#teach me dirty
rottingbibliophile · 9 months
I didn’t know being in love with you could feel like this. I didn’t know I’d want to crawl inside your skin and stay there, and be part of you, and never leave.
Jade West, Teach Me Dirty
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dyrewrites · 2 months
The problem with writing romance, and not specifically romance where the sex happens, but any romance is...
Whether you intend it or not, you're interests are in there. Your desires are laid bare. What you lust for, perhaps, what attracts (and doesn't) certainly but more what you long for in a relationship and what frightens you away from one.
Everyone who reads it will know more about you than you probably want. You will learn more about you than you probably want.
This is true for all writing, but for some reason the intimate nature of relationships (both romantic and not, because you'll find those out too) is a bit more painful to broadcast.
And I am not simply talking about stories where romance is the entire point. I mean any stories with relationship dynamics to deal with.
You smash those dolls together, you have fun breaking hearts, but just remember what little doors in your own you are opening as you do.
Or the realization that you are what you write is going to hit you like a brick.
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
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I’ve been drawing Eddie and Chrissy lately :)! The first one is a sketch for an idea I have where its a hellcheer version of Francis Tipton Hunter’s “Helping with Homework,” and the last one is a bit of a continuation of Eddie and Chrissy exchanging mixtapes--Chrissy is listening to ZZ Top’s “Pearl Necklace.” Also, I’m not sure if anyone else remembers Schoolhouse Rock! (it was already old when I was a kid), but it was an American educational program from the 70s and I thought it might be cute for them to bond over it - “3 is a magic number” is a personal favorite (x)!
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 months
prof au please!
Feel better buddy 💕 here's filth
A softly expelled curse had Clarke's eyes glancing up, taking in those full, pouty lips that trembled as she teased herself. Eyes glassy, hooded, and dark, Lexa rolled her hips and held Clarke's gaze.
"Let me show you what I like."
She barely gave Clarke time to think beyond how she didn't know how much more of this she could take without needing to come again, before Lexa lifted her hips up and pressed her entrance against the tip. 
Clarke held her steady as Lexa pitched forward with a sigh, bracing a palm against her chest, effectively pinning her against the mattress. Her hair fell in a waterfall of curls along the jut of Lexa's shoulder as she adjusted and gripped the shaft more firmly in her fist. And slowly, inch by inch, Clarke watched as she lined herself up, and started easing the head of the toy inside.
It took everything in Clarke to lay still, to resist the urge that came over her to raise her hips in an upward thrust. Instead she waited patiently. Hands caressing along the curve of her hips and the muscles of Lexa's thighs as she lowered herself down, taking another inch inside, before rising up again. 
Each time she sunk down lower. Let the toy sink a little deeper. As though she was taking her time with it, losing herself in savoring the stretch.
The next drop of her hips had the shaft disappearing halfway inside, so full in how it spread her, pulling a whine from deep within Lexa's chest along with it. Brows pinched together in concentration as Lexa rocked her hips and pressed her weight harder into Clarke's chest.
Clarke reached up just to touch her. To make Lexa feel that she was close; that she was right there with her through it all. She cupped her hand along Lexa's neck and felt the curve of her head fall back against her palm, drowning in the intimacy of the hold, and the way Lexa's eyes stayed locked on hers as she lifted and sank back down all over again.
It was all Clarke could do not to dig her nails into the supple skin of Lexa's ass as she collapsed forward, only just catching herself on her arms so Clarke wouldn't be smothered by the full impact of her weight. She hung suspended over her instead, mouth slack and panting a few blessed centimeters from Clarke's lips, feeling the humid fan of her breath as she continued to rise and fall on the toy seated deep inside her. 
“Plant your feet on the bed,” Lexa said on the tail end of a groan as she dropped her hips with more force, fucking herself harder. “It'll give you— Mmm, it'll give you leverage to— fuck. To thrust up into me.”
And goddamn just hearing those words tumble from Lexa's lips sent a shiver down the length of Clarke's spine. But she nodded at the half-moaned instructions and did exactly what she said, spreading her legs wider and planting her feet on the bed.
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beelzeballing · 10 months
clawing at my own face and ripping out my hair and rolling around in the dirt why did they write edizzy like that why are they LIKE THIS. i havent even ALLOWED myself to ponder ed's "i loved you... best i could" and how he waited until he thought izzy was dead and the last person who loved him had abandoned him to start his murder-suicide mission with the ship because if i let myself think about it its gonna be over for me dude. like you cannot imagine how over it will be for me. something something mitski i'm your man "so when you leave me, i should die. i deserve it, dont i?" something WHAT IF I STARTED SCREAMING AT THE SKY!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
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captainhunnicutt · 5 months
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Mike as "Hammond" in Happiness is Dirty Hands // This is the Life (1968)
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cs-cabin-and-crew · 1 month
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giurochedadomani · 9 months
Wip is slowly growing, it might have (2) scenes!! 😂 It's the horny continuation of this fic, and basically the first time Mishanks sleep together, with a general undercurrent of learning from each other and how precious it is to trust someone enough to say: guide me through this
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Shanks moves his head a bit, curious as to what prevents Mihawk from fully relaxing on top of him. Taking a wild guess at the swordsman’s downturned face, he'd say it's still his fascination about his chest, fingers ghosting near a streak of cum cooling on his abdomen. 
He definitely makes a mental note to lose the shirt the next time they duel. 
Mihawk grumbles a bit when he hugs him and pulls him closer, turning to look at him all sour. 
“You're sticky”, he mumbles. His hair is tousled, perfectly coiffed curls sticking now in disarray. 
Shanks fails to bite back a smile. He raises an eyebrow. 
“Oh, sorry, did you want to move?”. 
Golden eyes narrow, studying him. After a long moment Mihawk gives out the barest little sigh, accommodating himself on Shanks’ chest. He almost gets to count to ten before the other grabs his hand and positions it between his shoulder blades, face firmly turned away. 
Shanks snorts, starting to caress the back of Mihawk's neck, his chest doing something funny when the swordsman melts at the touch of his hand in his hair. He thinks about the knives again, and about Mihawk's distrustful look in the face of praise. 
“I knew you'd be a natural”, he mentions lightly, cutting himself from saying even stupider shit, like I love you, or something. 
He cranes his face a bit, surprised when such a declaration is met with silence instead of a dismissive scoff, and at the slight jostle Mihawk turns his face a bit further away. It occurs to him in a fit of clarity and glee that the swordsman is bashful, of all things.
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zombiemuttx · 2 months
I need people to send me asks/anons telling me how to be a good boy :(( im just so young and stupid i keep messing up and accidentally being naughty.
Shouldnt someone older then me teach me how to behave? mommy or daddy giving me instructions and praise :3
and degrade me for misbehaving
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foreskinniest · 3 months
You only care about impressing other people because of sex? You're a dirty pathetic boy
i'm kind of a crazy guy. you wouldnt understand what my twisted psycho mind is like
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no but honestly? yeah. and its something I've begun to reckon with more lately cause its kind of really pathetic and sad. i have tied my self worth into whether or not people want to fuck me for so long that i dont know a different way. but i dont think that's necessarily unique to me tbh; we're just products of our times
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rottingbibliophile · 9 months
“You asked me if I was happy, and the answer is, I don’t know. I like to think I’m happy.”
“You think you’re happy?”
“Most of the time.”
“But do you feel it?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Then you’re not.”
Jade West, Teach Me Dirty
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arsenicflame · 1 year
modern au where ed + jack have spent the last several decades buying izzy the absolute DUMBEST shirts for every occasion- its a competition between them at this point- whoever gets izzy the shirt that makes him groan louder wins. izzy complains about this ridiculous tradition but he secretly loves it, has kept every single shirt, and often even sleeps in them (he will kill anyone who ever finds out)
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rosykims · 3 months
crazy that i was offline for soooo fucking long this year to the point where i didnt post 1 single time about my galemancer wynevere who is maybe one of the greatest ocs ive ever dreamt up in my life. instant cult classic to the imaginary people who live inside my brain. truly outdid myself with her actually
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fishhuh · 11 months
Izzy deserved a chance to heal with his new found family and become his own person and learn that he is worthy of more than just being someone who does everything and gets nothing in return. And then he dies and as a result Ed gets to move forward and heal and be happy and Izzy gets to have nothing. He endured years of abuse and all he got in return what a glimpse of how things could have been before it was all taken away from him.
Like idk I guess I've always been kind of disappointed with how the show handled Izzys abuse. Because he WAS abused, Edward very much DID abuse him. And that's not to say Edward doesn't deserve his own character growth and redemption arc but I feel like the way to do about doing that wasn't by barely talking about how how he hurt Izzy and instead just focusing on how Izzy was hurt. And then for Izzy to die in the arms of a man who hurt him for so long and yet he still loved and cares about so much, literally showing how dedicated he was to Edward even after all he went through and he just. Never got to be anything more than somethung to drive Edward forward. We saw a glimpse of the person he really was in the previous episodes, who he could have been if he learned how to break off from being Edwards shadow and being his own person, and yet even in death he is still just another extention of Edward, a narrative device to push Ed towards the path to healing and in return never allowing Izzy to do the same.
I fucking love this show dont get me wrong and I love all the characters including Ed, I just really am not a fan of how they handled the topic of abuse as a whole in not only S2 but also S1, it just felt like it was so dedicated to being a comedy that it ended brushing over topics that while very much can still effectively be addressed and a part of a comedy, are something that still needed to be taken a little more seriously than I feel they were.
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Does teach me clexa do anything special for Pride month?
I was JUST talking about this with Sam tonight 🤯
Because she asked if I was writing anything for Pride and I was like eh idk I'm lazy, bUt also that I'm working diligently on Professor au in the hopes it'll be done by this month (with a bit of MBFW work being done as well 👀 yes you read that correctly). And that got the convo rolling on how:
Clarke has never been to a Pride.
Like, ever. She got married so young, and then had a baby, and spent all her younger adult life doing the whole housewife and mom thing that it just... it seemed to pass her by. Plus... she kinda felt weird? Like if she went, then Finn would've wanted to go and it would've felt weird to her to bring her cishet husband (unnecessarily, but ya know, sometimes people internalize some bad hot takes), and so she just always kinda felt like she didn't belong either (again, very wrong. So wrong.)
But of course Lexa's been to so many that she's probably accidentally inhaled enough rainbow colored glitter that her internal organs look like a disco ball 🥴
So after everything in the fic is said and done, I think Lexa eventually taking Clarke to her first Pride would be An Experience. Granted they're in their 40s so the days of doing body shots off lingerie clad drag queens are squarely in the rearview mirror, but everything else? Getting to do the silly face paint and soldier through the heat of a sea of bodies and a 1000 goddamn suns, Clarke getting to meet other bi women and make friends with other queer moms while Lexa quietly watches on the sidelines with her big "I'm very in love with that excited little dork" hearteyes. A BARELY-legal-to-drink Madi tagging along and doing shots with an ease that both impresses and disappoints Clarke down to her bones. All three of them buying entirely too many tchotchkes and so on from venders because, "Yes Lexa 😑 we absolutely do need matching lesbian and bi wife mugs. We're helping the community."
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oursoundmeansdeath · 1 year
(thanks for requesting, @cononeillbreastingboobily!)
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