#thank u a million times for the files!!!
suntails · 4 months
anyone that ever thought i was crazy for doing this pmv full color: i am two files from fully drawn. i. oughh. i've planned a rough schedule around my job and i am tentatively planning to post on friday 3/1. i can feel it in my BONES im so close to done
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rendevok · 1 year
the way you draw phoenix wright has bewitched me body and soul. seriously he is so perfect and i refer to you as "the artist with the sunset colours" because i always stop and admire the warmth and softness of your coloured works. thank you so much for sharing 💖
God… this made me cry tbh. Good tears of course. To know that something I fret over as a weakness is actually something that is rejoiced is just… what a gift it is to hear that. Thank you, with all my heart 🥹💜
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weird-is-life · 9 months
Hiii i have a cute Spencer x Y/N idea
It’s a bit long so bare with me :)
So imagine Y/N as really confident and cool and they listen to music lots (inappropriate music for work) and Spencer is the opposite, he very rarely listens to music but one day whilst organising his files he starts humming one of Y/N’s songs (something like shake that by Eminem) and Derek overhears and goes and get Y/N and they like cutely tease him or something (you can make up the ending)
Hii lovely, thank u for requesting! I hope this doesn't suck too much🤧. Warnings: like one pet name, use of y/n, (0.6k)
Spencer's doesn't even realise he's doing something, until there's you with red cheeks and Derek with a big grin standing behind him.
Derek literally dragged you here, when he heard Spencer's humming and as he pulled you closer to him, you recognised the song right away.
To your amusement, Spencer was humming one of your favourite songs, while organising his files, up until you two came near him.
You hear Derek's chuckle as he secretly records the special, one in a million moment.
"Yes?" Spencer turns around to face you two, eyebrows raised in question.
"Pretty boy, since when have you started to like the same music as y/n here," Derek asks, smirk as big as one can get.
"I haven't, i-i just heard it on the radio," he lies, obviously.
"On the radio? What kind of radio stations do you listen to, kid? There's too many swear words in that song for it to be played on the radio," Derek laughs, clearly seeing through Spencer.
"I meant, that I heard it in the car with y/n on our last case," he responds and it's as unconvincing as his previous reply. You almost wince as the words leave his mouth.
"Right. Do you mean the case from like 6 months ago?" Derek teases, "because last time I checked, Hotch has banned y/n from playing the music in the car, for indefinitely."
"How do you know the song then huh?" Derek suspiciously questions him.
"I-I-I" Spencer hesitates and Derek sees it right then, his profiling skills working too perfectly. Damn his quick thinking.
"Wait a minute, are-are you two-"
"Yes, Derek. Spencer," you give him your sweetest smile, before you confidently answer," and I are dating. So of course, Spencer knows the song, because I play it way too often in the car, in the apartment, yeah just basically everywhere. I'm surprised, he doesn't get tired of it."
Spencer immediately shakes his head, mouthing 'never' towards you.
"What? How long?" Derek inquires, he is looking very confused at you both.
"A few months," Spencer speaks up. Looking kind of proudly at you.
"A few months?" his eyes widen," how did you manage to hide it so well for this long?"
"We have our ways," you inform him mysteriously and send a wink Spencer's way.
"Well I'm very happy for you, guys," he gives you a sincere smile," but I want to know how on earth did you get Spencer to listen to some new music.....When I tried it, he made it abundantly clear he wasn't interested."
Spencer is the one to swiftly answer, "because you are not the one, that I'm dating and also y/n's music taste is much better."
"Hey! Ouch," Derek frowns and you just chuckle loudly, " you guys are mean," he glares at you playfully, "I'm going to go before I say something really mean to you two."
"Also expect Penelope to be here in like 5 minutes, because there's no way I'm not telling it to her right now." He tells you and sets off with a devilish grin towards Penelope's office.
"Soo, you think my music taste is better?" you poke Spencer's side.
"Definitely, i like your music" he says, honestly, which makes you very happy.
You quickly give him a kiss on the cheek, before leaving."Spence, I'm sorry to do this to you, love, but I'm going to hide before Penelope gets here. I'm not really ready to answer all of her questions right now," you smile, fake sorry, at him and run away with a giggle, before he can protest.
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hellsite-detective · 4 months
Hi! I don't know if u have been requested this before, but can u find me the post where somebody had fallen asleep in the middle of writing a paper and woken up to like a million pages of "k" or something
and I don't really remember anymore but I think then somebody explained how the person would have had to have slept like 30 hours so it's gotta be fake, and then somebody had calculated how it would actually have been like 7 hours, a reasonable time
And thank you for your work! We seriously appreciate and love u <3
findin' this one proved to be no problem. see, i had seen this post before. not just all over the internet, but in that strange labyrinthine museum of hellsite antiquities, the @hellsite-hall-of-fame itself. i took a stroll through the city, and approached the building, and entered. i didn't need the guided tour, because i knew this place like the back of my hand. i had visited many times in the past, and besides, i'm the one who gives the guided tour. but i digress. i searched through the halls, carefully examinin' each portrait until i came upon the post i was lookin' for. i took a quick picture of it so i could file it away without needin' to steal the original copy from Madame Curator.
here you are! your post! i'm truly so glad you appreciate my work! i appreciate the kindness that every one of my clients displays when in my office. have a great day!
Post Case: Closeddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff...
oh shit sorry i fell asleep on my keyboard!
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Heeeyyy I really love your stories!! <3 can I request hobie being a runway model and reader being fashion designer for him. I been thinking about the fact he said he was briefly a runway model and I can’t get it out my head. I dunno what direction you’d want to take the story in if u wrote it but im pretty sure I’d b great! :) (sorry about the vagueness)
hi babes, thank you soo much you're so sweet:')) also so sorry this took so long!!
hobie brown x reader
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warning: mention of pins/needles
wc: ±1100
a/n: don't really like how this came out might rewrite it later on. not fully proofread.
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You didn't consider yourself any Westwood or McQueen just yet, but even the best had to start somewhere, right? It just so happened that your "somewhere" would be the old community hall in your neighborhood. This would be your very first fashion show, not something you took very lightly. This could make or break your almost nonexistent career, so it was important that everything was absolutely perfect.
Planning this had been an absolute pain; trying to find an affordable venue that wasn't on the verge of complete degradation, finding a way to decorate said venue accordingly, promoting and hunting for possible columnists and other industry players to invite, along with a million other things.
One of the most important aspects were models; the people who ultimately would be representing your brand. The only problem was that you didn't have money to hire any people, much less approach an agency, so you had to get creative. You had held "auditions" in your neighborhood; basically asking your friends and other people if they'd like to model for you.
You were upfront, admitting that you would not be able to pay them properly. People were reluctant at first; the idea of no compensation turning some away, but after a few days you managed to find and recruit a handful of people to help you, most of them being friends and people you knew from scool. Things were looking good, and your project was on the right tracks so far.
You were running around in your apartment-turned-studio, frantically searching for the tracing wheel you had lost once again, when you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to find a tall and lanky young man, hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Heard you're looking for models," was all he said in a low deep voice and you raised your brows. "Y'know I can't pay you right?" you said, and he nodded in reply. "Long as the clothes look good I don't care," he said.
After first glance, you already knew he'd be a showstopper. He just looked perfect for a runway; you could already imagine the way your pieces would fit him. That's how you had met Hobie, how you gained a model, a muse, aswell as a friend.
It still shocked you just how much you've managed to pull off in these few months leading up to the big event. The whole thing had been one big family-friend initiative; everyone stepping in to help where they can.
Your old roomate, who worked at a hair salon had asked her colleagues to help with doing every model's hair. She had a friend who worked as a beautician in a salon, who had asked her colleagues to help with everyone's make-up. The choreographer had been your aunt, courtesy of her "certified pageant mom" status. The lighting and sound provided by a friend who worked as a part-time DJ at some dingy club. He had smuggled some equipment to use for the night.
The small closet rooms that served as backstage facilities were packed with people doing make-up, running around in robes and adding all the final touches.
When the time came for everyone to get dressed, you were running around like a headless chicked, hemming a few pieces here and there and filing down slippery shoes, even having to calm one of the girls down due to an anxiety attack.
"How does that feel? Comfortable?" you asked pulling and adjusting at the top of Hobie's outfit, trying not to restrict his airflow. "Good," was all he said. "Are you nervous, superstar?" he asked, as you worked on a piece of stubborn material at the back of his pants. You scoffed quietly at the stupid nickname. "Yes," you answered truthfully, "there's a few important people out there. If they like what they see, they'll be writing articles. Articles mean exposure, and I really need that right now." You laughed nervously.
"But it's gonna be great," you added, moving away from his pants and taking a moment to admire your work, albeit from behind. "because I have my showstopper right here, and he looks incredible," you added with a smile. He turned around, giving you a coy smirk in return. "You outdid yourself love," he said, looking down at his attire, "on your way to becomin' the new Westwood, yeah?"
You scoffed at his comment. "C'mon you have to go line up," you said.
The show itself was absolutely perfect. You watched backstage with bated breath as each model disappeared through the dark curtains, then like clockwork returned, some to change into new pieces, then fall back in line.
Hobie had both opened and closed for your show, and by the end of the night when everyone stood in applause, he and your mother had urged you to go on stage to give your final bow. You thought it was corny, but you humored them, walking onto the runway until you were visible and giving everyone a wordless thank you, before making your way backstage once again.
You had thanked every single person who worked with you, giving everyone a warm embrace aswell as thanking them profusely for their hard work. When you finally got to thank Hobie, you wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a fat kiss right on the apple of his cheek. "You," you started, pulling him away from your embrace, but keeping his shoulders in your two hands, "stole the fucking show."
He laughed lightly, shrugging dismissively. "You're the one that made this possible," he said, and you flashed him a megawatt smile, the adrenaline from the night pumping through your body.
"Y'know, there were a few casting directors scouting here tonight," you said, "you might be getting a few calls soon, they'd definitely want to sign a catch like you." He only scrunched his face his dismissal. "Nah," he said, and you furrowed your brows. "I'm not committing myself to some agency, wouldn't want to leave you," he added.
He continued to work with you several more months; working closely with you when designing and creating your pieces, than modeling those same pieces. Your popularity grew, and with it the demand for him; numerous agencies looking to potentially sign him. When it all became too much, he decided to stop all together. You respected his decision, and still remained close with him. You still called him showstopper, and he still called you superstar.
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dresserupper22 · 2 months
explanation of my au!!
buckle up i yap alot
OK SO everything is after the show ended. Maybe some changes in the show here and there but that's it.
My au of the turtles also mash up with the idea of a 'yokai city' of rottmnt but more of a secret mutant society (i haven't watched rottmnt so that's all i can do :,,)) They all have charms of their clan and those charms let them shapeshift into human by giving a drop of their blood. Kinda like a contract in a way? they sealed the charms with an oath and blood, so only the rightful owner can shapeshift.
Raph, Mikey, Leatherhead, and Fishface team up and move to another state. Mikey and Raph have human jobs while Leatherhead and Fishface face off bad guys at night, Raph and Mikey being their backup team. Raph is a Makeup Artist, promoting his work online with millions of followers. Mikey's part-time as a pizza delivery guy, full-time as Raph's manager (confirming orders, organizing dates, money transfer, ect.)
Leo and Donnie, on the other hand, stay in NYC. Leo, being the new clan leader, is accompanied by Karai who is the new Foot clan leader. There's also Casey, who works as their mechanic, and also April. The five of them work to seek revenge for others. Kinda like the kdrama 'Taxi Driver'. April's the one who gets the calls, arranges the meetings, and confirms that the victim would like the team to proceed. Her job as a flight attendant helps with bigger villains (CEOs, Superstars, ect.) as she would be the one attending them for their flights.
Karai has a ton of connections as her clan works and moves all around the world, so,,, she's also filthy rich. But because of this, Raph and Mikey get notified by the others that there are Foot clan sightings. The four of them assume that there was a new Shredder and a new villain would arise. So, Raph and Mikey go back to NYC and try to infiltrate one of their bases. Ending up in a fight where Raph and Mikey find out that the Foot clan was led by Karai.
Karai explains their goals of seeking revenge for others, Mikey loving the idea, Raph,,, not so much. The four turtles bonded and hung out with each other until Leo had to spy on one of their new targets: a rich corrupt CEO at a bar nearby
Now, Leo's part of the job was one of the most dangerous and mind-bending for his own mental health. Not only was he a spy, he used his human form/human body to seduce the targets. (u prolly know where im going with this but i wont explain further)
The other HATED the idea, Raph was the most vocal about his opinion. But, it was one of the most effective and easy ways to get into the secret files and other evil stuff of their targets.
One of the most specific customers they had was Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw has a human daughter in her 20s. As a father, he still watched over her in the shadows. But, his daughter was kidnapped. He tried to follow the people who kidnapped his daughter, only to find out tens of other women who had the same fate as her. So he went to the Foot via a little poster he saw on a telephone pole. AND HERE WE ARE!! That's all I have for now ^^
thanks so much for reading!! hope u like my au of the turtles
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behoright · 1 year
prisoner (love countdown series) | a. svechnikov
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i can't forget you, your love is the loudest/ i can't control it
summary: part 5! lovestruck andrei messed around with you a little too much at the game before the roadie. also, the whole canes team just acting like dorks (bc they are)
wordcount: 3.1k
warnings: cursing. mentions of boobies and boners (lmao) idk if that is 18+ but if it is I repel all minors DONT READ this. thank u all for reading :’) reminder that I am not good at this I’m just really horny. heavier smut IS coming okay I just need this to start off as pg13 as possible because the later chapters could literally get me institutionalized
p.s.: this is the bra I thought you’d wear but you let your imaginations run wild okay https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1404/8101/products/Daisy_Bra_Front_e196baa3-10f0-42bc-94c5-89ad1312821b_1400x.jpg?v=1660696818
♩  ◦   ₪ ˚ 🗝️ ︵
“What’s going on with him?”. Andrei’s teammates stared perplexed at the young player, who was continuously shooting pucks into the net, hours before warm ups even started. “I haven’t seen Andrei this nervous since he first started out with us.” Martinook said. “You think he’s nervous? About what?” Brady asked. The rest of the guys turned to look at him.
Pyotr and Andrei had undeniably become closer, since the young player had joined the Canes. Andrei had missed having full conversations in his native tongue on the daily, and he was glad to take someone under his wing as well, just as Dougie had done with him. Pyotr was aware of you, and he just couldn’t understand why Andrei had never brought you around. He said you had come to games before, but Pyotr had never seen you, and the others didn’t even know your name, less alone your existence.
At first, the rookie thought he was just sleeping with her - not important enough to introduce her to anyone. Just another girl. But as time went by, Andrei’s attention began to slip. He would tell stories of his “friend”, mention how much you liked this and that, tales from your classes, and after much asking, Pyotr finally got a name. 
Y/N. He said it quietly, with a blush, and changed conversation topics quickly. Suddenly he realized why he had never met her. Andrei really liked this girl, and that couldn’t be brought up, in any way, shape or form. Andrei would shoot him down so fast, Pyotr couldn’t believe it. He sure would tease his fellow teammate constantly, but he could tell that something deep down made Andrei… uncomfortable. Or anxious, antsy. Not the typical Andrei that he was so used to. So he left it alone. However, he knew what was really going through his friend’s head. 
“Trip. Nervous about trip. With girl.”. The boys immediately understood what he meant.
“He likes her?” Jarvy asked.
With a nod, Pyotr did his best to explain. “He…no talk. But, uh, he likes girl. A lot. Too shy”.
“Svech? Shy? There’s no way.” Sebastian chimed in.
“I’ve seen him out with a million girls - I wouldn’t describe him as shy, particularly. Cocky is a better word.” Neci snickered.
Pyotr threw his hands up - “Different. You see tonight.”
All the guys looked at each other, but before they could say anything, their heads bolted back to the young player on the ice. “You guys are going to practice with me? Or what?” he shouted, banging his stick against the glass closest to them. “I bet you cannot win 3v3 right now.” 
The guys all raised an eyebrow at Pyotr - there was no way anything could have shaken Andrei’s steady smugness, much less a girl. 
“You wait and see. Then you tell me” answered the rookie. 
⁺ ⠀┄
Andrei knew he needed to get back to the arena as soon as possible. After his shower, he picked up some food and raced back. He couldn’t afford to get distracted before tonight’s game, and he needed extra practice so he would do his job properly and also wouldn’t make a fool out of himself in front of you. 
He spent a couple of hours alone, shooting into the net, trying to fight off the thoughts plaguing his mind. 
He was intoxicated, and hadn’t even seen you in days. 
He couldn’t quit dreaming about you running your hands through his hair, down his neck and spine, over his belly and down-
No. Focus on the puck. Focus on the puck. 
He wanted to do well tonight, and secretly hoped to not even see you before the game, in all honesty. Just the fact that he knew you were in the stands made his heart jolt already. Thankfully, he was able to see that the guys were early too; however, they were all standing around in the seats, watching him shoot. What were they talking about so much? Why was everyone acting so off lately? 
“You guys are going to practice with me? Or what ? I bet you cannot win 3v3 right now.” Yeah, perhaps some good old team practice would settle him down.
⁺ ⠀┄
“So, are you going to tell me what you were talking about before?” Andrei asked, getting his stick ready in the locker room. Neci’s head snapped up to look at the Russian. “Uh, nothing.” Andrei raised an eyebrow at his friend. 
“You just seem a bit on edge lately, that’s all. We hope everything is okay.” Martin wanted to know if Pyotr was right, but he knew better than to tease Andrei before a game.
“Everything’s fine brother. I want to play the game right.” 
Neci couldn’t help himself. “Yeah totally. Uh… are you sure it has nothing to do with our roadie coming up? You know, bringing your friend along and all.” 
Andrei tried his best to keep his eyes on the tape he was wrapping around his stick, hoping his friend wouldn’t feel his demeanor change. 
“What? No, not at all. It’s just a trip with friends right?” 
“Yes, but not once have you talked about this friend of yours. And we had to put up with Rod reminding you about the trip for weeks now. I mean, you never put off stuff like this.” 
Andrei’s heart sank - he hoped his teammate wouldn’t be able to notice the small sweat beads forming at his hairline.
“I just- I want her to have a good time. She has never seen this much of my job. I want it to be okay.” Martin patted his teammate on the back. “Dude it’ll be fine. I’m sure she’s going to love it…. Do you like her or something?” 
“Alright alright” Andrei said, rolling his eyes and standing up quickly, but he knew he couldn’t hide his blush and smile.  
“Oh, Andrei has a little crush!” Neci said, teasing louder. 
“Shh, no. I- I go and get my shirt now. Bye.” 
Andrei quickly walked into the bathroom with his head down, turned on the faucet and splashed cold water in his face. His worst fear was coming to fruition right now - he hated to lose focus. He dipped his face in his hands again, and when he looked up at the mirror, he saw Neci and Pyotr walking into the restroom.
“Dude, it’s fine. Just play your game and she’ll have a good time.” 
“Oh, you can make her have a good time alright” 
The three boys snapped their heads towards a closed stall. Pyotr smacked his hand on his forehead.
“Burnzie, shut up!” Andrei fixed his eyes on the ceiling as he nervously bit his lip.
“Chill, you got it. You do this all the time, almost every night. We will simply have extra company on this trip, that’s all.” 
Pyotr nodded and waved towards the stall - “Do not listen Burnzie. We have fun tonight.”
As embarrassed as Andrei was, as he took pride in being the one lifting up his teammates, he felt pretty thankful that they had his back. He nodded as they walked back in the locker room and mentally replayed their words in his head. Just a regular game, regular roadie, with a bit of extra company. 
⁺ ⠀┄
The familiar cheer of the crowd was able to calm down Andrei during his warm up routine. He felt really fortunate to be playing this game, and had to pinch himself everytime he saw kids wearing his jersey and asking for a puck. 
He was loose, happy to be warming up and messing around with his teammates, until he looked up, scanning the crowd once again, and saw you. Sitting on the bench, talking with Neci’s sister to the kids, who were waiting to meet the players. 
Be cool, be cool, be cool. 
He knew he couldn’t avoid this any longer. He reminded himself to act casual, as he always did around you. Nothing had really changed, not in your eyes at least.  As he skated towards you, he couldn’t help but stare at the way you so intently listened to the kids, who were basically bouncing off their seats. 
He came up and messed up your hair with his glove while greeting the little ones, which caused the usual smiley eye roll from you. 
“Hi dingus.”
“You’re here early.” Andrei answered, with a smile.
“Yeah, since we leave for the trip tomorrow I asked for today off. I came early to avoid the traffic and such. I met your coach by the way - Rod? He’s the one that got me down here by the bench in the first place.”
Of course he did, Andrei thought. He did his best not to scoff at Rod too hard in front of you.
“You are ready for the trip? It’s going to be a lot of traveling, you know.”
“Oh I’m sure I’ll be okay flying on your team’s private plane for a week. Am I going to have to play hockey or something? You know I suck at skating.”
“Oh trust me, I remember.” Andrei laughed at the reminiscence - you guys had gone to an ice skating rink a long time ago, and he remembers being doubled over in laughter at how clumsy you were. Another memory quickly took the player by surprise: the feeling of your small hands in his when he tried to guide you, and the way your eyes reflected the lights, or the snow caught in your hair-
No, no, no, Not right now, Andrei. He took a deep breath. 
“I, uh. We will know the schedule and all tomorrow.”
“Cool.” you replied, looking at him, hands in your back pockets. “You nervous?”
Andrei’s heart (and face, inevitably) dropped. 
“Nervous?” he said, perhaps too frantically.
“For tonight? The game you’re about to play? It seems like a big one.” you answered, looking around at the seats quickly filling up. 
Oh. That’s what you meant.
“C’mon now. You know I don’t get nervous.” he snapped back with a cocky grin. 
“Oh yeah, big man Svechnikov is never nervous because he’s sooo good.” Andrei laughed, but before he could say anything, he noticed your gaze change, staring now deeper into his eyes, and moving your body closer to his. 
“I know you’re lying, Drei. I can see right through you.” you teased.
Andrei took a sharp inhale, and felt completely paralyzed. He wanted so badly to grab your chin and push his lips against yours. So badly.
“Geez, Andrei, chill. Everyone gets nervous right?”. Seeing as she was only joking, Andrei upped the ante. 
“You know me - I’m just too good.” he replied, teasingly, as he grabbed his water and squirted some of it in his mouth, not breaking eye contact. 
“You’re so full of shit, Svechnikov.” 
This caused Andrei to roll his eyes, turn the bottle around and playfully squirt some water at you. However, instead of it falling on your head, where he was initially aiming for, the long stream of water covered your chest. 
Oh shit.
Your mouth fell open as you shoved him backwards. “Andrei!”
Your white bodysuit, with a cut that was already low enough, was splattered all over with water, revealing your bra. 
“Um…” Andrei knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help it. He tried to open his mouth but he genuinely couldn’t get any words out. He had sneaked a peak at your chest often enough, but this was wholly different. 
“I didn’t even bring a jacket and it’s freezing in here; this will never dry.” Andrei looked at the clock above. 
“Here, come.” He mustered up the courage to grab your arm and lead you to the locker room. 
“Can I even be in here?’ you looked around, concerned. 
“It’s okay. You can have one of my jerseys.” 
Your chest perked up: “Is this your locker?” you asked, head tilted. 
Even with your chest soaking and basically completely showing through, Andrei thought you looked the most beautiful when you gave him that look. Big eyes, looking up at him, waiting for his answer. God, he really needed to get it together.
Chuckling, he answered: “Yes, this is my spot. Now put this on before you get sick.”
He saw you grab the jersey and study how big it was; as you started to get the sleeves on, he realized: here comes the word vomit again. He didn’t even think about saying it, it sorta just came out. 
“You need to take your shirt off, silly. Because you will freeze - it will not dry in the arena. It’s too cold.” He hoped the redness in his face didn’t show as he said that. He couldn’t take back what he said now.
“Well duh, but how am I going to change here? What if someone walks in?” you looked around as you said. His eyes narrowed when he noticed you were blushing too.
“I turn around and cover you. We’re in a corner, no one will see. How long could you possibly take?” he said, with a grin on his face. 
“Fine - but don’t look, okay?”
“No promises.” Andrei whispered as he turned around. 
“Nothing, nothing.” he quietly laughed. 
His body was big enough that you noticed he actually did cover you as you changed.
“Um, I’m sorry Drei, my skin is really wet. Do you have anything I can use to dry myself off?” He could sense the trembling in your voice, and he started moving frantically to find a washcloth to give you that hopefully wasn't soaked in sweat.
When he turned around to hand you the towel, he made sure to look down - he liked you, but he didn’t want to be creepy. As they say though, old habits die hard. As soon as you proceeded to wipe the damp patch of skin, he couldn’t resist but peer his eyes over. Oh. He had never seen your breasts like…this. Obviously. Even though it was just a peek, Andrei noticed the goosebumps on your skin, how soft you looked, and the lace on your white bra drove him absolutely mad. He swiftly turned around again, feeling pretty lucky that his hockey gear covered most of what was going on in his pants, and the fact that you couldn’t see the huge smile on his face. Maybe she really couldn’t tell how flustered he was. 
A little laugh made his eyebrows shoot up. 
“Drei, you’re so big.”
If he thought his heart couldn’t beat any faster, and his pants couldn’t get tighter, he was wrong. What did she just say?
She appeared in front of him - his jersey looked gigantic on her. Her stature and the fact that she was wearing his number made him want to grab her right then and there and spin her around, just to hear that giggle again. He couldn’t even see her hands because the sleeves were too long.
“See? It’s so big on me!” she said. And there it was. That look again - the smile, the eyes and the head tilt. It took all of his strength not to grab both of her cheeks and kiss her right then and there. 
“Yeah, you’re so small.” Andrei internally facepalmed. He sounded like such an idiot.
“No - you’re the huge one, Mr. Hockey player.”. 
“He sure is, aren’t you, Svechy?” 
Andrei looked up, horrified. Jarvy had walked in, right on time for that joke. Your head whipped around, your long hair wafting perfume towards Andrei. 
“Hmm?” you said. A wave of relief washed over Andrei. She hadn’t heard. But your perfume, your voice, god, you were so sweet. 
“You working the merch stand, Svech? You better make her pay for that. It's exclusive.” Seth joked around. Andrei desperately started shaking his head at him. “Stop!” he mouthed to his friend, who just got closer to you. 
“I’m Seth. You must be Y/N.” 
“How’d you know?”
“Oh, you’re Andrei’s secret friend, we all know. The whole team is excited to finally meet you, and find out why he’s kept you so hidden for so long.” 
Andrei’s gestures to make Seth stop got more and more ridiculous - he wanted to tackle his friend to the ground, he was so embarrassed. Thankfully, you couldn’t see how much he was silently freaking out behind you. 
“Oh, I’m a wanted criminal - that must be why.” Your joke made Jarvis’ head throw back with laughter. 
“She’s funny, Andrei, I like it.”
You turned around to look at him, with a slight blush and shake of your head. 
“Don’t listen to Jarvy, Y/N, he’s not all there.” And you laughed again. He was head over heels for you. Big trouble. 
“You’re one to talk. We’re starting soon, little criminal, you’re going to have to get out of here. Don’t worry Drei, you’ll see her again right after.” Seth winked.
Andrei’s face had been completely flushed for the whole day now, but this one caused a whole different shade of red. 
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“I was just leaving anyway, guys. Have a great game Andrei, and thank you for the jersey.” you said, and squeezed his arm, walking away. “Nice to meet you, Seth.”
Jarvy waved at you as you made it out of the locker room; he was staring at Andrei, who was completely still, unblinking, watching you strut away. 
“Man, you’ve got it bad.” Jarvy snarked, which made Andrei completely snap out of it, and immediately pounce on his friend. 
“You are such a dumbass, Seth!” the 6’3” player quickly trapped his teammate in a chokehold. Nevertheless, Jarvs couldn’t stop laughing. 
“Don’t ever do that again! I swear, Jarvy, you are-”
Staal’s deep voice stopped the young players. 
“Let’s go boys! Save the hype for the tunnel.”
The guys quickly composed themselves and walked towards the rest of their team, only after Andrei gave his friend one last push.
⁺ ⠀┄
The game went a lot better than he expected - he was able to think clearly and really zone in. He did see you in the seats though, right when he was getting off a shift. Why weren’t you in the boxes with the other families? All of the girls he had brought to games before had always taken the most expensive seats. And he swore he saw you with the biggest smile on your face, and were you... biting your lip? Favorably, you were sitting way behind their bench, so when Drei caved in and tried to look behind him, he was met with his coach’s face, who slowly shook his head and handed him some smelling salts. Right, right. 
⁺ ⠀┄
The team celebrated their win, their stars and their fans. Andrei was feeling really good about this one. He could, after all, play with you so close to him, and still come through for his team. All the cockiness was woefully wiped away quickly once he saw you standing outside of the locker room, against the wall, waiting for him. 
He knew he was unfortunately staring again when you said:
“Ready for our sleepover?”
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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mrchaosman · 2 months
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Arachae: Hello, and welcome to Doc-U-munch: Flying cabin, what do you need?.
Arachae: See what you helpful.
(When you buyed).
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Ohh, thanks, I'll find an use for this one.
(If your inventory is filed).
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Arachae: Sorry but your have a space limit.
(If you didn't have enough money).
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Arachae: Like I'm gonna sale it for free.
No Way.
Arachae: Well, I guess I'm open for a little chat.
(About Yourself).
Arachae: my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself, young ones.
My name is Arachae, Creepa's head butler.
When we are in our space time, we use this room as a humble and niceful little cabin.
If you want anything, just say it, you are KingsnQueens here.
(The castle's status).
Arachae: Well, everything is kicking.
U lead a strong guys to sculpturing an entire mountain for our King Creepa.
Write poems, novels and stories of his greatness.
Which is actually turned out to be a "Creeper".
To destroy millions of his cubed-made statues in a "championship" for absolutely no reason.
To bring hundreds of Box is filled with more cube-made statuies whose also been smashed.
The answer is.....
Pretty hella great.
Arachae: Katlyss?, I don't think I have heard anyone with that name...
Oh, wait, you don't mean that weird....
Ohhh, a SPECIFIC Lady went here and demanded to be the "Head of Butlerish"
I'm sorry but that person is....not here anymore.
And got beaten up by the henchmen as a result of....... throwing alot of moths around.
Please, Don't you ever mention her again.
We still cleaning up the mess she did.
(Katlyss after defeating her).
Arachae: You really beats her.
Thanks a lot.
After she stole for her "Last Attackish".
The Rox Cleaners and Rox himself told me that he saw her running in the hallway.
And she say: Yo All reallyish must be Kingish Creepa, rightish?.
May be your head Butlerish?.
Well, enough about her.
Do you want some baked cookies.
(Your look).
Arachae: Oh, my look, the heart-shaped head and the weird looking body is kinda surreal but cool, isn't it.
And to show sense of respect here, I can mimic any element from a nearby Indigner.
I used to do that to with my friend......
Well, I guess that's all I can say about that.
(The basement).
Arachae: Basement?, what basement??, I don't remember we have a one here.
Just don't worry about it.
(The basement safe).
Arachae: So that's where that sound.
This place is both a system of archive and purgatory for the creative mind of a outsigner.
So many individual ideas, encased within concept art theoretical theme.... but what If that's as far as one is to go?, to have themselves and their legacies stuck in one place? For now and forever?, or what if the opposite happens?, and you remain stuck reinventing, remaking and rehashing the same sprites and sounds?.
I actually know someone like that, after reconsidering my statement... and the smell of the western pests still lingers outside these doors. It's why Creepa never let us leave our quarters. Wouldn't want the wooden boy... although, I've interacted with him multiple occasions (and I would say that he's nice) one might even say we're friends.
Arachae: Please come back soon, take care of yourselves.
(In the Castle Town).
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Arachae: Hello there, Young ones, I have found this little cafe, and I decided to make it up, so after this long and tiring adventure, please relax and enjoy yourselves.
Hey @imaginary-regret-608, I have made it, sorry if it took alot of time, but here it is.
Hope you like it.
Arachae replaces Swatch.
Katlyss replaces Rouxls Kaard
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wip snippet ask game
was tagged by @grasslandgirl my beloved fellow mutual in long unfinished fics and a million wips <3 thank you so so much for tagging me <3333333 this is also only my fic folder bc otherwise this list would be a million times longer and it's already long enough. also stealing from sav and putting the fandom in parenthesis next to the titles. also i chose not to include the wip titles that got asked last time that i have made absolutely no progress on in the last year and two months because i have made no progress on them and have nothing new to say about them :(
“Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag people! This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!”
bad ends for hardwon & moonshine (naddpod)
marvel fic (thg)
bad kids parent issues
never tasted as sweet a poison as you have. (thg)
d20 rarepair zine original (d20, acoc)
i fought and fought hard and i should've died. (thg)
callieder fic (naddpod, c3)
i know there's something waiting for us in the light. (d20, tuc)
penny fic (d20, the seven)
die trying right now. (incryptid)
and it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an open wound. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
delly tribute au fic (thg)
fig & being a tiefling (d20, fh)
the bad kids road trip (d20, fh)
please tell me someday i'll at least be able to sleep. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
thg daemons (thg)
cashmere fic (thg)
the kind of radiance you only have at seventeen. (thg)
i spend nights stitching up the loose threads of my soul. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
patia fic (exu calamity fic)
fate is to all appearance more unavoidable than unexpected. (thg)
evil pete fic (d20, tuc)
we must be killers. (the old guard)
i can take a hit i ain't scared of the pain. (thg)
let's raise a glass to all the people you're not speaking to. (d20, aso)
everyone thinks that they're too young to die. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
pamelia fic (d20, acoc)
haymitch fic (thg)
[first house discord exchange fic] [*this is not the actual name of the doc i just needed to redact it for spoilers reasons bc i can't talk abt it yet] (tlt)
katniss sole victor au (thg)
cytherea and pro (tlt)
only code it knows is rote survival. (thg)
og lyctor secret history (tlt)
caramanda (d20, acoc)
kasya fic (d20, acoc)
my titles are so simple (unless i actually manage to name the fic before i finish it) mostly bc i have a million docs in my google drive and i want to be able to find what i want to write quickly. i say this as though half the time searching a character's name won't get me to the doc i want faster than digging through my google docs but still
tagging: @cav-core, @dubiousfruitsalad, @browncesario, @aberfaeth, @nakdraws, @thelongestwalk, and anyone else who wants to do it (this means you who is reading this) <3333 also if i tagged you and you don't want to do it do NOT feel obligated mwah love u <33333
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novacqnes · 1 year
hi it’s me, i’m back (blue moon pt 2 asker hehehe)… since we’re all so invested now, may i suggest another continuation that u can absolutely ignore if you’d like! but what about one where lupe convinces her to come over to the house to have dinner with the peaches/introduces her as a friend and somewhere in the night they get frisky and jess walks in on them and ms holiday is gobsmacked and they find out jess knew the whole time bc she walked in on them in the locker room as well…….. my brain is running a million miles an hour and it’s all because of your brilliance
just friends // lupe garcia
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warning: very very brief smut, like extremely brief, so brief idk if it’s even smut, and a tiny bit of angst
pairing: lupe garcia x fem reader
a/n: hello again thank you for the request, it took me a while but i hope you enjoy :)
“remind me again why i agreed to this?”
you shifted anxiously from one foot to the other as you stood in front of the peach residence. nausea built in your stomach the longer you waited by the door, too nervous to open it. lupe did her best to maintain her distance, for today you were her friend and she needed the other peaches to believe it. 
“because you love me?” she smirked, her tone was playful, but you could sense a similar apprehension in her voice too. she’d been caught one too many times sneaking out of her room at ungodly hours of the night to meet you— but no one could know that. in order to deter any future troubles she promised the peaches that they’d be able to meet the voice that kept her running back to the bar at 2:00 am. 
“do any of them know— about us?” you asked in a hushed whisper.
“they don’t have a clue.”
discreetly she took your hands in the front palms of hers, offering you the slightest bit of comfort. she wanted to touch you, and reassure you that everything would be fine but it was simply too dangerous. tonight there would be eyes everywhere so she had to settle for smaller gestures. 
but the thought alone seemed to make you uneasy. you didn’t know these girls, and the unpredictability that came with tonight made it even worse. all you had to go on was lupe’s words which didn’t give you the best impression but you had to remember who you were doing it for.
“hey, look at me, they’re gonna love you. and i promise after it’s done we can go back to your place,” she cooed, trailing fingers along the back of your arm. voices from inside the house grew louder as they neared the door. you took a deep breath, jerking your arm back as the door swung open.
sergeant beverly greeted you first with a firm hand, she led you into the house introducing you to the rest of the peaches. 
“girls this is y/n, lupe’s—
“friend, she’s my friend.” lupe blurted, drawing amused looks from a few girls, which put you on edge. but nevertheless you pushed the doubt aside, allowing a bright smile to form on your lips. you needed to play the part of lupe’s doting “friend.”
greta spoke first, “how’d you guys meet?” her perfume practically radiated off of her as she approached, cheerfully outstretching her hand towards you. 
“at a bar a few months ago, after her show, she offered me a free drink and we’ve been attached ever since.” 
you nodded along with lupe’s words, careful not to show your irritation. it was hardly a story, more so a dumbed-down version of your first meeting jammed into a few words. 
however, the peaches including beverly seemed to eat it up except for one blonde hair girl whose eyes lingered on you. her hair was pulled back into a braid, and a cigarette was placed in between her lips. her gaze was unwavering and with each passing second, it felt like she was decoding your lie piece by piece. 
after a few minutes of conversing with the rest of the peaches, they filed into the kitchen for dinner, putting an end to the dozens of questions. but before lupe could join them you tugged on her arm, pulling her back towards you.
“what are you do—“
“who’s that blonde girl? the one with the braid?” you whispered, eyes darting around to ensure that you were alone. 
her brows furrowed in confusion, “jess, why what’s up?”
“i don’t think she likes me.”
there was a hint of sadness in your voice that she noted. despite your adamance you wanted to be liked by the team. and jess’s reluctance to accept— or even great you, bothered you much more than you wanted to admit. 
“don’t worry about her, alright? she’s a softie once you get to know her.” she pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, ambling into the kitchen as you followed along, unable to stop thinking about jess.
the dinner continued on and the peaches were fully on board with your friendship. it felt nice to be surrounded by women who were so fiercely protective of one another. however jess’s piercing blue eyes continuously found their way back to you, and you were unsure if it meant she was warming up to your presence or the complete opposite. nevertheless, the dinner ended peacefully and you and lu were finally able to sneak away. 
“you sure this is safe?” you mumbled in between heated kisses. lupe’s lips were soft, and they felt even better in the comfort of her own room. the entire place smelt like cinnamon which she adamantly denied was because of her, but it only got stronger as you neared the bed. 
“esti’s out with jess, they won’t be back for hours,” she whispered breathily, her hands traveling down to your waist. with a slight push you fell back against the bed, lupe along with you. she moved from your lips to your chest, kissing the soft skin with the utmost fervor. as they grew more intense desire stirred between your legs and you ached for her. 
in hindsight it wasn’t the best idea, you knew that and so did she but by no means did you stop. instead, you pulled your top off to give her better access, allowing lupe to further continue her pursuit, slipping a hand into your skirt. 
“lu…..” you moaned softly, running your fingers through her curls. she adored the way her name fell from your lips, almost like a chant, and it made her disregard the noises that were steadily nearing the door. the pad of her finger circled along your clit applying more pressure as you squirm underneath her. however, your cries didn’t go unnoticed. 
“could you guys be any louder?”
lupe shot up, instinctively covering your body from the voice. you rushed to put your shirt on, eyes darting away from the door where the person stood. 
lupe stammered, “shit— jess we—“
“can’t keep your hands off each other?”
there was a certain playfulness to her tone that puzzled the both of you. you expected a gasp, maybe even a scream but she didn’t look shocked in the slightest bit— her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned in the doorway, holding back a smirk.
“are you laughing?” you sputtered, clutching lupe’s hand as your entire face began to heat up— how was she so calm? catching two women half-naked in bed was quite the story, it was a wonder that the whole house was informed already. you whipped your face towards lu however she didn’t share your same confusion, if anything she looked embarrassed. 
“i don’t understand, did you tell her?”
“of course not.”
jess burst out into a fit of giggles, clutching onto her stomach as the both of you watched, perplexed. she sauntered towards you, taking a seat on esti’s bed as she pulled out a cigarette. 
“either of you got a lighter?” she asked, sticking one end into the side of her mouth. lupe reached into her pocket tossing her a blue one. yet this just seemed to confuse you even more, why was she prolonging this? it made your stomach turn with nausea but all you could do was sit there, stunned.
“that friend's story you gave us was bullshit.” she took a long drag of her smoke, allowing it to permeate the room as you squeezed lupe even harder. blood slowly drained from your face leaving you feeling colder than ever. your entire future laid in the hands of a woman you barely knew.
lupe retorted, “it wasn’t that bad—“ 
“no it was bad, but the rest of the girls bought it so don’t worry.”
she shot you a kind smile, quickly taking note of your apprehension. your knee began to bounce rapidly, drawing a loud creaking noise from the bed. lupe brought a hand to it, soothingly brushing her thumb against it to calm you. 
which worked temporarily but it simply couldn’t tame the hundreds of worrying thoughts plaguing your mind. every moment you’d spent together was now under one large microscope. from your first interaction at the bar to the dozens of secret meetings at your house, you couldn’t stop obsessing over every minuscule detail, regardless of how insignificant. 
“it wasn’t just the story, right?” you blurted.
“no, i already knew before but “friend thing” just kinda confirmed it.”
she took another drag of her cigarette leaning forward as she grinned at the both of you, not an ounce of malice present in her eyes. and you couldn’t help but find yourself beginning to trust her. 
“uh a couple of weeks ago, our game against the blue sox? i went back into the locker room to get something but found you guys instead,” she chuckled, drawing dazed looks from both you and lupe. lu’s face turned a dark shade and yours abashed. the lustful memory was still fresh in your mind, yet neither of you had noticed or even heard a third person anywhere near the room. 
lupe asked, “why didn’t you say anything?” 
“seemed like you two were having….. an intense moment, didn’t wanna be the one to ruin it.”
you breathed a sigh of relief, jess’s words lifted a tremendous weight that slowly began to crush you. not only did she know but she accepted you. and it was a feeling you weren’t entirely used to. you’d only ever felt true safety with a select few people because the side you treasured most, the one lupe got to see was shunned and villainized by society. but with jess, there wasn’t any shame or judgment. 
“jesus kid, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she teased. lupe turned her attention towards you, your eyes were glassy and distant. she ran a hand up your thigh, slowly pulling you back toward reality. 
“you’re not going to say anything?” 
she took one last deep inhale, slipping lupe’s lighter into her pocket before making her way back towards the door. her blue eyes briefly met yours and for a moment you knew exactly why.
“we’ve gotta look out for one another, your secret is safe with me, y/n,” she spoke softly, bidding you both goodbye as she left.
for a while, you both sat in peaceful silence. you were grateful for jess, and her words struck you deeper than you ever could’ve imagined. she was more than willing to protect your relationship, despite the damage that would come to the team if it was ever revealed. 
warmly, you turned towards lupe, brushing a strand of black hair from her face, “did you know that she was—“
“queer? yeah, we used to go to the clubs together, but i haven't since we started dating.”
the thought lingered on your mind, a place where you and lupe could simply exist, free from judgment and the dull paint of your small apartment. it sounded almost too good to be true. 
“we could go, you know?” she whispered, her lips perking up into a gentle smile.
“to the club?”
“mhm, you could even sing there if you’d like- we wouldn’t have to hide.” you fought the urge to look at her doe eyes, but within a matter of seconds, you found your way back to them. and the decision was already made. 
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beauleifu · 2 years
I'll do a backflip if u write more syntax x reader content
do it now
i got an idea for this one so i'll answer it first CONSIDERING we're at the tail end of thanksgiving break. Also i am sick too and its easier to write about things that derive from personal experience. HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING BTW (to those who celebrate ig)
anyways, pretty long 3k oneshot, pretty fluffy, enjoy!
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: You wake up with a fever and Syntax feels obliged to take care of you, despite you being a very disagreeable sick baby. Curse him and his affection for you.
TW: Language, mentions of sick
He thought you'd gone to work.
Well, he never checked to see if you'd left or not.
To be fair, Syntax never ventures into your sleeping chambers very often, if only to retrieve or return a book that caught his interest. Respect is high on his list of values.
The spider demon has your work schedule practically memorized by now, so he's content with the knowledge that you left at precisely 8:30 a.m. to be at work by 9:00. However, he does find it a little disheartening to find that you'd neglected to leave a note for him. You rarely do this, but it lights a warm fire in his soul whenever you do (don't ask why, Syntax is the worst at figuring out his own emotions).
Currently, he's on the couch reading a psychology textbook you forgot to return back in your college run.
Amusement tugs Syntax's lips upwards.
Yes, he knows the book was rented. Upon taking a quick peek at your e-mail inbox, he discovered a number of warnings to return the damn thing before your account was charged.
But Syntax found no record of your account in the logs.
He reminds himself to ask you about that later, but it's probably due to you graduating and someone deleting your account to save room. The requests died off a few months ago as the store decided to give up, anyways (he ignores the streak of guilt at his snooping. It's for your own good).
Ah-heh. . . .
There's a lot of things he does 'for your own good'. Things you probably wouldn't file into the same category, unfortunately.
Lazily shifting around to look at the clock, Syntax frowns and tries to decide when is the safest time to visit his Queen's old lair. Sure it's destroyed, but he's found plenty of useful equipment to fuel his creations, which are currently scattered on the coffee table.
Green eyes flicking wide open at the sudden intrusive blaring, Syntax jumps to his feet and whips around.
There, in the kitchen, is your phone.
Your phone??
It continues to ring incessantly, making Syntax's lip curl with discomfort. Muttering to himself, he marks his page in the textbook and makes his way around the couch to retrieve the phone. Curiosity and apprehension flare up at the name on the screen: 'Jasper (Work)'.
Jasper must be your manager. Syntax faintly remembers you bringing him up on occasion. A complaint at best, threats to quit at worst.
Syntax hesitates slightly before answering the call. Why did you leave your phone here?
"Who's this?" Is the immediate reply, host to a deep and irritable tone of voice.
Syntax obviously can't introduce himself honestly. Millions of excuses and impromptu pseudonyms flood the spider demon's mind as he tries to come up with the best disguise that you might approve of (Bob? Not in a million years). His eyes slide over the textbook lying face-up on the table, sharp green eyes flitting wildly over the pages.
Eventually, Syntax decides that his conflicted (not panicked, not panicked) silence has stretched out long enough.
"Ah, apologies. This is . . . Maverick?"
Thank the stars for his quick reading skills and your willingness to let him borrow your books.
Your manager sounds surprised. "This is (Y/N)'s phone, yes?"
"Where are they, then?"
Panic turns to suspicion, which promptly dissolves in a pit of worry. The dots connect and Syntax feels like he already knows the answer before the words tumble out of his mouth. "What do you mean? Are they not at work?"
It's almost mid-day. You would be taking your lunch break in an hour.
Jasper sighs tiresomely. "No. I know they have a habit of turning up late on Fridays but this is just unnacceptable. What are you doing with their phone?"
"It's . . . I mean . . ."
Syntax finds himself pacing.
To speak honestly or not to speak honestly, that is the question. Should he reveal that he's living in your apartment? That you left your phone in the kitchen-
Hold the cable.
You'd never forget your phone, it's your only means of transport (oh, yeah, he knows your habit of using the GPS for even the simplest of directions no matter how hard you try to hide it). So the only possible explanation for finding it still in the apartment would be because you hadn't even left in the first place.
"Can I put you on hold for just a moment?" Syntax asks, biting his lip anxiously.
Jasper sounds thoroughly confused. "Uh . . . sure."
"Much obliged."
With that, Syntax puts his speaker on mute and lowers the phone, taking wide and purposeful steps down the hallway. Your door is closed with not a sign of life noticeable through the cracks. But suddenly, the thought of finding you still in bed is more worrisome to Syntax than finding your room vacant. He can find you easily no matter where you are in the city whether you have your phone or not (he might've instilled a tracking device into that favorite piece of jewelry/clothing you always wear when going out. Once again, for your own damn good). The problem arises in discovering you haven't yet gotten out of bed to eat, drink water, or do anything productive.
So he's been stalling for a good two minutes at your bedroom door thinking of all the worst ways to discover your body.
Something twists his gut, makes him hesitate to raise his hand for a soft knocking on your door. Unfortunately, the pressure of having your manager on the phone forces Syntax to ignore his thoughts.
"(Y/N)?" He asks, softly at first.
Well damn, there's no way you could've heard that.
He raps his knuckles on the door with a tad more impact, disliking the empty way it reverbs off the hallway. Syntax doesn't like a quiet apartment, he's much more used to (and much prefers) the life in which your fill it with. He'd never admit that aloud, though. "(Y/N), are you in there?"
Silence meets his question. It feels like a stab to the foot. A metaphorical one, but the pain is there and unrelenting.
Syntax finds himself biting his lip.
Your safety must come before his flight instincts. He needs to make sure you're okay.
". . . I'm coming in, all right?"
The doorknob is cold to the touch as Syntax twists and pushes the door gently open - slowly, so you could voice any oppositions. But none reach his ears and he's allowed to open the door all the way. It hits the wall with a soft bump.
Syntax doesn't need to look very closely to determine your likely whereabouts.
The sad lump under the bundle of blankets tells him enough.
Oh dear.
"(Y/N)?" He calls, hand gripping the door frame somewhat tightly. The room is quiet and cold, sending a chill down Syntax's spine as he observes your form.
You suddenly shift - faintly at first, but then the sound of coughing reaches the spider demon's ears.
That sounds really bad.
Rough and moist and rattling and definitely painful. It's even painful to hear.
Syntax blinks, eyes going wide with surprise. Slowly, he raise the phone again, unmutes the speaker, and holds it close to his ear. "Are you still there?"
A pause. Then; "Yeah. What's the problem?"
"(Y/N) is sick."
An even longer pause. One that allows Syntax enough time to shuffle around your bed to try and pick out any part of your body that isn't coddled by the blankets. No such luck, though, and the scientist is mildly put-off by your isolation.
You must've tried to muffle the sounds of your illness by burying yourself within the blankets.
Had your manager not called, Syntax never would've known.
The thought is . . . uncomfortable.
At that moment, Jasper finally decides to speak up. "Whaddya mean, they're sick? They should've called and told me so I can assign someone to take over their shift! Now we're falling behind!"
Irritation worms its way into Syntax stomach where it boils angrily. It doesn't seem like Jasper cares enough about your health. You'd failed to call because you left your phone in the kitchen last night. Based on how sickly you sound, there's no way you'd bother walking all that way just to call off work (come to think of it, you didn't sound too well last night, either. You hardly talked at all).
"Sir, I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll try to have them back at work within the next few days, I-"
Sure, Syntax may care about your health.
But how the hell is he supposed to fix you up?? He's not the nurse in the house - that's your job!
For a moment he just stares at the blankets, completely short circuiting. It goes on like this for so long that Jasper clears his throat; "You good?"
Syntax's brow furrows, anxiety making him fidget with his sleeve.
Well, he's not the only thorn in the thicket, thank goodness. Taking a deep, determined breath through his nose, the spider demon clears his throat with much pizazz and swallows his dignity. "Yes, I'm all right. But your employee is not. I was . . . wondering. Um. Do you have any reccomended diagnosis for them?"
"(Y/N) coming down with the flu is news to me, how would I know what to give them?" Your manager grunts, then his voice suddenly lifts with the air of one pointing fingers. "Maybe you should take them to see a doctor if you don't know what to do."
Hhhhh. Well, there's no way Syntax can do that. Not even as you erupt into another fit of coughing, the sound tugging at his heartstrings. Simply put, Syntax is torn.
Science is easy. It has codes and tricks and programs that literally work as free serotonin.
People, however.
They are problematic and difficult to understand.
Sick people are no different.
But of course, like the stubborn man he is, Syntax denies the option to seek external assistance. "No, no, I can handle this myself. I'm not a complete healing novice."
"Huh. Okay. . . . Have them call me back when they feel up to it," Jasper adds with a hint of stiff suspicion. Syntax knows exactly why. Having a stranger answer his employee's phone definitely raises red flags. "I want them to personally let me know when they can return to work again."
"Will do. Goodbye."
After hanging up, the spider demon spends another good minute just staring at you.
Or, well, at the blankets.
Should he wake you up? How much sleep do you need?
He runs a stiff hand through his hair, teeth gritted despite himself as he deposits your phone by the bedside table. If his calculations are correct, you haven't gotten up to get a drink of water all morning. Neither have you gotten a bite to eat. Considering it's almost 1 p.m., that gives rise to concern. Plus, the room smells funny. A nasty kind of funny.
This is what has him crouching by your bed, hands clasped above his knees. "(Y/N)?"
Biting his lip, he reaches forward and gently pokes where he think your shoulder is. What he feels, though, is probably your head.
Oh. You must be curled in on yourself.
Warmth and pity fight for dominance in his heart. Once again he prods you with a finger, reaffirming his belief that it's your head he's bothering. After a third attempt, you shift, and he stops.
You cough a few more times, the sound followed by a hoarse, rattling inhale of air. It's expelled slowly thereafter.
"(Y/N), are you awake?"
" . . . Hm?"
Syntax smiles slightly at the familiar sound of your voice, even though currently you sound strangled.
"Ah. There you are," the spider demon hums, resting his hand on the edge of your bed rather than on any part of you. "I'll get you a drink of water, all right?"
Silence. Syntax frowns before standing up to leave.
So you're sick. And from the sound of it, you've got it bad. What is a guy like Syntax supposed to do about that? Wrap you in bandages? Prescribe you some medicine? Take you to the doctor like a sane and smart individual? (Unlikely. He's much too prideful for that)
The one thing he can do safely and without consequence is to fetch you a cup of water, so he does just that.
When he returns, you're sitting hunched on the bed.
You're rubbing your eyes when he comes 'round with the cup in hand, and you don't even look up as he stands over you. Syntax has to clear his throat to get your attention.
"Here you go."
Gingerly, you take the cup. Syntax notices the subtle shake of your hands, which only makes his brow furrow.
He's almost about to ask you about it when suddenly, you're pointing somewhere behind him. Confusion stirs his depths, and he glances over his shoulder. "You want me to look away?"
"Tylenol," you murmur, voice raspy and quiet. "Bathroom."
"I'll be right back," says Syntax, watching you carefully for a second before departing. There's something off about the look in your eyes. The lack of focus, maybe. Perhaps it's because you just woke up. Perhaps it's because you're really ill-
He quickly takes his leave, entering the bathroom and flicking the light on. A quick glance around and all of its secrets are coming undone. From the look of it, you've gone in here to blow your nose multiple times (the trashcan is overflowing with tissue paper); you've thrown up in the toilet (it smells god-awful in here - that's why it smelled funny); and you've attempted to treat the pain yourself (bottles of pills lie popped open by the sink). All Syntax can do is hope that your nursing instincts kicked in at the last moment and you steered clear of an overdosage.
After flushing the toilet, he peers into the other room, eyes on you. "When did you take these last?" Syntax asks, shaking the Tylenol bottle. It says every 8 hours. He just wants to make sure.
You suck on your bottom lip, dull eyes on the bedsheets.
You hold up eight fingers.
Relief washes over the spider demon, and he divvies out two pills. "All right."
With that, he heads over, pulling up a chair to sit by the bed. When he hands you the pills, you nod silently, popping them in your mouth and taking the water with it. Silence fills the room. Normally Syntax would find it uncomfortable, but right now he's trying to figure out what to make you for lunch.
Suddenly, you look away, face buried in your arm as you let out a few coughs. Then you look back, eyes slightly bloodshot from congestion and lack of air. "Thngks."
"You're supposed to be at work, you know," Syntax reminds you gently. Stars, you sound terrible.
You shift at that, sniffing wetly. "Wha . . ."
Coughs wrack your body, sending you into a fit of trembling that only panic could ensue.
Oh, you're worried about missing your shift and angering your manager? He can't have that.
"Don't worry about it," Syntax reassures, tempted to rub your knee to soothe you. "He called me ten minutes ago and I told him I'd take care of you. Just . . . call him back later and let him know when you feel better."
You nod slowly, temporarily mollified from your excitement. But then your eyes slide to the bedside table and a hand reaches out to retrieve your phone.
Syntax is faster. "Ah ah ah, I said later," he says sternly.
Your bottom lip juts out in a pout. The spider demon suddenly quite likes this docile version of you.
Maybe sick people are different.
"Time," you grunt, glaring halfheartedly at Syntax from over the glass of water. It seems as though you really are parched, which relieves the spider demon.
So he's doing something right. Good.
"One . . . ah, one twenty," Syntax answers, one leg bouncing on the ground.
You groan hoarsely. "My boss is gonna- cough! - kill me."
"Doubtful. However, you're not quite safe from my wrath," Syntax says, regarding you carefully through narrowed eyes. Like you were a rare specimen that had a bad case of annoying people. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling all right?"
"Not one for words? Cat got your tongue?"
You glare again, leaning away from the spider demon who returns your look equally. "Throat hurt."
Syntax scoffs. "That's no excuse."
"I-" Whatever explanation (excuse, in Syntax's opinion) you had in mind to say is halted by you suddenly freezing up, finger suspended mid-air. Nose-wrinkled, posture stiff, you wait for the inevitable. But no sneeze comes, and Syntax can't help a smirk at how silly you look. Recovering quickly, you expel a bout of air and sniff; "I thought it was temporary."
Hmm. Your voice does sound strained. Perhaps it would be wise not to encourage you to talk.
"Fair enough," the scientist sighs, and you glance at him in surprise. But he merely locks eyes with you boredly. "Would you like something to eat?"
"Just nod or shake your head."
You sit and ponder at the blankets for a good minute.
In the end, you reward the spider demon with a grudging nod. "Just- lemme get dressed."
Inclined to stand up as you throw the blankets off, Syntax pries his eyes from your features to inspect your outfit. Comfortable clothes might make it easier for you.
"You look fine."
"I look. Unprofessional," you sniff.
He waits for you to stand. But when all you do is stare at your crossed legs in mild surprise, Syntax comes to an obvious conclusion.
You're sick.
Walking should not be one of your chores.
"I . . . I can carry you," says Syntax all of the sudden, as though the idea were a brilliant discovery that should've been obvious. Flowers blossom within his chest at the thoughts summoned to mind. But his eyes are bright, fixing on your face with a determined spark.
You recoil, face scrunching up. For a moment Syntax fears the idea disgusts you but the scrunched face was only in preparation for a loud sneeze.
Your face promptly vanishes within the blankets.
He waits for you to resurface.
In a moment, you do, thoroughly dazed but adamant about refusing Syntax's offer. "No."
The scientist is starting to smile. "I'll carry you. Why not?"
"Gotta get dressed. 'M heavy. You're nerd boy," you say, along with a raspy stream of similar retorts that eat away at Syntax's pride. Nerd boy?
All right.
Time to put his metaphorical foot down. Which hurts, since it's already been metaphorically stabbed.
"Enough. We've got no time for your shenanigans, not this time. I know you'll eat anything I cook for you and I also know you're severely unwilling to give up those clothes," says Syntax firmly, gesturing to your pajamas. You clutch them protectively, but the look in your eyes suggests a more insulted mindset. Syntax allows himself a soft, warm smile and extends his hand. The one with your phone in it.
"Let me take care of you."
Your eyes are pretty, yes, but also milky with the flu as they slide down to consider his offer.
He waits.
You suck on your lower lip with indecision, and his eyes flick down before darting back up. Then, after you let out a small sigh, two arms are extended, one taking the phone. "Fine."
"You are tired," Syntax murmurs. You merely dip your head down.
He wastes not another moment. Bending over, Syntax slips one arm under your legs and the other under your arms. You're suddenly lifted into the air, and the weightless feel of it has you clutching the front of Syntax's shirt, eyes going wide. Upon hearing your sharp intake of breath, Syntax glances down at you with a concerned frown.
"Ah . . . you're not going to be sick, are you?"
Lips pressed tightly together, you shake your head. Without a word, you let your head thump lightly against the spider demon's collarbone, but your fingers stay curled around the fistful of shirt you've collected.
Syntax allows himself to feel relieved. Vomit is not a suitable addition to his attire.
Besides, it stinks.
He adjusts his hold on you before heading out, thinking of the many possibilities for lunch. Casserole? Perhaps something easier on your stomach.
Oh stars, toast was literally Syntax's go-to for everything before he met you.
That, and granola bars. And junk food.
He sets you on the couch carefully, head swiveling around in search of the TV remote. But when you jerk uncomfortable, a hand shooting under your leg, Syntax looks down to find you whipping the remote out from underneath you.
You're squinting at him, as though you think he'd done that on purpose. Syntax merely holds his hands up in surrender.
"I didn't."
Shrugging in response, you turn the TV on.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. You seem content to keep quiet. "I'll make you some toast, yes?"
Another shrug.
"Is there something wrong?"
His eyes snap south to find you holding up a finger. Your face is scrunched up yet again, and Syntax can do absolutely nothing to stop the smile that spawns on his features as your head is thrown forwards in another sneeze.
He chuckles, materializing a hankie. Well, not really. His pocket.
"Here. That was a big one, wasn't it?"
You give him the evil eye, snatching the handkerchief. "'M not talking to you."
"You just did."
"Starting now, asshole."
"Stars, (Y/N), you're sick. Can't you spare the effort to add insults?" Syntax asks exasperatedly, taking the hankie back after you blow. Ergh . . . he'll have to wash that.
You merely glare at him and jut a thumb to the kitchen. "Toast."
Eyes narrowing, Syntax meets your gaze. Perhaps he should just blame the flu and not subject you to anything.
"F i n e."
And to think he felt bad for you.
No, no, this is going to be a nightmare. Maybe.
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crescencestudio · 1 year
hullo! i love alaris (kuna’a🤭), and i love your art! your art is so amazing, i know you’ve probably been told this a million times but like i literally cannot draw to save my life, and your art is just-mwah😌💅 no matter who you draw, from your game or a different game, it’s always so pretty!❤️
anyways, do you have any game recommendations? it can be any type of game, on any platform :) i’m kinda desperate rn. i’m looking for games that i can consume and still want more lmao
hi anon!!! thank you so much that is so!!! sweet of you!!!! 😭😭 i appreciate that so much. ik artists shouldn’t put too much weight on external validation (and obvi u as a creative always have worth no matter the external validation u receive) but i would be lying if i said i wasn’t a bitch for compliments 🥹🥹🥹 i always cherish them so thank you 🫰🏼✨
game recommendations!! i’m honestly a bad gamer so my recommendations might be basic and i’m thinking of these at the top of my head so i might forget a lot but these are some of my faves:
completed pc indie visual novels
our life @gb-patch
blooming panic @robobarbie
cinderella phenomenon @dicesuki
changeling @steamberrystudio
second reproduction ((this one is so old but it was my fave for so long and i still think of it fondly to this day. i think it’s japanese but got a fan translation? idk. i found it on @englishotomegames)
console visual novels
arcana (mobile game—my hyperfixation on this one was scary i was obsessed)
ai: somnium files (SOOO GOOD my current hyperfixation i’m obsessed)
collar x malice
storm lover kai (psp. has english patch you can emulate it)
tokimeki memorial girls side 3rd story (one of my faves ever. inspired free time mechanic in alaris. ds i think?? has english patch i emulated it)
rune factory 4
story of seasons: trio of towns
other games
cult of the lamb
kingdom hearts 2 (technically u should play kh1 ig but the mechanics r so 💀)
persona 5 (one of fave games ever)
stardew valley (download mods and u can sink hundreds of hours into this game)
wip indie games
infinite blue: scavenger hunt (demo version, mobile app) @velvetfoxgames
obscura @rottenraccoons
peachleaf valley
the good people @moiraimyths
games i want to play but haven’t
house in fata morgana
hollow knight
13 sentinels
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lesbesapphic · 2 years
so my favorite series of yours is the gold rush AU, and I always wondered how nat would approach reader about wanda joining them (before the contract is broken)? from chapter 2 u kinda hint at wanda starting to be part of the relationship, but i always wondered how long it would take until she was fully part of the dynamic.
hope you are doing well 💕
Thank you for the ask and i hope you are doing well as well! 💖
Gold Rush
A WandaNat AU
Warning - none just you and Natasha being fluffy. And Wanda being mean to Natasha as usual.
Buy me a coffee (if you all wish to support me 💖)
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So as we already know that Natasha (and Wanda later in series) are really really particular about communicating about feelings and insecurities to avoid any sort of problems later. Communication is the key for their relationship.
So after the first time it happened. Natasha decided to call you in her office after your college. You weren't sure why Natasha was calling you there but didn't think much of it, quickly racking your brain for any kind of trouble Natasha found out about, when none you stopped worrying.
Natasha had thought she would give you sometimes to sort out your feelings about that night before approaching the subject. Wanda and her had discussed already about how Wanda wanted to take things further with you. Natasha had no problem since it was clear that she liked both of you.
You barged inside Natasha's office and saw her reading over some paperwork while leaning against her desk, "Fuck! Sorry!" You blurted out realising how you had just barged in despite Natasha warning you several times to not to. One time you even barged in on Natasha and Wanda about to get hot. Though you wouldn't deny how much you loved being a little cockblocker to them. Literally. Since Natasha was packing that day.
Natasha raised an eyebrow at your F-bomb, she had half the mind to bend you over but decided to let go since there was a bigger matter to discuss. "You are lucky that we have something important to discuss otherwise you would be bending over this desk." Natasha tapped the desk with the file in hand for emphasis and you gave her a sheepish smile before closing the door behind you, your heart racing at what important thing could it be. Were they planning to end the contract? The file in Natasha's hand didn't help your anxiety either and you felt your hands getting cold like you were losing feel in it.
"Sorry, Mommy." You whispered but loud enough for her to hear, Natasha must have noticed the change in your demeanor as her eyebrows furrowed in worry, "I thought one is supposed to be happy getting off punishment." Natasha pointed out playfully and you gave her a light smile as you approached her.
"What do you want to discuss?" You asked and Natasha sighed, pulling you closer by your arm and engulfed you in a hug, instantly you melt into her arm, the smell of her perfume feeling your senses. "Just so you know I am not letting you go." She ran her hand through your hair as you leaned into her chest, relief falling on you, hearing her utter those words. "But.."
Your heart raced and you looked up at her in somewhat fear and worry, "If you barge in my office like that again.." A playful smile formed on Natasha's lips and you gave her an angry look, "You are so mean!" You raised your hand to slap Natasha's arm but she grabbed it instead, "I am mean?" Natasha asked in fake disbelief and you nodded quickly in answer.
"The same woman has told you a million time to not barge in? The same woman who isn't coloring your ass red right now?" Natasha asked her expression still of fake disbelief and you couldn't help but laugh and nodded, curious of what she would say next. "Fine then. Desperate times call for desperate measures." You watched the expression of seriousness falling on her face before feeling her legs wrapped around you, keeping you in between them and locking your position. Her fingers started digging into your sides as she started tickling you.
"N-No oh! Stop! Please!" You begged trying to wiggle out her grip but no use as she continued her merciless assault, her laughter echoed around the office along with yours as you begged her to stop. "Please mommy! I had too much water! I-I will pee!" You cried out trying to push her hands away but to no avail.
"Sure. Go ahead. I don't mind. Since i am oh so mean." Natasha didn't take you seriously as she continued, You could feel tears coming out of your eyes as you moved around in her grip to dodge her , "I am sorry. I-I am m-mean! You are so nice!" You begged again adding please, too out of breath to even speak now as Natasha finally stopped with a satisfied grin. "Good Kitten."
You pouted as you tried catching your breath and stepped back when she let you go, you wanted to call her mean again but refrained after the tickle attack you had gotten. You should probably get Wanda on your side to get back on Natasha. You made a mental note for that as Natasha picked up another file on the edge of the desk.
"I wanted to talk to you about Wanda." Natasha begin and you nodded slowly, waiting for her to continue, "She wants to be added in the contract." You smiled softly, happy that it wasn't something bad, even though you were scared to come here, it was worth it. "She will be giving you a separate allowance and the contract is pretty much the same as what I have with you. Though there might be some extra rules she would want you to follow. Everything is in the file that she would give you..only if you want her to become a part of this." Natasha completed and watched you with careful eyes to asses your reaction.
You didn't know what to really say, you clearly liked what was going on with Wanda though you didn't think she would want an actual contract, a part of you didn't like recieving money from her as well. That is something you plan to discuss with her later, "Sure." You watched as Natasha's face looked at ease now and felt like getting back at her, "But..I want our contract to resolve."
"What?" Natasha asked, she expected anything but that coming from you, her face paled a little as different scenarios went through her head until you started laughing and at first she didn't get it but when she got what you were doing she lurched forward to grab you but you ran away, "Y/N, Get back!"
You laughed at Natasha, "Sorry, Mommy!" You were anything but sorry as you ran to the door, jumping back in panic when it opened with force you jumped back in panic as Wanda walked in, glasses over her head and focused on her phone.
Natasha groaned behind you, "What is up with people barging in in my office?!" Natasha asked in frustration and Wand looked up, a smile forming on her lips instantly when she saw you before turning to Natasha holding up a middle finger, ignoring Natasha's muttering under her breath.
In that moment you were sure that this is what you wanted. Though the voice in your head wished if it was without a legal contract binding it.
Hope you are satisfied by it. Thank you for the request.
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kkeropui · 1 year
୨୧ LUCKY ONE ! chapter four: i’m leaving
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and with that, jay could only put his phone down and look into the mirror he owned that conveniently hung on the wall next to him.
“am i scary?” he mutters to himself in confusion while he observes his facial features. “maybe i am.”
so he spends a few minutes that turned into hours of attempting to find the right smile that didn’t look too scary or weird. getting bored and frustrated, he opens tiktok and sees his for you page filled with ways to get someone to take interest in you and boy did he take interest in those.
and in the very next day, jay waltzes into class with a silly grin pointed right. at. you.
“hi, yn!” having not ever had a single proper conversation with the man himself, you could only stare at him agape while a million thoughts race through your mind. just who was this man? because this was not the same jay who looked like he wanted to murder anyone who decided to make a single noise in a silent room.
“could you help me give these files to mrs shin while i carry the box?”
“uh sure.”
if future you went back in time to tell you that you’d be walking alone with jay himself you would be laughing at her. well look at you now! ... walking ... with jay !!!!
unbeknownst to you however.. jay was sweating buttcheeks raking his mind on what he could talk to you about. think !!!! THINK !!!!!
“so uhh yn! heard you lost your wallet the other day, have you found it yet?”
“ohh i did actually! well i mean.. not me but heeseung! he passed it to me the other day.... and left me a 50 dollar bill in it too because i had no money heh. that was sweet of him.”
heeseung ?????
“i can do better than that.” would it be weird for him to jump out the next open window he sees?
no going back now
“i said i could do better than... him.”
and you laugh while his heart makes backflips and the sound of your laughter.
“what do you mean?”
“oh you’ll see.”
reaching the teacher’s room and mrs shin’s table, you and jay place the items neatly on her desk.
“you are actually more friendly than i thought.”
“what do you me-”
“hey, yn!” and both you and jay’s ears peak up with the mention of your name. jake sim being the owner of said voice.
“hi jake!” you giggle.
“pleasant seeing you here, saw the physics class schedule, we have an upcoming project together!”
and that only starts a conversation between the two of you that lasted approximately two minutes before getting interrupted by the ringing of the school bell, signifying the start of classes.
“oh! looks like we have to go back to class!”
lo and behold there stood jay who stared at jake like he wanted to behead him there and then except, jake wasn’t gonna back down.
and if future you went back in time to tell you that you’d be walking with thee jay park and jake sim back to class, you’d laugh at her.
୨୧ masterlist – ୨୧ chapter five – back to chapter three
SUMMARY ! you hated high school, oh with a burning passion. it was totally unbearable to be somewhere you felt as if you didn't belong, but who knew your existence itself could lead to the school's top student, star athlete, class president and sweetheart to fall head over heels for you. maybe these guys would make your time at school bearable ... or maybe not.
a/n ! HI ALL !!! so so so so sorry for the late late update but i’ve been busy with work and i have to start applying for college soon #THEGRINDNEVERSTOPS !!!! but thank you to all of you who showed interest in this smol series i love u guys. this chappie is more focused on jay because it’s like his proper (?) character introduction !!
taglist ! (send an ask / message to be added :P) @igotkpoops @luvrseung @sievenderz (can’t b tagged ☹️) @bbeomgyucafe @sserafimez @renchai
perma taglist ! @abdiitcryy @hiqhkey @luvrbin
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hugsqueeze · 8 months
HI PJ!!!! 🫂🫂🌈🌈🌈 do you think i could get…. 💥,🍧,✏️ for sacha AND MAYBEEEE IF ITS NOT TOO MUCH 🎨 and 🌠 for melody? ^_^ THANK YOU!!!!! i miss her…….
HIIII HIIII GLOOMY !!!!!!!!! 🫂💘💘💕💕💓💗💖🌈🌈💘💓💖💖 YES YESS ABSOLUTELY I WOULD LOVEE TO, IT'S NO PROBLEM AT ALL!!!!!!!! ^_^ <3333 THANK U SO SO MUCH FOR THESE QUESTIONS!!!!!! <3333 Sacha and Melody are admittedly among my faves SO I'M QUITE EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT THEM ALWAYS!!!!!!! 🚶‍♂️
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw?
YESSS MELODY CAN DRAW!!!! 💪💪 Though she doesn't tend to draw in an illustrative way... Rather, she draws as part of her fashion design work/hobby!!!!! So, she can draw a basic silhouette of a person, but she really likes drawing clothing most of all!!!!! ^_^ SHE LOVES DRAWING FRILLY CLOTHES with bows or clothing with thick, wooly fabric the best!!! Those are also her favorite materials to work with, so it makes sense that a lot of her designs incorporate those materials INTO THEM!!!!‼️‼️
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
THIS IS AN INTERESTING QUESTION FOR HER ESPECIALLY... Since Melody sees all events as predestined as a part of a divine plan... Wishing to change anything about that plan would be DIFFICULT for her TO SAY THE LEAST HEHE... but MELODY IS THE TYPE TO WISH FOR WORLD PEACE totally earnestly and whole heartedly, she wants everyone to be able to live safely and securely. She looks at the struggles in her own life as events that are bound to happen, usually carrying some kind of wisdom or lesson, so she can easily let things roll off of her back even if they aren't going the way she would like for them to. (And tbh her life is pretty good even when things aren't going to plan, she comes from a close-knit, wealthy family). She figures that everything will work out for her in the end!!!! ^_^ THAT BEING SAID, she DOES wish that people who are less fortunate than her didn't have to struggle for their basic human needs to be met. She just hates to know that others are living in insecurity... Even if she sees those events as predestined... If she could ALTER IT AT ALL THAT'S WHAT SHE WOULD WANT. For everyone to be able to live securely and peacefully!!!!
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
ENVY ONE MILLION PERCENT. SACHA IS A JEALOUS, INSECURE FELLA. Their envy drives them to do very irrational and cruel things and it contributes to them becoming disconnected from reality ☹️ Sacha feels very passionless, like she doesn't really feel strongly enough about anything to choose a career or a major or anything for herself... So she gets really jealous when she sees people who seem to KNOW what they love and what they want to do (for example... HER POOR POOR BOYFRIEND 😭😭)!!! Her lack of ambition leaves her feeling insecure and like a failure and she unfortunately takes it out on the people she's closest to in the end .... EEK!!!!
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Sacha had a very LONELY childhood 😭!!! They were neglected OFTEN and usually only had the company of their own creations as they grew up... THEY ALSO GREW UP ON THE INTERNET, considering all the extra free time they had. BUT in terms of objects, I think I would say that Sacha keeps the little art gifts that they and their friends traded online. DURING THEIR DEVIANTART DAYS. HAHAHA. They're not tangible items necessarily, but they mean A WHOLE LOT TO THEM REGARDLESS. Because those people that he made friends with online were his ONLY friends and they really helped him in his darkest years!!!!!!!! AND I THINK IF HE SOMEHOW LOST THE FILES, he would be... HEARTBROKEN in a way..... I don't think he would be as IRATE as he would be frustrated and sad... I could also see him becoming a little obsessive about trying to get the files back. But once the reality sets in, that the files are gone, they would just give up and mope about it for a while. It might make him more likely to TRY AND FIND HIS OLD INTERNET FRIENDS THOUGH. Like to reach out and talk/reconnect again, so maybe it wouldn't be all bad AT LEAST 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
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BUT ALSO Whenever I see him I think of "JE SUIS HORRIBLE" and "je suis struggling" LOLOLLLL If I'm allowed a SILLY ANSWER
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