#ace seeker of the quidditch team...
lokislytherin · 2 years
lookism x hp
broke: gryffindor half-blood!hyungseok x ravenclaw pure-blood!jaeyeol, hyungseok is brave of heart dumb of ass and jaeyeol is his enabler / bodyguard / sugar daddy
woke: slytherin muggleborn!hyungseok x hufflepuff pure-blood!jaeyeol, slightly angsty with all the discrimination (racism, fatphobia, body dysmorphia, social anxiety, selective mutism) but still fluffy, character exploration and study into hyungseok being ambitious and a bamf
BESPOKE: newt scamander!jaeyeol x jacob kowalski!hyungseok. jae's fingerprint lock briefcase is for his illegally smuggled animals, his father hates him bc he's gay + magizoologist instead of an auror, hyungseok makes the best pastries ever + is So Sweet to jae and the animals like you would not believe
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certainsaturn · 5 months
Real Madrid youngsters HP! AU
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Vini Jr. in HP! au who tends to get into fights. Always invited to parties (especially after his quidditch team lost). Plays as a seeker in the team. Always sneaking out after curfew just to slack around. Only got caught one time by Filch because the portraits snitched. He ran away from punishment(which is to accompany Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest) and hid in the girls bathroom where he met Moaning Myrtle for the first time. She gave him the ick with all the giggling and pestering questions so he just went back to Hagrid. Secretly likes Divination. He only took it because Rodrygo asks him to. Will never admit it out loud. He can’t say no to his good friend. He met Rodrygo on the train during their first enrolment into Hogwarts. He ate a lot of liquorice wands and puked on some random girl. Rodrygo helped him out. Became friends with him eversince.
Rodrygo in HP! au is very kind towards the professors. He dislikes Snape teaching methods though. Herbology is his favorite subject. A lot of 1st years admires him. When Vini causes trouble he will always have to pull him out. He respects the house elves and will personally go the kitchens to thank them for the wonderful meal. During his first year where he has to handle Mandrakes, he is the only one abled to do the steps properly. During Charms he is partnered up with Jude and Vini. Got his arm broken because Jude used Wingardium Laviosa on him and made him fall from the ceiling, unintentionally. Forgave Jude and became friends with him cause he don't hold grudges. (He is aware that Jude is well known so he'll just use the advantage to be friends with him). When it comes to dueling he is one of the best probably after Aurelien. Has wide knowledge on hexes and jinxes. Even poltergeist don't want to mess with him.
Aurelien Tchouameni in HP! au is a moozologist(?) wannabe. He loves his dog so much he sneaks him to school during his 4th year. Got caught by Ms. Norris after 2 days. Despises Snape. Top student in his classes. A beater in the quidditch team. Begs Hagrid to give him 1 to 1 lessons on Care of Magical Creatures so he can be one step ahead of everyone else. People call him crazy for wanting to train a Zouwu(?). Destroyed his Nimbus 2000 which he bought using his own money when he went on a solo adventure at 4th year to find Dragons. He didn't think he'll find one...but he did and it ended terribly. Sneaks around at night with the gang and deliberately get caught so they all can attend the lesson. The gang gave him silent treatment for not telling them about this earlier but they all end up liking it after a while. Met Newt Scamander once and got his book signed and has bragged to everyone about it. He talks a lot and do analysis on people that he wants to be friends with. He often get discounts when going to shops at Diagon Alley and Hogsmade.
Jude Bellingham in HP! au is Hogwarts’s heartthrob. In his 6th year he got almost got spiked with a love potion. If it wasn’t for Aurelien to stop him from drinking the drink. Transfiguration is his biggest enemy. He learned to be an animagus and ended up getting a badger as his animagus. Hates the whole subject for that. Got hundreds of love letters and items laced with love potions or jinxed sent to him daily. An ace student in DADA, so he has no problems in handling those items. Talks loudly when he gets excited (Snape overhears him everytime and will smack his head). The fat friar will hold him long enough from entering the dorms to flirt with him. Crashes in other houses dorms because of this. Failing herbology and even Rodrygo can't help him. Wants to be an Auror after he graduates. But he is unsure now because he doesn't want to continue taking potions after O.W.L.s
Eduardo Camavinga in HP! au is the friendliest guy in Hogwarts. McGonagall's favorite student despite being a troublemaker. The potraits love it when he walks by talking loudly because his stories are all interesting to them. He is clumsy at potions, always got the ingredients mixed up. But his best friend Aurelien is there to help him. Caused the school to flood one time after using the wrong jinx. McGonagall punished him to clean the owlery without the use of magic. Found the room of requirement when he was running away from Filch after harmlessly pranking him. He thinks its a prank and got scared so he never go near that corridor again. Surprisingly got asked out to the yule ball from the Beauxbaton girls. Quidditch commentator. Very biased with his team too. His boggart is his little brother getting hurt from his pranks. The advantage of being McGonagall's favorite has turned him into a Transfiguration facilitator to the group. He once cloned himself to 12s of him...just to mess around with people. The group respects him for that.
i hope yall like this. im pretty satisfied with myself after writing this. the headcanons came from my pure imagination. also got inspired by @g-xix 's amp X harry potter headcanons so i decided to make my own for the boys.
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letterex-fyofm · 5 months
tskym hc (harry potter au)
tsukki: obviously a ravenclaw. i've seen so many people hc him as slytherin, but i have to disagree. that boy is a ravenclaw at heart. a mean ravenclaw, sure, but still a ravenclaw. i imagine him to be a beater in quidditch. then we can have akiteru (hufflepuff) lying to him saying that he used to be the ace of his quidditch team.
tadashi: so, this might be a controversial one, but for me he would be selected to be in gryffindor. IT JUST MAKES SENSE. because yamaguchi's whole deal is becoming someone brave (one of his chapters is literally named "the fight of the former coward"), and gryffindor makes so much sense. about quidditch, i am sure he used to be a beater like tsukki but because he wasn't a starter, decided to be a seeker. then we can have the "he practised harder than anyone else" scene.
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excerpt from chapter 11 of Five Stages Of Love
The O.W.L.s were finally over and James was sure he aced all of them. Well, all except History, which he failed on purpose. No one in their right mind would bother with professor Bins for two more years, and while James knew he was short of a marble or two, his mental faculties weren't that bad. With exams over, there was one last thing for the students of Hogwarts to worry about; the last Quidditch match of the year.
There was a lot of tension between the Slytherins and the Gryffindors, despite the Gryffindors not participating in the match. The Hufflepuffs couldn't dream of getting more points than Gryffindors, not even if they caught the snitch, but they could stop Slytherins from advancing. All Samuel had to do was catch the snitch as soon as possible so that the Slytherin team wouldn't have time to score enough points to beat Gryffindor. The Slytherins were well aware, and they were willing to do anything they could to win. 
The two teams rose in the air as Madam Hook gave her signal. The Gryffindor team and their friends were all equipped with their own omnioculars, and were shaking with anticipation in their seats. No one dared to make a sound as Terry commented on the match.
"... Goyle sends a bludger towards the Hufflepuff keeper. Rebecca avoids it, but Valencia scores! It's 40 against 10 for the Slytherins. Now Sarah's got the quaffle and — Black saw the snitch! The seekers are nosediving. Someone better tell Black to slow down! He's gonna — Ow!"
The entire audience gave out a collective groan.
"Samuel hits the ground as Black pulls up. That must be, what, half a meter off the ground? Now Black is standing there looking at the rival seeker who's still down. Madam Pomfrey is on her way, everyone. Merlin, that doesn't look good... He's not going for the snitch anymore — Damn it, there was no snitch! Sorry, Professor. Now the rest of the players stopped to look at Samuel. He is still not getting up... uhh..."
"C'mon, get up!" shouted Anabella.
"No, he's out. Black took out the Hufflepuff seeker using a very dirty, sneaky — Sorry, Professor. Black used the Wronski Feint on the rival seeker. We're only 10 minutes in, people! This is the shortest game I've ever — He's still not doing anything. Is this allowed? Is that allowed?"
That had been the Slytherins' plan, to get rid of the other seeker so Regulus could wait patiently until his team scored enough points to win the cup. McGonagall gestured angrily, shouting at Regulus to get back to the game. He started making circles around the field, but everybody could tell he was not entirely into it. The Gryffindor teammates were equal parts angry and baffled, watching as the Quidditch cup slipped further and further away from them with every goal Slytherin scored. Sirius was the only one close to tears from laughter, with James right next to him trying to hide his smirk. It was a damn good plan, he had to admit it.
"Why are you laughing?" asked Anabella. "We're losing the cup!"
This, somehow, only made Sirius laugh harder. "Yeah, because of that little shit."
Mary hid her face in her hands. "Should have kicked him off the broom when I had the chance," she said, her words muffled by the meat of her palms. 
James could barely hear the whining from his teammates as Regulus made his way towards them once more. This time he began to slow down. Through the omniocular, James got a great view of him, almost as good as if he were right in front of him. Regulus raised a hand to push back his bangs, not long enough to be tied back, but long enough to bother him, apparently. He shifted his gaze towards the Gryffindor team, then he smirked, just a little, as if the entire situation amused him, and winked. He went away before James' mind could process what was happening.
"Did he just wink at us?" asked Laura.
"Smug bastard," mumbled Anabella. "Sirius, stop laughing!"
In the end, Slytherins won the cup with exactly 10 points more than Gryffindors.
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eggielix · 2 years
Stray Kids in Hogwarts Houses
Word count // 1K
Bang Chan ↬ Gryffindor
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• people thought he’d be in Ravenclaw because he was so intelligent, but his natural leading and need to help others got him in Gryffindor.
• works very hard and helps younger student with homework or other problems.
• Chan is basically a parent for every Gryffindor, even the ones older then him.
• his work? Straight A’s.
• Professor McGonagall’s favourite student for sure.
• He is in the Gryffindor Quidditch team (picked by McGonagall) and he’s a beater.
• People compare him with Fred and George Weasley- so you know he’s good!
Minho ↬ Slytherin
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• y’all probably saw this coming.
• this man knows he’s charming and will use this to his advantage.
• to teachers he’s the perfect student, but to his classmates he’s the one you need to avoid.
• only subject he’s bad in is history of magic because honestly who likes it.
• his favourite subject is actually Divination. Why? He keeps trying to see his future if his special person is still there.
• he’s the Slytherin seeker and has beef with the Gryffindor seeker.
• tsundre for real. Even to his friends he’s hard to open up to.
• has a fondness of one particular Hufflepuff…
Changbin ↬ Ravenclaw
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• bro- imagine him running around in the Ravenclaw outfit T.T
• this man is the best at planning. He usually helps his friends making schedules for homework.
• is planning to become a teacher after Hogwarts, preferably teaching Defence Against the dark arts.
• this man is an ace in Hogwarts. He’s one of the best at Wizard’s Chess, highest grades of his year AND a Keeper in the Quidditch team.
• despite all of this he’s a little awkward around new people and finds it hard to open up. People usually try to force him to team up, but eventually only Changbin does all the work.
• ^ so Chan adopted him and welcomed him to his friend group.
• is very glad to be in such a nice friend group and feels like home to him.
Hyunjin ↬ Gryffindor
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• this man is a social butterfly.
• he talks with everyone from every house, no matter their background.
• except one person.
• he has beef with the Slytherin seeker being the Gryffindor seeker.
• he cannot understand what his friends like about him but his strategy is to ignore that he exists. (But when ppl bully Minho he will throw a punch)
• one that struggles the most with keeping up with his homework.
• does not know what he wants to do after Hogwarts. He does, he wants to become a professional quidditch player, but that’s hard.
• still trains hard, but Chan and Changbin help him keep up with everything and will tutor him.
• after exams he’ll probably feel bad that they put so much help in him so he’ll draw something nice for them as a thank you.
Jisung ↬ Hufflepuff
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• he’s the Hufflepuff Minho is weak for.
• ALWAYS cheers for Minho (but does it silently when it’s Hufflepuff vs Slytherin)
• favourite subject is potions, and he’s good at it too. Makes all types of potions in the blink of an eye.
• is very skilled in transfiguration as well. He loves changing everyone’s hair color without them knowing. (Minho’s hair had become all the colours of the rainbow already. Jisung wasn’t subtle about it but Minho let it slide)
• always tries to help people because he will feel bad otherwise.
• lots of people try and take advantage of his kindness.
• isn’t it weird that those students are in the hospital wing the next morning… a certain Slytherin who knows about this perhaps…?
Felix ↬ Hufflepuff
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• bakes brownies for everyone :(
• he ADORES all the creatures around him, coming from a muggle family.
• this man. owns a ferret. as his pet.
• his favourite subject is obviously care of magical creatures. Changbin is disgusted by it but tags along because it makes Felix happy.
• loves playing against Changbin with wizards chess. (Don’t let Felix know but Changbin always lets him win)
• would much rather spend the entire day talking to the giant squid in the black lake then studying.
• 9/10 it’s a panicked Changbin who helps him bind his wounds from dangerous creatures.
Seungmin ↬ Ravenclaw
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• he doesn’t even have to try, just gets high grades easily.
• usually spends his time buried in muggle books he borrowed from Felix <- he’s a pure blood.
• Felix always gives him more books for Christmas and his birthdays, and Seungmin couldn’t be more happy.
• likes to rant about his books to Jeongin (also pure blood) but because he hadn’t read the books he had no idea and simply nods along.
• one of professor Flitwick and professor Sprout’s favourite student.
• adores both Charms and Herbology.
• he also would love to do something as a professor on Hogwarts.
• Jeongin is usually the one to drag him along the hallways because his nose is hurried in books.
• only time when he isn’t reading is to cheer on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and if they’re not playing, he cheers on his friends who are competing.
Jeongin ↬ Slytherin
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• okay hear me out: all his sweet looks and cute appearance is something ppl love, and he knows this. And takes advantage of this.
• usually gets everything he asks for.
• doesn’t really care about all the attention, he just wants silence.
• chaser at Slytherin team. When in a competition he plays nasty, but tries avoiding hitting Chan, Changbin or Hyunjin. But if it’s about winning, he might give them a shove or throw the Quaffle at them. Chan had already giving him a few bloody and broken noses, and black eyes by giving him a hit with his bat. (They love each other tho. Just not on the field)
• SUCKS at subjects. Needs lots of tutoring.
• also wants to become a professional quidditch player. He and Hyunjin made the promise of trying for a team together.
• he has a rich af family so he usually likes to spend it on buying presents or food to his friends.
• bad ideas come from him 9/10 times.
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limerenze · 3 years
the last time - adrian pucey
[Adrian Pucey x Fem!Reader]
Summary; adrian and y/n are stuck in a cycle that cannot be ended
Word Count; 3.6k
A/N; okay. at what point do the amount of taylor song fics become too much? also i was stuck on this for so long then i got covid and finished it <3 <3 <3 
i wrote on my last fic that my new year resolution was not to write as many song fics and i’ve already broken that so the next fic WONT be a song fic i promise.
and i have to dedicate this to my absolute muse- without her this fic would’ve never seen the light of day, @loverssfevers i love u
Warnings; angst, post hogwarts
Dates Written; January 2nd - January 10th, 2022
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Part of her hoped he would be next to her when she woke up. And that part was much bigger than she was willing to admit.
Every time he left, every day he was gone- every morning she woke up alone, the faith she had that he would return got less and less.
And just when that faith was ready to burn out, just when she was ready to put her foot down and put an end to all the sorrow. There he was.
It was as if Adrian knew that if he was gone just one more day, he would lose her. And so he came back. It was as if he always knew.
Y/N didn’t know how he always knew. It wasn’t as if she could tell him, even if she wanted to, she couldn’t. They didn’t speak when he was away. It wasn’t something either of them ever brought up, they just didn’t. 
Y/N and Adrian were in the seventh year when the quidditch scouts had come to Hogwarts. Madam Hooch hadn’t given the house teams much notice. One day it was to be a normal game against Hufflepuff and the next it was the biggest, most important game of Adrian’s quidditch career.
Adrian had gone absolutely ballistic with only just under two weeks to prepare for the game. 
Graham Montague was their captain that year. The two were quite good mates, but from the moment Madam Hooch had told them about the scouts to the moment the match was over- Adrian loathed him.
He wasn’t taking it seriously, was Adrian the only one who cared?
The Slytherin team was a joke that year.
Himself, Montague, Warrington, Bletchly, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle?
It was their first year without Flint. And it was a disaster.
Adrian hadn’t played Quidditch on the house team in two years at that point. He was a little rusty, but during those two weeks, it seemed he was the only one on the team with a brain.
Cassius and Graham had no interest in going into professional quidditch after Hogwarts. Malfoy and his two chums were never ones to overtly stress over their matches. The only time Draco cared whether they won or lost was when they played against Gryffindor. How they even made the team was beyond Adrian. 
It wasn’t that Adrian thought they were bad players, not at all. Draco was an ace seeker, when he wanted to be. Adrian even considered begging Malfoy to put his all into their match so they would win, but decided his pride was worth more. Adrian was never particularly fond of the blonde boy.
However, Miles agreed with Adrian, Miles wanted to make a good impression, the two boys just wanted a chance. They were willing to work for it, but that would mean nothing if their teammates wouldn’t do the same.
Y/N tried everything to get Adrian to loosen up during those two weeks. She would tell him how bad stress is for the body, and how all he can do is play his best. 
She thought it was helping, until one day- just days before the match, Adrian’s patience broke and he shouted at her in the great hall.
“Do you ever stop talking? No! really, every time you’re around it’s like I can’t hear myself think!” he snapped, his eyes wide and his- normally neat, hair was poking up in all different directions. “Just go!”
Y/N’s eyes were immediately glossy as everyone in a 15-foot perimeter stopped what they were doing and looked over at the two. She stayed in her spot next to him, just long enough to search for any sign of guilt or regret in Adrian’s eyes.
When she saw none, she got up to leave the great hall with her sight trained to the ground.
To make it worse, just as she was about to make her clean getaway from the hall of humiliation- she crashed into Draco Malfoy. “Watch where you’re going, Y/L/N!”
And when she looked up at him to apologize, even his eyes softened with regret when he saw her state. 
Y/N didn’t like to think about that day. But still, as she sat alone in her flat, she couldn’t help it.
It had gotten so bad, that if it weren’t for the Montrose Magpies game schedule she had, she wouldn’t even know where Adrian was.
The worst was when she would check it, just out of sheer curiosity- only to find out they didn’t even have a game that day. And she was left to her imagination to think about what he was up to.
Adrian didn’t talk to her after that day in the great hall, not until after the match.
No matter how much his friends pestered him to, even Malfoy. And Draco was never one to poke his head into other peoples personal business. Adrian would just scowl at him until he left him alone.
She felt bad for bothering Adrian during the most stressful time for him. Her friends comforted her when she busted into her common room with splotchy tear marks on her cheeks, then she had to talk them out of hexing Adrian.
She didn’t try and speak to him after that, and he didn’t try to speak to her.
He felt bad, of course he did. But he didn’t have time to feel bad. When he wasn’t in class or eating or sleeping- he was on the quidditch pitch. And when the quidditch pitch wasn’t available, he was in the library working on plays.
He didn’t realize the impact his words and actions- or lack thereof, had on his sweet girl. Not until he was in uniform, flying out into the pitch and his eyes darting around the stands.
Adrian scanned every face in attendance, biting back a nervous smile when he saw a group of grown men he’d never seen before sitting together- noting that they must’ve been the scouts.
His smile was long gone once he realized she didn’t come. 
Y/N was sitting in on her bed, the curtains were drawn open and her dormmates all sat on their respective beds as well. She had a novel open in front of her but it was forgotten as they practised their Patronus charms in the middle of their room.
It was her friends who assured her she didn’t need to feel guilty about missing Adrian’s match, especially after he made no attempt to apologize. 
And that evening Adrian felt he had never played worse.
He was overtly aware that there were people in the stands, judging his every move. Adrian was an excellent chaser- he knew that. But his hands were sweaty and were slipping all along the handle of his broomstick.
He should’ve worn gloves.
He hurled a quaffle towards the rings- and although it made it past the Hufflepuff keeper, a sharp pain shot through his body as his muscles strained near his right-side ribcage.
He should’ve stretched more.
To everyone watching, Adrian was flying as swiftly and graciously as always. But to Adrian, it was as if he had forgotten everything he knew about it. He felt uncoordinated and as if it was his first time mounting one.
And in the end, they lost. It was a narrow loss, Hufflepuff was a tough team- everyone knew it. But that didn’t make Adrian feel any better.
“You played brilliantly, mate” Graham had said to him in the locker room after the match. His hand smacking down on his shoulder, he wore a sorry looking expression.
“Thanks, Cap” Adrian tried to smile, but anyone could see he was far from happy. “You guys all did too” He paused, to look at his teammates, they all played sad expressions. “I’m sorry for all of this, I thought we had a shot.”
“We did, mate. Hufflepuff is just-” Cassius began,
“-Wicked” Crabbe finished. “They’re on a streak, they weren’t about to let us break that.” 
The rest of the boys nodded along and one by one- trickled out of the locker room, leaving Adrian alone.
Y/N was still sat on her bed, that much hadn’t changed. The novel was still sitting open and unread in front of her, that hadn’t changed either.
What had changed, is that her friends had left her alone in the room. The laughter and the joy they provided her with, the laughter and joy that had been doing such a good job of distracting her- was replaced with complete and utter silence.
It was almost deafening.
The light in the sky had gone and only darkness was left. She didn’t know how long she had sat there.
Surely she sat through the entirety of the quidditch match, and depending on the time- the entirety of dinner as well.
She wouldn't have been able to keep anything she ate down anyways.
A knock was what finally snapped her out of her daze, she hadn’t even called for whoever was on the other side to come in before the knob turned and the door was pushed open.
It was a girl in her house a few years below her. “Y/N?”
“Hm?” her eyes darted over to her and back to staring blankly.
“There’s um-” she stopped, looking down the stairs into the common room- “There’s a Slytherin boy outside the common room, he’s asked me to come up and fetch you?”
She didn’t say anything at first, and the younger girl was beginning to feel nervous. Maybe she should’ve just told the boy that she wasn’t there. “I can get rid of him, if you’d like?” 
Y/N was going to laugh, but she just thanked the girl and said she would be down in a minute. 
Her bare feet were cold on the stone steps. She probably should’ve put her shoes on, or slippers. She said hello to a few of her housemates who were lounging on the sofas and chairs with light music playing in the background. 
She pushed the door of the common room open to reveal Miles Bletchley. The Slytherin keeper in all his glory. Definitely not who she was expecting. 
He stood with his back leaning against the wall. His legs were straight out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He was lucky the hallway was empty, or else he would be a tripping hazard. She knew he didn’t care though.
His eyes were glued to the space on the floor in front of him and his fluffy light brown hair was split down the middle and hanging over his forehead. 
“Hey, Milo,” she said in a small voice, leaning against the wall opposite of him- he looked up at her and smiled. The two had never really spoken before Adrian and Y/N started dating. 
To be completely honest, she had never liked Miles all too much. He was rather mean- possibly the meanest boy in their year. 
But after beginning to date Adrian, they had grown to be quite fond of each other.
Y/N was worried their own personal dynamics would clash with each other’s friends- but alas, they didn’t. Y/N loved Adrian’s friends, and Adrian loved her’s.
“Hi, Y/N/N” Miles looked relieved to see her, as if he didn’t expect her to actually come down.
And as if Y/N hadn’t done it enough on her own- she and Miles sat in silence for a few moments. It was a comfortable silence and Y/N knew- just on the fact that Miles was with her, and not celebrating- that their match against Hufflepuff had not gone according to plan.
“It didn’t go too swell, huh?” she asked hesitantly. She knew Miles was the only other player on the team who was taking the match that the scouts would see seriously. So she didn’t want to hit a nerve.
Miles just shrugged and hung his head. “We lost. It wasn’t a terrible loss- the boys were on top of it. Huffs were just a right sight better” 
“How is he?” 
“He’s gutted. Which is expected” She nodded along as Miles spoke. “He’s also stupid and bloody-minded” 
“What d’you mean” Y/N was beginning to get cold, and she was abundantly aware of the absence of carpet in the hallways. It was like the cold stone was absorbing all the heat from her body. She brought her hands up to cross and try to retain the warmth she had left.
“He won’t come apologize on his own, Y/N/N. He’s sorry, he knows it, I know it- the whole bloody dungeons know it.”
“If he was sorry, he’d be here on his own accord. He shouldn’t need his pal to track me down and tell me for him”
“You were in your dorm, I hardly tracked you down” Miles tried to lighten the mood. But Y/N was cold and annoyed. “He goes to the Boathouse to be alone. But you already knew that?”
Y/N stayed quiet, but she looked back up at the boy in front of her. “If you decide to go check it out, and you happen to see him?” Miles paused, moving to remove his Slytherin robes. He stood with just his black slacks and a black turtleneck, holding his robes open for Y/N to fall into. 
She ended up succumbing to the temperature and turned her back to Miles, sliding her arms into the boy’s robe and facing him with a smile. “Go ahead and give him this for me, eh? I’ll need it for class tomorrow”
After shooting her a quick wink, Miles bowed his head and walked away. 
And that was how Y/N ended up at the Boathouse, sitting next to Adrian- comforting him. Their legs were dangling over the edge of the doc- her head on his shoulder
Over a year later and nothing had changed.
Y/N stood to her feet from her spot on the sofa. She stood so she could walk to the kitchen to rinse her wine glass and turn in for the night. She had bought a bottle of red wine- which she intended to share with Adrian. But as the night drew on and he hadn’t shown up, she popped it open alone.
Her hands trembled slightly as she leaned over the stainless steel sink, she swirled water in the base of the glass gently and tipped it over, watching it fall to the middle and down the drain.
After all the silence she had been listening to that night, the pounding on the front door from down the hall made her ears ring.
And as she heard Adrian’s shouting and banging, she longed for the stillness her flat had once held. 
Part of her wished she had the stomach to leave him in the hallway. And that part was much smaller than she was willing to admit.
She wished she could ignore his pleas, until his knuckles were raw and he couldn’t bear to hit the door even one more time. Until her neighbours would wake up and go to the hall to shout at him. 
But she didn’t, and she couldn’t.
And so the chain of the lock jingled between her polished fingernails as she slid it off. She twisted the lock open and pulled the heavy door- to reveal Adrian Pucey.
Adrian Pucey. Chaser for the Montrose Magpies. Y/N’s boyfriend of over two years.
But ever since he donned the black and white robes, he never seemed to care that he was the ladder anymore. Quidditch was all that mattered, and Y/N didn’t know how much longer she could come second to it anymore. 
He didn’t move from his place on the floor. She couldn’t say how long she allowed herself to leave him outside, but it was long enough for him to sink to his knees.
“I wanted to surprise you, I tried to apparate into the bedroom but,” Adrian began to trail off. “It didn't let me, so I settled for the hallway”
‘It wouldn't have been much of a surprise considering I was expecting you. Waiting for you.’ she wanted to shoot back in his face. But she couldn’t, and she settled for: “The flat is full of protection charms, remember? You were there when Terry and I put ‘em up” 
Y/N made no moves to allow him in. And he made no moves to get past her and into the flat.
His mouth formed an ‘o’ as he remembered that afternoon. He couldn’t help them, they were always worlds better at charms than him anyway.
“I’m sorry, love” he hung his head, but Y/N wasn’t having any of it.
“Are you?” She snapped back at him. His ears perked up and his eyes flicked up at her, his head staying hung. “Are you sorry, Adrian? Because you do this over and over again. You show up here and you tell me you’re sorry but nothing ever changes!” 
She would not be shouting like this had she not had three glasses of that wine. She would not be unveiling all the feelings she’s had the last year so freely for him to see. But she couldn’t help it.
She knew she would always let him in, she would allow him to break her heart over and over again if she didn’t put a stop to it now. She had to do it now, otherwise, she was afraid she never would.
His eyes were glassy below her, as she spoke his head began to shake. And the more she talked, the faster it shook. As if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “No,” he gasped out. “No, no, no, baby. No, you’ve got it all wrong”
“I can't keep believing you, Adrian.” Y/N sniffled. And she prayed that no one would come out into the hallway. “Not when there’s nothing to show for”
“There’s us to show for!” Adrian pleaded, finally standing from his place on the floor to his feet. “Isn’t that enough? That should be enough!”
Adrian moved to grab her by her shoulders, gently. And he began to take in her appearance.
The tender skin under her eyes looked raw. As if she had been rubbing them all night. But still, Adrian could see dried tears. The ones Y/N had been so desperate to get rid of. The innermost part of her lips were stained a deep purple-red.
“Have you been drinking?”
She scoffed at him. Rolling her eyes and turning her back.
Disregarding his comment, she continued. “It’s not enough. I can't believe you think it would be enough”
She didn’t know if she could say everything she needed to say while looking at him in the eyes. And so she stared ahead. She stared at herself in the mirror. Y/N could see the reflection of him standing behind her but her eyes stayed on herself.
“What ‘us’, Adrian? There’s no ‘us’. There’s just me, Me always alone, always waiting around. There’s me putting everything I have into this relationship and never getting anything back. Then there’s you. You leaving and returning whenever it’s convenient for you. You coming back and telling me you’re sorry and never meaning it. There’s you never changing.”
Adrian just wanted her to look at him. Everything always felt better when he could look into her eyes. They were comforting and familiar, and he’s gone through so much change that all he wanted was Y/N. She was the only constant in his life, and he needed her. He relied on her.
Adrian didn’t understand that that was the root of all their problems. Because Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she felt she could rely on Adrian. It wasn’t in his vocabulary.
“It’s like” she stopped, reaching up to wipe away the tears that were falling once again, but once one was gone another one would replace it. “It’s like I never know when I’m going to see you again, and the only thing I have to hold on to is that you’ve always come back before. And I can’t live like that, Adrian. It’s not fair”
She expected Adrian to intervene at some point. But when he didn’t, she kept going. “I deserve someone who will make me a priority. And you have never done that. And I can’t keep asking you to put me at the top of your list”
“You don’t have to” he finally spoke. “You don’t have to keep asking because I hear you, I swear I do” Adrian pleaded.
He brought his hands up to grasp onto her waist as he continued. “This is the last time you’ll ever have to ask, and this is the last time I will show up here like this. This is the last time. And I swear won’t hurt you anymore, Y/N”
And finally, he engulfed her in a hug from behind.
Y/N allowed herself to cry and cosy into his arms. And she didn’t know if it was smart, or if he deserved it. And she didn’t know if she would regret it later. But she turned to face him and pulled him into the flat and Adrian all but slammed the door behind him.
“I love you” He cried into her hair as they stood in the front entryway together. 
She didn’t know if it was smart. She didn’t know if he deserved it and she didn’t know if she would regret it later. Really, she didn’t know much, but there was one thing she knew for sure. And so she told him.
“I love you, too”
@ghostofscarley @i-love-scott-mccall @lilyswh0re @loverssfevers
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harrypotterjelly · 3 years
Random Harry Potter Next Gen Headcanons
Victorie Delacour Weasley
oldest weasley grandchild
very intelligent and popular
fashionable asf
prefect n head girl
did ballet as a child
loved it
probs a healer
a lot like fleur
Dominique Delacour Weasley
born in 2002
rebellious and daring
party girl
keeper on the quidditch team
got pregnant as a teen
a bit irresponsible but fiercly caring
similar to her uncle george
Louis Delacour Weasley
born in 2004
bad at maths
animal lover, adopts many strays
gets away with anything lol
tall boi
quite like his uncle charlie
James Potter II
born in 2004
very emotional
mama's boy
tries a bit too hard
chaser on the quidditch team
captain in his sixth and seventh year
a lot like ron and sirius
Albus Potter
born in 2006
definetely had an emo phase
taller than James since he was 13 and James was 15
terrible at quidditch
and duelling
great at potions
loves his bf scorpius
feels like the black sheep of the family
omg what if that's his patronus
a lot like lily evans and his godfather neville
Lily Potter
born in 2009
great seeker
everyone treats her like a baby
but in reality she can beat all her brothers in a duel
a perfect mix of harry and ginny
Rose Granger Weasley
born in 2006
annoyingly good at everything
even quidditch
can be a bit snooty and arrogant
also puts too much strain on herself
prefect, head girl, leader of many student study clubs and a chaser
a lot like hermione
Hugo Granger Weasley
born in 2008
besties with Lily Potter
very innocent
a bit shy
quidditch obsessed
was the commentator for a bit
loves muggle studies
short boi
a lot like his grandfather arthur
Fred Weasley II
born in 2003
mixed race!!
surprisingly, the good twin
it's weird how unlike his dad he is
prefect?? somehow
also liked history of magic and ancient runes
chess nerd
surprisingly like percy
and angelina
Roxanne Weasley
the rebellious twin
mcgonagalls worst nightmare
very much like her father
besties with Dominique
the actual reincarnation of her uncle fred
Molly Weasley II
born in 2005
the mom friend
her mum was a muggle
maths vibes
tries to be exactly like grandmother molly
Lucy Weasley
born in 2008
trans mtf
she did not attend her last two years at hogwarts because she wanted to stay in the muggle world with her mum, audrey weasley
Teddy Lupin
gender fluid
is considered harry's son even though he is never formally adopted
gets spoiled by harry
tries to be like his dad but turns out way more like his mother
loves to have tea with molly and andromeda
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1787americanrevnerd · 3 years
Regulus Black Headcanons
He likes to look at the stars
It’s the one place his family will always be together
He and Sirius would sneak onto their roof to look at them
before Regulus thought to take down Voldemort he almost killed himself on that roof
He loves to read muggle books
He finds it funny that every depiction of wizards and witches are wrong
Regulus’ favorite bands were ABBA and The Velvet Underground
He really liked ABBA but sometimes he wanted to relax and listen to “These Days”
He has hemophilia
(a blood disease that can and has happened to people because of incest, it basically means you bleed a lot even from tiny cuts)
Only Sirius and Madame Pomfrey knew about it
He’s bisexual
I do like ace Regulus though so biromantic works too
Regulus is a seer
He bonded with Sybill Trelawney over it
He also knew how he was going to die since he was 11
He had the dream his first night at Hogwarts
He and James dated at one point but after the whole, on opposite sides of the war thing they decided to mutually break up
They broke up on good terms though and James still thought him a dear friend
After he heard that Regulus died James wanted to name his son Harry Regulus Potter
After he broke up with James, Regulus’ had a fling with his friend Barty
Technically it wa a fling because Regulus died 2 months in
Regulus is taller than Sirius
Regulus was good at pranking
He just didn’t get caught
He joined the Slytherin Quidditch team to bond with Sirius
But apparently, he was a very good seeker
He’s introverted and has social anxiety
There are a few people he will always make time for though
Remus, James, and Barty
Sirius isn’t on there because his energetic personality isn’t good when Regulus is having an anxiety attack
Regulus wanted the nouse elves to be treated like people
He is usually the smartest person in the room
When he was in his fifth year he started to rekindle his relationship with Sirius and he would hang out with the Marauders and Lily
Then Regulus got the dark mark and the Marauders joined the order and everything went to shit
He always regretted letting Sirius slip away again
He speaks better French than English
He is ambidextrous
Regulus and Remus (and sometimes Lily too) would hang out together and complain about being the smart one in their friend groups
Regulus would also tell Remus embarrassing stories about Sirius
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mir4le · 3 years
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Another illustration from my One Piece Hogwarts AU — I’ll post this fanfiction before I die. Probably.
Anyway, here’s the Gryffindor Quidditch team right before Luffy’s first match !! Katakuri is the Keeper, Luffy the Seeker. Ace and Sabo are a terrifying duo of Beaters, and Smoker is the best captain (maybe not).
In this AU, all the Newgate kids are on different houses but all play Quidditch, which makes commenting the matches a hilarious task (« And Newgate takes the Quaffle, passes — no, Newgate lost his grip on the Quaffle, and it’s Newgate, the Hufflepuff one, who grabs it and this is getting really confusing but Newgate passes to Newgate, and — HUFFLEPUFF SCORES A POINT ! » kek).
Yes it’s a MarcoxAce fanfiction (among other ships), which is why I had them lovingly looking at each other (they’re only friends at this point of the story tho)(but very close friends).
➤ God this took so long ! I first started this piece in November 2020, can you believe it ??
On the other hand, I am very happy with the result (and that doesn’t happen often)
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softsan · 4 years
nct hogwarts houses (aesthetic)
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head boy
the definition of sweet and kind
always willing to show new students around 
loves wandering the castle to find the perfect place to stargaze
fav subject: astronomy
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head boy
lead singer in the frog choir 
downplays his intelligence to others
hangs back in class to chat with the professors
fav subject: charms
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quidditch chaser
super easygoing and always late to class
likes to playfully tease the first years 
knows nearly all of the castle’s secret passages
fav subject: care for magical creatures
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quidditch beater
comes off as cold and disinterested 
quite a skilled dueler
extremely well dress, his robes are always immaculate 
fav subject: defence against the dark arts
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head boy
notoriously bad at quidditch
volunteers at the library, students come to him for tutoring 
fights for elf rights 
fave subject: history of magic
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head boy
hasn’t got time for nonsense 
respects hard work and determination
from a highly respected wizarding family, kind of a celebrity 
fav sub: divination 
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quidditch captain 
prankster and master of jinxes
gets along well with the poltergeist peeves
sneaks into the restricted section for kicks
fav subject: apparition
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quidditch captain 
mr. popular, has his own fanclub
bashful when they start chanting his name during quidditch practice 
has a mysterious background, doesn’t talk about his home life
fav subject: alchemy 
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silent but kind type
endless supply of honeydukes’ candies 
adores trips to hogsmeade, spends his time drinking butterbeer
enjoys the simple things in life 
fav subject: muggle studies
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always checking up on fellow students
goes on dates to madam puddifoot's tea shop
biggest quidditch fan, dreams of attending the next world cup
fav subject: ghoul studies
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quidditch chaser
falls asleep during classes especially in history of magic 
no stranger to detention 
almost died in the forbidden forest a handful of times
fav subject: defence against the dark arts
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quidditch seeker 
ridiculously talented at conjuring spells 
aces his o.w.l.s without even trying 
fav subject: transfiguration
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high achiever and unnecessarily stressed during exams
wants to experience the utmost at hogwarts 
collects chocolate frog trading cards
fav subject: arithmancy
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quidditch seeker 
trains religiously, hopes to go professional 
is failing the class study of ancient runes
blew up his cauldron in potions 
fav subject: transfiguration
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cheeky quips and sarcastic comebacks
has a bag of tricks from zonko's joke shop
advanced at hexes
soft spot for muggle-borns
fav subject: defence against the dark arts
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quidditch keeper
subscribes to the quibbler
a supporter of his friends, always got their backs
smuggles food to feed the thestrals
fav subject: charms
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potion wizard, top of the class
trades notes for herbs, stones, tonics
dreamily spends his afternoons reading 
one of professor slughorn’s favs
fav subject: potions 
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second in potions, very competitive 
one of professor slughorn’s favs too
confiscates auto-answer quills from first years
willing to hex those who cross him
fav subject: potions 
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aspiring quidditch player, hoping to make the team this year
likes visiting the grounds to see hagrid’s salamanders
spoils his owl with treats 
get’s sent a howler from his parents
fav subject: care for magical creatures
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knowledgable of herbs and plants
fainted in the second year from the mandrakes’ cry
an heir to one of the wealthiest wizarding families 
his greengots’ vault is loaded with gold 
fav subject: herbology
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nearly misses the hogwarts express his first year
likes to explore the castle
stumbles into the mirror of erised
prefers to spend christmas at hogwarts than returning home
fav subject: study of ancient runes
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chaislatt · 3 years
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ravenclaw , head boy, muggleborn
excels in every class he takes
when he first discovered he was magic, he flipped out
he had a matilda episode in his room one night
he was staring intently at his toy planes, wondering how it would be like to fly one someday
then suddenly it just?? levitated??
as an eight year old, he did the only thing he could do in such situations—scream bloody murder
first year : in his newly pressed robes and neatly gelled hair, sat at an empty compartment and started reading his textbooks
until the compartment door opened and a cat just walked over him
“oh sorry, leon doesn’t behave very well” says ten who he did not think would stick around but guess what? his cats liked him
being sorted into ravenclaw, he quickly became famous for being the smartest and wittiest most sensible? wizard of his year
he was especially great at charms got so surprised that there was an incantation to make things float, since all he has been doing is just think it (flitwick got a shock at his first year doing wandless magic)
as he grew older, almost everyone depended on him for help in everything
he couldn’t go a day walking in the corridors without someone asking to meet up at the library or thanking him because they aced their tests
but of course, this little ravenclaw had a limit
he didn’t mean to, but one day he just snapped at a poor gryffindor who kept bugging him to meet at the courtyard to practice spells (everyone finally left him alone, too scared to face the wrath of a wizard who knows all the spells for duelling)
OWLS year—the most memorable year for him, as he and ten spent nights in the library (and sometimes in the kitchen but if anyone asks only ten was in there) studying their bums off
that summer, ten just received a holler from him (surprise! he got all o’s)
naturally, he had been picked for prefect and head boy
the first years LOVED him
he taught them all the secrets to their tower and even handed them a parchment full of riddle answers, because let’s be real, even though you’re a ravenclaw doesn’t necessarily mean you want to use your head all the time
eats at the hufflepuff table because they have better breakfast items
adopted a whole assortment of kids with ten (winwin kinda just sticked around because yangyang was his buddy)
would be the boys’ go to— from pesky spells, ink blotts on their robes, th right grams for mandrake powder, they all depended on him for it
hendery was once asked why he wasn’t scared of him (knowing what happened before)
“he’s not dumb enough to duel someone because they’re bugging him. that’s why he’s in ravenclaw”
overall 9/10. minus one point because he still feels the need to get the last remark in everything.
hufflepuff, pureblood
loves hanging out at the common room
doesn't really care much for grades, but does his best when studying
his housemates call him a sloth
moves so slow, especially in the mornings
likes taking walks along the corridors because it's fun to see other students rush and run to their classes while he walks a leisurely pace
always has his tie loosened
sometimes, he doesn't even tie it, he just wraps it around his collar and hope no one notices everyone does
has a talent for transfiguration
will turn anything into cat snacks
he once turned his homework in kibble and his excuse was "my cat ate it"
befriends all the cats in hogwarts
sometimes he lays down at the courtyard and they all just gather around him
one legendary moment (as lucas likes to call it) was when he was walking down the corrider and a train of cats just followed behind him in a single file
sweet wizard boy, befriends humans as well
he's so likeable, everyone just feels drawn to him
has this laidback energy that feels like a breath of fresh air when things get hectic in the castle
speaking of fresh air
he likes to stroll around outside, most of the time dragging yangyang and winwin out with him
"winwin could use the fresh air and your voice doesn't echo" - ten to yangyang
his sister is friends with yangyang's sister, so growing up he kind of babysat the three whenever their families would be together
he didn't imagine that it would continue during school, but poor winwin looked like he just wanted to get his head bitten off
despite having a lot of friends, he sticks with kun most of the time because he's not as chatty when he's focused (and kun is focused all the time so)
his favourite thing to do anywhere is lay down on his back and play with his wand, sending wisps of magic swirling around in the air, creating beautiful artwork
received pencils and a notebook from kun so he could just draw because "your magic might hit someone and i do not want to be involved with any of that"
doodles all the time
he likes to draw butterflies and magic them off of the paper and makes them follow his friends around
doesn't really say much when no one's talking to him, but will keep the conversation going casually
wanted to become a prefect so he could have his own bathroom
would patrol around at night with his cats (hendery jokes how he looks like filch and now he takes his filch impersonation seriously)
when catching students, he makes obvious remarks like "oh wow good to know that there aren't any gryffindors in this corridor! it would be an awful hassle to report them. good thing everyone's in their chambers!"
very lenient on students he doesn't know, but will threaten those he does and ask for something in return
accidentally gave yangyang the idea of becoming a prefect so he needn't have to worry at night
also accidentally gives yangyang dare ideas to give to hendery
he doesn't mean it! most of the time
overall 10/10. everything is cancelled out by the fact that he goes around the castle with atleast 2 cats following him around.
slytherin, pureblood
mr frowns-a-lot, mr don’t-talk-to-me, mr i-want-to-go-back-to-my-dorm
the most stereotyped slytherin
first years believe that slytherins are scary because of him (but they immediately get debunked by hendery “you’re scared of a tall dude who gets tired from talking and likes to eat chocolate? yeah okay”)
but yes this not so little bean finds talking draining
it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but why would he have to talk about his day when as far as he knows, everyone just did the same thing he did??
you can barely get a sentence out of him
will reply with nods or shrugs and just point or look at things
only talks during class when the professors ask him questions
yangyang bugs him the most
when he got assigned to take care of this chatty, full of energy first year he almost cried
ended up just following him around and yanking the back of his robes to stop him from getting into trouble
because of this, yangyang’s friend are his friends
first got introduced to xiaojun, lucas, and hendery
ended up becoming a babysitter for four
when he met ten, he almost cried again, but now out of happiness  because he got yangyang to shut up
met kun last, and immediately took a liking to him for no reason at all
no one knows how, but suddenly mr-i-dont-want-to-do-anything started getting more mischievous and talkative
the whole hall got surprised when he laughed at lucas’ lame joke
this may be an exaggeration but the boy doesn’t even smile
after this incident, lucas just kept talking to him and he just kept replying, and pretty soon the four little troublemakers would joke around with him and he’d just sit back with kun and ten when he got too tired
this made him attractive
but unlike lucas who got confessed to everyday, there was no one who confessed to him
he didn’t really talk to anyone else and just minded his own business when he was alone, so everyone was too scared to confess to him
which is a huge relief to him because the not so little bean is actually very awkward
proven when hendery accepted yangyang’s dare of going right up in winwin’s face omygod when i tell you his whole face turned red
he avoided hendery for a week until he realized it was too hard since they have most of their classes together??
speaking of classes, it’s a miracle how he just passes everything since no one actually ever sees him studying or doing homework
it’s like everything he does is magic well
overall 7/10. doesn’t really try that much and will only voluntarily hang out with kun.
hufflepuff, halfblood
was tiny, like a little bug
no one knows when he got so tall (summer of second year, he had to buy new robes for third year because they were already too short)
spends breakfast half awake, focusing on eating his meal and listening to yangyang complain about how hard his transfiguration classes yesterday were
he’s never around for dinner because he’s always at the pitch and no one has the energy to talk to yangyang in the mornings so he’s the poor guy
everyone loves him, no one can find a single thing to hate about him even if they tried
loves care for magical creatures with hagrid (he measures his height with the half-giant)
other classes? not so much
sure he tried a little bit, but why would he need to transfigure something into a pen when he could just look for one, and why would he need to concoct a drowsiness potion if he can just will himself to sleep
speaking of sleep, he does that a lot
he likes to wait for xiaojun during fourth period because they had arithmancy next, and he would lean against the corridor and sleep
learned how to sleep hunched over so it looked like he was focusing on class (begs whoever he’s sitting with to wake him up)
why does he do this?
“i’m saving up my energy for later”
he’s a quidditch beast
part of the quidditch team, originally tried out for seeker but they realized he couldn’t go fast enough without loosing his balance on his broom
he switched to being a beater, which the team found out he was very good at aha great power comes with great biceps
everyone falls in love with him when he’s on the pitch
he looks big and scary and ultra focused
and they realized after 3 games that he focuses so much because he aims the bludger to hit the player’s upper thigh only (this prevents player from taking a fall and just bruise, not break a bone)
once he accidentally sent his bludger flying too hard and knocked the chaser off, but he was faster than the seeker and caught them (followed the poor chaser for a week saying sorry and giving them semi burnt cookies he made with xiaojun)
gets confessed to every other day and just says “thanks”
but why don’t you ever reject them? 
why deny that i’m handsome?
that makes no sense
as with rejecting them! 
but truly is an angel
he even got winwin to actually converse with him
he makes everyone feel comfortable, talks to everyone and just hangs around when they don’t want to, offering company
overall 10/10. his cockiness about his looks just makes him endearing since everyone knows he can’t break someone’s heart.
ravenclaw, halfblood
kun’s reincarnation
but there’s one problem
he’s still immature
you would think he’s the prime example of a ravenclaw
practices his passions all the time
likes doing brain-productive things
reads about anything he finds interesting
goes in and out of their tower because he thinks solving the riddles is fun
but ho ho ho oh oh no
he’s a little devil
makes snarky comebacks under his breath that takes a little bit for you to understand
makes things harder on purpose just for fun and because he’ll be the only one able to do it
has a joke for EVERYTHING and never repeats them so i guess he can get away with that
he’s a little menace to the society but he can get away with it because it’s all just minor inconveniences
but we all know minor inconveniences are the most annoying things
likes to annoy kun the most because he understands and reacts immediately
doesn’t like to annoy the hufflepuffs because they just smile at him in confusion
despite that, he’s also a little sweetheart
remembers everything his friends say, so he’s always there to remind them
reminds kun about a test he has to retake, ten about his changing patrolling schedule, winwin’s meeting with a professor, lucas’ need to polish his broom after dinner, hendery’s homework, and yangyang about that incoming howler from his parents
when he realized he’s such a great asset, he became a bit nosy too
likes to meddle with all of his friends’ business
so if someone wants to find any of the six, he can tell you a vague description where they are
because of course he’s not gonna tell you lucas is by the lake practicing his swinging, he’s gonna tell you he’s brushing up on his quidditch skills so you’d go running to the pitch
this way he’s not technically doing anything wrong to both parties
one day, kun asks why he likes doing this
“it makes me feel like a king maker. feeding things into their tiny brains and knowing exactly what they’ll be doing”
“that’s not exactly what a king maker does”
“yeah but does it look like i want them to be more powerful than me?”
co-parents a dog with lucas
aka lucas asked him to take care of bella while he’s in practice but he forgot to take her back with him for 2 days so now bella thinks she lives in the ravenclaw tower too
does random errands for his friends as a way of apologizing (but really just as a leverage so he can cause more trouble)
his ultimate goal was to brainwash everyone so they couldn’t live without him and he succeeded????
now they’re the receiving end of all the sermons his professors give him (you wouldn’t expect it, but he causes quite a ruckus in class)
but still, at the end of the day, they choose to sit next to him at the ravenclaw table during dinner
overall 7/10. he’s annoying, but he’s good at everything he does and helps his friends out in different ways. which makes him more annoying because why? why not
gryffindor, muggleborn
does not understand magic. like at all
the only reason he’s still managing is because he refuses to be beaten by xiaojun
he doesn’t know why he’s in gryffindor but anyone who’s ever met him can vouch for the sorting hat
he’s courageous in the way he faces learning magic (it won’t hurt me, i’m magic) he's brave to speak up to anyone and ask for help when he needs it, and most of all, he has the nerve to get right into winwin’s face
surprisingly good at harder spells than that of his year level, so he’s in a few higher level classes
the reason being he wants to save face when with upperclassmen so he actually focuses real hard and actually understands 
because when he’s with his friends, his mind goes wandering and he can’t focus his magic 
a very strange wizard indeed
imagine getting help from xiaojun to levitate a piece of parchment but can explain to ten how to brew an advanced potion
he’s very confident in his abilities
why would he be nervous to stay after curfew??
if filch catches you
then don’t i just have to avoid him??
but has realistic fears
will not go near a broom
yeah okay the broom can fly, but can he?? he can’t even levitate a piece of parchment, how can he levitate himself?
also very practical
lucas kept struggling since he kept spilling his ink pot so he handed him a pen
“dude i forgot these existed!” “who writes with feathers??”
the most laid back yet extra ordinary wizard ever
you can start a conversation with him and he can keep it going for hours on end
very friendly, will talk to anyone but the downside to this is that he talks to everyone like they’re his friends asdkjshjkd even mcgonagall
overall 7/10. uses magic to solve trivial muggle things and still makes bets with yangyang up to this day.
slytherin, pureblood
a force to be reckoned with
spend a day with him and your ears will bleed
why?? does?? he?? talk?? so?? much??
his friends always complain but everyone else in the castle can’t see why
in the eyes of a stranger, he’s actually cold and reserved, hard to approach
but if you actually knew him
oh boy you’d want to not
can talk for hours
he and hendery wanted to know just how long he could talk
so they timed it
talked for 9 hours straight, no one knows how they managed
good thing this talking is actually useful
he likes to recite during class, always has a lengthy explanation for his answers
people aren’t the only one he talks to
he talks to the ghosts and to the paintings, greeting them a lovely day or whatever
besides talking, he also has another passion–quidditch
he plays as chaser for his house, often times taking his time to freshen up, so he goes back at about midnight during thursdays
good thing ten patrols during thursdays
speaking of ten, he’s been a brother figure for him all his life
so when he was introduced to winwin, he got so excited because he had another brother
by the end of the night, fourth year winwin knew everything about first year yangyang
he loooves his buddy
tries to do everything with winwin but he doesn’t let him
despite being too much to handle, winwin actually likes him too (but don’t let yangyang know)
likes to do dumb dares with hendery
isn’t really into pranking and getting all up into other’s business, so they manage their mischief between the two of them
and the whole of hogwarts just enjoys and guesses which of the two would be the one running around the great hall in their pajamas
yangyang actually encourages his fellow slytherins to stop sticking among themselves
mostly because he’s tired of them bugging him to “go ask your gryffindor friend if there’s homework on-”
at the end of the day, all his slytherin friends have been adopted by ten, took a liking to kun, and watches lucas, xiaojun and hendery fool around for entertainment
that being said, he loves his friends
thankful that he has classes with at least one of them for all his classes
all his professors have learned to sit him next to them, otherwise he’ll just slack off and stare into oblivion
he’s actually more productive when he has someone to remind him to be
okay maybe sitting him next to hendery wouldn’t result to school productivity
overall 9/10. it would be an 8 but he actually does acknowledge he talks too much.
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avidrawsthings · 2 years
Idk if you heard but the datamines revealed mcs dad and more than half of the fandom disowned the guy already XD Whats reinas dad like?
Always a good sign right? XD
So yeah this is Reina’s dad Rolando!
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Born in 1953 in Spain.
He’s a Pureblood and was adopted by a Witch-Muggle couple shortly after he was born. The adoption was overseen by his grandma.
7 ft 5in (226cm) tall. Was super tiny as a kid until puberty hit.
Animagus form is a Harpy Eagle that retains his eye colors.
As part of his inheritance, he owns Vytaria Academy of Magic, but has kept this from the public to maintain his privacy. Uses his wealth to keep the school and community well-funded.
Aro-Ace. Made the realization in early adulthood.
Was already a parent by age 20 and raised Reina as a single dad, with great help from his folks of course.
#1 best dad ever. He’s the very caring and doting type.
Works as a sculptor and an art teacher. Continues to do so in the present.
Is a user of Crystal Magic and Portal Magic. Likes to use the former in his artwork, and the latter to travel. Can go from the Dominican Republic to Hogwarts in less than a minute.
Has Empathic Sense and trained Reina in controlling hers.
Has Clairvoyance, but is only aware of it on a subconscious level. His sculptures often depict events that have yet to happen.
Welcomed Ricardo with open arms when he visited them and gifted him his own spell book. While Ricardo isn’t his son by blood, he loves him like one regardless.
Has the patience of a saint, a heart of gold, but said to be incredibly terrifying when angered.
Don’t mess with his loved ones. Just don’t. Much like his ancestors, he can summon Demons to punish the wicked. He’s only done it once.
It takes a lot for him to hate someone. To date he has only ever hated one person, and he was forced to kill them in self defense.
Finds the Wizarding World outside of his community to be equal parts disturbing and regressive. He finds it confusing how so many claim to be above non-magical people while having no issue with normalized slavery of magical beings and open discrimination against folks like werewolves and vampires.
Traveled around the world with his parents throughout his childhood, going to 7 different magic schools and learning 10 languages.
Attended Hogwarts for his 3rd Year, where he was Sorted into Ravenclaw and played as Seeker on the Quidditch team. Also met and befriended Arthur and Molly, who were 7th years by then.
Arrived with reinforcements to the Battle of Hogwarts and helped heal the injured afterwards.
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bleughbleughbleugh · 4 years
Haikyuu Characters In The Wizarding World (Houses and Headcannons)
Warnings: mlm couples, mild swearing
Karasuno Boys VB Team
#1 Daichi Sawamura - Gryffindor
He gives off major hardworking Gryffindor vibes, I feel like he would be the Quidditch Captain and top of Transfiguration. Always stressed with his teammates sounds a bit like Remus Lupin with the Marauders. He is angry and stressed Oliver Wood, but with t hi g h s. He is always making sure the first years know what to do and where and who to stay away from. Very responsible. Only detention he has ever gotten was because he accidentally blew up his cauldron in Potions because he was too busy staring at his partner and wasn’t paying attention and landed them both in detention. But he landed himself a date so he doesn’t really mind. 
#2 Koshi Sugawara - Slytherin
I think he would be a very sly, Slytherin. Would most likely be Head Boy and Prefect and would get away with everything because he seems like an angel but he is actually very ambitious. He used his charm and connections to his advantage a bit like our favourite ferret boi. He would definitely be part of the Slug Club and hangs around with his partner in crime Oikawa. Loves flirting with the cute Gryffindor Captain in Potions, the lion gets flustered very easily :P
#3 Azumane Asahi - Hufflepuff
He is very hardworking which is a main Hufflepuff trait, he is also more timid. I feel like everyone would wonder why this tall giant is a Hufflepuff until they see him do something like apologising to a bug he crushed or running away when his feral and energetic boyfriend, Yuu runs up to him with Tanaka ready to create chaos. He is always called on by Hagrid in Care Of Magical Creatures and he hates it because he thinks all the creatures are scary as fuck. 
#4 Yuu Nishinoya - Gryffindor
We all saw this coming. A second after the Sorting Hat touched his head it screamed out “GRYFFINDOR”. I mean where else would we put him. He is very brave and treasures family and friendships above all else. I feel like he would get along with all the Weasleys except Percy, he would love pretending not to know whatever Percy is talking about just to annoy the heck out of him. Would most likely be a beater on the Quidditch Team with his BFF Tanaka, he definitely gets judged because he is rather small but as soon as the game starts he proves everyone wrong by hitting a rouge bludger to the other team knocking them off their seat.
#5 Ryunosuke Tanaka - Gryffindor 
He is that Gryffindor who is always trying to impress the smart and beautiful Ravenclaw goddess that is Kiyoko. They would be like James Potter and Lily Evans. He is always getting in trouble for being caught out of bed or pranking the Slytherins etc. I mean a Gryffindor isn’t a Gryffindor without a little bit of mischief. He definitely shows off on the Quidditch field, I am sure there was at least one time where he tried to execute a difficult manouever to impress Kiyoko and it ended up with him in the Hospital Wing being scolded by Madam Pomfrey, but it’s all good because Kiyoko came to check up on him.
#6 Chikara Ennoshita - Gryffindor
Is practically Remus Lupin personality wise. Very stressed boi, always trying to make sure Tanaka and Nishinoya aren’t doing something stupid that will land them in detention because for God’s sake they can’t lose anymore house points or else McGonagall will most likely kill them all. Is definitely Quidditch commentator, gets told off for swearing and berating Tanaka and Nishinoya every time they make a mistake but he still has the position because he is Minnie’s favourite and all the teacher’s like him since he is an O student with a good behaviour and attitude.
#7 Kazuhito Narita - Hufflepuff 
This hardworking angel is definitely a Hufflepuff. He is one of the most kind boys you will ever meet. Would always be quietly watching all the chaos and mischief happening in the back with his boyfriend and best friend Kinoshita. They’re eating popcorn :). I feel like his favourite class would be Charms because he can enjoy the chaos in peace, while calming acing the class. He and Kinoshita sometimes joins Tanaka, Ennoshita and Nishinoya when they sneak out to the kitchens or the Forbidden Forest.
#8 Hisahi Kinoshita - Hufflepuff
He is that laidback and chill guy in the back of the class who would let you coy off him if you were struggling. But he would most definitely be able to hex or jinx you if you crossed or said something bad about his friends. He is always ahead with the work and will likely tutor you if you need help. He loves Astronomy because he is definitely a night owl. Everyone wonders how he is always awake, he says it’s because he has a coffee addiction. Is always seen with a snack because the house elves love him since he is so polite and kind to them. He is the one who discovered the kitchen first out of his friends and always sneaks out with them.   
#9 Tobio Kageyama - Gryffindor
He doesn’t try to cause trouble, he just always end up in detention because he spends most of his time fighting with Hinata. (They are still best friends though) He definitely banters with the tall smart-ass Ravenclaw Tsukishima. Is most likely the Quidditch team’s prized seeker. It’s common knowledge that all animals hate him yet the sweet boy decided to take Care Of Magical Creatures to try and get animals to like him more. He is making some progress. Hinata got him a small, raven coloured owl for his birthday, as a joke, and it attacked him as soon as it landed in the Great Hall. He secretly loves the fact that Hinata got him such a “sweet” present. He called it Shoyu.
#10 Shouyou Hinata - Gryffindor
Very loud. Before he even got on the Hogwarts’s Express he already made a bunch of friends and got into a fight. He will always be seen bouncing around Kageyama. No one knows if they are enemies or friends. Some people think they are dating, I mean who wouldn’t the t e n s i o n. The upperclassmen and professors all have bets on which one it is. He always ends up in fights with students way taller and older than him and lands himself in detention. Yet he has no enemies and everyone likes him. He definitely believes everything Trelawney  predicts. He and Kageyama are her favourites because they think she is amazing and cool for having the “gift”. 
#11 Kei Tsukishima - Ravenclaw
It was either Slytherin or Ravenclaw but the Sorting Hat thought there was enough salty people in Slytherin so he was placed in Ravenclaw. He definitely has the brains for it. He also brings all his snobbish housemates that think they are geniuses down a peg or two. No one retaliates against him since he is so tall and he is rumoured to be a great dueller. No one knows since the only students he has ever fought were the ones bullying his best/boyfriend Yamaguchi and they landed themselves in the Hospital Wing and were too cowardly to ever talk about the incident. 
#12 Tadashi Yamaguchi - Slytherin
Everyone thinks he is a sweet angel and no one really knows why he is in Slytherin but if you look closely you would see him teasing and annoying the hell out of Kageyama and Hinata with his Tsukki. Whenever Tsukishima is have a salt showdown with someone he is always prepared to help him even though he never needs it. Can be seem snickering to himself when someone gets blamed for something he did. Never gets caught. I mean he is a Slytherin. He is the Quidditch Team’s youngest chaser. His most commonly seen in either the library, Quidditch pitch or the kitchens snacking with Tsukishima.
Managing Team
Shimizu Kiyoko - Ravenclaw
She acquired the title “Ravenclaw’s Genius Goddess”. When McGonagall called her name out for the Sorting she has heads turning. Was at first mistaken for a Veela or at least part Veela since she has the same effect on the male population. Everyone thought she would never go on a date until Tanaka asked her to the Yule Ball in her last year and declared his love for her. He was actually successful this time because she realised she returned his feelings and they were the IT couple at school. Was most likely Head Girl, and one of the few upperclassmen that Tsukishima respects and doesn’t mind the company off since she doesn’t annoy him and is very quiet. 
Hitoka Yachi - Hufflepuff
She would definitely be a Hufflepuff. Very timid and shy but is one of the most hardworking person you will ever meet. Always trying her best and trying to fit in because she’s insecure but she is a perfect little angel and her housemates and year mates all protect her from anyone who try to corrupt or tease her since she is so small. She spends her time in the library with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima but sometimes hangs out with the other Hufflepuffs in the kitchen since she doesn’t want to intrude or thirdwheel.
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Soooooooo... because I’ve completely lost my mind: “Light and L in Hogwarts during the year that Harry Potter was” AU ideas (and I know a lot of people have already written them into Hogwarts, so I’m probably just unknowingly copying people’s ideas. But shh).
Light is a Gryffindor and L is a Slytherin (same year). Really, Light should also be a Slytherin, of course. But this helps them to be rivals better. He probably asked the Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor--ala Harry--and the Sorting Hat took his choice into consideration.
And they are rivals. Because like in canon, they’re very much the same and Foils to each other. They both definitely become prefects and Head Boy of their year (sorry, Ron. I guess I’m stealing prefect from you for this AU. I’m so sorry, baby!). And everyone is constantly comparing the two, so they hate each other at first. They’re also both on their respective Quidditch teams, because of course they’d be. I’m imagining they’re Beaters, because “he who attacks first, wins”, and since Harry’s still got to be Gryffindor Seeker.
And getting the obvious out of the way: L loves Honeydukes, of course.
But I imagine the reason these two start to become friends is this: Light realizes there’s something wrong with Snape jumps down Harry’s throat on his first day. Like, he reads fear and humiliation on Harry’s face or something--or knows that even the most basic wizard should have known the answers Snape was asking about--he questions him about it... To which Harry admits that he didn’t even know he was a wizard--or about the wizarding world--until a few days ago. Though I doubt Harry would be this open about it to a stranger, but shh. And this ticks Light off--to know that Harry’s aunt and uncle treated him so dirty, and that Professor Snape just made this poor, defenseless kid look like an idiot--and he plans to go to Snape about it. But anyway, L had secretly been listening this whole time--but hiding like a cat--and he makes his appearance known now. He’d come to the same conclusions and also wants to help Harry out, because he’s “justice” too, after all. And it’s here that Light and L develop a grudging respect for each other. And they probably do go to Snape. But Snape being Snape doesn’t listen to them, and he takes points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin for their “insolence”... At which point, they might decide to make Snape’s life a living Hell, and thus a friendship begins.
The two of them totally become aurors when they graduate, and enjoy seeing Harry and Ron at work.
Light and L may think that Ron isn’t the smartest wizard in the world--and somewhat un-deserving to hang out with Harry and Hermione--at first, but their opinion of him changes pretty quickly. And even when they did think this of him, they didn’t dislike Ron. They liked the dude pretty well, since Ron’s pretty sociable, but just didn’t think he would ever be a rival to them. Let’s put it that way. But when they learn about all that Ron does in his, Harry, and Hermione’s adventures, they give him mass respect.
Light and L are the biggest supporters of Neville Longbottom that you’ll ever see, as they both saw his potential and realized pretty soon that it was abuse keeping him from unlocking his full potential. 
Light and L are “fans” of Harry at first--though not starstruck--and then just flat-out respect the Boy Who Lived once he just becomes one of their peers. Granted, they don’t think baby Harry really did anything to earn all his fame... but you’ve still got to give it to the infant that somehow tripped up Lord Voldermort and stopped his reign of terror.
Light and Hermione... get on pretty well. I’d maybe go as far as to say they’re acquaintances. And, naturally, everyone thinks they should date: since they’re the two smartest Gryffindors and prefects. But this would never happen. They probably even laugh at the idea together. Hermione has just never had any interest in Light, for whatever reason (maybe because she had a crush on Ron pretty early on). And Light is most definitely gay.
I forgot to mention that L in this is probably a clue to the Golden Trio earlier on that Slytherins aren’t all bad.
Speaking of: L and Draco are friends (but only because Draco’s pretty much the best person he can find in Slytherin house). And this maaaaaaaaaybe convinces Draco to switch sides earlier than in canon.
As he would, Light definitely loves to use avada kedavra against evil people... Though no one really has a problem with this, because most people use that spell during a war (in fact, even our heroes in Harry Potter often don’t understand why he won’t use the killing curse). L maaaaaaaaaaybe tells Light that he thinks this is a bad thing. But it isn’t something they’re going to turn into enemies before. And L’s certainly used the spell himself in dire situations. But similarly to Death Note canon, Light thinks that all criminals should be avada kedavrad. L questions that one time, though, in asking Light, “You want them to suffer for what they’ve done, yes? So wouldn’t it be worse for them to live out their years in Azkaban? Or have their souls sucked out by the Dementors?”
But back to Light and L still being rivals... There’s one time where they’re both in the halls after curfew--probably because Light and L sometimes get roped into the Golden Trio’s adventures, or their own adventures, because they’re too smart not to be--and L leans over to Light and says, “Know that I love you,” before kissing him on the lips... He then gets on his broom, or something, and quickly flies away so he won’t get caught, but Light is and Gryffindor loses points. So the game is on.
I feel like Light and L would probably hate and dislike Dumbledore, after they realize some of the shady stuff he does. L might somewhat respect his cleverness, but ehh.
Also, Light and L are brilliant... So they never once doubt that Voldermort is back when Harry says he is. And they do, in fact, join Dumbledore’s Army and help Harry teach... Even though they probably hate the name. They also help bring it back with Neville, Luna, and Ginny, when the Golden Trio are away in year seven.
They fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, of course. And in the battle in Hogwarts at the end of book six.
L is probably the first Gryffindor to stand up to his house, like “Uhh, no. We’re not going to sacrifice Harry to Voldermort to save ourselves.” And speaking of... there’s a chance that a good portion of L’s house hates him for clearly siding with Harry over Voldermort when the war begins.
I had some ideas about Misa, but I’m sort of forgetting them now. She’s definitely a Hufflepuff... But I want to do something different with her, than most people usually do. Yes, Light is kind of annoyed by her because he thinks she thinks they’re dating or is trying to force it? (She probably does something to help him? And then Light thinks she’s insinuating he owes her. IDK?) But what if in reality, she’s ace or something and just wants a friend? And Light is just assuming the worst--and for once, being dumb--by just not talking to her? But eventually he does, and then they’re sort of cool with each other. And she then sometimes helps Light and L, because this is the happy Death Note AU (in Hogwarts), everybody.
...I feel like I had so many ideas, but now I think I’ve forgotten them all. Oops. I’ll add to this if I remember them, I guess. 
Also... there’s a good chance that Light and L figure out the Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew thing before anyone else--near instantly, when they learn about it--but I also don’t know if I want to commit to that? Because I don’t want to steal the Golden Trio’s thunder too much here? But at the same time, if I’m not going to have the Death Note characters slightly change things, what’s even the point?
Edit: The two geniuses probably do create some new spell or potion or something together. 
Edit 2: Harry and L totes bond over being orphans.
Edit 3: All the students in Hogwarts know that Light and L are gay for each other. And are constantly like, “Where’s your boyfriend at?” to their annoyance, probably because even in this universe Light and L are in denial about their feelings for each other for the longest time for some reason.
Edit 4: Light and L have the same patrous (to their annoyance. And at first, it’s not because they love each other--though maybe later it partly is--but because they’re that much alike). And it’s probably a cheetah or something.
Edit 5: Back to the whole Light and Misa thing, L actually realizes she doesn’t want to be Light’s girlfriend and is cool with her before even Light is. Since, oddly enough, it seems that Slytherin and Hufflepuff are close, and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Later, when Light asks how he figured it out first, L sites his deductive reasoning schools and this as the reason.
Edit 6: I just thought of how this gets dark, and how Light and L maybe turn against each other... Light being tempted to create horcruxes by using the kills he makes in self-defense. L tells him not to do it: to not be like Voldermort. And Light perhaps listens to that... or doesn’t, in being so arrogant that he thinks he won’t become a dark wizard if he’s tasted immortality. On one hand, I feel like Light wouldn’t want to rip his soul apart. But if he thought it was for the greater good--so he could continue fighting crime as an auror--then he might do it...
Edit 7: Light and L do probably resent their professors some, in thinking that they’re more capable than they are.
Edit 8: Light and Hermione might actually go on one “date” together. To “The Slub Club”, because they want to make Ron and L jealous.
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mayuuunaise · 4 years
the really long a3! hogwarts au no one asked but i’m here to deliver | natsugumi
click here for the general headcanon list LOL i’m running on adrenaline what up
Tenma // 4th year // GRYFFINDOR AND HE’S PROUD OF IT // pureblood
yuki jokes he should be in slytherin for his gargantuan amount of pride ( he doesn’t mean it. yuki would rather cut off his own dress robes than be housemates with tenma merlin help him ) bUT also constantly makes fun of the fact he fits so well in the house of lions bc he’s so obnoxious ST O P 
tenma is actually really proud of his house bc both his parents were also gryffindors. he comes from a family line of pureblood aurors. he’d want nothing more than to follow in their footsteps but --
he’s absolute shite at DADA practicals. it’s simultaneously his best and worst. he’s got theories down to a pat, the natural athletic reflexes needed to be potentially great at it, but he Freezes any time chikage sensei tells them its time for “experiential learning” and sets them loose in the forbidden forest
GRYFFINDOR CHASER!!! racks up points like it’s nobody’s business and honestly good enough for tasuku to notice.
Yuki // 2nd year // sly!! the!!! rin!!!!!! // halfblood
keeps his involvement with chikage a secret bc there’s a lot of resentment kept within the confines of a boy barely 165 cm.
he hates quidditch with a passion. he just doesn’t get what’s so fun about chasing a golden ball around and potentially falling to your death when you overreach right? that being said he makes sure to attend Every gryffindor game to cheer muku on.
gryffindor vs slytherin? no problem. he’d root for muku in a heartbeat. 
“Yukki, you do know it’s our team they’re against right??”
*sends off a mini fireworks charm that spells out “GO GRYFFINDOR KICK THEIR ASS” “what about it?” 
itaru would consider him a charms Genius actually and chikage is (secretly) proud whenever itaru brags about it. that being said yuki makes it a point to do barely average on DADA, but his actual weakness is herbology LOL just,, no dirt,, tsumugi sensei pls..,,
Muku // 2nd year // gRYFFINDOR // halfblood
SLAMS MY FIST ON TABLE. Gryffindor’s star seeker!! Tasuku Insisted he try out when he saw how fast but comfortable muku was on a broom!! he almost puked during tryouts but he’s a natural on a broom. really smart player too and eludes a lot of the other house seekers.
was a hatstall but only bc muku thought he couldn’t possibly be a gryff LOL he and the hat had a debate for over five minutes. muku insisted he be placed in hufflepuff w juchan and kyuchan but the hat was just very NO. YOU ARE A GRYFFINDOR AND U WILL LIKE IT!!
muku is actually a really good student overall but he always asks for help in transfigurations bc it’s a little too technical for him. he’s one of the only ones who actually like history of magic LOL also probably really good at divination?? The overactive imagination really helps
Misumi // 7th year // RAVENCLAW // pureblood
bc while he does value loyalty, misumi is also extremely curious w the world!! pls just imagine misumi clinging onto tsuzuru and asking him about So Many Things
Doesn’t talk about his family even though the ikarugas are pretty famous for being rather conservative. madoka is also a ravenclaw and in his 4th year. they’re awkward but they love each other.
tsuzuru is acting captain bc their actual captain is seeker misumi. LOL he’s really good but terrible w responsibilities. sorry tsuzuru, but you can’t complain when he catches the golden snitch and brings the house to victory.
not v good w potions bc he dislikes the rules set by it (and often makes things go boom) but is a surprising natural at transfigurations? some say he’s an unregistered animagus ( this is True ) but no one but kazu knows what he turns into
Kazunari // 7th year // SLYTHERIN // muggle born
he exchanges house scarves w misumi on a regular and actually fits really well w the ravenclaw crowd lmao tsuzuru is even More tired when the two team up.
kazu gets along w everybody? He’s the gryffindors favourite slytherin. he has homies in every house and in every year. he was in the running for head boy actually but turned it down LOL
likes to act a little dumb so people won’t expect much of him but is a dude who’s expected to ace his NEWTs??  does well in potions!! is,, kind of bad with flying tho,, LOL it’s why he doesn’t do quidditch
SO MANY THINGS about slytherin kazu but i feel like i will take up one more post if i do.
Kumon // 3rd year // hufflepuff // halfblood
READY TO THROW HANDS with a certain slytherin seeker. unfortunately, he cannot keep his trash talk strictly in the quidditch field lmao. 
Everyone loves kumon they’re so confused how he’s related to juza honestly but they understand him being related to muku.
1/2 of hufflepuff’s hyodo brothers beater duo!! He’s so proud this is legitimately his greatest achievement. 
he likes herbology, surprisingly!!! likes to talk about medicinal properties of them and tsumugi thinks he’d be a great healer. he’s unfortunately not a big fan of potions bc it’s so,, nerve wracking,,
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orderoftheavengers · 3 years
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Wanda’s Vision 
A Mysterious Package
As if losing her true love wasn’t cruel enough, Wanda Maximoff can’t even burry him. Instead, the chunks of Vision’s broken stone body are being studied in the Alchemy Department in the Ministry of Magic, as if he’s nothing more than a crumbled statue. Fighting back tears, she picks up her scarlet broom, and heads back to Hogwarts. Since helping to save the universe again, she’s been granted the chance to return and finish her schooling, But the Ravenclaw Commonroom feels empty without is Chimera Prefect.
Wanda should be in class, but instead she drifts up to her empty dorm. There, she finds a tall, tombstone-shaped package standing in front of her blue canopy bed, covered in brown paper. Tied to it is a simple, unsigned note: Enjoy!
Curiously, she takes off the wrapping, to find a tall mirror with an elegant golden frame. The curved top of the frame is engraved with the words:  erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi
Wanda’s eyes drift down to the glass. Instead of her reflection, she sees static, like on an old Muggle TV set. Then, the static clears, to a black-and-white sitcom. The Mirror of Erised broadcasts “WandaVision,” where she sees herself and Vision living an ideal life, in a setting reminiscent of the vintage Muggle sitcoms Wanda and Pietro used to watch with their parents.
The tears finally come. In her grief, Wanda slams her fist into the glass.
A normal witch or wizard could probably not damage the Mirror of Erised, but Wanda Maximoff is no ordinary witch.
Her grief turns to shock when her fist breaks through the glass, and a hurricane-like wind begins sucking her and everything around her into the mirror…
Next thing they know, Wanda and Vision are in their black-and-white Commonroom, getting ready for class. They don their robes, and get their chrome-covered wands and school bags. They head for the Great Hall for breakfast, accompanied by a laugh track. Once there, they have trouble finding the Ravenclaw table, due to the fact that all of the scarves, ties and tablecloths are in grayscale.
“Well, I don’t think it’s either of those,” Vision muses, gazing at two tables locked in a violent magical food fight. The Gryffindors and Slytherins are all Greasers; their black, leather, studded robes bearing large patches of lions or snakes depending on their “gang.”
The next table they look at is filled with beatniks, sharing poetry about peace and unity. “I think that’s Hufflepuff,” Wanda says, noting the badger in the middle of the table playing bongos.
The last table is full of nerds in bowties and horn-rimmed glasses. Figuring this is their stop, Wanda and vision have a seat and begin their breakfast. They’re almost immediately interrupted by the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Agatha Harkness. Wanda is clearly her teacher’s pet, and Agatha says she can’t wait to see what Wanda is capable of on the test later today. "Is my best student gonna Ace this exam, or is that a stupid question?" Professor Harkness gives an irritating "gossipy neighbor" sort of laugh. "Remember, we're doing Patronuses!" Agatha takes out her wand and says with a smile, "Expecto Señor Scratchy! ...Oh, bowtruckles and doxies...Scratchy sit!" Agatha excuses herself, to chase her silvery rabbit Patronus, which is now wreaking havoc across the table.   Wanda smiles and nods, secretly trying to remember this exam she hasn’t studied for.
To make matters worse, the school’s Head Girl and Boy, Victoire Weasley and Teddy Lupin, have decided to join Ravenclaw for breakfast. They ask Wanda and Vision where they’re from, when they began dating, and so forth, with the pair unable to answer.
“What year are you?” Teddy presses on, adjusting his cute wolf-themed sweater. “Are you Purebloods or Muggleborn?  Did you transfer from another school?”
“Any mixed heritage?” Victoire adds.
Wanda and Vision are saved from having to answer when Teddy starts to choke on a werewolf hairball; Vision saves him, using his phasing powers. The frightening moment passes, and suddenly breakfast is over.
“Oh, look at that, it’s time for the game already!” Teddy declares. “Come on!”
Very confused, Wanda and Vision follow the crowd out of the Great Hall and outside, across the gray grass, to…
The Quidditch Pitch
As they near the Quidditch field, the roar of screaming girls makes it nearly impossible to hear each other speak.  Wanda gets out her wand to attempt an ear-plug charm, and notices it looks different than before; instead of that slick chrome covering, her wand now is covered in psychedelic flowers.
When they find their seats, they notice that many of the girls have beehive hairdos, and many people’s cloaks have claps shaped like peace symbols and Yin-Yangs. Vision and Wanda move through the Hufflepuff box, where Teddy Lupin and his comrades have apparently traded their barrettes and scarves for beads and hippie hair. Next, they find a box full of nerds, that they hope is Ravenclaw; with everything still in grayscale, the only way to be sure is to look for an eagle crest somewhere. Vision and Wanda have a seat next to a friendly new girl with a beehive hair, introducing herself as “Geraldine.”
“To be honest I don’t know if I’m in the right box either,” Geraldine reassures Wanda.
“What House are you?” Wanda asks conversationally.
Geraldine’s face falls. “I…don’t know.”
The conversation is cut short when Madam Hootch, dressed like Ed Sullivan, announces the start of the game. The Gryffindor players all have moptops, and quip each other while during the game in thick Liverpool accents. The Slytherins are a bit rougher looking. Slytherin Seeker Albus Severus Potter comments about blowing up Moaning Myrtle’s toilet, and Scorpius Malfoy boasts about snorting his father’s ashes.
The Golden Snitch, for some reason, keeps flying past Wanda and Vision’s part of the stands. And something about the Snitch looks out of place. Wanda finally stops it in midair with her telekenesis, and summons it towards her for a better look. The Golden Snitch really is gold—it’s in color!—and there’s a red symbol on it: a sword, circled by two lions and a huge elegant "G."
“I think they need that!” Geraldine quickly snatches the Snitch from Wanda and expertly chucks it back into the field, as if pitching a baseball.
The Quidditch field is starting to look different. The Quidditch balls and hoops are morphing into colorful, psychedelic cartoons. As if trying to compete with the trippy animation, Al Potter takes out his wand and starts levitating furniture, toilets and animals from the castle to come flying into the crowd. This prompts the Gryffindors to make more awful puns at each other, while trying to retrieve the Golden Snitch from Ringo's nose.
“How is anyone getting through this sober?” Professor Harkness laments over the chaos.
Wanda excuses herself and makes for one of the restrooms in the Quidditch stadium. The toilets have all been blown up by Al Potter, but she doesn’t need to “go,” she just needs to think. In the restroom, she is confronted by queen bee Dominique Weasley, who seems to be implying that Wanda is guilty of something.
“I mean you no harm,” Wanda insists.
“I don’t believe you,” the young part-Veela replies, matching Wanda’s intense stare.
That’s when both girls are interrupted by a muffled voice, apparently coming from the mirror.
Superimposed over their reflections, Wanda can just barely make out the ghostly image of a young man, and hear his distant voice calling, “Wanda, who is doing this to you?”
The eerie message repeats, and Wanda’s anxiety rises, until the glass mirror suddenly shatters, startling her and Dominique. Dominique suffers a cut to her hand, getting some crimson blood on her Gryffindor scarf.
“Gosh,” Dominique says chipperly, as if their intense conversation never happened, “At least blood stains don’t show up as much against Gryffindor colors!”
The girls return to the bleachers, to find that the game has finished. It’s unclear who won, as both teams seem to be celebrating the game in their own way.  The Gryffindors give a cute, uniformed bow, while the Slytherins enthusiastically smash their broom sticks on the ground.
By the time the crowd is leaving the stadium, everything is now in color. Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have their long hippie hair flowing in bright mind green and shimmering Veela gold respectively. The flowers on Wanda’s wand are now bright shades of red and orange. But the biggest shock of all comes when she and Vision return to the Ravenclaw common room, and realize that Wanda is four months pregnant!
The moment is interrupted by a noise from outside the Commonroom. Peering into the hall, Wanda and Vision see a cloaked figure emerge from a secret passageway behind a gargoyle (shaped like a Blue Meanie). The figure turns around, and Wanda sees that sword symbol once again, on the back of his cloak.
“No,” she mutters, and with a flick of her hands, literally rewinds time.
…says Madame Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing. “You’re having a healthy baby.”
Vision stammers, “But isn’t this happening a little…fast?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, only Muggles stigmatize teen parents. Us wizards still live like it’s the Middle Ages, remember.”
Wanda tries delicately, “The baby having some Phoenix or Chimera heritage wouldn’t be affecting anything, would it?”
“I don’t think so. But you can check the school library for more information if you like.”
The soon-to-be teen parents decide to do just that.
Wanda and Vision enter the library to find themselves now dressed like Scooby Doo characters under their school robes, which have the cut of droop-sleeved Disco gowns.
Geraldine strides in, sporting a fro, with her Gryffindor necktie tied around her head like a scarf. Teddy Lupin and Victoire sit nearby, sporting a mint-green afro and a silverly shag respectively. Lysander and Lorcan Scammander are putting up a sign on the library wall, protesting the pollution of the Forbidden Forest. From the open window, one can see that a new Quidditch game is already afoot; the Gyffindors and Slytherins, in House-colored disco suits, violently toss flying disco balls at each other, while talking like Nick Fury.
No one besides Wanda and Vision seems to notice anything amiss. That is, until Wanda suddenly goes into labor, in the middle of the “P” isle.
Vision runs to get Madame Pomfrey, while Geraldine delivers the baby. Vision returns with the nurse just too late to see his son’s birth. This is remedied a moment later when Wanda goes into labor again! They end up with two healthy baby boys. Wanda and Vision decide to go the Weasley route, and give them simple names: Tommy and Billy.
Geraldine helps Wanda turn the trunk at the end of her dorm bed into a cradle for the twins.
“I’m a twin,” Wanda remembers. “I had a brother, named Pietro.”
Geraldine then adds slowly, “He was killed by Ultron.”
That was the wrong thing to say.
Wanda looks at her friend again, suddenly suspicious and angry. She notices suddenly that the patch on Geraldine’s robes does not depict the usual Gryffindor icon, but instead, that suspicious sword symbol. Ignoring Geraldine’s stammering pleas, Wanda sends the Gryffindor flying through the stone wall, out of the Ravenclaw commonroom.
Geraldine flies backwards down the hall, until she smashes through another stone wall.
She crashes through the wooden wall of the Quidditch pitch.
And finally, she crashes through a massive wall of glass, with a shattering sound that echoes eerily.
“Geraldine” lands on the wet grass. She pushes herself up, as Ministry wizards and witches gather around her. It is dusk, and they’re in the middle of an empty clearing in the woods. Not too far off, the Mirror of Erised magically repairs its own shattered glass.
Monica Rambeau sees the Mirror of Erised standing alone in the empty field, and it all starts coming back to her...
Here’s What Really Happened
...Monica Rambeau’s mother, Maria Rambeau, founded the Sword of Gryffindor: a division within the Ministry of Magic, tasked with threats by non-human magical beings. Monica, a recent graduate of Hogwarts, had just begun an apprenticeship under her mother, when she (Monica) was turned to ash by Thanos’s Dusting Curse.  After she “Blipped” back, and learned her mother had died in the summer she’d been gone, Monica needed work to keep her mind off of her shock and grief.
Her new mission concerned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which had seemingly vanished overnight—along with the lake, the Quidditch pitch, and even Hagrid’s hut. All that was left was the Mirror of Erised, standing alone in the empty field. And the Mirror seemed to be malfunctioning. Its gold frame was replaced with a chrome and neon 1950s juke-box aesthetic. It’s iconic message now glowed above the glass in the form of a cursive neon sign. All the Ministry workers strongly desired to see where Hogwarts had gone; but all anyone could see in the Mirror was static.
Jimmy Woo (a former Hufflepuff Prefect now with the Ministry) gave Monica a rundown of the situation. “The Ministry’s so desperate, they’re even bringing in a Muggle, to see if one of their ‘TV microwaves’ or something might be interfering with the Mirror’s magic.”
Dr. Darcy Lewis, one of the few Muggles allowed to not only know about the wizarding world, but work with it, finally arrived. Most of the Ministry folk scoffed at the Muggle. But after a quick examination, Darcy had an answer.
“Looks like someone or something has turned your Magic Mirror into an old TV set.”
The project’s supervisor, Director Blandonius Genericus Phucknugget, snorted. “Codswallop and hippogriff dung.  Your Muggle technology doesn’t work in areas like this, where there’s high concentrations of magic!”
“Wrong,” Darcy said, drumming her fingers on the Mirror’s neon frame. “Electricity doen’t work around magic. But you guys make cars and motorcycles fly with magic all the time. You even use cameras, for Treebeard's sake! So this TV-mirror isn’t plugged into anything, but it’s still running, probably on magic. If someone can enchant me a pair of old rabbit-ear antennae, I can probably get this show broadcasting for ya. And if one of you magic dudes can conjure me up some coffee, that’d be cool too.”
Director Phucknugget begrudgingly adhered Darcy’s request. A retired Arthur Weasley was happy to donate some parts from his Muggle collections to the cause. Within the hour, everyone was watching what seemed to be an old Muggle sitcom play out in the glass… set at Hogwarts! Jimmy and Monica soon determined that, somehow, the castle and all of its inhabitants had become trapped inside the Mirror of Erised. Since Wanda Maximoff and Vision Banner-Stark were the stars, and Vision was supposed to be dead, it stood to reason that they had something to do with it.
Monica then made a bold, and arguably stupid, move. She blasted the glass with different powerful spells, until she managed to put a crack in it…and ended up getting sucked into the show.
While Jimmy, Darcy, and the others watched Monica join the main cast, the frame around the Mirror began to change. The jukebox aesthetic was soon replaced by a psychedelic pop art motif, resembling something you’d see on an old CD cover, or a “Yellow Submarine” poster. Monica, Jimmy and Darcy tried different ways to get in touch with Wanda. They tried sending an enchanted Golden Snitch into the Mirror, containing Mad-Eye Moody’s old eye, to survey the situation. Jimmy tried a mirror-enchanting spell, to send Wanda a message. But nothing seemed to work.
By midafternoon, the frame had changed again to a banded ‘70s border with rounded edges, it’s top lettering now spelled out like the opening credits of an “exploitation movie.” And the show was now in color. Soon after that, Monica Rambeau came crashing back through the glass, knocking Darcy, Jimmy and Phucknugget into the grass.
It has all come back to her now.
Lying on the grass in her Disco robes, Monica breaths, “It’s Wanda! It’s all Wanda!”
Care of Magical Creatures
The sky above the Quidditch Pitch is the color of Floo Powder, tuned to a dead fireplace. The frame around the Mirror of Erised is clunky robotic junk, smattered with flickering neon. The castle halls have become a glittery labyrinth, and echo with David Bowie music. Goblins from Gringotts are discussing business with Headmistress McGonnagall, demanding a baby as payment if they don't get their gold.
Billy and Tommy are old enough to start their first year at Hogwarts, even as their parents are still finishing up year Five. The boys adopt a cute three-headed Cerberus puppet (yes, puppet--The "Dark Crystal" kind) that they name Sparky. Everyone now has frizzy ‘80s hair, and wizard robes now have built-in shoulder pads.  Professor Harkness continues to give Wanda top marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, where students practice wizard duels in 80s workout gear.
Wanda finally “breaks the fourth wall” again, albeit less literally this time. Excusing herself from her family, she goes to the restroom, and looks directly into the mirror, at the Ministry wizards outside. For a few moments, they talk as if there is only glass between them.
“Is this yours” Wanda says, tossing the Golden Snitch back through the glass.
Catching the Snitch, Monica begs Wanda to listen to reason. But it’s no use.
Meanwhile Vision, is getting suspicious. He manages to free Lysander Scammander from Wanda’s control. The hysterical first-year frets that he hasn’t received an owl from his parents in what seems like ages, and that having Wanda in his head all the time is painful.
But just as Vision confronts Wanda, they get a surprising visitor: Pietro Maximoff! …or is it? Something seems off, but Wanda wants to believe it’s true.
Defense Against the Dark Arts
For their Midterm Exam in Defense Against the Dark Arts, everyone suits up. Vision dresses like a Mexican wrestler, while Wanda dons a red leotard under a red cloak and tiara.  Billy and Tommy are advancing in their magic classes with alarming speed. Pietro suspiciously looks, sounds and acts very little like the brother Wanda remembers. But how many other male part-Veelas can be out there?
Back in the real world, Monica, Jimmy and Darcy clash with Director Genericus Phucknugget. The three are eventually taken off of the project for not being big enough assholes, so they set out to break some rules. Darcy “hacks” into Phucknugget’s “files,” by which we mean, she swapped his Pensieve out with a chamber pot when he wasn’t looking. Around a camp fire in the Forbidden Forest, the trio examine the memories that their shady boss didn’t want them to see.  Turns out, he doesn’t have anyone’s best interests in mind, bar his own quest power.
Monica wants to try re-entering the Mirror, but there’s another problem.  
“You’ve gone through that class twice,” Darcy warns. “Your body is cursing with the magic of a Flaga.”
“How do you know about the Flagae?” Jimmy asks.  
“Muggles can read books too you know.” Darcy produces a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scammander.
Flagae are spirits that live inside magic mirrors, often acting as familiars for witches like Snow white’s evil stepmother. Darcy theorizes Wanda and Vision’s “Mirror children,” Billy and Tommy, may in fact by Flagae. And Monica is turning into one too. If she makes a full transformation, she might never be able to leave the glass again.
But Monica stands her ground. “I won’t stop until I help Wanda.”
Back in the Mirror, Vision investigates the edges of Hogwarts' grounds. He finds both the Forbidden Forest and the train platform inaccessible, blocked by a wall of shimmering magic glass.
Outside, the Ministry wizards see Vision begin to emerge from the Mirror. He pushes painfully, with his hands pressed against the frame, but some force is holding him back. Vision himself begins to shatter, as if he’s made of glass. Darcy, who has tried sneaking back onto the project, yells at someone to help him, as a Ministry Auror holds her back.
Billy, a Legilimens like his mother, senses his father’s distress and alerts her. To save her husband, Wanda creates a powerful wind to pulling Vision back into the Mirror…and takes most of the Ministry witches and wizards with him.
Modern wizards
When the winds die down, nearly all of the Ministry wizards are now inside the Mirror, and have been recast as House Elves, Leprechauns, and decorative Cupids.  Darcy is recast as a bespeckled House Elf in a blue bellhop’s uniform.
Wanda and Vision give interviews about their ongoing life problems, to no one in particular.  Vision finds Darcy, and restores her memories and human body, though she keeps the silly suit. Darcy fills Vision in on his life before the Mirror. Yet still, he can’t remember any of it. They ponder the possibility of a Memory Charm, or the simple resurrection amnesia that often plagues newborn vampires.
Monica and Jimmy remain safe outside the Mirror of Erised, but Monica is now adamant that there’s no other way to reach Wanda and stop their evil boss.
This third push through the magic glass makes Monica feel like she's shattering. All around her are the voices of her dead mother, and her absent “Aunt Carol”—Monica’s “Erised.” The temptation to just let herself melt into the glass and give up on reality is strong. But Monica is stronger. Monica finally emerges into Erised-Hogwarts, a new being. Her eyes glowing a spectrum of colors, Monica is now like a person jacked into the Matrix; the laws of physics in the world of the Mirror no longer apply to her.
It was Agatha All Along!
It’s supper time, but Billy and Tommy still aren’t back from Defense Against the Dark Arts. Wanda heads to the classroom, to find Agatha, stroking the silvery fur of her apparently corporal Patronus.
“Where are my children?” Wanda demands.
But when she attempts magic, she fails.
“Highest marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but an F in Ancient Runes!” Agatha taunts. “Only the witch who casts the runes can use her magic in the area. Every first year should know that!”
Agatha then forces Wanda to join her in entering a Pensieve, filled with all of Wanda’s worst memories. Yes, Wanda is now inside a Pensieve, while inside the Mirror of Erised. Agatha wants to know what makes Wanda’s magic tick, so she can harness it for herself.
Wanda sees her entire life play out. She and Pietro are children, living in their magically-hidden hole-in-the-wall apartment in Sokovia. Their father tries to make a living by magically burning vintage Muggle sitcoms into wizarding photos and paintings, that will play out the episodes, which he sells to wizard and witches that are Muggle enthusiasts. Then their home is destroyed, and their parents are killed.
Wanda sees herself in the dungeons of Durmstrang, approaching the glowing cauldron, and listening to her instructors tell her how to enter the experiment. She dips into the glowing cauldron like a bathtub, with the Mind Stone shining from the bottom like a light in a jacuzzi, clutching her phoenix-feather wand. There's an explosion of light, as she and her wand are fused together. And the premonition she sees of herself, as one of the most powerful witches alive... “There’s an entire Prophecy about you, in the Department of Ministries. Well, not anymore,” Agatha smirks, showing Wanda the ancient book she (Agatha) has stolen from the Ministry of Magic. "You're the Scarlet Witch!" She sees everything, from the death of her brother to the death of her lover. Finally, she sees and remembers how she ended up inside the Mirror of Erised, accidently sucking the entire castle in and casting a memory charm on everyone, including herself. And how from her emotions and memories, she accidently created a Flaga, in the form of her dead lover, Vision.
Wanda now realizes what she must do. It will be agony for her; but she cannot continue to imprison and torment her peers, just to keep her fantasy in the Mirror of Erised alive. And Agatha must be stopped.
The Darkest of Magic
The two witches start to duke it out in the sky above Hogwarts Castle, in a wandless witch's duel. Both conjure their Patronuses, straight from their hands. Señor Scratchy goes "Watership Down" on Wanda's firefinch, which retaliates in Hitchcock fashion. The corrupt Ministry wizard and his cronies make a bad situation worse, when they send their own twisted creation into the Mirror—the real body of Vision, now an unpainted white gargoyle, bent only on destroying its counterpart inside. But Erised-Vision knows that the best way to distract himself has always been philosophy, so he wins over his alter-ego with a lecture on the Ship of Theseus, some musings about the workings of Time Turners, and the parallels between Nargles and imaginary numbers.
Monica frees “Pietro” from the Imperius curse that Agatha has paced on him, and watches the Polyjuice Potion she forced him to drink wear off. Turns out, he’s just a Muggle named Ralph Boner.
Everything is going to chaos inside the Mirror of Erised (except for the two Visions, who are having a quiet discussion about the reliability of Divination, in midair in the Library). Wanda uses her recent lesson in Ancient Runes to incapacitate Agatha, and then dives into the older witch’s mind...
...Agatha is centuries old. Haling from the Salem Witch’s Institute, she was shunned by her Coven, and even her own mother, for “studying the Darkest of Magic.” Agatha then unleashed a Killing Curse on all of them. Once the heinous crime was done, Agatha’s Horcrux was made. She plucked the pendant off of her mother’s body, and pined it to her own cloak.
Agatha is brought back to the present, just in time to see Wanda’s firefinch devour Señor Scratchy. The scarlet magic shooting from Wanda’s hand briefly flashes bright green.
Hogwarts has been restored. Everyone is free from the Mirror, save three people: Vision, Billy, and Tommy. Agatha lies dead on the grass outside the Mirror of Erised—or at least, her human body does.  Using her powerful Scarlet Magic, Wanda fuses the pendant Horcrux into the golden frame of the Mirror of Erised, trapping what’s left of Agatha. From now on, Agatha can only exist in the role of other people’s fantasies, when they look into the Mirror. “No one will ever bother you here,” Wanda assures her enemy, through the glass.
Oblivious, the fraction left of Agatha’s soul smiles from behind the glass, in her 1950s getup. “Fabulous! See you in class, Sugar!”
Wanda apologizes to Monica, and all of her peers from Hogwarts, while Director Phucknugget is hauled off to Azkaban by the Dementors.
Headmistress McGonnagall assures Wanda that she is still welcome at Hogwarts, provided more precautions are taken with her powers. But Wanda chooses to leave the school.  Before leaving the castle, Wanda pays her family one last visit.  The Mirror of Erised stands in a large empty room. Separated by glass, Wanda tearfully bids goodbye to Vision, Billy and Tommy.
“Thank you for choosing me to be your mom,” she tells the boys, before they go to bed.
“Wanda,” Vision presses against the glass. “Darcy called me a ‘Flaga.’ Am I a ghost? Or just a fantasy?”
“You’re a spirit I created,” Wanda finally admits out loud. “You are my memories, and my pain. But most of all, you’re my love.”
For a moment they are able to kiss, as if the glass isn’t there. Then Wanda leaves the room, and doesn’t look back.  
Monica is still mostly Human, but like Wanda, she is now a hybrid—in her case, part Flaga. And it turns out, there is a battle being fought in the Mirror Realm, and Monica can help.
Wanda, meanwhile, creates herself a cabin in the woods, where she studies that Prophecy book—out of body. She is interrupted by the voice of one of her sons, calling from every mirror in the house, “Mom…!”
AN: An AU of an AU! Bloody hell.
This was a nightmare, both to "draw" and write, even with most of the work "cut out" for me. But worth it.
Because life is short, the images in this picture were largely traced, or straight up pasted clipart.
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