#taking time from work means I can come back energized and ready to help build programs while working on existing projects
rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
This year, instead of making a bunch of resolutions all at once and then feeling bad that I dropped the ball on one and quitting the rest because of my usual “if I can’t do it perfectly, why bother” mentality, I’m going to develop one new habit per month. I’m hoping that by this time in December, most of my early monthly habits will be second nature so I can incorporate new habits each month. I’m taking it at a month by month basis, so if I’m struggling with one I’m not rushing to build a new one, because that’s a recipe for failure for me. If I need more time to make sure things stick, I’m going to take it, even if that means that ultimately I only developed one lasting habit this year.
This year’s theme is “what can I do now to help Future Issa out later? How can I make life less stressful for us now and 12 months from now?” Burnout has been an ongoing problem for the past two, three years now and I’m tired of grasping at straws and constantly being exhausted, both physically and mentally. I want to develop habits that will make my life easier in the long run, starting with getting enough rest and making sure my mornings get off to a good start.
So! January’s goal is to develop a realistic morning and nighttime routine so that my mornings aren’t rushed and I get to work on time.
I’ve been on vacation since before Christmas and in that time, I haven’t set any alarms. I usually wake up around 6:00 or 7:00, which means that my body needs roughly 7-8 hours of sleep to function. I’ve also been having regular breakfasts, which have kept me full until noon every day, so I want to keep that going. Luckily, making meal prepping a 2022 habit has carried over, so I think a few tweaks will make this manageable.
The night before, starting after dinner:
Wash dinner dishes
Set up coffee, put automatic timer on for 6 am
Set out coffee cup, spoon, sugar
Set out dishes for breakfast (measuring cup for oatmeal, bowl, spoon, etc)
Set our morning vitamins, glass for water
Things to do 30 minutes before bed:
Take vitamins
Make a cup of tea
Do nighttime skincare/haircare
Set out morning skincare, clothes for work
Shut off all lights except for some lamps
Drink tea, take time to de-stress before bed
In the morning:
Make bed so I’m not tempted to fall back to sleep
Make breakfast, take vitamins
Shower, do morning skincare
Drink coffee, take time to relax and prepare for the day/think about what needs to be done that day
Get dressed, head out to work
I did a practice run this morning since it’s my last day to be on vacation and I had time to slowly wake up. I need to be out the door by 7:30 at the latest in order to be at work and have enough time to start things up/see how my morning is going to go/organize my thoughts before I clock in at 8, so I’m thinking that 6:30 may be my best time to wake up.
My goal is to set things up the night before so that everything is ready and becomes automatic the next morning to help Future Me not have to think about what goes next while I’m still half-asleep. Most of the work is done the night before, and honestly, it’s not even that much. I think it took me maybe 5 minutes max to set everything up and another 15-20 minutes to actually do the wind down before bed portion.
I’m not a big breakfast person, but I’ve spent my vacation experimenting with variations of overnight oats, instant cream of wheat and fruit, microwave breakfast sandwiches, and cereal, so I think I can rotate between those options to keep myself from getting bored and keep me from getting hangry by 10 or 11 at work.
Most of the morning routine is completed within 30-40 minutes, but I want to give myself a full hour to a) enjoy a slow morning without waking up already stressed about the day and b) take the time to mentally prepare myself for the workday with a set plan of tasks that need to be worked on (not necessarily accomplished because Things Happen, but I find that I’m not as frazzled about juggling tasks if I can at least touch on various things daily and adjust which items are more important throughout the week since my job seldomly lets me focus on one thing at a time.)
I think that this can be doable, if today was any indication. I’m also making a side habit to work on that I was already starting last year that helped tremendously with my workload to end the workday by taking the last 10-15 minutes of the day prepping what needed to be finished, either by making a sticky note to myself or by setting up a pile of paperwork in my inbox that was ready to go in the morning for whatever next step was needed. It made things easier to remember where I had left off instead of me flipping through my stack and spending more time each morning setting things up before getting distracted by that day’s tasks and then ultimately getting overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done. It also made a good winding down practice to ease out of Work Mode and get ready for Home Mode by the time 5:00 rolled around.
Will this work? I hope so, but I’m also not going to beat myself up if I skip a day in order to sleep in a half hour longer or if there’s days when I’m not hungry when I wake up. On those days I’ll grab some of the snacks I’ve already stocked my fridge and pantry with to have when I do get hungry later at work. I want to give myself some flexibility to take the time to check in with myself and do what’s best for me this year instead of doing the gogogo all or nothing thinking that I’ve fallen into these past few years that’s made me dislike a job that I otherwise really enjoy and want to grow into something more and pushed myself to the point where I’m not only burning the candle at both ends, but also at multiple points in the middle.
I’ll see where I am at the end of this month. Hopefully I’ll be in a place where my mornings aren’t so rushed and I wake up rested, but if not, then at least I can see what worked and what didn’t to try again in February.
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pearlywritings · 2 years
Come with me, my love
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synopsis: the best way to heal is to go somewhere else. Do not worry, your lover has already taken care of that.
pairing and characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli x reader (separately)
tw: pure fluff, hurt/comfort
word count: 2.9k+ words in total
author’s note: I dedicate it to my dear @lunargrapejuice , I hope this will bring you comfort you need, my dear 💛 and also to anyone else who is in desperate need of it☺
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The concept of relationship is fairly new to Albedo, he’s still exploring the field and is learning new things, even though you two have already changed the status to official. However, he is unbelievably observant, and his ability to note anomalies comes in handy when it concerns you.
Lately he’s noticed how you haven’t been your usual self - the bubbly, smiley, affectionate, lively self with energy almost bursting out of your body. You’ve become grim, sluggish, and didn't come to him for a kiss or a hug unless it was him who approached you and gave you those. In the moments like this you were clinging to him, as if fearing he’d break the comforting atmosphere and go back to his research. But the one thing the young man understood about relationships is the importance of being there for your partner. 
Albedo didn’t ask you to tell him what’s wrong - you’ll open up to him when you are ready if you’d ever feel like that - he knows and trusts you. He just holds you close until you doze off and only then comes back to his work table to wrap up whatever is hanging and call it a night.
When it goes like this for over a week, the blond becomes really concerned and understands that it requires some more drastic measures. He officially submits documents for a couple of days off to Jean, informs his alchemist team about his absence and starts researching and planning an immaculate solution to the issue before him.
The gathered data eventually suggests that going out somewhere away from bustling places of constant presence and unwinding is what usually helps to deal with growing depression. You might think his first thought would be taking you out to Dragonspine. After all, the scenery is breath-taking (when there are no raging blizzards), it’s serene and mostly quiet, and no one can disturb you two.
…well, he considered it.
But ultimately he decided on a beach day. Just you, and him, and Klee, since he knows how strongly you adore the little troublemaker. Listen, maybe taking a child who loves fish blasting to the lake isn’t the best idea, but Albedo checked and rechecked her belongings to make sure everything exploding was left home before actually going there.
Weaponizing Klee's charms was a clever decision and proved to be effective. The pyro user becomes your energizer as she constantly asks you to search for seashells, play with her in the water, draw Dodoko on the sand (Albedo, who joins you in almost every activity, undoubtedly wins this one), search for seashells some more, play with a ball, build sand castles…
You plop onto your towel only when the girl starts chasing the crabs, gleefully laughing and swinging her bucket in which she was going to put her new "friend". Your lover hums, keeping an eye out for her to not get into any sort of predicament and sits down next to you, side by side, bending one leg and resting his arm on the knee.
“How’s the vitamin D absorption going?” You chuckle at his choice of words, but then again, you spent so much time inside your shared apartment, of course your organism started lacking the sun rays.
“Pretty awesome, I must admit,” rearranging your body so you could lie down with the man still sitting close, you give your body a good stretch, contently sighing.
“Glad to hear that,” elegant artistic fingers reach out to brush the stray locks from your face, and you quickly catch his wrist, bringing it to your lips to leave a soft kiss.
“Thank you, ‘bedo. I am sorry if I caused you trouble with my… well…” You trail off, but of course he understands what you mean.
“No need to apologize,” a small, but warm smile graces his lips, “You didn’t cause me any trouble, sunshine.”
At the sweet petname your heart skips a beat and mouth twists in your attempts to not reveal a stupid grin. The Chief Alchemist is enchanted by you, so bright and shining, drinking in your soft expressions and bashful body language.
The mission deems to be a success, but solidifying the results with late night cuddles back home wouldn’t hurt.
The owner of the Dawn Winery hates parting with you for longer than a work day, even though sometimes the list of his duties keeps him away from you for exactly over a full work day. That’s why he loathes business trips that require his presence.
You hate those too, because it means you won’t get to get a morning kiss from him and give him one, share breakfast with him, see him throughout a day and sneak sweet kisses and hand holdings in private of the backroom of the tavern, walk with him or welcome him home, feel his arms around you when he climbs through the window of your shared bedroom at the winery after his late night endeavors…
You won’t get to see his vibrant eyes - hazy with sleep, sharp when annoyed and absolutely swirling with adoration when he gazes at you. You won’t get to whine for him to stay in bed for just a little longer, because the warmth of his body is too precious to lose so easily. You won’t get to drag his gloves off of his hands when he doesn’t go out in the city at night, preferring to go to sleep with you. You won’t get to braid or unbraid his flaming hair, massage his scalp and listen to his calm content breathing, as he eagerly leans in your arms.
You get the point - business trips are the worst.
And your feelings are completely mutual on Diluc’s end, even if some of the reasons for him feeling agitated may vary.
This is exactly why you are planting your feet on one of the streets of Fontaine, holding onto your fiance’s hand and curiously looking around you. This time the man’s heart ached when he saw an absolutely heart-broken look on your face when he informed you of yet another we-cannot-sign-this-deal-without-you business trip. The past two weeks had been hard for both of you, and the lack of seeing each other only worsened your mood and made you feel so miserable. A week more without him? You didn’t think you’d endure it without crying, because everything was pressing on your shoulders and it was suffocating, nearly crushing.
The decision was fast and simple - going there together. While Diluc Ragnvindr enjoys privacy, he feels pride at the idea of showing his amazing significant other - soon to become a spouse - off. The amount of mischief concealed within the multiple walls of his character can’t help but look forward to you cutting off the suitors that inevitably come after the young wine tycoon. He knows you can do it just with a single glance and that’s one of the things he loves about you - the power of your beautiful eyes. He himself is weak before the effect of them.
“So… This is Fontaine…” You whisper in awe, still observing everything your gaze has an opportunity to be cast upon. Your hand is still clinging onto his, and something flutters in the male’s chest, when you gently tug on it, urging him to move after you.
“First things first - we are purchasing the Kamera. I want to capture all the moments we’ll share here,” at your proclamation Diluc softly chuckles, briefly turning around and signaling for the servants to unload your carriage and bring everything into the house he rented for you to stay in.
“Sure, my flame. I’d love that as well.”
You grin happily - looks like there is no trace of your previous depressed state anymore. A day in the carriage huddled in blankets together managed to heal your sullen mood and partially feed your desire for being close with him. Don’t think he didn’t enjoy it too, only Celestia above knows how desperately this man craved your presence and affection - it’s just that you and your satisfaction come first.
This trip must give you many memories and Diluc will make sure to spend all the free time he’ll have with you. Oh, but to think of it, in his busy time he also can have you there, because what are they gonna do? Revoke the deal they themselves begged him to consider? Exactly - no.
You are stuck with him, and honestly, this is the best thing when we are talking about two touch-starved and presence-craving lovers.
“Kaeya, I am nervous.”
“You better not be, she’ll sense that you are not in control.”
“You are not helping!”
The man, whose leg literally brushes against yours, as the two horses - a pitch black one and golden with flaxen mane and tail one - slowly march side by side along the road of a Starfell Valley, finds it cute. Finds you cute. A crease between your eyebrows from before disappeared and the look on your face was replaced with such adorable concern. You really don’t have anything to worry about, the girl he chose for you is the calmest specimen he has in stables, very docile and friendly, having been won by you with a piece of apple you offered to her prior to this walk. It is really much better when getting you on his stallion, who is not that tolerant to the people who are not Kaeya himself.
“Do not worry, I am not letting go of her reins until you are ready to try it yourself,” he assures you in a soft voice, which smoothness infiltrates all your senses and lulls the rising unease. “Swing your body lightly back and forth with the horse’s steps, it’ll help you to stay in the saddle and help you feel the movement under you. Trust me, it’ll help.”
“O-oh, alright,” with his palm pressed against the small of your back, you try doing as he says, carefully moving your body. His thumb gently rubs your skin under a thin blouse, assuring you that everything is okay, and, when you glance at him from the corner of your eyes, he offers you a sweet smile, murmuring ‘god job, snowflake’ just above the whisper. It makes your heart flutter and lips form a small smile of your own. Your lover is your salvation, really. The moment he saw your gloomy face upon arriving home, he knew he’d go any lengths to bring a smile back to your face. Kaeya consoled and cuddled you that evening, and a couple of days later took you out of the city to spend his day off together.
A horse walk idea has been stuck in his mind for a month already, after you became a witness of him training recruits, the ones that signed for cavalry. Him, on his stallion, with reins in one hand and a training sword in another, entranced you, to the point you snapped out of your stupor only when he hopped on the ground and approached you with a teasing smirk. 
Now his words and expressions lack the usual banter, the softness of his cerulean eye blending with the spotless sky above, the rustle of his lips being like one of the grass and leaves the wind plays with, and his smile warmer than the afternoon sun. He belongs in Mondstadt so much. He belongs next to you so much.
Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kaeya’s visible eye widens when you, using stirrups, rise and reach to him, pressing your lips together. The hand on your back instantly slides further and settles on your hip, keeping you steadied, as his mouth slowly devours yours. He senses no more negative feelings inside your body, and it sparks joy in his chest, which spreads through his body in waves of lingering warmth.
Your eyes sparkle when you separate and the man nearly lets go of both his and your reins, reprimanded by his horse’s disgruntled snort.
“Thank you, Kae,” Archons your smile is blinding, “I needed it.”
“No need to thank me. I got you. Always,” and you giggle when he smooches right under your chin.
“So, when can I trot?”
“Trot?” He nearly snorts at your zeal. “Haven’t even held the reins, and wanna trot already?”
“But you looked so elegant while doing so!”
“Got you mesmerized, eh?” You lightly pinch a hand still resting on your hip. “Ouch! Goodness, Y/n, can’t you admit you are head over heels for this Cavalry Captain?”
“In your dreams, Alberich,” you stick a tongue at him and the man is completely reassured that his Y/n is back.
“Then I’ll be waiting in my dreams. As for reality, I wouldn’t be opposed to giving my love private lessons in horse-riding.”
“Oh! Can we start today?” Eager, aren’t you? How lovely.
“Consider we’ve already started.”
The snowflakes are dancing in the sky, twirling and slowly lowering to the snow-covered ground, pristine whiteness almost blinding with how every tiny frozen crystal reflects the sunlight and sparkles like the finest gems of the Liyue mines. The crust is crunching under your legs, as you and your husband are taking your morning walk in the vast lands of Snezhnaya.
Truth to be spoken, Zhongli would’ve probably never found himself on the territory of the Cryo Archon, but this is a special case. He knew how badly you needed a change of place and new experience in your current dispirited state. No surprise he agreed almost immediately, when during his last visit to the land of Morax Childe invited the two of you to stay with him and his wife in their homeland. He promised no interruption from the Tsaritsa or the Harbingers, and, knowing that partially the invitation was surely coming from the ginger’s lover, whom he had met and whom both him and you found very pleasant to be around, the man believed it.
At first the idea of coming to Snezhnaya worried you, but Zhongli didn’t miss the curious and excited glint in your pretty eyes. He gave you time to consider the idea, and a week later the three of you were on a ship, half-way to the country of snow. The woman carrying Ajax’ real last name welcomed you warmly and with a big smile on her face, chewing her husband lightly for not having invited you two earlier.
The atmosphere that prevailed in this house surely helped distract you from oppressive thoughts, and exploring outside with your caring husband made you so tired, but in a pleased kind of sense, that you didn’t have the energy to spend it on anything but share a goodnight kiss with Zhongli and fall asleep in his comforting embrace. You were healing, and it couldn’t but delight him. 
You took a liking to the walks in the early hours of morning, because it, as you proclaimed, was very refreshing for the beginning of the day. Being a morning person Zhongli always joins you on your little outings. Childe introduced a thermos to you two, and ever since your husband tends to have it on him whenever you are outside. The tea in there has a calming and soothing effect, meticulously prepared by skillful hands with love and care.
Another thing you both became fond of was dancing. Just like snowflakes in the air you spin in each other’s embrace, heavy cloaks with fur collars barely swiping the snow under your feet. A soft melody hummed in deep voice mixed with gleeful giggles, turning into a shared laughter soon into the dance that really didn’t have any name.
Sometimes though the quietness around you awakes a feeling of loneliness and you can’t help but shed tears, face pressed to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around your form. He lets you cry and release the negative emotions, gently swaying your bodies to some rhythm existing only in the beat of his heart. He tries to swipe your tears before they turn into the frozen droplets and sting your eyes or bite your cheeks.
The usual expensive leather of his gloves is replaced by thick wool and feels warm against your face, as his big palms cradle it in his delicate hold.
“My gem…” the puff of hot air from his mouth caresses your nose - that’s how close he is - and you cutely wrinkle it. “Don’t you think we should return? It’s been almost an hour, your skin is burning from the cold already.”
“Must we really?” An adorable pout doesn’t work on a stoic man, as he lets go of your face and, to the accompaniment of your squeals, hoists you in his arms bridal style.
“If you refuse to use your two legs, then I’ll just carry you,” his smile is disarming, damn him.
“All the way back?”
“Why, of course, my dear. Do you question my strength?”
“No, of course not! It’s just…” Though your cheeks are already red, he doesn’t mistake the way you avert your eyes in quiet embarrassment.
“Oh, is this position making you shy? Don’t worry, I am sure our hosts will understand.”
“You..!” The man chuckles lightheartedly, not having it in him to stop himself from teasing you. Ah, this truly is refreshing, and Zhongli is so elated to see a once again happy smile that you desperately try to hide in the fur of your coat.
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aubzikins · 1 year
Coffee On Us Chapter 1
Possibly another fic, *shrugs* Who knows. Thanks to Leo and Rah when we were discussing my coffee habits lol!!! This is pretty much unedited by anyone so if there are mistakes, just let me know! Thanks yall!
Stray Kids Coffee Shop AU A Mystic Coffee Shop appears when Anise needs it the most. She meets 8 gorgeous amazing men who end up needing her more than she needs them possibly. Completely fictional and just something about some strangers I know of haha
Anise is newer to the area and with her new stressful job, her insomnia is kicking her ass. When walking to work one day, Anise stumbles across "Oddinary Coffee". The name itself grabbed her attention and she walked inside.
When she walks up to the counter there was a guy right there ready to take her order. He had a gorgeous smile and looked like he should be a model more than a Barista. Anise looked at his name tag that is the shape of a puppy and saw that his name was Seungmin. "Hello Welcome to Oddinary Coffee, what may we make you?"
"What would have the most caffeine but is still sweet with the taste of coffee still?" Anise asks.
"That would be our Iced Brown Sugar Espresso. Comes with 4 shots of Blonde Espresso and some brown sugar syrup. We can add a little bit of milk of your choice. I really like it with some oat milk." Says another gorgeous guy. His name tag is in the shape of a fox and has Jeongin printed on it.
"Sure, I’ll try that one since you recommended it!" Anise smiles.
"Awesome! Since you're new to our shop, the first drink is on the house. Please enjoy!" Seungmin says, smiling.
Anise was caught off-guard by this. "Are you sure? How did you know I was new?" She asks.
"We know all of our customers, and yes we are absolutely sure. We are pretty confident that you’ll be back again. That's how good we are... I mean our coffee is." Seungmin says with a smirk.
“I see…” Anise giggles and then pulls out a twenty-dollar bill and puts it in the tip jar.
“We will have your drink right out to you here shortly, feel free to find a spot to hang out and ill bring it out to you,” Jeongin smiled and motioned to the seated area.
“Alrighty, thank you very much!” Anise slightly bows and moves over to a seat in the corner of the cafe. She sits and watches the two guys behind the counter and notices that they look over at her a few times and whisper from time to time. She brushes it off and looks at her phone to check her work emails.
She usually works from home but since she moved to a new house closer to her work, she tries to go into the office on Mondays. It doesn’t help that there was a big meeting today at the office. She left the house early enough to have some time.
Within a few minutes, Jeongin walks over and hands Anise her Iced Espresso. “Please let me know if you like it, this is my little hidden gem of a drink. Also, we hope to see you again soon!” Jeongin slightly bows and walks away.
Anise tastes the drink and immediately smiles. It tastes just like an oatmeal cookie, which is one of her favorite cookies ever. She walks over to the counter and puts another ten-dollar bill in the tip jar, looks up at Seungmin and Jeongin, “Thank you, this is absolutely delicious, I will for sure be back!” They both have huge smiles on their faces and nod to her.
Anise walks out the door sipping her coffee and is already starting to feel energized. Within 10 minutes, she is walking up to her office building feeling like she got a whole night’s worth of sleep. During the meeting, Anise finishes her iced coffee while listening to everything coming up on the company’s schedule. Realizing that she is going to start having a lot of late nights for the foreseeable future, she is grateful that she found a good coffee shop.
She tries to pull up the shop on her phone, but nothing appears. She shrugs thinking they just might be a little old school and just relying on word of mouth. After the meeting ends (three hours later), her director tells her that she can go ahead and take the rest of the day off and enjoy the rest of the day before the chaos starts the next day.
Anise thanks her director, packs up her items and then heads for home. She decides to stop at the coffee shop to get the hours and ask if she would be allowed to maybe come and work on her laptop in the shop from time to time. When she gets to the shop, it’s after 1 pm, the shop is empty for the most part. She goes up to the counter and there is another gorgeous guy working behind the counter.
“Hello there! Welcome to Oddinary Coffee, what can we make for ya?” This man has a name tag in the shape of a Quokka and his name printed as Han. He smiles at Anise with the biggest grin.
“Hello Han, I was wondering if I could have just a hot English Breakfast Tea?” she asks.
“Sure thing! Also, the tea is on us, I was told that you left quite a bit of monies in the tip jar this morning, so Innie and Minnie put it on your tab.” He smiles.
“Huh? How did you know that was me? I didn’t see you this morning.” Anise asks, a little confused.
Han holds up a post-it note that has some writing on it: Beautiful, long curly black hair, freckles, button-nose, ice blue eyes. Ask for a name for the tab. “They left this post-it note so we could get your name,” he says smiling.
“Oh, um wow…” Anise says, taken aback by the post-it. Beautiful? She thinks to herself. “My name is Anise. Nice to meet you, Han. I am assuming Innie and Minnie are your nicknames for Jeongin and Seungmin?” Anise asks.
“Yes, sorry about the post-it, probably shouldn’t have shown you that. It probably came off creepy. Sorry again. They said you might come back in tomorrow for coffee so we wanted everyone to know what you look like so we can get your name… and now I feel like I’m rambling. Sorry.” Han says as he rubs his hand on the back of his neck.
“No worries, I understand but the monies for the tip jar was for Seungmin and Jeongin, not to start a tab for me. I would prefer to just pay for my drinks.” Anise looks at Han and smiles.
“No can do, Anise. I am under orders from the manager and owner of the shop that you have a tab.” Han says nervously.
Anise looks at Han and sees that he is nervous. Rather than get him in trouble, Anise smiles and then pulls out a wad of cash and puts it in the tip jar. “You said that I can’t pay for drinks but you did not say that I could leave a tip.” Anise looks at Han whose mouth is agape and looks a little flustered.
“No, no, no, no, no!” Han says panicking.
Suddenly another guy walks out from the back of the shop looking concerned. “Hannie, are you okay? What’s going on?” The man asks, looking between Han and Anise.
“Everything is fine Minho; Anise here just didn’t like that her drink is on us, so she put more cash into the tip jar.” Han explains.
Minho looks up at Anise and smirks, “I guess we will have to get rid of the tip jar for the future.”
“Sounds good to me!” says another man who is painting some art on the coffee shop’s front window.
“See, even Hyunjin agrees,” Minho smiles as he grabs the tip jar and puts it below the counter.
Anise is just staring at all three men processing what just happened. She finally speaks up, “good thing I already put quite a bit of monies in there.” She smiles.
Han hands Anise her tea and she thanks him. “By the way, what are your guys’ hours and would I by chance be able to bring my laptop and maybe work for like an hour or so here?”
Minho smiles, “We are open 24/7 due to some of our customers’ work schedules, and yes of course you can work from here. We will provide you with a secure password for the Wi-Fi whenever you come in.”
“Wow, that's awesome. I'll keep that in mind when I have late nights.” Anise smiles. “Thank you for the tea, I will see you all again, I’m sure. Have a good day y’all!” Anise heads out the door to head home.
After Anise walks out, Minho looks at Hyunjin and Han and smiles. “I like her, this should be fun.”
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datingromance · 1 year
Reversing the Game: How to Turn the Tables When He Pulls Away
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In relationships, it's not unusual for guys to act in ways that make them pull back or pull away. It can make their partners feel confused, worried, and like they don't know how to turn the tables when he pulls away. When this problem arises, it's important to take action if you want your relationship to stay healthy and grow.
By figuring out why he's pulling away and using effective methods, you can successfully turn the tables and bring the relationship back into balance. In this article, we'll talk about how to turn the tables when he pulls away, why men often pull away, why it's important to be proactive, and what to do when he pulls away and then comes back.
When a guy starts to pull away from a committed relationship, it can be upsetting and make you unsure about the future. But instead of letting worry and stress take over, it's time to take charge and turn the tables. Here are potent ways to turn the situation around when he pulls away.
Pay attention to yourself and your health. It's crucial to take a deep breath, feel independent, live your life, and be sure of yourself. Spend this time on your interests, hobbies, and personal development. By putting yourself first, you regain your confidence and give off a beautiful vibe that could interest him again.
Communication is important. Talk about your feelings and worries instead of keeping quiet or making too many claims. Tell him that you value honest and open communication and are ready to hear his point of view. You encourage him to talk about his thoughts and feelings by making him feel safe and understood. It can lead to a deeper relationship.
Avoid the urge to chase him or suffocate him. When he pulls away, it's natural to want reassurance and to be close to him, but giving him space is important. Give him time and space to find out his feelings without making him feel rushed. It not only displays that you care about his wishes, but it also lets him see what he might be missing.
Focus on having a life outside of the relationship that makes you happy. Grow your happiness by going after your dreams, spending time with others you care about, and trying new things. If he sees you doing well and happy in other areas of your life, he may want to be involved again.
Remember that just because he pulls away doesn't mean the relationship is over. Learn how to turn the tables when he pulls away. Take care of your happiness with these tips. Create a place that allows you to grow and build relationships. So, don't be afraid to turn things around and make them work for you.
How to turn the tables when he pulls away? When a man in a relationship starts to pull away, it can make you feel confused and worried. Knowing why someone behaves this way can help you deal with the situation more clearly and wisely. Below are some common reasons why guys may choose to distance themselves:
1- Fear of Commitment or Intimacy
Some guys may feel anxious or afraid when committing to a serious relationship or letting themselves be emotionally vulnerable. This fear could come from past events, injuries that haven't been dealt with, or worries about losing their freedom. They may pull away to protect themselves when faced with getting closer emotionally.
2- Need for Personal Space and Independence
Men want personal space and independence, just like everyone else. It's important to remember that pulling away isn't always a sign that things are going wrong in a long-term relationship. Men may need time alone to re-energize, think, explore personal interests, or feel like they have a sense of independence. It is important to accept these limits and give them the necessary space instead of making assumptions.
3- Emotional or Communication Issues
Men, like women, can find it hard to talk about their feelings or communicate well. Sometimes, they may pull away when they feel too much emotion or have trouble expressing their thoughts.
It can lead to a withdrawal cycle as they deal with their issues and don't know how to talk about their feelings. With patience, understanding, and gentle support, you can make them feel secure sufficient to open up and discuss their feelings and thoughts.
How to turn the tables when he pulls away? It's essential to remember that every person and every relationship is different, so these reasons might only work for some. Open and honest communication is still important in any relationship if you want to discuss problems and get solutions that work for both sides.
Understand why guys pull away. Feeling sorry for them is also vital. Handle the situation with kindness. Work to make your relationship more robust and connected.
Keep Reading: How to turn the tables when he pulls away
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Not Him~~Epilogue
Part 5
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Protective!Bucky, Dad!Tony, Takes place during Captain America: Civil Ware, Pregnant!Reader, labor, swearing, CANON DIVERGENCE!
Taglist: @chewymoustachio
A/N: Here’s the epilogue! Hope you guys have enjoyed this story. I know it’s taken a while for me to finish it, so big thanks to those who have been so patient and kind to me! Also (y/f/f) = your favorite flower
—Xoxo Courtney
6 Months Later
“Doll, where are you at?” Bucky calls as he walks into your little cottage. After coming to Wakanda T’Challa set the two of you up in a medium-sized cottage in the countryside. It was right outside the city so you could get there quickly if need be, Steve was close by in a different house that he shared with Wanda, Sam, and Nat. Clint and Scott had taken temporary plea deals so they could be with their families. T’Challa was working with all of them and your father to overturn the accords and yesterday the UN had met to officially repeal the accords. While there would still be an oversight committee to keep them in line it would be much less controlling and more of a compromise. Bucky had to attend the meeting yesterday as well because the UN issued him an official apology and cleared him of all the charges along with the Winter Soldier’s crimes.
Your father had been attempting to contact you for almost two months before you replied. You loved him and wanted him in your and your baby’s lives but you were having a hard time forgiving him. He had called you a terrorist’s whore, you knew he didn’t mean it, but that, along with the other things he said made it hard for you to forgive him. 
“In here Buck!” You reply from the living room. You had just woken up from your afternoon nap and were feeling much more energized. Baby Barnes had been making you extra tired lately, you were eight and a half months pregnant and you were beyond ready to deliver this baby. 
“Hey Doll, I got a surprise for you,” he says with a smile as he walks into the room. 
“Ooh, what is it?” You ask as you try and fail to stand up. Bucky chuckles a little at your pathetic attempt to stand before he grabs your hand and helps you up.
“Not my fault your baby is a giant Barnes,” you grumble once you’re up.
“Sorry Doll, you’re just so cute. I can’t help it,” he teases, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek as he wraps his arms around you.
“I’m a whale,” you mutter bitterly.
“No, you aren’t Doll, you’re gorgeous.”
“Where’s my surprise?” You ask changing the subject, you hadn’t expected Bucky to bring you back anything.
“It’s waiting for you outside, shall we?” He asks you motioning his hand towards the door. You nod excitedly, ready to find out whatever he had in store for you. 
“Alright then,” he says, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and the two of you walk outside together.
As soon as you step onto the porch you see him, your father, he’s wearing one of his best suites and holding a bouquet of (y/f/f). You feel your breath catch, this was very unexpected. For the last couple of months, you had been talking to your dad, but it was very brief infrequent conversations. You were slowly building back your relationship and you hadn’t expected to see him so soon.
“Daddy?” You murmur breathlessly.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he replies bashfully, avoiding your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask shocked.
“I’m sorry, Bucky thought it would be a good idea. I knew you weren’t ready yet, I should go-”
“NO!” You shout, making him whip his head up to look into your eyes.
“I just mean, you don’t need to go. I just didn’t expect you to come all this way so soon. Why don’t we go inside and talk,” you suggest, looking up to Bucky who gives you a reassuring nod. 
“Alright, if you’re sure that is?” Your dad double checks and you nod and motion him inside. You guide him towards the sitting room and take a seat on the couch, Bucky sits beside you and places a comforting hand on your knee. Your father takes a seat in the chair that is angled towards the sofa and sets the flowers on the coffee table.
“I am so sorry for what I said to you angel. You are an amazing woman and I am so so lucky to be your dad, kiddo. I know it’s no excuse but I was in shock, it was a lot to take in and I lashed out at you. I’m sorry about that,” he says leaning over and taking your hands in his, he looks you directly in the eye when he apologizes. 
“I know, I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have kept it from you, that wasn’t fair. I thought I was protecting you but I should’ve been honest with you,” you reply.
“You have nothing to be sorry for angel. You did what you thought was right and I should have listened to you. I hope you can forgive me one day.” You look over at Bucky who just gives you a small but supportive smile.
“I forgive you, dad. It may take some time for us to get back to how we were but I forgive you-ahhhh,” you hiss in pain. You feel a wet spot form around your crotch and a jolt of pain hits you. 
“Doll, what’s wrong?” Bucky asks slightly alarmed at your cry.
“Baby Barnes seems to be ready to make their appearance,” you reply.
“Oh boy, where do we take her?” Your dad asks standing up immediately. 
“We gotta get her into the city, to the healer’s bay. It’s about a ten-minute drive, our car is out in the garage, can you drive us?” Bucky asks helping you stand up, before running into your room and grabbing your hospital bag.
“Of course, c’mon.” Your dad answers walking with you out to the car and helping you get in while Bucky locks up the house.
Your dad eases you into the backseat before climbing into the driver’s seat, Bucky slides in beside you before giving your dad instructions to the healer’s bay.
When you arrive your main doctor greets you at the door and helps set you up in a private room, T’Challa had demanded nothing but the best for you. Bucky had called the other avengers most of whom were out in the waiting room with your father. The ones who weren’t were on their way to Wakanda to come meet your new baby. 
You knew Bucky was nervous but he was doing a great job of hiding it and supporting you through your labor. After about ten hours of labor, your precious little girl had arrived. As soon as both you and the baby were cleaned up, the doctors allowed all of the Avengers in to see both of you.
“How’s my girl?” Your dad asks walking over to you and placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Your girls are good,” you reply with a smirk.
“It’s a girl?!” Wanda exclaims clapping her hands together excitedly. 
“Yes, everyone, meet Maria Rose Barnes,” you announce with a smile covering your face.
“Maria?” Your dad asks with tears in his eyes.
“Yeah, Maria,” Bucky says extending his hand to your father, who accepts the handshake with a small smile.
“Do you wanna hold her dad?” You ask and your father nods in reply. You hand Maria off to him and he carefully cradles her to his body.
“Hello Maria, I’m your grandpa Tony,” he greets her, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. “She’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, she gets it from her mom,” Bucky says with a smirk.
A/n: That’s the end! Thanks for reading everyone! 
Xoxo Courtney
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marvelousstevetony · 3 years
Can you make this with sick Steve “Can you pronounce anything correctly right now?” “Ndo. *sniff* See???”
Eeep, so sweet! Pls imagine this in a non-powered au with professor!Steve and Tony who has his Stark Industries work thingie💖
Between meetings that have run too long and several overdue deadlines that he finally caught up with, Tony is more than ready to declare it the end of his work week even though it’s only Thursday.  Pepper had shot him one glance and nearly winced at how exhausted he had looked after that last meeting and then decided to let him off until Monday.
And for that, Tony is truly grateful, because it means that he can have a lie in the next morning. It subsequently means that he will be fully energized for date night with Steve tomorrow evening and not have a million things hanging over his head, distracting him from spending time with his boyfriend for the first time in what feels like forever.
While Tony has been caught up in business with Stark Industries, Steve has spent the majority of every day, and probably most nights, too, grading his students’ assignments or preparing for his lectures, and from what Tony has been able to detect through Steve’s texts, he’s just about as ready for the weekend as Tony is.
The next morning, Tony wakes up late, as expected. What is the point of having a day off if you can’t sleep until noon anyways?
He checks his phone first thing and is excited to see a text from Steve. His excitement plummets when he reads it, though.
Hey, Tony. I think I’m gonna need a rain check for tonight. I’ve come down with something and I don’t want you catching this. I was really looking forward to seeing you, though… miss you.
Tony’s heart sinks a little in sympathy, but also because he really misses Steve. They haven’t seen each other all week. Tony can’t even remember the last time they spent more than three days apart, but they’ve both been so busy with work that they didn’t have the time. Hence they had planned date night once both of them were off work.
Aww, I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, baby. I miss you too. So much. We don’t have to go out, though, we can just stay at yours and eat take out and watch movies. I won’t even tease you when you inevitably fall asleep on me half way through.
Tony sends the message and gets a reply less than two minutes after.
First of all, I don’t fall asleep on you. Secondly, you really don’t have to come. Not that I don’t want you here, I do, but I’m pretty gross and 100% contagious. Trust me, you don’t want this.
Tony can’t help but smile to himself as he imagines Steve curled up on his couch, wrapped in a million blankets, blonde hair all messy and disheveled and his nose and cheeks flushed pink. How could Steve think he would ever want not to be with him when he’s like that?
I don’t mind, Steve. I miss you and I want you to feel better. I’m coming over, okay?
You do fall asleep on me, by the way, but I’ll pretend you don’t since you’re sick.
Placing his phone on the beside table, Tony gets up and immediately starts pulling his clothes on. He’ll need to go the store to grab a few things before heading to Steve’s place, like the super soft tissues Steve never buys for himself, and probably some more tea as well.
Tony is just about to leave his apartment when Steve responds after a couple minutes of silence.
Okay. Thank you, Tony. I love you.
Warmth flooding in his chest, Tony types out a quick reply before turning the door knob and going out the door.
I love you. Leaving now, see you in a bit.
Tony doesn’t even bother knocking as he lets himself into Steve’s apartment. It’s basically his apartment as much as it’s Steve’s, really, if you look at how much time he spends there in comparison to his penthouse.
It’s not that he doesn’t like his own place, because he does. It’s luxurious, it gets cleaned twice a week, and it’s large enough to fit all of Tony’s crap, which is objectively a lot.
Steve’s apartment is different. It’s smaller, and older, and could definitely use an overhaul in a few places, but it exudes warmth and comfort and feels homey in a way Tony’s place at the tower never could, which is probably why they spend most of their time at Steve’s.
Sometimes Tony wonders why they haven’t moved in together after being together for nearly three years, but maybe they’re just not there yet. And it’s not like it would change a whole lot, honestly. The only time they spent apart is on weeks like this one where both of them are too busy and caught up in their own things that neither of them have the time to make the short trip from Manhattan to Brooklyn.
Tony knows that he wants to, though. He wants to move in with Steve. Or have Steve move in with him. But that’s a minor detail and doesn’t really matter to Tony. What does matter, though, is that Tony won’t ever have to say goodbye to Steve when he goes back to the tower, and that he gets to slip into bed next to Steve every night regardless of their schedules.
And if they lived together, Tony wouldn’t have to rush from his place to Steve’s to take care of him when he’s sick either, because he’d already be there. Anyway, that’s a discussion for another time. Right now, Tony has other things he needs to take care of. Steve, for one.
Tony toes off his shoes and pads into the kitchen, setting the shopping bags on the counter. He might’ve gone a bit overboard and bought an excessive amount of sick-person-things, but Tony has never claimed not to be over the top, especially when it comes to Steve.
From the kitchen, he can hear the tv playing in the living room room, along with a series of incessant sniffles, and Tony figures Steve has already reached the end of his tissue supply. He grabs a box of Kleenex and heads towards the living room where he finds his boyfriend huddled up on the couch.
An empty mug and countless crumpled tissues litter the coffee table, some are on the floor, too, and Tony instantly thinks it looks like every episode of every bad sit-com he’s ever seen where one of the characters is sick. In the center of it all is Steve, who now has his face buried in the crook of his elbow, eyes narrowed into slits, his expression twisted into an anticipatory frown as his breath wavers. After a few seconds, his eyes close fully and he gives into the rush over sneezes.
“ehhCHshoo! H’uhh—uh! chuh’SHhoo! ehh… EISHhh’oo!”
The last sneeze of the triple is strong enough that Steve’s body snaps slightly forward with it, shoulders visibly tensing.
“Looks like you could use these,” Tony announces his presence, waving the Kleenex in the air, and goes to sit next to Steve on the couch, then drops the fresh box of tissues into Steve’s lap. “Bless you, sweetheart.”
Steve still looks a little taken aback by the sneezes and blinks at Tony a few times to clear away the woozy feeling. When he still hasn’t moved after a few seconds, Tony reaches to pull out a few tissues and hands them to Steve.
“Oh, umb… snff! Hey, Tody… snffSNF! Thangks,” Steve says thickly as he accepts the handful of tissues. “I didn’ evend hear you ged id.”
Tony flashes him a soft smile as he brushes a few strands of blonde hair away from Steve’s forehead. “Yeah, you’re probably all bunged up, hm?”
And he really is. His voice has gone all low and he sounds like he’s breathing through concrete. His nose almost looks swollen, too, what with all the congestion that seems to have settled in his head.
Steve sighs stuffily and nods a little. “Yeah, I’mb, uh… snf! snf! oh, ‘scuse m-mbe— huhh-CHshoo! eiiSHH’uhh!”
Sniffling does nothing to stop the tickle from building, in fact, it just coaxes it out. Steve catches the sneezes in the tissues, both hands steepled over his nose and mouth. He gives an experimental blow afterwards, but that just makes him cough, and he gives a few congested snuffles, then coughs some more.
“S-sorry,” he sighs when Tony blesses him and gives him a concerned look. “I’ve beed sndeezing— SNF! all day, ad I’mb… snf! ugh… I’mb jusd so gross.” Steve looks close to a pout, but he can’t keep his mouth closed for more than a few seconds since his nasal airways are completely blocked and impenetrable.
Tony’s worried frown just deepens. “You sound so sick, honey,” he mumbles, brushing a finger across Steve’s nose, putting a light pressure on the maxillary sinus, then strokes it with his thumb. “Can you pronounce anything correctly tight now?” he asks, only half joking.
It makes Steve chuckle, though, a husky, low sound, but it makes his eyes go soft, and Tony feels himself melt a little.
“Ndo,” Steve replies, proving his point and sniffles again. “See? SNFF!”
Tony can only smile at the self-deprecating tone to Steve’s voice and the bashful expression that crosses his face. His already pink cheeks flush a deeper shade of red, and the smile he gives Tony is bordering on shy. Blue eyes are fully fixed on brown, and despite the glazed look to them, there’s still that distinct sparkle that always appears when he looks at Tony.
After a few seconds of intensely gazing into each other’s eyes, Steve ducks his head and looks away. “Stop,” he laughs when he looks back up to find Tony still staring at him.
“Stop what?”
“I doad snfSNF! kndow… You’re mbaking mbe nervous,” Steve says, rubbing his neck and smiling sweetly. Then, suddenly, Steve wrinkles his nose, his entire face scrunching up in irritation. He scrubs his nose against the back of his wrist before quickly bringing the rest of his arm closer to his face. “h’h’uhh! huhESCHhiiew! snffSnff!”
“God bless you, Steve…” Inching closer, Tony drops a kiss to Steve’s cheek. It’s a little warm, but nothing too bad, at least not yet. This close, he can see how the hairs on Steve’s neck raise as he places another peck on his jaw.
“Just relax, okay?” Tony whispers, and Steve hums contently in reply. “I missed you,” he adds, just because he hasn’t told him in person yet. Somehow, it feels like a confession.
“I missed you, too.” Steve grabs Tony’s hand, linking their fingers together and giving it a tight squeeze.
“I know it’s barely been a week, but I really hate not seeing you every day.”
“I kndow… mbe too,” Steve admits and catches his bottom lip between his teeth. He almost looks uncertain for a second, but then he takes a deep breath, steadying himself. “What if you just… stayed? Here. With me.”
Steve looks a little nervous again, watching Tony’s reaction closely.
And, to be honest, Tony’s nervous, too, all of a sudden. “You mean…?” Tony starts, dumbfounded and eyes wide. Steve’s nodding. Tony swallows around the lump in his throat. “Are you— are you sure?”
“I mbean, you basically live here already. And… sniff! It would be nice. Not having to miss you.”
“Steve…” Tony breathes.
“We don’t have to stay here either… we could… snf! We could stay at the tower, or find somewhere else. Not that— I mbean, if you snf! don’t want to, that’s… that’s fine t—“
“Steve,” Tony repeats, this time more confident. “Yes. Yes, I want to stay here. With you.” Tony’s tone is level as he answers. He doesn’t recall ever being so sure of anything, apart from the fact that he loves Steve above everything else.
“Oh,” Steve says and lets out a relieved chuckle. “Thad’s… great. Amazing, even. I-I’mb…”
“Yeah, me too,” Tony says and leans in to brush his lips over Steve’s. “But let’s celebrate later, okay? Right now, you’re having tea and medicine, and then we’ll put on a movie so you can fall asleep on me.”
Steve rolls his eyes fondly. “I don’t fall asleep on you.”
“Oh, yes you do.”
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nanagoswife · 3 years
Please, Don't Go. - Chapter 14
Summary: Will Obi-Wan come back?
W/C: 5k
Warnings: angst
A/N: Here, have some more. More at the end \/\/
- - -
This time, you knew he was standing not far behind you. Over these few weeks, you had felt as if you had finally come to terms that he wasn’t returning. He had never lied to you. So, you believed him when he said that he had fully turned and there was no way back.
You didn’t face him. You couldn’t face him. Not when you knew that the yellow would never shift back. Not when you believed that they would never swirl again. You may have been able to see the shift last time, but, if that was the last thing he needed to be pushed fully to the dark, then it would never happen again.
“I’m surprised you came back,” you say coldly. You still refused to turn around now. If he was here to do what you thought, you didn’t want to look at him as he did. What he actually did only brought more pain that morphed into anger.
“I wanted to say sorry,” he said in a solemn tone. He wanted you to turn around, but he could feel that you were angry. It would’ve taken him by surprise, but he couldn’t blame you. Obi-Wan had done nothing but hurt you with each word and action he made.
Your scoff only confirmed that. Was he too late?
He really had the audacity to come here and apologize? For what? The fact that he’s probably going to just say he’s leaving you forever? Or maybe because he’s trying to trick you into thinking that he’s coming back. Whatever it was, you didn’t care. You would forever live without him if that's what it came to.
“I lied to you an-”
“You did a lot more than lie to me Obi-Wan,” you said, trying your best to keep your tone steady. It took a sharp edge that even surprised you. Sure, you were angry, but you had never heard yourself ever say something that way.
“I know,” he said in a quiet voice. Unlike how you felt, he was expecting the sharpness of your words. He knew it was probably a fool's errand to come back and be welcomed after the last visit, but he still hoped.
You felt as your frown only deepened. Why, of all moments, was he only now sounding like he regretted everything. The difference in his voice compared to the first visit had your mind starting to question this. He sounded too normal compared to that night.
Not only that, but he was approaching this situation the same way he would years ago. His tone was filled with a guilty cadence, he made no attempt to approach without permission, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he was looking down at the floor while shifting from one foot to the other. With all of this combined, it was almost like he never turned…
Curious, you threw away your decision of never facing him. When you turned, your eyes settled on his as he looked up and you didn’t know how to react. The once Sith yellow irises that you were sure would be there, weren’t. Not fully. It was almost entirely the gentle blue-grey that you knew so well. Your resolve that you half-heartedly decided on days ago was immediately shattered.
When you turn, Obi-Wan could still see the anger in your eyes. As he met your gaze, the hardness softened, but he couldn’t be sure. He knew that, once you made up your mind, it was hard to change that. His foolish hope that you would take him back after all of this was slowly dying.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come back-” he started in a quiet, broken voice.
“No,” you cut him off. “You don’t have to.” You looked down at the ground, almost ashamed at how you acted. Of all people, you should know not to assume right away. Especially when it came to Obi-Wan. “I just had actually believed that you wouldn’t come back.”
“How could I not now that I know that you’re alive,” he said before cautiously taking a step closer. “How could I not when I saw how much pain I caused you because I was too afraid of actually being accepted back to a life with you.”
Your gaze softened, “I know you didn’t mean to, Obi.”
Obi-Wan’s heart swelled with hope when you addressed him that way. It was always a way that you used to show him that you still cared. That’s what he took it as now, because if not, he didn’t know what he would do with himself.
“There’s a question you asked last time,” he started, looking down at the ground. “You asked if I hadn’t fully turned that night.”
You nodded.
“I didn’t mean what I said. I-” he took a breath before bringing his eyes to meet yours. “I just panicked. Until I saw you, I hadn’t questioned anything since the night I thought you died. It overwhelmed me but it made me think. I never truly turned because I had the smallest flicker of hope; I still had a spark of light that was raging against the dark. That hope was you.” He looked down again, “The plea you had before I turned away was my unconscious hope.”
You could’ve sworn you saw tears in his eyes, but he blinked them away. He didn’t only blink away the tears, but, as his eyes met yours once again, he blinked away the rest of the swirling yellow. For the first time in nearly four years, you truly saw Obi-Wan Kenobi’s eyes. Not the Sith. Not the Jedi. But the man you had fallen in love with was back.
“And here I am. Hoping that you will at least help me. I don’t expect you to take me back, but I need someone to help me work everything out. So that I don’t fall again,” he said with pleading eyes.
You couldn’t hold yourself back any longer. Instead of saying your answer, you ran and crashed into his arms. You laughed with happy tears in your eyes as you felt Obi-Wan easily wrap his arms around you.
There was no more need to restrain yourself. The man you loved was back and you were going to cling to him. You were going to cling to him like he was going to leave again at any second.
Obi-Wan was doing the same as he held you tightly. He was afraid that you might disappear from his arms if he let go. Never again will he let himself believe anything until he sees it for himself. He would never let the dark take him again.
That’s when he felt the light come pouring back into him with a new, more energizing flow. It filled him with a new sense of certainty in the force like he had never felt before.
Pulling back to bask in the blue pools you had missed so much, you moved your hand to graze his hair above his hair as you whispered, “There you are,” with a happy, almost laughing in relief, lilt.
“I’m so sorry, darling,” he met your gaze with a sad but hopeful expression. “I feel so guilty. I caused you so much pain over these years-”
You cut him off with a hush and moved the hand from his hair to his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder. “It doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that you’re here now.”
He smiled, “Then, I can now say, with complete certainty this time, that I will never leave you again for the dark.”
“In a way, you never did,” you say while looking up at him from your place on his shoulder. He shuddered when he looked at your smile. You weren’t sure whether he was going to cry or laugh.
Bringing his hand up, he used his thumb and index finger to lightly pinch your chin. He guided your face until his lips were only inches from yours, but he stopped. Doubt started to fill him as he wasn’t sure if you would even take him back. At least, not like that.
So, he dropped his hand, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t assume-”
“Won’t you just shut up,” you said with a laugh before closing the last of the distance, pressing your lips to his. Immediately, he relaxed into you and kissed you back with the same intensity. Everything around you faded as all you focused on was him.
You moved your hands so that they could brush through his hair until they met at the back of his head and you used it to pull him ever so slightly closer. Obi-Wan had one hand on your cheek while the other rested at the small of your back, pulling your body into his.
If it was possible, his black robes were even more scratchy than his beige tunics from the Jedi. You couldn’t help but laugh into the kiss as you thought of it. These robes were even stiffer.
“How do you ever move in these,” you said with a chuckle, your lips still partially attached to his as you brought a hand down to tug on his tabard.
Obi-Wan chuckled and rested his forehead on yours. “A great question that I don’t even know the answer to.”
For a few amazing, silent moments, the two of you stayed like this. Obi-Wan never wanted to let you go again. The longer he held you against him, the more he felt every emotion build up inside of him. Tonight was the night for confessions, and he wasn’t going to waste it.
“Y/N, I love you. I always have,” he said in an almost whisper. “And I want to be by your side. If you’ll have me,” he said, moving his head back so that he could properly look into your eyes.
“Obi-Wan, I-”
The moment was disrupted as you heard the code being pressed in for your door. You felt as Obi-Wan tensed and began to pull away but you pulled him back.
“It’s alright.”
“But what if-”
You placed a hand to his cheek and brought his face back so that he was looking at you, “It’s alright. Padmé already knows. Plus, you should meet your son.”
“I- I don’t know if I’m ready,” he said, eyes frantically shifting from you to the door. You knew that you had time before it actually opened. Your son was not one that ended the night right away.
In response you nodded. “Then, go at your own pace. If you can’t do it now, then we can introduce you later.”
Obi-Wan thickly swallowed before nodding. You could see the worry in his eyes just before he closed them and rested his forehead to yours. You felt him quake, almost like he was in pain.
“When would be a good day to come back?”
“Whenever you want. Whenever you need,” you whisper. “I love you, Obi-Wan. You’re always welcome here.”
When his eyes opened to meet yours, the yellow was back, but you knew it was a disguise as his smile spoke of what he truly felt. The only purpose of the change was that the Sith Lord would not catch on to his turning back to the light. Was that why he seemed like he was in pain moments ago?
Reluctantly, Obi-Wan pulled away from your warmth. He didn’t want to, but he had to.
With a short nod, he left. Just as his cloak had disappeared, Aldoken came bounding in with Padmé trailing just behind him with laughter. You giggled when you saw the small boy running around, pretending to fly with his cape that really was for formality.
“Momma!” your son squealed before leaping into your arms. You lifted him up and spun him as your arms held him tight.
“Aldoken,” you said after putting him back down, “would you be able to go to your room and play there for a moment? Momma needs to talk to Aunt Padmé for a minute.”
Your son beamed and nodded. Gently turning him around by his shoulders, he obediently went to his room and gently closed the door behind him. Giggles let you know that he hadn’t wasted a single second when it came to playing with his toys.
“What’s going on?” Padmé would’ve been worried if you weren’t smiling. Something happened that made you this happy, and there was no way it could be work related.
“He came back.”
Over the next few weeks, you would come home and find small notes from Obi-Wan. In each one, he would tell you whether he would stop by only for you, oftentimes sneaking into your room by the balcony. Some give you updates on how he was feeling about taking the next step. It seemed that he was getting close to being ready. You gave him all of the time he needed.
When you came home without Aldoken one day, there was no note to be found. Instead, you were greeted by Obi-Wan standing in the middle of the sitting room.
Dropping anything you had in your hands, you ran over to him. He held his arms out and took you into his warm embrace. He hadn’t been able to see you in the last few days, so you wanted to enjoy his warmth. You wanted to enjoy it as much as you could before he had to leave again. It pained you to see him go after turning his eyes back, but it was necessary. It was almost like all those years hiding your love from the Jedi all over again.
“I missed you,” you say muffled into the material of his black cloak.
In response, he squeezed a little tighter before pulling back enough to look at you. “I would miss me too,” he teased.
Playfully, you pushed at his chest, causing both of you to laugh, before pulling him in for a quick kiss. When you looked in his eyes, there was something in the blue that glinted with a new confidence.
Before you could ask what it was, he answered, “I’m ready. I’m not afraid anymore.”
Smiling, you brought a hand up and let your fingers splay through his beard as you cupped his cheek. He leaned into your palm and let out a contented sigh before letting his eyes close. He missed your touch.
“Okay. Padmé and Cody are with him.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes shot open, “Cody? How is he? Does he know what happened? Is he mad at me?”
“Shh, Obi,” you moved your hand and did what you haven’t done in so long. You stroked your fingers through his hair from just above his ear to the nape of his neck. It always worked to calm him before, and this moment was no exception.
The tension that had built in his shoulders slowly dissipated and his breathing slowed once again.
Obi-Wan and his clone commander had been close during his time as a general. So, you weren’t surprised when he reacted to his friend’s name like that.
“Cody is well. He does know what happened, but he isn’t mad,” you said softly. Obi-Wan seemed to relax even further, especially when seeing the sincerity in your eyes. You continued, “If anything, he’s worried. He’s been one of the people that was helping me try to find you. Cody believed you would come back. Me, Anakin, Padmé, Rex, and all of the 212th. Especially Aldoken.”
Bewilderment crossed his face at that, “Really?”
When your hand met the nape of his neck, you pulled him down until his forehead rested on yours, “Really. What is the light without hope?”
With that, Obi-Wan smiled. There were so many things running through his mind. The ones he loved didn’t give up on him, even one he never met. They were all ready to help him even in the time of his darkness. They all believed in him.
“Oh, Obi,” you say and brush some of his fringe away from his eyes where tears were forming. He was halfway between laughing and sobbing, and you were unsure which one would win.
“I don’t deserve any of you,” he said shakily.
“You deserve it all. All you did for nearly your whole life was putting others before yourself. You constantly risked your life for me, your friends, your troopers, the galaxy,” you paused for a moment. The new light in his eyes brought a new sense of happiness to your heart. “And your son,” you finished.
Then, he finally gave in and let it all go. His tears streamed and you could feel the hot streams against your neck where he had buried his face. You placed one hand in the middle of his broad shoulders and used the other to hold the back of head. The shudders and hitching in his shoulders along with the sounds he was making would’ve broken your heart if this wasn’t a happy moment.
You held him for what felt like a lifetime. A lifetime that you wished would stay like this for the rest of your years. You held him not until he had calmed, but for many minutes after until he pulled back so that he could look in your eyes.
In all of your years of knowing Obi-Wan, you had never seen such certainty and resolve in his eyes. You knew there was something else on his mind.
“What is it?”
He took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure whether you would agree to this or not. Would anybody even agree to help him after these years? He just wanted this to be over and if no one else would help him, he would do it himself.
It wasn’t the time for him to ask yet, though. Not now when everything is just so good. He didn’t want to risk what he finally just earned so quickly. No, he’d make sure that he gets as much time as he possibly can before you possibly push him away. It wasn’t the right time for anyone.
“Nothing, darling. It can be discussed later,” he said softly and brought a hand up to tuck some hair behind your ear. You gave him a doubtful look, but you accepted it. If you tried to push him, it might not go too well.
“Okay. Would you like some tea while we wait for the others to get back? I have your favourite and it will help you relax.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise, “You still have it?”
“Of course,” you said with a laugh. “Living with a man who has an incredible taste for things has a lasting effect.”
The smile he had grew when he watched you walk over to the kitchen that was a part of the same room. The only thing that separated it was an island that mirrored the path of the counter top.
“I don’t deserve you,” he said quietly under his breath. You heard the sound, but you didn’t ask what he said. All you cared about was that you were slowly getting your Obi-Wan back every day.
Sure, there’ll be some things to work through, but that was for another day. Besides, it all got put to the side as you felt him wrap his arms around you as you prepared everything. Yes, this was your Obi-Wan, and he was back.
Obi-Wan sensed them coming, making him pause and tense in the middle of his conversation with you. When you saw this, you didn’t waste a second. You got up and knelt beside where he sat.
“Relax,” you say softly with a hand resting on his bicep. “It will be alright. Just… imagine it’s like you’re meeting Anakin for the first time again.”
He gave you a side glance accompanied by a raised eyebrow.
“Okay, maybe not exactly like that,” you said with a small giggle. This definitely wasn’t following a wild chase by a Sith that his master had just been able to fight off. No, this is a lot calmer and, instead of his rambunctious padawan, this was his son.
As you stood, you lightly tugged on his sleeve for him to do the same. It was almost like he was light-headed as he slightly wobbled when he stood. He was so nervous that it was all he could think of. What was he like? Would Aldoken like him? Would he be disgusted or afraid and hide behind you? How would Padmé react when she saw him standing there?
“Obi, don’t worry,” you said in a tender tone. You wanted to provide him with as much comfort as you possibly could before the exuberant light of your life comes barreling in.
Once again, you placed a hand on his arm. Although the tension was still there, you could feel him loosen the slightest bit. That was what you were going for and you continued to think of comforting things, knowing that he was using your positive energy almost like a crutch for his nerves.
Other than Obi-Wan taking deep breaths, the room was silent while you waited. It was only interrupted when you heard your son’s small running feet and giggles from outside of the door.
Leaving Obi-Wan where he was, you went to the door to greet the little racket that must’ve had a fun time with his best clone friend and his aunt. Cody has and always was Aldoken’s favourite, and Cody took on the role as his protector. It was a sweet thought as it was just like your dynamic with Captain Baize.
Other than Cody, it seemed like every clone loved him. He often interacted with the clones, with you being a senator, but also because you were so close with Anakin. The 212th had kept in contact with you as well since you were friends with Obi-Wan’s clone commander. There was a lot that brought the two of you together.
Then, there were many members of the Coruscant Guard that took a liking to the boy. Commander Thorn had been the closest of them, and it was heartbreaking when you had to do your best to explain to your three-year-old when Thorn had sacrificed himself while protecting Padmé. Aldoken had been torn up for a few days until Cody came in and helped the boy through it. After that day, he had been his normal, sprightly self. From then, you always got Cody to come in to comfort him for matters like that.
Your nearly four-year-old was overly mature for his age. Whether it was because of the time, or if it was because he had a penchant for learning and absorbing every bit of knowledge like a sponge, you couldn’t tell. It only was made better at the fact that he was still playing and acting his age. Well, he mostly did with the occasional request to play different puzzle games and wanting to learn how to read as soon as possible. You thought that he’d be reading novels any day now.
Without knowing him personally, you’d almost never know that he was as energetic and playful as he was. He was always so well behaved. It showed whenever he would come with you to your office in the senate building. Aldoken would usually read or play quietly.
Occasionally he would fall asleep while sitting in your lap, his head falling against your shoulder. It was those moments that he would remind you of Obi-Wan. You couldn’t keep track of how many times Obi-Wan had fallen asleep while leaning up against you in some way as you worked.
When you heard the ruckus reach the door, you pressed the button and it slid open. Aldoken was too busy nagging Cody, now dressed in his grey officer uniform, to hurry his pace to notice that the door was now open. Padmé was already there, and gave you a smile. One that was both directed at the situation in front of you, but also knowing what was coming. You had sent her a quick message as a heads up.
“Ald, I’m coming. You must know I have to get going though, my little general,” Cody said with a chuckle as he finally caught up. He knelt down and pinched your son's nose while gently wiggling it. Giggles burst forward at the act.
The boy puffed out his chest in pride at the nickname after the teasing had stopped. Cody would always say that Aldoken took over Obi-Wan’s place as his ‘general’. All of the clones had some sort of nickname for him, but he didn’t take as much pride in any other. Aldoken, with his knowledge of his father as the great Jedi general, strove to be like him. Constantly, you would see him watching holo reels of Obi-Wan defending civilians and his own men. They were no doubt given to him from Cody, who could never say no to him.
“Yes, he will leave soon. But first, you and I are going to play a little game while momma and Cody have a brief chat,” Padmé said smoothly. You gave her a hard stare but it only lasted a moment so that the other two wouldn’t catch it.
This was not part of the plan, but you knew Obi-Wan would be more than glad to see his old friend. Not only that, but Cody would be able to gain some relief from seeing Obi-Wan.
You caught Obi-Wan’s eye quickly to silently ask if he was okay with it. His eyes only showed desperation at the thought of seeing his clone commander, that he had grown so close to, again.
Cody put on a front like he knew what was happening for Aldoken, but you knew he was truly confused. As the ever loyal man he was, he silently agreed and followed you into the apartment.
When he stepped in, you were careful to make sure that he kept his back to where Obi-Wan stood.
“Is everything alright?” Cody immediately asked as the door slid shut. Usually, when you needed to talk to him like this, it was because something was bothering you. Both Anakin and Cody were the ones you spoke with most when you were thinking of Obi-Wan.
You gave Cody a smirk, “No. I’m alright, it’s nothing like that. I do, however, have something to show you. And I hope you won’t react too negatively about it.”
The man gave you a confused look, his scar stretching as his brows furrowed. “Now why would I do that?”
With that, you looked over at Obi-Wan who had taken a few steps closer. He had been so stealthy about it that even you, who had been facing him the whole time, hadn’t noticed his cautious approach.
“Because she’s talking about me,” Obi-Wan said carefully.
His intention was to not startle his old friend, but it failed. Cody had jumped and whipped around to face the new voice. His eyes went wide and a disbelieving look flooded Cody’s face. You noticed that he had tensed and you weren’t sure whether he was ready to fight Obi-Wan, or if he was going to run and embrace him.
He chose neither, and instead said in an uncertain voice, “I-it’s really you?.” You watched as a smile pulled on Cody’s lips but didn’t fully form when he saw the blue eyes and not the yellow that he expected.
In response, Obi-Wan smiled as Cody rapidly shifted from looking at you, who was also grinning, back to Obi-Wan.
Finally, Cody let the smile show before exclaiming, “You came back!” He then hurried forward and pulled his former general into an embrace. The scene before you warmed your heart as you watched the two friends reunite. The two of them may have only known each other for less than a year, but you saw how quickly they had bonded. It wasn’t much quicker than the bond that Cody and Aldoken formed.
“Yes, I did,” Obi-Wan said quietly. There was a question that he still wanted answered that couldn’t wait as Cody pulled back and took a respectable step away. “How’s the 212th? Who led you through the years?”
Cody smiled. It was just like Obi-Wan to think about the masses rather than his personal life. “They’re fine. Waxer and Boil are still kicking around,” he said with a smirk that hid a different meaning; an inside joke. “General Skywalker took us on, actually. Between him, Rex, and Ahsoka, they worked hard to secure us.”
Obi-Wan felt slight guilt in his lapse in memory when Cody mentioned he grand padawan, “How is Ahsoka?”
“She left The Order,” you say when Cody couldn’t find a way to tell him. Obi-Wan looked shocked at the news. “It’s a complicated story. I’ll be sure to tell you later.”
“I hate to break the moment,” Cody started, “but I really do need to be getting back. I told Boil I would help him with a report.”
Smiling, Obi-Wan placed a hand on his commander’s shoulder. It was an act that you had seen a thousand times between the two. Cody returned the smile and a new light was shining in his eyes.
“Just keep this between us for now, my friend. The time will come to tell everyone,” Obi-Wan said with a gentle tone. Cody, ever so loyal, nodded and patted the hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, sir.”
With that, Cody turned away to face you. Quickly, he kissed your cheek goodbye and headed toward the door. Before letting it slide open, he took a moment to see as you were now standing beside Obi-Wan. His hand was around your waist and you were comfortably leaning against him, both of you smiling at the other like you had all those years ago. That’s when Cody was one hundred percent certain things would be alright. The two of you were back, which only meant good things were coming.
- - -
A/N: I AM SO SORRY THAT I HAD TO DO YOU ALL LIKE THAT WITH THE LAST TWO CHAPTERS 😭 To be honest, it made me happy to see people were as upset as I was, and I wrote it 😂 Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the now happier moments of this chapter as much as I did. Hope you all have a great day😁
@stardancerluv @where-fantasy-meets-reality @jaydenwoo @madmax2003 @mackycat11 @generousrunawaydonut @imabeautifulbutterfly
31 notes · View notes
namjoonchronicles · 4 years
rough | sj
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↳ pairing seokjin x you
↳ genre domestic, fluff, slice of life, heir!seokjin, husband!seokjin, established relationship
↳ words 2.7k
↳ summary again seokjin’s conglomerate family comes in between your marriage, but this time, seokjin will not stay silent
↳ song lauv ‘love like that’
↳ author’s note the 7-day writing challenge continues with seokjin! <3
Blanket rustling. A hand clamored on the vibrating alarm. A silhouette of a broad shoulder of a man sat awake on the edge of the bed, clicking his neck right and left. Seokjin rubs the back of his neck. He slid the indoor slippers on, walked wobbly around the king-sized bed, leaving the striped curtain down for his wife to sleep longer. Hand on the knob to the bathroom, he splashes water on his face. With the tips of his hair wet, he brushed his teeth. The morning always begins the same way from Seokjin. He is up by 6am, he does all his morning necessities, plants a kiss on the wife’s cheek and checks out the daughter in the next room. Once he has gotten a good look and the situation is unalarming, he proceeds to the kitchen. He looked at a post-it note placed on the fridge door, and today, his wife wanted to take kimchi fried rice with egg to the office for lunch.
Easy. I can do that. He thought.
Lily, his 7 years old daughter is still asleep. Overnight yoghurt is ready for her.  For his wife, she would have something warm. So he took out a bowl and poured a cup of oats inside, meanwhile the coffee was brewing as it was set to start brewing at about 6:15am in the morning, everyday. Coffee is the most important beverage to start the day. Without it, civilization might not even exist. Seokjin thought as his lips embraced the warm hug of the energizing liquid, downing a sip, cascading down his parched throat. He let out a satisfied sigh. The curtain in the living room is drawn open even before the sun is up. The cold air of the morning had fogged the glass window but with a click of a button, it cleared. Seokjin begin fluffing the cushion on the sofa, fix the runner on the coffee table and cleared the kitchen counter ready for breakfast. It’s almost 6.45am. You’ll be up and you would wake Lily right after. But before that, you will steal his coffee mug.
“Morning to you too,” he monotonously said while you grab his mug from his hand.
“I hate Mondays…” You grumbled.
“But today is Tuesday…” he corrected you, glancing at the digital calendar on the fridge.
“A second monday is no different,” You placed the mug down, and leaned on his arm.
“What time did you sleep last night?” he asked, shaking his arm sporadically to keep you awake because it seemed that you snoozed on them.
“Late, late…” you muttered.
Because of that, Seokjin offered to wake Lily this time around. But only today. Lily is draped over her father’s able body as he walks around, getting the laundries to run so he could dry them on time before the noon drama begins. You are in the shower, still whining about having to leave for work, trashing and sighing and whatever adults do when they have to work to get the bills paid. Sitting in your bathrobe, Seokjin had your oatmeal ready. Lily is on his lap while he fed her overnight yoghurt. She has school this morning, online classes. Lily always had a soft spot for her dad. Technically, he’s mom. He’s the one at home while the mom works. He teaches vocal lessons online after the virus decided to return to the community. He doesn’t really prefer online classes, literally no one does. It’s just not the same. You on the other hand, would have preferred working at home instead. If only you could bring those machines home. The vaccine development is in its pilot state, and there are so many things to be done. Your present is required in all the meetings.
Yesterday, you were up late to decipher the most recent problem your team encountered. The DNAs are denatured when it is transferred into the carrier and no matter how much you argued, (how impossible it was to happen) since there was no presence of heat at all to have caused the denature,  it happened anyways.
“Phones off the table please, mummy…” Seokjin warned.
Typing frantically a few more sentences, your phone is taken away by your husband and set on the side table, mere an arm length away. Lily watches in silence and while you wretched in silent agony.
“What’s happened?” Seokjin asked. Telling him everything, explaining it in simple words. Your animated way of telling stories comes in beneficial today, even Lily is engaged. Then the shoulders dropped. The tone mellows and your lips begin to mumble when you hit the no-answer part of the story, the part where it leaves you stuck.
“And I don’t know what to do to fix that particular mishap…”
Seokjin pursed his lips. That’s when Lily reached her little arms out to you.
“It’s okay, mummy. You’ll find a way to do it today…” She even pats your knuckle while at it. You switched your palm upward and held her hand. Seokjin smiled proudly at her, and kissed her hard on the head. You both shared a look across the kitchen counter, and you know you both are thinking of the same thing; Lily surely is an angel. She may be 7, but she doesn’t know just how much that meant to you. You will walk the headquarters today, a lot more confident than you did yesterday, and when you are confident, you are able to look through windows that are otherwise shut. That reminds you of Seokjin truly. He just always had so much faith in you that even if you don’t have it in you, you would think you do just because he believed so.
He hands you your lunch by the door. A hug for a minute every day, therapists say, would be good for the mind, body and soul. Sometimes it drags longer than that, depending on the severity of the situation. But he smells like bed and toothpaste in the morning, with his little bed hair that you wouldn’t mind doing it for an hour. Lily leans down for a kiss on the cheek and she hands you a facemask before you leave while Seokjin hands you the car key. Usually he would drive you to work and fetch you home but since both of his classes and Lily’s are online, there’s no need to go back and forth, exposing themselves to the virus even more while being out. You would like it better if they never had to leave home. Lily waves you goodbye from the door and Seokjin watches you leave with a smile stuck on his face. And you looked back thinking, the year may have taken a number of things, but they’ve also strengthened the little family you have.
Walking in with a comfortable glide by the lounge of the already bustling office, wait… Bustling? Everyone rushed in and out pushing carts of files and trays. Even the decors are being moved about. What is going on? You tilted your head to one side and looked for a familiar face. But seeing no one you know, you opened the door to your office and dialled Yoongi, your trustee alliance in the building. He answered with a cocky huff, “You don’t know? The investors are coming in today!” Yoongi can be all kinds of things, but lying isn’t one. It was not impossible for investors to come in without a proper walkthrough towards the manufacture of the vaccine but, isn’t this way too early?
“I think they’re antsy, the economy is at its lowest this time of day and they want profit… Capitalists,” Yoongi swings in with his coffee mug.
“I thought this would be on Friday, I would have had everything ready on Friday,” you fussed, shifting papers and files, frantically typing on last modifications on the presentation you had prepared.
“That, you could blame your rookie assistant, the new boy, what’s his name,” Yoongi clicked his tongue, proceeds to think hard.
“Yeonjun?” “Yes, Yeonjun. He got the time zone all wrong…”
You shut your eyes in agony. Noticing your silence, Yoongi took a seat in front of, swivel in the chair in the behaviour of an heir to a convenient store chain, before stopping dead in front of you, voice deeper than the sea.
“Mrs. Kim,” he said, “Aren’t you afraid? “Of what?” “The investors that are coming are Astra Pharmaceutics…” “So?” “They’re linked to your in-laws medical centres… before your marriage with Kim Seokjin.”
Astra Pharma. It is a joint company orchestrated by your father-in-law, their first ever attempt to venture into the medical line. How could you forget the name of the company? Astra Pharma is owned by a powerful chaebol Kim clan, one of which Seokjin grew up with. They have a daughter that they wanted Seokjin to marry with. That was 10 years ago, which means that that daughter is going to pioneer the company now, and her name is Kim Yoojin. Every year she sends a bouquet of flowers to Seokjin’s family restaurant on New Year's. She never missed any stores that Seokjin family opens.
Yoongi searched her name on Naver for you. She is standing on the patio, giving out speeches. It most certainly didn’t help that she is elegant, stunning and charismatic. Even as she walked into the meeting room right now, with her entourage. She really wants to talk business. And you know nothing about that. Your defenses are science, your core is pharmaceutical and your strength is knowledge. If she begins a financial jargon with you, you will be making a fool out of yourself. Somehow, knowing that she is the preferred daughter-in-law, makes it even worse.
No room for mistakes.
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Dial tone, and again, unanswered.
“Where could mummy be…” Seokjin hums. “A meeting probably…” Lily replied.
Seokjin gapes his mouth open to have his daughter feed him a biscuit. Lily, being a little rascal refuses to give up her biscuits.
“That’s right, that’s how I raised you, don’t share unless you get something too,” Seokjin joked around. Seokjin might have left the stove running when he answered a call from his mother. Lily was drawing on the dining table, waiting for her next online class. She is to take pictures of her drawings and send them to her teacher. Seokjin returns to the kitchen, placing the phone sandwiched between his shoulder and ear.
“Son,” she began, “Why don’t you take your wife to a resort this weekend so Lily could spend the weekend with her grandparents here in Hannam… wouldn’t that be nice?”
Seokjin squeezed his eyes, and set down that spatula.
“Mom….” he warned, “Is there something else you would like to tell me?”
After hearing what his mother had to say, Seokjin rushed out the door along with Lily, driving down the white Palisade to Hannam mansion where his mother was waiting outside. Seokjin drops Lily and rushes inside the mansion to grab a few more things. But before he leaves, he locks his eyes on his mother and says with utmost firmness, “You and I will have to talk after I get this settled.” His mother gave him a stricken smile while Lily smiled wickedly at her father. Blue Lamborghini, Aventador S engine roars as it sped out the garage door. Seokjin pulls down the window to speak to his daughter, “Behave, or else…” Lily gave out an ‘OK’ sign with her fingers.
The luxurious car then sped out into the street.
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There weren’t any mistakes. Any investors coming would have been persuaded by the way you carry the presentation. The marketing strategy and pilot scale up plans are concise and rectified. The points are delivered extensively and with proper explanation. However, when you were prepared for scientific questions and whatnot, you come to realise that the CEO of Astra Pharma was interested in anything but science.
“How is Kim Seokjin?”
Everyone else in the room was taken aback by the strangely intimate question posed on a vaccine presentation. It was out of line and obviously, out of place. Even as a person as wealthy as her. Not only was it a deliberate display of her unprofessionalism, she was also bringing down her company’s image. It’s like she is ready to overturn the hard work her parents put into raising her, for a man who is married to someone else.
“He is… perfectly well, though I am not sure what’s that has got to do with our topic of discussion for today…”
You mumbled the last few words to yourself. What is she doing? What is she thinking of doing? Steal Seokjin back? If that’s her intention, then it's the worst strategy she could ever come up with. Not only would it fail her immensely, Seokjin will literally drag her and her family’s face down in the dirt for even trying to tear his family apart. You know him enough to know that he would fight the world for his wife and kids. Hence, that’s why you couldn’t understand Yoojin’s motive to bring this all up, ten years after. Is she trying to embarrass you? In the middle of a presentation filled by scientists who care nothing about the personal lives of one of their own? She is only making a fool out of herself, despite her money.
“You must have been so confused… as to why I brought up your husband in this…” she stood up in her Swarovski studded heels. She made her way to you around the table, enticing everyone in the room with her walk and her words.
“No, I am confused as to why a company like yours is interested in investing in the same exact study your own university is working on. It’s like buying the exact same cows doing the exact same thing, producing the exact type of product with twice the price,” you tracted.
“I guess that’s why he liked you,” she looks down to the floor and up the ceiling with a cunning smile, “You’re a sheep in the pack of wolves.” She locked her hyena-like eyes to you. The hair in the back of your neck stood up. You have no idea what she meant by that.
“I am investing for you to stop. Your formula is bound to fail anyways. So before the company suffers any more losses due to your incompetence, I suggest you halt all activity and let the high rollers play the game. This field is not for amateurs.”
“I think you might have forgotten that I am a scientist, not a businesswomen. Your concern is not mine to worry. My job is to get to my vaccines and make sure it works, and that’s what I’m paid to do. Whether or not you invested, is none of my concerns.”
You collected your things on the desk. And she smiled wickedly,
“Well then, you leave me no choice, I will have to sue you for forging the templates my company has patented…” “How do you sue me for fraud if I don’t do any forging?”
“You’re surely a meek girl… Seokjin will have to cushion the blow with an expensive legal fee now don’t he?”
Was there a mole in the company? Yoongi walks in. Along with Seokjin.
“Tell them what you did,” Seokjin said, and then, “Tell them what you did!” He thundered.
Yoongi confessed to stealing the documents and making it seem like it was forged. He also sent the emails and had them edited so the dates were wrong. He was paid handsomely by Astra Pharma to send all updates on the formula which then led the pharma company to imitate the make-ups protein-by-protein. He used the friendship he had established with you to gain all access to your files. He also confessed that he refused to continue doing it and when he decided to pull the plugs from Astra Pharma, Astra Pharma threatened him. He had no choice but to abide to the play Yoojin wanted orchestrated. When it was clear what Yoojin actually wanted (to spill dirt on your name so she could feel above you for once in her life after she lost Seokjin), Yoongi decided to come clean. He came to Seokjin’s mother and begged for forgiveness, because it was through her that he had gotten a job in your pharma company.
. . .
Seokjin leans on his blue lamborghini, waiting for you to come outside. He has his Raybans on and a black bomber jacket over a white tee.
“Are you mad at my family?” “Won’t you be?”
The car door lifts up and you climb in.
“You should have just married her and this all could have been avoided.” “Where’s the fun in that?”
Copyright © january 5th, 2021 namjoonchronicles do not repost, and thank you for reading!
113 notes · View notes
wordynerdygurl · 4 years
Sticky, Sweet
Author’s Note:  I’m so pleased to tell you that this is the first of my 1000 Followers Requests!  Again, how do 1000 people like me enough to read my words?  I don’t know!!  But I love you all!   Also, bless my beta - @sammy-jo1977​ ... she lets me drag her to hell and back, and goes willingly.  Lots of Love, lady! Pairing:  Loki x Female Reader, appearances from many of the Avengers Tower residents Summary:  This was requested by the amazing, adorable and always supportive @alexakeyloveloki​ ... As I hit my milestone, she was having a birthday, and this, I hope will be a gift she’ll enjoy.  You deserve it girl! The request was:  One with Loki and a Curvy Reader where she works in the Tower, maybe the canteen, and people are mean to her and Loki likes her for some odd reason and... smut ensues. I did make some changes, but I hope you’ll enjoy it either way, @alexakeyloveloki​ !! Warnings:  This one might give you a toothache!  There’s smut, but it’s sweet!
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“Uh, yes.  Might I trouble you for a chocolate croissant and… a cappuccino, large, please.”
You knew the owner of that voice without raising your eyes.  Today he was wearing charcoal grey slacks with straight creases all the way down.  A shirt, starched, bright white, with rolled back sleeves revealing the articulate length of his forearms.  All of his dark locks were gathered over his open collar in a low man bun, which is something you had laughed at other men for doing.  Somehow, the tall, trim man in front of you was making it work in a way that made your mouth water.
Flashing him a megawatt smile, full of promise, “My pleasure!  Is there anything else I can get for you?”
“No.  Thank you, though.”, warm and caramel sweet, his response made you melt.
Clearing your throat, struggling to maintain some sense of composure, “A name… for the order?”
“Loki… that’s L, O, K, I…”, his own grin widening at the request.
You knew his name.  He’d been coming to your little dessert cart for months now and every time you asked, just like you did for all of your customers.  And each time he spelled out the letters for you, as if you were taking his order for the first time.  Handing back change only for him to drop it into the tip jar, you let your eyes linger over Loki just a moment more, enjoying the view.
Most of the visitors to Avengers Tower paid you little to no attention.  Outside of offering a cup of joe and a giant cookie, you had no bearing on the day to day business of the super hero syndicate, and that was just fine by you.  Everyone else?  They all had important things to do.  Meetings and appointments were near constant as apparently saving the world took a lot of planning.  And, thankfully, a lot of coffee, danish and muffins.
Of all your customers, the actual, swear to God heroes were the most colorful.  They were also the most loyal of your clients, stopping in at least daily, although, there were occasions where you would see Wanda two or three times in a day.  Especially if you had made those little mille-feuille stacks that reminded her of home.
Thor would buy out your stash of jelly donuts, to the chagrin of the office workers in line behind him, but then divvy them up as a way of apologizing.  Ms. Romanoff had a tendency to whisper her order, lest anyone realize her secret desire for a sinfully sweet White Chocolate Mocha with whipped cream.  Captain Rogers?  His routine was the most straight-forward.  Black coffee, ma’am, Blueberry muffin, thank you so much.
Loki, from the start, had been different.  Unlike Mr. Stark, Loki looked you in the eye when placing his order.  He never seemed distracted by the technology buzzing around or the high ranking officials clustered in these hallowed halls.  Loki also didn’t order 12 shots of espresso, steamed skim milk, no foam, and one donut hole.  No, that was Tony to a t.
But Loki?  This giant guy, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, always ordered your daily special.  Frilly pink cupcakes, jam filled eclairs, fruity hand pies, Loki had tasted them all.  And he still turned up, day after day, eager and kind.  That had to mean something, right?
Honestly, it was the pinnacle of your day when, looking up from the grinder, you’d see him towering majestically over the office drones all in a row.  Knowing that smooth voice would soon be speaking to you, even if it was just to get a snack on the run, was almost enough.  Almost.
Letting your gaze linger after Loki’s retreating figure, you got lost in a daydream, one where you were making Loki coffee in your kitchen.  His lengthy legs tucked under your tiny table, a tray of fresh cookies in front of him as he read, sometimes with his shirt on… sometimes without.  Feeling your cheeks warm up at the image, you shook your head, ready to refocus on the caffeine craving customers still in line.
As closing time drew near, you began the daily task of cleaning up your cart.  Sweeping, wiping, sterilizing, washing, drying.  There was a rhythm to it all and you often found yourself entrained in the work, as usually there were few distractions at this time of day.  
“Excuse me?”  
Spinning, surprised, you barely kept hold of the carafe in your hands as you spotted Ms. Pepper Potts standing at your kiosk, “Oh gosh!  I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there!”
Waving away your worry, Pepper took a moment to introduce herself properly before getting down to business, “I was wondering if you had ever considered catering before?  You were highly recommended by a colleague and I am looking for assistance with an event we're hosting in a few weeks.  What I really need is someone to help with an after hours sort of thing.”
Your heart leapt in your chest, thumping wildly, threatening to bust out of your chest.  Now, you’d be lying if you said that expanding your business wasn’t part of the dream.  Always hopeful that your little cafe cart could somehow be expanded into a little sweet shop or bistro bakery, you had been hard at work for the last two years, slinging lattes and refining recipes until the right moment arrived.
When you said as much to Ms. Potts, her gracious smile lit up, “Then this, my friend, is that moment.”
Details were exchanged, pricing negotiated, plans put in place.  In ten days you were going to be providing The Avengers and their guests with pastries, cookies, coffee and tea.  There was a select menu so that you wouldn't be running around like crazy, which would make prep time easy, but Pepper had told you to be creative.  In short, you were getting your shot and the excitement of that put you on cloud nine.
As you had arranged with Ms. Potts, while the guests attended one of Mr. Stark’s lavish galas downtown, you were given access to the Avengers Suite near the top floors of the tower.  Seeing the building, well past your normal 5:00 pm, was energizing.  Getting to sneak a peek at where the most important people working here spent their days was overwhelming, but you were giddy at the prospect.
In a sweet spot, just inside the expansive glass doors which led to the sky rise patio, you set up your display.  Feeling pretty proud of yourself, you only had to wait a few minutes before the elevator dinged on the first arrivals, including the host and hostess for the night.  "Here we go!", whispering to yourself, you took an anxiously excited breath.
It was hard not to get wrapped up in the glitz of it all.  Tony Stark, wearing a plum colored tuxedo, had his Rolex draped arm around Pepper.  She was stunning in her black column gown, purple jewels at her throat and ears, the perfect counterpoint to Tony’s ensemble.  You struggled not to stare.
More people filtered in, some went to the bar, where champagne popped regularly.  A few grabbed frosty glasses of fresh beer.  And for a time you thought you were invisible among all the glamour around you.  Honestly, you were surrounded by the type of people who graced magazine covers and had in depth chats with Oprah.  That wasn’t you by a long shot.
Then, of course was the difference in your shape and size compared to the elegant group assembled for the evening.  You certainly weren’t as stately as Ms. Potts, nor as thin as Ms. Romanoff because she was trimmer in hip and bust.  Carol, stately and graceful, was a sheet of well hewed muscle.  All of them shone tonight, regal and lovely, while you wore your best black pants and white button down, the uniform of catering professionals world wide.
Chewing the inside of your cheek, temping your coffee pot, your mind churned.  There was no shaking the idea that even though you had been invited here, hired to be here, you were woefully out of place.  And just as your confidence was at its lowest, you heard it… or rather, him.
"Um… yes.  May I have… well… I don't know what to have.  Normally you have something special prepared."
Even over the din of chatter and softly played music you heard his baritone register.  A little flustered, disarmingly charming, Loki’s buttercream smile triggered your own.  Laughing, lifting a small tray towards Loki, "I am keeping it simple tonight.  These here are individual peach melba pies, topped with homemade whipped cream."
"And, what’s that?"  Looking like a little kid, ready to tear into a birthday present, Loki's face lit up with anticipation of what you might be hiding under the cover of a chafing dish.
"Mocha mini-cheesecakes, or-" Here you lifted the silver lid of your best party dish, "-my grandmother's chocolate chip cookies!  What would you like, Loki?"
Hearing his name in your lilting voice, Loki couldn't avoid the hot blush that rolled over him, turning his cheeks pink.  As if your delicious snacks weren't enticing enough, the way your shirt buttons could barely contain the bounty of your bosom made Loki's hunger real in a different way.  It was true that Thor had plied him with a great deal of Asgardian mead at the gala, even as the others drank up the less potent Midgardian spirits, all getting well past tipsy.
And maybe that's why he felt so bold, flirting with you casually, teasing you about your treats.  Also, he was shamelessly ogling your rounded ass in those tight black pants as you bent to retrieve a napkin.  Deep down, Loki longed to know if you tasted as sweet as your sugary confections.  Would you be slick like syrup?  Sticky like cinnamon buns?  Dark and delicious like chocolate fudge?
Shaking those long locks, which you couldn't help noticing were down and free tonight, Loki was struggling to decide among your snacks.  If his thoughts were lustful, your own weren't too far behind, because it was hard not to appreciate the fine figure in front of you.  At some point Loki had shucked his tuxedo jacket and the slim black bow tie that accompanied it.  Again his sleeves were pushed up to his elbows making him casual and cool, red cheeked and rambunctious.  Never had Loki seemed so at ease.
There was virtually no one else around, most of the remaining people were clustered by Clint at the piano singing show tunes, oblivious to you and Loki.  Looking from left to right, leaning in conspiratorially, "Ya know… I could let you have one of each, then you wouldn't have to decide."
Those dark brows arching, bright eyes smiling shrewdly, "You'd do that… for me?"
“That and more.”  It tumbled out of your mouth unbidden, your eyes widening in surprise at your own admission.
Leaning against your table, a lascivious smile on his face, “Do tell.”
And in the low light of the Avengers’ loft, with the soft smell of sugar filling the air, you felt yourself drawn to Loki’s aura.  Biting into your bottom lip, looking at him through your thick lashes, “Um… well… I could make you a little snack bag.  Ya know for later tonight…”
“Later tonight… I really like the sound of that.”  And to his unending surprise, Loki really did.  Maybe he’d find out about your favorite flavors in the dark of night, under the covers in his bed.  And if not, if he was somehow mistaken about your interest in him, then Loki would welcome some little cake that would make him think of you while he sat in his solitary room, brooding over you.
He shouldn’t have worried.  Genuinely smiling, Loki was beyond grateful to see the same look of desire reflected in your own face.  As you busied yourself packing up the little box of selected snacks for the sweet toothed stud, a voice called out, "Lokes!!  Get over here!!  Thor says you can dance and I need proof!"
Wavering slightly, Loki ducked his head in the direction of Sam Wilson's shout, not entirely eager to end your chat.  He was worried that somehow the sugar spun bubble you two were in would burst, and that, well that just couldn't happen.  Conspiratorially, invading your space across the narrow table, "I will be back.  Please, don't go away?"
Feeling like a movie heroine, you felt yourself nod, giggling a little at the spectacle of Loki's clear need.  In the glimmering low-lights, under the clink of champagne flutes and husky hum of conversations, Loki wanted to spend his time with you.  It was surreal and surprising, but you wanted him too.  There was no shame in that, right?
Glued to the spot, feet unmoving, Loki wouldn't leave until you said, "Go on, then.  Show me what you've got.  I'll be right here."
With a cocky grin, Loki loped toward the waiting circle of people and the makeshift dance floor.  Tinny, tinkling piano music was replaced by electronica, pumping through Tony's beyond state of the art sound system.  It felt like you were inside the speaker, thumping and bumping, in time with the dance hall beat.
What a sight!  You guessed it shouldn't have been so surprising, but seeing Loki, normally so reserved in your daily interactions, grinding and bouncing to the rhythm… it made you feel things.  Pulse pounding, deep sighing, clenching your muscles things.  Sexy things.
You could have stood there, enchanted from afar, for hours.  And you would have too, if Thor hadn't stumbled to your stand, nearly toppling the table with his unsteady bulk, "Oof!  A thousand apologies, my dear sweet bakery maiden."
Diverting your attention, you quickly stepped back into vendor mode, "No trouble!  No trouble at all!  What can I get for you?"
"Well, I have been wondering, what did my brother get a taste of that made him smile so wide?  It must have been a truly delicious nibble."  Thor, mimicking a mouse nibbling at cheese, was clearly past the point of sobriety.  
Turning thoughtful for a second, you realized Loki hadn't eaten anything of yours tonight… at least not yet.  So it had been your easy back and forth that made the frosty boy happy.  Smiling secretively,  suddenly supremely pleased, "Um… I have some special items this evening.  Would you like to try a peach pie?"
Blowing a raspberry, rolling his eyes, "Did Loki like it?"
"He hasn't tried it yet!  You'd be first!"  Trying to redirect the sloshed slab of man in front of you, offering the pastry up on a dainty napkin, it’s funny how quickly he snatches it from your hand.  Looking tiny in Thor's enormous paw, he devours it whole, swiping at the leftover crumbs on his chest.
"Delicious!  Another!"  Even shouting, Thor's voice doesn't crack through the party goers busting their moves. Sighing, you hand over another, only to watch it be gulped down without thought or consideration.
Spitting crust at you, Thor bows over the display you painstakingly built to showcase your wares, his weight making the table creak, "You know, my brother normally likes little women."
"Excuse me?"
Waving his hands, pontificating, "Small, shapely… you know the type!  Waifs.  Skinny, like him.  Narrow hips and-" attempting to whisper, "-tiny breasts."
Clearly, Thor was hammered, you knew that.  But what he was saying was just hard to hear.  You didn’t want to be compared to other women Loki had known, and you certainly didn’t want to hear that they were prettier, or smaller, or skinnier than you.  But your roller coaster ride of emotions was derailed when Thor slapped his hand on your table, making you jump.
"Now, you… you're a woman.  Strong, sturdy.  Could really ground him, you know?  Give him children worthy of Valhalla."
In his stupor, Thor couldn't read the warning in your expression.  Willing him to stop, shut up, go away with just your monosyllabic responses wasn't working.  But, alas, the Space God continued on, "It's all your sweets, you know?  Candy and cupcakes and… all those little… What do you call them?  The circles, fried and filled with jam?"
Flat, without feeling, "Donuts."
"Donuts!  Yes!"  Pausing for a breath, which you hoped would last all night long, Thor caught your eye.  "I approve.  Of the match… that is.  Loki has been alone too long.  He needs a thick woman to warm his bed, a fair, faithful filly to take-"
Thor's voice cut out, a thin line of shimmering red glowing around his throat, stopping his words.  You could still see his mouth moving but the sound was, thankfully, muted.  It was then that Wanda slunk close to Norse God, wide orb-like eyes full of knowledge, "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner."
Mumbling, struggling to sound bright as you gave too much attention to arranging cookies on the tray, "It's ok."
Her delicate hand rested on your own, "No it isn't.  Thor's a buffoon when he's downed too many bottles of mead.  I hope he didn't say anything too… unpleasant."
Waving her off, working hard to regain your composure, "Naw… it's fine… Thank you, though."
Thor, shrugging off Wanda's limited charm, "What's the big idea?  I was telling this lady that my brother likes her!  Her ample bosom, her gracious bum… and he always talks about her tasty cakes!"
Steve, sidling up at the first sign of trouble, grabbed Thor's arm, "Come on buddy.  Time for bed."
"But!  I am not tired!  I want more pie!  And mead!"
Wanda, rolling her eyes, "May I have another?  For the road?"
Quickly wrapping up a few of your crusty delicacies, you handed them over, now eager for the night to end.  It seemed tarnished somehow, spoiled by Thor's observations, like an unrisen souffle.  Glancing at the clock, you were amazed at the time!  It was late even for a late night event and you began packing up regardless of the people still partying their evening away.
You were hoping for a quick departure.  Seamless, silent, without distracting anyone, including a certain raven haired hottie.  No one would notice if you snuck away now, you were sure, and you had already fulfilled your obligation to Pepper.  In fact, with Thor's little outburst, you were well over your allotted time.  And, you reasoned, Loki could find some small little twig, more to his taste, if you weren't there to distract him.
That thought made your throat burn and your eyes water as you quietly broke down your area.  Even now you could see him, a head above everyone else, spinning with a smile on his face.  Loki looked so at ease, you refused to be the wet blanket on his good time.  Besides, flirting was one thing, but Loki wasn’t yours and you were old enough not to be crushed by a crush.
With one last, longing look over the assembled Avengers, you bumped your bottom into the exit door, shuffling toward the service elevator.  As the doors closed, shutting out the jubilation inside, you slumped against the wall.  How could you think Loki would want you?  
Having spent a significant amount of the late evening busting a move, Loki had managed to keep one eye on you most of that time.  Noticing Thor bumble your way, he was nervous about what his brother might say, but Natasha had challenged him to a dance off.  How could he resist?
By the time Loki stopped to catch his breath and collect his cookies, you were gone.  Vanished.  The only trace of you?  A small, golden box, stuffed with your divine delicacies.  Loki needn't see the name scrolled on the label to know it was for him.
But like Cinderella, you had fled and Loki had no way to find you.  Sinking his heart, Loki clutched the box, padding away to his room and the solitude of silence.  At least he had your thoughtful gift of goodies to keep him company.  It was almost enough.  Almost.
For all the numerous things The Avengers were good at, it was a non-hero who observed Loki slide away, sad and silent.  Never one to let a party end on a low note, a new plan was formed to unite the Trickster and the Treat Maker.  But it would need time to rise, like decadent cinnamon rolls, and like those sticky sweet buns, would be totally worth the wait.
When Monday dawned, you loaded up your goods and trudged to work.  For the first time since starting your business venture your heart wasn't in it.  Not when you plated blueberry buckle with lavender scented whipped cream, not when you swirled almond milk into fresh brewed coffee, not when you bagged cheesy bagel bites.
And it was, apparently, to be a day of firsts.  Because this was the only day that Loki failed to make an appearance at your stand since you’d opened.  Thor, pushing people aside, had made a point of apologizing for his behavior.  It was kind and honest, yet, hollow since it didn't make Loki materialize in your line.  But you appreciated it, nonetheless.
Before long, the day was done, your cleaning ritual initiated, your mind wandering.  That it circled back to a certain blue eyed mischief maker over and over wasn't shocking.  Where had Loki been?  Had you driven him off?  Would he come back tomorrow?  
"Ahem… Excuse me!"
Squealing, you dropped the tray you'd been wiping with a clanking clatter, "Miss Potts!  You startled me!"
"I didn't mean to!", stooping to hand you back your platter, she lifted her smart eyes to yours.
"I know… I'm so sorry!  I've been… a little off today."
Shrewd, searching, Pepper looked you over, "You're not the only one."
Laughing nervously, “Oh?  Who else is having a tough Monday?”
“A friend… listen, I wanted to thank you for the other night. It was really wonderful having your exceptional snacks at the ready.”
Allowing yourself a small smile, nibbling your lip nervously, “The pleasure was all mine.”
Pepper, shifting on her high heels, “I’d like to hire you again.”
“Really?”  Snapping your head up at the offer, you were a little surprised by her request.  Even though that night hadn’t ended the way you had hoped, necking with Loki like a teenager after prom, it had still been a lucrative evening for your little start up company.  But so soon?
“Yes! This is a smaller event.  Actually, more of a date than anything.  This Friday evening.  Would you be free?”
Grabbing your phone, confirming the date on your calendar, “It works for me!  What time were you thinking?”
Blinking, Pepper took a minute to contemplate before answering, “Let’s say seven.  Upstairs, on the outdoor deck?”
“That sounds great, Ms. Potts!  How many people are you expecting?”, making notes, head down you missed her gentle smile.
“Just two.”
That made you giggle.  So, it was a night of romance with Tony she was after.  Flashing your benefactor a knowing smirk, “Sounds lovely.”
“I hope it will be!”
You didn’t see Loki all week.  There was rumor going around the tower that he was off on a mission somewhere, very hush, hush.  Your limited intell was gained only because of Thor’s inability to lower his booming voice while waiting for a croissant on Tuesday morning.
It got easier.  Not seeing him in your daily line, not giving him his cappuccino, not buttering his scone.  By Friday you finally felt like Loki was out of your system, which was a good thing, because you knew Ms. Potts was expecting you to knock it out of the park tonight.
“Things are going to be a little different for this evening, if that’s ok.  I thought you could set out your dessert courses here, on the counter, and we’d have someone bring them out to the patio area.”
Unafraid to go the extra mile, you were quick to volunteer, “I’d be more than happy to act as a server if-”
Talking over you, “Oh no, dear!  I have someone for that already.  Really, all you have to do is make sure your treats are in order.”
Slightly crestfallen, but always a good sport, you agreed.  As she’d requested, you had prepared three special desserts for the night, hoping you covered all of Tony’s favorite flavors.  First, lemon cake with a cracked sugar glaze and fresh raspberry sauce to garnish.  Next would be the white chocolate cheesecake studded with plump blueberries and piles of fresh vanilla flavored whipped cream.  Last, and perhaps most importantly, was your personal favorite, tiramisu.  Simple, delicious, and perfect with a strong cup of espresso.
Clapping her hands, Pepper was so pleased at the thought you had put into each plate, “Wow, does this look amazing!  There’s really only one other thing that we need for this.”  
Wiping a stray stripe of sauce from the plate, a piping bag cupped in your hands, you lifted your head, “What’s that Ms. Potts?”
“Why, you of course.”
Stalling in midair, you slowly lowered the tool of your trade, wiping your sugary fingers on the seat of your jeans.  “I’m right here!  What can I do to help?”
Coming around the island now, Pepper drew close enough to take your hands in her own, “You’ve already done it.  Tonight is my way of saying ‘Thank You’... and I hope you’ll accept a small gift as a token of my appreciation.”
As the last word hung in the air between you, the lift doors parted, and Loki stepped into the room.  
Pepper had summoned him, asking only that he arrive on time and not “look a mess”.  Since Loki had never been anything less than elegant in all things, he had no intention of breaking that streak this evening.  If only he knew what to dress for?
So, he split the difference, going for casual cool.  A jet black polo shirt, unbuttoned, clung to him like a second skin, caressing every muscle.  Black trousers and a black belt made him look dangerously seductive as he sauntered closer with each step.
Your mouth went dry at the sight of him.  Missing Loki all week made seeing him like this stupefying.  Fuzzy brained and dull minded, you weren’t capable of wrapping your head around what was happening.
“Pepper?  What… what is all this?”  Loki’s husky baritone questioned the set up, your presence, the pretense.  At least you weren't the only one who was confused.
Pulling you along, Pepper maneuvered you next to him, “Loki, It’s all arranged.  Dessert by candlelight, under the stars… FRIDAY, start my Date Night playlist.”  The strains of “In the Still of the Night” by the Five Satins filled the air.
It was right then that Loki got it.  The strange summons, the dress code, the secrecy.  He knew why you were here, with your bespoke baked goods, looking like a snack yourself.  Pepper had listened when Loki recommended you for the first gig, and somehow she had heard the unspoken recommendation of his heart.  A rush of feeling flowed over him at the idea.  
Looking sheepish and flustered, Loki caught your eye, “Hello.”
“Hi…”, bashful yourself, you struggled not to look too giddy.
“See, you’re already on your way.  Have a good night kids!”  
You and Loki stood there, staring, until the click of Pepper’s heels on the marble had faded away.  This is  awkward, you thought, unsure of what to do next.  Here with the man you wanted, you weren’t entirely sure what to do, but luckily for you, Loki knew how to take charge, “Shall we?”
Lacing his fingers with yours, Loki led you to the open deck where a small bistro table was waiting, already set for the two of you.  Pulling out your chair, Loki made sure you were comfortable before taking his own seat at your side, as opposed to across the table.  It was a cozy and romantic scene.
The song shifted.  Now The Platters crooned, “Only You”, and your hand was itching to grab Loki’s under the table.  Before you could, Pepper’s hired server for the evening brought your first plate, and a bottle of Prosecco.  
So far, neither of you had really spoken.  Words seemed too difficult to use when the situation was so formal.  And yet, it really was lovely of Ms. Potts to do this for you… and for Loki.
“Did you make all of this?”
Picking up your fork, giving Loki a small nod, “Yea… I thought Pepper was planning a date night with Tony.  I had no idea that this… any of this… was happening.  Did you?”
“No.  But, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.  She did hire you because of me.”
Taken aback by his admission, “Really?  Care to elaborate?”
Tucking into the lemony piece of heaven in front of him, Loki closed his eyes in bliss, “Hmm… that is delicious.  You are really so good at this!  And that, my purveyor of pound cake, is what I told Ms. Potts.”      
“Well, thank you!  I mean, I knew you liked me!”  
Hotter than opening your oven, a blast of heat swept over you, reddening your cheeks in shock.  Flustered now, you could barely speak, cursing yourself for letting your real feelings slip out like that unfiltered.  Mortified, you grabbed your glass, slugging half of it down in a second.
Loki’s fork froze, almost to his lips, as his own eyes widened.  Sighing, he placed the utensil, covered in lemon and raspberry deliciousness down gently.  Feeling his scorching gaze, you sat stock still, Loki’s wry whisper reaching you, “I do.  And I should have told you that before… before Pepper had to go to such great lengths to prove it.”
“But Loki… I’m just… I’m not…”  Stammering, you couldn’t quite find the best way to explain the reservations you had been carrying, the reasons Thor had so clearly defined.
“You are though.  You are so kind hearted… to everyone.  Even the dullards and bores.  I hear you, you know?  What you say, how you say it.  No one leaves your little station without being complimented, enlightened, enriched.  It is the best part of my day, coming down to see you… and taste whatever marzipan masterpiece you’ve graced us with.”
Starting to feel the bubbles of Prosecco in your brain, your lopsided smile spread at the emotion Loki expressed, “Loki… it’s the only thing that gets me through sometimes.  Seeing you, knowing that you’re in line.  And how cute you are when you spell out your name, like I haven’t written it a hundred times before.”
It was his turn to blush, “I knew that.  I knew it was adorable.”
Playfully pushing against his shoulder, you chuckled, “Loki!  That’s not fair!”
“Then you won’t like this, darling.”  
Catching your arms in his firm hands, Loki tucked your body into his, finding your mouth as you laughed at his antics.  Using his top lip to trap your own, Loki’s bottom lip gently parted, as the softness of his kiss blended into the lemon scented sweetness of his sigh.  His tongue, probing slowly, pressed between your lips stealing a shaky breath for Loki to treasure.
Rising, Loki’s hands cradled your cheeks, ensuring that you couldn’t break away from his kiss.  As if you wanted to!  Your own hands wandered, with one resting on the warm slope of his wide thigh and the other pressed against Loki’s broad chest.
Deepening the kiss, you pushed forward, nestling between Loki’s spread legs.  Trailing a hand along his hip, scooting closer, you moaned at the luscious texture of his tongue on your own.  When Loki pulled back, you followed, unwilling to break the beautiful bond your mouths had sealed.
Swallowing hard, unable to believe that he was really here with the flavor of your candy kisses filling his senses, Loki shook his head.  Seeing your own dazed expression made his heart soar.  He was going to have to write Pepper a thank you note or have you bake her a cake, because this was the best thing that had ever happened to the Prince of Asgard.
“Are you ready for the next course?”  The server, having popped out of the compound, was struggling to hide his own smug smile at the sexy little show you two had put on.
A new song started, the notes drifting through the air, making you smile.  Sam Cooke’s eternally youthful voice sang, “Cupid… draw back your bow…” and Loki slowly stood.  “Uh, please, hold the next one, if you don’t mind.”
Coming around behind you, offering you his hand, “Loki?  What are you doing?”
“What I should have done last week… Ask you to dance…?”   Voice brimming with hope, Loki quirked an eyebrow, anticipating your acceptance.
“About time.”  
Rumbling through Loki’s solid torso, his laugh greeted you as you fell into his arms easily, chuckling yourself.  It was so familiar and yet so different.  His hands rested over the curve of your back, pulling you tighter, controlling the sway of your hips.  Circling the delicate strength of his neck, your fingers teasing into those long locks of tousled hair, you let Loki take the lead.  
Tipping you back, over balancing you but still in control, Loki’s look was pure lust, “I apologize for running late.  I should have-”
Cutting in, husking into the shell of Loki’s ear, “Don’t.  We’re here now.  And besides, you were worth the wait.”
Squeezing you, putting every ounce of feeling into his hug, Loki found it hard to loosen his grip.  Now that he had the thing he wanted, he never wanted to be separated from it… you… ever again.  
Twirling you out, tugging you back in, as the song came to its close, Loki took the opportunity of dipping you low enough for your head to graze the ground below.  Breathless and giddy, you were lifted back to standing, clinging to the demi God before you.  Parting your lips, anticipating another of Loki’s kisses, your eyes fluttering closed, “Sir?  Madame?”  
Shifting his focus from your glossy, eager mouth to the server once more, Loki’s own giggle shining in his face, “My good man, please… just pack it all up!  We’re not staying.”
“We’re not?”  A hint of surprise colored your tone as you took in the ecstatic look on Loki’s face.
Nodding at you, “Nope.”
Waiting only a moment or two for a bag stuffed full of your goodies, Loki slung it over this wrist before taking your hand and leading you through the Tower’s maze of floors.  Of course, he stopped at almost every corner to sneak a peck, pat your tush or cage you against the wall so that his hips were flush against your own as he licked the soft spot under your ear.
“Hmmm… Loki… That feels so good.”  Mewling softly, your nails scratching into his scalp, as he swung open the door to his room.
Ushering you inside, Loki paused only to set his blistering, needy eyes on you once more, “We are not children, you and I.  If you want to wait, I will be patient… but, believe me, my darling little patisserie, when I say this:  I want you.  I want to devour you… I want to know if you’re as sweet as strawberry shortcake or tart like key lime pie.
“I need to see if you-” here he swallowed so hard his Adam’s Apple bobbed, “-sigh when I kiss you the same way you do when you slide a hot cup of tea over the counter.  Or how you’ll sound when you call my name in ecstasy.  Because I’ve already thought about these things a hundred times over.  While I wait in line for a moment of your attention or when I taste those lovely delicacies, you fill my thoughts.
“Do you always smell of vanilla and butter, I wonder.  Will my sheets be scented with marshmallow and marzipan?  Almond and cherry?”
Advancing on you now, hunger heating his look, “But just know, little one, if you do come to my bed, I will make sure it’s the last one you’ll ever need.”
Stepping closer, baiting the bear in him, you bit into your bottom lip, “Are you saying that everyone will know I belong to you… L, O, K, I… Loki?”
“My sweet, sweet thing.  That is exactly what I mean.”
In a flurry of movement, Loki swept you against his kitchen table, the wood strong and sturdy behind you.  Kisses, hot and happy melted you like butter, as Loki spread your legs to stand between them.  When you heard the sound of paper crumpling, “What’s that?”
“Oh!  Our to-go bag!  Your luscious desserts!”  Sounding slightly panicked, Loki quickly removed the items from inside the bag, before turning to you with a look that said trouble.
“What?  What’s that face?”  
“I’ve told you how much I fancy your food… and now you know how much I adore you... “
“Uh huh…”, still unsure about where this was going, your eyes followed Loki as he pulled your tub of whipped cream from the ruined sack.  Snapping off the lid, his long finger scooping out a big glob, only for Loki to brush the airy confection over your mouth.  
Licking the cream from your lips, Loki tongued the seam of your pretty pout, moaning at the burst of vanilla he tasted there, “I don’t know what’s more delicious, your frothy garnish or this mouth.”
“What if I want some, huh?”  Grabbing at Loki’s finger, the one he’d used to snag the sample with, you pulled it into the warm inlet of your mouth, sucking lightly.
Growling low in his throat at the erotic scene before him, Loki issued a command, “Bedroom.  Now.”
Sliding off the table, right into Loki’s space, “Bring the whipped cream though, ok?”
Clothes were shed in a rush.  Each piece unveiling soft skin and new places to explore, reminding you of a creme brulee’s hardened caramel layer.  The way you crack it open, revealing the cool custard beneath the scorched sugar crust, a gift unwrapped for all your senses.
By the time Loki lowered you onto his bed, he had already sampled swatches of your skin, leaving behind the marks of his possession.  His hands never seemed to stop.  First they were dusting over your shoulders, then across your thighs, next on your generous bottom, squeezing hard.
Sighing in contentment, you closed your eyes, lost in the moment of making love to Loki.  As he lay down over you, the press of his rigid planes met the soft curves of your figure, you wrapped yourself around him.  Tangling those rich, dark locks in your hand, forcing your mouths together, panting with shared passion.
Connecting with his hip, you slid your palm over the rise of his bottom, squeezing just a little, “You know, you have a great ass, right?”
Sucking against the ridge of your clavicle, Loki kissed over your jaw, “I do?”
“Oh yea… I watch you walk away everyday thinking, damn.  That ass.”
Brushing stray strands from your face, “That’s funny, because I think the same thing every time you bend over to get those little swizzle sticks for stirring coffee!”
Setting off a fit of giggles, the pair of you with arms and legs akimbo, laughed like children.  There was something so freeing about being naked and comfortable with the man beside you.  Quieting only when you heard the pop of the frosting bowl's lid coming off, you sucked in a breath as Loki lowered his lips to your waiting nipple.  
Playful and pleasing, he released you just long enough to sit back on his heels, surveying the state of you.  "Now, It's my turn."
"Your turn to what, exactly?"
"Decorate!"  Producing an assortment of sprinkles and frosting, sanding sugars and coconut shreds, caramel sauce and raspberry coulis as if from thin air, Loki grinned at you wickedly before setting to work.
For every place that was home to a dollop of icing or a squirt of sauce you were licked, nibbled, nuzzled or bitten.  As Loki worked lower, you squirmed in anticipation, as your pastry chef in training sucked your inner thigh free of chocolate fudge.  Before you could prepare, Loki's tongue parted your slippery center, making you call out, "Oh!  Yes, Loki!"
Parting your swollen sex, circling your stiffened bud, Loki lapped at your sensitive skin gently.  His fingers, long and reaching, stroked into your sticky channel, stretching you sweetly.  Rocking against Loki's oral affections, the beginning of bliss burning in your belly, you gripped him tightly seeking release.  
For his part, Loki needed no encouragement.  Bringing you to the pinnacle, alternately sipping at your slick core, and sucking on your sweet pearl was making Loki ache with want.  Even when you pulled at his onyx locks, inner thighs trembling, struggling to stave off your peaking pleasure, Loki only worked harder, "Don't hold back.  We've already wasted too much time!"
"Uh huh… um… shit… Loki…"  mumbling was the most you could do as you felt a third finger enter you, widening you, readying you.  It was enough.  Cumming hard against him, stiffening and then softening like taffy, you gave yourself over to the pleasure Loki provided.  
Smacking his lips lewdly, licking his fingers, "I knew it… I knew you'd be delectable."
Grinning broadly, happy and satisfied, "Am I gonna get a taste?  You're not the only one with a sweet tooth, ya know!"
"Only when I've had my fill… and I'm not close to being finished, darling!"
Sticky, sweet and satiated, you and Loki lay in each other's arms smiling.  He'd asked about a gift for Pepper and you were already planning a cupcake basket for your matchmaking mentor.  You had just licked the last of your lemon curd from his abs, curling into his side, "I need a shower."
"Oh, yes!  Let's do that!"  Rising, dragging you with him, Loki could picture you under the steaming water, begging him to please you.  He liked that idea!
"And after…"
Pausing to look at you, "After?"
"Can you find me something salty to snack on… ya know, for a change?"
Pressing a kiss to your hand, Loki flashed you that megawatt smile, "Absolutely, darling.  Absolutely."
My Minxes:  @alexakeyloveloki​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @just-random-obsessions​ @brokenthelovely​ @lots-of-loki​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @iamverity​ @iluvsumbucky​ @unadulteratedwizardlove​ @wolfsmom1​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @mizfit2​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @ahintofkiwistrawberry​ @jessiejunebug​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @crystalizedcaramel​ @lokislittlecorner​ @scrumptious-finicky-illusion​ @capcapcapsicle​ @jamielea81​ @caffiend-queen​ @thenatilie @sammy-jo1977​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ 
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me: you first started writing this story 12 days ago, take a break also me: CHAPTER 16 BAYBEEEEE
Grian realized waiting was easy. No one was running around or trying to hurt him. People were trying to give him seeds and played music! And the voices liked how nice people were being too. But at the same time, the Watcher couldn’t help but worry. Why wasn’t Tommy back? Maybe he should go through himself. But it was a small portal. An enderman could barely fit, and to a watcher, those mobs were rather short.
What if you just got smaller? But he looks so dope like this! maybe he’s like a… i forget the animal but if he can get his head through he can get the rest through. Why’s he trying to go through anyway?; he’s basically a giant monster who’ll be attacked if he goes through. But he’s powerful. He’ll be fine!
Grian had move voices talking, and one seemed very convincing about going through the portal. Yes, it was a perfect idea. He just needed to squish himself through the frame. A number of Hermits tried to stop him as he started to move. He shook a wing as a lead caught on it. Another tried to catch him, but he moved out of the way and it managed to tie Mumbo up. Oh! He could bring Mumbo as well. Two heads would be better than one. He gave a chirpy laugh as Mumbo seemed to scream as he went through the portal. Grian followed behind, though he struggled squeezing everything through. There was a flash of white light, and then nothing.
Dream could feel the Watcher enter the world. He made sure that Tommy had no easy escape from his current prison before the former admin left the room. He walked in the direction of the portal. Everyone was here and his new piece of leverage had arrived. All that needed to happen now was destroying the portal and having the powers of admin returned to him.
Mumbo’s face hit grass as he ended up on the other side of the portal, tied up in the rope of a lead. He started to look up and had to squint at the bright sky. Had he blacked out and the storm had passed? But looking around, the only familiar thing in his vision was the infinity portal and Mumbo realized he had gone through it.
There was a squawk as Grian came through the portal. Mumbo tried to get up and reach his friend, but the fact that he was tied up had slipped his mind and he ended up just essentially wriggling around. Grian leaned down to look at him and Mumbo met the Watcher’s eyes with a gasp. Mumbo remembered when Grian was using his watcher powers, he could see how the eyes almost never looked at the same place, always focused on watching everything. The two main eyes may have just looked purple, but Mumbo could always see the symbol of the Watchers that seemed to have imprinted itself within the pupils.
But right now, all the eyes looked down at Mumbo. They all looked glossy and somewhat unfocused. Instead of their purple color they had a reddish-magenta hue and the symbol of the Watchers was absent. “G-Grian? Are you okay?”
I mean, obviously he’s not. Yessss, stare into his eyes! If Grian’s a bird, does that make Mumbo some kind of-
Mumbo immediately started to try and get out of the robes that tied him up. No. No this couldn’t be happening. He had told them no. They said they wouldn’t try again. Grian had made it very clear that Mumbo was under his claim as a Watcher. He shouldn’t be hearing voices.
After a bit more struggling, Mumbo was free. He was able to stand up and brush himself off, then start to put Grian towards the portal. “Alright Grian, back in the portal.” Grian just moved out of the way and chirped at Mumbo. “Don’t be such a spoon of a bird! In the portal!” He tried again with no luck. He was about to try again when he noticed someone approaching. Mumbo had no clue who they could be or what they might do. He had heard some of the horror stories Tommy had told, so Mumbo decided his best option was to hide.
Using Grian as a wall between him and whoever was arriving, the redstoner stayed quiet, trying to listen. He could hear them approaching, walking on the grass, and then they stopped. Mumbo nearly peeked out from behind Grian, but then they spoke. “No clue why the Watchers put up with you. You’re clearly out of your element Grian. But that being said, you’re useful. And now you’re in a world with people more like you than any of those Hermits. No reason to leave.”
Mumbo’s heart dropped as he heard what sounded like a beacon powering down and then the magic of a portal shattering. As if living in an unknown world wasn’t bad enough, now there was no escape. 
And we’re stuck here. Mumbo’s a genius, he can fix it. He’s only a genius at redstone, it’s hopeless. Maybe he-
Mumbo forced himself to stop listening. Grian had started to move and he needed to follow to stay hidden. Until they reached the nearby forest, there was no other place to hide. Mumbo slowly kept in step with Grian, creeping his way until they finally reached a tree. He used that as cover instead and to finally see what was going on.
The redstoner recognised the man donned in lime green that stood next to Grian. He was the one to show up in Hermitcraft and come after Tommy. One that many of the horror stories had been about. And for whatever reason, Grian was following behind him. Mumbo wanted to shout, to reason with Grian, but his fear for his own life kept him hidden and quiet. 
Mumbo watched as the two left, and then he felt safe enough to move. Grian had made Tubbo the admin, right? And he had made… someone else one too. But he couldn't remember their name, and Tubbo’s communicator still likely wasn’t working. Nonetheless, he tried, only to get an expected error message. Who else could he contact?
Tommy! Ranboo. Fundy might work? Tommy might be with Philza so either of them. Wilbur or Techno? Quackity! Sam. Why would you ever try Quackity? Because you can, lol. 
Mumbo didn’t know all the names, but Tommy and Philza seemed the most reasonable. Mumbo sent each of them a private message, summing up what was going on and trying to give a warning. There was no error message, but also no reply, so the redstoner could only hope they saw the messages. And then he started moving, hoping to find something to help him, like a place to stay or materials.
Dream toyed with Grian’s addled mind. If only he knew how easy it was to capacitate the dream slayer. He could hardly believe that this was what he had been terrified of for so long. He could enjoy this for a while, but right now, he needed to do what he planned to from the start. He had summoned Tubbo and Ranboo, knowing they would have their guards down. As far as they were concerned, Dream couldn’t do anything and they could do anything as admin. Oh how wrong them were.
Dream walked to another room and sat at the table, leaning back in his chair as he waited. It only took a few minutes before Ranboo and Tubbo appeared in the room. Tubbo seemed a bit disoriented from the teleport, but Ranboo as an enderman took it well. “Tubbo, Ranboo, how good to see you.”
“You should be in the vault Dream.”
“You two have something that doesn’t belong to you.”
“Grian made me the admin.” Tubbo spoke up, sounding confident. Dream smiled at it, he had no ideal anything he tried would be futile. Anything either of them did.
“Well, he doesn’t have to keep it that way.” Dream stood up, walking to the doors. Tubbo and Ranboo looked ready to attack, but then he opened the door.
“Grian?” Tubbo sounded hurt and worried for the Watcher. The essentially mindless beast gave a trilling coo which left the admin pair unsettled.
“Now, you have something that belongs to me.” Dream spoke. He filtered his own thoughts into the mind of the Watcher and then he could see the watcher magic flow around Tubbo and Ranboo. Dream felt energized as the admin powers were given back to him and he saw the pair grow exhausted from the energy being drawn from them. Now everything was just how it should be.
Mumbo kept chopping at trees with his netherite axe, gathering resources. He Put down an ender chest and was glad to see all the usual contents were there. He used some of the diamonds he had to craft a chestplate, thinking that would be a bit more useful. One shulker box was cleaned out of items Mumbo wasn’t completely sure he would need and instead house more essentials.
As he cut down another tree, there was a wave of energy leaving Mumbo looking around. There was nothing obvious that it could have been. It still left him on edge, and he put his supplies away, switching to his sword.
Creeping through the forest, Mumbo was prepared to attack. Even if he wasn’t the best fighter, or really a fighter at all, at least he might have an element of surprise. Above him, the sun was starting to set, helping him even more as his black suit and hair blended into the shadows. Mumbo was starting to wish he had gone to False’s sparring sessions more, but there always seemed to be one redstone project or another he thought was more important.
Light caught Mumbo’s eye and ahead he saw a fire. For a moment he thought it would be a lava lake, but there were blocks all over the place, some of sorts that couldn’t generate naturally. That could be someone’s home. Or possibly even former home. If it were the first, then Mumbo hoped it would be someone to ally with, if it were the latter, the land being abandoned could do well as a shelter.
Mumbo continued forward until finally he reached a place that seemed to be a crater. There had been some sort of explosion, destroying the place. While it made Mumbo sad to see what was likely a very nice build destroyed, it also gave him hope that it would be safe now. That was until he heard someone speaking.
“Stupid stupid stupid. Now I’m stuck here and have to rebuild and-”
Mumbo knew that voice. “Tommy!” He ran towards the blond.
“What the fuck?” He heard Tommy say before he slid down into the crater and stood next to the boy.
“Tommy, that Dream guy, he got Grian and-” Mumbo started to explain before freezing.
“Grian?” Tommy asked, staring at Mumbo with magenta eyes.
“T-Tommy?” Mumbo drew his sword. Was this some copy? A trap? What?
“Yeah, what the fuck do you want?”
“I… What’s going on? Who are you really?”
“Oi, I’m gonna ask the fucking questions.” Tommy crossed his arms. “Who are you and what are you doing in Logstedshire?”
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Title: Hunting Hijinks
Genre: Romance
Type: Charles x Reader
Triggers: None
A/N: Hey hey hey! This is a gift for the lovely @fangirl-ramblings. When I got the message that I was your secret santa, I was super excited! You are defs one of the people who I would consider to be my biggest supporter throughout this blog endeavor. Seriously! I would like to apologize for how long this took, but I wanted to make sure I was happy with everything before posting.
I know you had requested something about several people, so I chose Charles! Hope this is to your liking.
Here ya go! :)
The sun was slowly sinking, the fire in front of you easily becoming your only source of light. The camp and it’s residents had been in the process of setting down for the night. Everyone but you. You were sitting on a log lost in thought, head resting in your hands as you stared into the flames; the object of your contemplation being none other than the mysterious Charles Smith.
Of course, this was of no surprise to you. It had been happening quite frequently. Charles was on your mind a lot. Especially since you had officially become a member of the Van Der Linde Gang.
A small smile began to tug at your lips as you recalled your first encounter with the illustrious group of outlaws.
You had been a bounty hunter then. Well, you hadn’t really been a true bounty hunter. You were just taking odd jobs from the wanted posters around Valentine and Saint Denis. It wasn’t the best work, but it paid well when you succeeded. And you did.
Believe it or not, you had actually met them during one of your jobs. You had been tracking a particularly elusive criminal for a few days. He had held up the general store and robbed a few of the townsfolk. Killed some too. The sheriff was adamant that he was brought back; alive or dead, it didn’t matter.
You were on the trail, the tracks very fresh when suddenly gunfire broke out ahead of you. Intrigued, you spurred your mount on only to come face to face with a shoot out. The target in question was crouched behind an over turned wagon, his own horse dead, as bullets from his attackers, three of them, soared through the air.
Determined to be the one to bring him to justice, you pulled your own gun from its holster and spurred your mount on again. Unfortunately the criminal, in what you can only assume to be a moment of stupidity, peaked from around the wagon, pistol loaded, only to receive a bullet to the face. With him now dead, the attacker’s switched their attention to you, guns still drawn. A curse slipped from your lips as you brought your horse to an abrupt stop.
“You take one step closer miss, and I cannot promise you’ll get away unharmed.” Warned their leader, who you later on learned to be Dutch.
When you made no move to speak he continued.
“Now I suggest you lower your weapon and we can talk this out. I see no reason for any more blood-shed.” He spoke, lowering his own weapon and signaling for the others in his group to do the same.
It took a moment, but you complied and re-holstered your weapon. Then came the conversation that would change your life. You had explained how you were a bounty hunter, making money to survive on your own after your family had died. Dutch responded in kind; giving you the run down of his gang, and, when he was finished, offered you a place to stay. After all, a woman of your abilities would be beneficial to their cause. Seeing as you had no better options, you accepted.
When you had arrived at their campsite at Horseshoe Overlook, you were introduced to many people who, despite being outlaws, were some of the most kind and hardworking people you had ever met. You fit right in, quickly developed relationships with many of the gang members, and the rest was history.
But despite all that, there was one member that you still hadn’t been able to understand.
When you had first been introduced to Charles, he barely mumbled a greeting or looked in your direction before heading of to complete some chore. You had brushed it off in the beginning, assuming you would find time to get to know him later. Now, it was later, and you knew next to nothing other than you had developed feelings for him.
It was all so odd. How could you develop feelings for someone who wouldn’t speak to you, let alone even look at you in the eyes? Sure, you had admired his silent nature, his penchant for taking on the difficult or unappealing jobs and his kindness with the other gang members from afar. Not to mention, he himself wasn’t unappealing to look at. But it still frustrated you to no end because you knew that he wouldn’t feel the same way. Charles had made it perfectly clear, without speaking, how he felt about you.
Stifling a groan, you rubbed a hand over your face, your frustration beginning to build to unhealthy levels.
“Something the matter [Y/N]? You’ve been sitting there an awfully long time.”
You jumped at the sound of someone’s voice and turned to see Hosea strolling towards you, a curious look on his face.
“I’m fine, Hosea.” You replied as he eased into a chair on the other side of the fire. “Just tired is all.”
“I may be old,” he started. “But not so that I can’t recognize when someone’s troubled. What’s bothering you my dear?”
You shifted your gaze from the fire to Hosea. He was leaning back in the chair, arms folded in his lap, with his eyes fixed on you. There was nothing but concern and a honest want to help you in them. He had always been like that. When you were struggling to learn the ways of the outlaw life, Hosea had been with you every step of the way. Making sure you knew the best hunting spots, helping you tend to your chores, and keeping your spirits up whenever you got discouraged. But, expressing your thoughts of Charles out loud? That was different. You didn’t know if you could.
“I don’t really know, if I’m bein’ honest.” You responded finally. “I’m just trying to sort out my feelings.”
And you were. Trying and failing, but you were trying. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t convince yourself to forget.
“Your feelings for Charles?” He stated matter-of-factly.
You snapped your head up, heat beginning to rise in your face as you tried to stammer out a response.
“How did you know— I mean. I never said—”
Hosea chuckled and splayed his hands out in a calming gesture.
“Like I said. I may be old, but I still know a thing or two. And the way you look at the man when you think no one is paying attention? I’d say you were smitten.” He teased, winking at you.
You stared, dumbfounded and unsure of what to say. If Hosea knew, surely others in the camp knew. And if they knew, did that mean Charles knew as well? And if Charles knew then... No. You weren’t even going to consider the thought.
“You know what? I think I’m gonna turn in for the night.” You stated, pushing yourself off the log and heading towards your tent, refusing to look at Hosea anymore lest you get sucked into a full blown confession.
“You know,” He called after you. “It’ll just get worse the longer you keep it to yourself.”
You gave a half-hearted flick of you hand, the only indication that you had heard his words as you continued to walk through the camp.
The next morning proved to be no better. The minute you had opened your eyes, your thoughts immediately went to Charles. And Hosea’s advice. When you had finally settled into bed last night, you had pondered what he had said. Maybe it would be in your best interest to talk to him, but the fear of his first words to you being full of hate was too much, and you had drifted off late into the night.
Groaning, you pushed yourself to your feet, ready to distract yourself with the days work. You grabbed your hat from where it had fallen on the floor during sleep and stepped out of your tent. The morning sun shone through the campsite and the warmth felt good on your face. A cup of coffee sounded like a good way to start your day so you headed towards the communal pot; Abigail and Pearson already there with cups in hand.
“Morning [Y/N].” Pearson called out. “Any specific plans for your day yet?”
“Other then my daily chores? No.” You responded, pouring the dark liquid into your tin mug. “Why?”
“Well,” he began. “We’re getting low on food supplies and I can’t remember the last time anyone went hunting. Think you’re up for the task?”
“Sure,” you replied between sips. “I’ll head out right now.”
Pearson grunted his thanks and returned to his own mug. It felt good to finally have some sense of normalcy thrust upon you, so you were more than happy to comply. Nodding your head at Abigail, you finished your coffee; the warmth of the liquid reaching and energizing every part of your body before heading towards the horses.
Hunting hadn’t always been a skill that you particularly excelled at, but when you had expressed your unease with the chore during your first weeks with the gang, Hosea had wasted no time with setting up lessons with Arthur. Originally he would have asked Charles to do it, but every time he had mysteriously disappeared, leaving you wondering what accursed thing you had done to receive the cold shoulder. And hunting with Arthur wasn’t so bad. Of course, he was a little moody at times and his patience wasn’t always there, but you learned. You considered yourself to be quite the hunter nowadays.
Having now reached your horse, you ran your fingers through her mane and cooed soft encouragements before swinging yourself into the saddle. Grabbing the reins, you clicked your tongue and eased her towards he camp entrance.
“[Y/N], hold up!”
You brought your horse to a halt, startled, and turned in the saddle. You were surprised and a bit worried as Hosea sped up towards you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Are you going out?” He inquired, an odd look that you couldn’t quite place etched on his face.
“Yes,” you replied hesitantly. “Pearson asked me to. Why?”
“Why don’t you take Charles with you, huh? He’s quite the hunter himself.” Without waiting for a reply he called out to Charles who was sharpening a knife. “Hey Charles! You up for some hunting? [Y/N], here could use some assistance.”
It was in that moment that your heart beat began to quicken; from anger and from nervousness at the thought of thee Charles Smith hunting with you. Alone. In the woods. With no one around for miles. Oh, would Hosea be getting an ear-full once you returned. Well, maybe you’d say if. The possibility of you running away forever from sheer embarrassment was entirely plausible.
“There now,” Hosea continued, clapping Charles on the shoulder with his hand. “I’m sure the two of you can scrounge up some food for the lot of us. And don’t come back until you do.”
You shot Hosea a burning look as he sauntered away, whistling a tune the whole while. Charles barely glanced at you as he pulled himself onto his own mount, Taima, and encouraged her towards the edge of camp. You followed suite without a word.
You gripped the bow tightly in your hands, trying to rack your brain for anything to say as Charles walked beside you. The silence between the two of you was uncomfortable. At least, that’s how you felt about it, and, frankly, you couldn’t deal with the fact that the man you had pined for months over was finally capable of staying close to you. Deciding you’ve had enough, you lowered your weapon and turned to face him.
“Why do you hate me?”
“Excuse me?”
“Why do you hate me?” You repeated, crossing your arms.
Charles’ eyes widened as he took in your words, and a strange look crossed his face. You started to feel guilty as you waited for a response. You had come across as a bit rude. It wasn’t what you were going for, but the words just came out without any thought. But, now that you were in this predicament, you decided you were going to keep going.
“I don’t hate you,” Charles finally spoke.
“Well, then have I done something to upset you? I’ve been with the gang for months now and you’ve said all of six words to me.”
Another long moment of silence ensued. Finally deciding you’ve had enough, you tightened the grip on your bow and turned to leave, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. Before you could reach your horse, however, you felt a hand grasp your arm and you found yourself twisted around and a pair of lips locking with yours’. You tensed for barely a second as your mind tried to register what was happening. You were kissing Charles. Or, rather, he was kissing you. And it felt like you had always imagined it to be. When he broke away, you stared, dumbfounded.
“I don’t hate you, [Y/N],” He said, reaching out to take your hand his large calloused one. “I never have. In fact, it’s the opposite.”
“Charles,” You uttered, barely a whisper.
“Ever since the first day you stepped into camp, I knew there was something special about you. I was just too afraid to say anything.” Charles confessed. “I didn’t know how to say anything, because I didn’t know how you would feel.”
His dark eyes locked with yours and you could see the sincerity and fear swirling around in them. A small smile tugged at your lips. There was only one way you felt you could express your true feelings. You reached a hand up to cup his cheek and pulled him into another kiss.
Time seemed to stop. Your heart beat just as quick as you pressed your lips against his in a gentle fashion. His strong fingers brushed tentatively against the back of your neck while your own hand tangled amongst his dark locks. You placed your other hand against his chest and grasped at the loose fabric of his shirt, feeling a hunger your had never felt welling up inside you. Charles, sensing this, slipped a hand down to the small of your back and pulled you flush to him.
The kiss lasted for what felt like years before you finally pulled away, both of you breathing hard and a shine in his eyes that you no doubt mirrored.
“Do you know how I feel now?” You teased.
“Yes, I think so.” Charles chuckled, entwining his fingers with your own. You smiled warmly at him.
“Maybe we should get back to hunting then?” You inquired. “There’s a certain someone I need to have a chat with when we get back. And then, maybe we can have a chat of our own, hmm?”
Charles suppressed another laugh, placed a kiss on your cheek before resuming the hold on his own bow, and traipsed deeper into the woods. The memory of that kiss would reside in your mind as you finished the hunt and it would carry on until later in the evening when you and Charles had another moment alone.
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f33itan · 4 years
💛⚜️Pᴀʀᴛ 1: Tᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ⚜️💛 (From my Wattpad)
A/N: Ok, this was something a mutual of mine said here on Tumblr, and I decided to write a oneshot about it. Might be very VERY slight angst, nothing bad enough to actually be put under that umbrella though, anyways, enjoy this, and ty for the reads! :)
B/N: Your Mother's boyfriend's name
M/N: Mother's name
"Oi, Y/N! Go get me another pack of beer from the store!"
"Yes father!" Damn that pig looking bitch. I'm just some fucking girl, trying to protect her mom from this demon of a person! Heck, he's not EVEN a person! He's the devil himself!! Man, I wish dad was here...
When you were in about 7th grade, your real father got killed in a massacre a couple cities over. He was not only a police officer, but a great father and husband as well. He treated you and your mother amazingly, and you thought life couldn't get anymore perfect, but soon that all went down hill. After his death, your mother's health depleted and she felt empty inside. She needed somebody else to make her complete. She decided to call an old friend from high school, and next thing you know he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but soon enough he was beating you guys mercilessly, enough to leave large bruises and scars whenever you didn't do exactly what he asked, in your eyes though, it was more of an order. You hated being ordered around, but you hated your mother getting beaten around even more. It seemed like a blessing that he hasn't tried to rape her, but god knows what he'll do, he's unpredictable
With all of this happening, you decided to tell him you were doing some "extra curricular" classes in college, but what you were actually doing was taking the Hunter's Exam and learning nen. Your biological father was kind-hearted and fun to be around, but he was also strict and sometimes a bit harsh, though he always meant well. Before his passing, all three of you would go out on the weekends to train, exercise, or do something that would enhance your body power and brain power. Because of this, all of you were exceptionally smart, and bodies all well toned. Sometimes your excursions would be going to a park and practicing a sport, driving to the snow and sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and every once in a while going to another state to zip line, try animal encounters, or take a family friendly class in that state's heritage and customs.
Since you were accustomed to hard core training and events, you thought the Hunter's Exam was quite fun, and was a test to your skills. After that, you were scouted out by a strong nen user by the name of Biscuit Krueger. You and her had lots of fun training, and with her pushing your limits to the utmost best, you turned out to be a specialist.
(Whenever I imagine myself in Hunter x Hunter, this is always my nen type and stuff LMAO)
Your power was called, Black shadow. You could have up to 10 weapons on hand, completely subjected to doing your bidding. These weapons were linked to you through blood, and they were surrounded with a substance that appeared to be black mist. The weapons you most preferred to practice with and use were your katana, blood string, and scythe. You could also make a weapon yours by cutting a fingertip and letting the blood drip onto the weapon, altering the appearance then gaining that black "mist", showing that it was now yours. The downside to this technique was that those "shadows and mist remnants" were your sleep. The darkness in your mind and the shadows all around you were taken and used for that power. In turn, you were always tired, yawning, and had bags under your eyes. Another plus side though was that you had a nen created chamber that had every weapon you owned. A girl can have some fun toys, can't she? You had tools for torture (whenever you took an opportunity to try it), many varieties of weapons, and of course, more snacks. But unlike B/N, you didn't have just fatty snacks. You had regeneration potions, healthy snacks, and special nen created "snacks" to help with different things, which all of these you had collected through pulling some strings. Your mother was worried, but you said it was all just college things. Yeah, just college things..
Ill make that pig bitch pay for what he has done to my mother!
Feitan POV -or whats going on with him- :
"What time, is it.."
"8 AM Fei!"
"Shut up, green eyes, too loud."
"Oh Fei don't be rude! It's mean!"
"That's, the point."
"Oh wait, Shalnark, what this?"
"What do you mean?"
"This... gold string?"
"Phinks, what, do you, want-" Phinks just ignored his question and pointed to the TV.
This is Channel 12, reporting live from York New City Town Square. People all over the city are claiming to be seeing a string tied to their left ring finger, leading them to some unknown destination! What is this string? Who put it there?-
I apologize for the interference, but this string appears t be leading people to.. partners? Soulmates? Find out tomorrow morning, this is Amy Starwick from Channel 12, signing out.
"What. The. FUCK."
"No❤️" Since Feitan was on his last nerve with Shalnark, he decided to stomp over towards Chrollo in the main room, but Chrollo just chuckled.
"Wanna go find your soulmate? See if that things real?" Feitan just stared at the ground, lightly shifting his feet.
"Go ahead, I don't mind."
"Just, doing it, out of, curiosity."
"Mhm, curiosity, go find them." And with that, he was dismissed. Feitan wanted to say it was curiosity, but deep down he had this feeling there was something else, but what was it? It made his stomach tingle and he didn't like it one bit. He tried to ignore all of this, and just shrugged it off...
꧁꧂꧁꧂TimeSkip to Next Day꧁꧂꧁꧂
Your POV + some Feitan POV:
"Alright, today's the day, he'll be at his work, and on his break, i'll set the plan in motion.." Both me and mom don't like him, and I don't know about her, but I sure hate him, every ounce of him. The plan is simple: 1. Capture mom's boyfriend, 2. Take him to an abandoned building, 3. Torture him and get all of the answers I need, and 4. Kill him. His break is at 12, and he usually goes to get takeout every other Friday, what a pig. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.
Time: 11:30 AM
Ok, I have everything ready. Fully energized to the utmost extent, Elixirs to bring him back in case he passes out too early, and- what? He's leaving for lunch early? PERFECT! You ran behind some buildings and hid in a two-way alleyway, waiting for him to pass by...
Here we go..
You covered his head with a sack, and took his phone out of his back pocket. Before heading over to your post, you laced the inside of the sack with some sleeping powder and pressed it against his nose and mouth. Within moments he passed out, and you typed in what you hoped to be his password, which was correct. Around 12:30, you were going to text one of his coworkers that he would be "going to a restaurant across town, and ditching work for a day, not wanting to see his stupid good for nothing girlfriend or his dumb daughter." You knew he called you both this because of going through his text messages when he wasn't looking or when he was sleeping. Little did you know that somebody was watching you from afar.
"Hmm... So, she, my, what do people, call it.. soulmate? Seems, interesting..."
Time: 12:00 PM
"Jesus, I new he was a fat ass but I didn't know he weighed this much!" You were tugging him from his legs through the back ways of York New. You wanted to find a secluded area, where once you were done with him you could just toss him somewhere for the birds and maggots to eat. After walking for what seemed like hours, you came across a set of abandoned buildings, specifically the one you laid out some extra things. A couple extra weapons, some towels, a change of clothes, a chair and some rope, a couple of flashlights, and of course, some snacks. Lucky for you, the douchebag you've been dragging around like a rag doll was still out cold, so you picked him up and tossed him on the chair, tying his wrists, ankles and neck to the chair.
"Maaannn, this is boring!! When the hell are you gonna wake up?!" As if on queue, you saw his eyes start to flutter open, and you immediately grabbed your box cutter. It wasn't a weapon used by your nen, but it was quite effective.
"What.. who.. wait- Y/N!? WHAT THE FUCK?! UNTIE ME NOW BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!!" you didn't notice it, but Feitan was watching from the building over.
What, the fuck? Why she kidnap him? That pig? Why? Confusing, gotta keep, watching.
You shoved the box cutter into his left cheek, and you bathed in the glory of hearing his screams of pain.
"How does this feel, you bitch? Everything you've done to my dear mother, everything you've done to me, and heck, YOU WERE PROBABLY BEHIND MY DAD'S MURDER DURING THAT FUCKING MASSACRE!!" B/N noticed the tears in your eyes, and took this to his advantage.
"So what if I was? Both of your parents were pathetic anyways."
You couldn't handle this anymore, tears were falling down your face rapidly as you grabbed the duct tape and closed his mouth shut.
"I don't give a fuck about what you say.. I'm going to kill you here. This is your grave. Someday, I'll join you in hell, and when I do, I'll torture you again, and the Devil will laugh. You just watch and ducking wait you, you.. PATHETIC WORTHLESS PIG ASS SLOPPY ASS NASTU FUCKING BITCH!" With that, you grabbed a couple super worms in each hand and shoved them into his ears. Even with the duct tape, you could hear his screams of agony as the worms dug deeper into his ears. You then got our your katana and slashed him across the stomach, and shoved even more worms into that open wound of his. Quickly, you poured a large bottle of the elixir you had brought over him to keep him from dying so quickly. Box cutter still in hand, you carved small lines all over his arms and legs, then ripped off the tape to hear his desperate cries. You imagined he wanted to be dead, but you didn't care. His pain and you pain mixed together and you just started laughing. You through your head back and let yourself laugh. all of the pain this man has caused you and your mom will be repayed today.
But the pressure and stress was too much to handle. Your laughing of victory soon turned into screams and more tears, as you let yourself fall to the ground, not even noticing you didn't hit it hard, something had caught you, or someone..
What the shit am I doing?
Am I really going to kill him?
What's wrong with me?
What will mother think?
What would dad do?
What am I doing with my life?
You soon snapped out of all of those negative thoughts though, as you noticed something caressing your face lightly.
"Rest, now. He, won't die, so quickly. I'm, Feitan." You were a sniffling and crying mess, so all you could do was rush into Feitan's chest and cry. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He had no idea what he was doing, for he had only seen this kind of skin on skin contact in movies. So, he did what those people in the movies did.
"Don't, worry... It's all, going to be.. okay."
Word Count (Including author notes, etc) : 2251
-Wrote February 3, 2021-
Unedited sorry about that lol-
Part 1...
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can i get a spirit guide reading too? ): ive been dying to find my own..♎
Hi 👋 hello there pleased to meet you ♎
She is female inter-terrestrial Female-Sea Creature who visits middle Earth and thats about as close as she gets to you personal space other than being able to e a essence that communicates or manipulates your current or future circumstances.
As an etheric being, Mermaid is “out of time” even as magic. She can teach you to walk through different worlds safely. There are spaces and places where all time swirls together, opening infinite possibilities.
If Mermaid Spirit had a mantra, it would be “go with the flow.” Give yourself to the ebb and flow of Mermaid’s ties. This provides you with adaptability akin to how water takes on the shape of its container.
Lightworkers, such as myself, 🌐🐚🐠 believe that Mermaids may have come originally from Atlantis as shapeshifters. Afterward, they moved into the Etheric realm; this is the place wherein we can connect with them and learn their wisdom. Mermaid Medicine supports environmental health and the kingdom of the sea. If you are doing workings for the Earth, they are excellent helpmates.
Like the creature of myths, Mermaid Totems are drawn to water. The ocean, in particular, has healing and energizing qualities to it. The Mermaid Mage often works exclusively with the Water Element; and Jaxdessa is no different she happens to be an elite member of the aquatic Water Mystics in her colony in the ethereal realm of existence....
This Mer-Woman has been with you since your birth and will likely be with you until the END of time; but first let's dive fins deep into her bio and see what she's in your life for?
🦋🌏🦋Being female, the symbolism and meaning of the Mermaid ties to the Sacred Feminine, specifically Goddesses like Venus who rules love, and the Sea Goddesses like Calypso. This is not a woman who can be tamed. The fierce individuality among Mermaids is well known – so much so that they may resist settling down in any one spot. Here Mermaid Spirit appears linked heavily to uniqueness and non-conformity.
Are you looking for a way to express yourself? Trying to find clarity in love matters? Mermaid as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Mermaid teaches to find balance between the heart and mind! Delve deeply in Mermaid symbolism and meaning to find out how this animal spirit guide can aid, inspire, and balance you!
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Mermaid Symbolism & Meaning
The myths of Mermaids (and mermen) are enchanting. The rich voice of the Mermaid calls out to us with symbolism and meaning that clarifies the role this Fantasy Spirit Guide plays in our lives. Many stories of the Mermaid tell of enticing beauty, raw sensuality, and humans who succumb to their haunting songs; in this, we see where Mermaid becomes an emblem of balancing our heart and head. We need to think clearly even in matters of love and lust. Additionally, there are times in our lives where its ok to dance to a different, magical tune. Individuality and non-conformity are definitely traits of the Mermaid.
Mermaid Omens: Mermaids seem to be fairly lucky in that, if in a generous mind, they might grant a wish. Having said that, sailors consider them a foreboding sign that the proverbial ship may never reach land again.
Etymology: Mermaid comes from the 14th century term mermayde, meaning Maid of the Sea. The Old English word was similar – merwif, or Water Witch.
Being female, the symbolism and meaning of the Mermaid ties to the Sacred Feminine, specifically Goddesses like Venus who rules love, and the Sea Goddesses like Calypso. This is not a woman who can be tamed. The fierce individuality among Mermaids is well known – so much so that they may resist settling down in any one spot. Here Mermaid Spirit appears linked heavily to uniqueness and non-conformity.
Reach out to Mermaid as a Power Animal any time you work with the element of water in ritual, meditations or magic. There are other goals for which Mermaid can help. When you need inspiration, particularly in song, she can release your self-consciousness, so you really sing from your heart. Regarding sexuality, she removes inhibitions that hold you back from true pleasure.
Mermaid represents transition and transmutation. When you face unique changes in your life, she can help steady the waters around you.
Finally, call to Mermaid when you struggle with your emotions or when your intuition seems to have dried up. Mermaid medicine heals broken hearts and discouragement, then goes on supporting your intuitive self so you can avoid the chaos.
Mermaid as a Celtic Animal Symbol
Celtic Tradition has a long-standing relationship with magical water creatures. Sprites and nymphs often lived nearby sacred falls and wells. The Mermaid, however, lives in the sea. In this culture, the symbolism and meaning of Mermaid is that of the feminine element of the Universe. It is powerful and mysterious. The image of the double-tailed Mermaid adorns many churches represents the ultimate Celtic goddess, Sheela-Na-Gig.
Native American Mermaid Symbolic Meanings
One story from the Mi’kmaq tribe tells of a bird who discovers a pond with five lovely women therein. He noted that they didn’t really look totally human, having silvery scaled skin and hair of seaweed. They adorned themselves with gifts of the sea, and the bottom half of their body was that of a fish.
The Passamaquoddy tales recount the story of how two girls became Mermaids (HeNwas). They went swimming in an area prohibited by their parents. They came to a spot where they were surrounded in slime. Their legs became snakes, their hair black and wearing silver bands on their arms and neck.
Sekani legend talks of the marriage between a human and a Mermaid. By the first winter, the Mermaid yearned for her ocean home. She begged for freedom. It wasn’t until the second winter, however, that the man complied so she could hunt for him. Each day she returned dutifully with food. They became happy and had seven children. After the last child, winter returned, and the man sadly broke a hole in the ice so she could return. When she began swimming, she realized her children could not follow her. She tried to work a spell, placing water on their lips and telling them to follow her. Sadly they drown and were never seen again.
Mermaid Dreams
Mermaids in dreams almost always represent femininity with all its lovely attributes. These dreams often reveal clues to your feminine side. This can be a happy omen unless you fear the emotions and insights Mermaid brings.
A Mermaid swimming in water may represent a girth of emotions that threaten to overwhelm. You feel as if you are going under and giving in to the pressures around. Find your life vest and get some help and support.
Far Eastern Mermaid Symbolic Meanings
There are numerous stories of Mermaids in China. Literature depicts her as similar to western Mermaids with the ability to cry pearls, shapeshift, foretell the future and craft magical items.
One story tells of a Mermaid who asked to stay with a human family for many days so she could weave and sell her cloth. In thanks for the human’s hospitality, she cried a container full of pearls and gave it to the family.
Mermaid Symbolic Meanings Key
Psychic Aptitude
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Artists frequently depict Mermaids with a fish bone comb; this illustration came about due to sailors’ beliefs. If you had fish bones on board a ship, one could know what type of weather was coming through divination and take control of a storm to calm the winds. Another tool of the Mermaid is a mirror. This object has long been used for magic as a “looking glass” much like a crystal ball. Mirrors represent the moon and the intuitive self. Wrap these tools into a medicine bag, and you have future-telling abilities, far sight, sensitivity, and psychic aptitude.
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Traditional Mermaids have the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish. Images of Mermaids appear as early as ancient Babylon. Sailors considered images of Mermaids as a good luck charm, which is why figureheads were carved with Her image.
Being tied to the Water Element, Mermaid may take on the meaning of a source of life, cleansing, and renewal. Water can also be a fierce foe, with crashing waves that threaten to take us under into the unknown. The ancients found themselves inexplicably attracted to the Mermaid, while also being frightened of their powers.
These “Angels of the Sea” appear most frequently at dawn and dusk. These are “in between” times when the veil between worlds grows thin. Some say they only show themselves to people who have pure hearts, giving he Mermaid the symbolism of discretion and awareness.
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Here....She is .. 🧜‍♀️ 7:47 PM(look up the numerology or 747 and 757 , 759)
Those are your times you'll be likely to sense her close to you...
When Jaxdessa swims with you, she brings you into the realm of Water, which also speaks of our emotions. You will be challenged to dig deep inside yourself to understand your fears and scars fully. Only by so doing can you truly heal. Throughout this journey, Jaxdessa offers love and support.The Mermaid animal spirit may also bear a message about reconnecting with your inner child and nature. The innocence and joy of the child dances with the beauty of the world. There is a richness in this relationship building process, and Mermaid is your guide...
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When working with your Mermaid guide, it is essential that you remain true to yourself: She will not condone facades. Keep it real and be ready to swim.
Those born with Mermaid imprinted on their soul feel at one with nature. They see the wonders of the world with an appreciative eye, but also know that there is much more going on behind the proverbial curtain. The Mermaid constantly interacts and exchanges various feelings with others including joy, peace, and liveliness. The Mermaid’s language of love is an affirmation.
Greed doesn’t really measure in the mind of the Mermaid. They do not seek to possess others, but rather walk with them in mutual goals and dreams. The Mermaid’s inner child is strong and very active.
More...SpiritGuide bio
The Mermaid person has intense psychic abilities. You see spirits, fairies, Devas, Angels, and other Fantasy creatures easily. Some of the gifts you may have include clairvoyance and hypnotic allure
The Mermaid is an amazing empath, but this can also be her undoing. She feels everything. A crowded room can become totally overwhelming. Thankfully with time and practice, she can learn to detach from others feelings and consider them much as one might watch a movie. This protects the Mermaid from psychic overload and burnout. ((YOU MORE THAN LIKELY CSN RELATE TO THIS AND MOST OF THE MERMAID QUALITIES BECAUSE YOU ARE HER SHE IS YOU;; DO YOU SEE THESE SIMILARITIES YET?))
💘 💜 💛 💚 🧡 💘
Regarding relationships JaxDessa people may not settle down, but they certainly enjoy a good lover. There is raw, unbridled sexuality here that begs for attention. Because they are very private people, however, some of these desires go unfulfilled.
Spirit Guides 3 Messages for me today (current date Jan 11th 2021)
First message: #1
Number 833 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 8 and number 3, with number 3 appearing twice, amplifying its influences of 3, and relating the the Master Number 33. Number 8 relates to self-confidence and personal authority, discernment, higher wisdom, achievement and successes, practicality, consideration, giving and receiving, and serving humanity. Number 8 is also the number of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 3 is the number of affability, enthusiasm, assistance and encouragement, communication and self-expression, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting, broad-minded thinking, talents and skills, and the energies of the Ascended Masters. Master Number 33 (the Master Teacher) relates to the attributes of the ‘healer’, compassion, blessings, the teacher of teachers, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage.
Angel Number 833 is a powerful message and sign that you are being fully supported, surrounded and supported by your Spirit Guides ...It indicates that you are successfully manifesting prosperity and abundance in your life by the positive choices you have made and are currently making. Put your personal attributes and talents to good use and be open to receiving your well-earned rewards and blessings. Trust that all is going to Divine plan.  
Angel Number 833 brings a powerful message of love and support, encouragement and guidance, and your SpiritGuide(s) ask that you maintain a positive attitude and outlook to continue manifesting positive abundance into your life. Remember that what you put out to the Universe comes back to you, so ensure that you use your personal power and talents in a positive manner, always.
Angel Number 833 tells you to take ownership of your own life and discover your dreams. Use your personal creativity in constructive and productive ways, and put your skills and talents to work to achieve your heart’s desires. You get what you expect so make sure you radiate positive energies and expect the highest and best in return. Trust that you will find success in your chosen endeavours.
Number 833 relates to number 5 (8+3+3=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.
Now look up # 5 see what it is ? Thats your next mission .🧜‍♀️.
If you were to bite into a piece of cake and think it's awful because of certain flavors or a lack of some ingredient, it would not be pleasant in the moment. Even so, the experience could be beneficial to you later on. Suppose you wanted to bake a special cake for someone. The experience you had with the unappetizing cake might inspire you to do things differently. Every bad experience has an upside, Dear Jaxdessas darling, even if it doesn't seem so in the moment. Remember that today if something doesn't seem ideal.
Third Message: 🌟 ⭐ 💫 🌠 🌃 ✨ 🌟 ♎ January 11 - January 17
A project that is in the final stage of development could get a really big boost this week, dear Jaxdessas darling. This may come out of left field, and the help you need may come from someone you least expected and perhaps you don't even like, but don't cut off your nose to spite your face. This is essential assistance, and you should be grateful for it. Success is possible with a work- or money-related venture that didn't seem to be going very well all that long ago. This is due to your persistence and your optimistic attitude, so let this be a lesson for future endeavors. Some venture that you have put a lot of time and energy into may wind up hitting a brick wall very soon. You may want to proceed anyway, and you may want to figure out how many ways there are to get over the wall that stands between you and success. But before you invest that time, think about whether this will be worth the effort in the end. There could be something else coming along that could take its place, and that could be easier and more rewarding in the end.
A creak you hear in the dark could be the settling of an old house, or it could be a burglar creeping on the stairs. Loud voices you hear coming in through the windows could be your neighbors arguing, or it could be those same neighbors sharing good news. The lamp going out on your nightstand could be a sign that electricity has shut down, or it could mean you need a new bulb. There is often more than one way to interpret something, and usually there's nothing to worry about. Remember that today, Taurus, if you are tempted to follow worrisome thoughts. It's more likely there's nothing to worry about.
Step 1) Define Your Core Values
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Know what is most important to you by determining your values for your professional and personal life.
These are the principles that are the foundation for your priorities, choices, actions, and behaviors.
You can start by looking at this list of values.
Step 2: Practice the habits.
Pick one or two from this list of positive character traits above to practice for several weeks.
Write down the actions you want to take or the behaviors you define that reflect this trait, and implement them in your daily life and interactions.
Wear a rubber band on your wrist or create other reminders to help you practice these good qualities.
Step 3: Find people with good character.
Surround yourself with people who reflect the character traits you want to embrace.
They will inspire and motivate you to build these traits in yourself.
Try to avoid people who have a weak character and make bad decisions.
Step 5: Take some risks.
Start taking small actions toward a goal or value that involves some level of risk.
When you face the possibility of failure and challenge yourself toward success, you become mentally and emotionally stronger and more committed to your principles.
Step 6: Stretch yourself.
Create high standards and big goals for yourself.
Expect the best of yourself and constantly work toward that, even though you will have setbacks and occasional failures.
Every stretch builds your confidence and knowledge that your positive character traits are getting stronger.
Step 7: Commit to self-improvement.
Realize that building your character is a life-long endeavor.
It is something that is practiced both in the minutiae and the defining moments of your life.
There will be times you step up to the character traits you embrace and other times you falter.
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Thank You for taking the time to meet your Spirit Guide today have a nice day 😊 ✨ 💛 ☺ 💗
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The Best Laid Plans
> Chapter 1: The Sighting< Chapter 2
Five of the finest minds that Planet Earth has to offer are brought together by a mission that will forever live in history. They are the crew of Humanity's paragon starship and they pave the way for future explorers.
The mission goes wrong when the existence of sentient aliens is confirmed. 
Notes: this fic is inspired by the concept of Among Us, but you don’t need to know the game to enjoy this story. CW: anxiety attack
The announcement that Humanity was done being alone was met with skepticism. Such an ambitious but vague mission statement made by the government seemed like an empty promise. 
Thomas remembered where he was when he saw it. It was a fall afternoon, during the slow lull between lunch and dinner, the TV in the corner was on the news channel. Thomas ended up joking with his coworkers about shaking hands with aliens while working at a coffee shop to pay off college debt. They all laughed and forgot about it because preparing for the next influx of customers was more important. 
The promise of The Day Dream did not seem like much until the ship began to be built. Then there were whispers of scouts visiting every small town and city, looking for any suitable candidates to join the crew. That was when he - and all of humanity - got swept up into the high. 
Everybody on Earth began paying attention to the exploration program, excitement for the future in those times was so common you could smell it in the air. By the time The Day Dream launched, everybody could tell you that they remembered where they were. There was more news coverage of their starship leaving the snaring grip of the atmosphere than the first moon landing. 
If Thomas ever got the opportunity, he would joke that he remembered the launch as if he were a pilot on the starship. 
Thomas, in his humble opinion, believed it took a different kind of person to drive a spaceship than it took to build one. Just getting something off of Earth was a feat that took hundreds of years. What got them this far was perfecting and going beyond the work of other humans long dead. Amassing a hoard of refined science until they made a tower of knowledge that could reach the stars. 
And Humanity did reach the stars. He was their cherry-picked ambassador. It was his job to lead the mission to create a stable bridge for future space farers. Both in the literal and diplomatic sense. Thomas still could not believe the honor was his.
But the Captain's disbelief is besides the point. The engineers and scientists who made The Day Dream were a brilliant crew who did not get enough recognition. The marvel of it all lie in how alive the ship felt. It felt so human. The engineers and the scientists outdid themselves.
The question the build team had to tackle was how to make long term space travel enjoyable. Was it possible to make a hollow metal vessel feel more like home than their planet ever was? All Thomas knows is during the short time he has been the pilot, he had concluded the answer must be yes. That is where the recognition fell short, Thomas thinks. Despite being hailed as a genius by Earth's media, his mind could not even begin to figure out how they did it.
Too bad the media was strictly forbidden from even looking at the ship. If they could not experience the wonder for themselves, there was no reason to write about it. To them it was just a glorified vessel, not unlike any other means of transport. Snooping into the lives of its personnel was more tangible for the press. Usually more rewarding too. 
The press had been suffocating. Thomas was relieved to be off that planet. 
There was nothing remarkable about him. Or anybody else here, he likes to think to himself. They are all wonderful people to be traveling with, brilliant minds, but not remarkable. Because he is as Human as the rest of them, and the pedestal they perched him on was one of sand. Just the lightest breeze and he will be lost to time. 
Now that he is living out every child's wildest dream, he knows. The Day Dream 's crew and their prestigious schooling meant nothing to the universe. But it was an honor to get to know the universe a bit better nonetheless. 
The ship woke it's Captain up with a gentle chime. 
And when Thomas did not get up the first time, the ship brightened the lights in his room. Very suddenly. 
That got Thomas' attention. The Day Dream could not do more than follow the alarms already set, unless something major triggered the override system. There were no klaxon alarms or notifications marked as urgent, so Permission from another administrator was needed for the lights to turn on. That meant the ship snitched on him to somebody already awake. Dream is getting smarter, Thomas laughed to himself. And this ship is full of traitors who think eight in the morning is an acceptable time to be awake. 
Jokes about betrayal aside, he knew there would at least be fresh caffeine waiting in the cafeteria. 
Thomas got out of the warm sleeping pod with a stretch that popped his back. The metal floors in his quarters were heated, but only enough to starve off frostbite. The cold making his toes curl woke up Thomas better than the lights. A chime from his com ringed across the room, listing duties for the day. He assured the ship that he would be present for the breakfast meeting requested by Roman in a timely manner. 
His loose definition of "timely manner" was to allow an optimal window to collect thoughts and set his 187th day in space up for success. The captain played music from home as he got ready. The bathroom was like every other room; spacious, clean, and bursting with plant life. The air never felt stuffy and the crew suspects (Patton, who was on the ship's build team, confirmed) it was designed that way. To help with homesickness.
The Day Dream was huge. Excessively so. The ship was only meant to only house five humans long term - and maybe, just maybe, any extraterrestrial life they will come across. For now, the rooms set aside for any new life would be empty. That meant some days, when everyone was too busy to spend time with anybody else, it felt like the plants growing in every nook and cranny of the rooms and hallways were his only companions. But business was business. And at the end of the day, nobody held it against each other. Today thankfully would not be like that.
Thomas pulled on the boots of his pristine white jumpsuit before he left his quarters. The doors locked behind him with a pneumatic hiss and the hall lights flicked on, illuminating his path one by one. There was a spring in his step as he made way through the maze of tall hallways. He barely acknowledged the sound of running water and smell of earth on either side of the metal path. The self sustained irrigation system was always at work, and with the wildflowers that started to bloom recently as a result in this part of the ship, any irritation was rendered null.
He arrived at the cafeteria where it was quiet, besides the ever present humming and the drip drip drip of the ship running itself. The caffeine dispenser had been preheated. Logan and Roman seemed to have already got to it. Virgil could do with the energizing benefit of caffeine if it was not for his anxiety disorder. Both crewmates were lounging in padded seats, a steaming cup in one hand and green flashing screens taking the rest of their attention. Thomas guessed they were reviewing the information about the meeting he was called for. Virgil, who seemed not to be fully awake yet, was slowly picking off the contents of his ration packet. 
"Where is Patton?" He flushed slightly at the outburst. Asking that before anything else was not his intention. 
Luckily nobody seemed to mind. Logan and Virgil turned their heads to him and acknowledged the captain with a good morning. Closing out of the menu, Logan answered, "I believe he was sanctioned an extra sleep cycle after the extended work he did last night. The ship refuses to go through the wake up procedures."
He lifted an eyebrow. "I don't think I ever gave the order for that. But The Day Dream can override an order if it seems necessary. What the hell was Patton doing last night?"
"He was helping me in the final stages of building the gate."
Thomas turned to look at Roman. "He-," that was not supposed to be possible. "The gate is supposed to be done next month, our fabricator can't work that fast."
"That's what I thought at first! But two weeks ago while helping me troubleshoot a problem, he found our combined efforts cleaved the build time in half!" 
Virgil chimed in, like it was news to him, "That's great, Princey. But how are we sure the quality was not compromised?"
"I'm so glad you asked bec-"
Logan cut Roman off. "We are sure because I have been keeping a close eye on the progress and have taken sporadic samples of the material. I also use the ship to ensure my analysis has no human errors."
"You'll have to send those numbers to me for final approval before we tell Mission Control. But this is amazing news! Why is this the first time i have heard about this?"
Suddenly Logan lost any confidence he had, and needed to pull up a screen again. Virgil deadpan looked at him and shrugged, going back to picking at his rations. Thomas managed to catch Roman's eyes and he cringed slightly, picking at his nails. "Well… we thought you would be angry that we didn't follow orders."
Thomas lifted a hand to his heart without registering that it happened. They thought that he would be angry? He never has shown that emotion to them then why? Was there a power imbalance here? Were they afraid of him or just the consequences of "disobedience". Of course, he always encouraged his crew to pursue and perfect science, just like the builders of the ship did. As long as nobody got hurt-
-and then he remembered about Patton. Why would the ship override a wake up protocol, especially if ordered by anybody, if there was not a reason? But he could not… Jumping to conclusions would not help. 
He sighed, Roman tensed but Thomas did not acknowledge it. "I'm not angry, Ro. You did a fantastic job."
"So we won't get punished?" It was small, hopeful.
"At most, you will be reprimanded with a tighter schedule, but that will be determined after investigation."
An investigation was not something he needed on his plate but apparently was now mandatory. Thomas did not want to say it out loud, but based on what he can tell, if the crew let Patton overwork himself, the strict schedule might go through. Like it or not, the existing schedule was in place for a reason and having his copilot out of commission could spell disaster for the mission and it's crew. The ship felt so safe, so much like home, but they were at the mercy of a cruel universe, anything can go wrong. 
Yet the small smile that broke out on Roman's face after getting his praise was too good to ruin. 
Thomas would indulge in a moment of weakness and lie. 
He only realised there was tension in the room when the air slowly became more breathable. He let himself enjoy a warm drink from the dispenser and his own share of rations before getting to work. He had the mind to have one of the ship's drones deliver food and drink to Patton's room to have when he woke up. Then Thomas glanced at the data himself. All the numbers and samples that Logan had run seemed to be perfect. He ran through the calculations manually himself to be sure. Still perfect.
So it was off to Mission Control. The message explained that his crew found a way to make the Star Gate mission more efficient. Surely, this was another thing they would be praised about. All of it was almost done.
"Roman, Mission Control has the data tables now. All we need to do is the final inspection before we can set course to Moon Titan." Thomas broke the news in a sing-song voice. Everybody in the room grew visibly excited. Thomas was almost sad that Patton was not here to complete their little crew. 
"That is fantastic!"
Logan hesitated before asking, "Was my work adequate to your standards?" 
Thomas nodded enthusiastically, "It had no errors I could catch, so you did great, Teach." The captain could have left it there, but he was feeling as exuberant as the rest of them. "In matter of fact, do you want to begin the system checks so we can be ahead of schedule for the journey to Moon Titan?" The gleam in Logan's eyes spoke volumes more than the affirmative confirmation he gave. Virgil had jumped at the opportunity to join and the two ventured off into the expansive halls of the ship. 
Roman was already at Thomas's heels when the two men left the room. "Do you want me to escort you to the hull of the ship? I believe you have a date with my wonderful creation." 
Thomas could not hide his admittedly dopey smile if he wanted to. This man and his dramatics did a lot to keep the ship lively. He accepted the offer, and let Roman do most of the talking while they descended through the guts of the ship. Plant life slowly became less abundant and the mechanical whirls and pulses became louder. When they stopped at the door of a decontamination chamber, Roman gestured to a wall of headsets.
"Personal protective equipment is mandatory past this point," Roman said, an apologetic smile on his face. 
Thomas did not comment on the fact that Roman added a personal touch to his headset. The paint was a vibrant red and the acrylic of the earmuffs seemed to glow. His own pair was only cold and metallic, and Thomas briefly noted he had no idea how long ago Roman added those changes. He could see in the cabinet that Patton had a similar headset, but in the teal color he loved so much. He would have to have The Day Dream permit more time in this part of the ship. 
Today was a successful day but something unsavory was settling into his core. Thomas was a bit out of the loop with his crew, he was starting to realize.
He swallowed down the inklings of a bitter taste and turned to the cabinet containing more mandatory protective wear. He would not take it personally. He slipped a hazmat suit over the jumpsuit. Thomas and the rest of the crew were just coworkers. Black gloves slipped over his sleeves and closed with a snap! They were all friendly, sure, but this was a science expedition, not a family road trip. The spotless boots he normally wore were left in one of the lockers, swapped out for steel toe boots. If his happy-go-lucky mood had suddenly dropped he did nothing to fix it.
Thomas followed Roman into the decontamination lock without a word.
As they exited, Roman clapped his hands and he saw the walls come alive around him. This area was lined with pods containing work assistant androids lit up and awaiting commands. His crewmate fiddled with a personal command key secured on his wrist, the assistants moved in synch around their feet, opening the doors to the hull. It was a massive room, bigger than most warehouses on Earth. It was perfectly suited for projects this size and storing the raw materials needed to make the Star Gates.
Hung on the ceiling of the room was the largest fabricator on the ship. Other smaller ones were littered about in rooms like that cafeteria and navigation, but were only capable of producing small objects. The machine, though modeled after a vintage 21st century machine called a 3D printer, was cutting edge. All it needed was raw material and a recipe to follow. On a raised platform below it lay the gate.
"I always forget how massive these are in person," Thomas breathed reverently. The smallest section was the length of a school bus, and sprawled much further than that.
"We put a Star Gate up on the Moon not even three months ago, Sir," Roman laughed. Thomas crossed his arms in mock anger, making Roman laugh more.
He had a point, though. Before The Day Dream is permitted to leave the solar system, it is their job to leave gates. Not every spaceship is created equal, only government sanctioned ships are allowed to have a warp core. Warp cores allow for a ship to change the very fabric of space around a ship, changing the location instantaneously. Teleportation is the unofficial name for it. But space travel would be too slow even if they had learned how to go beyond the speed of light.
The solution had been Star Gates. These opened up worm holes for ships that did not have access to warping. The gates were to be left at popular destinations. A trip to the moon that might have taken six months only took an hour. Soon a trip to Moon Titan, which revolved around Saturn, was in order. The possibility that it might contain life made it a hotspot for researchers. Their final goal was to leave a gate at Pluto, then the true expedition could begin. Once the path for other explorers is paved, The Day Dream will be allowed to search for sentient life. For now they were to travel with solar sails while waiting for each gate to be built.
Roman pointed Thomas to a messy desk, "Your checklist should be on there." Thomas, however, was lost. He opted to watch as Roman walked up to a group of assistants drones and dismissed them. The new ones that followed Roman and Thomas in picked up on the work as the old ones backed into charging ports. As they met eyes, he shook his head in a gesture he hoped communicated his confusion.
Roman got the memo, because he jogged to where Thomas stood, looking over his shoulder. He leaned into Thomas' shoulder to pick up the empty report and handed Thomas the tablet with a flourish. The almost-contact felt nice. Thomas made a mental note to ask Mission Control about the correlation between space travel and being touch starved.
There was not time to linger on that though, because Roman was too ecstatic to wait. He personally showed Thomas the work that he and Patton had done. Every individual thing he crossed out on the list pointed to a success. Two hours spent inspecting seams, double checking wiring, and doing strength tests went by without notice and soon Thomas forgot about any bad mood he was in because it was done!
"I can't wait to deliver this to Mission Control!"
Roman was not quite used to seeing the captain as anything other than a collected leader, but this change was good. "So we passed the final inspection?"
"With flying colors."
His smile brightened. "I bet we should start preparing for our warp to Moon Titan."
Thomas gave his approval, and Roman started to conduct the service drones around him like a symphony. Mission Control replied minutes later and Thomas knew everybody who was not occupied saw that the clearance to warp had been granted. As the complete Star Gate was being pushed to the path that lead to the bay, he waved Roman goodbye.
He walked back through the decontamination chamber and set the protective gear he had been wearing into a bin for specific cleaning. Setting his appearance back into place did not take long, and soon he was led away from the smell of grease and metal to the more comforting crisp air of the upper levels.
Logan appeared by his side just a moment later. "I have the results of the diagnostics scan ready for you, Sir."
"Are we all clear?"
"Sadly not." Logan shook his head and turned a tablet for him to look at. "The lower right corner of the starboard solar sail has significant damage."
"I bet it was stray debris," Thomas shifted on his feet before asking, "Can we go without it?"
Logan hated to be the bearer of bad news, "We can, but our navigation route will need to be recalculated completely."
It made sense, Thomas thought. Even subtle shifts in angle can land them in a completely different location then intended. He thought about it a little longer. "I think we should fix the problem now, the Moon Titan base won't miss an extra day without us."
"Yes sir. I'll send Roman a request to prepare the right materials for the patch. Do you know who is to accompany you on the space walk?"
Thomas shook his head. Logan took the screen back from Thomas to open up the schedule log. "Patton would have been ideal, but he is still out of commission. I recommend Virgil."
In half of a day, they were ready. It was easy for Thomas to report the damage reports to Mission Control, to state they wish to run repairs before anything else, and for the approval for the small mission to be granted.
For the second time that day, Thomas went through the task of putting on personal protective wear, but joined by Virgil and a lifeless service drone. The solar sail patch and other needed tools were handled by the drone. Thomas knew the ship better than the medic did, so he and the drone would be the one doing most of the work. Virgil was to be the one communicating with Mission Control so Thomas could focus and he was a second pair of eyes to ensure nothing went wrong.
Virgil probably was the one who took this task the most serious, only bested by Logan. Soon enough, the small group was seen out of the airlock by Logan and Roman, and the repairs were under way.
Virgil knew space walks were consequential. If he lost focus at the wrong moment there was every possibility he could end up drifting in space. If Thomas noticed in time, he could have Logan or Roman retrieve him by using one of the smaller ships in the bay. But that possibility weighed heavily on a " if".
Every space walk before this one went off without a hitch. But Virgil's stomach was turning uncomfortably and his ears were straining to pick up anything.
He knew sound can not travel in space.
Pesky instincts were screaming that something was wrong. He needed to pay attention, be alert and ready to fight. Protect himself, The Day Dream , and all the lives within it. Something bigger, smarter than him was lurking in the unforgiving void behind him. A predator, surely, with steps quiet as a leopard midhunt, and a maw stronger than any alligator. That means twice as painful. Three times as ruthless. The crowning crux of slaughter machines, delivered to the doorstep of the spaceship by Mother Nature herself and her sick sense of humor.
But when he turned around, the only thing he was was Thomas crouched over the massive solar sail, the ship under his feet, and the stars.
It might be just anxiety. Might. No, is. It has to be just anxiety. He should trust his eyes. Because he knows his mind is not rational when he gets like this. He will not think normal until it passes. He will not because it is impossible. Something is wrong. What is making him like this? This morning Virgil did not intake any caffeine, and his nutrition logs of the rest of the day indicate no other food-born anxiety stimulates. He even took the anxiety suppressant prescribed by his therapist on Earth this morning, like every morning before.
Nothing is wrong. Why does he feel so unsafe? He does not like it, he does not like the fear for his life-
He was spiraling. His vision blanked and he did not register Thomas' questioning voice over the com. Virgil's senses did not register in the moment, except for smell. Because this smell was out of place. The instinct was right, right, rIgHt . Somet h in g waS wRoNG. Was his suit breached? Oh stars have mercy he was going to die right here, wasn't he? The foreign scent of ozone filled his suit a split second before he felt it.
Then… nothing.
Well nothing was not the right word for it, because there was his beating heart and the sound of blood rushing through his own body. It was the shock of everything feeling regular again. Like a reset button was pressed. The universe must have felt merciful today for that alien feeling did not hurt. It felt wrong, invasive. Very much like burning and bright electricity had just reached into every crevice of his body. The feeling was uninvited and deeply intrusive. But it did not hurt.
He was so shocked in that moment he forgot about that spiral before it came back. He could feel Thomas by his side, a hand on his shoulder. Despite the fog of an anxiety creeping into his system, it was strangely grounding.
"-gil, this is my final time requesting this. If you do not answer me now then we have to null this mission."
That was Thomas. Not invasive ozone-electricity from the stars, his mocking self doubt, or a intrusive thought deadset on letting him break. It was his captain, a man he trusted. His authoritative voice rang through a speaker in his helmet, not even a hint of static. And he wanted an answer, right. "I'm present, sir. Sorry."
The relief in Thomas' heart was tangible. Though he knew Virgil could not see through the glare of the visor, he smiled for him anyways. He had been worried! The captain moved closer and held his hand over the vitals monitor on Virgil's suit. Virgil did not push him away so he started the mandatory scan. "I'm glad to have you back. We need to check your vitals and suit systems before proceeding with anything."
"Sorry, sir. I believe I had an anxiety attack," he explained with an unsteady voice. "My senses didn't register except for a weird smell. Ozone, I think? And I felt a weird zap before I got over it."
Thomas encouraged the explanation. They would go over the audio logs later and archive this incident. Any possible suit malfunctions needed to be reported to Mission Control. Then they would report it to Roman, who will use the fabricator to replace the faulty one. These reports are endless, Thomas thought, tired. It did not end there. If they expended those resources, they would need to get more raw materials. That was all in a day's work, though. Maybe he could get Virgil off of the space walk roster if being out of the ship was a trigger. While a pleasure to work with, his mental health came first to convenience.
He was reading off the screen now. "Your adrenaline levels are spiked, but that is expected. Your hormones outside of stress response are normal. The O2 levels in your blood are normal. You have six hours of oxygen left in your tank. All the circuits are operational-"
"Thomas!" Virgil's voice ran in through the coms, an uncharacteristically urgent tone ringing in his ears. It threw him for a loop and he did not answer fast enough. The results of Virgil's vital scans were all positive, did he say something to make it worse? And then again, louder, "Thomas, please!"
"Is... everything alright?"
"No! Yes? I- um, Maybe?"
A trickle of unease settled deep in the Captain's core. "What is going on?"
"I think I saw something flying, and I don't- We need to go back inside, Thomas please. I can't do this right now."
He listened.
The mission was called null right then and there and he picked up a few pieces of the repair kit with a haste to satisfy his crewmate. The repair drone was following behind them, unaffected by the events.
But the strangest feeling ran through his body when he reached his hand out to Virgil.
He let out a gasp in surprise, and Virgil heard it over the still connected com link. It was the gentle tickle of electric curiously dancing in and out of every nook and cranny of his body. It was quizzical, and embodied a researcher like him.
As it left, he swore the smell of ozone lingered in his suit and that he too saw something move in the corner of his eye. The shape of a black triangle. Massive and looming and definitely not natural and definitely something he was scared of. He could only tell it was there because the stars disappeared behind it. A row of lights flickered on, and Thomas was paralyzed. Virgil had seen it too, but responded by dragging his stupefied captain to the airlock with unprecedented urgency.
It was gone suddenly as it came.
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virgomoontarot · 4 years
New Moon Pick a Pile Reading, August 19, 2020
I have been wanting to incorporate more communal readings like this, and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to create this for you all this evening. The New Moon signals the fresh start of a new cycle. I would like to invite you all to this community reading, which may shed some light on what new beginnings are in store for you. Please keep in mind, because this is a group reading, it may not feel as personal or accurate as readings conducted independently. If this reading raises any questions for you, feel free to shoot me a message so we can discuss it, or even dig deeper.
I now would like to invite you to close your eyes, and take some deep belly breaths. Release any tension you may be holding within your body. Try to imagine a dark night sky, full of bright stars. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, and pick a crystal that calls to you. This may not be the one you find the most beautiful or unique, but the one that is reaching out for your attention, pulling you in. Keep in mind, the following reading is just for fun. What does this new moon have in store for you?
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At the beginning of this moon cycle, you are finding yourself in a position of success. Great job, you’re killin it. You’ve leveled up. Your experience is building into wisdom which can provide you the resources necessary to move forward. If you’re in need of reassurance that you’re on the right track, this is it. This moon cycle, you will be challenged in a way that feels familiar. Something is coming back around that has challenged you in the past. So while you are in a more mature and successful place to deal with it this time around, it may feel discouraging to be confronted with a challenge you thought you had already worked through. Hold fast, and remain confident in your success. This repeating cycle is one which will bring forth even more personal growth. But growth doesn’t always feel too great until we get through to the other side. Hang in there. An element of this challenge that is hidden, is one that you are actually hiding from yourself, though you may not realize it. There is an element of denial at play here. You may be avoiding your inner emotions. You must take time for reflection. Slow down. You may be faced with a choice, but none of the options are appealing to you. However, the time has come to address these issues. You may find it helpful to take some alone time, practice some grounding, and ask yourself, what’s really bothering you? What really needs to be worked on? You can’t hide from your inner emotions forever. They will continue to resurface until you sort them out. This moon cycle, the universe is building a flow of energy and opportunity for you! How wonderful! It’s a great time to try and tap into this energy as much as possible and go with the flow. You can’t speed up the process, and you shouldn’t have any doubt. Open the sails and allow the winds of fate to blow you in the direction you must go. Be open to this flowing current of energy, and trust in it to serve you well. This moon cycle, you’re being encouraged to strive for a better relationship with the truth. Relating back to earlier in this reading, you need to be honest with yourself and acknowledge your deeper emotions. I get a sense that maybe some of you like to stay busy so that you don’t have to sit with your feelings. This is not the same as having a healthy intellectual understanding of your emotions. It’s just a form of avoidance. You’re being encouraged to keep it real with yourself. I get a sense that some of you may have some unhealthy emotional habits which are self sabotaging in nature. Evaluate these behaviors and their motivation, so that you can begin to tackle the root cause, rather than putting out fires that have already started. Some final words of encouragement this cycle are affirmations of stability and long term success. Again confirming that you’ve been doing awesome and that you’re leveling up. All this hard work is going to pay off, promise. Keep up the hustle. You are laying a strong foundation for long term growth and success. For some of you especially this is career oriented, but this can also be true in a sense of relationships and personal growth. The reward is coming, just keep pushing through.
Recap: you’ve been doing awesome and you’ve recently leveled up in a sense. This is a sign you’re on the right path. However, repeating cycles are going to emerge this moon cycle, likely because you have some inner work that requires your attention that you have been avoiding or denying its importance. Practice grounding and stay in the moment, and feel the flow of energy moving through as you move around and work through these stagnant inner areas. Strive to keep it real and be honest with yourself about the nature and cause of unhealthy behavior and thought patterns. You will continue to grow your success this moon cycle, and by the next new moon, you will have taken significant steps toward laying a foundation for future success and stability.
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This moon cycle calls for resilience. Perhaps you’ve recently found yourself softening in the face of challenges, and if you haven’t, then you will be needing to. Rather than taking challenges head on, which can create more resistance, this moon cycle calls for you to approach opposition with compassion and curiosity.The challenge of this moon cycle is in your ability to open your heart up. There is a partnership, a long term relationship in your life. For some this may of course be romantic in nature, but it could also be a friendship, familial relationship, business partnership, or otherwise. You must open yourself up to this. Now is not the time to be closed off. I get a sense of a lack of trust here for some of you. Some of you have been hurt and are not feeling confident in the ability of others to pull their end of the partnership. You must soften, and rather than viewing this as you vs them, view it as you both vs the problem. View your differences from a place of compassion and empathy. A hidden piece of the challenge here is a significant loss. There is another calling here for resilience and perseverance. You may need to reach out for help now. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is something that often takes courage. Whatever this unexpected loss may be, you must reach out to someone, open your heart and trust that they will do what they can to support you. Life is always going to have ups and downs. Support when we are down will develop into celebration when we are up. This moon cycle, a brand new opportunity is building for you. This is resource oriented. So for many of you this is income or career oriented. For others, this is a new relationship of some kind. For all of you, it is a shift that must begin from within. In order to mold our outer world, we must create a healthy inner world for it to reflect. This means putting ourselves in an abundance mindset. Practice affirmations like “I am successful” “I am grateful” “I have everything I need”. This moon cycle asks you to surrender to the loss you will be experiencing. That sucks. I’m not gonna sugar coat it. This loss is gonna hurt, but you will get through it by the end of this cycle, and new opportunities will present themselves on the other side. You must walk away from what is no longer serving you. You can’t hold on to what’s already gone. It won’t do you any good. Press onward. Strive to accept this change as a force of growth. It’s time to move on so you may ascend beyond this phase of your life. Ouch. Your final words of encouragement here are that this process cannot be rushed. I know it hurts and it sucks to feel down and out. Life isn’t fair, and you just want to push through and succeed and get what you’re wanting and craving. You can’t force these things. You have to surrender and ride this out. But you will get through this, as long as you stay true to yourself and do not compromise your integrity in order to get ahead or get back at those who have hurt you.
Recap: this moon cycle, unfortunately, you will be faced with a great loss. You can’t rush the grieving process, nor can you force the growth process. You must surrender to your circumstances and sit with this misfortune. This is going to be a test of your resilience, but by softening in the face of challenge and being gentle with yourself, you will make it through this. You are strong enough. But no one is strong enough to get through this time alone. You need to find a way to trust someone and reach out for support. This is a key element of this challenge, and it will be your guiding light. Remember that through endings we are delivered to new beginnings, and this somber change is one that is going to bring you to a place of new opportunities which are better suited for you.
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This moon cycle has you in a situation where you just have to walk away. If you recently left a toxic environment, this is your sign that you made the right choice. If you’re unsure what to do and have not made a choice, you must walk into the unknown, even if it is sad or frightening, it is for the best. Challenges this cycle relate to authority and structure. If you’re planning on making some moves, you’re gonna be faced with the challenge of laying the necessary infrastructure to make it happen. This challenge could relate to a boss or a parent, or it could be a lack of self confidence. If this is the case, take time to feel empowered and energized. Sit in front of the mirror and repeat after me: “You.Are.A.Badass.” A hidden element of this challenge is a need for tradition and structured practice. You may be surprised how well you fare upon the adoption of a dedicated meditation practice. This could also be a sign you require a menor or a teacher during this time, and it’s hard for you to admit that. The forces of justice are building for you during this moon cycle. So if you’ve been wronged by a person of authority, the truth is going to come out. If you have been dishonest and cut corners in your commitments, the truth is also going to come out. Be aware of this. You are encouraged this moon cycle to explore the unknown within. This is something you must do on your own. Nobody else can do this for you. You are encouraged to sit with yourself in quiet contemplation and reflection. Again, I am seeing encouragement to meditate or spend time in thoughtful prayer. Elements of the subconscious must be explored. Your final words of encouragement today, are that your happiness and success is entirely up to you. Do not place the success of your happiness in external factors, such as the way others treat you, or what you do for a living or the value of your home. Happiness and contentment come from within. By creating a space of self acceptance within, your outer world will be illuminated in a new light that you may find to be far more satisfying. Additionally, you’re encouraged not to indulge in fantasy too much. Be realistic with yourself and the truth of your situation. Set tangible goals that are under your control, rather than asking the universe to simply drop a happy bomb in your lap.
Recap. This moon cycle calls you to explore the sub conscious through diligent practice in order to create a more peaceful inner world. It calls for structure and discipline and quiet contemplation. You must face these inner truths, and remain realistic in your desires. The practice itself, whether it is one of prayer, meditation, yoga, taking walks, or anything else, is what will illuminate these areas of self. Show up for yourself and remain confident in your ability to grow and create a happier state of self.
Feel free to reblog this post or share it with a friend! Thank you all for taking the time to explore what this next cycle has in store for us. I wish you all the best on your new opportunities for personal growth with this new moon!
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rakeshys · 4 years
Things you should be knowing as student
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1) If you take control of your Sunday, you take control of your week.
2) When assigned a long-term project, finish some amount of work toward its completion that very same day.
3) Start small and start immediately.
4) If you cannot maintain an organized room you will never truly feel that your life is organized.
5) It is important to keep your room clean. And it will make your mother happy.
6) Apply to the scholarships.
7) You should never begin studying without a systemized plan for what you are going to review, in what format, and how many times.
8) Before you even crack your first book, take ten minutes to actually write down exactly how you plan to study.
9) The planning is as important as the process.
10) If you want to become a standout student, you must befriend a professor.
11) Reading a daily paper provides essential food for your ambitious brain. Make sure you don't go hungry.
12) if you are constantly worried about avoiding anything negative, you will never do anything out of the ordinary.
13) Don't let others dictate how you should feel about yourself; strengthen your identity—then go conquer your world.
14) do yourself a favor and give time-blocking a try. It's a much smarter way to manage your day.
15) Remember, giving up, when done strategically, is not a weakness. It's simply smart life management.
16) The happiest students are also the most involved students. When it comes to crafting your slate of collegiate pursuits, the sooner you get involved, the better.
17) always be working on a"grand project "
18) take art history and astronomy before you graduate.
19) Imagine the following scene: Your professor is handing back a major research paper to your class. The groans that begin to fill the room indicate that the professor was particularly demanding for this assignment. And rightly so, it's worth forty percent of your grade. As he gets to your name, he asks you to stay after class. Uh oh. Nervously you wait as your classmates file out, and when you are the only student remaining in the lecture hall, he walks up to you . . . and then shakes your hand. “Congratulations,” he exclaims, “your project was by far the best in the class!”
Sound good? Well, get used to it.
20) One or two good questions a class is enough to keep the professor happy, but not enough to solicit the annoyance of your classmates.
21) Getting involved with research early is like drinking an elixir of success.
22) If you pay your dues with grace and enthusiasm and are mindful of the opportunity you are receiving, you will maximize the many positive benefits of participating in original research work.
23) Take ten-minute breaks in between each fifty-minute chunk.
24) One, it makes you feel better about yourself. If you look good, you can imagine that cute guy or dimpled girl in the front row shooting some glances in your direction. This will make you happy. And when you are happy, you have more energy and pay attention better in class. Two, it makes the day official. When you look like you just rolled out of bed, it's all too easy to imagine rolling back in. If you dressnicely, you are sending yourself the message that you are ready to get started and attack the day.
25) Decorate your room.
26) experience the joy of dominating a test without any hard work,this is done by studying Two weeks in advance.
27) Force yourself to write as much as possible. It is an essential, irreplaceable skill for succeeding. Master it.
28) taking the time to eat a social meal with your friends is a great idea; just don't do it more than once a day.
29) Schedule an escape for yourself every single week. And do it alone. Treat it like taking medicine.
30) “Why waste your time and money in the minor leagues of college courses when you have the ability to be swinging in the majors.”
31) When it comes time to study, go where it counts.
32)The best way to learn difficult material is to go over it by yourself, with a lot of concentration, again and again and again until the concepts become second nature.
33) As long as you are paying so much money to attend college, you might as well maximize what you get out of your investment. If you can get into an honors program, do so. No excuses.
34) The key is consistency.
35) Getting fired up, once or twice a month about subjects that interest you, will go a long to way to helping you succeed. Go to guest lectures and keep your intellectual fires stoked.
36) Don't let the decision to exercise become a debatable question. Instead, make it a habit, like going to class or brushing your teeth.
37) You never realize how important your back-home friendships are until you begin to lose them. Stay in touch.
38) Sleep is just a tool to help you function. Treat your body like a machine—give it exactly what it needs to perform its best, not any more, not any less. Give the snooze button a rest. Try to sleep only the amount you need to make it through the day.
39) The best state for your mind to be in is confident and calm. Take the hour before an exam to relax.
40) Read a nonacademic book. Listen to music that makes you happy. Run a couple of errands. Have a conversation with a friend. Work on unrelated—nondemanding—schoolwork. The key is to keep your mind active and energized, but not exhausted. Then head over to the exam fifteen minutes early. On the way, start to lightly review some material that you feel particularly good about. Imagine yourself writing a strong essay on this topic, imagine the professor handing the class a copy of your essay as an example of a good answer. This technique is more than just shameless ego-stroking, it builds your confidence, and, more important, it warms up your mind in a good and controlled sort ofway. When you arrive at the test location, avoid the temptation to frantically catalog all the concepts you are a little shaky on. Try to keep your mind blank, or, alternatively, continue thinking confidence-boosting thoughts about doing really well. When the exam is finally handed out, take a deep breath and have at it. You should be mentally nimble, rested, and energized by the time your pen hits the paper.
41) If a friend invites you to do something and you are not too busy, find the energy to go. If a friend invites you to do something, and you are really busy, don't go, but make plans to get together later in the week. Most important, if a good friend needs help, drop everything and go.
Making friends your number one priority doesn't mean sacrificing your other obligations, but it does demand that you keep them in mind.
42) Be mature and make the right decisions to keep your mind and body in a condition to perform your best.
43) The point is that there are too many factors that can account for both good and mediocre academic performance on any given day, and none of these factors has anything to do with intelligence.
So save yourself a lot of unjustified grief (or pride), and simply ignore your classmates' grades. Worry about your performance and progress; let your classmates worry about their own.
44) A good listener at college is rare.
45) Don't decide to start working the day before.
46) Find something every single day that will make you laugh.
47) Using a high-quality notebook will not guarantee you success, but it will create the right environment for it to flourish.
48) if you don't actively seek out fun, it won't actively seek out you.
49) Take the most important projects or commitments with which you are involved, and pump up your criteria for success.
50) corporate recruitment sessions, and yes, even parties. In the chaos of classes, extracurricular activities, and a healthy social schedule, these optional events are easy to avoid. Don't avoid them.
51) If you want to be a successful student, forget about your G.P.A. Ignore it. Don't talk about it. Make no attempt to know the numbers. You should approach your collegiate career with confidence and energy.
52) Always go to class!
53) Set arbitrary deadlines.
54) eat healthy
55) don't just volunteer, volunteer quietly.
56) approach every paper as if you were trying to win a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.
57) Attend political rallies and keep the flame of progressive thinking alive.
58) Once you have decided on a destination, explore many routes to get you there.
59) Don't take breaks between classes!
60) Don't network. But keep your connections strong.
61) If you can maximize the use of your surroundings, you can maximize your performance as a student.
62) Organize the messages in your e-mail in-box like you would your paper files
63) To be a successful student, you must abandon the start-slow, end-fast mind-set, and instead approach all projects by aiming to start fast, end slow.
64) Spend a semester studying abroad.
65) you want to succeed because you love the excitement of pushing your potential and exploring your world and new experiences, if you want to succeed because life is short and why not fill it with as much activity as possible, then you will win. If you approach life with an attitude of never having regrets and always having a hopeful smile on your face, you can find a measure of success in all your endeavors. Don't have no regrets, but have plenty of fun along the way. In the end, that is what it is to really win.
66) “Don't have no regrets.”
The above points are all from the book I read...
Book: - HOW TO WIN AT COLLEGE: - surprising secrets from the country's top student's
Anime forever ✌
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