#it’ll be like the stir their coming outs made but even bigger
sluttycinderella · 4 months
y’all do get that if dan and phil hard launch it will break the internet right? like people who haven’t thought about dnp since 2016 and literally everyone else with an online presence will know. suddenly there will be so many new eyes on our cute little community that we’ve managed to build from the ashes of the early phandom. it’ll be worldwide news that those guys from youtube who “weird girls” always shipped were actually together the whole time. it’ll be absolute chaos. it’s not that i don’t want them to hard launch if that’s genuinely what they want to do, i’m just afraid that it’ll send shockwaves through the entire internet that’ll shatter the nice little thing we’ve got going on here. i for one don’t want to be talking to an acquaintance in class next semester and hear them say “did you hear that dan and phil from youtube are together? that’s crazy! i never watched them ‘cause their fans were always so weird. i didn’t even know they were gay. i guess their fans bullied them out of the closet.” and then have to pretend to be normal.
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clemblog · 4 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 6
Pomni had got a lengthy explanation from Ma about the deal with Croco Ranch. Gunmigoo, Max and Chad went out to get resources and find lost citizens who’d managed to escape the Fudge Monster. In the meantime, Ma worked on her own back at the ranch, getting people settled, assigning jobs and slowly building up a civilisation, a home which wasn’t centred around the eye of Caine.
Which was why she was currently getting settled in a little back room at the main barn on the ranch. It was where all the citizens, including Lou herself, were being housed for the time being.
Nobody really wanted to start construction on new buildings until they had a bigger numbers in residents.
There was a few rows of bunk beds, all with little knotted curtains which if Pomni had to guess, Ma had most likely made them so everyone could have some privacy if they needed it! They where pretty cute-
Pomni’s little section had curtains patterned with what looked to be waffles. Her pillow was white put soft, probably made from some kind of marshmallow based material in the world. The knitted blanket sat on the bed was in red and blue, perfectly sized for her.
She would readily admit that this place was so much more comfortable and welcoming than the circus could ever be.
She’d tuck herself into bed as the light in the barn dimmed, the sun setting alongside it. She went to sleep feeling safe, secure and with a small smile on her face. It was the best sleep she’d had in a long time.
It was a few hours later that she’d stir awake. She opened her eyes to hear the barn door be shut quietly and see Gummigoo step inside.
“Oh, sorry Poms. Did we wake ya?”
“No- Y-You didn’t. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just swapping out with Chad on night watch.”
“O-Oh. I didn’t even realise you guys where doing that-“
“Figured it was the smart choice considering the fudge is still around.”
“Y-Yeah, it is smart-“
“I’m glad you think so, Ma said it’s one of my better ideas!”
“…Do you want company?”
“Only if you feel like you’ve got enough rest, Poms.”
“I-I don’t mind-
“Come join me on the beams then, Pommy~”
“Caine? Caineeeeee? Are you here? I wish to talk to you-“
“What is it Kinger?”
“Aaaaagh-! There you are. I wanted to talk to you about Ragatha-“
“Mm, what about her?”
“She.. isn’t doing well with the whole Pomni being gone thing-“
“…I was hoping as our… helpful AI host, you might be able to help her-“
“Why would I want to do that? If Ragatha is struggling so much, Pomni will feel obligated to come back to us.”
“Well- Yes- But aren’t you worried about Ragatha you know-“
“If so, she’ll go to the pit with everyone else.”
“And someone else will help me make Pomni come back.”
“..You’re not the guy I once knew Caine-“
“…Oh. Well. People change Kinger.”
“…You’re not a person. You’re an AI and you where my best friend-“
“…The only reason I’m keeping my sanity, is for Ragatha. I hope you know that.”
“If I she goes, I go. And that’s your fault.”
Ragatha was sat on the floor of her room, sniffling. All the worry and sadness was so overwhelming and she couldn’t figure out how to cope in the slightest- It was odd- She used to be so good at coping with her emotions- She could bottle it up for weeks at a type- But now nothing- She couldn’t stop herself from crying for an hour at most! Anytime she did, her thoughts just filled with worry of Pomni and what might’ve happened to her. And then she couldn’t help but sob.
The door to her room slowly pushed open, and the shuffle of a familiar figure stepped into the room. A pair of white gloved hands pulled her into his chest in a comforting manner.
“It’ll be okay Ragatha, I’m here.” Spoke Kinger, patting her back. “There, there.”
She sniffled at this, clinging onto his embrace like a life line. She already felt better. She felt safe and happier in the hold of her Da- Her friend. Her friend.
“I’m sure Pomni will be back soon, there there.”
“T-Thanks Kinger.”
“It is no problem! How about we go and see Zooble and Gangle?”
The pair got up and began the walk to the main area of the circus.
“…What are we doing-“
Ragatha giggled.
“We’re going to see Zooble and Gangle.”
“Ah okay!”
“So, any clue what you’re thinking for breakfast in a few hours?” Hummed Gummigoo, wanting to make conversation.
“Oh- I’ll wait to see what everyone else eats before I do-“ Began Pomni.
“Hey.” Spoke Gummigoo, softly, taking her hand. “You don’t have to worry about us having enough food. We’re farmers, if there ain’t enough we’ll make enough.”
Pomni faulted at this with a shy snicker.
“U-Uh no- That’s not why-“ She mused, sheepishly. “Caine uh made it so I don’t need to eat- As the saviour- I can eat- Just it’s more for fun-“
Gummigoo hummed at this gently, watching her speak. “I see. Interesting~ I’ll still be making you a plate regardless. You shouldn’t be deprived one of the joys of life, just because you don’t need it to survive. Crikey, good food is heavenly Pommy, particularly Ma’s pie. I’ll have to see if she’ll make it anytime soon-“
“O-Oh alright.” Chuckled Pomni, Gummigoo was so silly and friendly- And she kinda adored that about him. She didn’t have to doubt for a second that he cared.
“Anywho, another thing.” He continued happily. “Me and lads saw your skills with Lou and wanted to ask if you wanted to head out with us tomorrow.”
“Oh- What for?”
“Just general hunting for supplies and citizens. We’ll try and avoid the fudge, but if we run into it, it ain’t gonna do no harm if we shoot some more bullets into it.”
“I-I can come! I just- don’t really know how to use a gun-“
“Oh alright, how about I teach you after breakie?”
“Y-You’d do that?”
“Course! We don’t want our saviour being unable to defend themselves.”
“A-alright then!”
“It’s a plan, Poms~”
Pomni knew she could be happy here.
Part 7
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pedropascalsx · 2 years
cargo {joel miller x ofc}
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rating: t
warnings: strong language, mentions of child loss
word count: 1.1k
a/n: first attempt at joel miller, idk what this is really. it’s not particularly well written, but i’ve been in a writing rut and i’m just happy to have completed something.
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She’s grating on his last nerve today and she’s doing it on purpose, working it until he gives her the reaction that’s inevitably going to end in her sulking and him sulking even harder.
It’s almost funny to her. It’s like her very own source of entertainment and the more she stirs the very melting pot that is Joel Miller, the bigger the explosion will be.
She keeps mentioning family, asking him questions that makes him dig his fingernails deeper into the already worn leather of the steering wheel, and now the sound of his teeth grinding keeps growing louder than the steady purr of the energy. She asked if she’s family, and he told her no. She’s just cargo. He didn’t miss a beat, didn’t waste a breath and then didn’t leave a second for her to wonder if he meant it or not.
But you knew the second he said it, the way he said; perfectly rehearsed. Completely devoid of emotion. Something he’d practised a million times over in his head, “No. You’re cargo.” There was no real weight behind the way he said it, but she’s just a girl, a child who’s known nothing but disappointment… and somehow she still laughs in the face of misery. But the way her face fell spoke far louder than any words ever could and you knew she wouldn’t be quipping back with a pithy retort this time. She’s too busy hurting.
And boy, she makes her hurt known, she sighs loudly, curses under her breath and kicks at the dashboard in front of her. He yells at her for being careless and damaging shit she can’t replace, she tells him to go fuck himself and he says words you can’t bring yourself to repeat.
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Some days you think they both simply forget you’re there and today is one of those days. You learned pretty early on that silence is your best tool in these situations and just not to get involved, so you don’t remind them of your presence. You wait it out, you wait until Joel spots something he’ll point out to the both of you and she’ll ask little questions about it and it’ll soon be almost forgotten. Almost.
You know later that day, when he’s taking a few moments to himself that she’ll come to you for something she won’t ask for. She’ll stand in front of you and make stupid jokes or even worse she’ll say something that’ll break your heart and attempt to laugh it off. And then you’ll give her what she’s searching for, you’ll pull her into your arms and wrap your love around her for a few seconds before she pulls back.
And then you’ll repeat it all again tomorrow.
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You didn’t hear him come back, and the sound of his voice ringing through your ears makes you almost jump to your feet.
“Where she go?” he mumbles out as he sits down a few feet away from you.
“Sleeping on the backseat,” you say with a shrug, “She made a comment about just being cargo.”
“That’s what she is.”
“So, you keep saying,” you say with a raised eyebrow, “Yet the second she’s out of your line of sight, your chest starts to heave up and down.”
He scoffs and you don’t need to turn to look at him to know the exact look that etched across his face.
“I'm not going to get into this with you, but…”
“Then don’t.” He warns.
You feel your breath hitch as you ignore his warning, “But… it wouldn’t kill you to choose your words more carefully. Rehearse something a little less cruel.”
And this time you do turn to face him, just as he screws his face up at you with something almost like disgust, before rolling his jaw and sitting up straight, getting ready to unleash his hell on you.
More of his signature cruelty that’s clearly his favourite tool for keeping everyone at arm's length, and you take a not so subtle breath as he starts to spit his venom.
‘You’re a child. Defenceless. Your head is in the clouds. You have no clue how this world works.’ The usual stuff before the inevitable rant about how you could make his life easier and just leave.
And this is usually the part where you apologise, you tell him how grateful you are that he’s giving you a ride across state and he’d respond with a couple of grunts before telling you to go to bed.
But something inside of you breaks and instead of taking his ranting and raving you’re throwing some of your own back in his direction.
“I have no idea? I have no clue?” you yell back, “My life is a cakewalk, right? I found a big strong man to keep me safe and I should keep my mouth shut and just endure. We are all living the same shitty life, Joel, we all know this pain and we all know loss.”
“You know nothing about loss!” he grits back, every word drowning in venom and laced with an undisguised hatred.
“I know nothing about the kind of loss you went through,” you say back as calmly as you can, “And I won’t ever deny the loss of a child is the worst kind of a loss a human can endure, but you can’t spend the rest of your life discrediting other people’s loss unless it matches yours.”
“Don’t you fuck—” he begins to yell.
“I know loss, Joel, and she knows loss. I know pain and she knows pain. And it’s not the same as yours but it’s valid, and when you tell a child that she’s nothing but cargo, you are contributing to her pain.”
The silence feels thick, the air feels thick and threatens to choke you from the inside out but despite the overwhelming urge to start coughing and freeing your throat of the imagined substance blocking your oesophagus; you don’t. You clear your throat and you continue.
“I mourn a life I never got to have,” you admit with a sad chuckle, “I read in books these stories about a man and a woman living a life that seems almost benign, because it’s so dull. And it’s sad because I crave it so much that I dig my fingernails into the meat of my thighs unconsciously just to bring myself out of the pathetic fucking fairytale that i’m creating in my own sickened mind. I dream of a husband, and I dream of working a boring job that barely covers the monthly bills and most of all I dream of the warm breath of a babe I birthed sleeping soundly on my chest and keeping them safe with a downpour of never ending love…. And that girl… that sweet and funny girl simply dreams of being more than just cargo. More than being just a potential cure. And whilst she may never be your blood and will never ever begin to replace what you’ve lost, she deserves for you to be honest with her. She deserves to think she’s more than just cargo to you.”
Nothing more is said. He clicks his tongue a few times and shakes his head before looking away, you give him a slight nod of your own as you scramble to your feet and make your way to the car. You won’t sleep that night, nor will he, but you’ll both feel comforted by the sound of her soft snores from the backseat.
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toontails · 2 years
Toons Quest
Chapter 4: Raise Your Voice
A/N: morning my children, come get your hot and ready update ✨ 
But sorry I left guys, life is busy and hectic!! But I’m pushing for you guys! 
for those using Tumblr this chapter does have music in it, which will be in the links while you are reading, though if you are on a mobile or wild entirely work considering it’ll take you to a different tab and if you would like to really enjoy the full experience of the chapter better, here’s the link to Quotev for this specific chapter so I can enjoy it!
here the link!
“Okay.” Cuphead and Y/n peeked from around the corner of the alleyway, so far the area seemed untouched by the hands of their opposing team, thank goodness. 
Y/n eyes scanned the area as well as Cuphead—for the second time. 
“So, here’s the plan.” He removes himself from the corner and back into the alleyway—the human following his exact move as she stood in front of him. 
“I’ll pretend that to catch you, all of our main target is you—“ Cuphead says, which did cause Y/n to slowly stitch her eyebrows together…well…that was good to know..but also very nerve wracking, for whatever reason they were sent after her for, it was actually something she did want to at least find out about. A handful of villains wanting her dead? What the hell for? And why? 
Cuphead could see her sudden change in facial expression as she grimaced at him slightly. “Don’t worry.” He tells her—his tone softened as he gave her a comforting expression. 
“I’m not gonna let them do anythin’ to you.” He tells her. 
Y/n slowly nods, giving her at least something to lean back into and relax, once Cuphead saw that the human had relaxed he continued with the plan he had managed to stir up in his head, this time, Y/n listening and putting on a brave facade even though she was shivering in her shoes—but she had to do it. 
The next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of the street, Cuphead had left to go get one of his partners—the plan would go he would lead them back to Y/n—and she would basically ambush Cuphead—because he would have the book in his hands when he would return with her. She had yet to spot Bendy and the others and she was only praying that they were okay, a bubbling feeling in her stomach started to boil, she felt she had to vomit, she was so nervous—what if he was tricking her the entire time? What if they killed her before she could get the book from Cuphead. Cuphead seemed fairly confident in the plan he managed to piece together on short notice, the straps of her book bag made her shoulders feeling like they were touching the ground—her heart pounded in her chest before she wandered over to a car parked parallel off on the side near the sidewalk. She wanted to get a good angle to jump on Cuphead, she squats down to the ground, leaning her back against the car, she lets out a heavy sigh and stares straight ahead of towards the buildings, some people walked passed either minding their own business or giving her a concerned expression on why she had her back glued to the car—but she had bigger problems to deal with than a few odd looks. 
“Cuphead will get the book, run to him, snatch it, run off.” She tells herself softly—almost as if she was giving herself a pep talk..which she was..the human slowly nods her head as she lets out a sigh before straightening her back. 
“You got this..you got this…” she whispers, slowly standing up from the ground and turning around to look through the car window to the other side—she spotted Bettigan and Mugman walking over to Cuphead, who was already looking at the two, Mugman immediately was at Cuphead’s side as he started to check him for any wounds, scars or even a crack on his head, which Cuphead immediately started to swat his hand away. 
“Gimme the book.” Cuphead says. 
Y/n immediately drops to the ground, back pressed back to the car door. She can’t do this! Last she checked, Bettigan had a gun! What if he was quicker than her and before she could run off and he shoots at her?! Surely he wouldn’t do it in a town filled with people. Then again, he was chasing her down to kill her so what difference would that make—she was going to take the ladder he would blow her foot off without a doubt. 
“What? What for?” She heard Bettigan’s voice from on the pavement on the other side of the street.  She heard Cuphead speak but she couldn’t open her ears to pay attention, she can’t do this..
“I’m not gonna let them do anythin’ to you.” Was what Cuphead told her, his voice ringing in her ears. She furrowed her eyebrows and moved her gaze to the alleyway across from her—in between the two buildings..she could always just leave..
She slowly shook her head..she couldn’t..she had to get that book back. She slowly stood back up and looked out of the car window—Cuphead was holding the book, his brother Mugman had his arms crossed as Cuphead appeared to be speaking to Bettigan. Cuphead stood a few feet away from his brother and the cowboy. 
“Where’s the girl? I’ve been lookin’ everywhere for the brat.” Bettigan says. Cuphead tilts his head gently. “What about those other toons?” He asks. Bettigan scratched at his arm and let out a chuckle. “M’ sure Mango is huntin’ them down like a dog.” He jokes. Mugman silently shook his head and rolled his eyes, shuffling uncontrollably on his feet as his eye’s traveled elsewhere, Cuphead had noticed before he nudged his brother and winked at him. 
“Doesn't matter, good thing is, we got this baby!” He holds the book out with a proud smile and Bettigan only grumbles before he snorts and looks elsewhere. “I mean it’s whatever..could care less ‘bout the book..” he muttered under his breath. 
He hardly even got a chance to react when he felt a heavy gust of wind swing past him, Cuphead grunts and stumbles slightly at the sudden impact, Y/n had ran from the car and across the street as fast as her legs could go, arms outstretched as she grabbed on the book, and ran straight forward towards the alleyway she and Cuphead previously was in. 
Mugman was shocked that the human managed to zip past him at such speed, his mouth open as he then furrowed his eyebrows at his brother. “Cuphead!” He scolds him. Cuphead slowly blinks before huffing. 
“How was I know she was hidin’ behind the car!” He defends himself almost immediately. Bettigan pushed the two towards the alleyway. 
“Go get her then!” He shouts at the two. Cuphead and Mugman grunts as they stumbled into the alley where Y/n had ran to, leaving a train of water behind—the water that was still leaking from her pants from the sewer incidents. 
Meanwhile, Y/n turned a corner, hopping over trash bags and trash cans, her shoes thumping heavily on the concrete. She hugged the book close to her chest before abruptly stopping, she quickly took her bookbag off and unzipped it, it was wet and heavy but it would do as she needed something to carry the book—despite its look, it was heavy. She placed the straps onto her bag and breathed heavily as she gazed at the locked fense..it was the other side of the town—which she can certainly find another way there and easier way—but she didn’t want to run back to the way she escaped. 
“Gotcha!” She felt hands on her shoulders and she let out a yelp before quickly turning around and shoving the perpetrator, only to reveal Cuphead who had a smile on his face. “Hey hey! It’s just me.” He tells the human. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and grumbled. “Don’t do that..” she muttered.
“Here, you find the others and leave town.” Cuphead starts as he walks passed her and over to the fence that was locked, the two certainly couldn’t get over it and he was certain with the small section of the town he had already been through, her friends had to be on that side as he didn’t spot them earlier. He points a finger at the padlock, and a beam of blue light shoots from his fingertip, hitting the padlock which immediately falls to the ground, the smell of burnt copper was pungent, her eyes stared down the dark and red hot steel on the ground. Cuphead pushed open the door of the gate and turned to Y/n and motioned her through. 
“You can shoot through your finger?” She asks him as she slowly shuffles past him, he was silent for a moment before nodding. “Yeah..”  he says. 
“I can show ya’ a few t-“ he took a moment to actually look at her before sucking in a smile, realizing that teaching her..magic wasn’t exactly possible considering she was a human. 
“Neeever…mind.” He lets out a nervous chuckle. Y/n steps through the gate and looks around and let’s out a sigh before turning to look at Cuphead. 
“Okay. And you said the church is on the 46th street—20 minutes from here?” She asks him and Cuphead nods. 
“Yes, go there! And get the crystal, and we’ll be as good as a pair of new shoes.” Cuphead says. Y/n nods and Cuphead glanced over his shoulder back into the alley. 
“Now hurry! I’ll be in town whenever you guys get it—please don’t die.” He tells her before backing away and Y/n nods. 
“I’ll try.”  She tells him..which was mostly something she was telling herself.  Cuphead winked at her before he turned and walked back into the alleyway. “Catch ya’ later sugarbelle!” He tells her. 
Y/n watched as he rushed off, she turned around and glanced down the sidewalk—in search of her friends. 
“Okay..” she tells herself as she starts to quickly rush down the sidewalk, hands on the straps of her bag. 
She walked past the citizens of the town minding their business and doing what they do best. She repeated the location in her head as she turned a corner, 20 minutes from town—shouldn’t be that far of a drive. That’s if she can even find her friends. 
She rounded a corner and heard a distance shouting, perking up at the sound she smiled—they were alive! Or..she assumed that was them. The voices were far off—but she followed them, jogging with the intent to find her friends, she started to track down the distant sound like a lost pup looking for their way home.
Her clothes were still wet—yet damp but she was surprisingly proud of herself with how far she made it without dying because of it. She rounded another corner only to be suddenly lifted into the air, she yelped and held tightly onto the bookbag—considering that was what was holding her up.  Her eyes immediately looked ahead to see Mangosteen, standing right beside him was another toon—with a dice head and wearing a pristine purple and lavender suit, he was looking off somewhere else until he looked at Y/n, who had shrunk slightly—not because of his gaze. But who was standing next to him. The Devil. Despite..his name. The Devil wasn’t this enormous guy with red scaly skin and piercing red eyes. He was around the height of the dice guy—still taller than Y/n herself—but a normal height as any person. He held a trident in his hand, his yellow eyes gleaming at Y/n. 
“So you’re Y/n.” He says. Y/n opened her mouth slowly but nothing came out—the bag holding her body in mid air, if they got their hands on the book, she was certain she would have an awfully hard time getting it back—she already was thankful for Cuphead saving her tail and even getting her the book back—which she was certain he would be reprimanded for ‘accidentally’ letting the person they were supposed to kill snatch the book back. No doubt this was Cuphead’s boss. 
Y/n breathed heavily as she looked at the Devil. “Yes..” her voice came out in a hushed tone.
“You know..” The Devil starts. Y/n’s eyes managed to wander away—the streets were empty, she could have sworn there were people walking around just the—only the cars filling in the space to tell her that people clearly lived in the town. The wind blowing through trees, hearing the leaves rustling against each other and a few birds chirping in the distance.
“You don’t have to die.” He tells her. Y/n moves her gaze back to the Devil. His gaze was hard and attentive as if wanting her attention on him—clearly that reason being he was trying to give her a bargain. 
“You give us that book, and we’ll be out of you and your friends' hair. No one will be harmed.” He starts. Y/n remained silent, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt her arms become weak from hanging onto the straps of her bag. 
“But you have to make a deal with me.” He tells her. A deal..he spoke to her as if he were trying to calm down a frightened child that had been cornered. 
“You won’t come back looking for the book if I let you go.”  He finished. Y/n felt herself slowly get placed back onto the ground, the bag bringing its regular weight back onto her shoulders. 
“How will I know you’re not lying?” She cautiously tells him. The Devil rolled his eyes and deadpans. “I make deals for a living, I get something in return, you get something in return—all you have to do is just give me the book.” He grumbled. 
Y/n actually thought about it…did they really need that book..? Then again..it was important..what was she thinking?! Making a deal with the Devil?! That’s the number one thing any human knew not to do. She took a step back and furrowed her eyebrows at him. 
“No.” She tells him. Sternly, Dice raises his eyebrows in amusement. “Hm. Smart girl.” He says. Devil only gleamed at Y/n. The human backs away, her eyes trailing away from the figures ahead of her and down the sidewalk—a free easy escape. 
“You know you humans are very odd, I mean, you’re rather choose death and to keep some stupid book safe you don’t know anything about, than life?” The Devil blew a raspberry and placed his hands on his hips. “You’re no fun honestly, don’t you think Dice?” The Devil averted his eyes to the man beside him but he was busy looking over his shoulder behind him.
“She got away.” Dice says. The Devil was silent for a moment before looking back at the spot that Y/n once stood to see the girl wasn’t nowhere to be found. 
“Wha—“ he quickly turned around and gazed at the ground to see a small trail of water from her damp clothes imprinted on the sidewalk. 
“HOW?!” He shouts. 
Meanwhile, Y/n ran down the sidewalk in search for her friends, her legs were really growing tired the more she ran—but she soon crossed a corner, and immediately was tackled to the ground, despite her wanting it to be someone she knew—she was met with the unfortunate face of Bettigan—who took the time to tackle her, the two tumbled to the ground, Y/n’s breathe as snatched from her lungs upon the impact, but she made sure Bettigan’s wouldn’t get the bookbag. Once the two slowed down in their summersaults, she quickly tried to get up, but Bettigan quickly pinned her to the ground by her shoulders. 
“Gotcha!” He shouts at her. Y/n acted on impulse and latched her teeth onto the closet thing near her—which was his wrist, she quickly sank her teeth into his clothed wrist, and he howled in pain and snatched his body from her, she quickly pushed him away and snagged herself off the ground and ran past him—Bettigan tried grabbing her, but his finger only nicked her book bag. 
He quickly stood up as he held onto his wrist in pain, Y/n quickly fell into the brick wall of the building as she tripped over her shoes—but she spotted a plank leaning against the wall and quickly picked it up and turned to Bettigan. 
“Yeah!” She smiled at him and boasted, holding the plank as if it were a bat. “Got you now!” 
Bettigan furrowed his eyebrows and glowered at the girl. As he rubbed his wrist, Y/n  laughed mockingly as she shook the plank above her head, holding it as some sort of victory token, but boasting seemed to get to her head as the plank slipped from her hand, and fell ontop of her head, the last thing she remembered was Bettigan opening his mouth as if she caught him off guard, and everything cutting out and going black. 
“Wake up, kid…”
“Is she gonna be okay?”
“What happened?”
“I think she hit her head.”
“I found her like that when I was tryna find Bendy.”
“Geez..she hit it real good too..”
“Oh…poor girl…”
“Give her some room guys.”
“Who the hell is she again?”
“M/n’s daughter.”
The voices were muffled, a small shimmer of light poured through her eyelids, Y/n’s head felt tight with tension and she could finally feel her surroundings, she was laying on something soft, a what she could assume—a blanket draped over her and a hand gently resting on her head. 
She slowly opened her eyes, squinting gently at the ceiling light. But once her squinted eyes were adjusted and the blurriness subsided she spotted her friends! Bendy, Boris, Alice, Felix, Donald, Oswald, Panchito, Edgar and two other toons she wasn’t familiar  with, stood over her. 
“What happened..?” Y/n muttered. Felix smiled down at her and gently placed the ice pack onto the crown of her head. “Well, I thought someone hit you in the head with a plank that was beside you—thankfully I got there before Bettigan could do anything to you.” He tells her. 
Right…right! How could she forget? The damn plank hit her in the head, via herself. She felt the need to punch herself, that’s so embarrassing, she made a promise, to not even remotely tell them what happened, just push the blame on Bettigan, he’ll be fine, they all hated the guy anyway. 
“Where’s the book?” Y/n asks. Bendy motioned to Edgar with his hand, the spider held her bookbag up and smiled. 
“It’s with us. When Felix found you, you were really the last person we needed to find before leavin’ the area.” He explained. Y/n’s eyes finally glanced around her surroundings, it was the hotel room, Felix’s hotel room, to be exact. Thank goodness..
A sigh left Y/n’s mouth and she furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Ya know, I never knew M/n had a daughter. What a world.” Charley says, his arms crossed as he looked at Y/n, the human moved her gaze  to look at him as Alice slowly rolled her eyes at Charley, but surprisingly didn’t say anything. 
“Well! This was an eventful day.” Panchito says. Oswald nods in agreement. “Yeah, didn’t expect to be chased for…” Oswald silently counted in his head. “7 and a half hours.” 
“Jeez, it was that long?” Bendy asks Oswald, and Oswald nods. “Surprised we didn’t get a public distribution ticket, most definitely needed one with the way we broke almost every window in town.” Oswald muttered. Donald only snickered in the background. 
“Well. Y/n needs some rest and so do you all.” Alice says and Boris had sat down on the ground and rested his head on Y/n’s stomach, similar to what a dog would do, he seemed pretty exhausted himself. 
“Well, she just woke up, and I’m not sure if she has a concussion or not, which I am very certain she does, so it’s best to stay up for the next hour.” Felix placed a paw on Y/n’s head where the plank had hit her. 
“I thought you were supposed to rest when you got concussions.” Donald questions and Felix nods. “Not entirely, that’ll leave a good chance into falling into a coma, you need to exercise the brain first to make sure it’s functioning the right way.” Felix says. Charley looks away from the cat and to Y/n. 
“How many fingers am I holdin’ up?” Charley had held his hand up and held up 4 fingers, and of course Y/n clearly saw how many fingers he held up. 
“Fou-“ and just as she was about to reply he had put a finger down and now it was 3. 
“Wrong. Clearly, something’s wrong with her.” Charley looks at Felix. Alice furrowed her eyebrows and nudged at Charley.  
“Well. Now that we got the book bag, what now? The cup brothers want to kill us.” Bendy asks Felix, the cat thought for a moment, silently contemplating.
“There’s a church that we need to go to.” Y/n points out and Bendy looks at her and gives her a confused expression. 
“Cuphead and Mugman are apart of the book, I found that out earlier today—“
“Oh great..” Donald grumbled as he rubbed his temple—it just felt like problems piled onto each other one after the other.
“And we can’t leave town unless we get them with us—but we can’t do that because the devil has them under some deal bond—“
“Wait, wait, wait.” Bendy had his eyes closed before he opened his eyes and looked at Y/n. “And how did you find all this out?” He asks her. If Y/n could at the time, a sweat drop would roll down her forehead. 
“Uh..Cuphead told me.” She quickly.
“Kid, if your mother found out I let you talk to the person that’s out to kill you, she’ll have me 6 feet under.” Bendy exclaims 
“Well if ma’ found out what we were all doing period she would pop a blood vessel but you don’t hear me complaining so we’re both on the same page.” Y/n told him and Charley laughed and nudged Barley. “Aye, this gal got some spunk!” He laughed obnoxiously and Barley only blinked slowly and grumbled under his breath from being nudged so hard. 
“Continue what you were saying.” Y/n felt Felix gently pat her head to get her back on track. 
“We clearly need them with us, there’s this church in town that has this crystal—or jewel—it keeps the devil away from them and they need it—which means if we plan on getting them to come with us—we need to get that jewel.” Y/n tells everyone and Alice immediately nods. 
“That’s the reason why we came down here.” Alice brings up before motioning to Barley. 
“Barley made a speculation that the cup brothers would go to the monastery to search for the jewel. And no surprise that’s exactly what they’re doing—or—what they were going to do, didn’t exactly expect them to be after you all.” Alice says and Y/n nods. 
“Well, I spoke to Cuphead, and it’s really not their choice—he said if they didn’t get the book then the Devil would kill his brother.” She says and Donald grimaces at that. “Oh man..” he says. 
“That..yeah..that’s pretty bad.” Alice said slowly. Which was a very hard decision if it were Y/n. Kill an innocent person—or let your sibling die? As prude as it may sound—she would have to go with killing the person—but Cuphead seemed to have his ways with thinking and planning. 
“Yeah, we figured that out already.” Bendy says—clearly wanting Y/n to go on, they already knew Cuphead and Mugman were after a jewel—via Felix telling them. 
“Well we need to get that Jewel if we plan on getting them with us anytime soon. Once we get the jewel, we give it to them and take them with us and that way the Devil won’t be able to get to them.” She says. 
“And how are we supposed to get it? I thought nuns were at the church.” Oswald asks and Alice seemed to already have that down. 
“Yes, there is. I'm sure you guys can just go and—I dunno. Ask for it.” She says. 
“That’s if the damn thing even really works.” Charley muttered under his breath and frankly Bendy had to agree with him. 
“Well it's best to try and just go there to get it. That’s our only option as of right now unless we stay back here in town running around.” Felix points out—which clearly no one wanted to do, going to look for the jewel would be the best option. 
“What other choice do we have..” Donald grumbled and Panchito only rocks back and forth on his feet with a smile.
Despite accidentally hitting herself in the head, she could still remember the address bright and clear..thank goodness. 
“I know the address? So that’s good.” Y/n says as she slowly sits up, Boris removing his head from her stomach, the tension in her body was still there but not as intense as earlier, her head felt light and she felt the area the plank landed on her head. Alice handed her a piece of paper and a pen and Y/n took it and wrote down the address. 
“Well. We’ll leave tomorrow morning. So everyone get a good night's rest…” Felix says. 
And that was one thing Y/n most certainly needed. 
Leaving early in the morning was hard—forcing herself awake and trudging to the car was the only thing she could remember before immediately falling back to sleep in the car. 
Y/n was placed in the backseat by Bendy after he spotted her trudging back to the couch to lay down—of course he was tired from waking up at 6 in the morning but he never saw anyone that exhausted. At first he thought it was because the small hit to the head stirred her up a bit but then again he had to think, the human body used way more energy than toons and was very fragile compared to his. 
Waiting for the others, Bendy gently placed a hand on Y/n’s head as she leaned against the seat of the backseat struggling to stay awake. “Jeez, ya’ that tired?” 
“What time is it..?” Y/n softly asks, a throw blanket that Alice gave her was wrapped around her shoulder. 
“It’s 6 in the morning.” He replied as he gazed down at the crown of Y/n’s head, making sure the small knot on her head was recovering just fine. 
Y/n couldn’t remember much else before drifting back off to sleep in pure bliss, the 20 minute drive felt much longer—thankfully for her, she wanted and needed all the sleep she could get, and before she knew it she was standing right infront of the wooden double doors to a chapel. 
Everyone stood next to each other as they stared at the chapel—the sound of birds chirping and the wind rustling through the trees was evident. The location was just a few minutes away from town, with nice trees and vegetation around, the dirt pathway had led up to the wooden door, it seemed pretty abandoned considering how quiet it was and peaceful, the sun felt nice too…
“Well, this is it.” Felix announced as they all looked up at the chapel, Barley took a paper from the bulletin announcement board near the path they were standing on. 
“Looks like they’re some well known choir.” He says. Bendy looks at him. “What?” He says. 
“Choir, sing, popular. Jesus, sometimes I think somethin’ is wrong wit’ ye brain.” Barley muttered. Bendy laughs. “Maybe.” He says. 
“Well..I mean it’s good to know that they’re quite popular in town.” Alice says and Oswald slowly shrugs. 
“I dunno, I never heard them before.” He says nonchalantly and Y/n raises an eyebrow. “Uh, because we’re not residents here.” She said as if pointing out the obvious. 
“Oh..” Panchito grimaced as he took another paper from the bulletin board. 
“Oh? Why oh?” Donald quickly asks him as if he knew what that sound meant. 
“Well..it seems that there is a music competition later in this week.” He says—which isn’t exactly their problem so Y/n was confused why he even pointed that out but Charley was a step ahead of her. 
“What does that have to do with what we’re doing?” He grumbled. 
“Well. The thing is, the prize is the jewel.” He turns the paper around and shows it to everyone and Bendy immediately places both hands on his head. “Oh god—you can’t be serious—“ 
“This is exactly why I said, let’s steal it.” Charley emphasized as he gave Alice a pointed look and she only rolled her eyes. “Nobody is stealing anything.” She tells him. 
“Wait. But I thought they had it.” Y/n placed her hands on her hips and Panchito looked back down at the paper, rereading the year date—and indeed the date was up to the year currently. 
“I can only assume that somewhere along the lines the church probably lost a competition and lost the jewel.” Felix says and Y/n ran a hand down her face. What now?! 
“Well I mean. If the town is holding a singing competition, and—clearly the church is known for a good choir, why not just create a short alliance with them to get the jewel?” Boris brings up, which actually was a good idea and Felix smiled. 
“Not a bad idea Boris. This town is heavily known for music and their singing, just latch onto a team and root for them to win and then boom, a jewel.” He says and Donald slowly shakes his head. 
“That’s if they're even willing to hand it over.” He says, which also was—something to think about as well. 
“Which is why I said. Steal it.” Charley muttered under his breath with his arms crossed. “It’ll make everythin’ ten times easier.” 
“I will punch you.” Alice hissed through her teeth, her halo flickered ever so slightly. Bendy motioned towards Alice. 
“Alice, you think of something, you’re the one good with plans.” He says and Alice’s eyes flickered towards the building.
“I agree with Boris. If the town has the jewel and the only way to get it is to win it from a competition, and we have a perfectly good team right in front of us, we better use what we have.” 
“When you all put it like that, that feels so wrong.” Y/n says and Bendy only grunts. “Better than stealing it.” He points out and Charley only rubbed his temple. 
“Life or death. And you choose to sing for it.” 
“Oh! I love music!” Panchito smiled. 
“How on earth are y’all going to get nuns to help you out?” Barley brings up. Alice thinks for a moment. 
“Just say we’re converts.” She says before walking over to the door and immediately knocking on it. 
Charley looks at Bendy. “If this doesn't work. We’re stealing.” 
“What is up with you and stealin?”
Edgar squeaks and shakes his head at Charley as if scolding him. 
“What? It’s easier than this!” 
“I just think you’re afraid of churches.” Bendy teases. 
As the boys stood in the background going back and forth, the door slowly opened, an elderly woman no older than. The age of 60 stood in the doorway. Wearing the signature habit, the woman looks at Alice before her eyes slowly panned towards everyone behind her.
Alice smiled. 
“Hello, we just heard about this..wonderful…” her eyes gazed around the empty area. “Life filled place.” She says and Y/n snorted in the background at that. 
“And we really need a place to stay. You see, we..are..a band—choir. We’re a choir.” She motioned towards everyone behind her.
“We heard about this place and how nice it was and the choir—oh-I heard that was the best part. But, we’re new in town and wanted to join the competition, and we were asking if my by any chance we can stay for a few stays..”  she says. The woman looks at her before speaking. 
“Sister Mary Patrick.” The woman says. And Alice smiles before nodding. 
“Alice.” She says and Mary Patrick nods. 
“I’ve been teaching myself to convert.” Alice brings up and the woman nods—Alice clearly lying through her teeth. 
“You guys doin’ the competition or no?” Charley rudely interrupted and Alice slowly turned to him and furrowed her eyebrows before looking back at Mary Patrick. 
“Forgive my friends, they are converts as well. They have a hard time..falling back.”  Alice says. 
“We don’t take in any outsiders.” The woman says.
“Oh but please. We can be very useful for you all.” Alice motioned towards the bulletin board. “In fact we would love to team up with you all for the competition.”
“I’m afraid our choir is not up to date for any of that.” 
“But I’m sure that we can help with that. You give us a place to stay for the time being, and we discuss your choir.” 
“I don’t necessarily make propositions.” 
“A hand for a hand.”
Alice didn’t seem to let go of the matter, latching her teeth into the subject and not letting go. 
The woman did seem to contemplate for a moment. If she didn’t let them in, Y/n didn’t know what else to turn to. Other than..stealing..via an idea from Charley.
The woman opens the door and walks in. “Come in.” She says. Alice looks bad at the group with a sly smile before walking in.
“No way.” Oswald says. 
“I’m surprised she’ll let him in.” Charley motioned towards Bendy, Bendy only scratched his back and grunted. “Who could say no to this face?” 
“Me, without a breath.” Charley grumbled before walking past him. 
Following in—Y/n’s eyes examined the chapel, it seemed to be like a regular waiting room—beige carpets, paintings, dingy white walls that use some repainting and the faint smell of dust, this place clearly hadn’t been in contact with life other than the nuns for years. 
There were a few other nuns walking around—dusting or..doing whatever. Once smiled at Y/n and Y/n returned the gesture. 
Mary Patrick had somehow walked behind Bendy and examined him first—prior to Charley’s statement. Bendy’s eyes followed the woman as she looked at him. 
“What are you?'' she asks him. Bendy blinks. “Me.” He says. Alice slowly shook her head and rubbed the back of her neck. 
Mary Patrick placed the tip of a pointer stick on Bendy’s mouth, lifting it up to reveal his cheek teeth in his maw. He moved his face slightly and closed his mouth. 
“You’re an odd creature.” She says. “Thank you, I get that often.” Bendy says bashfully and one of the nuns giggles in the background and cooed. 
“I can assure you, despite his looks, he is a very kind and gentle person.” Alice says as she walks over to Y/n and gently pushes her to Bendy as if making them hug, which Y/n did wrap her arms around Bendy in a hug and Bendy smiles and returns the unexpected hug. 
“He’s very good with humans.” She says as the two let go of eachother. 
“So, do we have a deal?” Alice asks. 
Sister Mary Patrick sighed before taking a deep breath. She didn’t seem to take a liking to the group. Standing in a line, Y/n, Bendy, Boris, Alice, Charley, Barley, Edgar, Donald, Panchito, Oswald and Felix watch the nun as she gives them a calculating expression. She was contemplating whether they were able to enter the sanctuary..
“Dear god she’s gonna sing.” Charley muttered under his breath in irritation, of course..how could Y/n forget. In a town where everyone sings..and lives their life off of music. Cliche. She’d usually skip this part in films but this was real life and she couldn’t do anything but shut up, sit and listen. 
“Outside, life’s a mess. No one is pure of spirit any longer. There’s no wrong or right, just wrong and wronger. People have amused themselves to death.”  She lifts an arm quickly as she sang—motioning towards the large windows. 
“Outside, life is grim. Filled with smut and scandal to the brim-“ she then landed her eyes to Bendy, almost grimacing.
“I suppose there may be room for him, frankly I don’t plan to hold my breath.” But she closed her eyes and inhaled. Was she..accepting them in? 
“But..” she was.
“Here within these walls days are filled with grace. God is in his place. His wisdom still respected.” She turned around and walked down the aisle. Her voice is sweet and caring and passionate.
“Here within these walls. Life has a different pace from life beyond our doors.” She turns back around towards the group and smiles before continuing.
“And for what it’s worth, this life’s now yours!” 
“Oh thank god..” Bendy sighed in heavy relief. Placing a hand on his chest in pure relief. Alice nudges Bendy to pay attention. 
“Outside all is vice. People now are absolutely shameless. Most including those who shall be nameless. Hardly seem to know or even care.” A nun passed Mary Patrick some folded clothes as she sang. 
“Outside, all is sin! And I won’t have the outside coming in. Trust me . It’s a battle you won’t win-“ she glanced at Y/n.
“Frankly, dear, you haven’t got a prayer.”
“What?” Y/n asks. Tilting her head in confusion. She didn’t do anything though..Mary Patrick only smiled at her.
“Here within these walls…life is sweet and good. Faith is understood. And selfishness rejected.”
“Here within these walls, work, prayer and sisterhood are what life’s built upon. That’s how it will stay-” 
She stepped over to Felix and handed him the pile of clothes. “-Or else you’re gone!” 
Felix fumbled with the clothes and gave her a wavering smile.
“So put aside your gluttony!” She glanced at Charley. Who raised an eyebrow.
“Put aside your pride.” She glanced at Alice. 
“As for carnal lust, you need a break I trust. Put it all aside!” Felix passes the clothes down as Y/n gets hers she was busy watching The nun.
“Put aside intemperance, profanity as well put aside each remnant of your formal wordy shell.” Mary Patrick glanced back at the group. Her eyes studying them all. The nuns were still behind Mary Patrick. As they hummed their hymns. 
“Here within these walls…all is stripped away, surrender and obey. That’s all that is expected. Here within these walls all else is kept at bay, though the world may go astray, here eternal truth hold sway.” 
“Here within these walls, life is truly blessed, here you’re god’s own guest, celestially protected. Here within these walls all’s for the very best. And always shall be thus-“
A nun held out an outfit, a dress for Y/n. As others did the same for her group. All showing tailored outfits. For them. Mary Patrick looked at Alice. 
“And if heaven’s will be done. Here she’ll just be one more nun. Safe within these walls..” Mary Patrick nods before turning around to walk off. Singing. 
“As..one of..us..”
“Oh this should be fun! Now. Girls with girls. Boys with boys!” A nun pranced down the hall.  The mahogany floor creaking under the weight of the group. “If I hear one more damn musical number. I might lose my mind..” Charley grumbles. Boris’s tail wagged. “I dunno. I kinda liked it!” 
Y/n trudged down the hall with her book bag wrapped around her shoulders. The girl was yet again tired, in fatigue all she wanted to do was lay down and rest her feet, she assumed all the running and shouting earlier today finally got to her. Alice nudged Charley and glared at him, Charley raised an eyebrow. 
“Stop, or else you’ll get us kicked out…” She whispered to him. Felix stood in front of the nun, as the rest of the group stood behind him. The nun had turned around, it was the end of the hallway. And on either side of her were two wooden doors. The nun lifts a hand and points to her left. “Ladies. This is your room. As for you young men-“ she points to her right. 
“This will be yours.” She smiles. Felix smiled at her and nodded. “Thank you so much.”
“Oh! No problem at all. Sister Mary Patrick rarely speaks to anyone from the outside. You all must have caught her attention!” 
Y/n walked over to the door, the room that was assigned to both her and Alice. She twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Right when she was thinking of immediately falling asleep she heard the nun quickly something in.
“And once you all are finished getting dressed. Please. Come down to the eating hall. Everyone would love to meet you all.” The nun smiled at the group. The nun walked past Felix before making her way down the hall. Humming a tune to herself. 
“At Least we all have a place to stay?” Panchito smiled at the group. Alice hummed in response. She held up the outfit that was given to her. A black dress from what it seemed. And boy did Alice love dresses. “They’re kind enough to let us in. That’s for sure.” She replies. 
“This is a horrible idea. Alice. You represent nothing of a nun.” Bendy glared at Alice. She only smiled at him before crossing her arms. Giving the Demon a taunting expression. “And you think you do? Tutu gal-“ she teased him in a mocking tone. Bendy’s form went stiff as he gasped in shock. Before he could try and quip something at the Angel. Charley slapped his hand on Bendy’s mouth as he rubbed his temple. “Shut up. Both of you. I do agree with Bendy. Alice, you're the last person that should represent this group as a trustworthy clean nun.”
“But that doesn't matter.”  Charley interrupts Alice. Felix nods before turning around to face the group. “He’s right. At Least we’re here. Let’s all get dressed and meet them all in the lunch room.”
Y/n stared at herself in the mirror. The clothing was bland. Not that she was really hoping the clothes wouldn’t be too outlandish. Of course she wasn’t making fun of the way nuns dressed. No. It wasn’t exactly her style. The dress reached right to her knees. It was a boring brown dull color. The dress wasn’t sleeveless—in fact she had a brown sweater vest. Under that vest was a white button up. The outfit sort of resembled some sort of private school uniform that all kids hated wearing on a daily basis. Y/n had tossed her tennis shoes by her bed. And wore the black flats that were given to her. Hearing shuffling from the side of the room. Alice was fixing herself up in a mirror that was in a bathroom connected to their room.The room had two beds.  And one bathroom. That was all. 
“This dress is ugly…” Y/n whispered. Alice heard the girl mutter under her breath before she peeked from the bathroom she was in at Y/n. Alice soon slipped from the bathroom and slowly walked over to Y/n. Placing a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. Alice smiled. “You look wonderful. What do you mean?” She asks. Y/n turns to look at Alice surprised. Alice once again smiled at her. A close lipped comforting smile.
Y/n soon smiled back at the toon.
“Thank you..” Y/n mutters. Alice nods before she reaches and fixes the sleeves of Y/n’s shirt. “No problem dear. We won’t be here for long. We entered the event. Get that gem. And leave.” Alice was trying to reassure Y/n from what it seemed. And Y/n very much appreciated it. 
“And trust me. The Devil won’t put a finger on any of us. You saw how badass- I mean-“ Alice covered her mouth with her fingertips. Y/n immediately burst out laughing at Alice’s slip up. But, Alice soon after laughed as well. “I know, we all do make a great team.” Y/n chuckles soon after. And Alice nods.
Knock knock knock
“Hey. Are you ladies done getting dressed?” It was Felix. Alice and Y/n look over at the door. Alice leaned over slightly to Y/n and whispered to her.  “Is it just me? Or is the cat guy handsome? I would love to make some sweet music with him.” She asks. Y/n smiled slowly before looking at Alice. “Ewww..” she laughed. Alice snickers before walking over to the door and opening it. 
“Yes! We’re ready!” 
Once making it to the lunchroom, or cafeteria as Y/n would call it. Y/n glanced around the decent sized room. Once king dinner table. With several chairs that she didn’t care to count. The wooden floors were now replaced with a beige carpet. The golden lights on the wall lit up the room. And there were at least four renaissance paintings from artists that were decorated on the wall. The table had a white cloth that covered the brown table. Several plates were
Placed down. And some dishes were also on the table. Sister Mary Patrick was seated at the end of the table. A solemn expression ridden on her face. One empty and almost soulless. 
“Oh! You all are here!” A short-small-nun raised herself from the table and smiled at the group. 
“Hurray..” Donald mutters. Panchito was busy picking at the seams on his dress shirt. He obviously didn’t like his new clothing that was given to him due to him not paying attention to whatever was going on. 
The boys pretty much all had the same clothing. A dress shirt and slacks. Now Y/n could really say the clothing had no taste at all. 
The nun walked over to Alice and took her hand and gently shook it. “My name is Anitoch. But You all can call me Annie!” Her voice was very high and shrilly. Y/n didn’t know if it was because of her excitement. Or that was just the way that woman's voice was.  Alice smiled before placing a hand on her chance. 
“Nice to meet you Annie. My name is Alice.” Alice then turned around to stand next to Annie and looked upon the group. “And these are my friends. We.. all go around.. spreading.. kindness? And..love around the world!” Alice didn’t know what to say. She had to present herself as someone that was spiritually on track, but frankly, the group didn’t pose as anything like it. 
“Oh god..” Bendy grumbles under his breath. His hand running down his face. Felix looked away from Bendy before he gave Alice a smile. “Yes, we do! how about we introduce ourselves. Yes? In fact, I’ll do the introduction for everyone!” 
Felix seemed to steer the conversation elsewhere as Alice didn’t exactly know how to keep hold of it to make them all seem trustworthy and non threatening. Which they weren’t. Felix didn’t want the head nun, Mary Patrick, To think low of them and kick them out so soon. He walks over to Panchito and places a hand on his shoulder. With Felix’s freehand. He gently swatted Panchito’s hand away from the collar of his shirt from pulling at a seam. Panchito quickly looked up and looked at the nun before smiling, finally getting back on track. 
“This is Panchito.” He then walks over to Donald and Oswald. Standing between the two. Donald had his arms crossed as he waited. As Oswald stood by Felix. His eyes mostly glued on Sister Mary Patrick. Who was listening to the conversation as well. “Donald and Oswald.” 
Felix then wanders over to Charley, Barley and Edgar. Where he introduces the three. “Charley, Barley and this Little guy is Edgar.” Charley and Barley didn’t speak. Edgar smiled at the table full of nuns before squeaking a sound that sounded similar to a; ‘hello!’
“Awww! Aren’t you just precious.” Another nun cooed from the table. She clasps her hands together as she smiles at Edgar. 
Felix walks over to Bendy. Who had his arms crossed. “This is Bendy.”  Felix placed a hand on Bendy’s back. Bendy only stared at the nuns. Who all didn’t show much interest in him as they previously did for Edgar. 
“Hi.” Bendy grumbled. Felix rubs between Bendy’s horns before walking over to Y/n and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 
“And this is Y/n.” Felix smiled at her. Y/n smiled back before looking forward and waving at the nuns. Who all smiled at the girl. All expect Sister Mary Patrick. 
“And my name is Felix.” 
Annie claps her hands before she walks over to the table and looks back at the group. “Wonderful! Nice
To meet you all. As said. My name is Annie. That. Is Mary Patrick.” She motions over to the solemn nun. 
The nuns that were introduced. Were
Clarissa, Danny, Lazerous. An elderly woman. Who seemed to have seen better days. But she didn’t seem like a woman to mess with. Clarissa. Was a young nun.  Nothing really much to her—as well
As Danny…now mentioning it. None of the nuns seemed to stand out really..
And Mary Robert. A young nun. Maybe close to her 20s. She seemed shy and steered clear from eye
Contact of the group. 
Once seated. Y/n being seated next to Alice. As Donald sat on her other side. As the rest of the toons sat down at the table. Y/n had counted in total there were 6 nuns in total. Wonderful…
Y/n stirred the soup around with her spoon. Listening to Danny speak about how she had a dream last night about swimming with dolphins? Whatever the conversation was. Y/n didn’t really care for it. They were only there for one reason. “The event for the church..will you all be entering it this year?” Y/n asks. The nuns on the other side of the table looked over at the girl. Lazarus quickly responded.
“That’s if ol Patrick over here wants to get us back on track!” She laughs. Danny, Clarissa and Annie all laughed lightly as well. Felix looks over at Mary Patrick. Who had yet to touch her soup. 
“Is there any reason that's holding you back from entering ma’am?” He asks. Patrick looks over to Felix. “I just don’t see the reason why we should compete. It is a sin to want to win and battle over something that should bring joy.” She replied. Felix had a feeling—that wasn’t the reason…it had to be something more. But he didn’t push.
“Well. It isn’t necessarily about competing.” Alice pipes up. Y/n glanced at Alice. What was she going to say?
“It’s about having fun. As you said. And you ladies look like you all need it—“
“With practice for singing of course!” Bendy smiled. Slamming his hands on the table. His eyes quickly shoot over to Alice. “In  the comforts of the monastery!” He spoke through his teeth. He seemed to be trying to get something through Alice’s head. Boris looked between the two. His claw tapping the table ever so slightly. “Oh goody…” Charley muttered under his breath. 
Alice smiled at Bendy softly. “Of course within the comforts of this chapel. But may I be honest? There is a lack of. Life around here. Surely entering the event to sing will boost everyone’s excitement.” Alice said. Bendy lowered his head into his hands. Frustrated with Alice of course. Alice seemed to be blunt and wanted to get right to the point. Their main objective. As for Bendy—he didn’t want his group to seem as if they were some fun loving party goers. That would quickly for sure get them kicked out of the chapel. And not to mention fail their goal! 
“Oh yes. I agree with her.”  Danny smiled at Alice’s statement. Turning her gaze to Mary Patrick. Who still held a solemn expression. Yet—she seems to be. Calculating—thinking on Alice’s interjection. “It’s been years.” She replied. Alice smiled once more. “All the better ma’am. Taking a step back from something that you once did often only brings more motivation.” Alice says. And Felix slowly nods. 
“Well…Alice is correct about that.” He says. Alice perks up before looking at Felix with a wide smile. Felix smiled back at her.  
“I suppose. Though—I believe I have no time for any rehearsal and leading everyone in hymns.” Mary Patrick said. Agreeing with Alice—and even agreeing that entering the town's event was a good idea. But something still held her back. Alice looked back over at the head nun before she quickly placed a hand on Y/n’s head. “That’s where me and Y/n come into play ma’am.” She said. Y/n’s spoon slipped from her hand. The girl abruptly quickly tried to catch the spoon before it could fall into the ceramic bowl. But she was too late as the spoon fell into the soup. Causing some specks of soup to fly out and land on Y/n’s forehead.  Everyone looks over at her. Awaiting her response. Y/n felt Alice’s thumb gently rub away the speck of soup that landed on Y/n’s forehead.
“Would you and Sister Alice take my place to help everyone get ready for the event?” Sister Mary Patrick asks Y/n. 
“I—Yes—I don’t mind.” Y/n’s eyebrow twitched as Alice smiled at her before looking at Sister Mary Patrick. “Then it’s settled.”
“What are you—nuts?!” Bendy shouts. All gathered in the boys room. Alice had her arms crossed as Bendy stood in front of her. “Oh come on. Be lucky that I persuaded the gal’ to enter the event. The more quickly we do this and win that event. The quicker we’ll be out of this chapel and you all can continue on the road.” Alice defends herself. Bendy squints his eyes. His gloved hand lands on his hip as he stares at Alice. 
“We’ve been chased down…twice now…” Bendy raises a hand to rub at his forehead. Y/n sat on the couch in the room. Watching Alice and Bendy converse with one another. Boris sat next to her. His tail wagging slowly. As Charley, Barley and Edgar stood behind the couch. Felix was standing in the kitchen—behind the counter. His elbows on the tabletop as Donald, Panchito and Oswald. Sat at the counter. 
“And this can stop you all from being tracked down. Can’t you see?” Alice raises an eyebrow. Bendy shook his head. “An event?! Do you know what would happen if word gets out that you’re helping nuns win a singing contest?! The brothers already know what we all look like—and it’s already bad enough that one’s gushin’ over little miss forgetful over there—“ Bendy motions towards Y/n. Y/n blinks before rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Hey! It’s not my fault I didn’t expect to run into them so quickly, besides this was the plan from the beginning—“ she defends. Yet—yes. It was partially her fault. She should have known who Cuphead was from the beginning when running into him. But then again. She didn’t have info that he and his brother were out to kill them. From what she thought from the start until he told her otherwise that is. Feeling that familiar tingle in her stomach. Y/n took her mind from the events earlier today. She focused her attention back on Bendy who had his eyes on her. “Are you serious?” He asks.
“What?” Y/n asks. Alice sighs before flicking Bendy’s horn. Who flinched and quickly looked back at the Angel.
“That doesn't matter. At the end of the day. We need that gem. I mean—how hard could it possibly be for us to win this thing? We have the pop to their—pure—hymns or whatever.” Alice moved her legs to walk—more pace back and forth. 
“Are you sayin’  church choirs are bad at music?” Charley raised an eyebrow. Y/n rarely paid attention to the toon until his voice rumbled behind her. She slightly glanced back and saw Charley with his arms crossed. His gaze on Alice. Alice’s halo flickers before she turns her gaze to Charley. “Not bad…just. Something that doesn't fit with today’s genre.” She didn’t want to come off as rude. She has a pure heart and accepts everyone! 
“But we need to stand out at this contest.” She glanced at everyone. Bendy’s tailed perks up before he looks back at Alice. “That’s the problem!” He shouts. He bared his teeth at her. Hands hands shooting up to tug at his horns. “It defeats the whole purpose of why we’re here. To get away from those stupid brothers!”
“No. We’re here to win that gem. To protect us and then from the devil. Because—might I remind everyone. He’s after you all to eliminate you for that book.” Alice stayed calm and collected. Edgar squeaked. Now sitting by Y/n’s foot. She didn’t know what he said. But Alice nods and motions towards Edgar. “What Eddie said.” She said, Whatever it was. The spider probably agrees with her in some way. 
“Okay you two.” Felix decided to break up the altercation between Bendy and Alice. He wandered over to the two. Placed a hand on Bendy’s shoulder before looking at Alice and then back at Bendy. 
“As much as I agree with you, Bendy. Alice is right—“
“See! Told you!” Alice smiled at Bendy. Her hands clutching the ends of her dress in anticipation. Bendy sneers.
“We need that stone. Not only to protect us. But the brothers as well.” 
“Oh brother…” Donald placed a hand on his beak. He was about to open his mouth to make a snappy remark. But Panchito raised a hand to pin Donald’s beak closed so he could hear what Felix had to say.
“I have to remind you all. The main reason Cuphead and Mugman were on the run—was to get away from the Devil. They didn’t have any intentions working with him. I suspect during the time they were taken from me—he somehow got them to do what he say—“
“Like killing us?” Barley asks. Felix looks over at the eyepatch wearing toon before nodding. “Correct.” He says. Bendy taps his foot to the ground slowly. Well..he supposed Felix was right…
“You want us to still pair with the brothers?” Alice asks. Felix lands his eyes on her and nods. “Yes. I don’t have any plans just leaving them in the hands of the Devil.” Felix seemed very much like a caring toon. A toon that cared deeply for everyone he’s spending his time with. And Y/n agreed with him. Cuphead didn’t seem like someone that would want to harm someone for the fun of it. He was just a regular person. And she would assume his brother was the same. 
“That was the plan the entire time, of course we can’t just leave them, we can’t go around and switch the plan up now!” Y/n exclaims. 
“Okay. So what’s the plan?” Charley asks. Pulling Y/n from her trance. Y/n looks up. “What I said it was prior to us coming here.” She said, she had to admit. She was getting a tad bit irritated.
“Alright! Listen up dirtbags!” Y/n stood next to Boris. Infront of her wonderful group of toons she has gotten acquainted with. The wolf held a series of construction paper in his paws. The paper and sharpie was found in the room where Y/n quickly sketched out the plan that she deemed was simple and foolproof. 
Bendy, Alice, Donald, Panchito and Oswald sat on the couch as they watched Y/n. Edgar was seated right by Alice’s foot. As Felix, Charley and Barley stood behind the couch in anticipation.
“Today is Wednesday. The event is on Friday being held at the St. Charles Community Theater downtown. The Choir of Sisters event is obviously going to be what  the town wants to see. Because we’re located in a town where literally everyone sings.” Y/n groans. Charley made a small noise. “Tell me about it..” he muttered. Barley slaps a hand on Charley’s mouth and shushed as he watched Y/n explain.
“We have one day to get ready for this event. We entered late. But that doesn't matter—we’re in the contest now.” She reaches over and moves the blank construction paper in Boris’s hand. Once removing it. It revealed a crudely drawn stick figure sketch of a crowd who resembled nuns. The sketch is poorly made. But everyone could still make out what the sketch was.
“Alice, you have to get the choir ready for the event. As you can see, it has been years since they’ve entered any event—and more than likely sang for a crowd as you can see because the nuns have fallen off and—don’t sound too good.” She said. Pointing to a stick figure of Alice. Who had her arms up and a smile on her face. 
“Oh look—I look so happy.” Alice cooed at the drawing. 
Y/n took the paper from Boris’s hand and tossed it behind her back somewhere in the room. “This church was notable for its winnings in any singing event that was held in town—not only do we have an advantage of winning because these nuns have a potential to sing very well and have a reputation with the town for their singing. But we also have an advantage to gain attention towards ourselves.” She points to the sloppy sketch of nuns scrawled on the paper standing resembling a choir of them singing in front of some more crudely drawn stick figures—which were the townfolkes. Y/n continued speaking—or more so going over the excellent fool proof plan.
“Which potentially would grab the attention of the brothers.” She took the paper yet again and tossed the paper behind her. Pointing to the new drawing Boris held. A stick drawing of Cuphead and Mugman stood next to each other stiffly. 
“Wait—how would getting their attention benefit us?” Donald asks. Raising an eyebrow. Y/n smiled. “We get them on our team.”
“And how do you know we’ll even win this contest?” Barley asks. Alice stood up quickly. “Oh trust me. We’ll win this. And we’ll get that stone one way or another.” She turned around to face the toons on the couch. 
“It’s a risk we’ll have to be willing to take.” 
Boris’s tail wagged. His ears perk up quickly. “This sounds fun!” He laughs. Charley waved off Boris’s excitement before planting his attention back on Alice. 
“Not to be rude or anythin’ but—the nuns fell off. They can’t even sing—-You all heard them when we first came in here. It’ll at the least take months to get them all soundin’ perfect for the event. If we don’t have a good choir—we have no gem.” Charley did make a point. And Y/n agreed with him. If Alice couldn’t fix the nuns up by Friday. Their chance of winning the contest would be slim. 
“Why don’t we just steal it?” Barley asks. Edgar turned around and with a quick squeak. Crossing his
Two arms and frowning at the toon. Barley raised an eyebrow. “What? I mean. If all else fails. That’s what we’ll have ta’ resort to.” He defends.
“Did I not say that 4 times already?!” Charley shouts.
“No one is stealing anything.” Alice got the attention of everyone in the room. She had a look of bravery and determination. A look Boris and Bendy knew all too well.
“I’ll have them ready in one day.” She smiled.
Y/n sat down on the bed and sighed. Letting tension out in her legs. What a day..
The day was—eventful. Confusing yes but—exhilarating. Their second chase and they got away again?! Now no one could beat that—she felt like she was in a movie! Not to mention the way Alice and the others came and swooped in! 
“Alright girly.” Alice closed the door to the room. She sighed and wandered over to her bed. Visibly Y/n could see the fatigue in Alice’s eyes. The angel sat down on the bed—already dressed in her sleepwear that were given to her—thank goodness Y/n didn’t have to wear the sleepwear from the nuns as she already packed PJ’s that she had yet to wear.
Y/n crawled in her bed up to the pillow and sat down. Looking back over to Alice who was now situated under the blankets in her pillows. 
“We have a busy day ahead of us—we need to sleep.” Alice spoke. She reached over to the night stand and pulled the metal string to the lamp. And the lights turned off. Little light in the room but Y/n didn’t care—just what she needed as she slipped under the blankets. And stared at the ceiling in silence. Alice’s halo actually let off a peaceful dull golden glow. The Angel already had her back turned towards Y/n. But—something was bothering Y/n. She couldn’t sleep. She spent most of the nights in the company of the boys to sleep with. But it was too quiet. 
Just what she needed.
She didn’t even remember drifting off to sleep. But when she did. She felt as if it were for a second before boom!
“Rise and shine!”  Alice’s voice pierced through Y/n’s ears. Y/n grimaced. Through her eyelids she could see the shades were torn open and the light started to seep through her eyes. Turning the opposite direction of the window. Y/n covered her face with the pillow she was laying on. 
Alice smiled before she turned around to face Y/n’s figure on the bed. Holding some folded clothes in her arms—she was already dressed for the day—the clothes were for Y/n. Alice smiled before she walked around the bed and placed a hand on the pillow before lifting it up. “Come on Lazy. We got work to do!” She smiled at Y/n. Y/n slowly opens her eyes and looks at Alice. Her eyes soon landed on the clothes in Alice’s arms. Y/n huffed before sitting up.
“Do I have to wear that?” She asks. Alice glanced at the clothes in her hands before nodding. “Why yes of course. Why? I think you look adorable in it!” She hands the dress to Y/n. Similar to the one she was given yesterday—in fact…it was the same dress. Y/n took the dress and placed it on her lap. Alice stood up and stretched her arms. 
“Today is the day. First rehearsal for the choir.” Alice seemed  pretty determined and set on to get the choir ready for the concert. Yes there was that small part in Y/n that wanted to face the reality and say there was a big chance in not succeeding in the event. But with Alice’s confidence. Y/n couldn’t help but trust the Angel to feel comfortable with what she was doing. 
Alice was fixing and tidying up her blanket on her bed as she spoke to Y/n. “I can finally be able to prove to Bendy that I am reliable and better without him.” 
So there was something more to it. Y/n turned her gaze to Alice. Watching her finish fixing the blankets on the bed. Y/n spoke up. “You’re using this as an advantage to get back at Bendy?” She asks. She thought that Alice and Bendy had an arc of always ticking each other off and pulling light hearted jokes with each other—but with Alice’s expression. That immediately changes. Looking over at Y/n. She shakes her head. “Oh no, dear. I truly do want to help this church. But my main reason is because I want to prove myself.” 
Prove herself? Y/n raised a hand to rub the sleep from her eyes. “Prove what?” Y/n asks. Alice slowly fiddled with her fingers—almost bashfully. Her halo dimmed down—giving off a dull golden color—almost like a dead lightbulb.
“I’m not exactly the best character that people would be too interested to look at on the show.” She said. Alice wandered over to Y/n’s bed and sat down. Alice glanced down at the white comforter before she found a loose thread on the blanket and gently fiddled with it as she felt Y/n’s gaze on her. Now interested in Alice’s statement and sudden change in demeanor. 
“I’ve mostly just been a supporting character in the show. Well—I am—but…” she raised her gaze and looked at Y/n. Who was still looking at her. “I just thought there would be more to me that people would see.” 
Raising an eyebrow. Y/n spoke up. “What do you mean?” She asks. Of course she’s seen an episode or two of the show. But never paid much mind to it. The show was really funny. Yes. But. She couldn’t understand what Alice meant. 
“The reason why I want to help this choir. Is to prove to Bendy that I am just as good as he is.” 
Now that explains a lot.
“But. You’re already as good as he is. I know some kids out there have so many teddy bears of you.” Y/n smiled at Alice. Yeah. Tons of kids in her neighborhood had small Alice plushies and they walked around with them—adorable to see every once in a while. And if Alice needed assurance. Then Y/n surely was there to give to her. But that didn’t seem to satisfy Alice. Or At Least that wasn’t what she was worried about.
Chuckling lightly. Alice slowly shook her head. “Oh no. I know the kids take a liking of me. It—“
“Is it Bendy?” Y/n interrupts. Finally getting the gist, maybe the two were on bad terms? Of course it would be unfortunate—but it seemed that was what Alice was implying. AndY/n stands correct as Alice nods. Y/n’s expression slowly turns sour. Almost frowning.
“He thinks I’m not as good as him—or smart—or—capable of doing things on my own. Of course I love Bendy to death. But at times he’s a bit much when he’s on his bad side.” Alice reaches a hand up to fix a strand of her hair falling out of place. She looks away from Y/n—almost embarrassed from her confession. 
“I’m always in his shadow. So—I want to prove that I am good!” Her demeanor changed yet again before she turned her gaze back to Y/n. Her halo flickers for a moment before that golden lovely glow comes back—but Y/n frowned—yes of course she only knew Bendy for so little. But she believed Alice. Bendy did at times get—mean? Irritable. But that was all. But with Alice’s raw emotion. She felt for the Angel. 
Taking Y/n’s silence as a bad thing. Alice sighed before standing up. “But. Sorry to toss that all on you hun, I know you’re his friend and a—“
“Don’t apologize.” Y/n interrupts. Looking at Alice. Y/n gave a pure smile. “You’re gonna do great today.”
“Okay everyone!” Alice’s voice echoed in the chapel. Rows of pews empty. A red soft carpet beneath. In front of the pews behind the altar stood the nuns in an organized group—standing on risers that were on the altar. 
“Today is our first rehearsal!” Alice cheers. Bouncing on her heels with excitement. The other nuns held excited expressions themselves. Finally! Something good to do instead of wandering around for half their time! Sister Mary Patrick was seated at one of the pews in the middle. Her eyes solemnly glued on the nuns and on Alice. Y/n took notice that Mary Patrick had a lingering atmosphere around her. The woman didn’t seem phased at all or really interested in anything. More so quiet and distant. Unless spoken to of course. 
Y/n heard a squeak behind her as Alice continued talking in the background. Turning around she saw the boys finally waking up and walking into the room where everyone was gathering. Edgar stood behind Y/n. He smiled up at her and Y/n smiled back before looking up and seeing Panchito and Donald standing in front of her. 
“She’s having them rehearse so early…” Donald mutters. He took a glance at Alice who had her arms spread out to her sides. Panchito’s feathers ruffled before he smiled. “I like her enthusiasm.” Panchito responds. Y/n looks away from Alice before she smiles at Panchito. “At Least someone supports her.” She said. Donald frowned before rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Hey! I didn’t say I didn’t support her.” He quickly defends himself. Edgar hopped up and down to get the three's attention—after standing there for a moment with no acknowledgement. Edgar wanted attention from one of the three. The three glanced at the spider and Y/n was about to respond to the toon before Bendy and Charley wandered over.  The two were arguing—from what it seemed. Charley—was trying to wander away from Bendy as Bendy seemed to be running his mouth about something. Charley—didn’t seem  to phased at Bendy’s harsh words. Following behind the two were Felix, Oswald and Barley—who was the last to walk in. Barley in fact seemed as if he had just woken up. 
“Can one of you shut him up?” Charley called. Next to Donald and Panchito. 
“Don’t ignore me Charley—you hear me talkin’ to you!” Bendy snaps. Charley sighed heavily before his eyes trailed over to look to his side. There stood Bendy glaring at Charley. Arms crossed over his chest. Though even with his sour and harsh expression. Charley didn’t falter in his stance nor tremble under his gaze. With his reaction. It could be assumed this was something normal between the two. 
“Hi!” Shouts Sister Mary Clarissa. She smiled at the group that were standing in the aisle of the pews. Alice glanced behind her to see the group had finally arrived—well. Most.
“Where’s Boris?” Barley asks. Seeing his fatigue was slowly going away—and he was paying more attention to his surroundings. He took note that Boris had yet to come from their shared room—which he has no idea how on earth he hadn’t seen the wolf by now. 
Bendy stops his banter with Charley—which was pretty much one sided. He turned his gaze to Barley. “I thought he was in the room.” Bendy said. But. Barley shrugs. 
“He’s finding a bathroom.” Oswald explained. Felix wandered over to Alice who still stood in front of the choir of nuns. “Good morning ladies.” Felix announced with a bright smile. And he was replied with various greetings of ‘hello’s’ and what not. After a moment. Alice turned her attention back to the choir of nuns. “Alright now. I mean business today! We don’t have much time! We need to make sure you all sound perfect!” Alice announces. Y/n smiled before she quickly took a seat at one of the pews. Edgar
Was quick as he quickly scurried and climbed on the pew to sit next to Y/n. 
“She’s gonna teach them to sing.” Y/n lowered her voice so she wouldn’t disrupt Alice and her teaching. Bowing her head slightly so she could closely speak to Edgar. Edgar lets out a soft squeak as he peeks over the pew in front of him—due to his short height. He wasn’t able to see correctly without the pew standing in his way. Oswald soon sat down next to Edgar as he watched Alice. Soon following the rest of the toons In her group. 
“It shouldn’t be too hard for her to get them back on track with singing. They’ve won multiple prizes from the past events they’ve been in. Right?” Oswald said. Donald was seated next to him. Donald thought for a moment before he shrugged. “I dunno. Years of not singing can really throw someone off.” He replied. Charley, Barley and Felix were seated in the pews behind Y/n, Oswald, Edgar and Panchito. Charley reached over and placed his elbows on the head of the bench before looking between Y/n and Oswald. “Speak for yourself. I heard them singing earlier this morning. And it did not sound good.” He grumbles. Y/n sighed before turning her gaze to Charley—so much for team support from everyone. Was she the only one that actually believed in Alice?! 
“They’ll be fi—“ Y/n was immediately cut off by a chorus of shrill voices—grimacing. Y/n slowly turned her head away from Charley—who was visibly cringing. And over to the altar. Alice had her hands on her hips as she watched—more than listening to the nuns sing terribly. Oswald flattens his ears to his head before he squints slowly. Donald covered his ears—wherever they were—Barley didn’t seem phased by the awful noise. Instead sat still on the pew with an unmoving expression. As Felix watched the nuns silently—but he didn’t hold an expression of annoyance or disgust. Instead was waiting to see what Alice would do. Edgar was still seated between Y/n and Oswald. Squeaking slightly at the noise. Bendy wasn’t seated. Instead standing next to the pew Y/n was seated in. He bared his teeth and sighed as the sound slowly died down.
“How was it?!” Mary Lazerous proclaimed. The elderly woman had her hands on her hips with a large grin. Alice shivered in—fear? The noise must have frightened her. With a wobbly hand she lifts one up to fix her halo—which was askew floating on top of her head.
She was about to reply until Panchito cheered as he clapped. 
“¡maravillosa!” He cheers. The cheers and claps echoed in the chapel—some of the nuns giggled at his abrupt cheering. Donald sighed before grabbing Panchito by the collar of his shirt and shoving the rooster back down to his seat. 
Alice looks behind her over to Y/n. She slowly shrugs—did she not know what to do? 
Y/n gave Alice a smile before giving the toon a thumbs up. Alice smiled slowly before she turned back to the choir. 
“She’s got this…” Y/n whispered.
She doesn't got it—
“This is tiring—I can’t listen anymore of this—-my head is gonna explode…” Donald begged. He was slouched in his seat. A tired yet agonizing expression ridden on his face. Edgar had fallen asleep in Y/n’s lap. An hour worth of hearing the nuns singing—that Excruciating sound that came from their throats! It was horrible! 
Y/n would assume with little time the nuns would get back on track—but it’s as if they never were those award singing nuns with a good background of winning events for singing! It was like this was a brand new group of people. And with little help—Mary Patrick didn’t seem to be invested in singing. Instead sitting in the pews watching Alice stress over the choir. 
“I think they sound a tad bit better..” Felix pipes up. He was mostly silent for the most part. Putting attention on the nuns. As well as Barley. Charley and Donald were the main two making snarky remarks. But Y/n wasn't paying attention to them. She was more focused on Alice and seeing the Angel quite literally stressing over the situation. 
She rubbed her temple with her fingers slowly. Y/n couldn’t see her face as Alice had her back faced towards the pews. But Y/n could tell Alice was not happy. 
“This is a waste of time..” Y/n almost forgot that Bendy was standing next to the bench she was seated in. He had his arms crossed as he watched Alice in silence. Y/n had placed her hand on top of Edgar’s head. The spider was still asleep soundly—but that wasn’t what her attention was on.
“Alice! You’ve been at this for some time. It’s not gonna work!” Bendy shouts across the room to her. Alice sighs before turning around towards Bendy. “We have no other choice—it’s too late to back out.” She replied. Alice turned around to look at her friends in the pews. 
Bendy only sighed before he outstretched his arms—visibly showing his frustrations.
“The events tomorrow—we are far from off!” He shouts. Charley then decided to put himself in the conversation—as he always seemed to enjoy doing. 
“If Sammy were here—he’ll have us all by the ear for that rehearsal.” He jokes. Alice sighed before she walked off the altar over to the group. “Charley—can it. Not now.” She whispers. But. She abruptly stopped walking as she then stiffened like a board. Her halo flickered brightly—as if a lightbulb turned on. An idea!
“You’re right…” she whispered. Her frown slowly slid into a bright smile. 
“Think like Sammy!” She cheers. Barley grumbled. “You Kiddin? Sammy’ll have us re—oh—“ he finally got. Think like Sammy would! 
Y/n looked at Alice and then at Bendy. Who had his gaze on Alice. Sammy? She heard of him from her mother but didn’t know much of the guy. 
“Who’s Sammy?” Oswald asks—as perplexed as Y/n as to what the name had to do with the situation. Donald nods. “Yeah. Who’s that?” Donald pondered. 
“Our music director.” Bendy muttered—more speaking through his teeth. Donald didn’t ask anything else as he watched Alice’s calculating expression. 
“You work better with music…” she said to herself. Her eyes on the floor. And her index finger tapped her chin in deep thought. Bendy tilts his head slowly. 
“What?” He asks. Alice then placed her gaze on Bendy. “You know how Sammy always tells us singing is better with music?” She asks. And Bendy nods slowly. Alice smiled and clenched her fists. 
“All we need is to give these ladies some music they can jive to—to help motivate them into singing!” She shares—and frankly. It wasn’t a bad idea. Y/n was no expert in singing and all—but maybe adding music would help motivate the nuns into getting back on track. 
“Not a bad idea..” Bendy muttered. Charley chuckled. “Yeah. Not a bad idea. But where’s the orchestra pit?”
Just as Charley asks his questions. Boris fell through the wooden doors—that were once closed. Everyone moved their attention to the door that led into the chapel—to see Boris laid on the ground—on his stomach. Over his head was a snare drum. The wolf didn’t give a chance to let anyone help him or ask what he was doing before he shot up and quickly tried to tear the instrument from his head. “Hey! Who turned off the lights!” He shouts. His voice echoed in the instrument. Some of the nuns giggled onstage and Alice quickly made her way over to the wolf. She took ahold of the snare drum and snagged it off Boris’s head. 
“Boris. Where have you been?” Y/n asks. Boris looked around and his eyes landed on the girl seated before he smiled—his tail wagged before he looked at Alice and took the snare drum. “Well. I found this nice room with all sorts of instruments so I wanted to play with them! And then a noise spooked me so I tried to run away—but I tripped over a cello and my head hit this drum so I was blindly running around the halls and I came and found you all!” He smiled at the end of his long awaited explanation. Y/n smiled slowly as Boris saw the smile she gave him before he shyly and looked away with a flustered smile. His foot pawed at the carpet shyly. 
“Sorry I’m late—“ he adds. 
“If there’s a band room. Surely there must be a band?” Panchito asks before looking at Mary Patrick. The lady tore her gaze from Boris and Alice before looking at Panchito. “We lost fundings to have a band for our choir.” She said in a rather—nonchalant voice. She didn’t seem bothered at all—if they lost the band because of money—does that mean they’re having problems paying off things? 
“Oh—well that’s bad.” Oswald mumbled. Alice wandered back over with Boris behind her. In her hand she held the snare drum. “So. No band? At all?” She asks. And Mary Patrick shook her head. 
No band—no music…
Alice was silent for a moment before looking back at the stage. A piano….A piano! 
Looking back at Bendy she smiled. “You play the piano.” She ordered before she shoved the drum to Charley—who almost fell out of his seat with a grunt. Bendy grimaced. 
“Why me?” He called after her as she made her way back to the stage. Charley quickly stood up as Bendy then followed behind Alice. 
“We have no band—but we have us! That’s perfect! Think about it Bendy—“ she turned around and looked at Bendy. “Sammy has taught us the hard way of doing things—with love of course—you think just because no band is gonna stop us from performing? We are the band!” She shouts happily. 
“I was afraid she’ll say that..” Barley grumbled. Charley rolled his eyes. Agreeing with Barley. 
“Oh! Oh!” Boris quickly scampered over to Bendy and Alice. Standing next to Bendy as he quickly wagged his tail in excitement. 
“I want to be in the band!” His excitement caused a short giggle from Alice before she nodded. “Of course.” She says. Bendy wandered over to the piano and sat down on the bench. 
Now—it was interesting. From the looks of it. Alice had a plan. And Y/n wanted to see it be put in action. Smiling. She looked over to Oswald, Donald and Panchito. 
“This should be good.” She says. Oswald tilts his head as he looks at the stage. “I agree. She seems pretty set on with her new plan.” He replies. 
Boris quickly slipped into the seat with Bendy and smiled. 
“Okay—change in plan..” Alice looks at the group of nuns. Silent for a moment before she points to Sister Mary Robert. Oh yes…the shy woman who—seemed to have been trying to hide behind the other nuns for half of the rehearsal.
“I want you, Lazerous, Clarissa, Annie and Danny. In the front.” Alice commands. Lazerous, Clarissa and Danny did as told. And moved to the front of the choir as told—Mary Robert slowly took a deep breath before she walked to the front as well.  
“What am I even supposed to be playing?” Bendy asked. Glancing down at the piano. Alice glanced over at the demon and smiled. “A catchy tune.” She replied. Bendy was silent for a moment before nodding.  
“Alright ladies! Listen up!” She smiled. The nuns all turned their attention back to Alice—an attentive look in their eyes. 
“My music director always told me, music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.” Alice recalled Sammy saying long ago to her. The nuns murmured to one another before placing their attention back on Alice. Boris nods enthusiastically and clapped his hands together.
“It’s not about sounding good—well it is. But it’s also about making everyone in the room feel the beat!” Boris adds. Alice smiled at Boris. Watching as the canine scurried off over to a set of drums. 
The nuns watched the wolf to see what he would do. Sitting down at the stool that was behind the drums. Boris stooped behind the drum set. And popped back up with the sticks in his hands. 
“I’m more of a guy that loves woodwind instruments. But I dabble.” Boris lightly tapped the bass with the bass pedal Alice heard Bendy had started a tune on the piano. Smiling, she looked in front of her and saw some of the nuns slightly bobbing their heads and feet to the beat. 
“See? Catchy right?” She asks. Clarissa smiled at Alice. 
“Oh—I remember this feeling.” Clarissa recalls and Alice nods yet again. 
“Well! What are we waiting for?!” Mary Lazerous exclaimed—she seemed excited to get on with the rehearsal—now that music was involved—it finally got her attention and also motivated her. Which Felix noted.
Y/n didn’t expect what would happen next. Her eyebrows felt like it shot off her forehead when she heard Alice had started to sing!
“First rule of singing, get the rafters ringing. Toss everything in—dig down deep inside. When you’ve got a song worth hearin’, there’s one thing to do—“ she sang, raising her hands in the air with a sly smile plastered across her face.
“Just keep your fear from interferin’ and let that sucker burst through!” Alice placed her gaze on the nuns yet again. 
“Raise your vooooiice! Lift it up to heaven—raise your vooooiice! Come on, don’t be shy, if you feel it, why conceal it? Let your soul rejoice—“
She raised her left hand.
“Raise the stakes!”
Then her right hand.
“Raise your game!”
And points to the nuns.
“Raise your voice!”
She placed her hands on her hips and grinned.
“Okay now it’s your turn, who’s gonna step up and make some real noise, Ah—don’t try to hide from me Mary Robert—“ 
Mary Robert shimmed away from the eyes of everyone with a nerve wrecking grin. 
“Why so quiet? Get right up and try it—“
Mary Clarissa soon interrupts with a frown; “it seems so..disobedient.“
“Loud!” Another adds.
Danny shook her head quickly—disagreeing! 
“No, I hear what you’re saying, it’s the word of the lord. Why should we whisper it?” Danny smiled at Alice. And Alice nods her head. 
“Amen sister—don’t ya deny it, stand and sing with pride!” Alice points at Annie.”Go girl.”
“Ah?” Annie sang.
“Bigger!” Alice commands.
“Aaah!” Annie shouts.
“Brighter!” Alice commands.
“Aaah!!” Annie sings!
“Boulder!” Alice commands.
“Aaah!!!” She sang!!!
“Better!” Alice claps.
“If you want the world to listen, stand up tall and proud, let em’ know what they've been missing and turn that volume up loud! Basses!” Alice pointed to her right. 
“Altos!” And to her left. 
And in front of her. 
“Now together!” 
“AAAHH!” They all sang together. 
“Wowzers! Did you hear that? We actually sang!” Clarissa cheered as she jumped up and down. 
“Yeah, yeah, you sang four notes for like three seconds and some of us weren’t even doing that, you gotta work it, ladies! Pray it to the balcony!”  Alice commands, now she is serious! 
“Raise your voooice, push it to it eleven!” Alice then points to Danny. 
“AaaaAAhh-” Danny drawls.
“AaaaAhh!” The rest of the nuns crudely sang after Danny. Alice nods and continues. 
“Raise your voiiice! Turn those speakers high!” 
Mary Lazerous soon joins in; “Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do—easy peasy—lemon squeezy.” Mary Lazerous brushed her shoulder—and the elderly woman chuckled as Alice cheered for her.
“Don’t downplay it stand and say it, like you’ve got no choice like you’ve got no choice--” Alice then points to Mary Robert
“Ah..” Mary Robert whispers. 
“No Ah! see?.” Alice shook her head. 
“Ah?” Mary Robert tried again. 
“No. AAAH!” Alice corrects Mary Robert. 
“Raise your game, raise some heeell!--” Alice was then cut off by the nuns. 
“Raise your voice!” 
“Whoa!” Y/n shouts. How? Just a moment they were horrible! 
Alice cheers and laughs, she did it! She broke through! 
“Okay girls! Lay some pious on me!” Alice shouts. 
As they sang. Y/n was at the edge of her seat watching, what did Alice do to make them suddenly..sing?! 
“Now raise it up!” 
“Raise it up!” 
“Raise it up!” 
As they cheered, Alice glanced around the nuns for Mary Robert. Who had yet to sing. 
“Wait, where’s my girl?” Alice announced before she spotted the nun standing still. 
“Ah, there she is. Gimmie some gloria.” Alice waits for Mary Robert to sing. 
“Gloria in excelsis deo…” Mary Robert mutters. Alice shook her head. 
“Uh, god can’t hear you!” 
“Gloria, in excelsis deo!” Mary Robert raises her voice. 
“Okay, now you join on the third.” Alice points to Clarissa. 
“Gloria in excelsis deo.” They both joined in and sang. Alice claps her hands; “ooh, rock that deo! Now Mary Lass, can you pick things up without getting too winded?” Alice turns to Lazarus and the elderly woman steps up and grins. 
“Winded?! Step back sister! Laudamus te benedicimus te--” Mary Lazerous repeats in the background as Alice looks at Mary Annie and Danny. A thoughtful expression before she points to them. 
“Okay girls. Join in.” Alice was constructing! She was constructing just like Sammy! 
“Gloria in excelsis deo!” 
“Okay now you girls stand up and join in.” Alice commands.
“Okay the rest of you ladies, hallelujah double time, let’s go!” Alice raised her hands yet again. 
Alice then turns and grins smugly at Bendy. “And that’s what I call a joyful noise!” She was then brought back by Mary Robert who decided to share her voice. 
“Tu solus dominus, tu solus altissimus, plesu christe in Gloria dei patris!” 
“YEEEAAH!” Y/n cheered and stood up and clapped and shouts for the nun. As the rest of her toon friends. 
“Raise your voiiiice!” They sang! 
“Get your mojo revvin!” Alice sings. 
“Raise your vooiiice!”
“Let your freak flag fly! Don’t you hide it, why not ride it, like it’s God’s Rolls Royce!” Alice pranced around and sang happily. 
“Raise some heat!”
“Raise some Cain!” 
“Raise it to a higher place!” 
“Raise a ruckus!” Sang Mary Danny
“Raise the devil!” Sang Mary Lazerous. 
“Raise it up another level!” Sang Mary Robert.
And the nuns sang together! “Raise your vooicce! Lift it up to heaven, raise your voiiice! Spread it ‘cross the sky! Blast it blare it, stand and share it! Help the world rejoice! Raise a sweat, raise a cheer! Raise it to the stratosphere!” 
Alice nods her head with a wide smile. 
“Raise your strength!”
“Come on, girls!” Alice anticipated. And cheers in the background as the nuns sang. 
“Raise your spirit. Raise it so the angels can hear it! Raise your heart, raise your soul!”
“You guys are gonna be fabulous!” Alice turned to the pews and smiled widely at her friends. She did it! 
“Raise your voice!”
“Gloria in excelsis deo!” 
As they sang their last first. Panchito claps and cheers loudly. As well as Y/n, Oswald and Donald clapped as well. Felix was astonished! How?! Charley gazed at the stage, as well as Barley. Edgar squeaked in cheers. And Mary Patrick had a smile slowly grace her lips. 
“Raise it-”
“Raise it!”
“Raise it!
“Your voice!” 
Nightfall had come around and surprisingly Y/n…enjoyed the day. She was so proud of Alice In proving—well everyone wrong. The nuns still held that talent of singing like the award winning choir they were. They just needed a little push. And they were right back to normal. Changing into some more comfortable clothes—her PJ’s. Y/n sat on the floor as she plugged her phone into the charger. Alice moved the two into a new room when she saw Y/n didn’t exactly like the room they previously were in—no outlet. No TV, no windows. So—Alice—being the good Angel she was. Asked the nuns if they could move to a room more—modern—to put it that way. 
Alice was off talking to Mary Patrick somewhere in the building. And lord knows what the boys were doing. As she scrolled through her phone. She heard a small clink come from the window. She looks at the window before slowly looking back at her phone. Assuming it was nothing. Until she heard it yet again. Y/n placed her phone on the ground before she stood up and walked over to the window. Peering out she could see into the garden. The lights lightly lit up the area. As she peered down some more. She noticed someone looking up at her. 
It was Cuphead! 
What was he doing here?
“Hey to-“
“What are you doing here? If Bendy finds out, he’ll kill you.” She cuts him off. Cuphead walked over
To the building and placed a foot on a workbench leaning against the brick wall before hoisting himself up onto the ledge of the window—considering they were on the first floor the window wasn’t up too high.
“I wanted to see you.” He smiled at her. Y/n blinks as Cuphead placed both his arms on the ledge of the window and rested his head on his arms with a goofy smile. Y/n blinks slowly forming on her face. 
“How’d you know we were here…?” She absently asked. “You told me. Remember? I walked to every church in town lookin’ for ya.” He said as if that wasn’t the problem. Y/n mouth was agape.
“And..how many churches are in town?” She asks. 
“Bout 20.” 
“It all worked out in the end though.” He gave her a dopey smile. She could see inside his head. As he was still standing outside the window to reach her. She could see whatever substance that was in his head started to bubble slowly. 
“Where’s your brother?” She asked.
“Keepin’ the big man distracted. He had me sent out to search town for you all. That’s what he thinks right now.” She assumed the big man he referred to. Must have been The Devil. Man…she hoped they weren’t too pissed..the team of goons seemed to want to shred her team into pieces for that book. Cuphead could see the silent distant look Y/n gave him. Cuphead lifts the head of his arms. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t let them get to you.” He reassured her. Y/n blinks as she looks at Cuphead. She smiled softly as Cuphead smiled back as well. 
He takes a step down from the workbench before looking back up at the window. Y/n stared at him in confusion.
“What are ya’ waitin’ for? Aren’tcha comin?” He asks. Y/n felt herself raise an eyebrow. 
“Where to? Besides,  I have a lot to do tomorrow, I can’t just up and leave.” She said. Cuphead gazes up at her as she speaks. “I was thinkin’ if me and you can just walk around mainland.”  He replied. 
“Mainland?” Y/n asks. Cuphead saw his error and then explained. “Us islanders refer to this place as the mainland.” He explains. Which Y/n understood as Cuphead wasn’t from the states.
“I’ll get you back in time. Don’t worry.” He lifts his arms out to her. “Come on.” He beckons her with his hands. Y/n contemplated. Surely they would know she was gone—but then again. She says she was wandering the halls of the chapel out of curiosity. She wanted to go with Cuphead. That small feeling in her stomach fizzed and fluttered. But In the end—common sense took its turn. He could be leading her on to kill her. He was an odd person—too odd to want to spend time with her? For what? He didn’t make any sense at all. 
“I can’t.” She repeats. Cuphead stared at her for a moment. “I got a lot tomorrow. Need to help get the nuns ready for the event. That way we could get the crystal to free you and your brother.” She keeps forgetting Cuphead’s brother's name. Mugman—she felt like it was on the tip of her tongue. But with all that’s been going on and her mind being so frantic—she wasn’t surprised she wasn’t able to remember Mugman’s name so quickly.
“Hey. I said I’ll bring you back. Come on. You think I made this walk for nothin?” He jokes. Y/n let’s out one huff—which was a chuckle. “That was your damn fault.”
“Would you come on already?” 
“Too high up. Might fall if I come out this window.” It was an excuse. But then again. It was true. With only being a few feet up. She could safely exit the window— but she would have to hop and land on her feet—much too much work for her at the moment—why didn’t she just say she was just too lazy to move? 
Cuphead walks back over to the work bench and steps back on it to reach Y/n. He raised both his hands up. “I’ll help you down then.” He insists. 
“You really are adamant on killing me, huh?” She jokes. Cuphead blinks in confusion. 
“What? N—“
“Who are you talking to?”  Y/n yelps and shoves Cuphead’s head away—whatever substance that was in Cuphead’s head spilled out and onto Y/n’s hand in the process. But she didn’t think too much of it as she took the curtains and closed them before turning around and was faced with Bendy. Y/n hid her hands behind her back as she wiped her wet hand against her pants.
“Nothing—myself—there was a bird in the tree that kept looking at me—“ she quickly stammered. If anything she would have punched herself for doing so. Bendy stared at her for a moment. 
“Really now..?” He asks slowly. Lifting a hand up to move the curtain back. Y/n thought Cuphead would still be behind it but fortunately he wasn’t. Bendy looked out the window and to actually see a bird—-but it wasn’t in a tree. It was sitting on a bird fountain which could be seen sitting behind a hedge in the garden —not too far away from the window. The water was coming out a red and white straw…wait…That was Cuphead! 
Y/n felt a smile etch into her face. He was quick.
Bendy looks away from the window and looks at Y/n—after not finding anything suspicious. “I was trying to see if you were doing alright.” He mentions. Leaning his shoulder on the wall by the window. Y/n nods. “I’m fine. Just tired. I’ll be heading to sleep—you know—barely got any good sleep these past few days.” She explains. Which was true. Bendy nods.
“Well I’ll leave you to that then.” He says before getting up and walking back over to the door. “Goodnight.” He says. Looking over his shoulder to Y/n. Y/n smiled at Bendy. “Night.” She replied. As Bendy closed the door, she heard his footsteps descending down the hall. Y/n turns around towards the window yet again—to
See Cuphead. He smiled at her as Y/n shook her head. 
“You almost got me caught.” She furrowed her eyebrows—a light hearted joke as she wasn’t really mad at him. “He’s much scarier close up.” Cuphead adds.  He looks at her for a while before removing his hand from behind his back to show a flower he plucked from the garden. It was a tulip. He smiled smugly and handed it to her. Y/n felt her stomach flutter at the action and she felt a smile etch onto her face. She reached a hand over and gently took the flower from Cuphead’s hand. Looking down at the tulip to see the warm orange color that radiates from the pellets. Of course being through High School she knew the feeling of the butterflies whenever she would see someone that caught her interest—not saying love—maybe perhaps someone thoughtful and charming—a crush.
She felt like a school girl all over again as she looked away from the flower and to Cuphead who still had his eyes on her. He leans away from the window before stepping down from the workbench and raising his arms up.
“Come on. I’ll help you down.”
…forget it—he was an interesting guy. She needed to see what he was about! Not to mention. Some fresh air would be good. Y/n placed the flower down on the bed before rushing over to her shoes and slipping them on. She then rushed over to the window sill with a wide grin. She placed her legs out of the window and sat down on the window sill. She was about to jump down herself until she felt Cuphead take her hands to help guide her down. Which was helpful. Once her feet touched the ground. Y/n smiled at Cuphead.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
The sun had set and the stars were out twinkling throughout the night. It was chilly out but not enough for it to be cold to the point Y/n couldn’t stand outside. It was perfect weather. Deciding it would be best to leave the bookbag back at the chapel as there were plenty of people that she was sure could keep guard of her bag. Y/n only had herself with her and she felt light as if she didn’t have much to worry about—was she really that stressed? Well…she had been chased down multiple times. Threatened, shot at, threatened with guns, her mother damn near finding out she was running from potential killers, a magic book, dying, and oh yeah…sewer water. She had a lot on her plate she felt could be pushed away—now. She felt relaxed and free.
Cuphead and Y/n walked down the sidewalk of the town. He assured her no one was in town—and that there was a warehouse outside the outskirts of town an hour away where basically the villains (as Y/n deemed them) were staying for the night. 
“So. What exactly did you have planned in mind for
You to be so damn persistent on getting me away from my sleep schedule?” She asks. Cuphead looks away from a display of a store and over to Y/n. “How’s about a movie?” A movie? 
“Oh yeah. That would be fun.” She looked down the sidewalk to see a cinema thankfully on the strip. She motioned towards it. “There’s one down there.” Cuphead looks down the sidewalk and nods before grinning and dramatically holding his hand out. “M’lady.” He mocks. Y/n laughed before placing her hand in his. His gloved hand closed around hers and he started walking down the sidewalk with Y/n to the building. There was a ticket booth and a man sitting in the booth. Looking down at his phone for a moment until he noticed Cuphead and Y/n standing infront of the booth. Placing his phone down the man smiled at the two. 
“Sorry. What can I get for you two?” He asks. Cuphead looks at Y/n and Y/n looks at the list of films being shown throughout the night. There was a horror movie that caught her interest as all the other films were really boring sitcoms she didn’t want to sit through. But the time it would be played was around 9:14PM. And it was only 8PM as of now. Cuphead saw her eyeing the poster before looking at the ticket man. 
“Two tickets for the horror film.” Cuphead let go of Y/n’s hand and pulled out a few bills that he seemingly didn’t seem to count. And placed them on the counter for the man to count. As the man did so. He turned to Y/n and raised an eyebrow. “Hey. What’s wrong?” He asks.
Y/n was caught off guard at the sudden payment seeing she didn’t exactly say if she wanted to watch the film or not but nevertheless she didn’t complain. “The viewing is at 9. I gotta head to bed soon. I can’t be out all night.” She said. As much as she wanted to stay out—she had to minimize her time as she didn’t want to be out for too long just in case someone else who is after the book took notice of her—always suspect the unexpected as she would say. And most importantly. To sleep. 
Cuphead faced her and took both her hands. “Look doll. I won’t keep you out too late. I’ll make sure you catch a few winks.” He reassured her yet again. Y/n nods and the ticket booth guy places two tickets on the counter. “Here’s your tickets for 9:14.” He says. Cuphead lets go of Y/n’s hands and takes the two tickets. He placed them in his pockets before looking at Y/n. “Alright. What else do you want to do in the meantime?” He asks. What? Y/n looks at Cuphead with a perplexed expression. 
“Um..” she glanced around the town. Plenty of stores and shops were open. She assumed he didn’t mean stores so she looked over at a bench on the sidewalk. “The bench?” It came out more of a question. Cuphead blinked before leaning over to glance at the bench a few feet behind Y/n. “What about it?” He asks. Y/n glanced back at the bench—forget it. She didn’t want to sit on the bench for an hour.
“Here. Let’s just walk the strip.” He took a hold of her hand again and started down the sidewalk. Y/n following next to him. Looking at the lights for a moment Y/n soon turned her gaze to Cuphead. “I’m actually glad I got out. My team was pretty stressed.” She told him. 
“Not surprising.” He replies. Soon a smile etched on his face. “What is surprising is I’m calming you down—you gettin’ used to me? Huh?” He teased her . Y/n let out a short laugh and shook her head. Walking past a bakery. Y/n slowed down and glanced at the small shop. “That smells good.” She said. Cuphead slowly stopped walking before looking at Y/n and then the shop. “Well come on then.” He says before walking into the shop. He pushed up the door—and a bell rang afterwards signaling whoever was in the back that customers arrived. “One moment!” It sounded like an elderly woman. The two didn’t say anything and Y/n let go of Cuphead’s hand and walked over to a small table. Cuphead follows behind her. 
“So. How long have you and your brother been in town—or the mainlands.” She asks. Cuphead sits across from her before he thought for a moment. How long has it been again…?” He never was good with keeping up with time. 
“Uh…about half a month now? 2 of those weeks were spent with Felix.” He replied. Not too long. Y/n nods; “so. Where do you live again?” She asks. 
“Inkwell Isle. It’s an island filled with toons. Similar to ToonTown.” She’s never heard of an Inkwell Isle before. That was something new. 
“What’s your brothers name again?” She asks. Cuphead smiled. “You’re askin’ a lot of questions. You want ta’’ be with me that bad? Hell—if that’s the case—I’ll rush down to a jewelry store right now and get a ring—“
“What? Shut up.” She laughs and waves her hands in front of his face. Cuphead smile had widened. “I’m just sayin’…”  he gently took her hand in his yet again when she playfully blocked his face..and was about to say something else until a voice called out from the shop.
“Sorry I’m late sweeties!” The woman—Y/n assumed the store owner. Y/n looked over at the counter. To see a short woman—with round glasses and curly white hair. She was frail and looked sweet. She smiled at Cuphead and Y/n. The woman gasped softly. “Well looky here….” She whispered. The stare Y/n assumed was bad as she slowly tugged her hand away from Cuphead with a bashful look—as if a child that had gotten caught. Cuphead’s smile slowly vanished as he looked at Y/n to search for an answer on why she pulled away embarrassed before looking over at the woman.
“What a beauty…” the woman whispered. Y/n placed her hands in her lap—her expression blank for a moment before softly smiling. 
“Um—hi—we were just…looking around.” Y/n’s index finger to motion towards the shop. The woman smiled—as if knowing she made the girl uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry dear, I didn’t mean to fluster you two.” She says. Y/n didn’t know what to say—letting out a strained chuckle. She tapped her knees and nodded. 
“There’s no need to be ashamed. Young love is always beautiful.” The woman laughs softly. Y/n shakes her head. “Oh. No ma’am. We aren’t dating. No.” She says. The woman smiled and nodded. “Either way. In this world we live in—friends or not. There’s no shame in who you surround yourself with…” that sentence repeated in Y/n’s head like a broken record. Cuphead looks away from Y/n before looking at the lady. 
“Thank you…we’ll be leaving now.” He stood up. Y/n stood up as well. She almost lifted her hands up to her shoulders as if adjusting straps till she realized she didn’t have her bag—right. She left it back at the church. The woman nods. “Come by anytime! I’ll be open!” She smiled gleefully. Y/n trailed behind Cuphead as Cuphead held the door open for her. Y/n stood in the doorway before turning around to look at the lady.
“Thank you.” Y/n says. And the woman nods with a smile as Y/n walks out the shop. Once the door closed behind the two. Cuphead softly tapped his pockets as the two stood side by side. She couldn’t say it was awkward—but more—-of a reality check.
“I forgot things…are different out here.” Cuphead mutters. Y/n looks at him and nods. “Yeah. But it’s okay. There’s some good people out here—I mean. Gotta find them. But they’re out there.” 
“I’ll get told stuff for holding your hand?” He looks at her. Y/n was silent for a moment. She had never been anywhere much with a took to really experience the backlash they would get in public if they were seen with a human in a non platonic way—but she had seen many news segments and heard a lot about what happened to humans and toons who were simply enjoying either their friendship in public or just each other in general. 
Y/n didn’t reply—but Cuphead took the lead on that. “Inkwell doesn't have humans on land.” The two started to walk down the sidewalk yet again. “We get visitors from time to time that are humans. But I’ve never really stood next to one face to face.” 
“So if another pretty human comes around you’re leaving me?” She jokes. Cuphead snorts. “Oh not for the world. It’s too late now, doll. You gots me around your thumb.” He grins triumphantly. Y/n laughed and shook her head. “Okay. We’ll see about that.” 
“If you let me. I’ll show I-“
“Just sayin’—it’ll still be on the table—hell. This might be foreshadowing! What luck I may ha-“
“Shut the hell up.” Y/n softly shoved the toon. He laughs before rechecking his balance. Soon—Y/n finally thought of the plan that was manifested from earlier. And seeing Cuphead was there. It would be best to maybe tell him about the plan. “Oh yeah. So. We found out where the crystal is.” She told him. Cuphead looks over to Y/n. “You have it?” He asks. 
“That’s the problem. It’s held by the state for this event. The church that we thought had the crystal, lost it years ago, for whatever reason.” She said. The two walked down the sidewalk. Cuphead contemplated for a moment. “That’s what you meant about the nuns?” He asks. She nods slowly. “Yeah. They used to sing for the contest—Which I’m assuming is a yearly event. But at first they couldn’t sing—but now they can because of our friend, Alice. She sort of got them back on track.” She said. Cuphead nods. 
“So. You aren’t from here?” Cuphead asks. Y/n shook her head. “No. From the west coast. You said you’re from an island, right?” She asks. Cuphead nods yet again. “Yeah..I am..” he says. Y/n glanced at him as she walked. Before she could ask what was wrong he continued speaking. “We really actually came because we were searchin’ for someone.” 
“Ay! Pay attention!” 
Y/n heard that voice shout in her head. Her thoughts of course, this was something new that she felt she should listen to. Maybe it could be useful. She slowly stopped walking and looked over at a table with two seats. And walked over to it and looked over at Cuphead. “Come on.” She said. He walked after her and watched her sit down and soon he did the same, sitting in the seat that was next to her. The table was for an outside patio of a diner from what it seemed, but it didn’t matter seeing the two weren’t ordering anything to eat anyway. 
“Go on.” She said before leaning back in her chair.  Cuphead watched her for a moment before chuckling. 
“Why did we have to sit?” He asks.
“Because I said so, besides, if we’re working together, it’s best we know about each other.” She told him Cuphead was silent before a moment passed as his gloved finger tapped the table. “My brother and I originally came here looking for someone.” He reached down and dug in his pocket. Y/n watched as Cuphead then slipped a piece of paper from his pocket. He flipped it around and smiled at the photo—which she noticed was a photo he had pulled out. He leaned over to her so she could see the photo. “See?” He quietly said as he pointed to someone in the photo, when Y/n got a good glimpse. She could see Cuphead and Mugman, standing on either side of an elderly kettle.
“That’s me and Mugs, and that’s our caretaker, he raised us when we were kids. Sorta like our father.” He says gazing down at the photo, the two cups seemed much younger, wearing a dark long sleeved shirt and shorts and a few knicks and bruises on them. 
“This was after we fought the Devil for our souls.” He said it so nonchalantly Y/n’s mouth slowly fell up as she stared at him. “Dude, you and your brother fought the Devil as when you were kids?” She asks and Cuphead lets out a laugh as he gently rubbed the back of his neck. “Haha..yeah..not somethin’ I really like to flaunt about, wasn’t you to no good when I was younger and that’s how I got caught up.” He says before placing his hand back into the table and placing the photo back into his pocket. 
“But, he went missing, and the reason why we’re here was because he made a deal—well, I made the deal with the Devil so he could help us find him, the only thing he told me was he was here in the mainlands.” He said..it was actually pretty sad. Losing a father figure you had no idea where he went only to seek help from the guy that damn near killed you the first time. 
“Oh man..” Y/n says. First his brothers life being threatened to be taken in front of him now his missing caretaker, the guy had a lot on his plate already.
“But it’s no biggie? If I could kick the devils ass one I can do it again.” He smiled and Y/n huffs. 
“You should be careful about that. Especially with you talking to me, we’ll both be killed.” She said and Cuphead chuckled. 
“Wouldn’t let that happen. The guy’s a huge crybaby, yannow that?” He laughs at the reminder of that, something Y/n didn’t know, she would think that was a lie—-but the way Cuphead laughed was pretty genuine, she would take the ladder that that was true. 
“So..if you’re gonna be working with us, how are you going to find your caretaker?” Y/n asks and Cuphead soon sighs before shrugging. “I dunno. Just been takin’ things as it comes. Which no biggie—I guess.” He was silent for a moment as he stared off. “You should meet my brother.” He seemed to want to steer the conversation away from that subject, which Y/n didn’t bother with anymore. 
“I would, if he doesn't kill me.” She laughs softly and Cuphead huffs. “Oh please, we won’t hurt a fly, he’s always been like that growin’ up, gotta admit though, got more brains than me.” Cuphead chuckled and Y/n smiled at him softly before looking at the table. 
“Well I’m sure Mugman is a lovely guy.” She says and Cuphead nods. “Think the hardest part will be trying to get you introduced to my people.” She said—referring to Bendy and the others. 
“Still afraid of that Bendy guy.” Cuphead says and Y/n laughs. “Don’t know if he’ll bite, but he sure does have a mouth.” 
“Hell, if he finds me out here I’m sure we’ll both be 6 feet under.” 
“Man—just like Bettigan. The guy never is off my head.” 
Y/n laughs as the two shared small stories under the moon with Cuphead sitting beside her, chatting the night away, finally the problems dissipating into the air. 
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tinkerreise · 11 months
>Making Rödfärg (Red-paint)
My captioning/translation of a video by Skansen, a museum in Stockholm. Thought it was a shame that it had no captions at all, since it's a cute little paint cooking video about the most important paint in Sweden - röfärg, Falu-rött, etc.
Translation (long):
We usually associate red cabins with the Swedish countryside, but only a few hundred years ago all houses were unpainted and grey. Here on Skansen, you can see how even bigger homesteads were without paint, like Bollnässtugan and Älvhusgården. In the middle of the 17th century timbered buildings started to be painted in red, such as the wings of Skogaholms Herrgård, built in the late 18th century. The red colour was intended to resemble bricks, which was rare and expensive to build with. During the 17th century, it was decreed that all houses facing the streets were to be painted red. Dalsbogården from Hellsingland represents a well-to-do farmstead that was painted red at some point during the midpoint of the 19th century. The paint was a way to show one's prosperity. But in the 20th century, even simple cabins, such as this one from Sörmland, were painted red. At Skansen, there are many examples of how red-paint was combined with other colours, such as green and ochre. We’ll pay a visit to Skansens paint-master Björn Andersson, and he’ll teach us how to make and paint with red-paint.
«Hello, my name is Björn Andersson, and I am the paint-master at Skansen. Today we’ll be making some red emulsion paint, or rödfärg (red-paint), as it’s commonly known as. It’s one of the most common paints, in use since the late 17th century, and we use the same recipe then as now. One point differs though: while we use wheat flour to make the paint nowadays, rödfärg used to be made with rye flour. Today we’ll be using rye.
But first we’ll add the iron vitriol, now that the water has begun boiling. The iron vitriol is vaguely light-green in colour, and it’s this the addition of iron vitriol that preserves the painted wood. One thing that you ought to think about when boiling paint like this, is to watch out for the fumes that the iron vitriol gives off. If you stand over the pot with your mouth open, it’ll turn your teeth black! Many people want to brush iron vitriol on their houses directly. You brush it on like water, and with time, it’ll turn grey, and end up looking like our houses here that are unpainted and untreated. I recommend iron vitriol to timbered houses, but not for thin wooden panels - the iron vitriol may cause the wood to dry itself apart. When you’ve added the vitriol to the boiling water, it’ll take about fifteen minutes for it to dissolve in the water before you can add the flour. Now when the vitriol has dissolved in the water, it’s time to add the flour. I’ve stirred it out in some water to prevent clumping, just like when you’re making sauces at home. When you’ve added the flour, the paint must not be allowed to boil. If it does, it might boil over for one; but flour is the thickening agent, and if you boil it, the paint will end up being thinner. Let’s add the flour mixture to the paint… It tends to stick to the bottom of the pan and burn if you don’t stir it well. After a while, the paint will thicken. When it has, we’ll add the pigment.
As you can see, the paint has started to thicken, and it’s now time to add the red pigment. When we here at Skansen make paint, and school classes come and catch a whiff of this smell, they tend to say things like.. “Wow, this smells just like macaroni!” That’s due to the wheat flour, but now we’re making paint with rye flour, so it smells more like some kind of rye porridge or rye dough… This is really just like cooking. Now when the flour has thickened the paint, it’s time to add the pigment. This is rödfärg from Falu copper mine. Today we’re making the brighter version of the paint, which also is older. The pigment comes from the slag piles. You bring the slag in, wash it, grind it up, and burn it in large ovens to bring out the red colour. In the first stage of the process, the pigment turns yellow-ochre. Burn the pigment more and it turns bright red. Even more, and it turns dark red. Finally, burn it for long enough and it’ll turn black. The pigment is, after all, iron oxide.
As you see, the pigment turns the mixture red right away. It’ll take a little while for it to dissolve into the mixture. It’s important to stir the paint after you add the pigment, since it’s so heavy that it tends to settle at the bottom of the pot. This brighter shade of red was standard before the 1950s, but since then, the darker variant beat out the brighter one almost entirely. Here at Skansen, we started making rödfärg towards the end of the 1980s, and by that point we actually had to do special orders for the brighter red pigment. Ever since we started painting our houses with this shade of red, it became more and more popular, and nowadays you can actually buy this bright red rödfärg in stores. And here in the pot, it’s really starting to look like proper rödfärg, and at this point it does not smell like macaroni or dough.
When you’re painting houses with rödfärg, you need to brush off the old paint. While modern, water-based paints are brushed on in one thick layer, emulsion paints (slamfärger) such as rödfärg need to be worked into the wood. If you don’t brush the old paint off, the paint will crack and fall off. When brushing off the old paint, it’s important to wear a mask. The pain dust contains some unhealthy stuff, so it’s best not to breathe it in. I’ll skip the mask since I’m only brushing a tiny patch on this wall, but if you’re brushing a whole house, you should definitely wear a mask. You can use a coarse brush such as this one, but brass brushes are very effective. Steel brushes may damage the wood.
You’ll want the surface to be about this clean for the new paint to stick well. Now it’s just to work the paint into the wood. At this point, the paint is without linseed oil. Linseed oil is added to all the rödfärg paints you buy in stores. It’s important that it’s 8% boiled linseed oil or less. If it’s above 8%, it’s an oil paint, and not an emulsion paint. After that, you add a bit of såpa (liquid soap). I’ll add the oil to the paint tomorrow, once it has had time to cool down. If you add the soap to the paint after it has cooled down, you might be able to avoid those black specks that tend to be in rödfärg nowadays. Let’s paint. This is the typical brush for rödfärg, but I prefer brushes with longer bristles, since they hold more paint. Saturate the brush, then it’s just to work the paint into the wood. We’ll paint two layers of paint on this house. The first time around, we’ll dilute the paint with about 10% water. Work the paint into all the little crevices like this… and as you can see, it really stands out against the old paint, which has darkened a bit. But this new paint will darken a bit too once it dries.»
50 litres of water
2 kilos of iron vitriol
2.5 to 3kg of fine rye or wheat flour
8kg of (Falu) red pigment at most 8% boiled linseed oil + liquid soap (såpa)
The end!
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starfinss · 10 months
not take ALL THE TIME to reply,,, (well not more than a week cause i might be worried) but i totally see that for Zuko and I applaud for your vision. I'm personally a spiteful cold edge snarky person with a smidge of hot headedness so i would relate more for the reader. I think the combo would be perfect 100%
as for sleeping bag you are right.... my only thought now it's either maybe the reader has a bigger bag because "it's a water tribe thing" or something like that OR share the same tent instead
im also thinking a maybe one sentimental night kind of ordeal (if theyw ere to share the same tent) like a either one of them wakes up for a breath of fresh air then the other wakes up to check up on them (cliche i know). if it were zuko being the person to wake up then maybe before the reader goes out to find Zuko they have conflicting thoughts about checking on him cause their still somewhat "hating" him,,, thoughts like
"Maybe he went to go take a wazz.... nah probably still hungry and is trying to steal my LEFTOVER SOUP.... wait no i would've heard the clanking sounds.... he doesn't sound close at all.... wait what if he's in trouble?? what if he's HURT,,,, hold on he's a firebender he should be fin- wait why am i thinking so hard about this. AHHHHHHHHH fuck it i'm gonna go check on him, i can't sleep knowing where the fuck he is and aang is gonna air bend me to space if anything happens to his only fire bending master"
OOOOOO also at some point (even though this already happened with toph kind of but whatever) maybe in the period where they start to question their feelings and stuff Zuko accidentally burns her hand? i'm thinking like maybe he was thrown off by something she said while putting more heat into the fire pit while she's stirring the pot or something and accidentally makes the fire bigger? thus burning her hand? something like that THEN OUT OF PANIC he runs over to her and grabs her hands and they get this AWKWARD "OH MY GOD THEIR CLOSE TO ME" moment and yeah
I apologize... to the followers who see these walls of texts,,,, im just a very shy person ,,,,,hyguhhh ALSO I HAVE NO WORKT EH NEXT 3 DAYS SO I WILL BE MORE ACTIVE and hopefully have more ideas then <3
HI HELLO! I check tumblr pretty much daily, and asks show up in my phone’s notifications, so I’ll reply as soon as I see them. The only times I’m really away for long periods of time is when I’m either really busy or have really bad writer’s block, which I actually did have before this request, haha. But even then, I usually glance at tumblr. Either way, you won’t have to worry about me vanishing.
The tent thing is great, I love that. They should totally be forced to share a tent. I do like the accidentally burning thing as well, since reader is a waterbender and can also heal herself. It could be a good opening to break down the walls between them. He’s fussing over her burn and they start to open up to each other a little bit. Could be good. 👀
Hahahaha my followers (of which there are way more than I ever expected to have now, we’re nearing 1K) know what they signed up for when they followed me, I’m known to post random bullshit related to whatever I’m fixated on, but I don’t think they’ve ever seen me liveblog the plotting of a story with an anon. They’re all sweethearts, though, and I treasure each and every one of them. They’re why I do what I do, I love writing and creating things people really enjoy.
I also have nearly 2k words written of the first chapter, and it’s going swimmingly. Not done yet, it’ll probably end up being maybe around 5-6k words? And that’s just the first chapter. Jesus, this thing is gonna be long, but it’s okay, I’m having fun.
Oooh! Exciting! Having time off work is always nice. I kind of had time off this last week because I had Covid, but that just made me get cabin fever really fast. Anyway, I look forward to the ideas coming through. I’ll definitely be around in the coming days, so don’t worry about that. I’m a college student, so I do have class from Tuesday to Thursday, but I’ll have plenty of time to write and chat about the story. I always have my phone on me, so don’t worry. I’ve grown to anticipate receiving asks from you anyway. :)
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Day 125.3 Accidental Bonding (Part 3)
You can start at Part One, if you'd like.)
"Piss off, Malfoy," Jenkins snarled from across the room at the end of the training exercise, drawing Harry's attention from the conversation he was having with Ron. "You are such an arsehole. You think you're so clever, so much better than us," he shoved Malfoy's shoulders, "but you're just a slimy Dark Lord worshiper-"
"Oy!" Harry shouted, darting forward and physically putting his body between Jenkins and Malfoy, "Don't talk to him like that."
"I'll talk to that fu-"
"You need to back down," Harry growled, his body thrumming with energy, fingers tingling with the urge to punch Jenkins in the face, his magic racing hot and bright under his skin.
Malfoy put a hand on Harry's shoulder, "Don't," he said. "He's not worth it."
He glared at the other man for a moment before taking a step toward the locker room.
"Oh, I get it," Jenkins sneered, "some people are so possessive of their pets. He's letting you fuck him now, so-"
Harry spun around so fast that Jenkins didn't have a moment to see what was about to happen as Harry's fist connected with his jaw. "Watch your mouth," he growled, low in his throat. "We aren't sleeping together but even if we were that wouldn't change the fact that he is twice the auror you will ever be." He took another step closer, "He's smarter, faster, and has better instincts. And everyone knows that your pathetic attempts to belittle him are out of jealousy. So you can fuck off before you make an even bigger arse of yourself."
"Alright," Ron said, holding out his hands between them. "That's enough."
Jenkins spat blood at Harry's feet but had the good sense not to say anything more as he left and slammed the door behind him.
Harry turned to see Malfoy storming away from him. "Malfoy," he shouted but the other man threw him a two fingered salute and stalked off.
"What the hell?" Harry grumbled.
(Read more below the cut)
Ron shrugged, "Beats me, mate." He slapped him on the shoulder, "but I wouldn't want to be going home with him. He looked pissed."
Regrettably Ron was right, Malfoy was pissed. Harry couldn't understand it and the other man wouldn't say a word to him about it.
They went home and Malfoy shut himself in the bedroom without a word, leaving Harry standing completely confused in the living room. "What the hell?" he repeated.
Hands on his hips, he stared off after the other man and replayed what he'd said to Jenkins for the fiftieth time, trying to figure out what had made Malfoy so mad.
Giving up on trying to puzzle it out seemed like the only course of action so he headed into the kitchen and started dinner. In the past week and a half, Draco had cooked, they'd cooked together, or ordered take out. Harry hadn't cooked anything on his own since he's arrived and honestly, he was glad for the chance to cooking now.
He chopped up an onion, diced a carrot, chopped up a stalk of celery, and minced several cloves of garlic. Then he turned to the stove and heated a frying pan, pouring in some olive oil before tossing in the veggies and letting them cook down while he chopped up lettuce for a salad.
After about ten minutes, he added the ground beef, salt, and pepper into the frying pan and uncorked a bottle of Merlot, pouring himself a generous glass and dumping a few ounces in with the beef and veg.
He cast a simple spell to keep the spoon stirring while the beef browned and he turned to cut up tomatoes and onions for the salad and made a simple vinaigrette. When the beef was brown and fragrant, he added in tomato paste, diced tomatoes, basil, oregano, and a dash of nutmeg before stirring it all together.
With a pleased hum, he put the lid on the pot and cast a spell that would condense the simmering time to about thirty minutes instead of three hours.
While the sauce cooked down he baked brownies, tossed the salad, and prepped the water and spaghetti. Boiling the spaghetti, cutting the brownies, and plating everything was easy after that. Harry topped the bowls of bolongese with freshly grated Parmesan and basil.
Then, after a moment of debate, he decided to bring dinner to Malfoy instead of the other way around and laid out their salads, bowls of bolognese, glasses of wine, and brownies onto a tray. He levitated it down the hall and knocked on the door.
"Come in," Malfoy called, sounding bored and detached and Harry had to take a steadying breath to tamp down the irritation that tone of voice invoked before opening the door.
"Made dinner," he said casually.
Malfoy turned his head from where he was laying on the bed, idly catching a snitch and releasing it. He sat up, his blonde hair trailing behind him, "It smells good."
"You don't need to sound surprised," Harry teased.
Malfoy opened his mouth to protest but Harry continued as he set the tray in the middle of the bed.
"I'm just kidding," he assured quickly.
"Do you really think that it's wise to consume red wine and pasta on a white bed?" Malfoy asked, one eyebrow arched at him as he climbed onto the bed across the tray from Malfoy.
"It'll be fine," Harry assured as he picked up his salad bowl and speared a tomato. "We're wizards, we'll magic it away if we must."
Malfoy hummed but picked up his own salad. "Thank you."
He shrugged a shoulder, "No problem. I like to cook, actually."
"Do you?" Malfoy asked curiously.
Harry nodded, "Yeah. Once we left Hogwarts and I was living on my own, I was eating out all the time and it wasn't doing me any favors. So I learned how to make some simple things that taste good." He tilted his head, "What about you? You're not a bad cook."
His cheeks turned a light pink and he cleared his throat, "That's Granger's doing actually."
He sighed, "She made a really good case about house elves. I didn't want to be who my parents wanted me to be so when I moved out and joined the aurors, I basically shunned anything that whiffs of pureblood bullshit. It has no place here," he said gesturing to his home with his fork.
Harry blinked, "That's amazing."
"Shut up."
"No, I'm serious," Harry said. "You're amazing and I had no idea."
"Stop," Malfoy said. "Please, it's not-"
"Is that what earlier was about?"
Malfoy stilled, "Excuse me?"
"Is that why you were upset?" he asked. "You thought that I was taking the piss?"
"I thought that you have an insufferable hero complex that makes me want to vomit," he growled.
"You're a hedgehog," Harry said, finally understanding.
Malfoy froze, "Who told you that?"
"Told me what?" Harry asked.
"That my patronus is a hedgehog," he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry laughed and Malfoy flushed cherry red, his eyes narrowed. "No, sorry," Harry said holding out a hand, "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because I had no idea, honestly!"
"Then what made you say it?" he asked suspiciously.
"Just," he paused and took a bite of bolognese as he searched for the right words, "When you start to feel vulnerable or like someone is going to hurt you, you curl into this defensive ball that will stab at someone no matter what they say or do."
"You are genuinely one of the best aurors in our class," Harry said earnestly, steering the conversation to something more tangible that they were less like to fight over. "I was serious."
Malfoy rolled his eyes, "You're just saying that because the bond-"
He shook his head, "I've always thought that," he protested. "It's annoying as fuck because it always seems like everything comes so easily to you. I used to complain about it to Ron all the time."
"Says you," Malfoy protested. "You're always doing everything right; throwing yourself into danger to protect people." He shook his head, "By all accounts, what you do shouldn't work but it does. You're a good auror, Potter."
Harry swallowed, "Thanks, Malfoy. That means a lot coming from you."
"Yes, well," he said as he took a sip of wine, "Don't let it go to your head."
Harry chuckled and they took a few bites in companionable silence before Draco started to talk again.
"You didn't have to come to my rescue with Jenkins, you know."
He waved the thought away, "He's an arse. We've had it out before."
"I'm just saying," he argued, "I was fine. Honestly what he was saying wasn't even that bad."
"Not that bad?!" Harry yelped. "He-"
Malfoy shook his head, "It's the bond, Potter, don't you see that? Jenkins has said a lot worse, other trainees have said a lot worse, and you've never felt the need to jump in and defend my honor before."
Harry frowned.
"You're being swayed by what the bond wants you to feel about me."
"I'm not sure you're right," he said. "Because you shouldn't be treated like that at work. No one should be treated like that."
"Be that as it may-"
"I'm just saying, even if the bond brought it to my attention, I would have done that for anyone. If he'd been saying shite like that to Ron, I would have decked him, too."
Malfoy looked like he was going to argue with him, before visibly changing his mind, "You do have a wand, you know. There's no need to resort to brute force."
Harry shrugged, "But there's just something so satisfying about punching someone."
A laughed forced it's way up Malfoy's throat and Harry grinned at him. Shaking his head, Malfoy replied, "You're ridiculous. And this is good, by the way," he added, pointing to his pasta with his fork.
"Good," Harry said with a pleased little smile.
The conversation turned lighter as they bickered about the training exercises and the best approach, but the bickering held none of the animosity it had a week and a half before.
And Harry couldn't help but wonder how much of this was the bond's doing and how much was simply him.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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I had another intense daydream about DILF Bakugou. It will be a continuation from my first one. 
Again, I am not a strong/good writer so please don’t come at me for mistakes. I also didn’t think I was going to get attached to the kids but haha I did. The oldest one’s name is Liam and the younger one’s name is Noah. 
Warning: Cursing and mutual pining.
The elevator door opens at his penthouse apartment, it was 8:30am and you were already there. Seems kinda eager Y/N. You stir in the elevator trying to calm yourself down pressing your hand to your chest taking a deep breath as the elevator door opens. You almost forgot how to breathe when you saw Bakugou standing there in front of the elevator holding two cups of coffee. “Good morning, you’re early” he says. She’s on time, I like that. Drinking you in before handing you a badly painted ceramic mug full of coffee and turning to walk to the kitchen. You quickly walk behind him. “I don’t know how you take your coffee. I have creamer if you want” he says as he pulls it out of the fridge and places it in front of you. “Just a little sugar” you say pushing past his hands grabbing the covered sugar that was on the counter. He grabs it before you can and places it in front of you but not before you hands touch for a moment. You jolt your hand back and smile warmly as you put a spoonful into your coffee and take a sip. That was cute. It’s silent as you two take turns staring at each other while the other looks around the house or out the window. Bakugou was wearing a black tank top that beautifully showcased the muscles that were scattered with scars as a result of years of hero work. He was wearing black pajama pants that hung low enough for you to almost see his happy trail. God, he looks so good. Stay calm. After you both finish your coffee he stands up and leads you up the staircase. The apartment looks bigger than last night, the light beaming in showcasing it’s grandness. Bakugou tells you about the boys, one is 11 and the other is 3 ½. He goes on to talk about them like if they’re the best thing to ever happen to him. Who would’ve thought he had a soft side. He looks so happy when he talks about them. I can’t fuck this up. 
You walk behind him as he enters the boy’s bedroom but stop in your tracks before entering looking at the sign that says, “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” in big bold badly written handwriting. “Hi” says the older one staring at you, arms crossed and tense. No one can deny that he’s Bakugou’s child. “Hi, my name is Y/N” you said with a warm smile. The little one ran to you hugging both your legs together almost making you fall over. “I like your name. You’re pretty. Why are you here?” he said all in one breath looking up at you. “She’s here to hang out with us today,” he said, mirroring the older one. “Do we really need a babysitter?” said the older one under his breath but still loud enough for you to hear him. Bakugou looked at him and said, “Yes, you can do your own thing but Y/N’s here to mostly help your brother” he grunted annoyed at the older one’s questioning. Wow you can cut the tension with a knife. The little one hangs on your legs and you bend down to hold him in your arms. “You smell good. She’s mine now” wrapping his arms around your neck and red eyes staring daggers at his dad and brother. Yeah, he’s bakugou’s kid for sure too. “You can keep her” the older one says under his breath rolling his eyes pushing past you leaving the room. The rest of the morning went well, you spent most of the time with the little one. You guys had breakfast together. Bakugou made pancakes and eggs while the little one showed you his massive Almighty collection. The bigger one walking by from time to time just to see what you both were doing.
 After breakfast it was bathtime. You were giving the younger one a bath when Bakugou walked by. He looked in and he wouldn’t help but smile at the view of you kneeled down in front of the tub blowing bath bubbles, praising the little one for being so good at it. I think I did the right thing. Look at how happy he is. He deserves to have a content woman in his life. They’re perfect together. Don’t fuck this up man. He leans against the door frame. The little one notices and looks past Y/N at his dad. “What are we doing today daddy?” he says with a hopeful smile it’ll be something fun. “Yeah, what are we doing today daddy?”. You pause covering your mouth immediately after saying it. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. “U-Um I was thinking about the park, movie at home then dinner. How does that sound?” he said staring at the back of your head then at the little one. “YESSSSSSSSS” the little one jumped up out of the bathtub slashing your shirt as a result. You all laugh. You turn to grab the towel hanging on the sink and your eyes meet. His eyes are so intense. He probably wants to fire me. God, why would I say that. Little did you know Bakugou melted at the sound of you calling him that. Something about was so natural like it just melted off your tongue. The morning went normal as well. There were moments where you could feel Bakugou’s eyes on you. You peek at him for a second just for your eyes to meet and him to look away at the last second. When you arrive at the park you clench at your purse full of park necessaries. The two boys run away as soon as they see the playground. You sat yourself down beside Bakugou, not moving your eyes from the little one. Some time passes before you finally say, “I-I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to call you that. I-I was just repeating what he said” you explained not making eye contact. Bakugou’s heart broke a little. He didn’t mind it all. He was actually thinking about it the whole time. Imaging you calling him that over and over. “I didn’t mind,” he says, staring at you and letting out a little giggle. “I thought I made things awkward” letting out a sigh of relief moving her eyes to meet his. His eyes can really turn a hole into anyone huh. Her whole body relaxed as she put the purse on the side of the bench. “You didn't,” he said, looking out at the little one as he waved from the highest part of the playground. She sat there as they began to make small talk. “Y/N, come here. Come play with me!” the little one yelled at the top of lungs. “Coming!” you call out jumping to your feet, your breast giggling as you stand up. Bakugou noticed. Bakugou is left there watching you and the little one giggling and hugging each other. I can get used to this. 
The little one was playing in the sandbox while you were standing on the outside watching him and praising him for doing a good job. “Hey, I’ve never seen you here before” A voice says behind you, making you jump. “No, I’ve never been to this park” you say looking up at the man. He was pretty handsome, tall and wearing a bookbag probably full of park supplies. “Is that your kid? He’s cute” he says, waving at the little one. “No, I’m just the babysitter” you say, turning back around to face the boy. You turn your head to look at Bakugou and he’s already on his way over to you. “Hey man, can I help you?” He steps between you and the man. Bakugou towering over the poor man. “Oh shit, dynamight. I’m a huge fan” he says reaching out to grab his hand but Bakugou just stares at him. You are intensely staring at the two men until the little one grabs you and pulls you away from them and towards the swings. “Man, your babysitter is hot, but I’m guessing you already knew that. We’ve all been checking her out” the man said, staring at you and pointing at the group of men all staring at you as you push the little on the swing. “What?” he said looking around at all the men staring at you like a piece of meat. OH FUCK NO. He didn’t even notice how good you looked in that outfit. WHY WERE THERE SO MANY MEN HERE WTF. You bent over to tie the little one’s shoes putting your whole ass on display. He would almost hear the men gasp and whisper disgusting things about you to each other. Little explosion started in his hands. Calm down. The man walked away at that point seeing how angry he looked. He walked over to you and grabbed you by the wrist, “Lets go” he said almost growling. “Yeah, is everything okay?” you say confused. “Fucking extras..” he said looking around letting go of your wrist. You grab the little one and call out to the bigger that they’re leaving. The whole car ride was awkward. He kept looking at you from time to time and scuffing. What’s up with the mental gymnastics?. What happened? Did the guy say something about you? You barely talked to him. The next few weeks were filled with laughs, cuddles and love while you were in the Bakugou home from the little one and occasional engagement from the older one. Bakugou wanted to make you feel more at home so he would buy flowers and candles and put them around the apartment. It was a nice thought. 
One day you can hear him stirring and cursing under his breath in his office when you walk by. “Are you coming to watch the movie with us daddy” said the little one as he came into the office. “Nah. You guys can watch it. I’ll sit this one out” he said turning around in his computer chair to look at him. “No, I really want you to. We have to watch it like a family.” he looks up at him and attempts to do the world’s best puppy dog face. “I don’t think so” he twirls in his computer chair back to the computer. “I think It'll make Y/N pretty happy.” he says squinting at him. “Right Y/N?” Manipulative little brat “It would make me very happy” you straighten your back as you hear your name. “Okay” he says standing up from his chair walking behind you as you go to put on a movie while sitting on the couch. The little one was firmly placed on your lap while the older one was on the other side of the coach on their phone. Bakugou sat next to you placing his arm above the coach behind you. 30 minutes into the movie both Bakugou and the little one were snoring. The little one now wrapped around your chest drooling on your collarbone and bakugou knocked out on your shoulder. This felt nice. You continued and watched the movie trying your hardest not to laugh loud enough for both of them to wake up. Once the movie ended it was already dark out so you decided to shift your way out of bakugou’s grasp now firmly wrapped around your waist and bring the little one to bed. The older one watching your every move. 
You’re about to wake up bakugou still knocked out on the couch when you hear, “You’re not our mom you know”. You turn around to see the older one standing there, arms crossed. “I didn’t think I was honey” you say softly walking over him. He steps back and stares at you. “Y-You’re acting like-like our mom used to” he said in almost a whisper. “I’m not here to replace your mom my love. I’m just here to make your family’s life a little easier. I’m sorry if I’m stepping on anyone toes.” He huffed in response. “I just miss her sometimes and you kinda..” He stops himself. You sit down in one of the stools in front of him. “I’m here if you wanna talk about it” you say looking at him. You were unsure about what happened to their mom. Bakugou never mentioned her and neither did the kids. It was almost like she didn’t exist until now. “She left us a while ago. She told us she was coming back for us but she never did. I-I don’t know why” he looked like he was going to cry. You jumped out of your seat to hug him but he rejected it, pushing your arms away. “I can’t trust you. You’re going to leave just like her” he said as he ran to his room and slammed the door. You didn’t want to leave him like this. You couldn’t leave him like this. You waited a while and decided to make him his favorite meal, spicy ramen. You go in front of the door and knock, “I left some spicy ramen in front of the door. I figured you were hungry” you say leaning against the door. No answer. You can hear the door slowly creak open as you walk away and you smile.
 You walk away going downstairs to clean up the mess you made. “Hey” a voice says from the couch. Bakugou stretches his huge muscles and it makes your knees feel a little weak. “Hey sleepy head” you say lovingly. “How long was I out?” he said looking for a clock. “I’m not sure, A while I guess. I finished watching the movie a while ago” you said scrubbing the dish. “Oh” he said in a raspy voice. “Anything happened?” he said, reading your tense body language. “Liam brought up his mom” you said biting your bottom lip not meeting his eyes. “Oh fuck, that agan” he says wiping his mouth with his hand then rubbing his neck. “Yeah, he was pretty upset. Do you mind if I sleep over. I’ll sleep on the couch if anything. I want to make him his favorite breakfast in the morning.” you look up at Bakugou almost with tears in your eyes. She really likes my kids, wow. “U-Um yeah, you can sleep over whenever you like. We have an extra bedroom. I kinda like it better than you going home.” he says looking for your reaction. “I really only use my place to sleep and come back here anyways” you say giggling. “Then you should just move here” he says. 
You both stare at each other. “Yeah, I think I’d like that,” you said trying to conceal your smile.
Tag: @lil-miminini ❤️
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corpsedaydream · 4 years
Can i uhhh request a headcannon/consept of corpse just carrying you around and picking you up -🐱
lets fucking gooooooo
carry on
the first time
it’s quick and enough to leave ur mind wondering about what else he could do. you’re at his place and the both of u aren’t the best in the kitchen but tonight u decided to make a meal together. a learning experience. but ur getting a little restless and boy oh boy ur in a ‘i know i’m being really annoying but i just can’t stop being annoying’ mood. and so ur doing little things like poking his side. or when he asks u to retrieve something ur deliberately getting something else. but he’s had enough when he’s about to chop something and u decide on playing a game of chicken by whipping ur hand out over the chopping board. he’d place the knife down and suddenly his hands are on the sides of you and he’s hoisting u up on a part of the bench that’s close enough to still watch but far enough away that u can’t reach anything to keep pestering. “don’t move.” he’d tell u, along with a chaste kiss against the corner of ur mouth. and u listen. bc u knew u were being annoying as hell and also bc it’s the first time he’s ever really lifted u and ur a little thrown off but also excited.
koala cling
when u haven’t seen him in almost two months. and fuck did u miss him so much. you’d jump into him and if he wasn’t ready for it, the two of you would’ve fallen over. but he was so ready, because fuck, he missed you too. your arms would wrap so tightly around his neck and your ankles would cross behind him to lock your legs around his middle. his arms would link so unbreakably around your waist. but even if he was to let go, u wouldn’t go anywhere, u were clinging onto him for dear life.
the jellyfish sting
holy shit it took u so long to convince corpse to go to the beach with u. and of course the one day he finally agrees, it’s the day a jellyfish wraps itself around ur leg and stings u to hell and back. he would be sitting on a towel, not quite ready to venture into the ocean like u did right away. and it seemed he made the right choice bc it was only a few minutes later u were doing an awkward run out of the water and once you’d hit the shore you’d drop down and try to unravel the sea creature from around your leg. he’d hear your sounds of pain and hurry down and at first he’s really not sure what to do. but once he saw the red straps of pain that were quickly forming into welts on your skin, he’d scoop you up. one hand around your back and the other under your knees. he’s extra careful to not bump the stings. there’s no life guards around bc u came to a more secluded beach where not a lot of people went so he’d carry u to the car and place you inside ever so cautiously.
he’d gotten a call at 1am. actually, he’d gotten about five calls. the first four kept ending quickly bc ur drunken self would get distracted by one of ur fellow drunk friends saying something and you’d accidentally hang up on corpse. only to call him back a minute later. eventually, he’d come to learn the point of the call was wanting to be picked up. and so there u were in his passenger seat on the way home, drunkenly babbling about the antics u and ur friends had gotten up to. he was taking u back to his place bc it was closer. once u both got there, he lost patience with ur slow, drunk stumble kind of walk and instead, hoisted u up in his arms, deciding it was going to be the quicker and more safer way for u to make it to his front door.
over shoulder
ur both in chaotic yet playful moods. and it’s lead to a game of murder in the dark. corpse is too good at being it. each time he finds u, he gives u a scare bigger then the last. this time is no different. he’s spotted u and he’s creeping up ever so silently and when he’s within reach, he yells and uses his strength to lift you up over his shoulder. u yelp at the sudden fright, but laughs quickly follow as you dangle over him from where he’s placed u. “i don’t think murder in the dark is meant to be a contact sport.”
a piggy back
the sun is going down. the sky looks to be hand painted in pinks and oranges by mother nature herself. u were so distracted by the beautiful visuals that u hadn’t felt ur legs going to sleep in your cross legged position. it didn’t help that corpse was in front of u, leaning back against ur legs and front, sending them further into numbness. u were feeling too content, looking at one of your favourite things to look at and having one of your favourite people in your arms. he hops up first when the sunset is almost gone completely. turning to look at u with a questioning look when u don’t make any effort to move. “i will literally fall over and die.” u over dramatise. he laughs but then he’s crouching back down in front of u. “hop on.” and so u do. ur arms wrapping loosely around his neck and your legs hooking over his hips. he’d be sure to get a good grip on your thighs before standing to his full height, shuffling u up a little higher so u could lean comfortably against his back and leave some sweet kisses to the back of his neck.
u could almost fall asleep in ur current position. sun baking was not good for ur skin, but u couldn’t deny that u loved the feeling of laying out by a pool and feeling the sun beaming down on u. that is until a familiar pair of arms are slinking around u and a familiar laugh is sounding out as u gasp in surprise at the sudden lift. “corpse, no-” but it was all so quick, the hold he had to lift u from ur sun baking spot is quickly gone as he instead tosses u right into the pool.
am baby
u were fast asleep on the couch. he knew this would happen. u only had two more episodes left of a show u were watching and u were positive u could stay awake for them. but there he found u after he showered, eyes closed, slow deep breaths leaving ur slightly parted lips, sleeping soundly and missing the episode u had assured him u were going to stay awake for. had the couch been a little bigger, he’d leave u there. but the two seater would cause u to awake feeling all stiff and sore. he turned off netflix first before concentrating on picking you up. “mmm, lemme’ sleep.” you’d whine out croakily, being stirred awake upon feeling his arms slip underneath you. “gotta get u to bed, baby.” he’d respond. “gonna pick u up, okay?” he’d give u a warning before making sure his arms were around ur relaxed body securely to lift u up safely. the movement would wake u a little more but you’d quickly find yourself now resting against corpse. your torso pressed against his as he held you like a baby. he’d be leaning back slightly to support your deadweight, sleepy self. a smile present on his face as he could feel your slow, deep breaths fan over his neck as u rested ur head on his shoulder as he carried u to bed.
playtime in bed
ik what ur thinking and stop it!!!! lmao. u were mindlessly watching instagram stories in bed when u came across someone doing acroyoga. “look,” u tilt ur phone screen towards corpse and he see’s the look on ur face. “we can’t do that.” “why?! it’ll be fun, let’s just try once.” and he rly struggles saying no to u when u get all excited and that’s how the two of u found urself in this position. him flat on his back with his arms stretched upright to where his hands held tightly onto yours. his legs were also up, his feet pressed into your hips as he started to lift u higher. “isn’t yoga meant to be relaxing?” he’d question, bc all he could focus on was not dropping you and it was stressing him out while u just found the whole thing too funny and couldn’t stop laughing. “lift me higher.”
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chaotic-jjk-fiction · 4 years
Arranged Marriage AU: Part Two
Noritoshi Kamo x Pregnant Reader
TW: Pregnancy, Talk of Sex, Noritoshi’s breeding kink is showing, Angst to fluff
Read part one HERE
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It had been nine months since the wedding, and things were still rocky. You’d been pushed into a rhythm in your new life, and Noritoshi was the one putting it into motion. Anything that his superiors told him to do, he would. You barely had any time alone anymore as he was always with you. He told you he was just making sure you were doing alright and that he knew that spending time together was important for forming a strong, lasting marriage. However, you were grateful that Noritoshi handled the elders all by himself, doing his best to keep you away from them physically. 
He explained the nature of the situation to you, commenting on how he didn’t want to rush you, but the sooner the two of you were able to conceive, the better. You knew what he was saying was true, and so your life became one filled with cycle tracking, temperature taking, and carefully calculated sex. It had just become another chore and you found it hard to enjoy even though Noritoshi was always sure to make you cum more than once. 
Soon they decided to put you on a fertility pill to speed up the process. You would have been ok with this if they had consulted you, or at least told you. Instead, when you had been handed your nightly vitamins, and you asked about the new one, Noritoshi just told you not to worry and just to take it. You felt like less than a person sometimes if you were being honest, not that anyone cared. 
When you finally conceived, it was such a relief. You would be able to stop worrying about the higher ups, or so you thought. Right from the get go, you realized that this pregnancy was going to be a bit of a nightmare. You were started on some pregnancy special diet and given a nap schedule. It was infantilizing. 
“Are you ready for your evening walk?” Noritoshi asked, standing next to the bed you were laying in. You turned your face to look at him, a little scowl plastered on your face. You were 18 weeks along, and your body was starting to protest the expansion of your uterus in the form of muscle cramps and just general pain. The last thing you wanted to do was get up out of the blanket nest you had constructed on your shared bed. He sighed,
“You need to get up and move around, you can’t just stay in bed all day.” You harrumphed before pulling back the covers to revel your growing belly. Noritoshi couldn’t help but eye your round middle as he helped you up from the mattress. He never showed it, but watching your belly get bigger over time had awakened something in him. A desire to protect you and his unborn child, along with a bit of a sexual awakening. Seeing your belly so big, and your breasts swollen was more of a turn on than he expected. Once you were standing Noritoshi handed you a robe to ware over your sleeping kimono so you wouldn’t get cold. He knew that getting you out of bed was a big enough victory, and that trying to get you to change right now would be a risky endeavor. He offered you his arm after you had slipped on the over garment and allowed you steady yourself with his as a support before begging to walk with you out of the room, down the halls, and into the garden. 
“It’s so pretty” you marveled looking around at the maple tress with sunlight hitting them in just the right way so the leaves looked like they were glowing. He hummed in agreement. Neither of you would admit it, but you had both come to enjoy your evening walks together. It was a beautiful escape from reality, and helped you forget your situation, even if it was just for a short while, and Noritoshi liked this. He liked the way you smiled up at him as you after looking around and pointing things out to him. 
“It’s almost time to go back” He commented looking up, “It’ll be dark soon.” You pouted, not wanting to turn back yet, but you followed his lead none the less. He was the one in control and you knew that. Plus you were also hungry, and even tough you knew dinner was going to be boring, you couldn’t wait to eat. 
After your “pregnancy special” dinner you returned to your shared room with Noritoshi for a bit of a wind down before bed. You sat up against the headboard, pillows supporting your back, even though you were you still only in your second trimester, you were feeling all of the aches and pains. Noritoshi sat cross legged on the bed next to you, with a book in his hand. It was a baby book he had picked out from the nursery that was coming together in preparation for the baby. He began to read allowed to your bump as you watched him. You gasped a little as you felt the baby stir and kick in response to hearing Noritoshi’s voice. 
“Do you recognize daddy’s voice?” you asked your belly, you handing coming to rest on top of your bump, caressing it slightly. Noritoshi paused his reading as his heart stopped, Did he hear you correctly? Had you actually referred to him as “daddy” to you baby? You had. It made his heart swell, as he looked from your face to your belly. This is what married life was supposed to be about. He knew that your whole marriage and pregnancy had been out of your control, but he would be lying if he said he hadn’t become grateful over the last few months for the way things worked out. And as you guided his hand to you bump, you realized that you would also be lying if you said that you hadn’t stated falling in love with Noritoshi Kamo.                  
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anonquack · 3 years
| Hands |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 1902
Warnings: None! Just some fluff.
Summary: A late night trip to the fair with Alex. One filled with tons of hand holding, rides, and a sweet kiss to end the night!
The cold of the night was nipping at the delicate skin on your face, and it was moments like these that made you feel extremely grateful for the clothes on your back. The numerous lights set up throughout the entire place didn't help to make the cold go away. His hoodie was the only thing really keeping you warm. The softness of it against your skin, the warmth it provided.
The same could be said about his hands as they reached out for your own, soon finding them and interlacing his fingers with yours. Your eyes immediately fell to look down at your now conjoined hands before looking over at him.
He had the prettiest, softest, smile on his face when your eyes finally met his. The tip of his nose was slightly red, notifying you that he was cold too, but it was a perfect night to come out to the fair. Perfect night to check out all the rides and ridiculously difficult games that gave the weirdest prices. Perfect night to be with him.
After a few moments of heartwarming eye contact, he finally tugged at your hand before beginning to lead the way into the fair. You let him drag you to wherever he wanted, taking this time to look around and really take in the beauty of this fair.
The lights were shining brightly, different colors adorning the rides, small shops, and food stands. Although it was getting late, the fair seemed to be running as if it was daytime, and the crowds were very telling of the fact that it would not be closing anytime soon.
As your attention focused back on Alex, you realized you were standing in front of a rollercoaster, nothing too scary yet not a baby ride. You knew he loved the thrill of rollercoasters, so you weren't surprised nor bothered by this. The line wasn't too long, you would most likely get on the next turn, and this allowed you to view what the ride would be like.
The cheerful and adrenaline filled screams told you the rollercoaster would be a good one. A small glance at Alex and it was clear he was looking forward to finally being seated. Another telling sign of this was the gentle squeeze to your hand, something he did out of excitement or as a form of reassurance.
Before either of you knew, you were seated side by side, ready for the ride to begin. His hand never left yours, fingers still intertwined with no signs of leaving each other's grasps.
"Are you scared?" You asked as you felt his grip tighten slightly, to which he scoffed. Of course, you knew he wasn't, but couldn't help and tease him a bit.
"Of course not. I'm just trying to reassure you in case you're scared." He said in a mocking tone as he let go of your hand.
You smiled at that but quickly intertwined your fingers back together, not wanting to lose the warmth he provided on this cold night. Before he could answer or give any reaction, you looked forward and braced yourself for the ride that was about to begin.
After multiple rollercoaster rides, you found yourself sitting at a table with Alex as you both enjoyed some of the food you've bought at the stands. He had wanted to try a bit of everything, claiming it wasn't often that you two would get to eat 'classic fair food'.
As you ate, you looked across the table at Alex, noticing the hair strands crazily sticking out of his beanie from the wind and the multiple rollercoaster rides. You reached over with your clean hand, gently fixing and tucking those strands away. He seemed confused by your actions before realizing what you were doing, to which he gave you a thankful smile.
Your hand lingered for a bit on his face before pulling it away and continuing to eat. He had been talking about how fun those rollercoasters had been, and you agreed wholeheartedly. Some you'd both been a little iffy in regards to how safe they were, but overall you two were having fun.
As you finished the last bites of food on your plate, you pointed at one of the games that was nearby. This caught his attention and he looked over to where you were pointing.
"I'm going to win you something from that stand. Whatever you want, no matter the difficulty." You declared, from afar it didn't really look that hard, but honestly these were mostly scams. Games that would get you to believe you almost won in order to have you continuously waste money.
"Yeah?" He asked with a raised brow as he looked over at the stand you'd pointed at. "Well, I'll win you something from that stand." He said as he pointed to the one across the one you'd chosen. "And it'll be even better than whatever you manage to win."
You playfully rolled your eyes at his challenging tone. "Why wouldn't you want me to get the best price? It's for you, afterall. Please get your head in the game, Alex." You stood up from your seat, throwing away the plates into a nearby trash before looking over at him. "Come and see what winning is like."
A direct challenge, and one he would not back down from. He smiled, throwing his trash away as well before following you off to the stand.
You'd spent the last 5 minutes trying to focus and better your aim. These balloons wouldn't pop themselves. Certain balloons would get you better prices, and you planned on getting the best of the best for him.
Alex watched, a knowing look on his face as he observed you concentrating before throwing the dart at the balloons. Surely enough, you had managed to pop enough of the balloons to earn you a prize from the row with the bigger plushies. You set the extra dart down, turning to look at him with a grin on your face.
"Choose whichever you want, the choice is yours." You pointed out at the row of plushies he could pick from. He smiled and took a moment to examine all of his choices. After a few seconds, he finally pointed at the one he wanted, and the employee took it down for him.
Before he could even try to win you one, your hand was holding his and leading him away and towards the large ferris wheel towards the center of the fair. There was small protests from him but he quickly shut up as he realized where you two were going.
Luckily for you two, there wasn't much of a line as it had gotten rather late, families worried over their children staying up past their bedtimes or being out in the cold for too long. You two had honestly forgotten about the cold since you'd been running around, adrenaline constantly pumping through your bodies.
As you two got on the ferris wheel, you sat beside him and he placed the plushie onto his lap. You smiled and gently squished his cheek in adoration. "It's like our child."
This caught him offguard, eyes wide as he turned to look at you before letting out a laugh, you couldn't help but laugh as well. His laugh was so contagious and he just exuded so much happiness at this very moment.
"Our child?" He questioned once he finally caught his breath, small smile on his lips as the ferris wheel finally began to move. You simply nodded your head, as if it was the most obvious thing.
"Yes, our child. It looks just like you." You took the plushie from his lap and held it up to his face, to which he gently pushed it away with a small shake of his head.
"It looks more like you." He said after a few moments. This caught you by surprise, not expecting him to play along with the idea of this inanimate object being your love child.
"It looks like both of us." You finally settled as you placed the plushie back onto his lap. He gave a simple hum before you two focused on the view. This was the beauty of staying up with Alex, and consequently being on a ferris wheel.
You were quite high off the ground. From here, all the food stands and other rollercoasters were visible, along with the people that were still around. The colorful lights were shining, leaving nothing dull for the eye to see. Alex was absent-mindedly staring out at the sights, fingers curling around the metal that kept you guys from falling off the pod.
As the ferris wheel came to a stop, you could feel your pod moving around quite a bit, which only made your stomach hurt a little. You looked over at Alex before realizing you were up at the very top. The view was mesmerizing, but it couldn't even begin to compare to how he looked at this very moment.
His eyes met yours again, a bit more tired, not as much energy, but still very content. The tip of his nose had remained red as it got later and subsequently got colder. His cheeks were flushed as well, making you wonder why he hadn't covered up enough if he knew you two would be out late. At the sight of his cold form, you reached out and held his hand yet again.
It seemed to be a recurring theme tonight.
His fingers intertwined with yours as he smiled over at you. An idea came to mind, and there wasn't much of a reason for you to not act on it.
You leaned in and connected your lips with his, to which he did not protest, gladly kissing back. You smiled since the shock was noticeable at first, but he had melted into it just as fast. You had wanted to kiss him at the top of the ferris wheel, with this beautiful view. Yes, Alex was the view. The fair and starry night contributed too, sure.
The kiss lasted for a bit longer than you had planned, Alex seeming to have grown energized by the contact of your lips against his. He only pulled away once the pod moved again, causing it to shake and stir the people around just a bit.
You smiled as you made eye contact with him, noticing how much more flushed his cheeks looked. God, he was so attractive. So pretty. He let out a laugh before shaking his head and avoiding eye contact.
"I can't believe you... initiating a makeout session with me at the top of a ferris wheel.. you're so cheeky." He seemed to be complaining but his eager kissing just a few seconds ago told you otherwise.
You let out a laugh as you came closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist in order to seek the warmth he offered, and it wasn't long before his arm was wrapped around you to provide said warmth.
As you rested your head on his chest/shoulder, you couldn't help but feel relaxed. You were so happy with how the night had gone, and now it was coming to an end in the most perfect way.
You and Alex, holding each other close and enjoying the view and each other's company. You couldn't ask for anything else.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
The Doctor Is In
Stephen Strange x reader
Bruce Banner x reader (platonic)
a/n: hey! idk how to build stairs guys. i didnt feel like researching it. i dont care if it’s wrong. leave me alone. part 2/2.
Out (1)
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There was no hope of Stephen coming back. Every truth you had to face was harsher than the last. Even when you got home and realized that Wong was among the vanished...and he didn’t fix the stairwell.
Maybe the stairwell was a good thing. It gave you something to focus on in these hard times. Sure, it’d been a month since the incident, but that still wasn’t enough time for the world to heal. That meant that contractors were hard to come by. But the roof would have a tarp over it for some time. No way you’d deal with that.
So you took a trip to the hardware store, you stocked up on wood and nails, lacquer and wood stain. Anything else you needed for the project. Anything to keep you busy.
There were so many sleepless nights. You hated being alone in Sanctum, hated being alone in your bed. Every so often you would nap on the couch, but then you’d get right back to work. Weeks on end you spent on the stairwell. How long will you stick around while I talk about the stairwell?
Doctor Banner called you from time to time. His voicemails were kind, heartfelt, but you couldn’t stop now. The gutted stairwell from a couple weeks ago was coming by very nicely. As nice as it could when worked on my an amateur. Alright, it looked awful, but you couldn’t stand using a ladder to get to the second floor.
As you were staining the wood, you played a message from Bruce:
“Doctor L/N, it’s Bruce. I hope you’re doing alright, but you know that if you’re not, I’m here for you. All the remaining Avengers have kind of...gone their separate ways for the most part, they’re pretty broken up about everything. I just want you to know that because you don’t...have to be strong right now. I understand if you can’t be. Just call me back whenever you can? I want to make sure you’re alright. We’re survivors, we should stick together.”
Bruce hadn’t known you long, but he was still a great person and friend. You should call him back, but if you lost focus, you may lose yourself. So you continued to wipe against the grain of the fresh stairs and moved to the next step. And the next. And the next.
The last step was the lacquer and seal. You were scared to finish up. What would you occupy yourself with once this was over? You thought about the answer until the very last step and admired your shabby craftsmanship. It’ll do. Or maybe you should tear it all down and start over? While you were thinking over your newest thought, your phone rang again. Bruce Banner.
“Hey, Bruce.” You answered the phone as you normally would and sat on the floor in front of your work.
“Y/N?” Bruce asked in disbelief. “Y/N, hey! How are you? I don’t know if you’ve been getting my calls..?”
“I have.” You quickly replied.
“Oh.” He quietly nodded to himself.
“I’m sorry, Bruce.” You realized your mistake and knew you may have come off as a little rude. He’d been nothing but kind to you, but you’d just realized you were alone today.
“No, no! It’s okay! I understand, don’t worry. What have you been up to?” His effort to start a conversation may be successful this time around.
“I fixed the stairwell. All of it. That’s what I’ve been doing the past few weeks. I just finished a few minutes ago.” You felt awkward talking to him. Not because of him, not at all. Just because you hadn’t really had any human contact in a while.
“I didn’t take you for a carpenter, Doctor.” Bruce was genuinely surprised with your skillset, you could hear it in his voice.
“And you still won’t once you see the job I did.” You actually managed to let out a chuckle. You didn’t know you could still do that.
“Oh, I hear ya loud and clear.” Bruce laughed, too. I wonder if he was having the same thoughts as you. “Y/N, do you want to go out to lunch like, now? I could use some company, maybe you could, too.”
“Yeah,” you checked the time on your watch, Stephen’s watch, and realized you worked through the night and day, “text me an address, I’ll meet you anywhere. See you soon.” You hung up pretty quickly, only to get ready ASAP. You were sort of covered in “stair supplies” and smelled like...not good. You’d take a quick shower, put on some clean clothes, and take off. Unfortunately, the stairs weren’t dry, so it was another round up the ladder.
You finally took a trip back to your bedroom and shuffled through the closet filled with your...late husband’s clothing. It still smelled like him, surprisingly. You wondered just how long it would last. You hoped it’d be forever, but you grabbed your own clothes and quickly got dressed, then checked your phone to see that Bruce was running “a little late.” It’s okay, you were, too.
You took a seat on Stephen’s side of the bed and decided to snoop. Did it count as snooping if he was no longer here? You knew that he didn’t keep secrets from you, so what was the worst you could stumble upon? Books, books, and more books. But some were important books, ones detailing mystic arts. Maybe...maybe it was time to pick up a new skill. You stuffed the book in your bag and decided to head out now before you got too comfy in an actual bed.
You and Bruce sat at a booth in the empty diner, awkwardly gazing over the menu while trying to stir up some conversation. It’d been a while since either of you had visited someone, you didn’t even know what to talk about.
“So, home renovations, huh?” Bruce asked while peaking over the fold of the laminated list.
“Something like that.” You sighed and set yours down and aside. “I know what I’m getting. What about you?”
“I just need a minute.” The only noise besides your bland conversation was the rustling of dishes in the back, which didn’t last for long. “Got it. A burger. That’ll do it.” Bruce announced and got the attention of the waiter.
Ordering took a second, but soon you and Bruce were alone again and ready to talk.
“How are the other Avengers? I know you said they went their separate ways, but...” You inquired and were surprised to see a smile crack on Bruce’s face. “What?”
“At least I know you listened to my voicemails.” He chuckled and took a sip of his iced tea. “They’re dealing with it. I don’t exactly know how. Nat’s staying at the compound, I’m sure she’s glad to have a home again. Cap went out on his own. Thor went back to his people. Tony and Pepper are trying to separate themselves from the world, I think. I don’t blame them. That’s all I know.” You stayed silent, but nodded along to his outer thoughts. “You alright?”
“I’m sorry, Bruce.” You started. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, leave you hanging. I just still don’t know how to take this. I keep thinking about what Stark told me when he came back. His whole ‘this will all make sense soon’ thing. Nothing about this makes sense to me.”
“Well, Strange was different, wasn’t he? He had that Stone, he had those powers, he might know something we don’t.” Bruce explained to you, an attempt to comfort you. “We’ve tried everything, y/n. Maybe it’s time to wait, maybe in time you’ll see that he sacrificed himself...for you.” You teared up at the scientist’s words and quickly wiped your eyes as the food was placed before you. “Thank you, sir.” Bruce said as the waiter walked off. “Hey, y/n? It’s okay that you’re hurting. I get it. But please don’t act like you’re alone. I’m gonna be here for you, okay?”
“Yeah,” you sniffled while hiding your wet eyes, “Me, too, Bruce.”
When you got stressed out when you were younger, you threw yourself into your studies. Maybe that was why you were such an accomplished scientist. But what studies did you have now?
You had a library full of knowledge. It wasn’t your usual knowledge, but it would suffice. Now, the book that you’d snagged from Stephen’s bedside was a bit advanced for you, but that was okay. You had options.
Where would you even begin? This place was bigger than you remembered. Was this another spell? Did you know what you were talking about? Stop thinking, y/n. Start reading.
You picked out a book. You just ran with it. You recalled stories from Stephen. You remembered you needed the ring. What did he call it? Song ring? Sink ring? Slink ring?
Sling ring.
Not a problem, you could find one. Sanctum probably had tons. Maybe in Stephen’s study? You wished you had asked him more about his arts before, you just didn’t get it at the time.
One was stashed in a drawer. It was Stephen’s ring. The one he used himself. And it was the only one you could find, so it’d have to do. And so you got to studying.
The first time the air sparked by your hand was magical. Literally. But it made you feel something for the first time in nearly three months. And that was just the beginning. It felt like you were carrying on Stephen’s legacy in a way. You’d never be “Sorcerer Supreme,” but you didn’t have any intention of that. You just wanted his memory to live on, even if it were through you.
So you’d practice and you’d learn and you’d practice and you’d learn. You’d see Bruce whenever you could, and he soon noticed your mood change.
“I’m glad to see you happy for a change.” He told you while you walked through the park.
“Yeah, it feels great.” You told him while watching construction vehicles cleaning up the debris that had been lying around for months.
“I’ve been meaning to ask. What’s with the ring?” He looked at your hand and you lifted it closer.
“Oh...it’s Stephen’s.” You simply stated.
“Is it like a wedding ring?” He took a closer look and let you laugh it up for a quick second.
“No, no!” You shook your head at the ridiculous question. “I might as well show you. I haven’t told anyone yet, but that’s because you’re the only person I talk to.” You stopped in your tracks and shooed him back to give yourself enough space. “Ready?” Bruce looked terrified, but nodded a response and watched you raise your hands ahead, concentrating on the small portal you had began to open. Bruce recognized the opening since he’d fallen through it before.
“You’re one of the sorcerers?” Bruce’s eyes widened. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I just started learning!” You exclaimed with a bright smile. “I needed something to get me through this all...and I wanted to protect Sanctum like Stephen and Wong had always stressed doing.”
“That’s...amazing, y/n. Self-taught magic? By a scientist, no less. Look at you go!” Bruce had a knack for being supportive. You were glad that he crashed through your roof and into your stairs.
“Thanks, Bruce. Maybe in time I’ll be able to cast a spell that fixes my roof.” You shrugged.
“Oh? Come on! I said I was sorry!”
And then five years went by. Flew by, actually. You’d become a skilled sorcerer and used your skills around Sanctum. There wasn’t much to do here on Earth. It was a bit quiet.
Bruce was still a close friend of yours! You’d advised him in his quest for balance. He was no longer at war with himself.
The roof was fixed! You had Bruce spectate your very own spell to repair the damages he’d inflicted, but all was forgiven.
Then one normal day you got a call from him.
“Hey Bruce! How’s it going?” You answered, even though it interrupted your meditation.
“Can you meet me at the diner ASAP?” He sounded a little off, but still upbeat, so you opened a portal and stepped through to find yourself right out front. It was easy to spot him through the window, but there were others with him. Avengers.
“Hey, all.” You took a seat beside an unfamiliar one. “Hi, I’m y/n.” You told him as a plate of food was set in front of you.
“I ordered you your favorite. Hope you’re hungry.” Bruce smirked at you and let you get to it.
“So, it’s been a while, huh?” You asked the two Avengers across from you.
“It has.” Natasha sighed. “I wasn’t aware you were...also a sorcerer.” She began.
“I had a lot of free time.” Last they saw you, you weren’t as cool, calm, or collected. They were glad that you’d found peace. “I have a feeling this isn’t a social lunch.”
“I’m sorry to pull you from your calm, Doctor L/N—” You cut Steve off.
“Y/N is fine.” You replied.
“Scott here,” Steve motioned to the awkward man sitting alongside you, “was stuck in the Quantum Realm for some time, if you’re familiar. He thinks that there’s a way to...to undo what Thanos did.” You peered over at Bruce and watched him shrug as your heart started to beat faster and stomach started doing turns. You hated the thought of getting your hopes up, but you still dearly missed your husband.
“What can I do?”
You had a hand in opening the dozens of portals around the ruins of the Avengers Compound, but you weren’t the only one. Stephen, Wong, and hundreds of other sorcerers were assisting to bring an army to combat the troops of an outdated Thanos, and you were so close to Stephen.
Using your magic to create a pathway to the sky, you leaped from step to step to get a clear look of the battlefield. And to let Stephen see you. He did. And so did the cloak.
You’d never used your powers to fight, so you’d have to step it up out here. But you knew Stephen wouldn’t let you get hurt. And you believed that you could handle this yourself.
“Y/N!” Stephen called to you as he flew to your altitude and held you in a special embrace that you’d nearly forgotten the feeling of. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Are you kidding me, Stephen?” You chuckled through tears that you just couldn’t hold in, tears that dragged through the dirt and dust on your face, clearing small lines down your cheeks. “I have missed you every day since the moment you left. I am so glad to have you back.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye, y/n. I truly am. But I knew that you would manage without me. You always have.” He explained to you in such a heartfelt way, admiring your capability to still be standing in the air.
“You knew I’d become a sorcerer, didn’t you?” You cocked a brow and watched him smirk.
“I had an inkling.” He joked with you as the firefight below was still rampaging.
“It’s very unprofessional of you to be talking to your s/o during times of crisis like this.” You chuckled and broke your spell to fall back to the ground, stopping yourself before it was too late in what could only be described as a “superhero landing.” Now that you were on the ground, assistance was required for your own side of the battle.
You and your fellow sorcerers had to defend more than anything. Shields popped up across the battlefield in an effort to keep your people alive. There were too many close calls and you wanted to survive long enough to go home with your husband.
“Y/N, over here!” Stephen beckoned you to the flood that would have made this fight much harder, and you were delighted to defend alongside him. The cloak rushed to you and gave you a fast track to the edge of the water, you couldn’t help but that it for it’s kind service. “Ready?”
“Of course.” You lifted your palms and motioned towards that water, redirecting it and keeping it at bay for the time being. “I love you, Stephen.” You remembered to tell him.
“I love you, too, y/n.” He replied with his focus still on the flood. “And I’m proud of you. So very proud.”
“Couldn’t have done it with you.” You joked and stabilized the rushing waters, giving you a true load-off before the end was clear. Dust passed through the sunken hole you all stood inside. Dust of your enemies that had finally lost. You and Stephen stared at each other in disbelief, yet couldn’t help but run into each other’s arms. “This is real? We won?”
“In a way.”
Stephen and you dressed in all black were standing in the back yard of your savior. Tony had given his life to give others a life. You were just sorry that it had to be him.
Bruce stood alongside you with a long face and an injured arm. It was time for you to be there for him like he’d been there for you.
“Thanks for bringing back my husband, Bruce.” You whispered to him while holding Stephen’s hand tightly. Over the past few days, you just couldn’t seem to let go of him.
“Oh, yeah? That was nothing.” Bruce playfully answered through his sorrow.
“How’s your arm feeling?” You asked him, making sure the sling wasn’t twisted up an any way.
“Not the greatest, but I’ll be okay.” He assured you and watched as you leaned your head onto Stephen’s smile with a sense of relief. “I’m really happy for you, y/n...”
“But?” You raised an eyebrow with a hint of worry.
“But you better still hang out with me.” He smiled at you and you even heard a chuckle escape Stephen’s lips.
“You can count on it, Bruce.” You lifted a hand for a fist bump and collided your knuckles with his, even if they were a bit oversized.
“Shall we get going, dear?” Stephen asked you while he hooked his arm around yours and opened a portal home. You waved goodbye to Bruce and went on your way, stepping right into Sanctum as the way closed behind you.
“So you really meant it, huh?” You asked your husband while setting your belongings down.
“That I love what you’ve done with the place?” Stephen laughed at your oncoming smirk and walked forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you forward to kiss the top of your head. “Of course, dear.”
“Even the stairs?” You peeked your head up to look at your husband and watched his smile grow. You’d never bothered casting a spell to properly repair them. Maybe you were just too proud of your work. Maybe it was a reminder that you got through these five years on your own terms.
“I do.” He leaned down to kiss your lips. “It adds character to this place.”
“More character than the magic?” You prodded at him.
“I think you mean ‘sorcery.’” He corrected as you leaned into his chest and slightly swayed back and forth, taking in his presence for the 50th time since he’d come home.
“Oh, of course. Silly me.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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wayward-dreamer · 3 years
Life’s Lessons - Adventures In Babysitting
AO3 Link: Read Here
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word count: 4,019
Summary: Dean and Y/N spend a weekend looking after Sam and Eileen’s son. Looking after the baby brings up the conversation of children, as Dean puts the plan of proposing in motion.
Warnings: It’s literally just fluff. Like so much fluff. Implied smut.
A/N: Time stamp #4 is here! This one brings you right up to the proposal in the epilogue of Life’s Lessons. I’m taking a little time stamp break to bring you all something in maybe late June/early July, and I’m so excited about it! As always, happy reading and enjoy! :)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Life’s Lessons Saga Masterlist
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Y/N smiled, watching on as Sam and Eileen took care of their son, Elliot Patrick Winchester. It had been 2 and a half months since he arrived, and the Winchester family had never been more excited to have a new addition, especially one so adorable. Sam and Eileen somehow just knew exactly what they were doing, becoming pros at handling everything that comes with having a baby instantly. Knowing them pretty well now, Y/N had a brief thought that Sam must have researched anything and everything to do with pregnancy and babies. A book could never tell you exactly what to be prepared for, but they were a good guide, and the new parents were making it work and doing a great job.
However, Y/N could see how exhausted they both were. They had been going non-stop and hadn’t had any sort of a break, which she could see they desperately needed. She and Dean had talked between them that they should babysit and give them a Saturday off for now, so they could catch up on much needed rest. Now that Elliot had started to sleep through the night a little more, she knew that she and Dean could handle it.
Dean walked out of the bathroom, having freshened up just after Y/N, for lunch that they brought over to Sam and Eileen’s apartment. Eileen told them that she missed them and wanted them to come over, so they picked up some food along the way and made it to their apartment pretty quickly.
“There’s my man,” Dean said, smiling as he saw his nephew in Eileen’s lap. He walked over and instantly picked him up from Eileen, holding him close as he began to walk around the apartment.
Y/N watched on as he cooed at the baby, making funny faces and just being all around amazing. She had to admit that after seeing Dean with her nieces, and now his own nephew, it was beginning to stir feelings within her about seeing Dean as a father.
“Did you tell them what we talked about?” Dean asked, as he turned around to face her.
“I was about to,” she replied, before turning to look at Sam and Eileen. “Dean and I think you guys really need a break, so whenever you want us to, we’d love to take Elliot off your hands for a Saturday.”
Sam and Eileen smiled at them, both looking more than a little relieved at the offer. “That would be amazing,” Sam sighed, a small smile on his face. “I mean, we wouldn’t want to burden you-”
“It’s not a burden, Sammy,” Dean interjected, stopping his brother from thinking there was anything wrong with the idea. “You’ve been at this since the kid was born, you gotta relax.”
“Thank you both. That would really help us, we definitely need to recharge,” Eileen signed, smiling as she looked between Dean and Y/N.
“You’re welcome,” Y/N signed in return, smiling at Eileen.
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The next weekend, Sam brought Elliot over to Dean’s house, complete with all the things that he would need for his little stay with his uncle and aunt. Both Dean and Y/N were excited to look after the baby, while the new parents were just relieved to sleep the day away.
Sam arrived in the late morning, giving Dean and Y/N enough time to clean up before he got there. Y/N held the door as Sam carried the baby into the house, followed by Dean carrying Elliot’s bag and portable crib. He set them down in the living room, as Sam put the carrier down on the coffee table, with Elliot sitting inside, looking around inquisitively.
“Thanks again for doing this, guys,” Sam said, as he leaned over Elliot and undid the straps to take him out of the carrier.
Y/N smiled brightly at the baby as she held her hands out, instantly taking him from Sam. She held Elliot close, kissing his forehead as she gently rocked him. Dean looked over, smiling as he saw the baby in Y/N’s arms. She looked good like that, and he had a sudden thought about what she would look like with their baby in her arms.
“You’re so welcome,” she told Sam, looking up at him. “And you pick him up tomorrow at whatever time, no rush. Okay?”
Sam laughed, slightly as he nodded. “You got it.”
Sam gave them a rundown of what to do with Elliot, what time to feed him, when to put him down to sleep, and a few other things to know. For the most part, he would be easy to take care of, and Sam made them promise to call if anything happened that they couldn’t handle.
“We got this, Sammy.” Dean walked over to Y/N, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, and it’ll be good practice, right?” Sam joked, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah,” they both said, agreeing without hesitation.
Sam was taken aback, considering his comment didn’t seem to get the standard freak out reaction from them, both of them as calm as ever. His expression turned into a small smile, already knowing that even though he had teased Dean about it, his older brother was going to be a great dad when it was his turn.
“Alright, I’m going to head out.” Sam leaned over, kissing Elliot’s head softly, before leaning in and kissing Y/N’s cheek. “Have fun.”
Y/N laughed and looked down at Dean’s nephew, nodding. “We will.”
Dean walked Sam to the door and said goodbye, shutting the door and walking back into the living room. He smiled at Y/N as she looked over at him, the thoughts he was having before coming back to him. He pushed them away, knowing it was way too soon to be thinking that way, even though they had already talked about it. In fact, they were about to be one step closer to that reality. A few weeks ago, he had gone to his parents’ house, wanting to talk his mom about how he wanted to propose to Y/N. He told her that he wanted to use her ring that his dad had given her, which she had kept for him to use some day. Nearly in tears when she heard that he was going to ask Y/N to marry him, Mary had agreed straight away and had given him the ring.
The plan was in motion now that he had the ring, and Dean already knew how he was going to propose. At the house that he had been renovating with the help of his friends and some professional help, after a night out. He couldn’t think of a better place to do it than the house that they would spend the next stage of their lives together in.
Dean got to work on fixing the portable crib, opening the contraption in the living room and staring down at it. It definitely looked more complicated than it probably was, so he would just have to take it one step at a time, trying to remember what Sam had told him. His first attempt was completely wrong, making him start all over again. Y/N watched on, amused by Dean’s attempts to set the crib up, rocking Elliot back and forth. Groaning loudly and cursing inwardly, Dean kicked the crib with frustration.
“Who designed this thing? NASA?” he complained, his face pulled into a frown.
Y/N pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh. “There’s instructions for a reason, babe.”
“Please,” he scoffed as he looked down at the crib. “Those are just there to confuse you even more.”
“Well, for the sake of your nephew, you should probably have a look at them,” she informed him, turning slightly to show him Elliot’s eyelids drooping with sleepiness.
“Fine,” he huffed, picking up the manual.
Within a few minutes, he had figured it out and assembled it securely. Y/N walked over slowly; Elliot now completely asleep in her arms. She leaned down and gently put him in the crib, relieved when he didn’t wake up. She looked down at him, smiling softly as she watched him sleep peacefully. Dean stood next to her, his expression resembling hers as he looked down at his nephew.
“He’s so cute,” she whispered, reaching out to lightly run her finger over Elliot’s little hand.
“Yeah,” Dean agreed, his voice low like hers.
“I’ll get started on lunch,” she stated, turning and kissing his cheek before she walked into the kitchen.
Y/N made some sandwiches for lunch, Dean and her sitting in the living room as they ate and kept a watch over Elliot. After lunch, they washed up and cleaned up the kitchen, trying not to make too much noise and wake the baby. Their attempts weren’t enough, as Elliot woke up and started fussing. Y/N went to him, picking him up and holding him close until she realized he needed a diaper change. Making quick work of setting things up, she started to change him, cooing and making faces at him to distract him.
Dean watched from the kitchen, knowing she couldn’t see him. He felt the familiar feeling he had earlier return, as he watched her smile and play with the baby while she changed him. He turned away to finish cleaning the kitchen, not wanting to get distracted by what he was thinking, but still smiling as he washed the dishes, those same thoughts still very much in his head.
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The rest of the day continued in much of the same way. It had been relaxing for the most part, Y/N getting in some reading as she laid on the couch, checking in on Elliot every time he needed attention. Dean did the same when she couldn’t, both of them tag teaming pretty damn well, whether it was to feed him or change him, or just be with him when he needed. It was good practice, sure, but more than anything, it just solidified that he and Y/N could handle just about anything together.
Dean made dinner as Y/N sat on the couch, Elliot in her arms as he looked up at her. She smiled as she ran her finger over the small tuft of brown hair on his head, his slightly chubby cheeks which would no doubt get bigger, his little nose and chin. One side of his mouth quirked up, an attempt to smile as he looked up at her.
“Alright, dinner’s ready,” Dean called out, bringing two bowls of pasta to the table.
Y/N got up from the couch, slowly putting the baby into the carrier, and carrying him on to the dining area. She set him on the table across from them, smiling as she sat down, seeing him quite content to be with his family. Dean pulled a face at him, but his morphed into an unamused one, the baby showing quite a personality already.
“That face right there is so Sam,” Dean said, laughing as he looked at his nephew’s blank expression. “He’d always do that when he didn’t like a joke I’d make. Guess the kid takes after his dad in that, too.”
Y/N laughed as she took a forkful of pasta, looking between the baby and Dean. “Maybe that’ll change when he’s older.”
“Better,” Dean muttered as he ate.
Y/N pursed her lips in thought, wondering if she should voice the question that suddenly came into her head. “So… when we have our own…” she trailed off as she looked at him, her cheeks heating up at the subject.
“Uh huh,” he mumbled, smirking. He was amused at her reaction and wanted to see where she was going with this.
“Well… how-how many do you want?” she asked, hesitantly as she bit her lip.
He hummed as he sat back in his chair, taking a sip of his beer. He put the bottle down, looking over at her. “Well… two’s good, I like the thought of two. Like me and Sammy.”
She nodded, smiling. “Like me and Jill.”
He nodded, as he thought about the idea of two kids. Suddenly, flashes of his recurring dream he had had so many times over the years came to him. In the dream he had three kids, two boys and a girl.
“The idea of three though…” he started, as he looked at her. “I don’t know, I guess it feels… complete.”
Y/N beamed, trying to hide her face as she smiled wide. “I like the idea of three, too.”
“Awesome,” Dean muttered, unable to contain his smile either. “Though, god help me if we have a girl,” he stated, shuddering.
“Why?” she asked, laughing lightly. She looked over at Elliot, giving him a once over before turning back to Dean.
“I’m going to go pretty crazy with a girl. I mean, when she starts dating… nope, you know what? She’s never dating.” Dean shook his head, as he sipped his beer, not wanting to think about it anymore.
Y/N laughed as she shook her head. “That’s not going to be in your control, baby.”
“Yes, it will,” he countered, not listening to reason. “Especially if the boys are anything like me.”
“I think you’re pretty great,” she said, leaning closer to him.
Dean scoffed as he looked at her. “You didn’t know me back then. Trust me, you would’ve hated me in high school.”
She shook her head, completely disagreeing with him. “I don’t know, seems like you were the rebel and bad boy type, but you have a quiet and kind side too. Feels like I would’ve totally had a crush on you, Dean Winchester.”
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning closer to her.
“Oh yeah,” she whispered, moving in and kissing him, passionately. She pulled away after a moment, smiling. “If those boys turn out to be anything like you are now when they grow up, she’ll be fine.”
Dean smirked, sipping his beer before he continued to eat. They didn’t say much else on the subject after that, continuing their meal as they kept an eye on Elliot. That conversation told them everything they needed to know. Neither of them could wait for the day they had a child of their own.
After dinner, Y/N cleared up while Dean took over on Elliot duty, feeding him. Once he was done, Dean wheeled the crib into his bedroom and started to get Elliot ready to put him down for the night. Once she had cleaned up, Y/N walked down the hall to the bedroom. She smiled as she heard Dean talking to the baby, leaning against the doorway as she watched him changing Elliot’s diaper. He squirmed around, getting a little restless.
“Hey, you know what? I’ll pay you money if you stay still,” Dean joked, as he leaned over the baby.
Y/N laughed quietly, shaking her head at Dean’s attempt to calm the baby. She watched as Dean secured the diaper, buttoning Elliot’s onesie back into place and slowly picking him up. He held his nephew close, making her feel things she had no control over in that moment. She couldn’t wait to see him as a dad, this little glimpse as an uncle proving that he would excel at it. She laughed again as Dean started humming “Smoke on the Water” to Elliot.
“Dean,” she started but stopped when he shushed her. He rocked the baby, and she could see Elliot’s eyes closing.
“It’s working,” he whispered to her. He walked over to the crib slowly, still humming.
“Okay, if I put you down, you gonna be a man about it?” he asked his nephew, quietly, despite knowing he wouldn’t get an answer.
Dean slowly laid Elliot down, smiling when he saw him fast asleep. He looked at Y/N and smiled in relief. He cleaned up and put everything back in its place, washing up in the bathroom. He ushered Y/N out of the room as he left the door open, slightly ajar.
They walked down the hallway and dropped onto the couch in the living room, Y/N immediately curling into Dean’s side. She laid her head on his shoulder, her arm wrapped around his. She smiled softly as events of the day played through her mind again.
“We did good today,” she said, looking up at him.
“We did,” he agreed, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “You were awesome.”
She smiled as she wrapped her arm tighter around his. “So were you.”
They moved in and met halfway, their lips pressing together, a slow kiss between them. Y/N shifted back slightly, allowing Dean to wrap his arms around her waist as hers moved around his neck. He moved into her, his hands gently pressing into her back as he laid her down on the couch.
“This is so high school of us,” she laughed between kisses.
“The rebel and the babysitter… yeah, sounds about right.” He chuckled as he leaned in again.
She hummed against his lips, chuckling lightly. “More like the nerdy babysitter.”
“Even better,” he mumbled against her mouth. “You know how I feel about your little teacher clothes.”
They continued to kiss passionately, pulling each other as close as they possibly could. Dean removed his lips from hers, moving down to her neck, leaving small kisses and nips along her skin. His hands slid down her body, pushing up her shirt and feeling her warm flesh against his palms. He reached for the edge of it, pulling it up slightly, when a sudden wail from the bedroom startled both of them. He jerked back, hovering over her, as he looked down the hallway to where his nephew was now crying.
Dean groaned, shutting his eyes. “Of course Sammy’s kid is a cockblock.”
Y/N burst into laughter, cupping her hands over her mouth, as her shoulders shook from how hard she was laughing. She felt the couch shift as he got up, hearing him walk away down to the bedroom. She sat up and fixed her shirt, getting up from the couch and following behind him. When she got to the room, she saw Dean leaning over the crib.
“Alright, kid. What’s going on, huh?” he asked, as he reached in and picked up Elliot. Holding him close, the baby started to calm down, small whimpers leaving his mouth before his eyes started to close. “Ah, someone just wanted a little extra attention before he completely passed out, huh? I get it.”
Y/N walked closer and wrapped her arms around Dean’s waist, looking down at Elliot as he held him.
“Hope this means you’ll get some proper shut eye, and I can score with your aunt here,” Dean whispered, looking between the baby and Y/N with a small smirk.
She shook her head as she rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. “You’re insatiable.”
“When it comes to you, damn right I am.” He leaned over, kissing her and lightly nipping at her lower lip, causing a small moan to leave her.
“Not in front of your nephew,” she scolded playfully, looking up at Dean when he pulled away. “You get him to sleep, I’ll go find something for us to watch.”
“Okay.” He kissed her once more, winking at her before she turned around and walked out of the room.
He bit his lip and looked down at Elliot, smiling. “She’s pretty great, huh?” he asked, seeing Elliot look up at him.
“She’s really gonna be your aunt soon, if she says yes,” Dean said, quietly. “And then hopefully you’ll have some cousins to cause trouble with, soon too.”
Elliot’s eyes drifted closed again, a small sigh as he fell asleep again. Dean kissed his head softly and gently laid him down again, smiling as he didn’t jostle from the movement.
Dean shut the lights off, leaving the bedside lamp on for some brightness, before he left the room and walked down to the living room to join Y/N.
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The next morning, Dean and Y/N tag teamed just as well as they did the day before, before Sam arrived at noon to pick Elliot up.
Y/N kissed Elliot’s forehead, frowning as she handed him over to Sam. She watched as the father strapped his son into the car seat, feeling a little sad to be giving him back already. Looking after him had naturally been a challenge, but she loved it so much and loved seeing Dean with the baby, too. Sam turned to them, smiling as he hugged each of them.
“Thanks so much again for doing this,” he said, leaning against the car.
“You’re welcome,” Y/N said, smiling. “I just hope you and Eileen got the rest you deserve.”
“Oh yeah, we definitely did. I think we slept for like 7 hours, didn’t get up until the late afternoon,” Sam told them, laughing slightly.
“Good. You needed it.” Y/N rubbed her hand up and down Sam’s arm, before stepping back and standing next to Dean.
“Always happy to look after the little guy, you just say the word and we’re ready, Sammy,” Dean added.
“We really appreciate that.” Sam tossed his car keys up before catching them again, a small smile on his face. “Alright, we better go. Eileen’s missing him already.”
“Tell her we said hi,” Y/N informed him, as she and Dean watched Sam get into the car.
“I will,” Sam agreed, sitting in the driver’s seat with his window down. “We’ll do something soon.”
They both gave Sam a small nod and waved as they watched him drive away from the house.
They walked back in and Dean closed the door, immediately swooping behind Y/N and pulling her close. She laughed as she leaned back and kissed him; the kiss instantly heating up.
“The kid leaves and the first thing you do is this?” she asked, her eyes closing as he kissed her neck.
“Damn right, I didn’t get any last night because of him,” he replied, between laying kisses on her neck and shoulder.
“You know, that was just a taste of what life is going to be like with a baby,” she informed him, chuckling at him as he stopped kissing her and pouted.
“Damn,” he whispered. “Are we really sure we wanna have any?”
She smacked his arm around her playfully, laughing as she shook her head. “Yes.” Turning around in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck, wagging her eyebrows at him. “Besides, think of how much fun we’ll have making them.”
Dean visibly shivered as he looked down at her, moving down to kiss her, a little more hunger for her behind it this time. He hummed against her lips, pulling away slightly. “Maybe we should start now?”
She shook her head but smiled at him. “Give it a little time, babe.”
“Fine.” He frowned but it quickly morphed into a smirk. “We’re still gonna have sex right now, though, right?”
“Obviously,” she replied, with a little ‘duh’ expression.
Kissing her again, he picked her up as her legs came up to wrap around his waist. He carried her into the bedroom, but pulled away slightly, smiling.
“Hey,” he said, softly getting her attention away from his lips. “How about dinner next Saturday? Just you and me… we haven’t done that in a while.”
“Yeah,” she said, biting her lip as she smiled. “I’d love to.”
“Awesome,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss her again.
Sometime later, as they laid in bed wrapped up in the sheets, Dean held Y/N close. Both of them were content, basking in the peace that came after the intense love making, knowing they didn’t have to speak and fill the silence. He smirked as he thought about his plan, and how she had unknowingly agreed to a night out that would change their lives forever.
It was a lot of pressure, and it could just as easily completely backfire on him, but Dean was certain that things were going to be okay.
With Y/N by his side, they always were and hopefully if she agreed to be his wife, they always would be.
Tags: @deanwanddamons​ @winchest09​ @downanddirtydean​ @jensengirl83​ @wonder-cole​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @flamencodiva​ @ellewritesfix05​ @roonyxx​ @akshi8278​ @hobby27​ @michellethetvaddict​ @spngirl05​ @kyjey​ @halesandy​ @440mxs-wife​ @stoneyggirl​ @deanswaywardgirl​ @redbarn1995​ @marianita195​ @babypink224221​ @deans-baby-momma​ @parinarain​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @mandalou29​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​  @supernatural-love14​ @vicmc624​ @prettyboyswow​ @lunarmoon8​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​ 
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wangshuus · 4 years
delicacy | diluc ragnvindr
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pairing: yan!diluc ragnvindr/gn!reader
genre: psychological
cw: unhealthy relationship, mentions of forced marriage, ooc diluc (lol)
wc: 2.6k
summary: to diluc, you are a delicacy that he wishes to savour.
note: i’m sorry in advance my dear readers this is absolute dog water ajfhaiufhfui. this was just an experiment since i don’t think i’ve written a decent yandere ever and this kinda proves it but it’s ok i’ll get there one day. just take my ooc diluc. yes, i know i screwed up real bad on this one but let's just say i loosened a few screw for the sake of the plot,,,yeah,,,i’ll probably need to proof read this again too but its ok ahhhhh.
“It’s useless to keep tugging at those binds. You know they won’t come off unless I take them off myself. Now, be good and sit still.” You heard a familiar voice. 
It was once a voice that you were delighted to hear but now the very mention of the owner sent a wave of striking cold upon your body, ironic considering who it was. You had no idea where you were, what day it was, or what time it was. You were completely clueless, being stuck in a dark room with nothing but a bed in which you’ve been bound by the headboard. The room was concerningly chilly, the air in the room being crisp, cold and suffocating. The figure in the room made their way to the edge of the bed next to sit next to you. You felt a gloved hand place itself upon your cheek. It was so warm you almost wanted to lean into it but you refused to find comfort in the touch of your detainer.
You were but a simple bartender, loyal to working at the famous Angel’s Share in Mondstadt. You previously resided in Springvale with your parents but moved to the city due to your job. Your family lived a happy little life, not drowning in riches but being comfortable enough to sustain a plausible living. In your head, you were so painfully boring; so here lies the question, how exactly did you get into this situation? Not even you knew the answer but one thing that you could make sense of in the whole ordeal was that the main that stood in front of you was mad.
Diluc Ragnvindr has many titles ranging from the renowned owner of the Dawn Winery to one of Mondstadt’s most esteemed bachelors. He claimed such a high and mighty reputation that no one would’ve guessed the devious intents hidden in the back of his head. Yes, you were a mere bartender that worked under him at his own tavern but ever since you were hired, he felt something stirring up within him. Now you see, Diluc wasn’t someone that you would find chasing after anyone in fact, he’s never chased after anyone at all until he met you. He was confused at first why he started feeling the way that he did when you were around, unfamiliar emotions began to bubble inside of him.
You were just so easy to talk to, so charming, so comforting, a breath of fresh air to him, truly. At first, he assumed it would be nothing but a short lived infatuation, expecting for his feeling to dissipate like a dying flame in a matter of time but this flame only burned bigger, brighter, and belligerent as the days passed. Diluc wasn’t exactly sure how his feelings came to be. Perhaps it was due to the loss, betrayal and tragedy that stained his past. Maybe it was his longing to be loved again, to hold someone close and never let go, or to have someone hold him and allow him to bask in the feeling of being lovingly embraced-- which was a feeling that became painfully foreign to him.
It had been so long since he found comfort in anything or anyone, becoming accustomed to being isolated, building up walls to keep everyone out and away. He had no one left to care for and presumably no one left to care for him, making the pyro wielder take on such an aloof personality. After his whole ordeal, he was never truly the same, so to see him look genuinely pleased by someone was such a shock to the public eye. Of course, you had come to enjoy Diluc’s presence as he stopped by the tavern fairly often to check up on the flow of business and you had the chance to talk to him during his visits. You had heard from others that the young man was awfully reserved and indifferent towards any subject matter but he was seemingly interested in any conversation between the two of you, even partaking in the act of idle-chit chat as a means to continue talking to you. Anything for you.
He was greatly enamoured by you; everything about you. He’s taken every second he could to observe you and your nature, falling in love with the little things about you from the way you brightened up the room with your cheerful demeanour, the way you gracefully made your way across the tavern during, the way your eyes twinkled when you were talking about him about something you loved--archons the way he wished for you to only look at him with those eyes full of an enthusiastic sparkle. He wanted that; and he wanted it all for himself. Once he realized this was the case, he went through a spiralling hole of madness. He found himself being obsessive with looking out for you, going above and beyond by following you in the shadows every chance he could get, his self control on his possessiveness running as thin as a strand of hair. 
Diluc was scary to say the least. His ability to deceive people into thinking he was still the reserved yet distinguished gentleman while he was falling into a pit of insanity was nothing short of terrifying. He remained unsuspecting and planned to keep it that way, deeming himself capable of being able to resist his maniacal urges. All until one conversation between the two. You had mentioned that your family had begun to run into a few financial problems, becoming entangled in a circle of debt. You had concluded that though you loved what you were doing, it couldn’t have been enough to support your situation so you had conversed with Diluc about going to Liyue to find extra work. All you knew was that there was a high chance you couldn’t stay grounded at the tavern forever, even rejecting Diluc’s offer of a raise, deeming that you didn’t deserve it and did not wish to trouble him. You saw this as a good opportunity to explore beyond the land of the wind that you had ironically been grounded at your entire life. 
Oh no no no, this couldn’t happen. He wouldn’t allow it to happen. And that’s when he snapped. 
Diluc’s mind worked quickly as he devised a dubious plan to keep you grounded. He knew what you were like; he knew you would be stubborn and go. He saw that shine of determination in your eyes when you mentioned your plans of fleeing Mondstadt, the same shine that he wanted to capture and keep for himself and oh boy, he was gonna have it. The next time you saw him, he had personally invited you to a party that he said he was hosting. You found it quite surprising since it was a rarity for him to ever host a party considering his nature but you accepted nonetheless. You trusted Diluc enough and besides, who would deny an invitation from someone like him. Little did you know, this was quite possibly one of the worst decisions you’ve made in your entire life.
“Dear, you’re spacing out again.” He spoke, a foreign tone that sounded so sickly sweet to a point where you wanted to hurl. 
“Please don’t address me as such. You’re twisted for doing this. What do you even want from me? Huh? I can’t offer you anything so this is nothing but a waste of time.” You spat at him, harshly pulling your cheek away from his grasp. 
“Your presence alone is enough to satisfy me. Also, I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting disobedient before I really lose my patience. I’ve been so patient with you, do you know that? I’ve been waiting for ages to have you all to myself like this but…” He paused for a moment.
“I was far too nice and considerate of your freedom. To think I’d let you leave just like that is absurd. That’s exactly why you’re here. I’d like to apologize in advance for tricking you into thinking there was an actual party, especially since you got all dressed up for me tonight but I believe this is quite the positive thing because now I’m the only one that gets to see you like this” He said as he gently lifted up a piece of fabric from your clothing.
“You wore the clothing I had custom made for you. I knew you would look ravishing in it. You’re my pretty little doll, aren’t you dear?” He said as he brought a piece up to his lips as they gently graced the smooth satin of your outfit. 
A strange package had made its way to your doorstep days before this treacherous evening. When opening it up, it was revealed to be a black and red outfit made of what felt like to be the finest fabrics and silk you’ve ever seen. The first time you tried it on, you felt ecstatic with being gifted to you, blushing to yourself over the fact that Diluc had gone out of his way to get you something this stunning. Now, you wanted nothing more than to rip the thing off your body and run away from the damned place you were held captive but you knew it was no use at this point. Your body shivered at the coldness of the room as it felt like the sheer cold was steadily increasing.
“You’re shivering. You’re cold aren’t you?” Diluc said, having the audacity to chuckle at your pathetic state. You stayed quiet, not wanting to admit or give into anything.
“No response? Oh well, it’ll only be a matter of time until the possibility of freezing to death becomes exceptionally high. I’d rather not have that happen so I’ll do you a favour since you happen to be a little shy isn’t that right? You don’t need to be shy with me. Come here.” He says as he draws closer to you. Your chains rattled while you attempted to put as much distance as you could between you two but it was no use. He swiftly wrapped his arms around you, one hand wrapped around your waist, the other at the back of your head, pulling you into the crook of his neck. Your hands pushed against his chest in a poor attempt to put as much distance between you and him but in the end, you couldn't bring yourself to. The coldness of the room significantly weakened you although it ceased when he held you, his body warmth being enough for him and yourself as well. You cursed the pyro wielder and his antics. He knew that you’d be freezing, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get closer to you. Your arms fell back on to you sides 
“There you go, all relaxed now. See, nice and warm.” He cooed while stroking the back of your head lovingly. Although you were physically warm now, you still felt a shiver run down your spine at the touch of the pyro user.
“You’re sensitive to touch, how cute.” He stated before pulling away to look you in the eyes, the edges of his lips slightly upturned.
“On another note, I have some news to share with you.” He spoke out. Your eyebrows furrowed at the mention of more news, thinking there is no possible way that anything could get any worse; unfortunately, you were dead wrong.
“You see, I had the chance to speak with your parents the other day in regards to your financial situation. I explained to them that I was more than willing to help them but they became quite stubborn after I introduced my offer. I see where you get your stubbornness from now.” He sighed.
Your eyes widened, fear, anger and concern mixing in your (e/c) orbs. 
“Diluc, I swear to the archons what did you--.” He brought a finger up to your lips to hush you from your growing concern. 
“Hush now, there’s no need to get riled up, I’m not finished. Now quiet down and listen to me.” He stated.
“It was quite a simple offer I gave them, really. I would be a financial aid all in exchange for your hand in marriage. They started to get all defensive, claiming that they’d never marry off their child. They were oh so protective over you, but they could never come close to comparing to me.”
Dread and horror filled your eyes as you were rendered speechless, waves of unpleasant emotions washing over you like a tidal wave. 
“You see, it definitely took a lot of work to get where we are now, but you need not to worry, dear. They will not be of any concern to us anymore.” He said as a smile graced his features. You would’ve considered him to be handsome in the moment but the smile he held was so deranged that it was appalling. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, too afraid to even ask what happened to them or what became of them. You knew the situation; you knew the power that Diluc held. He was well aware of his looming power of you and he used it and abused it. It didn’t take very long for your tears to start streaming from your eyes as you began to sob, tears spilling onto your lap. Diluc cupped your face as he brushed away the oncoming tears that continued to overflow. 
“Shhh, don’t cry my dear, this news is excellent. I couldn't even fathom you getting hurt or even leaving me but I don’t have to worry now do I? Because you’re going to be all mine.” He said before forcibly kissing your tear-stained cheeks. 
You felt absolutely disgusting and embarrassed over the lips that graced your skin, having someone as unhinged and deranged as him seeing you in such a vulnerable and helpless state. 
“You know, I’ve had my fair share of people both leave and betray me.They’ve left me alone in this world but none of it matters now that I have you here. You’re the most divine person I’ve come across. So lovely, so warm, and so bright, like the rays of sunlight. I want to bask in your presence and now, I can for however long I’d like. I refuse to lose anyone else, especially not you and now this time, I know I won’t. If your freedom has to be sacrificed in order for you to stay alive, so be it. I’ll choose you the finest white attire for our special day. You’ll be me precious darling for the rest of your days. Doesn’t that sound lovely, dear?” You remained unresponsive.
One of his hands slipped past the fabric of your clothing as his gloved fingertips lightly pressed onto the bare small of your back, earning a yelp from you.
“I said doesn’t that sound lovely? Respond when spoken to. I want to hear your voice.” He said sternly. You managed to mumble out a small yes in return.
“That’s my good little darling.” He spoke before before he pulled you in for a kiss. You refused to return the action and it certainly didn’t go over his head. The hand that rested on the small of your back began to get hotter, feeling as if it was searing your skin, earning a shriek and a cry from you, allowing him to deepen his passion filled kiss, smirking at the way you’ve decided to submit yourself to him while his own lips remained locked with your own.
The land of Mondstadt was said to be the land of freedom and yet here you were, your fate bound and chained by the insanity disguised as love by Diluc Ragnvindr. You were a delicacy to him, and he’d be sure to savour every last bit of you. 
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
Hey! 🌿 here, I've been having Jack Manifold brain rot recently. He's so pretty and genuine and has such a nice singing voice. And then I was struck with this idea of Jack and Reader being reincarnated souls of dryads who waltz to save the world when the egg takes over and reset the timeline minus the corruption that happened and only Foolish remembers (because he's a god) even if you don't write it, thank you for writing all of my requests, it means a lot to me! ❤️
hey hey 🌿! i too have had jack manifold brain rot or it might be the gender envy but anyways- his voice is so pretty. Anon, you always give me the best writing prompts to and i always love writing your requests! i hope you enjoy !!
Don't forget to like to save, and reblog to share
c!JackManifold x gn!Reader - Saving Souls
genre: /rom, soulmates almost (?), fantasy, Dreamsmp au
warnings: none! (let me know if i missed anything)
masterlist <3
The first time you had noticed any kind of power, you were maybe 5 years old. It wasn't too obvious at first, things that could be passed off as mere coincidence Leaves seemingly following you, flowers turning to face you.
But you couldn't ignore the big signs, the bigger things. Vines growing around you, the flowers you picked immediately sprouting a few more in their place.
It scared you, but over time you got used to it. It gave you something to do on the hot summer days and cold winter nights. Spring gave you the most power and let them flourish, literally and metaphorically.
It had been some years ago when you met a young man who went by the name Jack Manifold. It was a nice day and you decided to cross the river that surrounded your home when you came upon a field of flowers after walking for a few minutes.
There were so many that you could feel their energy fill your veins. But there was something else. Someone. An energy that matched your own, too powerful to be a plant or a part of the Earth. Then he appeared, seemingly from nowhere. A tree a few yards away suddenly a boy.
From there had blossomed, no pun intended a friendship and relationship that held so much power. You two had grown and helped each other through work through the cons of your powers. Learned how to control them before they controlled you.
So one day when you received a message from an old friend regarding a certain evil that had taken over his friends and one of his homes, you couldn't ignore his call.
You and Jack showed up a few days later, and after a brief meeting with Foolish, you considered your options as you and Jack walked to the Egg's resting place.
"Maybe we could find if its core, and if we're lucky it'll be plant-based. Or Foolish did say that there are lots of vines and other plants surrounding it. We can just bury it so deep it won't be a problem ever again."
"No, Foolish wants it gone, and I think we should exhaust all of our options, whether we destroy the Egg or not."
As you two made your way to the Egg, people began to stop and consider the new visitors. Some looked tired, others just seemed angry or upset.
Then you two found it. The entrance to its resting place. Its red color illuminating what otherwise would have been a darkroom underneath the SMP. Vines and some other plants that you weren't sure you had ever seen.
"Oh my god." You looked at Jack, his eyes glowing against the room's tainted glow.
"What is it?"
"This is worse than what I would have expected, Y/N. These plants...I've only seen them once before in a very bad place. But it could work to our advantage."
You both made your way down the stairs, the sight of the Egg pushing beyond what you could have ever imagined. It stood tall, and the pure energy and heat that it gave off were almost enough to make anyone tired.
You began to feel a sense of panic rising in you, your hands slightly shaking at the sight of the object.
You felt the energy rushing out, towards the palm of your hands as a small flutter of energy found its way to the ground. As soon as the small seeds touched the ground, they grew into enormous green and white flowers.
A terrible scream suddenly emitted from the room, one that neither of you could hardly understand.
"Y/N, do that again."
"The flowers, help them grow, just like those."
You focused on the type of flower, seeing it in your mind, then three more sprouted out of the original one.
Another scream filled the room.
"Alright, I have a plan. I'm not sure it will work but I do know it's worth a chance."
You couldn't look away from the Egg. It was like a monster staring you down, one that you were seconds away from fighting.
Jack turned to you, grabbing your face gently, rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
"Hey," he whispered, "It's alright. We are gonna take care of this in no time and help so many people. And we're gonna come out of it together. Okay?"
You nodded, grabbing his hands with your own, leaning into his energy.
"Alright, the plan is simple. I am going to try and manipulate these plants and grow the ones you just did. The Egg, it doesn't like the sight or the addition of plants that aren't connected to it. So while I'm carrying that out you need to start making something to protect us. I don't care what it is, how big it is, as long as it's strong enough to get us through a really bad thing. Can you do that for me?"
"I can do that."
You both smiled until Jack spoke. "Then let's do this."
Jack picked one of the flowers and one of the crimson plants that encased the room. He placed them gently together in front of the Egg and began to focus on transforming them into whatever he could.
You on the other hand began to pull together whatever plant matter you could find. Some pieces of wood and plants you had never even seen in your life still seemed to bend your will with just a little resistance. A small burrow was slowly being formed around you. When you looked up you could already see Jack had formed a large hybrid of the red and white plant which was now surrounding the Egg in a spiral.
The screams returned, nearly knocking Jack off his feet. He was a mess, the focus combined with the pure power that he needed to do what he needed was taking its toll slowly but surely.
Eventually, the Egg's screams, while still loud, became weaker, and a sudden rumbling came from the ground around you both.
"Jack! Jack get in here!" You screamed from your makeshift plant and wood bunker.
"Just a minute!" He continued his work, the vines and leaves already infiltrating the Egg's core.
You looked up, the ceiling above you caving in slowly. Right above Jack.
All he felt was the large vine wrap around his waist, then a harsh pull as he fell next to you within the bunker, moments away from the boulder that nearly crushed him.
"Keep going! It's not over yet."
You turned your attention away from the bunker and began to help Jack. The screams had to be the worst part. Your ears were basically going numb. You weren't even sure if Jack could hear your encouragements or if you were even talking.
All you know is that both of you were trying, the shaking of the ground was strong, and a sudden bright light was exploding from the Egg.
Then silence.
You were the first to wake up. The ringing was still in your ears, but less powerful and daunting. Jack was situated against you, sleeping peacefully.
You leaned back against your arms and tried to shake him awake. Eventually, he stirred up, and you were able to clear away your shared 'bunker'.
After you made your way back up you saw the change immediately. The skies seemed happier. People were less scared to move about town.
You and Jack walked around, people greeting you as you did. You spotted Foolish atop a hill.
When you finally met him up there he smiled.
"Y/N, thank you so much. It happened. Whatever you two did...it worked." The tears filled his eyes as he engulfed both you and Jack in a hug.
"I don't know what you did, but no one here even seems to know what happened. It's like they went to bed and woke up new people. A fresh start."
You laughed. "That's great Foolish. I'm happy we could help. It was all Jack in the end."
You both turned to each other, the light in both of your eyes new.
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hobidreams · 4 years
december 1868.
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just how much would you give up for him?
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: angst, brief smut words: 1.1k contains: historical au, mentions of explicit sexual content, eunuch kim!
moonlit throne index. this is drabble nine. start from the beginning?
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“Excuse me, the king said what?”
You stand in the doorway of your room, mouth agape as you stare with incredulity at Eunuch Kim. By all means a gentle man, he looks taken aback by your sudden burst of defiance and you don’t blame him for it. It is so unlike you to drop composure in public, but you couldn’t help it just this once because—
“He has commanded you to move,” he repeats.
To move.
To uproot the home you’ve made of this tiny space, to leave the people you’ve lived and worked beside your entire life. How far would he have you go? Out of the palace grounds, out of the town even? Would across the country be enough now that he wanted to be rid of you?
“He has prepared Hamhwadang Hall for you.”
The world around you freezes to ice as you process the words that have somehow made all of this more confusing. “W-What?” Your eyes narrow, blinking rapidly in confusion. “Is it not currently occupied?”
He shakes his head. “No. Jeonha has moved the women that remain into the residence next door, whether they wished to go or not. And if you so want, he will move them further.”
Eunuch Kim might as well be speaking Chinese with how much you understand this.
The king means to give you the entire hall? The one right next to his secluded gardens, where you have once again taken to occasionally wandering through? It’s much, much too big for any one person, especially with the minimal amount of possessions you have to your name. It all makes no sense, though that would perhaps suit his actions as of late. No sense, unless he wants you… closer.
Closer, like he is practically every other night since the first. Fucking you into an abused pillow, getting steadily louder with his moans while he leaves imprints on your body by any means necessary. Carnal when a strong hand wraps around your throat, needing the reassurance that you are bent to his whim as if all of this wasn’t already enough. Only recently, and only the once, has he spun you around to face him. You had been greedy in taking in the debauched sight of his need: the scowl, the flushed cheeks, the pools of sweat glistening on his bare skin. That night, the insistent nudge of his crotch against your clit in this new position brought you to your first proper climax, one that had left you a shivering mess for long after he had gone.
Closer. Yes, if you lived in the hall, he would have more privacy to come and go as he wished, with a few less sets of prying eyes. He could have more time to take what he wanted, without worry of being overheard by your neighbours. There comes that word again, surfacing in your mind regardless of your efforts to tamp it down. Convenient. That is what you are, among the other things that have begun to make their rounds through the palace in attachment to your name in lieu of your proper, working title.
Eunuch Kim’s expression turns awkward, apologetic as your emotions wane right in front of him. “If possible, he wishes for you to complete the move by tomorrow evening. But I can attempt to reason with him for some more time if you would like it. I would try to change his mind entirely, but you and I both know that he…”
You shake your head. “Thank you, but it’s alright. I’ll move. I can do it in that time. There’s not much.”
“Jeonha... I believe he is planning to move your apothecary area into the building as well. It’ll be bigger, if he does. Possibly open up a second infirmary too.”
You can tell that he’s trying to comfort you and for that, you muster a small smile. “That would be nice. I could always use the space, though I never thought there would be this much of it.”
He smiles back, cheeks dimpling slightly.
“I will begin packing then,” you say. You have an hour before you go to bed, and you might as well make the most of it. Even if your haste is partly stirred by wanting to put off the coming of morning.
Tomorrow, you’ll have to break the news to your fellow uinyeo. Really, this shouldn’t have come as too much of a surprise, now that your initial shock has worn away. The women… involved with the king are often given a few luxuries, but since it is impossible for you to become an official concubine, not even a sanggung with the lack of blue in your blood— how strange this must look. How much the palace will talk, uncaring about whether you overhear them or not because what can you do about it? You’re nothing more than a woman who has forever lost her chastity and gained nothing in exchange.
You wrap your arms around yourself, the cold suddenly working through your hanbok more acutely.
“I shall send a few of the junior eunuchs to assist you in the afternoon.” The soothing voice separates you from your thoughts. “If that’s alright with you.”
“Yes. Thank you.” You should let him go; the wind is starting to pick up and you don’t want him to fall ill. But instead, you murmur on instinct, “Namjoon-ssi...” It feels a little strange on your tongue since you haven’t called him that in so many years, but it makes his eyes soften. “Am I— Am I doing the right thing?”
“You’re doing the best you can.” Another smile, though this one is worn, tired around the edges. You think his words could apply to himself too. “Please. Sleep well.”
“...I will try.” You bow, and part.
Against the door, looking at the room you are so soon to leave, you breathe a small sigh.
After tomorrow, you will be living mere minutes from the king. Tomorrow, you will likely be beneath him again, submitting to the calloused hands that move roughly against your curves, the bite of his teeth at the nape of your neck. You’ll lose yourself in the feeling and let it linger as long as you can, even though this is never how you imagined having (if this even is such) the king, the man, the boy you fell in love with at fifteen.
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