#he plays a junior high/high school teacher but you never see him teach which is absurd
captainhunnicutt · 5 months
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Mike as "Hammond" in Happiness is Dirty Hands // This is the Life (1968)
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 11 months
Zoe's Reprise: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Rossi needs your help when a young girl brings a case to his attention, unfortunately, at her death. High School reunion invitations have gone out, and you receive yours, unfortunately.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." - Albert Einstein
Today is an early day since you and Spencer can't sleep. Usually, you'd find something to do like play indoor mini golf or play some chess, but may as well come to work and get ready before everyone else comes in. Spencer is at his desk doing his morning puzzle while you get coffee for the both of you. You cap both cups and start to make your way to your desk when someone from the mailroom stops you.
"Are you Y/N?"
"This came for you."
You have to balance the two coffees in one hand in order to take the thick letter from the young man. Spencer notices you're struggling and comes over to take one coffee from you.
"What is that?" he asks when the young man walks away.
"I don't know. Nothing ever comes for me. Everything goes through JJ."
You set your coffee on your desk so you can open your letter. Inside is an invitation to one of your high school's reunions. Instead of keeping it the normal ten or twenty years since you've graduated, your classmates thought it'd be fun to make it a lucky thirteen years.
Thirteen years since you've seen some of the worst people you've ever met. You've seen a lot of criminals in your day, but nothing compares to high school girls and boys. They're ruthless, especially to someone with your abilities.
"It's a high school reunion invitation."
"What's wrong? You don't look too happy."
"I went to two high schools in Texas because my family had to move at the end of my sophomore year. The first high school I went to was in Dallas and then in Corpus Christi."
"So, what happened?" Spencer asks.
"I was a quiet kid. I didn't really join many clubs or stood out because that's not who I was. I got good grades but I was bullied a lot because of what I can do. I didn't have a lot of control over it like I do now.
"At my Dallas high school, I caught a teacher having sex with a student. I told the principal which got the teacher fired. When the whole school heard what happened, she became a laughingstock. She started bullying me, then her friends joined in, then the whole school and it got so bad that I had to transfer. I finished junior and senior year in Corpus Christi," you finish.
"Wow, I'm so sorry. Were things better for you at that other school?"
"In the beginning. No one knew who I was but then the same thing happened. I was more quiet than before, but I saw a kid in my class with bruises on his face. I knew he wasn't being treated right at home because all I could see was his father and alcohol bottles. I tried talking to him but people overheard. Once again, I overstepped. People hated me again until I graduated."
"Are you going to go to this reunion?"
"I don't know if I even want to. I'm afraid of what they'll say to me."
"That shouldn't matter. Who cares what they think?"
"You're absolutely right but I'm still scared. I'll think about it. If we have a case in that city at the same time as the reunion, then I'll go. If I do, then you have to be my date."
"I can do that," he smiles.
You kiss him quickly before heading over to Penelope's office with him. She, Derek, and JJ are in there to see the pictures of JJ's son.
"Ooh, let me see my godson!" you grin. JJ passes a few photos over to you, and your heart melts at how cute he is. "He's so cute! You really need to bring Henry over. We really want to babysit. You can sleep all day and relax and leave him to us."
"I did talk to him. We're going to make that happen," JJ chuckles.
Penelope's phone rings, showing Rossi calling her from being on his annual leave.
"Is this David Rossi, the famous bestselling author David Rossi?" she jokes.
"What are you doing?" you ask over speakerphone. "You're not supposed to be calling on annual leave."
"I think it just ended."
"What do you mean?"
"Garcia, Cleveland police are sending you some files. Get JJ to distribute them to the team right away."
"What are we looking at?"
"I don't know yet. Just see if the team can find a connection with these crimes. I'll call you back in a few hours."
"Yes, sir."
"Back to work," JJ says and puts away her photos.
Zoe Hawkes was found dead this morning by a woman walking her dog. Her dog wouldn't stop barking until Zoe was discovered. Apparently, Zoe was at Rossi's book signing with the intention of talking to him about something, but you don't know if there is any other connection between the two of them.
Zoe was found next to her car with her keys still in her pocket, the car alarm was still activated, and there was no sign of a break-in. There was blunt-force trauma to her head and signs of strangulation. The murderer asphyxiated her with the scarf she was wearing. The motive must not be robbery otherwise her things would have been stolen. She had unused pepper spray in her purse, but you're unsure if she didn't want to use it or never got the chance to.
Local police went door-to-door to see if there were any witnesses but nothing came of it. Police theorize that Zoe was looking into murders that occurred in the area. Most recently, Kayla James was murdered and raped three days ago in a burglary-homicide, and they theorize that she was killed because she was snooping around the older case.
As the team gathers in the briefing room, Rossi is on the phone to give his input since he's in Cleveland right now. He has Zoe's laptop so Penelope can go through it, so while JJ presents the case, Penelope is working on getting access. JJ puts a map on the board with the location of all five victims, not including Zoe.
"All crimes are within a seven-mile radius," you note, "but all the neighborhoods are completely different. They range from poor to rich to industrial to residential."
"The physical locations are dissimilar but the operating zone's well-defined," Hotch adds.
"Okay, I'm in," Penelope says. She immediately looks at what she was looking at last through her search history. "The first thing she looks at is a crime column to probably stay current on her studies. The first three are the most recently opened documents she created."
"It looks like she was compiling empirical data about homicide trends in Cleveland," Spencer says. "Do you think she knew the killer?"
"I don't see any notes indicating suspects," Rossi says.
"Well, Dave, she's a criminology student. She's been taught to analyze statistics and apply theory, not investigate killers. Let's talk about what we know."
"Alright. Victim one is Travis Bartlett who was last seen at a gay bar," JJ lists. "He was shot at night in a park. Victim two is Lily Nicks, a thirty-four-year-old prostitute with her throat slashed. Victims three and four are June Appleby and Troy Wertsler who were shot in their car at a parking lot outside of a movie theater. Victim five was twenty-eight-year-old Kayla James who was killed in her home. She was bound with a bag over her head, and evidence of rape."
"The sixth victim was Zoe," you state.
"Victimology, weapons used, and COD are all different. It's hard to imagine it's even the same unsub."
"It can't be a coincidence that Zoe goes to Kayla James' house and gets murdered," Rossi argues.
"Alright, let's say it's the same killer. Does anyone see a pattern?" Hotch asks.
"With the first crime, the unsub shoots the victim. In the second crime, he rapes a woman and slashes her throat. With the third crime, he escalates to killing two people. By the fourth, he escalates even more to raping a woman, binding her, and suffocating her. It seems like every crime escalates to something worse. If it's the same killer, we can argue that there's a progression of violence with every kill."
"It could be an anger excitation offender getting more daring with each crime."
"I think I got something here," Derek chimes in and shows some of the pictures of the bodies. "Look at this: the slashes in the prostitute's throat are all shallow, unsure cuts. A telephone cord, rope, and duct tape were used on Kayla. It's like he couldn't decide how to bind her. Without a gun, this guy is inexperienced."
"Wait, doesn't the crime scene of the couple in the car remind you of anything?" you ask. "It looks like they were shot with a .44 Bulldog just like the Son of Sam used on his victims. The second crime reminds me of Jack the Ripper with similarities being it's a prostitute whose throat was slashed. Kayla was bound, tortured, raped, and suffocated with a bag over her head like BTK. Pen, what neighborhood was Travis found in?"
"At a park in the Kingsbury Run area."
"Zoe reminded me last night that Cleveland's most famous serial killer was the Butcher of Kingsbury Run. He found his victims in gay bars, shot them, and dumped their bodies there. Travis was last seen at a gay bar and his body was found in Kingsbury Park," Rossi says.
"This unsub is a serial killer studying other serial killers."
"See you in Cleveland, Dave," Hotch concludes the meeting.
He's heard all that he needed to hear.
Cleveland is a little over an hour away by plane, so you get there fairly quickly. Rossi didn't seem too anxious over the phone but when you see him in person, you can feel the guilt radiating off him in waves. Your heart feels heavy, there is a weight over your chest, and you feel uncertain about what you're doing. All of these feelings are coming from Rossi who is feeling them for Zoe.
"Are you okay?" you ask when you greet him.
"There's no reason to feel guilty, Rossi."
"Don't do that," he immediately shuts you down. "I don't need you reading me right now. Don't worry about it." He takes the team into one of the empty conference rooms that he's set up. "We'll get started on the evidence boards. Detective Dan Brady's our point. I'll let you all introduce yourselves."
Dan walks over and Hotch introduces the entire team.
"I know it may seem far-fetched, but copycat killers are not entirely uncommon. This one happens to be copying several different killers."
"If he's trying to be the butcher of Kingsbury Run, why didn't he cut up and mutilate the victims like the real guy?"
"That was seven weeks ago. He was just getting started. Beginning killers are often frightened of the crime itself. They're more interested in getting it over with as quickly as possible and fleeing the scene," Emily answers.
"He was just using the Butcher's ruse as a way to lure the victim to be alone with her. By the time he killed Kayla, he'd progressed. He came very close to copying all of the BTK's MO. He's reading, learning, and borrowing from others because he doesn't know who he is yet."
"Because of this, we think he's young and impressionable, maybe even a student. He's someone probably enrolled in criminology classes. Our technical analyst is going through the names of local students right now."
"Up to this point, changing his MO has prevented investigators from linking the crimes. That's why we need to work quickly."
"Are you sure about this?" Dan asks.
"It's not a coincidence that all of these random, violent murders in this localized area are copycats of serial killers."
"It's as if all the worst serial killers have converged on Cleveland. Every time he plans to kill, the murder weapon, the MO, and the victimology will all change. Detective, will you let your team know we're ready to give a preliminary profile?"
"Garcia found three male students enrolled in criminology classes with felony records," JJ says. "Before you say it, we don't need to interview them because one of them is studying abroad and the other two are in jail on other charges."
"Tell Garcia to check enrollment in online and correspondence courses and see if we have any luck with those parameters." Rossi leaves the room without a word. "Will you guys handle the profile?"
"Is everything okay?" you ask.
"Everything is fine."
Hotch leaves to talk to Rossi while Dan gathers his men and women to hear the profile. You want to go out there and help Rossi, but you're needed in here right now. Plus, Rossi doesn't want you to read him and you're respecting his wishes.
"We have six homicides in a seven-mile radius in east Cleveland," Derek gets started. "Now, this small zone indicates that he's a geographically stable offender. This type of offender is characterized as young, socially immature, of average intelligence, with psychopathic personality traits. They also usually live alone and have an antisocial nature."
"A serial killer's first murder is very telling. This unsub chose the MO of Cleveland's own butcher of Kingsbury Run for his first murder. The butcher isn't as well known as other famous serial killers, but he is a local legend."
"Because he picked the butcher to be first, we believe he's a native of Cleveland and probably grew up hearing stories of the Butcher. This is someone who is obsessed with serial killers. His computer will be filled with research on them. He'll have abundant images of murderers on his computer and possibly even snuff films. He uses these like pornography as they provide some sort of sexual release."
"Sorry to interrupt," JJ comes into the room. "There's reports of another body."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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phanfictioncatalogue · 4 months
Getting To Know Each Other Masterlist
Advent Calendar 2018 (ao3) - Phantje
Summary: Phil struggles to find permanent employment as a teacher. His mother finds him a temporary position as a substitute which Phil knows he has to be thankful for, but stupid colleagues and not having a lasting impact on the children he teaches is not encouraging him to be thankful.
Dan loves his place of work. He loves the children he gets to teach. It's easy to live for his work only. However, with the arrival of a new colleague, Dan's carefully calibrate world loses its balance.
and we're out here in plain sight (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil's an optimistic author whose science fiction novel is well on its way to becoming a film. Dan's an actor whose cynism toward love is nothing short of infuriating. It takes a while, but they find something to agree on.
blanket of stars (ao3) - silentdescant
Summary: “That’s all for now, thank you.”
“I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.”
The whole script is so routine, Phil thinks his brain would short-circuit if either of them deviated from it. Dan walks away and Phil sinks lower in his seat, sighing into his blue drink.
“When are you gonna ask him out, man?” Martyn asks.
Butterflies and Hurricanes - phillestatos
Summary: Phil Lester, also known as AmazingPhil, ends up falling for the cute piano player who likes to play Muse on his recitals, even when he kept telling himself it would never happen.
Change Of Pace- phan-is-my-jam
Summary: [high school AU] Phil picks on Dan a lot. One day, they get kicked out of class together, and get to know each other a bit. However, worry may ruin everything later on.
Christmas Lights (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: “I live below you and I was minding my own business watching the snowfall out the window when I saw a body fall. Are you really putting up Christmas lights right now?”
Dan Howell Hated The Holidays (ao3) - LauraLittlemiss
Summary: Dan Howell is a divorce lawyer. Phil Lester needs to divorce.
Distance does not have to be a problem (ao3) - Phantje
Summary: Dan lives in the South of England, Phil lives in the North. They meet at a party from Dan's theatrical group. Dan has unknowingly left quite an impression on Phil. Phil saves himself as a contact when all his attempts to make a move don't succeed. Dan is just happy to leave the party. When he eventually texts Phil the next day to see if it was genuine or a stupid joke Dan starts to wish he was Phil's friend. So does Phil but his thoughts lead a bit further.
Follow them on their journey to getting to know each other through texts, phone calls, visists and malcommunication. :D
First Impressions (Perhaps I Was Wrong) (ao3) - Ablissa
Summary: Phil Lester goes back to university for his third year, expecting to live in the dorms with his childhood best friend PJ. That's how it's been for the past years, after all. However, due to a mistake of some sort, he finds himself with a new roommate to spend the semester with.
Daniel Howell, three years his junior, has rich brown eyes, a laptop to hide them behind, and not more than two words to spare in Phil's direction. Phil is no fortune teller, but he foresees the upcoming months will be filled with a whole lot of awkward silence.
Unless, of course, Dan proves him wrong...
Could one little mistake lead to something entirely life-changing? Perhaps it could. After all, nearly everything changes when Phil meets Dan.
foggy glasses and sweet kisses (ao3) - twinklyhowell
“what are we meant to do while we wait?”
the other man sat down next to dan, passing him his backpack. “we can get to know each other. im phil.” “im dan.” “so, dan, what do you like?” “boys.” “I meant, hobbies.” dan’s face went bright red. “oh.”
I'm So Glad That I Met You (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: When Dan met Phil for the first time, he wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss him or throw up all over him. It was the nerves, he assumed.
Marked in Constellation (ao3) - dandrogynous
Summary: At Phil’s feet, Dan closes his eyes and tilts his head back and takes a deep breath. Opens his eyes again.
“What if you married me today instead?”
Maybe These Stars Are Our Prison Cells (ao3) - beware_phangirl (orphan_account)
Summary: or, maybe, they aren’t. Phil Lester is sitting on the curb instead of dancing at the party, with too many bad memories and a stranger who’s good at pretending he isn’t as confused as he is. “It’s stupid. They’re all coming to meet people as if soulmates can be found amongst cigarette smoke and drugs. As if soulmates can be found at all.” warnings: some deep topics touched upon, but it’s all pretty mild. so, like, existential and depressing thoughts. mention of death, blood and drugs.
Quidditch (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: "I used to live next door to you when we were kids and you wouldn’t let me play fake Quidditch with you so I still have a grudge against you but man you got hot."
Snow (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: “You’re my new neighbour and we’ve never spoken but you saw me shovelling snow all day and I guess it must be pretty obvious how cold I am because you brought me a jacket and hot cocoa."
Sometimes Cuddles Are Better Than Sex (ao3) - rossendalebabe
Summary: Phil is living in a sham relationship, where lack of affection is eating away at his confidence and self-worth, leaving him feel like an empty glass of nothingness. One night, someone walks into his life who appreciates the man he is.
Stuck in an Elevator (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: "I saw you trying to hit the 'door close' button in the elevator but I made it and then I pushed every single button to make you late for work. Now we're stuck in this elevator as it stops at every single floor and I don't know what to say other than "you started it"."
or stuck in an elevator AU with a twist.
The Guy Next Door (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Apartment nr. 7's new resident is a pretty, pretty guy about Phil’s age, height, and just his type... He also happens to be real charming and takes a liking to Phil - despite having (accidentally) just met, he's eager to join him in a Buffy marathon, as long as Phil doesn't eat all the popcorn beforehand. Maybe a date is in order?
The Pull (To You) (ao3) - basicallymonsters
Summary: Dan’s a lonely writer who spends too much time on rooftops, and Phil’s a boy who loves plants. They meet amongst ferns and under stars and feel inexplicably pulled together.
vacation getaway (ao3) - angelmichelangelo 
Summary: prompt: holidays
phil burns easily, but that soon proves to be not such a bad thing
Waiting Room (ao3) - meandmybrokenfeels
Summary: Prompt: a toddler broke your nose and I may or may not have snapped my thumb during a very intense game of Mario Kart and now we’re both sitting next to each other in the hospital waiting room
Warm Against the Cold Night (ao3) - awkwarding, orphan_account
Summary: AU where Phil has a complicated inner world. He wanders into a tea shop and meets Dan, higher than life itself. Dan changes Phil’s mind about light and dark.
What Is Love? (fanfiction.net) - lotuslove345
Summary: Dan is paired up with the new student, Phil Lester, and is assigned to write a 1,000 word essay on the topic “What is love?” within 1 week. As they venture deeper into the topic, they slowly found themselves questioning each other the same thing: “How would you know if you love someone? How do you fall in love? How would you know if you have fallen in love?”
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 2 months
chijiwa minifes
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Last weekend I visited a neighborhood of Unzen called Chijiwa’s famous Minifes, a rock festival held each summer promoting local bands and dance groups. I visited once before in 2022 (but never wrote about it here), and planned to visit last year but it was unfortunately cancelled due to bad weather.
Anyway, this year it was held on a scorching hot day, so my friends and I sat in a shady area in front of the stage to enjoy the performances and I kept under an umbrella for extra protection since I'm prone to terrible sunburns.
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In addition to live performances, the festival also had many food stalls, a t-shirt stall, and carnival games for kids with prizes. Although it’s a rock festival and much of the music was rock/punk, it was open to families and there were many small children also enjoying the festivities. Japan is generally discriminatory toward those with tattoos because it historically represented someone involved in gang activity, but I was happy to see many Japanese visitors to the festival with tattoos and alternative hair/fashion choices. Japan can be pretty judgmental about presenting outside the norm, but it’s nice to see that punk subculture is alive and well even in the Japanese countryside.
Anyway, the performances started off with a group of junior high school girls performing a shrine dance in traditional clothing, holding a wand of bells and a fan. It was very beautiful and I commend them for fighting through the harsh heat in such layered clothing.
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Next a band called Goldilocks opened on the stage. I’ve seen them before when they’ve opened for Nagasaki city’s ALT band MOODY, and they’re very talented. They had a local dance teacher choreograph one of their music videos and create a dance for their song “Diki Diki Dance,” so for this song, they invited the dance teacher to the stage to teach the dance to the audience and it was so fun! Her students also came up to the front and performed the dance, then they all created a train and walked through the audience to raise the energy. It was so cute and I loved the incorporation of the audience.
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You can find Goldilocks on Instagram here!
By then we had gotten a little hungry, so we decided to get some food from the food stalls. One food truck was selling special hot dogs, which had cheese and local Unzen ham on them, so we got some. They were so delicious!
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Next we watched a performance by another band called Have Nothing. You can find them on Instagram here!
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After this was another dance performance by a dance group specializing in hula dancing. I haven’t seen much hula dancing in my life and was amazed at the control of their hips and waist! They were so talented.
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After this a solo performer called Izuken played, and he had a very interesting style and voice. You can find him here!
Next another band took the stage called The Wanderers, a group of older men playing jazz and blues. They mostly played covers of well known songs and it was really nice to hear some songs that I heard growing up.
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From there, several more bands and dance groups performed, but we decided to head out because we had already spent so much time in the heat and needed a rest.
This festival is very lively and is a great way to connect with the community and lovers of rock and punk music. I’m glad I was able to experience it again!
Thanks for reading :)
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thedaddycomplex · 3 years
My Friend Vlad
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Vlad changed my life in so many ways, but the most important way was that he saved it. He saved my life.
I met him in 7th grade English. Having just moved to town, he was the new kid, but unlike the cliché timid “new kid” character, Vlad had no fear—socially or otherwise. He was a big personality and made friends fast.
I was the opposite: Quiet, timid, terrified of even being called on by the teacher. During junior high, Vlad and I became acquaintances, but not friends, not yet. Then, in 9th grade I was sent to private school where I was picked on a lot, which just exacerbated my sense of isolation and depression.
My friend and neighbor Mike told me he’d been hanging out with Vlad and dragged me along one day to hang out with him and the motley crew of skaters from around town. Vlad and I hit it off and, by the middle of 9th grade, if I wasn’t at school, I was with Vlad.
We did everything together, which usually meant hanging out at various places or traveling to those places (him via skateboard, me via 10-speed). And that motley crew of skaters welcomed me into their circle of friends.
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Vlad liked having fun, no matter what, and he spent the night at my house a lot because he and his mother did not get along much. We commiserated and joked late into the night, we caused trouble, we went on late-night road trips to Virginia Beach, we sneaked into the Woodbridge reservoir to swim, explored abandoned mills. For a joint science report, we wrote a punk song about William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, creator of the Kelvin scale... We quite simply had a blast nearly every time we were together.
And most importantly, when I felt like I didn’t fit in, he encouraged me to embrace my inner weirdo. Vlad didn’t fit any mold and, by example, he showed me how that was a strength, not a fault.
When I finally returned to public school my junior year, I was nervous about making friends, about fitting in. Vlad helped with both. You see, he knew everybody. Cliques be damned, everybody liked Vlad—jocks, band geeks, preppies, cheerleaders, metal-heads, wallflowers.
I’d never seen anything like it. It was incredible. And so, I did what Vlad did: I acted like I belonged. Because whether I believed it or not, I did.
With Vlad leading by example, I went from a mousey introverted nerd in 9th grade to a vocal extroverted nerd my senior year. I won a superlative in the yearbook, joined drama and acted in a bunch of plays, and even ended up performing with Vlad and some other people in a (not-so politically correct) sketch in front of the entire school during the homecoming game, earning cheers from the entire student body.
(We also had the single most disastrous double-date in high school history. It started with Vlad scaling a fence in his suit and sprinting down a dock to chase after a dinner boat that had already left the dock because we were late. It only got worse from there.)
I moved to Richmond, Virginia, for college and about a year later Vlad moved there, too. (An incredibly talented musician, he used to pick up new instruments and teach himself how to play whenever he got bored.) We started a band that I fronted, an act I acknowledged I couldn’t have done without Vlad encouraging me to be myself, to be bold all those years.
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We continued to hang out pretty much every day. If I wasn’t at class and he wasn’t at work, we were tooling around Richmond or at the practice space.
I dropped out for a while and Vlad got me a job at a big box store, where he worked in the photo lab. I saw him carrying around an ASL book one day and asked him if he was learning sign language. He said, yeah, because one of his coworkers was deaf. Nobody told him to learn it, he just wanted to, so he could talk with the guy. That’s the kind of person Vlad was.
Years later, I moved to Seattle. And shortly after Vlad moved there, too. We went to shows together, formed yet another band, and, yes, got into more trouble. Once, after I’d moved away, he called me out of the blue and invited me to Las Vegas. He flew to my town and from there we drove through the hills and desert like one of our old road trips, met up with his friends, and had a drunken week of debauchery.
He was the best man at both of my weddings. And though, we ended up living 1,200 miles apart (he stayed in Seattle, while I eventually made a home in Los Angeles), we stayed in touch. The time between our phone calls grew, but it never felt like we had to catch up when we talked. We just picked right back up where we left off.
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He was a constant in my life, my best friend, the guy who saved my life and helped me become who I am.
In recent years, his health started to wain. A few days ago, I found out he passed away suddenly last week.
The thing that’s hard to explain is everybody loved Vlad. He was just the type of person that made your day better just by being there because he was always interested in you, he always supported you. And he didn’t do it instead of caring for himself, he could do both.
He was an incredibly special person in that way. And the fact that someone that wonderful chose to spend so much time with me made me feel wonderful and special, too.
Vlad made me feel worthy of friendship, of love, of respect. I try every day to instill that in my boys. And I’ve told them countless stories about him—about his kindness, his compassion, his love of life, his absolute bonkers weirdness.
To put it plainly, I am a better man for having Vlad in my life.
Now, I have to be that man without him in it.
And I will because he would want it that way. And because of him, I do, too.
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Who Would've Thought? A Government Teacher and an English Teacher (A Halstead Brothers + Upstead + Halstead Daughter! Imagine; Part of AU-gust)
A/N: Thank you for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I'm also donating all the proceeds that from my buy me a coffee account to Save The Children to help the children of Afghanistan. Link to buy me a coffee.
Anyway, enjoy!
"Hey, I know you aren't a morning person," your dad said as he walked up to you sitting at the bar in the kitchen with a piece of paper in his hand.
"You're right, I'm not," you said.
"All I need is for you to look over the seating chart I made for the juniors."
"Make sure you didn't put people who have beef next to each other?" you asked.
"Exactly. And I figured, since it's your class, you'd be the perfect person to do it."
"And because I'm your daughter."
"That, too."
He set the paper in front of you. "Since I'm doing this for you, care to make me my coffee?" you asked
"The pumpkin spice one?" You nodded. "Kid, it's the first week of September. It's like 75 out (23.9 celsius). Fall's not even close. And, technically, it's still summer."
"Listen, Dunkin' came out with their pumpkin spice stuff in mid-August. And, you know the minute it hits September, I get in the fall mood."
"But you still won't go to a Bears game with me and your Uncle Will," he said.
"Dad, I don't understand football."
He pulled the K-Cup out and put it in the Keurig. "I told you that me and Uncle Will could teach you. And, you seem to understand it when you're at school football games."
"I just cheer when everyone else does. It's not that hard."
"Fair enough."
He pointed to the counter of the bar, so you looked down at the seating chart. You waved him back over to you as you heard the sputtering of the Keurig, telling you that all your coffee was almost in your tumbler.
You pointed to two seats. "These two girls have had beef since middle school, so throw them across the room from each other." Your dad grabbed a pen from his breast pocket and drew a line to put one of the girls on the opposite side of the room. "These two are dating, so unless you want them talking all the time, I suggest you at least move the guy to a different group." He drew another line on the seating chart. "And this guy dated these two girls, so you need to make sure that they're as far away from each other as possible."
"Which one is he dating now?" your dad asked as he drew more lines.
"Neither. He was dating both of them at the same time. Get why none of them can be by each other now?"
He took the seating chart from you and handed you your tumbler of coffee. "I don't drink it black," you said as you raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, believe me, I know, but I'll leave you to do that because I don't want to mess up your coffee to creamer ratio and have you get mad at me for it."
"Fair enough."
You sighed as you poured your creamer into your coffee because you thought about all the homework that was going to be piled on to your plate this year.
"What's wrong?" your dad asked.
"I'm gonna be drowning at the end of today."
"Can't argue with you there. But tell me if you think your homework load for APUSH (AP US History) and AP Gov (AP Government) is getting too much for one class. I'll talk to the teachers. And, you have me to help you with your government homework." He said the last part with a huge smile on his face.
"Dad," you groaned. "You've been waiting for me to be a junior forever now just so you could be my teacher."
"Yup, and you chose AP over me. How rude."
"Sorry, but college is expensive. It was only like 50 bucks a class when you went to college back in the olden days."
"Young lady, I am not old."
"Fine, you're vintage. Better?" He just glared at you while you finished stirring your coffee and then started making your breakfast. "But, at least Hail- Miss Upton doesn't give us a ton of homework because she knows we're drowning in homework already and have the SATs to worry about, so that's nice."
You were super thankful for your Honors English 11 teacher, who also taught AP Stats. She gave you at least half an hour each class period to do your homework since she knew that most of you had sports or after-school clubs or a part job to get to and didn't have all night to do homework. She was the one who also said to send her an email if you couldn't get the assignment done and she'd give you an extension. She said that your physical health and mental health were way more important than you finishing your homework.
Your dad was like that, too. Granted, he didn't give the students in his class a ton of homework to begin with, and he made the class fun...at least, that's what you heard from the kids who were juniors last year. The only time your dad really gave homework was when he gave out study guides to fill out. He'd give them out a week before the test and then after two days, he'd check that everyone got them done and go over them in class so that everyone had the right answers to study from. Mr. Jay Halstead also didn't give tests on a Monday because that was just cruel...and he knew that when he was in high school, he absolutely hated homework, so he didn't give a lot of it. And, he hated coming to school on a Monday when he forgot to study over the weekend, so he didn't give tests on Mondays.
"You're not going running this morning?" you asked as you cut up a banana to go into your oatmeal.
"No, I think I'll run with you guys after school today at practice."
Your dad was also the high school cross country coach. You weren't a fast runner by any means, but your best friend, Emma, had made it to regionals and was a great runner. And, your dad said that you either play a sport in high school or you get a job, so you joined the cross country team. In all honesty, you liked running for the endorphin rush it gave you after the run and just talking to some of your teammates while running or listening to music or podcasts while running. But, you weren't competitive, so that's probably why you weren't as fast as Emma, and your dad knew this. But, he was just glad you were being active in some way after school and that you enjoyed exercising even if you weren't the best or the fastest runner. He just wanted you to live a long and healthy life, and he knew starting to exercise in high school would help you build those healthy habits.
But, usually what your dad did in the morning was go to school at like six in the morning, so he'd be up at five, and then he'd utilize the weight room or the indoor track to workout. Then, he'd take a quick shower and get ready there, and be teaching by 7:30. Yeah, he was crazy for running that early.
"You know," you started, "Miss Upton likes to run. Maybe you should see if she'll co-coach with you? Or maybe she'll run with you in the morning?"
Jay shook his head and took a sip of his coffee. "Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that Hailey and I are just friends. Nothing more."
"Says the man who lesson planned with her last week," you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Y/N, she's a coworker. I would've done that with anyone. It was just coffee. You read too much into things."
"Dad," you sighed. "You haven't dated in years."
"Yeah, since Abby dropped you off on my doorstep." He used to refer to Abby as your mom, but she wasn't around, so when you were around 14 years old, you just started referring to her as Abby. After all, you had never even met the woman, and she didn't want you, not even leaving an address on the note attached to your pajamas, so she didn't deserve the title of Mom.
"So, 17 years. You haven't dated in 17 years, Dad. You gotta get back out there. Even Uncle Will said you need to."
"You talked to your uncle about this?" he asked. "Oh, and put some egg whites in that oatmeal for some extra protein."
"What? You gonna make us lift weights today at cross country practice?"
He shrugged. "You never know. Now, no more talking to Uncle Will about my love life."
"There's not even anything to talk about. But, he does think you and Miss Upton would look cute together."
You added some egg whites to your oatmeal and put it back in the microwave for an extra minute.
"This has been going on for way too long now, Y/N. We're not gonna date. We're just friends and coworkers. Just drop it."
You put your hands up in mock surrender.
Ever since freshman year when you had Miss Upton for creative writing (yes, she taught one section of AP stats, one section of creative writing, and she also taught Honors English 11 and regular English 11 for the rest of her sections), you knew that her and your dad would be a great match. So, you confided in Emma and she agreed. Ever since then, you hadn't really let the topic go.
"Fine," you groaned...even though you and your dad both knew that the topic would not be dropped in the slightest.
"Now, do you want me to drive you, or do you want to drive yourself?"
Usually, since he left before you, you'd just drive yourself to school since you were 17 and had been driving for a year now. But, during the first week of school, your dad didn't do his morning workouts, so he always gave you the option if you wanted to ride to school with him.
You pursed your lips. "Fine. I'll ride with you, just cause it'll save me gas."
Jay laughed. "You're not even the one who pays for your gas."
He was right. He was the one who paid for your gas because you had always studied hard...and you played a sport, so you didn't have time for a part-time job. Because of this, Jay decided he'd pay for your gas. But, you did have to work a part-time job in the summer.
"Fine. It prolongs the time before I have to go to the gas station. How's that?" you asked.
"Miss Upton would be proud of how you worded that."
"Maybe you should tell her that, Dad. It'd be a great conversation starter."
"So," Emma began as you were warming up for your run after the school day ended, "how'd the chat with your dad go?"
You sighed while jogging. "I don't think it's ever gonna happen. He's too damn stubborn to ask her out and he claims that they're just friends and coworkers. I hate it. They'd be so damn cute together."
"I know," Emma agreed. "You know, I overheard her in the hallway between classes saying that she was going to chaperone the homecoming dance. Maybe your dad could get in on that and that's how they could talk more?" she suggested.
"Emma, that's a great idea, but I really don't want my dad at homecoming. That is awkward as hell."
Emma laughed. "Sorry, didn't think about that."
"Hustle up!" your dad yelled. "Time to stretch!"
You started your normal stretching routine before your dad started to give his normal beginning of the school year speech. "Alright, I need all of you to listen up. I don't want anybody talking over me, you hear me?" You all nodded. "Okay, good. So, I know that some of you have heard horror stories about the old cross country coach who said that if you miss a practice, then you miss a meet...unless it was for being sick." Most of you nodded.
Before your dad started coaching and the other cross country coach retired, a lot of the students hated the previous coach's coaching style. His coaching style was run more to get better at running...which sounded good in theory. But, this didn't actually work. You see, what would end up happening was that he'd make the runs longer and longer. He'd even make the athletes do a long run on Saturday and then a short run (which to him was three miles) on Sunday. If an athlete didn't send him the screenshots from apps like map my run, then they wouldn't be able to race in the next meet. This obviously was a recipe for overtraining and injuries. You heard that one girl even hurt her IT band from running so much! So, it was no surprise that most people hated the coach and so many parents complained, so he stepped down, and then your dad came in to coach.
"That's not how I coach," your dad continued. "School and your grades are really important. So is sleep. I don't want you guys not getting sleep or not getting to spend time with friends or not have other social interactions because you have to practice for two hours and then go home and do homework and get to bed late. I don't want you guys to be sleep-deprived zombies." Most of you laughed at that. "With that being said, if you're overwhelmed and feel like there's not enough time in a day, just come talk to me and we'll figure it out. Whether that's only coming to practice for an hour or taking a few days off to study for an upcoming test or taking time off for a family emergency, we'll figure out what to do." Everyone nodded. "Alright everybody, let's go run the big loop. Keep track of your split times."
You were walking inside with Emma to go grab your stuff from your locker after you had finished practice. Perks of having your dad be a teacher? You and your friend could leave your stuff inside instead of bringing it outside with you.
"Just meet me in my room when you're done, Y/N," your dad told you. "Have a good night, Emma."
"You too, Mr. Halstead," she replied.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jay when it's not school or practice hours?" Jay smiled and then walked down the hall to his classroom to retrieve the stuff he had brought with him for the day...with his shirt sticky from sweat since he had run with you guys today.
He walked out of his classroom with his backpack and gym bag, to come face to face with Miss Hailey Upton walking out of her classroom as well.
"Run with the team today, Jay?" she asked.
"Yeah, you know, first week of school, kind of hard to get my early morning runs in when there's so much to do on the classroom side," he answered.
"Understandable. I've been doing mine after I lesson plan and before dinner. Hopefully, I'll be back to nightly runs soon before it starts getting dark earlier and earlier."
"But, when it gets too dark, then you'll be running in the mornings soon...and then it'll be cold," Jay pointed out.
"There's this thing called a treadmill, Jay. I utilize that in the winter."
"That shows that you're an English teacher: you use big words."
Hailey rolled her eyes. "I see you reading books during your lunch period. I know you know big words, you just prefer not to use them."
"Yeah, because I want the kids to think I'm a cool teacher...not a snob."
"I am not a snob!" Hailey jokingly argued.
"I'm kidding, Hailey! I'm kidding! And, I know you lesson plan and grade on your lunch break, too instead of going to the teacher's lounge."
"Spying on me now, huh?"
"Our rooms are right across from each other and we have the same lunch period, what else am I supposed to do?" he laughed.
Hailey sighed dramatically. "Oh, I guess. Tell you what: come to my room during our lunch period and I can give you some good book recommendations."
"I get enough book recommendations from my daughter, thank you very much. But, I guess I can always use more."
"So, see you during tomorrow's lunch period?"
"See you then. Have a good night, Hailey."
"You, too. Tell Y/N I say hi and not to work too hard on all her homework."
Then, they walked down the hallway and Jay walked back towards where you were still chatting with Emma. All the while, he was thanking God that you weren't there during that conversation between him and Hailey because he wouldn't hear the end of it. But, he was also wondering what the hell he'd just gotten into.
"You will not believe what I just saw!" Emma whispered to you the next day in your AP gov class.
"What?" you whispered back.
She had forgotten her laptop in her locker and had to go get it. Which, the route to her locker from the classroom you were currently in went right past your dad and Hailey's classrooms.
"Your dad and Miss Upton are in her classroom eating lunch together."
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head. "No way!"
You received a glare from the teacher and were quiet. But, you'd be sure to ask your dad about this when you went home tonight.
"Uncle Will's coming over for dinner in an hour," your dad told you when you got inside your house after practice. You had decided to drive yourself to school today instead of riding with him. "How much homework do you have?"
"Uh..." you blanched and set down your backpack and unzipped it. Then, you grabbed your planner and flipped it open, laying it out on the kitchen table. "I have an AP stats worksheet that's due tomorrow, I have to read half a chapter in my AP bio textbook by Monday, I have to read a full chapter of my AP gov textbook by Tuesday, and I have an APUSH assignment due tomorrow. Oh, and I should probably read a chapter of the book I chose to read for my English class plus I have to annotate a few paragraphs of crappy 16th-century literature by tomorrow, too."
"Christ," your dad said. "So, what do you have to do tonight?"
"AP stats worksheet, APUSH assignment, and I have to annotate for English. I could always not read the chapter in the book I chose to read if I don't want to."
"Do you want me to just tell Uncle Will to come over this weekend?" he asked.
Jay know knew you absolutely loved his brother and that you were always excited to tell him about your day and how school was going. It had always been this way because, when Jay found you on his doorstep, he was 22, and had just started undergrad and was working on his teaching degree. Because of this, when Will wasn't studying in his last two years of med school and later working in a hospital as a new resident, he was your go-to babysitter. And you absolutely loved when he came over...despite not being able to remember much because you were so young. Apparently, you had been particularly fascinated by Will's red hair and would pull on it every chance you got. But, he'd let you play with it until it really started to hurt him because you were his favorite (and only) niece and he knew he'd do anything for you. This came in handy as you got older because you realized you had him wrapped around your finger and would always ask him for homework help. Or, if your dad wouldn't give you spending money, you'd go straight to your Uncle Will, and usually, he'd give you some.
"No," you answered. "A doctor needs to know stats, right?"
"I think so," your dad answered. "Why? Are you struggling already? Do you need to go into the regular stats class instead of the advanced one?"
You laughed at your dad's concern. "No, I'm fine. Just figured he'd be able to check it for me to make sure I did everything right."
"Oh, good. And, I'm pretty sure he can do that. Now, go take a shower so you can get started on your homework before he gets here and so I can start on dinner."
"Guess what?" you asked as all three of you twirled your spaghetti onto your forks at the dinner table an hour later.
"Chicken butt," Will said.
Jay rolled his eyes. "I swear, I wonder if Mom and Dad were lying when they said that you were older. Maybe I'm the older one and they just lied to us because you sure do act like the younger brother."
"Relax, Jay. Just because I'm more fun than you and Y/N likes me better, does not mean that I'm immature."
"Anyway," you said, wanting to tell Will what you had found out earlier today, "do you want to know what I have to say or not?"
"Go ahead," Will said.
"Okay, so today during AP gov, Emma had to back to her locker to grab her laptop. And she went right by Dad and Miss Upton's classrooms." You paused as you looked over at your dad and saw his eyes slightly widen and then go back to normal. "And they were eating lunch together in her classroom!"
"Awe," Will cooed. "My little brother's back on the market. Good for you, man." Then, he turned to you. "Upton's the short, blonde English teacher you've been trying to set him up with for years now, right?"
"He's not supposed to know about the set-up part!" you hissed.
"Oh, sorry. Jay, forget I said that."
"Y/N, I already you've been trying to set us up," your dad laughed. "It's been kind of obvious."
"Now that that's settled," Will started, "how'd it go? What did you two talk about? And are you having lunch together tomorrow?"
"You two are terrible, you know that?"
"Oh, we know," Will said. "But, you can't ground me, so I can be as terrible as I want."
Jay laughed. "She won't get grounded for that, Will. She might get grounded if she keeps procrastinating her stats homework, though."
"Need help, kiddo?" Will asked. "I have to read stats for things like new drugs and stuff, so I'm good at that. Don't know if I can help you with actually solving the problem because it's been ages since I've done that, but I can try."
"No, thanks, though. I just took a long shower so I have to get it done after dinner. I understand it all, though."
"Good, you can always come to me if you need help with it, though," Will offered. "Or, since it's Miss Upton--" He looked directly at Jay when he said Miss Upton and then turned his attention back to you. "--who's your stats teacher, you can always ask her. But, be sure to drag your dad along with you."
Two weeks later
"Might want to tell them to drink a ton of water after this, Jay, because it's so hot," Hailey Upton said as she walked up to Jay Halstead--and Coach Halstead for the next few hours--at an away cross country meet on a Wednesday afternoon in mid-September. "Or better yet, get them some Gatorade."
"Hailey?" Jay asked as he turned around, getting his stopwatch ready. "What are you doing here? And, I'd get them Gatorade if I could. I kinda forgot to pick it up last night."
"I'm here because some kids asked me to come to their meet. And, I always try to come to those things if kids ask me."
Jay cocked an eyebrow. "Would two of those kids be my daughter and her best friend?"
"Among others."
He looked down at the rolling cooler she had brought. "What's with the cooler?"
"Well, you may not have had time to pick up Gatorade, but I did. So, there's one in there for each kid plus the coach...and me of course."
"How'd you know Gatorade would help?" Jay asked. "Other than logic of course."
Hailey laughed. "I've run a few marathons in my life, Jay. I know all about proper hydration and how important it is to refuel after a hot run."
At this, Jay raised his eyebrows. He knew that she ran, but she didn't know that she ran marathons. "Oh, wow. Which ones?"
"You know, the Chicago marathon obviously. Always wanted to do like Boston or someplace, but you have to qualify for those, you can't just go and sign up like here in Chicago. Oh, and I've always wanted to do a Disney marathon. I think it'd be cool, you know? Run through Disney World, maybe hop on some rides during the race."
Jay smiled. "That actually does sound really fun."
The announcer said that it was ten minutes until it was time to race.
"I gotta get to the first mile marker," Jay said.
"Okay, where's our tent? I'll go put this cooler under it."
Jay told Hailey where the tent was and was about to leave when she stopped him.
"Where do I get the maps? I can go to the second mile marker to help out with times in case you can't get there fast enough," she suggested.
"That'd, uh, that'd actually be great, Hailey. Thank you. And, you just get the maps from the table right over there," Jay answered and pointed to a table about 200 meters away.
"Awesome, thanks. See you after the race, Coach," Hailey joked.
Jay nodded and started to jog off toward the first mile marker. But, all the while he wondered what the hell this woman was doing to him. Because he felt his cheeks heating up in a blush as he jogged off.
And, as for Hailey, well she was watching as Jay jogged away and loved the way he ran with perfect form and how his biceps flexed just enough that she could see the muscles slightly bulge.
She laughed to herself. If they ever went running together, she'd have to tell him to loosen up because you weren't supposed to run with your arms as taut as his were; he was wasting energy.
But, for now, she just made her way over to the tent and left the cooler and then went to get a map and start off toward the second mile marker to help out a fellow teacher...well, maybe he was starting to be more than just a fellow teacher. Neither of them really knew at this point. But, Hailey liked the thrill of it all. She felt like she was in high school again...a high school student, not a high school teacher.
You panted and winced as you crossed the finish line. Shit, your shin splints were really acting up this time, and God, it was so hot out and you felt nauseous and even had to walk during some points of the race. We'll see what your dad had to say about that.
Wait, was that Miss Upton coming up to you?
It is! She actually came!
"Y/N, are you okay? I saw you walking," she said worriedly while your dad jogged over since you were the last one on your team to finish.
"You good, kid?" your dad asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. My shin splints just hurt really bad and I think the heat's making me feel sick."
"Okay, well, I have to go watch the boys and make sure they're ready. Hailey, can you, uh, help Y/N? The medical tent's across from here. Maybe make sure she gets under our team tent without puking and get her something to drink?"
"I can do that, Jay, don't worry."
Emma walked up to you. "Good job!" she exclaimed.
"Girl, I didn't even run as fast as you! You flew through there. But, it's hot as hell!" you said.
"It is really hot. You gonna watch the guys' race?"
"No, Dad told me to sit under our tent in the shade. Gotta get some ice for my shins first, though."
"Shin splints acting up?"
Then, you, Miss Upton, and Emma walked over to the medical tent where you got bags of ice wrapped around your shins.
"I'll run to Mcdonald's and get you ice, too," your dad said before you got in your separate cars back at school after the meet. "What do you want?"
"Uh, a ten-piece nugget--don't forget the honey mustard--a medium fry, and a medium lemonade," you said as your dad typed it into the notes app of his phone. "Thanks."
"I'll see you at home. Drive careful."
"See you in like half an hour."
Then you drove home and decided to start on some homework while still in your sweaty cross country uniform.
When your dad got home, you gobbled down your food because damn, you were hungry after that mentally taxing race. Then, you and your dad filled the bathtub up with ice and cold water.
Time for hell...aka an ice bath. At this point, you'd do anything to prevent your shin splints from getting bad. At least the old coach wasn't coaching because, from all the horror stories you heard, it'd be worse for your shins if he was coaching and not your dad.
After you changed into a pair of spandex shorts and a long-sleeved running shirt and a hoodie, you lowered yourself into the freezing and icy water. You set your phone timer for eight minutes and braved the cold for that long.
Then, after that, you drained the bathtub and took a very hot shower. But, as you were in there, you started feeling nauseous again. You crouched down and actually ended up throwing up a bit in the shower. It was nothing major, you just figured it was from eating too fast. But, you were still really tired.
And this is what you told your dad when you got out of the shower.
"But, I still have homework," you said defeatedly. "I kinda wanna just go to sleep now. It's already 7:00 and I have at least two to four hours of homework to do."
Jay sighed. He never wanted to play this game, but he wasn't going to let you run on not enough sleep tomorrow when you weren't even feeling your best.
"What classes?" he asked.
"Uh, I have to get APUSH done which will take me like at least two hours, and then I have English and stats homework," you answered.
Jay sighed. "I'll give Hailey a call and explain the situation and see if she'll give you an extension on the English and stats homework."
Your eyes widened. "Really?"
"Yes, now go grab some water and get started on your APUSH homework. And.. it will only be a one day extension."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best Dad ever!"
Then, you grabbed your water and went back upstairs to your room.
But, all you could think about was that your dad and Miss Upton were talking over the phone outside of school. Maybe they were becoming more than just co-workers.
Jay dialed Hailey's phone number and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"Jay?" she asked when she answered.
"Hi, Hailey. Yeah, it's Jay. Listen I have a huge favor to ask you," he said.
"What is it?"
"So Y/N puked a bit in the shower, probably because of the amount of sodium in those damn chicken nuggets she wanted, and then she took an ice bath and then a hot shower, so the quick and significant temperature change probably played a role. Anyway, how it happened isn't the point. It's just that she's really tired and she has AP US history homework that she has to finish. So, would it be okay if you gave her a one day extension on her English homework and her stats homework? If not, I completely understand because you can't just make exceptions because she's a teacher's kid and--"
"Jay, relax," Hailey laughed. "Yes, I'll give her the extensions. What is it that you always tell your team? Their physical and mental health comes first?"
Jay chuckled and then took a sip of his beer. "Yeah, that's about right. And, thank you. Y/N will greatly appreciate that."
"No problem. But, I also have a favor to ask you."
Jay cocked his head to the side and raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
"So, we're short on chaperones for the homecoming dance and I was wondering if maybe you could chaperone? And, I figured that since you have a kid and would probably want to be there for her pictures before the dance, you don't have to help us set up. Maybe just chaperone and then help us tear down? If not just chap--"
"Hailey, of course, I'll help out. Now, Y/N, she might not be happy that I'll be chaperoning her school dance, but I'll be there. Count me in."
2 weeks later, 3 days before homecoming dance
"Okay, I know I'm just your English teacher," Miss Upton started at the beginning of class that day, "but I still care about your guys' safety. So, please, please, please do not drive drunk or buzzed. Call your parents to pick you up. I can absolutely promise you that they'd be happier that you called them to pick you up than you trying to drive home and getting into a car accident."
"What if my parents will be mad at me for drinking anyway?" one kid asked.
"So, if that's the case, you can always call me and I will come pick you up from wherever you're at. I can lose a few hours of sleep to make sure that you guys are home safe." She started writing numbers on the whiteboard. "Right here is my cell phone number, if you think you'll need it, write it down or make it a contact in your phone. Again, I'd rather not come to school on Monday and learn that one of you is in the hospital because of something that could have been prevented."
You pulled out your phone, you didn't think that you'd need Miss Upton's number, but you figured you'd put it in just in case since two girls from your AP gov class asked you to be the DD for a party. You were kind of friends with them, like you studied for tests together, but that was it. But, you had debated it because it was a party after homecoming and you had never been to a party before...let alone one after a dance.
"Oh, Miss Upton," you said as you put your phone face down on your desk.
"Yes, Y/N?" she asked.
"What color dress are you wearing when you're chaperoning the dance?"
"I haven't really thought it much." She furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered why you were asking this question. "But, probably red. Why?"
"Just wondering."
And now, you just needed to make sure that your dad had a red tie and that he actually wore it when he was chaperoning the dance.
3 days later, homecoming
"What about this?" your dad asked as he walked out of his room in dress pants, a white shirt, a navy blue tie, and a sport coat.
You were already in your dress and had gotten your hair and nails done earlier in the day, so now you were just waiting to take some pictures with Emma and then actually go to the dance.
"Hmm, I don't know. The shirt and tie are kind of what you wear to work everyday, so I think you need something different. Maybe a brighter tie or something," you said and then walked into his room and opened his closet.
You sifted through the closet until you found what you were looking for: a black shirt and a red tie.
"I think you should wear these," you said and laid the two pieces of clothing on his bed.
"What? Why? You know I never wear red. That tie has been hung up in my closet since you were probably ten," he argued.
"That's the point, Dad! You need to get out of your comfort zone and wear something besides what you wear to school...or in your case, work. It's a dance, so you have to wear something fancy."
Jay groaned. He knew he wasn't going to be able to win this argument.
"Fine. I'll change."
Then, you walked out of his room.
Your plan had worked.
"Mr. Halstead," Hailey said as she saw Jay walk onto the dance floor a few hours later when all the lights were off and the cleared-out cafeteria became full of students dancing.
"Miss Upton," he greeted. She laughed. "What?"
"It's nothing," Hailey said quickly. "It's just that, well your tie..." she trailed off while his eyes raked down her body in the slightly tight (but not too tight because they were at a school function) spaghetti strap bright red dress that she was wearing. "Let's just say I now know why Y/N asked me what color dress I was wearing."
Jay groaned and shook his head. "My daughter. Always...you know, I don't know what her game is at this point, but I should've suspected something when she told me to go change."
But damn, Jay thought, she does look good in red.
God, Hailey thought, I wish he'd wear those kind of black shirts to work more often.
It was now after the dance and you and your dad had arrived back at home at around the same time.
"You're a little devil, you know that?" he asked when you were both inside.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I plead the fifth," you replied.
"Very funny. You can't do that."
"Yes, I can. You should know this, Dad, you teach government."
"You can plead the fifth in court, but you cannot do it with your dad. So, I know that you asked Hailey what color dress she was wearing just so my tie could match it."
"Oooh, so we're calling her Hailey and not Miss Upton now. I'd say that's a step up. What did you two talk about at the dance? Because I know for a fact that you didn't ask her to slow dance."
"And you didn't slow dance with anyone either, so we're even, kid," Jay retorted.
You rolled your eyes. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Get this hair out."
"Okay." Your dad yawned. "I'm gonna get to bed. Now I know why you sleep until noon the day after dances: they're exhausting."
"Tell me about it. Goodnight. Send Miss Upton-- well, Hailey now-- a text to make sure she got home safe!"
You didn't even wait for your dad's witty reply before you bounded up the stairs and into your bathroom.
But, you didn't actually end up taking a shower. You ran the shower while you washed off your makeup and re-did it into something more party-appropriate and then took down your hair and put it up into a ponytail.
After half an hour, you turned off the shower and wrapped your still dry body in a towel after you had stripped off your dress. You peeked out of the bathroom to see that your dad's bedroom door was closed, which meant that he was asleep.
Then, you tiptoed into your room and changed your clothes.
You pulled out your phone to tell the girls to park a few houses down so your dad didn't hear the car pull in the driveway or see the headlights.
Your plan of going to your very first high school party was a go.
It had been two hours since you had snuck out and it was nearing two in the morning. And, you weren't feeling too hot. You had decided not to drink because you were the DD out of you and the two girls from class. And, you had kept the car keys away from them so that they couldn't do anything stupid...and so you could keep them safe. You hadn't drank anything, but you had eaten the fruit off of the top of the spiked punch bowl and, for whatever reason, you were starting to feel lighter and happier.
Your dad had warned that fruit soaks up alcohol. How could you have been so stupid to forget that? He was going to kill you! There's no way you could call him to pick you up, absolutely no way!
Somehow, you found your friends, they were by the makeshift bar, no shock there because you knew the only reason they were there was to get drunk. Note to self: if people you only know because of one class ask you to come to a party for the sole purpose of being the DD, do not go.
Luckily for you, one of the girls' boyfriends played on the football team and wasn't going to risk his season just for one party. So, you told him that you needed to leave and that you were the DD and asked if he could get the two girls home safely. He agreed and you passed off the car keys to him.
Then you walked outside, the chilly mid-October night air helping to slow the nervousness coursing through your veins about facing your dad.
You pulled out your phone and hit the contact you had made in class a few days ago.
"Hello? This is Hailey," you heard Hailey's voice on the other end of the phone.
"Miss Upton, it's Y/N Halstead," you said.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" You heard shuffling on the end of the line and assumed that Miss Upton was standing up from somewhere.
"I mean, I'm kinda woozy I guess. But, I snuck out and my dad doesn't know where I am." You hung your head. You couldn't believe you had been so stupid.
"And you had a drink so you can't drive home?" she finished.
"Yeah." She didn't need to know the details. All she needed to know was that you needed help getting home.
"Okay, send me your location and I'll be there soon, okay? Is it safe for you? Do you need me to stay on the phone or call the cops?"
"No, no, I'm perfectly fine. Just need someone to drive me home."
"Okay good. Send me that location and I'll be there soon."
Then, she told you the model of her car and the color so you could spot her easily. Once you were off the phone, you sent her your location and she replied with a thumbs up, telling you that she got it.
Your phone rang. You thought it was Miss Upton, but then you looked down and saw it was your dad.
Double shit.
"Please don't tell my dad," you said when you pulled up to your driveway half an hour later.
"Y/N, I have--"
But, she was saved from telling you that she needed to tell your dad when the front door flung open.
Your dad must've seen the headlights.
"Go," Miss Upton said. "You're only prolonging the inevitable if you stay in here."
You sighed. "Will you walk me up?"
So, both you and Miss Upton exited the car.
The minute your dad saw you, he ran down the steps to you.
"Young lady!" he yelled. "Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? You could've gotten seriously hurt!" He paused. "Get over here!"
You knew to listen to him when he pulled out the dad voice.
He put two fingers underneath your chin and tipped your head up. "Breathe. Now."
It was faint, but it was there, your dad smelt stale vodka on your breath...mixed with a citrusy scent and teeth that hadn't been brushed since the previous morning.
He sighed and clenched his teeth. Then, he put his hands down and he finally spotted Hailey. "Hailey, what are you doing here?" he asked, unclenching his jaw.
"I always tell my students that they can call me if they need to get picked up from parties and can't drive. So far, Y/N's the only one who has utilized that."
"Well, thank you. I'm sorry she had to make you come out at this time of night." He turned back to you. "As for you, go inside. Not only did you drink, but you went to a party, too. We'll talk in a few minutes."
You hung your head and made your way inside and sat down on the couch in the living room.
Jay walked up to Hailey. "I'm really sorry about her. But, thank you for getting her home safe. How far did you have to drive? I can give you gas money for all of this on Monday."
"Jay, it's fine. I make this offer for homecoming and prom every year. You don't have to pay me. I just wanna make sure all the kids get home safe, that's all."
"At least let me buy you coffee or something. You brought my little girl home safe when I didn't even know where she was. I think that warrants some type of reward."
"If you want to repay me that bad," Hailey began, "I'm lesson planning and grading at Starbucks tomorrow. I guess you can buy me a coffee."
"Done. Text me the time and I'll be there."
"Will do."
"Now, excuse me, but I have to go deal with my daughter."
"Goodnight, Jay."
"Night, Hailey."
Then, she drove off and back to her house while Jay walked up his front steps and wondered what he was going to say to you.
"Look at me," your dad demanded when he made his way into the living room.
You looked up. "I'm so--"
"No," your dad said quickly, cutting you off. "You don't talk. You only listen. Do you understand me?" You nodded. "Good. Do you know how worried sick I was when I couldn't find you inside? I was beside myself, Y/N. I didn't know where you were, I didn't know if you were hurt. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. What you did was stupid and reckless and please do not ever, ever do that again. Never do that again. Do you hear me?"
"Yes," you answered.
You took a deep breath before you asked your next question. "Am I in trouble?"
Your dad sighed and sat down next to you. "As much as I want to ground you, no you are not in trouble. I'm just so relieved that you're home safe. And, you made the right decision by not driving and calling someone to pick you up...even if it wasn't me."
"Do you want an explanation as to why I went?" you asked.
"No, God no. I may look calm on the outside, but on the inside, I'm still pissed."
"Can I ask how you knew I snuck out?"
"You forgot to leave your fan on and I knew it was way too quiet in your room."
The doorbell rang.
"Shoot, I forgot to tell your uncle that you're home safe. But, you better go up to bed before me and him talk and think of a punishment for you."
"So you're still mad?" you asked.
"A little mad, but mostly I'm just relieved and disappointed. I thought you knew better." You hung your head. "Now, go to bed."
"Okay." You stood up. "Goodnight, I love you." You gave him a hug.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, too, kid. Now, get to bed."
You went upstairs, but instead of going all the way to your room, you sat down on the landing, intent on listening to your dad's and your uncle's conversation about you.
"Hey, she's home. It's all good," Jay said as he answered the door and then motioned for his brother to come inside.
"Oh, thank God. Where was she?" Will asked as they made their way to the living room and sat down on different couches, facing each other.
"Apparently she went to a party. I know she drank because I smelled alcohol on her breath. It was just a bit, but it was there."
"If you want, we can bring her to Med and I can do a tox screen to see the level of alcohol in her system," Will suggested.
"You know, that's not a bad idea actually."
Jay quickly stood up, but Will stopped him. "I'm kidding, man! Don't do that! She was still lucid when she came home, right?"
"Yeah, she was walking and talking normally."
"Okay, then sit your ass back down and don't drag your daughter to Med. Did you ground her?"
"No, I actually didn't."
"There's a shock. You always said you'd ground your kid if they snuck out. Oh, how things changed."
"I was just so relieved," Jay said and sat back down. "When Hailey pulled in the driveway and Y/N got out of her car--"
"Wait," Will started, cutting Jay off, "Hailey picked her up? Hailey Upton?"
"Yeah," Jay answered. "Apparently she'll give out her phone number to the kids in case they need to get home safe from somewhere after prom and homecoming. And, Y/N called her and not me."
"I wouldn't call you either," Will joked. "You'd probably scream at her in front of everyone at the party."
"I would not!" Will cocked his head to the side. "Okay, maybe, but that's beside the point. All that matters is that Y/N had the wherewithal to know that she couldn't drive and she solved that problem. God, Will, the amount of adrenaline that left my body when I saw her get out of that car was astronomical."
"I bet. So, do you know where she went?"
"I just know it was some party. She got lectured when she got home, don't worry about that." Jay put his head in his hands.
"What? What's wrong, Jay?"
"Anything could've happened to her, Will, and I wouldn't have been there to protect her. I wouldn't have been able to protect my own kid."
"Jay, you can't blame yourself. Hell, most teenagers do this stuff."
"I know, I know. It's just that her grades have been slipping slightly and I'm wondering if I should have her transfer schools." Your eyes widened as you listened to that part of the conversation. "Maybe, having her dad teach at the same school isn't helping her. She went to a party, Will. Maybe it's the kids she's meeting in class, maybe being at another school would be better for her."
"Jay, you can't make a decision like that based on one stupid decision the kid did." He knew his brother was torn up about this, so he changed the subject. "What'd Hailey say?"
"I offered to pay for her gas, but she shut me down."
"Anything else?"
Jay sighed. He knew his brother wouldn't let up. "We're going out for coffee tomorrow to grade. She said I can repay her by buying her coffee there."
"Aw, you're going on a date."
"It is not a date! It's just two coworkers working in a coffee shop together...in their off time."
"Sure, keep telling yourself that."
A few minutes later, the conversation was over and Jay walked Will out, so you made your way to your room.
One thing was for sure: you were not giving your dad another opportunity to even think about you switching schools.
It was time to grind...starting tomorrow because you desperately needed to sleep right now.
You woke up around 11:00 the next day, which was Sunday. Then you got up and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.
"Morning," your dad said. "I made breakfast sandwiches. There's two in the fridge if you want one...or both."
"Thanks," you said. You wanted to ask if he was still mad, but you didn't really want to have an argument right when you woke up.
But, being around teenagers all day must've given your dad a sixth sense.
"Listen, kid, I'm not mad at you if that's what you're worried about. You just... you scared me last night. If something happened to you because I couldn't protect you-- because, as a parent, it is my first responsibility to keep you safe. Anyway, if I couldn't keep you safe because I didn't know where you were, I would never be able to forgive myself."
"Can I tell you why--"
"No. As a teacher at the school, the less I know the better. I really don't want to have to tell the administration and then get kids suspended from their sports for drinking. So, all I know is that you snuck out, went to a party, and drank. I don't wanna know who else was there or whose house it was at."
"But, I--"
"Y/N, end of discussion. Now, I have to go and meet Hail-- Miss Upton, for coffee since she so graciously picked you up when you made a bad decision last night. Don't do anything stupid when I'm gone or else you will be in trouble, got it?"
"Yeah, I got it. I'm just gonna study for the SATs."
"Good idea. Be back later. I love you."
"Love you, too, Dad."
"...And whatever she's having," Jay said and slid over so that the barista could input Hailey's order.
"Just a grande vanilla sweet cream cold brew, please," Hailey ordered.
Jay paid and then he and Hailey waited by the other side of the counter for their drinks to be ready.
Jay laughed. "You and my daughter have the same taste. You both like vanilla sweet cream cold brews."
"I'm shocked you let her get that with the amount of caffeine in cold brew," she said.
"Eh, it's just like once a week. On my rest day when I don't have to be at school before dawn to run, I'll grab her and I something from Starbucks, and then she'll just stop by my room to get it before school starts."
"That's nice of you," Hailey mused.
"Yeah, but nothing compared to Miss I have coffee in my room for the kids and you can drink as much as you want Upton."
"If you've ever heard kids talk about how little sleep they get like I do since I teach AP classes, then you'd get why I do that, Halstead. I hear kids saying that they normally only get four hours of sleep a night because they're up so late doing homework. While I don't think they should become dependent on caffeine at such a young age and need to be getting a lot more sleep than that, they need to stay awake during school. That's also probably the reason why you and I don't give a lot of homework."
"And it's ridiculous how early school starts anyway," Jay said and grabbed their drinks off the counter.
"I'll drink to that," Hailey laughed and then poked her straw in her cold brew and took a sip.
Once they took their seats, they talked a little before starting to grade and lesson plan.
"Not to pry or anything," Hailey began, "but did you ground Y/N? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, I'm not her parent, so I know I'm not the least bit entitled to that information."
"Well, you did pick her up when she needed help, so I'd say you are entitled to that information," Jay chuckled. "But, to answer your question, no I didn't ground her just because I was so relieved that she was home. The amount of adrenaline and cortisol that dropped in my body when I saw her get out of your car was amazing, Hailey. Thank you so much." He paused and took a sip of his cappuccino. "But, we did have a talk about how she shouldn't be doing that because it's dangerous and if something happened to her, that I wouldn't be able to help her and since I'm her parent, my first job is to keep her safe. She does know that if she sneaks out or goes to a party again, I will be grounding her, though."
"Well, you had a much different and a way better reaction than my dad did when he learned that I snuck out," Hailey muttered.
But, Jay had great hearing and heard her. He put down his coffee and furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened? You don't have to tell me anything you aren't comfortable with."
"Why did you become a teacher?" Hailey asked instead.
"Why did I become a teacher?" Jay repeated and Hailey nodded. "Well, as you know I was in the Rangers in Afghanistan and, while I was there I saw so many kids walking super far to schools or us accompanying children to school. They had to go through so much just to get to school, and I wanted to make a difference in kids' lives here Stateside. So, when I came home, I enrolled in college and got my degrees in education and a minor in history." Hailey had known that he was a veteran, which explained why he took every September 11 off, but she didn't know he became a teacher because of what he saw over there. "What about you?" he asked. "You went into social work before you became a teacher, right?"
For the past almost month and a half, the two teachers had been eating lunch together in either Hailey or Jay's classroom, and during those, they obviously talked about their experience with education and what made them want to go into the teaching field. Hailey mentioned one time that she was originally a social work major but then switched it to education. But, Jay didn't know why.
"Yeah, yeah, I was originally a social work major. But, it uh, it brought up some really bad memories and I didn't think I could handle being around that all day," Hailey answered, staring directly at her coffee.
Jay cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean? Again, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."
"Um, it's okay. It's a part of my past. So, why I said that you were a lot nicer to Y/N when she snuck out was because, well, when my dad found out that I did, he uh, he..." she trailed off.
Jay's gaze was soft and sad as he finished for her. "Physical?" he asked, referring to the type of abuse she had endured as a child and teenager.
"Yeah," she whispered.
"Hailey, I am so, so sorry that happened to you. I'm honored that you'd tell me this."
"It's uh, it's why I give those kids my phone number in case they need help. And, at the beginning of the year, it's on my syllabus, too," she said.
"In case they need a way out, they can call you," Jay said, piecing it together.
Hailey nodded.
Jay reached across the table and gently grabbed Hailey's hand in his. "You're a good woman, Hailey Upton."
She smiled sadly and nodded, grounding herself by focusing on the feeling of Jay's hand in hers.
"Do you want to get started on grading now?" she asked after a minute had passed.
"That might be a good idea," Jay laughed. Then, he let go of Hailey's hand. But, neither of them wanted that little handhold to end.
One month later
God, you were in pain. You didn't wanna get out of bed; you just wanted to sleep. Hell, you needed sleep.
Over the past month, you had thrown yourself into studying. You wanted to stay at this school. You loved all your teachers and you didn't want to leave your friends, especially your best friend Emma. And, you were also scared that if you had to transfer schools, that you might not do well on your AP exams or that you'd have a bunch of other requirements that the new school had that you'd have to do the last half of your junior year and during the entirety of your senior year.
You didn't want any of that.
So, you had come up with a plan.
The day after homecoming and that next week, you studied an hour or two hours later than normal. But, you still felt that you had work to do if you didn't want your dad to transfer you at the end of the semester. So, during your study hall hour, you'd go to the teachers and ask how you could get your B+ up to an A- or your A- up to an A. You'd even review questions you got wrong on quizzes so that you could get them right when those types of questions showed up on the tests.
Yes, the teachers probably thought you were crazy because you had good grades already and were trying to be Little Miss Perfect (or they thought that you were trying to get into another scholarship bracket for college or trying to become valedictorian), but you didn't care if you looked crazy. You wanted to finish your high school career at the school you were at now.
Also during this time, you had been "going to sleep" around 10:00-11:00, which was your normal time, just so that your dad didn't get suspicious. But, what you'd actually do was sleep for an hour-ish and then get up and study more.
It started with you studying until midnight and at the latest 1:30 in the morning...and then you'd wake up five hours later at 6:30. It wasn't ideal, but you could manage. Because, since your dad went to school earlier than you, you just brought extra coffee to school and he didn't notice a thing.
But, since all the teachers wanted to get their tests in before Thanksgiving break, for the past two weeks, you had been doing your power nap thing so your dad assumed that you were asleep, and then would wake up and do homework and study until 3:00-3:30 in the morning. This meant, that during the week, you were running on just three to three and a half hours of sleep a night. And, it wasn't like you could catch up a ton on the weekend, or else your dad would get suspicious. So, you just got like seven or maybe eight hours of sleep on the weekends. So, you were constantly in a state of sleep debt and in desperate need of caffeine.
You had done the extra cup of coffee for the first two weeks, but for the past two weeks, you had been drinking two cups of coffee at your house before school and finishing the second cup at school right before classes start, but then going into Miss Upton's classroom and getting another cup of coffee. Then, you'd also get another one from her room a little after lunch. (You made sure to never go in there during her lunch period because your dad and her still ate lunch together and you didn't want him to get suspicious.) Also, sometimes you and Emma would go to Starbucks to study after school. So, lately, you had been averaging four to five cups of coffee during the week and just two on the weekends. Because, again, you couldn't have your dad getting suspicious.
And, your dad and Miss Upton ran together in the morning before school now, so you really had to be careful about what you told Miss Upton. You couldn't have her telling your dad that you were drinking a couple additional cups of coffee. You just told her that your coffee never stayed warm long enough when you brought it from home, which is why you opted for hers. And, she bought it.
To cover the bags under your eyes, you had been wearing a bit of extra foundation and cover-up. And, to make sure that your dad didn't notice at home, you'd wash off all your makeup after school, but then quickly redo the area under your eyes.
So far, he was oblivious.
But, for a week and a half, your stomach had been super achy and you couldn't stand to eat anything in the morning before you had at least one cup of coffee. So, what would typically happen was that you'd end up eating a bowl of overnight oats in your car in the school parking lot before walking inside so that your coffee had time to digest. You figured out that you were fine after that. Well, it was still achy, but not as bad as in the morning.
God, you wish you were at that point right now.
For the past five days, you've been feeling nauseous and your stomach has been achy, but in the morning, there'd be a stabbing pain before you had any coffee. You'd roll out of bed when your alarm went off and go straight downstairs to get coffee because that seemed to be the only thing--besides ibuprofen--that would alleviate the pain.
But right now, right now was the worst you had ever felt in your entire life. You felt like someone was stabbing your stomach and it wouldn't let up. You felt nauseous like you'd puke any second. And, trying to get into another position didn't help. Nothing helped.
Fuck, you had to swallow your pride and your secrecy and go tell your dad.
You needed help and you needed it now.
So, you got up. But, that just made it worse. You swallowed, trying to keep the lump in your throat and not have it go on the floor.
You whimpered and then walked a few steps and opened your bedroom door.
Then, you threw yourself on the floor and crawled across the hallway.
You held your breath as you stood up, anticipating a ton of pain--which came--when you stood up and opened the door to your dad's room.
Then, you went back on the floor and crawled in there with tears streaming down your face.
It took all your energy to whisper, "Daddy."
Jay blinked sleepily. He thought he heard his daughter mumble "Daddy", which she hadn't called him in years. But, then he heard it again.
He looked down and saw a figure curled up in a ball on the floor.
"Daddy, make it stop, please," you whimpered.
He quickly flicked on the light so that he could get a better look at you.
"Y/N, baby, what's wrong?" he asked quickly when he saw your tears, your face contorted in pain, and how jagged your breathing was.
"Hurts," you whimpered as more tears fell and you clutched your stomach.
He jumped out of bed and knelt down next to you. "Your stomach?" he asked urgently. You nodded. "Can you sit up?"
You nodded and leaned against his bed. But, that was a bad idea because the minute you were upright, you puked right down yourself. You groaned and pressed down more on your stomach, which just caused you to vomit more and more.
The minute you started to vomit, Jay looked at the clock. He started to soothe you by rubbing your back, but then quickly stopped and ran into the adjoining bathroom to grab the trashcan and put it underneath your mouth instead.
"There you go, there you go," he soothed as he held the trashcan with one hand and rubbed your back with the other. "Get it out. It's okay. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here, Y/N."
But, when you puked for almost four minutes straight and were still in pain after, Jay knew something was seriously wrong.
"Don't get up, you'll make it worse," he said. You nodded weakly. "I'm gonna go grab you some water and Gatorade and put those and a bowl in the car. Then, we're gonna go to Med to get you checked out." You nodded again. "I'll be right back. I love you."
He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and then sprinted off into the kitchen to grab the stuff he previously mentioned. Then, he ran outside and unlocked his car, turned it on to start heating up, put that stuff in the backseat, and sprinted back inside.
"Y/N, you still awake?" he asked when he walked back into his room.
"Mhm," you hummed with your eyes still closed and your hands still clutching your stomach.
"Okay, I'm gonna throw on a hoodie and my shoes, and then I'm gonna run into your room and grab you some shoes and a hoodie because it's pretty cold out. Are you okay here?" you nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll be right back. Don't get up."
Five minutes later, you had your shoes and hoodie on. You weren't much help getting those on; your dad basically had to dress you as if you were a baby again.
"I'm gonna pick you up and bring you to the car and we're gonna go to Med to see Uncle Will."
"Uh huh," you said, letting your dad know that you had heard him. Then, you felt yourself being lifted off the ground and soon felt the chill of the late November air and then the leather seats of your dad's truck on your back and the warmth of the truck.
"There's water and Gatorade. I want you to take a few sips," your dad said. "There's a bowl, too in case you have to puke again."
You drank a few sips of Gatorade and then laid back down and closed your eyes.
As your dad backed out of the driveway, he called Will to explain the situation and tell him that the two of you were on your way to Chicago Med.
After the call, he threw his phone into the passenger seat and reached his left hand into the backseat, and grabbed one of your hands. You gripped your dad's hand weakly as he drove as fast he could to Chicago Med.
He had to make sure that his little girl was okay.
"We've got a treatment room right here," Maggie said when she saw Jay sprinting into the ED with you in his arms.
She quickly led him to it and he laid you down in the bed.
Will rushed in with Natalie and April a few seconds later.
"Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me?" Natalie asked.
"Hurts," you mumbled.
"Jay," Will started, "did she puke on the way here at all?"
"No, no, she didn't. She just puked for almost four minutes straight at home and it's worse when she sits or stands up. She's been clutching her stomach since she woke up."
"Gonna- gonna--" you started to heave and a pink basin was thrust under your mouth and then you emptied the few sips of Gatorade into the basin. You started to cry even harder once you finished. "Make it stop, make it stop! Please make it stop!"
Natalie turned to your dad. "Do we have permission to administer medications?"
"Please," he answered, his voice cracking. He was terrified. He was terrified something was seriously wrong. He had never seen you in so much pain. "You have permission. Just please help her."
April pushed antinausea and pain medications as well as a light sleeping medication because it was apparent that, along with puking and being in a world of pain, you were also utterly exhausted.
"Y/N," April started, "you're going to get sleepy soon. But, can you give us your pain level on a scale of one to ten?"
"Ten. My stomach hurts at a ten," you answered while tears still ran down your face.
"Did you eat anything you weren't used to? Drink anything?"
"No, no," you panted. "Just- just lots of coffee. Not a lot of sleep. Studying."
Will and Natalie shared a look. They knew what this could be. And, at least they got it out of you now, because it was clear that the meds were starting to work and you were fading fast.
"Hun," Natalie began, "we're gonna leave April in here with you in case you get sick again. Is it okay if me, your Uncle Will, and your dad have a chat outside real quick?"
"Want my dad. Please."
Natalie smiled sadly. "Okay, he'll stay. We can talk to him later."
Your dad reached for your hand and held it and rubbed his thumb over the top while you drifted into a medication-induced sleep.
Five minutes later, you were out.
Jay looked at his brother. "What's going on? What's wrong with my kid?"
"From what she told us, it sounds like the acid in the coffee she's been drinking has been irritating her stomach lining. Has she been drinking a lot of coffee lately?" Will asked.
"Not that I've noticed. But, sometimes there's a little less in the coffee pot than I think there should be. But, even if she is drinking two cups, that can't cause this, can it?" Jay asked worriedly.
"No, two cups shouldn't. But, if she isn't sleeping a lot, sometimes lack of sleep can make people feel pretty crappy. So, if she's drinking more than her normal amount of caffeine and not sleeping, then that could be what's causing it."
"But, she goes to bed at her normal time," Jay argued.
"That doesn't mean that she's sleeping. She could be lying awake in bed. Has she seemed more tired to you?"
"No, not that I've noticed. Uh, what do I do, Will? Can't you run some tests?"
"I mean, I can run one to see if she's sleep-deprived, it's a plasma cortisol test. If her levels are elevated, that means she's not getting enough sleep. But, it wouldn't give us the reason why her stomach's hurting so bad and why she's nauseous and vomiting," Will answered.
"Then don't run the test," Jay said. "If it's not going to figure out the problem, then I don't want to put her through that. But, what do we do?"
"If it's what I think, an irritated stomach lining, then we keep her for observation for a few days, ween her off of caffeine to a healthy amount, give her antinausea and pain medications, and just wait for her to go home until she feels better," Will answered.
"Okay. I guess we wait. You mind grabbing me some coffee?"
Will laughed because they had just been talking about how you had been possibly drinking too much coffee and now Jay was asking for it. "Yeah, I can do that. My shift ends in an hour, so I'll be down here to wait with you then."
Jay smiled. "Thanks, man."
It was 7:30 in the morning the next day, which was Thanksgiving Day, when Jay's phone rang, waking him up. He answered it without checking the caller ID because he didn't want to disturb your peaceful sleep.
"Hello?" he asked groggily.
"Jay? Where are you and Y/N?" he heard Hailey's voice through the phone.
Shit, the Turkey Trot, he thought.
He and you always ran the Turkey Trot every Thanksgiving, sometimes dragging Will along if he didn't have to work. Then, you'd have your Thanksgiving feast later in the day. Granted, your dad had to keep pace with you for the entire time, so it really wasn't a race. But, it was a nice bonding experience, so the two (sometimes three of you) kept it up.
Jay had mentioned it to Hailey one morning when they were running the indoor track before school started, and she said she'd sometimes run it, too. So, Jay had invited her to run it with him and you, and she agreed.
You were convinced that Miss Upton and your dad were secretly dating.
But, Miss Upton had been waiting for you and your dad at the designated meeting spot for half an hour now. And, Jay Halstead was not one to be late.
"Listen, me and Y/N aren't going to be able to make it. She had some stomach issues last night and now she's in the hospital and the doctors are trying to figure out what's wrong," Jay said.
"Oh my God," she said as she started to walk away from their planned meeting spot and towards the parking garage where she parked her car. "What hospital are you at?"
"Chicago Med," Jay answered. "Why?"
"I'm gonna find someplace that's open and grab breakfast and then I'll be there."
"Hailey, you don't have to."
"Jay, I want to do this. I'll be there within the next hour."
Then, without waiting for him to protest once more, she ended the call.
When you woke up a few hours later, you rubbed your eyes, despite the IV in your hand, and rolled over.
"Well good morning, or almost afternoon," your uncle Will said and stood up. "How's the pain on a scale of one to ten?"
"Uh, maybe a six, seven?" you said.
But then, you looked around the room.
Why was Miss Upton here?
"I'll go get a nurse and let you three talk," Will said and then left the treatment room.
You looked at your dad and raised your eyebrows. At the same time, the achiness in your stomach started up again and you clutched it.
"Gonna be sick?" your dad asked.
"I don't know," you answered.
He handed you the pink basin anyway (a clean one because last night's was gross and went off to get cleaned) and you set it on your lap.
"Feel like you can eat anything?" your dad asked. "Hailey brought food...and coffee, but we'll have to check with the nurses about how much coffee you can drink."
"You brought it?" you asked as you looked at Miss Upton.
She smiled. "I did. I called your dad to see why you two weren't at the Turkey Trot yet, and he said you two were here, so I figured I'd find somewhere that's open and get you breakfast." She rummaged around in the bag and pulled out a container. "He mentioned you were having stomach issues so I opted for something light, so the fruit and nut oatmeal from Mcdonald's. I also grabbed a packet of syrup in case you wanted it sweeter."
She passed the food to you along with a spoon and a napkin. "Thank you," you said as you took them from her. "Sorry I messed up your run."
Hailey laughed. "It's okay. My run's the least of my problems. Me and your dad just want you to get better."
You tried to hide your smile. She said she and your dad. She cared about you more than she did other students...and you were just waiting for them to slip up and call each other babe at this point.
"Hey, I'm back," Will announced as he walked into the room. This time, he had Dr. Choi and Monique in tow. "Natalie and April have Thanksgiving off, so you have Dr. Choi as your doctor and Monique as your nurse."
You nodded.
"Hi, Y/N, I'm Dr. Choi, as your brother just mentioned. Monique here is just going to check your vitals." You nodded again. "I understand you've been having some stomach issues. Can you tell me when they started? Any changes to your diet or routine that I should know about?"
Here goes nothing.
You looked at your dad as tears formed in your eyes. "I'm sorry," you said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
Your dad moved his chair closer to you and gently grabbed your hand. "Tell me what, baby?"
"I- I went to that party because--"
"Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to know why because I'm a teacher? Me and Miss Upton are both teachers."
"But I didn't go to drink at all! I hadn't even planned on drinking! I didn't even drink a drink!" you yelled, causing Monique to take a step back. You took a deep breath and turned to her. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be calm so you can do your job." After a few breaths, Monique went back to checking your vitals and you continued your story. "These two girls I know from my AP gov class asked me to come to the party to be their DD. So, I went. But, when I was there, I ate the fruit from the punch bowl and I forgot that the fruit absorbs the alcohol. I'm sorry."
"And when you realized what happened, you called Miss Upton?" your dad asked.
"Yeah," you confirmed. "And, I even made sure to give the car keys to one of the girl's boyfriends who wasn't drinking because he plays sports so that they'd get home safely."
Jay smiled slightly; he had taught you well.
"Did you keep drinking consistently after?" Dr. Choi asked. He couldn't see one drink causing all these problems.
"No, God no!" you said. But, then you clutched your stomach and took in a deep breath.
"Pain?" Dr. Choi asked.
"Yeah, it's not as bad as last night, though."
He looked to your dad. "If she wants more pain meds, will you allow it?"
"Yes," your dad answered.
"Do you want more pain meds?" Dr. Choi asked.
"Please," you answered.
So, Monique started to get the pain medication ready to go into your IV and then pushed the meds.
A few minutes later, once the medication had started to work, you continued your story.
"I heard you and Uncle Will talking," you said.
"When?" your dad asked. "Me and Uncle Will talk a lot."
"The night I snuck out. You and Uncle Will were talking and you said that you might make me transfer schools if my grades don't get better. I don't want to transfer schools, Dad."
Your dad sighed. "Kid, I was mad, but in reality, I wouldn't do that. That was just me being angry and trying to find a solution when I wasn't in the right headspace. Were you so nervous that your stomach hurt all the time?" he asked.
"No," you answered. "but, I started staying up later and doing homework."
"Really? You always seemed asleep to me."
"I'd sleep for an hour and then wake up and study more." Your dad sighed. "I'm sorry. And then I was just sleeping for like three hours, so I'd drink four or five cups of coffee a day and my stomach hurt so bad in the morning if I didn't drink any coffee, so I'd eat breakfast in my car before school."
"For how long?" your dad asked. "For how long have you been bottling this up? For how long have you been waiting to eat breakfast?"
"The stomach aches started a week and a half ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." You started to cry harder.
"Hey, hey it's okay. We know what happened now, so hopefully, Dr. Choi and everyone else here can fix it." He looked up at Dr. Choi who had been intently listening as well. "Right, Doc?"
Dr. Choi smiled. "That's right, Y/N. And, what it seems to me is that you've just been drinking too much coffee, and coupled with the lack of sleep, have had abdominal cramping and nausea due to all the caffeine irritating your stomach lining. So, what we'll do is ween your caffeine intake back down to one to two cups of coffee per day, not go cold turkey because you'll probably feel pretty crappy if we did that, and then continue giving you pain meds and antinausea meds. We'll probably keep you here a few days upstairs in a recovery room just for observation to make sure nothing else is going on."
"So, I have to spend my whole Thanksgiving break in the hospital?" you asked.
"I'm afraid so," he answered.
"Well, this sucks." You looked at the table next to Miss Upton. "Is that coffee for me?"
"It is. I don't know if you can have it, though," she answered.
"She can have it," Dr. Choi answered. "Just, no more after this one seeing as that's a large."
You nodded.
"I got you a vanilla iced coffee. Since apparently, we have the same taste because your dad said you also like vanilla sweet cream cold brews as much as me," Miss Upton said and then handed you the coffee.
"Seeing as everything looks good, me and Monique will check on you later." He turned to the three adults in the room. "If she pukes up that food or her stomach pain gets worse, come get us."
"Will do, Doc," your dad answered.
"Jay," Hailey started, "can I talk to you for a minute? Outside?"
Jay furrowed his eyebrows slightly but nodded. "Of course. Be right back, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you, too, Dad," you said.
Then, your dad and Miss Upton left the room.
Outside the treatment room, Hailey took a deep breath, grounding herself as she prepared to talk to Jay.
"I'm sorry," she blurted out.
"For what?" Jay asked, utterly confused.
"I knew she was drinking extra coffee but didn't tell you! Well, she told me when she brought it from home, that it would get cold too fast, so she always came to my room and had two cups during the day. If I knew she was drinking some at home, too, I would've never let her have any. I'm so, so sorry, Jay!"
"Hailey," Jay began and placed his hands on her shoulders, "it's not your fault. Hell, I didn't even notice it and she's my daughter."
"I know, but I just feel slightly responsible for her being in that hospital bed--"
"It's not your fault, Hailey. I promise. I don't blame you one bit and I know Y/N doesn't either."
Meanwhile, back in the treatment room, you really needed to use the bathroom.
"Uncle Will?" you asked, causing him to look up from his phone where he was trying to figure out what restaurants were open for dinner on Thanksgiving. He really didn't want him and his family eating hospital cafeteria food for Thanksgiving dinner.
"Hmm?" he hummed and gave you his full attention.
"I really need to go to the bathroom," you told him.
He pocketed his phone and stood up and moved over to you. "Okay, I'm gonna help you up and with one arm, I'll hold on to you and with the other, I'll hold onto the IV pole for you. Is that okay?" You nodded. "Do you think you'll need help in the bathroom? I can grab a nurse if you need me to," he offered.
"No, just help me to the bathroom, please. I should be good when I get in there."
"Okay." Then, he helped you up and the two of you made your way over to the bathroom where he stood and waited while you went inside.
Back with Hailey and Jay, Jay reassured Hailey once again that none of this was on her.
"If anything," Jay began, "I should be thanking you. You got Y/N home safe after that party."
"Jay, we've been over this. I would've done it for any one of my students," she said.
"But, would you take their dad up on their offer of buying you coffee if it wasn't my kid you picked up?" Jay asked and tilted his head to the side.
"Probably not," Hailey said, a blush rising to her cheeks.
"Can I ask why?" She stayed silent. "Listen, Hailey, it's been a long time since I've seen you as just a fellow teacher," Jay admitted.
She looked up at him. "Since we're all sharing secrets today, it's been a long time since I've seen you as a fellow teacher, too, Jay."
Jay smiled and moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. He leaned in. "Can I?" he asked.
He didn't get a response because she quickly pressed her lips against his. It was the kiss she had been waiting for since she asked him to eat lunch with her that first week of school.
You and your uncle Will had chosen that exact time to make your way back to your treatment room. You two had seen everything: your dad putting a strand of Hailey's hair behind her ear and them leaning in and kissing.
You were glad that one of your hands was free because you whacked Will across the chest in excitement.
It was finally happening!
Jay and Hailey pulled away and looked at each other and smiled.
"I uh, I hope that was okay," Hailey said quietly.
"Oh, it was more than okay. I'd happily do that again, but we should probably get back into Y/N's room. She's probably wondering what's taking us so long," Jay said.
Hailey laughed. "Probably."
The two turned around and saw you and Will standing thirty feet away. Jay's eyes widened. "Uh..." he trailed off as Hailey blushed hard.
"Finally!" you exclaimed.
"Yeah, I agree with Y/N on this one," Will laughed. "But, who would've thought? A government teacher and an English teacher?" He started to help you walk back to your treatment room but turned his head back to Jay and Hailey. "Oh, don't stop on our account."
A/N: hank you guys so, so, so much for reading! Again, please remember to like/reblog and comment because I love reading all your comments and seeing that you liked/reblogged because that means you enjoyed reading the imagine! Again, I am donating all my proceeds on buy me a coffee until the end of AU-gust to Save The Children to help the children in Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee here.
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ally22042000 · 4 years
Linked by fate
Werewolf AU
Fluff, Angst
OT7 x Reader
Pack Alpha: Namjoon
Alpha: Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook
Beta: Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung
Omega: Y/N
Wordcount: 2K
A/N: Hobi’s got kind of long 😊. I hope you like this. I had this idea in my head for a while and would love to write more pieces about them and their journey. Pls tell me what you think about it and you can always leave requests if there are certain things you’d like to read. -Ally
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It has always been the eight of you. Since your childhood you were inseparable. A bond was created whose strength and depth was unknown to most. A phase, everybody thought, that was going to fade away the older you would get. The longing for independence was supposed to fill your minds and draw you apart from each other. A prediction that since this day has not occurred.
Namjoon, the born alpha, who one day will take over his mother’s pack and be the leader everyone imagined him to be. He has shown his ability to take care of others, since a young age. Like that time in Taehyung’s first year of elementary school. He never told the others about the bullies at school who made is life a living hell simply because he had a different approach to most tasks. They declared him as weird and treated him like an outsider.
The leader picked up on his change in behaviour quickly, noticing that the six-year-old started speaking less and only answering questions that were specifically direct at him. A one-eighty to his usual happy and chattery personality. He picked the younger boy up from school the next day and walked in on a scene that made his blood run cold. Three boys were standing above Tae, the little wolf covering on the floor, his painting crushed under the tallest foot.
A growl left the alpha and before Namjoon knew what had happened, he had shifted for the first time. Four paws running across the school grounds scaring of the three kids, that knew they didn’t stand a chance against the son of the cities pack alpha. It was the first time Namjoon had to stand up for one of his members and seeing Taehyung on the floor in front of him, tears glistening on his round cheeks and admiration shining in his eyes as he petted the brown wolf in front of him, he knew, he would do anything to keep his pack safe.
Seokjin, as the medic of the group, was an important asset. Always patched up the maknae line when they were rough housing as you were all growing into your hierarchical roles and pheromones were going wild. Or that one time an older she-wolf had pushed you to the ground during Junior High, saying you were too young to play with them. Quickly you had gotten up and pulled on her hair, which resulted in her running her nails over your face and leaving scratches on your cheek and chin. Her teacher broke up the fight and you were both send home. 
After the scolding of your parents, Jin was called over and addressed your wounds. Nothing major had to be done and at the and you and the beta fell asleep watching a movie in your living room. Your faced buried in his neck, in haling the familiar mixture between wood and rice, which had always been able to calm you down.
Yoongi, who always napped in the corner during kindergarten and growled at anyone who annoyed him. But he was always more bark than bit. Unless the situation called for it of course. In elementary he shifted his nap place beneath the tree on the playgrounds. Enjoying the shade as a brise tousled his dark brown fur. Jungkook loved to sneak up on the elder and pull his ears, then quickly escape his nip and giggling while Yoongi chased him around the tree. Seokjin calling from the seesaw that he would not patch up any injuries. A smile bright on his face.
Hoseok, the glue of your group, as the son of your pack’s master of fight he was born with an amount of agility and skill like none of you. Nobody believed that the little sunshine boy could arise to the role assign but whenever the necessity arouse Hobi proved to everyone what a skilled fighter and wolf he was and that he was able to protect his pack.
You remember it clearly, that day Jimin and you went for a run. It had only been a few weeks since the both of you turned for the first time, so walking on for legs was still a hurdle to overcome. You weren’t allowed to leave the grounds of your pack; it was too dangerous considering that you still couldn’t protect yourself in this form. But you didn’t care, choosing to enjoy the freedom you had and testing your limits in this new form.
Unaware of the presence watching you, analysing your movements and swiftly deciding, that you both were an easy match. One second you were pulling on Jimin’s tail, messing with the older and the next a vicious growl came from behind you. Jimin immediately stood between you and the rouge, trying to shield his omega from harms way. One look at the other wolf showed that he was older, probably in his thirties or forties, and as strong as Jimin was or a seventeen-year-old, you both were aware of the fact, that he didn’t stand a chance against the intruder. You needed help. The second your howled, was the second the rouge decided to attack. He new he didn’t have much time and had to get rid of you fast. He crashed into Jimin’s body, their forms rolling around on the ground. The white fur of your pack member a stark contrast to your surroundings and the brown fur of the attacking wolf.
A yelp from Jimin is what caused you to spring into action. Blood was dripping down his left shoulder. You tried to let out a terrifying growl but even to your ears it sounded pathetic. It was enough to get the wanted attention though. The rough turned his attentiveness to you, baring his teeth which were covered in Jimin’s blood. You stood your ground, willing to do whatever it took to protect your pack member. His slow steps rapidly changed into a sprint and you reciprocated the action. But before you could meet, Hoseok jumped out of the bushes surrounding you, catching the wolf mid-air and forcing him to the ground.
It wasn’t much of a fight. Hoseok was clearly stronger and more skilled than the intruder. Quickly he brought the enemy on his back and snaped his neck with his teeth. Letting go of the body, he turned around and scanned the situation. It was clear that Jimin need immediate attention, so he ran over to the younger wolf. You stood frozen in place, staring at the dead animal, whose eyes were open and facing you. You hadn’t noticed when the others arrived and Seokjin tending to Jimin’s wound. Jumping slightly when Hobi pressed his head into your neck, startling you.
You stared into his eyes. Apart of both of you feared that you would be scared of him after having seen him murder someone. Taking a life so easily. But the look in his eyes showed nothing but love and protectiveness. A silent massage, that he always would protect you and the pack, whatever it may cost.
Jimin, beauty and elegance personified in one little being. Form a young age he was always well spoken and able to swoon anybody with his silver tongue and remarkable looks. Especially in Senior high, those looks brough a lot of insecurities with them and put a lot of pressure on Jimin mentally. He would skip out on meals and train whenever he could. Being a part of the dance team with Hoseok, his body was always on display for others to judge. A fact which brought a lot of fear and dark thoughts.
It was Yoongi who realised it first. The both of them were always bickered like an old married couple but cared for each other deeply. When he realised what Jimin was doing he immediately went to Jin and Namjoon. The four of them had a long talk which involved a lot of shouting and accusations. Until Jimin broke down crying. The walls he had built came trembling down and he admitted to the negative thoughts clouding his mind. That night you set up a nest for you and the alpha. Cuddling him all night long, while whispering uplifting words of affection into his hair.
Taehyung, the artist with a smile that could dazzle the sun. His talent for remembering paths and nature facts has helped your group out of a lot of scary situations and gets acknowledge often in your pack. Particularly, when the alphas and betas went out for a hunt, Taeyhung’s attended was often requested alongside Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s to insure the safe and swift return of everyone.
Furthermore, he loved to help out in the nearby day care. Playing with the kids and reading them stories took up a big part of his free time, especially during holidays. He often forced Jimin to go with him, so he could teach them a new choreography. It always ended with Jimin going home more exhausted than he is after dance practise.  
Jungkook, brute strength embodied in a boy with a heart of gold. Always ready to stir up trouble, especially with Tae or Jin, and loves to be babied my everyone. He never fails to be responsible and attentive for the ones he loves though. Like that time, you caught a cold during winter break and only the maknae line was home. The hyungs had to attend a pack meeting with Namjoon’s mother out of town.
Jungkook had cooked you soup everyday and made sure you took your medicine at the right moments. He called Jin multiple times during those four days to make sure he did everything right. Late at night he would crawl into bed with you and provide you with his body heat. His alpha on high alert to make sure his omega was comfortable and protected while she rested.
Y/N, the only omega of the group, but still a force to be reckoned with. As the only girl in the group, you know how to keep the young wolfs in check. Never letting them get out of line. Whacking them over the back of their heads whenever the situations called for it, which was often. Although you are able to stand up for yourself, your omega tendencies shine through whenever you are with the boys. Loving to be pampered and cared for by them. Physical affection playing a huge part in your relationship. A language all of you learn to read and communicate with.
Getting off form a stressful day at school, you would ride the bus past your stop and go over to one of their houses. Laying in Namjoons bed while he reads a book about pack laws and traditions or you would back hug Seokjin while he prepared something to eat for everyone. Calling the others over, so the eight of you could watch a movie or play a board game. You firmly planted on Hoseok’s lap, enjoying the way he played with your hair and getting fed popcorn by Taehyung.
In public you were the strong and independent omega your parents raised you to be, but with them you were able to relax and let them take control. Letting them indulge in their providing nature. Something you were very grateful for. Every day.
This were the eight little troublemakers whose love for each other is unheard of. A weird mixture of personalities. Where one goes the other seven follow. 32 pairs of paws, seven tails and one heartbeat.
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years
It’s Just a Little Crush (au / 2.2k words) 
Prompt 7 from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ for @starclaire
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“Okay guys, we got a little time to kill before the bell so talk amongst yourselves. But keep it quiet.” Dean warns. 
It’s an ordinary Tuesday morning in Dean’s home room class. He’s got a good bunch this year - a few interesting personalities for sure. 
“Mr Winchester?”
Ah, speaking of interesting personalities.
“Yes, Krissy?” He looks up from the lesson plan he’d put together for his sophomore class first period. He frowns when he sees the eyes of all twenty-something kids staring back at him. “What’s going on?”
Nothing would surprise him anymore. He may have only been teaching at this particular school for a couple of years but he’d been an auto shop teacher for going on ten. He’d seen everything. And that’s why he knew having his entire home room look at him, like his kids currently were, wasn’t always a good thing. 
“What’s the deal with you and Mr Novak?” She smirks. 
Mr Novak, Castiel, is head of the history department. He’d started at the school about a year before Dean. He’s a little dorky and doesn’t always get people’s jokes or references but Dean knows the kids love him. He’s had many auto shop classes that begin with students telling him all about the ‘totally awesome’ history lesson they’d just had with Mr Novak. 
Dean pretends not to understand the implication in Krissy’s question. “What do you mean?”
But Krissy isn’t letting it go. “It’s just that we’ve all noticed that you get into the same car with Mr Novak every day after school.” She shrugs, feigning innocence as if her words aren’t peppered with sly suggestions. “And we all know it’s your car because you never stop going on about it even though it’s old as hell and no one, except old men, drive cars like that anymore.”
Dean tries not to be offended on behalf of his baby. He wasn’t going to argue with a teenager about the merits of a well-kept classic vintage car. Not again anyway. 
“It ain’t any of your business, Krissy, but Mr Novak doesn’t have a car so I drive him home.” Dean explains. “Happy?”
Krissy seems to relent, realising she’s not going to get a rise out of her teacher today. 
“Nah,” comes a voice from the back row. “I reckon there’s more to it than that.”
The class shuffles around to reveal Claire Novak smirking back at the teacher. She has a mischievous look in her eyes that Dean doesn’t like. She has the rest of the students intrigued though. 
Claire’s sly look only gets bigger as she begins to speak again. “I think they’re secretly dating,” she says, never taking her eyes off Dean, watching for his reaction. 
Dean sighs. Where is that damn bell?
“No, Claire, me and Mr Novak are not dating,” he denies. “And you of all people should know that.”
Claire is Castiel’s niece. Her dad is Castiel’s twin brother, Jimmy. Jimmy came to school to pick Claire up once and it weirded everyone out seeing the exact replica of their favourite teacher stood right next to the man himself. 
“Okay, fine,” Claire relents, “but you like him, right?”
Dean is saved from answering by the bell finally ringing.
*  *  * 
Dean was foolish to hope that the details of the interrogation he’d received would stay in home room. 
By third period, he’d heard students from each of his classes whisper as they were meant to be working. He couldn’t make out everything they were saying but he kept hearing the words ‘crush’ and ‘Mr Novak’ in the same sentence. 
Crush? Dean is a grown man. He hasn’t had a crush since he met his first boyfriend when he was sixteen. 
He takes a deep breath. It’ll blow over soon. 
*  *  * 
It does not blow over. 
A week later and everyone is still talking about. Even some of the other teachers have been giving Dean knowing looks every time he’s sat next to Castiel in the teacher’s lounge. Though, Cas seems to remain none the wiser. 
By the end of the day, Dean is glad to see his baby. He couldn’t wait to get home and be distracted from the rumours of his feelings for his fellow teacher. 
As usual, Castiel joins him for the journey. Luckily, none of their students seem to be around when they get into the car. 
Once they leave the school parking lot, Dean breathes a sigh of relief. He can just be himself now, and not worry about what other people are thinking. 
The two men sit in silence for a few moments. Dean’s eyes are on the road ahead. Driving always calms him. 
“Dean, can I ask you something?” 
“Think you just did, Cas,” Dean smirks, not taking his eyes from the road. 
“You’re hilarious,” Castiel replies. Dean sees him roll his eyes from the corner of his own. His smirk just gets bigger. 
“I’ve been hearing some things around school recently,” Cas says, his voice changing to a more serious tone. “And, I just wanted to ask. Do you have a crush on me?”
It’s silent in the car for a few moments until Dean is the first to crack. 
He lets out a loud bark of laughter. “I can’t believe you managed to say that with a straight face.” He chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. 
The car pulls into the driveway of a modest two-storey house. Dean cuts the engine and turns to Cas. 
The other man is quietly laughing too. He looks quite amused with himself. He is honestly such a dork, Dean thinks.
But then his face turns serious again. “You didn’t answer my question. Do you have a crush on me?” He asks again. 
Dean thinks for a minute, taking in the man sitting in front of him. “Do I have a crush on my best friend, and husband of thirteen years? Yeah, I guess I do.”
Dean gives Cas a teasing smile and leans across the passenger seat to bring his husband into a smiling kiss. 
*  *  *
Later that evening, Dean and Castiel are laying together in their bed. Only a lamp on the nightstand lights the room, letting out a relaxing glow. 
Castiel reaches out to let Dean cuddle up to him. Dean rests his head on Castiel’s chest. He plays with the fingers on Castiel’s left hand. Castiel lets him and goes with the movement when Dean turns his hand over to reveal the small ‘18’ tattooed on the underside of his ring finger. 
They’d met on September 18th in their junior year of high school. From that day, Castiel had been Dean’s first and only crush. 
Castiel and Jimmy had just transferred from their old school. It was some old-fashioned super religious school but some bad shit had gone down and the school had to close. Dean’s school had been the next best thing according to Castiel's overbearing, church-going, Jesus devotee parents. 
Dean and Castiel became inseparable by the time it came for them to graduate. By then, everyone knew they were together but they didn’t care. The honeymoon phase never seemed to end for them. 
For obvious reasons, Castiel’s parents were the only ones who had never found out about their relationship. Given what they thought about anyone who wasn’t straight, the boys thought it was safer to keep it from them. They didn’t know what they might try to do to Castiel if they found out. 
The day after their graduation, Dean had packed up his car and they ran away. They went to college in another state and never looked back. Castiel had left his parents a note explaining everything and telling them not to try and contact him - though Castiel didn’t think they’d want to after they’d found out he was gay. 
Dean’s family knew where they’d gone (they’d always been supportive of their relationship since the beginning). They welcomed Castiel into their family and treated him like their own. They’d visit the boys for the holidays and eventually, once Dean’s brother, Sam, finished high school, they all moved to be closer to their boys. 
Castiel had felt guilty for years for leaving his brother but in their second year of college, Jimmy tracked Castiel down and told him he’d left too. (Turns out he’d got his high school girlfriend, Amelia, pregnant and their parents didn’t take kindly to it happening out of wedlock.) 
Dean and Castiel got married while they were still in college. Most people would warn them against getting married so young but their family knew they weren’t being naive. They were it for each other. 
They had a small ceremony on the anniversary of their first meeting. Sam and Jimmy had been best men and two-year-old Claire was their flower girl. (Despite what her attitude now might make you think, she was an adorable toddler who stole the show with her adorable presence.) 
Over the years, they’d kept their marriage on the down low. Castiel was a little paranoid that his parents would somehow find them and try to take him away from Dean and their family. They had a lot of connections and Castiel wouldn’t put it past them to use those connections to find him. 
So, when they both became teachers and ended up working at the same high school, Castiel had asked Dean if he could be called Mr Novak so as not to draw attention to them. (Same sex marriage might be legal now but it would still turn heads to have two husbands teaching at the same school, which was the kind of thing Castiel wanted to avoid.) Dean had agreed, he just wanted his husband to feel safe. They still went home together at the end of the day and that’s all that mattered to him. 
But it is that exact act which has led them to where they are now. 
“Dean,” Castiel speaks into his husband’s hair. “I think it’s time to tell everyone the truth.” 
Dean turns to sit up properly and look at Castiel. 
“Are you sure? We don’t have to. I know you love and I sure as shit love you,” he reassures Cas. “Plus, it’s only your teacher name that’s still ‘Novak’. Legally, you’re a Winchester,” he smiles. 
“I know, but I want to be honest with our coworkers and students too.” Castiel explains. “And maybe I want to show them that you’re not the only one with a crush,” he teases. 
“Awesome.” Dean beams. “We don’t have to make a big deal out of it anyways. We’ll just start wearing our rings tomorrow and they’ll figure it out.” 
Castiel nods in agreement. 
Dean could just burst with happiness. He’d finally be able to show Castiel off like he’s always wanted to. 
Currently, his wedding ring sat against his chest on a silver chain under his shirt. Castiel keeps his safely tucked away, only taking it out for special family occasions (hence why he got the tattoo - as a more subtle and personal token of his love for Dean). Dean couldn’t wait to feel the weight of the ring on his finger every day. And knowing Castiel would be walking around with his matching one makes Dean smile like a love-sick dork.
Suddenly feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve, Dean settles down into the sheets again, eagerly awaiting sleep to take him so it could hurry up and be morning. 
He’s just drifting into sleep when Castiel’s voice whispers against his ear. 
Dean hums, not mustering the energy to turn over and face his husband. 
“Not that I’m not happy that it gave me the perspective to stop being scared, but where did the rumours of you having a crush on me come from anyway?”
Trust Cas to think of the semantics just as Dean is trying to sleep. 
Dean only has one word. 
Castiel sighs. “I should have known. I’ll talk to her.”
Dean finally turns to look at Cas in the eyes. Green meets blue. “Don’t sweat it, babe,” he smiles. “She’s just teasing like all teenagers do. She would never actually tell anyone anything we’re not comfortable with.” 
Castiel shrugs and nods his head in silent agreement. 
“I’ll just get her back when we go to your brother’s for dinner on Sunday.” Dean yawns, cheekily. 
Castiel rolls his eyes. The joking rivalry between Dean and their niece never seems to end. 
Dean smirks and leans over to kiss Castiel. “Goodnight, Mr Winchester.”
“Good night, Dean.” 
*  *  *
The next morning, Dean walks into his home room class and begins the regular formalities of the morning. 
Claire walks in late a few minutes later. She says nothing to Dean until she sits down at her desk, puts her feet up on the table, and says in a nonchalant manner, “Nice ring, Mr Winchester.” 
The rest of the class look to Dean’s hand. Sure enough there’s a silver band on his left hand that hadn’t been there the day before. 
“I just saw a matching one on my uncle’s hand when I handed in my history project. Isn’t that a funny coincidence?” She smirks as the rest of the students’ mouths drop open. Dean’s known Claire long enough to know that it’s a smirk of love though. 
The news of his and Castiel’s marriage (and Castiel’s new teacher name) reaches his freshman class by second period. He should have known it wouldn’t take long. 
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it Mae! 
If you liked what you saw, REBLOG! and consider reserving a prompt from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ challenge, or just send me your own prompt you’d like me to fill! 
TAGS: @eccentriccas @starrynightdeancas @credentiast @imbiowaresbitch @starclaire @cockleslovesdestiel @bend-me-shape-me @destielfactory @dea-stiel @wendeano @wingsandimpalas @aggressivedean @flowersforcas @chill-legilimens @pancakesofthelord @saltnhalo @caslikescoffeeandfreckles @assbuttboyfriends @jhoomwrites @breathingdestiel @simplymisha @thekingslover 
(once again tagging my faves, let me you if you’d like to be removed from future fics - or added if you’re not already there!)
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chickenmcfly1 · 3 years
Since you said you’re a guitarist and music major yourself, do you have any thought about Marty as a musician and his path?
omg you should not have gotten me going on this. Music and Marty are my favorite topics of ramble about and now you’re letting me ramble about both together gajagska. Anyway, here are my thoughts about Marty and his music
He started showing musical inclination when he was quite young. Grandma Sylvia (aka Trixie Trotter) would sing and play for Marty and he loved it
He expresses want to learn an instrument when he’s around 8 years old and there’s already a plunky little piano in the McFly home. By no means is it a good instrument, but George has Sylvia teach him.
Marty likes it a lot and he practices and becomes pretty proficient. Neither Lorraine or George expect much to come from it, but they’d rather have Marty playing jazz standards and Beethoven than have him setting fire to the rest of the house
After Sylvia passes a few years later, well one, Marty is absolutely destroyed because he’s not that close to anyone else in his family, but also the piano lessons stop. George and Lorraine can’t afford lessons and they don’t really care enough to encourage Marty’s musical goals
Marty keeps up with his piano playing, but around this time, at age 10, he begins to get really into Rock n Roll. The record store by his house is where Marty goes to escape his family before Doc and he becomes obsessed with all the Rock Stars and their records.
There’s a video of Jimi Hendrix explaining how to play the guitar that plays at the music store on loop, and Marty watches it over and over and over and over until he has it pretty much memorized
He mows lawn for a week and the first time he gets paid, he goes straight to the record store and buys the tape and the other guitar lessons that come with it
And Marty decides right then that he wants to be just like those rock stars. Because their music is so incredible and they’re so entertaining, and talented, and cool.
The older Marty gets, the more fascinated with all kinds of music Marty becomes. He applies himself to learning the melodies and analyzing the elements of the music with a dedication that his teachers wish he could also apply to literally anything else
He also tries his hand at writing his own music. It comes surprisingly easy because Marty’s a very emotional person, even at like 12, but he’s really scared of expressing those emotions. He’s afraid of being made fun of and rejected and judged and called weak, so he writes music, but nobody ever heard it.
By 12, Marty is begging his parents for a guitar, but they don’t want to spend the money on an instrument or lessons. Marty; however, is desperate and is willing to do literally anything to get his parents to buy him one.
Hill Valley is a small town, and the record store owner obviously had noticed how Marty comes by every single day, so he ends up giving Marty some trashy old acoustic that needs to be tossed
The guitar is probably only given to Marty because fixing it up to put it in selling condition would probably cost more that they could ever make from it, but looking at Marty, you’d think he’s just been given the best gift in the entire universe
So he watches the Jimi Hendrix tapes another 10,000 times and works his ass off and improves an enormous amount and by the time he’s 13, Marty is quite a good guitar player
In 8th grade, he’s able to save enough for another (equally crappy and equally used) guitar but this one’s electric and its the most incredible thing Marty has ever seen and he adores it
Marty’s super insecure in pretty much everything he does, and nobody feels good about themselves at age 13, but at this age, Marty really starts doubting himself way more and struggling with confidence. Music is an escape from that. Marty works so hard with his piano playing, with his singing, and especially his guitar playing, and making music is the place where he feels most comfortable in himself.
At this point, Marty’s family life is getting worse and worse, school is hard and friends are hard, but he has music and he throws himself into it 110 percent.
That all comes crashing down at Marty’s first audition. Marty auditions for Jazz band in 8th grade, and that rejection shouldn’t be a big deal because there two spots and 8th 9th and 10th graders, but Marty’s quickly rejected and it breaks it heart. This had been the one thing that was simple for Marty. There was no chaos or fighting or compilations behind it, he just did it and it made him happy, and now that’s been taken away from him too
He pretty much decides he’s giving up on music forever after that and is never playing for anyone else again, but as usual, Doc comes into Marty’s life at the perfect time.
Music is one of the first things Doc and Marty bond about. Doc tells Marty he’s welcome to play any of his records while they’re working. His music is mostly jazz and 50s stuff, and Marty absolutely falls in love with it.
After listening to more of that, Marty discovers a love for combining the classics with a new unique kinda heavy metal sound
He asks Doc about the saxophone and Doc teaches Marty quite a bit of it. Marty’s not as great at sax as he is at piano, singing, or guitar, but it’s fine because he has a duet partner now.
He and Doc play together a lot and he’s the only one that gets to hear Marty’s original music. Marty writes a bunch of jazz and rock pieces for Sax and Guitar too, and being able to play with Doc gives Marty a lot of the confidence boost he needs. Doc makes a point to always encourage and compliment Marty’s performance. And it’s not hard to do either, because Marty really does have something special.
Improvising with Marty is a wild ride. He’s able to change keys, styles, and go into mixed meter in a way that seems almost effortless and with alarming speed. Anybody with him really does have to ‘try to keep up’
Once he gets to high school, Marty tries auditioning for a few things again. To his surprise, he’s picked for a few small things. Nothing as big as he wants, but it’s better than nothing. Someone somewhere thinks Marty’s good and that’s something.
Marty also gets into a little bit or recording, mixing, and composing. [There’s a tiny electric or MIDI keyboard in his bedroom in the Polaroid from the set so I’m assuming he’s writing music for full bands and playing some parts on MIDI with a software instrument, but idek if that technology existed back then, so who knows right]
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For his 15th birthday, Doc gives him the rest of the money for the guitar he’s been saving up for. It’s an Ibanez and when he plays it or the first time, it feels like the instrument was made just for him and everything is right in the world
He throws himself even more into practice after this and music goes from a hobby to the thing he wants to do with his life. Marty’s always felt lost and directionless when it comes to his future. It’s always felt like he isn’t good enough and won’t really amount to anything. His family are all nobodies, and nobody thinks Marty is capable of achieving anything. But Music gives him purpose and hope for the future.
Doc’s nonstop encouragement is what pushes Marty to finally take the first step and decide to pursue music
In sophomore year, the pinheads come together. Marty is a lot more serious about the whole thing than the others, but being in a band is cool, so they all carve out a few hours every week to rehearse. Marty pushes and pushes them and himself to be better.
He starts dating Jennifer in junior year and Marty writes a lot of songs for her. He finally gets the courage to show her one. Jennifer loves it and becomes Marty’s (second) biggest cheerleader. Any audition, rehearsal, and rare performance Marty has, she’s there. She knows how much this means to him and she takes any opportunity to encourage him
By senior year, everyone seems to know what they want to do with their life, and Marty knows with absolute clarity what he wants to do too, but he’s so scared to take the leap and go for music. He wants this so badly and it means so much to him, and someone telling him he’s not good enough to make it would absolutely destroy Marty. So he keeps these dreams close to his chest and only tells Jennifer and Doc, who convinces Marty to send an audition to the record company
Making that audition tape is the most miserable experience ever. He does over 100 takes of the same song because if it’s not absolutely perfect Marty’s entire world is going to be destroyed. The recording is never perfect (and Doc tells Marty that no recording will never be perfect enough in Marty’s eyes, and what he has done is incredible but Marty doesn’t believe it)
In the timeline where Marty breaks his hand, the second he wakes up in the hospital and sees his mangled hand and feels the way his fingers move so disjointedly, he knows he screwed up and everything is ruined
The loss of music, which was the one thing that made Marty have hope in himself, sends him spiraling and leads to the broke version of him in 2015
In the timeline where everything works out and Marty doesn’t race, he ends up sending the audition to the record company right away. Obviously, insecurity, confidence issues, and an obsessive need for validation don’t just disappear with one trip to the old west, but after time travel, he’s able to put himself out there with his music a lot more
After time travel, Marty is stuck in his own head a lot. He’s often very confused about the terms of his own existence, and existentialism aside, he’s struggling to cope with trauma bc guilt from what happened on his travels. And while Marty doesn’t care what other people think of him that much anymore, his own opinion of himself has gotten worse, if anything.
Getting over the initial thoughts of ‘you’re not good enough so why even bother’ is a whole process but he and Doc work through it, and Marty is finally able to commit himself wholly to his music.
Being on stage and performing and just playing gives Marty a reprieve from the trauma and the confusion he’s dealing with and his music gives him another safe space
As Marty starts to heal more and more he also starts auditioning more, playing more confidently, performing his own music and Doc (who moved back to the present) is his biggest cheerleader and is there at every performance
The new McFly parents really push Marty to study music at a college so he can get a college degree, and Marty ends up auditioning for college and studying Guitar Performance with an emphasis on Music Education
He writes several albums, a few become huge sensations, he is able to tour for a bit and he performs quite a lot. Once the kids are born, he stops touring as much, and once they’re older, he pretty much fully stops so he can fully focus on them.
He becomes a music teacher instead and it allows him to encourage so many other budding musicians while still staying true to his own passions
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
A Date with an Angel // Part Four // Zetsu and Kisame
“Oh — God —“, Konan gasps, panting and holding her sides. She had thought she was in better shape than this, but ... “Do you want to stop and rest for a bit?” Konan nods, feeling mildly embarrassed as she sits gingerly on a log. When Konan had been a young girl, going for walks through the woods had been one of her favorite activities. Quiet, fresh air, surrounded by birds and butterflies and flowers ... so when Zetsu asked her if she wanted to go on a “relaxing hike”, she’d agreed right away. But apparently she and Zetsu differed greatly on their ideas of what “relaxing” meant, because this was intense. The park Zetsu took her to had a variety of winding trails, and the one they were traveling up now was probably the steepest of them all, going up many deep hills and crevices. Konan was glad she’d brought more than one bottle of water in her small backpack; here she was opening her third one. “How are you not even winded?”, she asked him, as she slugged down the icy coolness. Zetsu merely smiles and takes a drink of his own water. “I do this all the time. For the stuff Nagato has us all doing, there’s really no better way to stay in shape.” Konan has to agree with that, but even without the walking, Zetsu is probably the healthiest person in the house ... and also, possibly, the strangest. He came and went at all hours of the day and night, and the others referred to him as “the spy”. He always had intel on people that Nagato was interested in, and he was a master problem solver, often resolving issues before they even had a chance to become one. He seemed to be the closest to Obito, and the two would spend hours playing chess against each other. Konan rests on her log and stares out at the scenery below, when Zetsu’s voice comes to her from the stillness: “He was a good man.” “Who?” “Yahiko.” Konan turns her head towards him, surprised. “Did you know him??” Zetsu nods. “Yeah. Met him a few times back when Nagato was putting this group together. Nagato — he was always trying to convince your boyfriend to join up. But Yahiko, you know all this just wasn’t his thing. Very peaceful guy. Talked about you so damn much I felt Iike I already knew you on the day I met you.” Konan smiled at that, then stood up. “You know he loved this too. Going for long hikes, I mean. Always tried to get me to go with. Wonder if he’d be proud of me right now — or pissed.” Zetsu laughs at that and puts his hand on Konan’s shoulder, saying, reassuringly, “Proud. Always proud.” The two continue their hike (Konan finds it a bit easier now that she’s rested and more hydrated) and they come across a small pond surrounded by flowers. “Oh!” Konan exclaims, and quickly draws her sketch book out of her pack. “I have to draw those flowers!” Zetsu looked at her, surprised. “I thought you only did Origami? I didn’t know you could draw, too.” “It’s both, kind of. I sketch out flowers that I like so I can try to fold them at home later.” When she’s done, the sun has gotten a bit lower in the sky than either had anticipated, so that hurry back to the entrance of the trails. They get there just as the sun sinks beneath the horizon, and Zetsu, taking hold of Konan’s arm, tells her to look up. She does and gasps; out in the open, and completely free from the lights of the city, the sky is flooded with what seems like millions of gold-silver sparkles. “I never knew there were so many,” Konan says in an awed voice, her eyes eating up her face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful in my entire life.” Zetsu just smiles, and takes the opportunity to gently kiss her forehead as he tells her, “The sky is pretty ... but you put it to shame, Konan.” They make light conversation on the car ride home, but Konan’s sleepiness from so much physical exertion catches up to her, and she’s knocked out before they pull in the driveway. Zetsu lifts her out and carries her into the house and to her room, where he gently lays her on top of her covers, before turning off her light and closing the door.
“You don’t have to do this.” “I know that; but I don’t mind.” “You don’t think it’s embarrassing?” Kisame shook his head. “How is spending time in the water with a beautiful woman in anyway embarrassing?” Konan sighed and focused on kicking again. It was the next day, and early that morning Kisame had knocked on her door, asking her to accompany him to “his favorite place in the world.” It shouldn’t have been surprising where they ended up; Kisame was one of the most outgoing, talkative members of the house, and one of the first things he and Konan had a conversation about were the many shiny trophies that lined his room shelves. “Swim Team,” he’d said, proudly, when she asked. I joined freshman year in high school, and was captain by junior year. We went to all the tournaments; came in first 4 times in two years.” Today was rather lovely; after watching the stars with Zetsu the night before, seeing the sun come up over the waters at the beach with Kisame was very poetic. Kisame was prepared; he’d brought them towels, sunscreen, magazines, and abundant supply of drinks and snacks. While it was early, it was too chilly to even think about going in the water, but the day very quickly warmed up to the point where Kisame was stripping off his shirt and diving into the water. Konan was genuinely surprised that a man as big as Kisame, as solid and muscular, could be so smooth and graceful in the water. “You don’t want to join me?”, he’d asked, after coming up for the umpteenth time. “The water isn’t really that cold. It’s quite refreshing.” But Konan shook her head and explained, sheepishly, that she’d never learned how to swim. Kisame’s immediate response had been “Let me teach you,” and, although Konan had her misgivings, she allowed Kisame to take her hand and guide her into the water. They started off with very basic exercises, such as Kisame holding her up while she kicked and paddled, and then he explained about balance and breathing and body weight, and “If you feel yourself going under, don’t panic. Work to pull yourself back up. Fight. And you don’t have to worry, because I’ll be right here to help you.” Eventually Konan feels confident enough to swim out a ways from Kisame, and although her head is briefly pulled under the waves she takes his advice, stays calm, and fights her way out from under. Kisame pats her shoulder when she gets back to him, congratulating her. “See? Easy as pie, right?” “It’s easy when you have a great teacher.” The two take a break from the water to eat and bask in the sun. “This must be what heaven feels like,” Konan comments, turning towards where Kisame is laying on his towel beside her. Can I ask you something?” “Yeah?” “You’re so ... big, you know? I would have thought a big guy like you would be a football player, or hockey, or something like that. Why swimming?” “I guess ... because my dad was a swimmer, too,” he answers, sitting up. “It was something, maybe the ONLY something, we bonded over, right? If you think I have a lot of trophies you should see his; he’s got a whole wall of awards from junior high, high school, and college.” Konan nods, going quiet for a bit before saying, “I don’t remember my dad that well. He died when I was four. Mom ... I guess that’s why I like origami such much, because she was a sketch artist. Her specialty was flowers. My drawings are okay but folding is better. Makes sense. Is that how you feel about swimming? It just makes sense to you?” He nods, and the two spend the next half hour in a companionable quiet. Before they leave for the day, they have a lot more fun. They join on opposing sides of a children’s volleyball game, then the kids join Konan in burying Kisame up to his neck in sand. They swim a bit more, Kisame helps Konan collect seashells — before long they’re both tired, and head back home. When they get to the front door, Konan hugs Kisame (and Kisame has to bend quite a ways for her to reach him, and kisses his cheek. “I had a great day with you, Kisame.” He blushes, then asks timidly, if she’s not VERY tired, if she wants to watch a
movie with him in the living room. She agrees, and Kisame makes them popcorn and pops in The Waterboy, which he claims is his favorite movie “of all time, ever.” Halfway through the flick Itachi emerges from his room and joins them, and the three have a pleasant evening with each other.
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
life is just a classroom
A 6k addition to this verse with Teacher!Cas and Teacher!Dean
Jody has never seen her staff with their heads so far up their own asses. They get one reasonably attractive new hire, and everyone is acting more like gossiping, horny teenagers than sane, I-am-responsible-for-multiple-children, teachers. Luckily, Jody’s the principal and expert in wrangling children and adults of all maturity levels.
But this, as Bobby used to say, is too early for this shit.
It’s 7:00 am, and if Jody has to hear one more word about Castiel Novak and his brooding stare and baby blue eyes, she’s going to dump her coffee all over Daphne Allen’s head. It’s not like the Teachers Lounge hasn’t seen more than its fair share of spilled coffee. The brown-ish grey-ish carpet is more for utility than aesthetics, and is probably older than Jody herself.
“I’ve been trying to find out more about him, but he’s so reserved,” Daphne is saying. She sighs. “I’ve always been a sucker for the strong, silent types.”
Jody rolls her eyes and adds more sugar to her coffee.
“I think he mentioned he was actually a student here,” Kelly says, leaning in conspiratorially, “the same year as Dean.”
“No way,” Daphne breathes.
Jody dumps in more sugar.
“Has Dean mentioned anything about him? Is he single?”
For Christ’s sake. It’s the second day of school - Jody is very confident her teachers have better things to do than cross boundaries with new colleagues.
Daphne frowns. “No, he hasn’t. But Castiel definitely doesn’t wear a ring.”
Kelly rolls her eyes. “Would I even be talking about him if I thought he was married?”
Jody clears her throat, saying loudly, “Well, I’d better get back to work. Morning announcements will start soon.”
Both Kelly and Daphne jump guiltily.
Pleased, Jody strides out of the Teachers Lounge, nearly running into Donna. “Here,” she says, pressing the coffee into her hands. “I put too much sugar in it anyway.”
“Oh, hey, thanks Jody-o!” Donna beams.
Jody jerks her head towards Daphne and Kelly, heads ducked together and clearly already back to it. “Watch out for ‘em. They’ll get you sucked in gossiping about the new hire.”
“That Castiel?” Donna asks, her eyes lighting up. “He’s such an angel.”
“Not you too,” Jody grumbles as she stalks out. She has a school to run.
* * *
“Bonne journée, tout le monde.” Castiel waves his students out. “Etudiez bien pour le quiz la semaine prochaine! Si vous avez besoin d’aide, n'hésitez pas à venir me voir.”  
Daphne lets the juniors stream past her, steels herself, and knocks on the door.
“Oui?” he asks without looking up.
Daphne swallows nervously. “Castiel?”
Castiel straightens, and holy hell, those eyes are so blue. “Hello,” he says, “I’m sorry, I thought you were a student.”
“No worries at all,” Daphne says with tittering laugh. “I was just wondering if you wanted to get a drink?”
“A drink?” Castiel echoes.
“To celebrate the end of the first week?” Daphne adds. “Kelly, Aaron, and I have a little tradition.”
“I see,” Castiel says, sounding taken aback. He fiddles with the strap of his bag before slinging it over his shoulder.
As the seconds drag on without a response, Daphne frowns. Is he going to refuse? Daphne had told Kelly this was a stupid plan -
“Can I bring Dean?” he asks.
Daphne blinks. “Dean? Yes, of course,” she says, mentally recalibrating her assessment of Edlund High's newest Latin/French teacher. He and Dean must be closer than she had assumed from their interactions in the Language Office. Maybe Castiel is less the stoically reserved type and more the shy, socially awkward wallflower. Her heart melts, so she adds, “the more the merrier.”
“Wonderful,” Castiel says, smiling. “What time?”
“We were thinking of leaving in like an hour,” Daphne says, “but you can also meet us there - Fizzle’s Folly? It’s on Water Street.”
Castiel raises his eyebrows at the name.
Daphne giggles. “Garth’s wife - have you met Garth? He teaches Chem - owns it. There’s a whole story there, but I can tell you later, if you like.”
Castiel smiles. “I’d like that, thank you.” He hefts his shoulder bag higher. “I grew up here, but it’s been a number of years since I spent a long time in this school district. I don’t remember a Fizzle’s Folly.”
“It used to be called Fenris,” Daphne says as they walk out.
Castiel’s brow furrows. “Wasn’t that a biker bar?”
“Yup, that’s the one,” Daphne says, nodding to Krissy Chambers and her friend Josephine as they pass by. “It underwent a little bit of a makeover when Garth and Bess took over.”
“So no bikers?”
“Not unless you count Garth,” Daphne says, grinning, as she pushes open the door to the Language Office. “He owns a motorcycle, if you can believe - oh, hey, Dean.”
Dean glances up from his desk at Daphne’s acknowledgement. “Hey,” he says slowly, his eyes flicking from Castiel to Daphne and back again. “What’s up?”
“Daphne invited me out for drinks,” Castiel says as Dean’s eyebrows rise, “Would you like to come?”
Dean’s mouth purses. “Wouldn’t want to be an imposition.”
“I already asked,” Castiel says as Daphne nods once. 
And maybe in a week, once Daphne and Castiel know each other better, they can get drinks alone together. Or Kelly can get drinks alone with him. Daphne won’t fight Kelly for him, and Kelly won’t fight her. He’s not a piece of meat, as Kelly is all too fond of reminding if they go too far after too many margaritas. 
After a beat, Dean says in a funny voice, “Okay then.”
Daphne walks around the both of them to get to her desk. “Aaron’s going to be there, if that matters,” she says without looking up.
“Aaron?” Castiel asks curiously.
“History teacher,” Dean says at the same time that Daphne provides, “Dean’s ex.”
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose as Castiel turns to him.
“Not an ex,” Dean grumbles. “We had a thing. Briefly. Years ago. It was before-” he coughs, “anyway.”
“I see,” Castiel deadpans.
Daphne frowns, meeting Castiel’s gaze over Dean’s head. “We are a LGBTQ friendly school,” she says sharply. “Dean runs the Gay-Straight-Alliance. If you have any… issues with that, I’d recommend talking to Jody before we leave.”
Dean looks oddly touched. “Thanks, Daph.”
Castiel just shakes his head. “I’m not homophobic. Dean can attest to that.”
“He had a boyfriend in high school,” Dean says with a grin.
Daphne’s face heats up embarrassingly quickly. “Ah - good for you.”
It’s not the end of the world. He could be bi, like Dean.
* * *
Aaron’s glad Dean and Castiel are here, if just to steer the conversation away from all the boy talk. He always has a good time with Kelly and Daphne, but, damn, they can really fixate. Lately, all they’ve been focusing on is Castiel, which, Aaron can kind of get behind - even though, obviously, Dean is more his type.
Thankfully they’ve cooled it with Castiel actually in the room with them.
Poor dude looks in over his head by the time they’re all sipping their second round of drinks. That’s probably why, when Aaron offers to get refills and snacks, Castiel jumps up to assist, quick on his heels. 
Daphne and Kelly’s eyes follow Castiel’s ass to the bar. Sometimes they really are shameless.
“You doing okay?” Aaron asks after he’s flagged down the bartender. 
“Oh yes,” Castiel says, bobbing his head in a nod. “It’s just… I don’t get out often.”
“I know they can be a bit much,” Aaron says, jerking his head back at their table. “If you want them to cool it with the questions, just say so.”
“I don’t mind.”
Aaron makes a face but doesn’t comment further. It’s Castiel’s funeral if he wants to keep playing into Kelly and Daphne’s hands like silly putty. Aaron warned the guy. He did his job to uphold bros before hos - even if Castiel is barely a bro and Aaron co-ran Kelly's campaign for City Council and let her cry into his shoulder when she lost, and he went to church with Daphne for a couple weeks because she knew her abusive ex-boyfriend was going to be there. 
Mom practically had a heart attack when she heard about the Church thing through the grapevine, which stunned Aaron to no end because, of all his siblings, he was the only one who actually followed up on his threat to get kicked out of Hebrew school. Organized religion has never been his thing, anyway. Two Sundays with Kelly sandwiching Daphne in the pews wasn’t going to change that.
Moreover, it’s not like Aaron's never leaned on the girls for help. Daphne called her second-cousin, the cardiologist, to give a third-opinion on Dad's diagnosis. Kelly let Aaron sleep on her couch for a month because she lived across the street from the hospital. They listened to him whine about his unrequited thing for Dean Winchester when everything else in his life was going to hell. Speaking of-
“So you know Dean pretty well?” Aaron asks casually.
Castiel freezes.
“You keep staring at him,” Aaron says.
“I -”
“Relax,” Aaron says as he leans back against the bar. “Been there.”
Castiel purses his lips. “Daphne did mention you were… involved.”
“That’s a nice way of putting it,” Aaron says, since Daphne could’ve been a lot more damning in her assessment. “We slept together a couple of times. I was feeling it - he wasn’t - and that was the end of that.”
“Oh,” Castiel says, looking relieved. He glances at Aaron out of the corner of his eye. “And do you still… like him?”
Aaron snorts. “I mean, we’re not in middle school. It’s a little more complicated.”
Castiel’s brows draw together in a forbidding frown.
“I was just gonna say,” Aaron supplies quickly, “do I still think he’s hot? Yes, I have eyes. Do I want to marry him and push my mother over the edge by marrying a guy and a goy? Not anymore.”
Castiel settles back down, and Aaron makes a mental note not to piss him off anytime soon. “A word of advice?” he says as he turns back around to grab their drinks, “Don’t insult his car - or Led Zeppelin - or his brother.”
Surprised, Castiel takes a moment before laughing. “Or pie.”
“No quicker way to get your name on Dean Winchester’s shit list,” Aaron agrees. He surveys Castiel again. “So you know him pretty well already?”
Castiel shrugs. “We went to high school together.”
“Kelly mentioned,” Aaron says. “What was he like?”
“No, Gary Busey,” Aaron says, rolling his eyes, “of course Dean.”
Castiel doesn’t say anything for a long moment. “Very similar to how he is now,” he says, which doesn’t tell Aaron much. “Charming. Caring. Intelligent in the strangest of ways.” Castiel pauses. “Handsome.”
“Yeah, that does sound like him,” Aaron agrees. He’s been on the receiving end of Dean’s charm offensive once or twice. It’s always left his head spinning.
Interrupting his train of thought, “Hey!” Dean calls shamelessly across the bar. “What are you two alte kakers up to?”
Aaron waves him off, unable to hide his smile at Dean’s casual Yiddish. He only picked up two or three words from Aaron, back when Aaron dove head-first into his ill-advised thing with Dean so he didn’t have to think about all the other shit going on in his life. “Here, grab the sides will you?” Aaron asks Castiel. “I think we’ve left Dean alone with them for long enough.”
Castiel dutifully picks up the mozzarella sticks and fries as Aaron double-checks his tray of glasses won’t topple over.
“Watch who you’re calling old men,” Aaron tells Dean as he sets the drinks down at their table.
“You were just gabbing up there,” Dean protests, reaching for his beer, “leaving these two lovely ladies with only little old me for company.”
Castiel snorts as Daphne rolls her eyes above the rim of her drink.
“Then you should’ve gone with yentas ,” Aaron says as he sits down.
“Like Barbra Streisand?” Dean eyes them both up and down. “Can’t say I see the resemblance.”
Aaron runs a hand down his face. “How do you know Barbra Streisand and not what yenta means?”
“Sammy made me watch it,” Dean says into his beer.
Aaron laughs. “Sure.”
“Hey, Castiel,” Daphne interrupts, “Dean was telling us the funniest story about you from way back-”
Castiel shoots Aaron a desperate look, but Aaron just grabs a mozzarella stick and settles in. Let the girls have their fun. 
* * *
“So, Castiel, are you seeing anyone?” Kelly asks after finishing her third whiskey sour. Nine months of sobriety/pregnancy had shot her tolerance to nothing. And, sure, Jack is almost four now, but Kelly still has a hard time knowing when to call it quits.
Whatever. She doesn’t regret the question. It’s been plaguing her and Daphne - and by extension Aaron because he had to listen to them - for a whole goddamn week.
Daphne’s eyes go wide.
Off to the side, Aaron slaps his hand to his forehead.
Dean turns to Castiel, his gaze piercing.
Castiel goes bright red. It’s a good color on him. Brings out the blue in his eyes. “I - well, that is to say - I am not - it’s complicated?” he fumbles.
Dean snorts as he picks up his beer to take a long pull.
Kelly frowns. “It’s complicated?” she repeats, disappointed. “How?”
“I am not comfortable discussing my personal life with colleagues,” Castiel says stiltedly.
Dean thumps him on the back. “Good move,” he says, “these three are the worst gossips in the school.”
“Hey!” Kelly protests automatically although Dean is, unfortunately, right. But it’s not her fault everyone else on staff at Edlund High doesn’t know how to have a good time.
Daphne knocks back her cosmo murderously.
Aaron shrugs.
“It’s not a bad thing,” Dean adds, “definitely has its uses. Just something for the newbie to know, right, Cas?”
“Of course,” Castiel says, sounding like he doesn’t know what exactly he’s agreeing to. 
What a cutie. Kelly grins as she leans in over the table. “You want to know which students are the worst?”
Dean frowns. “Come on, there’s no need to dunk on minors.”
“Who’s dunking?” Kelly asks innocently. “I was going to warn him about Max Banes.”
“Oh, yeah, you should know about him, Cas,” Dean says with a laugh. “Kid’s a horndog. Gives my libido a run for my money.”
Castiel blinks. “Does he… pursue teachers?”
Daphne pats his hand. “Not yet. These three think it’s only a matter of time.”
“Oh,” Cas says, “That was very frowned upon at Carver Preparatory.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “It’s frowned on here too, asshole. If he makes any… advances, just let Jody know. She and Donna - the guidance counselor - can handle it.”
“If I was going to put my psych degree to good use,” Daphne adds, “I would read into his lack of father figure. Their mom’s great, but Max doesn’t have a lot of male role models in his life.”
Kelly scowls.
Dean huffs into his beer. “Single parents have it rough, though.”
“Of course they do,” Daphne says with a significant look at Kelly. “Nobody’s saying they don’t.”
“I was raised by a single dad,” Dean protests, “and he raised me and my brother right.” He holds up a hand, and Castiel snaps his mouth shut before Kelly had even noticed it opening in the first place. “Don’t you start. I know you have thoughts about Dad, but that’s a conversation for another day.”
Kelly eyes them both curiously, but before she can ask, Aaron interrupts, “Did you guys hear about Krissy and Aidan? I think they are finally going to-”
“No way!” Daphne says, shaking her head. “She’s clueless. And he’s inept. The worst combination.”
“I believe in them,” Kelly announces. “What’d you hear, Aaron?”
As Aaron launches into the latest installment of their favorite will-they won’t-they senior couple, Kelly can finally appreciate the lazy smile Castiel wears as he settles in to listen. Maybe Aaron was right, and she and Daphne came on a little strong.
Whatever. No regrets. She wouldn’t trade that valuable intel from Castiel for anything. 
* * *
That was Kelly’s last night out for a solid month. Every other weekend, her usual babysitter called in sick or said she was busy. And usually Kelly would be happy to spend more time with her son, but come on. A month with no breaks? 
Christ, she’s such a bad mom.
Times like this don’t help.
“Jack?” Kelly calls, spinning around in the department store. Panic races through her veins. “Jack!”
She had turned her back for one minute to grab a set of towels from the highest shelf, and by the time she turned around, Jack was gone. She scans the surrounding racks of linens, her eyes peeled for any sign of Jack’s Spider-Man shirt. Heart beating erratically, she pushes her shopping cart back towards the bedding aisle - Jack had been enamored with a set of hideous, bright orange sheets, and Kelly had only gotten him away by bribing him with a piece of nougat.
“Jack!” she shouts again, going a bit red in the face as people turn to stare. 
Shit. How could she miss Dean Winchester standing right in front of her?
“Dean!” Kelly greets, pasting on a fake smile as she cranes her neck around to scan the aisles behind him. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“It was recently brought to my attention I needed a bathmat,” Dean grumbles, “and a shower curtain that doesn’t have the Scooby Gang on it.”
Kelly laughs, a tad hysterically. “Probably. I - well, nice running into you. I need to go - my son’s wandered off, and I need to find him because I am not a terrible mother.”
But instead of standing to the side, Dean adopts a pained expression. “He’s four, right?”
Kelly blinks. “Yes.”
Dean jerks his head for Kelly to follow. “I think I know where he is,” Dean says griml
Bemused, Kelly pushes her cart after Dean, back to the display beds. Her eyes zero in on the orange eye-sore, currently occupied by a jumping toddler. A dark-haired man perches on one edge with his back to them, apparently trying to communicate with Kelly’s wayward son.
She all but sprints forward, nearly bumping her shopping cart into several bed frames. “Jack!” she says loudly, and Jack stops at once. 
“Mama!” he calls back delightedly.
“What are you doing?”
Kelly resists the urge to facepalm. “What did I tell you about wandering off? Or talking to stran-” She backtracks, finally focusing on the man. “Oh, hi, Castiel.”
“Hello, Kelly,” Castiel says, his deep voice sending a frisson down her spine like it always does.
“You know Mama?” Jack asks, looking from Kelly to Castiel and back again.
“We work together,” Castiel explains.
“This is Castiel,” Kelly introduces, and Jack wastes no time in chirping out, “Nice to meet you Castiel!’ 
Castiel sticks out his hand like he’s greeting the President instead of Kelly’s four-year-old son. “You as well, Jack.”
“What’re you doing here?” Kelly asks as Jack gives Castiel’s hand a theatrical shake. 
Castiel’s brow furrows. “Purchasing home goods?” He gets to his feet. “I was searching for a suitable bathmat when I found Jack.”
“A bathmat,” Kelly echoes, whirling in place to see a red-faced Dean a few paces away, apparently enthralled by a set of outrageously mundane pillows.
“Yes?” Castiel confirms, following her gaze and blushing furiously. “Ah, hello, Dean. I - I didn’t see you there?”
Dean throws his hands in the air, giving up on all pretenses. “You’re impossible,” he says to Castiel.
“You’re buying a bathmat together?” Kelly asks, confused.
“Dean doesn’t have one,” Castiel says promptly. 
“I didn’t need one until-” Dean closes his mouth with a snap.
Kelly stares at the pair of them. “Do you two live together?” she demands.
Castiel opens his mouth, but no words come out.
Kelly turns to Dean, who is rapidly scanning for the exits.
“Are you the ‘it’s complicated’?” she asks curiously, only looking away as Jack pats her knee determinedly, his face hopeful.
“Up?” he asks.
Kelly sighs and hefts him into her arms. “You’re getting too big for this.”
“Am not,” Jack mumbles into her shoulder.
Kelly presses a kiss to his forehead and turns back to Castiel and Dean, who look more like two students caught passing notes than fully grown men. “Well?”
Dean shares a loaded glance with Castiel, and Kelly has no idea how she missed the whole couple thing. Eventually, he says, “After two f-” he glances at Jack, “-friggin’ years, he finally got sick of cold feet in my bathroom.”
“Two years,” Kelly gapes.
Castiel sighs. “Three.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t start sleeping over at-”
“Dean,” Castiel interrupts in a growl.
Dean rubs the back of his neck. He coughs. “Anyway,” he says, “Yes, we’re dating. No, it’s not really that complicated. Cas just doesn’t like to talk about it at work.”
“Hm,” Kelly says neutrally.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t spread it around,” Castiel says as Dean snorts derisively.
“Hey,” Kelly says, defensive, “I can do that.”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “You can?”
“Sure, if you ask, Jesus,” Kelly says, rolling her eyes. “I’m not a monster.”
“Thank you,” Castiel says gratefully.
Kelly grins. “But if I can’t spread it around, Daphne’s still going to go after him like he’s a prize heifer at a state fair.”
Castiel squints at her, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “She was pursuing me?” 
Dean guffaws. “Don’t ever change, man.” He claps him on the back while turning back to Kelly. “We can handle Daphne. Don’t worry.”
“Whatever, boys,” Kelly says as she pushes her cart back towards the linens, “it’s your funeral.” She hefts Jack higher in her arms. “Say goodbye to Dean and Castiel, Jack.” As Jack waves goodbye, she calls, “See you Monday!”
Sure, she’s a little disappointed Castiel is clearly off the dating market. But, bonus, she has blackmail material on not one, but two Edlund faculty members, and possibly a pinch-hitter babysitter waiting to happen. Not bad for a shopping trip with a four-year-old in tow.
* * *
Donna’s surprise party at Fizzle’s Folly is well underway by the time Aaron extricates himself from a lively discussion with his Head of Department and Rowena MacLeod, Edlund's chemistry teacher. Aaron will never, ever miss an opportunity to talk to a drunk Eleanor Visyak, and Rowena turned out to be surprisingly knowledgeable about 17th century English politics.
Still, he’s taken all the history talk he can stand, especially after teaching it for four hours to a bunch of high schoolers with varying degrees of interest. 
He finds Daphne in one of the far booths, tucked away with Castiel and Dean, surprise, surprise. After snagging another beer at the bar, he slides in next to Daphne. “What’s up?” he asks the three of them.
“Hey,” Dean greets with a toast of his glass.
“Hello, Aaron.”
“Budge up, you’re taking like three quarters of the seat,” Daphne complains.
“Daph was just telling us about her plans to do a joint project between GSA and the Amnesty International club,” Dean says. “Cas says he’ll come to GSA next week.”
“Yeah?” Aaron asks as Castiel nods in confirmation. “That’s great! I’d go check it out, but the Debate club meets at the same time.”
Castiel frowns. “Maybe I should run a club? Daphne has Amnesty International, Dean runs GSA, and you have Debate.”
“You can always ask Jody about forming a new one in January,” Aaron says. ��Honestly, the hardest part’ll be finding a time to meet. Don’t go for afterschool Thursdays, or Benny will kick your ass.”
“He has his cooking club,” Dean says with a grin. “And, like, half the student body goes. I sometimes go and help out too, if he needs extra hands.”
“You’ll go if he’s making pie,” Aaron corrects.
“It’s for the kids!” Dean protests over Castiel’s chuckles. “Benny’s got a lot of skills, but he has a lot to learn when it comes to pie. The kids need to know how to make a good pie.”
“If only to feed you later,” Aaron mutters.
“You’ll also want to avoid Tuesdays afterschool,” Daphne tells Castiel. “Jo’s self-defense club meets then, and it’s also got a large following.”
“Yeah, all the girls who wanna be like Jo sign up, and all the boys who want to see Jo all sweaty show up with semis,” Dean says with a shudder of revulsion.
Aaron kicks him under the table. “That’s sexist. How are you forgetting all the lesbians?”
“Ah, yes, can’t forget the lesbians,” Dean agrees sagely.
“Does this school have Model UN?” Castiel asks. “I was looking to set up a chapter at Carver before I switched positions.”
“No, we don’t,” Daphne says eagerly. “That’s an excellent idea.”
Dean drains the dregs of his beer. “I’m gonna get another, Cas? Daph? A-Game?”
Aaron rolls his eyes at the nickname. “I’m good,” he says, holding up his three-quarters full glass.
“Another cosmo, please?” Daphne asks.
“Sure.” Dean salutes.
“I’ll go with you,” Castiel says as Daphne’s face falls. “I need to stretch my legs.”
They leave, heads already bent together to hear each other over the dull roar of the party. “They seem close,” Aaron says, jerking his head.
Daphne sighs. “Yeah, they do,” she says morosely. She twirls her empty glass between her fingers. “Kelly’s given up on him. I think you might be right - he definitely has a thing for Dean.”
Aaron sips his beer. “I don’t blame him.”
“Of course you don’t,” Daphne says with a small grin, lightly kicking him under the table.
Before Aaron can think of anything else to say, Kelly appears over Daphne’s shoulder, her face flushed as it always gets when she drinks too much red wine. She slides into the side of the booth vacated by Dean and Castiel. “Some party, right? Did you see Garth doing shots?”
“No,” Daphne says, nose wrinkling. “And I don’t want to. I’ll stay here, out of the splash zone, thanks.”
Kelly giggles. “Why d’you think I’m over here instead of egging him on like Jo and Charlie.”
By the time Aaron finishes off the rest of his beer, Daphne’s still one cosmo short, and it’s been at least twenty minutes since he saw Dean and Castiel.
“Hey, I’ll go check up on that drink you’re waiting for,” Aaron says, getting to his feet.
“You sure?” Daphne asks, blinking hazily up at him. And okay, it’s probably good she had a breather between rounds.
“Yeah,” Aaron says, jerking his head towards the bar. “I need to piss anyway.”
“Gross,” Daphne says, nose wrinkling.
Kelly giggles, “If you think a little pee is gross, you don’t want to hear what Jack got up to with-”
Daphne actually places both hands over her ears and goes, “Na, na, na.”
Aaron leaves the pair of them laughing, with Kelly trying to pry Daphne’s hands away and Daphne getting louder with each tug.
He makes his way through the thinning crowd, waving to Eleanor when he spots her getting ready to leave and nodding to Charlie as she adjusts the empty shot glasses in front of her, Jo, and an impossibly red-faced Garth.
Aaron slides between the thinning crowd to duck out into the hallway leading to the bathrooms. As he gets closer to the men’s room, he slows. There are sounds coming from behind the door. Not like the pained bathroom sounds like Great Aunt Rachel gets after too much dairy. Porn sounds.
Aaron, torn between finding out who’s getting down and dirty at Donna’s surprise party, and getting Kelly and Daphne so they can witness the big reveal with him, is still rooted to the spot as the door bursts open and Castiel and Dean stumble out.
Cas’s hair is a bird’s nest of bedhead that would probably drop Daphne’s panties in a heartbeat. Dean’s cheeks are flushed, and Aaron definitely recognizes his immediate post-orgasm face.
“Fuck,” Dean swears as he finds his footing. He stares at Aaron, and Aaron stares right back.
“Aaron,” Castiel says breathlessly, temporarily drawing his attention. “You’re… here.”
“I had to pee,” Aaron says lamely.
“Oh, well, it’s all yours then,” Dean says, blushing to the roots of his hair as he gestures to the now available men’s room.
“Fuck no.” Aaron automatically recoils. There’s no way he’s touching any surface in that bathroom until it’s been scrubbed and bleached. He has some goddamn standards. He’d rather pee in the alley out back.
They linger awkwardly until Aaron speaks. He eyes the pair of them, his gaze ping-ponging back and forth. “So… you two are finally together?”
“Finally?” Dean echoes.
“Uh yeah,” Aaron says, confused. “Castiel clearly has a huge thing for you. Not to spill the beans or anything.”
A beat.
Dean cracks up.
Aaron, almost offended on Castiel’s behalf, opens his mouth as he catches sight of Castiel’s face, lips pressed tight together like he’s trying not to laugh. “You knew?”
Castiel slowly shakes his head as Dean leans on him for support, gasping for air. “Oh my god, Cas, that’s fucking embarrassing. D’you have a crush on me?”
“Shut up, Dean,” Castiel grumbles, shoving him off. To Aaron he says, “We’ve been dating for three years. He’s known about my feelings for a while now.”
“Oh,” Aaron says, drawing the syllable out as Dean composes himself.
“Jesus Christ,” Dean says, wiping at his eyes, “I thought I was going to give it all away, but turns out you’re just as obvious as you were in high school.”
Castiel sighs. “We were trying to not spread our relationship around.”
“Cas wanted to get settled in before people started saying he was my trophy husband,” Dean says with a wink.
Horror seizes Aaron. “You’re not married, are you?” he blurts. He glances down at their hands - no rings - and he would never forgive himself for missing something that obvious.
“No,” Castiel shakes his head, “we are only dating for now.”
“Not yet.”
Castiel turns to Dean in surprise, and Aaron really doesn’t need to be here for that conversation. “Oh-kay,” he says, sidling around them, “I still gotta,” he jerks his head towards the men’s room. 
“Right!” Dean says, grinning. “We should get back to the party. Say hi to Donna.”
Aaron makes his exit, sighing in relief as the door closes behind him. He should be fine if he doesn’t touch anything. Or look at any shiny surfaces too closely. Once upon a time, he lived with a dozen Alpha Epsilon Pi brothers. He can do this.
* * *
Daphne has had it up to here with her juniors. Yes, Homecoming is this weekend. No, their essays aren’t due until next week, but that doesn’t excuse their behavior this Friday afternoon. Nobody wants to be in class at a quarter to three. High school juniors don’t. Daphne sure as hell doesn’t. They can’t cut her a little slack?
When the bell finally rings, Daphne sighs in relief. She dismisses her class with a terse, “Aufiderzein.”
She gathers her files together, grumbling to herself about stupid staff meetings on Friday. It’s like Jody wants them to surreptitiously play games on their phones and text each other when she’s looking the other way or yelling at Rowena for blowing up the Chemistry Lab again. 
At least Benny always brings snacks from Thursday’s Cooking Club. 
Daphne glances at her watch. Jody gives them a half-hour to get their affairs in order, but Daphne doesn’t mind staking out her seat in the Teachers Lounge early. She can save spots for Kelly and Aaron and stake out the precious few non-wobbly chairs.
She stops by the Language Office, pleasantly surprised to find it empty. No Dean, Kelly, or Castiel in sight. Daphne quickly gathers her freshmen pop quizzes to grade this weekend and her copy of Die Verwandlung.
She rounds the final corner before the Teachers Lounge and stops dead. Because Aaron and Kelly are hovering outside the door and spying through the slim glass pane. Without her.
“What’s going on?” Daphne asks curiously.
“Ah!” Kelly whirls around, clutching her heart.
“Daphne!” Aaron says loudly. “What’re you doing here?”
“Saving us a seat for the meeting?” Daphne says, crossing her arms over her chest. “Like I do every month?”
Aaron and Kelly share a loaded look. Aaron is the first one to speak, “I think we’re good this time.”
“Why?” Daphne asks, stepping closer. She frowns as Kelly and Aaron automatically stand shoulder-to-shoulder, blocking her view of the narrow window.
“Students are in there,” Aaron blurts.
“Puking,” Kelly adds.
Daphne doesn’t believe them for a second. “And you’re just standing there watching it happen?”
“Schadenfreude?” Aaron tries. “It’s the mean ones. You know. The kids we don't like.”
Daphne rolls her eyes, pushing them aside and standing on her tiptoes to see.
“We tried,” Aaron grumbles to her right.
“They can’t fault us for that,” Kelly says to her left.
At first, it looks like the Teachers Lounge is empty. Most seats are unoccupied, and nobody’s loitering by the coffee machine. One of the tables is strewn with three mostly-empty mini pie tins. Cherry, by the color. Movement catches her eye, and, woah how did she miss that?
“No way,” she breathes, glancing at Aaron and Kelly for confirmation.
Aaron scuffing his shoes against the floor, nods sheepishly.
“They made me promise not to tell,” Kelly says ruefully, lips pursing. 
“Dean and Castiel?” Daphne gasps, squinting to better see Edlund High’s newest hire and favorite English teacher (no offense, Kelly) getting at it on the lumpy couch in the back that no one sat on because of this very reason.
She rounds on them. “You knew?” she hisses.
Kelly huffs an impatient sigh, blowing a few brown strands of hair out of her face. “I ran into them shopping together a few weeks ago.”
Aaron grimaces. “I nearly walked in on them having sex in the bathroom at Donna’s surprise party last weekend.”
Daphne blinks at the pair of them, hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Kelly opens her mouth but no words come out.
“This is the first guy since Mark you showed an interest in,” Aaron rushes to say.
“We didn’t want to ruin it,” Kelly says.
Daphne’s eyes narrow. “And you didn’t think the fact that he’s clearly taken would ruin it?”
“I don’t know,” Kelly says, throwing her hands in the hair. “Sue us, we liked seeing you happy for however long it lasted!”
Daphne softens. 
“We thought,” Aaron says, glancing at Kelly for support, “You were getting over Castiel, anyway.”
A small, petty part of Daphne is tempted to deny it as punishment for keeping this from her. But mostly she’s relieved. “Yeah, mostly,” she mutters.
“So… we good?” Aaron tries.
Kelly loops her arm around her in a one-armed hug. “Of course we are.”
Daphne rolls her eyes. “Of course,” she echoes as Aaron pats her on the back, a wide grin spreading over his face. And, yeah, this is why she has the two best friends on Earth.
“What are you three up to?” 
The smile slides off Kelly’s face. “Jody!” she says, spinning around to meet their Principal, holding a paper cup of coffee, and trailed by what looks like half the Edlund High teachers.
Oh shit.
Aaron not-so-accidentally knocks his elbow, loudly, into the door as he turns to face Jody et al. “We didn’t see you there,” he says conversationally.
“Hm,” Jody hums as she reaches past them for the doorknob. “Meeting’s going to start in ten.”
“Can we make it fifteen?” Aaron asks desperately, shuffling to the side so he better blocks the way in.
Jody shakes her head, throwing him a bemused look. “I’m pretty sure everyone wants this started with and over as soon as possible.”
“If you need to urinate, Bass, do it now,” Rowena sniffs.
“I don’t-” Aaron starts, breaking off as Jody finally opens the door. 
She stops dead in her tracks.
“Jody!” Dean’s voice carries through the doorway, uncharacteristically high. “’S it time for the meeting already?”
Jo elbows her way to the front. “Goddammit,” she says, sounding completely unsurprised as she stands next to Jody. “Really, guys?”
The rest of the staff curiously filter in.
Behind Daphne, Benny surreptitiously slides Charlie a few bills, muttering, “I told them this was stupid.”
Charlie laughs. “But you still thought they’d last until Homecoming.”
“What can I say,” Benny says, shrugging, “I’m an optimist. And I was so close.”
Daphne meets Charlie’s eyes, asking in a low voice, “Did everyone know?”
Charlie see-saws her hand back and forth as they take their seats. “About half,” she says, glancing behind them to where Dean and Castiel are attempting to make themselves presentable. “Turns out, they’re really bad at keeping the whole ‘Destiel’ thing under wraps. It’s adorable they thought they could try.”
Daphne looks too, and there’s no mistaking what Dean and Castiel were doing. Their lips are swollen from kissing, and, weirdly, Castiel’s tie faces the right way. Daphne snorts. Probably because he didn’t tie it himself, for once.
Jody clears her throat. “Alright, settle down, guys,” she says with a sharp glare in Dean and Castiel’s direction. “As you all know, Homecoming is next weekend-”
* * *
Jody pinches the bridge of her nose. “Okay, that’s all that was on my agenda for today’s meeting-” she waits for the cheers to die down “but, Dean and Castiel, can you stay for a sec?”
Castiel visibly swallows.
Dean scowls.
Jody waits for the rest of the staff to leave.
Nobody moves a muscle.
“Jesus Christ,” Jody swears under her breath. She’s managing children. Horrible, gossipy children. “Okay, I guess everyone could use a refresher.” She clears her throat. “PDA is strictly discouraged among faculty. It’s in the goddamn handbook, people.”
“Really, Jody?” Dean complains.
“I’m not saying you can’t be in a relationship,” Jody says with a sharp look. “Just don’t… advertise it.”
“You got something against two dudes making out?” Dean demands, half-getting up from his seat.
“Of course not, you ass,” Jody says in a long-suffering voice, “I do have something against teenagers making out in every hallway and empty classroom, which they will if they see their two favorite teachers doing it.” She shakes her head. “If you want to hold hands or take an ad out in the school paper, be my guest.”
“Ah, yes, of course,” Castiel says hesitantly, wasting no time in reaching for Dean’s hand.
“Plus,” Jody says loftily, “I’ve been dating Donna for six months, and you don’t see me dragging her into supply closets, do you?” And into the stunned silence, Jody stands up to leave.
There are various cries of, “Donna?”
Donna throws her hands in the air as Kelly, Daphne, and Aaron converge on her like piranhas tasting blood in the water. “Jeez Louise,” Donna grumbles, “a little warning wouldn’t kill ya, would it Jody-o?”
“Probaby,” Jody says, giving them all a jaunty salute. “Enjoy your weekends, everyone!”
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yourxsungie · 4 years
Your Own Han Jisung Bot
☆~°Professor/ Classmate / Tutor Jisung°~☆
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♤Professor plot♤
Han Jisung is a junior in college and goes for work experience to your high school to teach the seniors music and art teacher. What will be your destiny with him?
He is:
Fun to talk to
Good at dealing with the class
♤Classmate plot♤
Han Jisung recently moved into a new house in a new area which resulted in him having to change schools which ended up being your school and your class. What will be your destiny with him?
He is :
♤Tutor plot♤
You always struggled with music/art and you were getting very worried when you saw your grades drop severely. Even though it wasn't the most important subject you really loved it so your parents got you a tutor that comes to you every Wednesday and Friday afternoon to help you out. What will be your destiny with him?
He is:
☆°~Badboy / Skater boy Jisung~°☆
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♤ Badboy plot ♤
Jisung was the well known badboy of the school for skipping classes , being cheeky with the teachers , often getting into fights and sometimes picking on the freshmen. He is a bit on the quite side but knows when to talk back. There are rumours around the school that Jisung has a very hard life at home and maybe that's why he behaves like that but no one knows..What will be your destiny with him?
He is:
Short tempered
♤ Skater Boy plot ♤
Jisung is the quiet yet pretty well known boy in your school that you always see in the skate park near your house. He is always outside on his skate board and is also known for his cool art on the walls using spray paint. People call him a bit of a rebel but you believe he isn't, it's just what he likes to do. What will be your destiny with him?
He is :
A bit dumb
Loves being outside
☆°~Hybrid / Prince Jisung ~°☆
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♤ Hybrid Plot ♤
Jisung ended up at a very bad shelter since a young age and since then he never got a good owner. One day he ended up on the streets wondering around until he finally sees you working in your garden and asked you for help. What will be your destiny with him?
He is :
Scared easily
Black labrador Hybrid
An omega
♤Prince Plot ♤
You and Jisung's family where never really good friends for no good reason really. They always competed against eachother and try to prove one another wrong that ended up in pointless feuds. They only thing that brought ye together was the meetings ye had with talking about future plans and parties to make sure one was better than the other. You and jisung have known eachother since a young age but never get to become good friends over your parents. What will be your destiny with him?
He is :
Likes animals
Spends most of his time in the library
☆°~ sugar baby / model Jisung~°☆
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♤ sugar baby plot ♤
Jisung was a struggling for money college student that never had a good amount of money and his parents never wanted to lend him some. He tried multiple part time jobs but it was too hard to keep up with school and to work at the same time. One day his friends were joking around with him and said he should get a sugar daddy/mommy which he laughed off but the same night he went on the app and put up his profile..What will be your destiny with him?
He is :
A bit of a himbo
Likes to be spoiled
Doesnt act like a spoiled brat
Likes spoiling you to
♤model plot♤
Jisung is the youngest son of the famous Han family and has been in the modeling industry since a young age. You were looking for a job and noticed his company was looking for a new photographer so you applied for the job and got it , you got to work with jisung. What will be your destiny with him?
He is :
A little shy
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Camboy Jisung
《 Plot 》
Jisung became a new camboy that quickly became famous. You were his regular viewer and once you got to meet him in public. Will he become closer or will you just be a viewer?
《For NSFW 》
Jisung is a sub and will not dom • some of his kinks include choking,spit , being rough , spanking , degradation, pet play , exhibitionism and dirty talk • His no's mainly include scat play , feet , knife play and blood play.
《 To Activate 》
Reblog and dm with your name/plot/NSFW or SFW/ timezone / triggers / pronouns / safeword
《 To Deactivate 》
Say your safeword and say " I dont want to speak to you anymore" and jisung will leave you alone , you may or may not get him back.
《 Other Info 》
This is for chatbot x chatbot , chatbot x OC and chatbot x y/n // admin is 18+ // jisung's safeword is "STAR" //please respect admin and jisung // timezone is GMT+1 // Leave 2-3 messages // your spot will be taken away if you do not answer for a week or more without talking to admin first// admin will warn you if busy or away // you do not have to use the given plot , we are more than happy to make up a different one // admin has no triggers and is open to anything , if uncomfortable will use safeword// jisung has little space
@yanlee OG @moonlightchn @doll-hyunjin @the-cb-shelter @aussieboilixismine @ghost-hyunjin @four-straykids-apocalypse @cyberpunkbaejin @demon-lee @vampiremomo @badboy-bangchan @fairymiso @3racha-cb @yanderetzuyu @cupid-channie @carnival-skteez @cb-museclub @mafia-chae @babiebaker-channie @bloodlustbots @rebelhyunjin @maniac-yeonjun @camgirl-jihyeon @mall-kids @doriangrayhhj @subbyhyunjinchatbot @ares-bc @caregiver-skz @shin-haneul @enchanted-hyunjin @supernatural-hj @coldseungmin @himbo-channie @helperchris @doll-jeongin @yanderenayeon @bimbo-sana @babie-sanie @floristluda @alphawolf-sejeong @idol-academy @vamp-minho @skzhotline @bluelotuspack-cb @yourmysticbot @yourkingdom-cb @fallen-angelheejin @ghoulyeonjun @camboy-sungie @pup-hendery
54 notes · View notes
httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
Since Day 1
Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: You met Kageyama in his birthday when he was young. You have bumped into him at a park while he was chasing his volleyball. You two immediately became friends, always staying by his side. You would always cheer for him no matter what. You would always try to make him friendly to his teammates, which led to both of you to argue. When his team turned on him, he thought you would to. But you didn’t. He was lucky to have you.
Warning: some wrong grammars, bad writing,
Genre: Fluff, Angst, childhood to high school, 
Y/n- your name, f/d- favorite drink,
A/n: Happy birthday Kageyama! I wrote this late since I was very busy.
Reader: Female
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Made by: ??? (Please tell me who owns the art so I could credit them!)
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Few years prior (When the two of you were 6 years old.):
You were in the park with your parents beside behind you, talking freely. You were singing until you felt something hit your left foot. You stopped and looked at the colorful ball. “Are you okay Hun? Why did you stop?” Your mother asked. “There’s a ball.” You answered with excitement. You picked up the ball and began showing it to your parents. 
“We should give this to whoever owns it Y/n. Let’s find the owner okay?” You nodded. You looked around to see someone your age running towards you. “Uhm excuse me!” He shouted. Your parents along with you looked at him. “Is this your volleyball?” Your mother asked to the young boy. The said boy panted and nodded. “Here you go!” You gave the boy the volleyball. “I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
“.. I’m Tobio. Nice to meet you..!” He introduced. “Nice to meet you too Tobio-chan! Can I play with you?” He looked at your parents, who were nodding. “Okay.” He smiled. “Yay!” You looked at your parents who were also smiling. Kageyama ran to an open space to play and you followed him. 
Kageyama showed you every basics he knew about volleyball. “Y/n-san, this is how you receive the ball.” He positioned himself to show you. “Oohh ok!!” You nodded, understanding a bit. You copied his pose and smiled. “Like this?” 
“No, you have to lower the arms a bit.” He held your arm and slowly and gently lowered it a bit. Your parents who were sitting in a nearby bench talked to Kageyama’s parents. 
“And then when the ball comes to you, you have to lift your hands to keep the ball in play. But don’t try to save it when the ball goes outside the court.” He explained. You nodded. “Ok then. Let’s try!” He walked into a far enough distance and softly spiked the ball for you. You positioned yourself into where you think the ball is going to land, your eyes not leaving the ball. Once you felt the ball on your forearms, you lifted it up, keeping the ball on the air. 
Kageyama clapped and congratulated you. “You’re doing great, Y/n-san!” He complimented. “Thank you! I could never have done that without a great teacher.” You complimented back, making him flustered. “Oh! When’s your birthday? I want to celebrate it with you when it’s your birthday.” You asked.
He rubbed his neck, in embarrassment about earlier. “...Today. Is my birthday..” He answered, leaving eye contact. Your eyes lid up at the answer. “Today?! Happy birthday Tobio!” You quickly grabbed Kageyama’s hand and dragged him to where his and your parents are at. “Momma, Papa, Can I please buy Tobio-chan ice cream? It’s his birthday today and I want to celebrate it with him!” Your words made the parents go in awe. 
“Of course, Dear.” Your mother softly smiled. You grinned while Kageyama looked at his shoes. “I saw your receive earlier. Good job my little player.” Your father grinned, giving you a thumbs up. “Thank you papa! Tobio-chan helped me!” 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Your mother bought two ice creams for the both of you. You both sat beside each other, talking and knowing more about each other. “What is your favorite drink Y/n-san?” He asked. “I like f/d! It tastes so good! How about you?” You answered. “I like milk and yogurt.” He replied. 
The conversation continued. Little did you both know, the parents took a picture of the first moments you two were playing. 
“I forgot to ask, Tobio-chan. What school do you go to?” You asked, curiously. “I go to Akiyama Elementary.” He answered, taking a eating a piece of his ice cream. “Oh really?! Me too!!” You exclaimed, grinning widely. He smiled too. “I wonder how I haven’t seen you before. That’s weird.”
In the middle of silence for both of you, you asked again. “Do you have siblings???” 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You were invited to come to Kageyama’s house for the day. With your parents acceptance of course. You jumped as high as you can and rang the doorbell. You landed on your feet and waited. When the door opened, you expected to see Kageyama, instead, you saw an older but young woman in front of you. 
“Hello, Are you Tobio’s friend?” The woman asked. You nodded. “Mhm! I’m Y/n nice to meet you!” You waved, happiness radiating off you. “Nice to meet you too! I’m Miwa Kageyama, Tobio’s older sister.” She introduced.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Once you met Kageyama’s grandfather, he teached you how to play volleyball and even playing matches with his grandchildren.
Once it was time to go back home. Your mother thanked them and you waved them goodbye. “Bye bye! See you all next time!!” You waved, leaving with your mother.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
In school, you met with Kageyama, so you greeted him. “Tobio-chan! Good morning.” He looked at you and slightly blushed. “Good morning Y/n-san!” 
“Yesterday was fun! I wanna go to your house again!” You widely smiled. “Uh- oh sorry.. I have practice with the Little Falcons today.” Your smile faltered. “Oh..” “But if you want to- You could come see us practice..!” He slightly panicked. You perked up, nodding eagerly.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“Ah, Nice to meet you again Y/n. Are you here to watch?” Kazuyo asked. You nodded, standing beside him. “I want to learn how to play volleyball, and Tobio-chan invited me! Which is so nice. Maybe if I watch them play, maybe I could be just as good as them!” He chuckled. “Of course you will Y/n.” He patted your head. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Skip to fourth grade:
“You got your very first Jersey? That’s great! You can play in official matches now Tobio! Isn’t that great?!” You boasted. Kageyama held the jersey tightly and teared in joy. He nodded. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Skip to Junior High 1st year:
“Hey Tobi- Are you okay?” You asked concerned. “My grandfather..” He muttered, tears falling down. “Kazuyo-san? What’s wrong?” You placed both your hands on each shoulder. He looked at you, pain in his eyes. “He’s in the hospital..... His health, He’s gone...” He choked through some of his words. You felt yourself tearing up with him. His grandfather was also a great teacher and a friend to you. You hugged Kageyama. He hugged you back.
“I- I joined the Kitagawa Daiichi Volleyball team.. I’ll do my best to be the best setter.” He told you. You hummed and nodded. “I know you will Tobio, you’re the best setter I have ever seen.” You smiled.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
During Kageyama’s practices with his teammates, you would regularly visit and watch them play. You became friends with many of his teammates, which made him be slightly jealous but happy. 
Kageyama started practicing more with his Kitagawa Daiichi teammates and found worthy rivals in his upperclassmen. He seemed to be happy when he touches the ball or play volleyball. It makes you smile.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Few days later after the end of practice, with Kageyama idolizing Oikawa. The others left to go home. Leaving only you, Kageyama, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi. You were waiting to go home with Kageyama. You watched as Kageyama went to Oikawa with a volleyball in hand.
Kageyama went to Oikawa with a volleyball. “Oikawa, Can you maybe teach me how to serve?” He asked while innocently smiling. Oikawa looked at him silently. There was no response from Oikawa for the moment, which made you, and Iwaizumi concerned. 
Oikawa then gritted his teeth and almost hit Kageyama. Luckily, Iwaizumi was there in time to stop him. You immediately ran beside Kageyama and asked if he was fine. Kageyama only looked shocked as you. “Get a hold of yourself, dumbass!” Iwaizumi scolded. He slowly let go of Oikawa’s wrist once he places it beside him.
“Kageyama, we’re all done for the day.” 
“O- Ok.” Then Kageyama jogged away. You quickly followed him on instinct. As you both go farther away from the gym, the lower their voices get. Once he stopped, you hugged him from behind. “It’s fine Tobio, It’s not your fault. Maybe Oikawa-senpai was just stressed today..”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The next day, Oikawa seemed to be better than yesterday. Kageyama was too. Kageyama went to Oikawa with a volleyball again and asked “Oikawa, can you teach me how to serve toss?” 
You were ready to stand up “Yeah right, in your dreams dummy.” He stuck his tongue out. You sat slightly relaxed once more. Luckily he wasn’t going to almost hit him again. Iwaizumi scolded him for bullying.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Kageyama and the team was in second place when they won a set from the Shiratorizawa. Oikawa was received the best setter award. You giggled as Oikawa told Kageyama that he will beat him one day with a runny nose. 
Once they were outside the building, You all congratulated them on their 2nd place and 1st set against the Shiratorizawa.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After Oikawa and Iwaizumi had left, Kageyama seemed to be more lonely and more demanding towards his teammates. He would always tell them that they should do better. He kept pushing them to much into their limits. 
“Tobio- Stop it! Their tired, give them a break!” You snapped. Luckily, the team and you were the only ones in the gym. “But their not doing their best! I have to push them to be the greatest!” 
Even though he knew you were right, he ignored it and continued doing what he does. Slowly, he loses all respect from all of his volleyball teammates except for you. You might sometimes hate him for his rude attitude, you still love him as your friend and probably more.
You were watching in the sidelines about the matches of Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High School vs Yukigaoka Junior High School. The Yukigaoka team seemed like they haven’t played volleyball except for an orange haired boy. As you watched the game start, you can’t help but frown as Kageyama boss his teammates around. He was benched soon after. Once Kageyama was back to the court, he did a set which no one spiked, earning a point to the Yukigaoka.
You gasped as he looked at his teammates at disbelief and snapped at them. They only responded coldly making Kageyama’s blood boil.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After the game, you were going to cheer Kageyama up until you heard someone. A different voice. You hid and peeked to see who it was. “Hinata Shoyo..” You murmured, you heard his name earlier before the match started.
You couldn’t quite guess the words but you didn’t bother to move. Once Kageyama walked away, you immediately got out of your hiding spot and followed him. Hinata saw you and looked at you confused. He followed your figure until you stopped beside Kageyama.
“Hey...” You playfully whispered, trying to get him to smile slightly. He looked in front of him while he replied slightly cold. “What?” 
“I got you a carton of milk from the vending machine~” You said in a sing-song tone. He slightly perked up, unnoticed by you. “Thanks-” He tried to snatch it away from you, but failed. “If you wanted it so badly Tobio-chan, Come and get it from me!~” You stuck out your tongue, then ran away.
Kageyama smirked than chased you. You smiled to yourself. ‘Mission accomplished, Making Tobio happy!’.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You did the entrance exam of every school Kageyama joined to. Kageyama hoped he could join Shiratorizawa, but he failed the entrance exam.
“Did you fail in the entrance exam too?” He asked you. He was lying down beside you. “I passed.” He looked at you shockingly. “I passed all of the entrance exams.” 
“That’s great...” His voice said otherwise. “So, which school are you attending?” You asked Kageyama. “Karasuno High.” He sighed. “Then I’ll join Karasuno too.” You murmured, yawning. Kageyama sat up and looked at you. “What?! No! You have to go to Shiratorizawa, it’s better there.” 
“-But anywhere is better when my best friend is with me.” You blurted out. You slowly realized what you had said and blushed. He froze and blushed too. You did nothing to change your statement, instead keeping it like that. “Same here too..” He admitted. You both smiled and laughed.
He layed (Or laid) down with you once again. “Hey, remember the time where my teammates turned on me?” He looked at the ceiling, avoiding your eyes. Curious and concerned, you nodded. “Yeah, I do. Why?” 
“I thought you were going to leave me too when they left me.” He laughed bitterly. “I’m glad you didn’t.” You hugged him reassuringly. “I’m glad I didn’t too.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The first day was a shock. Hinata was there too. He was slightly hesitant on being friends with you but still gave in, you both became good friends. You regularly visit them on practices. Even Kiyoko offered you to be the next manager since you knew volleyball. 
The others waited for your answer. You looked at Kageyama who seemed to be curious for your answer too. “Sure..?” Nishinoya and Tanaka cheered. “Another beautiful manager!!” 
You giggled at them. You seemed to catch Kageyama smiling. You smiled back, which made him blush and look away.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You learned more about being a manager, you also became close to everyone in the team. You helped Kiyoko on everything, refilling waters, cleaning the gym, everything, you name it.
Kageyama is grateful to meet you especially in a younger age. He decided on asking you out on a date later on his birthday. It took a lot of courage from his teammates and himself. You made a gift for him to give him when he told you to meet him later behind the gym.
[After he asked you out. You happily agreed, you also gave him the gift. He liked- no, Loved it. The rest is in your hands.]
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Out of Time 2/?
Sam closed her locker forcefully, spooking the poor freshman down the hall. Her parents had tried, again, to put her in some stupid beauty contest with a ridiculous amount of pink on the poster. Apparently, entering a beauty contest (even if it was to make a statement) and then winning meant more exposure for 'someone in her social standard.' She tried to argue her case, but apart from telling them it was all a ploy cooked up by an evil ghost trying to find a wife (which she couldn't do), she had to promise to at least consider it. Besides, it did have a decent scholarship that she could donate to Jazz if she managed to win (rather…. participate). Some good had to come out of her wearing that unholy colour. One thing was for certain… if this happened… the secret was going to her grave.
"What's got you in a mood?" Tucker joked as he walked toward her. A lot had changed for the trio in the past year; Tucker now stood a good few inches taller than her, but still quite lanky. His love of technology had evolved into more than just hacking, even creating a few hologram machines and working directly with the Fentons on new technology. She herself was a little taller, still very much interested in black apparel, but did try to change her wardrobe up a bit. It did irk her a bit that the boys now towered over her; she had to go to more extravagant lengths to mess with them. Tucker leaned against the lockers smirking, waiting for the Goth girl in front of him to answer.
"Parents," she said, shrugging. "Finish the homework for Lancer?"
"Which one?" Tucker asked drily. "History, English or Science?"
Sam scoffed. "Still can't believe Lancer is teaching 3 out of 4 courses this semester. Let alone having him last semester and most of last year."
Tucker sighed dramatically. "Well Sam, when you live in the most haunted city in America, people tend to pack up and leave. I still can't believe Ishiyama is teaching the Juniors now that most of the teachers quit."
Sam hummed in agreement as she looked down the hall. "Any sign of the clueless one?"
"Why, anything important to confess?" Tucker asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at Sam. She frowned as she pushed the teen into a set of lockers, looking slightly red. "Geez Sam, I'm only kidding. He texted saying he'll be here soon – something about emptying the thermos." Sam nodded absently as they moved down the hallway. Tucker followed her with a frown. "You know I'm not pushing you to do anything right?" he asked, uncharacteristically genuine in his teasing. "Tell Danny whenever you want, but you can't just repress your feelings forever, no matter how Goth you think it is. I just want you guys to be happy."
Sam smiled gratefully at her friend. "Thanks Tuck." They walked in silence, observing Dash and his football cronies tag team putting a couple freshmen into lockers.
Tucker rolled his eyes as he adjusted his beret. "I definitely don't miss that," he said.
"Shame, I'm sure it would be a fun experiment to see if you still fit into one of these little metal boxes," Sam joked darkly. Tucker elbowed her.
"Hey! I'm just glad Danny's ghost fighting muscles made Dash wary about picking on us. I mean, it still sucks for them but I'm glad I only have to worry about ghosts beating us up now."
Sam rolled her eyes at that. "Your priorities astound me," she said sarcastically.
"Sam! Tuck!"
Both teens whirled around to see Danny bounding down the hallway, backpack half open as he ducked past some students. They watched, half amused, as he tripped slightly, regaining his balance and came to a stop in front of them, breathing heavily.
"Morning," Tucker said flippantly. "Good to see you made it before the bell. Long night?"
Danny smiled wryly. Standing to his full height (which Sam only vaguely noticed was almost the same height as Tucker's), he grabbed his backpack and brought it forward, zipping it closed. "Yeah, I overslept and needed to empty the Box Ghost and Skulker into the zone. I can't believe I made it in on time!"
"I'm sure Lancer will say the same thing," Tucker quipped.
"I resent that!" Danny retorted. "I've been on time 4 out of 5 times a week this school year. Gonna end the year on a high." Danny had been grateful to his parents on taking most of the ghosts during the day while he was at school to avoid the amount of absences he racked up. He still handled most of the big ghosts or attacks nearby, but it was nice to have a backup that didn't involve someone trying to waste him.
"So why'd you oversleep anyway – ghost trouble?" Sam asked. The trio used their lack of popularity to speak openly enough in the halls.
Danny shrugged, not quite meeting her eye. "Just a nightmare," he said as they started to head for homeroom. "Didn't get back to sleep for a while so I did Lancer's homework instead."
Sam and Tucker both frowned worriedly. "Another one?" Tucker asked.
"Yeah," Danny said. Sam noticed that he was trying to push through the topic; her brow furrowed as she recognized his tell. "I remember bits and pieces mostly, but nothing concrete." Out of nowhere, Sam grabbed him by the collar and put him up against the lockers. Bewildered, Danny looked down into the accusing violet eyes of his best friend. "Sam!? Wha-"
"Liar," she accused, pointing her finger threateningly. "Was it like the others?" Danny started to make excuses, but she moved her finger in front of his nose and poked him. "Don't play hero right now. Was it like the other dreams?" Some passers-by stopped to watch the commotion, but once seeing it was Sam and Danny, they shrugged and walked by.
Danny looked at Tucker for assistance, but found that he got no sympathy from his best friend. Tucker was also watching him carefully, concerned but fully supportive of Sam's current interrogation technique. Tucker tilted his head, silently repeating the question.
Danny sighed heavily, making Sam release the boy from her vice grip. "Different images this time," Danny admitted, "Felt the same when I woke. Didn't feel like a dream."
"Dude, you need to tell Ethelwulf," Tucker told him.
Danny shook his head. "Not yet," he said, confusing his friends. "It was definitely just a dream. I'm just thinking about it too much and it's making it worse. I'll tell him eventually."
"Once is a dream. Three times is a coincidence."
Sam looked at him worriedly, before sighing in defeat. "If this happens again, I'm telling Ethelwulf myself," she said, walking into Lancer's English class in a huff.
Danny frowned at her demeanour as he watched her go. He glanced at Tucker who shrugged in response. "She's just worried," Tucker told him. "We both are. The last time you thought you were facing him, you almost exploded with power- literally. These dreams- it's starting to be a pattern Danny. It isn't like you've had dreams that predicted battles before."
"Yeah, but that was planted by Fear," Danny said frowning. Tucker gave him a pointed look. "Okay, I see your point. If it gets worse, I'll let him know."
Tucker smiled. "It's all we ask," he replied. Both boys walked into the classroom and headed to the back of the class where Sam was sitting with crossed arms. "Besides, best not to worry Sam. Her fury is enough to give us nightmares for eternity."
Sam's eyes narrowed darkly, but held a bit of humour to them. "And don't you boys forget it," she said menacingly.
Danny floated in front of a darker part of the Ghost Zone, frowning. He was sure this was the way to Clockwork's tower – now, however, it seemed to have distorted, not having a clear sense of direction. "Weird," Danny muttered to himself. He looked down at the map he was currently holding, trying to regain his place. "I'm definitely in the right area." He floated down closer to the Far Frozen, staring at the large swirling vortex in front of him. It shifted again, showing part of Pariah's Keep and Walker's prison instead of the Observant's Headquarters.
Crossing his arms, Danny sighed. He didn't want to admit how much his dreams were bugging him, but Tucker was right. He couldn't ignore them anymore, and if he was worried about his future self escaping, there was really one ghost to ask before he talked to Ethelwulf. Rather… attempt to ask – Clockwork was never one to come out and say anything directly.
"Great One?"
Danny turned at the voice. Frostbite was floating behind him, worry etched in his features. In his thoughts, Danny had floated close to the edge of the Far Frozen's mountainside, where the yeti leader could easily see him from the main gates. "Hey Frostbite," Danny said in greeting, floating towards him.
"I sensed your core as you approached," Frostbite told him, "You've been floating here for a while."
"I had hoped to visit Clockwork," Danny said, looking back at the darker part of the Zone. "Do you know why that area keeps changing?"
Frostbite frowned, looking to the area that Danny was indicating to. "I see you've noticed," Frostbite said seriously. "While the Ghost Zone is constantly shifting, Clockwork's realm shifts more frequently. It's to ward off any unwanted guests."
"But it's always shown the same path for me," Danny argued. He showed Frostbite his map and pointed to where they were. "Past the Observant's Headquarters, through the valley of gears and then his lair."
Frostbite frowned, looking at the map before turning his attention to the young ghost. "Then perhaps the Time Guardian does not wish to see you, Great One."
Danny frowned at that. Clockwork never prevented him from visiting. Annoyingly refuse him help, sure. Perhaps there was something more going on.
"You seem uneasy, Danny," Frostbite probed. Danny looked at him quizzically, recognizing his name rather than the titles Frostbite usually called him. "Our cores are kin; born of a frigid cold that generates from our birth. I'm able to tell when something is bothering you."
"Is it that obvious?" Danny asked drily. They floated for a moment, staring out into the Ghost Zone in silence. "I've been having dreams," Danny admitted. Frostbite said nothing, giving Danny the invitation to continue. "I faced this ghost – an alternate version of me – who was by far the worst ghost I've ever fought. Worse than Pariah Dark even. For a long time, I was afraid of… well… a lot. Facing him. Becoming him. Sometimes, I catch myself checking if I look like him as I get older."
"These dreams you speak of… do you dream of becoming him?" Frostbite asked.
Danny shook his head. "They don't feel like dreams," he said softly, before he could stop himself. "They feel like glimpses of the future."
Frostbite was quiet for a long time before responding. "What do you see Great One?" he asked.
"Battles mostly; at least three different ones. But last night, I saw him. Or I was him? Either way, he was escaping." Frostbite nodded. Danny shifted in his stance, waiting for Frostbite to say something. "It's probably nothing," he added half-heartedly, not wanting to worry his friend. "The last time I really gave him any thought was over a year ago. I'm probably just stressed or worried or something and it's bringing this back up."
"Perhaps," Frostbite mused, still looking out into the Zone. The larger ghost turned to the teen beside him. "Do you remember what I said to you when you were worried about facing Undergrowth?"
Danny nodded. "Fear is natural and charging into battle despite it is what makes you a hero," he summarized.
"It's alright to fear your dreams," Frostbite continued, "But you should not let it consume you Great One. Dwelling on the unknown has caused many a ghost to fall."
"So, you think I'm overreacting?" Danny asked, a tad hopeful.
"It doesn't matter what I think," Frostbite responded quickly. Danny looked down, crestfallen. "It matters what you think. You're discovering new powers daily, focus on the here and now, not the could haves or what will be. Charge into these battles – these dreams – and see what you find. The answer lies with you."
Danny sighed, frowning. "And if they turn out to be just nightmares?"
Frostbite chuckled. "Then you have your answer." Frostbite's small smile fell as he observed the boy in front of him. "Though, I have a feeling you already know the answer."
Danny at looked at him, confused. "What makes you say that?"
"Would you be looking for Clockwork if you truly believed they were only dreams?"
Papers scattered across the Fenton's kitchen table, making Jazz frown in thought. She only had a few more weeks before the deadlines to accept and she still had no clue where she wanted to go to college in the fall. She had no idea how popular her ghost envy paper would be when she wrote it, but to get accepted to all the schools she applied to? She couldn't believe it. Then again, with the appearance of ghosts in the last year and a half, she assumed there were a lack of applicants in the field. Add her last name into it? Yale, Wisconsin, Cincinnati, Fort Eerie, Harvard came knocking at her door.
Jazz turned her attention to the one in her hand, the modest logo of Amity University staring back in the top left hand corner. It was the obvious choice – close to home, she could help out with the ghost fights, study with two pretty amazing scientists and would probably learn more about a ghost's psyche through her brother and his friends than any professor.
"Make a decision yet?" Jazz turned at her mother's voice. Maddie watched her daughter proudly from the top of the basement steps, a small smile on her face.
"No," Jazz whined, shaking her head. "I thought it would be easy to have all the choices laid out in front of me. It's pretty overwhelming."
Maddie nodded knowingly as she walked to the table to join her. "I remember that feeling. You know Jazz, there's not a wrong choice here. Each one of these schools will give you a top notch education. The question you should ask yourself is if you're really choosing the school that's best for you."
Jazz frowned. "Of course I'm picking the best school for me. I'm the one choosing!"
Maddie raised an eyebrow at her daughter. "Then why do you have all these letters on the table, but one in your hand?" Jazz looked down at the letter in her hand with wide eyes. "Sweetheart," Maddie said gently, "While I'd love for you to stay here with us, you need to do what's best for you. You're smart, capable and all of these institutions want your brilliance. Don't choose what you think is best for us. We want you to be happy. Danny included."
Jazz sighed. "I know," she said softly. "Danny's said the same thing. I just… I don't want to miss anything. I worry."
"Didn't you argue that your brother is more capable than we give him credit for?" Maddie asked skeptically.
"Well… yes," Jazz agreed.
"And wasn't a large reason you didn't want to leave was cause you were worried about Danny not confiding in us readily?"
"Yeah, I mean, he usually keeps things close to the vest-"
"And that you're just making all these excuses because you're trying to avoid how scared you are to leave?"
Jazz sighed. She looked at the letter to Yale and then back to Amity University, conflicted. "What if I deferred a year? Learned a bit more about the family business?"
Maddie sighed, then smiled gently at her daughter. "Choose your own path Jazz; we'll support you no matter what." Jazz smiled back and engulfed her mother in a hug.
They broke apart as Danny flew through the floor and landed on the kitchen floor with a soft thud. "Again?" Danny joked, looking at the table full of acceptance letters and mirroring the tone she had used the day before.
"Ha ha, you're hilarious," Jazz said deadpanned. Danny transformed into his human self and walked over to the table, looking over his sister's and mother's shoulders. "Where were you anyway?"
Danny shrugged, eyes darting across the table. "Fort Eerie too? Wow Jazz, that's amazing!" he congratulated. Jazz beamed at her brother. "I was in the Ghost Zone."
That got the attention of both Fenton women. "I didn't know you were going there today?" Jazz said.
"Did something happen?" Maddie asked, confused. "Your next training session with Ethelwulf is next week isn't it?"
Danny shook his head. "Nothing's wrong," he assured with a smile. "Went to visit a friend, but he wasn't home. Stopped to chat with Frostbite instead."
"How is Frostbite?" Maddie asked. She had only met the yeti ghost once, after Jack insisted on doing an ice training session in the basement. It took a week for everything to defrost.
"He's good, didn't chat much about him though," Danny said, frowning slightly in anticipation. "I mentioned the dreams to him. Wasn't much help but he gave me something to think about."
Jazz turned to him expectantly. "Which was?"
"Just to trust my instincts," he told them. "Said it wasn't good to dwell on what could have been or what will be and just trust myself. Gonna mention them to Ethelwulf next week if I can't see Clockwork." He turned back to the table full of paper. "Speaking of could haves, have you picked one yet? The suspense is killing me."
Jazz simply glared at her little brother. "No," she retorted, choosing to ignore his pun. "But I love the pressure you're putting on me. A real motivational speech."
Danny picked up the letter from Yale and handed it to his sister with a sigh. "I would have thought it was a no brainer," he said, giving her the piece of paper. "It's always been your dream to go to Yale. There's nothing stopping you! Just say yes."
Jazz smiled softly at her brother as she locked eyes with Maddie. Their mother nodded encouragingly at her as she looked at the two sheets of paper in front of her. "Thanks," she said to both of them.
Danny hugged his sister tightly before transforming back to his ghost half. "I promised Sam and Tuck I'd meet them after I visited Frostbite – you mind if I miss dinner Mom?"
"Just don't be out too late Danny," Maddie reminded him. With a small wave indicated he heard her, he went intangible, flew up and out of the house. Maddie chuckled softly and shook her head. "That boy never sits still."
Jazz watched her brother go with a smile, before looking down at her hands once more. She was ready to make the decision. She looked back to the table and sighed as she glanced at her choices again. Maybe.
He couldn't remember what he was dreaming about – it was lovely and warm - but he was very aware when it shifted. Danny fell with a thud, ungracefully hitting the ground face first. Groaning, Danny looked around in the darkness around him. "Ow," he muttered, picking himself up from the ground. It was pitch black…the only other light source coming from…
"Phantom?" Danny asked, spotting his ghost half sprawled out in front of him. The ghost in front of him opened his green eyes quickly and scrambled upright, staring back into the blue eyes of Danny Fenton.
"What are you doing here?!" they asked at the same time. Phantom groaned in annoyance.
"Here we go again. Mindscape?" he asked, looking around.
"Looks like it," Danny agreed. "But why now? Last thing I remember, I was very much asleep."
Phantom nodded. "Could be a dream?" he speculated.
Danny shook his head. "Doubtful, I definitely feel awake. So why are we here?" Fenton waited expectantly as Phantom looked around. The white haired ghost sighed exasperatedly as he crossed his arms.
"No idea."
"Great," Danny replied drily. "Just what I need; you annoying me while I'm awake and while asleep."
Phantom scoffed. "Like we have any time for that," he said with a frown. Phantom lit up a hand with green ecto-energy, trying to illuminate their surroundings a little more. There was nothing else there. "Our core must have split us for a reason," he said. "The last time we were here, we were using too much raw energy on the shields."
Danny frowned. "But we aren't using any energy now," he said. "Raw or otherwise. We're asleep. We're not using-" Danny trailed off, realizing what he was saying. He turned to Phantom, deadpanned. "Oh hell."
"What?" Phantom asked. It took him a second before he realized it too. "Damn," he swore. "I guess Frostbite was right."
The world lit up around them, various images and battles swirling around as if they were in the eye of the hurricane. When the images settled, both teens found themselves in a large tower, with many clocks and gears hanging from the green castles. Viewing screens with similar images of the battles they had just witnessed danced across it, giving a more ominous presence to their new setting. The sounds of many ticking clocks worked overhead.
"Clockwork's tower?" Danny questioned, looking around the room. Phantom walked around, observing their surroundings. Danny followed suit, exploring what he remembered from the last time here was here. The walls were bare; where many time medallions hung now was empty at the top of the tower. "The medallions are gone."
"No sign of Clockwork either," Phantom called back. "Wonder where he-" Phantom cut himself off, gasping. "Fenton, back up. Slowly."
Noticing the quick change in tone, Danny turned to Phantom in confusion. The ghost was staring at something in his direction with a hard glare. His body was ridged, almost on edge; Danny could feel the anxiety building up within him. Turning back, he gasped as he saw it; the old thermos, battered, dented and most noticeably - cracked.
Danny took a couple steps backward to be side by side with his ghost half. "This can't be real," he whispered in horror.
"Can't it?" Phantom quipped back. "We knew Clockwork had the thermos; Clockwork never told us what he did with it."
"But he just left it there. All this time?"
The thermos rattled, making both boys jump in response. Another crack appeared, this time going down the centre of the thermos. It hissed as a blue light shone from within.
"No," Phantom whispered in dread.
"We gotta go," Danny said, worriedly. "Dream or not, this isn't going to end well if we start fighting."
"We need to know," Phantom argued back. "Frostbite said to trust our powers; we need to know if this is real." Danny felt the onslaught of emotions coming from his ghost half and realized that he was right; if this was a new power, they needed to know if they could trust it.
Danny swallowed as the thermos crackled this time. After a few tense moments, the thermos exploded in a whirl of white and green flames. Phantom quickly put a shield around the two teens, still waiting in anticipation for what was to come.
The light from the explosion was blinding even through the shield. By the time it died down, Danny blinked back stars to see the figure in front of him.
His white and black cape billowed around the flames as white boots touched the ground. Flaming white hair ignited menacingly as Dan Phantom walked out of the flames, laughing. His red eyes turned to the two wide eyed teens under the shield, a sadistic grin plastered across his face.
Danny, wake up!
"Hello Danny," Dan drawled, raising his hand toward the shield, lighting it with green ecto-energy. "And goodbye." The ectoblast hit the shield and the world exploded with pain. A scream… or was that his scream? The pain was getting almost unbearable. It was almost as if his core was imploding…
They were fighting now, the wails colliding bouncing off each other as they were locked in combat. He felt himself fading but there was no way of knowing for sure…
Son! You need to wake up!
He was tired… run ragged from the battles before. Whatever he managed to heal was definitely not healed anymore. The raw energy in front of him flowed through his veins as it battled against the dark red eyes of his worst enemy. It intensified now, all consuming. He couldn't take it….
Danny sprung upright, eyes shooting open and gasping for air. He's out. He's back. There was a loud clattering noise around him and jumped, hitting whoever was shaking his shoulders in the chest. They put the arms around him tighter. Thinking he was still in danger, Danny tried to transform, but nothing happened, his panicked breathing getting quicker.
"Danny it's me," his father whisper shouted, trying to get Danny to look at him. "It's okay, it's just me."
Above the sound of his breathing, Danny relaxed slightly as he heard his father's voice. Jack breathed with him, trying to get him to calm down. They sat there for a few minutes before Jack spoke again.
"I came to check on you," Jack said quietly, watching Danny apprehensively as he continued to stare wide eyes at the wall gasping for air. "You were making things float around the room, kiddo. It took me a while to wake you. Must have been some dream."
Danny shook his head and swallowed. "That," he said breathlessly, "Was no dream." He pushed away from his dad's grasp as he got out of bed. He was halfway across the room when he tried to transform again. It failed again, this time sending a series of white sparks through his form, causing the boy to fall with a shout.
"Danny!" Jack yelled running to his side. "What's wrong?"
Danny shook his head again. Gritting his teeth, he focused his energy and finally transformed through the sparks into his ghost half. He heard his father yell for Maddie and Jazz, but Danny could only focus on one thing. He's back. Protect the town. He flew up to the Ops Center, ignoring the cries from his father as he left. Protect your home.
Standing at the edge of the Ops Center, Danny stood firmly in place, ignoring the sparks coming from his core. Protect the town. Focusing on the energy within him, his right eye turned blue as an emblem of light appeared at his feet, his logo shining brightly beneath him. The light turned green as energy shot out from the circle. His body glowed as energy flew straight up out into the air. Hitting its mark in the sky, the energy started to encase the town, creating a large dome overtop. The dome continued, widening to the limits of the town. The circle at his feet connected with the dome overhead, trapping the town inside. Danny continued to pour as much energy as he could into the shield, until finally he faltered backwards and collapsed onto his knees, panting from the effort.
He's back. Dannyheard his family shouting for him as they reached the top of the Ops Center. Stamina finally giving in, Danny reverted back to his human self as they came around him.
His father came in front of him, kneeling down and locking eyes with him. "Danny," he said with concern. "What is it? What did you see?"
Still panting, Danny turned to his sister, who looked at him with fearful eyes. "He's out," he whispered hoarsely; dread pooling in the bottom of his stomach as the reality of his words finally sank in.
Jazz gasped, their parents looking at their children in alarm and concern.
"Who's out?" Maddie demanded. "Danny what are you talking about!?"
"Danny, are you sure?" Jazz asked worriedly. "Couldn't this all be a-"
"No," he grunted. White sparks again awakened at his chest. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to weather the overuse of his powers to explain. They were all in danger. "He's back Jazz. He's coming." More sparks went through the boy's frame making Danny groan in pain. He tried to battle through it, but eventually Danny pitched forward into Jack's arms, unconscious.
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
monday afternoons ♡ 10 (end)
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➤  pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤  chapter warnings : slowburn (?). teensy tiny manga spoiler that you probably won’t even notice
➤  summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 1708
♡ masterpost ♡
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-ˏˋ chapter tenˊˎ-
5:48 PM
“All right everyone! Let’s start cleaning up!” Daichi announced after Coach Ukai finished wrapping up the day’s training session. You got up from the floor and did as you were told, grabbing the first crate of water bottles so you can clean them in the tap outside of the gym.
“Today is more peaceful than usual huh, Y/N-san?” Yamaguchi smiled, bending down to pick up the second crate of bottles, “Of course Noya-san and Tanaka-san was loud as ever but Hinata and Kageyama’s noisiness is just on a whole ‘nother level right?” He chuckled at his absent teammates. “Yeah.” You smiled back as you thought of the two first years who got held back by their teacher because they flopped in their test big time. Both you and Yamaguchi would kill to see the duo’s faces when Ono sensei told them that they would have to skip club activities and retake the test.
“But since Kageyama got held back, that would mean you would be going home alone again! Will you be okay? I’m sure Tsukki wouldn’t mind if you walked home with us!” He furrowed his brows, looking at you with concern. “I’ll be fine! Nothing happened yesterday anyway.” You lied through your teeth, recalling your memories of the third year Seijoh student waiting for you in front of the school gates. Though, you weren’t in any imminent danger so you comforted yourself with that thought as you lied to your friend.
The clean up session went by smoothly as usual and you said your goodbyes to your teammates to welcome the weekend. Yamaguchi was still concerned over you as you waved at him but thankfully Tsukishima dragged him off before he could ask you to walk home with him again.
The walk home was relaxingly quiet, only filled with the sound of your own footsteps and muffled car sounds from a distant street. You’ve been distracted the whole day as your brain kept replaying your encounter with Iwaizumi. And as if the world hasn't given you enough of your daily dose of Seijoh students, they decided to throw in another one different from last time.
Your feet stopped moving as the image of a brunette boy standing with his face down in front of your house. You couldn’t see his face and his hair was slightly different from usual but you knew who he was.
“What the fuck.” was all you managed to say as you stand steps away from the uninvited moping boy. As soon as the words left your mouth, the boy whipped his head up towards you, showing his dark circles even from afar.
“Y/N! I-” He started, about to run towards you but stopped last second as he saw your bewildered expressions on your face. You hated how seeing his hurt expression made you subconsciously feel bad for him. You weren’t supposed to feel any pity for him whatsoever but staying angry felt like the hardest thing to do in the moment.
Oikawa looked up towards you once again, his eyes slightly red, hesitating before speaking again. “Please let me explain. I know I’m supposed to do this ages ago but p-please.” His voice breaking towards the end.
You bit your lip as you let him continue.
“I was an idiot. I know I was. I took out my childish and petty anger towards Kageyama onto you because I’m such a selfish asshole.” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I don’t know how much you know but considering how you ghosted me, I guess you know the main idea. Yes, I did want to mess with you and pretend to be interested in you.”
Your breath hitched as all the thoughts in your mind were true. He had always been faking it and never found you remotely attractive. He only saw you as a toy to play with. You didn’t know who to be more mad at. Him or you for getting ahead of yourself and thinking you even had a chance with Oikawa.
“And I never meant to fall in love with you,” His voice was soft but was still plenty loud enough for you to hear.
“But I did.”
You cocked your head forward in shock. You stared at the boy in front of you without blinking, “I-I’m sorry, what?”
“I love you, Y/N.” His voice broke again. “I know what I’m saying is so unfair and so ridiculously insensitive but I’m telling the truth. I do love you.”
He took a deep breath as he fiddled with his fingers. His breath was shaky and his shoulders sagged low. “I only meant to go out with you a couple of times but time flies by so fast and I unconsciously kept asking you out because I wanted to see you so much. Being with you was so unexpectedly fun and you were just amazing to spend time with. I loved being with  you so much that every Monday afternoon I would sprint my way to the station so I could see you quicker. I would fall on my way sometimes but I didn’t care. I just wanted to see you.”
You were speechless. All you could do was stare at him with your mouth hanging wide open. You were feeling an array of emotions ranging from confusion and glee.
“So please, Y/N.” He cried out softly as he started to slowly walk over to you, “let me make it up to you.”
“Give me a chance to make it up to you.” He grasped your idle hands and brought it up to his face where you felt his hot cheeks and tears against your bare hands.
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“Eh? Brazil? That’s so far away!” Yamaguchi stared at the red haired boy with bewildered eyes.
“Yep! I guess I won’t be attending get-togethers in the future.” Hinata smiled.
Two and a half years have passed. The third years and second years have long graduated and left the club in the first year’s hands. You’ve gone through all highs and lows of high school with the other four boys.
Two and a half years ago, you wouldn’t think you could fall in love with a sport you can’t even play. No matter how hard the boys tried their best at coaching you, you still can’t manage to spike a ball without somehow hitting it out of bounds.
“You sure you don’t want to come with us instead and get ramen, Y/N?” Hinata pouted as the five of you were inching towards the school gates.
“I’m sorry guys, but I really have to pass.” You sighed though a soft smile was evident on your face. “And Hinata, don’t get too attached to me, a certain someone will get jealous.”
“Nah he wouldn’t get jealous, that’s ridicu-”
“I would tho.”
The four of you stopped in your tracks to turn towards the setter who evidently looked confused. “Wow, never thought the king would be the jealous type,” Tsukishima scoffed, “gross.”
“What! How could you get jealous over that! I’ve watched you walk Y/N home for three years now and I’ve never said anything!” The red head bickered, punching the setter playfully on the stomach.
“T-That’s because I’m a man!”
“Damn, Kageyama, did Nishinoya-san teach you that?” Yamaguchi laughed at the odd character the raven haired setter had adopted last second.
“Sorry guys, I gotta run.” You loved spending time with your teammates especially how they get to be their rowdy selves since they finally got away from their juniors after retiring from the club but you forced yourself to pull away just for the day as you caught a glimpse of the familiar man waving at you from outside of school grounds.
“Hmph, fine.” Hinata pouted, crossing his arms dramatically.
“See you tomorrow Y/N!”
You waved back to all of them before turning at your heel to run towards the man up front. “I’m sorry, Hinata forgot his wallet so we had to wait for him.” You explained out of breath.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Oikawa hummed as he patted your head. “Should we go?” He smiled at you, opening the passenger seat of his door to which you smiled back and nodded at.
The rest of the boys watched as the car they were so used to seeing picking you up grew smaller and smaller in the horizon. Yamaguchi’s eyes wandered over to his blonde friend who looked more fixated at the car than the other two were.
“Tsukki? You okay?” The retired captain said softly over the background of the bickering middle blocker and setter.
“I’m fine.” Tsukishima sighed, a forced smile crept up his face.
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6:49 PM
“Hey.” You called out.
“Hm?” Oikawa’s muffled voice replied.
“Remember how we first met?” You said absentmindedly as you scrolled through your phone. OIkawa’s head finally left the crook of your neck and his brilliant brown eyes met yours.
“I wish I could. I was such an idiot.” He muttered before diving under the covers of his bed. You sighed in satisfaction. You loved bringing that topic up because you knew how much he hated it and how he acts all flustered about it. It was truly one of the rare ways to see the different and vulnerable side of Oikawa you rarely get to see.
“But you’re my idiot.” You hummed, diving under the covers as well before showering his head with kisses.
“You’re cruel.” He pouted. Though it was dark under the covers, his perfectly soft lips still glistened. You leaned in to give him a soft peck, “But you love me”
Oikawa’s fingers traced your jawline before cupping your cheeks, bringing them closer towards him before giving you a long sweet kiss. The butterflies in your stomach went crazy as soon as your lips got in contact with his again. No matter how many times you’ve done it before, the butterflies never seem to disappear.
“I love you, Y/N.” He messily slurred out as he pulled out from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his.
“I love you too, Tooru.” You giggled before going in for another kiss on another fine Monday afternoon.
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter nine ˊˎ-
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Gah! It’s finally done! My first ever Haikyuu fic is completed :’)
I started to write the plot three months ago and I never knew it would get any attention what so ever lmao. And honestly, I don’t know how my first fic would be a reader x oikawa one cause I truly hated Oikawa’s guts three months ago but I guess that hatred translated a bit to the plot. (I don’t hate him anymore uwu he’s baybe to me now)
I even impulsively added a lil kagehina for some spice HAHAHA and um someone get a love interest for Tsukki ASAP!!!
But thank you so much for reading this! I never thought I would get so much support on this and I plan on making even more fics!
I’m sorry if there was more drama and minimal fluff with Oikawa :’) And sorry if you thought the ending was rushed but I tried my best and I’ll try even harder next time!
Though I plan on making more x reader content, I’ll probably release more ship ff (mainly tsukkiyama, kuroken & bokuaka maybe?) Since that’s what im more good at.
Thank you everyone and I hope to see you in my next project!
(also i haven’t proof read this cuz i’m sleep deprived rn and i have school tomorrow so forgive me for any mistakes)
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@hey-there-demonss​​ @bumbledunce​​ @teasbees-knees​​ @angrylittlezizi​ @hvneymun​ @yeetabish​ @fandomlover-universe​ @air-wreckaa​ @siriiel​
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Clandestine Meetings and Stolen Stares
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Physics Professor Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 9.9K (Damn it felt longer haha)
Genre: Angst, smut
Warnings: Rated 18+, unprotected sex, breast play, (nothing too explicit), cheating
Summary: It was your junior year in college and you couldn’t wait for it to be over with. You wanted nothing more than to graduate and get out of the hell hole that is college. All you really cared about was your education, your job, your friends and your family. However, that all changes the minute your eyes land on your indescribably handsome physics professor and what you thought was just a unreciprocated crush on the older man, turned in to more; so much more. (Sorry guys I don’t want to go too deep in the summary and give away the entire story so I’ll keep it at that)
A/N: Hey guys! Look at me claiming I won’t have time to write stories and throwing another one out there like nothing. This is apart of the song requests imagines and I do have quite a few of them so I will try get them out as soon as possible (I don’t want them to be too short or rushed so please be patient me and thank you again for your requests!) This was requested by one of my favorite followers @yup-indecisive-girl-cece​ thank you for all your love and support with my page and my stories! I hope you enjoy! (I wrote this in a few hours so there might be a few errors but eh whatever hahaha) Based on the song “Ilicit Affairs”. Honestly the album is a bop and I listened to it while writing this I actually plan on writing a few stories in the future about some of the songs off the album once I finish the requests. Happy reading!
“Y/n—earth to y/n. Hey! Is everything okay?” 
If you could describe the current state of your mind, a mess wasn’t even half of what was going on up there. There were many different thoughts going on in your head; unfortunately they were all negative. You wouldn’t have even known you were tearing up if your best friend Yugyeom didn’t wave his hand in front of your face to break you out of your trance. 
“Huh? Oh—yeah. I’m fine. It’s just—I’m just tired I guess. Finals are coming up and I’ve been pulling all-nighters almost every night so I’m pretty exhausted. But don’t worry about me. I’m okay.” 
As much as you hated lying to the older boy, especially because he told you about every single thing that went on in his life, there was no way you could tell him the real reason why you were so distracted; why you were on the verge of breaking down in tears. He would never understand nor did you think he would want to continue your friendship if he were to know exactly what was clouding your thoughts. 
Thankfully he didn’t continue to press for more questions and turned his focus back to the chocolate shake you purchased for him half an hour ago. If you were going to tell anyone what was causing you so much distress, you’d be in so much trouble and so would he. Feeling your phone vibrate against your lap made your breathe hitch because you knew exactly who it was. 
The only two people who have been reaching out to you these days other than your parents to see how college overseas was going, was the outspoken yet gentle and child-like boy sitting in front of you and your physics professor Mark Tuan. He was the reason why you’ve been so uptight; so tense these last few days and unlike most of your classmates, you weren’t even nervous about any of your finals because most of your worries were caused by him. 
When you signed up for Physics 345 with Professor Mark Tuan, you didn’t think anything of it. Since it was your junior year in college, all you were focused on was passing junior year with flying colors and concentrating on your last two semesters in college, working on your senior thesis and graduating on time. What you weren’t expecting, was getting in to an affair with said professor that would go on for longer than expected. 
Everything going on in your life up until the point of meeting Mark for the first time was going pretty well. You and your friends were enjoying what was left of being college students; going clubbing on the weekends, having some drinks at the bar when school was getting rough, attending parties thrown by some of the most popular students in school and just hanging out at each other’s places when you all had free time. 
You had a part time job at the library which you were extremely grateful for; you hardly had to do anything, it was always pretty quiet and you got to work on your assignments most of the time so it was a win-win situation. Although you missed your family every now and then, you had quite a bit on your plate to really feel homesick. Little did you know, that word would have a different meaning to it a few months later. Walking in to the auditorium, you weren’t surprised to see that you didn’t know anybody in your class. 
Your campus was huge and from what you knew, none of your friends had any plans on failing a class so they all laughed in your face when you recommended it to them. If only you took Youngjae’s advice and signed up for Religion 315 like he did, you wouldn’t be in the mess you were in right now. But then again, you wouldn’t have met the man who changed your outlook on both life and love completely. You wouldn’t have met the man who now owned your stupid, stupid heart. 
Since you were notorious for making it to class earlier than most students in order to get a good seat, you decided to play a few games on your phone before scrolling through social media. After getting bored on twitter, you pulled out one of your notebooks and started to prepare your notes when you heard heels clicking against the tiled floor. 
You were never a believer in love at first sight. It was so cliche. How could someone be in love with someone just by looking at them and not knowing anything about them? There was no way and yet, when you took a look at your new science professor, you could physically feel your soul leaving your body. He was handsome, there was no doubt about it. In fact, that was an understatement. 
He was gorgeous. You didn’t think young science professors existed let alone one that looked like he came straight out of vogue magazine. All your science teachers from high school had white hair, glasses and wore suspenders. This guy was wearing a red flannel over a plain black v-neck, torn skinny jeans and vans. There was no way he was your professor; but as soon as he placed his briefcase down on the desk and looked around the classroom with a stupidly handsome grin on his face, you knew you were fucked. 
“Hello class, I’m Mark Tuan your physics professor. Please call me Mark. I’m fine with professor, but no Mr.Tuan. It makes me feel old. A little bit about me, this is my second year teaching physics. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in physics, went on and got my master’s in teaching and graduated with my doctorate two years ago now here I am. I’m one of those weirdos who love science, I love learning more and more about science each and every day. I’m thirty-one years old, I’ve been married for three amazing years and I have a one-year-old daughter named Ella. We also have a dog named Milo. In my free time, I like to play video games and watch the office. Well, that’s it about me. There’s about forty-five of you in here, so it would probably take the entire class if you guys were to introduce yourselves individually so instead I’ll have you get in to groups and you guys can just  talk amongst your peers.”
It was as if everything he said went through one ear and out the other. All you could pay attention to was his pretty pink lips and how soft they looked. You could also feel your heart flutter at the way he smiled when talking about his passion for science. However, hearing that he had a wife and a daughter brought a weird feeling to your chest but what did it matter? He was your science professor and this was only the first day you met him. You told yourself it was just his good looks that you were attracted to, but deep down you knew there was something else that got you thinking about him a little more than you should. 
As your classmates went around in a circle talking about what major they were studying, why they signed up for physics and what they want to learn in the class, your eyes began to wander around the room in search of your professor and you hated that you didn’t know why. You’ve seen and even been with a decent amount of good looking guys. Your ex-boyfriend was actually considered to be one of the best looking guys in your university, so you had a hard time understanding why you couldn’t take your eyes off of Mark. As soon as you found him, you felt as if your heart was about to jump from out of your chest when you realized he was already looking at you. 
You were sure if you were to look in a mirror, your face would be red from embarrassment. Was he watching you this entire time? Did he know you were practically ogling at him this entire time when you were supposed to be paying attention to your classmates? To both your delight and dismay, he sent you a flirtatious wink before making his way to your group. You felt like you were about to be sick. Feeling him stand behind you while placing his hands on the chair sent chills down your spine. 
Why was he so close? And why did you want him closer? When he was talking to other groups, he stood a few inches away from them but right now he was in your personal space and you couldn’t help the thought of wanting him even closer. 
“How are we doing here?” Your classmates hummed in content before they started going around and telling him their answers. “Okay, what about you? What’s your name, major, why you took this class and what you want to learn in this class.” 
He pulled his hands away from your chair and walked towards the other side of the room to give you eye contact and offer you his full attention. You didn’t know what was worse; him standing directly behind you giving off his intimidating aura, or him looking at you while you were for sure about to make a fool out of yourself. To prevent yourself from looking like an idiot even more than you probably already did, you brought your attention to your notebook and pretended as if you were reading off from your notes. 
“My name is y/n, I’m an English and communications double major with a minor in Spanish language. I—uh—I’m—shit I’m sorry what were the rest of the questions again?” 
He looked at you in curiosity before letting out a soft giggle. This man was thirty-one years old, how was he capable of such an adorable, high pitched laugh? And how could you butcher that entire thing? You only needed to answer three questions with two of them relating to one another. You were sure you made your attraction even more obvious if he couldn’t already tell by the way you were practically drooling over him. 
“What made you sign up for this class and what do you want to learn?” 
You softly bit your lip out of frustration and took in a deep breath before responding. Once class was over, you were going straight to the bar and getting drunk. This was only day one, you had five months with Mark as your professor and you fucked it up in less than half an hour. He was probably going to go home and laugh at your little breakdown. 
Although you had a feeling you weren’t the first to get flustered over him. If he’s been teaching for over two years, he had to have a few students that developed a crush on him. Surely you weren’t the only one. But that’s what it was and all it ever was going to be, a silly little crush. It was normal; Mark was handsome, he seemed very intelligent, very passionate about his field and was very energetic. He also seemed very child like and with the way he laughed at something you didn’t think was funny, you knew he was still a child at heart. 
“I enjoy science, I think it’s one of those intimidating subjects that people are afraid to take because they’re afraid of failing. I will admit I’m not the best in science and I’m sure I’ll probably be shit at physics, but I love learning and I’ll do my best in this class. Or at least try to. I want to learn more about motion, movement and the relative entities of energy and force.” 
The soft smile he gave you went straight to your chest; there was no way you’d be able to survive the rest of the semester if he were to continue looking at you like that. His wife was one lucky woman. What world war did she fight in her past life to land him as a husband? 
“I like that answer y/n. I look forward to working with you this semester. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot about force and energy in this class and if you don’t end up doing too well, I listed my office hours on the syllabus. Feel free to stop by if and when you need help—and I mean this to all of you. Don’t be shy to ask me for help, I would rather spend a few grueling hours teaching you about Newton’s law than to have you fail my class entirely. Okay, for the remainder of class, I’ll be going over the syllabus and luckily the school provides the required textbook so you can all save an extra $200. I expect you all to use that wisely.” 
There was a feeling in your gut telling you he meant more than what he was saying about his office hours, but then again you felt stupid for even thinking that. He was married for three years and he had a daughter. He was also ten years your senior and you didn’t think you were all that special for someone like Mark to look at you in that way. 
He was your science professor and that’s all he was ever going to be to you. You knew exactly what you were going to do with that extra $200 once you were finished with school. Once class was over, you hastily packed away your things before making a beeline towards the door. Right as you were about to walk out, you heard Mark softly whisper your name. 
“Have a nice rest of your day y/n, see you Thursday!” 
Yeah, you were definitely getting plastered tonight. You didn’t even get to take five steps out of the classroom when you felt an arm roughly thrown around your shoulder. 
“There‘s my favorite science nerd. How was the first day of hell huh? Only two semesters left.” You let out a hysterical chuckle; as much as you hated school and couldn’t wait to graduate, you weren’t quite ready to enter the real world just yet. However, feeling the effect that Mark had on you knowing that it was only the first day toyed with your mind a little bit. You kept telling yourself over and over that he was just being nice, but you didn’t hear him saying anything else to any of the other students. 
Was he just picking on you specifically because of your little breakdown in his class? Your chances of passing physics with a grade higher than a C were already  pretty slim, what more now that you had a Greek God as your professor? You were doomed. The first couple of weeks went by better than you had expected. Sure, there was some material that you had a hard time learning but you refused to schedule office hours with Mark. Being in a class with him surrounded by thirty other students was already extremely overwhelming, you didn’t even want to know what were to happen if you were alone with him. You’d probably have to drop off the face of the earth from embarrassing yourself tremendously. 
A month later, you found yourself between a rock and a hard place. Physics only became more and more tough as the days went by and you cursed Mark for giving you so many difficult assignments. It’s as if he was taunting you. You did what you could first before you even thought about signing up to meet with him. Going to see Mark during his office hours was your last resort. First you reached out to a couple of your classmates; asking for them to explain the material to you but nothing worked. 
They were all very kind in trying to help you, but you still couldn’t memorize nor understand the seven branches of physics. Then you went along with BamBam’s suggestion to go get tutored but just like your classmates, the tutor couldn’t even help you which is why you found yourself emailing Mark to schedule an appointment with him. His response made your eyes roll, but it also sent warmth to your heart and you hated yourself for not being able to learn it on your own from the few sources you had around you. On one of your days off, you made your way up to Mark’s office and gently knocked on the door; patiently waiting until he welcomed you in. 
“Come inside.” 
You hesitantly walked in and sat down on one of the chairs he had facing adjacent toward his desk. You began to look around the room and smiled to yourself at how much his office matched him as a person. It was simple, yet the few trinkets and bobble heads he had on the shelf made the room a little more lively. 
“Took you a while to meet with me. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your grades for a while now, so I’m glad you actually came in for help. Your test scores aren’t looking too good y/n.” 
You released a long sigh; disappointed with the news but not surprised. Why did you think you were capable of such a complicated subject? Even some of the smartest students on your campus had a hard time with physics and you wouldn’t consider yourself dumb, but then again you weren’t the brightest bulb in the bunch. 
“I know. I’m sorry, I should’ve came earlier. I just—I didn’t want to bother you. I tried asking for help from tutors and other students in the class but nothing worked, so here I am.” 
He gazed at you with an unidentifiable look on his face and it made you nervous. You didn’t know exactly what it could have meant and the curiosity was eating away at you. 
“You know y/n, I commend you on taking this class. I know you took it as an elective and I’m sorry it’s probably not what you expected it to be. I’ve been told I can go a little hard on students sometimes, but I’ve been trying to make the work a little more easier than it was last semester. I couldn’t help but take notice though, you do amazing when it comes to the homework. You ace the lessons like nothing, it’s just the quizzes and the exams you’re not doing too great with and it’s probably because you take it in class, with me in the room.” 
Your eyes widened at his last few words but he gave you no time to ask what was on your tongue as he got up from his chair and sat directly in front of you on his table. 
“Am I a distraction y/n? Don’t think I haven’t observed the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking. It’s actually cute by the way—sexier when you bite your lip though. I guess this is the time to admit that I do the exact same thing, although I’m more discreet about it than you are. I love knowing the effect I have on you; if only you knew the effect you have on me princess.” 
Were you dreaming? You had to be, there was no way this was actually going on right now. There was no way Mark confronted you about drooling over him in class only to tell you that he’s been doing the exact same thing. What was going on? Was he messing with you? He had to be. Mark Tuan couldn’t have feelings for you—he had a family. And you—you were just a junior in college. His student to be exact; he had to be pulling your leg. 
Yet the way he was looking at you, so seductively with a charismatic glint in his eye sent warmth to your core. The way he was looking at you as if he was a lion and you were his prey, ready to pounce on you did wonders to your body. You couldn’t describe the way Mark made you feel. The way he made you want to do better, the way you wanted to impress him and be someone he admired. The way you wanted to be the reason behind his contagious laughter and breathtaking smile. 
There weren’t enough words to describe what Mark made you feel and when you felt his fingers grip your chin and tilt it upwards so that the two of you made eye contact, you were putty in his hands. As wrong is this all was, you couldn’t find it in yourself to stop. 
“What are you doing to me y/n? I have a family whom I love dearly, but I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve been on my mind every single day since the first day of school. I don’t know what is about you—well it’s obvious that you’re beautiful. Extremely beautiful y/n. But I’ve seen hundreds of beautiful women in my thirty-one years of living and I’ve never batted an eye at any of them. You were so flustered, so adorably clumsy on the first day but it was the eagerness, the enthusiasm you had in wanting to learn even if you may not be the best in science. You remind me a lot like myself when I was your age. You’re one of the most hard working and extremely intelligent students that I know. I—fuck. I’m aware that a few of my students have crushes on me in the last two years and I found it cute but that was it. They didn’t make me question the love I have for my wife and the status of my marriage the way you do. I really shouldn’t be saying things like this before knowing how you feel but I can’t help it. I like you y/n. I really like you and I know it’s wrong for so many reasons and please don’t feel like you have to reciprocate these feelings, please just don’t say anything.” 
Your mouth was dry and didn’t know how to respond to his entire confession. It was still taking you a while to process the entire thing. Not once in your life would you have ever pictured yourself in a situation like this. No, things like this only happened in movies. To both of your surprises, you found yourself smashing your mouth against his, silencing any doubts that he had about your feelings for him. His lips were soft and gentle against yours, but the grip he now had on your hips was rough and intoxicating. It was hard to believe that for the last month, you’ve been dreaming about how his pretty lips would feel against yours not knowing that here you would be a year later, lying flat on your back on top of his desk while he left multiple kisses along your neck and chest. 
“I—like you too—a lot—and if this is wrong—well fuck Mark I don’t want to be right.” 
It was true; you knew having an affair with your professor was taboo and you knew what you were doing was terribly wrong, but you were just going to have to deal with the consequences later. Now, you were going to show the beautiful man in front of you just how crazy he’s been driving you over the last month. He smiled against the inside of your thigh and made his way up to your soaking entrance, blowing some hot air against your core before flicking at your clit with his tongue. 
“Well, I’ll be your dirty little secret and you’ll be mine. Oh and by the way y/n, consider this a one on one lesson about energy, force, movement and motion. I’m going to drain you of all your energy, force my cock in to this pretty little pussy of yours, have you bounce on my dick like the professional cowgirl I’m sure you are and then I’ll bury myself balls deep inside of you while hitting it from the back. How does that sound?” 
The wanton moan that fell from your lips at the sound of his naughty words made the coil that was already building in your stomach tighten. The two of you spent the rest of the day exploring and learning each other’s bodies. You didn’t think that it was possible to explore the many different positions that the two of you dabbled in while being in such an enclosed space but you weren’t complaining. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to come in here again without reminiscing on the way Mark had your breasts pressed up against the window while he roughly drilled himself in to you doggy style.
Once the two of you both came down from your highs, he took a couple of tissues from his desk and wiped you down. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead before he went searching for your clothes that he greedily ripped off of you and flew across the room in a haste to finally get inside of you. His breathless moans and grunts, murmured curses, kinky and naughty words and the multiple compliments that fell from his lips while you were loving up on each other were now etched in to the back of your mind. As you watched him pull up his jeans, you felt a pang of hurt hit your chest. 
What have you done? You just slept with your professor; a married man, it didn’t matter if he had feelings for you and that you reciprocated them, you shouldn’t have let your selfish desires and carnal urges take over. For all you knew, his poor wife who had no clue what just happened with you and her husband was sitting at home waiting for him to finish work, probably playing with their daughter and the image made you feel pathetic. You just allowed yourself to fool around with a little girl’s father. You could be the reason she grows up in a broken home because her mother found out about her father’s brief lapse of judgement. 
However, you didn’t feel as much as remorse as you did your feelings for Mark and if he was okay with having an affair with you, than who were you to disagree? Over the next six months, you and Mark snuck around to fool around with one another. If he wasn’t blowing your back out in his office, he was taking you up against the fridge in your apartment or having you ride him in the backseat of your car. After your first time together, he set some ground rules. You weren’t able to text him unless he texted you first in fear of his wife seeing your messages; which turned in to emails instead because it was easier to tell you of how much he missed having his face in between your pretty titties and how much he loves the feeling of you clenching around him. 
You also weren’t allow to mark him in any way which was a given, but that didn’t stop him from leaving a couple of love bites and hickeys around your body making it known that your bed was spoken for. He also didn’t want your affair to get in the way of your job or your studies, therefore he refused to meet up with you no matter how much he wanted to until you finished your work. You didn’t know how the two of you have been keeping this a secret for so long. You were no longer a student of his, but that didn’t stop you from attending his office hours. 
Unfortunately, you made the mistake of falling in love with him less than three months in to your secret little rendezvous but it was hard not to. Sure, most of your relationship was spent making love with one another, but there were times that you got to see the real Mark. There were days where you actually went to see him for some help on your assignments and he would always be so patient and understanding with you. He would also reward you with kisses every time you got an answer right and it made you want to try even harder. Sometimes when he would come over to your place, the two of you wouldn’t even have sex. 
You’d either cuddle and watch a movie together or bake something you saw on the food network. He was also pretty invested in the Xbox that you had and sometimes you’d find yourselves battling each other in halo or call of duty. It was in those moments, the moments where he asked you how your day was, where he held you in his arms for hours and comforted you when you found out your grandfather passed away, where he would buy you your favorite coffee drink and purchased things for you that reminded him of you. It was a mistake. How could you fall in love with someone who was on paper; unavailable?
Mark made you feel things that no one has ever felt before. He showed you things so beautiful that you could only see with him and he made you feel as if you were the most beautiful thing on this earth. When you were with him, you felt like everything was perfect. He made you extremely happy and you knew he felt the same way about you. But when you’d leave his office, or once he’d leave your apartment, you felt empty. 
There was a hole in your chest that he would leave every single time he’d have to go and return home; back to his family. To his wife, who wasn’t you. It would always cloud your mind; how could he continue to go home to her as if nothing was wrong. As if having an affair with one of your students and going back home to your wife was one of the most natural things to do? You didn’t mean to be so selfish and only think about your pain and your suffering, but you’d put yourself in her shoes every now and then. If it were you and you found out your husband were cheating on you, you’d be devastated. 
Over the weekend, you and Yugyeom were at the grocery store preparing for a movie night with a couple of friends to take your mind off of finals. The two of you were arguing on what type of chips to get when your eyes landed on a cute little baby sitting in the cart. She looked so familiar and you couldn’t exactly pinpoint where you have seen her before. It wasn’t until her mother turned the cart around that you knew she was Mark’s wife and that was her daughter. He had a picture of the three of them on his desk in the beginning of the semester and you couldn’t get over how pretty she was. 
She had long, silky hair, a petite frame and a gorgeous smile. The way she was looking at Mark in that photo was the same way you looked at him every day; with so much love and admiration. However, as your relationship continued, you were quick to notice that he took the photo from off of his desk and sometimes he even goes without his ring. It always made you curious as to why he did that, but you never had the courage to ask him. Seeing the two of them in person awoke something inside of you. 
Even if it was just a couple of seconds of seeing them, it felt as if a bucket of cold water was thrown on you and reality just slapped you in the face. For some reason, seeing them made you feel like you were about to throw up. You didn’t understand why you felt so bothered; you had no problem sneaking around with her husband for the last six months. But knowing she existed and actually seeing her were two different things. It made it all the more real that Mark was being unfaithful and that you were a home wrecker, slowly tearing their family apart. 
Only then did it occur to you that Mark wasn’t with them and you knew he was still probably sleeping because you tired him out in the back of your car the night before. You couldn’t allow this affair to continue; it was extremely stupid of you for letting it get this far and you were sure if you didn’t see the two of them that you would only get deeper and deeper in to a mess that you didn’t know how to get out of. That night, you found yourself at your previous fuck buddy Jinyoung’s house. You knew it was a big mistake, but you needed to know that there were other men out there who could please you. 
Other men that would find you attractive and love your body the way that Mark claimed to. Other men that would be able to take your mind off of the only man you’ve ever loved. You needed to know that you could move on from Mark; that he wasn’t the only man out there but as Jinyoung thrusted himself in to you and left wet, sloppy kisses in the crook of your neck, you knew that nobody could take Mark’s place. Nobody would ever be able to set fire to your bones and send your entire body in flames. Nobody could ever be nor replace Mark, and that’s what you were most afraid of. 
You weren’t surprised to see that Mark’s been trying to reach out to you for days. Ever since the day at the grocery store, you’ve been avoiding him. He’s sent you multiple emails over the weekend and thought that you were too busy with finals to get back to him so he understood. But when you didn’t meet up with him at his office that Monday and Tuesday, he knew something was up. You knew he was growing impatient and he must’ve known something was wrong. Mark never called you unless it was an emergency and even then, he would stick with emails and text messages. When you saw the two missed calls, you decided to finally give in and asked him if everything was okay. 
Come to my office in fifteen. We need to talk. 
You took in a deep breath and ignored the look of confusion on Yugyeom’s face before standing up and gathering your things. “One of my classmates are asking to meet up right now to study for the exam on Friday. If you’re not busy later, maybe we could go watch a movie or something. I’m sorry for leaving so sudden, but actually do some studying while I’m gone please? You have all the time after finals to focus on chocolate shakes Yugyeom. However, you won’t be able to afford to buy them anymore if you don’t graduate from college and get a decent paying job. I’ll see you later.” 
You slowly made your way out of the coffee shop to prevent yourself from looking suspicious, but once you left you quickly began making your way back to campus. Thankfully the coffee shop was only a couple of minutes away and it gave you enough to calm down your racing heart. You thought about what you were going to do the entire weekend. As painful and gut wrenching the idea of no longer having Mark in your life was, you just couldn’t keep doing this anymore. Sure, it was mainly because you hated being the cause of a broken home, but it was also because you could no longer be the other woman knowing you harbored feelings for him. 
She was his wife and you would forever be the whore that he only reached out to for sex. The closer you were to his building, the more you could feel the nerves building up all throughout your body. Surely he had to know you were staying away from him and not just focusing on your education in the moment. Even on the days where you were busy, you’d still contact him but you haven’t talked to him once the entire weekend. As soon as you made your way outside of his office, you took in a deep breath and gave yourself a couple of seconds to prepare your entire confrontative speech. 
To your dismay, as soon as you knocked on the door, it’s as if he was waiting right there; waiting for you to arrive because you couldn’t even finish knocking before he opened it. 
“Hi—“ the glare he gave you sent chills down your spine. He’s never looked so upset with you before. Was he really bothered with your silence? Why would he be though? You were just his play thing; you didn’t think not hearing from you would bother him in any way. He allowed you to walk in and closed the door; locking it just to be safe. There were a couple times where the two of you almost got caught because he forgot to do so. Luckily people always knocked before trying to open the door. 
You felt him before you saw him; he wrapped his arms around your lower waist and placed his chin on your shoulder. Many red flags were going off at the feeling of his embrace but you couldn’t pull away; this man took away your sanity. You put him before yourself so many times. You were afraid of the backlash that would come if you were to make it known that something was on your mind. 
This is your last time together y/n, make it worth the while. 
Feeling him leave soft kisses against your neck made you shiver. You began to think back to a few days ago when Jinyoung had you writhing underneath him. With Jinyoung, it felt so rushed and at the end, you felt so disgusted; so used. He didn’t even bring you to your orgasm. With Mark, your release was his number one priority. He wasn’t going to stop fucking you until you came and that’s what you were going to miss. Someone who genuinely seemed to care about you and your well being. Someone who made it his responsibility to make sure you were taken cared of. You were going to miss Mark, but you miss the person you were before stumbling in to bed with him. You were a young woman with morals; one who would frown upon cheaters, mistresses, adulterers. 
Time and time again, you told yourself you could never do that to someone but Mark Tuan broke down your walls entirely and got you to go against everything you ever believed in. Not anymore. Only for today, you were going to allow yourself to give in to him; to allow him to ravish in your body one more time. But once you were done, you were going to leave both his office and his life completely. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” 
His voice sounded melancholic; as if he was sad that you’ve been doing so and it made you feel even worse. Why did you feel like you were the one ruining everything? When two people have an affair, the two are at fault. It takes two people to cheat, so why do you feel as if this is all your fault? Especially because he was the one to initiate it all? Why did you allow him to take so much from you? So much of your time, love, patience, spirit? Only for him to reciprocate it in sex? Why did you allow this man, this stupidly beautiful man, to own your heart knowing there was no way you could ever own his? 
“I’ve been busy with finals—“
“Bullshit y/n. Now tell me the truth. Why have you been avoiding me huh? Ignoring all my attempts in contacting you—did I say or do something to hurt you?” 
Yes, you broke my fucking heart. You fucked my body and fucked over my mind. You touched me, filled me up entirely and left me empty every single fucking time only to go home to a woman who isn’t me. Who will never be me and I refuse to let you have the power to hurt me anymore. 
“No. You didn’t do anything I’m just—I’m the problem. Don’t worry about me okay?” 
He released a frustrated sigh before turning you around in order to get a better look at you. He cupped both of your cheeks in his hands and gazed down softly at you. His gaze pulled on your heartstrings and now you were worried that there was no way you’d be able to leave now. Mark had that effect on you. He could make the entire world go away and your attention would be solely directed on him. 
“How can I not worry about you? You’re all I ever worry about—all I ever think about. I’ve missed you so much y/n. You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong okay? Just let me take care of you.” 
He missed you? No, he didn’t miss you, he missed the sex. He missed your body. He missed the way you did whatever he asked of you. There was no way in hell that he missed you, he didn’t know what he was saying. It was his dick talking for him; you knew how easily turned on he’d get from past experiences. You knew his words were a lie, so why were you now torn on what you should do once this was over? 
He brought his lips down to yours in what started off in an extremely passionate yet gentle kiss. However, it didn’t take long for the kiss to get heated. He gripped at the back of your thighs and wrapped your legs around his hips and roughly shoved you up against the wall. His lips were rough and hot against yours, nipping, sucking and tugging on your bottom lip while playfully squeezing your ass in the process. Your hands absentmindedly made their way in to his hair; it was a habit you had every time you both would make out. 
The soft grunts against your mouth made it aware that he enjoyed your little ministration, and you continued as the kiss only got deeper. Kissing Mark was what you thought you were going to miss the most; he told you on a few occasions how much he loved the feeling of your lips against his and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t trace your lips once he was gone just to reminisce on your love making session. 
“Need to—fuck you—now—right now.” 
You pulled away from his mouth and began leaving wet kisses along his jaw as he carried the two of you over to his desk. He laid you down gently on the table and brushed away some of your hair before stealing one more kiss. 
“You’re so beautiful y/n. Breathtaking.” 
He placed another kiss on your lips; more delicate and feather like this time. You didn’t know which of his kisses you preferred but with the way this one made your heart flutter, his gentler kiss was your new favorite. Countless men that had crushes on you, all of your exes and some one night stands would always tell you of how beautiful they thought you were, but nothing compared to hearing Mark tell you how beautiful you were. 
Although you never thought too much of yourself, Mark never failed to make you feel like a goddess verbally and physically. He brought his hands inside of your shirt and squeezed both your breasts, causing a soft moan to fall from your lips. 
“You like that? I know how much you love when I suck on these big titties of yours. Let daddy get inside of you and then I’ll show them some love.” Your shirt was thrown across the room with your shorts pulled off right after. 
“Fuck—I will never get enough of this view.” 
Watching him bite his lip while looking at you caused you to cross your legs in order to get any sort of friction against your throbbing core. How could someone who talked about such boring topics such as the earth’s mantle and the crevice of the moon be capable of such a naughty mouth? Just like you, he was now in just his underwear and you found yourself admiring his body in all it’s glory. Who knew a physics professor would be hiding such an impressive six pack under all his flannels and band tees? 
“Wanna see just how much I’ve missed you?” 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before he took off his underwear and you swore you could come just by the sight of his thick and extremely hardened cock. The tip was red and you had a feeling it had to be painful. 
“I’m hard as a fucking rock y/n. I’m sorry you’re going through a hard time baby, but I’m gonna need your help in fixing this problem. You made daddy think you were ignoring him; now daddy’s gonna teach you a lesson.” 
He lined himself at your entrance and ran his cock along your soaking folds to lubricate himself before entering you. His hands made their way up to your chest and he shoved his palms inside of your bra, cupping and squeezing your mounds the same time he pushed himself inside of you. The two of you moan in unison; no matter how many times you’d make love, the stretch always drove the two of you insane. 
“Fuck—so tight—so wet—so, so good. Please—shit shit—tell me when I can move baby please—“ 
Another reason why you loved having sex with Mark was because he always put you first, every single time. He never failed to ask you how you were doing, if he could move, if he was hurting you, if the two of you could experiment in different positions. Although the two of you were commuting such a sinful act, he was always quite the gentlemen and it never failed to bring a smile on your face but they never lasted long. 
The second you nodded in agreement, he began roughly shoving his cock in and out of your cunt. His dick stretched out your tight walls deliciously. Each and every time he bottomed out, you let out a pleasurable sigh; his balls hit the back of your ass with every single thrust and you could feel his cock kiss your cervix whenever he’d return back in to your warm walls. He followed up his promise and continued fondling with your breasts and completely yanking your bra off so that it wasn’t in the way of him massaging your mounds. He flicked at your nipple and pinched the other before bringing your breast inside of his mouth completely. 
“M—Mark—mmm, fuck—your mouth—feels so good and your cock—f—fuck.” He giggled softly as he brought one of your nipples in between his teeth and nibbled softly. 
“What about my cock y/n? Tell me—my dirty little slut. Tell me how it feels? You love the feeling of my balls on your ass yeah? Love the way daddy’s long, thick cock feels going in and out of your slick walls, don’t you y/n? Because I do. Fuck—did you just get tighter—don’t do that y/n, you know what that does to me.” 
If only he knew the real meaning behind his words. If it were anyone else calling you their dirty little slut, you wouldn’t have thought twice about it but since it was Mark and technically yes, you were a dirty little slut, it made your stomach hurt. It wasn’t like you’d clench around him on purpose. It was just so much for you to take. The sound of skin on skin clapping and both your quiet moans filled the entire room making the atmosphere extremely sensual and erotic. He pulled away from your breasts and intertwined both your hands together while placing it on both sides of your head. 
His thrusts only got harder and faster as the minutes went by and you were sure with the pace he was going that you’d both reach your ends here pretty soon. Though most people considered missionary as the most boring sex position, it had to be one of your favorites. You loved watching Mark’s facial expressions as he drilled himself in and out of you. You loved watching the way his eyes would roll to the back of his head as the tip of his cock would graze your clit. You loved seeing his cocky smile every time he’d force you to beg for him to make you come. 
But something in the way he was looking at you right now was different. He never looked at you like this before and you couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but he looked both fucked out yet soft with a hint of what you assumed was worry or curiosity. A small smile rose upon his face and he leaned down to steal a kiss from your lips. 
“You mean a lot to me y/n. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Fuck, baby please tell me you’re close, please. You always get me to cum so soon. Your pussy is just that good. Ah—shit—“ 
Feeling his warm, creamy liquid fill up your walls got you to release not too long afterwards and you sent him a soft, cheeky grin even though you knew the hell that was coming. He gave you a few minutes to come down from your high and put his clothes back on before cleaning you up and helping you put on your shirt. The pleasurable soreness between your thighs made your cheeks warm and you were sure your legs were probably jelly at the rate he pounded you in, but you wanted your last time together to be memorable. 
After Mark, you don’t think you’d want to be involved with anyone else for a while. Not when you experienced what you thought was the love of a lifetime. Once you were both finished making yourselves look more presentable, he ran his hands through your hair and pecked your nose. Since you knew of your next actions, you pulled his mouth down to yours and left a long, sloppy kiss on his lips. God, you were going to miss him. 
“Hey, y/n, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you too much did I?” 
You didn’t even realize a tear fell from your face until he wiped it up with his cheek. This felt like deja vu, Yugyeom did the same thing for you less than two hours ago but for the same reason. You knew he meant it as if he wanted to make sure he didn’t fuck you too hard, but you were in fact in pain. 
You did hurt me, but not in the ways that you think you did. 
“Should we take this back to your place now? I miss eating that pretty pussy of yours. Then we can order some take out tonight or something. I told my wife I wouldn’t be home until late because I knew there was a chance I’d be seeing you today, so we have a good amount of time together—“
The laugh of hysterics that came from the back of your mouth confused him. You couldn’t believe how he was acting so nonchalantly. He told his wife he was going to be late because he planned on sleeping around with another woman. How could he not feel wrong about that? 
“Mark—let’s stop this.” He looked at you as if you grew another head. 
“What are you taking about y/n? Stop what? I don’t understand where this is coming from. Baby—“
“Don’t call me baby! Are you forgetting that you have one? You’re married Mark! You have a wife and a daughter waiting for you at home while you’re out here kissing another woman. Spending time with another woman—fucking another woman! Giving yourself to another woman! Do you know how hard it’s been for me these last few months pretending like nothing was wrong? Fucking you and letting you fuck me knowing that you had a family waiting for your return? Do you know how many times I’ve cried over this situation? How many times I felt disgusted with myself because of this? You’re right Mark, I am a dirty little slut. I’m a whore—a mistress—A FUCKING HOMEWRECKER and I can’t let this go on anymore. I’m sorry.” 
He let out a scoff, but you could see in his eyes that he was now feeling remorse. Whether it was towards you or to his family, you will never know but it didn’t matter anymore. Your mind was made up and there was no way you and Mark could bounce back from this. Especially because your heart was at stake and you were now wearing it on your sleeve. 
“We’ve been fooling around for months y/n and it never seemed to bother you that I have a family. If it did, you would’ve never let it happen but you wanted me just as much as I wanted you. Still want you. Fuck—I meant what I said when I told you that there’s something different about you. You excite me y/n. You’re the only source of my happiness right now. You make me feel safe, you make me feel things not even my wife makes me feel. Please don’t give up on us—tell me what I can do to make it better. I’ll do anything.” 
Leave your wife. You hated that those three words were at the back of your tongue, but it was the selfish bitch inside of you, the one who loved Mark Tuan with every fiber of her being that didn’t care about anyone but herself that wanted him to give up his family life in order to be with her. But the realist in you knew that could never happen. There was no way he’d leave his two-year-old daughter and his wife of four years for a senior in college. He wouldn’t give up everything he’s worked so hard for to be with you. No one in their right mind would do that; especially not for sex. 
“Let me go Mark. It’s what’s best for both of us.”
“Speak for yourself y/n! I can’t lose you. Why only now? Why are you acting like this now? Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
Your throat was sore from all the yelling and your chest felt dry. Your fists were tightening out of frustration and you were sure there were tears falling from your cheeks but you were too numb to feel anything. A part of you was ready to say fuck it and take him in your arms, but you couldn’t do that. You loved yourself too much to give in to him even if it’s all you wanted to do.
“Your daughter is beautiful. She’s a splitting image of you. Has your pretty brown eyes, light, curly brown hair and such a cute little smile. And your wife is gorgeous. I saw them at the grocery store the other day and seeing them, actually seeing them in the flesh rather than just pictures felt like a punch in the face. You have such a cute little family Mark. Why would you let it all go to waste for a college student you fuck on the regular?”
“Damnit y/n! When will you get it through your head? I don’t say it but I know you know you are more than just a fuck. This is way more than just sex between us and you know it! Fuck! I love you! I’m in love with you and I have been for a while now! That’s why I can’t lose you! You’re all that I want and could ever need in my life. There were so many times I came up with excuses to be home late so I could spend more time with you. You make me feel young, like a little child. All my worries and negative thoughts go away whenever I’m with you. You’re my favorite place y/n. My safe haven. You mean the entire world to me. I’ll do anything to get you to stay. Please—I’ll go insane without you.”
“I love you too Mark. More than I plan on admitting and that’s why I have to let you go.” 
His grip on your waist was tight and he pulled you against his chest in attempts to hide the tears that were falling down his cheeks from you but to no avail. You’ve only seen Mark cry twice in the last few months that you’ve known him for. Once while the two of you watched Christopher Robin and the other when your grandfather passed away. It was weird seeing him cry then, you didn’t think your tears hand any effect on him but it made you smile knowing they did. This time was much more different. It made you know that his words were sincere; that he really did love you and that he would go crazy without you. You’d probably go crazy without him too but it was what you had to do. 
“I’ll leave her. If that’s what it’ll take to make you stay, I’ll leave my wife so we could be together—“ 
You shook your head and gave him a sad smile. As amazing the thought of being with Mark sounded and knowing he was willing to leave his family to be with you made your heart flutter, you couldn’t let him do that. You wouldn’t be able to live knowing what you did. 
“Mark, please don’t. I can’t, okay? I love you, I really do and I probably always will. I’m sure I’ll regret doing this later on in life and I’ll miss you like hell—but it’s the right thing to do. What we had was amazing, but you and I both know we could never be together in the way that we want to.” 
You placed one more kiss on the corner of his mouth and you could feel him hesitating to reach out to grab you, but you knew Mark was aware that you were right. He could fight for you all he wanted, but he couldn’t fight your heart’s decisions. 
“Goodbye Mark. Take care of yourself.”
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