#tattooed stiles stilinski
sapphireginger · 2 years
Title: When You’re the Best of Friends
Pairings:  Stora (Stiles Stilinski + Cora Hale)
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Word Count: 10,239
AO3 Link
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:  Brief Non-Con Touching & Kissing
Square Filled: Best Friends to Lovers
Written For: @anyfandomfluffbingo
Cora Hale and Stiles Stilinski have been best friends since the womb. Okay from the time they were born they have been inseparable.
Talia and Claudia have always been powerless to separate them. The two kids did everything together. They were always at either the Hale’s or the Stilinski's, rarely if ever separated. Sleepovers became an every night kind of thing.
Cora Hale and Stiles Stilinski have been best friends since the womb. Okay from the time they were born they have been inseparable.
Talia and Claudia have always been powerless to separate them. The two kids did everything together. They were always at either the Hale's or the Stilinski's, rarely if ever separated. Sleepovers became an every night kind of thing.
Cora loved soccer and swimming. Stiles loved cross country and swimming. So naturally Cora joined cross country and Stiles joined soccer. They would get up at the crack of dawn and go running every morning and then practice soccer drills for at least an hour every evening. They were both extremely competitive–still are–with each other and then would team up and be competitive with others. Everything from sports, to clubs, to their grades to video games...if they could compete, they would.
Everyone kept waiting for them to become rivals or to have a falling out, but they never did. Year after year they only grew closer.
Eventually people stopped expecting them to fight and began to expect them to fall in love or at least fuck. Stiles and Cora were aware of this, but they have never allowed other people to determine their relationship.
That all changed on New Year's Eve their junior year of high school. They had gone to the party together but not like together together.
Cora is determined to kiss Stiles. She is finally going to tell her best friend how she feels. As the countdown begins, she tries to find Stiles.
"Stiles?" she calls out only to see his lips claimed by a girl named Heather, in their grade as everyone shouted.
Cora's heart shatters and she turns away, missing the moment when Stiles pushes away from Heather with a scowl on his face and searches for her as he wipes his mouth with a disgusted expression.
Stiles is panicking. He had a whole plan. He was going to kiss Cora. He was going to tell her how he feels, but she is nowhere to be found. He calls her but it goes straight to voicemail. He texts her but gets no response. So, he goes to the Hale House only to find that Derek won't let him in.
"Please Der? I need to see her. I have to–"
Derek crosses his arms. "You don't have to do anything. She doesn't want to see you right now. So go home."
"But Derek I–"
Stiles clears his throat as he tries to swallow the lump of emotion stuck in it. With a nod he turns and climbs back into his jeep. He glances up at Cora's bedroom window and finds the curtains shut. She always left them open for him and now–He starts the jeep and drives away. He is left heartbroken and decides to give her space.
When Stiles shows up to school the following Monday after a very depressing weekend with zero contact from his best friend, he plans to just march right up to her and talk to her.
It's not until he gets in the front doors that he notices everyone staring at him with varied expressions. Pity. Anger. Surprise. Confusion. Stiles gives them an uncertain smile as he makes his way to his locker. He doesn't understand why they are looking at him like that.
That is until he turns down the hallway for the lockers and sees Cora with her back against his locker, her lips slotted with Theo of all people.
He stands there frozen, staring as his heart shatters into pieces, before turning on his heel and heading to class. He has never been more grateful that he never stores anything in his locker.
His seat in calculus is usually right next to Cora's and for a moment he debates switching seats but then decides against it. He won't change things just because his best friend decided to make out with Theo.
Shaking his head, he pushes the sight of Cora and Theo's make out to the back of his mind and focuses on his schoolwork. He had finished his calculus early on Friday afternoon, so he'd have the whole weekend free. Granted he had pictured telling Cora how he feels and then them spending time together just the two of them but well...
He barely notices her trying to get his attention and he is reminded again of the kiss when she sits with Theo and Jackson at lunch. He sits at their usual table grateful for Allison and Isaac.
Allison looks at him worried. "Is everything okay with you and Cora?" she whispers.
Stiles takes a bite of his curly fries to avoid answering verbally but he shakes his head and then shrugs.
Isaac pushes his own curly fries over and offers a reassuring smile. "You need them more than me."
"Thanks guys."
The misunderstanding with the New Year's kiss is what starts it all. Cora gets competitive and decides to one up Stiles by kissing someone. She wasn't planning on kissing Theo of all people, but she knows by the way Stiles retreats that she should've kissed anyone but the guy who had never been kind to Stiles.
Cora remembers what Theo did to her best– are they still best friends?–their freshman year of high school which makes her feel even worse.
There's never been a time in their lives that they weren't spending time together. Not even when Cora had ear surgery when she was five. Stiles convinced his mother to let him stay and he would curl up in the bed with Cora.
When Stiles was supposed to go to camp one summer, he refused cause it was only for boys, and he wanted Cora to go too. So, they signed up for a summer camp that allowed both girls and boys to come. They were eight and had the best summer ever.
At age ten they share their first kiss. It was inexperienced and they giggled afterward but it was still special.
Little moments all special to her, flit through her mind as the school day passes torturously slow but when the final bell rings, she rushes to the parking lot only to tear up when she realizes Stiles's jeep is already gone.
As the year progresses, they drift apart more and more, neither of them knowing how to bridge the gap.
Then comes junior prom, which is all anyone who's anyone is talking about.
Heather corners Stiles in the library where he's studying and typing away on his laptop.
"So, I was thinking..."
"Sounds dangerous," he murmurs distractedly.
Heather huffs and slips her arms around his shoulders from behind uncaring of the way he stiffens in response. "Go to prom with me, Stilinski. You've got all the makings of a King."
Stiles grows even more tense and shakes his head. "I'm not much of a dancer. Plus, we're juniors. There is no King."
"Hm. Maybe not but imagine getting Prince this year and then King next year," she purrs in his ear, making him feel nauseous.
"No. I'm not going to prom." He gathers his things and after saving his work shuts his laptop and stands up. "Find someone else."
Heather reaches for his arm, and he pulls out of reach. "Oh, come on baby. Go to prom with me."
Stiles sets his jaw and glares. "I said no. Don't call me baby. Don't touch me ever again. Leave me the hell alone."
"You kissed me back!" She shrieks.
"You can't kiss back when you never wanted the kiss in the first place. You're the one who forced yourself on me. I meant it when I said no. So go find some other boy toy. I'll report you if you try it again."
He turns and leaves the library with his head held high. Stiles has a couple stops to make: the coach's office, the music room, the English classroom, the guidance counselor's office and finally the principal's office. It's time he got out of here.
Despite Stiles turning down a date to prom, Cora still goes, and she goes with Theo. Stiles's heart aches at the sight of her accepting Theo's promposal. He can't just fall out of love with her, but he can't tell her how he feels either. It seems pretty obvious to him that she doesn't feel the same as he does. He hates what Heather did but maybe it was easier this way?
Cora feels nervous and wants to back out so badly, but Theo asked her to prom and well Stiles is going with Heather. So why shouldn't she go to prom too? No one else asked her anyway.
Derek is the one who is home when Theo comes to get her. She's wearing a short lavender dress with sparkles all over it. Theo of course decided against matching, but he did give her corsage. The only problem is that she's allergic to flowers. This makes her brother's eyebrows turn down into a glare, but before he can chew Theo out, Cora has taken her date's arm and is being led to his car.
The car drives away and Derek huffs pulling out his phone. He fires off a text and heads back inside.
[To Stiles] Is that invitation to hang out still open?
[From Stiles] Sure, is Der-Bear. Come on over.
[To Stiles] I thought we said you wouldn't call me that anymore.
[From Stiles] I said no such thing. You told me not to and I ignored it. I know you secretly love it. Now hurry up or the pizza will be gone by the time you get here.
Derek rolls his eyes but smiles as he grabs his jacket and keys. Pretty soon he's in his Camaro and speeding down the road. There had better be some pizza left.
Prom is not what Cora expected it to be at all. Theo is quite handsy and Jackson badmouths Stiles a lot. Lydia just rolls her eyes and smirks at his remarks.
Cora is regretting coming. She feels extremely uncomfortable. She even pulls out her phone when she escapes to the bathroom for a few minutes debating calling Stiles but changes her mind.
When she exits the restroom, her eyes scan the crowd, but she doesn't see Stiles anywhere. She does spot Heather though and is confused to see her making out with Caitlin. Since when is Heather into girls and why would she be here without Stiles? Cora heard her ask him to prom.
She pulls her phone out, ignoring Theo's arm around her waist and texts her brother.
[To Derek] Hey big brother. Is there any change you could come get me?
[From Derek] Why? I thought you were excited for prom.
[To Derek] I was. Kind of but Theo is an asshole, and I don't want to be here anymore.
[From Derek] Text Peter or Laura. One of them will come and get you, I'm sure.
[To Derek] Why can't you come?
[From Derek] I'm with friends right now.
Cora swallows thickly. Derek is with friends, and he didn't say who, which means one of them is probably Stiles.
[To Peter] Hey Uncle Peter. Can you come get me from the school?
[From Peter] Someone not having as good of a time as they had hoped? I wonder why.
She huffs and fights back tears.
[To Laura] Please come get me?
[From Laura] I'm already on my way.
With a sigh she slips her phone back into her clutch and steps away from Theo. "So, this was not fun and I'm going to head out now."
"Whatever," Theo says with a smirk. "I'm surprised you stayed as long as you did."
Lydia and Jackson smirk and Cora feels furious. "Well, you're an asshole. All three of you are. All you do is bad mouth my best friend and–"
"Sweetie, are you sure he's your best friend?" Lydia asks with a faux sympathetic look. "I mean if I had been his friend in some alternate universe where I was literally insane and I pulled the shit you did, I wouldn't want anything to do with you."
Jackson laughs and nods as he slips his arm around Lydia's shoulder. "Come on, this is Stilinski we're talking about. He's always had a few screws loose and he's just–"
Cora feels her phone vibrate as grabs a glass of punch throwing the sticky liquid all over Lydia and Jackson with a furious expression. Her tone is glacial. "Stiles Stilinski is the best thing to ever happen in my life. Yeah, I don't know if we're still best friends, but seventeen years of friendship since fucking diapers isn't going to just vanish because I kissed an asshole."
Theo grins. "Maybe if it was any other asshole but me." His grin becomes a smirk. "After all, how could he forgive you for it when we both know I'm the reason he almost–"
Cora snags his drink and dumps it on his head before storming out with a big 'Fuck you!' thrown over her shoulder.
Laura is waiting outside, and Cora quickly slips into the passenger seat. She barely manages to fasten her seatbelt before she bursts into tears.
Her sister doesn't say anything as she starts the car and drives them home.
"Thanks for coming to hang out Der."
Derek looks over at Stiles who is flipping through the pages of a journal. "Of course. I mean I–" He hesitates. "I'm sorry for..." he trails off.
Stiles glances over at him and shrugs one shoulder. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was worried you wouldn't want to hang out after the whole thing."
"As if. You're my friend even if you and my sister are on the outs. Plus, you got me pizza."
That elicits a laugh out of Stiles. The two guys had bid Isaac, Danny, Allison and Kira goodbye a couple hours ago and that left just the two of them.
"What's the journal for?" Derek asks.
Stiles closes it and stands up making his way to the attic ladder. "It was once something but now it's nothing." He deposits the journal on a shelf in the attic and then closes the door.
Derek frowns. "It was for her, wasn't it?"
"Yeah," Stiles mumbles. "Oh. Would you do me a favor?"
"Sure. What's up?"
Stiles walks over to his desk and picks up an envelope. "Would you give this to her?"
Derek takes the envelope from the amber eyed boy and nods. "I will." He swallows thickly, having noticed the packed bags. "When are you leaving?"
"In the morning."
Derek isn't a hugger normally, but he pulls Stiles into one. "Call me if you need anything."
Stiles chuckles wetly. "Never thought I'd see the day where Derek Hale would hug me."
"I'm serious," the older man whispers.
"I know. I will call if I need you. Okay?"
They part and Stiles walks Derek out. He needs to get some sleep. It's a long drive in the morning. He glances at his desk once more when he reaches his room. The diploma is hard to look at but well he's a high school graduate now.
Cora is a wreck and after she gets home, she quickly shucks her prom dress before getting in the shower to wash away the night. Now she's sitting on the couch with her knees against her chest and her chin resting on her knees.
The fireplace is crackling, and she gets lost in thought staring at the flames. Her hair is in a messy bun which is familiar and comforting because it's how Stiles always loved her hair to be the most. She's even wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of his boxers he had left behind once, and they had gotten thrown in with the Hale's laundry.
Her tears have long since stopped falling but her heart still aches. It's half past 1 am when the front door opens. Peter is shut in his office working on a case. Laura had gone out with her girlfriend, Lyla. So, it's either her mother–which is highly unlikely considering Talia and Claudia had gone for a ladies's retreat–or Derek.
Her brother peeks his head into the living room and locks eyes with Cora. "You're still up?"
She nods. "Yep."
"Can't sleep?" he asks.
She shakes her head. "Nope."
Derek sighs and makes his way over to her. He plops down on the couch and turns to face her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really," she whispers, surprised at his offer. Derek hates to talk about feelings. "Did you have a good time with your friends?"
Cora swallows thickly. "Were you with Stiles?"
Derek quirks a brow and nods. "Yes. I was also with Isaac, Kira, Allison and Danny."
"Oh." She nods and sniffles. "I'm glad you had fun."
Her brother reaches into his back pocket and holds out the letter. "Stiles asked me to give this to you."
Cora's eyes widen and she snatches the letter from him. Her fingers trace the amber eyed boy's handwriting of her name and how he has always drawn a heart in the center of the o. "Why didn't he give it to me himself?"
Derek's expression makes her wince. "Really?"
"Yeah. Okay. Fair."
"I'm heading to bed." He gets up and kisses her forehead before heading upstairs to bed.
Cora stares at the letter afraid to open it. What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if he hates her? What if he is explaining himself? What if he wants to be with Heather? What if–She heads upstairs and shoves it into her nightstand drawer. Tonight has been too emotional for her. She'll read it tomorrow.
Stiles melts into his mother's arms as she hugs him. "Be safe and call me when you get there."
"I will Matka."
She kisses his forehead and ruffles his hair. He laughs and places a kiss on her cheek before climbing into the jeep. His bags are in the backseat all packed and ready to go.
"I love you Mischief."
He waves and hollers out his window as he pulls away. "Love you more Matka!"
She chuckles and watches as he disappears down the street. "I love you most."
Noah gets home from the station a few hours later and heads to bed to sleep off his shift. Claudia does some cooking before settling in to watch her favorite show. She and Talia got back early this morning so she could say goodbye to Stiles.
The two mothers are worried about their kids, but neither will intervene yet if at all. Some things have to be learned the hard way.
Plus, Stiles turns eighteen this summer and Cora will turn eighteen as well at the end of summer. They're adults now and need to spread their wings a little. This is why she was more than fine with her son going to his grandparent's house for the summer.
Cora bursts into her brother's room late in the afternoon the next day. Derek snaps his head in her direction, having been deep into a book he was reading. "What is your problem?"
"Maybe I should just go see him. He can tell me in person what the letter says."
Derek sighs and bookmarks his place before looking at his younger sister. "He said he's leaving but wanted me to give that to you. So, you should just read it."
Cora's jaw drops. "Leaving?! No. Why?"
Derek sighs. "Read the letter." Then he goes back to his book.
Cora's heart races, tears forming as she dashes out of the house, running as fast as she can to Stiles's house only to have Mrs. Stilinski tell her that he is already gone.
Her best friend is gone. "Stiles," she whispers to herself as she walks back home. She sits on her bed and reads the letter.
I hate saying this in a letter but needs must and I just can't say it out loud.
I'm leaving for the summer. I need to get away. I need to think and just clear my head.
I hope you had a good prom and that you have a good summer. I'm sorry I won't be there to help you perfect your dives, but I know you can do it. You've always had better form than me anyway.
Enjoy summer break. It's the last one before you'll be getting ready to leave for college.
My phone won't be on, and I'll be out of reach. Please let me have this time.
She reads it several times before carefully folding it up, sliding it back into the envelope and putting it back in the drawer of her nightstand.
Then she curls up under the quilt he made her when they were in seventh grade, as she cuddles with the stuffed wolf he gave her. She misses him so much.
It takes a little over six hours to get to his grandparents' house and upon arrival, he melts into their hugs. His grandparents own a mansion in the country and the fresh air is doing him wonders already. It's calm and serene out here.
He eagerly helps his grandmother with chores, especially cooking and baking. His grandfather gives him more lessons on how to ride a horse. He has his own horse named Mischief. It's what his mom has always called him since he was little.
For the first week that's all he does is ride Mischief and make sure she's brushed, fed, watered and that her hooves are cleaned.
During his second week of the summer at his grandparent's house, Stiles meets Avery Astor. She is sarcastic, sweet and a lot of fun to be around.
He's sure that if his heart didn't already belong to Cora then he'd have given it to Avery and then asked her on a date.
"Why is it that we can't have who our hearts want?" Avery asks as she sits in the shade of an old oak by the river.
Stiles skips a rock and shrugs. "I don't know. Sometimes I say fuck the universe."
"Who has your heart?"
"Her name is Cora. We've been best friends since we were in diapers, though our mothers say we were friends since conception. It's a running joke I think but it's serious."
Avery tilts her head, her blonde curls bouncing. "So, what happened?"
Stiles's shoulders slump and the last rock just sinks to the bottom. "I don't know. I mean I do but I also don't." He sits next to her and fiddles with the blades of grass. "It's hard to explain."
"Well, I have all summer. So, you can talk to me if you need to."
"I'll think about it. What about you?"
Avery snorts. "There's a girl I've loved since she saved my life at the pool like three years ago. She was a lifeguard and I had done this dive to try and impress her. I embarrassed myself when my head hit the board as I fell wrong. She ended up reviving me. Her parents aren't my biggest fans."
Stiles frowns. "Why not? You're amazing."
"Thanks Bambi but you see these tattoos and piercings, right?"
"Yeah. They're badass."
"Well, her parents are snooty rich folks, and their daughter is like Miss California or something. Even if she loved me, they'd never approve, and she wants their approval."
Stiles tilts his head. "They're rotten for that. Does she love you?"
Avery shrugs. "I have no idea, but I think it's best I move on. Either way, I can't have who I want."
They exchange a look and Stiles swallows. "So..."
Blue eyes bore into his own amber eyes as she moves closer. "What if we had some fun, Bambi? Just you and me. I mean neither of us can have who we want."
Stiles blinks. "Are you even straight?"
"Oh, Bambi I'm bisexual as fuck. Plus, you're gorgeous. So, I figured why not? I mean, it's up to you."
His heart wants Cora but they're not together and he doesn't know where they are in their friendship. So, it's easy to lean forward and capture Avery's lips with his own.
She moans softly and guides him to lay back. She slowly straddles his hips, and they move together as their kisses deepen. It's pure lust, fueled by desperation to be close to someone. She feels so good with her heat surrounding him and he's glad he keeps a condom in his wallet.
Avery and Stiles have a fling that becomes dating but neither expects it to go anywhere. Avery knows Stiles loves someone else and so does she, but they find comfort in each other since they can't be with the ones they love.
She is the one to talk Stiles into a couple tattoos and a couple piercings, the day after his eighteenth birthday, as well as a new wardrobe. Not to change him but to help him feel more settled and comfortable in his own skin.
"You know I had my doubts," Stiles says as he checks his reflection in the bedroom mirror. "Yet, I have to say I look good." His fingers trace the tattoos on his arms. He got a fox on one shoulder and a wolf on the other.
As he admires them, he feels slim fingers trace his nipples while Avery's chin rests on his shoulder.
"I told you that you're hot, Bambi. You just couldn't see it under all those layers." Her voice is soft, and her fingers tease the metal bars in his sensitive buds making him moan.
He spins around and captures her mouth in a heated kiss, their tongues dancing, eliciting shivers in her body at the feeling of the cool metal of his tongue piercing in her mouth. He's shirtless and she eagerly falls back on the bed letting him hover over her.
Within mere minutes they're naked and she's rolling a condom onto his cock before he sinks into her in one smooth thrust.
"Gods, Bambi!" she cries out as he pummels her g-spot over and over again.
Stiles nips at her neck and wraps his pink lips around her nipples before tracing each pink erect peak with his tongue.
Avery cries out, clamping tight around him squirting as her orgasm crashes over her, him following not far behind her.
After they clean up, Stiles goes back to eyeing his tattoos and she smiles fondly at him. "You really do look good."
"I feel good."
With one last look, he pulls her up and tosses a bathing suit at her. "Let's go for a swim."
Avery laughs and tugs on the bikini. "Race you?"
"Oh, you're on!"
Stiles's clothes are much more form fitting now and he loves it. He doesn't feel different exactly. He still feels like himself, but he looks more confident and well he feels a lot more confident too. Avery helped him own his body, his looks and his entire being.
He may also have gotten a small tattoo on his ankle in her handwriting.
Cora tries to do what Stiles said in his letter and enjoy her summer but it's really really hard when they've spent every summer together. She does perfect her dive but he's not there to see it so it doesn't feel as special. She still gets Laura to record it just in case.
She also gets to meet Lyla for the first time and couldn't help the pang in her heart when she sees how happy her sister is with her girlfriend.
Lyla and Laura are college roommates and went from roommates, to friends, to best friends to dating. Cora won't be surprised if they're endgame. They sure look like it.
Derek hasn't heard from Stiles since the last time Cora asked and gives her a disapproving look. Which is fair because Stiles did say he'd be out of touch. She can't help it though if she wondered if he was just going to apply that to her.
Still summer sucks and she's looking forward to when it ends because that means Stiles will be back and she's been rehearsing all summer what she'll say to him.
After he rides Mischief once more, he gets his things packed into his jeep. Avery is leaning against the fence with a soft smile on her face. "Well, I guess this is it, Bambi."
Stiles pulls her into a hug and kisses her cheek. "Guess so, but we'll see each other again. I'd like to be friends if you would."
Avery smiles and kisses his cheek. "I'd kick your ass if you just disappeared on me."
"Well, good thing I don't have any plans to do that then." He glances at the road he's about to take on his way back home and his shoulders tense. "What if our friendship is irreparable?" he asks softly.
"Didn't you say you two have been friends since you were born?"
Stiles nods. "Yeah."
Avery sighs and hugs him burying her face against his chest. "Then don't give up on it. Not everyone is so lucky to have such a friendship."
"She broke my heart. She kissed Theo."
"She did and I'm not excusing her behavior, but you can either talk about it and forgive her or you can let him win and allow what happened to ruin an eighteen year friendship."
Stiles huffs and nods playing with her hair absentmindedly. "All right. Theo is a fucking asshole. I'll see about talking to her. Maybe we can at least be friends."
"You'll always want more."
"I know."
"Can you live with that?"
Stiles shrugs. "I'll have to. I'd rather have her in my life as my friend than not at all." He feels his phone buzz and pulls back. "That's my alarm. I have to get going. Call you when I'm home?"
Avery playfully punches his shoulder. "You'd better or I'll hunt you down myself."
They exchange a final hug and a final chaste kiss before he's on the road back to Beacon Hills.
The day Stiles is due back, Cora is a ball of nerves. She has turned down every single one of Theo's advances because her heart belongs to the boy full of mischief. She can only hope his heart can belong to her.
Theo spread salacious things about her and how she was in bed. It's ridiculous because they never even had sex but it doesn't stop people from believing it and well if Stiles were here, they'd never say it but he's not here. So, it's a free for all.
Cora shows up to the Stilinski house to wait for Stiles to get back. She gets there early and watches the Sheriff head into work around 8 am. Then Mrs. Stilinski heads to her nursing shift around 11 am. After that it's a waiting game until Stiles's jeep pulls up around 3 pm that afternoon.
Her stomach sinks to her feet as her heart gets lodged in her throat. Here goes nothing and everything all at once. To say that it is a shock to see Stiles again is an understatement. The guy doesn't even look like Stiles but then again, those eyes are still full of mischief.
"Oh. Hello Cora," he says as he gets out of his jeep.
Cora stands from her place on the front steps of his house. "Hey Stiles." Her voice is soft as her eyes take in his appearance. She sees a glint of silver near his mouth and his clothes are tighter. He looks good. He looks really fucking good.
Stiles grabs his duffel bag out of the back seat and walks up to the house. Cora steps aside and tries to find words but is surprised when Stiles gestures. "You wanna come inside?" he asks as he opens the door.
"S-Sure. Thanks."
"Have a seat. You know where everything is. I'm gonna shower quick."
Cora nods and watches him head upstairs before she gets settled on the couch. Cora's cheeks twinge pink at the image of Stiles in the shower. She shifts uneasily feeling herself get turned on. She's always been attracted to her best friend but there's just something about him now that intensifies that feeling. She squeezes her thighs together to try and quell the growing want.
Stiles isn't faring much better as he takes himself in hand and jerks off fast. It's nothing like sex was with Avery because it's Cora. It's Cora who he has loved since before he really understood what love really was. He bites his fist to keep in his moan as he releases when his orgasm rushes through him.
After he's come down from his high, he quickly but thoroughly speed washes his body and hair before stepping out of the shower and drying off. He hurries to his bedroom and tugs on a pair of sweatpants–forgoing underwear–and a tight black tank top.
Cora almost squeaks as her cheeks flush crimson when she glimpses Stiles walking to his room without a shirt and only a towel around his waist. She takes several deep breaths because it seems so wrong to be ogling her best friend when she needs to be prepared to apologize. The ogling can come later.
Stiles comes back downstairs in sweatpants that hang low on his hips and tight black tank top. He gets them each a Gatorade–blue for himself and orange for Cora–before plopping down next to her on the couch.
"Stiles, there's something I want to talk to you about," Cora blurts out fiddling with the label on her Gatorade bottle.
Stiles takes a drink of his own Gatorade and nods. "Okay. Shoot."
Cora takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. It's like all her words have suddenly left her and now that she's here face to face with him she doesn't know how to start. "About after New Year's–"
"Let me stop you there. That was months ago, and I'd rather not relive it. Thanks," he states firmly but not unkindly.
Cora tilts her head. "You'd rather not relive your first kiss?"
Stiles snorts and then shakes his head as he frowns. "You were my first kiss."
"We were ten!" Cora sputters.
"Uh huh. So?"
Cora splutters again. "You consider that your first? Why?"
Stiles looks away and gives a one shoulder shrug. "Because it was with you."
'This gorgeous ridiculous beautiful mischievous man.' Cora thinks to herself. "I'm sorry."
He glances at her. "For what?"
"Kissing Theo. Going to prom with him. Hurting you."
Stiles looks away and sucks in a breath. "Why did it have to be him?"
Cora swallows thickly, her gut churning with guilt as she remembers what Theo did to Stiles their freshman year of high school.
They had been warming up at a cross country meet for their run when Theo made some scathing remarks and gave colorful taunts. Stiles as usual ignored them but it was harder for Cora to do the same. Stiles was the fastest runner at their school and had never been beaten. Theo hated it and it's why the two of them never got along.
As Cora crested the final hill, she was shocked to see how close Theo was to Stiles. It made no sense to her. Then it was like a car crash, and she couldn't look away. Stiles had just crossed the finish line and was drinking from a water bottle when Theo, who had been a couple yards behind him, barreled into him.
She heard Stiles cry out and then she saw red. By the time she came back to herself Stiles was passed out and there was so much blood she almost got sick. Mrs. Stilinski was kneeling down by her son and the Sheriff had called 911. Theo was smirking subtly, and Cora socked him in the nose.
It was with blood on her knuckles that she accepted Stiles's medal. Theo's behavior and him attacking Stiles disqualified him from the event. Thus, Cora took second place and Brett from Devonford Prep took third place.
Stiles was in the hospital sedated for two weeks. Cora was there for every second of it holding his hand. His left arm had minor nerve damage that was almost completely permanent. Luckily the doctors said he wouldn't lose feeling or use of his arm completely and in a few days would be just fine. It didn't make it any less scary though.
Theo was suspended and banned from cross country. Stiles bears a scar as a reminder of what happened, but he hasn't ever let it change who he is or keep him down. It's a battle scar and he'll wear it proudly. The medal still has a tiny dash of crimson on it all these years later.
Stiles went on to win the state championship the next two years as well.
Cora lets the tears fall down her cheeks and shakes her head. "I don't have an explanation that makes a difference. I fucked up. I know I did. I let myself get jealous and when I saw you kiss Heather, I wanted you to hurt like I hurt."
Stiles clenches his jaw. "I didn't kiss her."
"What?" Cora says confused. "But I saw–"
"She kissed me without my consent. I pushed her away, but I guess you didn't see that part."
"She asked you to pro–"
"I turned her down and once again she touched me without my consent."
Cora's face pales and she sets her Gatorade aside feeling like she's going to be sick. "That fucking bitch."
Stiles snorts Gatorade out of his nose and then starts laughing before it turns into sobbing. "Yeah. D-Definitely a b-b-bitch."
Years of offering comfort kick in and she wraps her arms around her friend, uncaring about the sticky blue drink dripping from his mouth and nose. He's still beautiful to her. "I'm sorry. I should have been there for you." Her voice is soft as she runs her fingers gently through his hair.
Stiles rests his head heavily against her chest, tucking himself under her chin and sighs. "I managed just fine without you."
"You shouldn't have had to handle it alone. I'm still gonna smack her."
"No, you aren't."
"Yes, I am," she promises as her fingers continue to card through his hair while her other hand rubs circles on his back. Her gaze shifts and she gasps when she spots the tattoos. "You got inked."
Stiles blushes and pulls away reluctantly. "Uh yeah. It wasn't my idea, but I love them."
Cora smiles. "Can I see them?"
"Huh? Oh, uh sure." He pulls his tank top off and turns his back to her.
The heat of his skin makes her shiver as she traces the fox and wolf. "They're beautiful," she whispers.
Stiles blushes and clears his throat. "Just like you," he says in barely a whisper, making Cora freeze. She doesn't know what to do or what to say. He must sense that because he quickly continues. "You don't have to say anything. I can keep my feelings to myself. Especially since you don't feel the sam–"
"I DO!" she snaps with desperation and moves around to cup his face. "I do. I always have. I-I was going to tell you on New Year's Eve but then I saw the kiss and I thought..."
The hope in his eyes makes her want to cry but the affection and love makes her want to jump for joy. "I was going to tell you that night too. I tried to find you, but you were gone, and Derek wouldn't let me in. He said you didn't want to see me."
Cora sniffles and sighs. "I didn't. I told myself that if you were happy that's what mattered but I was so angry and so hurt. It wasn't planned but I saw your good morning text and asked myself 'Does he send her that too?' and I just pushed Theo against the locker and kissed him."
Stiles takes her hands from his face and intertwines their fingers. "You're the only one I always say good morning and good night to. You're the one whose opinion matters most to me. You're the one I dream about and you're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep."
"Fuck I'm so stupid," she mutters melting at the way their fingers slot together perfectly.
"We all make mistakes. That doesn't mean we're stupid."
Cora snorts. "What mistake did you make?"
Stiles shrugs. "Not telling you sooner I guess."
She tilts her head and uses her thumb to catch a drop of Gatorade from his lips. "Once I'm forgiven and we're back to where we were. Tell me again. Okay?"
"I don't know how long that will take," he whispers, feeling conflicted.
Cora nods. "I know but if you still love me when we get there tell me and if you don't then I'll still want you as my best friend."
Stiles smiles and pulls her into a hug. "I can do that."
He's oblivious to the internal war going on inside Cora at the feeling of his bare chest pressed against her clothed one. Cora has always felt safe when she's wrapped in his arms. She loves him so much. Always has and always will.
With Stiles having already graduated high school, Cora ends up attending classes on her own for her senior year. It sucks so much. Usually, she'd have someone by her side but he's home taking online classes for his first year of university.
However, he does drive her to and from school every day. They get breakfast and then he'll drop her off. They'll get milkshakes after school after he picks her up.
Theo pops up again and Cora is glad she told Stiles everything or the rumors would've shattered her best friend. She isn't expecting to find a bloody and bruised Theo by the dumpsters when she heads to the soccer field for practice, but it does bring her a sense of satisfaction. Therefore, she doesn't say a word about Stiles's bloody knuckles when he picks her up.
Two months into the new school year Stiles tells her about Avery and shows her his tattoo. It would have hurt more than a little if she too hadn't had her own Avery. They laugh about it because it figures they'd find someone with the same name to be their first. That night they have a sleepover and neither of them miss the smiles on their mothers' faces.
The first semester flies by and Cora is finished with classes the week before Stiles takes his last final. Then they take a trip to their favorite ice-skating rink just like they used to do every winter. Cora chooses to tell herself that her cheeks are red from the cold and not from the heat of Stiles's hand on her hip where her shirt slid up when she almost fell.
The second semester starts, and senior prom is already being advertised. It brings up bad memories and Cora has every intention of not going. At least she wasn't going to go until she arrived at Stiles's house for movie night a month before to find him holding a sign.
You will always be my queen whether in sweats or a gown But you deserve to be courted and shown off So will you go to the ball we me and dance in my arms Just say yes...I'll make sure the jeep doesn't turn into a pumpkin
Cora starts laughing and throws herself at him. "You're so goofy," she mumbles into his shirt.
He chuckles and sets the sign aside as he wraps his arms around her. "Does that make you Pluto or Mickey?'
"I don't know," she says with a smile even as she thinks to herself. 'It makes me yours.'
Stiles goes with her and Laura to pick out a dress. She chooses a floor length velvet burgundy dress with glitter, a corset fastening in the back and the dress is strapless. Stiles gapes at her and she blushes almost the shade of the dress. "What do you think?"
He smiles at her. "I'm going to prom with the most beautiful girl in the world. You're breathtaking."
Cora grins at him and looks at her sister who seems both amused and pleased. "Perfect!" Laura crows. "Let's get it."
Cora expects them to get something to eat after that, but Laura drags Stiles away and Derek comes to hang with Cora. "Where are they going?"
He snorts. "Stiles has to get a tux."
She frowns slightly. "Oh." She chews her lip. "Do you think he'll want to match me?"
Derek smiles. "I do. He's not an asshole like he who must not be named."
"He is still a certain species of asshole though. It's just the lovable kind."
Cora snickers and sips her milkshake waiting for her best friend and sister to return.
"I don't know about this one Laura."
She huffs. "Why not? It looks perfect on you."
Stiles snorts. "I wouldn't say perfect but..." he trails off and ushers her over to the ipad and scrolls through the selections. "I was thinking something like this."
Her eyes scan the image, and she grins. "Oh, I love it!!"
A few minutes later Stiles is once again on the platform, this time in a burgundy red velvet suit with a burgundy red vest, white dress shirt and a black bowtie. His shoes are black, and his pocket square is white to match the dress shirt.
Laura takes some pictures and whistles. "Looking good there, hot stuff."
Stiles flushes and bites his lip. "Do you think she'll like it?"
"Pssssshhh. Of course, she will but she will not just like it, she will love it. Now let's get it and go. Derek is probably at his quota of social interaction for the day."
They pay for the suit and head out.
Prom night arrives and Cora is all dressed up in her gown with high black stiletto heels on her feet. She has a black clutch with a silver chain and her hair is curled and pulled into a braided bun with face framing tendrils. She also has a velvet shawl to cover her shoulders. She debates not bringing it, a part of her hoping Stiles will offer her his jacket but she decides to bring it just in case.
Laura comes to her room and gasps, tearing up. "Oh my god Cora! You look amazing!"
"Really?" she asks quietly. "You promise?"
Her older sister hugs her and smiles. "I swear on curly fries."
Cora giggles. "You've been spending too much time with Stiles."
Laura scoffs. "There is no such thing as too much time with Stiles. He's almost here by the way. Are you ready?"
"I-I think so?" she replies weakly.
"Okay. What's wrong?"
Cora sighs and fiddles with the chain on her clutch. "Prom last year was awful from beginning to end. From Theo giving me flowers even though I'm allergic to the way they talked about Stiles. It sucked and I will literally cry so hard if this turns out badly."
Laura tilts her head. "What makes you think it will go badly?"
Cora just shrugs and glances at the window, seeing a pair of headlights coming up the road.
"Listen to me little sis," her sister orders and Cora meets her gaze as she continues. "Theo is a fucking asshole. Stiles is an asshole too but he's the good kind. He's been your best friend for years. He is nothing like Theo and he's a big boy. He can take care of himself. You're psyching yourself out of what could be the best night of your life."
"He is pretty amazing, isn't he?" she says with a dopey lovesick smile.
Laura snorts but smiles. "Yeah. He sure is."
"And gorgeous. Oh, and smart and funny and–" Cora blushes and huffs. "Okay. I'm going."
"Thata girl!" Laura crows as they leave the youngest Hale's room and head to the stairs.
Stiles gets to the Hale house early both because he is excited and because he is nervous. Derek ushers him in and gives him an approving smile and nod at his outfit. He does help Stiles straighten his tie though since it is a little crooked.
Derek also helps distract him by talking about his college courses but when they hear a swishing sound by the stairs, they both glance over.
Stiles's jaw drops open as Cora descends, his breath catching. "Gorgeous," he breathes in awe.
Cora watches him with the same intensity as her earrings catch the light along with the silver bracelet he had gotten for her as a belated eighteenth birthday present. It has a fox and a wolf chasing each other on it and the underside has an inscription of their names. "I was going to say the same about you. You look amazing Stiles."
He scoffs. "Says the queen to the pauper." His hands are behind his back hiding a final gift.
"What do you have behind your back?" she asks even as she rolls her eyes fondly at his words. "You're no pauper."
Stiles shrugs. "Agree to disagree, your majesty," he teases and then pulls a box from behind his back. "I know that it's traditional to offer a corsage but we both know you can't have a normal one. However, I think you'll find this is better than any real flower could be."
She takes the box from him and opens it to find a corsage made entirely from origami flowers. She sniffles and holds her wrist out. "Would you put it on me please?"
"It would be my pleasure."
After more pictures are taken Cora steps out onto the porch confused when she doesn't see the jeep. "Where's Roscoe?"
Stiles joins her and helps fasten her velvet cloak. "She's staying home tonight but don't worry I have something else in mind anyway."
A beep sounds and Cora's eyes widen. "No fucking way!"
Derek never lets anyone drive his baby and yet here they are getting in it and Stiles is driving it for fucks sakes. Her phone vibrates and she pulls it out as they pull away from the house.
[From Derek] No, I haven't gone insane. He asked and I said yes. Enjoy it!
Cora laughs and smiles when Stiles takes her hand briefly on the way there. Laura is right, tonight is going to be the best night of her life.
They are a little early getting there so they take their time getting out of the car and going in. Stiles hesitates and she turns to look at him. "What's wrong?"
He blinks and searches her face. "Cora, I–"
"Stiles! Cora! Over here!"
They glance over to see Isaac and Allison arm in arm looking stunning in their matching outfits with lavender accents.
Cora waves and turns to look at Stiles wanting to make sure everything is okay, but he offers his arm with a soft smile. "Shall we?" he asks, and she nods, taking his arm.
"We shall."
Everyone on the prom committee really outdid themselves this year. The theme is royalty and well everyone looks like they could be royal.
They chat with Isaac and Allison for a little while before migrating to the dance floor. Cora will never get tired of being held by her best friend. No one else has ever made her feel this way or this safe. The way he looks at her steals her breath away in the best way.
Not even Theo's dirty looks, Jackson's sneers or Lydia's gestures can ruin this night for her.
"You really do look amazing Stiles."
He grins. "So do you. Thank you for saying yes to going with me."
Cora smiles and moves closer to him as they sway. "Thank you for asking." She tilts her head searching his face. "What were you going to say before we came inside?"
Stiles's eyes widen and his cheeks twinge pink. "O-Oh. Well, I just–"
"Students, if I may have your attention, please?" the principal says into the microphone up on the stage. "It is time to announce this year's Prom King and Prom Queen. Would the nominees please make their way to the stage?"
Cora squeezes Stiles's hand and in a moment of courage kisses his cheek before making her way up to the stage. She is one of four nominees for queen, the other three being Lydia Martin, Heather Custer and Allison Argent. The four nominees for prom king are Theo Raeken, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey and Danny Mahealani.
"This year we will announce Prom King first."
The guys all puff up their chests–well Theo and Jackson do–as they wait for the results.
"This year's Beacon High Prom King is...Theo Raeken."
Theo smirks and steps over to accept his crown as the principal pulls out the next envelope. He winks at Cora who scowls at him before swallowing hard when the Queen is announced.
"This year's Beacon High Prom Queen is...Cora Hale!"
Her eyes find Stiles who is whistling and cheering loudly for her as she accepts her crown.
"As is tradition...make room for the dance of the King and Queen."
With a smug look on his face Theo leads her to the dance floor and pulls her in for a dance. There's alcohol on his breath when he leans in to whisper in his ear. "How does it feel to know that if it wasn't for you, he'd be in my place, and you'd be dancing with him but instead you're here dancing with me while he has to watch. I bet it is painful for him."
She feels sick even as her face forms a furious expression. "Fuck you, Theo!"
"If you'd like to, I won't say no. I mean I must say you look divine."
She tries to pull away, but his arm is like a vice around her waist. She's about to headbutt him when he flies back from her clutching his nose. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?" he hollers.
"I thought we came to an understanding Raeken," Stiles snarls and stalks over to the other boy. "Seems you forgot. I mean I'm not shocked. Your brain is smaller than a pea. I don't think you even have two cells to rub together. We all know that you and Jackson would be flunking if Lydia wasn't doing your homework for you. I wonder how you'll survive college. I mean that is if you get to go. I heard someone informed the principal of Lydia doing homework for you both, so I don't expect you'll get to go to college. Not to mention the drugs you've been selling. They'll probably expel you. Seems fitting in my opinion. You're just as toxic as the drugs you sell, if not more so."
Theo glares at Stiles as he takes a step towards him. "You're just a jealous motherfucker cause I had her first."
Stiles makes a fist and then relaxes it as he smirks. "She's not an object you can have and you're wrong by the way. I've been hers since we were in diapers. So, fuck off and good luck trying to get out of this one."
Cora's heart races at her best friend's words. 'I've been hers since we were in diapers.' She doesn't wait around to watch Theo get escorted out along with Lydia and Jackson. Instead, she drags Stiles outside and wraps her arms around his neck. "I love you," she whispers.
His smile is brighter than the sun. "I love you more."
She leans in their breaths mingling as their foreheads rest together. "I love you most."
They have both grown up hearing Mrs. Stilinski say that to her son and her husband. It felt right to say it to each other now.
He searches her face and when she nods her consent, he kisses her. Warmth floods their bodies as fire pulses through their veins. Nothing exists or has any meaning outside of each other and the feeling of their lips dragging hotly together over and over again.
They get into the backseat of the Camaro and shuck their outer layers. Stiles's jacket gets tossed in the front seat and Cora's shawl joins it as he cups her face when their tongues start dancing together. Fuck that tongue ring feels so good in her mouth.
The passion ramps up as he grows hard, and she moans when he bites her lip and tugs gently. They're both panting heavily when they pull apart. Their grins are so wide their cheeks hurt as their cheeks flush darker red.
"Do you want to–"
"Are we going too–"
"You first," they say simultaneously and then end up laughing.
Cora clears her throat as Stiles speaks. "We don't have to do anything else."
She chews her lip. "But if I wanted to, would you want to?"
Stiles quirks a brow. "It depends on what you want to do. I think your brother might murder me if we make a mess in his car."
"Well..." she trails off and gives him a seductive smile as she looks up at him from under her eyelashes. "I was thinking of these." She takes his fingers and puts one into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks as she sucks on his middle finger. Then she switches to his index finger and finally his ring finger. Each one gets a turn and then two and then all three.
His pupils dilate as he watches her with rapt attention, and he moans at the feeling. "O-Oh fuck!"
She giggles and pulls her mouth off his fingers loving how his pants are tenting and he looks all flushed. "I have pictured these fingers so many times and I would feel so guilty afterwards," she admits shyly.
Stiles gulps and leans forward gently tracing his other hand up her thigh. "What did you picture?"
Cora guides his hand under her dress and to her now dripping core keeping their gazes locked. "I pictured them inside me, curling just right and making me come undone so completely I couldn't think of anything but your name." His fingers brush her thong, and she shivers.
"I can do that. I-I want to do that. Let me? Please."
With a nod she captures his lips again as he sinks one finger into her easily and with how wet she is he slips in a second finger right away. The windows begin to fog over as the pressure builds in her abdomen and they pant open mouthed.
"St-Stiles!" she cries out. "I'm go-gonna–AH!!" she screams in pleasure, throwing her head back as she cums around his fingers.
He works her through the aftershocks and then slowly pulls his hand out, careful not to get anything on her dress. He slips his fingers into his mouth as he reaches into his pants to stroke himself to the taste. Just as he's about to cum, Cora's lips seal around his cock and he chokes back a stuttered groan. She swallows every drop. "Fucking hell, Cora Hale."
They take a few minutes to get their breathing back under control and then right their clothing. They drive to the Hale house to return the Camaro and then head inside to change out of their outfits.
Cora pulls on the boxers and hoodie belonging to Stiles and then heads to the kitchen to make them something to eat.
Stiles comes downstairs in sweatpants and a tank top. He finds her in the kitchen and grabs out two Gatorades–one blue and one orange–and takes them into the living room. He cues up their favorite children's movie–Fox and the Hound–and grabs the quilt his Babcia made for them.
Not even ten minutes later they are curled up on the couch together. Stiles is laying on his back with his head on a pillow on the arm rest with Cora's head on his chest, her body between his legs and the blanket over them. She blushes as he hand feeds her the fruit and they settle in to watch the movie.
It truly has been the best night of Cora's life. She has a boyfriend who is her best friend and she's happy. Plus, seeing him put Theo in his place was hot.
She looks up at him, his face slightly shadowed as his gaze is fixed on the movie. He's beautiful and he's hers. "I love you," she whispers.
He glances down at her and smiles fondly, his eyes full of love and affection. "I love you more."
"I love you most," she says as she leans up slightly to bring their lips together.
Neither of them hears the door shut quietly but later when Cora checks her phone, she'll see a text from her brother.
[From Derek] The only reason I'm not tearing your throats out with my teeth is because I know how much tonight means to you both and I'm happy you finally got together but don't you ever fuck in my car ever again!
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takaraphoenix · 3 months
Thinking about Stiles and tattoos though; Stiles, getting a triskelion tattoo. Since he's the human who runs with wolves and he knows he doesn't feel the pack bond the way the wolves do, but he wants to make it undeniably clear where his alliance lies, that he is part of the Hale Pack.
Derek is just fully losing his mind about it, the first time Stiles proudly shows the tattoo to the pack. He knows it's to show Stiles is part of the pack, but Derek's wolf is just growling possessively because Stiles is his.
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Hey there I seen this post where Stiles has the Triskelion tattooed on his chest so you know of any docs where it has been done
Definitely, @sassygiantpapermaker!
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Marked by lyingismyforte
(3/? I 5,601 I General I Sterek)
Being Marked is supposed to be a gift, but in reality if is more of a curse. When Derek is born with a triskelion tattoo across his back, his parents fear for his happiness. When Derek is six, his soul mate, Stiles is born with a triskelion tattoo covering his his left pectoral muscle. This is their story.
The Triskelion Tattoo by Takara_Phoenix
(1/1 I 5,397 I Teen I Sterek)
One of the challenges of being a human among wolves was that he didn't feel the pack bonds the way the wolves do. To show that he was part of the pack, Stiles gets a tattoo of the triskelion.
Derek had never displayed better self-control than when he sees his symbol on Stiles. He'd done so good holding back and controlling himself around Stiles, but this was his breaking point.
Inked by obsessedbutonline
(2/2 I 9,558 I Explicit I Sterek)
"D'you want to see the rest?" Stiles volunteered, his voice hopeful.
Derek stared- no words leaving him as his eyes roved over the bare skin and the art that adorned it. The lithe muscles of his abdomen were inked with thick, Celtic knotwork as well as more animals- both mystical and humane- and the biggest of all, resting right above his heart and seeming to glow against the pale skin: the Hale triskelion.
Stiles returns from college and spark-training to see his favorite Sourwolf and the pack- covered in tattoos. And Derek is...sharply curious. And in the end, entirely helpless.
224 notes · View notes
Stiles should get a spine tattoo, especially one that lead directly around the neck area; for several reasons. 1. It would actually drive Derek insane.
The tattoo should also be in red ink
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hedwig221b · 2 months
Stiles with the word "baby" tattooed on his shoulder
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136 notes · View notes
princeescaluswords · 21 days
Almost Universally Accepted
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If you ever wonder why people like me think the Teen Wolf fandom has become fundamentally corrupted by racism, you simply need to recall that there is, as one person on this site remarked recently, an 'almost universally accepted' headcanon among the fandom. Based on a single glance near the end of the first episode of the third season, Tattoo, a large number of people in this fandom believe that Stiles Stilinski helped Derek Hale and his pack look for their kidnapped betas over the summer between Scott's and Stiles's sophomore and junior years. In terms of the television production, this would be the hiatus between Season 2 and Season 3.
At first, it seems a perfectly harmless headcanon, but I believe it's a blatant example of how fandom racism degrades media literacy. Allow me to walk you through my reasoning. To start, most headcanons exist in a neutral state with regards to canon. When you speculate on a character's favorite ice cream flavor or whether they spend Christmases with their grandparents, it is most likely not going to affect how you view the canon. This particular one, however, modifies a crucial canon event, one which establishes both the relationships and a major part of the plot for an entire season. Coincidentally, those relationships and that plot are primary motive forces for the lead protagonist's character arc. Thus, accepting this headcanon requires the viewer to radically reinterpret the starting point of an entire season differently than the production's actual intention. It's such a radical change that any critical thinking requires a person to ask what the goal of this headcanon could possibly be, since it simply cannot fit within the canon itself.
Point One: The headcanon is entirely unsupported. Consider the image at the top of this post. That look on Stiles's face is, as far as I can tell, the sole trigger behind the creation of this suspect headcanon. Stiles makes eye contact with Derek and, apparently, looks guilty to the fandom. From this, Stiles is supposed to be sharing a private moment of remorse with Derek, to which Scott is not privy, about their inability to find Boyd and Erica over the summer.
Even given the possibility that the look on Stiles's face could also be interpreted as genuine concern for the fates of Boyd and Erica, regret that something new is coming for Beacon Hills, or even frustration that Scott is getting involved once more in something dangerous, the headcanon's interpretation does not in any way mesh with the actual lines spoken in the scene.
Derek: A pack of 'em. An Alpha pack. Stiles: All of them? How does that even work? Derek: I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months. Scott: Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack? Derek: With all the help I can get.
If Stiles has been working with Derek all summer to find and rescue Boyd and Erica, this dialogue makes no sense. Wouldn't Stiles already know about the alpha pack and how it works? Why would Derek not list Stiles among the people searching? It would require Stiles and Derek (and later Peter and Isaac) to deliberately decide to exclude Scott. Those who adhere to the headcanon never actually explain why that Stiles and Derek would want to conceal Stiles's participation in the search from Scott, but that's not their point.
Yet, while a conspiracy might explain why they don't reveal the secret here, it doesn't even begin to address while it is never mentioned elsewhere during the season (or any season). It also renders the dialogue between Derek and Stiles and between Peter and Stiles in Chaos Rising (3x02) incongruous. It makes the relationships between Stiles and Isaac and Stiles and Boyd incoherent. It makes the way Stiles treats Derek throughout the rest of the season nonsensical. But that's not all.
Point Two: It shreds characterizations for everyone but Scott. Take Stiles. In the last appearance of Stiles in Season 2, he tells Scott that "you still have me," in an incontrovertible statement of support. Why would a Stiles who made that promise hide this information from Scott; not just in this scene but in every scene about the Alpha Pack to come. If he was trying to keep Scott out of the supernatural things, then he didn't do a very good job; after all, he's the one who tells Scott about the Darach once Stiles discovers it. If he's secretly angry at Scott for something (whether it be not finding him when Gerard kidnapped him or some other fandom-conjured reason such as Scott 'ignoring' him all summer), then why wouldn't he use it when he argues with Scott in Unleashed (3x04), Frayed (3x05), Motel California (3x06) or Currents (3x07)? For this headcanon to be even remotely valid, it has to suppose that Derek and Stiles established a positive working relationship, but Derek is the one person to whom Stiles doesn't bring his ideas about the Darach. Why the sudden and unexplained change in regard?
Take Derek. If Derek trusted Stiles enough to have him help his pack look for Boyd and Erica over the summer, why would Derek so casually and cruelly dismiss Stiles's assistance after the recovery of Isaac ("Not You!"). If Derek is simply trying to keep Scott out of this -- which is actually seen on the screen -- isn't it callous of him to not have tried to keep Stiles out of it? And if Derek is angry enough with Scott not to seek his help over the summer (though this emotions doesn't stop him from accepting and asking for Scott's help visually on the screen), why doesn't Derek ever bring up that he trust Stiles enough to help but not Scott?
Keeping this a secret throughout the entire season doesn't match anyone else's character, either. Why didn't Peter use it to needle Stiles in Chaos Rising or needle Scott in Unleashed? Why does Peter, who is consistently portrayed as manipulative and using other people's misdeeds to excuse his actions ("I'm not the only dysfunctional family member.") not use it to undermine Derek's or Isaac's trust in Scott? For that matter, why doesn't Isaac use it in any of the conflicts he has with Stiles? It simply doesn't fit in with anyone else's behavior or characterizations.
Part Three: It does, however, serve to undermine Scott's role as lead protagonist. This is, at the base, the point. It's not really a starting point for Sterek that they claim it to be; a massive conspiracy doesn't really establish the impetus for their relationship considering how they both canonically treat Scott later. It does, however, serve as a coded way to establish the white male characters in the show as a social group in and of themselves, one from which Scott must be excluded, perhaps because of his inadequacies (he has to go summer school, see, which in Beacon Hill seems to be envisioned as a boot camp-slash-gulag) or his sins (not sacrificing Allison) but there has to be a reason. When you take in the way it doesn't fit into anything happen and doesn't really help what they want to happen, the only logical reason for the creation of this headcanon is that it demonstrates their belief that Scott does not deserve his position as lead protagonist, and that Stiles's professed loyalty is slowly being transferred to a man he had on a list of people responsible for human sacrifices twice.
But it is inevitable that such headcanons go against the themes of the show, the plot of the show, and the established characterizations of the cast, because consistency is not really important to parts of the fandom. What is important is that it suggests the true focus of the story should be where the believe it belongs: any white male character. This ill-fitting whim has become almost universally accepted, to remove a character of color form his position as lead protagonist with a subtext so deep it appears for exactly 2 seconds.
It is indeed racism.
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dropofbittersea · 7 months
"I smell blood." Derek draws in a breath through his nose, frowning like it's going out of style. "And ink and--" his voice trails off and his eyes widen slightly. "Let me see it," he demands, crossing the space between them and tugging at the hem of Stiles's shirt.
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jocollins · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Eli Hale (Teen Wolf), Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Melissa McCall Additional Tags: Crack, Fun, Funny, Embarrassment, Second-Hand Embarrassment, wild family gathering, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Family Secrets, come to life, light - Freeform, Idiots in Love, proud idiots Summary:
Family talks about embarrassing tattoos, a lot of turning red and secondhand embarrassment. But it’s just so much fun! One of the wildest family gatherings imaginable.
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kymera219 · 3 months
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My new Sterek tattoo! Designed by @theangrykimchi, featuring Wolf Derek and Fox Stiles
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hoechlinsdicksblog · 11 months
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Follándome al nerd 👓
Trás informarle que reprobará una materia,a Stiles se le asigna un tutor sumamente nerd como descaradamente sexy.
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noyzinerd · 2 years
Mistakes Literally No One But I Have Ever Noticed (After Watching Teen Wolf Seven-ish Times)
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Haha! Didn't expect THIS of all things to be the most interesting thing about me, but, sure.
Gurl, you want receipts? I got yo' receipts:
1. Season 2, Episode 2:
Around the 8:58 mark, you can see a crew member under the principal's desk tapping their foot, near Jackson's knee. (Wouldn't it be funny if the principal was actually hiding a secret blowjob buddy under his desk this whole time and they didn't expect the fucking sheriff to be there that day?)
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Anyway, it's more noticeable on a big TV screen then a phone, so I tried my best to brighten and zoom in on the foot tapping the best that I could 😓. You might be able to see it in the first gif if you turn the brightness on your phone up to retina-searing though.
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2. Season 3B, Episode 21:
Bare patches of unburned skin on the Nogitsune that the makeup department missed (two patches on the neck and a whole wrist)
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3. Season 3A, Episode 5:
During the fight with the Alphas, Derek swings at Kali in the background, and Kali reacts like she's been hit, but there is clearly a very wide berth between both actors
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4. Opening Theme Starting from 3A, And Season 1, Episode 9:
Derek's tattoo in the title sequence from 3A onward is the reverse of when we see it in the show. The triskele spirals swirl counterclockwise in the intro while the spirals swirl clockwise in the show. (Also the lines are thinner in the intro version too.)
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So, just so we're all clear:
Intro triskele direction vs. Canon direction
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5. Season 2, Episode 7:
In the fight between Scott and Jackson, around the 20:55ish minute mark, you can see Tyler Posey's stunt double for several shots.
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And also a brief shot of Colton Haynes' stunt double from that fight if you pause just right
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6. Season 1, Episode 6, and Season 5(B), Episode 18:
Allison reads about her ancestor, sent by King Louis the 15th, to kill the Beast of Gevaudan, who killed from 1764-1767. Not only was this person a man called Argent, he was said to have hunted the Beast down after his wife and four kids were killed by it.
Later, this ancestor is changed to a woman, Marie-Jeanne Valet played by Crystal Reed (not sent by a king, but, instead, her own sense of responsiblity and justice since the Beast was her brother), who marries a man named Henri Argent AFTER she had already killed the Beast (who actually started killing in 1760, not 1764).
Also, Lydia says all her research said that the Beast was killed by a man named Jean Chastel...?? Out of nowhere and for no reason? Even though she was the person Allison had been telling her family history to in season 1??
(I mean, there's also the obvious mistakes everyone talks about, i.e. Liam/Mason/Corey/Hayden skipping a grade and all the times the kanima doesn't paralyze someone in a fight, etc., but I wanted to specifically highlight stuff people don't notice)
Some people can run really fast or lift heavy things.
Me? I guess my superpower is watching a whole fucking lot of Teen Wolf and regurgitating micro-observations.
Man, what a shitty superpower.
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omgtheywereawooomates · 2 months
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little red & his big bad
fave teen wolf ships: these babes
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
Thank you so much for all you do!!! Wondering if you have any Sterek fics where Stiles gets a triskelion tattoo?
Yeah I do.
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This fan art. 
I’ll Take Forever With You, then by ElStark
(1/1 I 2,568 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles gets a triskele tattooed.
Derek finally returns to Beacon Hills.
The sheriff is awesome and approves of Stiles possibly dating Derek 
You’re making magic, oh dear lord. by LucifersHitman
(1/1 I 2,116 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles returned after leaving for a while to learn to control his magic and he is covered in tattoos that help to concentrate it. Bonus points for Derek not being able to control himself when he sees the triskele. Knotting is definitely my jam.
An Alpha’s Mark by Piscaria
(1/1 I 12,246 I Explicit I Sterek I Knotting)
Stiles never thought he’d get a tattoo – then he found out human pack members could grow stronger by taking an Alpha’s Mark.
@ranik-a suggested this one!
Beltane by DevilDoll
(1/1 I 8,254 I Explicit I Sterek)
"Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
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dreadpirateroe · 2 months
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drew a werewolf tattoo. first ever tattoo design and it would defiently suck trying to get it tattooed but idc because im super proud of it. it could be a werewolf but i also think it would be cool if a human got the human part and a were got the wolf part (stiles and derek???!!!) made this originally because i want to do a full set of tattooed stiles with runes and shit. lmk where u think stiles would have this on his body !
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krae-hb · 2 years
Translate Kanji? Meaning of this? Did MTV tell the truth or is this actually offensive or mean like grill or something
Okay in the show Teen Wolf there were these things called the Oni that would like search people to see if they were being possessed
If they weren’t possessed they would mark the person behind the ear with a symbol that meant “self”
We were talking about how that would be a cool tattoo, but like it’s MTV so what if it’s actually offensive or religious or means something totally different
I tried to do some research and I think that it’s Kanji? Im not totally sure, google was unclear. If anyone knows what this means that would be awesome
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dropofbittersea · 8 months
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
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