#thank fuck for mods
socksoinabox · 2 years
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Apologies for my recent radio silence. I've had a lot on my mind lately.
This post isn't Earthspark-related at all, but please read it.
I need to take a second on this blog to acknowledge some things going on in the world. I should not have stayed silent on this blog before, but I'm trying to fix that now.
Genocide in Palestine + how you can help Palestinians
You can buy e-sims for people in Gaza here. Anything helps.
Click here daily to help generate funds for Palestine. It's free and takes less than a minute.
Here's a list of where you can donate to help Palestine.
(If there's anything I should add to this section, please let me know.)
The KOSA bill, what it's going to do if passed, and how you can help prevent it from taking effect
KOSA will essentially erase anonymity from the internet by requiring people to upload their government ID or other form of identification to any social media site, as well as restricting resources and information on LGBT rights, history, racism, and more. This bill will censor the entire internet and destroy privacy while violating First Amendment rights and potentially putting minors in danger.
This also could very well mean the end of Tumblr, and I'm not exaggerating here.
Tomorrow KOSA could be passed in Senate, and from there it will need to pass in the House of Representatives before being signed into law by the president. It's not doomsday yet, but it is a dangerous situation-- and here's what you can do.
StopKOSA.org provides you with a template email to send to your representatives. You can leave it how it is or edit it to say what you want, and then send it from their website.
The website also allows you to call your representatives and gives you a template of what to say.
BadInternetBills.org, run by the same people, takes action against KOSA as well as other bills like EARN IT. At the time of posting this, over 356,000 people have signed this petition.
Additionally there are several petitions on change.org to help stop KOSA. Here are a few of them.
Stop Kosa
Save Humanity, Oppose KOSA
(Again, please let me know if there's anything I should add.)
One last thing-- The evolution of AI images and video.
I don't really have anything good to say. AI is evolving fast and changing the world as we know it. We are adapting, but nobody knows how this really is going to end up.
A few quick points:
AI images are not art. That's all. AI "artists" who genuinely claim to have made something of their own just by typing a prompt into a generator will be blocked. (Which has been in my rules for a while, but I still think it needs to be said.)
I recommend Glaze for artists who don't want their art being scraped and used for data training. Especially with the recent rumors of an upcoming deal between Tumblr and Midjourney. There's also a similar program called Nightshade (haha, earthspark reference? anyone?🦉) that I haven't tested myself but have heard good things about.
That's all, I suppose. Reblogs are good, if you don't mind.
Spread the word about KOSA. Contact your representatives. Sign the petitions.
Support Palestine if possible. Donate if you can. If you are unable to donate, make sure to do your daily clicks.
Stay safe and take care of yourselves. ❤️
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 month
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abyssal-glory · 8 months
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vector portrait for digital imaging class of RGB!! hey go read The Property of Hate if you haven’t already btw it’s an amazing comic by @modmad that i’ve been hotglued to since my junior year of high school.
big thank you to mod for giving their permission/blessing to wrestle with this horrible tv bastard in adobe illustrator for the express purpose of shilling him and this comic to my unsuspecting class <3
(edit: god okay pls click for fullscreen. hogy shit)
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starishsky · 9 months
free day / the moon will sing
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azuneekun · 1 year
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went from never fishing without mods to catching every fish in vanilla stardew. follow your dreams kids
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pokeficdaily · 1 year
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theintelligentfool · 6 months
something about minecraft as a medium. as a stage. the line between improv and, if not scripted, then planned. about costumes being faces being distinct but technically interchangeable. building being a creative project but the work itself is a performance. conversation becoming part of the narrative by virtue of an audience.
deciding the difference between being the actor and being the character - because you're only called by your first name, because the only way they know you is by your pseudonym, because no matter how natural it feels all your body language is going to be intentional. your facecam might be on but your scene partner can only see what you're holding, what direction you're looking, whether or not you're crouching or jumping.
the fourth wall is dubious, and backstage is cluttered, and in the heat of the moment you go from playing a game with your friend to acting your heart out because, fuck, you can feel the story happening around you.
but something about minecraft as a medium. as a stage.
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Cluster b [NPD&ASPD?] culture is being jealous of people who have done more horrible things than you. Like yeah this shit is seriously fucking up my life but... I haven't done *that* yet. How I allow myself to recover if I haven't done *that* yet!?
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tiktoks-we-like · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ⋆✧ lustrous ✧⋆ˎˊ˗
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beck-nightengale · 1 month
Because I'm a sadistic fuck, I wanted to see what it would be like if Calia/Jespar looked as if they were infected with the Red Madness during the last Rhalâta quest.
Thanks, brain. I didn't think I needed to sleep tonight, anyway.
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Some other fun screencaps:
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They so hongry.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
Vriska: I'm like an avocado. Ignore me for two seconds and I will 8egin to rot
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cookierunauprompts · 5 months
Submitted Prompts #1 ✙
Submitted through Discord by a friend who wants to remain anonymous.
How does one ward off natural desire? It's simple, you can't. He can feel the emptiness within him, a horrid feeling to have in Shadow Milk Cookie's opinion. He knows exactly what it is, hunger, and yet he can't satisfy it because he's trapped in this stupid, stupid prison. He's not getting out anytime soon either from his guesses, is that the witches plan? To try and make him and the other beasts starve until they crumble? Well, unfortunately for them they were basically immortal. Unless, the plan they had in mind was different, very, very different. What if they were trying to drive them so mad that they'd destroy each other? It's a brilliant plot, one that he would probably come up with as well. But he refuses to succumb, but how can he not? Looking at his arm, he gets an idea. Eternal Sugar should be able to heal him anyways, right?
Or, Shadow Milk commits a cannibalism on himself.
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nervouswaltz · 11 months
bark after dark
George doesn’t understand how other people want to feel want. His sister has tried to tell him, sprawled on the floor of her bedroom when they were kids. He’s listened through countless friends’ countless crushes, and they seem so content to bask in it, to bathe in this feeling of desire.
The first time George realizes he wants Dream, he runs to the toilet to dry heave in a panic.
7k | explicit | no warnings
my summer camp exchange for the lovely brio @badboyhole !!!
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