#task: 031
rotanawrites · 11 months
María Jiménez Pacífico Gif Pack
Click the source link to find a downloadable gif pack of #150 gifs of Colombian model María Jiménez Pacífico.
If you find these useful, consider buying me a coffee here, but these are available regardless.
These fit @tasksweekly​ tasks: #003: Gifs, #005: Body Diversity, #031: Colombia
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Rachel Zegler, born 2001, Polish, German, Italian, Colombian note: avatars for @taskweekly’s TASK 031: COLOMBIA
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technodromes · 1 year
009. Do they believe in happy endings?
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
042. What is their greatest achievement?
[[ Give us 'em both! ]]
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009: There have been times when Beebs would believe or even hope to achieve a happy ending for his life by becoming some sort of big shot. But in the meantime, he's come to terms that he is a monster, and there is no such thing as a happy ending for monsters in movies. That affected his whole stance about it. Now he just shrugs it off like 'happy endings are cringe and overrated anyway'.
012: Bebop is extremely unhinged, which gives him a very high resistance to embarrassment or shame. For the better and for the worse. Still, he is often abashed when he fails to fulfill a job or mission Shredder and Krang tasked him with. That, and people with little to no knowledge about music give him all sorts of second-hand-embarrassment.
031: Nothing specifically. Rocksteady is extremely superstitious tho, which results in Bebop often being the bastion of calm for his pal. Still, he might also start to believe a thing he normally wouldn't if someone persuades him into it.
042: Coming out on top with Rocksteady against many challengers in Karai's challenge and getting mutated as a reward. Even though the mutation itself hasn't done his intelligence any favors, being one of the most powerful mutants that have been ever created was definitely a game-changer in his life. Also the fact he got to do all of that together with his bestest pal.
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009: Rock is out to make the best out of things and enjoy his life the way he wants with little real regard for how it will end. He cares even less about the potential fate of others except for Bebop. If Bebop wanted them to become great shots and get a nice ending to their lives, he would just roll with that. If Bebop embraces the opposite, he is doing the same just as much. At the end of the day, he could care less if one were to ask him about it personally.
012: In spite of his scary appearance and enormous size, Rocksteady is actually quite sensitive behind that front and more likely to get embarrassed than Bebop. If someone asks them if they're actually more than 'just' pals, he's the one getting all flustered out of the two. Anything explicit in comics or on TV is also very likely to embarrass him.
031: As mentioned on Bebop, Rocksteady is extremely superstitious. He believes in vampires, ghosts and also avoids the 13th floor inside the Technodrome. If he has to deal with anything vampire-like, he gets terrified and will shoot on sight. Firing his rifle is always his number one response to anything that frightens the shit out of him.
042: Pretty much the same as Bebop, really. These two stick together and any great achievement together is highly valued.
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fornalhaut · 1 month
031. under the protection of a gazebo as it rains . — zl for aether
“fancy meeting you here,”    he opens with as much cheer as he can muster given the situation, which, despite the state of him (drenched to the bone and quickly beginning to catch a chill), is still a pretty substantial amount. he keeps a polite distance as he starts on the grueling task of wringing as much rain out of his clothes as his hands allow, mindful of the splash zone. zhongli, in opposition to aether’s ill fate, looks dry and comfortable framed by the aggressive downpour outside. fits their image, his mind supplies, eliciting a wider smile, and he turns to address them proper.    
“this place’s pretty far out from the city, though… i haven’t seen anyone in a good while.”    not anyone he hasn’t had to turn his blade against, at least.    “were you wandering? or…”   
his eyes dart to the roof of the gazebo, then to the walls propping it up.    
“is there something about this place?”    as far as he can tell, it’s... a gazebo, but he’s learned to keep a permanently open mind for all things teyvat-related.
@fatedriven accepting.
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musicfreestatic · 9 months
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Goals and Organization - Music Free Static (031)
It's that time of year when many people make resolutions and goals. My goal is to get more organized. I'm tired of having my tasks, notes, and projects scattered across multiple systems. I'm looking at a combination of GTD, PARA, and Roam research methods. I'm going to do it in the app I spend more time in than any other: emacs.
Watch the podcast at https://youtu.be/Dp1skZVMhbQ or listen on most podcast platforms.
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abraham.hicks.affirmations 031 ~ The reason why we believe that we need laws to control others around us is that we believe that their behavior can negatively impact us.
But when I come to understand that nothing can come into my experience unless I invite it through thought, then I understand that I can release the task of trying to control the behavior of others and replace it with the much simpler task of controlling the direction of my own thoughts.
The Art of Allowing: The Art of Allowing my vibrational alignment with all that I have come to be and to desire.
If I put my attention toward understanding and applying the Art of Allowing, I will live in joy regardless of what others are doing.
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artbyeloquent · 2 years
48, 61 & 82 for Yael and 12, 31 and 97 for Ariel <3
048. Do they have any allergies?
Yael discovered late in life that xe has a mild shellfish allergy, after having an allergy panel done. This doesn't really affect xyr life since Kosher forbids shellfish, but it does mean xe has to be more careful about possible cross-contamination and sticking to Kosher-certified products.
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security?
Yael is a certified control freak. It's very hard to get xem into new experiences unless xe is 100% sure at all times how it's going to go. Which, sorry Yael, that kind of defeats the point of the experience being new.
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
Xe is definitely the type to have researched the Optimal Environment in which to sleep. Xe keeps xyr thermostat at exactly 68, has a weighted blanket, and sleeps on xyr back in order to prevent facial or skin-related issues as a result of sleeping on parts of xyr face. Xe also uses an app I'm fond of called 'Sleep Calculator' which helps you follow 90 minute sleep cycles in order to wake up naturally after 7.5 or 9 hours of sleep.
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
Everything. Ariel is a very rejection-sensitive person, even if he doesn't betray it on his face. He hates watching second-hand embarrassment comedy in movies or shows. He hates when he's Perceived a little too hard in public. He hates when he stutters or talks too fast and makes slips of the tongue. He despises when he's called out in front of authority. He's just gotten good at brushing it off with apathy or jokes outwardly rather than showing his embarrassment.
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
Ariel's probably the least religious one in the office besides Dev. Still, it's hard not to be 'superstitious' when you literally work with ghosts for a living. He always side-eyes things or situations where it gives him Bad Vibes, even if he can't describe what those vibes are beyond a gut feeling. He also tends to get creeped out by patterns that carry on a bit too long, like seeing a certain item or sequence of numbers.
097. How well do they adapt to change?
I would say it's a toss-up. Ariel often has difficulty transitioning from one task to another, or one frame of mind to another. If there's a logical set of jumps, maybe, but if there's a sudden shift, he may struggle with it. This counts even if the change is positive, like going to bed earlier or getting a clearer set of expectations at work.
Thank you for asking!!
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ettoreeste · 3 years
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meet rocco !
rocco is a male, twenty-five year old macaw; ettore adopted him out of a rehabilitation center after it was decided he couldn’t return to the wild. he’s been in ettore’s life for eight years now and is nothing short of a spitfire. catches on to new words and phrases fairly quickly but can be stubborn; his favorite things to say include “pst!”, “eh?”, and “mi corazón” (for val, ettore taught him a few compliments for her). val and ettore taught him to say “matilda” for the goat, and rocco is often seen standing on matilda’s back. the oddball duo inspired ettore to put together a kid’s book about protecting wildlife, featuring matilda and rocco. when it was first released, ettore went around to libraries and schools to read it and brought rocco along to “read” the story too. he also whistles whenever valttore is affectionate in front of him.
knock knock jokes
sitting on ettore’s shoulder and matilda’s back
hiding random things around the home
“pretty bird”
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rotanawrites · 1 year
Click the source link to find a downloadable gif pack of #50 gifs of Colombian actress Angie Cepeda.
If you find these useful, consider contributing to my college fund here, but these are available regardless.
These fit @tasksweekly​ tasks: #031: Colombia
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tamikc · 3 years
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meet hoshi and mochi !
hoshi, male, two years old — hoshi is an active little guy. tamiko’s apartment has tunnel tubes all around specifically because he’s never satisfied and will knock the tubing around if he’s bored. he also pesters mochi to play until she caves. watch where you step because he’s always on the move! also prone to crawling on everything and everyone.
mochi, female, two years old — mochi is the calmer of the two, preferring to be curled up in tamiko’s lap than run around, unless running around means chasing hoshi into the tunnel tubes. that minor amount of exercise is enough for the day and she’ll return to her nap spot. enjoys sitting on shoulders to observe the world around her.
the hedgehogs have an instagram account @hoshimochicrew !
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tasksweekly · 8 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 110+ Colombian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite Colombian faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a Colombian artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on Colombian culture and customs.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Margalida Castro (73) Colombian - actress.
Vicky Hernández (71) Colombian - actress.
Amparo Grisales (60) Colombian - actress.
Luz Stella Luengas (55) Colombian - actress.
Ana María Kamper (52) Colombian, Austrian - artist &actress.
Nina García (51) Colombian - fashion journalist.
Natalia Ramírez  (49) Colombian - actress.
Karina Arroyave (47) Colombian - actress.
Paola Turbay (46) Colombian (Lebanese, Spanish, possibly other) -  actress, model, beauty queen & television presenter.
Catherine Siachoque (45) Colombian - actress.
Sofía Vergara (44) Colombian (Spanish, possibly other), small amount of Italian, 1/16th Venezuelan, likely distant Basque - actress & model.
Margarita Ortega (44) Colombian - actress & television presenter.
Ana María Orozco (43) Colombian - actress.
Paula Garcés (42) Colombian - actress.
Angie Cepeda (42) Colombian - actress.
Carolina Gómez (42) Colombian - actress, presenter & model.
Sandra Beltrán (41) Colombian - actress.
Natasha Klauss (41) Colombian, Lithuanian - actress.
Maritza Rodríguez (41) Colombian - actress.
Valentina Rendón (41) Colombian - actress.
Natalia París (41) Colombian - model.
Indhira Serrano (41) Colombian, Black (unspecified) - actress & model.
Lorena Forteza (40)  Colombian - model & actress.
Estefanía Gómez (40) Colombian - actress.
Andrea Serna (41) Colombian - model.
Mimi Morales (40) Colombian - actress.
Shakira (40) Lebanese / Colombian, including Italian/Sicilian, Spanish [Catalan, Castilian], possibly other - singer, songwriter, dancer & record producer.
Andrea López (39) Colombian - actress.
Danna García (39) Colombian - actress & model.
Flora Martínez (39) Colombian / Canadian - actress.
Danna García (39) Colombian - actress & model.
Adriana Arboleda (38/39)  Colombian - model & presenter.  
Marbelle (37) Colombian - actress & singer.
Angeline Moncayo (37) Colombian - actress & model.
Zulay Henao (37) Colombian - actress.
Carolina Acevedo (37) Colombian - actress.
Carolina Cruz (37) Colombian - model.
Paola Rey (37) Colombian - actress & model.
Verónica Orozco (37) Colombian - actress.
María Fernanda Yepes (36) Colombian - model.
Majida Issa (35) Colombian, Lebanese - actress.
Vanessa Mendoza (35) Afro-Colombian - model.
Catalina Sandino Moreno (35) Colombian - actress.
Maria Dalmazzo (33) Colombian / Chilean, Italian - actress.
Jeymmy Vargas (33) Colombian - model.
Yuly Ferreira (33) Colombian - actress.
Carmen Villalobos (33) Colombian - actress.
Katy Saunders (32) Colombian / English - actress.
Ximena Duque (32) Colombian - actress & model.
Alyssa Diaz (31) Colombian, Mexican - actress.
Sara Corrales (31) Colombian - actress, model & dancer.
Catalina Denis (31) Colombian - actress & model.
Carla Giraldo (30) Colombian - actress, model & singer.
Jery Sandoval (30) Colombian - actress, model & singer.
Diane Guerrero (30) Colombian - actress. - actress, TV host, model & beauty queen.
Sandra Vergara (28) Colombian (Spanish, possibly other), small amount of Italian, 1/16th Venezuelan, likely distant Basque - actress & model.
Alexa Vega (28) Colombian / English, possibly French - actress & singer.
Sandra Vergara (28) Colombian - actress & model.
Laura Perico (27) Colombian - actress.
Viviana Serna (26) Colombian - actress.
Paulina Vega (24) Colombian (Spanish, possibly other)
Ariadna Gutiérrez (23) Colombian - actress, model & beauty queen.
Sofia Carson (23) Colombian - singer & actress.
Kali Uchis (23) Colombian - singer.
Cierra Ramirez (21) Mexican, Colombian - actress, model & singer.
Isabella Gomez (19) Colombian - actress.
Endry Cardeño (?) Colombian - actress.
Claudia Liliana González (?) Colombian - actress.
Andrea Nocetti (?) Colombian - actress & model.
Adriana Romero (?) Colombian - actress.
Lou Castel (73) Colombian - actor.
Diego Trujillo (56) Colombian - actor.
Carlos Vives (55) Colombian (Spanish, Basque, possibly other), 1/16 Italian - singer, compser & actor.
John Leguizamo (52) Colombian - actor, voice actor, film producer, stand-up comedian, playwright & screenwriter.
Marlon Moren (50) Colombian - actor.
Harry Geithner (49) Colombian - actor.
Gregorio Pernía (46) Colombian - actor.
Rafael Novo (45) Colombian - actor & model.
Juanes (44) Colombian (Spanish, Basque, possibly other) - musician.
Hector Luis Bustamante (44) Colombian - actor.
Adam Garcia (43) Colombian / English - actor, singer & model.
Juan Pablo Raba (40) Colombian, Argentine - actor.
Jaider Villa (40) Colombian - actor & model.
Juan Pablo Llano (39) Colombian - actor & model.
Lincoln Palomeque (39) Colombian - actor.
Julián Román (39) Colombian - actor.
Diego Cadavid (38) Colombian - actor & cinematographer.
Pedro Palacio (38) Colombian - actor.
Andrew Keegan (38) Colombian / English - Colombian / German, Czech - actor.
Wilmer Valderrama (37) Colombian, Venezuelan - actor, singer & television personality.
Fabián Ríos (36) Colombian - actor & model.
Tommy Vásquez (36) Colombian - actor.
Sebastián Martínez (36) Colombian - actor.
Gabriel Valenzuela (35) Colombian - model & actor.
Sebastián Caicedo (35) Colombian - actor.
Ryan Cabrera (34) - singer-songwriter & musician.
Javier Jattin (33) Colombian - actor & model.
Juan Pablo Urrego (31) Colombian - actor.
Radamel Falcao (31) Colombian, 1/8 English - football player.
Miguel Gomez (31) Colombian - actor.
Julián Farietta (28) Colombian - actor & model.
Carlos Valdes (27) Colombian - actor & singer.
Julito McCullum (26) African American, Afro-Colombian - actor.
James Rodríguez (25) Colombian - football player.  
Alberto Rosende (24) Cuban / Colombian - actor.
Manolo González (24) Colombian (Spanish, possibly other), small amount of Italian, 1/32 Venezuelan, likely distant Basque.
Juan Luis Londoño Arias (23) Colombian - singer, songwriter & record producer.
Gabriel Conte (22) Colombian, Cuban - YouTuber.
Gabriel Conte (22) Cuban, Spanish, Colombian - Viner.
Moisés Arias (22) Colombian - actor.
Mateo Arias (21) Colombian - actor.
Matthew Espinosa (19) Colombian / Irish, French, German.
Santiago Segura (?) Colombian  - actor.
Luis Fernando Bohórquez (?) Colombian - actor.
Abel Rodríguez (?) Colombian - actor.
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stealanity · 4 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[ kim sunwoo ] ꕤ color palette
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀i'll never finish falling in love with you.
in which...⠀⠀⠀y/n lives in a colorless world. for her, red and blue are just some words with no senses. she doesn’t understand when people tell her to add some green tones here and there in her painting, or when her teacher asks her to read the orange text on her book. but things change when she asks sunwoo to be the subject of her final task.
paring : sport student!sunwoo x cinema student!fem. reader
genre : stangers to lovers, social media!au (& some texts), pure fluff, angst
warnings : illness for the reader, swearing sometimes, mentions of alcohol and suggestive will be in this as well but i’ll mark the chapters when we get there!
statut : finished !
a/n : hello there,,, its my first smau here omg. i was soooo inspired and i really want to make an imagine with my lil ray of sunshine : kim sunwoo!! i really hope yall will like it, it’s kind of inspired of color rush (even if i didnt see the drama.. i only know the synopsis.) i wanna tell you too that english isn’t my first language, so, if i make any mistakes, do not hesitate to tell me in dm, or, in an ask!
profils : 1 & 2
001 : final task
002 : the weirdo
003 : yes!
004 : not really a jerk
005 : rainbow
006 : i can't see the colors
007 : first day of filming
008 : photo studio
009 : sunwoo's hair
010 : two pretty best friends
011 : zzzz
012 : sleeping
013 : photoshoot
014 : maybe
015 : favorite person
016 : a little more special
017 : sunwoo is sick
018 : almost
019 : run eric!
020 : liar
021 : fix it, y/n
022 : prettiest lips
023 : beach trip
024 : take a break
025 : half-drunk, half-tired
026 : berry
027 : birthday party?
028 : stop that
029 : feelings
030 : sunwoo day !
031 : that certain person
032 : hi girlfriend
033 : new lockscreen
034 : best friends time
035 : difficult day
036 : comfort boy
037 : getting back together
( part one ) 038 : please come
( part two ) 038 : distraction
039 : berry day
040 : color palette
epilogue : whats your favorite color?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀thanks yall for reading my smau with sunwoo !
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Welcome to round three of art claims for WIPBB! We have 70 fics left for claiming, and you may claim up to four fics this round.
DC Comics #029 Title: Let Me Help You Pairing/Characters Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: Damian's age is not explicitly stated, so it is up to the reader how to interpret him, but the age gap and sexual experience gap between him and Dick is explicitly mentioned and Damian is implied to be young/inexperienced. Summary Dick Grayson is tasked with caring for a broken-armed and very prideful Damian Wayne. He's got his work cut out for him, but if he's lucky this experience may help reveal something deeper between them.. #030 Title: mirrorball (you're not like the regulars) Pairing/Characters Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne; Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Minor Characters (Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Dinah Lance) Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: There are mentions of past abuse, underage, and canon violence. Things that may be squicks: Omegaverse, male lactation, lactation kink, milk bars are sort of sex work in omegaverse. Summary The things that one frinds in a Milk Bar these days; To celebrate winning a lawsuit, Harvey takes Bruce to a Milk Bar, but Bruce will taste something more than just milk. #031 Title: Muddy Waters Pairing/Characters Ra's al Ghul/Jason Todd Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: Underage, non-con/rape, Rough Sex, Catatonic Character, brain damage Summary When Ra's takes advantage of Jason at his most vulnerable, Damian, who has grown attached to the older boy, resolves to do what he can to save him. Some things go as planned. Others... don't. (Damian throws Jason in the Pit instead of Talia to save him from Ra's. It... goes a little differently than Damian intends) #032 Title: Nightmares Really Do Come True Pairing/Characters Jason Todd/Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson/Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Thomas Wayne Jr., Dick Grayson/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne/Thomas Wayne Jr, Dick Grayson/Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Dick Grayson/Thomas Wayne Jr., Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Thomas Wayne Jr. Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: Non-con/Rape, Referenced Past Child Sexual Abuse Summary Earth-3 is even worse than they thought it would be. (Cassandra gets kidnapped and used as bait to lure Batman to Earth-3. Dick goes with him as backup and Jason goes to save his girlfriend. They were expected. Well, two of them were.) #033 Title: Opportunity Knocks Pairing/Characters Ra's al Ghul/Jason Todd, Ra's al Ghul, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: Non-con/Rape, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Summary Jason is captured by the murderous pack of werewolves his family has been hunting for years. The Lead Alpha of the Shadow Pack has plans to replace the members fallen to the hunter’s silver. How poetic that the solution to his problem should come in the form of his enemy’s son. #035 Title: Pretty Missteps Pairing/Characters Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Internalized Homophobia Summary Jason and Dick, post the events of the Gotham by Gaslight movie. Mutual attraction, diverging life paths, and the reuniting at the end.
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wiildflowers · 4 years
HERE you’ll find #65 gifs of diane guerrero in her role as sofia in superior donuts (s02ep16). all of these gifs were made by me, so please don’t claim as your own, post in other gif hunts, or crop into gif icons. please give credit and link back to this gif pack if using in crackships. please like and/or reblog if you found them useful!
tw: none @tasksweekly​  (task #031 - columbia)
if you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee
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hubertspala · 4 years
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031 -  The Librarian
The motto of the Wharf Town is ‘Everyone is welcome to work for our progress’. It is a motto the whole community keeps close to their hearts, living and mechanical. The success of this city lies at its core with its openness to everyone, as long as you put your work back into it. No race is deemed unworthy. No specie too odd. No faith too dark nor craft too gruesome. If you abide by the laws and contribute to the growth of the city, you are welcome. Some would consider this to be an empty ideal… And sure, crime exists within the city borders, but otherwise the staunch Mayor Whale makes sure everyone feels at home in his city and be able to contribute. And so, the Librarian found his calling – he was one of the Others – magical creatures made entirely for a single purpose in the age of magic, brewed and crafted by a lunatic wizard as a monster to serve. With powerful mind and memory, armed with telepathy and telekinesis, he was made to slaughter enemies of its master. And now, free and forsaken after centuries, it found a new calling, new purpose. It was a breath of fresh air for the creature to not be hunted or shunned in this astonishing place, this city of lights and smells and brilliant minds shining left and right. And it was given a task, task, which it enjoyed – for with its abilities it could match a perfect book to the reader, running the library with effectiveness and neatness that made him the beloved Librarian of the community.
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wiildflowergifs · 4 years
HERE you’ll find #65 gifs of diane guerrero in her role as sofia in superior donuts (s02ep16). all of these gifs were made by me, so please don’t claim as your own, post in other gif hunts, or crop into gif icons. please give credit and link back to this gif pack if using in crackships. please like and/or reblog the original post if you found them useful!
tw: none @tasksweekly​  (task #031 - columbia)
if you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee
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