#thanks for the request. Sorry for the wait. You know the drill
would you be willing to write for ryan from the office again? :)
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Ryan Howard is super sick. A new coworker takes care of him and helps him with his congestion. CW: Induced sneezing (non-kink).
So I know canonically Ryan is a selfish, egotistical ass who never learns from his mistakes, but I can just imagine him being a little more subdued and boyish and eager to please when he first starts his fancy corporate job, and even more so if he finds himself miserably sick. For that reason, this story is set within the first few weeks of him leaving the Scranton branch and starting his new role. Mess warning, definitely more than I usually write. It was egg week when I wrote most of this, so no apologies. This also refers to sn*t and other less “pretty” snz words often, because that’s how I imagine Ryan would think about them. 
To the anon who requested, sorry as always for the long wait. Winter sucks the writing juice out of me without fail. At least it’s extra long anyway. Hope this is somewhat what you were looking for. 
Based on this post by @nobodybetterlookatme
Prompts used (from this old prompt list): 
🦠  sniffles
🤧 sick for the holidays
What A Lovely Way to Burn
Ryan Howard scrubbed his hands over his face for the third or fourth time that hour, noting yet again how cold his hands felt against his cheeks. He sniffled, coughed, hating the grating sound it made and how much it hurt his head and throat. He had hardly put his hands down when a demanding itch flared up in his sinuses and he scrambled to grab a tissue. 
"KZZT'choo! KHGGZT'choo!!" The thick, stifled sneezes had unpleasantly shifted all the congestion in his head, and he blew what felt like a gallon of slime out of his nose. 
"You've been in New York for two weeks in the middle of summer, and you're already sick?" came a laughing voice from nearby. Ryan jumped, shoving the nasty tissue out of sight hurriedly. A hot girl, in fact that hottest girl here, the one that had caught his attention from the first day, was standing in front of his desk. Actually, leaning on it would be more accurate. She smirked at him flirtatiously, taking in his barely-unpacked desk and sickly, disheveled appearance. "Happy fourth of July, by the way."
"Yep. Happy fourth of July. Sick for the most random holiday. Call me lucky, I guess," he said, wishing he could pronounce the consonants properly. 
"New York has that effect on people. Sorry about your luck, Lucky. My name's Tiffani. With an I. 
"Nice to meet you, Tiffani with an I. And my name isn't actually Lucky. It's Ryan."
"I noticed." She nodded to the shiny nameplate on the front of his desk that had just arrived that morning. "Well Ryan Howard, VP of Northeast Sales, you are clearly a walking health hazard. What the hell are you doing here if you're sick?"
"I mean you said it yourself," he croaked. "I haven't even been here two weeks yet. It would look so bad if I called in already."
"Hmm." Before he realized what she was doing, her cool hand was pressed against his forehead. She made a soft sound in her throat, then suddenly both her hands were gently cupping his cheeks. 
"You have a fever. Poor thing," she cooed, gently running her thumbs over his cheek bones.
He sniffled wetly, then coughed. "That's no big deal. I just hate that I can't stop coughing and sneezing."
"Aww, honey. You should be in bed," she said sternly. 
"Trust me, I wish I was. But I just… I can't. Now's not the right time."
"Hmm," she said again, scrutinizing him. "If you say so. Have you eaten?"
He shrugged. "Not really. I'm not hungry. I can't taste anything, so–"
"Well that doesn't matter. You still need to eat. Wait here." 
He watched her go, feeling a little breathless from everything that had transpired in the past five minutes, snotty cold notwithstanding.
Tiffani was gone longer than he expected (though he really had no idea what to expect), so he was attempting to work once more when a box of tissues hit him in the arm, nearly making him leap out of his seat. He glanced up to find Tiffani smirking at him yet again, holding a styrofoam takeout container. 
"I said your name twice and you didn't even look up. Are you always this easy to scare?"
"No," he said sullenly. "My ears are all plugged up with everything else. And I was trying to concentrate."
"My apologies. I didn't realize you were so busy and important. Guess I'll take back the stuff I got you if you don't want it…."
He quickly pulled the desperately-needed box of tissues out of her reach. These weren't the crappy industrial office ones he'd been using either–they were the premium lotion ones. 
"No, I want it," he said quickly. "Thank you. For bringing them."
"That's only half of it." She set down the styrofoam container and pushed it toward him. "You need to eat. You'll feel better if you do."
He reached for this offering almost in spite of himself, feeling a sudden, low rumble of hunger. The container was very warm; whatever it was would feel so good on his sore throat. "Where did you get all this?"
"I had it delivered of course."
"But… why?"
"Sucking up to the new VP, why else?" 
Suddenly her hand was pressed to his forehead again, so fast he hardly saw her move. He found himself leaning into the touch almost reflexively, heavy and aching as his head was. 
She clucked her tongue. "If you're going to stay, you need to take some medicine for that fever." She produced a bottle of Tylenol and pushed it toward him with the rest. 
"You really don't need to do all this. It's just a cold." Yet he reached for the pills too, knowing her logic was sound. The next four hours would go much smoother if he was medicated. A thick, rumbling cough escaped before he could swallow the pills, making his chest and throat sear. 
"Since you've apparently caught a cold from hell, I really think I do need to do all this."
"Why, though?" he croaked again, helplessly. "We hardly know each other."
She leaned in, giving him a clear view of the cleavage he'd been trying to avoid staring at until now. When she spoke, her voice was soft and silky. "Because someone needs to take care of the new boss, and that someone might as well be me." She straightened up again, brushing her hair over her shoulder with an air of someone who knew exactly what she was doing. "I'll be keeping an eye on you today. We'll make sure you start feeling better, for all our sakes. No one is getting any work done with you coughing and sneezing in here like you have been." 
Ryan felt himself flush. "Thanks," he muttered, sniffling uncomfortably. 
She was true to her word and checked on him regularly throughout the day. He wasn't entirely sure yet what her role was in the company, but apparently it had a lot of flexibility, judging by how much she was away from her desk. And every time she came, she brought him something else–cough drops, tea, more medicine. He had to admit, she was incredibly good at predicting his needs. He survived the intervening hours in far more comfort than he would have without her help. 
Still, when the end of the day rolled around, he was the sort of utterly exhausted that only working while miserably sick can cause. Half dead on his feet, he slowly packed up to leave, and in the process he nearly crashed into Tiffani, who had snuck up on him once again and was standing beside his desk. In his foggy state he staggered and almost fell, but she caught him by the arm to steady him. 
"You really are a mess, aren't you?" she asked, worry coloring her tone. 
" 'm just sick," he mumbled, coughing wetly to prove his point. "And I didn't expect you to be standing there. What are you doing anyway?" he asked, noting that she was also dressed to leave and carrying her purse. 
"Coming to take you home."
"I'm an adult. I don't need help getting back to my apartment."
"We're not going to your apartment. We're going to mine."
She laughed at the expression on his face at this development.
"You just moved here, and you're a guy, so I'm sure at best you're sleeping on a mattress on the floor. You also probably have no food or medicine at your place yet, which is why you're as sick as you are to begin with. It makes way more sense for you to come home with me. You'll be much more comfortable."
He frowned half-heartedly, but had no argument. She had him pegged perfectly. Nothing sounded better than a real bed and a furnished apartment right now. 
Seeing she had won, she smirked. She proved her powers of observation once more when she prodded the toe of her shoe into the corner of the duffle bag peeking out from under his desk. "What's this? Gym bag?"
"Yeah. Was planning to use the gym here but…" he gestured vaguely at his red, dripping nose.
"Bring that with you, then, and let's go." She grabbed his elbow possessively. "You'll love my place. It's very cozy."
A subway ride and a short walk later, they were arriving at a section of lower-income but still decent housing hidden in the heart of the city. Ryan hardly knew the city yet, and he was too sick and tired to pay attention to where they were going, but let her lead him with gentle pushes and pulls on his arm, trying to look less contagious than he felt. He could tell his fever was creeping up by how hot his ears felt, and all he wanted to do was fall into something resembling a bed and not get up for a long time. He let her lead him into an apartment building, up a few flights of stairs, and through one of the doors off a hallway landing. 
It was a quaint little studio apartment, painted in soft, muted tones with cheerful feminine accents here and there, bright and open. The bed was immediately to the right of the door, separated from the rest of the room by cleverly placed shelving units, giving the feel of it being more than one room while a cozy sitting area dominated the rest of the space. One wall was made up almost entirely of windows, and the sunset leant a lovely, natural glow to the atmosphere. 
"You have a beautiful apartment," he rasped, getting less intelligible by the hour.
"Thank you. I've lived here for three years now. I love it."
Ryan would never be bold enough to take a stranger's bed without being asked, so he made for the large couch, kicking off his shoes and shedding his jacket as he went with another husky cough. His original plan was to sit on the couch and just breathe for a bit, and make an attempt to be good company, but the plush cushions were so comfortable that he sank sideways, almost against his will, until his face met the soft throw pillow on his right. His eyes fell closed of their own accord and he tucked his legs up as well, but he did his best to stay awake for the time being. In his current state, the wide couch felt more comfortable than any bed he'd ever slept in. Yet Tiffani didn't let him get too comfortable, and plied him with medications for the fever immediately. 
"It's been hours since your last dose and you're looking really sick again," she explained, watching as he drank a glass of water with the pills. 
"I can't say I don't feel it," he sniffled, lying back down. 
"Poor thing," she cooed. "I'm glad you can finally rest for a while.
 He listened as Tiffani puttered around putting her things away. Soft music began to play, and then he heard a sharp clicking sound. His eyes fluttered open to see her lighting a candle. At ease immediately, his lids slipped shut again. 
It seemed only a moment passed before he felt her shaking his arm, but when he opened his eyes again, she had changed clothes and showered, and her hair was in a towel. 
"You should get a shower and get out of your work clothes," she said. "You'll feel better when you're more comfortable."
He grunted his assent, his throat too sore to want to talk. He sluggishly levered himself into a sitting position, sniffling as he tried to avoid dripping on himself, then stood, grabbing his gym bag. The urge to sneeze overwhelmed him suddenly:
“Heh’KIHHPT’shoo! Hddd'TSHHHooo! Dihh'IHSHHooo!!
 He almost doubled over with the force of the messy trio. He hardly had time to cover, let alone find a tissue, so his hands were covered in slime by the end. He made a disgusted sound in his throat as he surveyed the mess.
"Bless you. Now you definitely need a shower," Tiffani laughed, unperturbed. "Go get cleaned up. Maybe it'll clear your head a bit too."
He tried to do as he was told, but just as he reached his destination another pair of sneezes snuck up on him, further soiling his hands:
“KIIHHPT-ttsscch! KHHGGT'nxxt!"
“Bless you again,” Tiffani said dutifully.
"Why is this cold getting worse instead of better?" he griped, swiping a tissue from the bathroom counter to scrub at his hands and nose as he continued to sniffle fruitlessly.  
"That's how colds work, silly," she said, rolling her eyes fondly. 
"Will this one seems to suck more than most," he mumbled, shutting the bathroom door behind him at last. 
The hot water did indeed help in many ways, from the aches to the congestion to the tiredness, and he emerged feeling marginally better, especially now that he was wearing soft workout clothes instead of a starchy shirt and pants. He managed to smile at Tiffani from the door of the bathroom, but the first breath he took of non-steamy air brought the sinus irritation roaring back, and he was forced to bury his face into the bundle of clothes in his arms as he exploded into the messiest sneezing fit yet:
Huhh’REHHSHHHoo! ESSHHHyoo! Kuh-hh-HUSSHHHoo! Huh’ISSHHoo! Hh-h… huh’KIISHHoo! Heh-hh… Hiihg’KSSHHoo!”
“BLESS you,” Tiffany said, looking startled now. “That was… intense. Do you feel better at least?”
Ryan could only shake his head as his breath started to hitch once more, eyes red and streaming already: “Hehh'dzz-IHHH'shoo! Heh'KIHHT'shoo! Kihhh'IHHTchoo! Hihh'GEHH-CHOOF!”
Tiffani frowned. “Something is setting you off. You shouldn’t be sneezing so much.”
“Mbaybe idt’s the ca’dle,” Ryan croaked, nodding to the counter where the scented flame was still flickering. “Budt those dond’t usually bother mbe….” 
Tiffani didn’t wait for him to finish and quickly snuffed out the offending flame. Meanwhile Ryan crushed a handful of tissues to his weeping nose, trying to quell the persistent tickle as he staggered his way back to the couch, feeling much worse now than he had before the shower. His head throbbed, his eyes ached, his throat seared. The brief sense of relief the shower had provided was already a faint memory. He felt distinctly foggy as Tiffani plied him with food and fussed around, trying to make him comfortable. He managed a few bites, trying to make her happy. The itching in his nose never fully subsided, though, nor did the dripping, and now his head was also stopped tight with suffocating congestion from the forceful stifling, making him feel even more puffy and achy. He found himself unable to breathe any way but through his mouth, which made him cough more, and of course he had to keep a tissue perpetually pressed to his upper lip. In short, he felt all around disgusting. Wrapped up in his own misery, he didn’t realize Tiffani was talking to him until she nudged his shoulder a while later. 
“Why are you breathing like a dying fish? You really don’t sound good.”
"Kinda feel like I'mb drowni’g," he slurred. “Cand’t breathe. Too congested.”
“I can see that,” she agreed. “Hm…” she glanced over her shoulder. “Do you want to try to get unplugged? I think sneezing might be better than whatever is happening to you right now.”
He was in no state to make decisions, but she was right, anything had to be better than this, so he nodded sluggishly, wondering what she had in mind. He didn’t have to wonder long, for in a moment she was holding a familiar candle under his nose, the same one that had just been burning. The wax still hadn’t hardened completely. 
“Take a deep breath and don’t stifle anymore. Just let it happen.”
He gave her a skeptical look, but took the warm glass jar from her. “You bedder step bagck, then. I dond’t wandt to sndeeze on you.”
She obediently crossed to the other side of the room. When she was out of range, he took a hesitant whiff, nose only inches from the wax. 
The results were instantaneous. His nostrils flared, his chest expanded and his breath gasped as he launched into the messiest, wettest sneezing fit he’d ever experienced. The congestion he’d created from stifling was apparently eager to be released, and everything came flying out at an alarming rate at the slightest provocation. He soaked through tissue after tissue as he sneezed and sneezed and sneezed, needing only a few breaths of the candle to keep himself going. 
Several minutes later he felt significantly emptier, and at last he allowed the sneezing to taper to a stop with a final, tremendous nose blow. Completely exhausted, he let his throbbing head fall back. His nose was much better, but everything else was worse. He couldn't keep from groaning, both from relief and self-pity. 
He felt the couch shift as Tiffani sat down beside him. Her cool hand on his burning face made him moan again as she brushed the damp hair from his forehead.
"Feeling better now?" she murmured. 
He made a non-committal noise. 
"Poor thing. You are so, so sick honey," she cooed. "You're absolutely burning up. You just rest now. I've got you."
Too tired to resist, when she gently pulled him to lay against her chest, he allowed it. Sitting mostly upright kept him from coughing too much, anyway. He found he was very comfortable this way, especially when he realized she was playing with his hair. In no time, lulled by her soothing touch and soothing breathing and soothing heartbeat, he was fast asleep. 
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benevolentbones · 3 months
gideondaughter!reader and spencer first time talking when the team goes to dinner and spencer is just a mess talking to her
thank you sm for the request!! hope you enjoy<3 requests are still open i’ll be working through them!
kids table | spencer reid x gideon!reader part 1
part 2
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, light flirting.
word count: 1.5k
summary: it’s gideon’s birthday dinner and the team are here to celebrate.
“are you sure he booked it for 8:30?” jj hummed, holding her clutch purse close to her sage green maxi dress.
“yes. gideon party of nine at mastro’s, 8:30pm.” spencer recalled, having the time and place drilled into his mind in fear of being late.
“party of nine? but there’s only eight of us?” elle’s brows contorted, she counted everyone in the room. jj, morgan, reid, garcia, hotch, prentiss, herself and then gideon who was yet to show, that was only eight.
“maybe he’s bringing a date?” penelope chuckled, her hands smoothing down the hem of her fitted pencil dress.
“gideon? with a date? i highly doubt that.” morgan snickered, leaning against garcia.
the group of agents waited rather impatiently for gideon to arrive to the restaurant. all adorned in their best dress for the awaited man of the hours birthday dinner.
hotch sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger and thumb.
“it’s only 8:25, he will be here.” he muttered out.
spencer began to fumble with his hands, he would class himself as a fairly patient man, the only thing on his mind currently was who the mystery ninth guest could be. he didn’t like not knowing things, it was part of being a profiler he guessed.
the doors to the dimly lit restaurant swung open, jason gideon walking in full stride with a grin on his face. he wore a navy blue suit jacket paired with his signature chinos.
“finally you’re here, they’ve been complaining for the last ten minutes.” prentiss sighed, placing a hand on her hip.
“its not even 8:30, i said i would be on time- but y/n here couldn’t find the shoes she wanted to wear.” gideon let out a small chuckle as a figure walked through the doors behind him.
a girl, roughly in her early twenties stood beside gideon. her hands clamped together in front of her, a black satin dress adorned her figure, hugging her nicely, which she paired with matching black heels.
“well i found them in the end, dad.” she mumbled out, greeting the group with a small smile.
half the team stood there it awe, mouths gaped and eyes locked on the latest arrivals.
“you clean up nice, jason.” hotch nodded towards the older man, then turning his sights on you.
“beautiful as ever.” he smiled, which he rarely did, and leaned over to give you a hug.
“thanks uncle aaron.” you grinned back, embracing his warm hug.
“i’m sorry you need to catch us up real quick- dad? uncle?” morgan titled his head like a confused puppy.
“i didn’t realise you’d have trouble putting two and two together, morgan. this is my daughter, y/n.” gideon mused, ushering you further into the room.
you held out your hand, derek quickly took it in his, giving it a small shake, cogs in his mind still visibly turning.
“and aaron isn’t actually my uncle- he just acts like it.” you pulled your hand back, returning it to your side.
gideon quickly introduced you to the rest of the team, everyone seeming to come to terms with the fact gideon had a ‘secret’ daughter that he never once brought up.
all the while spencer stood, hands glued to his sides as he eyed you. he had never seen someone so perfect, the way the dress hung from your frame, the way you politely greeted every member of the team.
when gideon had finally reached him to introduce y/n to him, he was caught off guard.
“reid, meet my daughter y/n, im sure it’s not as hard for you to understand.” gideon hummed, making a dig at morgan who had migrated with the group to where the table was set up.
unlike the others, you kept your hand to yourself, but shot spencer a sweet smile.
“it’s really nice to meet you dr. reid- my dad has told me so much about you, i know you’re not big on handshakes.”
spencer’s heart was practically doing backflips at this point. he was completely enamoured by you.
“really nice- to meet you too.” he managed to stutter out.
gideon internally rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what was happening.
“how about we sit down and look at the menu.” he began to usher his daughter towards the table, spencer following quick at his heels.
by the time the three of them had reached where the table set for nine was, the rest of the team were sat, eagerly awaiting them. the only free spaces were at either end of the rectangular table, and an extra place next to the end seat.
“hey gideon come look at this” jj beckoned the older man over, to the head of the table. he briefly turned back to his daughter, before he could utter a word she nodded, knowing that she wouldn’t be sitting with him.
“guess we can sit down at the end together.” you affirmed, shuffling to the free seats with spencer by your side.
once seated, everyone began flipping through the menu, all besides spencer who’s gaze every so often flickered over to the girl beside him, who seemed deep in thought about what she was going to order.
“what are you going to get?” she asked, attempting to make quiet conversation with the man at her side.
spencer hummed, he had researched the restaurant before hand noting all of the dishes he might like.
“the uh- the pasta, i think.” he paused for a moment. “what about you?” he cursed the heat that rose to his face, lifting his hand to loosen the dark purple tie around his neck.
you smiled, still scanning the menu, taking glimpses of spencer in his flustered state.
you had heard many things about most of the team throughout your fathers years of working with them, and when he finally allowed you to meet them, you were most excited to meet spencer.
“i might have that too, it sounds good.”
a few hours had past since everyone had sat down, everyone had finished eating and were now onto their fourth round of drinks, all besides you and spencer.
everyone was deep in conversation about a case from a few years back, obviously you had no clue what they were talking about.
you turned to spencer, who seemed to have gotten more comfortable being in such close proximity to you.
“i swear it feels like we are sitting at the kids table at a christmas dinner.” you giggled to yourself.
“i know right- it’s it’s like we aren’t even here.” spencer returned the chuckle, his heart beating a little faster.
“how are you enjoying the night- i hope im not boring you too much, if you want to join the rest of them feel free.” you mumbled out, eyes migrating to your hands that you had placed on your lap.
“no no- i like it here, i like you- i mean i like being with you i-“ spencer fumbled on his words, causing you to smile. god he was a complete mess.
you reached a hand over, placing it on spencer’s forearm. he could swear his skin felt like it was burning from your touch.
“i like being with you too, spencer.” you whispered out, a soft pink blush dusting your cheeks.
his hazel eyes locked with yours, and he felt his breath hitch in his throat. he was partly confused as to why someone like you had enjoyed his awkwardness and rambling.
to say he had little experience talking to women in more than a friendly way, was an understatement.
he was completely out of his depth, and the fact that your father, his boss, sat at the other end of the table made things a little more awkward for him.
“you look really-good tonight, by the way.” he managed to mumble out, without sounding like a complete idiot.
this caused your face to flush, darting your eyes away from him briefly.
“thank you spencer.”
“would you maybe want to-“ before he could continue, gideon had stood up from the table, all eyes were on him.
“lets go y/n, your old man is getting too tired for this.” he joked.
“oh right-“ you stood up quickly brushing off your dress, you did a small lap of the table thanking everyone for the lovely evening and telling them it was great to meet them.
you then followed gideon out of the room, all remaining eyes were now on spencer who slumped down into his chair.
“that’s rough man, you had all night and didn’t even ask her out.” morgan shook his head lightly, feeling somewhat bad for the boy genius.
before spencer could say anything, he watched you dart back into the room, a piece of paper in your grasp. you quickly placed it in spencer’s hand before pressing a light peck to his cheek and running off out of the restaurant again.
the now flustered brunette un crumpled the paper, scanning the scribbled words.
thanks for talking all night, id love to go out with you sometime x
555-555-555 - y/n
“never mind- atta boy!”
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norrisainz33 · 22 days
Cover girl || LS2
☆ summary: logan’s dating a rather famous singer who isn’t your typical wag
☆ pairing: logan sargeant x reader
☆ fc & warnings: billie eilish and suggestive with mild haters. you are responsible for the content you consume
☆ requested: yes!! i’m sorry this has taken so long. thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
ynuser has made a post
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liked by logansargeant, yourbff, ynupdates, alex_albon, yoursibling, arianagrande and 987,213 others
ynuser: life’s been real good recently
view all 922 comments
user2: mother is mothering so hard
user3: still gutted that she’s dating that man
user4: and i’m gutted he’s dating her 🤢
user3: nah i know you didn’t disrespect her like that
yourbff: give me my hat back!!!!
ynuser: no :) it’s mine now! hope this helps
ynupdates: new music when?!
logansargeant: my baby girl 🤤
ynuser: my baby boy
user4: logan blink twice if you need help
user3: YOU need help user4
user5: i was at that show!! you slayed so hard, i sobbed my eyes out
user6: no it was literally everything i love her. did you see someone who looked like logan dancing around in the vip section or was it just me
user6: ugh i love them
logansargeant has posted to his story
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view all story replies
ynuser: omg what a great story logan!
logansargeant: yea i wonder who posted it 🙄
ynuser: wrong answer
logansargeant: best content i’ve ever posted 😍😍😍 prettiest girl in the whole wide world 🤤🤤🤤🤤
ynuser: better 😘
user99: y/n/n not dressing like a teenage boy challenge failed
lilymhe: y/n!!!!!!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍
logansargeant: lilllyyyyyyy!!!!! - y/n/n
ynupdates: our girl 🫶🏻
alex_albon: when u coming to a race fr
logansargeant: the second im allowed to physically fight will**ms - y/n/n
alex_albon: whelp fair enough… guess i’m not seein ya
logansargeant: are you guys not coming to my show in milan anymore?! -y/n
alex_albon: we are im just being dramatic
user20: how logan bagged this baddie…. i will never know
logansargeant has made a post
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liked by alex_albon, oscarpiastri, yourbff, ynuser, ynupdates, user22, user2, user3 and 345,137 others
logansargeant: another race weekend in the books! p.s swipe for a surprise
view all 258 comments
user22: solid race weekend logie bear
user2: sargenation loves you so very much logan, i hope you know that
ynuser: he does bb 🫶🏻
user2: ogmgogmogkgogmgbakfg YAY
ynuser: vroom vroom 🤤
logansargeant: let’s ride 😏
user20: charli mentioned 🫨
user43: y/n i’m begging you to make an appearance in the paddock
user34: the paddock could never handle the brilliance of y/n plus i think she’d have words with j****
user43: and i’m absolutely begging her to tell the lot of them off 😭😫
oscarpiastri: solid surprise! thanks for sharing!
logansargeant: 🤔
ynuser: osc are you still mad at me for taking your girl out on a date?
oscarpiastri: 🙄 no
user18: 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅
user52: so close to loints! we are proud of you logan
ynuser has made a post
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, yourbff, ynupdates, lilyzneimer, and 1,246,018 others
ynuser: surprise! i’m on the cover of vogue and my new album comes out in exactly 1 month from today 🤍
view all 999 comments
user22: i am looking 🫣 respectfully
user54: holy moly i knew she was a baddy but WOW
lilyzneimer: hottest vogue cover i’ve ever seen
ynuser: it’d be hotter if you were on it
user33: i am better than no man
user55: logan sergeant you lucky lucky lucky man
sabrinacarpenter: i think im in love with you
ynuser: 🤭 don’t make me blush
logansargeant: my girl is gorgeous god damn
ynuser: your girl 🤍
logansargeant: i cant wait for everyone to hear your new music baby
ynupdates: this is not a drill !!! i repeat this is not a drill!!! we are getting new music!
user54: and you been hidin allat????
erling.haaland: 😍
user66: now what in the world are you doing here erling
user55: the duality of this woman is insane
logansargeant has posted to their story
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lilymhe: yes
lilyzneimer: yes
yourbff: yes
iamrebeccad: yes
user23: my god yes wtf
user85: yea 😔
alex_albon: MY EYES 😭
logansargeant: stop looking at my girlfriend!!!
alex_albon: mate you were the one who posted it
logansargeant: blah blah blah
user38: damn she is eating this up
ynupdates: i’m not sure if i want to be her or you more but yes i am jealous
ynuser has made a post
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liked by logansargeant, yourbff, lilymhe, ynupdates, sabrinacarpenter, landonorris, and 1,234,019 others
ynuser: award szn with my best friend 🤍
view all 978 comments
user77: i feel like im interrupting something with that second pic
user66: that dress is absolutely gorgeous
lilymhe: very demure, very cutesy, very mindful
ynuser: you get me
logansargeant: black looks good on you but i look better 😏
ynuser: you know it 😍
alex_albon: get a room 😭
ynupdates: mother you amaze me. the body is tea
troyesivan: you are my idol
ynuser: stop it bb you’re mine
user55: serving BODY
julianalvarez: hermosa
user88: ok ms girl is in her serving body era i see
user99: i love you both so dearly
logansargeant has made a post
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liked by ynuser, yourbff, iamrebeccad, alex_albon, kyle_kirkwood, oscarpiastri, landonorris and 445,123 others
logansargeant: summer break vibes
view all 342 comments
user87: mr americana
user66: forever jealous about how logan gets to see a different side of y/n than all of us
kyle_kirkwood: hot boy summer
logansargeant: you know it
alex_albon: why aren’t you texting me back
logansargeant: man i texted you back a couple days ago
user43: logan sargeant the man that you are
user68: loints incoming , mans is well rested and happy
ynuser: my favorite frat boy
logansargeant: 😉
user98: logan being happy is all that i ever wanted
ynupdates: thanks for the y/n content logan!! you will forever be my favorite vroom vroom guy
user46: RAHHHHHH. so excited for you to race again after summer break!!
ynuser has added to their story
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user2: thank you for the sign of life y/n
user87: we miss him so much already
user27: where he goes we go
kyle_kirkwood: i hope you both join us in milwaukee this weekend 🫶🏻
alex_albon: i love you both no matter what
user37: i’m glad he’s got you
lilyzneimer: sending lots of love my dear
ynupdates: we love you logan. y/nnation is behind you every step of the way and is riding at dawn to take down will**ms
oscarpiastri: take care of him
user65: sargenation stands by logan no matter what
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thanks for reading!! i’ve been struggling with writers block and have lost steam but will do my best to keep getting through the requests!! also i am gutted for logan , i miss him already
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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artssslut2 · 3 months
Summary: Arts wife goes into labor during one of his most important matches and Patrick is caught in the middle.
Art Donaldson x Reader
Okay it’s a little long but I like the way it turned out! Please send requests in!
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It was July, it was hot and you were heavily pregnant. The combo did not go well, you were so uncomfortable and anyone around you longer than ten minutes knew it especially Art. Art felt terrible he didn’t know how to help, you were so irritated most of the times he felt like it was his fault. But if he acted like it was his fault you would cry and think your a bad wife so he just kept to himself and did the best he could, doing whatever he could for you.
You and Art had been back at home for a few months and were able to get the nursery all set up and were ready to welcome your baby girl. However Art had one last match before you planned to give birth. The U.S open. Luckily it was right by your house this year so you didn’t have to travel. You were doing your best to support his prep but you were kind of pre occupied.
It was the day before the match, Art was off because he always took the day off before a match to rest and reset,
“Can I get you anything babe?” Art asked you standing up from the outdoor lounge bed. It was a painfully hot day and your air conditioning had broke in your house so you and Art were outside relaxing
“No Art sit down. I should be getting you stuff you have the most important-“ Art cut you off while you tried sitting up
“Hey hey stop, it’s okay just relax, you have something big coming up too so let me take care of you” he said making you lay back down
“Art I’m such a bad wife” you started to cry, you felt pathetic, Art knew the drill
“Baby stop your the greatest wife you know that” Art knew what would make you feel better even if it would make him feel worse “can you… get me some water?” He offered more for you than him. You stopped crying and started to stand up and grab his some water,
“It is so fucking hot!” You yelled aggressively handing your husband your water, “I just need this baby to get the fuck out! My back hurts my feet hurt I’m huge and it’s so fucking hot!” You continued on your hormonal rampage Art stood up letting you finish which he learned was best. He walked up to you and wrapped His arms around you, you slowly gave in Art waited a minute before saying soemthing
“You know it’s so amazing what your doing for our little girl, I’m sorry it’s so hot out. But it two weeks we will get to see Lily, and hold her and I will never let her forget all that you did to bring her into the world.” He softly told you. You loved him so much he always knew what to do
“ I love you Art. thank you I’m sorry I’m such a wreck.” You said into his chest
“You’re allowed to be my love… want me to give you a back massage?” He offered, you just looked up at him smiling already going inside.
“I’ll text Patrick and tell him to bring over all of his fans.” Art said picking up his phone
The rest of the night you spent relaxing as did Art, doing some minor prep things for his huge match tomorrow. You knew he was nervous this is the first open of his career. Patrick had brought over four fans which helped but not much.
Throughout the night you couldn’t sleep which wasn’t unusual for you lately but this was different you were having some pain in your stomach and back. You have had Braxton hicks before but these felt different, you were pretty sure they were real contractions. This couldn’t be happening not now before your husbands big match. You tried to stay calm mabye it would pass and you were just over reacting. You decided not to say anything to Art, he needed to focus. If he knew that anything was wrong he would not play as well. Besides the contraction we’re very far apart and not frequent enough to worry anyways.
You picked out Arts outfit like you always did. Art was leaving before you to warm up and get ready.
“Patrick is gonna pick up in a half an hour, I don’t want you to have to drive right now” he told you, you rolled your eyes playfully at his over protectiveness. You may have protested but you didn’t think it was a good idea to drive either.
“Go get ‘em champ” you whispered before kissing him with your arms around his shoulders, he gave you a nervous smile then leaned down to your bump
“Hey Lily girl wish your daddy luck today, okay?“ he kissed your belly making you smile, she definitely was wishing him luck. Art kissed you once more before leaving. You finished getting ready, you had only felt one contraction since he left about fifteens ago. They were starting to get more intense, you wished Art was here to support you.
Patrick came though the front door as you were leaned over clutching the counter top in the middle of a contraction.
“Fuck y/n are you okay what’s going on!?” He rushed over to you putting his hand on your back, the contraction ended after about 40 seconds
“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just… I’m fine” you stuttered. Patrick looked at you knowing you were lying. He looked terrified “I think I’m in labor” you continued. Patrick’s mouth opened wider
“Well should I call Art?!” He panicked already grabbing his phone
“No! Don’t call him!” Patrick looked at you very confused “he can’t know this is the most important match of his Career he can’t miss it or be distracted. He can’t” you had tears in your eyes because of how terrible you felt that this was happening today.
“Y/n you gotta call him it will be fine” Patrick tried convincing you
“No Patrick! It’s fine the contractions are far apart and spontaneous, it might not even be real, and if it is we’ve got a lot of time so we are going to the fucking match and we are going to support my husband and not take this away from him! So get in the damn car right now so we aren’t late!” You ordered, Patrick hesitated then decided to listen to you. You took a deep breath and headed out to the car as well.
The drive to the stadium you had one more contraction only lasting 30 seconds this made you feel better because you knew they should be one minute before thinking about going to the hospital.
You and Patrick sat in the stands, Patrick keeping a very close eye on you. He was scared shitless and it was obvious. The coin toss just happened art was serving first he saw you in the stands and gave you a smile and a quick wave. You did your best to not look freaked out.
The match was going well art won the first set and they were on to the second it had taken about an hour and you had three more contractions but they weren’t too intense. The two player just started the second set when you felt another one hit you like a train this time in your back too, you gasped grabbing Patrick’s forearm tightly. You looked at you,
“Y/n, Y/n is that another one? Y/n”
“Just shut up” you said through gritted teeth squeezing his arm so tight.
“Pat you gotta do me a favor and time them okay? How far apart they are and how long they last, please” you asked him letting go of his arm.
“Of course. But we really gotta go I think we should at least tell someone on Arts team or-“
“No! It’s almost done he needs to win this I’m fine, my water didn’t even break yet” you interrupted him trying to believe your own words, but as the day progresses you started to panic more. You knew it was the real thing now.
It had only been about an hour but it felt like a lifetime. Art lost the second set so now they had to play a third. Contractions had really started to pick up and you didn’t know how much longer you could last.
“Y/n that’s eight minutes apart. Stop this you have to go.” Patrick told you trying to be firm
“Don’t you want him to win!?” You said in a whisper yell,
“I don’t want you to have his kid in the stands!” He whisper yelled back. A few people around you probably cougt on but you didn’t care.
“It’s almost over. Your supposed to go to the hospital at five minute and eight minutes is not five minutes Patrick” you said clearly not budging on your plan. Patrick put his head in his hands, he was a mess, sweating pale you’d think he was the one in labor.
It had been another hour and the match wasn’t over. Luckily things hadn’t progressed to much probably because you were just sitting this whole time. Contractions were six minutes apart. You were in so much pain you couldn’t believe it. You were trying to hide it from everyone but it was becoming harder. Patrick was bouncing his leg nervously and it was driving you insane.
“Patrick stop.” You said glaring at him
“I’m nervous okay. This is crazy”
“I know it is. But can you just stop being so annoying because I’m nervous too. I’m about to give birth on live television at my husbands tennis match.” You told him, he looked at you realizing he should stop being a baby
“You’re right y/n I’m sorry. It shouldn’t be too much longer now. Can I get you anything a water?” He offered putting his hand on your knee.
“Yes please thank you” you patted his hand but before he could stand up the crowd went wild. To be honest you or Patrick weren’t paying attention to the match at all. You looked down at the court. Art had won. You totally forgot about how much pain you were in for a second seeing the confetti fall down to the courts
“Oh my god Patrick!” You smiled Pulling Patrick in for a hug
“He won he fucking won! He’s won the US open!” Patrick cheered, everything felt unreal until another contraction came crashing through ruining the moment
“Fuck Patrick get Art we gotta go now” you said clutching him to help keep you standing, he held you up until it was over
“Okay I’m going just hold on” he said helping you sit down, Patrick ran down the stairs leaning over the edge to motion art towards him art had just finished shaking his opponents hand than ran over to him while simultaneously looking for you in the crowd. You couldn’t hear what Patrick said you just saw arts face go into shock as he was frozen then Patrick hit his arm and art leaped over the bar into the stands. People were still cheering like crazy. Art found you in the stands and bolted towards you kneeling in front of where you were sitting
“Hey baby what’s going on?” Art said out of breath and panicked
“I’m definitely having this baby now” you said feeling another contraction come on Patrick was right behind Art. Now the three of you had caught some attention. Art looked shocked and confused
“Oh my good um okay I’ll- i um- I don’t hav e my car here fuck” Art stuttered looking like a mess still sweaty from his match and in shock that he’s about to have a baby
“We can take mine come on!” Patrick said both boys helped you up out of the seat. The crowd was still cheering and arts coach’s and team were looking for him, he would explain later. He didn’t care about giving a speech or doing interviews or any of that all he cared about was you.
You all piled into the car after making your way through all the people, people were shouting at Art cheering for him asking for autographs but be totally blocked it all out. Art sat in the back you were in the front,
“How long have your been in labor?” He asked leaning over the seat from the middle
“Since this morning, we’ll kind of last night” you admitted feeling guilty all of the sudden
“What!? Why didn’t you tell me y/n!?”
“I couldnt! You had to play, you couldn’t miss this match Art!”
“Well I can’t miss the birth of our child either!”
“Well you didn’t! And I knew if you knew I was having contractions you wouldn’t play as well, and I haven’t had her yet and you won so we are all winners!”
“Guys! Mabye you should focus on the big picture?” Patrick shouted interrupting you and arts disagreement
“Your right I’m sorry baby, I’m just surprised. Are you okay how do you feel?” Art asked shifting to a calming compassionate tone that instantly made you feel more comfortable.
“I’ve been better. I’m just happy you’re here now. I was starting to freak out I thought the match would never end” you reached grabbing his hand looking back at him he looked at you and smiled
“We’re having a baby y/n” he laughed kissing you. Just then you felt something pop, your legs became wet. Fuck.
“Shit I think my water just broke” you cursed looking at Art terrified, you saw Patrick grimace probably worried about his car seat
“Uh um. It’s okay baby we’re almost there just take deep breaths” Art said stroking your arm. Art was terrified but he knew you were too. He didn’t have time to freak out and he needed to be there for you in case you freaked out.
“Fuck I’m scared Art.” You whimpered you hadn’t even realized how scared you were because you were so focused on trying to get through the match.
“I know. Me too. But your already doing so great. I can’t believe you were doing this all alone”
“I mean I was there too” Patrick chimed in but you both ignored him
“Your gonna be such a good mom y/n I’m so proud of you my love” you spoke softly cupping your face. Another contraction ripped through you the worst one you’ve had yet you let out a gutteral moan grabbing Arts hand, you could hardly breath. You couldn’t talk through it, it was much more intense now.
“Patrick how far away are we?” Art asked trying to stay calm
“ like ten minutes but we’re stuck in traffic so I don’t know” he said also trying to stay calm
“I don’t want to have a baby in Patrick’s car” you cried as you felt the contraction coming to an end
“You’re not baby it’s okay we will be there soon” Art reassured but was terrified you might actually have a baby in his best friends car.
You had been sitting traffic for ten minutes and your contractions were now four minutes apart. You were arched off the seat grabbing your stomach trying to get through the contraction, Art looked like he was about to cry from seeing you in so much pain. Patrick looked angry that there was so much traffic.
“Your doing so good y/n/n, just keep breathing okay?” He said stroking your hair.
“Art what do we do?” You asked scared that the traffic wouldn’t let up
“We um we-“
“Finally!” Patrick yelled seeing the traffic break. Everyone sighed with relief.
You had finally made it to the hospital and were settled in a room laying down with Art kneeling by your head stroking your hair. Art sent Patrick back to let his team know why he left and make sure everything was okay. Your labor seemed to be at a stand still, no progress had been made since you arrived.
“Hey I never told you how proud I was of you champ.” You said facing your husband smiling putting a hand on his face
“Well you were kind of busy” he laughed kissing your nose
“Sorry we couldn’t celebrate”
“This is a pretty good way to celebrate are you kidding?” He chuckled
“We’re gonna be parents. Like tonight” you whispered sweetly to him he had tears in his eyes
“Thank you for going through this all baby I owe you everything” he kissed you.
It had been another hour. Very little progress had been made you were so frustrated and just wanted to get your baby girl out and hold her. They suggested walking around to help move the process along which was the last thing you wanted to do. But here you were walking around with Art right by your side. Another contraction came on and you helped in pain, your arms were around arts shoulders as you leaned down in pain. He held you up and swayed you back and fourth.
“I can’t do this anymore” you cried grabbing your husband for dear life.
“What can I do for you y/n how can I help you babe” he asked wholeheartedly
“Can you help me walk, I gotta hurry this up” you said breathlessly. Art came behind you and wrapped his arms under your armpits and walked with you, pretty much for you. You couldn’t ask for a better father of your child. He was the most supportive guy you’d ever seen. He would do this for hours for you.
Now you were settled back in bed exhausted. It felt like an eternity had gone by but then the nurse came in to check you.
“Alright your ready to push I’ll call the doctor in” she smiled. You were shocked and scared. You looked at Art
“What? I don’t I can’t I’m not ready I can’t-“yes you can y/n. I know you can. Your the strongest person I know you’ve made it this far I’ll be here the whole time.” He instructed you. You looked up at him with tears nodding.
It had been half an hour and you were still pushing not making much progress. Everyone could tell you were exhausted.
“Y/n cmon you have to push harder we gotta get this baby out” the doctor said
“I can’t … I can’t do it anymore” you cried feeling lifeless. Art didn’t say anything he just climbed in bed behind you and straddled you holding you up with his body.
“Now y/n push” the doctor told you again
“Baby look at me just look at me. You can do it only a few more than you’ll be able to hold Lily. Okay? You got this champ” he told you tears in his eyes too. You let your head fall back on his shoulder as you screamed in pain pushing as hard as you could. Art was holding you legs back with his arms around you.
“Good good, just one more y/n” the doctor told you
“Your doing so good darling just one more” art was in tears you couldn’t see but you knew. You have one more push before hearing a very loud cry
“Oh my god” you cried as they Laid your daughter on your chest
“Congratulations you have a little girl. “ the doctor smiled. Art was speechless and balling, he couldn’t believe his baby was here he was holding the love of his life who was holding the other love of his life that you two created together, it was a perfect moment.
“We gotta have more Art she’s so cute” you said crying harder every second, everyone in the room laughed,
“I can’t believe it y/n. Thank you so much thank you so so much” he said crying into your hair. He reached his arm around to the baby who grabbed his finger with her tiny hand. You both cried with joy
“Oh my god look at her fingernails” Art said still in disbelief “there so tiny”
“Art we have a daughter” you said to him as he kissed your cheek multiple times
“Does she have a name?” The doctor asked
“Lily” you both said at the same time smiling. You and Art decided on her middle name a few weeks ago
“Hi Lily Jane” you whispered kissing her head. You were so content with your family. All the pain and tears were 100% worth it.
Later on that night Lily was cleaned and wrapped up in a cute little blanket with a hat on in her dads arms next to the hospital bed asleep. Art was smiling down at her still teary eyed. After examining all your babies features you decided she was a clone of her father. She had your lips but his everything else. Even a little speck of brown in her blue eyes that made your heart swell. You had never been more tired but you also had never been happier.
“She’s so beautiful” Art whispered trying not to wake her up “I could look at her for hours.” He smiled
“She looks just like you baby” you told him, he looked at you then her and smiled
“ I don’t know I see you a lot in her too” he told you. Just then you heard a knock at the door and saw Patrick’s head poke through, he was carrying the trophy Art had won
“Hey I thought I’d bring this by” he said quietly “is now a good time?” He asked softly, you nodded and he came into the room
“Wow.” He said carefully walking over to Art staring at the baby in his arms “She’s uh wow she’s-“
“I know.” You finished knowing his was mezmorized by his niece.
“I’m so proud of you guys” he said speaking from the heart
“You wanna hold her?” Art looked up at his best friend
“Oh I don’t know she looks pretty comfortable”
“Oh come on she’s gotta meet her uncle.” Art said standing up and handing him the tiny baby. Patrick took a deep breath staring at her
“Jesus Art she’s your twin” he laughed “Let’s hope she doesn’t get your ears” he teased
“Yeah Pat your one to talk” he he teased back.
Patrick didn’t stay long it was getting pretty late. You and Art decided to announce it on his social media to fill everyone in on why he rushed out of there after winning. He posted a picture you took of him holding Lily in one arm and his trophy from that day in the other. He captioned the picture with
I didn’t think my day could get any better… but it did. Welcome to the world sweet Lily Jane, she’s already our little champ🤍
Of course the post blew up and many people commented and reporters contacted him but he ignored it. At least for now. He had never been so happy with his life than in this moment. This day would go down in history for the Donaldson family.
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mcumorningstar · 3 months
begging for more riff x reader smut 🫣 I’d love if they were in a heated argument over riff buying a gun and riff says something disrespectful to reader making her slap him and then they just immediately go at it from the heat of the moment
Bang Bang
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pairing: riff (wss) x reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, kinda toxic but kinda cute, unprotected p in v (wrap it!!), riff’s got a gun, (I think that’s everything)
a/n: sorry this took so long I was on vacation. I’ve never done a request before!! Thanks for submitting :) This was more like I don’t wanna lose you sex than heat of the moment but hopefully this is okay!!
Sinking into Riff’s lap was the perfect remedy to a bad day. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer, your pelvis pressed to his.
Usually you would be reduced to a puddle of contentment but the hard press and sharp sting of metal pushed against your lower stomach.
Pulling back, you scrutinise Riff for a moment before tugging up his shirt. A small revolver was nestled in the waistband of his jeans.
“Like Billy the Kid, don’t ya think?” Riff smirked up at you, pretending to shoot bullets from his fingers.
God, it was easy to forget, because of his troubles, but Riff was so young.
“Get rid of it,” You stared at the weapon with wide eyes, “I’m not playing around, Riff. You’re gonna get yourself killed.”
“Born to die young, baby-o,” A wide grin plastered across Riff’s cheeks, smug and teasing. He squeezed your hips but you weren’t impressed.
“You gonna be laughing when you’re on a slab in the morgue?” You tried to stand, wanting some distance between.
“Don’t think like that,” He attempted to calm your nerves and refused to let you move away, pulling you closer.
A manicured nail jabbed into his chest, “Because I sure as hell won’t. I don’t wanna be a widow before I’m a wife.”
Riff sighed, his thumb rubbing against the empty space on your ring finger. An empty space waiting for a promised ring.
“They always bring heat. We gotta be ready,” He reasoned with you but your blood boiled as he removed the gun and examined it.
You scoffed, “This shit is so stupid, Riff!” You shoved his chest and rose from his lap, storming into the bedroom.
Riff followed you with a heavy sigh and heavy footsteps. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame.
“You expect me to go in there with nothing but the clothes on my back?”
“What I expect you to do is use your brain! Your daddy was in the exact same position as these Puerto Ricans you’re going to war with!”
“He was nothing like them.”
“Why? ‘Cause he speaks the language?”
It was a low blow but you wanted him to know how it looked.
“Don’t turn this into something it isn’t! This is a turf war,” Riff tried to level his steadily raising voice.
“Turf war? That slang for prejudice little boys with no jobs and nothing to do but terrorise foreigners?”
“Prej-? You know goddamn well that I’m not like that!Like you know what you’re talking about anyway! I’m not taking life advice from a hairdresser!” Riff snapped and, before he could have the nerve to feel bad, your open palm collided with his cheek.
You stood in silence for a moment as a red mark bloomed against his alabaster skin. It was not the ‘be the better person’ you were trying to drill into him, you knew that, but he pissed you off and it was almost involuntary.
“Shit” Riff jostled his jaw in all directions and rubbed a finger against his reddened ear, “You smack like my ma.”
Your hands cupped your slack jaw, “Baby I’m so sorry.”
Riff spared a glance in your direction as you stepped closer to him.
“Less of the smacking, yeah? I need my good looks or you got nothing to stick around for,” He smiled warily, “I ain’t no murderer, am I?”
You shook your head, biting your lip to hide your thrill at his decision, and smiled softly. Tentatively, you reached up and brushed your fingers against his red cheek.
“I’m sorry, baby. Never meant to damage your pretty face.”
Riff almost melted, his eyes softening, “You think I’m pretty?”
“A real diamond in the rough,” You brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead and cupped his jaw, “I couldn’t bear it if I lost you. Not for something this stupid.”
Riff pulled you closer and pressed his forehead to yours, “Never gonna happen. You’re stuck with me.”
A smile twitched at your lips. Despite the Jets, being stuck with Riff sounded heavenly. He dipped his head to kiss you softly.
“Never,” He whispered, pulling back an inch, his hot breath fanned across your lips.
“Good, because underneath it all, you’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever known. I don’t wanna lose you.”
Riff pulled you back for another kiss. A clash of tongue and teeth as the kiss grew heated. You needed him to know how true it was, needed him to know how much you needed him.
“I love you,” He panted between the hot collision of lips. A soft moan rose from your throat. Riff dropped his hands to your hips, pulling your body flush to his.
Your nails clawed at his neck, fingers getting lost in his hair.
Clothes were shed, lying in piles on the bedroom floor. Riff hovered over you as you lay back on the mattress, pressing himself between your legs.
Clinging to his bare flesh, Riff trailed open-mouthed kisses along your neck and pulled your leg higher on his hip.
His hard cock pressed against you through his boxers, as his hips began to grind against yours.
A breath moan escaped your lips, “Riff… please.”
Usually he would tease you. ‘Please what, baby?’ he would say, but not this time.
Riff nodded over and over again as he pushed down his boxers and pulled your panties down your legs. The full weight of him rested against your bare skin as your lips met again.
With tender hands holding you close, Riff pressed into you. It was slow and sweat beaded on your skin when a low groan from the man above you vibrated against your neck.
“Ugh god,” He squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face further against your clavicle, littering messy kisses there.
“Move baby please,” You panted out, rubbing his back with firm fingers.
Riff pulled his hips back a few inches before rocking into you again. He pulled his head out of the shelter of your neck, connecting his eyes to yours.
His hips moved languidly, skin slapping with every collision of his pelvis to yours and pushing against that spot inside you that made your toes curl.
“I’m- I’m sorry,” Riff panted, pressing his forehead to yours, “For- for what I- I said. I love you and- and that’s never gonna change. Not for turf, not for nothing.”
The rhythmic strokes of his hips rendered you non-verbal, only capable of moaning and nodding. Your eyes fluttered closed at a particularly hard thrust.
“Look at me, baby,” Riff wrapped an arm underneath your head, the crease of his elbow and the muscle of his bicep your new pillow.
Forcing your eyes open, you met his eyes - a gorgeous swirl of blue and brown in the left.
He’s beautiful.
“Never want to be without you. What was I thinking? Taking a gun? You’re right to call it stupid, baby. So stupid” Riff rambled on. You could tell he was getting close by his loose lips.
Riff mumbled between moans, sloppy kisses and panting breaths against your skin until your chest was soaked in his spit.
It was euphoric. His hand snaked between your sweat slicked bodies, pressed so tightly against one another, to rub circles against your clit.
A loud moan ripped from you and your fingers gripped the back of his head, holding his face so close to yours that you breathed each other’s oxygen. All while staring into the starry night abyss of his eyes.
As the band inside you grew tighter and tighter, you gripped onto Riff tighter. Your legs wrapped around his waist as if he were going to be ripped from you entirely and red crescent moon imprints of your fingernails bloomed against his skin.
“I’m gonna cum. Can’t- can’t hold on,” Riff groaned, doubling down on his efforts between your legs. His thrusts were losing rhythm but he was hitting spots deep inside you and working you with his fingers.
White spots clouded your vision as the band inside you snapped, gushing onto his fingers and cock. The feeling of your orgasm pushed Riff over the edge, whimpering ‘I love you’s’ as he finished inside you.
Warmth bloomed inside you at the feeling and, as you came down from your high, a giddy grin crept onto your lips.
With heaving chests, Riff gazed down at you and a grin equal in size and feeling graced his lips.
“You were right, doll. Nothing is worth sacrificing you for.”
“Oh I’m gonna need that in writing,” You teased, stroking your fingers through his hair.
Riff laughed and playfully bit your jaw until you pushed him off, rolling around the bed with blissful laughter.
He stayed in that night. The gun was gone by the following morning and in its place sat a vase of red roses.
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 7
<-----part 6, part 8——>
Start of a new week which meant time for me to bathe DogDay. Oh, right and it’s my birthday today. I would normally request to have my birthday off, but I’d rather go to work and spend it with DogDay and Damian. I got ready for the day and made my way over to the factory. 
To make sure I wouldn’t trip over anything like last time I turned on my flashlight. Since I knew where to go now I started to make my way to the washroom to prepare everything for DogDay. As I opened the door I was greeted by Bobby. “Hi Y/N.” Boy she couldn't sound any more fake. “Morning Bobby.” It looked like she was going to say something else to me but then her face completely changed as she said, “Good morning DogDay~” I turned and looked to see that DogDay was in fact heading towards us; and it looked like there was something all over his body. “Good morning BB and a special good morning to my Angel.” Immediate blushing. “What makes it a special morning for her?” Bobby asked with a hint of poison in her tone. “Well BB it’s Angel's birthday today which makes it a very special day.” As DogDay got closer to us I could now see what was on his body. Paint. A lot of paint. “Good morning DogDay. What happened? You’re covered in paint.” Paint would take much longer to get off him. “I can’t tell you that Angel, it’ll ruin the surprise.” He smirked at me. Is it getting hot in here? 
I cleared my throat before saying, “Well I’m excited to see the surprise but let’s go get you washed up.” DogDay nodded and kindly asked Bobby to move out of the way. “Oh of course, please head right in~” As we walked past her I couldn’t help but glare at her. What was she up to? 
“So, when do I get to see this surprise of yours?” “Later Angel, not till after your shift probably.” Dang. That’s twelve hours I must wait. “Sorry I got a little messy.” “A little? If this was a cartoon someone would think that you’re sick with all these different colors on you.” I nudged him lightly while laughing. We made it to his room and unlike last time DogDay seemed a bit calmer. “Alright mister you know the drill; strip yourself of your pendant while I find my apron.” “Haha yes ma’am.” He saluted me before removing his sun pendant.  
When I walked over to where my apron was I started to smell a familiar scent. It smelled like vanilla but mixed in when something. I tied on my apron and walked over to where DogDays shampoo scent bottle was. “What’s wrong Angel?” “Your shampoo smells different.” DogDay made his way over to me and I held up the shampoo bottle to him so that he could get a better sniff. “Smells like vanilla and-” He took another sniff before saying, “Rose?” Rose? In an instant it clicked. Bobby. She mixed in her shampoo with his. Great. “Looks like Bobby wants you to smell like her.” DogDay made a puzzled face. “I wonder why.” I closed the bottle and set it down by the trashcan. No way am I putting that scent on him. “Is there another vanilla scented bottle in here?” DogDay shook his head no while saying, “Afraid not Angel.” His ears then perked up. “Oh! But there should be an extra one down in the storage closet from here.” “Great, I’ll be right back.” As I left the room I heard DogDay say, “Hurry back to me Angel!” 
I found the storage closet after looking aimlessly around for four minutes. There were a lot of storage closest but none of them had his shampoo. I grabbed his shampoo and turned around to head back to him when I accidentally bumped into someone. “Ah! Sorry.” “Easy there Angel.” Oh you have got to be kidding me. I put a fake smile on my face before saying, “KickenChicken, I wasn’t expecting to run into you.” “I was hoping I’d run into you down here. BB told me that it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday.” I thanked him and started to walk away but he grabbed onto my arm to stop me. “What’s the rush Angel? Don’t you want to spend your birthday with the coolest Smiling Critter?” I yanked my arm away from him while saying, “Don’t call me that and yes I do which is why I’m trying to head back to him right now.” The look on KickenChickens face was priceless. I dashed away before he could say anything else to me. 
“Angel!” I shut the door behind me and walked over to DogDay. “Did you miss me?” I said playfully. “100%. Did you miss me?” he asked as his tail began to wag. “I did. Sorry to take so long; there were a lot of storage closets and none of them seemed to have your shampoo and then I ran into KickenChicken-” “KC? What did he want?” His tone shifted slightly. “He just wished me a happy birthday and then grabbed onto me and asked if I-” “He grabbed you?” I was starting to sense some tension. DogDay walked over to me and asked me where he grabbed me. I pointed to my wrist, and he took my hand into his paw and kissed where KickenChicken grabbed me. “Mwah, now you have my kiss there Angel.”  
I was starting to feel hot again. “Is it hot in here? Are you hot? I mean you are hot I-I mean-” DogDays eyes grew wide along with his smile. “You think I’m hot Angel?” If I could die now that would be great. “Um-well-” I looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact and on my shoe was a spider. “AH! SPIDER!! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!” I started shaking my leg but then ended up jumping onto DogDay. “Woah hey easy Angel, I got you.” I was shaking in his arms. “Is it gone?” I asked while I buried my head in his chest. DogDay then started to laugh. “Angel it wasn’t a spider, it was just some lint.” I sighed in relief and calmed down. “Oh thank goodness.” I pulled back to look at DogDay and then I saw that I was also covered in paint. “Oops.” “Oops indeed Angel, looks like I’ll need to clean you off.” I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying my birthday so far. 
It took me two hours to get DogDay all cleaned up while it only took him three minutes to get the paint off me. We headed back into Playcare to start the day. Since we had the play to put on all learning activities would be put on hold. Those who got casted had to be inside the theater room while those who weren’t were inside the school making the props and other stuff. 
The first day of practice was a table reading of the script. Everyone sat down at their assigned seats except for KickenChicken. He was supposed to sit over by Hoppy but instead sat down in DogDays spot. “Pardon me KC, but you’re in my spot.” “Am I? I didn’t even realize.” I saw a twitch from DogDays eyes. “Oh and would you look at that, I get to sit next to the beauty herself! How nice.” KickenChicken rested his elbow on the table while looking at me. DogDay started to growl but I stood up and took his paw. “Hey Hoppy, you don’t mind coming over here and having our spots do you?” I gave her a pleading look. “Not at all birthday girl.” She grabbed onto hers and KickenChickens name plates and hopped over to us. “Don’t let this bird brain ruin your day.” She whispered and smiled at me. I thanked her and grabbed mine and DogDays names and walked over to the other side of the table. 
We both sat down and I looked over to Damian and waved hello to him. He waved back before grabbing a tissue and blowing his nose into it. Poor kid looked sick. I was going to head over to him to see how he was feeling but then I heard Miss Delights voice. “Alright everyone! Time to get started!” I’d have to check on him after we finished. 
Table reading went alright....to say the least. KickenChicken kept trying to change up some stuff that way me and him could interact more than me and DogDay. Once we finished I went over to Damian to check up on him. “Hey kiddo, you doing alright.” He blew his nose before saying, “Hi Miss Y/N. I think I might have a cold or something. Oh here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “A gift for your birthday.” I took it and opened the piece of paper. It was another drawing of me and Damian. My heart instantly melted when I read what was above the drawing. ‘Mom + Me.’ I pulled Damian into a hug and felt some tears fall down my face. “Thank you, Damian. I’ll cherish this forever.” Damian sneezed while saying, “You’re welcome.” I took his hand into mine and started walking towards DogDay.  
I noticed that Bobby was now in the theater room talking to DogDay. Oh joy. “Hi Mr. DogDay, hi miss Bear.” Damian caught their attention. “Hi Damian.” “Hey there Damian; and a good afternoon to you pretty lady.” DogDay pretended to tip a hat towards me. I laughed at his playfulness and did a little curtsey. “I don’t mean to interrupt but I just wanted to tell you that I’ll be taking Damian over to the infirmary.” “Oh? Is someone not feeling well? You better move along now and dont worry Y/N-” Bobby then linked her arm around DogDays arm before continuing, “I’ll take good care of him while your away.” I just watched as DogDay had an unpleasant look on his face before trying to pry Bobby off of him. “You need me to come with you Angel?” Right as I was going to answer Bobby cut me off. “No! I-I mean I need to get your measurements for your costume DogDay.” “I guess I’ll meet you later then Angel.” Even though Bobby had her arm around his I still walked up to him and gave him a hug. He returned my hug and squeezed me tight. “I’ll see you later Dogday.” “Bye Angel. Feel better Damian.” I pulled away and headed for the exit. “Bye Y/N!” I heard Bobby call out from behind me. She sounded so happy that I was tempted to show her my favorite finger, but I didn’t and continued to walk hand in hand with Damian.  
The doctor said he just has a little fever and should feel better by tomorrow. I sighed in relief and thanked Damian again before letting him get some rest. Once I exited Home Sweet Home, I saw DogDay standing at the bottom of the steps. “Hey Angel! How’s Damian doing?” “He just has a little fever. Doctor said he’ll be fine tomorrow.” I took out the drawing Damian did and showed it to DogDay. “Look what he drew for me. Isn’t that sweet?” DogDay smiled and wagged his tail.  
“That is very sweet Angel! He sees you as a mom. Hey, why not adopt him?" I think I got whiplash from how fast I looked up at DogDay. “Huh?! Adopt him??” “Why not Angel? You two seem so found of each other.” I laughed nervously before talking back. “Well yes, but- I mean- I don’t know...” I only just turned 21 today and I’m sure there would be a lot of paperwork to fill out and other legal stuff. “He’s a great kid, really but-” I couldn’t get anything else to come out of my mouth. “It’s alright Angel you don’t need to say anything else.” He patted me on the back. “Since we don’t have anything else planned for today why not head home early Angel?” “Really?” I didn’t want to leave yet. “Mhm, in fact you should head home right now. I already got your things.” He picked me up and started caring me to the cable car. “Wait- what about the surprise?!” “Oh don’t worry Angel, you’ll still see it.”  
We made it to the cable car and he set me down. I turned to look at him with a sad look on my face. “Believe me Angel, I would love to spend more time with you, but I don’t want you to miss your surprise.” He handed me my stuff and kissed the top of my head. “See you tomorrow, Angel.” “Bye....” I was stunned. I walked into the cable car and sat down as the doors had closed. As I was travaling up I stood up and went to the window and waved goodbye to DogDay. We both waved goodbye until we couldn’t see each other anymore. 
I made it back home and plopped down on my bed. I closed my eyes and sighed before opening my eyes and saying, “Wait...I didn’t see his surprise?!” I sighed in disappointment. Oh well, I could always see it tomorrow. I turned on my phone and saw that it was almost 8 o’ clock. I reached over for my TV remote and turned on the TV. I’m a kid at heart so when Damian told me that a certain channel shows all of the Smiling Critters cartoons, I knew I had to record them. Since I’m home around the time that they showed, I didn’t need to record this one.  
The intro started to play out and I smiled and sang along with it. Once the intro finished a little message appeared on screen. I got closer and looked at what it said. “To my Angel." I read out loud. I was confused for a second before it faded away and the cartoon version of DogDay appeared on screen. “Hey Angel, I hope you’re at home watching this now. You’re probably thinking that you missed your surprise but in fact you’re watching it right now!” My jaw was opened as DogDay continued to talk. He...he had an episode made for me....... 
I watched the episode play out and the whole time I couldn’t stop smiling. “And now it’s time to sing you happy birthday!” Out of nowhere a birthday cake showed up on screen. It had one candle in the center and was already lit. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday my sweet Angel, happy birthday to you~” I felt a tear forming in my eye. “Blow out your candle Angel.” DogDay then held the cake closer to the screen. I laughed and acted like I blew out the candle. In the cartoon the flame disappeared. “I hope your wish comes true Angel.” The screen then faded black, signaling that the episode was over. I grabbed my remote and rewind the episode so that I could tape it. Best birthday ever.  
A/N: DogDay just purposely got paint on him so that he and you could be together longer >:)
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orchidniins · 2 months
Aftercare | George Clarke
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Summary: George taking care of you after a rough night in the sheets. Pairing: GeorgeClarkey x afab!Reader Warnings: Smut, Fluff Word count: 1.1k A/N: My favourite thing in the world to write is George Clarke smut. Definitely want to write a series for him once I clear all my asks (Open to ideas for this). Thanks for the request anon! This one's short, but I hope you enjoy it!
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George has you flipped onto your stomach, his hands gripping tightly onto the sides of your hips, fingers digging into your flesh as he drives deeper.
“Fuck…George…”, you whined, your moans muffled by the pillow. He pulls you back onto his cock with each thrust. Sweat beaded down his face as he pounded into you ruthlessly from behind, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room, pushing you closer to the edge with every stroke.
At this point, you had become a whimpering mess, your body trembling with each thrust. “George, I can’t take this anymore,” you babbled mindlessly, your voice breaking with the intensity of the pleasure coursing through you.
“So soon?” he taunts, his tone dripping with mockery. He wraps his arm around your stomach, pulling you up until your back is flush against his chest. His hot breath tickles your ear as he continues his merciless thrusts.
“But you take my cock so well; you can hold on a little longer,” he growls, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. The primal sound sends shivers down your spine.
His hand slides down, fingers brushing over your sensitive clit, adding to the overwhelming sensation. You can’t help but cry out, your body writhing against him, edging you closer to your orgasm.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whine, throwing your head back.
George takes the opportunity to snake his hand around your throat, somehow drilling into you harder than before. Your hand grips his forearm tightly, trying to keep yourself up on your knees.
“Fuck y/n,” he groans, feeling your walls clench around his cock. The way his hand grips tighter at your waist, you know he’s close as well.
Seconds later, your entire body begins to shake as you unravel around him. Pleasure-filled groans and screams of his name fill the room. The intensity of your orgasm makes your vision blur, and your nails dig into his forearm as you cling to him.
George's pace falters, a low growl escaping his lips as he feels your walls pulsate around his cock. With a final, deep thrust, his cock twitches before he releases inside you, filling you with his warmth.
You let out a breathy moan at the sensation of him spilling into you, intensifying your climax. As you both ride out the waves of pleasure, George’s grip on your throat loosens, his lips finding the curve of your shoulder in a tender kiss.
Your body melts into his, slumping back against him as your thighs threaten to give out. George’s strong arms wrap around your waist, holding you up as you both catch your breath.
He pulls out slowly, leaving you a worn-out mess.
His hands softly rub your waist, and his face nuzzles into the crook of your neck. With gentle care, he turns you around and lays you down, pulling you onto his chest. He places soft kisses on your head. brushing the hair out of your tired face. 
You swear it's like this man has two personalities. One moment, he’s pounding into you mercilessly, and the next, he’s kissing you so tenderly. He always takes extra care of you after sex, especially when he’s been rough like this.
He looks down at your tired expression, “Angel”, he softly murmurs into your ear,, "I'm so sorry, was I too rough?"
You gently shake your head, meeting his gaze with a slight smile. "No, George, it was perfect," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. He leans in, softly kissing your forehead, his touch reassuring and tender.
"I'll be right back, okay?" George murmurs softly, though he doesn't wait for your answer. His lips press lightly against your shoulder before he gently separates from you, sighing as he gets out of bed.
He disappears into the bathroom for a moment, and you feel your eyes growing heavy with contentment. A minute later, you sense his hand gently caressing your cheek, coaxing you to open your eyes. "I got you some water," he says softly as you sit up, accepting the glass and taking a few sips. 
He watches you attentively, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you feeling okay? Any pain?" he asks gently.
"I'm okay," you assure him, meeting his gaze with a smile. He softly runs his hand over your thigh, "I ran you a bath, let's get you cleaned up, "he says tenderly, his voice filled with care and affection.
You pout playfully at him, and he smiles warmly, his eyes full of affection as he gazes at you. "I know you're tired, but the warm water will make you feel better," he assures you, his voice soothing and caring. "Come on," he continues softly, reaching out to lift you effortlessly into his arms. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, feeling safe in his embrace.
He gently helps you into the tub, settling in behind you as you rest against his chest. His fingers trace over the bruises he had left on your waist, and he asks you softly, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You smile reassuringly, leaning into his touch. "I'm okay, George," you say softly, taking his hand and kissing it before lacing your fingers together. "Thank you for taking care of me."
He presses a kiss to your shoulder, his voice tender. "Always, darling. I'll always take care of you."
Once you two are cleaned up, dried off and changed, he helps you out of the bath, his arms supporting you gently despite your protests that you can walk. Ignoring your objections, George carries you back to the bed and carefully lays you down, tenderly ensuring you're comfortable before returning to your side.
He settles against the pillows, pulling you close with his arm wrapped instinctively around you. His steady heartbeat soothes you as you nestle against him. You rest your head on his chest, feeling the rhythmic rise and fall as he breathes.
His fingers find their way into your hair, gently stroking in slow, soothing motions that relax you further. You cuddle closer, absorbing the warmth of his body and the comfort of his touch.
"I love you so much," he whispers softly, his voice a murmur in the quiet room. You tilt your head up to meet his gaze, his blue eyes filled with affection as your hand rests gently on his chest. "I love you too, baby," you reply tenderly,
He leans down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering briefly. As you feel the exhaustion take over you, George's hand moves to cradle your head against his chest, his heartbeat lulling you into sleep. 
Soon you drift off, enveloped in the comfort of his embrace.
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A/N: Thanks for reading guys! I'm trying to get through all my pending requests now that I'm back.
Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Not working on any new requests currently but feel free to drop into my asks for a chat! 😊
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nahoney22 · 3 months
Hi there, I've never done a request before, so fun! 🤗 Could you do angst/fluff (enemies to lovers) with fem reader and Crosshair? "What are you staring at?" / "You, is that a problem?" I'd love for the fem reader to give Cross a dose of his snark, so maybe she's the one saying "You, is that a problem?" Some snark to fluff would be wonderful. Thank you for all you do! ❤️
Under the Moon 🌊
🫧 pairings: Crosshair x Female!Reader
word count: 2k
• “What are you staring at?” / “You, is that a problem?”
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Crosshair didn’t like new people so naturally, he didn’t like you. Or did he? He can bark but you show him that you can certainly bite back.
warnings: Safe for Work, Enemies to Lovers, Kissing, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Bickering, Sassy Moments, Light Angst, Scar/Burn Insecurities, Female Reader.
authors note: sorry for the wait, hope this is okay @megmegalodondon 🫧
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The Marauder buzzed with activity, each member of the squad engrossed in their routines. The hum of machinery and quiet murmur of voices filled the air. You were content assisting Tech when a burning sensation prickled on the side of your face, like the intensity of a laser sight. You didn’t need to turn to know who was staring.
Since joining the team, Crosshair’s disdain had been clear. From the moment of his return, he made it obvious he didn’t like you. The others mentioned he wasn’t fond of people in general, and new members who acted like they knew everything were especially irritating to him. Unfortunately, that was you to a tee. Your confidence and cleverness only seemed to amplify his irritation.
As you worked at the main console running diagnostics, you felt Crosshair’s gaze drilling into you. Stealing a glance, you shot him a look of annoyance, but his face remained an impassive mask, eyes like cold steel.
You muttered under your breath, turning back to your task, but his presence was an undeniable distraction. Despite his abrasive attitude, you couldn't ignore his striking looks—though you'd never admit it aloud. His chiseled jaw, the intensity in his eyes, the way his hands worked methodically over his rifle — it was all infuriatingly attractive. Sadly his snarky attitude was less than desirable.
“Can you keep the static to a minimum?” Crosshair’s sharp voice cut through the silence, jolting you from your thoughts. His brows were furrowed in irritation, lips a thin line.
You rolled your eyes, fingers pausing on the controls. “It’s called doing my job, Crosshair. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
He set his rifle down with a clatter and stood, his tall frame casting a long shadow over you and his eyes bore into you. “My job is to keep us safe, and I can’t do that if I can’t concentrate.”
“Oh, please. Like your concentration is ever that perfect,” you retorted, standing to meet his gaze. “Or maybe you’re just looking for an excuse to complain.”
His brown eyes darkened, a dangerous glint in them. “I don’t need excuses to point out incompetence.” He stepped closer, the tension between you thick.
“Incompetence? You—” Your retort was cut short by Omega’s innocent voice from her corner, breaking the charged atmosphere.
“Why do you two always fight? It’s like you actually like each other or something.”
Wrecker, lounging on a crate nearby, let out a booming laugh. “Yeah, it’s like a schoolyard crush! You both just need to admit it!”
Your face flushed with embarrassment, heat rising to your cheeks. “What? No! That’s ridiculous,” you spluttered, glaring at the two of them. “Crosshair would be the last guy in all the galaxy I’d ever get with.”
Crosshair crossed his arms, a smug smirk playing on his lips. “Feeling’s mutual.”
Tech glanced up from his datapad, adding his two credits. “Statistically, opposites do attract. It’s not entirely out of the question.”
You and Crosshair turned on him in unison. “Shut up, Tech!”
He raised an eyebrow, unfazed. “Charming. But that just proves my point.”
Your embarrassment deepened as the rest of the squad chuckled. “I’m done with this,” you muttered, turning on your heel and storming away from the others.
Omega’s voice trailed after you, “We were just teasing!”
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The next day, you were tasked with scouting a base for Rex, determining the best points for a future infiltration. The dense jungle surrounded you, the air thick with humidity, leaves glistening with moisture and you’re still in a sour mood from yesterday which is only to worsen. As you navigated through the underbrush, Hunter’s voice cut through your thoughts.
“You and Crosshair will go ahead together. Maybe sort out your differences while you’re at it.” Clearly, yesterday’s bickering had reached his ears, and this was your punishment. Crosshair merely grunted, a typical response, and began moving ahead without waiting for you. Reluctantly, you followed.
The jungle was alive with the chirps and calls of unseen creatures, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and foliage. At the coordinates, Crosshair suggested a lookout point, but you were less than convinced. “You’re out of your mind if you think that’s a good vantage point,” you stated, shooting him a stern look.
He raised an eyebrow, his face a mask of annoyance. “And where would you suggest, General?” he drawled, sarcasm dripping from every word.
You pointed to a higher spot, frustration evident in your voice. “There, we’ll have a better view of the perimeter.”
Crosshair crossed his arms, a mocking smile on his face. “That’s weak. We’ll be seen.”
Your face flushed with annoyance because this wasn’t the first time he disagreed with you, it was almost every single time.
“Or maybe you can’t handle the climb and that’s why you’re opting for the lower point?” You challenge.
His smirk faded slightly, and he took a deliberate step closer, invading your space. With a fluid motion, he removed his helmet, locking his intense eyes on you. “You’re new here, Kitten. Maybe you should learn to trust my judgment.” His voice low and testing.
Your heart pounded, and you could feel the heat radiating from him. “Trust your judgment?” You scoff, doing your best to ignore the petname he just gave you. “You’re so arrogant!” you retorted whilst also trying to ignore how his proximity affected you.
Crosshair leaned in even closer, his breath brushing against your face. “Arrogant? Or just right?” His gaze flicked down to your lips, lingering. “You should watch that pretty mouth of yours.” The air between you crackled with tension, and for a brief, electrifying moment, it seemed like he wanted to kiss you. Or maybe you wanted to kiss him.
But did he just call you pretty? Was he mocking you? Either way, you find yourself in a sudden daze as you’re hypnotised by his eyes. The realisation hits you hard, leaving you momentarily speechless and strangely drawn to him despite your better judgment.
His breath is warm, scented but breathing deadly silent. If you closed your eyes, you probably wouldn’t even assume he was mere inches from you but he was and it was consuming.
Before either of you could react, a blaster shot rang out, shattering the moment. “Cover’s blown,” Crosshair snapped, his voice yanking you both back to reality. He sprang into action, and you followed, the adrenaline overtaking your argument.
Maybe, it was best to leave the arguing for after the mission.
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Later that night, the squad had returned to Pabu, the mission a success despite the rocky start you and Crosshair had caused by not paying attention.
The others were inside the Marauder, their laughter and chatter a comforting presence. The warm, humid air wrapped around you as you stepped outside, needing space to clear your head, especially to think about what had happened earlier with a certain Sniper.
The tropical night was alive with sounds—creatures chirping, leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, and the distant call of birds. You wandered down to the beach, the soft, damp sand cool beneath your bare feet. The waves lapped rhythmically at the shore, and the moon hung low in the sky, casting a silver path over the water.
As you walked along the shore, you noticed a lone figure lying on the beach. At first you panicked thinking someone was injured but upon closer inspection, silhouetted against the moonlit horizon, it was Crosshair.
He lay on his back, arms folded behind his head, staring up at the vast expanse of the night sky. His usually stern features seemed softer in the moonlight, lost in thought.
For a moment, you considered turning back, but something compelled you to approach him. The sand crunched softly beneath you feet you drew closer, stopping a few feet away. You don’t say anything at first and then end up doing something unexpected—you lay down beside him, your eyes tracing the same stars he was watching. Did he do this often?
Supposedly all the time he spent in a cell made stargazing a rare luxury.
The usual tension between you seemed to vanish in the night air. Crosshair remained silent, his face expressionless as you both lay there, the silence stretching out, surprisingly comfortable.
After a few minutes, you turned your head slightly, your hair brushing against the sand as you watched him. His profile was illuminated by the moonlight dancing; casting sharp shadows and highlighting the lines of his face.
Just like you had noticed him staring at you the day before, he sighed. “What are you staring at?” he asked, his voice low and rough, like gravel.
“You. Is that a problem?” you replied, tone challenging.
He shifted slightly, his eyes flicking towards you before returning to the sky. “Are you looking at my scar?”
“No,” you replied with a small frown, not realising that might be a sensitive topic for him. You had heard about how he got it, but it wasn't something you consciously noticed.
“Good. Look away,” he grumbled, but there was no real anger in his voice. Instead of arguing, you did as he asked, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
After a few minutes, Crosshair sighed once more. “Tech was right.”
You turned your head, confusion knitting your brows together. “About what?”
His gaze remained fixed on the moon, his profile bathed in its soft light. “Sometimes, opposites do attract.”
You were taken aback, eyes widening and quite unsure of how to respond. “Really?”
He nodded slowly, the movement almost missable. “I secretly admire how you take my comments on the chin and aren’t afraid to speak your mind. It’s... admirable.” His voice was awkward, as if admitting his feelings was a foreign concept. His usual mask of indifference slipped slightly, revealing a hint of vulnerability.
Surprise washed over you. All this time, you had thought Crosshair hated you. His constant criticism, the way he always seemed to challenge you—it had all felt like disdain. But now, you realized it was his strange way of showing respect, of acknowledging your strength.
“You could’ve gone about it a different way, y’know?”
“I know.” He responds stiffly.
You smile softly. “That’s a strange way to apologise to me as well.” You jest.
There’s a very faint chuckle that parts his lips as he says, “don’t push it.”
A heartfelt silence settled between you, the sound of the waves the only interruption. But, you still had one thing on your mind.
Breaking the silence, you asked, “Earlier, during the mission... what do you think went wrong?”
Crosshair's expression hardened slightly, his eyes narrowing. “We were distracted. We weren’t focused.”
You bit your lip, gathering your courage. “I thought... for a moment, I thought you were going to kiss me. Would you have?”
Crosshair fell silent, his expression unreadable in the dim light.
Oh no. Why did you have to open your mouth?
Embarrassment flushed through you, and you began to sit up, ready to leave. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
Before you could finish, his hand reached out, gently stopping you. He said nothing, his gaze intense and unreadable as he held onto your arm.
Slowly, he sat forward and tilted your face towards his, his touch surprisingly gentle. Without a word, he leaned in and kissed you, a brief but electrifying connection that left you breathless, your heart trying to leap out of your chest.
The kiss was soft, tentative, as if he was testing the waters. He pulled back before you could even comprehend what was happening, his eyes searching yours, and for once, there was no hostility, only a vulnerable sincerity.
“How’s that for an apology?” he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper, his breath warm against your lips.
You lick your lower lip, having to suppress a dreamy sigh as you could taste him on your tongue. “Surprising.” You say softly, completely smitten all of a sudden.
He smirks, eyes scanning your face. “I’ve never seen you so bashful,”
“Yes, well, kissing someone who you thought was your enemy tends to have that effect.”
He chuckles, lifting his hand and tucking some hair that was dancing in the soft breeze behind your ear. “How about another one?”
You grin, leaning in close. “I won’t say no to that.”
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Masterlist is pinned ♥️
Tags: @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @the-bad-batch-baroness
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justwinginglife · 2 months
Hello?! I hope I'm not late to make a request😅
May I request for Hoshina's reaction to making the reader accidentally cry?Reader is sensitive to loud noise like loud voice,thunders etc...and Hoshina has always been careful in raising his voice at her or attentive but he accidentally raised his voice at her because he mistook her as someone else?
Omg hello! Welcome to my page. You are not too late- I would be honored to write this for you.
The Sound Of His Love
Soshiro Hoshina was sweet, he was funny, he was protective, he was charming- but the thing that stood out the most to you was that he was incredibly considerate.
Your entire life people had teased you for scaring easy- whether it was thunderstorms, construction, fireworks, it didn't matter. Someone could close a door a little too loudly and you'd jump. You couldn't help it. Something about volume was overwhelming to you and you found yourself constantly shrinking at how loud the world was.
But not Soshiro Hoshina. He was gentle, he was soothing. And when he learned about your sensitivity to noise, he made every effort to be a safe haven for you. He didn't see you as lesser, he just saw you as someone who needed a little more love and he always had an abundance to give.
He even let you move into his place after your neighbor got a particularly noisy, particularly rowdy new dog. The man was a dream come true.
So now you wanted to do something to surprise him. You'd never been able to visit him at work because of all the shooting drills that were going on and the possibility of the alarm going off any second to signal a kaiju attack, but today you wanted to try. He was always cooking for you and cleaning up after you (even going so far as throwing out his old vacuum and just sweeping the carpet so as to avoid any noise), so this time you decided to make him a lunch to thank him.
You plated it all pretty in your little bento box and even put a sticky note on top with a little love letter on it.
You had already called up Mina the day before, Hoshina- being the thoughtful person that he was- had introduced the two of you in case you couldn't reach him (and he also just wanted to show you off to someone), and she had approved your little surprise visit, saying she'd help anyway she could.
So today you put on your noise cancelling headphones and make the walk over to the base, your lunchbox in tow. You're greeted at the door by Mina and she leads you to his office to sit and wait for him. Then she gets the idea that she should dress you in one of her uniforms so you look like a soldier, "I bet it'll really do something to that boyish brain of his to see you like this", she winks. You blush and let her do what she wants.
Then you just sit in his office chair and wait.
Little do you know, Hoshina is having the worst day. He had to make the long journey out to the First Division today on almost no sleep for a joint mission, he usually gets a kick out of pushing Narumi's buttons but today the Captain was being extra irritating towards him for no apparent reason, and to make matters worse, Narumi got most of the kills causing Hoshina to sulk about why he was even there in the first place. And then, just to add to his already miserable day, his train ride back got delayed, he got soaked waiting in the rain for it to come, and he was starving. By the time he dragged his dripping, aching body back to his office, he just wanted some piece and quiet and of course he opens the door to find some soldier twiddling their thumbs in his chair.
"Soldier!" He booms. "Who told you that you could let yourself into my office?? I want answers, then I want push-up's, then I want your sorry ass out of my damn office!"
With every word he thunders, you flinch, sinking deeper and deeper into his chair until you feel the tears starting to well up. You know he doesn't know that it's you and that he's probably just had a bad day, but you're still shocked to find that your gentle boyfriend can be not so gentle when he's not around you. You slowly swivel the chair in his direction, your shaking hands lifting the hat away from your face, revealing your tear-stained cheeks to him.
He drops to his knees in an instant.
"Baby..." He gasps. "Oh my god baby, you're here."
You give him a small, weak smile, trying to wipe the tears away, embarrassed that they just keep coming. "S-surprise?"
He slaps his forehead- hard. "I-I'm... I'm so so sorry for yelling at you baby. Please don't... please don't cry, I'm sorry." He pulls himself to his feet and envelops you in a warm hug, repeating his apology over and over again in whispers until you've stopped shaking.
"I-it's okay." You say finally.
He shakes his head vehemently. "It's not okay. I never should've raised my voice at you even if I thought you were an officer, I was just having a bad day baby I'm so sorry. It's really not who I am."
You smile again, this time more confidently. "I know that's not who you are baby. I'm sorry you've had a bad day. I made you lunch."
You gesture to the bento box that's been waiting on his desk.
His eyes widen and he starts to look even more ashamed. He falls to his knees again, curling up and laying his head in your lap. "I don't deserve you." He murmurs, stroking the length of your legs.
You start to blush and you're glad he's nuzzled himself against you and can't see your rosy cheeks.
"I can't believe I made you cry. I swore I'd never make you cry." He mumbles against your legs.
You rub a hand over his shoulder. "It's okay baby, really. I know you didn't mean to."
He shakes his head again. "It's not okay and I will never make you cry ever again, please forgive me."
You kiss the top of his head. "Already done baby. Now eat your lunch so this trip was worth it."
He pulls away from you, finally able to smile. "I'll clean the whole box out if it'll make you happy."
He finishes scarfing down the food and you both walk home together, hand in hand.
This relationship of yours may at times be difficult to navigate, but you know he always tries his best and that's enough for you.
Decades down the road, when you're both old and gray, you smile to yourself as you realize he's kept his promise, he never made you cry ever again.
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daisies-daydreams · 2 months
Hey Daisy 💕💕
So your bio says your requests are open and I don’t remember you closing them but if they are, I’m so sorry, feel free to ignore this-
So I was thinking about Venom!Miguel and this goofy, high energy, upbeat reader who’s always giggling and smiling, even when Miggy’s being an ass
I just wanna req some fluff leading up to some smut, not slow slow burn but some build up where reader confesses to him and he’s like “wait what?” etc.
All the love for you sweetness
- 🪶
Me & U (Venom!Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Venom!Miguel x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut (with a pinch of angst) Tags: Miggy being an asshole, Swearing, Slight Slapstick, Love Confessions, Making Out, Monster Fucking (?), Oral Sex (F!Receiving - Venom/Miguel uses his tongue 😛), Nipple Play, Dirty Talk, Pet Names, Innuendo, Couch Sex, Mentions of Birth Control, Unprotected P in V Sex (you know the drill), Doggy Style, Missionary Position, Slight Bondage, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie Word Count: 5k+ 18+ Banner by @cafekitsune A/N: Ugh, I love love love writing for Venom! characters 🤭🫠 Thank you for your sweet words love and I hope you enjoy! Song Suggestion: Me & U (Cassie)
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Your eyes instantly lit up when your neighbor, Miguel O’Hara, opened his door.
“Hi, Miguel!” you chirped happily, nearly dropping the Tupperware of soup in your hands. You gasped before two strong hands cupped beneath yours. Heat filled your cheeks as you slowly gazed up, your noses so close they nearly brushed against each other. Miguel cleared his throat before he quickly stood up, his shadow casting over your entire body.
“Is that for me?” your neighbor asked in his usual gruff voice as he cocked a brow. It took you a few seconds for his words to register. Were his eyes always ruby red? Oh my God...he is a vampire?! That would be so hot, well, hotter than-
"Hello? (Y/N)," your neighbor called before snapping his fingers. You shook your head.
“Hm? Oh! Yes, this is for you,” you grinned and shifted the Tupperware in your arms. “I just thought I'd give you some of my homemade chicken noodle soup. I made too much and didn't want it to go to waste," you explained as you held the Tupperware out to him. Miguel raised his brows as he glanced down, his rough fingertips grazing over yours as he took the soup with an exhausted expression.
"Thanks," he simply replied. You gave him a bright grin as your heart skipped a beat.
"You're welcome! I was also wondering if-"
You flinched when he suddenly slammed the door in your face. You continued to hold your finger up as your smile remained.
"...you wanted to go see a movie," you murmured out the last part. Your grin faltered a bit as you started to trudge back to your apartment, your footsteps feeling a bit heavier than before...
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Venom rumbled inside Miguel’s head. The massive man tensed when the Symbiote suddenly spoke.
"What?" he blinked. Venom grumbled.
"YOU JUST SLAMMED THE DOOR IN HER FACE!" the alien nearly screeched. Miguel grimaced as he set the Tupperware in the fridge, the corners of his mouth turned down as he felt his blood pressure rise.
"She knows I'm busy - I'm sure she understands," the man replied as he closed the fridge door. Venom scoffed.
"YOU WOULD THINK THAT A GROWN-ASS HUMAN WOULD HAVE SOME DECENT MANNERS," the Symbiote huffed. Miguel clenched his jaw. “YOU SHOULD GO APOLOGIZE,” Venom added. The corners of Miguel’s mouth curved down as he pinched his brows.
“Like I’m gonna let myself get lectured by a vulgar, carnivorous parasite,” he grunted. Miguel gasped as his head shot forward and slammed against the fridge. The man hissed and rubbed the aching spot on his forehead.
“OOPS,” Venom snickered. Miguel sighed and shook his head, his forehead still pulsating with pain.
“Damn symbiote,” he muttered as he rummaged through his cabinets for some ibuprofen. Miguel groaned as he chugged some water before popping the pills. A small, brightly colored note caught his eye as he rubbed his temples. He furrowed his dark brows before picking it up, his scarlet eyes scanning over the small piece of paper:
“It's been pretty chilly out - hope this soup helps warm you up!
<3 (Y/N)”
Miguel's pained expression wavered as he clenched his fist.
God, he really was an asshole, wasn't he?
"YES, YOU WERE," Venom commented.
"¡Cállate parásito!" Miguel snapped [Shut up, parasite!].
"JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY IT IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE DOESN'T CHANGE THE MEANING!" the Symbiote growled. Miguel blew him off as he quickly grabbed his coat. "HOLD ON A SECOND - WHERE ARE WE GOING?" the alien questioned. The tall man grabbed his wallet and keys before opening his front door.
"I'm going to go apologize to (Y/N)...but I need to grab something that'll hopefully help me," he stated.
A Half-An Hour Later...
You blinked when you opened your door.
“Miguel?” you asked. The man’s eyes widened as he gazed upon your face mask.
“I-uh-I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything,” your neighbor grunted while rubbing the back of his neck. You were thankful the mask hid the blush that dusted your cheeks.
“No! No, it’s okay,” you giggled as you leaned against the doorframe. “What can I do for you?” you continued. You didn’t miss the way Miguel looked you up and down: your body clad in a tight-fitting tank top and comfy shorts. He swallowed thickly before clearing his throat.
“I…I just wanted to give you this,” he said while holding out a white, plastic bag. You raised your brows as you took it from him, your mouth instantly watering as the smell of freshly fried food filled your nostrils.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that!” you chirped while reaching forward for a hug. Miguel hesitantly took a step back, his brows scrunched together as he looked away.
“I just…I wanted to say I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting towards you,” he muttered while rubbing the back of his head. You looked up at your neighbor before glancing down at the bag. It was so adorable seeing a brute of a man acting so sheepishly. Miguel shifted his gaze when you hummed.
“It’s okay, I know work has been super stressful for you,” you replied. His eyes softened as he let his hand fall back to his side. “Still, it’s not excuse for me to act like an asshole towards you,” Miguel sighed. Your smile faltered as you watched him stand there idly. You bit your lip as you clutched the bag.
“You know, it’ll be pretty hard for me to finish all of these things while they're still fresh,” you began. You noticed a small spark in Miguel’s eyes as he tilted his head. “Would you like to come in and have some?” you asked while slightly leaning your hip against the doorframe. His eyes widened slightly as he tensed.
“I don’t want to impose or anything,” Miguel frowned before coughing into his fist. You pursed your lips before giggling.
“Venom, would you like some?” you asked while resting a hand on your other hip. Miguel immediately launched forward, his massive body looming over yours as Venom’s face appeared beside his.
“YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK US TWICE!” the alien beamed, his glossy, jagged teeth on full display as he flashed you a cheeky grinned. You chuckled and gave his head a small pat, the slick texture of his form not bothering you in the slightest.
“Come on in, then,” you replied while nodding your head inside your apartment.
“WITH PLEASURE,” Venom said as he forced Miguel to stomp into your humble abode. The walls were practically rattling as he clumsily strolled over to your couch and plopped himself down. You chuckled as you followed behind him, setting the bag down on the coffee table.
“Sorry, just gotta freshen up a little bit,” you said while motioning towards your face. Miguel smiled softly and nodded, his demeanor a bit more relaxed as he leaned against the couch cushion.
“Okay. I’ll make sure Venom doesn’t eat everything,” he hummed. You giggled and gave a quick nod before rushing to the bathroom.
“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you screamed internally as you sped towards the sink. You washed off the mask as quickly as you could before releasing your hair from its messy bun. You rapidly put on a few strokes of mascara and adjusted your tank-top to show just a bit of your cleavage. You gave a firm nod at your reflection before padding back into the hall. You froze and laughed as you watched Miguel swat at one of Venom’s tendrils as it reached for the bag.
“I see you boys have kept yourselves entertained,” you hummed as you sauntered over to the couch. The dim lighting of your living room lamp drew out Miguel’s rugged features: every curve and dip of his muscles defined by dark shadows and soft light.
“Sorry it took me a bit,” you sighed while sinking into the cushion next to him. You watched as his eyes flicked up and down your body, particularly lingering on your chest.
“You’re fine,” he replied while clearing his throat. You beamed before pulling out the Styrofoam box. The two of you sighed as steam wafted up from the golden empanadas, the crisp texture of the crust already making your stomach rumble.
The room was filled with the sounds of quiet munching before Venom appeared. His maw was curled into his usual grin as he swiped his long, wet tongue across his teeth. You chuckled and held out another pastry, the creature devouring the food in one whole bite. You laughed as crumbs rained onto your lap before the symbiote receded back into his host.
Soon, your bellies were full as the sun dipped past the glowing Nueva York skyline. You squeezed your hands in your lap as you held your breath for a moment.
“Miguel?” you piped up. The tall man beside you grunted, his eyes closed and head tilted back. Despite the bags hanging beneath his eyes, he just looked so peaceful and relaxed for once. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you shifted on your cushion.
“There’s…there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about for a while now,” you continued. He slowly opened his scarlet eyes, his gaze soft and half-lidded as he stared at you.
Oh, God.
You bit in the inside of your cheek as you took a deep breath.
“I…I like you,” you muttered quietly. You felt him shift beside you.
“What was that?” the burly man asked. You felt your throat grow tight as your cheeks burned. You whipped your head over and gazed right into his eyes.
“I-I said that I like you,” you said a bit louder. Miguel’s features softened as he parted his lips. You squirmed beneath his gaze as you squeezed your hands together. Miguel remained quiet by your side. "I know it's sudden, b-but, I just felt like if I didn't say it now, then I would've never gotten it out. I'm sorry," you sighed while averting his gaze. You heard Miguel take another deep breath as he rubbed his hand over his mouth before letting it fall into his lap. He let out a small huff of a chuckle.
"You're gonna be the death of me, you know that?" he said with a lopsided grin. Your eyes widened.
"W-What do you mean?" you breathed. Venom's head suddenly formed by Miguel's shoulder.
"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE! WOULD THE TWO OF YOU JUST FUCK ALREADY?!" the alien whined. Your jaw drop as Miguel's nostrils flared.
"Get back inside me!" he shouted. Venom snickered at Miguel's phrasing, causing the man's cheeks to burn a bright red. "You know what I mean!" he yelled, his voice cracking at the last word.
"WHATEVER YOU SAY, DARLING~" the Symbiote hummed in a sing-song voice before retracting back into Miguel. The man before you rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
"Sorry about that," Miguel said with a tired, apologetic smile. You chuckled and shook your head.
"It's fine," you said with a dismissive hand-wave. You bit your lip.
"So...do you really like me back?" you asked breathlessly. Miguel raised his thick, dark brows as he pursed his lips. He cleared his throat and planted both feet on the floor.
"I...I do," he said with a sideways grin while averting his gaze. You squealed happily and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Miguel placed a hand on the small of your back, rubbing it soothingly.
"You have no idea how excited I am! We're gonna go on SO many cute dates. We could take a romantic trip on the Lunar Train - oh! Or have brunch at a beach house in Amagansett-" you began to ramble off a list of dates you imagined with Miguel, not caring if they sounded stupid or not. You blinked when the man by your side gently placed his hand over your mouth, his palm enveloping over the lower half of your face.
"(Y/N), as fun as those things sound...I'd like to maybe start with taking you out to a nice dinner. Would that be alright?" he asked. You nodded, a muffled "mhm" heard beneath his palm. Miguel's smile grew as he slowly withdrew his hand.
"-and we could also go on a rowboat in Central Park," you continued. Miguel laughed and shook his head. "What?" you giggled. The tall man sighed as he slung one of his muscular arms around the back of the couch.
"I've never met anyone who talks as much as you do," he stated. Your smile faltered.
"Is...Is that a bad thing?" you asked while shifting in your seat. Miguel smiled and shook his head.
"No, no. In fact, I think it's pretty endearing hearing someone talk about something they're passionate about," he sighed. You tilted your head as he paused. "That spark you get in your eye...it's what drew me to you in the first place," he confessed while rubbing his chin. Your eyes lit up as you hugged him tightly, causing him to groan.
"I'm just so excited. It's...been a while since I've been in a relationship," you said while tucking some hair behind your ear. Miguel hummed softly.
"Really? How long?" he asked. You froze in place as your eyes widened.
"Oh, hermosa," Miguel cooed, clearly reading through your silent response. You sighed and leaned back, your arms withdrawing from his sides as you frowned. "Hey, look at me," he said softly. You slowly brought your gaze up to his eyes, your heart fluttering as he cupped your cheek. "You're a beautiful, kind woman. I'd be happy to be in a relationship with you," he murmured softly. Your heart melted right there as you gazed into his eyes.
"Really?" you murmured. Miguel smiled and nodded before sucking in a sharp breath.
"Really. And you know..." Miguel trailed off as he shifted on the couch. "Maybe Venom's suggestion from earlier...wasn't terrible," he muttered while tilting his head side to side. Your heart skipped a beat at his words as you squeezed your thighs together.
"You mean, you wanna..." you trailed off and made some gestures with your hands. Miguel nodded slowly as his cheeks continued to fill with pink. You gasped as he shifted even closer to you, his other hand gently cupping your knee.
"I've...I've wanted you for so long. Too long," he sighed softly as he squeezed your knee. "And now, all I want to do is make up for lost time and show you how much I want to be with you...hermosa," Miguel breathed, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear [beautiful]. You arched your back as a shiver ran down your spine.
"Mmm, Miguel, p-please. I want to feel you," you sighed as you squirmed beside him. Miguel grinned softly as he leaned forward and nipped along your jaw.
"Just relax, princesa. I'll make sure to take good care of you," he purred lowly while gently pushing you onto your back and climbing on top of you. Your walls clenched at the sound of his husky rumble, your legs parting on their own as you swallowed thickly. Miguel's large, warm hands dipped beneath your tank-top, his palms eagerly cupping your breasts as you moaned.
"O-Oh," you gasped as he smoothed his thumbs over your perky, sensitive nipples. You bit your lip and mewled as his lips traveled closer to your own, his hips slowly lowering against yours with a deep sigh.
"I can't wait to taste the rest of you, princesa," Miguel groaned before he gently nibbled on your bottom lip. Your fingers smoothed through his thick, dark locks as you parted your lips. The living room was filled with your combined moans as he crashed his plump lips against yours, his hands squeezing your breasts as he slowly rolled his hips against your clothed sex.
"O-Oh fuck Miguel," you panted. Miguel raised his brows as he chuckled lowly.
"I didn't know someone as sweet as you could have such a dirty mouth," he snickered before gently pinching your nipples. You squealed as your mouth shot open. Your eyes widened as Miguel's tongue quickly dove into your wet cavern, his muscle tenderly massaging yours as he rubbed your hardened buds between his digits. Your hungry moans filled his mouth as your tongues passionately danced in circles. Both of you panted heavily as he pulled back for air, your lips glossy with combined spit.
"God, you sound so hot when you make those noises," he grunted before diving back in. You closed your eyes as you soaked in the taste of his tongue against yours, your heart pounding in your ears as you sighed deeply. Miguel groaned as he slowly lifted your shirt above your head, peeling the clothing off before tossing it aside. Your cheeks were flush as he pulled back, his eyes hungrily drinking in the sight of your exposed breasts. You frowned and looked away before he dipped his fingers beneath your chin, turning your face back towards him.
"Please, don't look away. I want to see all of you," he whispered with the softest expression you've ever seen. Your heartbeat faltered as a small smile formed over your face. "Ahí está mi mujer bonita," Miguel chuckled quietly as his fingertips traced along your jaw before dipping between the valley of your breasts [There's my pretty woman].
Your eyes nearly rolled back as your body began to melt at his feather-light touch.
"M-Miguel," you panted breathlessly. Miguel hummed as he gently nipped and kissed along the side of your neck.
"Hm?" he sighed, his hot breath falling over a wet spot on your skin. Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you gulped.
"Can you...can you finger me?" you said with a strained voice. Miguel's eyes widened slightly before he gave you a small smirk.
"Of course, hermosa," he chuckled before suckling on your pulse. Your body jolted at the sweet suction against your skin before he lapped over the fresh hickey. "Do you want me to use my mouth, too?" Miguel whispered. You had to stop a moan escaping your throat as his question shook you to the core.
"Y-Yes please," you whined. Miguel's smirk widened even more.
"You're so polite," he chuckled. You raised your brows and playfully flicked his shoulder. Miguel winced. "Now why would you hurt a gentle giant like me, hm?" the man above you quipped with a raised brow. You giggled and rolled your eyes.
"Watch out - I might spank you if you get sassy again," you winked. Miguel chuckled as he tugged at your pajama shorts.
"Promise, Mami?" he said in a low, husky voice [Mommy]. Your cheeks burned at the petname as you looked away. Miguel's chest rose and fell as he burst out laughing. "Hey, don't dish out what you can't serve," he purred before pulling your thin shorts and panties down your legs. You gasped as your slick pussy was on full display for him. Miguel licked his lips as he leaned his head down.
"W-Wait!" you yelped. His head shot back up as his eyes widened.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" he asked as his brows furrowed. You blushed as you held your breath.
"I...I had guys say that I tasted funny, so-" you instantly stopped talking as he shoved his face into your cunt, sniffing it deeply. Your jaw dropped as you felt the tip of his nose nudge against your puffy clit. "W-What are you doing?!" you gulped. You felt him smile against your slick labia before he flicked the tip of his tongue out. Your legs shook around his head as your hips snapped forward.
"Oh my god, you taste so fucking sweet," Miguel groaned before licking a bold stripe up your juicy slit. You moaned and threw your head back as he painted long, languid strokes up and down your folds.
"S-Shit Miguel," you groaned as your hips mindlessly rubbed against his face. Miguel's eyes locked with yours as he snaked his arms around your thighs, his face glued to your gushing cunt. A gasp left your puffy lips as he puckered his lips around your swollen bundle of nerves, your hole puckering against his chin as a loud moan erupted from your throat.
"Let me hear you, Mami," Miguel whispered, his lips tenderly caressing your clit before he wetly swirled his tongue around the sensitive button. Your head began to spin as he gently nudged two of his thick fingers against the rim of your aching entrance. "Let me hear all those sweet, beautiful noises you make," he groaned before slowly pushing his fingers inside your pulsing walls. Your jaw went slack as you already felt filled by his girthy digits.
"O-Oh my-" your throat tightened as you felt every curve and divot of his fingers caressed the inside of your velvety cunt.
"Yes, that's it. That's my good girl," Miguel rumbled as he slowly pumped his digits inside your stretched out hole. Your pussy clenched around his digits as he lapped at your clit, the tip of his tongue flicking over your swollen button. "Taking my fingers so well," he breathed before planting a sloppy kiss over your cunt. The delicious drag of his fingers inside your tight walls mixed with the sweet suction of his lips drew another loud whine out of your throat.
"Fuck Miguel!" you screamed as your cunt gushed around his thick digits. Your eyes shot open when he licked over your clit again, but this time, his tongue felt strangely different. Your eyes grew impossibly wider as you looked down. Miguel's mouth was replaced with Venom's, though it was still his own scarlet eyes staring into your own. You felt a whirlwind of emotions as your legs remained spread before the amalgamation before you.
"W-What-" your lips remained parted as he squeezed your legs, a low rumble rising from his throat as he swiped his tongue back and forth across your wetness. Your strangled moan rose through the room as you felt something slick begin to slide over your legs and abdomen. Your eyelids fluttered as Venom's tendrils began to eagerly rub your hardened nipples as he lashed the tip of his tongue over your needy clit.
Miguel's eyes flashed with red before he quickly ripped his fingers from your now gaping hole. You shot your head up before he quickly replaced his digits by shoving his long, lithe tongue deep inside your plush pussy.
"H-Holy fuck," you panted and bucked your hips forward as you saw a bulge grow in your lower belly, the tip of his new tongue grazing over your soft cervix. Your toes curled as he arched his slick muscle inside your walls, spreading them open with a wet squelch.
"B-Baby," you moaned as you tugged on his hair. Miguel groaned, his voice much deeper and gutteral than usual as he began to slowly thrust his tongue deep inside your tight, warm cavern. Your moans could've shaken the couch as you felt his tongue stroke each and every inch of your tender walls. Each of your nerve endings lit up with pleasure as Venom's tentacles stroked your nipples and puffy clit, the steady drag of his lithe muscle making your walls flutter.
"Miguel, f-fuck, I-I'm gonna cum!" you groaned as you ground your hips against his face. You felt his grip on your legs tighten as he thrusted his tongue even faster, the tendrils wrapped around your breasts and clit now rapidly massaging them.
"A-AH!" you screamed as your hips snapped forward. Your body tensed beneath his grip as he thrusted his entire tongue deep inside your pulsing sex. You moaned and babbled his name as you rolled your hips forward, your warm juices gushing all over his tongue and dripping down his chin as you violently came.
Miguel's eyelids fluttered as a gutteral moan left his parted lips.
"F-Fuck," you murmured as your legs shivered in his grasp, your walls still fluttering as he stuffed you full with his tongue. You panted heavily as you came down from your high, your body glowing in a thin sheen of sweat. A soft whine escaped you as Miguel slowly withdrew his long tongue, the feeling of emptiness quickly rushing into your needy cunt. Your dismay was quickly replaced with pleasure as he slowly licked all the way from the stretched-out rim of your entrance to your swollen, over-sensitive clit.
You mewled as your hips shot up, a small grin forming over Miguel's face as Venom's tongue began to slowly withdraw. Your thighs trembled against his ears as he pressed a gentle kiss to your bundle of nerves. You moaned softly as he locked eyes with you, his gaze tender and lit with an insatiable desire as he slowly pulled his lips back. A string of spit and slick connected his mouth to your weeping sex before he licked his plump lips.
"How are you feeling?" he panted heavily as the tentacles around your breasts rested against your nipples. You swallowed thickly and shifted beneath him, your head still spinning with pure bliss.
"G-Good, really good," you breathed. Miguel cracked another smile before he gently kissed your stomach.
"Do you think you can do another round?" he murmured against your skin. Your heart skipped a beat as you drew in a sharp breath.
"I-I think so. Just give me a second," you said as you tried to prop yourself up on your forearms. Miguel sighed and laid several lazy kisses over your abdomen, his teeth gently pinching the skin every now and then.
"When this is over, I'm taking you out to a proper dinner," he rumbled, his hands gently rubbing and squeezing your hips. The tips of your ears burned.
"R-Really?" you murmured with a wide grin. Miguel's crimson eyes sparkled as he gave you a soft smile.
"Of course. While I do think we're doing things a little backwards...I honestly don't really care at this point," he chuckled while massaging the flesh of your hips. You bit your lip and released a small moan. "I want to do all the things I should've done, and that includes taking you to a nice restaurant," he grinned. You blushed even more as your smile grew.
"O-Okay. But none of those fancy places where they only serve you, like, a tablespoon of food," you warned with a playful smirk. Miguel chuckled and nodded.
"Deal," he smiled and rested his chin on your stomach. "Now...about our next round..." Miguel continued with a mischievous grin.
You gasped as a new pair of tendrils flipped you around. Your breasts and stomach squished against the plush couch cushions as your ass wiggled in the air. You arched your back as Miguel's palms smoothed over the globes of your bum, a low groan heard behind you. You squeaked as he gave your bum a small spanking before spreading your cheeks apart.
"Mmm look at you, you're practically dripping from before," Miguel grunted as he spread your labia apart with his fingers, thick strings of your juices and his spit stretching between your lower lips. You squealed as a rush of adrenaline swept through your body, your core already aching to be touched again.
"Miguel..." you breathed and wiggled your hips. The man above you chuckled softly as you heard him unzip his pants. A jolt of electricity shot through you as you soon felt something hot and wet slap against the crevice of your ass, a drop of precum gliding over your skin as he groaned.
"God, I can't wait to be inside you," Miguel rumbled as he slowly dragged his thick, veiny cock between your supple cheeks. You whined as he grabbed his dick and slotted it between your thighs, his shaft gliding along your slit and spreading the mess to your legs. You gasped as you felt his burning tip rub against your needy clit, your head reeling with mind-numbing pleasure. You moaned and shifted your ass back against his lean abs, the slick sound of him rubbing his erect cock under your folds making your head spin even more.
"Miguel, please. I-I need you," you moaned. You could practically feel him grin as he leaned against your trembling form.
"Do you want me to use a condom?" he whispered huskily as he nipped at your ear. You parted your lips and shook your head.
"N-No, I'm on birth control," you reassured him in a low whisper. He grinned against the shell of your ear before angling his hips against your rear. You moaned as you felt his tip nudge at the tight rim of your entrance, your body trembling with pure, carnal need.
"Just take some deep breaths for me, okay princesa?" Miguel whispered as he smoothed his hands over your hips. You nodded and swallowed a deep breath of air. You felt him smile against your skin as he slowly pushed inside your weeping hole.
"Fuck!" you gasped and gripped the cushion as you felt his thick, round tip start to spread your gummy walls apart. His low moan made you shake with bliss as you felt him inch inside your pussy, your walls gripping him deliciously as you breathed his name. Miguel's grip on your hips grew tighter with every inch of his thick cock that was swallowed by your warmth.
"S-So tight, hermosa," he swallowed thickly. Both of you gasped when his sharp hips met with your ass, the fullness inside your tight cunt making your back arch impossibly more. You heard him swallow again as Venom's tentacles began to gently rub your nipples again. You mewled as the slick tendrils wrapped around your hard buds and twisted them ever so slightly.
"Mmm, that's it," Miguel whispered as he slowly pulled his hips back. Your jaw went completely slack as he snapped them forward, his tip roughly kissing your cervix.
"A-Ah!" you mewled loudly as he continued the steady pace of slowly pulling out, only for his hips to slap against you as he bottomed out each time. The couch creaked as his rhythm began to increase, his heavy balls now wetly slapping against your clit with every snap of his hips.
"Miguel, ohhh god r-right there," you slurred, your mind completely drunk on the feeling of his cock massaging your velvety walls. You threw your head back as you felt his thick tip rub against your spongey g-spot, your cunt pulsing around his hard cock as a wave of pleasure washed over you.
"You feel so good, (Y/N). Your pussy wraps around me so perfectly," he whispered before capturing your earlobe between his lips, suckling on it lightly. You whined as the tentacles and his cock began to move even faster, your heart pounding in your sternum as your pussy began to feel tighter and tighter. "Shit, gripping s-so good," Miguel groaned, his chest flush against your upper back as his cock rubbed each and every part of your leaking cunt.
"Miguel, i-if you keep going this fast, I'm g-gonna cum," you tried to warn him. Your breath hitched as he suckled on the spot behind your ear, his fingernails digging into the soft skin of your hips as he growled lowly.
"Good," he rumbled, his voice much more raspy and feral than before. You felt Venom's tendrils squeeze your breasts as another two grabbed your waist. You squealed as you were flipped around, the room around you blurring before you were face to face with Miguel. You had no time to think about the tentacles sprouting from his back before your arms were pinned above your head by the writhing appendages. Your heart raced as the tentacles from before lapped and curled around your nipples, another one gently massaging your bundle of nerves as Miguel pounded into your pretty pussy.
"Ay dios mío, eres tan p-perfecta," Miguel groaned gutturally, his hot breath cascading over your face [Oh my God, you're so perfect]. You moaned as he captured your lips in a heated, sloppy kiss, the sound of skin wetly slapping against skin loudly echoing through your living room. Your breathing was growing more and more ragged with every drag of his cock and swipe of the tendrils, your heartbeat growing louder and louder inside your ears as you felt the muscles in your lower stomach start to quickly wind together.
"M-Miguel!" you screamed as white flashed across your vision. You shivered beneath him as your pussy squirted all along his abs, your body and mind torn apart in the riptide of pure, unbridled ecstasy. "Mmm yes," you slurred, your head reeling as stars danced in your line of sight. You mewled as Miguel locked lips with you again, his nostrils flaring as he playfully flicked his tongue against yours.
"That's my good girl, cumming around my c-cock," Miguel's breath faltered as your pussy hugged him in an impossibly tight grip. It wasn't long before his thrusts began to grow even faster and sloppy. "S-Shit. Where do you want me?" he asked in a low rumble. You whined and thrashed beneath him.
"Inside!" you moaned as your back arched off the couch. A deep groan reverberated within Miguel's chest as he slammed his hips down for the last time. Both of you moaned as you felt his cock twitch inside your puffy cunt, his cum flooding every inch of your slick heat. The tendrils around your body squeezed you tightly as Miguel closed his eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing as his cock continued to pulse deep inside you.
He swallowed thickly before slowly pulling out; a loud, wet "pop" ringing in your ears and making you shake. You panted heavily, the tentacles slowly withdrawing from your goose-bump riddled skin and back to Miguel's heaving form. You slowly brought a hand up to Miguel's cheek, smiling warmly.
"Thank you," you said breathlessly. Miguel's brows shot up as he let out a small chuckle.
"For what?" he whispered before pecking your lips, his strong arms now wrapped around your smaller form. You sighed as you gently smoothed your thumb over his cheek, soaking in the feeling of his warm body pressed against yours.
"For making my dream come true," you whispered. A small hint of pink dusted Miguel's cheeks as his smile softened. He gently kissed your forehead as he stroked your sides.
"You're welcome, hermosa," he whispered back and held you close.
I shall leave you with this (use it wisely):
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Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @mcmiracles @genma-support-group @rattybimbo @rinyukaa
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below! (MUST BE 18 OR OLDER)
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noosayog · 7 months
Hi! I saw request were open for your Valentine's Day event! I'm so so so excited! May I request reader x Hinata where reader almost didn't give Hinata chocolates from being so nervous, but eventually works up the courage and Hinata is overjoyed to receive chocolates from his crush? Thanks so much for the consideration and excited to read all the pieces you plan to share with us! <3
thank u for sending a request! this is my first time writing hinata so i hope u like it!
wc: 700
valentine's masterlist, regular masterlist
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“Hey, Kageyama.” 
The setter doesn’t look up as he continues to furiously copy your homework. “What?”
“Do you know what day today is?” Hinata asks. 
“February 14th.” 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
“Not that either. It’s Valentine’s Day.” 
“Did you receive… you know… any…” Hinata’s eyes dart to you for the quickest of seconds. 
Another voice interrupts. “Talking about these?” 
Hinata looks up to find Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walking into the classroom. Dangling in Tsukishima’s hand are 3 baggies, obviously filled with some sort of chocolate baked good. 
Hinata’s eyes bulge. “You got three already!?” 
Tsukishima smirks, “more than you will, I’m sure.”
Kageyama looks up from his homework. “Oh, yeah,” he says. He reaches into his desk and pulls out his own baggie and a box. “These were in my shoe locker this morning.” 
Hinata falls to his knees, “Why?!” 
When afterschool practice rolls around, Hinata is at the end of his rope. All throughout drills, he noticed people milling about the entrance, sitting on the bleachers, and calling out to various members of the volleyball team. Each time one of them would return to the gym, expression slightly sheepish and holding a little gift in their hands. Almost everyone, except Hinata, ended the day with at least one present. 
Dejected, Hinata cleans up the gym with the rest of the first-years before picking up his bag and making his way to the bike racks after bidding the group a good evening. 
He lets out a deep sigh, hopping on this bike and hoping his blue spring will come next year. Before he begins pedaling though, a call of his name stops him. 
“Hinata! Wait!” 
Your voice has him swiveling around to find you out of breath and running in his direction. He obediently waits until you’re standing in front of him, hands on your knees to catch your breath. 
Foolishly, Hinata’s hopes fly up like the hammer machine at an amusement park. He watches you with anticipatory eyes, trying to feign nonchalance when he asks you what’s up. 
He watches with bated breath when your hands reach into your bag. He can practically envision himself, tail wagging, ears perked up. 
“Um!” you announce, eyes nervously darting side to side. “Have the rest of the first-years left already?” 
Hinata’s chest deflates just as quickly. “Oh,” he says. “Yeah.” 
“So, it’s just you left?” 
“Yeah. Sorry about that.” 
“What? No! Why are you apologizing?” 
“No reason. Just forget it,” he says, already turning to get back on his bike. “Well…” he trails off awkwardly. “See you tomorrow?” 
You reach a hand out to grab his bag. “Wait! Actually, I was hoping… that you might…” 
He looks at you. 
“Well. I made these,” your hand comes out of your bag to show him a bag of sweets. “And I was hoping… that you might accept them.” your tone rises at the end, making it sound more like a question. 
Hinata’s eyes widen, as he looks from you to the chocolates and back to you. 
“For me?” 
“Yeah… yep.” you nod. “Oh! But if you don’t like chocolate, it’s totally ok. And no hard feelings if you don’t want them. I mean, I totally get it.” You’re really rambling now. “Or maybe you’re… like… allergic? Oh my god, that’s it, huh? I’m so sorry, I promise I’m not trying to kill you and-” 
You’re rambling now and luckily, Hinata stops you by picking you up and spinning you in circles. Your brain barely processes what’s happening, with Hinata’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist, you pressed chest to chest with him, and your legs flailing about as he spins the both of you. 
You look down at him, his unfiltered joy completely and utterly open on display on his face. Soon, you find it hard not to giggle along, evolving into full on belly laughter until he puts you down. 
“Are these really for me?!” he asks. 
You nod, remnants of your laughing session still present as a ghost of a smile on your lips. 
He accepts them and opens it right away to chomp at the chocolate cupcake you prepared. After swallowing the first bite, he grins at you, all teeth. “Thanks! This is great!” 
After he polishes off the last bite, he licks the crumbs off his finger. 
“You know,” he starts. “I was starting to get nervous,” he admits. “I’ve been waiting all day.” 
-for you. 
The last bit goes unsaid but he thinks that this is enough for now.
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Might I request an enemies to friends to lovers with Astarion?
THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A QUICK LITTLE DRABBLE. IT IS ALMOST 4K WORDS. It also became a songfic. The song is "Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay
Also it is 11:20. I am so tired. I do not have the energy to proofread this rn. So it's as good as it's gonna get
Warnings: self-doubt, bickering
Word Count: 3,957
Tag List Form
I just really hate your face
Though I know that won't surprise you
But, to me, your skin is one giant wart
And your laugh's one big snort
And you stink, so in short
I despise you
You disgrace the human race
'Cause you're more of a mosquito
I would rather have the dentist and drill
Then this swine in the swill
And if you were a bill, I would veto
And if the world was perfect, you would be gone without a trace
But since the world could never be that great
I'll just hate your stupid face
Astarion sighed just behind you. You glared over your shoulder at him. Did he really have to be so annoying when you were trying to help? What did he have against doing the right thing?! Or were all high elves as up their asses as him?
The little girl glanced nervously between you, her hands fiddling anxiously with each other. “I-Is that alright?”
You turned back to her with a big smile, though Astarion could see the strain behind it. “Of course! It’s no problem. We’ll find your toy and bring it back before nightfall, how’s that sound?”
“Really?!” Her eyes became wide and excited, bouncing on her feet like there were hot coals beneath it. “Thank you so much!”
You watched as she ran off back to her mother, jumping as she grabbed the woman’s arm and pointed at you. You smiled, genuine this time, and waved to them both. Then, you turned to go back into the woods.
The joy didn’t last long.
“I thought being an adventurer meant slaying dragons, learning powerful spells, gaining power - that sort of thing.” Astarion sighed again, long and dramatic, as he stepped over a branch. “But, no, here we are, armed to the teeth, tadpoles crawling into our minds, looking for a stuffed animal.”
You grit your teeth together and tried to ignore him. The sooner you found the girl’s stuffed bear, the sooner you could stop listening to his whining. “She said she lost it over here, somewhere, but something could have taken it or moved it by now. If we split up, we can cover more ground.”
You could almost feel the way he rolled his eyes. “Oh, great. If I find it, I’m not telling you. And I’m certainly not going to touch it. Gods only know what’s on it.”
“You’re such a child!”
He lays a hand over his chest, looking down his nose at you. “I’m so sorry that I have some dignity left.”
How did you get stuck with such an annoying, self-entitled, brat? 
“Fine! Then I’ll look, and you can follow me around like a lost puppy.” You smiled sickeningly sweet up at him, your whole expression filled with sarcasm and annoyance. “Happy?”
He scowled. “And I have to follow you because…? If you’re so eager for my company, you should just say so, darling.”
You shook your head, facade falling. “You’re impossible.” You stomped off. He could follow you or wait around, you didn’t have the energy left to care.
Oh, no
I just really like your face
You don't have to look so happy
I'm not really into love that you flaunt
In some glittery font
But if that's what you want
Make it snappy
I just feel so out of place
Well, except for when you're near me
When you're gone, I'm like a plant with no root
Or a song that's on mute
Don't you dare call it cute!
You should fear me!
And if the world was perfect, you would've never invaded my space
But since the world's obsessed with saying, "psych!"
Now I like your stupid face
You tilted your head, watching as Astarion held up a mirror. The tadpole kept him from burning in the sun, but it did nothing to bring back his reflection.
“Looking at something?” His voice catches you off guard. It was odd to have someone talking to you with their back turned, even more so when he could see your reflection and you couldn’t see his.
“Just looking,” you tell him. “What are you doing?”
He sighs, forlorn. “I’m looking, too, but not seeing very much. Another quirk of my affliction.”
“Do you miss it?”
He stands and turns while he speaks, finally meeting you face-to-face. “Preening in the looking glass? Petty vanity?” He sighs again. His face looks so droopy and sad, like a puppy left out in the rain. “Of course I miss it. I’ve never even seen this face. Not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red.”
You look at his eyes, really look. It was hard to picture him with any other color. It was a side-effect of his vampirism, but you could go your whole life believing they always were and always had been red. “What color were they before?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then stops. “I don’t know. I can’t remember. My face is just some dark shape in my past.” His face scrunches up in rage as he throws the mirror on the ground. You step back to avoid the shards that break from it. “Another thing I’ve lost.”
You can’t imagine forgetting your face. It’s a rather big portion of who you are, after all. Thinking about looking in a mirror and seeing nothing stirs your stomach like a witch’s brew. You study his face, eyes tracing over every curve and sharp edge and wrinkle. You tried to imagine being him, no longer able to see what you looked like.
Astarion frowns at you. “What?”
“I’ll be your mirror.” The words are out before you can even think them, but a spark of hope flickers in his eyes, and you can’t bring yourself to back out of it now. “What do you want to know?”
“I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me.” He pauses. His voice gets soft, lacking its usual bravado. “What you see.”
He waits as you look at him. You try to figure out what the world sees, versus what you see. The world may see his eyes, sharp and red and keen. The world would see his dangerous smile, full of pretty teeth and sharp fangs, threatening to bite.
But it’s not what you see. You see his hair, paler than freshly fallen snow. You see the way it curls around his ears, how there’s always one stubborn strand hanging by his forehead. You see the wrinkles that crease his face when he smiles, surrounding his mouth and crowding in the corners of his eyes. And you’re startled, trying to figure out how long ago you’d noticed these things about him.
“I see… the creases when you laugh.”
He sneers, placing a hand over his chest. He takes it as an insult when you mean it in the kindest way possible. Without his wrinkles, he wouldn’t be Astarion. “Excuse me? I’m an eternally young vampire, not your doting grandmother.” He huffs. He looks like he wants to stop - never mind what he looks like, he doesn’t want to hear what else you could possibly say. But he continues, “You can do better. What else?” The curiosity wins out.
You wonder if you should tell him the easy answer. Tell him what the world sees. What everyone else sees. But to do so feels like a huge disservice. You inhale, prepared to be scolded once more. “I see the way your hair curls around your ears.”
“This is meant to be flattery, not poetry.” He sighs, creases forming between his brows as he frowns, annoyed. “Just tell me I’m beautiful and we can call it a day.”
“Is that all you want?” You don’t mean to sound as angry as you do. “Shallow praise?”
He scoffs. “Hardly.” He begins ticking off fingers. “There’s also gold, sex, revenge - quite the list, really. But failing any of those, I will always settle for shallow praise.”
You shake your head. “What I see isn’t good enough for you then? The seductive, charming face you put on for everyone else - that’s what you want to know about?” He sneers. He hates how easily you’ve read him. And you hate how much it hurts. You can’t tell if it’s because your words mean nothing, or because he can’t even allow himself a single, beautiful flaw. “The world sees your eyes. They’re strong and piercing. And your smile: Dangerous. They see you for the monster you are. Are you satisfied now?”
You leave before he can answer you. Anger trembles in your fingers, but they’re weighed down with sadness. A conflicting bundle of emotions twists in your chest. You shouldn’t care if all he wants is to be called pretty and move on. You shouldn’t! And you don’t!
But you do…
I just really miss your face
Though, by now, I must disgust you
I had tried to be the stubbornest mule
'Cause I knew life was cruel
So I guess I was foolish to trust you
But I wait here just in case
Though I know I'm being senseless
How could I have ever been so naive
And wear my heart on my sleeve
When I knew it would leave me defenseless?
And if the world was perfect, you would be here in my embrace
But since the world denied me one last kiss
I'll just miss your stupid face
The sun burned. Truly, honest to gods burned. And he ran. What else was he supposed to do? Bake in the sunlight while everyone else said their teary goodbyes, “We’ll see you down the road”, yadda yadda?
But, he can admit when he messed up.
He should have stayed longer. By the docks. The sun was just beginning to rise, he had plenty of time to slip from one shadow to the next before it was high in the sky. He could have said his goodbyes. He should have.
Already he missed Karlach. He fondly remembers when she hauled him over her shoulder, jostling him about as she ran. He certainly wasn’t too pleased at the time, but now… And he missed her nickname for him. And the banter, and teasing, and… everything.
Everyone had their charms, he supposed. Gale was, well, Gale, but even he wasn’t too bad. And you.
It was hard to admit. He could say he missed the others all day, but you? You who dragged him into the woods to find a stuffed animal for a kid? Who begrudgingly let him have a sip that night he revealed himself? Who yelled at him when he couldn’t bear hearing anything other than he wanted to when you offered to be his mirror? Who hugged him after he killed Cazador? Who helped him save his brothers and sisters and all the other souls whose lives he ruined? Who smiled so sweetly at him?
He couldn’t say it.
After he ran away, cursing and damning the gods for confining him to the shadows again, he disappeared to the Underdark. You’d mentioned how they needed a leader, guidance. And, well, he had nowhere else to go.
He never got to see you run in the direction he left after saying your goodbyes, smiling and excited. Or watch as you search and search for him. How you shout his name. How tears well in your eyes as you realize he’s gone.
And maybe it’s better that way.
What are you doing here?
I didn't run away!
It was... it was a strategic retreat
What is there to talk about? It's over—I ruined it
Well, yeah of course I'm sorry, but
No, no, don't forgive me!
Why do you do that?
Why—why give me another chance to mess things up?
Because you—what?
Those three little words
Out of the blue
Completely uncalled for
Especially from you
Why don't you hate me?
Why do you care?
Can't you berate me? Isn't that fair?
Where is your glare?
Don't you dare leave our problems and pain on the shelf!
Because if you don't hate me, I can't hate myself
But that's why I need you
You shatter my fear
'Cause despite my misdeed, you are still right here
Though it's stupid to date me
You're willing to try
And if you don't hate me, then why should I?
Are you sure you don't want to give up on me?
You're a moron
The last thing Astarion anticipates is you barging into his home, stomping and angry. The next last thing he expects is for you to throw a cloak in his face. He backs up as fast as you approach, tripping and falling backward over an armchair. It tips back with him and he lands with a thud. When he pulls the cloak off his face, you’re standing over him, still just as pissed as before.
“Ah.” He grins sheepishly. “Hello?”
“You ran away!”
“Yes, yes, I know-”
“You ran away! I went chasing after you and you were gone!”
“The sun! I couldn’t-”
“I know! That’s why I went and got you that damn cloak! And I was going to give it to you on the docks, but you ran away!”
He struggles to get up, grunting as he tries to push the armchair off so he’s not bent in half. You huff and sit the chair upright. Then, you offer him a hand. He’s not sure if he should take it. He’s half-certain you’ll flip him over and crack the floor with his body. But you wave your hand, insistent, and he does not want to piss you off any more, so he takes it. You haul him to his feet.
He holds the cloak out in front of him, studying it with a frown. “Darling, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but clothes don’t actually protect us from the sun.”
“Yes, I’m aware.” You sigh, hands on your hips, but you seem to have cooled off some. “It’s the Cloak of Dragomir. Gale helped me find where it was hidden. I figured, if the tadpole is the only thing keeping you safe in the sun, then after it’s all over, you’d need something else to protect you. So.” You gestured at the cloak.
He was speechless, and perhaps a bit skeptical. It had already been several weeks since the docks, and every day he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss it. Basking in the sun. Lounging in her warmth like a cat as he sleepily flipped through a book. It sounded too good to be true - a simple piece of fabric that could prevent him from turning to ash?
“Are you sure it works?”
You laughed, airily and annoyed. “No, I had a shortage of vampires to test it on at the time. I was going to find out when you tried it on. If it didn’t work, well…” You let out a long breath. You refused to take your eyes away from the cloak. Like looking at him again would bring all the rage and frustration back. “I’m still in touch with Gale. He can help me look for something.”
He spun it around to look at the back. It was a deep purple, with the only remarkable feature being a sort of fur around the neck and shoulders. He could almost imagine it hanging up in a shop.
You cleared your throat. “Put it on.”
“Hardly the best place to test it. The sun doesn’t exactly reach down here.” Still, he unclasped it and swung it over his shoulders.
It was light and breezy, allowing air to move through, but warm enough it kept away any chill - not very concerning for a vampire, but still a nice feature. It reached mid-thigh. He shifted around in it, testing its movement and fit. He bristled when he felt something brush against his arm.
He lifted up the edge of the cloak where he felt it, and his undead heart stopped all over again. There, messily embroidered on the lining in gold thread. Little Star. A poor imitation of embroidered stars surrounded it, forming a sort of faux night sky.
“I did that.” You clear your throat and scratch the back of your head, avoiding his eyes everywhere you looked. Every time you glanced back at him and his dumbfounded face, your cheeks heated up. “I know it’s not as good as yours, but, you know, I thought it was the best way to get a message across.”
His chest was full of emotion. He still had a hard time deciphering it all, even after so long of you carefully teasing them out. But through it all was one resounding question.
You finally made eye contact with him. You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, this can’t have been easy to get your hands on. You could have sold it when I ran away, but you embroidered it, sought me out… Why? Let’s be honest, dear, we’re not exactly friends.”
“We’re not exactly at each other’s throats either.” It came out harsher than you meant. You took a breath to calm your nerves. “I know we didn’t really get along when we first met - hells, we still argued about everything under the sun with the slightest prompting, but I do care for you.”
His lips quick up slightly. “An unfortunate choice. I’m not exactly the easiest person to care for.”
“No.” You smile, soft and patient. It was hard to look at you now and connect you to the person who barged into his room moments ago. “But I want to. You’re worth the effort.”
So you think that we could work?
Here I thought I'd been the dumb one—what?
You're forgiving me for all I did wrong
You're unmuting the song
And, again, I belong to someone
No! You can drop the stupid smirk
Though by now I guess you've earned that
'Cause no matter how intensely I pout
Your stupid face will win out
And I guess it's about time I learned that
And though we go together like a Chanel Nº 5 and mace
At least it's not as dull as fitting like a glove
'Cause you're a nightmare that I've not been dreaming of
But I suppose that when push comes to shove
I love your stupid face
You tugged Astarion through the city, releasing short apologies left and right to any early-risers you bumped into. He’d tried asking multiple times where in the hells you were taking him, but you never answered. You just shot him a bright smile over your shoulder and kept on running.
Before he knew it, you were at the docks. A light orange hue lined the edge of the ocean, signaling the sun’s appearance. He frowned. “You dragged me all the way out here to watch the sunrise?”
“Yes.” You squeezed his hand. Your eyes were wide and bright and filled with overwhelming glee. “You never got to see it last time you were here. But now you can!”
He scoffed, a grin teasing at his lips. “Darling, we could watch the sunrise from anywhere. We don’t need to be exactly here to do so.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, no, but it’s more about the principle of the thing. You didn’t get to see that sunrise and say goodbye, but now you can.”
Red eyes scanned the horizon. Oranges and yellows flooded from the ocean-line, chasing away the dark blue of night. He couldn’t deny it was beautiful, but…
He swallowed, frowning out at the sea. He couldn’t look at your face as he asked, quietly, too afraid to actually put the words out there, “So this is goodbye?”
The edge of the star poked her head out. He’d enjoyed watching the sunrises and sunsets during your adventure. He would welcome her touch onto his skin every day, grateful for even just a brief moment to be able to feel her warmth again after 200 years. And every night he would mourn her loss, a seed of fear planted deep within that any sunset could be his last, before he would be contained to the shadows forever. He never got to savor the last one. The one time he wasn’t prepared to go gracefully into that night.
“It doesn’t have to be,” you whisper back. If you hear the shuddering breath he lets out, you don’t say anything. If you see the tears building at the corners of his eyes as he turns to look at you, you don’t point it out. “I can stay. With you. If you want.”
“I couldn’t ask that of you.” But I wish I could. He wants nothing more than to be selfish. To take every single scrap you offer him and give nothing back.
You release his hand only to better tangle your fingers together. Your thumb runs along his palm. “You wouldn’t have to.”
“You’d be living in the shadows most of your life, even with this,” he lifts the edge of the cloak to make a point.
“You wouldn’t be able to go on adventures. You wouldn’t be able to find someone else, have a family, live your life.”
“Why are you so willing to give up everything for me?”
You raise your free hand to his cheek. It’s haloed by the red-orange light of the sun. He hates the way he leans into it without a second’s hesitation.
“Is it so hard to believe that I’d stay because I want to be with you?”
He opens his mouth, shuts it again, and tries to find the words. Strained, he chokes out, “Yes.”
“My lovely little star, even without the cloak, I’d stay in the shadows with you for eons. Adventure would be empty without you by my side. There is no one else I could bear to put up with besides you.”
He takes a breath and closes his eyes. It’s hard for the words to sink in, but he urges them to. Staying with him would not be a burden. He is not a burden. He holds your hand to his cheek, pressing it tighter against his skin. By the time he opens his eyes again, the sun is halfway risen.
“I’m not good at… this. Whatever this is. I have no idea how to do anything more than what I had to do. I have no idea what will happen.”
You smile. “Now that sounds like an adventure.”
He chuckles. The knot in his heart loosens. When had you turned from an annoying thorn in his side to this? How long ago had you wormed your way into his soul? What would he do without you?
He feels like he’s just been thrown downstream - caught in the current and waiting for it to burn. He’s uncertain as he leans forward slightly, experimentally. You let him come to you; you wait patiently and smile at him encouragingly until he rests his forehead against yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
The sun warms his skin as he lets go of the guilt holding him back. He’s a mess. He’s still working through his emotions with Cazador, trying to find footing amongst the spawn in the Underdark, trying to be good enough. And here you are saying he already is.
He catches your lips and allows himself to forget for the briefest moments that this is a terrible idea. How can he possibly think this is wrong when you sigh into his mouth and pull him closer? How can this possibly be wrong?
The reds, oranges, and yellows fade from the sky. Bright blue dominates the sky. And everything is okay.
Tag List:
@satelliteapotheosis @hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @lynnlovesloki @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @mheerdraws @kindadolly @httyd-chocolate @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @chesb0red
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Heyyy 🤗🤗 I just discovered your blog but after binge reading almost all your writings I just have to request something cause I love your writing style so much
How bout a ghost x reader where he has a nightmare about losing the reader could be angst to fluff to smut
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Midnight Rain
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Summary: Bad dreams were not strange to Simon, but ever since you came into his life there's one thing he feared the most: losing you.
Word Count: 1.0k
Tw: smut! But nothing too explicit. self-doubt, angst, comfort. Poorly edited. you know the drill.
A/N:I'm so sorry this took so long to get out but life happened 🥲 I wish it was longer and far better i hope you like it.💛🩵 also since i got two similar requests decided to make one for both🥰✨
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He doesn't scream when he jolts awake from his bed. It's always like that. The dreams. The nightmares. Simon was cursed, tragedies seemed to plague his life on a daily basis that's why he was so adamant about letting you in at first.
Slipping off the bed he fights the way his heart is racing nearly beating out of his chest. The clock marks the time.
5:31 A.M
The sky is gray outside the soft morning rain tapping against the window reminds him that he's supposed to be at Price's office by six.
Yet his mind is purely set on you. On that horrific imagery of his nightmare. He knew that the possibilities of it happening were high, and it didn't help to stop his growing anxiety. To think of someone so small and fragile, dead and without possibilities... fucking hell he knew you were capable of many things. He knew about your strength, resilience. Yet he had a strong sense of protection when it came to you. Death was something he couldn't keep you safe from, thought he'd die trying. Simon would happily trade your life for his if it were in his power.
'Just let it be me not her. Never her.'
Needless to say he didn't get any proper rest. He was thankful for the mask and face paint covering his face, otherwise anyone could see the tiredness in his features.
But you knew better.
You always knew better.
Always seeing through him.
You're laughing at something Johnny's saying, he couldn't attend training this morning so he hadn't had the time to talk to you. And then the sight of you getting shot appears in the back of his mind agains, your body falling limply to the ground next to him.
On his watch.
He shifts his weight from one foot to another, swallowing down the lump in his throat.
All the bloody morning his head has been spinning. Unable to get a grip on reality, Simon forces himself to turn away.
You watch from the other side, smile faltering. Why hadn't he joined you? You were about to wave at him. Maybe he didn't want Johnny to be there... Simon was a private man and he wanted to keep a low profile regarding your relationship so you decide to follow him, saying a quick good-bye to your teammate and trotting after Simon.
The door to his office is closed, knocking twice then waiting a second and you knock again.
He doesn't respond to you but you open the door nonetheless. You poke your head enough for him to see you.
"Hey..." you greet him with a warm smile. Simon breathes deeply. "Didn't come to say hello today." You point out, closing the door behind you. He looks down where he's signing a stack of papers.
"Didn't want to interrupt." He gruffly answers.
"Come on..." you reply. "It was just Johnny and I... everything alright?" You question him. The grip on his pen is painfully hard to the point his knuckles turn white.
"Jus' busy, that's all."
Something's not right. You take a deep breathe and walk towards him until you're standing next to his chair. Simon doesn't look up nor acknowledges your presence.
"Simon..." you try again.
Suddenly in a swift movement he's standing up, grabbing you by the arm and leading the two of you out of the office and to his room. You don't say anything you just let him guide you. Whatever it was you'd work it out. He locks the door once you're both inside, his big calloused hands grabbing you by your cheeks. His eyes are frantic, bouncing from your lips and back to your orbs. As if trying to remember the sight of you before him, the sight of you in his room.
"Talk to me. Please...." it's a soft plea. You know him, you recognize the sadness in his honeyed eyes. You know despair when you see it.
"I can't lose you." His voice shakes, as does he. His hands are trembling, buzzing with worry.
"You're not gonna lose me, Simon..." your own hands, much smaller than his come to rest above them. "I'm right here." A brief moment of silence passes by, until he releases a shaky breath, he retreats enough to slip the fabric of his mask off. It was getting hard to breathe for him. "Come with me... please."
You drag him to the bed, motioning for him to sit down you help him unlace his boots then you do the same with yours.
He lays back as do you, Simon brings you closer to his body wrapping one arm around you. Hand tracing soft circles on his chest, hearing the rhythmic beat of his heart underneath you.
"You were dead." He begins. "Right in front of me and I couldn't stop it," your motions stop. Brows knitting together. "I...-" he trails off. "I'm nothing if I can't keep you safe."
"Simon don't ever say that again." You scold him. Tears gather in the corner of your eyes. "Don't you dare think such things."
Standing you're quick to straddle his lap, strong arms hold you close to his body. You slam your lips to his, Simon welcomes the warmth of your mouth against him. Your hands caress the back of his head, fingers threading through his blond locks. He hardens under your body and murmur something into your ear. Something that sends you over the edge. Soon, your pants are discarded on the white floor, he lets you ride him, merely looking at your eyes never leaving your face. If he could capture this moment he'd do it. He'll save it for the rest of his life. Treasure it. Wrapping your arms around his shoulder you kiss him hard. You're so close your mind is in a haze, and when he grits his teeth you know he's close too. The pure adoration in his eyes is enough. There'll never be anyone after him.
"You're stuck with me."
His lips curve into a barely-there-smile.
"Yeah..." he gasped. "Jus' keep looking at me, love. And stay with me."
As if you could ever say no to him.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Fat gum x reader - changed for the better
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Hi, saw you wanted requests for MHA so maybe Fat Gum x reader with this prompt from your prompt list “The hero and the villain don’t work together.” “They’re not married either but here we are.” but only if you want to of course. Thanks🥰 - Anon💜
Hands stuffed in your pockets, you idly wondered around the streets, looking for something to do to pass the time.
You were waiting for your husband to finish his patrol and go on break, and you were lingering nearby his agency.
After all this time you still felt uneasy around heroes, and you didn’t want to enter a whole building of them, you you settled for standing outside, scrolling through your phone.
“You’re here!”
You grinned, putting your phone back into your pocket, letting the hero pick you up and spin you around a few times before setting you down.
“I told you I’d be here!” You laughed.
“I was getting worried when I didn’t see you out the window, I’m glad you’re here though, I’ve got a new intern! Look!”
You looked behind him to see Tamajiki as normal, but there was a red haired boy with him this time who grinned brightly, bowing his head to you.
“Hello! I’m Kirishima from class 1-A! It’s nice to meet you!”
“So loud…”
Fat Gum laughed softly, covering your ears, gently rubbing small circles into your temples.
“Sorry. I forgot to tell you that (Y/N) doesn’t do well with sudden loud noises, their quirk means their hearing is slightly heightened.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve been a little quieter. Are you okay?” Kirishima asked.
You smiled softly at him, nodding your head as you held your husbands hand in your own.
“Yeah, I’m good thank you. And Tamajiki, how’re you?”
The quiet hero to be turned his head to the ground, pulling his hood down a little bit.
“I want to go home…”
You laughed a little.
“Maybe I can convince my lovely husband to let you guys go for the night.”
You gently nudged the hero at your side making his laugh loudly, nodding his head.
“Yes! Go on home and be safe!”
“Thanks sir!”
Kirishima ran off with Tamajiki quietly following behind.
You walked in front of Fat Gum, gesturing for him to kneel down, so he did, and you grinned brightly, kissing his forehead, then you walked around to climb in his back.
Once you were comfortable, you draped your arms on his head, and he stood up to carry on walking.
“How does it look?” He asked.
You hummed a little, looking around.
“Looking funky, what’s the plan?” 
“Well maybe we can take a walk, then go to that restaurant you love so much, does that sound good?”
Fat Gum glanced to the side, and you leant down, grinning from ear to ear as you nodded your head at him.
He grinned brightly, gently resting his head on yours.
That’s what you guys did, but soon he became busy with work, so you spent a lot of time just wondering, looking for some other way to occupy your time.
That was up until you were stopped by Sir Nighteye, and you looked up at him a little confused, gesturing to the bracelet on your wrist.
“I haven’t done anything wrong?”
“I need you to come with me, it would be a lot faster if you didn’t fight.”
You waved your hand dismissively, already walking to the car he had gotten out off.
“Yeah yeah, I know the drill.”
You got in the car, letting him take you to wherever it was that you needed to be, and he escorted you inside.
You immediately hated the amount of heroes that were also walking through the doors, and you shuffled a little nervously on your feet.
You looked to the doors, quickly making your way over to fat gum, immediately tucking yourself into his side.
“There’s too many heroes…” you huffed.
“Why’re you here? Did something happen?”
“I don’t know, asking beanpole over there he dragged me here.”
Fat Gum nodded, leading you over to the middle of the room and stood you next to him, placing a hand on your shoulder and you wrapped your arm around his.
As the meeting started you lost interest in what was going on.
“I would like devil dog to help.” Nighteye said.
You snapped back from your little daydream and looked over confused.
“Huh? What?”
“An ex villain? You can’t be serious.” Someone scoffed.
“I believe that their quirk would be useful in this situation, your quirk allows you to summon numerous hellhounds that are connected or you correct? You can jump consciousness between them and turn into one?”
“Yeah, and what?”
“Be nice…” your husband whispered.
You huffed.
“I would like for you to assist us in this operation.”
You scoffed a little bit.
“The hero and the villain don’t work together.” You huffed.
Fat gum leant down a little, showing you his face, and you immediately looked at him, annoyed gaze softening the moment you connected eyes with him.
“They’re not married either but here we are.” He mused.
“Yeah that’s a point.”
“You can’t be serious and letting them have full control of their quirk, they terrified people for years just for fun.”
“Okay but I never actually hurt anybody Eraser, I was more just annoying the general public for fun.”
“You’re still a risk.”
“I’m reformed.” You grinned.
You placed a hand on fat gums head, pushing him up a little so you could look at the hero you were currently arguing with.
“You’re not safe with your quirk out in the public.”
“Seriously what the hell do you think I’m going to do? Run off and cause mayhem? I’m married to a hero for god sake he’ll find me straight away.”
Fat Gum stood back up fully.
“They’re right, I know all their hiding places.”
“You can’t be serious about this.” Someone else called out.
Tapping your husband on the stomach, you gestured for him to crouch down so he did, letting you climb on his back and he stood up.
You rested your arms on his head, messing with a little bit of his hair that was sticking out of his costume.
“Okay I get it, I have a shit past, but there’s a girl that needs saving right? Why the hell would I go running off to cause trouble knowing it would put her at risk? I’ll admit I did some shit things, but I never hurt no one, well, aside from present mic but that was actually an accident and beside the point. I’ll help, then I���ll wait for the bracelet to be put back on.”
There were a few mutters around the room.
“Please, I know you don’t trust them, and a lot of you question why I married them but I will vouch for (Y/N), if something happens or they run off I take full responsibility.” Fat gum said.
You leant down a little.
“Sweetheart you dont have to do that…”
“Of course I do, I know you’re not going anywhere.” He said softly.
You smiled gently back at him, kissing the side of his head.
“Course I wouldn’t, why would I go when you’re here?”
He grinned a little at you, and you rested your chin on the top of his head, letting the heroes go back to debating this.
Either way you didn’t care if they trusted you, you knew you had changed, and as long as your husband trusted you that was good enough for you
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kelcemenow · 10 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 1.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 682
Warnings Nothing at all!
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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You wiped the beads of sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, grabbing your water bottle with the other and slowly gulping down the cool liquid. Taking a deep breath, you closed the hood of the car and gave Jordan a nod of your head to signal that you were finished.
"Thanks, Y/N." He said as he made his way towards you, "I knew you'd figure it out."
"Don't sweat it. You almost had it, bro." You smiled, wiping your hands on the towel that hung from your waistband.
"You're the best." He grinned as he got into the car and started up the engine with ease.
The purring of the motor combined with the sounds of the drills and hydraulics pierced through your ear and although you were used to them, a slight headache was looming. You headed to the small garage office, massaging your temples on the way.
The office door was battered and covered in grease from years of being pushed open by dirty hands, and as it swung open, you were greeted by a smiling face.
"Hey honey!"
"Hey Dad." You said wearily as you pulled open one of the drawers of the desk.
"Oh dear." He groaned, "What's up? That Chevy pushin' against you?"
You shook your head gently as you picked up the bottle of Aspirin, "No, no...I finished it."
"That's my girl."
"Just...I didn't sleep great last night and I got a migraine coming on." You tipped out a couple of tablets into the palm of your hand before popping them into your mouth.
"I'll steer clear of you today then...I wouldn't want to poke the bear." He joked as he opened the door, disappearing onto the shop floor.
"Ha ha." You said flatly, swallowing the Aspirin with a mouthful of water.
The bell above the front door rang and you turned around, plastering a fake smile on your face.
"Good mornin', sir. How can I-"
"Yeah, can I speak to a car mechanic, please?" His eyes were stuck to the phone screen in his hand.
You quietly cleared your throat, clearing away your immediate frustration, "Well, lucky for you, sir, I am one."
The man in front of you looked up and paused, blinking a couple of times before his mouth dropped open, "Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am."
"Happens all of the time." Your lips curled slightly into a smile, "What can I help you with?"
His eyes darted across your dishevelled appearance, almost narrowing with curiosity as he looked at you. Your hair was pulled back and a colourful scarf was covering your hair as best you could. You were wearing one of your Dad's old band shirts, grease and oil stains adorning any space they could and your navy blue coveralls were pulled down and tied at your waist to relieve you from the blistering heat. You blew a rouge piece of hair away from your face and waited patiently as he reached for his keys and gently placed them on the desk in front of you.
"My uhh...car. I was driving down the highway and...it just-" He stumbled.
You slid the keys closer to you, "I'll take a look."
He ran his hands through his beard, "Thank you. And can I please apologise for what I said? Today is not my day and I just-"
"Honestly, it's really not necessary. Like I said, it happens all of the time. Mechanic isn't really a 'typical career' for a woman." You bent your fingers in the air as you spoke, reciting words that you had heard many times before.
The man exhaled a laugh, his eyes gentle yet piercing, "I gotta say, it's pretty impressive. I'm useless when it comes to stuff like this."
You smiled, an uncomfortable silence filling the room.
"So, if I could take your number and I'll call you later today?"
"Uhh yeah." He mumbled, jotting the digits down on the pad positioned next to your hand before turning back to the door. "And I'm sorry...again."
"It's fine..." You glanced down at the pad, "...Mr Kelce."
I know I said that I was going to carry on with requests before diving into another series but this one was too good not to make into a little series so I'm doing it and no one can stop me! This first part is just setting the scene really so I hope I've piqued your interest! If you want to be included in my Taglist for any future chapters, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction
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tokenpng · 3 months
Heya Kakavasha! It's good that you're fine! I'm fine too!
May I request some Sunday (from HSR) pngs?
To help ya I got two of the 2.2 story quest arts plus the art of that one light cone that will released at 2.3.
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Thanks! >v•
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Here you are!! And sorry for the wait, of course, you know the drill.
Ask for revisions if needed, use terms in pinned 🫰
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