#teen vs society
indigosabyss · 1 month
hear me out hear me out: a pre-stone wars ukyo character study. following the song beats and emotional chords of loser geek whatever from the be more chill musical.
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something to be said about bakugou getting the Troubled Teen Industry redemption treatment. like of course he deserved to be corrected for his early series behaviour but. some of y’all just wanna see “bad” kids get their “comeuppance”
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stellacendia · 1 year
Re: my last post about cis people just utterly failing to understand how I exist outside the gender binary cause I'm still thinking about it and it's still making me mad. One example of this is how much they buy into bioessentialism, cause it's never occurred to them that it's bullshit.
A couple months ago I was talking about how I think if I ever become a parent I'd want to be my kid's mother (as opposed to their father)- cause I'm not a woman but you can be a mother without being a woman- and my friend goes "Oh! Do you think it's because you have maternal instincts instead of paternal instincts?"
And I'm just like. Wtf are you talking about? No?
And she goes "oh yeah it's like a scientific thing they've observed even in animals! Fathers just feel no parental instincts at all until they have kids and then suddenly boom! They have all these parenting feelings!"
And then I was doubly like wtf because that's just. So stupid. I made a comment about wondering how much of that was actually societal and how boys are raised versus how girls are raised, and she was just like "no actually it's an unchangeable biological fact!"
And now it gives me such weird feelings every time I think about it like... I'm slowly coming around to the idea that maybe I do want to be a father but... Am I feeling that cause I'm getting more comfortable with masculine labels applying to me? Am I feeling that because she just made me feel so goddamn weird about maybe still liking a feminine label despite the fact that I don't identify with womanhood?
I love her so much, and I know she loves me. I know she supports me in my gender discovery, and she's been so helpful with it- helping me pick out new clothes, and being respectful of my pronouns, and being a listening ear when I need to talk about new feelings about my sexuality, and all that. And I know she's incredibly smart, and she's open to being educated on issues she doesn't know much about, and she's aware that she just doesn't know much about trans stuff. She knows she needs to examine some of her biases and assumptions.
But then she says stuff like this, and.... Idk. It just makes me feel so gross. And I have no idea how to talk to her about it. I want to be able to challenge her when she says things like this, and I want to be able to push back on these ideas and make her really question them but..... she just says it so confidently, and I am so bad at disagreeing with people even over totally trivial things, and I know as much as I want to I'll just never pluck up the courage to say anything to her in the moment. I want her to talk to other genderqueer people. I want her to read the things they write, hear the things they say, and maybe start to cross examine her views on her own, without me holding her hand through it all. I don't want to be the only one educating her on this stuff. It's exhausting, and emotionally painful.
I'm just.... tired
#stella speaks#personal#she doesn't mean to be transphobic! she tries really hard not to be! but she is. a lot. and i just don't know how to tell her#also like. sources on that? who's they? which animals? what behaviors are they observing?#and again like societally. american boys are raised to never think about fatherhood until they're married#and even then they're not expected to contribute as much to raising the kid as the mother is#whereas girls are encouraged to think about motherhood basically from birth. and they're shamed for not wanting motherhood#i got a lot of shit as a teen for saying i don't ever want to have biological kids#so like. maybe these maternal vs. paternal instincts are just like. who's been thinking about it for more of their lives?#and there's no actual difference between?#i know boys that thought about fatherhood while they were in their teens#and i know a lot of women who never want to be mothers#it's so clear to me that this idea is bullshit but she wants what society wants so she's never questioned it#i was actually the first (at the time) woman she'd met who didn't want kids! it was eye opening for her!#she tries to make me fit in and make sense in a system that is not designed to accommodate people like me#which i am sympathetic to because that's just what humans do. we take new information and try to make it mesh with what we already know#i understand that it's really hard to let go of these things that she's been told all her life are fundamental to how the world works#and i do have to give her credit because i know she is trying. i know she is willing#but the meantime she's hurting me. and i just can't deny those hurt feelings or turn them off
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How do you write boys dialogue? it’s really hard when I write it it comes out like girls usually talk but when I write it to sound like a boy it comes out cringy and weird
Boy Dialogue vs Girl Dialogue
It's important to note that, generally-speaking, how a person speaks is not dictated by their sexual organs or gender identification.
There can be differences in when and how language develops, but these differences are general. Individuals vary.
Historically-speaking, and still today to a lesser degree, socialization into gender roles and cultural norms have also played a role in how people speak. But again, this is a general difference because individuals vary.
Can you tell whether the following sentences were said by boys, girls, or nonbinary people?
-- I'm in biology and recently we dissected a frog, which was really cool because everyone got to participate, and when my partner, Rachel, cut into it, it like splattered all over her, and I was just like whoa! -- Me and my brother collect corks, like, bottle cap corks, and um, we have a couple hundred in our rooms upstairs. -- My relationship with my parents I think, relatively, is pretty good. Obviously, being a teenager, there are moments when I don't really feel like talking to them. -- When something's on my mind, I usually go to my friends about it, I don't really talk to my brother. -- I don't know if they'd like to hear it, but [my friends] are definitely the burnout/stoner kids. But they're great people! -- I'm pretty nerdy. I do computer science.
Those are all real sentences spoken candidly by teens of different genders, but you can't really tell who said what, right?
So, when writing characters, it's infinitely more important that you make your character sound authentic to who they are. If you are writing about a 17-year-old girl in 1950, then of course there will probably be some differences in the way she speaks compared to her brother, because at that time gender roles were much stricter, and there was a lot of pressure on young women to be "prim and proper."
However, if you were writing a 17-year-old boy in 1950, he would speak quite differently from a 17-year-old boy in 2024. Not only because societal expectations and cultural norms were different then compared to now, but also because things like slang, pop culture, popular phrases and idioms, etc. are different now compared to then.
So, instead of worrying about your character's gender and how that influences how they speak, focus instead on who they are. What is their personality like? What is their education like? What types of people and things might influence how they speak? How does their society and family expect them to speak? What are their hobbies and skills? As long as what they say makes sense with what you've laid out for this character, you're writing authentic speech.
Here are some other posts that will help:
Writing Natural Dialogue Giving Your Characters a Unique Voice Recognizing a Flat Character
Also, I think it's very helpful to make sure you really know your character, so here's a post for that. Also, I find it helpful to cast my characters with real actors/models, because it helps me imagine them more clearly, which helps their dialogue come across more naturally in my head: 5 Tips for Getting Attached to Your Characters Guide: Casting Your Characters
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER QUARTERFINALS: Dr. Frank N. Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Ellen Ripley (Alien)
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"Obligatory RHPS. This had to be here. My first real adult queer spaces that weren't just me and my gay teen friends was Rocky. It let me be out as trans for the first time publicly. Frank is my idol."
"I feel like it goes without saying."
"They sing a song called “Sweet Transvestite” about how they are a sweet tranvestite from Transexual Transylvania. also she was played by Laverne Cox in rocky horror live!"
"The character of Ripley was originally meant to be played by a man. also pleaseeee if this competition is a bunch of white guys im going to lose it"
"She is so incredibly butch and cool, she has that butch mechanic thing going on"
"The character was originally going to be a man but Sigourney Weaver killed it at the audition so she was hired and not a single line of dialogue was changed. Also, overall, most of the films leave an implication that gender is not very important to the point of being a practically genderless society. Everyone in these movies is too stressed and too busy working under late, late stage capitalism. My point is that Ellen Ripley is definitely (however unintentionally) agender."
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donutwatches · 2 months
MHA 3.3 - Kota - part 1/3
This is a watch-a-long blog, so no spoilers past this episode please!
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Didn't he already do that last season? Did I imagine that? I love that his training is creating the perfect bath temperature.
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Apparently Midoriya's training is getting beaten up by a furry. I wonder what he is going to tell his Mom when she asked him what he got up to at summer camp? "Well...there were these park rangers dressed as cats".
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What would class 1A do without Iida keeping it together 24/7? Everyone is dead on their feet, but Iida is like "Look alive people, we're about to make the greatest curry of all time".
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HIS TINY SMILE. This was a small detail, but it was so moving. Just lighting a fire for cookin and making his classmates smile made him happy. In seasons 1&2 he was so shut off socially.
He is finding out that the part of his quirk that he rejected and hated for so long can help people, and that he can use it in a positive way.
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Momo's power comes from food! She can make weapons from her body by eating cake, what a dream.
"It's like poo". Sero, noooooo! Why did he have to make it gross? lol
There is a full doozy essay incoming. I went ham. So don't click 'keep reading' unless you actually want to keep READING.
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What Kota says in this episode got me spiraling into essay territory. Kota's point of view has helped a lot of MHA's themes click into place for me, but these thoughts have been brewing for me since season 1.
Categorizing people and placing labels on them can lead to dehumanization. The 'villain' label makes people who commit crimes less than human, and the 'hero' label elevates people into being more than human. Either way, dehumanizing people has consequences, and in Kota's perspective, it got his parents killed.
Someone labeled as a 'villain' can think, well I'm already called a villain, I might as well act that way. Someone labelled as a 'hero' is pressured to live up to being put on a pedestal, and that can lead to failure, or hypocrisy (like Endeavor's outside hero image conflicting with behind closed doors abuse).
The villains versus heroes narrative feeds a cycle where they are in perpetual competition with each other to negative results for the community. As if crime and justice are the same as competing sports teams, like red team vs blue team. This leads to what Kota says, "they're all showing off", and end up "killing each other".
I have had jobs where I worked with kids, and I saw social labeling play out. Some kids got labeled as 'trouble makers'. The kids saw that they got attention for challenging behavior, and it got worse. I have heard a kid state "I'm a bad kid" outright, and they internalized that as part of their identity. It is hard to undo the damage.
It reminds me of Shinso from last season, as an example of a teen being labeled a villain by his peers. He fought hard to reject being put in that category, but many real life teens don't escape the labeling.
There are also kids that get singled out as 'golden children'. These kids feel pressured to be perfect, and can struggle with their flawed human identity not matching their 'golden' reputation.
Bakugo is an example of an over-praised kid that develops a superiority complex. He is insecure about not being the best, because he was categorized as 'the best' at age five. I think 'troublemaker' versus 'golden child' is a small scale version of the 'villain' versus 'hero' in MHA.
These categories lead us to making blanket assumptions about individuals who fit the right image. All might is the symbol of peace, so he must be perfect, right? But the show reveals that All Might, while he is a good man, is a flawed human being. We see him struggling to upkeep the shiny symbol he has created, at the cost of his health and social life.
I wonder if MHA is going to explore a villain that could have been a good citizen, but got trapped by how society has cornered them into a 'villain' labeled box? I think this might be the major theme of the entire story. I've cracked it, I can stop here, I don't even need to watch anymore episodes, bye! ;p
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"My friend", ok Deku, you're not fooling anyone.
The starry night backgrounds in this scene are beautiful!
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This montage of Midoriya trying to force a quirk to happen almost killed me.
It takes me back to the 1st episode where Deku's opening line is "we are not all created equal", and the episode shows us both him and Bakugo being put into opposite social boxes based on their quirks.
Deku was labeled bad/useless because he was quirkless, and this flashback underlines how much it hurt him, but he was saved by how strongly he held to his ideals of heroism. That is the positive flip side of the 'hero' label. It gave Deku something to look up to and live for.
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Kota isn't ready to accept that rejecting the realities of hero society is going to be more painful in the long run. He is too little, and trying to process so much grief, it breaks my heart.
What also breaks my heart, is that Deku is speaking from experience. He has lived quirkless in a hero society, and rejecting the reality of his quirkless-ness back then caused him a lot of hurt too.
This is such a great exchange. MHA doesn't do a lot of quieter character building moments, but this talk between Kota and Deku was so good.
Part 2 is here
@jessiedead @blackaquokat @granny-griffin @champion-prism @bicheetopuff @setfiretotheshadows @hyperfixations-and-cringe
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
i find it so interesting to look at sam and dean's respective views of society and people vs monsters, especially in early seasons, and then how that shifts and evolves throughout the show. like when we first meet them dean is very anti establishment whereas sam is literally studying law at an ivy league college. dean is very vocally anti police, and you're like wow for someone who was raised by an authoritarian father and is trying his hardest to please him this guy sure hates authority. he is aware of and cares about issues like racism and classism. but then when it comes to anyone non human he pretty much has no grey area, he sees them all as monsters to be put down. they are Things and they all killed his mum. whereas sam is pretty neutral about people, he doesn't even seem to be aware of systemic inequalities, he has a more individualistic approach to society. but this means he also sees monsters as individuals, just as capable of being good or redeemed.
This has everything to do with the way they grew up and the challenges they faced that affected them the most. dean's biggest challenge was putting food on the table. dean grew up poor and hungry. he was arrested for stealing, he had to use his body to get by, and he had to starve to try and feed sammy. and sam also grew up poor, but he was somewhat shielded from the reality of it. he wasn't the one who had to get food and pay for the extra week in a motel john left them in. his issues were much more personal. because sam knew he was a freak by all standards, he felt impure, and he knew in his heart that the monsters they hunted weren't too different from him. so his hope was in believing that anyone could be saved. anyone could choose to be good. where dean saw a system, with people in power and people who suffered because of them, sam saw grey individuals, and he was drawn in particular to the ones that had something "wrong" with them (max, madison, the kid from bugs, etc)
dean grew up so isolated that he couldn't be individualistic. he could only look at people from afar and that's why he sees the systems. and the violence he faced wasn't targeted at him personally, it was targeted at people like him. poor people, drifters, queer (or queer-looking) people. sam grew up trying to make connections. he made friends, he wanted an education. he tried so hard to belong.
and it's interesting to me that dean ended up being the one who formed the most personal bonds with people who were different, or ostracised, or monsters. see crowley, benny, charlie, claire.
sam tried to build communities (see his s14 arc) but every time he tried to get close to someone it ended in disaster so he ended up keeping his distance. and building a system. throughout the show he takes on leadership roles, and as time progresses he keeps his relationships more and more goal-oriented. whereas dean ends up forming personal bonds with a lot of people, and focusing less on helping oppressed people in general, and more on saving the individuals he cares about. i'm not saying they switched roles, they both kept their original views of the world, but they shifted towards a more confused and confusing moral compass that pointed somewhere in the middle and made it harder for them to understand each other. and ain't that just what growing up is like. dean cared about the whole world as a teen and young adult, but then that became too much to bear, and he had to focus his energy on his circle of loved ones. still caring about the world, but he had individual connections now and had to prioritise them. and sam still saw the potential for redemption and goodness in everyone, but he grew weary of people too, afraid of them or afraid of losing them, and he built walls. tried to help by giving himself missions rather than getting personally and emotionally involved.
psychologically speaking this show is so rich, the characters don't feel one dimensional (despite some of the writers' best efforts), and following their journey for 15 years means we saw them change and evolve, they don't remain the same people they were in season 1, but they keep some of that, and they just grow organically. sometimes i just love spn
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donnatroyyyy · 8 months
A (very long) list of my (semi) unpopular DC opinions
The Batfam shouldn’t work together as a whole big group as vigilantes. Whenever that does happen it ends up being character suicide for AT LEAST two of them and also usually ends up minimizing all of them to one of the skills/traits they’re good at (or the archetypes the writer wants them to be). The only exception to this is if it’s a long arc covering an actual catastrophe where each issue covers a duo or trio within the big group. Otherwise they should stick to no more than 4 ppl at a time in a team up. Also, this obviously doesn’t apply to them as civilians, they’re literally family obviously they’re gonna hang out as a group.
The Teen Titans (2003) is the best writing but (one of the) worst teams. On the other hand the original Teen Titans run and NTT run are the best teams (imo) but have either really bad or really mediocre writing. We as a society need an OG TT or NTT run written well.
Roy struggling with a heroin addiction has so many more layers and nuances to it than struggling with alcohol because as a non-meta hero most of his fights were against something drug-related. As opposed to alcohol which is now seen as a normal thing for soldiers/heroes/warriors to fall on as a crutch, this medium uses alcohol addiction with every other character. Roy’s addiction to heroin would literally be an opposition to all that he’s ever stood and fought for, all that his family and friends ever fought and stood for, and way more interesting because of that.
Garth (like Donna) is one of the most powerful and interesting characters but is never given enough panel time. However, unlike Donna, writers would rather write him out of the teen titans before they actually write a good interpretation of him. And I don’t know why but his role in the Aquafam too has been dwindling with time.
Garth’s openness about his inferiority complex and his inferiority complex in general need more panel time, it’s one of the most interesting thing to come out of the OG TT run
This is a complicated take because it’s literally two opposites in one take, but the main difference in characters as seen in old comics vs. now is two things. One, the writing of characters was much better, much more realistic, and much more nuanced in old comics. Two, when there is a well-written character in modern comics its usually a more show not tell character so everything is shown to us through actions and stuff rather than straight up words or them psychoanalyzing themselves in their speech bubbles and that just doesn’t work with modern audiences because media literacy is a dying art. Also, there’s the variable of the influence of fanon over how characters are written in comics but that’s a whole other post.
Roy and Donna are literally THE OTP like I don’t even want to hear it, they’re literally DC’s percabeth.
Every single Teen Titan had an inferiority complex, some were just easier to see.
Selina and Bruce and Talia and Bruce are two very different relationships that can’t be compared. Also they will always live side by side till the end of comics, this love triangle was one meant to last, and it will.
Jason Todd as we know him right now should get the YJ Roy Harper treatment, we need to find out that he’s a clone and the real JT is somewhere in Africa working for UNICEF or something, that’s the only way to fix his character.
Also, ignoring the top one, if DC doesn’t want to commit to that because they’re cowards, they should at least not make him a part of the Batfam yet, it’s too soon for either side.
Kara Zor El is the perfect character to be a white lantern, her arc literally matches up perfectly with each of the rings, and she’d wield it incredibly
Kyle Rayner is top 3 GLs
In my opinion, Diana is best written when the most important thing to her in the world is the world itself. Like, usually I hate the whole “hero would sacrifice u, villain would sacrifice the world” thing cuz it mostly doesn’t really apply, but to her it absolutely does. Diana would sacrifice the closest person to her for the world in an instant if it was for the sake of the world. And this isn’t like an angst thing because they all know it and are all ok with it.
Also, Diana is one of the most if not the most powerful characters in all of DC, if DC did a Deadpool kills the marvel universe kind of thing they should totally use her because she is sooo powerful. (Afterthought: that’s why I hate most of her appearances in anything JL because they underpower her soooo bad)
I say this as a batfamily Stan, the batfamily is the worst family in all of DC and sadly the one that gets the most attention.
The OG TT are the epitome of superheroes in the sense that each and every one of them defines every part of a superhero spectacularly and always has.
Kory needs an arc where she leaves everyone and everything for a while because as of right now, not only do the writers only ever see her in relation to others, but she sees herself that way. She needs an arc where she finds herself in relation to herself, who SHE is. Away from the love triangle, and the titans, and the Titans, etc.
Babs is a better character outside of the love triangle than she is when she’s in it. (Also a better character as Oracle but that only really unpopular amongst writers)
Every single woman character in DC is written in relation to the men in the comics, even WW. The only exception is Oracle, not Babs, but Oracle, which is actually so twisted considering that the creation of Oracle as a character came hand in hand with an event that literally inspired the cloning of the phrase “fridging”
BOP is one of the best teams
Harley Quinn shouldn’t be a hero yet, she was abused for over a decade, we need to see more of her struggle to undo all of the manipulation and heal from the abuse as well as try to undo all the damage she’s done. The Animated Series is the best version of her arc but it’s still not good either.
We as a fandom(s) need to normalize the ability to consume and enjoy things we don’t necessarily agree with. For example, as I’ve stated before multiple times, I absolutely hate any kind of abusive Bruce, however, I still read those long posts about it and I still read fics where dck punches him cuz he’s an abusive asshole, it’s okay to consume media that you don’t necessarily agree with. And same with fanon versions of characters, I HATE coffee-addict Tim, I’ve still enjoyed hundreds of fics with him in them though.
Damian Wayne is the most compassionate member of the batfam and one of the Keats likely ones to willingly kill
Blue devil and kid devil have arguably the most interesting story and tragedy in all of DC and the only reason they’re not given a lot of attention is because their tragedies have to do with something we don’t like to see: the wrongdoings and flaws of heroes, especially ones we like.
Speed Saunders should’ve continued as a character
Hal Jordan should’ve stayed evil for a while, the end of the parallax arc sucks and is a stupid cop out because they weren’t ready for a fully new GL. I don’t think he should’ve stayed the villain forever, but maybe for a few years, especially if that meant they would’ve ended the arc better.
Mera is more powerful than Arthur, always has been and always will be.
Wally West does see Barry Allen as a father figure and vice versa, it’s okay to see someone as a parental figure when you still have parents, especially when your parents are (canonically) borderline emotionally abusive and/or neglectful.
Any iteration of ANY hero being abusive is the worst writing ever because what the actual fuck, I’m sorry, but what happened to the whole they’re literally fucking heroes part??
There are so many characters that deserve solo series (or even mini series) but don’t get them because all the series are already being taken up by bigger characters (looking at you batfam)
So many characters get mischaracterized for the sake of other character’s stories (again, looking at you batfam)
Anyone who thinks Superman is boring either doesn’t understand him as a character or hasn’t read enough stuff with him in it (I recommend All-Star Superman and/or American Alien)
Anyone who relates to the Joker needs to turn themselves in at the nearest police station. (Unless it’s LEGO Joker, we like him)
The LEGO Batman movie is unironically some of the best DC media to ever exist
Atlantis and Paradise Island should be allies (especially once Diana, Arthur, and Mera come into the picture), I don’t know why they’re not
Lex Luthor is one of the most despicable villains because he’s a realistic villain, which is much scarier
Kon should be the next Superman
Connor Hawke should’ve stayed Tim’s age and Tim’s friend, it makes the most sense timeline-wise plus I think their dynamic was super cute.
Comic writers not making Roy openly refer to Ollie as his dad even though they’ve been father and son since they’ve debuted basically is actually so crazy to me
These next few are about Talia Al-Ghul because I love that woman:
Talia Al-Ghul Pre-Morrison was one of the best and most interesting characters in all of DC and that isn’t just my opinion, she was really popular amongst fans and writers for that exact reason
However, Morrison’s damage to her is near irreparable
BUT, if DC did want to repair it, I genuinely believe she’d be the best character they’d have character-wise and it would probably pull in a bunch of new fans
But even if they don’t, Talia Al-Ghul is one of the most important characters in all of DC and comics in general because she’s literally the documented history of WOC in media (especially Arab and Asian women) as well as their relation to white men in media. Her character and how it changes is directly tied to mainstream views on WOC at the time.
Talia Al-Ghul is literally of “I Bet On Losing Dogs” by Mitski, personified
Dinah Lance is the perfect example of a complex character done right and interpreted wrong/not interpreted enough.
If anyone should be the therapist within the hero community it should be J’onn or Red tornado, those are the two that make the most sense.
Helena Bertinelli is more important to the batfam than Jason Todd is.
Cassandra Cain shouldn’t be portrayed as mute anymore, it doesn’t make sense for her character or her arc.
The worst thing to happen to Poison Ivy’s character is Harley Quinn.
Mera is made to be a mother, whether to her own kids (Garth included) or as a mother figure to other kids.
On the other hand, Stephanie Brown wasn’t ready and doesn’t/didn’t want to be a mother, she gave up her baby willingly and will almost 100% not go out to look for her.
Lady Shiva’s appearances 99% of the time are out of character for her, the whole “training with Shiva” thing is also OOC for her, and Cass even existing is OOC for her. The reason that this continues though is because she’s been transformed from an actual character into a character tool.
Stephanie Brown and Cassanadra Cain are a good duo and anyone who hates on one but likes the other misunderstood both of their characters.
Dick hating Jason for what he did to Tim IS in character of him, and, in my opinion, correct of him
The rise in people who don’t like heroes’s pacifism is concerning. People calling Bruce a bad person because he doesn’t kill is concerning. People viewing Clark as boring because he’s a good person is concerning. People liking straight up villains more than they do heroes is concerning.
Anyone who recommends mister miracle should also tell them about the TW in the first few pages
Kingdom come isn’t that good, especially to non-Christians
Big Barda needs her own run. We need a Bug Barda run that covers everything from her origins to where she is now, and we need it done by a female writer who’s good at complex and heavy stories
Some of the most hated comic writers are some of the best at what they do
Chuck Dixon is just as much a blessing to any character he writes as he is a curse
Marvel’s comic writers and artists 80% of the town do a better job with their characters and their arcs than DC writers and artists.
DC should have sensitivity readers because the amount of racism in these comics is insane
It’s okay to put down a comic/run because you don’t like the art, it’s your time no one’s gonna judge you
Alex Ross’s art is actually nice, people just like hating
The Trinity should never be shipped with one another
Steve isn’t important to Diana at all, he’s barely in any of her comics actually, he’s less important to her (or at least to her character) than fucking swamp thing
Batfam is better smaller
It’s better to read the first appearances of characters, it helps you understand them better.
Lois Lane is the DC version of Susan Storm, aka the blueprint of women in that company’s comics, but also one of the most forgotten women in that company’s comics
Comics aren’t going to go anywhere arcwise for the characters long term, that’s the whole point. Batman will always have a robin. Love triangles will always be love triangles. They will all always stay young.
Old campy comics were better than modern comics.
Cheshire isn’t a redeemable character and shouldn’t be one. Women in comics should be allowed to be straight up villains and stay that way.
Cheshire having Lian is OOC. Cheshire leaving Lian is a racist trope.
Asian and Arabs are treated horribly by DC.
The New 52 is actually a good place to start for new readers, it was a good idea, but it should’ve just been an alternate universe (like mcu is to 616 kind of) or something (and it should’ve been down with the supervision of anyone who isn’t Dan didio)
DC has some of the best world building in the history of modern day media/literature especially considering how many facets of this world there were/are to build
Team rosters that are constantly changing are better than stationary ones unless they change too much/too fast
Canon is hypocritical 90% of the time, most times canon clashes and crashes and doesn’t make sense, so don’t worry about it, read a comic, count what you want to be canon as canon, throw the rest into to the “never existed” pile
I’m sorry to tell you guys this, but it isn’t an opinion, it’s an unpopular canon fact, one that even I don’t like: Dick Grayson likes pineapple one pizza
Something that I hate that been on the rise a lot lately is the fact that the fandom is so okay with character being sexualized just because they like how the characters look, I feel like we should keep our stances on this as they are with all over-sexualized characters.
Villains of the week are actually so fun, even more then the big villains sometimes.
JSA needs a comeback please and thank you (I’m begging atp)
Cassandra Cain shouldn’t be Orphan, ever, it makes no sense for her to take the name of her abused. The same way it doesn’t make sense for Jason to become red hood.
Complex characters who are dumbed down once can be dumbed down and mischaracterized every time after that, and this has been done A LOT.
The YJ shows is very much overhyped
The fact that DC overpowers their characters makes them more interesting, not less
Selina was right and in character when she left Bruce at the alter. She was not right and in character when she hid Helena from him, she wouldn’t do that.
Bruce Wayne is more fun to read when he has a pipe and fun colored robes, please give him back his pipe and his fun colored robes.
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
about kevyn tan. like, why did this burnout goth kid elect to enter The System despite being so fringe in his youth? kevyn is first presented as our suburb 90s version of alternative gender expression, but he wears the goth title the same way he wears the cop title. loosely, ill fitting. this guy? really? on the surface he seems likable, but! but. he is always trying to be the most "inoffensive" in an offensive party, no matter which side of the line on. (he doesnt say anything when nat is harassed by the boys in the car, like he doesn't say anything about the out of line "undercover" work Saracusa does on the Sadecki case). he only takes on either role (goth/cop) because he thinks it will impress a girl. in a show centered so much around girlhood, womanhood — we have travis, who starts out immediately (begrudgingly) taking this very Masculine role in all the regular teen boy ways he's been bullied into but then also in the grown man ways he has to in his father's absence, for javi. and we have kevyn who is experimenting with a more Feminine self expression. they both suck at it. natalie has to cut the ring off of coach martinez's finger for travis to bring it back to javi. natalie has to tell kevyn not to use sharpie on his nails. but then javi goes missing for travis, and natalie goes missing for kevyn. without javi, travis can begin to slip into this honorarily Girl role that he was never allowed to before, a role he is more comfortable in. (travis' angry outbursts through the series are almost always linked back to moments when he is being asked to perform Manhood, vs the peace and comfort it brings him when someone else relieves him of that burden. like nat asking him not to go on tai's hike, and the sex scene where hallucination lottie holds him gently, opposed to how much nat saying "I want you so bad" scared him off). while travis is studying the blade coming into womanhood in the wilderness through his loss of bodily autonomy, through adhering to the rituals they begin to set (the laws of the wilderness/girlcode) and finally his emotional and bloody participation in the birth of shauna's ("their") baby... kevyn is in society coming into manhood by the laws of civilization, now that he no longer has nat to, yes, guide him but more importantly to wear the uniform for. travis wants to be a part of girlhood. kevyn covets girlhood, the same way he covets nirvana. he doesn't actually care about it, he just wants it to be his and nat's thing. he liked it better when it was just them. he begins his descent to cop (derogatory) as travis begins his ascent to deadwife (affectionate). later when nat tells kevyn that he and travis were a lot alike, it's true and it isn't. they have the same middle point, but only pass by each other briefly on their way to opposite ends of the spectrum, where they were headed all along.
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Platonic Yandere Johnny Joestar Vs Platonic Yandere Funny Valentine over Johnny's long lost little sister reader who ran away from.home after Johnny got kicked out and got into an accident and lost her memories and got adopted by the Valentines.
Hi there, it's been awhile! Glad to see you!
Tried writing amnesia in a more realistic way. So she does remember most of her past.
Familial Yandere brother Johnny and Yandere adopted Father Funny Valentine
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When Johnny ran left he knew it'd hurt his little sister, but he considered that it was the best for her. Without him she'd have no reason to worry.
When he saw her chasing after him he assumed she would go back home once she'd tired herself. He was wrong.
She didn't go back. She kept looking until she sustained a head injury and fell unconscious. Luckily she was in the sight of a coachman who pulled aside and informed the passengers, Mr and Mrs Valentine who quickly brought her in the carriage and had her wrapped in a blanket before changing course to the nearest hospital.
When she comes to they ask her questions. She's able to give a name and vaguely explain that she left home, cannot remember the reason but is firm she can't go back. Doctors say that her head injury has resulted in amnesia.
They leave to talk with one another. It's deeply troubling that a child is in such a situation and don't want to return her incase the caretakers involved are the reason for her running away. That's when Scarlet suggests they take her in, they've been trying for a child for ages and this seems like fate that they found her. Funny agrees and they talk with the doctor to understand the condition more before going back and explaining that they'll take her in.
Due to her condition she has to bring around a notepad with her to help her keep up with what's happening. Now being in high society she struggles to remember certain details or is seen looking back at her note book which some see as rude during events but Funny is quickly able to deescalate the situation.
Scarlet is always pampering her with nice clothes and jewelry as well as doing her and make up before events.
Funny is goes out of his way to help her study or takes her on outing when there is time to spare. During election season he makes a promise to make up time when he can with an activity of her choice.
As a teen he's very worried about her. Barely trusted strangers around her to begin with but now it's worse. At soirees hes alway got an eye on her. Making sure that hes within earshot of her. Making sure no one will try to take advantage of her. Sometimes getting in the way of potential dance partners.
So she decides to claim his promise to watch the steel ball run with him as she tells him that her two older brothers used to ride horses. He agrees, even if she'll need to be seperated.
During the race she hears of a paraplegic contestant and former jockey Jokid. She's drawn in by such determination, unaware of him being her brother.
But eventually she's able to see him at one of the stops. Even greeting him, inspired by his will, he also seems oddly familiar to her. He asks her name and she tells him it's (Y/n). He's shocked realizing that it's his sister but before he can say anything she's called away by a guard by her new last name. This sends him spiraling. Gyro is able get his attention back as to not cause a scene, knowing that something is off with Johnny.
Gyro tried to get Johnny to fess up to what's going on but he refuses. Bottling it up. Mentally he's beating himself up. What happened to her? why the hell was she associated with Valentine now?! He blamed himself, even wondering if this was some kind of sick plan he had up his sleeve or just some twisted joke fate had bestowed him.
All he knows is that he's going to kill that bastard. Especially if he's done anything to her.
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marzipanandminutiae · 7 months
Madame Marzi I must defer to ur wisdom
Recently you rb’d a painting with some younger ladies and in the tags talked a bit about short hair in Victorian Times
Do you have any reference for how shorter hair was styled at the time? I’ve seen plenty of paintings and such with VERY short hair (post illness or perhaps childbirth) where all you can really do is smooth it back, but what about that awkward, past the shoulders sort of stage where it’s too long to just brush back but too short to do much to? Surely they had some styling guides..?
(Also, a side question— how old would one be before going from shorter skirts to adult/full length ones?)
The two little girls in the garden (probably preteens-young teens)? Yes, I did!
It's hard to find images of women with in-between hair lengths, and I'm not sure why. Possibly because they'd find ways to put it up with false hair, whereas hair too short to put up is more obvious in photos. This could also have to do with the type of woman who has pixie- or bob-length hair voluntarily vs. mid-length: the latter is more likely to be attempting a grow-out, and thus to try her darndest to do The Culturally Accepted Long Hair StylesTM where a lady who chose a much shorter look wouldn't care. If that makes sense? Because, indeed, some of the women with very short hair were not ill or postpartum: ladies could, and did, choose to eschew long locks back then. It wasn't very common, but it happened.
(Nicole Rudolph has an excellent video about localized short hair trends for ladies during the Victorian era.)
You see a lot of these bob-type looks in photographs where the hair is center-parted and either naturally curly or curled on purpose, around the mid-19th century:
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(1850s or 60s)
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(Author, feminist, and abolitionist Anna Elizabeth Dickinson- no relation to Emily that I know of, though Anna was also a queer female writer around the same era -c. 1860s. She wore her hair short all her life, so it was voluntary in this case.)
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(Also 1860s.)
Pre-Raphaelite muse Fanny Eaton frequently appears to have chin-to-shoulder length hair, though given that she was Black with a corresponding hair texture, it's hard to tell what the actual length is- it may be long and looped up in the 1850s-60s styles popular when she was most commonly painted (most free Black women in England and the US wore styles also popular with white women, to the best of their abilities given that fashion plates assumed European-textured hair as the "norm"):
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(Fanny Eaton, 1861. Also worth noting that we have no images of what her hair looked like when she wasn't posing for fantastical paintings.)
I've never actually seen an image of a Victorian woman with mid-length hair outside the context of theatrical or artistic images from the end of the century, now I think of it. Huh. It's a mystery, I suppose!
As for skirts, while in earlier periods children had basically worn miniature adult clothing, it became fashionable around the 1830s-40s to dress girls in short skirts and boys in short pants. The usual rule was knee-length until around age 10, then mid-calf-length until somewhere between 16 and 18 when skirts would be "let down" and the girl would start wearing her hair up, becoming a young adult in the eyes of society. (Contrary to popular belief, this had nothing to do with marriage- while you were theoretically eligible for it when you started dressing as an adult, girls/women younger than 20 were still often considered a bit too immature to marry. It wasn't forbidden, but many people thought it unwise. And yes, unmarried young women did still wear their hair up and their skirts long.)
...unless she preferred her hair short, which as you can see, was an option!
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■□▪︎ Colorful Creations vs. Destructive Justice▪︎■□
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{Yandere Miguel O'hara/Reader}
《Miguel O'hara with a Error!Reader or Ink!Reader?》
《{Error! Sans: Created by @/LoverofPiggies (aka CrayonQueen | Ink! Sans: Created by @/Comyet}》
Error! Sans: Originally a version of Geno of After Genocide, he fell into a dimension between Universes and became glitched beyond repair. He now dedicates his life to cleanse the Multiverse of Anomalies, even if it means destroying all of the AUs and Out!
"നⅰဌՍᕦ⎜!!!" Your voice screeches out. Your glitched form appears in his office, scarring newcomers when seeing you, along with hearing...
Descending down with your strings, your glitching form scares and unnerved one of the younger Spider-Man, also known to you as one the "Anomalies".
You laugh at the thought, finding it funny that the whole "spider-society" singled only one of its members.
They all were Anomalies. All of them.
"Meirda.." Miguel softly cusses when seeing you. "(Y/N).." He starts off, but you interrupt with one of your strings takes hold of "Anomalie 42".
You were pissed, knowing the truce you and Miguel held was close to shambles.
You let 42 go after your close look. Eyeing Miguel as you huff, your strings cradling you as you watch him explain.
Ink Sans: Ink Sans is a Sans who exists outside of timelines to help aid artists in the creations of new AUs. He is capable of drawing anything and bringing it to life (outside of already deceased people).
"Miguel~!" You appear from one of your ink portals, excitedly jumping towards him. Before noticing the other "spiders," you light up!
Cheery and kind, you go over to the "spideys", shaking their hands and eyeing their costumes and color palates.
Then noticing "Anomalie 42", bouncing over to the young spider, happily questioning him and talking about the adventure you saw of his.
Miguel scoffed as tells you to stop.
"Sorry!" You said, before patting the young teens head ad Miguel ruffly pulls you away.
You were delighted to meet Miles.
Knowing he could change the timeline so easily!
[I'm such a undertale nerd, gawd, but I knew this had to be done! Art, comments, reblogs are appreciated! If you like this idea and wanna use it, tag me! I'd love to see it! This was for FUN, Maybe I'll right more of this! Let me know! Thanks for reading!]
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doomed2repeat · 1 month
Bridgerton opinion that will get me cancelled
As a Black woman who looks more like Marina than I EVER will look like Penelope, seeing people use Penelope being white and Marina being Black/mixed as an argument to side with Marina and act like she was the victim of Penelope’s racism always makes me itch. Y’all act like stopping her from baby trapping a man is a hate crime and it’s not.
There are issues with how Bridgerton has incorporated racially diverse casting and forgotten the real world implications of the decisions they’ve made, but none of that is an excuse for Marina’s behavior, and I’m not siding with her just because the person who called her out as white, and it’s not “racist” for Polin to be my favorite couple. I can see why making Marina a single unmarried pregnant teen as a Black woman makes people inclined to side with her, but in-universe none of that holds weight, especially when Marina’s nasty behavior has equally been directed at another Black woman (madame delacroix). If your argument boils down to “you just don’t like Marina because she’s Black” miss me with that. It’s weak and it’s a lie. I dislike her because she was wrong to do what she did to Colin (who would not have been fine and I’m also tired of him being collateral damage in this dumb Penelope vs Marina argument), and showed NO remorse about the damage she did to him, even when she had a year to reflect. I don’t feel bad she got called out for it. She might be the victim of society, she might even be the victim of George Crane, but she is in no way the victim of Penelope, who saw the harm she was doing and put a stop to it.
And while I’m on it- let’s talk about how this inevitably gets pulled into calling Penelope fans “self-inserts” for a White character. People- unless you are the author who is writing the character, a character cannot be your self insert. The only thing they can be is relatable to you. And any character can be relatable for any reason. Example- Julia Quinn, a white woman, wrote every character in Bridgerton. Shonda Rhimes, a Black woman, read Penelope’s story and found her relatable. In producing the show, Penelope is Shonda’s self-insert, but the audience can only find her relatable. Characters are SUPPOSED to be relatable. That’s not a flaw. You relate to Marina which is why y’all hate Penelope so bad, and I gotta PRAY it’s just because of race, because if it’s the baby trapping y’all relate to somebody needs to get Maury Povich out of retirement because there are a lot of men out there who are NOT the father.
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Me whenever the Marina vs Penelope conversation is reduced to Black vs white.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
My 2000s/2010s kid medias wisdom:
Azula deserved a redemption arc and Ty Lee is the girl who got shafted by not being Zuko's love interest
The Soul Society is a military state and Ichigo was a good person for never joining it and Orihime was the best Bleach character
Sasuke was right and Kishimito made him an extremist as ableist victim blaming propaganda and Sakura and Hinata are equally good
Ben 10,including the sequels,is better than Danny Phantom
Flynn Ryder was a creep and a dickhead who didn't deserve Rapunzel
Hiccup was trans but so was Astrid,only transfem instead
Teen Titans is a beyond good show but the influence it's had on DC's comics is bad and Young Justice Animated should've never existed
The Hunger Games and Chronicles of Narnia derserve better than to be grouped in with Harry Potter because Thg is an anti-bigotry story rather than liberal bs and you can actually pull 'Death of the Author' with the problematic elements of Tcon because C.S Lewis is actually dead
Adventure Time is an almost perfect show and so're it's comics and sequel miniseries' and you can't pull 'It's bad because it got too serious in later seasons!!!' as a fact because that was the point,that it was trying to be different from most kids cartoons and it not being your thing dosen't mean it's not good writing
Winx Club,W.i.t.c.h,Totally Spies,The Powerpuff Girls,Kim Possible and MLP are feminist even if they have their flaws and they're brought in a girly packaging because they're meant to be heroes for little girls
Johnny Test is fine and y'all are weird fow visceral your reaction to it was
Percy Jackson and the Olympians dropped the ball by having Percy end up with Annabeth because they're 'destined to' since the point of Percy's story is that he never gets to choose what they actually want and they should've either ended up with Rachel or stayed single to work on character development and healing,Luke never actually cared about other demigods and was only using them as ammo against the gods because if he actually cared he wouldn't have abused them,Toa should've instead been a third Percy series of them destroying Olympus' corruption because they've had enough of the gods and replacing it with an actual good societal system and Percy is a super cool autistic Team Parent who'd be femme and kidcore if Rick bothered to develop their interests
Star Vs The Forces of Evil should've made trans Marco and autistic Star canon,endgamed them with Tom and Janna instead of eachother,made Jackie an mc and done none of that 'no magic' shit
Gravity Falls,We Bare Bears and Undertale/Deltarune's icon status are well-deserved
Craig of the Creek only gets ignored because it's a black show that's good
And She Ra and the Princesses of Power is called cringe nonstop because it's fanbase is largely wlw and trans women who're loud and proud with their queerness and the creator at the time of it's airing identified as a nonbinary lesbian and people hate female queerness while hyping up male kinds that play into stereotypes(Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf,Magnus and Alec from The Mortal Instruments,the Shiro/Keith discourse,the Boyfriends Webtoon,Marauder's Era even being a thing,etc.Note that i am not calling Stevenson female but rather saying he knows what lesbophobic experiences are)
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jacarandaaaas · 1 year
actually let’s talk about how all this criticism of young girl protagonists acting “quirky” is actually misogyny that relates to the real world.
Firstly when it comes to Disney a lot of their male protagonists (some even being grown men) act exactly the same way the female ones do. But are they critiqued? No they’re not.
I think this is interesting as teen girls interests, hobbies, attitude are always under scrutiny. How many times do you see a 14 year old girl to grow up whilst the 19 year old boy acts the same.
Girls are expected to mature quicker in society were expected to be responsible to “mother” people. When I compare how I was at 15 vs how my brother is now at 15 it’s very different. Boys are allowed to be immature for as long as the need because “boys will be boys”
but girls? oh no we can’t have that. It’s also worth mentioning that since we’re talking about Disney here that most of these protagonists are YOUNG. they are not grown women they are teenagers.
I also think the people claiming that “teens don’t act like that” is another wave of “I’m not like most girls”. Children in particular girls are online now. You go onto tiktok and you can’t tell a 12 year old from a 16 year old. Why? because kids are seeing how the “cool kids” act and are emulating that behavior. They are trying to grow up fast. I for one can say I’ve had an awkward weird phase when I was younger. But I look online now and see 13 year olds who go straight from being a child to dressing like an 18 year old.
This also shows with girls fashion. I see some items in the children’s section and I will find a very similar outfit in the adults section. So why wont society just let kids be kids? Why are we critiquing people for being immature when they are children!? It’s
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WIBTA if i asked my friend to stop being disparaging about romance/sexuality? (sorry in advance for long post, this situation a little complicated)
we are all adults, early/mid 20s. My friend is aroace, but i'm not, although i did spend a few years in the community before i realized my behavior/thoughts are not due to my sexual/romantic preferences, but are actually due to repression/guilt/shame/trauma. This is just personal experience obviously, i'm not trying to gatekeep or tell anyone how to identify
this friend often makes disparaging remarks about sexuality and romance that come off as shaming. i know they aren't talking about me specifically, but it still feels bad to hear them talk about how they wish "the allos would stop being so horny all the time" or how "it's gross how allos are all like this", all while knowing that i count myself as allosexual and alloromantic, and i'm definitely not 'horny all the time' or 'always talking about sex' or 'having sex all the time'. I've literally never fucked anyone in my life (🕺🏻celibacy🕺🏻--joking aside, i personally don't want casual sex, and i haven't dated since i was a teen). The most sexual i get is occasionally hornyposting on my 18+/priv accs, which they don't follow.
Obviously, i'm not trying to invalidate their feelings and i'm definitely not telling them they should enjoy something they obviously don't. i would just prefer if they stopped saying stuff to me about how gross allo people are. It comes off as "we enlightened beings vs those degenerate rutters".
Before anyone says this is bait, no, it's not. i'm genuinely asking for advice bc i value this friendship and i don't think they have bad intentions, just a lot of frustrations. i know it's frustrating that society places so much value in romantic/sexual relationships, and i know it's hard to be practically drowning in something that personally makes them feel gross. i also wouldn't care if they complain about this to other people, or feel this way inside, but it does hurt my feelings when they bring it up to me in this way.
I haven't actually said anything to them yet, so WIBTA if i (kindly) asked them to not talk to me about how 'gross' allos are, or if they do want to discuss their frustrations, to avoid using such derogatory/generalizing statements in the future?
What are these acronyms?
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