#thank u for this btw !! i really appreciate it (dont have the energy to go scrollin through the dash n find out whats what so i love u
milflewis · 2 years
skjsksk i am sorry if i confused you but i'll try to be more clear this time. okay what i mentioned was this tweet. so the problem is this: bc of the delay instead of completing the full laps, they went for completing the 2 hours of race time. however, when max crossed the finish line, there was still 5 seconds (?) left, which means he should have gone for another lap too. and engineers instructed their drivers thinking there would be one more lap. iirc bono told lewis there was another lap and even after they crossed the checkered flag both him and este still continued to race (bc they thought the race was ongoing). daniel's race engineer said there is one more lap and even told him to continue to push even though the race ended.
so the race actually ended one lap before than it should have been. ofc fia doesn't have tiniest bit of spine but in case of premature endings to the race, the final lap is omitted and the lap before is counted as final. remember the race where christina aguilera waved the flag early, they counted the lap before the final lap and i think daniel lost the fastest lap (not sure about that part though). so if they basically sticked to rules, they should have deleted the last lap and hence charles' penalty.
lmao?? how many different ways can they make his wdc illegal and fake
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weird-bookworm · 2 months
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
oh god this is gonna be one hell of an answer
@fairyhaos because shes the sweetest comfiest most adorably chaotic lil ball of energy + she gives the best advice like hello??? what are you??? oh god my heart goes a little off track everytime we talk i just love you so much
@wheeboo okay shes part 2 of the they-make-me-feel-the-safest trio along w yena and axe like please i stumbled across the sweetest sassiest boo stan ever ALSO UR GORGEOUS???
@blue-jisungs axeaxeaxeaxeaxe so chaotically lovely and so boomer and so fun and yoid think shes savage but no shes just soft and as harmful as a pinecone (why do u remind me of tht one joon meme of him just. sitting there. peeling potatoes. in tiny.)
@slytherinshua we kinda talked less for a while bc life happened and then caught up (kinda lol) and im so glad to see shes still as crazy and lovable as ever (im waiting for tht ppt) like talk abt impressive. impressive is her whole personality. sometimes in, uh, less than conventional ways...hehe
@eternalgyu HANNIE WHERE TF R U I MISS UUUUUUUU 😭😭😭😭🫶🏻 like yk what i imagine when i think of hannie? causing mischief. LIKE IDEK WHY OKAY i just feel like we'd be running around giggling like idiots js pulling random pranks on people and js the thought makes me smile
@yllouhannie ylli is like love. ylli is gentle and kind and sweet. shes understanding and passionate and really quite cute. oh my love you make me wanna jump off a cliff because how can someone like you exist 😭 (no srsly what is this witchcraft ilysm mwah)
@woozvc nora is like home. which is saying a lot lmao i sound dramatic but like yk when u just talk to someone and it feels just right even tho ur not rly doing much? shes older but she lets go and i can just feel how absolutely beautiful this person is *melts off a cliff*
@welcometomyoasis shu oh shu i have no words so pardon if this is a little small but. ik i say this a lot but i rly do mean it. i love you. so much. yr msgs and reblogs and asks always make a smile and they make me giddy and suddenly nothing is wrong with the world 🥺
@haecien bro is my ultimate gay bestie like what else do you need in life other than cien. what. nothing is the answer. life is complete when u hv cien and his shenanigans lolol like i dare you try to Not like him. i m p o s s i b l e.
@glosskirt AYYYYY MY ARMY SOULMATE we connected over min yoongi. we still rant over min yoongi. we shall die talking about min yoongi. like there is nothing better than having someone to fangirl with over my favs gloss you filled a hole in my life <3
@mesanthropi weiwei!!!! my little bundle of sugar spice and everything nice!! (+ chaos and a passion about the randomest shit ever how do u live why am i not this exciting) how is it always fun to talk to you and why do ur msgs excite me so much
@aaniag chaos. thats it. chaos. this woman brought with her about half a dozen more desi moots for me like how do i hug you how do i appreciate you enough i ugghhhh 😩
@thepoopdokyeomtouched im still waiting for my flirting yk? lol on a serious note, u and ur crazy streak r probably the most entertaining thing on here, and i fucking love it. i love ur chaos and the fact tht u choose to share it w me, thank you 🫶🏻
@arafilez bro rly dropped outta thin air like a fucking ghost and made my life abt a 100x more exciting where were you my entire life ara. where. why didnt the atz rants and the writing and the random asks show up sooner. why.
@nonononranghaee HAFS MY LIL CUTIE PATOOTIE WHY DO I ALWAYS WANNA SQUISH U NOMNOM U CRUSH U KSKSJEHEH u give me so much cuteness aggression oh my god...
@kkooongie sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah i live for ur writing and im always looking forward to our little chats abt books and random stuff (...when r u updating btw 😅)
@maeleelee @mxnsxngie @imagine-a-life-like-this i don't tell you guys enough how much i love and appreciate each one of you. i dont tell u enough how grateful i am whenever i think abt u bc god ik how hard it is to take in a random person in ur circle, to adjust w a kid, to make said kid feel safe and included and loved. so thank you. for all that you do for me and for loving lil ol' me <3
@cadenonlinelive where u at damn i hvnt seen u in ages
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
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hi!!!! i come bearing gifts! heeeere is physicist. i changed some aspects about them like turning the overalls from olive to black because i really enjoy the black/red/white palettes. i also gave them those gloves (for their science experiments where they mix chemicals up so their hands dont explode? i truly know nothing about physics). im definitely gonna overhaul their design at some point because i think they need more flair so they fit in with the rest of the dr cast yk. im still working on a full portrait of them atm (color shading etc etc) which i sincerely hope u will enjoy
also! i wanted to throw in here: PLEASE listen to me and michael + when you die (both my mgmt) if you haven’t already bc those 2 songs have kokichi/physicist written all over them.
the front pocket was not originally part of the overalls btw! they wanted a larger place to store more of their things so they clumsily tried to sew a pocket into an item of clothing without knowing much about sewing or anything. they were really bummed when it turned out looking weird but eventually came to enjoy the personality it added to their fit.
the kokichi doodle at the bottom is him playing with their glasses! they are basically just the talks a lot + listens dynamic,, also i feel VERY weird about kokichi’s hair i swear i messed up somehow while drawing it but i can’t figure out what exactly it was. the little stick figures of physicist and oma were me on my last brain cell but i think that’s them for the entire fic in a nutshell. oma likes to go on villain monologues and physicist is done with his bullshit!
the big physicist on the left is them posing for a picture! they look awkward because i imagine them being kinda camera shy. i also imagine whoever took the picture just kinda snuck up on them and snapped.
ah yes yes and the fan game! i’m partway through the prologue and if you want i can send you a short demo of the draft i have so far? so far it’s taken a turn from the traditional dr games since i got rid of the movement mechanic,, so now it’s more of like a VN than anything! i don’t know HOW i’m going to draw all the CGs and sprite customization options (thank you to @/goldentime for the idea by the way i really appreciate it :D) and write all the code as well as do the ost and decal and all that other stuff but i will find a way! somehow. it’s been really fun though and i’m actually very proud of what i have so far!!
anyways. ty for writing sleep awake! it’s crazy to me that such a long and gorgeously written fic is up on the internet for FREE. it’s definitely better than most original fiction is, and dare i say, much much better than the actual v3. i love what you did with chapter 3, the trial felt soo natural i forgot several times that it wasn’t what was in the actual game! it’s obvious how much time and effort you put into research, planning, and writing, and it really shows! so thank you <333
HELPPPP OH MY GOD THESE ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!! im literally sitting so giddy here rn!!! ur mc is so special to me i LOVEEEE how they look so much god their vibe is indescribable... giving sad wet kitten energy. want to wrap them in a fuzzy blanket and place them gently on a pile of newspapers.
the gloves r such a neat addition!!! the block colouring n black and red kind of reminds me of the persona 5 artstyle which is a huge compliment!!! i lov their hair... their lil glasses... the freckles.... so so cute. will be turning this version of mc over in my head Forever !
hehe the little kokichi interactions give me so much life. the one of him fiddling with their glasses is so immaculate and u have their vibe absolutely down pat, 'talks a lot' and 'listens' is simply just THEM!!! oh but it sometimes goes the other way around when mc starts rambling abt physics n ouma is jus. jus sitting there. absorbing it all. mc's little blush is adorable and i totally think kokichi would just fiddle with their glasses or clothes while talking. is he doing it on purpose?? who knows???
I HAVE LISTENED TO WHEN U DIE BEFORE (it was actually my first mgmt song!!!) and holy shit ur so right. my third eye has been so closed,, and urs has been so open. definitely feels like kokichi talking to the mc like, putting on this evil mean facade, wanting them to hate him so he can keep up with his mastermind shtick and keep them at arms length but sigh, they know him too well and the act isn't holding up. i listened to me and michael because i hadn't heard it before and yes yes YES i see the vision. the closeness of two people being affected by red flags or toxicity or just other people or outside factors.... god. thinking so so hard abt this now and they're both going on the sleep awake playlist!!!
I WOULD LOVE FOR U TO SEND ME WHAT U HAVE ALREADY FOR THE GAME WHAT!!! WHAT!!! holy shit. it turning out like a visual novel is probably ideal, right?? i dont know anything abt game development AT ALL so forgive me if i say something dumb but most fan games dont include all the complex mechanisms from actual danganronpa games and most tend to just either be youtube vids or click and point thingies or just. yeah. visual novels!! which is so good.
as for the cg's and stuff, i dont rly know :( i would offer to draw them myself if i was any good at art, basically all im good at is sprite edits but im trash at anatomy and stuff so i rly dont think i would be any help. i would suggest commissioning but thats probably way too expensive, and again, like. i would commission stuff myself but im so broke at the moment. i COULD always commission some stuff when my student finance comes in, because i'll have a bit extra this year as my accommodation is way less expensive. but we can cross that bridge when we come to it i think!!! whatever ends up happening will be more than fine by me!!! im literally so excited
thank u so so much again for this art and for the game which i cannot believe is a real thing!!! i will treasure these for life <33
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awee-struck · 3 years
ok ok ok i am aware it's a bit late for buzzfeed au ideas B U T....what if the reason Tim believes in ghosts and stuff and starts buzzfeed unsolved supernatural is BECAUSE when jason was a ghost and dead would mess around with Tim as the new robin kinda non-chalantly. like with Bruce in Gotham knights awhile back. (i am aware those mightve been hallucinations i dont remeber well.) but the vibe of that. only problem is he doesnt rlly appear for tim so its just a ghost things happen situation and now hes believer etc. (he doesnt know its jason) so now, present tim and jason todd are hilariously hunting for.....jason todd. AND THEY DINT EVEN KNOW LOL . meanwhile jason the entire time in very much shane fashion is like "that didnt happen. i dont believe in ghosts" when in fact, he was the ghost. sorry if this doesnt make sense
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the comic panel i referenced
for you my guy, it's never too late (i'm also extremely honored my crack videos have helped to inspire a whole ass au for you 0.0)
ok ok so i haven't actually read that far into the gotham knights issues eek BUT i think i can get a grip on this wonderful idea......
now i'm imagining ghost jason trying so hard to freak tim out (maybe enough to get the poser to fuck off) but at first it just. doesn't phase him at all. mostly because all jason can manage pulling off are stupid things like blowing tim's cape into his face on a windless night ten times over, or making his computer bug out and crash in the middle of case work (or perhaps cracking tim's door open before he gets back home from patrol, fully geared up,,, you know, just in case a certain dad wants to walk in and check on his "totally not a vigilante" son) BUT all tim has to say about this stuff for a while is "meh should probably sleep more" until jason, purely out of annoyance, starts doing the most stereotypical paranormal activity shit possible like flipping lights on and off or knocking shit over, not even expecting tim to notice because really how can you notice that but not someone rearranging your utility belt everyday? tim goes apeshit, like full on it's always sunny moment with the conspiracy board, the rest of the fam is thinking of staging an intervention. jason eats this up.
and i'm also gonna operate under the assumption that when jason comes back, much like in his death, he's just looking to fuck with tim saying he doesn't believe which,, LOL i love it. in this au i am electing to ignore that jason tried to kill tim because ghost jason had too much fun messing with him (and if he's being honest, being a ghost was scary as shit so the outlet was appreciated) cue a team up for a case or something and tim eventually starts talking about his ghost experience and how it's been oddly absent. and what is jason if not an opportunist, amiright?? long story short jason totally signs himself up for brother bonding time by way of hunting ghosts and riling tim up by saying it's all bs. do u know how many new gadgets they've gotten bruce to reluctantly agree too "because it'll help on patrol" or how many visits to one john constantine (who totally knows what's up btw) they've arranged?? going to supposedly haunted areas in gotham, jason absolutely disregarding any and all advice they've been given and giving tim a fucking heart attack. (not to mention how many of these "investigations" have been interrupted by an actual fucking crime, resulting in a few rumors that robin screams like a girl — he does NOT, thanks so much) meanwhile every actual paranormal case ends up in the lap of literally any other batfam member
wow ok so this got out of hand sorry bout that mfaoooo but in my defense the idea just grabbed me and ran but THANK YOU this is absolutely hysterical and shane and ryan radiate jason and tim energy 100% thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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yamagucji · 4 years
a series of thank you’s i’ve been meaning to give for a while now. please note i couldn’t get everyone bc im smol brained and im forgetful :(( also its vedy long so i added a readmore link but if it’s okay then i can remove it!
i would’ve preferred to go to your inboxes/dm’s but im scared t🤢umblrs going to glitch on me if i do it again a ha ha
i remember you sent in my first ever request and i was SO happy like🥺 my account had no visibility on week 1 but then you somehow found my blog and since then you’ve been supporting me. i love the aesthetic of your blog and i always look forward to your rb’s because they so cute and insightful !! ik we haven’t talked much but i definitely perceive u as a gentle person here’s 1k hearts for you and you only <3
please i was *intense squealing* and *happy noises* when you said you wanted to be mutuals :’) im definitely uhhh way too immature for u but you still stick with all the caps and !!! i send you😭 you’re such an interesting, talented person. day 1 you got me HOOKED with your art and im gonna say this again,, i have never seen skin look soo s o f t painted. im really grateful for your company and all your cats and the hinata art you made me🥺 i am not still thirsting over it i swear and then you sent me pieces of your writing and i def expected hc’s but then BOOM🧍‍♀️ im so amazed by your writing. also you are vv pretty i hope you know that
matching heart memes matching heart memes😾 i don’t talk to you as much but our main form of communication is literally exchanging heart memes w/o a word,,, if that isn’t true love idk what is :// anyway i love our little convos so much it always brightens my day! and omg lets not forget when you made me a drabble back😳 like wha- HUH !! i was so touched i rlly went boom boom woosh bc no ones ever written me one back and i!! that yamaguchi gives me so much comfort. you give me sm comfort, thank you bub <3
hehe my first tumblr crush😼 as soon as i deactivated my reading account to my a writing blog i was like “ok bean is on my top to-follow list” like i thought you were so cool and i was vv shy to interact with you🥺 and YOU STILL ARE COOL!! your works are really amazing and i am vv much still in love w my matchup w suga :’)
HHHH GRR BORK BORK I LUB U B NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BHH💓✨ bro,,,, when we switched over to insta it was WILD like— our sense of humor? matched. immaculate. please i love seeing all the memes u send me it makes my day so much like u don’t understand😭 and our convos really go chaos sometimes gkfjdj i love it. u need to pull up and play among us w me sometime 😡
m-my first spouse🥺 even tho it was a joke the first time and i said sike fkdjdjdj but you still accepted my dino chimken nuggie ring hehe <3 bub your are literally the CUTEST HHHHH LIKE,,, cuteness overload !!! i love talking to you sm and our little exchange of heart memes make the butterflies in my tummy go ✨
may🥺 imy bub i hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. still very grateful for that time you pulled through to check which of my links weren’t working. and there’s a LOT. like the fact that you took time out of your day for me still baffles me. anyway im lomve you ik we don’t talk as much but you’re still a valued moot to me. im offering u free headpats hehe
hi maria👉👈 you’re so wonderful and rlly amazing w your smaus. absolutely smitten over our chaotic conversations fkfjd we haven’t talked in a while but if you see this just know that i’m here for you <3 take some self care okay? hope you’re doing good bub
dalia, you wondering being💞 please what did i do to deserve your love >;( we don’t talk much but we have exchanged heart memes before and you’re always out here supporting me whenever you can and like!! tysm bub. i hope you’re feeling better from the last time we interacted, and please do take good care of yourself!
can’t believe you made a reputation of having a piss kink. what power. what energy >>> anyway it’s fun seeing your chaotic energy on my feed/tl. sometimes i won’t even look at the user and say yeah💔 that’s hero alright gkfjdj also you’re so cute what the heck😡😡
[ insert 100 hearts ] this for u bub. im still going crazy over your tsukki lipbalm piece like i was so FLUSTERED you really did that huh😭 you’re so nice and sweet, ty for giving me headbonks as well im really glad to get them😌 hope you have an amazing day bub, and take care!!
cutecutecutest bean ever🥺 you have such wonderful works and im truly in love with your writing😌 also you’re so SWEET WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE U GKFJDJ literally you weren’t obligated to stop by my ask and check in but u did >:(
hehe ik we haven’t interacted in such a long time but im including you!! bc i appreciate you!! i know you’ve supported me a lot especially when i just started this blog and im really thankful for it. also uhhh im still not over accidentally turning off anon when i was- yeah😿 i wish you all the love in the world, and please do take gentle care of yourself 💓
frannn👁👁🤲 yes im gonna start with how big brained you are. your passion for textiles and improving the environment is vv cool to me. and then there’s the fact you write these hq characters so well. yes i am absolutely still living for your character analysis. i am thriving off of them!! here’s me manifesting kita and/or sakusa to show up in your dreams hehe
i hope you dont mind me sending u stuff every now and then! anyway im in awe of your writing and art skills. you brought a realistic yamaguchi and i ascended😳 i genuinely think you’re such a cool person but also please take breaks!! ik it’s such an overused phrase but i genuinely mean it. i care u <3
you’re so sweet and you do really be sending me back some heart memes😳 i go BOOM BOOM yaya that’s more to my collection;) also you and your hq anon interactions go WILD omg it really does make my day more interesting whenever i see them😂 also i do be seeing some of ur chaotic energy on my dash and i am HERE for it
hemlo clara🥺 d-do you remember me gkdjshsjs i think its been a while since we interacted. you’re so sweet and AHH lmao did u know we were in a poly with wiss😔💔 yeah❤️ n e way i hope you’ve been alright these past few weeks, and if not, please get some break!
miya twin supremacy😡 can’t believe you made me swerve over to osamu’s lane because of your amazing writing. how could you. the mf audacity. i rlly do fell in love with that piece do so THAMK U and that also goes for the support you’ve given me💗
ozzy👁👁🤝 ngl our conversations have been top tier im glad i got to uhmm,,, get some of these *thoughts* out of my head. you’re such a sweet little bean!!! that art/sketch you did with the purple (?) themed uniforms was really cute. im glad to have u as my moot and *cough* my vip reader *cough*
our heart meme streak was strong until school happened😔 but i really enjoy them tho!! it’s very calming talking to you (fun, but also vv calming idk that’s how i feel) loving the brainrots we give each other of our favs from time to time :’) also omg OSRRY im barely active in the server please spare me😿 im lomve u
gee!! AHHHH KGFJJD GRRR u sweet bean oh my goodness. where do i start- ??? i’ve already gushed so much abt your writing but here we go again; i love your writing so much and your attention to the little details is so great. they flow so well and i hope u get more visibility bc it’s what u deserve!! also please take care of yourself and don’t work too much u nerdy bean
ely my plant kinnie, my spouse (?) and also the blog that i dump my h word thots on😭❤️ ahhh im lomve you, you’re amazing. from your writing, to your makeup skills, and your room, the talent really ✨jumped out✨thank you for supporting me so much, i genuinely appreciate it. i hope we can stay moots despite me being busy gkfjdj anyway take care bbie don’t work too much okay?
TATE😤 the amount of hq brainrot you’ve fed me is astronomical. idk how you keep coming up with such good ideas but im all for them!! i love your writing so much and the plots are so *chefs kiss* (yes im still gushing over mermaid!bokuto). thank you so much for sending some bits of positivity into my life, im really grateful for it :’)
EL!😼 you sweet bean. wish i could bombard ur asks but school is saying no </3 you’re such a sweet mutual and your writing is absolutely amazing. still kinda hurt over that angst u made💔 but anyway i loved it sm. also please wear safer shoes next time on big events so u dont get any more BLISTERS kgjdjdh jkjk
nashnashnash🥺👉👈 wth you’re so cute and even cuter with the little emoticons u put in my asks. i really appreciate you taking time out of your day to check in on me. i think your works are really heckin cool, im still very into that sock agenda one and the akaashi fic AHH i love them sm. i hope that u have better experiences with online learning and i really wish you all the best on ur art journey <3
did u forget abt our walk to the strawberry field😿 jkjk heyyy atlas!! im lomve your theme and your writing. i have the urge to say you’re as sweet as strawberry bc im unoriginal like that💔 let’s just pretend i put something kute :’( n e way u are vv cute, make sure to take care of yourself ok!!
your rb’s and comments on ppl works... i just... my heart is full. im complete. i go absolute doki doki for you. you’re such a genuine person and you give people so much love❤️ here’s an unlimited supply of my love to you bc you deserve it. ty for all the cute questions btw🥺
🕊 anon - still wondering if ur one of my already-moots or not😳 but anyway dove anon i have a lot to say,,, like how ?? do u go “ok let’s check in on aaron today hehe” like am i interesting??😭 i feel kinda bad ngl you really don’t have to talk to me. but nevertheless im really appreciate of all the support you’ve given me. i genuinely think you’re a cool person and you do all these fun stuff like photography which is amazing. here’s the biggest THANK YOU i could ever give <3 ps. your art is CUTE and AMAZING @bee-kins
do i??? spam your feed??😭 you’re always liking my posts and i feel so sorry for spamming but also vv appreciate of all the interaction i’ve had with you!! im very glad i got to ask you qotd and stuff because i got to know that you like plants as well!! thank you for sharing plant facts with me, it really made my day. i genuinely think you’re such an awesome and big brained person for knowing all those facts🥺👉👈
ngl i was very intimated by you bc of all your angst and really good works which is probably why i never reached out to you sooner😿 ur my uhhh third spouse <3 but anyway your CHAOTIC ENERGY is thru the roof i love that sm and your writing is so mf beautiful i wish more people got to see it😡 i will gib you flower soup and muddy pie to make you feel better ;) jkjk but you’re very amazing and i hope you know that!
hehe you’re in here😼 thank you ???? for supporting me even tho you’re not obligated??? like wh- i- bub🥺🤲 you have all my heart and i rlly rlyy want to stop by your inbox and give you heart memes but me why >;( i hope you have the most amazing day(s) of your life because you deserve it SO much.
FINALLY someone i can simp over yamaguchi with😭 ik we haven’t talked much but AH i love the conversations we’ve had so far and all that insight you gave me about the new wanda film (truly a blessing bc i was so genuinely confused gkfjdj).
just. JOLLIBEE. can’t believe one of our first interactions was u sending me chain mail smfh i cannot believe you😭 anyway po i appreciate you so much na kaka tawa ako sa mga msgs mo and all the good vibes u radiate. mag bisaya unta ko nimi pero baka mag nosebleed ako😿 im losing my native languages it’s not even funny anymore but when i got to talk to u in my mother tongue, i felt a bit more at home. thank you bub <3
hihi👉👈 idrk what we first talked about, i think it was spending vacation in the galapagos islands??😭 riding turtles??? what a great way to start our friendship :’) i rlly think you’re cool and i just,,,, admire u from afar- yeah. sorry this message is too chaotic but anyway u might not have a green thumb but look at you growing potatoes accidentally😌 anyway i think you’re cool i just haven’t said it before because im s Hy
seal, bub, i genuinely care about you. you’re such a sweet person. i know we haven’t interacted much but im looking forward to more conversations with you!! please find little fun things to do... maybe do some self appropriation if you can, bc you deserve it. maybe even treat yourself... or any self care tasks that make you feel better. i care about you a lot, im just an ask/dm away if you wanna talk about anything at all💕💞✨
@hqgardenia - jkjk this is my spam account idk why i put this here but here probably bc im dumb as fuck
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wri0thesley · 3 years
replying to some anons under the cut so i dont spam ur dashes with like 10 asks in a row!
Anonymous said: How can you be so in love I’m jealous (But in all seriousness Its so nice that you’ve found someone that makes you truly happy)
being in love with haz is very easy because she is perfect 
Anonymous said: In my head Tiziano and Squalo have a private mentality about their job so their s/o doest know their team (but, unfortunately, their team knows their s/o) and for that i think it would be funny their reaction if by mere coincidence their s/o meet someone of their team, like imagine that they are coming back from a mission and s/o calls telling them "hi loves, i found one of your friends, he told me he knew you both and looked kind of lost so i brought him back to the apartment" and to their surprise they see s/o feeding cookies to Secco who is very comfy in their couch with s/o. Worst if s/o it's like "he told me to call someone, who it was? cio, oh, Ciocolata, but he lost his phone, do you have his number? also we need more sugar, i kind of use it all in his cookies". The bad part it's that now, Secco likes their s/o in a friendly way, so he keeps coming back for cookies and friendly pets, the good part it's that if Cioccolata gets weird Secco kind of distract him or get defensive of his "new friend".
honestly if your team includes cioccolata and secco would YOU introduce your lovely s/o to your team? i wouldnt either. secco is definitely taking advantage of their s/o’s lovely nature and their skills at baking cookies but at least it’s JUST secco and not cioccolata. YET. 
Anonymous said: Hi i just wanted to tell you that i think you are amazing, very kind and that i love your writting. Also you and Haz are a very cute couple 💕
thank you so much anon!!! ;_; i hope you are having a nice day! <3
Anonymous said: I’m obsessed with the faerie prince gojo au you proposed the other day would love to see more about that
i just fucking LOVE faeries. i think they are so cool and their mythology is so interesting. when i was thinking about that au i was getting back up to date with one of my favourite ongoing internet series, how to survive camping on nosleep on reddit, and they had a plot going with a faerie knight that stirred up my brain (i 100% recommend how to survive camping if you like cool worldbuilding and horror btw it’s SO GOOD). i may very well write a full-length piece for faerie prince gojo or maybe even some other faerie series pieces, but rn i wanna work on my requests and finishing a well-rounded education! after that . . . who knows >:3
Anonymous said: Omg you are a godsend nat, you’ve made me fall so much more in love with tiz and squalo AND sorlato 🥺please don’t ever stop I love your content but also don’t ever feel pressured to write anything you don’t want to (embrace the self-indulgence! :3) ❤️
ahh thank u so much anon! i am always here to spread the word of Sorlato Nonsense. i appreciate it when u guys tell me to be self-indulgent fdbghvnfgn
Anonymous said: Hello! I just wanted to know if you got my ask about Gojo and reader who is usually sweet but decides to "punish" or act out cuz shes annoyed with Gojo?? Alot of my asks have gotten eaten by Tumblr and I just wanted to make sure you got it!! >.< Thank you!
i did anon! <3 honestly tumblr is a barely functioning website but on this occasion we have been blessed by the tumbeasts
Anonymous said: Rehead Formaggio and blue-grey Formaggio feel like two different sides of the same coin but ultimately gove off two completely different vibes and idk how to feel about it (in a good way)
i guess it’s all of the extra red in his colour scheme but redhead formaggio just seems like Slightly More Of A Pal. also more of a thot, i cant believe that david pro said ‘no we will give him a full shirt’ instead of letting him have his weird little cut-out hole grid thing. idk something about manga formaggio just is more appealing to me Visually fgnjkbjngf
Anonymous said: I saw someone asked for your requests of Choso, but what do you have in your inbox for Nanami? 👀
NANAMI REQUESTS: - nanami with a clumsy s/o - jealousy sex n aftercare with a chubby reader - comfort scenario with nanami and a transmasc reader - nsfw scenario that turns into fluff - nanami teasing and edging a fem s/o - gojo and the students arrange a surprise date for mutually pining nanami n reader - poly gojo/nanami relationship hcs - nanami receiving a lapdance from his s/o (but i have reqs for lapdance headcanons in general for jjk men so i might combine them!) - also hc requests that include nanami: confident and headstrong reader who turns out to be shy in bed, gojo and nanami helping crush through a breakup, how they react to s/o getting injured whilst fighting beside them. 
Anonymous said: Ahh Nat thank you for allowing me to scream into your inbox abou jjk! And this is not /really/ a theory but a confusion/rant! You know, since Jogo, Hamani and Dagon (I hope I wrote their names right) got introduced I was confused as to why they aren't older. I thought each of them represent nature/natural disasters and humanity has feared them since the dawn of mankind! Also why did Mahito only recently gain self-awareness if humans have always been horrible to each other? Shouldn't he be v old?
honestly i kind of got the impression that especially hanami was pretty old! afaik mahito’s the only one who’s described as being specifically ‘new’, maybe they’ve just been hanging around waiting for someone like getwo to appear who they think can actually make a difference/combine them!! i think maybe it’s also to do with the ‘rise in power’ that we’ve been hearing lots of talk about in the last few chapters, that there’s just A LOT of cursed energy flying around and it’s making everything happen all at once? humans have always been horrible to each other i think but i wonder if it’s also to do with how much more the earth is populated now and how much easier it is to be horrible and hear about horrible things other humans have done to one another? 
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letterstomilen · 4 years
i discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)
Childe/Zhongli, Alternate Universe (read part 2 here) When Childe's younger sister tells him about the volunteer at the library, he does not make the connection between that and his new favorite ASMR YouTuber, Rex Lapis.
Childe has a very effective method of getting through college. His little sister, who’s caught him making coffee at three in the morning on more than one occasion the past week alone, would beg to differ. 
“You’re the best older brother,” she starts off, and he’s sure she’s trying to convince herself more than him at this point, “but you need to fix your sleeping habits.” Then, because she’s his little sister, she’d flash him a smile and pat his shoulder reassuringly.
(The comment is not lost on him though. He understands his sleeping situation will eventually wear him down if it hadn’t already, but he believes if he’ll drink a coffee every morning and a Monster every night, he’ll get through three days. By the third day, he’ll hardly be coherent but that doesn’t matter because he’ll conk out for the next twelve hours and then repeat.)
“Don’t worry, Tonia,” he says, trying to sound as reassuring as possible as he contemplates whether it’s worth it or not to swallow a pill of 5-hour energy with his morning coffee. “Once break ends, I’ll get back to normal.”
“You said that six seasons ago.”
Childe frowns, trying to remember if his sleeping schedule was this dysfunctional last year. “Huh?”
“The Walking Dead seasons,” Tonia clarifies, as if she’s not twelve years old and the show is for grown adults. He thinks. He hasn’t checked Commonsensemedia ever since La Signora labeled him as a “helicopter parent” and his Netflix tab has been playing How to Get Away with Murder as background noise for the past few weeks.
Isn’t it a show about zombies though? Tonia’s sheepish smile tells it all, because it’s the same exact guilty look he had when he got caught red-handed as a kid.
(Once he remembers later, Childe promises himself, he’ll check out The Walking Dead.)
“Oh. Well. I have a lot of shows to catch up on, you know. Not to mention a ton of my professors gave me reading for over the break.”
A half lie. They did give him a lot of reading because each professor assumed that their classes were his only one, and with seven days left, he still has a textbook worth of reading to go through. But there are no shows that Childe would sacrifice his precious sleep for. As a matter of fact, he would love to sleep. He’s spent the majority of his classes back in high school sleeping and faking attention, saving his grade at the last minute — it was quite the extreme sport really, if he says so himself.
Whenever he tries to sleep recently, his thoughts run at several hundred miles per hour, and he spends several hours staring at the ceiling before succumbing to the computer at his desk and watching trashy movies. At this point, he must have gone through the entire romance comedy list on Netflix. (Not a proud point in his life but if anybody ever wanted him to give a list of best to worst romance comedy movies, he now has one.)
Tonia, on the other hand, isn’t incredibly convinced.
Admittedly, the excuse was lame. Also, he can’t easily lie to his little sister, who’s far shrewder than he takes her for at times.
“You never start your reading in advance. You like to speed read it right before your class or watch a five-minute video on the chapters while your teachers take attendance. But that’s… uh, ‘a bad work ethic.’” Tonia looks immensely proud of herself as she says this, finishing it off with, “Zhongli told me that.”
“Zhongli?” he repeats, trying to remember if that’s one of her classmates or some stranger that’s hoping to kidnap his sister.
“The guy that volunteers at the library sometimes. He recommended me a loot of good books to read, but he talks like an old man.”
“How old?” Childe can tell she’s enjoying this — talking about her new friend at the library that he’ll probably have to run a background check on.
“Like he’s in his sixties or something. But he looks… actually, he looks your age! And he’s a student too. I told him all about you.”
Well, that doesn’t sound very reassuring coming from the mouth of a twelve-year-old. He’s not sure if that translates to his social security number, his current dilemma, or just that he’s her older brother.
“Like all of the stories you told me when I was a kid. And then when Lumine came to pick me up, she stayed to show him pictures of you too.”
“Of course she did,” he mumbles, ruffling her hair. One of these days he’s going to move without telling his classmates and the twins won’t enter his apartment unannounced. (But Tonia adores their company and the stories they tell her far too much for him to actually do it. But that doesn’t mean he’s above making threats when they tell his little sister about the bet he made about white-out and how it could dye hair. The jury is still out on this one.) “She’s just mad because I get away with it and she doesn’t. But don’t do it yourself. It’s a bad habit,” he adds, remembering that he should at least try to be a good influence on his younger sister when he can.
“Okaaay,” she says unconvincingly, before shaking her hair and running off to her room with lunch he prepared for her.
Watching her close the door and no doubt continue her binge of The Walking Dead, he takes out his phone and texts Lumine.
ur a horrible influence on tonia
and whos this ZHONGLI
also is twd appropriate for 12 y/os
 Twin 1
a normal person would say hi
 Twin 1
also 1. me n aether watched it when we were 12 so probably and 2. some guy at the library that also goes to our school
 Well. At least he’s somebody they know. But The Walking Dead?
thats not very convincing
also dont ppl DIE? get BITTEN???? what if she gets nightmares
 Twin 1
isnt she 12 r u telling me u weren’t watching R rated movies at 12
thats very different from a 10 season long show that is hailed as “one of the greatest horror shows in history” and “paved the way for post-apocalyptic horror”
 Twin 1
well if she has trouble sleeping she could always watch asmr. that helps me during midterms idk
whats asmr
asking for my sister btw
 Twin 1
A feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound.
 Twin 1
people on the internet make random sounds or just talk into a mic n its supposed to be very relaxing. how have u never found out abt this?????
idk the only thing on my youtube recommended r greatest stunts and chapter review videos
 Twin 1
… makes sense
 Twin 1
check out rex lapis’ channel he looks like ur type
i thought we were talking about my sister????
 Twin 1
[message screenshots.jpg]
 Twin 1
ya she told me everything
 Twin 1
have fun i need to convince aether to not commit arson bc of his TA
hope he does it
He opens his Youtube app, typing in Rex Lapis and expecting Lumine’s suggestion to be a joke. Despite them being friends for nearly two years now, she’s never made any indication of knowing his type. And he’s sure he’s never been that vocal about it either, only shooting appreciative looks at history majors and paying more attention than necessary to the TA for ‘Tradition of Justice and Law.’ (It’s unfortunate that those short-term crushes never led to anything, but maybe that’s for the better seeing that Childe has never understood the appeal of relationships.)
It is an ASMR channel, judging by the ASMR playlist he finds as he scrolls through the account. The icon shows no face — only a microphone — which leaves him skeptical. Most of the video titles belong in a petrology lecture as well, which makes him even more convinced that it’s a joke. He finds a few readings of ancient literature and decides to pick ‘I discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)’ because that’s exactly what he needs. (Not the very moment — but ten hours later when he’s in the bed memorizing the pattern of his ceiling wondering why he stole from his fifth grade teacher’s candy jar during lunch.)
When Childe opens the video, he damn near gasps.
The man in the video is exactly his type. His eyes are a soft amber color, framed with long lashes, and it’s almost enough for him to lose his dignity and message Lumine a long thank you text about how she is always right and he’ll pay for her coffee for the following week.  He smiles at the screen, albeit a little sheepishly, dark hair framing his face with a long ponytail that Childe can’t see the end of. On his right ear, there are a pair of earrings with a single feather that brush against his neck when he moves his head.
Even before he speaks, Childe is mesmerized, sure he’ll already memorize his features from the curve of his nose to the way he tilts his head, displaying the expanse of his neck.
Really — he reminds him of actors in historical dramas, the way he sits regally, and how he speaks. His voice is low and slow as he adopts a careful manner of speaking, leaning into the mic.
“I’m Rex Lapis, and I’ll be discussing igneous petrology today, which is part one in a three-part petrology series. I apologize in advance, seeing that my knowledge is limited compared to many petrologists out there but my friend Venti said that many of my viewers are here for my voice, so I’m very excited to start today’s video.”
Holy shit.
For the following week, Childe learns less about petrology, the philosophy of economics, and historical revisionism concerning matters of war and more about Rex Lapis, who is not in love with his voice but often finds himself in the middle of long tangents without explanations. His favorite book series is the Legend of the Lone Sword, which he says he’ll look forward to reading out loud for the channel. (Childe replays that part of the video again and again, captivated by his excitement as he mindlessly taps the mic while he speaks, his tangent cutting off mid-word — as it usually does, much to his dismay.)
His guilty obsession is not lost on Tonia, who realizes that instead of drinking Monster every night he’s been engrossed in his phone completely, often not noticing her or when the water starts bubbling. But because his sleeping schedule has been alleviated, she says nothing until Lumine comes over as she always does, not forgetting their weekly schedule of watching trashy movies while leeching off of Childe’s food.
Because he doesn’t trust the twins with the kitchen — even if they can cook — she instead spends her time sitting next to Tonia and spreading more of her anti-Childe propaganda while they wait. This usually involves Tonia occasionally calling out Childe’s name and asking, “Is that true?” or “Did you really do that?”
This time is different though.
Worried that Lumine finally decided to show Tonia a video of last semester’s presentation, he leans over, looking at the computer screen.
And he’s wrong. Unfortunately. Maybe it should’ve been his presentation because even if he botched it and accidentally projected his work process — screaming notes and all — to the class instead of his actual presentation, it would’ve been better than the two of them watching one of Rex Lapis’ videos together.
The ‘I read Erosion: Essays of Undoing to you as it rains outside’ video, to be specific, which is where Rex Lapis is embarrassed by Venti mid video when asked if this was his idea of a date with a lover. (And then it ends with Rex Lapis asking for video suggestions from the commentors, his face still flushed from the previous comments.)
Oh God — oh fuck.
“So he is your type,” Lumine says, her expression a bit too smug for his liking. Tonia looks half awake, scrolling through articles as the video plays, more interested in ‘Top 10 Glenn Rhee Moments’ than Childe’s crush. Her expression is a bit guilty as she does so — she’s biting her lip and avoiding his gaze, but he assumes that it’s just because they went through his YouTube history.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that statement,” he retorts, but the YouTube history she pulls up once Tonia hands the computer over to her says it all. (It’s quite mortifying, really — even Tonia is giving him a look, but it’s not as bad as Lumine’s shit eating grin.)
“Well… he does have a nice voice,” Childe finally says, thinking that perfectly encompasses his most recent obsession. Because he does have a nice voice — it’s soothing and speaks to him without really speaking to him directly. (The good looks are a bonus, he assures himself. A fantastic bonus, but a bonus nonetheless.)
“He does,” Tonia confirms, smiling toothily up at him, and he resists the urge to ruffle her hair with Lumine staring at him so skeptically. “But I don’t understand much of what he’s saying. He — heh — talks like an old man.”
“Don’t worry, Tonia, your brother likes him because he’s attractive,” Lumine informs her, now fast forwarding on one of Rex Lapis’ videos. “Did you know that he lives nearby?”
The knife he’s holding clatters to the floor, and the two look down and back up at him with— hold on, why does it feel like they’re in on a secret he doesn’t know about?
“Yeah, he’s working on his grad thesis I think… Aether told me it was about something on history,” she muses. “That’s why I recommended his channel to you. He’s a bit of a celebrity in his department.” Childe’s sure his jaw dropped now, trying to maintain his facial expression as he takes out a new knife to chop up the onions.
“Really,” he tries to say as calmly as possible, wondering how he should accompany Aether to his lectures without trying to seem as obvious as possible. His voice is a bit shaky he realizes but he can’t quite make the connection between Rex Lapis and actual graduate student that goes to his university.
“Yeah, actually…” Lumine is definitely pretending to think now, enjoying this far too much. “He—”
“It’s Zhongli!” his little sister yells excitedly, practically jumping up and down at this point as if she won the lottery. “Zhongli runs an ASMR channel and he talks just like that in real life! Right, Lumine?”
Childe sighs, holding a hand up to his face. The realization that he’s been obsessed with the same guy that hears about every stupid thing he did secondhand is way too much — and the fact that he’s been listening to his voice every night before he went to bed the past week is way too much. He’s sure his face is redder than before judging by the amused expressions on Lumine’s and Tonia’s faces — really, they’re mirror images of each other right now.
Not for the first time, Childe swears to himself that he’ll never let her into his apartment without signing a contract ever again.
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x12
Pls poor grant getting neglected 😩
Nick rly just hired him as soon as he could huh? Not that I blame him or anything. ACE NAMED THE DEEP FRYER RUTH OMG SO CUTE. I love that he names everything “you’re removing the flavour layer” THE WHAT NOW?! ACE WHAT- “your last restaurant closed due to lack of flavour” OW OKAY AGGRESSIVE MUCH?
Ace I like AC/DC too!!! Sorry I’m having a moment here.
SO GRANT IS HIS MIDDLE NAME? OK FRANK. (Sorry I’m sooooo rooting for the hardy boys to come in). Poor ace only being the link to nancy 😭
Pls the way Nancy’s like “Yeah... I get the life of lies thing.” SO CASUAL FOR WHAT- GIRL
“Stone Age of the 90s” WHAT NANCY-
OH M G. ODETTE LEAVING LOVE LETTERS TO BESS WAIT STOP- if there was no body timeshare I’d be here for it. SHES WRITING BACK AW
BROTHER MOMENT! That is not Florence.
OH SISTER MOMENT! “It’s bath time boyz” OMG PLS I SNORTED. omg bess about to get caught no 😩 FANSON CALL!! oh no nick dont get murdered pls.
Carson radiates wholesome helpful dad energy and I love him. Do I spy chemistry??? Maybe a lil?
“Is this a thing?” Nancy yes it is girl they need to figure each other out! They’re the hardy boys to be 😫
“Ace run!” Oh so grant can just go fuck himself I guess! Jkjk i know she grabbed grant lmao. BoyScout Ace returns!!! Oh heroic grant letting nancy go first omg, so sweet! I still think he’s frank, that’s a frank thing to do. “Trust me, I’m your brother” I SAY HARDY BOYS! Srsly though that was adorable. “Which ninja turtle?” ACE THE MAN JUST ALMOST DIED GIVE HIM A BREAK
Nicks phone must be tapped or something?? Idk but that’s a lot of red flowers.
NANCY’s THUMBS UP PLS! BAHHAHAHA I CANT they’re covered in dirt. “Ace don’t break my tv” mr. d, Ace is the least likely to break your tv come on, besides he’ll fix it if he did lmao OH NO THE DAD- COME THRU THOM!!!
YES THOM COME THRU!! Lyrics are good, DATE IS BETTER! Ace is boutta get kidnapped. Sir pls don’t steal my bf!!
He stole my bf.
Oh ok rly you could’ve called richboyryan but you called GRANDMA? WHY?
OH NO ACE IS ON A LEDGE- PLS NO STOP. who is he?? The actor looks familiar lmaooo SHIT NO- ACE DONT DIE BABE PLS. IM SO SCARED RN THAT DUDE IS SCARY AS HELL. OH THANK GOD. oh okay wow that was a big hug- ACE PLS I CANnOT.
this is gonna be a rough 2nd half of the season for ace. NO NO GRANT U HAVE TO STAY. YOU NEED TO STAY AND BE FRANK. FRICK YOU FOR GETTING MY HOPES UP AND LEAVING. oh no Ace is gonna hate that nancy owes Celia for him. Oh nancy and ace are gonna be pissy @ each other now 🖐😭 pls I like them as besties.
SISTERS FOR LIFEEEE I LOVE THEM! She sabotaged the clams omfg I love her! Aw nick is excited too STOP I CANT TAKE THIS IM LONELY AND FANSON IS CUTE. what did Ryan do. RYAN WTF DID YOU DO- Ryan doesn’t even know what he did lmao or is he lying lmao OMG R WE GONNA GET PRISON RYAN?
Okay so lastly I need to say I respect the nace and their shippers and I know the ship is probably inevitable, but I’m not the biggest fan of that ship so if we could keep nace to a minimum on my page that would be greatly appreciated!! Much love ❤️
Oh and lastly for real, lastly: I love all of them: Ace, Nick, Grant, Owen (rip), Riley Smith (Ryan kinda sucks lol), Carson on the dl 👀 THEYRE HOT OKAY? And the ladies too WOW they’re all so pretty and I am in loveeeee with George
Not many thoughts from my sister, just a lot of gasping @ grant and she also says he should be frank hardy. She also thinks prison Ryan would be interesting btw
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dairy-farmer · 3 years
Question! Can you tell us something about honey honey please??? 🥺🥺🥺 (only if u want to!! Congrats on yours exams btw!! 💗💗💗)
oh absolutely!!! and thank you so much, i passed and was so happy about it!!  😊
so honey honey is the fic where lance has a to-do list about everyone he wanted to bang- it’s a little longer than i usually write but is also a one shot which is why it’s taking so long or well, longER than usual loll. 
it’s kind of a short- ‘through the years’ fic about lance going to the garrison and being his squirmy little self going thru pubery and being sooo attracted to everyone+being away from home and unsupervised (because the Garrison was basically a boarding school, wasn’t it and lance was seen to have snuck out enough that he had an entire plan and the guard’s patrol route memorized) and then lo and behold, who does he meet and see?? None other than Keith Kogane. I know in the flashbacks we don’t really see much of them young, just that griffin and likely a few other cadets were not big fans of keith’s sOLO REbeL style- but to lance????
all he sees is = hoTT??! HoT boYY??? For me? dont mind if i do-
then bam. rejection. maybe cuz he’s young, maybe because keith doesn’t swing that way, maybe because keith doesn’t know him, because he didn’t buy him flowers or something like his older siblings always tell him he has to.
and sure, Lance can roll with the punches- it was all good in the hood, keith didn’t want a sweet, ripe banana with his fruit salad- lance got it.
if only he wasn’t so RUDE about it, enter hate, Stage Left.
in all honesty from keith’s perspective, who was likely catching shit from other people who also didn’t appreciate his well earned ‘i AM better than you, I’m the best person here’ attitude. plus keith being himself, a self who probably didn’t want to temper down his natural talent for the egos of other people. well then it’s likely he would interpret lance’s flirty advances as him making fun of him, or another person trying to bully the loser who sits by himself at lunch. so he protects himself before he gets hurt. 
and lance- lance may be a natural born bully but he’d still got the caramel centre of a sensitive young man with a heart full of burgeoning romance. but one rejection won’t stop him and it DoesnT and he enjoys his first few years in the garrison. 
alongside a tumble with griffin while playing musical bunk beds because they both discover- fuck keith kogane. 
yooo you hate keith kogane too??? s
o full or himself, right? 
bam, ‘we share a mutual enemy’ sex. the entire time they’re just cursing him out while blowing and screwing each other. everything he does pisses them off.
did you see kogane, yesterday? you see that bitch  eating oatmeal?
STILL. lance can’’t resist the MaGNEtic AtTraCtion. so keith never slips down past fifth place on his ‘to do’ list because of course he has one. as much as i love lance i cannot deny the frat boi energy that he carries. he was the president of Alpha Beaver Omega in another life 😔
then along comes outerspace and things get a little more complicated when keith shoots from third place to first-
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itssolonelyhere · 4 years
Do u only write for joker/sakura madara/sakura?? i like knives &cherryblossoms and wondering if that's j/s or sasuke/sakura since she solely went back to gotham for sasuke-kun and is still in love w/him. Would u ever write for sasusaku kakasaku or others? i kno u've written robusaku i think it'd be called that? im just curious b/c i saw on ao3 u also take requests but dont know if its for that series exclusively. btw i love ur work!!
Hello, lovely anon! This is a good question 🤔... The writing cell in my brain is a temperamental, fickle little bastard who enjoys screwing with me. For a while now, I’ve really been into JokeSaku. There’s no rhyme or reason for its existence, but I can’t get over it. That makes it increasingly difficult for me to write for the pairings that I used to enjoy. I can totally appreciate others, but my writing cell enjoys a monogamous relationship with one ship at a time.
I’m really glad you like KaCB! It’s still in its infancy stage, but I have a lot of plans for that one. It’s definitely going to be pretty dark... Sakura did go back to Gotham for Sasuke in hopes of pursuing a relationship with him, but also because she misses her friends (which will come up soon). I wouldn’t say Sakura’s in love with him. As with the canon version, I strongly believe she confuses it for infatuation. I don’t want to get into a shipping war, so I’ll leave it at that. This story is a JokeSaku pairing, which I hope doesn’t affect you enjoying it!
Yes, I‘ve written for RobuSaku(?) and KankiSaku (both from the Kingdom manga). Those stories, along with MadaSaku, I started over five years ago and have yet to finish 🤦‍♀️. It really irks me to leave fics hanging, but I don’t have the inspiration, time, or energy to get to them. I’d prefer to dedicate my time to building this JokeSaku ship that has very little material compared to all the others.  
Thank you for reading my work and sending this in, anon! I hope this answers your questions 🥰. By the way, I don’t mind taking requests now and then if it’s something small or JokeSaku related. Fever and Little Surprises both came from requests, though I kind of went overboard with the latter 😅. 
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minijeong · 4 years
i just read some of your dance analysis posts and whoa you're so cool skdjhsdf !!!!!!! well i was wondering, since fiesta has been out for quite some time and they also posted the dance practice vid, what are your thoughts on it choreo-wise?? u should answer this only if u have time though!!! (ps i love ur posts btw! they inspire me to make gifs too hehe keep it up! ^^)
HAHA thank you!!! i appreciate you appreciating my thoughts adkfjsa come join izonetwork if you want to hear more 🥰
i actually went wild about the choreo when it came out so i guess this is a good opportunity to re-evaluate now that i’m calm LOL. thoughts below the cut!
(yall insp me to make gifs too 😭😭)
to sort of premise my thoughts on the dance, i want to say that i really think fiesta set a new standard for gg dances. most of the time, gg dances that are praised are honestly not tHAT interesting to me… not to say that their work is for naught, but as someone who has seen a lot of dances of different levels, gg dances tend to fall flat in choreography and execution. ggs are usually not taught to use grooves or textures as basics, and companies dont want to spend effort teaching them to do so. then they are restricted to choosing choreographers that tend to make choreographies with “arms and legs”, and barely any torso movement besides basic body rolls or chest rolls. on top of that, they are usually given restricted outfits that make the dancing even more underwhelming for me and then i just prefer bgs for dance :( to be honest, even recent gg dances that people have been wowed at have not really been… that interesting for me either because of execution or choreography or both, but i dont want to mention them because i dont want to disregard the work of any idols! i respect them all and hope you will just take my word for it haha
i just watched the dance practice again and honestly the first thing that i think of is that the choreographers really put a lot of time and effort into this. usually to keep things dynamic, i try to change formations every 8-16 counts in a competitive set. this isnt usually something you see in kpop, but the choreographers had a lot of formation changes going on every 8 counts, and most of them werent just simple center or window changes… very nice. the use of stage was nice as well, and varying the number of members on stage at once is a good way to keep things dynamic. there are also points in the choreography that match the lyrics with movements that would normally be cheesy, but it ended up not being cheesy because the formations were so nice e.g. yujin’s first line using a waking up gesture, but having the other girls do level changes and fan their arms out… i enjoy that a lot
another thing i want to comment on about the choreography that is kind of rare to see in gg dances is the use of textures and how the musicality changes. to understand this, the intro is a good example. if you really listen to the music and match it with the choreography, you can tell that the choreographers try to follow a different instrument every 4-8 counts, and this is something i really value and look for as a choreographer. the choreography for fiesta isn’t just a simple one that follows an 8 count strictly (e.g. one that would probably look fine to any song as long as you follow the beat), and i appreciate that a lot
at the same time, izone gets equal credit, because theyre able to see it and interpret the choreography in relation to the music, showing that they have understanding and appreciation of textures and musicality in dance. i think this can be attributed to chaeyeon eunbi and yena and this is an asset in making a dance performance interesting
the only feedback i have about the choreography is that the formations are usually centered and the girls are usually brought up one by one either by walking up or being hidden behind a member that goes down when it is their part. it would be a lot more interesting if the attention was moved around with more variety, like having the attention move from one side of the stage to another. when done well this could be very interesting. the only place i see this happen is minju’s part at the beginning of the bridge
moving away from choreography, and before i talk about the girls, i just want to mention that i feel the stylists are very mindful about izone’s mobility while dancing this comeback. the outfits are generally easy to move in, and the part that stands out to me the most is the shoes. in the comeback show, they were wearing boots, which are easier to dance in than other shoes that ggs usually wear. in the other stages where the stylists have them wear heels, those are the best heels you can wear for dancing lol (boot heels). a lot of dancers i know who have to dance in heels use boot heels because those are the most comfortable to dance in, and give proper ankle support to keep you safe. i also found that the outfits from the comeback show (although many people thought they werent flattering for the girls individually) worked really well with the dance, like when the camerawork showed an arial view
ok now for izone
i think for this comeback, my favourite member to watch is yena. this choreography has a lot more musical complexity this time around, and i think this is yenas greatest strength. to kind of show what i mean, i watch yenas fancam and see how well you can hear the music from her movements, and then watch another member, and it just doesnt match the same. (but also i have a weird thing where i can basically “hear” when someone moves, so it might be a personal thing lol. try it out anyway!). 
another person i notice is eunbi. normally the choreography and concept is softer or cuter, so eunbi hasnt really been able to show off her strength, but there are parts in this choreo that let eunbi really go off and it feels like she literally slaps me in the face when she hits lol. good example of this is in the comeback show at her last part… that hip hit… i actually felt like she punched me lol… thats when i realized that eunbi could beat me up in an instant she is so strong lol…
other things i noticed… hitomi sakura and nako’s musicality has improved, yujin is learning to dance as a tall person (match your levels with shorter people… it’s a skill LOL), hyewon and nako are learning to put more strength in their movements (my heart flipped when i saw), and izone is really unified when they are in good condition. i say good condition because idk about you, but in the first week of their performances, watching them made me feel kind of uneasy. i could feel their anxiousness from the way they moved and from the looks in their eyes and i could eunbi being dizzy and losing balance and it made me sad… esp compared to comeback show. in comeback show, you can see that they have the same fire in their eyes, that they really are performing as one, and thats honestly what you want to aim for when you are dancing as a group
but for the show, izone really hit different… the fire was coming back and i watched it like ten times… i think the best part is seeing the fire in the eyes of members you dont really see it from, like minju and nako. not to say that they dont perform well because this isnt what i mean at all, but their intensity and focus made me feel their genuine effort on stage and i loved it. theres just a Look that dancers have when their condition is good and they’re performing better than usual. and there’s just this Vibe that a team gives off when things are going Right. it’s really hard to explain because it’s not really something you practice, but it’s just when your hearts match and everyone is on the same page and when you dance with your team the energy you share with your team and the energy you have on the stage is literally TANGIBLE. there is really no other way i can find to explain it, and im honestly normally a super sciency person… but this is just something i will never be able to explain… 
the only thing about that performance was that they performed with such energy and intensity that they kind of lost it after the bridge LOL. there are times in choreographies when you’re really tired and theres a resting point and ur adrenaline dies down a bit and ur like shit im tired LOL. and you can kind of see that happen… yena seems tired, and then the formation kind of gets messy,,, but it’s understandable because that jumping is tiring looool
if i had to give izone some constructive feedback:
the pathing for some of the arms in certain parts of the choreo are not the same, so it gets a little messy and loses effect. i know this is something they can fix if they know how to though, since there are other arm parts that are very clean
the timing for some of the canons need to be cleaned up.. i understand this is very hard though. the choreographers gave them pretty quickly timed canons that dont really follow any part of the music. this is generally really hard on the people in the middle vs. the people at the beginning and end who have it easier knowing exactly when to start and stop their movement (google dance canon if you dont know what im talking about)
it would be best if izone learned to pace themselves throughout the performance while keeping the focus and intensity. e.g. if youre going hard all the time, youll run out of energy real quick, so usually when dancers perform they kind of gauge when they put in 80% effort vs 110%, so the performance can have ups and down, and they wont get tired that much. this is honestly hard though and im still working on it hehe i get excited really easily and then halfway im wheezing like holy shit i shoulda calmed down LOL
to make things cleaner, it would be best if some members adjusted their height more e.g. wonyoung esp when they are near nako LOL it’s tough but yea it’s a skill… i got yelled at for like 6 months before i learned so
some formations need to be adjusted e.g. the last one, yuri and hitomi need to move out a bit to adjust to the formation change for the end formation. sakura is actually quite attentive and readjusts her formation mid movement to fix the line - this just needs to happen on the other side now
some random things i noticed:
yena has clean hands and arms and i appreciate this
their facial expressions change collectively at some parts e.g. minju’s first part, they all start smiling and their dance gets light and it’s cute. also during yenas rap in so curious they collectively get more serious and i like that uwu
if chaewon stomps on me one more time in the beginning ill probably cry 
i really like the crossing behind wonyoung with their arms up (at the beginning) that goes into the hits (yena hits HARD) and then the hair flip canon (this is always so good omg)
my dance friend acknowledged this choreo, like its good can confirm
that leg part where they go down in the chorus is hard lol i was talking to my dance friend like yea if i had to do that in a set id quit like i cant man LOL
i miss chaeyeon’s chest hit that was in the mv during her part she doesnt do it anymore :cry:
more members are figuring out how to spot during spins and SO AM I i feel an emotional connection LMAO
after wizones were worrying about members’ knees, they started being more cautious when doing the floor part and i thought that was the sweetest thing ever
if youre still here, thanks for coming to my ted talk and thanks for supporting my blog and caring if i have time etc etc etc my anons are always always so sweet qq
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Who’s ready to lose more braincells thanks to Twitter? (CW: Pedophilia mention)
"I'm Alive Because of YOU!"
The Innocence of an adult with autism and his BFF Lost & Found EMMY ;)
Love You, Love You My Boo Bear  
Mommyand (aka) #SMAARTMom
Meet My son Dustin & My Inspiration for Creating the Autism Welcomed Decal Symbol
Oh, decedents of men she loved/trusted... what a great idea!
To me, there's just something about what the innocence of a child would bring to that kind of a role. Or even a high functioning teen or adult with autism...
Lauren, as a mother of an angel with disabilities, I would like articles about parents and adults with #Autism who share success stories. What makes a positive outcome?
Son went out with his grandad today amazing how are kids adults with #autism behave like angels for there grandparents lol.
As the parent of an adult child with autism I always tell young parents to never underestimate their child Our children CAN They are true angels sent to us by God
I worked as a parapro for three years and have seen people on every part of the spectrum- the way he spoke and carried himself should NOT influence anyone’s decision on their theory of his guilt or innocence. His demeanor is very typical of someone with high-functioning autism.
One thing I know about people with Aspergers is, they dont lie, they are often shy at 1st, but once they know you, they arent the type you ask "does my butt look big in this" coz they'll tell you outright that if does with such innocence & charm.
The innocence of people with autism is truly incomparable, it's their raw emotion that's sets them apart from the rest of the world.
hope you can meet Ganesh. #helpganeshmeettrump
Brother godbless ur boy.His curiosity is apparent and his calmness is heartwarming to see he realizes this isn’t going to hurt us.Autism holds a special place in my heart for my niece is also Autistic and any child,I see an innocence about them that makes me smile.Good job dad
You’re not alone , we autism moms are in this together and know exactly the heartbreak you are feeling
give it time and a lot of therapy Jenny, things will get better !! Just remember that his innocence is soo pure that he’s an angel here on earth for you
Not just autism but any diagnosis/disability. My saying is "do not look at my child w/ different eyes when u see him do something that's considered out of d norm" & also "don't break away his spirit because he can still see the Innocence in life better than you" -Margarita Rubio
Same here brother. My youngest son is autistic and I cant imagine how anyone..especially a "father" could do something like this My son has random seizures and everyone of them rips my heart out Autistic children have more heart & love than anyone on earth Innocence of autism
The ABC series "Love on the Spectrum" was / is a beautiful uplifting and inspiring work. The wonderful openness, hopefulness and general innocence of the autistic folk is a lesson for everyone. Love for everyone has challenges. I hope people don't use autism to express contempt
I love being around people with Autism. They radiate pure energy and innocence.
My son has autism and he is just beautiful in his innocence, thank you very much!!! He does not have black coal for a heart and not beholden to Satan
When Quamaine helped me with the snow shoveling. He was happy to help. I adore him and his innocence. I hope he knows that. #adultwithautism #autism #adultoconaitismo #autismo #quamaine #autismaunt #snow
Mothers of children with autism know their kids intimately because they cannot leave them with anyone. They protect their kids fiercely, because they are vulnerable due to their innocence
Sarah's effective portrayal of an autistic role clearly depicted the charm, candidness, innocence and frolicsome attitude of people with autism.
Autism. A neurological condition where purity and innocence collide to form an abstract masterpiece.
The people with autism can understand a lot of things very clearly. Autistic children tend not trust adult humans becoz for them they are constantly in movement which doesn’t allow things to sync with them. BTW they are fantastic human beings with a child like pure heart.
People with autism are the most perfect human beings on the planet to me bc they don’t bother a soul or hurt anybody an is purely innocent 💯‼️❤️
I have a soft spot for people with Autism.  We aren’t worthy of their creativity, intelligence and innocence
I love being around people with Autism. They radiate pure energy and innocence.
Thank you
God bless you too!
I believe people with autism are special gifts and their purity cannt be denied]
I’ve been the happiest in my life being around people with autism. If you don’t have a friend, brother, or neighbor like them you truly haven’t experience the purity in life.
People with down syndrome, autism, etc, arent capable of hate, malice, greed, intolerance, etc. They exhibit all the things that those of us "normal" people try to be but cant. They're not equipped to be evil. They can only show purity.
I dont know, that's my take on it.
By living with people with autism, we are be able to regain the purity
True, but at the same time these aren't necessarily different things: pedophilia, anti-pedophilia & dumb-girl-philia can stem from one & the same mental trait, i.e. the idealization of childlike Innocence; which in turn is arguably a form of autism: other people can't have minds.
#Undateables #TheUndateables I adore this show. The pure honesty love and kindness of these beautiful souls blows me away
. Their innocence and hopeful view of this world is something that could teach many. Appreciate what you have
#autism #specialneeds #learningdisability
Which film? I love the innocence of kids. Every day my kids say it as it is and their attitude keeps me so grounded. We could all learn a lot from autism x
This sickens me 2 the core.Trump started this he is to blame. We are one let us not forget this. We need 2 learn again from our young who see no difference. My son with autism never sees any difference. Such innocence. The world will not change him .He listens to me I accept all
My son who has been diagnosed with #autism loves painting.He is lifting my spirits with his joy 4 his work he has done.Some he started this week & finished. R #Hamilton #Ticat #Football colors. Love the innocence its so grounding 4 me. Blessings 4 all you are doing
Pope john paul the second said children with autism were closer to god than any other. They have a innocence about them.  We should take notice and learn from there how love and live
And now, some tweets from people who think Greta Thunberg is being exploited just because she's so passionate about stopping climate change:
Democrats like John Kerry are using an innocent little girl with autism to feign innocence while the Democrats just voted to spend 738 billion dollars on environmental destruction. How ridiculous.
That's a good argument? Because it's what SHE *wants* to do? She is a child who does not yet fully grasp the perils of public life or climatology. She's also a child diagnosed on the autism spectrum. She deserves privacy and protection of her innocence. It will end poorly.
I've started to suspect she was selected for this job because of her autism. She can play innocence whenever someone publicly calls her out for the childish nonsense that comes out of her.
Greta is a 16-yr-old kid with autism who is being used by her parents & the crazy adults around her as a political pawn. She's not a savior. She's a kid who is having her innocence and anonymity stripped from her by a**holes pushing their stupid climate change crap.
I think she is being used. The fact that she has an Autism Spectrum Condition should be respected. She is very articulate and very focused partly because she is Greta and partly because she is autistic, but she also has the innocence of a teenager and someone with an ASD.
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ASKS (28)
Anonymous said: Hi ily💓
I love you too! There is love in my heart and you may take some
Anonymous said: Hey hey hey Amesssss!!! what was the first fic you ever wrote?
Well. Technically the first written piece was a play I wrote at around 13? It was about all of the characters from the Percy Jackson series watching Disney’s Hercules together
My first bat fic was this one, back in I want to say 2014
Anonymous said: You are a snack . So cute ❤❤❤❤
[Lizzo voice] baby I’m the whole damn meal 
Anonymous said: You may’ve done badly but you looked fine as heck doing it. (I’m aroace—I’m not hitting on you, I promise). Besides, everybody has off days. Even lawyers.
akhfasufgdlfeas I appreciate the clarification <3
Anonymous said: For my summer job I went through a lawyer’s disaster of an office and let me tell you. 90% of it was Westlaw printouts. Those things are the effing best. They tell you what’s going on, they give you the info you need, they’re not weirdly complicated and hard to find—Westlaw. It may be prohibitively expensive and a symptom of the flaws in our legal system, but by golly it’s the best option.
When you hit that “forms” button......... the magic....... the beauty.....
andromeda270 said: My legal research class got us two free weeks of westlaw(I’m still in college) and when I didn’t finish a paper I made a free trial for the wrong site but they emailed me anyway asking if I was interested in buying and could they talk over the phone. I fessed up and they gave me another free week to work on a paper for some class
That’s how they get you!!!!
collidinglegends said: Lexis is shinier, WestLaw is better
Amen babe
Anonymous said: Please sleep
Who’s got the time
Anonymous said: hi !! quick question . I’ve followed you for a while and i think i asked you this previously but im not sure... do you write Duke ?? would you be comfortable writing him if i sent in a prompt including others in the fam ?
Sure, if I like the prompt. I write Duke every once in awhile, although I wouldn’t say I’m confident doing it. He’s a fairly new character and I stopped reading weeklys about the time I hit law school three years ago
Anonymous said: Hope you feel better soon... I'll pray for you
Ah thank you friend I appreciate you
areverieofchaosdreams said: I'm probably pretty late to this cause I'm not great at time, but your thing is making All the Feelings tm. But in a good way. You and dapanda were the first batfam blogs I ever followed, and it's been a helluva ride. Your way of writing things just pulls me in a way that few do, so thank you. :)
A single tear falls from my lashes, followed by several more because I cry a lot 
hades-in-a-handbag said: Your thing is being the embodiment of goth mom energy Don't know if it's just your literal handle or what but you're so encouraging and motherly and also dark and emotionally scaring with your writing. Very sweet, very spooky
goth mom energy 
Anonymous said: Omgggg ames, ginny is so grown up!!!!!
She is! She’s a teenager 
morallyunequivocal said: not a prompt but oh no i just made myself sad with that last ask
that’s a mood
Anonymous said: You make plushies? Wtf, how did you get to be so talented and adorable at so many things. You’re amazing and I hope law school goes well.
Oh you’re so so sweet
Anonymous said: What law school things have you learned that you could see the bat family deals by with?
Well, I’ve had to take classes about forming and maintaining businesses, finding tax loopholes, writing and litigating contracts, and real property. Those are all things that WE would deal with on the regular. I also took classes on juvenile and adult criminal law, evidence, and police misconduct, which all seem Bat-relevant. At this exact moment I’m taking family law, which would include adoptions, and I have in the past taken classes about trusts and estates.
Anonymous said: Noooooooo no nono 🙏🙏🙏 dont ignore her 💔
Bad kittens get ignored instead of cuddled
crayolapumpkins said: hope the printing isn't too boring !! + I'm loving the fics , your work is always *chef's kiss* !! thank u for ur hard work ✨✨✨
[heart eyes]
Anonymous said: Since you have a big brother and a tiny sister, with that huge gap, what do you feel when you see those Dick & Damian fics or headcanons where Dick sees Damian as both a brother and a son? I know it's kind of canon now, but fandom has even gone as far as having Dick adopt Damian in various situations. Their age gap and their positions in the family allows for that kind of dynamic and I know it's reality for a lot of people too. But what's Your opinions on this? And maybe your brother's?
Huh, that’s a good question. My littlest brother and I are ten years apart, and Dave will tell you flat out I’m his favorite sibling because when I’m home we do everything together. I think the thing those fics are collectively missing is that there doesn’t need to be a brother/father hybrid because the role of Older Sibling With Age Gap is already its own distinct thing. 
Dave and I don’t have the same dynamic as the kids I actively grew up with. We had very limited contact during his growing up years, because I was off at school. Now that he’s a teenager, we communicate like adults but with the caveat that I am In Charge. I dictate the agenda, and I make the decisions unless I choose to delegate them. 
I’ve indulged a request about an adoption before, but I don’t really like that idea very much. Like I said, I don’t feel the need to add “father” into a dynamic that already exists on its own. 
hollyhock13 said: Listen. You’re a middle kid, but not the middle middle kid. You’re towards the older end, but not the oldest. Maybe second or third, depending on how many siblings you have
Anonymous said: That is the coolest blanket I've ever seen!!
Isn’t it just 
Anonymous said: We're having a big adoption event tomorrow in Houston and we sent all the animals in our shelter down there. Our supervisors are in Houston too so us few kennel techs left at the shelter are scrubbing the place from top to bottom. We have music playing on the loud speaker and just ordered pizza. It's a great day. :)
Anonymous said: Pls continue the Tim and hallucination Damian thing im on edge
Anonymous said: Bls bls bls continue the tim hallucinating dami fic, bc its killing me in the best way. My heart. It hurts. That shit hurted.
Anonymous said: Ames, thoughts on the new joker movie?
I haven’t seen it, although I probably will when I get the time
Anonymous said: Idk if this is a secret, more like a guilty confession. I really, REALLY hope Damian turns out asexual, or at least romantically unattached. I LOVE that most of his good interactions are with his vaious Bat siblings, Jon, Maps and his pets. Everyone loves shopping him with varuova characters and it makes me hesitate to share my opinion incase I'm looked at weirdly. But having a character I look up to be asexual would be amazing.
I would really like that too anon
Anonymous said: what do you think about Drake & his new outfit?
Anonymous said: Alfred Pennyworth is the baddest bitch
You are not incorrect
bruciewayneisbatman said: Amy and Kenza are the bittersweet queens of this fandom. The both of you are absolutely evil and tooth-rotting sweet at the same time. I love you two for that, btw.
<3 thanks Esther 
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plunusian · 4 years
Hi, I'm not sure if the tarot ask is open anymore, so ignore this if it is,, here are my questions Does my crush notice me at all, if they do, how do they see me? Does my crush like me back/think well of me? Will they approach me/initiate anything? Thank you so so much, really appreciate the hard work you're putting in ✨💕
Tysm!! I rlly appreciate it! 🌟
How does your crush see you?
"My Kind Of Woman" by Mac Demarco started playing while I was shuffling so I mean... 👀 (ofc if u dont identify as she/her change it sjsbsb but i just thought it was cute)
SEVEN OF SWORDS: Deception; secrets
NINE OF WANDS: Defensive, overworking.
QUEEN OF PENTS: Integrity, independent woman, financially abundant / able to offer stability.
FOUR OF CUPS: Being ignored, apathy, boredom.
NINE OF PENTS: Success, comfort, luxury.
PAGE OF PENTS: Childlike energy; ambition, work ethic
They see you as a hardworker; someone who is honest, intelligent, and mysterious. They're a bit intimidated. They feel you don't see them, or are bored with them. On the flipside, they may be bored of you, if you're not being open (my guides gave me "open, raw, real") with them.
Part of them doesn't even want you to notice them? I feel that there was some sort of tension between you two? Or like, your friend groups have tension? Like you or they are friends with someone who's friends with you and those two have problems, so they worry it would be weird to go for you.
They're also worried that you're a bit too mysterious - they think you're shady. They worry you'll betray their trust. I get the feeling you may have had some kind of drama in the past with an ex that they know about?
"Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift started playing as I was typing this, lol.
My guides keep saying "Temptress" over and over... I guess that's also how they view you.
Does your crush like you back?
DEVIL: Temptress!!! LMAO you're tempting them
JUDGEMENT: exactly what it sounds like - "day of reckoning" kinda energy.
(CLARIFYING CARD) CHARIOT: They feel it's out of their control - they're gonna end up with you regardless of what their mind is telling them.
THE WORLD: Fate, divine timing.
KNIGHT OF CUPS: A love offering 😳
JUSTICE: Rationality. Using their head.
(CLARIFYING CARD) 7 OF WANDS: Giving in, compromise. They're following their heart.
KNIGHT OF WANDS: A passionate offer!!
HIGH PRIESTESS: A spiritual connection. They have dreams about you.
In short: YES!
They're struggling between mind and heart right now, but y'all literally got the World card, so... It's really only a matter of time.
I'm getting a sense that they'd like to spoil you, btw? Shower you in gifts and love?
"Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran came on, just now, btw. 👀
Will they approach you?
I sure hope so cause they seem hella sweet!!! omg!!! Lets see 👀😳
(CLARIFYING CARD) FIVE OF CUPS: Loss. They're scared of rejection.
THREE OF WANDS: Waiting period - contemplating.
QUEEN OF CUPS: Love, nurturing, intuition.
PAGE OF CUPS: A love offering! Puppy love, daydreaming.
TWO OF CUPS: A relationship!!!!! LITERALLY a relationship!!!!!!
KING OF WANDS: A fiery, passionate approach.
I feel the need to clarify - while I did ask about your crush specifically, I feel there's a chance that this is a secret admirer of sorts? So, if your current crush doesn't have this kind of energy / doesn't reciprocate, don't worry - I'm definitely picking up on someone who is very passionate for you!! I even asked my guides to confirm, and kept getting the same cards as confirmation.
I hope this resonates for you!! I'm super happy for you !!!! 💕✨
Tips are optional, but greatly appreciated! Even spreading my page or leaving feedback is good! If you'd like to get more in depth or get another reading, just DM or send an ask.🌟
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linipik · 6 years
I am so down to read even more of the pjo au!!! And its so well written and fits the universe extremely well!!
Really?! u are making me blush! and thank you so much, this is so refreshing to do, to have this AU out of my chest. Thank you Voltron x PJO AUpart 1 | part 2 | part 3
I wanted this part to be longer but …yeah… here it is
we left with: a passed out Allura arriving to chb, a dead cyclops and Keith realizing that he has a real crush on Lance…also the quest to get back Matt
The real deal is that the gods have gone radio silent to the romans FOR A LONG TIME long enough for praetors allura and lotor ( an apollo son btw) to worry too much what if they did something so wrong the gods take retaliation or something? truth is also that saturn (roman chronos) have been using this need to keep the camp jupiter running to poisoning lotors mind to get it against the gods for abandoning them and the usual demigod sad stuff… thats why he convinced allura to go look for the gods since she is so good with the mist and stuff while he stays…and basically reigns. But all in “”good heart””. 
Reah sees this and its like oh no, and when she founds Allura she immediately loves her and sees in her the way to not let saturn break the spirit of her grandchildren since he is basically instigating the hate from the demigods to their parents (and other demigods maybe??). she sees in allura a way to not repeat the same saturn family breaker story that is happening with lotor going against the gods. so she is the one who transports allura to camp half blood , actually the one that leads her is a big ass lion but cyclops attack them and he dies defending allura and it is so sad (then revealed by reah that such is the circle of life and the lion reincarnated in a cub who is going to be allura’s but bear with me) but she saw on allura the energy to face the patriarchal oppression against saturn and lotor in camp jupiter. BUT she fails on telling Allura that Lotor is the one behind everything, since Reah thinks/knows that Allura still dont have the support system to go against Lotor herself…because of romantic feelings.
ALSO, Lotor despises Apollo for knowing things and still letting them happen while with the help of the gods a lot of terrible things can be avoided, couldnt they?  but he would never refuse to use any kind of power, which makes apollo think he is important enough to lotor. Still,  that’s why he is siding with chronos. 
Allura is at chb, and when she wakes up all repaired thanks to apollo cabin magic and she remembers Reah asking her to not reveal the other camp and making her swear over the river styx. so, she cant tell them there about the other camp bc if they expose themselves probably chronos is gonna go after them too and bye new greek allies. Anyway, Allura explains that in California *wink wonk* mount othrys has been appearing slowly and it only means chornos is  kind of waking up  and it can only happen bc some…demigods (lotor and the romans but she cant tell) are siding with chornos.
 BUT she goes with the legal void of just saying demigods who never made it to chb. But keith is like intense staring at her and  why that  SPQR on her shirt…that is obviously roman like on his coin but after all romans where kind of related to greeks ?? he need to know more about this. and while he is basically interrogating Allura about this and she is avoiding his questions Lance kind of confuses this in Keith being interested in Allura and OH NO.
And shiro is all like, rough demigods? I knew some of those at the gladiator thing in the labyrinth so he is gonna help allura because he is sick and tired of demigods putting themselves at risk because the gods are never clear to them and he feels mildly responsible since it is usually zeus rules the ones that fuck demigods more… so he is going with Allura.Keith jumps at the opportunity of getting away from his latent crush on Lance AND know more about this roman jargon Allura slips while talking and that means  he gets to do TWO things at once!The new quest trio ( shiro allura and keith)are ready to go sooner than pidges who still needs some preparations and now Lance is all….what cha mean Keith AND Allura..are both going and he is all confused because he is caring too much about it. Is he Jealous? of….?? Keith maybe? of course it is of keith! since he is NOT into him, and if Allura, the wonderful mysterious and powerful new demigod who saved them from the cyclops, goes with Keith, monster slayer and extremely capable hero… she probably will end up liking Keith (because who wouldn’t like keith and his cool moves) 
And when they are partying and pidge is still asking Shiro all the details he can remember about the matt last whereabouts and hunk is basically asking for all the tips on NOT dying on a quest and Lance is into interrupting ANY Keith-Allura interaction , the six of them are basically walking to the edge of camp  but when they all suddenly feel in the forest in their way out is when they get a prophecy of dodona (thank you garnny Reah) along the lines  that the six of them were to go IMMEDIATELY because in like a week Mt Osyris will be at its strongest and thats when there would not be gong back, that both quest were actually one and the same and only finding the missing family member they will get  there.
they are like oh yes the missing one is matt, OBVIOUSLY, And well, six is not an unlucky number for quests….but Keith is like NO - bc he dont want to spend time worrying about certain inexperienced in quests demigods -, pidge is like YES because that means finding her brother with more help.  hunk is like NO this means more problems and danger , Lance is like HELL YES i get to go with allura and keep an eye on keith so he doesn’t get all the glory and the girl. Allura just want to go and wonders why greeks cant follow simple orders, But Shiro is just “CHILDREN LISTEN, we aint separating. not for our lives. we are only strong in numbers”And team voltron parts immediately to the place hunk has traced technology like shiro’s who coincides with the last place shiro saw Matt: Arizona
BONUS OF THE CERBERUS QUEST (Shiro Matt and Adam failed quest)
Matt had to get back cerberus bc some demigods took him and Persephone wasn’t getting any of that so she went for “who is the brightest demigod so he can bring back my dog instead of me telling my husband”  and  That’s how the trio went directly to hell/the Hades. since they had to start looking somewhere.
Adam is an Hermes child, having a sword power and can know when shit are traps who only went on this quest because Shiro insisted on also going and he had a really bad feeling about it.  his relation ship with Hermes is hermes going all “no dont do that my boy” and adam going “what if i do anyway” but hermes respect he is so straightforward.Matt is an Athena son, who wasn’t too sure about going on a quests until he wanted to graduate from camp demonstrating to his sister that demigods have bright futures out there. 
how did the three brightest and oldest demigods in camp half blood got themselves lost, probably dead and separated?
On their way there shiro and adam get on each other nerves to the point when they both say  “i will do it my way”. Adam is all there is something is deeply wrong with this quest LISTEN TO ME we gotta NOT do this, but Shiro is there for proving this quest successful,Matt is just in the middle… but at the end chooses shiro bc he wants to be the prove of a future for pidgey. And then they get separated in the underworld, never getting to cerberus.Shiro> A zeus child is the best way to get any revenge on zeus and all the gods represent and he is forced to fight in the gladiator arena against monsters and demigods alike, losing an arm.
Matt > ended up in the labyrinth alone passing doors avoiding any kind of evil demigods and creatures without much of a physical fight  bc he is bright that way.  discovering much more stuff about the demigods away from camp and only wants  to see his sister again
Adam> got himself into tartarus because he is unlucky that way
THANK YOU AND I AM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONGANY QUESTION I LOVE TO KNOW THEMI will probably write the rest of the quest, since I already have a draft of it And thanks to @themindoflore specially, i appreciate with all my heart that you asked me about this au 
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e3 Live Blog
“The Hunt Begins”
Ok I had 3 screenshots leaked to me before seeing the episode, but only one of them was spoiler-y in that I wasn’t sure if we’d get that far in the episode. And of course not only did I not leave work early, but had to stay an hour late. So without further delay, I’m hoppin to it. Reminder, I’m watching each episode as someone who is caught up with both the manga and web comic.
Alright, off the bat we’re getting the Charanko expulsion over with. I wasn’t expecting that, but it makes sense- it’s a good hook to lead with and set up the Garou issue before actually getting into Garou destroying everyone.
BTW I am Still not over the opening theme- nope it still gets me both visually and musically. (I definitely was not listening to the song on repeat at work all day. nope. what kind of nerd would do that definitely not me hahaaaaaa)
I like that Charanko doesn’t bat an eye that The Worlds Strongest Man King is there, or Blizzard of Hell, he’s just like ‘ah they’re multiplying.’ Fuckin kek. Saitama oh sweetheart, “Silver Fang” may be cool but to us you’ll always be the One Punch Man oh dear my heart
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oh OH YES Guys you have no idea how excited I am for this fight?? I know Tank Top Master isn’t really popular but like I’m a gym rat so I’ve got a soft spot for him and Superalloy. Guys, in the databook his favorite things are chicken breasts and protein. Also I mean hes actually a decent guy too, but----- Anyway, wasn’t too hard finding Garou, was it Charanko?
Oh, oh right. Let me clarify I’m excited to see TTM get some screen time. Also to watch trash son (aka Garou) kick some ass. I’m, I’m not excited about him kicking Mumen’s ass specifically. This is gonna hurt.
(garou scary face)
His faces literally make me shout WOAH at my screen ok thanks scary trash son. Ah, lookit the tanktopper army!! Fukkin Tank Top Mask is there to I’m- yes, just yes.
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YES. MY BRO MY MAN KICK SOME ASS. Garou’s little ‘nani??’ omfg perfect.WAIT the little ‘haha~~’ THAT was perfect. I also need to point out here that in the manga Garou has a lot of crazy faces, like his expressions are very extra, (another way he’s a foil to Saitama, hah) but seeing them actually in motion speaking is borderline uncanny valley? They’ve creeped me out twice already and he’s been on screen for like 20 seconds? I mean i guess he IS going for the scary-monster thing, so uh, good job u freeky trash man you.
Oh, Tiger and Black Hole, I only missed you a little bit.
Man the Garou music is really intense, holy shit. If I’m not mistaken something at least similar played when he was fighting at the HQ last episode. Honestly, I hope it’s not gonna be this sounding track every time garou gets in a fight. Cause, y’know, ge gets in a lot of those. It’s only been twice now and it’s still during establishing character moments so it passes, but I really really hope they switch it up or it will lose it’s epic feel.
Oh, there he goes with his creepy faces.
FUCK Mumen You FOOL. Also, how did you take that hit so well??? Tiger and Black hole are right for once. Oh you fools. Oh you fools. Stop it’s gonna get worse. ITS GONNA GET WORSE stOP TalKInG
Wait did Garou actually fake walk away in the manga?? I don’t remember that??? Gotta double check myself there cause that threw me off like? Garou??
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Garou: 50% Uncanney Faces, 50% Badass
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand back to the freeky faces. Also, TTM’s “KUSO!!”
oh god.
The sound as he repeatedly bashes Mumen’s skull into the concrete. REPEATEDLY. my stomach. This fight is a rollercoaster of hype and pain oh no
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Here have this screnecap so you can suffer, too
I must say, watching Garou fight otherwise is an absolute joy. The rest of this scene was so dynamic. I loved the way just glided through everyone and bounced around so fluidly. Keeping the water stream fist throughout it was also visually really pleasing. I need more. Give me more Garou fights, this is AMAZING. And that put us about half way through the episode like I predicted, which means I have no idea at what scene the episode will end.
“He’s here” Oh that was funny. Was that filler? I dont remember that either good shit good shit
B A N A N A T I M E  
TTM: “At least say I put up a good fight!!” Oh sweetheart I love you and appreciate you you did great
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Oh shit that was a cool gag, how the newspaper flew past and garou just appeared. also. The most beautiful friendship is about to start and oh my god I’m so excited. Ok really I won’t lie- I would have been SCREAMING at Tareo on the screen if the didn’t just lead with Zombieman’s face in the catalog. I live for that pout. And his eyebrow is quirked like the heck u lookin at just. F. I’ve exhausted all my energy screaming at that. I’m so sorry.
Wait wait they still showed the side of his face again guys I’ve got it so bad for that 2D man help
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I’ve waited so long for this scene. OH MY FUCK the little leg bob guys someone gif it NOW.  I love both of them so much. Also, Tareo’s voice is adorable. Watching that kid go through some shit is gonna be heart wrenching. FFF Anyway, it looks like we are getting GoldenBall and Spring Mustachio this episode? I was torn either way if we’d see that much. huh.
Oohhh Shit Sea King and Melzalgald! Wassup flashbacks?? Oh my gosh Saitama looks so excited I think thats the happiest we’ve seen him in a long time? No wonder he takes an interest in martial arts! AH! The ticket! The ticket! The tournament ticket!! I know a bunch of people considered the tournament filler and found it annoying, but I’m so excited for it!! Like, it seriously gave me a whole new respect for Lightning Max and Snek, I can’t wait to see those boys get the spotlight for a second again!
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OMFG What is this jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- wtf I am Cackling?? Oh my fuck its still going this is Peak Comedy 
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AH! I missed them! And I wish the screen wasn’t so dark, but otherwise SEE WHAT I MEAN? Shit watching Garou move is fun as hell, even if he’s barely moving. Also, is that legit bullet fire sound effects? I also love that those two get drinks together regularly enough that Spring knew something was up when GB wasn’t there. So good so good.
Garou: “Ding ding ding”          Me: glorious you bastard
Question, what the fuck is that sword made of that it shoots rainbows for miles? Is it the power of gay? I mean I personally don’t ship Spring and GB buuuuuuuuuuuuuut…………………………….
OH IM SO DISAPPOINTED GAROU DIDNT JUST FLIP US ALL OFF JUST A THUMBS DOWN CMON I WAS EXCITED FOR THAT I FEEL RIPPED OFF. Also there’s that music again, but it didn’t play the whole time thank goodness.
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“Here comes the fan service to your screen” amirite?
Eh at least I got the satisfaction of watching the sleezeball get decked in the face. The brunette’s face when he asked for a kiss on the cheek is SUCH  a MOOD. And oh fuck the ‘relax its for peace” Those two girls are the real stars of this episode I love them.
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Obligatory “YES”ing at the screen rn hold on
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THE POST CREDIT SCENE. Genos I love you never change. Just. look at this precious boy. And the voice acting is perfect. I’m glad they ended on a humorous note this time. Gold.
IN SUMMARY: I honestly don’t feel like I have much to say or reflect on. I just really loved this episode. Favorite one yet. I mean of course I’m going to like it more as the story kicks the fuck up, but I genuinely had zero complaints, and actively enjoyed watching the animation.
Warning for next week btw, I’m going to be out of the country and also not really near civilization, so I probably won’t have wifi, so theres a good chance I wont be able to blog next week’s episode till I get back. Which I’m actually pissed about. because 
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I’ll hopefully see yall next week, thanks for reading!
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