#tareq's life
budgie2budgie · 1 year
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and our little sunshine haha
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noleavestoblow · 7 months
"…we trade in seas for lakes and summon the ancestors whose names we don’t always know ’cause family histories aren’t always recorded maybe I need to jot down a list of names of everyone who’s ever walked me home called when I was alone ever told me I’m acting like my shit don’t stink because love is more than sweetness"
― Eli Tareq El-Bechelany Lynch
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opencommunion · 6 days
recommended resources on Lebanese resistance and its context
this has been in my drafts for a long time bc I wanted to find more audio resources but in light of recent events I'm posting as is, and will add more later. pdfs for texts without links can be found on libgen ⭐ = start with these 📺 = video resource 🎧 = audio resource Hizballah ⭐ Lara Deeb, "Hizballah and Its Civilian Constituencies," in The War on Lebanon: A Reader, eds. Nubar Hovsepian and Rashid Khalidi (2007)
⭐🎧 Electronic Intifada Podcast with Rania Khalek, "Why Hizballah would deal Israel a deadly blow" (2024)
⭐🎧 Electronic Intifada Podcast with Amal Saad, "How Hizballah Aims to Deter Israel" (2024)
📺 Rania Khalek, Interview with Hezbollah's Second-in-Command Sheikh Naim Qassem (2023)
🎧 Rania Khalek and Julia Kassem, "The Hybrid War on Lebanon is All About Weakening Hezbollah" (2022)
Hassan Nasrallah, "Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah," ed. Nicholas Noe (2007)
Judith Harik, "Hizballah's Public and Social Services and Iran," in Distant Relations: Iran and Lebanon in the last 500 years (2006) Sarah Marusek, Faith and Resistance: The Politics of Love and War in Lebanon (2018)
Abed T. Kanaaneh, Understanding Hezbollah: The Hegemony of Resistance (2021)
Karim Makdisi, "The Oct. 8 War: Lebanon's Southern Front" (2024) Political theory ⭐ Ussama Makdisi, "Understanding Sectarianism," in The War on Lebanon: A Reader, eds. Nubar Hovsepian and Rashid Khalidi (2007)
⭐ Rula Juri Abisaab and Malek Abisaab, The Shi'ites of Lebanon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah's Islamists (2014)
Ilham Khuri-Makdisi, The Eastern Mediterranean and the Making of Global Radicalism, 1860-1914 (2010) Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael, The Communist Movement in Syria and Lebanon (1998) 2006 war ⭐ Gilbert Achcar and Michel Warschawski, The 33-Day War: Israel's War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Its Consequences (2007)
The Electronic Intifada with Dahr Jamail, "The world just sat by" (2006)
The Electronic Intifada with Bilal El-Amine, "Lebanon in Context" (2006) The War on Lebanon: A Reader, eds. Nubar Hovsepian and Rashid Khalidi (2007)
Civil war and 1982 invasion ⭐📺 Up to the South, dir. Jayce Salloum and Walid Ra'ad (1993)
⭐📺 Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon, dir. Mai Masri and Jean Khalil Chamoun (1987)
⭐ Souha Bechara, Resistance: My Life for Lebanon (2003)
Jean Said Makdisi, Beirut Fragments: A War Memoir (1990)
Bayan Nuwayhed al-Hout, Sabra and Shatila, September 1982 (2004) Ottoman era Charles Al-Hayek, "How, then, did you try to rebel?"
Lebanon Unsettled, "Lebanon's Popular Uprisings"
Axel Havemann, "The Impact of Peasant Resistance on Nineteenth Century Mount Lebanon," in Peasants and Politics in the Modern Middle East (1991) Ussama Makdisi, The Culture of Sectarianism: Community, History, and Violence in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon (2000)
Peter Hill, "How Global was the Age of Revolutions? The Case of Mount Lebanon, 1821" (2020) Mark Farha, "From Anti-imperial Dissent to National Consent: the First World War and the Formation of a Trans-sectarian National Consciousness in Lebanon" (2015) French mandate era ⭐ Kais Firro, Inventing Lebanon: Nationalism and the State Under the Mandate (2002) Sana Tannoury-Karam, "Founding the Lebanese Left: From Colonial Rule to Independence" (2021) Idir Ouahes, Syria and Lebanon Under the French Mandate: Cultural Imperialism and the Workings of Empire (2018)
Malek Abisaab, Militant Women of a Fragile Nation (2009) Misc ⭐📺 Leila and the Wolves, dir. Heiny Srour and Sabah Jabbour (1984)
⭐ Fawwaz Traboulsi, A History of Modern Lebanon (2007)
Karim Makdisi, "Lebanon's October 2019 Uprising" (2021)
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laurellynnleake · 9 months
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Who is left out when we narrate the story of Palestine? - Zena Agha, Skin Deep Magazine, 8/8/22
The pieces in [PALESTINE: WAYS OF BEING] are efforts to shape our future. They shed light on three un- and under-explored areas of Palestinian life: queerness, incarceration and Blackness. Looking at where we came from and where we’re going, they expand on some of the ways of being Palestinian today.
Tareq Baconi: Dreams of a Palestine where I can hold myself whole
Living in a time not mine: An anonymous letter from inside an Israeli prison
Mousa Qous: In the heart of the Old City, generations of Afro-Palestinians persevere in the face of occupation
Samah Fadil: Putting the pieces together: Fragments of oral history in exile
illustration by Aude Nasr @audenasr
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gryficowa · 29 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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palestinegenocide · 1 month
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Staying human
This week the official death toll in Gaza from Israel's brutal war reached 40,000. The true number is likely much higher because there are many bodies underneath the mountains of rubble Israel's bombardment has left behind. In just the last day or so, United Nations officials were able to access northern Gaza for the first time in months. A short video shared online shows the devastation there. There is virtually nothing left.
It is hard to avoid becoming numb to these stories in the face of such overwhelming horror. I've been returning often to the words of Vittorio Arrigoni, an Italian peace activist who spent a great deal of time in Gaza, and tragically lost his life there. Vik, as he was known to friends and colleagues, would remind people to "stay human" no matter what happened around them.
With only a few exceptions, the actual human stories of the Palestinians surviving this genocide are left out of mainstream media outlets. I'm proud that Mondoweiss has worked hard to center Palestinian humanity throughout the last 10 months. One such story this week is from Reem Hamadaqa, a translator and writer in Gaza. Reem described what it's like living in a tent in Gaza, what it takes to acquire or build one, and how little respite they actually offer to the people living in them.
Tareq Hajjaj filed an incredible testimony from a young man in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood in Gaza. Yousef (not his real name) describes growing up attending summer camps organized by Hamas where he learned basic fighting skills. Yousef's best friend, Maisara, was a fighter, killed by an Israeli drone in July. After his death, Yousef is now waiting for the day the resistance groups ask him to join the fight.
It's worth reading these stories to understand the humanity of the Palestinians living under relentless Israeli attacks, while those in a position to stop the violence either stall or provide the military aid necessary for it to continue. Palestinians are not mere numbers on a tally sheet. They are full human beings and deserve the dignity of being treated that way by the media that covers this brutal war, the occupation, and the apartheid regime Israel maintains.
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caelstyx · 6 months
Urgent Call: Help Tareq & Dana to Evacuate Gaza
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Please consider donating to their gofundme.
Here is there story:
Please read the following statement from my cousin in Gaza sheltering in the church. I pray you can help some of my family members living in Gaza. -Luna Saba Tarazi
Urgent call: Help Tareq and Dana Saba to evacuate Gaza & start over
Introducing us:
‏My name is Tareq Saba, I am 30 years old, a Christian Palestinian. I have lived all my life in Gaza and I have been working as a project coordinator in the humanitarian health field at Caritas Jerusalem in Gaza for the past 5 years.
‏A life that we have dedicated all of our efforts to build despite the difficulties and obstacles in Gaza has suddenly changed overnight. After October 2023, everything has changed, and a lot has been lost. It seems that a life within these walls is now impossible.
‏In the following lines you will learn of our story which after you read, we humbly hope you will lend us your helping hand to start anew.
‏In a warm day on May 2022, Dana and I got married surrounded by our family and friends. We built and designed our house with love and attention to detail. We had a peaceful life and a wonderful home. We had many dreams for our future together, and we dreamed of having a child to fill our lives with joy.
‏Our story and the impact of the war on our family:
‏Nothing remained the same after October the 7th. We learnt the meaning of loss as we lost everything we hold into. We lost our house, our jobs, our “normal” lives, and our dreams and aspirations.
‏One day we received instructions to evacuate our house. We evacuated with only a small bag containing our important papers, some clothes, and a small amount of money. Soon after it got heavily bombed and turned to rubbles of memories. We didn't know that we would never return to the place that held our dearest memories. So yes, we lost everything from the largest details to the smallest ones. And we went through terrible situations that I never thought I would ever experience.
‏It has been over 150 days since we sought refuge at the Church of St. Porphyrius in Gaza, which was not spared from shelling. We survived death several times!
‏Every day is harder than the one before. We fear for our lives due to the lack of basic necessities such as water, food, electricity, medicine, and more. Even the water is contaminated, and diseases and epidemics have spread everywhere.
‏My wife, Dana, was pregnant when the place where my family and I were staying in was targeted by a missile. We remained under the rubbles until we were miraculously rescued. All members of my family, my parents and close relatives, were injured and were transported to the hospital despite the difficulty of access during the shelling, but nothing beats the heartbreak I felt when my wife was injured and we lost our unborn baby.
‏Many of our relatives and friends were killed in this inhumane and unjustified shelling. Only a few of our belongings, lost under the rubble, were recovered. Now even our only “safe” refuge was targeted, and we have no other shelter!
‏I always imagine my baby as a boy while Dana insists they will be a girl but it doesn’t matter, I only prayed they will turn out healthy and safe, but yet again even these prayers were brutally snatched from our hands in front of our eyes and we couldn’t do anything, that’s how helpless I felt when we lost our unborn baby. It is said that the stress, fear, lack of nutrition, contaminated water, and phosphorus caused the miscarriage.
‏We had suffered a miscarriage before, but the pain doesn’t cascade by time, for months we lived through depression. The night we spent under rubbles was a miraculous night, it was impossible to survive under the unforgiving pressure of ruins and then reach the hospital under the heavy bombing but we did and Dana went through a surgery and received treatment.
‏Our house was targeted and destroyed by more than one missile, making it unfit for habitation. It was the dream house that we worked hard to own and design as we dreamed. It became ruins! These are some pictures of the house.
‏It takes one to see death eye to eye to realise the beauty of life. We felt at any moment that we would die, intensifying the reality that our children deserve to live in a place where they don’t wake up everyday to the fear of death and all their demands are met.
‏Dana and I are now back to square one. We lost all the savings of a lifetime and everything we owned in this war. I spent over $80,000 to build and design the house. Currently, the dream house is destroyed, our belongings, clothes, even our memories and beautiful moments were stolen from us. Gaza itself has changed forever, we lost streets, houses, shops, universities, hospitals, and our workplaces.
‏We have almost lost hope, but I believe that we should not despair. With your help, we can succeed. We can stay alive and provide a decent life for my family in a better place. Honestly, this is a real struggle that no one should have to go through.
‏How your fund will help us start anew:
‏Your donations will give our family the motivation to work hard for a fresh start. We have managed to obtain a temporary visa to Australia, and we pray that, with your generosity and assistance, we can raise the necessary funds to leave Gaza.
‏$10,000-12,000 for coordinating the exit through the Rafah border crossing in Egypt.
‏$5,000 for accommodation expenses in Egypt until departure to Australia.
‏$6,000 for plane tickets to leave Egypt.
‏The remaining amount will be used once we arrive in Australia to cover basic expenses such as housing, furniture, food, clothing, and other necessities until I can secure a job in Australia.
‏We know that no one can predict the situation in Gaza. If we cannot travel, whether due to lack of funds, travel risk, or change in accessibility, then we will use the funds collected to meet our needs and rebuild our lives here.
‏Dear friends, we only share our true personal story, and we hope and believe in your support. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a profound difference for us. Our only request remains peace, security, and safety, without fear, doubt, or disappointment, and that tranquility fills our hearts and we have a better future.
‏Whether you donated or not, it is a blessing to know someone out there cares enough to know your story, so Thank you for your time. Keep us in your prayers.
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tareqdokhan · 1 month
Urgent!! Help Tareq's Family Escape Gaza's Devastation
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Could you help us meet our goal?
Emergency Fund for Gaza War Victims
Hello, I’m Tareq Dokhan, reaching out for urgent help for my family in Gaza. Our home has been destroyed by the ongoing conflict, and we need immediate assistance to escape the violence.
The Situation: My wife, Reema, our children Nabeel Dokhan and Samar Dokhan, and I are caught in the crossfire of violence and instability. Our home has been destroyed, and every day is a struggle for survival amidst the chaos and danger surrounding us.
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Why We Need Help:
As the situation in Gaza worsens by the day, we have no choice but to flee in search of safety and refuge. However, we lack the necessary resources to make this journey ourselves. We urgently need financial support to cover the costs of transportation, accommodation, and necessities for our escape.
"We were besieged by the occupying forces when they stormed the UNRWA headquarters in the industrial area for seven days. During this time, we were forced to flee our home more than five times, enduring severe malnutrition, especially with my young children, aged 7 and 3. The ongoing conflict has taken a significant toll on our family; my son Nabeel missed an entire academic year, and now we are facing a second year without education.
The relentless war has devastated our lives, leaving us in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. Our children are growing up in an environment of violence, without access to necessities, education, or a sense of stability. The psychological impact on them is profound, as they have been exposed to the horrors of war from such a young age. We desperately seek a way out of this nightmare to provide a safer, more stable future for our family."
About Us:
I am a hardworking father who only wants to provide a better future for my family. My wife, Reema, is a devoted mother who has been doing everything in her power to protect our children from the horrors of war. Our Life Before the War:
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Nabeel Dokhan
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Samar Dokhan
How You Can Help:
Your generous donation can help us access the resources we need to escape the Gaza conflict and rebuild our lives in safety.
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We must raise $100,000 to cover essential costs for our evacuation and new start. Your support will be crucial for transportation, temporary shelter, medical expenses, and rebuilding our lives.
*Breakdown of Needs:*
- *$35,000* for transportation to a safe zone.
These are the expenses we've outlined:
* My Coordination (Tareq): $5000
* My wife(Reema) : $5000
* My Son Coordination (Nabeel): $5000
* My my daughter (Samar): $5000
Additionally, we've allocated $2500 for expenses such as passport stamping.
- *$20,000* for shelter upon arrival.
- *$5,000* for immediate medical care. I humbly ask for your support. Your donation or sharing of our campaign can make a world of difference to us. Donate here: GoFundMe or Here : Paypal
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As a dedicated father, I am committed to ensuring a safer future for my wife Reema, and our children, Nabeel and Samar. Your donation will directly impact our ability to escape the conflict and start over safely.
We are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide. Each contribution brings us closer to safety and a new beginning. Thank you for your generosity and kindness during this critical time.
With heartfelt thanks,
*Tareq Dokhan and Family*
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sunshine-vx · 3 months
Families and individuals in Palestine and Gaza in need (Part 3/???) (First list here , second list here)
Information below.
Hello all
As I'm sure many of you know, there has been a genocide against Palestinians and overall extreme violence in Palestine and Gaza. This has resulted in many families and individuals being displaced, and in desperate need of help. These families and individuals need funds to be able to leave Gaza so that their lives will no longer be at such high risk.
This post is the third post following a first and second list, where I listed other individuals and families in need. Because I was having issues updating the first list and second list, I have made this post to continue posting about individuals and families in need. This list will be edited and/or updated as I find more families and individuals in need. Below will be the ones I have found thus far.
Continuing from the second list (which I will link right here)-
21: A woman named Raneen Hosni and her family need funds to be able to afford necessities and so that they may survive. Their lives are at constant risk and they need help
Here is a Twitter post about it, which includes a gofundme where you can donate:
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And here is the actual gofundme where you can donate:
22: A 17 year old named Islam Awad and his family need funds to escape the violence and genocide in Gaza. Their lives are at constant risk and they need to leave.
Here is the link to an Instagram post about it, which lists a gofundme link where you can donate:
And here is the actual gofundme where you can donate:
23: A person named Aseel Marwan needs help creating a gofundme campaign so that they can raise funds to be able to get what they need to survive and possibly escape.
Here is a link to one of their posts on their Twitter account, where you can message them and help if you can:
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24: A man and his family need funds to be able to afford food, water and other necessities such as treatment for ailments. Their lives are at constant risk and they need help.
Here is a Twitter post about it, which includes a link to a Paypal where you can donate:
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25: A man named Muhammad Khaled needs funds so that he may redistribute them to his community and help them live. Their lives are at constant risk and they need help.
Here is a Twitter post talking about it, which includes a link to a gofundme where you can donate:
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And here is the actual gofundme where you can donate:
26: A woman named Fedaa Abdullah and her family need funds to escape the violence and genocide in Gaza. Their lives are at constant risk and they need to leave.
Here is a link to a twitter post talking about it, which includes a gofundme where you can donate:
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And here is the link to the actual gofundme, where you can donate:
27: A family in Gaza has been misplaced multiple times. They need funds to be able to afford necessities. Their lives are at constant risk, and they need help.
Here is a Twitter post talking about it, which includes a gofundme where you can donate:
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And here is the actual gofundme, where you can donate:
28: A man named Amjad and his family need funds so that they can either escape Gaza or rebuild their life there. Their lives are at constant risk due to the violence and genocide in Gaza and they need to leave.
Here is a Twitter post talking about it, which includes a gofundme where you can donate:
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And here is the actual gofundme, where you can donate:
29: A man named Mohammed needs funds to help pay off debts caused by money he spent to help his family survive, as well as continuing to help his family survive and escape, and help himself complete his education. His family's lives are at constant risk due to the violence and genocide in Gaza, and they need help.
Here is a Twitter post about it, which includes a gofundme where you can donate:
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And here is the actual gofundme, where you can donate:
Thank you all
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budgie2budgie · 2 years
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MYTHOS MARCH by @samssims
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houseofpurplestars · 8 months
"Keep my stories alive so that you keep me alive. Remember that I wanted a normal life, a small home full of my children’s laughter and the smell of my wife’s cooking. Remember that the world that pretended to be the savior of humanity participated in killing such a small dream.
Remember me, as I prepare myself to leave this world by force and go to a better one — one where the U.S. and Israel do not exist."
Tareq S. Hajjaj,
October 15, 2023
This could be my last report from Gaza
Tareq Hajjaj at mondoweiss
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quasarkisses · 10 months
Something that helps me in times of overwhelming grief is a mechanism I took from Mad Max Fury Road: the role of the witness.
Watching video of the Holocaust in high school, seeing the footage and stories from Palestine roll out now - I cannot help. I'm a poor person living in a flyover state. Help looks like pleading on the phone for someone in power to care about human suffering over numbers and dollars.
But there is one thing anyone can do, so long as we are breathing: Witness. See the suffering and sit with your deep discomfort, feel your compassion and anger and sorrow for as long as you can stomach it. Become a living testimony of the loss of life snd th.
When you read the stories, remember them. Remember the names and tell how they lived. Missing or killed or wounded, keep their memory with you. Never forget the atrocity. And in your outcry, as we live on and those worthy of life and love are unjustly slaughtered in cold blood: Never again.
I remember Khalid, how he mourns his sweet grandchildren Tarek and Rheem, soul of his soul. I will never forget the bravery of Bisan and Motaz and Tareq as they face the unthinkable and record it. I will tell their stories to anyone who listens.
Let your emotion be fuel to your flame. Being on fire will keep you awake.
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gazagfmboost · 4 months
Duaa & Family;
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Vetting: IG content back to 2022 & personal IG stories Personal IG video #1 & Personal IG Video #2 Instagram: duaa98_2 & duaa_fromgaza Fund Currency: $ USD Duaa is a 21 year old student has been trying her best to help rescue her Father Tareq(75), Mom Fatima(47), & brothers Abdulla(20), Ibrahim(17), Maslah(13) from the atrocities occurring in Gaza- She reached out to me on instagram where her messages & posts are being suppressed & she could use our help to get some eyes on her fundraiser!
"How will my end be? Will i be burned like what happened in rafah or will i be the only survivor of my family? or will i be in pieces like what happend in all of gaza, there are so many options for death here in gaza. 234 days of this war and this genocide hasnt stopped. the killing everywhere and i cant even imagine myself as a survivor because everything around me is dying and collapsed. please help me so i can be safe and my family be safe."
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I hope that we can consider assisting Duaa with any small contribution if possible or by giving a heart or sharing her story-
Thank you so much, your kindness is very appreciated!
Give Duaa's Family a Chance at New Life gofund.me/a5f45af8
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gryficowa · 30 days
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As I have mentioned many times, I don't have a bank account (I don't have a job), and in order to transfer money to fundraisers, you need a bank account (Because everything has been online for years… Eh…)
All I can do is share links to collections and try to reach people
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Now that I have your attention:
Oh, according to the internet, Halsey supports Palestine, which is a nice change (Mainly because I'm unlucky enough to find out that a creator I like is a Zionist, so yeah… That's something new)
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Seriously, I'm boycotting how many artists I've listened to before… Taylor Swift, P!nk, Bob Dylan, Lady Gaga… And the list is longer, so it's fun
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But yes, remember to boycott!
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chimaeraonwards · 11 months
"The stories I never wanted to write" by Tareq S. Hajjaj (2 November 2023)
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Mahmoud al-Na’ouk, The Dreamer
Rushdie Sarraj, The Journalist
Ismaeel Barda, The Vendor
Remember them. Palestinians are more than just numbers.
Read the full story here:
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honesty-my-policy · 4 months
some fresh resources (05/24/24)
The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) Hamas Terrorists Attack Kerem Shalom Aid Crossing for Fourth Time in MayEgyptian Blockade of Aid to Gaza Earns Rebuke from U.S.Terrorist Rockets Discovered Next to Gaza’s Border With Egypt Harrowing Footage Released of Female IDF Soldiers in Hamas Captivity FDD VISUALS IRAN-BACKED WEST BANK CHAOS IRAN AND ITS NETWORK OF NINETEEN TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS ON ISRAEL’S BORDERS MAPPING TERRORISM IN THE WEST BANK
HonestReporting Why Won’t Media Give a Platform to Gazans Who Oppose Hamas? Campus Journalism Fueling the Next Generation of Anti-Israel Media Media Ignore Quietly-Revised UN Figures of Hamas-Reported Civilian Deaths Media Falsely Blame Israel for Rejecting Hamas’ Ceasefire “Proposal”
UNWatch UNRWA staff stealing and selling humanitarian aid, Gazans report ICRC Head of Office posts Hamas propaganda, says “f*** neutrality” in leaked Facebook postsUNRWA Attacks Those Who Warn Of Staff Support For TerrorismUN Watch Warned UNRWA About Staff Support for Terror Since 2015 NGO Monitor (really good stuff here) See No Evil: NGOs Turn Terrorists into Civilians in 2021 Gaza Conflict NGO Monitor research has identified 50 incidents in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives killed in Gaza were falsely labeled by NGOs as civilian casualties, or in which civilians killed by Hamas were implicitly attributed to Israel. (more if you scroll down) Excuse and Disregard: Palestinian NGOs on Teens’ Involvement in Terror Attacks and Violent Clashes Behind the ICC Prosecutor’s Narrative: The NGOs that Pushed the “Starvation” Libel in October The NGO Network Orchestrating Antisemitic Incitement on American Campuses EU-Supported Palestinian NGOs and the October 7th Hamas Massacre Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) MEMRI Executive Director Of 'American Muslims For Palestine' Osama Abuirshaid At George Washington University Encampment: We Will Take Back America, Just Like We Will Take Back Palestine; You Will Be The Past, We Will Be The Future Hizbullah-Affiliated Lebanese Academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi: Hitler Recruited Child Soldiers, So Why Shouldn't We? There Is Nothing Shameful About Raising Children On The Principle Of Sacrificing One's Life Mahmoud Habbash, Advisor To Palestinian President Abbas: Without A Solution To The Palestinian Issue, October 7 Will Be Repeated 100 Times; Hamas Derailed Us From The Path To Statehood Lebanese Druze Leader Walid Jumblatt: October 7 Was A Great Moment In The History Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict; Hizbullah Is Defending Lebanon Against Its Historic Enemy Fmr. President Of Jordanian Medical Association Dr. Tareq Tahboub: 90% Of The Content On TikTok Is Pro-Palestinian; Blonde, Tattooed European And American Girls Are Converting To Islam
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