#thanks all blue for image four and five
lunisoular · 6 months
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rboooks · 1 year
DC X DP fic idea: Congratulations! It's Triplets!
Jason Todd can't remember half the crazy shit he did when he returned from the dead. There were a few years when his memory gaps were so significant lost he honestly forgot what year it was.
So he's not surprised he did some dumb shit where he was less weapon and more power-hungry teen.
He doesn't remember Jazz Fenton that well, but he does remember waking up next to her, making her breakfast as a thank-you for the fun night, and slipping away before she could ask too many questions. Logically he knows that leaving before she woke up was a bit of a asshole move but he hadn't cared back then.
He had thought he would never see her again.
Imagine his surprise when she enters a youth space program WE is running five years later. By this point, he had calmed most of his pit rage and had reconnected with his family. Bruce had even legally made him alive again so he's there as Brucie's second oldest.
Tim had practically shoved him as one of the heads of the program since Jason had rapidly developed the image of being the most Charity drive Wayne.
The point was to help city kids go on clear sky trips and co-work with NASA to help children who love the stars get closer to them.
Jason knew that Jazz, a woman of twenty-three, would have no reason to be present since the program was for kids ages four to twelve.
But the three dark hair blue, eye triplets that were dragging her around the booths indeed did.
By the looks of the triplets, they were five to six-year Olds.
Jason also noticed another thing about them. They were exact copies of himself and five years ago was the last time he saw Jazz before slipping away.
It wasn't possible right?
Trying not to bring attention to himself, he followed them through the event, noting every little gesture the children made. With each passing second he saw more and more of himself in them. Once the lights were dimmed for the crew to project an exploding star on the walls and ceiling, he could creep close enough and steals three hair samples.
Later he would test the DNA against his own and find himself staring at the results with slight horror.
He's a father to triplets and left their mother alone to raise them on her own. Jason needed to fix this as soon as he could.
(Danny, Dani and Dan get de-age after a misguided attempt to take the throne from Danny by a ghost whose extraordinary power was to revert people into a weaker stage and attack them. Luckily even as small children, they were able to defeat her. Unfortunately, they would have to regrow the human way to return to their ages.
Clockwork offers them a different dimension for them to age in, explaining it run crazy slow compared to thier own. One year in the other world would be a week back home.
They talk to Jazz who agrees to take emergency leave from work after faking a terrible accident with her brother, and she hopes over to Earth-slightly-to-the-left to find a house suitable for re-raising her siblings. There she realizes this is her chance to enjoy her youth too.
She has her first one-night stand.
She doesn't tell them when they hope over, and all of them go about life as simply as they can in a city as dangerous as Gotham.
They find out later that there is even a slight version of their family here though it's primarily due to someone on their dads' side of the family messing up the family tree by marrying someone different than their great-grandfather
Instead of Fentons, the versions of their family name is, Evans. Crazy.
Even more Crazy is that they return home after a week-long camping trip through a NASA-based program to find Bruce Wayne at their doorstep, a team of lawyers behind him, and Jason Todd holding flowers next to him.
He thinks he's the father of the three because that's what the DNA pulls since it's a version of them and when Jazz is so worried about collapsing the timeline and getting on Clockworks bad side she plays along.
She later finds out from a very calm Danny that Jason is not related to them. It's just that their comeback from the dead rearranged all three of their DNAs, so Jason was merely matching there. Jazz testing herself against Jason proves this to be true.
Dan and Dani? They just wanted a rich dad who showered them with gifts in an attempt to make up for missing six years of their lives.
Danny just wants Jazz to admit she's in love with Jason.
Abd Jazz? Well, she just wants to be a good guardian for them and hopes she can pretend to be Jason's baby mamma until they can hope back home.)
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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disco attorney! turnabout elysium! some other third possible combination!
(id in alt text and under the cut, sketches also under the cut)
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[image ID: Part one of two of a Disco Elysium/Ace Attorney crossover fancomic.
Panel One: Miles Edgeworth, gesturing with one hand and pointing with the other, says, "Witness, your name and occupation, please."
Panel Two: Harry Du Bois, standing at the witness stand, says, "Oh, okay."
Panel Three: A copy of the previous panel, with no dialogue.
Panel Four: Harry looks off to the side with a nervous expression. Text in the panel reads: "ENCYCLOPEDIA [Trivial - Failure] - Uh…"
Panel Five: Harry, with a concerned and worried expression, has a white ring around his head with three thought orbs that are coloured blue, yellow, and red. Text in the panel reads: "HALF LIGHT - YOU GOT AMNESIA AGAIN. YOU'RE FUCKED." "Logic - No, it's just been a while since you've been on the stand. You're nervous, that's all." "COMPOSURE - Better shake off those nerves before going any further."
Part two of two of a Disco Elysium/Ace Attorney crossover fancomic.
Panel One: Kim Kitsuragi is sitting in the gallery, alongside vague depictions of other people, including Dick Gumshoe, Pearl Fey, and Kazuma Asogi. Text in the panel reads: "PERCEPTION (SIGHT) - The lieutenant's looking right at you from the gallery." "AUTHORITY - Uh-oh." "REACTION SPEED - Quick! Just say anything!"
Panel Two: Harry grips the witness stand and shouts with a frantic expression: "MY NAME IS RAPHAEL AMBROSIUS COSTEAU AND I'M A F(asterisks)T."
Panel Three: Edgeworth looks on with an affronted expression.
Panel Four: Maya Fey and Phoenix Wright have shocked expressions.
Panel Five: Kim has one arm leaning against the gallery, and his head in his other hand.
Panel Six: A slightly-edited copy of Panel Two, but Harry has a pensive expression, and text in the panel reads: "DAMAGED MORALE -1", alongside a purple X.
Three separate mini-fancomics involving a Disco Elysium/Ace Attorney crossover.
The first one is two panels, featuring Elizabeth Beaufort. In the first panel, she is crossing her arms and wearing an outfit similar to Apollo Justice's. She is thinking: "(I went to law school for this?)" In the second panel, she is looking at a screen with an annoyed expression, thinking: "(For a man like that to be among my peers?)" On the screen, there is a picture of Phoenix Wright, and text that reads: "Phoenix Wright's Accomplishments: -Ate Glass -Cross-Examined A Bird -Been Tazed -Been Whipped -Been Impersonated -Been Assaulted With Coffee"
The second one is a drawing of Kim Kitsuragi doing Edgeworth's pose in which he grabs his left arm and looks away with a pained expression. In the style of Ace Attorney, there is a text box which reads: "Kitsuragi: Thanks to you, I am saddled with unnecessary… feelings."
The third one is a drawing of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth standing together, smiling at one another. Text in the image reads: "MILES EDGEWORTH - "Nice suit, by the way. I like the blue. Goes with the burgundy."
A Disco Elysium/Ace Attorney crossover fancomic featuring Dick Gumshoe, Harry Du Bois, Phoenix Wright, and Kim Kitsuragi.
Panel One: Gumshoe, with a determined expression and his hand in a fist, says: "True art has always been a war against oppression."
Panel Two: Harry grabs Gumshoe's shoulder and points at him with his other hand. He says to Gumshoe, who is smiling, "Oh my God. Dude, we are biving so hard right now."
Panel Three: Harry and Gumshoe begin talking to one another with numerous empty speech bubbles indicating so. Phoenix and Kim look on from the background.
Panel Four: A close-up of Phoenix and Kim, who have disconcerted expressions. Together, they think: "(Two of them…)" /end ID]
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sweetbonniebel · 2 months
Jaes's hen jēdar
God's of the sky
Daemon x reader
Synopsis: Laenor’s funereal, politics. Alicent being a bad mom, Viserys being a idiot. Talk of Rhaenyra having more power.
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122 AC Driftmark
Five dragons left Bloodstone for Driftmark. Another funureal of a Velaryon. Baelon sat in front of Daemon, strapped by leather belts. Vhaenor was in Aegon's saddle and Aerion was held by you.
Vermithor the largest of the beasts flew ahead. Your youngest slept soundly strapped to your chest with cotton wraps. Occasionally involuntary moving in the swaddle.
You felt sorry for Rhaenyra, not only did she loose Harwin not long ago now her husband has perished. And what of Jace, Luke and Joffrey.
You heard the familiar screeches of Caraxes and the warmth of dragon fire, you glanced upwards to see the blood wyrm, Sunfyre and Moondancer chasing each other.
Rhaenys and Corlys looked awful, they lost all of their children in the span of four years.
Your favourite cousin looks bad clad in black, but that colour seemed to follow her. You wrapped your arms around Rhaenys, offering her your comforts.
"I am so sorry, Rhaenys, Corlys." You said taking Rhaenys's hands in yours.
"Thank you, cousin." The Queen who never was answered.
"We are glad you could make it." She forced a facade of confidence.
"It is all right, you do not need to fake being nice. You just lost your son, I would except you to scream, cry and rage."
"I have done my fair share of mourning already, Laena and now Laenor." She whispered, tears prickling her waterline.
"Whatever you need we and the Stepstones are at your disposal." You offered.
"Thank you, y/n." Corlys answered placing his palm on your shoulder, squeezing thankfully.
You returned to your family at the side of the cliffs, on the other side closer to the casket stood Rhaenyra and her three boys.
"Mama." Vhaenor tugged at your black mourning skirt.
"What is it?" You questioned leaning to his level.
"I'm sad." He muttered shyly, you smiled sadly at him. "I don't like it."
"Oh sweet boy, it is normal to feel sad sometimes. Especially when a member of your family passed. But soon you will feel better, the feeling will pass." You tried to console the two year old
"It will?" He hopefully asked.
"I'm sure of it."
Laenor's sea stone casket was being wrapped with ropes, soldiers of house Velaryon prepared to lower it into the salty sea.
You saw tears escape Rhaenya's and Laenor's children, the three boys wore teal doublets adorned with silver seahorses and black trousers. Jacaerys looked the most like his grandmother, Rhaenys with dark hair and indigo eyes.
Lucerys was most like his mother, silver-gold hair and blue eyes, while Joffrey named by Laenor was most like his father, curly dark hair with silver streaks and violet eyes but his face was entirely Laenor.
Your children with Daemon on the other hand were of typical Valyrian beauty. Baelon had silver hair and bright violet eyes, his eye and nose shape were just like Daemon's. Vhaenor was your spitting image with your red eyes and face shape.
Aerion was most like his grandmother Alyssa, Daemon said so. You never met your father's first wife but from what your brothers said, Aerion was very much like Alyssa.
You wondered what will Rhaenyra do now, her husband has perished, she has three children but she is still young. The realm will expect her to marry again. 
You took your children by their hands and walked over to where the realm’s delight was standing. You stared solemnly at Rhaenyra, you placed a hand on her cheek and brought the princess into a warm embrace. No words exchanged but that was fine, none were needed. 
The three boys standing around Rhaenyra on the other hand, looked at you with muted curiosity. 
„Jace, Luke, Joff this is your aunt Princess y/n.” Rhaenyra introduced, you kneeled next to the boys. 
„I’m sure you do not remember me, but we have met a few times before.” You said placing your palm on Jace’s rosy cheek. 
„Good morrow, princess.” Jace shyly answered. 
„You can call me aunt, Jace.” The dark haired boy nodded his head sheepishly. 
„I would like to introduce your cousins to you.” You slightly pushed Baelon and Vhaenor in front of the three Velaryons. 
The eldest of your princelings slightly bowed his head at them. 
„I’m Baelon.” He introduced himself „This is my brother Vhaenor, and the babe is Aerion.” 
„I’m Jacaerys this is Lucerys and Joffrey.” You watched as the two boys interacted. 
„How are you faring?” You questioned Rhaenyra leaving your sons to themselves. 
„It is not as hard as I thought it will be. I did love him, but it was more of a brotherly love. I’m thankful for the children we have…” She told you her thoughts and you listened intently. „I’m glad we left for Dragonstone when we did, I do not think I could have endured more of that vipers den. And Laenor, gods save him. He was a good father but not much more than that.” 
You slightly chuckled as you talked in a secluded area. 
„Do you think you’ll remarry?” You suddenly questioned. 
„I have a lover I am very close to… But I do not want to marry so soon. I wish to experience more freedom.” She answered smoothing her black gown with teal accents. 
„A lover you say?” You curiously asked, you saw as a blush spread on Rhaenyra’s pale face. 
„He is a noble man from Lys.” 
„Darys Ormollen.” She said without beating around the bush. 
„You do not mean… Aunt Saera’s son.” You remembered the name you heard in passing conversation. The heir only nodded. „How did you come to meet our cousin?” 
„It is a long story.” 
„I would love to hear it some day, and meet him. Perhaps we could even invite aunt Saera to the Stepstones.” 
„I don’t think she will accept but you can always try.” 
„It is important for our family to be together. Besides I didn’t even know she was married for a long time, Jaehaerys told me of Saera a few times but nothing of her life outside of the Seven Kingdoms.” 
The funereal procession started. The heads of house Celtigar, Massey, Darklyn and Bar Emmom were present. Corlys’s brother Aethan, delivered the eulogy. You watched with Rhaenyra your children and Daemon as Laenor’s casket was lowered into the sea. The same way Laena’s was four years ago. Baelon and Vhaenor were standing next to their cousins. Aerion was in your arms and Joffrey was in Rhaenyra’s. 
„May the winds guide into the the afterlife, nephew.” Aethan recited „For our words are the old, the true, the brave. You may not have been old, but you were true and brave.” 
You saw tears stain Jacaerys’s and Lucerys’s cheeks, your palms rested on their shoulders. With the back of your palm you wiped their tears. 
You watched as Viserys stumbled down the cliffs with Alicent and Otto by his side. Helaena and Aemond following after them. You approached his grace with Daemon and your children. 
„Your grace.” You bowed before your sickly brother. 
„Oh, y/n.” He wheezed „You certainly are a sight for sore eyes.” He placed his boney palm on your cheek. 
„Brother, you do not look well. Are the maesters treating you well? If you wish I can call upon my healers from Essos.” You offered putting your hand over his. 
„The maesters are taking great care of his grace. They do best they can.” Alicent butted in. 
„Perhaps their best isn’t enough.” Your husband snipped staring with wide eyes at his brother’s worsening condition. 
„Hush now husband I am sure the maesters are… healing our brother to the best of their abilities. Even if they are not enough.” 
„And your children, your highness?” Otto muttered chanting the subject „Happy news reached King’s Ladning that new dragons hatched.” 
„Yes, lord hand. Five dragons indeed hatched.” 
„And since when are you interested in dragon, Otto? I remember you said they are an abomination to your gods.” Daemon carelessly said. You tried to surpress a chuckle. Viserys through his hazines glanced disappointed at Otto. 
„Speaking of children, your graces we must return to them.” 
„And where is Aegon? He has not come greet me or his lord father.” Alicent questioned accusatory.  
„Aegon is with his cousins.” Your brother answered for you. 
„So you saddle him with taking care of babes, now?” The green Queen made a snide comment. 
„Oh not at all, your grace. He is simply offering his comforts to Baela and Rhaena. After all they just lost and uncle.” You intertwined your arm with Daemon. 
„I see.” She only muttered and the two of you left, returning to your children’s side. 
„Have you seen him? He looks like the stranger is eating him alive.” You whispered to Daemon, he nodded and squeezed you hand reassuringly. 
„The greens are ordering the maesters to be worsening his condition.” 
„We need our healers to take a look at him.” 
„And what if they don’t do anything?” 
You stayed quiet, consumed by thoughts on how to turn this situation in your favor. 
„What are you thinking of?” 
„Do you remember when our grandsire named father his hand when he was too sick to rule?” 
„You do not think..?” 
You nodded at your brother. 
„Viserys is sick, the greens control the throne. Rhaenyra is his heir, she should become her fathers regent and wear his crown.” 
The two children of Baelon the brave stared at Rhaenyra from afar. She and her children stood alone amongs the cliffs and salty sea. 
„It could work, but Otto is still hand. He will go against this, the council will side with him.” Daemon noticed, caressing your hand affectionately. 
„Then we have to think of a way to find new members of the small council, those who will be unwaveringly loyal to ’Nyra. And us of course. Still we have to get rid of Otto somehow, name a new hand.” 
„Corlys…He hates the greens as much as we do. His house is the richest in the seven kingdoms. He is old and experienced.” 
Your eyes widened surprised. 
„You would not want to be hand? I know you pestered Viserys for that position.” 
„I used to, but we would have to move to King’s Landing. I do not want to leave the Stepstones, I do not want our children to be raised there. At least on Bloodstone we are the rulers of our own lives, Baela and Rhaena are happy there and so is Aegon.” 
„You have changed.” You stated, a warm feeling spread in your insides. 
„Does my wife, enjoy it?” He teasingly questioned placing his large palms on your waist. 
„Very much so.” You smiled leaning into his warm embrace. 
„Your highness.” Annora approached the two of you with Aerion in her arms. He was fussing, you could see tears stain his chubby cheeks. „I’m sorry but he could not stop crying.” 
„It is fine, thank you.” You answered taking Aerion, he will be turning one soon.
„You coddle him.” Daemon stated taking him from your arms and into his. You could see that he started to wiggle in discomfort.
„Maybe he’s hungry.” You said feeling your sore breasts. 
„No, he is spoilt. You always hold him, you didn’t do that with Baelon or Vhaenor.” 
„It’s just… he’s so small.” 
„He’s healthy, my love. He’ll be fine without your embrace for a while.” Your husband answered keeping Aerion in his arms. 
You walked with Daemon through castle Driftmark. A dreary seat, even more than Dragonstone. Your children were taken to a spare nursery, that left you and Daemon in your temporary chambers. 
You sighed and begun to unlace the black mourning dress with silver accents. 
„Do you need help?” Daemon approached you from behind, without and answer he began to unlace the bodice and dress. 
„I need to change into something more comfortable.” You announced „This dress squeezes my breasts and I cannot take it anymore.” 
„Perhaps you are due to a visit to the tailor?” Daemon muttered sliding the fabric off your body. You raised your silver eyebrow. 
„Are you saying I’m too fat for my dresses?” 
„No, your tits are too big to fit in that dress. Although I do like to see them spill out of your cleavage. Perhaps I was wrong to mention a tailor.” Your husband teased caressing the side of your breast with his thumb. 
„I wasn’t so big after Vhaenor…” You stated staring at yourself in the mirror. 
„You aren’t big, y/n.” 
„Do you want more children?” You questioned turning to face Daemon, dressed in cotton underdress. 
„I want as many children as you will give me.” He leaned against your forehead. 
„A girl, then.” 
„A girl?” Daemon pressed a kiss to your neck, his hands roamed over your body. „As you wish, wife.” 
You slept comfortably tangled in Daemon’s arms, the bed was not as comfortable as the one you shared on Bloodstone. A knock stirred you out of sleep, you tried to ignore the sound but it was persistent. You groaned and wrapped your body in a silver robe and opened the door. 
„Aegon? What has happened so early?” You questioned leaning on the door frame. 
„His grace invited you and your family to break fast together.” He nervously said. 
„In an hour or so.” 
„Why are you telling me this? You are not a servant.” 
„I’m… What if they order me to return with them?” You sighed at his broken heart expression, you wrapped him in your arms and caressed his messy silver gold hair. 
„I will fight to keep you with me.” You answers pressing a kiss to his temple. 
„I promise. Now go back to your chambers and dress, preferably in black it is a funeral after all.” 
He nodded and skipped off to your chambers, you sighed and pressed your hand against your forehead. It was too early for political warfare, you felt tired and a bit sore from the strenuous activities of the night before. 
You walked over to the bed where your husband laid, his naked back spread comfortably over the bed. 
„Daemon.” You nudged him, he groaned and turned away from you, you chuckled and sat on his abdomen keeping him in place. „Daemon.” You  whispered into his ear.
„hmm?” He murmured waking from sleep. 
„We are invited to break fast with our brother.” 
„How do you expect me to leave when I have you on top of me?” He cheekily said, your cheeks warmed and you felt him growing hard under you. 
„We do not have time…” You whispered. 
Your black dress with embroidered red dragon’s breath swayed with your movement. The long sleeves of the dress were in Baelon’s clutches as he walked next to you unsure. He did not like castle Driftmark nor did he like the sea. 
„Your highness.” Ser Erryk and Arryk Cargyll bowed as they guarded the King’s chambers. 
„Sers.” You answered and entered your brothers room with your family. 
Viserys barely lucid sat at a round table in the corner of the room, a weird smelling incense was burning in the chambers. 
You kissed his healthier cheek and took a place on his right, Daemon to his left. 
„Where is Alicent and the children?” You questioned. 
„It will be just us, my siblings.” He wheezed back, motioning for the servant to bring the food. 
„What is that smell?” Daemon asked sniffing the air. 
„Oh it is- it is an ailment the maesters prescribed.” Your brother answered breathlessly, you nodded at Daemon to put out the poison and open the windows. 
„I’m afraid it’s making the children a bit queasy, you do not mind if we open the windows?” You took Viserys’s hand in yours. He simply nodded and glanced at your eldest, Baelon. 
„And how are you, my nephew?” Viserys asked, the two boys looked at him unsure. Aerion stayed in the nursery. 
„I’m well, your grace.” The four year old answered playing with the hem of his doublet under the table. 
„There is…no need to call me your grace. I am your uncle you may adres me as such.” Your brother said, you smiled seeing the love he held for his family. „I heard you have a dragon.” 
„Yes! I call him Aegarax, he’s brave like Darren!” Baelon exclaimed happy to talk about his hatchling, simply forgetting the uneasiness he felt before. 
„You named him right, Baelon a strong name.” He turned to you. 
„Thank you, I do not remember our father but the stories grandsire told me of him makes me feel as if I did get to know him.” 
„And where is the babe?” He questioned. 
„In his nursery.” Daemon answered. 
„Viserys… do you think it well to name a regent?” You gently coaxed him into the new topic. 
„Regent? Otto is my hand, he does well in my absence.” His grace wheezed. 
„And how often does he rule in your absence. I’ve been hearing that he sits the throne every day.” Daemon a bit more harsh added. 
„My sickness keeps me abed most days, yes.” 
„Even the greatest Kings get sick or old and they need help. Their family’s help. Remember Jaehaerys? He named Baelon his hand and regent.” 
„Yes, father was an excellent hand despite his short time serving the role.” Viserys agreed. You noticed that once the incense cleared your brother seemed to get a bit better. More lucid. 
„Rhaenyra is your heir, you should let her take more responsibility. She is after all the future Queen.” 
Viserys pondered for a moment, he glanced at you then at Daemon. 
„Perhaps you are right…” He admitted. „I will have to talk with the council of this change.”
You sent a small smile in your husbands direction, he returned the gesture smugly. The Hightowers have controlled the throne far too long, as true dragons it was your duty to stop their rule.
The bigger problem however was Alicent Hightower, you couldn't dismiss a Queen as easily as a Hand. You knew Viserys never loved her, he may hold some affection for her but it couldn't compare to the feelings he held for Aemma.
"Have you thought of Aegon returning to King's Landing?" You suddenly asked, your brother raised his eyebrow. It is as if he just remembered he has a son.
"Oh yes... Aegon."
"He's turning into a man soon, brother." Daemon added.
"I suppose he is... what is the issue then?"
"Aegon doesn't want to return to the Red Keep." You stated matter of factly.
"Why wouldn't he? His siblings and mother are there." He said unaware.
"That castle is a viper's den, it is no surprise a boy of only five and ten wouldn't want to stay there. After he was raised for over a decade in a loving home."
"Alicent is his mother it is her choice in the end."
"You are the King, Viserys. I'm sure it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for you to have the last say. I'm sure Aegon would be thankful." You stated
"I..." He wheezed "Bring him." He ordered.
Aegon dressed in a black doublet and trousers, the cape on his shoulders was of a deep crimson.
"Your grace." He bowed his head slightly at his sitting father "Aunt, Uncle."
"Aegon, sit." He ordered, the boy took a seat next to his little cousins. You smiled symphatically at Aegon as he uncomfortably cowered under Viserys's gaze. "I have heard you wish to stay with your aunt and uncle, is this true?"
"...Yes, father." He nodded unsure.
"I see no reason to-" Viserys was cut off in the middle of the sentence, the doors opened and Alicent stepped in the chambers. Her dark green dress flowing after he movements.
"Husband, son. Princess y/n, Prince Daemon." She was out of breath as she acknowledged your presence.
"Alicent." Viserys wheezed "What are you doing here? I... I didn't call for you."
"I came to see my son." Aegon tensed at his mothers words.
"We have just been talking of extending his wardship." Viserys answered and in that moment you wanted to commit treason and strangle your brother for his idiocy.
"What?" She asked in disbelief.
"I wish to stay with my aunt and uncle, your grace." Aegon meekly said.
"That is out of the question. Your wardship has come to an end, there is no reason for you to stay on that rock any longer."
"Lady Mother-" He wanted to speak but Alicent silenced him with a flick of her wrist.
"And you would allow this?" She glared at Viserys "For them to take away my son from me? Again?"
"I am not taken away anywhere, I want to remain with my cousins and aunt." Aegon explained but Alicent ignored his pleas.
"Aegon..." You whispered to the boy who had tears in his eyes.
"Don't you see Viserys! She has raised my son! Poisoned him against me, and his family!"
"Alicent! Mind your tongue. My sister has done and admirable job at raising Aegon, you should be thanking her instead of spitting such vile accusations." Viserys said angrily glaring at his Hightower wife. "If it is Aegon's wish to remain in the stepsons he may do so until his eight and tenth birthday when he shall return to King's Landing."
"My King-" Alicent tried to speak.
"My decision is final, Alicent."
King Viserys's health has deteriorated over the years making him incapable of sitting the throne. He named his heir Princess Rhaenyra regent until he would be able to rule once more. Many believe that is is Princess y/n and Prince Daemon's doing for the realm delight to sit the throne. - From the dragon bringer by the feather and quill of Grand Maester Roland.
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afewproblems · 1 year
Season Two Halloween AU Part Eight
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six Part Seven
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
As always, thank you thank you to the lovely Jess @strangersteddierthings for letting me brainstorm and send spoilers!
Eddie pulls gently on the strap of Dustin's safety goggles, trying as much as he can not to snag his curls in the process.
Almost everyone is decked out in their make-shift protective gear, with bandanas over their mouths, swim goggles --hell, even an old diving mask that Lucas found in the Byers basement. Mike won the painters mask, even though it's slightly too big on his little face.
When Eddie asks if all of this is really necessary, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all glare ferociously at him before shouting over top of one another about how the Upside Down is toxic and that Will had been lucky last year, and to stop being an idiot. 
Eddie looks to Max who shrugs and pulls down her own swimming goggles over her eyes.
"Don't look at me, I'm new here remember?" She mutters, walking towards the pile of various items the kids brought with them. She grabs a pair of rubber gloves and tosses them at Eddie who manages to catch one while the other falls limply into the dirt.
"They went in full body suits last year, on oxygen, to save Will," Dustin adds, his voice slightly muffled by the floral scarf wrapped around his face, "as little exposed skin as you can, it isn't safe".
Eddie can't help but picture the last Sci-Fi pulp story he read in a zine with government conspiracies and men in yellow suits investigating supposed 'crash sites' in the desert. 
He shivers and pulls his own black bandana from his back pocket to put on.
Steve hasn't moved since they parked and hauled everything out of the van for their descent.
He sits in the sliding side door of the van with his head between his knees and the bat between his hands. Steve had insisted on coming with them, despite the fact that he'd only just managed to stop vomiting about five minutes ago and the nausea is still kicking his ass.
Stubborn idiot.
Eddie shakes his head as he turns back to Dustin to find the kid has wandered closer, standing right beside him now.
"He's dating Nancy," Dustin says quietly, tipping his head towards Steve as surreptitiously as he can.
Eddie freezes at the words and tries to keep his face blank in the way he's seen Steve do, he's not sure he's managed it but the way Dustin rolls his eyes. 
Eddie opens his mouth to respond, with what he isn't sure of given the chorus of shitshitshitshitshit playing on a loop in his head. 
Dustin beats him to it.
"But Mike told me they've been fighting lately, if it helps?" 
Eddie just stares, his mind running a mile a minute, his eyes search Dustin's face for any hint of malice or disgust. But there's nothing.
"You don't…care?" Eddie says slowly, softly, he looks around to the other kids to see if anyone else is listening.
They all continue to argue and bicker over the equipment  except for Max who has walked over to Steve to hand him a pair of rubber gloves. She leans down and tilts her head to look at Steve who still hasn't moved from his position in the van door. 
Dustin shrugs, "why should I? I know what people say about it, but you protected us, you stayed," he looks at Eddie with fierce blue eyes, "bullies talk a lot of shit about other people for what they like".
"And you're not bad Eddie, you're good, just like everyone here". 
Eddie blinks trying to ignore the tightness in his chest at the words and the sting behind his eyes. 
'You're a good kid Ed, that's all that matters,' Wayne had told him the day he came out. 'And I'll love you no matter what'.
So that was at least two people who didn't think he was the town 'freak' -- but a stubborn image of Steve's expression that night by the pool comes to mind as he vehemently argued against being scared of Eddie during the now infamous Halloween party.
Three people then.
"If it helps, he wouldn't shut up about Dallas after he and Nance watched the Outsiders last year so," Dustin shrugs again, this time with the slightest teasing grin. 
Eddie is overcome with such a strong feeling of fondness for the kid that he reaches out and pulls Dustin into a one armed hug that's really more of a headlock than anything else. Eddie takes off Dustin's hat to ruffle his hair before putting it back on and tugging it down over the kids eyes, he snorts at the squawk that Dustin makes in response.
"Dallas huh?" he says with a grin before clearing his throat, "I've always been more partial to a pretty boy myself". 
He laughs as Dustin pushes him off muttering under his breath, "everyone's obsessed with relationships," which only makes Eddie laugh harder. 
Maybe it's the hysteria of the situation, maybe it's the exhaustion loosely wrapping itself around his hands, but in this moment Eddie lets himself push away why they are standing in the middle of this field in the pitch dark, and lets himself reach out for what was previously impossible.
He claps Dustin on the back and tips his head towards the rest of the party getting ready. 
"How distracting can you be?" Eddie asks in a low conspiratorial voice.
Dustin frowns, his eyes dart from where Max is struggling to pull on a second blue rubber glove after getting the first one on to where Steve is finally managing to sit up in the van, pulling on the gloves Max left him with, and rolls his eyes again.
"Yeah, yeah, you get five minutes," Dustin drops his voice slightly, and if it's an imitation of Eddie barking orders at the kids earlier, it's pretty good actually. 
Eddie huffs and sends Dustin a wink before turning on his heel and making his way to the van.
Steve has managed to finally sit up properly and in the moonlight it appears that the green caste to his face is also gone. He looks up as Eddie approaches, and sends him a wane smile. 
"How you feeling?" Eddie says softly. He crouches down on the balls of his feet so he and Steve are at eye level and reaches out for his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. It's as though a dam has burst ever since he was able to gather Steve in his arms in the van, he can't stop reaching out for him. 
"Like my head has a pulse," Steve answers after a moment, "kinda how it felt after Jon cleaned my clock last year, but worse". 
He shrugs and gives Eddie a small smile that stretches his split lip until a small bead of red appears, Steve winces and swipes his hand over the cut, "I'm kinda hoping it doesn't become a yearly thing, you only get so many concussions ya know?" 
No Eddie doesn’t know, but he was also never a jock, dodging elbows, or balls, or apparently monsters in the woods on the regular.
He looks back at the kids, only to see Dustin pointing at the watch on his wrist; even in the dark Eddie can read Dustin's expression.
Hurry up.
Eddie swallows roughly and turns back to Steve, who doesn't move his gaze quickly enough to hide his own stare.
The wistful pinch of Steve's brow is still there, plain as day, and it cements Eddie's decision.
He leans closer, close enough that his nose is nearly touching Steve's own.
"I need to tell you something, and I need you to let me get through it because we don't have a lot of time, okay?" 
Steve blinks once, his wide hazel eyes search Eddie's face as he slowly nods, his mouth opens but Eddie reaches up and presses his palm to gently cover it.
"You caught me off guard before," he whispers quickly, before Steve can move the hand on his mouth, "when you told me about your Nonna". 
He sees Steve's eyes go even wider and feels him freeze under his hand, but he has to keep going. 
"And I thought, you couldn't possibly be saying what I thought you'd were saying, I couldn't--"
Eddie forces himself to meet Steve's gaze this time, as though he could simply transfer his thoughts directly, save himself the embarrassment of trying to make the words come.
He takes a deep breath in, releasing it slowly through his nose.
"I couldn't let myself hope, not then".
"But when I thought you were dead on the floor, that Billy had broken you into a million pieces and we would never be able to put you back together again and I realized," Eddie moves his hand now, letting it travel along Steve's jaw, to the back of his head. He swipes his thumb along the crest of Steve's cheekbone and tries not to let the way the other man holds his breath deter him.
"That I might not get another chance to be that person your Nonna told you about, if I didn't tell you how I felt". 
Steve blinks again and Eddie halts, letting go of Steve completely as he watches the wide hazel eyes grow shiny in the moonlight. 
Oh fuck.
Steve's nose flares slightly with how rapidly he's breathing and his mouth opens and closes in quick succession as he seems to struggle to find the words to respond.
"Steve! Eddie!" Mike calls out from behind them, "we are running out of time! Let's go!" 
Eddie curses under his breath and whirls around; Mike stands at the edge of the cavern, his hands on his hips in a similar position to one Steve held earlier, the painter's mask pulled up to reveal the irritated frown on his face.
Dustin has his own face in his hand but looks up soon enough to offer Eddie a resigned shrug.
He catches Max watching the exchange with curious eyes, her face tilting between Eddie, Dustin, Mike, and Steve, but he can't think about that now. 
Not with Steve pushing himself up from the van on unsteady legs, he brushes past Eddie, reaching up with a shaking hand to pinch his nose. 
Eddie darts a hand out to catch Steve's elbow, halting his path.
Steve lets him.
Eddie takes a step closer, wracking his brain, trying to figure out what he could have said to make Steve so upset, had he read him wrong after all, had he overstepped somehow?
"Steve," he says softly, his grip on Steve's elbow is loose but steady as he pulls him closer.
Steve doesn't turn to look at Eddie but he doesn't move away either.
"What the hell is the hold up assholes!" Mike barks out again and Eddie lets himself throw a dirty glare at the kid, which Mike merely rolls his eyes at. 
The attitude on these kids.
Mike does eventually turn, pulled by Dustin, back to the rope that Lucas is securing to the nearby fencepost, hopefully distracted for long enough to let Eddie figure this out. 
But before he can say anything, Steve is pulling himself away from the grip on his elbow, “Eddie--”
"Please,” the word falls out of his mouth, desperate, louder than he wants, “please Steve, just, promise me we'll talk”.
Steve turns his face slightly, just enough that Eddie knows he sees him. 
His eyes are no longer wet, but still red rimmed, his nose slightly pink, the same way he looked that night at the halloween party sitting on that rock in the dark. 
“Okay,” Steve whispers into the night air, quickly and quietly before he presses forward. 
Eddie lets him go, his empty hand drops limply at his side as he watches Steve make his way back to the kids. He snatches an unused pair of goggles from the nearly empty pile on the ground and checks the post where Lucas had secured the rope. 
Eddie watches from the sidelines as Steve seamlessly moves back into Babysitter mode, and while some part of Eddie is relieved at this, he can’t help but miss the way it felt to hold Steve, to put him back together again. 
Even if it was just for a moment.
Part Nine Now Up!
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thespiritssaidso · 21 days
The Psychic Went Down To Gravity Falls 
Chapter one: Gus, Don’t Be Our Flight That Got Delayed
Summary: One strong storm is all it takes to keep Shawn and Gus from leaving the airport in Prineville, Oregon. Thankfully, Shawn knows just the place they can visit while they wait for it to pass. 
Notes: it was only a matter of time before I wrote a crossover between Gravity Falls and Psych. especially with the recent surge in activity thanks to the Book of Bill. 
Also the title is a play on words from ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’
And before you come at me about the airport, i haven’t been on a plane a couple years or so. I’m going off of memory right now. Please give me some slack. 
Autumn of 1984, Gravity Falls, Oregon
The bell attached to the door of the diner jingled, signaling another patron entering. Outside was windy, a cool breeze blowing through the town. But inside was cozy and sparse. 
Henry leaned back just the booth across from Shawn. “Chocolate chip pancakes? Kid, you just devoured an entire plate of scrambled eggs and hash browns!” 
“But Dad! I’m still hungry!” He wasn’t actually. But the waitress — Susan. He’d seen her name tag when they came in — had walked by, carrying a plate full of steaming hot delicious pancakes. And suddenly all Shawn could think about was sinking his teeth into the soft sweet cake. 
Henry could only sigh. “Okay then. Close your eyes.” 
“Dad, seriously?”
“Do you want those pancakes or not?” 
Shawn groaned, and covered up his eyes. He hated this game. The first few times were fun, like a little challenge. But it immediately became boring after the fifth game when Henry docked points for calling a beanie a floppy hat. 
“Now, what was the waitress’s name?” 
That one was easy. “Susan.” 
“Good. What color is her eyeshadow?” 
“Her what?” 
“The colorful makeup on her eyelids.” 
It took him a bit of thinking, then- “Blue!” 
“Not bad. How many people are here?” 
This one was a little trickier. He pushed at his memory, pressing for a clearer picture of the diner just before he’d closed his eyes. A brunette with her hair in a side ponytail, an older couple wearing matching name tags labeled ‘Ma’ and ‘Pa’ (a little strange, but who was he to judge), some blond dude with a terrible mullet and sunglasses despite being indoors…
‘Come on, there’s one more guy, I know it!’ He kept pushing harder and harder until finally a crystal clear image of a man wearing a tan trench coat sitting at the bar who was turned halfway to listen in on Shawn and Henry’s conversation came up in his mind’s eye.
There. He had them all. So he began pointing them out to his dad, eyes still shut tight. “There’s a lady behind you with some weird side ponytail. That’s one. Mr. Pa and Mrs. Ma over there make three. Biker guy just went to the bathroom, so he’s number four.” He’d caught the sound of stomping biker boots walking by them and took a wild guess. “And then the weird guy sitting on the stool right next to us makes five.” 
Slow clapping came from his right. Not the demeaning kind of clap, the impressed kind. “That’s quite the trick you’ve got there.” 
Shawn looked to see who spoke and saw the man in the trench coat he’d mentioned just a few seconds ago. 
“Sure does, he’s got that eidetic memory from me. And one day he’s going to take my place and become a police officer and put those skills to good use.” 
The stranger raised his eyebrows and smiled, almost like he knew something they didn’t. “Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Stanford Pines.” ‘Stanford’ held out a hand, which Henry took in his own and shook. 
“Henry Spencer, and this is my son Shawn.” 
Shawn looked at the hand shaking his father’s and couldn’t help but exclaim, “Woah! You’ve got six fingers!” 
“Shawn-” Henry began to berate his son. 
“No no, it’s okay. He’s curious, as most kids are. I’m just glad to see that this one isn’t ridiculing me for it.” He laughed to himself. “Well, I best be off. Research waits for no one.” And he was gone, just like that. 
Without hesitation, Shawn turned back to Henry. “Can I have those pancakes now?”
“What, Shawn.” 
“I’m bored.” 
“That’s the fifth time you’ve said that!” 
“I’m still bored.”
“I gave you a coloring book, use that.” 
“All I have is a pencil. I can’t color in black and white, I need to use other colors! Like red, and green, and yellow.” 
“Oh my god…” 
Shawn twisted uncomfortably in his seat. Gus and him had been sitting at the gate for their plane approximately thirty minutes, but to Shawn it had felt like hours. He slowly slid down until his head was on the back of the shitty airport chair and his back was on the seat. 
Outside through the big glass windows, the afternoon sun illuminated the planes taking off and landing. Its rays bounced off the shiny metal and glared brightly directly into Shawn’s eyes as he looked out. He didn’t feel like moving his head. 
This had been their first layover of the trip, and hopefully the only one. Shawn didn’t know if he could take any more waiting.  
The whole vacation so far had been boring. Gus had taken Shawn on a trip to visit his uncle Burton — although Gus would argue that he’d originally tried to dissuade Shawn from coming before eventually giving in to his pleas to go with Gus. They, for once, didn’t witness a murder. So that meant the whole three days were spent doing grownup stuff. Touring the local art museum, watching some boring movie at the theatre Uncle Burton wanted to see. Shawn was regretting coming with Gus. 
Gus clicked his tongue at Shawn’s immaturity. “Sit up, you look ridiculous.” 
Shawn did so. Not because Gus told him to, but because his position was starting to strain his neck. He was also starting to gather a few stares from the other people waiting, not that that really mattered to him. 
Just when he thought he couldn’t wait any longer, a flight attendant grabbed a small intercom. As she spoke, her voice echoed through speakers just above their heads. “Attention all passengers of flight AA609 at gate B19: we’re sorry to inform that this flight has been permanently delayed due to severe weather occurring all over northern California. We apologize for this inconvenience and will be compensating anyone who missed this flight with a free overnight stay at our airport hotel while you wait for the next available flight tomorrow. We’ll also be offering maps of Prineville with popular tourist locations marked for you to visit during your extended stay.”
Shawn’s felt a small shock in his brain at the mention of the city name ‘Prineville’. He ignored the feeling and moaned in disappointment at the announcement — along with other passengers — and dramatically dragged his hands down his face as Gus stood up to grab the map the flight attendant had mentioned. Great. A whole nother day of not being at the psych office and solving murders.  
“This is dumb.” Shawn immediately began to complain the moment Gus sat back down beside him. “Why can’t the airplane just go around the storm?” 
Gus didn’t look up from the map. “That’s not how it works. And I know you know that.” 
“Mnh, yeah.” 
Gus tutted as he looked at the different areas marked on the map. “Doesn’t look like there’s much to do here in Prineville. Maybe we’d be better off just renting a car and risk driving back to Santa Barbara.”
There was that shock again. Like he knew the place or something. He could practically feel old memories resurfacing. As the cogs in his brain turned automatically, Shawn sat up. “Hold on, where’d you say we were?” 
“Prineville Oregon airport-”
“Gus let me see that map.” 
“Shawn- why do you need the map?” 
He didn’t answer, instead looking intently at the small map of the city they’d found themselves in. Prineville, why did he feel like he knew this place…
Shawn scanned the map, looking for details that stuck out to him. Finally, his eyes wandered to the edge of the page and saw- “Yes! That’s why Prineville sounded familiar!”
Gus leaned over to see what his friend was seeing. “What? What is it?” 
Shawn poked at a town just off the edge of the Prineville map, written in small italicized letters. “This is where I got my third job, after I got fired from my second job as a confectioner because I kept eating all the blue raspberry hard candy.” He missed that job. His tongue was stained blue for days after he’d left Prineville and moved on to the next town. 
He continued. “Some old conman hired me as the cashier for his tourist trap.” A conman that kept lots of secrets, to be more specific. For instance: a hidden lab behind the vending machine, not to mention the many fake IDs he’d found while snooping through the tiny room in the back where the security camera monitor was kept. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. He’d found all this in the first week there. Shawn was fired, of course, but he kept coming in to work anyway. Stan never stopped him. Something about ‘liking his gumption’ or some other old-person saying. 
Shawn remembered that town very well. He’d been poring over a larger map of the counties surrounding Prineville right after he’d been fired, trying to look for any cities that sounded fun. He didn’t have to look too long, as he almost immediately found a little town called Gravity Falls — a pretty goofy name, if Shawn was being honest — just next to Prineville. It was like destiny, at the moment. His eyes had been drawn to that fine print on the map like a magnet. 
When he’d eventually made it there, his first stop was Greasy’s Diner to see if there was an opening for a server, or a cook. But he was turned down, Lazy Susan informing him that they weren’t currently looking for any new hires. Thankfully, a familiar face had overheard his conversation and introduced himself as Stanford Pines. 
At least, he had only seemed familiar at first. He looked exactly like the man he’d met when he was six, except a lot older. The only difference was that the guy from all those years ago had six fingers, something that Shawn’s impeccable memory locked in on firmly. But this guy had the normal amount of five fingers. A twin, maybe? He had to be. But if that was true, then why was he going by the same name as his brother? 
Shawn didn’t ask, simply listening to the man’s offer to give him a job as a cashier at his tourist trap: The Mystery Shack. If he got the job, he could do a lot more digging in the place it all started. 
“Tourist trap?” 
“Yeah, he’d filled it with the weirdest stuff. I think there was a stuffed beaver with a duck head stapled to its neck at one point.” As well as other, generally stranger things. Most notably the jar of fake eyeballs sitting permanently on the cashier countertop that always seemed to be looking at him.
“I’m pretty sure that violates at least three animal conservation laws.” 
“Trust me, he had weirder stuff there.” Like a huge skull that probably belonged to a t-rex sitting dejectedly in the living room. “Anyways, we can go visit Gravity Falls while we wait! They might still have that arcade full of knockoff games. The old townspeople could still be there, or at least their kids.” 
“Nuh uh, Shawn. The last time we went to a small town in the middle of nowhere, we almost got killed in a burning building! Not to mention I was probably the only black dude there. And the people were just freaky.” 
“We also had delicious cinnamon pie, if memory serves me right.” 
“That’s not the point. There is no way you’re going to convince me to visit some old town you used to work at.” 
Shawn stayed silent for a second, then an idea popped into his head. He smiled mischievously at Gus. “What if I said Gravity Falls is best known for…” he paused dramatically. “…cryptids?” 
Gus’ eyebrows slowly rose up in interest. “What kind of cryptids?”
“All kinds of ‘em! They’re all fake, especially the ones Stan has in his shop, but there’s tons of local legends! Like the Gobblewonker-” 
Gus physically recoiled at the name. “The what?!” 
“It’s their version of the Loch Ness monster. But you get the point. That’s just one of the creatures they’ve got! We can go and get first-hand stories from the people living there. Whaddya say?”
Gus went quiet, thinking to himself for a moment as he stared at the map. “Why’d you leave if this place was so cool?” 
Shawn faltered. Why did he leave? Because he didn’t want to, is why. He came and stayed and didn’t feel like leaving. Ever. And that scared him. Shawn was always on his feet, moving around and traveling wherever the winds took him. This feeling, it wasn’t like anything he’d felt before. It was deep inside of him, keeping him there and making him feel safe. If he’d stayed any longer he’d probably have become rooted into that small town, never wanting to leave, never wanting to go home. 
That first night away from Gravity Falls was almost torture. It was as if he’d somehow become addictedto living in the small town and was experiencing withdrawal. It had taken everything in him to not go rushing back.
Now that he thought about it, maybe he’d just been paranoid the whole time. It was his first year away from California, of course everything new was going to seem a little scary or strange. And besides, it had been at least 16 years (Jesus, well over a decade already? Shawn was getting old) since he left Gravity Falls. Maybe he was remembering it wrong, maybe it had just been a really nice — albeit kooky — town that he’d gotten bored of. Small relapses in his memory did in fact happen to him, as surprising as it may be. It just didn’t happen often. His mind was practically a steel trap, but even Shawn could admit that some steel traps had a flaw in them here or there. He hated it when a memory managed to find one of those little flaws.
Shawn just smiled at Gus. “I got bored. And Stan tried to get me to wear some weird man-bull costume and sit on a pedestal for tourists to look at.”
Gus scrunched his face. “That’s messed up. You sure you want to go back there?”
Did he? Sure he had fun there. Those tourists were ridiculously easy to prank and mess around with. The Mystery Shack was a testament to that. But there was something about that town that made him feel… different. Not necessarily bad different, but not a good different either. 
He looked at the map once more and viewed the spots circled in red, then over to the edge where the name Gravity Falls was written. Shawn had made up his mind. “Yeah, it’ll be fun! Now that I’m not working there we could mess with the new employees. And I know the secret trick to getting free snacks from the vending machine.”
“You had me at free snacks.” Gus grabbed his phone from his pocket. “I’m calling us a cab to take us to the nearest car rental.” 
Shawn pumped his fist in excitement. After years away from it, he was going back to Gravity Falls. And this time, Gus would be with him. What could go wrong?
Notes: Disclaimer: Gravity Falls isn’t actually near Prineville. It’s not near anything, because it’s fictional. I looked at the made-up map from the show and compared it to a real one of Oregon. And then I picked a city that was closest to where Gravity Falls was. Which was Prineville. 
ao3 link
Chapter 2
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Holiday Loving (Patri Guijarro x Reader)
One of my new favourites!!! Loved writing for someone different. Loved writing this, with help from these requests (1, 2, 3) and this picture. TW: mentions of body image issues, suggestive language. Requests open!
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The season finally drew to a close and despite the disappointment of the Champions League final you were determined to relax for a week in Ibiza before you had to start the preparation for the European Championships with Spain. Of course you were thankful that you got to play football for a living but if there’s one thing you loved most in the world about your job it was the people you’ve met because of it.
You’d been at Barcelona since you were 19 and they’d the best five years of your life. Like everyone always said, you were more than a football team, it was a family, a group of individuals who gave their all to each other every day.
Within that you had your own little mini family in Claudia, Leila and Patri. Claudia and Leila could only be described as your sisters and best friends, annoying but loving all the time. Patri was different, you’d always had quite an affectionate friendship but you knew you were destined to be more than just friends. The two of you had finally made the leap and began dating almost two years ago after finally ‘growing some balls’ as Mapi put it. With football however and the ever-changing pandemic you’d never been able to go away together, until now.
Which is what led you to Ibiza with the three of them, boarding a small yacht ready to spend the day in the sun along with some of Leila’s other friends.
“You ok?” Patri whispered in your ear as the four of you sat in the little lounge area, your back to her front as you sat between her legs, light kisses being peppered along your ear. “You’re quiet.”
“Tired.” This was your first day out with everyone as you’d spent the first day of the holiday as just the two of you, leading to quite a late night.
“Sleep baby, I’ll wake you up when we stop.”
Patri gently stroked your hair as you fell asleep facing the seat, almost cuddling her leg as you slumped down so your head rested on her chest. She could have been watching the blue water surrounding them but she found you much more interesting, watching as your face scrunched up every so often, as your leg naturally wrapped around her own. She could do this forever even if she already had every part of your body memorised in her head forever.
“Hola.” The silence was broken as Claudia roughly sat down next to Patri, earning an immediate scowl from her teammate.
“Shh, she’s asleep. Don’t wake her up”
“Woah, I wasn’t going to.” The younger girl settled down, dropping into a whisper to stay with her friend. “Why didn’t you come out last night?”
The plan was to have the day to yourselves and then join up with the rest of the group but you’d cancelled on the club at the last minute. “We were planning on coming but then we ended up in this little town and found this cute little restaurant. Just didn’t want to leave.” Patri recited the little story you’d come up with.
Claudia though saw straight through it. “More like you couldn’t get out of bed, no wonder she can’t keep her eyes open.”
“Don’t be jealous Claudia.” You whispered, forcing both eyes to look down on you as your arm snaked around Patri’s waist under her cover up. “You’d be the same if your girlfriend was as hot as mine.”
“You two make me sick.” Claudia said as she observed the hand resting very low on your back. The disgust in her voice though couldn’t disguise the smile on her face as she watched you interact. “You know even though I love you both I never signed up for this.”
“You love us really.” You reached up with your other hand to pinch her cheeks. “Also I specifically remember you pushing us to go on that date so you can’t back track now.”
She couldn’t deny that one, moving closer so she could wrap her arms around you both. “I love you both, just don’t be having sex on this boat.”
“Yeah I don’t think that’s going to happen.”
Once the boat had stopped moving and settled in the middle of the ocean you all made your way up onto the top deck to sunbathe before the food was due to come out.
Through not being able to go on holiday for the past couple of years, you’d forgotten how comfortable Spanish people are around each other and how they all naturally settled for going topless. It wasn’t that you were against this, in fact you would also naturally go to do this, but in the last few years you’d become extremely body conscious. It took a lot for you to be comfortable around Patri and that took a lot of patience and encouragement from her.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Patri sensed your discomfort, wrapping her arm around your shoulder as the two of you sat watching everyone move around. “We can go back downstairs or just keep our tops on.”
“Everyone will just think I’m weird.”
“I promise no-one will care and if anyone does make a comment they’d have me to answer to.” Of course that got a laugh out of you as you knew she was actually the softest person ever off the pitch and hated confrontation. “What do you want to do baby?”
“I’ll just wait till everyone’s settled and then see.” You lied down, Patri leaning over to press her forehead against your own.
“Promise you’re ok? If you don’t feel comfortable then we can go down.”
“I promise I’m fine, you go ahead.” You knew she was used to going topless.
With a final peck of your lips she sat up, slowly taking her over up and bikini top off, almost teasing you as she could see your eyes trained on her body, a smirk on her lips.
“I think I’ve changed my mind, maybe we should go downstairs.”
“Don’t be jealous.” She chucked, remembering the words you had said earlier, lying down on her front so your faces were only inches apart, her hand intertwining with your own. “You know are friends wouldn’t judge you and we’re a bit away from the rest of them. Like they could even judge you, you have an incredible body.”
“It’s true. It’s only my job to remind you how perfect you are in every way.”
Being a footballer you had to be athletic and you couldn’t deny that you did have a good physique. The problem however, at least in your own mind, was that since you were a teenager you have noticed that one of your breasts is noticeably larger than the other.
Of course you had this checked and the doctors have assured you that there is no underlying problem with this but it made you so self-conscious wearing anything that was low cut in public. You’d considered having corrective surgery but you could never justify the recovery time and how it would impact your footballing schedule.
It had taken a while for you to open up about this to Patri when things began to heat up but since you’d told her she never failed to reassure you that it didn’t matter to her. She regularly switched which one was her favourite, sometimes saying the small one deserved more love and sometimes picking the big one for the attention.
Once everyone was settled, with Claudia led on the other side of Patri, you took a few moments to sike yourself up before sitting up to remove your cover up. You could feel Patri’s eyes on you as you then undid the bikini top, letting it fall to the floor as you led down turning over to be on your back.
“I’m so proud of you.” Patri whispered, leaning up to place a delicate kiss on your shoulder.
“I’m only taking my top off.”
“Don’t do that, I know it was a big thing for you.”
“Thank you.” The sincerity clear in your voice as you shifted closer together so your sides were touching. “I love you.”
“I love you too. I think I like the big one better right now.”
“Oh yeah, why that one?”
“Because that’s the one giving me a lot of side boob right now.”
Both of you possessed the love language of touch, spending the next hour just delicately touching the other, grazing your fingers over the other’s back to having your pinkies intertwined. You had the confidence to turn over, knowing everyone around you was a bit tipsy and probably wouldn’t even take notice of you.
As the crowd slowly dissipated and it was only your three close friends up there you became a bit more confident, sitting up to talk to them without reaching for your cover up.
“You look great Y/N.” Leila reassured you, noticing your discomfort and you repeatedly that no-one else was around you.
“Thanks Leila.” Leila was quite a big flirt but it was definitely harmless.
“Don’t look for too long.” Patri said, reaching to pull you between her legs, her hands moving to cup your breasts away from their view. “They’re mine.”
“All yours.” You reassured her, twisting your head to meet her lips. “Always.”
“Again no having sex on the boat.” Claudia repeated. “Come on lets get a tan.”
That night you held up your promise and joined the rest of the group for a meal at a restaurant overlooking the sea.
Even though you were going out with the larger group you had definitely gained some confidence from today, you’d spent most of the time as just the three of you and never felt the need to cover up, so that night you went for a low-cut mini dress.
“Have I mentioned how incredible you look tonight?” Patri whispered as the two of you sat at one end of the long table her hand firmly on your thigh with yours intertwined on top of it, Claudia and Leila opposite the two of you. “Sensational.”
“I think you mentioned it once or twice.” More like five times, since you’d walked out the villa her hands had not left your body.
“Ladies have you decided what you would like?” A waiter appeared next to me, noticing we had put our menus down. “Lovely lady first.”
“Sex on the beach please.” You responded, quickly glancing to Patri to see a blush rising on her face. “The tapas set menu as well.”
The rest of the group gave their orders, Patri simply ordering a vodka and coke, the two of you agreeing to share the tapas.
“Did you not fancy sex on the beach?”
“Maybe later.”
Patri had definitely had a few drinks throughout the day and was edging being tipsy. With that came the wandering hands and frequent displays of affection, as she leading to Patri leaning down to place a kiss on your exposed collarbone. In keeping professional, you shared the occasional hug but you never really shared any displays in front of your teammates.
“You know I think I’ve seen you kiss more times today than the like two years you’ve been together.” Claudia commented as the two of you had another kiss. “Is this why we never go round to your place because you just can’t keep your hands off each other?”
“You wouldn’t be able to either if you had a girlfriend like this.” You commented, also getting a bit tipsy and confident.
“And to think neither of you were going to make a move.” Leila added. “You were both so obvious yet so oblivious at the same time. Now you’re here practically eye-fucking each other.”
“They’re just in love.” Pina teased. “As much as it is weird I do love seeing the both of you so free and happy.”
“Thank you.”
“What’s the plan for after the Euro’s then?” Leila asked.
“We’re spending a few weeks with my family and then Patri’s.” You answered. “A few more weeks in the sun before we get back to business.”
“Got any more tattoos booked in?” That question was obviously directed to Patri, that was one place where you were almost complete opposites. Patri had the love of tattoos whereas you had an extreme phobia of needles.
“Yeah I’ve got one planned here.” Patri pointed to her forearm but in doing so revealed something else.
“Wait what’s that?” Claudia gripped her arm stopping it from moving and pointing to the little words on her wrist.
“Oh yeah I got that last week.”
“What does it say?” Leila and Claudia were currently trying to contort their faces to read the writing upside down before literally getting out of their seat to read it. “’Love you always (Your Initial)’.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the mention of the new addition to her wrist, she had surprised you with it last week, the words permanently now on her skin in your handwriting.
“I think I’m about to be sick.” Claudia faked a gag. “Where has my tough friend gone?”
“She fell in love.” Patri pressed her lips onto yours. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, even if I won’t get it tattooed on my skin.”
“Y/N just has to wait for the wedding ring to have something permanent.” Leila commented but the food came before you could reply to her.
You could feel the stress of your friends on you but you couldn’t care less right now as you just soaked in the holiday atmosphere, feeding each other the odd piece of food whilst continuing to graze each other’s hands. Everything was perfect as Patri leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“You know I think I prefer the smaller one right now.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, it’s definitely giving me a better view right now.”
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@patriguijarro: Found a summer fling and now she won't leave me alone
@claudiapina: You two are disgusting
@y/n: @claudiapina you love us really x
@y/n: my love forever, so thankful for you x
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Losing My Cool
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: shortie short but I’ve already got another part half finished 🤠 fic named after this song
Summary: What do they say about all good things? [1.1k]
Warnings: yearning idiots, probably incorrect interview technique, idk what else
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A PA brings you over to your mark and instructs you to stay there until your name gets called, which seems simple enough, but she stays nearby to make sure you don't wander. It feels a little silly to always have to be babysat, but you brush it off, smoothing your hands down your blue dress and taking deep breaths. You've done late-night shows before, but they still make you nervous, especially since you know just how many people watch them. Ryan sent you a video of Elizabeth sitting in front of the TV, watching an ad for tonight's show, and cheering when she saw your name and face. So, who knows who else might be watching if your five-year-old goddaughter is?
You can hear the introductory remarks, laughter, and applause that come with them, but you miss the voices whisper-arguing behind you. They die down by the time your brain wraps around the sounds and decide to stay focused. And you do. You run through what you want to say about the movie, fun anecdotes, and easy ways to skate around questions about Joel. You feel settled and prepared until familiar hands wrap around your middle, making you jump and turn in his arms. 
"You're gonna get me in trouble," you say, and Joel smirks.
"I had to convince the production assistant to let me come kiss my girlfriend for good luck."
"You're getting fast and loose with that term, huh?" 
"D'you want me to stop?" He asks, his thumbs swiping over your hips, and you shake your head.
"I kinda like it."
"Good," Joel says as the band starts playing, and you push at his shoulders. He quickly kisses you, his hand lingering on your lower back for a second longer than necessary, before rushing away with a mischievous look on his face. "Kick some ass!'
You laugh at the sentiment as your name gets called from the front of the stage, and the curtain opens enough to let you walk through. You smile and wave to the audience members as you walk over and shake Jimmy's hand. "Thank you so much for being here," he says so only you can hear, and you smile. The band vamps until you sit in the plush chair beside his desk and accept the applause when he repeats your name.
"It's so great to see you! You look fantastic!" He says, and you smile as you run your hands over the skirt of your dress.
"Thank you! I'm so happy to be here."
"Well, we are very lucky to have you. You've been a very, very busy lady these past few years. When was the last time you were in New York?" He asks, and you puff out your cheeks as you think.
"At least four or five years."
"And you went to school out here, right?"
"Yeah, I graduated from NYU. I was lucky enough to earn a full ride on a merit-based scholarship which doesn't happen very often, and once I graduated, I did a few projects here in the city before getting my first movie deal out in LA."
"That's amazing! And since then, you have been nonstop. I mean, you are everywhere. And you have a new movie coming out called Red Dirt Girl," he says as he holds up a picture of the movie poster, and the audience cheers at the image. You reach out to boop Lilly's nose and feel yourself smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt, but you're so happy. For once, it feels genuine. "What was it like to work on this film?" 
"It was just the opportunity of a lifetime. We filmed out west around the Colorado-New Mexico border, and I hadn't even been out there, so it was so fun getting to know that area and working with the cast and crew. I mean, it was just like coming to work and having fun for twelve hours a day, and then we all lived in the same building, so we would just keep hanging out, and we got to be really close."
"And the girl who plays your sister, Lilly Porter, is just phenomenal for someone as young as she is. Did you find yourself getting protective of her?" 
"Oh, absolutely. Lilly just turned sixteen about a month ago, but when we were filming, she had just turned fourteen, so she was really young, and I hadn't worked with someone that young that closely. And we had a day where we just sat down and talked for hours, and she's such an old soul, and she's so smart, but, I mean, we both know how hard the industry can be. So, I set her up with people I trust and gave her advice I wish someone had given me. I got really close with her family, and, of course, they are fantastic people as well. So, it was a learning curve for both of us, but she is an amazing, beautiful person, and I'm so lucky that I got to work with her. I totally consider her a little sister now." 
"Which is ironic considering that you guys butt heads so much in this movie."
"Oh, yes, we do."
"Let's take a look at this clip here," he says as a short clip from the movie comes up on the screen behind you. Lilly's character, Sabrina, is arguing with your character, Jo, about getting sent home from school because of her behavior. Lilly perfectly portrays the annoying little sister as she stomps through the house, making sarcastic comments and driving you up the wall. The clip ends with Sabrina telling Jo that she's just like their mother, which obviously, hits Jo right where it hurts. You smile and clap along with the audience as the clip ends. "Wow! I mean, just fantastic! Were those scenes hard to shoot?"
"The scenes where we were fighting were really hard to film because I just love her so much, and I never wanted to yell at her, but Lilly was absolutely brilliant because she would do a new thing each time we shot the scene that would completely throw me off. So, like, one time she knocked over a chair or slammed the door so hard that pictures fell off the wall, and it would startle me each time, and then it was pretty easy to access that anger after that." You laugh, remembering the time you accidentally did raise your voice because she scared the shit out of you. 
"And did the director tell her to do that?"
"No, she just did it! And Peter, the director, was just sitting there like," You cross your arms over your chest and lean back in the chair, copying the famous Peter Jankowski slouch, and nod, pretending to chew gum. "And like, that's it! Which is great! You always want a director that will let you try things, but I was given no warning." Jimmy laughs at the story and seamlessly transitions into a commercial break. 
The rest of the interview goes smoothly, with you promoting the movie and even playing a game where you had to answer New York City trivia facts. Appearances like this can actually be really fun when they're done right, and you always have a good time when you're on the Tonight Show. As you're leaving the stage, Jimmy tells you that you and Joel have to get dinner with him and his wife the next time you're in the city, and you agree, knowing that it will probably never happen. 
You're excited to see what Joel will say about how things went, but when you go backstage, he's nowhere to be found. You don't find him immediately in the wings where you left him or in your dressing room. You almost ask the PA if she saw him leave, but she's dealing with five million other things, and you doubt she would've noticed even if he did. You furrow your brows as you fish your phone from your purse and type out a quick message to Joel.
Hey! Where are you? I just got done.
The message delivers even though his phone is on Do Not Disturb. You think about calling him but figure he might've just gone back to the hotel room before you. Paparrazi gets pictures of you leaving the studio alone and shouts questions at you, wanting to know where Joel is. You don't answer. You just get in the car and try to get back to the hotel as fast as possible. Truthfully, you're a little embarrassed. You looked around for him like a lost puppy backstage, and now you're just dutifully returning to the hotel to look for him. It also doesn't help that you were photographed arriving with him but not leaving with him. You can feel Melanie's migraine from here.
When you scan into the hotel room, all of Joel's stuff is gone. His clothes, shoes, and even his razor have all disappeared. You were there for an hour, maybe less, and he just left? Your phone buzzes in your purse, and you quickly pull it out to see a text from Joel.
Ellie had an emergency. On the first flight back. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.
You sigh, plop down on the now too-big bed, and kick off your heels.
No worries. Take care of your baby. I'll see you when I get back.
Thank you. I owe you.
You don't owe me anything, Super Dad. Just text me when you get home, and keep me updated. Let me know if you or Sarah need anything.
He starts typing something before deleting it and then typing again. For a moment, you two stare at the same screen, waiting for the other to say something even though he's at the airport and you're in an empty hotel room. Your heart clenches in your chest as he types and types and types, just for the bubble to disappear as fast as he did.  
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i-smoke-chapstick · 5 months
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Reader remembers why Jervis captivates her. Jervis remembers why he has a soft spot for her.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. SLOW BURN!!! Not sure how many chapters this will be yet! LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is Jim and Barbara's daughter) Jervis being a horrible teacher. The slow burn is slow burning. She fell first, he fell harder. (Guys, he's falling harder!!!) Soft Jervis. Jim and Barbara are probably tweaking out somewhere. Writing this kind of artistically and as character studies for everyone. Why are they in there friends to lovers era rn. I'm taking canon out back and beating it with a stick until it stops twitching.
⋆ tag list (tell me if you want to be removed!) @adalwolfgang @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @honestmrdual @moonlightnyx @all-things-fandomstuck @killingboredom @sweetlimeharvest @frenchfryqueen69
♫ “Baby, am I your little secret? I'm old enough to keep it.” Older by Isabel LaRosa
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You're not sure when you two fell asleep, or if Jervis even did.
He still needed to wash the cuts and warm water helps the ache. You watched him settle himself into the bath water, or rather, turned around and covered your eyes for his privacy. You couldn't see the absolutely flustered expression on his face.
Ever since his hypnotism, your wound has only been mildly painful, every now and then twisting. Turns out, Mr. Tetch's hypnotism is a much better alternative then pain killers. He seems to detest the idea of you putting any drug in your body. Weird.
You settled yourself into a guest bedroom in the mansion, becoming familiar to your new surroundings. It looks more like a nursery for rich people. You weren't entirely sure how long you were going to stay with Mr. Tetch. This could take months.
You were going to learn hypnotism, from the guy who tried to kill your dad, to kill your dad. Huh.
Well, that's not exactly true. You don't know if you want to kill him. You just need him to hurt in the same way you hurt.
That idea puts you calmly to sleep.
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You wake up the latest you've woken up in years. Typically your dad would wake you up at an ungodly hour, and you're not sure Barbara even has a bedroom for you to stay in. She falls asleep at her desk in the club half the time.
It reads 11:00 AM on the clock next to you. Damn. Mr. Tetch let you sleep in.
You look at your clothes to find the hospital gown still on you. You must've forget to change last night. There was...a lot to deal with.
You rummage through the drawers and closet. For a guest bedroom, it's got a wild selection of clothes. All female. All petite. An old teenage daughter of the couple must've abandoned this room. You're thanking your lucky stars. It's perfect.
Discarding the hospital gown, you scan through the garments. Pink shirts, jeans, rings and necklaces. You pause when you see it.
In all it's glory, hangs a baby blue dress. Mysteriously lolita-esque, white lace decorating the sweetheart neckline. You want to laugh. The irony. Mr. Tetch does remind you of the Mad Hatter. Alice and her dress....
You sigh as you put it on with a pair of thigh highs. It's too good not too, and provoking Mr. Tetch seems to be your favorite past time as of late.
Coming down the stairs, you smell the sweet scent of pastries and tea. Is he...cooking? He never stops being interesting.
"Another tea party?" You question, stepping into the kitchen. "The last one didn't end too well for me."
You watch as he turns to look at you. At first he goes to sneer at the jab, before he fully intakes your image.
He stands rooted in the ground, staggered, and utterly taken aback. You hear the sharp and small exhale of breath he releases. His eyes scan you over, widened, and his mouth gets dry underneath your gaze.
He looks at you with complete and total fascination. You feel your own breath catch and your cheeks burn. You can't but feel satisfied at startling the showman time and time again. The way he looks at you now is different though. Like he was just reminded of a part of him he didn't know was missing. Like he just found it again.
The timer of the oven breaks your silence. You avert your gaze from his, but he doesn't. He keeps his eyes firmly on you. You start to feel your body heat up.
"Those are going to burn." You say, swallowing, looking at the biscuits. He blinks at you, expression soft. He cocks his head, and without a word, turns back around. You sit down at the dining table.
As the timer beeps, he takes out the biscuits, perfectly golden brown. It takes him a moment before he takes his seat parallel to you. He's silent for a moment, just studying you. His voice comes out in a shaky breath.
"You look...magnificent, I must say." He clears his throat, complimenting you.
"You don't look so bad yourself, showman." You whisper, sending him a smirk. There it is. That jolt of electricity from his eyes on you. The same feeling of seeing him for the first time in the club. Before it all went to shit.
It's not so bad though. You think. It could be a lot worse. At least It's Mr. Tetch and not some other insane freak in Gotham. Mr. Tetch is gentlemanly. He's...nice. When he isn't trying to kill you or your father, or taunting you into oblivion.
He offers you a smile at your own compliment. You see his entire face beam. His voice is soft, yet sharp when needed. He seems to be more sincere, genuine. For the first time, you see the real him. Not the charismatic exterior. He's like a puppy, wagging his tail at your praise. He leans back in his chair.
"Hypnotize me." He says, bluntly. You almost choke.
"What? How?"
He pulls out his oh-so-very-precious pocket watch, and his gloved hand gives it to you with care. You marvel at the item.
He leans forward slightly and watches you take the pocket watch, his eyes sparkling with intrigue. He's enjoying this. A LOT. He crosses his arms and waits patiently for you to continue.
You rack your brain for what to say. You think about what Mr. Tetch says. Okay. Okay. Okay. You got this.
"Look into my eyes. Not above them, not around them, but deep into their center." You try to repeat his exact words back to him, watching as his eyes never stray from yours.
You want to utter another command, but you can't get the words off your tongue. The two of you just stare at each other in silence, letting the light from the blinds peak in. You hear yourself breathing, and see that shit-eating smirk of his on his face. You feel mutually scrutinized...and aroused.
Aroused? No. You can't be aroused. This guy shot you. All this is, it's just fascination! And a partnership for revenge!
Still, that jolt of electricity only grows. You notice the way his lip curls, and he notices the way your big, almost innocent eyes look up at him.
"Mr. Tetch..." You murmur the name out beside yourself. At this, his eyebrows furrow, voice still soft.
"...Yes?" His head cocks, awaiting your command.
"Are you hypnotized?" You ask, and at this, he lets out a chuckle.
"No, dear. And, if I may, that was truly a ghastly attempt."
Ah, and he's ruined the moment.
You groan into your hands as he chuckles, smug.
"Do not fret, my dear. Do you recall when I hypnotized your father? He was truly a bawling mess, wanting nothing more than to end his miserable life." His tone is gentle, and he speaks the words so casually, but there's left over venom in his voice.
"What's your point?" The volume to your voice raises. You don't want to be reminded of your fathers oversights right now.
"My point, Y/N," He clicks his tongue at your hostility, "Is that hypnotism is something intimate. It allows you to reach the deepest, darkest depths of a man."
"You want me to reach the deepest, darkest depths of you?" You ask, raising an eyebrow with a bit of a smirk. He sputters.
"No! That's- that's certainly not what I meant!" He sends you an expression of disapproval, like a teacher scolding a child for telling a joke during class. But his face is just as red as yours was earlier. He huffs. "You need to feel that intimacy. That darkness. Channel it."
You listen to his notes intently. There truly is something about him that's startingly perfect. You can't quite place your finger on it. But you notice how his smiles seem to be less saccharine, more genuine. You notice how his eyes never quite leave yours, or how your hands fidget under the table.
There were many hypnotism attempts that day. Most of them just ended in staring contests.
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cyberbeast99 · 3 months
Werewolf HRT: Prologue : The Clinic
I’m running through the woods, with the wind whipping through my fur. The rhythmic thump of my paws on the earth matches my frenetic heartbeat, as I lope past the trees on all fours. The scents of dirt, of foliage, and cool night air fills my nose. I stop and savour the breeze, eyes closed in bliss. Then I tilt my muzzle up to the sky, gaze into the full shining moon, and ululate a mournful howl…
I shake off the daydreams as the bus screeches to a halt. I stand, and leave the bus, politely thanking the bus driver. I notice him staring at the faux-fur plush wolf tail strapped to my belt. I’d gotten occasional compliments on my gear and far more frequent insults, but I’ve learned to tune them out. Instead, I look forward as the bus drives away. I compare the address to the one my friend Kayla sent me.
This is it… I enter the clinic and take in my surroundings. There are about two dozen chairs scattered around the waiting room, but there are only four people besides me. A receptionist is seated behind the counter, reading a book.  A woman in a sky-blue crop top who seems to be covered in iridescent orange scales is arguing with a large draconic creature with deep red scales, a pair of wings, and two horns poking through a shock of blond hair. 
Wow, this place is weird…
Across the room, Kayla waves me over. She’s dressed in her signature flannel shirt and beanie. I sit down next to her, and sensing my anxiety, she squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. Just then the receptionist calls her name and she stands up and strides into the office. In an effort to tune out the arguing duo, I pop in my earbuds and listen to my favourite metal band, Powerwolf. Lost in the thrashing guitars, I almost don’t hear the receptionist call my name.
“Eric, the doctor will see you now.” I turn off the music. The arguing couple is gone. I’m the only patient in the clinic.
I walk into the office and sit in front of the infamous Dr. Theodore Erian. He doesn’t greet me, just rummages through his files. We spend five minutes in complete silence. Finally, he inquires “Werewolf hormone treatment?” “Yes,” I say stiffly.
He stares at me for about a minute, then sighs “Look, I’m going to be frank here. I’m not here to tell you what to do with your body. I’m just here to make sure you know what the risks are. That way you can’t sue us.” I wait for him to burst out laughing, but he’s completely serious. “After reading your files, I’ve found the best-fitting treatment for you. Due to the infective nature of lycanthropy, it takes hold quite fast. You’ll see a full transformation at the next full moon, a month from now. Just one shot will be required to administer the treatment."
Erian looks at me sternly. “Now I must also warn you that, while lycanthropy is not as much of a risk for identity and memory loss as other treatments, it can cause hormone imbalances that lead to incredible aggression, especially during transformations. Because of this, I strongly recommend that you restrain yourself during your first full moon. I’m also required by law to have your files sent to the police and be entered into the system. This way, if you do end up harming anyone during the full moon, you will be identified and prosecuted under the full extent of the law.” 
“Now, are you sure you want to go through with this?” I take a moment to process. Suddenly, I’m terrified of hurting people. Images of waking up covered in blood flood into my brain, and a third of me is screaming for me to walk out of this office and never return. I take a deep breath. And then I say, “Yes, I’m sure.” Cameos from @welldrawnfish, @ayviedoesthings, and @kaylasartwork!
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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2024/06/22 Blog post by Wakana 横須賀ジブリ編その2!〜ラムネと油屋と運動会〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Yokosuka Ghibli Edition Part 2!〜A Ramune, a Bathhouse Aburaya and a Sports Competition〜
As mentioned in my last blog post, my friend and I went to see the “Toshio Suzuki and Ghibli Exhibition”. We were so engrossed by everything in the exhibition that we didn't notice we were thirsty💦 When we left the museum and took a little breather, we finally realised how incredibly thirsty we were!! We saw some Ramune being sold outside the museum and were immediately drawn to it🌊 It's been a while since I've had Ramune~♪ Cold Ramune!! When I was drinking it, it made me feel like I was part of a TV commercial for Pocari Sweat. "Hiyaaaaaaah~ I feel so revived". Ramune has never tasted better than on that day...Just imagine, sitting under the blue sky, a fizzy Ramune quenching your thirst and soothing your dry throat...it was too good... Everyone, please try it as well..😭✨
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
This time, I'll share "Yokosuka Ghibli Edition - Part 2" with you\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////! After leaving Yokosuka Museum of Art we hurried to Mikasa Terminal. My friend needed to run some errands in the afternoon so we had to part ways early...😭 She was also really looking forward to going to Sarushima so we are planning to come back someday soon✨
Now, this is what Mikasa Terminal looked like. Look at this huge banner for the "Bathhouse Aburaya Annex" When I went inside, the Ōtori-Sama were taking a bath🐤🐤🐤 There were no other visitors, so I asked the staff to take a picture for me🤗 (=> a picture of a woman traveling alone who also happens to be a hardcore Ghibli fan.) Next up you were able to play a Spirited Away AR game by holding onto the iPad that was installed in front of the big bathtub. When you look through the screen, some images will appear. (At one point, a note appeared which seemed to have been issued by Kamaji, when I clicked on it hot water came was splashing on the screen.) You have up to ten chances to take a picture! When No-Face suddenly appeared from afar, I was really surprised and took multiple photos! (Here are all the photos I took with the iPad. I was able to download them later) Anyway, it was a lot of fun 😂
After that, I went up to the second floor. Wow, it really did look like a bathhouse! Oshira-sama was not on the elevator with me. On the second floor, there was something called a "No-Face AR" but... I didn't really get how it was supposed to work *laughs* Initially, I thought I could become No-Face and control the images on the screen with my movements but that wasn't the case. I just watched money overflow endlessly from No-Face's hands and tried to scoop it up with my arms 😂 There was so much money... 🤣 (Maybe it wasn't that exciting because I had no one there with me)
Once I was finished there, I went to Sarushima but since this is the final part of me writing about my Ghibli adventures, I'd like to briefly share some photos of the stamp rally I did when I came back from Sarushima 😊Please forgive me, from here on out it's just a picture spam of me working hard to finish the stamp rally 😂😂 Thank you for your understanding 😂 First of all, I got the cardboard for the stamps at the Yokosuka Museum of Art!! ! Look! I was able to collect four stamps in total thanks to my willpower. Although I had collected the stamps, I didn't have the time or energy to go back to the place where I could get my prize stickers😂 It was too much to do in one day~🫠 It's a pretty large area😇 I got the first stamp at Mikasa Terminal! The second one was at Ichigo Yokosuka Port Market! It's pretty close to the terminal. There are many restaurants and souvenir shops in the large facility.😊I wanted to do one more stamp so I decided to take a short break. I had some cider😂 My energy was restored in just five minutes so I hurried to the next location! There it is😊 At Lawson😊 At that point, I was suddenly overcome with a mysterious fighting spirit that said, "you've come this far, you have to get another stamp!" Ignoring my exhaustion, I went to a final location. Here it is😊 MORE'S CITY at Yokosuka Chuo Station! Thank you, Chihiro, for waiting for me...😭✨ This felt like a true sports competition🤣🤣 I made it to the finish line safely!! But I felt completely drained on my way home😇
Al right, that's officially a wrap for "Yokosuka Ghibli Part 2"! I actually have a lot more photos from the Ghibli exhibition😂But I feel like it's time to stop now😂 I'll post them if I get the chance💓
I'll leave it at that for today!! The next Yokosuka blog post will be about Sarushima-Monkey Island!
See you soon~☆( *'▽'*)/
2024/06/27 Instagram post by Wakana
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krispyweiss · 5 months
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Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio, April 21, 2024
As he led the E Street Band through “Twist and Shout,” Bruce Springsteen betrayed a roached voice much as John Lennon had when the Beatles cut their version 60 years earlier.
But, like Lennon’s, Springsteen’s voice benefitted from its battered state - conveying joy and conviction, not exhaustion.
The house lights were on and the heart-stoppin’, pants-droppin’, hard-rockin’, Earth-quakin’, booty-shakin’, love-makin’, Viagra-takin’, history-makin’ - legendary - E Street Band had already been on stage for three hours April 21 as it played its twice-postponed-in-2023 gig inside Columbus, Ohio’s, Nationwide Arena to close the U.S. leg of its 2024 spring tour. Springsteen, who at 74 retains the energy and voice - acrobatic with guttural growls and falsetto cries - of a much-younger man, was sweat-soaked, his tie tucked into his blue shirt, his vest now removed, returned alone to close the show with an acoustic version of “I’ll See You in My Dreams.”
Death is not the end, he sang, while proving the life-affirming nature of live music.
Though the band could’ve phoned it in, the expanded 18-piece - augmented with four-voice choir and five-piece horn section - instead brought a loud hailer, opening the 30-song, 185-minute set with a grimy version of “Youngstown,” the first of a handful of tour debuts that included “Streets of Fire” and “I’m Goin’ Down.” That some songs were slowed by a quarter-step seems to have been the only acknowledgement of age.
So, if these guys are actually taking Viagra, it isn’t because of on-stage impotence. The band is so hot that even relatively weak songs like “Bobby Jean” and “Dancing in the Dark” are splendid in the moment.
A few scattered empty seats did nothing to temper the raucous atmosphere inside the hockey arena. Fans hoisted signs - “I’m Mary, thanks for all the songs” was among the best - and Springsteen sung a line of “Thunder Road” to a woman who’d been dancing furiously in front of the stage all evening, causing her to light up like a strobe. Though there was no crowd surfing during “Hungry Heart” - dude is 74, remember - Springsteen did go into the audience during “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” as images of late E Streeters Clarence Clemons and Danny Federici shone on the house video screens.
Back on stage, the living celebrated being alive. Steven Van Zandt played a guitar emblazoned with the Ukraine flag during “No Surrender.” Fellow guitarist Nils Lofgren spun like the Tasmanian Devil as he unspooled his “Because the Night” solo. And Jake Clemons served as Springsteen’s saxophone-blowing foil and conjured Uncle Clarence’s spirit throughout the night, thus garnering some of the crowd’s loudest adulation.
One of those moments came during a religious-experience rendering of “Spirit in the Night,” when Clemons sat on the stage and Springsteen literally leaned on his bandmate. The music temporally settled before exploding like a supernova and the climax. This was the greatest E Street moment Sound Bites has witnessed since the Band reunited for the 1995 Concert for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
“Last Man Standing,” with Springsteen on acoustic accompanied by trombone, was a nod to his earliest bandmates, all gone now. “Trapped” was a singalong on the choruses. “She’s the One” borrowed the Bo Diddley beat. “Wrecking Ball” transformed the arena into the charismatic church of E Street. “Rosalita (Come out Tonight)” found the group mugging and celebrating with the faithful on a small chunk of stage that jutted into the general-admission pit. And the vaunted “Detroit Medley” once again demonstrated that if you have rock ’n’ roll in your life, your life has the potential to be heaven at any given moment.
Grade card: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at Nationwide Arena - 4/21/24 - A
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
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martyrbat · 2 years
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dick grayson - superman & batman: generations (#1)
(ID below cut)
[ID: a series of panels of Dick Grayson in the above mentioned comic. Dick is in a yellow collared shirt and greenish blue jeans as Bruce is in a suit for all the panels:
Image One: Bruce and his fiancée looking at a promotional poster for The Flying Graysons. Dick and his parents are smiling broadly in matching orange and yellow costumes. They have their arms out and are lined up by size in the air. Bruce's fiancée says, "The Flying Graysons. They're supposed to be very good." Bruce says, "Especially that young lad of theirs. I've heard he's something of a Boy Wonder."
Image Two: A closeup of Dick's shocked face as he witnesses Bruce getting knocked out by henchman. He talks to himself, "Say... What's going on over there?"
Image Three: Bruce being held from around the shoulders as Dick suddenly jumps out to fight the criminals! He's jumping against the back of one while smiling. The criminal yells out in shock as Dick quips, "Hey, you guys! That's no way to treat a visitor to the fair!" The henchman holding Bruce questions, "a kid?!"
Image Four: Dick is punching the other criminal as one is knocked out behind him. He says, "Old enough to deal with a couple of bad yeggs like you!" Bruce is starting to wake up and questions groggily, "What in...? Dick Grayson...?"
Image Five: The criminals are running away as Bruce and Dick shake hands. They're smiling at each other and Bruce has a hand on his shoulder. Dick happily says, "That's me! You're lucky I happened by, Mister! Who are you? And why were those creeps dusting you down?" Bruce responds, "Just someone who happened to be in the wrong place at the right time, Dick. Thanks for your help."
IMAGE SIX: a speech box that continues what Bruce said: "I won't forget you." END ID]
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missfishersmurderpolls · 11 months
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[Image ID 1: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne walks down a red carpet at a fashion show. People stood either side applaud. /End ID.]
Best Phryne Fashion Tournament: Round One
Thanks to all of your wonderful submissions, we've narrowed our favourite looks worn by our favourite detective down to sixteen. Over the few weeks they'll go head to head to determine what is our very favourite Phryne fashion.
The matched up brackets are included below. Full details of looks one to eight are included in this post while looks nine to sixteen are in this one.
There will be one poll a day, posted at 12pm BST/GMT, and each poll will last for twenty four hours. Timings for each round is below. Make sure to vote!!!
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[Image ID 2: Image showing brackets for first round of tournament. Details of match ups are reproduced in text below. /End ID].
Round timings:
Round 1: 25th October - 2st November
Round 2: 3rd - 7th November
Round 3 (semi-finals): 8th - 10th November
Round 4 (final): 11th - 12th November
Match ups:
Match up one: 1. Gold gown vs 2. Duster with hat and red scarf
Match up two: 3. Beret and grey tweed coat vs 4. Green waltz dress
Match up three: 5. Sequin swing coat and beret vs. 6. Silver patterned kimono
Match up four: 7. Lilac damask dress and gold shawl vs 8. Santa ski look
Match up five: 9. Fan dance outfit vs 10. Lilac and green coat and hat
Match up six: 11. Red and cream beach look vs 12. Brown & red kimono with pink collar
Match up seven: 13. All black trousers and sheer blouse vs. 14. Blue floral jacket and purple hat
Match up eight: 15. White 'at home' cardigan vs 16. Fighting cock robe
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writernopal · 7 months
Find the Word
Hi, hello, using this as proof that I do indeed live lol I've just been. Having A Time. Anyway, thank you to @oh-no-another-idea for tagging me here!
My words to find were: remember, something, blue, and dawn. All sneeps are coming from Man O' War for this one because I desperately miss this project!
‘Do not expect to return as you are.’  Quye’ck looked all around. Not a thing for miles. Did it matter where he went? ‘With any luck, you shall return as who you are meant to be.’ Perhaps. Perhaps not. But anywhere was better than standing here.  ‘The wilds are the furnace and anvil with which Kava perfects us in her image. Remember that and you shall not break.’
They walked, in his case, slithered, for miles and miles, cleaving through sand and across earth. Sand and earth. Sand and earth… Golden and shining. Waves upon waves of splendor decorated the horizon, marvelously unaware of their own violence, blotched only by the occasional tuft of something living and wild. Perhaps a hare or a dried up shrub. It was hard to know, and he hardly cared. The blank stares from before had yet to leave his mind, and the hobbling steps of the modest one created an uneasy clock, ticking down and down…  Four days later, the clock stopped ticking, striking instead a heavy sound.  They stopped. 
A man as tall and wide as his Pa, though far more wrinkled, circled the couple, speaking words not of contract but of unity. He donned robes in the same bright colors of the squawking birds that decorated the canopies of The Heartlands—rich greens, vivid yellows, and brilliant blues—to stand out against his maroon scales. Jewelry crafted of carefully carved wood and bone dangled around his neck, wrists, and ankles, making the pieces of steel in his nose all the more noticeable. They glinted in the candlelight. One, two, three, four, five rings straddled the space between his nostrils, one for each of his wives. Not just ‘a man’ then, no, he was the indelible, the ancient, Lord X’chtlama, Clan Leader of Lexlar. The only one worth remembering in that sea of faces.
He flinched and from the cluttered space emerged a woman. She was old and walked with a cane. Her scales were a silvery-blue, like the waking color of the dawn sky, and her shoulders were hunched. They made the papery crest trailing down her back appear more like a vestigial fin or perhaps a tattered piece of old fashion. Swirls of shapeless fabric draped over her person, given structure by cleverly placed pins and a heavy belt. On her face, a kindly and teetering smile. One which made apparent the puckering creases on her snout and around her mouth as it quivered to form that pleasant look.
Tagging (gently): @tabswrites @void-botanist @thatndginger @sarahlizziewrites
Your words will be: wither, gather, surreal, and fragrant
M.O.W Taglist: @moonluringfrost @full-on-sam @illjustpretend @sparatus @outpost51 @captain-kraken @the-mindless @zestymimblo @mysticstarlightduck @tabswrites @void-botanist
Join/leave the taglist using this Google Form.
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edupunkn00b · 6 months
Meus ex Machina, Chapter 12: Working Out
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Edited public domain image of two hands reaching for each other, lit in deep blue and neon green.
Prev - Working Out - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Logan is determined not to slow down the team again. It wouldn't be the first time he'd pushed his body to the limit.
Logan slipped through the locker room door just before it clanked shut, closing in three dozen or so students in the musky, humid air. "Watch it!" he warned a knot of augmented juniors as they chased past, jostling his safety glasses. His cry went unnoticed over their excited laughter.
He sidled close to the only other full Traditional he could spot, a tall, muscular sophomore. The boy may not have been born with Powers, but he’d certainly clutched a winning genetics lottery ticket on his way into the world.
“Hey, Lo, check it out!” Andrei cheered, lifting his shirt to reveal a translucent implant above his right hip. “Look what my parents got me for my birthday!” Nodding, Logan watched the lights flicker, micro-adjusting his hormone and electrolyte levels. “No more charley horses for me, huh?”
“Indeed,” he murmured. No more leg cramps, no more muscle fatigue. And with a daily boost of somatropin, he’d grow at least another foot and a half before he graduated. “Congratulations.” Logan forced a smile, adjusting his now-fogged eyeglasses. “You will certainly—”
“Alright boys, listen up!” The wrestling coach stepped up onto a nearby bench and whistled. Two freshmen with new hearing augments winced and covered their ears. He waited for the din to lessen and tapped his wrist, activating the ceiling's vid projector. Thanks to Title IV of the Powerds Integration Act, blah blah blah,” he rolled his eyes and two of the older Powerds glared at him. “We’re down to one boy’s team this year with space for five Traditionals.”
Five? Logan's stomach dropped to his feet. There had been fifteen Traditionals in last year’s team plus four alternates. He scanned the room as the coach called out the new team’s roster. Jake and Kirthi high fived behind the coach, reaching nearly his height now with the summer’s growth injections taking effect. Ben stood in the corner, dark shades covering new eyes.
Logan's mouth went dry when he realized he was the last of the Traditionals team who hadn’t yet been augmented. Tim wasn’t there, of course, though Logan saw him from time to time between classes, slouched in his motorized chair, waiting for the school’s singular elevator.
“And… Sanders,” the coach finished. Thirty four sets of eyes whipped over to him and Logan tried to stand a little taller. And tried to ignore the other student’s murmurs.
“It’ll be a good year, Coach,” he said.
Coach Roberts nodded, eyes fixed at a spot just above his head. “Suit up, boys. I want you all out and sparring in pairs in five.” 
Logan kept his eyes trained down and focused on his own preparations as the locker room exploded in activity. Laughter and slamming doors rattled his teeth, the usual scramble to shed street clothes and don stretchy singlets—or, in the case of several boys, trade in for the next size up—no longer lending him its usual energizing buzz.
The day wasn't finished with him yet. With an odd number of Traditionals on the team, it was a simple matter of the math not mathing to require a Traditional to that be paired with a Powered.
Coach Roberts patted Logan’s shoulder as he stepped up to his side of the mat. “Look, Sanders, do your best out there. No-one expects much more than that from you.”
Logan looked up into Coach Robert’s camera-ringed irises. “Y—yes, Coach,” he nodded and turned to face his opponent. The coach had at least tried to give him a chance, matching Logan with a Powered in the same weight class.
But how much did weight class really matter when your opponent’s muscles powered a skeleton stronger than titanium? When your opponent could sense your thoughts, predicting your every move?
He managed to stay on his feet for the first round. Until, at least, his sparring partner grew bored and stopped tamping down on his other abilities. In seconds, Logan was down, face jammed into the mat. He struggled but his opponent countered each twist, each desperate attempt to break free. Finally, Logan tapped out.
The Powered—a new student Logan hadn’t even learned his name—loomed over him. “Good job.” He tonelessly repeated the team’s end of match phrase and looked around for his next partner.
Logan pushed up to his feet and wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand and shook his head. “Best two out of three.”
“Time?” Logan panted, controller shaking in his grip as he brought the mech's hands together in the ready signal. He’d boosted the suit’s stabilizers, so from the outside, at least, his durasteel arms moved smoothly. But Logan knew. 
“219.8 seconds. Better,” V smiled encouragingly but the flatness in his tone and the twitch in his eyebrow said it all. Logan still took entirely too long to properly suit up. 
He deflated, leaned to one side in the mech’s cavity. Logan pulled in a shaking breath, fighting to slow his panting, and nodded. “Indeed. Better.” Better but not enough.
"Get your bearings and we’ll go again,” V suggested, still smiling as he passed him a towel. It was only then Logan noticed he was drenched, sweat dripping from his hair and soaking through his shirt.
Logan smiled his thanks—tried to, at least, and V nodded again, a bottle of electrolyte ready. His smile grew, just a bit. He hadn't yet exhausted V's patience. Logan would keep going for as long as he was willing to help him.
V looked up when Patton approached from the kitchen, hugging a large crate to his burly chest. The scents of strawberries and fresh bread and chocolate chip cookies intermingled in the air as he stopped. He shifted the box to one arm to wave at them. “I’m headed, ah…” He waggled his head vaguely toward the hall and Logan’s brow furrowed before understanding struck.
“Is he…” V frowned and swiped across his tablet, searching. Trying not to be obvious, Logan peeked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of The Muse’s hallway on the screen.
“No, he—nothing’s wrong. Just…” Patton shrugged and looked down at the crate. “After yesterday, I…”
Hesper’s cryptic words from last night filled Logan’s mind. “What makes you think I didn’t trigger your alarms so I could have a little company… just like Re used to?”
“Can I help?” Logan blurted out before looking down at his useless half a hand, his broken body. His face burned, stomach knotted in shame at his utter uselessness.
Patton’s smile was gentle. “Um, that’s okay, Kiddo. I got this.” He didn’t bother to ask how precisely Logan thought he could help in a room he couldn’t reach in his mech. In a room he couldn’t even enter without assistance. Still holding the giant crate of food with one arm, he gently squeezed Logan’s—not the mech’s—shoulder. “But thanks. I’ll let you both get back to your drills.”
He gave them another little wave then headed down the hall. Listening to the elevator door open then swish closed, Logan finished his drink and passed V the empty bottle.
“Ready?” he asked, switching back to his timer.
“Yes.” Logan lowered the mech to a crouch and began to climb out. But Patton's arrival broke the dam on the flood of questions from last night. In his distraction, he nearly fell out of the cavity. “Well… wait.” He met V’s questioning glance. “What did Hesper mean… about The Prince as a little boy? Did he… Did Hesper know him back then?” V scowled down at his tablet but Logan pushed on. “Is that why he called The Muse, ‘Re?’”
Tapping at the screen, V started to speak, then his jaw clamped shut. He let out a slow breath before looking back at Logan. “It’s not really my story to tell. I…” He sighed again. 
For a moment, Logan feared V would try sending him to The Prince with his questions. “Yeah,” V said at last. “Yeah, there’s… there’s a history. You…” V winced and wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. “Maybe ask Silvertongue… um… later, though.” He nodded like it was obvious why he should wait. “You know?”
Was there more to Silvertongue’s outburst last night, too? “I’ll wait,” he promised. “Thank—thank you.” 
“Yeah.” V blew out a short breath and returned his attention to the tablet. “Ready for another go?”
Logan dropped the last foot or so, hitting the ground with a barely muffled groan. He climbed up into his chair, replicating his starting point. “I’m ready,” he said, looking up at the suit.
V stared at him for a long moment. “You know, maybe…” He looked away when Logan tried to meet his eyes, tugging at his sleeves.
“Maybe what?” Logan prompted, bracing himself for what passed for yet another bit of ‘constructive’ criticism.
“Maybe you just need to work on your strength a bit,” he said with a little shrug. “If you want, I could show you how to modify a couple of the machines in the fitness center to—”
“Show me.”
That was how Logan ended up strapped to the pull-up machine in the team’s fitness center, the bright automated trainer chirping out his reps into a sweat-proof earpiece. “And twenty. Good job! You’ve finished your workout—”
“Again!” Logan snapped, tugging at the bar as the platform lowered him to the floor.
“You have completed your recommended three sets of twenty, Logan,” the interface chirped back. Though its tone never changed, Logan couldn’t help but flinch at the sound of his own name. Constructed from heavily modded tech ‘borrowed’ from Abracadabra, the interface sounded just like the old assignment program back at the distribution center. 
“I don’t care. Again!” He batted at the controls with the end of his left stump but the panel went dark.
“I am unable to comply with your request.” The artificial voice switched over to the main speakers when it ended his session, like it wanted a witness. “Please try again tomorrow.”
“You’re better off arguing with the refridgerator, Tin Man,” the Prince chuckled from the corner.
“How long have you been watching me?” Logan snapped, face warm. While the automated trainer didn’t record his strained grunts during his workout, the Prince was the absolute last person he’d want to hear him struggling to do a simple pull-up.
The Prince lifted a barbell packed with 300 pounds on either side. The weight floated up to his chin, before he raised it up above his head and back down to the floor in one perfect, flowing motion.
The weights didn’t even clank when they touched the mat.
“Long enough to see you max out your reps,” he said, barely pausing for his own weight routine. “Hit the showers or something.”
“I’m not done,” Logan muttered, pushing himself off the platform. Fatigued muscles trembling under the strain, he dropped faster than he’d planned, landing with a pained grunt as his hip grazed the base of the pull up machine. 
“Don’t tell me it’s leg day for you.”
“Oh, ha, ha,” Logan muttered, hiding his face until he could control the shameful quiver in his chin. “With wit like that, it’s little wonder you’re the brains of the team. Oh, no, wait—You’re not.”
The Prince shrugged and spared him any further conversation, instead loading on another 100 pound plate to each side of his dumbbell. Shaking his head, Logan pulled himself into his chair and moved to the far corner of the fitness room, keeping as many weight machines between him and The Prince as he could.
When he’d found a suitable place, he lowered himself to the floor again, taking it slowly this time. Laying flat on his back with his chair in front of him, he wedged his thighs between the front and back wheels, bracing his lower body for crunches.
It worked well. For a while, at least. To remain steady, Logan had to tighten his abductors with each crunch, pushing against the wheels to keep them—and himself—from rocking with the movement.
He pushed on, the chair straining against its emergency brakes with each rep. Finally, the brake snapped free and the chair flipped back.
“Fuck.” Logan pounded his fist and the back of his head against the mat and lay back, eyes closed, as he gathered the strength to push the chair upright. With any luck, the Prince had already finished his strongman routine and left the gym.
Logan was not a lucky man.
“Need a hand?”
Logan glared up at him from the floor.
“Oh, shit, yeah…” He shuffled closer, ears tinged pink as he avoided looking at Logan’s stump. “I—I didn’t mean that one. I swear.” He gestured at the overturned wheelchair. “Can I help?”
“I’ve got it,” Logan muttered, pushing up and wiggling closer to the chair. He rolled onto his belly then wormed his way into the gap between the back of the chair and the floor. Once he’d gotten most of his body underneath it, he wedged his right hand under his chest and pushed up sharply.
It took two more tries but finally the chair tilted forward and Logan twisted with it, grabbing the strap criss-crossing the back of the chair to steady it before it tipped completely forward.
“Damn,” the Prince murmured.
“You’re still here?” Logan leaned against the seat back, panting, and in no way ready to either resume his crunches or climb into the chair.
The Prince shifted his weight from side to side, one foot pointed toward the door, the other toward him. Finally, he dropped to the floor and sat about two feet away. Jerking his chin toward the chair, he shrugged. “What were you even doing to knock over that beast?”
Logan eyed The Prince and considered ignoring his question. If he really was that nosy, he could just as easily pull up the security footage and that might be worse than simply hearing about it. Sighing, Logan let his eyes fall closed. “I was using it to brace my… legs for abdominal crunches. The other machine's not built for me.”
The Prince made a little choked sound in the back of his throat. Not a laugh, but…
Eyes still shut, Logan wiggled back into position and prepared himself for another set. If he could increase his core strength, maybe the one-armed pull-ups would get easier faster.
Logan’s eyes snapped open when he felt movement next to him. The Prince had moved closer, knelt on the floor only about a half-foot away, hands laying open on his lap. His expression was unreadable.
“Lay your legs against mine. I’ll brace you,” he said, patting the tops of his thighs and glancing down at where Logan’s legs ended. To the Prince’s credit, the usual mix of pity and disgust flashing over his features didn’t last long.
The Prince waited, holding his gaze until, finally, Logan nodded. He moved a little closer, but let Logan be the one to move close enough to touch and set his legs in place. “May I?” he asked, holding his hands over the tops of Logan’s thighs.
“Go—” Logan cleared his throat, the vulnerability of his position seizing the muscles in his neck. If he'd wanted to, The Prince could pick him up and fling him against the wall and not even break a sweat. “Go ahead,” he finally croaked out. With flat, open hands, The Prince pressed against his legs, holding him in place.
“I’ll let go the moment you tell me to,” the Prince said, then fell silent as Logan resumed his crunches.
He loathed to admit it, but focusing on only one set of muscles made the crunches almost enjoyable. Almost. “This helps,” Logan grunted. “Immensely.” He forced himself up for another two crunches. “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” The Prince replied, repeating his own words back at him from last night's skirmish with Hesper.
Logan pushed out the last of the set and lay back, counting down a thirty second rest period. He lifted up again and silently worked through another set. He slowed as he neared the end, muscles screaming in protest. “Why…" The temptation to ask The Prince about his history with Hesper—and about Re—was great. He shifted to the next question bubbling in his mind instead. "What are you helping me, anyway? I thought… I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t—” The twitch in The Prince’s jaw told Logan he very much did. “We’re a team,” he shrugged at last. “If you’re stronger, we’re all stronger. C’mon, Iron Man, that all you got?" Did Logan only imagine a smile behind his eyes? "Gimme three more.”
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