#thanks for this one op i got this prompt and SHRIEKED
hirokiyuu · 2 years
besk/instance, baby names
Anne had complimented the sound of it, Flulu had remarked idly that it certainly seemed unique, but Instance had heard Besk say Dysthymia and looked up at her with an expression that mean she knew exactly what that word meant. In return Besk had smiled, a curtain dividing the stage from the audience, and said, "It's anti-aspirational." Instance, so strangely kind in the oddest moments, had not challenged her on the lie.
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Congrats on 100 followers (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ you deserve it!!
How about some reactions for Injured Azul, Leona, Malleus, Riddle, Jade and Idia where their fem s!o carries them bridal style? Who's let them and who'd be embarrassed?
Hello!! Thank you so much!!! 🥰 I hope you enjoy these!!! 
Pairings: Azul x Reader, Leona x Reader, Malleus x Reader, Riddle x Reader, Jade x Reader, Idia x Reader
I made these SFW !!! I love fluff!!!!
Important notice: if you like my work, thank you! Keep in mind before you follow me: I post both SFW and (mostly) NSFW, so yeah! Just a fair warning lol
More under the cut for length!
Azul x Fem! Reader
Azul would have just gotten injured in flying classes. Who can blame him? It’s one thing to walk on land as an octomer who usually has 8 legs, now you expect him to fly?!
After he was groaning in pain, you promptly ran by his side, asking if he was okay. The lavender haired boy would verbally tell you yes, but you knew that by the way his body fell, he definitely wasn’t. This prompted you to lift him up into your arms as you started walking towards the infirmary. 
He shrieks and tells you how embarrassing it is! “Y/N, put me down this instant! This definitely ruins my reputation as a business owner, does it not? What if my future clients see me in such a vulnerable state!?”
You tell him to shut it, if he was leaning on you all the way to the infirmary it would have taken 5 times as long to get there.
Azul secretly blushes and leans into your shoulder. He lowkey loves the attention you give to him and being taken cared of.
Leona x Fem! Reader
Definitely would have gotten injured practicing Magical Shift, getting hit in the back of the shin or something causing him to fall flat on his back roughly. You were on the bleachers simply watching until Jack told you what had happened. You both ran over and Jack offered to escort him to the infirmary, to which Leona growled at him.
Leona didn’t make any noises of protest when you approached him, only winced when the pain shot through his body again.
Ruggie also wasn’t allowed near him and he shot you a look of ‘Please help’. 
You opted to carry him in your arms bridal style. “Oi, herbivore, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” “I’m bringing you to the infirmary myself since you won’t let anyone else help you!!”
He folds his arms in annoyance as he continued to be carried by you through the halls.
Leona is embarrassed but he is also impressed with how strong you are, able to carry him so easily! He takes this treatment as it feels like you’re treating him like a king 👑
Malleus x Fem! Reader
I can’t even think of a situation where Malleus would get injured. Is that bad? Like, isn’t he too OP that he could possibly avoid most attacks/accidents? But I digress....
For the sake of the prompt, you didn’t know the circumstances of Malleus’s injuries. Lilia simply texted you to ask you to come to Diasomnia quickly since it was an emergency regarding Malleus.
After you ran into the dorm, you saw Malleus’s large body laying on the couch, and he looked to be in pain. You immediately tensed and ran to his side, grazing your fingers on his body.
“Malleus, what happened? Are you okay?” You stared into his face waiting for a response. Malleus only chuckled. “I’m alright my child of man. I would like you to take me to the infirmary. Sebek’s presence is appreciated but during my pain I would like you by my side.” 
Using the adrenaline in your body, you hoisted Malleus up bridal style as you made your way to the mirror to go to the infirmary.
Malleus says nothing but he widens his eyes, eventually shifting his face into a light smile as he sees how you show such a magnificent display of strength. For his sake, too!
Riddle x Fem! Reader
Riddle must have let his mind slip. The horse he was riding on freaked out during the club practice, effectively making him lose his balance and fall off of the horse with a hard thud to the ground.
You were planning on surprising Riddle by picking him up from his club meeting when it ended, but you ran from your hiding spot as you shrieked out his name, asking if he was okay.
Silver was going to help, but once he saw you he promptly went to calm the horse down, bringing it back to the stables.
Riddle was trembling and had dirt on his uniform, coughing once or twice. He assured you he was fine and that he just needed to go to the infirmary. Once the redhead got up to stand, he tried stepping forward only to have pain shoot back up his back, causing him to fall back.
“Oh, Riddle!” You quickly grabbed him before he fell. He definitely underestimated the damage that fall did to his body.
“Ah- Y/N, may you please take me to the infirmary? I won’t be able to go alone.” His face was already a bit red from the embarrassment and the pain, but he turned crimson once you lifted him up in your arms and started walking!
Riddle was flustered and stammering, but he didn’t tell you to stop! Something about being cradled in your arms made him feel safe, and as much noises of protest as he made he didn’t want you to let go of him.
Jade x Fem! Reader
Jade was fixing a lamp in the Mostro Lounge after it had closed. As he reached over to tamper with another bulb that was farther away, he overestimated his footing on the bar chair and landed hard on his back.
As you were cleaning a table, you noticed your boyfriend fall onto the floor. You audibly gasped and jogged over.
“Jade!! Are you okay?!” a worried voice came out of your throat, only to be met by Jade’s signature face, only his eyebrows were furrowed.
“Oh my, it seems I got into quite the fall. I am not quite sure I can manage my own to the infirmary. Y/N, would you please call Floyd over to bring me there?” Jade only looked minorly inconvenienced even though it was a hard fall. You sighed and told the eel mer that his brother ran off somewhere an hour ago saying he was bored.
Jade only sighed and smiled. But his face shifted to genuine shock when you offered to carry him there! Curious, he would accept your offer, allowing you to carry him to the infirmary. In truth, Jade wanted to see if his lover would be able to handle carrying him in her arms.
Jade was thoroughly impressed with your physical abilities and silently thought to himself. ‘Fufu, I wonder if she would be able to handle my eel form, too?’
Idia x Fem! Reader
Idia was injured in gym class, I imagine he was probably hit with some sort of ball on the head, knocking him down, even though someone already shouted “Shroud, watch out!!”
He was already feeling awful from having to be in an in-person required class, but now having to be embarrassed by getting hurt?! He just wanted to die…
Idia was curled up into a blue and black ball once you finally reached him. You spoke his name and he trembled, quivering even more into the ball.
“Come on Idia, I’ll take you to the infirmary then I’ll bring you back to your room, okay?” You gently spoke, finally getting his head to peek out.
Idia never expected you to scoop him up into your arms and carry you like a bride!!!
“Y-Y/N-shi!!! W-why?! Embarrassing, so embarrassing....” Idia could only bury his face with his fingers, as you chuckled and brought him to the infirmary. Although, he couldn’t help but think this was like some sort of secret SSR situation for him!!
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hufflautia · 3 years
046: "I caught the bouquet"
Hufflepuff squeezed her eyes shut as a sea of women ran towards her.
She didn't really wanna be at this wedding. She had social anxiety, for god's sake. But Slytherin had asked her to come - it was his friend's wedding, after all. And as his doting girlfriend of three years, she came. Surprisingly, she had lots of fun. She teared up a little during the wedding vows - the bride was also her friend - and danced with Slytherin even though dancing in front of others made her nervous. Slytherin could be quite the persuader sometimes. The promise of kisses and cuddles when they finally got home convinced her to have a dance with him.
But when it came to the bouquet toss, no matter how much Slytherin encouraged her to join in, Hufflepuff refused. She knew how crazy people got when it came to this activity; she didn't wanna be trampled over a bouquet.
And so she stood in the back of the crowd. Naturally, the bouquet came flying toward her. And with the bouquet came a sea of women rushing toward her. So she did the only thing she could think of at the moment: hold her hands out in an attempt to shield herself. She felt someone smack into her hand and winced.
It was quiet. Too quiet. Hufflepuff cracked an eye open. Some of the women were staring at her with bright eyes while others glared at her with envy. Oh fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck, please don't tell me -
"You caught the bouquet!" the bride shrieked, rushing toward her.
Hufflepuff stumbled back at the full force of her friend's embrace. "Yeah," a sheepish smile pulled at the corners of her lips when she pulled away. "I guess that means I'm getting married next."
Her eyes sparkling, she was about to respond when Slytherin appeared. He slipped his hand around Hufflepuff's waist and smiled at the bride, his head moving in an almost imperceptible nod.
The bride nodded back before turning her attention to the two of them. "Well, you guys have fun now!" she clasped her hands, looking at the couple knowingly. "It was really great having you both here on this special day."
After saying their goodbyes, Slytherin and Hufflepuff walked over to one of the nearby tables and sat down. She held up the flowers.
"I caught the bouquet," she smiled weakly.
Slytherin laughed. "You did."
Hufflepuff sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. "That was a lot. Imagine a crowd of people running towards you. It's terrifying."
He hummed, tracing patterns on the palm of her hand.
"I mean," she continued, "how did I even get the bouquet? I was in the back."
"Sometimes things just happen."
Hufflepuff shrugged. "I guess." She lifted her head and gave him a tired look that he knew all too well.
"Do you wanna leave?"
"Yes please."
Slytherin chuckled and took her hand. As they were leaving, he made eye contact with the bride and mouthed 'Thank you'.
She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Good luck, she mouthed back.
Originally, I planned for Hufflepuff to catch the bouquet and turn around to Slytherin to say "I caught the bouquet", and he responds with "I guess that's my cue" and bend down on one knee. Then I was like waittt isn't that disrespectful to the bride and groom?? Bc it's their special day, and to have someone else propose at their wedding and take away their special moment is rude. I remember a post where OP was like "if anyone did a proposal at my wedding, Imma die at their funeral"😭. So I came up with the grand idea of "make him propose later but insinuate that this was planned all along".
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Anyways, I liked the bit about social anxiety bc it makes the story feel more realistic; I also liked the "Naturally, the bouquet came flying towards her" because it's funny and gives a more solid voice to the narrator who, I guess, is me. It's sarcastic-y and kind of easy-going, if that makes sense. Hope you enjoyedd<3
In honor of this blog’s one-year anniversary, I am taking requests! Pick from these prompts:
Fluff | Fluff, Angst, or Smut | Fluff or Angst | Smut | More Smut | Angst
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Out of the Mouths of Babes — Chapter 3
Read on AO3
Read on FF.net
Chapter 1 on Tumblr
Chapter 2 on Tumblr
Written for Hinny Ficfest 2021 (I know it's unacceptable I'm still working on this, but I got distracted by other prompts)
Prompt: “Uncle Ron said something about Harry knocking Ginny up, but I don’t know what he means,” Teddy said.
Harry and Ginny landed on the path leading up through the Burrow's garden, and they were already feeling more at home than they even felt in their own flat. They approached the door to the kitchen smiling and holding hands, but before Ginny could reach the doorknob, the door flew open and the fast, blurry form of her mother tackled her into a crushing hug that knocked the wind out of Ginny.
"Oh my girl!" Molly Weasley sobbed into her daughter's shoulder. "My dear little girl!"
"Mum!" Ginny gasped weakly, swatting her mother's back as she started to feel light headed. "Mum! Air!"
Molly finally released her and Ginny took a gasping breath.
"Is something wrong, Mrs. Weasley?" Harry asked quickly, his expression quickly becoming focused and alert.
"Yeah, is there another Dark Lord already? Bloody hell," said Ginny, rubbing her crushed ribs.
"Oh no, no, it's nothing," Molly sniffed, waving dismissively with one hand and wiping tears away from her eyes with the other. "I'm just so happy to see you both, it's been weeks."
"It's been exactly three weeks for Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, and one week for me," Harry pointed out. He had never seen her react so fiercely, even when seeing her children for the first time after being away at school for a year."
"Oh you know me, just being silly," chuckled Molly. "Come on in, dinner is almost ready."
The three of them entered the kitchen, and Harry reflexively reached for his wand as his fledgling Auror senses kicked in. The atmosphere in the room was nearly identical to what he had felt in interrogation rooms. Every man in the room was looking either angry or nervous, with the exception of George, who was biting his knuckle and looking like he was trying not to laugh. He tried to meet Ron's eyes, but his best friend was too distracted by his mother's famous scones. Hermione greeted him with a grateful smile, and Harry got the impression that she had noticed it too. She was the only one who hadn't touched her firewhiskey, tapping the glass with her finger nervously.
After fidgeting for a few seconds, Percy shot up out of his seat, looking too antsy to keep still, and approached the newcomers with two glasses of firewhiskey in his hands. "Er...care for a drink?"
"...Sure," said Harry cautiously, "Thanks." He took the glass offered to him.
Ginny assumed the other glass was for her, and her hand moved an inch to take it, but before she could, Percy turned away and kept it for himself, taking the largest gulp that Ginny had ever seen him take.
Ginny huffed and pursed her lips. Apparently, after bloody everything, her brothers still saw her as just a kid, to the point where it didn't even occur to them that maybe she wanted a stiff drink too. She was just about to let them all know exactly what she thought of that, when the second frantic mother in as many minutes accosted her.
"Ginny!" cried Fleur loudly as she entered from the sitting room, holding Victoire in her arms, presumably after feeding the baby upstairs. Fleur made a beeline for Ginny and tackled her into a one-armed hug, then planted two hard kisses on either of her cheeks.
"Er….nice to see you too," said Ginny uncomfortably, her face turning red. Ginny and Fleur had gotten friendlier since the war ended, but this level of affection was certainly unheard of.
"You are beautiful, Ginevra," said Fleur with a beaming smile, "Radiant! Come, I 'ave somezing upstairs I need your 'elp with."
"Fleur…" said Bill, his voice laced with warning.
"I just need 'elp wiz ze packing," she said dismissively, handing her daughter to her husband. Before Ginny could express displeasure at being roped into work before she could say a word to her family, Fleur had taken her by the hand and begun leading her up the stairs. They stopped at Bill and Charlie's old bedroom, which by now was more of a storage space to shove things the family didn't have a space for. When Fleur opened the door, Ginny saw the old beds covered in several wardrobes worth of colorful, expensive-looking outfits. Ginny recognized them as Fleur's maternity clothes.
"I am finally getting to packing away all of zis," Fleur explained, pointing towards several open cardboard boxes. "Ze sorting should go faster with ze two of us."
"Okay," said Ginny uncertainly, "Why now? And do you want me specifically?"
"Oh, well," Fleur shrugged, "Eet just seemed the right time, zey 'ave been sitting up here for ages. And I am letting Bill spend time with his brozzers, and your maman….well, it is best if ze two of us avoid zis topic, or she will be lamenting zat I will not be putting all zis to use again soon enough."
"Ugh, I know," Ginny groaned. "She really has been smothering you, hasn't she?"
That was enough to make Ginny sympathize with her sister-in-law, and she set to work sorting, folding, and packing away the absurd mountain of clothes. Of course Fleur had to invest in a whole new wardrobe for just a few months, all from the same high-end French designers she got all her clothes from.
Ginny chuckled and shook her head.
"What is funny?" asked Fleur.
"It's just...maternity clothes are supposed to be frumpy, right? But even your maternity clothes are more glamorous and sexy than what I wear normally," Ginny laughed.
"Oh. Well…" Fleur said in a sing-song voice, "Eef you see anyzing zat you liiiike…."
"I don't think it would make much difference if they sat in my closet for several years instead of yours," laughed Ginny. "Hermione's the one who's already engaged, she's probably the one who will need these next."
There was a beat of silence, so Ginny looked up from the clothes she was folding towards Fleur, and was surprised to see the other woman looking at her with sadness and disappointment, chewing her painted lip with worry.
"Ginny…" Fleur said softly, gently squeezing Ginny's shoulder. "I like to zink zat we 'ave become closer zese last few years. I 'ope zat we can trust one anozzer. We can tell each ozzer zings and know zat eet will stay between us."
Ginny blinked at Fleur silently. "Er...thanks, Fleur, that...means a lot."
Fleur smiled again, but was still looking at Ginny expectantly, like she expected her to say something equally earnest, and the younger witch was growing more uncomfortable.
"Well, uh, anyway, I don't want to sound like my mum, but it is kind of surprising you're packing these away," Ginny said forcefully, trying to change the subject as she turned back to the clothes. "I never figured you and Bill would stop at one. I always pictured you having a whole proper Weasley litter. If nothing else, you need to have more just so that Vic isn't the only grandchild anymore, so she's not doted to death by my mum."
"Oh, zere is plenty of time for more children for us in years to come," said Fleur, waving her hand, "...and as for Victoire being ze only grandchild," she elbowed Ginny in the ribs playfully, "a leetle bird told me zat she will not 'ave zat title for long."
Ginny jerked so violently she nearly ripped the expensive blouse she was holding, spinning to face Fleur with her eyes wide and her mouth gaping. She saw that mischievous glint in Fleur's eye that she alway got when she had a piece of family gossip.
"WHAT!?" Ginny shrieked. "Who — how do you know—"
"Shhh," Fleur placed a finger against Ginny's lips. "Zere is no need to say anyzing." She gave the confused girl a cheeky wink and continued with the clothes as if she hadn't just dropped a world-shattering bomb on her poor sister-in-law. Ginny's heart was pounding and her mind was racing, which Fleur was no doubt aware of and was thoroughly enjoying having a piece of gossip that Ginny was desperate for.
But Ginny wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of begging for it. It couldn't be that hard to figure out who Fleur was talking about.
Percy hadn't had a single date since the war ended, as far as Ginny knew. He was still beating himself up for abandoning the family to think he deserved anything good in his life.
George had been spending a lot of time with Angelina lately, but they weren't even officially together yet. And if they had that kind of accident, Fleur wouldn't be the first in the family to know about it. George might have gone to Bill for advice, but Bill would take that seriously enough to not share it with anyone, even his wife.
Charlie couldn't have kids since the incident with the angry Ukrainian Ironbelly.
But that would only leave…
Ginny gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. It all made sense now. Ron suddenly talking about leaving the Aurors just to work in the joke shop. That completely clashed with the Ron she knew, who hated being put on the sidelines while others were in danger, and who hated being in the twins' shadow even more…
But it made perfect sense if he needed a less dangerous job with more stable hours. Something one would want if they were expecting a baby.
Fleur looked regretful about pushing Ginny's buttons, and put a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"I did not mean to upset you, Ginny," she said softly, "forget I said anyzing."
Ginny idly nodded, but knew that she could never "forget" something like this.
Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, one of Ginny's best friends, was pregnant.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if you could do mix prompts 3, for coops! Like Harry saying his first words infront of everyone and it being like “loops” or “Remus” or something cute like that. Just everyone being jealous.
This prompt is so cute, I love it! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Prompt 3: “You’d be a great dad”
Sirius buzzed with excitement as he and Remus drove the short distance to the Potters’ house—it had been three full days since he last saw Harry and the wait was killing him. Babies were terribly fragile and usually made him anxious, but there was something about cradling his tiny godson in his arms that calmed him through and through.
James and Lily’s holiday lights twinkled as they walked up the front steps, careful of the snow-covered concrete and shivering in the cold; a small sticker reading ‘baby inside—please knock gently! :)” in Lily’s swooping cursive decorated the doorbell. Moments after Remus’ knock, the door swung open.
“Hey, you two!” James grinned at them and bounced Harry on his hip as he moved aside. “You’re just in time, Lily made cocoa.”
“Oh, hell yeah,” Remus said, ducking into the warm house and toeing his shoes of.
James narrowed his eyes and smacked him on the shoulder. “Language, Loops, my kid’s first word is not going to be cursing me out.”
“With you as his father, it might be,” Sirius snorted as he joined them. “Hey, J.”
“Long time, no see, man.” Their side-hug was a little awkward with the baby, but Sirius sank into it just the same.
“It’s been six hours since practice,” Lily laughed from the doorway, poking her head out of the kitchen. “How do you two survive apart?”
“They don’t,” Remus said wryly as he hung his scarf. “Can we see Pots? What do you think Pots and Lily are up to tonight? Will Harry still be awake?”
“I don’t sound like that!” Sirius complained, making a face at him. Harry burbled and reached for him. “Bonjour, mon petit chou. Have you been good for your parents?”
Lily cocked an eyebrow and handed Remus a steaming mug of cocoa. “He threw up on me an hour ago.”
“Aw, pauvre bébé.” Harry turned his huge green eyes on Sirius, reaching for a clump of his hair with a toothless smile. “I know, my hair is so messy from my hat—ope, okay, that’s a strong grip you’ve got.”
“Ope,” James mimicked. “You’re spending too much time with Loops.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He shifted Harry to his other hip. “So, when can he have a sleepover with us?”
Lily gave him a disbelieving look. “He’s less than a year old.”
“…and? He sleeps through the night.”
“You want responsibility over a child?”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “He’s my godson, we can handle it. Right, honey?” Remus took a long sip of hot chocolate in lieu of a response. “I thought you liked kids!”
“I love kids, but that doesn’t mean I want a whole infant in our house,” Remus laughed. “We can barely take care of Hattie. Where would we even put him?”
“If you get proper stuff and both agree, you can have him for one night,” James said as they walked into the living room.
“One evening,” Lily corrected. “If that goes well, you can have him for the night when he’s a little older.”
Sirius adjusted the baby so he was perched on his lap, bouncing up and down in his reindeer footie pajamas. “Your mom and dad are so mean to me,” he sighed, tapping Harry on the nose. “Yes, they are!”
The answering string of nonsense baby babble warmed a place deep in Sirius’ heart and Remus leaned his head on his shoulder. “Hey, buddy,” he said with a bright smile. Harry giggled happily. “Yeah, hi. Are you having fun?”
“You’re getting so big! God, you’re cute.”
“C’mere, you, I need my baby snuggles.” Remus carefully took him and gave Sirius a kiss on the cheek as compensation.
“Do you have any plans for this weekend?” James asked, curling up next to Lily on the opposite couch. “We were thinking of going to the holiday market to see the lights.”
Sirius glanced at his fiancé, who was entirely absorbed in tickling the baby across his legs. “The holiday market would be a good idea, actually. Re, do we still need to pick up gifts for your parents?”
“Christmas presents for your folks.”
“Oh, yeah,” Remus looked back to James and Lily, who were watching them with fond smiles. “The holiday market sounds fun! There’s a bookstore down there that I’ve been wanting to check out.”
James shook his head. “You and your books. One of these days, Loops—”
“Loops!” The room went dead silent. Even the crackling logs in the fireplace seemed to quiet down as they all turned to look at Harry. “Loops!” he shrieked again, making grabby hands for Remus’ face. “Loops, Loops, Loops.”
“Did he just…?” James sounded like he was about to faint. “Remus, did he just say your name?”
Remus opened and closed his mouth a couple times, but no sound came out. Lily set her mug on the end table with a soft thud. “He’s never talked before. Are we sure that’s what he said?”
“It sounded like it to me.” Sirius leaned closer. “Hey, Harry, can you say ‘Loops’?”
“Loops!” Clear as day.
“Holy shit,” Remus whispered. James didn’t even correct him on his language. “He knows my name.”
“But—but aren’t babies supposed to know their parents first?” Lily twisted the end of her braid. “Did we screw up our kid?”
James sighed heavily. “Our baby likes Remus more than he likes us. Of course he does. Jesus.”
“I’m his godfather,” Sirius protested, poking Harry’s belly gently. “Hey. Baby. I’m your godfather.”
Remus gave him a sly smile. “Looks like someone got dethroned.”
“You can’t dethrone a godfather!” he sputtered. “Pots, he can’t do that, can he?”
“I think he just did,” James said, resigned. “Doesn’t matter that I’m his actual father. Lils, is there more cocoa in the kitchen?”
She groaned as she stood. “I grew that baby for nine months and then pushed him out of my womb after eleven hours of labor, and he knows how to say ‘Loops’ before my name. I’m getting whiskey to go along with it.”
“Traitor.” Sirius frowned down at Harry as Lily and James left the room, but the baby just smiled at him and kicked his little feet. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“He really is,” Remus said, cuddling into his side.
“As much as I’d like it if he knew my name, it’s pretty awesome that he knows yours.”
Remus laughed. “I’m pretty sure he just knows the word, not what it means.”
“Really?” Sirius raised one eyebrow and took the baby back, turning him so they were face to face. “Okay, Harry, where’s Loops? Do you know where Loops is?”
Harry wriggled around and reached out for Remus, who lit up with joy. Sirius’ heart swelled about eight sizes. “Good job, buddy!” Remus took his hands and shook them around. “Yay!”
“You’re adorable.”
“Me or the kid?”
“Both.” Sirius kissed his forehead. “You’d be a great dad.”
“So would you.” Remus leaned up for a proper kiss that was only slightly ruined by Harry smacking him on the cheek. “Ouch. Am I not allowed to kiss your godfather anymore?”
They gasped at the same time. “Oh, no.” Remus eyes went wide with horror. “Oh, Lily’s going to kill me.”
“We can’t tell them,” Sirius said instantly, checking the hallway in case the other two were lurking.
“Sirius, she is going to kill me.”
“Not if she thinks it was James. Or herself.”
“We’re threatening their marriage because I accidentally taught their baby to swear?”
“I love you so much.” Remus turned back to Harry and his face became solemn. “You are not allowed to say that word until we leave, young man.”
“Good job.”
Sirius settled the baby into Remus’ lap and stood, craning his neck to see into the kitchen. “Hey, guys, I think we’re going to head out soon. Hattie’s had a tummy ache since this morning and I’m a little worried about her.”
Lily frowned as she took a sip of whiskey-cocoa. “Aw, I’m sorry. Give her lots of kisses from us, okay?”
“Drive safe!” James called from out of sight. “Thanks again for stealing our child’s first word.”
“You can blame my fiancé for that one.” He gave Remus a thumbs-up as he set the baby in his playpen. They had never put on their winter clothes faster; Sirius was pretty sure his shoes were on the wrong feet, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “Bye, love you!”
“Love you t—” The door cut off the last of James’ words as they all but sprinted down the walkway, skidding on the icy sidewalk and tumbling into the car. There was a moment of silence, and then they both burst out laughing.
“Oh, my God, I taught Harry how to swear,” Remus wheezed, leaning his head back against the headrest. “And then we just ditched.”
“We’re the worst godparents ever.” Sirius thumped his forehead against the steering wheel and turned the key in the ignition. “They will never forgive us if they find out.”
“Definitely not.”
They barely reached the end of the block before Remus’ phone rang. He declined the call immediately, stuffing it into his coat pocket. Not even two seconds later, Sirius’ ringtone for James blared in the silence of the car. Slowly and deliberately, he turned it on silent and shoved it in the console. Later. They would deal with this later.
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
A Wonderful Christmastime
Author’s Note:  Well Hello All!  I hope that you’re all taking care of yourselves and staying well!  My tag-list is open and you know I love the validation of reblogs, shares, tags and adds!! I have been working on a larger OC story which has kept my from my Loki writings, but I entered a challenge posted by @toomanystoriessolittletime​ for the Christmas holiday.  If you aren’t following, please do as she’s got a great little Advent Calendar of seasonal stories for you!  One a day through the month of December!  
I chose a prompt based off of my least favorite Christmas song.  Ever.  Like in the history of humanity.  Like, my family torture me with it because of how much I dislike it.  This story is a chance to take a little lighthearted revenge on Sir Paul McCartney and also, hopefully, help you all enjoy a Wonderful Christmastime!   Also, isn’t this gif the cutest thing in the world?  My thanks to the OP and creator for it... it’s amazing and I love Christmas Loki!! Pairing:  Female Reader x Loki
Summary:  Everyone has a favorite holiday song... when Loki learns which one you dislike, he uses it to his advantage. Warnings:  Christmas holiday mentions, SMUT, Oral (F receiving) and MF Sex, also, the over use of a certain song that makes me, personally, crazy!
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This was it.  That perfect moment when all of the holiday hustle was behind you.  Nothing to buy, nothing to ship, nothing to wrap, nothing to bake.  It was all over.  You had made it through another Christmas Eve.
Your well decorated tree sat in the corner, presents tucked below for you and Loki in the morning.  The frittata was resting in the fridge along with the two bottles of Prosecco you planned to have with brunch.  Hell, it was the holidays, after all.
But that was for tomorrow.
Tonight you were relaxing after an afternoon of family Christmas fun.  Nieces and nephews, piles of shredded paper, stacks of snacks and so much laughter your belly muscles were sore.  And through it all Loki had been a champ! Holding your hand, rubbing the small of your back, pulling out your chair; Loki had put the other partners to shame.  Whether he was telling bawdy but tasteful jokes to the men who drank cheap beer around the TV, sharing hair care tips with your sister’s oldest girl or whispering with your mom in the kitchen, he was always where he needed to be.  For the first time in ages, you had been able to enjoy the day fully, and you knew Loki was the reason why. After getting home, trading your dress and boots for comfy shorts and a sweatshirt, you padded into the living room.  Loki was there, sitting cross legged, digging through your bag of swag.  He had put seasonal music on in the background while munching through a plate of Auntie’s sugar cookies, two well poured goblets of red wine waiting to be had at his side.  God, he was good. “Is one of those for me?”  You couldn’t help smiling.  Loki, looking like a little kid, over excited and surrounded by all the trapping of Christmas just felt so precious. It took him a moment to reply as he was solely focused on the handmade puzzle box your mother had crafted for all the guys this year, “Hmm?  Yes… one’s for you…” Kissing the top of his head, careful not to dislodge his Rudolf blinking antler headband, a gift to Loki from your youngest nephew, you moved towards the couch.  Sipping from your glass of wine, snuggled under the softest chenille blanket your sister-in-law could find, you sighed contentedly.  Victory over the holiday season felt amazing.  Now all that was left on your to-do list was eating, drinking, and enjoying alone time with Loki until New Year’s.  Suddenly exhausted, you felt the lovely warm drag of drowsiness and snuggled deeper into the sofa.  Shuttering your tired eyes, you listened as Loki stood up, off to hunt up some more food, no doubt.  Visions of sugarplums danced in your head as you started to succumb to a sweet slumber. That’s when you heard it.  
“The moon is right, The spirit’s up, We’re here tonight and that’s enough…” Groaning, wide awake now, you sat up with a shout, “Loki?!”  Like magic his raven head popped around the doorframe, his reindeer antlers askew, a candy cane hanging out of his mouth, “Yes?”
“Um… question:  What are we listening to?” Stepping back into the living room, his new holiday flannel shirt open at the neck, Loki leaned over you, husking playfully,  “Music.  At least, that’s what I believe you Midgardians call it.” “Ha ha.  Yes, I know it’s music, but this particular song?”  You couldn’t keep the tartness from your tone as you pressed your nose into the handsome one on Loki’s face. Pausing, listening intently, Loki cocked his head to the side.  Singing along, his bells jingling, “Simply having a Wonderful Christmastime!” “Ugh.  That’s what I was afraid of!”  Flinging a hand over your eyes, you grumbled, burrowing back into the cozy couch as a means of blocking out the obnoxious noise of the worst holiday song in the history of humanity. Making himself comfortable at your feet, pouring himself another glass of vino, “I like it.  It’s simple.  Direct.  What are you doing?  Me?  I’m simply having a wonderful Christmastime!” From deep in the cushions, muffled but forceful, you pleaded, “Make it stop!  Please!” “What for?  It is still Christmastime, is it not?  And we are enjoying a wonderful time, aren’t we?” Turning back to face him, a Scrooge-like scowl on your suddenly serious face, “I’ll do anything to get you to turn that off.” That got his attention, “Anything?”  Sitting up quickly, you reached for your blanket only to feel Loki snatching it out of your grasp, “You said anything, darling.” Tugging on the plush fabric, practically pouting, “You’re not going to take my new fluffy blankie, are you?” “Oh no.  That’s not nearly enough to stop me from playing my favorite Christmas carol.”
“It’s your favorite, now?  Loki, you just heard it.” Waving your gripes away, pinning you under his arms and under your blanket, “I love it.  It’s my favorite.  You can’t mess with perfection.”
You wiggled, trying to free an arm or a hand, anything to help defend yourself from Loki’s soft, but effective attack, "Perfection?  Loki, it's awful."
"I disagree.  But…”  Brushing a gentle kiss to your captive lips, making you melt into his warm touch, Loki made sure to keep you immobile.  Unraveling under his ardent attention, you gave up fighting, focusing on Loki’s roving hands through the protective layer of your new throw.  
Lost in his lips, you ignored the wretched recording still spinning, until sitting back with a sly smile Loki continued, “Regardless of my newly acquired antlers, I am a reasonable man.  I'm willing to hear your side of things.  Convince me, dove."
Looking up at him through your lashes, licking over your bottom lip that tasted of Loki's peppermint, it took you a moment to refocus on your argument.  Sighing doggedly, “It’s just garbage.  Too sweet, too synth-pop.  It’s plastic.  There’s no substance to it.”
At least Loki did you the service of considering your answer.  He paused, listening to the offending tune, starting to hum along once more.  “I don’t know.  It sounds like church bells ringing.  And I like when the kids start singing!”
“You couldn't.  Those are two of the worst things about it!  There’s not a single redeemable factor in it’s trite,  super saccharine, four minute run time.”  Agitated now and edging into anger, your voice kept rising, spurned on by the inability to get away from Loki’s plush prison, “Also, get off me!” “Can’t do it.  But-” nuzzling into your neck, tasting along the tendon there, “-I can replay this song.”  “That’s it!”  Fury tinted your words as you tried harder than ever to break free of your fleece prison but Loki was brick heavy, unmovable, and impossibly giddy at your predicament.  All things which only added fuel to your fire.  Wriggling like mad, struggling to kick a foot free, you squirmed desperately for leverage.  His response?  A deep chuckle, “Is that all you’ve got, darling?”  Laying those long, lanky bones on top of you, holding down the throw’s corners in a way that made fighting futile, Loki smirked at your distress, “I still don’t see why you hate it so much.  It is a simple song because we’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime!  It’s in the title after all.” With cheeks hot from exertion, fully frustrated and forced to listen to Paul McCartney’s bland holiday ballad start a second time, you nearly shrieked, "I hate it, Loki!  Loathe it, really!  The lyrics are basic, the keyboard is tinny, and Sir Paul is better than that!” “Is that all?” “No!  It's even worse when someone else sings it, like those kids from Glee or an up and coming Country artist making their first holiday record!"
Beneath the blanket your chest rose and fell with bothered breaths.  From rubbing against the couch your hair stuck up in odd angles and you could feel heat rising off your neck.  How had you gone from almost asleep to a blanket related battle royale?  Loki, taking advantage of your confinement, kissed your forehead sweetly, and the change in tactic caught you off guard.  His lips grazed the tip of your nose as you huffed out a pout, eager to see where his mischief making would lead.  Pressing his forehead to yours, that deep sonorous voice whispering lowly for your ears alone, "Not a compelling enough argument for me to turn it off, I'm afraid." And to your holiday horror the song in question started again.  Grousing, "Don’t play it again!  Please!  I’m begging you!” “Already begging darling?”  Thick with mocking, Loki slotted himself between your thighs, keeping you from fighting back with any power. Whining full out now, poking out your bottom lip, “Come on!  Please, let me up and turn this off!” “Why, of course, my pearl.”  With no effort on his part, Loki scooped you up, blankie and all, pulling you tightly to his chest.  Gripping your bottom, his fingers firm through the cotton of your pj pants, he squeezed hard enough for you to yelp. “Hey!”  But that’s all you managed before his talented tongue invaded your mouth.  Now the only thing you could hear was the shaky exhale of your shared sighs and your own needy mewls when Loki started to withdraw.
Godly hands drew your thick and comfy sweatshirt over your head, leaving you bare against the cuddly softness of your new blanket, a perfect dichotomy to the heated hardness of Loki’s chest.  With your arms finally free you tangled your hands in the long tresses of your lover, distracted from the awful music by his groan, “Easy darling.” But now that the tables were tipped in your favor, you had no intention of going easy on Loki.  Not after his antics tonight, not a chance.  Tugging hard enough for him to wince, you ground against his lap with a nip to his neck, “Turn it off then.”
“Now, why would I do that?  Aren’t we still enjoying a Wonderful Christmastime?” Bouncing in his lap, purposefully teasing your mischief maker with a smirk, “We were until you let this terrible song play!” Laughing heartily, Loki stroked over your bare shoulder, one hand resting on your waist and the other cupping your cheek.  “If I wanted to, my darling, I could change your mind.  I could make you adore this song.” “Is that so, Odinson?  I doubt it.”
“Doubt me?  On this, Christmas Eve!  When you know the feelin’s here that only comes once a year?” A confident nod was all he got for an answer.  In a flash you were laying on the soft rug, your legs wrapped over Loki’s and your new blanket tossed to the side.  Fiery kisses to your chest and neck led him to the shell of your ear where he hummed hungrily, “The moon is right, the spirits up…” Enjoying his mouth but not his music, you shoved against his shoulders, panting, “Don’t sing, just kiss me.” Licking into your mouth, Loki’s tongue obliged your need as his hands skated over the curve of your hip, breaking your kiss to croon, “We’re here tonight, dove… and that’s enough.”
“Loki… please stop…”  You fisted his shirt, pulling at the buttons until his muscular torso was under your fingers, strong and solid.  Pushing the plaid cotton off his shoulders, you let your nails drag over Loki’s naked back as you shifted your hips, subtlety be damned. He took the hint.  Nipping a trail over your tummy, Loki kept his eyes on yours as he shucked your shorts, snorting, “No panties?  Naughty!” “If that’s naughty, Loki, then what you’re doing to me is positively evil.” That made your lover grin, his eyebrows lifting in a wickedly Grinchy smile before caressing the inner skin of your thigh with his clever mouth.  Slithering closer to your center, sweeping his tongue in swirls, you couldn’t help the excited shiver he created.  It was enough to block out the terrible song now that you had something more arousing to hold your attention. Using those long, deft fingers, Loki parted your folds with a murmured moan, “You’re so wet, darling.  Maybe you like this song more than you let on?” A curse for him and his rotten taste in Christmas music died in your throat as Loki connected to your sacred skin through a carnal kiss.  Those strong forearms ensured that your knees stayed open wide as his tongue tasted, teasing your clenching cleft, humming with appreciation at your body’s response.  Circling your clit, sucking gently before changing direction and licking your lower lips once more, Loki had you teetering on the cliff of climax in minutes.
Your stomach tensed, ready for release.  Delicious waves of orgasmic bliss were pulsing through you, needing just a touch more friction, a little more pressure in order to crash over you.  Gasping out incoherent whimpers, fingers ruffling Loki’s dark hair, you can’t fight the neediness that he’s created in you. It just feels so incredible, something Loki knows you’re enjoying, “Like that, darling?” Passion clouds your vision as your desire crests, unfulfilled, “You know I do, Loki…” Fingers slide sensually through your slit, his bright eyes on you, “How much?  How much do you like it?” Shaking your head, still foggy with needs unmet, “So much, baby.  I love making love to you so much.” Bumping against your swollen bud, pressing down firmly, Loki begins using his hands to entice you towards ecstasy.  Two fingers enter you easily, delightful, sure, but not as filling as Loki’s hard member.  Reaching for him, you want to lose yourself in loving and being loved by your space god, “Sing for me, dove.” Beseeching you breathlessly, Loki’s hand stills, keeping you at the fringe of falling apart.  Waiting for your reply impatiently he asks again, “Sing, please.” “A song?” His reply is a shake of his dark head.  Slowly, smoothly, Loki withdraws his fingers, only to press them into your yielding flesh once more, “Yes, my darling.  Sing my favorite song!”
Sucking a bruise onto your inner thigh, those fingers of his spreading your walls, the exquisite pressure on your straining clitoris.  Any one of these distractions would have been hard to concentrate through.  Experiencing them all together?  Overwhelming.
And that’s the excuse you would use to explain what happened next.  “The party’s on… The feeling’s here…” As soon as the words left your lips, Loki’s attention resumed in earnest, “That’s it, dove!  Keep going!” “That only comes, this time of year… Ah!  Loki!” Loki watched you lustily.  Your eyes half closed, legs splayed lewdly, a nervous grin on your face.  He never wanted you more.  Slipping out of his jeans, wasting no time, Loki guided his hardened cock into you with a satisfying sigh. Your response to his abundance?  “Oh shit, Loki!  Yes!”  Snapping his hips against your pelvis, iron banded arms clinging to you, Loki stuttered, “I don’t hear you singing!” “We’re simply having a Wonderful Christmastime!”  How many times did you repeat the chorus?  Hard to say.  It became a mantra.  A thing to chant in time with everyone of Loki’s deliberate and deep thrusts. This time, when you felt the familiar stirring of your satisfaction, Loki didn’t stop you.  Encouraging you with a soulful kiss, his stroke surging in time with Paul McCartney’s crooning, you came apart in each other’s arms with a smile.  The song started again and you couldn’t stop the giggles from bursting out of you, “What’s so funny, dove?” “You said you could make me like this terrible, horrible, awful song.” Sitting up and taking you with him, Loki chuckled as he kissed your hand, “Hey, don’t make fun of the best holiday song I have ever heard.”  Pulling your new blanket around the both of you, “I still hate it, but-”
“But?”, his eyebrow arched in surprise, waiting for you to continue.
“But I don’t hate it as much.” Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, playfully ribbing you, “Do I have to force you into having another Wonderful Christmastime?” Biting your bottom lip, you returned the favor by sweeping a stray lock of Loki’s black hair over his shoulder, “Babe, you could make crazy, insane love to me each day and every night… and-” “And?”  Kissing Loki lightly on the nose, you stood up on shaky legs and started towards the hallway.  At the entry way you turned back letting the blanket fall to the floor, “-And Wonderful Christmastime would still suck.”  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To My Many Minxes:  @toomanystoriessolittletime @vodka-and-some-sass @just-random-obsessions @brokenthelovely @lots-of-loki @thefallenbibliophilequote @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @iamverity @mizfit2 @sammy-jo1977 @wolfsmom1 @jessiejunebug @iluvsumbucky @unadulteratedwizardlove @procrastinatinglikeabitch @shxdowofdarkness @nonsensicalobsessions @ahintofkiwistrawberry @alexakeyloveloki @rorybutnotgilmore @crystalizedcaramel @lokislittlecorner @capcapcapsicle @jamielea81 @caffiend-queen @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @jenjen8675309 @that-one-person @roguewraith
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Corn Maze
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Request: Thor’s first time at a pumpkin patch and corn maze by @marvelgirl7​ I SO want to visit one. Thank you my dear for requesting this, hope you like it!
Fall Prompts Masterlist
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
Warnings: All fluff and humour.
Word count: 1000ish
Thor Odinson Taglist – @raspberrymama​  @bitchycherryblossomlove​ @jennie22feona​ @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @thorfanficwriter​
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder​  @ladyacrasia​ @agustdowney​ @swaggysposts​ @littlegasps​ @little-baby-vixen​  @another-stark-sub​ @supraveng​ @kahlanmars​ @marvelgirl7​ @disappointmentofthefam​  @pandaxnienke​ @tom-hlover​ @just-the-hiddles​
Glancing up at the fiery orange sky, you watched it change colors as you walked beside the God of Thunder down a grass-filled pathway. Darcy and her new boyfriend were a few feet ahead, with Darcy yapping away excitedly about your plans.
Ian, who was from London hadn’t been to a corn maze ever, and Thor well, hadn’t heard about the concept until a few hours ago. This officially was your first date with Thor after he’d returned to Earth after a much too long absence. You had second thoughts initially about how Thor would react because this was essentially a culture-shock for the man, however the curiosity in his eyes after you pitched the idea reassured your decision.
A while later, you arrived at a pumpkin slinger stand that stood right at the entrance of an empty field, with a few pumpkins of varied sizes lying next to the sling.
“Is that a swing, Lady (Y/N)?” Thor enquired, putting his large hand inside the sling as if to check if it would take a human’s weight.
“No you sling pumpkins across the field with those. Here I’ll show you.” you giggled before picking a smaller one for a demo. As you flung it, the pumpkin launched into the air and landed several feet into the field, rolling on the grass a few times before giving up and breaking into pieces.
“See? It’s fun. You try it.” gesturing to the largest pumpkin of the lot, you stepped aside to watch the demi-god attempt this very Midgardian tradition.
Of course Thor picked the vegetable up with one hand as if it weighed nothing, placed it in the cloth sling and pulled it way back as you, Darcy and Ian watched on.
There was a definite crack you heard which came from the sling and just as Thor flung the pumpkin, it snapped, sending the slinger flying into the air along with the pumpkin, going way beyond your line of vision and disappearing somewhere into the trees lining the field. All you could do was pray there wasn’t a house or a person on the receiving end before bursting out laughing.
“I thought it would be strong enough.” Thor wondered out loud, a frown adorning his features.
“I have a feeling nothing’s gonna be strong enough for the God of Thunder here on Earth. Let’s go before the owner finds out.” you extended your hand for him to take, glancing around the deserted neighborhood before dragging him away dismissing his attempts to contact the owner to apologize.
The four of you finally made it to your desired corn maze seeing as it was twilight by the time you reached and a few stray stars littered the rapidly darkening sky. This was far from the kid-friendly, cheerful looking ones and had a definite creep factor to it.
“Of course my love.”
Thor’s little term of endearment sent butterflies in your stomach into overdrive as he gave you a wink before you stepped into the maze together, Darcy and Ian following a few feet behind.
Your body wasn’t really on high alert as you were expecting predictable jump scares, probably a talking scarecrow and other typical tropes but so far it was eerily silent. Looking behind, you didn’t find Darcy or Ian assuming they’d taken another route you turned back only to shriek in horror as a man with torn clothes holding a bloodied axe stepped out of the grass right in front of you.
Thor wasted no time in knocking the poor actor unconscious in one mighty punch that made him fall on the ground like a leaf.
“Holy fuck Thor, what did you do?” you sighed, kneeling before the man to check if anything was broken.
“He was attacking you.” he fumed, fists still balled up.
“That’s his job, he’s being paid to do this to everyone who walks in here.”
“I don’t understand.” He frowned making you feel guilty for not having told what to expect.
The man regained consciousness and immediately scrambled away from you both and ran towards the exit clutching the side of his head where he’d been punched.
“Now he’s gonna get us thrown out of here.” You mumbled quietly.
“I’m sorry my love, I shouldn’t have—” Thor began but you quickly interrupted him.
“No it’s my fault really. I didn’t warn you before and I knew this wasn’t a good idea. You’re not used to all of this and I like a fool assumed everything would be fine. I’m sorry for this Thor, really I a—”
Your rambling apology got interrupted when Thor silenced you with a kiss. Initial surprise forgotten, your hands went around his neck and you stood on your tippy toes to return the kiss, the delicate, full of love, we’re-both-terrible-at-making-decisions kiss.
After it ended, foreheads still touching, you both kept grinning like idiots before being rudely interrupted by Darcy.
“You know you can celebrate after we get through this goddamn maze right?”
“You just know how to ruin a moment Darcy.” You rolled your eyes, cheeks still warm and brain still a little fuzzy from the kiss.
Once you made it to the other side with no further scares – you assumed the bloodied-axe man told the others not to mess with your group, you found a cute photo-op booth. Darcy and Ian raced inside leaving you and the God waiting outside the door.
“Should I expect anyone launching at me in there?” Thor asked seriously, though you could see humor dancing on his face illuminated by the faint yellow light emitted from the bulbs hanging above.
“No just some boring old pictures to commemorate this evening.” Laughing, you leaned your head against his massive bicep, closed your eyes and hummed.
“I had a wonderful time.” He whispered before kissing the top of your head.
“So did I. Just didn’t expect anybody to get beaten up by the God of Thunder on a date.”
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Tougher than Steel With a Softer Reveal
Withered Bonnie is rarely seen, and often presents a tough exterior to intimidate the people around him. But Freddy knows the softer truth about him and is happy to show it off to Jeremy.
This prompt was suggested by an anonymous user. Whoever you are, I hope you enjoy the fanfic!
Jeremy was holding the bear mask in his hand with a tight, anxious grip. He was trying to stay calm and collected, but his right hand that held the flashlight, was still visibly shaking. “”W-where are you guys…” Jeremy asked as he looked at the cameras on the tablet. “I know you’re there, Old Bonnie.” Jeremy told the animatronic in the front hallway.
Jeremy pulled the Freddy mask over his head and watched in horror as Old Bonnie flickered past him and disappeared. Jeremy let out a breath of relief before removing the mask. “Ni-nice try, Bonnie. Might need t-to be faster next time.” Jeremy told him.
“Now I wouldn’t tempt the old guy if I were you.” Someone told him.
Jeremy jumped and turned his flashlight towards the voice. It was Toy Freddy. “I-I-but-”
“He looks old and rusty. But he has a strong bite.” Freddy added.
Jeremy squeaked like a mouse and quickly tried to back away. “St-Stay away from me! I’m warning you!” Jeremy ordered.
“Oh come now...I’m not going to hurt you.” Freddy let him know. “Besides: It’s not me you need to be worried about…” Freddy pointed to the front hall and watched as Withered Bonnie popped out and declared the words; [YOU BLINKED].
Jeremy screamed as he was picked up and thrown over Withered Bonnie’s shoulder. “NO! BONNIE PLEASE!” Jeremy shouted. “LET ME GO! FREDDY HELP!” Jeremy shouted to Freddy helplessly, reaching his hand out.
“Sorry buddy. I’ll come back for you. I promise!” Freddy told him before walking away.
“WHAT?! WAIT! FREDDY!” Jeremy shouted to him.
Jeremy was wiggling, kicking, pushing and punching as much as he could. But his knuckles grew too painful to keep punching Bonnie’s felt-covered metal robot body. So he started pounding his fist into the shoulder and pulling on any exposed wiring. But Withered Bonnie just kept on going.
[TIME TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR FAILURE.] Bonnie said as it walked to the closet that Jeremy believed to be the room that held Mangled Bonnie. Jeremy started pulling on more wires, even managing to tear some of the wires out, and kept feeling for any kind of off switch.
Finally in one last stitch attempt to stay alive, Jeremy started clawing at Withered Bonnie’s belly to look for any type of shut down switch.
Suddenly, Bonnie’s walking halted to a stop as the one hand Bonnie had, randomly twitched up. Jeremy froze in place, afraid to do anything else for a few seconds. But the moment Jeremy noticed the missing arm, Jeremy started kicking at Bonnie’s stomach region to give his throbbing hands a break and still try to get himself out of Bonnie’s grip. Bonnie’s arm started to twitch and click through different arm positions while slowly doubling its body over. [NO. NO. STOP THAT.] Bonnie yelled unexpectedly.
Jeremy seemed to grow more confident at Bonnie’s words. “Yeah. How do you like that, huh? How do you like getting kicked down by something smaller than you?” Jeremy provoked. Jeremy gave the animatronic one last kick in the face before trying to get out of the robot’s grip. But the hand was cold metal. It was impossible to move the joints open, let alone get himself free. Jeremy groaned and growled as he struggled.
[YOU ARE WEAK.] The withered animatronic muttered as its red eyes stared deeply into the security guard.
Jeremy grunted and kicked Bonnie’s stomach again. “Shut up and let me go!”
Bonnie’s arm twitched again, causing Jeremy to pause his resistance. Jeremy finally started to properly notice the reaction time between his kicking and Bonnie’s twitching. He gave Bonnie’s belly another kick. This made Bonnie’s wrist twitch up, raising Jeremy up in the process. Jeremy waited a few seconds...before kicking Bonnie again. Bonnie’s whole arm twitched up this time, raising Jeremy up another inch. Jeremy also noticed how Bonnie was a little more leaned forward than before. The man waited another 10 seconds...before kicking Bonnie’s belly again-
Bonnie leaned over more and let go of Jeremy, making him fall to the ground. Jeremy managed to land somewhat on his own two feet, but needed the wall behind him to stabilize him. “Thank you.” Jeremy told the robot.
Bonnie let out an angry, autotuned scream as it decided to return the gesture. Bonnie had reared its foot back and quickly got ready to kick Jeremy right in the stomach. Jeremy shrieked and jumped out of the way to save himself from blood loss or potentially burst organs. Right as Jeremy’s feet slid past the target, Bonnie’s right foot smashed right through the wall that had been hidden by Jeremy’s body a couple seconds ago. Jeremy stared at the huge hole in the wall, gobsmacked by the size the robot made it.
[DO NOT FOOL ME.] Bonnie ordered.
Jeremy shook his head. “I-I wasn’t fooling you. I swear!” Jeremy reacted.
[COME HERE.] Bonnie ordered as it started walking to him again.
Jeremy quickly ducked out of the way and tried to make a run for it. But he managed to bump into someone by accident. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS-”
Jeremy ducked under the animatronic’s brown arm and sprinted off.
“INTRODUCI...Jeremy, wait! Where are you going?” Toy Freddy asked.
Toy Freddy’s body soon fell towards the side and smashed his back into the wall. Freddy sighed in slight annoyance and picked up the rowdy animatronic. “Come here, Bonnie. You need a big time out.”
[FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR FAILURE. FACE- FREDDY LET GO OF ME. FREDDY FREDDY FREDDY FREDDY-] Bonnie shouted as it ran in midair while it was being held off the ground.
Meanwhile, a terrified Jeremy had hid himself behind the wall on the other side of the hall.
“I think Bonnie needs to cheer up a little~” Freddy told the animatronic.
[FREDDY NO. FREDDY WAIT. LET ME GO. LET ME GO. LET ME GO.] Bonnie kept shouting over and over again.
Jeremy let out a breath of relief as he listened to Freddy’s intervening. He really stayed true to his promise: he did indeed, come back.
“Don’t make me go for the belly, Bonnie. It’s the only soft part left on you.” Freddy warned evilly.
[NO. NO BELLY. EVIL. EVIL. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR.] Bonnie kept yelling.
“Tickle tickle! Tickle tickle! Tickle tickle! Tickle tickle!” Freddy started repeating.
Jeremy blinked in confusion and slowly peeked out from behind the wall. What in the world was he doing with Bonnie??
Freddy was twisting and wiggling his shiny, robot fingers against Withered Bonnie’s belly. The broken Bonnie was doubled over, twitching and waving its hand around.
“These plastic fingers may not press buttons very well, but they do tremendously tickle!” Freddy teased.
Jeremy raised an eyebrow. Is...Is an animatronic seriously trying to tickle another animatronic? Since when did animatronics experience feeling? Jeremy always believed animatronics lack nerves to feel, let alone tickle. Was he wrong? And was THIS how he was gonna be proved wrong? Jeremy continued to stare, confusingly at the sight.
Freddy looked over and saw Jeremy over there. “Hey look! Security guard’s watching!”
[AAAAAAH. STO-O-OP. FREDDY PLEASE.] Bonnie pleaded. [HELP ME. HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE HELP.] Bonnie shouted to Jeremy.
Jeremy slowly walked closer. “Is...Is Bonnie really feeling that?” he asked.
Freddy looked at Jeremy and nodded proudly. “Yuperdooo! His belly and his sides are really ticklish!” Freddy replied confidently.
Jeremy’s confusion slowly dropped as he looked at Bonnie and watched.
[I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS, FREDDY!] Bonnie shouted at him.
“Hey!” Freddy put his leg behind Bonnie’s legs and purposefully tripped him. This caused Bonnie to fall onto his back. With Bonnie lying on the ground, Freddy picked up Bonnie’s felt-covered foot and started tickling the bottom. “That’s what you get for leaving me hanging!” Freddy added.
Bonnie started rolling around, kicking his other foot and waving his arm around while letting out distorted laughter that sounded...surprisingly kinda normal. It sounded like regular male laughter, yet covered up with static and distorted somewhat. Jeremy couldn’t help but smile at the animatronic.
“Oh! I know where to go next!” Freddy started moving his scratching fingers up and up to: “The toes!”
Jeremy couldn’t help but laugh along with Bonnie. The guy who scared him and tried to kill him a few minutes earlier, was actually a lot more childish than he ever imagined. Which of course, there’s only so much you can learn as a robot subjected to kids everyday. But still...quite childish.
“Security guard!” Freddy called. “Do-”
“Yes?” Jeremy replied.
“Wonderful!” Freddy ran up to Jeremy and pushed him to Bonnie.
Jeremy grew very confused and started to panic a little. “Wait I was trying to-.......Ooookay then…”
Bonnie waved his hand towards Bonnie. “Well? Go on then.” Freddy told him. Jeremy stared awkwardly at the broken animatronic. Uuuuuh...what?
“Uuh...G-Go on with what?” Jeremy asked.
Bonnie chuckled and walked to Bonnie’s armless side. “Tickle him!” Freddy told him as he picked up the loose wires and moved them aside for the conductive human.
Jeremy lit up and ran over. Heck yeah he can do that! Jeremy knelt down and mentally thought about where exactly to strike.
[SIR WAIT. PLEASE HAVE MERCY.] Bonnie begged to him.
Jeremy actually paused and considered offering the animatronic some mercy. But Freddy, being eager to see this, hit Jeremy’s shoulder. “Come on! Don’t you want revenge for the kidnapping?” Freddy asked.
Jeremy looked at Bonnie closely and smirked a little. Yes. He did want revenge. And he also wanted to test out the robot nerves. Jeremy’s smile grew as he wiggled his fingers at him. “I apologize Bonnie...But I can’t be merciful quite yet. I have many questions I want answered.” Jeremy admitted.
Jeremy chuckled at that and tried poking at his side. “Good face pun.” Jeremy responded.
Jeremy’s poke didn’t really cause anything, save for some twitches. Jeremy moved onto scratching immediately after. This didn’t cause much either, but it did increase the twitches and make Bonnie’s ears move...It also filled Jeremy’s nails with felt fluff that was still falling off.
Freddy stood up and pushed Jeremy down towards the belly. “You’re too soft on him! You need to tickle harder! Like this!” Freddy started digging his fat fingers into Withered Bonnie’s side.
Almost immediately, Bonnie jumped and sat up. [WHAAAAHAHAHAHA! TOO STRONG!] Bonnie warned.
“Nope! Juuust right!” Freddy started wiggling to add to the pressure he was placing against the side. “You’re a tough boy. And tough boys need tough boy tickles!” Freddy exclaimed.
Bonnie started trying to scoot away, with no success. His lack of a left arm made scooting away really hard for the withered robot. So, Jeremy took advantage of Bonnie’s set back...He dove towards Bonnie’s belly and started clawing at it like he did the first time.
“WOW! That’s a huge difference compared to earlier!” Jeremy admitted.
“Yuh huh! Stronger tickles makes stronger laughter!” Freddy declared. “And don’t you ever forget it, kid.”
Jeremy paused for a moment and frowned at Freddy. “Excuse me? Did you just call me a kid?”
Freddy chuckled while he continued to tickle Wither Bonnie. “Are you not a kid?” Freddy asked.
Jeremy shook his head. “I’m a grown man.”
Freddy giggled. “Grown kid security guard.” He teased.
Jeremy cracked his knuckles. “Oh you’re gonna regret that real bad.”
Jeremy got up and flopped onto Freddy’s back. Then, Jeremy started skittering his fingers all over his sides and edges of Freddy’s back. Freddy yelped and tried to grab Jeremy with one hand while balancing himself with his other hand. “HEhey now! Whahahaha- What happened to being tickle partners?” Freddy asked.
“It went out the hole Bonnie made earlier. Now accept your fate.” Freddy laid himself onto the ground, snuck himself under Freddy’s belly and covered it with tons of quick tickles! Freddy, not wanting to smoosh the guy, jumped back and tried to scoot away. But Jeremy grabbed onto Freddy’s foot just in time and pulled himself up. When the security guard felt he had a safe enough grip, Jeremy covered Freddy’s foot with tickles.
“WahahAHAHAIT! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE! NAHAHAHAHAHA!” Freddy started kicking his feet everywhere, forcing Jeremy along for the rollercoaster ride as well! Jeremy squealed at first, and took a moment to get his bearings. Then Jeremy resumed tickling the super sensitive and exposed foot. “NAHAHAHAT FAHAHAIR! IHIHI’VE BEEN DOHOHOUBLE CROHOHOSSED!” Freddy yelled.
“Aww, boo hoo! The poor teddy bear lost his partner in crime! Whatever will he do?” Jeremy teased dramatically.
[NOT UNLESS I GET YOU FIRST.] Bonnie muttered.
“Geez...What is up with you two and swearing revenge on people? So rude…” Jeremy asked out loud.
“Please? Please what?” Michael asked.
“MEHEHEHERCYYYYHYHY!” Freddy yelled back.
“Hmmmmm...Should I give Freddy some mercy?” Jeremy asked Bonnie.
[HE WAS TALKING TO ME.] Bonnie mentioned. [YES. GIVE THE BEAR SOME MERCY.] Bonnie replied.
“Hmm...Alright.” Jeremy stopped tickling Freddy and let his foot go.
Freddy went limp and laid there for a few seconds. “Ohoho boy…” Freddy muttered. “That...That game was totally rigged!”
Jeremy chuckled at Freddy’s reaction, and looked at Bonnie. “Hey...so, we cool now?” Jeremy asked.
Bonnie sat himself up and looked down a little. He nodded his head, but slowly started to move his ears a little. It looked like Bonnie wanted to tell Jeremy something.
“Did...Did you have something to- AAAAEEEEK!” Jeremy interrupted himself with a shriek when he felt himself get picked up by someone.
“IIIIIIII’ve gotcha! I’ve gotcha good!” Freddy declared. “And now revenge is mine! Tickle tickle tickle! Tickle tickle tickle! Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle security guard!” Freddy declared as he skittered his fingers a little more softly on Jeremy’s ribs, sides, belly and hips.
Jeremy threw his head back and started cackling and laughing hysterically in the tight arms of Freddy. He really got him this time! Jeremy was still able to wiggle, but it wasn’t gonna compromise Freddy’s hold on him. He was gonna be stuck there for a while. “FREHEHEHEHEHEDDYHYHY! IHIHIHI’M SAHAHAHARRYHYHYHY!” Jeremy told him.
“Oh? Oh you’re sorry now? Because now I’m getting my revenge after you backstabbed me?” Freddy teased. “You should’ve thought about what you were setting yourself up for.” Freddy teased.
“But you are a kid! The legal age for consent in the United States of America, is 18 years old. You told me you are a teenager. That means you are not an adult yet!” Freddy declared.
“OHOHO SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!” Jeremy shot back.
Freddy stopped his tickling and looked at him. “Now now...that kind of potty mouth needs to be stopped this instant.” Freddy warned.
Potty mouth? What potty mouth?
“Otherwise you’re gonna be a bad influence on the children~” Freddy added.
Not wanting to be tickled again, Jeremy rolled himself onto his own belly and blew a big raspberry onto Freddy’s huge, brown belly.
Freddy absolutely lost it! The bear was rocking back and forth, pounding the floor, and kicking his legs pretty much everywhere.
Jeremy was about to blow another raspberry...when he heard a quiet voice.
Jeremy turned around and looked at the animatronic that was still sitting behind him: Withered Bonnie. “Yes?”
Bonnie was awkwardly playing with the exposed wires that ran down his missing arm. [CAN…….CAN YOU TICKLE ME AGAIN?]
Jeremy widened his eyes and smiled. “Of course I can!” Jeremy replied.
“Well call me surprised! He really DOES like it!” Freddy reacted. “That was just an educated guess!
[I DO NOT!] Bonnie shouted back. Toy Freddy froze in place, fearing he may have hurt him. But Bonnie looked down and moved his ears a little. [JUST...JUST A LITTLE. THAT’S ALL.]
Jeremy scooted himself closer to Bonnie and started skittering and clawing at his belly again. Freddy got up and moved to the other side, to dig and squeeze at Bonnie’s side.
Jeremy smiled happily and kept on going while he listened to Bonnie’s unusual, but nice laughter. Freddy was enjoying Bonnie’s laughter just as much, and was teasing Bonnie quite a bit while he tickled him. It was a strangely sweet scene that was taking place in front of him. Bonnie had appeared quite dangerous at first on the outside. But he seemed to hold bits of love and charm under the tough exterior. Though the love was hard to see under the toughness, it was there and you could seek what you wanted if you took the time to look for it.
Withered or fixed, Bonnie was Bonnie; and Toy Freddy wouldn’t change that for the world. And now, Jeremy can declare that he wouldn’t try to change Bonnie either.
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
you & I (just meant to be)
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Author: @rosegardeninwinter​
Prompt: This silly, silly ditty was inspired by two (count ‘em! two!) lovely prompts which are as follows “Peeta can’t stop staring at Katniss in her costume :0” and “Everlark meeting at a fancy dress party dressed as a ‘matching’ pair, although they don’t each other - maybe a famous couple but who don’t need the other … Joker and Harley Quinn, Batman and Robin or my favorite: Anna and Elsa from Frozen … Peeta would make a wonderful Anna” - I thought these two went well together, and took a couple of creative liberties to make them jive. Hope you lovelies like! [submitted by @deardiaryithinkiamaghost​ and @wendywobbles​]
Rating: T, for implied Everlark shenanigans 
Author’s Note: Thank you to my dear @archersandsunsets​ for her second pair of eyes on this one and to all the lovely moderators and coordinators of @seasonsofeverlark​, the true MVPs. It’s been a busy month, so I apologize for any incoherence. Sometimes, the heart just wants goofy modern AU fluff. Alrighty, Chatty Cathy is done … enjoy! 
“Katniss, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Prim exclaims, though it sounds pretty pathetic with her congested, pinked nose. “You make the perfect ice queen!” 
“I don’t think that’s usually a compliment,” Katniss says dourly, plopping down on the couch where her sister is situated with several fuzzy blankets, a box of tissues, and a large bowl of ice cream. She can’t taste it very well, but it’s the spirit of the thing that counts. Prim is in denial. 
“I wish I could go,” she whines, holding the “o” in a long, dramatic note. 
“I wish I could stay,” Katniss shoots back, holding the “ay” just as long. 
“No you don’t,” Prim shoos. “You love our friends.” 
“I do,” Katniss sighs, plucking at the silver sequined sleeves of her—well, Prim’s—Elsa costume. It’s too long on Katniss, with her sister’s good half inch on her, but it’s all they’ve got. Her original plan was to pull the classic black top and pants plus cat ears, but when it became apparent Prim wasn’t budging from the couch this Halloween, the real snowy blonde princess of the family had insisted Katniss take her outfit. 
“You can’t show up to Finnick’s in a slapdash, last second costume, Katniss,” she’d said. “The man lives for Halloween. Don’t insult his extravagance with plastic headbands and tails.” 
“I do love our friends, but … I don’t want to go out tonight. I’m tired.”
“Just half an hour,” Prim says. “Snag me some candy, make some pleasantries” — “okay, Jane Bennet” —  “and then come home. At least one of us needs to show up. Just pretend to have a social life for thirty minutes, okay? For me.” 
Katniss rolls her eyes as she gets up from the couch in a twinkling of blue overlay and snowflake hair pins in her braid. She does a quick once over of her shadowy makeup in the hallway mirror as she grabs her car keys. “What do you want?” 
“Chocolate. Anything with chocolate and peanut butter. I’ll save it for when I can experience taste again,” Prim calls back. “Oh, and if Delly’s cousin is there, all of the cupcakes he brought.”
“Mmkay. All the chocolate and cupcakes, coming right up,” Katniss says with a resigned smile. On her way out, she clicks on her phone. It’s just now eight. She resolves to be firmly ensconced in bed by nine at the latest. She gives her sister a wave, keys jangling. “I’ll be back. Soon.” 
At ten thirty, Prim looks up from her Harry Potter induced doze to find she’s received a text from her sister. 
Staying a little later. Fifteen minutes maybe. Have the treats.  
Prim checks the time stamp. The text was sent forty five minutes ago. This might be cause for alarm were it not for the text underneath Katniss’s, from Finnick. It’s a photo, taken in front of a makeshift photo op with purple and silver and orange streamers in the background and cutesy little bat and pumpkin and vampire fang cardboard props for people to hold up. It’s captioned “You can’t marry a man you just met!” 
Prim brings her hand to her mouth to catch a laugh before it turns into a cough. Her sister, Elsa costume sparkling in the flash, is pretending to shake her finger disapprovingly at her “Anna” counterpart. The laugh breaks free this time. Prim grabs for her tepid tea to soothe her throat as she cracks up over the really incredible image of Peeta Mellark, Delly Cartwright’s stocky older cousin, in a red braided wig, and strikingly accurate green rosemaled gown, sitting quite comfortably, if amusingly, over his athletic build. He’s pretending to gripe back at Katniss about why exactly he can marry Hans of the Southern Isles. Their mock scowls barely contain smiles. 
Prim quickly fires a text back to Finnick: How??? Did that happen??? 
Finnick’s text comes through a second later: The Lord works in mysterious ways! Idk!
Okay but like?? Yes??
I know!!!!
Some people are worth melting for???? 
Her cold never bothered him anyway? *finger guns*
Katniss arrives back at the house at five to midnight, and Prim pretends to be asleep, watching with one eye cracked half open as her sister unstraps her silver heels and dumps them by the front door, drops her keys into the bowl. Sets down a full bag of what Prim can only guess are cupcakes and sweets. 
She’s humming under her breath. It sounds like the chorus of “Love is an Open Door.” Prim wonders if it’s possible that her folk and indie music loving sister actually listened to a Disney album on the way home. Katniss unbraids her hair and shakes it loose, dropping the pins on the side table as she sinks into the squashy chair kitty-corner to Prim’s couch. She curls up, knees to chest, making her look like some sort of ice mermaid as she takes out her phone and taps something on it, still humming. Prim watches her chew her cheek pensively, as if deciding to send the text. She takes a deep breath and taps one final time on the screen, then drums her phone nervously against her lips for a moment. Prim’s nerves are firing with anticipation. 
They wait a silent minute. Two. Three. Three and a half — 
Katniss’s screen lights up again and she flips the phone up to stare at the reply. Her whole face softens. Eyes, brow, edges of her mouth. Katniss bites her lip and closes her eyes, letting her head fall back onto the chair cushion with a contented sigh. “‘You know what’s crazy?’” she sing-songs in a mumble under her breath. “‘We finish each other’s sandwiches … I’ve never met someone who thinks so much like …” She yawns. “Me.” 
“You know,” Prim says, and Katniss shrieks, sending her phone flying to the carpet, “Peeta Mellark strikes me more as a Kristoff than a Hans.” 
“Prim!” Katniss yelps, going red. “Wha — what? What do you mean?” 
“So we’re done with stupid plastic cat ears for Halloween then I take it?”
[the very next Halloween] 
“Whoa. Okay.” Peeta sits up from the pile of cushions at the head of their bed, eyes wide and staring in approval, pupils gone dark. “Katniss Everdeen in cat ears is not something I knew I needed until this moment.” 
“Oh sure,” Katniss laughs. “Because it’s definitely the cat ears that are doing it for you. Not these.” She hoists one stockinged leg up onto the bed like a mountain climber posing for a magazine. 
“Well, those are certainly part of the appeal,” he teases, reaching for her leg, running his hands up and down the silk tights. “As is this lovely number.” He toys with the hem of her dress, a strapless black velvet thing that falls just above her knee. “Where’s this from?”
“Jo,” Katniss sighs. “She says if I’m going to be a cat, I need to be a Gretchen Wieners level cat.” 
“For whose benefit, I wonder?” Peeta muses, cheek nuzzling gently at her lower thigh. 
“You wonder?” Katniss laughs, taking her leg away and flopping onto the bed. She glances over at him, eyes sly and somehow soft at once. “I don’t.” 
“I can’t help thinking,” he muses. “that this is something of a counterproductive plan on Jo’s part. Because now, I have a sudden and distinct interest in staying in tonight.” 
“Oh?” Katniss raises a come hither eyebrow and pushes up on her elbows to accept the kiss he plants on her lips as he crawls over her, urging her back to the headboard. “Is it the cat ears?” She reaches up to give the (already molting) plastic and faux fur ears a flick. 
“The Kat ears,” he says. He nips softly at her real ear and she shivers. “The Kat nose.” He kisses that too. His nose nudges her head back, inclining her neck at the perfect angle for him to plant a stretch of kisses down it. “The Kat neck.” His mouth wanders down the front of her dress and he scoots down the bed with it. “The Kat’s cradle.”
“You have that,” she says, hiking her legs up to hug around his middle because her arms can’t reach to hold him. “You’ll always have that.” 
“A piece of that Kit Kat bar.” He kisses her stomach. “The whole Kit and Caboodle,” he teases and she laughs loudly, but on a dime his tone is changing, from silly and playful into husky and dangerous, as he moves lower. “Kitten,” he murmurs and her fingers curl in the bedsheets at the name. “Grab my phone,” he tells her, hooking his fingers around the band of her tights, “Tell Finnick we’re going to be late.” 
An hour or so later finds the cat ears lost somewhere among the remains of their costumes and a hasty snack of pepperoni rolls cooking in the convection oven. Peeta, festooned in boxers and an old apron, presides over the food like it needs a baker’s supervision. Katniss perches on the counter, wrapped chest to toes in the white sheet she pulled from their bed, feet batting absently at the cabinets. 
“This is a good look too,” he tells her, gesturing with the salad tongs he’s using to handle the pepperoni rolls. 
“What is? This sheet?” 
“I was thinking more along the lines of sexy ghost.” 
“Or sexy Roman senator,” she laughs, tossing one edge of the sheet over a bare shoulder. “Sexy Julius Caesar.”
“You’d make a good Julius Caesar,” he says. 
“You’ve got that “came, saw, conquered” vibe. Least that’s how I felt that night at Finnick’s party.”
“I was gonna say seen, but — yes. Conquered too. I couldn’t stop looking at you.” He snaps his fingers. “Sexy ice queen? Definitely.” 
“I’m not exactly sure what kind of Freudian analysis one could make on falling in love with the guy dressed as your fictional sister but — ”
Peeta shrugs as the timer beeps, and he sets to fishing the pepperoni rolls onto a plate for them to share. “I choose to think of it as a metaphor for how the two people you love most in the world are your real, actual sister …” He sets the rolls beside her on the counter and sets his hands gently on her sides. She lets the sheet fall and pool slightly around her waist to cup his face as he leans in to kiss her forehead, very gently, thumbs rubbing circles on her hips. “And some loser who has the luck of … oh, I guess having the same first initial and hair color as she does,” he jokes. 
“And the same beautiful heart,” Katniss corrects in a whisper. “I mean that.” She’s rarely so sentimental to anyone except him. She smirks. “And I haven’t even started drinking yet.” 
“Well, my pretty kitty,” he starts, wrapping both his arms around her middle and hoisting her off the counter. She rolls her eyes, even as her hands card through his hair. “The night is still young.” 
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kaizoku-hesuta · 3 years
Hi! I just saw you opened the OP requests and I'm so happy ~ I hope you'll have a lot of fun writing!💕 Can I ask for Bartolomeo with number 2 of the SFW list? With gender neutral reader if it's not a problem
Thanks in advance :3
Hiiii! Thank you so much for your super fun request <3 Bartolomeo is one of my favourite characters and he deserves aaaaaaall the cuddles :3 I just started writing for this drabble and it turned out twice as long as my usual ones, so hope you enjoy! 
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SFW #2 - Cuddling
Character(s): Bartolomeo | gender neutral reader
It was awfully quiet on the Going Luffy-senpai and frankly, you didn’t like it. To not hear the constant enthusiastic fanboying of your captain made you feel uneasy; maybe something was wrong? After searching the sleeping quarters and the public rooms you decided to go out onto the deck to take a look. Peeking your head out, you spotted the iconic green mohawk, staring down at the small piece of vivre card inside the glass dome. While he would usually assume a laid-back, nonchalant stature, looking at him now, he seemed different. His shoulders and head were hanging low and he was leaning down with his arms against the base of the dome. Maybe a hug is what he needed right now, is what you thought as you approached him and gently wrapped your arms around him from behind. 
“Something wrong, Bartolomeo?” you ask, thinking back at what happened at the latest island you visited. The crew had to deal with aggressive citizens who knew of Bartolomeo’s reputation and were slandering him mercilessly. While Bartolomeo never really cared for what other people thought about him, surely there must be times where it got to him. 
“Hmm? I’m fine. I was just looking at Luffy-senpai’s vivre card,” he responded, not rejecting the embrace, but seemingly not interested in sharing whatever it was that was on his mind. Instead of prying any more, you chuckled softly and decided to use the magic words in hopes to get him back to normal.
“Well, I know it’s not the same, but imagine my arms are Luffy’s gum-gum arms and they are wrapped around you several times.” You felt his body respond immediately, turning around in your arms with big sparkly eyes. His strong ones now wrapped around you too and squeezed you tight, his voice shrieking right next to your ear. 
“Ohhhhh no no no, I can’t, my brain is overloading! Just imagining that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside!” Your lips curl into an affectionate smile as he started to sound like his usual self again; the magic words had worked. “A-Ah, but that doesn’t mean your hugs aren’t nice too. Thank you, y/n, I really needed that.”
Links: Masterlist | Prompt list
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carnationcreation · 4 years
May i request an Adam Park X reader were she is revealed to be the purple ranger
TITLE: Locked In (Adam Park x reader)
Request: Yes!
Prompt/summary:  Adam finds out that the reader is the purple ranger
Word Count: 1,506
Warnings:  none
Authors note: I’ve been in a writing slump and very uninspired recently so I was so excited when I saw this last night!
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She remembers the day very clearly.
It was a Tuesday afternoon, she arrived at the gym to work on a bar routine with Kimberly. After a about an hour the rest of Kimberly’s friends sat at a table nearby watching the two girls practice.
“He’s staring at you,” Kimberly smiled at her friend, who blushed when she made eye contact with Adam Parks. 
“It’s because I’m doing a handstand on a balance bar Kim,” she dismissed quickly.
Kim scoffed and rolled her eyes, “No it’s because he thinks you’re hot, and he told me that part so you can’t deny it.”
(Y/n) felt her cheeks grow hot as she slowly let herself down from the bar. Before she could respond Kimberly’s watch beeped.
“Ope, sorry I have to go take care of something. Same time tomorrow?” she asked.
“Of course,” (Y/n) said. They left as (Y/n) was grabbing her bag to go home. She began her 10 minute walk home when she was suddenly teleported in a beam of light to a strange building with a man in a glass case. And a talking robot. 
Being told that she needed to become the purple ranger was not what she expected on a Tuesday afternoon. What confused her even more was that she wasn’t allowed to tell the other rangers for a while. Zordon never explained it thoroughly so she didn’t really understand why it had to be a secret.
The first time she officially suited up was when the rangers were sent to the planet Edenoi to help fight Count Dregon. (Y/n) was called in to help as Kimberly was sick and couldn’t fight alone.  The pink ranger was very confused when a flash of purple showed up to battle.
 Zordon came through her communicator, “Kimberly, the purple ranger is here to help you in this battle.”
“Thanks Zordon,” Kimberly said, she sneezed for the 100th time that day before turning to her new companion, “Hey so I’ll try my best to help out but I really really hope you can hold your own.”
“Don’t worry about it, Zordon told me you were sick,” (Y/n) said. 
“I’m here to slurp and burp up Angel Grove!” the monster yelled.
“Yeah well you’re making a big green mistake if you think that you can- ACHOO! Excuse me, where were we?” Kimberly said.
“We were just about to kick this green booger to the curb,” (Y/n) said as they got into a fighting stance.
And with a battle yell they ran into battle.
The fight took a little longer than expected, but in the end the monster ended up catching Kimberly’s cold and running away. 
“Hey we did awesome!” Kimberly said, she turned around to try and talk to her new team mate but found no one there, “Huh, where’d she go?”
The alarm went off on her watch and (Y/n) morphed before being teleported into battle again. 
Kimberly was already battling the monster when the purple ranger showed up. They dodged hits and played attacks off of each other. Working seamlessly as a team. 
Soon enough the rest of the team showed up and (Y/n) couldn’t be more relieved. 
“We need thunderzord power, now!”
The battle of a rough one. (Y/n) shadowed Tommy in his Shogun zord so she could learn the controls, and Tommy was more than happy to help. The rest of the rangers were very confused to see a seventh ranger on the battlefield but after seeing her fight they were glad they had the extra help. By the end of it (Y/n) and the rangers were teleported back to the command center. 
“Welcome rangers, this promises to be a momentous occasion. You are about to meet the newest member of your team. Lord Zed and Rita have been relentless in their pursuit to destroy planet Earth, and it was after long debate that Alpha and I decided it was time to bring in a new ranger to support you in your battle. A new candidate was selected and a new power ranger was created. I apologize for being secretive, not only did we want you to see the potential of your new team mate, we needed to hide from Lord Zed’s interference. I now present to you, the purple ranger.”
The team turned and saw the ranger taking off their helmet.
They all gasped in disbelief, “(Y/n)?”
The rest of the team didn’t know how to respond to their new team member. Her and Kimberly had always been friends but mostly outside of the ranger group. She had never been introduced to them officially but they did know her name. 
Zordon gave them the assignment of team bonding. This led them to having a bonfire at Kimberly’s house. Rocky brought his guitar, Aisha brought things for smores, and Tommy and Adam started the large fire in the backyard. Blankets were laid out and smores were being passed around. 
The girls sat on a blanket eating the snacks they brought with them while the boys chased a frisbee back and forth. Eventually they ended up in a dogpile on top of each other causing the girls to laugh at their struggle to get up. 
(Y/n) finally began to feel comfortable with the group, but Adam still felt distant from her. Shy smiled and small talk was exchanged but nothing ever extended past that. 
It was driving the others absolutely insane.
They all knew they liked each other. The teasing embarrassed the two shy rangers and no amount of pep talks in the world could get them to admit their feelings for each other. The group decided to devise a plan. 
Kimberly asked (Y/n) to go into the pantry to grab more graham crackers. She walked in and shut the door behind her before searching through all the boxes and cans of food. She was about to give up when the door opened again and Adam stepped in.
“Oh, what are you doing in here?” He asked.
“Kim sent me in here to get more graham crackers but I can’t find them.”
“That’s weird, she sent me in here to look for them too.”
The door closed behind them and they heard the lock turn.
“Hey!” Adam yelled.
“Let us out!” said (Y/n).
“Not until Adam tells (Y/n) what he was supposed to earlier,” Rocky giggled.
“This isn’t funny guys,” Adam said.
“It kinda is,” Kim said, “Come on (Y/n) just tell him and we’ll let you out.”
“No!” the girl shrieked.
Tommy sighed, “Suit yourselves then, we’ll be outside enjoying smores.”
“Guys don’t leave! It’s dark in here!” Adam yelled.
They heard the backdoor close and (Y/n) sighed before sliding down the wall. 
“What did Kim want you to tell me?” Adam asked her.
“What did Rocky want you to tell me?”
“.... that’s personal.”
“What? Do you not like me or something?” 
“No!” Adam said nervously.
“Then what?” 
“It’s embarrassing,” He sighed.
“Fine I won’t pry,” she put her hands up in mock defense. 
They stayed silent for a while before she finally says, “Come sit down, you're making me nervous.”
Adam’s cheeks turn red before he sits down on the floor beside the girl.
Adam checked his watch. Ten minutes. They’d been locked in ten minutes already. In his head he could hear Rocky from earlier telling him to man up and ask his crush out on a date.
“Do you remember when I first started at Angel Grove?” He said.
“Yeah, I gave you the tour that day.”
“That’s when my crush started. I thought if I ignored it it would go away, but it never really did. It got worse when I started hanging out with the gang because I’d watch you and Kimberly practice. I couldn’t stop myself from staring.”
“Kimberly is really pretty-” (Y/n) started.
“I wasn’t staring at her.”
“I wasn’t staring at her, I was staring at you (Y/n),” he finished. 
It was (Y/n)’s turn for her cheeks to flush red. In a flash of bravery she grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 
She took a deep breathe, “Kimberly has been telling me for months that I should’ve asked you out the first day. She was probably right. I wish I had sooner.”
His hand came up and cupped her cheek, pulling her to him and placing his lips on hers. After a few seconds they pulled away.
“I should’ve done that sooner,” Adam smiled.
The door swung open and the rest of the team began clapping loudly causing (Y/n) to hide her face in Adam’s shoulder. Adam just stared wide eyed and blushing. Eventually Tommy shoved them out the door back to the party to give the two some privacy.
And after a while of shy kisses and smiles they walked back outside hand in hand. 
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paulfwesley · 4 years
A Split Second (Part Five) [Bryce Lahela x f!MC
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f!MC (Dr. Claire King).
Chapter Rating: T
Word Count: 2.1K.
Description: He’s awake. Is this happily ever after? TW: guns, violence, blood. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. 
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from 
Pixelberry’s Choices’ Open Heart. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Claire King’s background is my own creation, based off of MC in-game’s personality.
Author’s Note: Holy shit I’m so sorry!!! School started and caught up with me but good news!! This is the FINAL part! Holy shit, I’m never writing a series ever again. Expect one-shots from here on out lmfao. Thank you for your patience and I hope you like it! 
Tagging: @commander-rahrah @jaydito-tjjd @anotherbeingsworld @shakespeareanwannabe @bitchloveskcbaseball @wisegirl9 @rookie-ramsey @mrsdrakewalkerblog @omgjasminesimone @frenchieswiftie @jamespotterthefirst @elladines @thanialis @lucy-268 @sherrylove @bloominsgsivan @lahellacute @araihc-ce @ItimeisanillusionI @gracehailey @mvalentine 
He’s like this because of you.
Those words circled around and around in Claire’s brain as she stood in the doorway of Bryce’s hospital room. Her feet hovered in the space between his room and the rest of the hospital, but she couldn’t bring herself to step in. She didn’t deserve to be in there, not when she was the reason he had been shot in the first place.
Keiki had already been in to see him and was now getting herself something to eat at Claire’s urging. She had gotten there as soon as the police had cleared the hospital and didn’t leave the waiting room until Harper had confirmed that everything had gone well. That was when Claire told her to finally take care of herself, and Keiki relented.
Claire’s foot moved a bit forward, and when she didn’t gawk at the guilt, she stepped more and more into she was fully in the room. She still hadn’t reached his bedside, but after a bit of prompting from the little voice inside her head that was shrieking at her, she came to a stop next to his bed.
He looked so pale. His lips, always curled up into a smile, were stick thin, almost turning downwards into a grimace in unconscious pain. A nasal tube was stuck in his nose, and despite the terrible circumstances Claire couldn’t help but think that only Bryce could make one of those look cute.
She raised a tentative hand, her fingers brushing his forehead. His skin was cold to the touch, feeling like ice against her burning hand. Claire ran her hand through his hair, the strands tickling the space in between her fingers. She couldn’t count the amount of times she had ruffled Bryce’s hair in the past, but this time felt so close, so intimate, that her lower lip wobbled at the thought and a tear threatened at the corner of her eye.
Biting her lip, Claire touched her forehead to his. He stayed still under her, but she relished in the feeling of his eyelashes kissing hers. The longer she remained like that, the more his skin started to warm up just from the feeling of hers. After a few seconds, she pressed a soft kiss to the spot between his brows. Her lips travelled down the slope of his nose, to the spot above his cupid’s bow, to his chin. She turned her cheek when she got to his neck, the apple of her face running along the hollow of his throat until it rested against his chest, right above his beautiful heart.
Claire had laid her head against Bryce’s chest many times. She loved the sound of his heartbeat, always firm and strong and real under her ear. But now the beats were weak, though she knew they would get stronger with each passing second. Fear clenched her insides at the thought that this wonderful heart of his could have stopped today. It could have ceased entirely, and she would have lost him forever.
Her tears burned her cheeks, falling onto Bryce’s clean hospital gown. Claire squeezed her eyes shut as she hiccupped, her throat burning with despair. Her fingers tangled in the neckline of his gown, holding on for dear life. She knew it was probably unethical, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. This touch was enough to keep her calm, to remind her that Bryce was alive, he had made it out of surgery, he’d live. That he’d taken a bullet for her and still didn’t know how much she loved him. 
Bryce’s chest stuttered under her cheek, and Claire raised her head in alarm, her eyes wide. Her gaze immediately went to the monitor next to him, but it was normal. With a furrowed brow, she turned her attention back to Bryce, and was greeted with the sight of his brown ones meeting her blue ones.
Instead of the usual groggy filter covering the eyes of post-op patients, Bryce’s were wild with concern. He struggled to raise his hand off of his bed, reaching out for Claire. “Ar—are you—” he choked out, his throat bobbing uncomfortably from long disuse and the strain of breathing after having surgery on his lungs.
Claire rushed to his side, taking his hand in hers. Her heart leaped when he folded his over hers protectively. “Don’t try to talk,” she instructed.
Bryce licked his cracked lips, but instead of taking her advice he pawed the front of her scrubs. “B—blood—”
“What?” she wondered, then it clicked in her mind. Claire looked down to see that she was still in the blood-stained scrubs she had been in after Wally had shot Bryce and she had done everything she could to help him. She really should have changed before she came to see him, but the thrill of having heard that he had made it through the surgery overwhelmed every rational thought in her brain. Her only thought was that she had to get to his side. Nothing else mattered except Bryce. “Oh,” she said. She sniffled, fingering the material between her thumb and the pads of her forefinger. “I’m fine, I promise. It’s actually your blood.”
“Mine?” he questioned. Claire could see the fingers of his other hand move under the blanket to graze his side. “Right. I was shot.”
“Do… do you remember what happened?” Claire wondered. She tentatively sat down next to him on the bed, careful not to jostle him.
“Some guy…” he recounted, a faraway look in his dazed eyes. Despite the fact that Bryce didn’t seem to be all there yet, his hand maintained a tight grip on hers. “Gun… pointing at you. I didn’t see much else after that.”
Claire choked out a sob. “Why?” she wondered. That finally made Bryce’s eyes focus on her. “Why did you do push me away? That bullet was meant for me.”
“Which is why…” he groaned from the effort of speaking, but he kept going. “I did it.”
“Bryce…” Claire said, her voice impossibly soft. “You could have died.”
“It was you or me,” Bryce said matter-of-factly. “And I knew it had to be you.”
“Bryce, don’t talk like that,” she scolded, her grip tightening on him. “If you had died, I would have died.”
“You would’ve… been fine,” he insisted, his breathing laboured. “You would’ve… been alive. That was all that mattered.”
“Your life matters,” Claire said sternly. “More than mine. If something had happened to you because of me…” A lump lodged in her throat, and more tears slipped down Claire’s cheeks. “I thought I was going to lose you. I thought you were going to die.” With a shaking hand, she cupped his cheek, stroking her thumb along his cheekbone. “And I thought you were going to die without you knowing how much I love you.”
Bryce stilled under her fingertips. “What?” he whispered. “But… Ramsey—”
Claire rolled her eyes despite the fact that they were still shining with tears. “For a smart guy you’re incredibly stupid,” she said. “Bryce, you are the one that I love. I think a part of me always knew it… but just didn’t want to deal with it because I thought we were better as friends. And yeah, Doctor Ramsey had something to do with it, but at the end of the day, it was you who showed up for me, every time it really mattered.” Claire gave him a watery smile. “It’s your arms that comfort me. Your jokes that make me laugh, especially when I shouldn’t. Your stupidly adorable face that makes me want to get up in the morning every day. The thought of you is enough to make me happy.” Her lower lip wobbled. “So when I thought you were going to die, I don’t know how I would have gone on.” She leaned forward so their noses brushed. “You’re everything to me, Bryce Lahela. And I love you.”
“But…” He swallowed thickly. He couldn’t believe that these words were coming out of Claire’s mouth, and directed at him. It was so painful, he couldn’t bear to even feel a bit of it if it didn’t turn out to be wholly true. “What about… your happily ever after?”
With a vulnerable look that bared her soul to him, she said, “My only happily ever after is you.”
Softly, tentatively, Claire touched her lips to his. And it was like coming home.
She never thought she’d get to kiss him again, so she savoured the way his lips fit perfectly to hers, the taste of his mouth, the sweetness of his breath. Everything she loved about him, rolled into a perfect package.
She didn’t want to push things too hard, considering she didn’t know how much pain Bryce was in. It seemed, however, that pain wasn’t enough to stop Bryce. He raised his free hand to her chin, grasping it and tilting it to give him better access to her lips. Every kiss was like finally taking a sip of water after a hot day, every kiss was like a breath of air into his body, every kiss was life-saving.
And if Bryce played his cards right, he’d get these kisses every day for the rest of his life.
When they finally broke away, he brushed his nose against hers. “If it wasn’t clear, I love you too, Claire,” he said, the words touching her cheeks. “You’re the face that I want to come home to every day.”
She grinned, that beautiful smile that he loved. “I would hope so. You took a bullet for me.”
He laughed, though the sound was strained. “I can’t wait to use that every time we get into an argument.”
She cocked a brow. “What?”
“I mean, every time we fight, I can just say ‘I got shot for you’ so you have no choice but to agree,” he said cheekily.
Claire rolled her eyes. “You are such an opportunist.”
“And yet you still love me.”
She smiled softly, like the first glow of the sun peeking through blinds. “Yeah. I do.”
With that, Claire settled her head against Bryce’s chest, where she already heard his heartbeat starting to pick up. A beautiful song, one that she couldn’t wait to memorize. He smelled sterile, but she could already begin to pick up the scent that was so sweet, so delicious, so distinctly Bryce that it brought a smile to her face. Her hand laid on his chest, brushing the spot where he had been shot. She knew there would probably be a scar, but once she let him know that scars were sexy, he’d definitely be less insecure. And then she’d kiss it, over and over. It would be a wordless affirmation: I trust you. I want you. I love you. She’d be happy to say those words over and over, until their wedding day, the birth of their children, the day they died. But for today, she’d hold him and be thankful that he was alive, that he’d get to reach those milestones with her. She would be grateful that she owned Bryce Lahela’s heart, and that he owned hers.
Bryce wrapped his strong arms around her as she nestled into his embrace. Her breath tickled his collarbone, but instead of being bothered by it, it reminded him of the nights they shared. The calm, the crazy, the crying, but they always ended the same: with Claire resting against his heart, looking relaxed and happy and safe. It brought him a sense of comfort, a feeling that was purely home. And he knew; he knew that he could go to sleep every night, just like this. With the woman of his dreams cuddled against him, with his grip on her like he would be a fool to let her go. And he wasn’t going to. He would never let her go. He’d hold her hand for the rest of this life, and then the next, and then the next. For however long they had together. And Bryce hoped that they’d have a long, long time together. But for today, he’d hold her and be grateful that this beautiful woman had seen past what everybody sees: a playboy, a pretty boy, the boy everyone chooses second. And he’d be grateful that she was the one that chose him first.
A split second. Sometimes that was all it took to take a life. To contemplate your life. To make you realize what really matters. To wake up. To realize. To love.
So say it. With your whole chest, with every ounce of power you can put behind it, at the top of your lungs. Say it.
And you’ll end up right where you belong.
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handlewcaare · 4 years
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When one read the comic books, being a teenage hero was a helluva lot easier than it was.
Spiderman didn’t have to watch his grades gradually plummet with each “emergency” meeting the Avengers set up for him. Nor did he have to turn in half finished homework because he forgot to do it when he ran off to handle a Behemoth of a beast. It was smooth sails for the likes of some friendly neighborhood vigilante.
Badd wished it was that simple.
He couldn’t complain it was all that rough. Kids at school knew of his devestating strength, so much so that a few would text him about a monster nearby. At times, he’d handle a monster in exchange for a free tutoring session for a class he was struggling in. It was a fair exchange, a life for a decent test grade.
Some people at school would greet him, but he was hardly popular. If anything, he was just as good as company as a cardboard cut out. Someone to briefly pause what he was doing to stoically pose for a photo-op. Though, some people just assumed he wasn’t as friendly as the stature he put on.
“Badd, right?”
His brow arched, momentarily breaking the signature snarl he naturally adorned (it wasn’t a scowl, it was just his face). The voice came from a girl who’s face was speckled with a constellation of freckles. He knew of her, that she was a new transfer student from H-City, but he never got to know who she really was.
“Ya know anyone else that looks like me?”
“Yeah,” the girl remarked, “hate to say it but a pompadour isn’t exactly a unique feat of yours.” Despite his frown, she went on to resume, “I was gonna ask if you had a spare hair tie.”
Out of all the things she could have asked him to do, she asked for a meager hair tie. She might as well have asked a practical mountain of a man to do her makeup. What an odd thing to ask, “how the hell do ya know I even have one??”
What should have been a snide remark about how he always had a spare hair tie for his little sister was accented with a shrug, “The girls in my track team say you do. I don’t mind using my shoelaces though—!”
“Ya can do that??” He implored as he surrendered the hair tie that was nestled within his pants pocket, “wouldn’t it be flying out of yer hair or somethin’ ?”
“You just have to know how to tie it,” after she briefly gave her thanks, she secured her dark hair within a high-ponytail. After a beat, she made a full presentation of the bun atop of her crown. “Ta-da! How does it look?”
“Like a pineapple.”
What insult would have made girls scoff or bark out a bigger insult at him only prompted a wrinkle from the girl’s nose as she laughed. Her grin radiant, almost contagious for a guy renowned for his intimidating glare. It didn’t take the girl long to skip back to her team—‘thanks Badd!’ She would chirp over her shoulder—and he offered a small wave of goodbye to her.
To say it had been the last time they spoke would have been a blatant lie. The girl, who’s name was revealed to be Hikari, would be variant in her greetings. Some days would just be utter small talk: ‘how are you?’ ‘Fine, you?’ ‘Could be better,’ and other days would be exclusively full of excitement. Most notably were they the days that she had just finished her track season or after practice:
“—what I’m saying is that Ayame started acting funny when she dropped the baton,” Hikari said as the two of them sat along the edge of the rooftop during lunch. Her brows furrowed as she plucked a piece of grilled salmon out of her bento box and set it over for Badd to eat.
“Ya still won though, right?”
“Yeah, but it was like something startled her? I can’t say what exactly, but she got a little frazzled after the tournament,” she hummed as she pursed her lips, “maybe ‘m overthinking it.”
“Ya gotta bad habit of that,” he quipped as he took a bite of the surrendered salmon, “she prolly jumped cus she dropped it.”
As it turned out, that wasn’t wholly the case.
The more he talked to Hikari throughout the months in school, the more exposure he got from Ayame. How she often would ask for one of her friends to come with her to the bathroom or how she would stay longer than an hour or two after practice. He wasn’t a psychologist, but Hikari’s concern became more understandable.
Once he was invited to eat lunch with Hikari and her track team, that was when he met Ayame.
As always, Hikari was rather jovial with introductions. Her excitability practically lightened the mood, even when some girls felt a little unnerved to be around a guy who could easily crush a monster’s skull with an indestructible weapon. Those girls he left very well alone for their comfort. The others were met with his gruff nature, he wasn’t sure whether Hikari told them he had a soft spot or not, but Ayame was the one who stood out the most.
The girl was kind and soft-spoken. She loved talking about her cat named Sakusa and she couldn’t help but find pictures of Tama to be an absolute delight. Though, Badd couldn’t lie, Sakusa was just as adorable.
The thing was she couldn’t afford to look him in the eye, nor could she barely manage a tone beyond a small murmur. When Badd would growl out a ‘huh??’ over a mean jest, she would flinch instinctively. Such a response evoked a small ‘sorry’ from the bat-wielding hero.
Lunch became rather awkward between them after that. Fortune came in Hikari’s emotional intelligence, otherwise Badd would have tried to make some means of dramatic compensation. He picked up a giant bouquet of roses for Zenko’s concert when he missed her piano recital once.
It wasn’t until school was no longer in session that he caught a glimpse of Ayame retreat to an older man. Her arms folded across her chest, though the heightened bark of the man made her flinch once more.
The man could have blended in well with the white collar types: nicely trimmed suit, slick back hair and an expensive pair of gloves that would have made Amai Mask green with envy. Their insignia was rather reminiscent to a bamboo lily.
He didn’t just have money, he had money to buy himself out of consequences.
By now, the grip around his signature bat became rigid in a white-knuckled grasp. His storm merely accented with a twirl of his instrument to rest atop of his broad shoulder.
“—and I told you to do the dishes!” The older man exasperatingly barked, “the hell were you doing??”
“I just...” Ayame paused as she shuffled closer to the masonry, “I h-had practice okay? It’s not a big deal—“
“It is a big deal!” His voice was now a tornado that swam tension within the air. His face was beet red and his fists practically quivered from the intensity of his own storm, “I had my fuckin’ brother over and—!”
Without a hint of hesitance, Badd rammed the hilt of his bat directly into the man’s diaphragm. The sheer velocity of his strength evoked a shriek from Ayame and a wheeze from the stranger. Had he known he shattered a rib or two, he probably would have offered a menacing simper.
“Do Yer own damn dishes next time,” when the man attempted to scramble to his full height, Badd hadn’t hesitated to step in front of Ayame. It wasn’t everyday he handled an abusive shithead, but they were marginally easier to handle than a stray papermache volcano come to life.
As the man scowled, his glare dripped over to Ayame, “this isn’t over—!” Once the threat had seeped, Badd simply let his metallic instrument slam into the concrete. A cobweb of weight bloomed under the strain.
“You bet Yer ass it is,”
This was a monster, no doubt, but he had heard from Daichi that some monsters liked to isolate their victims. Norte dam syndrome or something like that. As soon as the man retreated, Ayame began to present signs and symptoms of that.
“He wasn’t going to hurt me,” her voice was distant compared to the staggering man who retreated with a very polite warning. “He was just being an ass, okay? You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know what bein’ an ass is,” Badd scoffed, “and that wasn’t it.”
Being an ass meant Hikari poking fun of Badd crying in the middle of Zenko’s piano performance or Badd poking fun of Hikari not knowing how to do algebra, but being able to chemistry. Neither of them would have dared to clench their fist at the other, let alone make the other flinch in response.
Ayame only shook her head, “no, he just... he didn’t mean it.”
“ ‘s that what he tells ya?”
“Of course not, I—“ she sighed, her small shoulders slumped when she practically hung her head, “look, I know you’re supposed to be a hero, but he’s just a guy. You must have bigger priorities, right?”
Bigger priorities meaning bigger monsters; nothing like the abusive asshole nextdoor. Badd couldn’t help but wonder if that was really what being a hero meant to these people, that they were just as fictional as their comic book alternatives.
Whether the answer was blatant or not, it didn’t matter, “I don’t want ya gettin’ hurt, so call Hikari and stay with her, alright?”
“W-What are you gonna do??”
Badd simply unbuttoned his uniform jacket and let it draped over his shoulders.“ ‘m gonna go be a hero.”
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It was a slow day at the notorious deadman detective agency. The gentle hum of the fan being the only company the detective had, among the various files of cold cases he tried to decipher in his day off. He didn’t mind the breaks, rather he milked them as often as he could, but they could be rather tedious at times.
Fortunately, his answer came in the form of his phone vibrating against the table. The caller ID consisted of a simple “Badd”. Chances were that the kid needed someone to pick up his sister or ask about homework he didn’t understand.
“Well, good afternoon to you too,” Daichi hummed leisurely.
“Ay, real quick!” If Badd hadn’t been huffing so much, he wouldn’t have assumed the intensity of the situation required a running start, “ya know anyone who’s got a flower on their gloves?”
There was a pregnant pause when Daichi tucked the phone along his shoulder. What sprawled evidence files had been tucked into their respective cabinet drawers, yet there wasn’t anything that could have resembled a nondescript flower. Aside from the insignia a murderer had carved into the wood of his victim’s furniture.
“What kind of flower was it?”
“Iunno??” Badd grunted, seemingly vaulting himself over a fence from how the chains rattled under his weight, “like a Lily or somethin’ ??”
Had his blood not been lethargic like tar, it would have ran glacial through his veins. He never quite noticed how reminiscent it was to a lilac flower, only that it was scrawled and messy. Though, it would have been a bold assumption to make Badd would keep him alive, “You’re planning on going after him, aren’t you?”
He figured.
Hastily did Daichi retrieve his beige coat and slid his arms through the sleeves, “don’t do anything like kill him. I’ve been looking into cases like—!”
“Ah, I gotta go. I think I see him!”
“Badd, wait-! Wait, did you hear—?!” When the line was cut off to evoke a triad of monotonous beeps, Zombieman hissed a curse under his breath when he rushed to grab his keys and head to C-City. He didn’t even bother to shelf his evidence back when he bolted out the door.
Kids, he swore...
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my100hiraeth · 6 years
✘ / @ circe
scar meme || exclusively accepting 
ch: Circe op. verse: AOS/agent 
They had been lying on the couch together, Sebastian still out and Grant feeling cooped up, prompting Circe to lie on top of him, tickling his sides and forgetting he knew her weak spots as surely as she knew his, and it was only thanks to his quick reactions and instincts that he managed to wrap his arms around her before she flailed her way straight off the couch. They’d calmed down and she’d settled herself on top of him, nuzzled against his chest like a cat and his fingers had come up to trace up and down her spine idly as they talked about nothing in particular. 
But eventually they fell silent, his fingers bumping over the raised scars until they eventually stopped on a particularly nasty one, three sides of a square ( a telltale buckle shape ) with a puckered, jagged, small line breaking through where the fourth side would be, tracing the edges for a longer second than he had the others. 
 “My mother had a garden.” She said softly, her chin on his chest, dark eyes studying him, gauging his reactions in case she was oversharing and he wanted her to stop. “And I was helping her one day and I was left alone while she went inside, and I forgot to close the gate behind me, and rabbits got in and ate... most of the plants, actually. We used those vegetables for dinners and my father was furious. He used the buckle end of his belt and the... I’m not sure what it’s called, but the piece of metal that goes through the holes in a belt, that didn’t stay flat and it actually broke skin.” It was one of the worser of the pains he’d caused her. The lashes were always sharp and stinging, but that pierce of metal in skin she hadn’t been braced for. The punishment had ended then, at least, with her louder-than-usual shriek of sudden, shocking pain and the line of blood he’d left behind. He’d still left the belt with her to clean, and she hadn’t been the only person in the house to suffer for that forgetfulness ( she could still hear her mother’s pleading voice and her tears even now ), but it was one of the first times she couldn’t be bothered to care as she struggled to stay still enough to not jostle her cuts. “My mother stopped asking me to help in the garden after that. Not that I would have if she had.” She said, her eyes having fallen to Grant’s chest at some point in the story, lost in thought. 
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some-cookie-crumbz · 7 years
Abandonment Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: Life with a newborn can be exhausting. It can also be something that stirs up ones own family troubles. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more. AN: Day 28 prompt fill! I just really wanted to write some cute, post-family reassurance.
“Calm down, buddy. It’s okay, I’ve got you,” He cooed, voice soft but scratchy still from sleep.
“Wa…Waaahhh,” Came the insightful response, warbling in volume and whine.
“It’s okay, Kaden, no need for that. Let’s stay quiet, okay? Mommy’s still sleeping-!”
“I’m not, actually, but I appreciate the attempt,” She said with a sleepy puff of laughter, turning on her side to look at him. His eyes were wide in surprise as he gently rocked the fussy infant in his arms. She shifted a bit to sit up, already going for the hook of her nursing tank top with one hand while pushing herself up with the other. “He’s probably just hungry, which makes sense. It’s been almost three hours.”
“I can just go heat up a bottle for him. Get some sleep, Pidge,” He argued gently, pausing briefly in his rocking. He winced when Kaden suddenly chimed in with a loud, short cry of distress. He looked down and resumed the swaying motions immediately. She reached over and gently tapped the lamp on her bedside table twice, so that it only emmited a low glow. “Sorry, sorry. I know you hate it when you aren’t part of the conversation, but only are the conversation.”
She laughed a bit as she tugged the left side of her nursing tank top down to expose her breast. “Just hand him here, Keith. I’m already up and it’ll be easier for him to just take straight from the tap than you having to listen to him shriek the whole time you’re making the bottle,” She insisted, holding her arms out expectantly.
With a defeated sigh, Keith shifted to sit on the bed beside her and carefully hand over their one month old son. The little guy cried even louder as he was moved, falling silent briefly as he was cradled in the crook of Pidge’s arm. “Yeah, I heard you, baby. Don’t worry, the booby bar is always open for you,” She cooed teasingly, adjusting her arm to lift Kaden closer to her.
Keith watched and chuckled as Pidge struggled to get Kaden to latch properly, the baby continuing to shove his little fist in front of his mouth every time he tried to attach to her. The little guy let out a sharp indignant squawk at Pidge after the fourth time he got his fist instead of her nipple.
“Listen, dude,” She huffed lightly, using her pinky finger on one hand to nudge his fist out of the way while the rest of that hand held her breast in place for him, “you have to work with me here. If you keep curling your fist in front of your mouth like that? Yeah, you aren’t gonna be able to get on the booby!”
“Here,” Keith said, leaning over to gently nudge the offending fist with one finger, “let me see if I can’t help out a little.” It took a bit of coaxing, but after a second, Kaden uncurled his fist. With the palm exposed, Keith prodded at it with the tip of his finger, grinning when small and chubby fingers curled around it instead. He then carefully moved his arm using the grip on his finger off to the side.
“Thank you,” Pidge sighed, exasperated, as she moved Kaden’s head back up with her arm. This time, his gaping little mouth closed around her breast, silencing him. After a small moment of readjustments, he was properly latched and suckling the milk with small, hungry grunts. “I knew there was a reason I keep you around.” She teased Keith.
He flashed a small smile and hummed quietly, turning his gaze down to their son. “It’s nice to be able to do something to help you out with him. I feel so useless sometimes, because it always seems like he needs you,” He admitted, his thumb stroking the soft skin on the top of Kaden’s hand.
“Well, he’s still really small, so it kind of figures. In the next few weeks you’ll be able to do a lot more with him, though; especially once he can go longer than two or three hours without eating,” She pointed out with a small smile. She’d done a lot of research to start preparing herself once she found out she was pregnant, to make sure they’d know what to expect with a squalling newborn around, and it showed that more times than not, newborns would tend to be clingier to their mothers. Once they gained a bit more independence around the six to eight week mark, where babies would start getting better control of head movement and figuring out facial expressions, they were less dependent on Mommy.
Keith hummed again, looking down at Kaden with pure adoration. They sat in comfortable silence for a good twenty minutes before Kaden stared to doze off, little eyes fluttering shut and mouth widening in a yawn around the nipple in his mouth. “Looks like someone is a little milk drunk,” He teased, offering to take him.
Pidge smiled as she carefully handed him over, both of them freezing when he opened his eyes wide to stare at them. They had learned that babies were very similar to dinosaurs; if you didn’t move, they couldn’t see you. Or, rather, they wouldn’t really acknowledge that they saw you. They both slowly exhaled as his little eyes dropped shut again. “This little gremlin,” She whispered playfully, pointing at the sleeping infant.
“Think I can change his diaper before I put him back in his Rock-and-Play?” He asked.
“Give it a shot. If he wakes back up, I can always put him back on the boob for a minute or two to soothe him,” She said with a small shrug as she hooked her tank top back on. She watched as he carefully settled Kaden on the small changing table, tilting her head a bit. “So, you wanna talk about what’s bothering you?”
“Nothing’s bothering me,” He said, but it was a bit too quick of a response. He carefully unpeeled the diaper and made a face, nose screwing up. “I still don’t understand how he can sleep through a diaper full of poop.”
“Little guy’s probably too tuckered out. I mean, he refused to sleep all day,” She pointed out. She leaned back to readjust her pillows a little bit before looking over at Keith again. He was just finishing up with wiping Kaden clean and had already pulled out the clean diaper for him. “Now how about you stop dodging and answer my question? You’ve been kinda huffy since we brought him home and I’d like to know why.” She insisted.
Kids had been something she and Keith had discussed often, especially once they got engaged, and agreed they both wanted. The idea of having a family to call his own had appealed to Keith and he’d been over the moon when Pidge told him she was pregnant. She’d noticed it in the first couple of days after they got home with Kaden, how Keith seemed to deflate with how much attention she had to give to their newborn. She didn’t want to think that he regretted their decision to have a family, but that was the simplist answer she could come up with, given the evidence at her disposal.
He looked at her in surprise before sighing. “It’s nothing, Pidge,”
“Don’t give me that bull. Look, if you weren’t ready to be a dad, you should have-!”
“What? No, that’s not it at all!” He argued quickly, his tone a bit too loud and frantic. They both tensed as a shrill cry came from the changing table and a set of little legs kicked in the air frantically. He turned back around, quickly getting on the fresh diaper and buttoning his onesie closed again. “I’m sorry, bud, I should have watched my volume.” He said, carefully scooping him back up and cradling him against his shoulder.
“Go ahead and bring him back to bed with you. I have an idea that I’d like to try,” She suggested.
Keith walked over and slipped under the covers, starting to offer the squirming and whining infant over to her. Instead, she shook her head and nudged him to lie down with a push to his shoulders. Once he was settled down, she carefully readjusted both her boys so that Kaden’s head rested against Keith’s chest, right above his heart, and Keith’s arm was snuggly wrapped around Kaden so he couldn’t squirm around too much. They watched as he slowly settled, his breathing leveling out to match his dad’s, and slowly his eyes closed again. She watched as violet eyes widened before shining in the low light of the bedside lamp, enamoured and awestruck. “He’s so beautiful,” He breathed softly.
She smiled and snuggled down in beside him. “”The sounds of a heartbeat can soothe a baby, since they were used to hearing the sound while in the womb. It doesn’t have to be the Mommy’s heartbeat, either,” She explained gently.
Keith tilted his head and pressed a small kiss to her head, waiting a moment before taking a deep breath. “I’m not trying to be huffy, it’s just… I don’t like leaving everything to you. I want to help out and be as involved with Kaden as possible, give you time to rest while also taking time to bond with him myself. I don’t want either of you to ever feel like I wasn’t there for you enough. I just… I’m afraid of being like Nyrus,” He confessed, sounding uneasy and uncomfortable.
That explanation actually made a lot more sense, when Pidge thought about it.
Nyrus was a high ranking special ops agent working with the Blade of Marmora and, as it turned out, was actually Keith’s birth mother. She and Keith had encountered one another by chance – being paired up on a mission involving a new type of quintessence they’d discovered – but as she reprimanded him after the mission, he’d thrown off his mask to yell back at her, she realized who he was. Initially, she refused to work with him further or explain herself to anyone. For a few months she avoided him completely before finally he cornered her for the truth, during a huge meeting with the Blade higher-ups and the Coalition and Team Voltron.
The confrontation had been a disaster, to say the least.
The two of them had gone very quickly from a shouting match to actual fisticuffs quickly, which wasn’t too terribly surprising. Keith’s temperament was something he seemed to inherit from Nyrus – being quick to insults and aggression and violence when she felt she was being attacked – and the two of them mixed about as well as ammonium chloride and chlorine gas. Questions were asked and given answers that left Keith filled with nothing but anger. “It was not an easy choice to make,” Nyrus had snarled at him, keeping him pinned beneath her by his throat while her tail thrashed violently behind her, “but I had to do what was best for the universe.”
Nyrus had been tracking the Blue Lion’s quintessence signature to assure the Blade could keep it safe from Zarkon, whom was still working to locate them all. While she had been stationed on Earth, she’d met Keith’s father, Ethan, and found herself charmed by him. He had never seemed put off by her lack of Earthling social graces – like so many others had been – and accepted her as she was. She confided in him, upon her pregnancy with Keith, about her actual heritage, due to the chance that Keith could be born with Galran features. He’d loved her regardless of that fact. But when Keith was still very young, she received word from a few other members of the Blade – long dead and their names  fuzzy in her mind – that her ship was being tracked by Zarkon. Her options were to either return to the Blade, or destroy both her ship and her self to protect Earth and Blue Lion.
She had decided to take the option that she felt allowed her to do the most good.
“You could have taken us with you!” Keith had spat back, trying to pry her hand off of him.
Her ears had twitched and brow creased, leaning close to scrutinize him. “Why would I have done that? Your father had no training of proper combat or space travel. You were just a kit, too small to survive outside of our eyes. Neither of you could have served a purpose to the Blade that would have justified bringing you along,” Her tone had been bewildered by his question, as if that answer should have been completely obvious.
Pidge had seen how Keith shattered at her words and surged forward, using her bayard to forcefully hoist Nyrus off of him.
After that situation, Keith had taken a huge step back on how much work he did for the Blade, terrified of becoming an embodiment of their rationale to the same extent of his mother. He didn’t want to become so focused that he cared more for the mission objectives than his future family. It took another year before Nyrus and he encountered one another again, and things had gone… A bit more civilly. Nyrus reached out to him to apologize, explaining that it was never a matter of not loving him- she did, she insisted, loved him more than she’d loved anyone or any thing in the universe – but more a matter of what she thought was best. “Either option, you would have grown up without me. I thought that by going back to the Blade, I could at least keep you from being involved in this war. Evidently, however, that… Didn’t go as planned. I would like the chance to make amends, to be… Well, perhaps not a mother, but at least someone to you.”
And Keith, desperate to have connections with any potential family he had, had agreed. Nyrus held true to her word and worked at remaining calm and composed when they discussed certain topics. She’d been crushed when she learned of all the hardships that Keith had suffered, from his father’s young death to his being bounced from home to home, while also being proud of the things he’d accomplished. Pidge herself was still weary of Nyrus but she did her best to be civil, as she wanted to put in at least as much effort as the older female was. Nyrus had attended she and Keith’s wedding and was expected to take a small stop-in to Earth to meet her first grandson sometime soon.
Which certainly explained why Nyrus had been on Keith’s mind over the last couple of weeks.
“You know,” She said as she settled in beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and settling one arm across his stomach, “it would have to take a lot of effort on your part to be anything like Nyrus. It’s already clear that we – Kaden and I – mean more to you than anything, and I doubt you’d ever willingly leave us. And for as confrontational as you can get, I doubt you’d ever have it in you to pin Kaden down by his throat and shout at him.” The look of pure horror that he flashed at the mere inclination was enough to warrant a small chuckle from her as she nestled down with a small sigh. “And I know that me saying this doesn’t necessarily get rid of those fears in you, but I hope it at least helps a little. You’re already an amazing dad, and you’re an amazing husband, and Kaden’s going to grow up knowing how much you love him.”
“I guess it is a little silly of me to be afraid,” He mumbled, a mixture of love and gratitude softening his voice. His attention had swiveled back to the small form curled against his chest. “After all, if a situation like the one with Nyrus ever occurred with us, I don’t doubt you’d happily blow half the Blade of Marmora to Kingdom Come for even suggesting that I have more important matters than our family.”
“Half the Blade of Marmora?” She asked skeptically.
“You could certainly take them all out, but I think you’d want to make an example of them. And if you took down all of them, there would be no one to really learn from it,” He answered.
“Fair enough. Now shush your pretty little face and let’s get some sleep,” She mused, pressing a small kiss to his collarbone before closing her eyes. She felt his arm move to curl around her, pressing along her back and his hand resting on her hip, and she smiled.
Come Hell or high water, the Kogane’s were going to be inseparable.
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dailypeterscanavino · 7 years
“ I knew it “
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Chapters: 1 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr. / Reader Characters:  Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr. / Reader Additional Tags: First preliminaries - Colleagues - Hidding feelings - Kinda romantic Sonny - Smuth - Sonny’s focus on your own pleasure -  Inexperienced reader   ________________________________________________________________
Hi everybody, just wanted to write few things, this is my first Fanfiction so I’m kinda scared a bit, I wrote it in French before cause YES I’m french and translate it in English after. I wanted to thanks Samantha @of-salt-and-moon​ for her amazing and precious help and also @larkin21​ for her generous suggestions ♥. I know that maybe not everyone will read or appreciate this story but it’s not my aim I just wanted to try so let me know  :) enjoy and thank you.  
“Carisi, you’re going with her.”
Olivia’s order was quick and direct, and your heart quickened its pace, breath held, as you heard Sonny sigh and saw tense his jaw. You hadn’t been at SVU long, but you had proven yourself to be a good cop. You wouldn’t know it based on how Sonny treated you, though. When you dared to look into those blue eyes, you never knew what he was thinking.
“Let’s go,” he said as he pulled on his jacket, the coldness in his voice pricking your heart.
“What’s the mission?” you asked, trying to start a conversation as you followed him out of the precinct.
His answer was pointed, delivered without even looking in your direction.
“I’ll tell you more after.”
Sonny was a discrete and sometimes difficult to define person, but you knew how much he loved his job. He was protective, always ready to help and advise you. But whenever the two of you worked together, you always left feeling confused. You trusted one another and had an undeniable connection, but he always remained distant and unknowable. You and Sonny had often been partners, and your relationship had evolved very quickly. There was trust between you much deeper than just a friendly relationship. Maybe it was the risk, maybe it was the danger. But it made you ask yourself, “What if we were more than that?”
You ended up somewhere between 3rd and 6th Avenue. Panic gripped you when you realized that instead of the car, you had taken the van that is usually used for long stakeouts. Even after 20 minutes, Sonny still hadn’t told you anything about the mission.
“Are you finally going to tell me why we’re here?” you asked.
He lowered his eyes, looking pensive, before fixing them on the computer screens in front of him. The cameras provided a wide shot of the dark street you were on. Quickly he told you about your mission and who you were sent to monitor. You swallowed wearily, thinking back to how difficult and painful this case has been and how monstrous this perp was. He was a rapist serial killer who had been released after only 15 years. Olivia knew that the release was a mistake, convinced he would strike again once he was free, and that's why she sent you to the neighborhood where he lived.
But when hours passed and there was no movement, Sonny left to fetch you both coffee and some food to hold you over. You had no appetite, though. Instead, you were tired and overwhelmed. The van smelled like him, his cologne lingering and giving you mild chills between your thighs. You could not deny that you were immediately attracted to him when you first arrived at Special Victims - but you always thought this feeling wasn't mutual. Yet the way he looked at you betrayed him. The way his cheekbones blushed. How nervous he'd get when you were too close. But lately, he had been distant with you. Cold. Even angry. You had started to think that you'd done something wrong, and you had many questions left unanswered.
“Do you hate me?”
The question was hushed and nearly whispered.
He immediately turned to face you, his eyes focused on you intently and his brows knitted.
“What?” he asked.
“I had to ask. These last few days, I found you’ve been - “
“I’ve been what?” The tone of his voice was pressing, and he didn’t take his eyes off of you.
“Distant,” you replied.
He began to swear - something he never did. He then took a deep breath before turning himself to face you completely, moving closer.
“No, not at all,” he said, then turned away.
“So why do I get that impression?” you asked, tears threatening to fall and show your weakness to him. When he didn’t answer, you got up and headed for the door. Perhaps a walk outside in the cold night air would clear your head.
“I don’t hate you,” he said, right as your fingers grasped the door handle. You hadn’t noticed him stand up as well, coming up behind you and pressing against you, placing his hand over yours.  You were sure he could feel you tremble at his touch.
You turned to look at him, your eyes full of desire - an oppressive desire, a desire that had gnawed at you for too long. Your blood began to heat, ringing in your ears, as his hand came up to rest on your cheek. You felt a rush of warmth through your body as you tried to concentrate only on the blue of his eyes, but you couldn’t keep from looking at his lips, awakening your senses by imagining them all over you.
“Sonny…” you whispered.
“You talk too much,” he grumbled.
Your breasts were pressed against his chest as he crashed his mouth against yours, offering a kiss that capsized your heart. Your legs were like cotton, but fortunately, his arms were close, holding you tightly against him. His lips were light against yours, gently flicking his tongue against your bottom lip, even biting it slightly, inviting you to open so he could discover more. With a gasp you complied and his tongue plunged into your mouth which made him growl. He had a sweet taste and this thought made you blush as you wondered if everything about him was sweet. Sonny Carisi always made you lose control over yourself. Resisting him never worked, as the attraction between you was always obvious. And now with his hard cock pressed against your stomach, it was certain. You gave a small shriek of astonishment as he pulled you close in his arms, raising you up.
“Let me do this, Doll.”
You smiled, proof to him that you desired it as much as he did.
The situation felt crazy - the small space did not leave much choice, but he found a clear place on the table shared by the surveillance equipment for you to lean back against. He took his time unbuttoning your pants, pulling off your panties with a slowness that made you even more eager. Your emotions scattered, he stretched you tenderly, your legs dangling on the side of the table impatiently as he spread your thighs and growled when he could finally admire your sex, wet with desire. The pink lips of your intimacy called him, and he bent his head to pass his tongue between your lips, from your point of entry to your clitoris swollen with pleasure.
“Oh my GOD!”
You couldn’t hold back your scream and your body vaulted violently, your trembling legs convulsed. Sonny clamped your hips firmly to hold you in place as he began to suck and lick harder.
“You’re as delicious as I imagined,” he breathed between small laps. He then climbed up to your clitoris and drew circles around your contracted bud, as he gently touched your entrance with his finger before slipping it inside you. You instantly contracted, and he redoubled the intensity of his finger and tongue.
“Oh my god, I didn’t think it could be this good and perfect,” you moaned as he sucked your clit harder, adding a second finger to caress your intimate walls. You were losing your head, your body ached and you arched your back, resting your hands on his head and prompting him to go faster as you felt the orgasm rise in you.
“Sonny… I’ll…”
“Come in my mouth, Doll. I want to taste you.”
Your cry cracked through the silence of the van, and you surrendered completely, twisting, wriggling, and exploding in his mouth and against his tongue. His movements became slow against your sensitive parts as you crashed from the overwhelming orgasm - probably the best of your life. Your cheeks were on fire as he stood up to look at you, bending over you to kiss your lips.
“Divine, Doll.”
“Sonny… why? Why?”
“Doll, I’ve been wanting you since I saw you first arrive in that awful poncho.”
You stood up as best as you could, your legs still trembling. Your heart had not stopped running madly in your chest. You looked at Sonny, your eyes full of emotion, knowing you had proof of his desire for you.
“You are crazy, Mr. Carisi.”
His eyes changed suddenly, bearing on you and full of desire. You leaned back against the table, remembering that you were half naked and suddenly feeling very exposed to this man who makes you lose your head with just one look. He was standing proudly in front of you, and your eyes traveled over his perfect body before stopping on his imposing erection, lighting up your senses.
“Doll,” he started. But there was no need to ask. You perfectly understood what he wanted, and you wanted it too. He unbuttoned his pants without a word, pushing them down past his hips and pulling out his hard cock. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it, powerful and impressive, and you realized you were holding your breath. You were eager to taste him, but also nervous. You were no expert, and after the amazing orgasm he gave you, you wanted to return the favor. But you were afraid. You dropped to your knees, and took a deep breath, closing your eyes.
“Look at me, Doll,” he said. “I’m going to guide you. I did not ask for an expert in fellatio, and your innocence excites me even more. It pleases me to be the only man to feel this beautiful mouth on my cock.”
Encouraged by his words and happy to feel desirable despite your inexperience, you put your hands on his thighs, gently stroking upward as he sat down. You then leaned forward and turned your tongue on his tip, opening your mouth bigger to take it in further, passing your tongue along his length.
“Relax, Doll, and trust me.”
His words were soothing and you relaxed at once. He tangled his fingers in your hair and put his palms flat on your head, holding you firmly and taking control. He then gave a little kick that made his cock penetrate a little further into your mouth. He went slowly at first, to help make sure you got used to his length, but then he accelerated the cadence, accentuating each thrust with a grunt that made you feel powerful despite your lack of confidence. You tried to stay focused, intent on not disappointing him, when a salty fluid spread on your tongue, indicating that he would come soon.
“Doll.. I’m… gonna come.”
He continued to swing his hips, his breath jerky and bestial and making you wet again. You pulled off of him and took his cock in your hand, stroking at a frantic pace, hypnotized by his expressions as he neared orgasm. You nearly jumped when he finally came, ejaculating onto your hand. You continued to hold him firmly, slowing your pace to accompany him to the end.
“Fuck, that was… wow.”
Senses returning, you both quickly dressed, embarrassment seizing you. The first rays of the morning sun began to peek through the windows and you realized your mission was about to end. It was then time to go home and return to reality.
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