#tesla punk
rachaelmayo · 2 years
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This one's called Step Lightly. It's a reward I made for a friend's miniatures + books Kickstarter project.
The premise is that we're in a steam/Tesla-punk like environment. Victoria is Queen of England. But Mars is inhabited, and they have GIANT BUGS. Naturally, some enterprising Son of Empire brings the bugs to Earth. Chaos ensues. Nifty machines are had. So bug-stomping; much goo and chitin; WOW.
The person who hit the tier that earned this drawing didn't give me any terribly specific input. He wanted a hero with a weird machine and at least one giant bug. This more than slightly ridiculous thing is what he got, and as far as I know, he liked it. I certainly enjoyed making it - machines are well outside my comfort zone, especially the kind with all the gears and struts visible.
I made this with Zig and Micron pens, and an india ink wash.
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guitar-hero-stuff · 2 years
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They really changed huh 
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greenearthsociety · 10 months
last night did some volunteer work at a local school doing physics demo’s and i must say, the look on the kids faces and how excited they were to learn was amazing. i got a ton of great questions from curious kids and barely any from older students and parents!! that curiosity is why im studying what i study
also we got to make things explode using hydrogen and a tesla coil we built which was sick!!!
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 4 months
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cage-cat-yt · 1 year
Art dump part 2 ✨
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Cowabunga ! I did this art and forgot to post lol, I'm probably gonna go eat some food now since I haven't eaten anything in the 2 hours I've been awake.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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Estudos de Dising:
O'que é Teslapunk?
Teslapunk é um subgênero da ficção especulativa é nomeado em homenagem ao cientista e inventor Nikola Tesla, semelhante ao steampunk, tecnicamente se passando apois ele, por estar ambientado na segunda revolução industrial enquato o steampunk está na primeira revolução, costuma refere-se a narrativas ficcionais e estilo visual inspirados não só pelo Tesla mais também pelos pioneiros da ciência da eletricidade e suas invenções dos séculos XVIII, XIX e início do século XX como Alessandro Volta, André-Marie Ampère‎, Georg Simon Ohm, Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday e Benjamin Franklin.
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Esteticamente no caso de roupas os homems usam Boinas, cartolas e chapéus coco, Camisa abotoada e colete sempre juntos, Calças de linho retas, setin ou algodão, casacos frock coats, e jaquetas sacks, Smokings e cartolas, jaquetas Norfolk acompanhadas com um cinto no abdômen com Peças de Aramida como casacos, coletes, inverness e tweed ulster entre outros tecidos isolantes e as damas blusas manga longa ou ombreiras bufantes, luvas, Corser ou espartilhos por de baixo da roupa, Corpetes cotidianos de mangas longas e ajustáveis ou formais com mangas curtas que deixavam os ombros à mostra, esses muito decorados nos decotes, em core como o prata envelhecido, marrom, tons de cinza escuro, verde e preto, os sapatos ou são sapatilhas, coturnos, saltos ou botas longas de couro, neoprene ou borracha e partes de armaduras como Espaldas, Peitorais, Escarcelas, Manoplas, Braçais, Cotoveleira e Antebraçal.
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Entre os acessórios mais comuns são joias e obejtos como bússolas e relógios de bolso, monóculos, binóculos e óculos de proteção, peças metálicas como engrenagens e mecanismos de relógios, molas, pregos e parafusos entre outros restos de peças de maquinários feitos de matérias condutores como Prata, Ouro, Cobre, Alumínio, Aço, Ferro, Concreto, Platina, Latão e Bronze e ou Isolantes como Borracha, Vidro, Diamante, Madeira, Plástico, Porcelana, Cerâmica e Quartzo
Assim como colares, medalhões e aneis de irmandades, sociedades e comunidade secretas científicas, pseucientificas e exotérica, figuras e peles animais culturalmente associados aos mistérios e perigo como corvos, aranhas e lobos, cobras, morcegos e ratos etc.
Podendo combinar peças de roupas tanto de nobre quanto de trabalhadores criando assim uma espécie de "classe média" de universitários, cientistas, mecânicos e inventores por se apoiarem visuais nesses tipos de imagem.
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Construção de Cenários
Na construção de cenários e ambientações a maiori costuma combinar a arquitetura vitoriana da segunda revolução industrial com leves inspirações servia fazendo uso Telegrafia sem fios, Bobinas de Tesla, Lâmpadas de néon, Telegeodinâmicas, Sistemas Mundiais Sem Fio, Teleforces e Motores de indução entre outras das 740 patentes de Nikola Tesla.
O incremento da urbanização, provocado pela Segunda Revolução Industrial, a meados do século XIX, traz novos desafios e amplia o campo de trabalho dos arquitetos, que incluirá, entre suas competências, o planejamento territorial e urbano e a construção massificada de moradias com no Teslapunk avendo combinações de torres, varandas, frisos, janelas e telhados em suas composições com elementos românicos e bizantinos em designs eslavos e cristão para criar estruturas majestosas com Bateria, a colunas Voltasches, Transistores e Placa de circuito exposto fazendo uso de material industrial de construção pesados como ferro fundido, aço e vidro com os quais arquitetos e engenheiros reorganizando o conceito de função, de varios tamanhos e formas com à decoração de interiores, utiliza-se muitos móveis pesados e ornamentados, quase sempre feitos em madeira escura.
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lorephobic · 1 year
broke down sobbing when i saw how much my baby cousins had grown up. its only been two years but they got so big on me ☹️💛💛💛💛💛💛
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“Neuralink Noir”
Art: Mighty Oak
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nando161mando · 1 year
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potentially-a-poser · 13 days
Hey so I usually avoid gatekeeping, but I’m so fucking sick of this shit.
I’ve seen “punks” with back the blue patches, “goths” for trump, ect ect. You are not a fucking punk if you support the police, or if you vote red, or if you bully gay/trans people
You can’t be punk and apathetic, just “oh I’m not voting they both suck 🥺” you are a whiny ass liberal
You can’t be punk and drive a fucking Tesla, or buy mass quantities of SHEIN and Temu.
You’re also not a punk if you shit talk and refuse to listen to the music, but that’s definitely less important than the political stuff
Some people are posers, and deserve to be told that
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deep-in-dalens-closet · 3 months
Hear me out. If the Bell’s Hells were cars.
I thought this up in about an hour so there’s room for improvement but so far ..
Bertrand Bell. I just see him in an old man convertible down in Florida somewhere
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FCG. A blue and yellow smart car. I initially chose a Tesla but I think that’s more FRIDA
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Laudna. A black and red hearse. Easy
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Imogen. A Mustang. Get it, like the horse. But in her iconic lilac.
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Dorian. The RX8 from Tokyo Drift. No explanation, just vibes
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Braius Doomseed. An unmarked black and white Tahoe. It’s the black and white. It’s the impending form. It’s the body kit.
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Chetney. A grey Model T. For the oldest character.
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Fearne. Those mural vans. With like a unicorn shooting lasers. You know the ones.
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Ashton. A skateboard. Punk for life.
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Orym. Could you believe I really couldn’t think of a car for him. He’s also anti vehicles. He is those strappy all terrain sandals
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bitchesgetriches · 7 months
Hi Ms Bitches, I'm a young adult with shitty money situations who's trying to have a money-flush future, but it seems like playing the stocks and shareholders game is one of the best ways to do that nowadays (sadly the well paying job market is uninterested in hiring me until I get my degree). But I REALLY HATE the stocks/shareholders game. It gets my punk hackles up. How can I wrap my anti-capitalist brain around this world enough to make it work in my favor? Any advice on where to start?
We love our darling little punk baby bitches. The stocks and shareholders game (investing) is indeed one of the best ways to build a secure financial future. But we totally understand your hesitation! We talked about it a lot in this episode of the podcast:
Season 4, Episode 1: “Index Funds Include Unethical Companies. Can I Still Invest in Them, or Does That Make Me a Monster?” 
If you're uneasy about becoming a shareholder, you have two options that are a little more punk:
Invest in small local businesses instead. The returns will be smaller, but there's nothing more punk rock than supporting small local businesses. Check out our how-to at the link below.
Invest in index funds. It's less punk rock, but it's also less gamified than picking individual stocks and consciously choosing to support companies like Tesla. Again, check out the link below.
Small Business Investing: A Kinder, Gentler Alternative to the Stock Market
Investing Deathmatch: Managed Funds vs. Index Funds 
Did we just help you out? Tip us!
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Round Three of The Hottest 80s Band Tournament
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Defeated opponents: Tesla, Dio
Formed in: 1981
Genres: Synth rock, art pop, prog rock
Lineup: John Wetton – lead vocals, bass guitar
Geoff Downes – keyboard, vocals
Steve Howe – guitars, vocals
Carl Palmer – drums, percussion
Albums from the 80s:
Asia (1982)
Alpha (1983)
Astra (1985)
Aurora EP (1986)
The Clash 
Defeated opponents: Blondie, Pretenders
Formed in: 1976
Genres: Punk rock, new wave, post-punk, reggae, experimental rock
Lineup: Joe Strummer- vocals, guitar, harmonica, piano
Mick Jones- guitar, vocals, keyboards
Paul Simonon- bass
Topper Headon- drums, piano
Albums from the 80s: 
Sandinista! (1980)
Combat Rock (1982)
Cut the Crap (1985)
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creature498 · 3 months
okay, so recently with the emergence of microtrends and more tight 'aesthetics' instead of a sense of personal style in the recent year, punk style has been a victim. I don't know if what i'm about to talk about is me gatekeeping? but whatever. i've been seeing a lot of people adopt a "punk" style, which i think is wonderful. we could always use more of us. there's this one youtuber i want to talk about, and that's jake webber. he dresses punk and has an anarchy tat, and has said he's a punk in many videos. he, however, owns a tesla and buys from designer brands. If it weren't for tiktok, he'd be a total normie. i'd like say this isn't a hate post for Jake. I respect him as a person and he boycotts and is for palestine. i was informed that in one video he did say he wasn't punk, and just liked the style? that's my problem, actually. i'm kind of tired of people stealing the punk culture without knowing what all of it means. i don't want to see anyone with an anarchy tat who's not an anarchist. i don't want to see people calling themselves punk without knowing a single misfits song. i'm tired of hearing "i'm punk" when they're blatantly transphobic (NOT JAKE!! he's is a supporter) I'm sick of people taking the punk style without knowing why we're like that.
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ltbarnes · 2 years
Webs of Opacity
Summary: On the eve of the annual Stark Halloween party, you’ve managed to gulp down too much alcohol and tangled yourself into intricate webs of trouble. Even glittering fairies can’t escape the drama, and handsome 80’s film characters can’t always save them from sleazy boyfriends and hangovers.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Rogers!reader (adopted, of course), Steve Rogers x sister!reader, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff
Word count: 6k
Warnings: underage drinking, reader being very drunk, unconsented kissing, mild violence
A/N: This is a mess, I’m sorry. Started this last fall and rushed to get it done in time for this year. Also happy Halloween and over a week of Midnights being out. Couldn’t help myself from referencing it every other paragraph lol
Also if anyone has any scenarios or requests for my college series please please send them to me! Love your enthusiasm for my Stark U babies and want to keep writing for them
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Your shiny, entirely fake wings keep bumping into the ridiculous amount of people crammed into this room, and you're sure you have never apologized more times in your life than tonight. Wanda has assured you many times that, no, you should not take off your wings because you look—in her words—adorable. It was her idea, after all, to dress you up like a little flowery fairy for the Halloween party Tony has thrown tonight. She made your wings all fluttery and glittery, and the flowers in your hair sparkle every now and then. It feels like a childhood dream coming true.
"Spider-boy!" you call out over the loud music, jumping as you stretch your hand up in the air to alert the young man twenty feet away.
For a "quiet gathering" there sure are a lot of loud, drunk people here. Then again, it was your mistake to trust the promise of Stark when it came to a party.
Your jumping up and down is entirely unnecessary when you're trying to gain the attention of someone with a creepy sixth sense that allows them to just know everything happening around them. Peter already knew exactly where you were the moment you opened your mouth. It doesn't help that you're just a tiny, little bit of tipsy either.
He smiles a toothy grin as he pushes past the crowd towards you, showing glimpses of his Indiana Jones costume that's honestly a slightly surprising choice. He looks handsome though.
"Hi, Y/n!" he nearly shouts over the music, embracing you in a side hug as he takes a look at your outfit. "You're a fairy! It fits you so great, it's like you were meant to be one,” Peter exclaims happily while you chuckle lightheartedly.
"Thank you, it was Wanda's idea. Indiana Jones, huh?" you ask, raising an eyebrow in question. It's quite uncharacteristic. Last year he went as Nikola Tesla and nobody knew who he was supposed to be.
"Yeah, Tony said I had to go as something cooler this year. He'd disown me otherwise." Peter cringes while your head is thrown back in laughter.
"He told me I looked like a moth earlier," you answer with a grin on your lips, the remnants of your chuckles fading out.
"You look great, Y/n. Very sweet. Think Bucky's gonna get here any second and tell me to keep any 'punks' away from you," Peter tells you. You roll your eyes, though fondly.
"Hm, I bet he will," you hum. "Gotta send him back soon if he keeps that up. Both of them, for that sake."
You nod your head towards the blonde head sticking up in the bar crowd. Your brother is an overbearing mess that you would much rather let you be, instead of hovering protectively around your presence constantly. He seems to have eased up on his duties tonight, though, in honor of the holiday.
"I think it's good that—you know—they look out for you. There are a lot of bad guys out there," Peter says, scratching his head nervously like it would somehow offend you.
"Yeah, that's understandable. Though Steve and Bucky seem to think I'm still a kid." You scrunch your nose fondly.
"Well, you are. Kind of," Peter says. Your mouth hangs agape jokingly, with a silent scoff in answer.
"Oh, that's where we're going! You're only two years older, asshole," you say with a glare, taking a sip from the drink in your hand.
"Those two years make a world of difference." He smiles with a glint in his eyes. "Head off to college and then they'll see you as an adult, maybe."
"I'm going in January—stop looking at me like that!" you yell when he smirks, holding back a laugh. "I'm serious! Alright, okay, we're not playing nice tonight, are we?" You raise an eyebrow in question.
"Sure," he smiles. It falters just as quickly when you snatch the red solo cup out of his hand, gulping down the sweet and bitter liquid before crumpling the cup in your hands. "Hey!" Peter shouts. "You're not 21!"
"Neither are you." A victorious smile adorns your lips. You try not to show the distaste from the bitter liquid burning in your throat.
"In a few months!" Peter blushes and you fight the urge to coo at him because he gets shy over the most peculiar things.
"You're so cute, Parker," you tell him with a bop to his nose.
"Oh, piss off," he says and shakes his head.
"Learnt a new swear word? Impressive. College has really changed you."
"You're really annoying right know, you know that?"
You shake your head frantically, scrunching your nose simultaneously, and there's something different about you that Peter just noticed now.
"You're already drunk, aren't you?" he asks with realization dawning upon him. You gaze up at him with a mischievous glint and a gasp escapes him. "Y/n, Steve's gonna freak out on you!"
"He's never gonna find out. And I'm not drunk. I had three drinks earlier, 's fine," you say with a dismissive wave.
"Three drinks?" he breathes out in disbelief. "That's not little—hey! Hands off, asshole!" Peter interrupts the beginning of his speech to scare away the twenty-something with his hands on your hips.
"Dickhead," the guy mutters under his breath as he backs away. You turn around to meet Peter's eyes with a pout as the guy saunters off, a disappointed frown in between your brows.
"That guy was hot. You scared him away. You ruined my only chance," you pout.
You turn around again before Peter has the chance to answer, roaming your eyes around for the guy. With only a few seconds he's managed to land himself over by the bar, drink raised to his lips as he eyes you hungrily despite Peter's warnings. You smile, biting your lip with a newfound confidence you've never experienced. Yeah, definitely tipsy. Sober you would be hiding away in the cleaning closet by now.
"Well, yeah, he was—Y/n, hello?" Peter lays his hand on your shoulder, turning you around to meet his eyes again. "You know what? We're gonna go for a walk." He lays an arm around your shoulders, gently steering you away from the guy and into the crowd.
"Oh, where?" you ask, already forgotten the source of your previous pout. "Careful of my wings, Parker."
"It's a surprise," Peter says as he loosens his hold around your wings, glancing to see if they're alright. You stop talking almost instantly and for once he's happy to know some silence from you, because right now you can't seem to shut up and he's not used to spending time with your chipper-talkative version.
Peter pushes the two of you through the thick, sweaty crowd filled with lazy costumes and masterpieces alike, ranging from several layers thick to barely covering anything at all. He recognizes some of the people from the compound, some from his college that he doesn't even know how they got here, but most of them are complete strangers.
You send flirty glances and hellos over your shoulder to every guy you gain eye contact with. It's scary how fast the alcohol went to your brain, from being completely unnoticeable to half-drunk in a minute. Peter does not like the drunk you. Or he does, maybe, but not in a room filled with guys who just can't wait to get under your ridiculously cute dress. It's offensive really, how you can manage to look so excruciatingly innocent and hot at the same time. He'll curse out Wanda tomorrow.
The party is so packed with people that it takes ten minutes before he finds the ones he's looking for. Wanda and Natasha sip on their martinis in a ridiculously large couch, gossiping like a bunch of school girls as they shout encouragements at Sam and Tony on the dance floor. Peter sighs, nearly pushing you down on the couch next to Natasha before he slouches down himself.
"What do we have here, huh?" Natasha smirks and takes a small sip of her drink.
"She's drunk. I'm exhausted. Please take her off my hands," Peter says as he throws his head back on the couch. You let out a giggle, leaning against Natasha's shoulder.
"He's exaggerating," you say with your voice muffled by her shoulder.
"Okay, young lady. Drunk, huh?" Wanda asks, raising an eyebrow in question. Her perfectly red lips curl into a smile that shows she's not really upset about it.
"No," you mumble, scratching your nose with your manicured finger for the occasion. "Hiya, Auntie," you coo while curling up besides Natasha.
"Stop calling me Auntie," she mutters and gently pushes you off her shoulder.
"How's your boyfriend? Jake? No, John. Wait! Jack!" you fumble over your words. It might as well be any of the three names, because Natasha has been showing up with a new person on her arm every other month this year. You don't know what it is, really, but you guess you should be glad she's exploring her options.
"Jason," Natasha says through a roll of her eyes. The slightest hint of amusement can be found on her lips, but it's nothing that she shows to someone else. "And he's very much good, now stop asking. He's just getting drinks," she says and nods towards the bar.
"I like that guy," you exclaim excitedly. There's no doubt about your drunken state in this moment, because in no shape or form have you been as wounded up about any of Natasha's past partners.
"Hey, honey," Wanda catches your attention with a gentle hand on your arm, reaching across the sofa. "Where's your brother hiding? I can't imagine he would be very happy with you being drunk, no?" she asks.
"He can't know!" you exclaim with a whispered shout. "He's gonna kill me, please, Wanda."
Your eyes are blown wide open in fear. It's not that Steve would be mad—the disappointment is what you desperately want to evade. He gets that frown in between his eyebrows, puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head while looking down to the ground. Being on the receiving side of that is humiliating, on the verge of heartbreaking. You can't handle that tonight.
"I don't know, sweetheart..."
"Please, Wanda." There's tears gathering in your eyes, more so for dramatic effect than actual upset. You've slid down onto your knees in front of her, begging with your hands on her thighs.
"Oh god," Natasha mutters under her breath, setting down her drink on the table while indifferently glancing over to the bar where her boyfriend of the month resides.
She can't really handle this theatric version of you. There's a reason you're usually one of her favorites, despite your young age—your ability to be fucking quiet. Whoever gave you all that alcohol is on her damn hit list.
While she tunes out the conversation behind her, some kind of settlement is agreed upon where you, of course, get your way. No more alcohol, and Wanda won't tell your brother or Bucky what you have been up to.
When she stands up to leave, you're on your feet again. Now your attention has wandered over to Peter's costume, talking of how 'incredibly accurate to detail' it is despite being thrown together last minute by the college student. The only thing telling what he's dressed as is the hat paired with the old leather jacket.
A wet kiss is pressed to Natasha's cheek as soon as she joins Jason by the bar. His hand instantly finds her waist, pressing her into him tightly. His touch almost repulses her. He's too straightforward with his affection, so obvious in his quest to show her off.
"You look so goddamn sexy," he whispers into her ear. "Been thinking about what we talked about the other day."
Nat hums absentmindedly in answer, raising a finger swiftly to wave over the bartender.
"You know, having another p—"
"Yeah, I know what you're talking about," she interrupts him.
He brought it up about a week ago, and she only entertained the idea because she was bored. Jason is only a temporary occupation for her constant need to destress—there's no way in hell she's gonna adhere to his fantasy of having two girls sucking him off at the same time.
"She's not your real niece, no?" Jason asks suddenly, setting his gaze on your soft curves in that angelic dress framing your figure on the other side of the room.
Natasha's attention snaps from her drink to where his eyes are set. "You know she's not," she mutters as she takes a sip on her martini, suspiciously eyeing her boyfriend.
"I'm up for it," he says, nodding your way.
"Excuse me?" Natasha raises an eyebrow, gracefully setting down her glass on the counter.
"She's our girl, I have a feeling she is. You can ask her, can't you?" Jason smirks as he shamelessly keeps his stare on you. "Pretty little thing like that would be up for anything, wouldn't she?"
It takes exactly two seconds for Natasha to have a sharp fork pressed against Jason's side, just above one of his major arteries and restricting his breathing. A choked gurgle escapes his lips as Natasha's mouth lingers next to his ear.
"I know 72 different ways to break every bone in your body, and I can make 65 of them seem like an accident." Her smooth voice fills his ear. "Keep her name out of your mouth."
She keeps the fork pressed into his skin for a few seconds, just for extra measure, before she lets it go and Jason coughs violently as his hand flies up to his throat. Natasha takes another sip of her drink, glancing over the unsuspecting crowd with a roll of her eyes.
"I suggest you leave. Go clean up in the bathroom, you have a stain on your shirt," Natasha says before taking her drink and walking away.
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You squeeze yourself through the thick bathroom line, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while trying to avoid bumping into as many people as possible. You gave up on preserving your wings two drinks ago, because quite frankly you have forgotten them by now.
You might also have ignored your fellow elders' warnings of laying off the alcohol, choosing to indulge in whatever drink you could get your hands on for one evening only. It's a risky move, but it's something you can afford. You rarely stir up any trouble, if any at all. What fun is it if you remain predictable all the time?
The music blares through the floor, thumping along with the people jumping up and down against it. You're out of it in the most wonderful way, rid of your constant presence in your own mind, if even for just a short while. The consequences do not exist and neither does your conscience.
When a guy in his late twenties, or thirties, maybe even your age, grasps a hold of your hand and asks if you want to dance, you answer yes without any hesitation. Sweaty bodies spread their heat around, pushing up against you and the mysterious guy as you move against each other.
You barely know what you're doing. You're only following along, letting him control your movements close to his body. If you were more sober you would have seen how it could be more likened to grinding than dancing, but the weight of his hands on your hips feels grounding instead of unnerving.
"You look so fucking pretty," he says into your ear, muffled by the alcohol buzzing in your head and the music blaring over the speakers.
You throw your arms around his neck, looking up at him with what you think is a smile. You're trying, at least. "Thank—" Hiccup. "Thank you. You're pretty too," you say, even though you can barely make out his features in the darkness.
But you think he looks pretty. A hypothesis based on the way his hands feel on your skin. Hot may be a better word for it, but in your state of mind adjectives do not differ especially much from each other. That's why you let him drag you away from the crowd, pushing through drunk people until you find a relatively secluded corner of the floor.
The wall is cold against your heated skin, your back against it while the man's arms cage you in. The feeling of his lips trailing across your neck barely registers. It just feels nice, you think. Your eyes are fluttered close, back arching while you mumble indetectable words you can't even decipher yourself. You're so fucking drunk you won't even remember this moment in the morning.
That's the problem with you drinking tonight—your alcohol consumption has been so limited that you have no conception of whatever is much or not. You have no idea if it takes three or six drinks to get you affected. You have no idea what you are like on tequila or vodka, on Prosecco or red wine. So now, eight drinks later of so many different types you can't even remember which was which, you're out of it enough to barely remember your own name.
His wet lips against yours are a suffocating presence you would much rather be without. It's sloppy and rushed, not at all what you imagined kissing would be. You wince to yourself, pushing him away just an inch to run the back of your hand against your mouth.
And then he's suddenly gone. You could have sworn he stood right in front of you. It takes a good ten seconds before you find him on the floor, clutching his nose with an angry frown in between his eyebrows.
"What the fuck, man?!" he shouts, looking up at the guy who has a funny hat on his head and a heaving chest.
"Stay away from her," the guy seethes, suddenly taking a gentle hold of your arm.
You don't have it in you to protest. Maybe it's dangerous to follow whoever when they tell you to, but your moral compass is non-existent in this state.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" the guy asks you. You blink, staring at his face while trying to piece together his features. No words come out of your mouth. "Damnit," he sighs, shaking his head.
A woman comes up to him with rushed steps, agitated look on her face. "Is she alright, Peter?" She runs her eyes over your disheveled figure.
"She's completely out of it. Must have snuck in quite a lot of more drinks," he answers. "Your dickhead of a boyfriend is taken care of, by the way. Probably won't stir up anymore trouble now."
"I should have checked so he actually left. It was reckless to think he would leave her alone," she says with a stern face, cold gaze watching the exit.
"Wasn't your fault, Nat," Peter assures her. You sway in your stance, stumbling into his hold while he steadies his grip around you.
"She needs to lay down before she passes out. Get her a glass of water for me, will you?" Natasha commands.
Peter nods, giving you a concerned glance before reluctantly heading towards the bar. Your head comes to lean on Natasha's shoulder with a whine, letting her lead you wherever she's going. You're starting to feel dizzy and slightly nauseous, and you do not like it. If you had the energy to speak you would launch a heavy string of complaints.
"Come on now, darling. A few more steps," she says, taking on more of your weight.
Your face is buried into her shoulder. The only thing detectable from your blubbering is the whines, wordlessly pleading to take you away from wherever you are and rid you of the nausea.
Heavy glances are exchanged between Peter and Natasha as he pushes through the crowd, fingers clinging tightly onto the large glass in his hand.
"Here," he breathes out, reaching the glass towards her.
She takes it from his hands, tilting your chin up with her manicured fingers. "There you go, Y/n," she mumbles as you gulp down small sips of the liquid.
The music blares loudly throughout the large room, sweaty bodies packed tightly together. What you found exhilarating and exciting twenty minutes ago is now suffocating. It's the only thing you know as you barely stand on two feet amongst the crowd. If it weren't for Nat, you would be in a heap on the floor.
"Let's go." Natasha nods towards the exit, glancing over her shoulder as Peter trails shortly after.
You're barely awake, burrowing your face into the crook of her neck. Peter can smell the stale alcohol on your breath from where he walks just beside the two of you—fruity drinks and vodka and tequila and wine. It unnerves him to think that you might have ingested enough of the poison to make it dangerous.
The bitter night air is refreshing for anyone who's senses are at least partly alert. It's a blessing really, that tonight you only have the short walk from the party to your homes located just on the other side of the compound grounds.
The dewy grass is partially lit up by strobe lights placed along the lines of the premises, soaking Natasha's heels and Peter's loafers. Your bare arms prickle with the low temperature.
It feels like an awfully long journey for Peter as he walks along Natasha, halfway waking up enough from the haze to take on some of your weight as well. There's a thought or two of swinging you back home in just a few seconds, but there's not much for his web to hold onto out here. The anxiety creates shudders in his limbs and forces him to glance over to your figure every other second.
"She'll be fine, Peter," Natasha says without so much as sparing him a glance. "She's just drunk. It'll be over tomorrow."
But his anxiety doesn't ease, rightfully so, when your palm suddenly pushes against her chest with all the force you can muster in your state. You whine, sprawling your legs until they have no option but to release you.
On your knees, bent over the small bushes meticulously trimmed by the nice gardeners, you throw your guts out with shudders wracking the whole of your body. Awful.
Natasha could have said 'I told you so', but people make dumb decisions while drunk and she already feels bad for you over what Jason did. "Oh, honey," she whispers to herself instead, taking a step forward to reach you.
But Peter's faster. Of course he is. The young man is kneeling down beside you, hand gently wrapping around your hair to pull it aside while the other rubs against your back.
Any other time, when alcohol isn't poisoning your blood, and you would have felt ashamed. You probably will be tomorrow. You would have reacted to Peter being the one to take care of you, especially after showing such irritation about your state earlier.
The grass is cold and wet against your knees, but it is a welcome relief from the heat plaguing your skin. You are almost certain there are tears making their way out of your eyes and you would positively murder someone for another glass of water.
Instead of gulping down another glass, like you want to, you close your eyes while breathing out deeply. The nausea slowly fades away with each second, the heat being replaced by dewy goosebumps on your skin, all the while clarity pushes itself past the alcohol-induced blur.
A raspy cough. A thick gulp, swallowing too much air at the same time but you force yourself to hold it in. "Did I just kiss someone?" you speak for the first time in an hour.
And Natasha nearly laughs, until she remembers the state you were in. You didn't kiss someone.
"No, Y/n," she says softly, glancing up at Peter with a hardened gaze that tells him to keep his mouth shut. "No, you didn't."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
It's dark, empty of anyone who usually resides in the living room. The lights flickered on one by one, lighting up the space too much for your liking when you stepped inside. A whine was all it took for Peter to turn them off again.
You've been discarded on the couch, legs stretched out over Nat’s thighs with a cold, wet towel laying on your face. Peter sits fiddling with his fingers just beside your head. It's quiet—thankfully—even though you feel much better than before.
"What time is it?" you ask after what must have been ten minutes of complete silence.
"It's, uh, ten past one," Peter stutters out, like he's surprised by the sound of your voice. In reality he just reacts this way each time you speak, but the circumstances have chipped on his resolve. He can't hide his shivers behind a cool facade anymore.
"Happy Halloween," you croak out, earning a quiet chuckle from him. He checks his phone to see the date on top of the screen. 31st October, indeed.
Honestly, Peter has been some kind of obsessed with you since he was sixteen and visited the compound for the first time. You and Steve were walking on the trail slinging around the grounds, deep into solemn conversation.
Peter should have been listening to the endless list of security policy Happy was lining up for him, but he just couldn't tear his eyes off of you. Not because you were beautiful—you are, but he couldn't really see your face in detail from that far away—but because there was someone else his age in the same situation as him. Then he found out you were just Steve's adopted little sister and was a bit disappointed over your lack of involvement with the Avengers.
For weeks he tried to understand why you were in this century too and if Captain America had kept you secret for a reason. Peter was too nervous to actually talk to you until Tony shut him out of some team meeting and you were the only other one in the living room. He saw you everyday after that.
But now he's living hours away at university and he hates that it feels like you're drifting apart and everything is happening without him knowing. You drinking and being interested in men and men being interested in you. He tries to keep the contact up—texts you everyday and calls you and sends messages to Steve or Bucky if you don't answer. For the things you won't tell him, the things he can't see.
He was so excited for tonight. Chose the Indiana Jones costume because Harrison Ford is cool and sexy in those movies and surely you must think that too? And damn it, when he saw you sparkle and shimmer as you walked into the room with your wings fluttering he almost fell to the ground. It was fun as long as you were sober enough to actually talk to him.
Peter's spent the last hour and a half so goddamn mad at Natasha's boyfriend. And of course he is jealous, it should have been him you were dancing with like that, but that man took advantage of your vulnerable state. You could barely stand up, let alone actually protest or give your consent. Peter doesn't know if that was your first kiss or not, but regardless he's mighty glad he knocked the guy out.
You've gone quiet again, and he almost thinks you have fallen asleep, but you peek out from under the towel when the door you all came in through is thrown open. Heavy boots clank against the floor and a frown adorns Steve Rogers', or Fred from Scooby Doo for the night, face when he and his best friend barges inside. It doesn't take long for them to catch sight of the couch occupied by a wide-eyed Peter, stoic Natasha and still kind of drunk Y/n.
"You're going to be the death of me, young lady," Steve speaks up, letting out a deep sigh once he's close enough to tower over your figure.
He got a run-through of the events by a slightly dramatic Asgardian god and an infinitely more concerned Wanda a few minutes ago. You had gotten black-out drunk and found yourself grinding against some punk in the crowd. That was forgivable, even though Steve would much rather you didn’t at this age. Then that fucking jerk shoved his tongue down your throat despite you barely being able to form words. Yeah, Jackson or Jacob or whatever his name was had a talk with Bucky before the two of them rushed over here.
With his hands on his hips and a shake of his head, Steve stands there for a second before kneeling down. Bucky has his arms crossed a few feet away like he still hasn't really decided wether he's pissed or just feels sorry for you.
"You okay, Y/n?" Steve asks you, a little softer. His palm has come to feel your forehead, even though you doubt fever is a common symptom of being hungover.
Peter is paralyzed beside him. He’s quite sure Steve knows how completely infatuated he is with you. Mostly because Peter accidentally, somehow, sent a voice message meant for Ned to Bucky. He must have shared that by now. What should I wear? Y/n is going to be there. Han Solo? Does she even like brunettes? Is she into blondes? Oh god, I’m helpless.
"No," you mutter in answer to your brother’s question. "This sucks. Why didn't anyone tell me?"
Bucky snorts. "What did you even drink? Vodka?"
"No. I don't know. In the beginning it was just some screw-top rosé Peter's roommate brought," you tell him, scrunching your nose with the memory of the taste of it. "It tasted cheap."
"Oh, because you know things like that now, do you?" Bucky says, raising his eyebrows at you. "Can tell expensive wine from cheap-ass rosé?"
"Buck," Steve says before you even have the chance to answer. Chastises, maybe. "You're not 21 yet. Who gave all that alcohol to you?"
You turn your head away, pressing it into the pillow. Steve turns you back to him with a hand to your shoulder, giving you a pointed look that holds some level of amusement. He acts like God's righteous man, but he was a troublemaker in his youth. Tony would have a field day if he knew all the times Steve came home drunk at sixteen after drinking some musty home-made brandy.
"Peter?" Steve looks up at him when you choose not to answer, using alternative, dirty methods to get answers. Cheater. Your mouth falls open, looking over at both your brother and Peter with an offended glare.
The young man stutters, eyes glancing frantically between the two of you while trying to figure out who scares him the most. "I—uh, don't know. My roommate. Apparently. Natasha's boyf—ex?"
The playful tone dims into stern faces and clenched jaws as the villain of the evening is mentioned out loud. You're caught up deciphering the sudden switch in attitude for longer than you should have before solving the riddle. Natasha told you nothing happened, but unfortunately you have vague pictures of a man, her man, shoving his tongue into your mouth. Oh god.
You sink even further into the couch, if that's possible, shielding yourself from the undoubtably judgemental gazes shared in the room. Natasha's boyfriend cheated with you and you didn't even say anything.
"Don't hide from us, sweetheart," Steve says, brushing hair away from your face. "Hey, it's not your fault. That punk took advantage of you. You weren't in your right mind."
Your dickhead of a brother knows you too well. Can tell with just a glance when you're overthinking and analyzing and blaming yourself for problems that have nothing to do with you from the beginning.
"Calm down, birdie,” Nat says softly, earning your attention even though you want to crawl out of your skin. “That's not a conscious decision, when you're drunk like that. It wasn't your fault in the least. Fourty minutes ago you couldn't even stand straight.”
"I'm really sorry, Nat," you say, eyes flickering down to your legs draped over her lap.
"Stop it. That fucking dickhead thought it would be a good idea to tell me he wanted to have a threesome with you. I told him to stay away from you and leave, but he obviously didn't. Probably just to spite me."
"Threesome?" Steve chokes on his breath and the word comes out as more of a cough. He tightens his hold on your hand until you let out a wince, drawing a whispered ‘sorry’ from his lips.
“Me?” you breathe out, sitting up a little higher.
Peter pushes you down onto the pillow again not even a second later. He doesn’t want you to strain yourself. He’s also fucking pissed now because that man not only assaulted you, he also asked Natasha to have a threesome with you. A 19-year old.
“I’m sorry that he took advantage of you, Y/n. Not going to bring anymore of these assholes I keep dating.” Natasha sighs tiredly, letting her head fall back against the couch.
“That’s not your fault either, you know,” Bucky mutters, earning a pointed look from her that says more than her words can. A ‘thank you’ and ‘I know, dickhead’ simultaneously.
A comfortable silence spanning a dozen of seconds is shared between the five of you. It’s late and everyone is tired and what needed to be said has already been said. You’re fine after all and Natasha will be okay, if she isn’t already.
Peter shifts uncomfortably beside you, brushing against your hair and alerting you even more of his presence. He’s been so sweet to you tonight. He always has been. It guilts you now that you have taken his kindness for granted with time, but Peter cared for you the entire evening despite his teasing words.
You don’t know if it means something. Peter is good to everyone. And he has—MJ and him seem so close. They most likely spend all their time together now when they go the same college. Both geniuses. You don’t really have much to contribute except being the younger sister of America’s favorite hero and embarrassing yourself in a fairy costume on Halloween.
So you push the thought aside. Bury it deep and take in the rest of your surroundings. A quiet snort rests on your lips as you assess the brooding man who has finally seated himself down on an uncomfortable chair from the kitchen.
"Your costume is horrible, Bucky. You're not even dressed up,” you speak up, breaking the silence with a playful smile.
"Yes. I am," he mutters. "I have a mask."
"That does not count. You're wearing your normal clothes." You giggle while he rolls his eyes, earning a chuckle from you brother too. He’s glad to see you cheering up.
“What is considered a real costume then, sweets?” Bucky asks you, raising his eyebrows while pinpointing you with his ingenuine glare.
“I don’t know.” You look around, glancing over your brother’s attempt at a classic Fred, Natasha’s Dorothy, before landing on Indiana Jones. “Peter’s is good,” you mumble, heat spreading to your cheeks from nowhere. Why are you reacting this way?
“Yeah, sure lucky ‘bout that since he planned it all for you,” he mumbles under his breath. “Punk is head over heels.”
The breath escapes the two of you—you and Peter. Because Peter knows Bucky is right and you can’t believe what you just heard.
“What?” both you and Steve say simultaneously. Your brother has turned his entire body towards Peter.
You raise yourself up to a seat, glancing between Bucky and Peter. The latter’s eyes are wide open, lips parted. Guilty.
“Peter?” you ask him, so quietly he almost has to rely on the shape of your lips to hear what you said.
A clearing of his throat. Scratch on the back of his neck.
“Yeah, about that…”
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virtualgirladvance · 6 months
Permission to gush about GF go
Is so smart about biochem 😻
Owns 2 bone saws and many Tesla coils
Shes so fucking cute
Smokes the kind of cigs I like(I don't anymore but I still like the smell)
She's sending me so many knives!!!
She can throw knives!!!
She's so well read omg it's hot
Is so fucking cute
She writes and talks so well it's vvvvv hot
Is an absolute goblin
Thinks arson and B&E are cute dates
We will be the super distractable ADHD sisters
She's halloween themed which matches great with my gothy tech punk vibes
I'm gonna dress her up in gothic lolita someday
I want a vial of her blood and to eat her for reals
Very sleepy so I'll think of more later 😌
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