#talk to me about good omens
jestiric · 9 months
One Like and i will write an entire essay doing a deep dive into aziraphale and crowley as well as their relationship. Two Likes and i will read the entire bible and list symbolism and references as well as possible theories based on that. THREE likes ill rewatch the entire series and take extensive notes including background details, symbolism, and possible metaphors. FOUR likes and ill do a sick flip.
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crispyliza · 3 months
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I've got you all figured out fanartists
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magicomens · 6 months
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Happy Merlin finale anniversary to those who celebrate :)
I'm taking a small break from the comic for the holidays, see you in late January with Part 8 and a new story arc!
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plantsjustwannahavefun · 10 months
I still can’t get over that we got to see this.
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GIFs taken from https://www.tumblr.com/flowergrenades/724087820292112384/oh-yes-its-working
The moment he broke into that smile, my first thought was how much he looks like the Doctor here. Because Crowley doesn’t smile like that. We’ve never seen him smile like that: with such pure, radiant, uninhibited joy and awe. Not as himself. The first scene of this season was so impactful because we saw what Crowley was like as an angel, just how adorable and pure he was, full of overflowing love and affection for all of creation… and how much of a contrast it was to Crowley as a demon – jaded, weary, guarded, hiding behind his dark glasses and a grumpy, sardonic demeanour.
But this smile. It’s dazzling. There’s not a trace of irony or snark or sneering amusement, nothing of the sort. He’s just happy. Yes, it’s one of those “pictures taken seconds before a disaster” moments, but he doesn’t know it yet. Right now, he’s watching two humans about to fall in love. Knowing it was him who made it happen. Him, a demon, putting just a little bit more love into this world. And this makes him so happy.
Everything about the way this shot is framed is so intimate, and vulnerable, and powerful. He’s resting his forehead against the window, with his glasses off, and his face is right in front of us, the viewers. It almost feels like intruding on a private moment… because it is. He’s only smiling like that because no one’s looking at him. He wouldn’t do it in front of anyone else. Not even Aziraphale, I think.
But imagine if Aziraphale had been there to see it. He would have perished and discorporated on the spot. He’d have fallen in love with him right there and then, if he hadn’t already fallen in love with him many times over.
I don’t give a fuck if they kiss in S3, I can take it or leave it. The only thing I want is for Crowley to smile at his angel like that. And for Aziraphale to see it.
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greeneyed-thestral · 8 months
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bookshopbentley · 10 months
something i noticed is that whenever crowley and aziraphale do have physical touch it’s always ( ? ) aziraphale initiating it . it’s aziraphale who occasionally puts his hand on crowley’s chest , arm , back , whatever to guide him . it’s aziraphale resting his hand on crowley’s arm to tell him something . it’s aziraphale took crowley’s hand to dance , something crowley would have never done otherwise . but the kiss . that is the first time crowley has been the one to initiate physical contact . the first time . and as far as he knows , the last .
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melonsharks · 9 months
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i went. insane. LOOK. i know a lot of people realllyyyy wanted crowley to be the wedding dress designer LOOK I KNOW AND ITS OK u can make ur own au i promise but in MY WORLD. you need to understand me.
crowley owning a vineyard is personal to me. he is THE snake in the garden of eden, tempting is his JOB ok. he makes wines aziraphale indulges in, aziraphale designs dresses with crowley in mind. do you hear me. are you listening to me. i have everything from the second they meet mapped out OK i know what im talking about. listen to my delusions, boy.
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crowleyholmes · 10 months
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Aziraphale: *defies God's will and gives away his Holy Weapon to protect 2 humans who God Herself literally just cast out of paradise* *has unwavering faith in a demon's kindness* *lies an archangel in the face* *saves Crowley's life* *is ready to fight Satan himself with basically a Stick* *protects the one person in the universe who has probably mistreated him the most at extreme risk to his own life* *ready to fight 71 demons with a candle holder to protect 2 humans and said person who mistreated him all his existence* *gives up literally everything he loves the most in the world for the slim chance that he might make a dent in a system that brings nothing but suffering hoping to make the world a better place for everyone in it*
People out there (nowhere near me, luckily for everyone involved): *talk shit about Aziraphale*
Me: What the FUCK
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yourangle-yuordevil · 7 months
Sooo I made Crowley's and Aziraphale's South Downs cottage in The Sims 4. Also made our two supernatual boys.
Here is Aziraphale Fell: bookworm, foodie and good. He wants to read ALL the books. Also Michael Sheen's face is so fucking hard to replicate
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And here is Crowley, with and without glasses. I even found a mod for the tattoo! He is loyal, lazy and hot-headed. His aspiration is "soulmate" because he's a pathetic son of a bitch
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And then their cottage! With a Bentley that's not really a Bentley but let's pretend it is.
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Inside: ground floor floorplan and the entrance room.
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Crowley has a greenhouse, obviously. There's a bench so Aziraphale can read there while Crowely takes care of the plants (*cough* shouts at them *cough*)
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Their downstairs bathroom only has a bathtub because they don't use anything else.
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And here is the living room! I tried to mix their styles a bit. It's mostly in the old fashioned, cozy vibe Aziraphale likes, but with a sprinkle of modern stuff more aligned with Crowley's taste. Lots of alcohol everywhere ofc
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The kitchen has more of a modern vibe because I headcanon that it's Crowley that cooks most of the time. He says that it's because Aziraphale can't cook but it's because he likes to watch him eat the food he makes
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Then we go upstairs! The bathroom here is the saddest and blandest bathroom because Crowley miracled it into existence when Maggie and Nina came over and were like "there's no toilet in your bathroom...?"
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And the bedroom, more in a modern style because Crowley loves to sleep. There's also a vanity where Aziraphale puts on his creams and his things so he can be soft and pretty
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And finally the last floor: Aziraphale's library!
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Bonus picture of the ducks pond and the bench in the back garden
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
i saw a post that said that Crowley coded people are usually Aziraphale stans and Aziraphale coded people are Crowley stans and i laughed a little cuz like “hah that’s funny and kinda true”
but the more i think about the more it’s hitting me how accurate that statement is to me. i consider myself a more Crowley coded person because i related to him a lot more than i related to Aziraphale.
i related to how he shows love and his relationship with authority and his endless desire to ask questions and learn and his fierce defensiveness and protectiveness of the people (or singular being) he loves and his absolute adoration of the world and humanity and his undeniable optimism shrouded in a veil of cynicism. i don’t think i can articulate just how much all of those things hit home for me.
like Crowley is me in so many ways and i am him.
and yet. who am i out here defending like my life depends on it? Aziraphale. i’m not writing long ass metas about why Crowley’s decisions make sense. no, i’m writing those long ass metas about why Aziraphale isn’t really wrong and about how his decisions make perfect sense and about how he doesn’t deserve the hate.
anyways i don’t know what to do with this information now that i have it but it sure is something for me to think about
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
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Michael talking about the kiss with David in GO 2 on The Assembly tonight.
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jameszmaguire · 11 months
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You said 'trust me'. And you did.
GOOD OMENS 2x02 'The Clue'
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crispyliza · 2 months
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It's a real struggle
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chronoarts · 3 months
I need you guys to understand just how hot Rose was in New Earth. Ten's FIRST episode that wasn't a special but she absolutely stole the show. She left not a single crumb. And don't get me STARTED on her kiss with Ten. That was EVERYTHING. I know that technically that was Cassandra, but we don't have to talk about that. This is in my top three episodes so far because of literally everything. Rose was SO attractive here and honestly if I watched Doctor Who when I was younger and saw Rose in this episode, she would've been my queer awakening 100%. I don't understand how ANYONE could look at her and not be like "wow, women are so incredible"
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addhellandcurse · 11 months
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you and your speech patterns girl. references even
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ulgapodatkowa · 11 months
cry all you want but at the end of the day I am forever and always a slut for "the confession comes from the seemingly less emotional one of the two" trope and I will watch it again and again to devour it properly
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