#tess pearson
yourehotcupcakke · 2 years
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fictionalreads · 2 years
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 17
Oh this is just sad.
Oh not her on a train in her mind!!
Oh this is just depressing. Why do I love this show?
No Kate might not make it!
Nicky is hilarious. Do we draw really sad straws?
Beth is in dream train world? Makes sense. She’s the best. Oh she’s saying her goodbyes.
OH GOD THE TRAIN IS A METAPHOR FOR HER DEATH I’M SO SLOW (or maybe I just didn’t want to see it)
Jack better be at the end of this train.
Oh man she’s waiting for Kate.
Where’s Jack?
“This is quite sad isn’t it?” No shit Rebecca.
“If something makes you sad at the end, it must have been pretty good when it was happening.” Almost like “what is grief if not love everlasting?”
Where the hell is Jack on this train?
Randall and co
Beth said I’m getting my food, get out of my way.
Of course it’s Deja who comes to see him and check on him.
Randall will never be able to stay cool. Awe he’s so excited for her.
I love Beth. She knows all why do they pretend otherwise?
Randall no. You got this. Just relax. You’ll get it right. Y’all always do.
Kevin and co
I’m mad that Kevin hasn’t had a lot of time on screen.
I’ve always liked that painting.
Oh him and Randall are avoiding saying goodbye.
Kate and co
Oh Toby’s here!
THE KIDS ARE SO BIG NOW! I say as if I haven’t seen them as adults.
Where’s Kate? I know she isn’t dead cause she’s there when Jack is an adult.
Toby is hilarious. “You like me better than Philip right?”
Who are these random people? Oh God there’s going to be an accident and this boy is going to be seriously injured. What did I tell you?
Oh. He’s not so random after all. But who is he to the Pearson family? Is he Deja’s SO?
Marcus Brooks. Must remember that name.
This whole episode is so sad. I’ve been crying practically the whole time.
Y’all I’m bawling.
Wait so if Deja is with Malik, who’s this Marcus brooks person?
….why is the brooks kids dad with Jack?! OH GOD THIS IS THE NIGHT JACK DIED NO IM NOT READY FOR THIS
Oh my God he passed on the saying before he died. I can not. This show KILLS ME
Oh God they had the same doctor. What gets me is that Jack would’ve wanted it to happen that way. He would’ve wanted the kid to live even if it meant his death.
This episode is wrecking me.
I’m not ready for it to end. I’m not ready for next week.
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cancerian-woman · 2 years
now that this is us has been over for some time. I have some thoughts and my most important one is Annie Pearson deserved a proper storyline. She’s the only one of Randall’s daughters we really didn’t learn about.
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nbcladies · 2 years
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This Is Us finale pics
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ay0-zodi · 2 years
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Spent the morning at the park. Today is Caspian spin day
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ohnonotstonehenge · 5 months
talk about the road!! it’s a safe space. we just like hearing your thoughts / wisdom.
Oh boy! This will be long. Buckle in, or skip this. That's okay too.
For those who may not know, @sccccccram is referring to controversial plans for a tunnel through the Stonehenge landscape. To be clear the tunnel will not damage Stonehenge or affect the land immediately around it where tourists usually visit. The argument for the tunnel or one of them at least is that the busy road that goes by the site and is visible from the monument would be diverted to the tunnel and would no longer be visible to visitors (eventually, that is, once the construction is finished and the enormous scar heals).Maybe the real reasons some people want the tunnel are that:
1. travelers on the now crowded road that at times barely crawls past Stonehenge would theoretically get where they're going faster once the tunnel is in. And of course some of those people are wealthy donors to the Tory Party who have second (or third or fourth) homes in Cornwall.
and 2. huge amounts of money will be made by the companies that build the tunnel and anyone they're pleased with, like politicians who helped make it happen.In the interest of full disclosure some archaeologists are in favour of the tunnel too. (Including people I respect like Mike Pitts, former editor of British Archaeology Magazine and author of some books on Stonehenge, and Tess Machling, a brilliant thinker and archaeologist, I especially recommend her work on gold torcs!) It isn't clear why in many cases. Some are just tired of people treating Stonehenge as more special than other sites. Some just don't seem to like it that people other than themselves like pagans, partiers, and megalith lovers feel they have an interest in what archaeologists see as a site that is their domain. Some are disdainful about people who call Stonehenge sacred, for example.Other archaeologists and historians, though, oppose the tunnel. Prominent Stonehenge archaeologist and author Michael Parker Pearson is one of them, as is historian and author Tom Holland. A major reason for this is that huge areas of the Stonehenge World Heritage site will be bulldozed and destroyed if it is built. Rescue archaeology would of course be done but that is never ideal and it does sometimes happen that in the interest of speed and economy archaeologists may come under pressure to hurry things along. And no one knows what else may be in the land now.But of course archaeology isn't the only consideration. Other people all over the world love, revere, identify with, and care for Stonehenge. It shows up in many movies, television shows, songs, and stories, and as replicas in theme parks, mini golf corses, planetariums, cemeteries, gardens, and other kinds of sites around the world because it has so much meaning for so many people. Some people see it as a sacred place—the whole World Heritage Site, which includes many burial mounds of different types, an ancient avenue, and a cursus which is a huge earthwork of unknown significance. It is a landscape of prehistory and wonder. Those people genuinely feel that the digging of a tunnel through the chalk that underlies that landscape would be a desecration, even a rape of that sacred landscape.Others, more like myself, may not have a faith that holds the site sacred but we have a more poetic outlook. Walking on that landscape as it is now, even with the A303 full of cars cutting through it, is still dreamy in a way. The land underfoot was certainly important to the ancient people who built and altered Stonehenge and hauled all those heavy stones there. During the digging and building of the tunnel there will be noise, there will be lights, it will be an industrial atmosphere. Certainly tourists who visit the Stonehenge landscape during that will have a disappointing experience.And afterward, what then? The tunnel advocates like to say it will be better once soil is placed on top of the enormous concrete bunker that will be the tunnel. It will be more peaceful they say. But we will always know the tunnel is there, won't we? We won't be walking over the peaceful chalk landscape the ancients revered. We'll be walking over what is basically an industrial site with cars and trucks running beneath our feet. That's a huge qualitative difference to the experience of anyone who likes to walk and imagine the past. And that's not even mentioning the entrances and exits of the tunnel. It's hard to believe they won't affect things, sounds-wise and lights-wise.
(Tumblr won’t let me post more text but I’m not finished)
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haberdashing · 2 years
so, i just finished watching the last episode of this is us (i know, i'm late to the game), and now that i can confidently say that they didn't address this, let me say the one thing i wish the show had gone into more:
randall's run for senator.
not how he wins it, because c'mon, randall pearson can do anything he puts his mind to, we know that. and not the nitty-gritty political stuff either, that's not really the kind of thing this is us does.
but what this is us does do, but didn't in this case, is go over how such a big life change affects randall and the family.
show me more of randall weighing the pros and cons of running--not just how it would affect his mother, but how it would affect his entire family.
show me the randall pearson family sitting down to unwind at the end of the day with some mindless tv only to be shown an ad for randall's campaign--or worse, an attack ad by the opposition.
(show me randall taping his campaign ad, second-guessing his every move and fretting about how he's taping something that will be on display to millions of tv watchers, and then calling kevin and half-jokingly saying that acting's harder than it looks)
show me tess trying to decide whether to go to homecoming with alex, or her latest not-cis-male beau, and fretting hard about how it might affect her father's campaign because obviously a senatorial candidate having an openly gay daughter still isn't a value-neutral fact. show me tess telling her father she'll hide her relationship and her identity away until after the election, and randall hugging her and telling her that that's not what he wants, of course not, she just needs to be who she is and the rest will work itself out.
show me deja writing college admissions essays about going from taking care of herself as a child to being the daughter of a senator: not just a blase rags-to-riches story, but talking about the different freedoms and limitations of both, then reflecting on how college fits into that same scheme of freedoms and limitations.
show me their other daughter... hell, show me their other daughter period, i don't even remember her name off-hand! but she's gotta have her own story, if this show taught us anything it's that everyone has their own story. and how is that affected by all this?
show me how this all affects beth's dance studio. do supporters of the opposition candidate drop their dance classes en masse when randall announces his candidacy? do people come there trying to suck up to senator pearson by way of his wife? (not that beth would entertain that nonsense for one minute, of course, but they don't know that.)
show me randall driving in to d.c. does he drive by howard, where he almost matriculated a lifetime ago, and reflect on what almost was and what might have been? hell, has he even been in d.c. since then? and that's gotta make him think of jack, too, who brought him there back then, right? show me that.
show me randall's inevitable moment of doubt just before he starts his first day as senator, and beth talking him through it, reminding him how amazing he is and how he'll do just as well here.
show me how the family adjusts to randall living in d.c. it sounds like he's gone several nights a week at least, and while philly to d.c. isn't the worst senatorial commute, it's not chump change either. how does that change the family dynamic?
show me the handwritten note from a black girl in a white family who says she now has the role model she always dreamed of, show me randall's campaign manager mentioning that his openness with his own adoption and that of deja has led to a statistically significant uptick in adoptions in the state of pennsylvania.
show me randall tearing up, and when a concerned beth asks if the stress is getting to him, him telling her that they're tears of joy as he realizes that he's really making a positive difference in the world the way he always dreamed he would.
show me more of that.
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frazzledsoul · 2 years
This Is Us headcanons, because I have decided to fill in the gaps myself
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(BTW, if the showrunners contradicted any of this in their interviews, I do not care because it isn't canon if you don't put it in the show)
Randall does not become President, because I feel that is a wee bridge too far. He does not run for President at the end of the main timeline (2033) but he does run unsuccessfully two more times. Kevin, Jack Jr, and Nicky Jr (more on that later) are special guests at his campaign rallies. He saves in Congress for an appropriate length of time and then retires gracefully.
Beth runs her dance school and continues to be fabulous. She outlives Randall but does not remarry.
Deja and Malik reconnected while she was in med school and he was in law school. A few years after William Jr is born, they have a daughter they name Beth. So Malik gets his own Big Three, and has a teenage daughter and two little kids at the same time. Godspeed to you, Malik.
Tess does not marry the person she was dating in eighth grade, because that's overkill. She goes to the University of Chicago and majors in social work. Eventually she marries and she and her wife adopt a pair of siblings from foster care.
Annie goes to Howard University like Randall wanted to. She writes a series of thinly fictionalized novels about her crazy family as an adult. She becomes a single mother by choice and has a daughter named Rebecca.
Kate remains married to Phillip, who keeps that awesome mustache for a very long time. She opens a bunch of music schools for the blind. Phillip outlives her but does not remarry.
Toby remains married to Laura (aka Vanilla Parfait Lady). They do not have any other kids. He finds a job in LA that satisfies him professionally. He outlives Kate but Laura outlives him: she does not remarry.
Jack Jr struggles with weight as a young kid but Toby gets him into exercising and eating healthy so he overcomes it by his early teens. He does struggle with overdrinking in early adulthood (remember our first glimpse of him was him passed out next to a bunch of beer bottles?) He overcomes it once he starts dating Lucy and never really developed the serious issues all of his male relatives did. Both he and Lucy become the uber Pearsons: successful in both of their careers and with an adorable family to boot. After Hope is born, they have an adorable son named Toby.
Hailey meets her birth mother and sister as an adult but does not develop a close relationship with them. Because there are so many famous members of the family, she was aware that Hailey's parents split up when she was small and has some issues with it. It's disappointing, but that's life. Hailey eventually married a nice guy who is neither the famous guy she slept with or her best friend at the art gallery. They do not have kids. Hailey becomes a very successful art curator.
Remember when only Hailey seems to be invited to Hope's birth and nobody else was around and it seemed to predict Toby and Kate's premature deaths? Yeah, that was crap, they and their spouses were down in the cafeteria eating banana pudding, that's all.
Kevin does continue to act after the present timeline ends in 2022. He never becomes a huge star, but he has a season-long arc on a streaming show, a miniseries that gets him award noms, a voice job. He mostly quits after Rebecca dies and focuses on Big Three Homes and his family, but he does still work occasionally afterwards.
After reconciling in 2026, Kevin and Sophie go to a lot of therapy and marry in late 2027. While they may have wanted kids together at some point, it was not a huge priority for Sophie in her other marriages and they recognize that it is too late now to try for it. It sucks, but that 's life.
Kevin has kind of a Tilda Swinton situation going on with his personal life. For those who are unaware of what that means, actress Tilda Swinton was rumored for years to have one partner she raised her kids with and one she traveled with. She recently revealed this was never the case: she split up with the father of her kids when they were young and remained with the other partner afterwards, but was not involved with them at the same time. Sophie has little interest in Kevin's Hollywood life and only occasionally goes with him to premieres and charity stuff: he'll often take Cassidy, or Madison, or Elijah, or the kids (including Madison and Elijah's son), or Cassidy's son Matty sometimes, or a combination of any of these people. Madison and Kevin do parent stuff together often, and we're often seen at sports events together. The entire collective makes decisions together and helps raise their collective three kids as a team. They often vacation together. Madison and Elijah live at another house in the town where Kevin and Sophie move to, but as we have seen they often hang out at the cabin on weekends. So from a distance, it looks like Kevin is at the very least polyamorous....or maybe has started a cult. Anyway, it's a weird little blended family unit and it works for them.
Cassidy remains close to Kevin and works at Big Three Homes. She does not remarry and remains happily single.
Nicky and Edie married in late 2022. They moved to the small cabin while Rebecca and Miguel moved to the big one. Nicky (who is 85 at the time the story mostly ends, in 2033) dies shortly after the twins graduate from high school in 2039. Edie lives in the cabin another ten years or so before she passes away.
Nicky Jr becomes a major football star and plays for the Steelers, because of course he does. Then he becomes an actor. He basically ends up being The Rock. He marries twice and has a daughter with his first wife and two boys with his second but never really settle down and enjoys DILF life.
Franny becomes a nurse like Bonus Mom Sophie. She marries and has two girls.
Madison and Elijah's son becomes some sort of tech wiz.
I am not sure which one of the four outlives the other, but Elijah dies first because I like him the least.
Rebecca and Jack continue to have a wonderful afterlife together.
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: T
T: The Characters
Talia Bishop | Tam Ryvora | Tamika Flynn | Tamiya Diop | Tamlin | Tanya TGD | Tara Lewis | Tara Price | Tara Thornton | Tatiana Vogel | Taylor Harding | T Bug | Tea and Vea | Tess Pearson | Thelma Evans-Anderson | Thumper | Tia Clayton | Tia Jewel | Tiana | Tish Rivers | Toni Childs | Tommy Vega | Tori Whale | Traci Nash | Trepp | Trish Murtaugh | Trixie Carter | Troy Carmichael | Trudy Smith | TT Williams | Tula Quik | Turquoise Jones | Tye Reynolds
T: The Entertainers
T’Nia Miller |  Tamara Dobson | Tamara Lawrance |  Tamera Mclaughlin (ayethatsmera) Dwarfism Community | Tanerélle |  Tanedra Howard |   Tanisha Scott |  Tanya Moodie |  Tanyell Waivers |  Taral Hicks |  Tarana Burke |  Tempestt Bledsoe |   Tenika Davis | Teresa Graves |  Terri J. Vaughn |  Teshi Thomas |  Teyonah Parris | Theresa Fractale | Thishiwe Ziqubu |  Tichina Arnold | Tiffany Mann | Tonya Pinkens |  Tracey Ifeachor |  Tricia Akello | Trina McGee |  Trina Parks |  Tyra Ferrell |
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woodencup · 2 years
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WoodenCup Radio Hour Ep.3
Automatic - Skyscraper Ty Segall - Saturday Pt. 2 Horsegirl - Live and Ski Mapache - Pearl To The Swine The Cat's Miaow - I Take It That We're Through Bobby Oroza - Sweet Agony Jo Schornikow - Lose Yr Love Gwenno - Tresor The Black Angels - The First Vietnamese War The Kills - Pale Blue Eyes Tess Parks - I See Angels Naima Bock - Every Morning Momma - Lucky Talking Heads - New Feeling Katy J Pearson - Talk Over Town Angel Olsen - Dream Thing
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viola-zephyr · 2 years
Allison Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy): 92%
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries): 91%
Iris West (The Flash): 90%
Daisy Fuller (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button): 90%
Blaine Anderson (Glee): 89%
Rebecca Pearson (This Is Us): 88%
Tess Ocean (Ocean's 11): 88%
Dana Barrett (Ghostbusters): 88%
Allison Hamilton (The Notebook): 88%
Inara Serra (Firefly + Serenity): 87%
Maggie Hart (True Detective): 87%
Jules (Superbad): 87%
Amy March (Little Women): 87%
Bo Peep (Toy Story): 87%
Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): 87%
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sharpesjoy · 2 years
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THIS IS US | Our Little Island Girl: Part Two (6.06)
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madlilsongbird · 2 years
They haven’t cast in betweens for Déjà, Tess and Annie. Honestly I don’t think they can, it’s like a weird age where the teenage versions of them are too young but the adult versions of them are too old. Randall said they’re there but we haven’t seen them once
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lesbianelsas · 3 years
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Oh Tess, of course we will. We are close now. We are, and we always will be.
Okay, mom.
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cancerian-woman · 2 years
I hope we get more Deja/Tess and Annie before the show ends? I haven’t watched the new episode yet…but i miss my girls
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