#I also want to work on my self-confidence especially if there’s a chance of getting promoted into a more publicly visible position
rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
This year, instead of making a bunch of resolutions all at once and then feeling bad that I dropped the ball on one and quitting the rest because of my usual “if I can’t do it perfectly, why bother” mentality, I’m going to develop one new habit per month. I’m hoping that by this time in December, most of my early monthly habits will be second nature so I can incorporate new habits each month. I’m taking it at a month by month basis, so if I’m struggling with one I’m not rushing to build a new one, because that’s a recipe for failure for me. If I need more time to make sure things stick, I’m going to take it, even if that means that ultimately I only developed one lasting habit this year.
This year’s theme is “what can I do now to help Future Issa out later? How can I make life less stressful for us now and 12 months from now?” Burnout has been an ongoing problem for the past two, three years now and I’m tired of grasping at straws and constantly being exhausted, both physically and mentally. I want to develop habits that will make my life easier in the long run, starting with getting enough rest and making sure my mornings get off to a good start.
So! January’s goal is to develop a realistic morning and nighttime routine so that my mornings aren’t rushed and I get to work on time.
I’ve been on vacation since before Christmas and in that time, I haven’t set any alarms. I usually wake up around 6:00 or 7:00, which means that my body needs roughly 7-8 hours of sleep to function. I’ve also been having regular breakfasts, which have kept me full until noon every day, so I want to keep that going. Luckily, making meal prepping a 2022 habit has carried over, so I think a few tweaks will make this manageable.
The night before, starting after dinner:
Wash dinner dishes
Set up coffee, put automatic timer on for 6 am
Set out coffee cup, spoon, sugar
Set out dishes for breakfast (measuring cup for oatmeal, bowl, spoon, etc)
Set our morning vitamins, glass for water
Things to do 30 minutes before bed:
Take vitamins
Make a cup of tea
Do nighttime skincare/haircare
Set out morning skincare, clothes for work
Shut off all lights except for some lamps
Drink tea, take time to de-stress before bed
In the morning:
Make bed so I’m not tempted to fall back to sleep
Make breakfast, take vitamins
Shower, do morning skincare
Drink coffee, take time to relax and prepare for the day/think about what needs to be done that day
Get dressed, head out to work
I did a practice run this morning since it’s my last day to be on vacation and I had time to slowly wake up. I need to be out the door by 7:30 at the latest in order to be at work and have enough time to start things up/see how my morning is going to go/organize my thoughts before I clock in at 8, so I’m thinking that 6:30 may be my best time to wake up.
My goal is to set things up the night before so that everything is ready and becomes automatic the next morning to help Future Me not have to think about what goes next while I’m still half-asleep. Most of the work is done the night before, and honestly, it’s not even that much. I think it took me maybe 5 minutes max to set everything up and another 15-20 minutes to actually do the wind down before bed portion.
I’m not a big breakfast person, but I’ve spent my vacation experimenting with variations of overnight oats, instant cream of wheat and fruit, microwave breakfast sandwiches, and cereal, so I think I can rotate between those options to keep myself from getting bored and keep me from getting hangry by 10 or 11 at work.
Most of the morning routine is completed within 30-40 minutes, but I want to give myself a full hour to a) enjoy a slow morning without waking up already stressed about the day and b) take the time to mentally prepare myself for the workday with a set plan of tasks that need to be worked on (not necessarily accomplished because Things Happen, but I find that I’m not as frazzled about juggling tasks if I can at least touch on various things daily and adjust which items are more important throughout the week since my job seldomly lets me focus on one thing at a time.)
I think that this can be doable, if today was any indication. I’m also making a side habit to work on that I was already starting last year that helped tremendously with my workload to end the workday by taking the last 10-15 minutes of the day prepping what needed to be finished, either by making a sticky note to myself or by setting up a pile of paperwork in my inbox that was ready to go in the morning for whatever next step was needed. It made things easier to remember where I had left off instead of me flipping through my stack and spending more time each morning setting things up before getting distracted by that day’s tasks and then ultimately getting overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done. It also made a good winding down practice to ease out of Work Mode and get ready for Home Mode by the time 5:00 rolled around.
Will this work? I hope so, but I’m also not going to beat myself up if I skip a day in order to sleep in a half hour longer or if there’s days when I’m not hungry when I wake up. On those days I’ll grab some of the snacks I’ve already stocked my fridge and pantry with to have when I do get hungry later at work. I want to give myself some flexibility to take the time to check in with myself and do what’s best for me this year instead of doing the gogogo all or nothing thinking that I’ve fallen into these past few years that’s made me dislike a job that I otherwise really enjoy and want to grow into something more and pushed myself to the point where I’m not only burning the candle at both ends, but also at multiple points in the middle.
I’ll see where I am at the end of this month. Hopefully I’ll be in a place where my mornings aren’t so rushed and I wake up rested, but if not, then at least I can see what worked and what didn’t to try again in February.
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tarotwithdanise · 2 months
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
reader's note: you can choose more than a pile.
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what a very incredibly energy coming up for this pile! i think a lot of rough things have been through with you in the past weeks or months however as i sense here, you may receive an unexpected friendship with someone or a group of people that may continues to grow further until lifetime. i am not quite sure enough if this connection is about literal "love" or it's just a pure friendship however it's gonna bring so much joy and confident about you as this person or people make you feel belong, counted and loved. this is a type of new beginning relationships for some of you however it seems like there's something off about your energy here, it seems like you cannot accept this friendship instantly because you may have this trust issues because maybe there's something terrible happened from your past but i know you'll get throughout this. you may cut off relationship with someone who hold a female energy and you may considered this individual toxic or you may receive an apology from this person. the number 9 and 4 (94) is significant for this pile.
what a gentle surprise for this pile people. i sense that you maybe worrying too much about your finances but i'mma here to say that you gonna find incredibly balance about your finances in the next days. i sense that you may struggle a lot about your money however you may find yourself in the position in a month or next days in a better place, well, it may not be that better as be soft and a fresh of breath an air just like a millionaire but it's enough to cover all of your basic needs. besides, you may already decided to break off your wants to start saving up more money. my spirit guides advice you to do moves and make sure to welcome abundance in your life.
this may seem like it has a little aura energy of the first pile, so, if you find it attractive, you already know what to do. i sense two things here, (1) is reunion and the (2) other one is you reap what you sow. let me explain the first energy. so, this first energy coming from this pile is about reconciliation with someone, this person is somewhat from your past that lose connection with. well, it can be an ex partner or an old friend. perhaps, i don't detect any harmful energy from this reunion but a delightful moment of joy. the second energy is about collecting and reaping what you have worked hard for in the present, this seems like a feeling of self-fulfillment of accomplishing a certain milestone that you may struggle to achieve of. what blessing you may achieve in the next days, you may find it a solution to your problem. as well that you might start to express yourself through art more in the next few days.
recognition. is there any chance that you may be trying to be a star or an influencer on social media? or maybe this was all a dream and perhaps maybe a sense of me seeing that energy haha however if it's a "yes" then you will be giving an opportunity to be appreciated by some people. you may be attracting a lot of people especially suitors but be careful because not all of them have good intentions towards you. i also see here that you may receive something special or offer from someone that will bring a smile to your face.
a huge spiritual glow is what i'm getting for this pile. there's an action here that you may be a group of spiritual groups recruiting you or if not, there's a big influence into your spiritual gift that may heal or if not, then it can help people in some way by guiding and giving advice to them. you gonna feel that power in the next upcoming days and weeks, you gonna feel that the energy feels like shifting. just a reminder to take care of your body especially your because it may hurt a lot this days or for the upcoming ones. you gonna receive a strong protection from your spirit guides and angels.
someone who has unsafe and destructive intentions is about to be removed into your life. this person has been eyeing you for a long time now and they're about to be cut off totally. this person is somewhat causing you harm for making you feel insecure about your physical and mental health. it can also be that this person might deceit and lied about you in the past that may cause you loss of trust towards them. so, after this person is out of your life. a new beginning is about to start, just be willing to embrace change and strive for your own personal growth. in the next weeks, you gonna find yourself mostly your mental health in it's best and steady aiming for peacefulness.
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© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work with or without my explicit permission.
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pupyuj · 11 months
Pervy G!P babysitter Yujin who can't stop imagining fucking reader who is married but her husband is always away so she sees that as her chance of "helping you out" with your problems. Biggest problem Yujin being extremely hot.
Also don't worry, your works always slay and I can't wait to read more of your work (Especially Yujin because I need her cock in me badly)
an older ask! 😳 n thanks a lot for ur kind words then anon <;33
yujin's definitely the type to take that job bcs she wants to fuck a hot milf... and that milf being you! she does end up enjoying spending time with a kid but at the end of the day... she always comes into your unnecessarily huge mansion with a mission 😈 yujin's super polite and well-mannered, plays with your kids very well and even gets him some gifts sometimes! you grew fond of her after she went above and beyond for your kid and ever since then, you've seen her as more of a confidant than an... well, an employee 😭😭
it was definitely strange to call someone so young your friend, but that was what became of your relationship! especially after your partner got so busy that you started feeling lonely around the house 😞 yujin always made sure to keep you from getting bored though! from cooking meals for the kid with you, helping you with cleaning, playing with your kid with you.. yujin was good company! but ofc... her ulterior motives got the best of her one day! 🫣
making sure that the kid wasn't around when she makes a move... sees you looking all stressed from work without your partner to comfort you :((( yujinnie offering her help by putting her hands on your shoulders and giving you a well-earned massage! "your partner... they're a very hard-worker but i can't help but think that they're being a little unfair to you, (y/n)-ssi." yujin lowering herself so she's right up your ear, making the slightest moves to be softly pecking your head,, and you're so tired that you can't rlly think correctly... leaning in to her and making the mistake of moaning when she suddenly gropes your tits??? now yujin definitely doesn't have to think of stopping herself.
"y-yujin... wait, i'm... i can't be doing thi—"
"fuck no. stay here." she pulls your back against her, attacking your neck 😳 her hands were already inside your blouse, groping and touching everywhere she could :((( humping your ass while she pinches your nipple, forcing her tongue inside your mouth, and rubbing your clit all at once?? it was all too much for you and soon enough you've completely thrown away all your self-control,, letting yujin touch you as she pleases, reaching down her pants and squeezing her dick... and you're even the one who unbuckled her belt and unzipped her pants! you were so desperate to be filled that you didn't care that you were cheating on your spouse—all you wanted was yujin, and for yujin to fuck you good 😵‍💫
memkehjksd yujin pumping in and out of your cunt while you're sat on top of your desk,, your arms around her neck, holding on for dear life while she pounds your pussy like she's never fucked anyone before,, her grunts in your ear?? bites your shoulder, your neck... 🤤🤤 yujinnie making sure you're taking the full length of her thick cock with every thrust :(( reaching even some spots your partner did not know about.. fuck, yujin was way too good at this...
"lemme breed you, mommy... fill this fucking pussy full of my cum... can i? can i, please??" her hips stuttering the closer she gets to her climax :((( yujinnie gets super whiny too,, whimpering and muttering "mommy" against your skin,, one clench around her dick pushing her over the edge and making her spill her seed inside you 😵‍💫😵‍💫 she really does fill you up so fucking full too! "how was that...? i'm good, right, mommy?" yujinnie was asking with a shit-eating grin, knowing damn well she's just given you a good fuck after forever 🥴
you were just recovering from all of that when yujin had this genius idea to sit on your bed, wrap your panties around her cock, and jack off right in front of you,, "f-fuck..! mhm!" her coming in your panties,, and telling you to wear them bcs it inflates her fucking ego so much... and to both of your luck, your partner arrives home later that night and you had to stand and be all sweet in front of them while wearing some cum-soaked panties... yujinnie watching from the side with a smirk, winking at you when you happened to make eye contact with her while your spouse kissed you,,,
and ofc, each and every single one of her next visits became merely an excuse for the two of you to fuck like rabid animals,, but what can you say??? being bred full of yujin's cum everyday have become too much of a good thing to give up 😵‍💫
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ghostswoman · 6 months
Jealous!König who is seething at the sight of you getting hit on by a fellow teammate. Fists clenched, stomping his way over to you, his broad figure towering over you, scaring away whoever was trying to get your attention. (I'm foaming at the mouth rn pls)
You’re desires were heard rather late but here it is!
König x fem!Reader
After the meeting you had with the other fellow Korrtac members your mind was completely scrambled and all over the place. All that you could think of was getting some good work-out done that’ll maybe wake you up a bit especially because the last mission rather drained you of everything you honestly wanted to do on base. On the way there you grabbed a lose t-shirt and a freshly washed towel.
While you were holding the towel and shirt you didn’t noticed one of the newbie soldiers gawking at your ass like he always did when you were simply walking past his person or while standing in the cafeteria hall where you were normally talking with some fellow soldiers you worked with over the time. But one big thing the dude nerve noticed was the rather big and imposing shadow you have with you all the time even when you didn’t noticed it. This shadow was already plotting everything he could do with that toothpick of soldier when he would get the chance of training him the next day.
Putting your stuff down onto the floor as you softly took of your military boots while taking off those you let out a satisfied sigh because now you could finally pull your socks up again because the boots always kind of liked to pull them down with the hard leather that they are made with. Softly pulling your camouflage shirt over your head as you were just standing in the rather empty gym with just your black bra on as you quickly grabbed your the shirt you brought and pulled it over your head.
But what you didn’t noticed is that the newbie was now not just gawking no,he was on his way towards you with a rather disgustingly confident smirk painted on his lips. “Such a delicate little lady in the military is quite a sight for sore eyes don’t you think?” you just thought you were dreaming here such dumb nonsense leave the dudes lips while you were completely uncomfortable and shocked of what he just said.
A rather big hand no rather a big paw of such called hands were now softly resting on your shoulder as you felt the familiar big shadow that was now casted over the crown of your head. Smelling the similar smell of gunpowder,gun oil and a soft hint of mint enter your nose,you already knew that your colonel König also known as your shadow around base was standing right behind you. “Everything alright Engel?” You heard the voice say with his typical and iconic Austrian accent but there was so much annoyance and disgust in his voice that was usually not there when the big men spoke with you when he was on his way for his maybe 20th black coffee that day.
Your eyes softly crawled up the big burly chest of König as you finally met his ice blue eyes that were so stone cold like they usually were on battlefield when your group was getting ready for an attack. But today this coldness was only casted in his eyes because the newbie obviously didn’t knew that you are Königs kleine Maus. “I’m alright Kö..” you wouldn’t even believe your own self with how your usually confident voice was now as silent as a little mouse pushed into a corner.
His blue eyes narrow as the ice cold stare was lifted from your body up to the face of the newbie soldier. “Did you flirt with my Engel?” as you could hear Königs voice get more towards his commanding tone that he usually used when someone messed up big time or if some soldiers didn’t do what they were assigned to do. The newbie swallowed down a big lump as he just quickly shook his head as if someone was holding him at gun point,well making König angry was even worse then being held at gun point that was known since the big man joined Kortac. “And I should really buy that? Do you think I’m stupid!”
As your eyes widened while you saw that König was rather close of beating up a new soldiers for making such a dumb comment on you and your body. Quickly reaching out your hands as you softly grabbed Königs tactical vest as you softly patted his shoulder trying to get his focus switched back to you. “It’s okay Kö let’s just…calm down okay?” When his eyes switched down to meet your still shocked eyes his eyes completely changed towards warmth and love in milliseconds,that what you always found a bit disturbing about how easily König feelings could control him sometimes. “Okay Maus.”
One final time he looked up to the newbie again with his commanding voice he spoke “you can be rather happy I didn’t make you an example of how I will act when you talk with someone that’s clearly mine.”
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aziraphales-library · 16 days
Hi team! I was wondering if you might have some recommendations for Aziraphale-centric fics? Not really looking for whump, or fics where his feelings for Crowley are his sole focus (though I'd still enjoy it if were a significant part of the story), but moreso fics that look at Aziraphale holistically. First fic that comes to mind as an example is "Angel-Centered Therapy Through A Multicultural Lens: An Integrative Approach" by Nnm. Thanks!
Hello! Here are some Aziraphale-centric fics for you...
Could you breathe with me? by Euny_Sloane (T)
Aziraphale goes to counseling/therapy with an unnamed therapist and spends some time exploring his feelings related to love, loss, and family. Note that this is an imagined counseling session, and so may bring up uncomfortable feelings, regardless of how many tags I place, especially if you have the unfortunately common experience of feeling unloved by your family, or unworthy of love. Nothing graphic happens except a reference to Pompeii, though.
In a Perfect World, I would Hold your Hand and Kiss your Cheek by boredom (T)
A chance encounter with a young man leads Aziraphale on the path of healing and discovery. Maybe now he can finally admit to what he wants, without guilt and without fear. Maybe now he and Crowley can finally move forward, together.
Human Labels, and Angelic Discovery by Hemlock_Holmes (G)
Aziraphale discovers autism, and goes on a one-angel mission to learn everything he can about it. This is a purely self-indulgent fic about discovering yourself after many years, because I am so tired of reading books (not fanfic!) where the word autism is skirted around and treated like taboo, even when everyone knows that's what the author means. Just say it people! Also because nothing gives me greater joy than watching Aziraphale stim.
something wretched about this by IvyOnTheHolodeck (T)
You might wonder why Aziraphale can't seem to enjoy his retirement in peace. You could ascribe his distress to the series of terrifying thoughts that haunt his days, or the only book he wishes he'd never read, or even the wound that still hurts after six thousand years. Really, though, you should blame the fact he's never learned to talk about his feelings.
The Other Arrangement: or, How the Angel Got so Hungry by burnttongueontea (T)
‘It’s just… funny. Don’t you think it would be funny, if it turned out we’d had it the wrong way round all these years? If I ate all the time, and you hardly ever?’ Crowley discovers that Aziraphale has been strictly and obsessively limiting his food intake for millennia, due to fear of punishment from Heaven if he gets caught eating too regularly. The angel’s confident facade comes apart at the seams after they move to the South Downs, as he struggles to cope with new-found freedom while still keeping his past a secret. With the future of their relationship soon hanging in the balance, Crowley must find a way to convince Aziraphale that he is a safe pair of hands to collapse into – and that they can rebuild things from the ground up.
My Favorite Ghost by cassieoh_draws, DiminishingReturns (T)
Decades after the world didn’t end, Heaven and Hell got their war — and nearly destroyed everything in the process. When Aziraphale finally manages to reacquire a corporation and return to Earth, he discovers he was gone longer than he thought and the planet has become unrecognizable. As he searches for Crowley and tries to figure out how he fits in a world that Heaven, Hell, and God have all wiped their hands of, nature works around him to reclaim the bones of an old civilization as the scraps of humanity build a new one. A lush and optimistic post-apocalypse story, told from the POV of an immortal who can't let go of the past.
And the one you mentioned...
Angel-Centered Therapy Through A Multicultural Lens: An Integrative Approach by Nnm (G)
“I’d love to meet with you,” Davey said, apologetically, when he had been called up by a fellow looking to initiate therapy, “but I’m all booked up for months.” “Are you sure?” The fellow said, through a poor connection that crackled. Davey had been sure. And yet. Right there in his calendar was a blank spot, just a few days away, which he had somehow completely overlooked before. “How about that…I’ve got Wednesday at eleven, if you can make that work.” “What a miracle,” the fellow said, “that would be just the perfect time.”
- Mod D
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jellied-milk · 7 months
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
• a little quiet, using the moment to catch his breath and adjust himself.
• he’d probably clean you with the closest thing to him (his bandanna, whatever clothes surround you).
• will pull you under his arm and caress your waist while enjoying the silence.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• John probably has low self esteem because of his scars so he doesn’t really think of himself as attractive.
• ( likes his hands and fingers when teasing you during foreplay: “ Hmm, this pussy gets so tight roun’ my fingers.” ).
• Your breasts!! no matter the size, shape, or color, he will definitely grab them any chance he gets.
• Loves to lay his head between them when you two are alone!!
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
• will definitely come close to cumming inside you sometimes.
• cums on your chest because he loves seeing his spend drip down your nipples, off your breasts, on your thighs.
• (^^ especially if you’re holding your breast and his cum gets on your fingers!!).
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• wants to cum inside because he wants to feel your pussy milk his cock while being fully wrapped in your warmth.
• LOVES when you beg and whine a little during sex. (when you say to him, “mmm, you’re so big inside me!!” , “oh John, please fuck me faster!).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
• Yes, but I don’t think he’s very confident in his abilities.
• Learned through working girls in whatever town was closest to camp in his wild and adventurous youth. (obviously excluding Abigail from this)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
• The Pretzel Drip!!
• Fucking your leaking heat as you look in his eyes while he plays with your breasts, pinching your nipples.
• Spreads your legs wild open so he can lean over your body and nip on your nipples while fucking you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
• Probably starts with some snarky remarks that get outta hand between you two and he gets flustered then takes you somewhere more private.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
• probably average based on his hair length and stubble.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
• cautious and definitely waits for you to give him signals to keep going or stop, (especially when you guys first start sleeping together).
• focuses on you more during foreplay because he loves teasing you and gets a little pussy-drunk when inside you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
• Simple answer, no. John would probably wait until you two are alone.
• BUT… if you’re gone on a job or hunt and he’s been drinking that night??
• He’ll fantasize about you, thinking about your little noises and slick heat. Quickly snaps out of it and rushes to his tent. Palms himself before impatiently pulling out his cock.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
• Cockwarming: LOVES having you completely wrapped himself and feeling your wet pussy clenched down
• Teasing: not necessarily him making fun of you but more so YOUR reactions to him and what he says.
• Titjob: when he’s sitting down and you’re kneeling in front of him, jerking your breasts up and down his cock while lickin his tip, it will take everything in him not to bust.
• Exhibitionism: in the form of quickies in the sense that, if John sees a chance with you in an alleyway, secluded train car, or in the open woods.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
• In a real bed preferably at a hotel or cabin, so you guys can also be away from the gang for total privacy.
• (but if the opportunity presents itself, he’ll snatch it so damn fast).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
• Honestly, attention from you turns him on, ( gets in his own head and likes when you ground him).
• if you wear a shirt/dress with a low-cut or a few top buttons undone, he can’t help but stare before noticing he’s hard.
• When you’re a little mad because then when you two fuck, you’ll be on top and he’ll be playing with your breasts, (win-win in his eyes).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Causing any pain to the point where it actually harms you (would feel very guilty and somewhat reclusive about sex until you reassure him).
• Anything that would de-masculine him, (because he’s a bit self conscious) so pegging or being tied up.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• personally receiving because he loves it when your tongue twists around his shaft (thinks your mouth feels so nice and warm, and whines a little when he hits the back of your throat).
• If he’s giving then his tongue will go down to your opening and tease it then clamps his mouth around your clit, harshly sucking on it before devouring you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
• Usually faster because he gets off to your noises and breasts bouncing up and down. He works you open with fingers while teasing your clit, making sure you’re dripping before shoving his cock inside you and setting a quick rhythm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• happens when there’s a safe opportunity.
• he LOVES them because he can be in any mood and feel instantly better if he gets to feel you dripping down him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
• With both your lifestyles, you two constantly are risking your necks, so I don’t think so.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
• He can last about 3-4 rounds before needing a break.
• Usually holds himself off and waits for you to finish at least once or twice before he cums.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
• it’s 1899, so no.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
• When fingering you, he LOVES to tease since he lives for the noises you make, the feeling of your hot, slick pussy between his fingers, your hands gripping his arm and blankets.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• He really does try to be quiet when you guys are in camp.
• But alone: the sound of grunts, raspy pants and his teasing can be heard among you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
• Whenever you whine, sometimes John teases your moans with a “yeah?” In a deep raspy voice.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• 7 ½ inches, average thickness with prominent veins
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
• Pretty average and would get higher after you guys are together.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• Either stays awake longer than you do, thinking about you, whatever’s happening to the gang, or himself
• Or instantly curls beside you so he can feel your warmth and softness against him.
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lilithess · 2 years
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water moons are just so … love naive. it breaks my heart how much these people get taken advantage of. if you come across a manipulative, hard cored water moon, know that they’ve already been hurt too much. this especially goes for cancer moons. like when a crab closes its shell
i already spoke about capricorn and scorpio placements getting the most hurt in this life but i’ve noticed it’s somewhat different. capricorn’s pain is obvious and “logical”. these people couldn’t catch a break because saturn and pluto have been transiting the sign of capricorn and now aquarius so it’s decades od having two malefics going up and down on your placements. mother died, father left, grandma got ill, parents divorced.. whatever it was, naturally, when you hear their life story, it makes sense as to why they behave as rigid or even pessimistic and frustrated with others, with themselves. they’ve been through so much and their childhoods were one of the most difficult i’ve seen (especially aquarius/capricorn stellium). burdened by everything that happens, they usually buckle up and dig themselves in their work. work is the most favorable medicine for saturnians.
scorpio, on the other hand, might not even have any of these life circumstances. i’ve noticed plutonians can create their own misery. they can be healthy, employed, even have both parents, a house, friends../ yet somehow they’re suffering. this is because scorpio needs the wound to keep it going. it needs something to die over, then be reborn, because without it - there’s no point. it wouldn’t be a scorpio to begin with. say you might be going through a heartbreak. and you hurt, you buy icecream, you go shopping, cry for a while, then move on. regular life, it happens. plutonian going through a break up is like peeling the skin of your bones. it goes on and on. it can be years over something that can be finished in a month. they hurt with every cell in their body. everything is deep, everything is big, everything is an apocalipse. this is how scorpio/pluto processes hurt and betrayal and most often in secrecy. i say - the rest of the zodiac suffers, and then there’s scorpio
venus being harshly aspected by saturn could manifest as having an extremely low self esteem that you’re not even aware of. it could prolonge a happy relationship or any sort of relationship at all. if you do get into a relationship, make sure they are treating you right. there’s a good chance you have to work on your confidence a lot
i’ve witnessed libra mars be so peaceful about an issue that i wanted to pluck their words out with pliers. they can really swipe things under the rug and just stay aggressively silent. my father has this placement as well and i’ve seen him stand up for himself and loose his cool maybe - two times. other libra placements don’t have this sort of passiveness (except maybe libra rising) so idk where the stereotype on libra suns is coming from. also, i find libras to be much darker than people see them to be. maybe because there’s a good chance they’ll have some scorpio placements as well but. i think this sign needs a deeper analyses
SYNASTRY TIME! there is one guy who has loved me for the past three years no matter where he’d been and who he’d been with. whenever he sees me it all starts all over again and these are most significant synastry aspects that we have: - my saturn and mars square his moon (he is hurt all over again every time. i have a situation where i’m the moon and i was the hurt one. beware of malefics on your moon!) - my sun conjuncts his venus (this aspect seems very powerful be it in synastry or composite, but i don’t feel it much. my venus also conjuncts his sun and i see him as nothing but another friend) - his neptune opposite my venus and mars (he is the infatuated one, not me) - my moon, venus, mars and jupiter in his 8H (feels possessive over me, stares at me to the point i have to yell at him to stop, looks at me like a lost puppy, has no control over his dignity and if he sees another man flirting with me he gets mad and the rest of his night is ruined) - my ascendant conjunct his moon and my mc conjunct his sun (i have no idea how this plays out but it seems important)
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ellephlox · 2 years
Castle in the Sky
Summary: You try sparring with Matt because he wants you to learn self-defense. A minor bump to the head, as it turns out, opens up many doors.
Pairing: Matt x f!reader
Warnings: Hit to the head, some physical intimacy (but no smut)
A/N: Haven't written in months because I've been working on a writing project of my own but here I am again!! I'm absolutely THRILLED to see the new photos of Born Again and I'm also dying to watch Kin season 2 (haven't been able to watch it yet unfortunately).
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"Matt, I know it probably pains you to hear this, but I'm seriously going to be a waste of your time."
"You could never be a waste of my time."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but really, I don't think you understand just how bad this is going to go."
"It'll go fine. Just give it a shot." Matt was in a tee and shorts, an excited energy in the way he beckoned you forward. Training, he called it. Self-defense lessons.
It sounded more like a painful exercise to you.
"Besides," you continued. "Let's say I was walking down the street and some malicious guy approached me with a knife and was all, Give me your money or I'll kill you—"
Matt scowled. "If that ever happens, I'll kill him first."
"In that situation," you pressed on, "I guarantee that I would freeze. Any punches or flying kicks or whatever that you have tried to teach me would be sitting uselessly in the recesses of my mind. I'd be scared or disbelieving and I wouldn't even move. Really."
"It wouldn't hurt to try learning, sweetheart."
You sighed. "I'll try, for your sake, but don't think that I don't see through your motivations."
"My motivations?"
"You just want to kick my ass and then laugh as I succumb to your ninja skills."
"It might possibly be a contributing factor."
You gave him a light push. "Alright, then. So you really think you can teach me something?"
"Sure. Anyone can learn." Matt quickly pushed the sofa backwards and faced you, suddenly appearing much more imposing than he did when... well, when he wasn't about to spar with you. You lifted up your hands uncertainly, trying to mimic the boxing pose you'd seen him take on in Fogwell's.
"Okay. That's your first mistake," Matt said, stepping forward to grab your wrists and adjust them.
"How did I already screw up? I only lifted my hands."
"When you're assuming a defensive stance, you don't want to keep your hands that low. It's better to keep them up a bit higher to protect your ribs and face."
He moved your hands upward. "Good. You've got your thumbs right."
"See, I know what I'm doing," you said dryly. "Next time I get attacked on the street they'll be intimidated by my correct thumb placement."
"And you'll be grateful that your thumbs aren't broken after you throw a punch. I learned that the hard way." Matt paused for a moment. "I made the mistake of putting my thumb out. Stick didn't tell me. He said he thought it'd be a good way for the lesson to stick if there was a physical reminder."
"Bastard. Now I want to learn how to fight." You lifted up your fists. "Because if I ever get the chance to meet Stick, I assure you that he will be very familiar with my fists."
"I appreciate that support, but if that ever happens, I very vehemently would recommend against that." Matt held out his hands. "Attack me. I want to see what your fighting style is."
"You mean my fighting style or lack thereof?"
"Just go for it." Matt stood there confidently, his hands crossed in front of him casually and his eyes trained on your collarbone.
"I don't want to hurt you," you said uncertainly. "I mean, I know how dumb that sounds, because you're freaking Daredevil, but it feels wrong to just... throw a fist at you."
Matt only laughed. "Sweetheart, you won't hurt me."
"You sure?"
"Um." You considered your hands, feeling suddenly self-conscious. "Don't judge me, okay?"
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Tentatively you sent a fist towards the left side of his abdomen. You expected him to just sidestep it, especially since it was a slow-moving punch — you didn't have the heart to put all of your strength into it, no matter what he said — but instead he blocked your arm, braced his other arm against your own, and forced you to twist around until your back was against his front and his arm was around your neck. "Come on, sweetheart, you can do better than that."
He was taunting you, and it worked. "Fine," you said, and you tossed your elbow back with the intention of slamming it into him, but it hardly did anything at all; he took the blow as though you'd thrown a marshmallow at him.
"Go for the groin," he advised.
"Don't have to tell me twice," you said, lifting up your knee with the intention to nail him, but he took the opportunity to sweep your other leg out from under you. You fell to the floor, groaning. "I thought you wanted me to try getting you in the groin?"
"And I wanted to show you how that makes it easy for an assailant to knock you down. One foot on the ground is a surefire way to have zero feet on the ground."
"Come on, you kick all the time — flying kicks, spinning kicks, twirly-whirly kicks—"
"I don't do twirly-whirly kicks. And you can go for the groin, occasionally, but only when the timing is right and you won't get knocked down."
"I promise you that if I somehow manage to get in a fight with someone, the last thing I'll be doing is analyzing whether or not the timing is right for a groin kick, Matt."
"Okay. Try a heel palm strike." He took your arm and guided you through the movement, flexing your wrist and showing you how to pull your arm back quickly. "And go for the nose, or throat, if you can. That's effective. The ears are a good target, too. It's disorienting, even for someone who doesn't rely on their hearing to move around."
You gave him a look. "Please tell me that you don't get your ears boxed on a regular basis."
"Only twice." Matt kept going before you could say anything else. "There's several escapes I want to show you, in case you're ever being held against your will."
He proceeded to demonstrate to you the different ways you could free yourself, whether you were held in a headlock or your hands were tied; for his sake you tried to do as best as you could, though you felt fairly certain that each time you "freed" yourself, it was Matt letting you go, so you could experience the maneuver fully.
"Now get down," he said.
"On the floor?"
"For escaping while mounted. Lie on the floor, on your back."
"Why do I feel like you have ulterior motives?" you asked, smirking at him as you obeyed. He climbed on top of you and grabbed both of your wrists with a devious glint in his eyes.
"Never said I wouldn't enjoy myself," he said. He locked his legs around your waist and grabbed both of your wrists, pinning them to the floor. "So, if you ever find yourself in a position like this — God forbid — then what you're going to do is—"
"Panic and wait for the devilishly handsome Daredevil to show up and rescue this damsel in distress?" At Matt's expression, you backpedaled. "I'm kidding. Kidding. I'll fight back."
"Even though your wrists are pinned, your hands themselves are still free. Try to grab my wrist with your left hand."
You tugged, and Matt allowed you to pull your hand over so that you had your left hand securely locked around his wrist. "And what if my assailant is too strong and I can't do this?"
"Odds are that no matter how strong they are, if you can start kicking with your legs, spit in their face, or scream — anything to distract them — they're not going to be 100% focused on your one left wrist. They'll be contending with your flailing legs."
"Okay," you said doubtfully. "So I just grab your wrist... then—"
"Put your foot on my hip, push, and pull at my wrist simultaneously."
"But you've locked yourself around me," you said, struggling fruitlessly. "How am I supposed to move my legs?"
"Roll onto your hip. It'll create space. And if you can, reach up and grab the ear of the assailant, then pull them to the side."
"I'm not testing the ear move on you," you said firmly. "Nope."
"I second that," he admitted. "But try the hip roll."
To your surprise, it actually worked. And this time, you felt the natural shifting of your bodies, so that you could even slightly believe that it would work on your assailant no matter how big or strong they were. You rehearsed the move with Matt several times, swapping out which hand you used to reach up to him.
"Okay. Again, and faster. Real-time, if you can. And at the end, I want you to roll out all the way, and get out from under me," Matt said.
"Okay," you said, feeling that things wouldn't bode too well for you if Matt was going to put an ounce of effort in, but you got back in position. He grabbed both of your wrists, this time digging his knees painfully into your ribs, just enough for it to hurt without doing any real harm. You gasped, struggling for breath, and lunged forward to loosen yourself slightly, trying to roll over to no avail.
"Try again," Matt said, and you did, spontaneously leaning upwards as you jerked to the left and reached for his wrist. Once you had it, you pulled as hard as you could, pushing your knee against him. You could feel him yielding a bit, going easy on you — which slightly pissed you off even though you knew you'd have no chance against him otherwise — but at the same time it was still exhilarating.
Finally you freed yourself, and rolled out to the left and onto your knees, just as Matt followed through with your shove and lunged to block you.
"Keep going," he urged. "Get back on your feet."
You obeyed, adhering to his commands as he gave them, and it really was like a waltz once you got into the rhythm, dodging and learning to recognize which hand motions meant what.
"Now try dodging a new type of punch," he said, as a way of warning. "I'll be coming from this side over here."
"Which way do I go? To the left?"
"Right. And be ready, because this time I'm going to fight back more."
You weren't quite sure how it happened, though. The sweep of his arm, as you put all your weight to the left, resulted in you losing your balance and toppling over the follow-through of his leg, your arms to the side and unable to get forward quickly enough to brace yourself as your head made a beeline for the edge of the coffee table.
The impact it made felt as though someone had hammered a nail into the top of your forehead. You yelped, hand now free so that it could jump to the spot of impact.
Matt's reaction was visceral; like a TSA agent oddly eager to frisk, he had his hands out and seeking the exact spot where your forehead currently felt like the site of an excavation. "Dammit, I'm sorry — are you okay?"
"I'm okay. Sorry. I didn't think that would happen."
"Why'd you go left?"
"You told me to go left."
"No, I said right."
You snorted despite yourself, closing your eyes against the ebbs of pain. "I interpreted 'right' as 'correct'. My bad."
"No, it's my bad, I should have—"
"Not your fault at all," you managed, brushing at your head. You expected blood, but it was dry. "Just a bump. I should have seen that coming."
"You probably have a concussion." Matt's tone was strangled, his left hand cupping the back of your head while his right grazed the bump. "I could call Claire, and have her come over—"
"Uh, no." The thought of having Matt's practically on-call nurse drop everything she was doing to come help you was mortifying. "I don't even think I have a concussion. Ask me my name. Bet I can ace any question you've got." Physically you pulled his hand away from your head. "Matt, really. It's okay."
"You're trying to mollify me."
"You're too worried," you said playfully. "It'll take more than a little bump to take me out. If you can get sliced up by the Yakuza, I think I can handle a love tap from the coffee table."
"That wasn't a love tap. I could hear the impact on your skull. And I can feel the heat already from the bruise forming."
"See, we don't need Claire. I'll never need to go to a hospital again with you around." You patted at your head and ignored the accompanying stab of pain that would otherwise have made you flinch if Matt wasn't there to detect it. "Can we go through the move again?"
"But you were the one who wanted me to learn in the first place."
"We'll go to Fogwell's another time," he said. "Someplace with floor mats and no sharp coffee table edges."
You rolled your eyes, but you could already see that his mind wasn't going to budge. He sat in a crouch, his head still tilted towards you as though he couldn't help keeping a constant monitor on your head, and it struck you, with the position he was currently in, how easy it would be to knock him over.
"Cow tipping!" you hollered at him, diving forward and throwing all of your weight against his side; from his crouched position on the tips of his feet, there was nowhere to go but sideways, and for one delicious microsecond, Matt Murdock, the same man you had seen balance precariously on fire escapes and jump nimbly from roof to roof, was forced to fumble his arms out in time to catch himself as he fell to his left. You leapt atop him, straddling his chest with your knees.
"You took down a blind man who was trying to help you," he mocked. "Shame on you. Were you faking the head pain, too?"
"I'm not that devious," you said. "Say mercy and I'll let you go."
Matt tipped his head back against the floor, his eyes reflecting the evening sunlight as it came out from behind the clouds. Without seeming to notice, his hands crept up the outside of your thighs, making goosebumps prickle on your skin. "You think that I need your acquiescence in order to get up?"
You leaned forward, pressing your hands against his shoulders. The muscles tensed under your fingertips, the biceps under your thumbs ready to spring into action at any moment. "As far as I'm concerned, right now I've conquered you, and if anyone were to see us then I think they'd agree with me."
"It's touching to see how much this means for you," he said. "I'll let you enjoy your victory for a bit longer."
"And then?"
"And then I get to win." His voice was lower, reminiscent of the devil, and your stomach dropped. Still you could feel the muscles poised under your hands, and you could feel your blood rising into your cheeks as his own hands crept lower.
You egged him on. "You can try," you said. "I'm warning you, though, that I could beat you whenever I want, easily. I just like to pretend I'm not as strong as I actually am. Wouldn't want to hurt the ego of Daredevil."
"Of course. How thoughtful of you, sweetheart."
"Yeah, you know me."
"I'm guessing that was you who took down the trafficking ring a few nights ago, then? Left all those men unconscious in the alley?"
"Uh, obviously." You leaned in closer. "That's why you've got to play nice, Murdock. If I get mad, I might just go all Hulkish on you and you'll be begging for my mercy—"
Quickly enough that you jumped, startled, Matt rolled out from underneath you with even more ease than you would have expected, and with a swift grab of your wrists, he pinned you down beneath him, just like earlier when you sparred.
"You were saying?" he asked, grinning. Immediately you tried the move that had worked on him previously — he definitely was going easy on you earlier, then — but this time he blocked it. You scowled, and tried again; once more it yielded nothing.
"You're not getting up until you make some amendments to what you were saying, Y/N."
"Well, let me clarify," you began, and Matt's lips lifted upwards as he began to smirk.
Nope. He's not getting any satisfaction yet.
"I'm currently giving you the impression that you've won," you continued, and his expression shifted, as though he were trying not to laugh. "It's an important part of keeping your ego up, of course. Every so often I like to give you these little nuggets of delusion."
"Nuggets of delusion," Matt repeated.
"Sure. I'm selective with them. But when I feel like you need a bit of a self-esteem boost, then bam, you've got it. So right now, I'm giving you a nugget. It's all part of my strategy." You lay beneath him, the floor hard on your back, as he seemed to mull over what his response was going to be.
Instead, he simply took your wrists and moved them above your head, where he pinned both to the floor with his left hand and then moved his right hand down to your throat.
"What?" you managed. "You don't like delusion nuggets?"
"I want you to admit you're lying."
"But you already know I'm lying."
"I want the verbal confession."
"I confess to nothing," you said stubbornly, your heart picking up as his thumb brushed over the center of your throat.
"Try again, sweetheart. And remember that I know where you're most ticklish."
"Uh... you are by far the strongest man I've ever met and I could never compare to you?"
"And what else?"
"I love you?" you said, your voice higher than usual, because damn, Matt leaning directly above you was distracting.
"Better." He released your wrists and pulled you up into him.
You buried your head into his chest, sighing. "Can't believe you just tackled a concussed person to the floor."
"That was not a tackle. That was... one percent effort. Even half a percent." He paused a moment. "And you said the bump wasn't anything to be concerned about."
"Mm. Did I lie?" you asked him, kissing his hand.
"No," he admitted. "But I still don't trust you."
"You shouldn't. Because the next time you're tying your shoes, or cleaning out underneath the oven or something, I'm totally going to cow tip you again."
"Seriously? 'Cow tipping'? Did you make that up?"
"For a guy who knows everything, I'm appalled you don't know what cow tipping is."
"Please tell me you've never actually shoved a real cow over."
"You really do think poorly of me," you said, stretching. "Just you wait, Murdock. When you least expect it, you shall be cow tipped again. Just you wait."
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ebaylee422 · 2 years
Decking the Halls
Steve Harrington X Girlfriend!reader
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Author’s Note:  Angst to cute sex, I’m not sorry. This is post Season 3, pre Season 4. I just love being angsty. I also really needed to clear my drafts soooo X-mas in March everyone!
Summary: Stockings aren’t the only things being stuffed this Christmas season. Steve has never decorated for Christmas, he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want to ruin your sprit by avoiding you. Don’t worry though, he shows you just how appreciative he is after. 
Characters: Steve Harrington, Girlfriend reader, mentions of shitty parents and the rest of the ST nuggets. Best Friend Robin Buckley!!
Warnings/Tags: Smut (Minors DNI!!!) abandonment issues? as an intro, p in v sex, marking kink, praise kink, fem oral (receiving). breeding?
Word Count: 3k
Part One/?
You had tried everything to get Steve into the Christmas spirit: buying decorations for your apartment, getting matching pj’s, going to watch the lights in Indianapolis,  watching Christmas movies, the Ice-Skating was most regrettable because you fell forward and knocked your teeth hard enough to bleed. Even planning a white elephant with him and his friends, sharing hot cocoa and warmth of your space heater. What you didn’t know is as soon as he left your place he was greeted by his parents' empty house. Decorated from some stupid trendy catalog his mother only glanced at before swiping a credit card. His father, not even home long enough to realize the tinsel monstrosity within the living room. The presents underneath were fake, they stopped being real when his father told him to grow up. That Santa wasn’t real, saying he needed to start giving instead of hoping for some joy from a fat man each holiday season. So that’s exactly what he did, the first Christmas he’d enjoyed in a long time was on Christmas of 83’, when he was with Nancy. They’d gotten each other meaningful gifts, it was the happiest Christmas he thought he’d ever had. Even if he went home unable to look at his pool outside for too long knowing his friend had died. Even if there were disgusting monsters trying to eat his friends when they had the chance. How horrible humans were in comparison, like the Russians nearly beating him to death at Starcourt. Instead of celebrating what he was thankful for, he felt immense guilt every holiday. He’d confided in you once about his survivor's guilt, as you had called it a couple months ago during an intense flashback. You’d comfort him, make sure he wasn’t alone. He didn’t want to be anyone’s burden, Steve knew you were worried about him it would show whenever he ‘had’ to leave for work or Robin’s, or get clothes from his place.
It all came to a standstill when you’d asked him if he would come pick a Christmas Tree with you. Wanting to have it up before the kids came over, finish decking-the-halls you’d told him. Only Steve didn’t know what picking out a Christmas Tree was, sure it’s self explanatory but what if he made a fool of himself. With his pretty rich boy ‘I’ve never had to pick one out’, it seemed too intimate. Sure you’d bared your body-mind-and-soul to him, but wanting to do something so domestic together like picking out a Christmas Tree. For your first Christmas together as a couple, it was scary for him. So instead of being a Scrooge so he could work on his feelings, he faked an illness even going as far as calling out sick today. Keith hadn’t been too happy but chopped it up to Steve sucking too much face on the job and gave him the day anyway. And he was back to square one, an empty ugly house with none of your warmth. People would think his middle name was self-sabotage, especially when that door-bell rang. He got up from his cocoon from the coach with a groan, an aching shooting up to his spine when his socked feet hit the freezing hardwood. Shined and renewed for the inevitable party his parents would throw this Christmas Eve for work friends, where they forgot they even had a son. He stopped dead in his tracks shaking the sleep from his eyes when they were met with yours, holding a tote bag while shaking the light dusty of snow off your figure. It melted into your skin leaving you shiny with the dew, nose and ears kissed pink while your chin and neck were tucked tightly with the collar of your coat and scarf. You smiled at him as he studied your form, like an angel sent just for him. He was bundled up in simple joggers, thick wool socks and heavy blanket around his shoulders worn like a cape tucked around his body, but shirtless still despite it being nearly as cold inside as it is outside. Shaking your body of the remaining snow, laying the tote bag of groceries and sick necessities you’d brought over on the stairs so you could slide out of your heavy snow covered boots.
“Hi baby, how r’ you feeling?” you asked him with a voice full of sticky sweetness and adoration. His face changed in that moment from shock to guilty, you felt the change floating in the air like oil through water.
“What are you doing here?” He asked louder than either of you had expected, causing you to turn his way fully as you began to undo the ties of your coat. 
“I came to check on you, bring you some-”
“Why?” He scoffed, tucking the blanket to cover himself from the breezing air flow of the open hall. You were wearing a red corduroy skirt, with black stocking underneath and a cream sweater that didn’t even compare to how soft your hair was laid across your shoulders. You looked at him like he hung up the stars, even though you were the brightest thing about his life.
“Robin called me worried about you saying you called out because you were sick. So I canceled the tree plans to come check on you because you didn’t call me. I even whipped up some Chicken and Rice soup and scrunched up a couple medicines.”
“You shouldn’t have done that, I’m fine Y/N. You should go get your tree and I’ll see you on Friday like you planned.” he brushed off your kindness,
“Well I wanted to take care of you.” you told him shyly, "You haven't been around as often."
“Okay thanks.” he shook his head, body and tone still uncomfortable and unmatched of your own tenderness.
“Do you not want me here or something?” You scoffed with affection grabbing the bag from the stairs, stepping in front of him giddy with untamable affection.
“No.” He answered quickly and when your face dropped, his own heart went with it when you backed away from him. “No, I mean yes but not right now. I’m just-”
“It’s fine, Steve." You cut him off, turning away and grabbing your stuff. "I get it, I’m sorry I could’ve called.” he stopped you putting out his hand as an olive branch. You took it without hesitation, sniffling away the tears that built up for weeks of you arguing and avoiding each other. 
“Don’t you dare apologize, especially to me.” He took your reddened cheeks in his hands as he pressed a kiss to your temple, “I’m just being an idiot, I’m sorry but I’m not even sick so you doing all this nice shit over-” 
“I know you’re not sick, Steve. You’re a terrible faker.” You said factually, with a teasing tone. Still not looking at him but rather at your wiggling toes against the shiny floor.
“Oh really now? Robin didn’t tell you anything.”
“Well the strange, ‘Steve wanted my shift the same day he always has off’ the one day I could go tree picking with you. Then calling out and claiming illness, and not calling me is pretty obvious.” You let the bag fall again, his shoulders relaxed as you tugged on the length of his blanket. “Are you breaking up with me?” you asked with furrowed brows and a whimper to your voice.
“No!” Steve yelled, “No never no, I-I love you so much. You are my favorite everything Y/N.” He wrapped you both in the blanket tugging you flush against him. “I just have a hard time with the holidays, I don’t really know what to do with myself. I didn’t want to be embarrassed, it was a lot of pressure.” You both held each other silently letting the fear wash over both of you, until you giggled into his neck.
“I love you, Steve. Honestly, just talking to me would’ve saved us both a headache.” He sighed heavy as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, head resting on your chin.
“Jeez, what are we gonna do with me?” he whispered into your scalp, the fluffy hair on his chest tickling your cheek as you were held by his heart.
“I can think of one.” You pursed your lips, closing your eyes with your chin held high awaiting a kiss. He obliged you immediately, cupping your cheeks in his hands to accurately press his lips to yours. His hands were freezing, sending a shiver and gasp involuntarily out of you. Steve took the opportunity to lick into your mouth, tasting-ly. Pulling back before you could reciprocate, you whined gripping his biceps accidentally pushing off his blanket.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, nose brushing against yours.
"I didn't mean to pressure you, you just seem so sad."
"You make me happy."
"Yeah, you could meet me in an ice cream shop above a secret Russian base. While enjoying strawberry more than chocolate ice cream and you'll still make me happy." 
"Well, if our circumstances of meeting are the worst part of the relationship, I think that's a pretty good incentive to making better more normal memories, yeah?"
"Maybe." He kissed the tip of your still pink nose.
"Maybe, we could go back to my place? It's always freezing here." You added with a shiver making the hairs on your arms stand up.
"Not when you're here. Just stay here a second longer." His lips moved with their own incentive. It didn't take much convincing on either of your parts before you were upstairs in his room. A path of clothes thrown haphazardly off of each other through broken giggles and soft kisses, until your just in under clothes. He holds you to him as he opens the door to his room, and your feet barely touch the floor as he twirls the two of you around. Bringing you down with him as he falls backward on the bed with a thud. Kissing you with fondness, sweet like the honey color of his eyes. You loved him so much it hurt like the side pains after laughing so hard you teared up. Like when you realize that magic might not be real but people were and kindness. Kindness and compassion were the real magic. People found a reason to be with each other, even if it was once a year. Steve never had that. Everything in his life was transactional, Christmas, school, his parents, most other relationships. Those few closet to him probably haven't ever seen this side either. The checkered boy room with little to no traces of living aside from Steve's nightstand with Polaroids of everyone scattered about. A bin in his closet kept hidden away where he'd kept his Scoops Ahoy name tag, a letter from a pen-pal in sixth grade, ticket stubs of every drive in movie. Some more Polaroids for his eyes only you'd given him after you first started dating, and he'd left his shirt in your room. Even as you lay on top of him now, kisses sucked into your neck, his strong hands massaging your sides in worship. You couldn't help what words came out next.
"Come with me." You begged him breathlessly opening your eyes to see his lips swollen and slick, hair haloed and shaggy around his face and sheets. Like melting caramel against the ugly grey and navy bedding.
"Already babe, I haven't even touched you." He mumbled rocking his pelvis into yours, forcing your legs to accommodate him more with a thigh on either side of his hips. You sat up taller straddling him, a pout etched into your face.
"No, I mean. Come home with me, lets live together. I'll get rid of things you can bring whatever you want, I can dip into my tuition nest egg and buy whatever we need for the apartment. Make it yours too, or we can find another one that you like better. I just want you all to myself." He sat up holding onto your waist so you didn't fall, making you squeak with the shift in position. Your heart sank as his eyes were so wide they could've jumped out of his skull.
“What?” he asked as his breath caught in his throat, a pure swell of undoubtable happiness warming him from the tip of his nose down to his sock covered feet.
“It’s just, I wasn’t lying Stevie. I wanna take care of you, you give so much to every-” He kissed you, desperately. Teeth clashing and tongues forming together making you dizzy enough to loose balance upright on your knees. Pulling back to gasp for air, a string of spit connecting you to him. He wiped it away, tucking his head into your chest.
“You’re perfect. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
“Even picking out a Christmas Tree with me?”
“I will grow you a damn Christmas Tree, even better I’ll get the kids to help me chop down one in my backyard!”
“Stevie! That’s dangerous.”
“Well, sweets. 
My middle name.” He trailed four kisses down your body, stopping just shy of your covered mound. Hooking his fingers under the band of your underwear, biting your hip making you buck up long enough for him to shimmy them off your legs.
“I thought your middle name was Alexander?”
“You won’t your own name once I’m done with you.” He said sultry, kneeling at the foot of the bed. Yanking your ankles to bring you closer to his mouth, spreading your legs wide and over his shoulders. You were beautiful, regardless what you were doing but letting him take care of you. Make you feel good and be vulnerable, made his head spin. Your lips were sticky with arousal, he could smell your sweet nectar begging for him to taste you. Marks still slightly visible from last time, he started there sucking and biting the mailable flesh. 
“Stevie, please-” You cried out, hands trying to find purchase with his. He stopped sucking a bruise, eyes blown wide when he found yours. Locking your hands to your sides,
“Your so sweet, baby. Asking so nicely.” He chastely kissed on your hood, tongue licking underneath to wet and flick at your clit. You groaned and threw you head back, “So sweet, baby. Keep your legs open for me. I have a lot of apologizing to do down here.”
“Stevie, no I want you. Please.” You writhed on the bed trying to keep your legs spread for him, he blew cool air at your entrance causing you to clench around nothing. You body craved to be filled, senses overwhelmed of one thing: Steve, Steve, Steve!
“Just wanna warm you up, we have all the time in the world sweets. Wanna wreck this bed before leaving.” He was antagonizing you, teasing with his pretty words and slightly movements you couldn’t even respond him. He licked a line from your entrance to your clit, groaning at your taste. Hips colliding with the end of his bed to relieve pressure as he sucked your clit into his mouth. Rolling the bud with his tongue, your nail dug into his knuckles as you shook with ecstasy.
“ ‘S so good, Stevie. Don’t stop-” You were so pent up from earlier all it took was a few more rolls of his tongue against you and for you to fall apart. Concentrating on keeping your legs open for him, as he licked you clean. Nudging his nose against your sensitive clit, he let go of one of your hands tangling it in his hair.
“Hold it out of my face, baby. I want one more before I cum inside you.” He coated his fingers with your release, slowly sliding in one as his tongue still fucked into you. You couldn’t help rocking your hips against his face when he added another finger inside you. Scissoring, stretching you and rubbing against your spongy spot. You tugged at his locks when he came back up to suck at your clit again, you didn’t even notice the heat break in your belly until you gushed and clenched around his fingers. You pushed at his forehead from sensitivity, barely able to catch your breath when you pulled him up to kiss you. lips and chins dripping of you. Trailing your nails down his soft tummy following the happy trail underneath his boxers, you met him halfway stroking his thick cock with your slick. Still coating his hand, pre-cum dripping from his tip making the sounds completely pornographic.
“ ‘m not gonna last baby, want you so bad.” He whispered against your lips, breathing heavy with a sheen of sweat layering you both in the smell of sex.
“Need you too, wanted you ages ago.” You sassed, making him laugh against your cheek as he stood. You wrapped your legs around his waist, his cock twitched when it brushed against the inside of your thigh.
“You gotta big mouth on you, sweet girl.”
“You better do something about it, Harrington.” With a roguish grin he ran his length over your clit once before pushing ever so slightly inside. Taking your breaths away, you were the girl and only girl who could take Steve’s fat cock completely. He just has to ease you into it, inch by inch until his hip bone grazed the back of your thighs. Steve stood tall and far enough away you couldn’t kiss him from where you were sprawled out under him. You pulled and squeezed at your breasts still contained by your bra. His cock glistening with your slick as he pulled his hips back, then pushing deeper inside his sack pressed tight against your ass. Steve nearly loss his balance when you clenched around him, putting his hands under your knees. Folding you in half made it feel like he was in your throat, he leaned over you the pressure of his body as he set a ruthless pace set flames in your abdomen. Pounding his cock into you over and over again moaning out praises as he bullied all the way to your cervix. Punching breaths out of you watching as your tits bounced, you had enough pulling him fully on top you. Hands indenting his shoulders as your hips met his, clit pulsing and with need. 
“You feel so good. Shit, shit- I’m cumming, cumming inside.” Steve’s core tighten as he ran two finger over your clit, heat erupted across your body. You milked Steve dry, his warm seed and your three orgasms dripping from each others groin. You pulled him on top of you, comforted by his weight on you as his cock softened inside you. 
“Do you really want too?” You asked in the post orgasm bliss, running a hair through his now tangled locks. “I don’t want to trap you with amazing sex and joy but it’s definitely a perk.” Steve rose onto his elbows, still seated inside you. Brushing the hair out of your face, with softness.
“I’m sure we can wreck this bed a lot more than just cum stains.” Pushing at his chest, he pulled out of you gently. Scurrying to his bathroom where you listened as he turned on the faucet in the shower. Sitting up, he came back with all his glory. Hand raised for you to take, the same olive branch you’d given him at Starcourt. All this time. “I can’t wait to spend Christmas in our home, together.”
You’d never been so excited to spend the holidays with anyone else.
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hwnglx · 1 year
txt's ideal types
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
yeonjun leo venus
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physical traits 7ofw, strength
very strong presence. intimidating aura. catches everyone's eye and stands out in the crowd. fierce gaze, deep eyes. long and healthy hair. fit but curvy build. leo risings.
personality traits kingofp, char&world, 2ofc
yeonjun likes his partners to be mature, confident, and very sure of what they want. someone fierce and responsible who will go after their goals and stick to their promises. he can't stand dating someone who's too fragile or insecure and easily swayed. he likes it when people stand by what they say and do, and finds it very attractive when someone is incredibly powerful, determined and successful, especially through their own hard work. at the same time, he needs his partner to be very affectionate. as a leo venus (and libra moon!), he loves and truly enjoys being loved and adored, so he needs his partner to be all in. whether it's compliments, physical affection.. i can see him loving pda. yeonjun just wants to feel special, and like he's the only one his partner has eyes for.
“i'll touch that fire for you i can't lose when i'm with you you just too important”
him as a boyfriend 3ofp, empr, 5ofw, emper 7ofp, hieroph, moon, pagofsw&8ofc
+ he will have your back, no matter what. very bold, protective and territorial. people probably won't dare messing with you, because everyone will know you're yeonjun's girl/boy, and you simply don't mess with them. i'm getting this huge dreamteam vibe from him and his partners. once he feels like you're worth it (he doesn't seem like the type to actually fall in love a lot) and he fully commits to you, he won't only be an assertive boyfriend, who probably won't let you leave his side, but he'll also care for you in a very sweet manner.. it'll probably surprise you to see him turn so soft sometimes. he'll get worried a lot, ask you if you're okay one too many times, probably smother you a little too much. he's a true lion when he's in love. - he'll be very traditionally minded. yeonjun will very much enjoy staying in this box of "assigned roles" and definitely not like stepping outside of that. there's also this lack of patience in him, where if he feels like you aren't it for him, he won't really be overly merciful to cut you off and walk away. a lot of it is rooted in deep insecurity though, leo's can have very big but frail egos that are scratched kinda easily. he can get too self-absorbed and not see your side of the story. if he feels you did him wrong, don't expect him to give you many chances to make things right again. he'll probably see himself too valuable for that, as arrogant as that might sound.
soobin capricorn venus
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physical traits highpr, 2ofc, 3ofc, char
mysterious beauty. round and fuller face. gorgeous and dazzling eyes. dashing and blinding smile. beautiful laugh. (not physical but popped into my mind) curvaceous build. cancer risings.
personality traits 8ofw, death+lovers&knofp, knofw, temp, 6ofp, 6ofsw
soobin likes his partners to be very multi-facetted. while he likes them energetic and passionate on the hand, he doesn't like people beating around the bush and needs them to be direct, he also needs them to still be capable of balancing themselves out. someone who's emotionally mature, self-aware and adaptable. i can tell he's not someone for casual flings, and more of the relationship type. he wants his lovers to know their self worth, but also know when to give in and act in service for others. someone with a sincere and genuine nature, who's aware of what it takes to build a healthy and stable relationship, and has enough patience to take a slow but steady approach. he likes it when his lover knows when to give him space, but is also there for him when he needs them to. definitely a boyfriend with high standards.
“love the way you treat me you respect my time (..) you wanna spoil me treat me like a queen”
him as a boyfriend char, just&aceofp, hangm+sun, knofc, 2ofc knofw+queofc, kingofp, 9ofc, lovers
+ soobin will be a very grounded, fair and open minded boyfriend. someone who puts a lot of importance into balance and equality in relationships. although he can be quite straightforward in approaching you, you won't ever feel like he's trying to overpower you. there's this really tolerant and unbiased nature to him, where he'll be interested in understanding your point of view on things, and even see the difference in opinions as something precious. he'll like learning from you a lot, and make sure you know your feelings are valid, being of very empathetic nature. he can also be incredibly romantic, really sweep you off your feet and make you feel special. i can see him liking the traditional types of candlelit dinner dates a lot, and enjoying spending money on you. - though he's very mature, once he gets overwhelmed or loses composure, he can have his reckless moments where he acts without really thinking. since he'll put so much effort into getting to know you, there's also this feeling of exactly knowing what buttons to push in order to hurt you, and him using his emotional intelligence for his own selfish needs and to his advantage sometimes. he'll probably be aware that he went too far, but will struggle admitting it due to him still wanting to seem like the bigger guy in the scenario. he can also just get so overly invested in the relationship, that there's this sense of emotional attachment, that he probably also won't like making very obvious.
beomgyu aries venus
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physical traits 9ofw, herm, queofw
unapproachable and cool aura. distant but deep gaze. eyes that penetrate your soul. (i keep feeling like he really likes pretty eyes) elegant and majestic movement. beautiful hands and nails. scorpio risings.
personality traits char, pagofc, queofc&8ofp&4ofsw, 2ofc&star
beomgyu likes boldness in his lovers. he'll find it very attractive if you make the first move and are direct in expressing your interest in him. he himself can be very straightforward and passionate in relationships, so he needs someone who can keep up with his dynamic character and won't fall short. still, he likes it when his partners are very sweet, romantic and emotionally intelligent too. someone with a patient, gentle and calm nature who's understanding and willing to put in effort to keep the relationship alive. he won't like it if you give up on him too quickly or make a fuss about everything. beomgyu wants someone persistent and strong, who believes in your relationship and knows how to manage obstacles without losing hope. someone honest who won't keep him guessing and illustrates their love and devotion for him in a clear manner.
“i'm a need you show me your broken heart and all your scars baby i'll take you as you are”
him as a boyfriend 3ofsw+2ofc, fool, 8ofsw&aceofc+7ofsw knofw, sun, 4ofc, world, death&4ofp
+ beomgyu is the type of boyfriend who wants both, an emotionally deep and special bond to his lover, but also enjoy a lot of fun and carefree times with them. there's this sense of "i wanna feel so comfortable and be so sure in you, that i can just let lose and not worry." at his best, he can be a very receptive and gentle boyfriend who's good at making you feel comfortable and safe. also very accepting, you don't have to worry about him judging you for your lower moments. he's a lover who'll want to bring a lot of positivity into his partner's life, whether that's through sweet, reassuring words of affirmation, or taking you with him to some exciting date. he wants to bond over each other's struggles and happinesses, make you feel like you have nothing to worry about whenever you're with him. like life is beautiful. - his down fall is, he can just get too impulsive and act in the heat of the moment. say mean things he didn't really mean, do things he didn't intend on doing. he can be prone to acting on his own desires solely and not considering his lover's needs. i also get this huge "my way" problem for him, where he'll probably rather die than admit he's wrong. it'll be pretty hard to fully resolve arguments with him, since he'll ignore the truth like his life depends on it. he'll just hate giving in, and not ever change his stance on anything. he can also have this huge shift between being very outspoken and direct, to suddenly caving in and not engaging with you at all. dating him will be a rollercoaster ride of emotions for sure.
taehyun aquarius venus
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physical traits 2ofp, 4ofc, strength
harmonious and balanced features. effortless and nonchalant beauty. more casual and laidback way of dressing. beautiful hair. still stands out without trying. libra risings.
personality traits 2ofw, 2ofsw, queofp, 7ofprx, 10ofw+10ofc
taehyun likes his lover to be a very loyal, caring, patient and gentle person who knows when to give him space but still hold on and nurture the relationship beautifully. he needs someone understanding who won't get overly attached to him, as he feels it just causes this heavy weight on his shoulders he doesn't enjoy carrying. he wants a relationship that keeps blossoming and remains stable despite them not constantly being around each other, and therefore someone who can be okay with that. i can tell he just really likes non-dramatic, serene and down to earth people. he wants someone low-maintenance who doesn't burden him with heavy standards and is very accepting and kind. a lot of need for comfort and security.
“just one more time before float off in the wind i don't care how long it takes as long as i'm with you”
him as a boyfriend 9ofw&sun, emper, temp, world just+herm, 2ofw, 6ofsw, 4ofw, 9ofsw
+ although he's a very laidback boyfriend himself, there is this sense of duality between valuing peace and balance between him and his lover, but also making sure you know he's the one in charge. i can feel a lot of aquarius energy in him, but at the same time the scorpio moon really comes through with him actually taking relationships (surprisingly) very seriously. he can seem more aloof and detached, but when the time calls for it, you can be sure taehyun will make it known that you belong to him. "yes, of course you can go out by yourself, but.. you know i hate it when you're around that guy and don't pick up the phone." type of thing, where he just gets possessive out of nowhere. there is also this ability of his to break down walls and make you feel comfortable very easily. he knows what it's like to struggle with trust, so he's good at making people open up to him. - he can struggle between not wanting to feel constricted and still wanting his own life, but also feeling all paranoid and overthink. a very common trait for scorpio placements, is that they struggle with this deep rooted fear of abandonment. taehyun is prone to worrying things will just take a turn for the worse out of nowhere and get all invested in that thought. especially since he's aware he can get avoidant and have escapist tendencies. he can get worried he isn't good enough essentially, which can create problems, even in a seemingly perfect and happy environment. it's this vicious cycle of avoiding you -> fear he'll lose you -> pull away even more out of hurt -> deepens sadness.
huening kai libra venus
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physical traits fool, 6ofc, 6ofw, 5ofp
unique features. soft and deliate expressions. easygoing and natural beauty. baby-faces. glamorous and fancy way of dressing. virgo risings.
personality traits pagofc, 4ofw, 3ofsw+aceofp&9ofc, 5ofw
kai likes people who are very sweet by nature and approach the world in a humble manner. he needs his partner to be the type of person who can see light in darkness, and has a positive effect on the people around them. since he can be a very sensitive person himself, he likes it when his lovers are understanding, but can also get him out of his head and help him move on, encourage him, see things in a different light. he's the type to need a lot of reassurance, so he'd want his partner to be someone who makes him feel safe, welcome and comfortable. he likes people who are loyal and dedicated, who will be there with him even through external forces standing in the way, whether that's other people or circumstances. another scorpio moon, another member who i feel like gets scared to get left behind by people precious to him.. 🥺
“i can tell that the water's clearer on the other side with you what would i do without someone like you?”
him as a boyfriend 8ofw, 9ofc, moon+4ofc&5ofp, 6ofc&3ofc, 10ofc kingofw&kingofc+8ofp&queofc, 7ofsw, 7ofw, 6ofp
+ kai is the type of boyfriend to value communication a lot, who won't beat around the bush and make you question him. i can see him just coming alive and feeling like his best self when he's in love, kinda like a kid who gets all excited to be with you and gets very talkative. a lot of talking about your days, sweet compliments, laughter, fun, warmth. he will want everything to be perfect. he'll wanna make you feel like you're in your dream relationship, and put almost too much pressure on himself to satisfy your needs. he'll reflect back on himself a lot, look back on his actions to make sure he's being the best boyfriend he can be for you. but kai will wanna be your best friend first, and make you feel like he's by your side throughout everything, whether that's your sadness or happiness. - there's still just a lot of growing up and maturing to do for him. however, since he's such a perfectionistic lover, hearing that he still has some areas he needs to work on relationship-wise, will probably make him feel pretty attacked. "i'm putting in so much effort and you're telling me i'm still lacking?" kinda thing, where it will hurt him, and he'll get defensive to hide that hurt. it'll be pretty contradictory to see him rating communication as so important, yet feeling offended over you pointing out anything negative. he will want to just give and pour his heart out for you and do sooo much for his lovers, that he can completely lose himself in that, and forget about his own interests and needs.
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astrobiscuits · 8 months
Hiii! For my Solar Return Year I have: Sun in the 1st, Moon in the 7th, Venus in the 1st, Mercury in the 2nd, Mars in the 2nd :)
Hello, fellow astrologer :) i remember you from somewhere?...maybe it's just my mind playing tricks, idk
☀️ Sun in 1st house - this year is your year! You'll focus first and foremost on your wellbeing, on what you need and not what other people need. Depending on your Sun sign, you might start working out, a new project/business or something you've always been wanting to do.
🥰 Moon in 7th house - contrary to your Sun's position, this placements brings a heightened awareness of your partner's emotional state.
If you're in a relationship, this year you'll be spending a lot of time with your partner. You'll want to nurture them and the relationship and you might become a bit self-sacrificing for the wellbeing of the relationship.
If you're single, it's almost like you'll focus so much on yourself, just so you'll attract the perfect partner for you. You want to be the best version of yourself for when you'll get into a relationship. Once established in a relationship (there's a high chance you'll find a partner this year), your focus will shift onto your partner's needs and wants, making you an amazing lover to have.
💄 Venus in 1st house - this is usually an indication of having a glow up in SRs. You might decide to lose weight, start a new skincare routine, wear makeup more frequently, change your fashion style or get cosmetic surgery. If you've been struggling with low self-esteem due to the way you look, this year will be the end of an era 🔥🔥 You'll feel more confident in your skin, regardless of what you do. This is also a great time for getting into modelling professionally.
📼 Mercury in 2nd house - this year, it's highly likely you'll make connections with various successful people in your job industry that will prove to be pivotal when it comes to making money. You might meet someone who offers you a better job in terms of money or someone who knows someone rich that could help you.
If you're currently working, this year is one of the best years for asking for a raise. Unless Mercury is afflicted in your SR, you're gonna get that raise 100%.
If you're looking for a job with a high paycheck, getting into the PR industry would be a wonderful idea. Publishing a book, becoming a teacher (especially in humanities), a journalist, a reporter, a TV presenter, a radio host or podcast host are all great options for gaining financial freedom, but only if you can skip getting higher education in these domains (that is, unless you've got a benefic in your 9th house like Jupiter, then you can start studying and working at the same time in one of the previously mentioned careers).
💳 Mars in 2nd house - this year, you'll have the motivation to make lots of money through hard work (that is, if Mars is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Capricorn in your SR). If Mars is not in one of the previously mentioned signs, you'll likely choose to invest your energy in high paying careers that are don't require as much effort.
During this year, your stability might be threatened by jealous men who might look to steal your money or dim your light in order to make you feel unworthy of yourself or your financial gains (yes, you might stumble upon misogynistic men who think that women shouldn't earn more than men just bc they're women). But don't fret! If Mars is well-aspected in your SR, you'll learn how to fight for your value!
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melmedardasworld · 1 month
your fics are so good! I love the chemistry between klonnie. What scenes in canon would you rewrite to feature more Klonnie?
Ah, thank you so much! I try. ☺️ Klonnie will always have my heart mainly because it pairs one of my two favorite and most powerful characters in the TVDU.
There are so many opportunities in the show to naturally build up Klonnie, and it would still make sense, especially if it is a slow burn, which would be the best course for Klonnie, in my opinion. Also, E2L is my favorite trope if you've read my collection of one-shots and other works. But it fit and would also work for them in the show since they can stand up to the other given their power.
But going for specific scenes and rewriting them for Klonnie comes to mind. This will be a long post, and I will make separate posts to focus on other seasons too so this answer will focus on season 2 only. Thanks, anon, for giving me this creative brain boost because I am going down a rabbit hole. Will I write it? Chances are small, but never say never. But I love sharing my what-ifs on here to at least get them out of my mind.
Season 2: Klonnie are enemies, plain and simple. They're out to kill each other. Bonnie to protect her friends, and Klaus to become the Original Hybrid and for power.
I would mainly focus on the last few episodes in this season. But Bonnie is secluded from the others because she has to fake her death from Klaus. I've given my opinion and feelings about having her off-screen so much just to save the day by beating the big bad. However, it does allow me to take liberties by setting the tone for Klonnie, which would pay off later in the later seasons. Also, I am still trying to keep the overall plot the same.
Season 2, Episode 17 - "Know Thy Enemy":
• Damon leads Bonnie and Jeremy to the Witch's House, where Bonnie harnesses the power of dead witches (first use of Spirit magic).
• Bonnie feels the deaths of the witches and realizes she must be careful as her body isn't strong enough to channel so much power. She keeps this secret from everyone except Jeremy.
• The goal is for Bonnie to have enough power to deal with Klaus, as per Elijah's plan.
• Klaus, working through Isobel, sets his plans in motion with his witch Maddox.
• Klonnie element: While they don't interact directly, this sets the moment when they prepare for an eventual confrontation, setting the stage for future encounters.
Season 2, Episode 18 - "The Last Dance":
• Alaric!Klaus gathers information through a compelled Katherine, learning the group believes Bonnie has lost her powers.
• Klaus decides to do personal reconnaissance as Alaric to observe his doppelgänger and verify Bonnie's power status.
• Bonnie expresses confidence in her ability to take down anyone, including an Original.
• Key Klonnie moment: When Bonnie confidently states she can take down anyone, Alaric!Klaus briefly shows interest and doubt about her power and self-assurance. He is both intrigued, but mostly wants her gone since she is the thing that can ruin his plans.
• Alaric!Klaus consults with Maddox about killing Bonnie, learning that channeling too much power will kill her.
• At the dance, Alaric!Klaus observes Bonnie and lures her into a confrontation.
• The cafeteria showdown: Bonnie is ruthless with her attacks on Alaric!Klaus.
• Klonnie element: During their battle, Klaus (in Alaric's body) shows a flicker of interest in Bonnie's power. He mentions the "new order," he planned for 1000 years hinting at a potential alliance if circumstances were different. Klaus internally acknowledges that in different circumstances, he might have tried to recruit Bonnie to his side.
• This encounter plants a seed for future interactions while maintaining their current enemy status.
Season 2, Episode 19 - "Klaus":
• Bonnie, while in hiding, learns about Klaus's history with her own research through her ancestors.
• Bonnie sees unconnected visions of Klaus's past, including his human life, first turning, and transformation into the notorious monster he's become.
• Through it, Bonnie discovers the truth about the Sun and Moon Curse being the actual Hybrid Curse and thinks it’s best to focus on weakening Klaus by eliminating his witch, Maddox.
• She plots with Damon to deal with Maddox at the right moment to prevent Klaus from finding a replacement in time.
• Klaus appears in his original body.
• Klonnie element: Bonnie's growing curiosity about Klaus's past and the "new order" he mentioned, she is looking for a way to weaken him and protect her friends.
Season 2, Episode 21 - "The Sun Also Rises":
• Jeremy and Bonnie search for a resuscitation spell to save Elena from becoming a vampire.
• The ritual started. Bonnie offers to perform a locator spell to find Klaus, using Elijah's blood.
•Building up Klonnie through a conversation with Elijah:
- While performing the spell, Bonnie questions Elijah about vampire nature and morality.
- She asks how vampires, can lose their humanity after living so long, they started as humans.
- Bonnie expresses her opinion about vampire cruelty given her experience with them, fueling her desire to kill Klaus.
- Elijah reveals that he and Klaus weren't always monsters and explains his past loyalty to Klaus.
- He discloses Klaus's betrayal - the murder of their family - and his quest for atonement.
- This conversation provides Bonnie with indirect insight into Klaus's character and history.
• Bonnie questions Elijah's resolve to kill Klaus, given their brotherhood. Elijah assures her of his commitment.
• During the sacrifice ritual:
- Bonnie confronts Klaus, shocking him with her survival and power.
- She taunts Klaus, declaring his "new order" will never rise. Yes my girl is petty like that, we know this.
• Elijah betrays them, fleeing with Klaus when promised the whereabouts of their family.
• Bonnie feels betrayed but also stupid for not expecting it, reinforcing her distrust of vampires but also complicating her understanding of family loyalty.
Season 2, Episode 22 - "As I Lay Dying":
• We shift to Klaus, who wakes up naked in the empty woods after his first transformation as a hybrid. Elijah is with him and explains that Klaus was in his werewolf form for two days, even after the full moon had passed.
• Klaus is elated by this revelation. He smiles as he recalls every kill he made during his transformation, showcasing his newfound power and the control he has over his hybrid nature.
• Elijah reminds Klaus of their bargain - he wants to see the family members Klaus supposedly killed. Klaus assures Elijah that he will follow through with the deal soon enough.
• Klaus then taunts Elijah about having to break his word to save him, referencing Elijah's alliance with "the little witch" (Bonnie) and the Salvatores.
• In a subtle Klonnie moment, Klaus wonders aloud if the Salvatores and their "secret weapon" (referring to Bonnie) aren't seeking revenge. This shows that Bonnie is very much on Klaus's mind, recognizing her as a significant threat.
• Elijah urges Klaus to hurry, but Klaus tells him to lighten up, assuring him that they will soon be reunited with their family.
• Internally, Klaus reflects on his near-death experience at Bonnie's hands. Despite now being unkillable as the Hybrid, he's acutely aware of how close Bonnie came to ending him. This leads him to consider his next moves regarding Bonnie:
1. He needs to keep an eye on her, either to potentially use her power or to eliminate her as a threat.
2. With no witches currently serving him, he contemplates forcing Bonnie's hand by threatening her friends and Mystic Falls.
3. He also considers waiting for Bonnie to come after him in retaliation for Elena's death, curious to see her next move.
• Klaus finds himself somewhat impressed by Bonnie's power and fearlessness, remembering how she was ready to face both him and Elijah even if it meant her death. This sparks a sense of respect and a desire to gain her loyalty, possibly even corrupt her to his side.
• However, Klaus puts these thoughts aside for now. He has work to do first, needing to rebuild his "new order" with a new species sired solely to him: Hybrids.
• The scene then transitions to Stefan and Bonnie at the witches' house. Bonnie explains that she will attempt to summon Emily to find a cure for the werewolf bite. Bonnie attempts to contact Emily for a cure to the werewolf bite, but is rebuked by the spirits for misusing their power.
• Left alone, Bonnie tries to reconnect with the spirits, seeking guidance about Klaus's survival and new hybrid status.
• The spirits remain silent, leaving Bonnie questioning their concept of balance and feeling unsupported.
• This marks the beginning of Bonnie's doubt about the spirits and her role in maintaining supernatural balance.
• Her growing uncertainty and isolation could potentially create an opening for future interactions with Klaus, as both navigate their evolving supernatural identities.
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goodluckclove · 4 months
I'm having a lot of fun talking with people about why they struggle in their writing, and I figure I'd share a little bit about what would keep me from writing. It's especially relevant given how soon Blind Trust is coming out - and, like I said, if you're willing to be real to me I'll be real right back.
I'll put it under a read more, as I've had the amount of alcohol that it takes me to be extra loose - meaning half of one canned cocktail. And I don't want to freak anyone out who doesn't want to see me feel a little more angsty than I tend to be online. But as I said before, I want to be honest about the craft as much as I urge others to be.
Here we goooo. Say goodbye to proper capitalization babies, Dad's getting funky.
so i started writing when i was twelve years old. i wrote carnation, a 10k word zombie novella about thinly-veiled representations of me and my two best friends at the time fighting zombies. it wasn't very good. i never wrote anything before. i enjoyed it though, so i proceeded to keep writing, near-constantly for the next fifteen years.
here's the thing, though, and it's something i don't see a lot of elder writers talk about. probably because it's not a super pleasant thing to hear, but i'm pretty sure i could pull it off.
uh, my name is clove gardener. i'm twenty-seven years old now. and i do not think i'm that good of a writer.
i don't think i'm bad. i mean, i've been published. i've worked as a copywriter and a ghostwriter. i've written for work for a few years now, so - like - objectively it must be passable. i don't hate my writing. i think it's accessible, which is cool. but if you were to ask me hey do you think you're a good writer? i would skirt around the question without answering directly until i could figure out a way to change the subject.
at this point i don't think that's going to go away. the improvement, though, has been that i barely think about that anymore. it's like there's a little dipshit in the back of my head, and occasionally he will hiss-whisper this is shit what are you doing until I find a way to shut him up.
i kind of feel like that's just the thing that happens when you're a writer. it's the camp i'd rather be in, at least. because the alternative is that i'm a really good writer who might consider themselves capable to claim authority and tell you how to do things i actually know nothing about. i'd rather have doubt. maybe less than what i have now, but still.
writers, i think, overlap with theater kids in the sense of being dramatic little piss babies. i am proud to say that i am significantly less of a piss baby than i potentially could be, especially considering that i'm in writing and theater. but you're bound to be a little dramatic at some point.
i think in the six-ish months since i've started blind trust, i've had maybe two creative existential crises. that's pretty good. that's reasonable. and they were not too unproductive either. i've learned that you can feel whiny and pitying and scared and self-loathing, and still do the thing.
i don't think you should publish your book. cool, ryan (i named my inner dipshit ryan). i'm doing it anyway.
nobody actually wants to pay money for it. yeah, ryan. maybe.
you're a terrible writer. i like it, though. i want to see how it ends. so let's keep going.
if you're wanting to publish/self-publish, and you think you don't have a chance because you aren't a beacon of self-assurance and confidence - guess what, buddy, i don't think many of the greats were. it's almost a stereotype i've seen of famous writers also being angsty weirdos who crumble into despair because the apple they ate was slightly too mealy (this is based on nothing but i can see it happening to kafka). if you think you can't be a writer because you aren't like me - friend, colleague, son, daughter, child, we are both angsty weirdos and that's okay.
last week i sobbed because riley showed me a video where a kiwi bird was sad and we had to spend the rest of the night watching videos of kiwi birds before donating to a kiwi bird charity. i make one phone call to the doctor and i have to lie down for the rest of the day. i am kind, i am fun, i am funny, and i am also like three bad dice rolls away from a breakdown. you can be both of those things. i have nuance.
i'm fine, by the way. it's been a good day. i'm just stressed about publishing because the thought of asking people to pay Human Currency for my work makes me deeply uncomfortable. but we're going to fucking deal with that, aren't we, ryan?
i don't know if this is unprofessional to reveal, but if it convinces one person to pursue a life in writing even though they sometimes take a trip to the Panic Zone, fuck it. i'm fine, you're fine, we're all going to be fine.
we should name our inner dipshits. drop your dipshit names below. ryan is your classic little goblin, but he's dressed like an e-boy. i think he vapes. i hate him.
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imariejoyce · 9 months
The time I gained my confidence...
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When I was a kid, I am not the type of student who always raise her hand during recitations in school because I am too shy to be the center of attention. Although I am sure with the answer, it take some time for me to have the confidence to speak out.
Since I like studying especially back then, my parents are always proud to attend the recognition day at school, walking to the stage with me to receive my awards. I may not be actively participating to the activities related to public speaking but my fruit of labor is still being seen with the results of my grades.
I could say that I am not the super nerdy and intelligent type of person, but what I can be proud of is that if I set some goals in my mind, I usually allocate ample times to study or prepare for it. It was the consistency and effort that I usually do whenever I want to achieve the goals I set in mind. I believe that being consistent can help you in anything that you seek to achieve. I also believe that being intelligent is another story. I still remember how those intelligent classmates I had during primary and secondary schools can simply analyze and answer the questions fast and correct after just looking at it for a few minutes, and with that...that is how I define smart people.
Before, I usually categorized myself as an introvert one. I better do everything on my own than being helped by someone, or than be an extra baggage to my group, or be a center of attention and be tagged as fatuous. I used to plan almost everything on my own... I better figure it out myself than asking someone to help me, even if it might cost most of my time to fulfil it... that I am self-reliant.
It all changed when I moved to another country.
Working in IT is not a typical field for women. Unlike in the Philippines, I still had few women colleagues in the team. In Europe, it is not the case, when I got the chance to enter corporate world again, I am always the only woman in my team. It was really difficult. There were even times when I need to push myself to get up from bed and go to work. My team during that time were dominated by men, I feel insecure…I was timorous. I even sometimes cried while walking going to the office, asking why am I actually doing this to myself...ugh! tough times.
But then, after some months, I observed that if I stay this way, I will be left behind...that I should be a team player...I started to forge my mind to trust myself. I tried to be optimistic...I keep telling myself that I won't be here if the company didn't see my potential to be amalgamated to my team.
Slowly, I refined my confidence. I learn how to lower my guard and start to trust the process.
Now, I am already six years here, still working in IT. It is also my second company and only woman in my team, again. Looking back from where I started, I could say that I improved a lot. I am now participating in projects, voice out and ask questions if I want to know more. Collaborating with my team mates and try to socialize if I have a chance to do it. I am thankful that moving to another country made me discover that I can be more than I thought I was, that I can also do what others can...that confidence is actually already within me and I just need to snap it out...
just like in the saying..."It took some fast rhythms to make the dancers come alive."
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foxufortunes · 4 months
So like I was actually having this discussion in the comments of one of my fics at stupid in the morning, but like having thought it through for the day I'm here to messily rant my thoughts on the complicated relationship between the upperclassmen, mainly Dan, and the monsters, mainly Andrew, and Wymack. How Dan is terribly self righteous and hypocritical and lets her emotions get in the way of her captaincy at times. How Andrew doesn't care for the discomfort and fear he causes others and even revels in it, even without provocation. And how Wymack, for better or for worse, is a hands off coach who can't/won't inflict meaningful punishments on his team, even enabling their worst qualities and habits, as part of his ideal of giving people more chances and how that can create a hostile team environment.
Aka, I'm about to throw slander in every direction, because these are flawed, messy characters and trying to make any of them perfectly innocent or always right does a disservice to the well sketched, messy, imperfect, flawed characters Nora created. Blame goes everywhere and no one is innocent. Trauma is a reason, not an excuse.
Buckle up, guys, this is about to get long and messy.
So, let's start with Wymack, who's a bit trickier to explain than Dan and Andrew, but is also the reason they've been brought togethers. Wymack, as we see him on page, is a massively hands off coach, especially when you compare him to Coach Rhemann. Now, it's very possible that this is actually because Nora either wasn't confident/good enough to write him coaching vs where she is now ten years later, or because she didn't want to focus there (although logically for exy junkie Neil's pov that would be weird, but whatever, that's not what we're talking about) but whatever the reason out of universe, it leaves us with Wymack as hands off as possible in universe. (Also, sidebar, some people in this fandom need to learn that out of universe reasons still need to have an in universe reason, "it needed to happen for the plot" is an out of universe reason, but I still need to know why the characters did it beyond "for the plot" or it's bad writing, stop using that for an answer about "why did character X do Y?")
Anyway, Wymack lets the team basically run amuck and sort themselves out, and even enables their worst habits. I think its canon that Abby gets a tip when "random" drug tests are happening, and they certainly don't do anything to enforce the no drugs policies the school and NCAA and probably ERC would have. Wymack brought a bunch of troubled kids together and seems to have no plan beyond letting themselves work it out and Betsy's here if there's trouble. This is why the Matt situation happens. You let a struggling to stay sober drug addict be around other not even trying drug addicts, of course Matt was going to get worse. This is actively bad for him. And in turn then actively bad for Aaron.
His relationship with Andrew is a bit more complicated. Now, I need you to forget everything you know about Andrew through Neil and his backstory for a moment, and just look at Andrew through Wymack's eyes as he first met him. Andrew has been to juvie, and is currently on parole for another violent crime that Wymack may or may not know the actual details about and on medication that Wymack may or may not know what they actually are and do. Andrew asks to come off of them. Wymack says yes. Now, even putting aside the legality of this, Wymack took the unilateral decision that Andrew knows best about his meds and can come off of them. Now, we can talk plenty about how Andrew's medication is portrayed in canon, but plenty of people don't like meds that are actually good for them and try/do stop taking them, often without telling a doctor they're doing so. There's also the fact that, again irrelevant of what we know as the story goes, Andrew regularly drinks, smokes and misses doses, things that can all make medication not work as it should. Wymack is not a doctor, for all he knows he could actively making Andrew worse by allowing this, but does anyway, for a good defence line.
(Also another side note, where does canon get off calling the Foxes a laughing stock? They're five years old. Seth was part of the first batch, right? So they're five years old and made the championships in their fourth year of existing as a team, fuck off are they dead last laughing stocks.)
And this is part of what I don't get about Wymack. He both wants to win above what's good for his team and doesn't at the same time. For example, he's so hands off and enables their bad habits, things that could kill them and actively harm them. He puts Andrew on the bench because he doesn't need a third goalie despite him being better and seemingly rolls with the hierarchy of age over skill, which implies team feel goods over victory but is so invested in staying Class I he semi-regularly lets (and yeah, it's lets not makes but still) Andrew harm himself playing full games on withdrawals (again, as far as he knows potentially stopping his meds working right). And while it could be argued his situation with Andrew is more not wanting to give up on Andrew, that is an the expense of his other players. Anyone who's ever been in a situation where one or two people are hostile/seemingly unpunishable knows how bad that makes everyone else feel.
Because, let's be real, Andrew is unpunishable and they all know it. Cardio is one thing, but he doesn't go through with marathons and nothing else will work. Andrew doesn't care for his own contract, and even if we actually believed Wymack would go through with any threat again Kevin, Nicky or Aaron's contracts (and we all know he wouldn't) Andrew would probably sabotage the game in protest or just outright quit. Andrew gets away with everything and everyone knows it and that can quickly see your team stop respecting/trusting you or feeling safe when you say they are. It's a very dangerous line.
And this is where we finally get to Dan. Because yes, Dan hates Andrew, and is unprofessional in her bias against him. But I think we often forget where this comes from. You often see people talk about Columbia, and Andrew drugging Neil, and should Neil have been angrier, how his trauma impacted him moving on so quickly and whether Andrew's reasons were valid or not because he thought Neil was a threat. And sometimes you see people talk about what he did "to" Matt. Which, yes, wasn't great, and yes, Matt took the drugs himself, but really it wasn't a great move from Andrew. But how often do you see people talk about what he did to Dan?
I mean, let's get some context here. Andrew and Dan barely knew each other. Dan is already getting shit from every angle for daring to be a woman playing and captaining an exy team (and if you hc her as a woman of colour, double this) in a period of time where colleges did (and still do) have a terrible reputation for covering up the horrific assaults committed by their best NCAA athletes. And Andrew, with no provocation, or reason, invites her out, to his home turf, with his family, to a bar he worked out, without anyone to support her and look after her, and drugged her. To find out if she was a women worth following. Not because she was a threat. Because he wanted to find out what type of person she was. He wanted her tragic backstory and he wanted it now (something people criticise Dan for demanding a lot, by the way). Andrew and his group show no remorse and face no real repercussions and then go on to enable Matt getting falling off the wagon and taking potentially lethal mix of drugs, because his mom said it was fine so it's ok and it all worked out, ends justify the means, and is allowed to just carry on with again, no meaningful punishment. Because no harm, no foul, right? (funny how you'll apply that to Andrew but hate when Thea said it, huh?)
Is it any wonder Dan doesn't like or trust Andrew?
And lets be clear, Andrew does nothing to discourage this. Andrew doesn't want to be understood, he doesn't want to share. Andrew is not here angsting because no one understands his attempts to making friends (except maybe, big maybe, Aaron not understanding his attempts at brothering). Andrew is fine if the team doesn't trust him. He encourages it, because trust means friends means feelings means weakness and that's ew. It's not hard to see how, from Dan's pov, Wymack can't/won't punish Andrew and is more interested in winning so won't kick him off the team.
At the same time, Dan is just as complicit in Andrew's breaking the law and hurting himself by missing meds as Wymack. Again, for all she knows, his meds help him, and skipping could actively harm the help they're giving him. Again, she's putting winning, because they have this amazing goalkeeper, above both Andrew and the team's health, and then complains when he lashes out. Some meds need a consistent balance to work, and maybe if he wasn't skipping every Friday to help you win he'd be more stable (we know this isn't the case, but they don't). There's barely any resistance put up to the idea that Andrew plays entire games, because she also wants to win more than she cares about Andrew's health, while at the same time not caring about winning more than her pride, like the rest of the team who are more interested in fighting than winning.
Now, of course, Andrew doesn't care. I think Nicky has it right early on when he says Andrew doesn't care about your boundaries, just his. Andrew is here mostly because he wants to keep Nicky and Aaron close and sees providing value for them (protection, scholarships, controlling protection ect) as the only way to really do it. Andrew sees life as exchanges. But, for all we act like Andrew lives on fair exchanges, he doesn't. As I said, he drugged Dan because he wanted to know about her, what did he give her in return? Nothing. He violated her autonomy and gave her nothing in return. Not even his own backstory. Arguably not even respect. (please, take a minute to imagine how pissed you would be if someone in fanfic wrote Andrew being drugged just to get him to spill his trauma without him even being a threat to anything, or look at how people react to Neil's Columbia scene).
The upperclassmen constantly ignore and violate Andrew's boundaries in very clear ways, and any normal team would have backed off ages ago (or called the cops the first time he pulled a knife) but because they're Foxes they keep pushing. (Also, for all fandom likes to make him a knife nut, look at how often he actually pulls a knife vs punches, it's either rape jokes, or him/someone under his protection being cornered, day to day he goes without). Now, of course, Andrew is a lot of the problem of keeping the team in two halves (again, something any decent coach shouldn't allow to get that extreme) as we see with how well the team works when Andrew is at Easthaven, but we don't know how much effort the upperclassmen actually make (excluding Renee of course).
The upperclassmen are often the first to lash out, and Andrew is often only retaliating, and then the monsters will be blamed. And yes, this is complete hypocrisy. But from the more general day to day treatment, not in the moment when a punch is thrown but attitudes in general, Andrew has proven himself a threat over and over, without provocation. If you can excuse Andrew drugging Neil because he's a potential threat, then why is Dan being hostile to Andrew because he's proven himself a threat different? Is it professional? Probably not, but what else can Dan do? She can't punish Andrew and Wymack seemingly can't/won't either. In Dan's mind, she is being hypervigilant and watching Andrew and taking his actions for the worst possible scenario, because Andrew has given her reason to. A simple drink to get to know each other turned into drugging her and Matt being in awful condition. Why should she give him the benefit of the doubt? Andrew wouldn't return the favour.
In many ways, Andrew and Dan are mirrors of each other. The leaders of their respective groups, both constantly trying to watch out for threats, but while Dan sees the threat she's already experienced with Andrew, Andrew considers her nothing. He's already got all her secrets and cast her aside, not caring for the damage he's done, because she and her friends are nothing to, and he doesn't feel a hint of remorse. He did what he had to, the ends justify the means, and Wymack's gone through too much to get him to risk losing him. He's on a team that doesn't care about his boundaries any more than he cares about theirs and is more than happy to play the monster if it gets the job done.
This came off a little harsh on Andrew, despite that I love him and Dan actually grates on me, but honestly the start of the series he is kind of awful and Dan I can see where she's coming from. Like, I think sometimes we also forget even Neil hates Andrew at the start of the series. Everything he did with Neil, he did with the others, it's just that Neil had the persistence, and the trauma related need to compartmentalise and move on quickly rather than hold a grudge, and a usefulness to Andrew (and yeah, let's not forget the breakthrough is Kathy's show and Andrew realising Neil is useful to him) to let him get in with Andrew so he can start to see the real him, while Andrew keeps the upperclassmen at arm's length.
And wow, congrats and thanks to anyone who read all the way through this monster ramble.
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eybefioro · 3 months
Weekly fic rec, by yours truly...
Especial edition: BELOVED WIPS!
Hm. I should probably take out the "weekly" part of my fic recs lol I haven't been able to keep it weekly. The recs actually take a fair amount of time and mental space because I enjoy going in depth in what I feel/think, and these past few weeks have been 💫chaotic💫. But alas. I still want to share fic recs. Maybe I'll call them random fic recs or something. I'll see.
Anyways. Until now, I haven't recommended many longer fics (I have trouble being succinct and on point with fics, I ramble a lot. With longer ones it's even worse... how could I fit in a few paragraphs the experience when there's so MUCH to talk about?) and WIPs which is a crime. So this time I will rec 3 WIPs I'm following!! You have a 100% chance of finding me screaming in the comments of these works, bc they're truly marvelous!
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Drive me to the moon by CaptainBlou and Elenthya
Rated E, ~23k words (for now!)
My tags: captivating, sweet, emotional
At GOMENS, world-renowned sports brand and sponsor, one takes pride in endorsing the UK’s most talented athletes. On the other hand, one would like to ignore the fact that their two top of the bill, Aziraphale and Crowley, have heartily hated each other since the day they met. But what should be expected, when one knows these two? Aziraphale is a professional dancer, Crowley a rally driver. While the former switches between fierce competitions and prestigious stages, the other goes from one track to another across the world, clearing out every prize from behind the wheel of his racing car. Two beings, two worlds, two universes that everything should keep apart. But an unprecedented charity event is getting set up at GOMENS, and quickly, their own athletes will have to compete with and assist each other in turns. Two worlds, two personalities. But if they want to run for a cause that matters to the both of them, Crowley and Aziraphale are going to have to find an Arrangement.
THIS FIC. HAS ME ON CHOKEHOLD. I love it so much. I'm loving to read Crowley and Aziraphale finding eachother because they want to win a race. I didn't know I needed racer!crowley in my life, but I needed it. And the fact that they're nb speaks to me on another level. It is good to read a nb character being a loved, successful, and charismatic racer. And that doesn't mean they don't go through shit, and @captainblou addresses it wonderfully. And dancer!Aziraphale is so... amazing and human, honestly. I love the conflict he has between his craft/skills and his own perception of self. How he puts effort into being confident and brave despite his own hangups. Look, Blou's writing is a joy. It is really so good and emotional, and - I will stop now, JUST GO READ IT AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND. The characters feel real and alive. Also!!! ALSO I CANT FORGET. THIS FIC HAS ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AMAZING @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist . Her art is so good 😭😭😭 I can't begin to describe it.
Love As A Hallway And Several Novelty Mugs by holyflyingswisscheese
Rated T, ~25k words (for now!)
My tags: funny, light and sweet
“You’re not…” Aziraphale trailed off warily, glancing at the hallway behind Crowley. Crowley nodded in grim confirmation. “E-33. Just next door,” he said with a sigh, motioning to his classroom a few paces down the hallway. “We’re fucking neighbours.” ... Science Teacher Crowley and English Teacher Aziraphale have hated each other for years, kept sane only by the distance separating Aziraphale's English classroom from Crowley's lab. When all that is undone because of renovations in the Science block, Crowley ends up placed right next to Aziraphale for the upcoming school year. What will it take to shatter the reasons behind their resentment and make them realise just how wrong they've been about each other?
I love @howmanyholesinswisscheese writing so much. The way he describes the feelings, the ambience, the setting is so lively, heartfelt. He says he doesn't write poetry, but he goes poetic so FAST. There's a paragraph in chapter 5 about Aziraphale's crow feet and laughter that just... is so beautiful. And this fic is so funny!!! I love how they bicker and are reluctant to share space but end up finding middle ground. How Aziraphale really tries to extend an olive branch and succeeds... how their friendship blossoms. It's such a good read, and so light and fluffy. I love it sm.
Sky Clear Blue by klikandtuna
Rated E, ~23k words (for now!)
My tags: enchanting, curious, emotional
The collaborative brainchild of myself and @suzypfonne! This human AU features time travel/fuckery, neurodivergent Tenth-Doctor-coded Crowley, closeted Regency-era Aziraphale, lots of familiar faces, humor, angst, and FUN (both innocent and steamy). Join me on a new adventure! New chapters will be posted every Tuesday and Friday! (No, really. I promise.) Cover art by me 💛 (The Dream Team is back — myself writing, @suzypfonne beta-reading, and @sparkyshinymagpie coding the social-media conversations)
The first fic I've read of @klikandtuna was find the light (a recently finished wip! So double rec!) and it was delightful – such a hopeful story! So I was super excited to this one and let me tell you... it is so AMAZING. Really. The descriptions are magical, the concept is so interesting. I'm so curious to see we're this is going! I love how colourful Crowley is in this (as the author said to me, he has a lot from starmaker!crowley) while still being Crowley... and Aziraphale is caught in so many conflicts. Gosh I am so excited for the next chapters. Go read it!!!
These fics have been a source of joy for me 💛 reading them one chapter at time for some reason makes them even more special in my heart.
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