from the darkness that previously cloaked the room. You turn to the side of the bed and then your eyes meet the figure stood next to it, a palm covering their eyes from the sudden brightness.
“Steve?! What the hell are you doing?! You almost gave me a heart attack.” You harshly whisper at him as he stands squinting back at you.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” He whispers back, “I didn’t realise anyone was in here. All the couches are taken, and I didn’t know where else to go.” His hand rakes through his hair as he shifts from foot to foot. 
An irritable huff escapes your lips, “I thought you left with Paige?” Your intonation pitches to make it sound like a question, and Steve’s features soften. 
With a shake of his head, he runs his fingers over his mouth, “God no.” He’s still whispering, “I thought you left too, I was trying to find you.” 
He was? He was... hm. Interesting. “Well you’ve found me, and woken me up.” You laugh slightly at the harsh whispers the pair of you are passing back and forth. Slyly, you catch Steve’s eyes wander down your front at your pyjama top before back up to meet your eyes and you could swear there’s a tinge of pink decorating his cheeks. 
“I’m just gonna...” He starts, taking the two unused pillows from the bed and placing them on the floor, starting to lie down. 
“Wait Steve,” you start, realising he’s willing to sleep on the floor. Although the pair of you have been friends for a while and have on nights like this shared some drunken feelings with one another, it’s a thing that just keeps getting passed over as time goes on. But now, knowing he’s going to sleep on the floor, you feel a rush of warmth and confidence fill you. “You can’t sleep on the floor.” You state simply. 
His head pops up over the side of the bed as you pull the comforter closer to you. “Why not? You’ll want that nice big bed to yourself. I’ll be fine here.” He shrugs.
You answer by simply pulling the comforter back on the other side of the bed. “Come on, get in so I can turn the damn light off and go back to sleep.” 
“You sure you’re okay with sharing a bed?” 
“Yes!” Your harsh whispers return as your tired impatience builds and he quickly stands up, places the pillows back and stands still, as if someone has an invisible iron grip on him. “Steve, c’mon.” You tut as he maintains eye contact and you watch as his chest rises and falls quickly. “I get you’re being respectful, but you don’t need to do that,” you say as you turn back to the light and knock the switch off before sliding back down in the bed and getting comfortable. You hear him drop his jacket onto the floor and slide out of his jeans before pulling back the comforter and letting himself sink down into the mattress. 
The pair of you lie in silence for a few minutes, and judging by Steve’s now steady breathing, you’re assuming he’s fallen asleep. But for you, the opposite. The feeling of impending sleep that was flooding your body moments ago has gone and you feel hypersensitive to every noise that your ears register. With a small huff, you turn over onto your back and cross your arms over your chest atop the covers. 
“You good?” His voice startles you through the dark and you turn your head slightly, trying to make out his position in the bed next to you. 
“Can’t sleep.” Your voice comes out tired and impatient, you’re already recognising how tired and cranky you’ll be tomorrow because of your lack of sleep. 
Before too long, you feel the bed shift again and Steve’s weight comes slightly closer as you still lie on your back. “Did you have a good night?” His voice remains calm and quiet.
You nod at him through the dark, but then realise he won’t really be able to see your reply. “Yeah, I did. It was fun.” Your head is still turned to face Steve and your eyes are gradually getting used to the dark and his shape is becoming clearer, and it is much closer than before. “Did you?” 
He takes in a deep breath before exhaling, “Sort of.” His apparent drunkenness he entered the room with seems to have settled.
“Sort of?” You question before turning onto your side to face him, the arm you’re lying on bends upwards to come under your pillow, a position you’ve always found comfortable since being younger. 
“Yeah, I guess. Don’t get me wrong I did have a good time. I just wish I’d spent a bit more time with someone.” 
In the darkness, your eyebrows furrow, “Really? Who was it?” You are completely ignorant to his hints, and he loves that about you.
“She just looked amazing.” He starts and your stomach drops a little, disappointed that he’s going to spend the time now describing someone else to you. “I kept looking over at her laughing and joking around with her friends.” He stops and takes a deep inhale; your body feels heavy at the thought of him admiring someone from afar. He continues, “She had a beautiful, like orange satin-y dress on,” suddenly your breath hitches and your mouth feels dry. You think of your overnight bag, at the bottom of the bed, with that very dress folded up in. “There’d be times where we’d make eye contact, you know, and I’d just totally freeze and feel like an asshole.” You swallow quietly, trying so hard to make your mouth feel like anything but sandpaper. “Seeing her tonight made me realise that I’ve been wasting my time getting to know the wrong people. When really, she’s been right in front of me all along.” You daren’t breathe in case you miss what he’s saying, you almost can’t believe it. In your mind, doubts unfurl like mist curling along the edge of a lake, but all you can do is listen for more. “I think I’ve always just been scared that she doesn’t feel the same, you know?”  
Silence. Nobody says anything else, and he’s so worried that he’s just fucked it up. Surely you’ve realised he’s speaking about you, or so he hopes you’ve realised. “...Steve,” you start, surely this is all too good to be true? “She does.” 
“Hm?” He replies quicker than you expected.
You clear your throat as a signal of finality almost, “She does feel the same, idiot.” A giggle punctuates the end of your sentence like a period and your cheeks flush. 
In the darkness, his figure is still indistinguishable, but the bed shifts to let you know he’s moving closer. Only a slight outline is visible and your heart picks up speed dramatically, throbbing in your chest. Gently, you lift your hand up and bump into Steve’s arm, making you realise he’s much closer than you thought. With a deep breath, you slowly move your hand up his arm, tracing your fingernails lightly over his bare arm before you reach the end of his t-shirt sleeve. At his shoulder, you move your hand along, gliding across his collarbone that peeks out from the neck of his shirt before you finally place your fingers at the base of his neck. Ever so slightly, you can feel the slight of his pulse beating underneath the tips of your fingers as they gently rest on his neck. With one final, wilful urge, your hand moves up to rest on his cheek, your thumb swiping across it, hoping that you’re not about to poke him in the eye. Your own skin is now covered with goosebumps that have risen in anticipation of the proximity you both now share. Whilst your hand made your way to its current position, you felt yourself shift even closer to him. Underneath the cover, his hand confidently finds your waist and he tightens his grip, pulling you close to finally close the gap between you both. His hand glides down to the side of your thigh where he pulls your leg up to rest over his hip, once it’s resting comfortably, he traces his hand over places he could only have ever dreamed of touching. Your heart now hammers wildly in your chest and your skin feels like it’s on fire from his touch. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, his breath lightly fanning over your lips, again reminding you just how close you both are.
Your fingers trail down to the collar of his shirt where you give it a soft pull, inching him agonisingly closer. “You can’t even see me.” Teasingly, you brush your lips against his and you feel his grip tighten on your hips, he hadn’t expected you to feel the same, but he is absolutely not complaining. 
“I don’t need to see you to know.” And before you know it, his hand leaves your hips and comes up to hold your jaw, his thumb placing itself right underneath your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before you feel his lips on yours. You both lose yourselves within each other as he kisses you slowly, meaningfully, like months of pent-up emotions are seeping through his kiss and you feel as if you’re melting into him, his grip staying strong on your jaw. 
In synchronisation, your lips move together effortlessly, and you feel at ease together, like it’s the most natural thing to have happened between the pair of you. After what felt like an eternity, but was no longer than half a minute, you slowly pull away from one another. His thumb grazes over your chin and you tip your chin into his hand, enjoying the feeling of support that he’s offering you. 
“Wear that dress again for me sometime, hm?” His voice is low, raspy with the fog of worn off alcohol and lust. 
That one sentence, those eight simple words, send your heart into eruptions of excitement and thank God it’s dark because your cheeks tinge the colour of fresh beets. The whirlwind of feelings leaves you unable to communicate with efficiency, so you place another small kiss upon his lips with a brief nod, one you’re sure he will feel due to the proximity of you both. A roar fills your ears as your cheeks tighten with a smile and you shift down, moulding to the shape of his body as you tuck your head into the crevice between his neck and shoulder. If anyone were to walk in, it would look as if you were both used to doing this, they would think it was the most natural thing in the world. Happily, the thought brings you a sense of pride and calm that you hadn’t experienced for so long.  
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all im saying is ✨Logan with a knot✨ and Wade overstimulating you bc you cant get away -🦐
shrimp anon more like shrimp COLORS bro your vision is INSANE!!!!!!
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soooo idk conventional a/b/o rules and i kinda don't care so im picturing a heat cycle as once a month endeavour. and bc you're on T you're a HORNY motherfucker and you're angry and violent so it's basically whoever can get their hands on you or knot in you first will take care of you. then as long as you get bred at least once you're fine. then you calm down and it's big aftercare hours bc your post-heat clarity endorphins are going CRAZY
now since your heat only comes once a month, wade treats it as a special occasion. and it wouldn't be fair of him to do the honors EVERY month, now would it?
so even though he's home with you, and logan's not, and won't be for a while, wade wilson will refuse to fuck you. it's not his turn. he did it last month.
and your heat is MISERABLE. imagine the worst period cramp you ever had, combined with hot flashes, searing rage, and it gives your cunt the sensitivity of a fucking bear trap. you'll clamp down on anything that touches you.
so no matter how much you suffer. no matter if you scream, cry, beg, grovel, bite, or commit acts of gratuitous violence against him.
he will hold out.
he will hold out until logan gets home and finds you naked, cuffed to the bed by your hands and ankles, a chewy ball-gag in your mouth getting crushed by your gritting teeth, and wade's holding a wand vibrator to your cunt.
he waves gayly at logan, "hey pinkie pie, merry christmas! wanna come open your gift?"
"jesus christ, are you fucking torturing him?! the hell is wrong with you?!"
"with ME?! where's your holiday spirit?"
logan just stares at him blankly, puzzled by what this psychotic dipshit could possibly be talking about. in response, and in the spirit of the season, wade sings him a song.
"🎼it's the mooost wonderful tiiiiime, of the mooonth~!🎵"
now he gets it.
"oh... okay. so then why did you tie him down like that?"
"well, we had a little INCIDENT earlier..."
you had managed to grab one of wade's guns and shot him in the chest
"OW!!! you RESOURCEFUL little shit!!! GRRR, oh~ mysweetboybabydarling i'msoproudofyou, butnoi'mnot, BAD BOY!!!"
"no, i mean why didn't you take care of him your-fucking-self, wilson? you really gotta make this my problem as soon as i walk in the fuckin' door?"
"your PROBLEM?! i hand you some prime-time, limited-edition, hot and bothered, ripe for the breeding, tranny boy BUSSY on a silver platter, and that's somehow NOT where your dick wants to spend its evening? am i hearing that right? please tell me i'm not. please tell me you're not this stupid, pookie bear."
instead of arguing back, logan goes quiet. he's thinking. and then, he laughs. that low, husky laugh that you have when you're marveling at the nerve of whatever dumb motherfucker is talking to you. or maybe, when that dumb motherfucker is making a point.
"heh... y'know what? fine." logan angrily strips his clothes off, one by one. his tanktop, "you want me to be the one to knot him? huh?" his belt, his jeans "can't do anything yourself, can ya?" and lastly, his boxers. then he grabs his cock and shakes it at wade.
"so then get me hard, you faggot." he clicks his tongue twice. "c'mon."
wade throws himself at logan's knees and gives him that gawkgawk4000turbotyphoon treatment to get him up. logan sighs in relaxation, grateful that wade was putting his mouth to such better use. once his eyes flutter open, he nods at you, finally giving you even a modicum of attention while you're under intense distress, and he merely waves at you nonchalantly, like how a pedestrian does to a car that lets him cross.
"hang tight, bub. be with ya in a second."
wade works him over until his knot is just barely starting to swell. he then takes his fattened cock and slaps wade across the face with it.
"take his chains off."
"hm... are you sure you want me to do that, princess? he's feisty, y'know. might get yourself bit, if you're not careful."
logan slaps wade again, but this time it's a bitchslap, using the back of his hand. and his claws.
"take. his fucking. chains off."
"mmm, right AWAY, your majesty~!"
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lexithwrites · 2 months
not to sound like a slut but i need more moonwater fucking, thoughts?
ABSOLUTELY we're all sluts here
NSFW below the cut obvs
reg and remus aren't the most sexual couple to me, i feel like they don't always need to be together to have pleasure (we stan self pleasure here) but when they fuck they take their tiiiiime
remus is a giver and reg is a receiver (not in every aspect) especially during oral, reg will just pull remus back if he's sitting on the bed to sit on his face, or he'll open his legs and he hasnt got underwear on and remus just crawls to him AH
and remus gets subby when he gets head bro that boy is whining
reg is an edge king, he'll tease remus for days
i feel like regulus also sometimes wears lingerie but not every time, he can get dysphoric about it, but when he does he wears royal blue, dark green and black because its remus' favourite
regulus has 100% pegged remus before
the only time remus gets into 'dom' mode is if he's jealous, if a guy starts flirting with reg he'll glare and huff and eventually pull reg away to make out with him in a corner and tell him that he's his and no one else can have him and regulus eats that shit up he loves this side of remus because its very rare
they also do cockwarming pretty often i feel like thats one of reg's biggest kinks, he doesn't like moving all the time so he just sits there and gently rocks his hips, or remus does, or they just take a nap with remus inside him
remus is a big breeding kink guy too, ive talked about this before and will again, but he loves cumming inside reg
reg lowkey hates the clean up tho its gross
they've only gotten frisky in the shower one and remus almost broke his arm lmao
regulus once sent a video of him bouncing on a dildo when remus was at work and remus faked being sick to drive home not even 15 minutes later
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gravehags · 2 months
enter lydia
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: meet the best friend, reader being goofy as fuck, copia being incredibly anxious, real friendship talk, dinner parties, terzo being clueless
Words: 4,829
Summary: Your oldest, dearest friend and the love of your life. What could possibly go wrong?
a/n: reader backstory tiiiiime, copia's really in for it lol
“Hey hon?” you ask, poking at your boxed salad with your fork.
“Mmhmm?” Copia responds, currently distracted by trying to recover his pen which has fallen and rolled under the desk. You hear a telltale thump and him cursing softly, and when he emerges, his biretta sits charmingly crooked on his mussed hair. Briefly you forget what you were even going to ask him as he looks at you with a soft smile before getting off his knees and plopping back down in his seat.
“Oh!” you say, it coming back to you, “I wanted to ask you…can I have like…a guest here? Like a visitor?”
Copia blinks at you.
“Visitor?” he asks, baffled, “Amore, you are not a prisoner! Of course you can have someone come see you? Eh, who did you have in mind?”
Part of you wants to casually say “my parents” just to watch the color drain from his face as he stammers but you spare your love the agony.
“My best friend,” you say, halfway through a bite of lettuce, “Lydia? I’m sure I’ve mentioned her before. She’s um, going to be in the area for a work conference and wanted to spend a few days with me. I just didn’t know what the protocol was for that. I mean, Sister Imperator isn’t going to shit her pants is she?”
“Ah,” he waves his hand dismissively, “siblings’ families visit them all the time, why should you be any different? And we have nothing to hide. We would welcome her with open arms.”
Your shoulders sag in relief.
“Okay good, because she’s coming next week and I’m going to be honest with you, asking for permission was kind of a formality. I was going to do it either way.”
Copia laughs.
“Taking the ‘better to ask for forgiveness’ route, huh? I admire that. I suppose we won’t sacrifice her in some arcane ritual now.”
It’s your turn to laugh.
“Uh, I don’t know that you could handle that. She’s a fighter, through and through. She’d definitely kick your ass.”
He frowns and presses a gloved hand to his chest.
“Cara, you wound me. Are you implying that I could not defend your honor?”
“Cope, I saw Secondo grab your hands and slap you while saying ‘stop hitting yourself’ for ten minutes after you pissed him off at the last Uno night. Respectfully, you are a lover, not a fighter.”
“Oh, but what a lover I am, eh? Everyone else on your floor probably heard what I did to you last night hehe–”
“Copia,” you say, blushing as you stab a garbanzo bean, “you’re starting to sound like Terzo.”
He actually gasps at that.
“Fuck the thing about fighting, now you’ve really offended me, dolcezza,” he says gruffly, returning to his own lunch, “but please tell your friend she is welcome here. Any friend of my amore’s is a friend of mine.”
You smile tightly.
“I sure hope so,” you say under your breath.
Copia’s nervous.
He hasn’t been this nervous in a long time - probably since before the two of you started dating - and he can feel the sweat accumulate on his palms underneath the leather of his gloves. He looks over to you, excitedly bouncing on the balls of your feet. When you look at him, you give him a wide smile.
“Are you nervous?” you ask, reaching a hand out to cup his elbow. A rivulet of sweat rolls down his back under his cassock. He smiles. Nervously.
“No, no, of course not. You don’t look excited at all, though.”
You giggle.
“I haven’t seen her since I went back home for Christmas! And so much has changed since then. That was right before we got together. I’ve told her all about you, by the way.”
He chuckles weakly but in your giddiness you don’t notice his discomfort. A car pulls into the long driveway and his heart plunges into his stomach. You’re practically vibrating at this point watching the car come closer and closer until it’s pulling in front of the steps the two of you are standing on. You don’t wait for her to get out of the car, instead flying down the stairs to meet her at the door. When she opens it you let out a high-pitched shriek.
“Hold on, let me get out of the damn car,” he hears a deep, amused, female voice speak. The woman that emerges is…not what he pictured. She’s tall - taller than him (though Secondo would say that’s no feat), broad shouldered, and muscular. Her dark curly hair streaked with bright red is piled on top of her head in a bun and before he can make any other observations, you throw yourself into her arms.
“Hey, babygirl,” she laughs, pulling you in for a tight hug and kissing you on top of your head, “I missed you.”
“Missed you more!” he hears you wail as the two of you rock back and forth in your embrace. He fiddles with his cuffs, unsure of whether he should introduce himself now or–
“You must be him,” she says, her tone shifting entirely. Copia blanches.
“Yes! This is–c’mere,” you say, gesturing to him to come down to where the two of you stand, “this is Cardinal Copia. Copia, this is Lydia Morales, my angel and dearest friend.”
He bows slightly.
“It’s eh, a pleasure to meet you, signorina,” he says, reaching out his hand. Lydia looks down at it and takes it in her own. Giving him a tight smirk, she squeezes in a hard enough handshake that he lets out an undignified squeak similar to one of his rats.
“Pleasure’s all mine…Cardinal.” The slight sneer in her voice when she addresses him immediately lets him know that this is going to be a long three days. When she mercifully releases his hand he flexes his fingers in an attempt to get feeling back in them. Lydia’s shrewd, dark eyes stare him down, sweeping over his appearance.
“Um,” you say, clearly thrown by the tension between your lover and your friend, “L-let me help you with your bag, Lyd. There’s a guest room for you all ready.”
“No need,” Lydia says, walking over to the trunk and smacking it firmly. The ghoul, still in the driver seat, pops it and she hauls an overstuffed carry-on out as if it’s made of air. 
“Oh, making me swoon,” you say with a smile, nudging her arm.
“I live to please, doll,” Lydia smirks as the three of you head up the steps, “this is quite a place.”
“Isn’t it?” you open the heavy front door and usher everyone inside, “Lydia you will not believe the architecture and the art here, it’s Heaven!”
“Wouldn’t ‘Hell’ be more appropriate,” she says dryly, her eyes briefly flicking over to him. She brings her hand to her neck and fishes out a small, gold cross on a delicate chain from under her t-shirt. For the second time that day, Copia’s heart plummets.
“Haha, very amusing,” you turn to him, “My love, you don’t have to stick around if you don’t want to. You’re more than welcome to of course but I’m just going to get her settled.”
You must have finally picked up on his discomfort and he would kiss you right now if he didn’t think that Lydia would clock him in the face.
“Eh, I do have some things to attend to,” he stops, bowing slightly again to Lydia, “Forgive me, signorina. You will join us tonight for dinner, I hope?”
“Oh fuck,” you murmur, “I completely forgot - Copia’s brothers are hosting a little al fresco get together. You interested?”
Lydia nods slowly, smiling.
“‘Course I’m interested. I’d like to meet this chef you told me about - is he one of your, uh, brothers, Cardinal?”
“Sì, that is my brother Secondo. Are there any restrictions to your diet I should tell him about?”
“Not at all, I’ll eat anything that moves unlike this one over here,” she gestures with her thumb in your direction and you roll your eyes.
“I’m sure Secondo will be pleased to have a less picky eater join his gathering,” you comment then turn to him, “Alright then see you later?”
He nods, and when you approach to kiss to his cheek he does not miss the way Lydia’s eyes narrow.
“Eh, see you later. Ciao.”
He doesn’t breathe again until the two of you are down the hallway and round the corner out of sight.
“What do you think of your digs? Pretty nice, right?”
You plop down on the gilded loveseat in the little living room adjacent to the small bedroom where Lydia is currently unpacking.
“Real nice. This whole place is nice. Makes you wonder where they got the money.”
Your lips twitch downwards.
“It’s an old institution - as old as the Catholic church. You don’t ask them where they got their money.”
“Fair enough,” Lydia concedes, standing in the doorway folding a shirt. Her lips are held in a tight line and you know she’s holding back from saying what she really thinks.
“Tell me,” you say, leaning forward to rest your forearms on your thighs, “and don’t think I didn’t notice how fucking weird you were with Copia earlier, either.”
Lydia sighs and looks at you.
“Can I be honest?”
“Why are you even asking when you know you’re going to be anyway? Like I said, tell me.”
“He’s too old,” she says bluntly, and you recoil, “and he’s your coworker which is a whole other rat’s nest. This place is way freaky - I mean, a Satanic church? Girlie, I know you’re not picky about religions but–”
“And neither are you, so why is it a problem all of a sudden now that I’m involved with a member of one in opposition from your religion?”
Lydia sighs and rubs her eye.
“Because you’re my best friend? My best friend who calls me up one day and says ‘I’m in love with a Satanic cardinal who is old enough to be my father’ while being sequestered away from her family and friends for almost a year? Babe, tell me you wouldn’t be concerned if I had done the same. I love you and I love that you’re happy but I’m worried. Your parents are too, honestly.”
“You…you’ve spoken to my parents about this?”
“Of course I have. We didn’t see you for months before last Christmas and yeah, we’ve talked but I don’t know. Please tell me you understand why we’re concerned.”
“I’m in my fucking thirties, I’m not a child, Lydia–”
“Look me in the eyes and say you wouldn’t be worried if it was me.”
A beat passes. You chew on your bottom lip.
“Exactly,” Lydia says, sighing and walking over to sit down next to you, “Listen, I didn’t come here to be a buzzkill for three days, I came here to spend time with you. And you know I gotta scope this Cardinal Copia guy out for myself, huh? Make sure he’s worthy of an angel like you. Typical best friend shit, you know?” she nudges you with her body before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You want to be mad but all in all…she’s right and you know it. Exhaling through your nose you lean into her while she toys with your hair.
“Please keep an open mind?” you ask quietly, “I know they’re spooky, scary Satanists and everything but…they’ve taken care of me all this time. Without Copia, I’m…” you sniffle, tears welling in your eyes, “I’m not even sure I’d be alive right now. You two are everything to me. Both of you.”
“Alright,” Lydia says softly, kissing you on top of your head, “whatever my girl wants. I promise I won’t grill him too hard.”
“Thank you,” you say, “you’re more than welcome to…I don’t know, suss out his intentions or whatever but remember that I love him. So don’t do that weird thing where you offer to crack people’s backs by picking them up around him or anything, okay? He’s already petrified of you.”
Lydia laughs and shoves you away.
“Hey fuck you, that’s my go-to party trick. Ladies love it.”
You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you done unpacking? I want to show this place off to you before we head to this dinner thing.”
“Let me freshen up and change clothes and I’m all yours.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear.”
“So, Terzo is the oldest one.”
“No, Primo is the oldest one. Secondo is uh…second, then Terzo, then Copia.”
“Shit, sorry. And they’re all Satanic popes?”
“Terzo is the current one, Primo and Secondo are…retired. And Copia’s a cardinal, you know that.”
“Right, right. Sounds like a lot of fucking dudes, just like the Catholic side. Where are the women at?”
“They’re around, trust me. Not sure if Sister Imperator is going to be in attendance tonight but she’s pretty high up there, I think. There’s a few female cardinals too but I haven’t really gotten the chance to know them outside of passing them in the hall. And then there’s the sisters too, I– Lydia, don’t.”
“What?” Lydia asks with a sly grin, waggling her eyebrows, “Sisters huh? You know I always had a thing for–”
“And you talk about me having a weird priest fetish?” you whisper, holding back a laugh, “Down, girl.”
As if on cue, two sisters - one wearing a tight miniskirt as a habit and the other in a long dress with a very high slit up the side - come out of one of the seminar classrooms. They smile politely at you but when they catch sight of Lydia, their jaws drop.
“Afternoon, ladies,” Lydia purrs with a smile. You make a gagging motion behind the sisters’ backs as they giggle and walk away, occasionally glancing over their shoulders. Lydia licks her lips.
“Not you going full ‘hey mamas’ lesbian,” you wheeze, “I’m having war flashbacks from college.”
“What? We had fun!"
“No,” you laugh, “you had fun. You got laid. I sat at the bar and got mistaken for someone’s mom. More than once.”
“Didn’t help that you used to dress like a senator when we went to the club,” Lydia says with a smile, causing you to whip around and point at her accusingly.
“First of all, business casual was the club look back then and you know that, and second of all, fuck you very much.”
Grinning, Lydia wraps an arm around your shoulders and deposits a wet kiss at your temple.
“You haven’t changed a bit,” she says as you march down the hall side by side, “Should I tell Copia about that time we made out senior year or…”
Your face goes ghostly white.
“Lydia Rosa Morales that was one time and I had a lot of vodka and-and you said—“
“Oh I know what I said,” Lydia agrees, “but what if I changed my mind, hmm? What if I want you all to myself?”
“Lydia do not even go there I—“
“Christ, please unclench I’m just fucking with you. Been a while since you got a taste of your own medicine, huh?”
“God, now I’m really gonna let them sacrifice you tonight. See you in hell, you stupid fruit or whatever that meme was.”
“Wow, lesbophobia from my own best friend…”
“You remember I’m gay too, right?”
“Yeah but–oh. Hello.”
You’re jarred by how polite Lydia sounds all of a sudden until you turn around and are met with Sister Imperator standing there smiling and looking deeply unsettling.
“Sister!” you say, trying to recover yourself, “This is my dearest and oldest friend, Lydia. Lydia, this is Sister Imperator my uh…boss. Lydia is visiting with us–with me– for the next few days.”
“How lovely,” she says as she reaches out to take Lydia’s hand, her gaze directed towards the cross Lydia always wears, “Catholic?” 
“Uh, yeah. I mean, I went through the whole thing y’know - baptism, confirmation - I just don’t really attend now unless my parents drag me. Mostly just like the art and the vibes.”
A silence falls between the three of you and you can tell by the way Lydia fidgets with her watch she is extremely uncomfortable. As are you. Where you’re slightly more accustomed to Imperator’s off-putting presence, Lydia is left uncharacteristically meek and quiet. It’s not a look you enjoy seeing on her.
“Well, just giving Lydia a tour so I guess we’ll be on our way,” you say with a nervous smile, taking your friend’s hand and gently tugging her away.
“Give my regards to the Cardinal, dear,” Imperator says, folding her hands in front of her and giving you a pointed look. The two of you haven’t had any real conversations beyond terse staff meeting discussions since the incident in her office and you swallow thickly before nodding. You don’t breathe again until she turns and clacks away on her stilettos.
“Bro, what the fuck,” Lydia breathes, squeezing your hand, “that’s your boss?”
“Uh-huh,” you say as the two of you slowly begin to walk down the hall again, “she’s…a lot. Listen, you can’t let anyone know that you know this or that I told you but…that’s Copia’s mom.”
“Yeah it’s…a whole situation. I’ll explain it someday when you and Copia actually like each other.”
“You’ve officially given me a reason to get along with him tonight. I want the tea.”
You withdraw your hand and smack her arm with it.
“Because being the person I love wasn’t enough of a reason? Dickhead.”
Copia’s nervous. Again.
He had to slip up to his rooms to change cassocks after he left the office from how disgustingly damp it was and now he stands in the gardens watching ghouls set up a dining table.
“Are you going to help, or just stand there fretting?”
Terzo, doling out plates onto the rustic table, is looking over at him with an uncharacteristically furrowed brow.
“Ah, yes, mi dispiace. I was preoccupied.”
“Uh-huh,” he says, watching Copia reach the table and begin folding napkins while dodging eye contact. “You’re worried her friend doesn’t like you.”
Copia scoffs.
“Oh, I know her friend doesn’t like me. That’s not the issue. The issue is how do I change that.”
Terzo pulls back and thoughtfully rests his weight on his hip.
“I could charm her for you - you know how irresistible the ladies find me.”
Copia coughs, loud and sharp.
“Eh, I don’t think that’s going to work.”
Terzo looks offended and crosses his arms.
“And whyever not? You doubt my ability to sweep people off their feet?”
“That’s not what I’m saying, what I’m saying is–”
“You two!” The two younger siblings jolt to attention as Primo approaches bearing a vase filled with a variety of flowers, “Go help Secondo in the kitchen, he glamored the ghouls but now they can’t remember how to serve hors d'oeuvres and keep gobbling down all the prosciutto.”
Copia heaves a sigh.
“If Secondo can’t fix the problem, I don’t know how much help we’ll be but if you insist. Come on, fratello.”
“Hey, you look great!”
You gesture to Lydia in her linen pantsuit and she grins charmingly, pointing at you in return.
“Not looking so bad yourself, babygirl.” She reaches down to graze the fabric of your yellow floral sundress before taking a finger and tapping the delicate gold grucifix that rests on your neck.
“Huh. He give this to you?”
“Yeah. The night we first kissed. He wanted to welcome me into the family.”
Lydia says nothing, but the face she makes shows her equal parts impressed and wary. You loop your arm through hers.
“C’mon, gardens are this way. They’re beautiful, I think Copia said they were setting the table up near the orchards.”
The walk through the abbey and past the greenhouses is quiet, both of you more than happy to enjoy the comfortable silence afforded to you by years of friendship. When you approach the grassy area next to a row of citrus trees, you gasp. 
“This is gorgeous!” you gush, and the tall, lanky figure of Primo turns to face you with a smile.
“Buonasera, fiore mio. And you must be Signorina Morales?”
“I am yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you uh…Papa.”
“Primo,” he insists, “there will be many papas here tonight and we will all begin to seem like the same person after a while. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll fetch my brothers. Please, please enjoy.”
He gestures to what you assume are ghouls - though they do not wear their standard silver masks - standing silently and bearing large silver platters of–
“Oh fuck, cheese,” Lydia groans, snagging a small plate off the table and loading it up. “You just gonna stand there, or…?”
“Yeah, I’m just looking for–” you turn around and nearly jump out of your skin at the ghoul who appears behind you, bearing two glasses of prosecco. You thank him profusely and hand one to your friend, who makes an impressed face.
“Salute, you little Satan fucker,” she grins.
“I’m not–ugh. Salute, dumbass,” you say, clinking your glass together. 
“Bella mia!”
The all too familiar cry of Terzo rings out as he and his brothers head over to your nook. You exhale heavy through your nose and shake your head as he runs up to plant a kiss on both cheeks.
“Hello, Terzo,” you say, “This–”
You turn to introduce Lydia but Terzo has already swooped in and captured her hand in both of his gloved ones. He looks up at her with wide eyes, a grin playing on his lips.
“Oh, here we go,” you mutter under your breath.
“This Amazonian beauty must be your darling amica, Lydia. Signorina it is my honor and pleasure to make your acquaintance. I…am Terzo Emeritus.”
When he bends to place a kiss to the back of her hand you force yourself to take a sip of prosecco to keep from laughing at her expression. She looks over at you and smiles wide with a wink.
“Signore Terzo, the pleasure is all mine,” she murmurs, fluttering her eyelashes. Oh Lord. You walk away and spot Copia speaking quietly with Secondo.
“Hello, fratello,” you say, standing on tippy toes to press a kiss to Secondo’s cheek, “Hello, my love. Everything uh…everything alright?”
“So far, so good,” Secondo says, eyeing one of the ghouls, “they haven’t done anything weird, have they?”
“Weird? Like ‘developing a twitch’, weird or ‘sacrificing a goat in front of us’, weird?”
“Either, but the latter would be most alarming considering that’s not something we actually do, piccolina,” Secondo scolds, and you smile.
“Oh, you know, sacrificing goats, sacrificing virgins, same thing right?”
“We don’t do that either, and you would know better than most wouldn’t you?” Secondo’s smirks at your gobsmacked expression as he walks away to see Primo and Copia sighs.
“Tell me when it’s over, amore,” he says quietly and you take his hand to press a kiss to the back of it.
“Hey, remember this is just as stressful for me too, right? Sure she’s meeting them but really…they’re meeting her. I would genuinely not be surprised if she’s got Secondo in a headlock by the end of the night and Terzo professing his undying adoration for her.”
Copia cocks his head, frowning.
“Does he know that she’s—”
“Nah. He can find out the hard way. It’ll be good for him.”
For the first time all day, a genuine smile spreads across his face. 
“I adore you,” he says, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek and then dutifully wipe his lipstick off.
“Really? Hmm, had no idea. Come on my love, we have to be social at some point.”
“As you wish.”
“You’ve been dodging me all night, huh?”
Copia’s eyes go wide as he finishes pouring his glass of wine and turns around. Lydia is standing behind him, half smile on her face and a hand in her pocket.
“Eh…no. No, I have simply been–”
“Dipping and dodging like you’re being paid to do it,” she smiles, “Listen, I get it. I’m intimidating, I know. But we all want the same thing here, right?”
“We…we do?”
“Sure - we want her–” Lydia says, gesturing over to you smiling and laughing at something Terzo said, “--happiness. You know we met in middle school?”
“Sì, sì, she said something to that effect.”
There’s a pause, and Lydia takes a sip of wine.
“She ever tell you how we met?”
Copia pauses, thoughtfully.
“I…don’t believe so, no.”
Lydia moves to stand by his side so they both have a clear view of you.
“She switched schools when she was twelve - I’m sure she’s told you about that bullshit she went through.”
Copia nods solemnly.
“Well she came to my school. Mid-school year…brutal time. Everyone’s already made their friendships - everyone except me. No one wanted to hang out with the beefy girl who towered a head over everyone else. I had kinda resigned myself to my social outcast fate when one day - there was a new face in class, sitting next to me. I was too shy to say hello but she wasn’t - immediately she smiled big at me and introduced herself. She didn’t fit in either, just a little too awkward and excitable about certain things, and we got along like a house on fire. She was the first real friend I ever had. We’ve been through everything together - made a point of going to the same college so we wouldn’t be separated. It’s been tough, not having her around you know?”
Copia nods slowly. He knew the two of you were close but his heart aches at the way her voice catches on the last word.
“I…am sorry.”
Lydia turns to him.
“What for?”
“All of it. For absconding with her attention and physical presence, for the shit you both went through. I…I love her desperately. I know I’m…I’m old and strange but I would do anything for her. Anything, Lydia. And I suspect you would do the same.”
She clears her throat and takes a sip of her wine.
“The way she talks about you…even over text it’s clear you have her heart. Like, you should see some of the shit she sends me. Real ooey, gooey, cringe shit. Up until you came into her life she always told me she had accepted the fact that she was just not meant to be loved. Which you and I both know is fucking bullshit but she really believed that. She really believed someone as kind and smart and pretty as her deserved to be alone. When she first started here she had such a hard time, you know? The depression and the anxiety and I felt helpless because I was so far away. But then she started talking about The Cardinal and how the two of you were spending time together and how giddy you made her feel. How you made this a home for her. And for that I’m grateful, so thank you Copia. And I apologize for my uh…gruff treatment earlier.”
Copia has the inside of his cheek wedged between his teeth in an attempt to keep from tearing up but when he looks over at Lydia and sees her doing the same, he lets out a little sob. She leans forward and presses a kiss to his cheek.
“Oh my fucking God, Lydia you did not make my boyfriend cry. What did you say to him?”
You’re by his side in a flash, thumbs dutifully wiping the smudged black paint from his cheeks.
“Relax, babygirl. We’re cool, right Copia?”
He nods and smiles.
“Yeah. Cool. She didn’t even threaten me once.”
You sigh and give both of them a look. Primo calls out your name and waves you over to the dining table and when you turn to leave Copia makes to leave too but before he can, a hand is wrapped tightly around his wrist.
“All that being said,” Lydia murmurs, very casual, “if you ever do anything - and I mean anything - to hurt her I’ll fucking snap your neck and make it look like an accident. I don’t care how powerful your Ministry is. I will make you bleed. Know that.”
Lydia’s gaze is intense and Copia nods solemnly.
“Anyway,” she says, suddenly boisterous, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in a crushing hug, “let’s go see the others. I’m not done tormenting your brother, yet. He’s something else.”
“Eh, sì he sure is something. And he hasn’t figured it out yet?”
Lydia grins as they march over to the others.
“I don’t think that man could recognize a woman who is only attracted to other women if I wore nothing but my strap and a lesbian flag.”
Copia groans.
“Please don’t let him hear you say that, he’s probably into that.”
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okay so---i read the lil fic of reader friendzoning sebastian and i saw your requests were open so here I AM-
Could I get a fanfic of Sebastian with a reader who ✨does✨ have a crush on him but ignores his advances because she happens to have a rather low self-esteem and simply "doesn't want to get the wrong idea" —if possible? if you can't either way it's cool .u.
I am so glad you're here! :D And hoo boy I can recognize myself in that for sure and this would 100% be me hands down. Also sorry for the tiiiiime this has taken meeeeee ugh life is. Annoying. Something I do know for certain, however, is that a yandere Sebastian would not stand for any low self-esteem. Especially not from someone as wonderful and perfect as you.
This can be read as a standalone thing or sort of a continuation of the last one!
Yandere is mainly at the very end because it became just so nice and soft and aaaaahh
:✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧ ・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚*:・゚✧*:
SFW, no major TW/CW, but mentions reader with low self-esteem feeling insecure and disliking themselves. :✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚*:・゚✧*:
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"Not Good Enough for Me?"
"Milady, are you alright? You've been staring through that window for quite some time now." Jumping at the sudden voice, you turn around, gaze landing on the tall, elegant butler peeking in through your door. At your acknowledgment, he takes a step into your room, closing the door behind him with a soft 'click'.
"You have not moved from this spot since at least about half an hour ago. I saw you standing there while I assisted Finnian in the gardens." You look away, nervously picking at the skin around your nails. "I'm fine," you say with a forced laugh. "Just got lost in thought I guess." Slowly, Sebastian moves closer to you, making sure that you can clearly see him at any point. He closely monitors your body language, ready to stop the second he sees you flinching or turning away.
"Is it about my confession during the afternoon tea last afternoon?" He asks, hitting the nail on its head. He has to keep a chuckle in as you wince. "I meant no disrespect or harm, I can assure you," he continued. "And if I have made you uncomfortable with any of my advances, I-" "No!" You yelp, cutting him off. You snap around to finally look at him, eyes wide in a panic and hands thrown up in front of you, waving in dismissal. "I mean..." you continue in a timid tone, cheeks heating up at your outburst.
"You didn't make me uncomfortable at all, Sebastian," you say, eyes pleading with him to believe you. "It was actually really sweet and it made me extremely happy to hear. I just..." you trail off, looking down at the floor, unable to keep his gaze any longer.
"I just don't think you'd want to be with someone like me." Your voice grows increasingly quiet the longer the sentence goes on, and even Sebastian with his demonic powers and enhanced senses has to strain to catch your words.
"What?" he breathes, confusion and bewilderment etched on his face.
You turn back to face the window, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt of comfort, trying your hardest to keep the tears threatening to form at bay.
"I just... I'm nothing special. I'm not really pretty or smart... I'm clumsy and mess up, and I can't ever do anything right." Tears blur your vision as you try to keep your voice from shaking. "I don't know why you'd want to be with me," you confess, finally, shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
"You deserve someone better than me."
If he had a heart in the same way that humans do, Sebastian was sure that it would have shattered upon hearing those words. How had he missed your feelings in regard to yourself like this? The anger he felt aimed towards himself for missing such a crucial thing had completely blocked out the meaning of your words for a moment until they finally registered. You loved him. More than that, you'd avoided his advances and tried to push him aside not because you didn't reciprocate, but because you didn't think you were good enough.
In a flash, he's by your side, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling you into his chest. Your hands weakly cling to his waistcoat, tears wetting the fabric of his shirt. "Sweetheart," he whispers, raising one gloved hand to pet your hair.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not noticing how you felt about yourself and adding to that burden," he begins, holding your crying form close. "But you're wrong. About all of it." You cry harder and try to push him away, but he doesn't budge.
"You are special. So very special to me, darling, you don't even know half of it. You have the most beautiful soul of any person I have ever met. I love every single part of you. I love the color of your eyes, the way your entire face lights up when you smile. I love your mind and the way it works. Sure, you mess up sometimes, but every human does! It has never once made me think less of you. If anything, watching you trip over nothing only makes me see you as even more endearing than before." Relaxing his hold on you enough for him to bend down and look you in the eyes, he continues. "I love everything about you, flaws and all. I wouldn't change anything about you." One of his hands wipes away a few tears from your cheek before gently cradling it in his palm.
"There is no one that could be 'better for me' than you. You're perfect in my eyes. I hope that I can make you see that too, someday," he whispers.
More tears flow down your cheeks, and for a moment, Sebastian thinks that he has done something wrong, but then your face cracks into a smile. "Do you really mean that?" you ask meekly. "Or are you just saying it to make me feel better?" Instead of giving you a verbal answer, Sebastian leans in and presses his cold lips against yours. For a moment, you're unresponsive, frozen in shock. Then, your hands grab his shoulders, and you kiss back.
The feeling of your soft, warm lips against his is something Sebastian has dreamed of for so long. He can barely believe that it's happening. Your warmth, the softness of your body pressed against him is everything he ever wanted.
Possessive thoughts flash through his mind, solidifying what he already knew. This was where you belonged. By his side, in his arms. With him, forever. He would make sure that your thoughts never hurt you ever again. No matter how many times he had to reassure you, hold you, and help push those negative feelings aside, he would.
You were finally his. You finally reciprocated his feelings, and Sebastian would be damned if he let anything -- your own thoughts included -- hurt you.
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gingerjunhan · 9 months
boyfriend headcannons - oh seungmin
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☆彡 Grab your delulu pills. It’s Seungmin time.
word count: 710 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: all caps, struggles with confidence (mentioned), secret relationship (mentioned), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
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it’s time for my delusional king
I have a lot to say so let’s go straight into it
starting off strong with the FLIRTING and the TEASING
this man is ridiculous
he would never stop
yes he can be serious with you but if there’s ever a dull moment or if he gets bored, he suddenly starts playing the “Let’s Make (Y/N) Blush™️” game
he’s the king of nicknames
I’ve talked about this before but let’s run it back
“baby”/ “babe” (obviously)
“my love”
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… “princess” I’m so sorry
he also probably calls you something weird that you hate but he loves
like “pumpkin” or “sweetums” or something idk
it’s cringey but he thinks it’s soooo funny
I think out of the rest of the Heroes he’s the most stereotypical romantic
like, I bet Valentines Day with Seungmin goes CRAAAZY
but it bleeds into every other day of the year as well!
he brings you your favorite sweet little drink
I think he would looooove matching jewelry!
gym dates!
if that’s not your thing he just sends you gym selfies with a little “miss you 💜”
late night walks 🥹
trying new restaurants
there’s never a dull day with him
even if you’re both lounging around on a day off it can be fun!
he pampers you always
the Princess Treatment™️ for sure
he’s always down to do face masks
feel free to tell me I'm wrong or call me crazy but I think your family might be a little iffy about him at first!
I think that he gives the most “bad boy” vibe out of all of the Heroes, but once you get him around your family enough they see that he’s just a huge nerd LMAO
I think he would make a huge effort to try and please your dad, brothers, or any of the men in your family
“What are your intentions with my child?”
“All good ones, sir.” 🫡
okay back to the romantics
I literally wrote about this one time and then never touched on it again but I think Seungmin would be big on skin-to-skin contact
I wrote this that one time months ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it so let me cook
your warmth makes him feel comforted so
you’re cuddling? his shirt is coming off
I’m blushing
sleeping next to each other? no shirt
lazing around the house? no shirt
he just wants to be close to you!
if you’re comfortable with it, he might ask you to be shirtless as well
if you’re not, he totally gets it, and he’ll opt to rest his hands on the small of your back under your shirt
if you’re not cool with that either, his hands find their way to your arms, hair, or wherever else you feel comfortable with
he makes sure to shower you in praise constantly
he wants you to feel as hot as he thinks you are!
if anybody tries to tell you otherwise he will throw hands
he’s the #1 (Y/N) protector
if you’re struggling with confidence he’s right there to give you the reassurance and support you need
he thinks you’re sooo gorgeous 🥹
when he’s away he’s constantly checking up on you
the texts, the selfies, the voice messages, the long phone calls
he’s truly in your pocket whenever you need him
he's probably clingy in secret (please don’t tell the others they’ll make fun of him)
sometimes he has you sit on his lap while he practices because “it helps him focus” mhmm okay sure
he brags about you all the tiiiiime
keeping your relationship a secret from villains literally kills him because they don’t know how cool you are :(
if he takes a selfie to send on bubble he gives you permission to say no because you want to keep it for yourself lol
he’s also your cameraman
“Oooo lookin’ good, baby.”
UGH I fear that I need him
moral of the story, he’s very flirtatious but also a simp so please hold his hand and tell him how much you love him before I do it for you EEEEE I 🩷 Oh Seungmin
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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coiled-dragon · 9 months
I remember billdip causing such a hullabaloo back in the day and i was more mad that they made bill a pretty boy i went into billdip expecting eldrich triangle mind fuck sex, like keep him a weird triangle man! 😄
Ah Billdip... /takes a drag from a candy cigarette/
That ship was what got me SO much hate back in the day. Called a pedo soooo many tiiiiimes.... thank god for therapy because my therapist helped me realize im not a bad person for my ships and also supported me writing fucked up shit to share with people. Also GFalls was the fandom where I realized I like gore a looooot....
also LOL yeah I did like making Bill a pretty human because im superficial but I also did really like when people were creative with keeping him a triangle! It was cool shit~
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Fic ask tiiiiime! :D
8. How slow is a slow burn?
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
33. Give your writing a compliment. (Yes, back at you!!)
8. How slow is a slow burn?
Ooh eek hard question, I am SO impatient! If it takes more than 10-15 chapters for any sort of relationship momentum, I’m starting to feel pretty tortured. Give me fast burn any day!!!
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
Oh WOW also hard question. I like being able to see the shape of the whole story and edit the crap out of it, but that’s possibly also a BAD thing because then I poke it forever (and inevitably still go “oh shit why didn’t I think of that???” after I post it). On the whole I’d say it’s a good thing, for me, though.
33. Give your writing a compliment. (Yes, back at you!!)
Whyyyyyy? Umm… I’m good at sending people to the Feelings Corner? I think that’s a good thing? They seem to enjoy it… I also have this TERRIFIC regenerating box of tissues I can pass over when they get there.
Thanks for the asks!!
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intertexts · 5 months
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- bizly is talking about how he was fucking SWEATING all week before they recorded this ep bc he thought for sure william and vyncent were gonna just get in there and mirder the lich immediately. grizzly starts to say something like "no i wont-" and bizly cuts him off like "im not worried about YOU. youre my shining star, my golden boy"
- charlie, in response to this: "well. you should feel better because i cant even win against a WALL"
- grizzly: "i was really hoping youd take the bait and depower the villains. i was hoping to give you a cool idea with that"
- "the lich shouldnt even be alive, hes undead, hes breaking the laws of-"
- Dakotas memory about his dad pranking him in the car is an ACTUAL THING THAT GRIZZLYS DAD USED TO DO !?!?!?!!
- "william took 4 degrees of failure from punching a wall so hard your bone popped out" "yeah kind of like how i took 4 degrees of failure from sniffing a bag of doritos. kind of like how i took 4 degrees of failure from dakota comically picking me up and throwing me into a dumpster. all my trips to the spirit world are so pathetic"
- bizly: "okay let me say. you were going to go to the spirit world at the end of this regardless, i just saw an opportunity there and took it. originally i was gonna have you see a wisp while you were alive and follow it through a door or something" << AAURGRHRGHRGGH. i loooove talking abt williams powers
- they all want to do a body swap episode. fully freaky friday moment where they cant switch back until they learn something about each other. i also want them to do this i think it would be funny
- bizly: "i love dakota dakota is one of my favorite characters in media."
(bizly: "because i relate to him"
charlie: "well THATS worrying.")
- "dakota doesnt necessarily *ignore* the why when thing happen hes just really... slow. it takes him a long time to reflect on things. it either takes him a really long time to process things and come to a conclusion OR he will just pull sage wisdom out of thin air because hes so simple minded. he'll just think for a really long time before he comes to these ideals that ive written for him as a player. itll come around, it'll just take him a long time to get there. as a player i know what kind of hero i want dakota to end up as at the end of it all" << i cant even add anything to this. grizzlyplays i am shaking you like a sack of rocks
- another mention about how dakota and chip riptide would be best friends i love this recurring bit
- "what did you guys think about seeing wavelength in the prison"
"uhh. hes mean :("
"it was awesome seeing him again, he scares me"
"it made me feel guilty that we havent found ashe yet"
- grizzly: "if he gets out of prison im gonna kill him" << HEAD IN HANDS
- "william wisp experiences incompetence consistently"
- hey remember in the episode how when william rolled to see if he was okay breathing inside the prison cell and bizly said something along the lines of "youre only hyperventilating because you *think* you should be, youre actually fine" << think about this in context with what you know now :) and hold onto it for the beginning of 14
- theyre talking about what happened between william and mark over the 10 month timeskip: william contacted him at some point, not really about anything in particular, just to ask him if he knew anything about ashe that could help thsm find him/updating him on their progress finding ashe. then when they started playing again william stopped contacting him (for meta reasons, charlie just forgot that was an option BUT) bizly took note of that anyway and thats why mark was so hostile right off the bat. he just like. stopped hearing things from william and didnt know what was going on anymore. so when they showed up here and had no update on ashe whatsoever it just made him think they werent actually doing anything to find him
- grizzly: "man you would thing being in prison and losing his son would give this man some perspective and adjust his personality but he just became more of an asshole"
bizly: "no, the problem is youre not thinking about it from his perspective!! youre only thinking about it from dakotas point of view where hes a villain and hes doing bad things so hes bad. hes just a guy who thought he was doing what he had to do to keep his son safe"
charlie: "okay but he like locked his son up forever"
bizly: "yeah i never said he was a good person! and then some teenagers came along and made him rebel and now he wants to be a super hero and the first thing that happens is he gets possessed" << THANK YOUUUU BIZLY. THANK YOU BIZLY. JUSTICE FOR MY HORRIBLE MAN
- they keep referring to overlord as "alligator guy" because they forgot his name. charlie even at one point goes "yeah and he was a crocodile or whatever, dont you know those are power level 9" << this will never stop being funny to me
- "HEY WILLIAM what do you think about dying again"
- charlie is Very concerned about the no blood thing. his theory rn is that the archway he saw was like "crossing over" for ghosts. like fully passing on and not being ghosts anymore. seeing himself/his memories in the prison cells was very poetic, he kind of feels trapped by himself right now. hes the most curious about the 5 empty chairs and what that could possibly mean
- theyre trying to figure out who the group of 5 could possibly be. williams old group didnt have 5 people, prime defenders doesnt have 5 people even with ashe so they have no ideas right now and are excited to find out more :)
- "williams pretty fucked up right now to be honest!!! we just spent an episode and a half arguing about how we're allowed to kill the lich because its undead and not human. and then he learns hes fucking deteriorating. uh oh! now hes probabky thinking 'am i even a person?' i dont even know if he knows what to think about the spirit world right now i think hes just kind of panicked"
- "if only the ghost of party city were here, hed know what to say about this"
- "how is vyncent feeling right now?" "hes still kind of pissed. his one goal of killing the lich after all these years was just ripped away from him. hes accepted it for now but if that lich escapes. man hes gonna go nuts"
SUCH an insanely good episode dude hoooooly shit. head in hands. everybody say thank u bizlychannel!!!!! man. this was SO good man it really does feel like.... not a turning point, necessarily, but very important. honestly, really glad that by now they've had time to really like, sit with their characters & the world & let it all steep for a while? this season already really feels like such a tonal shift & kind of a step up frm season 1 so far!! (NOT that season 1 also wasn't really fucking good. but a lot of what we've got in s2 so far feels a lot more settled and cohesive) im here for it!!! LOVED the animatic that shit was crazy. if thats a precedent they're setting now im gonna go wild.
I ALSO THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA MURDER THE LICH. i was like ohhhh great this is how we get the vigilante on the run arc its gonna be so bad theyre never gonna see tide again. phew!!!! i mean, i, too, still think the lich should be dead. but. also yeah WHAT DO YOU MEAAAN THATS A REAL THING HIS DAD DID. FUCKING CRAZY.
what else.. having so many thoughts about william's Situation . as always. man. it's so fucked up. i have no clue where any of it's going dude... the only thought i have is that i don't think. we have any real context for the five thrones thing yet. i don't think that's related to anything we already know except. mayyybe mal. i think that's some spirit world-specific bullshit! we'll see though. we'll see.
YEAH <333 DAKOTA IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS IN MEDIA TOO <33333 auaurrghghhggghhh. ohh hes so everything 2 me. also i love seeing characters who don't Get Everything Immediately. like yeah! you got time to parse through it all in yr brain man. hell yeah rotate it in ur mind for weeks before coming to a conclusion!! no one has their entire belief system hammered out in advance!!
+ also feeling fucking unhinged over mark winters. as always.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
That one interpretation about Micolash’s fate now lives rent free in my head. I’m not opposed to the notion of him dying once and for all, and I like the irony of a scholar obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge spending his last moments in ignorance. But being forever trapped in his own mummified body seems like the perfect punishment and suits the theme of hopelessness so well. For someone who despised his humanity so much, who went above and beyond to escape the limitations of his body, being forced back into his pathetic, frail, powerless body must be pure torture. Once Micolash’s consciousness is brought back, he’ll have all eternity to ponder over the fact that his efforts were fruitless and he’s nothing but a withered corpse, a manifestation of human fragility and mortality. But in contrast to the situation with Lovecraft’s priest, there’ll be nobody around to destroy his brain and end his sufferings.
No, this is absolutely valid, and from the standpoint of a person that gives "proper" judgement to Bloodborne characters - yeah, he "deserved" it!
I just have a completely different way to look at the things, and Soulsborne games offer me the most freedom in this. Like I said, the whole theme of 'fate worse than death' applied to the war criminals we meet in these games just doesn't do anything to me. Doesn't make me mad (because, again, they probably "deserve" it) but also doesn't really excite me... The problem with Soulsborne settings is that things are so chaotic and flipped upside down that morality, principles and and judgement as we know them no longer apply in my opinion- heck, I always said I can't really guilt characters like Aldrich or Rykard for how much atrocities they've committed, because the world they're in is so fundamentally broken and doomed that in the end, what they'd have to do to escape it no longer matters...? Elden Ring didn't touch upon it well enough, and even gave us *gasp* OPTIMISM!!!!, but Dark Souls totally falls for this... mess.
On the other hand, characters like Allant or Shabriri in my interpretation I'd totally say deserved "real" judgement. And Micolash is kinda complicated... He falls exactly in the middle. Dude did quite the unthinkable things to break free from the humanity, but also his setting kinda falls for the trope of "humanity is doomed anyways" and his only fault is that he tried to escape, whatever it takes, rather than pull the whole 'I will perish but at least not lose my human decency uwu' thing. For most people, choosing the latter feels like an axiom and they don't need reasoning to why it is "the only acceptable way", but for this type of high IQ investigators not necessarily so. Because hooooow many tiiiiimes you fuckers need an evidence that huge intellect caaaaaan be as much of a cuuuuuurse.
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But, again, Bloodborne setting is less obviously... that. Dark Souls IS doomed, yes. Bloodborne is, like... well, he is (presumably) stuck in the city that will wither under endless cycle of the hunt no matter what. So I speculate his problem (and many other characters') is witnessing the knowledhe humans were not meant to see - and losing the sight of worth of his humanity as a result. Again, the smarter you are - the more damaging this effect will be! More simple-minded people would be able to withstand the comprehension of futility of humanity and the cyclic trap that deems both beasthood and Kinship meaningless because "but humanity is still important just because". (Also love how Bloodborne itself addresses this complexion by the fact that the higher person's Insight level is, the stronger Frenzy damage they take!)
Basically, what I am saying is, this is a "satisfying" fate for Micolash by common logic.. But I personally would rather either let the guy die a real death, or let him be reborn into something else. His setting and the things he learned make his pursuit to transcend humanity at all cost not only fair in my eyes, but even couragerous, in a way. Actually.....
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^^^ what really skewed my perspective on most of the Soulsborne's "war criminals" was Miyazaki himself perceiving Fauxsefka as a heroine xD I was instantly able to decipher it as the fact that her courage is doing a 'morally reprehensive' thing (turning people into cosmic Kin) for the greater good (so they lose any chance to become the beasts instead). Not everyone will "dirty" their own hands for some greater idea. But, yeah, Micolash is likely not 'heroic', as he simply cared for helping himself. The only other Mensis scholar we know of is Damian, who actively works against Mico's goals (which is very telling); the other participants of his ritual are prisoners (damn, Miyazaki, can we go against the dilemma of "deciding for everyone else" for ONE game??).
I am glad that you've found a resolution for Micolash's arc that is very satisfying and exciting for you, though! This sorta thing always feels cathartic!
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yenerdybird · 7 months
Hello people of tumblr
I’m watching Arcane and I am now on ep 3
And if this is why she renamed herself Jinx I can and will cry
Oop found the thumbnail
Oh nooooo this is how she gets her name I can feeel it aaaaa
Oh dang drugs pass some over my way
Ok nvrmind I take back everything I said hurry and throw the bomb pls
Ah his little footsteps my goodness I would nvr be able to take this guy seriously
“Will you please stop hovering”
I don’t trust this counselor lady friggin sus
Is the little man noticing the tension between these two too
Monkey tiiiiime
Ok never mind what the heck
I hate this I hate everyone I hate my heart for making me feel things
Noooo the monkey head betrays me
“I knew you still-“ shut up shut your face which is stupid you stupid faced little man
Ah drugs is always the answer
Surprised pikachu face!?! We do not hit our little sisters young lady Even if they used a monkey bomb to inadvertently kill -
Ok wow for real though this is the worst. I can not imagine what they’re both going through mentally. I have little people I take care of and I can’t imagine what I would say damn
Oh my she’s gonna turn supervillain- welp! Who called it! It was me! Thanks I hate it! Talk about a villain origin story
My gift is both blessing and curse
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GOSH THE CHEER I GAVE WHEN I SAW ALIX. OMD. YES. IT IS TIIIIIME. I love how we’ve looped back to the beginning with her appearing again, and now LB and CN both know who the real enemy is (even if Adrien doesn’t yet know who she is) it’s so cool how it’s all coming back full circle (but pls don’t kill off my sunshine boy again I know you probably are but pls)
And Kagaamiiiiiiiii, I love how resolute and matter of fact she was. Lol I got taught that in negotiable class, always just go with your strongest argument and don’t worry about proving yourself right and I think she played that to a T.
I was a bit confused when she and Nino said Felix tried to kill Nino tho. When did that happen?! I reread the chapter when he thought Felix was Adrien but there at most I thought it was take him to Monarque or let him go? I miss subtlety sometimes tbh did I miss smth here? Felix, how could u try to off ur twin’s bro??? Or did Nino misunderstand?? Idk I’m so confused and wish Kagami had explained that a bit more for both of us 😭
LOL also love seeing the new team-up of the venom fam (yes that is what I’m calling the bee sisters and snake - cuz they all have venom get it) and with Chloe getting the Mouse! I kinda wish she and Vesperia would swap their miraculous now and then tbh bc Queen Bee is always in my heart but I’m happy to just see the sisters working together, I hope Vesperia understand Chloe truly didn’t mean to hurt her
i'm so overjoyed you liked it anon <333 as you could probably tell this chapter gave me a lot of trouble, so thank you muchly 🤗
marinette is SO over all the secret identity games lol. she's just coming out of the tunnel vision of avenging chat noir's death/enslavement, and now all she wants is not to lose him again. also i had no idea that was a tactic taught in negotiation class but you know what, it makes sense! kagami's chess skills match felix's, so it seems fitting that she would make just the right move to put herself on ladybug's team.
yeah ok so felix didn't try to kill nino in chapter 31, not really 🤣 but attack, capture, kill - it all looks the same when it's coming from felix.
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also, felix never bothered to explain himself 💀 so that didn't help his case at all.
the venom fam omg what a good name for them 🐍🐝🐝 they have some issues of their own they need to hash out which i am trying to stick in at an appropraite beat! so keep manifesting, your wish might just be in the works ;)
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sapphire-drawings · 2 years
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Well that's actually pretty cute
They noticed my comment live (cuz it got the first time chatter notif) and now I'm just about to cry cuz I really like animating and Dst truly helped me to get back at it even tho it takes so much tiiiiime
What do they think of my maxwil animations tho? asdhasf
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