#takes a dumdum to love a dumdum trust me on this
lokislytherin · 2 years
lookism x hp
broke: gryffindor half-blood!hyungseok x ravenclaw pure-blood!jaeyeol, hyungseok is brave of heart dumb of ass and jaeyeol is his enabler / bodyguard / sugar daddy
woke: slytherin muggleborn!hyungseok x hufflepuff pure-blood!jaeyeol, slightly angsty with all the discrimination (racism, fatphobia, body dysmorphia, social anxiety, selective mutism) but still fluffy, character exploration and study into hyungseok being ambitious and a bamf
BESPOKE: newt scamander!jaeyeol x jacob kowalski!hyungseok. jae's fingerprint lock briefcase is for his illegally smuggled animals, his father hates him bc he's gay + magizoologist instead of an auror, hyungseok makes the best pastries ever + is So Sweet to jae and the animals like you would not believe
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imtryingbuck · 9 months
You Promised
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Steve and reader have an argument and Sharon’s there to cause trouble
Word count: 1,178
Warnings: Steve’s a dumdum, mentions of cheating, Sharon-ew. very very terrible writing. Ending is…well it’s terrible
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Waking up in his old room at the tower, the memories of last night’s argument hit full force. Steve groaned as he sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he knew how right she was. He knew he had to fix things between them. He understands that she’s worried about him, he does. He just hates how it feels like he has to choose his job or her, because he truly doesn’t know which he would pick. His girlfriend who he loves or his job that he loves.
They’d been arguing ever since he came home with fresh cuts on his face.
“Steve all I’m asking is for you to take some time off from doing missions please!” She stood there with tears filling her eyes.
“It’s my job”
“I know and I’m not asking you to quit, I would never ask you to do that but at least do what Bucky does and take some days off, even if it’s just a few days every month! Please Steve”
“I can’t Y/n you need to understand!”
“I understand why you do what you do but you can’t keep doing every single day-“
“Don’t be dramatic it’s not every day!”
“It is Steve. You’re never home-“
“It’s my job Y/n!” He screamed at her.
“One, stop cutting me off! And two don’t scream at me again Steven. You nearly didn’t come home from the last mission, you nearly died” A sob broke past the barrier of her lips.
He was about to say something but then his phone started to ring “I need to take this Y/n it’s Sharon, why are you rolling your eyes?”
“Are you cheating on me with her?”
“W-what? Don’t be stupid!”
“Yes or no simple answer Steve”
“…No I’m not cheating on you”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
“Because you’ve got trust issues I’m not like your ex who cheated on you every single chance he got!” His voiced was raised higher than before. He didn’t even bat an eye when she flinched at the mention of her ex. He didn’t let her respond instead he answered his phone.
“Yeah I’m on my way doll, alright, you too, of course I mean it” looking at his girlfriend “I’ve got to go”
“Y-you called her- you are cheating on me with her, I fucking knew it I just didn’t want to believe it”
“Just go. Your girlfriends waiting for you”
“I’ll be home soon. Bye”.
Only problem was being that he never went home that night. He berated himself mentioning her ex, he didn’t even try and correct her when she called Sharon his girlfriend. He hated himself for shouting at her, not once in the three years they’ve been dating has he ever so much as raised his voice at her. Searching for his phone which was normally on his bedside table when the bathroom door came open.
“Oh you’re awake, just needed a quick shower” Sharon says as she stands there with just a towel covering her naked body, her wet hair leaving droplets on the laminate flooring.
“Yeah that fine, I guess. Have you seen my phone?”
“On the dresser, I put it there after I spoke to Y/n. She was quite rude if you ask me”
“Wait, you spoke to her?” And the realisation that she showered in his bathroom “Why was you using my shower?”
“Yeah I told her you was still sleeping and she put the phone down on me”
“Okay but why are you using my shower?”
“Mines not working” shrugging her shoulders “hey can I borrow a shirt please?”
“No. Get out”
“Get out of my room Sharon.”
“Alright mr grumpy pants”
Just as the door closed he jumped out of the bed going straight for his phone. Ringing Y/n and not getting any response he grabbed his jacket from the back the chair and headed straight out the door to head home.
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His heart stopped at the sight of Y/n packing all her things.
“B-baby what are you doing?”
“I’m leaving”
“No baby stop” every time she turned around to grab more things he was taking the things that was already in suitcase, out. “Y/n I’m sorry for not coming home last night the paper, baby please stop! The paperwork took me ages to get through. I ended up crashing in my old room”
“I told you I can’t go through being lied to and cheated on again, I told you and what did you do huh? You promised me Steve that you would never do that to me. You promised” The tears wouldn’t stop falling no matter how hard she tried to stop them.
“Doll I have never cheated on you, baby please believe me”
“Sharon told me Steve so just stop”
“Told you what? Y/n I’m not cheating on you please believe me!”
“That you two having been sleeping together for weeks. Move out of my way”
That, that made him stop. He wouldn’t lie if you asked him if he had a bit of a crush on Sharon when he first met her six years ago, but it faded away after a few months. When he met Y/n he didn’t think much of her then over the course of a few months he developed feelings for her, it took him over a year to confess his feelings for her.
Because of a lie that Sharon told now he was losing everything.
“Bab-baby she’s lying, I have never even so as much as kissed her! Y/n please please listen to me love”
“Why would she lie?”
“I don’t know but she is! Y/n, baby please I swear to you I have never even looked at another woman! I don’t want anyone that isn’t you”
“Why would she lie though Steve? Why was she in your room this morning? I rang you too apologise and to my surprise it’s her that answers, the she tells.. she told me Steve”.
“I-I don’t know. I really don’t. I was asleep and she came into my room and used my shower, I don’t know why she did but doll nothing has ever happened between me and her I swear!” He shakes his head “Y/n I love you, and I’m sorry for the argument last night. I’m sorry for earlier but doll I swear I’ve never cheated on you.”
“You’re telling the truth, oh God, Steve I’m so sorry I’m sorry I’’m sor-“
“Baby it’s okay! Stop apologising it’s okay, come here I’ve got you” Holding her tightly to his chest he repeats the words over and over.
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~A month later~
“Baby, come on Buck and Sam’s here”
“I’m coming hold on!”
He sees her coming out of their bedroom and he can’t help but smile at her, as she got closer towards him he took her hand into his “I love you do you know that?”
“I love you too”
Sharon ended up transferring. Steve listened to Y/n by taking a few days off every week, their relationship was so much better now.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: One where YN is dragged along by Harry for Coachella but she ain't complaining
CW: smut
More of my work
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YN never expected to ever step a foot outside of London until she has graduated and spent at least fifteen years of her life practicing Law until Harry asked her - no basically dragged her along with him to LA.
Who was Harry to her you may ask? He didn't liked the title but it is the truth that he's basically her sugar daddy.
He liked to say he is sponsoring her education for nothing in return. And it is also true that he hasn't gotten anything in return. Yet. Nor he expects it.
What an amazing sugar daddy he is!
But it eats away at YN's mind and heart seeing how much he spends on her. Her tuition fees and textbooks eat majority of what he spends on her. His hard earned money, he spent all his teenage years earning to be spent on her like pouring water into a river - it was pointless.
And exactly, it made no sense!
Not to her, when he doesn't expect anything in return from her, like other sugar daddies do, he expects no sexual favours or even public outing in return. But she was drowning in debt from her car loan, student loan and she was three months behind her rent and was just two days away from getting evicted from the flat she has been living in since she was eighteen. Her two jobs she worked weren't enough to get her by, even if she cut down on most essential things.
When and how Harry came as her saviour? How has her life been before they met each other? Those are stories for another time.
But she is really in fear of when his mood would strike and he'd ask her to suck his dick off for him, or fuck her to oblivion. Well, he doesn't seem that kind of guy but she has got major trust issues. Especially since this guy she dated tried to take her advantage when she was drunk her ass off, luckily for her that night her friends were with her. But men her whole life have been very unpredictable to her.
Apart from making out a couple of time, her and Harry haven't done anything. That too with her consent. He doesn't even holds her hand without asking her. He's nothing but just so kind, and nurturing, and caring, and soft, and calm, and patient, and the list goes on. But could it be a mask for something which doesn't or wouldn't favour her.
One thing she takes with her into getting in her career is fo never trust anyone. That's what she has been doing her whole life. She learned to never trust anyone at the very tender age of six.
Harry has, no doubt become first constant in her life. If not anything more he's a good friend. A very good friend, she might add.
And spoiler alert, she would admit that she has fallen for him hard.
There was a big internal turmoil she found herself in as she stepped on that private get with him that night. It was scary because she doesn't remember being on a plane, let alone a private jet with sofa like seats.
But she tried to negotiate in not going to LA with him. She fears. She fears of dying somewhere and her friends being unknown of that. What if he is a serial killer as well as a global star? You never know!
"But what about DumDum?" She asked, packing a duffle bag Harry got her last minute with a sweater and other small things as her only suitcase she own is full and very small for a two week long trip. "I can't leave him alone."
"That cat will be taken care of, sugar, don't worry about him." Harry sighed as he sat patiently on the edge of her bed.
"He is not just a cat, he is my son!" YN argued as she threw everything of makeup she owns in a small pouch. Yes she found that black ball of purring fur beside a dumpster not even a month ago, but she loves him very much - and the feelings are mutual! "Where is he going?"
"To the cat hostel." He shrugged.
"You are not sending my baby to a hostel. He is too young!" She gasped, "maybe, I shouldn't go. He needs me here."
"You are making bad excuses, Sugar, now stop stalling, we have to leave in ten minutes." Harry chuckled as he got up to gather the rest lf her stuff, her carry on bag pack he sees her carry everywhere she goes and her suitcase, and even put DumDum in his carrier. "There is a surprise for you there, come on now."
YN stood there on the other side of her bed, with a nervous and scared face, making him ask, "do you trust me?"
"No," she mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" He enquired.
"I said, I can't afford the trip." She gulped, nervously. Harry kept the bag aside and set DumDum's carrier carefully on the floor before he walked upto her.
"Look, I won't force you anymore." He assured her, "wanted to keep this a surprise but, since you won't trust me. I'm taking you there with me is because Billie Eilish is performing there, and I can take you to watch her."
"Mhmm," he nodded, "you appear to like her a lot, so yeah, I thought that would be a good early present for m'kitten."
"Wait, I, I don't like her." YN stuttered, deadass lying on his face but all he did was look down.
She was dressed Billie Eilish merch, a large Tshirt and sweat pants. There was a poster of the girl on her wall and her album vinyls too, even though she doesn't have a record player.
Harry also remembers her running back home after finding the things she's wearing at a thrift store, ranting and squealing about it and how good of a steal it was to both her best friends on a phone call as he waited for her to let him in with her.
Harry sent off DumDum with his other manager Tommy to be signed into a cat hostel.
To focus on one thing, YN is very nervous to fly in a plane for basically first time. It was killing her soul. She just sat there, looking like a scared little puppy in a corner seat when she got to know she can sit wherever she pleases.
"Hey, what's wrong love?" Harry asked.
"I'm just nervous to be on a plane." She shared, a sheepish smile on her face. He sat next to her.
"Here, you can hold my hand. But you've got nothing to worry about." He assured her, "our pilot is amazing, he's flown me many times around the world." He strapped her seat belt for her as she was fiddling with it.
"Oh, has he?"
"Mhmm." Harry nodded, "so it's okay, I know you worry a lot." He went to put on his own seatbelt.
"You're lying." She deadpanned.
"About what I'm lying you think?"
"That you know the pilot." She squinted her eyes at him, "Harry don't lie to me about this, it is going to make me more anxious. I might literally throw up on the floor."
He chuckled, "my love, wouldn't lie about this. I care about you, so of course I don't lie. Not to you at least."
"So you do lie?"
"What about we watch your favourite movies?" He suggested to distract her switching the subject.
Once about halfway to LA, YN was still anxious.
"YN, it's okay, love." Harry cooed, "I'm sorry I forced you to come along with me."
"No, I'm fine." She sniffled on her tears, taking in deep breaths.
Harry was genuinely feeling bad for dragging her along with him. He wasn't aware of her this fear or he would have never even mention it twice to her. All eight months he have spent with her, he'd come to conclusion that she's naturally very anxious person, that she is paranoid most of the time.
"We're almost there," he assured her. "I'm sorry again, love."
"Harry, no, it's okay." She cooed in attempt to make him feel better about this. It wasn't his fault that she's scared of her first time on a plane since she was a toddler. It was no one's fault.
"Do you want to get pizza after we land?" He asked, she loves pizza more than anything.
"I'd like that." She nodded.
"Thought so," he smiled pressing a kiss of her head.
There was definitely something reciprocated from his side, or at least that's what she likes to think about. The way he looks at her doesn't fail to make her skin heat up, or the way he call her all his sweet names. Her favourite was Bunny or Kitten.
Her friends would argue otherwise that it was normal for her fall for him when they're sleeping together and he's essentially taking care of her in a way, which isn't entirely true. He hasn't touched her in that way. Though she could feel the sexual tension in the room they're in.
Like now, as she sat next to him, hugging his arm as he read his book silently. He's a big reader she reckoned. He's always reading some or other book. She can never do that. He pulls it off too, with a pair of reading glasses perched up on his perfect nose.
She didn't realise when she fell asleep, but Harry woke her after they landed, she is indeed a heavy sleeper as he says. She didn't wake up when their plane landed.
"Did you had a good sleep, babylove?" He enquired, a sleepy look on his own face as he smiled at her.
"Yeah," she nodded smiling back. Harry leaned down to press another kiss on her head.
"C'mon love, let's go to our hotel now." He grabbed her stuff for her like a true gentleman he is out of the plane and handed it to one his guard so it can be put into the car.
YN was expecting a different room for herself but Harry had different plans she reckoned, they'd have to share a room. A suite to be exact, which was so fucking luxurious it made her own rented one bedroom flat like a dumpster in comparison.
It had it's own kitchen, a living room, a balcony, bedroom and en suite bathroom, a whole ass walk in closet! The sofa looked so luxurious she wouldn't mind switching it up with her bed at home.
"Are we going to share a room?" She asked.
"Sorry I didn't tell you about it, but yes, there are no more suites available whilst our stay here on this floor." Harry shared.
"Oh," was her reaction.
"Can get you different room on another floor if you're ot comfortable." He suggested.
"It's fine, I guess." She shrugged dropped her carry on bag on the floor as she checked out the room. She doesn't want him to spend on another room for no reason. She so badly wanted to jump on the bed and do a bounce test but she was afraid to break the frame as everything looked so expensive.
Her friends would have gone nuts at the site of this room alone, destroy the perfectly made bed in a matter of minutes. She'd join them too, without any hesitation!
Just as she was about to go to the balcony she felt a tug on her hand. Harry had pulled her in, he took a seat on the edge of the bed they were to share for their entire trip. He trapped her between his thighs, making her sit on his lap. It wasn't a new thing for him to be physical with her, she quite liked it. Afterall she's been deprived of physical touch with human her whole life, so she'd shamelessly indulge into his cuddles, and even sweet little kisses.
This all had no label to it, as he doesn't like the idea of giving their relationship a label of Sugar Daddy and Sugar baby. He hates that for some reason. Maybe she can call it friends with benefits? But they're lacking the benefits part to the major on his side.
She grabbed a gentle hold of his hand which was wrapped around her waist from behind to her side, he wasn't wearing his usual rings so it was easier for her slip her fingers between his. Feeling his warm palm against her own gave her a sense of security in some way. Which she doubts is healthy, to be dependent on someone like this, her therapist would agree to that if she even had one. But she doesn't care.
"Do you want to go get dinner tonight with me?" He asked.
"Mhmm," she nodded.
"What do you feel like eating, sugar?" He spoke, his mouth closer to her skin of her neck as he peppered her with ticklish kisses.
"I don't know," she shrugged, smiling, "I'll tell you when I decide."
"Yeah? I was going to say we go eat some Lebanese food?" He suggested, lifting his head up to look at her. He knows that's her favourite cuisine to have, the look on her face was what he was expecting.
"Yes!" She beamed.
"Thought you'd like the idea." He teased, "do you want to rest whilst I get few things sorted for the show tomorrow?"
"I'm fine, I'll just go take a shower." She said.
"Okay," he kissed her cheek, "wear something pretty for tonight, yeah?"
She just nodded dumbfounded. He has never asked her to wear something "pretty" before. It was not something she was expecting coming from him. What did he meant by that? Something pretty on the outside or inside?
She was going to embarrass herself if he meant something pretty inside with her granny panties.
She decided to stick to her usual regardless. She didn't packed anything necessarily pretty thinking she's not going to need any as being their normal self was something she was actually expecting.
None the less, the dinner was amazing!
"Harry, no!" She whined when she stole a Felafel from her plate, so in return she stole a Kebab from him.
"You're stealing."
"You started it."
And they play argued about it all night. Going back and forth from stealing from each other's plates, but ending up sharing anyway. Harry decided they walk back to their hotel, he was quite liking the weather he said.
He loves to walk, and she's not used to that much walking but she isn't going to complain because she is having an amazing time. By the end of the night, YN stopped him halfway on their way back to hotel to take off her heeled shoes.
"Here lemme do it," he crouched in front of her, placing her hand he had in his on his shoulder as he proceeded to take off her shoes for her.
"Harry you don't have-"
"Shush!" He sounded, "do you want to wear mine?"
"No, I can walk barefoot." She said, "thank you," watching him so focused in untying her shoes and not getting the lace tangled was so adorable to her. A stray curl managed to plop out of the mop of hair he had gelled down earlier to keep tame, he needed a hair cut he said but honestly she liked his hair like that. It was a bummer she did not felt she had the right to tell him that she should maybe opt not to cut it, she is not his girlfriend after all.
She tried to take her shoes from him but he did let her as he grabbed her hand with his free one again stood up.
"No problem," he pressed a soft kiss on the full of her mouth.
"Harry, we're on a street." She reminded her as he started walking again. All of a sudden he was now tall again to her being flat on her feet again.
"Are you afraid of PDA?" He scoffed confusedly.
"No, but allegedly you've got a girlfriend, you can't be caught like this." YN said.
"I could care less about it." Sighing, he draped his arm around her shoulder as he pulled her closer to him. Instead of feeling remorse she gave into the warmth radiating from him, she wouldn't want to be involved with him if he were in a relationship, it's just those PR articles which made her feel bad sometimes.
Once back in the hotel room, Harry let her go finally so she can get ready for bed.
"When did you get these?" Harry asked placing her shoes on aside.
"They're my friend's I borrowed for this trip." YN shared.
YN was having a good day, she decided as she managed to wash her make-up off without getting anything in her eyes and having a burning eye until morning. Her hair was acting amazingly. Her PJs felt more comfy tonight. The sheets on their bed were changed she noticed, they were nice and cold and cosy when she got under waiting for Harry who was taking way too long, she was going to fall asleep then and there.
"Did you had a good time today?" Harry asked when he got out of the shower, agressively rubbing his hair dry with his microfiber towel, a pair of basketball short hung on his hips. These little things about him were making her fall hard for him, uncontrollably.
It was going to be hard on her when things come to end with him eventually in future she reckoned. But she was going to cherish every moment of it till it lasts, she also decided.
"Don't rub on your hair like that!" She exclaimed. He just shrugged and threw his towel on the spare chair with rest of his random clothes there and got in bed next to her. He's a messy one and it for sure trigger her OCD in some matters.
"Why did you ask me to wear something pretty?" YN asked, catching him off guard. She isn't this unpredictable.
"Why? Are you wearing something pretty?" He counter questioned, brows furrowed in anticipation.
"No!" She had a sheepish look on her face, regretting ever asking that question, "I didn't bring anything pretty with me." That earned a heart chuckle from him.
"I don't expect you to, sugar okay?" He assured her. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable asking that."
"You just caught me off guard." She not so subtly scooted closer to him, "it's okay."
"Yeah?" He sounded, taking her in his arms gladly, "I wouldn't mind seeing you in something pretty you know? You look pretty in anything in my opinion."
"Shush, stop it now go to sleep you've got a show tomorrow." She put an end to this conversation. She is embarrassed okay!
YN felt left out most of the time when she's surrounded by people Harry have known for years. All of them are older than her. She doesn't know many of them. Most of them look at her like she's some alien. Just the girls from the love band really put in effort to be nice to her and actually talk to her kindly from Harry's team. Especially Harry's manager and his wife and his pretend partner gave her constant side eyes. She feel out of place.
She didn't wanted to be there. She felt cold of a sudden, maybe it was the skimpy crop top she wore today deciding it's going to be hot. She even tried to distract herself by going to the Pleasing store there and even getting her nails done even though she never liked it one bit. It made everything worse when she saw Harry having lunch with the woman she felt so jealous of, for a few pictures whilst she was gone. He then was dragged over for the sound check for the night.
She'd put so much effort into her look today for the first time in life. She wore the crop top she crocheted herself, even did her makeup, red eyeliner with cherries and strawberries under each one winged out pigment she spent and hour drawing this morning. But now she just wanted to and bury herself in piles of blankets and disappear from the face of the planet.
"Harry?" YN went over to him when he was done. She grabbed onto the hem of the yellow Pleasing hoodie he was wearing to tug on it to get his attention.
"Yes, my love?" He gave her his undivided attention without any hesitation, "you look so red, did you not put on any sunscreen, baby?" He was already dragging her to the shade by his trailer she thought but instead he took her inside. "Are you okay?"
"I want to go back to our hotel." She said, looking for her carry on she left somewhere.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question.
"I just want to go back, I don't want to be here. Does it look like I am okay?" She snapped panicking to find her bag so she can leave.
"Hey, hey, sit down here." He made her sit on the sofa there, "what is going on? It's alright, you know you can tell me, baby." He assured her, "you trust me?"
"I just don't like the way they treat me." She admitted. He watched as the corners of her mouth started tucking down with a sad pout becoming more prominent as she tried to hold back her tears.
"Who are they you're talking about, sugar?" He really got worried, because he wouldn't want anyone to treat someone who's become so dearly precious to him badly. Especially given the setting of things they had agreed verbally upon to be in with one another. "Is it just one person?"
"I don't want to name any names, Harry, I just want to be alone now." She really seemed on the edge of a breakdown now. "Find my bag please?" She now felt the heat her body was disguising during her moment of panic, she started sweating all of a sudden, her lips have turned white till then.
"I'm not letting you be alone like this, look at you." He sighed, quickly fetching her a bottle of water from the portable fridge. He had never seen her like this since he first saw her at the bar in the hallway to the bathroom about to pass out, that's how he met her, took her out to the fresh air and gave her water. She wasn't crying that night but she was in same state of anxiety.
"No, I just want to go back." She mumbled quietly.
"C'mere." He ushered her towards him wrapping her up in his arms once again. She was quick to bury her face in his chest, even sobbing when she felt the weight of his hand on the back of her head caressing her hair. That one gesture made every anxious feeling she carried about him and her in a second. "Hey it's okay." He decided it's better to have that moment until she calms down herself. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"Not now." She shook her head.
"You still want to go back to hotel?" He asked.
"Yes, please!"
"Okay, come on we'll get you there now, yeah?"
Despite her protesting that she can go by herself, Harry drove her to the hotel himself. Made sure she was still doing okay before he left for the show tonight.
"YN, you feeling okay now?" He asked. She has been lying in bed from past three hours with AC on full blast with the blanket pulled over to her ear with her back faced to him.
She was feeling horrible. For having a sudden breakdown whilst he was just trying to work. She did not expected to have this kind of reaction to hear Jamie, his pretend girlfriend and his manager Jeffery, talk shit about her behind her back like that. She has bad that happen to her all her life. This one got to her because those were complete strangers to her with very false assumptions about her. Her mind was racing again.
Maybe she should just...
"YN, talk to me baby." She was interrupted by Harry, she could feel his warmth and weight on her upper bod. Realising he was leaning onto her as if to hug her. He likes his hugs and never compromises on them, but he's heavy even though he appears to be dainty and delicate in person. He's six feet tall for gods sake and her five and half feet body could take so much of that weight.
"You're heavy." She mumbled.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckled moving away just enough so she can trun on her back, "you're feeling okay now?"
"A little." She nodded, earning herself an affectionate kiss on the apple of her cheek.
"You want to come see me then at the show?" He asked, hopeful that she'd go because he's got a tiny surprise for her.
"I don't know." She said hesitantly. "I'm sorry."
"You want to tell me why, hm? Never seen you cry like that before, sugar, is everything okay?" He requested, stressing on the subject a bit more. He knew someone was being rude and mean to her and he needed to know who it was.
"I heard Jamie and Jeffery talking about how I'm taking advantage of you, and I'm hogging all your money. You just don't see that according to them." She blurt out feeling safe to be vulnerable enough to share how she was truly feeling and what and who made her feel that way, "I just don't want to deal with that and please don't say anything to either them. I want to stay in. That really made me upset because somewhere it's the truth."
"Oh my little love," he sighed, "that's not true. No one can tell me what to do with my earnings, you're not hogging all of it, okay? Don't let get to you please? No one can tell you what you feel is wrong or what you do is wrong unless you're not hurting anyone. You're the kindest and sweetest one I've met in painfully long time, I've never once felt that you're taking advantage of me. In fact if it were anyone else they'd probably ask for more than what I have to offer, you put up a fight against me if I try to get you something, that's enough for me to trust you, okay? What we have is not anyone's business to talk about but us."
"Since we're being vulnerable here, I want to tell you that you become very precious to me. I've grown to care about you." He grabbed her hand in a gentle hold, as he pushed her hair out her face with his free hand. "I am sorry for not listening to you here, but I'm going to have a conversation about this with Jeffery. He's my friend doesn't mean he can talk shit about people I care for, okay?"
"Okay." She nodded, "thank you. And I'm sorry. I promise I'll return you every penny I've borrowed once I have a proper job after graduation. And ehm-"
"Don't talk about that." He interrupted her, "now do you still want to stay in here? I was hoping you'd come see me play, Shania Twain is performing with me."
That made her freeze there. She's been obsessed with Shania Twain since she met Harry, he introduced her to the artist and she's never stopped listening to her since. But she'd still rather stay in than even see Jamie's face for saying those disgusting things about her which Harry doesn't know and will never know.
"I'll watch it from here." She suggested, "I just really don't want to go there, want to be alone."
"Okay, I won't force you." He agreed, "you want me to order you something for dinner?"
"I think I'll go out to this restaurant I saw," she shrugged, "before your performance starts."
"You promise you're going to eat?" He asked.
"I promise." She held out her small pinky making him giggle, he wrapped his own around hers and kissed it to seal their promise.
"You got your nails done?" He beamed seeing her red and baby teal blue shade, "even like your makeup and this pretty top you made. You're so talented, baby." He leaned down to pepper her face with sloppy wet kisses, making her giggle, "I am gonna steal it from you."
"I'll make you one so we can match." She suggested.
"Yeah?" He looked at her, "I'd love that, kitten."
"I think you should go before you manager calls you." She reminded him. He dropped his head low sighing, their cheeks touching each other she could feel his stubble poke against her skin.
He didn't wanted to leave her alone!
"Don't wait up for me, okay? I'll leave as soon as I am done." He mumbled before lifting himself up from her finally, press a tender kiss on her mouth and then on the corner of her lips.
"Okay." She nodded.
Harry came back by around half past one, found the bedroom lights in the suite turned off. But he saw a yellowed blue-light of phone illuminating YN's face there as she lied on their shared bed texting.
"Hi lovie, you didn't sleep?" He walked over to her not bothering to turn on the lights and ruin the calm atmosphere she had created in there.
"No, I was talking to Brielle. She said your performance was amazing." YN shared as she sat up and locked her phone when he sat next to her there.
"Thank her from me." He smiled, "I'll go and shower, okay? Be with you in ten."
"Take your time." She said. He was still wearing the outfits he wore whilst performing, "I really like your outfit."
"Thank you baby, I knew you're gonna like it." He beamed glanced down at his outfit once. "Go to bed now, we're going out tomorrow morning."
"Mhmm." She nodded, "I want a kiss."
"C'mere then," with his hand behind her neck he drew her closer to him with a tilt to her head, he connected their mouths together. Keeping it short and sweet for now he pulled away but got a kiss on his cheek. "Is that enough to hold you off till I shower?"
"Mhmm." She nodded again, he pressed another little peck on her mouth before retrieving entirely.
"I'll be back, yeah?" He ran to shower gathering a change of clothes, just a pair of boxers and basketball shorts he liked to wear to bed.
He looked very happy. He sang songs from his new album tonight which she's heard before, he played the album to her after he was fully done by it to get her views on it as she hardly listened to his music. Seeing that dimpled smile of his warmed her heart so much.
She got out of bed to go fetch the little chocolate cake pastries she got for dessert but saved to share it with. She did went out to get dinner, ate some nice Gnocchi, on her way back she stopped at a bakery to get the last slice of chocolate cake. It's been sitting in the mini fridge of the hotel room since. She was proud of herself to say the least for going out on her own and ordering for herself. Ordering her meals or coffee gave her serious anxiety, resulting her to more home cooked meal which took pride in, but when she was feeling shit and didn't wanted to cook she'd just had settle on a pizza she'd order from an application so she wouldn't have to talk to a person on a phone call. She was feeling shit today but still made an effort to go out herself.
"Did you get dinner baby?" He asked as he came out of the shower, towel drying his hair quite vigorously.
"Yes. And I got us cake!" She announced earning a confused glance from him. "What?"
"You really went out?" He asked even though the cake from a bakery was very big evidence she did. "There was nothing charged on my card."
"You gave me your card three months to get you coffee on my way back from errands once and refuse to take back doesn't mean I'm going to use it." She proceeded to take out a slice of cake for herself from the box because it looked so fucking delicious and she couldn't wait, he went back in the bathroom for some reason.
"I gave it to you for the exact reason. Haven't yet got the time to get you one with your name." He sat next to her, dipping his head down he have a kiss on her cheek. "I am so proud of you for going out on your own, sugar." It was the truth. She'd only go out to eat when with him (or her best friend Brielle a handful of times), he ordered for her everytime knowing pretty well she'd rather stall all night that actually talk to a waiter to tell them what she wants to eat at their restaurant.
"Thank you." She smiled. "Did you had your dinner?"
"Mhmm." He nodded, proceeded to ask, "What else did you do today?"
"I stayed in bed and watched you perform. Shania looked so pretty!" She shared. "Also did a little face mask."
"Without me?" A little upset pout took over his lips.
"We can do one tomorrow." She suggested taking his faux-upset look to heart, but he grinned not bothering to correct her adorable concern. She offered him a bite of the cake on the one-time-use wooden spoon which he gladly accepted, she got it for both of them to share. "It's so good, isn't it?" She searched his face for a reaction excitedly.
"It is baby." He agreed. "Too sweet for me though, you can have the rest."
By the time she finished up her cake she filled him with the tea of this on going drama in her friend circle. Apparently one of her classmate got pregnant with the guy who she was cheating on her boyfriend with, now the guy doesn't want to be involved in the scene by all mean and with all his rights and it's created his huge entertaining drama around it. Her friend Brielle takes in huge interest in gossips. And that why even though YN's known the girl her whole life she doesn't tell her more than just a few bullet points with anything Harry and her related. She respects his privacy and doesn't want her friend to go and accidentally spill all the information to everyone. Though she haven't yet told anyone about YN and Harry, which is a good thing that she promises to keep it the same way.
Harry threw her the trash for her watching her mood lifted from earlier today. He did had a talk with Jamie and Jeffery after the show though.
"Oh, I have a few things to show you." YN remembered watching Harry get in bed with her, "where is my phone?" She looked around.
"I don't know?" He looked under the blanket and pillows.
"Maybe I left it outside." She got out of bed and ran out to look for her phone.
Harry didn't know if she really remembers what she's wearing considering it's three in the morning. It was pretty rare for her to prance around like that just in a pair of panties and one of his shirts which is always too large for her somehow. She just runs away to put on a pair of pants when he's around and he respects that though he wouldn't mind.
"I saw this man walking his cat on a leash." She spoke entering the room with her phone in her hands, her pretty face illuminated under the blue light as she searched for something she wants to show him. "I want to train DumDum like this."
"Do you want to get in bed with me first, sweet girl?" He suggested, eyeing her up and down and then up again. Caught. She looked down at her state of clothing, the shirt barely covered her ass.
"I'll go put some pants on, sorry," she kept her phone on the side table in hurry. She didn't mind what she wore, she's grown to love her body, she liked to go to bed properly clothed in respect to Harry when he's around. It might make him uncomfortable, there are chances. She respects his personal space and boundaries like he does.
"It's alright sweet girl, c'mere, it's hot for you to sleep in sweats. I don't mind come on." He urged her. "I'm half naked too."
"Go put a shirt on!" Her fake scold sent him into a fit of laugh that he missed watching her snuggle up next to him. She showed him the pictures and videos she took of the cat she was talking about, apparently he was named Sushi and was there ar the shushi restaurant next to the one YN went to eat Shushi. "He's going to love your song Music For Sushi Restaurant."
"Mhmm, I wrote that so g about him." Harry pointed out, "look he's got green eyes." He zoomed in on the picture of the cat making YN giggled, she locked her phone and kept it away to get under blanket with him. Harry couldn't help but get a peek at the baby blue of her cotton panties she was wearing. He just pulled her in a bear cuddle letting her use his bicep as a pillow wrapping his free arm around her waist. His nose skimming against her, he closed his eyes feeling her soft breaths warm up his skin. "What happened today, won't happen again baby. Not on my watch, okay?"
"I'm okay now." She assured him, "it just hurt in that moment."
"I want you to tell me of it happens again." He said with a firm tone, "won't tolerate it again."
"I will." She pressed a tender kiss with all lovely feelings she has harboured for him during their time together as she proceeded to snuggle into him their cheeks pressed together in feathery contact. She could feel his hand wander lower and lower, over the expanse of her bum and back up sneaking under her shirt a little, it was set into pattern now.
"You're comfortable?" He asked, she knew exactly about what and it had her nodding her head gently. She liked the way he was touching her, it was first but she was already addicted. He's never gone this far ahead touching her affectionately before, so it was pretty intimate for her. Last two days spent with him without going out for work or anything, she felt safe with him. Her fear of chances of him being a secret serial killer had vanished just today though it didn't kill all of her anxiety, it is going to take time for her.
His wandering hand snuck under her shirt feeling adventurous running up her side over her tummy, she suddenly didn't felt uncomfortable with her not-flat stomach. Letting him to whatever was best decision, she decided as it was making all happy feelings having a firework in her skull. It only got more as she felt butterflies floating up to her brain processing brushes of his lips on her neck and shoulder. Feeling tingly in between her legs she squirmed under his touch there.
YN was pushed gently to lay on her back with his hands under her head even though there was a fluffy pillow to protect her. She cracked open her eyes to find him hovering over her, close enough to feel his soft exhales on her skin. His hand still under her shirt slowly creeping up to rest to her ribs closer to the swells of her breast before he stopped. The lack of another layer of clothing under her shirt added just more to his anticipation and cravings of her, even though he's never had in this way before.
"This okay?" He asked, earning just a nod from her, "I'm gonna need words baby, yes or not?"
"Yes." She rushed. A rewarding kiss was pressed on the corner of her mouth as his fingers squeezed gently around her breast. She gasped softly. He rolled over her, making sure to not put any on his weight on her as he managed to fit between thighs. With his knees folded her sat on his knees to look at her.
"Thought you said you didn't brought anything pretty with you," a comment on her baby blue cotton panties had her flushed in a second, "you brought your pretty self." He added with a smirky grin on his face, dimples appearing on his cheek and all. "Do you want to tale this off?" His other hand snuck under her shirt.
"Would you want that?" She asked biting down her lip in anticipation.
"It's not entirely about me, would you want that?" He shook her head, still affectionately caressing her sides.
"I want that." She consented, having him help her slip her arms out of the shirt and have him carefully pull it over her head.
"Hi," he greeted with a chuckle watching her shake her head in attempt to move her hair off her face.
"Hi," she beamed at him.
"You're so pretty baby," he glanced at her longingly before he leaned down to kiss her with more affection, pressing his mouth on her a little too hard but she isn't complaining, "perfect for me, can tell already!" She kissed him back with same affection if not more. "You okay with me loving on you?"
"It is okay." She confessed.
"Yeah?" He was amused and smitten by her in the moment.
Harry left a trail of soft, sloppy wet kissed down her jaw to her neck. Lingering that much longer on her pulse, it was surely going to leave a mark with the way he sucked on her soft skin before he kept down lower and lower. Giving the peaks of her breasts attention, one hand wrapped around one as he wrapped his lips around the peaks of her nipple sucking that little harder each time, rolling the other in between his thumb and forefinger. That alone had her squirming and gasping as she felt the pool of wetness in between her legs grow.
"That's okay, don't hold your pretty sounds back, sugar, lemme hear them." He urged her hearing a soft squeal from her.
"I won't, I won't, please don't stop." She mumbled.
"Wasn't planning on bunny," he looked at her smirking all while searching her face as he let his hands wander even lower between her hands, brush of his fingers over the wet patch on her panties was enough to make her gasp again, louder this time. "Y'like that, sugar?"
"Mhmm, yes!" She nodded throwing her head back as he pressed his fingers harder on her clit, setting a rhythm of circled pattern causing another firework all over her brain. It felt different from the times she does it herself for sure. "More, please!" She requested, pulling him closer with his face cupped in her palms for a kiss. And he gave her more.
"Feel good, sugar?" He asked urging her, his finger tips running soft circles on her clit. "Wanna taste you, baby, would you mind that."
"No," she nodded followed by a soft whimper, "please." Just on request he pushed himself up so sit on his heels as he pulled down her panties. Taking a moment to look at her as she was lied there in layered in dreamy haze. He definitely did not expected this even though he started it but he isn't going to complain. He moved them both so he was now kneeling on the floor as he tugged her down with his hands wrapped from under her thighs. Without saying anything he started with pressing sloppy wet kisses up her skin. Hearing little whimpers of request for him to stop teasing, not giving into her begging he threw her legs over his shoulders to reach of her hand and intertwine their fingers together. He pushed her thighs apart licking a bold stripe over her clit before he was going down to her slit having her already shuddering under his touch. Pressing his mouth on the full of her pussy with the shake of his head making her clench her thighs around his head.
Propping herself on her elbows to look at his ministrations he wasn't going to stop anytime soon, nor she wanted him to. He saw him glancing up at with his mouth still attached to her core, with his free arm flexing which could only tell that he's jerking himself. That just edged her closer to her high. His humming of pleasure sending waves of vibration down her spin making her let slip her own moans.
"Are you going to cum, baby?" He asked pulling away just enough before diving back in the sweetness he seemed to be already addicted to. He was in complete sense of euphoria, buried in between her legs being the best decision he's made.
"Yes! Oh, Harry!" She let out her little whimpers.
"Yeah? Cum for me baby," he urged her, "lemme taste it, you taste so good!" His tongue lapping over her slick pussy he guided her through her high, hearing her little soft whimpers of pleasure. Sucking at her slit as his nose nudged against her clit with a particular hard shake of his mouth. He proceeded to lick her clean telling her how good of a girl he was for him. He could have a go again if she'd let him, but he pulled away with a last firm kiss placed on her clit before he rose up to check on her. He lied there like an angel falled right from heaven with her chest heaving, eyes shuttered closed in bliss. He leaned over to press a kiss on her cheek to get her attention.
"You doing alright baby?" He asked.
"Mhmm." She nodded, leaning into him being fond of the closeness she felt with him in that moment, it was very different than she's used to but god she didn't want it to end.
"Did so good, m'good girl you are." He praised her. His nose skimming against her before he placed his lips against her. She could taste herself which the natural taste of him she was grown so familiar with, but she pulled away with his face cupped in between the plams of her hands
"Did you finish?" She asked.
"You saw me, didn't you?" He smirked pressing on the tip of her nose he rested his forehead on hers, "I didn't. But don't worry about me now, tonight is about you, my little love."
"I want to help you." She urged him, "only if you let me." She felt his chest heave as he took in a long breathe as if he was contemplating. "Please?"
"Yeah? You want to help me?" He asked earning a sound of hum from her, "can I cum on your tummy then, don't want you to do anything while you're so tired."
"Uh-huh!" She nodded, "want you to feel good."
"Move up for me then, baby." He urged her to move up on the mattress, she did exactly watching him shimmy off his boxers and shorts fully before he managed to fit himself in between her thighs just like he was not even five minutes ago before he pulled her to the edge of their shared bed. "You sure you want this, baby?"
"I want it." She said, softly with a jerky nod of her head desperate to see him feel the same he saw her feel. It took everything in her to not touch him, especially when he hasn't given her his consent to do so as she watched him wrap his fingers around his cock, sliding his hand up and down slowly. YN looked up at him with her lip buried under her teeth. "Are you close?"
"So close," he shared, deep rumble of moans left his kiss swollen lips as he jerked himself over her. YN felt butterflies in her tummy all over again, wanting so badly to help but he won't let her touch him in anyway. She needed to find a way to urge him like he did.
"I want you to cum for me, Harry." She said, resting her hand over his which he had propped on the full of her thigh, running her palm up and down his forearm. "Are you going to?"
"Fuck yes, baby!" He moaned as his eyes shuttered closed. He couldn't help the smile taking over his lips as he heard her speak those words.
"Look at me, Harry!" She demanded, with all her rights making him instantly follow her words. He sat back on his heels as his fucked his own hand looking at her. Just the sight of her lied there bare had his cum spurring out with couple of hard strokes of his hand, landing right in between valley of her breasts.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum." He told her.
"Please cum for me." He urged him more, lacing fingers of his free hand with her. Enough for him to cum all over her making a mess of both of them until his cock went soft in his hand with heavy and breathy moans filling their room. With a soft tug at his hand she pulled over her as soon as he was done, pressing soft and lazy kisses on his cheek. "Made me cum so hard, baby, thank you."
A soft chuckle left her own kiss swollen lips, "it's two ways, right? You made me feel good too."
"Mhmm," he nodded.
"I want to help you next time like you helped me." She shared, "please?" Just the mention of a next time made Harry want to go at it again, but she looked tired, really tired he could tell by the tone of her voice.
"I promise, my love." He agreed. "Come on, let's take a quick shower then we can get dressed and go to bed. Got you all tired, didn't I?"
With his arm's wrapped around her waist he picked up with no efforts as made a way to their en suite bathroom. He carefully placed her on her wobbly feet stealing in a few tender kisses from her mouth.
"Need to get us a change of clothes, go on and get in first I will join you, okay baby?" He suggested earning an upset pout from her, "promise won't take long." He kissed her pout away before he stepped away and stepped out of bathroom reminding her, "make sure you take a wee too."
His casualness made her shudder in cringe on herself. How and why did she find that weird, whilst it's something important she does? He casualness wasn't something she found cringey but the feeling that took over her. But brushing it away she did what he said so and got into shower settings the water to luke warm even though she's used to taking burning hot showers. In no time Harry was joining her like he promised and helped her clean up the mess he made of the pair of them, making sure to give her extra kisses and praises.
"Harry?" She spoke as he wrapped a towel around her before her wrapped one around his hips.
"Hmm?" He sounded, proceeding to dry her off so she wouldn't catch a cold, "what is it lovie?"
"That was my first time being intimate with anyone." She confessed, with a hint of fear she might upset him for something.
"You didn't tell me?" He stopped dead on his tracks, "why baby?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, "I'm sorry, I should've."
"You should've told me, yeah," he agreed resuming his work of drying her off, "but I should've asked you. And it's okay."
"You didn't know."
"I know baby, but I started it, didn't I?" He sighed.
"Did I make you upset?"
"No, but I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable in anyway." He shared, leaving the towel draped over her shoulders as he reached for the pair of panties he got for her from her suitcase. He crouched, "step in."
"You didn't," she told him as she stepped into the pair of clothing and watched him pull it up her thighs to her waist, "you made me feel so safe."
"I did?"
"Mhmm." She nodded watching him reach for his hoodie he got got her, "I don't quite feel comfortable with myself, but I felt it with you. I should've told you." His shoulders deflated hearing her words, it was quite emotional thing for her he could tell and she isn't the most open person he's met but at least she's telling him the truth now. And he's glad he didn't gave into her begging of wanting to help him like he did. They can go slow if she wanted to do anything like that again.
"Precious, look at me." He set her up on the counter top next to the sink and stood in between her thighs, "thank you so much for telling me the truth." He started, his hands warming the sides of her hips, "I don't know how I feel, but it's okay, just need you to know that you can tell me anything next time when we're doing something intimate. Now I wanna everything. You said it's two ways, right?"
"Then that's how it's going to be." He stated quite firmly yet with tender feeling towards her, "like I told you, you're very precious and wouldn't want to do anything-even unintentionally- to hurt you, my love, okay?"
"Okay, I will." She agreed on it, earning the prettiest smile and a gentle kiss from him. "I don't want it." She refused watching him bunch up the hoodie he got for her to the neckline.
"Why not baby?"
"I want to cuddle close to you." She shared.
"You sure, you won't be cold?"
"No," she shook her head. He put on his own boxers before he was picking her up again, her legs wrapped around his hips and arms draped around his shoulders. He whispered his sweet nothings to her making a way back out with their half bare selves, as her soft giggles filled their room. He lied her down gently on their shared bed joining her closely. Wrapping her in duvet.
"Good night, sugar." He kissed her temple.
"Good night." She whispered snuggling as humanly close to him as possible.
The morning after was nothing but sweet and tender for YN, she was woken up by soft whispers from Harry. A huge breakfast in bed, and even bigger snuggle sesh as they watched her favourite show before getting into a warm bath together in the afternoon and get ready for the evening.
Harry took her to the Billie Eilish merch shops, bought her almost every single item they had to offer despite her little protests, and extra pair of sweats and crewneck for her best friend as her birthday present from both of them. They spent their time watching few of his favourite artists playing all the while without catching anyone's attention with Jamie and Jeffery with them. YN found it very weird as anywhere Jamie goes they have camera's following them but she wasn't complaining.
"Harry, can we go out to get dinner?" She suggested on their way back to their hotel.
"Where do you want to go, baby?" He asked, opening the door for her with his free hand as he held the bags with her new clothes, be let her in first.
"I don't know, I feel like eating rice cakes." She shared.
"Yeah? We can go to my favourite Korean restaurant then." He set her bags down by her duffle bag which was spilling out with stuff she had carelessly stuffed inside.
They just did that. Alone they both went to get dinner like their first night in LA. She taught Harry how to use chopsticks, laughing as she watched him still struggle. He stuck to using fork and spoon as they ate. They ordered a few desserts which Harry hardly ate from before they headed back to Coachella to watch Billie perform.
"You didn't eat any dessert." She pointed out as he walked just behind her, "we could have ordered something you like?"
"What if I tell you, I want my sugar for dessert, hm?" He leaned in closer to her ear, "tasted you once can already rell you're the sweetest dessert there's ever going be." He whispered, making goosebumps take over her skin.
"I don't mind that."
"I know you don't," he cooed, "would take you back with me now but we're here for you, aren't we? Unless you want to go back to our hotel."
"We can wait." She said, firmly, not wanting to give into his teasing even though she could feel those same tingles in between her legs as last night. Harry didn't said anything as they proceeded to walk towards the VIP area to watch her favourite singer.
It was a bummer Harry wasn't her favourite singer, but he's certainly her favourite in other ways.
YN had to walk next to Jeffery and Glenn as Jamie and Harry walked together. She was already craving the warmth of his palm against her watching his hand wrapped around someone elses. Yes, she felt the tinge of jealousy creep up in her mind and heart even though everything was just for show. It wasn't until a few songs in YN felt Harry tugging towards him to make her stand right in front of him as he wrapped his arms around smaller frame, she felt a soft press of his lips on her head through the hood she had up oh her head. Now that made that teeny bit jealousy go away for a second before she noticed Jamie was stood right next to him.
"Do you not want to take videos?" Harry wondered.
"Oh yeah," she realised as she fished out her phone from her pocket, and turned on the video to later send it to her friend and post it on her stories and keep it back in her pocket to enjoy the moment in person. Harry still had her caged in between his arms, their fingers intertwined together. YN brought their hands upto her lips before placing a soft kiss on the back of his hands before placing the bundle of their hands over her chest, letting his sway them both to the soft music of Ocean Eyes now playing.
Harry pushed her closer to him with his hand on her chest, holding flush against his own. "Gimme a kiss." His voice soft, just for the two of them.
"We're out." She reminded him. She cared for his public image. And to the public he was dating Jamie and if anyone saw him kissing her, he'd be a cheater which she would never want for him.
"I don't give a fuck, now gimme a kiss or I might die because of lack of kisses from my baby." He said, as dramatically as he could making her giggle before she turned her head to look at him. He dipped his head down desparately to button his mouth of her, he turned her around so he can indulge in the contact better.
He had her wrapped up in his arms for entire time they were there. His heart felt full whenever he is with her and that's what he wanted her to feel until Jeffery had to drive buldozer of his bullshit over their sweet time together saying people have started to notice he's not close to Jamie but someone else and had escorted them out of there.
YN felt so hurt, she was really just someone else? Why wouldn't his team address her like a human being but as if she's some weird mutated creature Harry liked to be around? She walked beside Glenn watching Jamie take a hold of Harry's hand, even proceeding to cling to his arms giggling her way out at something Jeffery said. She could see Harry's face as he walked ahead of her this time.
Jamie has been doing nothing but plaguing their time together. Worse part was thar Harry gave into it, even though he's obliged to do so. Not even just now but it's been like this since a month after Harry met her and he had to get into this pr relationship, it was very annoying from day one. Especially since Jamie hated her for apparently no reason at all. And so did Harry's team, especially his manager.
Well, YN didn't had any right to be that upset it's not like she's his girlfriend. She's just someone's he basically pays to hang with him throwing away the fact that she would do all this without any conditions because she fallen in love with him. You don't put any conditions in front of a person you love so much.
Love is always supposed to be unconditional, she knew that.
She brushed it off and decided to walk ahead and get in the car in back seat knowing very well she'll be told to do so when Harry's driving, there are paps called outside and many screaming fans stood there with their cameras out. Harry drove off to their hotel, everyone annoyingly stayed at the same hotel.
YN still walked ahead and stook the stairs instead not wanting paps to even click even a single picture of her. As a college student with almost all of her batch being Harry's fan was mot going to make her life any easier than it already is. But she truly felt bad. Be isn't going to back off his backend deal with the movie he worked in for some girl he met more more than half year ago and pays for her college for her. That's some weird ass shit she thought is going on there. All her life she's felt unwanted and worthless and being around his people makes it even worse even when he insists he wants her in his life.
She one stupid to fall for him.
She reached the fourth floor huffing and puffing looking through her phone to distract her mind from wandering from streets to gutters. She bumped into Harry stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, an upset look over his features.
"Why didn't you get in the lift?" He asked her.
"I didn't wanted any pictures taken of me on accident." She said walking down the corridor to their shared room. He followed her like lost little puppy trying to keep up with her fast footsteps.
"Hey, what's wrong love? I'm sorry we had to leave early." He cooed trying to still catch upto her, he hated how down far their room was, "she's performing next weekend too we can stay till the very end, sugar!" Finally they came to their room and YN tried to open the door with spare key card she had, but struggled to do so with her vision blurred out by her tears. Harry calmly took the key from and opened the door leading her in he shut the door behind them making sure to lock it. He walked her inside and made her sit on their bed and took a seat on the yellow ottoman in front of her.
"What's wrong?" He asked again.
"I don't know." She shook her head, pulling her hand away from his grip.
"I know you know when you say that," he sighed, "what made you this upset, my love? Why are you crying?" He waited patiently for her answer his concerns but she didn't, she's very stubborn when it comes to sharing her feelings. "If you don't tell me what's wrong then how I'm gonna help you fix it?"
"I don't know."
"You want me to assume what happened?" He asked even though he had no assumptions about what must went down.
"I don't know."
"YN c'mon stop being stubborn, baby, I'm tryin' to figure out what got you all upset when you were so happy." His shoulders slumped in defeat, he ran a heavy hand over his face and through his hair. "Fine if you're not going tell me."
"I wasn't." She deadpanned. A heavy sigh he released calmed him down.
"What are you upset about, my love?" He asked, again, with much more patience than before.
"It's embarrassing." She shook her head, dismissing the thought of wanting to share that she's jealous of his pretend girlfriend because she's fallen head over heels for him after he'd shown just some affection towards her.
"You know I would never judge you," he cooed to her, reassuring her as took a gentle hold of her hands. Still amused by how much smaller her hands were in compare to his, they fit perfectly in his like that last piece puzzle. "Did Jamie or anyone said anything mean to you again?"
"No," she looked down at their joined hands in her lap.
"Are you upset we left early?"
"I didn't liked the way Jeffery had us escorted back to hotel because he saw people were starting to, to notice us, us sharing a kiss." She stuttered through her little complain, "I, I don't like it when she's around whenever we're out and I have to be pretend I'm not someone to you."
"But you're everything to me." He confessed, "and I mean it. I am really sorry you feel that way, sugar. I promise we're going out when she's not around, yeah? It is just going to be us, I promise."
"You do?" She asked.
"Mhmm, I do." He nodded, "see it was that easy to fix this, didn't need to cry on this." He wiped off her tears from her face, holding both her hands in one of his as if she's going to run away. "Did you get jealous of Jamie hogging all of our alone time?"
"I did." She cemented, without any hesitation glaring at him for his unnecessary teasing in the moment.
"I'm sorry," he rushed, "but you do know I don't even look at her, don't you? You know I'm coming back to you at the end kf the day, don't you?" He wasn't even trying to conceal the little he'd harboured on her now. Not when their alone time being invaded made her that upset for her to shed tears. "You've got nothing to worry about you know that, don't you?"
She gave him another jerky nod of her head, "mhmm, I know."
"Then gimme me a hug now." He dropped her hands just so he can wrap him up in his arms, she had hers tucked in between them. He even peppered the exposed skin of her face with as many kisses as he could.
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I’ll always love the whole daemon discourse regarding his love/loyalty towards viserys & rhaenyra. There’s no doubt that he doesn’t want the throne for himself…maybe initially at first but not anymore but it’s just that he’s so brazen, relentless, merciless & ruthless (also idiotic bc my dude, you hired the most laziest & idiotic people to do your bidding like what?? How can you be shocked that it didn’t go your way…when has anything go your way, my love but anyways..) and because he goes about anything that way, it causes a mistrust from viserys & rhaenyra (within good reason imo like I can’t say that their mistrust in daemon is irrational & unfair bc damn, that mf is not greatest at executing his plans). He is such a wild card that you never know what to expect of him and his reasonings but he is valid for feeling casted aside from Viserys and ofc his fear of being casted aside increases now that rhaenyra has grown up and is more aware of daemon’s erratic & chaotic nature but daemon, my love, I’m going to hold your hand when I say this…..THERES A WAY TO GO ABOUT IT, DUMDUM. there’s a right way and your way, my dude, is not the right way like damn. Ofc, rhaenyra is going to look at you different bc your “mistake” consisted a poor innocent baby being struck down in HER name but Rhaenyra, you also should’ve know that everything he does from that point on (even though it’s stupid as fuck) is all for you, he loves you. He wants you..not the throne. All of the mfs needs therapy like I get a headache just watching this as viewer. Imagine actually having to deal with the fuck shit mess of a family…take me out now like 😂 but anyway, what do you think?
Yeah, it’s so very interesting to unpack the character! Daemon is not someone who desires the throne, and that’s pretty well-articulated by basically everyone involved in the show’s production process. He desires to be IMPORTANT, to be VALUED, and that’s just something that he doesn’t get from Viserys (and is starting to see the same in with Rhaenyra). One could argue that the distance rulership creates between the monarch and their subjects is in itself a major factor in this, but I do truly believe that they just don’t provide Daemon with the esteem he craves. There’s also whether or not he actually deserves it—he’s made terrible decisions time and time again, and who would want to trust him after that?? A real self-defeating cycle with this one. It’s so deliciously tragic!
I do tend to believe that Daemon’s idiocy was deliberate; he KNEW that Blood and Cheese was going to end in someone important’s death, whether that be who he said to go for (Aemond) or collateral (Jaehaerys). His aim was to provoke war, to lure them out of King’s Landing and onto the field so he could cut them down in battle. He does succeed in this, however unfortunate the ultimate outcome is.
Thank you so much for this ask! I love taking about these messed-up idiots.
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imalwaysconfuzzled · 3 years
I genuinely think that Azula cared for Zuko and loved him in the capacity she could, given the situation and home life they had.
This does not mean that I don’t think that she wouldn’t manipulate him or throw him under the bus if it would put her on top, but I think she cared for him as much as she was allowed to.
Starting off with when Azula comes to take Zuko and Iroh prisoner, she seems genuinely upset that Zuko wasn’t giving her a more positive reception. This could just be acting on her, but it did seem that she wanted to see Zuko after three years apart. 
She says in the episode “ I'm not a messenger. I didn't have to come all this way.” 
Which is true. She didn’t have to be the one to show up to for the ruse. She could’ve sent a messenger or had the resident they were staying ambushed. (You could argue that it would be more believable coming from her in the context of what she was saying and that she could use Zuko’s trust in her to stop Iroh’s sway, but again, organizing a fake message about rescinding Zuko’s banishment could’ve also had worked.)
Their interactions in season three have been covered before. 
1) Azula bringing Zuko home as a Prince again, for real, is both operating under the orders Ozai gave her at the end of season one, but she also be because she wanted her brother back and is making use of the situation to get that and for protection for herself as she said to him. 
(Which is a risk in and of itself because if Aang is alive, Ozai knows she lied to him about the certainty of the removal of an important threat, which we know Ozai did not react well to during the eclipse.)
(She also apparently talked Zuko up enough that Ozai was convinced enough that he asked for Zuko’s opinion in the war meeting. I don’t think Ozai would have done this otherwise.)
2) When Azula warns Zuko about his visits to Iroh being suspicious and a danger to him, she didn’t really have anything to gain from that besides hopefully making Zuko heed her advice.
3) At the beach, when she finds him to bring him back from moping at the summer house. 
The part I like to think about, and haven’t really seen talked about, is how she behaves in the war room discussing Sozin’s comet.
Zuko attends (and how convenient that after Zuko comes to her upset about not being invited, he’s like immediately invited afterwards) and asked to give his opinion on the Earth Kingdom’s people. When Ozai takes his answer not as he meant it, Zuko goes to clarify, but is interrupted by Azula and the meeting moves forward. 
I’ve always thought that this moment was peculiar because if Zuko had finished speaking, he would’ve undoubtedly said something to anger Ozai. Azula knew that. She knew that her dumdum brother wouldn’t have been able help himself if given the chance so she didn’t give him one. Besides simply giving a satisfactory answer with appropriate ruthlessness, she stopped Zuko incriminating himself and moved the conversation along. It kept him safe as much as it made her look good.
(And there is no doubt that when Zuko turned traitor, Azula was in some hot water. Both because it was her vouching/ her lies that got him back in the position he did, a position that could have given him access to who knows what kind of up-to-date info, and because her lies were revealed to Ozai which casts her in a bad light.)
Azula and Zuko have a complicated mess of a relationship. 
They were both set up to be pitted against each other and an otherwise simple sibling rivalry was getting turned deadly as they grew older. Azula might love her brother but having Ozai’s love/ approval meant more. Not just because Azula wanted his praise and love but because she understood that disfavor had consequences both to her safety and identity as a perfect princess. Ozai’s approval is not something that can be shared, so Azula has to fight to win it over her brother, and fight to continue to win even when favored.
Even so, she sprinkled in ways that would have helped Zuko navigate life back under Ozai’s thumb (which is a gift in and of itself) in her plans to continue to elevate herself. 
We see the result of what Ozai’s favor means to her during the Phoenix Kings coronation. She was desperate to be seen in a continued positive light. Making the palanquin bearers move faster in order to not keep Ozai waiting, seeing being left behind during the comet as the disfavor she’s fought all her life to stay out of. 
“You...you can't treat me like this!  You can't treat me like Zuko!”
Even as she accepts the new position Ozai gives her, her joy seems fake. She knows that with Ozai being ruler of the world, that Firelord is a downgraded position that’s being used to placate her. 
(She probably realizes that if Ozai planned this supreme overlord role all along and had Zuko stayed, Zuko would have been the one given the participation trophy while she would’ve been the heir to be Phoenix King/Queen.)
This probably started the seeds that led to her paranoia during the comet. Convinced that everyone was out to get her/ betray her because she has been left by everyone at this point, but all she needs is Ozai’s esteem more because his opinion is everything and she can’t do that by messing up, but since she her identity is centered around perfection, it’s everyone else that’s seeking to ruin her plans and sabotage her and keeping her from getting it.
In summary, I really think Azula loved her brother and did what she could for him in between securing the win for herself.  
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hi! I couldn't find your rules so I hope everything is alright!
I would like to request a match-up please
My name is Daisy Lafleur (please no joke on my name I'm a bit tired of them) I'm 18 (I'm turning 19 in 5 days) , 4'11, she/her, I'm skinny I was the kid and still is the one that you can use 2 fingers to make the whole way around my wrist, I get sick really easy
I have long blond natural hairs but I dye them a pastel pink and wear them as 2 ponytails, I have blue eyes, I'm INFJ, I love philosophy, theater and reading. My fashion style is Lolita I mostly dress like @miladeblois on tiktok she is my favorite.
My love language is physical touch I'm very clingy with the people I like, the tip of my noise is always a bit red even when I don't put any makeup
People think I'm like a child because of how small I am and how I dress but I'm still an adult with my responsibilities and I take them seriously I'm not some 100% pure being even though I don't understand most of THESE jokes, I work at a daycare and I love the kids I want to be a mom one day
I'm also really shy and it's annoying when people think I'm doing it for attention when it's just how I am, theater help me with my anxiety because I like it so much
I have 4 older brothers that can be a bit much overprotective but they are still my brothers and I love them!
I always bring a cat plushie with me because my bf put his parfum on it and it helps me calm down in social events and that's all!
Thank you! I hope you have a good day 😊💕
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I match you with Rook Hunt!
Oh, his sweet petite Princesse! Rook wouldn't even dream of making fun of your name or remarkable size. You're his little Princess and he has sworn to treat and love you as one.
Based on what you've told me you're a heroine. You have high morals and know wrong from right and you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty if it means that justice will prevail. You could say that helping others is your true vocation.
Rook admires all these beautiful qualities you have and he would never change a thing in you. He encourages you to be yourself because you are kind, and noble, and did he already mention beautiful?
Your style is just to die for! You really hit the spot on with your dresses and their styles and colors! Your way of doing your dresses and hair really reminds him how sweet you are.
Rook knows to honor your wishes to be treated as a grown-up because you are one, just like him.
Careful, Rook is a hugger. Tell him you like physical shows of affection and he feels like his heart could burst! He immediately asks your permission to touch you! Not in an inappropriate style, he is a gentleman, but with pure and genuine love... And slight obsession.
You might be having a break in the middle of the school's classes when Rook suddenly appears from out of thin air and picks you up so he can twirl you around while praising you and telling you how he missed you.
"Rook, we just ate dinner together an hour ago."
"Love knows no boundaries or time!"
If you ever got sick Rook would be there ready to treat you and help you turn healthy again. It's also a great reason to spend more time with you so he can worship and spoil you rotten.
He also insists on hugging you, claiming that it makes your heal faster if he absorbs some of your sicknesses. DumDum ends up getting sick and has to have you take care of him. Still, worth all the hugs and attention you were giving to him.
You said you wanted kids of your own? Well, Rook can certainly see the appeal. Babies are so innocent and children cute and if you and he made kids, they would no doubt be as gorgeous as their mother and charming as their father.
If you're happening to be in a bashful mood or otherwise feeling a little anxious around Rook then he will more than happily let you cling to him as if he was your precious cat plushie. The thought of you trusting him so much makes him so happy.
Rook isn't scared of your brothers. If they are related to you then they must be just as kind and gorgeous as you are. If the pretty words have no effect on them then Rook proceeds to tell them how much he loves you and promises to keep you safe.
He knows and understands that your brothers only mean good and what's best for you, but Rook asks them to have a little faith in him also. As your partner, it's his honor to serve and love you.
Later on, when it's just the two of you, you might ask if he meant all those sweet things he said about loving and cherishing you. Rook smiled as he gently took your hand in his and placed it over his clothed chest so you could feel how his heart beat for you.
He meant every word.
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Your mess is mine
Sue may only be a math major, but she knows this much about telling a story: it needs to have a beginning, middle, and an end.  
If she were to sit down and write one, here is where it would start — Emily laughs and she falls in love. It doesn’t matter the year, the month, or the minute; when Emily laughs, she falls in love. Sue’s a little slow when these things are concerned, love doesn’t come to her as quickly or as easily as it has historically come to Emily. I saw you in the coffee shop and I knew you were the one, she’s fond of telling Sue, usually during fights. It’s highly annoying that Emily thinks it’d work on her. Even more annoying is the fact that it does. 
Alright, does she have moments of intense déjà vu sometimes? Like when they’re lying in bed, after one of Austin’s house parties, and Sue curls up into Emily’s soft shoulders, plays with her pretty, pretty hands? Or when she catches Emily conked out in front of her laptop in a corner table at the café on her break and gently wakes her up? Sure. But isn’t that what love is? The same five gestures repeated in infinite ways, creating a well of infinite affection. So if walking the steps with Emily settles deep into her bones without flinching, as if they’ve done this before, she’s convinced that it’s because they’re well and truly perfect together. 
(Definitely not because — and this is something that has been occurring to her more and more lately — they were star-crossed lovers in a past life a century ago.) 
(That would be crazy.) 
Falling in love aside, Emily can be really, infuriatingly, secretive about the worst of things. Sometimes it is charming, watching her having to pick her way through multiple explanations, create long-winded detours just to attempt to confuse Sue into getting exasperated enough to drop the subject altogether. But that’s at the very end, when it turns out that she was going to all this trouble to make sure Sue wasn’t going to find out she’d gotten her that one Hawaiian shirt Sue had off-handedly admired once, aeons ago. Or that she’s been holed up in their room all day because she’s been setting up lights in honor of it being exactly six months since they first hugged. Which is why she is more resigned that surprised when Lavinia sits down in front of her, leans in, and asks her what she’s doing for Emily’s birthday next week. 
Sue sneaks a look at Emily who is currently chatting with an old lady who usually comes in on the weekends. Her girlfriend happens to be one of those baristas who is beloved by the elderly, God only knows why. All the older ladies will hang back at the counter and tell her all about their grandkids’ schools and ballet recitals. In return, Emily will rant to them about college and apparently, Sue as well, which was something she discovered one day when she walked in and two old ladies gave her teasing yet approving smiles from their table. 
(And then took her aside to whisper — Showing a little skin wouldn’t do any harm and would keep your girl on her toes — which near about killed her)  
The entire situation is hilarious. Also the most adorable thing she has ever seen. 
“Why haven’t you guys discussed your birthdays yet?” 
“It’s just never,” Sue muses, “come up, I guess.” 
Austin rollerblades past, swivels to a stop and bends so he’s approximately level with their faces. “Are we talking about,” he says, lowering his voice to a comical whisper, “Emily’s birthday?” 
Lavinia pulls him down, so he’s sitting on the spare chair. “And Sue’s, apparently. Did you know her birthday falls, like, nine days after Emily’s?” 
Austin stares at her, wide-eyed. “That means it’s on the.... 19th? 
Sue nods. 
“The 19th of December? After Emily’s birthday, on the 10th of December?” 
He swipes at his phone, taps a couple of buttons, and then looks up with a smug smile. “I knew I remembered something. Look.” 
Lavinia has to angle her whole body to see, but it registers for both of them at the same time. A certain poet and her muse, who also apparently shared the same birthday as her and Emily. 
“Huh,” Lavinia says. “Maybe there is something to Emily’s theory after all.” 
“You mean Emily’s theory that we’re the reincarnations of those two?” she asks, hearing her own voice get progressively more hysterical by the word. She clears her throat, takes a deep breath, adds it to the list of rapidly growing coincidences in her head that she’s never going to give a closer look to, because that would be crazy. 
“Really the only part of this I’m genuinely shocked by,” Lavinia says after a long pause, in which Sue is struggling to reason with the logical part of her brain, “is that Austin remembers Emily Dickinson’s birthday.” 
Austin smiles proudly, and the thought is so funny that it drives potential insanity out of her mind eventually. 
“Why didn’t you tell me your birthday’s tomorrow?” 
Emily startles from where she’s staring out the window of the car, and Sue has about a moment to regret blurting it out before they’re looking at each other. She’d spent the entire week setting up the entire thing for Emily and now it probably won’t even be a surprise, but she’s insanely curious. No better time for it, either way. She’d planned everything perfectly, from picking up Emily at the café in the classy car she’d borrowed from Austin, to making sure it wasn’t too late after dinner. And yet, here they were, surrounded by cars and honking people because traffic was a fickle bitch. 
“Is that why we’re taking this trip?” she asks, wide-eyed. 
Sue extends a hand towards her, ruffles up her hair, feeling fond. Trust her idiot girlfriend to not have figured it out yet. She moves her hand to Emily’s cheek, and feels Emily cover it with her own. Feels a soft kiss pressed against her palm. 
“What did you think it was, dumdum?” 
“Well, it is the three month anniversary of—” Sue’s alarm is probably showing on her face, so she backtracks quickly. “Kidding. Kidding. There’s nothing tomorrow.” 
Sue pinches at her cheek. “Except your birthday. Speaking of which—” 
“Eh,” Emily shakes her head, shuffles around on her seat awkwardly, “it’s.... uh, complicated.” 
“Is the complication that you happen to share a birthday with a poet from long ago?” she’s only half-joking.  
Emily laughs at that. “Caught on, did you? Did you also check—” 
“That your birthday is also—” 
“E-yup,” she says. Then turns to look at Emily. “Wait. How do you know when my birthday is?” 
Emily opens her mouth, but before she can say anything Sue hurriedly cuts in. “And you’re not allowed to say you have your ways.” 
Years ago, when Sue was fourteen, one day her dad and her mom came home with the same vegetable. Same quantity. It was beans, and she could vividly remember all three of them staring down in mock dismay at the two separate huge bundles of beans that now took up most of the space on the table. Then they started comparing prices. Turns out her mother’s bundle had cost a couple cents lesser than her father’s. But it’s not the same , her mother had insisted, holding up both the bundles. See, yours weighs more. I think the grocer I bought it from took some off . 
To this day, she defines love as the way her mother’s hand fell over his, combined with the way her dad looked at her next — like a child who had just been told that the blanket fort he’d spent hours constructing, wasn’t going to be torn down. Like someone had just handed a piece of the world to him, and told him to make of it whatever he wanted.  
Sue recognizes it in the way Emily looks at her. Like she’s saying — Of course. Of course, you know me well enough to guess the next stupid thing that comes out of her mouth. 
(She’s not very good at love, but she hopes Emily can read the answer in her eyes just the same) 
“Birthdays are complicated,” Emily says, slowly. “I’ve had some very good ones and then some very bad ones.” First girlfriend who she asked out on her 20th birthday, and second girlfriend who she broke up with a week before her 23rd; Sue fills in the blanks as she talks. “So I guess I try not to tell people so I myself don’t expect anything out of it. Neutral birthdays are better than euphoric ones or sad ones, because at least they don’t haunt me forever.” 
“Baby,” she says, and then trails off. Sometimes she likes calling Emily endearments, or just say her name out loud, randomly, even if there’s no statement attached to it. The sentiment’s always the same, however. I’m glad you exist. I’m glad you found me. I like your name. I love you.  
(Emily’s fallen asleep by the time she’s driven to the top of the grassy knoll, by the time the clock hits midnight. Sue lets her sleep through it. There will be time to sit on top of the blanket and watch a sleepy Emily blow out the candles on a tiny cake that looks like a typewriter, to stare at the stars all night long while they listen to soft, slow songs on a pair of shared earphones. For now, Sue watches Emily sleep, head tilted against the glass and decides to hold off on telling her she loves her until the day after her birthday. It’s a perfectly neutral birthday. No use in spoiling it.) 
(Emily says it back though, in case anyone was wondering) 
Sometimes, when Sue sees Emily cooking for her, she loses her breath. 
(And sometimes, it’s not even due to the smoke from a burned dish) 
But there’s something peaceful about watching Emily cook, especially if she hasn’t yet cottoned onto the fact that Sue’s watching her. She’s one of those annoying people who always has their headphones on, so most of her cooking in the kitchen involves perfectly timing the beats with the swipes of her spatula. Sometimes she spins around in the middle of a pancake flip to see if she can catch it in midair. Juvenile shenanigans aside, what really gets Sue, even after almost a year of having watched Emily dance around in the kitchen is the care with which she handles food that they will eat. It’s so different to the kind of food she cooks when she’s just cooking for herself. Sue’s seen her��slap on two days expired cheese on top of a tortilla and call it lunch. And yet. 
And yet. Sue will have the best of things. Lasagna that’s still steaming. A sandwich filled with the most delicious ingredients. Waffles topped with cream that Emily will get up early in the morning to get for her. Food enhanced with care, made better with love. 
Why don’t you make those nice things for yourself, she’s asked on multiple occasions, to which Emily’s always shrugged. It’s just me. I can have almost anything. 
(Emily deserves the best. Sue will make sure she has it) 
There are flowers on the table, an assortment of daffodils and lilies arranged on a vase. Right in between two shiny plates laid out with napkins folded carefully beside them. Sue slides into one of the chairs quietly, rests her elbows on the table and waits for Emily to finally turn around. 
There is a panicked scream when she does. Sue doesn’t want to be that girlfriend, but this is definitely going on the list of stories she’ll tell their future kids when they’ve grown. 
(Another day she would worry about how the term — Their kids — moves around in her chest comfortably like a sip of hot cocoa. Today, exactly one year to the day Emily told her she liked her, she shrugs it off) 
“You weren’t supposed to wake up for another half an hour at least.” 
Sue hums. “You did tire me out last night, that is true.” 
“Sue!” Emily says, scandalized, face rapidly turning red. “I — that’s highly — okay wait, first things first....” 
She walks over to the table, and bends to kiss Sue.  
“Happy anniversary.” 
Sue closes her eyes, kisses both her cheeks in response. “Happy anniversary, my love.” 
Emily grins back, then stands again. “Either way,” she says, as she ladles soup onto a bowl, and gathers multiple plates on a tray to subsequently bring to the table, “brunch! Courtesy of your beautiful girlfriend who finally managed to figure out how to make the perfect chicken pot pie without burning down the house, or worse, giving you salmonella.” 
Sue inspects what lies in front of her. “Babe, this looks amazing.” 
Emily looks proud, as she sits on the other chair. “And that’s not all, okay? This is just the start. Today evening I have gotten us both tickets to—” 
“Move in with me.” 
When Emily blinks, Sue startles. The words that had just come out of her mouth definitely weren’t well-thought-out, but now she was thinking about it and it seemed like all she ever wanted in life. To go to sleep with Emily, and wake her up in time for her morning classes, to be able to see her all the time, and not have to watch her go. 
“That wasn’t my gift, by the way,” she adds, speaking fast, thinking of the limited-edition original copies of a book she’d driven five hours to the next town to get. “But it’s what I want. Us. Living together. I love you. We should.... uh, live together so — uh, okay Emily make me stop talking please.” 
Emily shuts her up with a kiss. When they separate, she stays close to Sue, looking right into her eyes with that soft, soft expression.  
“Are you sure?” she asks. 
Sue takes in a deep breath. Nods. “Yeah.” 
Emily considers that for a moment. Then says with a teasing smile — “I thought this violated your relationship rules.” 
“What ae you—” 
“No kissing before the second date. No celebrating six-month anniversaries because that’s for dummies. No moving in before at least two years of dating—” 
“And if you remember correctly,” Sue cuts in, smoothly, “I kissed you two days before our first date. And serenaded you with a Taylor Swift song at the café on our six-month anniversary.” 
“You did do that,” Emily says, quietly. 
“And as long as we’re on the subject, I hate staying up past 11, or listening to sad girl music in the car, or watching that horrendous show about those two annoying men fake-dating,” Sue tells her, “but — it is my greatest honor that I get to do that for you. And with you. Emily, if you haven’t figured it out already, you’re kinda the exception to every single one of my rules.” 
Sue reads Emily’s answer in the kiss she receives next. 
The middle, the middle, everything boils down to the middle. It’s what Sue sometimes hears Emily muttering to herself in the middle of the night when she has an assignment due the next day. Sue will blink, look over to the desk where Emily is planted with her nightlight on, hands in her hair. Sometimes Sue will keep blinking slowly, taking in the sight of Emily typing until she falls asleep. Sometimes Emily will notice that she’s up, walk over to the bed, and hum snippets of songs until she’s drifting off again.  
And for all the beauty of the beginning, of first kisses and first dates and first times, there’s something to be said about the fifteenth time Emily plays her something on the ukulele, warning her beforehand that her voice might crack. Or the sixtieth burger she runs across the campus to hand over to Emily when she knows she’s got back-to-back classes scheduled. About the hundredth time she falls into bed, and scooches over, eyes closed, until Emily’s wriggling body is aligned against hers. There’s peace in knowing that a first time will inevitably lead to a second time, and then countless others.  
(There’s peace in knowing the middle lasts the longest)   
She knows she’s in trouble. Has known she’s in trouble the minute she came out of the store and discovered that there was a pileup on the highway. And then when Lavinia called her panicking because their house-warming slash house party was getting out of control because of a lack of beer and a general overabundance of Austin. And then when her phone died in the middle of her conversation with Emily.  
(So much trouble) 
She’s exhausted by the time she makes it back to her apartment (their apartment , she corrects herself, smiling at the thought) and makes her way up the stairs, hearing the volume of the music increase with every step. Opens the door and is assailed with extremes — the tiny sparkling mirror ball someone’s managed to hook up to the ceiling, the dancing crowd in their living room, and a very loud and weirdly on-point Austin making guitar noises on the karaoke microphone. 
“Lavinia!” Sue calls out in relief, when she catches sight of her. “Where’s Emily?” 
Lavinia excuses herself from a group of frat boys hanging onto her every word and walks over. “Sue! Emily!” 
“Yeah, I know! Tell me where she is!” 
Sue points towards the ceiling, and in the same smooth motion, grabs the crate of beer from her hands. 
Sue’s out of there before the first cry of “Beer” permeates the air. She climbs another two floors, and then the metallic ladder to find Emily sitting there, wrapped in her blanket, glaring up at her. 
“You promised,” she says, flatly. 
Sue drops onto her knees and takes Emily’s cold hands in hers. “I know.” 
“No, you,” Emily repeats, then pauses, looking like she’s struggling, “you promised you were gonna be here, okay? I agreed to the housewarming thing only because you told me there wouldn’t be many people and you’d stay with me the whole time—” 
“No, don’t baby me. Let me finish.” Emily waits until Sue nods. “And then you went off to the store.” 
“We ran out of beer,” Sue says, feeling sheepish. 
“I know — I know that, okay?” Emily says. “I know there’s a reason, and probably a valid one but I’m mad, okay? You promised me something and then bailed. That’s not cool.” 
Sue adjusts so she’s properly sitting down right in front of Emily. “I’m sorry,” she says, and means it. “It was inexcusable.” 
Emily sighs, and seems to relax a little. “Okay. Thank you for saying that.” 
Sue nods. “Some party, huh?” she says, after a while. 
Emily smiles a little, then. “Did you see Austin? He was performing the High School Musical songs when I left.” 
She laughs. “When I came in, I think he was doing the guitar riff to Bohemian Rhapsody.” 
“Hey,” Emily says, after they’re done giggling at that. “I never asked. What took you so long? I thought you just went to get beer.” 
“Uh,” Sue says, “I’d rather not tell you.” 
“What? Why not?” 
“Because I don’t wanna charm my way out of you being mad at me.” 
“Oh,” Emily draws the sound out, teasingly. “It can’t possibly be that charming.” 
If she wanted to play it this way, then okay. 
“I stopped at an animal shelter on the way home. There’s a young cat there I thought we could adopt. Consider her a housewarming present.” 
“Oh,” Emily says, then in an undertone. “Damn it.” 
“Ugh, fuck, okay,” Emily admits, then pulls at their joined hands till Sue gets on top of her lap. “I hate you. I love you, but I hate you.” 
Sue kisses her in return, settles in more comfortably. 
“Tell me about her?” Emily asks, softly, in the quiet. 
“Well, she chased the light reflected off my watch round and round so it’s safe to say she’s not the brightest.” 
“I love her already,” Emily assures her. 
On her eve of her 25th birthday, Sue walks into her apartment and finds Emily, Lavinia and Austin panicking over how to fit the last half of her last name onto limited space on a handmade banner. She says hi to Juggers and Iguana, their two cats, then picks up their two-month-old puppy Rooney, all before one of the three already present humans in the room realizes she’s there. 
“Sue, I’m so sorry,” Emily says, walking over to her and looking at her with a slightly desperate look in her eyes. “We tried baking cake, but it’s half burnt, but we can’t decide what to get and all we have are balloons but then Austin’s going crazy trying to keep Juggers from bursting them, because guess what? The cat is the devil—” 
“—no, I tried to make it a good birthday, I really did!” 
She puts her hands on either side of Emily’s face, which forces her to quiet down. Then she looks over at the others.  
“Have you guys been here the entire time I was taking classes?” 
They nod. 
She feels a little overwhelmed. “Guys, I — thank you so much,” she says, then takes stock of the situation. “Can you order pizza? We’ll ring in my birthday with pizza tonight.” 
Lavinia side-hugs her on their way out to the couch, and then they’re alone in the kitchen. She kisses Emily on the forehead, then on both cheeks, trying to drive away the frown. 
“I just wanted you to have a good birthday,” Emily says, despondent. 
“You’re here, aren’t you?” Sue says. “And so are our friends, who sat and worked this hard for hours trying to make me happy. And we’ll have pizza! We like pizza.” 
“You’re just saying that.” 
“No, you idiot” Sue explains, fondly. “I mean it. We’ll have burned cake, and we’ll fight over the pizza, and even if the animals are outnumbered, we’ll probably lose to them. And then we’ll probably watch a movie, and somehow all fall asleep on the carpet because Austin always claims the whole couch. Either way, it’ll be a good birthday, because I’m happy. And you know why I’m happy?” 
Emily’s still pouting. 
“Emily, why am I happy?” 
“Because we’re together,” Emily completes, in a small voice, and then finally, finally smiles. 
(It’s the messiest birthday Sue has ever had. Also the best) 
Here’s the thing about endings: everyone who writes stories knows they don’t really exist.  
A famous author once said that they weren’t really the end of the story, just where you chose to stop it. Well, Sue agrees. Which is why this story in her head never ends. The imaginary typewriter in her head will keep typing long after, filling pages with anniversaries and birthdays and emergency dog adoptions. Maybe the next page talks about the day Sue breaks her arm, and Emily proposes to her with an onion ring she gets out of the hospital vending machine. Or the day Lavinia loses Rooney, walks around the entire block with Austin to find him and finally discovers he’s hanging out at the old café they used to work at. 
So. Yes. This is where she decides to leave it. Finish it. There will be more stories to write later.
The end. 
(Wink wink. Nudge nudge.) 
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 38: Control
trigger warning: vomit and knifes 
“You know dumdum, if you just listen to me and understand where i am coming from, i wouldn't have to do this.” Katsuki said tying your hands behind your back and attached to a beam
“Well maybe if you warrant acting crazy!” you said as he stuffed a handkerchief in your mouth
“Don't.call.me.that.” He said looking extremely pissed, you just gave him the same look back “The funny thing is you said i wasn't acting like myself, but look at you, you aren't acting like yourself either.”
Oh how you wanted to spit directly into his eye and call him out on everything that just spewed out of his mouth
“Besides, I'm nice enough to keep your legs untied right.” Katsuki said as you spat the handkerchief out of your mouth
“You are delusional, i don't know what makes you think you need to do this.” You said
“IM doing this to protect you how many times do i need to tell you, up here it will be nothing but piece and quite, no more fucking ami or the other one, no more villain's  after you, I'm just trying to protect you.”
“All you are doing is making me scared of you, i mean look at what you are doing, you manhandled me and tossed me in a room, then proceed to tie my arms behind a post, you really think things are just gonna go back to normal-”
Katsuki just put the handkerchief back in your mouth
“Stop talking.” he said “I'm not here to hurt you.”
You spat out the handkerchief again
“Oh is that why you are scaring me half to death and tying me up to a post.”
“I said stop talking.” Katsuki said once again putting the handkerchief in your mouth then slapping a piece of duct tape over, oh (name) how ever will you get yourself out of this one.
“I've had a stressful night. I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning.” He said you rolled your eyes, your jaw was hurting you used your tongue to put as much saliva as you could on the sticky part but the handkerchief was getting in your way, evenly after about what seemed like forever you pushed the handkerchief on the loose duct tape and spat it out taking a deep breath, not like screaming would do much Katsuki would just come back and place it back over, still mourning climbing rope was not gentle on the skin, Katsuki tied these knots way to tight you continued to pick and pick at them but nothing, they were not budging, and it was even worse you couldn't even see it. Hopefully Kirishima and Denki would get here sooner than later, you needed your strength and decided to rest for now.
Maybe it was the feeling of dread that overtook you, but you kept remembering your life pre-bloodbath  with your brother, you wondered where he was no, still in jail, or was he out and if he was what would he be up to at this point. Also what would you be like if it never happened, still on that farm with a horrible dad and a mother who turned a blind eye to it all. You must have taken more after her then you thought, turning blind eye to all the shady stuff Katsuki was doing, I guess love does make a person a fool. If you were joey you could have easily broken out of here snapping the beam with you.
Katsuki was outside on the porch, things weren't supposed to go this way, everything was becoming way out of hand, Now those two were coming and he would have to deal with them, not like he could just kill them, that was out of the question, he knew them since highschool and just how powerful those two could be. Still there was a reason why Katsuki was the number one hero and they were not in the top 10. Those two would be easy to deal with, the real challenge was you, i mean he had lied to you, but he came clean afterwards, you were to trusting of the world i mean look at how easily you trusted him, you got hurt time and time again, anything and everything could hurt you, so him being a hero decided to keep you safe, why couldn't you understand that.
Katsuki walked back in and was impressed you managed to get the duct tape off, you were cationic as you just stared at the floor not even acknowledging  him come into the room, maybe you had finally calm down, he went over and nudged your shoulder, nothing
“Hey..(name) you good, (name) look at me-” he said right before you lunged out and bite into his shoulder hard
“GOD DAMMIT WHY IS ALWAYS BITING!” Katsuki yelled, grabbing the sides of your face and managing you to unlock your jaw from his shoulder, that was way too close to his neck to confront “What are you expecting to get out of this!”
You just laughed in response, cackling
“Stop that!” he said closing your mouth “Stop laughing!”’
Just the sheer absurdity of it all, never had a boyfriend or a friend before and the first friend and boyfriend you ever had is now keeping you tied up to a post in a cabin, what else could you do but laugh at what a tragic joke your life was, could no one around you just have a normal reaction to you, either everyone hated your guts or lost their mind, over and over again, at this point all you could do is laugh as Katsuki let go.
“FINE LAUGH ALL YOU WANT!” Katsuki yelled as you kept howling to yourself with laughter till your stomach started hurting but even there you couldn't stop laughing, and laughing till you were toppling over with pain, then lunch came back up and you threw up right in front of you.
“What was that-what the hell.” Katsuki said looking mortified “have you lost your damn mind, who laughed to the point they threw up!?”
“I do apparently.” you said than sticking your tongue out, tasted awful
“Well you are..i just, ugh dammit!” Katsuki said untying you, the back of your throat burned from the stomach acid, lucky the vomit was in front of you and not on you, katsuki picking you up and taking you to the kitchen, and handed you a glass of water, which you happily drank
“Stay put and don't try anything funny.” Katsuki said as you continued to drink your water as he picked up your vomit from the floor, oh the things you do for love. You were not feeling well and opened a cabinet and pulled out a knife, this should work.
“(name) what are you doing?” Katsuki said as you stared down on the knife
“You know something, Katsuki...I just realized I've never been able to control my life, there has always been some outside force that tried to control me, what I did.”
“(name) whatever you are talking about just put the knife down.”
“I mean my bastard of a father made me work since i could walk, My older brother took away all living relatives ,my bullies made it impossible for me to make friend or have anything near a social life, the government made it so I couldn't contact my brother anymore and start a new life like nothing was wrong, then meeting you and thinking that you know what's best for me, will i ever be able to just do what I want, huh Katsuki what do you think.”
“What is it that you want exactly.” Katsuki asked, seeing you hold that knife was making his heart pump out of his chest
“...I don't know because i never got the chance to decide what I wanted to do...so what should I do Katsuki you seem to know best right?”
“How about we put the knife down and just...go to bed.” Katsuki said, you looked at the knife then back at Katsuki.
“You won't tie me up again, right?” you asked
“I won't, just put the knife down.”
“Promise and you aren't lying to me this time.”
“I promise.” He said, you let out a sigh and set the knife down and walked over giving him a hug
“I feel like shit.” you said
“Well you smell like vomit, look we both had a hard day so let just get some rest okay?”
“Okay.” you said just feeling broken down and feeling like nothing mattered anymore.
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ze-veemonator · 3 years
so, i typed out burnie and peter's first kiss 👀👀
Soft Fluff Ahead!!!! Hope ye enjoy!!
No Warnings; Just Fluff
Peter strummed his acoustic guitar off-tune, trying to read the sheet music from the beaten up pages on the floor. Burnette, Kurt and Raven passed by, and on hearing the noise, she stopped at his door. She recognized the melody he was trying to recreate.
"You guys go on ahead, I'm gonna help him a little bit."
"Ooo! have fun, Burnie!" Kurt purred excitedly.
Burnette rolled her eyes and knocked on Peter's door. No sooner than she knocked for the first time, he was there and staring her in the eye.
"Hey Burnie! Been a while." he beamed joyfully. He reminded her of an excited puppy.
"Yeah. I've been trying to make some friends."
"That's good! Who've you got so far?"
"Raven, Kurt, Scott and Ororo thus far. I don't think Logan likes me much. Hank's a pain and Jubilee is, well, Jubilee. She has a lot of energy."
Peter shrugged and pursed his lips in a "fair enough" way.
"I heard you playing. I didn't know you had an acoustic guitar."
"Yeah! Hey, actually, would you like to play, with... me?" Peter asked shyly, thinking she was just going to leave.
"Sure. You have an extra guitar?"
Peter stepped back into his room and waved her in. She followed him in and sat down in front of him. She crossed her legs crisscrossed and took the electric guitar from Peter's hands.
"Careful with it."
"You don't have to tell me twice. This is a beautiful instrument."
"Yeah it is."
"So, let's play, eh?"
Burnette turned the paper towards her and began reading the sheet music. She pressed her lips together disappointedly and looked up at Peter.
"This isn't the acoustic's sheet music, dumdum. thas why it sounded wrong."
Peter dropped his eyebrows, annoyed at the idea of being called a "dumdum". He hissed that he knew that, which made Burnette scoff doubtfully. He got up and walked over to his dresser drawer, rummaging through sheet music pages. Burnette began looking around the room. She took notes of the Nirvana posters and the Pink Floyd merch he had. It was a rocker's dream bedroom, which confused Burnette.
If he's into these rock bands, then why on earth was he trying to play a Metallica song? she asked herself mentally.
He had found the pages and let out a small "aha!" He walked back over to her and hovered over her. for a split second, he looked sexy to her. She shoved the thought out of her mind immediately, but it found its way back in. With his slim fitting pac-man tee and his leather pants, his focused and trained eyes.
Nonono. Don't go down that road, woman. Not with Maximoff.
"You ready?"
Burnette snapped her head swiftly, redirecting her attention to the situation at hand.
"Yeah! You got the right sheet music this time?" she jabbed.
"Oh, haha, funny. Yes, I have the right page."
"Good, then let's get started."
Peter opened up the song and strummed the strings in tune with the notes. The song they were playing was "Nothing Else Matters", by Metallica. As they neared the opening verse, Burnette contemplated on singing along. Once they were there, she couldn't stop herself.
"So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, I trust in who we are. And nothing else matters."
Peter looked up at her, shocked to hear her sing. She continued into the second verse, captivating him with her low tones and sweet sounding voice. Her vocals were smooth with a feminine deepness to it. She raised her pitch when they arrived at the chorus.
"Never cared for what they do. Never cared for what they know. But I know."
Burnette was too focused to notice Peter's ability to keep up. Peter's heart glided with Burnette's voice as it bended in pitch with the song. With every second, he was falling farther and farther in love with her. He began seeing her with a beautiful diamond ring around her finger. He began planning his life with her from the second chorus on. Burnette had started taking note of his skills and watched his fingers slide across the strings with elegance and dexterity.
"Not bad, Maximoff. Think we can go all the way?" Burnette asked during the instrumental interlude.
Peter jerked his head up to her.
"Yeah! I mean, I can. can you?"
Burnette scoffed amusedly. She shook her head and picked up the singing.
"Never opened myself this way. This life is ours, we live it our way. Oh, these words I don't just say. And nothing else matters!"
"Trust I seek, and I find in you. Everyday for us, something new. Open mind for a different view. And nothing else matters!"
"Never cared for say! Never cared for games they play!"
"Never cared for what they do! Never cared for what they know!"
"And I know!!! Yeah-heah!"
They jammed out and played the song by memory alone. He was greatly impressed by her skills on the electric guitar, finding even more reasons to fall in love. As the song drew to a close and softened in tone, Burnette and Peter's eyes met and locked.
"So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever I trust in who you are. No, nothing else matters..." Burnette sung while peering into Peter's eyes.
The music trailed off and there was a moment of silence where Burnette and Peter stared at each other. While she lost herself in his dark chocolate eyes, he felt his soul being pierced by her steel blue eyes. He was so in love with her. He started to lean in towards her, angling his face to kiss her. She turned her head to the side, hesitant to let him closer. Her heart pounded within her chest. He stopped, and simply stared into her eyes. They were like two abysses, swallowing her whole. They pleaded with her to let him in. to let him get close. She had never seen more beautiful eyes than Peter's. She had never seen a softer, gentler gaze from anyone aside Peter. He began inching closer to her again. But this time, she didn't turn away. Instead, she turned towards him, slowly closing her eyes as he lessened the gap between them. His lips touched hers gently then molded to them perfectly. Her bottom lip was rough from being bitten at constantly as a form of coping with her anxiety and ptsd. His lips were soft and sweet against her scarred and torn lips. Peter was the one to pull away with Burnette following him for a moment then let him go. They opened their eyes and gazed heavily at each other. Burnette had never been kissed before, so she had no idea how to respond. Reality set in for her and it hit her hard.
you kissed him!! why did you do that!? what were you thinking!?!?
She sighed and ducked her head momentarily. after collecting her thoughts, she raised her eyes to meet his.
"And that is how you play 'Nothing Else Matters'."
"I have to go."
"Burnette, wait!"
Burnette left the room and closed the door behind her, not even looking back. Peter let her go, knowing that he wouldn't be able to talk to her about it at that time.
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silver-wield · 4 years
I’m sorry what?? “CA are the main couple because in all FF couples one of them dies” ? Aside from your post which clearly explain how they are very wrong, I can’t think but of myself when I first got to ffvii and how I believed CA also was the main couple,because everywhere I googled, and wherever there is EN explanation of the lore it was always CA, it took me finding your blog, having everything questioned, going for JP res to know everything I thought was a lie. Please go for JP res ppl!
From this ask
The so called info you found belongs to queen dumdum, who has spent a good decade or more infecting as many sources as she can with misinformation, lies and busted af headcanon with zero justification besides her say so. They recently attacked TV tropes with their bs, so nothing is safe from them.
And guess what? All that bs is from someone who never even played a single entry in final fantasy 7 or even watched any playthroughs besides a few cut scenes or gifs. I doubt she's even seen all of Advent Children.
She played kingdom hearts though which totally counts lmfao.
Bonus: Queen dumdum claimed Cloud and Aerith were childhood friends in kh, but it literally says in the kh2 walk through page for Cloud and Tifa (who are together on that page, while Aerith is several pages back with Cid, Yuffie and Squall) that they're childhood friends. And she says shit like this while also claiming being childhood friends is meaningless and that Cloud and Tifa aren't even childhood friends anyway.
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Do we see how the crazy happens? Yeah...
My recommendation is don't believe anything from strayarrows, astoryofalove or cloudxaerith since they're all the same person who makes busted takes like:
Cloud tells Aerith to keep her distance cause he “can’t control his sexual urges around her”
Cloud agrees with Hojo’s plan of forced impregnation because he doesn’t deny he’s a soldier.
Cloud confessed love to Aerith during “his” resolution.
Cloud had a “discrete arousal” and an “orgasam” at seeing Aerith in her red dress.
Cloud and Aerith are already dating because the composer of midnight rendezvous said the soundtrack reminds him of Christmas and has a romantic atmosphere.
Zack would “give Aerith to Cloud”.
Corneo put the coliseum matches on just so the crowd could see Cloud and Aerith together.
Cloud dances for Aerith.
Aerith will ride the Hardy Davidson with Cloud (this one has a diagram with it)
The blue alien on the wall market vending machine foreshadows Aerith having a baby with Cloud.
Aerith knows the future because it’s a timeloop and that’s why she’ll live this time to be with Cloud.
Aerith will ride the HW and Cloud will confess his love under it (yeah, they legit stole the HW scene cause they do that shit all the time.)
Okay? This is the person behind so much bad info. Just play the game, watch the film, read the books. Even without using a translation app to read any of the ultimania you can still tell just from the pictures that Cloud and Tifa are a couple. And for the ones that are translated into English, it's a sledgehammer of obvious to the face that Cloud and Tifa are a couple.
My rule is for everything you read from a "trust me", go find a legit untainted source from a book. That's why I provide the JP and English if I'm showing pages. And if I happen to run out of space for both I usually just post the JP, but if even that's not enough I'll happily provide any sources I've cited cause canon is canon and always comes with concrete references.
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kiddiesmores · 4 years
If we are aiming for A1 class for sinnay, what would you think Kaminari would be like?? I love me something dumdum pikachu boy but no clue how would he look "in private" If you get me 😏
i feel like he’s kinda sloppy at first
you have to guide him through everything because he has little experience but he isn’t really ashamed
i think he’s really good with his tongue, he can lose his mind between your legs anyday
he’ll bottom for you 😌 will even let you peg him, i’m not kidding
“you sure baby?” “yes! i trust you, i wanna know i make you feel”
you do the tiktok challenge where you take before and after vids and he’s passed out on the bed
once he gets used to your style of making love you’re both set
he makes you cum at least twice whenever you do, and he takes it upon himself to not cum until you do
will take a bath with you after but makes no promises if his dick soooome how ends up back inside you-
“kaminaarii” “shhhh just for warmth baby”
i bet his cuddles are the best 🥺
just teach him what you like and you’re pretty good, he can work his dick well
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darkwingsnark · 4 years
Tagged by @prince-luffy
AO3 name: DarkwingSnark
Fandoms: ...SEE, I’m in lots of fandoms. Or at least, I’ve written for them during hyper-fixation periods. Let’s see what AO3 says...
Batman: The Animated Series (20)
Batman - All Media Types (7)
Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon) (6)
DuckTales (Cartoon 1987) (5)
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (5)
Penguins of Madagascar (3)
James and the Giant Peach - Roald Dahl (3)
Darkwing Duck (Cartoon 1991) (3)
Disney - All Media Types (3)
Dan Vs. (2)
Milo Murphy's Law (2)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja (1)
The Batman (Cartoon) (1)
Lady and the Tramp (1955) (1)
Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies (1)
Winnie-the-Pooh - All Media Types (1)
Alice in Wonderland (1951) (1)
Gummi Bears (TV) (1)
Winnie-the-Pooh (Disney) (1)
.... Honestly, I feel like there’s more that this list isn’t covering. Like Phineas and Ferb isn’t here and I wrote for that show too. And many of these can be simplified and condensed because they belong to similar fics.
Tropes: Depends on the fic. But as a whole, tend to write Romantic Comedies with a lot of slow burn. Mostly because... struggle is funny. People being dumdums and oblivious to the obvious is funny. Aaaaand also because it allows the episodic quality of shenanigans to occur.
Number of fics: Up and posted on AO3? 53. Does not include stuff on FF.net or that’s sitting in google docs begging to be finished.
Fic I spent the most time on: Not sure how to read this. Does it mean active man hours? Or does stuff like having a hiatus in-between count? Because TECHNICALLY ‘Real Value’ was started in high school, and I didn’t rewrite it and carry on the series (with Moonie) until many years later. There are also fics like ‘Growing Love’ or ‘Priorities’ that took a lot of time to do research. Like learning how to build a lawn mower so I could have a character believably break it apart for repairs.
....God I do a lot of research that doesn’t go into the actual fics. Because all I need, really, in the confidence of what I’m doing to be the character and describe an action here or there. 
Fic I spent the least time on: Probably something drabble related? Or maybe the fic I did that was just me venting out emotions because I was feeling guilty? ‘A Mother’s Intuition’ was written and posted within a couple of hours.
Longest fic: Complicated. The longest thing written is technically an RP, NOT a story. (Different, trust me.) ‘What Happens in Gotham’ has a word count of  207,413. But fic wise at 89,022 word would be ‘The Constant Gardener’ . 
Runner up being ‘Priorities’ at little over 87k.
Shortest fic: Drabbles? Uh, let’s see.. Probably from ‘Beauty and Your Worth’, as i think one was literally a paragraph long. ... Speaking of Gummi Bears, I wonder if I still have my notes on the GruffiGusto fic I wanted to write. Something to look into.
Most hits: Apparently ‘Fallen Hard’ at  5354
Most kudos: Also ‘Fallen Hard’ at 518. There... were more fans of Milo Murphy’s Law than I realised. 
Most comment threads: ‘Fallen Hard’, 193 comments. ‘What Happens in Gotham’ following at 185.
Most bookmarks: .... that’s something people care about? I hardly ever bookmark things, since I read it in one go. But... I can look?
Ah.... ‘Fallen Hard’. 63
Total word count: 971,833 Oh hey! Almost a million. That’s something to celebrate.
Favorite fic I wrote: 'Knights of Dobenshire’. Hands down. (With ‘Heart of the Cards’ being very close.) I like writing road trip styled stories. It allows many things to happen within the narrative. BUT, ‘Knights of Dobenshire’ wins because it was such a satisfying conclusion of this build up, you know? Scrooge is finally no longer just putting up with the relationship with Fenton, but fully embracing it. That surprise feeling that hits him when he realizes, dear lord, he IS attracted to Fenton beyond affection. 
It hits me more than a mutual pining because there I KNOW they will get together. But here? While writing with Moonie? I DIDN’T KNOW! I was worried in the end we’d have to write another fic to finally reach that step. Scrooge is stubborn and does what he wants, let me tell ya.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 'Fallen Hard’, ‘Season of Miracles’, ‘Going with the Flow’, pretty much anything that isn’t complete. BUT, not posted, I really want to get back to more of the stories planned in the McCrack series. It was a ship I kinda made from the ground up, with nobody caring about it in the beginning. So it feels very important to see that series through.
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
... Actually, I can share something from 'Donald’s Party (Working Title)’. @swampy-tiefling and I started. Just the first scene to get you guys hooked.
Donald took a deep breath of air from the doorway of the house and sighed, once again pleased to find himself at his home away from home. Traveling the seas and exploring the world with the navy were its own rewards, he supposed, but there would never be anything quite like the countryside-- the middle aged mallard having practically been raised on Grandma Duck’s farm. Donald Duck was happy to be on shore-- his naval carrier being docked for the week in Duckburg as they replenished supplies and took care of whatever repairs that were needed. Whatever excuse his bosses wanted to use were fine by him, he was just happy to not be scrubbing decks for a change!
That didn’t, however, mean he was able to rest and relax-- as the duck was startled out of his thoughts as somebody bumped into him. That somebody was his grandmother as she came to, just having caught her plate of cookies before they fell.
“My land, Donald! What in the world are you doing hiding here when you should be meetin’ and greetin’ the guests?”
Donald ignored the woman’s soft glare as he waved her off, using his other hand to steal a cookie in the process. Stuffing it in his mouth, he murmured out a response.
“Phooey, they’re just relatives.”
“Even more of a reason to go out and talk to them.” Before the sailor could argue, Grandma Duck placed the plate of treats into his hands. “And put these out on the snack table while you’re at it. Poor Fethry is looking peckish.”
Donald rolled his eyes, but otherwise did as he was told. Wasn’t it just like life to make him work at his own welcome home party? Walking towards the open yard where the party was taking place, it didn’t take long to reach the table, where his cousins were already gathered around as they chat.
This instantly caught the attention of the lankier duck, his gaze zoning in as he smiled widely towards Donald in greeting.
“Well if it ain’t the guest of honor, with snacks to boot!” Fethry leaned closer, his red hat wobbling with him as he continued to inquire. “Say, cuz, ya wouldn’t happen to know if these are gluten free, would ya?”
Donald gave him an unimpressed look. 
“You’re not going on another crazy diet, are ya?” Though, in all honesty, he was more worried his looney cousin might try to drag him along-- and after months of eating nothing but mush, he would NOT miss out on his first chance to pig out on actual home cooked meals.
"Not crazy at all, actually!" Fethry grinned that goofy grin. "See, it's all right here; Gluten Free; It's the Way to Be' !" he shoved a rather lengthy-looking hard cover book in Donald's face. Donald had no choice but to stare at it, the words all blurring together from its close proximity to his eyes. The offending object remained there for only a second, however, before it was yanked back, the nutty mallard already busy flipping through it.
"Let's see, here, there's a fascinating chapter I think you should-- Don?"
Phew, that had been close. Donald was still in sneaking away mode, and jumped and yelped when he was tapped on the shoulder. Oh no. He'd been caught, after all. He slowly turned, with a forced, toothy grin, to face his fate.
A wave of relief washed over him when he saw his girlfriend, Daisy, smiling sweetly at him, instead.
“And where do you think you’re sneaking off to, Mister? You’ve been gone for so long, and here we are, with you haven’t even given me a kiss ‘hello’ yet.” 
Now there was something Donald didn’t mind doing, as his girlfriend leaned in her face for her reward. Wrapping his arms around her, he planted the biggest of smooches to her temple. 
“Gaww, I’m sorry Daisy. I really did miss you.”
This earned him a soft smile, as it was Daisy’s turn to kiss him on the forehead.
“And I missed you, hun. Now, tell me… why WERE you sneaking around?”
“Grandma put me on entertainment duty.”
“Well, “ his girlfriend began, “it IS your party, after all. They came to see you, seems fair to me.” This made the sailor groan as she looked at him unsympathetically. Rolling her eyes, the reporter sarcastically patted her boyfriend in comfort. “There there. Now don’t go sneaking off for real, the boys will be arriving soon. And Grandma tells me Uncle Scrooge will be bringing along a special guest.”
“Special guest?” Donald asked incredulously. “Like who?” This caused Daisy’s eyes to glimmer all the more in mischief, a look that told him that she knew something he didn’t know. And that something was big news, if he was reading her right.
“Oh, nobody TOO special, I suppose,” Daisy was stalling, and it was driving Donald up the wall. The duck woman continued her teasing. “Nobody except your uncle’s new date friend.”
"Date friend?" Donald practically exclaimed, prompting Daisy's grin to grow all the more smug.
"Yep! You've missed quite a bit since you've been away, you know."
"No kidding...well I'll be..." Donald was shaking his head, but he was smiling. Uncle Scrooge, dating, at his age... it was nothing short of a miracle. It was about time, too!
"Meanwhile, why don't you go say hi to the rest of the guests? I know it's hard..." she rolled her eyes. "but at least make an effort, okay? Thanks, hun!"
Donald's heart fluttered as she smooched his cheek, and left. He glanced out over the yard, and saw quite a few familiar faces; Gus, Ludwig, Gladstone... heck, even Gyro Gearloose had shown up!
He sighed, but this one wasn't a sigh of pure despair. It did feel nice to be home, surrounded by people who most likely cared, and his nephews were even going to show up soon. Not to mention, he'd get to tease his uncle for finally taking his advice on the whole dating thing. 
That alone gave Donald the pep in his step he needed as he threw himself back into the party-- where he knew his crazed family would be waiting for him. 
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 2X16 Roadkill
“why do I feel like this one is gonna hurt
Although I’m watching on the big TV for the first time like...ever
whee I love being home without parentals
Literally my favorite song right now
they’re lost, ok fine, classic trope
he distracts her, they veer off road
why did the guy look vaguely like Bobby
Damn that was an intense crash
Where’s her husband?
At least she’s....alive?
Ma’am go up to the road, your husband is dead probably
this looks like...a hunter’s cabin?
This is a REALLY Long intro
Wait and then he just...morphs into someone else? and he’s bleeding?
oh and thEN she runs into Sam and Dean, ok 
Yes I will clown Dean’s old car fixation
Wh do they know who it is?
I’m digging the episode structure, it’s different and a bit weird
the radio...switches to...the song!!!
“It was playing when we crashed” HFDAIOFHPASI HOLY HELL
“She’s mine” OH MY GOD
“He’s not gonna let her leave” SFIAF AAHHH
of course she gets scared of the guns you fucking idiots
Ah great they’re telling the truth that’s going great
“don't...don’t sugarcoat it”
I’ll be honest, I do appreciate her not trusting them, that makes a lot of sense
“Farmer roadkill” hey roll credits
once you realize Sam is protagonist-y boi, it’s hard not to notice, he gets all the Last Word
Oh the actress is from Battlestar Galactica, that’s why she was familiar
“you’re like ghostbusters” 
Why would you go into the woods
Also I think that was with the rebel just for kicks audio
“just once I’d like to round a corner and see a nice house” pffttt, not in a horror show you dumdum
the better bookend this with house of the rising sun, I say as an objective party that totally doesn’t stan this song
“caught in a loop” is just...ofahosu
“they weren’t evil, something happened to them” damn I wonder why Sam would feel personally
Dean references j. love hewitt who is apparently a...romcom star?
Dean just wants to kill them
“smells like old lady in here....ah that’s why” that’s...disturbing
she hung herself
I like that her questioning gets them to question, that’s neat
“we’re all just scared of the unknown” “we don’t know what happens after”
Sam also references their dad super casually, which feels important
“you won’t tell me because you’re afraid I’ll mess up your hunt” is good, that’s the chase
DAMN I love the fact that this song keeps showing up, and it gets mixed to be the soundtrack, I love it so much
The chewed through cord of the radio, the ice spelling out she’s mine, NICE creepy elements
and yes, the giant-ass window WAS a huge giveaway, but the other stuff was cool
It was nice seeing them be a little less macho for a bit though.
Tree as a grave marker is a nice touch
wait is it true
“all i go left is hurting you" is a Line, damn
oh great it’s torture, great
Dean don’t get cocky, and stop showboating
ahh he’s the distraction
second episode in a row he’s gotten thrown around by Magic Creatures
and it’s over
yes your husband is dead, he’s clearly dead
...he’s...not alive
Sam please tell me you’re not lying 
"he’s in that house”?
he never left???
he’s with someone else??
That’s David’s wife??
Oh my god, she’s dead. She hit Greeley with the car 15 years ago
“some spirits only see what they want” OHHH
good bait and switch, I did not see it coming
oHH ok the way they were handling it with care makes way more sense!!
Yes, some of it hits you in the face when they recontextualize it, but it’s the cw, fine, I’ll take it
They try to make her move on! That’s neat, honestly
“you’ll move on” “but you don’t know where” AHHHH
“it’s time to go” ohhh this is remarkably sweet of them
the environmental shot is really nice, actually
AAND THE FILTER CHANGES! It goes from REALLY gray to more peach and warm!
“We’ll never know till we die” ha wait, just wait, just you wait guys
Ah sixth sense reference I was wondering when that was gonna happen
1. Ok, different episode structure, bait and switch, and a BALLER soundtrack. The two spirits haunting them, reenacting their own death and driving others to die as a result. The idea and lore? slapped. I liked how the filter changed at the end
2. The way they changed the color stuff, the horror(while cliche) was solid. Honestly just kinda fun
3. It was nice seeing them do something different. Exploring different depths. I appreciated that a lot.
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heckinhacker · 5 years
i want tracer headcanons x male reader
Tracer x Male!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
Tumblr media
You were an Overwatch member for some time and looked up to Tracer but you guys never really talked? Which was a shame, but...
You knew how she was busy, she was famous and one of the most important agents of Overwatch. Shucks.
Good for her, yeah, but Shucks that she's too busy.
Everytime you saw her smile, laugh, do her iconic "Cheers love, the calvary is here!" you feel your chest getting warm and feel yourself smiling like a dumdum.
Your dream was to join Overwatch, but when you achieved that, you had to dream about something else - so you're dreaming of Lena Oxton now.
On one mission you were in a team with her, and you tried your best to be focused. And trust me man, you were!
It happened out of nowhere. You, with your zooming visor noticed enemy sniper, you didn't even recognized the face of them, you could imagine it was the unpopular Widow Maker, but she was aiming directly into Tracer's chronal accelerator, which was a bad news if she'd get shot into that.
"Tracer!" you shouted,ehile running to her. You never ran as fast when you realized what really was going on. You literally were faster than bullet.
But boy, you took the bullet into your back for her. It stopped inside you and you fell forward.
Traced held you up, not letting you hit the ground. She took you anywhere safe, screaming for any healer in reach. You needed assistance right now.
Your lucky ass got shot but not lethaly,the biggest problem was bullet stuck somewhere in your body.
Your operation had some complications, but you survived. But everything meant you're going to have medical days off. Days... Psh. Months, at least.
When you woke up, you saw Lena beside your hospital bed and Mercy noting something in her notebook.
You groaned out of pain, and because Mercy gasped so loudly she woke up Lena too.
She gasped too, way too happily, and hugged you right away. Fast reaction but with though, she didn't squeezed you in any way, just held close, so you feel no pain. Lovely from her.
"Hello [y/n]! Thank you so, so, sooo much for saving me. And don't say it's nothing, it means a lot! Because of me you're bedridden, so I'll be the one taking care of you!"
"Oh, no, Tracer, it's really okay-"
"It's Lena now! And it really isn't. Let me thank you. You are really my hero."She kissed your cheek, making you blush slightly.
"Okay, alright, if you insist. But you won't have to do much."
You had no idea how wrong you were. She even had to help you walk around. Pain was really intense, you had trouble lying down, real horror.
But good thing about this nightmare was Lena by your side. You got closer to her - or you thought so and hoped it's true- and thought of inviting her to... Somewhere, anywhere she'd like.
But you wanted to wait until you're able to walk alone, so everything looks, you know, better.
But before you had a chance to invite her out somewhere, she did!
She just normally started conversation with slightly shy tone "You know, [y/n]... When you feel better, would you like to go out somewhere with me, like a date? I want to ask now and not wait since I am not sure if you have feelings for someone, and waiting would be little stupid if it would be for nothing, and you knoww... Maybe some other girl likes you and waits to invite you? You're such a handsome man I wouldn't be surprised. I just wanted to know now."
You were so shocked! You slightly nod then grinned like an idiot.
"I was waiting till I'm good to walk by myself to ask you out but of course, I'll go out with you when I'm okay. And like for a date."
She kissed your face all around until she gave you that loooong kiss on the lips.
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Flower of Evil“ with Me!
Episode 7
welcome back to another post of me thirsting over joongi and hojoon and jiwon-jiejie !
last episode we had to see that jiwon-unnie now knows about what joongi has been up to and hiding from her
i have my ramen, i have my water, my laptop is plugged in
as the man who literally cannot catch a break mark lee would say, lezgeddit
joonngi is post accident in ‘05 laying in someone else’s bed
i can only assume it was the
lmao i think i have the same bedframe at home lakjdjfdk
isnt this
i mean we know they are but
he said we grabbing shit now lads
oh no jiwon...
oh he’s back now
thats uhhhh
thts a lot of breathing there bud
what thin
O H  S H I T
collar bones
“slept in” 8:55 i
i mean
it something deffo did get released last night
show the front
why is he so red what
she put a tracker in it huh
if she didnt shes foolish
is that a juiscer?
joongi and i are *eyes emoji*
the avoidance but the truth ugh her mind
an icon
eunhaaaa!!!! favorite character only
who the fuck is everyone else we only know fuck i dont remember joongi’s last name in this show
anyways baek eunha only character i care about
not at how i was deffo ready to write cha
oh tractor supply was kinda fun to go in when i went with my friend last year
anyways back to the show
omg her background is flower of evil
oh no
oh okay we back in time
ok ok ok
oh i sure do hope that the cleaning lady/witness was able to keep her i.d. a secret
oohhhh reporter-nim cleaned up nice
jesus thats terrifyign
oh shit her liscense was revoked too
oh it’s joongi’s sister
the fact that i just realized that jiwon unnie hasnt met joongi’s sister as an in-law but as a suspect instead
who is the second guy i dont lilke this
i want to keep so many of these characters safe gOD
oh shit
we said blood
oh he replacing the lcok
i just love her phone so
but it’s not a dateu is it :(
@ anyone who’s further ahead of me please tell me it happens
oh dear god
this uh
i uh
ive never wanted to see something less than drunk karaoke with reporter-nim and his boss
colgate is trying to tell me something about my teeth huh
bold of them to assume >:~[
oh his social media followers
nice bud
aldskfjlasdk chanting wait a minute im sick
and joongi said Oop
jesus reporter-nim
you act like he hasdnt have you tied up but weeks ago
oh jesus joongi....baobei...
reporter-nim took back his trust
ofc its going to glass
look at hojoon looking like a snack a half im so in loveee
wht a dorky lil man
im poropisg
choi is gonna say ist bs
cutekajf;aksdjf LETTUECE WRPAS
jiwon said  y e e t
perks of being a cop i guess
oh baby joongi is lying isnt he
didnt like that part of this show
fuck seeing the blood is better than hearing joongi fake dad cut his nails
damn does no one trust him in this fucking town
damn fake!dad said it’s parenting time
two people have told him they dont trust him in the span of like 12 hours christ
i saw the spoler gifs too so i know [redacted] happens as well
oh fuck
literally just like???
leave the country???
yeah you better fukcign look after jiwon and eunha you dick
joongi lips pink i
please let me see the earrings
you look like shit bud
it his exxxx
boss lady said on god we gon get you that respect
lil joongi’s answers sound very rehearsed
just saying
like obviously thats supposed to be the point im guessing but still
show all the videos
oh geez
and she has access to it now
we are looking intently
oh hojoon
its okay i will give you attention
let us hear what the tape is
is that evens till working?
oh dear
rip widow?
oh this uhhhhh
this is incredibly awkward
at least i think that’s her name
her vibe
oops i guess she doesnt pass the vibe check
she really said i am shutting you down
ggirl just like tell him to get over it
ew creeps
literally calm the fuck down bro
its her decison not yours
*insert eye rolling gif*
theres something in the background of the acocomplice audio
v rhythmic
oh and we are back to the old boss of joongi
oh shit
that’s a grip
ok me too mr owner guy
what favor
oh eunha!!!
pharmacy grandmother aldkjfalksjd
cha-ssi is my favorite she said its payback time but in a subtle way ugh the cha women and their minds
i need everyone to understand that atm i dont necessarily care if i get the naming conventions right
eunha zip up your backpack
shes so cuteeee hhhhh
i want to squish her lil dumpling cheekies
too advanced alkdfj;asldkj
get her a new fucking workbook
egg tarts work too i suppose
i just realized i can look up on line ‘lee joon gi earrings’
i feel like i know that noise too
its almost like....a clock?
a fucked up clock?
oh shit
shes here as detective cha not as jiwonnie
oh fuck
man’s got to leave the country now :~/
me and joongi are O.O rn
he is not good at hiding his reactions anymore yinks
and yankes
oh god
oh god her internoal monologe is
oh god
yes the fuck you can
i dont like it here anymore
i want my old jiwon joongi relationship back
alkdfj;laskdjf;laksdjf;lkasjdf joongi mom looks so unhappy
eunha and her lil chubby cheekies
aslkdfjals;dk she said i dont want dad to scold you what a cuteie babie
that is uh
oddly out of character
i love that jg mami is essentially now the rosa “i’ve only had __ for x minutes” meme
you arent????  a police officer????
not ambiotous???
man look at the road
ugh i know they cant just be open about anything but GOD A LITTLE MORE COMMUNICATION WOULD HELP HERE I THINK
this is
poor heejin
bro this is not your uhhhhh
this is not a date
jesus christ this is uncomfy
oh god *rolls eyes*
please stop
i am
this needs to end right now plEASE GET MY GIRL OUT OF THIS SITUATION
that is so awkward
thats bold of you to assume
oh is
is heejin the OH MY GOD IS SHE
cant we just have one good fucking relationship dynamic on this stupid show
no one lives there anymore
hey guess what
thats ominous as fuck
that means you should go back in the car and forget all of this
was ist das?
did their mom not be part of this?
ew i cant stand that man
but his hair is a good style i will say that
their house used to look so cute too
i feel so bad for himmmm
google search how to wrap fictional characters up in a blanket and give them hearty soup until they feel better
and arent being physically brought back to their traumatic places by their wife
when am i going to see jiwonnie again im sick of dect cha
i mean thats uhhh
thats a turtle
‘very amature’
i mean....we knows that
commercials i
please hes being such a good actor at being a bad actor i want to see this
ok we back
just say you know
theyre going to the basement arent they
aiyah of course they are
nevemrind i just remembered choi
and hojoon
i am boo boo the fool
trauma epicenter here we be
:) HATE it here
god shes being
like okay i know obviously she has her reasons
but i am unfortunately super biased towards joongi...
so im like
oh shit
is that what the recording was
wa sthat his mom?
god my boy
my guess is either the mami died and that killed something in the dad or the dad killed her
god he is literally trying so hard
oh fuck
thats uh
that doesnt look well
oh hes gonna ralph ???
i really hate this
oh he is
and before nyone says anythign i would be saying this if it was like heejin or reporter-nim or like someone random
you shouldnt fucking do this to peopel
oh?  is the ex-boss the acocmplixe?
probs not but wow would it be spicey if he were
aint nobody sleeping in that house peacefully EXCEPT MY GIRL EUNHA
literally bro just escape to some province in china its fine
oh thats what that gifset was about
does their bed not have sheets on it?
what the fuck???
yeah no one is sleeping
and we cut to reporter-nim
heejin...i literally have a list of people who need to be wrapped in blankets and the do siblings are at the top of this list
i HAETE my brian
i mean like yeah we knew it was going to happen but
he was so cute then lets go back to cute unstressed joongi
thank go we’re at the end
anyways that’s the end of the episode we are all feeling it now mr crabs
i am old man screaming at clouds .jpeg rn and i jst want to go back to the beginning where they were cute and in love plesse
anyways thank you for reading!!!
stay safe and stay healthy<333
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
CARAVAL thoughts:
Confession: I DNFed caraval about 2 years ago. I even included this book in a video called “reading 5 star reviews of books I hate” (either screen record and insert the clip from that vid or link in the cards skip to like 6:40 or both)
 Chapter 1
We open with letters that our main character Scarlett has written to the caraval master Legend
She really wants him to come to her island but he hasn’t 
She finally gets one back with three tickets for her Tella and her fiancé 
Chapter 2
Scarlett’s feelings came in colors “urgent red of burning coals, frenzied yellow of a flapping bird’s feathers” 
She goes to tell her sister Tella and finds her making out with a dude lol 
Julian is his name 
The edges of the paper “blazed a shimmery gold, the color of magic and wishes and promises of the things to come”
Tella hates the count Scarlett is betrothed to but Scarlett wants to leave their home so bad she doesn’t care who she ends up with 
“Gods teeth!” Is the expletive…
The prize of caraval is one wish 
They have to leave the isle within 3 days which would be impossible before getting married 
Tella’s lips “shifted from broken to unbreakable” NO
Last time they left Scarlett’s dad did something terrible to her
Julian offers to smuggle them to the island for caraval on his sailor ship (pirate ship??)
“Goldenrod desire lit up inside her”
Wishes were about as real as unicorns
Their dad shows up with gloves “the shade of bruises” 
Tella accuses Scarlett of hooking up with Julian RUDE!!!!
And Julian agrees!
Ohh because the dad beats the other sister so they’re trying to protect each other by accusing each other 
Her marriage is 10 days away
Chapter 3
Her fathers perfume smelled like the color of his gloves 
Julian decides to take them off the isle for free after witnessing this 
Tella says if she leaves she will never return 
“Her world was a grand game board, and her father believed this marriage would be his penultimate move”
“More than your sisters face will bleed” is their dad assaulting them?? Did I just gloss over that when reading this the first time??
“Weather worn white archways” loved 
Governor dragna sounds like judge frollo 
Their mom disappeared 7 years ago - abandoned them 
They have priests and piety and the devil but they don’t use the BC AD calendar instead going by seasons and rulers...why
Chapter 4
She felt the lie from childhood “sneaking into her slippers and moving between her toes” no you didn’t
“A broken dock like a massive tongue jutted out to stones that reminded Scarlett if uneven teeth” 
It was nights like these she could smell the moon - I wrote taste at first and taste fits better imo
A friend tried to help them escape once and the governor drowned him for it, Tella didn’t know about this 
She meets Julian here at midnight and barters all 3 tickets to keep him from helping Tella escape 
Julian and Tella ambush her and knock her out 
Chapter 5
“A pock marked moon winked in the glass”
She has a dream about their nana telling them how legend got his name 
First of all, legend is a bad dumb name and you should feel bad about it, Stephanie Garber. Caraval is also a bad name. 
He was in love with a woman named Annalise and would perform at a coronation to earn her fathers respect, but he needed a witch to grant him a wish of talent 
He had to choose between fame and love
So his name is legend because his magic is legendary? How tf did John legend not sue over this?
“Behind her a cloud drifted over the moon, covering all but two tiny points of light, which hovered behind her silver hair like devil’s horns” love this visual 
I’m calling it now, we’re getting this flashback because somehow, the dragna sisters are related to Annalise or remind legend of Annalise and this is why Tella gets taken 
Chapter 6
She wakes up in a rowboat with Julian after 2 days which is always a good way to pass the 2 days journey it takes without having to make anything happen lol I respect it 
Julian calls her crimson instead of Scarlett - hated it then hate it now 
Trees “rose toward the sky like massive emeralds” and the waterfall “streamed down like melted peacock feathers” no it didn’t because that makes no sense 
Legends private island is called the island of dreams in Spanish 
Tella has set up a kidnapping so Scarlett can go back without getting In trouble
“The image of a purple fire breathing dragon came to mind, coating her vision with ashy shades of anxiety”
I remember stopping very shortly after this and now I remember why - I can do purple prose but DAMN 
Their mom had “vanished taking nothing with her, she disappeared like a broken star leaving the world untouched, save for the missing bits of light but no one would ever see again” Good purple prose 
We get some backstory on how her Nana was more involved after her mother left, and we get to hear again about how great her stories are, even though we just spent a chapter getting that first hand from a flashback
She barters with herself to stay only one day and then go home for her wedding 
There’s a hole in the boat so they swim but she didn’t take her dresses off so she starts to drown
“You deserve this” because of Phillippe, like hands the water pressed her down down down 
Julian saved her and cuts off her dress which she finds very intense 
Chapter 7
So much description of the snowy frosting sand pick one
I get that it’s a magical island but every descriptor up until the sand made it sound like a tropical paradise, and then suddenly the sand is snow and there’s ice and snow on the trees which were just giant emeralds so I’m confused
Because being wet and cold is more scary 
“ The snow on the rooftops rested like dust on abandoned storybooks“
A very diagon alley sitch where there are magical stores but none are open...because it’s caraval guys. They’re at the games 
They go into a clock shop where there are clothes waiting along with food roses and a note from legend 
They change and she sees awful scars on his hot muscly back 
Her dress is lame despite every YA trope about the heroine having a princess moment, that’s fun: just kidding it changed colors and shape to fit her perfect 
And Julian’s outfit is super hot 
He stole a pocket watch 
Scarlett was a pretty girl but she tried to hide it, her eyes were too honest, no one noticed girls in ugly clothes 
“Scarlet wondered if she had found a way to escape her fathers deadly games only to become a well costumed piece on a new game board” no shit Scarlett you came to the island for the game…
Also you were in such a hurry to find Tella and get into the game before it was too late and now you’re waxing poetic about how hot Julian is and how you’re hot but you don’t wanna be 
Chapter 8
“Sage shaded colors of suspicion” I really hate this device she’s using. I’ve used it to describe the colors my mind reading characters see in people's minds. But it’s like twice a book, maybe, to express extreme emotion. Not every time your feelings change. 
Some guy comes in and offers them a portal into caraval and Scarlett is like “sure thing” and Julian is like “ummm dumdum” and he leaves 
The guys like “oh you just gonna listen to that random guy?” And I’m like as opposed to you, another random guy?
He wants her voice okay Ursula 
“A passionate sky made of melting lemons and burning peaches” or say yellows and oranges…
“Until the door was no more” love this, sounds very fairy tale 
She leaves and it's like night already, she only has til midnight 
Scarlett and Julian get in by him pretending to be the count, her fiancé 
They take the path of the players, not the watchers
Chapter 9
“A panicked Vermillion moved inside of her chest as she thought of how specific legends letter had been”
Julian admits he’s played caraval before and Scarlett is like *gasp* but HELLO how did you think he knew all the shit he knew?
He keeps calling her crimson like every time he speaks to her, annoying 
“Julian’s smile turned seductive, all shameless curves and immoral promises” 
Chapter 10
“Soft golden lights licked her arms with gentle kisses of warmth”
I’m very bored when this house is supposed to be EVERYTHING
The guy who was giving them the rules says, “don’t let your eyes or feelings trick you” And then jumps off the balcony and Scarlet freaks out… He just told you not to trust what you see
Scarlett is the most annoying person
Their instructions are to get to the end by sunrise or they’ll be locked out in the streets, but she’s wasting time wanting to look for her sister - and Julian is telling her that her sister is probably staying at the same place and she doesn’t believe him despite the fact that he’s already done this game before, just trust him???
“A searing green door watched Scarlet like a glowing eye”
This just made me figure out why I don’t like that she’s using colors as an emotional device, because the main character is named after a color, and so it’s just way too many color descriptors
Julian got trapped outside noooo
Chapter 11
But it’s fine because she tells the innkeeper they’re guests of legend - which they are - and he’s let in. Great. Glad there are no stakes. They also used legends name to get the boat to the inn for free. 
The hallways in the inn “smelled like the end of the night, sweat and fading fire smoke mixed with lingering breath from words whose ghosts still haunted the air” no
Julian was “poison in an attractive bottle”
Their rooms are actually one room oops
Chapter 12
“But legend saw all during caraval”
She got a message from legend: it’s a key with tella’s name on it 
Lmao tella is having sex behind that door for sure 
“She felt five different shades of berry colored foolish” this is so stupid 
Every time something happens between tella and scar, we get a whole expository moment about how this is related to their mother or their father or the relationship between the sisters… We know. we can tell. we are not stupid.
“Warmth licking her cheek” this metaphor is too specific to keep using it
Some tattooed dude finds her - Dante - and is like “sleep in my room”
He asks her out but she declines because the count 
Damn her dress has transformed to be like see through which is why he was into her lmao 
She has a dream that legend is a creep lol
Chapter 13
Scarlett totally changes her tune re: enjoying herself 
She passes tella’s room and finds a wreck 
“Feathers covered the carnage as if a rebel Angel had gone mad” this is so dumb 
The key she got with tella’s name was a clue, that other people also got 
A pregnant girl offers to help scarlet, and a man steals scarlets favorite earrings from her mother 
Then the pregnant girl steals that stuff 
She realizes there’s a postcard in tella’s room that isn’t hers
Chapter 14
Tella only loved mermaids, and the postcard is of a castle, which was Scarlett’s thing 
The castle is a place on the isle that Julian recognizes 
Dante shows up and Julian is like hell nah 
Dante won last time Julian was here and it cost him a lot
“Shops wrapped in colors like a birthday presents, cerulean blue apricot orange saffron yellow primrose pink while the canals remained midnight dark” SHUT UP dude
This woman got like a color wheel or a color dictionary for her birthday the year she wrote this book 
Time moves fast in the castle 
What’s really annoying about this book is Stephanie Garber spends a lot of time talking about things that are boring, and one sentence on something like hummingbird-sized elephants and tigers
There’s a kissing tent and she’s like fuck yeah let’s go there
You’re engaged
Julian sees where she’s looking and is like yeah??
A tingle of periwinkle curiosity
Chapter 15
She goes into the tent of a half naked dude who could tell her fortune 
This is all very boring 
He has incense that makes people tell the truth and she admits Julian is the hottest guy ever 
She asks what’s the man she will marry really like? 
He’s not a good person 
She’s covered in only pictures he can see instead of pictures only he can see…
She had 2 questions but the way she asked used them up so she doesn’t get to ask about tella 
Chapter 16
He tells her to follow the boy with the heart made of black...obviously Dante, she thinks Julian 
She walks into a potion tent and finds an elixir of protectio
She mentions her father and feels “anise and lavender and rotting plums”
She describe the woman who works in the potion tent as having “bottle green” eyes, but this entire paragraph has the word bottle in it like 1 million times because shes describing a tent full of potions...all these colorful words you’ve used and this is where you use “bottle green”
I don’t mind the descriptor, my own eyes are bottle green, it’s very vivid, but badly placed 
She chases Julian to a decrepit garden with a fountain, and sees a glass button
She also saw a glass button in tella’s room...is this how legend spies on her? Is this where tella is being kept?
“Dreary yellow hopelessness” infected her
She sees the symbol of caraval inside the fountain and touches it, revealing a staircase 
Someone screamed as hot and bright as fire 
It’s madness tunnels 
The inn “smells of laughter and boasts laced with sweetened ale” this doesn’t make seeeeeennnnnnnnse
She finds Julian, but it’s actually Dante and he’s mean to her and she cries but it makes her mad at Julian?????? Stupid 
Chapter 17
Julian finally shows up, super bloody but he just had a head wound
She cleans him up and is getting super horny lol 
He got her earrings back!!!!!
The fire dies sending up a plume of smoke “the color of things better said in whispers” 
She tells him about the tunnels and he says legend treats his prisoners like guests 
Julian’s eyes are the color of “caramel and liquid amber lust”
He almost kisses her and then seems to wake up, leaves and “disappointment wraps around her in cool shades of forget me not blue” STOP
Chapter 18
She wakes up to white roses with red tips 
Julian is supposed to meet her but doesn’t 
A girl shows up “pretty as a watercolor and dressed as bold as a trumpet” DUDE
“Oh poor you, here you are on a magical island, and all you can think of is what you don’t have” get her!
Dante shows up and she realizes he has a black heart tattoo which DUH SCARLETT
chapter 19
The night is “brittle, crisp like the first bite of a chilled apple, smelling just as sweet with hints of burnt sugar weaving through the charcoal night air” THIS IS GOOD PURPLE PROSE! I can taste this!!!!!!!
She’s chasing Dante and finds a cider seller who’s drink will help her see things more clearly, the price is her last lie 
She drinks it and loses the color in her vision 
The game is constantly working against you?????? How?! You’ve stumbled across tons of clues without any work and there are no believable stakes to this game, this drink is the first time you’ve had a struggle…
Iko holds a journal that’s brownish green, “the color of forgotten memories, abandoned dreams, and bitter gossip”
Even in black and white we get this heavy handed color shit 
She realizes anything in color is important
She also sees the red roses on a carousel and the red cravat on a mans neck 
He makes her feel perilous shades of silky black - is Stephanie Garner an artist? Does she have synesthesia or something?? What is with this device!!!!
She looks in Iko’s book and sees pictures of her, the special guest
Sour shades of yellow green made her stomach roil with trepidation - HUH????
She’s like “why would he make the game about me?” You’ve been begging him to bring you caraval your entire life, why do you think? 
I think I remember the nana saying annelise had blonde hair, and so does tella...are they related to her? Is she nana? 
Iko tells her the notebook also holds all the true stories of caraval
Iko will give her the notebook if Scarlett will buy 2 dresses because the changing dress bothers her (??)
Iko takes her to a dress shop where the dresses are “the color of late night laughter, early morning sunshine, and waves crashing around ankles” 
The dresses cost nightmares or secrets or fears
She owes her worst fear and greatest desire, or she can pay 2 days of her life per dress 
It works but her greatest desire isn’t to find her sister, so she pays with 2 days of her life, not at the end of her life but at the end of caraval 
“Panic came in hemlock green, the color of poison and terror” 
“Something acidic and moldy and burnt bubbled up in Scarlett’s throat - the taste of death” like this 
Scarlett’s body dies but her mind will exist in a dream world 
Chapter 20
Dante finds her and drags her into the inn 
Julian hits Dante because he won’t let her go hell yeah
She tells him what happened 
Julian tried to give Scarlett a day of his life by having her drink his blood from his finger and she’s like “I wanna fuck this duuuude”
“His voice is so gentle, made of gentle” I liked this 
Then he drinks her blood from her finger, and the world shatters into a million shards of colored glass 
He lays down with her and holds her while she dies
Chapter 21
Death was the color purple.
She sees tella in the dream world, and tella has a huge dark book that swallows her and Scarlett 
They see young nana in a house similar to the one they entered at caraval, entwined with a young man
Her grandma is Anneliese DUH
Then she’s at the funeral of the woman who died at caraval before
Rosa was in love with legend and he rejected her so she killed herself 
Dante was rosa’s fiancée 
Legend is julian?!?!?
Loved This entire chapter but then it means nothing because none of this is real it’s all part of the game so it’s not really story development
Chapter 22
They both wake up 
Scarlett tries to convince herself the game is messing with her 
Then she remembers what the dream people said about legend loving to make girls fall for him 
She has a grey streak in her hair now 
Her dad is there!
She finally puts it together - her nana is anneliese 
“She could see the sting of her rejection in shades of stormy blue ghosting over his heart like sad morning mist” roll my eyes
But then she remembers that he gave a day of his life for her and is like why would he do that if he was legend 
 Now she’s changed her mind, so she goes after Julian to find him leaving Dante’s room and walking into tella’s 
She goes in after him to hide from her dad but the room is empty 
She finds another secret staircase like the fountain 
She trips over Dante’s dead body and finds Julian standing over it 
Chapter 23
Julian grabs her and is like “I didn't kill him, we were working together” 
He shows her a white rose tattoo he has, Rosa was his sister!!
She asks why he had been acting weird and he basically says he didn’t want to have feelings for her because that wasn’t why he had come to caraval 
Scarlett is like let’s get this fucker back, but she hears her dad’s footsteps in the tunnel  
Chapter 24
They start running, and they hide in a weird alcove from her dad that starts to squish them
She realizes it’s feeding off their fear so they relax and it lets them out
They end up in the sand tunnel and Scarlett is like how could you know I was going to caraval if you were already at our island when I got my tickets 
Julian explains that legend is punishing the descendants of anneliese and he invited her to caraval to stop the wedding
Legend had never responded until she signed her full name on the last letter, mentioning her wedding 
Julian is the fucking count dude calling it 
“His steady gaze reached out to the broken parts of her like a caress, a type of touch that moved through damaged flesh, past fractured bones and into a person's wounded soul.” WOW
Scarlett hears tella’s voice and almost runs straight off a cliff
“Tella loved danger the same way candle wicks loved to burn. It never seemed to scare her that some of the things she lusted for might consume her like a flame” Christ 
Julian knew tella would be taken during caraval 
Chapter 25
She had to find tella before legend consumed her like a flame burning a candle” you just used a candle metaphor like one page ago my dude. 
She gives herself one minute to cry and scream and Julian hears her so he barges in, worried 
He apologizes and she gives him the grace I’ve been waiting for as soon as he said he knew what would happen to tella: he had to avenge his sister. Everything they’re both doing is for their sisters, she should be more understanding 
Julian is “all kinds of tragic and lovely”
The box was “flat black, the color of failure and funerals” shut UP
Like if you wanna use the color device to describe your protagonists feelings stop being so fucking flowery with every single color in the book it is soooooooooooooooo distracting
It’s the other dress Scarlett has bought but now it’s white
Chapter 26
There’s a note in the box from legend that makes “invisible spiders crawl over her skin” ok 
She thinks the dress is the 5th clue - the buttons on the dress reminds her of the buttons leading to the hat store 
Chapter 27
They go to the top hat place and Julian is like “this is all wrong” 
Iko appears looking like “a teardrop the moon had cried” love it
She tells them not to go into the hat shop 
Let me guess, despite both of these omens Scarlett is still gonna go in 
“Scarlett had an emerald green premonition that she would make a discovery inside” sure why tf not gotta keep the story moving somehow 
She sees the store owner and was like LEGEND and he’s like nah dude I’m just wearing a hat 
But he is the guy that was wearing the red cravat and eyepatch from the day her vision went gray 
He is the count!!!!!
Chapter 28
Nicholas Darcy 
And her dad is there!!!!!!!!!!
Julian gets her out but the count chases her and they get on a boat 
She sees her dad and he looks afraid but she blames it on the rain 
They row to the castle and Julian convinces her to get inside to hide from the lightning 
And they argue about if she’s still planning marrying the count and she’s torn which hurts him 
He says “are you sure you want this?” Before kissing her and like is it a consent thing or is it him asking if he’s what she wants either way I love it 
“The boy who had saved her from drowning in more ways than one” explain…
They kiss and “every touch created colors she had never seen” that’s so anticlimactic 
Chapter 29
The stones fall through the hourglass like “drops of falling rose petals” that makes no sense but we have to include it because...
She finally realizes the roses that have been EVERYWHERE are part of the game duh 
She takes Julian to the fountain where the tunnel entrance is
She feels ochre shades of uneasy
Only NOW she’s giving pause at the idea of winning because she could wish them safe...shoulda been your goal all along. Should have been equally as important as finding tella since if you find her you win the wish….I’m signing heavily atm 
The governor and the count are there!!!!! 
Swear to god if Julian dies I’m going to fucking riot 
She wants to split up but Julian is like fuck no 
The count catches up to her and the governor pulls her by her hair up the stairs 
He punches her in the stomach to warn Julian and she gets back up, with the count trying to protect Scarlett
“A slick mud colored feeling coated Scarlett’s insides” because the governor is holding a knife to Julian’s throat
He cuts Julian’s face NOOOOOO
The governor takes Julian to his room and let’s the count sleep in Scarlett’s room because “he’s already paid for her, he can enjoy her a few days early”
Scarlett stands up to her dad!!!! And then she remembers tella’s words: what if the count is worse?
Scarlett tells the count if she makes her dad stop, she’ll be a good wife but if he doesn’t she will never be his obedient wife 
“Do you really want a bride who will only sleep with you because someone will be tortured if she doesn’t?” YES
Chapter 30
The count is like “listen I am NOT like your dad I’m sorry” and she’s like yeah but you’re not Julian 
The count starts undressing and Scarlett aims a poker at his eyeball lmao 
She finally remembers the elixir of protection in that dress from the tent and soaks the count 
The count is like “you’re playing into legends hands” and Scarlett is like “nah he did me a favor by getting rid of you”
Chapter 31
Julian’s cut isn’t that deep thank god but he’s still woozy 
“He tasted like midnight and wind”
Leap of faith - roses - it’s Rosa!!!!! She has to ask how Rosa died and Julian says she jumped off a balcony 
They decide to sneak out using the tunnels to go search all the balconies
Chapter 32
The town during the day looks like a “faded memory”
She hears music from the rose colored carousel 
The musician has been asking for coins the whole time but nothing else cost money
They jump onto the moving carousel and end up in the roses where Scarlett finds the caraval symbol
They have to jump, Julian gives her coordinates to a boat in case they get separated but they run out of time and she has to go in 
She lands in a river and lands at a staircase guarded with statues that are definitely frozen people 
Legend is there ofc 
Chapter 33
She’s a little star struck by legend 
His laugh is a rich spicy sound that echoes until he snaps his fingers 
Homeboy is mad 
Julian ends up there, dry, and...he’s working with legend...NOOOOOOO
Dante and Valentina were also part of the game 
Rosa was not his sister...DUDE
She clutches his pocket watch and legend opens it - Julian’s voice comes out apologizing for betraying her 
He does love her HE IS ENCHANTED!!!!!
Oh fuck he is spitting blood oh fuck oh no 
Scarlett you got him killed you dumdum 
Chapter 34
she remembers that she gets one wish, and she wants to use it to bring Julian back and I swear to goooooddddddd if he doesn’t come back I’m gonna throw myself out the window 
Legend is gone, leaving a funeral invitation for tella set for tomorrow this guy is a MONSTER
Chapter 35
She ends up on a huge rooftop way high up 
“The air felt soft and poisonous” 
Tella is there feeling like “softness and sunlight and seeds for growing dreams”
We just used soft a sentence ago!!!!
Tella is like “you’re confused, the game is playing tricks on you”
Scarlett tells her about their grandmas history with legend 
She shows tella the invitation and it now says it’s to a party not a funeral
Chapter 36
Tella has met a boy that’s not legend...it’s a guy she met right before she got taken for the game…
She’s engaged to him??
Scarlett is like maybe tella is right and this is all part of it...Scarlett DUDE 
Scarlett has a bitter yellow puddle of dread in her stomach 
If Daniel is Dante or Julian I’m gonna scream 
Chapter 37
It’s legend of course 
He tries to convince tella to tie Scarlett up you better NOT
legend dares Scarlett to walk to the edge of the balcony to prove she loves her sister, so that he can feign worry to tella
They tie her up 
The governor and the count show up FUCK
finally legend admits to tella who he is and she just breaks poor baby 
Tella backs up to the ledge and says if the governor or the count touch Scarlett she’ll kill herself!!!!!!!
“Silver slippers sliding” toward the balcony 
Scarlett breaks free but tella FUCKING JUMPS
Chapter 38
So now who is Scarlett gonna use her wish on?!
Her father looks like “a dragon with no fire and broken wings”
The governor slaps Jovan and legend is like imma fuck you UP 
The governor killed Dante!!!!!!
She blackmails her dad with Philippe’s death 
She remembers her wish...but who does she use it on?! 
Which oof, oof, OOF
Tella is a brat lmao 
Legend won’t give her the wish!!!!!
Scarlett goes to give tella her blood 
She wishes her impossible wish but it doesn’t work
Chapter 39
She goes back up to get tella’s stuff and finds a caraval box with a letter inside from tella to legend that she didn’t know about 
Chapter 40
She goes to see legend and finds out he’s actually some dude named Caspar…that was why he couldn’t grant her wish 
There’s a stack of letter between tella and legend that basically illustrate that tella was willing to die for legend to get them to caraval 
Tella is alive?!?!?!?!?!?
This was all a fucking game?!
Her impossible wish came true, but she had actually died 
Tella orchestrated their dad getting to caraval so he could see her die, and so he would leave Scarlett alone 
Chapter 41
So Julian is not really dead, but tella wanted anyone who made Scarlett love them to be taken out, that way she wouldn’t get hurt by someone who was just pretending 
So she somehow warps this into meaning that Julian didn’t actually love her? Go...ask him??????? The fuck 
God poor Scarlett…
So people can die in caraval, but when the game is over, they come back...so there were no fuckin stakes except for tella’s death
Chapter 42
They go to legends party in the forest and Scarlett sees Julian 
Iko is there like go talk to Julian dumdum 
“Shades of the rich ruby love she’d felt mixed with deep indigo hurt turning everything just a little bit violet” I don’t care I want them to kiss Stephanie 
Julian is so hurt that she thinks she doesn’t know him
He’s related to legend…
Rosa dying changed his opinion of legend 
He tried to leave the game right before this caraval 
Legend is his brother!!!!!!!!!
He couldn’t leave Scarlett because she loved her sister like Julian loved his brother 
He stayed because of Scarlett despite how it hurt him to lie to her 
Yaaaaaay they kiss yay omg 
Tella is dancing drunk at the party and is dancing with a new guy who dances her to the edge of the party...then he’s gone?
He dropped something into her pocket...a coin with a note…
From legend!!!!!
You can see your mom soon if you keep up your end of the bargain!!!!!
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