#thank you tumblr tags how would i make decisions without typing out my thinking process in them /j
motto-chanto-itte · 25 days
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i would definitely feel better if i finished these/dropped them i think
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kbsd · 3 years
not sure if you’ve answered this before, but what’s your process look like when you make an amv? i’m just curious and in constant awe of ppl who can make videos like you do :)
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hello all!!! i have answered this before and i have a vid help tag with other asks i’ve gotten about stuff like this! but i’ve gotten several more messages along these lines so i’m just going to answer a bunch of them together (under a cut since i love to ramble about editing lol). i do just wanna say i’m definitely not the authority on video editing and obv everyone has their own techniques!
edit: i just finished typing all this up and it’s SO long so sorry in advance LMAO god bless anyone who reads this entire thing
so i work in news tv and we have a very specific workflow for writing scripts, sourcing video, producing, and editing. i’ve just applied that to making amvs! for every video i make, i copy the song lyrics into a google doc and adjust them to match the song i’ve cut (i often will trim songs for time and/or content purposes). then i start planning! i’ll mark down what clip i want to use for each lyric next to that line, and any sound bites i want to use (with episode numbers!). i’ll color code between video and sound bites and lyrics, so my scripts end up looking something like this (for my honeybee amv):
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doing the planning ahead of time makes everything much easier when it’s a video that spans the whole show or involves a lot of sourcing, like honeybee or sports analogies. that way when i get to the actual editing process, i already know what i’m going to do and have a game plan. for videos like happy ending or believe it or not, where i’m mainly just pulling from a few episodes, i can just plan it in my head as opposed to writing it all down, and produce as i edit. obviously i do make in-the-moment decisions while editing—sometimes a shot doesn’t work the way i thought it would, or i go where the video takes me—but planning ahead definitely helps. i know some people use spreadsheets as well, with columns for lyrics, video clips, and sound bites if applicable. once you find a system that works, it actually goes pretty quickly.
as for sourcing clips themselves/finding clips within episodes, i talked about that here and kind of here. the short version is that transcripts are a must, and the supernatural wiki is hugely helpful by cataloguing all the hugs, prayers, phone calls, etc. in the show. gifmakers that tag episode numbers on their posts are your friends. it gets easier the more video you make—that’s another huge reason i make the google docs for each video (even the ones i plan in my head, i end up going back and making a loose script with episode notes just for reference). if i can’t remember where something is but i know i used it in another video, i can easily reference past scripts!
i also cut all my videos in the same project in premiere pro, so i can flip between them easily. instead of checking a past script, i can just go to the video sequence itself and copy the clip i’m looking for! this was especially helpful when i match cut together the 5x18 and 4x22 wall slam shots for my bestie video, and then stole it from myself for honeybee hahaha. at any given time i have at least 8 sequences open:
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because of the sheer volume of videos i make, it’s worth it for me to download the entire show—i have all 327 episodes in HD, plus deleted scenes. if you think you’re only going to make a few videos, i’d start with scene packs. you can usually just google “destiel [or whatever ship/character you’re looking for] scene packs” and there will be any number of ones you can download. if you need other specific scenes, you can always download/torrent individual episodes or screen record netflix (that’s what i did before i got HD download links). i’m happy to share my links if you DM, but be warned it’s a lot of disk space (about 500GB on my hard drive). someone also compiled every destiel scene, downloadable here.
having every episode already loaded in premiere for all my projects also makes it a lot easier to source clips. once i use a clip in a video, i’ll put a marker on the episode file, so that after a while i have most of the important scenes/lines marked to easily find them. to give you an idea, this is my episode file in premiere for 12x10 lily sunder has some regrets (markers at destiel scenes, the car fight, hot girl cas, etc.). markers are the green tabs along the bottom:
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premiere also lets you color code and name markers, so ONE DAY i will go back and color code them all. the ones above are all the same color, but in a perfect world, i’d have a myraid—for destiel shots like hugs, touches, looks; for important pieces of dialogue; for action shots; etc. but for now this works ok for me, so that’s a project for another time!
between detailed scripts, one giant premiere project, markers, the wiki, and my own memory, i have so many points of reference that i can usually find any clip i need in about 2 minutes max. sound bites are often harder to start out, or tiny specific shots i haven’t used before, and that’s when i turn to tumblr gifsets or beloved mutuals to crowdsource. but if you’re as obsessive about marking/keeping neat scripts as i am, it gets easier and easier with every video you make. that’s part of why i’m able to cut videos together so quickly. (also i want to stress i do this for a living and have to produce/edit a new piece for my show every day so i’m used to it. and compared to constantly updating content/sources and news that changes every day, 327 highly documented episodes that never change are much easier to handle hahaha)
this is all great for me since i make so many videos and plan to continue doing so, but if you’re only making a few, this level of work isn’t worth it imo. really it’s all about developing a system that works for you. whatever you do with episodes/sourcing, though, i cannot recommend planning things out in a script ahead of time enough. 
everything i just mentioned is producing, though. for the editing process, i usually do it in this order:
music first. any parts i want to cut, i make sure it all sounds smooth
then soundbites. i usually try to weave them into the lyrics—i have characters talk in breaks between lines or instrumental sections as much as possible. i’ll sometimes go so far as looped/extending an intsrumental part to make room for the soundbite i want there lol. if i do have dialogue over a line, i do the sound mixing/levels at this point as well to make sure everything is audible/one doesn’t overpower the other. (also i always include the video that goes with these bites when i drop them in, and decide later if i want to show the character speaking or have other clips cover the dialogue)
once i have all the audio locked in, then i bring in all my other video clips. sometimes i edit completely chronologically, sometimes jumping from section to section—it depends on the song or how i’m feeling
double check sound mixing. i usually listen to my videos through a few times, with headphones and without to make sure it’ll sound good no matter how people watch it
once i have picture and audio lock, i go through and color correct my clips. i’m basic and just use lumetri color in premiere, and usually just play with brightness, saturation, temperature, and tint until i like it
render and export! :)
i always have several audio tracks, but i try to keep my video tracks condensed. i’ll drop clips on a V2 level, and edit a section there, and drop the whole chunk down to V1 so i know it’s finished. that way when i leave and come back i can know where i left off/what’s done/etc. to give you an idea, this is the timeline for my what the hell video:
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i always render as H.264 with high bitrate, and make sure to check “render at maximum depth” and “use maximum render quality” for the best quality. i’m sorry, but i don’t know what the equivalent options are in final cut, imovie, kdenlive, etc. i post on youtube mostly so i don’t have to sacrifice quality, but usually just using a lower bitrate will get you under the tumblr file size limit and it’ll still look good.
as for the anon who asked about “polishing”: first of all, thank you!! second of all, it’s in the details. all of this is a matter of taste and my own insanity, but here are some little things i always try to do:
after i color correct, i blur out any credits from the starts of episodes. i use gaussian blur for this, but really any blur tool works
as much as possible, i avoid clips where we see a character’s mouth move but don’t hear the words. in tv/film we call it “lip flap” and i just think it looks messy. also i’m trained to avoid it at all costs at work hahaha. it’s more for serious videos that this matters a lot to me (e.g. i think i did a really good job eliminating lip flap in my happy ending amv)—for comedy videos i don’t sweat it as much
i put audio fades on the start and end of every single audio clip i use, even if i don’t think i need it, to make sure everything sounds smooth
i use markers for timing, especially in action-y videos like what the hell. i’ll put a marker on the clip i’m using at the exact moment a punch lands, and in the song on the beat. if i have the magnet/snap in timeline tool on i can just easily snap them together instead of having to spend time finagling it
this is such a small thing but i dip/cut to black for a tiny bit at the start and end of every video. this way if i post with tumblr video player, there’s black between the loops, and it gives you a beat before the video restarts. i do this even on videos i post on youtube, just because i think it looks nicer/more professional
this is 1,500 words so i’m going to stop myself before i pull something. if you have follow-up questions feel free to ask and i’ll continue to add them to the vid help tag, but any more questions about sourcing clips or my process in general i’ll just link this post going forward. anyone who made it this far, i am sending to a telepathic kiss. thank you for reading and happy editing!
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 5
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, allusions to smut (but nothing graphic), discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Word Count: 3,189
Notes: This is kind of a transitional chapter, no major plot movement (but there is some major Uncle Drake time, if that helps). If I had combined it with the next chapter, it would have been way too long. I promise I’m going to make up for it in the next chapter. 
As always, one love to my pre-readers @texaskitten30​ & @txemrn​, I’m surprising you both with some extra content that was not in the preread (chapter 6 got way too long, so I took the opening fluff and added it to the end of this chapter). And thank you @twinkleallnight​ for my moodboard!
Tags: Everyone is tagged below, whether or not you get notified of said tag, I guess that’s in the hands of the Tumblr gods 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Riley’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she took in her surroundings, she was in an ornate bedroom that she didn’t recognize. “Oh good, you’re awake.” Mara walked toward the bed from the corner of the room where she had been sitting. 
“Mara, what happened?” Riley asked.
“You passed out, you had me worried for a moment there.” Mara poured her a glass of water from the pitcher on the nightstand. 
Memories started coming back to Riley, she remembered being at the event and taking mental note of the members in attendance. Then she remembered the speaker approaching the podium, it was Liam’s mother. Nope, that can’t be right. I had already passed out at that point. That was a dream, some weird Wizard of Oz shit. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Riley watched as Mara rushed over to the door, opening it slightly and saying something to the person on the other side. Riley tried, but she was unable to hear what was being said.
“Who was that?” Riley asked as Mara closed the door and headed back to her bedside. 
“Just someone checking on you. Tell me what you remember about what happened?” 
“Nothing really, I remember being in the room and looking around, then everything went black. I had the weirdest dream while I was out though. Liam’s mother, she was up at the podium, giving a speech.” She took in Mara’s serious expression, and started feeling uneasy again. “Mara, that was a dream...right? Liam’s mother died a long time ago.”
Mara took a deep breath, “Actually, that was not a dream, Eleanor is the leader of the Via Imperii’s Cordonian chapter.”
“But why? How? She’s been alive this whole time?” Just when I thought this couldn’t get weirder. Maybe I’m still dreaming, I haven’t woken up yet. Yeah, that’s it. She pinched her arm and quickly flinched in pain. Nope, definitely real life. Liam’s mother is alive, she has been this whole time. Liam has spent most of his life mourning a woman that not only betrayed his family, but that wasn’t even dead. How is it possible that things are still getting worse? 
“I believe that is something she is more qualified to answer herself. She is outside waiting to speak with you. Should I let her in?”
“I don’t know. What do I say? How am I supposed to act? What does one say to their dead mother-in-law that isn’t actually dead?” There was a slight tremble in her voice. “Mara, I’m freaking the fuck out here. What am I supposed to do?”
Mara sat on the side of the bed and put a comforting hand on Riley’s shoulder. “It is entirely your decision, but I promise you, things will become much more clear once you speak with her. I know this is a shock, but just listen to her.”
Riley closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, trying to center herself. “Ok, let her in.” 
Aside from a few creases along her mouth and eyes, you would have sworn that the woman entering the room had stepped right out of the many photographs Liam had shown Riley over the years. Damn, I guess faking your death is a pretty good anti-aging cure. As Eleanor approached, Riley sat up further on the bed and leaned her back against the headboard. 
“Riley, I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be sitting down with you. We have so much to discuss.” Eleanor took the chair from the vanity and placed it next to the bed.
Understatement of the century. “I have so many questions, I don’t even know where to start.”
“I’m sure you do dear, and I will answer all of them, but you have already been through so much tonight. You need your rest.” She patted RIley’s hand soothingly. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I would like to come by Valtoria tomorrow for brunch, we can talk then.”
“Valtoria...my Valtoria? But you’re supposed to be dead, everyone will see you. Drake will see you, he’ll know who you are.” Riley started to panic. “Eleanor is there...I mean, my Eleanor...Eleanor the second?” 
“Shh, it’s alright Riley. As much as I would love to meet my granddaughter, you are absolutely right, she and Drake can’t know that I am there. Just tell them you have a meeting, and ask Drake to take her out for a bit. Knowing him, I’m sure he’d be more than happy to take her on a little nature walk. As far as being seen, I’ve managed this long without my secret getting out. Don’t worry, I have my ways of running under the radar.”
Riley could only nod, her head still swimming with all of these thoughts and questions. Eleanor stood, giving Riley a kind goodbye and leaving the room. 
After a little more rest, and time to process the conversation she just had, Mara escorted Riley out of the estate and brought her back to Valtoria. Riley was looking forward to the comfort of being in her own home, and seeing her daughter. Eleanor was no doubt asleep already, but even just checking in on her and seeing that little face, was the most calm Riley could hope for at the moment. 
As she entered her daughter’s bedroom, she smiled to herself. Eleanor was asleep on her Uncle’s lap, while he also snored soundly, the book they were reading long forgotten on the floor in front of them. Riley gently lifted her daughter out of Drake’s arms, causing him to stir. 
“Hey Brooks. Sorry, she must have really worn me out.” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he stood out of the oversized armchair. 
Riley gently laid her still sleeping daughter in the bed, and kissed her forehead as she tucked her in. “Trust me, if anyone understands it’s me.” She turned to her friend and gave him a hug. “Thank you so much for staying with her, Drake. I always feel better leaving her with a friend when Liam and I can’t be there.” 
The exhaustion and stress were evident in Riley’s voice. A concerned Drake nodded toward the door, signaling that they should leave Eleanor to sleep. “Are you alright? You’ve been acting weird, different, all day.” He asked as he gently shut the door behind them.
“Yea, I’m good, I promise.” Riley lied. “This event tonight, it was just one of those things that would have been so much easier with Liam. I mean, they all are, but you know what I mean.” Drake nodded as he put his arm around her shoulder and they walked toward her room. “Hey, do you mind taking Eleanor out for a bit tomorrow, like late morning-ish? I had someone tonight request a meeting, and it’s kind of time sensitive.”
“Of course, that’s what I came for. Maybe I’ll take her fishing. Would that be ok? I’d love to teach her.” 
Riley smiled at his enthusiasm, but the smile didn’t quite meet her eyes. Drake noticed. “I think that would be a great idea. I believe the gear you got her for her birthday is in the sporting shed.” 
“You know I’m not going to let this go, right? Something’s going on with you and Liam. You’re my best friends, I’m not going to just sit here and pretend something isn’t bothering you guys.”
Riley checked either side of the hallway before leading Drake into her room. As she shut the door with one hand, she raised the other to her face, signaling for Drake to be quiet. She grabbed her phone and opened the notepad app, typing a message to Drake.
Do you know how to check for bugs?
Drake furrowed his brows and nodded his head. 
Do it. 
Drake did a full sweep of the room and the balcony, and returned to Riley, who was now sitting on the bench at the end of her bed. “Alright, we’re good. Now what the hell is going on?”
She explained about the Via Imperii to Drake. She didn’t tell him everything, and she definitely didn’t tell him that Liam’s mother is alive, or that that was the meeting she was taking tomorrow. Drake listened intently to everything, his only interruption was a ‘fucking Neville’ when she was telling him about the other members. She told him that one of the higher ups from the organization wanted to meet with her tomorrow, not a lie, and that’s why she wanted him to take Eleanor out of the estate for a while. 
Everything that had happened since she and Liam stepped out of the palace doors that morning suddenly made sense to Drake. And it now made sense why Liam had asked him to go with them instead of Maxwell. He wanted protection for his family, not just someone to keep them company. 
“Ok, so who else knows? What can I do?”
“Liam wanted to wait until we had some more information to tell anyone else. I know I probably should have waited to talk to him first, but tonight was awful Drake, just so damn awful. And I can’t call Liam and tell him, because I don’t know if they’re listening to our calls, and I can’t keep it all to myself for another 48 hours.” She sighed deeply and ran a hand through her hair. “He just didn’t want us accidentally telling someone that was part of it. I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you. It’s not that we didn’t think we could trust you. It’s just, finding out his mother was involved, it hit him hard, Drake. I think he just feels so betrayed by her, it’s making him extra cautious of our inner circle.”
Drake pulled her into a hug and held her close. “Hey, it’s alright, I totally get it. If I found out something like that, I mean, I can’t even imagine.”
As they separated, Riley let out a yawn. “I should probably at least try to get some sleep. Thanks Drake, for everything.”
“Yea, of course. You guys are my family, I’ll always be here. You sure you’ll be alright?”
Riley nodded and walked him to the door. They said their good nights, and Drake headed down the hall to his room, while Riley shut the door and changed into her pajamas. She laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. She spent most of the night wondering what Eleanor would say to her tomorrow, and listing out all of the questions she was going to ask. She was grateful that she was given a chance to gather her thoughts before having to go too deep with her. She would finally be able to walk into a Via Imperii interaction prepared. Or so she hoped. 
Riley never got a good night's sleep when she and Liam were apart. She had grown accustomed to falling asleep in his arms, and no weighted blanket on the planet could replicate that feeling. The emptiness of her bed, combined with the events of the night before, and Riley wasn’t sure anything that happened over the last couple of hours could even be considered sleep. She nodded off a couple of times, but every time the REM cycle started to kick in, she would see Liam’s mother and be jolted awake. Finally, she couldn’t take the tossing and turning any longer, so she got out of bed and decided to work with Gladys to make preparations for their meeting. 
Before she did that, she wanted to go get Eleanor and make sure she was up and ready for her fishing date with Uncle Drake. As she entered her daughter’s bedroom, she saw Eleanor sitting at her table, with her back to the door, having a tea party with her stuffed animals. “Good morning, Princess.”
Eleanor turned and smiled, immediately running up to her and wrapping her arms around Riley. “Hi Mommy, come have tea with us!” She grabbed her mother’s hand and walked her to the small table. She moved one of the stuffed animals out of it’s chair, kissing it on the nose and placing it on the bed. “Sorry Woogie. Mommy, sit.” She pointed at the now empty chair. 
“Eleanor, remember our manners?” Riley raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Mommy sit...please?” She looked up with a questioning expression. 
“That’s my girl.”
They sat and ‘drank tea’, Eleanor explaining every moment of her evening with her uncle the night before with so much enthusiasm. Riley watched Eleanor’s arms gesture wildly as she talked about the game of hide and seek that they played. 
Eleanor stopped her story at the sound of Riley’s phone ringing, and squealed with excitement at the sight of her father’s face on the screen. “It’s Daddy, it’s Daddy!”
“Here, you answer it, he’ll be happy to see your face.” Riley swiped accept on the video call request, and handed the phone to Eleanor. 
Riley sat back and watched the two most important people in her life talking and laughing like there wasn’t a care in the world, when Riley knew that that world was actually in the process of crumbling. She made sure that Eleanor got the phone first so that she could take that time to compose herself before she talked to Liam. They would talk, but she couldn’t tell him anything about last night. Even if she could, a FaceTime call was not the way to deliver that news. She snapped out of her thought when she heard Liam from the other side of the phone.
“I love you too, princess. Can you please give the phone to Mommy?”
As Riley took the phone, she stood from her seat, giving Eleanor a kiss on the head. “I’m going to go talk to Daddy, Finish up your tea party, Uncle Drake is going to be taking you fishing soon.”
“YAY! Fishies!”
Riley exited the room and leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath before holding the phone up to her face. “Good morning, handsome.” She smiled softly at the sight of her husband on the other end.
“Hello, beautiful. How did you sleep?” 
“Do you really need to ask? You know you’ve spoiled me all these years, I can’t fall asleep without you.” She was determined to keep the conversation light. If it veered away from that at all, she wasn’t sure she would be able to hold back. Especially with the lack of sleep she was experiencing. 
“Trust me love, I understand. I’m already on my third cup of coffee, just one more night, and we will be together again.” His eyes said everything he wasn’t able to say in that call. They were having a silent conversation about how awful the previous night had been for Riley, and how sorry he was , how badly he wanted to be there to hold her and make it all go away. 
“It’s going to be the longest night of my life, just so you know.” She sighed, checking her watch briefly. “Liam, I have to go. I had a last minute meeting come up, and I have to go get everything ready.”
Liam nodded, knowing exactly what the meeting was in reference to, or so he thought. “Of course, I have to get ready for my day as well. I will call you later on to check in. I love you Riley, I will see you tomorrow.”
“I love you too, Liam.” She ended the call, and a single tear trailed down her cheek. She wiped it away and stood up straight. She didn’t have time to break down, she had a brunch to host. 
Riley worked with Gladys to prepare the solarium for her brunch meeting. Liam had told her how much his mother loved the gardens at the palace, so she thought that this would be an appropriate setting for their meeting. Sure, the circumstances were anything but pleasant, but this was still Eleanor Rys. This woman brought Liam, her Liam, into the world. No matter what happened in this meeting, or what became of this relationship, she would be eternally grateful to this woman for giving her the love of her life. 
She impressed on Gladys the importance of privacy for this meeting, all food and beverages were to be set out ahead of their guest’s arrival, chafing dishes and coffee carafes sat on one of the tables to ensure no servers needed to enter the room. Once the door was shut, nobody was to enter until the Queen said so. Eleanor had gone this long living under the radar, Riley certainly wasn’t going to be the one to ruin her life as a dead woman. 
Once the instructions had been laid out for the staff, Riley moved to the entryway of the estate to see Drake and Eleanor off on their fishing adventure. She walked in just as Drake was handing Eleanor her mini, hot pink, fishing rod. “Here you go, kiddo. Make sure you hold it up like this, so that you don’t poke anyone while you’re walking.”
She got a mischievous gleam in her eye. One that Drake instantly recognized from the countless times it flashed across Riley’s face, right before she’d do something that drove him crazy. Eleanor turned the rod, holding it horizontally, and jabbing it into Drake’s shins. “Poke poke poke!” 
Riley burst out laughing causing Drake to snap his head in her direction, and giving Eleanor the encouragement she needed to continue her assault on her Uncle. “To be fair, you kind of asked for it. You gave her step by step instructions.”
“Of what not to do! I guess I forgot who's kid I was talking to.” He gently took the rod out of Eleanor’s hand. “Here, I’ll carry it out to the car for you princess.”
“Thank you Uncle Drake!” She ran into her mother’s arms. “Bye Mommy!”
“Bye baby girl. Be a good princess, and make sure you do everything Uncle Drake says.” She gave Eleanor one more squeeze and let her go before approaching Drake. “Thanks for doing this, I know you didn’t expect to spend the whole weekend on babysitting duty.”
“Hey, it’s nothing. I wanted to get some fishing in while I was here anyway, always nice to have a little company.” He ruffled Eleanor’s hair as his face turned more serious. “You going to be ok?”
“The image of my daughter ramming a fishing rod into your shins should be enough to get me through it.” 
“She hangs out with you too much. She needs to spend more time with Liam so she can learn that stoicism shit.” They both laughed as he pulled her into a quick hug. “We’ll be back in a few hours.”
Riley waved as they exited the estate. Yup, that’s my daughter. Taught her everything she knows. She smiled to herself at the thought. She saw Mara approach out of the corner of her eye, and turned to face her. 
“Your appointment is here ma’am, she’s waiting for you in the solarium.”
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Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga @choicesficwriterscreations @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @annarenee355 @burnsoslow @shewillreadyou @imturaxamara
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Fight or Flight - Chapter 5: Judgement
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Heir (canon divergent from the end of book 2)
Word Count: ~3800
Rating: PG
Summary: Three hours since The Walker Absconding
Author’s Note: Remember in TRR3 when Hana planned to move in to Valtoria, even if not romanced? Well, even though canon seems to have forgotten this fact, I still remember it. Thus, in this series, Hana lives permanently at Valtoria, just in a separate wing from the Walkers.
This series follows the Walkers, their friends, and Cordonia as a whole after they flee the country with their daughter during Barthelemy Beaumont’s attempted coup. To catch up on this series, check out it’s masterlist. (link can be found via my bio - sorry, Tumblr is once again not putting my posts with links in tag searches)
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“I’m sorry. But we aren’t risking coming back.”
Hana glanced up from the phone as Drake’s words cut through the room. She’d been preparing for this, mentally steeling herself for the confirmation. It still was shocking, though. How quickly everything was changing… for all of them.
She tried to read Olivia’s expression. She was expecting more fire and rage than she witnessed across her face, but instead she mainly saw exhaustion as her eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment and she let out a heavy breath through her nose. Certainly, some anger was visible. Her jaw was clenched and her red fingernails clutched the edge of Liam’s desk so tightly that Hana was concerned that she would damage the finish.
Seeing Olivia’s manicure prompted Hana to glance down at her own fingernails, painted a pale gold with just a bit of sparkle. She and Riley had watched a few rom coms last night as they did their fingers and toes, a tradition that had started back during Liam’s engagement tour. Riley had selected a shocking neon lime green this time, telling Hana she liked to keep the other nobles on their toes. Well, she had certainly done that today.
“I suppose you aren’t interested in hearing how terrible of an idea this is,” Olivia sighed out, interrupting Hana’s thoughts.
“Not really.”
“Well, I won’t be able to stop the treason charges. And you’ll be clearly guilty of the kidnapping, so I don’t know how you see this panning out here, Walker.”
There was a slight pause before Drake responded, “Uhhh… do we know who will be charging us with kidnapping yet?”
“You mean, are you going to force the hand of the man who has been with you through everything, who considers you his closest friend, or rather, who considers you to be his brother, to be the one who calls for your arrest?” Olivia’s voice was thick with malice and judgement, but her face was calm and calculated. Hana realized she wasn’t actually experiencing the emotions she was attempting to convey, at least nowhere near that intensely. She was trying to intentionally guilt Drake into agreeing to her original plan.
There was no response for several tense seconds. Hana began to wonder if Drake had hung up on them, but eventually, his voice came through the speaker of Olivia’s phone. “Yeah, that’s what I’m asking.”
Olivia grimaced slightly before answering, “We don’t know yet. A High Court justice will have to set up an emergency hearing to see who will hold power going forward. That hasn’t happened yet.”
“Okay… How’s… how’s Liam doing?”
“He’s fairly stressed, Drake. It’s a lot to handle - fighting a surprise coup, particularly when your allies start abandoning you and making a run for it.”
“Olivia… I…. I’m sorry. Can you tell him that?”
Olivia’s eyes rolled up in her head. She clearly wasn’t swaying him like she’d hoped she’d be able to do. “Tell me, Drake. Was this your brilliant plan, or was it your wife’s?”
“No.” Drake’s voice took on a sudden edge, clear even over speaker phone. “You are not going to try and divide us here. This is our family. You don’t get to judge the decisions we’ve made.”
“Okay, so obviously this was Riley’s idea. Put her on the phone.”
“No. She doesn’t have to listen to this shit.”
“She’s a grown woman. She doesn’t need you to play big, strong protector here. So hand her your damn phone.”
Hana wasn’t sure what tactics Olivia was planning to use to sway Riley, but if they were anything like the ones she’d tried on Drake, she knew it could turn ugly. Drake was more likely to internalize the pain Olivia threw at him, but Riley had a tendency to lash out. The last thing that needed to happen was to have Riley and Olivia devolve into bitter screaming.
“Wait!” Hana said, “Let me talk to Riley, Drake.”
Olivia raised an eyebrow, but didn’t object as a muffled, “Hana wants to talk to you,” drifted through the phone. There were a few seconds of rustling before Riley’s voice came across loud and clear.
“Hana?” She sounded a bit frail, almost as if she’d been crying. Hana couldn’t recall ever having seen her cry.
“Hi, Riley. How are you?”
“Not gonna lie; things have been better.”
Well, at least she still had some of her humor. “Look, sweetie. I just want to make sure you and Drake and Bridget are doing what’s best, okay? I want to be able to help you, in whatever ways you need.”
“Hana, I’m sorry. But we can’t come back. If Barthelemy comes out of this with the power of the Crown, there might not be a way to stop him from taking my daughter, and I can’t take that chance.”
Olivia opened her mouth to retort, but Hana shook her head vigorously. Riley fought back when she felt backed into a corner. It was essential to keep her from going on the defensive.
“Okay. Well, I don’t know how much help I’ll be able to provide you if you’re on the run. Are you sure you can’t come back and we can fight this together, like we always have done?”
She heard a little sniffle before Riley spoke again, “No… Hana, I’m sorry. She’s not your kid, and I just… I need to keep her away from all the assholes trying to take her from me.”
Hana closed her eyes and swallowed. It was obvious that Riley was not willing to consider alternatives, and she was stubborn enough that Hana knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere. With her last hope of being able to reunite their little found family completely shattered, Hana switched the focus of her conversation.
“I understand, Riley. You and Drake focus on keeping your little girl safe, okay? I’ll take care of the corgis and anything else you need me to handle at the estate.”
“Thank you, Hana,” Riley sighed, the relief evident in her voice.
“Well, I guess there’s nothing left for us to discuss at this point,” Olivia said, massaging her forehead with one hand. “Only answer your phones for either Hana or me at this point. We have to figure out how much to tell Liam, okay?”
“Why wouldn’t you tell him-”
“Riley, do you want to get charged with treason and have extradition orders sent out across the EU for your kidnapping today, or would you like a little time before that happens?”
Riley gave no response, but Olivia took her silence as agreement. “That is why Liam can’t know right now. But Hana and I will be in touch. Got it?”
“Do not answer your phones for anyone other than the two of us. Understood?”
“Excellent. Goodbye.”
“Bye, Ol-” but Olivia ended the call before Riley could even finish saying goodbye. She let out a sigh and tipped her head back in her chair.
“Well… That was about what I expected,” she breathed out before looking at Hana. “Obviously, not a word of any of this to anyone until we get through the judicial hearing and figure out how much power Liam holds here.”
Hana nodded. She understood the need for secrecy at this point. What she didn’t understand was why Olivia was including her so fully in the entire process. “Why me?”
“Why did you want me here for this?”
“Because two of us should know. This isn’t the sort of thing that goes well with only one person scrambling to keep things covered up. It makes that person look very guilty and shady. So, I needed someone here. Liam would be obligated to act, and Maxwell is a shitty liar, so that left you.”
The implications of her statement raced through Hana’s mind. “You think I’m a good liar?”
Olivia shrugged, “I think you can keep your cool better than Maxwell, that’s for sure. And maybe a few years ago I would have said ‘no,’ but now… I think you can probably keep up a convincing enough poker face.” And at that, she picked up her phone and started typing quickly.
“What are you doing?”
Olivia didn’t take her eyes off the screen as she kept typing. “I’m telling Ray he should buy them some basic supplies, you know, clothing, food, toiletries, that sort of thing, before he heads back. I’m letting him know I’ll reimburse those expenses.”
She gave another little shrug. “You heard them. I think they are being idiots, but there’s not going to be any way to change their minds at this point. So it’s time to move on to planning next stages. Once their disappearance is fully noticed, it’ll be a lot harder to help them. But for now, we just have to do what we can.” 
Hana smiled at Olivia’s generosity. She knew she was right. Going forward - if Barthelemy succeeded - their group would likely be subject to increased surveillance due to their known close connections with Drake and Riley. And while Hana hoped that Liam’s lawyers might be able to put a stop to things, waiting to find out if that was the case would likely be too late. There were steps that needed to be taken now.
“I need to get to Valtoria, don’t I?” she asked. Olivia had an employee with them now, but Hana knew that her permanent residence at Valtoria would grant her opportunities to act without much suspicion, at least at the moment.
Olivia raised an eyebrow at her. “You up for that?”
Hana gave her a crisp nod. “It will go better if I can get things taken care of before anyone official comes looking for them there, won’t it?”
“Absolutely. You have a way to get there?”
She shook her head. “I mean, I know how to drive, but I don’t have a vehicle here.”
Olivia was silent for a few seconds, her eyes rolling up and darting back and forth. “You guys came via limo, right?”
She nodded. Given that it was the start of the Social Season, they’d used a limo service, even with Drake grumbling that they should have just taken their own car. He probably wanted that car even more at the moment. 
“Right,” Olivia continued, “Call up the company you used and tell them someone from the Valtoria party is ill and that you’d like to move up the pick up to as soon as possible. Make sure you act like you have a migraine or something for the ride so you don’t cause immediate suspicion with that story.
“When you get home, be subtle where you can. Don’t hide routine documents that center around Valtoria’s day to day functioning. Just grab their personal documents. And only gather up a small chunk of their personal belongings. Obviously, it’s a judgement call on what to pack away, but try not to make it obvious that items are missing - leave their quarters looking lived in. Will the staff question your presence in their private rooms?”
Hana shook her head. “The staff are all gone. Drake and Riley hate having them there, so they pretty much always give them the day off if they are coming to the capital.”
“I never thought I would say this, but god bless Drake Walker and his unrefined ways. Do you have somewhere you can stash their things where they won’t be found until we figure out how to get them to them quietly?”
“I think so.”
“No, Hana. You need to know so. Because Liam can’t afford to have any more of his allies clearly committing criminal activity today, and if you are found to have been aiding them in their ‘kidnapping,’ well then…”
“I understand, Olivia. I’ll make sure things aren’t found.”
“Good. Well, we both have jobs to do, I guess.”
Hana took that as a dismissal. She stood, smoothing the wrinkles out of her dress as she walked out of Liam’s office. “Good luck, Olivia.”
“Same to you, Hana. Same to you.”
By the time a justice of the High Court had been summoned, legal briefs submitted, and an emergency session called, it was nearly 10:30 pm. Liam was hungry and more than ready for this day to be over, but he sat still at the prosecution desk in the courtroom, dressed in his regalia. He hoped it sent a clear message that this title was still his.
The courthouse was eerily quiet at this hour, and both teams had brought limited personnel. At each desk were two lawyers, plus the official named parties on the case - Barthelemy and Liam himself. The gallery was nearly empty as well, with only Olivia, Bertrand, and Maxwell seated on Liam’s side of the courtroom and Adelaide and Landon on the other. Kiara was not in attendance. He wondered where she was and what she might be doing instead of coming to this hearing. He also wondered if Barthelemy’s team had noticed the absence of Drake and Riley in a similar fashion. All he could hope was that they assumed that it was too late for them to be here with Bridget.
The case was being heard by Lilith Questa, a woman in her late 60s and the second longest serving of the five justices on the High Court. High Justice Questa wasn’t the most favorable justice from Liam’s perspective, but she wasn’t the least favorable either. She had served on the High Court since Liam was a teenager, and she often took a no-nonsense stance in the decisions she wrote. She usually erred on the side of strict adherence to the letter of the law, which should help them, but had little patience for bureaucratic red tape and nobility that tried to squirm through loopholes. He wasn’t sure if that would hurt his side or Barthelemy’s side more. Realistically, it probably meant she would have limited patience for both camps.
“Please stand for High Justice Lilith Questa, Representative of Our King’s Court.”
In spite of the usher’s instructions, Liam remained firmly seated in his chair as the justice walked in, clearly still shrugging on her robes over jeans and a sweatshirt, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail instead of her usual bun. This might be her court, but all the courts were technically his. All justices represented him and his law. Reigning monarchs were in fact the only ones not required to rise in Cordonian courtrooms, and he was not going to give so clear a visual signal that his power was in question by standing for the justice. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the defense desk. Barthelemy also remained in his chair.
“This is an emergency hearing of the High Court in the matter of His Majesty, King Liam, versus Lord Barthelemy Beaumont. All parties have been sworn in, Your Honor,” said the court’s usher.
The justice nodded as she sank into her seat, the rest of the room returning to their chairs a moment later. “Alright, let’s get things started here. It’s late, and someone needs to be running this country,” she quipped, fanning out a stack of papers on the bench in front of her. “I’ve read your briefings. His Majesty is arguing that the vote conducted by the Conventus Nobilis is invalid because it was called by an improper party, is that correct?”
Liam felt a little jolt of relief. The fact that she still referred to him as “His Majesty” was a likely indication that she was siding with him. He could tell Diana, the head of his legal team, had noticed that as well as tension fell from her shoulders as she stood to address the justice. He didn’t want to count his apples before they ripened, but this was a very good sign.
“Yes, Your Honor. The statutes pertaining to the Conventus Nobilis clearly state that only the head of a major noble house may call such a session. Lord Barthelemy Beaumont does not hold that title.”
“I’m inclined to agree with His Majesty’s lawyers here,” High Justice Questa said with a little nod, her eyes roving over papers as she spoke. “Lord Beaumont, doesn’t the fact that I am addressing you a ‘lord’ and not ‘duke’ tend to indicate that you are not the head of House Beaumont?”
“Your Honor,” said Charles, the lawyer representing Barthelemy, as he stood, “Barthelemy has been gradually resuming duties as head of House Beaumont as he has recovered his health over the past year. In fact, Duke Beaumont is set to travel to the States to visit his in-laws for the entire Social Season, and he signed documentation handing over all daily duties to my client here. I’ve included that document in my briefing.”
“Yes, I saw that. However, the fact that the Conventus Nobilis hasn’t been called in several hundred years would indicate to me that it doesn’t exactly fall under ‘daily duties,’ Charles.”
“Be that as it may, Your Honor, Cordonia has a long established precedent of dividing official duties of the noble houses between members of that house as they see fit, and that document we provided does afford Barthelemy Beaumont the powers of head of household while Duke Beaumont is unavailable.”
The justice looked up from her papers at that, eyes staring down the occupants of the defense desk with a withering intensity. “Charles, can you tell me who is the man seated behind His Majesty?” she asked, gesturing to the gallery seating behind Liam.
Charles turned and looked, pausing for a moment before he responded, “That would be Duke Beaumont, Your Honor.”
“So, he’s clearly not unavailable,” she said, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head, “but nice try.”
Liam kept his face neutral, but he wanted to grin so badly. He heard a tiny little snort behind him, likely Olivia revelling in High Justice Questa’s snide little exercise. It was becoming painfully clear that she viewed this whole endeavor as a waste of her time and resented having to appear for this emergency session at all.
“Lord Beaumont recused himself from the vote!” Charles cried out in obvious frustration with the way this hearing was proceeding. 
“Yes, but the vote was never proper and should not have occurred. And in fact, Lord Beaumont wasn’t the only one who did not have the right to be there. The records submitted by both parties indicate that Lady Kiara Theron voted for House Theron, and while Duke Theron may have relinquished some of his duties to his daughter to facilitate an upcoming formal transition of power, participation in the Conventus Nobilis cannot be assigned to anyone other than the proper head of house.
“As far as I can see it, this is a clear case of an improper summoning of the Conventus Nobilis. Therefore, any actions taken by that body are not recognized by the High Court of Cordonia. I find in favor of His Majesty. This matter is now closed.” And with a bang of her gavel, High Justice Questa rose from her bench, gathered up her papers, and swept out of the courtroom. This time, Barthelemy stood with the rest of the room.
Diana turned to face Liam once the door swung shut behind the justice. “Congratulations, Your Majesty!”
He gave her a gentle smile. “It’s you and your team who deserve the congratulations. You compiled all the briefs in record time.”
She bowed her head slightly as she accepted the compliment. “Is there anything else you require from my team tonight?”
Liam glanced over to the defense team. Barthelemy was conferring with Adelaide, frantic whispers being exchanged between the two. After a moment, he gestured towards Landon, who stood up and joined them.
Liam felt a tap on his arm, so he turned his attention towards Olivia. Her eyes were locked on the same brewing conversation. “He’s still scheming,” she said, a scowl etched across her face. “I bet he’s convincing one of them to call the Conventus Nobilis again for another vote since he can’t.”
He knew she was probably right. It was unlikely, after all, that a coup would be halted this easily. “I’m inclined to agree. Bertrand, I’m afraid I’m going to ask you to postpone your trip to Texas. I need your vote.”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Bertrand said with a solemn nod.
“It’ll be Hakim instead of Kiara voting. Maybe we could flip him?” mused Olivia.
Liam shook his head. “Maybe, but it seems unlikely Lady Kiara and him didn’t discuss how she would be voting for their house. It may be worth a chance, but contacting him should wait until morning at this point.”
Olivia nodded in agreement, but at that moment, Landon came over and approached Bertrand and Olivia. “Duke Beaumont, Duchess Nevrakis, I’m calling a meeting of the Conventus Nobilis tomorrow at the palace. This is your formal notification. Do you understand?”
“I do,” said Bertrand, hesitating for just a moment before shaking Landon’s offered hand.
“Oh, I’ll be there,” said Olivia, merely raising an eyebrow when Landon reached out to shake her hand, forcing him to awkwardly drop his arm and turn away after a few moments.
Liam let out a sigh. “I’m afraid I’ll still be requiring your team this evening, Diana.”
She gave him a small little smile and nodded. “Of course, Your Majesty. We’ll reconvene in Lady Olivia’s quarters?”
“Sounds perfect. How about I bring some late night sustenance for your lawyers?”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that-”
“I insist. I know I’m starving, and I’m guessing your team feels similarly.”
As Diana thanked him and left to return to the palace, Liam turned to Olivia tilting his head to the side. She stepped a few meters away from Bertrand and Maxwell, watching to see if they were paying attention out of the corner of her eye, but as far as Liam could tell, they were wrapped up in their own conversation.
“Did you speak to Drake and Riley?” he asked, keeping his voice low.
“I did,” she replied, but her tone and her expression revealed nothing else.
“They are safe.”
Liam’s heart sank. The fact that she was refusing to divulge more information was essentially proof that Drake had fled the country with Riley and Bridget. A wave of loneliness and isolation washed over him, but he quickly tried to squash it down. He still had Olivia and Maxwell and Bertrand and Hana. He needed to handle this rationally. “Anything else I should know from your conversation?”
There was a brief pause before Olivia answered, “Not at this point, I don’t think. You should just focus on working with your lawyers to prepare a case for tomorrow, when the no confidence vote will likely be legitimate.”
He swallowed roughly, and she must have noticed, because she reached out and squeezed his hand while giving him a sad little smile. Taking a deep breath, he nodded at her. “Come on; we need to return to the palace. We have a Crown to save.”
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Permatag:  @walkerswhiskeygirl   @riley--walker  @bebepac @ravenpuff02 @oofchoices @octobereighth @drakewalker04 @kimmiedoo5  @mfackenthal  @thequeenofcronuts  
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir: @ao719 @mskaneko @katedrakeohd @jovialyouthmusic @marshmallowsandfire @axwalker @kingliam2019 @sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @princessleac1 @ladyangel70 @dcbbw @yaushie
Drake x MC: @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria  @iplaydrake @gibbles82 @drakewalkerisreal @notoriouscs  @drakesensworld @drake-colt-lover-99
Fight or Flight: @masterofbluff @burnsoslow @bobasheebaby @shz256 @iaminlovewithtrr​
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saltykong · 4 years
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Hello All! ❁ I hope you have been well and that you have been staying safe~ This is going to be one LONG message, but I hope it reaches you ♥
I started this Tumblr blog in the height of my struggles in life. Not knowing what I wanted to do, failing at what I thought I was meant to do, and even finding myself becoming more lonesome with no way out. That is when KPOP came in. I think it’s safe to say many of us came to KPOP whether we were in a similar internal struggle or even wanted to escape to something that sounded and felt new to what we knew growing up. That is exactly what it was for me. KPOP was used as a means of escape from the troubles I was having. Through those troubles, I met VIXX. These six boys, having a sound like no other. Their concepts, instrumentals, outfits, all of it was always heavily in-tune with their theme, creating some of the most amazing discography, music videos and stages I have ever seen. VIXX aren’t concept kings for nothing. In that, my bias became Hongbin. A sassy, and sometimes blunt but well-meaning individual that was, unfortunately, often ignored by his company on his musical talents. Instead he was placed in the box of, “visuals.” This isn’t a bad thing but to him, he wanted to be more than just a “face.” He was also the least popular and most ignored member when I joined the fandom. But he didn’t let this stop him and continually pushed to be seen. It was this determination and drive that I wanted to support. Hongbin was the underdog and in my own struggles, I wanted to be one too. I created what can jokingly be called a “shrine” to my comfort kpop boy. I wanted him to be seen more by the fandom in someway and so I picked up learning to make gifs, understanding Photoshop, and even learning basic HTML. In fact, because of this blog, I found a love and passion for web development and coding. It was something I liked to do, even if I wasn’t that good at it. It was hard but I was able to switch gears from a Biology degree to one that was Computer Science focused, despite many in my life saying that wasn’t possible. With that, I found a new path with new struggles but I persevered through it, just as Hongbin had been doing with each new single and album. 2019 was arguably Hongbin’s year. Coming off from the high that was the Eau de VIXX album and Scentist single, Hongbin started to stream on Twitch because he loves video games and wanted to share that. He also was in a drama and on a variety show. Not to mention that he saved Summer 2019 with “COOL LOVE,” a collaborative effort with MONSTA X’s Hyungwon. I wanted 2019 to be my year as well and worked hard at it. Simultaneously, I created projects, graduated university with a CS degree and got a job within the first three months. I had been fortunate in my endeavors. But with more responsibilities, this blog in recent years has been lacking content. I haven’t made anything on here in two years and I feel bad about that. Every time I want to come back, I don’t ever have a drive to do it. There may be a chance that I feel like I’ve outgrown Tumblr. I apologize for thinking like this. Now let’s talk about what has happened in recent months. Hongbin, yet again, found himself in a messy situation. There is a cycle when it comes to Hongbin where he will do something that is unfavorable, he will leave on hiatus, and then he will comeback. Hongbin stans will know, we go MONTHS without hearing from him or seeing him. It’s an unfortunate situation to be in but I truly believe Hongbin stans are some of the strongest people in this fandom because of it. This recent situation was not what we were expecting. Hongbin ended up in a bad situation again and had been gone since March. He finally popped up again two weeks ago, much to everyones surprise. This was a moment of happiness that was short lived due to the following news that arrived. Hongbin would be leaving VIXX. It feels unnatural to even be typing that sentence but here we are. I don’t know what happened to come to this decision but I felt fatigued from that news. I couldn’t concentrate on work, I talked to everyone about how I was feeling, and even took a brief hiatus from social media. It seems dramatic to feel like this about someone I don’t know but again, he is the reason I worked as hard as I did to be were I am. I’m sure many of you understand this emotion. I came to the resolution that, although it hurts, if Jellyfish wasn’t going to help him or promote him, it was probably best he leaves. He would definitely become popular on Twitch. But the moment I had resolved that, he came in with more news that would break the wall. He would be enlisting as early as today, August 17-18th 2020. This one did not hurt as much because I believed it would be best he go early to get it out of the way. Him leaving VIXX was unseen however. Hongbin stans have had it the hardest, I hope you all, even non-Bean stans, are taking care of yourselves and doing your best to stay positive. I guess with this extremely long note I wanted to say that I don’t think I will be active on this blog for a while. I’m not on Tumblr everyday anymore and with Hongbin leaving VIXX, content won’t be as easily available or gif-able. I’ve grown a little tired as well and I truly don’t think I have enough space in my computer anyways. I will leave my blog open so that if anyone wants to see some interesting gifsets with Hongbin or even if a new baby STARLIGHT comes across content or is seeking it, it’s there. The only thing I hope people can protect my gifs from being stolen. Many gif-makers have this issue and I’m not any special to be asking of this but I don’t think people understand how long and arduous the process to create them are. We sacrifice a lot of computer space and run our systems hard to start up our programs to make them. Not to mention we hunt for videos constantly and even sacrifice sleep to be able to get performances live sometimes. Then there is the compliance with Tumblrs gif limits to take into account. Some times there is a lack of creativity or individualism in content, so we constantly brainstorm to give the fandom something fresh for their own blogs. It’s extremely tedious to make them but the satisfaction of not only creating them, but having people interact with them and share them, makes the process worth it. You don’t know, but every single person that reblogs my gifs, I tend to go to that persons page to look at their interests and read their tags. Thank you to those that write in the tags of my posts, I find enjoyment from reading them. If I can say, I trust my gifs with STARLIGHT fandom, please don’t let them be stolen or used unnecessarily. This is my gift to you. ❤ As for gif-making, the one thing I regret is that I didn’t finish a particular series I was working on. That doesn’t mean I won’t come back to finish it however, just not right at this moment. As for mutuals, much of them migrated off the platform at the same time as me. But I just want to thank them and the STARLIGHTS who were especially close to me and lent an ear when all I wanted to do was talk about Hongbin. I’ve made some of the greatest friends through VIXX. Thank you for being there. The VIXX fandom gave me something to work for, to look forward to, and what could be improved. Coming on to Tumblr after so long, I am so happy that my efforts and the efforts of other blogs that were there when I was, made more people become Hongbin fans and even birthed new and talented gif-makers. Thank you for being the next bunch to push it forward. Lastly, thank you to all the people that follow me. I did my best to interact with all of you as much as I could, and even now, thank you for supporting my work. You are the reason I do what I do, and I hope it inspires you in some way too. I wish Hongbin a safe military stint and hope he comes back with a fresh and new perspective on what he wants to do. Thank you Hongbin for what you have inspired me and others to do. You can now follow me on Twitter if you still want to see what I’m up to, there are changes coming there as well but I hope you do follow. I will always support VIXX, even as a five-man group but, VIXX will always be SIX to me. Thank you for everything, I hope to come back to this blog one day to create again.
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thecassadilla · 4 years
Change of Pace - Chapter 4
Pairing: Kristanna
Chapter 4 on AO3
Read from Chapter 1 on AO3
Word Count: 4,779
Summary: With her sister’s blessing, Anna takes a step back from her royal duties and finds herself working for a ski resort nestled in the mountains. A chance encounter with the resort’s maintenance technician leads them down an unexpected path, as they must work together to plan the resort’s annual ball - and maybe fall in love in the process.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been reading it so far!!! It really means so, so much to me. Hanukkah is this week, so Happy Hanukkah to those of you that celebrate!!!  And once again I apologize for all of the asterisks - tumblr removes posts with “bad language” from the tags. Uncensored version is on AO3! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!
There was a part of him that felt like a complete a*shole for taking the brunt of his anger out on Anna, watching as she curled into herself and attempted to placate him before he stomped away. The other part of him was too busy seeing red to care - the situation may not have been directly her fault, but it was one that could’ve been avoided altogether. He knew that helping her was a bad idea from the start, but he foolishly did it anyway. Even Andrew was shocked when he initially asked if he could leave for a bit.
“Hey man,” he said. “Do you mind if I step away for a few minutes?”
“What’s going on?” Andrew asked.
“I have to take someone somewhere.”
The other man furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m confused.”
Kristoff sighed. “I have to take the lady from the event office to the abandoned building right off the C Ski Lift. So she could scope it out for her party.”
“Is she pretty?”
“Is that relevant?”
“Go for it, man,” Andrew said, a knowing look plastered across his face.
Frankly, it was a bit humiliating; Andrew wasn’t the type to tease or make a fuss out of things like that. But in hindsight, Kristoff, himself, wasn’t the type to jump in and save the day for a stranger while he was on the clock.
And it had gone really well - at first. Sure, she’d said a few things that had indirectly insulted him and he’d been a little sharp with her, but it was abundantly clear that she meant no harm. Other than that, she was immensely grateful for his help - going as far as calling him a hero and rewarding him with a hug. Truth be told, he was looking forward to getting away from her as quickly as possible. Despite the fact that she was pretty and sweet, she was also the absolute last thing he needed in his life. His life was already pathetic and sad, and there was absolutely no reason to even attempt to get to know her when she’d inevitably leave just like everyone else did.
And then she enthusiastically told Bonnie that he had a hand in finding the new venue and his life changed in the blink of an eye. Not only would he have to step away from the job that he so desperately needed to be present for, but he’d also have to spend forty hours a week with her for months. And he was certain that it wasn’t the type of job where they could just sit around and mind their own business - he’d done a repair in the event office a few years prior and it was nothing but constant chatting the entire time he was there.
By the time he marched back into the ballroom that afternoon, a couple of his other coworkers had made it in and Andrew was giving them a rundown of what had happened and what the game plan was. Upon noticing that he returned, though, Andrew decided to stop what he was doing and inquire about his excursion.
“Hey, how did it go with your event planning girl?”
And at that point, despite the blazing inferno of anger inside of him, he couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “Horrible. Absolutely horrible.”
Andrew chuckled nervously. “What happened? She turned you down?”
“Nope, I wasn’t even planning on asking her out,” he answered. “But I don’t work here anymore. Starting Monday, I report to the event planning office as her assistant.”
Andrew’s face fell. “Wait, what?”
“She told Bonnie that I helped her find the place and Bonnie decided to reward me for my good deed by shipping me upstairs.”
“Dude, we need you here. Do you see the state of this room?”
Kristoff shrugged. “I tried to tell that to Bonnie, but she didn’t care.”
“I’m going to talk to her,” Andrew insisted. “There’s not a chance in hell that we’re losing you so you could go sit in an office and plan a party.”
“Please,” he practically begged. “I really don’t want to be pulled away from this.”
Andrew nodded. “I’ll do whatever I can.”
But just as he expected, Andrew wasn’t able to get very far with Bonnie. She emphasized that he was needed in the event planning office, and that if the maintenance team needed extra hands, they could hire temporary employees - which was a*s backwards, if you asked him. It was totally illogical to hire several temps, when she only had to hire one assistant event planner, but he chalked it up to the fact that Andrew would be responsible for hiring the temps, not her.
So, he made a decision. He’d go in and begrudgingly do whatever they asked him to in the meantime - but he wasn’t going to make any promises. If another job popped up elsewhere and he was offered the position, he was going to take it without a second thought. Event planning office and Valley Ski Resort, be damned.
On Monday morning, Anna woke up before her alarm and laid in bed for what felt like an eternity, staring at the ceiling and trying to calm her racing heart. When her alarm finally went off, she crawled out of bed and started her day, meticulously applying her makeup and choosing nice clothes in an effort to create a better second impression. For the first time in two months, she was absolutely dreading going to work - a feeling that she hoped would pass with time, since she actually liked her job.
“Good morning,” she called upon entering the office, relieved to see that only Holly was there and Kristoff had not yet arrived.
“Morning, Anna,” Holly responded.
“How are you?”
“I’m okay. How about you?”
“Could be better.”
“I’m sorry,” Holly frowned. “Is it because of the new guy?”
“Yeah.” Anna closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. “I’m not looking forward to today. I actually feel a little sick to my stomach.”
“You do look a little green. I have an antacid if you want it.”
She shook her head. “No, it won’t do anything. I’m just anxious because I feel like I ruined someone’s life.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Anna. You can’t blame yourself.”
“Not only am I blaming myself, he’s blaming me too. He said as much.”
“He should be blaming Bonnie.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I feel really bad, though.”
“I know. But you have to remember that you were trying to do the right thing. There’s nothing wrong with that,” Holly assured her.
“Thanks, Holly.”
“And I may have some good news for you.”
Anna raised her eyebrows. “You do?”
“So, I know you said that you weren’t interested, but my husband and I went to dinner with a few of his work friends over the weekend and there’s this one guy who is, like, super single. I started talking about you, of course, and I showed him a picture of you, and he’s very interested in going on a date with you - if you want to, of course.”
Holly nodded. “Oh, yes. His name is Darren. He thinks you’re beautiful and I was telling him how you’re sweet and friendly, but kind of down on your luck right now for reasons I didn’t want to discuss, ahem.”
She smiled. “And?”
“He asked for your number. I didn’t give it to him because I wanted to check in and make sure that you were okay with it first - you know, because you specifically said that you didn’t want to be set up on a blind date - but I can send it to him right now if you want me to.”
“Sure,” Anna agreed with a nervous giggle. “You can give him my number.”
“Yes!” Holly cheered, pumping her fist in the air. “I was beyond convinced that you were going to say ‘no.’”
She shrugged. “It’s not like I have anything to lose.”
“That’s the spirit! You deserve to have a little fun! Don’t let a new job and a rude maintenance man get you down.”
As if on cue, the door to the office opened and both women turned toward it as Kristoff walked in.
“Hi,” Holly said before clearing her throat and standing up. “Kristoff, right?”
“Yup,” he answered shortly.
“I’m Holly Williams. I never had the chance to properly introduce myself last week.” She offered him her hand and he accepted, shaking for a moment. “And I’m sure you remember Anna.”
Anna gulped before squeaking out a simple greeting. “Hi.”
He didn’t bother to answer or even look in her direction.
“You can hang your coat up on the rack over there and then I’ll show you to your desk,” Holly said. They both watched as he shrugged out of his coat and hung it up before Holly led him to the desk at the back of the room that once belonged to Jenny. She pointed to a post-it note that was stuck to the border of the computer screen. “This is the login information for the computer, and I’m going to have an email account set up for you by the end of the day.”
“I’m sure you have some questions about what exactly your role is going to be.”
Anna glanced over, trying to gauge his mood and how he was reacting to all of this. Instead of answering Holly, he kept his eyes cast downward.
“So,” Holly started, once she’d come to the realization that he wasn’t going to answer. “You’ll be the assistant event planner. Um, basically you’ll be helping Anna host the rest of the events for the season, since the events have mostly been planned in advance. The primary event you’ll have to focus on is our annual ball -”
“I know about the party,” he said, cutting her off mid-sentence.
“Of course.” Holly clapped her hands together. “I heard that you were an integral part of finding our new venue.”
“So, Anna is actually working on finalizing the guest list today, and the invitations have to be mailed out later this week. We’re expecting to have around five hundred invitations to send out, and you’ll be responsible for helping her with assembling the envelopes for mailing.”
“Aside from that, you and Anna are going to have to work together on the rest of the planning. She’ll be able to explain what that entails. Oh, and I ordered new tables and chairs since all of the furniture in the ballroom was destroyed. The first few are going to be delivered this week, so you’ll have to make sure that they arrive at the new venue.”
“Let me get you one of our event calendars,” Holly said, walking away from his desk and back to hers. “So you have an idea of what’s happening over the course of the next few months.”
Anna’s eyes trailed her silently as she made her way across the room and back. Holly handed him the paper and his eyes scanned the page.
“Do I have to be at all of these events?” Kristoff asked incredulously.
“Typically, yes,” Holly answered. “Unless you have some kind of prior obligation.”
He scoffed, tossing the paper onto the desk and shaking his head in disbelief. The two women exchanged a worried glance.
Holly cleared her throat. “I know this is probably going to be a bit of an adjustment for you, but it’ll only be for the next couple of months. So until April -”
“April?! I’ll be here until April?!”
“According to the email that Bonnie sent me, yes.”
“I thought I was supposed to stick around for the party and then go back to my regular job.”
“Well, Anna will be leaving in April so that’ll give Bonnie a considerable amount of time to fill both positions.”
“And hypothetically, if Bonnie isn’t able to fill those positions - what will happen to me? Will I just be stuck here?”
“I don’t know,” Holly answered with a sigh. “You’ll have to talk to Bonnie about that. But I understand that this has to be an incredibly difficult situation for you.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You could say that again.”
“How about you tell us a little bit about yourself? And then Anna and I will talk about ourselves.”
“I live here, I work here - there isn’t really much to it.”
Holly smiled. “Oh, did you grow up here?”
“I did too! Did you go to Valley High School?”
“That’s the only high school here,” he muttered.
“When did you graduate? I graduated in oh-eight.”
“Ooh, my husband started working there the year before. But he teaches freshmen, so you wouldn’t have had him.”
He smiled dryly. “Nice.”
“Anna, when did you graduate?” Holly asked, clearly trying to bring her into the conversation.
“You’re the only one who was lucky enough to escape the woes of Valley High School.”
“That’s true,” she nodded. “I was homeschooled.”
“Lucky you,” he scoffed. “Valley sucks.”
Holly clicked her tongue. “It isn’t that bad.”
He rolled his eyes. “Speak for yourself.”
“It’s a small town high school, everyone knows everyone and there’s a lot of gossip,” Holly explained to Anna. “The stuff you go through there kind of follows you through life.”
“That’s unfortunate,” she remarked.
“One of my friends got pregnant junior year - her family literally had to move away because the whole town knew within a week and they wouldn't stop talking about them.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “So why do people stay?”
“Small town charm, friendly neighbors, more relaxed than a big city.”
“Or because they don’t have a choice,” Kristoff chimed in.
“That too,” Holly agreed. “Before the resort expanded, tourists only visited during the skiing season. This town relies on the revenue that tourists bring in order to stay afloat. I think there was a collective sigh of relief when we became a year-round tourist trap.”
Anna nodded sympathetically. “That’s good, at least -”
Holly’s phone rang then, interrupting the conversation. “Excuse me,” she said, strolling over to her desk.
Kristoff sighed. “So what am I supposed to be doing right now?”
“If you want, you can start stuffing the invitations into the envelopes,” Anna offered. “And once I finish the guest list, we can start sticking the addresses on.”
“Fine,” he agreed.
She took the box of invitations out from her desk drawer, walked them over to him and set the box on his desk. “Don’t worry about sealing them. We’ll do that another day.”
By the time she made it back to her desk, he was already looking at the invitations. “You realize that the wrong location is printed on these, right?”
“The location is wrong,” he said, holding one up. “It says that the party is in the ballroom, not the new venue.”
“Oh god, I forgot about that,” she blurted, jumping up and grabbing the invitation from his hands. “No, no, no...”
“Now what?”
“I don’t know,” she confessed, biting her lip and glancing over at Holly, who was still on the phone. “It took a few weeks for these to get shipped to us, and I don’t know if we have enough time to order new ones and ship them out with enough time for the guests to respond. I don’t know what to do.”
“Great,” he huffed. “You really run a well-oiled machine around here.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, you just said you don’t know what you’re doing, didn’t you?”
“You seem to forget that a pipe burst and destroyed the ballroom on your watch on Friday,” she pointed out defensively. “It’s Monday.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Are you blaming me for a burst pipe?”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Only if you’re blaming me for invitations that were printed before the pipe burst.”
“Look, all I’m saying is that if you’d have caught this three days ago, maybe you could’ve ordered new invitations.”
“You do realize that a lot of businesses are closed on weekends? That it probably wouldn’t have made a significant difference? Besides, we may not have the time to order new invitations and we may have to send these as-is. That’s my point.”
“The point is that you still don’t know what you’re doing.”
“And what would’ve happened if the pipe burst the day before the party? Hmm?”
“Why are you acting like I should know the answer to this?” he argued. “This is not my department. I’m only here because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.”
She felt her jaw tense. “You know that’s not my fault.”
“Woah, what is happening?” Holly interjected loudly.
“The invitations have the wrong location on them and it’s my fault for not immediately catching it and ordering new ones after the pipe burst on Friday,” Anna explained, her blood practically boiling. “Oh, and I don’t know what I’m doing because I’m too busy running my mouth. Not because of the wrench in our plans, but because I talk too much.”
“I didn’t say that,” he hissed.
“Yes you did! When you blamed me, yet again, for something that Bonnie did. I didn’t ask for you to come work with us.”
“You’re the one that told her that I found the venue!”
“You did find it and I was trying to be nice,” she growled. “Something that you seem to be incapable of.”
“Don’t forget that you just blamed me for a burst pipe. What should I have done? Put some duct tape over it?”
“You know, this could’ve gone so differently if you had kept your mouth closed on Friday. You’re the one who told me about the new venue, remember?”
“Okay, enough,” Holly stated firmly. “Kristoff - it is not Anna’s fault that you got transferred here, and the situation with the invitations is not her fault, either. Anna - it’s not Kristoff’s fault that the pipe burst and we’re happy that he found a new venue for us. I already have one baby at home and I’m not interested in coming to work and taking care of two more. This is an office, not a boxing ring or a debate stage.”
The silence that came after Holly spoke was deafening; the only noise in the entire room was the sound of their collective breathing and the heaters running.
When things had cooled off slightly, Holly piped up again. “Now here’s what’s going to happen - we’re going to send out the invitations as-is, but we’re going to stuff the envelopes with information about the location change. On the day of, we’ll put signs out all over the lobby and we’ll have someone wait by the ballroom to direct people to the new venue - I’ll do it myself if I have to.”
“That’s a good idea,” Anna agreed, exhaling with relief.
“The deadline to RSVP is by mid-January, and the invitations take three weeks to order so we can’t order new ones. We wouldn’t be giving the guests enough time to get back to us.”
“Told you,” Anna gloated, smiling smugly in Kristoff’s direction.
He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, but didn’t argue back. After a moment of sulking, he sat up and started on the task in front of him.
The rest of the day passed without incident and with minimal noise. Anna and Holly repeatedly exchanged glances with each other and tried to avoid talking like they would’ve on a normal day, though there were a few slips - specifically when Darren texted her to introduce himself.
“Look who texted me,” Anna said, pushing her chair over to Holly’s desk with her feet and holding out her phone.
Holly squinted at the device before squealing. “That’s so exciting! You’d better say ‘yes’ when he asks you out.”
“I’m going to,” she giggled. “Obviously.”
“This is really so great,” Holly smiled. “I’m so happy for you.”
On her way back to her desk, she noticed that Kristoff was looking in her direction through the corners of his eyes but she did her best to pretend like she didn’t see it and went about the rest of her day.
“It’s five,” Kristoff spoke up finally, after literal hours of silence. “Can I go now?”
“Of course,” Holly nodded. “Let me walk you to the elevator.”
He looked less than thrilled at the idea, but nevertheless, grabbed his coat and held the door open for Holly to follow behind him without uttering a goodbye. Anna eagerly awaited Holly’s return, knowing that she’d finally be able to talk freely now that he was gone.
She barely waited for Holly to close the door behind her before asking, “Did you say something to him?”
“I told him that he needs to stop being a d*ck or he’ll be out of a job,” Holly answered matter-of-factly. “We don’t have time for arguments.”
She cringed. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“To be clear, I’m not blaming you for what happened earlier. I told him that we understand that he’s angry, but he’s stuck with us whether he likes it or not. Picking fights with you isn’t going to solve any of that.”
“I don’t want to fight with him,” she confessed. “I don’t want to fight with anyone.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know if I can work with someone who hates me. It was so easy to get along with you and Jenny.”
“Oh, honey, I really don’t think he hates you.”
“Did you forget the part where he ignored me, then got into an argument with me, then didn’t speak for the rest of the day?”
“I think he’s angry and conflicted, but I don’t think he hates you. If he hated you, he wouldn’t have shown up today.”
“He doesn’t have a choice about not showing up - he needs a job.”
“My point is that I don’t think you’re the problem here. Just a few days ago he was willing to help you for no reason. If his first impression of you was that bad, he wouldn’t have done that.”
Anna rolled her eyes. “He didn’t know me then and I practically had to beg him to help me.”
“He still doesn’t know you, technically,” Holly pointed out. “You’ve only spent eight hours together and most of it was in silence.”
“Yeah, but he knows that I ruined his life and that’s a great reason to hate someone.”
“He’ll come around. You’re a very likeable person.”
“I doubt it,” Anna mumbled.
“Keep your chin up,” Holly said. “Everything is going to be fine. We have a new venue, the problem with the invitations was caught with time to spare, and you’re going on a date with Darren. By the end of this week, you may be the happiest girl on the planet.”
She exhaled. “You’re right. Everything is going to be fine.”
“See? You just have to stay positive. Now let’s wrap things up, it’s been a long day,” Holly directed, scribbling down some information on a post-it note. “Oh, and don’t forget that tomorrow’s Tuesday. It’s just going to be you and Kristoff all day.”
And just like that, the tiny bit of hope that had started to brew inside of her popped like a bubble pressed up against a thorn.
Of course, the following morning started off less than smoothly. Her alarm didn’t go off, so she woke up late and got a late start to the day, which meant she’d have to forego looking halfway decent in order to make it in on time - no makeup and a messy bun, it was. She ran around her cabin, gathering her belongings and trying to make sure that she’d have everything she would need for the day before jetting off, hoping that it wasn’t some sort of bad omen.
By the time she actually made it to work, Kristoff was leaning up against the wall outside of the office, his arms crossed over his chest and a pinched expression on his face.
“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting,” she said breathlessly, as she fumbled through her purse for the keys to the office. “I’m usually early.”
“It’s okay.”
He didn’t really seem to care, but she continued to explain herself nonetheless. “Holly doesn’t work on Tuesdays or Thursdays, and this is my first time here without her or Jenny. I’ve never had to use my keys before.”
She finally managed to find the keys in her mess of a bag, promptly unlocked the door and pushed it open before stepping aside and holding out her arm. “After you.”
“Thanks,” he said skeptically, walking into the dark office.
Anna flipped the lights on before closing the door behind her. “Holly left a note on your desk with your email and temporary password. You can log on and change the password and we’ll cc you in our emails.”
“I’m going to run downstairs and grab a cup of coffee,” she said, deciding to be nice at the last possible second. “Do you want anything?”
Her offer actually invoked a reaction from him for the first time that day - he definitely seemed a bit startled by it. “Um...no thanks.”
“Alright. I’ll be right back.”
She made a mad dash for the coffee shop on the first floor, grateful that there was no line. The last thing she needed was to look like she was intentionally trying to avoid him or slacking or doing some other negative thing that he could run to Bonnie with in an attempt to get her into trouble. As soon as the cup was in her hands, she returned to the office, where Kristoff seemed to be patiently waiting for further instruction.
She cleared her throat and set the cup down on her desk. “So, you finished stuffing all of the envelopes yesterday, right?”
“Okay, Holly had the location cards printed out overnight,” she said, grabbing the large stack of papers from the printer. “You’ll just have to cut them into the appropriate size and then stuff them into the envelopes.”
“I have to cut all of these by hand?” he whined, his face falling.
“We have a g*illotine,” she assured him, trying to remain calm. “It’ll make the process a lot easier.”
“You have a what?”
His reaction made her giggle. “Oh, sorry. Holly and I call it a g*illotine. I don’t know what the actual name of it is, but it’s basically an industrial paper cutter. I’ll get it for you.”
The g*illotine was stored in the closet, so she walked over and retrieved the heavy tool, staying weary of the bl*de. She placed it on his desk with a thud.
“Now I see why you call it a g*illotine.”
“Right?! Okay, so you may have to stand up to do this - I know I do,” she said, picking up a few of the papers. When he stood up, she demonstrated. “So basically, you slide the paper under the little guard and then you line it up with the grid to make sure it’s straight. Then, you just pull the bl*de down and voila, you have a bunch of cut up papers with minimal effort.”
“Seems easy enough.”
“Just make sure that you hold the paper against the grid while you’re cutting or they’ll come out crooked. And be careful - we can always print out more of the location cards, but we can’t replace your fingers so easily.”
He let out an amused snort. “Okay.”
She smiled to herself as she sat down at her desk, grateful that it seemed to be going much better than the previous day; they were getting along for the time being and there was no hostility or tension. They both worked quietly, and though Anna missed the constant chatting like when Holly was around, she had no idea what she could possibly talk to Kristoff about. So, the sound of the bl*de scraping against the side of the g*illotine and her typing were the primary sounds that filled the otherwise silent space.
The day went by at a snail pace, but when five o’clock finally came and they’d managed to survive the day without an argument, she admittedly felt quite triumphant. She looked forward to updating Holly about how the day had gone, especially since Holly had insisted that she stay positive.
“Have a nice day,” she said, as he was pulling on his coat. “See you tomorrow.”
“You too,” he replied, offering her a half-smile.
I can do this, she thought to herself as she watched him leave. If it stays like this for the next five months, I can do this.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
May 2020 Pond LiveChat Recap - User Friendly Tumblr Pt 2
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@fictionalabyss (Mel) and @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish (Kay) yet again did a great job teaching us the magical ways of Tumblr! Thank you, girls, for helping out and sharing your wisdom!!
This was a continuation of last month’s chat, which you can read all about HERE. We also talked a little bit about this back in July 2019, and you can read all about that chat HERE. A rundown of this month’s chat is below the cut!
Keep Reading function via the app
We started off talking about the Keep Reading function, and how it works, and doesn’t work on the app. Back in July 2019, if you were using the app, you could add the text [ [ MORE ] ] (without the spaces) to a line, and it would create a Keep Reading cut in your post for you. We’ve heard recently that it wasn’t working, so we did some testing. This is what happened:
As viewed via the app on the blog:
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As viewed via the app when looking at the desktop:
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As viewed via desktop on the blog:
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Long story short, It only works if you view the post on desktop. Mel noted that if she went onto desktop and edited the post from there, then the cut would work everywhere, but that defeats the purpose of posting using the app.
TD;DR - [ [ MORE ] ] no longer works effectively.
Keeping your formatting when copying from Google Docs into Tumblr
@flamencodiva​ (Vanessa) told us all about a workaround that she learned from @winchest09​. Anyone who was tried to copy and paste from Google Docs to Tumblr knows that you lose all of your formatting, including any italics. @mrswhozeewhatsis​ has not had a problem copying and pasting from Microsoft Word (as part of the Office 365 Suite) into Tumblr, but Kay has, so she needs to use this workaround. Basically, the trick is to post to AO3, first, and the copy and paste from there. Here’s the step-by-step per Vanessa:
1) make a new chapter on AO3, 2) set it to rich text, 3) paste your fick, 4) got to tumblr and click on pencil to add text, 5)  change setting to html, 6) go back to ao3 click on html, 7) copy and paste the html format of your fic and paste it to tumblr, 8) change the setting back to rich text and your format is the way you want it from google docs.
Submitting your fics to the Pond to be posted on the blog
Via the app:
Submitting via the app is a pain, but it is possible. 
[Side note: Posts submitted to the Pond via the app can not be edited by the admin. We don’t edit your posts often, but occasionally we will add or change tags, or try to make your post look more appealing. If you submit via the app, we can’t do that.]
Kay was gracious enough to go through thr process and make screenshots for us, explaining what was happening along the way.
First, click on the envelope at the top of the screen:
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Nect, click “Submit Your Fics”:
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Then you’ll see this screen:
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The various options for the type of submission show up at the bottom just like when you compose a post in the app for your own blog. I would add that my “asks” seem to get eaten more often when my phone auto-corrects something. So, one post I did not use auto-correct (and that took way too many tries, honestly) and one post did use auto-correct (and I surprisingly had success).
All the tags available are already applied when submitting through the app (at least on my phone) so you would have to delete those that don’t apply, which is opposite of how you do it when submitting on desktop. 
To do this, tap on the #tags (you can see them starting to list in the middle of all the white or you can tap the # in the bottom right corner) and you will get this big list of all the tags available when submitting. 
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Tap on the one that does NOT apply, and you will get this tiny little x.
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Tap the x to remove that tag. Repeat for all the tags that do not apply. If you do not tap the x, it will go back to the darker blue color of a tag that will be applied to your submission.
Caution: if you remove a tag you wanted by accident, you will have to type it back in. My experience with this was my app generating popular tags related to what I was typing first, not tags that were previously there, so please read carefully to get the correct tags.
To change the type of post to link instead of text: click on the link icon along the bottom (there's the Aa for a text post, links, GIF, a camera, etc). However, I copy/pasted a link into the body on a Aa post and it still seemed to work.
A long time ago, THIS ANSWER was posted on the Pond blog about making your submitted post “prettier” and more attractive to readers. This was made based on using desktop (not the app), and just copying and pasting from one tab to another, like this:
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On desktop, in Chrome, this works very well, for most people, most of the time. (Mel had some issues doing it for a couple of days, and then it magically started working for no apparent reason.) The gif will transfer over, along with the gif credit, too. This way, the submission to the Pond looks exactly like your original post, and will thus attract more readers.
In the app, though, the copy function doesn’t like to go through an image, and it seemed to be hit-or-miss if a gif copied and pasted would load properly. Basically, it’s a LOT of work to submit via the app, and it is not recommended. You can, but it’s a lot of work.
Why should I make my submissions “pretty” when just posting a link works just fine?
When you are submitting your story to the Pond to be posted on the blog, you’re doing it to attract readers who might otherwise not see your story. You want to sell your story on our blog the same way you sell it on your own blog. That means including all of the elements of a header that are suggested IN THIS POST (Suggested Format for Fics). If you don’t add this information, you could end up with a post that looks like this on the blog:
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Readers might not even clock that as a story to be read! Some readers won’t even look at a story that doesn’t list a word count, warnings, or if there’s a pairing. Simply copying and pasting your header into the submission box gives potential readers everything they need to know. Also, here is a good list we came up with a while back of Warning Tags for Fics. 
I worked really hard to craft this “secret” (but possibly triggering) ending so I don’t want to spoil it in the warnings; any suggestions?
In your header, let your readers know that there is possibly triggering material in the story, direct them to your tags at the bottom of the post, and then use the “#tw:” format to list the spoilery triggers in your story. This way, people who have few or no triggers can read without being spoiled, and those with triggers they need to avoid can make sure they’re reading safely.
I’m bad at writing summaries. Do I really need one?
Yes. And don’t wimp out and say, “I’m bad at summaries.” That will turn readers off. Think of a summary like a movie trailer. Would you go see a movie is the trailer was just a guy saying, “It’s a good movie, I swear, but I suck at making trailers, so just go see it, yeah?” If a reader is at all unsure about reading your story, your summary can make their decision. Your summary doesn’t need to spoil the story, but just give the reader some idea of what they’re getting into. Set the table, as it were, before the meal. Is it canon-compliant, or an AU? When is it set? Who’s involved in the story? Bring your readers to the ball park before you start the game.
Should I use a specific tag for my writing? Why or why not?
After some discussion, we determined that you should if you don’t have a masterlist set up, yet, or if you don’t keep your masterlist updated. As long as you have a masterlist and keep it up-to-date, then the extra tag isn’t necessary.
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That’s it for this month! Don’t forget to submit your stories and your Angel Fish nominations! Want to know what’s happening in the Pond? Check the Pond Calendar to see what’s coming up! And, as always, if you have questions or suggestions, let us know! You can send us an ask, or send a private message to @manawhaat​ (Mana) or @mrswhozeewhatsis​ (Michelle) anytime!
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Another set of responding to asks lol.. As usual I have them numbered and will also write out the ask in the text, especially since the screencaps are all blurry and taken at various times/compiled together badly and probably hard to read ghghhggh..... answers under the read more ~ 
1. "Hi I don't mean to bother you at all, but I was wondering where you get your rocking horse shoes? (I think thats what they're called) I've been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find any :(( "
I don’t entirely remember, since I got them like 6 or 7 years ago.. I think maybe at some point that place ‘bodyline’ or something had some cheap ones? But I don’t see them on the site anymore, they were like $50 or $60. Now when I google it I can only find these insane like $600 ones from vivian westwood or whoever, or ones that are platform shoes but not necessarily the same type. Maybe you could find some on aliexpress or ebay or something? Usually you have to use weirdly specific search terms and look for a while, but you can often find stuff like that on those sites. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!!! 
2. "I've been sick for over a month and my doctor tested me - everything came back fine. After some discussion it appears that my ptsd symptoms came back and the stress on my body is making me fatigued, sick and dizzy. I don't want to say that this could be similar to you situation, but if you have a therapist or someone to talk to about any stresses/your sickness, it might help relieve the pressure a bit. Good luck, I'm so sorry you feel so unwell"
Thank you for sharing! Yeah, I think stress definitely plays a part in why I feel sick so often. Currently I’m not still having the same problem I was having a few months ago when you sent this, so that’s good at least!! 
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3. “Hi! Do you plan to ever have more sculptures for sale? Or would you do commissions? I haven't seen any in a while but wanted to buy one! :-O”
I have plenty that I want to sell, I guess it’s just hard for me to get set up. Since so much of the reason I procrastinate selling stuff is because I hate the stress of deciding on a price, I’ve thought for a while now that maybe I can just auction them (so I just set a base price, but people bid whatever they feel is fair and I don’t have to decide myself). But I’m just not sure of a good way to do that.. Ebay has auctions, but I don’t want random strangers buying them, I’d rather stick to just the pool of people who follow my art blog and are already familiar with my sculptures or etc. I could do them on here ?? (like, ‘reply to this post to bid, bids close 8am EST, whoever said the highest number sends the money through paypal and then I send the sculpture’ sort of thing???)   But I’m not sure if it’s legal to sell stuff through tumblr, or if there could be any other problems with doing it so ‘unofficially’ like that.. I don’t know, I have a vague idea, I’m just having trouble deciding the best way to set up something! I do want to sell some soon though, if I live through the pandemic and anything ever goes back to normal, of course (I wouldn’t want to be having to leave the house to ship stuff in the mail right now). 
As for commissions, I have actually done sculpture commissions for friends a few times, so I feel confident-ish that I’d be able to do something like that, but I also wouldn’t want to get overwhelmed since it takes a lot of work. Custom sculptures may also be more expensive, and again.. I always feel guilty and strange about pricing. I’ve thought about doing very limited sculpture commissions though (like, maybe just one at a time, first come first serve or something..?). If it seems like there’s actual interest in that sort of thing, I could definitely consider doing it in the future! 
4. " *picks up that smol blue kid and throws them across the room* "
ghgh .. the smallness is an advantage... they could just skitter back down your arm like a tiny squirrel the second you tried to pick them up.. Ythrili survival strategy is to be too small to catch in the first place 
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(also forgive every sketch in this post, my screen that you can draw on broke, so I’m either drawing stuff in ms paint with a mouse, or drawing stuff on paper and coloring it in firealpaca also with a mouse ghghh.. not going to look Good)
5. "it sounds like you feel pressure to only post good content on the internet, and so you end up psyching yourself out of posting at all. Am I on the right track? "
Not necessarily, like I mentioned in the tags I think it’s more just that everything is complicated by my brain. I can’t just do something effortlessly. Whether it’s for an audience or not, I get caught up on every little detail and adding so much complexity to everything that all tasks take me longer than they take other people lol. I think I just tend to take everything very seriously?? 
Like for example, I’m often accused of ‘turning things into a discussion’ when someone was just intending to make an off-handed remark, because if someone is bringing up a topic to discuss, I end up engaging with it 100% and putting full effort into it, and it’s hard for me to be ‘’casual’’ about pretty much anything (so if someone was like ‘My day yesterday was a bit weird’ I wouldn’t be able to just respond ‘aw man, that sucks’, I would just be like ‘Weird how? what happened? what made it weird? Are you okay now? Are things still weird? Have you found a solution?’ etc. etc.). I was also bad at essays/open answer questions in school (despite usually being great at the class otherwise), because no matter how hard I tried to filter my speech and cut things out, I was always far too long-winded  and would get almost too engaged with the topic and lose the clear cut thought organization and focus that you’re supposed to have I guess. Even like, playing video games or something that’s supposed to be relaxing, I can’t just ‘jump into them’ and do whatever, usually any game I play (large ones at least, small 25 minute  point and click adventure games don’t count of course), I have 7 - 10 pages of notes, do hours of research, look up most of the main spoilers, plan out and organize exactly how I’m going to play it and this and that, etc. lol... 
So, that personality trait carries over into posting things online as well, I can’t just type something out quickly and hit ‘post’ without a second thought. Social media is hard for me because you’re supposed to use it casually, but I spend a long time re-reading drafted posts, thinking about them, etc. etc., and end up never actually getting around to posting anything. It’s not that I’m perfectionist about it and want it to be ‘good’ or appear a certain way, it’s just that my mind becomes preoccupied with things I guess.  I’m a natural information gatherer, part of my natural way of processing things is to learn everything possible before acting, and I want to make sure I’ve fully thought about everything always, and know as much as I can (so I wouldn’t want to publicly say something without giving it a lot of consideration first, or post a picture without really thinking about if I want to post it, what my reasons behind posting it are (like if I’m posting something just for a validation of a certain aspect of myself VS. genuinely because I like it, etc.), if a few months from now I’ll still like that I posted it, etc. lol.. even with like silly cat photos or something, I have to analyze it and be like ‘hmm.. will I still stand by this picture in 4 months? why am I posting it publicly vs, just keeping it privately to myself on my computer? what’s important about it?’ etc. etc. ghgjhgjh.. like.. shut up lol.)
ANYWAY, yeah, I don’t know if it’s about wanting online content to be “good”, as much as it’s just like... I take everything way too seriously and am detail-oriented, contemplative, and analytical to a fault, which means it just takes me 10x longer to do basic ‘’simple’’ things that it would for other people. Though I can still be quite quick-thinking and decisive (I don’t often waver back and forth between things too long), it’s usually because I have years of thinking about the same exact things behind me, so I already am very clear on my opinions on stuff, to a point. But when it’s new things I’m less familiar with (like playing a new game, or posting regularly online), I’m still in a phase where I guess I have to give it a lot of thought. I just process things in a different way than other people I guess? Or have some inherent inability to be brief/concise/careless? If you’ve ever read any of my worldbuilding posts (where I usually start off wanting to explain one thing but then have to derail into 400 other misc. details and explanations and it ends up being a novel), then maybe it’s more evident what I mean, where it’s just like... my natural manner of speaking is Too Much.. I guess? Even this answer is winding and rambly, and I feel like other people could have answered this ask in only a few sentences lol.. 
 If any of that makes sense? I don’t know how to describe how I am lol.. I just know it's hard to me to use social media in this ~~casual effortless~~ way most people seem to, since my brain is just inherently incapable of anything ‘’casual’’ or ‘’effortless’’ lol..  T u T ;; 
6. " Hi! I hope this isn't weird to say, I'm designing a race for my DND campaign and some of the aesthetics are a little bit inspired by some of your costumes and makeup designs. You're awesome and your art is awesome so thanks : ) "
Thanks so much, I appreciate it! It’s always cool to hear I can inspire people~ 
(I usually don’t include many compliments in these ask compilation posts, but I always try to include a few, just to let people know that even if I don’t respond to all of them I do see them, and appreciate it!) 
7.  ???
I ended up cropping out this ask and not answering because some of the content was questionable (the reason WHY/how they wanted to make the character) in a way that I didn’t feel like getting into a long thing about, but part of it was relevant to making OCs in my world, so I will just make a quick comment:
I do state that this is a closed world, so I don’t want anyone making OCs of my species or etc. at least not at this point. Once my game is finished (if ever lol), or I write a few books or something, then I feel it would be understandable if people like, made up a background story for their player character and thus maybe could have some form of OC in my world and etc.. So I may be more relaxed on this in the future as I create content that people naturally would want to engage with , but for now, I’m still a very tiny creator with a closed world and it just doesn’t feel the same as like.. making an oc based on some thing in a big TV series or something. My worldbuliding and etc. is still very personal to me. Unless we’re directly collaborating on things (like mentioned here (link) a bit), or you’re a personal friend of mine who’s gotten involved in the world with my own guidance (meaning I could tell you lore things you’d need to know to make it accurate, etc.), then I don’t feel it’s appropriate for strangers to do at this point. 
Especially since I don’t even have enough world info out for people to be able to reference (most species have half-complete guides, I’ve only ever talked about like, one continent, etc.). There are so many necessary details which I have only in my head and have never typed out, so again, idk, it’d just be weird. I’m not okay with it until I have a lot more lore published, and maybe a few actual works out there that people can reference/stories/games/basis for OCs to exist in the first place. If that makes sense? 
8. "Hey, is it ok to use your outfit posts as inspiration for a dnd character? I love them so much, you have such a unique way of combining crazy patterns and fabrics into something that gives off a good vibe”
Yes, that would be fine! Thank you for asking, and I appreciate the compliments~ Hopefully I can get back to posting that sort of thing more often lol.. I’ve gotten WAY off my routine and haven’t done many outfits lately.. aaa
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9. "hi Luca! i just wanted to say i really love all of your costumes and fashions and dress ups, its all so cool and pretty and interesting. i actually wanna dress up for fun for myself, and now that i know about the bins i think i'll try to convince my mom to take me to similar places for cheap clothing pieces, since my mom is worried about how much all this costume stuff costs. anyway, please keep posting your cool and beautiful stuff! "
Thank you so much! I wish you luck with your costumes! Yeah, I think there’s a common idea in a lot of fashion communities (like with makeup, costumes, etc.) that you have to always have high quality things to look nice, and even if sometimes you can do more with a little extra money, really you can make anything look good with what you have if you just combine it right. As I’ve always been quite low income, being into fashion and stuff has be discouraging at times, that I couldn’t afford certain materials or items, but you just have to find a niche where what you’re able to do works. For example, a lot of even ‘cheap’ lolita style clothings are too expensive for me (like $30 - $50 for a dress??? then the more pricey ones can be over $100???) lol.. BUT, then stuff like mori kei, cult party kei, fantasy costumes, etc. you can do with nearly any fabric you can find, and it’s still just as fun and creative. Most of the outfits I take pictures of probably cost me no more than $1 - $10 for every single item combined. Obviously it depends on location - I have better access now that I live near a place like the bins, which I understand there may not be similar resources in small towns or etc. But even with generic thrift stores (which may not be as cheap as the bins), you can still find pretty good alternatives to all the money it costs to buy things brand new. There’s still some stuff I legit just can’t do because I don’t have access to the materials, but for the most part I can manage everything I’d like with $3 eye-shadows and 15 cent tattered curtain fabrics lol. You can still do really cool stuff on a pretty nonexistent budget!
10. “do you have any tips on growing your hair long? is it expensive to up keep? i wanna grow mine out but it grows so slow!”
Well, I know nothing about hair and am not a hair stylist or etc. so I really don’t have any tips lol??  And I think hair maintenance depends a lot on the type of hair you have, not everyone’s is the same. I assume we must have similar hair  (my natural hair is thick kind of coarse very dark brown/black hair, which is a bit wavy in some parts but mostly straight, but most of my hair currently (aside from the overgrown roots at the top) is altered because of damage from bleaching and etc., it’s more brittle. so that’s what I’ll be referencing) if you’re asking me this instead of someone else, but just know that whatever I say may not apply to you.  
Anyway, I really don’t do anything to my hair to make it grow or etc., it’s just that I’ve gone a long time without cutting it lol. I used to cut it all the time or change styles, and now I’ve kind of just left it for 5 or 6 years or so. Because of my mental illness I have trouble maintaining personal care and etc., so I do sometimes go a week or more without washing it, even though I’m trying to work that into my schedule more (luckily I don’t have stinky head, I’ve heard some people’s scalp oils and stuff can smell weird if left for too long, I have the privilege of being able to like.. skip on hygiene a lot without it severely impacting my ability to do things or etc. since it’s usually not obvious if I haven’t bathed in a week or two). 
My cat also EATS HUMAN HAIR for some reason, so I have to keep it up all the time, so that when I shed it doesn’t actually just fall loose onto the ground lol. Literally all I do to my hair is just keep it in two braids at all times and wash it with normal shampoo and conditioner occasionally, when I can. I really only think it’s gotten long because I’ve been leaving it alone and not messing with it, not really because of anything I’ve done (like I don’t use fancy products on it or etc.) And because of that, no, it’s not really expensive! It absolutely WOULD be if I were like..a normal functioning person and I regularly bleached it and dyed it and put products on it and styled it and used shampoo and conditioner every 1-3 days on it and etc. lol.. But I guess because I don’t do anything to it to maintain it, I’m not spending money on hairspray or dye or shampoo or etc.  I used to bleach it a lot and straighten it and use hairspray and stuff on it, and it seems healthier (at least on the new top parts) now that I’m just ... ignoring it basically lol. But I don’t really know what to do to make it grow faster! I’m bad at self-care, and even if I do costumes and stuff, I really am not into beauty and hair and nails and makeup and stuff, so I’m probably the wrong person to ask hghjhb.. My upkeep routine is just... eat and sleep. wash face with water daily.. do extra stuff if you can manage to despite your functioning issues, etc. I’m definitely not a Beauty Advice person, I barely brush my hair even once a week lol
11. "Maybe you should reduce the number of races if it's too overwhelming? A world can still be immersive with only a few races in it."
(sidenote - Not to be nitpicky, but I make a specific point that the groups of fantasy creatures I create are species, not ‘’races’’, even though it is a commonly used term in fantasy worldbuilding, I think it’s inaccurate/weird )
I know I don’t have to make so many different groups, but, I guess I just really want it to be a broad setting. Part of the point in creating Nanyevimi (aside from worldbuilding just being extremely fun and a hobby greatly suited to someone with my personality traits lol) is to have an established world that I can do anything within, a framework already built where it'd be super easy to just drop a character anywhere on the map and already have an idea of what their culture, background, experiences, etc. would be based on pre-existing details about that portion of the world, etc. But I also want it to be broad, and varied, where every area kind of has it’s own dynamics going on there, so if you’re in a different place, you get a different kind of story. (like in an elven alliance city, you’d be better suited to tell an adventure story centering around complicated local politics, or city life, or etc.. whereas out in some isolated mountains in the south, it’d be more suited for a mystery story about stumbling across ancient ruins, or running into a mysterious traveler, etc.) 
Which I guess doesn’t matter much, since I'm better at setting, world design, character design, planning, and details than I am at plot, so  I probably won’t actually ever do anything with it (god forbid I tried to write a book or something with my utter inability to be concise/brief in any imaginable way). I can craft settings/characters/history/world-details all day endlessly, never losing inspiration or etc, but my weak point is actually telling stories within those settings and formulating a solid plan, organizing plot structures long term and etc.. Setting up everything for something to happen/creating a place where many interesting premises could occur is fine, but then actually thinking of how those things should OCCUR, or how the set up should play out, is where I get kind of lost. I guess the ideal at some point would be to have people working with me, helping when writing stories in my world/outlining games/etc, to add more cohesion/structure and reign in the unfocused stream of ideas,  but that’s very unlikely since I don’t have any close friends that are good at organizing or plotting either, etc. BUT anyway, even if I can’t ever manage to do anything with it, the whole “having a setting I can use for anything I want if anything ever comes up, which is already established and thus makes it much easier to formulate ideas because all the background work is already done for myself” thing is at least a nice goal.. in concept...theoretically lol..  
And, it’s not really too overwhelming, I think the overwhelming part is actually just formatting and producing those ideas in a consumable form. It’s not hard for me to keep track of 20 different groups and make backgrounds and every imaginable detail for them, but it IS hard to actually take all that information that exists in my head, type it out as a worldbuilding post, format and organize it, draw pictures to go with it, etc. If I could just post long stream of consciousness style 300,000 word long posts with no paragraph breaks, 4000 typos, barely any punctuation, etc., then I’d have A LOT more world-building info publicly available (since that’s what all the initial documents on my computer look like lol), but that’s just so inaccessible it’d be pointless to have public in the first place. The hard part isn’t really coming up with or managing the information, it’s just... organizing it all, and finding a way to share it. 
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12. "oh PLEASE tell me what boing peach beverage the elf looks like"
a quick sketch of them.. mysterious peach (and other produce) salesman   
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13. "fun question: what are ur fashion pet-peeves?"
Well, basically none because I hate when people are rigid over Fashion Rules or etc. Like, people who take pictures of others in public because they “look weird” , or who constantly trash on what people are allowed to wear, what patterns can be mixed with others, etc. etc. I get that some stuff can look kind of bad sometimes, and it’s not that I think nobody is allowed to criticize fashion trends or etc. (especially if they’re legitimately problematic, like of course someone wearing a homophobic t-shirt or doing blackface should be criticized), but I mean just like... that sort of trivial bitter criticism that doesn’t do anything but make people feel bad about the way they look or make them afraid to dress in ways they feel comfortable. Like taking a picture of someone and posting it online to make fun of them because they wore socks with sandals, or bullying 14 year olds who just started doing makeup and haven’t totally gotten their look sorted out yet, etc. etc. (ESPECIALLY since this can often intersect with classism, racism, etc. if you really examine what people mock as 'ugly' or 'unacceptable' styles, it's often stuff like men wearing dresses/makeup, women not shaving, clothing associated with poverty (like wearing “”cheap”” clothes), physical traits commonly associated with poc, making fun of people who look a certain way likely due to mental illness (like fidgeting, dirty mismatched clothing, carrying stuffed animals or comfort items in public etc.), etc. etc.
I find costumes and makeup and outfits to be a very cool and fun way to express myself. So when people are complete freaks about it and set out to just relentlessly make others feel bad for no good reason, it’s like... obnoxious... How can you take something with so much potential and limit it and close others off and turn it into this rigid hateful thing, when it should be something that everyone is able to be passionate about and appreciate?? Outside appearance isn't everything, but it's a tool of expression for so many people and can relate to who they are as a person, people should never feel uncomfortable to be who they are or look how they look just because some dumbass rich person writing for a style magazine has the gall to declare some random thing to be 'Unfashionable' despite not having a genuinely creative bone in their body, or some bigot thinks that certain things are ‘ugly’ or ‘unprofessional’ due to their own mental associations, etc.
But anyway, I guess if I had to choose a few things that I just think look kind of odd to me personally/are generally off-putting...  
--- the overdrawing lips thing when you can see the persons actual lip-line and it almost looks like they have two mouths or something? (if not done intentionally for costume makeup). It can look a little strange to me sometimes, like an optical illusion where you see multiple mouth lines at once?? idk like this?
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--- freckles that are just round circles and really heavy and don’t look realistic (though again, I also realize this could just be the person’s first time drawing them on or something and I’m not  mocking for lack of skill, etc. I just mean that it’s a little strange to look at, not actually BAD though) (and it can also be intentional, like for a cartoony costume look) ---- People adopting cutesy/childlike fashion and clothing and sexualizing it or using it as part of their sex/kink stuff.. I just feel like anything associated with children should not be sexualized..? If the first thing someone thinks when seeing children's school uniforms or frilly little girl’s doll dresses or whatever is that it could be a Hot Thing then hhh... like why is your brain making those connections lol.. People can dress how they want for whatever reasons they want, but that’s always personally creeped me out a little. Similar to our culture’s obsession with looking young being ‘hot’ (like a grown man wanting someone who’s a legal adult but still “looks 16″ or etc.), where it’s like.. okay, I guess yeah outwardly you can make that choice, and maybe aren’t directly causing harm, but.. the underlying tones of it and etc. still make it very unsettling to witness lol... ---- anything appropriated obviously, as well as fetishization or bastardization of cultures, like t-shirts with Japanese writing on them Just For Aesthetic, or taking certain culturally or religiously significant symbols or etc. and adopting them as ‘just a silly fashion’ thing when you’re actually being disrespectful, etc.  ---- those shorts or whatever that go up extremely high on the hipbones always look a little weird to me lol, like they give a person funny proportions, 
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(you may have to right click open image in new window and zoom to see the text, but it’s like.. the blank space makes it look kind of weird to me? Like there’s too much where there’s just nothing going on? idk. That’s just my personal preference though, obviously I tend to lean towards busy designs lol)
That’s all I can think of though, like I said, I’m really not picky or judgy about fashion since I think people should be able to do whatever they want for the most part. I’m not like a “omg stripes should NEVER be worn with plaid!!” type person or something lol. 
14. "Hey Luca! I love when you post about your world. Do you have a favorite species you've made up so far? Also, I hope you're holding up well during the crisis!"
AAaa thanks! I’m okay mostly. It’s distressing since because of my particular mental illness I already have constant paranoia and obsessions about health, so of course hearing about so much illness can be really triggering constantly and I’m preoccupied in never-ending anxiety spirals about mortality and etc. etc. etc. , but situationally, I’m just very thankful that nobody in my household has gotten sick yet and I desperately wish that will continue to be the case. *** *** *** 
(ignore the *** *** *** , this is a text version of a physical compulsion (a hand movement) that I have to do when I mention certain topics lol.. the little man in my brain that controls my obsessive compulsive disorder says I must do certain things after saying or thinking certain things,, You Know How It Is ) 
And I really love worldbuilding questions, so thank you so much!!!!! Hghgh maybe it seems weird to favor any over the others, but of course I really like the Avirre'thel. Conceptually, I think their origin story and connection to ancient elves and their abilities and etc. put them in a really unique position in the broader world (some of the only truly immortal people to exist, the only people who can still decipher ancient elven texts in a way that makes sense, etc. etc.). Since Nanyevimi (my world) is really just a setting being built so that in the future I can set things within it (games, short stories, etc.), I think I'm drawn to the aspects of it that have the most potential to make interesting characters, and there are definitely a lot of pre-established dynamics with the Avirre'thel/in Navyete (their home country) as a whole that would make it an good place to set certain things, or a good group for a main character to be from, etc.
I do really like the Jhevona as a species overall too, even if I haven't developed them as much, they also kind of stand out as having some fairly unique features that put them in an interesting position in the world (being one of the most magically capable groups that exists but that also having downsides (health issues and infertility from magic exposure, etc.), how the necessity to keep control over their magic influences their culture, being some of the only natural shape-shifters, etc.). Within that, I REALLY love the Thastanri (a subspecies of Jhevona), like their connection to dreams, the Imkasyn, being one of the last few peoples in contact with real dragons, etc. etc. There are a lot of complex things going on in their area, so there’d be a lot of potential to tell a variety of stories or have interesting characters from that group. 
AND, though it's supposed to be Unknown in the world so I won't talk about it just in case I ever write a book one day or something and need to preserve at least a FEW mysteries that I don't just outright explain in worldbuilding posts, Jhevona do have the most interesting origins of any species in my opinion. There are some things from before the timeline break sort of thing (where all recorded history was seemingly wiped and everyone had a big memory loss about 50,000 yrs ago) that people aren't aware of anymore... but Jhevona used to have a cool backstory and quite interesting function in society prior to that. There are some remnants in the genetics of the species and how their magic works (at least for certain groups) that kind of hint at how ancient Jhevona used to look and what they used to do, even though in the modern day things are very different.
15. "Top 10 songs you've been listening to lately?"
I don’t have a top 10 since I listen to everything for different reasons, and don’t have as deep a relationship with music the way some people do (like I don’t really have a favorite band or group I have a connection with that’s “gotten me through hard times”, or music I cry to/any songs that are specifically personally emotionally meaningful to me, etc., etc.), but here’s a quick playlist of a few favorite-ish things I’ve had in my head a lot recently - 
the last song on the list specifically I’ve been replaying a lot for some reason, I guess since it’s good background music as there’s no words. Particularly the part that starts around like 38 seconds in, something about that melody reminds me of something distant, in a dreamlike way. The past few days I mostly alternate between that song, Outstanding, and And The Beat Goes On  lol
16. " Do you ever sell sculptures? I really like that little fawn!"
Yeah, I hope to eventually! Like I mentioned in question number three, if I can set up some sort of way to do auctions or etc, then maybe I can sell that one! 
17 & 18 : '"aaa yay!! i missed your outfits!!!" / "can I just say love ur outfits! They're so cool and inspire me to draw my ocs with new outfits > o < and I love your cat too, please give him a big ol pat!"
Thank you!!!! more compliments posted just to show I appreciate them lol, even if I don’t publicly respond to every one~ And, the Boyes appreciate the pats.. here is them.. big babbeys... 
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buckyforbreakfast · 6 years
Soap Dish
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You thought Bucky just had a thing for your soap, turns out he just had a thing for you.
Warnings: nudity, bathing together, language
Word Count: 1,546
A/N: this is quite possibly one of my favorite things I've ever written and it was once my most popular fic before my blog got deleted (re-uploaded because my tumblr got deleted).
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“What is it, darlin’,” he breathed.
You hazily focused on the way the suds varnished his long legs, how the water would froth over with his short movements. He was soapy and tan and warmer than the bath.
Every few minutes the slipperiness of your skin would send you slowly descending into the water, only for Bucky to gently pull you right back up. His chest was smooth, and peppered in the lather you’d both created. You were pleasantly surprised at his decision to draw a bubble bath. The temperature of the water had made each of you sweaty, in a way that was comfortable and not too hot.
You were leaned into him, his chest pressed against your back, with nothing but the film of the foam between you. The only other thing on Bucky was a few strands of your dampened hair, clinging to his skin.
Despite the slight itch your hair was causing him, you revelled in the comfort of each other; hovering in and out of a state of sleep when Bucky would inhale.
Your eyes fluttered at the sudden hand on your hip. Bucky had moved his arm to wrap loosely around you, moving his thumb in small comforting circles. 
You kept your hand on his kneecap, bent up out of the water, and starting trailing a finger around the small bone. There was something about the scar there that you had wanted to give attention to. Usually you did this when sitting down next to him, but it was more visible in the porcelain tub.
Bucky repeated his earlier question, “Darlin’? What is it?”
Your ears perked up, not even realizing he’d already asked it, and you looked up at him from your pillow on his chest. You said nothing, but he found your gaze. His eyes were sympathetic, sloped knowingly with your current state.
A sigh echoed in the small bathroom, nearly burning out the candle nearby. Bucky continued to study you even after you looked away, back to the way his feet touched the wall of the bath and how he was too big for it. He pressed a lingering kiss to your saturated shoulder.
The soft contact prompted the empty feeling to flood your system in another wave, and so you whimpered, “I finally have soap.”
The man behind you was caught off guard by your voice, having not heard it all day. Bucky hummed into your neck and laughed smally, “Is that what this is all about?”
Bucky used to have a recurring quirk about him for a hefty two months when he first came to live with you. Originally you thought it was just very important to him to be clean, but as the incident kept happening more frequently, you began to think he had a little soap fetish.
You didn’t know it was him at first either; that maybe the cleaners kept doing it when you were out. Tony denied this theory, though.
Like clockwork, your soap kept disappearing from its home on the wall of the bath.
You glanced up at the soap dish, realizing Bucky must’ve used it to run under the faucet, thus creating your current bubble bath. You briefly exhaled out of your nose, your laugh barely audible. When you finally had soap, it was a tiny piece of it that you couldn’t use without breaking.
He broke you from your thoughts once more, “You can tell me when you’re ready, Y/N. It’s not gonna bother me. You know I don’t think you’re silly for your feelings.”
“Thank you, Buck,” you nuzzled into him further, curling your legs up in the process, watching as the tiny bubble dissipated.
Bucky put his hands in under your knees and pulled you up again, holding you close to him. He knows how sad you can get. Planting a more chaste kiss to your temple, he mumbled into your ear, “You’re my girl, Y/N.” He knew he was doing his job right at your following response.
“Soap stealer.”
“I don’t hear you complaining about our current situation,” Bucky teased.
The soap was missing again.
You’d put it back on the dish every single day this week. If you had a dog, it might be easier to see, but all you had was a Bucky.
Everytime it went missing you’d find it on the shelf in his shower. Used.
It was now clear that this was some abnormal fetish. You tried buying him his own soap at the store upon discovering he was the one taking yours. To no avail, he persisted. You’d bought him all kinds of soaps liquid and solid. Hell, you’d even purchased him some shampoos and conditioner, further taking the courtesy of bringing him razors and shaving cream. 
Bucky wouldn’t have it.
You thought perhaps he just had a thing for the type of bar soap you used. So you bought him that. It was also left unused.
This relocation of your soap went on for the better half of two months. You never brought it up to him. The two of you spent most of your time with one another, yet the soap issue was left unaddressed. 
Bucky would make you breakfast most mornings and then lounge around the house. He’d help you with your garden and with dishes. He would even assist you on official Avenger work, filing hard copies and sending your emails. The two of you conversated all day long, but when the day came to an end and you parted ways behind your respective doors, the soap went missing.
Bucky knew you were looking for it; knew you’d have to open his door in nothing but your towel to retrieve it.
Walking into his room with a minute’s worth of water on your skin, you stood at the foot of his bed, “Bucky, how fast do you go through soap?”
His long hair was splayed across his pillow, and the phone he didn’t know how to use was an inch away from his face, “About average I think. What about you?”
You stayed in that position for a moment before grabbing your soap from his room and walking out. Never once did he look up from his device. Maybe he just liked annoying you.
The next night, you opted for another method of confrontation. It was a bit bold, but it was bound to work. If you used it before he could sneak in your room, he’d be stealing it for nothing. You left the dinner table early and retired to your room far before you would regularly, telling Bucky you’d be watering the plants.
Your soap was still in its rightful place in your bathtub and you quickly began to run the water. You wanted to take a bath before you usually do so that Bucky would be thrown off and couldn’t take your soap to use for himself.
The water was up to your liking and warm enough not to singe your skin and you settled in the wash. You dipped the bar of soap into the water to get the Bucky off of it before rubbing it on your legs. The pace at which you were going was so quick it would’ve skinned you were it not meant for scrubbing. 
You knew Bucky could come in at any moment to steal it, so you hurried to finish.
Being almost done, you reached for your towel, setting it off to the side for the ready. You’d managed to get everything washed in a short amount of time. You moved to let the water drain out and stood up, towel in hand. You couldn’t wait to see the look on Bucky’s face when he tried to smuggle your soap away, only to be caught red-handed.
Almost as if he knew you were thinking about him, the bathroom door opened. Bucky stood in the doorway, getting more than an eyeful of what was going on in your bathroom.
You frantically tried to wrap the towel around you, bending to give him less of a view.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I’m so sorry Y/N. I’ll just—go. I’m gonna go now. Shit, sorry,” Bucky fumbled over his words, closing the bathroom door and leaning back against it.
You finished drying off and secured your towel tightly. He’d already seen more of you than you ever thought he would.
When you exited into your room, Bucky was standing awkwardly in the middle of it. He held his metal arm, “I didn’t mean to walk in on you, I just, I was trying to—”
“Steal my soap?”
You stepped closer to him, “Why do you steal my soap, Buck.”
Your laugh put him at ease, “Haven’t you noticed I’m trying to get you into my shower.”
Bucky’s shy smile made you warm, warmer than the bath you’d just had. His eyes crinkled as he laughed at himself, not meaning for what he said to be as vulgar as it came out.
You pulled his hand away from his metal arm and held it, “All you had to do was ask.”
After months of living with the soldier, this was the most genuine smile he’d ever displayed, and you couldn’t help but kiss him on his burning cheeks.
@saharzek / @just-add-butter / @sergeant-james-bbarnes / @jitterbuck / @strawberrybucky / @allseeingbee / @spideydaddyboy / @laurfangirl424 / @melannchoholic / @bestbebucky / @lanavintagez / @sweetboybucky / @baseballbucky / @httpmcrvel / @aletheladyinred / @impalaimages / @yknott81 / @pizzarollpatrol / @captnsmarvels / @theglowstickofdestiny / @supdaryl / @lokigodofsasss / @xxashy999xx
@fuckthatfeeling / @notimetoblog / @clarabella960 / @the-soldiers / @jackievonawesome / @merrmaid-queen / @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety / @spxder-bxck
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
[answered asks for this week]
Finding character typings
Enneagram 6 / resources / split between thinking & feeling
Personal Responsibility & Fi / Fe
Integration / Disintegration lines (Enneagram)
Do functions dictate what we like or dislike?
Advice on explaining things simply
Do variants influence the Enneagram wing as much as the core?
Which type is the most curious?
Is it common for ISTJs and INTJs to mistype as each other?
How can an INTJ learn from an ESFP about Se?
Can you be organized even if you have no Te?
How are ISFJs so organized all the time without Te?
The character typings are getting harder to find now that you’ve been discussing Enneagram and typing people, especially with the influx of asks. Sometimes I just want to see all new MBTI typings, but there’s only tags for each specific type, franchise and character. Can you start giving character typings their own tag, like #typing?
Good idea. The mods will work on implementing more characters into the tag, but for now we’ve put our most recent ones here: https://funkymbtifiction.tumblr.com/tagged/character%20typing
Thanks for taking the time to reply, ENFP mod.
I think you make a good point about coming up with one’s own arguments/opinions rather than sort of leeching of other’s.
However I do think I process the opinions or arguments of others to some degree… at least some of the time. I distrust my own feelings/thoughts but I also distrust the arguments of other people too.
Socrates is noted as saying “The unexamined life is not worth living” but I also take issue with an ‘over examined life’. I feel like I am constantly analyzing myself and over thinking everything to the point of not knowing what to trust (whether it is because there are so many perspectives that leaves you thinking well… how can I say I’m right if so many other people have different opinions?). 
I suppose one answer to this is to just consider ourselves for the individuals we are in a sort of “well it’s true for me…”. However something about this makes me feel uncomfortable and tbh I often feel like I don’t know how I feel about a variety of things.
As a 6, I do understand. That’s a common problem for 6s. They tend to not know who to trust and if you distrust too much (I assume you’re an sp/so?) then there’s no one to trust and learn from, which leaves you high and dry. You need to learn how to grow in self-awareness and integrate to a calmer sense of self.
Google “Growth for the Enneagram 6″ for resources to help you. :)
Hi! I submitted a question, don’t know if tumblr "ate it",if not, sorry for asking again. Could u help with a concept please? Said thinking that everyone is responsible for their own feelings is a common Fi belief (because since they take personal responsibility for theirs they project this pattern on others).Does that mean that the belief that each person is responsible for their own feeling is not a matter of good boundaries but a Fi biased? I don't mean like u shouldn‘t apologize for feelings u have hurt or that u shouldn‘t care about the emotional effect u have on others, or that u don’t have to b empathetic/help ‘cause it isn´t ur responsibility. I mean that u shouldn’t have to stop yourself from living your life (be with who u love, traveling, leaving) cause living it might upset/hurt others. I used to deprive myself to not upset others, learned about boundaries & now don’t know what is/if there is a “right” If boundaries is a Fi biased?  Could u please help? Thanks             
There are a lot of great books out there on how to set boundaries. If you struggle to assert yourself, I highly recommend checking out your local library, they probably have at least six.
I have noticed a chronic inability to set good boundaries among a wide variety of thinkers and feelers both, so both Fi and Fe can be over-accommodating, to their own determent (including and especially if they are a core 9).
Some good things to remember are:
I will never say yes to anything I feel uncomfortable about or that goes against what I believe is right. (And if your “friends” constantly pressure you to do this, find other friends. They do not respect you.)
I will not respond to emotional manipulation. Do you know what that looks and sounds like? It often involves “If you were REALLY my friend…” “If you ACTUALLY loved me…” “Well, I WON’T GO IF YOU DON’T…” Anything that amounts to emotional blackmail. Any situation where the other person will not take “no” for an answer and tries to make you feel guilty.
Next, you have to learn how to shut down people. How to say no in a way they can’t argue with you, and then repeat your answer. “I can’t, but I’m sure you will have a great time. I look forward to hearing all about it.” “I cannot do this for you, but you are smart and talented. I know you can do it. :)” Etc. Better to sound like a broken record than be a doormat.
Regarding what you said about stopping living your life for other people:
You only get one life.
How you spend it, is up to you.
Other people cannot and should not dictate your life, because it’s not theirs.
When you make all your choices about the other person, you are giving them your life – you are stepping away from yourself and either allowing them to dictate your life, or using them as an excuse to avoid living your life out of fear.
Some people really do want to interfere in your life and make your life all about them – and often, these people are manipulative, selfish, and inconsiderate. They guilt you if you do not make all your decisions based on their responses. These are the people with whom you need boundaries, because they do not have your best interests in mind – they have themselves in mind. And nice people (regardless of type) tend to get “used” by people like this, because nice people want to be … nice. Avoid conflict. Keep others happy. Be kind.
The other possibility is using other people and their feelings as an excuse to avoid doing things you are scared about doing – like, “I can’t leave and go to college and get a career or be with this person, because my mom needs me.” In that instance, you make it all about your mom – but she may or may not need you, and if she’s a healthy individual, the last thing she wants is for you to sacrifice your future and your happiness and your chances on staying “for her.” In that instance, you’re just using Mom as an excuse not to admit you’re afraid.
The easiest way to spot Fe vs Fi in terms of things like kindness or making decisions based on others is that a Fe will want to bring others into emotional harmony and a Fi will not.
For example, you have two friends who are fighting. Actually, one blew up at the other one and now the latter person is not talking to the former person… who has no clue the latter person is actually angry at her. So the former person continues to be friendly in group e-mails. The latter person has not replied to any of them and says “I am done with that person.”
Now, a Fe would feel responsible for bringing harmony to the group, and actively mediate and/or interfere to bring about a resolution. They would not feel “okay” having two people in their close friendship circle scrapping, so they would try and fix it, because that’s what Fe does – it focuses on the emotional tone of the chosen group. If the people were non-responsive, it would pressure one or the other to do the right thing and apologize / forgive / make up, because Fe can’t go home and feel okay about this until everyone is back in harmony.
The Fi would look at the situation, be annoyed at the inconvenience this is causing them (forcing them to choose between their friends and/or take sides) and… either tell them off or leave them to sort out their own problems. Or say, “To hell with their over-reactive bullshit, if she wants to act this way and exclude herself to hold a grudge, she can do that. It’s not my problem” – and go on with their life / day and ignore the whole thing, shutting the ‘problem’ person out.
I'm not sure if this has any relevance to typing but something I keep thinking back on is this split between your thoughts and feelings (or at least that is how I articulate it). For example to be told something that makes complete rational sense, accept it at the time but then fall back into a state where you just sort of ignore what you've been told. It's like you're stuck in-between the two, like you can't fully trust or buy into the rational argument or your feelings. 6 type perhaps?
It sounds more like a lack of internal processing.
“to be told something that makes complete rational sense” <- allowing someone else to do your thinking for you and give you a solution, which means you hear it, you do not process it (think through it, articulate it in your own words, or see if it makes logical sense to you), and you discard it.
The best way to avoid ‘ignoring what you have been told’ is to process it. Think about it. Put it into your own words. Reason it out. Decide if it’s logical or not. Being “told” is not the same as “thinking” something through. The reason you cannot fully buy into it is… it’s not your argument.
You have met passionate people, right? They may be completely wrong, but they are passionate about their beliefs and/or argument because it’s THEIRS. The person parroting someone else’s argument is not passionate about it. They will abandon it, they will back down from it, they will discard it, because they put no real thought into it, they just took something from someone else and used it for a short time, rather than coming up with their own reasoning.
This is easier to do than framing your own argument or determination of logic, which is why almost everyone does it – but that’s why it goes in one ear and out the other. It didn’t involve YOUR brain. When you think about something, you truly think about it. It fires neutrons in your brain. It takes time to process, and it leaves a more lasting impression on you. It’s the same as the people who never learn from their mistakes, because they never sat down to think about why the mistake happened, the repercussions of the mistake, and what they think / feel about the mistake – how it reflects on and shapes them, and if they ever want to avoid making it again. They didn’t process it, so they’ll repeat it – and wind up expecting different results from doing the same things without variation.
The ideal thing is for your T and F process to work in harmony together. For you not to do anything that violates your sense of right and wrong (F) even if it’s rational (T); and to develop a sense of moral responsibility (F) to go with your natural reasoning and problem-solving skills (T).
You can see an imbalance in people when their functions are out of sync – like the F who is all F, all emotional reasoning, and no T strong foundation to back it up; or the T who is all achievement based or rationalizes that there is no good / evil, it’s all relative and subjective, who lacks a moral foundation (F).
6′s do tend to distrust their feelings. You are right about that. Emotions lead to emotional decisions, which lead to potential blind spots and unsafe things, which a 6 wants to avoid. But the 6 also has to realize that they are not purely rational, they do make emotional decisions – because they find logical reasons to avoid the things they fear. Fear is an emotion. Fear drives the 6. They are emotional but logical. Does that make sense? The 6 has to learn to see their emotional decisions and accept them, be honest about what’s really driving their logic. And they have to learn to be okay with being emotionally vulnerable.
If you want things to work in tandem in your stack, you have to learn to internally process things on some level and to come up with your own arguments. If you feel they are weak, study on how to make better ones. Look at what others do, but test all the arguments yourself – to see if they are sound, if you agree with them on a logical or moral level, to figure out if they are factually based (work in the real world), to find their flaws. Doing this will be good for you, regardless of your type. You need your own voice. Your own principles. Your own arguments. If you are a 6, the thought of doing this might feel a bit much at first – but it’s the only way you will come into “self-trust.”
Are the lines of integration and disintegration more important than identifying with the character traits of an enneagram type? What happens when you relate more to the traits than the healthy or unhealthy lines? Or the opposite you see yourself in the healthy or unhealthy lines but relate less to the core type? Thanks
Odds are you’ve never faced a full disintegration (which can last months) and aren’t old / wise enough to have integrated (my mom is just now moving into her 7 integration), so you should pay most attention to the overall type, its motives, its coping methods, its fears, and its behaviors. If you haven’t found one that makes you cringe, while also making you feel good about the virtues of that E type (both of which you share), you haven’t found your core type.
Have you ever looked at highly divisive movies/TV shows/musicals/books or just specific genres to see what functions are in play to cause that division? For example there are people who love the horror genre, and others who can’t stand to go near it. Or Call Me By Your Name was super decisive; half the viewers saw it as a beautiful love story, the other half as a horrifying tale of statutory rape. Or Love never Dies; around half see a deep layered masterpiece, the others are horrified by it either thinking it’s poorly made or the story should never have been told. 
So the other half of the question is: have you seen patterns in what kinds of genres of stories each function is drawn to? Or on the flip side, what genres they can’t stand?
Something as complex as personal tastes is much too deep to define  through cognitive functions. A lot of factors go into why people react or do not react to something – personal experience, trauma, what society thinks of it (is this accepted / not accepted?), mental health, likes and dislikes, etc. When you start trying to box people in by saying this or that type is drawn to this or that kind of entertainment or would be disturbed by this or that, you create giant generalities that can easily be disproven if a handful of people are completely that type but definitely not of that entertainment focus. (For example, I once had an INFJ tell me she knew I wasn’t an INFJ because I watched Hannibal, and a “real” INFJ would find that show much too violent and grotesque / be unable to separate their feelings from the emotions on screen. I didn’t tell her that another INFJ got me into it in the first place. ;)
This question actually allows me to say something I’ve wanted to for awhile now – cognition, MBTI, Enneagram, and other things… will never explain everything about who you are. It will never explain all your tastes, or thoughts, or passions, or interests, or eccentricities. You are a unique human being. You can think in patterns that correlate to cognitive functions, but that does not make you a robot coming off an assembly line. You get to have unique tastes different from other people with your personality type. You are far, far too complex a creature to have one or two simple explanations that define you. And that’s glorious.
So in short, no, I haven’t noticed any real patterns between tastes and how people respond to entertainment, except to say that one or two people (especially among critics) “start” the emotional response and others copy it. (Have you ever noticed how a lot of reviewers use the same words and, often abstract, reasons not to or to like something? You can tell someone who is genuinely concerned about a piece of entertainment, or who was disturbed by it, because they put it into their own intense, passionate and detailed words.)
Hi, this is a semi-mbti and weird question, but since two of the mods are Ne-doms, do you have any advice to high Ne users who want to be better at explaining stuff? I admire how the ENFP mod makes good analogies to explain stuff, which I do too since I'm INFP, but despite Si being higher in me, I lost connection to it and I feel useless and incompetent. What I say/write is lost in scattered abstractions which make me sound unreliable, which abhors Te and my (4)w3.
You need better Te development. Te is all about finding something that works for everyone that uses it – a streamlined process that produces the same results in a variety of different people. This is why a good analogy appeals to Te, because the information it is talking about has been simplified into language anyone can understand. It’s tempting for any intuitive to stay abstract in their conversation – but imagine yourself trying to explain whatever you are trying to explain to a child. What language would you use? Simplicity (if you can find it, some things are tremendously complex) is best, because not everyone speaks the same language – literally.
So if you find yourself being vague or abstract, slow down in whatever you are doing, and think about how you could make this more detailed or plainer in expression. This is HARD at first. Extremely hard. And it will be hard in some topics going ahead, even after you have gotten good at it. Most people are not simple and straightforward in their communication. They leave out details. They need others to ask them clarifying questions. Think about that, when you are looking at whatever you are writing – even if it’s just an e-mail. Is this clear enough that they will know exactly what I mean? If not, how can I make it clearer? Keep working on it, until you are being clear.
For non-Te users, and especially INTPs (I like y’all, but sometimes I don’t know what you are talking about) the key is to know what the point you are trying to make is, and to lay it out clearly without deviating into sub-trails. I realize you cannot do this in conversation, you process in your head as you go and that switches your conversational tracks, but when sending someone something you have written, you need to use the same idea – SIMPLE. Straightforward.
As for finding other things to compare it to, what’s an analogy everyone can relate to? That’s a good place to start. What do humans all have in common? (Basic needs, desires, and emotions.)
The thing I admire most about one of my INTJ friends is that she says exactly what she means and she means what she says, and if you ask her to explain what she means, she can do so in a way anyone can understand. She said she worked hard to develop that skill (to be plain-speaking) but it’s tremendously useful in her professional and personal life. So my advice is to practice saying what you want to say, and to make sure you are clear. When in doubt, ask someone else if they understand what you mean. If they say no, keep working on it. Practice. Make it a habit.
Does the instinctual variants affect the wing as much as the main enneagram type? Thank you.
I would say so, yes. In fact, I would say that while discovering your core is THE most important part of Enneagram (you get that right and the rest of your tritype wrong, you are still good, because your core’s the only thing that matters in terms of self-understanding and self-development), if you are in doubt about your wing, checking the iv’s on either side can be a useful tool in settling on one.
If you are an so/sp, for example, your entire stack will be so/sp. Your tritype should align with so/sp for all the main numbers and your first wing (they can fall in line with the second and third fix’s wings too, but your second fix’s wing matters less than your core’s wing, and your third fix’s wing is almost nonexistent in terms of influencing dramatically your personality).
Hello! I was wondering is there any type significantly more curious than the others? Or maybe is there any function which is connected with curiosity? Thanks! :D
You probably cannot beat an INTP 5w6 sp/so for curiosity. Ti wants to know how everything works, Ne has about a thousand different interests, and 5 wants to read everything it can / escape the outer world through knowledge. Sp is focused on fulfilling all its own needs, and sx-blind means no impulsive distractions – so all the time in the world to sit and read up on a million things.
HOWEVER… people of any type can be and often are curious. ;)
So I've recently taken some online MBTI quizzes, and I'm quite surprised that I got ISTJ in some of them. For around five years, I've always considered myself as an INTJ. This made me curious if I indeed have changed over the years, so I read the cognitive functions of the two types and compared them. I think there is some similarity between the Si and Ni but I can't seem to pinpoint which aspect. Is it normal for an INTJ to be mis-typed as ISTJ and vise versa? Thank you!
You don’t change type. It’s possible you’ve developed your lower functions more, or were mistyped INTJ when you are actually an ISTJ (which happens all the time on tumblr – sensors mistyping as intuitives because the S stereotypes are wrong / inaccurate / lack an understanding of sensing, since intuitives wrote them, and intuitives have very poor Se/Si and therefore do not understand instinctually how they work).
The simplest method of telling the difference is whether your regular daily pattern of information processing is to gather details in order to build a complete picture (S) or if you start deconstructing the big picture down to the details (N). The former is more focused in what’s tangibly possible, the latter is more abstract. The former may struggle to see the bigger picture easily and quickly, the latter may struggle to know which details are essential and which aren’t.
The similarity is that both process information carefully and methodically, and want to fully do so before engaging with it or putting it into motion in the outside world. The difference is your approach to the information. (Check our intj x istj tags. And http://ill-be-istj-if-no-one-else-is.tumblr.com/ is a good source for Si-Te processing examples.)
Female INTJ here. I didn't realize it until a few days ago, but I actually really admire some ESFPs. I admire their independence and their drive to go out and just do things(albeit poorly planned out and a bit impulsive). I find myself quite hesitant to do anything unless I'm 100% sure and then sometimes it just doesn't happen if it doesn't quite go my way. I was wondering if you had any tips on how I can successfully better myself by taking some cues and examples from ESFPs? What can I work on?
Start challenging yourself to do one thing a week without being 100% sure. Stick with ‘safe’ things for now (ie, not something that might wreck your life if you make the wrong impulsive decision) but learn to loosen up and pay more attention to taking opportunities as they arise rather than waiting endlessly. It also sounds like you might have an Ennagram 5 fix. They like to be totally prepared before they start, but what they fail to realize is the thing they fear most – going out into the world and getting life experience – is what will help them the most – going out and trying things, instead of just reading and thinking about them.
So, start trying to DO and not just THINK ABOUT.
Hello! As I understand, the inferior function is something that one is bad at but can use eventually. However, what does that mean for those that don’t have that function in their stack? For example, those with inferior Te has a want to be organized in the outside world but is bad at doing it. What does that mean for the types that don’t have Te in their stack? Are they even worse at organizing outside of themselves than IXFPs? Or is it that when those who have no Te in their stack organize things outside of themselves it takes so much energy for them that they’re less likely to do so since it’s not natural for them at all? Also, is this concept applicable to all the functions (I.e. no Si in stack meaning horrible at learning from past experiences, no Fe meaning bad at catching the mood in the room, etc.)? 2/2  PS Thank you so much for this blog! I’ve learned so much just from going through everything :)
You can learn and adapt with whatever functions you have, to be successful in the world. High Te’s learn how to “fake” Fe to get things done. SFJs can go get a book on organizing from the library, adopt all the Te author’s methods, and bring their outer world into organization. Etc. Every type is better off when they can learn from someone good at what they want to be – if you want to become organized, read, watch, and adapt material from organizational experts. If you want to learn to ‘fake Fe’ – read material from people who are good at getting people to work together in a Fe way and adopt the methods. Everything has been done before. If you want to learn it, find someone who does it and copy / adapt from them to make it suit your lifestyle.
Learning from past experience has more to do with stopping to process the experience – that’s why it’s useful to either collectively sit down and think through what happened to you at the end of a day (how you felt about it, how you responded, how you can better respond in future) or write it down. It’s proven that writing help us clarify our thoughts. We also get to know ourselves and our opinions much better through writing them down. If you write down something, you have to think about it – how to say it, what you really think or feel about it, and that forces you to process the incident. Processing often means learning from. It’s the people who never stop to seriously take stock of themselves that never learn from their mistakes.
If you are a Fi who wants to feel the mood in the room, start watching other people. Paying attention to them. Read books on how to read people and their moods, their “tells.” Do you know the difference between a genuine smile and a fake one? Between a smile and a sneer? Can you tell when someone is actively interested in what you are saying (watching you, leaning forward, asking questions) or just tolerating you (glancing around, not asking questions, leaning back in their chair)?
Whatever you want to learn in life – there’s someone who is doing it. Find them. Look at what they do. And then find a way to adopt it into your life.
Why do the ISFJs I know all really good at organizing and getting rid of clutter? Isn't Te their PoLR? It doesn't make sense to me but I'm sure they're typed correctly and it's been confirmed by multiple sources.
There’s about ten thousand decluttering books out there. Being sensors, your ISFJs have probably read those books. Si anywhere in the stack thinks, “If this worked for them, it may work for me.” Si believes you can repeat success by following the formula. If this other person did A + B = C, I can do A + B = C.
Intuitives often waste time trying to re-invent the wheel, because “copying how they did it” never occurs to them.
Plus, as sensors they are oriented to their living space and how it makes them feel. Si is a fussy dominant function that adheres to the abstract sensation of things, so a Si-dom who likes to keep things tidy so that they feel in harmony with their environment is naturally going to gravitate toward processes that help them keep their space tidy.
This is not always the case. Some Si-doms packrats collect and imbibe things with ‘memories’ and ‘sentiment’ (their feeling function) and wind up with clutter.
- ENFP Mod
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disruptedvice · 5 years
2019 writing meme
i was tagged by @startofamoment​, no doubt because I’ve been talking up that b99 porn star au that I started writing in 2016 but never completed.
It looks like how this meme goes is two lists: Things I am definitely going to write (or things I am definitely most likely going to write from startofamoment’s post) Things I’d like to write, time (and creativity) permitting
But I’m gonna do mine a little different, cause the thing is, I’ve already started writing drafts for literally all of these, like years ago in some cases, so- I mean, I’ve already started writing every single one of these, and have 4+ pages on some, 16+ pages on others, and there’s no telling what year they’ll actually be posted, but here’s some things from my technically wip stuff
Basically, works that I’ve already started the process of writing but who knows when they’ll be completed and just damn, I’ve got so much
The starmora/thorkyrie one shot where Valkyrie reacts to meeting and finding out who Gamora was the way that everyone expected Thor to react to Gamora in IW (confrontational AF- cue Valkyrie harshly whispering “How can you trust them?” and Thor just deadpanning “You literally sold me into slavery when we first met”)
Starmora college AU + artist!Peter and kickboxer!Gamora
Peraltiago Contract killer!Amy and target!Jake AU
Peraltiago Conceptual photographer!Jake + Model!Amy (also, former Art Student!Amy)
Childhood friends starmora AU/both raised by ravagers
Post IW/Post Endgame thorkyrie reunion one shot
Flight attendent!Jake Peralta + hates flying passenger!Amy Santiago
Pornstar peraltiago AU + coworkers to friends to lovers trope
The married peraltiago pregnancy multichapter fic I’ve been planning for AGES
Peraltiago Actors AU (Jake and Amy are actors on a TV show called Brooklyn Legal)
More and previews/excerpts under the cut ~ 
(And because tumblr mobile is going wonky, if this post looks weird, you can just open this post in your phone’s browser and tada! It’s in a readable format and looks like how I actually posted it!)
Dude, so I’ve got some previews for some of these, but I literally just copied and pasted without editing the slightest, so you can see while I may have pages and pages written out for all these stories on microsoft word/google docs, they are still very clearly not ready to post
That multichapter peraltiago pregnancy fic that I’ve had planned since, oh, FOREVER and still haven’t gotten around to-
“I just realized I'm gonna have to stop making sex tape jokes and switch over to dad jokes.” ”Jake, you already make way too many puns to be healthy and tell soul crushingly lame jokes all the time. You already make dad jokes, but they were just called lame jokes before you had a kid. Now your lame jokes can be called dad jokes. But you always had them.”
[In baby fic Jake still tackles her and pulls her to the ground, but its a careful tackle and he always makes sure to catch her and break her fall. It's kinda amazing how quick he does it, how they'll be chasing each other and he'll pull her to the ground, pull her into him. It's almost strange, how quick and gentle he is with it. With her. At first she might have worried about his rough housing, but he was always delicate. Careful but still fun. And she never had to worry about losing her balance with him]
Jake tackles her and she's laughing and hitting him on the arm and saying ”The baby, the baby!” And he pulls back and says “You know, you can't keep using that excuse. It's not fair.” And Amy says “I've still got months and months of that excuse” and he says ”It’s like saying you have to pee during a tickle fight. Now I have to let you go.”
{When Jake says excuse not fair cause its like saying she has to pee during a tickle fight and she thinks that's a fair excuse too not just baby, Amy asks jokingly "do you want me to pee on you?" And he says "you don't know. I might be into that."}.
Contract killer!Amy and target!Jake AU-
where they used to be childhood friends but hadn’t seen each other since they were like 9 years old, and then Amy realizes she recognizes the person she was just hired to kill
She's been struggling with this dilemma in her head for the past few days and even though it's completely irrational she decides not to do it. She decides to help him. She decides to help keep him alive. She actually did a coin toss. Heads she goes through with it and shoots him, tails she helps him. She flipped the coin. It landed on heads. And that cemented her decision.
She was going to help him.
She breaks into his apartment that evening since she learned he would be out.
She wears gloves. Looks through any papers he had, trying to find financials, but there's nothing to suggest why someone wanted him dead.
She wouldn't be much use keeping him alive if she didn't know why someone wanted him dead in the first place. And all the wire transfers for who hired her were anonymous. She turns on his computer and it isn't even password protected. It was a desktop and not a laptop, but still.
He must be the most naive and trusting idiot in the world.
She looks through the files on his computer and nothing useful turns up. He's so normal it's pissing her off.
She looks through his emails and there isn't even a hint of one lousy affair.
And she doesn't feel an ounce of guilt invading his privacy because it was a whole lot nicer than killing him.
She deserved a thank you.
But she can't find anything on why anyone would want him dead.
His plans were dinner with friends or something and it's been an hour at this point and she knows he could walk through the door at any moment and catch her.
Catch her having broken into his apartment. And she still had nothing.
And she decided to fuck it and just ask him. Just sit down on the couch in his living room and ask him who would want to kill him when he gets home.
This whole operation was already fucked, why not fuck it up some more? ___
she hears him unlock and open the door when he gets home. She hears him enter, shut the door, lock it behind him.
He walks down the hallway, finally to his living room and sees her.
He just stares at her and she says "c'mon dude, why the hell is it so hard to find out who wants you dead?"
And Jake blinks a couple seconds and then he says "uh, are you okay? Do you need help or something? Do you know where you are?" He asks like she may have accidentally gotten into his locked apartment cause she had a concussion and didn't know who the hell she was.
And she says "seriously? Seriously, man? I broke into your apartment and you ask me if I'm /okay/?" She sounds frustrated.
And he says "I think that's a fair assumption unless you were the worst robber in the history of ever. I walk in and there's a stranger sitting on my couch. Not stealing my couch, sitting on my couch. Correct me if I'm wrong but professional robbers are A: supposed to take stuff and B: supposed to be gone by the time the home owner comes back. So an empty handed stranger sitting on my couch who just starts talking to me like it ain't no thang instead of trying to flee the first thing my mind jumped to was not a criminal mastermind. Though that actually might be a smart plan after all. If you would've gotten a bowl of cereal and kicked back with the TV on the only logical assumption would be that you just walked out of a hospital ward and and the homeowner would probably call an ambulance to take the obviously confused and concussed woman back to the hospital and you could just walk out the door with all their valuables while they're making that call. That would actually be a great plan."
And Amy's like "don't give me tips on how to rob you better! What the hell is wrong with you?"
And Jake says "but you're not actually robbing me, are you? Cause you're doing a pretty piss poor job of it. Since you're not actually stealing anything can tell me what the hell you are doing here?"
Pornstar peraltiago AU + coworkers to friends to lovers trope
After the confessing feelings for each other part and kissing the heck out of each other:
“Okay, this is really nice and I'm loving it, but I also wanna be with you, not whoever we're supposed to be at work. I want to be touched by Jake Peralta, you know?” Her voice tiltered out, almost wincing, but she was sure he got what she meant. “Fuck, that's all I've ever wanted. Amy Santiago. Who I watch movies with and laugh and who falls asleep on my couch and I have to resist kissing her on the forehead every time.”
Brooklyn Legal - Peraltiago TV show actors AU
Eliza was essentially the let loose wild card character in their cast ensemble, something that could not be more opposite of the actor playing the character, Amy Santiago. Jake's character was in the main cast too, Lucas, who was the awkward book type, preferring hard cover law books when he had to research any preferences for cases instead of just using a computer. Jake and Amy still end up falling for each other.
Starmora college AU + artist!Peter and kickboxer!Gamora
“Your drawings. They’re not bad,” she said simply. “And either you messed up on this one here, or that man was not showing proper form,” she pointed out, down at one of his figure drawings of a man kicking the open air.
“Would you like me to show you how it’s actually done?” Gamora offered with an air of disinterested professionalism, though he’s certain he can see a smirk that’s just begging to be brought out from her lips.
He stared at her, blinking like an idiot. Then he started nodding, still like an idiot.
She gave him a single, curt nod in return before heading back to the mat she was practicing on, this time with a specific move in mind.
Gamora moved into position, breathed out, and let it overtake her.
  "Would you like me to show you how it's actually done?" She offers with an air of disinterested professionalism, though he's certain he can see a smirk that's just begging to be brought out from her lips. Peter blinks once, twice. Like an idiot. Then he starts nodding, still like an idiot. Gamora nods at him once before walking away, walking back towards the mat, positioning herself right where she was practicing before. This time, though, with a specific movement in mind, putting on a show. She goes through her practice arsenal of moves, throwing in that one basically two or three moves, since his goal was to capture figures in motion, not figures in a pose. She kinda loses herself in the routine, and what he probably expected to be a 30 second demonstration turns into 5 minutes of her exercising and moving fluidly through her practice until she's breathing heavy and broken out into a sweat. When she decides to pause and take a break, she looks back over to her new friend/acquaintance, who is furiously scribbling in his sketchbook. Well, that's not quite true. His pencil is gliding across the page in a swift and fluid fashion, much like her movements were earlier. They're both getting their practice in of the art forms they've done a thousand times before, moving through the motions.
Conceptual photographer!Jake + Model!Amy (also, former Art Student!Amy)
When they're about to get started Amy says “I - I like your works.”
And he gives her a soft and polite smile with a “Thanks.”
And she realizes that everyone probably tells him that. Everyday. And they're probably all lying. And if they're not it was probably because they looked them up the night before and memorized all the facts so they could impress him.
That's why she got the polite smile. Because he hears that lie a million times a day by people trying to be polite or something.
And she recants immediately “No I don't. That was a total lie. I didn't even know your name until two weeks ago.” And she's totally flabbergasted but his smile is genuine now instead of polite and she doesn't know what to say or where she's going, but he has a really good smile and she just wants to keep talking so he'll keep smiling. “I like a work of yours. It was the only one I'd seen, and I didn't even know it was yours until two weeks ago when I looked you up and I saw it and I saw you made it, but I just recognized it by sight cause when I heard your name I didn't think I knew anything you ever did, but I was scrolling through it all and I realized that I'd seen it before. And I really liked it, I just didn't know who made it. I mean it's in a museum by my house and your name is on the plaque but all the times I looked at it I never even bothered to read the plaque. Not because I didn't like it, I just never read the plaques in art museums even on the stuff I really love. So I don't like you works or even really know any of them. I just really like the one.”
Childhood friends starmora AU
Later that night, after the eclector had left port, Gamora and Peter were sitting in Peter’s room, just talking.
“How come you didn’t tell me you could fix ships?” He asked, thinking that would have been something good for him to know to convince Yondu to let them take her aboard.
“I don’t,” Gamora said simply. At the confused look he gave her, she grinned something mischievous, like they were partners in crime. “I lied,” she admitted, laughing into her hand.
Peter in turn laughed that much harder.
“But I am a quick learner!” Gamora added quickly. She was pretty sure she could trust Peter, but she had still only met him today, and she had lied to his- captain? From the insolence he spoke to Yondu with, he seemed more like his father. Not in the way that Thanos insisted on calling himself Gamora’s father, but his actual father. She had come up with the lie spur of the moment, because her situation was urgent, and she needed to get off the planet as soon as possible. Anything was better than her siblings finding her and taking her back. Any repercussions from that fib paled to what would be in store if she was brought back to Sanctuary. “I’m good at memorizing stuff, so I can learn how to fix engines if the mechanic on board shows me how. I meant that, about earning my keep. I can be a- a apprentice or something. It wasn’t a total lie.”
“You’re not gonna tell him, are you?” She asked worriedly.
“What? No! I’m not a tattle tale!” Peter told her immediately, and even though she didn’t know what a tattle tale was, she could figure out what it meant from context clues. “He’ll probably figure it out on his own, though. But that’s okay-” he added quickly, when he saw the look of genuine fear in Gamora’s eyes. “Yondu says he values ‘ngenuity ‘‘n stuff. That just means if you manage to pull one over on him he’ll prolly laugh and give you a pat on the back and maybe a smack on the head for being a smart ass, but that’s it. I wouldn’t be here right now if Yondu wasn’t impressed by the few times I’ve managed to actually trick him. I mean- many times. I’ve tricked him oh so many times. Lots.”
Gamora laughed at that, because Peter was such a horrible liar. She didn’t think that was such a bad thing. No, it wasn’t bad at all.
Then flashforward like eight or so years and of Peter and Gamora fall in love because of course they do. So it’s really more of a raised by ravagers falling in love with your best friend starmora AU with a childhood friends prologue (plus some good ol fashion Peter whump with him almost dying on a solo mission they undertake cause yessss)
Post IW/post endgame Thor/Valkyrie reunion fic
“Hey! It’s me! It’s really me! I swear!” Thor held his hands up in a defensive posture, but that only seemed to anger her more.
“I know it’s you! That’s why I’m hitting you!”
She took another swing at him that he easily blocked- either she was too sleep deprived to at least hit him well, or she wasn’t trying as much as she wanted to seem.
They’d sparred before, and this definitely wasn’t even close to the full force of the Valkyrie. Still enough to hurt, though. Her movements were sloppy in a way she’d scolded him for when they had trained together following Ragnarok (“You’re too open, your majesty,” she informed him, with her trademark mocking tone at his title. Thor didn’t really mind. The teasing tone. He definitely minded the kick to the ribs he just got- it felt like they’d been punted into him. “When you swing, you swing wildly, and you make so much of yourself a target. You need to keep your hands up, when you punch, pull back, keep your shoulders tucked. It’s like you’re expecting your opponents not to hit back. Sure, you’re fine if you knock them out on the first punch, anything other than that, your technique leaves you wide open and your ribs prime for kicking,” she informed him, smirking while he was still struggling to breathe evenly again.)
It was the same too open critique she’d criticized him for months ago, the one that she said was fighting like he was expecting his opponents not to hit back. Her swings left her wide open, now.
Though, if she knew it was him, then she also knew he wouldn’t hit back. So maybe the too open fighting made sense right now.
“Aren’t you glad I’m alive?” He asked, blocking an elbow strike and deflecting the punch that followed. He caught her wrist, wrapped his hand around it before she could pull it back (“You’re too open”)
“Of course I’m glad you’re alive,” she growled, sounding much more mad than glad.
Starmora AU where they live in a seaside town and go to college together, and have a competitive rivalry going on as captains of the swimteam, then one day Gamora’s out on the ocean and a storm comes rolling in and she’s tossed overboard, only to be rescued from crashing waves by mermaid!Peter - like seriously, what the hell? This idiot that she’s known for years has a motherfucking mermaid tail???
Oh, and there’s a Sentinel/Guide AU with sentinel!Gamora and Guide!Peter
Plus, some lovely Elspeth Quill prompts that make my heart glow
Also, the B99/Peraltiago Daemon AU where Jake’s daemon is a badger named Jeremiah, and everyone’s like, how did the most cuddly person of a human being get something as scary and confrontational as an American Badger? They took on bears and wolves! On purpose!
Almost forgot about the multichapter Peraltiago space ark AU- it’s technically a series of one shots in the same universe, and a song fic, based on a concept album (so there’s 11 chapters, since the album has 11 songs in it) - I have the first chapter of this completely done, but nothing close to the other 10, and I feel bad about having so many multichapters open at the same time and updating them so slowly (hence why all this crap is in my unposted junk), but I might post chapter one of this soon just as a little ‘screw you (I say to myself and sense of obligation/anxiety), I’m having fun writing this, that’s the only mandatory thing about fic writing, if I’m enjoying myself and taking forever, that’s something to rejoice in, not feel bad about
So yeah, goodness knows when all this shit will be out. I think the closest things I have to done are the Peraltiago space ark ch 1 AU and the Thorkyrie reunion fic
Ima tag @peraltiagoisland, @nymphrea, @star-munches, @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches, @thingssunspokenorotherwise, @interabangs, @perilinpeace @elsaclack
Please don’t feel obligated to participate if I tagged you, and if you’re looking for an example for the way you’re actually supposed to do this ask meme and not my weird way, startofamoment’s post here is good
(cough cough elsaclack i almost didn’t tag you cause i didn’t want you to be pressured cause i know how that be sometimes, but i love u, and your writing, and also wanted to wave some of my peraltiago stuff that i’m exctied about in your face and be like ‘look what I made!’/’haven’t made yet’)
But really, same goes for everyone here, you’re tagged because ily and i love your stuff, and don’t feel obligated to participate, don’t do this if it’ll stress you out/make you feel pressured in the long run, only do it if it sounds fun cause you’re all so freakin’ great and i want you to have fun
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akenny430fandm-blog · 5 years
I just want to start off by saying how much I enjoyed this course! Going into it, I had never taken an art class in college, so I was nervous as to how I would enjoy the class and perform on activities. The long class time was also intimidating. 
However, I am happy to say that the opposite is true; this turned out to be one of my favorite courses at F&M! We learned a lot of useful tools for creating and expressing ourselves, and this course helped me develop an appreciation for artists and what they do every day. Even if I never use the learned material again in my life (but I probably will!), I will forever have a deeper, richer understanding of arts and have practical tools to help me create whatever I want, and that is worth a lot even to a non-artist!
Influential Artists
I must say that throughout the semester I did not use many of the artists as inspiration for my work. Given that I was new to the creative process and learning how to properly express myself, I was afraid by viewing too much of their work, I would subconsciously be copying what they did, and my work would not be as original and unique to me. 
However, there were several artists whose work left me dumbfounded in amazement. Two come to mind: Nicole Hone (https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2018/09/hydrophytes-by-nicole-hone/) and  Xuanhe Zhao (along with other engineers at MIT) (https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2018/06/mit-engineers-design-responsive-3d-printed-structures-remotely-controlled-by-magnets/).
Hone created hydrophytes, 4D futuristic plants (4D in the sense that the plants are interactive, they were printed on a 3D printer). Here are some examples:
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You have to admit, the pieces are beautiful. 
It may be difficult to classify Zhao as an artist since the work he and his colleagues at MIT do is much more applied science, but they still use the tools that we used in class. They use 3D printers to print tiny, magnetic robots that can be controlled remotely. Here is an example:
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The reason both of these artists had an impact on me was because of the practical applications of their work. The uses of microbots that can be controlled are endless, and Hone’s hydrophytes were suggested to be futuristic plants that can adapt to their environment (although I also like her work because it is so visually appealing). Throughout this course, I have learned to appreciate the desired self-representation that some artists seek when creating, but given my interests, I am much more impressed by objects that not only look good but also have practical, life-changing applications. 
More About My Final Piece
For reference, the next two photos are 
1. My box without any type of photo editing or lighting (i.e. how you would look at it with the naked eye).
2. One of my final images (the other is too large to put on Tumblr for some reason).
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As we can see, the lighting with the image drastically changes the look of the piece, and it looks significantly better as an image. This is mainly because I was able to attain the mysterious, abstract alien world effect that I was going for in the image thanks to lighting and photoshop, whereas this was impossible to do with just viewing the box on its own. In other words, I was able to force the viewer to see my project the way that I wanted it to be seen. 
When turned into an image, one may say that some of the depth and detail of the contents of the box are lost, since you are no longer able to move around in real time and examine them from different angles. However, I would argue that the depth is actually more prominent as an image. Again, this is due to the ability to manipulate the presentation with photoshop and lighting. 
On its own, the box looks like nothing more than a conglomerate of random objects haphazardly assorted together, something like a messy closet in a dressing room. This obviously is not the result that I wanted, so I had to be careful with the placement of light, the positioning of the camera, and how I edited the resulting photo to turn this jumbled mess into a truly abstract universe. 
Because I was not sure how my final image would turn out, I did not have any set goals in mind during the creative process, and as a result, I am happy with the final image. If we are being honest here, I am actually surprised at how nice my final image turned out. Especially toward the end, I was unsure of what I wanted to go for and I was struggling to see how all of our collective work could be put together in a reasonable way, so to see it come together to my liking was awesome!
Favorite Use of Technology
One of my favorite parts about this course is that we had a huge emphasis on using some advanced tools to create objects. I found many of them to be extremely useful, and can absolutely see myself using them for my own leisure, but my favorite was, by far, the 3D printer. I was always impressed by the potential applications of 3D printing, many of which we discussed during this course, so being able to use it on my own was quite the experience. Compared to how it can be used in real life (e.g. printing organs for replacement), the printers at F&M seemed a little tame, but I was still very impressed by the process. 
If there was one tool that I would like to try again, I would have to choose the 3D printer. Because of the many limitations of the printers, many of my prints were not satisfactory for me, so going back to use the machine knowing of these pitfalls will help me create items that can be printed without trouble. In general, this course seemed to serve as an introduction to these tools, and more advanced knowledge can be learned over time with practice, but 3D printing had the most limitations, and as a result, many of my prints were not what I wanted them to be. 
I know for a fact I will be using the 3D printer again, but I can also see myself using many of the other tools as well. For example, in math, one difficulty that many students have is not being able to visualize what they are learning, and without a strong geometric intuition, learning the subject matter will be especially difficult. In TinkerCad there are several templates for objects such as shapes and planes, and that could be printed to physically show someone what they are learning. But that one example only begins to explain the potential post-class uses, and I will probably be using it simply to print things that I want to for fun. 
I also greatly enjoyed the laser cutter, photoshop, and illustrator. However, I honestly cannot see myself using photoshop; we touched on some small aspect of it, but to become adept enough to truly harness the potential, a significant amount of time is required to learn all of the techniques, and I do not think that is a worthwhile investment for what I would ever need/want to do (at least for now, but maybe one day that will change). Illustrator and the laser cutter would also be used just for fun, like making a cool name tag or something like that.  
Intentions for this Course
I have mentioned this several times in class, but I was dreading taking an art course at F&M. I had never taken an art class before and the subject was really uninteresting to me. I expected whatever course I took to be a hassle and for me to struggle through it, being miserable the entire time. 
Thankfully, that bleak prediction could not have been more wrong; I seriously loved this class! It was a friendly environment conducive to learning, and being able to see how we can use modern tools really enticed me. I was expecting to go through the motions of the course and get out with a decent grade, never to use the material again. But now that I am finished, I am equipped with knowledge that I will always find useful for the rest of my life, even though I am not going into art at all! 
So in short, this course greatly exceeded my expectations and really opened my eyes that pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be a great experience!
Tone and Hierarchy of Final Piece
As I mentioned before, I was really unsure of the direction I was going in when creating my box, so the decision to create an alternative world was essentially a spontaneous one. I just tried re-arranging my pieces differently and figured “oh, this might look cool,” and when the idea of a space-like universe popped in my head, I planned the rest of the phases accordingly. I used photoshop to create images that I knew (at least for me) would help lend to this mysterious effect and went back through several of the phases to create more objects that I wanted to present in this world (e.g. printed more stars on the laser cutter).  
Again, I need to stress that many of the best aspects of my image came from a brief moment of inspiration, as opposed to a carefully constructed plan of attack. Another example of this is the mirror; I was really not sure if putting it in would work well, but it turned out to be the fan favorite for many people in the class. That design came about from me just randomly deciding to cut squiggly shapes out of paper and paste it over the mirror. Experimenting with the lighting was also key, and I think the horizon light that streaks across the background really helps tie the image together. That also was not planned at all.
So it is hard for me to comment on things like “ how it made viewers feel” or “ use of color and light” because I did not know while I was making the box. I was just constantly experimenting, and when I saw the final result I was like “that’s what I’m going to use!” As a final piece, it looks like a mysterious, gloomy world, but that was not the plan going into the final phase.
0 notes
time-in-reverse · 7 years
I’m alive (on vacation, but still alive)
Tagged by: no one, though I saw @entj-werewolf do it so I thought I’d give it a shot
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: my dad   3. Text message: my aunt 4. Song you listened to: Pumped up kicks by Foster the People 5. Time you cried: A couple of weeks ago. Reason is embarrassing so I won’t tell. 
6. Dated someone twice: No. I found out the hard way that my last (and first) ex is a manipulative asshole. Dating him is an experience that I do not want to repeat.   7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yeah. ^ 8. Been cheated on: Nope 9. Lost someone special: No, although I do wish I’d gotten to know my grandfather from my dad’s side of the family before he died. I would have liked to have gotten his perspective on his and my (narcissistic, unfortunately) grandmother’s divorce. I also think that the divorce deeply impacted my dad (although he doesn’t really talk about it) and I would have liked to see the two have some closure. Unfortunately that’s not possible since he passed away 12 years ago… 10. Been depressed: Yeah, due to loneliness (not clinical depression though, I think that’s an important distinction I need to make).11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No. I’m underage but have tried alcohol before, don’t like it, and don’t plan on getting drunk any time soon.
12-14: Blue, Purple, Black
15. Made new friends: No, but I’ve reconnected with some family members (discovered that I got on quite well with my aunt + cousin after a family gathering) 16. Fallen out of love: Yep, although I don’t consider my past relationship “love”, more like “infatuation/idealisation” 17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah. good times man :’) (wish it happened more often, though) 18. Found out someone was talking about you: hahaha… #5. Generally speaking though, my family is very straightforward so whatever they say behind me they say to my face. (Thankfully this has never happened with friends/classmates…) 20. Found out who your friends are: I think I’m in the process of doing that right now. If there’s one good thing that came out of my waste-of-time relationship it’s that it’s given me an opportunity to bond more with my INFJ friend (who went through an eerily similar experience) and my friends from my old school. 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: my ex #regret 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them. I don’t use Facebook that often though, only to message classmates/friends as I find the constant spamming/ads/people parading their "social lives" annoying 23. Do you have any pets: no, but I hope to have a cat some day :’) 24. Do you want to change your name: I thought about this when I was younger, but nahhh. Brooke fits and is a memorable name IMO  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I attempted to bake cupcakes without parental supervision but the cupcakes ended up turning into fudge because I forgot to add flour (dang it inferior Se!!). I also ate dinner at Pizza express with my friends.  26. What time do you wake up: Depends. Now that it’s summer I get the luxury of waking up later so 8:30 (school days it’s 6:00 T_T)  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping.  28. Name something you can’t wait for: to finally settle on a college choice (and leave for college, getting tired of high school)  29. When was the last time you saw your mom? 15 minutes ago. Currently at home typing this and she’s outside on the porch  30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My outlook on things, since I tend to be quite cynical and find it difficult to tamper it at times. I think that with a better attitude, extraneous factors become less daunting so that’s why I picked something personality related.  31. What are you listening to right now: my parents talking outside, lol  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my brother and a former classmate are both called Thomas, so yes.  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my dang siblings (and to a lesser extent, my parents), also college/academic stuff. for the former, I’m getting tired of them (being stuck with them on vacation for nearly 3 weeks is taking its toll. my siblings are getting bored and keep teasing me while my parents keep nagging me to do more chores >_< I wish they would shut up for once and quit irritating me!) while for the latter I’m feeling the pressure to study so I’ll be prepared for SATs and when I go back to school in a month. 34. Most visited website: Youtube/Tumblr/Reddit  35. Mole/s: Yeaah I have quite a few. They don’t bother me too much though 36. Mark/s: A crescent shaped birthmark on my right arm. I find it kinda cool. Then a scar on my 4th finger from the time an elevator door closed on it. On my left arm I have a scar from the time I scraped it against a bookshelf corner (yikes!) 37. Childhood dream: To become a fiction writer. Hasn’t changed much, lol, though now I read a lot more non fiction (psychology B) so that’s a potential area I may look into  38. Hair color: Dark brown 39. Long or short hair: Medium  40. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope (thank god, also).  41. What do you like about yourself: my perceptiveness, sense of humour, and honesty  42. Piercings: Two ear piercings. Unfortunately I got lazy wearing my earrings so the holes have grown in a little.  43. Blood type: A  44. Nicknames? Nope  45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Gemini (don’t subscribe to horoscopes so…)  47. Pronouns: She/her  48. Favorite TV Show: Gravity Falls 50. Right or left hand: Right handed all the way! 51. Surgery: …do cavity fillings count? Other than that, nah.  52. Hair dyed in different color: Nope, I like my natural hair color as it is 53. Sport: Basketball/badminton  55. Vacation: Always wanted to go to Scandinavia lol, preferably with friends/alone.  56. Pair of trainers: Stan smiths. the superstar ones. a couple of months ago I decided I’d hop aboard the trend train (these are quite popular atm). these sport a classy look and go well with (almost) any outfit.
57. Eating: Not eating anything right now since I had dinner an hour ago.  58. Drinking: Nothing  59. I’m about to: go outside on the porch for some fresh air.  62. Want: a lot of stuff, but right now- some peace and quiet away from my family, also to see my friends again. 63. Get married: Maybe. The way I see it, if someone happens to meet my standards + we’re compatible + they’d be OK without kids then maybe, although it’s not something I’m hellbent on. 64. Career: Writer all the way! 65. Hugs or kisses: in an intimate relationship? hugs/cuddling.  66. Lips or eyes: eyes  67. Shorter or taller: taller.  68. Older or younger: older  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t really notice this kind of stuff since personality/intelligence is what matters the most to me, but I guess both would be better than without either so both?  71. Sensitive or loud: ehh… I tend to be attracted to ambiverted people so I guess someone in between.  72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. Would never hook up… I imagine it’d feel cheap and pointless  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: in between
74. Kissed a Stranger: hell no 75. Drank hard liquor: Again, am underage and don’t like alcohol 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t own either so no 77. Turned someone down: once. my ex actually (long story, but I turned him down a couple of times before we started going out. Should have stuck with my initial decision(s) ) 78. Sex on the first date: No. Never had it, would never do it that early. Plus, it isn't smart either as I’ve read that the hormones released during sex can muddle your perception/judgment of the other person (first date is vital for seeing if the other person is compatible for a relationship). 79. Broken someone’s heart: I hope not, but I also doubt it. Aside from my ex I’ve never had any guys express outright interest in me so I’ve never rejected anyone. 80. Had your heart broken: Nah. 81. Been arrested: No. 82. Cried when someone died: …don’t know anyone personally who died, so no. 83. Fallen for a friend: Don’t have any male friends and am not bi, so no.
84: Yourself: I guess...  85. Miracles: Yeah.  86. Love at first sight: I think it’s possible but rare. So I’m a skeptical believer, I guess? 87. Santa Claus: when I was a kid, yeah. 88. Kiss on the first date: depends. if i’ve known the other person well enough + there’s been attraction/love prior to dating, then maybe. It’s not something I personally care about that much though, plus my one experience with kissing has been unpleasant (didn’t really enjoy it, the “spark” thing is either a myth or my ex was just the wrong person).
90. Current best friend name: … T_T 91. Eye color: Dark brown 92. Favorite movie: Zootopia, probably. That movie made an impression :P
Not tagging anyone unless anyone wants to do this 
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shinichirosbabymama · 7 years
Happy Birthday Daddymenrah!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A/N: So today is the birthday of real bad bitch and GOAT @daddymenrah I decided to write her a little something following a hilarious conversation we had over whatsapp. Plus I’ve always been kinda equally horrified and fascinated by the thought of your fave finding your fanfic blog. But here we go, enjoy!!
‘Come on you guys, it’s bed time.’ Jeffrey cooed in a low voice to his chickens as they clucked and squawked as they made their way into their pen. It was dusk on the farm and time for his evening ritual.
Jeffrey made his way inside, stopping first to grab a beer from the fridge before firing up his laptop. It was once again his favourite time of day.
Jeffrey squinted at the keyboard over the top of his glasses as he slowly tapped in tumblr.com into the search engine (after searching for google directly through google chrome).
Once he had accessed the site he went immediately to the Neagan x reader tag - his personal favourite. Hell people really fucking loved this character and how could he blame them? He gave a low chuckle to himself at his own narcissism as the page loaded, his eyes searching anxiously for any new posts.
His heart skipped a beat when he spotted a new one - Professor Neagan. The title alone made the blood rush to his cock as he began to read. The story got hot really fast to the point where Jeffrey almost needed to palm himself out of frustration. This girl knew how to fuck. He could have spent himself on the first read right there but he decided to indulge.
He clicked on the URL - he had no idea what a 'menrah’ was but the daddy element was certainly attractive. He kept the imagine open in a separate tab as he began to scroll through the blog, the site of his own face across numerous gifsets pleasing him greatly. Maybe there’d even be pics of her.
His need continued to increase as his eyes flitted between the blog and the writing until he came across something that made his blood run cold. A man, who looked younger than him, was sprawled across the screen in front of him writhing around in some bed sheets.
'The fuck…’ Jeffrey hissed as he examined the tags daddymenrah had adorned this post with.
Each one was like a stab in the chest. Jeffrey cursed himself for allowing to think that just for a moment, he was her daddy and not this skinny little kid – Rami Malek.
What was so fucking special about him anyway? Against his better judgement he continued scrolling only to be met with more pictures, writing and declarations that she wanted to screw him. That was it. Jeffrey opened up her ask box (after taking 2 minutes just to find the damn thing) and typed out a quick message, the sound of his fingertips clattering on the keyboard filling the room.
Are you a Neagan blog or not? I don’t know who this other guy is but I like your Neagan writing the best.
Jeffrey rubbed the facial hair above his lip after he’d hit send. He hoped he hadn’t upset her with his impulsiveness. The thought stayed on this mind until he noticed a reply on the blog an hour later.
Well this is my blog after all if I want to write other characters then I will. Neagan will always be my priority but I’m open to other stuff. If you don’t like it don’t follow.
Jeffrey felt a stab of guilt in his chest – he’d been completely foolish to just message her so suddenly like that. He knew he had to make amends.  Agitated, he began to think.  After a few moments Jeffrey shoved his glasses higher up his nose as he focused on the screen. He knew what he had to do.
Jeffrey’s knowledge of tumblr had been limited to start with. But making his own blog took on a whole new level of technophobia. His paranoia led him to create a whole new email address which took nearly half an hour in itself. For the next six hours he carefully crafted his blog – titling himself Neagan’s bitch as he slowly filled the page with gifs and pictures. His follower count grew but barely.
Late that evening, exhausted by staring at the screen for hours on end, Jeffrey hovered his cursor over daddymenrah’s ask box once again. This time there was anonymity, no hiding. It was time to be Neagan’s Bitch.
Hey so I only just joined this site but can I just say your writing is fucking amazing. You write Neagan so well and so dirty! I think that’s my favourite part haha. Sorry if this is weird.
Jeffrey steepled his fingers until his chin, hoping that his little note was enough to make amends. He relaxed back into the couch, hoping to get out of his mind with some TV and the beer he’d long forgotten about earlier.
Jeffrey jumped awake a few hours later. The glow of the TV filled the dark room and he could feel dampness on his thigh where the last of the beer had spilled from his hand. He shot upright to grab a towel to dry himself with when he noticed tumblr still pulled up on his laptop.
As he approached the screen to shut it down he noticed something had changed. A box had appeared in the corner of the screen and Jeffrey’s heart palpitated with horror when he realised it was daddymenrah.
Thank you for your message. Your cute as hell. More people need to recognise Neagan as the god of fuck that he is. JDM can get it too tbh.
Jeffrey let out a choked sound at the sight of his own name. His hands shook as his fingers danced across the keyboard in swift reply – barely processing what was even happening.
I agree I don’t think enough people recognise Neagan’s sex appeal, I think most just think he’s some old dude lol.
Jeffrey perched on the edge of his seat as he waited for the reply. It came quickly once again.
Old dude? That’s exactly what I find so attractive about him though. He gets better the more he ages.
Well that certainly piqued his interest. Jeffrey ended up staying up most of the night talking to this girl. He felt like a bit of a creep but it was (mostly) innocent and in all honestly she fascinated him. He learnt that she was from the UK (which would explain why she was wide awake and he was dropping off), she was younger than he was (but totally legal! He reminded himself over and over) and totally infatuated with, well, him.
After that night Jeffrey didn’t let his phone out of sight. He constantly waited for her to text him. As soon as his phone screen lit up he snatched it up, searching for any information she was giving him. It was strange honestly – he couldn’t place what had led him obsessing over this girl online but that didn’t seem to stop him. She, on the other hand, was far more aloof. They communicated often and she made him burst out laughing with a deep chuckle often but he knew she probably wasn’t waiting for her phone to ping like he did.
Jeffrey had to constantly balance between revealing too much about himself and going too far in the descriptions of his on-screen characters. Even his vibrant strand narcissism could only go so far. But daddymenrah continued to indulge him without even knowing it.
This went on for a long time. Longer than he thought actually. He knew his girlfriend suspected him but he only grew to resent her. She didn’t talk about him the way daddymenrah did. She didn’t appreciate him. As he and daddymenrah got closer and closer he began to understand that she didn’t just want his body – she really understood him. She’d studied him a lot. And she liked what he saw. He knew her real name but he tried not to call her it for risk of her materialising too much for him.
Eventually he could tell that she was growing suspicious of him. She never got upset about anything but Jeffrey could tell she was kind of pissed that he didn’t share much.
I wish you would tell me more about yourself looool I hate emotional shit but I wish I just knew some stuff.
You do know stuff we talk all the time.
Yeah. About me.
Jeffrey sighed. She wasn’t wrong. But what could he do? If the truth came out she would never speak to him again. And his career would be in ruins. But at the same time he couldn’t bear to throw this away. What a ridiculous thought – a grown ass man getting caught up with a  girl who writes stories about him online. Jeffrey continued to scold himself as he fell asleep that night but he knew that a decision was inevitable.
The day started like any other. Jeffrey and daddymenrah texted first thing in the morning and then sporadically throughout the rest of the day. Jeffrey smiled and swore loudly when he drooled toothpaste all over himself when he was distracted staring at one of the many selfies she sent him reacting to some stupid joke he’d made. Sometimes she pulled the most horrendous faces but they always made him laugh. He loved to see a woman so uninhibited.
That night Jeffrey settled down on the couch of his empty house. He felt sick but he knew it was now or never. He had to make her understand. Hands shaking, he typed out a message.
Do you want to Facetime? I thought it would only be fair.
Okay but first let me just say something.
Aight shoot.
This isn’t a prank or one of those fake videos or whatever. I’m sorry that I’ve been lying to you I just didn’t know what else to do…
Daddymenrah didn’t reply to that and instead the sound of the incoming Facetime call blared out loudly from his phone. Jeffrey swallowed down the bile that had been rising in his throat and answered the call, holding the phone as thought it were a grenade.
The girl he’d been talking to for all these months gazed back inquisitively from the screen and then froze completely still, a frown overtaking her features.
'Surprise doll.’ Was all Jeffrey could muster in a low voice laced with embarrassment.
'This isn’t fucking funny.’ Daddymenrah began to laugh, a high-pitched wild laugh.
'It’s not a joke…’ And then Jeffrey said her name and she stopped, going very quiet.
Jeffrey had to hold the phone a good few feet away from him to cope with the noise as it bounced around his whole damn house.
'Please try to calm down. I said I was sorry – I couldn’t just tell you from the start darlin’’
'Shut the fuck up just book me a plane ticket. I’m coming over there right now motherfucker.’
Jeffrey let out a loud laugh. So this is a thing now – he thought.
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""Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?""
Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art.""
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What does one must have to register a small company in California specializing in recruitment/staffing employment? What type of Insurance (General Liability, Work Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax id What is the approximate annual cost?""
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
How much do insurance rates go up after a minor claim?
Someone backed into my bumper, and I'm wondering if I should make a claim for it. I don't mind a $10-20 dollar increase, but anything more & I'd rather just pay for it myself.""
Got my second speeding ticket will the insurance go up? do i need to go to court?
i recieved my first ticket this year in january. i went to traffic school and it got removed. so on friday i got a speeding ticket i was going 82 and the speed limit was 65. do i have to go to court? can i get it removed again? does it affect my insurance? i have ecompass insurance. im under my moms insurance is she going to find out? im 19.
How much would it cost to insure a ford puma?
how much would the insurance be on a ford puma for a 17 year old, driver whose just passed her test??""
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I have an abcessed tooth and I'm in alot of pain. I don't have insurance and just want to get it pulled. Need to find an affordable dentist who won't charge me an arm and a leg. Please help!
Buying insurance online?
If I buy a Progressive insurance plan online, would I be able to print out the proof of insurance online as soon as paid for it with my credit card?""
What kind of life insurance do I need for my mom?
My mom is already in life insurance but I want to know what kind of life insurance that is affordable to pay for by the month. We are not expecting her to die anytime soon but we want to be prepared?
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old female?
So i passed my driving test December 2011. Looking at car insurance and all im getting is around 2000. Ive done everything to make it cheaper because when i first started shopping around it was saying 4500 at me :| Ive put my dad on my insurance, put my miles down, quoted small engine cheap cars like corsa 1.0 and ford ka 1.3 reg 1998-2003 etc. that its on a driveway, third party only you name it. Some of my friends have been quoted like 800 with their parents on the insurance for the same cars Ive been quoting, so i must be going wrong somewhere. oh and im 18 in 2 weeks will that make a difference? thanks!""
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
Is there one day motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you""
""Typically for a healthy young 27 year old male, how much is health insurance monthly?
how much would health insurance cost?
Does affordable car insurance exist for a 19 year old?
I'm a 19 year college student. Currently I'm a closing manager at McDonald's and a certified Cisco Network Associate. I'm in the process of buying a vehicle and was optimistic about it until I started to look for insurance. The cheapest policy I've found is $338 a month. There isn't any way I can afford that and the car payment. It's not that I'm lazy and don't work, I work 40 hour weeks plus overtime from closing. I live in a rural area (North Georgia Mountains) so taking the bus isn't a option for a 20 mile commute. My closest neighbor is 7 miles away so car pooling isn't realistic. I feel somewhat hopeless. I would join my parent's policy or something similar but I live on my own and have little to no contact with them. I've been borrowing my Mother's car to get to work but she's given me 3 weeks to get a vehicle or walk. I have found it to be almost impossible to transition into the real world and become an adult and live on my own. What's a guy to do in my situation? I can't work without transportation, and without work I can't pay bills. That American Dream I grew up hearing about seems to only exist for people who have established wealth and good parents. What's left for the others? Are people in my situation just ******?""
Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?
I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.""
Can any body tell me what is the lowest online car insurance company?
i have an old car and sometimes i use it but i think i pay too much to insure it $55 a month and it is just liablity insurance and i am looking for an online insurance company that can give me a very low rate
How should health insurance companies thank Obama?
I just found out that my health insurance, which used to have a $500.00 deductible, will now be MORE expensive and will now come with a 5,000.00 deductible!! Which means, in order to see any benefit at all, I have to fork over $7,000.00 of MY OWN MONEY!! Which basically means, I have no health insurance now yet I still have to pay for it because it is now the law! If I don't, I get garnished. Asking around, I have learned that this is happening to everybody. So instead of getting MORE people covered by health care, Obamacare is getting millions of people effectively kicked off! But because of the law, we still have to pay the insurance companies, while they are free to raise the deductible to the point where their only purpose is to sit back and collect our money. Great. So I think the insurance companies should fork over a big, fat billion dollars to Obama for the all the cash he sent them!""
On average how much would it insurance cost for new drivers?
Well I passed my road test the other day and also took drivers ed. My mom doesn't have a car or a license, so I'm the only one with a license and my mom will be buying me a car. We are going to get a car that's no older than 2005, arond 40K miles and is used. I also don't have a credit card. Would anyone know on average how much insurance would cost on average for someone in my situation?""
How can you find out a property owner's insurance company?
Can you sue the owner for violent acts of a minor who lives on their property as well as the violent act physically occuring on their property? My daughter was jumped from behind and beat violently in the head. The girl recieved a ticket yet my daughter had to go to the hospital. Now she is afraid to go to school. The attacker is in her class.
Someone hit my car...will my insurance rise?
Someone hit my car last week and got a ticket. She received a ticket. Someone also hit my car a few months ago. Their fault. Is my insurance going to go up because of this second one. I imagine it wouldn't since her insurance will take care of my car but I'm not sure.
""Selling Car, how to do a test drive with no insurance?""
I'm selling my car but it has no insurance or a plate. I live in Alberta, Canada. I know people would like to test drive the vehicle before buying it, is there a way to do this legally?""
I need health insurance for my baby... please help.?
Sadly we missed the open enrollment date at my husbands job to add our infant son. He could have been added up to 30 days after he was born and we missed the date. We filed an appeal and they denied us. So now I have a 3 month old who has no insurance and cannot see a doctor for his shots or if he gets sick. We make too much money for like medical or healthy families but not enough to afford expensive private insurance for him. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
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Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
How much will my insurance be?
I only have 90 bucks on me, im buying a 1985 mazda for 700... Im going to go on my parents insurance and my older sister is also on their insure, so they're insurance will be covering 4 cars including mine... Will my insurance be under 90? Any extra payments?""
What are a list of cars that are cheap to insure? and is a 1990 geo metro cheap to insure?
What are a list of cars that are cheap to insure? and is a 1990 geo metro cheap to insure?
I need a site where I can compare health insurance quotes from the top companies. Any help will be appreciated?
Health Insurance Quotes Needed Online...
Auto Insurance - Spouse coverage mandatory in Ontario?
I've been told from my insurance company that since my wife holds Ontario Driver's licence, she will have to be covered under my insurance and pay a higher premium eventhough she does not drive at all. I also saw on-line that you can sign an 'excluded driver form' (OPCF 28A) in which you declare that she will not drive my car and you can exclude her from your insurance and maintain your premium rate. The insurance company basically denied this and told me that as long as her and I live under the same roof, I will have to pay the higher premium. Can someone please advise?""
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
Buying Insurances with a G1 licenses in Ontario.?
I recently just bought a car. Its registered to me. Although it does not have any insurances right now. I have my G1, but I want to insure this car now, so I can drive it. (obviously with a licensed driver). I think I read that I can purchase insurances as a G1 driver, and just list someone else as the primary driver, until I get my G2. Does anyone know how expensive this might be? If I had my G2, the lowest insurance quote for my car I could find is about $450 a month. However, since I will be listing someone else as a primary driver, like my dad, would the price be significantly cheaper?""
How to find people who need life insurance?
I am a Housewife and working as Insurance agent. Can u pls help me to find the people who need life insurance and investment plans? Thanks in advance.
""Good, cheap auto insurance?
Need good cheap auto insurance. Can someone recommend me to one and/or some? Im talking cheap as in $30 per month or lower cheap. Thanks!
How much would it cost to get added to someones insurance policy...?
I need to prove that I have insurance to get my license reinstated. My grandma said I can use her car, but I'm not covered. She has liability insurance for her car. How much would it cost me (18 year old male, inexperienced driver) to get added to her policy. It is a small, older 4 door car. Any idea about how much it would be extra a month for me to be added? Also, would she be able to take me off of the policy whenever she wanted without any kind of fee (like if I tried to get taken off in a month, would they say that she has to pay for 6 months...). Thanks!""
Car insurance advice needed?
My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.""
Life Insurance?
I am about to meet with a Insurance Broker and I wanted to be aware so that I am not sold what he wants to sell me instead of what I need. Does anyone have any good tips or resources?
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!""
""Car insurance, Am i being Ripped off?""
so Im 18, and my brother is claiming that my dad has been ripping me off on car insurance for the past year since Ive had my 99 coralla, its a beat up car. I pay $70 a month, where my brothers gf is only paying $10, I have only liability, we are with country financial or whatever and Im under my dad, and my dad has three cars with them, so his insurance is like 30+ for full coverage each car. So is 70 bucks justifiable for me or is my dad lying to me, i never seen the bill, ive always have given him money when he told me to give it to him. (i do understand that my age causes my insurance to go up) im just curious before I confront him.""
Does a rear view camera affect car insurance rates?
Will installing a rear view camera on my car affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because late last year the news media began reporting the fact that the federal government is considering mandating rear view cameras on every new vehicle sold the United States.
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
Car insurance payments?
i am 17 years old and i'm on a plan with my parents right now. i drive a 1993 cavalier, and am looking into buying a 2005 impala. how much (roughly) will my insurance payments be a year, or per month. (please no websites. i tried them and they are too long and don't give me enough info)""
Had an Accident Car insurance question?
I had my first accident the other day and it was pretty bad. I was the person at fault. I am about to turn 21 in 8 days. I have allstate insurance and the othe party of the accident no has a lawyer even though he acked fine at the accident. How much will my insurance go up and is there anything else i should know or can do?
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
""I recently got a dui in florida, I'm 19 and i'd like to know what does everyone pay for their sr22 insurance?""
trying to find cheap sr22 insurance, i juss read that its going to be required that i have it in order to reinstate my license. Been lookin around online for quotes and I was wondering what other people in similar situations are paying monthly and by which carrier. Thanks""
How much is car insurance for a brand new HS 250h Premium Luxury lexus?
I'm 17, female, I live in St.John's NL and might do driving school""
How much is car insurance be?
I am 15 about to be 16 NO record at all.. I have a 1999 ford escort no wrecks 80,000 miles. I would like to know how much car insurance would be and a tag would be and how much my license would be I live in florida. also are their any other fees?""
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?
Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?
So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?""
Car insurance help!!?
i am just about to re new my car insurance, the cost without protecting my 4 year claim bonus is 550 and protected would cost me 800.. is paying the difference of 250 worth it? thanks""
Is a 93' mustang hatchback cheap on insurance cause its a hatchback?
hello I'm 17 and i'm looking to get a car. I have always loved the 93 mustang.Its my favorite car ever.It is a hatchback so would that make it cheaper on insurance?? my parents always helped my brothers by putting there name on the tittle along with my brothers.I'm pretty sure it made it cheaper.There are only 2 cars that i really want either the mustang or a older honda civic hatchback.i like the way both the cars look.please help. leave you comments/opinions Thanks!
Can i freeze my car insurance?
Hi i am from ireland, and i am insured with Quinn insurance, I am 20. I am goin travelling for a few months in February. I am insured under my fathers policy, but he doesnt drive my car as he has his own van. I have to pay nearly 1000 at the end of January to insure my car but i am wondering could i freeze my insurance and pay for it when i get back. During my time away i am also going to try sell the car. so any help please.""
Car Insurance for teens?
How much would it cost monthly for a teenage girl? You don't have to be exact but make an estimate.
Is 21st Century Auto Insurance a good company?
I'm asking because I just switched over from progressive to 21st and now I'm a little worried because I've seen a lot of negative comments on their facebook fan page and after reading some of the things about their roadside assistance works I'm wondering if I made a mistake. My policy with progressive didn't cover much and the one I have with 21st gives me more coverage for the same price so idk. Is 21st as bad as they're making it out to be?
Whats a good insurance?
I need a good insurance. Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info please help?""
Accident and no car insurance?
I live in Hawaii and i got in to a one car accident with my two kids. my daughter was flown off to another island with Air Ambulance and was in ICU at Queens Hospital for a two days. Were are all alive and well but im stuck with a 70,000 medical bill. My truck that was in the accident had no car insurance because i just brought it and my children and i are on MedQuest(medical through the state) Please help me on how to get my bill payed for. thank you""
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
Car insurance rates for men vs. women?
I was just wondering if there were any car insurance companies that charge higher premiums for men and in what locations are they higher. I was looking at a study that says that men are more dangerous drivers. Statistically men get into more accidents and cause more accidents with severe injuries. I live in Michigan and I don't think that insurance rates are higher for men here. Thanks for your answers!
""If I had a company, and I had to pay for car insurance out of the capital...?""
Would the car insurance be counted as an 'expense', 'liability', or an 'overhead'? Also, if possible, could you provide an explanation as to what each term means exactly? Many thanks! :-)""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
Is this covered under home owner's insurance?
We have been doing A LOT of work on our house (getting it ready to sell), and we've paid for basically everything (even things that would've clearly been covered by insurance). However, this problem is one I'd rather not pay for if it can be avoided. There was apparently a leak under our shower and it caused some fairly serious rot under the floor. We were unaware of the leak. The carpenter who came says that there will be some fairly extensive work necessary on the shower itself, not just the rotted wood (which will be easy and fairly inexpensive to replace). Will my home owner's insurance policy cover that?""
How much would car insurance be...?
My Bf and I are going to be moving in together within the next year, we are going to have only one care, (i think) and possibly two within the next 2 or 3 years. We'll be living in North Carolina. I just need an estimate as too how much car insurance for us would be? Thanks!""
How to get cheap insurance for bike?
I'm 24 and trying to find cheap insurance for bike 125cc in Ireland. Can somebody help me please. I'm girl and having provisional driving licence. Thank you.
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
Which car is a good cheap first car?
so im starting driving in january and my grandad has promised to buy me a car (which i am very grateful of). So i was just wondering which car to get? I was thinking a ford Ka. Also i need the car to have cheap insurance. Cheers.
What is the day to day of a Commercial Insurance Broker?
I am interested in becoming a wholesale insurance broker as a career and would like to here from those that know about the current day to day life of someone in this position.
What is the best cat insurance in the uk?
What is the best cat insurance in the UK I can get for my 12 week old kitten?
Can I get an auto insurance without owning a car?
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be renting a car. Since the insurance from rental companies is so expensive, I'm planning to get my own liability insurance and use it with the rental vehicle... can I do that? I do not own a car! Also, what is the best insurance company for me, I'm 23/male/texas with a clean record.""
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
Where I can get accident insurance plan?
What is the difference between a accident insurance and an Health Insurance. Which is the one I should go for?
Where can i find the cheapest insurance??
im 19. i live in california. ive never been in an accident and ive never gotten a ticket. i drive a 2004 suzuki forenza and i pay almost 200 dollars a month for insurance!!! i have to have full coverage because im still paying off my car, but come on i think thats a little ridiculous.. its more than my car payment. Any idea where i can get it cheaper and if so, how do i go about changing it?? any help is greatly appreciated!""
Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance""
How does car insurance work?
Okay, I'm 17 and I'm getting my first car this summer, maybe June. Thing is, I am only going to have my car from this June until March or April of 2009. The reason for that is that I'm moving to Mexico on one of those months. I would actually have liked not to buy my car now but I'm going to have to because where I live, there's absolutely no public transportation. (I live in the northern part of Texas.) I graduate high school in a couple of weeks and need to get to and from work. Up to now I had been working but work was pretty close and my aunt (which I live with) gave me rides. She's getting a job now too so I can't really be dependant on any one and I don't want to at all either. My big question here is... when I get my car, does car insurance come with a contract or something? I won't be here for a year so if it does, what's the minimum plan available? I will also be with my aunt's insurance so I will be included in their plan or however that works..""
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Car insurance 16 year old living in NC?
I am turing 16 in March and I am looking at buying a car. How much does car insurance cost a month? I don't know which car I'll have. I live in the Charlotte area
How much is auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm 16 and I want to know how much does auto insurance cost for an age like mine..
Someone at fault with no insurance suing my insurance?
I was t-boned at an intersection by a lady who had no insurance, no license and who ran a red light (she was ticketed for all 3). I filed under uninsured motorist claim and my deductible is $250. She tried making a claim against my insurance, but it was obviously denied. She is now saying she is contacting an attorney because the officers at the accident were corrupt ...Can she sue and will she likely get anything? Can I counter sue for the decidable?""
Porsche boxster insurance?
I just got a quote online with my moms insurance for my new porsche boxster. It says $2789 a year. If i say my mom is the first and im the secondary driver since im 16 and insurance would be over $6000 a year. I live in a small town in Ontario.
Information about health insurance in indiana?
I need some best and cheapest health insurance company . Any site would be helpful .
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
Car insurance if I don't drive?
My mom is taking me off of her car insurance policy since I no longer own a car, don't have a job to get one or pay gas, and don't even live with her anymore. Yesterday I got my drivers license address changed to my current address which is with my boyfriend. Now his family is making a big deal about it saying that even if I'm not driving, it's illigal to have a licensed driver living in their house with no car insurance and that I have to be under insuarance. This dosnt make any sense to me. Is it even true or are they misinformed? Please help!!!""
Switching car insurance?
I am thinking of switching to Esurance, it's about $25 a month cheaper than my current insurance. Anyone have any experience or knowledge of Esurance? How hard is it to switch?""
About how much would liability insurance be for a lawn care business with 2 workers?
Any idea of what liability insurance would be monthly for a brand new business that mainly mows, weedeats, and blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys working (partners) the yards and one secretary/accountant.""
When you do not have car insurance in California then ONLY IF YOU GET CAUGHT?
by someone it's a problem right, or is it a problem as soon as your car insurance stops for example, only if someone who does not have car insurance gets into an accident then everyone is wondering about it right, or if you had car insurance and could not afford the bills anymore do they tell DMV and then you're in trouble immediately""
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
What if I upgrade my car insurance because someone threatens to mess up my car?
An old roommate stole a lot from me the day he moved out. I've been waiting 5 days for the police to take the report (they're busy according to them). In the mean time I contacted him telling him to return my stuff or I'll involve the police, and he said if I do that he's going to f*ck up my car. Right now I have basic insurance but after he told me that I want to upgrade my insurance just in case. My question is what happens if I upgrade and he does mess up my car? If I file a police report about the threat can my car insurance deny the claim? What if the police are still too busy and he does this before I get to file a report? What should I do? I already started parking 2 blocks from my apartment.""
Immediate Medical Insurance Help Required?
Hi I am Rishika from Bangalore. I am new to this place. I had got a medical insurance done for my parents but It got expired one month back. Unfortunately, my mom is due for a surgery in the next week and I am looking for any quick medical Insurance help that I can get. I understand its too late to get a medical insurance done. I can arrange for the medical expenses by hand as of now. Is anyone aware of any policies from which I can reimburse the amount later. Or is anyone aware of any medical insurance people from whom I can make a deal and make it a cashless transaction using the insurance policy?? IM confused like hell. Please please help :(((((( :( Yours, Rishika""
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
Having a hard time to find affordable health insurance?
I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone have good materninty insurance?
HELP... Any advice on good maternity insurance that isn't sooo expensive!!!
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
Am I paying too much for car insurance? Advice?!?
I'm 19 years old. Has had my license since I was 16 1/2. No tickets or accidents. Right now I'm paying $150.00 a month with my current insurer (which is based off my Mom's) I recently searched and Liberty Mutual is giving me a quote of $79 dollars a month which is obviously a whole lot cheaper. How easy is it to switch and is there a down payment? And any other advice you may have. Thanks.
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Muscle/Sports car insurance question...?
Would a 1971 Ford Torino 4 door sedan be considered a sports/muscle car to insurance companies? I am trying to find a way around the muscle car insurance rates while still having a muscleish car. Any other car suggestions would be great.
Car insurance confusion?
Ok, I'm 17 and I just moved to Florida with my 18-year-old boyfriend. He just got his license suspended so in a few days I'm going to get my first license here in Florida because I have a job to get to. (I've had my NC learner's permit for over a year) My question is basically, what are my options for car insurance? Can I have my own policy or is my only option to be put on his insurance? Please help!""
How much would the car insurance cost for a 2006 ferrari f430?
for a 25 year old
Average Car insurance in NY? I feel like I am being ripped off?
I understand age , tickets , and car type are all variables. I Have a 3 year old new car from 2010 *just a normal 4 door sedan* and the insurance seems VERY high... I am 22 years old and was curious to know what a good price is out there in the NY area""
Car insurance... Who are you insure with/best quotes. Will choose quick best answer.?
Who is the cheapest insurance company o go with for a 20 year old male whom has been driving for 3 years. Getting insure on a mazda 6. Thank you
What is the cost of general liability insurance for a small business?
My history class is doing a business plan project, and I'm wondering what the cost of liability insurance for a softball training center would be?""
How can i get cheap motorbike insurance? UK?
im 19 years of age just passed my test and my insurance is going up by like 30-40 pound, it should be going down! and then there charging me 50 to change policy! haha 80-90 pound stupid. and im already paying 350 a year for third party!! on a honda 125 vararedo with 1 year no claim bonus!! when people are paying 50-100 a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked building. got alarms locks data tag!?""
Florida car insurance hike?
I used to have Florida auto insurance about 6 months ago. Since then I moved but wanted to return to FL. Recent inquiry for an auto quote I notice the premium has increased doubled in FL. When did this happen? And what actually happened? Just curious. Thanks.
Anyone know about AAA car insurance and there uninsured motorist policy in California?
My daughters agent also mine now says she needs to pay her deductible,. I used to have farmers when the same thing happened to me ( a uninsured unlicensed driver hit her).And my deductible was waived. When I looked over the policy it doesnt say anything about a deductible. Any help would be appreciated""
What is the positive & negetive aspect of Term insurance?
Why insurance agent do not show interest towards term insurance. Why they insist on ULIP only.
Cheaper car insurance?
im 18 and am in the process of buying a ranger rover sport supercharged, ive got a few good quotes for inurance, i just wanted to know how can i get it cheaper and if you know some one in the insurance bussiness, can u get it cheaper? thanks""
How much is insurance on the new Morgan?
You know the wooden car?
Accidently put wrong date of birth by 3 months on my car insurance?
Iv just accepted a quote online for car insurance without realizing my date of birth is wrong by 3 months, if i tell them to change this should it change the price of my insurance?""
Car insurance on first car?
i'll be turning 17 soon and my parents and i have been talking about a car for me. my dads over 50 and has a perfect driving record...if i were to buy a car but put it in his name, would I save a lot on insurance? and then i could just drive it? would that work""
How Much Would Car Insurance For A 18 Year Old Cost?
I currently live in Nevada and I drive a 1997 Chevy S10. I currently am on my parents insurance plan USAA and I pay $130 each month. I have a clean driving record and have had my license for about a year and a half. Would it be cheaper to just get my own insurance plan? If so how much would it cost and what cheap companies would you recommend?
I double paid home insurance?
I just found out that I paid my homeowners insurance seperate and my morgage is paying for it as well. Its been 2 years....should I ask for a refund or what?
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
Would you get heath insurance and if so who through?
Me and my husband married young, when we married I had insurance through my job which was great but now, since I went back to school we are without insurance. I am in school ft and he also works but is two hours under what he has to be working to get insurance a week. We are 21 now and are wondering if you view health insurance as something someone our age needs and if so how to shop for it, what type to get and where to get a quote. We are both EMTS and have ran rescue before and we have seen lots of people without insurance but we want to make a well informed decision regarding this health insurance. Might I add that we are generally healthy, have a general practitioner at the moment that we rarely use, and during our marriage of two years have never been to an ER for any reason... Any insite that you have into this situation would be great! Thanks and God Bless""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
around how much would insurance cost on a BMW M3 E46 CSL its a 3.2 litre ? i am 17 years old.
""How Can i keep my car, without paying insurance?""
I have a car that i DONT want to sell, but i will not be using very often, can i keep it WITHOUT paying insurance, because obviously it would be a waste of money to be paying insurance on a car that i do not drive.""
A month or two of car insurance?
Are there any car insurance businesses that pay for just a month or two, not the whole 6-month policy that you pay a portion each month. Just that, I pay for a month or two and that is it. I'm going to have a temporary vehicle to move around in but its only for said 1 or 2 months.""
Im 18 Years old with a 1998 corsa (5door) and im getting insurance quotes at 2500 - 3k+? is this right?
A few of my mates are getting quotes at just under 2k, but i dont get anywer near that. i dont have pass plus but surely a car this old doesnt have high insurance?""
Job suggestions for a nearly 16 year old with a national insurance card?
I'm a 15 year old girl with no money:( I NEED DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I'll do anything, maybe not give up my saturday's if helped? But if i have to then okay.. I'm desperate! And please, no stupid comments suggesting prostitution, i'm serious, just a decent job please guys? Thankyou.""
Do I need to get insurance under obamacare?
I was just hired yesterday as a substitute teacher (part time). I am very confused if I am obligated to get insurance under the affordable care act that will soon come into effect. I ...show more
Anyone in California need a quote on Insurance?
I sell Insurance.
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Has anyone heard of this car insurance company?
I'm trying to find this insurance company but it has a really vague name. It's called Ca. Auto Liab. It's on a California Highway Patrol accident report and they said it was a real company. I need to find their phone number and/or website. Has anyone came across this company?
""What's the cheapest insurance I can get possible? I'm 18 in California, just received my license?""
Isimply cannot afford $1000/year insurance. I dislike insurance companies anyway considering they hire peoplem to come up with EXCUSES not to give you your money (so why the hell am I paying them every year? ) So I just want the most basic EXCUSE to drive possible. Is there anyway to get insurance for like $400 a year? I've been saving up for the past 5 months to buy a car, studying for my license, and I really cannot wait any longer. I need to drive now. I live in Los angeles where it's practically impossible to get around without a car... I'm starting college and more work hours waiting isn't an option. Thank you.""
Can you ask a car insurance company to lower your rate/payment?
If so, how would I go about that? I know that many companies have loyalty/continuous coverage discounts, but the discount for my current insurance really isn't enough, and my payment (I make a full, 6-month payment) goes up every time. Should I ask for a specific amount/percentage? Should I ask them to keep the cost the same as 6 months ago, etc? Thanks for any advice. **I've been with the company for over a year.""
Where can I get liability insurance for my dog?
I'm working at a pet boutique and I can bring my dog to work -- but my boss is asking that I should get liability insurance for him. He's a mini labradoodle. I already have him covered in my renters insurance - but I don't think that it will cover him for work. Where can I get one??
How does and underage affect insurance?
A friend of mine was just charged with an underage but was accepted into the ARD program. We are wondering how this is going to affect her auto insurance policy.
How much does a teenage car insurance for a 1991 chevolet corvette convertible cost per month?
my grades havent been good till this year i kinda have a bad record idk if that would effect it so ya i no i turn 16 on tuesday and im getting the car for my bday so i need to no quickly how much the insurence would cost thanks
How come car insurance vary so much between different cities for the same car and driver?
I moved house so that I could buy a car, as the last house has permit parking rule and allowed one permit per house. So, I moved and now I am doomed, because the insurance is 3100 for a ford ka valued 1400. In the last house my insurance quote was 1500 for the same car, but just change in a post-code and bam. my dreams of having a car is shattered, I feel like crying out loud from roof top :(""
Best Car Insurance for an 18 yr old?
I stay in Illinois and I just graduated from high school in December. I'm already enrolled in college and I'm taking two courses. In one class i have an A and the other I have a B. My GPA is still higher than a 3.0. I plan on getting a car really soon and I would like to know what is the best car insurance for me right now. I'm 18 years old, I was born in 1991, I do not yet own a license, and I've had my permit every since I was 15. The car I plan on getting is an 2004 honda accord with more than 100k miles on it or a 2004 Monte carlo with less than 100k miles on it. Which would be the best car for me to get? Should I get the Monte Carlo or a Honda Accord? Which car insurance would be the best for me also, because I don't want nothing so expensive!""
""How much is insurance for state farm for a 1000cc, 750, and 600 gsxr for a 16 year old?""
I know what your thinking but hear me out, the new 2009 Suzuki gsxr has different modes like the 600cc mode, 750cc mode, and 1000cc mode i was thinking to get the 750 but if the 1000 has those modes then id want to get that and stay on that till i felt ready for the 1000 power cause i was gonna get the 1000 in college anyway but why waste the money now on the 600 then have another payment in 2 years on the 1000 when i can just use the settings till then when i have more experience??? but put that all aside how much is the insurance for a 1000cc bike? just so i can know for when im 18 if i dont get the 1000""
What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance?
What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance?
Do i need to get car insurance or licsence plate?
So me nd my fiance live in phoenix az and we're planning to move back to bakersfield ca! Were driving a uhaul back and pulling our car, and our car doesn't have no car insurance or plates, do I need to get those things even tho were pulling our car? Its not that iam to lazy to get those things, it will jus save us money!""
Car insurance for another person?
Hey guys, so I'm gonna get a car soon. I turned 18 back in January. My mom is going to buy me a car soon, but only if the insurance isn't that high. So, seeing as I really want the car I have in mind, I need to know some things about car insurance. My mom has gotten into an accident before also, plus the car in mind is a sports car. A Nissan 350z to be exact. So my question is, can I get insurance for that car even though it's under her name? I've never gotten into an accident before, and plan to get my license soon. Thanks!""
Would I need insurance?
Ok so I'm thinking about getting an iPhone 4s. I want one so badly. It's 29 a month but insurance is 10 a month and I can't afford to pay another 10 a month, would I need insurance? The handset price (how much you pay on the day for the actual phone) is 29, so if I break or loose or someone steals the phone, would I pay 29 and get another headset, or will they make me pay 29 for a phone I don't even have? I live in England btw :)""
""How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
Im turning 16 and i was wondering waht my insurance rates will be?
What are the average insurance rates?
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
Who has the best car insurance in NJ?
Who has the best car insurance in NJ?
Car insurance group 9 cost for 1.4 17yr old driver?
Hi guys!:] Just wanted a rough estimate of how much this insurance would cost? Looking into getting a Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many thanks in advance!
Do insurance companies charge more for sports cars?
Do insurance companies in the US charge more for sports cars than they do for passenger cars?
Would a 1972 Monte Carlo be expensive to insure?
Someone said it may be expensive to insure this kind of car. Could he be referring to just this one particular car or all muscle cars from the early 70's? keep in mind i am 18 years old if that makes any difference.
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
What is the best car in group 16 insurance?
I have been offered a company car at work and can go up to group 16 insurance. I do a lot of miles but would like a sporty responsive feel. Thinking about a Cooper S or dare I say it one of the pokey diesels..! Any suggestions.....?
""Life insurance is 750,000 enough for 3 kids ?""
is 750,000 enough to get three kids from age 1,3,5 through high school and college or do i need lots more""
How many American do not have health insurance?
How many American do not have health insurance?
Health insurance pricing and BMI?
A person's weight and height are found on a driver's license. From these numbers, you can calculate a person's BMI. Do health insurance companies have access to the information found on a driver's license and do they use this information for determining health insurance quotes?""
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insurance quote software engine
How much is car insurance for teens ?
I live in California
My car was considered a loss. how do insurance co. determine how much to pay for the car? 2001 toyota carolla
A four door CE model. No major problems some small scratches and dents.
Life Insurance :?
can i stop paying my premium and get back the amount i paid for? . I took insurance for 15 yr. Already 2 years over. Is ther any option to get the invested money back?
On getting a quote for car insurance I am not sure if i qualify for no claims bonus.?
I have been down as my granddads named mobility driver as in hes the main driver and im his named driver, I have been in this situation for 3 years with no crashes bumps speeding tickets, no problems what so ever, Now im finally trying to get car insurance for myself can i claim that I have had 3 years no claims ?""
What happens to rest of my insurance after a write off?
I had a accident today in my fiesta, hit some ice, lost control round a bend ended up in the ditch, car looks f****d admiral picking it up 2mo I am only 11 months into the policy I have been told by a few people that it is defo a write off so I take it i will be paid out for the car (how long would this take) I am also getting a courtesy car by the garage picking the car up to repair it now will i have this till i get paid out? and due to having 11 months on my insurance and i paid in full can i freeze the insurance till i get a new car (ill be getting the same car infact i hope its not a write off) or will i get something back on the insurance due to only using 1 of the 12 months i paid for?""
What happens if im a day late on my car insurance?
i pay monthly with gieco.today my payment is due but i wont have the money untill tomorrow.will they cancel my insurance?will i have to pay some type of fee? will my car insurance go up? Plz help
Who is the most cheapest auto insurance out there?
I need auto insurance but im 18 and I only have a permit not a license yet. I drive a 1990 Honda civic hatchback ef. And i only want liability just to drive. So who is the cheapest one out there let me know thanks :D??
Auto insurance ????????
Is it cheap being on my dads auto insurance vs me buying my own. I thinking about getting rid of full coverage.
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
I have been driving for about 3 years now. And now I am saving up for my first car. I just want to know whats the best car insurance because I know its gonna be pricey because I am a first time driver and under 25. What do you suggest I should try? I am still doing my research regardless but I want to be prepared to pay for at least 6 months in advance because I am still in college as we speak. I just don't want to worry about that every month when I get the car. Thank you !!
When can I get my auto insurance after applying for it?
Right now I am having G1 licence and bought a car. My G1 exit test is on June 5,2007. Can I apply as registered owner having G1 and add primary driver who's having G licence? How long will it take to get insurance? Also please provide cheap auto insurance provider's name. Thank you so much for your help. :-)""
How to pick a life insurance?
Im not even sure how to pick what should i look for in life insurance? pros cons? Any suggestions in life insurance companies? Im looking at nationwide right now just cos i seen it on tv.
How much will it cost to fix this bumper dent?
http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked car when pulling out of a spot :( the other car was fine lol, but this is mine. trying to not involve insurance cause i dont want my rates going up. how much do you think this will cost to fix?""
Affordable health insurance?
What are some affordable Health Insurance Options in NYC for Latin American father and his child to be? My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
What would be cheaper on insurance?
I'm thinking of getting a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj or a 1992 acura integra. Which would be cheaper on insurance? thanks.
Insurance Quotes????? Please HELP???
Can someone Please explain to me........... What is an Insurance Quote?? How does it work? Why is it important? Why do we need it? I want a good health and car Insurance and so i dont know about the quote stuff so Please help me to understand. Thank u all so very much.
How much is car insurance?
I am a first time driver, a girl, and I have discounted insurance because I took driver's Ed. How much would it be and how often do you may? (monthly?)""
How can my car insurance go up from 128$ to 178$?
My car is all paid off and has been since I bought it. But I don't know why it went up. I looked up other car quotes and there much higheer then what im paying now.
What co. has the best car insurance for teens?
I 18 and want to get my own insurance
I have an insurance question?
if im driving with my grandma and wreck and only have a permit does their insurance cover the damage? Tennessee permit
How much do teens pay for car insurance a month?
If i am 17 years old buying a brand new 2009 car sedan about how much will i pay monthly on insurance?
If a person has previous damage from nicks on a car door and try to say you did it will insurance pay?
My next door neighbor is trying to say my car door nicked hers when I got out of the car. I saw nicks on her door before I even opened mine. Now she wants to turn this into the insurance and file a claim. This was on private property, so I am not sure about it. My insurance company says an adjuster will be able to tell how long she had damage. I do not have any paint transfer on my car at all. Just unsure if this will affect my rates.""
Do You Know Any Affordable NY/NJ Dental/Health Insurance Plans?
My father's company insurance plan will no longer cover me as a dependent. I need to find some sort of dental/health insurance of my own. My status is as follows: I live in NY My parents live in NJ I am self-employed out of MD My father claims me as a dependent on his taxes I am presently a part-time student...and will be a full-time student in Fall 2008. What can I do with this...to make something happen? :-)
Health Insurance Question?
I am 19, and I am Diabetic. I would like to move out of my parents house, and start living independently. Is there any Health Insurances out there that are government run that could help me get a cheap Insurance rate? Oh, and I live in Ohio if that makes any difference.""
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Baby not covered on partner's insurance policy?
Alright, here's my situation. I am on my partner's insurance through her job. Well, we are getting ready to start a family and our insurance will cover everything up until right after delivery. Since I am considered a dependent, and I am the one giving birth, the baby will not be covered. So, what I want to know is has anyone else been in this situation and how did you handle it? What is the best way to find individual, affordable, insurance for the baby? And in your experience, what is the average cost you pay? Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.""
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insurance quote software engine
If you buy a car in full do you need to have collision coverage in your car insurance?
If you buy the car in full (pay for the car at once, not lease or financed) do you need to have collision coverage? If I get into an accident with somebody, wouldn't the other person's insurance pay for my car's damage? I'm planning to buy a used car for $17000 (paying in full) should I get collision coverage? also somebody explain Liability and full coverage for me (I guess full coverage is selecting every coverage when you lease for finance your car).""
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
How expensive is taxi insurance?
I am thinking of running a taxi for the first time. How much more expensive is it to insure a taxi than a family car. I have full no claims bonus and a standard 5 seater car. I pay about 400 for a peugeot 406 as my family car
Which is the best insurance which i need to take for my parents who visiting USA?
My parents are coming to US and need to take a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise
What would my annual insurance be on a 2007 Honda Cbr 125?
I just turned 16, recieved my M1, Got a bike (125 cbr), going for my M2 in acouple days. Havent placed insurance on the bike yet. Im wondering what my annual cost will be with low coverage ect (lowest possible)""
Can i get insurance then put modifacations on my car?
Hi i am getting a mk 2 golf and will be modding it out with rims tint lights and lowering suspension. If i get the insurance quote at 4grand and then put the mods on the car is it a year of cheap insurance or do i need to tell them i have altered the car? Thanks.
How much of my home loan do i have to pay off before canceling my home owners insurance?
i live in FL. i am 6.5 years into a 30 year fixed loan. how much do i have to payoff before canceling the home owners insurance?
94 firebird formula v8 insurance rate?
I'm turning 16 and I am getting the 94 firebird out of the garage. how much do you think it will cost for insurance for me? and how much do you think it would cost under an adult insurance rate?
What types of car insurance are there?
I'm a confused soon-to-be licensed driver. My mom just got my sister (who is 18) some type of insurance for driving. From what I know, it's expensive. But I know that our car has insurance. What kind of insurance did my sister possibly get and how does it differ from the insurance for the car itself? Is there personal insurance for each driver? Is it required or is the car insurance only the main requirement? Which type of car insurance/s is required???...(sorry if my question doesn't make sense. I dont know how else to word it lol)""
Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?
Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks
How much will my car insurance go up?
I already pay $270 a month for car insurance for my truck. If I were to buy a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, how much more will it go up?""
Cheap insurance for new drivers?
Low premiums, Cheap Car insurance, Savings""
Free or inexpensive health care?
I dont qualify for medicaid and my job doesnt offer insurance...where can i get some good coverage for cheap?
""I just got married, does my parents health insurance still cover me?""
I got married on the 5th of december of 2010, neither my husband or I has health insurance through our work, and neither of us are still attending college, I know they have made a lot of changes with Health insurance lately and I have a prescription that usually costs about $200/month, but with the Insurance it is only $15, I stumbled upon a website that says I can still be considered a dependent even if I am married, since my job doesn't offer Health plans, but it doesn't say anything about being married in the middle of the insurance plan year (starts and ends in August). The website is http://quinnscommentary.com/2010/03/24/no-child-left-behind-big-changes-for-employers-and-employees-as-adult-children-remain-in-health-plans/ If anyone can dicipher if it does in fact state anything about being married within the insured year, or if you know of any other websites, or anything about how marriage affects health insurance with all the new plans and Amendments to those plans. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!""
Will my car / auto insurance increase?
My boyfriend was driving my car and was clocked (in the City of Stone Mountain) driving 26 over (51 in a 25 zone). Will this cause my car insurance rates to increase?
Need to find homeowners insurance?
Have pit bull trying to find homeowners insurance that will allow me to keep my dog
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
How much is it for car insurance for a 17 year old in long island new york?
my mom had a 2002 honda accord that she just bought a week ago and we need to get it insured but she doesnt have a permit or licence bc her permit has expired in the year of 2010 , so now what she wants to do is, get a car insurance under my name . im going to be 18 in early june . and i have my permit .""
Insurance question for monthly cost for 2 people.?
Does anyone have a ballpark idea of what an insurance plan would cost (monthly) for 2 people in their early 60's?
How do I help families not see life insurance?
How do I help families not see life insurance as a bill but rather protection for their family? I am on a crusade to help families become properly protected (create an immediate estate) in case of a loved ones untimely death. Of lately, prospects see life insurance as another bill. Although it is; can any life insurance agent please share with me how they get around to making sales in the life insurance industry? Thank you.""
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
Does adding additional drivers reduce insurance?
if you add a parent as an additional driver on a car insurance quote, will it reduce the cost of the quote?""
Do red light camera tickets increase your insurance rates?
Do they go on your driving record and increase your insurance rates or do you just have to pay the fine and that's all there is to it? I live in Washington State.
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the price range for insurance on a 07 mustang premium v6?
I am 20, I live in AL. no accidents or violations. I want prices or estimates please, not what I should consider n etc... Thank u""
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insurance quote software engine
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