#tech noooooooo
x-heesy · 6 months
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𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚢 𝙰𝚜𝚜! (𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚠𝚜)
Cliché - Soulwax Remix by Charlotte Adigéry, Bolis Pupul @bigbonzo @boanerges20
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tech-obssessed-shark · 2 months
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guys please please tell me he’s lying please guys he’s my favorite character he can’t go guys no please i
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jedi-hawkins · 1 month
The Bad Batch "The Cavalry has Arrived" Watch Thoughts
spoilers (duh) I'm posting this now, after a first watch but I'll add more notes after my rewatch (I'm starting now)
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medic Hunter
The sibling banter please I love them
So I had a thought… Hemlock’s eyebrow slit, yu think that’s natural or do you think he does it himself?
Rampart is so cocky love him
Their banter ugh
Emerie and Echo 😭
“Get into position” Omega immediately adopting the kiddos has me so soft
The signals!!
Omega’s theme playing!!
Wrecker no 😭😭😭😭😭 Don’t you DARE
“Things are about to get very loud anyways” I LOVE HER
THIS JUST KEEP reminding me of Tech’s “found her” in ep 2
“This puts him to sleep?” 😂😭💕
Crosshair you’re going to make me cry
“No you’re not”
This whole scene I’m going to throw up. Crosshair said the line and now Hunter’s “Plan 99”
“Echo’s handiwork, or Omega?”
“My brother Wrecker hates heights too”
“Just focus on what’s ahead, not what’s below.”
Man fuck you, Disney
Aw their little shoulder taps
Damn Hunter’s good
“Not in your condition” I feel like there’s a subtext that Crosshair is also not in his game
I’m gonna throw up
(Later note) the “five deaths” quote Crosshair’s comment “Clone Force 99 died with Tech”
“Havoc five” 😭😭
“Hey kid. Hey other kids” Echo I love you
Oh shit he’s trying to condition them
and they know Omega!!!!!!!!
I hadn’t even considered a Nala se death (?)
Hemlock wtf are you up to
Suicide bombing?
Fuck yeah Nala se
Echo noooo
“I have them.”
Fuck you hemlock, what’d you take off CX-2?
Okay. We’re on our feet…
Fuck you Hemlock
the way they’re moving together
Project Stardust?
Aw the kiddos
Emerie doesn’t have her goggles, and she’s joining Echo’s cause
Echo’s leaving?? 😭😭
Her little lean into Hunter’s arm I’m so soft
Old Hunter, silver fox
“Thought you could sneak off?”
His little woven bandana and his ponytail
Batcher has a collar 😭
The two fingered salute
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(Added Note) Wow, I haven't rewatched yet, but re-reading this yeah... I was definitely incoherent when I wrote these. I'm going to go back and give more context, don't worry, and I'll definitely type up my reflection review too. At the very least, I wanted to add this for Tech:
Rest easy, Tech. Your family is safe. Crosshair came home, you were right, his message was real. Though, you were wrong that he's unyielding, he changed. He healed. They all did. They saved the clones on Tantiss, and all of Hemlock's work was destroyed. Your brothers don't have to fight anymore, they were able to live out the rest of their days in peace. And Omega? She's a pilot, just like you. She never gave up on Crosshair, and they'll never forget you. We'll never forget you. Fly high, CT-9902.
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ponderosa-nymph · 3 months
TBB S3 e6/7 spoilers
Noooooooo assassin dont give me hope!!! I've been a strong tech death truther this whole time but....... This is pushing me closer and closer to denial.....
But. That shot of the waterfall after he fell!!! SO strongly parallel to the shots of the height from the railcar. And the climbing out??? Just like he climbed out of the pool on Ipsidon??? The refusal to take orders?? The way we haven't seen under the mask?? The rappelling down the tower (AGAIN the going-down-a-precipitous-height thing)? The tension between him and the "other" clones (.......regs)????
I'm feeling hope on this for the first time yet guys AAAARGH idkkkkk what to think
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Might have a couple of different ones to share today. This one is a bit experimental and may forever stay a WIP (especially if I fail to get the discord skin for ao3 to comply with my will 🙃)
Herewith the thought experiment that nobody needed…
Extract of Discord Chat between rocket46boi and Anarchy_Aunt_Est44
So - big news!
You beat the Undead Overlord???!
No, you daft idiot we have a hot date with that guy tonight.
Oh of course. I did not forget that.
You’ve been having a stab at it without me haven’t you?
Well a bit.
I mean we both know it’s impossible as a solo run. Just testing out some options… you know so I don’t let you down in the field, right?
Haha guilty conscience much?
Um, sorry… I just couldn’t resist when everyone was off doing stuff and I just… needed a distraction from all the everything.
Mate, it’s cool. And you do have my number you know, if you need a distraction just text me.
Aww thanks ☺️
Anyway - back here whatever 19:00 GMT is where you are?
Cool. Yeah! Looking forward to it!
Usual caveat for if I’m not there it’s not personal just my part time job thing you know sometimes the hours are a bit random.
Yeah yeah Mr Mysterious.
Sorry!!!! What news, my Queen?
I’m not going to college!
Wait, what?
Don’t tell me they turned down your scholarship?!! Those ignorant bastards!
Calm down hun
(though your rage on my behalf is cute 🥰 )
I did get that, but am not gonna need it.
Has someone said something? Don’t let the losers get in your head.
Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean you have so much potential??
You’d smash college!
Slow doooown.
I’m not just bumming out.
I have a job!
Oh! Uh, ok what kind of job?
Not 100% clear yet but it’s in experimental digital tech field and there’ll be a shedload of training on the job and best bit is…
Drumroll please…
What? What?!!
Oh! You get out of the SH hellscape!!
That must be a relief.
Yeah. Oh you have no idea.
Like, I wish them well and all but… my ‘neighbours’ are just constant drama. College would be cool but how on Earth I’d get that kind of study done with all that going on?
Instead I get a sweet little flat with just a couple of other trainees who will actually be On My Level you know?
The only one I’ll miss is Clarry. Might see if I can put a good word in for him when I get settled.
Well, congrats! When do you start?
Wow that’s fast!
Yeah the guy is keen to start on whatever this new project is so - tomorrow I get on a private jet to somewhere awesome!
Ok. Wow. You weren’t wrong that’s huge news
I’m really pleased for you
Chin up rocketboi, it’s a tech job, gaming has gotta be an unwritten part of the job description! We’ll still hang out ;)
Oh ok :) Good to know!
Should be a decent WiFi connection there as it’s not paid for by the skinflints at SS! I might even kick your ass more easily.
Hahaha like you need any help with that!!!
I really am pleased for you!
Thanks ☺️ I’m pleased for me too.
Ok I gotta run but, see you later for giant-zombie-crushing?
Laters xx
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
This is definitely a noob question but does ao3 have an interface in languages other than English? I’ve seen ao3 updates translated in other languages, but i couldn’t find a button for the interface. And googling “ao3 [language]” only gave me fics in thar language
Up until now I’ve never needed to look for the info cause I’m fluent in English but I’m planning on translating a fic and I found myself thinking “How do I tag it? In English and hope the reader knows enough? In the other language and hope the tag wranglers have time to get to it?”
Would tagging it in english and adding the translated tags in the summary be acceptable? Or would it just be better to tag it in that language and leave it at that?
NOOOOOOOO, it does not, and this is a source of unending annoyance to me. People have been wanting to translate the interface since AO3 first opened, but there have always been other tech priorities that superseded the technical side of doing that. (The translators willing to translate part was never the issue.) IDK if there's a specific reason they haven't done it in the last few years. I haven't been involved in OTW in a long time.
As for how you should tag it, a lot of non-English communities still use English tags. I think using the canonical and putting the relevant non-English words in the summary is a good idea.
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ntshastark · 9 months
.......hello 👀
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MAWS liveblog: part 1 (1x01-1x02)
Episode 1
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BABY BOY!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she's angry and also a vicki vale fan, i love her 😭
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AND SO DOES HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YES HE'S BABY!!!!!!!!!!
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hmm i like lois having a more established career at the point she meets clark, but i can work with this (sv!lois hadn't even graduated yet and she's my fav so)
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he's so in love with her already, we love a man with taste
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loving this dynamic already
everything is so ultra-tech-y, there's tablets with holograms, computers with stupid transparent screens, all weapons are laser
and yet, the newspaper is not only still printed but also delivered by kids
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love the uncanny blue of clark's eyes
gotta admit, i'm not a fan of lois also being instantly into clark, i like when he's instantly into her but she's too career-focused to even pay him any attention, and is also a bit mean to him (but he likes it) (bonus points if there's a bit of a rivalry going on bc he keeps getting scoops and she can't figure out how)
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now that's better >:3
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omg captain america
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what do these lasers even do, his clothes are intact????
this poor man experiencing pain for the first time in like 20 years probably
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wait then whose tie was it??????
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Episode 2
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now i REALLY want to know how they developed the language, bc i don't think it's ever been spoken before
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NOOOOOOOO THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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isn't that the name of, like, that one kryptonian hero that was nightwing's sidekick or something?? (don't wanna google it in case there's maws spoilers)
wonder if it's gonna be a plot point or just a easter egg
wait i think the base for the spoken kryptonian was latin (which is a pity, i was hoping for hebrew)
i'm not saying i dislike this lois, but... she's a bit too quirky and immature... :/ i get that they're younger here than in most adaptations but i mean, smallville!lois was even younger and she's perfect
but it's ok, it's a children's cartoon, i can live with it.
oh my god they gave him a magical girl transformation
full disclosure: i'm not really into anime, so this does nothing to me except make me :/ that we're not getting the "baby blanket sewn by martha" version
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ma'am the word you're looking for is definitely not shorts
the animation on this series is really not that good with expression tbh, like, the voice actors are going hard and the character is just =[]
i wasn't huge on the art style bc i thought it was too anime-like but one thing you definitely can't say about anime is that it's not expressive, so it's feeling like a lose/lose situation over here lol
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i mean, come on
ugh, references to the classic superman theme always Get Me
wait, there's a regular bedroom but also a bunkbed in the living room? who designed this apartment????
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ok the woman is probably amanda waller and the military guy is very likely general lane, but who tf is this tumblr sexyman-looking bitch supposed to be
ok, final impression? it's cute, it's fun, most of the issues i have with it can be answered with "it's a children's cartoon". i'm glad a new generation of kids is being given a new superman series, which is the important thing here (and i mean, the cartoon that got me into superman was fucking krypto the superdog, so). can't wait to get my little cousins and nephews into it!!
the biggest disappointment is probably lois and clois, tbh. she might even eventually develop into a more accurate version of the character, but the get-together that they're going with is definitely not how i'd prefer (and the early-on identity-porn era is my favourite for them, so it's double the :/). but it's ok, there's tons of other adaptations and comics out there that do show them that way (and more on the horizon! here's hoping 'superman: legacy' delivers, the casting is already amazing so 🤞🏻)
anyway, i'm gonna be going through the eps kinda slowly bc i'm pretty busy, so it's definitely not gonna be like my usual half-a-season-in-one-sitting liveblogs (god i miss having vacations)
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON TBB 2×14 "Tipping Point"
I don't know how articulated I'll be in this review. After watching the episode, I'm unwell to say the least. And it all started by seeing the thumbnail for the episode! Whose idea was that? I want to have words with them! I hadn't started watching the episode, and I was having a heart attack already.
It's so good how everything that has happening to this point is fitting like a puzzle. Despite how some people think, the build-up in this season has been spectacular, and now we're seeing the payoff. I told myself a few days ago that today I'd write the Mando review first today, since I didn't last week and TBB season finale is next week, but here I am, doing the opposite because this episode was so freaking good.
So, here are my thoughts and reactions…
It's so good to see Howzer!! You wouldn't believe the noise I made when I realized it was him. Fortunately, I didn't wake up my sleeping family with it. And it was not just him!! All the boys are back!! So good to see Rex, and Echo, and Gregor and new clones!! Yes yes yes!! And the strategy of docking the ship as a distraction while the rest breaches through another place is fantastic!! all the assault to the imperial ship was amazing!
Exciting 5 minutes of interlude were great but going back to Mt. Tantiss. Back to worry about my boy 😩 And there he is! Noooo, what are they going to do with him?! Oh, Force! More clones.
I love Crosshair's "What is it to you?" and "Wrong" with the right amount of disdain and animosity. Sass away, my boy!!
Hemlock might've gotten a tiny itsy bitsy possibility to make Crosshair contemplate the possibility to cooperate with him if he hadn't said that clones were property. Because at first, Crosshair wasn't sure what the doctor's deal was, and he was wary of him, but the second Hemlock said property of the Empire obliterated the infinitesimal willingness Crosshair could have to help him.
And I must say that after the lieutenant taking the first place from Krell as my most hated character in SW, Dr. Hemlock is turning into a strong contestant. Kudos to Jimmi Simpson for making that soft-spoken voice as creepy and terrifying as it is.
OOOHH! Coruscant again!! RIYO!!!! WOOHOO!!!
You need someone to decrypt those files? yeah, Echo knows a guy!! A bespectacled one that's living momentarily on Pabu 😉
STOP TORTURING HIM!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 My poor boy!!! Oh shut up, you karking stormtrooper!!
YES!!! BABY YES!!! kill those mudscruffers and don't you DARE to listen to her! Crosshair, shoot her NOW!!!
YES!! Now run!
Side note: Did you notice that Cross blasted the Stormtroopers, but he just stunned Emerie? I'd not have minded if he had kill her but I guess it shows his honor. Despite she was torturing him, he wouldn't kill her because she... was unarmed or had been nicer to him than the rest?
Come on come on!! Get out of there!
Ha! even drugged and barely able to stand, Crosshair wipes the floor with all these stormtroopers. Good for him
OH YES!! Send a distress call, YES!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!! He's warning them 😭😭😭😭😭 My baby knows there's no escape for him and tries to warn his brothers anyway 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm bawling my eyes out here. He keeps protecting them despite everything that has happened among them.
GRRRRR!!! I want to kill Hemlock so much!! 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 I want to make it painful and last for a good while.
Ok. The batch is still living the good life in Pabu and Echo is coming! And my boy Wrecker is enjoying life as he should and deserves.
🤣🤣🤣 Flying lessons with Tech and Omega. Tech is getting a little of his own medicine. He's feel what have felt when he does one of his moves. I think Omega will be/is even more deranged piloting that he is.
Echo is here! Echo is here!!! awwwwwwww Omega jumping to hug him 💙💙
ok watching this going back and forth between exciting/happy things anywhere in the galaxy to stressful and scary Mt. Tantiss makes me feel like an emotional yo-yo. AAAAGGHH!!
😒 tarkin had to appear in this episode too? not fun, but nice way to hint the title of the next episode.
Just by Tech's tone through the comms it's easy to know what he found, it's not good (even if I already know it's absolutely NOT good)
YEEEEESSS!!! YES!! YESS YESS YESS!!! Now that you know Crosshair is there, go rescue him!!!! go go go!!
Oh, my! Wrecker assuming (correctly) that Cross turned on the Empire. That's my boy!! 🥹🥹
Yes!! Cross' message got out! At least the enough to warn his brothers (And hey! Yet another parallel to Kallus, both sending a cutoff message with just enough info to be a good warning)
Hunter has a point!!! From all they know, it perfectly could be a trap. WE know it's not, THEY don't. And I will slap anyone who says anything against Hunter because of this. By the time I'm editing this post, I've already seen a few talking about it, and it makes me shake some people! Hunter's question is 100% valid. I mean, do you remember what happened the last time?!
And the fact that he's having doubts doesn't mean he won't do anything, because as soon Wrecker asks what can they do to make sure, you can see the cogs in Hunter's head turning to make a plan. He's not dismissing the issue, just he's being cautious, which is 100% normal in him.
Oh no!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 Haven't you torture my boy enough?! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!! I'm crying here, but I cannot help but be proud at that face Cross made. Gawd! The determination to say nothing. He won't break that easily.
I got the feeling Emerie will help Crosshair sometime in the next 2 episodes. Am I crazy to think that? I mean, she seems to treat him better than anyone else (if you ignore all the torture that is) and that last look she had, I don't know. Seems she's not so onboard with Dr. Hamlock anymore.
This episode wrecked me. I'm in shambles! I think the last time I was like this was the episode when Cross lured the batch to Kamino last season, but unlike then, I'm not sure how all this will turn out. I'm terrified of what will happen next week. Last season, I was relatively chilled because I was 99.95% sure nobody was going to die in the finale, which turned out to be true. This time, I'm not so sure. There are too many ways this could go wrong, and I don't want bad things to happen.
Also, I'm trying to keep my hopes low for the happy endings I foresee, so if things go sideways, my disappointment is less. but I wonder if wanting having the batch all together, safe and happy is too much to ask?
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techs-ass · 1 year
So in my city there's a road named "Tech Drive". Ya'll know how much of a Tech simp I am. Could you imagine the unfathomable happiness I would feel to have that sign. I cannot even begin to put into words the amount of willpower it takes for me to NOT steal that road sign every time I pass by it on a delivery.
I have literally looked up maps to view the houses near it to see if there's a possibility that they have cameras facing that sign. I know what time the cops rotate in that neighborhood like the back of my hand. I even have the tools I need to steal it. I know exactly where in my house I would hang it. (In my bedroom, 3 ft. above the bed. That way when someone comes into my room and asks about it, I can say "Yeah. That's there because this is where I Imagine Tech driving dat dick into my pussy")
But nooOoOOoo someone just HAD to steal the "Bone Road" sign too many times forcing the city to put tracking chips on all the signs. So now, I'm forced to look at the perfect road sign knowing that I can never have it, knowing I can never make funny Tech drive puns in my bedroom....
at least until I learn how to disable the tracking chips.
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May the music carry the spirit
Oikawa x marching band!reader
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Key because of a new POV replacer on Wattpad:
Y/N=your name (mainly first)
L/N=last name
f/c= favorite color
f/s/a= favorite stuffed animal
f/f=favorite flower
You are a 2nd year and Oikawa is a 3rd year and you play flute in this (yes I’ve played flute myself for 11 years now so… prepare for band nerd jargon) (also Oikawa's dialogue is written in blue, the announcer is in orange, and the section leader is in pink
anyway let's get started
I sadly got to start my day with my alarm blaring at full volume with my sheet music now doused in my 40 ounces of bang energy drink so I could practice all night (but that didn’t turn out well obviously). 
Jee i wonder how this day could possibly get worse
Oh yeah
We perform our indoor show today at one of our school’s volleyball games
And we don’t even get to sit with the other Seijoh students until after the show (which is AFTER the first set regardless of who takes it) and then play pep tunes the other 2 sets where I of course was given a solo and am on the mic everytime we play one certain song
But to add more insult to this mortal injury
Both teams would be watching us from the stands during our show to give more attention to marching bands indoors and because of an outrageously important audition for us
We had just gotten off the bus when Iwazumi came running up to me to ask if I knew where the director is (yes he knows me because we were almost on the same page academically.)
“Hey L/N do you know where the band director is?”
“Sadly I am not sure since he wasn’t on our bus, however I think he’s on bus…1 I think?”
“Oh uh thank you. And um… good luck? Is that what we’re supposed to say?”
“I mean you’re kinda close. We say ‘have a good show’. Have a good game Iwa-kun.”
“Have a good show L/N”
We walked into the entrance of the gym with our instruments while the percussion went and got the props and technology and the team went to the locker room but, on the way to our designated warm up areas
“Oh hi Y/N-chan you’re all good! Are you ok?” and he said this while i was looking for my horn
“I’m so confused what are you talking about”
“L/N it’s only 50 for you ms.soloist”
*sigh* “besides you have the most banged up flute anyway”
“Y/N-chan! You have to be nice to yourself! Iwa-chan has told you too!”
“Ok so here’s how it is Oikawa-san, I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SURVIVES DEATH BLOCK NOW I can hold mine up perfectly for 30 minutes straight!”
“I better not catch you doing more than 10 push ups!”
“Whatever you can’t stop me meanie-kawa not even my section leader knows it’s good for me”
“ I’d be careful if I were you Y/N-chan~”
I walked away to the end and did 20 burpees right in front of Oikawa just out of spite and screamed back:
And of course he yells back at me:
I ran off to the warm up area while giving Oikawa a peace sign
I watched as Y/N-chan jogged away while holding up a peace sign and without her knowing I was blushing uncontrollably 
I can’t be thinking like this before an important game! We’re really good but that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down while playing Date Tech
I’ll win for her 
I’ll win for Y/N and cheer her on during her show
I went with the team to the locker room we shared with the band because they only put their band uniforms over their squad shirts and compression shorts 
And what did I see?
“178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185…” 
“Y/N-chan! Don’t push too hard, you'll hurt yourself!”
“196, 197, 198, 199, 200, DAMN IT OIKAWA I LOST COUNT NOW I HAVE TO START OVER >:( “
“Y/N-chan no just no. No more push-ups for you.”
I got up and looked him in the eye (which I never do) { hehehe author-chan never does this lol}
“If I push hard then I get better I thought you would know that too”
“Ok but I don’t punish myself harshly for something small”
“Look I understand this is important but I need to get in the head space to perform and I don’t want to burden you by clouding your mind and judgment with this because I know I don’t matter as much as your game. And I don't want you to think I’m doing this to be hurtful to you. I know how important performing in your sport is and how important it is to you. I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“Your health is important too, you know. Iwa-chan taught me that and it made me a better player. I think it would make you a better musician if you took care of yourself too”
“I’ll see you later Oikawa-san I have to go warm up now. Have a good game!”
I clapped my hand on his shoulder and smiled a closed mouth smile at him and shook his hand
“I’ll teach you the woodwind handshake if you want me too later :) “
“Sounds great Y/N-chan!”
I walked and got my flute and started warming up on scales while walking away and then flexed by playing the solo from Carmen’s Entra’cte by Bizet and then Bach’s sonata in E major while backwards marching and giving him a wink
I just watched in absolute awe as she walked away playing like a pro musician.
“Oi Shitty-Kawa we’re going to warm up soon”
“Y-yeah I’ll be there in a hot sec”
Then he hit me upside the head 
“ I-I think I’m in love”
“Oh dear god.”
“Then play well for her if you want to show her!”
“I will then!”
As the boys were lining up and getting ready to play we started playing “The Greatest show” to hype up the crowd more (if that’s even possible lol)
And as we neared the end of the diminuendo and the song the captains shook hands and we went off the court out to prepare for the show after the first set
We may have not gotten to see them play but we were ready to show everyone what we were made of
We stepped out onto the court and were introduced
{a/n the flute solo is Bach’s orchestral suite No.2 in B minor, BWV}
As we were leaving and the boys were coming back to play OIkawa-san and I made eye contact for a mere millisecond and we both blushed and looked away and continued on our own path and then he stopped in his tracks turned around and said “Y/N-chan you were great! Can’t wait to see you up there!” “th-thank y-you Oikawa-san”
My heart sunk 
I was supposed to break 90
I didn’t
My solo score brought us down
I wanted to cry
I retained my composure as I went up to get my medal
Afterwards the team was able to come down to congratulate all of us and who came up to me?
Iwa and Oikawa
“Good job L/N-chan-”
“I scored too fucking low”
“I was supposed to break 90 and we could have made a better set of qualifiers”
“That doesn’t change that you were really good”
Then Oikawa chimed in
“Y/N-chan you did so well and this is only the beginning right?”
“True but I-”
“Y/N there’s no reason for you to be angry. You’ll beat them but you at least know where you stand right?” it was weird not hearing Oikawa using an honorific but I knew he was serious
“So don’t let this benchmark stop you. Keep going!”
“I guess?”
“You wanna know something else Y/N-chan?”
“I’m in love”
Holy crap
Did he finally fall for one of his fangirls? Who was lucky enough to be the one he had his eyes on?
“Who’s the lucky girl? Is it one of your fangirls?”
“No. no. no they don’t come close to this girl”
“I have no idea then Oikawa-san I need a hint”
“We should go out into the hall the next group’s coming in”
So we went out
“She’s smart, beautiful, kind, and her talent is incredible”
“Uhh….. I got nothin I actually know no person like that”
“Really? That’s quite tragic that you don’t see those things in yourself”
“Hold on WHAT?!?”
“That’s right. You’re the one I fell for Y/N…I love you it’s ok if you don’t feel the same I”
“I love you too Tooru” I went in and gave him a hug
“I’m still not gonna let you do your push-ups because I love you too much and I don't want your arms to fall off”
I looked up at him and slooooowwwly got out of his embrace took a step back and continued from 200 push ups from where I left off
“201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207…”
And so he of course got down to my level and laid down so his head was under mine and he kissed me when I went down for another push up
“Oikawa no I’m trying to do my push ups!”
“Well I think you should get a kiss for every push-up then”
“It’s supposed to be a punishment not a reward!”
“I don’t think my precious girl should be punishing herself period”
So I tried to move away but he just got up and moved to my location and squatted only to wrap his arms around my torso and just started tickling the shit out of my tummy and ribs
“You wanted to punish yourself right? So here it is! Best part is you’re smiling and laughing which makes me happy”
“That’s not very nice Y/N-chan! Now I’ll have to tickle you more!”
He moves his hands up to my armpits and somehow thinking ahead he flipped me over and sat all in one motion while keeping my wrists pinned under his legs and just going wild fluttering his fingers all over my torso and armpits with seemingly no intention to stop
“Wow, Y/N-chan you’re so cute and ticklish!”
“Ok ok ok I’ll stop now”
 He gets up off me and pulls me in for another kiss and a hug 
“I’m paying for dinner tonight by the way”
“No I’m gonna pay. I don’t care if you think you should. You won your game so it’s my treat”
“B-but I-I-I-”
“No buts I’m paying”
“Meanie I should be paying for you for performing so well :( “
“You can pick the place though”
“Do you want lessons for music because you seemed quite interested and dumbstruck during the woodwind feature”
“Sounds good to me! And I’ll give you volleyball lessons in return!”
And with that we were off to dinner 
But not before he got me a f/c f/s/a and a bouquet of f/f
I might make a part 2 I haven't decided
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myoongiverse16 · 1 year
Bad Batch Episode 9
*Spoilers for episode 9 of the bad batch*
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Me if I get my hands on Filoni.
Just watched the new episode of Bad Batch and yes, I hate you Filoni. You had the perfect opportunity to show wet-haired Hunter and you just wrecked it. You ruined it. You did on purpose didn’t you? You evil, sinful man. How do you sleep at night? Knowing you refrained from giving the people what they want need. You already took Echo away, at least give us something. But no.
(Dang I got pretty emotional there. No hate against Filoni, he’s a great dude)
Anyways, I got major Lion King vibes. If Wrecker would have died I would have pulled a Simba and yelled, “Noooooooo!” But, luckily Filoni did well on that part.
Also, western vibes? Me likey.
But also, I never would have guessed Wrecker and Tech would argue so much. Echo kept them in line. He needs to come back because they’re falling apart. And finally, that scene with Tech and Omega was probably my favorite Tech scene ever. Good job Filoni. You did well.
(I’m still mad about not getting wet-haired Hunter but we’ll let it’s slide, this time 😠) 😂
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expfcultragreen · 11 days
"Art is art and art is fun because we use our art to torture people because we cant get boners now and we're bored and we like watching other people die and even making it happen if possible, also we accuse everyone else of being totalitarian fash to deflect from this"
Oh ok what if i use my art to ridicule everything about you white apes for this
"Noooooooo wahhhhh pay no attention to the gaggle of losers behind the curtainnnnnn.....we're going to teach kids to smash brave little toasters for this, youll see, oh youll see"
Ok hows this for a fuck yall: public domain should start after a year. THEN we'd see innovation
Watcher style, its a part of the commons soon enough to facilitate culture but also delayed enough to get them paid
Everyone sensible already knows this and so you privately already advocate this yourselves im sure ....to the people who would find it intelligent and fair, anyway.........seems like the babies are all scared of robots lately for no reason, like its a crusade against tech itself, marty....against civilizational continuity even and i recall youre not a fan of civilizational continuity.....feels like the babies are more excited about money than progress and some someones feed them validation for that
Did you and your sadist art friends really throw a rave where the projector was playing indecipherably realistic footage of a baby getting raped by a rabbit? A little bird told me, you did, and that everyone wanted to die but they werent allowed to leave or something......now to be clear, i was told this in my head. Im crazy, you see. This was when all the heavy machine use next door percipitated my belief that you were tunneling from their house to under my rv and making a bunker cavern to sit in so you could psychically manipulate me as intensively as possible. Thats were i was "told" the rave happened.....in fact i was informed in my head about it for days...you kept trying to convince me that actually there were lots of home movies of me instead of none, but they were all just masonic CP about how to make a medium and "why its ok/great to abuse children actually"
This was the summer of feverish attempts to convince me that when my testes were removed they used the sperm to clone me and sell the clones to masons as 'realistic robots' to sublimate all their insane pedophilia from having to get brainwaahed by the cp of me into agreeing that child abuse is good and no one should say anything about it when they see it
Also the summer i told the cops to kill me when they showed up and they set a dog on me because for some reason 👀 theyd brought one for a ~wellness ~check
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skinside · 6 months
no fair. no fucking fair. my phone doesn't have an sd card slot. no headphone jack. no removable battery. there isn't even a fingerprint sensor that isn't under the screen. tech companies are scamming the fuck out of us. i could barely find a phone with even one of those things (sd card slot), but then the processor was crappy.
if they would just make a nice solid phone that didn't break with a big removable battery and 10 years of software updates and all the other stuff i said, that also wasn't prohibitively expensive, we could keep our phones for ages. but noooooooo. planned obsolescence capitalist bullshit garbage. sick of it. sigh.
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howlingday · 2 years
Jaune: (Staring at his scroll, Thinking) She still hasn't answered me yet. Maybe I should stop bothering her.
Weiss: (In the bathtub, Thinking) I've been ignoring him, but maybe it's time to talk to him again? I mean, it's not like he's trying to annoy me.
Jaune: Alright! One more message, and if she doesn't reply, I'll give up!
Weiss: If he apologizes one more time, I'll forgive him.
Jaune: (Reading his message) "I'm sorry about what happened. I won't do it again. Can you forgive me? I miss you." No, that seems too desperate. Maybe something shorter?
Weiss: Why hasn't he apologized to me yet? He always sends me at least one message every day. Why is today any different?
Jaune: "Can I call you?" Yes! A direct apology is perfect!
Weiss: (Scroll dings, Gasps) Finally! (Scroll falls into the water, Stares) NOOOOOOOO! (Leaps out of the tub, Scrubs her scroll with her towel) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I SPENT 800 LIEN ON YOU, AND YOU SHUT DOWN WITH JUST A LITTLE WATER?! (Taps her scroll, Thinking) It's not coming on! WHAT DID HE WANT?!
Jaune: (Sighs) Weiss says she's never without her scroll, so why is today any different? She's probably still ignoring me.
Weiss: It's fine! It's fine! He wants to apologize, so I'll just see him tomorrow!
Jaune: ...Maybe I should just give up.
Weiss: ...But what if he gives up? I've been ignoring him for so long, so he might quit. He might even hate me! I don't want him to hate me! Sure, he's annoying, but it just makes him more endearing. I want to apologize to him. (Crying) Please! Turn on! Turn on! Please, turn on!
Yang: Yo, Ice Queen?! How long are you gonna- Woah! Why are you naked, cuddling your scroll?!
Weiss: Yang, my scroll got wet!
Yang: What? Let me see. (Takes the scroll) All you need to do is give it a good whack!
Weiss: Wait, what?!
Yang: (Beats on the scroll)
Weiss: (Snatches the scroll) STOP! YOU BEAST! THIS IS HIGHLY SENSITIVE ATLAS TECHNOLOGY! YOU CAN'T JUST- (Scroll rings to life) It worked!
Yang: See? Mama knows what's best!
Weiss: Thank you, Mama! (Clears her throat) You didn't hear that. (Scroll buzzes)
Jaune: I can't give up! Not yet!
Weiss: (Smiling, Thinking) He hasn't given up!
Jaune: Please! Answer me!
Weiss: Jaune!
Jaune: Weiss?! Hello! I'm- Huh? Did... Did she-?! She hung up on me! Well, fine! If you're going to block me, then I'm gonna block you!
Weiss: (Stares at her dead scroll)
Yang: See, this is why you don't trust Atlas with tech.
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zaptrapp · 3 years
Ea’s Bad Batch Rant -ep 1
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Welcome to this part of Tumblr where, after I watch each BB episode, I’ll give you my detailed (yeah lmao as if) analysis and emotional ramble. SPOILERS AHEAD!! Let’s gooo (this is gonna be a long one, 70 minutes of ep!!):
First of all HOW DARE THEY. Filoniiiiii.
I was NOT expecting to start with a mission right before Order 66 are you fucking kidding me? I immediately went “Nope, not doing this.”
Look at the initial flashback of the clone wars. I was shaking, too many memories.
I haven’t watched Rebels but I know some things and I know who Caleb is. So HI Padawan Caleb, good to see you. But... wasn’t Kanan’s skin complex a bit darker?
It’s going nicely, some comedy thrown in, The Bad Batch being wholesome and just destroying clankas! Tech is growing on me.
Master Billaba why are you so disappointed omg ahah thank them immediately!?!?
Yo I fucking swear, I swear to god that when tbb was leaving and the Captain turned to receive Order 66 I jumped from the seat so fast. Like I yeeted myself so fucking far you cannot understand. Literally, fuck fuck fuck this. My anxiety and ptsd from the clone wars went 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Rip Jedi Master Billaba.
Run Caleb, just run.
(I’m so fucking glad to see The Bad Batch is immune to Order 66. Like so glad.)
Ok Crosshair and Hunter go rescue Mr Padawan there.
nope nope nope this is not going well. I was wrong, I fucked up, I spoke too soon.
“Good soldiers follow orders” noooooooo
Hunter being wholesome omg, what a dad energy he has. I already love him.
Omg Hunter’s scream when Kanan jumps.
Crosshair literally chill dude, let’s all vibe together.
Also uhm... it hurts to see them all so pale. Please for the love of god fix that, it’s unsettling.
The way they return to Kamino so oblivious of what’s going on. It hurts
“Coruscant guard is here” YES SHOW ME FOX YOU COWARDS
Uhm.... Filoni can we talk for a second? Yeah I would like to ask you WHY? Y’know, was it really necessary to show the corpse of a dead Jedi and the hand with the lightsaber falling off? This scene is gonna be stuck in my mind forever. I’m crying.
Can we also talk about the music? Haunting, a masterpiece throughout the whole episode.
This is not a kid’s show.
Love that they have their own personal barrack filled with their stuff, so precious. Plus the Tooka doll, omg😩
The amount of times I’ve said “Crosshair chill” by now is over 9000. Spoiler: it gets worse.
Absolutely love the tension between Hunter and Crosshair. Live for these moments.
Tech listing the characteristics of his mates and then “my exceptional mind” LMAO brag about it.
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed”. “You can say that again” Wrecker OMG I wheezed. Echo’s like “bruh”. That’s what I need. Right here. God I love this.
“Still don’t think the regs are programmed?” This part made me shiver. It literally terrifies me. Also Tech is growing so much on me...
Hello Omega, nice to meet you.
“adolescent human female” Tech what the fuck it’s just a girl.😂 I love her accent and her smile! And she’s a medical assistant, love that too!!!!!!
Omega really said 😃😃👋🏼👋🏼
Here comes Tarkin ugh
Why does it hurt to see regular clones without helmet? Probably cause they all look like Fives, Kix, and the others. My heart is crying
Also, why is no one bald anymore? Guess that’s old fashioned uh... (yeah I know it’s because they want them to have no characterization whatsoever, but what’s wrong in being bald?) I miss my bald-with-crazy-tattooes- regs❤️
“Hello again” 😁😁👋🏼👋🏼 the way they look at her LMAO 😶😐😑🤔😕
Food fight, yay! (Crosshair was just trying to chill but ooop guess it’s time to fight)
No seriously. They really threw AZ in curing Echo’s injury??? You don’t know how much I was crying. I thought they were gonna throw a “Fives” in and I wasn’t ready at all, not now. Glad they didn’t but still... fuck me Filoni
Look at Echo’s reaction. Fuck. He’s scared as hell, probably though he was back on Skako Minor being a lab rat.
Yeah what a shocking revelation for them AZ.
Headcanon: Tarkin hates his life. He’s so bitter.
The fact that they’re being tested against real threats and guns while they have stupid toy guns it’s so fucking wrong and ridiculous.
“Five are all that remain” but Echo’s not genetically enhanced. That means... (i was putting 2 and 2 together)
Here we go with a mission... this stinks from miles away just telling you
Omega and Hunter talks, ughh the feelings
The way Omega calls softly Hunter’s name ugh I’m sold. They already have a bond “something about her I can’t figure out.” 😩😩
“I guess kids aren’t your area of expertise” Crosshair what a subtle shade😂
Crosshair was not really going to shoot at kids and elder people. Right?
Oh hello Saw, good to see ya. Always a pleasure.
GENERAL SKYWALKER AND CAPTAIN REX mention here we goooo🤪🤪🤪
This is chilling and unsettling....
Great a snitch droid or whatever the fuck that is.
*dramatic stare between Crosshair and Hunter* plus toothpick action going on
Crosshair literally stfu
And here’s Tech dropping facts. Omega’s an enhanced clone. I wonder how they made it possible for her to be a female taking Jango’s DNA but whatever, this is Star Wars.
I am legitimately pissed that Crosshair threw away the toothpick. Justice for toothpick.
Omg she found a picture of the squad😭😭😭😭😭 flashback to Rex’s picture with Echo, Fives and Cody I’m crying
Look at them walking right into the trap.
Hunter looks totally offended but c’mon, you know what you were going against.
Yo, I’m really here trying not to SIMP and they fucking throw TBB in their blacks on my face. I don’t have to look at them, I don’t have to— HELLO HUNTER, how’s you booty doing?
Crosshair CHILL amigo ok io quando mi incazzo devo passare all’italiano quindi o ti calmi o ti calmi, capito brooo??!! Le bestemmie che mi fai tirare.
Ok he’s struggling, I see that. No need to be an ass tho 😶
“I know it’s not your fault. You can’t help it.” Yes I’m crying why aren’t you. The way he looks at her... I’m dead.
CT-9904. Okay... also why did they have to kick Hunter. He’s so precious, trying to defend him regardless of him being under the effect of the chip.
Oh shit oh fuck oh shit here we go. (I didn’t want to watch this part.)
Ehm, Hunter why did you have to lay down like that, you sexy beast. I’m waiting for a gifset of him like that. I’m waiting.
Not Omega copying his moves😂😂😂😂😂
“Abnormal individual” lmao the look on Tech and Hunter’s faces. So done.
Ugh the anxiety is spiraling in me. Also how did they suit up so fast lmao.
Oh no. Oh no. NO NO NO
oh shit.
He looks good tho ngl🥴 (toothpick’s back.)
Oh the look on Hunter’s face, the music... breaks my heart.
Oh I was kinda ready for this part but still..... 😭😩
Yo can you not throw the toothpick away in every damn scene please? That’s my emotional support character object.
Yo jumpscare I lost 10 years of my life what the fuck
The amount of times Wrecker got hurt just in this episode is concerning.
Your move. AHHHHHH
Yoooo Omega with that blaster rifle saved the day😃✨
BYE Crosshair see ya later 💔
Kaminoans hiding to the Empire that BB escaped? This is gonna be no good I’m telling you
Omega is precious. Must be protected.
Short list of friends. One is on coordinates J-19. Saleucami sector system. CUT LAWQUANE confirmed. Fuck yes. I’m happy. Now I can rest.
Sike I will never rest. Strap in and let’s gooo
Well well well. I LOVED IT. FILONI THANKS FOR THE UNWANTED FEELINGS that made me remind I’m a human capable of emotions❤️ I owe you one but I’m also hurt and also in love. Yes, there are things that did not sit really nicely with me: the obvious whitewashing, Omega being a clone of Jango (yes I was kinda expecting it but as I think through about it... makes less sense. Literally how?), but overall I enjoyed it.
Also if you wanna chat about TBB and feelings dm me or send in an ask! See ya bad bitches💕💕
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that moment when you realise that your human OC is an intern
lorene keaton from the SPG comic is also an intern
so you spend all day shaming yourself for committing accidental plagiarism
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