#thank you for putting the questions in the ask that was really helpful!
brainrot-of-a-thot · 2 days
i was wondering how togame, sakura and unemiya (if you can) would react to someone else flirting with the reader😭 and p.s i just wanted to say your writing is chefs kisses 🫶🏻
she’s mine (just not officially)
or, someone is flirting with you, and they can’t deal, featuring: haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, jo togame, suo hayato, kiryu mitsuki
a/n: I actually sort of combined two similar requests into one — just felt it would be easier for everyone! tbh I loved writing this. jealous boys are yummy ~ and thank you so so much for your kind words babes, they mean so much to me! <33
note: first time writing for pretty boy kiryu!! ooh nooo he’s actually kinda cute eeeeee
c/w: fem!reader, crushes, headcanon blurbs, language, jealousy, pre-relationship
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the instant that sakura haruka registers that someone’s flirting with you, he’s clenching his teeth so hard that his gums start to ache.
there’s many things that crop up in his mind and threaten to spill from his lips — but he holds them back, because none of them would truly make sense in the situation.
you can’t very well tell someone to back off of your girlfriend when she’s not your girlfriend.
it irritates sakura to no end to watch the way your cheeks flush prettily at every lame-ass compliment the slooze offers you; they aren’t even that good, simply mediocre at best, and it’s very clear that all the dude wants is to get in your pants — and sakura can’t even fathom how you can’t see that.
your giggles, normally so pleasant to his ears, grate like nails on a chalkboard when they’re evoked by someone else.
sakura knows he’s more than likely overreacting, but he can’t help it. every fiber of his being is screaming at him to yank the douche away from you, to separate your bodies that are drawing way too close for comfort, to drag you off to some darkened corner and show you that he’s the one that’s worthy of your attention — that all he wants is to receive it and offer you his own.
but he can’t — and that’s the worst part of it. all these things he wants to do, all the things that sleazeball is currently doing, are the things that sakura is too scared to do.
maybe one day, he’ll pluck up the courage to put himself in that place; and if only he could see the yearning glances you send his way, then he would realize there is no need to fear rejection.
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truth be told, you won’t even know hajime umemiya is jealous, because he knows how to (mostly) play it cool.
he’s long since learned to smother negative emotions with ones that are positive — and if he simply can’t smother them, he will act as if they aren’t even there, and proceed with his day like normal.
this process is no different when he feels that green snake curl up in his heart.
of course, he’s outwardly calm, but on the inside he’s seething over every interaction you have with the man. umemiya is taking note of every single pick-up line and compliment the man is throwing at you, and discreetly judging them — that one was way too cheesy, or that one delivered way too lazily, and really, when is the whole “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” schtick going to die out?
umemiya couldn’t blame him for asking that question though; you were purely angelic, what with that soft smile and those beautiful eyes and that silky hair — he could go on and on about every angelic quality about you.
umemiya does his best to keep his nose out of these situations, but the second he hears the man suggest a date, umemiya is springing to your side with a bright smile.
he’ll apologize to the man and launch into an explanation about how you have plans already (plans of which you weren’t aware of until just now), and only once he’s secured you away from your suitor will he smile sheepishly and say, “I totally forgot to let you know about that. just figured you’d want to come along.”
umemiya never once stops to wonder why you never refute his claims of agreed-upon plans, or why you never question the fact that those same plans turn out to be very rushed and obviously cooked up on the spot; or why he only springs them on you when you’re being hit on.
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when someone is flirting with you, jo togame has to find a way to occupy his hands — by fiddling with his ramune bottle, fixing the collar of his jacket, or even in some cases, by simply shoving them in his pockets.
because, nine times out of ten, when someone starts flirting with you, togame is right there beside you; and his hands begin to tremble with the urge to place themselves somewhere on your body. he wants to sate that protective and possessive growl in him by showing a subtle claim over you by a well-placed hand on your hip.
but togame doesn’t hold that claim over you; because although he’s head over heels for you, you have absolutely no idea about it — and sometimes, togame doubts you’d ever hold the same depth of emotion for him too, even if you did know.
so he sits, and he waits, and he seethes. and he yearns. and he thinks.
thinks about what it would feel like if he could do the very thing his mind was screaming at him to; wonders how good it would feel to have your body tucked against his, to be able to look at the guy and say, “I’m sorry, but she’s taken,” all the while you smile up happily at him. like he’s the only man on earth.
togame thinks about all these things — completely unaware that, in that same moment, you are too.
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whenever a man enters a conversation with you, suo hayato very subtly injects himself into it and then takes complete control of it. though it’s fairly obvious the man only wanted to talk to you, suo somehow manages to get him roped into a conversation with him as well.
suo is never straight-up rude — but it’s not hard to discern if one bothers to read between the lines. his voice is as calm and unaffected as ever, even bordering on genuinely conversational at times, but there’s this hint of something else beneath it; almost like a threat of some sort.
any and all topics pertaining to you are steered in another direction, the turns always orchestrated by suo himself — sometimes you find yourself wondering why the guy is even still there, why he’s actually conversing with suo when you could clearly feel that he was interested in you.
the man knows why. he feels the silent commands that suo sends his way, feels the aura from him.
of course, you can’t really detect that — but the man flirting with you certainly can. whatever metaphorical language suo is speaking in the man understands clearly, and before you know it, his interest in you is deflected (forced) away.
and every time, you’re left wondering why you don’t feel disappointed about it; and why it just feels more natural for it to just be you and suo.
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kiryu mitsuki is what you’d call a man of few expressions. it isn’t that he’s emotionless or incapable of feeling, it’s just that it’s difficult to tell what he’s feeling. his expression is always soft, eyebrows relaxed and eyes even more so, his lips always pulled into a smile as if he’s heard a joke that only he understands. if anything, you’d say kiryu looks content with life — it’s actually a quite charming look.
but when someone’s flirting with you, kiryu looks anything but. his brows are furrowed and the smile is wiped from his mouth. his eyes, a kind, gentle green, burn like twin peridot in hellfire.
kiryu can’t even hide it; can’t be bothered too. he’s shown his affection towards you in ways that are too blatant to be considered merely-friendly. he may not have ever verbally confirmed his feelings for you, but he doesn’t really have to. kiryu shows them.
of course, he’s well aware that you haven’t reciprocated these feelings; and he won’t force you to — if it happens, it’ll happen naturally.
it’s because of this philosophy that he won’t ever interject himself or disrupt the flow of your conversation with the man, but after it’s all said and done with, kiryu will be just a tad clingier towards you than before — and secretly, selfishly, hope that you’ll reciprocate his feelings soon, so that he can finally call you his and he can say all the things he wants to to guys that flirt with you.
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000-pawz · 3 days
drunk in love (bnd legal line) ˚ · .
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bnd when they're drunk/when you're drunk , bnd x fem!reader , legal line reactions/headcanons , fluff , some suggestive sprinkles here and there , established relationship
more under the cut!
a/n: thank you for the request anonie! <3 this was so fun to write
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sungho ˚ ⋆。˚
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ if you call sungho while you're drunk at a friend's house, he'll be there in record time! he's not letting you go home alone or with someone else. he's going to make sure that you get home safe himself
𐙚₊˚ sungho is the best drunk sitter ever </3 he's making sure you are consistently drinking water throughout the night, getting food into your stomach the whole time (and rewarding you with kisses along the way!), and making sure you don't fall off of a roof or something
𐙚₊˚ at parties, he watches your cup the entire time, placing his hand over the top when you lean in to hug a friend, holding it for you while you go to the bathroom and everything!!! like he does not play about your safety at all
𐙚₊˚ if you start to get a little too out of hand, he knows it's time to take you home </3 and if you complain and pout about it, he'll just sigh and try to give you an incentive to cooperate like getting to steal all of his hoodies for a month (and of course, you give in!)
𐙚₊˚ throws you over his shoulder and carries you away when it's time to go and you're too drunk to walk >< pats your butt when you tell him to put you down lol
𐙚₊˚ helps you change into one of his big t-shirts and spoons you to sleep, pressing soft kisses to the crown of your head, whispering 'i love yous' into your ear until you fall asleep <3
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ i see sungho as someone with a pretty high tolerance, so it may take him a few drinks to start visibly showing that he's drunk
𐙚₊˚ the first sign would be how he laughs at everything. full on belly laughs, slapping his knee, falling over and it'll simply be because someone pronounced a word wrong or something >< like that is ijbol king
𐙚₊˚ sungho is an extrovert, yes, but he becomes the extrovert's final boss when he's drunk. he pretty much carries the conversation, but he probably is a little volume deaf too, like he gets really loud and hyper (at least he's cute though)
𐙚₊˚ he doesn't really get emotional, but his emotions are more raw for sure!! he might end up in an argument with someone at some point in the night if he's left alone for too long, so please keep an eye on him!!!
𐙚₊˚ he'll probably want to kiss you a lot. like even more than usual, and that's saying something. you'll be talking with a friend and he'll come up from behind you and slip an arm around your waist before pressing a kiss to your cheek and then he disappears again >< or if you two are just drinking alone, he'll peck your lips literally while you are in the middle of a sentence :C his impulse control is nonexistent when he's drunk like partner pretty so he kiss! it's that simple!
𐙚₊˚ getting home with sungho would be a personal podcast in your ear... he's going to be talking the entire time with exaggerated gestures, recapping his entire lift story because his filter completely disappears when he's drunk!!! and getting him to sleep is even harder </3 he'll be silent for a few minutes before asking you yet another question, so you have to kiss his lips and shush him to sedate him <3
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ loves when you're all over him <3 sitting in his lap as you laugh with friends, kissing him all over his face, running your fingers through his hair... it makes him so happy
𐙚₊˚ will gladly take pictures of you if you ask! pretends to be your paparazzi like "miss y/n!!! over here!!!" before snapping a picture all dramatically while you pose like you're on the front cover of vogue <3 just silly and fun
𐙚₊˚ if you're under the influence, he'll want to make sure you have the most carefree, stress-free, most enjoyable experience possible! he'll compliment you the whole night so you never forget how pretty you are, makes sure you don't go past your limit, and piggybacks you while holding your heels <3
𐙚₊˚ smiles at you so fondly when you drunkenly ramble to him <3 he gives you the most cartoonish reactions to everything you're saying, and when you realize he's not actually listening and just admiring how cute you are, he just laughs softly and kisses you, urging you to continue
𐙚₊˚ feeds you throughout the night so you don't feel too sick in the morning!! as soon as you take a break from talking, he's putting a cracker in your mouth and telling you to chew lol
𐙚₊˚ very gentle when he lets you know it's time to go home, waiting patiently for you to finish saying goodbye to all your friends (even if it's the entire room of people) <3 after you surprise him with another kiss attack as soon as you step foot inside the home, he manages to get you into bed, removing your makeup for you once you're asleep, treating you like you're a piece of glass </3 he loves you sm
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ riwoo brings sweetheart energy to the function like <3 he's not that talkative when he's tipsy, choosing to just observe the scene with a smile on his face. you'll probably have to pull him up out of his seat to get him to mingle lol
𐙚₊˚ as soon as he hits the dance floor though, it's sooooo over!!! his hands will be on your hips as you guys dance, laughing into your ear, hyping you up as you break it down like!!! he'll be really touchy too, holding you from behind as he whispers into your ear, grinding into you from behind just to tease ><
𐙚₊˚ he'll probably eat a lot before drinking so he doesn't get too drunk, but it honestly never works </3 thankfully, he's able to stay pretty level-headed when he's drunk, so you never have to worry too much
𐙚₊˚ when he's drunk drunk, riwoo probably slurs his words a lot, and gets really giggly, and really corny. he'll crack the worst joke you've ever heard and then laugh at it because he thought it was the funniest thing ever (and please indulge him </3 he's too cute to not fake laugh at his jokes)
𐙚₊˚ i see him as the type to turn into jell-o when he gets really drunk. like he'll be leaning on you the entire time because if you let go, he's going straight to the floor. getting him to bed would be an entire workout because he just goes limp randomly and trips on air every three seconds pls
𐙚₊˚ riwoo definitely likes to be babied when he's drunk ^___^ he'll be giggling the entire time as you help him get his shoes off and change into more comfortable clothes like "riwoo, lift your arms up!" and he's doing it with the widest smile on his face (and if you tell him about it when he's sober, he'll be soooo embarrassed </3)
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun is probably half-concerned/half-entertained the entire time </3 he's laughing whenever you stumble over your own feet, but his hands are quick to steady you to make sure you don't hurt yourself!!!
𐙚₊˚ records you with a big smile on his face when you're dancing on tables, cheering you on the entire time. but if your skirt starts riding up, he's quick to grab you down with his hands around your waist before helping you pull your skirt down <3
𐙚₊˚ taps his cheek whenever he wants a kiss because he knows that you love to kiss him when you're drunk </3 it becomes a game between the two of you during the night, where he taps his cheek randomly and you stop whatever you're doing to kiss him lol
𐙚₊˚ indulges you in all of your drunken activities! if you want to race him down the road barefoot, he's right there with you, his shoes tossed off to the side at the ready mark. or if you want to see who can do the most cartwheels, he wraps his jacket around your waist before the competition starts and then shows off that he can do more than you!
𐙚₊˚ if you're reaching your limit, he gently takes your cup from your hands with a little "alright, that's enough for you" and if you whine, he kisses your nose and goes "how about some water instead, hm?" and you reluctantly agree because he's just so sweet
𐙚₊˚ he's so subtle with the way he cares for you, you barely even notice what's going on. you're too busy having the time of your life to realize that jaehyun has already gotten you home, washed up and changed as you talk his ear off in your drunken haze >< he responds to everything while multi-tasking, making sure you get tucked in on your side just in case before you drift off <3
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun clingy drunk agenda! he'll always want to have his hands on you in some way, whether it be hugging you from behind, holding your hand, or resting his head on your shoulder!
𐙚₊˚ probably needs to be bodyguarded when he first starts drinking. please do not dare him to do anything because he will do it. and he will prove that he can do it better than anyone has ever seen.
𐙚₊˚ although his energy is usually always at 100%, i think he mellows out a bit when he's really drunk. at first, when he's simply tipsy, he's the life of the party! cracking jokes with everyone, sparking up a conversation with anyone in his vicinity, even he's dancing on tables lol but once he gets really drunk, he gets a little quieter and sticks to your side!! (that's when you know it's time to take him home)
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun can get pretty emotional when he's drunk too. he could probably cry just from thinking about how much he loves you!! you won't even notice that he started to cry until he's sniffling, dabbing at his eyes :< and if you ask him what's wrong, he'll just be like "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." and you're just like ???<3???<3??? because it'll come out of nowhere lol
𐙚₊˚ if you aren't with him at a party or something, he'll probably text you the entire time. just like paragraphs of how much he misses you, and how he loves you so so so so much, and he'll even send you cute drunk selfies so you know he is safe and having a good time!
𐙚₊˚ jaehyun can get very very needy when he's drunk! you could be chilling at home when he comes back from a friend's house and he'll be all over you, nuzzling his nose into your neck, kissing your shoulder, subtly trying to rub against your leg because he forgets to use his words :<
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ #1 instigator. he thinks that you are so funny when you're drunk >< how you'll do and say literally anything without a second thought and he encourages it even. it's cute to him
𐙚₊˚ like if you get into a rap battle with a random busker on the street, he's throwing imaginary money and tossing in random adlibs like he's a soundcloud rapper girlfriend lol
𐙚₊˚ always has an arm over your shoulder, holding you close to his side because you look so good and he doesn't want anyone to think you are single and try to hit on you! keeps you close to him at all times
𐙚₊˚ nothing really fazes him and he's good at keeping calm. like if you start to throw up, he'll simply hold your hair out of your face and rub your back softly before cleaning you up with a tiny smile. or if you suddenly burst out into tears, he's cooing at you, wiping your cheeks with his thumb, placing kissing on your nose <3
𐙚₊˚ but if you're blackout drunk, way past your limit, he gets really serious >< he'll sit you on the kitchen counter and make sure you drink a bunch of water, his eyes on you like a hawk. he'll rub your knee comfortingly to keep you present, praising you every few seconds for doing so well for him
𐙚₊˚ he'll tease you so much once you're sober, recounting all of the crazy thing you did while you were drunk >< and when you start to get embarrassed, he wraps you up in his arms and reassures you that you are still cute to him no matter what <3
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ yapper. like. he's going to be talking soooo much!!! just about anything and everything, stumbling and slurring over his words as he recounts how he saw a squirrel earlier that day or something. shares wayyyy too many tmis too
𐙚₊˚ he definitely loosens up more when he's drunk. his composure and attention span goes straight out the window. he's usually pretty composed when he's sober for the most part, but as soon as he gets a few drinks in his system, something in him flips like a switch
𐙚₊˚ please do not let him pick up the karaoke mic oh my... he's going to attempt to have a rap battle with you or try to belt out the highest notes possible. he'll put on an entire show for your whole friend group!!! he might even join in on drinking games and stuff
𐙚₊˚ wanders off easily, so please can an eye on him!! he'll get distracted by every single thing, his feet carrying him away without a second thought >< you might even lose him for an hour, and then find him sitting in the kitchen eating a bag of chips with someone's hat on and a mustache drawn on his face
𐙚₊˚ taesan can get pretty pouty when he's drunk too. especiallyyyy if you're not giving him as much attention as he wants! you could be laughing with some friends and taesan will be sitting next to you with his arms crossed and the biggest kitty pout on his face ever because? why aren't you laughing with him!!!! (pls give him lots of kisses to make up for it!!!)
𐙚₊˚ he definitely has a habit of denying that he's drunk. he'll try to dismiss your help to get him home, or refuse to drink water, and claim that he can do everything by himself. he'll literally be tripping over his own feet as you try to help him into his bed and he'll be like "nooo i'm not drunk! i swear!" and then as soon as he hits the pillow, he's out like a light
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
when you are drunk
𐙚₊˚ follows you around like a guard dog the entire night! he knows that you like to run off and do reckless stuff when you get drunk, so he's keeping his eye on you
𐙚₊˚ makes all of your drinks himself and never lets you drink out of the punch bowl <3 you like to joke that he's your personal bartender and he takes the title with pride
𐙚₊˚ if you get really drunk and start getting emotional, he's quick to comfort you, even if you won't remember anything he said in the morning. he's cupping your cheeks, kissing your lips and telling you how much he loves you!!! he thinks it's so adorable when you start crying because of how much you love him, and he reminds you that he isn't going anywhere, ever <3
𐙚₊˚ super gentle with you when helping you wind down for the night!!! he'll remove your make up and help you brush your teeth with a quiet "say ahhh", smiling softly because you are just so cute and he's so in love
𐙚₊˚ lets you space out and stare at his fish tank while he makes you food to eat before you go to sleep so you can get something in your stomach! goes to the other side of the tank and makes a funny face through the glass just to see you giggle
𐙚₊˚ already has hangover medicine ready on your side table with water and snacks if you wake up and need something!!! please thank him a bunch in the morning for how well he took care of you <33
when he is drunk
𐙚₊˚ second highest tolerance i think! he definitely gets drunk quicker than sungho, but it still takes him a bit!!! mostly because no one can tell if he's actually drunk or not with the way he's able to keep his composure
𐙚₊˚ i don't see him as the type to chug a bunch of drinks immediately, probably only nursing one drink for a long time. he knows his limits, and tries to stick to them because he hates being hungover the next day!!! he has to feel good so he can take care of you instead <3
𐙚₊˚ he gets sooo flirty, it's unreal. he'll literally try to talk you up even though you guys are already together!! he'll comment on how good you look, his hand rubbing your thigh, leaning in to whisper into your ear and kiss your neck ><
𐙚₊˚ he gets really soft toward the end of the night, his head resting on your shoulder as he spaces out </3 he'll probably play with your fingers while you converse with your friends, laughing quietly every now and then, but his mind is on an entirely different planet. it's okay though because he knows you'll look after him!!!
𐙚₊˚ gets pretty defiant when he's had one too many drinks lol >< like if you tell him it's time to go home, he'll plant his feet into the ground so you physically cannot drag him away with a teasing look on his face. he might even just take a seat on the floor and look up at you with big puppy dogs eyes because he doesn't want to go yet!
𐙚₊˚ he sobers up pretty quickly and is usually fine by the time you guys get home!!! he'd probably want to shower together before cuddling up to you like a big teddy bear, usually asleep within a minutes, surrounded by your warmth <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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missjadesfics · 2 days
Are you jealous, Sanji?
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Sanji x Reader request: Yes gif credits: @goodsirs divider credits: @rookthornesartistry @cafekitsune Summary: Sanji decides to make his feelings for Y/n known after Zoro openly flirts with her in front of him. Unknown to him, Y/n has feelings for him too. Warnings: None, just Sanji being a jelly man, make-out session, heartwarming stuff; Sanji, I guess, is a warning in himself. Word Count: 1,5k Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or its characters, nor do I claim them as my own. Comments, likes and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
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Y/n sat with the children, listening to Usopp tell them how he helped defeat the fishmen with his slingshot. Making gestures with his body as he spoke word for word. Y/n put a hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing when he fell backwards, as she ran over to help him up. Sanji poured everyone a bowl of his stew, and each villager thanked him gratefully. Sanji smiled and nodded as he looked at Y/n, his eyes meeting hers. With a locked gaze, she waved at him as she danced with the children, making Snaji chuckle lightly; he saw Zoro come up with his empty bowl as he raised a brow. “Enjoyed it that much, did you? Not too bad for a waiter, eh?” he laughed, pouring some more stew into his bowl. Zoro made a slight smile. “I’m just hungry, and this is the only available food. Doesn’t mean anything,” he nodded to Sanji as the cook grinned, watching Zoro walk away. “Whatever you say,” Sanji said to himself as he grabbed a bowl for himself and Y/n; making his way over, Y/n fell to the ground in a heap, the children climbing on top of her and burying her underneath them. “Hey, kids, do you mind if I give the pretty lady something to eat? I promise she can play with you later.” 
Sanji asked the kids, and they gradually revealed that Y/n was lying on the ground, laughing lightly as they all ran to join Usopp and Luffy in playing with them. Y/n sighed, sitting beside Sanji “ I forgot just how much energy children have”, she said, out of breath. Sanji handed her one of the bowls with a chuckle. “You kept up well with them, darling. However, I think Usopp and Luffy could possibly overthrow you quite easily,” Y/n smiled. “And I wouldn’t have a problem with that; they are both big children at heart.” She ate Sanji’s stew, closed her eyes, and moaned in delight. “This is amazing, Sanji. If only Zeff were here to try this. You’ve come a long way as a chef,” she complimented. Sanji blushed lightly at her compliment. “Yeah, if the old man ever develops quality taste buds, that is”, he made the joke Y/n gasped, shoving Sanji playfully. “Sanji! You are terrible,” she laughed at her friend’s joke. 
While Sanji was cleaning the dishes from the festivities, he saw Y/n come over to help him. “Darling, you don’t have to help; I can handle this” he looked over his shoulder Y/n put her hands on her hips. Sanji laughed, resuming cleaning the dishes and shaking his head. “The day I find out how to get you to listen to me-” he began when Y/n cut him off. “Which will be never”, she finished while helping him clean the bowls, handling the work in a comfortable silence. “You know I don’t mind helping you, Sanji. I’ve gotten used to it after all our time working for Zeff together. Besides, I like you, and you were the only cook I could stand. A plus, too, you are handsome and having a handsome cook and friend is a good thing,” she giggled. Sanji raised a brow, and a smug look appeared on his face. “Oh, you think I’m handsome, love. Tell me, is there anything else about me that’s, let’s say, a benefit?” he questioned, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Y/n hummed in response as she cleaned the last bowl and wiped her hands with a cloth. Sanji mirrored her as he waited for her response. “Depends on what you count as benefits, really”, she teased, tapping his shoulder and kissing his cheek. Looking over her shoulder at him while she walked away, Sanji’s heart raced, smiling. ‘She thinks I’m handsome,’ he thought as he stacked the bowls neatly.
Y/n stood with Nami, watching Luffy stretch his body and make the children laugh; the girls smiled at their friend having fun. “So, am I wrong to assume something is happening between you and Sanji?” Nami wriggled her brows with a cheeky grin Y/n blushed, shaking her head. “Oh, Sanji doesn’t see me that way; we’ve known each other since we were kids. Besides, I don’t want to ruin our friendship; it’s too special to me,” Y/n explained to Nami, who frowned. “I don’t know; you both seem too oblivious to each other’s looks or little compliments. I mean, he calls you darling, love, sweetheart, or any kind of affectionate nickname, and you don’t think he means something behind it?” Nami asked Y/n; her eyes drifted over to Sanji, taking in a breath. “He’s always been charming like that; he’s a romantic and loves making women feel special and adored. Even if it’s only for a day,” she smiled while watching Sanji sip his drink and talk to Zoro as they walked over to Y/n and Nami. “Oh my god, he’s coming over” Y/n hid in Nami’s shoulder; the orange-haired girl laughed. “Oh, you have feelings for him; it’s adorable”, she hugged her friend as Y/n’s muffled voice said, “I hate you.” 
“Well, ladies, you look pretty this evening, Y/n; green suits you. I think it’s your new colour,” Zoro winked Y/n blushed, giggling. “Thank you, Zoro. Are you subtly suggesting something?” She asked him, sipping her water. Zoro tilted his head. “Well, normally, I wouldn’t allow it, but I can make an expectation just for you, honey. We’d look good together.” He smirked Y/n’s eyes and gazed at Sanji, his hand clenched tightly, and his eyes burned as he stared at Zoro. “I think it’s getting late. Maybe we should all get some sleep. It’s been a long day” Y/n and Nami nodded in agreement. “Yeah, good idea, see you in the morning”, Nami shouted as she walked away. Zoro sighed. “Yeah, sleep sounds good right about now. Good night, Y/n; sleep well, honey. If you need a bunk buddy, you know where I am.” he winked. Sanji’s jaw clenched, wrapping an arm around Y/n’s shoulders. “Yeah, whatever” he pulled Y/n away, his other hand tucked in his pocket, and they walked back to their sleeping huts. 
“Sanji, is everything okay? You seem different,” Y/n asked softly, her hand on his shoulder. Sanji laid his head on the door of his hut, opened it and pulled her inside. “Sanji”, Y/n gasped lightly before she was pushed to the wall, caged between Sanji’s hands on either side of her head. Breathing heavily, Sanji stared into her eyes. “Can I tell you something?” He whispered as he leaned in slightly Y/n nodded her head wordlessly. “I have held back for so long with my feelings. The thought of rejection always plagued my mind, but I would regret it if I didn’t say something. I love everything about you: the way you smile, your blush, your eyes shine, your laugh and how you always have been there beside me. You have given me so much to admire and appreciate. I never realised how much one person can make you feel inspired and loved, my darling. I was told once that I should find someone who isn’t afraid of the word forever. And I am willing to spend forever with you if it means I share every moment with you, awake or in our dreams while we sleep. You have been the only girl I’ve loved and thought about since I understood what it means to cherish someone special. Y/n, I love you.” Sanji cupped her face, his head pressed to hers gently. Y/n’s eyes closed, and she had a smile on her lips. “You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed about hearing you say those last four words to me”, she admitted, looking into his eyes. “I love you too, Sanji. I’ve been too afraid to ruin our friendship at the risk of losing you. There is no one else but you; it’s always been you” She pressed her lips to his.
Both held on to each other like they were their only life source. Sanji’s arms wrapped around Y/n’s waist, securely pulling her close, carrying her over to the table, and sitting her on top gently. “How could I not see it? You were practically telling me,” Sanji murmured, making Y/n laugh lightly. “Oh, sweet Sanji, I forgive you” Y/n threaded her fingers through his hair, brushing her nose with his. “Also, we should probably thank Zoro for this.” She motioned between them. Sanji narrowed his eyes. “Don’t say his name”, he breathed, kissing her again, this time with a little more force; a moan escaped her lips. Sanji kissed her neck, and Y/n laughed. “Are you jealous, Sanji?” she moaned, feeling Sanji bite her neck softly. “Well, can you blame me?” His voice mumbled Y/n held onto his shoulders for support. “Well, two things; one, you don't have to be jealous of any man. And two, I’m tired. Can we just go to sleep?” she whined softly. Sanji chuckled, pulling her into his arms and carrying her to his bed. “Of course, darling, I’ll make up for lost time tomorrow” he kissed her lips gently before laying beside her, pulling a blanket over them Y/n tucked her head in Sanji’s chest, falling asleep instantly. 
Sanji kissed Y/n’s head lightly, whispering, “Good night, darling.”
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ornii · 1 day
Hey, I've enjoyed reading your stories, so thank you for writing them.
Would you consider writing a Wednesday Addams x Male Reader story where Wednesday is the one who decides to ask Reader out?
I can't help but picture Wednesday deciding to try and emulate Gomez's way of showing affection, just with her twist. She's doing everything that Gomez would do for Morticia, for Male Reader, and he thinks she's just a really nice person?
Or I feel she just walks up to Reader and informs him they're dating now (he's also into her ofc)
Un amor profundo
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Miss Addams felt a sensation that made her feel, alive? Who knew that was even possible.
Sculpting, the art of turning rock, stone, marble, into art. You although could turn the art into living pieces of work. Like God himself you breathed life into your creations, even if their life is short lived. You gently chipped away at another statue, this one of a raging Wolf howling at the moon. Weems gave you space in a short clearing you made into a sort of work area. A few tools, pieces of marble, obsidian, and onyx around. And that space just so happened to perfectly be seen from the large window in one of the girls’ dorms. Almost as if Weems did this on purpose, but it wasn’t here, it was Wednesday.
She was staring hard out the window at You. This wasn’t like her to be so interested in the activities of another person. Unless they’re a serial killer of course. The jingle of the door went though the room and it opened, and Enid Peeked in. Wednesday quickly turned around, having a fantastic Poker face. “Enid, what are you doing here?” She asked, and Enid raised an eyebrow. “Uh.. I live here?” She responded confused.
“Right.. how unfortunate.” Wednesday grumbled. Enid walked to her side. “Are.. you okay? You seem, stuck.” Enid asks. “I’m fine.” Wednesday responded, but it wasn’t unlike her. Enid, lacking more of rational sense but definitely a social butterfly, picks up on the awkwardness. She took the initiative and walked closer to Wednesday and looked at the window. All she saw was you chipping away at the wolfs’ paws.
“Oh, it’s the new guy… why are you looking at him like that?” Enid said, as Wednesday jerks her eyes that were glued to you away.
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you mean.” Wednesday lies, and Enid gasps.
“Oh.. M.. G.. Wednesday?” Enid smiles
“Don’t say it..” Wednesday’s brow furrowed.
“Are you…”
“Enid, I am warning you..”
“In LOVE?!”
“Wednesdays clenched her jaw but had no response, Enid was actually dumbfounded. “This is… I’m actually in disbelief.. how long? Do you think he’s cute? Did you ask him yet?” Enid pestered her with questions that Wednesday wasn’t emotionally prepared to answer. Her silence though spoke enough, and Enid came to a halt. “You never spoke to him, have you?” She already knew the answer by Wednesday’s silence. Enid puts her hands on her hips in a very serious manner.
“Alright, let’s fix that!”
You finally finished the Wolf of Wall Street. A wolf standing over the crushed New York in rubble and concrete. As you knelt down and gently whispered into its ear. It howled to the sun, and then went back to a stone statue. Seems another successful work. You heard the approaching of footsteps and you turned around to face it, and darkness stood before you, but it’s never looked so pretty.
Wednesday, like a brewing storm stood there waiting for you to respond, as if she has something to say. You’ve seen her around Class and.. always felt like someone was watching you. Maybe it was here, you stood up and slightly towered over her.
“Hello?” You asked, and offered a handshake. “I’m—“ you started by Wednesday took a scary leap, she took your hand and you looked into her piercing eyes.
“(Y/n) (L/n) I know, I’ve been watching you, waiting for this moment to build the courage and willpower to Admit that you crept your way into the deepest depths of my mind and have made my black heart skip a beat. You single-handedly made me realize that I am capable of, loving someone. Therefore I.. humbly request if I could.. call you my Querida, my Darling..”. You stared at her eyes, actually bewildered by the passionate but absolutely wild love confession. Enid, Watching from the corner was having an out of body experience, as she told Wednesday just to ask for your number.
You felt her hand shake, a slight quiver in her lip, she was.. afraid. Wednesday from what you knew wasn’t afraid of anything, serial killers, Hydes, The Gates.. but asking a boy out made her so, terrified. Because you could do the one thing none of them could, make her feel, vulnerable. You smiled, seeing the actual worry in her eye, and you gently took her hand with your other. And spoke, “Por supuesto mi amor.” (Of Course, My Love.) you replied, her eyes bat for a moment and her black heart skipped a beat. Wednesday looked down. Unsure of what to do now.
“I.. didn’t expect to get this far.” She admits, you hide your laugh and side step. “You.. wanna see my stone wolf?” You asked, she looked up to face you once more, and the smallest smile was on her face.
“I.. wouldn’t hate that..” she said, and that was more than enough for you.
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im in NEED of a cute fluffy fic of the aftermath of charles' win, just something cute and domestic with reader!!
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thank you for asking :))
1,163 words 6,115 characters
Charles LECLERC was many things, but being a Monaco Grand Prix winner was not one of them. Unfortunately for him each year brought greater dissatisfaction and disappointment to him and to the entirety of Monaco.
Your relationship with Charles was undefined, were you friends yes where you more than that yes but where you in a relationship no. you wanted more but didn’t want to risk what you already had.
There was something about this season though, already seeing Carlos and Lando take their wins you knew it would be Charles turn soon. It was almost like you could feel it in the air, the whole atmosphere seemed to be in his favor. You stood there in all red rocking the his CL16 cap as a slight hint to who you were supporting.
His eyes widened with each step you took, unsure as to why he finally saw you as the way you were. Bold beautiful and someone he wanted as his not just as a friend but as a lover. He swore that if he won the Monaco Grand Prix he would grow the balls to ask you to be his girlfriend. It was kind of a flunk on Charles’s end, he knew he was playing it safe with tying up him wining to asking you out, but whatever floats on his boat.
He almost lost it when he found out he was on pole with max long behind and the McLarens right behind him. When he saw her cheering and hugging his mother he knew that she was sent to him by his father, having someone like her in his life was nothing less then a miracle.
Charles was praying he’d make the win, he couldn’t wait to ask her out, he knew how he’d do it. He’d call her into his drivers win prior to the race ( really risky but hey no risk no reward right??) he’d drop major hints and just before joris would knock on his door to let him know it’s time to race he’d kiss her on the cheek, to sone it may seem small and innocent but it would be out of their comfort zones. Charles remembers when both of them were drunk out of their minds and were watching a Disney movie where she expressed how intimate she found cheek kisses, from family it was innocent but from a potential lover a cheek kiss seemed so close yet far. Knowing that a slight slip in balance would result in a whole kiss. She found the thrill of not knowing where her lovers lips would land exciting, always wondering if she would be lucky enough to experience that in her life. Little did she know ;).
The next day rolled in, bring hope and anxiety with it. Charles knew he had a two massive tasks to complete, winning the Monaco Grand Prix and winning over the girl of his dreams. He swore he wished time could speed up when he saw her enter the paddock in a pretty pink outfit her waist being accentuated with the help of the outfit he wanted to wrap his hands wound her waist and twirl her around. She found it strange the way Charles was breaking eye contact with her constantly, she brushed it off as the immense pressure he was put under, having the hopes and dreams of not only yourself but your whole country was intense. Charles swore he saw her eyes lit up when he called her into his drivers room, something that small made him want to sacrifice the whole world just to see it again.
He was whipped and she didn’t even know it. Charles had opted for a different strategy he’d end up getting her a charm bracelet with his race number as well as her favorite movie character, her eyes held shock and happy tears when he put on the bracelet on her. Something felt special about this as if this was him initiating something else?? her mind was so preoccupied and clouded with doubts and questions that she almost missed how close Charles was getting to her. It was her nose that snapped her back into reality, she was hit with a fresh wave of his perfume he always smelt divine but today was something else. When his lips hit her cheek Charles swore that was the hardest thing he’d ever done, he saw how shock registered on her face almost worried she didn’t appreciate his move. What he didn’t expect was her hands around his neck and her lips on his cheek. They were so close that one could say there wasn’t even an atoms space between them.
Both their eyes held anticipation. God only knew what would happen if Jordan hadn’t knocked on the door, alerting the budding couple that their time was up. Charles has a bigger task to complete now. His mind was hopelessly wandering back to her and how fucking soft her lips felt.
He couldn’t wait to win this race and kiss her lips. I was hoping to taste all the flavours of lip balm that she had to offer. 76 long and gruelling laps. Each lap held a different feeling. The first few were focused on keeping McLaren’s behind them. The following few were replaced by images of her, and the remaining three laps were focused on his father, Jules, and Monaco.
As his moment came, Charles crossed the finish line, leading the entire race from start to finish. This fabled race had finally been won by one of their own. Charles had tears streaming down his face as he watched the crowds erupt in joy. He saw the cameras slowly pan into his family and eventually her. He knew what he had to do.
He was going to kiss her right there and then. He saw that her eyes welled up with unshed tears. Each second felt as long as an hour. their secret moments in a crowded room, they had no idea that this moment would alter their relationship forever. She saw a change in his eyes; she didn’t know why he looked so desperate to bring her to the barriers, but when she reached there and found his lips crashing with hers, she finally understood why.
All her tears and pain that she carried from dating the wrong guys just to get over Charles all felt like water under the bridge. She had simply gotten a taste of the man she craved for so long, and she knew she didn’t want to stop anytime soon. They were falling fast and hard and had no way to stop. Charles put the last of his energy into that kiss with her and found himself grinning from ear to ear when he saw how flustered she was.
The kiss sealed their fate.
Later in the evening, Charles did end up asking her formally to be his girlfriend, but that’s a story for another time.
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a-stupidbisexual · 2 days
Italy is fun! – Y/N!leclerc x Kimi Antonelli
The younger Leclerc move to Italy and find a good Italian teacher on the way.
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y/n.leclerc does anyone know Italian?
Liked by kimi.antonelli, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and 10187 more
User1 new era unlocked 💚🤍❤️
charles_leclerc if only you listened to maman when she tried to put you in Italian lesson
               y/n.leclerc those lessons were atrocious and boring, you can’t blame me !
User2 come see your Italian fans !!
User3 wait Kimi in the likes ??
               User4 “Ariana what are you doing here ?” aaah vibe
Kimi.antonelli tesoro, chiedi, ti insegno tutto
               User5 KIMI ?!
               y/n.leclerc Ok, bello, andiamo!
Arthur_leclerc wait ! why is kimi here flirting with my sister ?
               User6 help Arthur is as confused as us
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y/n.leclerc maybe I started learning the language
tagged : kimi.antonelli, yourfriend1, yourfriend2 and yourfriend3
Liked by kimi.antonelli, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and 18 657 more
Kimi.antonelli not a thank for the tutor?
               y/n.leclerc didn’t make enough progress to thank you
yourfriend1 keep hanging out with the Italian guy, the paddock passes are amazing!
Charles_leclerc don’t hangout with enemy’s academy
               y/n.leclerc I do whatever I want bro
               user8 tell him girl !
user7 that random connection is about to become something big
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Kimi.antonelli Am I a good teacher?
tagged : y/n.leclerc
Liked by y/n.leclerc, olliebearman, arthur_leclerc and 77 349 more
y/n.leclerc … you’re not bad 🙄
               kimi.antonelli YESSSS
user11 lmao he’s way too happy for that response 🤣😭
olliebearman it’s not fair when I started learning you didn’t even help me 😭
               y/n.leclerc maybe I’m just better than you
user10 oh boy’s gone down bad
Arthur_leclerc why I’m feeling I’m interrupting something?
               y/n.leclerc because you are, dégage!
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y/n.leclerc well… the teacher was charming
tagged kimi.antonelli
Liked by kimi.antonelli, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and 50 843 more
Kimi.antonelli Ti amo, tesoro
               y/n.leclerc ❤️
Charles_leclerc he knows the risk and he still took it, I like him
               y/n.leclerc what risk ?!!
               Arthur_leclerc don’t ask too much questions
user7 I KNEW IT !!!!!
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Kimi.antonelli guess I was actually a good teacher
tagged : y/n.leclerc
Liked by y/n.leclerc, olliebearman, arthur_leclerc and 77 349 more
y/n.leclerc my favourite boy, I love you❤️
               kimi.antonelli 🫶
user9 they’re so cuuuute
user10 she really went from Ferrari to Mercedes 😭
Arthur_leclerc watch your sted man
               y/n.leclerc stop terrorizing my boyfriend !!
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azulcrescent · 4 hours
When I stumbled across I want to be a cute anime girl in 2020, I was in a really dark, unsure, and scary part of my life where I was questioning my gender and you helped me so much. you helped me feel validated and seen. helped me see that there's like, trans women outside of the "stereotypical" trans journey you see in media and in the news, at least at the time. you've honestly helped me all these years and I want to thank you.
I'm sorry if this is a bit rambly I don't really know how to put these thoughts into words ;-;
No worries! You weren't rambly at all! your ask/post made me very happy to read about my comic so thank you for letting me know! Good luck with your journey! ^^
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rwbyrg · 2 days
Another thing I had noticed was the way Ruby interreacts with everyone vs. how she interacts with Oscar. Like her mannerisms seem to change a bit when she speaks or is near him or she treats him differently from the others. Because personally I've never seen her act very nervous around the others when she met them versus how she met Oscar, and she still does it to this day. What do you think?
I am soooooo late to answering these asks and this got sooooo long aha. Thank you for your patience. 🙇‍♀️
I have noticed that Ruby acts markedly different around Oscar than the others! And in my opinion, it is done with a great deal of intention. The thing with RG is that a lot of what makes the ship so strong is how subtle its writing is. So much of it is paralleled themes and a lot of it relies on an absence of something that is usually present. Often treating the absence itself as a presence of something to be paid attention to.
When we first meet Ruby in V1, she says she gets along better with weapons than she does with people. (Lol isn't it funny that Oscar's name means "God's Spear" haha. surely that has no correlation whatsoever... anyway).
When Ruby meets Weiss, she gets screamed at and makes a dust bomb explode in the courtyard, but by V2 so many of their conflicts are resolved and they've become rivals/besties/team partners.
When Ruby meets Blake, she's got her foot in her mouth and is super awkward... until there's an opportunity to connect with her about stories and fairytales. Then we see Ruby's earnest side come out and the anxiety in her pretty much disappears.
When Ruby meets Jaune, it's remarkably not awkward. Their shared social awkwardness and feelings of not belonging at Beacon cancel each other out and they're able to have a fairly normal conversation.
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Very quickly through the early volumes, Ruby gets comfortable. As a leader, as part of her team, as a welcome part of their social circle. She's young, still optimistic and full of hope. She hasn't been given too much trauma or cause to question herself by that point. She has her moments, sure, but like a lot of kids that don't fit in much and aren't super social, she's actually really good at it once she's given the chance.
But when Ruby meets Oscar - while she has experienced some of the Horrors™ that have chipped away at her self confidence - she's not too different than usual. Not at first, anyway.
He comments on her eyes and she responds naturally by asking him who he is, she's able to be candid with her response when she's told he's carrying Oz around, and yeah she giggles a bit when they're all playing the 'getting to know you game', but she also smiles at him. Earnest, trying to make him feel at ease cause this situation is kind of weird for all of them. When they spar later, she's being a goofy kid. Sticking her tongue out at him, laughing while they throw and dodge punches, running to help him when he collapses, grabbing his wrist with very little hesitation to tug him towards the rest of the group. It's all fairly normal...
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...and then the Dojo Scene happens.
With the Dojo Scene, the narrative tone of their relationship is both established and changed. Ruby comes down the stairs and she's open, at first. But as they talk a bit more, her body language becomes more and more closed off the closer she gets to him. Clasping her hands in front of her when she asks a question about his past, then hugging herself as she dares to step a little closer to him, as if putting up some kind of protective barrier.
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She tries complimenting his efforts, laughing a bit to hide her nervousness, is fairly candid, and makes a bit of a joke. But the joke reveals a wound of hers that hasn't healed yet and opens the conversation up to vulnerability. A vulnerability that Oscar points out immediately. One she has not spoken to anyone else about up until that point.
"How do you handle all of this?"
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Ruby pauses. She's not used to talking to people about her problems. At first, I don't think she's even thinking about herself when he asks. She nudges him to clarify what he means and he opens up about his own fears, which prompts her routine song and dance that she gives to everyone. Uplifting words, holding onto hope, keep moving forward, just don't let the things that haunt you catch up and you'll be fine.
And Oscar doesn't accept it. He isn't moved by it. He's not comforted. He rejects it, questions it, and completely lashes out. Is actually angry that she's telling him to "just press on" in spite of those fears. Is angry on her behalf that she's not being honest about her own feelings.
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And Ruby cracks. She actually opens up and talks to Oscar about all the grief she keeps buried down and doesn't burden anyone with. She might have argued to herself that it was the only way to make Oscar feel better, but it's uncharacteristic for her. She doesn't usually have to go that deep to cheer other people up. When she tells him about her losses and motivations, Oscar joins her in that open doorway, in shared vulnerability... and the moment she sees an opportunity to retreat, she takes it. Not used to this closeness in the slightest.
From then on out they're still friends, clearly. Their bond strengthened, if anything... but Ruby does not know how to handle him when he has such a skill for seeing through her in ways no one else ever seems to catch onto. She's able to push it away a bit when he's pre-occupied with something else. When he's worried about the merge or his mistakes in Atlas, or they're in a group conversation, she's able to act with some sense of normalcy... but when they're alone that awkwardness comes creeping back.
When WBY confront Ruby about her decision to keep the truth from Ironwood, Yang specifically asks how Oscar feels about it, and we see Ruby falter. This is a direct parallel to Bumbleby circa V8 when Yang is the one worrying about Blake thinking less of her for her own decision. We've seen Ruby disagree with people before and remain confident in her choice... but she questions herself here because of how much she values Oscar's opinion. And their disagreement colours more of her interactions with him throughout V7.
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When they're all practicing in the academy training rooms, Oscar comments on her semblance. Asking if she's always been able to do that, which is something he wouldn't ask if he didn't pay close enough attention to be able to notice such differences. She's laughing awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
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And the fumble, when they finally come back together with renewed trust - that I already dove into a bit over in this post - she's still doing it!!
She is so excited to talk to him again, to not be at odds, that she almost runs directly into his back and is all flailing arms, and awkward giggles as she tries to tell him she agrees with him. When they finally establish that they're on the same page, she's hugging herself tight, rubbing her arm, looking away from him in her nervousness. Even when she walks away she's hugging herself again. Meanwhile, Oscar is all open body language, hand on hip, hand extended to her, active listening and receptive to what she has to say.
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Interesting that this conversation's themes around choosing truth over fear calls back to the Dojo Scene so well, innit? 🤔
The last example I want to give isn't about Ruby. It's about Oscar. Throughout the show, he's always been a bit skittish, jumpy, and expressive with things like loud noises and - quite noticeably - touch. Oscar's been tackled to the ground by Nora in multiple hugs, tackled by the whole team in V6 after he went missing, scooped up by Jaune after he was kidnapped, and in all of those instances there has been a noticeable physical discomfort from him. Often a flinch or a wince beforehand, only relaxing into it after the surprise of the impact is over with.
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But Ruby has put her hand on Oscar's shoulder multiple times (outside the Dojo Scene) without eliciting that response from him. One of those touches made him blush, if anything. And when Oscar returns from Salem's prison, beaten and covered in bruises. Ruby is running to hug him and not only does he not flinch, he smiles with open arms, completely ready for and accepting of it. And then the narrative robbed him of the chance 😭
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Ruby, despite her usual confidence, resolve, and unwillingness to talk about her issues, becomes nervous, awkward, and self conscious around Oscar. The absence of her usual demeanor becomes the presence of how much she values what Oscar thinks of her and how vulnerable he's able to make her feel. (Which, for a character as emotionally guarded as Ruby, is a good thing).
Similarly, Oscar's established pattern of resisting physical touch - even when he's injured and probably sporting a few broken ribs - is absent with Ruby. It becomes a presence instead of his comfort, trust, and (desire for) closeness to her.
While these examples aren't exhaustive, generally speaking, the absences of their usual behaviours around one another become the presence of something unique to their relationship and often serve to highlight their attachments to each other. Be it how they interact with each other directly... or how they act when they're apart. But that, my friends, is an entirely different post and I have rambled long enough for today.
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siconetribal · 2 days
Put it on My Tab 14
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Working with customers, rude customer, that stressful work life is all the rage these days
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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“I can help the next customer in line over here!” Y/N shouted over the din of the teenagers that came flooding in after school. It was a mix of private school uniforms and fashionable public school students flaunting their name brand accessories and latest phones. It really was a marvel to see how carelessly they would just flash their parents’ money as if it was their own hard earned pay. “Next customer in line, please.” She spoke a little louder and watched as a rather quiet but handsome looking teenager walked up. It was obvious that his clothing was well made, tailored to fit him, but it lacked the flashy logos that everyone else was wearing. A public school kid? He looks like he’s a couple years younger than me. A senior perhaps? “Welcome, what would you like for me to get started for you today?” She cordially asked, though once again, there was something about him. Just like the young detective, she felt like she needed to be cautious.
“A large cup black eye with ristretto, light sugar, and a bear claw.” 
“Did you want me to exchange the espresso with the ristretto or did you want me to add it with the espresso?” She hesitantly questioned, eyeing him a bit suspiciously. There was no sign of major fatigue aside from the slight bags under his lids. It was not uncommon to see some exhausted seniors who diligently worked to keep their top marks, but there was an edge to him. His gaze was not hazy from exhaustion. On the contrary it was sharp, too sharp.
“Add it to the drink and warm the pastry, please.” He pulled out his wallet and waited for her to ring him up.
A lot more crazy coffee drinkers on this side of Gotham than I originally thought. She hesitated for a moment before pressing the necessary buttons on the screen. “For here or to go?”
“The name for the order?”
“Ok, your total comes out to $11.48, will you be paying cash or card?”
“Cash,” he quickly pulled out a $20 bill and handed it to her. The drawer sprung open with a ring and she handed him the change as she closed it.
“Please have a seat, we’ll call your name when your order is ready.” She gave him another cordial smile, waiting for him to move so the next customer could come up, but the young man called Tim did not budge. An awkward silence stretched between the two of them as he simply silently stared at her. “Is there anything else you need?”
“No, thanks.” He shook his head and dropped the change in the jar in front of her and left. Citlalli came over from her right, watching Tim as he sat down.
“Everything ok?” She whispered to Y/N who moved over to start his order.
“Yeah, we’ve dealt with much weirder things.” She shrugged it off to help ignore the sense of unease Tim gave her.
“True, but he was just standing there, staring at you.” She frowned, scanning the dining area quickly to see Tim watching them. “And he’s still watching you.”
“He’s probably thinking about what else he might want to order. Customers do it all the time, ordering one thing only to consider adding something else after the fact.” Y/N casually brushed it off. “You’re thinking too much about it, he’s just an overly caffeinated burnt out studious senior wishing for the school year to end already.”
“I guess,” Citlalli bit into her lower lip as concern for the safety of her dear friend doubled with her current streak of luck. “If he gives you any trouble, oi! Look at me, mija!” She grabbed Y/N’s face, squishing her cheeks while making her look at her. “You tell me right away. I'll have his ass kicked out at full speed!” She snapped her fingers after relinquishing Y/N’s face. “You've been through enough between that bill, my dumbass cousin, and the sudden midnight order that broke the window. Let me help where I can.”
“Thanks, Cici, I will, I promise. He's just like any other awkward teen trying to get out of high school that would pay big money for a coffee IV drip and I'm going to treat him as such. If he pulls any funny business, you'll be the first to know.” Y/N gently squeezed one of Citlalli’s shoulders before returning her attention to complete the order and call out to him for pick up. 
The next few customers were of the usual variety, a majority of them ordering the sugar loaded ice blended drinks regardless of how cold some of the days have been. It was the technical orders with the highly detailed instructions that irked her. 
If they think this is so easy to do, why don't they just go home and make it themselves? If I ever find out who came to with this ridiculous and disgusting sounding flavor combo, I'll throttle ‘em! She shared frustrated looks with her fellow baristas. It was clear that this drink would be burning through some of their supplies quickly. 
When the fruity whipped up topping heavy blended drinks were completed, they were placed out for pick up by her coworker while Y/N went back to the register.
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Tim quietly watched his person of interest deal with the complex orders and demanding customers. The smile plastered on her face the entire time was an impressive feat. One obnoxious customer was one too many in his opinion, but there was nothing that he could do and he knew any retaliation on her end would lead to disciplinary actions against her. She was responsible, respectful, and resilient; but none of this information got him any closer to solving the mystery that was her. 
The customer is always right, like hell they are. He rolled his eyes at the passing thought. She’s smart, but is it enough to grab attention? What did she do with the ‘tip’ Dick gave her? Why did he think to give her that? What am I missing? He knows her, somehow. I need to figure out how. He finished the last of his order and stood up, tossing his trash and quietly leaving the establishment. He would need to observe her for longer and possibly try to gain some insight from the other customers and staff. 
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The daytime quickly became dark, the days slowly growing shorter as autumn progressed. The number of customers dwindled down as the evening hours struck. There were still a few lingering customers with their laptops, typing away. The loyalty customers occasionally came to the counter for the complimentary refill on regular coffee while the non-rewards customers ordered something different each time. Citlalli had gone home for the evening and soon it was simply Y/N and two other baristas as a few late night customers came in.
“Hello, what would you like to order?” Y/N smiled at the older woman. Much like all the other customers, she was well dressed and carried a designer bag. Her long sharp acrylics were clicking and tapping against every surface she touched as she looked through the large bag for something. Finding whatever it was, she kept her hand inside to hold whatever it was.
“Hi, I would like to order a medium iced mocha macchiato with almond milk and an extra shot of espresso. Have the mocha drizzle divided equally in the bottom and on top of the foam, with light ice. Add 3 pumps of caramel syrup, 2 pumps of toffee nut syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Serve it in a grande cup with a separate cup of ice on the side and a packet of sweetner.” She kindly smiled back after quickly running through the instructions. Any relief Y/N had felt froze up in her veins at the complex order that was thrown at her.
“I’m sorry, could you please repeat that a little slower? I want to make sure I have it down correctly.” The older woman pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “Thank you for your understanding in wanting to make sure your specific drink is made exactly as you ordered.” Y/N added for good measure. It seemed to do the trick as she nodded and slowly repeated the overly complicated order slower. Y/N read it back to her for verification before ringing out the order. “You can have a seat, we’ll call you when your order is ready, Susan. Thank you, again, for being a loyal customer.” She added, this was something their boss insisted they say to reward members. 
“Ah, ah, I’m not done just yet!” Susan pulled out her hidden hand which held one of their decorative cups. “I bought this from your store and last time I was here I couldn’t help bit notice the little shelf over here.” She pointed to her left.
“Ah, yes, that is our discount shelf. Anything on that shelf is 30 to 40% off.”
“Exactly, and this thermos is on that shelf. You can see it on the second shelf towards the left over there.” Y/N leaned over to rhe left a bit to get a better view from the register before nodding her head.
“Looks like it’s there, so yes, it’s on sale now. Did you want to buy another one?” She offered, though she was not entirely sure why Susan brought her thermos. “Oh, did you want your drink made in your cup?”
“No, well yes, but that’s not why I’m bringing this up.”
“No, you didn't want to buy or no, don't use the cup?” Y/N frowned, unsure which answer went to which question.
“No, I do not want to buy another one. Yes, put my drink in here. The reason I am talkimg about this is because I am upset. When I bought this thermos, I paid full price.” Y/N silently stared at Susan for a few seconds, unsure where this was even going as she took the cup and placed it with the ticket for use.
“Yes, because it was full price when you purchased it.’
“Do you see the issue here?”
“No, I do not. What is the issue?”
“Well, why is it on sale now?”
“We’re clearing out the overstock we have of those designs to make room for new designs.” She calmly explained.
“Ok, the problem is that I paid full price for a product that you’re get it rid of anyway.”
“Well, this sale started a week ago. This style thermos was brand new or one of the newer products when you bought it, so it was not on sale. If you bought this cup anytime prior to a week ago, you would have paid full price..”
“Exactly, you see how this is discriminatory, right?”
“Driscriminatory,” she repeated the word and watched Susan nodd her head excitedly. “How?”
“Yes, you can see how this is discriminating against customers, like myself, who bought this before the sale!” She eagerly explained.
“Uh, no, you just happened to buy it before it was put on sale. We don't have control over which tumbler or thermos will sell out or not. This particular design had a few items left, so they are now on sale.”
“Ok, here is the cup and here is my receipt.” Susan continued to push through, ignoring everything that Y/N was explaining to her. “I would greatly appreciate it if you gave me the difference of the discount in cash.” She held out the thermal sheet of paper. Y/N took the slip, checking the date to see if there was something that could be done. 
“Firstly, this was charged on a card. If I were to refund the difference, it would go back onto your card. That can't be done though, because you purchased this three months ago. This is proof that you did and are ineligible for a refund of the difference due to the current sale that has been placed three months after your purchase.” 
“And why not?!” Susan snapped as she became more and more irate as the conversation went on.
If you listened to a single word I’ve said thus far instead of soewing your tosic stupidity all over the place, maybe you’d already know the answer! “Because you bought it three months before the sale.”
“Young lady, this is completely unfair! If you were going to put it on sale, you should’ve never put it at full price! This is robbery! I am due proper compensation for such poor financial etiquette and discrimination!” Her voice grew shrill as she raised it. All Y/N wanted to do was slap a piece of tape over the brighgly colored lips of the annoying customer and chuck the troublesome cup out the door with her.
“The only thing I am allowed to do is offer you another one at the discounted price. I cannot do anything else.”
“This is the most horrid customer service I have ever had in my life! How can you just stand there and deny a loyal paying customer what they want?! Where is your manager, I demand to speak with them!”
“I am the acting manager at this time.”Lucky me-not! “Even if I weren’t, the manager would have said the very same thing.”
“All you little brats act as a manager when it’s conveninet to you! I swear, this generation is nothing but trouble, full of disrespect, and lying! I want to speak with the owner, Donavan, yes I do know him.” She smugly smirked.
“Mr. D is not in at this moment. He left for the evening two hours ago and will be back tomorrow. You’re welcomed to come back at that time and speak with him.” Y/N flatly answered.
“No, call him now.” she slammed her manicured hand onto the counter, scaring some of the other customers and the other barista. A throbbing pain started to grow at Y/N’s temples as she took a few moments to keep her cool and not risk her job with a harsh response.
“Why don’t you call him? Since you say you know him so well, call him. Let him know that you’re harrassing his employee for doing her job and following his rules implemented in his establishment.” A calm male voice called out from the end of the line. Everyone turned to find the owner, only to see a tall and strong looking biker with a helmet. He stepped forward others made room for him. Pulling off his helmet, Y/N’s jaw fell open from shock at seeing Jason standing there.
He rides a motorcycle?! Of course he does! Wait, that’s not important! He’s going to cause trouble if this crazy lady actually calls Mr. D! Before she could try to de-escelate the situation, Jason turned so his back was to the register as he looked down at the rowdy customer. Y/N watched Susan’s face go from angry red to a blush pink the moment she laid eyes on the handsome young man. Straightening up her posture and adjusting her clothing, she turned to face Jason.
“I know how this might look just walking in, but she has been quite insolent this entire time. I am merely trying to teach her her place.” Her voice was calmer, sweeter, thick like molasses kind of sweet over a honeyed tone.
“Not from what I’ve seen since you walked up here. Did you forget you nearly hit a biker with your car and cursed them out? Hi, that biker was me. Now, get your drink and sit quietly or leave, or you can call the owner and he can check the CC footage to see what happened. You pick,” he calmly repeated. Y/N was not able to see the look in his eyes, but she could tell from the way Susan’s face paled that he was very intimidating. She quickly gathered her things, snatching the receipt as she hurried away to wait for her drink.
“Thanks for the help. I’m sorry you had to step in like that.” The genuine smile of relief she gave him was a direct shot to his heart, and the vigilante was none the wiser why. It injected warmth into his veins and filled his chest with immeasurable pride.
“Don’t mention it, I told you, I save damsels in distress. You just happen to be in distress more often than most.” He smirked and winked at her, earning an eye roll in response. “I’ll have to insist you clock out for the rest of the day though. You look exhausted and after all of that, you deserve a free night at the least.”
“Go on, Y/N. I’ll handle her drink. We told Cici already and she said to just clock out for the shift. She’s on her way now.” A coworker nudged her towards the back. “Don't keep your boyfriend waiting!”
“Yeah, you've covered enough of our shifts, go have fun!” The other joined in, ushering her through the back doors without giving her a chance to explain that they were not together like that. All she could do was sigh in defeat as she headed to the staff room to clock out and grab her things. This was a misunderstanding that could easily be fixed next time.
Returning to the front of the store, she avoided lengthy eye contact with her coworkers who were clearly having too much fun with this turn of events. One kept wiggling their eyebrows while the other was a fit of giggles. “C’mon Wonder Boy, let's go.” She grabbed his arm and led him back out the doors.
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Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali @antiquecultist
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brandyllyn · 1 day
Silk from their soul (05)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: Teen (series will be explicit) Words: 2.1k Summary: The trouble with Ted
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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You follow the woman down under the makeshift roof. It’s not quite a cave, not quite a building, but some mix of the two. You can feel the Cowboy at your back, his steps assured and steady.
The threat he’d made at the gate, the easy way he’d told them he could kill them all… it sent a shiver down your spine. He positively reeked of danger, you weren’t blind to it, but the casualness of it took you by surprise.
“Trader is closed for the night, but you can try the canteen for supper.”
The woman who was guiding you was maybe fifty - could be as young as a hard thirty. You were terrible at judging people’s ages. “Thanks, is there anywhere to stay the night?”
“You together?”
“Yes,” he cuts you off, a hand wrapping around the back of your neck. You give him a questioning look but don’t argue. He’d been nice enough so far, hadn’t attacked you, he’d even offered you some jerky to eat this afternoon. 
Better the devil you know, right?
“We won’t be separatin’,” he continued, squeezing one more time before letting you go.
“Ask Ted, he might have something,” the woman shrugs.
“And Ted is…” you venture hopefully.
Great. You pause outside the hole with a piece of plastic tarp over it. There is the smell of food coming from the other side, and a lot of raised voices. “You sure about this?” you ask the Cowboy at your side.
“This was your idea,” he counters before stepping past you, shoving the tarp.
The room goes dead quiet. Two dozen people, at least, turn to look at you. Quickly, you move in next to him, putting on your most winning smile. You’d trained most of your life to be charming, to be pleasant, it came as easy as breathing.
“Hi!” you announce loudly, giving the room a wide smile. “We were told we could get a bite to eat here?”
“We don’t serve its kind.”
You turn your megawatt smile to the man standing behind a long bar. “No one is asking you to. But will you serve me?” You flutter your eyelashes for good measure.
The Cowboy snorts and you deliberately step on his toes.
The bartender studies you then sighs, wiping a spot in front of him clean and gesturing you towards it. There’s only one seat available there so you adjust slightly to where two stools stand empty. The wood is rough against the back of your bare thighs as you sit but it is what it is.
“What’s for dinner?”
“Rat,” the bartender barks, turning behind the bar and slopping a ladleful into what looks like an old hubcap. “Three caps.”
“I’m really hungry,” you tell him, digging into your pack. “Can I get two?”
He glares at the Cowboy but serves a second, placing both in front of you and palming the caps you lay out.
“You owe me three caps,” you whisper to your companion.
“Bill me,” he drawls, battered spoon already halfway to his mouth.
You harrumph softly, “You can pay for the room then.”
“The fuck I-”
“Hey.” The voice comes from behind you and you turn slightly to see who it is. The Cowboy doesn’t move.
“We don’t take to wrinkled ballsacks like your friend.”
“Well,” you say slowly, “someone let us in so I guess it’s gotta be kinda okay. We’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”
“He threatening ya?”
“Me?” you ask incredulously.
Beside you the Cowboy has gone stiff as a board, spoon hovering just past his lips.
“Or you one of them ghoulie-fuckers?”
“We just met today,” you blurt out.
A deep sigh comes from next to you, almost a groan. “You really itching for me to shoot these guys?” he asks, barely loud enough for you to hear.
“What? No.” Your eyes dart from the Cowboy’s back to the small group of men. “Maybe there’s been a misunderstanding. We’re heading the same direction so we’re traveling together. There’s no… funny business going on.”
The Cowboy snorts, a neat trick with no nose, and the men look skeptical. 
“You need help, we can help ya,” one with crooked teeth and half an eyelid tells you with a leer.
“Not necessary!” you reply with a happy smile. “But maybe we can buy you fine fellows a drink?”
That seems to mollify them and you shell out another ten caps across the bar. 
“You’re gonna go broke, you keep on like that.”
“It was either that or watch them beat you up.”
So slowly it has to be deliberate, he turns his neck and scowls at you. “You think I couldn’t take those peckerheads if it came to it?”
“I think you shouldn’t have to,” you grumble.
He goes silent at that, shoveling down his stew and you try to do the same. You’ve had worse, absolutely, but that doesn’t mean you enjoy picking rat tails out of your teeth either.
When he finishes he shoves the makeshift bowl away, drumming his fingers on the counter. “You ain’t gotta defend me, sweetheart.”
You cut your eyes his direction. “Look, are we traveling together?”
He pauses before grunting in a way you take as assent. 
“If we’re going to travel together we need to talk about some things then.” Done with the meal you push yours away as well, smiling when you see him redirect it his direction. “I don’t know you, I don’t know who you are or what you’re doing-” you wave a hand in the general direction of everywhere.
“Just trying to keep my skin on.”
“Well, see, that’s not good enough. I’ve been alive a while now and I’ve come to know a few things.”
“Is that so?”
“It is. Like it never helps things when people are cruel for no reason.”
His eyes widen over the last of your stew, forehead contorting. It takes a moment to realize he’s raising a nonexistent eyebrow.
“Then you’re in the wrong place, darlin’.”
“I know where I am,” you snap before a hand flies to your mouth and you sigh. “Sorry, I just… growing up I knew a lot of people like you. It bothers me when jerks let their prejudices get in the way of common sense.”
“People like me…” he hums thoughtfully. “You mean-”
“Necrotic. I think that man called you a ghoul?”
“Ah,” he wipes a finger along the rim of the hubcap, licking it clean and winking at you. “I presumed you meant handsome devils.”
You laugh, not in a mean way and thankfully he doesn’t take it as such. He’s being ridiculous and he knows it. “Devil is right, you didn’t need to threaten them.”
“When precisely did I threaten them?” he asks skeptically.
“You said you were going to shoot them - and you threatened them at the gate as well,” you point out.
“Now those there were just statements of fact, sweetheart” he’s grinning at you now, head cocked to the side. “I don’t make threats, only promises.”
You scowl. “Well maybe consider promising to be a little nicer.”
“Sure thing.”
You don’t believe him.
“Which of these fuckheads is Ted?” he asks loudly, shoving the hubcap away.
The bartender juts with his chin and you both turn to look. Ted is a rather large man, a head above the people sitting around him. He barely looks your direction at the Cowboy’s pronouncement, holding half a rad-rat between hands the size of dinner plates.
“You got caps for a room?” the Cowboy asks, sliding off his stool.
“Thought you were paying.”
The look he gives you could scorch pavement but you paste on your most winsome smile and only blink in return.
“Who’s asking?”
Ted’s got a voice like gravel over steel wool. You unconsciously take a step closer to the Cowboy, feeling his jacket brush against your arm. He spares a glance down at you before answering.
“Need a room for the night.”
“A room?” Ted asks with a frown. “Johnny says you ain’t a ghoul-fucker, girlie, that right?”
The Cowboy steps in front of you, blocking Ted from your sight. “Whether we’re fucking or not don’t seem like anyone’s business but our own. Now, you got a room?”
Your sigh is long-suffering, your eyeroll just for you since he can’t see it. Closing your eyes you take a deep breath, centering yourself and cracking your neck.
“He’s protective,” you announce from behind him, ignoring the angry look he shoots you. “Can’t blame him out here, can you? But I promise I’m safe with him. We just want to get some rest.”
“He ain’t worried about your safety, darlin’,” the Cowboy mutters as you once again step around him.
“Isn’t he?” you smile up at him brightly before turning to Ted and his friends. “I appreciate your concern,  I really do. It’s so rare to meet truly good men anymore.  I-” you stop, pressing your fingertips to your chest and blinking suddenly. With a sharp intake of breath you press those same fingers to your mouth. “It’s so hard sometimes, I can’t tell you how grateful I am.”
Ted looks sucker punched, as you expected. Big men almost always fell into one of two categories - bullies or softies. Ted struck you as the latter.
“Can I give you a hug?” you ask around a fake hiccup, barely waiting for his nod before crossing to his table and wrapping your arms around his head. Maybe your breasts are in his face too, who knows.
“Still waitin’ on that room,” the Cowboy drawls wryly from the bar. You shoot him a glare over Ted’s head. 
“Goodness me,” you finally let him go. “I think I need to lay down.”
“Upstairs,” Ted tells you, “third door on the right.”
“Thank you.” You grab one of his hands, holding it to your chest for a moment before dropping it. The Cowboy looks amused as you walk by, trailing you up the stairs.
“That was quite the performance,” he states once you’re in the room. “I’ve seen my fair share of stage work but that was superb.”
You give a small curtsy, setting your pack on the single cot. “Why thank you.”
“But I’m pretty sure I told you I don’t need your assistance.”
“You catch more flies with honey,” you inform him, settling on the edge and pulling one boot off.
“Now that just ain’t true.” He leans up against the wall opposite you, watching you from under the brim of his hat. “You see they did these studies, back before the world went to shit, and turns out you catch a fair few more flies with vinegar.”
Wrinkling your nose you drop the second boot next to the first and tuck your feet under you. “That can’t be true.”
“I assure you it is.”
“Well, would your method have gotten us the room for free?”
He blinks at you then glances at the door. “Now wait a fucking minute…”
You laugh, rummaging in your pack until you find a washcloth. Using the smallest drops of precious water you wet the corner and scrub at your face. “I promise, when the time comes and someone needs to be hurt I won’t stop you. But maybe consider that isn’t the first course of action?”
“I tell you what,” he pushes off from the wall and crosses to the cot, propping himself up at the head and swinging his legs up behind you, “the next time you can work your charms for a spell. Less work for me anyway.”
Scowling you poke at one of his boots. “Off.”
“The bed is clean and your boots are definitely not. Off.”
“Sweetheart, you’re a damn sight stupider than I give you credit for if you think this bed is anything approaching clean.”
“It’s where I plan to sleep tonight, so I would like for it to be clean-ish. Boots off.”
He doesn’t move his legs, stacking his hands behind his head instead and letting his hat tip forward to cover his face. “You’re sleeping here? And where, pray tell, will I be sleeping?”
“You’re the one who insisted on one room,” you point out.
“You really trust them not to bother you?”
“I’ve known them about eight hours less than I’ve known you.”
He glances up at that, teeth wide in a knowing grin. “Now that might be the smartest thing you’ve said so far”
It’s a staring contest and you balk first, a smile pulling at your lips before you roll your eyes and stand up. “I’ll take first watch.”
“Good girl.”
☢ ☢ ☢
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hobiespick · 1 day
Sam Winchester x reader headcanons part 2
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a/n : fuck it we ball sammy headcanons part 2, I made a shit ton of them (yeehaw i made another moodboard) hope you guys like my shitty thoughts (i am acting so nonchalant but i am actually shaking i'm so goddamn nervous) , thank you sm for all the likes and feedback ! Enjoy!
Summary : Headcanons I wrote for Sam x reader (can be read as gn!reader), very few are abt Dean, mention of Sam's childhood, Sam being head over heels for u, Sam being flirty, the reader is mentioned to be shorter/smaller than Sam.
-He carries around your hairties: around his wrists, the pockets of his brown jacket or his wallet - buys Dean bubblegum air fresheners for baby. - he's a communist so his favourite icecream flavour is berry - he is the one to tell you to please call him Sammy. You've never dared to call him that, you know he doesn't let anybody else call him that besides dean, your last wish is to make him uncomfortable or annoyed. Infantilizing a 6'4 man would be the most emmbarassing way to get dumped. - you would rather fall face first into the ground than actually call him that - so when it's a lazy day and you’re both laying in his bed (u were physically dragged there by the giant) you hear Sam mutter something tiredly in your neck as his koala grip on your waist gets tighter. "What was that?" You ask softly. He has to drag his head up and look at you his hazel eyes seem dark brown due to the lighting in the room and his hair is messy, strands sticking up and down, he looks adorable. "You can call me Sammy" he repeats himself clearly voice lower than usual but geniune as he rubs the back of his knuckles over his eyes. You smile fondly at him, "Ok" you reply using the same soft voice as if you replied with a voice any louder than that you would ruin his sleepy state. He nudges his head back into your neck with a satisfied sigh. You can't help but travel your hand up to his hair to run your fingers through it and kiss his temple. "Night, Sammy" you whisper. He mutters something else in your neck but you know it's 'goodnight', feeling him smile against your skin before falling asleep fast, a result of the level of trust he has in you.
- avirl lavigne enjoyer (he is a teenage girl your honor) -  you bother him with psyhological questions to scare him or something but he answers them with the same amount of melancholy for shits and giggles - he is a feminist
- really really likes sarcastic people, playing along with you, just shooting back snarky replies at eachother (he is flirting)
- likes being the very few people you trust - he also gets unconciously close to you - you both could be in a large room (inside a haunted house probably) and he would still be right behind you, glued to you like a gum to a shoe - can you imagine not paying attention and walking right into him - me personally I would break my nose, have you seen his chest? holy fuck
- that one time you mouthed off a victims relative for not giving a fuck about his missing son but he got verbally agressive quick and Sam had to swoop in and save your ass, putting himself infront of you shielding you from the vic's relative calming the situation down Imediately. - Dean unfortunately wasn't there, he was checking out some place where the vic might have been before they went missing, it was just you and Sam supporting (interrogating) the family - I am mentioning this because if Dean was in fact there things would escalate fast, you're basically his little sister.
- Dean probably loved indiana Jones as a kid ( dunno if this is canon or not I am on szn 2)
- you and sam were asking eachother questions, getting to know one another to pass the time once on some kind of stake out. - you asked him what was his favorite stuffed animal as a kid - he said he doesn't remember. (*sounds of uncontrolable sobbing coming from me n u*) - he asked you what was yours to change the subject - he would lie if he said that it didn't bother him, not remebering something normal people can easily recall from their childhoods - you replied back with your kid self fav stuffie smilling at the memory but felt bad for Sam , heart aching at his confession - "i'm sorry you don't remember Sam." you say geniunely, how can someone be robbed of such a normal thing everyone should have? You've never wanted to buy someone a stuffed animal as bad as you do now. I know I am the one talking about "infantilizing a 6'4 man" but please, I can allow to contradict myself just this once. - he asked another question to shrug it off, he usually doesn't want anybody's pity, but yours felt honest, almost like his past hurt you too and he can't help but have the perverted need to tell you all about his fucked childhood, to have you hug him, maybe he was selfish and wanted desperately to be comforted by you. - "What was your favourite book when you were 13?" He skips past the subject quickly with an oddly specific question because he is Sam
- remembers Dean to drink water, Dean does the same with Sam just not verbally. Dean leaves water bottles where Sam can see them and Sam pretends to not notice it smilling to himself everytime he opens them and takes a sip
- gets some kind of sick twisted amusement from seeing you flustered (i'm so sorry I was literally talking about childhood trauma a min ago and now Sam is flirty) - example, you theorize with Sam about the monster you're having trouble identifying he also can't hear you and you literally started muttering to yourself like a mad scientist, so to kill two birds with one stone he leans in dangerously close, looks you in the eye with a stoic expression and has the audacity to say "Hm? I'm sorry I can't hear you sweetheart." In his low drawl, LAWD HATH MERCY AHSHSBHAGA - he breaks character and smiles when he sees you get pulled out from your pondering haze - "M-might be a vengefull spirit." You repeat yourself, that little stutter and faint crimson on your cheeks shattering your whole 'badass, intimidating hunter' thingy you got going on in a matter of seconds, feeding his ego with a spoon.
- thinks it's cute when you and Dean act like siblings.
- he always knows what you need. "Sammy can you please give me my-" and you’re cut off by the sight of Sam already holding your sweater, the item of clothing looking ridiculously smaller in his hands. and if you jokingly ask him to put it on you too he just might (he is that head over heels for you) - if you ask him how did he know you wanted your sweater he would reply with something along the lines of "I saw it in my visions." sarcastic little sh- - he saw you running your hands up and down your arms before asking him - and since he is boyfriend coded, it's in his instinct to know what to do
- if he was feeling cute he would've enveloped you in a bear hug in order to warm you up.
- if you see him reading please pick up that unread book i know u have on your nightstand and read beside him. It can be your lil cute routine, can you imagine he just drags to the couch or his bed, holding 2 books one of yours and one of his because it's comfy reading time, oh you're alone doing nothing?  nah BAM QUALITY TIME BIATCH
a/n: kinda lost sleep because of these but it's fine, I also think imma post and write for fun ,still learning the ropes of writting but uh yeah, again hope you guys like these feedback would be very much appreciated! 🫶
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toten-kunst · 1 day
behold, my tf2 oc
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more info about him below the cut!!
meet the artist! his real name is oliver pick and he is a sarky little bloke from the city of britsol in england. after a run in with merasmus left his art supplies cursed/enchanted he can now use them either as projectile or melee weapons. mann co. soon gained knowledge of his abilities and hired him to fight in the gravel war alongside the rest of the cast. my bf helped me a lot with his lore ^w^
he is an attack based class, mainly dealing up close hits with a giant paintbrush/pencil or widespread attacks (eg. splattering acidic paint everywhere). i don’t have any illustrated depictions of how his attacks work so sorry. his art supplies have an “attack mode” and a “resting mode”. what this means is when they are in “rest mode” they appear as normal art supplies and when in “attack mode” they enlarge or become more hostile looking. all of his art supplies typically have bright green paint on them to signify their connection to merasmus and glow bright green when they’re preparing to engage in “attack mode”.
in terms of his personality, he is quite introverted and awkward. his only real friend in the base is scout, because he’s one of the younger mercs and artist finds it difficult to converse with the older mercs. he’s 19 years old, so, pretty young compared to the rest of them. here is a more in depth list of what his relationships with the others are like:
scout - pretty close with him in a brotherly way. they tend to shit talk the others most of the time and scout likes to ask him to draw stuff.
soldier - artist is actually kind of afraid of soldier, mainly because he dreads to imagine what would happen if solly found out he was british.
pyro - artist and pyro share a common interest, being art, so they get along fine. pyro likes to put stickers on artist’s art supplies and artist likes to paint on pyro’s mask.
engie - he really really really likes to help engie draft his schematics. engie typically lets him do a few lines at a time before taking over again, because artist is a dumb kid who shouldn’t be trusted with drafting schematics in his eyes.
heavy - heavy tries to take on a more father-like role with artist because he worries for the little baby man. being faced with so much atrocities at such a young age cannot be good for him. artist likes spending time with heavy, playing catch and other such games. he doesn’t really understand why heavy’s so worried about him though.
demoman - demo and artist get along fairly well. artist doesn’t really interact with him often but every time he does it’s always a positive experience. demo typically offers him a drink like that cool uncle at family reunions and he gifts him some shrapnel from the battle field sometimes.
spy - artist hates spy. point blank. even thinking about him makes him wanna throw up. do not ever mention the frenchman to him. ever.
sniper - artist doesn’t really like sniper either. he finds the whole concept of jarate weird and gross. his first death was due to the enemy team’s sniper so there’s also just some mild resentment there.
medic - artist is unbelievably terrified of medic. he’s afraid of the things he’s capable of doing but chooses not to. he’s always avoiding him, even on the battle field. this leads to artist having a very high death streak compared to the others.
so yeah that’s a somewhat-not-really brief overview of my silly little guy!! if you have any questions about him i’m more than willing to answer! thanks for listening to my mad ramblings!!!
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 days
Can you do dazai and Chuuya with a Kirari reader?
Hello! Here you goo:
Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara with a Kirari s/o
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Osamu Dazai
-oooh boy this is going to be interesting to say at least
-you're like one of the first challangers that he actually has to put in some effort
-I can only imagine an enemies to lovers scenario with Dazai
-like you being some cool antagonist which is really bothering Dazai
-and then you two fall for each other and it's cute
-loves the fact that he's not the only one that's smart in the relationship
-he does really question if all the gambling stuff is alright and can actually become worried about you
-mind games are something you wake up to and sleep with
-he can actually be sweet to you
-if you're threatening him he might enjoy it so be careful;)
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Chuuya Nakahara
-he is the type to see you as another Dazai
-untttiiiilll he actually is in love with you
-he is really bad at playing your mind games so for like 90% of the time you're being amused by him
-he's though on the outside,he plays it off like he doesn't care about your games
-but inside he really likes the fact that he got to be your boyfriend
-really grateful if you help him do his Port Mafia missions better
-Mori would ask him from where he got all the new ideas and he'll tell him proudly that his s/o is the  best at making plans
-the type to be addicted really fast w gambling so be careful with him
-really sweet if you don't play with him too much
Thank you for your request!
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euijoosorangeslice · 2 days
More perv taki pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻
of course bc perv taki is my guilty pleasure >.<
warnings: pool sex, fingering, forced creampies,
•It would all start when Nicholas invites you over to work on a project for school. Taki, being your friends younger brother, just watches from the doorframe.
•of course you found it weird, but it wasn’t that crazy. He had always taken to staring at you, even if he thought you couldn’t notice. He even turns red if you ask him for any small favor.
• One day, you decided to invite Nicholas to the pool, and told him he could bring his younger brother. Upon hearing the news, Taki’s face immediately lit up. He was excited that you had thought of him.
•but he was mostly excited he was going to get to see you in a bikini.
• when the day rolled around, he walked past the pool gate and when his eyes landed on you, he almost passed out. You had a triangle top on that barely covered your chest, and your bottoms showed the crease of your thighs.
“You two finally came! I was worried for a second.” You teased, smiling at Nicholas as he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, atleast you know we’re just using you for your pool.” Taki couldn’t rip his eyes off of your body, staring with his mouth slightly open at your natural beauty.
“Hey, Taki. It’s nice to see you again.”
Your voice was so beautiful to him, and like always he instantly blushed. “T-thank you. I meant- it’s nice to see you too.” He mumbled, quickly glancing at your boobs before looking you in the eyes.
You started to notice he had a little trouble not looking at your chest as you two talked more. The pair of you got into the pool and Nicholas went inside to make lunch for everyone.
His eyes began drifting, and you smiled’. “Taki, you know my eyes are up here right?” You scolded, making him let out a noise that was close to a whine. “I-I’m sorry. You just look really good in that bikini.” He apologized, making you giggle. Right now, you looked like a siren, trapping him into coming closer to you.
“I bet you’ve already thought about how much better I look with it off, hm?” You teased, grabbing his hand and placing it on your breast.
He didn’t take the time to response, instead pushing his lips against yours and not wasting any time untying your bottoms. “Sit on the ledge.” He commanded, voice still wavering from how unreal his situation felt.
You obeyed, and watched as he slipped down his swim shorts and moved in closer. “Finger yourself, y/n.” He whispered into your ear, making a shiver run down your spine. Your fingers slipped down to your core, slowly dipping a finger inside of yourself. “And I want you to say my name.”
You added another finger, moaning as you hit your sweet spot on your own. “Taki…” you gasped, legs shutting on your hand as you got closer to your release. “I want you inside.” You begged, Taki pushing your hand out of the way and pushing his tip inside of you forcefully. You grabbed onto his shoulders, his hand on your hip.
When his base reached your hole, you loudly squealed in pleasure. “Oh god- please fuck me.” You cried, his hips picking up a harsh rhythm. Your head bounced with every thrust, your nails digging into his back. “Such a good girl.” He praised, smiling as your boobs bounced uncontrollably with every connect.
“I-I’m gonna cum!” You moaned, gripping harsher onto his back. His thrusts sped up as you came, Taki using his other hand to put over your mouth to cover up the scream you let out. “Ah-pull out- mmph-“ you begged, Taki groaning as he pinned your hips down while cumming inside of you.
He quickly pulled out after, helping you put your bottoms back on and readjusting your top. “You won’t tell, right?” He whispered, looking slightly anxious as Nicholas walked back outside. “Your secrets safe with me,” you whispered, ignoring the weird feeling of his cum inside of you.
“I’m sure you two are aware there are such things as glass doors, right?” Nicholas questioned, seeing his little brother’s face burn red as you both came down from your high. “Well, not much of a secret anymore,
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bleepblopbloop56 · 9 months
🍫cheese or chocolate, 🎵last song you listened to,💛 do you have any piercings, for the ask game??
🍫: probably chocolate, im not a huge cheese fan
🎵: emotional rent control by cheekface
💛: i have a few! A septum peircing, a cartilage peircing, snake bites, and my ears are gauged up to a 7/16!! Basically i look cool as hell (/j)
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quietmarie · 10 months
What is Async Anyway?
Explaining async/await and general concurrency concepts in programming languages.
A lot of modern languages have async/await syntax built directly into them, and the construct can be extremely useful. Examples of languages that include these concepts are JavaScript, C#, Python, and Swift, and even modern relatively low-level languages like Rust have this syntax. Even though it's usually thought of as a more advanced feature, I think it is really not that hard to use once you get the hang of it, and it is super useful and rewarding when you really understand it.
This is going to be a bit of a long and pretty technical post, but I hope it can give you some confidence to know what async/await really does when you use it, and maybe it can help you use it more effectively. Keep in mind that I will not be able to go over everything in super deep detail, and that I am going to simplify stuff, but it should give you an idea how these systems work.
I am a little curious about eventually following this up with a post looking at how these systems compare under the hood in different programming languages, so let me know if you'd be interested in that.
Big post under the cut.
Parallelism and Concurrency
Computers today can do many things at the same time. And I mean that literally: in one instant, a modern CPU can be working on multiple instructions. That's because a single CPU has multiple cores that can all execute code (mostly) independent from each other. This is called parallelism, and the way we as programmers interact with that is through threads. Most programming languages, especially "lower level" ones, have a way for programmers to create a thread that will run some part of your code. Creating a thread is telling the computer that it can, and should, run the code in your threads in parallel (although various systems such as the OS still have discretion over when and if that actually happens).
Parallelism is not quite concurrency tho. Where parallelism is about your computer literally doing multiple things at once, concurrency is about your computer doing multiple things, but not at once. With concurrency, you kind of pretend you're doing a parallelism. But in reality, stuff doesn't happen at the same time. Instead, your system (runtime) does some work on task A a bit, then on task B, then maybe again on task A, etc., but doesn't work on the two at the same time. So, in a concurrent system it might look like task A and B are progressing simultaneously from the outside, but work actually only happens in sequence.
Let's Talk About I/O
I/O stands for input/output and describes data in your program that comes from elsewhere, or that gets sent elsewhere. So for example, user input is I/O. And similarly, a web request can be I/O, whether you send it or receive it. So let's use that as an example: you send a web request to some API to fetch you the cutest bunny images and facts:
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But the service is taking its sweet time to respond.
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Fact: Loading bunny fact…
With how we did it here, we halt execution of the entire thread until the response comes in (at least in most languages, more on that later). In this case, we call get a blocking method because it, well, blocks the thread without actively doing useful work.
What if we could instead use the thread for other tasks instead of just sitting there, twiddling our thumbs and waiting on the server? This smells of concurrency…
Callbacks are a way for programmers to avoid that period of thumb twiddling. The new getWithCallback function now returns immediately, but it doesn't return a value. Instead, we have to register the code we want to run once the server responds with the function:
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The function we pass to getWithCallback is called the callback, and it gets called by the client* only once the response arrives. Oh look, here it is:
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Fact: A rabbit's life span is about 8 years, though sterilized rabbits (those who are spayed/neutered) can live as long as 10-12 years.
*"The client calls it" is a big simplification, there might be a lot more stuff happening here. But the important bit is that the client magically does not need to block to wait for the response.
Promises and Futures
What JavaScript calls Promises and what a lot of the other languages call Futures is essentially sugar sprinkled on callbacks - it makes our callback code a little nicer. Callbacks can commonly create a concept called "callback hell", where you have to call a function that takes a callback inside the function that takes a callback inside the function that takes a callback…
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(Code modified from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises)
To avoid this, functions now can return a Promise instead of taking a callback. Promises represent the promise that, while a concrete value might not exist right now, it will in the future. Once the value exists, we say the Promise resolves. The code above with Promises would then look like this:
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It still doesn't look perfect, and there are things you can do to make it look a little nicer, but it's so much less nested. The callback in the then function will be called once the value is ready, and the callback itself can also return a Promise. The then function then returns a Promise which will get resolved once the future from the callback is resolved. Many other languages have a concept similar to JavaScript's Promise, and it's often called something like Future or Task (because it would be too easy to have consistent naming across languages).
Now keep in mind neither of those solutions above are really "concurrency" in the definition we used above. This is because the thread we call, for example, getWithCallback on still completely belongs to us. We could keep using it, and we would not get interrupted to execute the callback. Depending on the language and runtime, the callback might get executed on a different thread, or the runtime might have to wait until we are completely done with what we were doing to then use our thread to call it. The same thing goes for the callbacks in the then method of promises.
And async/await is just some sugar and magic fairy dust on top of Promises (or Futures or whatever). It makes our code look like it should be blocking, but in reality it isn't. Here's what our bunny image code looks like with async/await:
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So here, a couple things happen. First, the Promise is created and the web request is initiated. Then, the Promise is awaited. For that, (if the Promise is not resolved at this point already,) the task first yields, meaning it tells the runtime that it is not doing any useful work at the moment, and that the thread it ran on can be used for other tasks. The runtime then makes a note of where to continue execution when that Promise resolves, and looks around for other tasks that currently need executing to put them on that thread. After a while passes, the Promise resolves, and once the runtime has some resources available for us (maybe because another task just yielded), execution on our original task is continued with the API response.
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Fact: A rabbit's teeth never stop growing! Many people believe they need to chew to keep their teeth short. While they do enjoy chewing, it's the normal wear from where their top and bottom teeth meet that keeps a rabbit's teeth short.
This is more in line with the concurrency we sought out above. We can interleave other computations while our task is still running, but during times where it is not doing any useful work. (Still, because you may have multiple threads your tasks can run on and move between, it might not always be 100% technically accurate to call this system concurrent.) This is also why it is important to not block for long in async contexts: if you're hogging the thread for too long, you're stopping other tasks from progressing and throwing a lot of the benefits you gained from doing it concurrently in the bin. Most async runtimes will give you some option to run expensive or blocking code elsewhere, so that you can keep the benefits you gain from async.
So that's the explanation what async/await does, and the broad strokes of how it works. If you have any more questions regarding the topic, feel free to ask! I think it'll be fun to occasionally write a longer post on interesting things I've learned, so if you have topic suggestions, don't be afraid to tell me!
Further links and sources
Don't Block The Event Loop! - Why you should avoid blocking in Node.js, and what pitfalls to look out for.
I got the bnuuy images and facts from the animality API. The licenses on the images are not super clear, but I'll assume it's okay for me to use them here with credit because it's an open API.
I lifted the definitions and some of the explanation for parallelism and concurrency from Steve Klabnik's talk on Rust's Journey to Async/Await. The talk is more technical and very focused on Rust, but it's a great talk.
I referenced the mdn web docs at various points, they're a great resource.
I created the code screenshots using the carbon app.
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