#tarlos: enemies to lover
thebumblecee · 1 year
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Me and @mooshkat are happy to announced:
Our co written assassin enemies to lovers AU, set in the world of John Wick, is ready.
Chapter one Chapter six Chapter eleven
Chapter two Chapter seven Chapter twelve
Chapter three Chapter eight Chapter 13
Chapter four Chapter nine Chapter 14
Chapter five Chapter ten Chapter 15
The Epilogue
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WIP Wednesday
Enemies to lovers with just the one bed, earlier in the fic -
TK gestures toward the closet and built in drawers. “All of this open, you can unpack your shit like I know you’re dying to do.”
Carlos flashes a quick half smile before pointing with his chin at TK’s gray duffel on the desk. “Just like I know your shit’s balled up in there.”
TK sits back into the plush chair by the window and watches Carlos work. And damn, he looks incredible. His muscular frame is slightly hidden by a loose maroon henley, but TK can see his biceps flex and his lats stretch as he reaches for hangers and gracefully fills drawers. He isn’t familiar with this outfit, he thinks ridiculously, but the colors compliment Carlos’ bronze skin and dark curls beautifully. TK’s never seen his hair this long. He realizes there are actual ringlets at the same time he realizes Carlos sees him staring.
The thing is, he isn’t embarrassed by it. Attraction was never their problem. He looks away out of courtesy as Carlos tucks his luggage away and sits gingerly on the end of the bed.
TK laughs. “Can you believe I didn’t realize there was only one bed until right before you walked in?”
Carlos raises his eyebrows incredulously.
“I mean, I can count to one, but I forgot about…”
“The sharing situation?” Carlos supplies helpfully.
“Did the manager tell you we each only have to pay for one night? With a name and a policy I’m starting to think this is common for them,” TK suggests.
“Yeah well, it’s not for us. Not anymore.”
TK stills.
(tags below)
Thank you @bonheur-cafe, @carlos-in-glasses & @lemonlyman-dotcom !! 🍋 I’m posting from this section I wrote in a concert parking lot to sorta jam with your theme.
Might you, @chaotictarlos @taralaurel @strandnreyes @basilsunrise @goodiecornbread @hoko-onchi-writes @largepeachicedtea @noxsoulmate @orchidscript @paperstorm or @mammameesh like to share?
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
Seven Sentence Inspiration Sunday
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Thanks for tagging me @lemonlyman-dotcom and @ladytessa74. Angels roll their eyes will not be done/released before October but I had a blast writing this part so have a teaser.
The door of the bathroom opens with a bang. Instinctively, Carlos’ wings fold back tight against his back. They vanish completely a second later as he wills them away. There is nothing shameful about them, but TK stands in the door to Carlos’ bedroom and there is something about his eyes that make Carlos feel burned where they touch. He doesn’t want the most flammable part of him to be torched. “Good morning,” TK says, striding into the bathroom and practically bouncing him aside with a swish of his hips. He fluffs up his short hair between his curling black horns and looks at him through the mirror they’re both now facing. “So, we’ve got a moral dilemma next door.” “Have you heard of knocking first?” TK huffs. “Lost my manners in the third circle of hell I’m afraid.” Carlos rolls his eyes to hide that he actually thought it wasn’t too bad of a joke.
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I tag the incredible: @welcometololaland , @rmd-writes , @wandering-night19 ; @noxsoulmate ; @strandnreyes ; @paperstorm ; @lightningboltreader , @liminalmemories21 ; @goodways , @alrightbuckaroo @chaotictarlos @thebumblecee @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
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unstatedmartini · 1 year
i would love it if tarlos is married with kids in the sitcom universe but it would be hysterical if instead Carlos was the tyrannical president of the HOA and TK was his maliciously compliant nemesis
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Out of the Cold
by Meditating_Honey_Badger
This fic was written as a spin on Prompt 1 of the @tarlosmonthlyprompts for November & December
TK arrived at the fire station ten minutes before the agreed upon time, only to find Carlos leaning against his police cruiser, sipping what TK assumed was coffee out of a large thermos. He was wearing plain clothes, rather than his uniform, but he still looked impeccable in a button-down shirt and dress pants, his hair carefully gelled so there wasn’t a flyaway to be seen.
Of course he’s early, TK thought. That boy scout has probably never been late for anything in his life. And why is he dressed like we’re going someplace nice? They were headed to Colorado Springs to pick up a prisoner with cardiac issues, including a clotting disorder that made it inadvisable for him to fly. The prisoner was to be returned to Austin to face charges on several crimes he’d allegedly committed there before fleeing to Colorado and going on yet another crime spree.
The police department decided a paramedic should ride along because of the prisoner’s complicated health history. TK had volunteered immediately when asked, knowing that the time and a half pay for 96 hours straight would go a long way toward his goal of getting his own place. Ever since his mother had set up camp with TK and his father, the house felt incredibly cramped.
Unfortunately, the officer who was originally supposed to go was sick, and his replacement was Carlos Reyes. It was no secret that TK and Carlos didn’t get along, and his captain had offered to let him back out of the trip. In the end, given the choice between spending more time under the same roof as his divorced parents — who were definitely sleeping with each other and thought they were doing a good job of hiding it — and spending four days with a man who he couldn’t stand, TK chose the latter.
Besides, he’d suffered worse fates. Like healing from a gunshot wound with no pain medication. Except he’d already done that. Which had driven his mother to join them in Texas, which is how TK ended up desperate enough that he was willing to spend four days in a police cruiser with Carlos.
After TK parked his car, he grabbed his bag from the back seat and pulled his own drink out of the cup holder, a frozen mixture of caffeine and sugary goodness. “Where should I put this?” he asked as he approached the police cruiser. “I still have to go inside and grab my supply bag.”
Without a word, Carlos set his coffee on top of the car and went around to the back. He opened the trunk and gestured for TK to place his duffel bag inside. “Doesn’t look like you brought much with you,” he commented.
“It’s not a long trip,” TK replied, unable to resist rolling his eyes. “Four days on the road, and who do I have to impress? The prisoner? You?”
Carlos snorted and closed the trunk. “Certainly not me. I already know enough about you to know that I’m not impressed.”
“Nice, Reyes. You know, I planned on being civil since we have to be together for the next ninety-six hours, but I guess you prefer to play dirty.”
Carlos frowned slightly, and if TK didn’t know better, he would have sworn there was a passing look of regret on Carlos’s face. TK ignored it and asked, “Can I put this down in the cup holder while I run inside?”
Carlos’s frown deepened as he looked at the disposable plastic cup. “That doesn’t look very spill-proof.”
“Do you really want to deal with me if I haven’t had my coffee?” TK shot back.
“If you can call that crap coffee,” Carlos said as he opened the door. “Just be careful. We just detailed this thing two days ago.”
“Fucking snob,” TK muttered as he leaned in and set the cup down.
“What was that?” Carlos asked.
“I said nice job,” TK replied as his head reemerged. He grinned broadly, and even batted his eyelashes a little. “On the detailing.”
Read on A03
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strandnreyes · 7 months
Hi Jen,
What are your thoughts on the Arranged Marriage Troupe... and would you ever put your hands in it and try out the genre
Hi! I think it’s fun!
Chapter 2 of time, curious time is about arranged marriage (but between Carlos and someone else) and the pining and emotional angst in that was so fun to write
Arranged marriage between tarlos is also fun for so many different reasons, especially if they don’t get along. Enemies to lovers, denial of feelings, and then soft moments starting to get sprinkled in? Delicious. I think it’d be super fun to write and I’ve thought about it before but never went anywhere with it. Maybe one day!
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welcometololaland · 6 months
The 10 Things I Hate About You AU is practically complete (I'm like 2k from the end) and I plan to alternate chapters between writing eurotrip (rwrb) and something tarlos.
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fredficaccount · 6 months
I read 32 fics in march and reread 1.
From several fandoms : larry, rwrb, tarlos, drarry, athelnar, cmbyn, sterek, obikin.
As always, I'm infinitely grateful to all the authors for their gifts and to AO3 for being this space for sharing.
Apart from my re-reading, which I'll talk about at the end of this post, I particularly enjoyed 6 of these fics.
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2 Larry :
Landslide, by @aimmyarrowshighaes, spibsy (lucy_and_ramona)
Explicit, 143k words, completed 2014-02-19
Historical AU, 70s AU, Strangers to lovers
The year is 1976. In November, Jimmy Carter will take control of the White House. Americans are meeting Laverne & Shirley at their apartment in Milwaukee. Hotel California diverges from the reign of Kool & the Gang. And the FBI is still reeling from the repercussions of Watergate, the tragedy at Wounded Knee, Operation Family Secrets, and the strategic terrors of the anti-cult movement.
That's what Special Agent Harry Styles has been told is the basis of his mission to an abandoned farmhouse in rural New Hampshire.
With his hair grown out long and his shirt untucked, he's going undercover to do reconnaissance on suspected cult leader Louis Tomlinson, who has led a group of people out into the middle of nowhere, leaving no record of the life he'd had before. All Harry knows is what the agency gave him: Tomlinson's name, and instructions to figure out what he's doing with the eleven people he brought with him.
In the year that Harry spends undercover and under Louis Tomlinson's wing, he learns more than he ever expected.
What I liked :
This story is perfect : masterful scenario, well crafted characters, and a very special and absolutely unique atmosphere, all to achieve about how a remote place can help you find in someone the home you were looking for...
@louisbumpenguin did this superb cover :
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With blood and soft stitches, by @bravestyles
Not Rated, 57k words, completed 2020-07-30
Established relationships, suicide attempt, hurt/comfort
Summary :
After a failed suicide attempt and a three month long coma, Harry wakes up.
What I liked :
Suicide, depression… It's not an easy subject… And yet the author comes up with a story that is all sensitivity and emotion. They describe perfectly what it's like to go wrong, even when you love your husband, even when, from the outside, everything seems to be going well. The distress of Louis, the husband who almost lost his love, is also palpable and poignant.
Both characters are amazing, and it's literally impossible not to fall in love with Louis, who reminds me TTS Louis, a marvel of solidity and devotion to his other half.
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2 Drarry :
Life lessons, by @bixgirl1
Explicit, 68k words, completed 2019-06-04
Enemies to friends to lovers
Fic post
Summary :
On the cusp of a promotion, Harry needs a little help with his image. Enter Draco Malfoy — who doesn't really do that, Potter — to whip him into shape… and make him feel things he hasn't for a very long time.
Featuring: odd jobs, surprising chemistry, lots of accidental kissing, the Prophet living up to type, owls exhausted by the carrying of dirty letters, a secret no one can talk about, a merry band of Slytherins (none of whom really approve), and an enchanted mirror (who really, really does).
What I liked
This is another one of those drarry fics where I fall in love with both characters and their stories, each so different yet so compatible.
The Cabin Trip, by @gallifrey1sburning
Explicit, 23k words, completed 2021-02-22
Friends to lovers, Sharing a bed, Pining
Fic post
Summary :
When Harry decides to swap his house in London for a cabin in the Catskill Mountains for a week, he’s excited for the chance to take a vacation with a group of his closest friends. He’s positive that his long-standing crush on Draco won’t be a problem; he’s been handling it just fine for years, after all. Unfortunately, he wasn’t counting on those tiny swim trunks. Or the way Draco licks melted chocolate off his fingers. Or having to rescue him from a rogue shower. And he definitely wasn’t counting on Draco deciding to sleep in Harry’s bed. But it’s going to be fine. Right?
Featuring: gender fuckery fashion icon Blaise Zabini, Greg Goyle as “the dad friend,” Luna Lovegood petting wild animals that she absolutely should not be petting, and Harry and Draco not being nearly as subtle as they think they are.
What I Liked :
This fic is a sort of grand epilogue, set against the backdrop of a beautiful cabin in the Canadian woods, with a lake, obviously a shared bed, pining and a great bunch of friends. A lovely serotonin moment. I could have gone on for pages and pages.
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1 Tarlos :
No rules in breakable heaven, by @strandnreyes
Explicit, 75k words, completeted 2023-07-27
Private chef AU, friends with benefits
Fic post
Carlos doesn't know what to expect when he takes a position as a private chef in the Hamptons for the summer. All he knows is that he needs a job, and one that puts a roof over his head, gives him a chance to practice his craft, and will look great on his CV is more than he could ask for. Turns out he has no idea what he’s in for.
What I liked :
I sincerely hope that the author continues to write for a long time to come, because every time, it's a joy to read. Carlos and TK are beautiful, moving and touching, no matter what reality they find themselves in, and this AU private chef is no exception.
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1 Athelnar (Vikings) :
Uppsalir, by @gwylliondream
Mature, 66k words, completed 2019-02-01
Strangers (Or Enemies ?) to lovers, slow burn
Fic post (kind of)
Summary :
In the raid at Lindisfarne, Ragnar takes a blow to the head and is knocked unconscious. Thinking Ragnar is dead, his kinsmen leave him behind on the beach. When Ragnar awakens, he suffers from amnesia. He cannot remember why he sailed west, or what transpired at the monastery. Athelstan discovers his bruised body on the shore, and they embark on an adventure that challenges their faiths, their lives, and their love.
What I liked :
Years ago, I was really into the Vikings series. And all my interest collapsed when Athelstan died (I don't suppose I'm spoiling anything for anyone?), because G. Blagden was due to join the Versailles series. Here we are in 2024, I'm discovering Uppsalir on AO3 and omg it's a gem! It's a shame that such perfections don't have more readers, for lack of a more popular fandom…
My monthly reread :
We cant take the long road home, by @pinkcords
larry fic
Explicit, 45k words, completed 2020-07-09
Road trip AU, strangers to lovers, pining
Fic post
Late afternoon seeps into the cab, just shy of too warm, and the breeze that crosses window to window tosses their hair in their eyes, around their faces. They ride in pleasant silence, the radio humming softly in the background as they speed down the coast, and when Louis looks over, Harry’s smiling to himself, a private happiness born from whatever’s going on in his head. Louis likes to think it has something to do with him, or at the very least, this adventure they’ve embarked on together, chosen to see through to San Diego.
Or, Harry and Louis fall in love down the coast of California.
What I liked :
I finished March by rereading this fic after watching a TV documentary about the Seattle area with my mum (Easter weekend). This is the third time I've reread it, and the third time I've loved it! It's got some of my favourite ingredients: road trip, pining, a lonely character whose heart gradually opens up, beautiful landscapes, pining, emotion… Really, We can take the long road home is one of my all time favourite fics.
What's more, there's a lighthouse and a sea glass found on a beach…
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TWP EVENTS: Back to School
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Hello and happy August! Since August is typically the back to school month for most schools, I thought it would be fun to do a "back to school" theme! Below are the rules and several prompts! This event will span the month of August. If you have any questions, let me know! An additional prompt will be added each Sunday to spice up the list.
College AU
Meet Cute - both go to the same coffee shop to study for an upcoming exam and accidently get the other's coffee order
TK the lead singer of a band that travels around to different colleges. Carlos attends one of his shows.
Enemies to lovers - TK and Carlos are roommates who hate each other.
"I don't want to be here, my friend made me come."
Summer Fling - TK and Carlos meet over the summer during a vacation trip. They part ways, thinking that they'll never see each other again only to see each other a few weeks later at the same college. Was it just a summer fling or something more?
Carlos and TK are both professors that teach at the same college. Nobody knows that they're secretly dating.
"I need someone to pose for my art finale, and I want it to be you."
After Gabriel's death, Carlos decides to leave the police life behind and go back to school to do something else.
Carlos works in the college library and TK goes there pretending to study but really it's so he can stare at Carlos.
Carlos and TK take their kids back to school shopping
Carlos works at the college radio station and he keeps playing songs that TK likes to try and impress him.
Childhood best friends who reconnect at college
"I always see you sleeping in the most random places."
"Can you help me study?"
College Party
Mutual pinning - TK and Carlos both like each other, but think the other doesn't and doesn't want to bring it up because they don't want to ruin the friendship.
Instead of following in his father's footsteps, TK decides to go to college instead of being a firefighter. There he meets Carlos, who's decided to take a different path too.
RA Carlos Reyes who always has to get on TK Strand for being the loudest person in the dorm.
TK and Carlos are roommates, one of them walks in on the other masterbating.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All fics are due September 6
The prompt needs to be incorporated in some way in the fic
Minimum word count of 500 words
Please tag the blog url and tag it with the hashtag #twpbacktoschool
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rmd-writes · 9 months
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Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I wasn't going to do this because my wips haven't really changed since the last time I did this in July, but y'all keep tagging me! Thanks to @jesuisici33 @lemonlyman-dotcom @kiwiana-writes @liminalmemories21 @indestructibleheart @redshirt2 @firenati0n @three-drink-amy @freneticfloetry for thinking of me 💖
The term 'wip' is used very loosely here. Some of these have outlines, some might have a tiny bit of dialogue, some are just a concept. Some have been on the list for so long that I should probably just admit to myself that I'm never going to write them. Almost none of them have actual words written.
Lawyer AU part 3
Tattoo shop-long lost childhood friends-to [enemies??]-to lovers AU
Run baby run
Alex's armour 5+1
call me (by my name)
spy AU
model AU
vet TK AU
Gym AU series
cooking class AU
Schitt's Creek
sketchy David part 3
paint and sip AU
airport exes to lovers
EDIT: I forgot to tag people so consider this an open tag if you'd like to play xo
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WIP Wednesday
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Eeek. Here’s bit of reflective angst - the last vestiges of the enemy stage - in the continuing story of one itty bitty hotel bed. 😉
It’s after midnight when TK taps his keycard against the hotel room door sensor. The main room is dark, but there’s a dim nightlight left on in the bathroom, providing enough light for him to enter quietly and ensure the heavy door is locked securely behind him. He ignores the bed, retreating into the small, now too bright sanctuary before he has to face a sleeping Carlos.
TK turns the faucet to hot and strips out of his clothes, actively ignoring the sight of Carlos’ Dopp kit next to his own on the bathroom counter. He pointedly doesn’t feel any nostalgia about the red electric toothbrush charging in the corner. It’s just stuff. Instead, he grabs his travel soaps, adjusts the water temperature and climbs into the shower.
The pressure’s surprisingly decent, causing a quiet moan as the pulsating stream begins to work on TK’s sore back and shoulders. He closes his eyes, tipping his head back and inviting the warm spray to drown out the noisy spin cycle of his thoughts. He concentrates on his senses, pushing down the dread forming a pit in his stomach for the feeling of wet drops on his nose and lips. He shoves aside the hurt tone of Carlos’ attempt at a joke this afternoon for the sound of water bursting out of the shower head above him with a whine.
TK just wants to relax and go to sleep. He doesn’t want to relive the two-year old end of him and Carlos. It just wasn’t meant to be. This weekend can’t change that. He purses his lips, willing his heart to get on board. This maddening arrangement is not, he reminds himself, some karmic punishment for leaving. They were incompatible. He moved away. That’s it. Tonight they’ll sleep in the same bed one last time. Tomorrow he’ll go back to Houston.
(tags below the cut)
Thank you @kiloskywalker, @bonheur-cafe, @taralaurel, @sanjuwrites, @orchidscript, @theghostofashton and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad for the tags. I am FERAL about your wips and greatly appreciate the nudge of accountability. 🙏🏼
There’s still several more minutes left in my Wednesday (procrastinating much char??) and only delightful consequences to sharing on other days too, so please join in and tag me if you have something in progress to show off! 💕
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heartstringsduet · 2 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Hi love <33 Thanks for the ask! 1. First Aid: A New York AU of two young liars falling in love 🚨
You know how much this story means to me. Just my special baby.
2. In grief and lamentation: After Gwyn's death, Carlos helps TK cope as both a boyfriend and his dom. 😢
I kinda think this is one of my best works? Hardest and loveliest time writing it.
3. The kind you can't get away from: One way or another, lizards find their way into different stages of TK’s life. 🦎
It could use a polish but I really hold this fic dear. I love exploring TK's past.
4. Danger Zone: College roommates enemies to lovers. 🛑
This was my first Tarlos fic and it's still one of the most read (likely for the fandom size but still) I do re-read it too and am proud of it.
5. But most of it was beautiful: A honeymoon spent at home 🏠
Unlike the rest, I barely remember much writing it but reading it back I really love how this one came out
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ironheartwriter · 3 months
Hi Lana! For the fanfic writers ask game, J and K 💕
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
I am a huge enemies to lovers trope person. I feel like I keep saying this, but yes, I have written it, just not for Tarlos. I do want to do it for them so badly, but I really would need the right plot to do it and it's just so hard to imagine them as enemies.
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
I don't know that I have any guilty pleasures as far as fics go, only because I have no shame. I mean I love a good pwp as much as the next girl, but I wouldn't say I feel guilty that I read them or anything.
Send me fanfic asks & help me procrastinate packing!
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marjansmarwani · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤ (—maddie/reyesstrand 💗)
Thank you, Maddie, I always appreciate the opportunity to self-promote (which is something I think we should all do more often)!
It took me a while to pick mostly because I have 130 Lone Star fics alone, but I tried to go with the ones I really, truly love. Which was hard because I loving a fic a requirement for it being posted at all. But I managed to select 5, eventually.
would've loved you for a lifetime
Prompt: Characters are secretly married and one of them is hurt at work ----- The story of how TK and Carlos came together, and how they almost missed out on their future before it even got a chance to start.
This is a favorite because I really think that some of the descriptions are closer to poetry than any actual poetry that I've ever tried to write. It was also the first time I ever worked with a non-linear narrative, which is a technique I love. The story of TK and Carlos secretly getting married was fun to piece together and reveal in pieces. When it comes to the actual language used this is still probably my favorite thing I have ever written.
I am not what you planned
Dr. Carlos Reyes can’t stand the newest paramedic at the 126. He’s cocky, impulsive, abrasive, and — while admittedly very good at his job — a thorn in his side. Paramedic TK Strand feels the same: he can’t seem to go anywhere in this damn city without someone singing the praises of the young, talented local-boy-turned-doctor. But as time passes some of the bravado fades and their true natures are revealed. Slowly they each start to realize that maybe the other isn’t as bad as they once thought and that maybe — just maybe — there is much more to them than meets the eye.  ---- aka the Dr. Reyes/Paramedic Strand Enemies to Lovers AU
Each of my AUs has a special place in my heart (especially the teacher AU, which I almost picked instead) but writing this one was such an experience, and writing the enemies part of this fic was probably some of the most fun I've ever had while writing. I don't think I'll ever be over this fic, truly.
the truth is stranger than all my dreams
Marjan likes to think that she’s confident, that she can take on anything. But things are showing her that she may not know herself as well as she thinks and that the future can be a scary thing. ----- A Marjan centric 2x04 Coda
Outside of tarlos and Owen, my favorite character to write about is Marjan. Because she is my absolute favorite, after all. But this one always sticks out to me because after the whole thing with Salim what struck me most was the unexpected uncertain future she was suddenly faced with, which I would imagine would feel both liberating and absolutely terrifying. So I wanted to explore that and I am pleased with how it came out.
why can't I hold on?
There is nothing in the world Gwyn Morgan loves more than her children. Loving them has never been hard, but having to stand aside as life took its toll? That was something else entirely—especially when it came to her oldest.  Or, 5 times Gwyn feared for her oldest son, and the one time she knew he would be okay 
My Gwyn fic, aka one of only two fics that have ever made me cry while writing. I love Gwyn so much, and I started writing this fic as soon as she was mentioned in the show. I originally paused on it to wait until we had a better feel for her as a character and ultimately didn't finish it until they killed her, which added a whole other dimension to the writing of this. I vividly remember working on this fic while sitting at my neighborhood coffee shop as Amen came on my shuffle. I had to leave because I started crying. But, regardless of the emotional devastation, I really enjoyed filling in some blanks and accidentally creating an origin story for the coma cookies. And I love her even more after writing this (I'm still not over what they did to her, btw)
the stain you can't wash out
In Owen’s experience, guilt went hand in hand with grief. — An(other) Owen character study that wouldn’t leave me alone after 3x16
The Owen grief fic (or one of them, at least). One of the reasons I like this one is the title, which came from a poem I attempted to write and failed. But mostly it's because Owen Strand is a mess and I love digging around inside his mind. I can't quite explain why I am so fascinated by writing fics by him but I think it has something to do with the fact that I see him as an actually fascinating character that they just don't use to his full potential. There could be some great stories told with the things they have already given the character, but they consistently make the stupidest choices when it comes to him. So I love this fic because I enjoyed reexamining his character in the light of learning about his dead brother and extrapolating how that effected him and informed everything he did from that point forward and how he masks his grief with his job, and how his work is what keeps him from going insane as it feels like penance that he is still paying all these years later. I enjoyed looking at all the parts of his life (and sketching out my idea for his first meeting with Gwyn) even if writing about his experience on 9/11 was intense.
Honorable mentions (because I can't help myself):
Stars Will Guide You Home - aka the carjacking fic, as affectionately named by @terramous
you can't hide from time - because I love the 252 crew as I imagined them here and would love to revisit them at some point in the future
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mammameesh · 1 year
Trope Rating Game
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: Depends? +3
Like are they vampires, and is brand new and one is like 402? Because I can do that.
Codependency: +1
I might give it a try for a little while, but stuff like this tends to turn me off.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +2
Maybe Obsession more than Possessiveness, does that make sense? Possessiveness tends to also turn me off.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +10
I love this pairing, sorry, not sorry.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +9
I really like Enemies to lovers. I'm doing my best to write one (also very stuck writing one). I probably could write enemies with benefits and would like to read more because it sounds hot!
Friends with benefits: +10
Some of my favorite ships fall into this category. It's like candy to me.
Sex to feelings: +15
These fics tend to be very smuty which I love and also very fluffy which I also love.
Fake dating/relationship: 9?
My neurodivergent mind needs more information. I've read some Tarlos where they were fake dating, and I loved that. I'm just not sure how it would work every time.
Friends to lovers: +10
I personally love friends to lovers. I think it does probably appeal to my demi side.
Found Family: +100
I love it so much.
Hurt/Comfort: +9
I have been on a hurt/comfort kick but I can't do all hurt/comfort because there is too much hurt.
Love Triangle: 1?
I generally don't like love triangles, but maybe somewhere out in all of fanfcition there will be one that I will like?
Poly, open relationships: +9
I personally love them when written well
Mistaken/hidden identity: 0
I probably need to read more in order to form a stronger opinion
Monsterfucking: +5
My friends, a year ago I would have said no. It depends on the writer, the ship and my bravery I think.
Pregnancy: 4
I'm a mom in real life so pregnancy doesn't phase me, again it would depend on the writer, the story, the fandom, a lot of different things.
Second Chance: +9
Idyllically I think everyone should be given a 2nd chance, but sometimes no?
Slowburn: +10
I have some beloved authors that love to write a good slow burn and I will eat that stuff up every bedtime.
Soulmates: +8 I've read some lovely soulmate AUs and would love to read more. (also I have an idea for one but like life you know?)
@a-noble-dragon; @carolrain; @demora00; @stargazer56; @ramonaflow; @jamilas-pen; @apothecarose; @ripkaz44; @flowertrigger no pressure tags. ALSO if you are reading this please do it! It is for future fanfiction!
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kiloskywalker · 1 year
last line wip challenge
I was tagged (a while ago) by @chaotictarlos (tumblr bestie keeping my blog engagement high lol), to share the last line written of a current wip, "Take My Breath Away" my Tarlos enemies/rivals to lovers fighter pilot au. They have read the full scene where this line came from and can probably freak out about how intense it was!
He frantically searched the area for any signs of a parachute, any sign that TK made it out of the jet before it hit the ground, but instead, all he saw was nothing. He was gone. TK was gone.
no pressure tags (for those who haven't done it already, or would like to do it again): @lemonlyman-dotcom @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sanjuwrites @meditating-honey-badger @welcometololaland @iboatedhere
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