#tang lmk x reader
hahawasabi · 6 months
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Simps are getting fed today ~ ;D
these were requested by a few friends on discord, so i decided to draw em ~~
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i forgot macaque's scarf, shhhh, we dont talk about that :3
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luxthestrange · 2 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#106 Old man yaoi
@ Sandy & Hunstman Wedding...
Tang to Sandy, who's about to get married: Today, two families are becoming one-
Macaque in an ominous voice: Two families enter, and one family leaves
Pigsy: That sounds so threatening
Mk & Mei: The Wedding Games...
Wukong: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor...
Y/n: Beautiful
Huntsman: F#$% all of you-
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watercurtaincave · 9 months
Sun wukong dating headcanons? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
𖤓 !! — I [love] you like the sun! Sun Wukong (LMK) / reader
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𖤓 !! — For as long as you knew Wukong, there has been this odd constant about him; and it wasn't the fact that he took everything, seemingly, at face value and joked about a lot of what he was doing (whether he knew what he was doing or not). No, that was just something you come to accept of Wukong, it was the fact that he hated to be alone. For as much as he puts up a front, deeming he is okay alone and he doesn't need anyone by his side, you knew the opposite was true. It always had been; Wukong just wasn't one who could talk about his emotions in a proper manner, and you guessed it was due to the fact he had so many apologies he could not give.
𖤓 !! — Or maybe they were apologies he just can't give due to his own stubbornness and pride, either way for as much as he hated being alone you also knew Wukong hated hurting his friends. Despite the fact that he tends to do it a lot without realizing it. Time and time again he will just get so absorbed within himself, within trying to correct a problem (he most likely caused) and trying to protect his friends that he ends up hurting everyone else instead. From the brotherhood to his student, Wukong has never learnt how to talk to people. Nevertheless, you would suspect he has a habit of thinking if he where to tell people how he was actually feeling they would think different of him; possibly less, possibly weaker.
𖤓 !! — Oh, for how much you love Wukong he always seemed to burn everyone next to him. That's why you have to take a little extra care of his heart, and of him. For despite how long you know him, it'll take a hot minute before he realizes that he's as stuck with you and you're stuck with him.
𖤓 !! — No literally, you're both stuck with each other and there's no getting out of it.
𖤓 !! — You were first introduced to Wukong through the whole godly latter, that and by what MK, Mei, Tang, Chang'e and Ne Zha has told you about the proclaimed Great Sage, Equal to Heaven. You may or may not have spoken to Macaque once or twice as well before you ever met MK's mentor, which really stuck wrong with you at first. If you were meeting one of this "Great Sage's" enemies before you met the "Great Sage" himself, then what did that say about the "Equal to Heaven", huh? That he couldn't be bothered to be around to protect MK? That he's too lazy sleeping somewhere on a fluffy cloud to get up and kick his emo cousin's ass? Yeah, you had been really bitter towards Wukong at first. Even stand-offish when you first met him.
𖤓 !! — Even more creeped out when he used to stare at you for no reason, holding this odd look in his eyes. You had a feeling he wanted to say something, something that seemed to really bug him because even MK pointed out how weird his staring habit was. But he never did. He always kind of bit his tongue and tried to stay his distance from you.
𖤓 !! — You kind of noticed that rather quickly. I mean, how could you not notice when Sun Wukong would dance around MK and Mei to get away from you whenever you walked over. Or how he suddenly went quiet, like he was trying to disappear, when you pipped in on a conversation. Or the way he would actually disappear whenever when you came by and make up some awkward excuse like he left the stove on at home or he needed to feed his pet bird.
𖤓 !! — "I don't even think he has a pet bird.." MK mumbled at that one, not having noticed that you had just walked into Pigsy's until you sat down next to Tang; Who greeted you accordingly with a smile. You simply smiled and nodded back. "Yeah, well what do you expect from a two-timin' schemer who always just happens to disappear when someone comes in." Pigsy commented, shooting his eyes towards you with a cock of his eyebrow. You couldn't help but give in an unamused look, MK and Mei quickly giving you very esthetic hellos. Yet they soon hushed as you shook your head, "If you're saying I had anything to do with the 'Great Sage' suddenly getting cold feet whenever I come by, I don't know what that's about-" "Yeah!" MK suddenly appeared at your side, Mei in tow, "Before we introduced them, the Monkey King said he never has met them before. I just think it's some weird god stuff, that or maybe he's always just conveniently busy when you come around." And with that MK shrugged, giving the group a small smile. "Yeah, no, I think there's more to it." Tang mumbled between slurping his noodles.
𖤓 !! — Yeah, no, I think there's more to it. Why did those words stick in your head? Yeah, no, I think there's more to it. What more could be to Monkey King, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, have to avoiding you like you were a plague other than him just not liking you for whatever reason? I mean, you've heard all the stories that MK and Tang have dug up about the Monkey King and nothing really ever struck a cord in you. You've listened to them gush about this great hero, a powerful demon that has revealed and bested so many, and none of that gave off the energy that Wukong did when he was around you. So what is his deal?
𖤓 !! — Later that week, after a tired shift of serving costumers, you didn't have the energy to do much other than slug your way back to Pigsy's; And you couldn't help but half-pray to anyone that Wukong was there. "And then I was like!-" And yet you instantly knew the gods were not on your side that day when you heard the Monkey King himself boosting about another fight he conquered. Yet, by the sounds of it, this was an older fight. Not that you were surprised in any way, that was just how the Monkey king seemed to be. He would use voice-sound effects, as well as big dramatic motions, to show how he defeated whichever enemy he was fighting in his tale. All the while, you managed to slip into the shop and quietly sit next to an overly excited Tang (as MK and Mei were sitting front row to hear the story). Yet, just as Wukong was about to get to the climax his eyes met yours and he faltered; His mouth went dry as his whole dramatic disposition came to an abrupt halt. You swore it he looked at you like he saw a ghost, and something about this surely ticked you off. After a day of serving rude costumers and frantic mothers with missing kids, you were about two seconds from smashing Wukong's face into the table.
𖤓 !! — "What? Why do you always look at me like that?" You would retort to the Monkey King with a scrunch of your nose, folding your arms firmly across your chest. Despite the disappointment from Mei and MK seconds before, as Wukong had stopped his dramatic retelling, they paused upon hearing your voice and turned around. You were sure they now understood why Wukong had stopped so suddenly. "I don't look at you like anything," Wukong instantly tried to deny, throwing out a 'pshh' from his mouth and a dismissive wave to drive his claim. Though he turned his back towards you to check the fake watch on his wrist, "Oh, well you look at the time! My cat must be so lonely-" You were tired of his dodging act, "I thought it was a bird." "Well a king can't have too many animals!- pets?" Wukong shot back almost instantly and you swore you could see some sweat rolling down his hidden face. He rubbed the back of his head, keeping his eyes on everything but you. "Yeah, uh-huh, because all your pets looks so real when I went to your little cave of a home with MK that one day to babysit." You would cock an eyebrow up at Wukong, watching as he stiffened in place. You were sure he was glaring daggers at the ground, maybe even thinking of escaping with his fancy god-like magic, "Yeah, uh-huh, as I thought. You have no pets do you, Great Sage? So, do you mind telling me why you've been avoiding me?"
𖤓 !! — For as long as you knew Wukong, you never realized how long you had actually known him for. Centuries of memories you could no longer recall, countless lives that you never knew you experienced, and it all seemed such an artificial answer when it came from Wukong. It felt like another outlandish tale of half-truths he was feeding to you to keep some sort of peace. But it wasn't:
𖤓 !! — At the start of it all, you had been a goddess (immortal like the rest). You hadn't been anyone important, no one that the mortals would remember anyways, you were simply one of the maidens that picked the immortality peaches in the orchard. You had been one of the few immortals who caught Wukong as he stole a peach, and oddly enough (from his recounting) you had let him go. Which made him curious about you. All too curious for his own good. You both would spend evenings and nights in each other's company upon any private setting you could find. In the orchard, in a garden that was rarely occupied, in your own room even. You both talked about everything and nothing, spent evenings somethings just laying and enjoying each other's company. Yet you could not leave the Celestial Realm, you were not on the approved list to do so. And yet when Wukong had left his post to return to his kingdom he still made the dangerous journey to come see you. He tried to convince you to come down with him many times, to come see the mountain of flower and fruits with your own eyes. Even when you told him no, he continued to come back. Until one day he just decided to kidnap you entirely.
𖤓 !! — It wasn't a bad kidnapping, one more like you were about to face sever punishment for associating with the Monkey King despite the status you held among the immortals. He proclaimed he was your hero as Wukong explained how he busted into the room, sweeping you off your feet and escaping the guards that had been sent to capture the two of you. Though it had been the worst mistake of his life.
𖤓 !! — What he hadn't known at the time, what you hadn't know either, was that the Jade Emperor had cursed you upon your assignment to the Peach orchard. If you were ever to escape the confines of the Celestial Realm, if you were to ever eat any of the peaches unauthorized, your divinity would be stripped away as punishment. You would have basically fell from heaven, becoming a mortal, if Wukong hadn't been holding (kidnapped) you during the decent down. And the way he described the anguish you had gone through while losing your divinity, despite having explaining this while sitting on a wooden table in a small and cramp noodle shop, made some sort of shiver rush up your spine. He couldn't even look up at you, this time out of pure guilt, as he explained it all; "I watched as your divinity was stripped from you, balled up at your chest before shooting up towards the Celestial Realm. I heard the Jade Emperor's laughter, his maniatic laughter and dammit-" Wukong punched the table, and you were surprised he didn't break it with the force he had used, "-All I wanted to do was go up there and beat his ass for being so cruel to you; for making you endure so much pain..." And something inside of you told you, like it was some sort of faint whisper, that Wukong was tormented by the thoughts of your screams until this day. That no matter what he has gone through or what he will go through, your screams will be the one thing that truly shakes him to his core.
𖤓 !! — "Ever since that day everything felt like some corny mortal and immortal love story that's written about now-a-days." Wukong would explain as his eyebrows frowned together, "When you first died it hurt so much, I was tempted to go up to the Jade Emperor himself and force him to take my immortality to be with you. "I debated on that for years actually, yet none of my old friends would let me near the Celestial Realm. And so I kind of sat and waited, I didn't know what to do with myself and it felt like I was always going to miss a part of me forever. Corny for the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, I know!" Wukong smiled, trying to lighten the mood with his usual antics. Yet he flattened, "But.. it really felt like it. "Until I was on a mission one day and I saw you again and you didn't know me, and I knew you didn't, but you drew me in all the same and well I fell in love with you all over again. And you fell in love with me and that cycle kind of repeated itself..."
𖤓 !! — Wukong paused, a small frown grew on his lips. He seemed hesitant to continue his train of thought yet he took in a deep breath and let it go. "Well, until you told me to stop with this mad chase. You had found all of past life you's memorabilia and pictures in that big closet of important things I own... and you told me to move on. "And you told me if I ever find you again in the future to not pursue a relationship with you because. . . well you didn't want to see me hurt."
𖤓 !! — But after all these lives, after all the time you have known Wukong, you should have known better that he couldn't keep his mind from you no matter how hard he tried. He hated being alone as much as he hated this horrible cycle he's put you through, yet still in every life he has chosen you above everyone else. He continued to choose you and you continued to choose him.
𖤓 !! — And, hey, that has to mean something. . . right?
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Home | Masterlist | Series Master list 𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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arta-ow-o · 1 year
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Tang is done with all shit
Tang: *can't have girlfriend 'cause he is Monk* (in some films falling in love with someone)
Reader and Wukong:
Tang: 😶 u serious
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a-dance-for-two · 3 months
Realizing they’re in love
for Red Son, Tang and Macaque
Red Son
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He’s very, very angry
Red Son tries to be mad at you, but he just can’t
Not with your perfect smile and your perfect eyes and—
So he just ends up ignoring you
Until you confront him, which leads to a red-faced confession
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His face immediately gets red and his glasses fog up
He just looks down at his noodles and stops talking
Tang won’t act too different, but he’ll be noticeably quieter
That, or he’ll ramble a lot to avoid any serious conversation
He’s just scared that you won’t feel the same
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Why would he act any different? He’s calm, cool and collected
Just kidding
He’s panicking on the inside
But on the outside, he’s just as cocky and teasing as always
Macaque’s always been a bit of a flirt, but now his teasing seems more genuine
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respawnjupiter · 5 months
"I want a baby" prank
— Featuring Lego Monkie Kid characters!
(Macaque, Wukong, Sandy, MK, Tang, Pigsy, Mei, Redson, Spider Queen, & Mayor)
╰⪼ Six-Eared Macaque
(I headcanon he's broke af)
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╰⪼ Sun Wukong
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╰⪼ Sandy
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╰⪼ MK
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╰⪼ Mei
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╰⪼ Redson
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╰⪼ Tang Sangzang
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╰⪼ Pigsy
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╰⪼ Spider Queen
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╰⪼ Mayor
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pollensweetchimera · 10 months
MK (breaking down the door): Y/N!
Y/n: wow easy there,whats up-
Mk: did you sleeped with MY FATHERS??!!
Everyone in the room silence.
Y/n: first of all show some respect for your step parent and second of all,you grounded.
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broke-art · 7 months
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You walked briskly through the city as the waning sunlight cast deep shadows. Your 'cousin' Mei was waiting for you at a restaurant named Pigsy's Noodles. You 'cousin' was technically not blood related her father and your adoptive father were....well not close but they tolerated each other.
Every year you would go to spend a week with your 'cousin' and her family. And every year your uncle would teach you self defense and what he could about your little...secret.
A few people tossed looks your way and you tugged up your hood not enjoying the attention.
The truth was you had a power you simply could not understand. Unlike your father, uncle, and cousin you were not a dragon. You were....well...something else.
You turned the corner following the directions on your phone. At that exact moment fire exploded from an upper balcony window above the resturant.
Mei and her best friend M.k stood just ahead starting at the flickering flame.
You gasped and ran forward summoning your magic. You couldn't do much. But silencing a flame before it overtook a restaurant, that was doable. Assuming it was somewhat smaller.
A male voice mocked before the flame jumped from the balcony and flew right at you.
You yelped and jumped to the side tucking into a roll just as a race car shot off in the direction you had been standing.
Mei and m.k exchanged a few words before Mei summoned her motorcycle and shot off and M.k pole vaulted after the car.
You blinked your mind stumbling over what you had just witnessed. A flame jumping from a balcony? And turning into a race car? You breathed out a sigh knowing your curiosity would not be assuaged until you found out what that was about.
You focused on the magic you had just summoned but this time you focused on Mei. You could teleport minor distances, if you had an anchor. Mei would serve as the anchor.
You solidified the image of Mei and then allowed your magic to do it's work. In an instant you felt the world around you shift and when you blinked your eyes open you saw a massive column slam down on the front of the aforementioned race car, although now altered, throwing a redhead through the windshield.
"So, looks like you've reached the end of the line Red Son. What were you even gonna do with this thing anyway?"
You stepped closer and opened your mouth as Mei dismounted and stepped over to M.k. but another voice cut you off.
"Why spoil the surprise? Now hand the key over and quit wasting my time."
Mei and m.k shared a look then launched at a woman dressed all in red with...were those horns?
What had Mei gotten her self into?!
A very short battle commenced and then Mei and m.k were thrown into a cement wall cracking it upon impact. And your temper flared.
Red Son, as M.k had called him, scooped up the key and raced towards the woman.
"Oh no you don't!" You yelled summoning a small blast of fire you launched it Infront of Red Son. Except it wasn't small. Your anger had stoked the fire making them burst into a massive wall of black flame.
Red Son stumbled to a halt with a gasp and the woman turned a glare on you. But after a second her eyes widened.
Red Son summoned his own flames and turned his own glare at you, only to freeze when the woman spoke once again.
"Red Son. Come."
Red Son growled but burst into orange flames and jumped your barrier.
You readied another spell but at that moment the woman waved her fan and the wind picked up behind you and lifted you off the ground. You felt it pin your arms against your sides.
"No! Y/n!" Mei yelled pushing debris off her and running forward.
You squeezed your eyes shut and tensed for impact expecting to be thrown against some thing. The winds pulled you forward at alarming speed and then heat exploded around you.
You waited for pain but felt none. Slowly you blinked only to find yourself in what looked to be an underground base with a glowing blue...was that a casket?!
"Mother what are you-"
The wind dropped you then and you attempted to run but two robotic bulls grabbed your arms holding you fast.
Just then the woman walked over to you her arms folded behind her back.
"Do you know who I am?" She asked musingly.
You struggled.
"A kidnapper?" You huffed sarcastically.
"How dare you! You insolent little-" Red Son growled only to pause when the woman held up her hand.
"I am princess Iron Fan." She touched her hand to her chest. "I knew your mother."
Suddenly you froze. Memories you didn't understand and couldn't piece together flashed through your mind but just as quickly as they came they vanished.
"Liar." You spat.
Something changed in Lady Iron fan's gaze then. For a moment you almost thought it was hurt but it vanished far too quickly for you to be certain.
"Take her away. I'll see to this later. For now Red Son take your father the key."
"No!" You shouted and struggled more fervently now as the bull clones dragged you away.
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magicalbunbun · 1 year
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-new design of the monkey king Y/n, I was trying so hard to make the design look more to lady bone Demon.
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And of course nezha from this au ;)
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 2 years
Wukong: Be myself? Tang, I have one night to win over Y/N’s parents. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Sandy: Couple weeks.
Mei: Six months.
Pigsy: Jury's still out.
Wukong: See, Tang? "Be myself," what kind of garbage advice is that?
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glitcheslikeslego · 2 months
All The Right Moves!
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Chapter 1 : Celebi
The Time Travel Pokemon. Celebi wanders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared. It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times.
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Go in, clear out all the newborn Espurr that were causing a ruckus, and get out.
Sylveon had been a huge help with herding all the Espurr into one group, but an especially ear piercing cry and psychic blast that could rival a Noivern’s Boomburst ended up summoning Celebi, of all creatures.
And you had no clue what happened next, other than the fact that you were silently praying to the Order Pokemon before a giant psychic attack attacked you and rendered you unconscious in an alleyway.
Which was… strange, to say the least. The Ranger Organization should have picked you up and brought you to the med bay to have you and your Pokemon assessed, but instead you ended up in a dark and admittedly disgusting alleyway in a bustling city.
At first, you thought that the blast somehow threw you from the forest in front of Parfum Palace all the way to Lumiose City, but when you stepped out into the light, you were terribly wrong.
The city had tall buildings, with none of the Kalosian charm that Lumiose had, and the signs were all written in a strange language you’ve never read before, let alone seen.
“What happened…?” You muttered to yourself, and you noticed that Sylveon had also gotten up to look around curiously. 
“Syl…” He looked all around the place before his gaze landed on you, and he stared at you bug-eyed. “VEON!?”
“What? What is it?” You ask, and he begins gesturing to you, like, all of you. Using his ribbons as some funky charades.
“What are you doing? If this is some joke you got, it’s not funny.” You deadpanned. 
Sylveon continued his charades, this time more frantically, but because you obviously don’t believe him, he groaned and grabbed your arm before dragging you out onto the sidewalk. “Whoa! What is it?”
Sylveon ignored the weird and curious glances that civilians shot at him and his trainer, and pulled you to the nearest window and pointed at it. “Ve.” He said.
Confused, you looked at the window, only to see you but… yellow? Why were you yellow? You turned your head, and the window mirrored your movements. You held up your hands, which were just claw shaped, and your legs and feet were rectangular.
“What just happened?” 
“Syl Sylveon!” Sylveon exclaimed, finally glad you noticed that he wasn’t pulling your leg like he normally does.
You turned away from your reflection, seeing that the many civilians going about their day also had yellow skin, claw hands and rectangle legs, some even had different shades of colours, like red and blue..
‘This is strange.’ You think to yourself. ‘Where are we?’
With nothing to do except take in your surroundings and try and find out where you ended up at, you begin walking around the city in hopes of finding someplace to go and figure out where you are. 
You let Sylveon hold onto your arm with his ribbons as you walked along the sidewalk of the strange city, still getting odd glances, but there weren’t many, and Sylveon managed to unnerve them with a glare to stop their staring.
You hadn’t walked for long until Sylveon became intrigued by something and had led you to a restaurant. You deadpanned. “Really Sylveon? Food? Now? We don’t even know where we are– AH!” You were rudely cut off from your scolding when a young man burst from the entrance, delivery bags in his arms, yelling back at someone.
“Sorry!” The delivery man apologised as he got into his dinghy little vehicle and rushed off.
“Well, that was kinda rude.”
“Syl.” Despite his nod that matched your slight Kalosian pretentiousness, Sylveon was more interested in what was inside the restaurant, so he dragged you inside. 
You paused when you saw a human in a chair eating noodles, and a Grumpig-looking man behind the counter waving a spoon around angrily. The two stopped upon seeing you and Sylveon.
“Uh, sorry for bothering you?” You say first, more confused than apologetic, and the Gumpig man’s angered look changed into a smile.
“Welcome in, customer! Take a seat, I’ll take your order in a second.” The chef gave the human a glare before heading to the back kitchen, meanwhile the bespectacled human slurped his noodles while looking at Sylveon with a curious look.
“Ve?” Sylveon looked at the brunette with a heated, offended glare, making the human nervous smile and divert his attention back to his book, sweating as Sylveon continued to send him the nastiest glare imaginable.
“Sylveon, don’t be rude.” You said in a scolding tone to the Fairy-type, who simply stuck his nose up arrogantly. “I’m sorry about him, he’s just a butt.”
Sylveon let out an offended noise, but you ignored him in favour of striking up conversation with the man beside you as you waited for the Grumpig chef to return.
The man, who had introduced himself as Tang, was a scholar. And strangely enough, he had never heard of Sylveon before. You assumed it as just a regional difference, maybe they didn’t have Eevee or any of its evolutions here? But no…
He doesn’t even know what a Pokemon is.
Which struck at all of the red alarms in your head. At first you thought that they just didn’t even have any Pokemon here, but that wouldn’t even make sense, they should still know what a Pokemon is, even if they don’t have any. 
You were snapped out of your mini crisis when the chef returned, wiping his hands dry on a rag. “Sorry ‘bout that. What can I get ‘ya?” He asks, leaning on the counter casually, sparing a slight glare at Tang.
You looked back at the menu. You… hadn’t really considered what to buy, but Sylveon seems to be at least one step ahead as he yoinks the menu from your hands with one ribbon and points to a food item with the other.
The chef looked at the spot before saying, “Chow Mein?” Sylveon nodded erratically and you sighed and nodded in agreement. It was… better than nothing you suppose.
“Alright, coming right u–.” He froze when he heard a sliding noise, and everyone looked over to Tang, who had pushed his empty bowl away from himself, wiping his mouth with a napkin. Feeling stared at, he looked back with an equally nervous and smug smile.
“One of these days I’m gonna ban ‘ya.” The chef growled as he took the bowl from off the counter. Tang just nodded dismissively, as if knowing he won’t get banned, despite the threat.
Sylveon thought he was weird.
A semi-awkward silence came over the two of you, that type of silence where you wanted to strike up small talk, but neither wanted to, but it was fine. You absentmindedly began petting Sylveon’s head. He yelped with a disgruntled look on his face, moving so instead you were stroking his back. “Sorry bud.” You muttered, Sylveon waved a ribbon in response.
It took a short while, but your noodles finally arrived. The bowl was filled to the brim with noodles, as well as other vegetables and ingredients. You thanked him before grabbing the chopsticks to eat with them. You haven’t used chopsticks in a while, having used them while at Sushi High Roller for your Ranger Leader’s retirement party a few months back, which led to your friend and superior stepping up, leaving you as the second-in-command.
You were suddenly struck with the realisation that you were technically MIA, with probably no way of contacting your Ranger Agency of your whereabouts.
The long and short of it, you’re screwed.
“Woah!” You yelped as you were set off balance by Sylveon, who greedily began munching on the noodles in the bowl. With a brown, you grabbed him by the scruff and sat him back down. “No, Sylveon. You can’t just eat from the bowl.” You look around and find a cup full of green tea, you must've been too distracted by the noodles to notice it. You took it and chugged the tea before putting a bunch of noodles in it and handing it to Sylveon. “Here.”
Sylveon looked grossed out, but the small taste he had earlier overpowered his brain, and he began chowing down on the noodles, letting you enjoy yours in peace.
All the while, Tang had been slitting his attention between his book and staring at you and Sylveon, a stranger in an even stranger red costume-esque uniform and a small quadruped fox-like monster who was admittedly cute, but really just a jerk.
As you were eating your noodles, the young man from earlier burst through the entrance with a raven haired girl with green highlights. You and Sylveon stuck to yourselves as they all began talking about the staff the young man had… that was able to extend and retract. You would have dismissed it until Tang began fanboying over the staff, talking about ‘DBK’ and ‘Monkey King’ before all running out, leaving you and Sylveon in the shop.
“Uhh, what?” You blurted out, confused.
“Veon…” Sylveon growled as he finished his noodles, annoyed that they had just been left in the shop. What kind of customer service was that!?
Sylveon had finished his bowl before you, but seeing as how he was eyeing it, as if he were planning on stealing it from you, but since you weren’t exactly hungry after your sudden realisation from earlier, you just gave the rest to him and he ate it happily.
“Now what…” You pondered to yourself. Your food was almost finished, but the chef was no longer present, not even his seemingly only employee or Tang. But you couldn’t just leave without paying.
Sylveon, however, had a much different idea. Seeing your inner turmoil, he smirked, finished the noodles and jumped off the seat. You watched him, curious as to what he was doing, only for him to take your arm with his ribbons again and begin dragging you away from the restaurant.
“Sylveon, hold on! We can’t just leave!” Oh my Arceus, Sylveon’s gonna turn you into a criminal!
“On!” Sylveon chirped back, totally unfazed by the fact that he was causing you both to dine and dash. The Fairy-type Eeveelution was incredibly strong, way more determined than he normally was to get out of somewhere. 
He kept dragging you around the city, both of you looking around cautiously yet curiously. Every turn you took had more citizens stare at you both, especially Sylveon, reminding you of how Tang was very confused about Pokemon, and how this world probably doesn’t even have Pokemon.
If this truly were another world… but seeing as how you were a yellow person and there were no Pokemon around, instead replaced with these bland appearing creatures, the theory you concocted in your head didn’t seem too far fetched.
As you got yourself lost in your thoughts, the looming doom of your situation returned tenfold. You were in a world with nothing you knew of back home, no Pokemon in tall grass, no Trainers lining the routes, the lively world you inhabited is now replaced with one that was as boring as it was nerve wracking. 
Noticing your panic, Sylveon tugged your arm harshly, snapping you out of your funk with a yelp. “Ow! Sylveon, not cool!”
The little mischief maker giggled innocently, but his smug grin showing off his tiny fangs showed that he enjoyed what he just did. 
He continued dragging you around, and everything was as fine and dandy as it could be for you both. You reached what appeared to be a district of abandoned buildings, from offices to apartments, you looked down at Sylveon then back up at one of the apartments.
“Oh my Arceus, Sylveon, you’re a genius.” You mutter in realisation, finally understanding the method to his madness.
“Ve-on.” He replied back with a prideful grin, as if to say ‘I know’. He released your arm and ducked under the caution tape before trotting along the abandoned streets of this district. You rushed to follow him.
You both walked along the middle of the road, you following your partner, and Sylveon seemingly looking for something, which with the way things were going, you hoped was a place to stay.
The ground then began to rumble harshly, the stray rocks and pebbles on the ground shaking and jumping from it all, and you looked around in confusion. Was it a horde of Diglett? Perhaps a burrowing Excadrill.
“Veon!” Sylveon pointed at the city and you saw… a giant, purple, bipedal Tauros? It was wearing strange armour, and it was obviously no good.
“What is that? What do we do?”
“Ve veon.” Sylveon said, shaking his ribbons in an ‘absolutely not’ way before pulling you into the nearest abandoned apartment building. It had major amounts of water damage, so you supposed that this entire part of the city was closed down due to some previous flooding and no one has picked up the reins to fix it up or tear it down.
Your distraction made it so Sylveon went ahead, she approached the elevator and pressed the up button.
It didn’t work.
Cue you having to grab Sylveon’s ribbons before he pushed the button through the console and made it even less repairable.
“The elevator isn’t working. We should take the stairs.” Sylveon groaned as you walked to the staircase, him having no choice to follow you up. The more stairs you went up, the less the water damage there was, and when you made it all the way up to the top, the floor was relatively spotless aside from a thick layer of dust that caked every corner.
Upon seeing the fancy hallway, Sylveon brightened up. Forgetting his overdramatic breathing as he finally made it up, he bounded down the hall to the fanciest door. 
The door was missing its locks and some hinges, so Sylveon managed to open the door with ease. The apartment was more like a penthouse, spacious and fancy looking, making you feel unwelcome. Sylveon was undeterred, scampering about until he found somewhere to plop himself down.
You followed him, finding yourself in the living room, with Sylveon napping on an exquisite lounge chair. You decided to sit on the couch. As soon as you did, the ground rumbled again, startling you both.
Sylveon growled, shaking a ribbon like a fist before going back to nap without a worry. And you decided that napping was also probably a good idea.
Maybe this was all just a weird dream made by the Espurr, who knows?
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luxthestrange · 1 year
LMK Incorrect quotes#84 YES IT IS!
Tang Sanzang: You need a hobby Wukong & Ao lie: We got a have a hobby! Tang Sanzang: Fawning over Y/n isn’t a hobby
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watercurtaincave · 9 months
Your blog is so pretty!! Anyways can I request MK w a physically strong s/o? S/O likes to train a lot and is generally a good fighter <3
𖤓 !! — Maybe, thinking..? MK / strong! Reader (also tysm for the request, this was fun to write :3)
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𖤓 !! — "right, so I want someone to explain how we got into this mess in the first place." Pigsy would ask as everyone took a pause on their respected task. Mei and Red Son were over in one corner, MK and you were standing in the center, Tang was with Pigsy, and Wukong and Macaque were in the other room; though they both would peak their head in, Macaque sorely unamused while Wukong was wondering why they had all been stopped. Surely, stopping everyone to ask one little question isn't the smartest thing. Especially when you were on a time restraint there was only half an hour left before everyone dies! (not really) "Well from what I remember.." Tang started, tapping his chin before he began to recount the details that lead everyone into this unescapable room:
𖤓 !! — MK, Mei, and you were at Wukong's 'shame temple' a few miles outside of the city. Ever since the Azure King was defeated, and no new villains seemed to be in the future, there had been a lot of down time for everyone. Though down time usually didn't halt any sort of training, especially when it was Wukong who was teaching the lessons. So, instead of spending your Saturdays at the arcade, or doing literally anything else, Wukong had the three of you train, for whatever reason.
𖤓 !! — It wasn't fun, not one bit. Especially since Wukong never really asked if Mei and you wanted to join, he just told you two to be there to help with MK's training. (I mean, if he had given you two the option, you and Mei would have said yes but it was a lot less fun when you're given no option.)
𖤓 !! — "And just like that, you can counter any attack that comes your way!" Wukong finished with a grin, jumping up and sitting back against the cloud that formed under him. He seemed rather indifferent to the staring kids, one of which was completely confused and the other two being mystified with Wukong's guidance. "You literally just told us a story about yourself!" You would point out, cocking an eyebrow up at Wukong with a suspicious look. What was a story from, probably, hundreds of years ago meant to help with basic counter attack training? But, Mei and MK seemed to hype up Wukong's story, leaving you stuck in the middle of their gushing. "Aw, stop it you two!" Wukong feigned being gushed and flushed, "I know, I'm just that awesome!"
𖤓 !! — Sadly, as you expected, being awesome wasn't exactly the recipe needed for MK to learn how to counter strike against an opponent. And he had to sit out after being bashed a few times by Mei and Wukong, as you refused to hit your boyfriend after he was ill trained my his mentor! Which Wukong seemed to put Wukong's panties into a twist: "I taught him how to do it! He just needs a couple more times to practice and it would be helpful if you helped!" Wukong bitterly stated, crossing his arms as MK laid under a pile of rock not too far away. His groan was the only thing you needed to hear to know that Wukong hadn't taught him shit. Mei rushed over to help MK out of his tough spot, as he was sore, and you only gestured over to the two with a 'you're seeing this, right?' to Wukong. Though he only glanced away, crossing his arms, with a denying face. Of course, what else should you have expected from the 'Great Sage' himself? "Well if you think you know better, then you fight me!" Wukong would mumble under his breath, unaware that you had caught his words. But you crossed your arms and shrugged your shoulders, "Sure." Leaving a slightly startled Wukong in response to your response, and a worried MK and Mei.
𖤓 !! — Now MK knew you trained, and he knew you were strong, you've helped on missions before and even helped MK with some more hand-to-hand combat training when Wukong wasn't available. Yet he couldn't help but worry about your duel with Wukong! And it wasn't him doubting you in no means, it was more of a rational thought process? You were mortal, Wukong was immortal. Wukong had the staff, you choose to fight with your fists. You both were trying to prove some point that MK had just barely caught when Mei managed to grab him out of the rubble. It was kind of an unfair fight. Plus, Wukong had hundreds of years of experience over you! "Hey, you know you don't have to do this... right?" MK shouted as he pressed an ice pack to his cheek, Mei rapping another bandage over his injured arm. "Don't worry about me, I got this." You would mumble back to MK, glancing over at him with a small smile, before turning back to Wukong. You were going to put this godly monkey in his damn place!
𖤓 !! — Well, at least you intended to. But now you only sat to the side of the training ground, having been dragged away and forced to sit on the ground by MK and Mei as you wouldn't stop trying to fight Wukong. Even after he may or may not have thrown you into a mountain and slapped you around with his staff, but hey, you managed to get a good few punches on him! "Self confidence and being overly cocky won't get you anywhere in a battle!" Wukong would scold you, despite you not being his student, as he stood beside the trio. You would flinch as MK would tie the bandage on your arm a little too tight, but gave Wukong an unamused glance anyways. You couldn't believe he was tying to scold you after you proved your point! Sure, you didn't win, but you showed Wukong didn't really teach MK how to counter attack, "You're literally bleeding out of your nose right now." "Alright, can we not fight right now? You're both bleeding!" MK mumbled, fumbling with the bandages as Mei ran back out with some disinfectant spray. She paused upon seeing MK bandaging up your wounds and shouted at him, playfully, that he needed to disinfect the wounds first!
𖤓 !! — "And then Wukong said: 'If you had used your head you would have figured out all the times you could have counter attacked me.' and then that somehow spiraled into us coming into this escape room." Tang would finish his little recap to a heavily unamused Pigsy, who slowly turned over to where the two culprits stood with their partners. To say he wasn't upset would be an understatement. "We're in here because you challenged the Monkey King to an escape room to see who's smarter?!" Pigsy watched as you pieced your lips to his shouting, glancing away from him for a moment. You would slowly shrug your shoulders before letting out a questionable, "Yes?" To which the room only grew silent. The only sensible ones giving you and Wukong an glare, one you could only guess meant that you both somehow overlooked something. Something important, something critical. Something that may or may not make this whole trip a waste of time, other than a lovely 'family bonding' experience. "But we're all completing the same escape room." Red Son would finally point out. Ah! There is was! That one critical thing that was overlooked, there would be no clear victor because everyone's combined efforts were being placed into this escape room. Yeah, neither of you thought that one through.
𖤓 !! — "-And hey, maybe we didn't complete the escape room, but we sure learnt a valuable life lesson!" Wukong would start after everyone had gathered back into Pigsy's after the escape room. Even with the hour time-limit that was given, no one managed to pool together a way to escape the escape room (that didn't include breaking things). Wukong waited for someone to amuse his banter. Though he stood discarded in the center of Pigsy's as everyone took a seat either at a booth or the counter. Tang would order a bowl of noodles and Pigsy went to go cook said noodles while you sat next to MK, watching as Red Son and Mei bickered over something. Macaque would snicker, sitting in a booth behind Wukong, as he was still ignored; He was enjoying Wukong getting a little of his own medicine for once, "No one cares, Wukong!" And despite the defiantly odd day that just occurred, you were finally able to just sit back with your boyfriend, even more a minute, as his mentor went to set down defeated. You would take MK's hand under the counter, watching as his attention would peak and he snuck a glance over at you. He grew a little flustered upon seeing your smile and couldn't help but smile back. No matter how strong either of you are, physically or mentally, there was surely always a weak spot in both of you for each other.
𖤓 !! — I couldn't add this into the story, but here's some extra points I wanna include!!: - MK def worries about you when you help in missions, no matter how strong you are. It's just something in his brain because he wants to protect everyone and his friends. So even if you insistent you'll be fine, he sends you off with an MK clone (if he can't personally tag along) as back up! - You also, in turn, worry about MK and want to do your best to protect him; But, you understand a little better than MK that he can protect himself. Still, all this work with Wukong does leave a rather bad taste in your mouth. - MK secretly is really glad that you're strong. Sure, he gushes about you and supports you through all your training and battles, but he never realized how glad he actually is that you're strong. He only would realize after the fight with ink him, as your strength, both physically and mentally, kept him sane during the whole fight. Especially after wards, when he had kept trying to deny the new power... he has glad you were there. - Probably has you play all those carnival games that are strength-related. You let him pick out the prize. Cute couples date, always. - If you want to, he'll come with you if you want to train or go to the gym. Though, 8 times out of 10 he will just be there for moral support; Sitting in a corner nearby on his phone, cheering you because he's so proud of you no matter how much you can lift. Though, defiantly sometimes uses his golden sight to make sure you're not straining yourself. - Cools down at the zero gravity arcade with you after <3
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𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
♡First Valentine's Day With Them ♡
Genre: Romantic + Platonic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): LMK Crew
A sorry post for being away for so long. There's another post stating why. Also, this one's a bit long, so prepare! Started writing this three days ago so sorry if there are any grammar errors, I wanted to get this out on time.
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He's so adorable and sweet about it, it's absolutely teeth rotting. He looks up places that he thinks you'll like, see if he can get matching accessories, your favorite flowers. Everyone finds it cute- Pigsy just wishes he would put some of that effort into his deliveries.
When the day comes, he's at your home early in the morning with a giant bouquet and card with a drawing of you two. You gush about it, placing both in a safe place before giving him your gift. He's ecstatic upon seeing it, seeing as it's the new game he wanted so badly! Ugh, he loves you so much. 💖
He'll dash you away to the arcade, trying to win all the prizes he can for you, and after that, it's off to a cute little cafe that just opened. You're both enjoying your time there,goofing off and sharing treats. Of course, you end it off at Pigsy's, getting some noodles and joking around. Pigsy's so happy for his son.
At the end of the day, you thank him for the wonderful and sleep over. He's never cleaned his room do fast before-Mk's really happy that he was able to get you to smile so much. You enjoyed your time with him, and him with you. He couldn't imagine anything more perfect than this. He feels so lucky to have you as his Valentines.
☀️Sun Wukong☀️
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Why choose one day to confess your love, when you can do it any or every day? What's special about THAT specific day? He doesn't get it, but he'll try his best. He'll look up what he can do, stuff he can get you, and make a quick pit stop to a food place and get you your favorite foods the day before Valentine's.
He thinks this'll be a peace of cake. After all, he's Sun Wukong! There's nothing he can't do! ... Except get rid of the nervousness that he feels as the day gets closer. What if you think it's too little? Maybe you'll see it as him taking you for granted? That he doesn't care?... Maybe he should improvise his plan a bit more.
Day of, he's at your home, inviting you to Flower Fruit Mountain. You're excited to see what he's planned, since he kept hyping it up. When you arrive, you're bombarded with gifts from the other monkeys. Fruit, flowers, little trinkets they may have stolen from Wukong's stash. It's incredibly cute and has you gushing and hugging them.
He'll bring out the food he got, along with a small cake just for you. It's kind of like a feast, and you're laughing a bit. He's a bit confused, but when you tell him how happy you are to see him put thought into this, he's beaming with pride. After stuffing your faces, you decide to hit the hay, cuddling and whispering sweet words to each other.
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He thinks it's a bit odd, and silly might he add, but he decides to make an effort for you. He'd start thinking about what to do, maybe make a nice dinner and get you that one item you've been eyeing. End it off with a shared night of cuddles. That should be good, right? Pfft, he's got this in the bag-
No. No he does not. As the day gets closer, he's becoming more nervous. Maybe he could take you out to a nice restaurant? He doesn't have a lot for money, nor does he like being in crowded places, but this IS an important day. He wants you to see how much you mean to him, how much you've helped him. He doesn't want you to think you're being taken for granted.
On the day of, he does his best to act all cool headed, but you can tell he's nervous. Color him surprised as you bring out a stash of gifts, from a bouquet of purple flowers that reminded you of him to an array of his favorite snacks that you personally made. You even got him some art and theatre supplies for if he ever wants to continue on that path.
He can't help but break down. It's been...so long since he's felt such warmth, so much love poured his way. He's been alone for such a long time, so having you here with him and spoiling him makes him feel absolutely blessed. After helping him calm down, you decide to have movie night, laughing and stuffing your faces. He decides that next year, he'll take you somewhere nice. A little vacation for just the two of you.
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You're texted as soon as it hits Valentine's Day. A plaster of heart emojis and an extensive plan to fill up the day. You think it's cute, but with how long the list of locations were, you highly doubted that you'd be able to do everything. Still, you were excited to see what the day would bring.
You're bombarded with gifts. Flowers, chocolates, matching jewels. It's a bit boggling, but it's really sweet. And when you bring up the list, she's dead seat on hitting them all. You've gotta experience the best date after all! You tell her that it's fine if you don't hit them all, and that it's most likely impossible-
Nope. You hit every single location on that list. You we're swept to all sorts of restaurants and had a wide array of sweets/food, gone to the arcade and given all of the prizes. Heck, she even took you shopping to get some matching clothes, along with some she just thought looked great on you.
By the time you're heading home, you've got a large assortment of gifts. Of course, she helps you sort it into your closet and decided to stay the night. After a movie or two, you're passed out from all the energy you've spent. She'll fall asleep right after, dreaming of what she'll do for you next year.
🔥Red Son🔥
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Nothing but the absolute best for his beloved. After all, it's what you deserve. Don't worry. He's got the whole day planned out. No need for you to stress about it. He's done all the research he could need, and he's absolutely confident in his plans to woo you. 😎 Liar, he's so fucking nervous.
First, he'll give you the present he's worked so hard on. A sick ass motorcycle. It's okay if you don't know how to ride it. He can teach you, plus more time spent together. Then, he'll take you to the finest restaurant, where it's only you two in a room, since no one deserves to sit in your radiance.
After that, you'll take a walk around the park, just taking in the silence and enjoying each other's company. When that's over, you'll be taken back to his house, where he'll surprise you with a shit ton of more presents he hid in his room. As said before, only the best for you.
When all the excitement has left, and it's just you two watching a movie in his room, he'll hold you close, thanking you for being with him. He didn't expect to find love, because he wasn't really looking for it, but he's glad it found him in the form of you. He can't imagine life without you, nor does be want to.
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You and Sandy have been buddies since like, forever, and you've both started the tradition of spending Valentine's together. You don't exactly remember how it happened, but it did and you're so glad it did. It's a nice way to give more gifts and spend another day together. It reminds you of how close your friendship is.
You both decide to go to a cute tea shop near by and talk about anything and everything positive, like what you think your future holds, what hobby you picked up, any new plans? Make any new friends? Others who pass by can't help but feel invigorated by the intense positivity that you and Sandy exude.
At his place, you'll do some yoga, both laughing when either one of you does a silly mistake. Once that's done, you'll help take care of the precious cats and spoil them, giving them their favorite treats and petting them to their hearts content. They'll be laying all over you two as you sit down and enjoy a movie. All around, it's a really nice and calm day.
🐷Pigsy + Tang📕
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These lovable idiots probably don't know what to get at first. What do you get your friend that doesn't seem so...cliche? Tang was fine getting you something simple, like those great looking chocolates, but Pigsy wasn't. He wanted it to be more that. I mean, you were their good friend after all! And you've been along for the journey! Gotta spruce it up!
So they play to their strengths and do what they do best. Pigsy makes you a bowl of your favorite noodles-and his best one may he add. Tang, on the other hand, decided to gift you a book that you happened to have your eye on... Along with those nice looking chocolates.
Though Pigsy gets upset, you're quite happy with the gifts, thanking them for caring so deeply. You gift Pigsy a new set of kitchenware, while giving Tang a ticket for a week long bufffet, free, might you add. Safe to say, they were in tears. You all shared the chocolate, happy to spend the day together.
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Don't you even worry your pretty little head, she's got this covered. It's all been planned out, so now you just have to wait for Valentine's Day to arrive. It doesn't help your curiosity when she gets excited thinking about it, the way she smiles like she's got it in the bag.
When the day arrives, she's up bright and early, getting the presents ready and later on begins cooking. You can smell it, and before you know it, you're up and heading to the kitchen. To day you were shocked is an understatement.
My girl has literally made you feast, filling the table to the brim with your favorite dishes. Seeing it all makes you hungry, and your crying at how good it is. And if you'll let her, she'll feed you herself. Watching you enjoy her cooking, something she pours her heart and soul into, makes her overjoyed.
Afterwards, you'll take a stroll, cuddling with the rabbits and just goofing around. When it's time for the Valentine's special for her show, you're welcomed as her cooking assistant and partner. It's a bit nerve wrecking at first, but you're both having fun and giggling by the end of it. You've both gotten fan mail and such about how cute y'all are and how they hope y'all stay together forever. She hopes so too.💙
🕷Spider Gang🕷
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So, like, they can't really go above the ground, so no surface dates. Buuut that doesn't mean that you can't improvise. You can sneak stuff in and nobody would suspect a thing. And they don't, since they're busy trying to readjust from the LBD incident and get back into the groove.
When Valetines arrives, you're calling everyone go the meeting room, where they see a giant table decked with all the foods, desserts and drinks they like. They're surprised. Don't get them wrong, it's a lovely surprise, but how the hell did you sneak a hug ass table in-
Spider Queen is given a pair of earrings and necklace, along with some wine she had been craving. Syntax was given new parts for him to build with, along with new blueprint paper, since he was running out. Hunstman got a bunch of tea. You noticed him really enjoying some that Sandy gave him so you decided to get him some more. Strong Spider got workout equipment that suited his needs and wouldn't break so easily.
They not able to really show it, since they're not used to it, but they're really happy. You decided to spend this day with them, giving them gifts with thought and love put into them, and spend the rest of the day hanging out and laughing with them. And when they ask why, you're acting like they asked a dumb question. "You guys are my best friends! Of course I'm gonna get you something nice!" Don't look at them they're crying-
🔶Yin & Jin🔷
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Ah, these dummies. As we all know, they're not the brightest, but this time, they're using every bit of their brain power to think of what to get you. You're a dear friend, one who's wrecked shit with them, and you're always there for them when they need you.
You're not really expecting anything, since to you, it's just a normal day. So imagine your surprise when these two bombard you with an assortment of random gifts. The food you've been craving, some nice smelling flowers, a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that you remember mentioning. Don't ask them where they got it from-
Y'all play some ping pong and arcade games that they had at home, along with some card games, ending the day off with you making something for them, with the three of you goofing off, laughing and poking fun at cheesy romance movies. All in all, a fantastic day for you three.
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a-dance-for-two · 3 months
Tang, Red Son, Wukong and Jin and Yin with a strong s/o
separately, of course!
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He’s in awe of your strength
You’re basically on par with the Monkey King now — and he’s not just saying that because you’re his partner
You can pick him up like it’s nothing!
Tang considers you to be a real asset to the team
You’re strong, but also smart and kind
Red Son
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He absolutely hates it
He loves it
If you pick him up for a hug, he’ll just freeze
Then, of course, he’ll yell at you about how you should never do it again
Hey, wait, he didn’t say he wanted you to set him down :(
Sun Wukong
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He just finds it cute
You’re strong, sure, but not as strong as him!
You can still lift him up with ease, though, and he loves that
He’s always begging you to pick him up
But he has to be careful what he says, or else you’ll drop him
Jin and Yin
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Oh, they absolutely love it
They just immediately assume that you can carry both of them
Which, of course, you can, but it doesn’t mean that you always want to
Yin and Jin fight over who gets to help you carry things, even though it’s obvious that you don’t need the help
They pile on top of you while they sleep
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annaberunoyume · 4 months
Nezha's Waltz (Nezha x Reader snippet)
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Imagine Nezha watching you during a Heavenly banquet, from afar...Then, putting on a serious face, he comes to clear his throat to ask you to dance.
“Your Highness...”
You glance downwards bashfully and smile. He leads you into a gallant, graceful, but subtle waltz.
He looks at you with these unlikely soft eyes...As if he just smelled a sweet lotus...
Sun Wukong has been tied up and gagged by the Monk Tang, somewhere. ;-)
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