#thank you for your ask queen!!!
mysecret-hideout · 10 months
Hi queen! 🥰
📸 - your lock screen
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My (second) favorite painting! (My first favorite is the wallpaper for my home screen 🤭)
🎵 - last song you listened to
La Mer by Charles Trenet 🥰
🐸 - describe your aesthetic
I’m not sure exactly! I asked bestie ( @therockywhorerpictureshow ) and this is what she said: “Groovy sixties, vintage, Stevie Nicks, hippy/witchy”
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httyd-art-requests · 6 months
A fireworm or even the fireworm queen would be awesome :D
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I really like that you guys asked for Fireworms AND a Fireworm Queen because it means I got to draw both <3 I had a lot of fun with making them glow :]
Dragon #78 - Fireworm and Fireworm Queen
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I've never draw so many feet at once, but it was an interesting challenge to figure out the posing for them
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wheretheresawyll · 10 months
still boggles my mind that in the year 2024 most players still ignore anora's character just to reduce her to a lying backstabber, when she only goes against you if:
you reveal her identity to ser cautherine and howe's soldiers, defeating the entire purpose of her disguise and also ignoring what she told you literally one minute before about how they can't know she's escaping with you - thereby betraying her first
you ignore her completely in denerim after she asks you to come talk to her, and only show up to the landsmeet
you bring up loghain's fate, and when she tells you that she would rather him be spared if possible, you tell her to her face that her father has to die
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lucky-draws · 3 months
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eva 👍
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poisonouspastels · 7 months
I haven't really gotten to talk about the Ender Dragon yet in the Minecraft AU, and you guys really liked the worldbuilding of oreposting for whatever reason, so we're talking about her now.
To clarify first and foremost: Jean (the dragon) is an intelligent and fully sentient creature. She knows and can speak every spoken language of this world, knows your name, knows every little thing about you, being seemingly omniscient despite having never met prior. That being said, she is not an unfair fighter and is not malicious in nature.
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Dragons existed in much greater numbers long ago, though now the only ones you can find are in Ender. The Endermen are direct evolutionary descendants of these other dragons spread through the infinite realm - but not of Jean specifically. Despite this, historical writings would often (inaccurately) refer to her as "The mother of a thousand children." She is not capable of reproduction and is a fully sexless being.
Her relations to the Endermen are begrudging, serving only to have a brutal mutualistic relationship. The Ender dragons (not just Jean) allow them to eat from the chorus fruit trees within their territory so they may not starve, as well as spawn their own young, and the Ender dragons gets their fair share of food in return... by eating some of the Endermen. The Endermen are rather intelligent creatures in their own way, and they often escape to other dimensions to attempt to live a different life that isn't under the "rule" of the dragons, but quite a few are set in their ways because it's what they know. It's the circle of life they've become familiar with as they subject themselves to it for the sake of survival. Jean is unique in that she is "manufactured" in a way. Not to say that she is artificial, far from it, but that she's not a naturally made dragon. She's to the Universe what Cerberus is to the gates of hell, only existing and serving to guard and provide a challenge if necessary. She knows the rules and is respectful of them, and will never be afraid to die again. Much like a phoenix, with each death she is reborn. Upon being slain, she retreats back to the egg from whence she came many times before, only to re-emerge 10,000 years later.
When Jean finds her way back into the world, the knowledge of the return manages to find its way into the minds of everyone as a call to action. Though slaying the beast right away is not necessary per say, its better not to delay, as the longer one waits, often the more the idea will eat away at them.
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Much like how the Wither represents the concept of inevitability, Jean represents the repeating cycle of the world - whether it be the persistence in humanity to come back time and time again, the cycle of her own return and inevitable death, or the tendency this world has to repeat itself over and over.
The Universe works in mysterious ways, and she is no exception to its design.
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royboyfanpage · 6 months
Hello, please don't take this the wrong way but when I first started getting into comics I really disliked Ollie for how he treated/reacted to Roy and the whole drug thing but many years and more experience later (I know the characters a bit better now and stopped reading bad takes on tumblr) I'm realising that theres a lot more nuance and apparently they've got a really close relationship these days?? So I was just wondering if you might be able to explain that to me because I'd love to get into more arrow stuff (honestly mostly fanficton because lbr comics are crazy confusing and expensive) but I'm struggling to shake the assumptions I made about Ollies character when I was younger
Hi anon! Thank you soooo much for this ask, I've been looking forward to answering it for hours and now I finally have the time. Ollie's one of my favourite fictional archers, and I adore talking about him at any opportunity because he is SUCH a nuanced character. So here's-
Why Oliver Queen Doesn't Suck
Mandatory disclaimer that this is my own opinions, other people may have different interpretations which is totally fine! Ollie's been around for over 80 years, there's a lot of content to read and a lot of conflicting characterisations, so other people may see him differently than me. Also disclaimer that much of this was written from memory. I fact-checked the date of Nixon's declaration of the War on Drugs and the Denny O'Neil quote, but the rest of this was from memory. Apologies for any innaccuracies, both for comics and context.
Now that that's out of the way, lets talk Snowbirds.
In order to discuss Snowbirds Don't Fly, one of the most important things to factor in is context. I understand it can be difficult to see through the historical lense of a time period in which the majority of people on this website, myself included, were not even born let alone reading comic books. However, it's still crucially vital to discuss what was going on in the real world at the time of its publication in order to engage in a rich discussion of the comic. Snowbirds was published the year that the War on Drugs officially began following Nixon's declaration of drugs as "public enemy number one" on June 17th 1971, just under two months before the release of Snowbirds part 1 in August of that year. At the time, drug addiction was very much seen as a moral failing, and the war on drugs focused heavily on the incarceration of drug users (particularly ones that the US Government wanted an excuse to lock away such as people of colour and pacifists against the war in Vietnam, but that's not relevant to Snowbirds.) While Snowbirds was absolutely not a perfect comic, it was created to show a more humanising side of addicts than the usual demonisation seen on the news. In the words of writer Denny O'Neil, “we chose Roy [...] to show that addiction was not limited to 'bad' or 'misguided' kids.” It was created to show that addiction was not a moral failing, and that anyone could fall into it due to circumstances, even someone we've already accepted as 'one of the good guys' for the past 30 years. Roy was used as the symbol of a good kid who made a bad mistake in order to humanise real young people who'd gone through similar circumstances. And where there's a kid, there's a parent, which is where Ollie came in.
Now, I very strongly believe that Ollie was not written to be the bad guy of Snowbirds. Not only was he also an established 'good guy', but he was a symbolic stand-in for much of America at that time, including the people who would be reading it. And, while Green Arrow is very much a character who brings with him a lot of strong political takes, villainising their readerbase would be a step too far. Ollie was a stand-in for the concerned and ill-informed parent, a character who's consumed all the anti-addict propaganda being spread at the time and internalised it. That's why the fact that it was his own ward struggling with addiction was so poignant to the story. Ollie was forced to re-evaluate his worldview after seeing someone who he knows isn't what the media says addicts are struggling with addiction. Snowbirds has such an interesting character arc for Ollie, seeing him struggle to combine the ideas of what he's heard and what he's actively seeing in his mind.
Now, the most infamous part of Snowbirds is, obviously, the slap. Full disclaimer, I am not saying that Ollie is in the right for that. He was 100% undeniably in the wrong for how he responded to Roy's addiction. However, I think a key component of comic books that people tend to ignore is the component of marketing. The writers wanted this comic to sell. It was a very important story for the time, and with the amount of comics being released it was crucial to them that people actually found the comic and read it, especially since it was one of the first comics released outside of the strict rules of the Comics Code. And what would catch readers' eyes more than seeing a superhero hitting his sidekick whilst said sidekick is surrounded by drugs? I'm not trying to discredit the panel, it was obviously a very significant part of the story, but there were external factors at play too.
A lot of the development of Roy and Ollie's relationship is seen in comics released post-Snowbirds, but even in the comic itself there's clear development, particularly at the end. Snowbirds Don't Fly is a character arc for Ollie of him adjusting his worldview in order to grow and better himself after recognising his own biases. And people tend to forget that Snowbirds ends with Roy hitting Ollie back, and what does Ollie do? He listens. He lets Roy get his frustrations out, and listens to Roy's perspective, and he's proud of him by the end of it, proud of the young man he is.
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Okay, now that we've gotten Snowbirds out of the way, let's talk about-
There's a common misconception that Roy and Ollie having a close relationship is a recent development, which just isn't true. While it could've absolutely been explored in more detail, it's clear that Roy and Ollie reconciled post-Snowbirds. The earliest example that comes to mind is 1993's Green Arrow vol 2 #75, wherein Ollie and Roy refer to each other as father and son.
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Keep in mind that this was written by Grell who is, at least in my opinion, one of the best references for Ollie. While they did have some issues in the later issues of the run preceding Ollie's death (the causes of the conflict I'm unsure of, they were on rocky terms during Connor's introduction but I don't know why, if anyone has context for that please let me know but that could've just been a choice Dixon made), it's clear to see that Snowbirds was not something that permenantly damaged their relationship. Ollie put in the effort following his actions, to better himself both as a father and as a person, and Roy recognised that and forgave him. Parent/child relationships are hard anyway, let alone under the circumstances Roy and Ollie are under as heroes, and the fact that Ollie actually recognised his own flaws is far more than many parents do.
If we go later, we can see Roy talking fondly about Ollie whilst Ollie was dead in Titans (1999), fondly recalling memories with him from his youth, as well as keeping a photograph of him on his wall.
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While Roy does recognise that things with Ollie weren't always perfect, he does also acknowledge the good times between him and Ollie, and it's clear from the way he speaks that he holds a lot of love for him.
Later still, when Ollie returns from the dead, the duo reunite with fondness
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One thing particularly that stands out to me is that, at this point, Ollie was missing many of his memories and Snowbirds was still fresh in his mind, with him bringing up Roy's addiction multiple times throughout Quiver as if it happened within at most the span of two years. Despite this, he still embraces Roy and treats him with love, making it clear that Ollie loved Roy even near to the Snowbirds era. There are more instances I could go into in Green Arrow (2001), but I'm running out of free time, so I'd highly recommend reading it :)
Aaaand later still, Ollie openly admits to having fucked up with Roy during Snowbirds.
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He admits his failings, and demonstrates that he's got Roy's best interests at heart. He's not being selfish, he's letting Roy have his moment in his initiation as Red Arrow and staying in the background because he believes that's what's best for Roy. And-
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He openly states that he loves Roy.
There's more in the current continuity I could reference, but I don't have the time to go through them right now and I'm definitely more familiar with content pre-52 (particularly 1994-2004 is the ten years I'd say I know the best), so hopefully this is enough.
Roy and Ollie's relationship isn't perfect. It has clear ups and downs, which is what makes them so interesting! Oliver Queen is a very loving, yet very flawed man, and to go either way of "evil abuser" or "perfect father" discredits who he is.
Anyway, your faves don't have to be unproblematic to love them. Ollie has a really compelling character arc during and after Snowbirds, and I like him a lot :)
For further reading, check out my masterlist on my pinned post, particularly Oliver Queen's B- Parenting, Snowbirds (1), and Snowbirds (2)
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flufflecat · 4 months
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I met a lovely bumblebee a few days ago (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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jeanmoreaue · 5 months
it was lovely to see that in-universe at least one person outside of the stadium, so to speak, was also looking out for jean (and i found myself hoping that as he watched them ask about his wellbeing he really internalized that his presence had an impact on people and his absence mattered)
love love love ur art of it
thank you thank you!!! this is so sweet!
im so glad you sent in an ask about this scene and i love the way you’ve put this! i thought it was interesting that Jean had almost no internal commentary on the fact that they were talking about him. i was interpreting his reaction as like a mix of surprise maybe and like bittersweet emotions almost.
idk there’s smth so like poignant about him sitting injured and alone in a room watching the tv while people speculate wildly on things that he knows all about, but can’t speak up for himself about (yet at least). but that there’s like one person in that room who tried to stick up for him or like be on his side for even just a moment. i hope it was a moment of realization for him too!!
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kiwiplaetzchen · 5 months
*sets a plate with an extra large fairy cake topped with a singular shiny, golden candle in front of Nosy's nest*
Happy Mine Day.
You absolute menace.
Happy Mine Day 💚🧁
Nosy was busy adoring his treasures when a shiny golden light suddenly caught his attention. His sparkly eyes widened, fixating on the gleaming beacon of brilliance. Abandoning his current conquest, a particularly captivating silver badge, Nosy scurried towards the source of the golden glow.
There it was - a sight that made his heart skip a beat! A plate adorned with an extra-large cake! Nosy blinked, his small heart fluttering with excitement. A cake for Nosy? A whole cake? For this humble Niffler? The very thought seemed too good to be true. Well deserved, of course, but still so unexpected.
Nosy's gaze darted back and forth between the sugary, creamy delight and Sebastian. With each passing second, the Niffler's excitement grew, and he couldn't contain himself any longer.
His tail began to wag furiously, and with a bound, he leaped towards his beloved wizard. His tiny claws finding purchase as he scrambled up to Sebastian's face to shower him with affectionate pecks and kisses, his happy honking sounds filling the air.
A few moments after his wet display of affection, Nosy gracefully descended from the Niffler Papa, and with a decisive huff, the little master of flames extinguished the golden candle. Time to dig in!
Diving snout-first into the cake, Nosy savoured the sweet taste of victory with each delectable bite. It was so delicious! And yet, amidst his indulgence, a fleeting thought crossed his mind. Pausing for just a moment, the little Niffler pondered before reaching a conclusion.
With a determined glint in his eyes, Nosy carefully selected a sizable portion of the cake, cradling it in his little paws. With purposeful steps, he waddled over to Sebastian once again, offering him the (in Sebastian's hands rather small) morsel with a honk of generosity while still wagging his tail incessantly.
Nosy would always share everything with Sebastian. That's how it always has been, and that's how it always will be.
With a gentle nuzzle of his head against Sebastian's hand, Nosy looked up at him with eyes that sparkled with gratitude and devotion. The two of them had been together for so long now, a constant companion through thick and thin, partners in crime, friends, and family rolled into one.
Every day with Sebastian was an adventure, filled with laughter, mischief, and love. And as he settled against Sebastian's side, Nosy knew that no matter what the future held, he and Sebastian would face it together, forever bound by their unbreakable bond.
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Art by the amazing @lil-grem-draws The very first Nosy fan art, and I love it so so much! Thank you once again, Lily!! 💚🌸🥹
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Hey could I ask for a Thenamesh human au were Thena is raising her little sisters (Sersi and Sprite) after their parents die and Gilgamesh is her co-worker who finds her having a mini breakdown and comforts her? Kinda slow burn-ish and no smut if possible
Thena pressed even harder on her eyebrows, sure she would get bruises from it. Maybe then she might actually get medical clearance for time off. "It's fine."
"I didn't mean-"
"It's fine!" she snapped at him again, shifting to swipe at the corners of her eyes and wipe the tears onto her fingertips and then on the sleeves of her cardigan. "I was just...looking for something."
But all she heard was the door shutting gently.
Thena sighed, picking her head up and looking around the shelves. All that was in here was extra paper and printer ink. "Gil, I'm fine."
Gil was sweet, if a little too sweet. He went out of his way for people, which their firm really discouraged. But he was going into family law, which was easy to tell from the 'everything' about him.
"Yeah, I just, uh," she heard him shuffle around before finally turning to glare at him. Her glower was usually strong enough to scare away anyone else. He pointed at the shelf of toner. "Printer."
She closed her eyes, feeling the throbbing in her head from her coffee and the twitch in her eyes from her need for sleep. But they had a lot of contracts to examine, and Sersi was in the middle of the soccer season, which meant she didn't even get home until 6, which pushed dinner to 7 and that said nothing about homework and getting Sprite to bed at a decent hour.
"Um," Gilgamesh gulped, tugging at the suit he was wearing. It was standard attire for the firm, of course, but she always imagined he had a hard time finding suits to really fit him. Perhaps he needed shirts and Jackets in one fitting and trousers in a smaller one. "How was Sersi's game?"
She whipped her head up at him, and she must have looked ready for murder by the way he flinched. "What?"
He went stiff as a board, practically pressing his back to the door. "S-Sersi--your sister, you said she had a soccer game on friday. H-How did it go...if that's okay."
Right, friday; she had rushed home from work, still with half a day's work to complete, picked up Sprite, gotten her not to gripe all through grocery shopping, bundled her up for Sersi's game, which was a loss, and it was a hard loss, and Sersi got a few scrapes and bruises, so then they were both a little cranky for the start of the weekend, and of course that meant she didn't actually get any work done-
She blinked, feeling as if she had gone somewhere else entirely. This was getting ridiculous. She just needed coffee, she reasoned. Even more coffee. She shook her head.
"Hey," he whispered, not moving from the door to let her out, despite her moving closer. "Are you okay? I know you're...I know you've got a lot on your plate."
A lot on her plate? She had that already with this job and the beginnings of her career. Her student debt alone would be more than a full plate.
That was before handling a joint funeral, and counselling for her sisters, and getting them back to school, and a full year of them not being themselves. And then, when they finally seem to be getting better, both of them start having the worst time with school in their lives.
Or maybe their mother was just better at dealing with it than Thena could say for herself. And while their father wasn't exactly her favourite person, let alone parent, her first year of filing her taxes with two dependants was enough for her to look into a decent accountant for this year.
"Listen, I know you've got this under control," Gil continued, visibly worried about saying the wrong thing. "I know you're tougher than I could ever imagine."
She really didn't know about that.
"But if you need--I mean, if you ever want a hand with anything, or even just logistics, or carpooling or something," he suggested, losing confidence with every new idea. His massive shoulders drooped and he gave her those big, sad puppy dog eyes that always got him the best desk and the best cases and the best lunch, "just let me know, y'know?"
Thena gulped. Heat rose up in her as the horror of her tears resurfaced. She was done crying. It was the middle of the work day. She didn't have time for this. This had never been an issue before.
Can we have lasagne?
Just that simple text from Sprite had set her off. Because Sprite loved lasagne--she loved their mother's lasagne. And for an entire year Sprite couldn't even stand hearing the word, let alone the sight of it. And to have her ask for it, when they all knew that Thena was somehow the worst cook of all three of them.
Gil blinked as Thena dropped her head, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her hand over her eyebrows again. His hands hovered around her, never crossing the last few inches of boundary she held.
Thena was just as shocked as she leaned froward and her forehead met something firm. But she couldn't choke it all back, a squeak escaping her as her tears dropped to the musty old storage closet carpet below.
"Hey," he whispered soothingly. Of course the bastard was great at comforting people too. Why wouldn't he be? Why wouldn't he be so completely perfect? "It'll be okay."
She usually hated when people spoke so certainly. Because what did they know? What assurance did they have? But Gil meant well. He only ever meant well. Her breathing slowed and she realised she was truly letting him embrace her. What an unfortunate turn this had taken. But he was warm, and he smelled nice. And it felt nice when he rubbed her back.
Gil let her pull away, not making a grand affair out of the whole thing. He brushed away a few more tears of hers, "you okay?"
She nodded. She was far, far from it. But she could probably get through the rest of the work day without humiliating herself further. Her throat felt dry as a bone. "Thank you."
Gil tilted his head at her. He did give off the first impression that he would be some meathead, into his own looks and loud and brash and hypermasculine. But he was kind, he was considerate of others and his good nature only made him more sensitive to those around him. "I mean it, Thena, if there's anything you need at all."
He was one of only a few who even knew about her sisters. She didn't really go around announcing her past, and she wasn't one for keeping precious personal keepsakes on her desk either. But Gil had once seen her phone light up with a notification and asked who the girls on her lockscreen were.
And as much as she could have told him to mind his own business - and he would have, knowing him - it seemed worse to ignore it. So she had told him about her sisters, and how she had basically acquired them as children, as far as the state was concerned.
The biggest advantage to Gilgamesh knowing about her duties outside the office was that he was her biggest defender whenever she couldn't make events outside of work. Of course a lot of deals happened out of the office as well as in, and being able to seal those deals came with the job. But Gil always had an excuse ready for her when she couldn't join them for drinks after work, or make a round of golf or two on sunday morning.
He smiled as she finally picked her head up. "There she is."
She chose to ignore that. She sniffled, dabbing at her eyes again. If anyone asked her if she was okay once she stepped out of this closet, she might commit an act worthy of termination. "Thanks."
"Any time," he shrugged. He still didn't leave. "I saw you get up from your desk. I thought-"
Silence came over him, perhaps at the admission that he had all but followed her here. Any other coworker and she would have her keys in her hand and a knife with his car's name on it. But only Gilgamesh could say something like that and have it be just as innocent as he meant it.
"Sorry," he concluded, having discouraged himself yet again. He blushed.
She truly was a bitch of epic proportions to inspire this level of fear from the sweetest man alive, she gathered. Usually that wasn't a problem, of course, but just this once: it was undeserved. "That's nice of you, Gil."
That seemed to surprise him even more than walking in on her crying in the closet.
She finally reached for the doorknob, and Gil nearly leapt out of her way. She headed back to her desk, with the same papers in hand as when she had first gone in. At least at her desk, she could take a breath. Her computer was still open on emails, she set the papers beside her.
Of course
She replied to Sprite, although if she got more texts she was just going to tell her not to text in class.
If her sister wanted lasagne, then she would find a way to make it happen. Affection was not her most polished skill, but love needed no polishing. If her baby sister wanted lasagne, she would have it.
If only she weren't a horrendously bad cook.
Sersi was decent, but she only ever let her help when Sersi herself seemed eager to do so, and that was usually on weekends. And Ajak was an excellent cook. Her handwritten recipes alone would not help Thena actually produce the promised product.
Thena picked up her phone again. She scrolled until she could select the contact in her phone. Perhaps it was silly to text him when his desk was in sight of hers. She was just in a closet with the man. But she selected his name and typed.
Can you make lasagne?
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tys-kitty · 10 months
About the Faerie title theories
The Seelie Queen was a traitor who helped as an ally in the crimes of the Dark War. The reason why Sebastian was able to open portals from Hell through Faerie to the Mortal world to kidnap, possess & kill all those Shadowhunters. Including Julian and the Blackthorns Father & Amatis. The reason he was able to kidnap Jocelyn & Magnus, the reason he was able to kill Raphael. The reason why the Cohort didn’t help bring Mark or Helen back because the Shadowhunter government stopped trusting Faeries due to her actions. The Seelie Queen was an extremely resentful & smug ally of his.
So I sure hope she’s not the one to rule Faerie by the end of the series 😟 Especially since we see that her behavior is still as arrogant, conniving, self serving, cold and self victimizing in TDA as it was in TMI, meaning she didn’t learn much from her wrong doings in the past 5+ years she’s been banished of sorts.
I really still hope she pays for her crimes! She’ll never be a good influence for Ash whether she acts maternal now or not.. I wouldn’t even put it past her to think that she might’ve intentionally gotten pregnant by a Morgenstern to have power over Clary and the Shadowhunters out of spite since she never liked them or Clary specifically with their bad history, which makes her becoming a mother all seem so much worse. Ash being raised by Clary instead would be so much better for him or even Luke Valentines old bestfriend before he turned into a bad guy with Kieran as the cool cousin that rules Faerie.
Totally agree with you, anon!
The Seelie queen is one of the most horrible and most underrated villains in TSC. She always plays a part when something terrible happens and always chooses to ally with the evil side.
Even though I said in my theory that I think she will take over the Seelie and Unseelie Court and unite them, I don‘t think TSC will end with her ruling over Faerie. Because let‘s be honest: Faerie has a lot of potential to be a damn awesome place but that won‘t happen with her on the throne.
In the end I‘m pretty excited to see what happens with Faerie. Because as of now, I can‘t really picture Kieran, Ash or Kit ruling over it, simply because they‘ve never wanted or asked for that kind of power. And obviously the Seelie queen won‘t stay on the throne, because I think we will indeed see a great change in Faerie (maybe they will alley with the rest of the Shadowworld at last)
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gwyns · 10 months
Am I the only one who thinks Azriel's bonus chapter was about him being jealous of his brothers and whining about not having a mate and try to reason how Elain should've been his but when we get to the end of chapter we realise that he's been truly blind as a bat that he can't see that his mate has been under his nose all along...
Like I didn't even had to read about all the mating bond languages that sjm been copy pasting with her mated couple to know Gwynriel is a mated couple (even tho they're true but as a casual reader you might not notice at first)
It's srsly that easy I don't know what these idiots are talking about!! Making theories out of their a*ses and keep telling us to read between the lines... istg I see a new theory out of that bonus chapter and they also keep saying it doesn't mean anything bc it wasn't part of the book...
Honey it's not that hard lol this was sjm massage to us that Azriel and Gwyn are mates, like it or not!!
nope! you're not the only one, that was my first initial impression too. as soon as i finished acosf, i said to myself, "oh my god, e/riel is dead" and his chapter only solidified it for me
his chapter isn't romantic, like at all. it's moreso showing us how lonely az truly is and how he's let that fester and make him act out. yes, there's some cute moments with gwyn and his shadows, but ultimately it's about how far az has fallen mentally. kinda like nesta in acofas. no matter what that side claims, he's not happy and in love, he's not doing well in the slightest
it's so amusing to me how they flip flop on whether his bonus chapter counts or not lol i've seen them say that it both confirms e/riel and sets up their forbidden romance trope and that it's also not canon because it's a bonus. while yes it is a bonus, it's definitely still canon, it's just not necessary to understand the rest of the book/series
recently, i've ventured into other sides of the internet, sides also filled with "theories" and i've come to realize that if someone wants something enough, they'll see anything as a connection and confirmation of whatever it is that they want. it doesn't mean that it's actually true and will happen. i fully believe this is how e/riels' brains work too, and it's caused their fandom to adapt this hive mind where if you disagree even a little bit, you get bullied and kicked out (i've seen actual former e/riels say this happens)
at the end of the day sjm writes for herself first and foremost, whatever she wants, she gets. she also loves the mate trope, despite what some people want to believe, and happy endings and the way i see it is that e/riel can't happen for everyone to end up happy. see how i don't need to make up bread recipes or a secret baby to make my ships happen? as a sjm reader since 2013, being able to recognize what tropes she likes and her writing style is all the "proof" i need
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bigmeatpete69420 · 5 months
hi Pete! do you have any bird pics? :3c
No pics
Video of me playing fetch with a scrub jay
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slasher-smasher · 5 months
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Sjsicgb this made me Voldemort laugh.
You are so wonderful, HBB. 🥰 A true gift to this and ANY fandom. Not only do you make one of the most wholesome and fantastic content, but YOU are truly wonderful to other people. Thank you for the laugh. I needed it this morning.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Hey, I don't know how I missed the fact that Borderline is one of your fics. But I just wanted you to know that it's quickly become of my new fave Batfam fics and has got me rethinking about my own hivemind/shared thoughts WIP. I blame it on me being such a massive SW fan, but mental links/bonds and hiveminds are a fave concept of mine and Borderline is just ticking all of my boxes.
Awh. Thank you anon 🥹 it’s also one of my favorite tropes, especially one to read in the clone wars fandom.
There’s also a lot of sense8 influence in this fic since I watched that a few years ago. I think a lot about that show when I draft the parts about invaded privacy, awkward boundaries, trying to kill the bond etc.
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sentimentalslut · 4 months
So I've hit a bit of a dead end in my life where I have no idea what to do or what I want to do. Do you have any advice on how to try and figure it all out?
Also I love ur duncney fics you should be an author <3
listen, anon. i'm 26. as much as i am flattered that you think i have it figured out, i do not. i'm willing to bet i wont have it figured out in ten years or twenty or forty-five. the thing is, i'm fine with that.
so here's my advice:
honestly, just keep living. put one foot in front of the other. find things you enjoy for no other purpose than enjoyment.
you don't have to 'do' anything -- living is about experiences. not every one of them have to have a purpose.
most of being human is drifting around and wondering why youre here. none of us really have the answer. that's okay. that's normal. maybe you'll never figure out what you're meant to 'do'. and that's fine!
the thing that keeps me anchored in the sea of Being Alive All the Time, and the thing that keeps most people anchored, is passion.
step one of discovering your passion, whatever it is, is to allow yourself to discover it. pick up pointless new hobbies and let yourself put them down if you dont enjoy them. read new books. read wikipedia articles for things youve never heard of. go on long walks in new parts of your neighborhood. listen to a new podcast. watch a video essay about something stupid youve always been curious about.
make bad art. paint shitty pictures, draw shitty portraits, write shitty stories. let yourself be bad at things. let yourself be purposeless.
accept the fact that you are human and unsure about your place in the universe -- because those two things go hand in hand. this is the curse of sentience. embrace it.
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