#that being said i do think i still want them to hard launch cuz the chaos would be funny
sluttycinderella · 4 months
y’all do get that if dan and phil hard launch it will break the internet right? like people who haven’t thought about dnp since 2016 and literally everyone else with an online presence will know. suddenly there will be so many new eyes on our cute little community that we’ve managed to build from the ashes of the early phandom. it’ll be worldwide news that those guys from youtube who “weird girls” always shipped were actually together the whole time. it’ll be absolute chaos. it’s not that i don’t want them to hard launch if that’s genuinely what they want to do, i’m just afraid that it’ll send shockwaves through the entire internet that’ll shatter the nice little thing we’ve got going on here. i for one don’t want to be talking to an acquaintance in class next semester and hear them say “did you hear that dan and phil from youtube are together? that’s crazy! i never watched them ‘cause their fans were always so weird. i didn’t even know they were gay. i guess their fans bullied them out of the closet.” and then have to pretend to be normal.
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It's 2 in the morning and imma send this before I pass out on a work night, but am so fucking exhausted cuz even though I've been distancing from TSAMS lore I still get so discouraged with all the Nexus bullcrap that is still going on why cant they just make things right i just want the characters to stop being massacred after being so good for so long wake me up when Sun adopts Dazzle and the family gets their shit together goodnight
No, you're absolutely right.
I still wonder to this day who was pushing for New Moon to be a villian.
And why the narrative swerved so hard and kept saying time and time again "Nexus is evil now. He was never good, and your an idiot for ever liking him as a character."
These days, Tsams is something that I watch to watch something on YouTube with my eyes glazed over with no real investment.
Because even the shenanigans family episodes seem so hallow and shallow now. Because we know that family love can be conditional and family can be disowned within a singular argument.
I still don't understand other choices that the show make. Like, Sun not adopting Dazzle, and him acting like it's a weird thing to do. When.... Sun adopting Dazzle just makes sense in culmination of his arc. And Dazzle will be a four year old forever and have a life as an animatronic. She can't go back to her biological parents that lost their daughter to what they assume is Sun about approximately five years ago. But I wouldn't put it past this show to do a "DAZZLE MEETS HER PARENTS IN VRCHAT" Later... And everything will be fine and played for either shananigans or it'll be super angst with Dazzle moving away to live with her bio parents or something. I wouldn't put it past this show.
Why doesn't he want to adopt her? She already lives with them. It just makes logical sense and is a culmination of both their arcs.
But right now, everytime I see the characters interacting and having fun. I keep thinking about how Nexus was locked in a cage, electrocuted to unconsciousness and had his mind forcibly violated..... All because he got angry and had told his sister to stop trying to fix him. No wonder Nexus viewed Earth as collateral after that. There's no way for Nexus to not think that the entire family and Monty was working as one unit against him. His personality shift only really happened after the mind violation.
No one really tried to speak pragmatically to him. Characters say "they did all they could" but they really didn't. They just told Nexus to stop, Nexus said no, then they said they disowned him and treated him like a subhuman. That wasn't a conversation. They more or less arrested Nexus for "word crimes" Eclipse was even disappointed with how Earth handled the situation.
It also makes no damn sense that Nexus just stopped caring about Solar when he learned he got brought back and suddenly became obsessed with negative star power stuff because..... I don't know.... Plot? It seems so counterintuitive to his character.
And I do think he still cares about Solar. But I thought the reason he broke away from his family was to bring back Solar with or without them. But.... He just kinda gave up after he got launched into space... I mean.... Was him wanting to bring Solar back based entirely on his connection to his family??? And not Solar???? No man. That makes no sense. Sure... Solar was growing in the pod on the sun (and god, solar should have star power if he was reconstructed on the damn Sun. But I think they just didn't want to do that. This is why they need a lore bible desperately.) But Nexus didn't know that. Why did he just drop trying to bring Solar back the moment Dark Sun took him in? The narrative acts like Nexus was clawing at the bit to just experiment with Neg Star power and Solar was just a means to an end that he could drop on a dime.
Like.... No????
Sure, Nexus came to Solar and asked him to join him later but like.... Nexus was vanished from the narrative for awhile and seemed to just drop everything about Solar because apparently the only reason he was doing it is cus his family wanted it.
But, yeah I don't buy anything that they're telling me about Nexus.
So every time I see OMoon with his family doing shananigans, I just wonder "how long until this Moon messes up and they lock him in a cage too"
I already see Old Moon berate Sun every chance he gets. Just because Moondrop doesn't call Sun "stupid" doesn't mean he doesn't act like he is. Moondrop fixing Dazzle's body is really little points for me. Because Moondrop more or less did the same for Lunar. He hasn't changed at all, really. He still yells at Sun and flies off the handle when Sun doesn't do what he wants, or when Sun has an emotional response to something he gets angry if it's not how he wants. Moon isn't even better in my eyes. He didn't even have an arc. He went to sleep, woke up and stopped saying bad things, but his actions remain the same.
But at the end of the day, this is a YouTube show. Who I think too much inspiration from Marvel for their plotlines. I watch it because I do like the voice acting, but I can tell the cracks are showing more since there are far less gameplay videos.
That's what changed.
Far less time to write then they even had originally.
For now, tsams is just... Something to watch to pass time.
But I have far more fun seeing what other people do with these characters then the YouTube show itself.
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chxna-cheeseycake · 1 year
Was bored and kind of had a neat little MCD idea where Gene and Dante swap roles but only kinda?? It's weird but I'll try to explain it I guess lol. Also will probably be a long one again cuz I have many thoughts and need to put them somewhere lmao.
So at first,nothing with Gene and Dante's whole backstory changes, Gene is still a scheming dubious hoe that Dante still looks up to anyway. But things change regarding the issue with the lord's daughter. Idk what to do exactly but I was thinking that either Gene doesn't come up with this idea at all or he does think about it but ultimately never goes through with it. Either way, one of those things happen so in the end Gene never messes with anyone's memories and life is still the same as always... or is it?
While taking a break of sorts from his duties, Gene spends some time with Dante and they probably have like a picnic or something idk. Anyways, they end up getting attacked by bandits and unfortunately said bandits snatch up Dante and use him as a ransom of sorts against Gene. The bandits basically demand that Gene steal a huge amount of gold from the lord for them or else they'll kill Dante. Gene obviously doesn't want to lose his precious little bro, so he leaves the area hesitantly and heads straight to the lord's home. He explains to the lord about the situation and essentially asks his lord if he can just willingly give the gold to the bandits so that Dante can be saved. The lord thinks about this but ultimately says no as he claims that the village was on hard times and really needed that gold to stay afloat. Gene understands this but is also very upset about the situation as he desperately wants to save his brother.
Gene does consider just stealing the gold behind his lord's back but he then comes up with a plan that's better in his mind. He'll just order his guards to perform some sort of sneak attack on the bandits and brutally kill all of them for even thinking of trying to harm Dante. After creating the plan, properly organizing it and going over it with his men, they launch this plan into action. Everything seems to be going okay at first but it wouldn't stay that way forever. With most of the bandits distracted, Gene goes to grab Dante but the bandits' leader steps in and blocks Gene from doing such a thing. The two get into a fight and when Gene tries to stab the leader in the chest, the bandit does something supremely fucked up. He grabs poor Dante and uses the child as a human shield, meaning that Gene ends up stabbing Dante instead of the leader. Gene is obviously in shock and is mortified at what he's done. The bandit leader laughs in Gene's face before telling the bandits to just surrender and retreat which they do.
Dante dies in Gene's arms almost instantly and Gene... he has no idea what to do or say. I imagine he doesn't even cry because of the amount of shock of what just happened. Dante's funereal happens but nobody in the village blames Gene for what happened, not even Gene and Dante's parents who reassure Gene that there was nothing that could have been. And Gene hates it so much. Because Gene thinks himself as nothing but a filthy murderer that doesn't deserve forgiveness so it pisses him off that people are being so understanding towards him. He probably snaps at his parents at least once because how DARE they forgive him for murdering Dante, for murdering his own brother, for murdering their son. Gene quits being head guard and isolates himself from everyone, including his own family because of the guilt that's eating him alive. He failed his little brother, that he always swore to protect, so he doesn't feel worthy to be trusted with protecting an entire village of people. There's also the guilt that settles in from the fact that he schemed his way to get that position so he especially doesn't feel worthy of such a job. He's actually becoming aware of what a shithead he was.
The pain and the guilt from all of this became too much for Gene and eventually... he decides to leave his village and never return. Without Dante, Boboros didn't feel like home anymore. He also couldn't walk around the village without being constantly reminded of his sweet little brother that should still be alive right now. Gene just couldn't do it anymore so he packed up some of his things and quietly left his old village behind in the dead of night. But not before using his magicks to make everyone, even his parents forget who Gene was completely. He didn't want anyone coming after him but he also believed that someone as awful as him shouldn't be remembered by anyone. Everyone still had the memory of what happened to Dante but Gene altered it so that everyone would think that Gene was just some random disgusting killer that took Dante's life, exactly how he viewed himself now.
Gene proceeded to just wander around the Ru'aun region, staying in random villages for a little amount of time before moving onto the next. He became a lost soul of sorts, growing into a reserved and quiet person who keeps to himself. All motivation for life had died the day his brother died and for awhile it seemed that it would stay that way forever. Until Gene accidentally gets too close Eastern werewolf territory and finds himself being thrown in their prison. He kind of shrugs it off as he's been through worse on his travels. Of course he meets Donna and Logan who also accidentally trespassed onto this territory and got thrown in jail for it. But he also doesn't know how to react when they treat him rather nicely (well that's mostly Donna but still). After so many years of being alone, he isn't sure how to accept other people being kind to him whatsoever especially when his self-esteem is horrendously low. So he prompts to not say anything in response (not like he was much of a talker anyway). But yeah just like canon, Donna escapes with Gene from the Eastern werewolf tribe but unfortunately have to leave Logan behind. And it's the first time in a long time for Gene when he feels this great urge to help someone in need like this. And maybe that has to do with the fact that this situation is a little similar to what happened with his brother and Gene will be damned if someone else had to go through the same pain he did.
Meeting Aphmau is... kinda awkward at first. Because for one: Gene hasn't interacted with a lord in ages and he still has some bad blood towards his old lord that he served once upon time. But then there's also the second thing: Aphmau reminds him a little of Dante and that is definitely still a sore spot for him. So yeah, Gene's even more quiet around Aphmau then he is with like Donna or just other people in general. Aphmau at first thinks she accidentally offended him somehow but learns from Donna that Gene is just kinda like that for whatever reason. Aphmau understands and tries to not make Gene uncomfortable but conversation proves to be hard with how quiet Gene is. They're very awkward with each other until they end up in Malachi's castle. Gene being a magicks user himself immediately senses that something is very off with this place and his protective instincts kick in. It doesn't matter that he hasn't known Aphmau for long because again, he's not going to make the same mistakes as before. He's not going to let someone else die because he didn't do enough to protect them like a proper guard should. Like a proper older brother should. Gene used to be a hardcore con artist but now he's given up that lifestyle, now he's going to prove himself worthy to wear the armor and wield the sword of a guard.
Aphmau is unable to convince Gene to not go by himself so she waits until he's deemed that the coast is clear. But then she gets tired of waiting and goes after Gene herself. And just like in canon, Aphmau eventually finds Gene but he's cast under Malachi's fear magick, muttering the name 'Dante' over and over again. Aphmau as per usual sees her own worst fear which of course shakes her but she was certainly not prepared to be hit with Gene's worst fear nor the contents of what said fear was.
The vision Malachi shows her, tosses Aphmau into a middle of a fight between what she assumes are guards and bandits. Things are clearly intense but in the midst of all the fighting she sees a 12 year old boy being held against his will but what she assumes is the bandit leader. Then she sees Gene, who looks a little younger, running towards the leader and engaging in a fight with him. She sees Gene make an attempt to stab the leader but what happens next makes Aphmau sick to her stomach. The leader grabs the young boy, using him to shield Gene's fatal attack, meaning that Gene had accidentally stabbed the boy instead of the enemy. It's clear that Gene felt the same way as Aphmau as he dropped his sword, immediately holding the boy close while being almost in a complete state of shock. She hears the leader laugh and sees him run off with his fellow bandits. The boy had died by then and Gene was still in a horrified shock at what just happened. Then the world around them turns into a black abyss, the young boy's mouth suddenly turning into a twisted grin as he looks up at Gene. The boy begins telling Gene that he's awful, that he's a terrible murderer and that he'll never forgive Gene for what he's done. Gene finally starts sobbing as the boy continues to say these things over and over again, blood pouring out of his mouth as he continues to talk.
Aphmau suddenly snaps out of the vision and looks over at Gene in great concern. She had no idea what she just saw but it chilled her to the bone nonetheless. The rest of this section would be the same with Garroth and Laurance losing their shit with that fake illusion of Aphmau kissing someone else (which I personally find DUMB but that's a post for another time). Gene is definitely not pleased to be woken up and have a very angry brunette threatening him for some reason. Boy is just highly confused and has no idea what is going on anymore. Also I imagine Gene is very uncomfortable/scared of Malachi at first due to the fact that the ghost straight up psychologically tortured him and that's not something you get over so easily. He warms up to the kid eventually but he's gotta have some time to recuperate after reliving one of the most traumatic moments of his life. And speaking of trauma, Aphmau being the way she is will inevitably try to talk with Gene about what she saw but it doesn't go well initially. He just brushes her off and says he's fine despite the fact that he's clearly not. Aphmau lets it go at first but is still concerned and hopes that Gene talks with her eventually.
Gene does do that and for the first time in awhile, he actually tears up as he tells Aphmau his story. It feels weird to him as expressing emotions hasn't been something he does as of late but he almost feels comfortable doing that around Aph. Probably because at that point he would've warmed up to her more but also her reminding him of Dante had something to do with it. After hearing this, Aphmau proceeds to hug this poor, traumatized man and reassure him that what happened to Dante was not his fault whatsoever. Gene has a hard time believing it but appreciates the comfort anyway. It's been a long time since Gene has been hugged too...
Because Gene never died and became a Shadow Knight, he actually does age here. I hc specifically that Gene is about 4 or so years older than Garroth and Laurance so the dynamic is a little different here. Garroth gets a tad nervous around Gene because he sees Gene as an authority figure that should be respected as he has more experience than Garroth. Garroth lowkey thinks Gene is a little cool even if he's weird. Laurance, however, does not give a fuck about respecting authority and does not like Gene at first (which partially has to do with the kissing incident lmao). But Laurance starts viewing the other differently after he overhears Gene talking with Aphmau. Laurance feels a little bad for Gene as no one should go through such a thing. He still sasses Gene but it becomes more playful rather than full on venomous like it was before. Gene is confused but just goes along with it. But as for Gene's POV of his relationships with Garroth and Laurance, he's awkward at first (as per usual with this sad, pathetic and technically homeless man lol) but soon enough he ends claiming the two guards as his younger brothers. Whether they like it or not does not matter because nothing will stop Gene from his spontaneous adoption tendencies. And while I don't think I need to say this at this point but he also adopts Aphmau as his younger sister.
There's more I can add to this for sure but right now I kinda ran out of ideas so maybe I'll do more with this another time. Also I'm unsure if I should either keep Dante dead or turn him into a Shadow Knight. Cuz if I did do the Shadow Knight route, I'd make it so that Shad alters his memories and like makes Dante hate Gene or something. Idk I still have to think about it more.
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poppyseed799 · 1 year
You said you were taking oneshot requests so uh
Can I get just a little thing with Skizz and Etho during 3rd Life? Like before Skizz died but after the war started if that makes sense-
(Sure! But I’m a bit rusty on red army stuff (currently in the process of rewatching Martyn’s 3L series) and I’ve honestly never been SUPER familiar with 3L!Etho so sorry if this seems ooc or wrong! I’m gonna try to keep it short and simple due to those factors but hope you like it! (Also I’m gonna completely make up stuff that happens dw bout it))
Etho had turned red recently, meaning he was free to kill whoever he wanted. The problem? He didn’t know who burnt his castle this time.
He just returned home to see it up in flames. There was no one sailing away in a boat, no one fleeing on the nearby land. The culprit must’ve set the wool ablaze a while ago, and didn’t stick around to watch. Why even do it then? Isn’t it fun to watch things burn? What sort of monster sets a castle on fire and doesn’t even bother to watch it?!
Ren came to visit with the rest of the Dogwarts Alliance following behind him after hearing the news of the burning castle. “Etho! What happened, my dude? Are ye alright?”
“I’m fine, but my castle needs to be rebuilt… again.” Etho sighed. “Pretty sure I have enough wool, but this will take a while…”
“You are protected by the banner, Etho. That means we shall assist you!” Ren held his shield high, showing his own banner. Then his ears went down, and he looked around at his crew. “Unfortunately, we are uh… a little busy. But fret not, dear Etho! For we shall lend you… ONE SOLDIER TO HELP!”
“Ok” Etho said. “Thanks.”
Ren studied the army behind him for a moment, then pointed to Skizz. “SKIZZLEMAN! Are ye willing to assist our friend, our brother?”
“Of course I am!” Skizz declared proudly.
“Thank you! Now for the rest of us…” Ren turned to Martyn and BigB. “LET US RETURN TO OUR KINGDOM!”
They left Skizz with Etho. Once they were gone, Etho gave Skizz some wool. “I know there’s not much framework left to copy off of, but… just get some sort of structure going.”
Skizz took the wool in one hand and saluted with the other. “You’ve got it, boss!” He then laughed softly to himself and began working.
They had finished rebuilding a lot of the castle before Skizz had decided to ask, “Who did this, anyway? We’ve gotta kill them!”
Etho sighed. “No idea! Must’ve been a quick drive by. Interrogations aren’t working out, either.”
“WHAT?!” Skizz yelled too loud. “There’s no WAY they’re just getting away with this!!!”
Etho shrugged. “Unfortunately, looks like they will. I could just launch a missile at Bdubs and say it’s revenge for my castle, even if it turns out it wasn’t him.”
“Or, we could kill EVERYONE on the server! Then we’re GUARANTEED to kill the culprit!” Skizz smiled.
Etho blinked. “Everyone…? That seems like a lot. Some of them are allies.”
Skizz shook his head. “Yeah- you’re right- not EVERYONE… just people who aren’t our friends! Cuz a friend would NEVER do this!”
“That’s still a lot of people. I’d prefer to blow up the Crastle. Less risky, more fun.”
“You… don’t think it would be FUN?” Skizz frowned. “Ever since I turned red, all I’ve wanted to do was kill! Don’t you feel the same way?”
Etho thought for a moment. “Um… well, I guess I’d like to, for revenge. Am I supposed to want to kill… more? I’m still pretty new to being red.”
“I dunno! This is just the way I’ve felt ever since I turned red, I guess it could be different for everyone.” Skizz said. “Honestly, the bloodlust gets a little hard to control sometimes! I just get overwhelmed with the urge to STAB SOMEONE!!!”
“Well you’ll have to be careful. We’re in a war, you know. And I just lost one of my lives to our enemy.” Etho said. “You can’t just charge into battle, we’ve only got one life left.”
Skizz sighed. “Yeah, I know… but together, we can win this war! If you weren’t alone, Scar would’ve been the one to die in that fight!” He smiled at Etho. “He’d be so busy trying to kill you that I’d be able to charge at him and get the job done!”
Etho hummed, amused. “Yeah, that would be a more ideal timeline. Instead, we’re stuck like this, preparing for the big war.”
Skizz groaned in annoyance. “I just wanna kill someone, you know? Like, whoever burned your wool castle? Let’s find them and kill them!”
“We don’t know who it was,” Etho reminded the grey man. “Do you want to help me fire a missile at Bdubs’ castle instead? It’ll be worth it.”
“Hmm… alright, I’m in! You seem to have fun doing it, so I’ll help!” Skizz smiled at Etho.
Etho smiled back. Was it because Skizz did, or because Etho thought the idea of firing another missile at Bdubs was super funny? Didn’t matter, it’s not like anyone could see the smile through his mask… right?
“Alright, let’s take a break from this and do that real quick then.” Etho decided, putting his wool away and grabbing materials to build another one of his signature missiles. Skizz cheered and put his wool away too.
“Just remember to be careful, okay?” Etho said to Skizz. “I don’t wanna lose you because you decided to try to charge into a tough battle and kill everyone in sight.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll try not to.” Skizz said. “I could never abandon my people like that. I wanna be with you guys until the very end! Us against the world!”
At the moment, it was more like them against the Crastle. But it was fine, it was safe, it was fun. An exciting little moment for the two red soldiers. The war could continue at any moment, but they’ll be ready. They’ll be with each other. They’ll survive.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Hey you I care too and I do like what you're saying mostly except your Wise Guy comments now we have to get stuff done and have time to pull off so it's Steve okay maybe some steam. But that will come in moments I'm sure. We have more to report and a lot of it has to do with here and the tunnels
And it would see if it's true it is. And we are monitoring we have seen the first five at empty out of ships and they're going out by about midnight isn't that fast and the clear out the equipment still every time a few hours they'll be done and then they will uncork it. Yeah the next 10 are fueling still. It will only take maybe two more hours no clear it out and Ellie's moving the pipe after the launch another movie before they got to refuel and pull that pipe and it comes out pretty quick and they will begin watching and it'll reinstall the pipe at the next 10 the last 10 it's a little further and it's a little less and then they will fill them up and those will be out and they will get the structures out later and said it on the radio it takes too long to pull them out while you're in progress. Those other things going on people say do it the way that works and the real way and stop asking this stupid questions and a lot of people are trying to snap to they're like zombies and it is horrible you realize what they were doing to themselves and others are doing full war and won't stop and they need to stop speaking of which.
-Trump and company are in a lot of trouble even thinking about issuing warrants from Court the bonds he placed is not adequate and say he has until Monday but that's a lie in another articles he does not have time the truth is he doesn't have any time. And that his apartment jerk in an apartment and the max are doing this to him but we have to stop him from bothering our son so much it's illegal it looks like an idiot and he is and we need him off him. We need to place a restraining order we need to make it stick. Right now is trying to get at each other and one of them thinks so straight order is a good idea and the other one too so they might go through with options they have but right now there are papers that might be prepared by Emily blunt. And sharing with those are kind of not really ready yet it's the state government just getting pressure and pretty soon Jason will be pushed out and he wants to see the apartment so he's pushing for it because he wants to switch to Florida disability and wants it to be something everyone needs and he's doing that since trying to get about pretty hard and figure it out to the guy just not want to move and he's using heftier methods I don't know it's just going to have other people do stuff. Coming up pretty quick we did this week sometime before Saturday also
-we have learned that one of them might drop out and supposedly motivate oneself and we hear it from Stan it says it too is very sick of him doing in and out or being there at all is that the huge animal and it's really harsh other people say it too so you know that's going to take place one way or the other
-another item I'm just going to happen soon they will be trying to get the car here and things like that without funding so he looks at it and says I'll sell the car and that's what it'll do so the guy is an idiot anyways and he's going to try anyways and still plans to f*** over the title so he looked at him like he's nuts cuz he is and he says this Jesus I have enough time in my schedule and so forth to allow for driving time and deliver your car delivering a car and it looks hard and suspicious it's odd and it really is and we started to say you don't think you're right he doesn't have any money and he says I can do it I want it's a free country and stuff like that and you said not really You're a murderer I love you did something to his grandmother you're going to kill he's got her feels her killed or helps make it happen don't know what it is when you're a bird brain you are a bird brain and we don't want your name and we can stop you we don't want you near him now you're going to pay for your mincing the words here a little we can't stand you already and you have this little blood vessel we were working on you are working stupid. And I'm going to help fix that cuz I want you out of here just as incessant jerk we need you out we need you out now haven't sitting the orders there's a lot of reasons and I'm sending those too can't stand it talking or sound of your book in your face and your body and your continents what you're doing is President is horrible
Thor Freya
0 notes
animeomegas · 3 years
So... another hc for little Sasuke (sorry this one became too specific, you can change it however you'd like to :)
After a rather harsh session (just cuz Itachi wanted to give that a try ) he kinda can't walk without his knees giving out the other day and while his alpha was making breakfast in bed for him and Sasuke wanted some help with his homework(or just wanted to spend time with his brother) while alpha was finally out of the room. And while Sasuke enters the room Itachi was trying to get out of the bed to check out where his alpha was, Sasuke just witnessing him collapsing and with that panic(thinking his alpha broke his big bro's legs) rushes to call mednins. And Sasuke known as a rather smart kid so mednins thinks the worst case scenarios and rushes to the house with him.
Just imagine the awkwardness when adult parties figure out what was the reason of all the panic.
(Ahh, this is the best thing ever, I love it so much, thanks for sending it in! I changed a few little bits, but I hope you still like it!)
Okay, so, Sasuke has been… annoyingly good at playing cockblock over the past month, and Itachi and his mate are a little…pent up.
But last night, Sasuke was with his team doing an overnight training exercise, and Itachi’s parents were attending a social dinner that ran late into the night.
And… well, Itachi and his mate certainly took advantage of the empty house. And all the pent up energy made both parties… kind of feral. It was a lot rougher than normal, let’s just say that.
In the morning, Itachi is predictably very sore, and his alpha offers to make breakfast in bed for them both so that Itachi can relax and recover at his own pace. Neither have anything to do today, so they could even spend the whole day in bed. (As long as Sasuke was too tired from his trip to protest violently, of course.)
So, Itachi’s alpha is downstairs whipping up some food, but Itachi’s glasses are all the way over on the dresser… And he can’t read the book he wants to read. Well, they’re only a few metres away, Itachi should be able to grab them just fine.
Itachi scoots to the edge of the bed and then pushes himself to his feet, just in time for Sasuke to come barrelling into the room with no warning.
“Ugh,” Itachi grunts, legs giving out as he collapses onto the ground.
Sasuke, having come in just fast enough to see it happen, gasps and runs forward towards Itachi as fast as possible. His brother is hurt! Wait… Where is his alpha? They…They hurt him, didn’t they?!?! Did they break his legs?!
“Brother! I told you this would happen!” Sasuke shouts, already on the verge of tears because he wasn’t there to protect his older brother. “Mother! Father! Come quick, Itachi’s hurt!!”
“Sasuke! Quiet!” Itachi hisses, very aware that he’s currently half collapsed on the floor, only wearing a long T-shirt. “I’m fine, get out of my room and don’t barge in without knocking!”
“But-But-“ Sasuke blubbers, stepping closer. “But they hurt you! You have bruises everywhere! How can you defend them like this! You’re not fine!”
Itachi blushes a bright, humiliated red as Sasuke points out all the ah… marks… on his skin. He starts trying to climb back onto the bed, holding down the shirt to preserve what’s left of his modesty.
And then things go from bad to worse.
His parents’ footsteps come racing down the hall. Sasuke must have woken them up with his screaming.
Itachi thinks that death might be the best option right now.
“Mother! Father! That evil person! I told you! They hurt Itachi!” Sasuke cries, latching himself onto his mother’s dressing gown. “He can’t walk and he’s covered in bruises.”
Itachi can do nothing but watch as both their gazes scan him from head to toe. The ‘bruises’, the fact he can’t walk, the state of undress, the fact that the house was empty last night… They’re not stupid. He can see that they’ve figured it out. Itachi can’t think of a more humiliating situation than this.
His mother looks torn between amused and horrified, and his father looks like he’s seen a ghost and is about to faint any moment. All Itachi can do is avoid their eyes and hold his T-shirt down as far as he can between his legs.
The awkward silence is broken by the arrival of his alpha.
“Hey, what’s going on up here?” their voice cuts through Itachi’s wishes for death and brings him back to the present. “Itachi?”
He watches them enter the room, breakfast tray in hand and survey the situation. They quickly slide the tray onto their side of the bed and hurry over to Itachi, slipping off their dressing gown as they go and draping it over him so cover him.
Itachi doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy to see a dressing gown, and he slips it on as fast as he can.
“Don’t touch him!” Sasuke’s voice interrupts them. “I’ll never let you touch my brother again!”
Sasuke immediately launches into an attack against Itachi’s alpha. Thankfully, there’s no way his alpha would lose to a newly minted genin, and they easily manage to defend themselves without hurting him.
“Sasuke! Stop it!” Itachi orders, finally finding his voice. “They didn’t do anything wrong, you’re being ridiculous!”
“No!” Sasuke argues, still kicking at Itachi’s alpha. “Iruka sensei said that, even if you’re in a relationship with someone, they aren’t allowed to hurt you because it’s still illegal!”
“I promise I didn’t hurt your brother, Sasuke, please calm down,” they try to diffuse the situation.
“No! I-“
“Enough!” Fugaku roars, clamping a hand down on Sasuke’s arm. Some colour had returned to his face by this point, but he still pointedly avoids looking in Itachi’s direction. “No fighting in the house. Go to your room and stop bothering your brother.”
“No buts,” Fugaku pulls Sasuke out of the door despite his fighting. “And you two," he turns his attention on to Itachi and his alpha when Sasuke has been successfully removed from the room. “If he starts asking questions, you will be the one to explain it to him.”
He leaves, and Mikoto follows behind him, shutting the door, but not before shooting Itachi a wink.
This is the worst day of his life.
The door slams shut and there’s silence again.
Itachi’s alpha gingerly lifts Itachi off of the floor and back onto the bed now that the spectators had left.
“Do you think if you hit me very hard, I’ll forget this ever happened?” Itachi asks, burying his glowing red face in his hands.
“If I hit you that hard, Sasuke would have a point, and we can’t let that happen,” Itachi’s alpha replies mildly, slipping into bed beside their mate.
“I feel so humiliated,” Itachi whispers, moving his face from his hands and burying it in his alpha’s shoulder instead.
“I know,” his alpha whispers, face pulling into a small frown. “But it’s okay, we didn’t do anything wrong. Your father has been asking for grandchildren lately, so he has no room to complain, and your mother didn’t seem to mind.”
“That’s worse,” Itachi groans. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
“Okay,” they agree, stroking his hair idly. “Have something to eat, you’ll feel better.”
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
We’ve Got Your Back (Alpha!Christen x Reader)
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Request: Alpha christen press fic😍 and does it make me a horrible person cuz I want to see what christen would do to Hinkle? (Not to mention broon, uncle, ash....) 
Pt. 1
Author’s Note: So this turned out a touch different than i had planned. Let me know what you think! 
It was strange being back here. Back in the city, the stadium, that had almost been the sight of your demise. At least they had stuck the team in the visitor’s locker room. You didn’t know if you could have handled being back in that room. 
You rolled your shoulders and tapped the ball back towards Lindsey, sending the alpha a tight smile and trying to drown out the sea of unpleasant emotions threatening to pull you under. 
It was a stupid idea for Us soccer to have the team face off against the NWSL Allstars. You were part of the NWSL for goodness sake, it wasn’t like you didn’t play against these people already. It also meant you had to play against Her in the stadium she tortured you in. 
“How you holding up?” Christen asked, suddenly coming up behind you. She grabbed your clenched hand, coaxing your fingers open and intertwining them with her own. She let out a wave of her calming scent, trying to soothe you as much as she could with minimal contact. 
Though the two of you had… consummated your matting, and despite your normal cocky flirting, the two of you really weren’t into public displays of affection and there were thousands of eyes on you right now. 
You hadn’t even realized you were digging your fingernails into your palms. 
“Great now that you’re here hot stuff,” You tried to smile convincingly back at your mate, squeezing her hand tightly. She let out another wave of her calming scent, her eyes flickering around your face. 
One of the first lessons she had learned from Rose was that you never said when you were uncomfortable, but your tells always gave you away. 
“Always the charmer,” Christen said, a light blush covering her cheeks. 
You smirked at the alpha, shrugging. “It’s hard not to be when you always come out here looking like that”
She rolled her eyes at you, entirely used to your flirting. It hadn’t taken her long to realize that it was a coping mechanism for you. Whenever you were stressed or uncomfortable, your flirting intensified. 
It was a way for you to avoid your true emotions. 
“I’m literally wearing the same outfit as the rest of the team,”
You pulled your blushing alpha closer to you by your connected hands. You ran your nose over her cheek  “Hmm, but the rest of the team doesn’t have the-,”
The comment died on your lips when you caught sight of a certain alpha. You tensed even though she was stuck on her half of the field, separated from you by nearly the entire squad and the team of “Allstars”. But none of that had mattered last time. It hadn’t mattered that you were in a room full of people (nearly half of which were your national team teammates) or that the coaching staff knew what she was doing. 
Christen’s eyes followed yours, and she couldn’t suppress her growl (both for the other player being included in this game and the unpleasant emotions fluttering through your bond). 
“Vlatko swapped us, so you can stay on the left today. I’ll take the right and Alex will stay center,”
“You guys don’t need to do that. I can handle it,” You mumbled, suddenly finding the way your cleats ran through the grass incredibly interesting. 
Christen sighed, running a finger under your chin, grazing your scent gland as she tilted your chin up. “We know you can, just let us be a little protective over you, alright?”
You nodded biting your lip. You weren’t a weak omega, and you knew that the second you hit the field whatever grand plan they had was going to go right out the window. 
Well, part of it at least. You were sure that a certain alpha’s very white uniform was about to be stained very very green. 
You launched yourself across the pitch towards your mate, barely stopping to watch as your shot sailed past Jane Campbells outstretched fingers. You were having a blast skirting past the all-star defender, and fielding through passes and crosses from the Mewis’ and The great Horan. 
“Good goal baby,” Christen said, smiling wildly as she scooped you up in her arms and pressed a kiss to your neck, just above your mating mark. 
You pulled back, smiling at the alpha and flicking her lightly on the nose. “Good? That was fucking amazing! Did you see me put Stanton on her ass?”
Christen nodded, setting you back on your feet with a wide smile. “Yeah, and Kling. But I think I’ve seen Tobin do the same footwork before. I call plagiarism,”
You pouted, flicking the side of your alphas head again. “That’s not fair, I deserve a reward,” 
Christen grabbed your wrist as it migrated down her waist with an eye roll. “Behave little one,” 
She growled playful at you, about to lean up and nip your neck again, but the presence behind her stopped her. You whined loudly, displeased that she had stopped. 
“Get your omega under control Press,” You tensed at the alpha’s voice, burying your face in Christen’s neck, afraid that even the scent of Hinkle would make you lose your composure altogether. 
Christen's growl turned low and dangerous and was echoed by several of the teammates beginning to crowd around you. When your alpha promised the team would have your back, she meant it. 
“Come on Y/n,” Mal said, cautiously breaking from the group to approach you. Her hand carefully touched your back, avoiding any skin. No one wanted to test your alpha's control any more than the asshat on the field was. 
Christen made eye contact with the omega inching towards you, tearing her gaze from Hinkle. She nodded at Mal, coaxing you out of her neck and kissing your cheek. “go babydoll,” raising her eyebrow when you wined, but still pushing you towards Mal. You poured as Mal dragged you across the field, away from the brewing storm. 
You didn’t need to be in the middle of an alpha battle. You wouldn’t tell anyone, but you were fragile and she didn’t want you to have to feel her dominance when she put Hinkle in her place. 
She didn’t want to risk accidentally forcing you to submit. She would die before she did that. 
“that one needs a firmer hand,” Hinkle scoffed, as Christen walked back towards her position, waiting for Sheridan to put the ball back into play. 
“Why don’t you mind your own business?” Christen growled lowly, her eyes following you as you grossed the field with Mal. Lindsey sent her a stiff not. The entire team was behind you. 
“Just saying that I could give you some pointers if you wanted them,” Hinkle shrugged as though she didn’t feel the insane tension on the pitch. Christen scoffed catching her arm, spinning the alpha to look at her. She didn’t need any advice on how to deal with you. You were a handful, but you were her handful, and she was glad you were comfortable enough with her to show her your playful side. 
“Don’t waste your breath,” Christen said, letting out her dominant scent. 
The Women’s national team was known for its impeccable control. With so many strong alphas in one place, it was imperative for the team's functionality and their commitment to equality.
But tonight that control was nowhere to be found, and it wasn’t just the alphas that were going a little crazy. The pitch was total chaos and at the epicenter was Hinkle. 
From the crazy tackles Lindsey, Becky, and Christen herself were committing, to the lengths Rose, Mal, and Alex all went to keep you as far from the Alpha as possible while still letting you put balls on goal. Vlatko’s tactics had gone out the window and the team was operating like a disaster (a very successful disaster as you had already scored 4 times against the all-stars, but a disaster nonetheless). All teeth and growls. 
You were just thankful that the game was over, and that you could finally escape the place with so many bad memories. And the mix of dominant pheromones that hung in the air, putting you even more on edge. 
You headed back towards the tunnel, uncharacteristically ignoring the opposing team trying to approach you for handshakes, and the fans screaming for your attention. It was unnerving to have your typically dosel alpha acting so aggressive. 
It pulled your inner omega so close to the surface, and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. 
“You know it’s wrong to ignore your superiors little omega,” The voice stopped you in your tracks. Your shoulders hunched and you seemed to almost fold in on yourself. 
An arm wrapped around your waist, shielding you from Hinkle. You relaxed a little at the scent of your best friend's mate. “Just ignore her,” Mal said softly, pulling you into her. 
Hinkle snarled at the two of you, rushing forwards to stand right in your path. You took in a sharp breath, your nose twitching at the press of Hinkle’s pheromones. You fought the urge to submit, the urge she had drilled into your skull from the time you joined the Courage to the time you finally made your escape. 
“What, your alpha didn’t teach you any manners either,” 
Mal tensed around you. You squeezed your eyes shut tight, waiting for the next blast of her potent scent. The one that would bring both of you to your knees. The one from your memories. 
“You need to back the fuck off,” Ashlyn’s protective growls were suddenly separating you from Hinkle, shortly joined by Becky, Alex, Rose, and Lindsey. 
“Or what?” She challenged, stepping up so she was eye to eye with the much taller alpha. 
“Come on girlies, let’s get you to the back, they can handle this,” Ali said softly, trying to pull you and Mal around the wall of alphas and the dominant cloud of pheromones beginning to form. You let her pull you around the alphas, trying to keep your head down. 
“No, she stays,” Hinkle sneered, catching your wrist as you passed. 
The reaction of the team was instant, but none was more prominent than your own alpha’s (who had been caught up singing posters with Tobin). It was a big No-no to touch someone else’s mate. 
“Take your hand off of her. NOW,” Christen growled, sending a wave of very dominant and very terrifying pheromones directly towards Hinkle. Even the little edge that caught you made you freeze and sent a shiver down your spine. The alpha immediately released you and whimpered as she fell to her knees. 
Christen smirked viciously (her typical kind-hearted ness nowhere to be found). She was the stronger alpha, and she wanted Hinkle to know how it felt to be forced to submit. She wanted her to feel the humiliation of being surrounded by people who wouldn’t help her. She wanted her to know what she put you through. 
Mal and Ali both tucked you into them and started directing you towards the locker room. Emily stepped in behind you, shielding you from where your alpha was towering over the shaking Hinkle. 
They were right, you didn’t need to see this. 
The walk back to the locker room was short, but it felt like forever. The omegas spent it emitting their soothing scents, trying to calm your frayed nerves (which were only amplified by the emotions fluttering down your bond with Christen). 
If the little edges of Christen's dominant pheromones were that strong, you could only imagine what it felt like to be caught in a full blast. That thought alone terrified you. She was always so careful with you, but what if she lost control. 
“Shh, kid you’re ok,” An arm wrapped around you and gentle hands guided your shaking form to sit on the bench. 
You shook your head rapidly. You were a lot of things right now, but ok wasn’t one of them. 
You opened and closed your mouth several times, but no sound would come out. What if you upset your alpha and made her lose control? You loved to push her buttons. 
“Hey, You gotta breath y/n,” Mal said, suddenly appearing crouched in front of you. She grabbed your hands, flattening out your palms to prevent your nails from digging further into your arms. She bit her lips at the stressful pheromones pouting off of you, she had only seen you like this once. A very long time ago (ironically in the same place you were now). 
“Em, go get Rose,” She said, not taking her eyes off of you. Your best friend was probably the only person who could help you. 
Emily’s eyes widened. There was a reason why most of the team’s omegas were in the locker room instead of hanging out in the field with their mates. It was one thing to put an arrogant alpha in their place, and another to risk accidentally forcing an omega to submit. 
The team was insanely protective, and going out there while their instincts were on edge wasn’t a good idea. 
“I think she’s got her-...” Emily started softly, lightly touching Mal’s shoulder. 
“Wasn’t a question,” Mal growled, cutting her off, and finally taking her eyes off of you. You whimpered at the tone, your head tilting slightly and Emily nodded rapidly. 
“Right, I’ll go right now,”  
She exited the room at a near run. She didn’t quite understand what was wrong, but she knew you desperately needed someone. 
Emily wasn’t sure what she expected when she exited the tunnel, but it wasn’t Rose and Christen standing over a shaking Hinkle (she would have pegged Ashlyn and Becky as way more likely to get themselves into this situation). 
As she approached the group (and the insane cloud of pheromones, seriously they were going to need to fumigate the place)she caught the tail end of Christen's deep rumble. “That’s a despicable excuse for-...”
“I’m sorry to interrupt this-...” Emily said slowly coming up behind her alpha. She kept her eyes down and her hands out, very careful not to provoke the angry hoard any further. 
Lindsey whipped around, gulping to try and restrain her instincts. She lightly grabbed her omega’s wrist to prevent her from getting closer to the scene. All hell would break loose if one of the omega’s accidentally got hurt. “Go back to the locker room. We’ll be there after we finish,”
Emily shook her head, finally looking into her alphas eyes. “No. You don’t-“ 
Lindsey’s eyes hardened as she cut her omega off. “I’m serious Em,”
Emily glared at her alpha, ripping her arm from her grasp. “So am I. I need Rose or Chris because y/n is like having a panic attack,” She practically spat. 
She hadn’t known you for as long as Mal had, but she still felt the omega bond with you. The overwhelming urge to protect one of their own when they were in distress. If they needed an alpha to help you, then an alpha she would get, come hell or high water. 
Christen and Rose both looked up at the mention of your name, as did the alpha on her knees.  The alphas seemed to blink back to themselves, letting up on their emission of pheromones. 
“Pathetic,” the woman on the ground mumbled.
The answering growl from the group was instant, low, and very dangerous. “Don’t you start,” Ashlyn said, her voice deadly soft before looking back up at the two struggling alphas. “Go, we can finish this,” 
Rose and Christen nodded, sending one last snarl towards Hinkle before following Emily down the tunnel. 
Christen took in a sharp breath at your distinct scent, freezing in the doorway. The locker room air was saturated with stressed and terrified pheromones. Any remaining anger she may have felt for the asshole out on the field disappeared and was replaced by worry for you. 
Rose moved first, pushing past your frozen mate and joining her omega on the floor in front of you, crouching down to your level. If you noticed newcomers to the room, you didn’t show it. You were stiffly sitting on the bench in the corner, staring off into space. 
Rose gently rubbed your knee, trying to bring you back to yourself. “Hey Kitkat, what’s going on?”
You blinked down at the alpha, your head tilting automatically. “Nothing. I’m fine,” you said robotically and Rose’s eyebrows furrowed. 
She had only seen you like this once, and that was after-... it was too horrible to even consider. 
“Yeah, no one believes that,” She mumbled, using a finger to stop you from showing off your neck. 
“I -...” you started, but the words got stuck in your throat, caught between an answer and a sob. 
“Did all the pheromones bring back bad memories?” Christen asked, finally taking a step inside the room. She had gotten very good at reading you since you had mated and she knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes. 
You nodded, finally looking up at the alpha. Your alpha. You took her in, how she seemed more relaxed (minus the worried lines in her forehead) and her scent was its usual cinnamon and spice. 
The heavy dominance was gone. It wasn’t the terrifying figure that had confronted a monster from your past, no this was your Chris. 
She took another few slow steps towards you. Rose and Mal moved out of the way to give your alpha room in front of you. 
“You’re just so strong. What happens if I push too far?” You asked quietly. 
And finally, the pieces clicked in everyone’s heads. Christen shook her head and took your hands. “I would never baby. What you saw-. It’s different with other alphas,” 
It was embedded in the fabric of the team (and the countries) culture. You never ever forced an omega to submit, but submission had a different effect on alphas. It wasn’t uncommon for them to assert dominance over each other, and forcing full submission was a way to show an errant alpha bow off base they were. Alphas didn’t experience the emotional distress that came with full-blown submission. 
“Promise?” You asked, your voice small. 
“With everything I am. You can poke and prod and make me blush, but I will never do what she did to you,” Christen said, kissing the back of your hand and looking you in the eyes to show you just how serious she was. 
She waited for your shoulders to relax before releasing a wave of her soothing scent and pulling you into her. You trusted her, and you felt comfortable that she would keep her promise. 
If she didn’t you knew about 22 people who would have your back. 
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superphantom · 3 years
Enthralled with the idea of Danny from Danny legit dies and has a physical corpse but can still kinda be human au and the Winchesters from just regular canon bumping into each other while... hiding bodies.
Three teens carrying a fourth by his arms and legs into the woods. Would they even be able to tell that it’s Danny’s corpse? It’s gotta be pretty much cooked through at that point. Hold on, I’m going to write something rq, apologies for any mistakes/bad writing but the concept is just too fun. If you think so too, go ahead and try your hand at it, this has so many excellent interpretations.
Edit but not really cuz I haven’t actually posted anything yet: I’ve only read back through this once but I’m pretty happy with how it’s turned out, just wanted to add a quick warning for horrific death and descriptions of a corpse and all that. 
Digging graves always sucked, naturally. It’s hard to plow through a good six feet of rocks and dirt and bones and whatever other crap might be waiting below the surface (one time, in some backwoods in Ohio they’d hit a bathtub around three feet down. Never got an explanation for that one). But, of course, the muggy pits of July made things much worse.
Sam had shed his top layer in the car, and was now down to a single shirt. He probably would’ve taken that off too, had it not been glued onto his back from sweat. Dean, who’d made a dig at Sam earlier that night for not being able to “take the heat like a man” still wore his flannel over his shirt, though it was beginning to soak through.
Laborious elements aside, what really made grave digging so tedious was the inability to fill it with anything else. It wasn’t like they could play music or anything, when they were in graveyards they had to keep a low profile, and all the other smart places to go hiding a corpse don’t get radio reception. And talking? With the amount of dust and dirt they kicked up, not to mention the work itself, it was more like trying to reason with a bully as they threw sand in your face. Gritty, painful, and overall, not worth it. So the brothers dug side by side with only light from a half-dead camping lantern and the singing of insects to keep them company.
Sam hit a rock with the tip of his shovel to knock it loose from the wall, the scooped it up and heaved it over the side of the grave. It was still only about knee height, meaning they’d have to put in another two hours minimum if they wanted to get the man hidden.
He’d been working with a witch to dodge death as he cheated his way through some shady business dealings. Actually, he’d been fairly easy to subdue- probably why he needed the witch in the first place- but once Dean had yanked the hexbag from where it hung around his stick-figure neck he’d begun to convulse and when he stopped, well, he wasn’t going to start convulsing again. That, however, was a problem for tomorrow.
Sam knocked a few rocks loose this time, letting them pile around his feet then launching them all over his shoulder at once. With the sound of metal clacking against rock gone, he realized Dean had stopped digging and was leaning against the handle of his shovel cautiously looking out into the woods. Sam moved in next to him and tried to figure out where he was looking.
“What are y-“ he asked. Dean shushed him before he could finish, then signaled for him to listen and pointed just past a thick bramble, to a gap between two trees. It would’ve been impossible to spot without years of hunting experience, out about 100 yards away were little moving. They weren’t even shadows, it was simply just movement in the dark. “Dude-“
Dean shushed him again, and shot him a dirty look before pointing more forcefully in the direction of the movement and focusing back in place. He gestured once again for Sam to listen. For a few moments they stood in silence, barely breathing. It was faint, but Sam began to make out what was unmistakably English. a dull beam of light swung around towards them then went back to facing the other direction, effectively re-blacking out the figures. Sam reached back, not taking his eyes off the movement, and now occasional glimpses of light, and snapped off the lantern.
It took a few seconds for their eyes to adjust to the dark. Once they could see each other again, Dean tilted his head to the left, pointed a few times with two fingers in a two directions then held one finger against his mouth. Sam nodded and they both began creeping in opposite directions with the intention of surrounding who or what was having a chat out in the woods at night.
Sam moved as if he were gliding above the forest floor. He could vaguely make out Dean doing the same, though he was now could see Dean about as well as he’d been able to see the... three? He hovered further. Definitely three people (or, by his guess witches), earlier. Now that he was getting closer, though, he began to take note of a few things.
There were three short witches(?) standing fanned out around something slumped on the forest floor, their dying halogen flashlight held limp in one of their hands, flickering sadly. The witch farthest from flashlight-witch and closest to Sam held a shovel, though didn’t make any moves to use it. None of them moved, they all just stood there and stared at whatever was at their feet.
He signaled to Dean that he was going to go in from the front. He was pretty sure he saw the shadows nod to him, so he took that as an okay. Like a mouse on cotton, he positioned himself just far enough into the forest that they couldn’t quite see, Dean doing the same but behind them.
“I- What do we do?” the one holding the flashlight muttered. His nose was awfully clogged, it sounded like he’d been crying.
“I don’t know, Tuck.” The one holding the shovel answered. She also sounded upset, but more like she was doing everything she could to push back tears, a tone that Sam knew very well. “Danny, are you sure you wanna do this?”
The one in the middle, Danny, shook his head. Each of his arms reached across his middle, like he was trying to hug himself, or maybe more like he was trying to make himself look small, trying to hide. “I-“ his voice cracked and he let out a few sobs. The leaves and sticks made a simultaneous crack as he fell down onto his knees, folding over himself and shaking with pure, cutting sorrow.
Flashlight, or Tuck apparently, and Shovel got down beside him, hugging him from either side. They held one another and sobbed, one of them, Shovel, creaking out some pained “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”’s between wordless wails. From the looks of them, they couldn’t be more than 12 years old. Or maybe they could, Sam wasn’t a pediatrician. They were undoubtedly much too young to be in the middle of nowhere, all alone in a fragile mental state doing who-knows-what.
Sam looked to Dean then gestured with his head to let him know he was going to talk to the kids. Dean shook his head and violently gestured with his gun at the kids. Wait. Not /at/ the kids, beyond them. He’d neglected studying the white-wrapped body in front of them. That explained the tears. He couldn’t help but feel for them, even though for all he knew they’d just murdered someone in cold blood. He looked back to Dean and nodded, then signaled again.
Keeping his gun at the ready, but tucking it behind his back he slowly and deliberately stepped out of the trees, intentionally making noise so they’d see him coming. Tuck looked up with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose. Danny and Shovel tensed but didn’t further acknowledge him.
“Um, hey,” he said, trying his best for nonthreatening and landing at the border of creepy and awkward. “Are you guys good?”
Tuck’s eyes flooded with tears, but he got up on shaky legs, trying to pull Danny and Shovel up with him. They weakly joined him, leaning against one another for support. Despite the warm night, all three were trembling.
“I’m, uh, I’m not here to hurt you,” Sam started, not really sure where he was going with this, “I’m Sam Winchester, what are your names?”
Tuck gave him the same watery stare he’d had the whole time, like Sam was the saddest thing he’d ever seen. Shovel looked up next, she was more angry. Maybe her smeared and ruined makeup should’ve made her look silly, but all it did was add to the aggression she exuded. He could see her squeezing both her friend’s shoulders and tugging them very slightly to the left, wordlessly signaling- or at least trying to- an escape plan. Sam pretended not to notice.
“I just wanna know what happened here,” he inched his way towards the corpse. As he got closer he could smell burnt hair and flesh, another thing he was all too familiar with. He didn’t break eye contact as he squatted down and gently pulled the sheet back from a tuft of what he assumed was hair.
He bit the inside of his cheek upon seeing the boy. Fried was the only word that could describe him. His mouth hung open, as did his eyes- or at least, what was left of them. Ooze had dribbled from every orifice and re-solidified in horrible mauve blobs. His hair was barely more than a charred mess, his skin was peeling and bubbled in places, and so discolored Sam could barely make out the dusting of freckles across his nose. This was a death in agony if he’d ever seen one.
He folded the cloth back over the boy’s head and straightened up, pulling the gun from where it had waited behind his back.
“Alright,” he said firmly, “I’m gonna need some answers.”
Danny looked up, letting Sam properly see his face for the first time. His red-rimmed eyes widened at the sight of the gun, lips tightening into a thin line. It was a look of fear and resignation. He ran the back of his hand across his nose. Sam noticed a dusting of freckles on it. He looked to the sheet and then back to Danny, then checked once more.
“What the hell is going on here.” Sympathy gone, Sam allowed himself to posture intimidatingly. Whatever freaks these- these- these... freaks! were, they weren’t about to get away with cooking some kid alive. “Talk.”
The “or I’ll shoot” was silent, but understood. Danny cleared his throat, one hand rubbed nervously on the back of his neck.
“It- I-“ he stuttered, then in a barely audible trembling voice he said, “I, uh, I think I’m dead.”  
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐑)
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑠𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑦 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝, 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐
𝐺𝐼𝐹𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠
❁ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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„Please welcome the world-wide known cellist Ian Park, who will lead today's concert, please applause for him.“ loud sounds of hands clapping resonated in the spacious orchestra hall, when the man in question stood up with a cello in his hands.
Over the time you two were together, it became a tradition for you and your sugar daddy Hongjoong to go to a classical music concert at least once a month. Always get dressed up in new robes he bought for you and walk down the corridors of the historical theatre as the people around you were amazed by how beautiful and a powerful couple you two were.
As the first tones of the symphony came out, your ears felt like melting from the lovely music played by the greatest musicians of the present time. Hongjoong's hand was resting on the part of your thigh exposed by the high slit in your dress. Fingertips drawing figures on your skin and going higher under the velvety material of your dress and reaching the seamless thong you wore underneath. „Don't you dare go any higher.“
„Was that meant to the soprano lady, or me?“ chuckled Hongjoong lowly as his hand went higher, his fingers rubbing up and down the wet patch on your underwear. Instead of an answer, a quiet whimper left your mouth unwillingly. Thank god, you were in one of the balcony booths and covered by dark, too far from the prying eyes.
His hand skillfully pushed your panties to the side, exposing your slit to the fresh air, the sudden chilly feeling and Hongjoong's fervent touches, made goosebumps rise up on your upper thighs.
As soon as his thumb came in a contact with your reddened clit that was desperately in need of his touch, your body started squirming in the seat, his second hand keeping you down from moving too much by gripping your thighs.
Having decided that you seemed to be aroused more than enough by the delicate stimulation of your clitoris he gave you, Hongjoong slipped two of his fingers covered by rings, into your heat, coating them in your slick right away, which made it only easier for him to thrust them into you in an intense speed and hardness, never failing to brush directly against your sweet spot, making the knot tighten in your stomach as you were getting so close to staining the luxurious seats of the national theatre building.
„Fuck, you gonna let it out, princess? You look so classy, yet you're getting off on my fingers like some bitch in heat in the middle of an opera concert, how pathetic. Your cunt couldn't wait any longer? What were you thinking of, that made you wet so easily, even though we are in public, hm? Tell me, my dirty girl.“
❁ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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„Seong- I mean, Mr. Park, I've organized the papers for you, here.“ you announced as you stepped into his spacious office, the glass-wall behind him allowing you to look at the panorama of the city, but even better sight than that was your sugar daddy Seonghwa focused on the papers in front of him.
The white shirt he had on, which covered the body you knew well, was slightly unbuttoned as Seonghwa ran his hands into his hair out of frustration. The level of stress in his body much more higher than it should be, as he tried to finish the paperwork for launching a sub-corporation of the company he ran.
When you first started working as his secretary, you two were mean to each other, always nitpicking on each other's words and arguing, but it all started when he got you the keys to your new apartment in the building he owned, or when you two fucked after the ball that was part of the business conference in Milan, and over the months you two got closer and closer to each other until he eventually became your sugar daddy.
„Mhm, Y/N, come here baby.“ going over to where he was, you stood in front of him, his arms wrapping around your waist and tugging you down to sit on his lap. „I'm so stressed baby, but I can't leave work until I finish the paperwork, why don't you get on your pretty knees and support me while I'm working?“
„Yes, sir.“ Nodding your head with a sly smirk, you obeyed his request, knowing exactly what he meant, and slipped down from his lap, going under the high desk he worked at, you reached for his pants, your fingers swiftly unbuttoning and tugging them down. Reaching for his briefs, you could hear Seonghwa chuckle at how impatient you were.
Wrapping your hand around his girth, your other hand resting on his thigh, your wet lips neared his tip leaking of pre-cum. Giving the tip kitten licks and teasingly kissing along his shaft, you tried to rile him up as much as possible, but he didn't seem to be having much of it, his hand gripping on your ponytail rather harshly, tugging on it to make you look up.
„Princess, get to work and don't tease, or else I'll have to knock on your apartment door tonight with a collar and a leash. Actually... a whore like you would like that, right? Being a fuck toy for me to use. Look at you right now, on your knees in my office knowing that anyone could walk in right now. Now suck on it like it's a lollipop, my kitten.“
❁ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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When Yunho said, „Baby baby, your favourite brand launched their new collection today, why don't we go and see some of it“ you did not expect to spend the next few hours shopping for clothes with him. At first, he wanted to see the brand, then he decided he needs some clothes for the press conference of the drama he was starred as the main character in, and then it ended up with you supposedly needing new dresses, „Yunho I don't need any dress.“
Shutting you with 'quiet baby', his hand tugged you to the shop he had in mind. It was a shop that specialized in gowns and formal clothing for different balls and this type of stuff. „Yuyu, I don't need any dress, I'm not going to any ball, so why would I need them.“
But Yunho wasn't having it, already too engaged with picking dresses for you. Going through the different rich materials and colours, his eyes landed on a beautiful black gown, with exposed shoulders and a high slit on the left leg. „Go try them on baby.“
Rolling your eyes at his request, too tired to do anything, but still agreeing to try them on to make your sugar daddy happy, you took the dress from his hand. Closing the door of the changing booth, you got too bothered with undressing, that you didn't notice Yunho slip in. That was until his soft fingertips started brushing against your collar bones, slipping the bra straps off your body. „Yunho what are you doing he-“
The words got caught in your throat as Yunho pressed his fingers against your wet slit, pressing onto your covered clit hardly, earning a moan from you. „What am I doing here? I think that's pretty obvious, I've noticed how desperately my girl looked, so I deducted I should help her... but she has to be quiet.“
Tugging your panties to the side, he got hold of his already hard shaft, pumping it a few times and lubricating it with his pre-cum. Positioning himself at your entrance, he looked at your reflection in the mirror, smirking at the desperate look on your face.
Slipping his length into your heat, he started off with a steady and fast pace, hitting the sweet spot hardly. One of his hands holding you by your waist and the other one shutting you as it was pushed against your mouth. „I don't have that many hands baby, so please rub your clit for me.“
Knowing well as to not anger him by not obeying his instructions, your hand slipped in between your legs, fingers coming to direct contact with the reddened bundle of nerves, desperate for any external stimulation, as the tip of Yunho's cock stimulated it from inside. The work of your fingers on your wet pussy was bringing you closer and closer to your sweet high, which you knew was for sure going to be exquisite.
Letting out incoherent moans as Yunho's pace got faster, his cock twitching signalising that you weren't the only one nearing your high, as your walls clenched around him tightly. „Fuck, fuck, fuck-“ Your mouth wide agape from the unexpected pleasure delivered to you, resulting in your fluids squirting not only on Yunho's well-endowed dick, but also the mirror you were pressed against. „Alright, you got tissues? Cuz I don't think the shop assistants will like to clean it..“
❁ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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It was Friday, which meant your regular dinner with your sugar daddy Yeosang at the luxurious restaurant you always went to. Dressed up in a comfortable, but pretty and seductive dress, you hopped into the back seat of the black car. Yeosang signalled to the chauffeur that he can get going to the restaurant.
Arriving at the hotel where the restaurant was situated, you went up by an elevator to the highest floor, which secured the impressive panorama. Being greeted by the usual waitress with a bottle of red wine in her hands, you excused yourself to use the restroom, while the cooks prepare food for you two.
Placing your purse down on the limestone sink, you took a look at your reflection in the mirror. Taking out the red lipstick you had with you, you reapplied it, since the previous layer got smudged.
Smudged thanks to Yeosang's hungry lips, because as soon as you sat down on the leather seat of his car, his hand immediately wrapped around your neck to bring you closer, his mouth fervently devouring yours.
Sighing you leaned against the counter, trying to get over the bemusing feeling in your lower parts, because how could he arouse you just with some kisses? Closing your eyes, you breathed out heavily, trying to calm yourself down so you can get back to him, without beseeching him to rail you right there, not noticing that the said man was present in the restroom, standing right behind you... That was until his hands laid themselves on your hips, catching you out of guard as you looked up in the mirror to see his boasting grin.
„What's wrong princess? Did my little actions in the car arouse you that much that you can't get back to me? Did you plan on getting yourself off to get rid of the heat in your panties? Did you think your little fingers could help you? I thought you were smarter than that, you should thank the deity that you have me. I'll free you of the arousal and wetness, all you have to do is beg.“
Weighing your options, you knew he was right..„Sir, please, rub my needy cunt, sir I'm all yours, so please help me release the knot in my stomach.“ Chuckling at the way you begged, knowing well how to do it after Yeosang taught you for months, his hands rolled your dress up to your waist, revealing your cotton panties.
Tugging them down to your knees, Yeosang leaned closer to you, looking at your reflection in the mirror, while whispering into your ear, „Relax, mister will rub your little cunt so well, so lean into his touch and be a good girl for him.“
❁ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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As you remember falling asleep in San's car, waking up in your sugar daddy's private jet was quite astounding. Lying on the soft cushions of the seat you were in, you let out a few whimpers as you stretched your sore body.
„Well, good morning baby. Did you get good sleep? I tried to move you to the jet as carefully as possible to not wake you up.“ Smiling at him, you murmured a few words of your thankfulness and how your sleep was.
Unclassping the seat belt, you stood up from your seat and approached San who was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. He placed the bundle of papers on the coffee table in front of him, straightening his arms up, to wrap around your waist and tug you down to his lap.
Nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck, your wrapped your arms around it tiredly. His hand wrapped around your waist and the second one laid on your thigh, keeping you close to him. You let out a few whimpers, wriggling in his lap, to satisfy the growing heat and rub your core against his muscular thighs. „Is there something wrong baby?“
„Can you help me out?“ you said with a quiet almost unhearable voice, a little pout forming on your lips. „Help you out with what, princess?“ you averted your gaze to the hem of your skirt, fingers playing with it. „I've had a naughty dream about you...“
San chuckled at the way your ears turned red at how embarrassed you were because of the request you had. His hand forgot its place on your knee as it moved up, way under your skirt. Tugging your panties to the side, he could feel just how much the wet dream aroused you. His fingers moved up and down your wet slit, purposely coating them with slick and moving them up to your clit.
Rubbing your clit, pressing on it and occasionally changing the intensity of his actions, you couldn't stop the gasps from spilling out from your mouth, you were so engaged by this, that you did not notice San unbuttoning his shorts in the meanwhile, freeing his hardened dick from the tight garments.
You noticed it only when the movement on your swollen bundle of nerves stopped, right before you neared the sweet release, an unsatisfied cry that was cut in your throat leaving your lips. „Shh, baby. Daddy got hard hearing those blissful moans leave your mouth, so it's only right we help each other out. But you can't forget that we aren't alone, so all you gotta do I hope that the pilot can't hear us...“
❁ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢
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High mountains covered in a white blanket of snow were illuminated by the fierce sun rays as they created a scene straight out of a painting. The sound of champagne glasses clicking was heard, as you and Mingi sat in the hot and bubbling water, located on a balcony of the luxurious mountain resort you were in. Only you, your sugar daddy and maybe a few deers out there, but still possibly visible to others, „Do you like it here, princess?“
Nodding at his questions enthusiastically, you sipped off the champagne as your body melted to the feeling of jacuzzi jets massaging your sore muscles, „Yes, it's amazing here, thank you Mingi, for taking me here, I don't even know how to repay you.“
„You don't have to repay me, anything princess, I'm just happy that you like my present, now come here.“ standing up from your 'seat' on the other side of the jacuzzi, goosebumps immediately rose up on your body as the winter breeze attacked your wet skin. Coming over to his seat, you sat back down rushedly as to not catch a cold, the hot water welcoming you, as you found your comfortable spot in Mingi's lap.
His large hands rested on your back, pulling you closer to his chest as they twiddled with the knot that kept the top part of your bikini together. „Mingi, I know we're alone, but you never know when someone's watching...“ you spoke nervously. „Don't think about it, relax into my touch, let the water massage your body.“ Untying the top of your swimwear, he let it fall to the water, the piece of cloth floating on the water surface.
His hands reached for your soft breasts, squeezing them softly as to your hurt you, twirling your hardening nipples between his fingers. Mingi leaned closer to your chest, his plump lips latching onto one of your breasts, sucking on it passionately. Your head was thrown back as you let out low moans, your hands going straight into his locks.
While his face was dipped into your chest, sucking on your soft mounds, your hands travelled down to where the hem of his swimsuit was. „It's only fair I repay you by taking care of you my prince, so now, you should be the one to relax to my touch.“
❁ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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„What are you reading?“ Averting your eyes from the flavescent pages of the book in your hands, you looked up at the man who stood in front of you. His skin sunbathed into a caramel tinted tone only added to how attractively his muscular body looked like, abs covered in beads of water as he just finished swimming in the sea, „50 shades of grey. A colleague of mine told me to read, it's kinda vanilla I have to say, nothing compared to what you do to me at nights.“
Smirking at your remark, he laid by your side on the soft cushions of the large beach couchette as soon as he finished drying his body. Keeping himself close to you, he threw a towel over your bodies, covering them completely, „Why are you covering us, Woo? Are you still cold from the water?“
„Let's just say I don't want other people to see that I got horny as fuck seeing my beautiful girl in her bikini and I just can't get my dick down, so try to act like nothing is happening as I stuff you full of my cock.“
Widening your eyes at how straightforward he was being to you in public, your cheeks got heated up as you could feel his fingers tugging your bikini bottoms down to your knees.
You looked around the beach, trying to act like nothing is happening just as he said, but when you locked eye contact with an older couple who were enjoying their time on the private beach and were looking at you awkwardly, you got even more embarrassed, so looking down into the mattress seemed like the best option. Wooyoung did the same with his swimsuit as he did with your, tugging it down to his knees, pulling out his leaking cock.
Without any more protraction, he sank his length into your wet hole. You had to bite on your lips to keep the moans from escaping past your lips. „Fuck, your cunt is taking me so well, you seem to like having a cock balls-deep in you, while we're in the public.“ His arms wrapped around your waist from behind as he pulled your back closer to his chest, his fingers playing with your nipples through the material of your swimsuit as he bottomed himself into you.
„Fuck, I don't think railing you once will be enough to satisfy our needs, should we go to the hotel room after this and recreate some of the book's chapters?“
❁ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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Sitting bored in the studio, your fingers typing something into your phone, you side-eyed the clock on the wall frequently, as you waited for the end of your partner's song recording. Black headphones on his head as he let out angel-like sounds into the microphone. „Woow, Jongho, good job for today, I think we can finish this up for today.“
Jongho smiled at the producer who sat in his seat in front of the computer screen, coming back from the recording room to where you were. Standing up from your seat on the couch, you went to him, almost jumping at him out of happiness that this boring session was finally over.
„Jongho, can you please keep guard over the studio for about fifteen minutes? I have to go pick up something but I have no idea where I put my keys.“ Looking over to you, to ask whether it was okay, you nodded although you were not very happy about it, and with that Jongho agreed to watch the studio while the producer left.
„How did you like my recording today?“ mischievous smile on his face as he asked you that, knowing very well while he brought you here. „Did you bring me here today on purpose? Who would have thought that the sweet and awkwardly shy Choi Jongho, would record a song with such naughty lyrics? Hmm, tell me, who were you singing about? Who were you imagining fucking, while you were writing those lyrics?“ Taking small steps, you were slowly cornering him, up until he fell on the couch behind him.
Sitting down onto his thick thighs, the material of his jeans coming straight to contact with your core as the skirt you wore covered you two. Leaning closer to him, you attached your lips onto the skin on his neck, nibbling on it softly as to not leave any marks. „We have around ten minutes left, should I give you a preview of what is waiting for you tonight?“
Your cleavage was straight in front of his eyes as you straddled his lap, purposely pressing your breasts against his chest to accentuate it and catch his attention more. Subtly griding against the tent forming in his jeans, your hand caressing his temples innocently. You could feel him shifting underneath you, some incoherent babble stammering out of his lips at your actions. Your hands took hold of his wrists, placing them on your waist,
„Now, do you think you'll be able to cum and get rid of your boner in less than seven minutes, pretty boy?“
❁ tag list : @galaxteez @gyubaby @bobateastay @tinytinyblogs @ateezinmymind @chososchaos @voidednightmares
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315 notes · View notes
the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
I Fear We’re Facing A Problem
Pairing: Carol Danvers x enhanced!Fem Reader
Words: sorry, laptop is still being a bitch so it’s another mobile
Summary: You convince Carol to join you on a night out and a good time is had by all!
Warnings: WLW, explicit language, explicit sexual content (spanking, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of using a dildo), violence (but nothing too gory, just standard canon stuff), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: Another from my WIP folder and my second WLW fic! (Which I really need to write more of btw cus this was a real treat). I also may have accidentally stumbled on a little something that I had never thought of before but that is most likely going to be coming in the future, see if you can pick up those hints! 😉
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!!!
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Carol dodged a beer bottle as she stepped into the bar, cursing to herself before scanning the room for additional threats.
And boy were there a lot of them.
When you had drunk dialed her 20 minutes ago, noting your intention to start a fight with some chauvinist assholes, she hadn’t really believed you. But there you were in the middle of a full on brawl, punching some idiot in an army uniform in the mouth before grabbing a pitcher and breaking it over his head.
Carol moved forward as one of your victim’s companions grabbed you around the middle and lifted you off the floor. She tossed aside some moron in a leather jacket easily as he came at her with a broken bottle before wrapping her arm around the neck of the jackass that had you in a hold.
He choked and released you, his hands scrabbling at Carol’s forearm. She ignored him as you launched yourself over the table and kicked another of the army boys in the face before turning and shooting her a grin.
“Hey Danvers!” You said, grabbing another assailant by the back of the neck and tossing him across the room with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Y/N, what have I told you about drinking by yourself?” She said, dropping the man she was holding with a thud as he had finally passed out. She ducked as someone across the bar threw a stool, catching it in midair and hefting it back at him.
“I wasn’t by myself.” You said as you ripped a leg off one of the tables and cracked it across some guys back. “Thor was here, and he brought some bomb-ass mead.”
“That asshole left you here by yourself after getting you drunk on Asgardian mead?” She was going to have to have a talk with that idiot next time she saw him.
“Unlike someone, Thor knows I can take care of myself.” You said with an eye roll before breaking a beer bottle and plunging it into the thigh of some new moron.
“You’re not the one I’m worried about, sweetheart.” She scolded as she caught the leg of one of the idiots and threw him across the room.
“Oh, it’s sweetheart now?” You said with a snort before head butting someone.
“I am so not having this discussion with you right now.” She said before punching some asshole in the ribs.
“We gotta have it sometime, though.” You laughed as you caught a fist in your palm and drove your other hand into the idiot’s elbow until you heard a snap.
“Well maybe if you tried asking me out when you were sober, we’d get somewhere.” She said sarcastically, dodging a punch and throwing the puncher one handed into the ceiling.
“What?!? Y/N, I leave to get you sustenance and you start a fight?” Thor thundered, absorbing a couple of blows before picking up one of the army brats with one hand and striding towards you, hefting the grease soaked bag above the fray.
“Thorsie baby, you got my burrito!!!” You said giddily, tossing the man who was trying to stab you aside as you hopped on a table and pounced on the Asgardian, making grabby hands at the food.
“I can’t believe you left her unsupervised after giving her mead.” Carol said as things finally started to calm down as the bar patrons eyed the god who had just strode in with wariness. She slapped down a giant wad of cash on the bar, hoping it would be enough to cover all the damages.
“She was hungry and getting insistent, I didn’t think she could start anything in half an hour.” He said with a bit of a pout as he ignored your eating, your legs still wrapped around him as you moaned around your burrito.
“You’re a fucking enabler, Odinson.” Carol said with a shake of her head. “Did you forget about Helsinki?”
“Ha, that was a good time!” You said around a mouth full of burrito.
“It was an international shitshow, Y/N.” She said as Thor guffawed. “Poor Nat had to do damage control for a month. What am I gonna do with you?”
“You could make me your housewife.” You said teasingly before taking another giant bite of your burrito, slowly unwrapping yourself from Thor as you arrived at Carol’s Jeep.
She rolled her eyes at you as you gave her the most ridiculous doe eyes she’d ever seen. “You’re so fucking manipulative.”
“Please, I’d be a damn amazing housewife.” You grumbled, waiting for Thor to crawl into the backseat. “Isn’t that right, Thorsie?”
“Her pancakes are delectable.” Thor said with an appreciative nod.
“See?! I’d make you pancakes everyday baby!” You whined as you buckled yourself in.
She just shook her head at you as she started the engine and pulled out.
You stuck out your tongue at her before turning to Thor over your shoulder. “Well, since Danvers here has a fear of commitment,” you said, ignoring her scoff. “ you want to make an honest woman out of me, Odinson?”
He threw his head back and laughed heartily before clapping a hand on your shoulder. “I would be honored to have you for my queen, Y/N.”
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Carol growled. She was starting to get annoyed with your antics.
“Oh, are you jealous?” You said as you turned back to her, grinning like an idiot. “Cuz just say the word babe and I’d leave Mr. Asgard in a heartbeat, sorry Thor.”
He just chuckled at the two of you as Carol finally pulled into the compound, a scowl on her face.
“Let’s get you back to your room, Y/N.” She said resignedly, climbing down from the front seat and shaking her head at you.
“Are you gonna take advantage of me in my inebriated state, Danvers?” You teased as you stumbled out of the vehicle, Thor catching your arm and steadying you as he followed. “Cuz I’m down.”
“I’m gonna sober you up so you’re ready for the shitstorm that’s coming your way once your little bar brawl hits the news.”
“Ugh, lame!!!” You said with a roll of your eyes as you followed after her.
The three of you made your way to the living quarters, Thor holding you steady as you wobbled on still drunk legs, grinning and laughing with him as Carol marched in front of you. She shook her head at you two as you reached the door to your room. You leaned against the wall with a huff and a pout as she worked on unlocking your door.
“I’ve got her from here, Odinson.” She said as she got the door open, swinging it onwards and giving him his own look of reproach. “And don’t think your getting off easy, I already apprised Rogers of your role in this fiasco.”
“Ha, the Captain doesn’t scare me!” He said, doing a piss poor job of hiding the flash of worry that crossed his face. He turned to give you a grin and a kiss on the forehead before turning to leave. “Have a good night ladies.”
You turned to give Carol a knowing grin before she shoved you inside and followed after you, slamming the door behind her.
She finally let her face split into a massive grin now that the two of you were alone, a hearty laugh ripping from her chest that you reciprocated as she stepped into you.
“So, Thor knows then?” She said as she ripped off her leather jacket and tossed it aside, working on unbuttoning her flannel.
“Of course he knows, babe.” You said as you wrenched your tee over your head, moving to unbutton your jeans. “Pretty sure he figured it out as soon as it happened.”
“You didn’t tell him then?” She asked you with a cocked eyebrow as she stepped out of her boots and kicked them aside.
You rolled your eyes as you bent to untie your sneakers. “No, I don’t know why you want to keep it a secret though.”
“Mmm, I just like knowing that I get to do all these filthy things to you and no one has any idea about it.” She said as she watched you straighten back up, wearing nothing but your bralette and thong. “Now bend over the couch.”
“What?!?! Oh c’mon babe, we weren’t serious when we made that deal!”
“I was absolutely serious, sweetie. Now bend over and take your punishment like a good girl.”
You pouted and did as you were told, supporting yourself on your elbows as you presented your ass to her.
“Spread those legs further.” She ordered, tapping her toes against the inside of your ankle until you complied. “There she is. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous, we’re only gonna do 10 tonight, since you managed to keep your antics local.”
“Yes ma’am.” You said grudgingly, a shiver running up your spine as she ran her fingers up the back of your thigh.
The first smack jolted you forward suddenly, almost sending you tumbling over the couch as you dug your hands into the cushions. Carol ran her hand soothingly over the red handprint that she’d raised on your left ass cheek before bracing her other hand over your back and grinning down at you.
“That’s one.” She said, her fingers brushing over your clothed core and making you whine before she slapped your other cheek just has hard. “Two.”
She made the same soothing gesture over your right cheek before spanking you directly above your clenching pussy and making you scream.
“Ooh, three.” She said, biting her lip as she rubbed her hand in a big circle over your sex, feeling the dampening cloth of your panties with a satisfied smirk. “Fuck, baby.”
She gave two more slaps to each cheek in a quick succession that had you whimpering and sinking into the sofa, your knees starting to give out. Her next smack was over your core again, and you whined as a fresh rush of arousal flowed out of you and started to leak down your thighs, the fabric of your panties now soaked completely through.
“Love how wet my baby gets.” Carol cooed before shredding your panties with a quick twist of her wrist and flinging the ruins aside. She sucked in a breath as she got a look at the mess between your legs; plump swollen folds flushed with heat and pulsing with need as juices flowed out you. “Just two more. Think I can make you cum from just a spanking?”
Her ninth slap was right over your entrance and made you twitch as she kept her hand curled over your mound, just pressing against you as she felt the muscles of your core throbbing under her fingers. She took a layer of slick with her when she withdrew her hand, and you peeked over your shoulder to watch her suck your arousal from her fingers.
“Carol...” you whined, your breath coming in needy little pants as you waited for her to give you your last spank.
“Such a needy little baby. You better ask me real nice sweetie, otherwise I might just tie you up and leave you all frustrated. Maybe I’ll make you watch me fuck myself on that stormbreaker dildo you’ve been keeping secret. Would you like that?”
“Fuck, Carol! Please, please fucking spank me! I promise I’ll be your good girl!” You moaned, trying to press yourself back into her hand, desperate for release.
“Aww, but I don’t want you to be a good girl.” She said.
Her final spank was a direct hit to your clit, and you screamed as your entire body spasmed. Your fingers dug into the couch cushions as you squirted all over Carol’s hand, your knees finally giving out as you sobbed with pleasure.
“Oh, I knew you could do it baby.” She said as she started to press soft kisses down your back, her hand still in between your legs rubbing in big, slow circles over your pussy with just enough pressure to drive you crazy. “Love making my bad girl fall apart. Don’t you dare start behaving now.”
“Yes ma’am.” You sighed into the cushions as you came down.
Carol ran her lips and tongue over the swollen marks she’d left on you, her hand an your core starting to press into you harder. You gasped when she suddenly pulled you apart, her fingers spreading your folds and barely giving you a chance to adjust before her tongue ran over your slit in a heavy stripe.
“Shit!” You cried as you thumped your first against the sofa, your cunt clenching around nothing as Carol lapped at your sex like it was the first drink she’d had in weeks.
She grinned against you, slipping a finger inside you and making your keen as her lips wrapped around your clit. You had to fight to stay upright as she slipped in a second finger, scissoring them inside you and stretching you open as she suckled at your tiny button, making you clench around her.
You let out an inhuman shriek when she added the third finger, thrusting yourself backwards into her face and fucking yourself on her hand as her mouth still worked at taking you apart. She shook her head to bury her face even deeper and you lost it, sobbing as your body tried to curl in on itself as your orgasm crashed over you.
Carol brought both hands to keep you from collapsing at the same time she pressed the flat of her tongue over your pussy, moaning as you throbbed against her face and she caught your release as it squirted out of you, swallowing it greedily as her lips wrapped around your sex.
Your body finally stopped shaking and she stood up behind you, curling over your back and turning your head so she could press her lips against yours. She teased your lips with your tongue and you opened up to her, whining into her mouth as you tasted yourself.
“Mmm, how you feeling baby?” She asked with a grin as she pulled away from you, taking your breath with her.
“Pretty fucking fantastic.” You said, beaming back at her. You flipped yourself over until you landed on the couch with a huff, making her roll her eyes at you. “Really wanna make you feel good too, beautiful.” You said with a wink.
“Yeah? How you gonna do that?” She said as she watched you reach under the couch, searching for something.
“Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea.” You said as you straightened back up, placing a long black box on your lap. “I don’t know how you found out about this, but it’s gonna blow your fucking mind. Say hello to the stormbreaker.”
You opened the box to reveal a massive, pretty realistic looking dildo and Carol let out a guffaw as you wiggled your eyebrows at her suggestively.
“I love you sweetheart, but I’m not letting you fuck me with a dildo based off one of our best friends!”
“Don’t be such a square, baby!” You said, standing up to chase after her as she headed into the bedroom. “He’d be flattered!!”
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n00dl3gal · 3 years
Like Old Times (Father-Son Bonding AU)
A direct sequel to the “Expiration Date” fic, which I’ll link in a reblog. I’ve also posted all my fics in this AU to AO3!! Thanks again to @thetriggeredhappy for their help and just generally being a cool dude, and the Scoutsune Discord server for indulging my brainrot
No warnings beyond family schmoop!
Less than an hour after the bread monster incident, the Administrator called for a ceasefire. “Only while your base is repaired,” she said over the TV screen. “BLU is quite disappointed in this negligence- as am I. Regardless, you may use these three days as you see fit. Go home, stay here- whatever you do, no more bread monsters.” The screen turned off with a click. 
Scout exhaled through his nose. He was thankful there was no mention of him or Miss Pauling’s woodchipper. 
Spy decloaked behind him. “Less time than I wanted, but c’est la vie.” Scout looked at him over his shoulder. “I’m meeting with an old contact during our break,” Spy said in Italian. “Would you like to come along? It’ll be like old times.” 
Scout’s brow furrowed, but he nodded. At least this way, he’d get out of helping Engie and Heavy with repairs. And possibly meeting Miss Pauling’s woodchipper. 
“Excellent. Our flight is at 7 AM tomorrow.” 
“We’re flying commercial?” Scout asked, also in (more hesitant) Italian. 
“Our destination is continental. We’ll leave the base by 5:30.” Scout groaned as Spy started to leave. But- wait, he hadn’t- 
“Oi, where are we going, anyway?” he called back in English. 
Spy paused to look at him and smile. “Boston.” 
“Why do we always get the ass-crack-of-dawn flights?” Jeremy asked groggily, reclining his seat.
“They are the ones with first-class seats available,” Raphael replied. He took a sip from his mimosa. 
“Yeah, cuz God forbid you fly coach for once.” Jeremy shifted, trying to get comfortable. “Hey. Have I ever been to Boston before?”
Raphael didn’t answer immediately. His lip sucked in, as if in thought. “Yes. When you were very, very young. You wouldn’t remember.” 
Jeremy nodded. He wanted to ask more, there was something Raphael wasn’t saying but… well, he was never a morning person. He fell asleep before the plane even took off. 
. . .
It was mid-afternoon by the time they landed in Boston. Jeremy was never fond of long flights; having his legs cramped like that for extended periods of time was murder. He was half tempted to take a jog around Logan International. Raphael, on the other hand, was ushering them both to the car rental. “Can’t even get a stretch in, huh?”
“Unfortunately, we are expected by 4, and I would hate to keep my contact waiting,” Raphael explained in French, accepting the keys from the girl at the counter. “She’s not a very patient woman, in some regards.” 
Jeremy huffed but didn’t argue. He just followed his father to the rental, tossing his suitcase in the backseat. “Y’know, the girl at the counter-” 
“We will not have time for you to go out on a date, Jeremy.” 
“No! No, it was- her accent’s kinda like mine, it’s weird,” Jeremy said. Raphael started the car. “Cuz I’ve only been here as a baby, and I got mine from TV and shit. It’s just… really strange, is all.” 
Raphael made a quiet noise of agreement. “Some of the shows you watched as a child were filmed here. It’s not as complex as you think it is.” 
“Yeah, probably not…” 
The pair lapsed into silence as Raphael drove. Storefronts and high rises morphed into houses. It had been a while since they were in a residential area. RED, for understandable reasons, kept away from civilians. 
Raphael took the roads with practiced experience. Sure, it had been implied he knew the area. If he had a contact here- one with a house, presumably- he must’ve spent time here. But this- this was far too familiar. A bit suspicious, actually. 
Eventually, Raphael slowed in front of a more rundown Brownstone. Still quite nice, just needed a little work. It felt… welcoming, in a way Jeremy couldn’t name.
“Lotta cars,” he observed as Raphael parallel parked. “Must be a party going on somewhere.” 
“Hmm, perhaps,” Raphael said, turning the car off. “Would you mind ringing the doorbell for me? I need to grab something from the trunk. Ask for Sara Jane.” 
OK, now Jeremy knew something was up. He was never the one to make the first contact, that was always Dad’s job. Jeremy might be a full-grown adult, but there were some things that didn’t change. This was one of them. 
Still, he nodded. He climbed up the front steps and ringed the doorbell. He heard- multiple voices from inside, predominantly male, but they quickly silenced themselves. A TV, perhaps? They really ought to get that flower box on the second story window fixed- 
The woman who opened the door was a bit shorter than him, though not by much. She was wearing a simple dress, hoop earrings, and flats. Her hair was dark, curved to her chin. But her nose and earlobes felt… achingly familiar. Like Jeremy saw them all the time. 
“Um, hi, I’m looking for Sara Jane? My name’s-” The rest of his speech was knocked out of him as the woman launched herself at him. Jeremy braced for an attack, but quickly realized she was… hugging him. 
She was hugging him, sobbing, and choked out the word “Jeremy.” 
Wait. He knew that voice. He had only heard it a few times in his life, few enough he could count them on one hand, but he knew it. “M-Ma?” he whispered. 
The woman- Sara Jane- Ma looked up at him, still crying. Her hands found his face as she observed him. “Y-yeah, sweetie, it’s me, it’s-it’s your ma,” she said. 
“Ma!” he laughed, tears of his own dancing down his cheeks. He hugged her back, practically lifting her off her feet. “Oh my God, Ma! I-I never thought I’d-” 
“Oh Jeremy, sweetie, look how tall you’ve gotten! Last I saw you, you fit in my arms! My baby, my handsome baby,” she spoke over him. She rubbed circles into his back as they embraced. It felt so, so right. 
Jeremy laughed even harder. “Are you kiddin’? I got it from you, you’re beautiful, Ma!” He stared at her, trying to commit every mole and wrinkle and perfect flaw to memory. “I can’t believe- oh my God, I’m actually meeting you!” 
“It was long overdue,” another voice said, as Raphael joined them on the front stoop. “I had put it off for safety reasons, but considering our current, ah, situation… I felt it was worth the risk.” 
Sara Jane squealed, pulling Raphael into the hug as well. “You’ve been taking good care of my boy, you promise me, Raphael?” 
“Don’t worry Ma, he’s the best dad I could ask for, considering,” Jeremy teased. 
“Oh, don’t I know it. Called me up last night and told me to get the whole motley crew together. Even managed to get Melvin to bring his twin daughters, bless his wife’s heart,” she explained. 
Jeremy blinked. “Uh- Melvin? Daughters?”
Sara Jane laughed. It sounded so much like Jeremy’s it practically hurt. This was his mother. Lord, he’s finally seeing her. “Melvin’s your older brother, sweetie. Eh, sixth oldest. Bobby’s the oldest.” 
“I have a brother?”
“Oh honey, you’re the youngest of eight,” Sara Jane said plainly. 
“...fuck,” Jeremy whispered. 
. . .
He didn’t just have seven brothers. He had seven brothers, four of which brought their wives, one who brought his boyfriend, and three who brought their kids. And the kids totaled to an additional six, counting the babies. 
It was… an admittedly tight squeeze in the living room. 
Sara Jane introduced Jeremy. Jeremy had been expecting to be treated like a stranger. He had vanished when he was a baby, after all, and his younger-older brothers probably wouldn’t remember him at all. 
And yet, it was like he knew them all his life. 
They teased him and punched him playfully and acted so friendly, so familial it nearly made Jeremy break down. He was still crying from meeting Ma, but being dogpiled with so much affection was suffocating. In a good way. He had seen on sitcoms the intrinsic bond between family, and while he felt it with Dad, they also risked their lives nearly daily. But it was real, it was here, and it was wrapping him in a warm blanket. 
Despite the chaos and the sheer number of people, Jeremy didn’t feel overwhelmed. He laughed and played along with their jokes, cracking some back when he could get a word in. Scott ragged on his dog tags, he countered by pointing out the hole in his pants. Michael told him he was still a shortass, he replied with “it takes one to know one.” Elliot and Ricky were the closest to actually getting hurt, and that was only because Jeremy elbowed them both so hard they nearly fell over. 
For the first time in 25 years, Jeremy understood what “home” meant. 
The kids were especially curious, eager to meet their uncle and step-grandfather. Within seconds, young Rebecca- only four years old- was challenging Jeremy to a race around the house. “I’m the fastest kid in the world,” she bragged, puffing out her chest. 
“Oh yeah?” Jeremy asked. “That a fact?”
“You wanna test me? I beat Johnny Three-Legs at running, and he’s got three legs!” Jeremy laughed and stood from the couch, letting her lead him outside. “On the count of three, OK?”
“You’re on, pipsqueak,” Jeremy teased.
“Onetwothree GO!” Rebecca yelled, taking off in a sprint. Jeremy knew that, by all accounts, he should beat her. His legs were longer, she didn’t have the proper running stance, and it was his job to be fast. That’s what he got paid to do. But some small voice was telling him to let her win, so he did. “Ha! I told ya!” 
“Ya sure did,” he replied, mock panting. “Look at you, a freaking blur on the green. You’re goin’ to the Olympics, kid.” 
Rebecca beamed and hugged his leg. “Promise, Uncle Jeremy?” He nodded because, after that display, there was no way he could speak without squeaking like a chew toy. 
Rebecca skipped back inside, past Raphael, who was watching on the stoop. “You’re a natural with children,” he observed. “I used to do the same thing when you were that age.” 
“Wait- wait, really? You sure fooled me,” Jeremy said. 
Raphael rolled his eyes. “What’s my job again, mon lapin?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Jeremy leaned against the railing, watching Raphael’s cigarette smoke in the wind. “Hey. Uh… thanks for arranging all of this. You really didn’t need to.”
“But I did. I meant it when I said this was overdue. I’ve been wanting to introduce you to the rest of the family for a while, but have been unable. Then that whole ordeal with the supposed tumors, and-” Raphael exhaled slowly. “It wouldn’t have been fair to you if you died without knowing them. I would’ve never forgiven myself.” 
Jeremy punched his shoulder lightly. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, pops. It all worked out, we’re still kicking, and that roast chicken Ma’s making smells incredible. Everything’s perfect.” 
Raphael finished his cigarette and smiled. “Oui. It is.” 
. . .
While Sara Jane had been able to get the rest of the family here, it was a school night. Kids needed to be tucked in by 9:30, so most of Jeremy’s brothers were gone by 8. Elliot was staying overnight, as was his boyfriend. Otherwise, the house quickly went from bustling to barren. 
It gave Jeremy a chance to explore his would-be childhood home.
He made his way upstairs, pushing open one of the doors. It led- to little surprise- to a bedroom. It was set up like a nursery, with a crib in one corner and a toddler bed in the other. Toys were scattered about across the floor. 
He heard Sara Jane sigh behind him. “This was your room, you know.” Jeremy turned to look at her as she flipped the light switch. “That crib… I had put you to bed the night your father planned to fake his death. I was in on the whole plan, naturally. He wanted to hold you one last time, so I said OK. When I woke up the next morning… you were both gone.” She exhaled slowly, grabbing onto his shoulder. “I wrote both of you off as dead, but I knew what had happened. Honestly, should’ve figured it out before then. You hadn’t woken me up crying,” she joked. Her eyes were watering. 
Jeremy hugged her, pulling her close. “You never took the crib down?” 
“By the time I was ready, Bobby’s wife was pregnant, so I kept it up for my grandbabies. I knew- I knew you were out there, sweetie. Both of you.” She kissed his cheek, squeezing him.
“I-I never got to be a normal kid, really,” he confessed. “I mean, Dad did his best, gave me comic books and board games and stuff, but-but I never went to school or made friends or anything like that. I-I didn’t even know I had a family. It took me forever to even realize I had a Ma. An-and everything I did-” The tears were flowing again, more freely than earlier. “Ya missed me losing my first tooth, and potty trainin’, and all that stuff parents should know about. I-I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
Sara Jane wiped his cheek dry. “Don’t apologize for what your father did, Jeremy. And definitely don’t apologize for me not potty training another kid. Besides… hold on, I’ll be right back.” She made her way down the hallway. Jeremy didn’t follow, instead deciding to examine the crib. This was where he grew up. It was a simple crib, obviously well-used. Not worn-down, mind, just… used. It had a history. A history that Jeremy wanted to decode, but unlike his dad’s ciphers, he didn’t have the key. 
“Took me a second to find it,” Sara Jane said. She handed him what appeared to be a scrapbook. “Raphael- he wrote when he can. Taught me some basic codes, would send out letters whenever you’d leave a town. Never left a return address, but…” Jeremy flipped through the pages, moving to sit on the small bed. The letters were all coded but appeared to be about how much Raphael missed Sara Jane. Updates on Jeremy’s growth. Letters from a father to his lover and son’s mother. 
One page jumped out to him, though. “I remember this,” he said, running his fingers against the paper. It was a simple drawing of a young boy, holding a catcher’s mitt, and a taller man next to him. “I drew this after Dad took me to my first baseball game, for my eighth birthday. I thought I lost the drawing after we skipped town, but- he sent them to you?”
Sara Jane nodded. “And I kept them all. Oh, honey, the day I first heard your voice on the phone- Mikey can tell you, I damn near fell over. You sounded so happy, and even if I couldn’t see you, that’s all a mother wants.” Jeremy leaned against her and she shut the book. “That’s all a mother wants, sweetie. To see her kids be safe and happy.” 
“I am, Ma,” he assured her. “I promise.” 
They sat like that for a while, with Sara Jane commenting on various letters and drawings in the scrapbook. Apparently, Raphael sent her money when he could- more frequently now that Mann Co. paid so well. She also had a rough idea of their current occupations. “I figure, if you and your father are working for the same company- with his skills, there’s gotta be a whole lot of nonsense going on out in that desert.” Jeremy laughed at that because she wasn’t wrong. “But I also figure since he raised you right, he’ll keep the both of you safe.” 
“I keep him safe too, don’t worry,” Jeremy added. “Uh- listen, it’s touching and all you kept the crib, but I don’t have to sleep in it, right?” 
They both had a good chuckle over that. Their laughs were in perfect harmony. 
. . .
The next two days were a mix of learning the family history and exploring Boston. It was the offseason, so there weren’t any games going on at Fenway, but Jeremy still got a picture in front of the park. Sara Jane took the pair to a restaurant that served “the best damn clam chowder in the contiguous United States.” Which, incidentally, led them to discover Jeremy was allergic to clams. Thankfully they didn’t have to go to the hospital- he just sort of immediately got sick before it passed- but it did suck.
It was damn good chowder, though. 
They went down to the harbor where the Boston Tea Party happened. It was crowded with people, resulting in them not staying long. Jeremy was a bit better with crowds than Raphael, but neither was great with them. Came with the job. Getting overpriced memorabilia from a nearby gift shop, though, went over much more smoothly. 
When not out on the town, Sara Jane dug out more scrapbooks and photo albums, catching Raphael up on what his stepsons had been up to. She showed Jeremy pictures from Ricky’s first school play to Scott opening up his butcher shop. Graduation pictures, wedding pictures, baby pictures- it was all there, and Jeremy devoured it. He wanted to know these people. He wanted to know his family. And he did. He learned about Michael’s stint in the Navy, Melvin meeting his wife, how Bobby’s son could dribble a basketball for twenty minutes straight. He learned about how his parents met. How Raphael loved each of Sara Jane’s children, even if they weren’t biologically his. How Jeremy wasn’t planned- few of the kids were - but they were both so, so happy to realize he was coming. 
He also learned that, while diner food would remain the undisputed king, homemade meatloaf came pretty close. 
. . .
The only problem came when it was time to leave. It wasn’t that Jeremy didn’t want to return to work, or leave his Ma behind. Sara Jane wasn’t even torn up over losing her son and lover again. It just felt like there was so much left to say, to do. There was uncertainty as to when they’d be able to return. “We get time off for Smissmas, I know that’s months away but I’ll be here, I promise,” Jeremy swore, hugging Sara Jane for the eighth time. 
“You better,” she said, squeezing him tightly. “You have 25 years worth of gifts to catch up on, not to mention birthday gifts-”
“Ma, you don’t have to go that far,” he whined. He was touched, sure, but the thought of that much luggage was truly frightening. Oh God, he was going to have to get gifts for everybody, wasn’t he? What do kids even want for Smissmas? 
“Hush, let me spoil my baby,” Sara Jane told him, kissing his cheek. “Oh, Jeremy…” 
Jeremy nodded. “I know, but I’ll call. I’ll write, too. Send pictures if I can.” 
“I’ll make sure he does,” Raphael assured her. Sara Jane stood to kiss his lips, with Jeremy looking away pointedly. “You have my word, ma petite chou-fleur.” 
“Alright, alright- now get going, I don’t want you two missing your flight. That boss of yours sounds like she’ll tear you both a new one if you’re late,” Sara Jane said, shooing them away. “Love you boys!” 
“I love you too, Ma!” Jeremy shouted back, for the very first time. 
The drive back to the airport was quiet. Jeremy stared out the window, watching his hometown- he had a hometown- pass by. “Hey, dad?” he asked, still looking outside. Raphael grunted to acknowledge he was listening. “One of these days, our contracts with Mann Co. are gonna expire. We’re gonna have to find new jobs.” 
“Yes, that’s correct,” Raphael said. He tapped a rhythm against the steering wheel. 
“And-and I was thinking when that time comes… maybe we could come back to Boston. Find some gigs out here,” Jeremy suggested. 
Raphael sighed. “Unfortunately, being a spy means that you don’t have the option of retiring, Jeremy. Not until you’re unable to complete your job. At that point, though, you’ve probably died a dozen times over,” he explained. “Even if I could retire, settling down somewhere so close to people I care about- I would still have enemies.” 
“Right. ‘Course,” Jeremy said. “It’s OK.” 
“That being said,” Raphael continued, “you have the luxury of youth and not being tied down to such a career. If you want to find a job in Boston after we finish with RED, there’s nothing stopping you.” 
“But people will still be after me, since I’m your son. And you wouldn’t be around.”
“Every child leaves their parents someday. And you’re strong, Jeremy. You can protect yourself and your family.” Raphael smiled. “I don’t believe Sara Jane needs much protecting, but I do worry.” 
Jeremy laughed. “I mean, did ya see the muscles on Scott and Michael? Guys can probably bench press a tractor!” 
They both chuckled before settling into quietude. Eventually, though, Jeremy had to break the silence. His voice was barely above a whisper. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, mon lapin.”
“...so your nickname for Ma is fucking ‘little cauliflower?’ What the hell, Dad?” 
94 notes · View notes
pushing buttons ~ eminem
word count: 1912
request?: yes!
@thatonegirlthatlikesthings “Hi me again I literally love your writing so much omg I was wondering if you could once again indulge my Eminem obsession cuz my baby don’t get enough love🥺🥺 I was thinking like a angst/fluff where MGK tries to hit on the reader even though he’s with Meg Fox now and Em loses it and dr Dre and Paul try to call him down but it doesn’t really work and the reader has to chill him out. I love you I love your writing and I love you bye!🥰☺️❤️❤️”
description: in which his enemy tries to push his buttons by flirting with his girl
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warning: swearing
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“What the fuck is that prick doing here?”
Marshall glared at the tall blonde standing across the room with his arm around a familiar actress. It was the night of his launch party for his new album, and he thought it was just supposed to be personal friends of his as well as his friends from the industry. However, a few others from the industry had arrived as well, including the infamous Machine Gun Kelly.
“Paul invited him,” Marshall’s girlfriend, (Y/N) responded. “Said you two should try and squash the beef. Fans are getting tired of it.”
“Squashing the beef and becoming friends with the enemy are two totally different things,” Marshall hissed.
“You don’t have to be friends,” (Y/N) told him. “Just...shake his hand, look friendly for the pictures, end the beef.”
Marshall rolled his eyes as (Y/N) wrapped an arm around his waist and gave him a slight squeeze. “I know, I tried to tell Paul he should run this past you first. But him and MGK’s manager think it’s best for both of you to end the beef. He wants to move on with his new punk pop genre, you should move on too considering the fact that you absolutely destroyed him.”
She lowered her voice to a whisper for that last part, causing Marshall to smirk.
“This is gonna push me to drink,” he muttered as he noticed Kells approaching him.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” (Y/N) hissed. “If you break your sobriety, I will be your worst nightmare.”
Marshall smiled at her before dropping it to glare at Kells.
“Hey man,” Kells started. “Listen, thanks for the invitation. I know things have been rocky between us, but I hope you know I never meant any harm by my tweet about Hailie, and I still view you as a massive inspiration to me. I just thought...maybe I’d get more recognition with the diss, and it worked. It just sort of fucked up my rap career in the process.”
(Y/N) gave Marshall a quick look before sipping on the drink she had in her hand. They were both shocked by such a mature response from Kells, especially after the stuff Kells said about Marshall following the drop of Not Alike and Killshot.
She was watching her boyfriend expectantly as he processed what had been said to him. He glanced back at (Y/N) finally before saying, “No hard feelings, man. Tensions ran high, we both said some shit, I think it’s time we get past it.”
Kells smiled and offered a hand to Marshall. Although reluctant at first, Marshall took it and shook his hand. Kells soon left and went back to his girlfriend, knowing not to overstay his welcome.
“Was that so hard?” (Y/N) asked. “At least he’s being mature about it, too.”
“A little too mature,” Marshall said.
“Stop it, you just don’t like him. Let’s get a non-alcoholic beverage.”
As the night continued, Marshall was pulled from (Y/N) as people kept coming and congratulating him on the album. She wasn’t too shocked, it was a normal occurrence. Luckily enough, she had come to know most of the people at the party through Marshall, so it wasn’t like she was awkwardly standing around for any amount of time.
She was at the snack table when a tall stature came to stand next to her.
“You lost your boyfriend, huh?’
(Y/N) looked up to see Kells stood next to her, a friendly smile on her face.
Despite the feud between the two, (Y/N) never had any sort of opinion on Kells. She hadn’t listened to his music - besides that one song with Camilla Cabello that blew up - and she didn’t want to form an opinion based on a beef she wasn’t even a part of. So, him standing next to her didn’t make her as angry as it had made Marshall earlier. Instead, she smiled back at him.
“Yeah,” she said. “Nothing new of course. Everyone congratulating him on the album and whatnot.”
“Seems like a lot of people just trying to kiss his ass.”
(Y/N) shrugged. “That may be true in some cases. Most of the people here who have already worked with him and known him for so long know better against that. Maybe it’s because they’ve already worked with him though, who knows. Where’s Megan?”
Kells gestured aimlessly into the crowd. “Also pulled away from me. Talking to...someone I guess.”
He didn’t sound too concerned over it, although maybe it was just the same situation (Y/N) was in. Megan was pretty popular as an actress, this was probably nothing new for Kells either.
“So, how did you and Em meet?” he asked, offering her one of the two red cups he had in his hand. (Y/N) didn’t think much of it at first. She figured he had probably gotten a drink for Megan then realized he had lost her in the crowd.
“We met through a mutual friend, actually. One from back in Detroit,” she explained. “I knew who Marshall was, obviously, but I was never really a hip hop fan. We got to talking and before I knew it, he was asking me out on a date. We were official within a month, and we’ve been together ever since. That was like...three years ago now, I think.”
She took a sip from the drink Kells had given her and cringed at the strong taste of alcohol in the cup. Noticing this, Kells asked, “Too strong?”
“Just not used to alcohol,” she explained. “I’ve mostly given it up in solidarity with Marshall. I’m proud of his sobriety, even if I’ve only been here for the tail end of it.”
“That’s lame,” Kells scoffed. “The old man shouldn’t hold you back from doing some fun shit.”
The tone of his voice plus the subtle diss caused a slight feeling of annoyance in her, but she pushed it down. Be the bigger person, she had been telling Marshall all night. She couldn’t go against that.
“He’s not holding me back from anything,” she responded. “I chose to do it. I just know it sucks to have to be sober when everyone around you is drunk or high. I want to be that one person he can confide in in those situations, you know?”
“You’re too good for him, man,” Kells said. “For real, you have a heart of gold and the body of a smoke show. You shouldn’t be wasting it all on that fucker. You should be getting with a real man.”
(Y/N) shuffled uncomfortably, now putting her cup down on the snack table. “I’m perfectly happy with Marshall, thank you. Besides, you have a girlfriend. One who is literally at this very party right now.”
He waved off the comment, as if it weren’t a real concern. (Y/N) looked around the room, desperate to find someone she knew who could save her from that situation.
Across the room, Marshall was glaring daggers into the back of Kells’ head. He could see the uncomfortable look on (Y/N)’s face, and saw the drink she had just discarded on the table. He knew something was happening, something he didn’t like.
“Why the fuck did you invite him?” he asked Paul. “Why didn’t you warn me first?”
“It needed to be an authentic meet up to end the beef,” Paul responded. “After tonight you won’t see or hear from him ever again.”
“You bet I won’t, because I’ll have him six feet under the fucking ground if he doesn’t get away from (Y/N).”
Paul looked over at the two. His face grew concerned upon seeing (Y/N)’s. “It can’t be anything too serious. He’s here with Megan, remember?”
“Do you see Megan anywhere around here, Paul?” Marshall asked.
He was so furious you could almost see the cartoon smoke coming from his ears. He was clutching his plastic cup so hard that it would’ve shattered into a million pieces if it was glass. It dropped from his hand suddenly when he saw Kells grab (Y/N)’s waist, trying to pull her closer to him. Both Paul and Dre had to grab him to stop him from going over and beating the shit out of Kells right then and there.
“Calm down, man,” Dre told him.
“He’s fucking touching her, Dre!” Marshall snapped. “She’s obviously uncomfortable, let me go over there and beat the shit out of him!”
“Not here,” Paul said. “Not in front of all these people. Go over and get her - peacefully - then you guys can just leave. This was a stupid idea from me.”
“Really fucking stupid,” Marshall hissed as he pulled away from the two. He tried to keep his anger at bay as he went over and wrapped an arm around (Y/N), effectively pulling her from Kells’ grasp. “Come on, babe, let’s go home.”
“What’s wrong, Marshall? Don’t like another man talking to your girl?” Kells challenged.
“I don’t like other men grabbing my girl when she’s obviously uncomfortable, no,” Marshall responded.
“Sounds a little insecure to me. Maybe you should work on that, man. You’ll be able to keep up with this absolute bombshell when you’re not so over jealous of her.”
Marshall’s grip on (Y/N)’s waist tightened. She tried to calm him down, but it was obvious he was past the point of no return.
“Fuck you,” he snapped. “Man, I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but you’re the one who started all of this shit. Now you’re coming here, to my launch party, trying to flirt with my girl, and now you’re insulting me?! Must be a sad existence you live, Kelly, when you can’t even be happy with your own success.  You have to keep trashing on someone else who’s doing much better than you.”
Kells’ cheeks were tinted pink with anger as he glared at the two of them.
“I suggest going to find your girlfriend while you still have one,” (Y/N) told him. “Because I will be telling her about this whole...incident between us.”
Before any other words could be said, Marshall took (Y/N) and guided her out of the building. When they got to the car, he sat in the driver’s seat for just a second, trying to make himself calm down.
“I should go back in there and fucking kill him,” he said, more to himself than to (Y/N).
“No you shouldn’t,” she told him. “He was just trying to push your buttons. He seems very happy with Megan, and there were so many other girls at that party he could’ve flirted with if he just wanted to be a scumbag. He only chose me because he knew it would get to you.”
She reached over and put a hand over one of Marshall’s that was clutching the steering wheel. On contact, he loosened his grip and realized how much his hands hurt from holding the wheel too tightly.
“Whatever his intentions were, they don’t matter,” she assured him. “I love you, Marshall, and only you. No other asshole will ever come in and swoop me away from you.”
He chuckled at her slight insult, their own way of flirting with one another. He leaned across and kissed her gently on the lips before finally starting the car.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Crush, Crush, Crush
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Summary: As if having one crush wasn’t complicated enough.
Word Count: 3.4k
And away and away we go!
Delilah let out a loud shriek, flinching away as an ice cold water bottle was pressed against the back of her neck. “Mikey!” she kept shrieking as the boy burst into a fit of giggles, pressing the bottle firmer against the girl’s neck, water droplets running down into the back of her shirt. “I’m gonna kill you!” she laughed, turning around.
Michael dropped the bottle and ran for his life, Delilah giving chase, their socked feet sliding around on the hardwood floors, both of them screaming wildly. As a last ditch effort to catch him, Delilah pushed off with her right foot, launching herself towards Michael’s back, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck, and his hooking under her legs so they wouldn’t fall.
“Um… wish I could say this usually doesn’t happen… But uh… that’d be a lie,” Calum’s voice sounded from in front of them and both Delilah and Michael snapped their heads to the sound, finding Calum, Luke, and a boy Delilah had yet to meet standing there.
“Didn’t know Mike had a girlfriend,” the boy said, rubbing at the back of his neck.
Delilah let out a high pitched giggle as she climbed off Michael’s back, who scoffed, “D’s not my girlfriend.”
“Oh,” the boy said, brightening slightly.
“Yeah, she’s actually my girlfriend. Mike, how could you?!” Calum cried with fake dramatics.
Delilah fake gagged. “Not even in your dreams, Hood,” she told him before focusing her attention on the boy whose name she still didn’t know. “I’m Delilah. And you are?”
“”M Ashton,” he smiled softly.
“Oh, the drummer!”
“Heh,” Ashton giggled nervously, a dimple indenting his cheek. “Yeah, that’d be me.”
“Yeah, and now that we have a drummer, can we get our other guitarist, and practice?” Luke quipped.
Delilah rolled her eyes at the boy. “I guess you can borrow, Mike. But you owe me one, Hemmings.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
As the group of five made their way into the living room, Michael nudged into Delilah, “Stop staring at Ash,” he teased, low enough so only she heard him.
“I am not staring,” she whispered back. “But if I was…?”
Michael chuckled, understanding her only the way he could. “Two grades above us. Different school. No girlfriend. Good drummer. Definitely sticking this out with us.”
“Fuck, that doesn’t help me not like him, Mike.”
Michael chuckled more. “Yeah, I know.”
~5 Years Later~
Ashton spotted Delilah and Michael already lounging in the sun, sighing internally. How was he ever supposed to think he stood a chance at having either of them, let alone make a move when those two were always joined at the hip? His phone pinged in his hand, and he hoped it was either Calum or Luke saying they were finding parking. Fortunately it was both Calum and Luke. Unfortunately it was both of them saying that something had come up, and they couldn’t make it. “Fuckin’ great…” Ashton muttered under his breath, trudging the last few feet across the sand towards Delilah and Michael. “Hey, guys.”
Both of them shielded the sun out of their eyes as they looked over at Ashton, bright smiles on their faces. “Oh, hey Ash!”
“Hey,” he repeated. “Um, did you see what Cal and Luke said?”
With frowns, they both looked at their own phones. “God damn it…” Michael groaned. “They do this all the time… They wanna hang out, and then they bail on us.”
Delilah shrugged. “Well fuck them. We don’t need them to have fun, do we?” With that, her fingers tugged up the hem of her shirt, to pull the fabric free from her body. “Can one of you help me get my back?” she asked, digging through her bag for a bottle of sunscreen.
Michael almost dropped the bottle, as Ashton gulped, both men sharing a glance. Taking the path of least resistance, they both shared the job of covering the woman’s back in shoulders, Delilah sighing in content as the way their fingers gently massaged her skin. “Thanks guys.”
“No problem…” they mumbled in a rush, their cheeks bright red.
“Um, I can do your guys’ backs if you want…” she suggested.
“Yeah! That’d be great!”
Delilah had to bite down on her lip as both men discarded their shirts, and all three of them took a small moment to clear their throats. “Um… Wanna help me with Mike first, ‘Lila? He might burn quicker than me…” Ashton all but squeaked.
“Good idea,” Delilah giggled, squirting the sunscreen in Ashton’s waiting hand, and then her own. She shared a covert smile with him as they started covering Michael’s back, their fingers knocking into the other’s.
When it was Delilah and Michael’s turn to get Ashton’s back, Ashton shuddered at the way his friends’ fingers carefully went over the tattoo on his neck, before moving to get the rest of his back and shoulders. “Fuck, that tickles,” he giggled airly. “Maybe you should think about getting a spray.”
“Aw, where’s the fun in that?” she started to flirt, then immediately felt bad at the way Michael’s face scrunched. “I don’t have a lot of faith in spray sunscreen. Every time I use it, I get burned,” she added quickly as an explanation.
After they finished applying the sunscreen to the rest of their exposed skin, Ashton glanced out towards the water. “Shall we?”
“Let’s go!” Delilah said, skipping off ahead of them.
“You should go for it,” Michael mumbled to Ashton as they walked together at a slower pace. “You and D… You’d uh… be cute together.”
“What? Pfft… Nah… You think?”
Michael shrugged. “I see the way you look at her. And if I trust anyone with her, it’d be you, ya know?”
“Thanks, Mike. That, um… means a lot. But, I don’t think she sees me that way. Pretty sure she’s into someone else.”
“Shit that blows…”
It was Ashton’s turn to shrug. “Eh, it’s alright. Can’t say I blame her. She has pretty good taste.”
“That she does,” Michael nodded.
“So, you ever gonna ask him out?” Delilah asked Michael as they sat on the shoreline, watching Ashton still out in the water.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean what do I mean? Ash! When are you gonna ask him out?”
“Uh… never? Cuz he doesn’t like me.”
Delilah snorted, “Yeah, okay. And I’m the Queen of England.”
Michael shook his head, then sighed. “I’m serious, D. Would it be great if Ash liked me the way I like him? Yeah. But that’s not reality.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he likes someone else.”
“Aw, fuck. Sorry, Mike.”
“S’alright. Can’t say I blame him.”
“You know,” Ashton said to Delilah as they waited for Michael to come back with food for them all. “With Mike, you might have to make the first move.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, c’mon, ‘Lila. You know him better than anybody. You know how shy he can get with stuff like this. Be brave for the both of ya. Make the first move.”
“Waves knock you around a lil too hard there, Ash? You’re talking nonsense.”
“You’re really gonna sit there, and tell me you don’t like Mike?”
“Of course I like Mike. He’s my best friend. But it’s… complicated. There’s a lot of layers that I haven’t figured out. That I don’t think I ever will.”
“You’re telling me…” he muttered under his breath.
Michael approaching with food put an end to the conversation, all three friends sharing a tight lipped smile, more confused than they’d ever been.
~3 Years Later~
Delilah checked the time on her phone, sighing and feeling tears of frustration brim up in her eyes. She had been five minutes early to her date nearly an hour ago. She wasn’t sure which stung more: her messages asking where her date was being left on read, or the look of pity in the waitress’ eyes as Delilah ordered her third glass of wine.
So, rejected, a little tipsy, and unsure of what to do, she called the one person she knew she could always count on.
“Hey ‘Lila,” Ashton’s voice picked up on the second ring that had Delilah feeling even more flustered.
“Oh… H-hey Ash… S-sorry I didn’t mean to call you… um…” she fumbled over her words as she scrambled to hit the end call button.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Aren’t you supposed to be on a date? Are you alright? What’s going on?”
The weight of concern for her in his words was the breaking point. “I got stood up…” she whimpered, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Okay. Sit tight. I’m coming.”
“Shh, it’ll be alright. I’m already on my way.”
“You’re heading out?” Calum questioned as Ashton placed Michael’s phone down on the table.
“I have to.”
“No. Mike has to. She called Mike, Ash.”
Ashton narrowed his eyes pointing into the sound booth where Michael and Luke were laying down tracks. “He’s a lil busy at the moment, and she needs someone now. What am I supposed to do? Not go to her?”
“No, of course not. It’s Del. But… Ash, it’s not a secret that things are all a little complicated between you three. I don’t want to see you get hurt because you played hero to her when it was supposed to be Mike.”
“I’m not doing this to swoop in, and take Mike’s hero moment away from him, Cal. She’s my friend too. And she needs somebody. So you really think I’m gonna let you stop me?”
Calum raised his hands in surrender. “Look, I’m only trying to protect you from getting your heart crushed if this doesn’t match up to the fantasy in your head.”
“And I appreciate that. You know I do. But I got this, Cal. Promise.”
“Alright. Go on then, I’ll explain to them what happened when they’re done.”
“Thanks, Cal.”
“Yeah, yeah. Now get out of here already.”
Ashton made it to the restaurant in minutes flat, hitting the ground running. He muttered a few apologies and “excuse me”s as he weaved through the people in his way, before finally spotting Delilah staring dejectedly at her empty glass of wine. He steeled himself from the thoughts swirling in his head about how if this had been their date he’d never dare leave her waiting on him. That wasn’t a road he needed to go down right now. “Hey,” he said softly as he took the seat across from her.
She raised her eyes slowly to look over at him, a tearful smile coming to her lips. “Hey…” she whispered.
“C’mon. Let’s get you out of here.”
“I have to pay my bill… Shoulda stuck with water…”
“That’s alright,” he told her, flagging down a waitress. While Delilah got lost in her mind, Ashton settled the bill in hushed tones. “Okay. C’mon,” he said, resting a hand gently on top of hers to get her attention.
“The bill…” she repeated.
“It’s taken care of. C’mon.” He helped her up from her seat, taking off his jacket to drape it over her shoulders, his fingers brushing against her exposed skin.
“You wanna know something?” she asked numbly as they headed for his car.
“What’s that?”
“If I told you how many times I imagined you rushing in to save the day like this… well… your head would spin. And now that it’s real… my head’s spinning.”
“That might be the wine,” he chuckled lightly, opening the door for her. “And uh… I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“How do you not know? Everyone else does…” she sighed, relaxing against the leather of the seat.
“Everyone else knows what?”
“That I like you.”
In his shock, he closed the car door with more force than he meant to. When he got in on the driver’s side, she was giggling. “What?” he asked nervously.
“Well that was dramatic,” she continued to giggle. “I like you, slam!”
“I- Wasn’t expecting it, that’s all. I thought you still liked Mike.”
Delilah sighed somewhat dreamily, and Ashton’s stomach churned. “Yeah. I like him too.”
“Yeah, I kinda gathered as much.  I mean… you did call him, not me. I was just the one who picked up. Still not sure why. I just saw your name and...”
“Had to?” she supplied the rest of his thought.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s you. I wasn’t going to not answer, even if it wasn’t my phone.”
“Just because I like Mike, doesn’t mean I can’t like you too, Ash.”
“Yeah, but it’s different kinds of like.”
“Says who?”
“Says the obvious. You two are the closest, you always have been. And look, I get it. I’m not mad. I get what you see in him, because I see it, too. I just also happen to wish sometimes you saw that in me, too.”
“I do! It’s…” she scrambled to find the words to finally lay this all out on the line.
“Complicated. I know. I remember.” The words came out bitter, and they both hated it. Delilah for not having the words to fix it, and Ashton for the crushed look in her eyes when she was already having a shitty night. He let out a slow sigh, collecting himself. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “We shouldn’t be doing this right now. This is a conversation we can have at a different time. I should be taking you home.”
“No,” she pressed. “I want to have this conversation now. Ash… I like both of you. I’ve liked Mike my entire life, and I’ve liked you since the minute I met you. And… the reason I haven’t been brave enough to do something about it is because I also know that you two like each other. And… I like you guys too much as my friends to ruin the dynamic I guess? When I don’t choose, it’s only me who gets hurt. Because I’d rather have neither of you, than have one and the other feel jealous.”
“Oh… Damn… That adds a whole ‘nother layer to this, doesn’t it?”
“Yep… They don’t have books or movies for how to deal with love triangles like this… this is… uncharted territory.”
“Yep… Well fuck. If all three of us like each other, why don’t we all just date?” Ashton suggested.
“How would that dynamic work?”
“No idea. But, if anyone could figure it out, I’d bet it’d be us.”
“And if Mike doesn’t… Would you and me still…?”
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
“You don’t… feel like that makes us consolation prizes to each other? Like we can’t both have Mike, so we’re settling for each other?”
“Nothing about being with you is me settling for you, ‘Lila. I want you.”
“I want you, too.”
“And we just happen to also want Mike,” Ashton couldn’t help but giggle at the absurdity of it all.
“Do you think he wants us, too? I mean, I know he wants you. I just don’t know if he wants me.”
“Oh, he does. Trust me, he does. Anybody would be stupid not to.” Ashton let out his next breath slowly, running his hands through his hair. “Can I kiss you now?”
“Please,” she breathed, leaning across the center console towards him. He met her in the middle, his fingers gripping lightly on her chin to guide her lips to his, her own hands coming up to cradle his face. “Thanks for coming to get me,” she murmured as they broke the kiss.
“Of course,” he smiled softly. “You hungry?”
Ashton giggled and started the car. “Alright, we’ll grab some food, and then I’ll take you home.”
“We should get something for Mike, too. He’ll have known by now that I called, and that you came to get me, so he’ll be waiting for us. Right?”
“If he’s done laying down tracks with Luke, yeah. That’s probably a safe bet.”
They fell silent, Delilah finally breaking the silence only after they had picked up food for themselves and Mike. “Hey, Ash?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, reaching out to lower the volume of the radio.
“Are you scared?”
“Terrified,” he nodded. “It’s uh… not every day you tell the girl, and the boy, you’ve been crushing on for years that you’ve been crushing on them for years, with the follow up being if it’s cool if you can all date each other.”
Delilah giggled, “God, this is fuckin’ crazy…”
“100% certifiably nuts,” Ashton giggled with her as he pulled into her driveway, next to Michael’s car and spotting the man waiting for them on the porch. Ashton shut off the car and turned to look at Delilah. “Ready?”
“God, no.”
“It’s Mike. He’s our best friend.”
“I know. But I’m still…”
“Scared? Yeah, me too. His hands grabbed hers, brushing soft kisses across her knuckles. “But I’ll be right here with you. C’mon,” he coaxed. 
They left the security of the car, and walked up to where Michael was waiting. He rose slowly to his feet, eyes locking on Ashton and Delilah’s hands that were clasped together. “Oh… I see you two have uh… that’s great. Happy for you guys…” His gaze flickered over to the food bag in Delilah’s other hand. “And I’m intruding, so I’m gonna head out. Glad your night worked out.”
“Mike, wait,” Ashton said, reaching out to stop the younger man. “There’s something we wanted to talk to you about.”
“No offense to either of you right now, cuz I love this for you guys, I really do. But uh… I’m a little tired and hungry from the studio. I just stopped by cuz I saw you had called, D, and wanted to make sure you were okay. And you are. So um… can we save the ‘we’re dating’ conversation for tomorrow?”
Delilah shook the bag of food. “We picked you up something, too. Please, Mikey?”
“So… let me see if I got this right. In addition to crushing on each other, you both also have a crush on me?” Michael asked, after Ashton and Delilah brought him up to speed.
“Pretty much, yeah,” Delilah nodded, leaning forward to set the now empty take out food container on the coffee table.
Michael looked over at Ashton with a raised eyebrow, “How drunk is she?”
Ashton giggled, while Delilah gaped at Michael and gave him a small shove with an indignant “Hey! I’m not that drunk. Anymore…”
“Well fuck! So we’ve all just been crushing on each other, and swallowing our pride, so nobody gets their feelings hurt except ourselves?”
“Can’t leave out the stupidest part of how all of us at some point encouraged someone to make a move on someone else.”
“Fuck, no wonder Cal and Luke bail on so many plans with us… This shit is infuriating… But now that it’s all cleared up, what do we do? How does this… work exactly?”
“I don’t know… I have enough trouble figuring out how to date one person…” Ashton admitted, making the other two laugh in agreement. “But if anyone can figure it out, it’s us, yeah?”
“Exactly,” Delilah smiled at him, squeezing his hand reassuringly. “We’re all friends first. There isn’t anything we keep from each other.”
“Minus the crushes we all had on each other, that is,” Michael amended. Then, “So… have you guys kissed yet?”
“We did, yeah,” Ashton told him, with a sheepish grin.
“Aw, poor baby,” Delilah teased, leaning towards Michael to press a kiss to his cheek. At the last possible second, Michael turned his head, so her lips locked onto his rather than the intended target of his cheek.
He sighed in content against her lips, tasting the barest traces of wine still leftover, sweet and savory. “Can’t begin to tell you how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” he murmured as they broke apart.
“Well, now you can do it whenever you want,” she smiled.
Ashton cleared his throat. “Still here.”
Michael’s cheeks flushed. “Right. Yeah… erm…”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Ashton groaned, hooking his fingers under Michael’s chin to get them to look at each other. “It’s a kiss, dumbass, not rocket science.”
“Calling your boyfriend a dumbass isn’t very nice of you,” Michael teased lightly. 
Ashton shuddered as his lips crushed into Michael’s, “Fuck, say that again.”
“Boyfriend,” Michael grinned against Ashton’s mouth.
“My boyfriends,” Delilah beamed proudly at them.
“Our girlfriend,” they chorused back.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
The empire is being found out they are opening their mouths all the time and they're filthy rotten scoundrels and people are finding out they're very evil it's going on now Trump is going to go to court and we're bringing him to court but it's not for what he's done today but he has a lot of people and here's a lot of people after him including the empire he's intolerable as well and he's saying things that the empire wants him to say and he stays alive by doing that people are beating to death and it's accepting the blame and he's a fruit cake. Moving on we have some other things to talk about
-there's a huge number of people here who can't stand hearing this jackass next door they are beginning a large assault on them and it's a pseudo empire and we got warnings all over the place from everybody that we're going to be in trouble that the empire is going to do what they did in Australia in New Zealand here and they're going to try and take over those islands the perfect sense to our son and daughter who said that the ships down there will be theirs and they can build really big ones after they launch those and use a false flag say they were fighting the clones and it is apparent that that's what they're up to and they're more of us have to do it right now Australia is 50% out they're going to continue until they're gone and they don't have any defenses and The shield is operated by the empire it got taken from the pseudo empire last month and New Zealand is on its knees and the pseudol empires taking that and mac in the fight of his life
So he's taking Trump's stuff and territory and Trump is going after him and Mac is going to take care of trump and he swears to it and he has to and he really should have a while ago we think that he did the surgery on Mac. And he is going to watch a major assault here and the guy is going to get hit very hard very soon tonight and the island is falling it is a very large assault and they're going to push them out of the rings and it's turned into a war and it still is one even though the empire is bombing Australia to Oblivion because they took New Zealand.
-there's a time for it and now's the Time this guy Trump has been in Max face and set up shop inside of shop and Mac is going to kick him out pretty soon but really he can't right now and it's misery okay that guy is a huge a****** tries to mess with everything and somehow he got into the Asian store the foods restaurant and he put lime in the salt and the top is supposed to fall off and it didn't and our son opened it up and dumped it out and used what wasn't contaminated and people saw him do it and they said this f****** a****** has to pay and they noticed that the top was loose and it says it's been tampered with and he was upset because our son just uses it and he says if it's radiation is to your own detriment and it's hard to get mad and it's heard it before and people can mutate and beat him up real easy. Everybody else was angry and said what if it's poison I said you guys you really you don't do well you said they saw him do it and they were giving cues and Trump's side and he saw them doing that said that he's going to arrest them and it's his own kids and they're going after him and he's going to go down for what he's doing he's a moron he should be investigating Dave too cuz it looks like Dave is going to ride the max not him and it's not our son so he goes like this I have to figure it out and it started to and he said these things are everywhere and he's trying to figure it out again and he got horrified and everybody's telling him that embeds are inside the body and they're against him and he said this sucks so bad and he can't stand life which is perfect the guys an a****** did Billy Hicks is what he looks like but with red hair he's a massive prick and people are going after him
We have announcements we're going to post this
Thor Freya
I'm told to put them here but we've run out of room
0 notes
blushing-starker · 4 years
don't expect that line I previously mentioned because I'm chaotic and forgot about @starkerfestivals amazing omegaverse week since it goes hand in hand with finals and my brain only fit one of these events in my mental planner
Today's theme is heat/rut and it's slightly nff, has some sexual teasing but nothing too explicit. I'd rate this teen, is all I'm saying. I apologize for any writing mistakes, I'm finishing this at 11pm before collapsing in my bed.
Tagging @vaguekiwi cuz I mentioned this to her today
Needy little alpha
Tony wakes up to a purring alpha throwing himself on top of his defenseless body with the force of a freight train driven by a drunk man on drugs. Peter's been told a thousand times before how yes, he may be as heavy as a goddamn feather, but it still aches when that super strength plops down and refuses to let the victim's lungs function adequately. But his boyfriend is a sadist who loves cuddles and making Tony suffer.
"You love my cuddles," it's true, they bring him pain and purple bruises everywhere but there's nothing quite as soothing as a content alpha kneading like a kitten at his chest, " and you know it. "
"Uh, that's false. Never said I love cuddles. I tolerate your octopus habits, there's a difference." Peter leans back with a pout and teary eyes, wobbles that God forsaken bottom lip like he always does whenever Tony denies the kid something and presents a challenge.
Nimble fingers slide up into, unfortunately, silver hair and nonononono that's unfair. He snarls, tries to infuse the air with as many displeased pheromones as possible so Peter can take a hint when nails scratch right above his nape and Tony's done. Unravels at this hobgoblin's feet and he's half way sure his soul goes out in a huff as little circles are pressed into the exact spot that causes him so much neck pain.
Peter unashamedly preens when Tony melts into their bed and starts pawing at him for more cuddles. "Say you love my cuddles and I won't leave the bed for an hour. Throw in a kiss and I'll rub your back."
He hates(loves) this kid. Hates(loves) how he sing songs as soon as the situation doesn't favour the actually responsible adult in the relationship. Hates(loves) the way Peter never misses the places that leave him sinking into fluffy pillows. Hates how, oh that's nice.
There are tiny kisses littered on a chest glowing blue, small indentations from teasing lips pressed into spread arms and cold hands.
"Ruts gotten you needy, huh, little alpha?" Not that this one was any different from all the other ruts they've shared since dating. Tony secretly adores Peter like this, extra affectionate the minute his shyness and fear of outside criticism is washed away, replaced with the need to shower his omega in love and attention. Yes, Peter has his heart 365 days of the year. Yes, he'd die for his tiny spiderling no matter what.
But this is just really nice, ok? Previous lovers were rarely alphas so this ritual of gluing their bodies together when rut came was an added benefit to being with Peter. That and the hormones he let out while happy soothed Tony to no end.
Peter nips at his finger, still a bit too early on for him to accept the nicknames. He blushes though, a pale pink highlighting a face much more lovely than the cherubs painted on the cathedrals of Rome. Jesus, he's whipped and all they've done is cuddle.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
"I love your cuddles. Cherish them. Want them every day for the rest of my life. But I love you, my needy little alpha with a fantastic," there's a pillow smashed against his face.
"If you say dick, I'm climbing down to wrestle Bucky and I won't let Karen record it for your spank bank. " Oh, that's a low blow.
He relaxes, let's Peter sink into him with a startled yelp, rolls them over, sits on the kid's lap and clamps his knees around a trim waist. Peter may be Spider-Man, but he's Tony Stark and Tony Stark doesn't lose in bed.
Well. Not unless he wants to.
"You do that and you can say hello to your toy, the one I know is stashed in your old room under the bed in a comic book box, because that'll be the only thing helping you out when the rut really hits." Will Tony suffer immensely if that happens? Yes. He's a sucker for a needy Peter being ridiculously horny and possessive. Thing is, you don't threaten a man's spank bank. No sir. Everything else is fair play. His carefully organized folders of viewing material are not to be messed with.
Peter's blush is on full blast, spreads over a long neck and absolutely delicious, no. Be strong, Tony.
"You know about the toy?" It's a squeak, normal voice rocketing upwards thanks to the position Tony's ass is in and the knowledge that his secret is out. Which wasn't even a secret to begin with anyway because Tony is in love with the only genius not smart enough to erase his browser history in the lab's computer. Which Tony uses. Routinely. Every day.
"Know about it? I've seen it. You left it out once, all used up on your bed while you were showering. You remember that, don't you? We had sex in the bathroom that day. Bruised my back and everything?"
Peter furrows his brow, works a plush lip and no, look away, Tony, look away. The kid is sin and indulgence and heaven and no.
"Oh. Oh." Whenever he thinks his boy can't go any redder, Peter busts out a new shade of pink.
"Yup. So. I'm pretty sure this is what you wanted in the first place. Maybe it wasn't your intention," he stresses when Peter's already launching up and nearly throwing him off in an attempt to reassure Tony that wasn't his purpose with the cuddles, "but you certainly wouldn't have minded this outcome. And by this outcome I mean my incredible ass on top of that fantastic dick."
Peter tries to suffocate with a pillow held over his face.
"You've got two choices, kid. You threatened the spank bank. The teasing is fine, you know I love when my pretty kitty shows his claws," a hand slaps his arm, makes him grin, " But threatening such an integral part of my mental stability? Wrong move, Queens. You aren't getting any until tonight, not even so much as a French kiss will be given. Unless you let me bite a mark on that amazing neck and don't push me away when I nuzzle you in front of the team. "
Well. Now he's definitely being thrown off of Peter's lap.
He lands on the other side of the bed with a groan, is assaulted by a whining Peter intent on receiving something to further postpone the urge for sex that's sure to hit him soon enough.
An alpha, Tony's learned, will usually be very cuddly and affectionate the first few days of a rut week. Then the possessive, protective side will slowly emerge. Nests of pillows, couch cushions, blankets and favorite pieces of clothing appear on the fourth sunrise. The next morning comes with the need for relief, for intimacy and a marathon of sex that'll leave any supersoldier exhausted by the end of it. The resulting days offer comfort, an aftercare of sorts, where the alpha and their partner show a soft affection similar to the beginning. Nests are utilized and bodies soothed. It lasts, at most, a week and the majority of the population only has to take slightly increased portions of food.
That's for people without the metabolism of four grown men.
Peter needs sex, as much as possible, so the itch for urgent intimacy doesn't result in Tony tackled to the floor of the lab in the middle of an experiment every day of the week. It's like giving him nicotine patches instead of a cigarette.
So now he's whimpering, tugging on Tony's clothes just a little too hard if the ripping sound is any indication.
"...sorry, Tony..."
"It's fine, I've got more. I'm not letting this go though. The teams' seen us fuck against a wall, their opinion and respect, your worth, didn't change. So come on. Just one little mark. One. And Bucky nuzzles Steve and Sam all the time. Hell, Pepper sometimes nuzzles me when I'm stressed out. Please, baby? "
There it was; Tony's secret weapon. Peter blushed like a virgin on a wedding night whenever he used pet names, but the genius knows his boyfriend enjoys the familiarity and subtle intimacy. Felt reassured that they were a romantic couple and not a mentor fucking his protege.
The kid nibbles at his neck, wraps gangly limbs around a body that's always been his to take comfort in. "Just one mark? And light, I mean it, Tony, light nuzzling in front of the team. For today. Then I can get what I want?"
He snorts, can't fully comprehend how the universe paired him up with someone so intent on making Tony's joints ache and creak. "Yeah, we can have sex later, Mr Charming. Subtle as brick, that Spider-Man. Let's go get you cleaned up, make sure that rut has a hard time getting my boy under the weather."
He goes to get up. He leans forward. He cannot, in fact, leave the bed.
Peter bites with a bit more pressure, drops his hips down harder and Jesus Christ, they're never seeing the light of the kitchen if his boyfriend can't wait til it's dark.
"I'm an old man, I need protein before you go jumping tired bones that have to spend two hours updating your suit." Ok, so maybe he's slightly bitter and annoyed at not having enough stamina (or refractory period, for that matter) to keep up with a repressed teenage superhuman. It's not his fault Pepper keeps bringing Krispy Kreme donuts to the office meetings.
It'd be rude not to eat with the others anyway.
"You don't have to do anything." Ah, it's one of those ruts.
Tony softens, smoothes a hand down a back that could hold a plank under a five story building with ease, kisses a heated cheek.
"Needy little alpha." It's his turn to whisper and nuzzle against soft skin.
"Kind, not so little omega?" Tony laughs, presses their lips together so Peter can see what's it like to taste a smile radiating with joy and love. Slowly clicks the button on the nearest nightstand; unless someone is dying , it'll just be the two of them in the room.
(There was an incident once. Groot may have been traumatized by a situation involving superstrength, webs and the Ironette costume Tony only adored when it adorned Peter's body.)
"I do so love my needy little alpha needing me, don't I?"
His boyfriend blinks, grins at Tony as if he's just hung the moon and stars for his spiderling and ok, a little sex early in the morning isn't that bad.
"You love my cuddles too."
"Shut up and kiss me, Queens. I'm not getting any-"
They don't talk about anything too important after that.
A little sex early in the morning actually is that bad when you miss a meeting with the U.N and show up smelling like sex, infatuation and, oddly enough, strawberry.
Rocket doesn't stop teasing for months.
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grumpydevilfellow · 3 years
Major Movie Spoilers
So I just finished the movie that ends the Trollhunters series aka Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans. Holy moly wow this movie. The only good thing it had going for it was animation and getting to see the favs I’d grown emotionally attached to. Writing however? Bruh... So the original Tales of Arcadia series is good, but it has this problem of just being PLOT PLOT PLOT, that barely anything else gets squeezed in. You feel like you’re on a rollercoaster ride of exposition because everything hits hard, hits fast, and the moment you think “wow we can finally settle down a bit and idk... introduce some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT” the latest fucking problem launches into you like a bowling ball shot through a window and then you’re back to the PLOT PLOT PLOT routine.
Rise of the Titans takes that formula of PLOT PLOT PLOT, multiplies it x20, and THEN fills said plot with SEVERAL MAJOR inconsistencies. And no I’m not talking angry, over-dramatic, nerd rant inconsistencies like Argh’s fur accidentally being red instead of green for one scene. (note this doesn’t actually happen) I’m talking inconsistencies that break the entire fucking movie.
Why did Jim burn his hand with the horngazel when Toby is standing right there with gloves on to pick up the hot thing? Why did Claire need a horngazel to leave when Jim is literally in the outside world as an emotional anchor? Why did Dragon Cat and Dragon Dad assume they’re trapped in Asian Trollmarket forever when Claire can literally use them as an emotional anchor for her shadow magic? 
And before yall say “But you need a horngazel to leave/get in Trollmarket” no you don’t. Claire literally portal’d her friends and a shiton of trolls out of Trollmarket and into the human world. Again, that was a literal major plot point that the movie ignores. All you needed was an anchor; and speaking of Claire anchors, what happened to Notenrique!? Where are all the liberated babies??? Why did Toby claim he never climbed a rope for gym class as some kind of major movie plot point when he’s literally done that in previous episodes of Trollhunters? Why did Jim ask Stuart, a guy I haven’t seen Jim interact with once, to fix the amulet when Krel is the one who BUILT IT and is the alien super genius of the team?? Like what did they need him there or something? He didn’t do shit. What could he have done??? AND IF THEY HAD A FUCKING MAGIC TURN OFF MACHINE WHY THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DID THEY JUST ATTEMPT IT ONCE AND THEN LIKE NEVER AGAIN UNTIL THE VERY END OF THE MOVIE!?
Literally all of this for nothing. I don’t even KNOW what Nomura was attempting to accomplish besides dying pointlessly, Strickler as well if I’m being real. Like the Titan wasn’t even attacking the castle, it still had several thousand miles to go before reaching it’s destination. It was literally just slowly fucking walking away and Strickler is like, welp time to suicide bomb. Clearly didn’t have to time to think about or do something better.
Bruh, and Toby, oh my god poor Toby. After all the shit he has done, this movie made him a joke. The railcar brake scene? That shit hurt it was so bad how lame they made Toby from the very beginning of the movie to the point of being excited over finding a dirty penny on the fucking ground. I hate this shit man. And the dying pointlessly thing? A 3rd pointless death but this time it’s because “Toby did something right for once in an explosion of bravery and valor” or some bullshit like that. He could’ve literally just asked his friends to help with his plan of DUH USE THE FUCKING MAGIC TURN OFF MACHINE and like no one would’ve died.
And like I’ve shat on Tales of Arcadia/Trollhunters writing for this entire post, but I REALLY NEED TO POINT OUT, that I KNEW BEFORE EVEN WIZARDS HIT THE RELEASE DATE back in 2019, that time travel was gonna be the end all solution that fixed everything. I fucking knew that shit was gonna happen. I went into this movie COMPLETELY BLIND outside the first trailer knowing that shit was gonna happen. I’m not even disappointed because I didn’t care. What? You think I’m expecting to be surprised by good writing at this point? No. I was BANKING on them doing something so predictable for one and ONLY one reason. Because that means MY BOY DRAAL CAN COME BACK! And when they’re going over the time travel plans and Blinky goes “Yeah you can go back in time and bring back all of our friends”, while he lists all the loved ones that died, he doesn’t even fucking MENTION Draal. I’m so done with this movie bro.
The only saving grace this movie has is the ending of what if better writing, you get to see your favs again that died, oh and Toby ( a chubby character) is no longer the butt of fatphobic jokes, but actually the protagonist of the series and Trollhunter now. I mean we’re not actually going to do any of that because the series is ending forever, but what if right? Maybe if you really hype this series and give us more money/ratings we will. (we won’t)
The way this movie comes off is as if the writers wanted to make it a certain way, but the producers were like “No do it THIS way” even though their way made no fucking sense and the writers were like “Fine!” and then they slapped this shit together and barely bothered even trying to fix the inconsistencies the producers had created with their poor decisions cuz they knew everyone was closing shop anyways and the series was ending. Ultimately the writing for this movie felt rushed, choppy, and just plain bad and no amount of absolute steller animation can fix that surprisingly even when the ENTIRE MOVIE is stellar animation. So thanks Rise of the Titans for proving that point.
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