#dont force others to conform to your view
first-only · 4 months
Can I say something that might possibly be a 'hot take'?
I really don't like the rise of the whole 'He would not fucking say that' meme (and a lot of its variations). I know it's probably a joke (I'm too autistic to tell how serious people are with it lol.), and I can understand being annoyed when someone writes a character OOC, but OOC-ness is not really that big of a deal. Don't like, don't read, you know
I feel like it's also going to cause a lot of paranoia in fanwork creators, and I don't like that. And I should know, it's caused some paranoia in me (even though I've always been of the opinion that OOC-ness doesn't matter, in fact I celebrate it, just let people have fun. Despite all this, the meme still affects me and makes me worry)
I feel like the only time that OOC-ness can be a problem is when an indivisual/a fandom has a fanon that they like and they don't let anyone disagree with or write differently then that fanon. But I feel like that's not even an issue with OOC-ness, it's an issue with people (usually BNFs) being jerks and trying to get other people to conform to what they want
I don't know, maybe this whole thing is just a communal joke and I'm worrying over nothing. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun, have fun with your memes and all that, I just wanted to vent
(This ask is not directed at you FO, I know you're not the type to care about OOC-ness)
hard agreed actually, it's annoying as fuck
i honestly dont think it's that much of a joke to be honest, what with people making posts being all high par Make A Fucking OC and shit like??? who tf are u to tell me what to do lmao. if i want john winchester in a flower dress imma damn well make it, dont give a single fuck how Not Canon Compliant тм it is
thats the fucking point of fandom ya know? literally who cares. this whole thing reeks of the new-wave "it will never be canon so why ship it". like. its fandom material, none of it will be canon, the point is to have fun.
that and that one gross post "theres too much fluff of X" bitch?? i like fluff about X. you dont get to say what everyone creates, you dont have to like all of it. just pick the stuff you like, it isnt difficult.
AND those posts that keep popping up in "proshipper" spaces that go 'i know it's just fiction but guys. content about X chara being Y is /actually/ really bad;///'... it's like people completely forget their fundamental ideology about fiction when their own specific identity happens to be the thing that's bothering them this time. so is content that makes people uncomfortable 'allowed' or not? make up your mind, no doublebacksies. and who tf are you to not allow it in the first place but i guess there's enough people who for some reason get anxious over randos' opinions on the internet to feel bad about it so...
anyway, yeah. personal tastes do not dictate people's politics. this relates to yet another popular discourse lately:)
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itgomyway · 1 year
why you already have your “desires” ♡
non dualism means there’s no duality in your world. theres no other force at play here. it is just you. everything that manifest into your reality is as real as you let it become. your fingernails being painted vs not painted is up to the observer; you.
you cannot keep letting your senses dictate what you have. not now not ever not even when it seems like they align exact with what you want. these senses are always misleading. i have money but its not physically touching my hand. does this mean i dont have it?
for example. more than half of you are manifesting a relationship (which is 100% OKAY. never let anybody make you feel bad for it). however, since you know about non dualism, you know that everything is consciousness meaning everything is you. this includes your sp.
when ppl say your relationship always reflects how you feel about yourself THIS IS TRUE because it is just you. everything is you. my boyfriend and how he treats me is a reflection of how i view myself. ill give you an example:
when i first met him i wanted someone who would always be there for me and always want to take care of me. and he showed me that. but due to my ptsd, i used to have episodes where id push him away and believe he didnt rlly like me or want me. we spoke less and he gave me my space and it used to upset me and id be confused until one day he did smth nice for me and when i said thank u he thanked me for “letting him love me”. this was months ago so i didnt think ab it much at the time but i literally was not letting him.
he had no choice but to follow my rules. he had no choice but to present the way i assumed he would and he directly told me this what does this have to do with non dualism? like i said, everything is me. theres no outside force doing something to me, it is just me.
and there is no separation involved. there’s no imagination that has to reflect to the real world theres no 3d conforming to the 4d and there. is. no. waiting. this has nothing to do with time. time is a concept the ego (you) created to better comprehend your senses (also you)
so when i tell u whatever u “desire” is yours, IS YOURS. the little voice in the back of your head telling you to think logical tell them to shut up because logic is another ego-centered term. the ego (who is you!) was created to protect your body. but you are not just your body.
you are pure consciousness. you are everything even what it is you desire. desiring doesnt exist when you are already everything you desire. you want that man? then hes yours babes. you want a fat paycheck? then its yours
“but i say that and then i check my bank account and-“ aht aht. what did i just tell you? stop leading your understanding with misleading senses. there is no separation from what you want and want you dont want because everything is inherently neutral in the first place.
theres no différence between the number in your bank account and the number “in your head”. the bank account and number arent even real in the first place so why do you care? be fucking free from anything you have once deemed “physical” therefore real. cuz none of it is babygirl
if you ever find yourself not believing bc you dont “see it” then remind yourself that you’re still looking at it from a point of duality which is wasting your time because you are one ☝️
© itgomyway
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
i have a question, if youre willing to answer.
i dont want resources, i’ve likely already read them.
we’re a traumagenic programmed system. typically the thought of someone without trauma having this disorder upsets us, because what we went through was so severe that it seems unfair to people without trauma to have to live the same hell as us.
it seems like the only reason someone would be a system without trauma would be by choice.
i would like to hear your explanation for endogenic systems. as i already said, ive read plenty of journals on non trauma based plurality. i dont include spiritual plurality as to me that is an entirely different field.
all i would like to know is your version or perspective of why endogenic systems exist without any trauma whatsoever. when i say this, i mean the type of formative years that would leave a singlet with fondest memories of childhood, nothing bad or stressful, a peaceful parents and environment, etc.
this is not for syscourse, i dont engage with negativity like that.
im open to learning, and i will always peacefully coexist with opposing views to my own, but again, i do my research and have already read many of both the popular and obscure journals on non trauma based plurality that i have found.
i dont know if you’ll answer this, though i do hope so, and im not sure how often you get anonymous asks like this, but just in case, you can consider me as anon M.
much respect to you, and i hope you have a good day/night.
I'm curious if, in your research, you've also looked into studies into "imagined companions."
These are what I actually find most interesting. Now, "imagined companion" is a loaded term from a singlet-normative perspective that ASSUMES a single consciousness per body. But recent research into ICs have shown a reality that is far more complicated than that, with a majority of ICs seemingly possessing will of their own.
Current research shows about a third of ICs appear to be fully controlled by the host child. These are pretty much what you imagine they would be when you hear terms like "imaginary friend" thrown around. These aren't what I'm interested in.
At the other end of the spectrum are researchers call "noncompliant" imaginary friends. These do have will of their own but exhibit harmful and often bullying behavior. I think many of these would be traumagenic in nature, or at least trauma-affected. If a child's IC is bullying them, that hints that something has likely gone wrong in their homelife, and they're emulating toxic behaviors.
What I find most interesting then is this middle third. Those who demonstrate autonomy while being generally supportive, positive relationships in the lives of their hosts.
It's in this group that we find the strongest evidence of natural multiplicity in children. And it's a pretty massive percentage of the population.
Some studies have shown more than 60% of children have had imagined companions in childhood before the age of 7.
Extrapolating, this means as many as 40% of children, 2 in every 5, would experience childhood plurality, with other people in their heads with their own will.
About 1-in-5 would fall into the category of having these sorts of positive childhood headmates.
To me, the issue isn't a question of why natural multiplicity exists. It seems to me that it just does. Some people are just naturally multiple in childhood.
To me, the issue is what happens to it afterwards. Where do these headmates go? Why do some people keep them?
For the first question, this seems a result of forced conformity. Tell children that their ICs aren't real and that they need to outgrow them, and the ICs will either be forced into dormancy or fuse with the host child.
Their singlethood is sociogenic.
But a fraction will remain. The ICs will be stronger than normal or the host child won't let go of them. And they'll stick around to adulthood. Since they "know" a simple imaginary friend can't be real or think for themselves, they may turn to spiritual explanations for what they experience.
Most will feel alone in their experiences, feel crazy, and never tell others about these headmates.
I'll also add that these systems are usually unable to switch. Switching appears to usually need a dissociative capacity from either intentional dissociative practices such as those in tulpamancy and many spiritual practices, or from trauma.
These systems can learn to switch but it's not inherent to their plurality.
Those are my thoughts anyway! Good day to you too, and thanks for the question! 😁💖
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communistkenobi · 1 year
there are things you cant change and you shouldnt hurt yourself trying just to please other people. and that's okay as long as you're respectful about it. i dont like dick and i probably never will and that doesn't change how i treat trans women with no bottom surgery nor does it make me see them as anything other than women and if that makes you see me as a transphobe then there's nothing i can do about that 🤷‍♀️ there is never a situation where its ok to pressure people to have sex in a way they're not comfortable with and if you cant understand that then idk man get better soon
I told you to stop replying to that post but if you want to do this out in the open then sure we can do that
your claim that “conservatives tried to force me to like dick” is based on an essentialistic, extremely transphobic and patriarchal understanding of what a penis is. Conservatives don’t want you to “like dick” they want you (and all trans people) to remain in the closet, get heterosexual married, be Christian, and make babies. That’s not a command to “like dick” that is a demand that all people conform to white western cishet gender norms, and conflating the two is fucking transphobic! You are imbuing a particular body part that people have with deep political, social, and sexual meanings, and those meanings are deeply transphobic in general and transmisogynistic in particular. “Liking dick” or “not liking dick” is not a coherent or useful way to describe a person’s attraction to an extremely broad range of people. If someone said “I’m only attracted to people with vaginas” that would be an insane and obviously transphobic statement because it means that there is some level of sexual interchangeability between cis women, trans men without bottom surgery, trans women who have had it, and certain types of intersex people, and that there is something fundamentally different with people who have a penis that makes them essentially unattractive.
“Genital preference” is an extremely loaded and fraught term. It is the site of particular types of sexual violence against trans women specifically. It is based on the assumption that attraction to the rest of a person’s body and their genitals can be fully disconnected from one another, that genitals hold some essential quality that can be judged on an attractiveness scale regardless of the bodies they’re attached to, that what genitals a person has prescribes a very specific and narrow set of sexual acts that can be engaged in. This is transphobic rhetoric, full stop.
And for the last fucking time I’m not “pressuring” anyone into having sex with people they don’t like. Nobody is telling you to “hurt yourself” into liking a penis. You are getting ridiculously angry at a random trans person online describing the problems with “genital preference” as a framework and spouting virulently transmisogynistic rhetoric to justify said anger. The things you have said and are saying to me right now are insdistinguishable from the transphobia cis people spout, even the progressive ones who say they’re supportive but they just can’t get past how disgusting and unattractive our genitals are. You are having a temper tantrum about the simple claim I made that transphobia is deeply bound up in how people view sex with particular types of bodies, and your reasoning for why I’m wrong is “well because I feel like it” so why should I take anything you’re saying remotely seriously?
I’m done replying to you. Fuck off
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> Mer{Cure}Y <
I gots some drugs for yall fiends > plug back <
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1 > No one wants to talk to each other Hi how are you? good thanks :) Nice day isnt it. It for sure is! Hey wyd. not much wbu. Im chilling. Same lol. what are you doing? Im watching something on youtube. Oh nice. Wbu? im watching anime. Oh cool. No wonder we are all fiends for some entertainment, because we are incapable of entertaining each other. 2 > The insecurity of not sounding smart makes everyone conform into a retarded form of one another. We all have the same views. The same topics are constantly being brought up. And when someone speaks about something new, everyone loses interest because no one can handle the reality that maybe they don't know something. Oh and the only reason you listen to each other is to get something from that person whether that be attention, or clout or whatever the fuck you define as your ends. Since most of us, are in a state of fear, we aren't able to talk about something we don't know about. 3 > Mercury is about confidence. And most of yall bite your tongues but love to act tough. Every person who has told me they are hard, is incapable of pushing the envelope. I think you are more caught up with your own image, and are afraid of not appearing tuff. But guess what true courage is about revolting against whats normal, or the courage to be wrong. Show dont tell true?. ANd im done hearing about whoever the fuck you think you are. Show me something interesting dont tell me what you think you are. Don't tell me what you want me to hear. 4 > Conversations are being ruined by people who are constantly telling others they are wrong. Excuse me fucker. But are you capable of arguing against me? No beyond that. Can you stick to the conversation at hand, or are you going to source the same sources every SJW ever has cited. Your not even a real person, your just mimicrying beliefs you believe in. Pathetic tbh. Hey whatever more people will agree with you because we are all jsut looking for a place to belong. so good for you. You chose the easy way out bravo. I thought conversations were a place to discuss and learn. But your so focused on being correct. to me you look wrong, but you do 'sound' right because well .. to reiterate we all want to be right so we band together with whats acceptable. 5 > School fucked you. You were told to sit down and stfu. and if you were invested in to the conversation in the class room. You were memed on by all ur class mates. School breeds insecurity, and teaches people to sit down. Thats why some of yall are so forceful in standing up for yourself. Trying to break the chains of the past. And before you point the finger at me. Don't shoot the messenger. we were all brainwashed, I dont blame anyone trying to change the foundations of your past, considering how fucked it all really is 6 > "Im not that smart" This is just an excuse. Learning everyone can do. You just need to concentrate and put effort in. "oh I canT beCauSe I HaVe ADHD" well my bad just take more of that meth shit that way you can turn into mini hitler and become smart I guess. Also if your so insecure go cry to your psychologists like ffs. Eveyrone can be smart. YOu just need to develop your confidence > Rule 3 <
7 > You learn from what you see. monkey see monkey do. if your surrounded by a bunch of dumb cunts. YOur a dumb cunt now. If your being put down by people in your clique you are surrounded by negativity. If your being constantly praised for nothing you are surrounded by yes man. Find diversity. use discrepency. Its perfectly okay to judge people. stop suppressing that urge to appear 'normal' Many people are not normal but we are so caught up in trying to act normal when we are all pretty fucky 8 > The past was different and so will be the future. Would you shut the fuck up with the pessmism. Things will change. You need to be open to receiving it. You've had happy times as much as youve had bad times. ANd if your trapped in a big pit hole of death. well you better get climbing because no one can be bothered to help anyone anymore because we are probably the most selfish we've ever been ever (social mediaaaaasaa) and the adults are still trying to adjust to the internet because the world been flipped (itll flip again) 9 > No one cares about your opinion more than you Thats why your so uncomfortable speaking your truth. Because everyone is more into their own truths. So we practise the art of self affirmation by denying other peoples truths. When everything exists for a reason. WE are so caught up in making our own manifestations true by denying others 'truths.' Selfish cunts.... But hey wtf am I saying Im just an anonymous pluto I don't know shit ;')
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My next post is my last post. Don't cry. I have my reasons. My next post however is going to my >master piece< ;')
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goldmanguyperson · 8 months
i think that one thing people often miss when offering or thinking of explanations about especially innate feelings and brain experiences is that they are only ever really rationalizations at best. Why am I gay? why am i trans? why am i otherkin? why am i plural? I dont actually have a damn clue. I can make long essays and think about it forever and still never have a conclusive answer. The world, including me as i am part of it, is more complex than can really be properly and satisfactorily explained forever.
This absolutely does not mean that an explanation can never have any meaning to anybody!! The stuff i have to rationalize especially my otherkinity is vitally important to me. And it is actually an extension of my wider view on life and existence as well, which of course means a lot to me. What I mean is that you must remember to not allow your lived experience to be dictated by what you thought of it previously. Always keep an open and curious mind, including towards your own self. Don’t attempt to force yourself to conform to a box at every turn. It’s a lot healthier for you and everyone else around you, trust me! You’ll like being here a lot more if you treat your own expectations for yourself and others a little less world-endingly important.
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dealingdreams · 1 month
The Acolyte s01e03: Destiny
Continuing on with my little watch party! Same pattern as before I'll condense my in the moment thoughts all in this single post then at the end do some final wrap up thoughts
Obviously spoilers for not just this epi but possible future episodes as well
Quick thoughts:
Osha has always seeked out beautiful and dangerous things
Mother Aniseya is so fucking hot.
I think it's interesting that when Mother Aniseya is talking to the girls about the Thread. When she's talking to Mae she says it 'it ties you to your destiny' and to Osha 'it binds you to others'
I think the phrasing of 'power of two' instead of 'rule of two' means something significant. In Mother Aniseya's lesson to the girls she has two of the other coven members link hands to block her attack. She referred to this as the power of two...but unlike the sith rule of two there wasn't a power imbalance instead it was used to make the pair stronger together.
Just a little info reminder...The Sith Rule of Two is states that there can only be two Sith, a master and an apprentice. For the apprentice to ascend to master they need to become strong enough to murder their master. It was the sith way of being power hungry weirdos...prevent too many sith in the kitchen but also make it so the sith would still grow in strength over the years. The training of acolytes was allowed btw they just could never be considered sith and often werent trained fully as they were considered disposable.
I wonder how often Mae spoke for Osha.
I think the ascension was basically a two fold ceremony. I think in part 'right of passage' to make it so the girls are tied to the coven as well, but also to establish the girls as the future leaders of the coven. i think this was also in part why the girls were created. to be a stronger pair together in a power of two situation to continue to protect the coven. similarly to Qimir i dont get 'take over the world' vibes more 'leave me alone' vibes from them.
I think that the fact that Mae was the only one to ascend might play a part in her future.
Sol handing baby Osha his saber when she ends up bleeding his crystal in the future is cool
Also the fact that Qimir kind of mimics Mother Aniseya's words about it not being about good or bad, but about power and who is allowed to use it...is interesting
Osha showing interest in the mechanical repairs Kelnacca was cute.
The Jedi's whole taking kids thing is creepy. I know they don't technically abduct the kids but it's weird to me that they are never allowed to see their families again. That whole no attachment thing is just icky. It's a little hard for me to divorce my world view when I consider this also...cause like removing people from their culture is a white supremacy tactic. Makes it easier to make folks conform.
Mother Aniseya was such a cool character.
In Osha's defense it wouldnt be hard to imagine that Mae was responsible for the covens death.
The Jedi ship looks so retro with the green color choice
That was so much loss for the girls to experience so young.
Final thoughts:
One thing I love that the episode title was just one name because the majority of the time we only get the perspective of Osha throughout the episode.
I don't think the coven themselves were these evil witchy women. Nothing like Mother Talzin at least. They seem rather balanced but possibly lean more forward the darkside of the force.
Osha always being the one that runs vs Mae being the one that chases is so interesting to me. Also there are so many folks insinuating that Osha doesn't know her own mind. I appreciate Mother Aniseya being willing to listen to what Osha wanted.
There are so many reason I feel kindred to Osha and one of them is for sure feeling like there was more for me out there than the town I grew up in. I feel like she could sense that there was something waiting for her out there so that's in part why she felt so restless.
This episode also showed us how prone to fear Osha is...she was so afraid throughout this episode. I think that shows how brave Osha is truly that she still was willing to speak out about what she wanted to her family.
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obsidianflow · 1 year
Its sad to me, seeing people of my generation argue with people before us saying that We do want to work, that our generation as a collective does want to work. It hasn't ever accounted for people like me, who are disabled at a young age and dont want to work.
I don't want to work, i truly don't. There is nothing appealing about it to me aside from money, and that is not enough reason to do something that I know will exhaust me and make my mental health significantly worse.
But I'm disabled, I don't want to work because it hurts me. I get that excuse, but that doesn't mean that other people who don't get the excuse should be forced to work either. I don't think anyone should be forced to work if they dont want to.
Maybe its because im disabled, maybe its because im young, maybe its because of all these other reasons, but I don't see anything appealing about working and I don't understand how people can live like that. I don't know why people feel the need to work to "give back" to their society that helped them get to that point, when our society gives us nothing.
You work to show your gratitude but what happens when nothing has been done to give you something worth showing gratitude for. You get neglected and thrown in the dirt your entire life and are expected to show these people that you're grateful to them for teaching you that you are worthless to them unless you work.
Working is unappealing and horrifying to me. I do not feel the need to show gratitude to the person who raised me when the least he did was the bare minimum, while throwing sand in my eyes and poisoning my food my entire life. I do not have gratitude for him putting a roof over my head out of "love" and i do not believe that bullshit lie he only tells me to try and make me not seek out better from him.
I do not feel the need to show gratitude to the people who constantly steal from my people and generation and poison our water and food. I do not feel the need to show gratitude to food companies who put addicting chemicals in our food and actively make our bodies deteriorate faster than ever. I do not feel the need to show gratitude to the people who "keep us safe" by killing us daily and causing all of out issues.
I don't think working is humane. I don't think its right I don't think its good. I think its disgusting and I think that America is one of the worst countries I have ever heard of. There is nothing but maggots in our food that the government swears is healthy while putting chemicals they dont even understand in those maggots. They don't care. They never have.
I don't need to show gratitude to them. They don't see me as a person. They see me as a leech. They think I am less than dirt, I can't even be used to grow anything. They think I am ash that seeds death and destruction when they are the ones burning my livelihood to make their pockets heavier.
They have done nothing but prove to me that they are not worthy of gratitude. They are not worth bowing down and pretending that I can work. They are not worth my effort or time.
But unfortunately this sort of view gets me and others killed. We've seen it en masse in the 2020 protests, in our history, we see it daily. We are constantly forcefed that we must conform or die.
So no, I don't want to work. And I shouldn't have to die over that.
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dadjokeslady · 2 years
gender isnt real so it cant be an axis of oppression. sex is real and it is an axis of oppression. many other things may be affected by oppression on the basis of sex.
what you call transphobia is either misogyny (prostituted people getting murdered b/c of their association to penetration, which is associated w/ womanhood due to the patriarchy, and regarded as lesser by the patriarchy, so the murder is a sex hate crime)
or homophobia (trans identified men or transwomen registering as gender non conforming or effeminate men and therefore regarded as inherently homosexual, which is viewed as bad by the patriarchy)
or racism (black/brown trans identified men or transwomen who are already affected by homophobia, and black/brown trans identified women or transmen women who are already affected by misogyny)
note the blatant way i phrased things to make it clear that feminists do not believe in the degrading shit that the patriarchy espouses and that feminists only analyze reality & say it as it is. this is intersectionality and it is inherent to radical (normal) feminism and class analysis.
liberal feminism disregards this in favor of gender (a set of behaviors and stereotypes assigned to a sex by the patriarchy to ensure subservience). which is not a material reality, it's a social construct meant to make womens lives a living hell (and it does succeed).
any sex can perform gender. you cannot perform as the opposite sex. gender is not biology. sex is biology. biology is material reality. social constructs are malleable and not based in material reality, like money.
money is not real. that doesnt lessen its impact in society considering we have capitalism now (hell world). gender is actually exactly like money each society has its own forms but they're all equally obsolete & useless and more often than not a driving force behind violence. now i dont know if youre anticapitalist but anticapitalism is also a core tenet of radical feminism
this doesnt mean i hate trans ppl tho lol why would i. i hate rapists and science deniers i dont hate dysphoric and mentally ill people
I'll be brief.
Gender isn't real in the same sense that money isn't real, which means, it's a social construct that nonetheless govern huge parts of our lives... The logic of "gender is a social construct therefore there ain't no gender identity based oppression" is insane.
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salvatoreren · 2 years
Vol2 Thoughts
Alright everybody welcome back and ill try to make this as clean and constructed as possible anyways
i suppose chapter eight was the calm before the storm despite many people have died already
max having her halloween mask tho lmao what was she going to do with it and those poor people who got their van stolen,
the way i screamed when nancy saw jason, and erica just seeing the rest, im so glad eddie and the others stayed in the van, like please, dude my jaw dropped when i saw some dude kissing vickie, like poor robin, she deserves better
the way all of them had their moments while on the grass making weapons, i love that, i feel erica about lucas lol, robin and steve just comforting each other and being the best and that dustin and eddie scene, i love when they were scuffling, god they're so wholesome, YOUR HONOR I LOVE THEM, THE NEVER CHANGE UGHHH PLEASE IT HITS DIFF NOW
i cried when will was crying, he's been through so much and ik i have set my negative views regarding ships but like i said byler and mileven was cool okay? anyways im sure what he said to mike was his true feelings
ik it's just me but i wish brenner and el had more closure like a max and billy moment but i think like i said a month ago with hopper saying the need to surpass fathers and grow, it made sense actually because in order for el to grow she needs to defy and surpass him
and now my thoughts on our beloved boy eddie's death
yeah i screamed and cried as twice as much, esp when dustin was holding him, like bro what, he can't die, i was saying it with dustin that he can't die and after that the disappointment, the unfairness set in, like steve got bit by a bat too but he lived, dont even get me started on max, IT'S SO UNFAIR, he had his MOMENT, IT WAS HIS YEAR, im just ugh really disappointed by his death, pretty numb about it, who knew one death could bring such a huge feeling of disappointment like the posts ive seen where brutal and really mad but i suppose they had the right since eddie had potential, him dying was unfair, it was just for shock value and it didn't really advance the plot unless they're using that for season five
the disappointment is really real, im really sad and beyond pained that it had to go that way, they're right eddie could've been kept around just like max and robin, we prayed for steve and robin too much, forgetting who we really should've prayed for but yeah im glad those two are alive, i feel really bad for his uncle though, his nephew missing, having his poster constantly vandalized then only told that he was dead ughh it's so unfair, i am in pain and i miss him already, i loved him like a child, he was amazing and fuckkk
RIP baby boy we will miss you
also i remember someone saying that if hopper and el reunite again and hopper says hey kid, they were going to lose it, i wonder how they're doing rn lmao
honestly im so happy that mike and hopper hugged, their relationship in season two was great but then forgotten and soiled at season three so yey
to be honest i really wish it ended with season four, idk this season felt like the end and for it to be succeeded feels wrong but all in all it was actually a great season finale, just eddie's death really did sour everyone's enjoyment, despite how i feel ill stick around because i love this show and am too attached to it, it's basically my comfort show
i have more to say regarding my favorite parts but i kinda forgot about them sorry, i watched the two in separate days
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uncanny-tranny · 3 years
i feel like, at least in my experience as a trans man, that cishets are actually pretty good about respecting your name and pronouns??
so im in school, and im out as male. not really out as *trans*, but out as male. the name i go by isnt the one in the system.
but, i've found that cishets are actually really good about my name and pronouns?? even when they know my deadname?? like i thought this one guy was transphobic or whatever but??? he isnt???
and for some reason i have it in my head that unless im violently masc, they arent gonna respect my name and pronouns because idk why, but it was just? drilled into my head that every cishet boy in highschool is against me? and i know that's the case for some people, but i dont see it talked about often enough about how cishets *can* be good about names and pronouns, and while they def can be terrible about them and such, they can still be good. i feel like we need to talk more about *both* sides, for people who've experienced *both*, so you dont have people like me who was ready to be so violently masc just because i thought that it was gonna be the only way for me to get my name and pronouns respected even tho ik im not obligated to but i still wanted that respect n stuff
sorry if this is too ramble-y and stuff or doesnt make sense but i just see what cis people expect of me to gain their respect and i still try to conform to it because otherwise im afraid of the dysphoria from disrespect
(also, i've noticed that it's mostly adults that knew me beforehand that dont respect my name and pronouns??? like, literally every other adult does it??? without question???)
I totally empathize with you! I think you're correct - there are many transphobic cis people, and that is a terrible thing - but from what I've experienced, there have been more trans-affirming cis people than I anticipated. I certainly over-compensated for my fear of transphobia by being overtly and overly masculine, and it really messed up my view of myself and how I see masculinity because of how forced it was. A cis friend of mine said that he sussed out that I'm trans because I jokingly referred to his as "his grandpa," and ever since then, he has never once misgendered me. It was really kind of him, looking back. I was very awkward about talking about being trans at that time, and him silently correcting himself felt like an act of compassion. Teachers have done their best to affirm me, too, and my school has been accommodating (I have access to a separate faculty restroom which I also use to avoid the lockerooms lol). I feel blessed, and I know how lucky I got. I was insanely lucky, because I live in a very religious and conservative town, and some of my family (which is religious and conservative) have shown that not every have religious person or conservative is accepting. I hope that acceptance like we've seen before becomes the norm for trans people. We deserve to feel safe. We shouldn't have to worry about being accepted. We shouldn't have to debate about if we should sacrifice our comfort or our safety. But we should also recognize when we are shown compassion and kindness and joy toward our transness by others (especially when they're cis). I certainly hope that more cis people become welcoming toward trans people, but for the cis people who already are, I am very happy for them.
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ilikedetectives · 4 years
That guy on twitter whos saying this shit abt the ac protags is straight up misogynistic. honestly i dont think this is even terf rhetoric like he wants women chars to cater to him specifically classic idiot sexist just trying to dress it up as woke
He is a misogynistic narcissist and here’s why I think that is:
He’s openly gay, so unlike the typical fake woke dude, it’s not that he follows the calls of his loin when it comes to having female chars cater to him as a man. What he uses these “feminine” characters for is to filter and recruit gullible women into thinking that he’s on their side and thus, they’ll worship and defend him because he’s so nice to them, while all these men in the fandom are the worst. After all, how can a gay man be sexist? He’s not sexually attracted to women. Why do you think he alienated those gnc and/or queer women in his one-on-one DMs, then block them after he finds that he can’t change their minds about his “noble” feminist cause? If your cause is so noble and there’s nothing wrong about it, then why fear different opinions coming from women?
For those who haven’t played the game, Ubisoft devs support this ‘movement’ by putting his Cisterhood logo as a tattoo option in AC Valhalla. Before he had their support, it’s all about “all women are welcome”, all very warm and welcoming, like most cult does before getting their preys in the gaslighting phase. But now the devs have his back and the gaslighting is done, Cisterhood turns right around and, “Kassandra and Eivor aren’t real women because they’re queer and too buff, the devs are lazy for making them men’s shells. We want REAL women.” He and his goons the same clowns that were “outraged” about Ubisoft higher-ups not listening to his dev friends and forced them to make the male counterparts, after the devs already made Kassandra and Eivor. Now is what I call the “solidification” phase, by pitting women against each other, he can perform an act to these new recruits that he is on their side defending their femininity. It doesn’t matter if this Cisterhood doesn’t get more members, what they need to do now is flush out any opposition and focus on turning their members into “yes” shells. So later on they haven token women to support their views on a female, gender-conforming assassin whose skills is to wear sexy clothes and flirt with the guards/targets.
He is part of a group that is certified by Ubisoft and what I mean by that is they get free Ubisoft game keys and sometimes early access to new releases for being an influencer/content creator. Tbh game keys don’t pay much for the amount of effort, it’s all about the attention. It’s never been about women. Actually, only gender-conforming women. The rest, according to them, don’t count.
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mrlovermanswhore · 3 years
hey man, read your comment on that tiktok a bit back& i just wanted to say that, ultimately, you can’t police other people’s actions, and it’ll make your time on the internet a lot better when you start to figure tht out. i don’t mean this in a rude way it’s just! i did a lot of the same stuff u did when i was younger (ie ‘calling out’ people’s bad behavior) and everything’s just..a lot less stressful once you realize that the only person who’s actions u can control are ur own. if somethings bothering u, it’s way more helpful to just block em and move on. there’s always gonna be people out there who don’t fit up to ur standards/the way you view the world. you’re setting yourself up for failure if you expect everyone around u to conform to ur own social ideals (and tht goes for anything, even if u think it’s super bad like!! person X/Y/Z isn’t gonna care yknow?) ahh but w/e i’m just some rando on the internet lol sorry for stepping on my soapbox, if this advice is worthless to u then fair enough man!! hope u have a good day/night :-)
Before I start actually answering this question, I just want to say im not mad at anon, and i know theyre saying this from a genuine place. And i really appreciate their concern. I just get these comments alot with both real life and also online, and im just tired of repeatedly answering the same thing. Okay, onto the actual 'answer'
(Also, the following paragraph fonts are rotating from regular to bold, to regular, to bold and italicized, to regular again)
I get what ur saying, and usually i do just block them and move on, but a majority of the time im reblogging from people i follow/am mutuals with who just arent aware because they dont have tiktok (so how would they possibly know).
And they arent the ones *making* the content im referring to, so like why would i block everyone on tumblr instead of informing them (and best scenario they listen, worst scenario, ill end up blocking them too). And i dont expect everyone to just like blindy follow me, but if i have a platform where *some* people will listen to me, im gonna talk.
Im not trying to police anyone, I enjoy having discussions abt this kind of stuff. The things i say are meant for the people i know want to listen. I dont really care about anyone else. If anyone thinks what im saying is abusrd, the block button is always available.
And i dont expect anyone to conform to my expectations. People are human. My goal is to just inform them.
The point of me reblogging with 'calling ppl out' is just to give added perspective and information to all of my followers/mutuals. Like im aware it wont be life changing.
Spreading awareness is something i enjoy doing, and if im not feeling mentally/physically prepared then i wont force myself to talk about those kinds of topics, i will always aim to put my health at the moment over writing 'call out' posts :)
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hominginstinct · 3 years
Ayo I read your essay and I hope you don't mind addition but IMO, I dont think Phillip and Roland are supposed to be parallel or Roland seeing himself in Phillip. Phillip's entire theme seems to just be him accepting his sorrow and sadness and act upon said sadness, this is reflected even in his corrupted Distortion form where Argalia noted that "poor thing, he just wants to cry" rather than a burning anger like with Xiao or Roland. Arguably the part of embracing sorrow could stretch to Roland since that man also has that things going on but ultimately they went on a complete different direction as character for me to feel said parallel imo which maybe for the best
And I think Roland kinda just generally allergic to the general mindset of "I sacrifice other people/myself for the better good" in general which said mindset is spoon fed to us before the Wedge Office reception which is understandable since the entire working of the Wings and the City is also just sacrificing people for humanity advancement which he himself loathes and has been hint to even be a victim of it one or few time so it would explain why he would not take well to Phillip without having to feel related to him honestly
yeah no i totally appreciate the addition! i don't necessarily disagree with your points. unlike xiao or yan, philip doesn't directly parallel roland or angela. but i do think he's still representative of roland, especially because he's part of the ensemble.
the rest of the post is under a read more because this one's even longer (and also quotes a few passages). also i'm gonna refrain from talking about the songs because that would turn into an entire essay of its own. warning for endgame spoilers under the cut.
the members of the ensemble all represent some aspect of roland (and the trauma of the city in general): deception (pluto), alienation (elena), a loss of control (jae-heon), conformity (eileen), his "that's how the world works" attitude (tanya), and so on. the sephirot represent an opposing point of view on the beliefs held by the ensemble members.
philip himself is juxtaposed against malkuth, who feels that she's responsible for, well, everything. believing that she would be helping carmen and the experiments, she only accelerated the lab's demise. being resurrected in lobotomy corporation makes her feel like she has to atone for her sins, but that only leads to covering up her guilt by adapting a "weakness is death" mentality. after her meltdown, malkuth finds the will to face her past, to see her mistakes for what they are and learn from them. meanwhile, what philip wants is to live in a world where he wouldn't feel desire or loss. a world without greed, where he wouldn't be hurt in the pursuit of happiness. a world without history, where he wouldn't have to confront his past or his mistakes.
in general, philip is set up as a foil to xiao. they both deal with very similar topics, like love, survivor's guilt, and greed/loss, but their situations end very differently. roland does directly resemble xiao, and his connection to philip is a lot more abstract (his agony is abstract and enormous, after all). i don't think philip is meant to really parallel roland in his entirety, but to instead represent roland's history and future, the conflict inside him, his choices.
at the end, his despair and greed could consume and distort him entirely, forever cutting off his potential for change. once he kills angela in his bad ending, he's just an empty husk with a gaping void -- there's nothing left of him but his sorrow. alternatively, he could let go of his grudges and make the choice he wants to, selfishly "abandoning" angelica so that he can move forward, like xiao did.
with regards to wedge office, i do agree that he's probably talking about the city, rather than thinking about his own motivations. however, i also feel that the distinction doesn't necessarily matter. from the wedge office pre-battle cutscene:
Roland: Few things are as dangerous and nasty as selfishness in the guise of “for the sake of someone else”…
Angela: I think I know what you mean. The determination to work for the good of others can be a dreadful and loathsome weapon.
Angela: Especially if one strongly believes that the justice they’re pursuing is worth sacrificing for…
Angela: They’re blinded by self-righteousness, and have no regards for their surroundings. They don’t care what happens to others.
Angela: They justify themselves for pressing forward pursuing their justice, crushing everything in their way…
Roland: Wow… This might be the first time we understood each other for real. I’m touched, man.
angela is definitely talking about ayin here, but ayin's cruelty is all she's ever known. she doesn't know how to live without hurting and taking things from others. roland is in pretty much the exact same situation in relation to the city. he despises the city and the cruelty it runs on, but he doesn't know anything else. that's the exact reason the ensemble exists in the first place; the city is structured to inflict trauma on its inhabitants, and they're forced to inflict trauma on others to survive.
roland is dangerous, nasty, and selfish, all in the name of someone else. up to this point, he's been making the excuse that he's living for someone else, telling himself that he's getting revenge for angelica's sake. he turns a blind eye towards his own feelings and mistakes, and tells himself that he's nothing like philip -- that's that, and this is this, after all. ironically, that only makes him more like philip.
i don't think he consciously recognizes philip as being anything like him. i do think that his hatred for himself and his hatred for the city are essentially the same thing. what philip's going through reminds him of his own guilt and trauma, of the ugliness of the city -- the same ugliness that festers within himself.
furthermore, angela knowing exactly what he's talking about, roland remarking that they see eye-to-eye for once... that one feels a lot different after roland's speech after the black silence fight:
Roland: A dimwitted egoist whose sight is limited by their own selfishness… A proper fool chasing after immediate results…
Roland: That’s what you are. And who I am…
Roland: The same logic that dictates us was bound to be our downfall one day…
Roland: If we really cared for ourselves… Neither of us should have made this choice.
Roland: It won’t last long that way… Being selfish isn’t about keeping an eye on yourself and nothing else.
Roland: We had to take a good look at the things around us and engrave them in our hearts.
Roland: Everything is interlinked, after all…
and sorry for pulling out philip's ensemble page again, but i do think that it beautifully describes the true ending, for both roland and angela.
Even the failures and misery of the past were all part of the voyage leading up to this moment, so I'm thankful that I managed to achieve something for once. I might have drowned in my own tears and sorrow back then, but ultimately, I'm grateful for the choice I made… and all the things in the world.
all this has really just been a messy and long-winded way of saying: that's this, and this is that. but hey, this game's all about the journey, right? hopefully this was an interesting read at least, haha.
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criticaltaurus · 4 years
Since I have no chill
My Avatar OC’s for each entity!
Under cut cause length
Buried! Since I love the esoteric meanings, they appear as a kind person who asks you a favor (slightly eye touched) but it soon becomes one thing after another and another until you’re buried in expectations and stress, especially impacts those with anxiety/fear of failure. No concrete design in mind, but probably a diminutive old lady (mama issues yo)
Corruption~ A nice church girl, who goes to church (and reads her biiibleeee) Who just really vibed with God Loves All His Children. When she saw a ladybug in her hair, she thought it was God showing his love to her (from an old saying her grandmother had), and when they started coming from her ears, eyes, nose, mouth, wherever, that’s just proof she embodies Gods love to show to everyone. Honestly well meaning, but thinks people are afraid out of shame rather than Whoops All bugs
Dark. (Okay since it’s so simplistic I have a lot of trouble with Dark but here goes) So they’re a subversive type, going more for blindness than actual darkness. Y’know when you shine a really bright light and it washes away the details of what its pointed at? That’s them, they are/generate such a blinding, washing light, that you’re as unaware as you are in pitch darkness, only it subverts the comfort and safety the light supposedly brings. They’d still be Edge AF tho.
End. A stone mason who makes headstones for people who haven’t passed away yet, but gives a date. Kinda like the weird death prophecy book, if they try to change it, the date will just change, but it’s even scarier when it doesn’t change. Secondary effect: The epithet will also show how one will be remembered, if at all, before inevitably deteriorating into nothing.
EyE. So there’s this one artist whose paintings always have one person looking directly into “camera” to be directly facing the viewer, basically that as a person, no matter where or when you look, you’ll always match eyes with them, and you don’t know who they’re really looking at.
FLESH Face-Stealer. Pretty Stranger-Aligned, but they vibed with the body modification more so than the uncanny valley aspect of it all. They’ll replace someone, murder their friends + Family and switch between them, because under the skin we’re all the same meat after all.
lonely. A simple kind of person, they have the power to warp perception, making someone hyper-aware of any negative social tick on a person, making them feel like everyone is against them or negative towards them.
Stranger? Happy Faces Everyone! Sort of the opposite of the Lonely guy, they’d make everyone around them super positive and friendly, for nor reason! Even the worst people, the most aggressive, will be kind with a big smile on their face (such as “You did this for me? What’d you do with the real *insert name here*) Feel like their kindness is a lie yet? Feel that paranoia set in? Feel the performative nonsense of it all?
V a s t . My main self-insert Sona, the eldritch park ranger! Loves the forest, and you will too! Or you won’t doesn’t really matter! Cause the trees start coming and they dont stop coming!
Web. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match~ Find me a find~ Catch me a Catch~. Ties people together by “coincidence” and “chance” until they become convinced it’s not an accident, even if its contradictory to their nature. Why did you, who couldn’t care about makeup or skin care, walk into the beauty shop to see the girl who, while never playing a console video game, walked into your game store?  The two would never go anywhere though, always being tugged away by something or other before a match could be made, keeping the two in frustrated, endless pining, while removing any other choices.
Extinction, for fun! A modern tech CEO. Gentrification, anti-homeless architecture, making everything all bland and techy and overpriced until everyone is forced out or conformed, could give Elias a run for his money.
I saved four for last because i’ve come up with a sort of Eldritch Gang Band, and aside from my Park Ranger, i’ve developed them the most. They go by the Misfreaks as a band name, and do some good gigs outside of eldritch monster work
Khaos(Kah-oes) Kween, Desolation avatar, anti-capitalist, lead singer, and has one hell of a baseball bat swing. The most aggressive of the four, and loves to break everything. When she gets all Desolation-y, her bat gets red hot, but her real power is to melt away memories of anything she burns. Hates The Lightless Flame tho.
Hunter King (that’s actually his name). Hunt Avatar, and the moral core and common sense of the four. He keeps their targets on shitty amoral people, but he knows that’s according to his views. Drummer, and his main Hunt power is being a lie-detector, and a killer with throwing knives. ACAP (All Cops Are Prey)
Jack Slaughter, Slaughter Avatar, a bigender person kicked out by her strict parents, youngest in the group (?), main guitarist, basically got adopted by Khaos and Hunter, and is the most brutal of the group. His main power is blood knives. If he cant get any from someone else, he usually resorts to punching herself in the face.
Twist Joker, Spiral...avatar? Honestly none of the others really know much about her(?). Just kinda showed up when they were practicing for a gig, and can play the bass like a pro so no harm done! Scenecore personified, and whenever they talk or move, they leave a trail of rainbow after images, stays pretty close unless they move faster. The most chaotic, most energetic, but also peppiest. Her main power is to give sensory overload. Anyone targeted by her will begin to feel every color, every sound, every sensation more and more intensely until they snap.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
hi i just rlly need to let this out bc it’s making me lowkey sad and it’s the fact that im pulling away from bts and i really dont want to but i can like feel it and see it. and it sucks bc i want to be there for their achievements and everything they have to offer but it’s as if im forcing myself to just watch one video of them. of course i love them and support them and i cant hate them at all but it all just seems so disappointing cuz it feels as tho they were just a phase and i hate that :(
i’m thinking: if you say okay, i let myself retreat a little, and i only watch what i want to from their content. that’s when you come to a point where your relationship with them balances and you beat yourself up much less. don’t let other fans influence you there in terms of justifying and how to support them. cherrypick, distract, take your time and decide later on, if you decide at all. 
if you’re still deliberating and attached, chances are things will look mighty different anyway once you allow a pause that gives you a better view on things. i say: if the ‘phase’ was really coming to an end, you’d already be preoccupied elsewhere. be careful with self-deprecation just to avoid getting hate from the more hardcore stans. 
see it from your isolated perspective and focus on your bond with the members and their art, not the charts. there’s a difference between loving the group as the cuties they are and living vicariously through their sales. and, liking bts generally versus participating in what content they just put out in order to conform to what’s trending on your dash. i wouldn’t think of bts in a sense of what they offer, but rather, what they mean to you. your intrinsic feeling towards them is the most important thing. period.
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