#tell me hey do you want to sit with us and I was like oh no it’s ok
smoothies-are-cool · 2 days
scott street
boyfriend! chris sturniolo x reader
summary: subscribers are convinced chris and his girlfriend broke up so they start making sad edits.
warnings: swearing, kissing, pet names (baby, ma, mama), mentions of y/n.
a/n: randomly got this idea, enjoy and please please read the author’s note at the end !! <3
november 1, 2020
halloween vlog with mom and y/n
“okay so, we have another special guest for todays video. chris’ girlfriend y/n!” nick exclaims as chris’ hand wraps around y/n from behind and rests on her stomach. y/n just smiles and waves at the camera.
february 12, 2021
guess the triplet by zoomed in pictures !!!
“chris wants to see if y/n can get some right so she’s gonna just go for fun.” matt explains as y/n moves to sit in front of the camera. chris stands behind her.
“alright.” nick says, turning his phone around to show a picture of someone’s hair. y/n squints her eyes to try and see the picture.
after a few seconds she giggles. “matt.”
“correct. next one.” nick smiles, swiping to the next picture.
the next picture showed an arm but in the corner of the picture you could see a little bit of a red t-shirt.
she immediately gasps. “chris! that’s chris.”
“how did you get that!” chris asks, his mouth open slightly.
“the red shirt. that was our first date and our first picture.” she tells him, looking up at him from her chair.
“well it’s safe to say y/n can tell us apart.” nick says, grabbing the camera.
june 25, 2021
baking pizza blindfolded with chris
“chris!” y/n giggles as chris starts playing with the flour on the counter.
“what baby?” he asks, laughing as well.
“stop playing with the flour.” she tells him as matt stands on the other side of chris.
march 4, 2024
liked by 43,929
sturniololvr - i miss them.
user - the last video she was in was the everyone relax video 😔
march 6, 2024
y/n ❤️:
*attachment one video*
this one has a little kick to it
chris baby 🫶:
y/n/n please stop sending me break up edits of us we’re literally still together.
y/n ❤️:
may 17, 2023
“chris can we talk?” y/n asks. chris’ mind immediately starts running millions of miles a minute. he thought she was breaking up with him.
“no!” he quickly exclaims. y/n gasps, realizing what was going through his mind.
“no baby i’m not breaking up with you.” she tells him.
“oh okay then yes we can talk.” he nods, walking closer to her, their chests almost touching.
“is it okay if i’m not really in the videos anymore? i really love being in them with you guys but the fans have gotten to be too much. i’ve tried to ignore them.” she tells him softly. chris’ face softens.
“of course, yeah. i’ll tell nick and matt in the morning.” chris nods softly.
“i’m sor-“ she begins to apologize.
“don’t even think about apologizing. i understand and i know that nick and matt will understand too. c’mere.” he says, pulling her into him.
march 13, 2024
chris makes matt and nick his favorite meal
“chris do you think i could be in today’s video? even for just like a second. i don’t like people thinking that we broke up.” y/n asks softly, just before the triplets were about to film a wednesday video.
“yeah mama, you’re always allowed in a video.” chris nods, a smile on his face.
“y/n come get your plate!” chris smiles at his girlfriend who was sitting in the living room. a happy smile spreads on her face as she walks into the view of the camera to grab the plate out of chris’ hand.
“thank you.” she smiles, quickly pecking his lips before walking back to the living room. she would usually eat at the table but the boys were currently using the table.
a smile stayed on y/n’s face as she scrolled through all the comments the newest video.
user - Y/N BABY
user - i can die happily knowing they’re still together
user - y’all are crazy
user - i missed her 😕😕
a/n: hey guys !! sorry for being so inactive, this year has been so so crazy. for starters, i lost my great grandmother january first, and then i lost my great grandfather on february twenty third. a few months later, my older brother attempted and was put into a hospital, and now my grandfather has cancer that spread to his lungs and brain. on top of everything, i’ve been preparing for my aunt’s wedding (i’m a bridesmaid) and everything has been super stressful. i wanted to post something and let you guys know that i’ll be taking a break to take time for myself and to spend time with my family. i’ll still be lurking around on the app, commenting, reblogging, etc, i just won’t be posting any fics for a little while.
i hope you can all understand and i love you all <3 <3 <3
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igotanidea · 2 days
The great birthday mess up : Damian Wayne x Reader
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Request: Yes! Reader planning a surprise party for Dami and him thining she's going to break up with him so he does it first.
Thank you anon! ;) made some changes to the requests hope you'll like it either way :)
„I don’t understand…” the words coming out of Damian’s mouth was the perfect example that hearing and getting were two completely different things.
“What’s there to not understand Y/N?. I’m breaking up with you. Sounds pretty simple even for your little brain.” He shrugged and turned to the window in their shared apartment so she wouldn’t see the strain on his face and clenched fists.
“Please don’t go all whiny on me now. Just take my decision with dignity.
“I don’t understand—” she said again, as if that was the only sentence she could say in shock coursing in every cell in her body.
“Of course you don’t.” the tone he was giving her was ruthless, unlike the rapid beat of his heart calling her name with all the emotional power it could gather.
“Don’t you love me anymore?” as pathetic as it was, she almost downgraded herself to begging for an explanation with that sentence
“I’m just breaking up with you! Now will you leave me alone? I really do not want to see your face anymore.”
Well that was true, cause seeing her sad face was making his resolve crumble.
And It hurt. It hurt to tell her all those mean things.
Especially because Damian did not even wantto act like an asshole.
He did love her like a fool, he used to laugh at. If anything, he could just fall at her feet (as long as no one  saw) and beg to forgive him.
But he couldn’t.
He couldn’t because she was the one who stopped loving him first.
Three weeks ago, “command center” at Wayne Manor.
“Ok, people, listen up! We’re on a mission of-“
“Is she for real?” Tim whispered turning to Dick who was holding back a laugh. If the boys knew that Y/N would take planning Damian’s 24th birthday in such a serious manner, almost putting on a war paint, one of them would bring a fancy camera to memorize it.
Instead it was only Jason taking photo after photo of the girl-in-command in her makeshift uniform and with indicator in hand.
“Get it off my face Todd!” she cried out trying to shove him off, but failing at dealing with the brick Jason was.
“Not a chance. You look ridiculous. And all that for the demon’s spawn? My god! He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Careful or I’ll think you’re telling me a compliment.”
“Compliment? No, no. It’s merely an observation of your poor choice in men. Both your boyfriend and those gathered here…”
“HEY!” Dick reacted almost immediately. No way he was going to let anyone, even his adoptive brother shit-talk him “I beg your pardon! I believe Y/N has an exquisite taste in men!”
“Just because you are here?” Jason mocked, giving Dick a smirk.
“Oh-my-god….” Y/N rolled her eyes throwing hands in the air “Could you please stop that…? I got a whole presentation about ideas for the party and –”
“A presentation?” While Dick and Jason did not give the girl any attention, at the mention of possible slides Tim became awfully animated. “What kind of slides? How many?”
“Oh-my-god…” She muttered again, this time covering face with hands gathering herself “God give me patience for those man-children.” One deep inhale and exhale on her part and she was ready to proceed. “SHUT UP!!” she yelled at the top of her lungs “SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!”
None of the men has ever seen her like that. Reddened on the face with fury in eyes and clenched fists. Clearly just a thought of Damian was making her spin out of control.
“I’m about to tell you how it’s going to go from now on.” She hissed with an unobjectionable tone. “First, you’re going to sit on your pretty asses.” her gaze travelled to Dick knowing the attention in this particular moment will make him listen “Second, you’re going to stop throwing veiled insults.”
“But-“ Jason tried to chime in and object.
“I don’t fucking care if your inner Chandler Bing is coming to voice, you shut it or I will.”
“I’m not scared of you Y/N. You are just a –”
In a blink of an eye she was next to him, with one finger on his neck.
“You got about 100 vascular plexus in your body and so it happens I know how to put pressure on all of them.” She hissed before pulling back and taking on an innocent look “now, will you keep quiet, Jason?”
“I’m still not scared…” he muttered leaning on the doorframe with a frown and pout of a kicked puppy.
“Thank you very much. As for the plan, thirdly, you’ll stop asking me about my PowerPoint thing and actually watch it.”
“I’ve been dying to watch it the whole time!”
“ Shut up Tim!” came from three pair of mouths.
“Hey! Why am I being the only one yelled at by everyone? It’s harassment! Not fair!”
Y/N exhaled deeply, making a mental note to herself to never get those boys in men bodies in one room ever again and started explaining the details of her surprise party. Clearly, even despite knowing Damian’s family for a while she did not expect it would be this hard to get boys to cooperate.
However, per aspera ad astra, she managed to present her idea of a gift, the attractions and all the surprise party.
Obliging the boys under the  pain of sudden and unexpected death, or at least mutilation, to keep their mouths shut.  And since she was the girlfriend of a teenage assassin – this time no one dared to say a word.
Obviously the surprise party included working on it undercover. Therefore Y/N was spending more time with Jason, Dick and Tim to the detriment of her hours with Damian. Sneaking around. Dismissing or getting off lightly of answering his questions.
And he got suspicious, it was Damian Wayne Al-Ghul after all.
The young boy, spend hours and days fighting his natural urge to follow her when she was walking out the apartment with no explanation. Tie her to the chair, light the lamp in her face and force the information out of her.
But she was his girlfriend, not a villain.
So, getting too much into his head he came out to one plausible explanation – she was slowly letting him down. Not cutting the tie right away, because that was not who she was, but discouraging him.
“You’re going out again?” he asked, capably hiding the disappointment seeing her putting on shoes and jacket.  Quickly he put the bouquet of flowers he bought for her behind his back, almost crushing the innocent buds, while simultaneously wondering if calling off reservation at her fav restaurant for the fourth time this month would get him kicked out of the VIP list. “I thought we could have a night out and—“
“Sorry, babe.” She smiled apologetically pecking his lips, grabbing the bag and already one foot out the door. “I gotta go do this thing that I told you about!”
“What thing---”
“Don’t wait for me, I’ll be back late. See you around buddy!”
Did she just--? Holy fucking shit. Now Damian was sure, she stopped loving him.
And since he couldn’t watch her walk out his life like that, it was him, who was going to walk out of hers.
She run.
She run as fast as she could, hoping that if by some miracle she got into Flash’s speed the last fifteen minutes conversation with Damian would just turn out to be a dream. Or maybe she’ll find herself back in time, making sure it never happened in the first place.
What did she ever do to him to be treated like that?
Working her ass off to prepare a party? Using all her abilities to get people to help? Miraculously finding Damian’s friends from the past and even getting Jon to attend?
Fuck this shit! Fuck the life!
And out of all day’s in year he choose his own birthday to break up with her!
Fucking piece of shit, demon’s spawn, undeserving of a single second of the last 6 years she gave him.
Jason was fucking right as tragic as it sounded.
She burst into the Wayne Manor, where the boys were hanging the last decorations and immediately started ripping the garlands off and throwing tableware off the table.
“Y/N!!” Dick jumped off the ladder and rushed her direction, but it was Jason who reached her first. Almost tackling her to the floor, fighting against the rage of nails, teeth and screams coming out of her mouth.
“Stop it!”
“Better be careful with those words, cause in this family you get more than one chance at life.” Jason chuckled
“LET FUCKING GO!” she was struggling against his iron grip while Dick and Tim kneeled next to them
“No.” Jason responded calmly. “No, I’m not letting go off you.”
“None of us do, Y/N.” Tim added, moving a little bit closer, careful to not get a shoe in his face or something like that.
“What happened?” Dick asked calmly “come on, it can’t be that bad…”
“He broke up with me…” she sobbed. Not angry or furious anymore, but fully immersing in sadness. “Damian broke up with me…”
“HE WHAT?!” Dick yelled almost ready to start ripping off the decorations himself, successfully held back by Tim slapping him in the back of his head.
“She just told you. Can’t you see how shaken she is. And your making her say it again just for the sake of it? Get yourself together, Dick.”
“I don’t know what happened! I tried to talk and—”
“Talking to Damian about feelings, huh! Great idea Y/N.”
“GRAYSON!” Tim yelled slapping him again.
“I hate to break it to you guys, but it seems like the man of the day has just arrived.” Tim moved to the window where he saw the reflection of the car lights.
“Don’t yell at me! Bruce brought him! It was your plan Y/N!!”
“Oh so one time Bruce could be late he’s actually on time?!”
“Again-stop yelling at me!”
“He cannot see me here! Not like this! Not crying cause he’s going to think that I –“
The ending of the sentence was not supposed to escape her mouth, but not caring about her intentions it did. Maybe it was the shock of Bruce entering Wayne Manor with his youngest son, almost convinced the surprise party was already prepared and they could celebrate.
Instead the two were met with four people, caught like deer in the headlights, crying y/n, Jason on the floor holding her for comfort, enraged Dick and a little scared Tim without a plan.
As far away from their usual selves as possible.
“Are we too early or—” Bruce started, but before he could finish the sentence, the nearby ladder started to totter, hooking over the poorly hanged b-day banner and –
“NO!!” Dick yelled and rushed towards it, but tripping over Jason’s leg, fighting desperately to gain back balance and stepping on Y/N’s hand in the process. She yelled and it scared Tim who took a step back, crashing into Dick. Seeing all that Jason rushed to his feet trying to catch the material that was already falling down, dangerously close to the table and the candlestick. In the commotion no one noticed Alfred the cat, who obliviously entered the room, only to almost be flattened.
As the poor animal rushed to Y/N’s side, making her reach arms to give cat some resemblance of shelter, Dick finally managed to grab the banner.
“I got it! YES! Once more I am the one to save the day and--- AH!” he slipped on the floor cause clearly Alfred the cat left a remnants of his fear there, sliding all the way up to the table.
“NO!” Y/N yelled trying to save any of the dish that was already flying to her face.
“NO!” Jason cried out trying to snatch the decoration, getting tangled in it.
“NO!” Tim shrieked as the candled set the tablecloth on fire, that quickly spread to the leg of his trousers. And as the stimuli activated already downloaded plan in his brain, he reached for the extinguisher, profusely spraying everything (and everyone) with white powder.
Y/N, Dick, Jason and Tim were now all on the floor. Dirty, injured and/or humiliated, turned into giant, living, walking snowmen all on Bruce and Damian’s eyes.
“Not again….” Bruce whined.
“Happy birthday Damian!”
“SHUT UP GRAYSON!” the rest of three organizers yelled getting off the floor feeling worse than ever.
“What is all this?” Damian asked with a slight frown. “Or rather… what was all of this.”
“This is your—” Dick started
“Y/N, we know you are frustrated but please try to calm down—”
“This was supposed to be your stupid birthday party you idiot!” she yelled stumping towards Damian “Hear me?” he poke a finger into his chest. “Your. Stupid. Birthday. Party.”
“My- my what?” Damian stuttered grabbing her wrist only now realizing what day it was. Honestly after the morning break up with Y/N he couldn’t care less about the clock or calendar.
“Wait, wait. Hold back. Is this why you were acting so suspicious?”
“sus-suspicious? Is that what you thought?” her eyes grew wide once more and the steam to hit him blew off instantly
“You were just planning and preparing a party?” Damian asked realizing how much of an idiot he was.
“So you didn’t stop loving me?” the hint of hope showed up in his eyes
“So you did not stop loving me?” Y/N repeated.
“How could I ever—”
She never gave him a chance to finish that sentence pressing her lips to his, not caring who was watching. And if anyone dared to tease, Damian’s katana would be used for something. And the knowledge of locations of nerve plexuses in the human body.
“Um….” Tim muttered feeling a little awkward in the situation. “Should we--?”
“Mhm. We should.” Dick agreed and noiselessly, like silently as befits a vigilante they fled the room.
Meanwhile, Damian and Y/n were sitting on the window sill amongst the mess of a b-day party.
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way I planned—” she sighed.
“You kidding? It was the best thing ever.”
“Because you got the gift in clearing the misunderstanding between us?” she smiled and interlaced their fingers.
“no! because of watching my brothers making fools out of themselves.”
“Damian!” she patted his head.
“OUCH! Ok, fine! Fine! It was because I got you back!”
“This was forced, such confession doesn’t count!” she feigned offence.
“Well technically, we never really broke up, so I couldn’t get you back.”
“Well, technically-“ she tried to find a smart way of the situation, but he cut her off.
“Well, non-technically, you got cake in your hair. And on your face And in your lips. And I haven’t even tried that treat. So how about we stop talking so I could get a chance at it?”
He liked the cake.
A lot.
@keidylovestacos @nocturnal-onlooker - I'm taking the liberty of tagging you guys :)
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leonsrailway · 1 day
hello my love! been thinking about creepy stalker leon lately <3 maybe vendetta leon! he's damaged mentally and he can't stop himself from being fixated on you. like he corners you somewhere and dubious consent things proceed. IN PUBLIC WOULD BE HOT, but they don't get caught. for a fem! reader
ive been watching you.
AHHHHH first request ate tf up. something about vendetta leon makes me blush. i hope u like!!!
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CW: smut 18+, p in v, fingering, oral (f! receiving), dubcon, semi-public sex, stalking, obsession, masturbation, leon being a creepy perv, age gap (reader is like 22), noncon photography, choking, size kink if u squint and tilt ur head
fem! reader
divider: @leonsdolly
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hes not a weirdo. really! he never meant for it to go this far.
it was a random day last august when he wandered into the restaurant you worked at. but as soon as you came to his table and introduced yourself with that pretty little smile and those big doe eyes, he knew he'd been in trouble. after a short pause, he turned his charm on and started a conversation with you.
then he found himself back the next day. and the next.
he swore the only reason he showed up was for the coffee, which was the laziest excuse he could muster considering the coffee was from K-Cups, but you didnt seem to mind. every time you worked, you found your eyes glancing to his booth hoping to see his dark hair poking over the top of the booth in front of him. he could see the way your eyes lit up when you saw him, he just hoped you didnt notice the way his cock twitched when his eyes locked with yours.
during your small talk at his table, even after he learned you were half his age, he could only ever think about the way his large, rough hands would feel running all along your body, from your pretty tits, to your waist, to your thighs, to your- oh shit, what were you saying?
"you with me, Mr. Kennedy?" fuck, he loved when he heard his name leave your lips. "uh, yeah, sorry. long night. what were you saying?"
"did you want your regular?" you were smirking, almost mocking how distracted he was.
"yea, add something for yourself pretty lady, come sit with me on your break?"
leon had been a regular of your months. he looked to be in his late 30s-early 40s, and you'd be lying if you said his little nickname didnt make your knees a little weak.
"as much as id love to, Mr. Kennedy, i cant today. but i can definitely get that order in for you" you reluctantly deny his request.
he didnt appreciate that.
after a week of discreetly following you home after your shifts, he'd learned your routines. what time you shower in the evening, what time you have dinner, what time you touch yourself when everyone else falls asleep...
leon invested in some binoculars from the local nerd store and even found a little bush he could hide in perfectly angled to show him your bedroom. he even bought himself a new camera so he could take pictures of you when you look your best, oblivious.
when you had gone off to work one day, he snuck in right as you left. he's not sure what possessed him to do this, he used to be such a good guy. he wanted to protect and serve and... now look at him, rummaging in some 20 somethings underwear drawer.
you slam the register shut after counting your money for that night, it had been a long one. full of old men, not leon, telling you to "smile for them" or snapping at you for a refill of their sweet teas. everyone else had gone home for the night, and you were just about to lock up. your body ached, you felt like falling on the nearest flat surface and knocking out for the week.
until you heard the bell ding.
"we're close-" you were cut off by yourself when you saw who walked in, "oh, hey Mr. Kennedy."
theres his girl. "hey honey, you alright? you look tired" he approached you from behind.
"its been a long day, but nothing i can't handle. i was actually just about to lock up the restaurant... so.." you trail off, hoping he may get the hint that you just want to go home.
"well good thing i came in, huh?" he laughs, and so do you, but you didnt find it too funny. he was starting to stand a little bit too close to you for your comfort, even though you trusted him.
"i guess" you say, blushing when he gives you a look that made you almost rip off his shirt right then and there. but you cant, thats wrong, what would your parents think?
"you look pretty, angel" leon says, tilting your head up to look up at him. god, he was tall, and his one hand could cover your whole face.
"t-thank you Mr. Ke-"
"Leon. call me Leon"
"thank you, leon" you reply, crossing your arms, tensing up. you knew you shouldn't be feeling this way, it isn't professional.
he couldnt hold himself back anymore. whether it was the way your big pretty eyes looked up at him like a trap, or the way his hand was finally grazing your soft skin, something made him bold enough to kiss you.
"Le- Leon... we can't" you made out between kisses, as much as you were denying him, you were still kissing him back, that kept him going.
"we can't? that's too bad..." he mutters in your ear, breath fanning against your neck as his fingers wandered below your waistband, "because im gonna do it anyway"
you squirmed against him but you couldn't deny the way you mewled in his ear when he grazed your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. he laughed meanly in your ear before putting his free hand around your throat and gently squeezing when he applies the slightest pressure to your clothes clit, making you moan, "i knew you'd like that". he lays you down in a booth in the empty restaurant.
"p-lease... fuck" you tugged at his shirt, shyly asking for more. he laughs at the change in your charcter from only a moment ago, before ultimately complying with your silent request. he rips your clothes off and leaves a trail of sloppy, wet kisses from your neck, to your tits, to your stomach, and finally down to your pussy.
he gazes up at you with the hungriest eyes youve ever seen, glazed over and half lidded yet so focused on you. he makes out with your cunt, his nose bumping into your clit as he slips his tongue in and out of your hole, making lewd, borderline pornographic sounds. you were a wreck, writhing under him and grinding your hips into his face as he moaned incoherent praises into you, the vibrations making you soak his face more than you knew you could.
he eventually sticks two fingers into you as he sucks on your puffy, neglected clit, and once he curls his fingers to the spot that makes you jolt, he keeps on hitting that spot again and again and again until you cum in his mouth. he doesnt stop then, using his tongue to clean up your mess until you're pushing him away, a stupid cocky grin plastered on his wet lips.
you didn't realize you were taking his belt off until his cock was in front of you. he was big, leaking precum from his pretty pink tip and his eyes were piercing yours as he pumped himself a few times before lining himself with your entrance, the two of you gasping in tandem as he bottomed out inside of you.
tears pricked at your eyes as he began to move, the pain and pleasure and overstimulation from your last orgasm all combining and making a cocktail of sensations you've never experienced before. your head lolled to the side and you squeezed your eyes shut while leon rocked you into next year, until he just almost cuts off your airway and forces you to face him and look in his eyes as he drills into you like a jackhammer.
"ah-ah-ah-f-uuuck, Lee!" you moaned into his neck as you scratched pretty red lines down his back, making him grit his teeth to keep from letting out a whine he'd only heard when cumming in the panties he stole from your room
"i know pretty girl, feels good doesn't it?" he lets up on your throat, not that you could catch your breath at the rate he was plowing you. "y-yes- i'm cumming, oh my god im cumming" your eyes roll into the back of your head and you draw blood from biting your lip.
"go ahead princess, im right there with you" he grunts, slightly angling to hit you impossibly deeper, which was your final straw, you let out a string of curses and chants of his name as you cream his cock, he spills his load inside of you. not that you're that angry, his warm cum spilling out of you felt so nice you couldn't dare be angry.
the two of you catch your breath in silence until leon snaps a photo of your leaky cunt, both of your cum spilling onto your thighs.
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killerlookz · 3 days
Joost Klein x Goth!Gf Headcannons
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content: SFW and NSFW headcannons below the cut, 18+ MDNI, this work contains rpf and has been tagged as such, do not continue if that makes you uncomfortable
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SFW Headcannons
You're pretty much his personal makeup artist now, anytime he wants to do his fun little facepaint looks (like the mime or kiss makeup) you're the first one he's asking to help him out
He absolutely doesn't mind you kissing him with your lipstick on and is in no rush to wash off the dark-colored lipstick prints you leave on his cheeks after you do so, sometimes letting them sit there for hours while he goes about his day.
You can't tell me that this man doesn't absolutely love going to the goth clubs. It's definitely a different speed than he's usually used to, and some of the music may be a little slow for his taste but that man just absolutely loves dancing and the nightlife in general.
He definitely dresses up to "fit in" to go to the goth clubs too! Putting on whatever black items he can find in his closet, usually a pair of rugged black jeans adorned with a thick belt either studded or with a big buckle and some black shirt he spent far too much money on. He usually ends up looking more like he's about to join Opium or Drain Gang than he does goth, but your heart entirely melts at the fact that he's trying.
You absolutely inspire him to buy a pair of New Rocks (side note im actually surprised ive never seen him in new rocks they're very his style lol) and he just absolutely towers over you in them, which he finds very amusing (cue him teasing you about being "short" even though the platforms of those shoes are like 10 cm, making him like 198 cm/ 6'5)
If you are wearing big shoes and they start to hurt he will absolutely carry you back to wherever you need to go- The same goes for if you're breaking in new shoes- you're out and about together and all of a sudden you start treading behind him, walking awkwardly due to the blisters forming on your heels and the backs of your ankles- and he knows, you don't even have to say anything, he just stops dead in his tracks, and bends down for you to get on his back.
Thrifting/ DIYing dates!!! It becomes a tradition for the two of you to go out to thrift/consignment stores and pick out pieces for the two of you to style or DIY into something. He loves it especially when you DIY things for him, and always shows off the clothes/accessories you put together for him, "Oh you like my necklace? Yeah, my girlfriend made it for me."
He laces up your corsets for you! No longer do you need to struggle trying to reach behind your back to tie your corsets. He's always so delicate about it too, "You're sure I'm not squeezing you too tight?" Running his hands all along your sides and your hips after he finishes tying it shut.
He definitely just thinks you are so cool, despite having his own unique style himself, he is just in so much awe of you being yourself, and just genuinely finds you to be the coolest person on Earth, whether its the way you do your makeup, or dress, or the music you listen to, he's just obsessed.
He'll absolutely tease you a little bit though, cue him singing "Because toniiiight will be the noiiight that I will fall for yewwww over agaiiiin" at you because he knows it pisses you off *just a little* you'll chastise him for that being emo not goth, but he still finds it funny regardless, and he loves seeing that little smile you give him when you're trying to pretend to be mad at him, but really you're holding back a laugh
He loves when you wear his necklaces or his fancy belts to accessorize with
Getting tattoos together is a muuuust, he's not so into the idea of matching tattoos, but just spontaneously on a whim being like, "hey do you wanna get another tattoo today?"
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NSFW Headcannons
You CANNOT count how many new fishnet tights you've had to buy from Joost being far too impatient to get you undressed, bending you over, lifting up your skirt and just ripping the flimsy fabric open, not even bothering to take them off of you.
However, when the sex is more romantic he absolutely loves taking his time with you, so delicately removing each of your layers (and us goth girlies know... we wear a looot of layers lmaoo) he just loves being all sensual about it, he also just for sure enjoys teasing you with how excruciatingly slow he is about it.
Loves seeing how much he can ruin your makeup, whether its smudged lipstick or eyeliner dripping down your face, the messier the better.
In addition to fucking up your makeup he loves when you go down on him while you're wearing lipstick, the way your lipstick smears as you take him in your mouth, god he finds it so hot.
Obsessed with when you wear leather or latex!! Oof the way the tight, shiny material hugs your body, he cannot get enough, and honestly is ready to take it off of you the second you slip it on.
He absolutely adores you in lace too (especially black lacey lingerie) when you wear lacey tops with nothing but a bra underneath... (same can be said for a fishnet top) oooooh girl he is absolutely feral, the way you're technically "covered" but still exposed in all the right spots... whew
If you have long/pointy nails he looves feeling you dig them into him as he fucks you,
Whenever the two of you go out to the goth clubs things definitely get very steamy, always ending up with his arms wrapped around your waist and your ass pressed against his crotch as your bodies move together to the dark, slow, synthy music.
He loves it when you bite him! Always calling you his little vampire as you suck on his neck, leaving pretty little lovebites and lipstick smudges on his skin. (vampire/blood kink goes brrrr wait what who said that hAHAHHAHHA)
Fucking to goth music is a MUST... not sorry about it, bands like Depeche Mode and She Wants Revenge are top tier sex music, him mumbling along to Tear You Apart, his lips pressing into your neck, sending vibrations down your spine as he slowly undresses you.
Also fucking while watching horror movies hehehehe, there's just something about the suspense and tension that gets your blood going, one second you're watching the TV anxiously, and the next second he's on top of you as you're begging for him to please fuck you.
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gglitch1dd · 2 days
Hey glitch, one of my family members is deaf and so I had to learn sign language at a young age. What if Reader of Izuku or deaf, would the boys learn sign language?
+1 🥦Point.
So if Reader was deaf or Izuku became deaf, DEFINITELY. That's a given. How else would they communicate with their parent?
However, I actually thought about this one headcanon but I'm like 90% sure that Kane is deaf at least on one ear, or he's hard of hearing. I think Katsuki knows but he taught Kane not to tell people so that it wouldn't be seen as a weakness (not in a bad way but Katsuki didn't want Kane to be seen as handicapped when entering UA)
Kane is Half-Deaf?
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"MOM!" Toshinori shouted as he walked into the room as you sat on your husband's lap on his recliner as you both watched trash reality TV. You turned to look at your eldest son who walked in with Kane behind him. He had two sheets of paper in his hand. "Guess what!? We got our ears tested and Kane is half deaf." He motioned to Kane. "It must have been his quirk finally catching up to him." Toshinori sighed and put an arm around Kane in solidarity. "It's okay dude. I'll speak slowly for you."
Kane's bright rose red eyes looked to his best friend with a raised disbelieving eyebrow. "I've always been half deaf."
Your eyes widened and so did Toshinori's. "Wait, WHAT-"
"Now, don't go shouting in my one good ear." He pushed Toshinori off his shoulder as he walked over to sit on the couch near you and Izuku. "I've always been hard of hearing. Why do you think I'm quiet 90% of the time?" He asked.
Toshinori blinked, surprised. "I thought you were just an introvert!"
"That to, but I was born that way." He told you all. He turned to look to the three of you. "I can hear you all just fine with one ear, it kind of just feels like my right ear is forever blocked. It's not like I can't hear it's just muffled. So it's fine, it's nothing to worry about or try and fix. I'd probably become deaf by the age of 40 with all my quirk usage."
You looked to Izuku who looked just as genuinely surprised. "I did not know that." He said softly as he sat up, shifting you in his lap. "Kacchan never told me that." Izuku turned to look at Kane, lifting up his hands around you so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt you. "Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, talking while signing in JSL.
Kane's eyes widened in surprise that Izuku started signing. He opened his mouth to speak but Toshinori spoke first. "Dad, you know sign language!?"
Izuku nodded with a chuckle. "Of course, I do. I learnt it when I first found out that Kacchan would lose his hearing." He stated factually. He paused before rolling his eyes. "I don't care about him understanding me now but it's a good skill to have when dealing with victims who might be deaf."
You looked to Izuku surprised. "I did the same thing." You said signing as well. You turned to Kane, trying to recall the hand gestures as you spoke. "When I first dated your father, I made sure to learn it. However, the Deku Foundation also has deaf workers so we try to make sure everyone who works for the Deku Agency knows basic Japanese sign language."
Kane stared at the both of you before smiling gently. He didn't say anything but instead he signed it. "Thanks."
"Wait! I can't understand you." Toshinori said as he moved to sit down. "How come no one taught me this?!" He asked deeply offended ( left out). He looked to Kane with a frown. "Teach me. Now. Immediately. I can't be having a deaf friend and I can't talk to you effectively. We need to be throwing signs to confuse the enemy."
"Kane has a disability?" Hero asked as he passed by. Kane nodded his head, before he could tell Hero as well, the young eleven year old shrugged. "Makes sense."
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lives-in-midgard · 3 days
Part of the Community
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: When Bucky asks you about the pride parade, you decided that it's the right time to tell him that you're part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Word Count: 810
A/N: Hey everyone I wanted to write this for so long and now I finally did it. I hope you enjoy!!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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When Bucky read about a pride parade in June, he became curious about what it is. So, he decided to ask you, his best friend who is also his girlfriend. You were sitting in the living room of the compound when Bucky came back from a morning walk. You were surprised when he suddenly asked you about the pride parade, but then you started telling him everything you know about the LGBTQ+ community.
At first you were a bit nervous about his reaction to the topic, but Bucky was very supportive and listened to everything you said. Bucky was very happy that these days people don’t have to pretend anymore and that they can be and love whoever they want.
As you were about to say something very important to him, you were interrupted by Steve, who wanted to talk to Bucky about their last mission together.
“I’ll be back soon.” Bucky said and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You smiled and watched him walk away with Steve. You finally had the feeling that it was the right time to tell Bucky, and now you couldn’t tell him again.
You and Bucky have been dating for about four months and you’ve loved every second of it. You tell each other everything, well almost everything. There’s still one thing you haven’t told him yet. It’s about you being part of the LGBTQ+ community and identifying as asexual. This means you have a lack of sexual attraction to others. You have strong feelings for Bucky, you love kissing and cuddling him, but you’re not interested in sex. At the beginning of your relationship you didn’t want to tell him because you wanted to see where this relationship goes, but after a while you really wanted to tell him, but you got so nervous every time. And now as you were about to say it, you were interrupted.
You decided to talk to Bucky about it today, even if it might mean that he will break up with you. The thought of Bucky breaking up with you made you so sad that a tear rolled down your cheek, but he needs to know.
“Hey, doll.” Bucky said as he walked in your shared room.
“Hey Buck.” You greeted him and Bucky came closer to you and sat down next to you.
“You okay, doll?” Bucky asked because he noticed how nervous you were.
“Yeah.” You said and Bucky tucked a hair behind your ear.
“Are you sure?” He asked worriedly and reached for your hand.
“Actually, there’s something I want to tell you.” You confessed.
“Sure, go for it.” Bucky said softly.
“It’s not that easy.” You explained nervously.
“It’s okay doll, take your time.” Bucky softly kissed your cheek, and gently rubbed the back of your hand. After a few minutes, you were ready to talk to Bucky, who was now also looking nervous.
“When we were talking about the Pride parade, there was something I didn’t tell you. It’s that I’m also part of the LGBTQ+ community.”
“Oh, you are?” Bucky asked with a smile and curious what you would say next.
“I’m asexual.” You finally confessed.
“What does that mean, doll?”
“It means different things to different people. Some people don’t have romantic feelings for others, others have little or no sexual attraction, and that’s how I feel I have a lack of sexual attraction to others. I have no interest in sex, but I love kissing and cuddling. I love you Bucky and if you want to break up with me now, I can understand that. I just hope we can still be friends.”
"Doll, I’m not breaking up with you.”
“I love you. I’ve been through so many years of torture…I don’t mind not having sex with you. I would never do anything you don’t like or want. Doll, you are so important to me. I want us to be happy and if that means we don’t have sex then that’s totally fine and I’m happy with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, I am.” Bucky said, and you started smiling.
“Oh Bucky, I can’t believe it…this makes me so happy.”
“You said you like to cuddle, how about we do that now?” Bucky asked with a smile.
“Sounds perfect.” Bucky held you close, and his reaction made you so happy. You cuddled for a while until Bucky broke the silence.
“Are you going to the Pride parade?” Bucky asked.
“Yes, I want to go there.”
“Can I come with you?” Bucky suddenly asked and you smiled at him.
“Of course you can.”
“I love you so much, doll.”
“And I love you.”
You’re both so excited to go to the Pride parade together. Bucky makes you so happy and you’re glad that he doesn’t have a problem with your sexuality.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @buckys-wintersoldier | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @beaubbdoll | @sgtgarricks | @ratchildspartan | @scott-loki-barnes |  @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 | @mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @brnesblogposts
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🎤Dιϝϝҽɾҽɳƚ SαႦɾιɳα Cαɾρҽɳƚҽɾ Sσɳɠʂ Aʂ Hσყσ ɱҽɳ🎤
🎀 A/N: I've been SO OBSESSED with Sabrina's new song 'Please Please Please' and omfgg I just love her music all around! So here's some of the boys as a few of her songs
If I mis categorized anyone lemme know 🙏
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𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 🙏
'𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒷𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀 𝒾𝓈 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓂𝓎 𝑒𝑔𝑜'𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇
𝐼 𝒷𝑒𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝑒𝓂𝒷𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒶𝓈𝓈 𝓂𝑒, 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓇, 𝑜𝒽
𝒫𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒, 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒, 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒'
Dating your new boyfriend was such a dream, he's so kind...so precious...BUT...he wasn't exactly a ROLE MODEL or an amazing guy to everyone. But you have a great sense of judgement, and you obviously have great taste...or at least you think so. Dating him was one thing...but telling people? WHOOO boy...when you did end up telling your friends about him...it stirred up quite a lot of drama.
"You sure he's good for you?" Your best friend sighs deeply as she holds your shoulders. Your friends were gathered around you hoping to knock some sense into you.
"I promise...he's sweet and a great guy..." You sigh softly as your best friend stares disapprovingly.
"We're just saying...he's...not exactly...what we thought you'd go for..." Your other friend hesitates as she talks, glancing at your third friend for him to back her up.
The quiet friend grimaces before clearing his throat. "He's...a...interesting guy...(Name)"
Your eyes narrow before you scoff. "You guys just don't know hi-" You cut off as your phone dings.
Your best friend grabs it and rolls her eyes at the message. "Oh get a LOAD of THIS!" She hands the phone to you.
It's your boyfriend...your wonderful...lovely...man who you'd never give up. Even if your friends think you should.
'Hey babe...sorry but I'm running a little late...ran into a little problem. But don't worry... I'll be there. Wouldn't wanna make your friends dislike me more than they already do...'
'Oh and I love you'
'See you soon ❤️'
You sigh at the text, face flushing a bit.
"Don't prove them right..."
-Aventurine, boothill, SAMPO, Gallagher, SUNDAY, Danslief, blade, CHILDE, Wanderer, itto, Lyney, Kaeya, SCARAMOUCHE
'𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝒽𝑒'𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀𝒾𝓃' '𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, 𝑜𝒽...𝐼𝓈 𝒾𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉? 𝐼 𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓈𝑜...𝒮𝒶𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝓈𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓅, 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎, 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒, 𝑒𝓈𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜'
Waking up in the morning without your boyfriend was hard...but sometimes he just was busy and couldn't stay over that night.
But waking up to his little messages? His love paragraphs or his small thoughts about you?
And even throughout the day, he also sent messages.
Those were the best...
You could say you had him wrapped around your finger to be honest. He could never get enough of you.
'God I wish you were here honey...'
'I miss you already ❤️'
'I want to skip (work, travels, missions, etc) and just come home to you...'
'I can't sleep...'
'I can't stop thinking about you my love...'
'I keep thinking about you every night and all day...'
And finally after his long day, he enters your shared home with an exhausted and fairly pouty look.
"You ok honey?" You hum softly as you get up from the couch where you were sitting.
His eyes meet yours and immediately soften.
"Cmere...couldn't stop missing you!" He whispers with a bit of desperation as he quickly rushes to hug you.
"Feel so much better already...so energetic..." He mumbles as he nuzzles into your neck.
"You're like a little shot of espresso~" He teases softly in your ear before kissing your forehead.
"That's me, your espresso..."
-ARGENTI, dan heng, Gepard, JING YUAN, diluc, CHILDE, XIAO, Neuvillette, aether, chongyun, Zhongli, Bennett, WRIOTHESLEY, THOMA, freminent, Gaming
ƒεαƭɦε૨ 🪶
'𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝓈𝑜 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒹 (𝒶𝒽), 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇, 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 (𝒶𝒽)'
Dumping him was the BEST idea you've ever had when it came to him. Not having to worry about where he is every night, why he was always so busy, even when you knew he wasn't.
The lies, the coverups, his pathetic excuses.
And you couldn't be happier. You didn't have to pretend he was the best guy in the world, you didn't have to pretend to like whatever he did, didn't have to pretend you were ok with his lies.
It's been over a year now, you're dating one of your best friends, and you knew your life was set!
But your ex wouldn't leave you alone!
He's STILL calling and texting and trying to get back in. He shows up everywhere, your work, your house, your boyfriend's house, your friends houses, trying to get you to take him back.
He just KNEW you were making a mistake, it has to be, he loved you so much...just realized it a bit too late!
"(Name)! We're meant to be together it has to be now stop acting foolish!" He catches up to you one night after work on your walk home.
You scoff softly, ignoring the male as he pants beside you.
"Then tell me why I feel lighter than a damn feather without you on my mind?" You hum, a bitter tone in your voice.
His eyes show a flash of hurt before he huffs. "Because you just don't understand how you feel!"
You roll your eyes, continuing to walk, trying to get away from him.
"Baby I want you back, please!" He whimpers a bit.
"I've told you multiple times, we're done!" Your patience is running thin, and this it not how you wanted to spend the evening.
"But I miss you!" He tries to reach for your hand.
"No duh, you should've thought about that!" You growl.
"But honey think about us...all the memories...how much we cared about each other?" He pleads.
You stop walking before turning to him.
"Thinking about our memories would be a waste of time..."
-VENTI, Kaeya, Boothill, Aventurine, gallagher, Kaveh, ITTO, xingqiu, dr ratio, Ayato, albedo, CHILDE
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satorusugurugurl · 7 hours
Perfect prey was just *chef's kiss*
Was thinking... what if the plan backfired? Like maybe Suguru's curses attracted another curse they weren't expecting and now their darling is in serious danger! Maybe a little bit injured
They feel awful of course, because they put their darling in harm's way! So they manipulate her again, but with a more gentle approach. "Oh sweetheart this was so dangerous... we were So worried... we can't let you do this alone again, our heart wouldn't be able to take it" and then they make it up to her by fucking her until she passes out
Perfect Prey (Part Two)
Characters: Yadere!Geto Suguru, Yadere!Gojo Satoru,AFAB!Reader
Warnings: yandere!Geto/Gojo, manipulation, dub! con read is unaware that the boys are manipulating her! (consent is vital for me!!) double penetration, smut, mentions of wounds, cursing, baby trapping, pregnancy talk, breeding
Word Count: 3,464
A/N: Ah! thank you Nonnie! This was different. I felt really dirty writing them so conniving wanting to baby trap the reader. Well I hope you enjoy!!
Part One
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Anxiety and dread sat in the pit of your stomach like a metal ball as the phone rang. Satoru and Suguru were going to be pissed that you took on this mission, but they would have to get over it. You tried to decline when Yaga told you you were being sent to Sendai to deal with a grade-two curse. After your first and last solo mission went haywire, you never took missions without a partner, whether it was Satoru or Suguru.
But you couldn't just stand by the second he told you a child was missing the same area. You had to go on this mission alone while your boyfriends were in Kyoto for a meeting. The child was at risk, so you idly couldn’t stand by and do nothing. They could be upset if they wanted, but this was the right thing to do.
“Hey sweetheart, everything okay?” Satoru asked as you treaded over a bridge leading to an abandoned school in Sendai.
“Promise you won’t be mad.”
Pure and absolute silence rings out, making you swallow hard. “What do you mean? Don’t get mad?” You heard Geto ask what happened in the background. “Sugurh is here too. Tell us what happened,” you grumble, stepping over a fallen log, not looking forward to this conversation.
“Yaga sent me on a mission.”
“Princess, do you remember what happened last time?” Suguru made a tsking sound, speaking down to you as if you were a child who had done something wrong.
“I know, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. But everyone else was on their own mission or out of town.”
“You still could’ve declined.” The cold chill in Gojo’s voice makes you shiver.
“I couldn't.”
“Yes, you could have.”
“No, Toru, I couldn't!” you snapped, stopping your pace to glare at the ground. “There’s a missing child in the area. It might be at the school building, or the curse could have them.” Both of your partners stay silent, and neither say a word. “I can’t sit back when a child is in danger.” Since they voiced no other sounds of protest, you side and relief. “I’ll be home as soon as I can. I’ll be taking the bullet train home since I’m in Sendai. I love you both.”
The line disconnected, causing Satoru to groan as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. “I swear I’m going to off the higher-ups one of these days.” Subaru, who was glaring out the window of the train back to Tokyo. “You're not opposed to the idea.” The dark-haired man glanced back at his blindfolded best friend.
“Sorry, Satoru, I was just thinking about how much our princess cares about children.”
“Yeah? She loves her students—and cares about the well-being of them.”
“I believe that is something we can use to our advantage.”
Satoru’s curiosity was peaked, and it caused the mischievous grin to deepen his dimple. “Oh, please do elaborate, Suguru.” With his friend's approval, Suguru shut his eyes and smiled.
“What if we gave her a child of her own to take care of? Money is not a problem with your wealth, and neither is mine. If we had a child with her, she could stay home, caring for them while we take on all the missions.”
“Are you suggesting that we baby-trap our perfect girl?”
“Precisely.” Geto shrugged the shoulder, dark strands of hair moving as he shifted in his seat. “If that’s something she wants, we will not force her to do anything she does not want.”
“But with a little persuasion and many videos, she’ll beg for one.”
The strongest sorcerer of the modern age grins before Suguru glances down at his watch. “But before everything is all sunshine and rainbows, our princess must learn another lesson.”
The two of them found themselves in Sendai ten minutes later, thanks to Gojo's teleportation. They stood in the woods as Suguru’s curses searched the area for the missing child you had been so concerned about finding. After combing through every inch and making a quick call to the police station, they confirmed that the boy had been seen earlier that day and was safe and sound at home with his family. Meaning they could use full force like they had done with you before.
Using Suguru's curses at full force to remind you of how much you needed them. As you ran through the second story of the abandoned school building, Geto’s curses swarmed in search of you, and they found you fast. You had to run up the stairs to the third floor when a swarm of fly-like curses slammed into you. Falling onto your back, you shielded your face with your hands, blocking their attacks.
Rage bloomed in the pit of your stomach as you snarled. Flipping over, you flung two talisman papers at the buzzing curses. Upon impact, the paper burned with your cursed energy before the creatures exploded into blue flames. There was a fire raging deep inside of you, one that was going to help you in finding the missing child, and you would be damned if you let a shitty curse your way. Pushing yourself up and off the ground, you bolted up the stairs to continue your frantic search.
Every one of the curses you came across, you exorcised with your papers. Each time that happened, Suguru stiffened, his eyes widening as Satoru dropped his arm over his best friend's shoulder. You had stopped to call either of them because you were handling this perfectly alone. That was both troubling and satisfying.
They knew you were strong. There was no doubt in their minds about that, but now, months after the initial incident they caused, you were even stronger. If you succeeded in dealing with these curses, you might begin to rebel against them, insisting that you could handle yourself, which left both men at a crossroads. They could keep throwing weak grade three and four curses in your way or step it up with a grade two or one.
Amid their conundrum, you kept moving, taking out every curse. Your thoughts revolved around finding the missing child and saving them. You didn't know the child was already at home safe and sound, meaning you were running through a building for nothing.
“Our darling girl is handling herself quite well.”
“She is one of the strongest,” Gojo added head, focused on the school.
Suguru was a second away from agreeing with him when he went silent; seven of his curses were exorcised once—none by you or a different sorcerer. No, the presence that took out those curses was dark and malicious. Suguru knew that Satoru sensed it, too, from the way his body straightened before he yanked his blindfold down, pooling it around his neck.
“I know I felt it.”
“A special grade curse.” You grit it out from the third-floor hallway, standing before the curse devouring one of the lower-grade ones chasing you. The six-legged creature towered over you, standing around 7 feet tall. Eight eyes darted with every move you made, following as you reached into your jacket pocket, pulling out a talisman paper as you prepared for the fight of your life.
Geto and Gojo were running through the woods, watching as flashes of blue cursed energy glowed from the broken windows on the third floor. As they approached the building, the north wall crumbled as you battled with the special grade curse. The bastard was throwing you against walls, knocking the wind out of your chest before crawling up onto the ceiling like some humanoid spider.
You shake, pushing yourself up as the curse skittered towards you; just below, Gojo teleported with Geto bolted up the stairs. The special grade curse was just about to bite your head off, but before it had a chance to chomp down, a blue ball of cursed energy slammed through the wall, knocking both you and the curse over the ledge of the north side of the building
“Fuck!” Gojo yelled as you and the curse fell into an abandoned school pool's dirty, mucky water. The water's foul smell soured your stomach as you tried to wiggle yourself from the curse of grasp, only to have it pull you under the black water. Its legs into your sides, pulling you further under the water, dragging you to the bottom of the bottomless pool.
Your paper was useless in a situation like this, but you didn’t need your paper. Not when you had been training so hard, focusing all your energy on your combat skills. Pulling your fist back, you focus hard, concentrating your cursed energy into your fist before slamming it down on the curse's head. Flashes of red and black cursed energy split the water around you, and the curse released you. The black flash hit it head-on. You would need to thank Nanami later for teaching you how to do it.
That was if you made it out of the slimy pool alive.
You couldn’t see everything; it was a blurry black mass until a hand breached under the water, grabbing your jacket and pulling you to the surface. The instant head breached the water, Suguru pulled out, helping you towards the edge. The instant you were on dry land, you sat on your hands and knees as you coughed up the foul-smelling water that had invaded your mouth and nose while Geto rubbed your back soothingly, gently patting it until you were sure your lungs were clear.
“S-Suguru—” you gasp, resting your head on his lap, “W-What are you doing here?” His hand gently stroked your wet hair back
“Yaga called us and told us the child was found. We decided to assist you and let you know the good news. Thank god we got here when we did.”
Another body crutches down next to you; a soft hand gently caresses your cheek. “Yeah, no kidding. Are you okay? You aren’t too injured, are you?”
Shifting slightly, you winced at the scratches and sore spots that would soon become bruises. Despite the minor sting, nothing seemed to be broken. That meant your partners wouldn’t have much to complain about. Pushing yourself up and off of Suguru, you gave your boyfriends a gentle smile and a thumbs up.
“I’ll live.”
Of course, you’d live; you were strong, and the injured were mediocre. Even though you were okay, Satoru and Suguru felt some guilt when you
All got he as they watched you walk into the bathroom for a long shower when you got home. The scratches on your side were bleeding, and the gash on your forehead was starting to swell into a scar with bruises as you shut the door behind you.
Both men exchanged glances with each other the second you came back into the bedroom, carefully crawling into bed between them. They were so lucky that you were strong enough to handle yourself. If it were anyone else, they might not have been as fortunate as you were. Even if they hadn’t interfered with your mission, you could’ve easily faced that special grade and wouldn’t have been off as well as you were. They needed to tell you how much you meant to them and how they were.
That way, you never tried to do a stunt like this again.
Suguru was the first to shift his arm, wrapping around you and holding you gently against him as Satoru leaned into your neck, gently peppering it with kisses. You melted into their gentle caresses, listening to their beating hearts. This was precisely what you needed after a long mission.
“Princess, this was a close call.” Suguru began gently squeezing you. “That was such a dangerous mission you were sent on.”
“Mhm, we were so worried about you, so scared that you would get hurt.” Satoru trailed his lips along your exposed collarbone. “And look,” emotion, his head towards the scratches on your side and the bruise forming on your head. “You did end up getting hurt. That’s something neither of us ever wants to happen.”
Concern was thick in their voices, and you couldn’t help but fill your stomach with guilt. They had warned you that something like this might eventually happen, and they were right. It did happen. You had gotten hurt despite handling yourself as long as you did. You had been training hard to keep up with your partners, and tonight, you thought you could handle this alone. Maybe you could save that child's life without the assistance of your boyfriends. But that special grade made you realize how weaker you were compared to Satoru and Suguru.
“I know.” You whispered, voice breaking as Satoru continued his exploration of your body with his lips. His hands gently grabbed your hips as Suguru slowly lifted your shirt for his best friend. “I-I know if—ah—if it wasn’t for—nngh.” Your mind went blank as Satoru trailed his tongue over your skin. Planting open-mouthed kisses and little nips over your stomach. “I—fuck I don’t know what would have happened.”
Satoru hummed, pulling down the sweats you had on. “We can’t let you do that again; it was too dangerous.” Suguru hummed, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
“Satoru is right; you got hurt. We hate seeing you hurt.”
“But you did so good, doing your absolute best to save a child in need.” Satoru moaned out in between kisses against your skin. “You’d be such a good mommy. You take such good care of our children.”
“You would be.” Warm hands up to your breast, squeezing them softly. “I think that’s what you were meant to do in this world: be the most amazing mother.” You moan, arching your back as Satoru laps at your cunt, his tongue swirling around clit, causing you to jolt back. “Isn’t that something you’ve always wanted since we got together? To have our children and be a stay-at-home mother?”
“I-I—haaaah—yes, I want that.”
Bingo, both men smirk as you shut your eyes tight, losing yourself in the pleasure. This was perfect. If they knocked you up, you’d have no choice but to decline missions. They wouldn’t have to worry about you being in danger. It was a win-win scenario for all of you. You won’t be in danger and have something you always wanted.
“Then let us breed you.” Satoru breathed out against your cunt. “Let us knock you up.”
Suguru’s fingers pinched and pulled at your nipples, tugging them before releasing them. “Please, princess, please, you know we’ll take good care of you. We always do.” There was something utterly manipulative and demented with the way they begged you to be the mother of their children; however, you were blind to the malicious intent behind their words. You knew your partners just wanted to take it to the next level.
That nativity was the sole reason you answered the way you did.
“Okay.” If you had known the truth that they were trying to baby-trap you, things wouldn’t have been so simple.
With your consent, both men were removed, and cock were pulled out. Both heads of their dicks at your entrance at the same time, itching to get inside of you. Shafts rub against each other as they begin pushing inside of you thick; their cock stretches you like you had never been stretched before. You gripped onto Satoru’s shoulders, wincing as both men pushed past your tight ring of muscles, sinking into your wet walls.
Your boyfriends grunted and groaned, forcing themselves deeper inside you until they were buried balls deep. You shivered and shook, crying at how full you were, stuffed with both men’s cocks. Seeing your tears and hearing your soft cries had Suguru pressing kisses down the nape of your neck while Satoru began thrusting in and out of you at a gentle pace.
“Look at you, taking both cocks so well.”
“Yeah, such a good girl for us~ going to be. Much a good mommy,”
“Yes, you will be.” Suguru moaned in agreement as he began bucking up into you in time with Satoru’s thrusts. “The perfect mommy~”
Satoru groaned, slamming his lips against yours, kissing you eagerly as you relaxed around them, making it easier for him to fuck into you. “God, I can’t wait to fill you up with my cum~ to watch your stomach swell with one of our kids.” Suguru’s hands squeezed your breasts as he slid his tongue up your neck.
“Yes, you’re beautiful, but I can only imagine how much you will glow when carrying our child. How your breasts will swell.”
“O-Oooh fuck~”
“Nngh fuck, that sweet cunt just twitched; you love this, don’t you~? Being bred by both of us. Imagining being so full of our cum that you’ll be pregnant by the end of the night?”
“Yes! Yes, I want that so bad!”
“Then be a good girl and take all we have to offer,” Satoru growled in your ear, slamming his hips into you, causing both you and Suguru to gasp. The dark-haired man was quick to recover, his hips meeting Satoru’s pace, bucking madly up into you with moans against your shoulder as Satoru grabbed the headboard. “That's right~ our perfect fucking girl is going to take all our cum. We're going to fill you up so good~ so fuckin’ good.”
“Nnngh~ yes,” Suguru whispered into your ear. “I want you to be ours in every way a person can be, Princess.”
Both their cocks inside of you felt so good; you were drooling over the way they slammed into you in sync, how they told you such dirty things. They desperately wanted to breed you, to make you the mother of their children. God, they made you so wet and horny; you tried to do that for them, wanted to take their cum, to be their partner, to be re e their children.
“Oooh fuck me~!” you begged, causing both men to grunt and groan as they slammed into you harder, trying to get deeper inside of you, to fill you full of their cum. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Faster! Faster fuck!”
“Nngh fuck~ fuck yes baby I'm going to cum~ take all of it~ yeah~ take every last fucking drop of our cum!” Satoru growled against your lips, your short breaths mingling with each other as the bed creaked and groaned under both means of frantic thrusts.
“Yea~ I want to be sure you're so full~ I have no intention of leaving this bed until you're bred properly.” a rough growl heated your skin as Suguru reached around, rubbing at your clit. “Now be a good girl and milk our cocks~ allow us to fill you~.”
You came squirming and shaking against Suguru, screaming against Satoru’s lips as he continued fucking into you, as chaste kisses were pressed into your mouth. Your tightening walls, the feeling of each other's cocks throbbing was enough to have your boyfriends stiffening before slamming deep inside the heads of their cocks, twitching as cum filled your womb, which left you gasping, nails digging into Satoru’s shoulder, leaving red crescent moon shapes in your wake as you shivered.
Both men were panting heavily, kissing you gently as they continued rocking into you. Filling you with more of their cum, only stopping when you made the slight sound of discomfort. “Y-You got me.” You whispered as Satoru pulled out first.
“Huh?” a white brow twitched up as Suguru gently helped lay you onto your side as he slowly fucked into you pushing their cum deeper inside.
“What do you mean, Princess?”
“Y-You haaah nnngh~!” you gripped the sheets as Sugurh grabbed your hips fucking you tenderly. “I-I know you got me p-pregnant.”
Satoru grinned, kissing you softly as Sugurh continued thrusting into you from behind. “Oh, sweetheart~ even if we didn't do that first round, you will be by the night's end.”
Each took two more turns making sweet, tender love to you. Filling you with their cum. You were so happy, drooling as they fucked you stupidly, until your eyes rolled back, and you passed out from the exhaustion and pleasure. The night had started sour but turned into something so romantic and loving. While you were blissful, your partners smirked, watching their cum leaking out of your cunt. Sure, they were excited to start a family with you. But they were more excited that now, you would be theirs and theirs alone.
No matter who the father was of the first child, the other wouldn't stop until you were full of the second. They fully intended to make sure you'd never leave their sight. For you belonged to them and then alone.
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etherealily · 2 days
𝒮𝐻𝒜𝑅𝒟𝒮 // 🇳​​🇦​​🇹​​🇪​ ​🇯​​🇦​​🇨​​🇴​​🇧​​🇸​.
Nate Jacobs + Fem!reader. Warnings : Dark. SFW, but discretion advised. Slur used.
This one is loooong.
Part 1 : Whiplash
Part 2 : 9 Lives
Part 3 : Blessed
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You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : Bender? Nah, bend...her (to your will).
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Nate didn't really seem the type to get anxious.
Okay, scratch that. He got anxious when you weren't there to high-five him before a game.
But even that didn't come close to whatever the fuck he was feeling when he called you that evening, yelling as if you'd killed his fucking cat, or something.
"Come faster, come faster!", he urged, ignoring you as you informed him you were only human, and you were on your way as fast as possible. The lewd joke was right there, and he didn't take it. Something was seriously wrong.
"Why the hell are you so jumpy?"
"I'll explain when you get here. Slight change of plans. You're wearing something... conservative, yeah?"
"Like, jeans and a T-shirt is fine, I guess.", he muttered, on the other end of the line, as if he was mentally picturing exactly what he wanted you to be wearing.
"Did you think my original plan was to show up in lingerie?"
"Jesus fucking Christ, stop being so fucking defensive!"
That was a slur that you just heard in his voice. "Are you drunk?"
"You're scarily good at this."
"Why are you drunk already?" Wasn't even dark yet.
"Can you just fucking drive, please?"
You rolled your eyes, taking a small moment to sadistically picture his head caught in the wheel, before placing your phone down and speeding up the car that unfortunately had to relive the trauma of driving because Nate Jacobs told it to.
The Jacobs household was infuriatingly stereotypical. Of course he'd have a pretty spectacular front doorstep. It was almost designed to lure you in.
You weren't even allowed to ring the doorbell, he answered the door much before. That was a shame. You wanted to be the one forcing him to come somewhere reluctantly, for once.
"Don't speak unless spoken to." Well, hello to you, too.
"It's not just us."
No, no, no, no.
"Nate, you fucking asshole.", you hissed.
"I didn't know! My brother found out you were coming over and told my parents, so they cancelled plans to meet you."
"'Cause our Dad's a jerk, and my Mom's probably going to judge you, and my brother's a coward who hates me."
That was way too much Jacobs drama for one single minute, and you were not even two steps into the house.
"Wait, just-"
"It's fine, just sit next to me, shut up, and don't like... make eye contact."
"Am I meeting your family or getting into the cage with a fucking tiger?"
"Also, don't cuss.", he warned, pointing a finger at you and guiding you by your shoulders further into the abyss he called a home. "Smile. A lot."
Was it really even a normal family dinner if you had to be prepped this much? No, probably not.
"Hey, look who finally showed up!", he chuckled, the fakest breeze in his voice as he steered your shoulders towards a chair.
The rest of the Jacobs family looked up at you.
And suddenly, you'd have been fine clinging to Nate, because he was evidently the mildest of them. Rich freaks.
"Oh, the project partner." His mother, laying plates down on the table before patting your head, was a sight to behold. "Bit late.", she remarked, sickening sweetness lacing her tone as she stared pointedly at Nate behind you as if you couldn't fucking see it.
"Yeah, well, she's just learning to drive, y'know? Goes really slow."
Oh, boo-fucking-hoo, mama's boy, just say you had no intention of having your family here tonight.
"Nate, you never told me she could legally drive."
That must be the brother - the coward. He looked like he'd fucking rip you apart with just a glare.
"I didn't tell you anything.', he mumbled, more for you than him, before making his voice louder. "Y/N, this is my brother, Aaron, Aaron, Y/N."
His eyes made your skin crawl. Like you were a weapon he'd just been able to use against Nate.
"And, uh, my dad. Dad, this is, uh-"
You had no idea when your name had become so hard for him to pronounce, the way he was unable to get it out.
"Y/N, yes, I heard. I'm Cal. Cal Jacobs."
You'd take Nate forcing a gun down your throat to the feel of Cal's hand shaking yours any day.
In comparison, Nate's gun was basically the gentlest thing you'd ever be able to feel. A caress, essentially.
"Sit, sit.", he instructed, gesturing at you to do as he said in his own house or else. "So."
He was so fucking drunk. You could see it in his eyes.
Both Cal and Nate Jacobs were shitfaced.
Nate, you understood, because after hearing his description, even you seemed to need liquid courage to get through a dinner with his drunk dad.
"So.", responded Nate, blankly, as he sat down next to you, as promised.
The chairs you were on were fancy but seemed tired, in a way. Like they were putting up a strong front.
"What, pray tell, is this famous project that you've apparently been sneaking out for, according to Aaron?"
Oh, that was the problem! The sneaking out! Oh, that was okay, that was in your jurisdiction, you could just fix it. Make it sound like there was no other time to meet up. Cool cool cool.
"It's just this thing for psychology. About athletes and superstitions."
"My Nate doesn't have any superstitions. He wins because he's the best.", interjected his mother, as if you'd been holding a gun to his face and she'd just jumped in front of him. You looked at the giant plate she'd just set down. Fucking steak.
With a knowing glance at Nate, you nodded. "Yes, but jocks don't really like admitting it. So I just ask him about his buddies who do have superstitions. Seeing as he has none of his own."
You didn't bother to look at the fuck-you-so-much glare he was sending your way.
"Oh, yes, Mom, Nate's just the best. Don't you think he's just the best, Y/N?", cooed Aaron, clearly hinting at something only he and Nate were in on.
"Yes, yes, he's very good at what he does."
"What he does?"
"I mean, you are talking about him as QB, right?"
He took a gulp of water, nodding as he searched into your eyes for some tell that he'd expected you to have. "Right."
Nate subtly shook his head after you frowned at him. Let it go.
"So, you've taken psychology."
His dad didn't really seem the jerk that Nate had made him out to be. Sure, he had the whole terrifying handshake thing going, but he wasn't all bad. He was the only one with his sanity intact, and the fact that he was plastered yet normal was both relieving and mildly concerning.
"How come?"
"Always been interested in how it works."
"Can you read minds?"
"Read mine."
"I... don't know you well enough."
"Later, then. When we know each other a bit better. Meanwhile, dig in."
Involuntarily, your gaze turned back to the asshole you'd had the misfortune of interacting with for the past three weeks, and he nodded, either telling you you did well, or giving you permission to eat.
Either way, your mouth was now shut and would continue to be unless someone forced it open. The awkward clinks of glasses and clangs of cutlery rang through the room, battling fruitlessly to dissolve the tension.
"How's the food?"
Why was Nate trying to get you to talk?
"Oh, great, I really like it."
Nate's mother smiled at that. "Well, thanks. It's actually a new recipe I found on some obscure old cooking show tape my mother had recorded, back in her day! God, I'm telling you, those were simpler times."
Oh. So Nate hadn't cooked. Couldn't say you were surprised.
"Well, it's lovely.", you replied, smiling down at the garbage you had to put into your system. It was nothing personal, really, steak was just gross.
"I must say, Y/N, you're so much more polite than that girl. She was a real-"
"Mom. Mom.", warned Nate, shaking his head and waving his hand in front of his throat in a cut it out motion."She's friends with Maddy."
The entire table suddenly went silent, as if he'd just confirmed your involvement in a pyramid scheme. "Oh.", said Aaron, and his fucking eyes showed you he was full of pure mirth. "That's interesting."
"You're friends with both Nate and Maddy?", questioned Mrs Jacobs, as if trying so desperately to figure out your intentions for her baby boy.
"I'm friends with Maddy, and have been for... basically my whole life. And, yeah, I guess now I'm friends with Nate for the project. I don't get why it's so-"
"She's pretending to be her friend, Mom, alright? It's a childhood loyalty thing, but no one likes Maddy, she's a fu- she's not likeable."
Oh, so now Nate could suddenly write out your entire story and replace it with a script of his own making?
Acting as if she'd just dodged a cancer scare, she placed her hand on her chest, sighing in relief. "Thank god. You could've said that, dear. I was worried for a moment there."
You looked back down at the food. You couldn't shake the feeling that your lack of response had been a form of betrayal, though it was rooted in fear.
"So you and Nate are friends?"
I don't know, Aaron, why do people befriend psychopaths? To save their own asses, of course.
"I mean... what do I even say to that?", you laughed, and it was supposed to mock him, but it just showed how nervous you really were. Fuck. Blood in shark-infested waters. "I guess he's... a nice guy, so, y'know."
Even you didn't believe that. Even NATE didn't believe that.
"That's a new one."
You nodded, clearing your throat as you continued to work on slicing up your steak. All three Jacobs men watched the piece go into your mouth and you wanted to throw it right back up.
"You think he's hot?"
"Nate. My lil' bro. You think he's hot?"
"Aaron, honestly!", muttered his mother, shaking her head as if this was all just a playful banter session. "Stop it. Nate said they're friends, so they're friends."
Your phone buzzed.
'I really didn't know they'd be here.'
'Shut up.'
'Ur doing great.'
'I said shut up.'
"Nate, didn't you tell her we've got a strict no-phones-at-the-table rule?"
You stuffed the phone back in your pocket, as well as any hope you'd get out of this house anytime soon.
"I mean, you're a total smokeshow. And he's..."
Aaron smirked through his chewing, winking at you. "Well, he's attracted to smokeshows. Total match. But you're, what, a cheerleader? That's his real type."
"No, I'm not a cheerleader."
He sucked in breath, sharply, tutting as he shaked his head. "Tough luck."
"Aaron.", warned Nate, sucking his teeth. "Shut up."
"I'm just saying. It's not surprising he hasn't dicked you down yet."
THAT escalated fast.
"Aaron! No cussing at the table, and especially not in front of guests.", hissed Mrs. Jacobs, as if her youngest son's entire vocabulary didn't consist of the word 'fuck'. "I'm sorry, he gets like this when he teases his brother."
"Or maybe he... oh, wait, didn't he invite you here alone first?", mused Aaron, frowning in mock curiosity.
Nate's hand found your knee under the table, patting the side of it as if he could tell you were losing it. There was some kind of psychological warfare underfoot, and you weren't in on the joke, the origin or the punchline. You were being blindsided. Let it go. Fuck what his eyes told you, you'd fucking riot if you didn't get out of there right now.
Cal, who'd been perfectly silent for all this time, leaned back in his chair, his fork down and apparently, his booze-filled blood shooting up. "I'm curious, too. In more polite words than that. Why are you and Y/N just friends?"
Okay, this was clearly not your jurisdiction. This treatment was not because he'd, like, broken curfew or something.
"Dad, we're just partners. Project partners."
"Shame. She's a knockout."
Okay, Aaron saying that was creepy enough.
"No, seriously, Y/N, you're really beautiful. Nate couldn't do better if he tried." Sounded backhanded, and it probably was. "If you're not attracted to him, it's kind of an insult to me, isn't it?", he inquired, innocently, his eyes twinkling. "Aren't I good looking?"
"What the fuck are you guys doing?" It was weird seeing Nate playing the white knight in your story and not the dragon, but hey, you'd take it.
"I mean...", continued Cal, taking a bite of his food, all the while gazing at you. "Unless your issue is just with his personality. Because then..."
What. The. Fuck.
"Y'know.", said Cal, offhandedly, as if the entire fucking table didn't know what he was implying. "Just food for thought."
"What the fuck are you guys doing?", he repeated, his voice sounding more strained by the minute.
"No, Mom, I will fucking cuss, if they're sitting here being fucking assholes about it!"
"Don't you DARE talk to me like that, son!", yelled Cal, and suddenly, you felt like a voyeur zooming in on someone else's life, someone else's argument, someone else's issues.
Aaron lifted up his hands in defense, standing up as well. "Hey, man, I'm just saying. You're disappointing men everywhere if you don't hit that."
"Oh, you're one to talk, you bitchless waste of FUCKING space."
"One goddamn night! One goddamned night without this bullshit, please!"
"Oh, come on, Marsha, you know full fucking well you're no innocent here! You've raised these boys up so goddamn weak that they can't even fucking do their own laundry, and CLEARLY can't fucking learn RESPECT!"
Evidently the no-cuss-rule was out.
Nate's hand slammed down on the table next to you so hard your plate shook, and suddenly, you wished you had shown up in lingerie. At least the mother would've kicked you out as soon as you'd walked in.
Your eyes stayed on your fork, the shitty fucking steak, and you waited. For what, you didn't know. But eventually, Nate sat back down, and so did the other two Jacobs men.
Okay. Phew.
And then Nate muttered 'faggot', and suddenly, Aaron was ushering you into a room - Nate's room, he informed you, in a hurry - and you were locked in. Screams, the sound of things slamming on the floor, and a distinct crack ensued.
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The light from the living room beamed into the room with the monogrammed pillows -pathetic, you had to remember to mock him for it later- about twelve minutes later.
You knew that because you'd been keeping track.
The entire evening was surrounded by a lack of clarity, and after whatever had happened out there that you were not allowed to be privy to, thankfully , you were now completely in the dark as to what the whole stiff, insinuation during dinner was all about. What, they thought you guys were hooking up, was that it?
But all that just dissipated once you saw Nate standing in the doorway, looking at you as if he had just accidentally broken your favourite toy on the playground at five years old. And he was even drunker than he was before.
And once more, you allowed your heart to break for Nate Jacobs.
Wait, no, scratch that.
Your heart broke for him, with none of your own volition. It just fucking happened.
"Are you okay?" What you were really asking was 'did he hurt you?', but you didn't say it.
He didn't respond, and instead took cautious steps toward you, as though you were a bomb he'd never learnt to dismantle before.
But the caution wore off quite fast, because suddenly, your hands were stroking his hair and he was clinging onto you like a vine. Or a python with its prey. TBD.
He kept muttering things into the crook of your neck, things that vaguely resembled 'I'm sorry', but, I mean, it was Nate.
That was usually followed by some kind of blackmail, right?
Blackmail, not pained moments when his mind led him to thoughts that made him grip tighter onto you, like the hug was his lifeline. RIGHT?
"I'm so fucking sorry."
Evidently, you'd heard him right the first time.
"It's okay. Shh. It's okay." At this point there was nothing else you could do except lie to him.
"I fucking hate him, he's a fucking asshole!", he grunted, his words muffled but strong in your hair.
"It's fine, I wasn't offended." You understood. People are weird when drunk. Not usually asking a minor to fuck them kind of weird, but maybe that was just your lack of exposure.
He pushed you away, looking at you as if you'd just suggested cannibalism or something even more sickening. "It's fine? You weren't offended? Y/N, my dad literally asked to fuck you! What, do you want him to, is that why you were looking at him like that?"
'He's sloshed, he's sloshed, he's sloshed.' , you reminded yourself, lest you punch him again.
"No. I have a question.", he said, closing his eyes and then opening them wide for a moment. This told you that the liquor had just pierced his skull. "You- You fuck Shane Crestin, the biggest fucking cunt in the world, you wanna fuck my DAD, but you won't fuck ME?", he asked, his voice increasing in decibel and his finger repeatedly slamming against his chest, like he apparently wanted to do to you.
"Nate, I didn't fuck Shane, I don't want to fuck your dad, and I- I don't wanna fuck anyone!"
"Why not ME? Do you not like me? You think I'm a prick? I'm not good enough for your whore ass?"
"Nate, I'm just-"
"I'm not! It makes me sick, but-"
You almost cried at how fast you had to dodge the lamp that came whizzing your way before crashing and disintegrating against the wall behind you.
It amazed you how you knew that this boy's mother and brother were probably still lingering in the same house, hearing this bullshit, and yet not a peep came out of them. Fucking jerks.
"I swear to god, Y/N, if you don't say it right now-"
"Fine, he's an asshole!"
He looked up at you. He didn't believe it. It's fine, you didn't give a shit anymore. It went without saying, and if he needed you to say it, he was an idiot. "Bullshit."
"You're not apologizing?"
"For what? Yelling? No, I'm not."
Deliberately obtuse, just like always.
Speaking of which, you were a hundred percent sure you'd been grazed at your temple. Your fingers returned from the site with red all over them.
"I could've been hurt." You displayed those fingers to him, right in front of the eyes, so he could better view the same scarlet gore you had to see in his first ever text to you, but he looked at them like you'd showed him his own face in the mirror.
'That's normal', his look said.
"You could've fucked my dad, too, but neither of those things happened tonight." This was what he actually said.
It was like he'd forgotten what happened two seconds ago. Like the shards of glass lying in front of his wall had always been there, and were nothing out of the ordinary.
"Okay, that's fucking it.", you scoffed, shouldering past him on your way out. You'd hoped he wouldn't stop you, but you'd known he would.
Okay, you'd expected 'wait', or something nicer.
"Shut up, Nate, don't push me."
"You're bleeding. The corner store doesn't have first-aid. I do."
He said it like that was the answer to everything. That you should never have any more questions about his actions.
You let him lead you back to the bed, the silence gnawing at you both. He seemed more than happy to let it devour him whole, seeing as he was tight-lipped and disinterested, almost, when he turned on the light in his bathroom, foraging around for his first-aid kit, or whatever.
He looked like he was about to go batshit for a second time that night, the frantic manner in which he was throwing stuff off his counter to find it, yanking the drawers open so forcefully they'd scream if they could.
Luckily, though, he found the damn thing, tossing it to you from where he stood. Catching it, you opened the box, wordlessly rummaging through for cotton or band-aids or something to keep your hand and eyes - and most importantly, mind - busy.
The cotton sitting nervously in your hand, you took tentative steps into the bathroom, wisely keeping your distance from Nate, who stood still, ruminating on something with one hand still on the drawer's handle.
You stood in front of the mirror.
The mirror lied to you. It always has, always will. Your damage looked minimal, but that was excluding the emotional one.
You looked away from your reflection's eyes to focus on the side of your forehead, and sometimes to your left, at the occassional huff that escaped him.
Mirror-you grimaced just like real-you, as you harshly rubbed at the skin around your cut. So much red.
At this point, it was impossible to avoid your own eyes, those essentially vapid pools of numbness at this point. You didn't know what was going on, and lord knew if you'd understand it even if it was explained to you like a five year old.
Because it couldn't be real. You couldn't be standing right next to the guy who almost maybe blinded you, maybe even KILLED you, had the impact been angled differently.
Your pain only seemed to be getting exacerbated the more cotton you used up. The piece of glass you were trying to remove from your temple was stubborn, like the man who helped transform it from its shape to a shard.
When you finally did remove it, you were quick to try to put a stopper to the gushing blood coming out of it, but the way you did it had you wanting to scream in agony.
"What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to dab, not rub.", he muttered, sucking in his breath sharply as he slapped your hands away, seeming furious at you for not knowing what to do after you get impaled by a piece of broken glass. "The rubbing makes it worse."
His finger turned your jaw toward him, and he snatched the cotton from you before dabbing softly at and around the wound where the little refracting fragment of glass had sat before, and intact, unblemished skin had sat once before that.
Dutifully grabbing a bottle of antiseptic from the first aid box, he tilted it so that it would gently stain the cotton, before pressing it to your temple, shushing you softly as you winced.
Jovially traumatizing what you imagined to be every single cell in the wound, the antiseptic finally fizzled out, its effect no longer sharp and concentrated and debilitatingly painful.
"You're a mess." His voice was so cold, so unkind, so... detached.
You're one to talk.
"Are you going to say anything?" He sounded almost... bored.
You stayed silent. If he thought you were going to give him more things to throw shit at you over, he was sorely mistaken.
He sighed, his jaw ticking slightly. "Y/N."
Your eyes moved away from the mirror behind him and back to his.
He paused his lazy movements to look down at you, your eyes, specifically, before gently bending down so he was suddenly looking up at them.
What that was supposed to achieve was unclear, but what it did affect was your ability to look away.
"I want to hear your voice.", he informed, his eyes moving between yours.
Like a bull craves the muleta.
Glancing down at him, you realized his eyes didn't match his tone. There was something almost dead about them.
"What do you want me to say?"
"Cuss me out, maybe? I don't know. I don't like the quiet."
"Why, 'cause it makes you think?", you scoffed.
"Yes, actually.", he replied, looking at you deadpan. "It does, and that's not really what I wanna do right now, okay?"
He wasn't bored, you realized. He was numb.
"So say something, damn it."
"About what?"
"Y/N. Listen to me when I'm talking to you. I don't give a shit. ANYTHING." He shook your shoulders as if that would cause you to spit out a good conversation in the aftermath of this night.
"Okay, uh... you promised me you'd listen to Queen with me."
He stared at you for a good while before his face softened, just enough for you to wonder if you'd imagined it, and then he frowned. "I did?"
"Then I will."
You nodded. "'Kay."
"Tell me about Queen."
"Look, man, I don't know-"
"Y/N.", he warned, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he reached for a band-aid, eyes never leaving your wound.
"Jeez, fine. Uh, 'We Will Rock You'. 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. 'Another One Bites The Dust'."
"That was them?", he mused softly, the words dying out a little before they reached your ears, as he ripped the cover open with his teeth, then unwrapped the band-aid.
"Yes. Freddie Mercury's the lead singer."
"The one with the teeth?", he inquired, pressing slightly on the band-aid to ensure it stuck.
The sheer dichotomy of what he was doing - cleaning up a wound caused by him that might have killed you- and what he was saying - some quip about the lead singer of some '70's band he'd barely heard of - was astounding.
"Yup." You popped your p, hoping that would echo around the room and fill the silence for long enough that Nate wouldn't pester you to talk again, which was the last thing you felt like doing.
He gazed at your wound for a little while longer before nodding. "Done. Don't touch it for another week, maybe two."
"And I'll get you, like, a blanket or whatever, let me just put this shit back."
"A blanket?"
"Well, yeah. You don't get cold? What are you, superhuman?"
"I'm not staying here. I'm going home."
"Like hell you are.", he laughed dryly, opening his drawer and carefully placing the box back in before moving to the sink again. His hands moved quickly, squeezing paste onto his brush. "Not this late."
You looked down at your watch. "It's nine."
"It's late."
You snorted. "Thought you were the badass curfew-less one. Now you're freaking out about nine p.m?"
Why were you even still talking to this... thing in front of you? Why were you arguing with him? You could just fucking walk out.
He rolled his eyes, his toothbrush being as thorough as possible for a couple minutes before he spat it out, gargling and then turning to look at you. "It's late."
"I'm not spending the night, Nate."
"You a sleep-talker? 'Cause that's crazy shit.", he said, spitting out his mouthwash and wiping with the back of his hand, walking past you as he opened a cupboard, and tossed a heavy-looking duvet down at your feet.
"Nate, I'm not staying over!"
"But the really creepy ones are the sleep-walkers, I'm tellin' you.", he continued, shaking his head as he picked and chose two of his pillows and threw them at your feet, too. "My cousin, back when we were eight, I woke up and found him, like, banging his head on the door. Ouija board shit, bro, I'm tellin' you."
It was clear he was blatantly ignoring you, but what infuriated you the most was that he expected you to sleep on the same floor which was strewn with dangerous, nigh invisible shards of glass.
"No, seriously, I don't care if it's like, a medical condition or whatever, they're like the fucking Conjuring movie, bro!", he declared, throwing his hands up as he distractedly moved to the other side of his bed, now, checking his phone. "You're not one of 'em, right?"
"You're such a fucking asshole, I'm leaving."
"If you step out that door, I will fucking kill you."
What unnerved you was that his eyes never moved from his phone. This was as casual as his reply to his Mom asking what he wanted for breakfast or something.
Saying he'd kill you was like saying 'pancakes with butter' to him.
"I'm going to kill you if you leave." , he huffed, tiredly. And this time, it was clear he really was bored. Bored of the conversation, bored of your resistance, bored.
"You're fucked up."
"Look, sweetie, we've both had a long day-"
"Don't fucking call me that."
He let out a breathy snicker, nodding. Almost like he'd been wondering when you'd call him out on it.
"Fair. Look, bitch, we've both had a long day...", he corrected himself, with a self-satisfied grin, before continuing, "... and I'm not letting you drive home alone with a bleeding forehead."
"I thought you fixed it."
"With the way you're yelling right now, the blood vessel you're about to pop could rip the bandage from the inside out. Look- I- I can't deal with this shit, Y/N, okay? Not tonight. So shut up and close the fucking door."
"My family's expecting me home."
He raised a brow, as if you'd just said something so pathetic he almost felt sorry for you - like you'd just said you still fucking watched Disney Channel, or something. "They know you're here?"
"No." As if.
"Where do they think you are?"
Oh, he'd expected you to have told them you were with another friend. Sorry to disappoint, asshole, but some people aren't as prepared to stay over because their friend had a psycho family.
"I'd rather not talk about it - I don't like to recall my lies."
His eyes widened, and it looked like, for the first time that entire, painful night, he was actually amused, and fuck you for being so pathetic, but you were actually glad you'd mitigated the agony, at least a little bit. "They still think you're at your internship? You didn't tell them?"
"Tell them what? That some jock thinks touching me is his good luck charm, so he stalked me, found out where I worked, and cost me my entire internship by barging in?"
"Or you could've just said your boss was a perv, and you quit."
"He wasn't a perv."
"I'm a guy. I can tell."
Wow, way to dig at an entire gender's ability to perceive danger.
You shook your head, rubbing your forehead. "What is your problem, Nate?"
"I care too much."
You laughed loudly at that, and he looked too tired to even be mad. "I just don't like the thought of you driving home alone at night, okay? Simple as that."
"Then don't think the thought."
"You're staying."
"Like hell I am."
He groaned, putting his phone back down and rubbing his face as he walked towards the front of the bed - towards you. "Why not?"
"Because I don't want to. Because my family-"
He rolled his eyes, reaching into your pocket and grabbing both your wrists to keep you from stopping him as he scrolled through your contacts - god, you had to get a fucking passcode.
"Maddy- no fucking way.", he mumbled, his thumb racing across the screen. "Cassie- one of Maddy's minions, so no- oh. Who's Lex?"
"Oh, Alexis Howard? Lexi? She'll cover for you, right?"
"Not without telling Cassie. Now give me back my phone!"
"She won't tell Cassie. How's this? 'Lex, tell my family I'm sleeping over at yours, ok? Love you, xoxo!'", he read out, his voice attempting to mimic yours.
"Is that what you think girls talk like?"
"Yeah, with a scary amount of emojis."
"Badge of honour, baby. I'm sure Lexi, one of your best gal pals will cover for you."
Yes, of course, but that was besides the point.
"That's not the point-"
"The point is that you don't feel safe enough to fall asleep around me."
"That hurts, sweetie."
"You know what else hurts?", you spat, pointing at the band-aid at your temple.
"It'll heal." He was still refusing to apologize.
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"Smash or pass, uh... McKay."
You almost laughed right then and there. "Smash."
You looked up at his ceiling, imagining him up on the bed, judging your smashability-scale.
"Yeah, why not?"
"You could never do it, you know? Realistically. You're not his type."
"Shut up. Smash or pass... Kat."
"Pass. Hard. Pass."
"I should say it's because she's close to Maddy, but you and I both know the real reason is 'cause she's so fucking ugly that-"
"Alright, shut up."
"See, this is the problem with you girls. Just agree. She's ugly."
"I don't think anyone's ugly. I think it's all action-based."
"God, then you must think I'm hideous."
He scoffed at the silence that followed. "Ouch."
"I don't think you're hideous, Nate. Just extremely unattractive."
"Superlatives, really? Y'know, whatever, I deserve it. Uh... smash or pass, Shane."
"Uh... pass."
"Why?" The glee in his voice was evident and mildly amusing.
"He cussed me out after I said the date wasn't going well."
The laughter that escaped Nate seemed to go on for hours on end. "In the middle of the restaurant?!"
"We weren't in a restaurant."
"Where were you guys?"
"He took me to a club or something."
Nate's face came into your peripheral view as he peered over the edge of the bed to face you. "On a first date."
You nodded. "Yup."
"The guy's both a fucking tool and a miserable little cunt. Anything other than a restaurant is fucking unacceptable for a first date."
"I know, even a bowling alley's fine, but a club is stupid, right? I mean, like, at the very least a café."
He nodded, his mouth curling down slightly. "Yeah, at least. Bare minimum."
It was uncomfortable, him looking down at you with pity the same night that his father had embarrassed him and cussed him out. Wasn't right. "Well, whatever. Smash or pass, uh... Rue."
"Rue Bennett? We got history, so, uh, I dunno."
"A miscommunication during prom.", he told you, shrugging, but it was clearly something much more serious. "She's hot when she's off the drugs, I guess."
You rolled your eyes and he smiled.
"Hey, Y/N?" He didn't move back to his pillow, instead letting his arms dangle off the edge of the bed as he reached and toyed with a strand of your hair, glancing down at you. "I'll leave you alone after tonight, okay?"
"Like, I- tonight? It was... bad. And I'm... I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm, I'm sorry. If you just, y'know, fist-bump me before every game, we'll be good. Okay? I won't bother you outside of that."
See, he said this, but his thumb kept returning to your lower lip every two seconds. You'd be a fool not to take this deal. But you'd be a liar if you said you remembered anything about life before Nate.
"You should get to sleep. It's two."
"What will you do?"
"Try to sleep.", he mumbled, his eyes moving away from you and towards the glass, which lay several feet away from you, on your left - almost like it was trying to reach your heart.
Your eyes followed his, and you sighed. "For the record, I don't want to fuck your dad."
"Yeah. I got that now."
"You gotta stop drinking, man."
He chuckled, nodding. "No. But thanks for the concern." Rolling back over, he left you staring at the ceiling once more, as if there were clues there as to the enigma that was Nate Jacobs.
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When you'd pulled up to your driveway the next morning - Sunday - it hit you that you were free of Nate forever. Last night, you'd have probably not known how to feel about that. This morning? Fucking elated.
You didn't even have to draw out a map, or take a single moment to think it over - every single problem in your life over the last month could be traced to him.
So fucking yay. Good riddance.
And the next day, Monday, you realized something.
School had never been so fucking fun.
Your classes started making more sense, seeing as you no longer had to look over your shoulder for some motherfucker who'd slit his own throat if you didn't go where he wanted. Fucking yay.
No, seriously. That's it. We're done here. No more Nate. End of story.
So gullible.
Nights after Nate had always been the hardest.
Because you always found yourself losing your sanity and you knew that the only person who could even remotely get your mind off it was Nate himself.
Maybe that was his allure.
Hurting you then comforting you.
Making you cry then wiping the tears away.
But that night, he wasn't there with a blunt or tequila. Hell, you'd have even taken the gun. And you should've been ecstatic that he'd finally left you the hell alone, but at this point you had no clue what you were supposed to be feeling.
The only thing you could do was block him. Show him how mad you were. In your past experience, that didn't really matter to him, but you were running out of options.
And you probably shouldn't have done that, because you might have gotten a heads up about Tuesday.
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You should've had your guard up as soon as you saw Nate walk into the school library that Tuesday afternoon, his eyes somehow darker than when he'd asked you to your face, no less, if you wanted to bang his father. You had no clue whether you had to hide or just keep doing what you did.
Flight or flight was fucking useless.
But your guard wasn't up, at least not immediately, because it was Nate. Because he may terrify you and almost kill you, but he'd never hurt you, because he just... worked differently. Things that may make someone psychopathic, he thought were normal. No biggie.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't secretly hoping he'd come back to further provoke you, because not-being-mad at him was kind of a grey area for you. It wasn't your usual state of being.
The moment your guard went up, though, was when Aaron walked in behind him. Hands in his pockets. Did he have a knife in there? Money? Or would he just flip you off?
You didn't want to find out, but it also didn't seem like you had much of a choice.
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livesworthlivingau · 3 days
Lives Worth Living Chapter 10
ISAT spoilers below! CW: Uhhh... talking to your family? That's pretty traumatizing right?
"30 YEARS?!" (You flinch as you hear everyone shout in unison from the other side of the wall. It took everything in you to finally tell Isa the truth, so thankfully he offered to explain it all to the others for you... Oh Isa... I swear I don't deserve you... You lay your head against the wall, pressing your ear closer to try and hear their muffled chatter.)
"So how many times has he looped this go around?"
"... He said only one but... I don't know, I don't think he's ready to talk about that yet..." (...)
"... Does he know what caused him to loop again?"
"..." (The goes silent... it seems Isa didn't want to say it either.)
"... Ah..." (Odile pipes up, having gotten whatever hint Isa was giving.)
"So does this mean Frin is the oldest now?"
"We are NOT going to discuss that Boniface." (You can't help but give a little chuckle at that, despite the overwhelming dread washing over you.)
"Let's just be sure to take it easy on him, okay? It took a lot for him to admit that... we should try our best not to overwhelm him. Let him go at his own pace, yeah?" (Oh Isa...)
"You're right, this is... a lot, for all of us I'm sure..."
"S-So this means that... Sif knows the future?! Like THAT far in the future?! Oh no this is bad, that NEVER goes well in the books! What if we mess up the timeline or something?!"
"Well the world isn't falling apart yet... I don't like the idea of simply ignoring this but... it's not exactly a rush either, now is it?"
"I guess it's not... b-but if anything weird starts happening, we should be careful!"
"Definitely, but for now, we should just be here for Sif. He must be really going through it right now..." (You sigh as you pull your head from the wall... You suppose it's time to face everyone, for better or worse. You stand up, leaving the room, and knocking at the door. You wait nervously for what feels like an eternity, terrified to face this moment. Finally the door slowly opens to Isa... just seeing his sweet smile calms you down.)
"Hey Sif... You ready to talk for a bit?" (You nod, entering the room as he steps aside. Everyone is standing there... staring at you... You retreat a little behind your cloak and hat.)
"Oh Siffrin... I can't imagine what you must be going through..." (Odile starts, Isa approaching from behind and placing a hand on your shoulder. You lean back against him out of habit and need for comfort. The rest of your family start to approach, and you give a light nod of approval, being encased in a wonderful hug from everyone. Safe, Loved, Safe, Loved...)
"Th-Thank you... Okay... I'm ready to talk." (You sigh out, trying to keep from crying again. You know they'd support it but you're just sick of it at the moment. You walk over to the nearest chair and flop down into it... just sitting in awkward silence until-.)
"So when do you two finally kiss?"
"DSKALJDSAJLSDAFJLSF" (You face burns darker, looking away as you hear Isa's very flustered noises. You take a moment before deciding to answer.)
"two months..."
"HAH!" (Odile can't control herself for snorting, Bonnie giggling to themself as well while Mirabelle looks mortified at their behavior. You don't even need to look at Isa to know he's absolutely writhing, but you do since it's fun to watch.)
"Do I become a head housemaiden?!" (Mirabelle shouts out, as if having been holding it back this whole time. You open your mouth to answer-.)
"NO WAIT SPOILERS! DON'T TELL ME DON'T TELL ME SORRY!!" (She panics, covering her ears as a precaution.)
"So much for not overwhelming him..." (Odile sighs, rubbing her temple before continuing.)
"Well, since you have some of foresight on the matter, do feel free to keep us informed of things to avoid. Especially for your own sake." (You nod in response, sharing that familiar appreciative look you both are used to.)
"Do I become a master cooker?!" (Bonnie's eyes light up brightly, leaning closer in awe as they await the fated answer.)
"Hehe... Yup, got a famous cook book and everything." (Bonnie raises their fists in triumph, running around excitedly and shouting about their future accomplishment. They help break the tension as always.)
"Uhh... Sif?... Uhm... A-Are we... Y.. Y-know..." (Isa begins, trailing off as he can't seem to find the words. You just blush some more and giving a light nod. You reach for your earlobe and rub it a bit, helping ensure you're on the same page. His face grows several shades darker.)
"Alright everyone, let's not get too focused on our futures. The more we know the less likely things will play out the same anyways. As I said Siffrin, if it feels important then please bring it up. Otherwise I think we're all best off knowing as little as possible..."
"Y-Yeah, probably a good idea..."
"Awwww, no more future secrets?! No fair, Dile!"
"Heh, sorry Bonbon, granny's orders." (You tease, thankful that you don't have to divulge your entire previous life.)
"But you're older now! That means you're in charge!"
"I said we're not discussing that Boniface!!" (Bonnie just snorts and sticks their tongue out.)
"Regardless, there's still an important detail we haven't discussed... What are we going to do about this?" (Odile asks in a serious tone, looking directly to you for some sort of answer.)
"... I... I don't know... now that Loop is back, I-"
"Loop? What do you mean they're back?" (… Crab.)
"... Right... I forgot to mention that.." (You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.)
"I can't... I can't explain everything right now, but Loop never showed up again in all those years. B-But as soon as I looped back I heard them! They're here, I saw them, b-but..." (Your voice trails off. You realize you were starting to sound desperate, everyone giving you those same concerned looks they always did whenever you got rather frantic... How do you explain this? What CAN you say?...)
"... I'm sorry... I-I just can't explain it right now..."
"Well, I suppose telling us at all is a major improvement from before, so we'll take that victory where we can." (Odile teased as she walked over, lightly ruffling your hair some.)
"And no matter what anyone says, I'm the elder around here." (She added... you weren't quite sure if that was a joke, or some sort of threat.)
"But it's been a long day for everyone, let us get some rest and maybe we'll figure out what to do about this in the near future. For now, our plans remain the same, off to Bambouche to find Boniface's dear sister." (Stars, you completely forgot...)
"Uhh… actually..."
"... She left to try and find us, didn't they?"
"... I don't remember where they ended up either..." (Odile pinches her temple and gives a long sigh.)
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heartss4matthewq · 9 hours
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SUMMARY: eva hangs out with matt at a party, it takes a strong turn of events
contains: smut, cockwarming, dom!matt, matt’s pov, no y/n 🥰
a/n; i wanted to use a name lmk if that was a bad idea also i have SO many fics in my drafts like holy shit ima finish them soon i promise 💪
chris: orange
nick: purple
matt: blue
eva: green
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i walked downstairs and sat down on the couch trying to find something to do for the day.
“we could go to top golf..?”
“nah that’s boring, matt what do you wanna do because you haven’t spoken up ina while” just when i was about to respond, my phone rang.
“guys eva is calling wait” i answered and put it on speaker.
“heyy evss what’s up?”
“yo you’re on speaker btw so we can all hear you”
“heyy guys so i didn’t know if y’all were busy tonight but i heard madi is having a party at her house i think we should gooo!!!”
“wait bet” i said hoping for approval of nick and chris
“yeah one-hundred percent we’re going because we were literally just trying to figure out something to do tonight”
“alright yayy, see u guys tonight love you so muchhh”
1 hour later
i was walking past nicks room when i heard him on the phone with eva
“but nickkk, pink is my favorite color”
“yes i know girl but if you wear the black dress you’ll match with matt and i’m pretty sure he likes you back but i don’t knoww”
“nick, i really like your brother i might tell him tonight to be honest!”
does eva like me? do i like her back? i always thought she was pretty..
the thoughts were racing in my head
this shouldn’t be making me horny.
as soon as i was going to pull my jeans down, nick yelled “MATTHEW WE WANNA LEAVE HURRY UP”
at the party.
me,chris, and nick all waited outside of the house for eva.
“damn we should’ve just picked her up, her uber is taking years” chris chuckled as he sipped his pepsi
5 mins passed and eva finally stepped out of the car in a tight, black dress that carved out all of her curves. i couldnt ignore how good she looked tonight.
“hey matt you look good!” eva complimented me.
“not to bad yourself” i laughed and lightly tapped her back.
a couple hours had passed and eva was drunk and high as fuck and i could tell.
she started to walk over to me as i was sitting on an arm chair.
“hey matty” she said loudly
“hi evs, there’s no seats available so i can get up if you want!” i said so she wouldn’t have to stand
“i think i’ll just sit on your lap if you’re good with that”
“oh uhm yeah i guess that’s fine”
i was good for a little while until she started to move around a lot to get comfortable.
obviously this made me get squirmish. i grabbed her hips so she’d stop moving so much.
i did not need her to feel her best friends hard-on.
“what’s wrong matty can’t handle me grinding on your lap?” she said seductively.
“stop talking before i stuff your mouth” i said suddenly gaining confidence
“you won’t do shit matthew”
“i’ll prove your ass wrong” i responded back
“do it then”
with those words i pulled her panties to the side and unzipped my jeans. i took my jacket off and wrapped it around us so no one could see what we were doing.
in one swift motion i took my dick out and put it inside of her, earning a quiet whimper from her.
the worst thing that could’ve possibly happened in this moment happened.
all of her friends came up and started talking with her. when she started to laugh her body moved in motions around my cock. making me groan. every minute passing felt like hours.
when her friends left she pulled off of me to go dance or something.
before she could leave i grabbed her by the jaw
“we’re not fucking done with this” she smirked at me and walked off
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savannah733 · 2 days
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( c.sturniolo )
Summary: you and the triplets had a sleepover but your childhood best friend Chris confessed his love to you..
Warnings: nth much ig kissing that's it 😘
Y/n | Chris | Matt | Nick
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃
Nick : y/n you should definitely come to our house for a sleepover tonight!
Sure : Y/n
Nick : okay, see you soon.
It was already 6:00 pm, and you needed go to the triplets for a sleepover. You bought some candy to film a tiktok video with the triplets. You got all your stuff and called an Uber, "Hi, is this y/n?"
"Yup it is!".
When you got out of the Uber you went to the triplets front door and knocked, there was a big smile on Chris's face when he saw you at his front door. " hey y/n, I missed you soo much" he says with a sweet smile on his face, "Oh hey chris, you seem really happy today" you said with a giggle on your face. He welcome you while he shouted "Nick, Matt y/n's here come say hi", Nick immediately runs over to you when he saw you and gave you a big hug and said hi . Matt said " Hey y/n , by the way what are inside of these bags? " " yeah y/n what are inside these bags? " he said while peeking inside the bag. Nick and Matt looks after Chris looked, "Could you maybe explain us why is their candy, and why is their a LOT of it? " he said while being confused, you giggle a little bit, you explain you guys were doing the candy salad tiktok trend. " I thought it be fun if we did a candy salad like the tiktok trend and each take turns and eat them afterwards!" Everyone agree to do it thinking it seems very fun and Nick has also seen other people do it so he wanted to do it too. You set up your phone with a water bottle and you guys started doing the tiktok.
After you guys were done doing the tiktok and taking turns you guys started eating the candy salad, you guys each toke a bowl and put the candy salad into your guys bowl. After some talking you all decided to go to Chris room and watch some tv, "Guys I'm tired, and is very uncomfortable sitting on the edge of the bed so I'm going to my room" "Good night Nick!" We all said while giggling because we were on in sync.
"Guys Im going to wash the dishes in the kitchen" you said while getting up from the bed " Nono I'll do it " he said while stopping you from going by holding your wrist "Is fine Chris and I also have to grab something I left in the kitchen earlier" "okay I guess" Chris said while slowly laying back down in his bed. Y/n left to the kitchen by closing the door and leaving Matt and Chris, "Chris something is going on with you these couple of days" Matt said with a little side eye "And can you tell me what is it MATTHEW" "you've been acting really weird around y/n like for example, last week when you hold her waist and hold her hand while you guys were walking around the theme park . And also you have been really looking at y/n and getting distracted by her, saying she's pretty and good looking and I feel like you like her or something." He said while looking at Chris who looks like is blushing really hard. "Fine, I like her, like really like her she's just so pretty, gorgeous, and when she smiles she looks so cute I just love her so much and the way she tal-" he gets cut off by Matt who looks speechless and shocked. "OMGGG I knew it , you do like her yes , but why don't you just confessed to her I bet she likes you too . You two would look so cute together" " idk man maybe I'm just nervous that she won't like me back" "hey guys!, so what were you guys talking about " she said . The two guys look so freak out by what to say but Matt hit Chris softly and let's just say Chris knows what was he trying to do.
"Y/n I have something to say to you.." Chris says with a nervous voice rethinking should he have done this or not , "yeah what's up?" Y/n said very calmly. "I like you y/n like Really REALLY like you , your so pretty,amazing and gorgeous and so cute and I've liked you for a long time now. And maybe I can take you on a date sometimes?"
Y/N' s POV
OMG no way Chris just said that to me I feel so happy right now, I've loved him for years now and now he's confessing his love for me OMG . I'm blushing so hard right now , I don't even know what to say.
But all I really want to do is say yes to everything that he just said to me .
I'm so nervous by what she's going to say to me,I don't even know why did I even did this but hopefully I don't regret this decision and hopefully this also doesn't ruin our friendship. I really truly love her appreciate everything she have ever done for me .
But all I really want to hear is her saying yes to everything that I just said.
"So what do you say y/n?" He asked while being so heated up and just hoping she says yes to his question, "yes Chris, Yes I love you so much and forever will, and I will also love to go to the date with you" you said with a big smile on your face while you both blush .
After you said yes to his question, he immediately pull you into a kiss which turn into make out session. "Ugh, disgusting, I can't watch this im going to my room and goodnight,..ig" Matt said while being disgusted by you two. You both laugh at him as you two finished your kissed as he ran to his room.
"I love you Chris" you said while laying beside him on his bed,with your hands on his chest as his right hand hold your waist. "I love you more baby" " not on my watch " you two both giggle while falling asleep super close.
Hope you guys like this one is not much but yeah ig ✌️
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 19 hours
●Grayson Waller x Austin Theory x Logan Paul x Reader●
Summary: They all fight over your attention being the newest, biggest signing to Smackdown.
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*Y/N's POV*
"Everyone please welcome.... the newest member of the Smackdown roster....."
The lights go out and I walk onto the top of the ramp looking down. A spotlight comes on, my music hits and a camera guy is right infront of me as I smile pulling my sunglasses down and wink at the camera. The crowd erupts with cheers as all the lights comes back on and I walk down to the ring. I high-five some of the fans than climb into the ring with Mike Rome. I walk over next to him pushing my sunglasses onto my head and grabbing the extra microphone from him.
"Heyyy Mike. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great Y/N. How are you?"
"I am fantastic now that I am out here infront of all of these beautiful people!"
The crowd cheers loudly.
"Well you are Nick Aldis' newest superstar on Smackdown. What can we expect from you going forward?"
"Great question Mike. You can expect me to be.... Women's Champion. So whoever is women's champion after Wrestlemania, better be ready because I am coming after you."
I throw the microphone down on the mat, put my sunglasses back over my eyes, pull them down a little, winking at the camera. My music hits and I exit the ring heading up the ramp and to the back.
*nearing the end of Smackdown*
I am leaning on one of the production boxes backstage playing on my phone when two guys come walking over to me. The one leans on the box next to me and the other sits down next to him looking at me. I look up at them and smile.
"Hello there beautiful. I'm Austin."
"And I'm Grayson."
"Ahhh A Town Down Under. I love watching your matches. Very entertaining."
"Thank you. Can't wait to see your matches."
"Thank you. I gotta get going but it was nice meeting you two. I'll see ya around."
I boop Austin's nose and pat Grayson's leg before heading down the hallway towards my locker room. I get to my locker room door but before I can open it, someone comes running up to me. I look up seeing a fluffy, blonde haired man holding the U.S. title on his shoulder.
"Hi! Y/N right?"
"That's me!"
"Logan Paul. U.S. Champ."
He puts his hand out and I shake his hand smiling up at him. He looks at me and smiles making my heart skip a beat.
"Nice to meet you Logan. What can I help you with?"
"Just wanted to come introduce myself. Get to meet you. You are even more gorgeous in person. Like. Woah."
I giggle looking up at him.
"Thank you Logan. Would you like to come into my locker room? I was getting ready to leave."
"Yeah! I got my bags! Do you need a ride back to your hotel?"
I walk into my locker room as he follows me.
"Would you do that for me? We are staying at the same hotel right?"
He tells me his hotel which is the same as mine.
"Sounds good. Let me grab my stuff than we can head out."
I throw all my stuff in my duffle bag and my backpack. I throw my backpack on my back than the strap of my duffle bag over my shoulder.
"Alright! I'm all ready!"
"Let's go!"
He opens the door for me and lets me go first. I walk out and he follows me closing the door. We walk next to each other down the hallway when we happen to run into Austin and Grayson leaving their locker room.
"Hey Austin! Grayson!"
They both turn and look at me and Logan.
"Where are you two going?"
"Oh Logan is giving me a ride back to the hotel. How about you two?"
"We are going with you two. Logan said he would give us a ride too."
Logan is shaking his head no at them behind my head so I can't see him.
"Oh man Logan! That is so sweet of you!"
I turn to look at him and he is smiling really big.
"It's not a problem guys. I gotchu!"
"Let's get going than boys!"
I start walking and they all follow behind me. Logan runs up and walks next to me while the other two stay behind us. We walk out to the parking lot and up to Logan's car. He runs up to the passenger side door, opens it and motions for me.
"You first, my lady."
I smile, take my backpack and duffle bag off and he takes them from me. I climb in and he closes the door. I look in the mirror seeing Grayson, Austin and Logan arguing. I open the window a little trying to hear what they are arguing about.
"No dude. Shes mine. Me and her would make a perfect couple. In and out of the ring."
"No Logan. She would be great for our team. Shes mine."
"Wait Austin, you want her just as much as I want her."
"Yeah and?"
They continue arguing when I climb out of the car and look at them with my arms crossed, shaking my head. They all stop and look over at me, faces getting red.
"I am not an object you can just claim as your own. I am a human being. I have feelings, emotions and thoughts. You should be acting like men and getting to know me. Not just saying she's mine like you are claiming me as a prize. Now...."
I grab my backpack and my duffle bag out of the back of the car.
"You three think about what I said and I will see you next week."
I look over seeing Naomi and Bianca standing at their taxi putting their bags in the back and they motion for me to come over to them. I walk over looking at them.
"We heard what happened. Get in the taxi with us. We are going to the same hotel."
"Thank you."
I put my bags in the back and close the hatch looking over at them one last time before I climb into the taxi.
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im so Normal. totally not shaking and crying rn
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Bro why are legal websites in the UK so badly designed and clunky and why do they say they’re going to send you a verification email and then they don’t and why is there no button to say “hey I didn’t get my verification email, can you send it again?”
#i’m JUST trying to find out if my friend’s stupid ex got sentenced for burglary yet and if so; what he got#i don’t even know if they sentenced him on the spot because i didn’t get to attend the trial#i went in thinking that i was going to sit in the gallery of the court but i ran into my friend (who was the witness) and we were like ‘hey!#and the usher was like ‘oh she’s your friend? you can keep her with you as your support person if you want’ and my friend said she wanted#to do that. so i obviously wasn’t going to let her sit in a featureless room drinking watery tea alone#anyway her ex pleaded guilty because he knew her evidence would’ve got him sent the fuck down anyway lol#so we went and got thai food#neither of us ever saw any of the trial like i said. which is fine because i honestly didn’t want to look at that man#not that i’m intimidated by him or anything. he’s just ugly#but now I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED#googling his name brings up nothing which is no surprise as he’s a petty criminal. in every sense of both of those words#the magistrates court in our town is seemingly too small to warrant a proper website. plus none of the legal websites are cooperating#with me. i joined one only to find out that all i’d be able to see is the court schedule for that day#which would literally only be useful if i was a lawyer; magistrate; aspiring to be one of those; or was going to be in court that day#also it only shows THAT DAY. i can’t even look at last week when all this happens#the website that i THINK will actually show me such cases is the one that’s not sending me a verification email#i’m losing my mind here. the kicker is i know neither of us will ever find out what he got unless I; ME; do all this research#she doesn’t even know what to google or how to spell it. like she would fall at the first hurdle#the only other thing i can think to do is get her to call the courthouse and see if they’ll tell her since she was the witness#but they might not have had the sentencing yet#next thing is i’ll get into this website finally and it’ll just show a guilty verdict and no sentence. and i’ll be like I KNOW#the prosecutor told us personally. i KNOW he pleaded guilty because if he hadn’t; we probably wouldn’t have been able to get thai food#in a timely manner because my friend would’ve been getting asked about the world’s most ill advised phone call#well maybe not the most but. you get what i mean. who calls up their ex; who hates them; while they’re committing a crime. bizarre#personal#rant
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phantomrose96 · 20 days
Okay I have a story.
So my birthday is this Sunday (May 26th). My mom ordered some presents for me but one of them (an Etsy purchase) was seemingly stuck in transit and might not make it on time. I tell my mom all good, no worries. She gets in contact with the seller. After a long delay in response they get back with "Right we'll fix it!" It ships, tracking label and everything, good to go! ETA May 22nd (yesterday.)
During the work day I check the tracking and it says it's been delivered in/at mailbox! I double check with my mom "hey, is it mailbox size?" because if not, I don't want it sitting at the front door where anyone walking by could snag it.
She says "it's definitely NOT mailbox size." Okay. I text my neighbors in the building "Anyone seen a package delivered? It's a birthday gift from my mom and I wanna make sure it gets inside!" Success! Floor 2 David (not to be confused with Floor 1 David) had brought it inside. Inform my mom. All good!
I stop by home briefly around 4pm, because yesterday was hot-hot and I just installed my window A/C that morning in the living room, and according to my cat cam my stupid cat hasn't spent a single second in the climate controlled living room and is, instead, voluntarily baking herself elsewhere so I'm like "great" and hop on my bike to go home (10 minute ride) to check on her.
I get in the building door. Patches is crying from the top floor because she heard me. I maneuver my bike in the front hall. The ugliest fucking 6-foot-tall cat tree(?)/totem(?)/statue(?) I've seen in my entire life is just. Standing there.
My first thought is "What the fuck is that." My second thought is "Oh fuck that is for me." I look around at the floor in case there's perhaps anything else that might, in fact, be the gift.
No. Me and Cat Pole.
It's taller than me. I turn it around to face me and its face is painted and this is, in fact, uglier than it looked from the back.
Patches is crying. So I just haul it up to my level. MAYBE it was supposed to come with twine that I wrap around it (and hide its face from the world) for Patches to scratch. Maybe this is a prank. Maybe this is an inside joke, because when my mom moved into her current house the neighborhood gifted her some ugly-as-hell totem that apparently, by tradition, each newest-comer to the neighborhood is required to have and display in their window so maybe this is a very good riff on that.
Patches rubs against it. She's not afraid of this horrid facsimile of her kind.
Meanwhile SHE'S fine and the condo is a little toasty but totally liveable so I'm like "Good, cool, you're not baking. You're having a good time. Enjoy your new sister, I guess, I'll see you later."
I go back to work because this is a problem for later me.
After work, after my run, after whatever, I get home and it's like 8:00pm and Patches is so happy to see me and the totem pole is still just. There.
I text my friends like "so a bday gift is here from my mom and it's the Biggest Ugliest cat pole I've seen in my life. Is this a bit? Did my mom go 'that's so ugly haha! send!' Maybe she genuinely found it cute. How do I navigate this." My friend Sarah has the good advice to maybe text my mom neutrally like "Got the cat pole!" and feel the waters whether my mom is like "Isn't it ugly? 😂" or "Hope Patches likes it! 🥰"
My mom goes to bed early so I don't do any of that yet. Problem for tomorrow me.
This morning, Patches wakes me up for breakfast. I get her situated and I'm staring at the fucking Cat Pole again. I wonder if my Mom's been wondering all night what I thought of it.
I take a picture. I text her.
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I get on call with my mom. I ask for clarity that the ungodly horrid thing is NOT my birthday gift and is in fact a mix-up from the seller who sent me this instead of my actual gift. She's wheezing between words. She thinks I'm being too charitable for the amount of Absolute Fucking Ugly this is. I have to gently talk her out of using the word "monstrosity" while messaging the seller asking what the hell happened here.
I tell her I need to apologize for harming her dignity with Floor 2 David, who thinks this fucking thing is my mom's idea of a great birthday gift for her to-be-28-year-old daughter.
My heart goes out to the poor soul who did actually order this cat totem and is lacking it on this lovely day.
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